99-26848. Fire Protection Measures for Towing Vessels  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 201 (Tuesday, October 19, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 56257-56269]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-26848]
    Coast Guard
    46 CFR Part 27
    RIN 2115-AF66
    Fire Protection Measures for Towing Vessels
    AGENCY: Coast Guard, DOT.
    ACTION: Interim rule with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: This interim rule implements measures for the early detection 
    and control of fires on towing vessels. These measures increase the 
    chances of fighting a fire with early warnings and better 
    communications, and controlling the fire with shut-off valves and 
    training and drills. The rule should decrease the number and severity 
    of injuries to vessels' crews, prevent damage to vessels, structures 
    and other property, and reduce the likelihood of a tank barge's 
    drifting, grounding, and ultimately spilling its cargo.
    DATES: Effective Date: This interim rule is effective January 19, 2000.
        Comment Date: Comments must reach the Docket Management Facility on 
    or before December 20, 1999.
        The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in 
    the rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register on January 
    19, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: You may submit your comments and material by mail, hand 
    delivery, fax, or electronic means to the Docket Management Facility at 
    the address under ADDRESSES; but please submit your comments and 
    material by only one of the following methods:
        1. By mail to the Docket Management Facility (USCG-1998-4445), U.S. 
    Department of Transportation , room PL-401, 400 Seventh Street SW., 
    Washington, DC 20590-0001.
        2. By hand delivery to room PL-401 on the Plaza level of the Nassif 
    Building, 400 Seventh Street SW., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 
    p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    [[Page 56258]]
    The telephone number is 202-366-9329.
        3. By fax to Docket Management Facility at 202-493-2251.
        4. Electronically through the Web Site for the Docket Management 
    System at http://dms.dot.gov.
        The Docket Management Facility maintains the public docket for this 
    rulemaking. Comments, and documents as indicated in this preamble other 
    than material proposed for incorporation by reference, will become part 
    of this docket and will be available for inspection or copying at room 
    PL-401 on the Plaza level of the Nassif Building at the same address 
    between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal 
    holidays. You may also access this docket on the Internet at http://
        The material incorporated by reference is available for inspection 
    at room 1308, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second Street SW., 
    Washington, DC 20593-0001 between 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., Monday through 
    Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone number is 202-267-1444.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions on this rule, contact 
    Randall Eberly, P. E., Office of Design and Engineering Standards (G-
    MSE), Coast Guard, telephone 202-267-1861, electronic mail 
    Reberly@comdt.uscg.mil. For questions on viewing or submitting material 
    to the docket, contact Dorothy Walker, Chief, Dockets, Department of 
    Transportation, telephone 202-366-9329.
    Request for Comments
        The Coast Guard encourages you to participate in this rulemaking by 
    submitting comments and related material. If you do so, please include 
    your name and address, identify the docket number for this rulemaking 
    (USCG-1998-4445), indicate the specific section of this document to 
    which each comment applies, and give the reason for each comment. If 
    you submit comments by mail or hand delivery, submit them in an unbound 
    format, no larger than 8\1/2\ by 11 inches, suitable for copying and 
    electronic filing. If you submit them by mail and would like to know 
    they reached the Facility, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed 
    postcard or envelope. We will consider all comments and material 
    received during the comment period. We may change this interim rule in 
    view of the comments.
    Public Meeting
        We do not now plan to hold a public meeting. But you may request 
    one by submitting a request to the Docket Management Facility at the 
    address under ADDRESSES explaining why one would be beneficial. If we 
    determine that one would aid this rulemaking, we will hold one at a 
    time and place announced by a later notice in the Federal Register.
    Background and Purpose
        On January 19, 1996, the tugboat SCANDIA, with the tank barge NORTH 
    CAPE in tow, caught fire five miles off the coast of Rhode Island. 
    Crewmembers could not control the fire and, without power, they were 
    unable to prevent the barge carrying 4 million gallons of oil from 
    grounding and spilling about a quarter of its contents into the coastal 
    waters. The NORTH CAPE spill led Congress to add, by Sec. 902 of the 
    1996 Coast Guard Authorization Act (Pub. L. 104-324) (the Authorization 
    Act), a new subsection, (f), to 46 U.S.C. 4102, to permit the Secretary 
    of Transportation--``in consultation with the Towing Safety Advisory 
    Committee'' (TSAC)--to require fire-suppression measures on all towing 
    vessels. We published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on safety 
    of towing vessels and tank barges [CGD 97-064] [RIN 2115-AF-53] on 
    October 6, 1997 (62 FR 52057).
    Statutory Mandate
        Section 902 of the Authorization Act gave the Coast Guard the 
    authority to require ``the installation, maintenance, and use of a fire 
    suppression system or other measures * * * on board towing vessels.'' 
    However, for vessels that tow non-self-propelled tank vessels, the 
    Authorization Act did not just give the Coast Guard the authority; it 
    mandated that the Coast Guard develop these requirements. The 
    requirements that the Coast Guard is establishing in this rule are 
    based, in part, on recommendations from the TSAC.
    Regulatory Approach
    New Fire Protection Rules Apply to Most Towing Vessels
        This interim rule prescribes that most towing vessels must be 
    fitted with--
         General alarms,
         Engine-room fire detection systems,
         Internal communication systems, and,
         Remote fuel-shutoff valves.
    Furthermore, fire-fighting drills must be conducted and training 
    requirements need to be established for crews on towing vessels.
        Towing vessels that engage only in assistance towing, pollution 
    response, or fleeting duties are exempted from the measures included in 
    this IR. This rule applies to all other towing vessels, not just those 
    over a certain length or those that tow non-self-propelled tank 
    vessels. Owners of existing towing vessels have until January 19, 2000, 
    to install the required equipment. There were 155 reported fires on 
    towing vessels from 1992-1996, and many of them occurred in the engine 
    room. Each of these fires was a potential danger to the crew or 
    obstruction to maritime commerce, and each resulted in property damage. 
    Many of these fires resulted in a total constructive loss of the 
    vessel, and several required the use of outside resources to bring 
    under control. Also, the TSAC recommended that we apply this rule to 
    towing vessels regardless of service so operators could maintain 
    flexibility over the cargoes that they may tow.
        The TSAC recommended that we apply this rule only to vessels at 
    least 12 meters in length. Limiting application of this rule to those 
    vessels, however, would not meet the intent of the mandate in the 
    Authorization Act, which did not distinguish among vessels by length. 
    The Act mandated the installation of fire-suppression measures on 
    vessels that tow non-self-propelled tank vessels (barges); vessels that 
    are less than 12 meters in length could be and often are engaged in 
    towing such barges. Also, the Coast Guard is concerned that a fire that 
    results in loss of propulsion and navigation capability could occur on 
    any towing vessel, regardless of length.
    Requirement for a Fire-Suppression System
        This interim rule does not implement any requirements for fixed 
    fire-suppression systems on towing vessels. In the NPRM, we expressed 
    our position that gaseous suppression systems may not be effective on 
    certain existing vessels. Those systems need relatively airtight 
    enclosures to maintain extinguishing concentrations. Many existing 
    towing vessels are constructed with engine rooms that would not be 
    sufficiently airtight. Because of this possible constraint on the 
    application of total-flooding systems to existing vessels, we proposed 
    a combination of early-warning fire-detection systems, semi-portable 
    fire extinguishers, fixed or portable fire pumps, and crew training as 
    alternative means of fire protection. During the comment period for the 
    NPRM, we received numerous comments critical of these alternative 
    measures. Many of the comments felt that the measures did not meet the 
    intent of the Authorization Act, because they would not require total-
    flooding fire-extinguishing systems. Further, the
    [[Page 56259]]
    comments felt that the measures did not consider vessels' 
    characteristics, methods of operation, and nature of service, nor did 
    they differentiate between ocean-going tugboats and inland towboats. We 
    have carefully considered these comments and have decided to implement 
    the lower cost, non-controversial measures in this interim rule, while 
    we continue our review of the other measures. The rule reflects a 
    number of limited changes based on public comments and are discussed 
    below. It drops the sections of the proposed rule that concerned manual 
    fire-fighting and fixed fire-extinguishing systems, to allow additional 
    consideration and comment under a separate Supplemental Notice of 
    Proposed Rulemaking (SNPRM) on fire-suppression systems and other 
    measures for towing vessels [CGD 97-064] [RIN 2115-AF-53].
    Discussion of Comments and Changes
        The Coast Guard received a total of 54 documents containing 208 
    comments to the public docket of the NPRM on Towing Vessel Safety. 
    Comments consisted of letters to the docket and remarks at the public 
    meetings in St. Louis, MO and Newport, RI. The 67 comments relating to 
    systems for anchoring and barge retrieval were addressed in a separate 
    rulemaking [63 FR 71754; Dec. 30, 1998] on emergency control measures 
    for tank barges (USCG 1998-4443). The remaining 141 comments were 
    concerned with suppressing and fighting fires. All comments concerning 
    fixed fire-suppression systems, fire pumps, fire hoses and hydrants, or 
    semi-portable fire extinguishers will be addressed in the SNPRM on fire 
    suppression. Comments on other issues of fire protection raised in the 
    NPRM are addressed in this interim rule. The following paragraphs 
    summarize the comments and explain any changes made to the proposed 
    rules for fire protection.
