2013-15034. Pesticide Maintenance Fee: Notice of Receipt of Requests to Voluntarily Cancel Certain Pesticide Registrations  

  • Start Preamble


    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).




    In accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), EPA is issuing a notice of receipt of requests by registrants to voluntarily cancel certain pesticide registrations. EPA intends to grant these requests at the close of the comment period for this announcement unless the Agency receives substantive comments within the comment period that would merit its further review of the requests, or unless the registrants withdraw its requests. If these requests are granted, any sale, distribution, or use of products listed in this notice will be permitted after the registration has been cancelled only if such sale, distribution, or use is consistent with the terms as described in the final order.


    Comments must be received on or before December 23, 2013.


    Submit your comments, identified by docket identification (ID) number EPA-HQ-OPP-2013-0380, by one of the following methods:

    • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
    • Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001.

    Submit written withdrawal request by mail to: Information Technology and Resources Management Division (7502P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001. ATTN: Michael Yanchulis.

    Additional instructions on commenting or visiting the docket, along with more information about dockets generally, is available at http://www.epa.gov/​dockets.

    Start Further Info


    Michael Yanchulis, Information Technology and Resources Management Division (7502P), Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (703) 347-0237; email address: yanchulis.michael@epa.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    I. General Information

    A. Does this action apply to me?

    This action is directed to the public in general, and may be of interest to a wide range of stakeholders including environmental, human health, and agricultural advocates; the chemical industry; pesticide users; and members of the public interested in the sale, distribution, or use of pesticides.

    B. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?

    1. Submitting CBI. Do not submit this information to EPA through regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. For CBI information in a disk or CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI and then identify electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the specific information that is claimed as CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comment that includes information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that does not contain the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for inclusion in the public docket. Information so marked will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.Start Printed Page 38320

    2. Tips for preparing your comments. When submitting comments, remember to:

    i. Identify the document by docket ID number and other identifying information (subject heading, Federal Register date and page number).

    ii. Follow directions. The Agency may ask you to respond to specific questions or organize comments by referencing a Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part or section number.

    iii. Explain why you agree or disagree; suggest alternatives and substitute language for your requested changes.

    iv. Describe any assumptions and provide any technical information and/or data that you used.

    v. If you estimate potential costs or burdens, explain how you arrived at your estimate in sufficient detail to allow for it to be reproduced.

    vi. Provide specific examples to illustrate your concerns and suggest alternatives.

    vii. Explain your views as clearly as possible, avoiding the use of profanity or personal threats.

    viii. Make sure to submit your comments by the comment period deadline identified.

    II. What action is the Agency taking?

    This notice announces receipt by the Agency of requests from registrants through Pesticide Maintenance Fee responses to cancel 264 pesticide products registered under FIFRA section 3 or 24(c). These registrations are listed in sequence by registration number in Table 1 of this unit.

    Unless the Agency determines that there are substantive comments that warrant further review of the requests or the registrants withdraw their requests, EPA intends to issue an order in the Federal Register canceling all of the affected registrations.

