94-27415. Public Mobile Services; Final Rule FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 221 (Thursday, November 17, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-27415]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: November 17, 1994]
    Part II
    Federal Communications Commission
    47 CFR Parts 1 and 22
    Public Mobile Services; Final Rule
    47 CFR Parts 1 and 22
    [CC Docket Nos. 92-115, 94-46 and 93-116; FCC 94-201]
    Public Mobile Services
    AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission has completely revised 
    its Rules governing the Public Mobile Services. These changes are 
    needed to improve the organization and clarity of the Commission's 
    Rules by eliminating out-dated provisions and unnecessary information 
    collection requirements, streamlining and expediting licensing and 
    processing procedures, and affording licensees greater flexibility in 
    providing service to the public. The intent of these revisions is to 
    stimulate economic growth and expand access to mobile radio networks 
    and services.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1995, except for Sec. 22.105(g), which will 
    become effective later. The agency will publish a document in the 
    Federal Register, announcing in advance the effective date of that 
    B.C. ``Jay'' Jackson, Jr. and R. Barthen Gorman, Mobile Services 
    Division, Common Carrier Bureau, (202) 418-1310.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The following is a summary of the 
    Commission's Report and Order, adopted August 2, 1994, and released 
    September 9, 1994. The full text of this Commission decision, which 
    includes the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, is available for 
    inspection and copying during normal business hours in the FCC Dockets 
    Branch, (Room 230), 1919 M Street, NW., Washington, DC 20554. The 
    complete text of this decision may be purchased from the Commission's 
    copy contractor, International Transcription Service, Inc.; (202) 857-
    3800; 2100 M Street, NW., Suite 140, Washington, DC 20037.
    Paperwork Reduction
        Public reporting burden for the collections of information is 
    estimated as follows:
                                                        average    Estimated
                     Section number                    hours per    annual  
                                                       response    responses
    22.5 and 22.7...................................           1       5,000
    22.105..........................................           3      25,860
    22.107..........................................           2      10,000
    22.108..........................................         .25      10,000
    22.115..........................................           1      10,000
    22.119..........................................           1          25
    22.122..........................................          20          30
    22.125..........................................           1         100
    22.128..........................................           1          10
    22.129..........................................           1         200
    22.130..........................................          10          50
    22.132..........................................           2          10
    22.135..........................................           2          10
    22.137..........................................          .5         100
    22.139..........................................           1          10
    22.142..........................................        .084       1,000
    22.150..........................................          10          40
    22.157..........................................           1       1,200
    22.161..........................................          .5           1
    22.163..........................................           1       1,500
    22.165..........................................           1       1,500
    22.303 (records)*...............................           1       3,000
    22.313..........................................           1         100
    22.313 (records)*...............................         .50         500
    22.315..........................................           1         100
    22.317..........................................         .50         100
    22.321 (records)*...............................          52         800
    22.321..........................................           2         800
    22.323..........................................         .50         100
    22.353..........................................         .50         100
    22.357..........................................           1           2
    22.369..........................................           1          10
    22.371..........................................           1          10
    22.409..........................................          13          10
    22.411..........................................         7.3         116
    22.415..........................................           2          10
    22.529..........................................           3       4,000
    22.551..........................................         .50          10
    22.559..........................................           2      10,000
    22.567..........................................           1          10
    22.577..........................................         .50          10
    22.589..........................................           2       1,000
    22.601..........................................         .50          38
    22.603..........................................         .50           2
    22.621..........................................           1          10
    22.623..........................................         .25          10
    22.625..........................................           1          10
    22.655..........................................           2           8
    22.657..........................................           2           1
    22.709..........................................           3         100
    22.711..........................................           1          30
    22.719..........................................           2          10
    22.803..........................................           2         100
    22.865..........................................           1          10
    22.869..........................................           1           6
    22.873..........................................         .50           6
    22.875..........................................          40           1
    22.901(a).......................................           2          20
    22.901(d).......................................           1          10
    22.903..........................................           2           6
    22.907..........................................         .50          10
    22.911..........................................          10         300
    22.929..........................................           2       4,000
    22.935(a).......................................          50          10
    22.935(b).......................................           3          10
    22.935(d).......................................          10          10
    22.935(e).......................................         600          20
    22.935(f)(1)-(2)................................          50          10
    22.935(f)(3)....................................         160          20
    22.935(f)(5)....................................         160          20
    22.936..........................................           2          20
    22.937..........................................           4       4,010
    22.939..........................................           2          10
    22.947(b).......................................           1         100
    22.947(c).......................................           6       1,500
    22.953..........................................           4      10,000
    22.1037.........................................           1          10
    Uncodified one-time showing for CGSA boundaries.           1       1,500
    *Time allocated for recordkeeping.                                      
        Total Annual Burden: 257,616.
        Frequency of Response: On occasion, quarterly, semi-annually, and 
        These estimates include the time for reviewing instructions, 
    searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data 
    needed, and completing and reviewing the collections of information. 
    Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of 
    these collections of information to the Federal Communications 
    Commission, Records Management Division, room 234, Paperwork Reduction 
    Project (3060-0508), Washington, DC 20554 and to the Office of 
    Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060-0508), 
    Washington, DC 20503.
    Summary of the Report and Order
        1. The Report and Order is a comprehensive, top-to-bottom rewrite 
    of part 22 of the Commission's Rules. The topics which were the most 
    controversial are treated in the Report and Order, while the less 
    controversial changes are explained in Appendix A of the Report and 
    Order. Among other things, the Report and Order modifies the 
    application processing procedures for 931 MHz paging applications by 
    requiring that applicants specify the channels for which they seek 
    authorization, prescribing a 30-day filing period for initial 
    applications and providing for auctions as the means for selecting the 
    winner among mutually exclusive initial applications. Applications in 
    the Rural Radiotelephone Service, which is a fixed as opposed to a 
    mobile radio service, will be selected on a first-come, first-served 
    basis. The first-come, first-served procedures allow an application to 
    be granted if it is not mutually exclusive with another application 
    filed on the same or on a previous day and if the applicant in question 
    is qualified to be a Commission licensee. Further, under these 
    procedures, mutually exclusive rural radiotelephone applications 
    received on the same day would, absent a negotiated settlement among 
    the parties, be designated for a comparative hearing to determine which 
    application should be granted.
        2. The Report and Order also requires that, by the end of their 
    authorized construction periods, licensees of public mobile stations 
    must not only complete construction of their facilities, as is now 
    required, but must also actually commence provision of service to 
    subscribers. In addition, the Report and Order eliminates the remaining 
    traffic loading study requirements for Paging and Radiotelephone 
    Services licensees seeking additional channels for traditional two-way 
    mobile radio services and provides technical channel assignment rules 
    for Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Systems (BETRS), which is a radio 
    technology that provides basic telephone service to remote and rural 
        3. The Report and Order explicitly requires that cellular 
    telephones be designed and manufactured in such a way that the 
    electronic serial number is permanently programmed into the equipment 
    at the factory and is physically unalterable. This requirement is 
    intended to help reduce fraud in the use of cellular equipment due to 
    tampering with the electronic serial numbers.
        4. The Report and Order also removes the existing prohibition 
    against the concurrent use and licensing of Part 22 facilities for both 
    common carrier and non-common carrier services, affirmatively allows 
    the use of multi-channel transmitters, and permits licensees to make 
    certain minor modifications to their stations and add ``internal'' 
    transmitters to existing systems without notifying the Commission.
    Ordering Clauses
        Accordingly, it is ordered that the rule changes made herein will 
    become effective on January 1, 1995.
    List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 22
        Communications common carriers, Radio, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    Federal Communications Commission.
    William F. Caton,
    Acting Secretary.
    Rule Changes
        47 CFR parts 1 and 22 are revised as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 1 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 4, 303, 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 
    U.S.C. 154, 303.
        2. Section 1.420 is amended by revising the heading and paragraphs 
    (a) and (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.420  Additional procedures in proceedings for amendment of the 
    FM or TV Tables of Allotments.
        (a) Comments filed in proceedings for amendment of the FM Table of 
    Allotments (Sec. 73.202 of this chapter) or the Television Table of 
    Allotments (Sec. 73.606 of this chapter) which are initiated on a 
    petition for rule making shall be served on petitioner by the person 
    who files the comments.
        (b) Reply comments filed in proceedings for amendment of the FM or 
    Television Tables of Allotments shall be served on the person(s) who 
    filed the comments to which the reply is directed.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1.742  [Amended]
        3. In the first sentence of the introductory text of Sec. 1.742, 
    the phrase ``Except as specified in Sec. 22.6'' is removed and ``Except 
    as specified in part 22 of this chapter'' is added in its place.
        4. Section 1.743 is amended by revising paragraph (a) and adding 
    new paragraph (e) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.743  Who may sign applications.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, 
    applications, amendments thereto, and related statements of fact 
    required by the Commission must be signed by the applicant, if the 
    applicant is an individual; by one of the partners, if the applicant is 
    a partnership; by an officer or duly authorized employee, if the 
    applicant is a corporation; or by a member who is an officer, if the 
    applicant is an unincorporated association. Applications, amendments, 
    and related statements of fact filed on behalf of eligible government 
    entities such as states and territories of the United States, their 
    political subdivisions, the District of Columbia, and units of local 
    government, including incorporated municipalities, must be signed by a 
    duly elected or appointed official who is authorized to do so under the 
    laws of the applicable jurisdiction.
    * * * * *
        (e) ``Signed,'' as used in this section, means an original hand-
    written signature, except that by public notice in the Federal Register 
    the Common Carrier Bureau may allow signature by any symbol executed or 
    adopted by the applicant with the intent that such symbol be a 
    signature, including symbols formed by computer-generated electronic 
        5. Section 1.821 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1.821  Scope.
        The provisions of Secs. 1.822, 1.823, 1.824 and 1.825 apply as 
    indicated to those applications for permits, licenses or authorizations 
    in the Public Mobile Services, Multichannel Multipoint Distribution 
    Service and Digital Electronic Message Service for which action may be 
    taken by the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau pursuant to delegated 
        6. Section 1.823 is amended by revising the heading, paragraph 
    (b)(1) and the headings of paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) to read as 
    Sec. 1.823  Random selection procedures for the Public Mobile Services.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) Public Mobile Services other than the Cellular Radiotelephone 
    Service. Petitions to Deny and other pleadings may be filed against 
    applications but are not reviewed prior to the random selection 
    process. Petitions filed against tentative selectee applications are 
    reviewed after the tentative selectee is announced.
        (2) Cellular Radiotelephone Service, except unserved areas. * * *
        (3) Cellular Radiotelephone Service, unserved areas. * * *
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1.1105  [Amended]
        7. Section 1.1105 is amended by revising the table entries from 2. 
    to 5.n. to read as follows:
              Action                  FCC form No.          Fee amount      Fee type code            Address        
    2. Domestic Public Land                                                                                         
     Mobile Stations [Paging                                                                                        
     and Radiotelephone                                                                                             
     Service, Air-ground                                                                                            
     Radiotelephone Service]:                                                                                       
        a. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          265.00  CMD               Federal Communications  
         new or additional                                                                   Commission, Common     
         facility (per                                                                       Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        b. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          265.00  CMD               Federal Communications  
         major modification                                                                  Commission, Common     
         of an existing                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         facility (per                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
         transmitter).                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        c. Notification of     FCC 489, FCC 159.........          265.00  CMD               Federal Communications  
         additional                                                                          Commission, Common     
         transmitter (per                                                                    Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        d. Major amendment of  FCC 401, FCC 159.........          265.00  CMD               Federal Communications  
         a pending                                                                           Commission, Common     
         application (per                                                                    Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        e. Application for                                                                                          
         assignment of                                                                                              
         authorization or                                                                                           
         consent to transfer                                                                                        
         of control.                                                                                                
          (i) First call sign  FCC 490..................          265.00  CMD               Federal Communications  
                                                                                             Commission, Common     
                                                                                             Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (ii) Each            same as 2e(i)............           45.00  CAD               Federal Communications  
           additional call                                                                   Commission, Common     
           sign.                                                                             Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        f. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159, FCC 490          265.00  CMD               Federal Communications  
         partial assignment                                                                  Commission, Common     
         of authorization                                                                    Carrier Land Mobile,   
         (per call sign).                                                                    P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        g. Application for     FCC 405, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAD               Federal Communications  
         renewal (per call                                                                   Commission, Common     
         sign).                                                                              Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        h. Minor modification                                                                                       
         (per transmitter.                                                                                          
          (i) Notification of  FCC 489, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAD               Federal Communications  
           minor modification.                                                               Commission, Common     
                                                                                             Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (ii) Application     FCC 401, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAD               Federal Communications  
           for minor                                                                         Commission, Common     
           modification.                                                                     Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        i. Request for         written request, FCC 159.          230.00  CLD               Federal Communications  
         special temporary                                                                   Commission, Common     
         authority (per                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         channel/per                                                                         P.O. Box 358130,       
         location).                                                                          Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        j. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAD               Federal Communications  
         extension of                                                                        Commission, Common     
         construction period                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         (per authorization.                                                                 P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        k. Notification of     FCC 489, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAD               Federal Communications  
         commencement of                                                                     Commission, Common     
         service to                                                                          Carrier Land Mobile,   
         subscribers (per                                                                    P.O. Box 358130,       
         notification).                                                                      Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        l. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLD               Federal Communications  
         new or modified                                                                     Commission, Common     
         auxiliary test                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter (per                                                                    P.O. Box 358130,       
         transmitter).                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        m. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          115.00  CFD               Federal Communications  
         authority to provide                                                                Commission, Common     
         commercial mobile                                                                   Carrier Land Mobile,   
         service using                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
         broadcast station                                                                   Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
         subcarriers (per                                                                    5130.                  
        n. Application for     .........................                  ................  ........................
         reinstatement [No                                                                                          
         longer available].                                                                                         
        o. Application to      FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLD               Federal Communications  
         combine separate                                                                    Commission, Common     
         authorizations (per                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         call sign).                                                                         P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        p. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLD               Federal Communications  
         new or modified                                                                     Commission, Common     
         standby transmitter                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         (per transmitter/per                                                                P.O. Box 358130,       
         location).                                                                          Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        q. 931 MHz nationwide                                                                                       
         paging renewal [See                                                                                        
        r. Application for     FCC 409..................           45.00  CAD               Federal Communications  
         new, modified or                                                                    Commission, Common     
         renewal general                                                                     Carrier Land Mobile,   
         aviation air-ground                                                                 P.O. Box 358130,       
         mobile license (per                                                                 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
         application).                                                                       5130.                  
        s. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          265.00  CMP               Federal Communications  
         932-932.5/941-941.5                                                                 Commission, 932/941 MHz
         MHz point-to-                                                                       Point-to-Multipoint    
         multipoint channels                                                                 Channels, Common       
         (per transmitter).                                                                  Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358924,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15261-  
    3. Cellular Systems                                                                                             
     [Cellular Radiotelephone                                                                                       
        a. Initial             FCC 401, FCC 159.........          265.00  CMC               Federal Communications  
         application for new                                                                 Commission, Cellular   
         cellular system.                                                                    Systems, P.O. Box      
                                                                                             358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
        b. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          265.00  CMC               Federal Communications  
         major modification.                                                                 Commission, Cellular   
                                                                                             Systems, P.O. Box      
                                                                                             358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
        c. Minor                                                                                                    
          (i) Application for  FCC 401, FCC 159.........           70.00  CDC               Federal Communications  
           minor modification.                                                               Commission, Cellular   
                                                                                             Systems, P.O. Box      
                                                                                             358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
          (ii) Notification    FCC 489, FCC 159.........           70.00  CDC               Federal Communications  
           of minor                                                                          Commission, Cellular   
           modification or                                                                   Systems, P.O. Box      
           commencement of                                                                   358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
           service to                                                                        15251-5135.            
           subscribers (per                                                                                         
        d. Application for     FCC 490..................          265.00  CMC               Federal Communications  
         full or partial                                                                     Commission, Cellular   
         assignment of                                                                       Systems, P.O. Box      
         authorization or                                                                    358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
         consent to transfer                                                                 15251-5135.            
         of control.                                                                                                
        e. Application for     FCC 405, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAC               Federal Communications  
         renewal.                                                                            Commission, Cellular   
                                                                                             Systems, P.O. Box      
                                                                                             358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
        f. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAC               Federal Communications  
         extension of                                                                        Commission, Cellular   
         construction period.                                                                Systems, P.O. Box      
                                                                                             358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
        g. Request for         written request, FCC 159.          230.00  CLC               Federal Communications  
         special temporary                                                                   Commission, Cellular   
         authority.                                                                          Systems, P.O. Box      
                                                                                             358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
        h. Request to combine  written request, FCC 159.           60.00  CBC               Federal Communications  
         cellular geographic                                                                 Commission, Cellular   
         service areas (per                                                                  Systems, P.O. Box      
         system).                                                                            358135, Pittsburgh, PA 
    4. Rural Radio [Rural                                                                                           
     Radiotelephone Service]:                                                                                       
        a. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          125.00  CGR               Federal Communications  
         new or additional                                                                   Commission, Common     
         facility (per                                                                       Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        b. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          125.00  CGR               Federal Communications  
         major modification                                                                  Commission, Common     
         of an existing                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         facility (per                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
         transmitter).                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        c. Major amendment of  FCC 401, FCC 159.........          125.00  CGR               Federal Communications  
         a pending                                                                           Commission, Common     
         application (per                                                                    Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        d. Minor                                                                                                    
          (i) Notification of  FCC 489, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAR               Federal Communications  
           minor modification                                                                Commission, Common     
           (per transmitter).                                                                Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (ii) Application     FCC 401, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAR               Federal Communications  
           for minor                                                                         Commission, Common     
           modification (per                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
           transmitter).                                                                     P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        e. Application for                                                                                          
         assignment of                                                                                              
         authorization or                                                                                           
         consent to transfer                                                                                        
         of control.                                                                                                
          (i) First call sign  FCC 490..................          125.00  CGR               Federal Communications  
                                                                                             Commission, Common     
                                                                                             Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (ii) Each            came as 4e(i)............           45.00  CAR               Federal Communications  
           additional call                                                                   Commission, Common     
           sign.                                                                             Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (iii) Partial        FCC 490, FCC 401, FCC 159          125.00  CGF               Federal Communications  
           assignment of                                                                     Commission, Common     
           authorization (per                                                                Carrier Land Mobile,   
           call sign).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        f. Application for     FCC 405, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAR               Federal Communications  
         renewal (per call                                                                   Commission, Common     
         sign).                                                                              Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        g. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAR               Federal Communications  
         extension of                                                                        Commission, Common     
         construction period                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         (per application).                                                                  P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        h. Notification of     FCC 489, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAR               Federal Communications  
         commencement of                                                                     Commission, Common     
         service to                                                                          Carrier Land Mobile,   
         subscribers (per                                                                    P.O. Box 358130,       
         notification).                                                                      Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        i. Request for         written request, FCC 159.          230.00  CLR               Federal Communications  
         special temporary                                                                   Commission, Common     
         authority (per                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         channel/per                                                                         P.O. Box 358130,       
         location).                                                                          Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        j. Application for                                                ................  ........................
         reinstatement [No                                                                                          
         longer available].                                                                                         
        k. Application to      FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLR               Federal Communications  
         combine separate                                                                    Commission, Common     
         authorizations (per                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         call sign).                                                                         P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        l. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLR               Federal Communications  
         new or modified                                                                     Commission, Common     
         auxiliary test                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter (per                                                                    P.O. Box 358130,       
         transmitter).                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        m. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLR               Federal Communications  
         new or modified                                                                     Commission, Common     
         standby transmitter                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         (per transmitter).                                                                  P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
    5. Offshore                                                                                                     
     Radiotelephone Service:                                                                                        
        a. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          125.00  CGF               Federal Communications  
         new or additional                                                                   Commission, Common     
         facility (per                                                                       Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        b. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          125.00  CGF               Federal Communications  
         major modification                                                                  Commission, Common     
         of an existing                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         facility (per                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
         transmitter).                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        c. Fill-in                                                                                                  
         transmitters [Not                                                                                          
        d. Major amendment of  FCC 401, FCC 159.........          125.00  CGF               Federal Communications  
         a pending                                                                           Commission, Common     
         application (per                                                                    Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        e. Minor                                                                                                    
          (i) Notification of  FCC 489, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAF               Federal Communications  
           minor modification                                                                Commission, Common     
           (per transmitter).                                                                Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (ii) Application     FCC 401, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAF               Federal Communications  
           for minor                                                                         Commission, Common     
           modification (per                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
           transmitter).                                                                     P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        f. Application for                                                                                          
         assignment of                                                                                              
         authorization or                                                                                           
         consent to transfer                                                                                        
         of control.                                                                                                
          (i) First call sign  FCC 490..................          125.00  CGF               Federal Communications  
                                                                                             Commission, Common     
                                                                                             Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (ii) Each            same as 5f(i)............           45.00  CAF               Federal Communications  
           additional call                                                                   Commission, Common     
           sign.                                                                             Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
          (iii) Partial        FCC 490, FCC 401, FCC 159          125.00  CGF               Federal Communications  
           assignment of                                                                     Commission, Common     
           authorization (per                                                                Carrier Land Mobile,   
           call sign).                                                                       P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        g. Application for     FCC 405, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAF               Federal Communications  
         renewal (per call                                                                   Commission, Common     
         sign).                                                                              Carrier Land Mobile,   
                                                                                             P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        h. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAF               Federal Communications  
         extension of                                                                        Commission, Common     
         construction period                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         (per application).                                                                  P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        i. Application for                                                                                          
         reinstatement [No                                                                                          
         longer available].                                                                                         
        j. Notification of     FCC 489, FCC 159.........           45.00  CAF               Federal Communications  
         commencement of                                                                     Commission, Common     
         service to                                                                          Carrier Land Mobile,   
         subscribers (per                                                                    P.O. Box 358130,       
         notification).                                                                      Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        k. Request for         written request, FCC 159.          230.00  CLF               Federal Communications  
         special temporary                                                                   Commission, Common     
         authority (per                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         channel/per                                                                         P.O. Box 358130,       
         location).                                                                          Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        l. Application to      FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLF               Federal Communications  
         combine separate                                                                    Commission, Common     
         authorizations (per                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         call sign).                                                                         P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        m. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLF               Federal Communications  
         new or modified                                                                     Commission, Common     
         auxiliary test                                                                      Carrier Land Mobile,   
         transmitter (per                                                                    P.O. Box 358130,       
         transmitter).                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        n. Application for     FCC 401, FCC 159.........          230.00  CLF               Federal Communications  
         new or modified                                                                     Commission, Common     
         standby transmitter                                                                 Carrier Land Mobile,   
         (per transmitter).                                                                  P.O. Box 358130,       
                                                                                             Pittsburgh, PA 15251-  
        * * * * *
        8. Part 22 is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart A--Scope and Authority
    22.1  Basis and purpose.
    22.3  Authorization required.
    22.5  Citizenship.
    22.7  General eligibility.
    22.99  Definitions.
    Subpart B--Application Requirements and Procedures
    22.101  Station files.
    22.103  Representations.
    22.105  Written applications, standard forms, microfiche, magnetic 
    22.106  Filing fees; place.
    22.107  General application requirements.
    22.108  Parties to applications.
    22.115  Content of applications.
    22.117  Content of notifications.
    22.119  Requests for rule waivers.
    22.120  Application processing; initial procedures.
    22.121  Repetitious, inconsistent or conflicting applications.
    22.122  Amendment of applications.
    22.123  Classification of filings as major or minor.
    22.124  Notification processing.
    22.125  Application for special temporary authorizations.
    22.127  Public notices.
    22.128  Dismissal of applications.
    22.129  Agreements to dismiss applications, amendments or pleadings.
    22.130  Petitions to deny, responsive pleadings.
    22.131  Mutually exclusive applications.
    22.132  Grants of applications.
    22.135  Settlement conference.
    22.137  Assignment of authorization; transfer of control.
    22.139  Trafficking.
    22.142  Commencement of service; notification requirement.
    22.143  Construction prior to grant of application.
    22.144  Termination of authorizations.
    22.145  Renewal application procedures.
    22.150  Standard pre-filing technical coordination procedure.
    22.157  Distance computation.
    22.159  Computation of average terrain elevation.
    22.161  Application requirements for ASSB.
    22.163  Minor modifications to existing stations.
    22.165  Additional transmitters for existing systems.
    22.169  Internal coordination of channel assignments.
    Subpart C--Operational and Technical Requirements
    Operational Requirements
    22.301  Station inspection.
    22.303  Retention of station authorizations; identifying 
    22.305  Operator and maintenance requirements.
    22.307  Operation during emergency.
    22.313  Station identification.
    22.315  Duty to respond to official communications.
    22.317  Discontinuance of station operation.
    22.321  Equal employment opportunities.
    22.323  Incidental communication services.
    22.325  Control points.
    Technical Requirements
    22.351  Channel assignment policy.
    22.352  Protection from interference.
    22.353  Blanketing interference.
    22.355  Frequency tolerance.
    22.357  Emission types.
    22.359  Emission masks.
    22.361  Standby facilities.
    22.363  Directional antennas.
    22.365  Antenna structures; air navigation safety.
    22.367  Wave polarization.
    22.369  Quiet zones.
    22.371  Disturbance of AM broadcast station antenna patterns.
    22.373  Access to transmitters.
    22.377  Type-acceptance of transmitters.
    22.379  Replacement of equipment.
    22.381  Auxiliary test transmitters.
    22.383  In-building radiation systems.
    Subpart D--Developmental Authorizations
    22.401  Description and purposes of developmental authorizations.
    22.403  General limitations.
    22.409  Developmental authorization for a new Public Mobile Service 
    or technology.
    22.411  Developmental authorization of 43 MHz paging transmitters.
    22.413  Developmental authorization of 72-76 MHz fixed transmitters.
    22.415  Developmental authorization of 928-960 MHz fixed 
    22.417  Developmental authorization of meteor burst systems.
    Subpart E--Paging and Radiotelephone Service
    22.501  Scope.
    22.507  Number of transmitters per station.
    22.511  Construction period for the Paging and Radiotelephone 
    22.515  Permissible communications paths.
    22.529  Application requirements for the Paging and Radiotelephone 
    One-Way Paging Operation
    22.531  Channels for one-way paging operation.
    22.535  Effective radiated power limits.
    22.537  Technical channel assignment criteria.
    22.539  Additonal channel policies.
    22.541  Procedures for mutually exclusive 931 MHz paging 
    22.551  Nationwide network paging service.
    22.559  One-way paging application requirements.
    One-Way or Two-Way Mobile Operation
    22.561  Channels for one-way or two-way mobile operation.
    22.563  Provision of rural radiotelephone service upon request.
    22.565  Transmitting power limits.
    22.567  Technical channel assignment criteria.
    22.569  Additonal channel policies.
    22.571  Responsibility for mobile stations.
    22.573  Use of base transmitters as repeaters.
    22.575  Use of mobile channel for remote control of station 
    22.577  Grandfathered dispatch service.
    22.579  Operation of mobile transmitters across U.S.-Canada border.
    22.589  One-way or two-way application requirements.
    Point-To-Point Operation
    22.591  Channels for point-to-point operation.
    22.593  Effective radiated power limits.
    22.599  Assignment of 72-76 MHz channels.
    22.601  Assignment of microwave channels.
    22.602  Transition of the 2110-2130 and 2160-2180 MHz channels to 
    emerging technologies.
    22.603  488-494 MHz fixed service in Hawaii.
    Point-To-Multipoint Operation
    22.621  Channels for point-to-multipoint operation.
    22.623  System configuration.
    22.625  Transmitter locations.
    22.627  Effective radiated power limits.
    470-512 MHz Trunked Mobile Operation
    22.651  470-512 MHz channels for trunked mobile operation.
    22.653  Eligibility.
    22.655  Channel usage.
    22.657  Transmitter locations.
    22.659  Effective radiated power limits.
    Subpart F--Rural Radiotelephone Service
    22.701  Scope.
    22.702  Eligibility.
    22.703  Separate rural subscriber station authorization not 
    22.705  Rural radiotelephone system configuration.
    22.709  Rural radiotelephone service application requirements.
    22.711  Provision of information to applicants.
    22.713  Construction period for rural radiotelephone stations.
    22.715  Technical channel assignment criteria for rural 
    radiotelephone stations.
    22.717  Procedure for mutually exclusive applications in the Rural 
    Radiotelephone Service.
    22.719  Additional channel policy for rural radiotelephone stations.
    Conventional Rural Radiotelephone Stations
    22.725  Channels for conventional rural radiotelephone stations.
    22.727  Power limits for conventional rural radiotelephone 
    22.729  Meteor burst propagation modes.
    22.731  Emission limitations.
    22.733  Priority of service.
    22.737  Temporary fixed stations.
    Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Systems
    22.757  Channels for basic exchange telephone radio systems.
    22.759  Power limit for BETRS.
    Subpart G--Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service
    22.801  Scope.
    22.803  Air-ground application requirements.
    General Aviation Air-Ground Stations
    22.805  Channels for general aviation air-ground service.
    22.809  Transmitting power limits.
    22.811  Idle tone.
    22.813  Technical channel pair assignment criteria.
    22.815  Construction period for general aviation ground stations.
    22.817  Additional channel policies.
    22.819  AGRAS compatibility requirement.
    22.821  Authorization for airborne mobile stations.
    Commercial Aviation Air-Ground Systems
    22.857  Channel plan for commercial aviation air-ground systems.
    22.859  Geographical channel block layout.
    22.861  Emission limitations.
    22.863  Transmitter frequency tolerance.
    22.865  Automatic channel selection procedures.
    22.867  Effective radiated power limits.
    22.869  Assignment of control channels.
    22.871  Control channel transition period.
    22.873  Construction period for commercial aviation air-ground 
    22.875  Commercial aviation air-ground system application 
    Subpart H--Cellular Radiotelephone Service
    22.900  Scope.
    22.901  Cellular service requirements and limitations.
    22.903  Conditions applicable to former Bell operating companies.
    22.905  Channels for cellular service.
    22.907  Coordination of channel usage.
    22.909  Cellular markets.
    22.911  Cellular geographic service area.
    22.912  Service area boundary extensions.
    22.913  Effective radiated power limits.
    22.915  Modulation requirements.
    22.917  Emission limitations for cellular.
    22.919  Electronic serial numbers.
    22.923  Cellular system configuration.
    22.925  Prohibition on airborne operation of cellular telephones.
    22.927  Responsibility for mobil stations.
    22.929  Application requirements for the Cellular Radiotelephone 
    22.933  Cellular system compatibility specification.
    22.935  Procedures for comparative renewal proceedings.
    22.936  Dismissal of applications in cellular renewal proceedings.
    22.937  Demonstration of financial qualifications.
    22.939  Site availability requirements for applications competing 
    with cellular renewal applications.
    22.940  Criteria for comparative cellular renewal proceedings.
    22.941  System identification numbers.
    22.942  Limitations on interests in licensees for both channel 
    blocks in an area.
    22.943  Limitations on assignments and transfers of cellular 
    22.944  Transfers of interests in applications.
    22.945  Interests in multiple applications.
    22.946  Service commencement and construction periods for cellular 
    22.947  Five year build-out period.
    22.949  Unserved area licensing process.
    22.951  Minimum coverage requirement.
    22.953  Content and form of applications.
    22.955  Canadian condition.
    22.957  Mexican condition.
    22.959  Rules governing processing of applications for initial 
    Subpart I--Offshore Radiotelephone Service
    22.1001  Scope.
    22.1003  Eligibility.
    22.1005  Priority of service.
    22.1007  Channels for offshore radiotelephone systems.
    22.1009  Transmitter locations.
    22.1011  Antenna height limitations.
    22.1013  Effective radiated power limitations.
    22.1015  Repeater operation.
    22.1025  Permissible communications.
    22.1031  Temporary fixed stations.
    22.1035  Construction period.
    22.1037  Application requirements for offshore stations.
        Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, unless otherwise noted.
    Subpart A--Scope and Authority
    Sec. 22.1  Basis and purpose.
        This section contains a concise general statement of the basis and 
    purpose of the rules in this part, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(c).
        (a) Basis. These rules are issued pursuant to the Communications 
    Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 151 et. seq.
        (b) Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to establish the 
    requirements and conditions under which domestic common carrier radio 
    stations may be licensed and used in the Public Mobile Services.
    Sec. 22.3  Authorization required.
        Stations in the Public Mobile Services must be used and operated 
    only in accordance with the rules in this part and with a valid 
    authorization granted by the FCC under the provisions of this part.
        (a) The holding of an authorization does not create any rights 
    beyond the terms, conditions and period specified in the authorization. 
    Authorizations may be granted upon proper application, provided that 
    the FCC finds that the applicant is qualified in regard to citizenship, 
    character, financial, technical and other criteria, and that the public 
    interest, convenience and necessity will be served. See 47 U.S.C. 301, 
    308, and 309.
