96-103. Requirements for Determining Assigned Deterioration Factors for Alternative Fuel Vehicles, Amendments to Labelling Requirements for Inherently Low-Emission Vehicles, and Related Provisions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 2 (Wednesday, January 3, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 122-128]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-103]
    40 CFR Parts 86 and 88
    RIN 2060-AF87
    Requirements for Determining Assigned Deterioration Factors for 
    Alternative Fuel Vehicles, Amendments to Labelling Requirements for 
    Inherently Low-Emission Vehicles, and Related Provisions
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Direct final rule (DFRM).
    SUMMARY: This rulemaking promulgates actions to clarify and streamline 
    existing regulations for certifiers and purchasers of clean-fuel and/or 
    alternative fuel vehicles. This rule reduces the regulatory burden for 
    industry, and it is highly accommodating to their concerns. To 
    temporarily reduce the certification burden of the emerging industry of 
    aftermarket conversions of alternative fuel vehicles, EPA will take 
    action in this rule that will provide flexibility in the regulations 
    for the determination of assigned deterioration factors for alternative 
    fuel vehicles.
        To encourage the production of Inherently Low-Emission Vehicles 
    (ILEVs), this rule also promulgates an amendment to allow additional 
    options for external ILEV label dimensions. Also in this rule, EPA will 
    amend two California Pilot Program (CPP) requirements: the method for 
    determining a manufacturer's clean-fuel vehicle (CFV) sales quota and 
    the method for administering CPP credits. This amendment to the method 
    of administering credits will reduce a manufacturer's reporting 
    requirements by a factor of four. Finally, this rule includes several 
    additional technical amendments to the regulations issued under Clean 
    Fuel Fleet Program and California Pilot Program final rules.
    DATES: This rule is effective March 4, 1996 unless notice is received 
    by February 2, 1996 that adverse or critical comments will be submitted 
    on a specific element of this rule. EPA will publish a timely document 
    in the Federal Register withdrawing that portion of the rule for which 
    adverse comments were received.
    ADDRESSES: Interested parties may submit written comments in response 
    to this rule (in duplicate if possible) to Public Docket Nos. A-92-30 
    and A-92-14 for alternative fuel vehicle provisions, Public Docket No. 
    A-92-30 for ILEV and Clean Fuel Fleet Program provisions, and Public 
    Docket No. A-92-69 for California Pilot Program provisions, at: Air 
    Docket Section, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Attention: Docket 
    Nos. A-92-30, A-92-14, or A-92-69, First Floor, Waterside Mall, Room M-
    1500, 401 M Street SW., Washington, DC 20460. A copy of the comments 
    should also be sent to Mr. Bryan Manning (SRPB-12), U.S. EPA, 
    Regulation Development and Support Division, 2565 Plymouth Road, Ann 
    Arbor, MI 48105.
        Materials relevant to this rule have been placed in Docket Nos. A-
    92-30 and A-92-14 or A-92-69 by EPA. The docket is located at the above 
    address and may be inspected from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on weekdays. EPA 
    may charge a reasonable fee for copying docket materials.
        A copy of this action is available through the Technology Transfer 
    Network Bulletin Board System (TTNBBS) under OMS, Rulemaking and 
    Reporting, Alternative Fuels, Clean Fuel Fleets. TTNBBS is available 24 
    hours a day, 7 days a week except Monday morning from 8-12 EST, when 
    the system is down for maintenance and backup. For help in accessing 
    the system, call the systems operator at 919-541-5384 in Research 
    Triangle Park, North Carolina, during normal business hours EST.
    [[Page 123]]
    Regulation Development and Support Division, 2565 Plymouth Road, Ann 
    Arbor, MI 48105, Telephone: (313) 741-7832; FAX: 313-741-7816.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Because EPA considers this action to be 
    noncontroversial, we are finalizing it without prior proposal. The 
    action will become effective March 4, 1996 unless adverse comments are 
    received by February 2, 1996. If EPA receives adverse comments, only 
    the affected portions of the direct final rule will be withdrawn and 
    all public comments received will be addressed in a subsequent final 
    rule based on the proposed rule (please see proposed rule entitled, 
    ``Sales Volume Limit Provisions for Small-Volume Manufacturers 
    Certification of Clean-Fuel and Conventional Vehicle Conversions and 
    Related Provisions,'' published simultaneously in the ``Proposed 
    Rules'' section of this Federal Register).
    I. Description of Action
        The alternative fuel vehicle industry is likely to expand 
    considerably over the next several years in response to Clean Air Act 
    (CAA), the Energy Policy Act, and other alternative fuel fleet and 
    vehicle programs at the state and local levels. Nevertheless, EPA 
    believes alternative fuel vehicles will still have limited sales in 
    comparison to conventional vehicles. Thus, due to this potential 
    inequity in sales, EPA believes it may be difficult for aftermarket 
    converters of alternative fuel vehicles to recover their certification 
    cost over the next several years. Since EPA encourages the production 
    of certified alternative fuel vehicles for air quality purposes, EPA 
    believes it will be wise to temporarily reduce the certification burden 
    for aftermarket converters of alternate fuel vehicles as described 
    A. Flexibility in Certification Procedure for Determining Deterioration 
        As is shown in 40 CFR 86.094-14, the Small-Volume Manufacturers 
    (SVM) Certification Program exempts entities seeking a Certificate of 
    Conformity with total annual vehicle/engine sales less than 10,000 from 
    EPA's full certification program. Specifically, the SVM provisions 
    relieve such entities from some elements otherwise required to 
    demonstrate the durability of emissions over the life of the vehicle. 