    1. General
        Eleven comments stated that the proposed rule would not meet the 
    intent of the Authorization Act, because it would not require total-
    flooding fire-extinguishing systems for all towing vessels, or at least 
    not for all towing vessels used to transport oil and other hazardous 
    substances. Additionally, the proposed rule does not consider vessel 
    characteristics, methods of operation, or nature of service, nor does 
    it differentiate between ocean-going tugboats and inland towboats.
        Our proposed rule would have established minimum criteria for 
    manual fire-fighting equipment and for the training of crews on all 
    towing vessels. Many of the public comments were critical of this 
    approach. Their primary concern was for the safety of the crewmembers 
    expected to fight the fires. Other comments noted that the greatest 
    fire hazard on towing vessels is an engine-room fire caused by a fuel 
    leak. Unless fire-fighting equipment used to fight an engine-room fire 
    is installed in a protected location away from the engine room, it 
    could be damaged by a fire. Fire pumps and generators used to power the 
    fire pumps are generally located in the engine room. Aboard many towing 
    vessels, there is no other space where they could be installed. The 
    same concern was expressed about the location of the semi-portable fire 
    extinguisher that we proposed. Many of the commenters felt that manual 
    fire-fighting equipment would meet with limited success on an engine-
    room fire, unless self-contained breathing apparatus and personal 
    protective gear (which the NPRM did not propose) were provided to the 
    crew. Even then, the effectiveness of manual fire-fighting equipment 
    would be limited in contrast to that of fixed fire-suppression systems. 
    We are reconsidering the application of fixed fire-suppression systems 
    and semi-portable fire extinguishers to all vessels. We will revisit 
    these in the SNPRM.
        One comment requested that we amend the proposed rule to require 
    that all towing vessels transporting oil or other hazardous cargoes 
    comply with the same standards for construction and safety applied to 
    self-propelled tank vessels (46 CFR Subchapter D). It urged that 
    criteria for construction, manning, and inspection are essential to 
    ensure the safe transport of hazardous cargoes. The proposed rule would 
    not go far enough, it held, in applying rules on fire and safety to 
    towing vessels. Such a change is outside the scope of this rulemaking, 
    and we did not incorporate it.
        One comment indicated that many operating vessels already have 
    systems for fire detection, fire extinguishing, general alarm, and 
    internal communication that are functional but that would not meet the 
    approval criteria in the proposed rule. The comment argued that such 
    existing equipment should be accepted, as is. We note the concerns of 
    this comment and have partially incorporated them in this interim rule. 
    Existing fire-detection systems that use Underwriters Laboratory (UL), 
    Inc.-listed components, and are installed according to specific 
    criteria (listed in Secs. 27.210 and 27.310), will now be accepted. We 
    will require that vessel owners have documentation from a Registered 
    Professional Engineer or a recognized classification society (under 46 
    CFR part 8) certifying that existing fire-detection systems satisfy our 
    criteria. Existing systems for general alarm and internal communication 
    need not meet any approval criteria. They need only be capable of 
    functioning as stated in this rule. Existing fire-extinguishing systems 
    will be the subjects of the SNPRM.
        One comment felt that the proposed requirements for towing vessels 
    are overly restrictive when compared to the requirements for other 
    types of vessels. The comment recommended that we change the proposed 
    rule to mandate a fire prevention program in conjunction with standards 
    for housekeeping and preventive maintenance as a substitute for the 
    proposed systems for detecting and extinguishing fires. We do not agree 
    with this comment. The administrative controls that the comment 
    recommends are one element of successful fire protection. The proposed 
    controls alone do not provide an adequate level of fire protection. The 
    incidence and consequences of potential fires cannot be realistically 
    predicted. Our rule, therefore, requires the set of equipment necessary 
    to provide a minimum level of protection against possible fires.
        One comment expressed concern that a vessel without an auxiliary 
    generator could not provide electrical power for a fire pump. We note 
    this concern and will address it further in the SNPRM.
        Several comments requested that vessels, 12 meters or less in 
    length, should be exempted from the proposed rule. We do not agree with 
    these comments. As we previously stated (in the preamble to the NPRM), 
    this would not meet the intent of the Authorization Act, because the 
    Act does not vary its applicability based on vessel length. We are 
    concerned about possible fires on any towing vessel regardless of its 
        Several comments stated that the proposed rule should not apply to 
    all towing vessels, but should apply only to towing vessels used to 
    transport oil and other hazardous substances. We noted in the NPRM our 
    concern about possible fires on any towing vessel--regardless of 
    service or materials transported. The rule, as proposed, is intended to 
    provide a minimum level of fire protection for all towing vessels. As 
    previously noted, the requirements for fixed fire-extinguishing systems 
    in the engine rooms of towing vessels remain under review. The SNPRM 
    will consider the need for fixed extinguishing systems, taking into 
    account the service of the
    [[Page 56260]]
    vessel as well as the hazard level of the cargoes being transported.
        One comment suggested that we require emergency lighting in the 
    engine room. We agree in principle with the comment that emergency 
    lighting may enhance access to the engine room during an emergency. 
    However, we have not amended the proposed rule to require this. We 
    expect that most towing vessels carry battery-powered flashlights and 
    portable lanterns that are used daily. If so, it is a reasonable 
    expectation that these lights would work when needed. We expect that 
    these portable lights would be sufficient for use in emergencies.
        Several comments expressed the view that the crew should not have 
    to perform as a fire brigade. They said that this would unnecessarily 
    expose the crew to danger. Instead, they felt that a more prudent 
    approach would be to abandon the vessel, or to rely on fixed fire-
    suppression equipment. We note this concern and will address it further 
    in the SNPRM.
        One comment recommended that we extend the implementation date for 
    the installation of the required fire-protection equipment. This would 
    allow vessel operators the option of installing the required equipment 
    at the next scheduled yard date rather than within the specified two-
    year period. The comment notes that, if all operators are required to 
    install the fire-protection equipment during the same two-year cycle, 
    suppliers of the equipment will face a backlog of orders that could 
    prevent timely completion of the installations. We do not agree with 
    the comment. The proposed two-year limit for complying, in conjunction 
    with the time taken to complete the rulemaking, affords existing towing 
    vessel operators more than ample opportunity to order and install the 
    required equipment.
    2. Definitions
        One comment suggested that definitions of several terms were needed 
    to clearly understand the proposed rule. The unclear terms were 
    operating station, accommodation space, contact maker, fire-detection 
    system, pitot-tube pressure, working area, and machinery space. We 
    agree with this comment. We discuss the term fire-detection system 
    further within the sections of the rules that apply to it. The term 
    pitot-tube pressure no longer pertains to this rule. A contact maker is 
    a type of switch; specifications for one are described in 46 CFR 
    113.25-11. We have added the remainder of the terms to the list of 
    definitions in Sec. 27.101. To avoid confusion, we have replaced the 
    term machinery space used in the proposed rule with the term engine 
    room in all parts of the interim rule.
    3. General Alarm
        One comment expressed the opinion that a general alarm should not 
    be required on a small vessel, because the crew could communicate by 
    voice or by sounding the vessel's horn. We disagree. The primary goal 
    of the proposed rule was to ensure that a distinctive emergency signal 
    would be installed on each towing vessel, to quickly alert the crew of 
    fire or other emergency. A vessel's horn regularly sounds for non-
    emergencies. A crewmember's voice may not be clearly heard or 
    understood over engine-room noise, resulting in mistaken or delayed 
    fire-fighting. The general alarm that we require is a universally 
    recognized signal for the crew to respond to their assigned emergency 
        Several comments felt that Secs. 27.205(a)(4) and proposed 
    27.305(a)(3), here 27.305(a)(4), should require monthly instead of 
    weekly testing of the general alarm. Again, we disagree. The general 
    alarm is an emergency safety system; as such, it must be functional at 
    all times. Weekly testing of the alarm is consistent with our rules for 
    inspected vessels and provides a high degree of confidence that the 
    alarm will operate when needed.
        A number of comments did not understand our intent, or they 
    disagreed with our proposed rule, for the design of the general alarm 
    stated in Secs. 27.205 and 27.305. A particular concern was the 
    requirement to install visible warning devices in all areas on new 
    vessels. Many comments felt that a standardized general alarm should be 
    required, with audible alarms placed throughout the vessel, including 
    supplemental visible alarms in areas with high levels of background 
    noise. Upon further review of the proposed rule, we agree that the two 
    systems could be misinterpreted in their existing form. We have 
    rewritten them to clarify the requirements and have modified them to 
    make them consistent for both existing and new vessels. This change 
    deletes the requirement for general alarms on new vessels to be both 
    audible and visible. This rule requires that all general alarms consist 
    of audible warnings located so they can be heard throughout the vessel. 
    It also requires that, in areas where it may be difficult to hear those 
    warnings, supplemental visible warnings must be installed. This change 
    should ensure that a universal warning is in place on both new and 
    existing vessels. Uniform general alarms will prevent confusion among 
    crewmembers that may transfer between different vessels.
