99-1240. Debt Collection Through Offset  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 14 (Friday, January 22, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 3454-3456]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-1240]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 14 / Friday, January 22, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 3454]]
    13 CFR Parts 134 and 140
    Debt Collection Through Offset
    AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) proposes to amend 
    its regulations on Debt Collection Through Offset. SBA proposes to 
    amend these regulations to conform with the Debt Collection Procedures 
    Act of 1996 and the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. The 
    amendments will allow other Federal agencies to offset debts owed to 
    SBA and will allow SBA to participate in the Government-wide Treasury 
    Offset Program administered by the Department of the Treasury.
        SBA is currently publishing the proposed language for its 
    regulations on General Rules and Debt Collection Through Offset. At a 
    later date, SBA will publish the proposed language for its regulations 
    on Debt Collection Through Administrative Wage Garnishment and proposed 
    amendments that define terms used in that future proposal.
    DATES: Submit comments on or before February 22, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Address all comments concerning this proposed rule to Arnold 
    S. Rosenthal, Assistant Administrator, Office of Portfolio Management, 
    Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street, SW., Washington, DC 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Arnold S. Rosenthal, Assistant 
    Administrator, Office of Portfolio Management (202) 205-6481.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 13 CFR Part 140 established procedures for 
    SBA to collect past-due debts through administrative or salary offset. 
    SBA now proposes to amend this rule, pursuant to the Debt Collection 
    Improvement Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-134, authorizing the Agency to: 
    participate in the mandatory Government-wide payment offset system 
    known as the Treasury Offset Program administered by the Department of 
        To participate in the Treasury Offset Program, the administrative 
    or salary offset procedures must be available not only to SBA, but to 
    other agencies as well. This proposed rule would make the changes 
    necessary to allow SBA or another Federal agency to collect past-due 
    debts through administrative or salary offset. This proposed rule also 
    amends SBA's offset procedures, and contains plain language revisions 
    and clarifications.
        The following is a section by section analysis of each provision of 
    SBA's regulations that would be affected by this proposed rule:
         Section 140.1 would be amended to incorporate plain 
    language principles.
         Section 140.2 would be deleted and replaced with a 
    definition section.
         Section 140.3 would be deleted. The offset procedures 
    would now be located in Sec. 140.6.
         Section 140.5 would be added to explain the purpose and 
    scope of the offset procedures.
         Section 140.6 would be added to set forth the offset 
    procedures. The new procedures establish two steps for offset. The 
    first entails the verification of a debt. SBA will send a notice to the 
    debtor and review any response to determine whether the debt is past 
    due and enforceable. The SBA Office of Hearings and Appeals would no 
    longer review administrative offsets, and would only review salary 
    offsets. The second steps involves SBA's implementation of an 
    administrative or salary offset or referral of a debt to the Department 
    of the Treasury or another Federal agency for offset. In addition, SBA 
    would now be able to implement an offset action upon referral from 
    another Federal agency.
         Section 134.202 paragraph (b) would also be amended to 
    refer only to salary offsets.
    Compliance With Executive Orders 12612, 12778, and 12866, the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), and the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Ch. 35)
        SBA certifies that this rule would not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities within the meaning of 
    Executive Order 12866 or the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 
    et seq. This proposed rule only applies to individuals who have 
    outstanding debts to the United States. It is not likely to have an 
    annual economic effect of $100 million or more, result in a major 
    increase in costs or prices, or have a significant adverse effect on 
    competition or the United States economy.
        For purposes of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. Ch. 35, SBA 
    certifies that this rule contains no new reporting or record keeping 
        For purposes of Executive Order 12612, SBA certifies that this rule 
    would not have any federalism implications warranting the preparation 
    of a Federalism Assessment.
        For purposes of Executive Order 12778, SBA certifies that this rule 
    is drafted, to the extent practicable, under the standards set forth in 
    Section 2 of that Order.
    List of Subjects
    13 CFR Part 134
        Administrative practice and procedure.
