99-29250. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Guidelines  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 220 (Tuesday, November 16, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 62248-62538]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-29250]
    [[Page 62247]]
    Part II
    Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
    36 CFR Parts 1190 and 1191
    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for 
    Buildings and Facilities; Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) 
    Accessibility Guidelines; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 220 / Tuesday, November 16, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 62248]]
    36 CFR Parts 1190 and 1191
    [Docket No. 99-1]
    RIN 3014-AA20
    Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines 
    for Buildings and Facilities; Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) 
    Accessibility Guidelines
    AGENCY: Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
    ACTION: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 
    (Access Board) is proposing to revise and update its accessibility 
    guidelines for buildings and facilities covered by the Americans with 
    Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Architectural Barriers Act of 
    1968 (ABA). These guidelines cover new construction and alterations and 
    serve as the basis for enforceable standards issued by other Federal 
    agencies. As a result of this revision and update, the guidelines for 
    the ADA and ABA are consolidated in one Code of Federal Regulations 
    part. The guidelines for the ABA also cover buildings and facilities 
    leased by Federal agencies. The Department of Justice and the 
    Department of Transportation are responsible for issuing standards 
    based on the Access Board's guidelines under the ADA. ABA standards are 
    issued by the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, 
    the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Postal 
    DATES: Comments should be received by March 15, 2000. The Access Board 
    will hold two public hearings on the proposed guidelines. The dates, 
    times, and locations of the public hearings will be published in a 
    subsequent document in the Federal Register.
    ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to the Office of Technical and 
    Information Services, Architectural and Transportation Barriers 
    Compliance Board, 1331 F Street, NW., suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004-
    1111. Fax number (202) 272-5447. E-mail comments should be sent to 
    docket@access-board.gov. Comments sent by e-mail will be considered 
    only if they include the full name and address of the sender in the 
    text. Comments will be available for inspection at the above address 
    from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on regular business days.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marsha Mazz (on the ADA Accessibility 
    Guidelines) and Jim Pecht (on the ABA Accessibility Guidelines) Office 
    of Technical and Information Services, Architectural and Transportation 
    Barriers Compliance Board, 1331 F Street, NW., suite 1000, Washington, 
    DC 20004-1111. Telephone numbers (202) 272-5434 extension 121 or 
    extension 128 (voice); (202) 272-5449 (TTY). E-mail address: [email protected]
    board.gov. These are not toll free numbers.
    Availability of Copies and Electronic Access
        This document is available on the Board's Internet site in HTML and 
    PDF formats (http://www.access-board.gov/ada-aba/guidenprm.htm). 
    Persons who want a copy in an alternate format (cassette tape, Braille, 
    large print, or Ascii disk) may order one copy at no cost by calling 
    the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's 
    (Access Board) automated publications order line (202) 272-5434, by 
    pressing 2 on the telephone keypad, then 1, and requesting publication 
    S-36 (ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking). Persons using a TTY should call (202) 272-5449. Please 
    record a name, address, telephone number and request publication S-36 
    and specify the type of format.
    Statutory Background
        The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) (42 U.S.C. 12101 
    et seq.) recognizes and protects the civil rights of people with 
    disabilities and is modeled after earlier landmark laws prohibiting 
    discrimination on the basis of race and gender. The ADA requires that 
    buildings and facilities be accessible to and usable by people with 
    disabilities. The ADA establishes accessibility requirements for new 
    construction and alterations of State and local government facilities 
    under title II and places of public accommodation and commercial 
    facilities under title III. The law requires that the Access Board 
    issue minimum guidelines to assist the Department of Justice (DOJ) and 
    the Department of Transportation (DOT) in establishing accessibility 
    standards under titles II and III. These standards must be consistent 
    with the Access Board's guidelines.
        The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA) (42 U.S.C. 4151 et 
    seq.) requires that facilities designed, built, altered or leased with 
    certain Federal funds be accessible to persons with disabilities. 
    Similar to its responsibility under the ADA, the Access Board is 
    charged with developing and maintaining minimum guidelines for 
    accessible facilities that serve as the basis for enforceable standards 
    issued by four standard-setting agencies. The standard-setting agencies 
    are the Department of Defense (DOD), the General Services 
    Administration (GSA), the Department of Housing and Urban Development 
    (HUD), and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).
    Rulemaking History
        On July 26, 1991, the Access Board published the Americans with 
    Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).1 On the 
    same day, the Department of Justice published its final regulations 
    implementing title III of the ADA which incorporated ADAAG.2 
    The Access Board amended ADAAG to include additional requirements 
    specifically applicable to transportation facilities on September 6, 
    1991 3 which DOT incorporated into its final ADA 
    regulations.4 The Access Board modified ADAAG, and DOJ and 
    DOT modified their standards on two occasions: to revise specifications 
    for automatic teller machines (July 15, 1993) and to suspend 
    requirements for detectable warnings at curb ramps, hazardous vehicular 
    areas, and reflecting pools (April 12, 1994; July 29, 1996; November 
    23, 1998).5
        \1\ 56 FR 35408, 36 CFR Part 1191.
        \2\ 56 FR 35544, 28 CFR Part 36.
        \3\ 56 FR 45500.
        \4\ 56 FR 45584, 49 CFR Parts 37 and 38.
        \5\ 58 FR 38204, 59 FR 17442, and 63 FR 64836.
        The Access Board published amendments to ADAAG on January 13, 1998, 
    that cover State and local government facilities and building elements 
    designed for children's use.6 The amendments for State and 
    local government facilities add a section on judicial, legislative, and 
    regulatory facilities which covers access to restricted and secured 
    entrances, security systems, assembly seating, speakers' platforms, and 
    to courtroom spaces. Another section covers detention and correctional 
    facilities which provides scoping and technical requirements for 
    accessible cells. In addition to these two new sections, ADAAG was 
    amended to address elevators, entrances, TTYs, sales and service 
    counters, and airport security systems in State and local government 
    facilities. As originally published, ADAAG provided specifications 
    based only on adult dimensions. The
    [[Page 62249]]
    amendments for building elements designed for children's use provide 
    alternate specifications based on children's dimensions for drinking 
    fountains, water closets, toilet stalls, lavatories and sinks, and 
    built-in seating and tables. The technical requirements permit 
    departures from existing ADAAG specifications for elements designed for 
    use primarily by children instead of adults.
        \6\ 63 FR 2000 and 63 FR 2060.
        In 1994, the Board established an advisory committee to conduct a 
    complete review of the guidelines and to recommend changes. The ADAAG 
    Review Advisory Committee consisted of 22 members representing the 
    design and construction industry, the building code community, State 
    and local government entities, and people with 
    disabilities.7 The committee was charged with reviewing 
    ADAAG in its entirety and making recommendations to the Board on:
        \7\ The American Council of the Blind, the American Institute of 
    Architects, the Arc, Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, 
    Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Building 
    Owners and Managers Association International, Council of American 
    Building Officials, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, 
    Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association, International Conference of 
    Building Officials, International Facility Management Association, 
    Maryland Association of the Deaf, National Conference of States on 
    Building Codes and Standards, National Easter Seal Society, National 
    Fire Protection Association, National Institute of Building 
    Sciences, Regional Disability and Business Technical Assistance 
    Centers, Southern Building Code Congress International, Texas 
    Department of Licensing and Regulation, Virginia Building and Code 
    Officials Association, and the World Institute on Disability.
         improving the format and usability of ADAAG;
         reconciling differences between ADAAG and national 
    consensus standards, including model codes and industry standards;
         updating ADAAG to reflect technological developments and 
    to continue to meet the needs of persons with disabilities; and
         coordinating future ADAAG revisions with national 
    standards and model code organizations.
        The advisory committee organized itself into subcommittees and met 
    extensively over a two year period. Non-members were invited to 
    participate in subcommittee meetings. The advisory committee followed a 
    consensus-based process for the adoption of recommended changes to 
    ADAAG which included a process for the submission of dissenting 
    opinions. The advisory committee's work culminated in publication of a 
    final report, ``Recommendations for a New ADAAG'' (September, 1996), 
    which is available from the Board. Vice President Albert Gore 
    recognized the work of the advisory committee and its constructive 
    relationship with the Board and presented both entities with his 
    ``Hammer Award'' which recognizes exemplary reinvention of the Federal 
    government. The award commended the manner in which a variety of public 
    and private sector interests were brought together to update the 
    guidelines. The advisory committee's report recommends changes to both 
    the format and substance of ADAAG.
        The Board developed minimum guidelines for federally funded 
    facilities covered by the ABA in 1982 that served as the basis for the 
    Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS). To further the goal of 
    uniform standards, the Board is proposing to update these minimum 
    guidelines based on the revisions to ADAAG. This will establish 
    consistency between both guidelines so that the public and private 
    sectors are held to a similar level of accessibility. This will 
    facilitate compliance where a facility is subject to both the ADA and 
    the ABA, such as a State or local government facility built with 
    Federal money.
        The Board's minimum guidelines do not directly impact the public. 
    Instead they provide a minimum baseline for other Federal departments 
    responsible for issuing enforceable standards. Each Federal department 
    responsible for issuing and maintaining standards based on the Board's 
    guidelines under the ADA or the ABA is represented on the Board. 
    Representatives of these departments serve as Board members and staff 
    liaisons and have been closely involved in the development of this 
    proposed rule. Through this process, the Board and the standard-setting 
    agencies coordinated extensively to seek consensus to minimize any 
    differences between the Board's guidelines and their eventual 
    General Issues
        The ADAAG Review Advisory Committee recommended significant changes 
    to the format and style of ADAAG. In fact, their recommendations 
    completely reorganize much of ADAAG. The changes were recommended to 
    provide a guideline that is organized and written in a manner that can 
    be more readily understood, interpreted and applied. The recommended 
    changes would also make the arrangement and format of ADAAG more 
    consistent with model building codes and industry standards. This will 
    make it easier for designers of the many facilities that will be 
    required to comply both with the ADAAG and the locally adopted codes to 
    understand how to comply with both sets of provisions. Changes include:
         removal of text language that is non-mandatory in nature 
    for inclusion as advisory information nearby the text it comments on;
         inclusion in written text of requirements otherwise 
    provided only in figures;
         clearer delineation between scoping requirements, which 
    indicate what has to be accessible, from technical requirements, which 
    specify how access is to be achieved;
         organizing technical sections into chapters according to 
    the type of element or space;
         streamlining the guidelines by integrating special 
    occupancy chapters (except for transportation facilities) into the main 
    body of the document;
         revising the substance of scoping and technical provisions 
    to better meet the needs of people with disabilities, to recognize 
    technological developments, and to reconcile differences from national 
    consensus standards; and
         utilizing a decimal-based, numeric-only numbering system, 
    consistent with that used by the model codes and utilizing, to the 
    extent possible, identical chapter and section numbers as ICC/ANSI 
    A117.1 for the comparable subject matter.
        Some changes are recommended in order to make the provisions in 
    ADAAG more technically consistent with model building codes and 
    industry standards. The advisory committee coordinated closely with the 
    American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A117 Committee, which was 
    in the process of updating its standard. This is a national consensus 
    standard that provides technical requirements for accessible buildings 
    and facilities. The Council of American Building Officials (CABO) was 
    represented on the advisory committee. CABO, which functions as a 
    coordinating body among model code organizations, serves as the 
    Secretariat for the A117 Committee. CABO has been incorporated into the 
    International Codes Council (ICC). While ADAAG requirements derive in 
    large part from an earlier version of the ANSI standard, there are 
    considerable differences between them. Both the advisory committee and 
    the ANSI committee sought to reconcile these differences to harmonize 
    the revised ADAAG with the ICC/ANSI A117.1-1998 standard.
        The Board reviewed all recommendations from the advisory committee 
    and has adopted most of them with some changes of its own. In addition, 
    the Board has developed new figures to illustrate various provisions 
    and provided new advisory notes that
    [[Page 62250]]
    provide information currently contained in the appendix to ADAAG. In 
    removing non-mandatory information from the text of the guidelines, the 
    advisory committee made various recommendations on information that 
    should be included in advisory notes. The Board has taken these 
    recommendations into account in developing advisory notes for this 
    proposed rule.
        The application and scoping requirements (Chapters 1 and 2) for 
    facilities covered by the ADA have been used as the basis for updating 
    application and scoping requirements for facilities subject to the ABA. 
    The technical requirements of this rule, as revised according to the 
    advisory committee recommendations, are referenced by both scoping 
        In addition, the Board has included scoping and technical 
    requirements for accessible residential facilities. These requirements 
    are based on updated provisions for residential facilities contained in 
    the ICC/ANSI A117.1-1998 standard. These requirements represent an 
    addition to ADAAG, which currently does not address such facilities. 
    Also, they will serve to update requirements for dwelling units in the 
    minimum guidelines for federally funded facilities upon which UFAS is 
    Section-by-Section Analysis
        The following discussion covers the three parts of this rule. Part 
    I covers the application and scoping requirements for facilities 
    covered by the ADA (Chapters 1 and 2). This section of the analysis 
    explains substantive differences between the revised guidelines and the 
    current ADAAG. All changes proposed are based on recommendations from 
    the advisory committee unless otherwise noted. Part II addresses the 
    application and scoping requirements for facilities covered by the ABA. 
    This section explains changes from the scoping and application 
    requirements of Part I that are specific to federally funded 
    facilities. Part III discusses the technical requirements (Chapters 3 
    through 11) that are referenced by both ADA and ABA scoping documents. 
    These requirements are based on recommendations from the advisory 
    committee. As in Part I, the discussion in Part III explains 
    substantive differences between the current ADAAG and the revised 
    guidelines. The Board has posed a number of questions in this section. 
    The Board includes questions in the preamble usually because it wants 
    to solicit additional information about an item before considering a 
    specific requirement.
    Part I: ADA Application and Scoping
    Chapter 1: Application and Administration
        This chapter states general principles that recognize the purpose 
    of the guidelines (101), provisions for adults and children (102), 
    equivalent facilitation (103), conventions (104), referenced standards 
    (105), and definitions (106). Chapter 1 simplifies and reorganizes 
    similar provisions contained in ADAAG sections 1, 2, and 3.
        The Board has removed the term ``fixed'' in the revised guidelines 
    for editorial purposes of clarity and consistency. The term is used in 
    the current ADAAG to describe some elements, such as tables and 
    storage, but not other types of covered elements. The Board understands 
    that DOJ will clarify the application of the guidelines to fixed 
    elements in its rulemaking to update its standards for consistency with 
    the revised guidelines.
    104  Conventions
        Section 104.1 notes that all dimensions not stated as a ``maximum'' 
    or ``minimum'' are absolute. All dimensions, including absolute 
    dimensions, are ``subject to conventional industry tolerances.'' This 
    corresponds with provisions in ADAAG 3.1 and 3.2 for graphic 
    conventions and dimensional tolerances except for one change. ADAAG 3.2 
    recognizes conventional building industry tolerances ``for field 
    conditions.'' The reference to ``field conditions'' has been removed to 
    accommodate a wider variety of unavoidable tolerances other than those 
    that occur on a construction site, namely manufacturing processes that 
    are not true ``field'' situations. For example, acrylic molded plumbing 
    fixtures, such as shower stalls, often have a slight draft or taper so 
    that they can be drawn from their molds; this slight taper does not 
    adversely affect accessibility and is a necessary consequence of this 
    particular manufacturing process. ``Conventional industry tolerances'' 
    is intended to refer to tolerances in construction and manufacturing, 
    but not design.
        The Board has clarified the calculation of percentages in section 
    104.2. This provision states that one is to round up to the next whole 
    number when calculating ratios or percentages in determining the 
    minimum number of required accessible elements or facilities. Where the 
    required size or dimension of an element or facilities involves ratios 
    or percentages, rounding down for values less than one half is 
    105  Referenced Standards
        Section 105 lists the industry standards referenced in the 
    guidelines. It also clarifies that where there is a difference between 
    a provision of the guidelines and the referenced standards, the 
    provision of the guidelines shall apply.
    106  Definitions
        Various defined terms and definitions have been revised, removed or 
    added. The following definitions have been removed because they contain 
    information more appropriately covered in technical requirements or are 
    not considered necessary due to other text changes: ``access aisle,'' 
    ``accessible element,'' ``accessible space,'' ``adaptability,'' 
    ``clear,'' ``clear floor space,'' ``multi-family dwelling,'' and ``site 
    improvement.'' Several definitions have been simplified by removing 
    information contained in scoping or technical requirements or have been 
    revised for consistency with model code definitions. These include: 
    ``accessible route,'' ``automatic door,'' ``area of rescue 
    assistance,'' ``controls and operating mechanisms'' (which have been 
    changed to ``area of refuge'' and ``operable parts,'' respectively), 
    ``dwelling unit,'' ``facility,'' ``means of egress,'' ``occupiable,'' 
    ``sign,'' ``story,'' and ``transient lodging.'' Defined terms added to 
    this section include: ``characters,'' ``children's use,'' 
    ``destination-oriented elevator,'' ``employee work areas,'' ``mail 
    boxes,'' ``pictogram,'' ``project,'' ``public entrance,'' ``qualified 
    historic building or facility,'' ``self-service storage facility,'' 
    ``technically infeasible,'' ``wheelchair,'' and ``wheelchair space.''
    Chapter 2: Scoping Requirements
        This chapter provides scoping requirements for spaces and elements 
    required to be accessible in new construction and alterations. Chapter 
    2 replaces the minimum requirements sections of ADAAG 4.1. As revised, 
    this section of the guidelines differs from ADAAG in that it integrates 
    the scoping for exterior sites and interior facilities. ADAAG addresses 
    scoping for exterior sites and interior facilities in separate 
    subsections (4.1.2 and 4.1.3, respectively). ADAAG also currently has 
    some scoping provisions intermingled with various technical provisions 
    outside of 4.1. All scoping provisions are now located in Chapter 2.
    201  Application
        This section contains provisions for the general scope of the 
    guidelines and is substantively consistent with
    [[Page 62251]]
    application provisions in ADAAG 4.1.1(1), (2), and (4).
    202  Existing Buildings and Facilities
        This section provides for the application of the guidelines to 
    additions and alterations. Section 202.2 (Additions) clarifies the 
    intent in ADAAG 4.1.5 that each addition meet the requirements of the 
    guidelines for new construction and also refers to requirements for 
    additions that affect or could affect areas containing a primary 
        Section 202.3 contains general scoping requirements for 
    alterations, which are currently addressed in ADAAG 4.1.6(1). 
    Alterations scoping provisions and technical provisions specific to 
    certain elements and spaces in ADAAG 4.1.6(1) and 4.1.6(3) are not 
    included in this general application section. Instead these provisions 
    have been relocated to the relevant scoping or technical provisions for 
    the element or space. Many of these provisions in ADAAG provide 
    alternate specifications where ``technical infeasibility'' is 
    encountered. However, these specifications present a false ``cap'' to 
    the degree of departure since compliance is actually required to the 
    degree it is technically feasible which may be above or below the level 
    of access recognized in the specification. Consequently, in the revised 
    guidelines, alternate criteria that have been retained have been made 
    applicable to alterations generally and are not limited to instances of 
    technical infeasibility.
        As revised, the guidelines do not contain the provision currently 
    in ADAAG 4.1.6(1)(c) which requires an entire space to be accessible 
    when alterations of single elements, considered together, amount to an 
    alteration of a room or space. The advisory committee considered this 
    provision vague and difficult to enforce since it does not indicate the 
    precise number of altered single elements that would trigger full 
    compliance for a room or space. In view of the basic scoping 
    requirements for alterations, the Board agrees this provision can be 
    removed without affecting accessibility.
        Section 202.4 addresses requirements for alterations affecting 
    primary function areas that are consistent with those in ADAAG 4.1.6(2) 
    except for one change. ADAAG 4.1.6 (1)(i) clarifies that the 
    requirement does not apply to work limited solely to electrical, 
    mechanical, or plumbing systems; hazardous material abatement; or 
    automatic sprinkler retrofitting if the work does not involve 
    alteration of elements or spaces required to be accessible. While the 
    advisory committee did not recommend removing this clarification, the 
    Board has removed it as information more appropriately contained in the 
    Department of Justice's (DOJ) implementing regulations. The DOJ 
    regulations further address alterations to areas containing a primary 
    function, including the type of alterations that trigger the 
    requirement for an accessible path of travel.8
        \8\ 28 CFR 36.403.
        Section 202.5 clarifies that scoping for alterations, including 
    alterations to areas containing a primary function, applies to 
    qualified historic buildings and facilities, but permits an exception 
    where such alterations would threaten or destroy the historic 
    significance of the building or facility as determined by the State 
    Historic Preservation Officer or Advisory Council on Historic 
    Preservation. This simplifies ADAAG 4.1.7 and removes advisory 
    information from the text of the requirement. Special provisions for 
    specific elements and spaces in ADAAG 4.1.7(3) have been moved to 
    appropriate scoping and technical requirements in the revised 
    203  General Exceptions
        The structure of the revised guidelines reinforces the principle 
    that under the general scoping, all portions of sites and facilities 
    are subject to the guidelines unless otherwise noted. This section 
    contains exceptions to the general scoping provisions in 201. Most 
    provisions are substantively the same as those in ADAAG 4.1.1(5) as 
    amended for State and local government buildings, including those 
    addressing construction sites (203.2), raised areas (203.4), limited 
    access spaces (203.5), equipment spaces (203.6), single occupant 
    structures (203.7), and detention and correctional facilities (203.8).
        There are two substantive changes involving the ``structural 
    impracticability'' exception and residential facilities (203.9). ADAAG 
    4.1.1(5)(a) provides an exception for new construction where it can be 
    demonstrated that full compliance is ``structurally impracticable'' due 
    to rare circumstances or the uniqueness of the terrain. The advisory 
    committee recommended removing this exception because it felt that the 
    challenges posed by unique environmental or terrain features can be 
    overcome by good design. Further, such an exception is not recognized 
    by any of the model building codes. Despite the fact that the exception 
    for ``structural impracticability'' has been removed from ADAAG, it 
    still exists in the Department of Justice (DOJ) implementing 
    regulations. See 28 CFR 36.401(c). The term is defined in that same 
    section and provides a narrowly drawn exception for ``unique 
    characteristics of terrain.'' It was removed from ADAAG because the 
    Board made every effort not to duplicate provisions that are in the DOJ 
    regulations. The revised guidelines also include an exception in 203.9 
    under which access is not required to common use areas that do not 
    serve dwelling units required to be accessible.
    203.3  Employee Work Areas
        ADAAG 4.1.1(3) requires access to, but not fully within, employee 
    work areas in part because title I of the ADA generally treats access 
    for employees with disabilities as an individual accommodation. The 
    Board intends the word ``employee'' in the term employee work areas to 
    include individuals covered in the definition of employee found in 
    title I of the ADA, as well as other individuals who perform employee-
    type duties such as independent contractors and volunteers. Employee 
    spaces used for purposes other than job-related tasks, such as break 
    rooms, lounges, and locker rooms are not considered ``work areas'' and 
    must be fully accessible. Other areas that must be fully accessible 
    include, but are not limited to, vending areas, cafeterias, and 
    auditoriums regardless of whether they are restricted to employees. 
    Work areas that also function as public use space, such as patient exam 
    rooms, must be fully accessible for public access, but fixtures and 
    controls within the work area used only by employees are not required 
    to be accessible.
        Section 203.3 of the revised guidelines retains this exception for 
    areas used only as work areas. Work areas must be accessible for 
    ``approach, entry, and exit,'' which means location on an accessible 
    route so that people with disabilities can enter and exit the space. 
    The Board interprets this provision as requiring an accessible route to 
    work areas, including complying entry doors or gates. Maneuvering 
    space, including wheelchair turning space, is not required within the 
    work area, and elements within the work area are not required to 
    comply. Also, the Board has added a definition for ``employee work 
    areas'' in section 106 to clarify the limited application of this 
        The coverage of ``employee work areas'' in section 203.3, like 
    ADAAG 4.1.1(3), means that an accessible route is not required to 
    individual work stations within the area. For example,
    [[Page 62252]]
    an accessible route is required to a restaurant kitchen or the 
    manufacturing space of a plant but not to individual work stations, 
    regardless of the number of stations or the size of the work area. The 
    advisory committee recommended that ADAAG be changed to require an 
    accessible route to each ``individual work station'' instead of to 
    ``work areas.'' Other than the connecting route, work stations would 
    not be required to be accessible. The advisory committee recommended 
    this change for consistency with model building codes which, unlike 
    ADAAG, do not provide a similar exception for work areas. The advisory 
    committee considered that contemporary building and fire codes, for 
    general fire and life safety purposes, have always required in new 
    construction and alterations that a path of travel serving individual 
    work stations be provided for exiting in an emergency. In complying 
    with the code, this path of travel would end up complying with most if 
    not all of the accessible route requirements in ADAAG. The advisory 
    committee therefore considered that changing ADAAG to require an 
    accessible route serving individual work stations would not have 
    dramatic impact. This aspect of the model building codes, as well as 
    general exceptions for equipment and other spaces in section 203, would 
    serve to limit the overall impact of this change in the advisory 
    committee's view. Further, the requirement for an ``accessible route'' 
    to such elements, as opposed to access for ``approach, entry, and 
    exit'' to certain spaces was considered clearer and more easily 
        The Board is committed to harmonizing the ADAAG requirements with 
    the requirements of the model codes and believes that covered entities 
    should apply the recommendations of the advisory committee in most 
    situations, particularly in traditional places of public accommodation, 
    in office buildings, and in schools. However, the Board is concerned 
    that the adoption of this requirement as the minimum level of 
    compliance may prove to be unworkable in some employment settings. 
    Therefore, the Board has not included the advisory committee's 
    recommendations in this proposed rule. However, the Board is 
    considering whether to include the advisory committee's language in the 
    final rule. To facilitate this decision, the Board is seeking responses 
    to the following questions:
        Question 1: ADAAG requires that an accessible route be provided to 
    employee work areas, but not to individual work stations. What 
    obstacles have people with disabilities encountered as a result of this 
        Question 2: The Board is interested in learning what the impact 
    might be if ADAAG requires access to ``individual work stations'' 
    rather than to ``employee work areas.'' For example, how would a 
    facility otherwise be designed and built in the absence of this revised 
    requirement in ADAAG? Any comparative analysis should be based on a 
    design that reflects compliance with contemporary codes, such as the 
    model building codes, and typical design practice. In other words, 
    aspects of an accessible route that would otherwise be provided as a 
    typical design consideration or that would have to be provided in order 
    to comply with a contemporary building code would not be sources of 
    real impact.
        Question 3: Are there specific types of individual work stations, 
    not otherwise exempt from access by section 203, that could not be 
    served by an accessible route?
        Question 4: The phrase ``areas used only by employees as work 
    areas'' has been misinterpreted or considered unclear. If this 
    requirement is retained in the final rule, how should it be clarified 
    to prevent misinterpretation? If a requirement for work stations is 
    included in the final rule, is the term ``individual employee work 
    stations'' sufficiently specific or is further clarification, 
    qualification, or definition needed?
        The revised guidelines differ from ADAAG in that they require 
    employee work areas to be equipped with visual alarms where audible 
    alarms are provided. In effect, this will require visual alarm 
    appliances in most work areas. Where work areas are enclosed by opaque 
    doors and walls, visual alarm appliances will be necessary to provide 
    the required alarm coverage. However, where work areas have translucent 
    walls or doors, carefully placed alarm appliances in adjoining 
    corridors or other spaces can cover the work area. This is a change 
    from current ADAAG, which requires visual alarms in common use and 
    public use spaces, but not in those spaces that serve only as a work 
    area. The Board proposes this change because it is an issue of life 
    safety and because installation of visual alarms after construction can 
    be difficult and expensive. However, in addition to an accessible 
    connecting route, visual alarms would be the only accessible element 
    required for a work area.
        The Board estimates that the aggregate cost associated with 
    providing visual alarms in employee work areas for newly constructed 
    buildings is approximately $16.3 million. This estimate is based on 
    several assumptions: (a) an average office building size is 200,000 
    square feet with 200 square feet per office; (b) the cost of an alarm 
    system complying with existing requirements is $225,000 and 
    approximately 60 to 70 percent of the area of the office building 
    receives visual alarm coverage; (c) visual alarms will be needed in an 
    additional 25 percent of the building area (50,000 square feet, 250 
    offices) to meet the proposed new requirement; (d) the additional cost 
    for installing the visual alarms in employee work areas is $65,375 
    ($261 per office); (d) 250 office buildings (averaging 200,000 square 
    feet) are newly constructed each year.
