95-26894. Milk in the Chicago Regional and Other Marketing Areas; Order Amending the Orders  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 219 (Tuesday, November 14, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 57148-57164]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-26894]
    Agricultural Marketing Service
    7 CFR Parts 1030, 1065, 1068, 1076 and 1079
    [Docket Nos. AO-361-A31, etc.; DA-92-27]
    Milk in the Chicago Regional and Other Marketing Areas; Order 
    Amending the Orders
    AGENCY: Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
     7 CFR                                                                  
     part          Marketing area                       AO Nos.             
    1030..  Chicago Regional............  AO-361-A31                        
    1065..  Nebraska-Western Iowa.......  AO-86-A50                         
    1068..  Upper Midwest...............  AO-178-A48                        
    1076..  Eastern South Dakota........  AO-260-A32                        
    1079..  Iowa........................  AO-295-A44                        
    SUMMARY: This final rule implements changes in the Federal milk 
    marketing orders for five north central marketing areas based on 
    industry proposals considered at a public hearing. This rule adopts a 
    plan for pricing milk on the basis of its protein and other nonfat 
    solids, as well as butterfat, components. The plan includes adjustments 
    per hundredweight based on the somatic cell count of producer milk used 
    in Class II and Class III, and on payments to producers of all pooled 
    milk. Each of the amended orders was approved by producers who were 
    eligible to have their milk pooled during the representative month for 
    voting purposes.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Constance M. Brenner, Marketing 
    Specialist, USDA/AMS/Dairy Division, Order Formulation Branch, Room 
    2968, South Building, P.O. Box 96456, Washington, DC 20090-6456, (202) 
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This administrative rule is governed by the 
    provisions of Sections 556 and 557 of Title 5 of the United States Code 
    and therefore is excluded from the requirements of Executive Order 
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612) requires the 
    Agency to examine the impact of a proposed rule on small entities. 
    Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), the Administrator of the Agricultural 
    Marketing Service has certified that this action will not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    The amended orders will promote more orderly marketing of milk by 
    producers and regulated handlers.
        This final rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778, 
    Civil Justice Reform. This action is not intended to have a retroactive 
    effect. This rule will not preempt any state or local laws, 
    regulations, or policies, unless they present an irreconcilable 
    conflict with this rule.
        The Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 
    U.S.C. 601-674) (the Act), provides that administrative proceedings 
    must be exhausted before parties may file suit in court. Under section 
    608c(15)(A) of the Act, any handler subject to an order may file with 
    the Secretary a petition stating that the order, any provision of the 
    order, or any obligation imposed in connection with the order is not in 
    accordance with the law and requesting a modification of an order or to 
    be exempted from the order. A handler is afforded the opportunity for a 
    hearing on the petition. After a hearing, the Secretary would rule on 
    the petition. The Act provides that the district court of the United 
    States in any district in which the handler is an inhabitant, or is the 
    handler's principal place of business, has jurisdiction in equity to 
    review the Secretary's ruling on the petition, provided a bill in 
    equity is filed not later than 20 days after the date of the entry of 
    the ruling. 
    [[Page 57149]]
    Prior Documents in This Proceeding
        Notice of Hearing: Issued December 22, 1993; published January 4, 
    1994 (59 FR 260).
        Extension of Time for Filing Briefs: Issued April 22, 1994; 
    published April 29, 1994 (59 FR 22138).
        Recommended Decision: Issued October 25, 1994; published November 
    2, 1994 (59 FR 54952).
        Extension of Time for Filing Exceptions: Issued December 2, 1994; 
    published December 9, 1994 (59 FR 63733).
        Final Decision: Issued August 3, 1995; published August 14, 1995 
    (60 FR 41833).
    Findings and Determinations
        The findings and determinations hereinafter set forth supplement 
    those that were made when the Chicago Regional and other orders were 
    first issued and when they were amended. The previous findings and 
    determinations are hereby ratified and confirmed, except where they may 
    conflict with those set forth herein.
        The following findings are hereby made with respect to each of the 
    aforesaid orders:
        (a) Findings upon the basis of the hearing record. Pursuant to the 
    provisions of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as 
    amended (7 U.S.C. 601-674), and the applicable rules of practice and 
    procedure governing the formulation of marketing agreements and 
    marketing orders (7 CFR Part 900), a public hearing was held upon 
    certain proposed amendments to the tentative marketing agreements and 
    to the orders regulating the handling of milk in the respective 
    marketing areas.
        Upon the basis of the evidence introduced at such hearing and the 
    record thereof, for each of the specified orders, it is found that:
        (1) The said orders as hereby amended, and all of the terms and 
    conditions thereof, will tend to effectuate the declared policy of the 
        (2) The parity prices of milk, as determined pursuant to section 2 
    of the Act, are not reasonable in view of the price of feeds, available 
    supplies of feeds, and other economic conditions which affect market 
    supply and demand for milk in the marketing areas. The minimum prices 
    specified in the orders, as hereby amended, are such prices as will 
    reflect the aforesaid factors, insure a sufficient quantity of pure and 
    wholesome milk, and be in the public interest; and
        (3) The said orders, as hereby amended, regulate the handling of 
    milk in the same manner as, and are applicable only to persons in the 
    respective classes of industrial or commercial activity specified in, 
    marketing agreements upon which a hearing has been held.
        (b) Determinations. It is hereby determined that:
        (1) The refusal or failure of handlers (excluding cooperative 
    associations specified in section 8c(9) of the Act) of more than 50 
    percent of the milk which is marketed within each of the specified 
    marketing areas to sign a proposed marketing agreement tends to prevent 
    the effectuation of the declared policy of the Act;
        (2) The issuance of this order amending each of the specified 
    orders is the only practical means pursuant to the declared policy of 
    the Act of advancing the interests of producers as defined in the 
    respective orders as hereby amended; and
        (3) The issuance of the order amending each of the specified orders 
    is approved or favored by at least two-thirds of the producers who 
    during the determined representative period were engaged in the 
    production of milk for sale in the respective marketing areas.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Parts 1030, 1065, 1068, 1076, 1079
        Milk marketing orders.
    Order Relative to Handling
        It is therefore ordered, that on and after the effective date 
    hereof, the handling of milk in each of the aforesaid marketing areas 
    shall be in conformity to and in compliance with the terms and 
    conditions of the order, as amended, and as hereby further amended, as 
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR parts 1030, 1065, 1068, 1076, 
    and 1079 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
        1. Section 1030.30 is amended by removing paragraph (d) and 
    revising paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.30  Reports of receipts and utilization.
    * * * * *
        (a) Each handler described in Sec. 1030.9(a) shall report for each 
    plant of the handler (except if a handler requests and the request is 
    approved by the market administrator, a handler may file a consolidated 
    report for supply plants and a consolidated report for distributing 
    plants); and each handler described in Sec. 1030.9 (b) and (c) shall 
    report the following information:
        (1) Product pounds, pounds of butterfat, pounds of protein, pounds 
    of solids-not-fat other than protein (other solids), and the value of 
    the somatic cell adjustment contained in or represented by:
        (i) Receipts of producer milk, including producer milk diverted by 
    the handlers from the pool plant to other plants; and
        (ii) Receipts of milk from handlers described in Sec. 1030.9(c);
        (2) Product pounds and pounds of butterfat contained in:
        (i) Receipts by transfer or diversion of bulk fluid milk products 
    from pool plants, including a separate statement of the net receipts 
    from each supply plant computed pursuant to Sec. 1030.7(b)(4);
        (ii) Receipts of fluid milk products not included in paragraph 
    (a)(1) or (a)(2)(i) of this section and bulk fluid cream products from 
    any source;
        (iii) Receipts of other source milk; and
        (iv) Inventories at the beginning and end of the month of fluid 
    milk products and products specified in Sec. 1030.40(b)(1);
        (3) The utilization or disposition of all milk, filled milk, and 
    milk products required to be reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section; and
        (4) Such other information with respect to the receipts and 
    utilization of skim milk, butterfat, milk protein, other nonfat solids, 
    and somatic cell information, as the market administrator may 
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler not specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 
    section shall report with respect to its receipts and utilization of 
    milk, filled milk, and milk products in such manner as the market 
    administrator may prescribe.
        2. Section 1030.31 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1030.31  Payroll reports.
        (a) On or before the 25th day after the end of each month, each 
    handler described in Sec. 1030.9 (a), (b), and (c) shall report to the 
    market administrator its producer payroll for such month, in the detail 
    prescribed by the market administrator, showing for each producer the 
    information specified in Sec. 1030.73(e).
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1030.50 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text and paragraph (a), and adding paragraphs (e) through 
    (l) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.50  Class and component prices.
        Subject to the provisions of Sec. 1030.52, the class prices per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat 
    [[Page 57150]]
    and the component prices for the month shall be as follows:
        (a) Class I price. The Class I price for the month per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat shall be the 
    basic formula price for the second preceding month plus $1.40.
    * * * * *
        (e) Class I differential price. The Class I differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month's Class I and Class 
    III prices (this price may be negative).
        (f) Class II differential price. The Class II differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month's Class II and Class 
    III prices (this price may be negative).
        (g) Class III-A differential price. The Class III-A differential 
    price shall be the difference between the current month's Class III and 
    Class III-A prices (this price may be negative).
        (h) Skim milk price. The skim milk price per hundredweight, rounded 
    to the nearest cent, shall be the Class III price less an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 35.
        (i) Butterfat price. The butterfat price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the Class III price plus an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 965 and dividing 
    the resulting amount by one hundred.
        (j) Protein price. The protein price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be 1.32 times the average monthly 
    price per pound for 40-pound block Cheddar cheese on the National 
    Cheese Exchange as reported by the Department.
        (k) Other solids price. Other solids are herein defined as solids-
    not-fat other than protein. The other solids price per pound, rounded 
    to the nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the basic formula price at 
    test less the average butterfat test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department times the butterfat price, less the average 
    protein test of the basic formula price as reported by the Department 
    for the month times the protein price, and dividing the resulting 
    amount by the average other solids test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department. If the resulting price is less than zero, 
    then the protein price will be reduced so that the other solids price 
    equals zero.
        (l) Somatic cell adjustment.
        (1) The somatic cell adjustment rate per 1,000 somatic cells, 
    rounded to five decimal places, shall be computed by multiplying .0005 
    times the monthly cheddar cheese price as defined in paragraph (j) of 
    this section; and
        (2) The somatic cell adjustment, per hundredweight, shall be 
    determined by subtracting from 350 the somatic cell count (in 
    thousands) of the milk, multiplying the difference by the somatic cell 
    adjustment rate, and rounding to the nearest full cent.