    Table 1—Registrations With Pending Requests for Cancellation

    Registration No.EPA company No.Product nameChemical name
    000100-00701100Amber HerbicideTriasulfuron.
    000100-00800100Ridomil Gold BravoD-Alanine, N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl-N-(methoxyacetyl)-,methyl ester; Chlorothalonil.
    000100-00848100Zorial Rapid 80 HerbicideNorflurazon.
    000228-00557228Atera GC 2+1 Sc InsecticideBifenthrin; Imidacloprid.
    000239-02683239Ortho Home Pest Insect KillerBifenthrin.
    000264-00378264Larvin Brand DF Thiodicarb Insecticide/OvicideThiodicarb.
    000264-00379264Larvin Brand 3.2 Thiodicarb Insecticide/OvicideThiodicarb.
    000264-00467264Aliette FungicideFosetyl-Al.
    000264-00504264Aliette Injectable FungicideFosetyl-Al.
    000264-00530264Larvin Brand DF WSP Thiodicarb Insecticide/OvicideThiodicarb.
    000264-00700264Dropp SC Cotton DefoliantThidiazuron.
    000264-00705264Scala 400 SC FungicidePyrimethanil.
    000264-00735264Sencor 4 Flowable HerbicideMetribuzin.
    000264-00737264Bayleton 50% Dry Flowable FungicideTriadimefon.
    000264-00750264Raxil 0.26 FS Seed Treatment FungicideTebuconazole.
    000264-00782264Encore 190 InsecticideImidacloprid.
    000264-00928264Gustafson Captan 30-DDCaptan.
    000264-00931264Gustafson Captan 400Captan.
    000264-00939264Gustafson RTU-Baytan-Thiram FungicideTriadimenol.
    000264-00949264Vitavax PC Peanut Seed Treatment FungicideThiram; Carboxin; Pentachloronitrobenzene; Captan.
    000264-00961264Raxil 0.26FS Seed Treatment FungicideTebuconazole.
    000264-00965264Busan 30A2-(Thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole.
    000264-00966264Raxil XT Wettable Powder FungicideTebuconazole; Metalaxyl.
    000264-00973264Evolve Potato Seed Piece Treatment FungicideCymoxanil; Thiophanate-methyl; Mancozeb.
    000264-00975264Protege 70WP FungicideAzoxystrobin.
    000264-00979264Protege-Allegiance WP FungicideAzoxystrobin; Metalaxyl.
    000264-00982264Protege-FL Seed Applied FungicideAzoxystrobin.
    000264-00990264Tops 30 Flowable FungicideThiophanate-methyl.
    000264-00991264Soygard L with ProtegeAzoxystrobin; Metalaxyl.
    000264-00999264Three Way Peanut Seed Treatment FungicideMetalaxyl; Trufloxystrobin; Captan.
    000352-00636352DuPont Advion Cockroach Bait StationIndoxacarb.
    000352-00637352DuPont Provaunt 1.25SC InsecticideIndoxacarb.
    000352-00646352DuPont Advion Ant Bait StationIndoxacarb.
    000352-00770352DuPont Aperion ST InsecticideIndoxacarb.
    000400-00469400Dimilin 25W MushroomsDiflubenzuron.
    000432-01310432Merit 0.62 GranularImidacloprid.
    000432-01311432Merit 2.5 G Greenhouse and Nursery InsecticideImidacloprid.
    000432-01473432Coretect Turf and Ornamental InsecticideImidacloprid.
    000464-00661464Bioban 20002-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone; 5-Chloro-2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone.
    000464-00679464Tris Nitro Solid2-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-nitro-1,3-propanediol.
    000499-00430499Whitmire TC 148A Microencapsulated Concentrate—Contains NylarPyriproxyfen.
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    000499-00439499Whitmire TC 148BPyriproxyfen.
    000524-00538524MON 78271 HerbicideGlycine, N-(phosphonomethyl)-potassium salt.
    001448-000171448Busan 11-M1Barium metaborate.
    001448-000231448Busan 90Ethanone, 2-bromo-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-.
    001448-000451448Busan 932-(Thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole; Ethanone, 2-bromo-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-.
    001448-000751448DCDICCarbamodithioic acid, cyano-,disodium salt.
    001448-003421448Busan 1130Ethanone, 2-bromo-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-.
    001448-003671448Busan 90CEthanone, 2-bromo-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-.
    001448-003861448TCMTB 5WB2-(Thiocyanomethylthio)benzothiazole.
    001529-000331529Nuosept 145 PreservativeMethanol, (((1-methyl-2-(5-methyl-3-oxazolidinyl)ethoxy)methoxy)methoxy)-.
    001677-000561677Bar Star Bar Glass SanitizerDodecylbenzenesulfonic acid; Phosphoric acid.
    001677-000901677MandateCapric acid; Caprylic acid; Citric acid; Phosphoric acid.
    001706-002371706SD Algaecide1-Octanaminium, N,N-dimethyl-N-octyl-, chloride.