        Question 5: This provision would be applicable to both newly 
    constructed buildings and existing buildings when alarm systems are 
    replaced or upgraded, and these alterations affect the usability of the 
    building. The Board does not provide an aggregate cost estimate for 
    existing buildings when alarm systems are altered. The Board recognizes 
    that this cost may greatly exceed the cost for newly constructed 
    buildings. In order to better assess the overall cost of this 
    provision, the Board seeks data on how frequently alarm systems are 
    replaced or upgraded such that they would amount to an alteration and 
    be subject to this provision. The Board has been advised that alarm 
    systems may be replaced as often as every ten years. The reason given 
    is that building owners desire to reduce insurance liability, as well 
    as to provide state-of-the-art protection for building occupants. Is it 
    correct to assume that alarm systems are replaced every ten years? The 
    Board seeks information from businesses that provide fire alarm systems 
    regarding the additional cost of providing visual alarms in employee 
    work areas when alarm systems are replaced or upgraded. Please provide 
    cost data for alarm systems with visual alarm coverage in all employee 
    work areas compared to alarm systems complying with the existing 
    requirements. Lastly, while an average building size is used in 
    developing the cost estimate for newly constructed buildings, the Board 
    seeks comment on whether the provision would have a disproportionate 
    economic impact on small buildings or businesses.
        Question 6: Are there less costly alternatives to providing visual 
    alarms in all employee work areas for employees who are deaf or are 
    hard of hearing that provide a comparable level of life safety?
        Question 7: Concerns have been raised about limiting the number of
    [[Page 62253]]
    visual alarms for the benefit of people who are photosensitive, as 
    further discussed below at section 702.3. In view of these various 
    considerations, comment is sought on the appropriateness of this 
    requirement, and information is requested on whether there are means 
    available for deactivating individual visual appliances (which may be 
    desired in accommodating employees who are photosensitive) without 
    rendering the entire system ineffective.
        Section 203.9 clarifies that in residential facilities access is 
    not required in common use areas not serving required accessible 
    dwelling units. The Board added this provision because guidelines for 
    residential facilities have been included in this rule. This provision 
    would apply in situations where certain common use areas, such as 
    laundry rooms, are intended to serve a portion of dwelling units.
    204  Protruding Objects
    205  Operable Parts
        Sections 204 and 205 are substantively consistent with scoping 
    requirements for protruding objects in ADAAG 4.1.2(3) and 4.1.3(2) and 
    for controls and operating mechanisms in ADAAG 4.1.3(13).
    206  Accessible Routes
        ADAAG addresses scoping for accessible routes in several areas 
    (4.1.2, 4.1.3, and 4.3). The revised guidelines bring these 
    requirements together into one subsection (206.2) to clarify the 
    requirement for accessible routes from site arrival points, within the 
    site and within buildings and facilities, and to spaces and elements. 
    The revised guidelines more clearly recognize various elements as 
    components of accessible routes. Thus, this section integrates scoping 
    for entrances (206.4), doors and doorways (206.5), elevators (206.6), 
    and wheelchair (platform) lifts (206.7). Changes from ADAAG include:
         clarification that an accessible pedestrian route is not 
    required where only a vehicular way not serving pedestrians is provided 
    (206.2.1 and 206.2.2, exceptions);
         emphasis on the provision of an ``accessible route'' 
    between floors as opposed to an ``elevator'' so that elevator 
    exceptions in ADAAG 4.1.3(5) are relocated to the requirement for an 
    accessible route (206.2.3);
         clarification that in assembly areas an accessible route 
    is not required to serve seating that does not contain wheelchair 
    spaces or designated aisle seats required to be on an accessible route 
    (206.2.3, exception 6);
         clarification that an accessible route between seating and 
    performance areas is required where a direct connection is provided 
         clarification that where the circulation path is interior, 
    the accessible route must be interior as well (206.3);
         removal of the requirement in ADAAG 4.1.3(8) that 
    accessible entrances be provided in a number at least equal to the 
    number of exits required because entrances and exits serve different 
    functions and should not be linked in scoping requirements;
         removal of a requirement in ADAAG 5.7 for an accessible 
    route to raised platforms in banquet rooms since it is premised on 
    elements (head tables and speaker's lecterns) that often are not fixed;
         extending the scope of requirements for security check 
    points and security barriers for airports and certain State and local 
    government facilities to cover all types of facilities that provide 
    security check points and barriers (206.8); and
         removal of ADAAG exception 4(d) to 4.1.3(5) that allows 
    the use of wheelchair lifts where ``existing site constraints or other 
    constraints make use of a ramp or an elevator infeasible'' since this 
    is not considered warranted in new construction.
        In addition, several substantive changes are provided that pertain 
    to elevators (206.6). These include recognition of two alternatives to 
    the traditional type of elevator required by ADAAG and the addition of 
    a requirement for altered elevators.
        Destination-oriented elevators are different from typical elevators 
    in that they provide a means of indicating the desired floor at the 
    location of the call button, usually through a key pad, instead of a 
    control panel inside the car. Responding cars are programmed for 
    maximum efficiency by reducing the number of stops any passenger 
    experiences. ADAAG does not specifically address this type of elevator, 
    which was not widely in use when ADAAG was first published. The revised 
    guidelines require compliance with newly added technical requirements 
    in 407.3 where destination-oriented elevators are provided instead of 
    traditional types of elevators. There are differences in the technical 
    requirements provided in section 407. For example, standard elevators 
    must provide audible and visual car position indicators that identify 
    floors as they are passed. With destination-oriented elevators, audible 
    and visual indicators must be provided indicating the car destination 
    both when the car arrives in response to the call and when it arrives 
    at the floor destination.
        The revised guidelines also permit installation of limited-use/
    limited-application (LULA) elevators in buildings and facilities not 
    required to have a standard elevator. This type of elevator is 
    characterized by a smaller car among other things. The revised 
    guidelines provide technical requirements in 407.4 and require 
    compliance with the industry safety standard (ASME/ANSI A17.1, Part 
    XXV). The advisory committee recommended addressing LULAs because it 
    considered such elevators a more viable option in situations where a 
    standard elevator is not required. The advisory committee reasoned that 
    some vertical access (via a LULA elevator) is preferable to none.
        Question 8: Consistent with ADAAG, the revised guidelines provide 
    an exception for private sector facilities based on the number of 
    stories or the square footage per floor (206.2.3, exception 1). A much 
    narrower exception is permitted for State and local government 
    facilities (206.2.3, exception 2). Are there situations where the use 
    of LULA's should be permitted instead of a standard elevator in certain 
    small State or local government facilities?
        A requirement has been added at 206.6.1 that when an elevator is 
    altered, all elevators programmed to respond to the same hall call 
    control shall be brought into compliance so that persons with 
    disabilities are not limited to the use of one car at multi-car 
    elevator banks.
    207  Accessible Means of Egress
        Requirements for accessible means of egress have been modified for 
    consistency with model building codes and standards, including addition 
    of a new requirement that an elevator be provided as an accessible 
    means of egress in buildings with four or more stories above or below 
    the exit discharge level. The requirement in ADAAG 4.1.3(9) that 
    accessible means of egress be provided in the ``same number'' of 
    required exits has been changed to require at least two accessible 
    means of egress where more than one means of egress is required. The 
    requirement in ADAAG 4.1.3(10) that accessible routes also serve as 
    required exits has been removed because not all accessible routes 
    necessarily have to serve as a required means of egress in order to 
    provide a reasonable minimum level of safety. The reference to ``areas 
    of rescue assistance'' has been changed to ``areas of refuge'' for 
    consistency with model
    [[Page 62254]]
    codes. Exceptions from the requirement for areas of refuge in 
    facilities that are altered or those equipped with supervised automatic 
    sprinkler system have been retained. A new exception clarifies that 
    areas of refuge are not required in open parking garages since the open 
    design permits smoke to escape.
    208  Parking Spaces
        The revised guidelines maintain the general scoping of ADAAG in 
    4.1.2(5) but refer to parking spaces generally, instead of to ``self-
    parking by visitors, employees, or both.'' The Board has added an 
    exception in 208.1 for parking spaces used exclusively for buses, 
    trucks, delivery vehicles, law enforcement vehicles, and vehicular 
    impound and motor pool lots where lots accessed by the public are 
    provided with an accessible passenger loading zone.
        ADAAG 4.1.2(5)(d) requires a higher level of scoping for outpatient 
    units and facilities (10%) and those that ``specialize in treatment or 
    services for persons with mobility impairments'' (20%). Sections 
    208.2.1 and 208.2.2 preserve these scoping requirements but clarify 
    their application to visitor and patient parking (so as to exclude 
    employee parking); ``hospital outpatient facilities'' (10%); and 
    ``rehabilitation facilities and outpatient physical therapy 
    facilities'' (20%). The advisory committee had recommended removing the 
    10% requirement for outpatient facilities because it questioned the 
    technical basis for it and because the term ``outpatient facility'' is 
    too broad and can be misapplied to doctors' offices and clinics. 
    Instead of removing this requirement, the Board has clarified its 
    application by limiting it to outpatient facilities located in 
    hospitals. The requirement for ``rehabilitation facilities'' is 
    intended to cover facilities providing physical rehabilitation, but not 
    those facilities providing other types of rehabilitation, such as drug 
    or alcohol rehabilitation.
        New scoping provisions for residential facilities have been added. 
    Section 208.2.3 provides access to at least one parking space for each 
    accessible dwelling unit where parking is provided. Two percent of any 
    additional parking spaces provided for residents must be accessible. 
    Additionally, guest parking must be made accessible in accordance with 
    Table 208.2. In 208.4.2 dispersion is required throughout all types of 
    parking provided for dwelling units required to be accessible unless 
    equal or greater accessibility is otherwise achieved.
        Requirements for identification of accessible spaces in 208.3 allow 
    spaces not to be identified (i.e., reserved solely for use by people 
    with disabilities) where five or fewer spaces in one parking lot are 
    provided. This was recommended by the advisory committee in order to 
    mitigate the impact of a reserved space in very small lots and is based 
    on the model building codes. Identification of spaces is not required 
    at residential facilities where parking spaces are assigned to specific 
    dwelling units. The requirement for the ``van accessible'' designation 
    has been removed to clarify that both car and van drivers can use such 
    spaces, as was the original intent of ADAAG.
        ADAAG 4.1.2(5)(e) allows an accessible passenger loading zone 
    instead of accessible parking spaces at facilities with valet parking. 
    This provision has been removed for several reasons. Valet parking 
    often is not available at all hours a facility is open or may be later 
    removed altogether. Further, vehicles specially equipped for persons 
    with disabilities may not be usable by other drivers.
    209  Passenger Loading Zones
        This section requires that where a passenger loading zone is 
    provided, at least one portion within every continuous 100 feet of 
    loading zone space must be accessible. This replaces the requirement in 
    ADAAG 4.1.5(c) for only one accessible passenger loading zone per site. 
    The new requirement is responsive to facilities, such as airports, 
    where many or long continuous passenger loading zones are provided. The 
    advisory committee recommended that all passenger loading zones be 
    required to be accessible. However, the proposed requirement addresses 
    situations where continuous loading zones are provided and balances the 
    needs of people with disabilities and the costs associated with adding 
    an additional lane for accessible passenger loading.
    210  Stairways
        This provision requires all stairs that are part of a means of 
    egress to comply with the guidelines. ADAAG 4.1.3(4) requires 
    compliance only at stairs connecting levels not connected by a vertical 
    means of access. The advisory committee recommended this change for 
    consistency with model building codes that recognize the importance of 
    accessible safety features in successfully exiting by stairs. 
    Accessible features in stairways will benefit individuals with mobility 
    impairments, as well as other individuals with and without 
    disabilities. An exception is provided for alterations. Under this 
    exception, stairs between levels that are connected by an accessible 
    route are not required to comply (except for handrails) due to the 
    potential difficulty of altering stairs for compliance within existing 
    space limitations.
    211  Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers
        This provision requires that where one drinking fountain or water 
    cooler is provided on a site, floor, or within a secured area, access 
    shall be provided for both people who use wheelchairs and for standing 
    persons. Where more than one drinking fountain is provided, 50% are 
    required to be wheelchair accessible and 50% are required to be 
    accessible to standing persons (with rounding up or down permitted 
    where an odd number of units is provided). While substantively 
    consistent with ADAAG 4.1.3(10), this section clarifies the application 
    to exterior units and the coverage of units accessible to standing 
    persons where more than one unit is provided. The advisory committee 
    recommended that the guidelines not address access for standing persons 
    because no technical criteria are provided and because it believed that 
    most drinking fountains would accommodate people who have difficulty 
    bending. The Board believes that access for people who may have 
    difficulty bending or stooping should be retained and has included 
    technical requirements for such access (see 602.7).
    212  Sinks, Kitchens, Kitchenettes, and Wet Bars
        A requirement has been added that where sinks are provided in 
    accessible spaces, at least 5% (but not less than one) must be 
    accessible, except for mop or service sinks, which are exempt. While 
    ADAAG provides technical requirements for sinks in 4.24, it does not 
    indicate the minimum number required to be accessible. New scoping 
    provisions for kitchens, kitchenettes, and wet bars are generally 
    consistent with transient lodging requirements in ADAAG 9.2.2(7). The 
    revised guidelines extend the application to kitchens, kitchenettes, 
    and wet bars provided, without regard to the type of facility.
    213  Toilet and Bathing Facilities
        This section is consistent with ADAAG scoping provisions in 
    4.1.3(11), 4.22, and 4.23 except for one substantive change. Where 
    multiple single-user toilet rooms are clustered at a single location 
    and contain fixtures in excess of the minimum required number of 
    plumbing fixtures, at least 5% of toilet rooms (but not less than one) 
    [[Page 62255]]
    each use at each cluster is required to be accessible (213.2, exception 
    4). ADAAG, which does not specifically address this situation, requires 
    access to all such toilet rooms. The advisory committee recommended 
    this scoping provision as more appropriate since this arrangement is 
    common in facilities such as medical facilities. Additionally, 
    revisions have been made to clarify that:
         access is not required for toilet or bathing facilities in 
    transient lodging guest rooms (except for the clearance of entry 
    doors), patient or resident sleeping rooms in medical care facilities, 
    holding or housing cells in detention and correctional facilities, or 
    dwelling units that are not required to be accessible (213.2, 
    exceptions 5, 6, 7, and 8);
         unisex bathing rooms must contain at least one accessible 
    shower or bathtub (213.2.1); and
         where only one lavatory is provided, it shall not be 
    located in an accessible toilet compartment (213.3.4).
    214  Laundry Equipment
        A new scoping provision has been added for laundry equipment and 
    applies to laundry facilities wherever provided. For example, if a 
    transient lodging facility provides laundry facilities for guests, they 
    must be accessible and contain one or more accessible washers and 
    dryers. This section also addresses the need for accessible laundry 
    facilities in, or serving, accessible dwelling units and is necessary 
    since the revised guidelines address residential facilities. Where 
    washing machines or clothes dryers are provided in spaces required to 
    be accessible, at least one of each type is required to be accessible.
    215  Emergency Alarm Systems
        The requirement for emergency alarm systems is consistent with 
    ADAAG 4.1.3(14). The ADAAG exception that allows such systems to be 
    modified in medical care facilities to suit health care alarm practice 
    has been revised as an exception to the charging statement for the 
    technical section on fire alarm systems (702.1). The advisory committee 
    had recommended that the provision be limited to fire alarm systems for 
    consistency with model codes such as National Fire Protection Agency 
    (NFPA) 72-G. The committee also recommended that an exception for 
    alterations be provided that would require compliance with the 
    requirement for visual alarms only where an alarm system is upgraded or 
    replaced or a new one installed. Instead, the Board is proposing to 
    retain the substance of the current requirement since compliance with 
    any requirement in alterations is required to the extent it is 
    ``technically feasible.'' Given the scope of the work, replacement of a 
    fire alarm system is considered an alteration, not normal maintenance. 
    However, certain upgrades are alterations only if they affect the 
    usability of a room or space. The usability of the space is not 
    affected when a few failing appliances are replaced. The Board has 
    limited the requirement for visual appliances to fire alarm systems 
    instead of ``emergency warning systems.'' In addition, the Board has 
    added a scoping provision that requires other types of alarm systems to 
    be equipped with audible and visual signals but has not provided any 
    technical criteria for these signals.
        Question 9: The Board seeks information on facility alarm systems 
    (other than fire alarm systems) that do not instruct occupants to 
    evacuate the facility but provide other warning information, such as 
    those used for tornado warnings and other emergencies. Recommendations 
    are requested on the technical criteria appropriate for the audible and 
    visual signals for such alarm systems, particularly where 
    differentiation from fire alarm system signals is important.
    216  Signs
        This provision retains the substance of scoping for exterior and 
    interior signs in ADAAG 4.1.2(7) and 4.1.3(16). Several editorial 
    changes are included for clarification. Scoping for tactile signs is 
    modified to apply to ``permanent'' room or space designations in order 
    to clarify coverage of signs that are not likely to change. The Board 
    has added an exception stating that signs designating building 
    addresses or building names are not required to meet requirements for 
    tactile signs. These revisions are consistent with the Board's 
    interpretation of ADAAG.
        ADAAG 4.1.7(3)(e) includes a provision for qualified historic 
    facilities which recommends that exhibits and signs displayed 
    horizontally should be no higher than 44 inches above the floor so as 
    to be accessible to be people seated in wheelchairs. The advisory 
    committee recommended that this provision be made mandatory or 
    relocated to an advisory note. The Board believes this specification 
    and its limited application to qualified historic facilities merits 
    further evaluation before adopting it as a mandatory requirement. 
    Consequently, this provision is not included in the revised guidelines.
    217  Telephones
        Scoping provisions for public pay telephones providing wheelchair 
    access and volume controls are substantively consistent with ADAAG 
    4.1.3(17)(a) and (b). The Board has provided clarification in 217.1 
    that scoping applies to one of each type of pay phone provided, 
    including, but not limited to, coin-operated and coinless public pay 
    phones. For example, access is not limited to credit card phones where 
    coin-operated phones are also provided or vice versa. As recommended by 
    the advisory committee, an exception at 217.3 indicates that, where all 
    phones are equipped with volume controls, identifying signage is not 
        Significant changes are proposed for the provision of TTYs. TTYs 
    are devices that provide access to telephones for people who have 
    hearing or speech impairments. At the advisory committee's 
    recommendation, the preferred term ``TTY'' has been used instead of the 
    term ``text telephone'' or ``TDD'; the definition of TTY in section 106 
    explains that the term is synonymous with ``text telephones'' and 
    encompasses devices known as ``TDDs,'' a term which stands for 
    ``telecommunication display devices'' (or ``telecommunication devices 
    for deaf persons''). ADAAG 4.1.3(17)(c) generally requires that at 
    least one TTY be provided on a site where four or more public pay 
    telephones are provided (and at least one is interior). The advisory 
    committee and the Board consider this requirement inadequate because it 
    does not take into account large sites such as college campuses and 
    shopping malls where people who need TTYs are limited to one TTY-
    equipped phone. The revised scoping at 217.4 states that in private 
    buildings (i.e., places of public accommodation and commercial 
    facilities) where four or more pay phones are provided at a bank, 
    within a floor, building, or on a site, a TTY is required at each such 
    location. Consistent with previous amendments to ADAAG for State and 
    local government facilities, a lower threshold is provided for public 
    buildings, where one pay telephone on a floor or within a public use 
    area of a building triggers the requirement for a TTY. An exception for 
    the requirement at banks (271.4.1) makes optional TTYs at banks that 
    are within 200 feet of, and on the same floor as, a bank with a TTY. 
    This exception allows reasonable dispersion without triggering a 
    requirement for additional TTYs. The revised provision does not limit 
    scoping to where at least one pay telephone is interior since TTYs for 
    exterior application are readily available.
        A new scoping provision is provided for rest stops, emergency 
    roadside stops, and service plazas that requires a TTY
    [[Page 62256]]
    where at least one public pay telephone is provided since 
    telecommunications can be critical at such locations and searching for 
    off-highway TTYs would be impractical. Due to the increased scoping, a 
    TTY requirement specific to stadiums, arenas, conventions centers, etc. 
    in ADAAG 4.1.3(17)(c)(ii) has been removed. Scoping requirements for 
    hospitals and the secured areas of detention and correctional 
    facilities have been retained.
        In addition to the advisory committee's recommendations, Board 
    changes include:
         adding a requirement for TTY signage where directional 
    signs for public pay telephones is provided (; and
         exempting phone banks with TTYs from the requirement for 
    shelves and outlets for portable TTYs (217.5).
    218  Transportation Facilities
        This provision requires transportation facilities to comply with 
    Chapter 10. Transportation is the one occupancy type (in addition to 
    the chapter the Board has added on residential facilities) that the 
    advisory committee recommended remain a separate chapter. Scoping for 
    other occupancy types covered in ADAAG sections 5 though 12 have been 
    integrated into Chapter 2.
    219  Assistive Listening Systems
        This section covers requirements for assistive listening systems 
    and receivers in assembly areas. Section 219.2 requires an assistive 
    listening system in each assembly area where audible communication is 
    integral to the space and audio amplification is provided. However, in 
    courtrooms, this requirement also applies where audio amplification is 
    not provided, consistent with ADAAG as amended for judicial facilities. 
    This provision is substantively different from ADAAG 4.1.3(19) in three 
    respects. First, ADAAG requires assistive listening systems in assembly 
    areas without audio amplification if the seating capacity is 50 or 
    more, and the revised guidelines do not, except in courtrooms 
    (regardless of seating capacity). Second, ADAAG's requirement is 
    conditioned on the provision of fixed seats; the revised guidelines 
    would apply to assembly areas with fixed seating and those without. 
    Third, ADAAG requires that assembly areas not subject to the 
    requirement for a ``permanent'' system be equipped with the necessary 
    electrical outlets and wiring for a portable system; the revised 
    guidelines do not specify a ``permanent'' system and do not require 
    outlets and wiring for portable systems. These also represent changes 
    from the advisory committee's report, which recommended a scoping 
    provision generally consistent with ADAAG. The Board is proposing these 
    changes because it believes that any assembly area with audio 
    amplification should be equipped with an assistive listening system 
    whether or not seating is fixed. The Board removed the requirement in 
    ADAAG for outlets and wiring because adequate electrical support is 
    generally available in these assembly occupancies and because the 
    provision of a portable system is more appropriately covered by the DOJ 
    regulation, which contains requirements for the provision of auxiliary 
    aids and services necessary to ensure effective communication. 
        \9\ 28 CFR 36.303 and 28 CFR 35.160.
        Section 219.3 specifies the minimum number of receivers according 
    to a sliding scale. This is a change from the flat 4% requirement in 
    ADAAG 4.1.3(19) and was recommended by the advisory committee based on 
    actual and anecdotal evidence that the current requirement exceeds the 
    demand especially in large facilities. Scoping of 4% is maintained for 
    a seating capacity up to 500 seats; seating above this number is 
    reduced to 3.5% (501 to 1000 seats), 2.75% (1001 to 2000 seats), and 1% 
    (over 2000 seats). The revised guidelines include a requirement which 
    is not in ADAAG that a portion of receivers (25% but no less than 2) be 
    compatible with hearing aids. In effect, this requires provision of 
    neck loops, which are the only type of receiver that can be used 
    comfortably with all models of hearing aids equipped with a telecoil.
    220  Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines
        This provision is consistent with ADAAG 4.1.3(20) with respect to 
    automatic teller machines, but it also addresses ``fare vending, 
    collection, or adjustment machines,'' which are only addressed by ADAAG 
    where provided in transportation facilities.
    221  Assembly Seating
        This section is substantively different from ADAAG requirements and 
    advisory committee recommendations for wheelchair, companion, and 
    designated aisle seating. Section 221.1 lists the types of assembly 
    areas covered: ``a motion picture house, theater, concert hall, 
    stadium, arena, auditorium, convention center, lecture hall, courtroom, 
    legislative chamber, or similar assembly area.'' This approach of 
    defining the section's coverage by providing a list of exemplary 
    covered entities is a departure from that in the existing ADAAG 
    4.1.3(19), which describes covered entities as ``places of assembly 
    with fixed seating.'' By limiting coverage to the listed entities and 
    ``other similar assembly areas,'' the revised guidelines clarify that 
    assembly areas like libraries or restaurants are not required to comply 
    with the requirements of 221.
        Section 221.2 revises the number of wheelchair spaces required 
    (Table 221.2.1). For a seating capacity up to 50 spaces, the 
    requirement is the same as ADAAG 4.1.3(19). For a seating capacity of 
    51 to 150 seats, 4 wheelchair spaces are required, and for a seating 
    capacity of 151 to 300 spaces, 5 wheelchair spaces are required. The 
    remainder of the table coincides with ADAAG. The advisory committee 
    recommended the scoping increase (although it recommended that 5 
    wheelchair spaces be provided starting at 101 seats instead of 151). 
    Also, the advisory committee recommended that scoping for a seating 
    capacity over 500 be reduced from 1% to 0.5% based on anecdotal 
    information on usage. The Board is not persuaded by this anecdotal 
    information and is proposing to retain the ADAAG requirement of 1%. 
    Section 221.2 also states that wheelchair spaces shall be provided in 
    each luxury box, club box, and suite. This is consistent with 
    Department of Justice interpretations of ADAAG that treat each such box 
    or suite as a discrete assembly area. Wheelchair spaces must be 
    integrated into the general bowl design and seating plan and cannot be 
    set aside on a separate platform or level where there is little or no 
    other seating. Integration of wheelchair spaces will provide 
    opportunities for social interaction with persons sitting in the 
    closest seats.
        The advisory committee recommended that wheelchair spaces be 
    clustered and specified the number of wheelchair clusters permitted, 
    which, in effect, served to govern the minimum level of dispersion. The 
    advisory committee also recommended a reduced level of dispersion where 
    sight lines require more than one step for a rise in elevation between 
    rows and in alterations where dispersion is not technically feasible. 
    The Board has not adopted this recommendation. The Board has included 
    requirements for dispersion as a technical requirement (see 802).
        Section 221.3 contains a requirement included by the Board that a 
    companion seat be provided for each wheelchair space and that this seat 
    be readily removable to create an additional wheelchair space. This is 
    consistent with current interpretations of the
    [[Page 62257]]
    requirement for one companion seat to be provided next to each 
    wheelchair seating area. However, ADAAG 4.33.3 requires companion seats 
    to be fixed but does allow readily removable seats to be installed in 
    wheelchair spaces. The revised provision will afford greater 
    flexibility in seating arrangements by allowing the choice of either a 
    companion seat or another wheelchair space next to each required 
    wheelchair space. The Board considered other options for addressing 
    problems presented by fixed companion seating. Those options included: 
    requiring a lesser number of fixed companion seats than wheelchair 
    spaces in larger assembly areas; requiring that a specified number of 
    wheelchair spaces be designated to accommodate a group of three or more 
    persons using wheelchairs; or opting for no change from the requirement 
    in the current ADAAG. The requirement for readily removable companion 
    seating was chosen for simplicity, because it promotes greater 
    flexibility in the seating configurations. However, the Board has 
    included an exception providing that fixed companion seating is 
    permitted in assembly areas with a capacity of 300 or fewer seats. This 
    exception is provided because the requirement for removable companion 
    seats would have a disproportionate impact on smaller assembly 
    facilities where no more than five wheelchair and companion spaces are 
        Question 10: The Board seeks information on the impact of the 
    requirement that each wheelchair space have an adjacent companion seat 
    that can be removed to provide an adjoining wheelchair space. Of 
    particular interest are recommendations on design solutions or 
    alternative scoping requirements that will mitigate the space impact 
    while affording a similar level of flexibility in seating arrangements.
        Question 11: The Board believes that readily removable seats should 
    provide a companion with virtually the same experience in terms of 
    comfort and usability as fixed seats in the same assembly facility. 
    What specific characteristics should the readily removable seat have 
    when compared to other seats? While a metal folding chair is not 
    equivalent to a plush theater-style seat, is it sufficiently comparable 
    to a bleacher seat?