    Instead of accumulating mileage on actual prototype vehicles, the SVM 
    program in some cases permits the use of EPA-assigned values for 
    emission deterioration. This can be of significant economic benefit to 
    entities manufacturing or converting relatively few vehicles. The 
    standard protocol EPA uses to assign deterioration factors is described 
    in EPA Advisory Circular No. 51-C.
        Currently, small volume manufacturers with aggregated sales of less 
    than 301 vehicles per year or without durability data may use assigned 
    deterioration factors of the 70th percentile deterioration factors from 
    industry-wide data based on previously completed durability data 
    vehicles. In addition, manufacturers with aggregated sales from 301 to 
    9,999 may calculate and use assigned deterioration factors, but these 
    assigned deterioration factors must be no less than either the 70th 
    percentile or the average of all the manufacturer's deterioration 
    factor data (whichever is less). (See 40 CFR 86.094-14(c)(7)(i)(C)). 
    However, since alternative fuel vehicles are an emerging industry, 
    manufacturers of these vehicles and EPA currently have an extremely 
    limited database from which to calculate assigned deterioration 
    factors. According to current EPA regulations, many small-volume 
    manufacturers of alternative fuel vehicles would be required to 
    determine deterioration factors by conducting full useful-life tests 
    since there is an insufficient database of previously-certified 
    vehicles on which to base deterioration factors.
        To enable certifiers of alternative fuel vehicles to avoid the 
    burden of full certification testing for the economic reasons discussed 
    above and to support the development of alternative fuel vehicle 
    technology, EPA believes it is wise to provide flexibility in the 
    regulations for the determination of assigned deterioration factors for 
    alternative fuel vehicles. Thus, EPA will permit manufacturers to use 
    assigned deterioration factors that the Administrator determines by 
    alternative methods if no deterioration factor data (either the 
    manufacturer's or industry-wide deterioration factor data) are 
    available, as detailed in section 86.094-14(a)(2) of the regulations 
    associated with today's rule. Following promulgation of this provision, 
    EPA expects to issue guidance describing the specific alternative 
    methods used in determining assigned deterioration factors for gaseous-
    fueled vehicles through model year 2000.1
        \1\ The assigned deterioration factors for gaseous-fueled 
    vehicles and the specific methods used to determine these factors 
    are expected to be specified in a ``Dear Manufacturer'' letter 
    (advisory letter) that would be available in docket A-92-14 and A-
    92-30 and on TTNBBS.
    B. Amendments to the Required Dimensions of Inherently Low-Emission 
    Vehicle (ILEV) Exterior Labels
        In the regulations for the Clean Fuel Fleet (CFF) Credit Program 
    final rule, EPA specified size and shape requirements for ILEV exterior 
    identification labels. The manufacturer or dealer of an ILEV is 
    required to attach one label on the rear of the vehicle and one on each 
    of two sides of the vehicle if requested by a qualifying fleet 
    purchaser. In February 1995, Ford commented 2 that the required 
    dimensions for the rear ILEV labels are inappropriate for certain 
    vehicle models since their vehicle body design makes the placement of 
    such labels on these vehicles difficult or impossible. Ford also stated 
    that safety requirements for lighting and bumpers affect the vehicle 
    body design; in addition, for natural gas vehicles, a separate label is 
    required on the lower right rear of the vehicle by the National Fire 
    Protection Association Safety Standard 52. In April 1995 Ford suggested 
    a much smaller alternative ILEV label design for such vehicle models, 
    which American Automobile Manufacturer's Association (AAMA) agreed to 
    in May 1995.3 Ford also suggested that the problem of reduced 
    space on the rear of passenger cars also exists for the side of 
    vehicles since fleet advertisements often take up much of the space 
    available on the side of the vehicle.
        \2\ Ford Motor Company, Comments on Reconsideration of ILEV 
    Labelling Requirements, letter from Kelly M. Brown to Margo T. Oge 
    of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, February 2, 1995.
        \3\ Ford Motor Company, ``ILEV Labels'', Facsimile from Sarah 
    Rudy to Bryan Manning of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 
    April 21, 1995.
        As indicated in the preamble for the Clean Fuel Fleet Credit 
    Program final rule, EPA intends for ILEVs to be specially and clearly 
    identified since properly labeled ILEVs may be exempt from 
    transportation control measure (TCM) requirements, including high-
    occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane restrictions. EPA expected ILEVs to look 
    much like conventional vehicles, and thus, the Agency intended for 
    ILEVs to have special labels to clearly indicate to law enforcement 
    officers, as well as the general public, that these vehicles are not 
    violating TCM ordinances.