    002217-006922217Gordon's Professional Turf Products Teremec SP Turf FungicideChloroneb.
    002724-005922724SPI Residual Pressurized Spray IIPyrethrins; Permethrin; MGK 264.
    002724-006422724Speer Flea & Tick Spray IVPyrethrins; Permethrin; Piperonyl butoxide.
    002724-006482724Speer Neoperm Total Release Indoor Fogger IVTetramethrin; Permethrin; Piperonyl butoxide.
    002724-007092724Elite Quick-Kill Spray ConcentratePyrethrins; Piperonyl butoxide.
    002724-007762724Linalool MoussePyriproxyfen; Prallethrin; MGK 264; Linalool.
    005813-000495813Clorox Toilet Bowl CleanserSodium hypochlorite.
    005887-001695887Black Leaf Vitamin B1 Solution1-Naphthaleneacetic acid.
    007173-002397173Difethialone BlockDifethialone.
    007173-002407173Generation Blue Pellets Bait PacksDifethialone.
    007969-002497969Bas 510 ST Seed Treatment FungicideBoscalid.
    009198-000949198The Andersons Tee Time with 0.92% TeamTrifluralin; Benfluralin.
    009198-001109198The Andersons Tee Time Insecticide with 6.2% DyloxTrichlorfon.
    009198-001129198The Andersons 0.5% Bayleton FungicideTriadimefon.
    009198-001539198Andersons Fertilizer Weed & Feed with 0.92% AtrazineAtrazine.
    009198-001559198The Andersons Fertilizer with .1875% Dimension & 1.0% RonstarDithiopyr; Oxadiazon.
    009198-001569198The Andersons GC Fertilizer Plus 0.058% BifenthrinBifenthrin.
    009198-001619198The Andersons 0.058% Bifenthrin Insect Control Plus FertilizerBifenthrin.
    009198-001629198The Andersons 0.029% Bifenthrin Insect Control Plus FertilizerBifenthrin.
    009198-001719198Anderson's Fertilizer Plus Preemergent Weed ControlPendimethalin.
    009198-001749198Anderson's Proturf Fertilizer Plus Weedgrass ControlPendimethalin.
    009198-001869198St. Augustine Weed Control Plus FertilizerAtrazine.
    009198-002089198Fertilizer Plus Fungicide XIMyclobutanil.
    009198-002189198The Andersons 0.51% Granule PropiconazolePropiconazole.
    009198-002209198Andersons Golf Products 30% Etradiazole Turf FungicideEtridiazole.
    009198-002219198Andersons Golf Products Truban Fungicide 30% WPEtridiazole.
    009198-002239198The Andersons Insect Killer Granules with 2.0% CarbarylCarbaryl.
    009198-002389198The Andersons 0.058% Bifenthrin + 0.115% Imidacloprid Insecticide with FertilizerBifenthrin; Imidacloprid.
    009198-002409198The Andersons GC 0.077% Bifenthrin + 0.155% Imidacloprid Granular InsecticideBifenthrin; Imidacloprid.
    009198-002419198The Andersons GC 0.058% Bifenthrin + 0.115% Imidacloprid Insecticide with FertilizerBifenthrin; Imidacloprid.
    009198-002469198The Andersons 0.39% Trinexapac-Ethyl + FertilizerTrinexapac-ethyl.
    009198-002489198The Andersons 0.75% Prodiamine HerbicideProdiamine.
    009198-002499198The Andersons 0.5% Prodiamine HerbicideProdiamine.
    Start Printed Page 38322
    010088-0008310088Prometon 12.5% Herbicide ConcentratePrometon.
    010163-0032310163Scythe L HerbicideNonanoic acid.
    034704-0031834704Dormant Flowable EmulsionMineral oil.
    034704-0033734704Niagara Citrus Sol Oil Light Medium Code 30390Mineral oil.
    054625-0000254625Brita Water Filter Travel PakSilver; Glycine, hydriodide (4:1), compd. with iodine (4:5).
    055146-0005655146Gibgro 5% PowderGibberellic acid.
    055146-0008655146Agtrol 6-BAGibberellin; Benzyladenine.
    060061-00005600612000 Soft Sloughing Type Antifouling PaintCuprous oxide.
    060061-0003360061Vinelast Antifouling Finish 720 Permanent RedCuprous oxide.
    060061-0003460061Woolsey Vinelast Anti-Fouling Racing Finish 733 Permanent GreenCuprous oxide.
    060061-0003560061Woolsey Vinelast Anti-Fouling Racing Finish 734 Permanent BlueCuprous oxide.
    060061-0005160061Pettit Marine Paint Anti-Fouling 1210 Blue TropicCuprous oxide.
    060061-0006560061Pettit Marine Paint Unepoxy Tin Free Antifouling 1619 Red for TropicCuprous oxide.
    060061-0007760061Neptune II Water Based Antifouling Finish 550 BlueCuprous oxide.
    066330-0027166330Dimethoate TechnicalDimethoate.
    067071-0000267071Acticide PMChlorothalonil; Diuron.
    067071-0003667071Microcare ITA2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone; 5-Chloro-2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone.
    067071-0004567071Acticide MBL 55151,2-Benzisothiazlin-3-one; Bronopol.