        Section 221.4 requires that 1% of seats be designated aisle seats. 
    At least 25% of the designated aisles seats must be on an accessible 
    route, and the remainder no more than two rows from an accessible 
    route. ADAAG 4.1.3(19) provides a similar requirement that 1% of seats 
    be aisle seats with removable, folding, or no armrests. This 
    requirement is intended to serve people who may have difficulty walking 
    between rows of seats, use assistive devices for ambulation, or wish to 
    transfer from wheeled mobility aids. The advisory committee did not 
    recommend retaining this requirement because, with respect to 
    wheelchair transfers, questions arise about the proximate storage of 
    mobility aids and the potential obstruction of aisles by mobility aids. 
    Further, the advisory committee noted that ADAAG did not require an 
    accessible route to such seats, which brought into question the 
    usefulness of this requirement for people wishing to transfer from 
    wheelchairs to seats. The Board has included a requirement for a 
    portion of aisle seats to be on accessible routes for people using 
    wheelchairs who wish to transfer to seats. Since aisle seats also 
    benefit people who have difficulty walking, including between rows of 
    seats, but who can use stairs, the remainder of seats can be separated 
    from the accessible route by no more than two rows.
        Question 12: At least 1% of seats must be designated aisle seats 
    that have folding or removable armrests or no armrests. The Board seeks 
    information on the cost and related design impacts of locating at least 
    25% of these designated aisle seats on an accessible route and of 
    locating the remainder of such seats no more than two rows from an 
    accessible route.
        Section 221.5 provides a new requirement that where elevators or 
    wheelchair lifts are provided on an accessible route to wheelchair 
    spaces or designated aisle seats, they shall be provided in ``such 
    number, capacity, and speed'' in order to provide a level of service 
    equivalent to that provided in the same seating area to patrons who can 
    use stairs or other means of vertical access. The Board added this 
    requirement to ensure an equal level of convenience between accessible 
    seating and inaccessible seating. Architects plan for efficient ingress 
    and egress when they design assembly facilities, particularly stadiums. 
    Designers should have available circulation data that is part of the 
    architectural program and design. Generally, designers of new 
    facilities have sufficient knowledge of the travel time between points 
    (e.g., between the entry gate and seats or between the seats and 
    concession stands) to comply with this requirement for equivalent 
    vertical access.
    222  Dressing, Fitting, and Locker Rooms
        This provision is generally consistent with ADAAG 4.1.3(21), but it 
    also specifically references locker rooms in order to clarify the 
    intended application. An exception permitting unisex facilities for 
    altered dressing, fitting, or locker rooms derives from a similar 
    provision in ADAAG 4.1.6 (3)(h).
    223  Medical Care Facility Patient or Resident Sleeping Rooms
        This provision is substantively the same as ADAAG 6.1 in providing 
    scoping for patient or resident sleeping rooms. The revised guidelines 
    clarify coverage of ``licensed medical and long-term care facilities.'' 
    The description of the facilities covered has been simplified by 
    removing the ADAAG reference to medical facilities ``where persons may 
    need assistance in responding to an emergency,'' as the advisory 
    committee considered this portion of the description not useful. 
    Scoping for alterations and additions in ADAAG 6.1(4) has been 
    simplified in stating that the minimum percentage is to be based on the 
    total number of sleeping rooms added or altered.
        While section 223 specifies the minimum number of sleeping rooms 
    required to be accessible in medical care facilities, it does not 
    specify dispersion among different types of sleeping rooms. The Board 
    believes that accessible bedrooms should be dispersed among all units 
    or departments providing overnight stay and among different classes of 
    rooms, such as private, semi-private, etc. Industry practice and needs 
    assessment can be used to further determine the distribution. For 
    example, a greater number of accessible sleeping rooms might be located 
    in general surgical units than in pediatric or obstetric wards. 
    However, the use and designation of units or types of rooms often 
    change over time as needed.
        Question 13: The Board seeks comment on how dispersion of 
    accessible sleeping rooms can be effectively achieved and maintained in 
    medical care facilities such as hospitals and long term care 
    facilities. A requirement for such dispersion may be included in the 
    final rule.
    224  Transient Lodging Guest Rooms
        The minimum number of accessible guest rooms required has not been 
    changed from that provided in ADAAG 9.1.2. However, Table 224.2 
    clarifies that guest rooms with roll-in showers are to be provided in 
    addition to the basic number of required accessible
    [[Page 62258]]
    guest rooms. In addition, there are two substantive changes that are 
    also based on the advisory committee's recommendations. First, section 
    224.3 is new and addresses the number of beds required to be accessible 
    for situations such as homeless shelters, where a room may have a large 
    number of beds. Scoping is provided in Table 224.3.
        Second, the Board has significantly revised the scoping provisions 
    in section 224.4 for the number of guest rooms equipped with accessible 
    communication features, including visual alarms and devices that 
    provide visual notification of incoming telephone calls and door knocks 
    or bells. ADAAG 9.1.3 provides a minimum number according to a sliding 
    scale based on the total number of rooms provided. It requires 1 in 25 
    rooms to comply up to a guestroom count of 100. Scoping successively 
    decreases to 1 for every 50 rooms for the next 101 to 200 rooms and to 
    1 for every 100 rooms for the next 201 to 500 rooms. For facilities 
    with 501 to 1000 rooms, 2% of rooms must comply and where the room 
    count exceeds 1000, the scoping drops to 1%. ADAAG 9.2.2(8) requires 
    that all wheelchair accessible rooms be equipped with accessible 
    communication features in addition to a number of rooms required to 
    provide communication access only. The Board is proposing to increase 
    the minimum number of rooms that provide accessible communication 
    features to 50% of the total number of guest rooms provided. This 
    increase is proposed for several reasons. The communication features 
    addressed in this requirement address life safety in providing visual 
    notification of fire alarms for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. 
    Higher scoping will also afford greater flexibility in the guest room 
    assignment of people who are deaf or hard of hearing, particularly in 
    light of revisions to technical requirements for visual alarms in 
    section 702.3 that effectively preclude the use of portable visual 
    alarm devices. Further, anecdotal evidence indicates that operational 
    alternatives used in accommodating individuals who are deaf or hard of 
    hearing, including the use of portable devices and facility staff to 
    directly alert guests of the need to evacuate the facility, are 
    unreliable and ineffective.
        Question 14: Permanent installation of visual alarm appliances is 
    considerably cheaper and easier to achieve as part of facility design 
    and construction than as a retrofit. The Board requests information on 
    the new construction cost difference between providing visual alarms 
    and notification devices for incoming telephone calls and door knocks 
    or bells according to the scoping in ADAAG 9.1.3 and the proposed 50% 
    scoping requirement. Information is also sought on whether exceptions 
    should be provided for altered facilities or additions.
        Question 15: It is the Board's understanding that some transient 
    lodging facilities, particularly hotel chains, have adopted voluntary 
    policies requiring permanently installed visual alarms in all or a 
    majority of newly constructed guest rooms. Please provide information 
    regarding those transient lodging facilities that have such a policy. 
    Are there less costly alternatives to providing visual alarms in fifty 
    percent of guest rooms that will provide guests who are deaf or are 
    hard of hearing a comparable level of life safety?
        Section 224.5 requires dispersion of accessible rooms among the 
    various classes of rooms provided, including room type, bed type, and 
    other amenities to a degree comparable to the choices provided other 
    guests. This is similar to a requirement in ADAAG 9.1.4(1). A 
    clarification has been added that when complete dispersion is not 
    possible due to the number of rooms required to be accessible, 
    dispersion is to be provided in the following order of priority: room 
    type, bed type, and amenities. The advisory committee recommended that 
    the factors for dispersion were more appropriate for advisory 
    information. The Board has retained this provision in the text of the 
    rule since it contains mandatory direction. Consistent with the 
    advisory committee's recommendation, section 224.5 also requires 
    communication access in 50% of the wheelchair accessible guestrooms in 
    addition to the requirement in section 224.4. This differs from ADAAG 
    9.2.2(8) which requires that all wheelchair accessible guestrooms be 
    equipped with accessible communication features.
    225  Self-Service Storage Facilities
        This is a new requirement recommended by the advisory committee. 
    ADAAG does not specifically address self-service storage facilities, 
    and many ADAAG users questioned how access should be provided. Scoping 
    as provided in Table 225.1 is 5% but drops to 2% after the first 200 
    spaces. Accessible storage spaces are required to be dispersed among 
    the various classes of units provided to the extent the number of 
    accessible spaces allows. Where a facility is comprised of multiple 
    buildings, accessible spaces can be clustered in one building. This 
    provision addresses concerns raised by the self-storage industry 
    regarding the number of entrances required to be accessible in 
    facilities that may have more than fifty entrances to separate spaces. 
    The advisory committee believed these unique circumstances warranted 
    specific attention.
    226  Dining and Work Surfaces
        Scoping for dining and work surfaces is consistent with ADAAG 
    4.1.3(18). This provision integrates requirements for dispersion and 
    dining counters that derive from the section on restaurants and 
    cafeterias in ADAAG 5.1 and 5.2, respectively. However, the revised 
    guidelines apply the dispersion requirement generally to all dining and 
    work surfaces, whereas ADAAG 5.1 requires dispersion only for 
    restaurant and cafeteria seating.
    227  Sales and Service Counters
        This section corresponds to requirements for business and 
    mercantile facilities in ADAAG 7. Section 227.2 provides scoping for 
    check-out aisles that is consistent with ADAAG 7.3. This scoping 
    however is not limited to business and mercantile occupancies and 
    applies to all facilities with check-out aisles. It replaces a 
    requirement in ADAAG 8.3 specific to check-out areas in libraries that 
    requires at least one lane at check-out areas to comply. There is a 
    substantive change to exceptions from the scoping requirement. ADAAG 
    7.3 permits only one check-out aisle to be accessible where selling 
    space is less than 5000 square feet. It also permits one check-out 
    aisle of each design to be accessible in alterations of facilities with 
    more than 5000 square feet of selling space. This is required until the 
    number of accessible check-out aisles of each design equals the number 
    required in new construction. The advisory committee recommended 
    retaining these exceptions. However, the Board has removed the 
    exception for facilities with less than 5000 square feet of selling 
    space because small facilities rarely have more than one check-out 
    aisle. In fact, small facilities generally have point of sales and 
    service counters in lieu of check-out aisles. The exception for 
    alterations has been retained but has been made generally applicable 
    and is not limited to facilities with more than 5000 square feet of 
    selling space. Requirements for identification of accessible check-out 
    aisles in 227.2.1 includes a clarification that, where all check-out 
    aisles are accessible, such identification is not required.
        Section 227.3 covers point of sales and service counters. This 
    provision is consistent with ADAAG 7.2 except that no distinction is 
    made between counters
    [[Page 62259]]
    with cash registers and those without, which the advisory committee 
    considered insignificant.
        Requirements for food service lines in ADAAG 5.5 have been 
    integrated into the scoping provision in 227.4. A new provision for 
    queues and waiting lines at 227.5 clarifies that an accessible route is 
    to be maintained where a defined circulation route is provided. A 
    requirement for an accessible route through security bollards in ADAAG 
    7.4 has been clarified and relocated to section 206.8. Section 206.8 
    clarifies that security may not obstruct ingress or egress.
    228  Storage
        Provisions for storage are consistent with those in ADAAG 
    4.1.3(12). Examples of the types of storage elements covered have been 
    moved to an advisory note. A new provision is provided in 228.2 that 
    requires at least 5% of lockers to be accessible. Requirements for 
    self-service shelving in section 228.3 are consistent with ADAAG 
    4.1.3(12). The Board has removed a reference to display units because 
    displays are not to be touched and therefore cannot be self-service. 
    The requirement has been made generally applicable to all facilities 
    types, not just mercantile occupancies, and effectively replaces 
    requirements in ADAAG 8.5 specific to library stacks. A new provision 
    is added for coat hooks and folding shelves in 228.4 to clarify, that 
    where such elements are provided in toilet rooms or compartments, 
    locker rooms, or dressing and fitting rooms, at least one of each type 
    shall be accessible.
    229  Depositories, Vending Machines, Change Machines, and Mail Boxes
        This provision represents a change from ADAAG 5.8 which addresses 
    vending machines and other equipment in restaurants and cafeterias. 
    ADAAG provides only for clear floor space at such equipment. Consistent 
    with the advisory committee's recommendation, requirements have been 
    added for wheelchair turning space and the location of operable 
    controls within accessible reach ranges in accordance with section 309 
    at vending machines. In addition, the Board has added a requirement 
    that operable controls meet the operating characteristics specified. 
    The Board also has added specific references to ``depositories, change 
    machines, and mail boxes'' and an exception that exempts drive-up only 
    depositories from compliance. In view of the coverage of residential 
    and other commercial facilities, the Board has included a provision 
    that 5% of mail boxes be accessible where provided in an interior 
    location. In residential facilities where interior or exterior mail 
    boxes are provided on site, access is required to mail boxes serving 
    dwelling units that are required to be accessible. The Board does not 
    intend that this provision address U.S. Postal Service mail boxes in 
    the public right-of-way because these elements may be provided in 
    communities without accessible routes.
    230  Windows
        The technical provisions for windows are reserved in ADAAG. Where 
    glazed openings are provided for operation by the occupants of 
    accessible spaces, the revised guidelines include a new provision which 
    requires access to at least one glazed opening. In accessible rooms or 
    spaces, access is also required to each glazed opening required by the 
    administrative authority to be operable. The advisory committee and the 
    Board reasoned that if windows are to be operable, they must be 
    operable by all potential building occupants, including people with 
    disabilities. Furthermore, new technology, including mechanical or 
    electrical devices makes providing accessible windows possible.
        Section 230 requires that the operable parts of windows be 
    accessible, but it does not address the height of glazed openings. 
    Requirements for toilet room mirrors specify that the bottom edge of 
    the reflecting surface be no more than 40 inches from the floor 
    (section 603.3), and provisions for automatic teller machines require 
    display screens to be visible from a point 40 inches above the center 
    of the clear floor space in front of the machine (section 707.5.4).
        Question 16: Should a maximum sill height for the glazed area of 
    those windows required to be accessible be specified in the final rule 
    so that people who use wheelchairs, located on any floor, can look 
    through the window to view ground level activities? If so, what should 
    this height be? The Board also seeks information on any design 
    requirements, practices, or considerations that would specify 
    installation above an accessible height in certain occupancies for 
    security or safety reasons, such as to guard against break-ins or to 
    prevent improper use by building occupants, including children. 
    Information is sought on any other design impacts, such as the use of 
    the space or cavity below windows for mechanical or other building 
    231  Two-Way Communication Systems
        In amending ADAAG to cover State and local government facilities, 
    the Board added a requirement that where a two-way communication system 
    is provided to gain admittance to a judicial, legislative, or 
    regulatory facility, audible and visual signals must be provided. Also 
    included was a requirement that handsets have a cord at least 29 inches 
    long. In the revised guidelines, the Board has made this requirement 
    applicable to all types of facilities where such two-way communication 
    systems are provided.
    232  Judicial Facilities
        This provision integrates scoping requirements for judicial 
    facilities contained in ADAAG 11 without substantive change. Provisions 
    in ADAAG 11 for legislative and regulatory facilities have been 
    integrated into other scoping provisions of Chapter 2.
    233  Detention and Correctional Facilities
        This section covers scoping for detention and correctional 
    facilities, including the minimum number of holding and housing cells 
    required to be accessible. These provisions are based on ADAAG 12 and 
    have been edited to be consistent with the format of the revised 
    guidelines. In addition, several substantive changes have been made. 
    ADAAG 12.4.5 reserves scoping for accessible holding or housing cells 
    in alterations. In publishing final amendments for State and local 
    government facilities, the Board acknowledged that prison operators 
    commenting on the proposed amendments urged that access not be required 
    in altered correctional facilities because some existing facilities 
    would not be able to support inmates with disabilities even if cells 
    were made accessible. These comments also pointed to difficulties in 
    complying due to design constraints unique to correctional facilities. 
    In response, the Board had reserved a proposed scoping requirement for 
    altered cells, but noted that public entities, including correctional 
    entities, have an obligation to provide program access, as required by 
    the Department of Justice (DOJ) title II regulations. Further, the 
    Board noted that the program access requirement may effectively 
    determine the degree of access necessary in an alteration. In the 
    revised guidelines, the reserved provision has been replaced with an 
    exception at 233.2 which states that in the alteration of holding or 
    housing cells or rooms accessibility is required ``to the extent 
    determined by the Attorney General.'' DOJ's title II regulation states 
    that public entities must operate each service, program, or activity so 
    that the service, program, or activity, when
    [[Page 62260]]
    viewed in its entirety, is readily accessible to and usable by 
    individuals with disabilities. DOJ may revise its title II regulation 
    to provide more specific guidance as to the extent to which the 
    requirements for accessible cells or rooms in detention and 
    correctional facilities apply to alterations. A similar exception also 
    is provided for special holding and housing cells or rooms in section 
        Exceptions are provided at F223.2 and F233.3 for corresponding 
    provisions for detention and correctional facilities covered by the 
    ABA. These exceptions, however, refer to applicable agency regulations 
    implementing section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act for determining the 
    extent to which access is required in the alterations of cells or rooms 
    in detention and correctional facilities. The lack of a specific 
    requirement for alterations to cells or rooms does not excuse a Federal 
    agency or a federally funded entity from providing access to all of a 
    prison's programs and services, when viewed in their entirety, if 
    required under applicable section 504 regulations.
        In addition, two other changes have been made by the Board:
         guidance is provided on the number of beds required to be 
    accessible within a room as specified for transient lodging facilities 
    in Table 224.3; and
         scoping for accessible communication features in 
    wheelchair accessible cells has been reduced from 100% to 50%, 
    consistent with revised scoping for transient lodging facilities.
    234  Accessible Residential Facilities
        The Board has added new scoping requirements for accessible 
    residential housing covered by the ADA. This section requires that at 
    least 5% (but no less than one) of the total number of dwelling units 
    be accessible. An additional 2% minimum of the dwelling units are 
    required to be equipped with accessible communication features but are 
    not required to be wheelchair accessible. Dispersion of accessible 
    units is required among the various types of units provided so that 
    people with disabilities have choices of dwelling units comparable to 
    and integrated with those available to other residents.
    Part II: ABA Application and Scoping
        This part provides application and scoping requirements for 
    facilities covered by the ABA. The Board develops and maintains minimum 
    guidelines for buildings and facilities covered by the ABA 
    10. These guidelines serve as the basis for standards issued 
    by four standard-setting Federal agencies: the General Services 
    Administration (GSA), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department 
    of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Postal Service 
    (USPS). Representatives of these agencies, as well as those of other 
    departments, serve as Federal members of the Board. In this capacity, 
    these agencies have coordinated closely with the Board in updating the 
    ABA accessibility guidelines.
        \10\ The ABA covers: (1) facilities constructed or altered by or 
    on behalf of the United States; (2) facilities leased in whole or in 
    part by the United States; (3) facilities financed in whole or in 
    part by a grant or loan made by the United States, if such building 
    or facility is subject to standards for design, construction, or 
    alteration issued under authority of the law authorizing such grant 
    or loan; and (4) facilities to be constructed under authority of the 
    National Capital Transportation Act of 1965, or title III of the 
    Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact. 
    Notwithstanding the above, the ABA does not cover: a privately owned 
    residential structure not leased by the Government for subsidized 
    housing programs; or, any building or facility on a military 
    installation designed and constructed primarily for use by military 
    personnel without disabilities. The current ABA standard exempts 
    various military facilities consistent with the statute (UFAS 
    4.1.4(2)); this exclusion has not been retained in the revised 
    guidelines as it is more appropriately contained in the implementing 
    regulations issued by the DOD and the other standard-setting 
        The Board has based the ABA scoping and application sections on the 
    revised ADA scoping and application sections of Part I. This will 
    ensure greater consistency between both scoping documents and will 
    serve to establish greater uniformity in the level of access among 
    facilities covered by the ADA or the ABA. The Board previously adopted 
    a resolution introduced by GSA to ensure that the level of 
    accessibility established for federally funded facilities in this 
    rulemaking meets or exceeds that proposed for the private sector and 
    State and local government sectors under the ADA. To this end, 
    differences or departures from the ADA scoping and application sections 
    have been minimized. Most changes are necessary due to differences 
    between the ABA and ADA statutes and regulations issued under them. For 
    example, the ABA covers facilities leased by Federal agencies and the 
    guidelines for the ABA reflect this statutory difference. The 
    guidelines for the ADA and ABA are being consolidated in one part of 
    the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Part 1191). The following 
    discussion explains substantive differences from the application and 
    scoping requirements for facilities covered by the ADA as discussed in 
    Part I.
    F103  Modifications and Waivers
        The ABA recognizes a process under which covered entities may 
    request a modification or waiver of the applicable standard. The 
    standard-setting agencies may grant a modification or waiver upon a 
    case-by-case determination that it is clearly necessary. This 
    modification and waiver process is recognized in section F103 as a 
    substitute to the provision for ``equivalent facilitation'' in section 
    103 provided for facilities subject to the ADA.
    F106  Definitions
        Several defined terms in section F106.5 differ from those in the 
    ADA application section. These include ``dwelling unit'' and 
    ``transient lodging'' which have been simplified and made mutually 
    exclusive. Definitions for ``joint use'' and ``lease'' are included 
    that pertain to provisions specific to the ABA covering leased 
    facilities. Definitions of ``private building or facility'' and 
    ``public building or facility'' are not included because these terms 
    are used to distinguish between places of public accommodation and 
    commercial facilities covered by title III of the ADA (private) and 
    State and local government facilities covered by title II of the ADA 
    F202  Existing Buildings and Facilities
    F202.2  Additions
        Section F202.2 addresses additions to existing facilities and 
    provides specific criteria for accessible routes, entrances, and toilet 
    and bathing facilities that derive from the current standard, UFAS. 
    These provisions have been retained but are not provided in the ADA 
    scoping document. Provisions in this section for public pay telephones 
    and drinking fountains have been included for consistency with a 
    requirement in the ADA scoping document for an accessible path of 
    travel for certain additions (202.2).
    F202.6  Leases
        The ABA requires access to facilities leased by Federal agencies. 
    Section F202.6 contains scoping requirements for facilities that are 
    newly leased by the Federal government, including new leases for 
    facilities previously occupied by the Federal government. The 
    negotiation of a new lease occurs when (1) the Federal government 
    leases a facility that it did not occupy previously; or (2) an existing 
    term ends and a new lease is negotiated for continued occupancy. The 
    unilateral exercise of an option which is included
    [[Page 62261]]
    as one of the terms of a preexisting lease is not considered the 
    negotiation of a new lease. Negotiations which do not result in a lease 
    agreement are not covered by this section. Provisions in this section 
    address joint-use areas, accessible routes, toilet and bathing 
    facilities, parking, and other elements and spaces. Corresponding 
    changes concerning coverage of leased facilities appear in the sections 
    stating the purpose (F101) and the overall scope of the guidelines 
    F234  Housing
        The proposed scoping provisions for dwelling units covered by the 
    ABA are identical to those proposed for the ADA. However, UFAS 4.1.4(3) 
    effectively allows the Department of Defense the option to modify units 
    when the need arises as opposed to providing accessible units at the 
    time of construction and to do so on an installation-by-installation 
    basis. This flexibility allows the military departments to leave 
    families without disabilities in accessible units and to modify units 
    to suit the needs of families with disabilities.
        Question 17: Should a similar exception be included in the revised 
    guidelines that would permit accessible dwelling units under control of 
    the Department of Defense to be designed to be readily and easily 
    modifiable to be accessible provided that modifications are 
    accomplished on a first priority basis when a requirement is 
    identified? Also, should a similar exception be provided that permits 
    provision of access on an installation-by-installation basis?
    Other Differences from ADAAG
        Certain provisions or exceptions in the ADA scoping section 
    applicable only to the private sector (i.e., places of public 
    accommodation and commercial facilities) or recognized only by the ADA 
    are not included in the ABA scoping section. These include:
         an exception that permits a limited level of access to 
    work areas for approach, entry and exit and that does not otherwise 
    require the area itself to be accessible (203.3);
         an exception from the requirement for an accessible route 
    in private multi-level buildings and facilities that are less than 
    three stories or that have less than 3,000 square feet per floor 
    (206.2.3, Exception 1);
         TTY scoping provisions specific to private buildings 
    ( and; and
         an ADA exception from the requirement for accessible guest 
    rooms for certain places of lodging that have five or fewer rooms for 
    rent or hire (224.1, Exception).
    Part III: Technical Requirements
        Part III provides technical requirements (Chapters 3 through 11) 
    that are referenced by the ADA and ABA application and scoping 
    documents. These requirements are based on recommendations from the 
    advisory committee unless otherwise noted. The following analysis 
    describes substantive differences between the revised guidelines and 
    ADAAG technical requirements.
    Chapter 3: Building Blocks
        Chapter 3 contains basic technical requirements considered to be 
    the ``building blocks'' for accessibility as established by the 
    guidelines. All sections of this chapter correspond to ADAAG 
    requirements. They are referenced by scoping provisions in Chapter 2 
    and by the technical chapters (4 through 11).
    302  Floor or Ground Surfaces
        This section is substantively similar to ADAAG 4.5. Section 302.1 
    requires floor or ground surfaces to be ``stable, firm, and slip 
    resistant'' as does ADAAG 4.5.1. ADAAG however provides scoping 
    language in this requirement that has not been included in 302.1. 
    Instead, other technical sections, such as those for walking surfaces 
    (403), ramps (405), and stairways (504) reference this requirement. 
    ADAAG also applies the requirement generally to ``accessible rooms and 
    spaces,'' a requirement that has not been retained in the revised 
    guidelines because nearly all rooms and spaces must be accessible.
        Section 302.2 which addresses carpet is consistent with ADAAG 
    4.5.3. Section 302.3 covers openings and derives from ADAAG 4.5.4. This 
    requirement has been revised to cover ``openings'' instead of 
    ``gratings'' in order to cover all types of openings in a floor or 
    ground surface that would be an impediment to mobility in addition to 
    gratings, such as expansion joints and spaced wood decking. 
    Clarification is also provided that this requirement does not apply to 
    elevators or wheelchair lifts where an opening between the car and the 
    floor level is necessary to operate the elevator.
    303  Changes in Level
        This section is the same as ADAAG 4.5.2 except for editorial 
    304  Wheelchair Turning Space
        Consistent with ADAAG 4.2.3, this section recognizes circular and 
    T-shaped turning space and provides textual description of the size and 
    dimensions for each contained in ADAAG Figure 3. Unlike ADAAG, this 
    section clarifies that elements with knee and toe clearance can overlap 
    turning space. It explains the extent to which overlap is permitted, 
    limiting it to one segment of the T-shaped space. The overlap of 
    circular turning space is not specifically limited although the maximum 
    depth for knee and toe space has been increased from 19 to 25 inches as 
    indicated in section 306. Additionally, clarification is provided that, 
    in general, doors can swing into the turning space but that changes in 
    level or slopes greater than 1:48 are not permitted within the space.
    305  Clear Floor or Ground Space
        This section is consistent with ADAAG 4.2.4 and provides 
    clarification that changes in level and slopes greater than 1:48 are 
    not permitted within the clear floor or ground space.
    306  Knee and Toe Clearance
        The revised guidelines provide specifications for knee and toe 
    clearances as a basic ``building block.'' The specifications correspond 
    to knee and toe clearances provided in ADAAG specifically for plumbed 
    fixtures, including drinking fountains (4.15) and lavatories (4.19). 
    The new format recognizes these clearances for other elements as well, 
    such as tables and counters. There are two substantive changes. The 
    maximum depth for the knee and toe space specified in 306.2.2 and 
    306.3.2 has been increased from 19 to 25 inches. The advisory committee 
    recommended this change for consistency with an ADAAG specification in 
    Figure 5(b) for obstructed reaches which recognizes a 25 inch maximum 
    depth. The other change concerns removal of the ADAAG specification of 
    a 29 inch minimum apron clearance at lavatories, which the advisory 
    committee considered ineffective without a minimum depth. Further 
    detail has been added about the clearance between the knee and toe 
    space; this clearance is permitted to be reduced at a rate of 1 inch 
    for each 6 inches in height. The advisory committee's intent was to 
    describe in text the sloping profile of the space between knees and 
    toes in ADAAG Figures 27(a) and 31.