    4. Fire Detection
        One comment requested that we change Secs. 27.210 and 27.310 to 
    exempt small vessels from the requirement to install fire-detection 
    systems. The comment felt that a crew could provide a fire watch and 
    sound an alarm by voice or by sounding a vessel's horn. We do not 
    agree. The goal of the proposed rule was to ensure that a dedicated, 
    reliable system would be installed aboard towing vessels, to provide 
    early warning of fires. An approved fire-detection system provides 
    continuous surveillance of the protected area. Reliance on crewmembers 
    that may be distracted or busy performing assigned duties does not 
    provide an equivalent level of protection.
        Another comment noted that the proposed rule would have required an 
    approved fire-detection system but not the maintenance or testing of 
    the system. We agree with this observation, and Secs. 27.210(b) and 
    27.310(b) will require the maintenance and testing of the system 
    according to the manufacturer's instruction manual.
        Several comments said that Secs. 27.210 and 27.310 contain 
    insufficient design criteria to let the public develop realistic cost 
    estimates for the proposed fire-detection systems. We disagree with 
    this observation. Manufacturers provided us with basic information on 
    costs of their systems. We recognize that each vessel may have unique 
    configurations that could alter the final cost of its system. However, 
    we believe that this rulemaking contains adequate information to allow 
    the development of reasonable estimates of cost.
        Numerous comments regarded the design basis of the proposed fire-
    detection systems. Several noted that many existing vessels currently 
    have systems that comply with NFPA 72, which is the shore-based 
    criterion for such systems. But NFPA 72 allows the spacing of heat 
    detectors at much greater distances than the 3 meters (10 feet) that 
    proposed Secs. 27.210(b) and 27.310(b) would have required. Since the 
    existing systems may not have their detectors spaced at 3-meter 
    intervals, these systems would have to be replaced. The comments 
    suggested that, for this and other technical reasons, we should accept 
    existing systems that comply with NFPA 72. We agree. Existing systems 
    that are certified to be UL-listed and are installed under specific 
    criteria listed in Secs. 27.210 and 27.310 will be accepted. The 
    standard of 3-meter spacing drops from the rule.
    [[Page 56261]]
        Another group of comments expressed related concerns with the 
    proposed 3-meter standard for the placement of fire detectors on the 
    overhead of the engine room. The comments suggested that fire detectors 
    located there at 3-meter intervals might not be adequate to protect 
    against all hazards. They suggested, as an alternative, a combination 
    of heat and smoke detectors located on the overhead and at lower 
    levels, near obvious hazards such as main engines or generators. 
    Several of the group felt that the rule should allow heat detectors, 
    smoke detectors, a combination of heat and smoke detectors, or a 
    continuously manned engine room. We partially agree with these 
    comments. We have changed the rule to allow fire-detection systems to 
    comply with design criteria of the Coast Guard (listed in Secs. 27.210 
    and 27.310) or with NFPA 72. These systems may use heat detectors, 
    smoke detectors, or a combination of the two. We do not, however, 
    consider a continuously manned engine room an acceptable substitute for 
    any such system. The attention of the personnel on duty in the engine 
    room might be focused on routine tasks or maintenance. Because of these 
    parallel duties, the engineers might not immediately notice incipient 
    fires. Even a continuously manned engine room must have a fire-
    detection system to ensure the needed level of safety.
        Several comments concerned proposed Secs. 27.210(f) and 27.310(f), 
    which would have required that the fire-detection system not be used 
    for any other purpose. The comments stated that the rule should let the 
    system be connected to the automation or other monitoring system of the 
    engine room. We disagree. The connection of non-emergency equipment to 
    the fire-detection system introduces a potential for spurious 
    electrical faults to damage the system; this could decrease the 
    reliability of the system. This rule accepts fire-detection systems 
    approved by the Coast Guard or listed by UL only for service as fire 
    alarms. If other devices are connected to fire-alarm panels, then there 
    is no way of ensuring that alarms will perform as necessary.
    5. Internal Communications
        One comment expressed the opinion that internal communication 
    systems are not needed on small vessels, because the crew could 
    communicate by voice. We agree with this comment. In response, we have 
    changed the interim rule to allow internal communication requirements 
    similar to those listed in 46 CFR part 184 of Subchapter T and 46 CFR 
    part 121 of Subchapter K. To be consistent with other provisions of the 
    existing regulations, this exemption will also apply to twin-screw 
    vessels with operating station control for both engines. Subchapters T 
    and K regulations leave the determination of acceptable arrangements on 
    small vessels up to the local Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection. 
    Towing vessels are not normally subject to the jurisdiction of the 
    local inspector; thus alternate performance criteria are listed in the 
    rule. Changes to the rule will allow small vessels, where the operating 
    station, control station, and the propulsion engine room are 
    sufficiently close together, to use direct voice communication instead 
    of an internal communication system. For the purpose of this 
    regulation, we feel that the separation criterion ``sufficiently 
    close'' is satisfied, if the crew is able to maintain unobstructed 
    visual contact and the separation distance between the operating 
    station and the engine room access door does not exceed 3 meters (10 
        Another comment requested clarification of proposed Secs. 27.215(a) 
    and 27.315(a) regarding the necessary degree of independence for the 
    system. It asked whether the system needs to be electrically and 
    physically isolated from the vessel's electrical system. It also 
    suggested that battery-powered public-address (PA) systems or portable 
    VHF radios should fulfill this requirement on both existing and new 
    vessels. We agree with this comment, and have changed the sections 
    accordingly. Our intent here is to ensure the presence of a reliable 
    system, one that will continue to operate even if the vessel's 
    electrical power fails or shuts down. We regard either an installed PA 
    system with backup power from batteries, or hand-held VHF radios, as 
    meeting these criteria. It is not necessary for the system to be 
    completely distinct from the vessel's electrical system. Our intent is 
    to ensure there is a source of power for the communication system that 
    does not depend on the towing vessel's electrical system.
        One comment recommended that we require the systems for internal 
    communication to be intrinsically safe. We do not agree. The system is 
    to allow contact between the engine room and the operating station. 
    Neither of these areas is a hazardous location where specialized 
    electrical equipment must be installed.
    6. Fire Pumps, Fire Main, and Fire Hose
        Numerous comments concerned the proposed rule for fire pumps, 
    hydrants, and hoses. Many of the comments wondered how an installed 
    fire pump could be of any use in combating an engine-room fire if it or 
    its source of power were located in the engine room. Others noted that 
    the requirement for a portable pump made sense in part precisely 
    because the pump would not be affected by an engine-room fire, but 
    noted further that it would be extremely difficult to effectively 
    deploy and start the pump in an emergency. Many others suggested that 
    manual fire-fighting in an engine room would be very difficult for 
    crewmembers not trained as professional fire fighters. Because of these 
    comments critical of the proposed rule, we are reserving all sections 
    of the proposed rule that pertain to manual fire-fighting for further 
    consideration in the SNPRM. This may reduce or remove the proposed rule 
    for manual fire-fighting equipment if our further consideration 
    concludes that fixed extinguishing systems or other measures offer a 
    more effective means of suppressing engine-room fires aboard towing 
    7. Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
        One comment noted that proposed Sec. 27.325 would have allowed the 
    operator of a new towing vessel 24 meters in length or longer to 
    install either a semi-portable fire extinguisher or a fixed fire-
    extinguishing system. The comment expressed the view that, on new 
    vessels, fixed systems should be required. That was our intent with the 
    NPRM; only through a typographical error did the proposed rule state 
    that the installation of either type of system was acceptable. A 
    corrective notice [62 FR 60939] published on November 13, 1997, made 
    this clear: The proposed rule should have stated that both a semi-
    portable extinguisher and a fixed system would be required. We have 
    decided, however, to reserve this section for the SNPRM.
        Numerous comments concerning the proposed requirements for semi-
    portable fire extinguishers took a different view. Several felt that no 
    extinguisher should be located in the engine room, to prevent it from 
    being damaged during a fire. Others stated that several small 
    extinguishers would be more effective than one large one. In response 
    to the comments we received on the issue of manual versus fixed fire 
    extinguishing, we have decided to reserve this section as well. It, 
    too, will receive further consideration in the SNPRM.
    8. Fuel Shutoffs
        Several comments requested that we change the requirements for fuel 
    shutoffs proposed in Sec. 27.340(f). Many suggested that we allow, for 
    [[Page 56262]]
    vessels, remote engine shutdown instead of remote fuel shutoff. A 
    contrary comment recommended that we not allow the remote engine 
    shutdown on existing vessels and that, for effective extinguishing of 
    the fire, we instead require only remote fuel shutoffs in all cases. 
    The comments favoring remote engine shutdowns noted that, if a vessel 
    with multiple engines experienced an engine fire, a fuel shutoff would 
    disable all of the engines, reducing maneuvering flexibility. Some of 
    these reasoned that, if all vessels had remote engine shutdowns instead 
    of remote fuel shutoffs, only the affected engine would need to be 
    stopped, so the remaining engine could be used to safely maneuver the 
    vessel. Others observed that, if a diesel engine were stopped by 
    shutting off its fuel supply, it could not be easily restarted, and 
    would require a shore-based mechanic to repair. We do not agree with 
    the comments that a remote fuel shutoff should be optional; we agree 
    with the comment that one should be required on every vessel and have 
    changed the rule accordingly. As the preamble to the NPRM noted, a fuel 
    shutoff is the preferred means of protection. It allows the crew to 
    stop the flow of fuel into the engine room from the fuel tanks, but 
    need not be immediately closed. Moreover, on a vessel with multiple 
    engines, a fuel shutoff could be installed on the fuel line to each 
    engine. A remote engine shutdown, by contrast, leaves no way to stop 
    the flow of fuel into the engine room if a fuel line or fitting is 
    damaged. Fire fighting must be coordinated with the operation of the 
    vessel and must also be tailored to the situation as it unfolds. 