    067071-0005967071Acticide CBM-F5-Chloro-2-methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone; 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one; 2-Methyl-3(2H)-isothiazolone.
    067619-0001867619SilvioSilver; Citric acid.
    070404-0000970404Tinosan SDC-RSilver; Citric acid.
    074655-0000274655Spectrum RX-33Sodium chlorite.
    074655-0000474655Spectrum RX-32Methylene bis (thiocyanate).
    074655-0000974655Spectrum RX-5082,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide.
    074655-0001074655Spectrum RX-65Alkyl* dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride *(50%C14, 40%C12, 10%C16); Bis(trichloromethyl) sulfone.
    074655-0002274655Amerstat 3002,2-Dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide.
    074655-0002974655Drewborm PrecursorSodium bromide.
    083222-0002483222Bifen 2 Ag Gold-CalBifenthrin.
    AL110001100Gramoxone InteonParaquat dichloride.
    AR070007264Ricestar HT HerbicideFenoxaprop-p-ethyl.
    AR09000181880Permit HerbicideHalosulfuron.
    AR11000110163Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    AR12001081880Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    AR12001181880Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    AR12001281880Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    AR12001381880Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    AR12001581880Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    AR810044264Monitor 4Methamidophos.
    AR870007264Monitor 4Methamidophos.
    AR94000159639Valent Bolero 10 GThiobencarb.
    AZ03000466222Thiodan 3 EC InsecticideEndosulfan.
    AZ080005352DuPont Layby Pro HerbicideDiuron; Linuron.
    AZ880001264Rovral FungicideIprodione.
    AZ91000410163Gowan Trifluralin 10GTrifluralin.
    AZ98000419713Drexel Endosulfan 3ECEndosulfan.
    CA04001566222Galigan 2E Oxyfluorfen HerbicideOxyfluorfen.
    CA04001866222Galigan 2E Oxyfluorfen HerbicideOxyfluorfen.
    CA040019100Subdue MaxxD-Alanine, N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl-N-(methoxyacetyl)-, methyl ester.
    CA06001462719M-PedePotassium laurate.
    CA07000966222Rimon 0.83 ECNovaluron.
    CA790188264Monitor 4Methamidophos.
    CA810059264Sevin Brand Sprayable Carbaryl InsecticideCarbaryl.
    CA96000234704Western Farm Service Dusting SulfurSulfur.
    CA96000662719Eagle WSP FungicideMyclobutanil.
    CA97001462719Goal (R) 2XL HerbicideOxyfluorfen.
    CA980001264Provado 1.6 FlowableImidacloprid.
    CA99001562719Confirm 2F Agricultural InsecticideTebufenozide.
    Start Printed Page 38323
    CO080001279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    DE010002264Sevin XLR Plus Carbaryl InsecticideCarbaryl.
    DE04000255146Phostrol Agricultural FungicidePhosphorous acid.
    DE06000166222Diazinon AG500Diazinon.
    FL00000762719Dithane DF Agricultural FungicideMancozeb.
    FL00001259639Select HerbicideClethodim.
    FL04000850534Bravo UltrexChlorothalonil.
    FL090011279Fury 1.5 EW InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    FL890036264Sevin Brand 80 S Carbaryl InsecticideCarbaryl.
    FL890037264Sevin Brand 4F Carbaryl InsecticideCarbaryl.
    GA04000450534Bravo UltrexChlorothalonil.
    GA100005100Gramoxone InteonParaquat dichloride.
    GA11000466222Cotoran 4LFluometuron.
    HI03000166222Thionex 50WEndosulfan.
    HI07000666222Thionex 3ECEndosulfan.
    HI0900042935HBT—ImazImazapyr, isopropylamine salt.
    HI91000834704Superior 70 OilMineral oil.
    IA080002279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    ID000016352Curzate 60DFCymoxanil.
    ID03000266222Thionex 3 ECEndosulfan.
    ID03001610163Carzol SP Miticide/insecticide In Water Soluble PackagingFormetanate hydrochloride.
    ID06001866222Abba 0.15ECAbamectin.
    ID080001279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    ID080016100Dual II MagnumS-Metolachlor.
    IL080002279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    IN980002100Princep Caliber 90 HerbicideSimazine.
    KS0200017969Distinct HerbicideDiflufenzopyr-sodium; Dicamba, sodium salt.
    KS04000666222Atrazine 4LAtrazine.
    KS1100037173Rozol Prairie Dog BaitChlorophacinone.
    KS1200027173Rozol Prairie Dog BaitChlorophacinone.
    LA010010241Scepter 70 DG HerbicideImazaquin.
    LA02000662719Confirm 2F Agricultural InsecticideTebufenozide.
