99-29338. National Park System Units in Alaska; Denali National Park and Preserve, Special Regulations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 218 (Friday, November 12, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 61563-61572]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-29338]
    National Park Service
    36 CFR Parts 5 and 13
    RIN 1024-AC58
    National Park System Units in Alaska; Denali National Park and 
    Preserve, Special Regulations
    AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: For National Park System units in Alaska, the proposed rule 
    would establish a definition for ``traditional activities'' as the term 
    is used in Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) and 
    in the regulations of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior. The 
    rule would close the area within Denali National Park that was formerly 
    Mount McKinley National Park to the use of snowmachines (snowmobiles) 
    for traditional activities. The rule would also consolidate, expand and 
    codify certain designations, closures, and permit requirements for 
    Denali National Park and Preserve. This proposal includes requirements 
    for vehicular traffic, vehicle use limits, public health and safety, 
    and resource protection postings and closures. It also replaces the 
    out-of-date references to ``Mount McKinley National Park'' with the 
    Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act name ``Denali National 
    Park and Preserve.'' The National Park Service (NPS) will hold hearings 
    in the vicinity of the Park concerning the proposed closure to 
    snowmachines and the other portions of this proposed rule. NPS will 
    analyze all timely comments, modify the Rule as needed and publish a 
    Final Rule in early 2000.
    DATES: Written comments will be accepted through January 11, 2000. 
    Commenters are advised that the Department of the Interior intends to 
    make the names and addresses of commenters public, but that commenters 
    may request that this information not be released and the Department 
    will then determine whether the information may be withheld under the 
    Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552).
    ADDRESSES: Address comments to: Superintendent, Denali National Park 
    and Preserve, PO Box 9, Denali National Park, AK 99755. Attention: Ken 
    Kehrer, Jr.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ken Kehrer, Jr. at the above address 
    or by calling 907-683-2294.
        Denali National Park and Preserve is a vast area that provides 
    visitors of all abilities with opportunities for superlative, 
    inspirational, recreational, wilderness, and wildlife experiences in 
    keeping with its legislative mandates. Over the long term, preserving 
    the wilderness, and its continually evolving natural processes, is 
    essential to ensuring opportunities for outstanding resource-based 
    visitor experiences.
        In the NPS Organic Act of 1916, Congress directed the Secretary of 
    the Interior and the NPS to manage national parks and monuments to 
    ``conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the 
    wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such 
    manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the 
    enjoyment of future generations.'' 16 U.S.C. 1. The Organic Act also 
    granted the Secretary the authority to implement ``rules and 
    regulations as he may deem necessary or proper for the use and 
    management of the parks, monuments and reservations under the 
    jurisdiction of the National Park Service.'' 16 U.S.C. 3. In 1917, 
    Congress established Mount McKinley National Park to ``set apart as a 
    public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people * * * for 
    recreation purposes by the public and for the preservation of animals, 
    birds, and fish and for the preservation of the natural curiosities and 
    scenic beauties thereof * * * said park shall be, and is hereby 
    established as a game refuge'' (39 Stat. 938).
        In 1980, Congress passed the Alaska National Interest Lands 
    Conservation Act (ANILCA), which enlarged Mt. McKinley National Park 
    and renamed it Denali National Park and Preserve. P.L. 96-487, Dec. 2, 
    1980, 94 Stat. 2371. Consistent with the 1917 Act that created the 
    park, ANILCA recognized the importance of protecting habitat for, and 
    populations of, fish and wildlife. The legislative history of ANILCA 
    states that certain NPS units in Alaska,
    [[Page 61564]]
    including ``Mount McKinley [National Park] * * * are intended to be 
    large sanctuaries where fish and wildlife may roam freely, developing 
    their social structures and evolving over long periods of time as 
    nearly as possible without the changes that extensive human activities 
    would cause.'' Sen. Rep. No. 96-413, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 137 (1979); 
    and, Cong. Rec. H10532 (Nov. 12, 1980). The heart of the new Park and 
    Preserve lies on the lands that once comprised Mount McKinley National 
    Park, where predator-prey relationships have functioned for many 
    decades without significant human interference. This ``core'' area of 
    Denali National Park (also known as the Old Park) has historically been 
    the only place in the interior and northern parts of Alaska where 
    wildlife protection has been ensured through minimal disturbance to 
    wildlife and habitat. This core area's dedication to wildlife 
    protection is essential to the wilderness wildlife experience of over 
    300,000 visitors who travel into the park each season.
        Limiting motor vehicle use on the Denali Park Road, and prohibiting 
    snowmachine use in the adjacent Denali wilderness, have been essential 
    factors in maintaining the natural systems in the park interior and in 
    providing continued outstanding visitor experiences. The overall 
    visitor experience depends in large part on seeing the spectacular 
    variety of wildlife along the park road and the opportunity to observe 
    natural predator-prey interactions. Vehicle use above certain levels 
    displaces the wildlife that can be seen from the road and otherwise 
    disrupts the park's ecosystems and is therefore detrimental to the 
    resources, values and purposes for which the park was established. 
    Because the core area of the park was established in 1917, over 63 
    years before ANILCA, park guidelines and patterns of use and 
    administration for the core area have developed over time and in ways 
    uniquely suited to the local conditions and needs. With the passage of 
    ANILCA and improved highway access to the park, it has become necessary 
    to consolidate many of these requirements and practices in the park 
    specific regulations.
    Section-by-Section Analysis
    36 CFR 5.2(b), 5.4(a) and 5.10(a)
        NPS proposes updates to these sections to reflect the name change 
    to the park that occurred on December 2, 1980. With the adoption of 
    ANILCA, the name of the park was changed from Mount McKinley National 
    Park to Denali National Park and Preserve (P.L. 96-487 Sec. 202(3)(a), 
    Dec. 2, 1980). The proposed revisions here would delete references to 
    the former name and substitute the new name. In section 5.4(a) the 
    reference to ``McKinley Park Hotel'' in the existing regulations would 
    be replaced with ``Denali Park Railroad Depot.'' This change reflects 
    the fact that the 1996 Final Denali Entrance Area and Road Corridor 
    Development Concept Plan Environmental Impact Statement (1996 Final 
    Entrance and Road Plan), which was approved in a 1997 Record of 
    Decision, adopted September 2001 as the closing date for the hotel. The 
    railroad depot, which is just across the road, would be substituted for 
    the hotel because the depot will remain open. No change is proposed for 
    the regulatory content of the other sections.
    36 CFR 13.1(u)
        NPS proposes to define ``traditional activities'' as the term is 
    used in Section 1110(a) and 43 CFR 36.11 for National Park System units 
    in Alaska. This proposal is discussed as part of the snowmachine 
    discussion, below.
    36 CFR 13.2(c)
        The purpose of this section is to indicate those parks statutorily 
    excepted from applicability of subsistence regulations found in Part 
    13, subpart B. In the case of Denali, only part of the park was 
    statutorily excepted (i.e., that ``core'' part formerly known as Mount 
    McKinley National Park). NPS proposes to revise this regulation to use 
    that terminology to clarify the meaning of the current Sec. 13.2(c) 
    phrase ``. . . and parts of Denali National Park.'' The proposed change 
    more clearly specifies the intended area and does not change the 
    regulatory application of the section.