    Ordinarily, the master decides when to close the fuel shutoff. 
    Emergency maneuvering could occur when conditions allowed. In addition, 
    the engines could be stopped by normal means before the fuel shutoff is 
    operated, to help prevent complications with restart. Effective fire-
    fighting will require the ability to shut off the gravity flow of fuel 
    into the engine room regardless of the method used to extinguish the 
    fire (manual or fixed). Remote engine shutdowns will not afford this 
        One group of comments requested that we change proposed 
    Sec. 27.340(f) to require the fuel shutoff only on the main engine(s). 
    They noted that a complete fuel shutoff would stop the auxiliary 
    generator, which in turn would disable the electric fire pump. Others 
    asked whether we would require remote fuel shutoffs for every fuel 
    line. Our response is yes; fires involving the main engine are not the 
    only hazard that we are concerned about. Auxiliary engines such as 
    diesel generators could also suffer fires related to fuel systems. The 
    proposed rule clearly stated, and this interim rule clearly states, 
    that any fuel line that could be subjected to internal head pressure 
    from fuel in a tank must be fitted with a remotely-operated positive-
    shutoff valve. Several options exist for the arrangement of the valve. 
    The valve can be located at the main-tank discharge, upstream of any 
    fuel-line branches. If this valve closes, then the flow of all 
    combustible fuel to the engine room stops. Operators of vessels with 
    multiple engines or auxiliaries do not have to install single valves to 
    stop the flow of fuel from the main tanks; they may install multiple 
    valves such that selected engines can continue running during a fire, 
    if conditions permit.
    9. Fire Axes
        Several comments asked about our reasoning for requiring a fire axe 
    in Sec. 27.235. Fire axes are used for forcible entry and for salvage 
    and overhaul. A pick-headed fire axe can help open burning insulation 
    and lagging or storage cabinets to ensure that all local hot spots are 
    exposed and properly extinguished. Because the fire axe is part of the 
    previously proposed manual fire-fighting equipment, we have reserved 
    this section for further comment in the SNPRM.
    10. Muster Lists
        Several comments related to our proposed requirements for muster 
    lists. Because muster lists are an element of the proposed manual 
    method of fire-fighting, we have reserved this section for further 
    consideration in the SNPRM.
    11. Drills
        One comment recommended we require all licensed personnel on towing 
    vessels be certified as trained in fire fighting. While we agree with 
    this comment in principle, we do not intend to amend the proposed rule 
    because the benefit-cost analysis does not support such a requirement. 
    Further, changes to the requirements for licensing maritime personnel 
    are outside the scope of this rulemaking. Most persons serving on 
    towing vessels in inland or coastal service do not carry licenses that 
    require them to attend approved fire-fighting schools. Also, these 
    vessels operate where municipal fire departments may be available to 
    supplement their crews in fire fighting. Our rules require all 
    crewmembers to participate in monthly drills aboard their vessels. 
    These drills should familiarize them with the specific emergency 
    procedures and equipment aboard their vessels.
        Several comments asked that we change proposed Sec. 27.355(c) to 
    let the required fire drills and instruction be given by persons 
    licensed as operators of uninspected towing vessels (OUTVs). We agree 
    with this comment and have deleted the proposed requirements that 
    drills be conducted by a person licensed for operation of inspected 
    vessels of 100 gross tons or more.
        One comment expressed concerns regarding the proposed requirements 
    for training and drills in Sec. 27.355. The comment maintained that the 
    requirements would entail monthly drills on engine-room fires and 
    periodic training on other fire-related activities. It suggested that 
    the drills include practice in responding to different types of 
    emergencies and that training occur no more often than quarterly. We 
    feel that the comment has misinterpreted the proposed requirements. We 
    have proposed monthly drills to ensure that the crew is familiar with 
    its responsibilities during an emergency. The drills should help the 
    crew to practice locating and operating the emergency equipment. They 
    should also allow the crew to consider contingencies for responding to 
    unplanned events such as blocked access, damaged or missing equipment, 
    and search and rescue. The fire-fighting exercise in the engine room 
    (see Sec. 27.355(a)(1)) is intended to ensure crews regularly practice 
    this important evolution. We expect that the monthly drills will vary 
    to cover a variety of fires or related emergencies that could occur on 
    the vessel. Changes in the vessel's routes or cargoes may introduce 
    different scenarios or circumstances. We do not want the crew to 
    perform monthly drills responsive only to fires in the engine room. We 
    have not changed this section in response to this comment.
    12. Fuel Systems
        One comment suggested that the final rule cover fuel systems for 
    portable pumps on existing vessels. Because portable pumps are used for 
    manual fire-fighting, we have reserved treatment of this issue for the 
        One person questioned the lack of a definition of a 30-by-30-mesh 
    flame screen in Sec. 27.340(d)(1), and noted that the proposed rule did 
    not specify that the screen be corrosion-resistant. We agree that a 
    flame screen should be corrosion-resistant and have changed this rule 
    accordingly. We do not agree that further explanation of the term 30-
    by-30 mesh is warranted. This description of the flame screen is
    [[Page 56263]]
    commonly understood and is consistent with 46 CFR Subchapter F, Marine 
        Several comments noted that Sec. 27.340(c) as proposed could be 
    interpreted to prohibit portable fire pumps with gasoline-powered 
    engines. It is not our intent to prohibit the use of portable fire 
    pumps. Because portable pumps are used for manual fire-fighting, we 
    have also reserved treatment of this issue for the SNPRM.
        One comment noted that Sec. 27.340(d) as proposed would require the 
    fitting of each fuel tank with a vent pipe connected to the highest 
    point of the tank and terminating on the weather deck. The comment felt 
    that this would prevent the operator of a towing vessel from leading a 
    common vent pipe from two or more fuel tanks. This is not the intent. 
    The individual vent pipes from several fuel tanks containing liquids in 
    the same class of hazards could be connected to a header that vents on 
    the weather deck, as long as the piping arrangements and diameters were 
    adequately sized to prevent overpressuring the tanks. We have revised 
    this paragraph to prevent confusion.
        One comment asked that we clarify the proposed rule to indicate 
    that 46 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter F, Marine Engineering, does not apply 
    to towing vessels. The comment is partly correct. Subchapter F does not 
    apply to the vessels affected by this rulemaking--unless they use 
    Bunker C as a fuel source. Since this rule describes specific criteria 
    for the design and installation of fuel systems, it needs to include 
    how Bunker C is handled.
    Incorporation by Reference
        The Director of the Federal Register has approved the material in 
    Sec. 27.340, paragraphs (b), (e) and (g), for incorporation by 
    reference under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. The material is 
    available for inspection where indicated under ADDRESSES. Copies of the 
    material are available from the sources listed in those paragraphs.
    Regulatory Evaluation
        This interim rule is not a significant regulatory action under 
    section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 and does not require an 
    assessment of potential costs and benefits under section 6(a)(3) of 
    that Order. It has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and 
    Budget under that Order. However, it is significant under the 
    regulatory policies and procedures of the Department of Transportation 
    (DOT) (44 FR 11040; February 26, 1979) because of public interest 
    generated by the NPRM and the Office of the Secretary has reviewed it.
        A Regulatory Assessment under paragraph 10e of the regulatory 
    policies and procedures of DOT is available in the docket for 
    inspection or copying where indicated under ADDRESSES. A summary of the 
    Assessment follows; unless otherwise indicated, cost and benefit data 
    are expressed in end-of-year values for 1998 and reflect a 15-year 
    period of analysis.
    Summary of Benefits
        Measures published in this interim rule should yield a benefit-to-
    cost ratio of 1.3-to-1. The benefits, in the form of avoided injuries 
    as well as damage to vessels and property, are approximately $31.7 
    million. In addition, the measures are estimated to prevent 6,065 
    barrels of oil pollution. The table following this paragraph 
    illustrates the calculation of net cost-effectiveness from total 
    quantifiable costs and benefits resulting from implementation of this 
    rule. The benefits are normalized into cost-effectiveness ratios to 
    reflect the cost per unit of oil pollution averted. Here's how: The 
    total estimated dollar cost of this rule is shown on Line (1); total 
    property damage and injuries averted, a benefit expressed in dollars, 
    is shown on Line (2) and is subtracted from total dollar costs to yield 
    a net cost, which is shown on Line (3); pollution averted, which is 
    expressed in barrels of oil not spilled, is shown on Line (4); and the 
    net cost from Line (3) divided by the pollution averted benefit from 
    Line (4) to yield an expression of cost-effectiveness expressed in 
    units of net discounted dollars per discounted barrels of oil not 
    spilled appears on the bottom line. This procedure permits us to 
    compare benefits from averted pollution and property damage benefits in 
    terms of net cost-effectiveness.
