94-25780. Regulations Governing FedSelect Checks

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 203 (Friday, October 21, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-25780]
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    [Federal Register: October 21, 1994]
    Fiscal Service
    31 CFR Part 247
    RIN 1510-AA44
    Regulations Governing FedSelect Checks
    AGENCY: Treasury, Fiscal, Financial Management Service.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: This rulemaking proposes new regulatory text for 31 CFR Part 
    247 to govern the use of FedSelect checks, a new payment instrument for 
    use by Federal agencies in paying Federal obligations. This rulemaking 
    sets forth procedural instructions for using FedSelect checks, and 
    defines the rights and liabilities of the Federal Government, Federal 
    Reserve Banks, and depositary institutions in connection with FedSelect 
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before November 21, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: All comments on this proposed rule should be addressed to 
    Mr. John Galligan, Director, Cash Management Policy and Planning 
    Division, Financial Management Service, 401 14th Street, SW, Room 511, 
    Washington, D.C. 20227.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. John Galligan, Director, Cash 
    Management Policy and Planning Division, 202-874-6935; or Mr. Brad 
    Ipema, Principal Attorney, 202-874-6680.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Financial Management Service, U.S. 
    Department of the Treasury (FMS), currently offers Federal agencies two 
    payment mechanisms for paying Federal obligations. A Federal agency may 
    either request the issuance of a Treasury check or the initiation of an 
    electronic funds transfer. However, the FMS will soon be making 
    available to Federal agencies a third payment option called FedSelect, 
    a new check instrument to be used with imprest fund transactions and 
    other ``on-demand'' payment needs. The preferred method of payment is 
    electronic. However, FedSelect is the FMS's response to customer needs 
    for a new paper instrument and is to be used only when checks are 
    deemed appropriate and consistent with FMS policy.
        Federal agencies that use the new payment instrument will be given 
    a supply of FedSelect checks, on Federal Reserve Bank check stock, 
    which are drawn on a Federal Reserve Bank in its banking capacity, 
    rather than the United States Treasury. Federal agencies will be able 
    to issue the FedSelect checks on site in payment for United States 
        These proposed regulations set forth procedural instructions for 
    using FedSelect checks, and define the rights, responsibilities, and 
    liabilities of the Federal Government, Federal Reserve Banks, and 
    financial institutions in connection with FedSelect checks. These rules 
    for FedSelect checks differ from those applying to Treasury checks in 
    three important ways. First, FedSelect checks will be negotiable for 90 
    or 120 days, whereas Treasury checks are payable for 1 year after 
    issuance. Second, Federal agencies can at their own discretion stop 
    payment on a FedSelect check. Stop payment orders generally are not 
    available on Treasury checks. Third, the regulations governing Treasury 
    checks are inapplicable to FedSelect checks, unless otherwise provided 
    by statute or this proposed rule. In all matters not addressed by these 
    proposed regulations, FedSelect checks will be governed by the Uniform 
    Commercial Code, as drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners 
    on Uniform State Laws, and by Regulation J (12 CFR Part 210) and 
    Regulation CC (12 CFR Part 229) of the Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve.
        FMS invites comments regarding the possibility of referencing 
    within either this regulation or the Treasury Financial Manual a 
    standard dollar limit of $10,000, with $25,000 exceptions by permission 
    of FMS, above which a FedSelect check could not be issued by an agency. 
    This limit is being considered to be consistent with FMS's electronic 
    payment policies as contained within 31 CFR Part 206 and to minimize 
    losses to agencies arising from negligence, forgeries, counterfeiting, 
    and alterations. FMS requests that comments on this matter include any 
    foreseen (positive or negative) effects of limiting the dollar amount 
    of FedSelect checks, including whether a dollar limit would encourage 
    an agency to participate in the FedSelect check program.
    Rulemaking Analysis
        It has been determined that this regulation is not a significant 
    regulatory action as defined in E.O. 12866. Therefore, a regulatory 
    assessment is not required. It is hereby certified that this regulation 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. A regulatory flexibility analysis is not required. It 
    is anticipated that FedSelect checks will not negatively affect a 
    substantial number of small entities because of the relatively low 
    volume of checks to be issued in comparison to the use of other payment 
    mechanisms by Federal agencies.
    Notice and Comment
        Public comment is solicited on all aspects of this proposed rule. 
    The FMS will consider all comments made on the substance of this 
    proposed rule, but does not intend to hold hearings on it.