    36 CFR 13.63(d) Denali Park Road: Motor Vehicle Traffic
        NPS proposes this new special regulation to consolidate existing 
    motor vehicle rules and restrictions currently compiled separately by 
    the Superintendent in accordance with 36 CFR 1.7(b). Because a portion 
    of the motor vehicle traffic on the Denali Park road is destined for 
    commercial lodges and other private inholdings in Kantishna at the 
    western end of the road, the proposed regulation includes consideration 
    of the requirements of ANILCA Sec. 1110(b). ANILCA Sec. 1110(b) directs 
    NPS to give inholders such rights as may be necessary to ensure 
    adequate and feasible access to their land for economic and other 
    purposes, subject to reasonable regulations that protect the natural 
    and other values of the conservation system unit. Therefore, this 
    section would be implemented in consideration of the requirements of 43 
    CFR 36.10 (Access to inholdings).
        Before the completion of the George Parks Highway in 1972, annual 
    visitation to Mt. McKinley National Park did not exceed 30,000 
    visitors, with a majority of those arriving by railroad. Significant 
    increases in visitation began in 1972, and the resulting demands of 
    private motor vehicle traffic for use of the road into the park was 
    greater than could be accommodated without disturbing and displacing 
    wildlife that could be seen from the road. In 1997, visitors to Denali 
    National Park exceeded 300,000, a tenfold increase from 1972.
        The primary visitor attraction at the park is the unparalleled 
    array of Alaska wildlife regularly seen from the Denali Park Road and 
    the opportunity to see natural predator-prey interactions. In 1972, to 
    ensure that the increasing number of visitors would continue to see 
    grizzly bears, caribou, moose, Dall sheep, the occasional wolf, as well 
    as other species of Alaska wildlife in their natural habitat, NPS 
    developed a shuttle bus system that replaced most of the private 
    vehicular traffic with buses each capable of transporting more than 36 
    passengers. Concurrently, general private vehicular traffic was limited 
    to the improved, easternmost 15 miles of the 88-mile park road. This 
    action allowed an increase in the number of visitors who could travel 
    the road without unduly impacting the wildlife viewing experience.
        The other option that NPS considered in 1972--adding additional 
    private vehicular traffic to the road--proved untenable for a number of 
    reasons. NPS determined that the increase in activities associated with 
    additional private vehicle use caused the greatest disturbance to 
    wildlife given that such vehicles could stop at will to allow 
    passengers to approach wildlife on foot. As a previous rulemaking 
    noted, when an unchecked flow of traffic was allowed to use the Denali 
    Park road for a few weeks each fall and spring, park resource managers 
    observed that wildlife abandoned the road corridor after three or four 
    days, depriving visitors of the opportunity to watch and photograph 
    them (48 FR 14978). Although bus passengers may choose to be dropped 
    off at any safe point along the road, when wildlife is near, passenger 
    discharge is controlled to avoid conflicts with, and displacement of, 
    wildlife. Accordingly, opportunities for viewing and photographing 
    wildlife abound while the bus is stopped for those purposes.
    [[Page 61565]]
        In 1986, a General Management Plan (GMP) for Denali National Park 
    and Preserve was developed through public hearings and other public 
    input. The GMP authorized a motor vehicle use level of 10,512 vehicle 
    round trips on the unimproved portion of the Denali Park road during 
    the visitor season, which runs annually from Memorial Day weekend 
    through mid-September. The 10,512 vehicle level was established by 
    using 1984 use levels as a base and allowing a maximum 20 percent 
    increase in shuttle and tour bus traffic. This increase in bus traffic 
    was offset by reductions of non-bus traffic and by consideration of 
    such factors as road wear and maintenance, natural resource protection 
    (including maintaining the opportunity for unparalleled wildlife 
    watching), environmental impacts and traffic safety.
        Shuttle and tour buses have been operating at, or near, their GMP-
    established level for several years. Additionally, since the mid-1980s, 
    three new businesses have opened at the west end of the park road on 
    private land in Kantishna. The park has permitted motor vehicle access 
    to these businesses for their guests, a trend that is likely to 
    continue. Also, individual inholders will continue to be able to obtain 
    road access permits to use their private vehicles on the unimproved, 
    restricted access section of the Denali Park road to regularly access 
    their property.
        The 1996 Final Entrance and Road Plan called for retaining the 
    annual season motor vehicle traffic level (10,512) as established in 
    the 1986 GMP. Public comment on the Draft Entrance Area and Road 
    Corridor Development Concept Plan (Draft Plan) during summer 1996, 
    including public hearings at several different locations in Alaska and 
    a 60-day comment period, indicated widespread support for retaining the 
    GMP level. NPS received 262 written comments and heard testimony from 
    40 people; no comments were received opposing the overall level of 
    10,512 motor vehicle permits although there were numerous comments that 
    supported more restrictive regulation of vehicle traffic than was 
    adopted in the final plan. In the proposed regulations, the NPS would 
    codify the annual visitor season traffic level of 10,512 motor vehicle 
    permits. The Denali Entrance Area and Road Corridor Development Concept 
    Plan was designed to be applicable for 10-15 years. NPS intends to 
    reevaluate the road use levels established by this rule in 10 years or 
    sooner if significant change in circumstances should occur.
        Traffic safety is also a significant factor for limiting use to the 
    GMP allocation. Studies of visitor satisfaction, and both formal and 
    informal visitor comments, consistently support the NPS decision to 
    maintain most of the Denali Park Road in its rustic, unimproved 
    condition. The character of the park road and its relationship with the 
    landscape through which it passes are integral to the visitor 
    experience at Denali. Consequently, 72 miles of the road are graded 
    gravel, much of which varies between one and one-and-one-half lanes 
    wide. As the road traverses scenic mountain passes between broad river 
    valleys, it often dips and climbs and winds as it clings precipitously 
    to the mountains' supporting contours. The road, which was originally 
    designed for 1930s era vehicles and levels of use, must now accommodate 
    1999 traffic levels--a mix of large tour and shuttle buses, private 
    vehicles for inholder access, park administrative and maintenance 
    traffic, and service vehicles traveling to Kantishna lodges.
        NPS concern over traffic safety is also based on bus accidents that 
    occurred in 1969, 1974, 1981 and 1989, and resulted in six fatalities 
    and serious injuries to park visitors. The historic character of the 
    road warrants special attention to safety procedures for its use. Known 
    locally as the ``rules of the road,'' practices such as driving with 
    lights on and specific procedures for yielding to buses have developed 
    through time and are practiced by many, although not all, drivers on 
    the unimproved, restricted access section of the road. Permitted users, 
    such as those traveling to inholdings, are advised of these rules, and 
    the rules are mandatory for NPS staff. However, to avoid unanticipated 
    actions by vehicle operators, mandatory observance of ``the rules'' is 
    necessary, particularly for NPS to use large, 52 passenger buses to 
    accommodate more visitors. To ensure a safe, enjoyable experience for 
    all visitors, interactions between vehicles must be managed in the 
    safest possible manner and all drivers must participate. To date, and 
    when properly observed, these safety procedures have been effective in 
    minimizing traffic problems and accidents. This rulemaking provides 
    that ``rules of the road'' will apply, as a term and condition of a 
    permit to operate a vehicle on the restricted access section of the 
    Denali Park Road.