        (b) Authority for subscribers to operate mobile or fixed stations 
    in the Public Mobile Services, except for certain stations in the Rural 
    Radiotelephone Service and the Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service, is 
    included in the authorization held by the common carrier providing 
    service to them. Subscribers are not required to apply for, and the FCC 
    does not accept applications from subscribers for, individual mobile or 
    fixed station authorizations in the Public Mobile Services, except as 
        (1) Individual authorizations are required to operate general 
    aviation airborne mobile stations in the Air-Ground Radiotelephone 
    Service. See Sec. 22.821.
        (2) Individual authorizations are required to operate rural 
    subscriber stations in the Rural Radiotelephone Service, except as 
    provided in Sec. 22.703.
    Sec. 22.5  Citizenship.
        The rules in this section implement section 310 of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. Sec. 310), in regard 
    to the citizenship of licensees in the Public Mobile Services.
        (a) Foreign governments. The FCC will not grant an authorization in 
    the Public Mobile Services to any foreign government or any 
    representative thereof.
        (b) Alien ownership or control. The FCC will not grant an 
    authorization in the Public Mobile Services to:
        (1) Any alien or the representative of any alien;
        (2) Any corporation organized under the laws of any foreign 
        (3) Any corporation of which any officer or director is an alien or 
    of which more than one-fifth of the capital stock is owned of record or 
    voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or 
    representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws 
    of a foreign country;
        (4) Any corporation directly or indirectly controlled by any other 
    corporation of which any officer or more than one-fourth of the 
    directors are aliens, or of which more than one-fourth of the capital 
    stock is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or 
    by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any 
    corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country, if the FCC 
    finds that the public interest will be served by the refusal or 
    revocation of such license.
    Sec. 22.7  General eligibility.
        Except as otherwise provided in this part, existing and proposed 
    common carriers are eligible to hold authorizations in the Public 
    Mobile Services. Applications are granted only if the applicant is 
    legally, financially, technically and otherwise qualified to render the 
    proposed service.
    Sec. 22.99  Definitions.
        Terms used in this part have the following meanings:
        Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service. A radio service in which common 
    carriers are authorized to offer and provide radio telecommunications 
    service for hire to subscribers in aircraft.
        Airborne station. A mobile station in the Air-Ground Radiotelephone 
    Service authorized for use on aircraft while in flight or on the 
        Antenna structure. A structure comprising an antenna, the tower or 
    other structure that exists solely to support antennas, and any 
    surmounting appurtenances (attachments such as beacons or lightning 
        Antenna. A device that converts radio frequency electrical energy 
    to radiated electromagnetic energy and vice versa; in a transmitting 
    station, the device from which radio waves are emitted.
        Archival quality microfiche. A silver halide master microfiche or a 
    copy made on silver halide film.
        Assignment of authorization. A transfer of a Public Mobile Services 
    authorization from one party to another, voluntarily or involuntarily, 
    directly or indirectly, or by transfer of control of the licensee.
        Authorization. A written instrument or oral statement issued by the 
    FCC conveying authority to operate, for a specified term, a station in 
    the Public Mobile Services.
        Authorized bandwidth. The necessary or occupied bandwidth of an 
    emission, whichever is more.
        Authorized spectrum. The spectral width of that portion of the 
    electromagnetic spectrum within which the emission power of the 
    authorized transmitter(s) must be contained, in accordance with the 
    rules in this part. The authorized spectrum comprises one channel 
    bandwidth or the bandwidths of two or more contiguous channels.
        Auxiliary test transmitter. A fixed transmitter used to test Public 
    Mobile systems.
        Base transmitter. A stationary transmitter that provides radio 
    telecommunications service to mobile and/or fixed receivers, including 
    those associated with mobile stations.
        Blanketing interference. Disturbance in consumer receivers located 
    in the immediate vicinity of a transmitter, caused by currents directly 
    induced into the consumer receiver's circuitry by the relatively high 
    field strength of the transmitter.
        Build-out transmitters. In the Cellular Radiotelephone Service, 
    transmitters added to the first cellular system authorized on a channel 
    block in a cellular market during the five year build-out period in 
    order to expand the coverage of the system within the market.
        Cardinal radials. Eight imaginary straight lines extending radially 
    on the ground from an antenna location in the following azimuths with 
    respect to true North: 0 deg., 45 deg., 90 deg., 135 deg., 180 deg., 
    225 deg., 270 deg., 315 deg..
        Carrier frequency. The frequency of the unmodulated electrical wave 
    at the output of an amplitude modulated (AM), frequency modulated (FM) 
    or phase modulated (PM) transmitter.
        Cell. The service area of an individual transmitter location in a 
    cellular system.
        Cellular Geographic Service Area. The geographic area served by a 
    cellular system, within which that system is entitled to protection and 
    adverse effects are recognized, for the purpose of determining whether 
    a petitioner has standing. See Sec. 22.911.
        Cellular markets. Standard geographic areas used by the FCC for 
    administrative convenience in the licensing of cellular systems. See 
    Sec. 22.909.
        Cellular Radiotelephone Service. A radio service in which common 
    carriers are authorized to offer and provide cellular service for hire 
    to the general public. This service was formerly titled Domestic Public 
    Cellular Radio Telecommunications Service.
        Cellular repeater. In the Cellular Radiotelephone Service, a 
    stationary transmitter or device that automatically re-radiates the 
    transmissions of base transmitters at a particular cell site and mobile 
    stations communicating with those base transmitters, with or without 
    channel translation.
        Cellular service. Radio telecommunication services provided using a 
    cellular system.
        Cellular system. An automated high-capacity system of one or more 
    multichannel base stations designed to provide radio telecommunication 
    services to mobile stations over a wide area in a spectrally efficient 
    manner. Cellular systems employ techniques such as low transmitting 
    power and automatic hand-off between base stations of communications in 
    progress to enable channels to be reused at relatively short distances. 
    Cellular systems may also employ digital techniques such as voice 
    encoding and decoding, data compression, error correction, and time or 
    code division multiple access in order to increase system capacity.
        Center frequency. The frequency of the middle of the bandwidth of a 
        Central office transmitter. A fixed transmitter in the Rural 
    Radiotelephone Service that provides service to rural subscriber 
        CGSA. See Cellular Geographic Service Area.
        Channel. The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum assigned by 
    the FCC for one emission. In certain circumstances, however, more than 
    one emission may be transmitted on a channel. See, for example, 
    Sec. 22.161.
        Channel bandwidth. The spectral width of a channel, as specified in 
    this part, within which 99% of the emission power must be contained.
        Channel block. A group of channels that are assigned together, not 
        Channel pair. Two channels that are assigned together, not 
    individually. In this part, channel pairs are indicated by an ellipsis 
    between the center frequencies.
        Communications channel. In the Cellular Radiotelephone and Air-
    ground Radiotelephone Services, a channel used to carry subscriber 
        Construction period. The period between the date of grant of an 
    authorization and the date of required commencement of service.
        Control channel. In the Cellular Radiotelephone Service and the 
    Air-ground Radiotelephone Service, a channel used to transmit 
    information necessary to establish or maintain communications. In the 
    other Public Mobile Services, a channel that may be assigned to a 
    control transmitter.
        Control point. A location where the operation of a public mobile 
    station is supervised and controlled by the licensee of that station.
        Control transmitter. A fixed transmitter in the Public Mobile 
    Services that transmits control signals to one or more base or fixed 
    stations for the purpose of controlling the operation of the base or 
    fixed stations, and/or transmits subscriber communications to one or 
    more base or fixed stations that retransmit them to subscribers.
        Dead spots. Small areas within a service area where the field 
    strength is lower than the minimum level for reliable service. Service 
    within dead spots is presumed.
        Dispatch service. A radiotelephone service comprising 
    communications between a dispatcher and one or more mobile units. These 
    communications normally do not exceed one minute in duration and are 
    transmitted directly through a base station, without passing through 
    mobile telephone switching facilities.
        Effective radiated power (ERP). The effective radiated power of a 
    transmitter (with antenna, transmission line, duplexers etc.) is the 
    power that would be necessary at the input terminals of a reference 
    half-wave dipole antenna in order to produce the same maximum field 
    intensity. ERP is usually calculated by multiplying the measured 
    transmitter output power by the specified antenna system gain, relative 
    to a half-wave dipole, in the direction of interest.
        Emission. The electromagnetic energy radiated from an antenna.
        Emission designator. An internationally accepted symbol for 
    describing an emission in terms of its bandwidth and the 
    characteristics of its modulation, if any. See Sec. 2.201 of this 
    chapter for details.
        Emission mask. The design limits imposed, as a condition or type 
    acceptance, on the mean power of emissions as a function of frequency 
    both within the authorized bandwidth and in the adjacent spectrum.
        Equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP). The equivalent 
    isotropically radiated power of a transmitter (with antenna, 
    transmission line, duplexers etc.) is the power that would be necessary 
    at the input terminals of a reference isotropic radiator in order to 
    produce the same maximum field intensity. An isotropic radiator is a 
    theoretical lossless point source of radiation with unity gain in all 
    directions. EIRP is usually calculated by multiplying the measured 
    transmitter output power by the specified antenna system gain, relative 
    to an isotropic radiator, in the direction of interest.
        Extension. In the Cellular Radiotelephone Service, an area within 
    the service area boundary of a cellular system, but outside of the 
    market boundary. See Secs. 22.911(c) and 22.912.
        Facsimile service. Transmission of still images from one place to 
    another by means of radio.
        Fill-in transmitters. Transmitters added to a station, in the same 
    area and transmitting on the same channel or channel block as 
    previously authorized transmitters, that do not expand the existing 
    service area, but are established for the purpose of improving 
    reception in dead spots.
        Five year build-out period. A five year period during which the 
    licensee of the first cellular system authorized on each channel block 
    in each cellular market may expand the system within that market. See 
    Sec. 22.947.
        Fixed transmitter. A stationary transmitter that communicates with 
    other stationary transmitters.
        Frequency. The number of cycles occurring per second of an 
    electrical or electromagnetic wave; a number of representing a specific 
    point in the electromagnetic spectrum.
        Ground station. In the Air-ground Radiotelephone Service, a 
    stationary transmitter that provides service to airborne mobile 
        Height above average terrain (HAAT). The height of an antenna above 
    the average elevation of the surrounding area.
        In-building radiation systems. Supplementary systems comprising low 
    power transmitters, receivers, indoor antennas and/or leaky coaxial 
    cable radiators, designed to improve service reliability inside 
    buildings or structures located within the service areas of stations in 
    the Public Mobile Services.
        Initial cellular applications. Applications for authority to 
    construct and operate a new cellular system, excluding applications for 
    interim operating authority.
        Interfering contour. The locus of points surrounding a transmitter 
    where the predicted median field strength of the signal from that 
    transmitter is the maximum field strength that is not considered to 
    cause interference at the service contour of another transmitter.
        Interoffice transmitter. A fixed transmitter in the Rural 
    Radiotelephone Service that communicates with other interoffice 
    transmitters for the purpose of interconnecting rural central offices.
        Meteor burst propagation mode. A long distance VHF radio 
    communication path occurring as a result of the refraction of 
    electromagnetic waves by ionized meteor trails.
        Mobile station. One or more transmitters that are capable of 
    operation while in motion.
        Necessary bandwidth. The calculated spectral width of an emission. 
    Calculations are made using procedures set forth in part 2 of this 
    chapter. The bandwidth so calculated is considered to be the minimum 
    necessary to convey information at the desired rate with the desired 
        Occupied bandwidth. The measured spectral width of an emission. The 
    measurement determines occupied bandwidth as the difference between 
    upper and lower frequencies where 0.5% of the emission power is above 
    the upper frequency and 0.5% of the emission power is below the lower 
        Offshore central transmitter. A fixed transmitter in the Offshore 
    Radiotelephone Service that provides service to offshore subscriber 
        Offshore Radiotelephone Service. A radio service in which common 
    carriers are authorized to offer and provide radio telecommunication 
    services for hire to subscribers on structures in the offshore coastal 
    waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
        Offshore subscriber station. One or more fixed and/or mobile 
    transmitters in the Offshore Radiotelephone Service that receive 
    service from offshore central transmitters.
        Pager. A small radio receiver designed to be carried by a person 
    and to give an aural, visual or tactile indication when activated by 
    the reception of a radio signal containing its specific code. It may 
    also reproduce sounds and/or display messages that were also 
    transmitted. Some pagers also transmit a radio signal acknowledging 
    that a message has been received.
        Paging and Radiotelephone Service. A radio service in which common 
    carriers are authorized to offer and provide paging and radiotelephone 
    service for hire to the general public. This service was formerly 
    titled Public Land Mobile Service.
        Paging service. Transmission of coded radio signals for the purpose 
    of activating specific pagers; such transmissions may include messages 
    and/or sounds.
        Partitioned cellular market. A cellular market with two or more 
    authorized cellular systems on the same channel block during the five 
    year build-out period, as a result of settlements during initial 
    licensing or contract(s) between the licensee of the first cellular 
    system and the licensee(s) of the subsequent systems. See 
    Sec. 22.947(b).
        Public Mobile Services. Radio services in which common carriers are 
    authorized to offer and provide mobile and related fixed radio 
    telecommunication services for hire to the public.
        Radio common carrier. A telecommunications common carrier that 
    provides radio communications services but is not engaged in the 
    business of providing landline local exchange telephone service.
        Radio telecommunication services. Communication services provided 
    by the use of radio, including radiotelephone, radiotelegraph, paging 
    and facsimile service.
        Radiotelegraph service. Transmission of messages from one place to 
    another by means of radio.
        Radiotelephone service. Transmission of sound from one place to 
    another by means of radio.
        Repeater. A fixed transmitter that retransmits the signals of other 
        Roamer. A mobile station receiving service from a station or system 
    in the Public Mobile Services other than one to which it is a 
        Rural Radiotelephone Service. A radio service in which common 
    carriers are authorized to offer and provide radio telecommunication 
    services for hire to subscribers in areas where it is not feasible to 
    provide communication services by wire or other means.
        Rural subscriber station. One or more fixed transmitters in the 
    Rural Radiotelephone Service that receive service from central office 
        Service area. The geographic area considered by the FCC to be 
    reliably served by a station in the Public Mobile Services.
        Service contour. The locus of points surrounding a transmitter 
    where the predicted median field strength of the signal from that 
    transmitter is the minimum field strength that is considered sufficient 
    to provide reliable service to mobile stations.
        Service to subscribers. Service to at least one subscriber that is 
    not affiliated with, controlled by or related to the providing carrier.
        Station. A station equipped to engage in radio communication or 
    radio transmission of energy (47 U.S.C. 153(k)).
        Telecommunications common carrier. An individual, partnership, 
    association, joint-stock company, trust or corporation engaged in 
    rendering radio telecommunications services to the general public for 
        Temporary fixed station. One or more fixed transmitters that 
    normally do not remain at any particular location for longer than 6 
        Transfer of control. A transfer of the controlling interest in a 
    Public Mobile Services licensee from one party to another.
        Unserved areas. In the Cellular Radiotelephone Service, areas 
    outside of all existing CGSAs (on either of the channel blocks), to 
    which the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, is applicable.
        Wireline common carrier. A telecommunications common carrier that 
    is also engaged in the business of providing landline local exchange 
    telephone service.
    Subpart B--Application Requirements and Procedures
    Sec. 22.101  Station files.
        Applications, notifications, correspondence and other material, and 
    copies of authorizations, comprising technical, legal, and 
    administrative data relating to each station in the Public Mobile 
    Services are maintained by the FCC in individual station files. These 
    files constitute the official records for these stations and supersede 
    any other records, data bases or lists from the FCC or other sources.
    Sec. 22.103  Representations.
        Applicants must make full and continuing disclosure as required by 
    Sec. 1.65 of this chapter. Applicants must not make misrepresentations. 
    The signing of an application or notification for new or additional 
    facilities in the Public Mobile Services constitutes a representation 
    that the applicant intends to use such facilities to provide service to 
    subscribers in accordance with the rules in this part.
    Sec. 22.105  Written applications, standard forms, microfiche, magnetic 
        Except for authorizations granted under the emergency conditions 
    set forth in section 308 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended 
    (47 U.S.C. 308), the FCC may grant authorizations only upon written 
    application (FCC Form 401) received by it. A separate written 
    application is required for each authorization. Applicants shall submit 
    any documents, exhibits, or other written statements of fact that the 
    FCC may require in determining whether to grant, deny or dismiss an 
            Table B-1.--Standard Forms for the Public Mobile Services       
          Purpose of filing          Form No.           Title of form       
    application for new            401  Application for Mobile Radio
     or modified station.                        Service Authorization.     
    major amendment to                                              
     pending application.                                                   
    application for                                                 
     partial assignment of                                                  
    application for                405  Application for Renewal of  
     renewal of authorization.                   Station License.           
    application for                409  Application for Airborne    
     airborne mobile                             Mobile Radiotelephone      
     authorization.                              Authorization.             
    application for                430  Licensee Qualification      
     assignment of authorization.                Report.                    
    notification of                489  Notification of Commencement
     completion of construction.                 of Service or of Additional
    notification of minor                or Modified Facilities.    
     modification of station.                                               
    application for                490  Application for Assignment  
     assignment of authorization.                of Authorization or Consent
    application for                      to Transfer of Control of  
     consent to transfer of                      Licensee.                  
        (a) Formal applications, amendments and notifications. Except as 
    provided in paragraph (b) of this section, applications, amendments and 
    notifications must be filed using the standard forms listed in 
    paragraph (c) of this section.
        (b) Informal applications, amendments and notifications. 
    Applications, amendments and notifications in letter or document form 
    may be accepted for filing, if none of the standard forms listed in 
    this section are prescribed for or clearly applicable for the intended 
    purpose. Such informal applications, amendments and notifications must 
    be submitted in duplicate, with a caption clearly stating the name of 
    the filer, nature of the filing, the Public Mobile service involved, 
    the call sign of the relevant existing station, if any, and the file 
    number of the relevant pending application, if any, and must contain 
    all necessary technical data and exhibits.
        (c) Standard forms. Standard forms may be obtained in small 
    quantities from the FCC. Standard forms may be reproduced and the 
    copies used. Computer-generated standard forms may also be used after 
    approval by the FCC staff. Standard forms used for applications, 
    amendments, notifications and reports in the Public Mobile Services are 
    listed in Table B-1 of this section.
        (d) Microfiche required. All filings and submissions related to 
    stations in the Public Mobile Services, including applications 
    (including exhibits and attachments), notifications, amendments, 
    reports, correspondence and pleadings must be submitted in microfiche 
    form, except as provided in paragraphs (d)(1) and (g) of this section.
        (1) Emergency filings, such as requests for special temporary 
    authority, need not be submitted in microfiche form. Filings and 
    submissions (other than standard application forms) that are no longer 
    than three pages need not be submitted in microfiche form. Standard 
    application forms must be submitted in microfiche forms, even if they 
    comprise three pages or less.
        (2) Three microfiche copies of each filing or submission must be 
    submitted, except that, for initial Phase I unserved area applications 
    in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service (see Sec. 22.949), two 
    microfiche copies must be submitted. Each microfiche copy must be a 
    complete copy of the signed paper original. Each microfiche must be a 
    148 mm by 105 mm negative (clear transparent characters appearing on a 
    background providing sufficient contrast to make legible copies) at 
    24 x  or 27 x  reduction. At least one of the microfiche copies must be 
    a silver halide camera master or a copy made on silver halide film such 
    as Kodak Direct Duplicatory Film. Microfiche must be placed in paper 
    microfiche envelopes and submitted in a 5'' by 7\1/2\'' envelope. 
    Applicants must leave Row ``A'' (the first row for page images) of the 
    first microfiche blank for FCC use.
        (3) The following information must be printed on the mailing 
    envelope, the microfiche envelope, and the title area at the top of the 
        (i) For notifications, amendments, reports, correspondence, 
    pleadings and applications, other than initial applications in the 
    Cellular Radiotelephone Service--the name of the applicant, the city 
    and state of the application and the call sign of the station, if the 
    application refers to an existing station.
        (ii) For initial applications in the Cellular Radiotelephone 
    Service--the name of the applicant, the market name, the market number, 
    and the channel block.
        (4) The microfiche copies of opposition and reply pleadings may be 
    submitted after the required paper originals, in accordance with 
    Sec. 1.45 of this chapter.
        (e) Paper original required. The paper originals of notifications, 
    amendments, reports, correspondence and applications, other than 
    initial Phase I unserved area applications in the Cellular 
    Radiotelephone Service, must be submitted at the same time as the 
    microfiche required by paragraph (d) of this section. The paper 
    originals of initial Phase I unserved area applications selected in 
    random selection processes must be submitted 7 days after the release 
    of the public notice announcing the tentative selectee. The paper 
    originals of opposition and reply pleadings must be submitted within 
    the time frames established by Sec. 1.45 of this chapter. Each paper 
    original must be stamped ``ORIGINAL'' on the top page. In addition to 
    the paper original, paper copies of pleadings must be submitted as 
    required by Sec. 1.51 of this chapter.
        (f) Correspondence. Correspondence concerning a submitted 
    application must clearly identify the name of the filer, nature of the 
    filing, the Public Mobile service involved, the call sign of the 
    relevant existing station, if any, and the file number (if assigned) of 
    the relevant pending application. Correspondence may be sent directly 
    to Mobile Services Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal 
    Communications, Washington, DC 20554.
        (g) Magnetic disks. To assist the FCC in maintaining an accurate 
    technical licensing database, applicants are encouraged to submit the 
    technical and administrative data contained in applications and 
    notifications on magnetic disks. Applicants may also submit, in lieu of 
    the microfiche required by paragraph (d) of this section, entire 
    applications and notifications on magnetic disks, by including graphics 
    files containing the images of the signed paper originals.
        (1) Each application must be submitted on a separate labeled 
    standard 3\1/4\'' magnetic disk, formatted to be readable by high-
    density floppy drives operating under MS-DOS (3.X or later compatible 
    versions). A copy of each disk must also be submitted (2 identical 
    disks per application).
        (2) [Reserved]
        Note: Paragraph (g) of Sec. 22.105 is not effective until 
    further notice.
    Sec. 22.106  Filing fees; place.
        Applications, amendments, notifications and other filings must be 
    submitted to the FCC at the appropriate address, with the appropriate 
    filing fee. The fee amounts and addresses are listed in part 1, subpart 
    G of this chapter (Sec. 1.1105 in particular), and in the publication 
    ``Common Carrier Services Fee Filing Guide'' which is available from 
    the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554.
    Sec. 22.107  General application requirements.
        In general, applications for authorizations, assignments of 
    authorizations, or consent to transfer of control of licensees in the 
    Public Mobile Services must:
        (a) Demonstrate the applicant's qualifications to hold an 
    authorization in the Public Mobile services;
        (b) State how a grant would serve the public interest, convenience, 
    and necessity;
        (c) Contain all information required by FCC rules or application 
        (d) Propose operation of a facility in compliance with all rules 
    governing the Public Mobile service;
        (e) Be amended as necessary to remain substantially accurate and 
    complete in all significant respects, in accordance with the provisions 
    of Sec. 1.65 of this chapter; and,
        (f) Be signed in accordance with Sec. 1.743 of this chapter.
    Sec. 22.108   Parties to applications.
        Each application for an authorization, assignment of authorization, 
    or for consent to transfer of control in the Public Mobile Service must 
    disclose fully the real party or parties in interest to the 
    application. Such disclosure must include:
        (a) A list of the applicant's subsidiaries, if any. For the 
    purposes of this section, a subsidiary is any business for which the 
    applicant or any officer, director, stockholder or key manager of the 
    applicant owns 5% or more of the stock, warrants, options or debt 
    securities. This list must include a description of each subsidiary's 
    principal business and relationship to the applicant.
        (b) A list of the applicant's affiliates, if any. For the purposes 
    of this section, an affiliate is:
        (1) Any business that holds a 5% or more interest in the applicant; 
        (2) Any business in which a 5% or more interest is held by a 
    business that also holds a 5% or more interest in the applicant.
        (c) A list of the names, addresses, citizenship and principal 
    business of any person holding 5% or more of each class of stock, 
    warrants, options or debt securities of the applicant, indicating the 
    amount and percentage held, and providing the name, address, 
    citizenship and principal place of business of any person, if other 
    than the holder, for whose benefit such interest is held. If any such 
    persons are related by blood or marriage, the relationship must be 
        (d) For initial cellular applications, the name and address of each 
    partner, his or her citizenship and the share or interest participation 
    in the partnership. This information must be provided for all partners, 
    regardless of their respective ownership interests in the partnership. 
    A signed and dated copy of the partnership agreement must be included 
    in the application. See Sec. 22.953(a)(5)(v).
    Sec. 22.115   Content of applications.
        Applications must contain all applicable information requested on 
    the standard form and any additional information required by the rules 
    in this part.
        (a) The following requirements are common to all Public Mobile 
        (1) Site availability. At the time of filing, applicants must have 
    obtained reasonable assurance that all antenna sites specified in their 
    applications are available for the proposed use.
        (2) Antenna structure drawing. Applications proposing a new antenna 
    structure or a change in the overall height of an existing antenna 
    structure must contain a vertical profile drawing of the antenna 
    structure. (Applications proposing to use an existing structure, 
    without changing the overall height of the structure, need not contain 
    a drawing.) If appropriate, the standard drawings on Schedule F of FCC 
    Form 401 should be used to satisfy this requirement. Otherwise, the 
    applicant may submit an exhibit containing the required drawing. The 
    drawing must be labeled to show the overall structure height including 
    appurtenances, the height of the tip(s) of the proposed antenna(s), the 
    height of any supporting building (or other man-made structure other 
    than an antenna tower), and the ground elevation. Heights must be given 
    in meters above ground level (AGL) and meters above mean sea level 
    (AMSL). The ground elevation must be given in meters AMSL.
        (3) FAA notification. Before construction of new antenna structures 
    or increases in the height of existing structures is authorized by the 
    FCC, a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) determination of No Hazard 
    to Air Navigation may be required. To apply for this determination, 
    applicants must notify the FAA of the planned construction. Criteria 
    used to determine whether FAA notification is required for a particular 
    antenna structure are contained in part 17, subpart B of this chapter. 
    Applications proposing a new antenna structure or an increase in the 
    height of an existing antenna structure must state whether FAA 
    notification is required. If available, a copy of the FAA determination 
    should be included in the application. If FAA notification is required, 
    but the FAA determination is not available at the time the application 
    is filed, the application must include the following information in 
    regard to the FAA notification: the name of the person that submitted 
    the notification, the date the notification was submitted, and the 
    location of the FAA office to which the notification was submitted.
        (4) Antenna locations. Applications for stations at fixed locations 
    must describe each transmitting antenna site by its geographical 
    coordinates and also by its street address, or by reference to a nearby 
    landmark. Geographical coordinates must be specified in degrees, 
    minutes, and seconds to the nearest second of latitude and longitude.
        Note to paragraph (a)(4) of Sec. 22.115: The FAA has announced 
    that effective October 15, 1992, it will use geographic coordinates 
    based on the 1983 North American Datum (NAD83). Until further 
    notice, however, the FCC will continue to use geographical 
    coordinates based the 1927 North American Datum (NAD27). Applicants 
    may supply geographical coordinates based on NAD83 in addition to 
    those required (NAD27).
        (5) Environmental concerns. Each applicant is required to indicate 
    at the time its application is filed whether or not an FCC grant of the 
    application may have a significant environmental effect, as defined by 
    Sec. 1.1307 of this chapter. If answered affirmatively, an 
    Environmental Assessment, required by Sec. 1.1311 of this chapter, must 
    be filed with the application and environmental review by the FCC must 
    be completed prior to construction.
        (b) Reference to material on file. Questions on application forms 
    that call for specific technical data, or that can be answered yes or 
    no or with another short answer, must be answered on the form. 
    Otherwise, if documents, exhibits, or other lengthy showings already on 
    file with the FCC contain information required in an application, the 
    application may incorporate such information by reference, provided 
        (1) The reference information comprises more than one 8\1/2\'' x 
    11'' page and is current and accurate in all material respects; and,
        (2) The reference states specifically where the referenced 
    information can actually be found, including:
        (i) The station call sign or application file number, if the 
    reference is to station files or previously filed applications;
        (ii) The title of the proceeding, the docket number, and any legal 
    citations, if the reference is to a docketed proceeding.
        (c) Service specific requirements. Applications for authorization 
    in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service must contain specific 
    information as required by Sec. 22.929 and Sec. 22.953. Applications 
    for authorization in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service must contain 
    specific information as required by Sec. 22.529, Sec. 22.559 and 
    Sec. 22.589. Applications for authorization in the Rural Radiotelephone 
    Service must contain the information required by Sec. 22.709. 
    Applications for authorization in the Offshore Radio Service must 
    contain the information required by Sec. 22.1037. Applications for 
    authorization in the Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service must contain 
    specific information as required by Sec. 22.803 and Sec. 22.875, as 
    Sec. 22.117  Content of notifications.
        Notifications must contain all applicable information requested on 
    the standard form and any additional information required by the rules 
    in this part. See Secs. 22.124, 22.137, 22.142, 22.163, 22.165, 22.941, 
    and 22.946.
    Sec. 22.119  Requests for rule waivers.
        The FCC may waive the requirements of rules in this part on its own 
    motion or upon written request.
        (a) Requests for waiver of rules must contain a complete 
    explanation as to why the waiver is desired. The FCC may grant a 
    request for waiver if it is shown that:
        (1) The underlying purpose of the rule(s) would not be served or 
    would be frustrated by application to the instant case, and that a 
    grant of the requested waiver would be in the public interest; or
        (2) In view of unique or unusual factual circumstances of the 
    instant case, application of the rule(s) would be inequitable, unduly 
    burdensome or contrary to the public interest, or that the applicant 
    has no reasonable alternative.
        (b) The FCC, in its discretion, may give public notice of the 
    filing of a waiver request and seek comment from the public or affected 
        (c) Denial of a rule waiver request associated with an application 
    renders that application defective unless it contains an alternative 
    proposal that fully complies with the rules, in which event the 
    application is processed using the alternative proposal as if the 
    waiver had not been requested. Applications rendered defective may be 
    dismissed without prejudice.
    Sec. 22.120  Application processing; initial procedures.
        This section contains rules governing the initial processing of 
    applications for authority to operate a station in the Public Mobile 
        (a) File numbers. Applications received by the FCC are assigned 
    file numbers. Assignment of a file number to an application is for 
    administrative convenience and does not constitute a determination that 
    the application is acceptable for filing. Assignment of a file number 
    does not preclude the subsequent return or dismissal of an application. 
    For administrative efficiency, the FCC, in its discretion, occasionally 
    consolidates separate applications filed simultaneously by the same 
    applicant into a single application (with one file number) and splits 
    applications comprising two or more severable proposals into separate 
    applications (with different file numbers).
        (b) Received date. The FCC records the date on which each 
    application is received. This date is used to determine compliance with 
    applicable cut-off dates or filing windows and for other purposes.
        (c) Initial review for completeness (prescreening). Each 
    application is reviewed for completeness. The purpose of this initial 
    review is to identify applications that are defective in an obvious way 
    (e.g. not signed, missing pages, improper or missing fee payment). 
    Applications found to be defective in this review are unacceptable for 
    filing and may be returned to the applicant with a brief statement 
    indicating the nature of the defect(s) found. Applications for which no 
    obvious defects are discovered in the initial review are acceptable for 
        (d) Public notice; acceptance for filing. The FCC periodically 
    issues Public Notices that list applications that are acceptable for 
    filing. The listing of an application on a Public Notice as acceptable 
    for filing provides notices to the public that the application has been 
    filed; it does not preclude dismissal of the application if it is 
    subsequently found to be defective or otherwise subject to dismissal 
    under Sec. 22.128.
    Sec. 22.121  Repetitious, inconsistent or conflicting applications.
        Repetitious, inconsistent or conflicting applications are not 
    accepted for filing by the FCC. Unless the FCC in a particular case 
    determines otherwise, such applications are not returned to the 
        (a) While an application is pending, any subsequent inconsistent or 
    conflicting application submitted by, on behalf of, or for the benefit 
    of the same applicant, its successor or assignee will not be accepted 
    for filing.
        (b) If an applicant has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing 
    with respect to an application for a new station or an enlargement of 
    service area, and the FCC has, after hearing or default, denied the 
    application or dismissed it with prejudice, the FCC will not consider a 
    like application for service of the same type to the same area by that 
    applicant, or by its successor or assignee, or on behalf of or for the 
    benefit of the parties in interest to the original application, until 
    one year after the effective date of the FCC's action on the original 
        (c) If an appeal has been taken from the action of the FCC denying 
    a particular application, a like application for service of the same 
    type to the same area, in whole or in part, filed by that applicant or 
    by its successor or assignee, or on behalf or for the benefit of the 
    parties in interest to the original application, will not be considered 
    until the final disposition of such appeal.