    13 CFR Part 140
        Claims, Government employees, Income taxes, Wages.
        Accordingly, under the authority contained in section 5(b)(6) of 
    the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 634(b)(6)), SBA proposes to amend 13 
    CFR parts 134 and 140 as follows:
    PART 134--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 134 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 504, 15 U.S.C. 632, 634(b)(6), and 637(a).
        2. Revise Sec. 134.202(b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 134.202  Commencement of cases.
    * * * * *
        (b) In debt collection proceedings under part 140, subpart B, of 
    this chapter, no later than 15 days after you receive of a notice of 
    indebtedness and plan to collect such debt by salary offset;
    * * * * *
    PART 140--[AMENDED]
        3. Amend the heading for part 140 to read as follows:
    [[Page 3455]]
        4. The authority citation for part 140 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3711, Collection and compromise; 31 U.S.C. 
    3720A, Reduction of tax refund by amount of debt; 5. U.S.C. 5514, 
    Installment deduction for indebtedness to the United States; 31 
    U.S.C. 3716, Administrative offset; 15 U.S.C. 634(b)(6), Small 
    Business Act; 31 U.S.C. 3720, the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 
        5-6. Add a subpart heading for Secs. 140.1 through 140.2, to read 
    as follows:
    Subpart A--General Rules
        7. Revise Sec. 140.1 to read as follows:
    Sec. 140.1  What does this part cover?
        This part establishes procedures we may use to collect past-due 
    debts owed to the Government. You cannot use our failure to follow 
    these regulations to defend against a suit to collect a debt.
        8. Revise Sec. 140.2 to read as follows:
    Sec. 140.2  Definitions.
        Unless otherwise noted, the following definitions apply to subpart 
        (a) Administrative offset. To satisfy a debt, we may withhold money 
    we owe you or another Federal agency owes you. This procedure is an 
    ``administrative offset'' and is authorized by 31 U.S.C. 3716.
        (b) Agency. Agency includes a department, agency, court, or court 
    administrative office, in the executive, judicial, or legislative 
    branch of the Federal Government, including Government corporations. 
    For purposes of this section, agency means either the agency 
    administering the program giving rise to the debt or the agency 
    attempting to recover the debt.
        (c) Creditor agency. Creditor agency means any agency owed a debt 
    that seeks to collect that claim through administrative offset.
        (d) Day. Day means calendar day. To count days, include the last 
    day of the period unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a Federal legal 
        (e) Debt. Debt means money owed to the United States for any 
    reason, including loans made or guaranteed by the United States, fees, 
    leases, rents, royalties, services, sales of real or personal property, 
    overpayments, fines, penalties, damages, interest, or forfeitures. A 
    debtor is someone who owes money to the United States from any source.
        (f) Debtor/You/Your. Debtor/You/Your means a person, organization, 
    or entity, other than a Federal agency, that owes a debt.
        (g) Disposable pay. As used in subpart B of this part (offset), 
    disposable pay means what remains of your pay after any amounts 
    required by law are deducted.
        (h) Legally Enforceable. As used in subpart B of this part 
    (offset), a debt is legally enforceable if, on the date of offset, 
    SBA's claim would not be barred in even one forum, including a State or 
    Federal Court or administrative agency. Non-judgment debts are 
    enforceable for ten years; judgment debts are enforceable beyond 10 
        (i) Non-tax. Non-tax means not related to an obligation under the 
    Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
        (j) Past-Due. As used in subpart B of this part (offset), a debt is 
    past due if it has been reduced to judgment, accelerated, or due for at 
    least 90 days.
        (k) Salary offset. If you are an active or retired Federal employee 
    (a civilian employee as defined by 5 U.S.C. 2105, an employee of the 
    U.S. Postal Service or Postal Rate Commission, or a member of the 
    Uniformed Services or Reserve of the Uniformed Services), we may deduct 
    payments owed to the United States from your paycheck. This procedure 
    is a ``salary offset'' and is authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5514 and 31 U.S.C. 