        To manage the annual traffic level of motor vehicle permits set by 
    the GMP and the 1996 Final Entrance and Road Plan, NPS would limit 
    motor vehicles in the various authorized user categories as proposed 
    in, and adopted by, the 1996 planning process. Recognizing that ANILCA 
    Sec. 1110(b) provides inholders with access as may be necessary to 
    assure adequate and feasible use for economic and other purposes, the 
    1996 plan addresses both the commercial and private uses of inholders. 
    Through careful analysis and negotiation, the park superintendent will 
    continue to balance: the number of bus trips provided for visitors; 
    access by inholders; the level and duration of permits, and; the 
    administrative requirements of the agency. Accordingly, this rulemaking 
    proposes to explicitly provide the superintendent with the regulatory 
    authority to annually evaluate anticipated-use requirements and to 
    reasonably apportion motor vehicle permits for the restricted access 
    section of the road among authorized users.
        A system for allocating permits among the various authorized users 
    was proposed as part of the 1996 Draft Plan. NPS received a few 
    comments that raised questions about the distribution of vehicle 
    permits among Kantishna lodges. The 1996 Final Entrance and Road Plan 
    included a method of allocating motor vehicle permits for Kantishna 
    business traffic that was developed in cooperation with existing 
    Kantishna businesses, according to their established business 
    practices, within the road traffic limits of the 1986 GMP. Specific 
    allocations for Kantishna motor vehicle traffic will help ensure long-
    term protection of the current visitor experience and of wildlife 
    populations along the road corridor. Kantishna businesses will be able 
    to continue using both the Kantishna airstrip and the NPS visitor 
    transportation system buses for guest access, as well as operate buses 
    and other vehicles on the park road as allocated below.
        Overall allocations for Kantishna motor vehicle business traffic 
    will be based on recent use levels (1994-96 seasons). The allocation 
    will allow for some additional expansion provided that the businesses 
    continue current patterns of transporting guests to and from Kantishna. 
    The allocations established by the 1996 Final Entrance and Road Plan 
    for the total number of round trips during the visitor season for the 
    existing business are:
         Denali Backcountry Lodge: 315.
         Kantishna Roadhouse: 420.
         Northface Lodge/Camp Denali: 315.
        As previously expressed in the 1996 Final Entrance and Road Plan, 
    Proposed Section 13.63(d)(4) would not permit recreational vehicle (RV) 
    travel (motor homes, trailers, and campers) for the purpose of 
    transporting guests to and from Kantishna businesses is not
    [[Page 61566]]
    permitted. Motor vehicle permits will not be transferable from one 
    business operation to another. Additionally, when a business is sold to 
    a different entity, NPS will re-evaluate the access requirements of the 
    new entity. If a business ceases to operate, or changes dramatically, 
    the superintendent, through appropriate planning, would be able to re-
    allocate use among all users.
        Motor vehicle permits for present and future Kantishna businesses 
    would be subject to reallocation in accordance with proposed section 
    13.63(d)(2) within the annual limit of 10,512 permits. However, 
    Kantishna businesses would be encouraged to use a combination of park 
    road permit allocations, the existing NPS visitor transportation system 
    buses and the Kantishna airstrip, to accommodate increased guest 
    access. Kantishna businesses could also work to provide for shared 
    vehicle access (for example, for supply vehicles) to minimize the 
    effects on other travel requirements.
        A total of 1,360 vehicle round trips for Kantishna inholders would 
    be authorized, comprising 13 percent of all annual traffic. This total 
    includes other Kantishna traffic (individual inholders, mining claim 
    owners, and others), which generally has averaged less than 100 round 
    trips per year, and should decline as mining claims are acquired by the 
    Federal Government.
        NPS intends to reserve a small number of motor vehicle trips to 
    cover emergency vehicles. In the unlikely event that the number of 
    emergency vehicle trips exceeds this level, emergency use can still be 
    authorized under the general administrative exception at 36 CFR 1.2(d).
        NPS believes that adoption of these regulatory measures would 
    implement the GMP and the 1996 Final Entrance and Road Plan to: 
    maintain the appropriate level of safety on the Denali Park road; meet 
    the present and future requirements of authorized users; ensure NPS 
    facilities are sufficient to accommodate projected visitation levels; 
    minimize impacts on the resources and support a quality visitor 
    experience. NPS believes that adopting this rule would achieve these 
    goals without unduly disturbing the cornerstone of the park's 
    existence--the superlative and unparalleled array of wildlife that is 
    viewed by the public from the Denali Park road.
    36 CFR 13.63(g) Firearms
        The provisions of ANILCA Title VIII govern subsistence management 
    and use. Section 814 directs the Secretary to prescribe such 
    regulations as are necessary and appropriate to carry out his 
    responsibilities under Title VIII. Section 816 recognizes the 
    Secretary's general authority to designate areas where, and establish 
    periods when, the taking of wildlife is prohibited for reasons of 
    public safety. The proposed rule would establish a seasonal closure to 
    the discharge of firearms on public lands in the developed area of 
    Kantishna, except for the protection of life or property. The closure 
    would apply on: the Kantishna Airstrip; the approximately 4.5 mile-long 
    State Omnibus Act Road right-of-way, and; and all public lands located 
    within one mile of the Kantishna Airstrip or the State Omnibus Act Road 
    right-of-way (within the park addition at Kantishna).
        During the applicable seasons, eligible subsistence users in the 
    Kantishna area may hunt black bear, brown bear, moose, coyote, red fox, 
    hare, lynx, wolf, wolverine, grouse and ptarmigan, and may trap beaver, 
    coyote, red fox, lynx, marten, mink, weasel, muskrat, otter, wolf and 
    wolverine. The closure would be effective seasonally beginning the 
    Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through the second Thursday following 
    Labor Day or September 15, whichever comes first. This period is the 
    time of heaviest overlap between subsistence hunting and other seasonal 
    visitor activities. The intent of the proposal is to protect public 
    safety while accommodating the various public user groups to the 
    fullest extent possible. The purpose of the closure is to reduce the 
    level of risk of firearm-related injury inherent in heavy use areas 
    without otherwise affecting authorized subsistence uses. The 
    restriction would not apply on private inholdings. This proposal 
    follows consultation with the State of Alaska. NPS invites written 
    comments on this proposal as a part of this rulemaking. NPS will also 
    accept comments during public hearings on the proposed rule.
    36 CFR 13.63(h) Snowmachines (Snowmobiles)
        The purpose of the proposed rule is to modify and make permanent 
    the current snowmobile closure for traditional activities in the former 
    Mount McKinley National Park. The closure does not affect the park's 
    four-million-acre ANILCA additions where snowmobile use is permitted 
    for traditional activities and for travel to and from villages and 
    homesites, subject to reasonable regulations (43 CFR 36.11(c)). The 
    proposed rule also requires the superintendent to determine that 
    snowcover is adequate for snowmachines in order to protect the 
    underlying vegetation and soils. This determination is necessary to 
    prevent damage to exposed vegetation, as observed by park rangers and 
    resource management staff during the past winter. This process is 
    similar to a provision at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (50 CFR 
    36.39(i)(4)(i)) which NPS understands has worked well since it was 
    adopted in 1986. (see also, Denali State Park, 11 AAC Sec. 20.425).