        EPA believes that the distinctive design and shape of AAMA's 
    suggested ILEV label would be consistent with EPA's intent to have 
    ILEVs clearly identified by law enforcement officials, as well as the 
    general public. At the time the CFF Credits/ILEV rule was finalized, 
    EPA was unaware of any vehicle models that would have a conflict with 
    the ILEV 
    [[Page 124]]
    labeling requirements. Since EPA encourages the production of ILEVs for 
    air quality purposes, EPA will amend the ILEV label regulations in a 
    manner similar to that suggested by AAMA in order to provide additional 
    flexibility for ILEV manufacturers, thus reducing some of the 
    certification burden. To meet industry's vehicle body space concerns 
    while maintaining a label that is clearly identifiable, EPA will 
    provide new optional ILEV labels of smaller dimensions. Specifically, 
    for the sides and rear of an ILEV, EPA will provide an optional ILEV 
    label of smaller dimensions than the existing primary ILEV label and in 
    the distinctive shape of a truncated circle, as specified in 
    88.312(a)(1) of the regulations in today's rule.
        For the rear of an ILEV, existing regulations provide an option to 
    choose a smaller rectangular label, if the larger primary (side) 
    rectangular label cannot be attached to the rear of an ILEV. Today's 
    rule will provide two optional rear labels which could be chosen if 
    neither of the primary labels described above and in section 
    88.312(a)(1) of the regulations cannot be attached to the rear of an 
    ILEV. One of these rear label options is the existing smaller 
    rectangular label (see section 88.312(c)(2)(ii)(A) of the regulations 
    in today's rule), and the other option is a smaller version of the 
    truncated circular label described above, as detailed in section 
    88.312(c)(2)(ii)(B) of the regulations associated with today's rule.
    C. Method for Determining Each Manufacturer's CFV Sales Requirement 
    Under the Federal California Pilot Program
        The California Pilot Program requires that California sales figures 
    from two model years earlier be used to calculate required CFV sales 
    shares (see California Pilot Test Program (CPP) final rule, 59 FR 
    50066, September 30, 1994). In the proposal for the rulemaking (58 FR 
    34727, June 29, 1993), EPA requested comment as to whether a 
    manufacturer's share of required CFV sales should be calculated based 
    on sales in the previous model year or sales two model years prior. No 
    comments were received from manufacturers. EPA decided to use model 
    year (MY) sales data from two years prior rather than from the previous 
    model year to provide manufacturers with more time to plan their CFV 
        However, after the CPP rule was finalized, the AAMA notified EPA of 
    their view that basing the calculation on data from two years prior is 
    not practical.4 According to AAMA, this is because the production 
    volumes would not be established early enough to allow auto 
    manufacturers sufficient planning time to comply with the CFV sales 
    requirements in the California Pilot Program. AAMA suggested that at 
    least a three-year lead time is needed for the completion of the annual 
    production reports, EPA calculation of the manufacturer total sales, 
    and subsequent certification strategy or sales planning by the 
    manufacturers. More specifically, AAMA suggested that a manufacturer's 
    share of CFV sales be the average of two consecutive years based on 
    data from model years three and four years earlier than the model year 
    in question. AAMA believes a two-year average would help level out any 
    fluctuations in the market.
        \4\ American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA), 
    Recommendation on Determination of Manufacturer Quotas for the 
    California Pilot Test Program, Letter from Marcel L. Halberstadt to 
    Tad Wysor of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, February 17, 
        EPA has considered these comments and agrees that using data from 
    the model year two years prior to the year in question does not provide 
    manufacturers enough time to adequately plan their production, since 
    production for the model year in question could be well underway before 
    sales data is available for production planning. (Production under a 
    certificate may begin on January 2 of the calendar year prior to the 
    model year of the certificate and may continue through December 31 of 
    the certification model year.)
        Thus, EPA will require that the average California sales figures 
    from three and four model years earlier than the current model year be 
    used by each manufacturer to calculate their required CFV sales share. 
    For example, for the 1997 model year, the average of sales figures from 
    1993 and 1994 model years would be used to calculate the CFV sales 
    share. This change will have no impact on the overall number of CFVs 
    sold in California; the allocation of those vehicles among 
    manufacturers may change slightly. This change will also reduce the 
    regulatory burden for manufacturers, and EPA believes it is highly 
    accommodating to manufacturers considering that manufacturers did not 
    comment on the method proposed.
    D. Reporting Requirements for the Credit Program of the California 
    Pilot Test Program
        In the information collection request 5 for the Credit Program 
    for California Pilot Test Program Final Rule (57 FR 60038, December 17, 
    1992), EPA had requested quarterly reporting of credit use and balance 
    statements to administer the credit program. However, EPA has 
    reevaluated this request and does not believe quarterly reporting is a 
    necessary requirement for administering the CPP credit program. The 
    Agency does not expect the volume or frequency of credit transactions 
    to be substantial enough so as to require such frequent monitoring. EPA 
    now believes that annual reports from the manufacturers of credit use 
    and balances will be sufficient for EPA to adequately administer and 
    enforce the CPP credit program and verify the proper use of traded CPP 
    credits. Thus, EPA will require annual reporting of credit use and 
    balances for the CPP credit program. (See section 88.205-94 (d)(1) and 
    (d)(3)(iii) of the regulations associated with today's rule for further 
    detail.) This change will reduce the manufacturer reporting burden by a 
    factor of four, and thus, EPA believes it is highly accommodating to 
        \5\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Mobile 
    Sources, Supporting Statement for Information Collection Request--
    California Pilot Test Program: Vehicle Credit Program, May 1991.