        4. Section 1030.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.53  Announcement of class and component prices.
        On or before the 5th day of the month, the market administrator 
    shall announce the following prices:
        (a) The Class I price for the following month;
        (b) The Class II price for the following month;
        (c) The Class III price for the preceding month;
        (d) The Class III-A price for the preceding month;
        (e) The skim milk price for the preceding month;
        (f) The butterfat price for the preceding month;
        (g) The protein price for the preceding month;
        (h) The other solids price for the preceding month;
        (i) The somatic cell adjustment rate for the preceding month; and
        (j) The butterfat differential for the preceding month.
        5. The section heading in Sec. 1030.60 and the undesignated center 
    heading preceding it, the introductory text, and paragraphs (a) and (f) 
    are revised to read as follows:
    Producer Price Differential
    Sec. 1030.60  Handler's value of milk.
        For the purpose of computing a handler's obligation for producer 
    milk, the market administrator shall determine for each month the value 
    of milk of each handler described in Sec. 1030.9 (a), (b), and (c), as 
        (a) Calculate the following values:
        (1) Multiply the total hundredweight of producer milk in Class I as 
    determined pursuant to Sec. 1030.44(c) by the Class I differential 
    price for the month;
        (2) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of producer milk in Class II as determined pursuant to Sec. 1030.44(c) 
    by the Class II differential price for the month;
        (3) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the hundredweight of skim 
    milk in Class I as determined pursuant to Sec. 1030.44(a) by the skim 
    milk price;
        (4) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1030.44(a) by 
    the average protein content of producer skim milk received by the 
    handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of protein by the protein 
        (5) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1030.44(a) by 
    the average other solids content of producer skim milk received by the 
    handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of other solids by the 
    other solids price;
        (6) Add an adjustment for somatic cell content determined by 
    multiplying the value reported pursuant to Sec. 1030.30(a)(1) by the 
    percentage of the total producer milk allocated pursuant to 
    Sec. 1030.44(c) that is allocated to Class II and Class III; and
        (7) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of producer milk eligible to be priced as Class III-A by the Class III-
    A differential price for the month;
    * * * * *
        (f) Add the amount obtained from multiplying the Class I 
    differential price applicable at the location of the nearest 
    unregulated supply plants from which an equivalent volume was received 
    by the pounds of skim milk and butterfat in receipts of concentrated 
    fluid milk products assigned to Class I pursuant to Sec. 1030.43(d) and 
    Sec. 1030.44(a)(7)(i) and the pounds of skim milk and butterfat 
    subtracted from Class I pursuant to Sec. 1030.44(a)(11) and the 
    corresponding steps of Sec. 1030.44(b), excluding such skim milk and 
    butterfat in receipts of bulk fluid milk products from an unregulated 
    supply plant to the extent that an equivalent amount of skim milk or 
    butterfat disposed of to such plant by handlers fully regulated under 
    any Federal milk order is classified and priced as Class I milk and is 
    not used as an offset for any other payment obligation under any order;
    * * * * *
        6. Section 1030.61 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text, and paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.61  Producer price differential.
        For each month the market administrator shall compute a producer 
    price differential per hundredweight for Zone 1. If the unreserved cash 
    balance in the producer settlement fund to be included in the 
    computation is less than 2 cents per hundredweight of producer milk on 
    all reports, the report of any handler who has not made the payments 
    required pursuant to Sec. 1030.71 for the preceding month shall not be 
    included in the computation of the producer price differential. The 
    report of such handler shall not be included in the 
    [[Page 57151]]
    computation for succeeding months until the handler has made full 
    payment of outstanding monthly obligations. Subject to the 
    aforementioned conditions, the market administrator shall compute the 
    producer price differential in the following manner:
        (a) Combine into one total for all handlers:
        (1) The values computed pursuant to Sec. 1030.60 (a)(1), (a)(2), 
    (a)(7), and (b) through (k) for all handlers; and
        (2) Add values computed pursuant to Sec. 1030.60 (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5) and (a)(6); and subtract the values obtained by multiplying the 
    handlers' total pounds of protein and total pounds of other solids 
    contained in such milk by their respective prices, and the total value 
    of the somatic cell adjustment;
    * * * * *
        7. Section 1030.62 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.62  Announcement of producer prices.
        On or before the 14th day after the end of each month, the market 
    administrator shall announce the following prices and information:
        (a) The producer price differential;
        (b) The protein price;
        (c) The other solids price;
        (d) The butterfat price;
        (e) The somatic cell adjustment rate;
        (f) The average butterfat, protein and other solids content of 
    producer milk; and
        (g) The statistical uniform price for milk containing 3.5 percent 
    butterfat, computed by combining the Class III price and the producer 
    price differential.
        8. Section 1030.71 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 1030.71  Payments to the producer-settlement fund.
        (a) * * *
        (2) The sum of:
        (i) An amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight of 
    producer milk as determined pursuant to Sec. 1030.44(c) by the producer 
    price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1030.75;
        (ii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of protein 
    contained in producer milk by the protein price;
        (iii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of other 
    solids contained in producer milk by the other solids price;
        (iv) The total value of the somatic cell adjustment to producer 
    milk; and
        (v) An amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk and 
    butterfat for which a value was computed pursuant to Sec. 1030.60(f) by 
    the producer price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1030.52 
    for the location of the plant from which received.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 1030.73 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), (c), and 
    (d) and adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.73  Payments to producers and to cooperative associations.
        (a) Each handler shall pay each producer for producer milk received 
    from such producer and for which payment is not made to a cooperative 
    association pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of this section as 
        (1) On or before the 3rd day after the end of each month, to each 
    producer who has not discontinued shipping milk to such handler before 
    the end of the month, for producer milk received during the first 15 
    days of the month at a rate per hundredweight not less than the Class 
    III price for milk of 3.5 percent butterfat for the preceding month, 
    less proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer;
        (2) On or before the 18th day after the end of the month, payment 
    for producer milk received during such month shall not be less than the 
    sum of:
        (i) The hundredweight of producer milk received times the producer 
    price differential as adjusted pursuant to Secs. 1030.75 and 1030.86;
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month;
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section; and
        (vii) Less proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer 
    and plus or minus adjustments for errors in previous payments made to 
    such producer; and
        (3) If by such date the handler has not received full payment from 
    the market administrator pursuant to Sec. 1030.72 for such month, it 
    may reduce pro rata its payment to producers by not more than the 
    amount of such underpayment. Payment to producers shall be completed 
    thereafter not later than the date for making payments pursuant to 
    paragraph (a) of this section next following receipt of the balance due 
    from the market administrator.
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for milk 
    received by the handler from pool plant(s) operated by a cooperative 
    association as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 1st day 
    after the end of the month during which the milk was received at a rate 
    per hundredweight not less than the Class III price for milk of 3.5 
    percent butterfat for the preceding month; and
        (2) For milk received and classified during the month the handler 
    shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 16th day after 
    the end of the month during which the milk was received as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of Class I milk received times the Class I 
    differential price for the month plus the pounds of Class I skim milk 
    times the skim milk price for the month;
        (ii) The hundredweight of Class II milk received times the Class II 
    differential price for the month;
        (iii) The hundredweight of Class III-A milk received times the 
    Class III-A differential price for the month;
        (iv) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (v) The pounds of protein received in Class II and Class III milk 
    times the protein price for the month;
        (vi) The pounds of other solids received in Class II and Class III 
    milk times the other solids price for the month;
        (vii) The hundredweight of Class II and Class III milk received 
    times the somatic cell adjustment; and
        (viii) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this 
        (d) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for milk 
    received by the handler from a cooperative association acting as a 
    handler described under Sec. 1030.9(c) as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 1st day 
    after the end of the month during which the milk was received at a rate 
    per hundredweight not less than the Class III price for milk of 3.5 
    percent butterfat for the preceding month; and
        (2) For milk received during the month the handler shall pay the 
    cooperative association on or before the 16th day after the end of the 
    month during which the milk was received as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of milk received times the producer price 
    [[Page 57152]]
        differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1030.75;
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month;
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this 
    section; and
        (vii) Less proper authorized deductions.
        (e) In making payments for producer milk pursuant to paragraphs 
    (a)(2) or (b)(2) of this section, each handler shall furnish each 
    producer or cooperative association to whom such payment is made a 
    supporting statement in such form that it may be retained by the 
    recipient which shall show:
        (1) The month and the identity of the producer;
        (2) The daily and total pounds for each producer;
        (3) The total pounds of butterfat contained in the producer's milk;
        (4) The total pounds of protein contained in the producer's milk;
        (5) The total pounds of other solids contained in the producer's 
        (6) The somatic cell count of the producer's milk;
        (7) The minimum rate or rates at which payment to the producer is 
    required pursuant to this order;
        (8) The rate that is used in making payment if such rate is other 
    than the applicable minimum rate;
        (9) The amount, or the rate per hundredweight, or rate per pound of 
    component, and the nature of each deduction claimed by the handler; and
        (10) The net amount of payment to such producer or cooperative.
        10. Sections 1030.74 and 1030.75 are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.74  Butterfat differential.
        The butterfat differential, rounded to the nearest one-tenth cent, 
    shall be 0.138 times the current month's butter price less 0.0028 times 
    the preceding month's average pay price per hundredweight, at test, for 
    manufacturing grade milk in Minnesota and Wisconsin, using the ``base 
    month'' series, adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1030.51(a) through (e), as 
    reported by the Department. The butter price means the simple average 
    for the month of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Grade A butter price 
    as reported by the Department.
    Sec. 1030.75  Plant location adjustments for producers and on nonpool 
        (a) The producer price differential for producer milk received at a 
    plant shall be adjusted according to the location of the plant at the 
    rates set forth in Sec. 1030.52(a).
        (b) The producer price differential applicable to other source milk 
    shall be adjusted at the rates set forth in Sec. 1030.52(a), except 
    that the adjusted producer differential price shall not be less than 
        11. Section 1030.76 is amended by removing the reference 
    ``Sec. 1030.71(a)(2)(ii)'' in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) and adding in its 
    place ``Sec. 1030.71(a)(2)(v)'' and revising paragraph (a)(4) and the 
    third sentence of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1030.76  Payments by handler operating a partially regulated 
    distributing plant.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (4) Multiply the remaining pounds by the amount by which the Class 
    I differential price exceeds the producer price differential, both 
    prices to be applicable at the location of the partially regulated 
    distributing plant; and
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * * Any such transfers remaining after the above allocation 
    which are classified in Class I and for which a value is computed for 
    the handler operating the partially regulated distributing plant 
    pursuant to Sec. 1030.60 shall be priced at the statistical uniform 
    price (or at the weighted average price if such is provided) of the 
    respective order regulating the handling of milk at the transferee-
    plant, with such statistical uniform price adjusted to the location of 
    the nonpool plant (but not to be less than the lowest class price of 
    the respective order), except that transfers of reconstituted skim milk 
    in filled milk shall be priced at the lowest class price of the 
    respective order; and
    * * * * *
        1. Section 1065.30 is amended by removing paragraph (d) and 
    revising paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.30  Reports of receipts and utilization.