        The proposed rule follows NPS's February 3, 1999, publication of a 
    Statement of Finding: Temporary Closure of the Former Mt. McKinley 
    National Park Area of Denali National Park and Preserve to the Use of 
    Snowmobiles for Traditional Activities (Statement of Finding). The NPS 
    notes that this Temporary Closure is currently under litigation in 
    Alaska (see Alaska State Snowmobile Assoc. v. Babbitt, U.S.D.C. Alaska, 
    No. A99-0059 CV [JWS]). A copy of the Statement of Finding and maps of 
    the affected area can be obtained by visiting the park's web site at 
    www.nps.gov/dena/statement.htm or by writing or calling the 
    Superintendent at the address or number printed at the beginning of 
    this proposed rule.
        NPS will also hold a series of public hearings in compliance with 
    43 CFR 36.11(h), as a part of this rulemaking, to continue gathering 
    public comment on snowmobile use in the Old Park. NPS will announce the 
    locations, dates, and times of the public hearings by publication in 
    local area newspapers.
        ANILCA Sec. 1110(a) and 43 CFR 36.11 govern the use of snowmachines 
    (snowmobiles) on public lands in Alaska for traditional activities and 
    for travel to and from villages and homesites. Snowmobile use for these 
    purposes is permitted (during periods of adequate snow cover), subject 
    to reasonable regulations to protect the natural and other values of, 
    in this case, Denali National Park and Preserve. Section 1110(a), as 
    enacted, was derived from a provision originally reported by the Senate 
    (S. Rep. No. 413, 96th Cong. 1st Sess. 66-67 (1979)). Section 1110(a) 
    was drafted to address concerns that the subsistence access provisions 
    under consideration did not protect similar access for non-qualifying 
    people who engaged in subsistence-like activities (hunting, fishing, 
    berry picking and trapping) as part of the unique Alaska lifestyle. 
    Senate Committee On Energy and Natural Resources, Alaska (d)(2) Lands--
    Mark Up, August 1, 1978, pgs. 50-75. The Senate Committee Report and 
    the House Report (Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs) list 
    several examples of traditional activities: subsistence and sport 
    hunting, fishing, and berry picking, provided that the activity was 
    generally occurring before
    [[Page 61567]]
    the area's designation in ANILCA. S. Rep. No. 413, 96th Cong., 1st 
    Sess. pp. 247-248 (1979); H.R. Rep. No. 96-97, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 
    Pt. I at 238 (1979).
        The NPS Organic Act of 1916 directs NPS to manage the national 
    parks to conserve their scenery, natural and historic objects and 
    wildlife, and to provide for public enjoyment in a manner and means 
    that leave the parks unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations 
    (16 U.S.C. 1). Mount McKinley National Park (Old Park) was established, 
    in part, as a game refuge (16 U.S.C. 352). Since 1917, activities in 
    the Old Park have been compatible with the protection of the park's 
    values and purposes. The legislative history of ANILCA recognized that 
    the Old Park would continue to function as a ``large sanctuar[y] where 
    fish and wildlife may roam freely, developing their social structures 
    and evolving over long periods of time as nearly as possible without 
    the changes that extensive human activities would cause.'' Sen. Rep. 
    No. 96-413, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 137 (1979); Cong. Rec. S11126 (August 
    18, 1980), and; Cong. Rec. H10532 (Nov. 12, 1980).
        As such, the Old Park remains ``off-limits'' to such traditional 
    Alaska activities as sport and subsistence hunting. Other subsistence 
    activities have never been authorized and no winter fishing or 
    wintertime berry picking took place. Accordingly NPS does not believe 
    that any discernible traditional activities, supported by snowmobiles, 
    lawfully occurred in the Old Park before the enactment of ANILCA.
        Nor was there snowmobile travel to and from villages or homesites. 
    There are no inholdings in the Old park, and in the past 19 years 
    (i.e., since the enactment of ANILCA), NPS is only aware of one attempt 
    to cross the Old Park by snowmobile to reach a homesite to the west of 
    the Old Park. That 1981 attempt ended in an accident. All homesites and 
    villages outside the boundary of the Old Park (including Kantishna) 
    have reasonable alternate routes for snowmobile access (including 
    routes through other portions of the park) that have been regularly 
    used for such access.
        The Old Park was closed to snowmobile use prior to ANILCA (see 36 
    CFR 2.34 Snowmobiles and Sec. 7.44 Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska 
    (1980 ed.)). After ANILCA, the Old Park remained closed by 36 CFR 2.18 
    and orders published in the Denali National Park and Preserve 
    Superintendent's Compendium. NPS has consistently managed the two-
    million-acre Old Park for nonmotorized winter recreation in a way that 
    allows visitors to experience solitude and natural sounds, such as dog 
    mushing, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. As far back as 1981, in 
    the implementing regulations to ANILCA, NPS cautioned ``[p]rospective 
    snowmachine users [to] note that the legislative history of section 
    1110(a) defines a traditional activity in terms of a use generally 
    occurring in a park area prior to its designation.'' 46 FR 3184, June 
    17, 1981.
        Since NPS had never promulgated a regulatory definition for 
    ``traditional activities,'' however, the State of Alaska and other 
    interested groups and individuals questioned whether NPS's compendium 
    closure was legally sufficient. A newsletter article was published last 
    year urging recreational snowmobilers to travel throughout the Old 
    Park. Alaska Snow Rider (October 1998), Volume 9, Issue 6. In response, 
    NPS published the Statement of Finding on February 3, 1999, as a 
    temporary closure in compliance with the requirements of ANILCA section 
    1110(a) and the implementing regulations at 43 CFR 36.11(h). Following 
    notice and public hearings, NPS determined that snowmobile use for 
    traditional activities would be detrimental to the resource values of 
    the Old Park portion of Denali National Park and Preserve and that it 
    was necessary and appropriate to close most of that area to the use of 
    snowmobiles for traditional activities.
        Snowmobile use in, and near, the Old Park area began to increase in 
    the early 1990s. The increased use occurred simultaneously with an 
    increase in snowmobile sales and use throughout Alaska. In addition to 
    increased snowmobile activity, the character and pattern of use also 
    changed. Snowmobile manufacturers began producing more reliable, higher 
    performance vehicles that could access steep terrain and travel greater 
    distances (see The mountain was screaming, Anchorage Daily News, March 
    28, 1999). Snowmobiling changed from a utilitarian form of access for 
    the traditional activities discussed in ANILCA, such as hunting, into a 
    new and popular recreational activity in and of itself. Since NPS had 
    not defined the term ``traditional activity,'' recreational 
    snowmobilers began using the ANILCA additions to Denali National Park 
    near the George Parks Highway. Technological advances have enabled 
    snowmobilers to reach, and lately, enter some corridors in the Old Park 
    in a limited number of drainages on the south side of the Alaska Range. 
    This has caused NPS tremendous concern that the resources of the Old 
    Park would be detrimentally affected by snowmobiles. These concerns 
    have prompted NPS to analyze the effects that section 1110(a) 
    snowmobile use would have on the resources of the Old Park, and 
    explicitly close the Old Park to such use.
        The Statement of Finding, published on February 3, 1999, analyzed 
    and discussed a number of key issues, including: The detrimental 
    effects that snowmobiles would have on wildlife, vegetation, and soils; 
    the conflicts that snowmobiles create with resource values and 
    historically-occuring recreational uses; the interference snowmobiles 
    can present to subsistence opportunities on nearby lands; and, 
    additional concerns such as the impact snowmobiles have on air and 
    water quality. As discussed in the Statement of Finding, the Old Park 
    contains important wintering ground and spring calving areas for 
    ungulates and also serves as denning habitat for wolves and bears. One 
    of the primary purposes for establishing Denali National Park and 
    Preserve was to provide protection for wildlife and wildlife habitat. 