    List of Subjects in 31 CFR Part 247
        Banks, Banking, Checks, Federal Reserve System.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, it is proposed to add 31 
    CFR part 247 to read as follows:
    247.1  Applicability.
    247.2  Governing law.
    247.3  Definitions.
    247.4  Federal Reserve Banks.
    247.5  Federal agencies and termination of services.
    247.6  Depositary institutions and presenting banks.
    247.7  Certification and internal agency control.
    247.8  Presentment.
    247.9  Presentment warranties.
    247.10  Notice and replacement--non-receipt, theft, loss or 
    destruction; late presentment.
    247.11  Losses and accountability.
    247.12  Debt collection.
    247.13  Funds for losses.
    247.14  Additional requirements.
    247.15  Waiver of regulations.
    247.16  Supplements, amendments or revisions.
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 391; 31 U.S.C. Chapter 33.
    Sec. 247.1  Applicability.
        The regulations in this Part prescribe the rights and liabilities 
    of the United States, the Federal Reserve Banks, depositary 
    institutions, and others on FedSelect checks. These regulations apply 
    to FedSelect checks issued on behalf of the United States for payments 
    in connection with United States obligations. FedSelect checks are 
    issued by Federal agencies on Federal Reserve Bank check stock. 
    FedSelect checks are drawn on the payor Federal Reserve Bank in its 
    banking capacity. The drawer of a FedSelect check is the United States; 
    the drawee is a Federal Reserve Bank. Therefore, a FedSelect check 
    shall not be deemed to be drawn on the United States nor shall the 
    Federal Reserve Bank be deemed its drawer.
    Sec. 247.2  Governing law.
        Except as otherwise provided by statute or this Part, the 
    regulations governing checks drawn on the United States or on 
    designated depositaries of the United States (e.g., 31 CFR Parts 235, 
    240, 245, and 248) are inapplicable to FedSelect checks. As to 
    definitions and other matters not specifically covered in this Part, 
    FedSelect checks are governed by Regulation J of the Board of Governors 
    of the Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR Part 210 (``Regulation J''), 
    Regulation CC of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 
    12 CFR Part 229 (``Regulation CC''), and to the extent not otherwise 
    inconsistent with these regulations, Regulation J, and Regulation CC, 
    the Uniform Commercial Code (``U.C.C.''), as drafted by the National 
    Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, as all three may 
    from time to time be revised. Such matters include, but are not limited 
    to, rules regarding general presentment and transfer warranties (as 
    modified herein), indorsement, and final payment.
    Sec. 247.3  Definitions.
        For the purpose of this Part:
        Agency means a department, agency, or instrumentality in the 
    executive branch of the United States Government.
        Bank means a depositary institution.
        Department means the United States Department of the Treasury.
        Depositary institution means an entity described in section 19(b) 
    of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 461(b)) as a ``Depository 
    institution,'' as may be amended from time to time.
        FedSelect check means a check drawn upon a Reserve Bank with the 
    designation ``FedSelect'' printed on the check.
        Payee means the person to whom a FedSelect check is payable.
        Payor Reserve Bank means the Reserve Bank on which a FedSelect 
    check is drawn.
        Presenting bank means a depositary institution which sends a 
    FedSelect check directly to a Reserve Bank for payment or collection.
        Reserve Bank or Federal Reserve Bank means any Federal Reserve Bank 
    or any branch of a Federal Reserve Bank.
    Sec. 247.4  Federal Reserve Banks.
        (a) Where FedSelect checks are issued on Reserve Bank check stock 
    and drawn on the payor Reserve Bank in its banking capacity, the payor 
    Reserve Bank shall perform certain functions as fiscal agent of the 
    United States in the issuing, processing and final payment of FedSelect 
    checks. A payor Reserve Bank shall act as fiscal agent of the United 
    States on FedSelect checks only when authorized to do so by a 
    Memorandum of Understanding between the Financial Management Service, 
    U.S. Department of the Treasury (FMS), and the payor Reserve Bank.
        (b) The payor Reserve Bank shall perform functions related to 
    FedSelect checks as described in the Treasury Financial Manual (TFM), 
    Volume II, Chapter 5000, entitled ``Payment And Processing of FedSelect 
    Checks by Federal Reserve Banks,'' as issued by the FMS. Copies of the 
    TFM are available free to Government agencies. Others who are 
    interested in ordering a copy may call (202) 874-9940 or write the 
    Directives Management Branch, Financial Management Service, Room 5C16, 
    3700 East-West Highway, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 for further 
    information. Revisions to the TFM are issued as Bulletins and/or 
    Transmittal Letters and are mailed to subscribers.