    307  Protruding Objects
        This section is substantively consistent with ADAAG 4.4 except for 
    the addition of three exceptions. An exception to the requirement for 
    protrusion limits in 307.2 permits handrails serving stairs and ramps 
    [[Page 62262]]
    protrude 4\1/2\ inches maximum from wall surfaces. This was recommended 
    by the advisory committee to prevent conflict with model code 
    requirements. An exception to the requirement for post-mounted objects 
    in 307.3 exempts the sloping portions of ramp or stair handrails. The 
    Board has added an exception to the requirement for vertical clearances 
    in 307.4 that permits door closers and door stops to encroach up to 2 
    inches into the 80 inch minimum clearance. This exception clarifies a 
    common question concerning standard size doors. This section uses the 
    terms ``wall'' and ``post'' to provide a reference point for measuring 
    protrusions. The terms are to be liberally construed. For example, a 
    partition or a column is understood to provide a wall surface.
    308  Reach Ranges
        This section is consistent with forward and side reach range 
    requirements in ADAAG 4.2.5 and 4.2.6, including obstructed reaches. 
    Forward reach ranges are 48 inches maximum and 15 inches minimum; side 
    reach ranges are 54 inches maximum and 9 inches minimum. The advisory 
    committee recommended that the side reach range, including obstructed 
    reaches, be changed to those required for forward reaches. This 
    recommendation was based on a report from the Little People of America 
    which considered the 54 inch height beyond the reach for many people of 
    short stature. The advisory committee also considered the 48 inch 
    maximum for side reaches as preferable for people who use wheelchairs.
        The Board has not included this recommended change in the proposed 
    rule because it believes a change to this long-standing provision 
    requires further research. The reach range specifications apply to a 
    wide variety of controls and elements, from gasoline dispensers to ATMs 
    to information kiosks to off-street parking meters and self service 
    parking payment and ticket machines. The Board believes information on 
    the impact of the recommended change on these and other types of 
    elements should be developed before proposing any reduction in the 
    maximum side reach height. However, the most recent draft of the ICC/
    ANSI A117.1-1998 does lower the high side reach to 48 inches, 
    therefore, new codes based on this standard will be more stringent in 
    this regard. The experience of the building industry and people with 
    disabilities will provide an invaluable resource in subsequent 
    revisions of ADAAG.
    309  Operable Parts
        Requirements for operable parts are consistent with those for 
    controls and operating mechanisms in ADAAG 4.27.
        Section 309.4 specifies that operable parts not require more than 5 
    pounds of force for operation. This long-standing specification appears 
    sufficient for controls operated by the hand, such as door hardware, 
    faucets, and push plates. However, anecdotal information indicates that 
    a 5 pound maximum is too high for controls activated by a single 
    finger, such as elevator call and control panel buttons, platform lift 
    controls, telephone key pads, function keys for ATMs and fare machines, 
    and controls for emergency communication equipment in areas of refuge, 
    among others. Usability of such controls also may be affected by how 
    far the button or key must be depressed (i.e., the stroke depth) for 
    activation. Information indicates that most control buttons of keys can 
    meet a 3.5 maximum pounds of force and a maximum stroke depth of \1/10\ 
    inches. The Board is considering including these specifications in the 
    final rule based on responses to the following questions.
        Question 18: Comment is sought on whether a maximum 3.5 pounds of 
    force and a maximum \1/10\ inch stroke depth provide sufficient 
    accessibility for the use of operable parts activated by a single 
        Question 19: The Board seeks information on any types of operable 
    parts covered by the revised guidelines that cannot meet, or would be 
    adversely affected by, a maximum 3.5 pounds activation force and 
    maximum \1/10\ inch stroke depth.
    Chapter 4: Accessible Routes and Accessible Means of Egress
        In the revised guidelines, all components of accessible routes and 
    means of egress have been combined into one chapter, including walking 
    surfaces, doors, ramps, elevators, wheelchair lifts, and areas of 
    refuge. Section 402 indicates that accessible routes consist of these 
    403 Walking Surfaces
        ``Walking Surfaces'' is a new term that has been introduced to 
    refer to the portion of interior or exterior accessible routes existing 
    between doors and doorways, ramps, elevators, or lifts. The 
    requirements for walking surfaces derive from specifications for 
    accessible routes in ADAAG 4.3 and are substantively the same in 
    addressing floor or ground surfaces, slope, changes in level, clear 
    width (including for turns around objects), wheelchair passing space, 
    and protruding objects. There are three changes from technical 
    requirements in ADAAG:
         the maximum cross slope has been changed from 1:50 to 1:48 
    throughout the revised guidelines for consistency with model building 
    codes (403.3);
         a new specification has been added that requires a minimum 
    linear separation of 48 inches between permitted reductions in the 36 
    inch minimum clear width (403.5); and
         for turns around objects, clarification has been added 
    that, where a 60 inch minimum width at a turn is provided, the clear 
    width of the connecting route can be 36 inches minimum instead of 42 
    inches minimum because 60 inches permits 360 degree maneuvering 
        Question 20: The revised guidelines, like the current ADAAG, 
    provide technical criteria for handrails along stairs and ramps. 
    Section 505 of the revised guidelines provide requirements for 
    continuity, height, clearance, gripping surface, cross section, 
    fittings, and extensions. Handrails provided at other locations, such 
    as along corridors in medical care facilities and airports, are not 
    subject to these criteria except at stairs and ramps. The Board seeks 
    comment on whether handrails, where provided along circulation paths 
    without a slope or steps, should be subject to the technical 
    requirements in 505. Such a requirement may be included in the final 
    404  Doors and Doorways
        This section provides requirements for doors and doorways which 
    correspond to those in ADAAG 4.13. Requirements for entrances in ADAAG 
    4.14, which are basically scoping in nature, have been relocated to 
    Chapter 2 as part of scoping provisions for accessible routes (206.4).
        Like ADAAG, requirements are provided for manual doors (404.2) and 
    automatic doors (404.3). The Board has provided an exception in 404.2 
    for manual doors, doorways, and gates operated only by security 
    personnel under which compliance with requirements for door hardware, 
    closing speed, and door opening forces is not required. This exception 
    is based on one provided in ADAAG for judicial facilities and detention 
    and correctional facilities. For consistency, the Board has made this 
    exception generally applicable to all facilities. Security personnel 
    must have sole control of doors that are eligible for this exception. 
    It would not be acceptable for security personnel to operate the doors 
    for people with disabilities while others have independent access. A 
    [[Page 62263]]
    exception is provided for automatic doors in 404.3.
        Section 404.2.3 addresses clear width and is different from ADAAG 
    in several respects. An exception in ADAAG 4.13.5 that allows a 20 inch 
    minimum clearance at doors not requiring full user passage has been 
    removed because such doors are not part of an accessible route. 
    Clarification has been provided on the protrusion of door hardware into 
    the clear width. ADAAG indicates that the clear width is to be measured 
    to the face of the door. However, the clear width requirement has been 
    misinterpreted as prohibiting certain door hardware, such as panic 
    bars, from protruding into this clearance. Language has been added 
    which prohibits projections into the minimum clear width at heights 
    below 34 inches; above this height (up to 80 inches), projections of 4 
    inches maximum are allowed. The Board has also editorially revised an 
    exception that allows the latch side stop to protrude up to \5/8\ inch 
    in alterations (404.2.3 Exception). In ADAAG, this exception is limited 
    to cases of ``technical infeasibility.'' The Board has removed this 
    qualification in this and other exceptions for alterations as noted in 
    section 202 above.
        Section 404.2.4 specifies door maneuvering clearances which are 
    consistent with ADAAG 4.13.6. However, ADAAG provides these 
    specifications through illustration (Figure 25) and the revised 
    guidelines, which provide all requirements in written text, use tables 
    to provide this information (Tables 404.2.4.1 and 4042.4.2). 
    Clarification is also provided for recessed doors. ADAAG Figure 25 
    requires that doors in alcoves provide clearance for a forward 
    approach. This provision has led to questions about what constitutes an 
    ``alcove.'' In 404.2.4.3, this requirement has been changed to apply 
    specifically to ``recessed doors where the plane of the doorway is 
    offset more than 8 inches from any obstruction within 18 inches 
    measured laterally on the latch side of the door.''
        Section 404.2.5 covers thresholds. A provision in ADAAG 413.8 that 
    allows thresholds \3/4\ inch high maximum at exterior sliding doors has 
    been removed because products are available that meet the \1/2\ inch 
    high maximum specified for all other doors. An exception that permits 
    in alterations a \3/4\ inch maximum threshold if beveled on both sides 
    has been retained.
        In section 404.2.7, which covers door hardware, a minimum mounting 
    height for door hardware (34 inches) has been added. This height 
    corresponds with revisions to the required clear width at doors to 
    clarify that limited projections into the clear width are acceptable 
    above this height. The maximum height (48 inches) is consistent with 
    ADAAG 4.13.9. The advisory committee also recommended an exception that 
    would permit any location for locks used only for security purposes and 
    not for normal operation. This would address certain doors that 
    typically have locks located outside the specified reach range, such as 
    doors without stiles that lock at the bottom edge. The Board has 
    included an exception but has further refined its application to 
    ``existing locks at existing glazed doors without stiles, existing 
    overhead rolling doors or grilles, and similar existing doors or 
    grilles that are designed with locks that are activated only at the top 
    or bottom rail.'' The Board has limited this exception to existing 
    doors or grilles because design solutions for accessible doors and 
    gates are available in new construction.
        Closing speed is addressed by section 404.2.8 and corresponds to 
    ADAAG 4.13.10. The required minimum closing speed for door closers is 
    generally consistent with ADAAG, although the values differ due to 
    changes in the measuring points. This revision was recommended by the 
    advisory committee for consistency with the ICC/ANSI A117.1 standard. 
    This section also includes a new provision for spring hinges, which 
    offer little opening resistance and closing forces in the 1 to 2 pounds 
    of force range. The requirement specifies that such hinges be adjusted 
    so as to close from an open position of 70 degrees no faster than 1.5 
        Two new provisions are provided for door surfaces and vision lites. 
    Section 404.2.10 requires that swing doors have a smooth surface on the 
    push side that extends the full width of the door. This provision 
    derives from the ANSI A117.1-1992 standard and is intended to permit 
    wheelchair footrests to be used in pushing open doors without risking 
    entrapment on the stile. Exceptions to this requirement are provided 
    for certain types of doors, such as tempered glass doors without 
    stiles. Section 404.2.11 requires that, where vision panels in or 
    adjacent to doors are provided, the bottom of at least one glazed panel 
    be no higher than 43 inches from the floor for access to people using 
    wheelchairs or who are of short stature. This height permits hardware 
    to remain at industry standard locations. The Board has added an 
    exception for vision lites that are more than 66 inches from the floor 
    or ground, measured to the lowest part.
        Section 404.3 addresses automatic doors. As in ADAAG 4.13.12, full-
    powered, low-energy, and power-assisted doors are addressed, and the 
    industry standards (ANSI/BHMA 156.10 and 156.19) are referenced. The 
    revised guidelines, as indicated in section 105.2, reference the most 
    recent version of these standards (1996). Requirements in ADAAG 4.13.12 
    for door opening speed and forces have been removed since they are 
    addressed by the referenced standards. Other differences from ADAAG 
         clarification that the required 32 inch minimum clear 
    opening applies to both power-on and power-failure modes and that the 
    clear width for automatic doors is based on the clear opening provided 
    by all leafs when simultaneously in the open position (404.3.1);
         addition of a requirement that maneuvering clearances 
    specified for swing doors be provided at power-assisted doors since 
    such doors are manually operated (404.3.2);
         addition of a requirement that labels and warning signs 
    for automatic doors meet requirements in section 703.4 for non-tactile 
    signage (404.3.6); and
         addition of a requirement by the Board that the clear 
    break out opening for swinging or sliding automatic doors be at least 
    32 inches in emergency mode so that an accessible route through them is 
    maintained in emergencies (404.3.7).
    405  Ramps
        Requirements for ramps are based on those in ADAAG 4.8. Differences 
    from ADAAG concern:
         removal of the requirement that ``the least possible 
    [running] slope'' be used for any ramp, which is considered too vague 
    from a compliance standpoint (the 1:12 maximum slope has been retained) 
         the maximum cross slope has been changed from 1:50 to 1:48 
    for consistency with model building codes (405.3);
         clarification is provided that changes in level other than 
    the running and cross slopes are not permitted on ramp runs (405.4);
         clarification is added that the required clear width (36 
    inches minimum) is measured between the leading edge of handrails 
         clarification is provided that ramp landings cannot slope 
    more than 1:48 or have any other change in level (405.7.1) and that 
    ramp landings and door maneuvering clearances can overlap (405.7.5); 
         revision of the requirement for handrails so that it 
    applies to any ramp with a rise greater than 6 inches but not to those 
    with a horizontal projection
    [[Page 62264]]
    greater than 72 inches since it can discourage shallower slopes on 
    short ramps (405.8).
        In addition, further specification is provided for edge protection 
    in section 405.9. This section is clearer than ADAAG 4.8.7 in 
    recognizing surface extensions beyond handrails (12 inches minimum) and 
    in recognizing guards, curbs, or barriers that prevent passage of a 4 
    inch diameter sphere at the ground or floor surface. Exceptions are 
    provided to clarify that edge protection is not required on curb ramps 
    with flared sides or returned curbs, at stair or ramp openings at 
    landings, or at landings that have a maximum \1/2\ inch drop-off within 
    10 inches horizontally of the minimum landing area.
    406  Curb Ramps
        Requirements for curb ramps in the revised guidelines are 
    consistent with those in ADAAG 4.7. Revisions made to requirements for 
    ramps, such as the clarification that changes in level other than the 
    running and cross slope are prohibited, apply to curb ramps as well. 
    ADAAG originally contained a requirement in 4.7.7 that curb ramp 
    surfaces have a raised distinctive pattern of truncated domes to serve 
    as a warning detectable by cane or underfoot to alert people with 
    vision impairments of the transition to vehicular ways. This warning 
    was required for curb ramps in the belief that their sloped surfaces 
    removed the tactile cue provided by the straight drop off of a curb. In 
    response to concerns about the specification, which was based on 
    research, the availability of complying products, proper maintenance 
    such as snow and ice removal, usefulness, and safety concerns, the 
    Board suspended this requirement jointly with the departments of 
    Justice and Transportation in July 1994. This action suspended the 
    requirements for detectable warnings at curb ramps, hazardous vehicular 
    areas, and reflecting pools until July 26, 1996, pending the results of 
    a research project on the need for detectable warnings at these 
    locations and at vehicular-pedestrian intersections in the public 
        The research project showed that vehicular-pedestrian intersections 
    are very complex environments and that pedestrians who are blind or 
    visually impaired use a combination of cues to detect intersections. 
    The research project found that detectable warnings helped some 
    pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired locate and identify curb 
    ramps. However, the detectable warnings had only a modest impact on 
    overall performance because, in their absence, pedestrians who are 
    blind or visually impaired used other cues that might be available to 
    detect the intersection. The research project indicated that there may 
    be a need for additional cues at some types of intersections. The 
    research project did not identify the specific conditions where such 
    cues should be provided. The research project suggested that other 
    technologies, which may be less costly and equally or more effective 
    than detectable warnings, be explored for providing information about 
        In 1996, the Access Board and the departments of Justice and 
    Transportation extended the suspension of the detectable warning 
    requirements to July 26, 1998, to allow the Board's ADAAG Review 
    Advisory Committee to conduct its review of ADAAG and to make 
    recommendations for revising and updating the document. The suspension 
    has been extended to July 26, 2001. The advisory committee recommended 
    that the requirement for detectable warnings at platform edges in 
    transportation facilities be retained. The advisory committee also made 
    specific recommendations for permitting equivalent tactile surfaces, 
    and technology or other means to provide equivalent detectability of 
    the platform edge as an alternative to the truncated dome surface (see 
    discussion at section 705). The advisory committee did not make any 
    recommendations regarding the provision of detectable warnings at other 
    locations within a site. The advisory committee suggested that the 
    appropriateness of providing detectable warnings at vehicular-
    pedestrian intersections in the public right-of-way should be 
    established first, and the application to other locations within a site 
    should be considered afterwards. The Board has not included a 
    requirement for detectable warnings within a site (i.e., at hazardous 
    vehicular areas or reflecting pools) or at curb ramps.
        Section 406.7 addresses curb ramps provided at pedestrian islands 
    which is consistent with ADAAG 4.7.11 and requires clear floor space at 
    the top of ramps. The Board has added further detail on the width and 
    location of this space relative to the curb ramp. A requirement in 
    ADAAG 4.7.8 that curb ramps be located or protected so as not to be 
    obstructed by parked vehicles has been removed because it is not always 
    possible to prevent such obstruction solely through curb ramp design; 
    operational factors, such as local traffic laws and their enforcement 
    are also a key factor.
    407  Elevators
        Requirements for passenger elevators in ADAAG 4.10 are updated in 
    section 407. Elevators must meet the industry safety code, ASME/ANSI 
    A17.1, according to the most recent version (1993 with 1994 and 1995 
    addenda) as indicated in section 105.2. In addition to the types of 
    passenger elevators recognized by ADAAG, the revised guidelines provide 
    technical criteria for two new types of elevators destination-oriented 
    elevators in 407.3 and limited-use/ limited-application (LULA) 
    elevators in 407.4. A new subsection, 407.5, is also provided for 
    existing elevators that are altered.
        Section 407.2 covers passenger elevators currently addressed by 
    ADAAG. A reference in ADAAG 4.10.1 to ``combination passenger and 
    freight elevators'' has been removed because the type of elevator this 
    was intended to cover is generally considered a ``passenger elevator'' 
    by the ASME Elevator Safety Code, which does not address 
    ``combination'' elevators.
        A change is made to specifications for car size in section 407.2.8. 
    ADAAG 4.10.9 recognizes two standard car configurations based on early 
    industry conventions and provides a general performance standard 
    requiring that users be able to enter the car, maneuver within reach of 
    the controls, and exit from the car. The advisory committee considered 
    these specifications too restrictive since they did not specify other 
    standard configurations, such as the elongated hospital-type car, that 
    are considered to meet the general performance standard. In Table 
    407.2.8, a greater variety of inner car dimensions are permitted. In 
    addition to those specified by ADAAG, this table also permits cars with 
    minimum inner dimensions of 54 by 80 inches and 60 by 60 inches. Other 
    configurations that provide specified wheelchair turning space wholly 
    within the car are also allowed. With respect to the clear width of the 
    door opening, recognition of a \5/8\ inch tolerance is provided to 
    accommodate common industry sizes using ``hard'' metric equipment 
        Other revisions for standard elevators include:
         changing the height of call buttons from 42 inches 
    ``centered'' to a range between 35 to 48 inches measured to each button 
    centerline (407.2.2);
         adding requirements for the frequency (1500 Hz maximum) 
    and decibel ranges (20 to 80 dBA) for hall call buttons (407.2.3) 
    (while the advisory committee recommended that this be measured at the 
    annunciator, the
    [[Page 62265]]
    Board is requiring measurement at the call button, closer to the user);
         specifying that the minimum size of visible hall signals 
    be measured ``along the vertical centerline of the element,'' a Board 
    change that takes into account triangular signals (407.;
         revising requirements for tactile signs at hoistway 
    entrances by specifying that the 60 inch height is measured to the 
    baseline of the character (instead for the centerline) for consistency 
    with other tactile signage requirements (407.2.4);
         adding a requirement that a tactile star be provided at 
    the main entry level hoistway entrance, and removing language regarding 
    the use of applied plates since it was considered advisory (407.2.4);
         adding requirements for car controls so that numbers are 
    provided in ascending order and, in the case of multiple columns, read 
    left to right (407.2.11.1);
         recognizing the use of keypads as an option to control 
    panels (which provides an option in situations where it would be 
    difficult to locate all buttons of a control panel within the specified 
    reach range) and requiring that they follow the standard telephone 
    keypad arrangement and have tactile characters (407.2.11.2);
         providing a maximum decibel level (80 dBA) for audible car 
    position indicators (407.2.12.2);
         requiring car position indicators to provide automatic 
    verbal announcements because of the ready availability of such 
    indicators, and allowing audible signals only in slow-moving elevators 
    having a maximum rated speed of 200 feet per minute (407.2.12.2); and
         requiring that ``essential'' information be presented in 
    both tactile and visual form where instructions for the use of 
    emergency communication equipment are provided (407.2.13).
        Question 21: The Board is considering requiring a frequency band 
    width of 300 to 3000 Hz for hall signals (407.3.2) in the final rule 
    and seeks comment on such a requirement as it would affect 
    intelligibility for people who are hard of hearing and others. 
    Information on the availability of products and costs of such a 
    requirement is requested.
        Question 22: Section 407.2.13 addresses two-way emergency 
    communication systems and requires that emergency signaling devices not 
    be limited to voice communication. The Board seeks information and 
    product literature on emergency communication devices and communication 
    technologies that provide two-way communication in a manner accessible 
    to people who are deaf and others who cannot use voice communication. 
    The Board will consider adding a requirement for more interactive 
    emergency communication devices that provide such access if they are 
    presently available and if the costs and benefits can be demonstrated.
        The advisory committee also recommended lowering the maximum height 
    for control buttons from 54 to 48 inches, consistent with its 
    recommendations for reach ranges generally. This recommendation is 
    based on a report from the Little People of America indicating that a 
    54 inch height is too high for most people of short stature. As 
    discussed at section 308 above, the Board has not included this 
    requirement. The advisory committee recognized a potential adverse 
    impact of a lower maximum height on elevators with panels that must 
    have a large number of buttons in a limited amount of space and 
    recommended an exception that would allow the 54 inch maximum height 
    for elevators with more than 16 stops.
        Section 407.3 provides technical requirements for destination-
    oriented elevators. These elevators are different from standard 
    elevators in that passengers indicate their floor destination, 
    typically using a keypad, when calling an elevator. The responding car 
    is programmed by the time of arrival to the destination. This system 
    allows more efficient utilization of elevators by reducing the number 
    of stops per trip. The revised guidelines require that these elevators 
    comply with the ASME/ANSI A17.1 safety standard and with most of the 
    requirements for standard elevators in 407.2. Different specifications 
    are provided for call buttons, hall signals, car controls, car position 
    indicators, and hoistway entrance designations. Provisions specific to 
    destination elevators require:
         keypads, where provided instead of call buttons, to have a 
    standard phone keypad arrangement (407.3.1);
         different visible and audible car arrival signals for each 
    car in a bank which correspond to those signals given when registering 
    a call so users know which car is responding to their call (407.3.2);
         location of car controls, which typically include only 
    emergency controls, within 35 to 48 inches from the floor (since fewer 
    buttons are provided, the Board has retained the 48 inch maximum 
    instead of the 54 inch maximum specified for other elevators) 
         visual display of each floor at which a car has been 
    programmed to stop, and automatic verbal announcement of each floor the 
    car stops at (407.3.4); and
         tactile identification of each car at the hoistway 
    entrance so persons with vision impairments can identify the car 
    responding to their call (407.3.5).
        The revised guidelines also provide technical requirements for LULA 
    elevators. This type of elevator is typically smaller and slower than 
    other passenger elevators and is used for low-traffic, low-rise 
    installations, including residential facilities. The advisory committee 
    recommended that this type of elevator be allowed where a standard 
    elevator is not required. Since this kind of elevator requires less 
    space and costs less, the advisory committee reasoned that LULAs will 
    provide a more viable option in providing vertical access in multi-
    story buildings not required to have an elevator. The technical 
    requirements for these elevators are provided in section 407.4.
        Where provided, LULAs would be required to comply with the 
    applicable section of the safety code, ASME/ANSI A17.1, Chapter XXV. 
    Most of the requirements are the same as those for other elevators 
    except that LULAs are not subject to criteria for door timing, door 
    delay, or car position indicators. Provisions that differ from those 
    for other elevators concern doors, car size, and car controls. Low-
    energy power-operated swing doors are permitted as an alternative to 
    sliding doors if they meet the ANSI/BHMA A156.19 standard and 
    requirements in section 404 of this guideline. They are required to 
    remain open for at least 20 seconds when activated. Sliding doors are 
    subject to door operation requirements of other elevators. A smaller 
    car size is permitted: 42 inches wide minimum and 54 inches deep 
    minimum (with a 36 inch minimum width allowed for installations in 
    existing facilities). Doors are required to be provided on the short 
    dimension. While considerably smaller than other elevators, these 
    dimensions are intended to approximate the maximum car size possible 
    for this type of elevator. Car controls are subject to the same 
    requirements as other elevators except that they must be installed on 
    the side wall.
        The revised guidelines provide more detail than ADAAG on the 
    requirements for existing elevators that are altered. Section 407.5 
    provides requirements for other elevators that are altered if full 
    compliance with 407.2 is not undertaken. Such elevators are subject to 
    most of the requirements for new construction, but a variety of 
    allowances are included in 407.5 to recognize the potential difficulty 
    of bringing existing equipment into full compliance. In
    [[Page 62266]]
    section 407.5.4, smaller cars are permitted if they are at least 36 
    inches wide and 54 inches deep with a clear floor area of at least 16 
    square feet. The advisory committee recommended that a 48 inch minimum 
    depth be permitted, but the Board considers the 54 inch minimum depth 
    more appropriate in accommodating a wider range of mobility aids, 
    including scooters with a long wheel base. This specification replaces 
    provisions in ADAAG 4.1.6(3)(c) permitting smaller sized cars. This 
    section also:
         does not require call buttons to be raised or flush, 
    unless new buttons are installed (407.5.1);
         does not require existing hall signals to meet new 
    construction requirements for frequency (1500 Hz maximum) or decibel 
    levels (20 to 80 dBA), unless new signals are installed (407.5.2);
         allows existing hoistway swing doors that are manually 
    operated or automatic if they provide a 32 inch minimum clear width and 
    have a maximum 5 pounds opening force, but requires that power-operated 
    car doors not begin to close until the hoistway door is closed 
         removes an exception in ADAAG 4.16(3)(c) that allows 
    existing safety door edges instead of automatic door reopening devices 
    which the advisory committee considered of little benefit (407.5.3);
         allows existing control panels not to comply where a 
    fully-compliant panel is provided (407.5.5.4);
         allows car control buttons to be recessed and provides 
    flexibility in the location of tactile markings at existing control 
    panels but requires that new panels fully comply (407.5.5);
         allows existing car position indicators not to comply 
    (407.5.6); and
         requires that accessible elevators be identified by the 
    International Symbol of Accessibility unless all elevators in a 
    building are accessible.
    408  Wheelchair (Platform) Lifts
        Requirements for wheelchair lifts are consistent with those in 
    ADAAG 4.11 in specifying ground and floor surfaces, clear floor space, 
    and operable parts. Like ADAAG, the revised guidelines require 
    compliance with the safety code for elevators and escalators, ASME/ANSI 
    A17.1, but references the most recent edition as indicated in section 
    105.2. The final rule will reference the ASME/ANSI A18.1 Safety 
    Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts if the new standard 
    is published prior to the publication of the final rule. The revised 
    guidelines provide additional specifications for lift doors and gates 
    in section 408.2 that are not contained in ADAAG. These additional 
    specifications are designed to facilitate unassisted entry and exit. 
    Wheelchair lifts with doors or gates on opposing sides generally 
    facilitate lift use by permitting a forward approach to both entry and 
    exit doors or gates. The revised guidelines require lifts that do not 
    provide this ``pass through'' to have low energy, power-operated doors 
    or gates that meet the applicable requirements of the ANSI/BHMA A156.19 
    standard. As with LULA elevators, doors or gates are required to remain 
    open for at least 20 seconds when activated.
    409  Accessible Means of Egress
        The advisory committee recommended revising the criteria for 
    accessible means of egress to make them more consistent with model 
    building codes and standards. These changes serve to provide more 
    detail on the acceptable components of accessible means of egress. 