    E. Technical Amendments to CFV Emission Standards Rulemaking and CFF 
    and CPP Credit Program Rulemakings
    1. Redesignation of Paragraph Specifying Methane Analyzer Method Within 
    Description of Exhaust Analytical System
        In the regulations for the Clean-Fuel Vehicle Emission Standards 
    final rulemaking (59 FR 50042, September 30, 1994), the specifications 
    for the measurement of methane from heavy-duty exhaust samples, 
    paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of section 86.1311-94 (``Exhaust gas analytical 
    system; CVS bag sample''), were incorrectly designated as a sub-
    paragraph of paragraph (b)(2), which contains the specifications for 
    the measurement of carbon monoxide from heavy-duty exhaust samples. 
    Thus, in today's action, EPA will redesignate paragraph (b)(2)(iii) as 
    paragraph (b)(3) in section 86.1311-94.
    2. Clarification of Applicable Test Procedures for CFV Exhaust 
    Standards for Light-duty Vehicles and Light-duty Trucks
        In paragraph (k) of section 88.104-94 of the regulations for the 
    Clean-Fuel Vehicle Standards final rulemaking, EPA specifies that CFV 
    tailpipe emission standards for light-duty vehicles and light-duty 
    trucks shall 
    [[Page 125]]
    comply with the following requirement: ``* * * standards in this 
    paragraph shall be administered and enforced in accordance with the 
    California Regulatory Requirements * * *.'' However, in paragraph (l) 
    of section 88.104-94 EPA incorrectly specified that CFV standards for 
    light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks shall be ``* * * tested in 
    accordance with test procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 86 * * *.'' 
    (In this same paragraph, EPA correctly specified that NMOG emissions 
    are to be measured in accordance with the California Regulatory 
    Requirements which were incorporated by reference in paragraph (k) of 
    the same section.) Thus, EPA wishes to clarify that all CFV standards 
    set forth in section 88.104-94 for light-duty vehicles and light-duty 
    trucks shall be administered and enforced in accordance with California 
    requirements by deleting paragraph (l) of section 88.104-94.
    3. Corrections to Specifications for Emission Standards for Inherently 
    Low-Emission Vehicle (ILEV)
        In the regulations for the Clean-Fuel Vehicle final rulemaking, EPA 
    specified in paragraph (c) of section 88.311-93 that exhaust emissions 
    for ILEVs in light-duty vehicle and light-duty truck classes ``* * * 
    shall be measured in accordance with the test procedures specified in 
    Sec. 88.104(l).'' As mentioned above in section I.E.2., EPA is deleting 
    paragraph (l) in section 88.104-94. Thus, EPA today wishes to clarify 
    that exhaust emissions for ILEVs in light-duty vehicle and light-duty 
    truck classes shall be measured in accordance with test procedures 
    specified in section 88.104-94(k) (California Regulatory Requirements). 
    Thus, section 88.311-93(c) will be amended accordingly.
        For heavy-duty ILEVs, EPA incorrectly specified in section 88.311-
    93(d) that exhaust emissions ``* * * shall be measured in accordance 
    with the test procedures specified in Sec. 88.105(d).'' However, 
    paragraph (d) specifies only the exhaust standards but not the exhaust 
    test procedures for heavy-duty ILEVs. The exhaust emission test 
    procedures for ILEVs are specified in Sec. 88.105(e). Thus, EPA today 
    revises this section to require that the exhaust emissions for heavy-
    duty ILEVs be measured in accordance with the test procedures specified 
    in Sec. 88.105(e).
        Further, in paragraph (d) of section 88.311-93, the requirements 
    that heavy-duty (HD) ILEVs ``* * * have exhaust emissions with combined 
    non-methane hydrocarbon and oxides of nitrogen * * * which do not 
    exceed the exhaust emission standards * * * in Sec. 88.105'' may be 
    misleading. Not only are HD ILEVs required to meet exhaust emission 
    standards in section 88.105(d) for combined non-methane hydrocarbon and 
    oxides of nitrogen emissions, but HD ILEVs are also required to meet 
    exhaust emission standards in section 88.105(d) for carbon monoxide, 
    particulate matter, and formaldehyde emissions. Thus, EPA wishes to 
    clarify that HD ILEVs shall have exhaust emissions which do not exceed 
    any of the exhaust emission standards specified in section 88.105(d).
    4. Correction to Clean Fuel Fleet Credit Table Applying When a Fleet 
    Purchases More Clean-Fuel Vehicles Than Required
        Due to an editorial error, in Table C94-1.1 of the regulations for 
    the Clean Fuel Fleet Credit Program final rule (58 FR 11888, March 1, 
    1993) and the CFV Emission Standards final rule, the two vehicle-
    equivalent credits for ULEVs in the two heavy light-duty truck (HLDT) 
    classes greater than 3,750 pounds ALVW were incorrectly specified as 
    1.29 and 1.47 respectively. For Table C94-1.1, EPA today corrects these 
    values to 1.26 and 1.56, respectively.
        Within this same table, EPA incorrectly specified in the last 
    column heading for HLDTs greater than 5750 ALVW pounds that the ALVW 
    parameter was ``K5750'' pounds. The ``K'' prefix added to 5750 pounds 
    is an editorial error and may be misleading. EPA today changes the 
    column heading to ``LDT >6000 GVWR, >5750 ALVW''.