           Table 1.--Fire Protection Measures for Towing Vessels: Cost
      Effectiveness Expressed in 1998 Dollars per Barrel of Oil Not Spilled
      Type of benefits and costs         Quantity              Units
    (1) Cost of this rule.........         23,559,966  Dollars (PV).
    (2) Property Damage and                31,747,815  Dollars (PV).
    (3) Net cost (1)-(2)..........         -8,187,849  Dollars (PV).
    (4) Pollution averted.........              6,065  Barrels of oil
                                                        unspilled (PV).
    Net cost effectiveness                     -1,350  Dollars per barrel
     (3)(4).                                    unspilled.
    Note: Benefits, shown on lines (2) and (4), are italicized. On the
      bottom line, net cost-effectiveness is underlined and represents a
      common expression of different benefits quantified in unlike units of
      measure. In this case, they are: Averted damage to vessels and
      equipment and injuries to crewmembers, expressed in dollars; and, Oil
      not spilled overboard into bodies of water, expressed in barrels of
      oil not spilled.
    In order to express the benefits in an expression of like units,
      benefits expressed in dollars on line (2) are subtracted from the cost
      of the rule expressed in dollars on line (1), resulting in the net
      cost of the rule on line (3). Net cost is divided by pollution
      benefits to yield an expression of net cost-effectiveness expressed in
      dollars per barrel of oil not spilled. The sign (+/-) of the net cost-
      effectiveness expression indicates the relationship between non-
      pollution benefits and the cost of the rule. If the sign is negative,
      dollar benefits exceed the cost; if it's positive, the cost of the
      rule exceeds the dollar benefit component. All cost-effectiveness
      ratios expressed in dollars per barrel of oil not spilled may be
      compared with one-another. Smaller dollar values in the numerator,
      including those with negative signs, signify greater cost-
        The principal benefit of this rule is protection against oil spills 
    and property damage that may result when a fire causes a towing vessel 
    to lose control over the tank barge it is towing, permitting the barge 
    to run aground. Quantifiable benefits accrue from averted pollution 
    measured in barrels of oil not spilled and averted damage to property 
    such as vessels and machinery, measured in dollars.
        To construct the benefits analysis, the Coast Guard employed its 
    Marine Safety Management System (MSMS) database and underlying reports 
    to provide a reasonable approximation for modeling marine casualties 
    and pollution incidents. The model postulates that, if requirements in 
    this rule were not enacted, the normalized frequency and severity of 
    pollution and damage due to fires on towing vessels would continue at 
    about the same magnitude as during a representative five-year base 
    period--which the Coast Guard identified as 1992-1996. This period 
    samples the maritime environment after the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 
    (OPA 90); the Coast Guard considers the period long enough to capture a 
    [[Page 56264]]
    history, while short enough to be reasonably current. The Coast Guard 
    considered the period 1992-1997; it did not choose that time period 
    because reports for 1997 remain open and are too preliminary to present 
    a fair representation.
        The Coast Guard recognized that the nature of the maritime 
    environment--blending people, vessels, machines, and the sea--still 
    might cause some of the casualties targeted by this rule after it is in 
    force. Accordingly, we assembled a team comprised of marine inspectors, 
    program analysts, and economists, who reviewed the data and individual 
    case files, and consulted fire-protection engineers and various 
    subject-matter experts with field experience. From these two efforts, 
    the Coast Guard identified probabilities of effectiveness for the fire-
    protection requirements and for closely related proposals that are fair 
    and reasonable assessments of likely future performance.
        The team identified 155 cases that occurred between January 1, 1992 
    to December 31, 1996, that involved fires on towing vessels. The Coast 
    Guard reviewed the casualty data and narratives for each incident. 
    These cases provided the pool from which it estimated the expected 
    benefits. Each of these cases is summarized in Appendix G of the 
    Regulatory Assessment (available in the docket). For all five 
    requirements, the Coast Guard reviewed casualty data of each case to 
    assess whether the casualty could have been prevented or diminished in 
    severity by this interim rule. Coast Guard analysts assigned an 
    effectiveness degree representing the extent each proposed measure 
    would have favorably affected each casualty case. They then tabulated 
    average effectiveness percentages levels for each requirement: fire 
    detection systems--15.4%; training and drills--12.3%; fuel shutoff 
    valves--12%; internal vessel communication systems--7.4%; and general 
    alarms--7.7%. Most cases would likely have benefited from two or more 
    of the measures. That is why they used a methodology, which took into 
    account the typical sequence in which the five requirements would come 
    into play during a casualty. For these cases fire-detection systems 
    would confer ``first tier'' benefits; internal vessel communication 
    systems, ``second tier'' benefits; training and drills, ``third tier'' 
    benefits; general alarms, ``forth tier'' benefits; and fuel-shutoff 
    valves, ``fifth tier'' benefits. Apportioning the benefits in this way 
    avoids multiple counting of benefits.
        The principal purposes of this rule are to avert oil pollution and 
    prevent damage and injuries, since they are public benefits. Our 
    analysis projects that, from the effective date through 2014, the 
    requirements implemented with this rule will result in a total 
    pollution benefit of about 6,065 barrels of oil (not spilled), and 
    total damage and injuries averted worth an estimated $31.7 million 
    (present value).
    Summary of Costs
        The towing vessel industry will bear the costs of this rule. Most 
    costs will occur during the two-year phase-in period following the 
    rule's publication date. Owners and operators of existing vessels 
    required to install equipment no doubt will take advantage of the 
    extended phase-in period as they plan for and incur onetime costs of 
    purchasing and installing the general alarms ($2,600), the fire-
    detection systems ($2,880), the internal communication systems 
    ($1,000), and the fuel-shutoff valves ($2,500).
        For the purpose of this analysis, the Coast Guard assumes that half 
    of the vessels will comply with each required measure during the first 
    year of the phase-in period and half of the vessels will comply during 
    the second year.
        The total cost of this rule is the sum of the costs to the towing 
    industry for the several requirements in the rule. The following table 
    lists those costs, requirement by requirement:
     Table 2.--Two-year phase-in costs of the requirement due to the interim
               rule on Fire Protection expressed in 1998 dollars.
                                                                  Total Cost
                                                       2-Year     [includes
                      Requirement                     Initial       annual
                                                        Cost      recurring
                                                                  costs] \1\
    General Alarm.................................   $1,414,955   $1,471,894
    Internal Vessel Communication.................      875,081    1,078,254
    Fire Detection................................    5,098,059   10,624,372
    Fuel-Shutoff Valve............................    7,024,151    7,279,647
    Training and Drills...........................      616,534   3,105,799
    \1\ Over the period of analysis from 1999 until 2015.
        During the two-year phase-in period within which existing vessels 
    must come into compliance, this rule is estimated to cost industry 
    about $15 million. Over the period of analysis (1999 until 2015), the 
    projected total cost is approximately $23.6M (PV).
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) (Pub L. 
    104-4, 109 Stat. 48) requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of 
    certain regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal governments, and 
    the private sector. Under sections 202 and 205 of the UMRA, the Coast 
    Guard generally must prepare a written statement of economic and 
    regulatory alternatives for proposed and final rules that contain 
    Federal mandates. A ``Federal mandate'' is a new or additional 
    enforceable duty, imposed on any State, local or tribal government, or 
    the private sector. If any Federal mandate causes those entities to 
    spend, in the aggregate, $100 million or more in any one year, an 
    analysis under the UMRA is necessary.
        While several State and local governments operate some towing 
    vessels, the majority of affected towing vessels are owned and operated 
    by entities in the private sector. This interim rule does not now 
    directly affect tribal governments. The total burden of Federal 
    mandates imposed by this rule will not result in annual expenditures of 
    $100 million or more. Therefore, sections 202 and 205 of the UMRA do 
    not apply.
    Small Entities
        Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), the 
    Coast Guard considers the economic impact on small entities of each 
    rule for which a general notice of proposed rulemaking is required. 
    ``Small Entities'' include small businesses, not-for-profit 
    organizations that are independently owned and operated and are not 
    dominant in their fields, and governmental jurisdictions with 
    populations of less than 50,000.
        An assessment of this interim rule's impacts on small entities is 
    included in the regulatory assessment; it is available in the docket 
    for inspection or copying where indicated under ADDRESSES.
        The owner of a vessel that is not in compliance with any of the 
    five requirements would have to spend $9,480, on average, to meet the 
    measures outlined in this interim rule. However, most vessels are 
    already in compliance with some of the measures as shown in Table 3. In 
    an effort to determine the average financial impact on towing vessel 
    owners/operators, the Coast Guard estimated the expected cost of 
    compliance with the interim rule. The expected cost of this rulemaking 
    is simply the sum of each requirement's cost weighted according to 
    their probabilities of occurrence. On average, towing vessel owners and 
    operators are expected to spend $3,306 per affected vessel to comply 
    with this rulemaking (Table 3).