        (d) If an authorization is voluntarily cancelled or automatically 
    terminated because of failure to commence service to subscribers (see 
    Sec. 22.144), the FCC will not consider an application for another 
    authorization to operate a station on the same channel (or, in the case 
    of a 931 MHz paging station, the same frequency range) in the same 
    geographical area by that party, or by its successor or assignee, or on 
    behalf of or for the benefit of the parties in interest to the 
    terminated authorization, until one year after the date the 
    authorization terminated. This paragraph does not apply to 
    authorizations in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service.
    Sec. 22.122  Amendment of applications.
        Pending applications may be amended as a matter of right if they 
    have not been designated for hearing or listed in a Public Notice for a 
    random selection or competitive bidding process, except as provided in 
    paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and in Sec. 22.949.
        (a) If a petition to deny or other formal objection has been filed, 
    a copy of any amendment (or other filing) must be served on the 
    petitioner. If the FCC has issued a Public Notice stating that the 
    application appears to be mutually exclusive with another application 
    (or applications), a copy of any amendment (or other filing) must be 
    served on any such mutually exclusive applicant (or applicants).
        (b) Amendments to applications that resolve mutual exclusivity may 
    be filed at any time, subject to the requirements of Sec. 22.129.
        (c) Amendments to applications designated for hearing may be 
    allowed by the presiding officer and amendments to applications 
    selected in a random selection process may be allowed by the FCC for 
    good cause shown. In such instances, a written petition demonstrating 
    good cause must be submitted and served upon the parties of record.
    Sec. 22.123  Classification of filings as major or minor.
        Applications and amendments to applications are classified as major 
    or minor. Categories of major and minor filings are listed in section 
    309 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 309). In 
    general, a major filing is a request for an FCC action that has the 
    potential to affect parties other than the applicant. Filings are minor 
    if they are not classified as major.
        (a) Ownership or control change. Filings are major if they specify 
    a substantial change in beneficial ownership or control (de jure or de 
    facto), unless such change is involuntary or if the filing merely 
    amends an application to reflect a change in ownership or control that 
    has already been approved by the FCC.
        (b) Developmental. Applications are major if they request a 
    developmental authorization pursuant to Sec. 22.409, or a regular 
    authorization for facilities operating under a developmental 
        (c) Renewal. Applications of renewal of authorizations are major.
        (d) Environmental. Filings are major if they request authorization 
    for a facility that would have a significant environmental effect, as 
    defined by Secs. 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapter.
        (e) Paging and Radiotelephone Service. In the Paging and 
    Radiotelephone Service, filings are major if they:
        (1) Request an authorization that would establish for the filer a 
    new service area or fixed transmission path on a request channel;
        (2) Request an authorization that would extend the service area of 
    an existing station to include area not served by station(s) authorized 
    to the filer on a requested channel;
        (3) Request an authorization that would extend the interfering 
    contours of an existing station beyond the composite interfering 
    contours of station(s) authorized to the filer on a request channel;
        (4) Request an authorization that would increase the effective 
    radiated power or antenna height above average terrain in any azimuth 
    from an existing fixed transmitter authorized to the filer;
        (5) Request an authorization that would relocate an existing fixed 
        (6) Amend a pending application to change a requested channel;
        (7) Amend a pending application in a way that would extend the 
    service area of a station on a requested channel to include area that--
        (i) Would not have been served by that station as previously 
    proposed in the application and--
        (ii) Is not already served by the station on the requested channel;
        (8) Amend a pending application in a way that would extend the 
    interfering contours of a station on a requested channel beyond--
        (i) The composite interfering contours of that station as 
    previously proposed in the application and--
        (ii) The composite interfering contours of any other stations 
    authorized to the filer on a requested channel;
        (9) Amend a pending application to increase the proposed effective 
    radiated power or antenna height above average terrain in any azimuth 
    of a fixed transmitter;
        (10) Amend a pending application to change the location of a fixed 
    transmitter from that previously proposed in the application; or,
        (11) Amend a pending application for which pre-filing coordination 
    was required (see Sec. 22.150) to change the technical proposal 
    substantially from that which was coordinated with other users.
        (f) Rural Radiotelephone Service. In the Rural Radiotelephone 
    Service, filings are major if they:
        (1) Request an authorization for a new central office or subscriber 
        (2) Request an authorization that would extend the interfering 
    contours of an existing station beyond the composite interfering 
    contours of station(s) authorized to the filer on a requested channel;
        (3) Request an authorization that would increase the effective 
    radiated power or antenna height above average terrain in any azimuth 
    from an existing transmitter authorized to the filer;
        (4) Request an authorization that would relocate an existing 
        (5) Amend a pending application to change a requested channel;
        (6) Amend a pending application in a way that would extend the 
    interfering contours of a station on a requested channel beyond--
        (i) The composite interfering contours of that station as 
    previously proposed in the application and--
        (ii) The composite interfering contours of any other stations 
    authorized to the filer on a requested channel; or,
        (7) Amend a pending application to increase the proposed effective 
    radiated power or antenna height above average terrain in any azimuth 
    of a transmitter.
        (g) Cellular Radiotelephone Service. In the Cellular Radiotelephone 
    Service, filings are major if they:
        (1) Request an authorization to operate a new cellular system;
        (2) Request an authorization for facilities that would expand the 
    cellular geographic service area (CGSA) of an existing cellular system, 
    except during the applicable five year build-out period, if any;
        (3) Request an authorization for facilities that would produce a de 
    minimis service area boundary extension (see Sec. 22.911(c)(1));
        (4) Request that a CGSA boundary or a portion of a CGSA boundary be 
    determined using an alternative method (see Sec. 22.911(b));
        (5) Amend a pending application to change the requested channel 
    block; or,
        (6) Amend a pending application by modifying the CGSA of the 
    proposed cellular system to include area that--
        (i) Was not included in the CGSA as previously proposed in the 
    application and--
        (ii) Is not included in the currently authorized CGSA, if any.
        (h) Air-ground Radiotelephone. In the Air-ground Radiotelephone 
    Service, filings are major if they:
        (l) Request an authorization for a new General Aviation ground 
    station or to relocate an existing General Aviation ground station;
        (2) Request the first authorization for a new Commercial Aviation 
    ground station at a location other than those listed in Sec. 22.859;
        (3) Request authorization to add a channel to or change a channel 
    of an existing General Aviation ground station; or,
        (4) Amend a pending application to change the requested channel or 
    channel block.
        (i) Offshore Radiotelephone. In the Offshore Radiotelephone 
    Service, filings are major if they:
        (1) Request an authorization for a new offshore central or 
    subscriber station;
        (2) Request authorization to add a channel to or change a channel 
    of an existing offshore central or subscriber station; or,
        (3) Amend a pending application to change the technical proposal 
    substantially from that which was coordinated with other users prior to 
        (j) Clerical errors. Amendments are classified as minor if they 
    only correct typographical, transcription or similar clerical errors 
    that are clearly demonstrated (e.g. by reference to other parts of the 
    application) to be mistakes, and whose discovery and correction does 
    not change information previously listed in a Public Notice.
    Sec. 22.124  Notification processing.
        This section contains rules governing the processing of 
    notifications (filed on FCC Form 489) in the Public Mobile Services.
        (a) File numbers. Notifications received by the FCC are assigned 
    file numbers. Assignment of a file number to a notification is for 
    administrative convenience and does not constitute a determination that 
    the notified action has been examined and not rejected by the FCC. 
    Assignment of a file number does not preclude the return of a 
    notification subsequently found to be defective.
        (b) Defective notifications. A notification is defective if:
        (1) It is unsigned or incomplete with respect to required answers 
    to questions, informational showings, or other matters of a formal 
        (2) It notifies of an action that does not comply with one or more 
    of the FCC rules;
        (3) It notifies of an action for which an application for 
    authorization is required;
        (4) It is submitted without the required microfiche; or,
        (5) It is untimely filed.
        (c) Review. After a file number is assigned, each notification is 
    reviewed. The purpose of this review is to identify notifications that 
    are unacceptable (e.g. not signed, missing pages, improper or missing 
    fee payment). Notifications found to be unacceptable may be returned to 
    the licensee with a brief statement describing the deficiency. If a 
    notification is found to be unacceptable, the FCC may direct the 
    licensee to return the station to compliance with its previous license 
    terms. Acceptable notifications are added to the appropriate station 
    Sec. 22.125  Application for special temporary authorizations.
        In circumstances requiring immediate or temporary use of Public 
    Mobile Services stations, carriers may request special temporary 
    authority (STA) to operate new or modified equipment. Such requests may 
    be submitted as informal applications (see Sec. 22.105) and must 
    contain complete details about the proposed operation and the 
    circumstances that fully justify and necessitate the grant of STA. Such 
    requests should be filed in time to be received by the FCC at least 10 
    days prior to the date of proposed operation or, where an extension is 
    sought, 10 days prior to the expiration date of the existing STA. 
    Requests received less than 10 days prior to the desired date of 
    operation may be given expedited considerations only if compelling 
    reasons are given, in writing, for the delay in submitting the request. 
    Otherwise, such late-filed requests are considered in turn, but action 
    might not be taken prior to the desired date of operation. Requests for 
    STAs must be accompanied by the proper filing fee.
        (a) Grant without Public Notice. STAs may be granted without being 
    listed in a Public Notice, or prior to 30 days after such listing, if:
        (1) The STA is to be valid for 30 days or less and the applicant 
    does not plan to file an application for regular authorization of the 
    subject operation;
        (2) The STA is to be valid for 60 days or less, pending the filing 
    of an application for regular authorization of the subject operation;
        (3) The STA is to allow interim operation to facilitate completion 
    of authorized construction or to provide substantially the same service 
    as previously authorized; or
        (4) The STA is made upon a finding that there are extraordinary 
    circumstances requiring operation in the public interest and that delay 
    in the institution of such service would seriously prejudice the public 
        (b) Limit on STA term. The FCC may grant STAs valid for a period 
    not to exceed 180 days under the provisions of Sec. 309(f) of the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended, (47 U.S.C. 309(f)) if 
    extraordinary circumstances so require, and pending the filing of an 
    application for regular operation. The FCC may grant extensions of STAs 
    for a period of 180 days, but the applicant must show that 
    extraordinary circumstances warrant such an extension.
    Sec. 22.127  Public notices.
        Periodically, the FCC issues Public Notices listing major filings 
    and other information of public significance. Categories of Public 
    Notice listings are as follows:
        (a) Accepted for filing. Acceptance for filing of applications and 
    major amendments thereto.
        (b) Actions. FCC actions on pending applications previously listed 
    as accepted for filing.
        (c) Informative listings. Information that the FCC, in its 
    discretion, believes to be of public significance. Such listings do not 
    create any rights to file oppositions or other pleadings.
    Sec. 22.128  Dismissal of applications.
        The FCC may dismiss any application for authorization, assignment 
    of authorization, or consent to transfer of control in the Public 
    Mobile Services, upon request by the applicant, or if the application 
    is untimely filed, or if the application is mutually exclusive with 
    another application that is selected or granted in accordance with the 
    rules in this part, or for failure to prosecute, or if the requested 
    spectrum is not available, or if the application is found to be 
    defective. Such dismissal may be ``without prejudice,'' meaning that 
    the FCC may accept from the applicant another application for the same 
    purpose at any later time, or ``with prejudice,'' meaning that the FCC 
    will not accept from the applicant another application for the same 
    purpose for a period of one year. Unless otherwise provided in this 
    part, a dismissed application will not be returned to the applicant.
        (a) Dismissal at request of applicant. Any applicant may request 
    that its application be returned or dismissed. A request for the return 
    of an application after it has been listed on Public Notice as 
    tentatively accepted for filing is considered to be a request for 
    dismissal of that application without prejudice.
        (1) If the applicant requests dismissal of its application with 
    prejudice, the FCC will dismiss that application with prejudice.
        (2) If the applicant requests dismissal of its application without 
    prejudice, the FCC will dismiss that application without prejudice, 
        (i) It has been designated for comparative hearing;
        (ii) It has been selected in a random selection process; or,
        (iii) It is an application for which the applicant submitted the 
    winning bid in a competitive bidding process.
        (3) If the applicant requests dismissal of its application for 
    which it submitted the winning bid in a competitive bidding process, 
    the FCC will dismiss that application with prejudice. If the applicant 
    requests dismissal of its application after that application has been 
    designated for comparative hearing or selected in a random selection 
    process, it may submit a written petition requesting that the dismissal 
    be without prejudice. Such petition must demonstrate good cause and 
    comply with Sec. 22.129 and be served upon all parties of record. The 
    FCC may grant such petition and dismiss the application without 
    prejudice or deny the petition and dismiss the application with 
        (b) Dismissal of mutually exclusive applications not granted. The 
    FCC may dismiss mutually exclusive applications:
        (1) For which the applicant did not submit the winning bid in a 
    competitive bidding process;
        (2) That are included in a random selection process but are not 
    granted; or,
        (3) That receive comparative consideration in a hearing but are not 
    granted by order of the presiding officer.
        (c) Dismissal for failure to prosecute. The FCC may dismiss 
    applications for failure of the applicant to prosecute or for failure 
    of the applicant to respond substantially within a specified time 
    period to official correspondence or requests for additional 
    information. Such dismissal will generally be without prejudice if the 
    failure to prosecute or respond occurred prior to designation of the 
    application for comparative hearing or prior to selection of the 
    application in a random selection process, but may be with prejudice in 
    cases of non-compliance with Sec. 22.129. Dismissal will generally be 
    with prejudice if the failure to prosecute or respond occurred after 
    designation of the application for comparative hearing or after 
    selection of the application in a random selection process. The FCC may 
    dismiss applications with prejudice for failure of the applicant to 
    comply with requirements related to a competitive bidding process.
        (d) Dismissal as defective. The FCC may dismiss without prejudice 
    applications that it finds to be defective. Applications for 
    authorization or assignment of authorization are defective if:
        (1) They are unsigned or incomplete with respect to required 
    answers to questions, informational showings, or other matters of a 
    formal character; or,
        (2) They request an authorization that would not comply with one or 
    more of the FCC rules and do not contain a request for waiver of these 
    rule(s), or in the event that the FCC denies such a waiver request, do 
    not contain an alternative proposal that fully complies with the rules;
        (e) Dismissal because spectrum not available. The FCC may dismiss 
    applications that request spectrum which is unavailable because:
        (1) It is not allocated for assignment in the Public Mobile 
    Services (see Part 2 of this chapter);
        (2) It was previously assigned to another licensee on an exclusive 
    basis or cannot be assigned to the applicant without causing 
    interference; or
        (3) Reasonable efforts have been made to coordinate the proposed 
    facility with foreign administrations under applicable international 
    agreements, and an unfavorable response (harmful interference 
    anticipated) has been received.
        (f) Dismissal as untimely. The FCC may dismiss without prejudice 
    applications that are prematurely or late filed, including applications 
    filed prior to the opening date or after the closing date of a filing 
    window, or after the cut-off date for a mutually exclusive application 
    filing group.
    Sec. 22.129  Agreements to dismiss applications, amendments or 
        Parties that have filed an application in the Public Mobile 
    Services that is mutually exclusive with one or more other 
    applications, and then enter into an agreement to resolve the mutual 
    exclusivity by withdrawing or requesting dismissal of the application 
    or an amendment thereto, must obtain the approval of the FCC. Parties 
    that have filed or threatened to file a petition to deny, informal 
    objection or other pleading against a pending application in the Public 
    Mobile Services and then seek to withdraw or request dismissal of, or 
    refrain from filing, the petition, either unilaterally or in exchange 
    for a financial consideration, must obtain the approval of the FCC.
        (a) The party withdrawing or requesting dismissal of its 
    application, petition to deny, informal objection or other pleading or 
    refraining from filing a pleading must submit to the FCC a request for 
    approval of the withdrawal or dismissal, a copy of any written 
    agreement related to the withdrawal or dismissal, and an affidavit 
    setting forth:
        (1) A certification that neither the party nor its principals has 
    received or will receive any money or other consideration in excess of 
    the legitimate and prudent expenses incurred in preparing and 
    prosecuting the application, petition to deny, informal objection or 
    other pleading in exchange for the withdrawal or dismissal of the 
    application, petition to deny, informal objection or other pleading, or 
    threat to file a pleading, except that this provision does not apply to 
    dismissal or withdrawal of applications pursuant to bona fide merger 
        (2) The exact nature and amount of any consideration received or 
        (3) An itemized accounting of the expenses for which it seeks 
    reimbursement; and
        (4) The terms of any oral agreement related to the withdrawal or 
    dismissal of the application, petition to deny, informal objection or 
    other pleading or threat to file a pleading.
        (b) In addition, within 5 days of the filing date of the 
    applicant's or petitioner's request for approval, each remaining party 
    to any written or oral agreement must submit an affidavit setting 
        (1) A certification that neither the applicant nor its principals 
    has paid or will pay money or other consideration in excess of the 
    legitimate and prudent expenses of the petitioner in exchange for 
    withdrawing or dismissing the application, petition to deny, informal 
    objection or other pleading; and
        (2) The terms of any oral agreement relating to the withdrawal or 
    dismissal of the application, petition to deny, informal objection or 
    other pleading.
        (c) No person shall make or receive any payments in exchange for 
    withdrawing a threat to file or refraining from filing a petition to 
    deny, informal objection, or any other pleading against an application. 
    For the purposes of this section, reimbursement by an applicant of the 
    legitimate and prudent expenses of a potential petitioner or objector, 
    incurred reasonably and directly in preparing to file a petition to 
    deny, will not be considered to be payment for refraining from filing a 
    petition to deny or an informal objection. Payments made directly to a 
    potential petitioner or objector, or a person related to a potential 
    petitioner or objector, to implement non-financial promises are 
    prohibited unless specifically approved by the FCC.
        (d) For the purposes of this section:
        (1) Affidavits filed pursuant to this section must be executed by 
    the filing party, if an individual, a partner having personal knowledge 
    of the facts, if a partnership, or an officer having personal knowledge 
    of the facts, if a corporation or association.
        (2) Applications, petitions to deny, informal objections and other 
    pleadings are deemed to be pending before the FCC from the time the 
    application or petition to deny is filed with the FCC until such time 
    as an order of the FCC granting, denying or dismissing the application, 
    petition to deny, informal objection or other pleading is no longer 
    subject to reconsideration by the FCC or to review by any court.
        (3) ``Legitimate and prudent expenses'' are those expenses 
    reasonably incurred by a party in preparing to file, filing, 
    prosecuting and/or settling its application, petition to deny, informal 
    objection or other pleading for which reimbursement is sought.
        (4) ``Other consideration'' consists of financial concessions, 
    including, but not limited to, the transfer of assets or the provision 
    of tangible pecuniary benefit, as well as non-financial concessions 
    that confer any type of benefit on the recipient.
    Sec. 22.130  Petitions to deny, responsive pleadings.
        Petitions to deny any major filing may be filed by parties able to 
    demonstrate standing to file such petitions. Responsive pleadings to 
    such petitions may be filed in accordance with the provisions of this 
        (a) Content and requirements. Petitions to deny and responsive 
    pleadings must:
        (1) Clearly identify the pertinent major filing(s);
        (2) Comply with all applicable requirements of Sec. 1.41 through 
    Sec. 1.52 of this chapter;
        (3) Contain specific allegations of fact which, except for facts of 
    which official notice may be taken, are supported by affidavit of a 
    person or persons with personal knowledge thereof, and which are 
    sufficient to demonstrate that the petitioner (or respondent) is a 
    party in interest and that a grant or other FCC action regarding the 
    major filing would be inconsistent with the public interest;
        (4) Be filed within 30 days after the date of the Public Notice 
    listing the major filing; and.
        (5) Contain a certificate of service showing that a copy has been 
    mailed to the applicant no later than the date of filing with the FCC.
        (b) Expansion. Petitions to deny a major amendment to an 
    application may raise only matters directly related to the major 
    amendment that could not have been raised in connection with the 
    application as originally filed. This paragraph does not apply to 
    petitioners who gain standing because of the major amendment.
        (c) Dismissal. The FCC may, by letter, dismiss any petition to deny 
    a major filing if the petition does not comply with the requirements of 
    this section, if the issues raised become moot, or if the petitioner or 
    his/her attorney fails to appear at a settlement conference pursuant to 
    Sec. 22.135. The reason(s) for the dismissal are stated in the letter. 
    When a petition to deny is dismissed, any related responsive pleadings 
    are also dismissed.
    Sec. 22.131  Mutually exclusive applications.
        Two or more pending applications are mutually exclusive if the 
    grant of one application would effectively preclude the grant of one or 
    more of the others under the rules governing the Public Mobile service 
        (a) Procedures. Procedures for disposing of mutually exclusive 
    applications are prescribed in the subparts of this part governing the 
    individual Public Mobile Services and in part 1 of this chapter. The 
    FCC may first dismiss any applications that are untimely filed or 
    otherwise subject to dismissal under Sec. 22.128. If any remaining 
    applications continue to be mutually exclusive, the FCC may grant one 
    of the mutually exclusive applications and dismiss the rest pursuant to 
    Sec. 22.128. In selecting the application to grant, the FCC may use 
    competitive bidding, random selection processes or comparative 
    hearings, depending on the nature of the mutually exclusive 
    applications involved.
        (b) Separate applications. Applicants that file an application, 
    knowing that it will be mutually exclusive with one or more 
    applications, should not include in the mutually exclusive application 
    a request for other channels of facilities that would not, by 
    themselves, render the application mutually exclusive with those other 
    applications. Instead, the request for such other channels or 
    facilities should be filed in a separate application.
    Sec. 22.132  Grant of applications.
        Applications for authorization may be granted thirty days after the 
    issuance date of a Public Notice listing an application or the latest 
    filed major amendment thereto as acceptable for filing.
        (a) Criteria for grants. The FCC grants applications without a 
    hearing if, after examination of the application and consideration of 
    any petitions or other pleadings and of such other matters as it may 
    officially notice, the FCC finds that:
        (1) A grant will serve the public interest, convenience, and 
        (2) There are no substantial and material questions of fact 
        (3) The applicant is eligible and qualified under applicable FCC 
    regulations and policies;
        (4) The application is acceptable for filing, and complies with the 
    FCC rules and other applicable requirements;
        (5) The application has not been designated for a hearing after 
    being selected in a random selection process;
        (6) There are no applications entitled to comparative consideration 
    with the application being granted; and
        (7) Operation of the proposed station would not cause interference 
    to any authorized station(s).
        (b) Grant of petitioned applications. The FCC may grant, without a 
    formal hearing, applications against which petitions to deny has been 
    filed. If any petition(s) to deny are pending (i.e. have not been 
    dismissed pursuant to Sec. 22.130(c) or withdrawn by the petitioner) 
    when an application is granted, the FCC denies the petition(s) and 
    issues a concise statement of the reason(s) for the denial, disposing 
    of all substantive issues raised in the petitions.
        (c) Partial and conditional grants. The FCC may grant applications 
    in part, and/or subject to conditions other than those normally applied 
    to authorizations of the same type. When the FCC does this, it will 
    inform the applicant of the reasons therefor. Such partial or 
    conditional grants are final unless the FCC revises its action in 
    response to a petition for reconsideration. Such petitions for 
    reconsideration must be filed by the applicant within thirty days after 
    the date of the letter or order stating the reasons for the partial or 
    conditional grant, and must reject the partial or conditional grant and 
    return the instrument of authorization.
        (d) Designation for hearing. The FCC may designate applications for 
    a hearing, specifying with particularity the matters in issue, if, 
    after consideration of the application, any petitions or other 
    pleadings, and other matters which it may officially notice, the FCC is 
    unable to make one or more of the findings listed in paragraph (a) of 
    this section. The FCC may grant, deny or take other action with respect 
    to applications designated for a hearing.
    Sec. 22.135  Settlement conference.
        Parties are encouraged to use alternative dispute resolution 
    procedures to settle disputes (see subpart E of part 1 of this 
    chapter). In any contested proceeding, the FCC, in its discretion, may 
    direct the parties or their attorneys to appear before it for a 
        (a) The purposes of such conferences are:
        (1) To obtain admissions of fact or stipulations between the 
    parties as to any or all of the matters in controversy;
        (2) To consider the necessity for or desirability of amendments to 
    the pleadings, or of additional pleadings or evidentiary submissions;
        (3) To consider simplification or narrowing of the issues;
        (4) To encourage settlement of the matters in controversy by 
    agreement between the parties; and
        (5) To consider other matters that may aid in the resolution of the 
    contested proceeding.
        (b) Conferences are scheduled by the FCC at a time and place it may 
    designate, to be conducted in person or by telephone conference call.
        (c) The failure of any party or attorney, following reasonable 
    notice, to appear at a scheduled conference will be deemed a failure to 
    prosecute, subjecting that party's application or petition to dismissal 
    by the FCC pursuant to Sec. 22.128(c) or Sec. 22.130(c).
    Sec. 22.137  Assignment of authorization; transfer of control.
        Authorizations in the Public Mobile Services may be assigned by the 
    licensee to another party, voluntarily or involuntarily, directly or 
    indirectly, or by transfer of control of a licensee holding such 
    authorizations, only upon approval by the FCC. The assignee is 
    responsible for ascertaining that the station facilities are and will 
    remain in compliance with the terms and conditions of the authorization 
    to be assigned.
        (a) Application required. The assignor or transferor must file an 
    application for approval of assignment or transfer of control (FCC Form 
    490). In the case of involuntary assignment, such application must be 
    filed no later than 30 days after the event causing the assignment. The 
    assignee or transferee must file a report qualifying it as a common 
    carrier (FCC Form 430) unless a current report is already on file with 
    the FCC.
        (b) Notification of completion. Assignments and transfers of 
    control must be completed within 60 days of FCC approval. The assignee 
    or transferee must notify the FCC by letter of the date of completion 
    of the assignment or transfer of control. If an assignment or transfer 
    of control is not completed within this time, the assignor or 
    transferor must so notify the FCC by letter, and the assignee or 
    transferee must submit the authorization(s) to the FCC for cancellation 
    or request an extension of time to complete the assignment or transfer 
    of control. If the assignment or transfer of control is not completed, 
    the authorization(s) remain with the assignor or transferor.
        (c) Partial assignment of authorization. If the authorization for 
    some, but not all, of the facilities of a Public Mobile Services 
    station is assigned to another party, voluntarily or involuntarily, 
    such action is a partial assignment of authorization.
        (1) To request FCC approval of a partial assignment of 
    authorization, the following must be filed in addition to the forms 
    required by paragraph (a) of this section:
        (i) The assignor must notify the FCC (FCC Form 489) of the 
    facilities to be deleted from its authorization upon completion of the 
        (ii) The assignee must apply for authority (FCC Form 401) to 
    operate a new station including the facilities for which authorization 
    is assigned, or to modify the assignee's existing station to include 
    the facilities for which authorization was assigned.
        (2) Partial assignments must be completed within 60 days of FCC 
    approval. If an approved partial assignment is not completed within 
    this time, the assignor must notify the FCC (FCC Form 489), and the 
    assignee must submit the authorization(s) to the FCC for cancellation 
    or request an extension of time to complete the assignment. If the 
    assignment is not completed, the authorization(s) remain with the 
        (d) Limitations. The FCC may deny applications for assignment of 
    authorization or consent to transfer of control if:
        (1) The FCC is unable to make the findings contained in 
    Sec. 22.132(a) with respect to both parties to the assignment or 
        (2) The authorization was obtained for the principal purpose of 
    speculation or profitable resale, rather than provision of common 
    carrier telecommunication services to the public; or,
        (3) The authorization is for a commercial aviation system in the 
    Air-ground Radiotelephone Service or an unserved area cellular system 
    in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service and the system has not been 
    constructed or operated, or has been operated for less than one year.
        (i) Licensees must not enter into agreements (e.g. option 
    agreements or management contracts) to assign authorizations before or 
    during the first year of operation, even if the assignment is to take 
    place after the first year of operation.
        (ii) Notwithstanding the introductory texts of paragraphs (d) and 
    (d)(3) of this section, the FCC may grant applications for pro forma 
    assignments during the first year of operation.
    Sec. 22.139  Trafficking.
        Carriers must not obtain or attempt to obtain an authorization in 
    the Public Mobile services for the principal purpose of speculation or 
    profitable resale of the authorization, but rather for the provision of 
    common carrier telecommunication services to the public.
        (a) Applications for approval of assignment of authorization may be 
    reviewed by the FCC to determine if the circumstances indicate 
    trafficking in Public Mobile services authorizations.
        (b) The FCC may require submission of an affirmative, factual 
    showing, supported by affidavit of persons with personal knowledge 
    thereof, to demonstrate that the assignor did not acquire the 
    authorization for the principal purpose of speculation or profitable 
    resale of the authorization. This showing may include, for example, a 
    demonstration that the proposed assignment is due to changed 
    circumstances (described in detail) affecting the licensee after the 
    grant of the authorization, or that the proposed assignment is 
    incidental to a sale of other facilities or a merger of interests.
    Sec. 22.142  Commencement of service; notification requirement.
        Stations must begin providing service to subscribers no later than 
    the date of required commencement of service specified on the 
    authorization. If service to subscribers has not begun by the date of 
    required commencement of service, the authorization terminates, in 
    whole or in part, without action by the FCC, pursuant to Sec. 21.144. 
    Additional requirements for construction of facilities apply to 
    cellular systems (see Sec. 22.946) and commercial aviation air-ground 
    systems (see Sec. 22.873).
        (a) Construction period. The period between the date of grant of an 
    authorization and the date of required commencement of service is 
    referred to as the construction period. The terms of construction 
    periods are given in the subparts of this part governing each Public 
    Mobile Service.
        (b) Notification requirement. Licensees must notify the FCC (FCC 
    Form 489) of commencement of service to subscribers. The notification 
    must be mailed or delivered to the filing place (see Sec. 22.106) no 
    later than 15 days after service begins.
        (1) The notification must state whether the station was constructed 
    exactly as authorized or with minor changes.
        (2) If service to subscribers has begun using some, but not all, of 
    the authorized transmitters, the notification must show to which 
    specific transmitters it applies. Additional notifications must be 
    filed if and when other transmitters commence providing service to 
    subscribers. If the licensee no longer intends to construct and/or 
    operate the remaining authorized transmitters, the notification should 
    so state.
        (3) This section does not require licensees to notify the FCC of 
    facilities added or modified pursuant to the provisions of Secs. 22.163 
    and 22.165. It applies only to facilities specifically listed in 
    authorizations for which a construction period is provided.
        (c) Requests for extension. Before the date of required 
    commencement of service, licensees may file an application (FCC Form 
    401) requesting an extension of the construction period.
        (1) The FCC may grant applications for extension of the 
    construction period if the licensee shows that failure to commence 
    providing service to subscribers is due to causes beyond its control.
        (2) The FCC does not grant applications for extension of the 
    construction period if failure to commence providing service to 
    subscribers is due to delays caused by lack of financing, failure to 
    obtain an antenna site, or failure to order equipment in a timely 
    manner. If the licensee orders equipment within 90 days of 
    authorization grant, a presumption of diligence is created.
        (3) The FCC does not grant applications for extension of the 
    construction period if the licensee fails to commence providing service 
    to subscribers because it intends to assign the authorization. The FCC 
    does not grant applications for extension of the construction period 
    solely to allow an assignee to complete facilities the assignor failed 
    to construct.
        (d) Automatic extension for relocation. If, prior to the end of the 
    construction period, a licensee files an application (FCC Form 401) to 
    relocate a transmitter because of involuntary loss of the proposed site 
    or for other reasons due to causes beyond the licensee's control, the 
    construction period is automatically extended pending disposition of 
    that application.
        (1) Extension of the construction period for one transmitter under 
    this paragraph does not extend the construction period for other 
    transmitter under the same authorization that are not to be relocated.
        (2) The filing of applications for modifications other than 
    involuntary relocation does not automatically extend the construction 
    Sec. 22.143  Construction prior to grant of application.
        Applicants may construct facilities in the Public Mobile services 
    prior to grant of their applications, subject to the provisions of this 
    section, but must not operate such facilities until the FCC grants an 
    authorization. If the conditions stated in this section are not met, 
    applicants must not begin to construct facilities in the Public Mobile 
        (a) When applicants may begin construction. An applicant may begin 
    construction of a facility 35 days after the date of the Public Notice 
    listing the application for that facility as acceptable for filing, 
    except that an applicant whose application to operate a new cellular 
    system was selected in a random selection process may begin 
    construction of that new cellular system 35 days after the date of the 
    Public Notice listing it as the tentative selectee.