    5. Correction to Early Credits Requirements for Heavy Light-Duty Trucks 
    in the CPP
        In the regulations for the Credit Program for the CPP final rule, 
    EPA incorrectly excluded heavy LDTs that meet CFV standards from being 
    eligible for early credits during model years 1996 and 1997. (For the 
    CPP, a manufacturer's share of required CFV annual sales for model 
    years 1996 and 1997 is based on LDVs and light LDTs sales only; 
    however, a manufacturer's share of required CFV annual sales beginning 
    in 1998 is also based on heavy LDTs sales.) In the final rule, EPA 
    allowed early credits for LDVs and all LDTs up to the beginning of CPP 
    sales requirements in 1996. To provide heavy LDT manufacturers with a 
    similar opportunity to earn early credits, EPA had intended to allow 
    manufacturers to earn early credits for heavy LDTs up to the beginning 
    of their sales requirements in 1998. Thus, to rectify this 
    inconsistency for heavy LDTs in the CPP, EPA wishes to clarify that 
    heavy LDTs certified to CFV standards shall be eligible for early 
    credits up to model year 1998. Today's action changes section 88.205(g) 
    of the regulations accordingly.
    II. Environmental and Economic Impacts
        The nature of today's provisions for the determination of assigned 
    deterioration factors for alternative fuel vehicles are such that no 
    impact on air quality should result. If and when an entity (converter 
    or original equipment manufacturer) certifies an alternative fuel 
    vehicle, these actions will not seriously compromise EPA's confidence 
    that certified emission levels are being met in use. While some loss of 
    control could theoretically occur if the reduced durability 
    demonstration were in serious error, the Agency does not believe that 
    this is likely to be common and in any event the numbers of vehicles 
    involved is not large in comparison to conventional vehicle production. 
    In addition, these provisions should significantly reduce the cost of 
    certifying an alternative fuel engine family, thus encouraging the 
    development of such vehicles.
        For the relaxed ILEV labelling requirements, EPA believes that if 
    the smaller but distinctive ILEV labels are used on an ILEV, they will 
    still be able to be clearly identified by law enforcement officials. 
    EPA expects that these changes will help encourage manufacturers to 
    develop and produce ILEVs, which will in turn have a positive 
    environmental impact relative to conventional vehicles.
        With these changes to the CPP, EPA will ease the certification 
    burden for manufacturers with no effect on air quality. This result 
    will occur because the same number of vehicles will be sold under the 
    CPP industry-wide; only the relative allocations among manufacturers 
    might change.
        In today's rule, EPA will reduce the regulatory burden on industry 
    without effecting air quality. EPA believes this rule is highly 
    accommodating to industry's concerns.
    III. Public Participation
        EPA believes the provisions of today's action are non-controversial 
    and will make the affected provisions less burdensome and more 
    effective. Nonetheless, if public comments are to be submitted, the 
    Agency requests wherever applicable, full supporting data and detailed 
    analysis should be submitted to allow EPA to make maximum use of the 
    comments. Commenters should provide specific suggestions for any 
    changes to any 
    [[Page 126]]
    aspect of the regulations that they believe need to be modified or 
    improved. All comments should be directed to EPA Air Docket, Docket No. 
    A-92-30 and A-92-14 for the certification flexibility provisions and 
    Docket No. A-92-69 for the CPP provisions (See ADDRESSES). The official 
    comment period will last for 30 days following publication of this 
    direct final rule.
        Commenters desiring to submit proprietary information for 
    consideration should clearly distinguish such information from other 
    comments to the greatest possible extent, and clearly label it 
    ``Confidential Business Information.'' Submissions containing such 
    proprietary information should be sent directly to the contact person 
    listed above, and not to the public docket, to ensure that proprietary 
    information is not inadvertently placed in the docket.
        Information covered by such a claim of confidentiality will be 
    disclosed by EPA only to the extent allowed and by the procedures set 
    forth in 40 CFR part 2. If no claim of confidentiality accompanies the 
    submission when it is received by EPA, it may be made available to the 
    public without further notice to the commenter.
    IV. Statutory Authority
        The statutory authority for this action is granted by Sections 202, 
    203, 206, 207, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249, and 301(a) of 
    the Clean Air Act.
    V. Administrative Designation and Regulatory Analysis
        Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735 (October 4, 1993)), the 
    Agency must determine whether this regulatory action is ``significant'' 
    and therefore subject to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review 
    and the requirements of the Executive Order. The order defines 
    ``significant regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in a 
    rule that may:
        (1) have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or tribal governments or 
        (2) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        Pursuant to the terms of Executive Order 12866, EPA believes that 
    this action is not a ``significant regulatory action'' within the 
    meaning of the Executive Order. Today's action provides greater 
    flexibility in the certification process for manufacturers of alternate 
    fuel vehicles, thus eliminating some of the certification burden. ILEV 
    labelling requirements have been relaxed, reducing some of the 
    certification burden. Today's action also reduces the certification 
    burden for manufactures required to produce CFVs under the CPP, by 
    providing more flexibility in CFV production planning and credit 
    VI. Compliance with Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) of 1980 requires federal 
    agencies to examine the effects of federal regulations and to identify 
    significant adverse impacts on a substantial number of small entities. 