        (c) As authorized by a Memorandum of Understanding between a payor 
    Reserve Bank and the FMS and in accordance with this Part and 
    instructions in the Treasury Financial Manual, the payor Reserve Bank 
    shall pay to presenting banks amounts specified in a FedSelect check 
    upon presentment of the FedSelect check through normal banking 
    channels. Each payor Reserve Bank may issue operating circulars, 
    letters or bulletins not inconsistent with this Part governing details 
    of its handling of payments under this Part.
    Sec. 247.5  Federal agencies and termination of services.
        (a) Agencies may issue FedSelect checks in payment for United 
    States obligations.
        (b) Issuance of a FedSelect check by an agency in payment of an 
    obligation shall constitute an agreement between the issuing agency and 
    the FMS. The issuing agency shall adhere to the terms of the agreement, 
    including those relating to fees for services provided by the FMS, as 
    expressed in this Part and in the Treasury Financial Manual, Volume I, 
    Part 4, Chapter 3500 (I TFM 4-3500), entitled ``Issuance Of FedSelect 
    Checks By Federal Agencies.''
        (c) In addition to the provisions of this Part, agencies issuing 
    FedSelect checks shall adhere to instructions, contained in I TFM 4-
    3500, regarding items such as procedures for opening and closing 
    FedSelect accounts with the FMS, procedures for the adjustment of 
    agency FedSelect accounts where losses are the responsibility of the 
    agency, procedures for the adjustment of agency FedSelect accounts in 
    cases of termination of FedSelect services by the FMS, and performance 
    requirements in the issuance of FedSelect checks.
        (d) When an agency fails to adhere to the provisions of this Part 
    or to the instructions contained in I TFM 4-3500, the FMS, at its 
    discretion, may terminate the services of FedSelect checks. The FMS 
    shall provide the agency with prior notification of the date on which 
    services will be terminated.
    Sec. 247.6  Depositary institutions and presenting banks.
        (a) A depositary institution's acceptance of a FedSelect check 
    issued pursuant to this Part shall constitute its agreement to the 
    provisions of this Part.
        (b) Each depositary institution by its action of handling a 
    FedSelect check shall be deemed to warrant to the Federal Government 
    that it has handled the FedSelect check in accordance with the 
    requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and this part, 
    including the presentment warranties described in Sec. 247.9.
    Sec. 247.7  Certification and internal agency control.
        (a) A FedSelect check is not a check drawn on the United States 
    Treasury. However, where the drawer of a FedSelect check is the United 
    States, the requirements and procedures for disbursing and certifying 
    activities under 31 U.S.C. 3321 apply to agency accountable officers 
    issuing FedSelect checks.
        (b) FedSelect checks shall be drawn by an individual who is duly 
    authorized by the agency, and shall be certified by a certifying 
        (c) When an agency issues a FedSelect check in payment of a United 
    States obligation, such agency certifies the issuance of the payment 
    contemporaneous to the issuance of the FedSelect check. Therefore, 
    where FedSelect checks are issued through an automated system, 
    certification occurs through the on-line data transfer between the 
    agency issuing a FedSelect check and the FMS.
        (d) Agencies shall ensure that there are proper internal controls 
    over the issuance of FedSelect checks, including payment authorization, 
    check issuance, and reconciliations. Payment authorization is the 
    process by which vouchers or invoices are approved for payment by 
    individuals designated to do so by the head of the agency, or their 
    designees. Check issuance is the physical issuance of a FedSelect check 
    in payment of a duly approved voucher or invoice. Reconciliation is the 
    process by which amounts authorized for payment are verified against 
    amounts of checks issued.
    Sec. 247.8  Presentment.
        (a) Presentment of FedSelect checks must be made to the payor 
    Reserve Bank. FedSelect checks must be presented through normal banking 
        (b) FedSelect checks may have different periods of payability 
    depending on the agencies' requirements. The standard period of 
    payability will be 90 days. However, at the request of an agency to the 
    FMS, the payability of a FedSelect check may be increased to 120 days.
        (c) FedSelect checks shall bear a pre-printed legend, ``Void After 
    90 Days,'' or ``Void After 120 Days.''
        (d) When an outstanding FedSelect check reaches its stale-date, a 
    cancellation indicator will be placed against it and its status 
    reflected as canceled due to stale-dating. A payor Reserve Bank will 
    refuse to pay a FedSelect check presented to the bank of first 
    presentment more than the number of days stated on the FedSelect check. 