        (1) Any amount deducted from your salary in any one pay period will 
    not exceed 15 percent of your disposable pay, unless you agree in 
    writing to a greater percentage.
        (2) A Federal agency also may collect against travel advances, 
    training expenses, disallowed payments, retirement benefits, or any 
    other amount due you, including lump sum payments. These collection 
    efforts are not salary offsets and are not subject to the 15-percent 
    limitation in paragraph (k)(1) of this section.
        (l) Tax refund offset. We may request that the Department of the 
    Treasury (Treasury) reduce your tax refund by the amount of the debt as 
    authorized by 31 U.S.C. 3720A. A Federal agency, at the same time, may 
    take additional action against you to collect the debt. Even if SBA 
    refers your debt to other agencies (within 6 months of the initial 
    notice), it needs to review your debt only once under subpart B of this 
    part and its authorizing statutes.
        (m) Treasury Offset Program. The Treasury Offset Program is a 
    centralized process which provides for the offset of Federal payments, 
    including Federal tax refunds, Federal salary payments, retirement 
    payments, and other types of payments, to collect debts you owe the 
    Federal Government. The Treasury operates the Treasury Offset Program 
    through the Financial Management Service.
        (n) We/Our/Us. We/Our/Us refers to the SBA.
        9. Remove Sec. 140.3 and add a subpart heading for Secs. 140.5 
    through 140.6 to read as follows:
    Subpart B--Debt Collection Through Offset
        10. Add Sec. 140.5 to read as follows:
    Sec. 140.5  What does this subpart cover?
        This subpart establishes procedures we may use to collect, through 
    offset, past-due debts you owe to the United States. An offset occurs 
    when we or another Federal agency withhold(s) money to which you may be 
    entitled to satisfy a debt that you owe to the United States. These 
    regulations set forth procedures for how we determine if a debt is past 
    due and legally enforceable, and thus appropriate for offset. These 
    regulations also set forth procedures we follow when implementing an 
    offset action or referring the debt to another agency for offset. You 
    cannot use our failure to follow these regulations to defend against a 
    suit to collect the debt
        9. Add 9. Sec. 140.6 to read as follows:
    Sec. 140.6  How does SBA verify whether I owe a debt, or collect a debt 
    from me through offset?
        (a) Verifying a debt. (1) At least 30 days before starting an 
    offset action or referring a debt to another agency for offset, we must 
    send you a written notice .
        (2) Our written notice must state the nature and amount of the 
    debt; that we or another Federal agency may attempt an offset; that you 
    may present evidence that the debt does not exist, is not past due, or 
    is not legally enforceable; that you may inspect and copy, at your 
    expense, Government records relating to the debt; that, to avoid the 
    offset, you may reach an agreement with us on a schedule for repayment; 
    and that, if you do not reach agreement on repayment or seek review of 
    the debt, we or another agency may offset without further notice. If we 
    propose a schedule for repayment of your debt, you may present evidence 
    that you cannot meet this schedule. If a written agreement establishes 
    this schedule, you cannot challenge the schedule.
        (3) We also must tell you that, unless you respond to the notice as 
    provided in paragraph (a)(4) or (a)(5) of this section, we or the 
    agency to which we refer your debt may disclose to consumer reporting 
    agencies (also known as credit bureaus or credit agencies) that you are 
    responsible for the debt, and the specific information necessary to 
    establish your identity, including the amount, status, history of
    [[Page 3456]]
    the debt, and agency program under which it arose. If you respond to us 
    within the 15-or 60-day periods set forth in paragraphs (a)(4) and 
    (a)(5) of this section, we will not disclose the information to 
    consumer reporting agencies and will not refer the debt to another 
    Federal agency until we consider your response and determine that you 
    owe a past-due, legally enforceable debt.