        (b) Notification to stop. If the FCC for any reason determines that 
    construction should not be started or should be stopped while an 
    application is pending, and so notifies the applicant, orally (followed 
    by written confirmation) or in writing, the applicant must not begin 
    construction or, if construction has begun, must stop construction 
        (c) Assumption of risk. Applicants that begin construction pursuant 
    to this section before receiving an authorization do so at their own 
    risk and have no recourse against the United States for any losses 
    resulting from:
        (1) Applications that are not granted;
        (2) Errors or delays in issuing Public Notices;
        (3) Having to alter, relocate or dismantle the facility; or
        (4) Incurring whatever costs may be necessary to bring the facility 
    into compliance with applicable laws, or FCC rules and orders.
        (d) Conditions. Except as indicated, all pre-grant construction is 
    subject to the following conditions:
        (1) The application is not mutually exclusive with any other 
    application, except for successful bidders and tentative selectees in 
    the Cellular Radiotelephone Service;
        (2) No petitions to deny the application have been filed;
        (3) The application does not include a request for a waiver of one 
    or more FCC rules;
        (4) For any construction or alteration that would exceed the 
    requirements of Sec. 17.7 of this chapter, the licensee has notified 
    the appropriate Regional Office of the Federal Aviation Administration 
    (FAA Form 7460-1), filed a request for antenna height clearance and 
    obstruction marking and lighting specifications (FCC Form 854) with the 
    FCC, PRB, Support Services Branch, Gettysburg, PA 17325;
        (5) The applicant has indicated in the application that the 
    proposed facility would not have a significant environmental effect, in 
    accordance with Secs. 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapter; and,
        (6) Under applicable international agreements and rules in this 
    part, individual coordination of the proposed channel assignment(s) 
    with a foreign administration is not required.
    Sec. 22.144  Termination of authorizations.
        Authorizations in the Public Mobile Services remain valid until 
    terminated in accordance with this section, except that the FCC may 
    revoke an authorization pursuant to section 312 of the Communications 
    Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 312).
        (a) Expiration. Authorizations automatically terminate, without 
    specific FCC action, on the expiration date specified therein, unless a 
    timely application for renewal is filed (see Sec. 22.145). No 
    authorization granted under the provisions of this part shall be for a 
    longer term than ten years. See 47 U.S.C. 307(c).
        (b) Failure to commence providing service to subscribers. 
    Authorizations automatically terminate, in whole or in part, without 
    specific FCC action, on the date of required commencement of service, 
    if service to subscribers is not commenced by that date (see 
    Sec. 22.142), except as provided in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
        (1) Authorizations do not terminate while a timely filed 
    application for extension of the construction period is pending (see 
    Sec. 22.142(c)).
        (2) If a timely filed application for extension of the construction 
    period is dismissed or denied, the authorization automatically 
    terminates, in whole or in part, without specific FCC action, on the 
    day after the applicant or the applicant's attorney is notified of the 
    FCC's action dismissing or denying the application for extension of the 
    construction period.
        (c) Service discontinued. Authorizations automatically terminate, 
    without specific FCC action, if service is permanently discontinued as 
    provided in Sec. 22.317.
        (d) STAs. Special Temporary Authorizations (STAs) automatically 
    terminate, without specific FCC action, at the end of the period 
    specified therein, except as provided in paragraph (d)(1) of this 
    section, or upon failure to comply with the terms and conditions 
        (1) STAs do not terminate while a timely filed request for an 
    extension of the STA term, in accordance with Sec. 22.125(b), is 
        (2) If a timely filed request for extension of the STA term is 
    dismissed or denied, the STA automatically terminates, without specific 
    FCC action, on the day after the applicant or the applicant's attorney 
    is notified of the FCC's action dismissing or denying the request for 
        (e) Cancellation. Authorizations submitted by licensees for 
    cancellation terminate when the FCC gives Public Notice of such action.
    Sec. 22.145  Renewal application procedures.
        Applications for renewal (FCC Form 405) of expiring authorizations 
    must be filed by the licensee prior to, but no earlier than 30 days 
    before, the expiration date of the authorization. A separate 
    application is required for each authorization (call sign). Competing 
    applications from parties wishing to challenge the renewal must be 
    filed during the same 30 day period. Additional renewal requirements 
    applicable only to specific Public Mobile Services are set forth in the 
    subparts governing those services.
    Sec. 22.150  Standard pre-filing technical coordination procedure.
        For operations on certain channels in the Public Mobile Services, 
    carriers must attempt to coordinate the proposed use of spectrum with 
    other spectrum users prior to filing an application for authority to 
    operate a station. Rules requiring this procedure for specific channels 
    and types of stations are contained in the subparts governing the 
    individual Public Mobile Services.
        (a) Coordination comprises two steps--notification and response. 
    Each step may be accomplished orally or in writing.
        (b) Notification must include relevant technical details of the 
    proposal. At minimum, this should include the following:
        (1) Geographical coordinates of the antenna site(s).
        (2) Transmitting and receiving channels to be added or changed.
        (3) Transmitting power, emission type and polarization.
        (4) Transmitting antenna pattern and maximum gain.
        (5) Transmitting antenna height above ground level.
        (c) Applicants and licensees receiving notification must respond 
    promptly, even if no channel usage conflicts are anticipated. If any 
    notified party fails to respond within 30 days, the applicant may file 
    the application without a response from that party.
        (d) The 30-day period begins on the date of receipt of the 
    notification by the party being notified. If the notification is by 
    mail, this date may be ascertained by:
        (1) The return receipt on certified mail,
        (2) The enclosure of a card to be dated and returned by the party 
    being notified, or
        (3) A reasonable estimate of the time required for the mail to 
    reach its destination. In this case, the date when the 30-day period 
    will expire must be stated in the notification.
        (e) All channel usage conflicts discovered during the coordination 
    process should be resolved prior to filing of the application. If the 
    applicant is unable or unwilling to resolve a particular conflict, the 
    application may be accepted for filing if it contains a statement 
    describing the unresolved conflict and a brief explanation of the 
    reasons why a resolution was not achieved.
        (f) If a number of changes in the technical parameters of a 
    proposed facility become necessary during the course of the 
    coordination process, an attempt should be made to minimize the number 
    of separate notifications. If the changes are incorporated into a 
    completely revised notice, the items that were changed from the 
    previous notice should be identified.
        (g) In situations where subsequent changes are not numerous or 
    complex, the party receiving the changed notification should make an 
    effort to respond in less than 30 days. If the applicant believes a 
    shorter response time is reasonable and appropriate, it should so 
    indicate in the notice and suggest a response date.
        (h) If a subsequent change in the technical parameters of a 
    proposed facility could not affect the facilities of one or more of the 
    parties that received an initial notification, the applicant is not 
    required to coordinate that change with these parties. However, these 
    parties must be advised of the change and of the opinion that 
    coordination is not required.
    Sec. 22.157  Distance computation.
        The method given in this section must be used to compute the 
    distance between any two locations, except that, for computation of 
    distance involving stations in Canada and Mexico, methods for distance 
    computation specified in the applicable international agreement, if 
    any, must be used instead. The method set forth in this paragraph is 
    considered to be sufficiently accurate for distances not exceeding 475 
    km (295 miles).
        (a) Convert the latitudes and longitudes of each reference point 
    from degree-minute-second format to degree-decimal format by dividing 
    minutes by 60 and seconds by 3600, then adding the results to degrees.
        (b) Calculate the mean geodetic latitude between the two reference 
    points by averaging the two latitudes:
        (c) Calculate the number of kilometers per degree latitude 
    difference for the mean geodetic latitude calculated in paragraph (b) 
    of this section as follows:
        (d) Calculate the number of kilometers per degree of longitude 
    difference for the mean geodetic latitude calculated in paragraph (b) 
    of this section as follows:
        (e) Calculate the North-South distance in kilometers as follows:
        (f) Calculate the East-West distance in kilometers as follows:
        (g) Calculate the distance between the locations by taking the 
    square root of the sum of the squares of the East-West and North-South 
        (h) Terms used in this section are defined as follows:
        (1) LAT1dd and LON1dd are the coordinates of the first 
    location in degree-decimal format.
        (2) LAT2dd and LON2dd are the coordinates of the second 
    location in degree-decimal format.
        (3) ML is the mean geodetic latitude in degree-decimal format.
        (4) KPDlat is the number of kilometers per degree of latitude 
    at a given mean geodetic latitude.
        (5) KPDlon is the number of kilometers per degree of longitude 
    at a given mean geodetic latitude.
        (6) NS is the North-South distance in kilometers.
        (7) DIST is the distance between the two locations, in kilometers.
    Sec. 22.159  Computation of average terrain elevation.
        Average terrain elevation must be calculated by computer using 
    elevations from a 30 second point or better topographic data file. The 
    file must be identified. If a 30 second point data file is used, the 
    elevation data must be processed for intermediate points using 
    interpolation techniques; otherwise, the nearest point may be used. In 
    cases of dispute, average terrain elevation determinations can also be 
    done manually, if the results differ significantly from the computer 
    derived averages.
        (a) Radial average terrain elevation is calculated as the average 
    of the elevation along a straight line path from 3 to 16 kilometers (2 
    and 10 miles) extending radially from the antenna site. If a portion of 
    the radial path extends over foreign territory or water, such portion 
    must not be included in the computation of average elevation unless the 
    radial path again passes over United States land between 16 and 134 
    kilometers (10 and 83 miles) away from the station. At least 50 evenly 
    spaced data points for each radial should be used in the computation.
        (b) Average terrain elevation is the average of the eight radial 
    average terrain elevations (for the eight cardinal radials).
        (c) For locations in Dade and Broward Counties, Florida, the method 
    prescribed above may be used or average terrain elevation may be 
    assumed to be 3 meters (10 feet).
    Sec. 22.161  Application requirements for ASSB.
        Applications for base stations employing amplitude compandored 
    single sideband modulation (ASSB) must contain the following 
        (a) The application must describe fully the modulation 
    characteristics, emission and occupied bandwidth, and specify the 
    center frequency of the emission for each channel, carrier frequency, 
    and pilot channels, if any. The emission must fall completely within a 
    channel assignable for two-way operation in the Paging and 
    Radiotelephone Service, Rural Radiotelephone Service or Offshore 
    Radiotelephone Service.
        (b) The application must contain interference studies between 
    stations within an authorized bandwidth, whether FM-to-ASSB, ASSB-to-
    FM, or ASSB-to-ASSB in accordance with the following: For ASSB 
    stations, the transmitter nearest to the protected station must be 
    used. The effective radiated power in the direction of the protected 
    station must be the sum of the peak effective radiated power of all 
    transmitters in the group, in the direction of the protected station. 
    The antenna center of radiation height above average terrain must be 
    the highest antenna center of radiation height of any transmitter in 
    the group in the direction of the protected station. The channel of the 
    group is assumed to be the same as that of the protected station (co-
    channel), and studies must be made in accordance with Sec. 22.567.
    Sec. 22.163  Minor modifications to existing stations.
        Licensees may make modifications to existing stations without 
    obtaining prior Commission approval provided:
        (a) Classification as minor. The modifications must be minor. 
    Modifications to a station are minor if an application filed solely for 
    the purpose of obtaining authorization for such modifications would not 
    be classified as major in accordance with Sec. 22.123.
        (b) International coordination. The modifications are limited to 
    those for which individual coordination of the channel assignment(s) 
    with a foreign administration, under applicable international 
    agreements and rules in this part, is not required.
        (c) Antenna structure clearance required. For any construction or 
    alteration that would exceed the requirements of Sec. 17.7 of this 
    chapter, licensees must notify the appropriate Regional Office of the 
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA Form 7460-1) and file a request 
    for antenna height clearance and obstruction marking and lighting 
    specifications (FCC Form 854) with the FCC, PRB, Support Services 
    Branch, Gettysburg, PA 17325.
        (d) Provision of information upon request. Licensees must supply 
    administrative or technical information concerning the modified 
    facilities upon request by the FCC. At the time modifications are made 
    pursuant to this section, licensees must make a record of the pertinent 
    technical and administrative information so that such information is 
    readily available. See Sec. 22.303.
        (e) Notification required for modifications affecting CGSA. 
    Licensees in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service must notify the FCC 
    (FCC Form 489) of any modifications made under this section that cause 
    a change in the Cellular Geographic Service Area boundary (including 
    the removal of a transmitter or transmitters). The notification must 
    include full size and reduced maps, and supporting engineering, as 
    described in Sec. 22.953(a)(5) (i) through (iii). If the modification 
    involves a contract service area boundary (SAB) extension (see 
    Sec. 22.912), the notification must include a statement as to whether 
    the five year build-out period for the system on the relevant channel 
    block in the market into which the SAB extends has elapsed, and whether 
    the SAB extends into any unserved area in that market. The notification 
    must be mailed or delivered to the filing place (see Sec. 22.106) no 
    later than 15 days after the modification is made.
    Sec. 22.165  Additional transmitters for existing systems.
        A licensee may operate additional transmitters at additional 
    locations on the same channel or channel block as its existing system 
    without obtaining prior Commission approval provided:
        (a) International coordination. The locations and/or technical 
    parameters of the additional transmitters are such that individual 
    coordination of the channel assignment(s) with a foreign 
    administration, under applicable international agreements and rules in 
    this part, is not required.
        (b) Antenna structure clearance required. For any construction or 
    alteration that would exceed the requirements of Sec. 17.7 of this 
    chapter, licensees must notify the appropriate Regional Office of the 
    Federal Aviation Administration (FAA Form 7460-1) and file a request 
    for antenna height clearance and obstruction marking and lighting 
    specifications (FCC Form 854) with the FCC, PRB, Support Services 
    Branch, Gettysburg, PA 17325.
        (c) Environmental. The additional transmitters must not have a 
    significant environmental effect as defined by Secs. 1.1301 through 
    1.1319 of this chapter.
        (d) Paging and Radiotelephone Service. The provisions in this 
    paragraph apply for stations in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service.
        (1) The service area and interfering contours of the additional 
    transmitter(s) must be totally encompassed by the composite service 
    area contour and predicted interfering contour, respectively, of the 
    existing station on the same channel; except that this limitation does 
    not apply to nationwide network paging stations or in-building 
    radiation systems.
        (2) Additional transmitters in the 43 MHz frequency range operate 
    under developmental authority, subject to the conditions set forth 
    Sec. 22.411.
        (3) The additional transmitters must not operate on control 
    channels in the 72-76 MHz, 470-512 MHz, 928 MHz, 932 MHz, 941 MHz or 
    959 MHz frequency ranges.
        (e) Cellular Radiotelephone Service. During the five year build-out 
    period, the service area boundaries of the additional transmitters, as 
    calculated by the method set forth in Sec. 22.911(a), must remain 
    within the market, except that the service area boundaries may extend 
    beyond the market boundary into area that is part of the CGSA or is 
    already encompassed by the service area boundaries of previously 
    authorized facilities. After the five year build-out period, the 
    service area boundaries of the additional transmitters, as calculated 
    by the method set forth in Sec. 22.911(a), must remain within the CGSA. 
    Licensees must notify the FCC (FCC Form 489) of any transmitters added 
    under this section that cause a change in the CGSA boundary. The 
    notification must include full size and reduced maps, and supporting 
    engineering, as described in Sec. 22.953(a)(5) (i) through (iii). If 
    the addition of transmitters involves a contract service area boundary 
    (SAB) extension (see Sec. 22.912), the notification must include a 
    statement as to whether the five year build-out period for the system 
    on the relevant channel block in the market into which the SAB extends 
    has elapsed, and whether the SAB extends into any unserved area in the 
    market. The notification must be mailed or delivered to the filing 
    place (see Sec. 22.106) no later than 15 days after the addition is 
        (f) Air-ground Radiotelephone Service. Ground stations may be added 
    to Commercial Aviation air-ground systems at previously established 
    ground station locations, pursuant to Sec. 22.859, subject to 
    compliance with the applicable technical rules. This section does not 
    apply to General Aviation air-ground stations.
        (g) Rural Radiotelephone Service. A ``service area'' and 
    ``interfering contours'' must be determined using the same method as 
    for stations in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service. The service area 
    and interfering contours so determined for the additional 
    transmitter(s) must be totally encompassed by the similarly determined 
    composite service area contour and predicted interfering contour, 
    respectively, of the existing station on the same channel. This section 
    does not apply to Basic Exchange Telecommunications Radio Systems.
        (h) Offshore Radiotelephone Service. This section does not apply to 
    stations in the Offshore Radiotelephone Service.
        (i) Provision of information upon request. Upon request by the FCC, 
    licensees must supply administrative or technical information 
    concerning the additional transmitters. At the time transmitters are 
    added pursuant to this section, licensees must make a record of the 
    pertinent technical and administrative information so that such 
    information is readily available. See Sec. 22.303.
    Sec. 22.169  International coordination of channel assignments.
        Channel assignments under this part are subject to the applicable 
    provisions and requirements of treaties and other international 
    agreements between the United States government and the governments of 
    Canada and Mexico.
    Subpart C--Operational and Technical Requirements
    Operational Requirements
    Sec. 22.301  Station inspection.
        The licensee of any station authorized in the Public Mobile 
    Services must make the station and station records available for 
    inspection by representatives of the FCC at any reasonable hour.
    Sec. 22.303  Retention of station authorizations; identifying 
        The current authorization for each station, together with current 
    administrative and technical information concerning modifications to 
    facilities pursuant to Sec. 22.163 and added facilities pursuant to 
    Sec. 22.165 must be retained as a permanent part of the station 
    records. A clearly legible photocopy of the authorization must be 
    available at each regularly attended control point of the station, or 
    in lieu of this photocopy, licensees may instead make available at each 
    regularly attended control point the address or location where the 
    licensee's current authorization and other records may be found. The 
    station call sign must be clearly and legibly marked on or near every 
    transmitting facility, other than mobile transmitters, of the station.
    Sec. 22.305  Operator and maintenance requirements.
        FCC operator permits and licenses are not required to operate, 
    repair or maintain equipment authorized in the Public Mobile Services. 
    Station licensees are responsible for the proper operation and 
    maintenance of their stations, and for compliance with FCC rules.
    Sec. 22.307  Operation during emergency.
        Licensees of stations in the Public Mobile services may, during a 
    period of emergency in which normal communications facilities are 
    disrupted as a result of hurricane, flood, earthquake or other natural 
    disaster, civil unrest, widespread vandalism, national emergencies or 
    emergencies declared by Executive Order of the President, use their 
    stations to temporarily provide emergency communications services in a 
    manner or configuration not normally allowed by this part, provided 
    that such operations comply with the provisions of this section.
        (a) Technical limitations. Public Mobile stations providing 
    temporary emergency communications service must not transmit:
        (1) On channels other than those authorized for normal operations.
        (2) With power in excess of that authorized for normal operations;
        (3) Emission types other than those authorized for normal 
        (b) Discontinuance. Temporary emergency use of Public Mobile 
    stations must be discontinued as soon as normal communication 
    facilities are restored. The FCC may, at any time, order the 
    discontinuance of any such emergency communication services.
    Sec. 22.313  Station identification.
        The licensee of each station in the Public Mobile Services must 
    ensure that the transmissions of that station are identified in 
    accordance with the requirements of this section.
        (a) Station identification is not required for transmission by:
        (1) Stations in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service;
        (2) General aviation ground stations in the Air-ground 
    Radiotelephone Service;
        (3) Rural subscriber stations using meteor burst propagation mode 
    communications in the Rural Radiotelephone Service;
        (4) Rural subscriber stations using Basic Exchange Telephone Radio 
    Systems in the Rural Radiotelephone Service.
        (b) For all other stations in the Public Mobile Services, station 
    identification must be transmitted at the end of each transmission or 
    series of transmissions. During prolonged or continuous series of 
    transmissions, station identification must be transmitted at periodic 
    intervals not to exceed thirty minutes; however, transmission of such 
    periodic station identification may be temporarily delayed to avoid 
    interrupting the continuity of any public communication in progress, 
    provided that station identification is transmitted at the conclusion 
    of that public communication.
        (c) Station identification must be transmitted by telephone using 
    the English language or by telegraphy using the international Morse 
    code, and in a form that can be received using equipment appropriate 
    for the modulation type employed, and understood without the use of 
    unscrambling devices. Station identification comprises transmission of 
    the call sign assigned by the FCC to the station, however, the 
    following may be used in lieu of the call sign:
        (1) For transmissions from subscriber operated transmitters, the 
    telephone number or other designation assigned by the carrier, provided 
    that a written record of such designations is maintained by the 
        (2) For general aviation airborne mobile stations in the Air-ground 
    Radiotelephone Service, the official FAA registration number of the 
        (3) For stations in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service, a call 
    sign assigned to another station within the same system.
    Sec. 22.315  Duty to respond to official communications.
        Licensees in the Public Mobile services must respond to official 
    communications from the FCC with reasonable dispatch and according to 
    the tenor of the communication. Failure to do so may be considered by 
    the FCC to reflect adversely on a carrier's qualifications to hold FCC 
    authorizations, and may also create liabilities for other sanctions.
        (a) Any person receiving official notice of an apparent or actual 
    violation of a federal statute, international agreement, Executive 
    Order, or regulation pertaining to communications shall respond in 
    writing within 10 days to the office of the FCC originating the notice. 
    If a response can not be sent within 10 days, an acknowledgement shall 
    be sent, followed by a response as soon as possible explaining the 
    reason for the delay.
        (b) Responses to official communications must be complete and self-
    contained without reference to other communications unless copies of 
    such other communications are attached to the response.
    Sec. 22.317  Discontinuance of station operation.
        If the operation of a Public Mobile Services station is permanently 
    discontinued, the licensee shall send the authorization for 
    cancellation to: Mobile Services Division, Common Carrier Bureau, 
    Federal Communications Commission, Washington DC 20554. For purposes of 
    this section, any station that has not provided service to subscribers 
    for 90 continuous days is considered to have been permanently 
    discontinued, unless the applicant notified the FCC otherwise prior to 
    the end of the 90 day period and provided a date on which operation 
    will resume, which date must not be in excess of 30 additional days.
    Sec. 22.321  Equal employment opportunities.
        Public Mobile Services licensees shall afford equal opportunity in 
    employment to all qualified persons, and personnel must not be 
    discriminated against in employment because of sex, race, color, 
    religion, or national origin.
        (a) Equal employment opportunity program. Each licensee shall 
    establish, maintain, and carry out a positive continuing program of 
    specific practices designed to assure equal opportunity in every aspect 
    of employment policy and practice.
        (1) Under the terms of its program, each licensee shall:
        (i) Define the responsibility of each level of management to insure 
    a positive application and vigorous enforcement of the policy of equal 
    opportunity, and establish a procedure to review and control managerial 
    and supervisory performance.
        (ii) Inform its employees and recognized employee organizations of 
    the positive equal employment opportunity policy and program and enlist 
    their cooperation.
        (iii) Communicate its equal employment opportunity policy and 
    program and its employment needs to sources of qualified applicants 
    without regard to sex, race, color, religion or national origin, and 
    solicit their recruitment assistance on a continuing basis.
        (iv) Conduct a continuing campaign to exclude every form of 
    prejudice or discrimination based upon sex, race, color, religion, or 
    national origin, from the licensee's personnel policies and practices 
    and working conditions.
        (v) Conduct a continuing review of job structure and employment 
    practices and adopt positive recruitment, training, job design and 
    other measures needed in order to ensure genuine equality of 
    opportunity to participate fully in all organizational units, 
    occupations and levels of responsibility.
        (2) The program must reasonably address specific concerns through 
    policies and actions as set forth in this paragraph, to the extent that 
    they are appropriate in consideration of licensee size, location and 
    other factors.
        (i) To assure nondiscrimination in recruiting. (A) Posting notices 
    in the licensee's offices informing applicants for employment of their 
    equal employment rights and their right to notify the Equal Employment 
    Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Federal Communications Commission 
    (FCC), or other appropriate agency. Where a substantial number of 
    applicants are Spanish-surnamed Americans, such notice should be posted 
    in both Spanish and English.
        (B) Placing a notice in bold type on the employment application 
    informing prospective employees that discrimination because of sex, 
    race, color, religion or national origin is prohibited, and that they 
    may notify the EEOC, the FCC or other appropriate agency if they 
    believe they have been discriminated against.
        (C) Placing employment advertisements in media which have 
    significant circulation among minority groups in the recruiting area.
        (D) Recruiting through schools and colleges with significant 
    minority group enrollments.
        (E) Maintaining systematic contacts with minority and human 
    relations organizations, leaders and spokespersons to encourage 
    referral of qualified minority or female applicants.
        (F) Encouraging present employees to refer minority or female 
        (G) Making known to the appropriate recruitment sources in the 
    employer's immediate area that qualified minority members are being 
    sought for consideration whenever the licensee hires.
        (ii) To assure nondiscrimination in selection and hiring. (A) 
    Instructing employees of the licensee who make hiring decisions that 
    all applicants for all jobs are to be considered without 
        (B) Where union agreements exist, cooperating with the union or 
    unions in the development of programs to assure qualified minority 
    persons or females of equal opportunity for employment, and including 
    an effective nondiscrimination clause in new or renegotiated union 
        (C) Avoiding use of selection techniques or tests that have the 
    effect of discriminating against minority groups or females.
        (iii) To assure nondiscriminatory placement and promotion. (A) 
    Instructing employees of the licensee who make decisions on placement 
    and promotion that minority employees and females are to be considered 
    without discrimination, and that job areas in which there is little or 
    no minority or female representation should be reviewed to determine 
    whether this results from discrimination.
        (B) Giving minority groups and female employees equal opportunity 
    for positions which lead to higher positions. Inquiring as to the 
    interest and skills of all lower-paid employees with respect to any of 
    the higher-paid positions, followed by assistance, counseling, and 
    effective measures to enable employees with interest and potential to 
    qualify themselves for such positions.
        (C) Reviewing seniority practices to insure that such practices are 
    nondiscriminatory and do not have a discriminatory effect.
        (D) Avoiding use of selection techniques or tests that have the 
    effect of discriminating against minority groups or females.
        (iv) To assure nondiscrimination in other areas of employment 
    practices. (A) Examining rates of pay and fringe benefits for present 
    employees with equivalent duties and adjusting any inequities found.
        (B) Providing opportunity to perform overtime work on a basis that 
    does not discriminate against qualified minority groups or female 
        (b) EEO statement. Each licensee having 16 or more full-time 
    employees shall file with the FCC, no later than May 31st following the 
    grant of that licensee's first Public Mobile Services authorization, a 
    statement describing fully its current equal employment opportunity 
    program, indicating specific practices to be followed in order to 
    assure equal employment opportunity on the basis of sex, race, color, 
    religion or national origin in such aspects of employment practices as 
    regards recruitment, selection, training, placement, promotion, pay, 
    working conditions, demotion, layoff and termination. Any licensee 
    having 16 or more full-time employees that changes its existing equal 
    employment opportunity program shall file with the FCC, no later than 
    May 31st thereafter, a revised statement reflecting the change(s).
        Note to paragraph (b) of Sec. 22.321: Licensees having 16 or 
    more full-time employees that were granted their first Public Mobile 
    Services authorization prior to January 1, 1995, and do not have a 
    current EEO statement on file with the FCC, must file such 
    statement, required by paragraph (b) of this section, no later than 
    May 31, 1995.
        (c) Report of complaints filed against licensees. Each licensee, 
    regardless of how many employees it has, shall submit an annual report 
    to the FCC no later than May 31st of each year indicating whether any 
    complaints regarding violations by the licensee or equal employment 
    provisions of Federal, State, Territorial, or local law have been filed 
    before anybody having competent jurisdiction.
        (1) The report should state the parties involved, the date filing, 
    the courts or agencies before which the matters have been heard, the 
    appropriate file number (if any), and the respective disposition or 
    current status of any such complaints.
        (2) Any licensee who has filed such information with the EEOC may 
    file a notification of such filing with the FCC in lieu of a report.
        (d) Complaints of violations of Equal Employment Programs. 
    Complaints alleging employment discrimination against a common carrier 
    licensee are considered by the FCC in the following manner:
        (1) If a complaint raising an issue of discrimination is received 
    against a licensee who is within the jurisdiction of the EEOC, it is 
    submitted to that agency. The FCC maintains a liaison with that agency 
    that keeps the FCC informed of the disposition of complaints filed 
    against common carrier licensees.
        (2) Complaints alleging employment discrimination against a common 
    carrier licensee who does not fall under the jurisdiction of the EEOC 
    but is covered by appropriate enforceable State law, to which penalties 
    apply, may be submitted by the FCC to the respective State agency.
        (3) Complaints alleging employment discrimination against a common 
    carrier licensee who does not fall under the jurisdiction of the EEOC 
    or an appropriate State law, are accorded appropriate treatment by the 
        (4) The FCC will consult with the EEOC on all matters relating to 
    the evaluation and determination of compliance by the common carrier 
    licensees with the principles of equal employment as set forth herein.
        (5) Complaints indicating a general pattern of disregard of equal 
    employment practices which are received against a licensee that is 
    required to file an employment report to the FCC under Sec. 1.815(a) of 
    this chapter are investigated by the FCC.
        (e) FCC records. A copy of every annual employment report, equal 
    employment opportunity program statement, reports on complaints 
    regarding violation of equal employment provisions of Federal, State, 
    Territorial, or local law, and copies of all exhibits, letters, and 
    other documents filed as part thereof, all amendments thereto, all 
    correspondence between the licensee and the FCC pertaining to the 
    reports after they have been filed and all documents incorporated 
    therein by reference, are open for public inspection at the offices of 
    the FCC.
        (f) Licensee records. Each licensee required to file annual 
    employment reports (pursuant to Sec. 1.815(a) of this chapter), equal 
    employment opportunity program statements, and annual reports on 
    complaints regarding violations of equal employment provisions of 
    Federal, State, Territorial, or local law shall maintain for public 
    inspection a file containing a copy of each such report and copies of 
    all exhibits, letters, and other documents filed as part thereto, all 
    correspondence between the licensee and the FCC pertaining to the 
    reports after they have been filed and all documents incorporated 
    therein by reference. The documents must be retained for a period of 2 
    Sec. 22.323  Incidental communication services.
        Carriers authorized to operate stations in the Public Mobile radio 
    services may use these stations to provide other communications 
    services incidental to the primary public mobile service for which the 
    authorizations were issued, provided that:
        (a) The costs and charges of subscribers who do not wish to use 
    incidental services are not increased as a result of provision of 
    incidental services to other subscribers;
        (b) The quality of the primary public mobile service does not 
    materially deteriorate as a result of provision of incidental services, 
    and neither growth nor availability of the primary public mobile 
    service is significantly diminished as a result of provision of 
    incidental services;
        (c) The provision of the incidental services is not inconsistent 
    with the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or with FCC rules and 
    policies; and
        (d) The licensee notifies the FCC by letter before providing the 
    incidental services. This notification must include a complete 
    description of the incidental services.
    Sec. 22.325  Control points.
        Each station in the Public Mobile Services must have at least one 
    control point and a person on duty who is responsible for station 
    operation. This section does not require that the person on duty be at 
    the control point or continuously monitor all transmissions of the 
    station. However, the control point must have facilities that enable 
    the person on duty to turn off the transmitters in the event of a 
    Technical Requirements
    Sec. 22.351  Channel assignment policy.
        The channels allocated for use in the Public Mobile Services are 
    listed in the applicable subparts of this part. Channels and channel 
    blocks are assigned in such a manner as to facilitate the rendition of 
    service on an interference-free basis in each service area. Except as 
    otherwise provided in this part, each channel or channel block is 
    assigned exclusively to one common carrier in each service area. All 
    applicants for, and licensees of, stations in the Public Mobile 
    Services shall cooperate in the selection and use of channels in order 
    to minimize interference and obtain the most efficient use of the 
    allocated spectrum.
    Sec. 22.352  Protection from interference.
        Public Mobile Services stations operating in full accordance with 
    applicable FCC rules and the terms and conditions of their 
    authorizations are normally considered to be non-interfering. If the 
    FCC determines, however, that interference which significantly 
    interrupts or degrades a radio service is being caused, it may, after 
    notice and an opportunity for a hearing, require modifications to any 
    Public Mobile station as necessary to eliminate such interference.
        (a) Failure to operate as authorized. Any licensee causing 
    interference to the service of other stations by failing to operate its 
    station in full accordance with its authorization and applicable FCC 
    rules shall discontinue all transmissions, except those necessary for 
    the immediate safety of life or property, until it can bring its 
    station into full compliance with the authorization and rules.
        (b) Intermodulation interference. Licensees should attempt to 
    resolve such interference by technical means.
        (c) Situations in which no protection is afforded. Except as 
    provided elsewhere in this part, no protection from interference is 
    afforded in the following situations:
        (1) Interference to base receivers from base or fixed transmitters. 