    [[Page 56265]]
                                  Table 3.--Equipment Cost and Towing Vessel Compliance
                                                        (2) Towing      (3) Towing    Probability of   (5) Expected
               Requirement              (1) Cost of    vessels with       vessels     incurring cost   cost  [(1)  x
                                         equipment       equipment        without       (% without      (4) = (5)];
                                                                         equipment      equipment)
    General Alarm...................          $2,600           4,216             602            12.5         $325.00
    Internal Vessel Communication...           1,000           3,850             968           20.09          200.90
    Fire Detection..................           2,880           2,982           1,835           38.08        1,096.70
    Fuel Shutoff Valve..............           2,500           1,710           3,108            64.5        1,612.50
    Training and Drills.............             500           4,136             682           14.15           70.75
        Total.......................           9,480          16,892           7,195  ..............        3,305.85
        The impact of this rule will fall primarily on the owners and 
    operators of towing vessels that do not already carry all of the 
    equipment or take all of the measures required. The rule will require 
    such owners and operators to purchase and install specific fire-
    protection equipment. Furthermore, masters and mates of towing vessels 
    must be able to familiarize their crews with procedures to control and 
    extinguish fires on board their towing vessels. Owners and operators of 
    towing vessels are responsible for both inspecting their fire-fighting 
    equipment and systems and maintaining them in good working order. The 
    purpose is to decrease the probability of fires on vessels towing 
    barges, because they may lead to barges drifting out of control--which 
    could result in harm to people, pollution, and property damage.
        We are establishing a two-year phase-in period for the existing 
    towing vessel requirements of equipment and measures. Although we 
    received no comments on the NPRM concerning small entities, we 
    recognize that a significant number of towing vessels are likely owned 
    and operated by small firms not dominant in the industry. The two-year 
    phase-in permits vessels to undergo the installation of equipment 
    required by this rule during normal inactive periods. They may thus 
    avoid incurring the extra opportunity costs of lost revenue during that 
    time. The long phase-in will thus permit most small entities to explore 
    the market, and to plan and schedule installations during normal 
    downtime (dockside).
        The equipment required by this rule is in common use in the 
    industry and does not represent novel or untried technology. Some small 
    entities are likely to be among the majority of owners and operators 
    who already meet some or all of the requirements. This rule will result 
    in a financial burden for some of those owners and operators who must 
    purchase and install equipment. The costs are very low in comparison 
    with the replacement cost of a towing vessel, and extremely low in 
    comparison with the damage that could be caused by, and the liability 
    that could result from, an accident and resultant spill.
        The crafting of this rule so that many affected vessels are already 
    in compliance, and the two-year phase-in period for installation of 
    fire-protection equipment and systems on existing vessels, provide 
    important accommodations to, and significant flexibility for, small 
    entities and others affected by this rule.
        Accordingly, the Commandant certifies under section 605(b) of the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) that this rule will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. If, however, you think that your business or organization 
    qualifies as a small entity, and that this rule will have a significant 
    economic impact on your business or organization, please submit 
    comments (see ADDRESSES) explaining why you think it qualifies and in 
    what way, and to what degree, this rule will affect it economically.
    Assistance for Small Entities
        Under section 213(a) of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement 
    Fairness Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-121), the Coast Guard wants to assist 
    small entities in understanding this interim rule so that they can 
    better evaluate its effects on them and participate in the rulemaking. 
    If your small business or organization is affected by this rule and you 
    have questions concerning its provisions or options for compliance, 
    please call Mr. Randall Eberly, telephone 202-267-1861.
        The Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman 
    and 10 Regional Fairness Boards were established to receive comments 
    from small businesses about enforcement by Federal agencies. The 
    Ombudsman will annually evaluate the enforcement activities and rate 
    each agency's responsiveness to small business. If you wish to comment 
    on enforcement by the Coast Guard, call 1-888-REG-FAIR (1-888-734-
    Collection of Information
        This interim rule does not provide for a collection of information 
    under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). It 
    does require standard wording to appear on each general alarm bell and 
    flashing light. This wording is to inform crewmembers that when the 
    general alarm bell sounds, or the red light flashes, they should 
    proceed to their assigned stations. This labeling is exempt from the 
    Office of Management and Budget guidelines for collection and posting 
    of information since exact wording is provided.
        The Coast Guard has analyzed this interim rule in accordance with 
    the principles and criteria contained in Executive Order 12612. In the 
    case of any towing vessel towing a non-self-propelled tank vessel, this 
    rulemaking was statutorily mandated, so this rule does not require a 
    Federalism assessment. In the case of all other vessels to which this 
    rule applies, the Coast Guard has determined that this rule does not 
    have sufficient federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a 
    Federalism Assessment.
        Although the Coast Guard has determined that this rule does not 
    warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment, the rule does 
    preempt portions of State law regarding fire-protection measures for 
    towing vessels. The rule primarily concerns the design, construction, 
    and equipment associated with fire-protection measures for towing 
    vessels. Courts have long held that the Coast Guard has preemptive 
    regulatory authority on matters of design,
    [[Page 56266]]
    construction, and equipment on vessels--either where it has received a 
    statutory mandate to regulate, or, if the authority to regulate is 
    discretionary, where it has exercised this authority. [See, e.g., Kelly 
    v. Washington, 302 U.S. 1 (1937); Ray v. Atlantic Richfield Co. 435 
    U.S. 151 (1979); International Association of Independent Tanker Owners 
    (Intertanko) v. Locke, 148 F.3d 1053 (9th Cir. 1998) petitions for 
    cert. filed (U.S. Apr. 23, 1999) (No. 98-1701, 1706)]. In the case of 
    this rule, the statutory authorities under which the regulations are 
    promulgated mandate action for inspected towing vessels and any towing 
    vessels towing a non-self-propelled tank vessel [per 46 U.S.C. 
    3306(a)(3) and 4102(f)(2)], and give discretionary authority for all 
    other towing vessels [per 46 U.S.C. 4102(f)(1)]. Under either premise, 
    the preemptive impact of the Coast Guard's actions in this rulemaking 
    is the same.
        One State, Rhode Island, has enacted regulations that this rule 
    preempts. Our regulations on internal communications [46 CFR 27.215 and 
    27.315] preempt 46 R.I. Gen. Laws, Sec. 12.5-23(d). Our regulations on 
    automated fire-detection systems [46 CFR 27.210 and 27.310] preempt 46 
    R.I. Gen. Laws, Sec. 12.5-23(e).
        Since Rhode Island has indicated its willingness to accede to 
    Federal regulation of towing vessels under similar circumstances [see 
    46 R.I. Gen. Laws, Sec. 12.6-12], and since the Coast Guard knows of no 
    other States that have enacted similar regulations pertaining to 
    internal communications and fire-protection measures aboard towing 
    vessels, the Coast Guard expects the Federalism implications of this 
    rule to be minimal. However, if comments received indicate there is a 
    need for further preemption analysis, the Coast Guard will conduct one.
        The Coast Guard considered the environmental impact of this interim 
    rule and concluded that under Figure 2-1, paragraphs (34) (c) and (d) 
    of Commandant Instruction M16475.1C, this rule is categorically 
    excluded from further environmental documentation. A ``Categorical 
    Exclusion Determination'' is available in the docket for inspection or 
    copying where indicated under ADDRESSES.
    List of Subjects in 46 CFR Part 27
        Fire prevention, Incorporation by reference, Marine safety, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Vessels.
        For the reasons discussed in the preamble, the Coast Guard adds 46 
    CFR part 27 to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General Provisions for Fire Protection on Towing Vessel
    27.100  What towing vessels does this part affect?
    27.101  Definitions.
    27.102  Incorporation by reference.
    Subpart B--Fire Protection Measures for Existing Towing Vessels
    27.200  What are the requirements for an existing towing vessel?
    27.205  What are the requirements for a general alarm on an existing 
    towing vessel?
    27.210  What are the requirements for fire detection on an existing 
    towing vessel?
    27.215  What are the requirements for internal communication on an 
    existing towing vessel?
    27.220  If an existing towing vessel is 24 meters (79 feet) or 
    longer in length, what are the requirements for fire pump, fire 
    main, and fire hose? [Reserved]
    27.221  If an existing towing vessel is less than 24 meters (79 
    feet) in length, what are the requirements for fire pump and fire 
    hose? [Reserved]
    27.225  What type of portable fire-extinguisher is required on an 
    existing towing vessel? [Reserved]
    27.230  What are the requirements for a fuel shutoff on an existing 
    towing vessel?
    27.235  Is a fire axe required on an existing towing vessel? 
    27.240  What are the requirements for a muster list on an existing 
    towing vessel? [Reserved]
    27.245  What are the requirements for the instruction, drills, and 
    safety orientations conducted on an existing towing vessel?
    Subpart C--Fire Protection Measures for New Towing Vessels
    27.300  What are the requirements for a new towing vessel?
    27.305  What are the requirements for a general alarm on a new 
    towing vessel?
    27.310  What are the requirements for fire detection on a new towing 
    27.315  What are the requirements for internal communication on a 
    new towing vessel?
    27.320  If a new towing vessel is 24 meters (79 feet) or longer in 
    length, what are the requirements for fire pump, fire main, and fire 
    hose? [Reserved]
    27.321  If a new towing vessel is less than 24 meters (79 feet) in 
    length, what are the requirements for fire pump and fire hose? 
    27.325  If a new towing vessel is 24 meters (79 feet) or longer in 
    length, what type of fire-extinguishing equipment must it carry? 
    27.326  If a new towing vessel is less than 24 meters (79 feet) in 
    length, what type of fire-extinguishing equipment must it carry? 
    27.340  What are the requirements for a fuel system on a new towing 
    27.345  Is a fire axe required on a new towing vessel? [Reserved]
    27.350  What are the requirements for a muster list on a new towing 
    vessel? [Reserved]
    27.355  What are the requirements for the instruction, drills, and 
    safety orientations conducted on a new towing vessel?
        Authority: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 4102 (as amended by Pub. L. 104-324, 
    110 Stat. 3947); 49 CFR 1.46.
    Subpart A--General Provisions for Fire Protection on Towing Vessels
    Sec. 27.100  What towing vessels does this part affect?
        (a) You must comply with this part if your towing vessel operates 
    on the navigable waters of the United States, unless your towing vessel 
    is described in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b) This part does not apply to you if your towing vessel is--
        (1) Used solely within a limited geographic area, such as a 
    fleeting-area for barges or a commercial facility, or used solely for 
    restricted service, such as making up or breaking up larger tows;
        (2) Used solely for assistance towing as defined by 46 CFR 10.103;
        (3) Used solely for pollution response;
        (4) Exempted by the Captain of the Port (COTP);
        (5) A public vessel that is owned, or demise chartered, and 
    operated by the United States Government or by a government of a 
    foreign country; and that is not engaged in commercial service; or
        (6) A foreign vessel engaged in innocent passage.
        (c) If you think your towing vessel should be exempt from these 
    requirements for a specified route, you should submit a written request 
    to the appropriate COTP. The COTP will provide you with a written 
    response granting or denying your request. The COTP will consider the 
    extent to which unsafe conditions would result if your towing vessel 
    lost propulsion because of a fire in the engine room.
    Sec. 27.101  Definitions.
        As used in this part--Accommodations includes any:
        (1) Messrooms.
        (2) Lounges.
        (3) Sitting areas.
        (4) Recreation rooms.
        (5) Quarters.
        (6) Toilet spaces.
        (7) Shower rooms.
        (8) Galleys.
        (9) Berthing facilities.
        (10) Clothing-changing rooms.
        Engine room means the enclosed area where any main-propulsion 
    engine is
    [[Page 56267]]
    located. It comprises all deck levels within that area.
        Existing Towing Vessel means a towing vessel that is not a new 
    towing vessel.
        Fixed fire-extinguishing system means a carbon-dioxide system that 
    satisfies 46 CFR subpart 76.15; a manually-operated clean-agent system 
    that satisfies NFPA 2001 and is approved by the Commandant; or a 
    manually-operated water-mist system that satisfies NFPA 750 and is 
    approved by the Commandant.
        New Towing Vessel means a towing vessel the construction of which 
    was contracted for on or after January 18, 2000.
        Operating Station means the principal steering station on the 
    vessel, from which the vessel is normally navigated.
        Towing Vessel means a commercial vessel engaged in, or intending to 
    engage in, pulling, pushing, or hauling alongside, or any combination 
    of pulling, pushing, or hauling alongside.
        We means the United States Coast Guard.
        Working area means any area on the vessel where the crew could be 
    present while on duty and performing their assigned tasks.
        You means the owner of a towing vessel, unless otherwise specified.
    Sec. 27.102  Incorporation by reference.
        (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part 
    with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance 
    with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other 
    than that specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the Coast Guard 
    must publish notice of the change in the Federal Register and make the 
    material available for inspection. All approved material is so 
    available at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol 
    Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC and at the U.S. Coast Guard, 
    Office of Design and Engineering Standards (G-MSE), 2100 Second Street 
    SW., Washington DC 20593-0001 and is available from the sources 
    indicated in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b) The material approved for incorporation by reference in this 
    part and the sections affected are:
    American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC), 3069 Solomons Island
     Road, Edgewater, MD 21037-1416
      H-25-1986--Portable Fuel Systems for Flammable Liquids.....     27.340
      H-33-1989--Diesel Fuel Systems.............................     27.340
    National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch
     Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101
      302-1989--Pleasure and Commercial Motorcraft...............     27.340
    Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
     Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
      SAE J1475-1984--Hydraulic Hose Fitting for Marine               27.340
      SAE J1942-1989--Hose and Hose Assemblies for Marine             27.340
    Subpart B-Fire Protection Measures for Existing Towing
    Sec. 27.200  What are the requirements for an existing towing vessel?
        If your existing towing vessel operates as described in 
    Sec. 27.100(a), you must ensure that it complies with Secs. 27.205 
    through 27.245 of this part.
    Sec. 27.205  What are the requirements for a general alarm on an 
    existing towing vessel?
        (a) By October 8, 2001, you must ensure that your vessel is fitted 
    with a general alarm that:
        (1) Has a contact maker at the operating station that can notify 
    persons on board in the event of an emergency.
        (2) Is capable of notifying persons in any accommodation, work 
    space, and the engine room.
        (3) In the engine room and any other area where background noise 
    makes a general alarm hard to hear, has a supplemental flashing red 
    light identified with a sign that reads:
        General Alarm--When Alarm Sounds or Flashes Go to Your Station.
        (4) Is tested at least once each week.
        (b) You or the operator may use a public-address (PA) system or 
    other means of alerting all persons on your towing vessel instead of a 
    general alarm, if--
        (1) The PA system is capable of notifying persons in any 
    accommodation or work space or the engine room;
        (2) It is tested at least once each week;
        (3) It can be activated from the operating station; and
        (4) It complies with paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
    Sec. 27.210  What are the requirements for fire detection on an 
    existing towing vessel?
        By October 8, 2001, a fire-detection system must be installed on 
    your vessel to detect engine-room fires. You must ensure that--
        (a) Detectors, control units, and fire alarms are approved under 46 
    CFR subpart 161.002, or are listed by an independent testing 
        (b) The system is installed, tested, and maintained per the 
    manufacturer's design manual;
        (c) The system is arranged and installed so a fire in the engine 
    room automatically sets off visible and audible alarms on a control 
    panel at the operating station;
        (d) The control panel includes--
        (1) A power-available light;
        (2) A visible and audible alarm for each zone;
        (3) A means to silence audible alarms while maintaining indication 
    by visible alarm;
        (4) A circuit-fault detector test-switch; and
        (5) Labels for all switches and indicator lights, indicating their 
        (e) The system is powered from two sources, switchover from the 
    primary power source to the secondary source being either manual or 
        (f) The system is used for no other purpose; and
        (g) The system is certified by a Registered Professional Engineer, 
    or by a recognized classification society (under 46 CFR part 8), to 
    meet the criteria listed in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section.
    Sec. 27.215  What are the requirements for internal communication on an 
    existing towing vessel?
        (a) By October 8, 2001, you must ensure that your vessel is fitted 
    with a communication system between the engine room and operating 
    station that--
        (1) Is comprised of either fixed or portable equipment, such as a 
    sound-powered telephone, portable radios, or other reliable method of 
    voice communication, with a main or reserve power supply that is 
    independent of the electrical system on your towing vessel; and
        (2) Provides two-way voice communication and calling between the 
    operating station and either--
        (i) The engine room; or
        (ii) A location immediately adjacent to an exit from the engine 
        (b) Twin-screw vessels with operating station control for both 
    engines are not required to have an internal communication system.
        (c) When the operating station control station and the engine room 
    access are within 3 meters (10 feet) of each other and allow 
    unobstructed visual contact between them, direct voice communication is 
    acceptable instead of a communication system.
    [[Page 56268]]
    Sec. 27.220  If an existing towing vessel is 24 meters (79 feet) or 
    longer in length, what are the requirements for fire pump, fire main, 
    and fire hose? [Reserved]
    Sec. 27.221  If an existing towing vessel is less than 24 meters (79 
    feet) in length, what are the requirements for fire pump and fire hose? 
    Sec. 27.225  What type of portable fire-extinguisher is required on an 
    existing towing vessel? [Reserved]
    Sec. 27.230  What are the requirements for a fuel shutoff on an 
    existing towing vessel?
        By October 8, 2001, you must have a remote fuel shutoff that meets 
    Sec. 27.340(f) installed on your vessel.
    Sec. 27.235  Is a fire axe required on an existing towing vessel? 
    Sec. 27.240  What are the requirements for a muster list on an existing 
    towing vessel? [Reserved]
    Sec. 27.245  What are the crew-training requirements for fire 
    emergencies on an existing towing vessel?
        By January 19, 2000, you must ensure that drills, instruction and 
    safety orientations that satisfy Sec. 27.355 are performed on your 
    Subpart C--Fire Protection Measures for New Towing Vessels
    Sec. 27.300  What are the requirements for a new towing vessel?
        If your new towing vessel operates as described in Sec. 27.100(a), 
    then you must ensure that it complies with Secs. 27.305 through 27.355 
    of this part.
    Sec. 27.305  What are the requirements for a general alarm on a new 
    towing vessel?
        (a) You must ensure that your vessel is fitted with a general alarm 
    system that:
        (1) Has a contact maker at the operating station that can notify 
    persons on board in the event of an emergency.
        (2) Is capable of notifying persons in any accommodation, work 
    space, and the engine room.
        (3) In the engine room and any other area where background noise 
    makes a general alarm hard to hear, has a supplemental flashing red 
    light identified with a sign that reads:
        General Alarm--When Alarm Sounds or Flashes Go to Your Station.