        (4) If we notify you that we intend to start a salary offset to 
    satisfy your debt, you may request a hearing from SBA's Office of 
    Hearings and Appeals (OHA). Part 134 of this title governs OHA 
    proceedings. To have a hearing before OHA, you must request a hearing 
    within 15 days of receiving the notice. If you file your request in 
    time, we must stop collection proceedings until OHA's Administrative 
    Law Judge (ALJ) decides your case. You must state in your request for 
    an OHA hearing the date you received the notice and present the 
    evidence you believe shows the debt is not past due or legally 
    enforceable. You also must send a copy of your submission to the SBA 
    Associate General Counsel for Litigation, Office of General Counsel, at 
    the Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street, SW., Washington, 
    DC 20416. OHA's ALJ will issue a decision within 60 days after you 
    filed your request for a hearing with OHA.
        (5) If we notify you that we intend to start an administrative 
    offset or to refer your debt to another Federal agency for possible 
    offset, you may request review from the SBA official identified in the 
    notice. To obtain review of the debt, you must submit to the designated 
    official, within 60 days of the notice, the evidence showing the debt 
    is not past due or legally enforceable. By failing to request review 
    within this period, you waive any objection to the offset action. If 
    you request review of the debt, the relevant SBA official will notify 
    you in writing of the final decision and whether we will continue with 
    the offset action or refer your debt to another agency for offset.
        (6) We need not follow these procedures to verify that a debt is 
    past due and legally enforceable if another Federal agency already has 
    made this determination.
        (b) Actions after SBA verifies a past-due, legally enforceable 
    debt. (1) After verifying a past-due, legally enforceable debt, we 
        (i) Begin an offset action to recover the debt;
        (ii) Refer the debt to another agency for offset;
        (iii) Notify consumer reporting agencies of the debt; or
        (iv) Begin other appropriate action to attempt collection of the 
        (2) If you are subject to an offset action, you may be required to 
    pay, in addition to your debt, interest, penalties, and administrative 
    costs, such as the costs of collection. We or another Federal agency 
    will provide notice of any such interest, penalties, and administrative 
        (3) If another Federal agency asks us to offset a debt, we may rely 
    on the creditor agency's determination that a debt is past due and 
    legally enforceable. We will not begin an offset until the creditor 
    agency has provided written notice that you owe a past-due, legally 
    enforceable debt, and of its amount, and that the agency has fully 
    complied with its regulations concerning administrative offsets. After 
    receiving such notice, we will provide you notice that we will begin an 
    offset. You are not entitled to further review from us that the debt is 
    valid or the offset proper.
        (4) If we refer the debt to a consumer reporting agency and the 
    status or amount of your debt substantially changes, we will report 
    that change promptly to each consumer reporting agency we originally 
    contacted. We will obtain satisfactory assurances from each consumer 
    reporting agency that the consumer reporting agency has complied with 
    all Federal laws relating to provision of consumer credit information.
        (5) If another agency is beginning an offset of your debt and you 
    make any additional payments to us, we will notify the other agency of 
    these payments and your new balance as soon as reasonably possible.
        (c) We or another Federal agency may make an offset prior to 
    completing the procedures described in this part, if failure to make an 
    offset would substantially prejudice the Government's ability to 
    collect the debt; and the time before the Government otherwise would 
    make payment to you does not reasonably permit the completion of the 
    procedures. If we initiate the offset action, we then must provide you 
    with an opportunity to present evidence that the debt is not past due 
    or legally enforceable and take appropriate action in response to this 
        (d) If you owe us a past-due, legally enforceable debt that is over 
    180 days delinquent, including non-tax debt administered by a third 
    party acting as an agent for the Federal Government, we must, as 
    required by 31 U.S.C. 3716(c)(6), notify the Treasury of all such non-
    tax debts for purposes of administrative offset.
        Dated: January 6, 1999.
    Aida Alvarez,
    [FR Doc. 99-1240 Filed 1-21-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8025-01-P

Document Information

Small Business Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Submit comments on or before February 22, 1999.
3454-3456 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
13 CFR 134.202
13 CFR 140.1
13 CFR 140.2
13 CFR 140.5
13 CFR 140.6