    Since its establishment in 1917, the Old Park has been protected and 
    is, in fact, the only place in the Interior and northern parts of 
    Alaska where wildlife has been protected through minimal disturbance of 
    natural wildlife conditions. Thus, a very special natural system has 
    developed where predator-prey relationships have functioned without 
    significant human interference. The unparalleled array of Alaska 
    wildlife regularly seen from the Denali Park Road and the opportunity 
    to see natural predator-prey interactions is the primary visitor 
    attraction at the park. The key factors in the development of this 
    balance were the policies of restricting the use of private vehicles on 
    the park road during the summer months and prohibiting snowmobile use 
    in the winter. The Statement of Finding (pages 9-13) cites observations 
    of, and studies on, wildlife, including moose and caribou, which 
    indicate that snowmobile activity alters the behavior of a wide variety 
    of animals. These studies confirm that exposure of wildlife to 
    snowmobile use results in behavioral alteration, habitat avoidance, and 
    energy expenditures at critical times when animals are under extreme 
    stress from winter privations. Winter is an extremely difficult time of 
    year for animals in the Old Park. As noted in the Statement of Finding:
        The health of this shielded ecological system is the foundation 
    for one of the world's finest wildlife viewing opportunities. The 
    possibility of seeing bears, wolves, caribou, moose, Dall sheep, and 
    many other animals against the backdrop of a spectacular subarctic, 
    alpine landscape and vegetation is
    [[Page 61568]]
    the cornerstone of a multimillion-dollar tourism industry in Alaska. 
    These wildlife populations in the old park area are available for 
    this unparalleled viewing opportunity precisely because they have 
    been protected from intrusive interactions with humans for decades.
    Id. at 5.
        Any increase in stress through added energy expenditure or loss of 
    preferred habitat is a concern in the difficult times of winter. In the 
    former Mt. McKinley National Park, there is the possibility of many 
    additional miles of snowmobile trails and increased snowmobile activity 
    levels throughout all types of habitats. This area of previously 
    protected habitat is particularly vulnerable to increased disturbance 
    given its close proximity to the George Parks Highway. This new pattern 
    of use will leave little opportunity for wildlife avoidance and refuge. 
    This major change in the level and extent of human activity in this 
    historically undisturbed winter environment will affect many animals 
    over a large area. It would also represent a significant change from 
    the long-standing patterns of non-intrusive human interaction with 
        Id. at 10
        NPS believes that snowmobile use in this area would compromise the 
    park's successful long-term resource protection strategy and would be 
    detrimental to the internationally-significant resources and the 
    opportunity to view them. NPS also believes that snowmobile use would 
    be detrimental to the resource values of natural quiet, solitude and 
    the sounds of nature--among the values for which the Old Park has been 
    managed, that are generally unique to the Old Park, and that 
    snowshoers, cross-country skiers and dog mushers have long enjoyed.
        Therefore, based on the Statement of Finding and additional 
    information gathered in the interim, NPS believes that the temporary 
    snowmobile closure of the former Mount McKinley National Park should be 
    implemented on a permanent basis by this rulemaking in accordance with 
    43 CFR 36.11(h).
    Traditional Activities: Proposed Definition
        In 1986, the Department of the Interior promulgated regulations to 
    implement the provisions of Title XI of ANILCA (51 FR 31629, September 
    4, 1986). That rulemaking included the implementing regulations for 
    ``Special Access'' (ANILCA section 1110(a), 43 CFR 36.11). Responding 
    to comments suggesting that ``traditional activities'' should be 
    defined, the Department stated:
        Because these regulations apply to a number of areas Under the 
    administrative jurisdiction of three agencies, it has been decided that 
    it would be unwise, and perhaps impossible to develop a definition that 
    would be appropriate for all areas under all circumstances. Exactly 
    what ``traditional activities'' are must be decided on a case-by-case 
    basis. Once the agencies have had the opportunity to review this 
    question for each area under their administration, it may be possible 
    to specifically define ``traditional activities'' for each area.
        Id. at 31627.
        Defining the term ``traditional activity,'' in the context of the 
    Special Access provisions of ANILCA section 1110(a) and National Park 
    System units in Alaska is an important part of Section 13.1(u) of the 
    proposed rule. In 1986, the Denali National Park and Preserve General 
    Management Plan discussed the meaning of ``traditionally employed'' 
    surface transportation and ``snowmachine * * * transportation * * * for 
    traditional activities.'' NPS stated that:
        In applying the provisions of ANILCA * * * section 1110.
        * * *[NPS] has relied on the following definitions of 
    'tradition(al)' from Webster's Third New International Dictionary of 
    the English Language (unabridged), 1976:
        2. The process of handing down information, opinions, beliefs, and 
    customs by word of mouth or by example: transmission of knowledge and 
    instruction through successive generations without written instruction 
    * * *
        3. An inherited or established way of thinking, feeling or doing; a 
    cultural feature (as an attitude, belief, custom, institution) 
    preserved or evolved from the past (as of a family or nation); as * * * 
    a doctrine or practice or a body of a doctrine and practice preserved 
    by oral transmission * * *
        5.a: Cultural continuity embodied in a massive complex of evolving 
    social attitudes, beliefs, conventions, and institutions rooted in the 
    experience of the past and exerting an orienting and normative 
    influence on the present.
        b: the residual elements of past artistic styles or periods.
        To qualify under ANILCA, a . . . `traditional activity has to have 
    been an established cultural pattern, per these definitions, prior to . 
    . . when the unit was established.
        Denali National Park and Preserve General Management Plan (1986), 
    page 45 and at Appendix I.
        In determining whether any traditional activities had occurred in 
    the Old Park prior to the enactment of ANILCA, NPS is proposing the 
    immediate following definition which is drafted to be consistent with 
    the legislative history underlying section 1110(a). This definition 
    draws also from, but attempts to simplify, the dictionary definition.
        Traditional activity--An activity that generally and lawfully 
    occurred in a unit or a geographically defined area of a unit prior to 
    enactment of ANILCA, and that was typically associated with that region 
    as an integral and established part of a utilitarian Alaska lifestyle 
    or cultural pattern.
        Applying this definition to the Old Park, NPS is unable to identify 
    any specific traditional winter activities. The examples of traditional 
    activities identified in the House and Senate Committee reports are 
    subsistence and sport hunting, fishing, and berry picking. While 
    various winter recreational activities did take place in the Old Park, 
    the legislative history reveals that these activities were not 
    traditional as that concept was debated in Congress. Therefore there 
    could not now be traditional activities within this area for which a 
    snowmachine is authorized under section 1110(a) or 43 CFR 36.11. 
    Accordingly, Proposed section 13.63(h)(1) would implement on a 
    permanent basis the previous temporary closure of snowmachines for 
    traditional activities in most of the former Mount McKinley portion of 
    the park, and also serve as the Service's determination that 
    traditional activities did not take place in this area during periods 
    of adequate snow cover. NPS specifically requests commenters to address 
    both the proposed definition and its application to the Old Park. In 
    connection with the latter, NPS requests that commenters address, 
    wherever possible, where and when such activities may have lawfully 
    occurred, or report the absence of such activities, and the basis for 
    the commenters knowledge. For the reasons previously discussed NPS 
    believes that the Old Park is unique, and the application of this 
    definition should not be viewed as a precedent for determining whether 
    traditional activities took place in the ANILCA additions, the preserve 
    or any other park unit in Alaska.
        To foster opportunities for information gathering, NPS excluded two 
    corridors from the temporary closure announced in the Statement of 
    Finding: Cantwell Creek from the wilderness boundary north to the 
    Cantwell Glacier; and Bull River from the wilderness boundary northwest 
    through Easy Pass, then south returning to the wilderness boundary on 
    the West Fork of the Chulitna River. However, since NPS believes that 
    no section
    [[Page 61569]]
    1110(a) snowmobile use for traditional activities can be identified in 
    the Old Park, NPS must comply with the Wilderness Act's general 
    prohibition of motorized vehicles in wilderness (16 U.S.C. 1133 (c)). 
    Accordingly, the proposed rule does not exclude these two corridors.
        Once implemented by a final rule, NPS intends to review this 
    closure action as part of the upcoming Denali National Park and 
    Preserve backcountry management planning process. NPS is not using this 
    rulemaking to examine what traditional activities may have taken place 
    in the preserve and park additions--which, NPS recognizes, have a 
    different history of use and management prior to ANILCA. NPS intends to 
    also undertake that examination as part of the upcoming backcountry 
    management planning process, and if necessary, in a future rulemaking. 
    As noted previously, this process to specifically identify traditional 
    activities for each area on a case-by-case basis was recognized by the 
    Department of the Interior in the final regulations implementing ANILCA 
    section 1110(a). (51 FR 31619, September 4, 1986). The impending 
    backcountry management planning process will also consider whether 
    additional, reasonable regulations under ANILCA section 1110(a) should 
    be applicable to snowmobile use in the preserve and park additions. NPS 
    notes, however, that where snowmobile activity is presently authorized 
    by section 1110(a) in other areas of the National Park System in 
    Alaska, such snowmachine activity remains subject to the regulations 
    found at 36 CFR Sec. 2.18 (a), (b) and (d).
    36 CFR 13.63(i)  Wildlife Protection During Sensitive Periods
        NPS proposes to codify the Denali National Park and Preserve 
    superintendent's site-specific, wildlife habitat closure procedures 
    that are employed during breeding, nesting, denning, and other 
    sensitive periods. These procedures permit periodic evaluations of, and 
    changes to, closure boundaries to allow optimize visitor access to, and 
    use of, the affected areas. Wolves, for example, have an extensive 
    recurring history of using denning sites, but may skip a year or more, 
    or move pups completely out of the area at any time. Known denning 
    areas and the lands immediately around them are seasonally closed to 
    entry, on a recurring basis. However, if wolves move pups from one area 
    to another, the protective closure can be shifted, reduced or opened to 
    the public. These closure procedures may also be safety related. For 
    example, a bear may bury a large kill and return to feed on the carcass 
    for a week or more. Approaching a kill site during this period is 
    extremely dangerous. This proposal would standardize NPS actions to 
    safeguard visitors and prevent unnatural displacement and other 
    disturbances that are detrimental to wildlife and habitat resource 
    values. It would also enable NPS to continue to periodically review the 
    most current biological data and modify closure boundaries, allowing 
    optimum visitor access and use of Denali National Park and Preserve. 
    Limited closures to the public of this nature do not fall under ANILCA 
    section 1110(a) and thus are not subject to the procedures for such 
    closures. (``Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the 
    appropriate Federal agency to restrict or limit uses of an area under 
    other statutory authority.'' 43 CFR 36.11(h)(6)). The Secretary of the 
    Interior is authorized to close areas or restrict use for a variety of 
    reasons apart from those under Section 1110(a), such as health and 
    safety. See also 36 CFR 1.5 and 51 FR 31618, September 4, 1986. Similar 
    closures were proposed in the rulemaking found at 48 FR 14978, 14979; 
    April 6, 1983. NPS invites written comments on this proposal as a part 
    of this rulemaking. NPS will also accept comments during public 
    hearings on the proposed rule.
    Drafting Information
        The primary authors of this rule are Ken Kehrer, Jr., Mike Tranel, 
    Joe Van Horn and Russel J. Wilson, Denali National Park and Preserve; 
    and Lou Waller and Paul Hunter, NPS Alaska Support Office.
    Compliance with Laws, Executive Orders and Department Policy Regulatory 
    Planning and Review (E.O. 12866)
        This rule is a significant rule and has been reviewed by the Office 
    of Management and Budget under Executive Order 12866. This rule will 
    not have an effect of $100 million or more on the economy. It will not 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, productivity, 
    competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or State, 
    local, or tribal governments or communities. The NPS has prepared a 
    Preliminary Cost-Benefit Analysis (9/1/98) that is available from the 
    Denali National Park and Preserve superintendent. Based on this 
    analysis, the NPS anticipates positive net benefits such as: increased 
    public safety; improved public understanding of park regulations; and, 
    continued protection of wildlife, preservation of natural interactions 
    among wildlife, and the minimization of habitat disturbances that 
    contributes to visitors' use and enjoyment of park resources. This rule 
    will not create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency. The rule does not alter the 
    budgetary effects, entitlements, grants, user fees, loan programs or 
    the rights or obligations of their recipients. The rule may raise novel 
    legal or policy issues, however, the primary effect of the proposed 
    action is to consolidate in the Code of Federal Regulations or 
    otherwise clarify requirements that already exist under separate NPS 
    Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA)
        This rule is not a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2), the Small 
    Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act. This rule does not have 
    an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more; will not cause 
    a major increase in costs or prices for consumers, individual 
    industries, Federal, State, or local government agencies, or geographic 
    regions; and does not have significant adverse effects on competition, 
    employment, investment, productivity, innovation, or the ability of 
    U.S.-based enterprises to compete with foreign-based enterprises. The 
    primary effect of this proposed action is to consolidate in the Code of 
    Federal Regulations or otherwise clarify requirements that already 
    exist under separate NPS authorities. Copies of a Preliminary Cost-
    Benefit Analysis
    (9/1/98) are available from the Denali National Park and Preserve 
    superintendent. The analysis found that no significant costs would 
    result from this action.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of the Interior has determined that this document 
    will not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of 
    small entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et. 
    seq.). The primary effect of this proposed action is to consolidate in 
    the Code of Federal Regulations or otherwise clarify requirements that 
    already exist under separate authorities. Only one of the requirements 
    addressed by the proposed action is new. This new requirement adopts 
    ``rules of the road'' that have generally been followed on a voluntary 
    basis for some years and is therefore not anticipated to inconvenience 
    drivers or otherwise adversely impact any small entity. Substantial 
    areas exist nearby where Park users can go who may be displaced
    [[Page 61570]]
    as a result of firearms and snowmachine closures in this proposed 
    action. The wide availability of such substitute-use areas would 
    lessen, or eliminate, any impact on park users, including small 
    entities. The only direct compliance cost that would be imposed by this 
    proposed action is the requirement to provide drivers license 
    information, vehicle license plate information, and a vehicle 
    description for purposes of issuing a permit to operate a motor vehicle 
    on the restricted access section of the Denali Park Road. That 
    requirement is not anticipated to impose significant costs on the 
    public, including small entities. No other direct compliance costs 
    would be imposed. Therefore, significant impacts on small entities are 
    not expected from this proposed action. Copies of a Preliminary Cost-
    Benefit Analysis (9/1/98) are available from the Denali National Park 
    and Preserve superintendent.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        The NPS has determined and certifies pursuant to the Unfunded 
    Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1502 et. seq.), that this rule will not 
    impose a cost of $100 million or more in any given year on local, state 
    or tribal governments or private entities. Copies of a Preliminary 
    Cost-Benefit Analysis (9/1/98) are available from the Denali National 
    Park and Preserve superintendent. A statement containing the 
    information required by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1531 
    et seq.) is not required.