    A FedSelect check not timely presented should be surrendered by the 
    holder to the payor Reserve Bank as a non-cash item. The issuance of 
    another FedSelect check to replace a lost, stolen, or destroyed 
    FedSelect check must be made in accordance with Sec. 247.10.
    Sec. 247.9  Presentment warranties.
        (a) Presenting banks and indorsers of the FedSelect check are 
    deemed to guarantee that all prior indorsements are genuine, whether or 
    not an express guaranty is placed on the FedSelect check. When the 
    first indorsement has been made by one other than the payee personally, 
    the presenting bank and the indorsers are deemed to guarantee, in 
    addition to other warranties, that the person who so indorsed had 
    unqualified capacity and authority to indorse the check on behalf of 
    the payee.
        (b) A presenting bank makes the warranties required of a sender 
    under Subpart A of 12 CFR part 210 (Regulation J). This section does 
    not limit any warranty by a presenter or other party arising under 
    State law. Neither the Department, an agency nor a Reserve Bank is 
    barred from recovering on a breach of warranty solely because:
        (1) The negligence of the Department, an agency or of a Reserve 
    Bank, as fiscal agent, had contributed to a fraudulent indorsement or 
    material alteration;
        (2) The Department, an agency or a Reserve Bank, as fiscal agent, 
    had failed to discover promptly an unauthorized signature or 
        (3) An imposter had fraudulently caused the issuance of a FedSelect 
    check in the name of any existing payee or fictitious payee; or
        (4) An employee of the Department, an agency or a Reserve Bank, as 
    fiscal agent, had caused the fraudulent issuance of a FedSelect check 
    in the name of any existing payee or fictitious payee.
        (c) In the event of a breach of warranty, the payor Reserve Bank 
    may either return the item to the presenting bank or send to the 
    presenting bank notice of the breach. If, upon receipt of the returned 
    check or notice of the breach, the presenting bank does not make prompt 
    restitution, the Department, an agency or the payor Reserve Bank may 
    begin appropriate collection procedures.
    Sec. 247.10  Notice and replacement--non-receipt, theft, loss or 
    destruction; late presentment.
        (a) If an agency has notice that a FedSelect check is not received 
    by the payee within a reasonable time after a payment is due, or that a 
    FedSelect check is lost, stolen or destroyed, the agency must request 
    to the FMS that a stop payment order be placed on that item. The notice 
    may be given by telephone or facsimile, but if it is given by 
    telephone, such notice must be confirmed in writing before another 
    payment is issued. The notification must contain sufficient information 
    to identify the account and/or the obligation to which the payment is 
    related. Payment on a FedSelect check is stopped if the notice of non-
    receipt, loss, theft, or destruction is received from the agency at 
    such time and in such manner as to afford the payor Reserve Bank and 
    the FMS a reasonable opportunity to act on it prior to final payment, 
    as provided by applicable law. Once a stop payment order has been 
    placed against an outstanding FedSelect check, such stop payment order 
    will not be removed.
        (b) The agency that issued the FedSelect check will issue another 
    FedSelect check to replace a lost, stolen or destroyed FedSelect check, 
    or other form of payment, at its discretion. Items an agency may 
    require before issuing another FedSelect check include:
        (1) Written confirmation that the original FedSelect check was 
    lost, stolen, or destroyed;
        (2) Confirmation from the FMS that the original FedSelect check is 
        (3) A determination that recovery of the original FedSelect check 
    is unlikely; and
        (4) An indemnification agreement executed by the payee and/or 
        (c) If a payor Reserve Bank refuses payment on a FedSelect check 
    solely as a result of Sec. 247.8(c), the agency that issued the 
    original FedSelect check may issue, at its discretion, another 
    FedSelect check, or other form of payment, to a payee or holder upon 
    surrender of the original FedSelect check and execution of such 
    indemnification agreement as may be required by the agency.
        (d) Upon verification of the existence of a forged or unauthorized 
    indorsement on a FedSelect check which has been finally paid, the 
    agency that issued the original FedSelect check may issue, at its 
    discretion, another FedSelect check or other form of payment to the 
    person entitled. Disputes as to any continuing obligations for payment 
    remain between the agency that issued the payment and the payee. Prior 
    to the issuance of another FedSelect check, the payee or indorsee of 
    the original FedSelect check may be required to execute an affidavit 
    asserting that the payee or indorsee was in no way involved in the 
    fraudulent or unauthorized indorsement of the original FedSelect check, 
    in addition to any indemnification agreement required by the agency.