    LA0600097969Termidor 80 WG Termiticide/insecticideFipronil.
    LA0600107969Termidor SC Termiticide/insecticideFipronil.
    LA090003100Reflex HerbicideSodium salt of fomesafen.
    LA090004279Mustang Max EW InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    LA10000110163Onager MiticideHexythiazox.
    LA11000210163Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    ME00000362719Mimic 2LVTebufenozide.
    ME080003352Dupont Express Herbicide with Totalsol Soluble GranulesTribenuron-methyl.
    MN020010100Trinexapac LiquidTrinexapac-ethyl.
    MN080001279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    MN080008352DuPont Coragen Insect ControlChlorantraniliprole.
    MO090001100Reflex HerbicideSodium salt of fomesafen.
    MO110002100Callisto HerbicideMesotrione.
    MO120005100Callisto HerbicideMesotrione.
    MS020022352Super BollEthephon.
    MS06001166222Abba 0.15ECAbamectin.
    MS060013352DuPont Classic HerbicideChlorimuron.
    MS090004100Reflex HerbicideSodium salt of fomesafen.
    MS11000281880Permit PlusThifensulfuron; Halosulfuron-methyl.
    MT080001279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    NC060004100Gramoxone InteonParaquat dichloride.
    NC08000166222Thionex 3ECEndosulfan.
    NC080004352DuPont Linex 4L HerbicideLinuron.
    NC09000666330Permethrin 3.2 AGPermethrin.
    NC110002100Gramoxone InteonParaquat dichloride.
    ND02000162719Treflan H.F.P.Trifluralin.
    ND080001279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    ND080002279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    NE0200037969Distinct HerbicideDiflufenzopyr-sodium; Dicamba, sodium salt.
    NE080001279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    NE080002279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    NJ030004100Dual Magnum HerbicideS-Metolachlor.
    NJ040001100Dual Magnum HerbicideS-Metolachlor.
    NJ060001100Gramoxone InteonParaquat dichloride.
    NJ990004100Dual Magnum HerbicideS-Metolachlor.
    NJ990005100Dual Magnum HerbicideS-Metolachlor.
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    NM010001264Balance Flexx HerbicideIsoxaflutole.
    NM0800037969Endura FungicideBoscalid.
    NV06001066222Abba 0.15ECAbamectin.
    NY01000262719Confirm 2F Agricultural InsecticideTebufenozide.
    NY100002100Platinum InsecticideThiamethoxam.
    NY100003100Flagship 25WGThiamethoxam.
    NY100004100Flagship 0.22GThiamethoxam.
    NY100005100Endigo ZCLambda-Cyhalothrin; Thiamethoxam.
    NY100006100Platinum 75 SG InsecticideThiamethoxam.
    NY1100027969Bas 556 SCMetconazole; Pyraclostrobin.
    OH05000166222Rimon 0.83 ECNovaluron.
    OH080001279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    OR000007100Trinexapac LiquidTrinexapac-ethyl.
    OR03000866222Equus DFChlorothalonil.
    OR03001266222Thionex 50W InsecticideEndosulfan.
    OR03001366222Thiodan 3 EC InsecticideEndosulfan.
    OR03002466222Thiodan 3 EC InsecticideEndosulfan.
    OR03003710163Rubigan E.C.Fenarimol.
    OR06002062719Laredo ECMyclobutanil.
    OR990037100Bravo 825Chlorothalonil.
    OR990038100Bravo 720Chlorothalonil.
    SC100001100Endigo ZCLambda-Cyhalothrin; Thiamethoxam.
    SC100004100Gramoxone InteonParaquat dichloride.
    SC110002100Reflex HerbicideSodium salt of fomesafen.
    SC900004100Reflex 2lC HerbicideSodium salt of fomesafen.
    SD0400027969Pristine FungicidePyraclostrobin; Boscalid.
    SD0400037969Emerald FungicideBoscalid.
    SD0600057969Outlook HerbicideDimethenamide-P.
    SD920007279Capture 2 ECBifenthrin.
    TN090002100Reflex HerbicideSodium salt of fomesafen.
    TX10000110163Onager MiticideHexythiazox.
    TX100012279Fury 1.5 EW InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    UT07000466222Rimon 0.83 ECNovaluron.
    VA01000159639Distance Insect Growth RegulatorPyriproxyfen.
    VA08999959639Safari 20 SG InsecticideDenotefuran.
    WA01003466222Galigan 2EOxyfluorfen.
    WA01003766222Galigan 2EOxyfluorfen.
    WA03002766222Thiodan 3 EC InsecticideEndosulfan.
    WA09001262719Lorsban AdvancedChlorpyrifos.
    WA100001264Sevin Brand 4F Carbaryl InsecticideCarbaryl.
    WA990001264Ethrel Brand Ethephon Plant RegulatorEthephon.
    WI01000866330Iprodione 4l AGIprodione.
    WY080002279Mustang Max EC InsecticideZeta-Cypermethrin.
    WY1200037173Rozol Prairie Dog BaitChlorophacinone.