    Section 409.1 recognizes that an accessible route complying with 
    section 402 can be used as an accessible means of egress, except for 
    wheelchair lifts, which are not permitted as part of accessible means 
    of egress because they are not generally provided with standby power 
    that would allow them to remain functional in emergencies when power is 
    lost. New requirements are provided for the use of exit stairways and 
    elevators that are part of an accessible means of egress when provided 
    in conjunction with horizontal exits or areas of refuge meeting section 
    410. A horizontal exit is a fire-safety concept included in model 
    building codes that in effect creates an area of refuge. For example, a 
    story is divided into areas separated by a fire resistive wall. The 
    fire door in the wall is the horizontal exit and, in the event of a 
    fire, occupants can move away from the fire into the area that would be 
    protected by the fire resistive wall (model code requirements are based 
    on the assumption that fire will not occur in both areas 
        Under section 409.2, exit stairways can serve as part of an 
    accessible means of egress if they contain an area of refuge or if they 
    can be accessed from either an area of refuge or a horizontal exit. 
    Such stairways must also meet the requirements for stairways in section 
    504 and, as required by ADAAG, have a minimum clear width of 48 inches 
    between handrails. The requirements for exit stairways are not 
    applicable to facilities not required to have areas of refuge (i.e., 
    those protected throughout by a supervised automatic sprinkler system 
    and open parking garages) or to exit stairways that serve a single 
    guest room. Exit stairways accessed from a horizontal exit are not 
    required to provide the minimum 48 inch clear width.
        While typical elevators are not designed to be used during 
    emergency evacuation, there are elevators that are designed with 
    standby power and other features according to the elevator safety 
    standard that can be used for evacuation. The revised guidelines 
    require such elevators as part of an accessible means of egress in 
    buildings where accessible floors are four or more stories above or 
    below the level of exit discharge (section 207.2). This is consistent 
    with model codes. Section 409.3 provides the technical criteria for 
    these elevators and requires standby power so that emergency or other 
    authorized personnel can use the elevator for evacuation after the loss 
    of primary electrical power. These elevators must meet requirements for 
    emergency operation and signaling devices in the elevator safety code 
    (ASME/ANSI A17.1, Rule 211). These elevators must be accessed from a 
    complying area of refuge or a horizontal access except in facilities 
    equipped throughout with a supervised automatic sprinkler system or 
    open parking garages, which are exempt from the requirement for areas 
    of refuge.
    410  Areas of Refuge
        The revised guidelines use the term ``areas of refuge'' instead of 
    ``areas of rescue assistance'' and provides technical requirements that 
    would replace those in ADAAG 4.3.11. The revised guidelines introduce 
    some new requirements for areas of refuge and differ from ADAAG in not 
    listing each type of space that can serve as an area of refuge. 
    Requirements for location (410.2), construction (410.4), and smoke 
    resistance (410.5) replace the space-specific criteria in ADAAG Section 410.2 introduces a maximum travel distance to an area 
    of refuge that is based on the travel distance permitted for the 
    occupancy by the administrative authority. This section also clarifies 
    that each area of refuge must have direct access to an exit stairway or 
    evacuation elevator.
        Under section 410.4, smoke barriers separating areas of refuge from 
    the rest of the floor must have a minimum one-hour fire-resistance 
    rating, and doors in the smoke barrier must have a minimum 20 minute 
    fire-resistance rating. These requirements and others pertaining to 
    doors and openings, including those for heating, ventilation, and air 
    conditioning (HVAC) coincide with those in ADAAG as specified for areas 
    of rescue assistance based on their
    [[Page 62267]]
    location. Section 410.5 is more direct than ADAAG in requiring all 
    areas of refuge to be designed to prevent the intrusion of smoke. This 
    requirement does not apply to facilities protected throughout 
    (including areas of refuge provided although not required) by a 
    supervised automatic sprinkler system. Consistent with ADAAG, and the 
    model codes, special design requirements dealing with intrusion of 
    smoke is not required for areas of refuge located in exit stair 
    enclosures. A story-level landing within a fire resistance rated exit 
    enclosure will provide a satisfactory area for staging evacuation 
    assistance. Section 410.5 also specifies that where an elevator lobby 
    serves as an area of refuge, the hoistway and lobby must comply with 
    requirements for smoke-proof enclosures (unless the elevators are in an 
    area of refuge formed by a horizontal exit or smoke barrier). This is 
    consistent with ADAAG, but the revised guidelines recognize the use of 
    horizontal exits or smoke barriers in this situation. Also, 
    requirements in ADAAG for activation, fire ratings, and 
    pressure differentials where elevator lobbies serve as areas of refuge 
    have not been included in the revised guidelines because they are 
    extensively addressed by contemporary building codes.
        Requirements for size (410.3), communication system (410.6), 
    instructions (410.7), and identification (410.8) are consistent with 
    ADAAG. Section 410.7 provides greater detail on the type of 
    instructions required in areas of refuge. Instructions must include 
    directions to other means of egress, urging people to use exit stairs 
    if they can, information on evacuation assistance and how to summon it, 
    and directions for using the required two-way communication system.
        Question 23: Section 410.6 requires that emergency communication 
    systems have visible signals in addition to audible signals so that 
    limited communication access is provided for people who are deaf or 
    hard of hearing. Use of two-way communication systems is recognized but 
    not required. As with elevator communication systems, the Board seeks 
    information and product literature on emergency communication devices 
    and communication technologies that provide two-way communication in a 
    manner accessible to people who are deaf and others who cannot use 
    voice communication. The Board will consider adding a requirement for 
    more interactive emergency communication devices that provide such 
    access if they are presently available and if the costs and benefits 
    can be demonstrated.
    Chapter 5: General Site and Building Elements
        Chapter 5 contains requirements for accessible parking and 
    passenger loading zones, stairways, and handrails.
    502  Parking Spaces
        This section is substantively consistent with ADAAG 4.6, except for 
    changes concerning identification of van spaces and accessible routes. 
    Requirements in 502.6 for the identification of spaces have been 
    revised by adding a specific mounting height (60 inches above the 
    ground measured to the bottom edge of the sign); ADAAG 4.6.4 requires 
    signs to be located so that they are not ``obscured by a vehicle 
    parking in the space.'' In addition, the requirement that van spaces be 
    designated as ``Van-accessible'' has been removed. The advisory 
    committee recommended this action because this designation has been 
    misinterpreted as reserving spaces solely for van users when in fact it 
    was intended only to identify those spaces better suited for van use. A 
    requirement in ADAAG that parked vehicle overhangs not reduce the clear 
    width of connecting accessible routes has been removed as it is 
    redundant with the requirement for clear width.
        Other revisions have been made in sections 502.3 and 502.4 to 
    clarify that:
         access aisles are to be marked;
         changes in level beyond the maximum 1:48 slope are not 
    permitted for either the space or the access aisle; and
         the access aisle must be at the same level as the parking 
        Requirements for the location of accessible parking in ADAAG 4.6.2 
    have been relocated to Chapter 2 at 208.4 since these provisions 
    contain scoping information.
    503  Passenger Loading Zones
        Requirements for passenger loading zones are based on those 
    contained in ADAAG 4.6.6. Unlike the scoping provisions in 209, the 
    technical criteria of this section have not been significantly changed. 
    Requirements have been added in section 503.3 and 503.4 to clarify 
         access aisles are to be marked;
         changes in level beyond the maximum 1:48 slope are not 
    permitted for either the space or the access aisle; and
         the access aisle must be at the same level as the parking 
    504  Stairways
        Two new provisions have been added to the requirements for stairs 
    contained in ADAAG 4.9. In section 504.2, a riser height of 4 to 7 
    inches is specified, consistent with some model codes and the ICC/ANSI 
    A117.1 standard. ADAAG requires a uniform riser height but does not 
    specify a dimension. Section 504.4 permits an allowable slope up to 
    1:48 for tread surfaces to allow for drainage and prohibits changes in 
    level on treads. ADAAG does not address tread slope.
    505  Handrails
        Requirements for handrails at ramps and stairs in ADAAG 4.9.4, 
    4.8.5, and 4.26 have been combined into one subsection in the revised 
    guidelines. An exception in 505.2 from the requirement for handrails on 
    both sides of aisle ramps has been expanded to include aisle stairs 
    since the revised scoping for stairs is likely to cover stairs not 
    covered by ADAAG. However, this exception has been limited to one 
    handrail, whereas ADAAG currently exempts both handrails.
        In sections 505.3 and 505.4, revisions have been made to clarify 
    that handrails are not required to be continuous at aisle seating and 
    that the handrail height is to be consistent along a stairway or ramp. 
    In section 505.5, the 1\1/2\ inch knuckle clearance in ADAAG has been 
    changed from an absolute to a minimum dimension. The advisory committee 
    recommended this change because an absolute or maximum clearance is 
    intended to prevent entrapment; this rationale was considered more 
    pertinent to grab bars than to handrails. Also, some building codes 
    require a clearance greater than 1\1/2\ inches. Another difference 
    concerns specifications for gripping surfaces in section 505.6. The 
    revised guidelines specify what is considered a ``continuous'' gripping 
    surface by defining allowable interruptions by handrail brackets or 
    balusters. Under this provision, surface interruptions are not 
    considered obstructions if they obstruct no more than 20% of the 
    handrail length; have horizontal projections beyond the sides of the 
    handrail at least 2\1/2\ inches below the bottom of the handrail; and 
    edges have a \1/8\ inch minimum radius.
        Many questions have arisen about the ADAAG specification in 4.26.2 
    for handrail diameter of 1\1/4\ to 1\1/2\ inches (indicated in Figure 
    39 as the outside diameter) particularly in the use of pipe. Section 
    505.7 changes this range to 1\1/4\ to 2 inches and clarifies its 
    application to the outside diameter. The advisory committee pointed to 
    studies that show a larger cross-section is more graspable and allows a 
    stronger grip. This section also provides more specific guidance on 
    acceptable alternatives to the specified circular cross-section. Non-
    [[Page 62268]]
    cross-sections are permitted that have a perimeter dimension between 4 
    to 6\1/4\ inches and a cross-section diameter of 2\1/4\ inches maximum. 
    Section 505.10 covers handrail extensions and clarifies that they are 
    not required at handrails in aisles serving seating where handrails are 
    necessarily discontinuous.
    Chapter 6 Plumbing Elements and Facilities
        Chapter 6 provides technical requirements for plumbed fixtures and 
    toilet and bathing rooms and replaces those for such elements and 
    spaces in ADAAG 4.15 through 4.24.
        Previously adopted amendments to ADAAG that provide alternate 
    specifications for building elements designed for children's use are 
    included in the revised guidelines. These specifications address 
    drinking fountains, water closets, toilet compartments, lavatories and 
    sinks. The provisions have been editorially revised to fit into the new 
    format of the revised guidelines but remain substantively the same. As 
    with the current ADAAG, these provisions are provided as exceptions to 
    requirements that are based on adult dimensions. Use of the alternate 
    specifications, while optional, will be driven where an element or 
    space is designed specifically for children's use. The alternate 
    specifications address clear floor space at drinking fountains (602.2), 
    water closets and toilet compartments (604.1, 604.9), grab bar heights 
    (609.3), and knee clearances at lavatories and sinks (606.2).
        ADAAG 4.1.3(11) permits toilet rooms provided for the use of 
    occupants of specific spaces, such as the private toilet room for the 
    occupant of a private office, to be ``adaptable.'' Adaptable refers to 
    design that allows certain access features, such as grab bars, to be 
    added or altered after construction when needed to accommodate a person 
    with a disability. The revised guidelines retain this provision but 
    provide more guidance on the type of spaces covered and on what 
    constitutes ``adaptability'' throughout Chapter 6. Instead of relying 
    on a general scoping provision as in current ADAAG, the revised 
    guidelines provide a series of exceptions to technical criteria for 
    doors to toilet and bathing rooms (603.2.3), toilet seat heights 
    (604.4), grab bars at water closets (604.5), bathtubs (607.4), and 
    showers (608.3), and lavatory knee clearance and counter heights 
    (606.2, 606.3). These exceptions are applicable to toilet and bathing 
    rooms ``for a single occupant, accessed only through a private office 
    and not for common or public use.''
    602  Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers
        Requirements for drinking fountains and water coolers derive from 
    those in ADAAG 4.15. Like ADAAG, a forward approach is required at 
    wall- or post-mounted, cantilevered units in section 602.2. A parallel 
    approach is permitted at other types of units, such as those that are 
        Question 24: A forward approach to drinking fountains provides 
    easier access than a parallel approach. Should a forward approach, 
    which includes knee and toe clearances below the unit, be required at 
    all drinking fountains for adults that must be accessible? Such a 
    requirement may be included in the final rule.
        It is also specified that clear floor space for either a forward or 
    parallel approach ``be centered on the unit,'' a stipulation not 
    contained in ADAAG but that is consistent with the intent of the clear 
    floor space requirement for a forward approach. ADAAG 4.15.4 requires 
    that controls meet operation requirements and be mounted at the front 
    of the unit or on the side near the front edge. The revised guidelines 
    require operable parts to meet section 309, which not only covers the 
    operation requirements but also requires location within the applicable 
    forward or side reach range.
        ADAAG 4.15.3 requires the spout to be at the front of the unit. 
    Section 602.5 is more specific on the spout location and requires the 
    location based on the approach provided; no more than 5 inches from the 
    front edge (including bumpers) and at least 15 inches from the vertical 
    support at units with a forward approach and 3\1/2\ inches maximum from 
    the front edge (including bumpers) at units providing a side approach. 
    Additional specification is provided for the water flow based on 
    requirements in the ICC/ANSI A117.1 standard. Like ADAAG 4.15.3, the 
    water flow must be at least 4 inches high to allow insertion of a cup 
    or glass under the flow. ADAAG is more specific with respect to round 
    or oval bowls, which are required to have spouts positioned so that the 
    water flow is within 3 inches of the front edge of the unit. Section 
    602.6 of the revised guidelines specifies the maximum angle of the 
    water flow measured horizontally relative to the front face of the unit 
    (30 degrees where the spout is located within 3 inches from the front 
    and 15 degrees where the spout is located within 3 to 5 inches from the 
        The advisory committee recommended removing access requirements for 
    people who have difficulty bending or stooping, in part because ADAAG 
    does not provide any technical criteria for such access. The Board has 
    retained a requirement for standing access at a portion of units and 
    has provided in section 602.7 a requirement for the spout height (39 to 
    43 inches measured from the floor or ground to the spout outlet). This 
    range is based on the height of certain drinking fountain models 
    currently available in the marketplace.
    603  Toilet and Bathing Rooms
        This section contains requirements for toilet and bathing rooms 
    found in ADAAG 4.22 and 4.23 with several substantive revisions. Like 
    ADAAG, section 603.2.3 prohibits doors from swinging into the clear 
    floor space required for any fixture. However, an exception from this 
    requirement has been provided for individual-use toilet and bathing 
    rooms where clear floor space for an occupied wheelchair is provided 
    beyond the arc of the door swing. The advisory committee felt that the 
    rationale for the ADAAG requirement is most relevant to multi-user 
    toilet or bathing facilities and that in single-user facilities, 
    wheelchair space beyond the arc of the door swing is sufficient. This 
    exception in no way affects the requirement in 603.2.1 for wheelchair 
    turning space. That requirement is applicable to single- and multi-user 
    toilet rooms. For those facilities designed to serve a single occupant 
    accessed only through a private office and not for public or common 
    use, a second exception allows the door to swing into fixture clear 
    floor space where the swing of the door can be reversed. Section 603.4 
    provides a new requirement that coat hooks and fold-down shelves, where 
    provided, be accessible. Coat hooks must be within the accessible reach 
    ranges specified in section 308, and fold-down shelves are to be 
    mounted from 40 to 48 inches above the floor. (This requirement is also 
    restated for toilet compartments at 604.8.3.) In addition, a 
    requirement for the height of mirrors in the ADAAG section on 
    lavatories (4.19) has been relocated to this section at 603.3.
    604  Water Closets and Toilet Compartments
        This section integrates requirements in ADAAG 4.16 and 4.17 for 
    water closets and toilet compartments. Requirements in 604.2 through 
    604.7 apply to water closets, including those located in toilet 
    compartments, and requirements in 604.8 are specific to toilet 
    compartments. Section 604.9 provides criteria for toilet compartments 
    designed according to children's
    [[Page 62269]]
    dimensions as an optional alternative to the requirements based on 
    adult dimensions in section 604.8.
        Substantive changes are proposed for the location of water closets 
    and clear floor space at water closets. Section 604.2 specifies that a 
    water closet centerline be located 16 to 18 inches from the adjacent 
    side wall. This differs from ADAAG which requires an 18 inch absolute 
    dimension in 4.16.2 (Figure 28). The advisory committee considered the 
    absolute dimension overly restrictive and pointed to early studies that 
    indicate closer placement is acceptable. Section 604.3 requires that 
    the clear floor space at water closets be at least 60 inches wide and 
    56 inches deep and prohibits any other obstruction or fixture other 
    than the water closet, grab bars, and tissue dispensers from 
    overlapping this space. ADAAG Figure 28 specifies the same clear floor 
    space dimension but allows lavatories on the same plumbing wall to be 
    mounted as close as 18 inches to the centerline of the water closet. In 
    this case, ADAAG specifies clear floor space at the water closet 48 
    inches wide minimum (instead of 60 inches) and, in the case of a 
    forward approach, at least 66 inches deep (instead of 56 inches). While 
    the clear floor space at the lavatory ensures additional space near the 
    water closet, the closer placement of the lavatory effectively 
    prohibited space for side transfers to the water closet. In practice, 
    the lavatory cannot be placed as close as shown in ADAAG Figure 28 due 
    to the rear grab bar which must be at least 36 inches long unless the 
    grab bar overlaps the lavatory. Also, the advisory committee noted that 
    the lavatory should not be used to support the weight of a person 
    transferring since lavatories are not required to provide structural 
    support, and they do not provide adequate hand holds. For these 
    reasons, the advisory committee recommended that fixtures, including 
    lavatories, not be permitted to overlap the 60 inch wide space at water 
    closets. This will allow space for side transfers at all accessible 
    water closets. Under this change, the space saved by locating a 
    lavatory closer to the water closet on the same plumbing wall could 
    only be accomplished by recessing the lavatory so that it does not 
    overlap the clear floor space at the water closet.
        Revisions are made to requirements for the rear grab bar, flush 
    controls, and toilet paper dispensers. Consistent with ADAAG 4.16.4, 
    the rear grab bar must be at least 36 inches long. However, section 
    604.5.2 permits a shorter grab bar of 24 inches if wall space is not 
    available for a 36 inch grab bar. This provision will accommodate a 
    recessed lavatory on the plumbing wall and thereby recover space in the 
    toilet room. Section 604.6 requires flush controls to be within the 
    accessible reach ranges (48 inches maximum for a forward approach) 
    instead of the 44 inch maximum permitted by ADAAG 4.16.5. With respect 
    to toilet paper dispensers, ADAAG 4.16.6 specifies a minimum height of 
    19 inches. Section 604.7 changes this dimension and provides further 
    detail on the location. Dispensers must be 7 to 9 inches in front of 
    the water closet (measured to the dispenser centerline) and must be 
    between 15 and 48 inches above the floor and mounted so that there is a 
    minimum clearance of 1\1/2\ inches below or 12 inches above the side 
    grab bar. Most extra large dispensers do not meet these requirements 
    because they block use of grab bars or are too low or too high to 
    comply with ADAAG reach ranges. Toilet paper dispensers are subject to 
    requirements for operable parts in 309.4 (operable with one hand 
    without grasping, pinching, twisting of the wrist, or a force of more 
    than 5 pounds).
        Section 604.8 provides requirements for toilet compartments. 
    Section 604.8.1 covers wheelchair accessible compartments, and section 
    604.8.2 covers compartments providing access for people who are 
    ambulatory. These requirements are based on those in ADAAG 4.17, 
    4.22.4, and 4.23.4. ADAAG 4.17.3 permits alternate smaller compartment 
    designs in alterations where providing a standard wheelchair accessible 
    stall is not technically feasible. These designs permit a considerably 
    narrower compartment (36 or 48 inches instead of 60 inches minimum) in 
    exchange for more depth (an additional 10 inches). These alternate 
    designs are not included in the revised guidelines for two reasons. The 
    advisory committee did not believe the alternate stall designs provide 
    sufficient wheelchair access because they fail to accommodate the most 
    common diagonal or side transfers. In addition, the Board has sought to 
    limit alternate specifications based on technical infeasibility as 
    discussed at section 202 above.
        Section 604.8 states that toilet compartments with more than one 
    plumbing fixture are required to comply with requirements in section 
    603 for toilet rooms to ensure access to each fixture. For example, if 
    a lavatory is located within a compartment, it would have to be 
    installed so as not to overlap the minimum 60 inch wide clear floor 
    space at the water closet and wheelchair turning space would be 
    required within the compartment. Revisions to the requirements for 
    water closets in section 604.2 through 604.7 apply to those located in 
    toilet compartments as well.
        Wheelchair accessible compartments are based on the requirements 
    for ``standard'' stalls in ADAAG 4.17 and Figure 30. Requirements for 
    doors and toe clearance have been slightly modified. Section 604.8.1.2 
    requires doors to be self-closing and to have accessible door pulls on 
    both sides of the door near the latch. These requirements are not 
    provided in ADAAG and have been added to facilitate access. ADAAG 
    4.17.4 specifies toe clearance at least 9 inches high below a side and 
    the front partition unless the stall is deeper than 60 inches. Section 
    604.8.1.4 addresses the minimum depth for this clearance (6 inches 
    beyond the compartment-side face of the partition) which is consistent 
    with other requirements for toe space. This section permits the toe 
    space to be added to the compartment if partitions provide less than 9 
    inches clearance.
        Requirements in 604.8.2 for compartments providing ambulatory 
    access are consistent with requirements in ADAAG 4.22.4 and 4.23.4 
    except for several changes. With respect to size, the section 604.8.2.1 
    of the revised guidelines specifies a minimum depth (60 inches) whereas 
    ADAAG does not. Consistent with requirements for wheelchair accessible 
    compartments, section 604.8.2.2 requires that compartment doors have an 
    accessible pull on both sides near the latch. Also, compartment doors 
    are prohibited from swinging into the minimum required compartment 
    area, which may permit an inward swinging door where the compartment 
    depth is sufficiently increased; ADAAG requires that such compartments 
    have outward swinging doors.
    605  Urinals
        Requirements for urinals are based on those in ADAAG 4.18. ADAAG 
    requires an ``elongated'' rim of an unspecified dimension. The advisory 
    committee considered this requirement as indistinguishable from 
    standard rims and recommended its removal. The Board instead has sought 
    to clarify this provision by specifying a minimum dimension of 13\1/2\ 
    inches, measured from the outer face of the urinal rim to the back of 
    the fixture. A requirement permitting a minimum clearance between 
    urinal shields of 29 instead of 30 inches where shields do not extend 
    beyond the rim has been removed.
    606  Lavatories and Sinks
        The revised guidelines combine into one section technical criteria 
    [[Page 62270]]
    lavatories in ADAAG 4.19 and for sinks in ADAAG 4.24. Provisions for 
    clear floor space in 606.2 revise several ADAAG requirements. The 
    requirement for a minimum 29 inch high apron clearance has been removed 
    because without a specified depth the effectiveness of this requirement 
    is questionable. This change also makes the provision consistent with 
    knee clearance requirements for other elements, such as tables and 
    counters. Clarification has been added that the dip of the overflow can 
    project into the knee and toe clearances since the effect on access is 
    considered negligible. Clarification has been added, consistent with 
    the Board's interpretation of ADAAG, that the required knee and toe 
    clearance need only be applied to one bowl of a multi-bowl sink. The 
    Board has removed a specification for sinks in ADAAG 4.24.4 for a 
    maximum bowl depth of 6\1/2\ inches since required knee clearances and 
    counter heights effectively govern this dimension. ADAAG requires that 
    lavatory and sink faucets meet requirements for operable controls in 
    ADAAG 4.27.4 and lists acceptable types (e.g., lever, push, 
    electronically controlled). Section 606.4 requires compliance with 309, 
    which not only covers operating characteristics but also accessible 
    reach ranges. References to acceptable faucet types, which are non-
    mandatory in nature, have been relocated to an advisory note.
    607  Bathtubs
        This section corresponds to requirements in ADAAG 4.20 with several 
    revisions concerning clear floor space and shower spray units. Section 
    607.2 covers clear floor space and requires that it extend at least 12 
    inches beyond permanent seats provided at the head end of the bathtub. 
    ADAAG Figure 33(b) does not require this additional space and permits 
    the clear floor space to extend only to the end of the seat. This 
    requirement was added so that sufficient space is available for persons 
    using wheelchairs to more properly align themselves with the tub seat 
    for transfer. In section 607.6, the minimum length of the hose for the 
    shower spray unit has been reduced one inch to 59 inches to accommodate 
    metric-based industry conventions. The Board has added a requirement 
    that shower spray units have a water on/off control for greater access. 
    In this section, clarification has been added that where a vertical bar 
    is used to provide an adjustable-height shower unit, the bar must be 
    installed so as not to obstruct the use of grab bars. Similar revisions 
    to the requirements for shower spray units are provided for shower 
    compartments as well in section 608.6.
    608  Shower Compartments
        Like ADAAG 4.21, this section provides requirements for transfer-
    type showers and for roll-in showers. ADAAG Figure 57 shows a specific 
    type of roll-in shower equipped with a seat that is required in a 
    portion of accessible guest rooms in transient lodging facilities. This 
    design is incorporated into section 608 and can be used in other types 
    of facilities as well to provide an accessible shower compartment.
        Substantive changes have been made concerning water temperature, 
    shower spray units, and curbs. Section 608.6 provides a new requirement 
    for thermal shock protection (to 120 degrees Fahrenheit maximum). ADAAG 
    4.21.6 provides an exception that fixed shower heads 48 inches high 
    maximum can be used instead of the required hand held unit in 
    ``unmonitored facilities where vandalism is a consideration.'' This 
    exception has been removed due to a lack of clarity on the types of 
    facilities that qualify for this exception. Section 608.7 permits curbs 
    up to \1/2\ inch provided that those above \1/4\ inch are beveled with 
    a slope of 1:2 maximum. This differs from ADAAG 4.21.7 which permits 
    such a curb (although without beveling) at transfer-type showers but 
    not at roll-in showers. The advisory committee felt that a beveled curb 
    will allow access into roll-in showers while permitting a change in 
    level that can help keep water in the compartment, a common concern 
    with roll-in showers. This provision is consistent with requirements 
    for changes in level in section 303.3.
        Other revisions have been made to clarify that:
         where multiple grab bars are used instead of a single 
    continuous grab bar from wall to wall, they must be installed at the 
    same height (608.3);
         shower seats can be attachable or integral (608.4);
         controls, faucets, and shower spray units must be 
    installed on the rear wall at showers with seats so that they are 
    within reach from the seat (608.5); and
         shower spray units in transfer-type showers must be 15 
    inches maximum from either side of the centerline of the seat (608.5).
    609  Grab Bars
        Grab bar specifications are consistent with those in ADAAG 4.26, 
    including required mounting heights at toilet and bathing fixtures 
    shown in ADAAG Figures 29, 30, 34, and 37. Like ADAAG 4.26.2, a 
    diameter between 1 and 1\1/2\ inches is required, but section 609.2 
    provides further specifications for allowable shapes providing an 
    equivalent gripping surface: a 2 inch maximum cross-section dimension, 
    a perimeter dimension between 4 and 4-\11/16\ inches, and edges with a 
    \1/8\ inch minimum radius. This section also provides a minimum 
    clearance of 15 inches above grab bars (although a 1\1/2\ inch 
    clearance is allowed between grab bars and shower controls, shower 
    fittings, and other grab bars). Consistent with the ICC/ANSI A117.1 
    standard, clarification is provided in section 609.6 that grab bars can 
    be installed in any manner that provides a gripping surface at the 
    specified locations and that does not obstruct clear floor space.
    610  Seats
        Requirements for bathtub and shower seats are based on ADAAG 
    requirements in 4.20.3 and 4.21.3. Section 610.2 addresses bathtub 
    seats and requires removable seats to be 15 inches deep minimum to 16 
    inches deep maximum and permanent head-end seats to be 15 inches deep 
    minimum. A height of 17 to 19 inches is required. This differs from 
    ADAAG which does not specify a width for removable seats or a height, 
    and requires an absolute dimension of 15 inches for head-end seats.
        Section 610.3 covers shower seats and allows a rectangular shaped 
    seat in addition to the L-shaped seat specified in ADAAG Figure 36. 
