Multiple documents found for the citation 65-fr-49728.
- Federal Aviation Administration
00-20185. Airworthiness Directives; Agusta S.p.A. Model A109A and A109A II Helicopters
- Published Date: 8/15/2000 Pages: 49727-49728 (2 pages)
00-20242. Airworthiness Directives; McDonnell Douglas Model MD-90-30 Series Airplanes
- This amendment adopts a new airworthiness directive (AD), applicable to certain McDonnell Douglas Model MD-90-30 series airplanes, that requires replacement of certain ground block screws with new screws; and retermination of the circuit ground wires...
- Published Date: 8/15/2000 Pages: 49728-49730 (3 pages)
00-20185. Airworthiness Directives; Agusta S.p.A. Model A109A and A109A II Helicopters