    * * * * *
        (a) Each handler described in Sec. 1065.9 (a), (b), and (c) shall 
    report for each of its operations the following information:
        (1) Product pounds, pounds of butterfat, pounds of protein, pounds 
    of solids-not-fat other than protein (other solids), and the value of 
    the somatic cell adjustment contained in or represented by:
        (i) Receipts of producer milk, including producer milk diverted by 
    the handler; and
        (ii) Receipts of milk from handlers described in Sec. 1065.9(c);
        (2) Product pounds and pounds of butterfat contained in:
        (i) Receipts by transfer or diversion of bulk fluid milk products 
    from pool plants;
        (ii) Receipts of fluid milk products not included in paragraph 
    (a)(1) or (a)(2)(i) of this section and bulk fluid cream products from 
    any source;
        (iii) Receipts of other source milk; and
        (iv) Inventories at the beginning and end of the month of fluid 
    milk products and products specified in Sec. 1065.40(b)(1);
        (3) The utilization or disposition of all milk, filled milk, and 
    milk products required to be reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section; and
        (4) Such other information with respect to the receipts and 
    utilization of skim milk, butterfat, milk protein, other nonfat solids, 
    and somatic cell information, as the market administrator may 
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler not specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 
    section shall report with respect to its receipts and utilization of 
    milk, filled milk, and milk products in such manner as the market 
    administrator may prescribe.
        2. Section 1065.31 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1065.31  Payroll reports.
        (a) On or before the 20th day after the end of each month, each 
    handler described in Sec. 1065.9 (a), (b), and (c) shall report to the 
    market administrator its producer payroll for such month, in the detail 
    prescribed by the market administrator, showing for each producer the 
    information described in Sec. 1065.73(e).
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1065.50 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text and paragraph (a), and adding paragraphs (e) through 
    (l) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.50  Class and component prices.
        Subject to the provisions of Sec. 1065.52, the class prices per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat and the 
    component prices for the month shall be as follows:
        (a) Class I price. The Class I price for the month per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat shall be 
    [[Page 57153]]
    the basic formula price for the second preceding month plus $1.75.
    * * * * *
        (e) Class I differential price. The Class I differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month's Class I and Class 
    III prices (this price may be negative).
        (f) Class II differential price. The Class II differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month's Class II and Class 
    III prices (this price may be negative).
        (g) Class III-A differential price. The Class III-A differential 
    price shall be the difference between the current month's Class III and 
    Class III-A prices (this price may be negative).
        (h) Skim milk price. The skim milk price per hundredweight, rounded 
    to the nearest cent, shall be the Class III price less an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 35.
        (i) Butterfat price. The butterfat price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the Class III price plus an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 965 and dividing 
    the resulting amount by one hundred.
        (j) Protein price. The protein price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be 1.32 times the average monthly 
    price per pound for 40-pound block Cheddar cheese on the National 
    Cheese Exchange as reported by the Department.
        (k) Other solids price. Other solids are herein defined as solids 
    not fat other than protein. The other solids price per pound, rounded 
    to the nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the basic formula price at 
    test less the average butterfat test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department times the butterfat price, less the average 
    protein test of the basic formula price as reported by the Department 
    for the month times the protein price, and dividing the resulting 
    amount by the average other solids test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department. If the resulting price is less than zero, 
    then the protein price will be reduced so that the other solids price 
    equals zero.
        (l) Somatic cell adjustment.
        (1) The somatic cell adjustment rate, per 1,000 somatic cells, 
    rounded to five decimal places, shall be computed by multiplying .0005 
    times the monthly cheddar cheese price as defined in paragraph (j) of 
    this section; and
        (2) The somatic cell adjustment, per hundredweight, shall be 
    determined by subtracting from 350 the somatic cell count (in 
    thousands) of the milk, multiplying the difference by the somatic cell 
    adjustment rate, and rounding to the nearest full cent.
        4. Section 1065.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.53  Announcement of class and component prices.
        On or before the 5th day of the month, the market administrator 
    shall announce the following prices:
        (a) The Class I price for the following month;
        (b) The Class II price for the following month;
        (c) The Class III price for the preceding month;
        (d) The Class III-A price for the preceding month;
        (e) The skim milk price for the preceding month;
        (f) The butterfat price for the preceding month;
        (g) The protein price for the preceding month;
        (h) The other solids price for the preceding month;
        (i) The somatic cell adjustment rate for the preceding month; and
        (j) The butterfat differential for the preceding month.
        5. The section heading in Sec. 1065.60 and the undesignated center 
    heading preceding it, the introductory text, and paragraphs (a) and (f) 
    are revised to read as follows:
    Producer Price Differential
    Sec. 1065.60  Handler's value of milk.
        For the purpose of computing a handler's obligation for milk the 
    market administrator shall determine for each month the value of milk 
    of each handler described in Sec. 1065.9(a) with respect to each of its 
    pool plants and each handler described in Sec. 1065.9 (b) and (c).
        (a) The handler's obligation for producer milk shall be computed as 
        (1) Multiply the total hundredweight of milk in Class I as 
    determined pursuant to Sec. 1065.44(c) by the Class I differential 
    price for the month;
        (2) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of milk in Class II as determined pursuant to Sec. 1065.44(c) by the 
    Class II differential price for the month;
        (3) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the hundredweight of skim 
    milk in Class I as determined pursuant to Sec. 1065.44(a) by the skim 
    milk price;
        (4) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1065.44(a) by 
    the average protein content of producer skim milk received by the 
    handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of protein by the protein 
        (5) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1065.44(a) by 
    the average other solids content of producer skim milk received by the 
    handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of other solids by the 
    other solids price;
        (6) Add an adjustment for somatic cell content determined by 
    multiplying the value reported pursuant to Sec. 1065.30(a)(1) by the 
    percentage of the total producer milk allocated pursuant to 
    Sec. 1065.44(c) that is allocated to Class II and Class III; and
        (7) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of producer milk eligible to be priced as Class III-A by the Class III-
    A differential price for the month;
    * * * * *
        (f) Add the amount obtained from multiplying the Class I 
    differential price applicable at the location of the nearest 
    unregulated supply plants from which an equivalent volume was received 
    by the pounds of skim milk and butterfat in receipts of concentrated 
    fluid milk products assigned to Class I pursuant to Sec. 1065.43(d) and 
    Sec. 1065.44(a)(7)(i) and the pounds of skim milk and butterfat 
    subtracted from Class I pursuant to Sec. 1065.44(a)(11) and the 
    corresponding steps of Sec. 1065.44(b), excluding such skim milk and 
    butterfat in receipts of bulk fluid milk products from an unregulated 
    supply plant to the extent that an equivalent amount of skim milk or 
    butterfat disposed of to such plant by handlers fully regulated under 
    any Federal milk order is classified and priced as Class I milk and is 
    not used as an offset for any other payment obligation under any order;
    * * * * *
        6. Section 1065.61 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text, and paragraphs (a) and (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.61  Producer price differential.
        For each month the market administrator shall compute a producer 
    price differential per hundredweight of milk received from producers, 
    as follows:
        (a) Combine into one total for all handlers:
        (1) The values computed pursuant to Sec. 1065.60 (a)(1), (a)(2), 
    (a)(7) and (b) through (i) for all handlers; and
        (2) Add values computed pursuant to Sec. 1065.60 (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5) and (a)(6); and subtract the values obtained by multiplying the 
    handlers' total pounds of protein and total pounds of other solids 
    contained in such milk by their 
    [[Page 57154]]
    respective prices, and the total value of the somatic cell adjustment;
    * * * * *
        (f) Subtract not less than 4 cents nor more than 5 cents from the 
    price computed pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section. The result 
    shall be the ``producer price differential.''
        7. Section 1065.62 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.62   Announcement of producer prices.
        On or before the 12th day after the end of each month, the market 
    administrator shall announce the following prices and information:
        (a) The producer price differential;
        (b) The protein price;
        (c) The other solids price;
        (d) The butterfat price;
        (e) The somatic cell adjustment rate;
        (f) The average butterfat, protein and other solids content of 
    producer milk; and
        (g) The statistical uniform price for milk containing 3.5 percent 
    butterfat, computed by combining the Class III price and the producer 
    price differential.
        8. Section 1065.71 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 1065.71   Payments to the producer-settlement fund.
        (a) * * *
        (2) The sum of:
        (i) An amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight of 
    producer milk determined pursuant to Sec. 1065.44(c) by the producer 
    price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1065.75;
        (ii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of protein 
    contained in producer milk by the protein price;
        (iii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of other 
    solids contained in producer milk by the other solids price;
        (iv) The total value of the somatic cell adjustment to producer 
    milk; and
        (v) An amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk and 
    butterfat for which a value was computed pursuant to Sec. 1065.60(f) by 
    the producer price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1065.52 
    for the location of the plant from which received.
    * * * * *
        9. Section 1065.73 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), (c), (d) 
    and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.73   Payments to producers and to cooperative associations.
        (a) Each handler shall pay for milk received from producers for 
    which payment is not made to a cooperative association pursuant to 
    paragraph (b) or (c) of this section as follows:
        (1) On or before the 27th day of the month, to each producer who 
    has not discontinued shipping milk to such handler before the end of 
    the month, for producer milk received during the first 15 days of the 
    month at a rate per hundredweight not less than the statistical uniform 
    price computed pursuant to Sec. 1065.62(g) for the preceding month, 
    less proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer; and
        (2) On or before the 18th day after the end of the month, payment 
    for producer milk received during such month shall not be less than the 
    sum of:
        (i) The hundredweight of producer milk received times the producer 
    price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1065.75;
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month;
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this 
        (vii) Less proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer 
    and plus or minus adjustments for errors in previous payments made to 
    such producer;
        (viii) Less deductions for marketing services pursuant to 1065.86 
    and for advertising and promotion pursuant to Sec. 1065.107; and
        (ix) If by such date the handler has not received full payment from 
    the market administrator pursuant to Sec. 1065.72 for such month, it 
    may reduce pro rata its payment to producers by not more than the 
    amount of such underpayment. Payment to producers shall be completed 
    thereafter not later than the date for making payments pursuant to 
    paragraph (a) of this section next following receipt of the balance due 
    from the market administrator.