    Licensees should attempt to resolve such interference by technical 
    means or operating arrangements.
        (2) Inteference to mobile receivers from mobile transmitters. No 
    protection is provided against mobile-to-mobile interference.
        (3) Interference to base receivers from mobile transmitters. No 
    protection is provided against mobile-to-base interference.
        (4) Interference to fixed stations. Licensees should attempt to 
    resolve such interference by technical means or operating arrangements.
        (5) Anomalous or infrequent propagation modes. No protection is 
    provided against interference caused by tropospheric and ionospheric 
    propagation of signals.
        (6) Facilities for which the FCC not notified. No protection is 
    provided against interference to the service of any additional or 
    modified transmitter operating pursuant to Sec. 22.163 or Sec. 22.165, 
    unless and until the licensee notifies the FCC (FCC Form 489) of the 
    additional or modified transmitter.
        (7) In-building radiation systems. No protection is provided 
    against interference to the service of in-building radiation systems 
    (see Sec. 22.383).
    Sec. 22.353  Blanketing interference.
        Licensees of Public Mobile Services stations are responsible for 
    resolving cases of blanketing interference in accordance with the 
    provisions of this section.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, licensees 
    must resolve any cases of blanketing interference in their area of 
    responsibility caused by operation of their transmitter(s) during a 
    one-year period following commencement of service from new or modified 
    transmitter(s). Interference must be resolved promptly at no cost to 
    the complainant.
        (b) The area of responsibility is that area in the immediate 
    vicinity of the transmitting antenna of stations where the field 
    strength of the electromagnetic radiation from such stations equals or 
    exceeds 115 dBV/m. To determine the radial distance to the 
    boundary of this area, the following formula must be used:
    where d is the radial distance to the boundary, in kilometers
    p is the radial effective radiated power, in kilowatts
    The maximum effective radiated power in the pertinent direction, 
    without consideration of the antenna's vertical radiation pattern or 
    height, must be used in the formula.
        (c) Licensees are not required to resolve blanketing interference 
    to mobile receivers or non-RF devices or blanketing interference 
    occurring as a result of malfunctioning or mistuned receivers, 
    improperly installed consumer antenna systems, or the use of high gain 
    antennas or antenna booster amplifiers by consumers.
        (d) Licensees that install transmitting antennas at a location 
    where there are already one or more transmitting antennas are 
    responsible for resolving any new cases of blanketing interference in 
    accordance with this section.
        (e) Two or more licensees that concurrently install transmitting 
    antennas at the same location are jointly responsible for resolving 
    blanketing interference cases, unless the FCC can readily determine 
    which station is causing the interference, in which case the licensee 
    of that station is held fully responsible.
        (f) After the one year period of responsibility to resolve 
    blanketing interference, licensees must provide upon request technical 
    information to complainants on remedies for blanketing interference.
    Sec. 22.355  Frequency tolerance.
        Except as otherwise provided in this part, the carrier frequency of 
    each transmitter in the Public Mobile Services must be maintained 
    within the tolerances given in Table C-1 of Sec. 22.357.
    Sec. 22.357  Emission types.
        Any authorized station in the Public Mobile services may transmit 
    the standard emission types set forth in this section, regardless of 
    whether they are listed on the station authorization. Before using any 
    emission type(s) other than those set forth in this section (e.g.), 
    amplitude compandored single sideband), licensees must apply for (FCC 
    Form 401) and obtain authority to do so, and must explain in detail the 
    reason why such authority is needed. An explanation of the standard 
    international emission designators used throughout the FCC rules is 
    contained in subpart C of part 2 of this chapter.
                     Table C-1.--Frequency Tolerance for Transmitters in the Public Mobile Services                 
                    Frequency range                      Base, fixed          Mobile>watts         Mobile<=3 watts="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" 25="" to="" 50="" mhz..................................="" 20.0="" ppm............="" 20.0="" ppm............="" 50.0="" ppm="" 50="" to="" 450="" mhz.................................="" 5.0="" ppm.............="" 5.0="" ppm.............="" 50.0="" ppm="" 450="" to="" 512="" mhz................................="" 2.5="" ppm.............="" 5.0="" ppm.............="" 5.0="" ppm="" 821="" to="" 896="" mhz................................="" 1.5="" ppm.............="" 2.5="" ppm.............="" 2.5="" ppm="" 928="" to="" 929="" mhz................................="" 5.0="" ppm.............="" n/a.................="" n/a="" 929="" to="" 960="" mhz................................="" 1.5="" ppm.............="" n/a.................="" n/a="" 2110="" to="" 2220="" mhz..............................="" 10.0="" ppm............="" n/a.................="" n/a="" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------="" (a)="" any="" station="" in="" the="" public="" mobile="" services="" may="" transmit="" unmodulated="" emissions="" (non)="" for="" short="" periods="" for="" equipment="" testing.="" (b)="" any="" station="" in="" the="" paging="" and="" radiotelephone="" service,="" rural="" radiotelephone="" service="" or="" offshore="" radiotelephone="" service="" may="" transmit:="" (1)="" emissions="" of="" the="" following="" types:="" 15k0f2d,="" 16k0f3e,="" 16k0f3c,="" 16k0f1d,="" and="" 16k0f1e;="" (2)="" emissions="" resulting="" from="" modulation="" of="" transmitters="" by="" sub-="" audible="" tones="" or="" other="" signals="" used="" to="" establish="" and/or="" maintain="" communications;="" (3)="" continuous="" unmodulated="" emissions="" (non),="" with="" a="" power="" at="" least="" 10="" db="" less="" than="" that="" authorized,="" to="" prevent="" false="" indication="" of="" channel="" occupation.="" (c)="" any="" station="" in="" the="" cellular="" radiotelephone="" service="" may="" transmit="" emissions="" of="" the="" following="" types:="" 40k0f3e,="" 40k0f3d="" and="" 40k0f1d.="" see="" also="" secs.="" 22.901="" and="" 22.917.="" (d)="" basic="" exchange="" telephone="" radio="" systems="" in="" the="" rural="" radiotelephone="" service="" may="" transmit="" emissions="" of="" the="" following="" type:="" 20k0d7w.="" (e)="" the="" frequency="" deviation="" must="" not="" exceed="" 12="" khz="" for="" frequency="" modulated="" emissions="" with="" a="" bandwidth="" of="" 40="" khz,="" and="" 5="" khz="" for="" frequency="" modulated="" emissions="" with="" a="" bandwidth="" of="" 16="" khz.="" sec.="" 22.359="" emission="" masks.="" unless="" otherwise="" indicated="" in="" the="" rules="" governing="" a="" specific="" radio="" service,="" all="" transmitters="" intended="" for="" use="" in="" the="" public="" mobile="" services="" must="" be="" designed="" to="" comply="" with="" the="" emission="" masks="" outlined="" in="" this="" section.="" if="" an="" emission="" outside="" of="" the="" authorized="" bandwidth="" causes="" harmful="" interference,="" the="" fcc="" may,="" at="" its="" discretion,="" require="" greater="" attenuation="" than="" specified="" in="" this="" section.="" (a)="" analog="" modulation.="" for="" transmitters="" other="" than="" those="" employing="" digital="" modulation="" techniques,="" the="" mean="" or="" peak="" envelope="" power="" of="" adjacent="" channel="" emissions="" must="" be="" attenuated="" below="" the="" output="" mean="" or="" peak="" envelope="" power="" of="" the="" total="" emission="" (p,="" in="" watts)="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" following="" schedule:="" (1)="" on="" any="" frequency="" removed="" from="" the="" center="" frequency="" of="" the="" assigned="" channel="" by="" more="" than="" 50="" percent="" up="" to="" and="" including="" 100="" percent="" of="" the="" authorized="" bandwidth:="" at="" least="" 25="" db:="" (2)="" on="" any="" frequency="" removed="" from="" the="" center="" frequency="" of="" the="" assigned="" channel="" by="" more="" than="" 100="" percent="" up="" to="" and="" including="" 250="" percent="" of="" the="" authorized="" bandwidth:="" at="" least="" 35="" db:="" (3)="" on="" any="" frequency="" removed="" from="" the="" center="" frequency="" of="" the="" assigned="" channel="" by="" more="" than="" 250="" percent="" of="" the="" authorized="" bandwidth:="" at="" least="" 43="" +="" 10="" log="" p="" db,="" or="" 80="" db,="" whichever="" is="" the="" lesser="" attenuation.="" (b)="" digital="" modulation.="" for="" transmitters="" not="" equipped="" with="" an="" audio="" low="" pass="" filter="" and="" for="" transmitters="" employing="" digital="" modulation="" techniques,="" the="" mean="" or="" peak="" envelope="" power="" of="" sideband="" emissions="" must="" be="" attenuated="" below="" the="" mean="" or="" peak="" envelope="" power="" of="" the="" total="" emission="" (p,="" in="" watts)="" in="" accordance="" with="" the="" following="" schedule:="" (1)="" for="" transmitters="" that="" operate="" in="" the="" frequency="" ranges="" 35="" to="" 44="" mhz,="" 72="" to="" 73="" mhz,="" 75.4="" to="" 76.0="" mhz="" and="" 152="" to="" 159="" mhz,="" (i)="" on="" any="" frequency="" removed="" from="" the="" center="" frequency="" of="" the="" assigned="" channel="" by="" a="" displacement="" frequency="">d (in kHz) of more 
    than 5 kHz but not more than 10 kHz:
    at least 83 log (fd5) dB;
        (ii) On any frequency removed from the center frequency of the 
    assigned channel by a displacement frequency fd (in kHz) of more 
    than 10 kHz but not more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth:
    at least 29 log fd211) dB or 50 dB, whichever is the 
    lesser attenuation;
        (iii) On any frequency removed from the center frequency of the 
    assigned channel by more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth:
    at least 43 + 10 log P dB, or 80 dB, whichever is the lesser 
        (2) For transmitters that operate in the frequency ranges 450 to 
    512 MHz and 929 to 932 MHz,
        (i) On any frequency removed from the center frequency of the 
    assigned channel by a displacement frequency fd (in kHz) of more 
    than 5 kHz but not more than 10 kHz:
    at least 83 log (fd5) dB;
        (ii) On any frequency removed from the center frequency of the 
    assigned channel by a displacement frequency fd (in kHz) of more 
    than 10 kHz but not more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth:
    at least 116 log (fd6.1) dB, or 50 + 10 log P dB, or 70 
    dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation;
        (iii) On any frequency removed from the center frequency of the 
    assigned channel by more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth:
    at least 43 + 10 log P dB, or 80 dB, whichever is the lesser 
        (c) Measurement procedure. Either peak or average power may be 
    used, provided that the same technique is used for both the adjacent 
    channel or sideband emissions and the total emission. The resolution 
    bandwidth of the measuring instrument must be set to 300 Hz for 
    measurements on any frequency removed from the center frequency of the 
    assigned channel by no more than 250 percent of the authorized 
    bandwidth and 30 kHz for measurements on any frequency removed from the 
    center frequency of the assigned channel by more than 250 percent of 
    the authorized bandwidth.
    Sec. 22.361  Standby facilities.
        Licensees of stations in the Public Mobile Services may install 
    standby transmitters for the purpose of continuing service in the event 
    of failure or during required maintenance of regular transmitters 
    without obtaining separate authorization, provided that operation of 
    the standby transmitters would not increase the service areas or 
    interference potential of the stations, and that such standby 
    transmitters use the same antenna as the regular transmitters they 
    temporarily replace.
           Table C-2.--Technical Requirements for Directional Antennas      
                   Frequency range                  beamwidth    Suppression
    35 to 512 MHz................................      80 deg.         10 dB
    512 to 1500 MHz..............................      20 deg.         13 dB
    1500 to 2500 MHz.............................      12 deg.         13 dB
    Sec. 22.363  Directional antennas.
        Fixed transmitters for point-to-point operation must use a 
    directional transmitting antenna with the major lobe of radiation in 
    the horizontal plane directed toward the receiving antenna or passive 
    reflector of the station for which the transmissions are intended. 
    Directional antennas used in the Public Mobile Services must meet the 
    technical requirements given in Table C-2 to Sec. 22.361.
        (a) Maximum beamwidth is for the major lobe at the half power 
        (b) Suppression is the minimum attenuation for any secondary lobe 
    referenced to the main lobe.
        (c) An omnidirectional antenna may be used for fixed transmitters 
    where there are two or more receive locations at different azimuths.
    Sec. 22.365  Antenna structures; air navigation safety.
        Licensees must not allow antenna structures to become a hazard to 
    air navigation.
        (a) Marking and lighting. Antenna structures must be marked, 
    lighted and maintained in accordance with part 17 of this chapter and 
    all applicable rules and requirements of the Federal Aviation 
    Administration. Lighting and marking specifications are contained in 
    FCC Form 715 and FCC Form 715a.
        (b) Maintenance contracts. Licensees may enter into a contract with 
    an entity to monitor and carry out necessary maintenance of antenna 
    structures. Licensees that make such contractual arrangements, 
    including situations in which a common antenna structure is used, 
    continue to be responsible for the maintenance of antenna structures in 
    regard to air navigation safety.
    Sec. 22.367  Wave polarization.
        Public mobile station antennas must be of the correct type and 
    properly installed such that the electromagnetic emissions have the 
    polarization required by this section.
        (a) Vertical. Waves radiated by the following must be vertically 
        (1) Base, mobile, dispatch, and auxiliary test transmitters in the 
    Paging and Radiotelephone Service;
        (2) Transmitters in the Offshore Radiotelephone Service;
        (3) Transmitters on channels in the 72-76 MHz frequency range;
        (4) Base, mobile and auxiliary test transmitters in the Cellular 
    Radiotelephone Service;
        (5) Control and repeater transmitters on channels in the 900-960 
    MHz frequency range;
        (6) Rural subscriber stations communicating with base transmitters 
    in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service pursuant to Sec. 22.563.
        (7) Ground and airborne mobile transmitters in the Air-ground 
    Radiotelephone Service.
        (b) Horizontal. Waves radiated by transmitters in the Public Mobile 
    Services, other than transmitters required by paragraph (a) of this 
    section to radiate a vertically polarized wave must be horizontally 
    polarized, except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of 
    this section.
        (c) Circular. If communications efficiency would be improved and/or 
    interference reduced, the FCC may authorize transmitters other than 
    those listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(7) of this section to 
    radiate a circularly polarized wave.
        (d) Any polarization. Public Land Mobile stations transmitting on 
    channels higher than 960 MHz are not limited as to wave polarization.
    Sec. 22.369  Quiet zones.
        Quiet zones are those areas where it is necessary to restrict 
    radiation so as to minimize possible impact on the operations of radio 
    astronomy or other facilities that are highly sensitive to 
    interference. The areas involved and procedures required are as 
        (a) NRAO, NRRO. The requirements of this paragraph are intended to 
    minimize possible interference at the National Radio Astronomy 
    Observatory site located at Green Bank, Pocahontas County, West 
    Virginia, and at the Naval Radio Research Observatory site at Sugar 
    Grove, Pendleton County, West Virginia.
        (1) Carriers planning to construct and operate a new or modified 
    Public Mobile Services station at a permanent fixed location within the 
    area bounded by N.39 deg.15' on the north, W.78 deg.30' on the east, 
    N.37 deg.30' on the south, and W.80 deg.30' on the west must notify the 
    Director, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Post Office Box No. 2, 
    Green Bank, West Virginia 24944, in writing, of the technical details 
    of the proposed operation. The notification must include the 
    geographical coordinates of the antenna location, the antenna height, 
    antenna directivity (if any), the channel, the emission type and power.
        (2) When an application for authority to operate a station is filed 
    with the FCC, the notification required in paragraph (a)(1) of this 
    section should be sent at the same time. The application must state the 
    date that notification in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this 
    section was made. After receipt of such applications, the FCC will 
    allow a period of 20 days for comments or objections in response to the 
    notifications indicated.
        (3) If an objection is received during the 20-day period from the 
    National Radio Astronomy Observatory for itself or on behalf of the 
    Naval Radio Research Observatory, the FCC will, after consideration of 
    the record, take whatever action is deemed appropriate.
        (b) Table Mountain. The requirements of this paragraph are intended 
    to minimize possible interference at the Table Mountain Radio Receiving 
    Zone of the Research Laboratories of the Department of Commerce located 
    in Boulder County, Colorado.
        (1) Carriers planning to construct and operate a new or modified 
    Public Mobile Services station at a permanent fixed location in the 
    vicinity of Boulder County, Colorado are advised to give consideration, 
    prior to filing applications, to the need to protect the Table Mountain 
    Radio Receiving Zone from interference. To prevent degradation of the 
    present ambient radio signal level at the site, the Department of 
    Commerce seeks to ensure that the field strengths of any radiated 
    signals (excluding reflected signals) received on this 1800 acre site 
    (in the vicinity of coordinates 40 deg.07'50'' North Latitude, 
    105 deg.14'40'' West Longitude) resulting from new assignments (other 
    than mobile stations) or from the modification or relocation of 
    existing facilities do not exceed the values given in Table C-3 of this 
              Table C-3.--Field Strength Limits for Table Mountain          
           Frequency range           Field strength      Power flux density 
    1.6 to 470 MHz..............  10 mV/m.............  -65.8 dBW/m2        
    470 to 890 MHz..............  30 mV/m.............  -56.2 dBW/m2        
    890 to 3000 MHz.............  1 mV/m..............  -85.8 dBW/m2        
    Note: Equivalent values of power flux density are calculated assuming   
      free space characteristic impedance of 376.7  (120 
        (2) Advance consultation is recommended, particularly for 
    applicants that have no reliable data to indicate whether the field 
    strength or power flux density figures in the above table would be 
    exceeded by their proposed radio facilities. In general, coordination 
    is recommended for:
        (i) Stations located within 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles);
        (ii) Stations located within 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) transmitting 
    with 50 watts or more effective radiated power (ERP) in the primary 
    plane of polarization in the azimuthal direction of the Table Mountain 
    Radio Receiving Zone;
        (iii) Stations located with 16 kilometers (10 miles) transmitting 
    with 1 kW or more ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the 
    azimuthal direction of Table Mountain Radio Receiving Zone;
        (iv) Stations located within 80 kilometers (50 miles) transmitting 
    with 25 kW or more ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the 
    azimuthal direction of Table Mountain Receiving Zone.
        (3) Applicants concerned are urged to communicate with the Radio 
    Frequency Management Coordinator, Department of Commerce, Research 
    Support Services NOAAR/E5X2, Boulder Laboratories, Boulder, CO 80303; 
    telephone (303) 497-6548, in advance of filing their applications with 
    the FCC.
        (4) The FCC will not screen applications to determine whether 
    advance consultation has taken place. However, such consultation may 
    avoid the filing of objections from the Department of Commerce or 
    institution of proceedings to modify the authorizations of stations 
    that radiate signals with a field strength or power flux density at the 
    site in excess of those specified herein.
        (c) Federal Communications Commission protected field offices. The 
    requirements of this paragraph are intended to minimize possible 
    interference to FCC monitoring activities.
        (1) Carriers planning to construct and operate a new or modified 
    Public Mobile Services station at a permanent fixed location in the 
    vicinity of an FCC protected field office are advised to give 
    consideration, prior to filing applications, to the need to avoid 
    interfering with the monitoring activities of that office. FCC 
    protected field offices are listed in Sec. 0.121 of this chapter.
        (2) Applications for stations (except mobile stations) that could 
    produce on any channel a direct wave fundamental field strength of 
    greater than 10 mV/m (-65.8 dBW/m\2\ power flux density assuming a free 
    space characteristic impedance of 120 ) in the 
    authorized bandwidth at the protected field office may be examined to 
    determine the potential for interference with monitoring activities. 
    After consideration of the effects of the predicted field strength of 
    the proposed station, including the cumulative effects of the signal 
    from the proposed station with other ambient radio field strength 
    levels at the protected field office, the FCC may add a condition 
    restricting radiation toward the protected field office to the station 
        (3) In the event that the calculated field strength exceeds 10 mV/m 
    at the protected field office site, or if there is any question whether 
    field strength levels might exceed that level, advance consultation 
    with the FCC to discuss possible measures to avoid interference to 
    monitoring activities should be considered. Prospective applicants may 
    communicate with: Chief, Field Operations Bureau, Federal 
    Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554.
        (4) Advance consultation is recommended for applicants that have no 
    reliable data to indicate whether the field strength or power flux 
    density figure indicated would be exceeded by their proposed radio 
    facilities. In general, coordination is recommended for:
        (i) Stations located within 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles);
        (ii) Stations located within 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) with 50 watts 
    or more average effective radiated power (ERP) in the primary plane of 
    polarization in the azimuthal direction of the protected field offices.
        (iii) Stations located within 16 kilometers (10 miles) with 1 kW or 
    more average ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal 
    direction of the protected field office;
        (iv) Stations located within 80 kilometers (50 miles) with 25 kW or 
    more average ERP in the primary plane of polarization in the azimuthal 
    direction of the protected field office;
        (5) Advance coordination for stations transmitting on channels 
    above 1000 MHz is recommended only if the proposed station is in the 
    vicinity of a protected field office designated as a satellite 
    monitoring facility in Sec. 0.121 of this chapter.
        (6) The FCC will not screen applications to determine whether 
    advance consultation has taken place. However, such consultation may 
    serve to avoid the need for later modification of the authorizations of 
    stations that interfere with monitoring activities at protected field 
    Sec. 22.371  Disturbance of AM broadcast station antenna patterns.
        Public Mobile Service licensees that construct or modify towers in 
    the immediate vicinity of AM broadcast stations are responsible for 
    measures necessary to correct disturbance of the AM station antenna 
    pattern which causes operation outside of the radiation parameters 
    specified by the FCC for the AM station, if the disturbance occurred as 
    a result of such construction or modification.
        (a) Non-directional AM stations. If tower construction or 
    modification is planned within 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) of a non-
    directional AM broadcast station tower, the Public Mobile Service 
    licensee must notify the licensee of the AM broadcast station in 
    advance of the planned construction or modification. Measurements must 
    be made to determine whether the construction or modification affected 
    the AM station antenna pattern. The Public Mobile Service licensee is 
    responsible for the installation and continued maintenance of any 
    detuning apparatus necessary to restore proper non-directional 
    performance of the AM station tower.
        (b) Directional AM stations. If tower construction or modification 
    is planned within 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) of a directional AM 
    broadcast station array, the Public Mobile Service licensee must notify 
    the licensee of the AM broadcast station in advance of the planned 
    construction or modification. Measurements must be made to determine 
    whether the construction or modification affected the AM station 
    antenna pattern. The Public Mobile Service licensee is responsible for 
    the installation and continued maintenance of any detuning apparatus 
    necessary to restore proper performance of the AM station array.
    Sec. 22.373  Access to transmitters.
        Unless otherwise provided in this part, the design and installation 
    of transmitters in the Public Mobile Services must meet the 
    requirements of this section.
        (a) Transmitters and control points, other than those used with in-
    building radiation systems, must be installed such that they are 
    readily accessible only to persons authorized by the licensee to 
    operate or service them.
        (b) Transmitters must be designed and installed such that any 
    adjustments or controls that could cause the transmitter to deviate 
    from its authorized operating parameters are readily accessible only to 
    persons authorized by the licensee to make such adjustments.
        (c) Transmitters (other than hand-carried or pack-carried mobile 
    transmitters) and control points must be equipped with a means of 
    indicating when the control circuitry has been put in a condition that 
    should cause the transmitter to radiate.
        (d) Transmitters must be designed such that they can be turned off 
    independently of any remote control circuits.
        (e) Transmitters used with in-building radiation systems must be 
    installed such that, to the extent possible, they are readily 
    accessible only to persons authorized by the licensee to access them.
        (f) Transmitters used with in-building radiation systems must be 
    designed such that, in the event an unauthorized person does gain 
    access, that person can not cause the transmitter to deviate from its 
    authorized operating parameters in such a way as to cause interference 
    to other stations.
    Sec. 22.377  Type-acceptance of transmitters.
        Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, transmitters 
    used in the Public Mobile services must be type-accepted for use in the 
    services regulated under this part. Transmitters must be type accepted 
    when the station is ready for service, not necessarily at the time of 
    filing an application.
        (a) The FCC may list as type-accepted only transmitters that are 
    capable of meeting all technical requirements of the rules governing 
    the service in which they will operate. The procedure for obtaining 
    type-acceptance is set forth in part 2 of this chapter.
        (b) Transmitters operating under a developmental authorization (see 
    subpart D of this part) do not have to be type-accepted.
        (c) Type-accepted transmitters are listed in the FCC's ``Radio 
    Equipment List,'' which is available for public inspection at the FCC 
    in Washington, DC, and its field offices.
        (d) In addition to the technical standards contained in this part, 
    transmitters intended for operation in the Cellular Radiotelephone 
    Service must be designed to comply with the technical requirements 
    contained in the cellular system compatibility specification (see 
    Sec. 22.933) and the electronic serial number rule (see Sec. 22.919).
    Sec. 22.379  Replacement of equipment.
        Licensees may replace any equipment in Public Mobile Service 
    stations without applying for authorization or notifying the FCC, 
    provided that:
        (a) If a transmitter is replaced, the replacement transmitter must 
    be type-accepted for use in the Public Mobile Services;
        (b) The antenna structure must not become a hazard to air 
    navigation and its height must not be not increased;
        (c) The interference potential of the station must not be 
        (d) The Effective radiated power, emission type, antenna radiation 
    pattern and center of radiation height above average terrain are not 
    Sec. 22.381  Auxiliary test transmitters.
        Auxiliary test transmitters may be used only for testing the 
    performance of fixed receiving equipment located remotely from the 
    control point. Auxiliary test transmitters may transmit only on 
    channels designated for mobile transmitters.
    Sec. 22.383  In-building radiation systems.
        Licensees may install and operate in-building radiation systems 
    without applying for authorization or notifying the FCC, provided that 
    the locations of the in-building radiation systems are within the 
    protected service area of the licensee's authorized transmitter(s) on 
    the same channel or channel block.
    Subpart D--Developmental Authorizations
    Sec. 22.401  Description and purposes of developmental authorizations.
        Communications common carriers may apply for, and the FCC may 
    grant, authority to construct and operate one or more transmitters 
    subject to the rules in this subpart and other limitations, waivers 
    and/or conditions that may be prescribed. Authorizations granted on 
    this basis are developmental authorizations. In general, the FCC grants 
    developmental authorizations in situations and circumstances where it 
    cannot reasonably be determined in advance whether a particular 
    transmitter can be operated or a particular service can be provided 
    without causing interference to the service of existing stations. For 
    example, the FCC may grant developmental authorizations for:
        (a) Field strength surveys to evaluate the technical suitability of 
    antenna locations for stations in the Public Mobile Services;
        (b) Experimentation leading to the potential development of a new 
    Public Mobile Service or technology; or,
        (c) Stations transmitting on channels in certain frequency ranges, 
    to provide a trial period during which it can be individually 
    determined whether such stations can operate without causing excessive 
    interference to existing services.
    Sec. 22.403  General limitations.
        The provisions and requirements of this section are applicable to 
    all developmental authorizations.
        (a) Developmental authorizations are granted subject to the 
    condition that they may be cancelled by the FCC at any time, upon 
    notice to the licensee, and without the opportunity for a hearing.
        (b) Except as otherwise indicated in this subpart, developmental 
    authorizations normally terminate one year from the date of grant. The 
    FCC may, however, specify a different term.
        (c) Stations operating under developmental authorizations must not 
    interfere with the services of regularly authorized stations.
        (d) A grant of a developmental authorization does not provide any 
    assurance that the FCC will grant an application for regular 
    authorization to operate the same transmitter(s), even if operation 
    during the developmental period has not caused interference and/or the 
    developmental program is successful.
    Sec. 22.409  Developmental authorization for a new Public Mobile 
    Service or technology.
        The FCC may grant applications for developmental authority to 
    construct and operate transmitters for the purpose of developing a new 
    Public Mobile Service or a new technology not regularly authorized 
    under this part, subject to the requirements of this section. Such 
    applications may request the use of any portion of the spectrum 
    allocated for Public Mobile Services in the Table of Frequency 
    Allocations contained in part 2 of this chapter, regardless of whether 
    that spectrum is regularly available under this part. Requests to use 
    any portion of the spectrum for a service or purpose other than that 
    indicated in the Table of Frequency Allocations in part 2 of this 
    chapter may be made only in accordance with the provisions of part 5 of 
    this chapter.
        (a) Preliminary determination. The FCC will make a preliminary 
    determination with respect to the factors in paragraphs (a)(1) through 
    (a)(3) of this section before acting on an application for 
    developmental authority pursuant to this section. These factors are:
        (1) That the public interest, convenience or necessity warrants 
    consideration of the establishment of the proposed service or 
        (2) That the proposal appears to have potential value to the public 
    that could warrant the establishment of the new service or technology;
        (3) That some operational data should be developed for 
    consideration in any rule making proceeding which may be initiated to 
    establish such service or technology.
        (b) Petition required. Applications for developmental 
    authorizations pursuant to this section must be accompanied by a 
    petition for rule making requesting the FCC to amend its rules as may 
    be necessary to provide for the establishment of the proposed service 
    or technology.
        (c) Application requirements. Authorizations for developmental 
    authority pursuant to this section will be issued only upon a showing 
    that the applicant has a definite program of research and development 
    which has reasonable promise of substantial contribution to the 
    services authorized by this part. The application must contain an 
    exhibit demonstrating the applicant's technical qualifications to 
    conduct the research and development program, including a description 
    of the nature and extent of engineering facilities that the applicant 
    has available for such purpose. Additionally, the FCC may, in its 
    discretion, require a showing of financial qualification.
        (d) Communication service for hire prohibited. Stations authorized 
    under developmental authorizations granted pursuant to this section 
    must not be used to provide communication service for hire, unless 
    otherwise specifically authorized by the FCC.
        (e)  Adherence to program. Carriers granted developmental 
    authorization pursuant to this section must substantially adhere to the 
    program of research and development described in their application for 
    developmental authorization, unless the FCC directs otherwise.
        (f) Report requirements. Upon completion of the program of research 
    and development, or upon the expiration of the developmental 
    authorization under which such program was permitted, or at such times 
    during the term of the station authorization as the FCC may deem 
    necessary to evaluate the progress of the developmental program, the 
    licensee shall submit a comprehensive report, containing:
        (1) A description of the progress of the program and a detailed 
    analysis of any result obtained;
        (2) Copies of any publications produced by the program;
        (3) A listing of any patents applied for, including copies of any 
    patents issued;
        (4) Copies of any marketing surveys or other measures of potential 
    public demand for the new service;
        (5) A description of the carrier's experiences with operational 
    aspects of the program including--
        (i) The duration of transmissions on each channel or frequency 
    range and the technical parameters of such transmissions; and,
        (ii) Any interference complaints received as a result of operation 
    and how these complaints were investigated and resolved.
        (g) Confidentiality. Normally, applications and developmental 
    reports are a part of the FCC's public records. However, an applicant 
    or licensee may request that the FCC withhold from public records 
    specific exhibits, reports and other material associated with a 
    developmental authorization.
        (h) Renewal. Expiring developmental authorizations issued pursuant 
    to this section may be renewed if the carrier--
        (1) Shows that further progress in the program of research and 
    development requires additional time to operate under developmental 
        (2) Complied with the reporting requirements of paragraph (e) of 
    this section; and,
        (3) Immediately resolved to the FCC's satisfaction all complaints 
    of interference caused by the station operating under developmental 
    Sec. 22.411  Developmental authorization of 43 MHz paging transmitters.
        Because of the potential for interference to the intermediate 
    frequency stages of receivers in broadcast television sets and video 
    recorders, 43 MHz paging channels are assigned only under developmental 
    authorizations subject to the requirements of this section, except as 
    provided in paragraph (d) of this section.
        (a) Carrier responsibility. Carriers so authorized shall operate 
    the 43 MHz paging service under developmental authority for a period of 
    two years. During the two year developmental period, carriers must 
    resolve any broadcast television receiver intermediate frequency 
    interference problems that may occur as a result of operation of the 43 
    MHz paging transmitter(s). Carriers shall inform subscribers receiving 
    service on the channels assigned under developmental authority during 
    the developmental period that this service could be terminated by the 
    FCC on short notice if such action were to become necessary to 
    eliminate interference. Carriers shall notify the appropriate FCC Field 
    Office, in advance, of the date on which service to subscribers is to 
        (b) Periodic surveys. To determine the extent of any interference 
    to broadcast television receivers resulting from operation of 43 MHz 
    paging stations authorized pursuant to this section, carriers shall 
    conduct semi-annual surveys during the first two years of operation. 