    Takings (E.O. 12630)
        In accordance with Executive Order 12360, the rule does not have 
    significant takings implications. The primary effect of this proposed 
    action is to consolidate in the Code of Federal Regulations or 
    otherwise clarify requirements that already exist under separate NPS 
    authorities. A takings implication assessment is not required.
        In accordance with Executive Order 12612, the rule does not have 
    federalism implications which warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Assessment. This rule applies mainly to the portion of Denali National 
    Park and Preserve that was formerly known as Mount McKinley National 
    Park and which is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United 
    States. The primary effect of this proposed action is to consolidate in 
    the Code of Federal Regulations or otherwise clarify requirements that 
    already exist under separate NPS authorities.
    Civil Justice Reform (E.O. 12988)
        In accordance with Executive Order 12988, the Office of the 
    Solicitor has determined that this rule does not unduly burden the 
    judicial system and does not meet the requirements of sections 3 (a) 
    and 3(b)(2) of the Order.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This regulation requires an information collection from 10 or more 
    parties and a submission under the Paperwork Reduction Act is required. 
    The information collection requirements contained in this rule at 
    13.63(d)(2) have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget 
    and assigned clearance number 1024-0026. This information is being 
    collected to solicit information that is necessary for the 
    Superintendent to issue vehicle permits. The public is being asked to 
    provide this information in order for the park to track the number of 
    permits issued and to whom they are issued. The information will be 
    used to grant administrative benefits. The obligation to respond is 
    required in order to obtain a benefit.
        Specifically, the NPS needs the following information to issue the 
        (1) Drivers license number and State of issue.
        (2) Vehicle license plate number and State.
        (3) Vehicle description, including year, make and model.
        The public reporting burden for the collection of information in 
    this instance is estimated to be 0.10 hours per response, including the 
    time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, 
    gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing 
    the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden 
    estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, 
    including suggestions for reducing the burden of these information 
    collection requests to: Information Collection Officer, National Park 
    Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240; and the Office of 
    Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 
    Attention: Desk Officer for Department of the Interior (1024-0125), 
    Washington, DC 20503.
        The Department has determined that this rule meets the applicable 
    standards provided in Section 3(a) and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 
    National Environmental Policy Act
        The NPS has determined that most aspects of this rulemaking, with 
    the exception of the portion on snowmobile useage, have been previously 
    addressed pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S. C. 
    4332, in environmental documents prepared in conjunction with park 
    management plans. These are the environmental assessment prepared in 
    conjunction with the park General Management Plan which was approved in 
    a 1986 Finding of No Significant Impact, or the environmental impact 
    statement prepared in conjunction with the Denali Entrance Area and 
    Road Corridor Development Concept Plan which was approved in a 1997 
    Record of Decision. Copies of these environmental documents are 
    available from the Denali National Park and Preserve superintendent.
        Associated with that portion of this regulation regarding 
    snowmobile useage, the NPS has prepared an environmental assessment 
    (EA) on the proposed action and three alternatives. The proposed action 
    provides for the closure of the Old Park to snowmobiles for traditional 
    activities as described in this proposed rule. The second alternative 
    is a partial closure and regulatory program that would generally 
    restrict snowmobile use to the south side of the Alaska Range. Where 
    use was still allowed, the NPS would develop a program to protect park 
    resources and values by further regulating snowmobile useage (i.e. 
    speed, snow conditions, slope angles, etc.). To implement this 
    alternative, additional regulations would need to be promulgated. The 
    third alternative considers a temporary closure of the Old Park to 
    snowmobiles for traditional activities, as allowed under ANICLA and its 
    implementing regulations at 43 CFR 36.11(h). A no action is also 
    considered and evaluated, which would leave the Old Park open to 
    snowmobile use for traditional activities.
        The EA is available for public review during the comment period 
    provided for in this rule so that interested parties can comment 
    contemporaneously on both documents.
    Clarity of This Regulation
        Executive Order 12866 requires each agency to write regulations 
    that are easy to understand. We invite your comments on how to make 
    this rule easier to understand, including answers to questions such as 
    the following: (1) Are the requirements in the rule clearly stated? (2) 
    Does the rule contain technical language or jargon that interferes with 
    its clarity? (3) Does the format of the rule (grouping and order of 
    sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) aid or reduce its
    [[Page 61571]]
    clarity? (4) Would the rule be easier to understand if it were divided 
    into more (but shorter) sections? (A ``section'' appears in bold type 
    and is preceded by the symbol ``Sec. '' and a numbered heading; for 
    example, Sec. 13.63  Denali National Park and Preserve.) (5) Is the 
    description of the rule in the Supplementary Information section of the 
    preamble helpful in understanding the proposed rule? What else could we 
    do to make the rule easier to understand?
        Send a copy of any comments that concern how we could make this 
    rule easier to understand to: Office of Regulatory Affairs, Department 
    of the Interior, Room 7229, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240. You 
    may also e-mail the comments to this address: Exsec@ios.doi.gov
    Public Comment Solicitation
        If you wish to comment, you may submit your comments by any one of 
    several methods. You may mail comments to Superintendent, Denali 
    National Park and Preserve, PO Box 9, Denali National Park, AK 99755. 
    Attention: Ken Kehrer, Jr. You may also comment via the Internet to: 
    dena__superintendent@nps.gov Please submit Internet comments as an 
    ASCII file avoiding the use of special characters and any form of 
    encryption. Please also include ``Attn RIN 1024-AC58'' as the subject, 
    and your name and return address in the body of your Internet message. 
    If you do not receive a confirmation from the system that we have 
    received your Internet message, contact us directly at National Park 
    Service, Denali National Park and Preserve (907) 683-9581.
        Finally, you may hand-deliver comments to Denali National Park 
    Headquarters, Mile 3.2, Denali National Park Road. Our practice is to 
    make comments, including names and home addresses of respondents, 
    available for public review during regular business hours. Individual 
    respondents may request that we withhold their home address from the 
    rulemaking record, which we will honor to the extent allowable by law. 
    There also may be circumstances in which we would withhold from the 
    rulemaking record a respondent's identity, as allowable by law. If you 
    wish us to withhold your name and/or address, you must state this 
    prominently at the beginning of your comment. However, we will not 
    consider anonymous comments. All submissions from organizations or 
    businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as 
    representatives or officials of organizations or businesses, will be 
    made available for public inspection in their entirety. NPS will also 
    hold public hearings on this rulemaking at which verbal and written 
    comments will be received, the public hearing schedule will be 
    published in the local newspapers.
    List of Subjects
    36 CFR Part 5
        Alcohol and alcoholic beverages, Business and industry, Civil 
    rights, Equal employment opportunity, National parks, Transportation.