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for milk 
    received by the handler from a cooperative association acting as a 
    handler described in Sec. 1065.9(c) as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 26th day 
    of the month during which the milk was received at a rate per 
    hundredweight not less than the statistical uniform price computed 
    pursuant to Sec. 1065.62(g) for the preceding month; and
        (2) For milk received during the month the handler shall pay the 
    cooperative association on or before the 17th day after the end of the 
    month during which the milk was received as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of milk received times the producer price 
    differential applicable at the location of the receiving handler's 
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month; and
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this 
        (d) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for fluid milk 
    products received by transfer or diversion from a pool plant operated 
    by the cooperative association as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 26th day 
    of the month during which the milk was received at a rate per 
    hundredweight not less than the Class III price for the preceding 
    month; and
        (2) For milk received and classified during the month the handler 
    shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 17th day after 
    the end of the month during which the milk was received as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of Class I milk received times the Class I 
    differential price for the month applicable at the transferee plant, 
    plus the pounds of Class I skim milk times the skim milk price for the 
        (ii) The hundredweight of Class II milk received times the Class II 
    differential price for the month;
        (iii) The hundredweight of Class III-A milk received times the 
    Class III-A differential price for the month;
        (iv) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (v) The pounds of protein received in Class II and Class III milk 
    times the protein price for the month;
        (vi) The pounds of other solids received in Class II and Class III 
    milk times the other solids price for the month;
    [[Page 57155]]
        (vii) The hundredweight of Class II and Class III milk received 
    times the somatic cell adjustment; and
        (viii) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this 
        (e) In making payments for producer milk pursuant to paragraphs 
    (a)(2) or (b)(2) of this section, each handler shall furnish each 
    producer or cooperative association to whom such payment is made a 
    supporting statement in such form that it may be retained by the 
    recipient which shall show:
        (1) The month and the identity of the producer;
        (2) The daily and total pounds for each producer;
        (3) The total pounds of butterfat contained in the producer's milk;
        (4) The total pounds of protein contained in the producer's milk;
        (5) The total pounds of other solids contained in the producer's 
        (6) The somatic cell count of the producer's milk;
        (7) The minimum rate or rates which payment to the producer is 
    required pursuant to this order;
        (8) The rate that is used in making payment if such rate is other 
    than the applicable minimum rate;
        (9) The amount, or the rate per hundredweight, or rate per pound of 
    component, and the nature of each deduction claimed by the handler; and
        (10) The net amount of payment to such producer or cooperative.
    * * * * *
        10. Sections 1065.74 and 1065.75 are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.74   Butterfat differential.
        The butterfat differential, rounded to the nearest one-tenth cent, 
    shall be 0.138 times the current month's butter price less 0.0028 times 
    the preceding month's average pay price per hundredweight, at test, for 
    manufacturing grade milk in Minnesota and Wisconsin, using the ``base 
    month'' series, adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1065.51 (a) through (e), as 
    reported by the Department. The butter price means the simple average 
    for the month of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Grade A butter price 
    as reported by the Department.
    Sec. 1065.75   Plant location adjustments for producers and on nonpool 
        (a) The producer price differential for producer milk shall be 
    adjusted according to the location of the plant of actual receipt at 
    the rates set forth in Sec. 1065.52.
        (b) For purposes of computations pursuant to Secs. 1065.71 and 
    1065.72, the producer price differential shall be adjusted at the rates 
    set forth in Sec. 1065.52 applicable at the location of the nonpool 
    plant from which the milk was received, except that the adjusted 
    producer price differential shall not be less than zero.
        11. Section 1065.76 is amended by removing the reference 
    ``Sec. 1065.71(a)(2)(ii)'' in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) and adding in its 
    place ``Sec. 1065.71(a)(2)(v)'' and revising paragraph (a)(4) and the 
    third sentence of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1065.76  Payments by handler operating a partially regulated 
    distributing plant.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (4) Multiply the remaining pounds by the amount by which the Class 
    I differential price exceeds the producer price differential, both 
    prices to be applicable at the location of the partially regulated 
    distributing plant, with the difference to be not less than zero; and
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * * Any such transfers remaining after the above allocation 
    which are classified in Class I and for which a value is computed for 
    the handler operating the partially regulated distributing plant 
    pursuant to Sec. 1065.60 shall be priced at the statistical uniform 
    price (or at the weighted average price if such is provided) of the 
    respective order regulating the handling of milk at the transferee-
    plant, with such statistical uniform price adjusted to the location of 
    the nonpool plant (but not to be less than the lowest class price of 
    the respective order), except that transfers of reconstituted skim milk 
    in filled milk shall be priced at the lowest class price of the 
    respective order; and
    * * * * *
        1. Section 1068.30 is amended by removing paragraph (d) and 
    revising paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1068.30  Reports of receipts and utilization.
    * * * * *
        (a) Each handler described in Sec. 1068.9 (a), (b), and (c) shall 
    report for each of its operations the following information:
        (1) Product pounds, pounds of butterfat, pounds of protein, pounds 
    of solids-not-fat other than protein (other solids), and the value of 
    the somatic cell adjustment contained in or represented by:
        (i) Receipts of producer milk, including producer milk diverted by 
    the handler; and
        (ii) Receipts of milk from handlers described in Sec. 1068.9(c);
        (2) Product pounds and pounds of butterfat contained in:
        (i) Receipts by transfer or diversion of bulk fluid milk products 
    from pool plants;
        (ii) Receipts of fluid milk products not included in paragraph 
    (a)(1) or (a)(2)(i) of this section and bulk fluid cream products from 
    any source;
        (iii) Receipts of other source milk; and
        (iv) Inventories at the beginning and end of the month of fluid 
    milk products and products specified in Sec. 1068.40(b)(1);
        (3) The utilization or disposition of all milk, filled milk, and 
    milk products required to be reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section; and
        (4) Such other information with respect to the receipts and 
    utilization of skim milk, butterfat, milk protein, other nonfat solids, 
    and somatic cell information, as the market administrator may 
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler not specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 
    section shall report with respect to its receipts and utilization of 
    milk, filled milk, and milk products in such manner as the market 
    administrator may prescribe.
        2. Section 1068.31 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1068.31  Payroll reports.
        (a) On or before the 22nd day of each month, each handler described 
    in Sec. 1068.9 (a), (b), and (c) shall report to the market 
    administrator its producer payroll for such month, in the detail 
    prescribed by the market administrator, showing for each producer the 
    information described in Sec. 1068.73(f).
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1068.50 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text and paragraph (a), and adding paragraphs (e) through 
    (l) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1068.50  Class and component prices.
        Subject to the provisions of Sec. 1068.52, the class prices per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat and the 
    component prices for the month shall be as follows:
        (a) Class I price. The Class I price shall be the basic formula 
    price for the second preceding month plus $1.20.
    * * * * *
        (e) Class I differential price. The Class I differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month's Class I and Class 
    III prices (this price may be negative).
        (f) Class II differential price. The Class II differential price 
    shall be the 
    [[Page 57156]]
    difference between the current month's Class II and Class III prices 
    (this price may be negative).
        (g) Class III-A differential price. The Class III-A differential 
    price shall be the difference between the current month's Class III and 
    Class III-A prices (this price may be negative).
        (h) Skim milk price. The skim milk price per hundredweight, rounded 
    to the nearest cent, shall be the Class III price less an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 35.
        (i) Butterfat price. The butterfat price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the Class III price plus an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 965 and dividing 
    the resulting amount by one hundred.
        (j) Protein price. The protein price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be 1.32 times the average monthly 
    price per pound for 40-pound block Cheddar cheese on the National 
    Cheese Exchange as reported by the Department.
        (k) Other solids price. Other solids are herein defined as solids-
    not-fat other than protein. The other solids price per pound, rounded 
    to the nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the basic formula price at 
    test less the average butterfat test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department times the butterfat price, less the average 
    protein test of the basic formula price as reported by the Department 
    for the month times the protein price, and dividing the resulting 
    amount by the average other solids test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department. If the resulting price is less than zero, 
    then the protein price will be reduced so that the other solids price 
    equals zero.
        (l) Somatic cell adjustment. (1) The somatic cell adjustment rate, 
    per 1,000 somatic cells, rounded to five decimal places, shall be 
    computed by multiplying .0005 times the monthly cheddar cheese price as 
    defined in paragraph (j) of this section; and
        (2) The somatic cell adjustment per hundredweight shall be 
    determined by subtracting from 350 the somatic cell count (in 
    thousands) of the milk, multiplying the difference by the somatic cell 
    adjustment rate, and rounding to the nearest full cent.
        4. Section 1068.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1068.53  Announcement of class and component prices.
        On or before the 5th day of the month, the market administrator 
    shall announce the following prices:
        (a) The Class I price for the following month;
        (b) The Class II price for the following month;
        (c) The Class III price for the preceding month;
        (d) The Class III-A price for the preceding month;
        (e) The skim milk price for the preceding month;
        (f) The butterfat price for the preceding month;
        (g) The protein price for the preceding month;
        (h) The other solids price for the preceding month;
        (i) The somatic cell adjustment rate for the preceding month; and
        (j) The butterfat differential for the preceding month.
        5. The section heading in Sec. 1068.60 and the undesignated center 
    heading preceding it, the introductory text, and paragraphs (a), (f), 
    and (g) are revised to read as follows:
    Producer Price Differential
    Sec. 1068.60  Handler's value of milk.
        For the purpose of computing a handler's obligation for producer 
    milk, the market administrator shall determine for each month the value 
    of milk of each handler described in Sec. 1068.9 (a), (b), and (c).
        (a) The handler's obligation for producer milk shall be computed as 
        (1) Multiply the total hundredweight of producer milk in Class I as 
    determined pursuant to Sec. 1068.43(a) and Sec. 1068.44(c) by the Class 
    I differential price for the month;
        (2) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of producer milk in Class II as determined pursuant to Sec. 1068.43(a) 
    and Sec. 1068.44(c) by the Class II differential price for the month;
        (3) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the hundredweight of skim 
    milk in Class I as determined pursuant to Sec. 1068.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1068.44(a) by the skim milk price;
        (4) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1068.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1068.44(a) by the average protein content of producer skim milk 
    received by the handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of 
    protein by the protein price;
        (5) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1068.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1068.44(a) by the average other solids content of producer skim 
    milk received by the handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of 
    other solids by the other solids price;
        (6) Add an adjustment for somatic cell content determined by 
    multiplying the value reported pursuant to Sec. 1068.30(a)(1) by the 
    percentage of the total producer milk assigned to Class II and Class 
    III pursuant to Secs. 1068.43(a) and 1068.44(c); and
        (7) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of producer milk eligible to be priced as Class III-A by the Class III-
    A differential price for the month;
    * * * * *
        (f) Add the amount obtained from multiplying the Class I 
    differential price applicable at the location of the nearest 
    unregulated supply plants from which an equivalent volume was received 
    by the pounds of skim milk and butterfat in receipts of concentrated 
    fluid milk products assigned to Class I pursuant to Sec. 1068.43(e) and 
    Sec. 1068.44(a)(7)(i) and the pounds of skim milk and butterfat 
    subtracted from Class I pursuant to Sec. 1068.44(a)(11) and the 
    corresponding steps of Sec. 1068.44(b), excluding such skim milk and 
    butterfat in receipts of bulk fluid milk products from an unregulated 
    supply plant to the extent that an equivalent amount of skim milk or 
    butterfat disposed of to such plant by handlers fully regulated under 
    any Federal milk order is classified and priced as Class I milk and is 
    not used as an offset for any other payment obligation under any order;
        (g) Subtract, for a handler described in Sec. 1068.9(c), the amount 
    charged the preceding month for the skim milk and butterfat contained 
    in inventory at the beginning of the month that was delivered to a pool 
    plant during the month;
    * * * * *
        6. Section 1068.61 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text, and paragraphs (a) and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1068.61  Producer price differential.