    The first such survey is to begin on the date when service to 
    subscribers commences. For each survey, the carrier shall contact at 
    least 25 television viewers to determine whether they have experienced 
        (1) The carrier shall contact viewers located throughout the 
    geographic area encompassed by a 3 kilometer (2 mile) radius of the 43 
    MHz paging transmitter antenna site. The carrier must not attempt to 
    obtain a misleading survey by contacting only viewers less likely to be 
    experiencing interference. For example, the carrier must not contact 
    only the viewers located most distant from the paging transmitter 
    antenna site. Instead, the carrier shall contact viewers located near 
    the paging transmitter antenna site.
        (2) The carrier shall not, in subsequent surveys, contact viewers 
    who were contacted in a previous survey; provided that, in the event 
    that all of the viewers within 3 kilometers (2 miles) have been 
    contacted, viewers located near the paging transmitter antenna site 
    shall be contacted again.
        (c) Periodic reports. Following each survey, the carrier shall 
    submit to the FCC a written report disclosing and evaluating the extent 
    of any interference. These reports must include:
        (1) The number of the report (1 to 4);
        (2) The station call sign;
        (3) The file number of the application that resulted in the 
    developmental authorization;
        (4) An exact description of the transmitter location(s);
        (5) The date(s) and time of day when the survey was conducted;
        (6) The survey method used (e.g. telephone, on-site, etc.);
        (7) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the viewers 
        (8) If interference resulted from operation of the 43 MHz paging 
    station, a summary of how the interference problem was resolved;
        (9) The names and telephone numbers of any technical personnel 
    consulted and/or employed to resolve interference problems.
        (d) Exceptions. The FCC may grant a regular authorization in the 
    Paging and Radiotelephone Service for a 43 MHz paging station in the 
    following circumstances:
        (1) After the two-year developmental period, provided that 
    broadcast TV interference complaints have been resolved by the carrier 
    in a satisfactory manner. Licensees that hold a developmental 
    authorization for a 43 MHz paging station and wish to request a regular 
    authorization must file an application (FCC Form 401) prior to the 
    expiration of the developmental period.
        (2) In the case of the assignment of or a transfer of control of a 
    regular authorization of a 43 MHz paging station in the Paging and 
    Radiotelephone Service, provided that the station has been in 
    continuous operation providing service with no substantial 
    Sec. 22.413  Developmental authorization of 72-76 MHz fixed 
        Because of the potential for interference with the reception by 
    broadcast television sets and video recorders of full service TV 
    stations transmitting on TV Channels 4 and 5, 72-76 MHz channels are 
    assigned for use within 16 kilometers (10 miles) of the antenna of any 
    full service TV station transmitting on TV Channel 4 or 5 only under 
    developmental authorizations subject to the requirements of this 
    section, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (a) Carrier responsibility. Carriers so authorized shall operate 
    the 72-76 MHz fixed station under developmental authority for a period 
    of at least six months. During the developmental period, carriers must 
    resolve any broadcast television receiver interference problems that 
    may occur as a result of operation of the 72-76 MHz transmitter(s).
        (b) Exceptions. The FCC may grant a regular authorization in the 
    Paging and Radiotelephone Service for a 72-76 MHz fixed station under 
    the following circumstances:
        (1) After six months of operation under developmental 
    authorization, and provided that broadcast TV interference complaints 
    have been resolved by the carrier in a satisfactory manner, the FCC may 
    grant a regular authorization. Licensees that hold a developmental 
    authorization for a 72-76 MHz fixed station and wish to request a 
    regular authorization must file an application (FCC Form 401) prior to 
    the expiration of the developmental authorization.
        (2) In the case of the assignment of or a transfer of control of a 
    regular authorization of a 72-76 MHz fixed station in the Paging and 
    Radiotelephone Service, the FCC may grant such assignment or consent to 
    such transfer of control provided that the station has been in 
    continuous operation providing service with no substantial 
        (3) If a proposed 72-76 MHz fixed transmitter antenna is to be 
    located within 50 meters (164 feet) of the antenna of the full service 
    TV station transmitting on TV Channel 4 or 5, the FCC may grant a 
    regular authorization instead of a developmental authorization.
    Sec. 22.415  Developmental authorization of 928-960 MHz fixed 
        Channels in the 928-929 MHz and 952-960 MHz ranges may be assigned 
    under developmental authorizations to fixed transmitters in point-to-
    multipoint systems at locations that are short-spaced (i.e. do not meet 
    the 113 kilometer (70 mile) separation requirement of Sec. 22.625), 
    subject to the requirements of this section.
        (a) Carrier responsibility. Applications for developmental 
    authorizations pursuant to this section must contain an engineering 
    analysis that shows that no interference will be caused or received. 
    Carriers so authorized shall operate the short-spaced transmitter for a 
    period of one year.
        (b) Exceptions. The FCC may grant a regular authorization in the 
    Paging and Radiotelephone Service for a short-spaced fixed station 
    under the following circumstances:
        (1) After one year of operation under developmental authorization, 
    and provided that no interference has been caused, the FCC may grant a 
    regular authorization. Licensees that hold a developmental 
    authorization and wish to request a regular authorization must file an 
    application (FCC Form 401) prior to the expiration of the developmental 
        (2) In the case of the assignment of or a transfer of control of a 
    regular authorization of a short-spaced fixed station in the Paging and 
    Radiotelephone Service, the FCC may grant such assignment or consent to 
    such transfer of control provided that the station has been in 
    continuous operation providing service and no interference has been 
    Sec. 22.417  Developmental authorization of meteor burst systems.
        Because of the potential for interference to other 42-46 MHz 
    operations, central office and rural subscriber stations in Alaska are 
    authorized to use meteor burst propagation modes to provide rural 
    radiotelephone service only under developmental authorizations subject 
    to the requirements of this section, except as provided in paragraph 
    (b) of this section. See also Secs. 22.725(c) and 22.729.
        (a) Carrier responsibility. Carriers and subscribers so authorized 
    shall operate the station under developmental authority for a period of 
    at least one year.
        (b) Exceptions. The FCC may grant a regular authorization in the 
    Rural Radiotelephone Service for a central office or rural subscriber 
    to use meteor burst propagation modes to provide rural radiotelephone 
    service under the following circumstances:
        (1) After one year of operation under developmental authorization, 
    and provided that no interference has been caused to other operations, 
    the FCC may grant a regular authorization. Licensees that hold a 
    developmental authorization to use meteor burst propagation modes to 
    provide rural radiotelephone service and wish to request a regular 
    authorization must file an application (FCC Form 401) prior to the 
    expiration of the developmental authorization.
        (2) In the case of the assignment of or a transfer of control of a 
    regular authorization of a central office or rural subscriber station 
    authorizing the use of meteor burst propagation modes in the Rural 
    Radiotelephone Service, the FCC may grant such assignment or consent to 
    such transfer of control provided that the station has been in 
    operation providing service with no substantial interruptions.
    Subpart E--Paging and Radiotelephone Service
    Sec. 22.501  Scope.
        The rules in this subpart govern the licensing and operation of 
    public mobile paging and radiotelephone stations. The licensing and 
    operation of these stations are also subject to rules elsewhere in this 
    part that apply generally to the Public Mobile Services. However, in 
    case of conflict, the rules in this subpart govern.
    Sec. 22.507  Number of transmitters per station.
        This section concerns the number of transmitters licensed under 
    each station authorization in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service. 
    Each station must have at least one transmitter. There is no limit to 
    the number of transmitters that a station may comprise. However, 
    transmitters within a station should be operationally related and/or 
    should serve the same general geographical area. Operationally related 
    transmitters are those that operate together as a system (e.g. trunked 
    systems, simulcast systems), rather than independently. Furthermore, 
    the FCC may split wide-area systems into two or more stations for 
    administrative convenience. Except for nationwide paging and other 
    operationally related transmitters, transmitters that are widely 
    separated geographically are not licensed under a single authorization. 
    The FCC may consolidate separately authorized stations upon request 
    (FCC Form 401) of the licensee, if appropriate under this section.
        Note to Sec. 22.507: Notwithstanding the provisions of 
    Sec. 22.507, until further notice there can be no more than 99 
    transmitters per station.
    Sec. 22.511  Construction period for the Paging and Radiotelephone 
        The construction period for stations in the Paging and 
    Radiotelephone Service is one year.
    Sec. 22.515  Permissible communications paths.
        Mobile stations may communicate only with and through base 
    stations. Base stations may communicate only with mobile stations and 
    receivers on land or surface vessels.
    Sec. 22.529  Application requirements for the Paging and Radiotelephone 
        In addition to information required by subparts B and D of this 
    part, applications for authorization to operate a transmitter in the 
    Paging and Radiotelephone Service must contain the applicable 
    supplementary information described in this section.
        (a) Administrative information. The following information is 
    required by FCC Form 401, Schedule B.
        (1) The number of transmitter sites for which authorization is 
        (2) The call sign(s) of other facilities in the same area that are 
    ultimately controlled by the real party in interest to the application.
        (b) Technical information. The following information required by 
    FCC Form 401, Schedule B.
        (1) Location description, city, county, state, geographical 
    coordinates correct to 1 second, the datum used (NAD 27 or 
    NAD 83), site elevation above mean sea level, proximity to adjacent 
    market boundaries and international borders;
        (2) Antenna manufacturer, model number and type, antenna height to 
    tip above ground level, the height of the center of radiation of the 
    antenna above the average terrain, the height of the antenna center of 
    radiation above the average elevation of the terrain along each of the 
    8 cardinal radials, antenna gain in the maximum lobe, the beamwidth of 
    the maximum lobe of the antenna, a polar plot of the horizontal gain 
    pattern of the antenna, the electric field polarization of the wave 
    emitted by the antenna when installed as proposed;
        (3) The center frequency of each channel requested, the maximum 
    effective radiated power, the effective radiated power in each of the 
    cardinal radial directions, any non-standard emission types to be used, 
    including bandwidth and modulation type, the transmitter classification 
    (e.g. base, fixed, mobile), and the locations, if any, of any points of 
    One-Way Paging Operation
    Sec. 22.531  Channels for one-way paging operation.
        The following channels are allocated for assignment to base 
    transmitters that provide one-way public paging service. Unless 
    otherwise indicated, all channels have a bandwidth of 20 kHz and are 
    designated by their center frequencies in MegaHertz.
                                Low VHF Channels                            
    35.20              35.46              43.20             43.46           
    35.22              35.50              43.22             43.50           
    35.24              35.54              43.24             43.54           
    35.26              35.56              43.26             43.56           
    35.30              35.58              43.30             43.58           
    35.34              35.60              43.34             43.60           
    35.38              35.62              43.38             43.62           
    35.42              35.66              43.42             43.66           
                               High VHF Channels                            
    152.24             152.84             158.10            158.70          
                                  UHF Channels                              
    931.0125           931.2625           931.5125          931.7625        
    931.0375           931.2875           931.5375          931.7875        
    931.0625           931.3125           931.5625          931.8125        
    931.0875           931.3375           931.5875          931.8375        
    931.1125           931.3625           931.6125          931.8625        
    931.1375           931.3875           931.6375          931.8875        
    931.1625           931.4125           931.6625          931.9125        
    931.1875           931.4375           931.6875          931.9375        
    931.2125           931.4625           931.7125          931.9625        
    931.2375           931.4875           931.7375          931.9875        
        (a) The 43 MHz channels may be assigned under developmental 
    authorizations, pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 22.411.
        (b) Channels 931.8875, 931.9125, and 931.9375 MHz may be assigned 
    only to transmitters providing nationwide network paging service.
        (c) Upon application (FCC Form 401), common carriers may be 
    authorized to provide one-way paging service using the leased 
    subcarrier facilities of broadcast stations licensed under part 73 of 
    this chapter.
        (d) Occasionally in case law and other formal and informal 
    documents, the low VHF channels have been referred to as ``lowband'' 
    channels, and the high VHF channels have been referred to as 
    ``guardband'' channels.
        (e) Pursuant to the U.S.-Canada Interim Coordination Considerations 
    for 929-932 MHz, as amended, only the following UHF channels may be 
    assigned in the continental United States North of Line A or in the 
    State of Alaska East of Line C, within the indicated longitudes:
        (1) From longitude W.73 deg. to longitude W.75 deg. and from 
    longitude W.78 deg. to longitude W.81 deg.:
    931.0125           931.1125           931.1875          931.2625        
    931.0375           931.1375           931.2125          931.8625        
    931.0625           931.1625           931.2375                          
        (2) From longitude W.81 deg. to longitude W.85 deg.:
    931.0125           931.2125           931.3875          931.5875        
    931.0375           931.2375           931.4125          931.6125        
    931.0625           931.2625           931.4625          931.6375        
    931.1125           931.2875           931.4875          931.8625        
    931.1375           931.3125           931.5125                          
    931.1625           931.3375           931.5375                          
    931.1875           931.3625           931.5625                          
        (3) Longitudes other than specified in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) 
    of this section:
    931.0125           931.1625           931.2875          931.4125        
    931.0375           931.1875           931.3125          931.4625        
    931.0625           931.2125           931.3375          931.8625        
    931.1125           931.2375           931.3625                          
    931.1375           931.2625           931.3875                          
        (4) At any longitude, with authorization condition requiring 
    coordinated, shared use and equal access by licensees in both 
    931.4375           931.8875           931.9125          931.9375        
    Sec. 22.535  Effective radiated power limits.
        The effective radiated power (ERP) of base transmitters operating 
    on the channels listed in Sec. 22.531 must not exceed the limits in 
    this section.
        (a) Maximum ERP. The ERP must not exceed the applicable limits in 
    this paragraph under any circumstances.
                                                                 Maximum ERP
                       Frequency range (MHz)                       (Watts)  
    35-36......................................................          600
    43-44......................................................          500
    152-159....................................................         1400
    931-932....................................................         3500
        (b) Basic power limit. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this 
    section, the ERP of transmitters on the VHF channels must not exceed 
    500 Watts.
        (c) Height-power limit. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this 
    section, the ERP of transmitters on the VHF channels must not exceed 
    the amount that would result in an average distance to the service 
    contour of 32.2 kilometers (20 miles). The average distance to the 
    service contour is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of the 
    distances determined using the procedures specified in Sec. 22.537 for 
    the eight cardinal radial directions, excluding cardinal radial 
    directions for which 90% or more of the distance so calculated is over 
        (d) Encompassed interfering contour areas. Transmitters are exempt 
    from the basic power and height-power limits of this section if the 
    area within their interfering contours is totally encompassed by the 
    interfering contours of operating co-channel base transmitters 
    controlled by the same licensee. For the purpose of this paragraph, 
    operating transmitters are authorized transmitters that are providing 
    service to subscribers.
        (e) Adjacent channel protection. The ERP of transmitters must not 
    exceed 500 Watts if they:
        (1) Transmit on a channel in the 152-159 MHz frequency range and 
    are located less than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from any station 
    licensed in the Private Radio Services that receives on an adjacent 
    channel; or,
        (2) Transmit on channel 158.10 or 158.70 MHz and are located less 
    than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from any station licensed in the Public 
    Mobile Services that receives on either of the following adjacent 
    channels: 158.07 MHz or 158.67 MHz.
    Sec. 22.537  Technical channel assignment criteria.
        The rules in this section establish technical assignment criteria 
    for the channels listed in Sec. 22.531. These criteria permit channel 
    assignments to be made in a manner such that reception by public paging 
    receivers of signals from base transmitters, within the service area of 
    such base transmitters, is protected from interference caused by the 
    operation of independent co-channel base transmitters.
        (a) Contour overlap. The FCC may grant an application requesting 
    assignment of a channel to a proposed base transmitter only if:
        (1) The interfering contour of the proposed transmitter does not 
    overlap the service contour of any protected co-channel transmitter 
    controlled by a carrier other than the applicant, unless that carrier 
    has agreed in writing to accept any interference that may result from 
    operation of the proposed transmitter; and,
        (2) The service contour of the proposed transmitter does not 
    overlap the interfering contour of any protected co-channel transmitter 
    controlled by a carrier other than the applicant, unless the applicant 
    agrees to accept any interference that may result from operation of the 
    protected co-channel transmitter; and,
        (3) The area and/or population to which service would be provided 
    by the proposed transmitter is substantial, and service gained would 
    exceed that lost as a result of agreements to accept interference.
        (b) Protected transmitter. For the purposes of this section, 
    protected transmitters are authorized transmitters for which there is a 
    current FCC public record and transmitters proposed in prior-filed 
    pending applications.
        (c) VHF service contour. For paging stations transmitting on the 
    VHF channels, the distance from the transmitting antenna to the service 
    contour along each cardinal radial is calculated as follows:
    d=1.243 x h0.40 x p0.20
    where d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (1) Whenever the actual HAAT is less than 30 meters (98 feet), 30 
    must be used as the value for h in the above formula.
        (2) The value used for p in the above formula must not be less than 
    27 dB less than the maximum ERP in any direction or 0.1 Watt, whichever 
    is more.
        (3) The distance from the transmitting antenna to the service 
    contour along any radial other than the eight cardinal radials is 
    routinely calculated by linear interpolation of distance as a function 
    of angle. However, in resolving petitions to deny, the FCC may 
    calculate the distance to the service contour using the formula in 
    paragraph (c) of this section with actual HAAT and ERP data for the 
    inter-station radial and additional radials above and below the inter-
    station radial at 2.5 deg. intervals.
        (d) VHF interfering contour. For paging stations transmitting on 
    the VHF channels, the distance from the transmitting antenna to the 
    interfering contour along each cardinal radial is calculated as 
    d=6.509 x h0.28 x p0.17
    where d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (1) Whenever the actual HAAT is less than 30 meters (98 feet), 30 
    must be used as the value for h in the above formula.
        (2) The value used for p in the above formula must not be less than 
    27 dB less than the maximum ERP in any direction or 0.1 Watt, whichever 
    is more.
        (3) The distance from the transmitting antenna to the interfering 
    contour along any radial other than the eight cardinal radials is 
    routinely calculated by linear interpolation of distance as a function 
    of angle. In resolving petitions to deny, however, the FCC may 
    calculate the distance to the interfering contour using the formula in 
    paragraph (d) of this section with actual HAAT and ERP data for the 
    inter-station radial and additional radials above and below the inter-
    station radial at 2.5 deg. intervals.
        (e) 931 MHz service contour. For paging stations transmitting on 
    the 931 MHz channels, the service contour is a circle, centered on the 
    transmitting antenna, with a radius determined from Table E-1 of this 
                                        Table E-1.--931 MHz Paging Service Radii                                    
         Service radius km (miles)                            Effective radiated power (Watts)                      
        Antenna HAAT meters (feet)         0-125       126-250      251-500      501-1000    1001-1860    1861-3500 
    0-177.............................    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)
    178-305...........................    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    37.0 (23)    41.8 (26)
    306-427...........................    32.2 (20)    32.2 (20)    37.0 (23)    41.8 (26)    56.3 (35)    56.3 (35)
    428-610...........................    32.2 (20)    37.0 (23)    41.8 (26)    56.3 (35)    56.3 (35)    56.3 (35)
    611-861...........................    37.0 (23)    41.8 (26)    41.8 (26)    56.3 (35)    83.7 (52)    83.7 (52)
    862-1219..........................    41.8 (26)    56.3 (35)    56.3 (35)    83.7 (52)    83.7 (52)    83.7 (52)
    1220+.............................    56.3 (35)    56.3 (35)    83.7 (52)    83.7 (52)    83.7 (52)    83.7 (52)
        (f) 931 MHz interfering contour. For paging stations transmitting 
    on the 931 MHz channels, the interfering contour is a circle, centered 
    on the transmitting antenna, with a radius determined from Table E-2 of 
    this section.
                                      Table E-2.--931 MHz Paging Interfering Radii                                  
        Interfering radius km                              Effective radiated power (Watts)                         
               (miles)           -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Antenna HAAT meters (feet)       0-125        126-250       251-500      501-1000      1001-1860     1861-3500 
    0-177.......................     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)
    178-305.....................     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     88.5 (55)     96.6 (60)
    306-427.....................     80.5 (50)     80.5 (50)     88.5 (55)     96.6 (60)    130.4 (81)    130.4 (81)
    428-610.....................     80.5 (50)     88.5 (55)     96.6 (60)    130.4 (81)    130.4 (81)    130.4 (81)
    611-861.....................     88.5 (55)     96.6 (60)     96.6 (60)    130.4 (81)   191.5 (119)   191.5 (119)
    862-1219....................     96.6 (60)    130.4 (81)    130.4 (81)   191.5 (119)   191.5 (119)   191.5 (119)
    (4000+).....................    130.4 (81)    130.4 (81)   191.5 (119)   191.5 (119)   191.5 (119)   191.5 (119)
        (g) In-building radiation systems. The locations of in-building 
    radiation systems must be within the service contour(s) of the 
    licensee's authorized transmitter(s) on the same channel. In-building 
    radiation systems are not protected facilities, and therefore do not 
    have service or interfering contours.
    Sec. 22.539  Additional channel policies.
        The rules in this section govern the processing of applications for 
    a paging channel when the applicant has applied for or been granted an 
    authorization for other paging channels in the same geographic area. 
    This section applies to applications proposing to use the channels 
    listed in Sec. 22.531, excluding the nationwide network paging channels 
    and broadcast station subcarriers, or the channels listed in 
    Sec. 22.561, where the application proposes to use those channels to 
    provide paging service only. The general policy of the FCC is to assign 
    one paging channel in an area to a carrier per application cycle. That 
    is, a carrier must apply for one paging channel, receive the 
    authorization, construct the station, provide service to subscribers, 
    and notify the FCC of commencement of service to subscribers (FCC Form 
    489) before applying for an additional paging channel in that area.
        (a) VHF transmitters in same area. Any transmitter on any VHF 
    channel listed in Sec. 22.531 is considered to be in the same 
    geographic area as another transmitter on any other VHF channel listed 
    in Sec. 22.531 if:
        (1) One transmitter location is within the service area of the 
    other transmitter; or,
        (2) the area within the overlap of the service contours of the two 
    transmitters constitutes 50 percent or more of the service area of 
    either of the transmitters.
        (b) 931 MHz transmitters in same area. Any transmitter on any 931 
    MHz channel is considered to be in the same geographic area as another 
    transmitter on any channel listed in Sec. 22.531 if it is located less 
    than 64.4 kilometers (40 miles) from the transmitter. Likewise, any 
    transmitter on any channel listed in Sec. 22.531 is considered to be in 
    the same geographic area as another transmitter on any 931 MHz channel 
    if it is located less than 64.4 kilometers (40 miles) from that 
        (c) Initial channel. The FCC will not assign more than one channel 
    for new paging stations. Paging stations are considered to be new if 
    there are no authorized transmitters on any channel listed in 
    Sec. 22.531 controlled by the applicant in the same geographic area.
        (d) Additional channel. Applications for transmitters to be located 
    in the same geographic area as an authorized station controlled by the 
    applicant, but to operate on a different channel, are considered as 
    requesting an additional channel for the authorized station, unless 
    paragraph (e) of this section applies.
        (e) Additional transmitters on same channel. Notwithstanding other 
    provisions of this section, applications for transmitters to be located 
    in the same geographic area as an authorized station controlled by the 
    applicant, and to operate on the same paging channel, are not 
    considered to be requests for an additional paging channel.
        (f) Amendment of pending application. If the FCC receives and 
    accepts for filing an application for a transmitter to be located in 
    the same geographic area as a transmitter proposed in a pending 
    application previously filed by the applicant, but on a different 
    channel, the subsequent application is considered as a major amendment 
    to change the technical proposal of the prior application, unless 
    paragraph (e) applies. The filing date of any application so amended is 
    the date the FCC received the subsequent application.
        (g) Dismissal of premature applications for additional channel. If 
    the FCC receives an application requesting an additional channel for an 
    authorized station prior to receiving notification that the station is 
    providing service to subscribers on the authorized channel(s), the FCC 
    may dismiss that application without prejudice in accordance with 
    Sec. 22.128.
    Sec. 22.541  Procedures for mutually exclusive 931 MHz paging 
        Mutually exclusive 931 MHz applications are processed in accordance 
    with the rules in this section.
        (a) Filing groups. Pending mutually exclusive applications are 
    processed in filing groups. Mutually exclusive applications in a filing 
    group are given concurrent consideration. The FCC may dismiss as 
    defective (pursuant to Sec. 22.128) any mutually exclusive 
    application(s) whose filing date is outside of the date range for 
    inclusion in the filing group. The type of filing groups used in day-
    to-day application processing are specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this 
    section. A filing group is one of the following types:
        (1) Renewal filing group. A renewal filing group comprises a 
    timely-filed application for renewal of an authorization and all 
    timely-filed mutually exclusive competing applications.
        (2) Same-day filing group. A same-day filing group comprises all 
    mutually exclusive applications whose filing date is the same day, 
    which is normally the filing date of the first-filed application(s).
        (3) Thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group. A thirty-day notice 
    and cut-off filing group comprises mutually exclusive applications 
    whose filing date is no later than 30 days after the date of the Public 
    Notice listing the first-filed application(s) (according to the filing 
    dates) as acceptable for filing.
        (4) Window filing group. A window filing group comprises mutually 
    exclusive applications whose filing date is within an announced filing 
    window. An announced filing window is a period of time between and 
    including two specific dates, which are the first and last dates on 
    which applications (or amendments) for a particular purpose may be 
    accepted for filing. In the case of a one-day filing window, the two 
    dates are the same. The dates are made known to the public in advance.
        (b) Procedures. Generally, the FCC may grant one application in a 
    filing group of mutually exclusive applications and dismiss other 
    application(s) in the filing group that are excluded by that grant, 
    pursuant to Sec. 22.128.
        (1) Selection methods. In selecting the application to grant, the 
    FCC may use competitive biding or comparative hearings, depending on 
    the type of applications involved.
        (2) Dismissal of applications. The FCC may dismiss any application 
    in a filing group that is defective or otherwise subject to dismissal 
    under Sec. 22.128, either before or after employing selection 
        (3) Type of filing group used. Except as otherwise provided in this 
    part, the type of filing group used in processing of two or more 
    mutually exclusive applications depends on the purpose(s) of the 
        (i) If one of the mutually exclusive applications is a timely-filed 
    application for renewal of an authorization, a renewal filing group is 
        (ii) If any mutually exclusive application filed on the earliest 
    filing date is an application for modification and none of the mutually 
    exclusive applications is a timely-filed application for renewal, a 
    same-day filing group is used.
        (iii) If all of the mutually exclusive applications filed on the 
    earliest filing date are applications for initial authorization, a 
    thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group is used.
        (4) Disposition. If there is only one application in any type of 
    filing group, the FCC may grant that application and dismiss without 
    prejudice any applications excluded by the grant (i.e. not in the 
    filing group). If there is more than one mutually exclusive application 
    in a filing group, the FCC disposes of these applications as follows:
        (i) Applications in a renewal filing group. All mutually exclusive 
    applications in a renewal filing group are designated for comparative 
    consideration in a hearing.
        (ii) Applications in a thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group. 
    (A) If all of the mutually exclusive applications in a thirty-day 
    notice and cut-off filing group are applications for initial 
    authorization, the FCC administers competitive bidding procedures in 
    accordance with Subpart Q of Part 1 of this chapter. After such 
    procedures, the application of the successful bidder may be granted and 
    the other applications may be dismissed without prejudice.
        (B) If any of the mutually exclusive applications in a thirty-day 
    notice and cut-off filing group is an application for modification, the 
    FCC may attempt to resolve the mutual exclusivity by facilitating a 
    settlement between the applicants. If a settlement is not reached 
    within a reasonable time, the FCC may designate all applications in the 
    filing group for comparative consideration in a hearing. In this event, 
    the result of the hearing disposes all of the applications in the 
    filing group.
        (iii) Applications in a same-day filing group. If there are two or 
    more mutually exclusive applications in a same-day filing group, the 
    FCC may attempt to resolve the mutual exclusivity by facilitating a 
    settlement between the applicants. If a settlement is not reached 
    within a reasonable time, the FCC may designate all applications in the 
    filing group for comparative consideration in a hearing. In this event, 
    the result of the hearing disposes all of the applications in the 
    filing group.
        (iv) Applications in a window filing group. Applications in a 
    window filing group are processed in accordance with the procedures for 
    a thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group in paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of 
    this section.
        (c) Terminology. For the purposes of this section, terms have the 
    following meanings:
        (1) The ``filing date'' of an application is the date on which that 
    application was received in a condition acceptable for filing or the 
    date on which the most recently filed major amendment to that 
    application was received, whichever is later, excluding major 
    amendments in the following circumstances:
        (i) The major amendment reflects only a change in ownership or 
    control found by the FCC to be in the public interest; or,
        (ii) The major amendment as received is defective or otherwise 
    found unacceptable for filing.
        (2) An ``application for initial authorization'' is:
        (i) Any application requesting an authorization for a new station;
        (ii) Any application requesting authorization for an existing 
    station to operate on an additional channel;
        (iii) Any application requesting authorization for a new 
    transmitter at a location more than 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from any 
    existing transmitters of the applicant licensee on the requested 
        (3) An ``application for modification'' is any application other 
    than an application for initial authorization or renewal.
    Sec. 22.551  Nationwide network paging service.
        The rules in this section govern the application for and provision 
    of nationwide network paging service on the channels reserved 
    specifically for such service in Sec. 22.531(b).
        (a) Nationwide network organizers. If and when a nationwide network 
    paging channel becomes available for assignment, the FCC will issue a 
    Public Notice inviting applications from carriers seeking to organize a 
    nationwide network paging service. The Public Notice will provide 
    complete details regarding application requirements and procedures.
        (c) Affiliated local carriers. Parties seeking to become affiliated 
    local carriers in a nationwide network paging service must have 
    specific completed contracts with the network organizer with which they 
    are proposing to affiliate. Applications may contain a letter, in lieu 
    of the contracts, indicating that the applicant has a completed 
    contract with the organizer.
        (d) Liability for technical operation. Nationwide network 
    organizers and affiliated local carriers are jointly and severally 
    liable for the technical operation of the local network stations.
    Sec. 22.559  One-way paging application requirements.
        In addition to information required by Subparts b and d of this 
    part and Sec. 22.529, applications for authorization to operate a 
    paging transmitter on the channels listed in Sec. 22.531 must contain 
    the applicable supplementary information described in this section.
        (a) Interference exhibit. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of 
    this section, an exhibit demonstrating compliance with Sec. 22.537 with 
    regard to protected transmitters is required for applications to 
    operate a transmitter on the VHF channels. This exhibit must:
        (1) Identify each protected transmitter located within 109 
    kilometers (68 miles) of the proposed transmitter in directions in 
    which the distance to the interfering contour is 76.5 kilometers (47.5 
    miles) or less, and within 178 kilometers (111 miles) of the proposed 
    transmitter in directions in which the distance to the interfering 
    contour exceeds 76.5 kilometers (47.5 miles).
        (2) For each protected transmitter identified, show the results of 
    distance calculations indicating that there would be no overlap of 
    service and interfering contours, or alternatively, indicate that the 
    licensee of or applicant for the protected transmitter and/or the 
    applicant, as required, have agreed in writing to accept any 
    interference resulting from operation of the proposed transmitter.
        (b) Encompassment exhibit. An exhibit showing that the area within 
    the interfering contour of the proposed transmitter would be totally 
    encompassed by interfering contours of operating co-channel base 
    transmitters controlled by the applicant is required for applications 
    to operate a transmitter with ERP exceeding the basic power and height-
    power limits of Sec. 22.535. For VHF transmitters, this encompassment 
    exhibit may substitute for the interference exhibit required in 
    paragraph (a) of this section.
    One-Way or Two-Way Mobile Operation
    Sec. 22.561  Channels for one-way or two-way mobile operation.
        The following channels are allocated for paired assignment to 
    transmitters that provide (or support other transmitters that provide) 
    one-way or two-way public land mobile service. These channels may be 
    assigned for use by mobile or base transmitters as indicated, and to 
    fixed transmitters (including control, repeater or other fixed 
    transmitters). The mobile channels may also be assigned for use by base 
    or fixed transmitters under certain circumstances (see Sec. 22.567(h)). 
    Unless otherwise indicated, all channels have a bandwidth of 20 kHz and 
    are designated by their center frequencies in MegaHertz.