    Because the RFA does not provide concrete definitions of ``small 
    entity'', ``significant impact'', or ``substantial number'', EPA has 
    established guidelines setting the standards to be used in evaluating 
    impacts on small businesses.6 Section 604 of the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act requires EPA to prepare a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis when the Agency determines that there is a significant adverse 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities.
        \6\  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Memorandum to 
    Assistant Administrators, ``Compliance With the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act'', EPA Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation, 
    1984. In addition, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Memorandum 
    to Assistant Administrators, ``Agency's Revised Guidelines for 
    Implementing the Regulatory Flexibility Act'', EPA Office of Policy, 
    Planning, and Evaluation, 1992.
        Today's action will provide regulatory flexibility to converters of 
    alternative fuel vehicles in the determination of assigned 
    deterioration factors. EPA has evaluated the effects of today's 
    regulations and the Administrator of EPA certifies that there will not 
    be an adverse impact on a substantial number of small entities; in 
    fact, most small converters of alternative fuel vehicles will 
    experience an economic benefit. Therefore, a Regulatory Flexibility 
    Analysis has not been performed for this rule.
    VII. Unfunded Mandates
        Under section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 
    (``Unfunded Mandates Act''), signed into law on March 22, 1995, EPA 
    must prepare a written statement to accompany any rule where the 
    estimated costs to State, local, or tribal governments, or to the 
    private sector will be $100 million or more in any one year. Under 
    section 205, EPA must select the most cost-effective and least 
    burdensome alternative that achieves the objective of the rule and that 
    is consistent with statutory requirements. Section 203 requires EPA to 
    establish a plan for informing and advising any small governments that 
    may be significantly and uniquely impacted by the rule.
        EPA estimates that the costs to State, local, or tribal 
    governments, or the private sector, from this rule will be less than 
    $100 million. EPA has determined that this rule will reduce the 
    regulatory burden imposed on certifiers of clean-fuel and/or 
    alternative fuel vehicles (especially converters of such vehicles). EPA 
    has determined that an unfunded mandates statement therefore is 
    VIII. Paperwork Reduction Act
        Today's rule does not add any mandatory information collection 
    requirements for certifiers of alternative fuel vehicles or any other 
    entity, and EPA has not prepared an Information Collection Request 
    document for this rule.
        The information collection requirements of the Credit Program for 
    California Pilot Test Program have been amended to reflect today's 
    relaxation of the credit reporting requirements. These amended 
    requirements have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget 
    (OMB) under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 
    3501 et seq., and have been assigned OMB control number 2060-0229. A 
    copy of the Information Collection Request document (ICR No. 1590) may 
    be obtained from Sandy Farmer, OPPE Regulatory Information Division, 
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2136); 401 M St. S.W.; 
    Washington, DC 20460 or by calling (202) 260-2740.
        Send comments regarding this collection of information to the 
    Director, OPPE Regulatory Information Division; U.S. Environmental 
    Protection Agency (2136); 401 M. St., S.W.; Washington, DC 20460; and 
    to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of 
    Management and Budget, 725 17th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20503, marked 
    ``Attention: Desk Officer for EPA.'' Include the ICR number in any 
    [[Page 127]]
    List of Subjects
    40 CFR Part 86
        Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, 
    Confidential business information, Labeling, Motor vehicle pollution, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    40 CFR Part 88
        Environmental protection, Motor vehicle pollution, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Dated: November 27, 1995.
    Carol M. Browner,
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, part 86 and 88 of title 
    40 of the Code of Federal Regulations are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 86 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 215, 216, 217, 
    and 301(a), Clean Air Act as amended (42 U.S.C. 7521, 7522, 7524, 
    7525, 7541, 7542, 7549, 7550, 7552, and 7601(a)).
        2. Section 86.094-14 of subpart A is amended by redesignating 
    paragraph (a) as paragraph (a)(1) and adding paragraph (a)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 86.094-14  Small-volume manufacturers certification procedures.
        (a)(1) * * *
        (2) To satisfy the durability data requirements of the small-volume 
    manufacturers certification procedures, manufacturers of vehicles (or 
    engines) as described in paragraph (b) of this section may use assigned 
    deterioration factors that the Administrator determines by methods 
    described in paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of this section. However, if no 
    deterioration factor data (either the manufacturer's or industry-wide 
    deterioration factor data) are available from previously completed 
    durability data vehicles or engines used for certification, 
    manufacturers of vehicles (or engines) as described in paragraph (b) of 
    this section or with new technology not previously certified may use 
    assigned deterioration factors that the Administrator determines by 
    alternative methods, based on good engineering judgement. The factors 
    that the Administrator determines by alternative methods will be 
    published in an advisory letter or advisory circular.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 86.1311-94  [Amended]
        3. Section 86.1311-94 of subpart N is amended by redesignating 
    paragraph (b)(2)(iii) as paragraph (b)(3) preceding figure N94-1.
        4. The authority citation for Part 88 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7410, 7418, 7581, 7582, 7583, 7584, 7586, 
    7588, 7589, and 7601(a).
        5. In Sec. 88.104-94, paragraph (l), which precedes the tables to 
    the section, is removed.