        For each month the market administrator shall compute a producer 
    price differential per hundredweight of milk as follows:
        (a) Combine into one total for all handlers:
        (1) The estimated values computed pursuant to Sec. 1068.60 (a)(1), 
    (a)(2), (a)(7), and (b) through (j) for all handlers; and
        (2) Add the estimated values computed pursuant to Sec. 1068.60 
    (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), and (a)(6); and subtract the values obtained by 
    multiplying the handlers' total pounds of protein and 
    [[Page 57157]]
    total pounds of other solids contained in such milk by their respective 
    prices, and the total value of the somatic cell adjustment;
    * * * * *
        (e) Subtract not less than 4 cents nor more than 5 cents from the 
    price computed pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section. The result 
    shall be the ``producer price differential'' for milk received from 
        7. Section 1068.62 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1068.62  Announcement of producer prices.
        On or before the 12th day after the end of each month, the market 
    administrator shall announce the following prices and information:
        (a) The producer price differential;
        (b) The protein price;
        (c) The other solids price;
        (d) The butterfat price;
        (e) The somatic cell adjustment rate;
        (f) The average butterfat, protein and other solids content of 
    producer milk; and
        (g) The statistical uniform price for milk containing 3.5 percent 
    butterfat, computed by combining the Class III price and the producer 
    price differential.
        8. Section 1068.71 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1068.71  Payments to the producer-settlement fund.
        (a) On or before the 16th day after the end of the month, each 
    handler shall pay to the market administrator the amount, if any, by 
    which the amount specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section exceeds 
    the amount specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section:
        (1) The total value of milk of the handler for such month as 
    determined pursuant to Sec. 1068.60.
        (2) The sum of:
        (i) The value of such handler's receipts of producer milk and milk 
    received from a handler described in Sec. 1068.9(c). In the case of a 
    handler described in Sec. 1068.9(c), less the amount due from other 
    handlers pursuant to Sec. 1068.73(d). The value of producer milk shall 
    be computed as follows:
        (A) An amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight of 
    producer milk by the producer price differential as adjusted pursuant 
    to Sec. 1068.75;
        (B) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of protein 
    contained in producer milk by the protein price;
        (C) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of other 
    solids contained in producer milk by the other solids price; and
        (D) The total value of the somatic cell adjustment to producer 
    milk; and
        (ii) An amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk and 
    butterfat for which a value was computed pursuant to Sec. 1068.60(f) by 
    the producer price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1068.52 
    for the location of the plant from which received.
    * * * * *
        9. Sections 1068.73, 1068.74, and 1068.75 are revised to read as 
    Sec. 1068.73  Payments to producers and to cooperative associations.
        Each handler shall pay for milk received from producers or 
    cooperative associations as follows:
        (a) On or before the 25th day of the month, each handler shall pay 
    for skim milk and butterfat received during the first 15 days of the 
    month from a cooperative association:
        (1) That is a handler pursuant to Sec. 1068.9(a), at not less than 
    the Class I price for the month at the location of the transferee or 
    transferor plant, whichever is higher, adjusted by the butterfat 
    differential for the preceding month;
        (2) That is a handler pursuant to Sec. 1068.9(c), at not less than 
    the statistical uniform price at its plant location for the preceding 
    month, adjusted by the butterfat differential for the preceding month; 
        (3) That is not a handler but which is authorized to collect 
    payment on behalf of its member producers and has requested that 
    payment be made to it in aggregate, at not less than the statistical 
    uniform price at its plant location for the preceding month, adjusted 
    by the butterfat differential for the preceding month.
        (b) On or before the 4th day after the end of the month, each 
    handler shall pay for skim milk and butterfat received during the first 
    15 days of the month from a producer for whom payment is not being made 
    pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and who has not discontinued 
    shipping to such handler, at not less than the statistical uniform 
    price at its plant location for the preceding month, adjusted by the 
    butterfat differential for the preceding month.
        (c) On or before the 11th day after the end of the month, each 
    handler shall pay for milk received and classified during the month 
    from a cooperative association which is a handler pursuant to 
    Sec. 1068.9(a) adjusted at the location of the transferee or transferor 
    plant, whichever is higher, payment shall be determined as follows:
        (1) The hundredweight of Class I milk received times the Class I 
    differential price for the month plus the pounds of Class I skim milk 
    times the skim milk price for the month;
        (2) The hundredweight of Class II milk received times the Class II 
    differential price for the month;
        (3) The hundredweight of Class III-A milk received times the Class 
    III-A differential price for the month;
        (4) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (5) The pounds of protein received in Class II and Class III milk 
    times the protein price for the month;
        (6) The pounds of other solids received in Class II and Class III 
    milk times the other solids price for the month;
        (7) The hundredweight of Class II and Class III milk received times 
    the somatic cell adjustment; and
        (8) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this 
        (d) On or before the 18th day after the end of the month, each 
    handler shall make payment as described in paragraph (d)(4) of this 
    section to:
        (1) A cooperative association that is a handler pursuant to 
    Sec. 1068.9(c);
        (2) A cooperative association that is not a handler but which is 
    authorized to collect payment on behalf of its member producers and has 
    requested that payment be made to it in aggregate;
        (3) A producer for whom payment is not being made pursuant to 
    paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this section; and
        (4) Payment shall be determined by:
        (i) The hundredweight of producer milk received times the producer 
    price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1068.75;
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month; and
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this 
        (e) In making payments pursuant to paragraphs (a) (2) and (3), (b) 
    and (d) of this section, deductions may be made for marketing services 
    pursuant to Sec. 1068.86 and for any proper deductions authorized by 
    the producer. In the event a handler has not received full payment from 
    the market administrator pursuant to Sec. 1068.72 by the 18th day of 
    the month, the handler may reduce pro rata its payments to producers 
    pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section by not more than the amount 
    of such underpayment. Following receipt of the balance due from the 
    market administrator, the 
    [[Page 57158]]
    handler shall complete payments to producers not later than the next 
    payment date provided under this section.
        (f) In making payment to individual producers as required by this 
    section, each handler shall furnish each producer from whom it received 
    milk a supporting statement, in such form that it may be retained by 
    the producer, which shall show:
        (1) The month and the identity of the handler and producer;
        (2) The total pounds of milk received from the producer;
        (3) The total pounds of butterfat contained in the producer's milk;
        (4) The total pounds of protein contained in the producer's milk;
        (5) The total pounds of other solids contained in the producer's 
        (6) The somatic cell count of the producer's milk;
        (7) The minimum rate or rates at which payment to the producer is 
    required pursuant to this section;
        (8) The rate that is used in making payment if such rate is other 
    than the applicable minimum;
        (9) The amount, or the rate per hundredweight, or rate per pound of 
    component, of each deduction claimed by the handler, including any 
    deduction claimed under Sec. 1068.86, together with a description of 
    the respective deductions; and
        (10) The net amount of the payment to the producer.
    Sec. 1068.74  Butterfat differential.
        The butterfat differential, rounded to the nearest one-tenth cent, 
    shall be 0.138 times the current month's butter price less 0.0028 times 
    the preceding month's average pay price per hundredweight, at test, for 
    manufacturing grade milk in Minnesota and Wisconsin, using the ``base 
    month'' series, adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1068.51 (a) through (e), as 
    reported by the Department. The butter price means the simple average 
    for the month of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Grade A butter price 
    as reported by the Department.
    Sec. 1068.75  Plant location adjustments for producers and on nonpool 
        (a) The producer price differential for producer milk received at a 
    pool plant or delivered to a nonpool plant shall be adjusted according 
    to the location of the plant of actual receipt at the rates set forth 
    in Sec. 1068.52.
        (b) The producer price differential applicable to other source milk 
    shall be adjusted at the rates set forth in Sec. 1068.52, except that 
    the adjusted producer price differential shall not be less than zero.
        10. Section 1068.76 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(4) and the 
    third sentence of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1068.76  Payments by handler operating a partially regulated 
    distributing plant.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (4) Multiply the remaining pounds by the amount by which the Class 
    I differential price exceeds the producer price differential, both 
    prices to be applicable at the location of the partially regulated 
    distributing plant, with the difference to be not less than zero; and
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * * Any such transfers remaining after the above allocation 
    which are classified in Class I and for which a value is computed for 
    the handler operating the partially regulated distributing plant 
    pursuant to Sec. 1068.60 shall be priced at the statistical uniform 
    price (or at the weighted average price if such is provided) of the 
    respective order regulating the handling of milk at the transferee-
    plant, with such statistical uniform price adjusted to the location of 
    the nonpool plant (but not to be less than the lowest class price of 
    the respective order), except that transfers of reconstituted skim milk 
    in filled milk shall be priced at the lowest class price of the 
    respective order; and
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1068.85  [Amended]
        11. Section 1068.85 is amended by removing the word ``15th'' in the 
    introductory text and adding in its place ``16th''.
    Sec. 1068.86  [Amended]
        12. Section 1068.86 is amended by removing the word ``15th'' in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) and adding in its place ``16th''.
        1. Section 1076.30 is amended by removing paragraph (d) and 
    revising paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1076.30  Reports of receipts and utilization.
     * * * * *
        (a) Each handler described in Sec. 1076.9(a), (b), and (c) shall 
    report for each of its operations the following information:
        (1) Product pounds, pounds of butterfat, pounds of protein, pounds 
    of solids-not-fat other than protein (other solids), and the value of 
    the somatic cell adjustment contained in or represented by:
        (i) Receipts of producer milk, including producer milk diverted by 
    the handler; and
        (ii) Receipts of milk from handlers described in Sec. 1076.9(c);
        (2) Product pounds and pounds of butterfat contained in:
        (i) Receipts by transfer or diversion of bulk fluid milk products 
    from pool plants;
        (ii) Receipts of fluid milk products not included in paragraph 
    (a)(1) or (a)(2)(i) of this section and bulk fluid cream products from 
    any source;
        (iii) Receipts of other source milk; and
        (iv) Inventories at the beginning and end of the month of fluid 
    milk products and products specified in Sec. 1076.40(b)(1);
        (3) The utilization or disposition of all milk, filled milk, and 
    milk products required to be reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section; and
        (4) Such other information with respect to the receipts and 
    utilization of skim milk, butterfat, milk protein, other nonfat solids, 
    and somatic cell information, as the market administrator may 
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler not specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 
    section shall report with respect to its receipts and utilization of 
    milk, filled milk, and milk products in such manner as the market 
    administrator may prescribe.