                   Base                                Mobile               
                                  VHF Channels                              
    152.03                              158.49                              
    152.06                              158.52                              
    152.09                              158.55                              
    152.12                              158.58                              
    152.15                              158.61                              
    152.18                              158.64                              
    152.21                              158.67                              
    152.51                              157.77                              
    152.54                              157.80                              
    152.57                              157.83                              
    152.60                              157.86                              
    152.63                              157.89                              
    152.66                              157.92                              
    152.69                              157.95                              
    152.72                              157.98                              
    152.75                              158.01                              
    152.78                              158.04                              
    152.81                              158.07                              
                                  UHF Channels                              
    454.025                             459.025                             
    454.050                             459.050                             
    454.075                             459.075                             
    454.100                             459.100                             
    454.125                             459.125                             
    454.150                             459.150                             
    454.175                             459.175                             
    454.200                             459.200                             
    454.225                             459.225                             
    454.250                             459.250                             
    454.275                             459.275                             
    454.300                             459.300                             
    454.325                             459.325                             
    454.350                             459.350                             
    454.375                             459.375                             
    454.400                             459.400                             
    454.425                             459.425                             
    454.450                             459.450                             
    454.475                             459.475                             
    454.500                             459.500                             
    454.525                             459.525                             
    454.550                             459.550                             
    454.575                             459.575                             
    454.600                             459.600                             
    454.625                             459.625                             
    454.650                             459.650                             
    Sec. 22.563   Provision of rural radiotelephone service upon request.
        Channels in the frequency ranges 152.03-152.81, 157.77-158.67, 
    454.025-454.650 and 459.025-459.650 MHz, inclusive, are also allocated 
    for assignment in the Rural Radiotelephone Service. Stations in the 
    Paging and Radiotelephone Service that provide two-way public mobile 
    service on these channels must also provide rural radiotelephone 
    service upon request from a subscriber.
    Sec. 22.565  Transmitting power limits.
        The transmitting power of base, mobile and fixed transmitters 
    operating on the channels listed in Sec. 22.561 must not exceed the 
    limits in this section.
        (a) Maximum ERP. The effective radiated power (ERP) of base and 
    fixed transmitters must not exceed the applicable limits in this 
    paragraph under any circumstances.
                                                                 Maximum ERP
                       Frequency range (MHz)                       (watts)  
    152-153....................................................         1400
    157-159....................................................          150
    454-455....................................................         3500
    459-460....................................................          150
        (b) Basic power limit. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this 
    section, the ERP of base transmitters must not exceed 500 Watts.
        (c) Height-power limits. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of 
    this section, the ERP of base transmitters must not exceed the amount 
    that would result in an average distance to the service contour of 41.6 
    kilometers (26 miles) for VHF channels or 30.7 kilometers (19 miles) 
    for UHF channels. The average distance to the service contour is 
    calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of the distances determined 
    using the procedures specified in Sec. 22.567 for the eight cardinal 
    radial directions, excluding cardinal radial directions for which 90% 
    or more of the distance so calculated is over water.
        (d) Encompassed interfering contour areas. Base transmitters are 
    exempt from the basic power and height-power limits of this section if 
    the area within their interfering contours is totally encompassed by 
    the interfering contours of operating co-channel based transmitters 
    controlled by the same licensee. For the purpose of this paragraph, 
    operating transmitters are authorized transmitters that are providing 
    service to subscribers.
        (e) Adjacent channel protection. The ERP of base and fixed 
    transmitters must not exceed 500 Watts if they transmit on channel 
    454.025 MHz and are located less than 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) from any 
    Private Radio Services station receiving on adjacent channel 454.0000 
        (f) Mobile transmitters. The transmitter output power of mobile 
    transmitters must not exceed 60 watts.
        (g) Other transmitters. The ERP of dispatch and auxiliary test 
    transmitters must not exceed 100 watts.
    Sec. 22.567  Technical channel assignment criteria.
        The rules in this section establish technical assignment criteria 
    for the channels listed in Sec. 22.561. The criteria in paragraphs (a) 
    through (f) of this section permit channel assignments to be made in a 
    manner such that reception by public mobile receivers of signals from 
    base transmitters, within the service area of such base transmitters, 
    is protected from interference caused by the operation of independent 
    co-channel base and fixed transmitters in the Paging and Radiotelephone 
    Service and central office stations, including Basic Exchange Telephone 
    Radio Systems (BETRS), in the Rural Radiotelephone Service. Additional 
    criteria in paragraph (g) of this section permit channel assignments to 
    be made in a manner such that BETRS communications are protected from 
    interference caused by the operation of independent co-channel base and 
    fixed transmitters in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service and other 
    central office stations in the Rural Radiotelephone Service. Separate 
    criteria in paragraph (h) of this section apply only to assignment of 
    the channels designated in Sec. 22.561 as mobile channels to base and 
    fixed transmitters, and permit these channel assignments to be made in 
    a manner such that reception by public base and fixed receivers of 
    signals from associated mobile and fixed transmitters is protected from 
    interference caused by the operation of independent co-channel base and 
    fixed transmitters.
        (a) Contour overlap. The FCC may grant an application requesting 
    assignment of a channel to a proposed base, fixed or central office 
    station transmitter only if:
        (1) The interfering contour of the proposed transmitter does not 
    overlap the service contour of any protected co-channel transmitter 
    controlled by a carrier other than the applicant, unless that carrier 
    has agreed in writing to accept any interference that may result from 
    operation of the proposed transmitter; and
        (2) The service contour of the proposed transmitter does not 
    overlap the interfering contour of any protected co-channel transmitter 
    controlled by a carrier other than the applicant, unless the 
    application contains a statement that the applicant agrees to accept 
    any interference that may result from operation of the protected co-
    channel transmitter; and
        (3) The area and/or population to which service would be provided 
    by the proposed transmitter is substantial, and service gained would 
    exceed that lost as a result of agreements to accept interference.
        (b) Protected transmitter. For the purposes of this section, 
    protected transmitters are authorized transmitters for which there is a 
    current FCC public record and transmitters proposed in prior-filed 
    pending applications, in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service and the 
    Rural Radiotelephone Service.
        (c) VHF service contour. For base stations transmitting on the VHF 
    channels, the radial distance from the transmitting antenna to the 
    service contour along each cardinal radial is calculated as follows:
    d=1.609 x h0.40 x p0.20
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (1) Whenever the actual HAAT is less than 30 meters (98 feet), 30 
    must be used as the value for h in the above formula.
        (2) The value used for p in the above formula must not be less than 
    27 dB less than the maximum ERP in any direction, or 0.1 Watt, 
    whichever is more.
        (3) The distance from the transmitting antenna to the service 
    contour along any radial other than the eight cardinal radials is 
    routinely calculated by linear interpolation of distance as a function 
    of angle. However, in resolving petitions to deny, the FCC may 
    calculate the distance to the service contour using the formula in 
    paragraph (c) of this section with actual HAAT and ERP data for the 
    inter-station radial and additional radials above and below the inter-
    station radial at 2.5 deg. intervals.
        (d) VHF interfering contour. For base and fixed stations 
    transmitting on the VHF channels, the radial distance from the 
    transmitting antenna to the interfering contour along each cardinal 
    radial is calculated as follows:
        (1) If the radial antenna HAAT is less than 150 meters:
    d=8.577 x h0.24 x p0.19
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        Whenever the actual HAAT is less than 30 meters (98 feet), 30 must 
    be used as the value for h in the above formula.
        (2) If the radial antenna HAAT is 150 meters or more:
    d=12.306 x h0.23 x p0.14
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (3) The value used for p in the above formulas must not be less 
    than 27 dB less than the maximum ERP in any direction, or 0.1 Watt, 
    whichever is more.
        (4) The distance from the transmitting antenna to the interfering 
    contour along any radial other than the eight cardinal radials is 
    routinely calculated by linear interpolation of distance as a function 
    of angle. However, in resolving petitions to deny, the FCC may 
    calculate the distance to the interfering contour using the appropriate 
    formula in paragraph (d) of this section with actual HAAT and ERP data 
    for the inter-station radial and additional radials above and below the 
    inter-station radial at 2.5 deg. intervals.
        (e) UHF service contour. For base stations transmitting on the UHF 
    channels, the radial distance from the transmitting antenna to the 
    service contour along each cardinal radial is calculated as follows:
    d=1.726 x h0.35 x p0.18
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (1) Whenever the actual HAAT is less than 30 meters (98 feet), 30 
    must be used as the value for h in the above formula.
        (2) The value used for p in the above formula must not be less than 
    27 dB less than the maximum ERP in any direction, or 0.1 Watt, 
    whichever is more.
        (3) The distance from the transmitting antenna to the service 
    contour along any radial other than the eight cardinal radials is 
    routinely calculated by linear interpolation of distance as a function 
    of angle. However, in resolving petitions to deny, the FCC may 
    calculate the distance to the service contour using the formula in 
    paragraph (e) of this section with actual HAAT and ERP data for the 
    inter-station radial and addition radials above and below the below the 
    inter-station radial at 2.5 deg. intervals.
        (f) UHF interfering contour. For base and fixed stations 
    transmitting on the UHF channels, the radial distance from the 
    transmitting antenna to the interfering contour along each cardinal 
    radial is calculated as follows:
        (1) If the radial antenna HAAT is less than 150 meters:
    d=9.471 x h0.23 x p0.15
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        Whenever the actual HAAT is less than 30 meters (98 feet), 30 must 
    be used as the value for h in the above formula.
        (2) If the radial antenna HAAT is 150 meters or more:
    d=6.336 x h0.31 x p0.15
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (3) The value used for p in the above formula must not be less than 
    27 dB less than the maximum ERP in any direction, or 0.1 Watt, 
    whichever is more.
        (4) The distance from the transmitting antenna to the interfering 
    contour along any radial other than the eight cardinal radials is 
    routinely calculated by linear interpolation of distance as a function 
    of angle. However, in resolving petitions to deny, the FCC may 
    calculate the distance to the interfering contour using the appropriate 
    formula in paragraph (f) of this section with actual HAAT and ERP data 
    for the inter-station radial and additional radials above and below the 
    inter-station radial at 2.5 deg. intervals.
        (g) Protection for BETRS. In applying the provisions of paragraph 
    (a) of this section, if either or both of the transmitters involved is 
    a BETRS central office station, the following contour substitutions 
    must be used:
        (1) The service contour of the BETRS central office station(s) is a 
    circle, centered on the central office station antenna, with a radius 
    of 40 kilometers (25 miles).
        (2) The interfering contour of any station of any type, when 
    determining whether it would overlap the service contour of a BETRS 
    central office station, is calculated as follows:
    d=36.364 x h0.2 x  p0.1
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        Whenever the actual HAAT is less than 30 meters (98 feet), 30 must 
    be used as the value for h in the above formula. The value used for p 
    in the above formula must not be less than 27 dB less than the maximum 
    ERP in any direction, or 0.1 Watt, whichever is more.
        (h) Assignment of mobile channels to base or fixed transmitters. 
    Mobile channels may be assigned to base or fixed transmitters if the 
    following criteria are met:
        (1) The paired base channel, as designated in Sec. 22.561, is 
    assigned to base transmitters in the same geographical area operated by 
    the same licensee.
        (2) The authorization is granted subject to the condition that no 
    interference be caused to fixed receivers in use on or prior to the 
    date of the grant.
    Sec. 22.569  Additional channel policies.
        The rules in this section govern the processing of applications for 
    a mobile channel when the applicant has applied or been granted an 
    authorization for other mobile channels in the same geographic area. 
    This section applies to applications proposing to use the channels 
    listed in Sec. 22.561, except applications that propose to use these 
    channels to provide paging service only, which are subject to 
    Sec. 22.539, instead of this section. The general policy of the FCC is 
    to assign no more than two channels in an area to a carrier per 
    application cycle. That is, a carrier must apply for no more than two 
    channels, receive the authorization, construct the station, provide 
    service to subscribers, and notify the FCC of commencement of service 
    to subscribers (FCC Form 489) before applying for additional mobile 
    channels in that area.
        (a) Transmitters in same area. Any transmitter on any channel 
    listed in Sec. 22.561 is considered to be in the same geographic area 
    as another transmitter or any other channel listed in Sec. 22.561 if:
        (1) One transmitter location is within the service area of the 
    other transmitter; or,
        (2) The area within the overlap of the service contours of the two 
    transmitters constitutes 50 percent or more of the service area of 
    either of the transmitters.
        (b) Initial channel. The FCC will not assign more than two channels 
    for new stations. Stations are considered to be new if there are no 
    authorized transmitters on any channel listed in Sec. 22.561 controlled 
    by the applicant in the same geographic area.
        (c) Additional channel. Applications for transmitters to be located 
    in the same geographic area as an authorized station controlled by the 
    applicant, but to operate on a different channel, are considered as 
    requests for an additional channel for the authorized station, unless 
    paragraph (d) of this section applies.
        (d) Additional transmitters on same channel. Notwithstanding other 
    provisions of this section, applications for transmitters to be located 
    in the same geographic area as an authorized station controlled by the 
    applicant, and to operate on the same channel, are not considered as 
    requests for an additional channel.
        (f) Dismissal of application constituting cumulative request for 
    more than two channels. If the FCC receives an application for a 
    transmitter to be located in the same geographic area as a transmitter 
    proposed in a pending application previously filed by the applicant, 
    but on different channels such that, considered together, the 
    applications would constitute a request for more than two channels, the 
    FCC may dismiss the subsequent application without prejudice.
        (g) Dismissal of premature applications for additional channel. If 
    the FCC receives an application requesting two additional channels (or 
    one additional channel) for an authorized station prior to receiving 
    notification that the station is providing service to subscribers on 
    all (or all except one) of the authorized channels, the FCC may dismiss 
    that application without prejudice.
    Sec. 22.571  Responsibility for mobile stations.
        Mobile stations that are subscribers in good standing to a two-way 
    service in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service, when receiving 
    service from that station, are considered to be operating under the 
    authorization of that station. Licensees are responsible for exercising 
    effective operational control over mobile stations receiving service 
    through their stations. Mobile stations that are subscribers in good 
    standing to a two-way service in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service, 
    while receiving service from a different station, are considered to be 
    operating under the authorization of such different station. The 
    licensee of such different station is responsible, during such 
    temporary period, for exercising effective operational control over 
    such mobile stations as if they were subscribers to it.
    Sec. 22.573  Use of base transmitters as repeaters.
        As an additional function, base transmitters may be used as 
    repeaters. Licensees must be able to turn the base transmitter on or 
    off from the control point regardless of whether a subscriber-operated 
    transmitter is transmitting.
    Sec. 22.575  Use of mobile channel for remote control of station 
        Carriers may remotely control station functions (e.g. shut down or 
    reactivate base transmitters, turn aviation obstruction warning lights 
    on or off, etc.) using a control transmitter operating on a mobile 
    channel, subject to the conditions in this section and in 
    Sec. 22.567(h).
        (a) The control transmitter must be capable of overriding 
    transmissions from subscriber-operated transmitters if necessary. 
    Subscriber-operated transmitters must not be capable of being used to 
    deliberately or accidentally prevent the licensee from controlling the 
        (b) The licensee must implement measures designed to prevent 
    station functions from being controlled by persons not authorized by 
    the licensee to control the station.
        (c) The control transmitter location must be within the composite 
    service contour of the licensee's authorized station on the paired base 
    Sec. 22.577  Grandfathered dispatch service.
        No new dispatch transmitters or dispatch points are authorized. 
    Carriers that were authorized to provide dispatch service prior to 
    January 1, 1982, and have provided such service continuously since that 
    date may continue to provide such service.
        (a) Installation. A grandfathered station licensee may install a 
    dispatch transmitter for one or more subscribers without applying for 
    specific authorization, provided that the following conditions are met.
        (1) The dispatch transmitter must use the mobile channel that is 
    paired with the channel used by the grandfathered base station.
        (2) The dispatch transmitter antenna must not exceed the criteria 
    in Sec. 17.7 of this chapter that determine whether the FAA must be 
    notified of the proposed construction.
        (3) The output power of the dispatch transmitter must not exceed 10 
        (4) The dispatch transmitter must be incapable of overriding the 
    functioning of any control transmitter that may be using the same 
        (5) The dispatch transmitter must be under the continuous 
    supervision of the licensee.
        (b) Notification. Licensees must notify the FCC by letter whenever 
    a dispatch transmitter is installed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section. The notification must include the name and address of the 
    subscriber(s) for which the dispatch transmitter was installed, the 
    location of the dispatch transmitter, the height of antenna structure 
    above ground and above mean sea level, the channel(s) used, and the 
    call sign and location of the grandfathered base station.
        (c) Termination without hearing. Operation of a dispatch 
    transmitter pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section may be 
    terminated by the FCC without a hearing upon notice to the licensee.
        (d) Dispatch transmitters requiring authorization. A dispatch 
    transmitter that does not meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of 
    this section may be installed only upon grant of an application for 
    authorization therefor.
        (e) Permissible communications. A dispatch transmitter operated by 
    a subscriber may communicate only with mobile transmitters operated by 
    that subscriber through the associated base transmitter.
    Sec. 22.579  Operation of mobile transmitters across U.S.-Canada 
        Mobile stations licensed by Canada may receive two-way service 
    while in the United States from stations licensed under this part, 
    after authorization has been granted by the FCC. Mobile stations that 
    normally operate under the authority of base stations licensed under 
    this part may receive two-way service while in Canada from stations 
    licensed under this part or by Canada, upon authorization by Canada.
    Sec. 22.589  One-way or two-way application requirements.
        In addition to information required by subparts B and D of this 
    part and Sec. 22.529, applications for authorization to operate a 
    transmitter on the channels listed in Sec. 22.561 must contain the 
    applicable supplementary information described in this section.
        (a) Interference exhibit. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of 
    this section, an exhibit demonstrating compliance with Sec. 22.567 with 
    regard to protected transmitters is required. This exhibit must:
        (1) For UHF channels, identify each protected transmitter located 
    within 108 kilometers (67 miles) of the proposed transmitter in 
    directions in which the distance to the interfering contour is 76.4 
    kilometers (47.5 miles) or less, and within 178 kilometers (111 miles) 
    of the proposed transmitter in directions in which the distance to the 
    interfering contour exceeds 76.4 kilometers (47.5 miles); and identify 
    each protected Basic Exchange Telephone Radio System central office 
    transmitter in the Rural Radiotelephone Service within 231 kilometers 
    (144 miles),
        (2) For VHF channels, identify each protected transmitter located 
    within 135 kilometers (84 miles) of the proposed transmitter in 
    directions in which the distance to the interfering contour is 93.3 
    kilometers (58 miles) or less, and within 178 kilometers (111 miles) of 
    the proposed transmitter in directions in which the distance to the 
    interfering contour exceeds 93.3 kilometers (58 miles).
        (3) For each protected transmitter identified, show the results of 
    distance calculations indicating that there would be no overlap of 
    service and interfering contours, or alternatively, indicate that the 
    licensee of or applicant for the protected transmitter and/or the 
    applicant, as required, have agreed in writing to accept any 
    interference resulting from operation of the proposed transmitter.
        (b) Encompassment exhibit. An exhibit showing that the area within 
    the interfering contour of the proposed transmitter would be totally 
    encompassed by interfering contours of operating co-channel base 
    transmitters controlled by the applicant is required for applications 
    to operate a transmitter with ERP exceeding the basic power and height-
    power limits of Sec. 22.565. This encompassment exhibit may substitute 
    for the interference exhibit required in paragraph (a) of this section.
    Point-to-Point Operation
    Sec. 22.591  Channels for point-to-point operation.
        The following channels are allocated for assignment to fixed 
    transmitters that support other transmitters that provide public mobile 
    service. Unless otherwise indicated, all channels have a bandwidth of 
    20 kHz and are designated by their center frequencies in MegaHertz.
                                  VHF Channels                              
    72.02              72.36              72.80             75.66           
    72.04              72.38              72.82             75.68           
    72.06              72.40              72.84             75.70           
    72.08              72.42              72.86             75.72           
    72.10              72.46              72.88             75.74           
    72.12              72.50              72.90             75.76           
    72.14              72.54              72.92             75.78           
    72.16              72.58              72.94             75.80           
    72.18              72.62              72.96             75.82           
    72.20              72.64              72.98             75.84           
    72.22              72.66              75.42             75.86           
    72.24              72.68              75.46             75.88           
    72.26              72.70              75.50             75.90           
    72.28              72.72              75.54             75.92           
    72.30              72.74              75.58             75.94           
    72.32              72.76              75.62             75.96           
    72.34              72.78              75.64             75.98           
    72.10              72.46              72.88             75.74           
    72.12              72.50              72.90             75.76           
    72.14              72.54              72.92             75.78           
    72.16              72.58              72.94             75.80           
    72.18              72.62              72.96             75.82           
    72.20              72.64              72.98             75.84           
    72.22              72.66              75.42             75.86           
    72.24              72.68              75.46             75.88           
    72.26              72.70              75.50             75.90           
    72.28              72.72              75.54             75.92           
    72.30              72.74              75.58             75.94           
    72.32              72.76              75.62             75.96           
    72.34              72.78              75.64             75.98           
                          UHF Channels--State of Hawaii                     
    488.250            491.250            489.750           492.750         
    488.750            491.750            490.250           493.250         
    489.250            492.250            490.750           493.750         
                               Microwave Channels                           
                        [Bandwidth individually assigned]                   
    2110.1                               2160.1                             
    2110.2                               2160.2                             
    2110.3                               2160.3                             
    2129.9                               2179.9                             
        (a) The 72-76 MHz channels may be assigned under developmental 
    authority pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 22.413. The 72-76 MHz 
    channels may also be used in point-to-multipoint configurations. The 
    72-76 MHz channels are also allocated for assignment in the Private 
    Radio Services (see Part 90 of this chapter).
        (b) Channels in the frequency ranges 2110-2130 and 2160-2180 MHz 
    are also allocated for assignment in the broadband Personal 
    Communications Service (see part 24 of this chapter), the Multipoint 
    Distribution Service and the Point-to-Point Microwave Radio Service 
    (see part 21 of this chapter). Assignment of channels in these ranges 
    is subject to the transition rules in Sec. 22.602.
        (c) Channels in the frequency ranges 488.250-490.750 and 491.250-
    493.750 MHz may be assigned only to inter-island fixed stations located 
    in the State of Hawaii.
    Sec. 22.593  Effective radiated power limits.
        The effective radiated power of fixed stations operating on the 
    channels listed in Sec. 22.591 must not exceed 150 Watts. The 
    equivalent isotropic radiated power of fixed stations operating in the 
    frequency ranges 2110-2130 and 2160-2180 MHz must not exceed the limits 
    set forth in Part 21 of this chapter for stations operating in these 
    frequency ranges.
    Sec. 22.599  Assignment of 72-76 MHz channels.
        Because of the potential for interference to the reception of TV 
    Channels 4 and 5 by broadcast television sets and video recorders, 
    assignments of the 72-76 MHz channels are subject to the following 
        (a) Assignments of 72-76 MHz channels for use within 129 kilometers 
    (80 miles) of a full service TV station transmitting on TV Channel 4 or 
    5 are subject to the condition that the licensee must eliminate any 
    interference caused to television reception on TV Channels 4 and 5. If 
    the FCC notifies the licensee of an interference problem and the 
    licensee does not resolve the problem within 90 days of such 
    notification, operation of the interfering 72-76 MHz fixed station must 
    be immediately discontinued.
        (b) 72-76 MHz channels may be assigned for use within 16 kilometers 
    (10 miles) of a full service TV station transmitting on TV Channel 4 or 
    5 under a developmental authorization, pursuant to Sec. 22.413. 
    However, for use within 50 meters (164 feet) of a TV station 
    transmitting on TV Channel 4 or 5, 72-76 MHZ channels may be assigned 
    under a regular authorization, rather than a developmental 
    Sec. 22.601  Assignment of microwave channels.
        Assignment of the microwave channels listed in Sec. 22.591 is 
    subject to the transition rules in Sec. 22.602. No new systems will be 
    authorized under this part.
        (a) Coordination required. Before filing applications for authority 
    to modify existing stations on these channels or major amendments to 
    such applications, carriers must coordinate the planned channel usage, 
    using the procedure outlined in Sec. 22.150, with affected parties in 
    this radio service and the Point-to-Point Microwave Service and the 
    Multipoint Distribution Service. Affected parties are licensees and 
    other applicants with previously filed pending applications whose 
    stations could affect or be affected by the proposed modification of 
    the existing station in terms of interference.
        (b) System parameters. In designing a system modification, the 
    applicant must select sites, equipment and channels that will avoid 
    harmful interference to other users. All parties must cooperate fully 
    and make reasonable efforts to resolve technical problems and conflicts 
    that may inhibit the most effective and efficient use of the radio 
    spectrum; however, a party receiving notification is not obligated to 
    suggest changes or re-design a proposal in cases involving conflicts. 
    The applicant must identify in the application all parties with which 
    the technical proposal was coordinated. In the event that technical 
    problems are not resolved or if an affected party does not respond to 
    coordination efforts within 30 days after notification, an explanation 
    must be contained in the application. Where technical conflicts are 
    resolved by an agreement between the parties that requires special 
    procedures to reduce the likelihood of harmful interference (such as 
    the use of artificial site shielding), or would result in a reduction 
    of quality or capacity of either system, the details thereof must be 
    contained in the application.
        (c) Bandwidth. Applicants must request the minimum emission 
    bandwidth necessary. The FCC does not authorize bandwidths larger than 
    800 kHz under this part.
    Sec. 22.602  Transition of the 2110-2130 and 2160-2180 MHz channels to 
    emerging technologies.
        The microwave channels listed in Sec. 22.591 have been allocated 
    for use by emerging technologies services (ETS). No new systems will be 
    authorized under this part. The rules in this section provide for a 
    transition period during which existing Paging and Radiotelephone 
    Service (PARS) licensees using these channels may relocate operations 
    to other media or to other fixed channels, including those in other 
    microwave bands. For PARS licensees relocating operations to other 
    microwave bands, authorization must be obtained under part 21 of this 
        (a) Licensees proposing to implement ETS may negotiate with PARS 
    licensees authorized to use these channels, for the purpose of agreeing 
    to terms under which the PARS licensees would--
        (1) Relocate their operations to other fixed microwave bands or 
    other media, or alternatively,
        (2) Accept a sharing arrangement with the ETS licensee that may 
    result in an otherwise impermissible level of interference to the PARS 
        (b) PARS operations on these channels will continue to be co-
    primary with other users of this spectrum until two years after the FCC 
    commences acceptance of applications for ETS, and until one year after 
    an ETS licensee initiates negotiations for relocation of the fixed 
    microwave licensee's operations.
        (c) After the periods specified in paragraph (b) of this section, 
    existing PARS operations become secondary to ETS operations, provided 
        (1) The ETS applicant, provider, licensee or representative 
    guarantees payment of all relocation costs, including all engineering, 
    equipment, site and FCC fees, as well as any reasonable additional 
    costs that the PARS licensee might incur as a result of relocation to 
    another fixed band or migration to another medium;
        (2) The ETS applicant, provider, licensee or representative 
    completes all activities necessary for implementing the replacement 
    facilities, including engineering and cost analysis of the relocation 
    procedure and, if radio facilities are involved, identifying and 
    obtaining, on the incumbent's behalf, new channels and frequency 
    coordination; and
        (3) The ETS applicant, provider, licensee or representative builds 
    the replacement system and tests it for comparability with the existing 
    2 GHz system.
        (d) The PARS licensee is not required to relocate until the 
    alternative facilities are available to it for a reasonable time to 
    make adjustments, determine comparability, and ensure a seamless 
        (e) If, within one year after the relocation to new facilities, the 
    PARS licensee demonstrates that the new facilities are not comparable 
    to the former facilities, the ETS applicant, provider, licensee or 
    representative must remedy the defects or pay to relocate the PARS 
    licensee back to its former (or equivalent) 2 GHz channels.
    Sec. 22.603  488-494 MHz fixed service in Hawaii.
        Before filing applications for authorization of inter-island 
    control and/or repeater stations, applicants must coordinate the 
    planned channel usage with existing licensees and other applicants with 
    previously filed applications, using the procedure outlined in 
    Sec. 22.150. Applicants and licensees shall cooperate fully and make 
    reasonable efforts to resolve any channel usage conflicts. In 
    situations where technical solutions to such conflicts cannot be 
    devised, the FCC may select a channel or channels to assign or may 
    designate the application(s) for hearing. To be acceptable for filing, 
    applications and major technical amendments must contain a 
    certification that coordination has been completed and an exhibit 
    listing the name(s) of the licensees and applicants with which the 
    planned channel usage has been coordinated.
    Point-to-Multipoint Operation
    Sec. 22.621  Channels for point-to-multipoint operation.
        The following channels are allocated for assignment to transmitters 
    utilized within point-to-multipoint systems that support transmitters 
    that provide public mobile service. Unless otherwise indicated, all 
    channels have a bandwidth of 20 kHz and are designated by their center 
    frequencies in MegaHertz.
                               Public Mobile Pool                           
                               (25 kHz bandwidth)                           
    928.8625           959.8625           928.9375          959.9375        
    928.8875           959.8875           928.9625          959.9625        
    928.9125           959.9125           928.9875          959.9875        
                              (12.5 kHz bandwidth)                          
    928.85625          959.85625          928.93125         959.93125       
    928.86875          959.85625          928.94375         959.94375       
    928.88125          959.88125          928.95625         959.95625       
    928.89375          959.89375          928.96875         959.96875       
    928.90625          959.90625          928.98125         959.98125       
    928.91875          959.91875          928.99375         959.99375       
                        Private Radio General Access Pool                   
                               (25 kHz bandwidth)                           
    956.2625           956.3125           956.3625          956.4125        
    956.2875           956.3375           956.3875          956.4375        
    928.0125           952.0125           928.1875          952.1875        
    928.0375           952.0375           928.2125          952.2125        
    928.0625           952.0625           928.2375          952.2375        
    928.0875           952.0875           928.2625          952.2625        
    928.1125           952.1125           928.2875          952.2875        
    928.1375           952.1375           928.3125          952.3125        
    928.1625           952.1625           928.3375          952.3375        
                              (12.5 kHz bandwidth)                          
    956.25625          956.30625          956.35625         956.40625       
    956.26875          956.31875          956.36875         956.41875       
    956.28125          956.33125          956.38125         956.43125       
    956.29375          956.34375          956.39375         956.44375       
    928.00625          952.00625          928.18125         952.18125       
    928.01875          952.01875          928.19375         952.19375       
    928.03125          952.03125          928.20625         952.20625       
    928.04375          952.04375          928.21875         952.21875       
    928.05625          952.05625          928.23125         952.23125       
    928.06875          952.06875          928.24375         952.24375       
    928.08125          952.08125          928.25625         952.25625       
    928.09375          952.09375          928.26875         952.26875       
    928.10625          952.10625          928.28125         952.28125       
    928.11875          952.11875          928.29375         952.29375       
    928.13125          952.13125          928.30625         952.30625       
    928.14375          952.14375          928.31875         952.31875       
    928.15625          952.15625          928.33125         952.33125       
    928.16875          952.16875          928.34375         952.34375       
                            Private Radio Power Pool                        
                               (25 kHz bandwidth)                           
    928.3625           952.3625           928.6125          952.6125        
    928.3875           952.3875           928.6375          952.6375        
    928.4125           952.4125           928.6625          952.6625        
    928.4375           952.4375           928.6875          952.6875        
    928.4625           952.4625           928.7125          952.7125        
    928.4875           952.4875           928.7375          952.7375        
    928.5125           952.5125           928.7625          952.7625        
    928.5375           952.5375           928.7875          952.7875        
    928.5625           952.5625           928.8125          952.8125        
    928.5875           952.5875           928.8375          952.8375        
                              (12.5 kHz bandwidth)                          
    928.35625          952.35625          928.60625         952.60625       
    928.36875          952.36875          928.61875         952.61875       
    928.38125          952.38125          928.63125         952.63125       
    928.39375          952.39375          928.64375         952.64375       
    928.40625          952.40625          928.65625         952.65625       
    928.41875          952.41875          928.66875         952.66875       
    928.43125          952.43125          928.68125         952.68125       
    928.44375          952.44375          928.69375         952.69375       
    928.45625          952.45625          928.70625         952.70625       
    928.46875          952.46875          928.71875         952.71875       
    928.48125          952.48125          928.73125         952.73125       
    928.49375          952.49375          928.74375         952.74375       
    928.50625          952.50625          928.75625         952.75625       
    928.51875          952.51875          928.76875         952.76875       
    928.53125          952.53125          928.78125         952.78125       
    928.54375          952.54375          928.79375         952.79375       
    928.55625          952.55625          928.80625         952.80625       
    928.56875          952.56875          928.81875         952.81875       
    928.58125          952.58125          928.83125         952.83125       
    928.59375          952.59375          928.84375         952.84375       
                     Public, Private, Government Shared Pool                
                              (12.5 kHz bandwidth)                          
    932.00625          941.00625          932.25625         941.25625       
    932.01875          941.01875          932.26875         941.26875       
    932.03125          941.03125          932.28125         941.28125       
    932.04375          941.04375          932.29375         941.29375       
    932.05625          941.05625          932.30625         941.30625       
    932.06875          941.06875          932.31875         941.31875       
    932.08125          941.08125          932.33125         941.33125       
    932.09375          941.09375          932.34375         941.34375       
    932.10625          941.10625          932.35625         941.35625       
    932.11875          941.11875          932.36875         941.36875       
    932.13125          941.13125          932.38125         941.38125       
    932.14375          941.14375          932.39375         941.39375       
    932.15625          941.15625          932.40625         941.40625       
    932.16875          941.16875          932.41875         941.41875       
    932.18125          941.18125          932.43125         941.43125       
    932.19375          941.19375          932.44375         941.44375       
    932.20625          941.20625          932.45625         941.45625       
    932.21875          941.21875          932.46875         941.46875       
    932.23125          941.23125          932.48125         941.48125       
    932.24375          941.24375          932.49375         941.49375       
                      UHF Channels in Specified Urban Areas                 
    470.0125           473.0125           482.0125          485.0125        
    470.0375           473.0375           482.0375          485.0375        
    470.0625           473.0625           482.0625          485.0625        
    470.0875           473.0875           482.0875          485.0875        
    470.1125           473.1125           482.1125          485.1125        
    470.1375           473.1375           482.1375          485.1375        
    470.1625           473.1625           482.1625          485.1625        
    470.1875           473.1875           482.1875          485.1875        
    470.2125           473.2125           482.2125          485.2125        
    470.2375           473.2375           482.2375          485.2375        
    470.2625           473.2625           482.2625          485.2625        
    470.2875           473.2875           482.2875          485.2875        
                               Chicago, Cleveland                           
    470.0125           473.0125           476.0125          479.0125        
    470.0375           473.0375           476.0375          479.0375        
    470.0625           473.0625           476.0625          479.0625        
    470.0875           473.0875           476.0875          479.0875        
    470.1125           473.1125           476.1125          479.1125        
    470.1375           473.1375           476.1375          479.1375        
    470.1625           473.1625           476.1625          479.1625        
    470.1875           473.1875           476.1875          479.1875        
    470.2125           473.2125           476.2125          479.2125        
    470.2375           473.2375           476.2375          479.2375        
    470.2625           473.2625           476.2625          479.2625        
    470.2875           473.2875           476.2875          479.2875        
                        New York-Northeastern New Jersey                    
    470.0125           470.1625           476.0125          476.1625        
    470.0375           470.1875           476.0375          476.1875        
    470.0625           470.2125           476.0625          476.2125        
    470.0875           470.2375           476.0875          476.2375        
    470.1125           470.2625           476.1125          476.2625        
    470.1375           470.2875           476.1375          476.2875        
                               Dallas-Forth Worth                           
    482.0125           482.1625           485.0125          485.1625        
    482.0375           482.1875           485.0375          485.1875        
    482.0625           482.2125           485.0625          485.2125        
    482.0875           482.2375           485.0875          485.2375        
    482.1125           482.2625           485.1125          485.2625        
    482.1375           482.2875           485.1375          485.2875        
    476.0125           479.0125           482.0125          485.0125        
    476.0375           479.0375           482.0375          485.0375        
    476.0625           479.0625           482.0625          485.0625        
    476.0875           479.0875           482.0875          485.0875        
    476.1125           479.1125           482.1125          485.1125        
    476.1375           479.1375           482.1375          485.1375        
    476.1625           479.1625           482.1625          485.1625        
    476.1875           479.1875           482.1875          485.1875        
    476.2125           479.2125           482.2125          485.2125        
    476.2375           479.2375           482.2375          485.2375        
    476.2625           479.2625           482.2625          485.2625        
    476.2875           479.2875           482.2875          485.2875        
    488.1625           491.1625           488.2375          491.2375        
    488.1875           491.1875           488.2625          491.2625        
    488.2125           491.2125           488.2875          491.2875        
                                  Los Angeles                               
    470.0125           473.0125           506.0625          509.0625        
    470.0375           473.0375           506.0875          509.0875        
    506.0125           509.0125           506.1125          509.1125        
    506.0375           509.0375                                             
                                          ................  ................