    36 CFR Part 13
        Alaska, National parks, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        In consideration of the foregoing, the NPS proposes to amend 36 CFR 
    Chapter I, Parts 5 and 13 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 5 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1, 3, 9a, 17j-2, 462.
    Sec. 5.2  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 5.2(b), the words ``Mount McKinley'' in the first 
    sentence are revised to read ``Denali''.
    Sec. 5.4  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 5.4(a), the words ``Mount McKinley (prohibition does not 
    apply to that portion of the Denali Highway between the Nenana River 
    and the McKinley Park Hotel)'' in the first sentence are revised to 
    read, ``Denali National Park and Preserve (prohibition does not apply 
    to that portion of the Denali Park road between the Highway 3 junction 
    and the Denali Park Railroad Depot).''
    Sec. 5.10  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 5.10(a) the words ``Mount McKinley'' in the first 
    sentence are revised to read, ``Denali''.
        5. The authority citation for part 13 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1, 3, 462(k), 3101 et seq.; Sec. 13.65 also 
    issued under 16 U.S.C. 1a-2(h), 20, 1361, 1531, 3197.
        6. Section 13.1 is amended by re-designating paragraphs (u) and (v) 
    as (v) and (w) and by adding paragraph (u) to read as follows:
    Sec. 13.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (u) The term traditional activity means an activity that generally 
    and lawfully occurred in a unit or a geographically defined area of a 
    unit prior to enactment of ANILCA, and that was typically associated 
    with that region as an integral and established part of a utilitarian 
    Alaska lifestyle or cultural pattern.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 13.2  [Amended]
        7. In Sec. 13.2(c), the words ``and parts of Denali National Park'' 
    are revised to read ``and the former Mt. McKinley National Park.''
        8. Section 13.63 is amended by adding paragraphs (d) and (g) 
    through (i) to read as follows:
    Sec. 13.63  Denali National Park and Preserve.
    * * * * *
        (d) Operation of motor vehicles on the Denali Park road west of the 
    Savage River.--(1) Do I need a permit to operate a motor vehicle on the 
    Denali Park road west of the Savage River? Yes, you must obtain a 
    permit from the superintendent to operate a motor vehicle on the 
    restricted section of the Denali Park road. The restricted section 
    begins at the west end of the Savage River Bridge (mile 14.8) and 
    continues to the former Mt. McKinley National Park boundary north of 
    Wonder Lake (mile 87.9).
        (2) How many permits will be issued each summer? The superintendent 
    is authorized, under this section, to issue no more than 10,512 motor 
    vehicle permits each year for access to the restricted section of the 
    road. The superintendent will issue the permits for the period that 
    begins on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and continues through 
    the second Thursday following Labor Day or September 15, whichever 
    comes first. Each permit allows one vehicle one entry onto the 
    restricted portion of the park road.
        (3) How will the superintendent manage the permit program?
        (i) The superintendent will apportion motor vehicle permits among 
    authorized users following the procedure in 36 CFR 13.31. Authorized 
    users are individuals, groups and governmental entities who are allowed 
    by law or policy to use the restricted section of the road.
        (ii) The superintendent will establish an annual date to evaluate 
    permit requests and publish that date, along with the results of the 
    annual apportionment, in the superintendent's compendium of rules and 
    orders. The superintendent's compendium is available to the public upon 
        (iii) The Superintendent may establish terms or conditions in the 
    permits issued under paragraph (d) of this section, including rules for 
    the safe use of the park road.
    [[Page 61572]]
        (iv) The Superintendent will re-evaluate the access requirements of 
    any business that is sold, ceases to operate or that significantly 
    changes the services currently offered to the public.
        (4) What is prohibited? (i) No one may operate a motor vehicle on 
    the restricted section of the park road without a valid permit.
        (ii) No one may violate a term or condition of a permit.
        (iii) No one may use a motor home, camper or trailer to transport 
    guests to a lodge or other business in Kantishna.
        (iv) No one may transfer or accept transfer of a Denali Park road 
    permit without the superintendent's approval.
    * * * * *
        (g) Kantishna area summer season firearm safety zone.--(1) What is 
    prohibited? No one may fire a gun during the summer season in or across 
    the Kantishna area firearm safety zone, unless they are defending life 
    or property.
        (i) The summer season begins on the Saturday of Memorial Day 
    weekend and continues through the second Thursday following Labor Day 
    or September 15, whichever comes first.
        (ii) The Kantishna Area firearm safety zone is: the Kantishna 
    Airstrip; the State Omnibus Act Road right-of-way; and all public lands 
    located within one mile of the Kantishna Airstrip or the State Omnibus 
    Act Road right-of-way, from the former Mt. McKinley National Park 
    boundary at mile 87.9 to the south end of the Kantishna Airstrip.
        (2) [Reserved]
        (h) Snowmachine (snowmobile) operation in Denali National Park and 
    Preserve.--(1) Where is snowmobile use prohibited? No one may use a 
    snowmobile in that part of Denali National Park formerly known as Mt. 
    McKinley National Park.
        (2) Where can I operate a snowmobile? You can use a snowmobile for 
    traditional activities outside of the area formerly known as Mt. 
    McKinley National Park.
        (3) What types of snowmobiles are allowed? The types of snowmobiles 
    allowed are defined in Sec. 13.1(q) under snowmachine or snowmobile.
        (4) What other regulations apply to snowmobile use? Snowmobile use 
    is governed by regulations at Sec. 2.18(a) of this chapter, traffic 
    safety, Sec. 2.18(b) state laws and Sec. 2.18(d) prohibited activities; 
    and 43 CFR 36.11(a)(2) adequate snow cover, and Sec. 36.11(c) 
    traditional activities.
        (5) Who determines when there is adequate snowcover? The 
    superintendent will determine when snowcover is adequate for snowmobile 
    use. The superintendent will follow the procedures in Secs. 1.5 and 1.7 
    of this chapter to inform the public.
        (i) Temporary and seasonal restrictions to protect wildlife.
        (1) How may the superintendent restrict access? To protect wildlife 
    and wildlife habitat during breeding, nesting, denning, and other 
    sensitive periods the superintendent may:
        (i) Seasonally close or restrict public access or use to a part of 
    the park or preserve;
        (ii) Change the size of a closed or restricted use area as needed;
        (iii) Continue the closures or restricted use area seasonally in 
    subsequent years; or
        (iv) Reopen an area to park visitors.
        (2) Before continuing a seasonal closure or restricted use area 
    under paragraph (i)(1)(iii) of this section, the superintendent will 
    evaluate biological data. The superintendent will publish a schedule 
    for evaluating the biological data in the superintendent's compendium 
    of rules and orders. The compendium is available to the public upon 
        (3) How will the public be informed? To establish, terminate, and 
    provide public notice of closures and restricted use area, the 
    superintendent will follow the procedures in Secs. 1.5 and 1.7 of this 
        (4) What activities are prohibited? No one may enter a closed area 
    or disobey a requirement for a restricted use area established under 
    this paragraph (i).
    Donald J. Barry,
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
    [FR Doc. 99-29338 Filed 11-10-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4310-70-P

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National Park Service
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Written comments will be accepted through January 11, 2000. Commenters are advised that the Department of the Interior intends to
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1024-AC58: Denali National Park and Preserve, Special Regulations
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