        2. Section 1076.31 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1076.31  Payroll reports.
        (a) On or before the 20th day after the end of each month, each 
    handler described in Sec. 1076.9(a), (b), and (c) shall report to the 
    market administrator its producer payroll for such month, in the detail 
    prescribed by the market administrator, showing for each producer the 
    information described in Sec. 1076.73(e).
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1076.50 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text and paragraph (a), adding and reserving paragraph 
    (d), and adding paragraphs (e) through (l):
    Sec. 1076.50  Class and component prices.
        Subject to the provisions of Sec. 1076.52, the class prices per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat and the 
    component prices for the month shall be as follows:
        (a) Class I price. The Class I price for the month per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat shall be 
    [[Page 57159]]
    the basic formula price for the second preceding month plus $1.50.
    * * * * *
        (d) [Reserved].
        (e) Class I differential price. The Class I differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month Class I and Class III 
    prices (this price may be negative).
        (f) Class II differential price. The Class II differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month Class II and Class 
    III prices (this price may be negative).
        (g) [Reserved].
        (h) Skim milk price. The skim milk price per hundredweight, rounded 
    to the nearest cent, shall be the Class III price less an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 35.
        (i) Butterfat price. The butterfat price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the Class III price plus an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 965 and dividing 
    the resulting amount by one hundred.
        (j) Protein price. The protein price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be 1.32 times the average monthly 
    price per pound for 40-pound block Cheddar cheese on the National 
    Cheese Exchange as reported by the Department.
        (k) Other solids price. Other solids are herein defined as solids-
    not-fat other than protein. The other solids price per pound, rounded 
    to the nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the basic formula price at 
    test less the average butterfat test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department times the butterfat price, less the average 
    protein test of the basic formula price as reported by the Department 
    for the month times the protein price, and dividing the resulting 
    amount by the average other solids test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department. If the resulting price is less than zero, 
    then the protein price will be reduced so that the other solids price 
    equals zero.
        (l) Somatic cell adjustment. (1) The somatic cell adjustment rate, 
    per 1,000 somatic cells, rounded to five decimal places, shall be 
    computed by multiplying .0005 times the monthly Cheddar cheese price as 
    defined in paragraph (j) of this section; and
        (2) The somatic cell adjustment, per hundredweight, shall be 
    determined by subtracting from 350 the somatic cell count (in 
    thousands) of the milk, multiplying the difference by the somatic cell 
    adjustment rate, and rounding to the nearest full cent.
        4. Section 1076.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1076.53  Announcement of class and component prices.
        On or before the 5th day of the month, the market administrator 
    shall announce the following prices:
        (a) The Class I price for the following month;
        (b) The Class II price for the following month;
        (c) The Class III price for the preceding month;
        (d) [Reserved];
        (e) The skim milk price for the preceding month;
        (f) The butterfat price for the preceding month;
        (g) The protein price for the preceding month;
        (h) The other solids price for the preceding month;
        (i) The somatic cell adjustment rate for the preceding month; and
        (j) The butterfat differential for the preceding month.
        5. The section heading in Sec. 1076.60 and the undesignated center 
    heading preceding it, the introductory text, and paragraphs (a) and (f) 
    are revised to read as follows:
    Producer Price Differential
    Sec. 1076.60  Handler's value of milk.
        For the purpose of computing a handler's obligation for milk, the 
    market administrator shall determine for each month the value of milk 
    of each handler described in Sec. 1076.9(a) with respect to each of its 
    pool plants and each handler described in Sec. 1076.9 (b) and (c).
        (a) The handler's obligation for producer milk and milk received 
    from a handler described in Sec. 1076.9(c) shall be computed as 
        (1) Multiply the total hundredweight of milk in Class I as 
    determined pursuant to Sec. 1076.43(a) and Sec. 1076.44(c) by the Class 
    I differential price for the month;
        (2) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of milk in Class II as determined pursuant to Sec. 1076.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1076.44(c) by the Class II differential price for the month;
        (3) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the hundredweight of skim 
    milk in Class I as determined pursuant to Sec. 1076.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1076.44(a) by the skim milk price;
        (4) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1076.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1076.44(a) by the average protein content of the skim milk 
    received by the handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of 
    protein by the protein price;
        (5) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1076.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1076.44(a) by the average other solids content of the skim milk 
    received by the handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of other 
    solids by the other solids price; and
        (6) Add an adjustment for somatic cell content determined by 
    multiplying the value reported pursuant to Sec. 1076.30(a)(1) by the 
    percentage of the total producer milk assigned to Class II and Class 
    III pursuant to Secs. 1076.43(a) and 1076.44(c);
    * * * * *
        (f) Add the amount obtained from multiplying the Class I 
    differential price applicable at the location of the nearest 
    unregulated supply plants from which an equivalent volume was received 
    by the pounds of skim milk and butterfat in receipts of concentrated 
    fluid milk products assigned to Class I pursuant to Sec. 1076.43(d) and 
    Sec. 1076.44(a)(7)(i) and the pounds of skim milk and butterfat 
    subtracted from Class I pursuant to Sec. 1076.44(a)(11) and the 
    corresponding steps of Sec. 1076.44(b), excluding such skim milk and 
    butterfat in receipts of bulk fluid milk products from an unregulated 
    supply plant to the extent that an equivalent amount of skim milk or 
    butterfat disposed of to such plant by handlers fully regulated under 
    any Federal milk order is classified and priced as Class I milk and is 
    not used as an offset for any other payment obligation under any order;
    * * * * *
        6. Section 1076.61 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text, and paragraphs (a) and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1076.61  Producer price differential.
        For each month the market administrator shall compute a producer 
    price differential per hundredweight of milk received from producers as 
        (a) Combine into one total for all handlers:
        (1) The values computed pursuant to Sec. 1076.60 (a)(1), (a)(2), 
    and (b) through (i) for all handlers; and
        (2) Add values computed pursuant to Sec. 1076.60(a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5) and (a)(6); and subtract the values obtained by multiplying the 
    handlers' total pounds of protein and total pounds of other solids 
    contained in such milk by their respective prices, and the total value 
    of the somatic cell adjustment;
    * * * * *
        (e) Subtract not less than 4 cents nor more than 5 cents from the 
    [[Page 57160]]
    computed pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section. The result shall be 
    the ``producer price differential.''
        7. Section 1076.62 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1076.62  Announcement of producer prices.
        On or before the 12th day after the end of each month, the market 
    administrator shall announce the following prices and information:
        (a) The producer price differential;
        (b) The protein price;
        (c) The other solids price;
        (d) The butterfat price;
        (e) The somatic cell adjustment rate;
        (f) The average butterfat, protein and other solids content of 
    producer milk and milk received from a handler described in 
    Sec. 1076.9(c); and
        (g) The statistical uniform price for milk containing 3.5 percent 
    butterfat, computed by combining the Class III price and the producer 
    price differential.
        8. Section 1076.71 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 1076.71  Payments to the producer-settlement fund.
        (a) * * *
        (2) The sum of:
        (i) An amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight of 
    producer milk and milk received from a handler described in 
    Sec. 1076.9(c) by the producer price differential as adjusted pursuant 
    to Sec. 1076.75;
        (ii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of protein 
    contained in producer milk and milk received from a handler described 
    in Sec. 1076.9(c) by the protein price;
        (iii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of other 
    solids contained in producer milk and milk received from a handler 
    described in Sec. 1076.9(c) by the other solids price;
        (iv) The total value of the somatic cell adjustment to producer 
    milk and milk received from handlers described in Sec. 1076.9(c); and
        (v) An amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk and 
    butterfat for which a value was computed pursuant to Sec. 1076.60(f) by 
    the producer price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1076.52 
    for the location of the plant from which received.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1076.72  [Amended]
        9. Section 1076.72 is amended by removing the last sentence.
        10. Section 1076.73 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), (c), (d) 
    and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1076.73  Payments to producers and to cooperative associations.
        (a) Each handler shall pay each producer for milk received from 
    producers for which payment is not made to a cooperative association 
    pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of this section as follows:
        (1) On or before the last day of each month, for producer milk 
    received during the first 15 days of the month at a rate per 
    hundredweight not less than the Class III price for the preceding 
    month; and
        (2) On or before the 18th day after the end of the month, payment 
    for producer milk received during such month shall not be less than the 
    sum of:
        (i) The hundredweight of producer milk received times the producer 
    price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1076.75;
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month;
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this 
        (vii) Less proper deductions authorized in writing by such producer 
    and plus or minus adjustments for errors in previous payments made to 
    such producer;
        (viii) Less deductions for marketing services pursuant to 
    Sec. 1076.86; and
        (ix) If by such date the handler has not received full payment from 
    the market administrator pursuant to Sec. 1076.72 for such month, it 
    may reduce pro rata its payment to producers by not more than the 
    amount of such underpayment. Payment to producers shall be completed 
    thereafter not later than the date for making payments pursuant to 
    paragraph (a) of this section next following receipt of the balance due 
    from the market administrator.
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for milk 
    received by the handler from a cooperative association acting as a 
    handler described in Sec. 1076.9(c) as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 28th day 
    of the month during which the milk was received at a rate per 
    hundredweight not less than the statistical uniform price computed 
    pursuant to Sec. 1076.62(g) for the preceding month; and
        (2) For milk received during the month the handler shall pay the 
    cooperative association on or before the 15th day after the end of the 
    month during which the milk was received as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of milk received times the producer price 
    differential applicable at the location of the receiving handler's 
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month; and
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this 
        (d) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for fluid milk 
    products received by transfer from pool plant(s) operated by the 
    cooperative association as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 28th day 
    of the month during which the milk was received at a rate per 
    hundredweight not less than the statistical uniform price computed 
    pursuant to Sec. 1076.62(g) adjusted by the butterfat differential, 
    both for the preceding month; and
        (2) For milk received and classified during the month the handler 
    shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 15th day after 
    the end of the month during which the milk was received, as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of Class I milk received times the Class I 
    differential price for the month applicable at the transferee plant, 
    plus the pounds of Class I skim milk times the skim milk price for the 
        (ii) The hundredweight of Class II milk received times the Class II 
    differential price for the month;
        (iii) [Reserved];
        (iv) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (v) The pounds of protein received in Class II and Class III milk 
    times the protein price for the month;
        (vi) The pounds of other solids received in Class II and Class III 
    milk times the other solids price for the month;
        (vii) The hundredweight of Class II and Class III milk received 
    times the somatic cell adjustment; and
        (viii) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this 
        (e) In making payments for producer milk pursuant to paragraphs 
    (a)(2) or 
    [[Page 57161]]
    (b)(2) of this section, each handler shall furnish each producer or 
    cooperative association to whom such payment is made a supporting 
    statement in such form that it may be retained by the recipient which 
    shall show:
        (1) The month and the identity of the producer;
        (2) The daily and total pounds for each producer;
        (3) The total pounds of butterfat contained in the producer's milk;
        (4) The total pounds of protein contained in the producer's milk;
        (5) The total pounds of other solids contained in the producer's 
        (6) The somatic cell count of the producer's milk;
        (7) The minimum rate or rates which payment to the producer is 
    required pursuant to this order;
        (8) The rate that is used in making payment if such rate is other 
    than the applicable minimum rate;
        (9) The amount, or the rate per hundredweight, or rate per pound of 
    component, and the nature of each deduction claimed by the handler; and
        (10) The net amount of payment to such producer or cooperative.