    Table 2 of this unit includes the names and addresses of record for all registrants of the products in Table 1 of this unit, in sequence by EPA company number.

    Table 2—Registrants Requesting Voluntary Cancellation

    EPA Company No.Company name and address
    100Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC, P.O. Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419-8300.
    228Nufarm Americas, Inc., 4020 Aerial Center Pkwy., Suite 103, Morrisville, NC 27560.
    239The Scotts Company, D/B/A The Ortho Group, P.O. Box 190, Marysville, OH 43030.
    241BASF Corp., P.O. Box 13528, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3528.
    264Bayer CropScience LP, P.O. Box 12014, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
    279FMC Corp. Agricultural Products Group, 1735 Market St., Rm. 1978, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
    352E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19898-0001.
    400Chemtura Corp., 199 Benson Rd., Middlebury, CT 06749.
    432Bayer Environmental Science, A Division of Bayer CropScience LP, P.O. Box 12014, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
    464The Dow Chemical Company, 1500 East Lake Cook Road, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089.
    499Whitmire Micro-Gen Research Laboratories, Inc., 3568 Tree Court Industrial Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63122-6682.
    524Monsanto Company, 1300 I Street NW., Suite 450 E., Washington, DC 20005.
    1448Buckman Laboratories Inc., 1256 North McLean Blvd., Memphis, TN 38108.
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    1529International Specialty Products, An Ashland Inc. Business, 1361 Alps Road, Wayne, NJ 07470.
    1677Ecolab Inc., 370 North Wabasha Street, St. Paul, MN 55102.
    1706Nalco Company, A Subsidiary of Ecolab Inc., 370 North Wabasha Street, St. Paul, MN 55102.
    2217PBI/Gordon Corp., P.O. Box 014090, Kansas City, MO 64101-0090.
    2724Wellmark International, 1501 E. Woodfield Rd., Suite 200 W., Schaumburg, IL 60173.
    2935Wilbur-Ellis Company, P.O. Box 1286, Fresno, CA 93715.
    5813The Clorox Co., c/o PS&RC, P.O. Box 493, Pleasanton, CA 94566-0803.
    5887Value Gardens Supply, LLC, 9100 W. Bloomington Freeway, Suite 113, Bloomington, MN 55431.
    7173Liphatech, Inc., 3600 W. Elm Street, Milwaukee, WI 53209.
    7969BASF Corp., Agricultural Products, P.O. Box 13528, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3528.
    8622ICL-IP America, Inc., 95 Maccorkle Ave. Southwest, South Charleston, WV 25303.
    9198The Andersons Lawn Fertilizer Division, Inc., P.O. Box 119, Maumee, OH 43537.
    10088Athea Laboratories Inc., P.O. Box 240014, Milwaukee, WI 53224.
    10163Gowan Co., P.O. Box 5569, Yuma, AZ 85366-8844.
    19713Drexel Chemical Company, P.O. Box 13327, Memphis, TN 38113-0327.
    34704Loveland Products, Inc., P.O. Box 1286, Greeley, CO 80632-1286.
    50534GB Biosciences Corp., P.O. Box 18300, Greensboro, NC 27419-5458.
    54625The Brita Products Co., c/o PS&RC, P.O. Box 493, Pleasanton, CA 94566-0803.
    55146Nufarm Americas, Inc., 4020 Aerial Center Pkwy., Suite 103, Morrisville, NC 27560.
    59639Valent U.S.A. Corporation, 1600 Riviera Avenue, Suite 200, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.
    60061Kop-Coat, Inc., 3020 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238.
    62719Dow Agrosciences LLC, 9330 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1054.
    66222Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc., 3120 Highwoods Blvd., Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27604.
    66330Arysta Lifescience North America, LLC, 15401 Weston Parkway, Suite 150, Cary, NC 27513.
    67071Thor GMBH, c/o Thor Specialties Inc., 50 Waterview Drive, Shelton, CT 06484.
    67619Clorox Professional Products Company, c/o PS&RC, P.O. Box 493, Pleasanton, CA 94566-0803.
    70404BASF Corporation, 100 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932.
    74655Hercules Incorporated, A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Ashland Inc., 7910 Baymeadows Way, Suite 100, Jacksonville, FL 32256.
    75318B2E Biotech LLC, 1501 East Woodfield Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173.
    81880Canyon Group LLC, c/o Gowan Company, 370 S. Main Street, Yuma, AZ 85364.
    83222Direct Ag Source, LLC, P.O. Box 538, Eldora, IA 50627.