        (e) In the case of a FedSelect check payable to the order of two or 
    more persons, the requirements of this section apply to all designated 
    Sec. 247.11  Losses and accountability.
        (a) Agencies will be accountable for all losses arising out of 
    agency activity related to the issuance of FedSelect checks. Such 
    activities include negligence, fraud perpetrated by an employee or 
    agent of the agency, and fraud perpetrated by a service-provider or 
    vendor receiving a FedSelect check as payment.
        (b) If an agency had notice that a FedSelect check was not received 
    by the payee within a reasonable time after a payment is due, or that a 
    FedSelect check is lost, stolen or destroyed, and the agency failed to 
    request to the FMS that a stop payment order be placed on that item 
    pursuant to Sec. 247.10(a), the agency will be accountable for any loss 
    occurring as a result of the failure to request stop payment in a 
    timely fashion.
        (c) Losses caused by the fault or negligence of the FMS will be the 
    accountability of the FMS. Such losses include failure to adhere to a 
    request by an agency to place a stop payment order on an item in 
    accordance with Sec. 247.10(a).
        (d) The FMS will be accountable for losses caused by third-parties, 
    including losses caused by alteration, counterfeit and forgery of the 
    payee indorsement, unless such losses occur as described in paragraphs 
    (a) and (b) of this section.
    Sec. 247.12  Debt collection.
        (a) Agencies are responsible for collection procedures on all 
    improperly paid items arising under the circumstances described in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of Sec. 247.11. However, excepting cases of 
    fraud, an agency should write off a debt and refer it to the FMS for 
    collection if it is not resolved within 90 days after the item was 
    paid. When the FMS collects on the debt, the funds will be returned to 
    the agency minus an administrative fee for the collection, in 
    accordance with rules set forth in I TFM 4-3500. Accountability for a 
    debt remains with the agency in accordance with Sec. 247.11.
        (b) The FMS is responsible for collection procedures on all 
    improperly paid items arising under the circumstances described in 
    paragraphs (c) and (d) of Sec. 247.11. With all such items, the FMS 
    will make an initial demand for refund of the amount of a check payment 
    to the presenting bank or any other debtor. This demand shall advise 
    the presenting bank or debtor of the amount demanded and the reason for 
    the demand. All delinquent debts will be subject to interest, penalties 
    and administrative fees in accordance with the Federal Claims 
    Collections Standards. Any discrepancies should be brought to the 
    attention of the FMS.
    Sec. 247.13  Funds for losses.
        (a) If collection efforts by the FMS for debts arising under 
    paragraphs (c) and (d) of Sec. 247.11 are unsuccessful, sources of 
    funds for the payment of such losses include FMS appropriations, to the 
    extent available, funds collected from reimbursement fees for services 
    provided by the FMS pursuant to Sec. 247.5(b), and other available 
        (b) Reimbursement fees paid by agencies to the FMS for FedSelect 
    check services will be retained for payment of uncollectible losses, 
    consistent with all applicable laws.
    Sec. 247.14  Additional requirements.
        In any case or any class of cases arising under these regulations, 
    the FMS or the agency that issued the FedSelect check may require such 
    additional evidence of loss, improper indorsement or entitlement to 
    another payment may be necessary for the protection of the interests of 
    the United States.
    Sec. 247.15  Waiver of regulations.
        The FMS reserves the right to waive any provision(s) of these 
    regulations in any case or class of cases for the convenience of the 
    United States or in order to relieve any person(s) of unnecessary 
    hardship, if such action is not inconsistent with law, does not impair 
    any existing rights, and the FMS is satisfied that such action will not 
    subject the United States to any substantial expense or liability.
    Sec. 247.16  Supplements, amendments or revisions.
        The FMS may, at any time, prescribe supplemental, amendatory, or 
    revised regulations or revoke the regulations in this Part.
        Dated: August 5, 1994.
    Michael T. Smokovich,
    Acting Commissioner.
    [FR Doc. 94-25780 Filed 10-20-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4810-35-P

Document Information

Fiscal Service
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before November 21, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: October 21, 1994
CFR: (30)
12 CFR 247.6
12 CFR 247.7
12 CFR 247.8
12 CFR 247.9
12 CFR 247.10
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