        11. Sections 1076.74 and 1076.75 are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1076.74  Butterfat differential.
        The butterfat differential, rounded to the nearest one-tenth cent, 
    shall be 0.138 times the current month's butter price less 0.0028 times 
    the preceding month's average pay price per hundredweight, at test, for 
    manufacturing grade milk in Minnesota and Wisconsin, using the ``base 
    month'' series, adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1076.51 (a) through (e), as 
    reported by the Department. The butter price means the simple average 
    for the month of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Grade A butter price 
    as reported by the Department.
    Sec. 1076.75  Plant location adjustments for producers and on nonpool 
        (a) The producer price differential for producer milk shall be 
    adjusted according to the location of the plant of actual receipt at 
    the rates set forth in Sec. 1076.52; and
        (b) For the purpose of computations pursuant to Secs. 1076.71 and 
    1076.72 the producer price differential shall be adjusted at the rates 
    set forth in Sec. 1076.52 applicable at the location of the nonpool 
    plant from which the milk was received, except that the adjusted 
    producer price differential shall not be less than zero.
        12. Section 1076.76 is amended by removing the reference 
    ``Sec. 1076.71(a)(2)(ii)'' in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) and adding in its 
    place ``Sec. 1076.71(a)(2)(v)'' and revising paragraphs (a)(4) and the 
    last sentence of (b)(1)(ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1076.76  Payments by handler operating a partially regulated 
    distributing plant.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (4) Multiply the remaining pounds by the amount by which the Class 
    I differential price exceeds the producer price differential, both 
    price to be applicable at the location of the partially regulated 
    distributing plant, with the difference to be not less than zero; and
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * * Any such transfers remaining after the above allocation 
    which are classified in Class I and for which a value is computed for 
    the handler operating the partially regulated distributing plant 
    pursuant to Sec. 1076.60 shall be priced at the statistical uniform 
    price (or at the weighted average price if such is provided) of the 
    respective order regulating the handling of milk at the transferee-
    plant, with such statistical uniform price adjusted to the location of 
    the nonpool plant (but not to be less than the lowest class price of 
    the respective order), except that transfers of reconstituted skim milk 
    in filled milk shall be priced at the lowest class price of the 
    respective order; and
    * * * * *
        1. Section 1079.30 is amended by removing paragraph (d) and 
    revising paragraphs (a) and (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1079.30  Reports of receipts and utilization.
    * * * * *
        (a) Each handler described in Sec. 1079.9 (a), (b), and (c) shall 
    report for each of its operations the following information:
        (1) Product pounds, pounds of butterfat, pounds of protein, pounds 
    of solids-not-fat other than protein (other solids), and the value of 
    the somatic cell adjustment contained in or represented by:
        (i) Receipts of producer milk, including producer milk diverted by 
    the handler; and
        (ii) Receipts of milk from handlers described in Sec. 1079.9(c);
        (2) Product pounds and pounds of butterfat contained in:
        (i) Receipts by transfer or diversion of bulk fluid milk products 
    from pool plants;
        (ii) Receipts of fluid milk products not included in paragraph 
    (a)(1) or (a)(2)(i) of this section and bulk fluid cream products from 
    any source;
        (iii) Receipts of other source milk; and
        (iv) Inventories at the beginning and end of the month of fluid 
    milk products and products specified in Sec. 1079.40(b)(1);
        (3) The utilization or disposition of all milk, filled milk, and 
    milk products required to be reported pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section; and
        (4) Such other information with respect to the receipts and 
    utilization of skim milk, butterfat, milk protein, other nonfat solids, 
    and somatic cell information, as the market administrator may 
    * * * * *
        (c) Each handler not specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this 
    section shall report with respect to its receipts and utilization of 
    milk, filled milk, and milk products in such manner as the market 
    administrator may prescribe.
        2. Section 1079.31 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 1079.31  Payroll reports.
        (a) On or before the 22nd day after the end of each month, each 
    handler described in Sec. 1079.9 (a), (b), or (c) shall report to the 
    market administrator its producer payroll for such month in the detail 
    prescribed by the market administrator, showing for each producer the 
    information described in Sec. 1079.73(e).
    * * * * *
        3. Section 1079.50 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text and paragraph (a), and adding paragraphs (e) through 
    (l) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1079.50  Class and component prices.
        Subject to the provisions of Sec. 1079.52, the class prices per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat and the 
    component prices for the month shall be as follows:
        (a) Class I price. The Class I price for the month per 
    hundredweight of milk containing 3.5 percent butterfat shall be the 
    basic formula price for the second preceding month plus $1.55.
    * * * * *
        (e) Class I differential price. The Class I differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month Class I and Class III 
    prices (this price may be negative).
        (f) Class II differential price. The Class II differential price 
    shall be the difference between the current month Class II and Class 
    III prices (this price may be negative).
        (g) Class III-A differential price. The Class III-A differential 
    price shall be the 
    [[Page 57162]]
    difference between the current month's Class III and Class III-A prices 
    (this price may be negative).
        (h) Skim milk price. The skim milk price per hundredweight, rounded 
    to the nearest cent, shall be the Class III price less an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 35.
        (i) Butterfat price. The butterfat price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the Class III price plus an amount 
    computed by multiplying the butterfat differential by 965 and dividing 
    the resulting amount by one hundred.
        (j) Protein price. The protein price per pound, rounded to the 
    nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be 1.32 times the average monthly 
    price per pound for 40-pound block Cheddar cheese on the National 
    Cheese Exchange as reported by the Department.
        (k) Other solids price. Other solids are herein defined as solids 
    not fat other than protein. The other solids price per pound, rounded 
    to the nearest one-hundredth cent, shall be the basic formula price at 
    test less the average butterfat test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department times the butterfat price, less the average 
    protein test of the basic formula price as reported by the Department 
    for the month times the protein price, and dividing the resulting 
    amount by the average other solids test of the basic formula price as 
    reported by the Department. If the resulting price is less than zero, 
    then the protein price will be reduced so that the other solids price 
    equals zero.
        (l) Somatic cell adjustment. (1) The somatic cell adjustment rate, 
    per 1,000 somatic cells, rounded to five decimal places, shall be 
    computed by multiplying .0005 times the monthly cheddar cheese price as 
    defined in paragraph (j) of this section; and
        (2) The somatic cell adjustment, per hundredweight, shall be 
    determined by subtracting from 350 the somatic cell count (in 
    thousands) of the milk, multiplying the difference by the somatic cell 
    adjustment rate, and rounding to the nearest full cent.
        4. Section 1079.53 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1079.53  Announcement of class and component prices.
        On or before the 5th day of the month, the market administrator 
    shall announce the following prices:
        (a) The Class I price for the following month;
        (b) The Class II price for the following month;
        (c) The Class III price for the preceding month;
        (d) The Class III-A price for the preceding month;
        (e) The skim milk price for the preceding month;
        (f) The butterfat price for the preceding month;
        (g) The protein price for the preceding month;
        (h) The other solids price for the preceding month;
        (i) The somatic cell adjustment rate for the preceding month; and
        (j) The butterfat differential for the preceding month.
        5. The section heading in Sec. 1079.60 and the undesignated center 
    heading preceding it, the introductory text, and paragraphs (a), (f), 
    and (g) are revised to read as follows:
    Producer Price Differential
    Sec. 1079.60  Handler's value of milk.
        For the purpose of computing a handler's obligation for milk the 
    market administrator shall determine for each month the value of milk 
    of each handler described in Sec. 1079.9(a) with respect to each of its 
    pool plants, and each handler described in Sec. 1079.9 (b) and (c).
        (a) The handler's obligation for producer milk and milk received 
    from a handler described in Sec. 1079.9(c) shall be computed as 
        (1) Multiply the total hundredweight of milk in Class I as 
    determined pursuant to Sec. 1079.43(a) and Sec. 1079.44(c) by the Class 
    I differential price for the month;
        (2) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of milk in Class II as determined pursuant to Sec. 1079.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1079.44(c) by the Class II differential price for the month;
        (3) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the hundredweight of skim 
    milk in Class I as determined pursuant to Sec. 1079.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1079.44(a) by the skim milk price;
        (4) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1079.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1079.44(a) by the average protein content of the skim milk 
    received by the handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of 
    protein by the protein price;
        (5) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk 
    in Class II and Class III as determined pursuant to Sec. 1079.43(a) and 
    Sec. 1079.44(a) by the average other solids content of the skim milk 
    received by the handler, and multiplying the resulting pounds of other 
    solids by the other solids price;
        (6) Add an adjustment for somatic cell content determined by 
    multiplying the value reported pursuant to Sec. 1079.30(a)(1) by the 
    percentage of the total producer milk assigned to Class II and Class 
    III pursuant to Secs. 1079.43(a) and 1079.44(c); and
        (7) Add an amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight 
    of producer milk eligible to be priced as Class III-A by the Class III-
    A differential price for the month;
    * * * * *
        (f) Add the amount obtained from multiplying the Class I 
    differential price applicable at the location of the nearest 
    unregulated supply plants from which an equivalent volume was received 
    by the pounds of skim milk and butterfat in receipts of concentrated 
    fluid milk products assigned to Class I pursuant to Sec. 1079.43(d) and 
    Sec. 1079.44(a)(7)(i) and the pounds of skim milk and butterfat 
    subtracted from Class I pursuant to Sec. 1079.44(a)(11) and the 
    corresponding steps of Sec. 1079.44(b), excluding such skim milk and 
    butterfat in receipts of bulk fluid milk products from an unregulated 
    supply plant to the extent that an equivalent amount of skim milk or 
    butterfat disposed of to such plant by handlers fully regulated under 
    any Federal milk order is classified and priced as Class I milk and is 
    not used as an offset for any other payment obligation under any order;
        (g) Subtract for a handler described in Sec. 1079.9(c) the amount 
    charged the preceding month for the skim milk and butterfat contained 
    in inventory at the beginning of the month that was delivered to a pool 
    plant during the month;
    * * * * *
        6. Section 1079.61 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    introductory text, and paragraphs (a) and (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1079.61  Producer price differential.