    III. What is the Agency's authority for taking this action?

    Section 6(f)(1) of FIFRA provides that a registrant of a pesticide product may at any time request that any of its pesticide registrations be canceled. FIFRA further provides that, before acting on the request, EPA must publish a notice of receipt of any such request in the Federal Register.

    Section 6(f)(1)(B) of FIFRA requires that before acting on a request for voluntary cancellation, EPA must provide a 30-day public comment period on the request for voluntary cancellation or use termination. In addition, FIFRA section 6(f)(1)(C) requires that EPA provide a 180-day comment period on a request for voluntary cancellation or termination of any minor agricultural use before granting the request, unless:

    1. The registrants request a waiver of the comment period, or

    2. The EPA Administrator determines that continued use of the pesticide would pose an unreasonable adverse effect on the environment.

    The registrants in Table 2 of Unit II. have not requested that EPA waive the 180-day comment period. Accordingly, EPA will provide a 180-day comment period on the proposed requests.

    IV. Procedures for Withdrawal of Request

    Registrants who choose to withdraw a request for cancellation should submit such withdrawal in writing to the person listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT. If the products have been subject to a previous cancellation action, the effective date of cancellation and all other provisions of any earlier cancellation action are controlling.

    V. Provisions for Disposition of Existing Stocks

    Existing stocks are those stocks of registered pesticide products that are currently in the United States and that were packaged, labeled, and released for shipment prior to the effective date of the cancellation action. Because the Agency has identified no significant potential risk concerns associated with these pesticide products, upon cancellation of the products identified in Table 1 of Unit II, EPA anticipates allowing registrants to sell and distribute existing stocks of these products until January 15, 2014. Thereafter, registrants will be prohibited from selling or distributing the pesticides identified in Table 1 of Unit II, except for export consistent with FIFRA section 17 or for proper disposal. Persons other than registrants will generally be allowed to sell, distribute, or use existing stocks until such stocks are exhausted, provided that such sale, distribution, or use is consistent with the terms of the previously approved labeling on, or that accompanied, the canceled products.

    List of Subjects

    Environmental protection, Pesticides and pests.

    Start Signature

    Dated: May 31, 2013.

    Michael Hardy,

    Acting Director, Information Technology and Resources Management Division, Office of Pesticide Programs.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2013-15034 Filed 6-25-13; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Comments Received:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before December 23, 2013.
38319-38325 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
EPA-HQ-OPP-2013-0380, FRL-9388-4
PDF File: