99-16852. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science; Notice of Intent To Contract for Hydroelectric Power Development at the Jordan Aqueduct, Reach 4, Flow Control Structure (Jordan Aqueduct) and at Jordanelle Dam, Features of the ...  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 127 (Friday, July 2, 1999)]
    [Pages 36030-36032]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-16852]
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science; Notice 
    of Intent To Contract for Hydroelectric Power Development at the Jordan 
    Aqueduct, Reach 4, Flow Control Structure (Jordan Aqueduct) and at 
    Jordanelle Dam, Features of the Central Utah Project (CUP), Utah
    AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, 
    Department of the Interior.
    ACTION: Notice of intent to accept proposals, select one or more 
    lessees, and contract for hydroelectric power development at Jordanelle 
    Dam and Jordan Aqueduct.
    SUMMARY: Current Federal policy encourages non-Federal development of 
    electrical power resource potential on Federal water resource projects. 
    The Department of the Interior (Interior), in consultation with the 
    Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration (Western), will 
    consider proposals for non-Federal development of hydroelectric power 
    at Jordanelle Dam and Jordan Aqueduct of the CUP, Utah. Interior is 
    considering such hydroelectric power development under a lease of power 
    privilege. No Federal funds will be available for such hydroelectric 
    power development. Western would have the first opportunity to purchase 
    and/or market the power that would be generated by such development 
    under a lease of power privilege. The CUP is a Federal Bureau of 
    Reclamation (Reclamation) project. This notice presents background 
    information, proposal content guidelines, information concerning 
    selection of one or more non-Federal entities to develop hydroelectric 
    power at Jordanelle Dam and on the Jordan Aqueduct, and power 
    purchasing and/or marketing considerations. Interested entities are 
    invited to submit on one or both of these projects. That is, Interior 
    will consider proposals by interested entities on only Jordanelle Dam, 
    on only Jordan Aqueduct, or on both projects.
    DATES: A written proposal and seven copies must be submitted on or 
    before 5:00 p.m. (MST), on January 7, 2000, to: Mr. Ronald Johnston, 
    Program Director, Central Utah Project Completion Act, Department of 
    the Interior, 302 East 1860 South, Provo UT 84606-7317, Telephone: 
    (801) 379-1103.
        A proposal will be considered timely only if it is received in the 
    office of the Program Director by or before 5:00 p.m. on the designated 
    date. Interested entities are cautioned that delayed delivery to this 
    office due to failures or misunderstandings of the entity and/or of 
    mail, overnight, or courier services will not excuse lateness and, 
    accordingly, are advised to provide sufficient time for delivery. Late 
    proposals will not be considered.
        A copy of the proposal should also be sent at or about the time it 
    is due at Interior to: Mr. Dave Sabo, CRSP Manager, Western Area Power 
    Administration, 257 East 200 South, Suite 475, Salt Lake City UT 84111-
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Technical data may be obtained at the 
    address and telephone number set forth below:
    Mr. Ronald Johnston, Program Director, Central Utah Project Completion 
    Act, Department of the Interior, 302 East 1860 South, Provo UT 84606-
    7317, Telephone: (801) 379-1103
        Interior will be available to meet with interested entities only 
    upon written request to the Program Director at the above address. 
    Interior reserves the right to schedule a single meeting and/or visit 
    to address at once the questions of all entities that have submitted 
    questions or requested site visits.
        Information related to Western's purchasing and/or marketing the 
    power may be obtained at the address and telephone number set forth 
    Mr. Dave Sabo, CRSP Manager, Western Area Power Administration, 257 
    East 200 South, Suite 475, Salt Lake City UT 84111-0606, Telephone: 
    (801) 524-6372
        Information related to the operation and maintenance of Jordanelle 
    Dam and Jordan Aqueduct may be obtained at the address and telephone 
    number set forth below:
    Mr. Rich Tullis, Central Utah Water Conservancy District, 355 West 
    University Parkway, Orem UT 84058-7303, (801) 226-7122
    Background Information
        The CUP, Bonneville Unit, located in northern Utah, was authorized 
    for construction, including hydroelectric power, by the Colorado River 
    Storage Project (CRSP) Act of April 11, 1956 (ch. 203, 70 Stat. 105) 
    (CRSP Act). The United States constructed Jordanelle Dam and Jordan 
    Aqueduct under the CRSP Act. The Central Utah Project Completion Act 
    (CUPCA), comprised of Titles II-VI of the Act of October 30, 1992 (106 
    Stat. 4600, Pub. L. 102-575) authorized the construction of other 
    features of the Bonneville Unit. Section 208 of the CUPCA provides that 
    power generation facilities associated with the CUP be developed and 
    operated in accordance with the CRSP Act, which explicitly embodies all 
    Reclamation law except as otherwise provided in the CRSP Act. The 
    Central Utah Water Conservancy District (District), under its contracts 
    with the United States, has certain operation, maintenance, 
    replacement, and repayment responsibilities and obligations concerning 
    the Bonneville Unit, which includes such responsibility for Jordanelle 
    Dam and Jordan Aqueduct. The District has contracted with the Salt Lake 
    County Water Conservancy District for the operation and maintenance of 
    Jordan Aqueduct.
        Interior, in consultation with Western, is considering 
    hydroelectric power development at Jordanelle Dam and the Jordan 
    Aqueduct through one or more leases of power privilege. A lease of 
    power privilege is an alternative to Federal hydroelectric power 
    development. A lease of power privilege grants to a non-Federal entity 
    the right to utilize, consistent with CUP purposes, water power head or 
    storage at and/or operationally in conjunction with the CUP, for non-
    Federal electric power generation and sale by the entity. Leases of 
    power privilege have terms not to exceed 40 years. The general 
    authority for lease of power privilege under Reclamation law includes, 
    among others, the Town Sites and Power Development Act of 1906 (43 
    U.S.C. Sec. 522) and the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (43 U.S.C. 
    485h(c)) (1939 Act). Interior will be the lead Federal agency for 
    ensuring compliance with the
    [[Page 36031]]
    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of any lease of power 
    privilege considered in response to this notice. Leases of power 
    privilege may be issued only when Interior, upon completion of the NEPA 
    process, determines that the affected hydroelectric power sites are 
    environmentally acceptable. Any lease of power privilege at either 
    Jordanelle Dam or Jordan Aqueduct must accommodate existing contractual 
    commitments related to operation and maintenance of such existing 
    facilities. The lessee (i.e., successful proposing entity) would be 
    required to enter into a contract with the District to coordinate 
    operation and maintenance of any proposed hydropower developments with 
    existing Federal features.
        Western would have the first opportunity to purchase and/or market 
    the power that would be generated under any lease of power privilege. 
    Under this process, Western would either purchase and market the power 
    as Salt Lake City Area--Integrated Projects (SLCA-IP) power or market 
    the power independently by first offering it to preference entities and 
    secondly to non-preference entities.
        All costs incurred by the United States related to development and 
    operation and maintenance under a lease of power privilege, including 
    NEPA compliance and development of the lease of power privilege, would 
    be the expense of the lessee. In addition, the lessee would be required 
    to make annual payments to the United States for the use of a 
    Government facility. This amount will be at least 1 mill per kilowatt-
    hour but not more than 3 mills per kilowatt-hour of generation, 
    depending on the economic capability of the proposed hydropower 
    development. Such annual payments to the United States would be 
    deposited as a credit to the Upper Colorado River Basin Fund.
    Proposal Content Guidelines
        Interested parties should submit one or more proposals explaining 
    in as precise detail as is practicable how the hydropower potential at 
    each site would be developed. As noted, proposals may be submitted for 
    one or both sites (i.e., Jordan Aqueduct or Jordanelle Dam or both). If 
    proposals are submitted for both sites, they must be submitted as 
    independent proposals. Factors which a proposal should consider and 
    address include, but are not limited to, the following:
        A. Provide all information relevant to the qualifications of the 
    proposing entity to plan and implement such a project, including, but 
    not limited to, information about preference status, type of 
    organization, length of time in business, experience in funding, design 
    and construction of similar projects, industry rating(s) that indicate 
    financial soundness and/or technical and managerial capability, 
    experience of key management personnel, history of any reorganizations 
    or mergers with other companies, and any other information that 
    demonstrates the interested entity's organizational, technical and 
    financial ability to perform all aspects of the work. Include a 
    discussion of past experience in operating and maintaining similar 
    facilities and provide references as appropriate. The term ``preference 
    entity,'' as applied to a lease of power privilege, means an entity 
    qualifying for preference under Section 9c of the 1939 Act, as a 
    municipality, public corporation or agency, or cooperative or other 
    nonprofit organization financed in whole or in part by loans made 
    pursuant to the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended.
        B. Provide geographical locations and describe principal structures 
    and other important features of the proposed development including 
    roads and transmission lines. Estimate and describe installed capacity 
    and the capacity of the power facilities under dry, average, and wet 
    hydrological conditions. Also describe seasonal or annual generation 
    patterns. Include estimates of the amount of electrical energy that 
    would be produced from each facility for each month of average, dry, 
    and wet water years. If capacity and energy can be delivered to another 
    location, either by the proposing entity or by potential wheeling 
    agents, specify where capacity and energy can be delivered. Include 
    concepts for power sales and contractual arrangements, involved parties 
    and the proposed approach to wheeling if required.
        C. Indicate title arrangements and the ability for acquiring title 
    to or the right to occupy and use lands necessary for the proposed 
    development(s), including such additional lands as may be required 
    during construction.
        D. Identify water rights applicable to the operation of the 
    proposed development(s), the holder of such rights, and how these 
    rights would be acquired or perfected.
        E. Discuss any studies necessary to adequately define impacts on 
    the CUP and the environment of the development. Describe any 
    significant environmental issues associated with the development and 
    the proposing entity's approach for gathering relevant data and 
    resolving such issues to protect and enhance the quality of the 
    environment. Explain any proposed use of the hydropower development for 
    conservation and utilization of the available water resources in the 
    public interest.
        F. Describe anticipated contractual arrangements with the entity or 
    entities having operation and maintenance responsibility for the CUP 
    feature(s) that are proposed for utilization in the hydropower 
    development under consideration. Define how the hydropower development 
    would operate in harmony with the CUP and existing applicable contracts 
    related to operation and maintenance of CUP feature(s) being considered 
    for modification.
        G. Identify the organizational structure planned for the long-term 
    operation and maintenance of any proposed hydropower development.
        H. Provide a management plan to accomplish such activities as 
    planning, NEPA compliance, lease of power privilege development, 
    design, construction, facility testing, and start of hydropower 
    production. Prepare schedules of these activities as is applicable. 
    Describe what studies are necessary to accomplish the hydroelectric 
    power development and how the studies would be implemented.
        I. Estimate development cost. This cost should include all 
    investment costs such as the cost of studies to determine feasibility, 
    NEPA compliance, design, construction, and financing as well as the 
    amortized annual cost of the investment; also, the annual operation, 
    maintenance, and replacement expense for the hydropower development; 
    lease payments to the United States; and expenses that may be 
    associated with the CUP. If there are additional transmission or 
    wheeling expenses associated with the development of the hydropower 
    development, these should be included. Identify proposed methods of 
    financing the hydropower development. An economic analysis should be 
    presented that compares the present worth of all benefits and costs of 
    the hydropower development.
    Selection of Lessee
        Interior, in consultation with Western, will evaluate proposals 
    received in response to this published notice.
        Interior will give more favorable consideration to proposals that 
    (1) are well-adapted to developing, conserving, and utilizing the water 
    and natural resources, (2) clearly demonstrate that the offeror is 
    qualified to develop the hydropower facility and provide for long-term 
    operation and maintenance, and (3) develop the hydropower potential 
    economically. A proposal will be deemed unacceptable if it is 
    inconsistent with CUP purposes, as
    [[Page 36032]]
    determined by Interior. Interior will give preference to those entities 
    that qualify as preference entities (as defined under PROPOSAL CONTENT 
    GUIDELINES, item A.) provided that their proposal is at least as well-
    adapted to developing, conserving, and utilizing the water and natural 
    resources as other submitted proposals and that the preference entity 
    is well qualified. Preference entities would be allowed 90 days to 
    improve their proposals, if necessary, to be made at least equal to a 
    proposal(s) that may have been submitted by a non-preference entity.
    Power Purchasing and/or Marketing Considerations
        Western would have the first opportunity to purchase and/or market 
    the power that would be generated by the project under a lease(s) of 
    power privilege. Western will consult with Interior on such power 
    purchasing and/or marketing considerations.
        Western may market the power available from the project as part of 
    its Salt Lake City Area Integrated Projects (SLCA/IP) or on a stand-
    alone basis, first to preference entities qualified under criteria 
    established by Western and second to non-preference entities, by 
    developing an individual marketing plan for this power. This marketing 
    plan would be developed through a separate subsequent public process 
    beginning with a notice in the Federal Register of Western's intent to 
    market the power. The marketing plan would include all aspects of 
    marketing the power, including assignment of power to qualified 
    preference and/or non-preference entities, pricing, transmission, and 
    delivery of power. Western would recover the costs it would incur in 
    purchasing and/or marketing the power through the rates charged for the 
    power. Firm power rates would be established through a public process, 
    initiated by a notice in the Federal Register, separate from the 
    marketing plan.
        In the event Western elects to not purchase and/or market the power 
    generated by the hydropower development or such a decision cannot be 
    made prior to execution of the lease of power privilege, the lessee(s) 
    would be responsible for marketing the power generated by the Project 
    with priority given to preference entities as heretofore defined in 
    Notice and Time Period To Enter Into Lease of Power Privilege
        Interior will notify, in writing, all entities submitting proposals 
    of Interior's decision regarding selection of the potential lessee(s). 
    The selected potential lessee(s) will have five years from the date of 
    such notification to enter into a lease(s) of power privilege for the 
    site or sites identified in the proposal. Such lease(s) of power 
    privilege will state whether and how Western will be involved in 
    purchasing and/or marketing the power. Any excessive delay resulting 
    from compliance with the provisions of Federal environmental laws or 
    administrative review by a Federal agency, pertaining to the project, 
    may extend the five year time period for a period equal to that of the 
    delay. In the event of litigation related to the proposed project, the 
    five year time period will be extended for a period equal to that of 
    the delay, provided such litigation was initiated by parties other than 
    the selected potential lessee(s) or its employees, officers, agents, 
    assigns, shareholders, customers or persons or groups served by or in 
    privity with the potential lessee(s).
        Dated: June 28, 1999.
    Ronald Johnston,
    CUPCA Program Director, Department of the Interior.
    [FR Doc. 99-16852 Filed 7-1-99; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Interior Department
Entry Type:
Notice of intent to accept proposals, select one or more lessees, and contract for hydroelectric power development at Jordanelle Dam and Jordan Aqueduct.
Document Number:
A written proposal and seven copies must be submitted on or before 5:00 p.m. (MST), on January 7, 2000, to: Mr. Ronald Johnston, Program Director, Central Utah Project Completion Act, Department of the Interior, 302 East 1860 South, Provo UT 84606-7317, Telephone: (801) 379-1103.
36030-36032 (3 pages)
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