        (4) Is tested at least once each week.
        (b) You or the operator may use a PA system or other means of 
    alerting all persons on your towing vessel instead of a general alarm, 
        (1) The PA system is capable of notifying persons in any 
    accommodation or work space or the engine room;
        (2) It is tested at least once each week;
        (3) It can be activated from the operating station; and
        (4) It complies with paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
    Sec. 27.310  What are the requirements for fire detection on a new 
    towing vessel?
        A fire-detection system must be installed on your vessel to detect 
    engine room fires. You must ensure that--
        (a) Detectors, control units, and fire alarms are approved under 46 
    CFR subpart 161.002, or are listed by an independent testing 
        (b) The system is installed, tested, and maintained per the 
    manufacturer's design manual;
        (c) The system is arranged and installed so a fire in the engine 
    room automatically sets off visible and audible alarms on a control 
    panel at the operating station;
        (d) The control panel includes--
        (1) A power-available light;
        (2) A visible and audible alarm for each zone;
        (3) A means to silence audible alarms while maintaining indication 
    by visible alarm;
        (4) A circuit-fault detector test-switch; and
        (5) Labels for all switches and indicator lights, indicating their 
        (e) The system is powered from two sources, switchover from the 
    primary power source to the secondary source being either manual or 
        (f) The system is used for no other purpose; and
        (g) The system is certified by a Registered Professional Engineer, 
    or by a recognized classification society (under 46 CFR part 8), to 
    meet the criteria listed in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section.
    Sec. 27.315  What are the requirements for internal communication on a 
    new towing vessel?
        (a) You must ensure that your vessel has a communication system 
    between the engine room and operating station that--
        (1) Is comprised of either fixed or portable equipment, such as a 
    sound-powered telephone, portable radios, or other reliable voice 
    communication method, with a main or reserve power supply that is 
    independent of the electrical system on your towing vessel; and
        (2) Provides two-way calling and voice communication between the 
    operating station and either--
        (i) The engine room; or
        (ii) A location immediately adjacent to an exit from the engine 
        (b) Twin-screw vessels with operating station control for both 
    engines are not required to have an internal communication system.
        (c) When the operating station control station and the engine room 
    access are within 3 meters (10 feet) of each other and allow 
    unobstructed visual contact between them, direct voice communication is 
    acceptable instead of a communication system.
    Sec. 27.320  If a new towing vessel is 24 meters (79 feet) or longer in 
    length, what are the requirements for fire pump, fire main, and fire 
    hose? [Reserved]
    Sec. 27.321  If a new towing vessel is less than 24 meters (79 feet) in 
    length, what are the requirements for fire pump and fire hose? 
    Sec. 27.325  If a new towing vessel is 24 meters (79 feet) or longer in 
    length, what type of fire-extinguishing equipment must it carry? 
    Sec. 27.326  If a new towing vessel is less than 24 meters (79 feet) in 
    length, what type of fire-extinguishing equipment must it carry? 
    Sec. 27.340  What are the requirements for a fuel system on a new 
    towing vessel?
        (a) You must ensure that, except for the components of an outboard 
    engine or of a portable bilge pump or fire pump, each fuel system 
    installed on board the vessel meets the requirements of this section.
        (b) Portable fuel systems. The vessel must not incorporate or carry 
    portable fuel systems, including portable tanks and related fuel lines 
    and accessories, except when used for outboard engines or when 
    permanently attached to portable equipment such as portable bilge or 
    fire pumps. The design, construction, and stowage of portable tanks and 
    related fuel lines and accessories must meet the requirements of ABYC 
    H-25 (incorporated by reference at Sec. 27.102(b)).
        (c) Fuel restrictions. Neither you nor the operator may use fuel 
    other than bunker C or diesel, except for outboard engines, or where 
    otherwise accepted by the Commandant (G-MSE). An installation that uses 
    bunker C must comply with the requirements of subchapter F of this 
        (d) Vent pipes for integral fuel tanks. Each integral fuel tank 
    must meet the requirements of this paragraph as follows:
        (1) Each fuel tank must have a vent system that connects to the 
    highest point of the tank and discharges on a weather deck through a 
    bend of 3.14 radians (180 degrees) fitted with a 30-by-30 mesh 
    corrosion-resistant flame screen;
    [[Page 56269]]
        (2) The net cross-sectional area of the vent pipe for the tank must 
        (i) Not less than 312.3 square millimeters (0.484 square inches), 
        (ii) Not less than that of the fill pipe when provision is made to 
    fill a tank under pressure.
        (e) Fuel piping. Except as permitted in paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) 
    of this section, each fuel line must be seamless and made of steel, 
    annealed copper, nickel-copper, or copper-nickel. Each fuel line must 
    have a wall thickness of not less than 0.9 millimeters (0.035 inch) 
    except that--
        (1) Aluminum piping is acceptable on an aluminum-hull vessel if it 
    is installed outside the engine room and is at least Schedule 80 in 
    thickness; and
        (2) Nonmetallic flexible hose is acceptable if it--
        (i) Is used in lengths of not more than 0.76 meters (30 inches);
        (ii) Is visible and easily accessible;
        (iii) Does not penetrate a watertight bulkhead;
        (iv) Is fabricated with an inner tube and a cover of synthetic 
    rubber or other suitable material reinforced with wire braid; and
        (v) Either--
        (A) If it is designed for use with compression fittings, is fitted 
    with suitable, corrosion-resistant, compression fittings, or fittings 
    compliant with SAE J1475 (incorporated by reference at Sec. 27.102(b)); 
        (B) If it is designed for use with clamps, is installed with two 
    clamps at each end of the hose. Clamps must not rely on spring tension 
    and must be installed beyond the bead or flare or over the serrations 
    of the mating spud, pipe, or hose fitting. Installations complying with 
    SAE J1475 are also acceptable.
        (3) Nonmetallic flexible hose is also acceptable if it complies 
    with SAE J1942 (incorporated by reference at Sec. 27.102(b)).
        (f) A fuel line subject to internal head pressure from fuel in the 
    tank must be fitted with a positive shutoff valve, located at the tank 
    and operable from a safe place outside the space in which the valve is 
        (g) A new towing vessel less than 24 meters (79 feet) in length may 
    comply with any of the following standards for fuel systems instead of 
    the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section:
        (1) ABYC H-33 (incorporated by reference at Sec. 27.102(b)).
        (2) Chapter 5 of NFPA 302 (incorporated by reference at 
    Sec. 27.102(b)).
        (3) 33 CFR Chapter I, subchapter S (Boating Safety).
    Sec. 27.345  Is a fire axe required on a new towing vessel? [Reserved]
    Sec. 27.350  What are the requirements for a muster list on a new 
    towing vessel? [Reserved]
    Sec. 27.355  What are the requirements for instruction, drills, and 
    safety orientations conducted on a new towing vessel?
        (a) Drills and instruction. The master or person in charge of a 
    vessel must ensure that each crewmember participates in drills and 
    receives instruction at least once each month. The instruction may 
    coincide with the drills, but need not. It must ensure that all 
    crewmembers are familiar with their fire-fighting duties, and 
    specifically, the following contingencies:
        (1) Fighting a fire in the engine room and other locations on board 
    the vessel, including how to--
        (i) Operate all of the fire-extinguishing equipment on board the 
        (ii) Stop the mechanical ventilation system for the engine room if 
    provided, and effectively seal all natural openings to the space to 
    prevent leakage of the extinguishing agent; and
        (iii) Operate the fuel shutoff for the engine room.
        (2) Activating the general alarm.
        (3) Reporting inoperative alarm systems and fire-detection systems.
        (4) Putting on a fireman's outfit and a self-contained breathing 
    apparatus, if the vessel is so equipped.
        (b) Alternative form of instruction. The master or person in charge 
    of a vessel may substitute, for the requirement of instruction in 
    paragraph (a) of this section, the viewing of videotapes concerning at 
    least the contingencies listed in paragraph (a), followed by a 
    discussion led by someone familiar with these contingencies. This 
    instruction may occur either on or off the vessel.
        (c) Participation in drills. Drills must take place on board the 
    vessel, as if there were an actual emergency. They must include--
        (1) Participation by all crewmembers;
        (2) Breaking out and using emergency equipment;
        (3) Testing of all alarm and detection systems; and
        (4) At least one person putting on protective clothing, if the 
    vessel is so equipped.
        (d) Safety orientation. The master or person in charge of a vessel 
    must ensure that each crewmember who has not received the instruction 
    and has not participated in the drills required by paragraph (a) of 
    this section receives a safety orientation before the vessel gets 
        (e) The safety orientation must cover the specific contingencies 
    listed in paragraph (a) of this section.
        Dated: October 4, 1999.
    J.C. Card,
    Vice Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Acting Commandant
    [FR Doc. 99-26848 Filed 10-18-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-15-U

Document Information

Coast Guard
Entry Type:
Interim rule with request for comments.
Document Number:
56257-56269 (13 pages)
Docket Numbers:
2115-AF66: Fire Protection Measures for Towing Vessels (USCG-1998-4445)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (31)
46 CFR 27.100(a)
46 CFR 27.102(b))
46 CFR 27.340(f)
46 CFR 27.340(f)
46 CFR 27.100
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