        5a. A center heading is added immediately preceding the tables to 
    the section to read as follows:
    Tables to Sec. 88.104-94
        6. Section 88.204-94 of subpart B is amended by revising the 
    introductory text of paragraph (c)(2) and paragraph (c)(2)(ii) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 88.204-94  Sales requirements for the California Pilot Test 
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) The required annual clean fuel vehicle sales volume for a given 
    manufacturer is expressed in the following equation rounded to the 
    nearest whole number:
    RMS=a manufacturer's required sales in a given model year.
    MS=the average of a manufacturer's total LDV and light LDT sales in 
    California three and four model years earlier than year in question 
    (for MY 1996 and 1997 RMS calculations).
      =the average of a manufacturer's total LDV and LDT sales in 
    California three and four model years earlier than year in question 
    (for MY 1998 and later RMS calculations).
    TS=the average of total LDV and light LDT sales in California of all 
    manufacturers three and four model years earlier than the year in 
    question (for MY 1996 and 1997 RMS calculations). Sales of 
    manufacturers which meet the criteria of (d) of this paragraph will 
    not be included.
      =the average of total LDV and LDT sales in California of all 
    manufacturers three and four model years earlier than the year in 
    question (for MY 1998 and later RMS calculations). Sales of 
    manufacturers which meet the criteria of (d) of this paragraph will 
    not be included.
    TCPPS=Pilot program annual CFV sales requirement (either 150,000 or 
    300,000) for the model year in question.
        (i) * * *
        (ii) A manufacturer certifying for the first time in California 
    shall calculate annual required sales share based on projected 
    California sales for the model year in question. In the second year, 
    the manufacturer shall use actual sales from the previous year. In the 
    third year, the manufacturer will use sales from two model years prior 
    to the year in question. In the fourth year, the manufacturer will use 
    sales from three years prior to the year in question. In the fifth year 
    and subsequent years, the manufacturer will use average sales from 
    three and four years prior to the year in question.
    * * * * *
        7. Section 88.205-94 of subpart B is amended by revising paragraphs 
    (d)(1), (d)(3)(iii), and (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 88.205-94  California Pilot Test Program Credits Program.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (1) During certification, the manufacturer shall calculate the 
    projected credits, if any, based on required sales projections.
    * * * * *
        (3) * * *
        (iii) Maintain the records required under this subpart.
    * * * * *
        (g) Early credits. Beginning in model year 1992 appropriate 
    credits, as determined from the given credit table, will be given for 
    the sale of vehicles certified to the clean-fuel vehicle standards for 
    TLEVs, LEVs, ULEVs, and ZEVs, where appropriate. For LDVs and light 
    LDTs (<6000 lbs="" gvwr),="" early="" credits="" can="" be="" earned="" from="" model="" year="" 1992="" to="" the="" beginning="" of="" the="" pilot="" program="" sales="" requirements="" in="" 1996.="" for="" heavy="" ldts="" (="">6000 lbs GVWR), early credits can be earned from model 
    years 1992 through 1997. The actual calculation of early credits shall 
    not begin until model year 1996.
        8. Section 88.311-93 of subpart C is amended by revising paragraphs 
    (c) and (d) to read as follows:
    Sec. 88.311-93  Emissions standards for Inherently Low-Emission 
    * * * * *
        (c) Light-duty vehicles and light-duty trucks. ILEVs in LDV and LDT 
    classes shall have exhaust emissions which do not exceed the LEV 
    exhaust emission standards for NMOG, CO, HCHO, and PM and the ULEV 
    exhaust emission standards for NOx listed in Tables A104-1 through 
    A104-6 for light-duty CFVs. Exhaust emissions shall be measured in 
    accordance with the test procedures specified in Sec. 88.104-94(k). 
    [[Page 128]]
    An ILEV must be able to operate on only one fuel, or must be certified 
    as an ILEV on all fuels on which it can operate. These vehicles shall 
    also comply with all requirements of 40 CFR part 86 which are 
    applicable to conventional gasoline-fueled, methanol-fueled, diesel-
    fueled, natural gas-fueled or liquified petroleum gas-fueled LDVs/LDTs 
    of the same vehicle class and model year.
        (d) Heavy-duty vehicles. ILEVs in the HDV class shall have exhaust 
    emissions which do not exceed the exhaust emission standards in grams 
    per brake horsepower-hour listed in Sec. 88.105-94(d). Exhaust 
    emissions shall be measured in accordance with the test procedures 
    specified in Sec. 88.105-94(e). An ILEV must be able to operate on only 
    one fuel, or must be certified as an ILEV on all fuels on which it can 
    operate. These vehicles shall also comply with all requirements of 40 
    CFR part 86 which are applicable in the case of conventional gasoline-
    fueled, methanol-fueled, diesel-fueled, natural gas-fueled or liquified 
    petroleum gas-fueled HDVs of the same weight class and model year.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 88.312-93 of subpart C is amended by revising paragraphs 
    (a)(1) and (c)(2)(ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 88.312-93  Inherently Low-Emission Vehicle Labeling.
    * * * * *
        (a) Label design. (1) Label design shall consist of either of the 
    following specifications:
        (i) The label shall consist of a white rectangular background, 
    approximately 12 inches (30 centimeters) high by 18 inches (45 
    centimeters) wide, with ``CLEAN AIR VEHICLE'' printed in contrasting 
    block capital letters at least 4.3 inches (10.6 centimeters) tall and 
    1.8 inches (4.4 centimeters) wide with a stroke width not less than 0.5 
    inches (1.3 centimeters). In addition, the words ``INHERENTLY LOW-
    EMISSION VEHICLE'' must be present in lettering no smaller than 1 inch 
    (2.5 centimeters) high. Nothing shall be added to the label which 
    impairs readability. Labels shall include a serialized identification 
    number; or
        (ii) The label shall consist of a white truncated-circular 
    background, approximately 10 inches (25 centimeters) in diameter by 7 
    inches (17.5 centimeters) in height. The bottom edge of the truncated-
    circular background shall be approximately 2 inches (5 centimeters) 
    from the center. The acronym ``ILEV'' shall be printed on the label in 
    contrasting block capital letters at least 2 inches (5 centimeters) 
    tall and 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) wide with a stroke width not less 
    than 0.4 inches (1.0 centimeter). In addition, the words ``CLEAN AIR 
    VEHICLE'' must be present in lettering no smaller than 0.8 inches (2.0 
    centimeters) high. Nothing shall be added to the label which impairs 
    readability. Labels shall include a serialized identification number.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (2) * * *
        (ii) In the case that an ILEV label of the proportions specified in 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section cannot be attached to the rear of the 
    ILEV, the manufacturer or the manufacturer's agent shall attach to the 
    rear of the vehicle an ILEV label of either of the following 
        (A) The label shall consist of a white rectangular background, 
    approximately 4 inches (10 centimeters) high by 24 inches (60 
    centimeters) wide, with ``CLEAN AIR VEHICLE'' printed in contrasting 
    block capital letters at least 2.8 inches (7 centimeters) tall and 1.3 
    inches (3.3 centimeters) wide with a stroke width not less than 0.3 
    inches (0.8 centimeter). In addition, the words ``INHERENTLY LOW-
    EMISSION VEHICLE'' must be present in lettering no smaller than 0.6 
    inches (1.5 centimeters) high. Nothing shall be added to the label 
    which impairs readability. Labels shall include a serialized 
    identification number; or
        (B) The label shall consist of a white truncated-circular 
    background, approximately 5 inches (12.5 centimeters) in diameter by 
    3.5 inches (8.8 centimeters) in height. The bottom edge of the 
    truncated-circular background shall be approximately 1 inch (2.5 
    centimeters) from the center. The acronym ``ILEV'' shall be printed on 
    the label in contrasting block capital letters at least 1 inch (2.5 
    centimeters) tall and 0.8 inches (2.0 centimeters) wide with a stroke 
    width not less than 0.3 inches (0.8 centimeters). In addition, the 
    words ``CLEAN AIR VEHICLE'' must be present in lettering no smaller 
    than 0.4 inches (1.0 centimeter) high. Nothing shall be added to the 
    label which impairs readability. Labels shall include a serialized 
    identification number.
    * * * * *
        10. Table C94-1.1 to subpart C of part 88 is revised to read as 
    Tables to Subpart C of Part 88
      Table C94-1.--Fleet Credit Table Based on Reduction in NMOG. Vehicle  
            Equivalents for Light-Duty Vehicles and Light-Duty Trucks       
           Table C94-1.1.--Credit Generation: Purchasing More Clean-Fuel Vehicles Than Required by the Mandate      
                                      LDV, LDT 6000     eq>6000 GVWR,   LDT >6000 GVWR,  LDT >6000 GVWR,   LDT >6000 
                  NMOG                GVWR, 3750 LVW 3750  >3750 ALVW 5750
                                       eq>3750 LVW    thn-eq>5750 LVW        ALVW         thn-eq>5750        ALVW   
    LEV............................           1.00             1.26             0.71             0.91           1.11
    ULEV...........................           1.20             1.54             1.00             1.26           1.56
    ZEV............................           1.43             1.83             1.43             1.83           2.23
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 96-103 Filed 1-2-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Direct final rule (DFRM).
Document Number:
This rule is effective March 4, 1996 unless notice is received by February 2, 1996 that adverse or critical comments will be submitted on a specific element of this rule. EPA will publish a timely document in the Federal Register withdrawing that portion of the rule for which adverse comments were received.
122-128 (7 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2060-AF87: Sales Volume Limit Provisions for Small-Volume Manufacture Certification for Clean Fuel and Conventional Vehicle Conversions and Related Provisions
RIN Links:
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» Sales Volume Limit Provisions for Small-Volume Manufacturers Certification of Clean-Fuel and Conventional Vehicle Conversions and Related Provisions
» Requirements for Determining Assigned Deterioration Factors for Alternative Fuel Vehicles, Amendments to Labelling Requirements for Inherently Low Emission Vehicles, and Related Provisions
» Standards for Emissions From Natural Gas-Fueled, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas-Fueled Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Engines, and Certification Procedures for Aftermarket Conversions
» Standards for Emissions From Natural Gas-Fueled, and Liquefied Petroleum Gas-Fueled Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Engines, and Certification Procedures for Aftermarket Conversion Hardware
CFR: (6)
40 CFR 86.094-14
40 CFR 86.1311-94
40 CFR 88.204-94
40 CFR 88.205-94
40 CFR 88.311-93
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