    Rectangular seats, like removable tub seats, must be 15 inches deep 
    minimum to 16 inches deep maximum. This section provides more 
    specification than ADAAG for the size of L-shaped seats. ADAAG Figure 
    36 provides maximum dimensions for this type of seat. The revised 
    guidelines provide minimum dimensions consistent with the ICC/ANSI 
    A117.1 standard. A specification also has been added requiring that the 
    seat extend from the back wall to a point within 3 inches of the 
    compartment entry or seat wall width to reduce problems from water 
    infiltration. The maximum distance of the seat from the seat wall has 
    been increased from 1\1/2\ to 2\1/2\ inches.
        Question 25: The revised guidelines more clearly permit a choice 
    between rectangular and L-shaped seats for transfer and roll-in shower 
    stalls. Is one shape more usable and accessible than the other?
    611  Laundry Equipment
        New requirements are provided for washing machines and clothes 
    dryers, equipment ADAAG does not address. These requirements are based 
    on the ICC/ANSI A117.1 standard. This section
    [[Page 62271]]
    requires clear floor space for a parallel approach (611.2), accessible 
    operable parts (611.3), and the height of appliance openings: 34 inches 
    maximum above the floor for top-loading machines and between 15 to 34 
    inches for front-loading machines (611.4).
    Chapter 7: Communication Elements and Features
        This chapter provides technical criteria for communication elements 
    such as fire alarms, signs, telephones, assistive listening systems, 
    and automatic teller machines (ATMs) and fare machines. Extensive 
    revision of requirements is proposed for these elements, particularly 
    fire alarm systems, signs, and ATMs and fare machines.
    702  Fire Alarm Systems
        This section is vastly different from ADAAG 4.28 in providing 
    updated and more detailed criteria for the visual component of fire 
    alarm systems. The advisory committee based its recommendations on 
    information developed by a coalition of organizations representing 
    people who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have epilepsy, the fire 
    alarm industry, and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). The 
    recommendations represent the goal of updating specifications for 
    alarms to improve protection of people who are deaf or hard of hearing 
    while minimizing the effect on persons with photosensitive epilepsy. 
    Through coordination with the National Fire Protection Association 
    (NFPA) and ANSI, which were represented on the advisory committee, the 
    proposed criteria are virtually identical to updated requirements in 
    the NFPA 72 (1996) and the ICC/ANSI A117.1 standards.
        Specifications for audible alarms in ADAAG 4.28.2 have been revised 
    as well. The maximum sound level for alarms is reduced from 120 to 110 
    decibels as more appropriate and to guard against tinnitus.
        Question 26: ADAAG does not address the frequency of audible 
    alarms. The Board requests information on the optimal frequency range 
    for people who are hard of hearing. Responses should include, where 
    possible, supporting data indicating the benefit to people who are hard 
    of hearing and others.
        Requirements for visual alarms are provided in section 702.3. In 
    section 702.3.1, the maximum flash rate has been reduced from 3 Hertz 
    (Hz) to 2 Hz. Research conducted by the coalition found a minimum flash 
    rate of 1 Hz to be the slowest rate that does not significantly 
    increase reaction time of people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Flash 
    rate is considered the primary factor affecting persons who are 
    photosensitive. A 1 Hz flash rate is considered sufficient; an 
    allowance up to 2 Hz is specified to allow a tolerance for 
    manufacturing and field conditions. New language clarifies the 
    parameters over which an appliance must meet the specified flash rate 
    since changes in voltage can affect the flash rate.
        New criteria are provided in section 702.3.2 for light dispersion 
    which address the required percentage of rated intensity at various 
    angles from the visual appliance. The requirements, provided in table 
    form (Tables 702.3.2.1 and 702.3.2.2) distinguish wall- and ceiling-
    mounted appliances and are based on UL 1971, Signaling Devices for the 
    Hearing Impaired. ADAAG does not provide criteria for dispersion of 
    visual alarms. Section 702.3.4 addresses the required location of 
    appliances. Wall-mounted appliances are required to be 80 to 96 inches 
    above the floor (measured to the bottom of the appliance), except that 
    appliances that are part of a smoke detector are to be located 4 to 12 
    inches from the ceiling (measured to the top of the smoke detector). 
    These revisions are consistent with NFPA 72, including the mounting 
    height for smoke detectors. ADAAG 4.28.3 does not specifically address 
    visual appliances integrated with smoke detectors and specifies an 
    absolute height of 80 inches (or 6 inches below the ceiling, whichever 
    is lower). However, photometric calculations of lamp intensity for 
    mounting heights of 80 and 96 inches show only nominal differences and 
    are practically equivalent. Further, the ADAAG height specification is 
    considered too restrictive. Ceiling-installed appliances are required 
    to be 30 feet maximum above the floor.
        Section 702.3.4 provides new requirements under which the minimum 
    lamp intensity is determined by the size of the area served. These 
    specifications serve to minimize the number of appliances in a room or 
    space in order to prevent the cumulative flash rate of multiple 
    strobes, which can affect people with photosensitive epilepsy. Multiple 
    appliances are allowed only where coverage by a single appliance is not 
    possible due to room size, shape, construction or furnishings. In this 
    case, criteria are provided to prevent the effective flash rate from 
    posing a hazard: placement of two appliances on opposing walls, 
    synchronization of flashes, or minimum separation between appliances 
    (55 feet in any 135-degree field of view) in rooms 80 feet by 80 feet 
    or greater. The minimum required effective intensity is specified in 
    table form (Tables 702.3.4.2 and 702.3.4.3) for wall-and ceiling-
    mounted appliances based on the size of the covered area and the 
    permitted number of appliances. These specifications are based on NFPA 
    72 criteria. The minimum intensities are based on the rule that 
    illumination from a light source will vary in proportion to the square 
    of the distance to the light source. Combined with the dispersion 
    requirements, a minimum 0.0375 lumens per square foot is provided 
    throughout the covered areas. As such, appliances with an effective 
    intensity of 15 candela are allowed in small spaces. ADAAG 4.28.3 
    requires a minimum 75 candela with a general maximum separation of 50 
    feet. The criteria of the table are based on location of wall-installed 
    appliances at the midpoint of the longest side of the area served and 
    the location of ceiling-installed appliances at the center point of the 
    covered area. Alternate specifications for the minimum effective 
    intensity are provided for appliances located elsewhere.
        Section 702.3.5 provides revised requirements for the spacing and 
    intensity of appliances located in corridors. Corridors 20 feet or less 
    in width are required to have appliances with a minimum effective 
    intensity of 15 candela spaced from 50 to 100 feet apart and located no 
    more than 15 feet from each end of the corridor. Interruptions in the 
    concentrated viewing path, such as elevation changes, are to be treated 
    as the end of the corridor. Corridors greater that 20 feet in width are 
    treated like other spaces. This differs from ADAAG 4.28.3 which 
    specifies a maximum corridor spacing of 50 feet and a minimum effective 
    intensity of 75 candela. The intensity and greater spacing are 
    permitted because the linear nature of corridors allows a direct view 
    of appliances and the spacing requirements serve to minimize the number 
    of appliances within view for the benefit of people who are 
        Like ADAAG 4.28.4, criteria specific to visual alarms in guest 
    rooms are provided. Significant changes have been made. ADAAG technical 
    requirements for ``auxiliary'' alarms in effect permit use of portable 
    types of alarms. Use of portable devices have proven unsatisfactory in 
    that the responsibility for installing such devices has fallen to 
    guests. Persons needing these devices also do not have the benefit of 
    knowing whether the device is ready to function properly. Section 
    702.3.6 revises the criteria for guest room applications to
    [[Page 62272]]
    require permanent installation of visual alarms. Visual alarms 
    activated by smoke detectors and the building fire alarm system, where 
    provided, are required, and signaling must be supervised. One appliance 
    can be used for activation by both smoke detectors and the building 
    alarm system so long as the building alarm system is not activated by 
    the smoke detector. This interconnection has not been embraced by the 
    fire alarm industry due to technical differences between the two 
    systems. However, this interconnection is only permitted where smoke 
    detector activation does not trigger the building alarm system. Greater 
    detail is also provided on the location of appliances. ADAAG 4.28.4 
    requires the signal to be ``visible in all areas of the unit.'' The 
    revised guidelines, consistent with NFPA 72, specifies placement and 
    intensity considered necessary to awake sleeping persons. Appliances 
    must be no more than 16 feet from the location of the head end of the 
    bed, measured horizontally. The Board has added clarification that 
    appliances must be directly or indirectly visible in all parts of the 
    sleeping room or suite. Appliances must have minimum effective 
    intensity of 110 candela (if more than 2 feet below the ceiling) and 
    177 candela (if less than 2 feet below the ceiling). ADAAG requires a 
    75 candela minimum. The increased candela requirements are considered 
    necessary to awaken people asleep, with an even greater increase 
    provided for appliances closer to the ceiling.
    703  Signs
        The technical section on signs, like the section on alarms, 
    represent significant departures from ADAAG. This section provides more 
    detailed requirements for signs than ADAAG 4.30. The technical criteria 
    proposed were developed by the ANSI A117 Signage Task Force. The 
    advisory committee recommended adoption of the task force's 
    requirements with some modifications. The task force sought to update 
    requirements for signs to improve access for the widest range of users 
    and to provide specifications that were clear, direct, and less likely 
    to be misinterpreted. While striving to prohibit undesirable design 
    characteristics and to make more specific what constitutes accessible 
    signs, the task force also wanted to provide requirements in a way that 
    would allow considerable design flexibility.
        Requirements are provided for signs read by touch and for signs 
    read visually. Scoping provisions in section 216 require permanent 
    designation of permanent rooms and spaces to meet requirements for both 
    tactile and visual access. This is a substantive change from ADAAG 
    4.1.3(16) which requires that such signs comply mainly with 
    specifications for tactile access only. The signage task force 
    considered this requirement insufficient for visual access. Section 703 
    requires both types of access but allows a choice: permanent signs can 
    comply with section 703.2 which provides requirements for both tactile 
    and visual access achievable in one sign or access can be provided 
    separately through two signs, one that is tactile in accordance with 
    703.3 and one that is visual in accordance with 703.4. There are some 
    differences between the requirements for combined tactile-visual signs 
    and those provided separately, which represent slight compromises in 
    the desired level considered necessary for signs providing both tactile 
    and visual access. In either case, tactile signs are required to 
    contain Braille complying with 703.5, and pictograms, where required to 
    be tactile, must meet requirements in 703.6.
        Signs that provide direction to, or information about, spaces or 
    facilities, are subject to the requirements in section 703.4 for visual 
    access, which is consistent with ADAAG 4.1.3(16). Required symbols of 
    access are provided in section 703.7.
        Requirements in 703.2 for signs providing both tactile and visual 
    access specify:
         A non-glare finish and light-on-dark or dark-on-light 
    contrast between characters and their background (703.2.1);
         Tactile characters raised at least \1/32\ inch with a 
    minimum \3/8\ inch separation from raised borders or other decorative 
    elements where provided (703.2.2);
         Tactile characters must be upper case, sans serif, \5/8\ 
    to 2 inches high, and meet requirements for character width and stroke 
    thickness (703.2.3);
         Minimum spacing between characters (703.2.4) and lines of 
    text (703.2.5); and
         Sign mounting height (703.2.6) and location (703.2.7).
        The specifications for finish and contrast are similar to those in 
    ADAAG 4.30.5 except that references to ``eggshell'' and ``matte'' as 
    non-glare finishes have been removed because this is not always the 
    case. For example, matte stainless steel is not generally considered 
        Requirements in 703.2 for tactile characters, character forms, and 
    character and line spacing differ from ADAAG 4.30 in that:
         The minimum \3/8\ inch separation between raised 
    characters and borders or other decorative elements is new and is 
    designed to limit interference with tactile reading (703.2.2);
         Only sans serif fonts are allowed and italic, oblique, 
    script and other highly decorative styles are clearly prohibited (ADAAG 
    allows ``simple'' serif forms; a term without specific meaning in the 
    industry that has been removed for both clarity and improved access) 
         The specified character width of 55% to 110% of the 
    character height is slightly different than the 60% to 100% ADAAG 
    requires, but the characters specified for determining the new 
    proportions (upper case ``O'' for width and upper case ``I'' for 
    height), which are based on industry convention, make the effect of 
    this change negligible (703.2.3.3);
         The character height is based on the upper case ``I'' 
    instead of the upper case ``X'' ADAAG specifies (703.2.3.4);
         A character (the upper case ``I'') is specified for 
    determining stroke thickness (703.2.3.5);
         The maximum stroke thickness has been reduced from 20% to 
    15% of the character height since thinner strokes are easier to read 
    tactually (703.2.3.5);
         More specific guidance is provided for the stroke 
    thickness of raised characters with beveled or rounded cross sections 
    in recognition that they are perceived visually by the full (i.e., 
    base) dimension and tactually by the top dimensions (ADAAG requirements 
    for stroke thickness do not apply to raised characters) (703.2.3.5); 
         Specifications for character spacing (\1/8\ to \3/8\ 
    inches), with additional guidance for beveled or raised characters, and 
    for line spacing (135% to 170% of character height) are new and address 
    both visual and tactual legibility (703.2.4 and 703.2.5).
        There are changes in the mounting height and location of signs. 
    Characters are required to be installed between 48 and 60 inches high 
    measured from the baseline of characters. ADAAG 4.30.6 specifies 
    tactile signs to be centered at 60 inches above the floor, a 
    specification that was considered inadequate because it does not 
    regulate the location of characters and can permit characters located 
    outside the proper reach range. Like ADAAG, tactile signs are required 
    on the latch side of doors or, if no wall space is available, on the 
    nearest adjacent wall. An exception is provided for signs located on 
    the push side of doors that have closers but that do not have devices 
    that hold the door open. The revised guidelines requires that signs be 
    [[Page 62273]]
    on the right side at double doors, a more uniform location that can 
    make them easier to locate tactually. Clear floor space of 18 by 18 
    inches minimum centered on the sign is required beyond the arc of the 
    door swing, which clarifies the requirements in ADAAG 4.30.6 that signs 
    be located so one can ``approach within 3 inches of signage without 
    encountering protruding objects or standing within the swing of a 
        Where separate tactile and visual signs are provided to convey the 
    same information, the requirements for tactile-only signs in section 
    703.3 are different in several respects:
         There are no requirements for finish and contrast;
         A smaller character height of \1/2\ to \3/4\ inches is 
    required (instead of \5/8\ to 2 inches as specified for combination 
    signs and by ADAAG) because it is believed that smaller characters are 
    easier to read tactually (703.3.2.4);
         Only a maximum stroke width (15%) is specified because 
    information indicates that the thinnest possible stroke is preferred by 
    people who read tactually (703.3.2.5); and
         Closer character spacing of \1/8\ to \1/4\ inches is 
    required as preferable for tactual reading (spacing up to \3/8\ inches 
    is allowed for combination tactile-visual signs) (703.3.3).
        Visual signs provided separately from tactile signs are held to 
    different criteria considered optimal for visual legibility. Under 
    section 703.4, these signs are subject to the same requirements for 
    finish and contrast, character width, and line spacing. Criteria for 
    raised letters, including mounting location, do not apply. Requirements 
    for character forms and spacing, line spacing, and mounting height are 
    considerably different:
         Lower case characters are permitted, as in ADAAG, because 
    words in all upper case are considered difficult to read visually 
         ``Conventional'' character styles are specified, which can 
    include fonts with serifs because serifs do not necessarily reduce 
    visual readability, although italic, oblique, script and highly 
    decorative forms are prohibited (ADAAG does not specify the style of 
    non-tactile characters) (703.4.2.2);
         A range for the minimum character height of \5/8\ inch to 
    more than 3 inches is specified in Table 703.4.2.4 according to sign 
    height and the viewing distance, information much more detailed than 
    ADAAG 4.30.3, which requires characters to be ``sized according to the 
    viewing distance'' although a 3 inch minimum is specified for signs 80 
    inches or more above the floor (703.4.2.4);
         The maximum character stroke thickness (30% of the 
    character height) is greater than that specified for tactile signs 
    (15%) or in ADAAG (20%) (703.4.2.5);
         Character spacing between 10% to 35% of the character 
    height differs from the spacing for tactile signs (703.4.3); and
         A minimum mounting height of 40 inches is required, which 
    differs from the height of tactile signs and from ADAAG which does not 
    address the height of visual signs (703.4.5).
        Consistent with ADAAG, tactile signs must contain Grade II Braille. 
    Section 703.5 differs from ADAAG 4.30.4 by providing specific criteria 
    for Braille, including dot height and base diameter, dot and cell 
    separations (Table 703.5), location (below raised text), minimum 
    spacing from raised characters (\1/4\ inch) and from raised borders 
    (\3/8\ inch), and the height from the floor (40 to 60 inches measured 
    from the baseline of Braille cells). Requirements for pictograms in 
    703.6 and required symbols of accessibility in 703.7 are consistent 
    with corresponding provisions in ADAAG 4.30.4 and 4.30.7.
    704  Telephones
        This section provides requirements for wheelchair access, volume 
    controls, and TTYs. Substantive differences from requirements in ADAAG 
    4.31 concern volume controls, hearing aid compatibility, and TTYs.
        Section 704.3 requires volume controls that provide a gain up to at 
    least 20 decibels and an intermediate gain of 12 decibels, and have an 
    automatic reset. ADAAG 4.31.5 requires a gain between 12 to 18 
    decibels, which can be greater if an automatic reset is provided. The 
    advisory committee recommended increasing the gain to 20 decibels and 
    to require an automatic reset. The Board has revised the requirement 
    for consistency with accessibility guidelines the Board issued under 
    section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which provides a 
    similar requirement for other types of phones. In rulemaking on the 
    Telecommunications Act Accessibility Guidelines, persons who are hard 
    of hearing reported having trouble using public pay telephones because 
    of inadequate receiver amplification levels. Many comments to the 
    docket supported adjustable amplification ranging from 18-25 decibels 
    of gain as proposed in that rulemaking. However, several telephone 
    manufacturers cited the National Technology Transfer and Advancement 
    Act of 1996, which requires the Federal government to make use of 
    technical specifications and practices established by private, 
    voluntary standards-setting bodies, wherever possible. The ICC/ANSI 
    A117.1-1998 standard requires certain public pay telephones to provide 
    12 decibels of gain minimum and up to 20 decibels maximum and that an 
    automatic reset be provided. In recognition of the National Technology 
    Transfer and Advancement Act, this amplification level was specified in 
    the Telecommunications Act Accessibility Guidelines even though 
    information was received in that rulemaking indicating a gain of 25 
    decibels is not a problem for current telephone technology. The 
    requirement in section 704.3 of the revised guidelines is consistent 
    with both the ICC/ANSI A117.1 standard and the Telecommunications Act 
    Accessibility Guidelines. Under the Telecommunications Act, the Board 
    intends to publish a market monitoring report. Should this market 
    monitoring report show that persons who are deaf or hard of hearing 
    continue to report having trouble using telephones because the level of 
    amplification is not high enough, the Board may revisit this issue in 
    the future.
        Question 27: The Board seeks information from pay telephone 
    manufacturers and providers on the time frame necessary to produce 
    products that meet the proposed specifications for volume control.
        Question 28: Mute features on public pay telephones can increase 
    audibility by temporarily disconnecting the telephone's microphone 
    while the user listens through the earpiece so that background noise is 
    not amplified through the earpiece. The Board seeks information on the 
    feasibility and cost of equipping new and existing public pay 
    telephones with a mute button. Comment is sought on whether such a 
    requirement should be included in the final rule.
        ADAAG 4.31.5 requires telephones to be compatible with hearing 
    aids. This is required for all wheelchair accessible telephones and 25% 
    of all other public pay telephones. The Board has removed this 
    requirement as unnecessary because telephones made in or imported into 
    the U.S. are already required to be compatible with hearing aids as a 
    result of the Hearing Aid Compatibility Act of 1988.
        The Board has added requirements for telephones with TTYs in 704.4 
    to address wheelchair access. ADAAG 4.31.9 does not specifically 
    require that telephones with TTYs be wheelchair accessible. As revised, 
    the operable parts of both the TTY and the telephone must be accessible 
    as required in section
    [[Page 62274]]
    309, which specifies accessible reach ranges. Knee and toe space for a 
    forward approach is required below the TTY, and when in use, the touch 
    surface of the TTY keypad must be between 30 to 34 inches from the 
    floor. This height will provide access for both people who use 
    wheelchairs and those who do not. All TTYs are required to be 
    wheelchair accessible, although an exception is provided for TTYs at 
    telephones located in cubicles equipped with fixed seats. Under this 
    exception, which applies only to assembly occupancies, half the number 
    of TTYs are not required to be wheelchair accessible.
        Question 29: Requirements for TTYs do not address the height of 
    display screens. Due to the typical character size displayed, users 
    must be in close proximity to the screen. The Board seeks information 
    on TTY screen heights that are appropriate for people who use 
    wheelchairs and for standing persons and whether the requirement for 
    ATM display screens is appropriate for TTYs as well. The Board may 
    include a specification for the height of TTY display screens in the 
    final rule.
        ADAAG 4.31.9(3) recognizes portable TTYs as an alternative to those 
    permanently affixed to telephone enclosures in certain limited 
    situations as an ``equivalent facilitation.'' Like other examples of 
    equivalent facilitation, this provision has been removed.
    705  Detectable Warnings
        The technical criteria for detectable warnings are consistent with 
    those in ADAAG 4.29 and those required on the boarding platforms of 
    transit stations in ADAAG 10.3.1(8). Provisions have been added 
    concerning boarding platforms that generally recognize alternative 
    tactile surfaces equally detectable underfoot or other designs or 
    technologies that provide equal or superior drop-off warning. 
    Provisions originally reserved in ADAAG concerning doors to hazardous 
    areas (4.29.3) and stairs (4.29.4) have been removed. Provisions 
    pertaining to hazardous vehicular areas (4.29.5), reflecting pools 
    (4.29.6), and curb ramps (4.7.7) that were suspended are not retained 
    in the revised guideline.
    706  Assistive Listening Systems
        Like ADAAG 4.33, the revised guidelines recognize acceptable types 
    of assistive listening systems such as induction loops, infrared 
    systems, FM and AM radio frequency systems, hard-wired earphones, and 
    other equivalent devices. ADAAG 4.33.6 requires that seats served by 
    assistive listening systems be within a viewing distance of 50 feet 
    from the performance area and have a complete view of the performance 
    area. The distance requirement has been removed since it may not be 
    appropriate in certain types of assembly areas, particularly large 
    stadiums and arenas. The Board has removed the requirement for a 
    ``complete view'' of the performance area because this implies that 
    certain seats can be designated for use with assistive listening 
    systems, which contradicts the intent of the revised guidelines that 
    such access be available at most seats in an assembly area.
        Two requirements have been added for receivers. Receivers must have 
    a \1/8\ inch standard mono jack (or equivalent adapters where other 
    jacks are provided) so that users can use their own cabling as 
    necessary. Receivers required to be compatible with hearing aids (25%) 
    must be neck loops since this type interfaces with hearing aid T-coils. 
    The advisory committee recommended allowing the use of ``compatible 
    headsets.'' The Board has not included this recommendation since such 
    headsets, while technically compatible with hearing aids, are not 
    usable or comfortable with all types of hearing aids.
        The performance of assistive listening systems is a concern among 
    users. The quality and capability of systems largely determine the 
    quality of sound transmission. Sound quality, internal noise, signal-
    to-noise ratio, signal strength, and boost vary among products. As a 
    result, some systems do not adequately meet the needs of people who are 
    hard of hearing. For example, the boost of some products may amplify 
    sound adequately for people with mild hearing loss but not for those 
    with profound hearing loss. Currently, there are no guidelines or 
    standards for the performance of assistive listening systems. In the 
    belief that standards should be developed to provide guidance in 
    selecting products of sufficient quality and capability, the Board 
    funded a study on assistive listening systems that was completed in 
    1999. Conducted by the Lexington Center, this project included a 
    collection of information on assistive listening systems, a review of 
    the state-of-the-art with respect to assistive listening systems, and a 
    survey of consumers, service providers, dispensers and manufacturers to 
    determine how effective assistive listening systems are at present and 
    what the major problems, limitations, and complaints are regarding 
    existing systems. With this information, the researchers developed 
    objective means for specifying the overall characteristics of any 
    assistive listening system, from sound source to listener's ear, to be 
    able to predict how well the system will work in practice and to 
    determine objective criteria for establishing guidelines or 
    recommendations for the use of assistive listening systems in public 
    places. Consumers, manufacturers, and installers identified signal 
    quality as the primary issue of concern. A wide range of other concerns 
    were also expressed:
         Consumers voiced concerns about appropriate system and 
    receiver type, coupling alternatives, compatibility with aids, 
    interference, availability and logistics of use, and maintenance;
         Manufacturers, installers, and providers identified 
    component cost and quality, microphone utilization, pre-processing 
    strategies, compatibility across multiple systems, field strength, and 
    standardization and regulation as issues.
        Researchers have developed Speech Transmission Index software that 
    can assess ALS signal quality on-site using a multi-media laptop 
    computer. The program will be available next year as a download from 
    the Board's website. The Lexington Center will also develop and 
    distribute a series of technical assistance bulletins for consumers, 
    facility operators, and installers outlining its research, findings, 
    and recommendations.
        Question 30: Comment is sought on the appropriateness of these 
    criteria for assistive listening systems and their inclusion as 
    technical requirements in the revised guidelines. Specifications based 
    on these criteria may be included in the final rule.
    707  Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines
        Requirements for automatic teller machines (ATMs) and fare machines 
    have been extensively revised and expanded to provide more specific 
    guidance on access to such equipment for people with vision 
    impairments. Substantive changes are proposed to requirements for ATMs 
    in ADAAG 4.34 and for transit station fare vending machines in ADAAG 
        Question 31: While section 707 specifically addresses ``automatic 
    teller machines'' and ``fare vending machines,'' the Board is 
    considering covering all types of interactive transaction machines, 
    such as point-of-sale machines and information kiosks, among others. 
    Information is requested on any possible design conflicts between the 
    requirements of this section and any specific types of interactive 
    transaction machines. The final rule may be modified to specifically 
    [[Page 62275]]
    unique characteristics of certain types of interactive transaction 
        Clear floor space requirements in section 707.2 are consistent with 
    ADAAG. Section 707.3 requires operable parts to comply with section 
    309, which also covers accessible reach ranges. ADAAG 4.34.3 requires 
    this as well but also provides specifications on side reach ranges 
    specific to ATMs only. This criteria establishes maximum reach heights 
    ranging from 46 to 54 inches that are based on the depths of reach 
    ranging from 10 inches to 24 inches. For consistency with the rest of 
    the revised guidelines, these specifications have been removed and the 
    basic reach range specifications in 309 are applied. The revised 
    guidelines require that operable parts must be differentiated by sound 
    or touch prior to activation. An exception in ADAAG 4.34.3 clarifies 
    that, where alternate controls are provided that allow a function to be 
    performed in a substantially equivalent manner, only the controls for 
    that function are required to be accessible. This exception has been 
    removed as unnecessary since redundant operable parts that are 
    accessible are generally acceptable in all cases.
        New specifications are provided so that access to input and output 
    devices is provided for people with vision impairments. These 
    requirements provide clearer guidance than ADAAG 4.34.5 which requires 
    instructions and all information for use to be ``accessible to and 
    independently usable by persons with vision impairments.'' The 
    arrangement and tactile qualities are standardized for uniformity to 
    facilitate use by people with little or no vision. Section 707.4 
         The same degree of privacy of input provided for all users 
         Tactually discernable key surfaces raised at least \1/25\ 
    inch from the surrounding surface with outer edges having a radius no 
    more than \1/50\ inch (707.4.2);
         A minimum \1/8\ inch separation between keys with function 
    keys separated from numeric keys by at least triple the distance of 
    separation provided between numeric keys (707.4.3);
         Arrangement of numeric keys according to the standard 12-
    key telephone keypad, with the number five key designated by a single 
    raised dot (707.4.4);
         A standard arrangement, tactile marking, and color coding 
    of function keys so that the keys are provided in the following order 
    (left to right or top to bottom) with the tactile markings and color 
    indicated: enter or proceed key (raised circle/ green), clear or 
    correct key (raised vertical line or bar/ black), cancel (raised ex/ 
    red), add value key (raised plus sign/ blue), decrease value key 
    (raised minus sign/ yellow) (707.4.5).
        Question 32: The Board seeks comment on the appropriateness of 
    these specified colors, particularly for people who are color blind.
        Question 33: ATMs often reject input when maximum time intervals 
    are exceeded. Users are at risk of having the ATM card withheld and may 
    encounter additional transaction charges due to repeated attempts to 
    access the machine. Should the Board include a specific requirement 
    that would allow users to extend the maximum time intervals between 
    transactions beyond the amount of time typically allotted? Where 
    possible, responses should include information on the availability of 
    technology and on any impacts, including costs, in complying with such 
    a requirement. The Board may consider including such a requirement in 
    the final rule.
        Section 707.5 covers output devices and requires:
         The same degree of privacy of output provided for all 
    users (707.5.1);
         Transaction prompts within each operation and verification 
    of all user input (707.5.2 and 707.5.3);
         Visual and audible operating instructions that are 
    initiated by the user, that have an expedited process for experienced 
    users, and that have orientation features for users unfamiliar with the 
    physical features of the machine (707.5.4);
         Video display screens to be visible from a point 40 inches 
    above the center of the clear floor space in front of the machine 
         Characters of video display screens to be in a sans serif 
    font, to be at least \3/16\ inch high, and to contrast with the 
    background, either light-on-dark or dark-on-light (707.5.6.2);
         Paper currency to be dispensed in descending order with 
    the lowest denomination on top (707.5.7); and
         Providing options for receipts in print, audible format, 
    or both (707.5.8).
        Consistent with ICC/ANSI A117.1-1998, sections 707.4.1 and 707.5.1 
    specify that the same degree of privacy of input and output is to be 
    available to all individuals using the system, and 707.5.5 specifies 
    that audible instructions are to provided through a standard audio mini 
    jack (which would allow individuals to listen to the information 
    through a headset or ear piece), a telephone handset, a wireless 
    transmission system, or another mechanism, all of which ensure privacy. 
    The Board anticipates that alternative privacy systems will be 
    activated by individuals that require them. Furthermore, the Board 
    assumes that ear pieces, headsets, or other types of receivers will be 
    personal equipment provided by end users. Earpieces are very small and 
    can be carried in a shirt pocket or change purse.
        Question 34: The Board seeks comment on whether ATM manufacturers 
    or banks intend to provide customers who need audio output receivers 
    for accessing audible output. In addition, the Board seeks to know if 
    customers would or currently do carry receivers or if they view 
    providing their own receivers as an unreasonable expectation.
        Question 35: The Board seeks information on the availability of 
    ATMs that meet the output requirements of section 707.5 and the impact, 
    including costs and technological difficulties, in developing new 
    products that comply. Information is also sought on the practice of 
    redeploying ATM equipment and the impact of the output requirements on 
    this practice. Specifically, what is the average lifespan of an ATM and 
    how often might a single ATM be redeployed?
    708  Two-Way Communication Systems
        This section provides criteria for two-way communication systems 
    where they are provided to gain admittance to a facility or to 
    restricted areas within a facility. These systems must provide audible 
    and visual signals so that they are accessible to people with vision or 
    hearing impairments. Where handsets are provided, the cord must be at 
    least 29 inches long so that access is provided for people using 
    wheelchairs. These requirements derive from those in ADAAG 11.1.3 for 
    judicial, legislative, and regulatory facilities.
        The Department of Justice Title III regulation addresses access to 
    auxiliary aids and services. Section 36.303(a) (28 CFR Part 36) 
    provides that ``[a] public accommodation shall take those steps that 
    may be necessary to ensure that no individual with a disability is 
    excluded, denied services, segregated or otherwise treated differently 
    than other individuals because of the absence of auxiliary aids and 
    services, unless the public accommodation can demonstrate that taking 
    those steps would fundamentally alter the nature of the goods, 
    services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations being 
    offered or would result in an undue burden, i.e., significant 
    difficulty or expense.'' The term ``auxiliary aids and
    [[Page 62276]]
    services'' includes, ``qualified interpreters, note takers, computer-
    aided transcription services, written materials, telephone handset 
    amplifiers, assistive listening devices, assistive listening systems, 
    telephones compatible with hearing aids, closed caption decoders, open 
    and closed captioning, telecommunications devices for deaf persons 
    (TDD's), videotext displays, or other effective methods of making 
    aurally delivered materials available to individuals with hearing 
        The Board is aware that several means of providing captioning for 
    movie theaters are available. This includes both open-captioned and 
    closed-captioned access to the audio information presented in movies. 
    One method for making movies accessible is a system that synchronizes 
    captions and action by projecting reverse text images onto a wall 
    behind an audience. The reverse text is then reflected by transparent 
    screens at individual seats where movie goers can read the script on 
    the screen and view the movie through the screen simultaneously. This 
    type of auxiliary aid and others may require built-in features to make 
    them usable. The Board is aware that other innovative methods of 
    providing accessible communications will soon be available.
        Question 36: The Board is interested in more information about 
    various types of captioning as it relates to the built environment. 
    Building operators, managers, consumers, and manufacturers are 
    requested to provide information about what technical provisions are 
    necessary to include in ADAAG to facilitate or augment the use of 
    auxiliary aids such as captioning and videotext displays. People who 
    are deaf or hard of hearing are particularly invited to comment on the 
    various options for providing captioning that would best facilitate 
    effective communication. Where necessary, the Board may include 
    provisions for conduit, electrical service, screen anchoring devices at 
    seats, or other requirements that make providing accessible 
    communication possible in the built environment.
    Convenience Food Restaurants
        Convenience food restaurants, otherwise known as fast food 
    restaurants, often provide consumers the opportunity to order food from 
    a drive through facility. These facilities usually require voice 
    intercommunication. The Department of Justice has required restaurants 
    to accept orders at pick-up windows when the communications system is 
    not accessible to deaf, hard of hearing, or other people who are unable 
    to use voice communication.
        Question 37: Should the Board require that convenience food drive 
    through facilities provide accessible communications. If so, what means 
    would provide the greatest access for a variety of people with 
    disabilities? It has been suggested that an ATM type machine could 
    substitute for voice communication systems currently used. Is such an 
    application practical?
    Chapter 8: Special Rooms, Spaces, and Elements
        This chapter covers specific elements, rooms and spaces, including 
    assembly areas, dressing, fitting, and locker rooms, medical care 
    facilities, transient lodging, and detention and correctional 
    facilities. Under the new format of the revised guidelines, scoping 
    provisions contained in ADAAG for special occupancy sections have been 
    relocated to Chapter 2. Only technical requirements not otherwise 
    generally addressed are provided here for the rooms and spaces covered 
    by this chapter.
    802  Wheelchair Spaces and Designated Aisle Seats in Assembly Areas
        This section provides requirements for wheelchair spaces and 
    designated aisle seats in assembly areas. Requirements for wheelchair 
    space surfaces (802.2), width (802.3), depth (802.4), and approach 
    (802.5) are substantively consistent with specifications in ADAAG 4.33, 
    as recommended by the advisory committee. Consistent with a 
    recommendation from the advisory committee, clarification has been 
    added in 802.5 that access to any wheelchair space shall not be through 
    more than one adjoining wheelchair space.
        Question 38: Current ADAAG does not expressly address the issue of 
    overlap between wheelchair spaces and circulation routes. The Board is 
    considering adding a provision in the final rule that would clearly 
    prohibit circulation paths from overlapping wheelchair spaces. Comment 
    is sought on whether such a provision should be included in the final 
        As recommended by the advisory committee, the exception in ADAAG 
    4.33.3, that permits wheelchair spaces to be clustered in seating areas 
    with sight lines that require slopes greater than 5%, has been removed. 
    The removal of this provision is not intended to prohibit the 
    construction of traditional seating areas such as stadiums, bleachers 
    and balconies.
        Section 802.7 requires that each readily removable companion seat 
    be located ``next to and in the same row as each required wheelchair 
    space'' so that there is ``shoulder-to-shoulder'' alignment between 
    users of the wheelchair space and of the adjacent companion seat. This 
    is a change from ADAAG 4.33.3 which requires companion seats to be 
    fixed, as discussed in section 221.3 above. The Board also has added 
    clarification on the location of such seats. Some entities have 
    misinterpreted the phrase ``next to'' in the current ADAAG as 
    permitting the placement of companion seating in a row in front of or 
    behind the accompanying wheelchair space.
        Specifications for designated aisle seats in 802.8 are consistent 
    with requirements in ADAAG 4.1.3(19)(a).
        Section 802.6 requires dispersion of accessible seating in assembly 
    areas so as to provide individuals with disabilities seating choices 
    that are comparable to those offered to patrons without disabilities. 
    Specifically, in assembly areas with more than 300 seats, wheelchair 
    spaces and designated aisle seats must be dispersed throughout the 
    assembly area in a manner that ensures viewing angles and choices of 
    admission prices that are comparable to those provided to other 
    spectators. This does not represent a change from ADAAG 4.33.3.
        Where the minimum number of required wheelchair spaces or 
    designated aisle seats is not sufficient to allow for complete 
    dispersion in terms of the availability of all possible admission 
    prices and viewing angles, 802.6 specifies criteria for dispersion in 
    the following order of priority: admission prices, horizontal 
    dispersion, and vertical dispersion. These criteria are intended to be 
    consistent with Department of Justice (DOJ) interpretation of ADAAG 
    4.33.3 that wheelchair spaces be provided so that people with 
    disabilities have ``a choice of admission prices and lines of sight 
    comparable to those for members of the general public.''
        Section 802.6.1 requires the dispersal of accessible seating by the 
    price of admission, which means that wheelchair spaces and designated 
    aisle seating must be provided in each price level where the ticket 
    prices are distinguished by, or differ according to, the location of 
    the seating. The advisory committee considered dispersion according to 
    admission prices to be primarily an operational matter and recommended 
    that it be removed. The Board believes that such dispersion is an 
    important consideration in the design of assembly areas and the
    [[Page 62277]]
    location of accessible seating and has retained this provision.
        Assembly facility designers and people with disabilities have 
    requested clarification of the current requirement that wheelchair 
    spaces be dispersed. The Board has added requirements for horizontal 
    and vertical dispersion. Subject to the scoping requirements shown in 
    Table 221.2.1, wheelchair spaces and designated aisle seats must be 
    located at each accessible level in the assembly area, and in each 
    balcony or mezzanine that is located along an accessible route.
        Section 802.6.2 specifies that wheelchair spaces and designated 
    aisle seats shall be located in a manner to provide viewing angles that 
    are, in general, representative of the horizontal viewing angles that 
    are provided to spectators who occupy non-accessible seats. In the 
    past, wheelchair spaces were often located only at the ends of rows, 
    where a few of the standard seats in a seating configuration would be 
    removed and replaced with wheelchair spaces. This section clarifies 
    that this practice is not permissible, and, instead, that wheelchair 
    spaces must be provided in a variety of locations across the horizontal 
    rows of seats.
        The requirement for vertical dispersion in 802.6.3 seeks to ensure 
    equal treatment of people with disabilities in terms of the viewing 
    distance from the performance area or playing field. Like all patrons, 
    individual preferences vary among people with disabilities. The Board 
    places significant value on having equal opportunity to select a 
    viewing distance that satisfies individual requirements. However, in 
    the past, many designs have not provided adequate choice of viewing 
    distances. For example, first row seating may be desirable for a hockey 
    game and less desirable for viewing car racing or a movie.
        The Board's regulatory assessment indicates that vertical 
    dispersion could cost as much as $11 million for each ``large'' (50,000 
    seats) stadium or arena to provide vertical dispersion in uppermost 
    decks. According to the regulatory assessment, ``in order to 
    accommodate the additional dispersion required by this item, it is 
    assumed that an upper deck concourse will be required for the facility. 
    These large facilities generally have a lower deck, a middle deck (with 
    suites and/or club level amenities), and an upper deck. The steep 
    slopes used in the upper deck make it impractical to accommodate 
    accessible routes with more than a minimal change in level up or down 
    from the vomitory access point within the seating bowl. The dispersion 
    requirement based on admission pricing, and the vertical dispersion 
    requirement will generally require that a more substantial change in 
    level be accommodated outside the seating bowl for the upper deck area. 
    It is assumed that an additional concourse, of 50,000 square feet in 
    area, will be used to provide access to the upper deck at an additional 
        Question 39: Are there alternatives to constructing a secondary 
    concourse that would provide vertical dispersion in upper decks of 
    larger stadiums?
        Question 40: The Board places significant importance on providing 
    individuals with disabilities with selections from a variety of vantage 
    points to enjoy performances and sporting events. Are there conditions 
    where vertical separation between wheelchair spaces is not desirable? 
    Is there a point where increased distance does not improve 
    accessibility or contribute significantly to equal opportunity?
        Question 41: Section 802.6.3 uses the term ``varying distances.'' 
    Does the term ``varying distances'' provide sufficient guidance to 
    allow designers and others to know when they have successfully met the 
    criteria for compliance? If not, would it be preferable if a minimum 
    separation between horizontal rows were specified?
        The Board is considering a change in 802.6 that would be more 
    responsive to concerns that have arisen about the lack of dispersion of 
    wheelchair spaces in some assembly areas. Specifically, the Board is 
    concerned that dispersion has been inadequate in smaller facilities 
    such as stadium-style cinemas. While the provisions of 802.9 requiring 
    lines of sight comparable to those provided other spectators must be 
    satisfied in all cases, dispersion is required only when the seating 
    capacity exceeds 300. The Board is considering requiring that 
    dispersion be achieved where fewer than 300 seats are provided. The 
    Board is seeking comment on this point.
        Question 42: What would be the impact on small assembly facilities 
    of a reduction in the number of seats triggering the dispersion 
    requirement? The Board is particularly aware of the rapid pace of 
    construction of stadium-style cinemas and seeks comment on whether a 
    change in the dispersion requirement would adversely affect the 
    construction cost of these facilities. What is the average number of 
    seats provided per screen? Do cinemas provide more than one type of 
    theater? For example, is it typical to provide a few larger theaters 
    combined with a number of smaller theaters in a single facility? If so, 
    what is the average size of smaller and larger theaters? Designers and 
    operators of all types of assembly facilities are encouraged to comment 
    on the impact of reducing the number of seats from 300 to 250, 200, or 
    150. If other trigger points are more reasonable, please provide 
    recommendations and supporting data. People with disabilities are urged 
    to provide comment on experiences that relate to the need, or lack of 
    need, for greater dispersion in smaller assembly facilities. Is it 
    possible that dispersion would be detrimental to the use and enjoyment 
    of smaller facilities by people with disabilities? Common practice is 
    to disperse wheelchair seats in a small space by providing wheelchair 
    spaces at a cross aisle and in the rear of the assembly space. Would it 
    be acceptable for up to one half of the wheelchair spaces to be 
    provided in the last few rows of the assembly space for the purpose of 
    providing vertical separation between wheelchair spaces?
        Section 802.9 restates the requirement in ADAAG 4.33.3 that 
    individuals seated in wheelchairs be provided with lines of sight 
    comparable to those provided to other spectators. The Board is aware 
    that design professionals have expressed some uncertainty about how to 
    measure their compliance with this requirement. Therefore, the Board is 
    proposing to amend the guidelines to include specific technical 
    provisions to assist design professionals to determine if the sight 
    lines provided for people who use wheelchair spaces are comparable to 
    those provided to others. These technical provisions address sight 
    lines over both seated and standing spectators. Adherence to these 
    technical provisions will help ensure that people who use wheelchairs 
    are provided with an equal opportunity to view the performance or event 
    held in the assembly area.
        Section 802.9.1 addresses the placement of wheelchair spaces in 
    assembly areas where spectators are expected to remain seated during 
    events. Section 802.9.1 provides that spectators seated in wheelchairs 
    at events where people are expected to remain seated shall be provided 
    with lines of sight to the performance area or playing field comparable 
    to that provided to spectators in the seating area in closest proximity 
    to the location of the wheelchair spaces, but not in the same row. 
    Providing lines of sight for people who are seated in the wheelchair 
    spaces that are comparable to nearest seats in the same seating area 
    generally provides lines of sight for people with disabilities that are 
    comparable to those provided to others in facilities such as stadiums 
    or arenas where wheelchair
    [[Page 62278]]
    spaces are dispersed, because the dispersed locations provide the 
    opportunity for people who use wheelchairs to select seats with a range 
    of views of the performing area or playing field.
        Section 802.9.2 addresses assembly areas where people are expected 
    to stand at their seats during events. The sight line that is required 
    in 802.9.2 is one that is comparable to the sight lines provided to 
    standing spectators (over other standing spectators) who are located in 
    the seating area closest to the wheelchair spaces, but not in the same 
    row as the wheelchair spaces.
        Stadium-style motion picture theaters comprise a type of assembly 
    area that has become increasingly popular in the last several years. 
    They provide the general public with sight lines to the screen that 
    generally are far superior to those offered in traditional-style motion 
    picture theaters. Stadium-style theaters provide improved viewing in 
    one key way: they furnish an unobstructed view of the entire screen 
    through the utilization of relatively high risers that furnish 
    unobstructed viewing over the heads of the persons seated in the rows 
    ahead. As stadium-style theaters are currently designed, patrons using 
    wheelchair spaces are often relegated to a few rows of each auditorium, 
    in the traditional sloped floor area near the screen. Due to the size 
    and proximity of the screen, as well as other factors related to 
    stadium-style design, patrons using wheelchair spaces are required to 
    tilt their heads back at uncomfortable angles and to constantly move 
    their heads from side to side to view the screen. They are afforded 
    inferior lines of sight to the screen.
        The Board is aware of the Department of Justice's enforcement of 
    4.33.3 with respect to assembly areas with stadium-style seating. DOJ 
    has stated that 4.33.3 requires that wheelchair areas be an integral 
    part of any fixed seating plan, and be provided so that people with 
    disabilities have lines of sight and a choice of admission prices 
    comparable to those for other members of the general public. As applied 
    to stadium-style theaters (where most seats are placed on tiers or 
    risers to enhance viewing), DOJ has asserted in attempting to settle 
    particular cases that wheelchair seating locations must: (1) Be placed 
    within the stadium-style section of the theater, rather than on a 
    sloped floor or other area within the auditorium where tiers or risers 
    have not been used to improve viewing angles; (2) provide viewing 
    angles that are equivalent to or better than the viewing angles 
    (including vertical, horizontal, and angle to the top of screen) 
    provided by 50 percent of the seats in the auditorium, counting all 
    seats of any type sold in that auditorium; and (3) provide a view of 
    the screen, in terms of lack of obstruction (e.g., a clear view over 
    the heads of other patrons), that is in the top 50 percent of all seats 
    of any type sold in the auditorium. The Board is considering whether to 
    include specific requirements in the final rule that are consistent 
    with DOJ's interpretation of 4.33.3 to stadium-style movie theaters.
        The Board also is considering whether to provide additional 
    guidance on determining whether lines of sight are ``comparable'' in 
    assembly areas, and specifically requests comment on the following 
        Question 43: The current proposal specifies that wheelchair 
    locations provide sight lines that are comparable to those provided to 
    the seats nearest the wheelchair locations but not in the same row. The 
    Board is considering whether in assembly areas large enough to require 
    dispersion it would be appropriate to mandate that: spectators seated 
    in wheelchair spaces have lines of sight that are equivalent to or 
    better than the lines of sight provided to the majority of spectators 
    seated in the same class or category of seats, and spectators seated in 
    wheelchair spaces have lines of sight that are equivalent to or better 
    than the lines of sight provided to spectators seated next to the 
    wheelchair spaces. For example, a wheelchair space in the club seat 
    section of a stadium would have to provide a line of sight equivalent 
    to or better than the line of sight provided to the majority of 
    spectators in club seats of the same price, as well as provide a line 
    of sight equivalent to or better than that provided to spectators 
    seated next to the wheelchair space. A wheelchair space in a box seat 
    of a theater would have to provide a line of sight equivalent to or 
    better than the line of sight provided to the majority of patrons in 
    box seats of the same price, as well as provide a line of sight 
    equivalent to or better than that provided to spectators seated next to 
    the wheelchair space. A wheelchair space in the $30 per seat section of 
    an arena, where spectators are expected to stand at times during the 
    event, would have to provide a line of sight over standing spectators 
    equivalent to or better than that provided to the majority of standing 
    spectators in the $30 section of the arena, as well as provide a line 
    of sight equivalent to or better than that provided to spectators 
    seated next to the wheelchair space. The Board requests comment on the 
    relative merit of the current proposal, as applied to assembly areas 
    where dispersion is required, and the alternative requirement described 
    in this question.
        When the dispersion of wheelchair spaces is not required, (i.e., in 
    small assembly areas) the placement of the wheelchair spaces in 
    relation to other seating acquires greater significance because 
    wheelchair users are not offered a choice of viewing angles. Therefore, 
    in order to ensure equal opportunity for people who use wheelchairs in 
    assembly areas in which dispersion is not required, it may be necessary 
    for wheelchair spaces not only to provide lines of sight comparable to 
    those provided to spectators seated in the same area, but also to 
    provide lines of sight that are comparable to those provided for most 
    of the other patrons in the assembly area. Consequently, the Board is 
    considering specifying that wheelchair spaces in assembly areas, where 
    dispersion is not required, must be located so that the lines of sight 
    provided are comparable to (i.e., equal to or better than) the lines of 
    sight provided to the ``majority'' of the patrons in the assembly area.
        Question 44: Should ADAAG specify that wheelchair spaces in 
    assembly areas, where wheelchair spaces generally are not dispersed 
    shall provide unobstructed lines of sight that provide a line of sight 
    equivalent to or better than the line of sight provided for the 
    majority of event spectators?
    803  Dressing, Fitting, and Locker Rooms
        This section revises requirements for dressing and fitting rooms in 
    ADAAG 4.35 and also specifically addresses locker rooms as well. 
    Section 803.2 requires wheelchair turning space in accessible rooms. A 
    portion of this space (6 inches maximum) can extend under partitions or 
    openings without doors that provide toe clearance at least 9 inches 
    high. A provision in ADAAG 4.35.2 that exempts rooms with curtained 
    openings from the requirement for turning space has been removed so 
    that a consistent level of access is provided in all types of dressing 
    and fitting rooms.
        Benches are required to comply with criteria in section 903, which 
    contains revised specifications for benches (see discussion below). 
    Where mirrors are provided, ADAAG 4.35.5 requires that accessible rooms 
    have full-length mirrors and provides minimum dimensions. As 
    recommended by the advisory committee, this requirement has been 
    removed because of the wide variation of room types covered by this 
    section. In some cases, such as a large locker room, compliance with 
    the ADAAG mirror specifications will not
    [[Page 62279]]
    ensure that a full-length mirror is usable from an accessible bench. 
    Consistent with requirements for toilet and bathing facilities, 
    criteria for accessible coat hooks and fold-down shelves have been 
    added in section 803.5 and apply where such elements are provided.
    804  Sinks, Kitchens, Kitchenettes, and Wet Bars
        This section derives from requirements for transient lodging 
    facilities in ADAAG 9.2.2(7). However, under revised scoping in section 
    212, these criteria are applicable not only to transient lodging guest 
    rooms but to other accessible spaces as well, such as employee break 
    rooms. These requirements are consistent with ADAAG except that a 
    forward approach to sinks is required whereas ADAAG 9.2.2(7) permits a 
    parallel approach to sinks at guest room kitchens or kitchenettes. This 
    revision allows a consistent level of access at sinks, since accessible 
    sinks in other types of spaces are required to have a forward approach.
    805  Medical Care Facility Patient or Resident Sleeping Rooms
        This section is based on requirements for patient bedrooms in ADAAG 
    6.3. Clarification is added in section 805.2 that required wheelchair 
    turning space cannot extend beneath beds. Requirements for clear floor 
    space on each side of beds has been revised to specify a parallel 
    approach according to section 305, which is substantively similar to 
    the requirement in ADAAG 6.3(3) for clear floor space at least 36 
    inches wide alongside beds. The advisory committee recommended a 
    provision for accessible windows. The Board has relocated this 
    requirement to section 230 so that it applies to other facility types 
    as well. An exception in ADAAG 6.3(1) for entry doors to acute care 
    hospital bedrooms has been relocated to scoping requirements for doors 
    in 404.1 (Tables 404.2.4.1 and 2).
    806  Transient Lodging Guest Rooms
        Requirements for accessible transient lodging guest rooms in ADAAG 
    9.2.2 and 9.3 are provided in this section. In accordance with the new 
    format of the revised guidelines, scoping provisions contained in ADAAG 
    for special occupancy sections have been relocated to Chapter 2.
        Section 806.2 addresses accessible guest rooms. Scoping for 
    accessible routes, doors and doorways, storage, controls, and parking 
    in ADAAG 9.2.2(2) through (6) are covered by general scoping provisions 
    for such elements in Chapter 2. ADAAG 9.2.2(6) provides an exception 
    for access to exterior spaces that allows a higher threshold or change 
    in level where necessary ``to protect the integrity of the unit from 
    wind/water damage.'' This exception, which requires alternate 
    provisions of access, has been removed because the advisory committee 
    was convinced that design solutions are available that allow access 
    while preventing wind or water damage. Other revisions include:
         Clarification that clear floor space on each side of beds 
    for a parallel approach according to section 305 is required, which is 
    substantively similar to the requirement in ADAAG 9.2.2(1) for clear 
    floor space at least 36 inches wide alongside beds (806.2.3);
         A new provision added by the Board that requires 
    accessible vanity tops at lavatories in accessible guest rooms if 
    vanity tops are provided in other guest rooms (806.2.4.1);
         Sinks in kitchens and kitchenettes are required to provide 
    a forward approach (804.3 as referenced by 806.2.5); and
         Clarification that wheelchair turning space is required 
    and that beds cannot overlap this space (806.2.6).
        The advisory committee recommended provisions for accessible 
    windows in transient lodging facilities as well. The Board has 
    relocated this requirement to section 230 so as to be applicable to 
    other facility types as well.
        Section 806.3 covers accessible communication features in guest 
    rooms. Like ADAAG 9.3, this section requires visual alarms and 
    notification devices. A provision in ADAAG 9.3.2 recognizes the 
    provision of outlets and wiring for portable devices as an ``equivalent 
    facilitation.'' This provision, like others concerning equivalent 
    facilitation have been removed as information that is advisory. 
    Further, revisions to requirements for visual alarms in guest rooms in 
    section 702.3.6 effectively prohibit the use of most portable alarms. 
    Use of portable visual notification devices for incoming telephone 
    calls and door knocks or bells, while not specifically recognized, are 
    not specifically prohibited.
        ADAAG 9.4 requires that doors and doorways to inaccessible guest 
    rooms provide a 32 inch minimum clearance. This requirement has been 
    relocated to scoping for transient lodging guest rooms in section 
    224.1. ADAAG 9.5 has specific provisions for homeless shelters, halfway 
    houses, transient group homes, and other social service establishments. 
    In buildings not required to have elevators, an exception in ADAAG 
    9.5.1 states that common use amenities are not required to be 
    accessible on inaccessible floors as long as one of each type of 
    amenity is provided in common use areas on accessible floors. ADAAG 
    9.5.2 permits allowances for existing homeless shelters that are 
    altered. The advisory committee recommended that these provisions be 
    removed because special treatment of these types of facilities was not 
    considered warranted.
    807  Holding Cells and Housing Cells or Rooms
        This section provides requirements for cells or rooms required to 
    be accessible in detention or correctional facilities or judicial 
    facilities. The specifications are consistent with ADAAG 11.2.3 and 
    12.5. Consistent with provisions for medical care facilities and 
    transient lodging, clarification has been added in section 807.2.1 that 
    beds cannot overlap required wheelchair turning space. Benches, where 
    provided, are required to comply with section 903 and visual alarms are 
    subject to requirements in 702.3.6. Specifications for these elements 
    have been revised for benches, as discussed at section 903, and for 
    fire alarm systems, as discussed at section 702.
    Chapter 9: Built-In Furnishings and Equipment
        This chapter covers built-in furnishings and equipment. Provisions 
    for seating at tables and counters, check-out aisles, and storage areas 
    are provided. These requirements apply to a variety of facilities and 
    effectively replace those in ADAAG 8 specific to library reading and 
    study areas, check-out areas, card catalogs, magazine displays, and 
    902  Dining and Work Surfaces
        This section is consistent with ADAAG 4.32 in providing 
    specifications for seating at dining and work surfaces, including 
    dining counters covered by ADAAG 5.2. Clear floor space is required for 
    a forward approach complying with section 306, which specifies 
    clearances for knees and toes. (ADAAG 4.32.3 only specifies a knee 
    clearance for the full depth for the clear floor space). Additionally, 
    section 306 is different from ADAAG by increasing the permitted overlap 
    of clear floor space from 19 to 25 inches.
    903  Benches
        Requirements for benches derive from specifications for dressing 
    and fitting rooms in ADAAG 4.35.4. Section 903.2 clarifies that the 
    required clear floor space is to be positioned for a parallel approach 
    ``to an end of the bench seat.'' Dimensions for the bench have been
    [[Page 62280]]
    revised to provide greater flexibility. The depth has been changed from 
    24 inches absolute to a range of 20 to 24 inches; the minimum width has 
    been reduced from 48 to 42 inches. The advisory committee considered 
    these changes helpful in allowing more flexibility in the size of 
    benches without reducing access. The Board has added a requirement that 
    back support be provided that extends vertically from a point no more 
    than 2 inches above the bench to a height of at least 18 inches above 
    the bench and that extends horizontally at least 42 inches. This 
    requirement replaces the ADAAG requirement that the bench be installed 
    on the wall.
    904  Sales and Service Counters
        This section covers check-out aisles, point of sales and service 
    counters, and food service lines. In section 904.2, clarification has 
    been added that all portions of counters required to be accessible 
    shall be adjacent to an accessible walking surface. Section 904.3 and 
    904.4 are consistent with requirements for check-out aisles and sales 
    and service counters in ADAAG 7.2 and 7.3. Section 904.4 differs from 
    ADAAG in that it does not distinguish between counters with cash 
    registers and those without. Provisions in ADAAG 7.2(2) that recognize 
    alternatives for counters without cash registers (access to auxiliary 
    counters, folding shelves, etc.,) have not been included. ADAAG 
    requirements basically presume a parallel approach to sales and service 
    counters. The Board has included criteria for a forward approach as an 
    alternative to a parallel approach. The Board also has added an 
    exception for alterations where compliance would result in a reduction 
    of the number of existing counters at work stations or existing 
    adjacent mail boxes. In this case, an accessible counter at least 24 
    inches in length (instead of 36 inches for a parallel approach and 30 
    inches for a forward approach) is permitted.
        Section 904.5 covers food service lines and is consistent with 
    requirements in ADAAG 5.5. A minimum height (28 inches) for tray slides 
    has been added. This specification derives from the ICC/ANSI A117.1 
    standard. Section 904.6 requires that where counter or teller windows 
    have security glazing to separate personnel from the public, at least 
    one of each type must provide a method to facilitate voice 
    communication. These specifications are based on those in ADAAG 7.2(3) 
    as amended for State and local government facilities. However, in the 
    revised guidelines, this requirement applies to all types of facilities 
    where such glazing is provided at sales or service counters.
    905  Storage
        Requirements in this section are substantively the same as those 
    for storage in ADAAG 4.25 except for one change. ADAAG requires that 
    storage hardware meet operating characteristics for controls. Section 
    905.4 requires compliance with all criteria for operable parts in 
    section 309, which includes not only operating characteristics but 
    clear floor space and height as well.
    Chapter 10: Transportation Facilities
        As in current ADAAG, chapter 10 is organized to cover one type of 
    occupancy because there are a variety of requirements unique to 
    transportation facilities. This chapter covers bus stops and terminals, 
    rail facilities and stations, and airports.
    1002  Bus Stops and Terminals
        This section is consistent with requirements in ADAAG 10.2 and no 
    substantive changes have been made.
    1003  Facilities and Stations
        Provisions in ADAAG 10.3 that apply to accessible routes have been 
    removed because scoping for accessible routes in Chapter 2 (section 
    206) applies to transit facilities as well. This pertains to 
    requirements in 10.3.1(1), (3), (7), (10) and (19). ADAAG 10.3 also 
    covers ``intercity bus stations.'' This reference has been removed from 
    1003 because virtually all the remaining provisions are specific to 
    rail stations. Intercity bus stations are considered adequately covered 
    by the scoping and technical requirements of the other chapters. In 
    addition, the following requirements have been removed:
         Minimum illumination levels at signage and uniform levels 
    along routes (ADAAG 10.3.1(11)) for consistency since illumination 
    levels in other facility types are not addressed;
         Placement of clocks in ``uniform locations throughout the 
    facility or system'' (ADAAG 10.3.1(15)) since this provision lacks 
    clarity for purposes of compliance;
         Criteria for escalator treads, including marking strips 
    (ADAAG 10.3.1(16)) because they are more applicable to general safety 
    than to accessibility;
         Transparent panels in elevator cars (ADAAG 10.3.1(17)) 
    since this pertains to public security for everyone, not specifically 
    to accessibility for people with disabilities;
         Specifications for counters (ADAAG 10.3.1(18)) because 
    general scoping for sales and service counters in section 227 already 
    covers them; and
         References to alterations to areas containing a primary 
    function (ADAAG 10.3.3) which the Board considers unnecessary since 
    this is addressed generally for alterations in section 202.
        Section 1003.2.2 requires signs to comply with section 703, which 
    is considerably different from signage requirements in ADAAG 4.30 as 
    discussed above. Section 1003.2.2.3 addresses informational signs and 
    is consistent with ADAAG 10.3.1(6). However, an exception has been 
    added that allows smaller characters where space for signs is limited. 
    This revision was recommended by the advisory committee.
        Section 1003.2.3 addresses fare vending machines and gates. Fare 
    vending machines are required to comply with section 707, which has 
    been extensively updated as discussed above. ADAAG 10.3.1(7) provides 
    criteria for gates at fare collection devices and requires compliance 
    with the requirements for doors and also specifies that those that must 
    be pushed open by people using wheelchairs must have a smooth 
    continuous surface from 2 inches above the floor to 27 inches above the 
    floor. The Board has retained the requirement for compliance with 
    specifications for doors in section 404 but has removed the dimension 
    criteria for push gates, as recommended by the advisory committee.
        Section 1003.2.4 requires detectable warnings at platform edges 
    bordering drop-offs. A requirement for detectable warnings at track 
    crossings in ADAAG 10.3.1(13) was removed at the advisory committee's 
        The Board has included several changes to this chapter. Section 
    1003.2.5 addresses the coordination in height between platform and 
    vehicle floors. This is similar to ADAAG 10.3.1(9) except that 
    clarification has been added that the vertical difference applies to 
    ``all'' passenger car load conditions. ``Slow moving'' people mover 
    systems as addressed in this provision have been defined as those with 
    a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour, consistent with Board and 
    Department of Transportation interpretations. Section 1003.2.6 requires 
    TTYs at public pay telephones at transit facility entrances. The number 
    of pay telephones at an entrance which triggers installation of a TTY 
    has been reduced from four (which ADAAG 10.3.1(12) specifies) to one. 
    Section 1003.2.11 requires accessible direct connections to other 
    facilities. This is consistent with ADAAG 10.3.1(3) but has been 
    clarified that the direct
    [[Page 62281]]
    connection, as opposed to a circulation path to another entrance, is 
    required to be accessible, consistent with the original intent of 
        Section 1003.2.8 and 1004.3 require that where public address 
    systems are provided to convey information to the public, a means of 
    conveying the same or equivalent information to persons who are deaf or 
    hard of hearing be provided. Like ADAAG 10.3.1(14) and 10.4.1(6), these 
    provisions apply only to terminals, stations, airports and other 
    transportation facilities. In addition, these provisions do not 
    explicitly require electronic means of visible communication, even when 
    public address systems are intended to be heard in remote areas of a 
    facility. These provisions do not apply to messages that are not 
    intended to be public, such as employee paging.
        Question 45: The Board seeks comment on whether additional 
    provisions for an equivalent means of communication should be applied 
    to facilities other than transportation facilities in the final rule. 
    For example, captioning can be associated with electronic scoreboards 
    in stadiums, public address systems at airports, and can convey 
    announcements in other facilities that currently provide communication 
    systems that are inaccessible to people who are deaf or hard of 
    hearing. In addition, the Board is considering establishing more 
    specific criteria for equivalent visual communication. For example, the 
    Board may require that electronic signs be visible in the areas of the 
    facility where public address systems are audible. To accomplish this, 
    the Board may establish technical requirements for visible signs in the 
    final rule. Commenters are requested to provide information, including 
    technical specifications, regarding the various means of providing 
    equivalent information that have been employed in all types of 
    facilities, including transportation facilities and airports. What 
    methods provide the most equivalent visual communication? Are there 
    ``low tech'' methods that are equally effective for certain types of 
    facilities given the customary circulation patterns or other features 
    of the facility?
        The present rulemaking proposes to amend only the ADA (36 CFR Part 
    1191) and the ABA (36 CFR Part 1190) accessibility guidelines however, 
    the Board is interested in obtaining certain key information that may 
    assist in a future rulemaking to amend the Board's transportation 
    vehicle guidelines (36 CFR 1192). Specifically, the Board is interested 
    in technical information, including specifications for making train 
    announcements, including station announcements and emergency 
    announcements accessible to people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
        Question 46: What means are available for providing visual train 
    announcements when audible announcements are provided?
    Platform Height
        Exception 2 to section 1003.2.5 Rail-to-Platform Height would 
    permit the use of mini-high platforms, car-borne or platform-mounted 
    lifts, ramps or bridge plates, or manually deployed devices where it is 
    not operationally or structurally feasible to meet the plus-or-minus 
    \5/8\ inch or 1\1/2\ inch vertical, or 3 inch horizontal platform-to-
    car gap requirements. For commuter and intercity rail, ``not 
    operationally feasible'' usually means the track is also used by 
    freight trains and the need to allow the passage of oversized freight 
    precludes a high platform. The American Railway Engineering and 
    Maintenance of Way Association (AREMWA) recommends a new platform 
    height of 8 inches above top-of-rail. This height allows for freight 
    passage while reducing the height of the first step of a rail car above 
    the platform. Often a potable step stool is used to make up the height 
    difference between a lower platform and the first step. Negotiating 
    such a step can be difficult for ambulatory passengers, especially 
    since handrails are usually not available. Also, requiring the 8-inch 
    height would reduce the vertical travel distance for a lift.
        Question 47: Should the final rule require that new platforms for 
    commuter or intercity rail stations have a height of 8 inches above 
    1004  Airports
        Section 1004 provides requirements for airports consistent with 
    ADAAG 10.4. As with requirements for rail stations in 1003, provisions 
    for accessible routes have been removed as unnecessary due to general 
    scoping requirements in section 206. This pertains to requirements in 
    ADAAG 10.4(1), (2), (3), and (5). In addition, a requirement for 
    placement of clocks in uniform locations in ADAAG 10.4(7) has been 
    Chapter 11: Residential Facilities
        The Board has included requirements for accessible dwelling units 
    in the revised guidelines. The technical requirements of this chapter 
    derive from updated guidelines for residential facilities contained in 
    the ICC/ANSI A117.1-1998 standard. These requirements represent an 
    addition to ADAAG, which currently does not address such facilities. 
    Under the ADA, the Department of Justice determines the application of 
    the guidelines to residential facilities. This chapter also serves to 
    update requirements for dwelling units in the minimum guidelines for 
    federally funded facilities upon which UFAS is based.
        Section 1102 covers accessible dwelling units and provides 
    requirements for entrances, elements of accessible routes, private 
    residence elevators, laundry equipment, toilet and bathing facilities, 
    kitchens, windows, and storage facilities. Substantive changes from the 
    ICC/ANSI A117.1 standard include:
         Removal of an exception for exterior sliding doors that 
    would permit a maximum `` inch threshold instead of the \1/3\ inch 
    maximum otherwise specified (1102.5);
         Addition of a requirement that private residence elevators 
    meet the ASME/ANSI A17.1 safety standard (1102.7);
         Revision of inside elevator car dimensions to meet the 
    clear floor space requirements in section 305 (1102.7.7);
         Addition of a requirement that, where removable base 
    cabinetry is used below lavatories and kitchen work surfaces and sinks, 
    the sides and back wall be finished (1102.11.3, 1102.12.3.1, 
    1102.12.4.1); and
         Addition of specifications for bottom-hinged ovens 
        Section 1103 provides requirements for dwelling units with 
    accessible communication features. Specifications in this section cover 
    smoke detectors, fire alarms systems and visual appliances, doorbells, 
    and entry communication systems. The Board has added requirements in 
    section 1103.5 that doorbells provide a visible signal and that these 
    visible notification devices, where located in sleeping areas, have a 
    deactivation switch.
        Some designers or building owners may elect to provide visual 
    alarms in more than one room. However, the visual signal is required to 
    be provided in only one room so that building alarms are visible from 
    within the dwelling unit. Once wiring is provided for a single visual 
    signal in the dwelling unit, additional visual signals can be connected 
    to the system when needed by an occupant.
    [[Page 62282]]
    Regulatory Process Matters
    Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review Congressional 
    Review Act
        This proposed rule is an economically significant regulatory action 
    under Executive Order 12866 and has been reviewed by the Office of 
    Management and Budget. The proposed rule is also a major rule under the 
    Congressional Review Act. The Board has prepared a regulatory 
    assessment for the proposed rule. The regulatory assessment has been 
    placed in the docket and is available for public inspection. The 
    regulatory assessment is also available on the Board's Internet site 
        The proposed rule revises and updates the accessibility guidelines 
    for the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Architectural Barriers 
    Act, and will ensure greater consistency and uniformity in the 
    accessible design, construction, and alteration of buildings and 
    facilities by the private sector, State and local governments, and the 
    Federal government. The proposed rule is based largely on the 
    recommendations of the ADAAG Review Advisory Committee, which consisted 
    of representatives of the design and construction industry, the 
    building code community, State and local governments, and people with 
        The regulatory assessment examines the impact of sections of the 
    proposed rule that establish new requirements. Requirements currently 
    contained in existing guidelines and regulations have not been 
    considered in the regulatory assessment. The Board used several sources 
    as a baseline to determine the impact of sections of the proposed rule 
    that establish new requirements. These include the American National 
    Standard A117.1-1998 for Accessible and Usable Buildings and 
    Facilities, a consensus standard referenced by the model codes; the new 
    International Building Code being developed by the International Code 
    Council which is expected to widely be adopted by State and local 
    governments; and industry practice. The Board has worked closely with 
    the groups responsible for developing the A117.1-1998 standard and the 
    International Building Code to harmonize the Board's guidelines and 
    those codes and standards. As a result, the proposed rule, the A117.1-
    1998 standard, and the International Building Code contain very similar 
    provisions. For those sections of the proposed rule that are similar to 
    the A117.1-1998 standard and the International Building Code, the Board 
    has assumed no impact resulting from the proposed rule. Where the 
    proposed rule differs from the A117.1-1998 standard, the International 
    Building Code, and industry practice, the Board examined sections that 
    are likely to have a measurable impact on the design and construction 
    of buildings and facilities. Sections that are likely to have no or 
    minimal impact were not included in the regulatory assessment. In all, 
    13 separate building elements or items were examined in the regulatory 
    assessment. One of the items, accessible vending equipment, was 
    determined to have no cost impact on further examination and is not 
    included in the data summarized below.
        Table 1 lists the sections of the proposed rule that are expected 
    to have an impact, the accessible elements required, and the unit cost 
    for each element. Where an element is expected to result in an increase 
    in space, the amount of space increase or the average cost for a square 
    foot of space is listed.
                                   Table 1.--Building Element Costs: New Construction
                       Section                                       Accessible Element                    Unit Cost
    203.2.......................................  Employee Work Areas--Visual Alarms.....................       $270, F217.4.2, F217.4.3...............  TTYs...................................................      1,998
    231.1, 708.1, 708.2.........................  Two-Way Communication Systems--Visual Signals..........      1,077
    234.1.3, 1103.1, 1103.5, 1103.5.1...........  Dwelling Units: Communication Features--Doorbell with          250
                                                   Visual Signal.
    234.1.3, 1103.1, 1103.6.....................  Dwelling Units: Communication Features--TTY Capability         264
                                                   at Site/Building/Floor Entry.
    230.1.......................................  Accessible Operable Windows--``Add-On'' Hardware.......        364
    221.5.......................................  Assembly Areas: ``Equivalent'' Vertical Access--3-Stop      61,794
                                                   Hydraulic Elevator.
    802.6.......................................  Assembly Areas: Dispersion of Wheelchair Spaces/            14,213
                                                   Designated Aisle Seats--Platform Lifts.
    221.3, 802.7................................  Assembly Areas: Wheelchair Space Companion Seats--6          1,315
                                                   Square Ft. Area Increase and Anchorings.
    221.4.1, 221.4.2............................  Assembly Areas: Designated Aisle Seats on Accessible           204
                                                   Route--Average Cost Square Foot of Assembly Facility.
    224.4, 806.3, 806.3.1, 702.3.6..............  Transient Lodging Guest Rooms--Visual Alarms...........        293
    224.2, 806.3, 806.3.2, 704.3................  Transient Lodging Guest Rooms--Doorbell with Visual            263
        Table 2 summarizes data for the building types that are expected to 
    be affected by the sections in Table 1. Four building types are 
    included: office building, hotel, multi-family dwelling unit, and 
    stadium/arena. Stadium/arena is further examined by the size of the 
    facility: large, medium, and small. With the exception of the large 
    stadium/arena, the total cost for the accessible elements as a 
    percentage of total construction costs is one-half percent or less for 
    the various building types. Multiplex cinemas were considered also but 
    were determined to have no cost impact.
                                     Table 2.--Building Type Costs: New Construction
                                                            Accessible elements                       Total cost for
                                      ---------------------------------------------------------------   accessible
    Building type size,  construction                                                                    elements
                   cost                                                                                percentage of
                                                           Number                          Cost        construction
    Office Building, 200,000 sq. ft.,  Employee Work Areas--Visual Alarm Appliances,         $65,375         $66,452
     $25,000,000.                       250.
                                       Two-Way Communication Systems, 1.............           1,077           0.27%
    [[Page 62283]]
    Hotel, 150 guest rooms,            Guest Rooms--Visual Alarms 63................          18,459         $35,028
                                       Guest Rooms--Notification Devices, 63........          16,569           0.44%
    Multi-Family Dwelling Unit, 800-   Dwelling Unit--Doorbell with Visual Signals,              250            $514
     1,000 sq. ft., $100,000.           1.
                                       Dwelling Unit--TTY Capability on Site/                    264           0.51%
                                        Building/Floor Entry System 1.
    Large Stadium/Arena, 50,000        ``Equivalent'' Vertical Access, 3 Elevators..         185,382     $11,846,702
     seats, $350,000,000.
                                       Dispersion of Wheelchair Spaces/Designated         11,000,000            3.4%
                                        Aisle Seats, 50,000 sq. ft., mezzanine in
                                        upper deck.
                                       Wheelchair Space Companion Seats, 501........         661,320
                                       Designated Aisle Seats in Accessible Route,
                                        No impact assumed.
    Medium Stadium/Arena, 20,000       ``Equivalent'' Vertical Access, 2 Elevators..         123,558        $751,760
     seats, $200,000,000.
                                       Dispersion of Wheelchair Spaces/Designated            $56,852           0.38%
                                        Aisle Seats, 4 Lifts.
                                       Wheelchair Space Companion Seats, 201........         265,320
                                       Designated Aisle Seats on Accessible Route,           306,000
                                        1,500 sq. ft..
    Small Stadium/Arena, 11,000 seats  ``Equivalent'' Vertical Access, 1 Elevator...          61,794        $236,740
                                       Dispersion of Wheelchair Spaces/Designated             28,426           0.47%
                                        Aisle Seats, 2 Lifts.
                                       Wheelchair Space Companion Seats, 111........         146,520
                                       Designated Aisle Seats on Accessible Route,
                                        No impact assumed.
        As shown in Table 2, the regulatory assessment sampled a variety of 
    types of assembly facilities. However, the regulatory assessment did 
    not include facilities that have between 300 and 11,000 seats. The 
    Board seeks information on what types of facilities have more than 300 
    and fewer than 11,000 seats. In addition, how many of each type of 
    facility is constructed each year?
        None of the building types examined include TTYs or operable 
    windows because either these elements typically are not provided in the 
    building types; or if provided, these elements would be covered by the 
    existing guidelines, the A 117.1-1998 standard, or the International 
    Building Code. For instance under the existing guidelines (ADAAG 
    4.1.3(17)(c)(i)), public facilities are required to provide a TTY if an 
    interior public pay phone is provided in a public use area of a 
    building. Under the proposed rule, public facilities would have to 
    provide a TTY on a floor when a public pay phone is provided on a 
    floor. If public pay phones are provided in public facilities, it is 
    assumed that they are usually located in the lobby area on the main 
    floor and would be covered by the existing guidelines. The number of 
    new facilities that would not otherwise be covered by the existing 
    guidelines, the A 117.1-1998 standard, and the International Building 
    Code and would have to provide TTYs under the proposed rule is assumed 
    to be small. It is estimated that 50 additional TTYs would be provided 
    annually at an aggregate cost of $99,900. The Board seeks comment on 
    this estimate.
        Table 3 presents the annual costs of the accessible elements for 
    the various building types examined. The total costs are estimated to 
    be $88,360,726. These costs are for new construction only. Because of 
    the widely varying conditions in existing buildings and facilities, it 
    is not feasible to estimate the impact of the proposed rule where 
    alterations occur. The extent of the impact of the proposed rule on an 
    existing building or facility undergoing alteration will depend on the 
    existing condition of the building with regard to accessibility, the 
    extent of the work planned, and the technical feasability of 
           Table 3.--Annual Costs for Building Types: New Construction
                                                                 Costs for
           Building type and number of new facilities           accessible
    Office Building, 250....................................     $16,397,600
    Hotel, 890..............................................      31,174,920
    Multi-Family Dwelling Unit, 800.........................         305,600
    Large Stadium/Arena, 3..................................      35,540,106
    Medium Stadium/Arena, 5.................................       3,758,800
    Small Stadium/Arena, 5..................................       1,183,700
    All Building Types......................................      88,360,726
        The Board has requested Federal agencies to review the impact of 
    the proposed requirements in the Architectural Barriers Act guidelines 
    on their leased facilities. The General Services Administration and 
    other agencies report that they do not expect an impact on their leased 
    facilities. The United States Postal Service (USPS) reports that it 
    leases approximately 27,000 facilities, and of these approximately 
    3,000 new leases are negotiated annually for previously occupied 
    facilities. USPS reports that it will have to provide van accessible 
    parking spaces and accessible customer service counters, and upgrade 
    its alarm systems when new leases are negotiated for previously 
    occupied facilities. USPS estimates that these items will cost $10,000 
    per facility, or $30,000,000 annually.
        The proposed rule will ensure that buildings and facilities covered 
    by the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Architectural Barriers 
    Act are readily accessible to and usable by people with disabilities 
    and provide them equal opportunity to participate in and use the 
    activities, goods, benefits, programs, and services provided therein. 
    The proposed rule should also facilitate the certification of State and 
    local building codes by the Attorney General. Under the Americans With 
    Disabilities Act, State and local governments may request the Attorney 
    General to certify State and local building codes where those codes 
    establish accessibility requirements that meet or exceed the Federal 
    requirements. As discussed above, the Board has worked with
    [[Page 62284]]
    groups responsible for the A117.1-1998 standard and International 
    Building Code to harmonize the guidelines and those codes and 
    standards, which are expected to be widely adopted by State and local 
    governments. As a result, it should be easier for State and local 
    governments to have the Attorney General certify their building codes 
    in the future. Architects, designers, owners, and other persons covered 
    by the Americans With Disabilities Act also will find it easier to 
    comply with these laws if State and local building codes are certified. 
    Instead of having to review building and facility designs for 
    compliance with both Federal requirements and State and local 
    government requirements, persons can be reasonably assured that 
    compliance with State and local requirements will satisfy Federal 
    requirements. The Americans With Disabilities Act specifically provides 
    that in any enforcement action, certification of a State and local 
    building code by the Attorney General is rebuttable evidence that the 
    code meets or exceeds Federal requirements. The proposed rule is 
    expected to result in a greater degree of compliance with Federal 
    Executive Order 13132: Federalism
        This proposed rule is issued to implement the Americans With 
    Disabilities Act and the Architectural Barriers Act and will ensure 
    that buildings and facilities covered by those laws are readily 
    accessible to and usable by people with disabilities. Ensuring the 
    civil rights of people with disabilities has been recognized as a 
    responsibility of the Federal government. The Americans With 
    Disabilities Act was enacted to provide a clear and comprehensive 
    national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against people 
    with disabilities. Issuance of the proposed rule is consistent with the 
    fundamental federalism principles set forth in Executive Order 13132. 
    The Board is required by Federal statute to develop and maintain 
    accessibility guidelines for building and facilities to serve as a 
    basis for uniform accessibility standards adopted by other Federal 
    agencies. In updating and revising the guidelines, the Board has 
    utilized an advisory committee which represented the design and 
    construction industry, the building code community, State and local 
    governments, and people with disabilities. In addition to requesting 
    public comments on the proposed rule, the Board will hold public 
    hearings to give all interested persons ample opportunity to share 
    their views regarding the rule with the Board.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act does not apply to proposed or 
    final rules that enforce constitutional rights of individuals or 
    enforce any statutory rights that prohibit discrimination on the basis 
    of race, color, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or disability. 
    Since the proposed rule is issued under the authority of the Americans 
    With Disabilities Act and the Architectural Barriers Act, an assessment 
    of the rule's affects on State, local, and tribal governments, and the 
    private sector is not required by the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Chair, on behalf of the Board, certifies pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 
    605(b) that the proposed rule will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. As discussed above 
    under Executive Order 12866 and the Congressional Review Act, the Board 
    has assessed the impact of the proposed rule on various building types. 
    The proposed rule is expected to have an impact of one-half percent or 
    less on new construction costs for the various buildings and 
    facilities, with the exception of a large stadium/arena which does not 
    qualify as a small entity. These impacts are described more fully in 
    the regulatory analyses prepared for the proposed rule. Based on this, 
    the Board expects that the proposed rule will have an economic impact, 
    but not a significant economic impact, on small entities and therefore 
    a regulatory flexibility analysis has not been prepared. Nonetheless, 
    the Board is interested in the potential impacts of the proposed rule 
    on small entities and welcomes additional comments during the 
    rulemaking process on issues related to such impacts.
    List of Subjects
    36 CFR Part 1190
        Buildings and facilities, Individuals with disabilities.
    36 CFR Part 1191
        Buildings and facilities, Civil rights, Individuals with 
    disabilities, Transportation.
    June I. Kailes,
    Chair, Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
        For the reasons stated in the preamble, under the authority of 29 
    U.S.C. 792(b)(3) and 42 U.S.C. 12204, the Architectural and 
    Transportation Barriers Compliance Board proposes to amend chapter XI 
    of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
    PART 1190--[REMOVED]
        1. Part 1190 is removed.
        2. Part 1191 is revised to read as follows:
    1191.1  Accessibility guidelines.
    Appendix A to Part 1191--Americans With Disabilities Act: Scoping
    Appendix B to Part 1191--Architectural Barriers Act: Scoping
    Appendix C to Part 1191--Technical
        Authority: 29 U.S.C. 792(b)(3); 42 U.S.C. 12204.
    Sec. 1191.1  Accessibility guidelines.
        (a) The accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities 
    covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act are set forth in 
    Appendices A and C to this part. The guidelines serve as the basis for 
    accessibility standards adopted by the Department of Justice and the 
    Department of Transportation under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
        (b) The accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities 
    covered by the Architectural Barriers Act are set forth in Appendices B 
    and C to this part. The guidelines serve as the basis for accessibility 
    standards adopted by the General Services Administration, the 
    Department of Defense, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 
    and the United States Postal Service under the Architectural Barriers 
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Document Information

Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments should be received by March 15, 2000. The Access Board will hold two public hearings on the proposed guidelines. The dates, times, and locations of the public hearings will be published in a subsequent document in the Federal Register.
62248-62538 (291 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 99-1
3014-AA20: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
36 CFR 1191.1