        For each month the market administrator shall compute a producer 
    price differential per hundredweight for Zone 1. If the unreserved cash 
    balance in the producer settlement fund to be included in the 
    computation is less than 2 cents per hundredweight of producer milk on 
    all reports, the report of any handler who has not made the payments 
    required pursuant to Sec. 1079.71 for the preceding month shall not be 
    included in the computation of the producer price differential. The 
    report of such handler shall not be included in the computation for 
    succeeding months until the handler has made full payment of 
    outstanding monthly obligations. Subject to the aforementioned 
    conditions, the market administrator shall compute the producer price 
    differential in the following manner:
    [[Page 57163]]
        (a) Combine into one total for all handlers:
        (1) The values computed pursuant to Sec. 1079.60 (a)(1), (a)(2), 
    (a)(7), and (b) through (j) for all handlers; and
        (2) Add values computed pursuant to Sec. 1079.60 (a)(3), (a)(4), 
    (a)(5) and (a)(6); and subtract the values obtained by multiplying the 
    handlers' total pounds of protein and total pounds of other solids 
    contained in such milk by their respective prices, and the total value 
    of somatic cell adjustments;
    * * * * *
        (e) Subtract not less than 4 cents nor more than 5 cents from the 
    price computed pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section. The result 
    shall be known as the ``producer price differential.''
        7. Section 1079.62 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1079.62  Announcement of producer prices.
        On or before the 12th day after the end of each month, the market 
    administrator shall announce the following prices and information:
        (a) The producer price differential;
        (b) The protein price;
        (c) The other solids price;
        (d) The butterfat price;
        (e) The somatic cell adjustment rate;
        (f) The average butterfat, protein and other solids content of 
    producer milk and milk received from a handler described in 
    Sec. 1079.9(c); and
        (g) The statistical uniform price for milk containing 3.5 percent 
    butterfat, computed by combining the Class III price and the producer 
    price differential.
        8. Section 1079.71 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(2) and 
    adding and reserving paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1079.71  Payments to the producer-settlement fund.
        (a) * * *
        (2) The sum of:
        (i) An amount obtained by multiplying the total hundredweight of 
    producer milk and milk received from a handler described in 
    Sec. 1079.9(c) by the producer price differential as adjusted by 
    Sec. 1079.75. In the case of a handler described in Sec. 1079.9(c), 
    less the amount due from handlers pursuant to Sec. 1079.73;
        (ii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of protein 
    contained in producer milk and milk received from a handler described 
    in Sec. 1079.9(c) by the protein price;
        (iii) An amount obtained by multiplying the total pounds of other 
    solids contained in producer milk and milk received from a handler 
    described in Sec. 1079.9(c) by the other solids price;
        (iv) The total value of the somatic cell adjustment to producer 
    milk and milk received from handlers described in Sec. 1079.9(c); and
        (v) An amount obtained by multiplying the pounds of skim milk and 
    butterfat for which a value was computed pursuant to Sec. 1079.60(f) by 
    the producer price differential as adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1079.52 
    for the location of the plant from which received.
        (b) [Reserved].
        9. Sections 1079.73, 1079.74 and 1079.75 are revised to read as 
    Sec. 1079.73  Payments to producers and to cooperative associations.
        (a) Each handler shall pay for milk received from producers for 
    which payment is not made to a cooperative association pursuant to 
    paragraph (b) or (c) of this section as follows:
        (1) On or before the last day of each month, to each producer who 
    has not discontinued shipping milk to such handler before the end of 
    the month, for producer milk received during the first 15 days of the 
    month at a rate per hundredweight not less than the statistical uniform 
    price computed pursuant to Sec. 1079.62(g) for the preceding month and 
    adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1079.75, less proper deductions authorized in 
    writing by such producer; and
        (2) On or before the 18th day after the end of the month, payment 
    for producer milk received during such month shall not be less than the 
    sum of:
        (i) The hundredweight of producer milk received times the producer 
    price differential adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1079.75;
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month;
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this 
        (vii) Less proper authorized deductions authorized in writing by 
    such producer and plus or minus adjustments for errors in previous 
    payments made to such producer;
        (viii) Less deductions for marketing services pursuant to 
    Sec. 1079.86; and
        (ix) If by such date the handler has not received full payment from 
    the market administrator pursuant to Sec. 1079.72 for such month, it 
    may reduce pro rata its payment to producers by not more than the 
    amount of such underpayment. Payment to producers shall be completed 
    thereafter not later than the date for making payments pursuant to 
    paragraph (a) of this section next following receipt of the balance due 
    from the market administrator.
        (b) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association as follows for 
    milk received from producers if the cooperative association has filed a 
    written request for payment with the handler and if the market 
    administrator has determined that such cooperative association is 
    authorized to collect payment:
        (1) On or before the last day of the month, an amount not less than 
    the sum of the individual payments otherwise payable to producers 
    pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section, less any deductions 
    authorized in writing by such cooperative association; and
        (2) On or before the 18th day after the end of each month an amount 
    not less than the sum of the individual payments otherwise payable to 
    producers pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, less proper 
    deductions authorized in writing by such cooperative association.
        (c) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for milk 
    received by the handler from a cooperative association acting as a 
    handler described in Sec. 1079.9(c) as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the last day 
    of the month during which the milk was received at a rate per 
    hundredweight not less than the statistical uniform price computed 
    pursuant to Sec. 1079.62(g), applicable at the location of the 
    receiving handler's plant, for the preceding month; and
        (2) For milk received during the month the handler shall pay the 
    cooperative association on or before the 18th day after the end of the 
    month during which the milk was received as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of milk received times the producer price 
    differential applicable at the location of the receiving handler's 
        (ii) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (iii) The pounds of protein received times the protein price for 
    the month;
        (iv) The pounds of other solids received times the other solids 
    price for the month;
        (v) The hundredweight of milk received times the somatic cell 
    adjustment for the month; and
        (vi) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this 
    [[Page 57164]]
        (d) Each handler shall pay a cooperative association for fluid milk 
    products received by transfer from pool plant(s) operated by a 
    cooperative association as follows:
        (1) For milk received during the first 15 days of the month, the 
    handler shall pay the cooperative association on or before the last day 
    of the month during which the milk was received at a rate per 
    hundredweight not less than the statistical uniform price applicable at 
    the transferee plant as computed pursuant to Sec. 1079.62(g) and 
    adjusted by the butterfat differential, both for the preceding month; 
        (2) For milk received and classified during the month the handler 
    shall pay the cooperative association on or before the 18th day after 
    the end of the month during which the milk was received, as follows:
        (i) The hundredweight of Class I milk received times the Class I 
    differential price for the month applicable at the transferee plant, 
    plus the pounds of Class I skim milk times the skim milk price for the 
        (ii) The hundredweight of Class II milk received times the Class II 
    differential price for the month;
        (iii) The hundredweight of Class III-A milk received times the 
    Class III-A differential price for the month;
        (iv) The pounds of butterfat received times the butterfat price for 
    the month;
        (v) The pounds of protein received in Class II and Class III milk 
    times the protein price for the month;
        (vi) The pounds of other solids received in Class II and Class III 
    milk times the other solids price for the month;
        (vii) The hundredweight of Class II and Class III milk received 
    times the somatic cell adjustment; and
        (viii) Less any payment made pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this 
        (e) In making payments for producer milk pursuant to paragraph 
    (a)(2) or (b)(2) of this section, each handler shall furnish each 
    producer or cooperative association to whom such payment is made a 
    supporting statement in such form that it may be retained by the 
    recipient which shall show:
        (1) The month and the identity of the producer;
        (2) The daily and total pounds for each producer;
        (3) The total pounds of butterfat contained in the producer's milk;
        (4) The total pounds of protein contained in the producer's milk;
        (5) The total pounds of other solids contained in the producer's 
        (6) The somatic cell count of the producer's milk;
        (7) The minimum rate or rates at which payment to the producer is 
    required pursuant to this order;
        (8) The rate that is used in making payment if such rate is other 
    than the applicable minimum rate;
        (9) The amount, rate per hundredweight, or rate per pound of 
    component, and the nature of each deduction claimed by the handler; and
        (10) The net amount of payment to such producer or cooperative.
    Sec. 1079.74  Butterfat differential.
        The butterfat differential, rounded to the nearest one-tenth cent, 
    shall be 0.138 times the current month's butter price less 0.0028 times 
    the preceding month's average pay price per hundredweight, at test, for 
    manufacturing grade milk in Minnesota and Wisconsin, using the ``base 
    month'' series, adjusted pursuant to Sec. 1079.51 (a) through (e), as 
    reported by the Department. The butter price means the simple average 
    for the month of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Grade A butter price 
    as reported by the Department.
    Sec. 1079.75  Plant location adjustments for producers and on nonpool 
        (a) The producer price differential for producer milk pursuant to 
    Sec. 1079.61 received at a pool plant or diverted from a pool plant 
    shall be reduced according to the location of the plant of actual 
    receipt at the rates set forth in Sec. 1079.52.
        (b) For purposes of computations pursuant to Secs. 1079.71 and 
    1079.72 the producer price differential shall be adjusted at the rates 
    set forth in Sec. 1079.52 applicable at the location of the nonpool 
    plant from which the milk was received, except that the adjusted 
    producer price differential shall not be less than zero.
        10. Section 1079.76 is amended by removing the reference 
    ``Sec. 1079.71(a)(2)(ii)'' in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) and adding in its 
    place ``Sec. 1079.71(a)(2)(v)'' and revising paragraph (a)(4) and the 
    last sentence of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1079.76  Payments by handler operating a partially regulated 
    distributing plant.
    * * * * *
        (a) * * *
        (4) Multiply the remaining pounds by the amount by which the Class 
    I differential price exceeds the producer price differential, both 
    prices to be applicable at the location of the partially regulated 
    distributing plant, with the difference to be not less than zero; and
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * * Any such transfers remaining after the above allocation 
    which are classified in Class I and for which a value is computed for 
    the handler operating the partially regulated distributing plant 
    pursuant to Sec. 1079.60 shall be priced at the statistical uniform 
    price (or at the weighted average price if such is provided) of the 
    respective order regulating the handling of milk at the transferee-
    plant, with such statistical uniform price adjusted to the location of 
    the nonpool plant (but not to be less than the lowest class price of 
    the respective order), except that transfers of reconstituted skim milk 
    in filled milk shall be priced at the lowest class price of the 
    respective order; and
    * * * * *
        Dated: October 23, 1995.
    Shirley R. Watkins,
    Acting Assistant Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs.
    [FR Doc. 95-26894 Filed 11-13-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-02-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Agricultural Marketing Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 1, 1996.
57148-57164 (17 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket Nos. AO-361-A31, etc., DA-92-27
PDF File:
CFR: (81)
7 CFR 1068.44(a)
7 CFR 1068.9(a)
7 CFR 1076.44(a)
7 CFR 1079.44(a)
7 CFR 1079.44(a)(7)(i)
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