00-235. Visual Information Documentation Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 65, Number 3 (Wednesday, January 5, 2000)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 419-421]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 00-235]
    Department of the Air Force
    32 CFR Part 813
    RIN 0701-AA-63
    Visual Information Documentation Program
    AGENCY: Department of the Air Force, DoD.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of the Air Force is revising our rules on the 
    Visual Information Documentation Program of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations (CFRs) to reflect current policies. Part 813 (previously 
    Part 811a) implements Air Force Instruction (AFI) 33-117, Visual 
    Information Management, and applies to all Air Force activities.
    DATES: Submit comments on or before March 6, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: Mr. Raymond Dabney, HQ AFCIC/ITSM, 1250 Air Force Pentagon, 
    Washington, DC 20330-1250, 703-588-6136.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of the Air Force is revising 
    Part 813, previously 32 CFR 811a, to reflect current policies. This 
    part implements AFI 33-117, Visual Information Management, and applies 
    to all Air Force activities.
    List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 813
        Archives and records, Motion pictures.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Department of the 
    Air Force is proposing to amend 32 CFR chapter VII by redesignating 
    part 811a as part 813 and revising it to read as follows:
    813.1  Purpose of the visual information documentation (VIDOC) 
    813.2  Sources of VIDOC.
    813.3  Responsibilities.
    813.4  Combat camera operations.
    813.5  Shipping or transmitting visual information documentation 
    813.6  Planning and requesting combat documentation.
    813.7  Readiness reporting.
        Authority: 10 U.S.C. 8013
    Sec. 813.1  Purpose of the visual information documentation (VIDOC) 
        Using various visual and audio media, the Air Force VIDOC program 
    records important Air Force operations, historical events, and 
    activities for use as decision making and communicative tools. VIDOC of 
    Air Force combat operations is called COMCAM documentation.
    Sec. 813.2  Sources of VIDOC.
        (a) Primary sources of VIDOC materials include:
        (1) HQ AMC active and reserve combat camera (COMCAM) forces, both 
    ground and aerial, whose primary goal is still and motion media 
    documentation of Air Force and air component combat and combat support 
    operations, and related peacetime activities such as humanitarian 
    actions, exercises, readiness tests, and operations.
        (2) Visual information forces and combat documentation capabilities 
    from other commands: HQs ACC, AETC, AFRES, and AFSPACECOM.
        (3) Communications squadron base visual information centers 
    [[Page 420]]
        (4) Air Digital Recorder (ADR) images from airborne imagery 
    systems, such as heads up displays, radar scopes, and images from 
    electro-optical sensors carried aboard aircraft and weapons systems.
        (5) Photography of Air Force Research, Development, Test & 
    Evaluation (RDT&E) activities, including high speed still and motion 
    media optical instrumentation.
        (b) [Reserved]
    Sec. 813.3  Responsibilities.
        (a) HQ AFCIC/ITSM:
        (1) Sets Air Force VIDOC policy.
        (2) Oversees United States Air Force (USAF) COMCAM programs and 
    combat readiness.
        (3) Makes sure Air Force participates in joint actions by 
    coordinating with the Office of the Secretary of Defense staff, Joint 
    Chiefs of Staff (JCS), executive departments, and other branches of the 
    United States Government.
        (4) Approves use of Air Force COMCAM forces in non-Air Force 
        (b) Air components:
        (1) Manage air component COMCAN and visual information support 
    within their areas of responsibility. Documents significant events and 
    operations for theater and national-level use.
        (2) Sets requirements for COMCAM and VI support. Includes 
    requirements in operations plans (OPLAN) force lists, concept plans 
    (CONPLAN), operations orders (OPORD), and similar documents. See Air 
    Force Manual (AFMAN) 10-401, Operation Plan and Concept Plan 
    Development and Implementation.
        (3) Coordinate with MAJCOM VI managers to plan and source VIDOC 
    forces for war, contingencies, and exercises.
        (4) Provide input (VI and COMCAM requirements) to HQ AMC/SCMV, 203 
    West Losey Street, Room 3180, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5223, as required to 
    develop the annual VI Exercise Support Plan. Include requirements to 
    exercise VI forces to refine operational procedures and meet defined 
        (c) HQ AMC:
        (1) Provides primary Air Force ADR theater support to the air 
    component commanders.
        (2) Maintains a deployable theater support Unified Transportation 
    Command (UTC) to manage ADR requirements above the aviation wing level. 
    This includes the gathering, editing, copying, and distribution of ADR 
    images from combat aviation squadrons for operational analysis, bomb 
    damage assessment, collateral intelligence, training, historical, 
    public affairs, and other needs.
        (3) Sets combat training standards and develops programs for all 
    Air Force COMCAM personnel (includes both formal classroom and field 
    readiness training).
        (4) Coordinates and meets COMCAM needs in war, operations, and 
    concept plans.
        (5) Provides the Air Force's primary COMCAM capability and assists 
    air components and joint commands with deliberate and crisis action 
    planning for USAF's COMCAM assets.
        (6) Provides component and theater commands COMCAM planning 
    assistance and expertise for contingencies, humanitarian actions, 
    exercises, and combat operations.
        (7) Acts as manpower and equipment force packaging (MEFPAK) manager 
    for COMCAM UTCs.
        (8) Funds HQ AMC COMCAM personnel and equipment for contingency or 
    wartime deployments. (The requester funds temporary duty and supply 
    costs for planned events, such as non-JCS exercises and competitions.)
        (9) Develops and monitors the annual Air Force-wide VI Exercise 
    Support Plan for the Air Staff, with assistance from air components and 
    supporting MAJCOMs. (Use criteria contained in Sec. 813.4(e)(1) and 
    provide equitable deployment opportunity for tasked commands' VI 
        (d) MAJCOM VI managers:
        (1) Plan and set policy for documenting activities of operational, 
    historical, public affairs, or other significance within their 
        (2) Train and equip VIDOC forces to document war, contingencies, 
    major events, Air Force and joint exercises, and weapons test.
        (3) Make sure COMCAM and BVISC forces meet their wartime tasking 
    and identify and resolve deficiencies. Refer significant deficiencies 
    and problems and proposed resolution to HQ AFCIC/ITISM.
        (4) Allow documentation of significant Air Force activities and 
    events, regardless of their sensitivity or classification. Protect 
    materials as the supported command directs. Safeguard classified images 
    or handle them according to Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 
    5200.1, DoD Information Security Program, June 7, 1982, with Changes 1 
    and 2, and AFI 31-401, Information Security Program Management. The 
    authority in charge of the event or operation approves documentation 
        (5) Update UTC availability in MAJCOM information systems.
        (6) Assist Air Force Operations Group, in identifying the command's 
    capability to support COMCAM and VI requirements.
        (7) Provide inputs to HQ AMC/SCMV for the annual VI Executive 
    Support Plan for JCS exercises.
        (8) Make sure units that have deployable VI teams have Status of 
    Resources and Training System (SORTS) reportable designed operational 
    capability (DOC) statements that accurately reflect their mission and 
        (9) Develop and oversee measurements, such as operational readiness 
    inspection criteria, to evaluate VI force readiness at DOC-tasked 
    Sec. 813.4  Combat camera operations.
        (a) Air Force COMCAM forces document Air Force and air component 
        (b) The supported unified command or joint task force commander, 
    through the air component commander (when assigned), controls Air Force 
    COMCAM forces in a joint environment. If an air component is assigned, 
    the air component normally manages documentation of its operations. Air 
    Force COMCAM and visual information support for joint operations will 
    be proportionate to USAF combat force participation. In airlift 
    operations, HQ AMC may be the supported command.
        (c) During contingencies, exercises, and other operations, the Air 
    Force provides its share of Unified Command headquarters COMCAM and 
    visual information support forces for still photographic, motion media, 
    graphics, and other VI services.
        (d) COMCAM and VI forces take part in Air Force and joint exercises 
    to test procedures and over-all readiness. COMCAM and VI forces also 
    provide VI products to command, operations, public affairs, historical, 
    and other significant customers.
        (e) Sourcing COMCAM forces. See AFMAN 10-401 for specific 
        (1) When VI support teams are required, the lead wing's VI UTC 
    deploys as primary, whenever possible. If lead wing VI support is not 
    available, the providing command sources the requirement from other 
    active or reserve component forces, or coordinates with other MAJCOMs 
    for assistance.
        (2) Air Force VI personnel who assist supported commands in 
    determining COMCAM and VI requirements and sourcing consider the total 
    USAF VI community as a resource. Planners consider employing USAF 
    deployable VI support teams, augmentation combat documentation teams 
    from AFSPACECOM, AETC, and ACC, as well as active and reserve COMCAM 
    [[Page 421]]
    Sec. 813.5  Shipping or transmitting visual information documentation 
        (a) COMCAM images. Send COMCAM images to the DoD Joint Combat 
    Camera Center, Room 5A518, Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-3000, by the 
    fastest means possible, following the approval procedures that on-scene 
    and theater commanders set.
        (b) Other non-COMCAM images. After use, send significant non-COMCAM 
    images to the appropriate DoD media records center through the Air 
    Force record center accessioning point.
        (c) Identification of VIDOC materials. Clearly identify all VIDOC 
    and COMCAM material with slates, captions, and cover stories.
    Sec. 813.6  Planning and requesting combat documentation.
        (a) Planned combat documentation. Air components identify 
    documentation needs as early as possible in OPLANs, CONPLANs, and 
    OPORDs and sent copies of these plans to HQ AMC/SCMV, 203 West Losey 
    Street, Room 3180, Scott AFB, IL 62225-5223. Include the contact for 
    planning and support.
        (b) MAJCOMS may request that HQ AMC document their activities. Send 
    information copies of requests to HQ AFCIC/ITSM, 1250 Air Force 
    Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1250, and HQ AMC/SCMV. When a supporting 
    component command operationally controls HQ AMC COMCAM units, other 
    organizations that need support must coordinate requests with the 
    supported command.
        (c) Unplanned combat documentation. Send short notice requests to 
    the supported operational commander as soon as possible, with 
    information copies to HQ AFCIC/ITSM and HQ AMC/SCMO. Identify end 
    product requirements, media formats, and deadlines.
        (d) Humanitarian, disaster relief, and contingencies. Theater 
    commanders normally task the supporting component through the Joint 
    Operation Planning and Execution System, that in turn, requests support 
    from HQ AMC. HQ USAF can directly task HQ AMC to document humanitarian, 
    disaster relief, or contingency activities if it does not receive other 
    tasking(s). In these cases, coordinate with the supported unified 
    Sec. 813.7  Readiness reporting.
        All Air Force units assigned a DOC statement report readiness 
    status through the SORTS process. See AFI 10-201, Status of Resources 
    and Training System, for specific information and reporting criteria.
    Janet A. Long,
    Air Force Federal Register Liaison Officer.
    [FR Doc. 00-235 Filed 1-4-00; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 5001-05-U

Document Information

Air Force Department
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Submit comments on or before March 6, 2000.
419-421 (3 pages)
0701-AA63: Visual Information Documentation Program
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