    470.0125           470.1625           473.0125          473.1625        
    470.0375           470.1875           473.0375          473.1875        
    470.0625           470.2125           473.0625          473.2125        
    470.0875           470.2375           473.0875          473.2375        
    470.1125           470.2625           473.1125          473.2625        
    470.1375           470.2875           473.1375          473.2875        
    500.0125           503.0125           506.0125          509.0125        
    500.0375           503.0375           506.0375          509.0375        
    500.0625           503.0625           506.0625          509.0625        
    500.0875           503.0875           506.0875          509.0875        
    500.1125           503.1125           506.1125          509.1125        
    500.1375           503.1375           506.1375          509.1375        
    500.1625           503.1625           506.1625          509.1625        
    500.1875           503.1875           506.1875          509.1875        
    500.2125           503.2125           506.2125          509.2125        
    500.2375           503.2375           506.2375          509.2375        
    500.2625           503.2625           506.2625          509.2625        
    500.2875           503.2875           506.2875          509.2875        
    470.0125           470.1625           473.0125          473.1625        
    470.0375           470.1875           473.0375          473.1875        
    470.0625           470.2125           473.0625          473.2125        
    470.0875           470.2375           473.0875          473.2375        
    470.1125           470.2625           473.1125          473.2625        
    470.1375           470.2875           473.1375          473.2875        
                                  San Francisco                             
    482.0125           485.0125           488.0125          491.0125        
    482.0375           485.0375           488.0375          491.0375        
    482.0625           485.0625           488.0625          491.0625        
    482.0875           485.0875           488.0875          491.0875        
    482.1125           485.1125           488.1125          491.1125        
    482.1375           485.1375           488.1375          491.1375        
    482.1625           485.1625           488.1625          491.1625        
    482.1875           485.1875           488.1875          491.1875        
    482.2125           485.2125           488.2125          491.2125        
    482.2375           485.2375           488.2375          491.2375        
    482.2625           485.2625           488.2625          491.2625        
    482.2875           485.2875           488.2875          491.2875        
                                 Washington, DC                             
    488.0125           491.0125           494.0125          497.0125        
    488.0375           491.0375           494.0375          497.0375        
    488.0625           491.0625           494.0625          497.0625        
    488.0875           491.0875           494.0875          497.0875        
    488.1125           491.1125           494.1125          497.1125        
    488.1375           491.1375           494.1375          497.1375        
    488.1625           491.1625           494.1625          497.1625        
    488.1875           491.1875           494.1875          497.1875        
    488.2125           491.2125           494.2125          497.2125        
    488.2375           491.2375           494.2375          497.2375        
    488.2625           491.2625           494.2625          497.2625        
    488.2875           491.2875           494.2875          497.2875        
        (a) Channels in the Private Radio General Access Pool and the 
    Private Radio Power Pool may be assigned only if the applicant shows 
    that none of the channels in the Public Mobile Pool are available for 
    the proposed use.
        (b) Channels in the Public, Private, Government Shared Pool are 
    allocated for assignment in the Private Operational-Fixed Microwave 
    Service (47 CFR part 94) and to U.S. government fixed stations.
    Sec. 22.623  System configuration.
        This section requires a minimum configuration for point-to-
    multipoint systems using the channels listed in Sec. 22.621.
        (a) 928-960 MHz. The channels may be assigned, individually or 
    paired, only to fixed transmitters in a system that controls at least 
    four public mobile base transmitters that transmit on the same channel. 
    If a 932-933 MHz channel and a 941-942 MHz channel are assigned as a 
    pair, the 941-942 MHz channel must be assigned only to control 
    transmitters; the 932-933 MHz channel may be assigned to control or 
    fixed relay transmitters.
        (b) 470-512 MHz. These channels may be assigned only individually 
    (unpaired), to control transmitters that directly control at least four 
    public mobile base transmitters that transmit on the same channel. 
    Fixed relay transmitters are not authorized.
        (c) Selection and assignment. The FCC selects and assigns a channel 
    when granting applications for authorization to operate a new station 
    to transmit in the 470-512, 932-933 and 941-942 MHz frequency ranges. 
    Applicants having a preference may request the assignment of a specific 
    channel or channel pair, but the FCC may in some cases be unable to 
    satisfy such requests.
    Sec. 22.625  Transmitter locations.
        This section governs where point-to-multipoint transmitters on the 
    channels listed in Sec. 22.621 may be located.
        (a) 928-960 MHz. In this frequency range, the required minimum 
    distance separation between co-channel fixed transmitters is 113 
    kilometers (70 miles). However, this requirement may be waived if the 
    applicant submits an engineering analysis that shows that no 
    interference would be caused to either system. In such a case, a 
    developmental authorization may be issued (see Sec. 22.415). If no 
    interference is experienced during the term of the developmental 
    authorization, the licensee may apply for a regular authorization.
        (b) 470-512 MHz. The purpose of the rule in paragraph (b)(1) of 
    this section is to define the areas in which the 470-512 MHz channels 
    are allocated for public mobile use. The purpose of the rules in 
    paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section is to reduce the 
    likelihood that interference to television reception from public mobile 
    operations on these channels will occur.
        (1) Control transmitter locations. Control transmitter locations 
    must be within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the designated locations in 
    this paragraph.
                      Urban area                    N. latitude   longitude 
    Boston, MA....................................  42 deg.21'2             
                                                            4''  71 deg.03'2
    Chicago, IL...................................  41 deg.52'2             
                                                            8''  87 deg.38'2
    Cleveland, OH.................................  41 deg.29'5             
                                                            1''  81 deg.41'5
    Dallas, TX....................................  32 deg.47'0             
                                                            9''  96 deg.47'3
    Detroit, MI...................................  42 deg.19'4             
                                                            8''  83 deg.02'5
    Houston, TX...................................  29 deg.45'2             
                                                            6''  95 deg.21'3
    Los Angeles, CA...............................  34 deg.03'1             
                                                            5''  118 deg.14'
    Miami, FL.....................................  25 deg.46'3             
                                                            7''  80 deg.11'3
    New York, NY..................................  40 deg.45'0             
                                                            6''  73 deg.59'3
    Philadelphia, PA..............................  39 deg.56'5             
                                                            8''  75 deg.09'2
    Pittsburgh, PA................................  40 deg.26'1             
                                                            9''  80 deg.00'0
    San Francisco-Oakland, CA.....................  37 deg.46'3             
                                                            9''  122 deg.24'
    Washington, DC................................  38 deg.53'5             
                                                            1''  77 deg.00'3
        (2) Protection from intermodulation interference. Control 
    transmitter locations must be at least 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) from the 
    main transmitter locations of all TV stations transmitting on TV 
    channels separated by 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8 TV channels from the TV 
    channel containing the frequencies on which the control station will 
    transmit. This requirement is intended to reduce the likelihood of 
    intermodulation interference.
        (3) Co-channel protection from control transmitters with high 
    antennas. This paragraph applies only to control transmitters that 
    utilize an antenna height of more than 152 meters (500 feet) above 
    average terrain. The distance between the location of such a control 
    transmitter and the applicable protected TV station location specified 
    in this paragraph must equal or exceed the sum of the distance from the 
    control transmitter location to the radio horizon in the direction of 
    the specified location and 89 kilometers (55 miles--representing the 
    distance from the main transmitter location of the TV station to its 
    Grade B contour in the direction of the control transmitter). The 
    protected TV station locations in this paragraph are the locations of 
    record as of September 1974, and these do not change even though the TV 
    stations may have been subsequently relocated.
        (i) The protected TV station locations are as follows:
      Control transmitter frequency                                         
                  range                    Protected TV station location    
    470-476 MHz......................  Washington, DC 38 deg.57'17'' 77     
    476-482 MHz......................  Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45'' 76      
        (ii) The distance to the radio horizon is calculated using the 
    following formula:
    d is the distance to the radio horizon in kilometers
    h is the height of the antenna center of radiation above ground level 
    in meters
    Sec. 22.627  Effective radiated power limits.
        The effective radiated power (ERP) of transmitters operating on the 
    channels listed in Sec. 22.621 must not exceed the limits in this 
        (a) Maximum ERP. The ERP must not exceed the applicable limits in 
    this paragraph under any circumstances.
                                                                 Maximum ERP
                       Frequency range (MHz)                       (watts)  
    470-512....................................................         1000
    928-929....................................................           50
    932-933....................................................           30
    941-942....................................................          600
    952-960....................................................          150
        (b) 470-512 MHz limits. The purpose of the rules in paragraphs 
    (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section is to reduce the likelihood that 
    interference to television receiption from public mobile operations on 
    these channels will occur. The protected TV station locations specified 
    in this section are the locations of record as of September 1974, and 
    these do not change even though the TV stations may have been 
    subsequently relocated.
        (1) Co-channel protection. The ERP of control transmitters must not 
    exceed the limits in the tables in paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) and 
    (b)(1)(iii) of this section. The limits depend upon the height above 
    average terrain of the control transmitter antenna and the distance 
    between the control transmitter and the nearest protected TV station 
    location in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.
        (i) The protected TV station locations are as follows:
                                                        Protected TV station
            Control transmitter frequency range               location      
    470-476 MHz Jacksonville, IL 39 deg.45'52''.......  90 deg.30'39''.     
     Mt. Pleasant, MI 43 deg.34'24''                    84 deg.46'21''.     
     Oxford, OH 39 deg.30'26''                          84 deg.44'09''.     
     Washington, DC 38 deg.57'17''                      77 deg.00'17''.     
    476-482 MHz Champaign, IL 40 deg.04'11''..........  87 deg.54'45''.     
     Madison, WI 43 deg.03'01''                         89 deg.29'15''.     
     Parkersburg, WV 39 deg.20'50''                     81 deg.33'56''.     
     Fort Wayne, IN 41 deg.05'35''                      85 deg.10'42''.     
     Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45''                       76 deg.27'49''.     
    482-488 MHz South Bend, IN 41 deg.36'26''.........  86 deg.27'48''.     
    488-494 MHz Philadelphia, PA 40 deg.02'30''.......  75 deg.14'24''.     
    494-500 MHz.......................................  None.               
    500-506 MHz Johnstown, PA 40 deg.19'47''..........  78 deg.53'45''.     
    506-512 MHz Washington, DC 38 deg.57'49''.........  77 deg.06'18''.     
     Waterbury, CT 41 deg.31'02''                       73 deg.01'00''.     
        (ii) Table E-3 and E-4 apply to control transmitters in the New 
    York-Northeastern New Jersey and Cleveland urban areas that transmit on 
    channels in the 476-482 MHz range and to control transmitters in the 
    Detroit urban area that transmit on channels in the 482-488 MHz range.
        (iii) Tables E-5 and E-6 apply to all control transmitters except 
    those to which Tables E-3 and E-4 apply.
        (2) Adjacent channel protection. The ERP of control transmitters 
    must not exceed the limits in Table E-7. The limits depend upon the 
    height above average terrain of the control transmitter antenna and the 
    distance between the control transmitter and the nearest protected TV 
    station location listed in this paragraph. The protected TV station 
    locations are as follows:
         Control transmitter                                           TV   
           frequency range          Protected TV station location    channel
    470-476 MHz:                  Hanover, NH 43 deg.42'30'' 72         (15)
                                  Madison, WI 43 deg.03'01'' 89         (15)
                                  Champaign, IL 40 deg.04'11'' 87       (15)
                                  San Diego, CA 32 deg.41'48'' 116      (15)
                                  Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45'' 76       (15)
                                  Parkersburg, WV 39 deg.20'50''        (15)
                                   81 deg.33'56''.                          
    476-482 MHz:                  South Bend, IN 41 deg.36'20'' 86      (16)
                                  Pittsburgh, PA 40 deg.26'46'' 79      (16)
                                  Mt. Pleasant, MI 43 deg.34'24''       (14)
                                   84 deg.46'21''.                          
                                  Scranton, PA 41 deg.10'58'' 75        (16)
    482-488 MHz:                  Hanover, NH 43 deg.42'30'' 72         (15)
                                  Fort Wayne, IN 41 deg.05'35'' 85      (15)
    488-494 MHz:                  Salisbury, MD 38 deg.24'15'' 75       (16)
    494-500 MHz:                  Philadelphia, PA 40 deg.02'30''       (17)
                                   75 deg.14'24''.                          
    500-506 MHz:                  Washington, DC 38 deg.57'49'' 77      (20)
    506-512 MHz:                  Harrisburg, PA 40 deg.20'44'' 76      (21)
        (c) Los Angeles area. This paragraph applies only to control 
    transmitters in the Los Angeles urban area that utilize an antenna 
    height of 457 or more meters (1500 or more feet) above mean sea level. 
    The ERP of such transmitters must not exceed the following limits:
                            Antenna height                             ERP  
                         AMSL in meters (feet)                       (Watts)
    457 (1500) to 610 (2000)......................................       155
    611 (2001) to 762 (2500)......................................       100
    763 (2501) to 914 (3000)......................................        70
    915 (3001) to 1067 (3500).....................................        50
    1068 (3501) to 1219 (4000)....................................        40
    1220 (4001) to 1372 (4500)....................................        30
    1373 (4501) and above.........................................        25
                                       Table E-3.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Control Transmitters (HAAT 152 Meters or Less)                                   
                                                                                    Antenna height above average terrain in meters (feet)                   
      Distance to protected TV station in kilometers (miles)   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 15(50)  30(100)  46(150)  61(200)  76(250)  91(300)  107(350)  122(400)  137(450)  152(500)
    209 (130).................................................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      1000      1000      1000      1000
    201 (125).................................................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      1000       850       750       725
    193 (120).................................................     1000     1000     1000     1000      900      750       675       600       550       500
    185 (115).................................................     1000     1000      800      725      600      525       475       425       375       350
    177 (110).................................................      850      700      600      500      425      375       325       300       275       225
    169 (105).................................................      600      475      400      325      275      250       225       200       175       150
    161 (100).................................................      400      325      275      225      175      150       140       125       110       100
    153 (95)..................................................      275      225      175      125      110       95        80        70        60        50
    145 (90)..................................................      175      125      100       75       50  .......  ........  ........  ........  ........
    See Sec. 22.627(b)(1)(ii). This table is for antenna heights of 152 meters (500 feet) or less above average terrain. For antenna heights between those  
      in the table, use the next higher antenna height. For distances between those in the table, use the next lower distance.                              
                  Table E-4.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Control Transmitters (HAAT More Than 152 Meters)              
                                                          Antenna height above average terrain in meters (feet)     
     Distance to protected TV station in kilometers ----------------------------------------------------------------
                        (miles)                      152(500)  305(1000)  457(1500)  610(2000)  762(2500)  914(3000)
    209 (130)......................................------1000-------447--------219--------117---------71---------46-
    193 (120)......................................       500       209         95         50         30         19 
    177 (110)......................................       225        91         35         19         11          8 
    161 (100)......................................       100        30         10          5          3          2 
    153 (95).......................................        50        13          5          3          2          1 
    See Sec. 22.627(b)(1)(ii). This table is for antenna heights of more than 152 meters (500 feet) above average   
      terrain. For intermediate values of height and/or distance, use linear interpolation to obtain the maximum    
      permitted ERP.                                                                                                
                                       Table E-5.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Control Transmitters (HAAT 152 Meters or Less)                                   
                                                                                    Antenna Height Above Average Terrain in meters (feet)                   
      Distance to protected TV station in kilometers (miles)   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 15(50)  30(100)  46(150)  61(200)  76(250)  91(300)  107(350)  122(400)  137(450)  152(500)
    249 (155).................................................-    1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      875       775       700       625       575
    241 (150).................................................     1000     1000      950      775      725      625       550       500       450       400
    233 (145).................................................      850      750      650      575      500      440       400       350       320       300
    225 (140).................................................      600      575      465      400      350      300       275       250       230       225
    217 (135).................................................      450      400      335      300      255      240       200       185       165       150
    209 (130).................................................      350      300      245      200      185      160       145       125       120       100
    201 (125).................................................      225      200      170      150      125      110       100        90        80        75
    193 (120).................................................      175      150      125      105       90       80        70        60        55        50
    ASee Sec. 22.627(b)(1)(iii). This table applies for antenna heights of 152 meters (500 feet) or less above average terrain. For antenna heights between 
      those in the table, use the next higher antenna height. For distances between those in the table, use the next lower distance.                        
                  Table E-6.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Control Transmitters (HAAT More Than 152 Meters)              
                                                          Antenna height above average terrain in meters (feet)     
     Distance to protected TV station in kilometers ----------------------------------------------------------------
                        (miles)                      152(500)  305(1000)  457(1500)  610(2000)  762(2500)  914(3000)
    261 (162)......................................      1000       501        282        170        110         71 
    241 (150)......................................       400       209        110         60         36         23 
    225 (140)......................................       225       102         50         28         16         10 
    209 (130)......................................       100        48         21         11          7          5 
    193 (120)......................................        50        19          9          5          3         2  
    ASee Sec. 22.627(b)(1)(iii). This table is for antenna heights of more than 152 meters (500 feet) above average 
      terrain. For intermediate values of height and/or distance, use linear interpolation to obtain the maximum    
      permitted ERP.                                                                                                
                                Table E-7.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Control Transmitters                            
      Distance to protected TV                  Antenna height above average terrain in meters (feet)               
       station in kilometers    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (miles)            30(100)  46(150)  61(200)  76(250)  91(300)  107(350)  122(400)  137(450)  152(500)
    106 (66)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      1000      1000      1000       750
    105 (65)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      1000       825       650       600
    103 (64)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000       775       625       500       400
    101 (63)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000      440       400       350       320       300
    100 (62)...................     1000     1000     1000      525      375       250       200       150       125
    98 (61)....................     1000      700      450      250      200       125       100        75        50
    97 (60)....................     1000      425      225      125      100        75        50  ........  ........
    See Sec. 22.627(b)(2). This table applies to control transmitters in the Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit,   
      Los Angeles, New York-Northeastern New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Washington, DC urban areas. This  
      table is for antenna heights of 152 meters (500 feet) or less above average terrain. For antenna heights      
      between those in the table, use the next higher antenna height. For distances between those in the table, use 
      the next lower distance.                                                                                      
    470-512 MHz Trunked Mobile Operation
    Sec. 22.651  470-512 MHz channels for trunked mobile operation.
        The following channels are allocated for assignment to transmitters 
    providing trunked public mobile service within the specified urban 
    areas. All channels have a bandwidth of 20 kHz and are designated by 
    their center frequencies in MegaHertz.
    488.0125           491.0125           488.0875          491.0875        
    488.0375           491.0375           488.1125          491.1125        
    488.0625           491.0625           488.1375          491.1375        
                          New York-Northern New Jersey                      
    473.0125           479.0125           473.1625          479.1625        
    473.0375           479.0375           473.1875          479.1875        
    473.0625           479.0625           473.2125          479.2125        
    473.0875           479.0875           473.2375          479.2375        
    473.1125           479.1125           473.2625          479.2625        
    473.1375           479.1375           473.2875          479.2875        
    Sec. 22.653  Eligibility.
        Only licensees already authorized to provide trunked mobile service 
    or their successors in interest are eligible to apply for additional 
    use of these channels for trunked mobile service, and then only in the 
    urban areas already authorized.
    Sec. 22.655  Channel usage.
        The FCC is redesignating the public mobile channels in the 470-512 
    MHz range from trunked mobile operation to point-to-multipoint 
    operation as the demand for trunked mobile service decreases.
        (a) The licensees in each market shall measure channel usage at 
    least once every 3 months. These measurements shall be reported to the 
    FCC within 30 days. Measurements shall be taken during the busiest 12-
    hour periods on 3 days (within a 7-day period) having normal usage. The 
    information must be reported separately for each of the 3 days 
    selected, must be reported by dates, and must disclose the following:
        (1) The number of mobile units in service during each of the days 
        (2) The number of calls completed each hour;
        (3) The total number of minutes during each hour that the channels 
    were utilized for communications by the mobile units;
        (4) The average channel usage for the busiest hour for the 3 days 
    measured; and
        (5) Any additional information that more accurately reflects 
    channel usage.
        (b) If the measured probability of blocking decreases below 25%, 
    the FCC will redesignate channels not needed to maintain blocking at 
    25% or less. The number of channels needed to maintain blocking below 
    25% will be determined from the channel usage reports and the Erlang C 
        (c) Although two or more channels are necessary to provide trunked 
    service, the FCC may, pursuant to this section, reduce to one the 
    number of channels assigned. In such cases, the licensee may provide 
    non-trunked two-way public mobile service on the one remaining channel.
    Sec. 22.657  Transmitter locations.
        The purpose of the rules in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section 
    is to define the areas in which the 470-512 MHz channels are allocated 
    for public mobile use. The purpose of the rules in paragraphs (c) 
    through (f) of this section is to reduce the likelihood that 
    interference to television reception from public mobile operations on 
    these channels will occur. The protected TV station locations specified 
    in paragraphs (d), (e)(1) and (f) of this section are the locations of 
    record as of September 1974, and these do not change even though the TV 
    stations may have been subsequently relocated.
        (a) Base transmitter locations. Base transmitter locations must be 
    within 80 kilometers (50 miles) of the designated locations in this 
    paragraph. Mobile transmitters must not be operated at locations more 
    than 129 kilometers (80 miles) from the designated locations in this 
                      Urban area                    N. latitude   longitude 
    Houston, TX...................................  29 deg.45'2             
                                                            6''  95 deg.21'3
    New York, NY-NE NJ............................  40 deg.45'0             
                                                            6''  73 deg.59'3
        (b) Mobile area of operation. Mobile transmitters must not be 
    operated at locations more than 48 kilometers (30 miles) from all 
    associated base stations.
        (c) Protection from intermodulation interference. Base transmitter 
    locations must be at least 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) from the current 
    main transmitter locations of all TV stations transmitting on TV 
    channels separated by 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, or 8 TV channels from the TV 
    channel containing the frequencies on which the base station will 
    transmit. This requirement is intended to reduce the likelihood of 
    intermodulation interference.
        (d) Adjacent channel protection from mobile transmitters. Base 
    transmitter locations must be at least 145 kilometers (90 miles) from 
    the applicable protected TV station locations specified in this 
    paragraph. This requirement is intended to provide a 0 dB minimum 
    desired to undesired signal strength ratio at the Grade B contour of an 
    adjacent channel TV station.
    Mobile transmitter frequency                                       TV   
                range               Protected TV station location    channel
    470-476 MHz.................  Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45'' 76       (15)
    476-482 MHz.................  Scranton, PA 41 deg.10'58'' 75        (16)
        (e) Co-channel protection from mobile transmitters. Base 
    transmitter locations must be at least the distance specified in 
    paragraph (e)(2) of this section from the applicable protected TV 
    station locations specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section. This 
    requirement is intended to provide a 40 dB minimum desired to undesired 
    signal strength ratio at the Grade B contour of a co-channel TV 
        (1) The protected TV station locations are as follows:
       Mobile transmitter frequency                                         
                  range                    Protected TV station location    
    470-476 MHz......................  Washington, DC 38 deg.57'17'' 77     
    476-482 MHz......................  Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45'' 76      
        (2) The required minimum distance depends upon the effective 
    radiated power (ERP) of the most powerful mobile transmitter(s) in the 
                                                          Minimum distance  
                 Mobile unit ERP (watts)              ----------------------
                                                       Kilometers    Miles  
    60...............................................         193      (120)
    50...............................................         185      (115)
    25...............................................         177      (110)
    10...............................................         169      (105)
    5................................................         161      (100)
        (f) Co-channel protection from base transmitters with high 
    antennas. This paragraph applies only to base transmitter locations in 
    the New York-Northeastern New Jersey urban area that utilize an antenna 
    height of more than 152 meters (500 feet) above average terrain. The 
    distance between the location of such a base transmitter and the 
    applicable protected TV station location specified in this paragraph 
    must equal or exceed the sum of the distance from the base transmitter 
    location to the radio horizon in the direction of the specified 
    location and 89 kilometers (55 miles--representing the distance from 
    the main transmitter location of the TV station to its Grade B contour 
    in the direction of the base transmitter). The distance to the radio 
    horizon is calculated as follows:
    d is the distance to the radio horizon in kilometers
    h is the height of the antenna center of radiation above ground level 
    in meters
     Base transmitter frequency range      Protected TV station location    
    470-476 MHz......................  Washington, DC 38 deg.57'17'' 77     
    476-482 MHz......................  Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45'' 76      
        (g) The FCC may waive specific distance separation requirements of 
    paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section if the applicant submits an 
    engineering analysis which demonstrates that terrain effects and/or 
    operation with less effective radiated power would satisfy the 
    applicable minimum desired to undesired signal strength ratios at the 
    Grade B contours of the protected TV stations. For this purpose, the 
    Grade B contour of a TV station is deemed to be a circle with a 89 
    kilometer (55 mile) radius, centered on the protected TV station 
    location, and along which the median TV signal field strength is 64 
    dBV/m. In any showing intended to demonstrate compliance with 
    the minimum desired to undesired signal ratio requirements of this 
    section, all predicted field strengths must have been determined using 
    the UHF TV propagation curves contained in part 73 of this chapter.
    Sec. 22.659  Effective radiated power limits.
        The purpose of the rules in this section, which limit effective 
    radiated power (ERP), is to reduce the likelihood that interference to 
    television reception from public mobile operations on these channels 
    will occur. The protected TV station locations specified in this 
    section are the locations of record as of September 1974, and these do 
    not change even though the TV stations may have been subsequently 
        (a) Maximum ERP. The ERP of base transmitters must not exceed 100 
    Watts under any circumstances. The ERP of mobile transmitters must not 
    exceed 60 Watts under any circumstances.
        (b) Co-channel protection from base transmitters. The ERP of base 
    transmitters in the New York-Northeastern New Jersey urban area must 
    not exceed the limits in the tables referenced in paragraphs (b)(2) and 
    (b)(3) of this section. The limits depend upon the height above average 
    terrain of the base transmitter antenna and the distance between the 
    base transmitter and the nearest protected TV station location in 
    paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
        (1) The protected TV station locations are as follows:
     Base transmitter frequency range      Protected TV station location    
    470-476 MHz......................  Washington, DC 38 deg.57'17'' 77     
    476-482 MHz......................  Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45'' 76      
        (2) Tables E-8 and E-9 of this section apply to base transmitters 
    in the New York-Northeastern New Jersey urban area that transmit on 
    channels in the 476-482 MHz range.
        (3) Tables E-10 and E-11 of this section apply to base transmitters 
    in the New York-Northeastern New Jersey urban area that transmit on 
    channels in the 470-476 MHz range.
        (c) Adjacent channel protection from base transmitters. The ERP of 
    base transmitters must not exceed the limits in Table E-12 of this 
    section. The limits depend upon the height above average terrain of the 
    base transmitter antenna and the distance between the base transmitter 
    and the nearest protected TV station location specified in paragraph 
    (c)(1) of this section.
        (1) The protected TV station locations are as follows:
     Base transmitter frequency                                        TV   
                range               Protected TV station location    channel
    470-476 MHz.................  Hanover, NH 43 deg.42'30'' 72         (15)
                                  Lancaster, PA 40 deg.15'45'' 76       (15)
    476-482 MHz.................  Scranton, PA 41 deg.10'58'' 75        (16)
    482-488 MHz.................  Hanover, NH 43 deg.42'30'' 72         (15)
        (2) Table E-12 of this section applies to base transmitters in the 
    New York-Northeastern New Jersey urban area.
                                        Table E-8.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Base Transmitters  (HAAT 152 Meters or Less)                                    
                                                                                    Antenna height above average terrain in meters (feet)                   
      Distance to protected TV station in kilometers (miles)   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 15(50)  30(100)  46(150)  61(200)  76(250)  91(300)  107(350)  122(400)  137(450)  152(500)
    193 (120).................................................     1000     1000     1000     1000      900      750       675       600       550       500
    185 (115).................................................     1000     1000      800      725      600      525       475       425       375       350
    177 (110).................................................      850      700      600      500      425      375       325       300       275       225
    169 (105).................................................      600      475      400      325      275      250       225       200       175       150
    161 (100).................................................      400      325      275      225      175      150       140       125       110       100
    153 (95)..................................................      275      225      175      125      110       95        80        70        60        50
    145 (90)..................................................      175      125      100       75       50  .......  ........  ........  ........  ........
    See Sec. 22.659(b)(2). This table is for antenna heights of 152 meters (500 feet) or less above average terrain. For antenna heights between those in   
      the table, use the next higher antenna height. For distances between those in the table, use the next lower distance.                                 
                   Table E-9.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Base Transmitters  (HAAT More Than 152 Meters)               
                                                                   Antenna height above average terrain in meters   
      Distance to protected TV station in kilometers (miles)   -----------------------------------------------------
                                                                  152      305      457      610      762      914  
                                                                 (500)    (1000)   (1500)   (2000)   (2500)   (3000)
    209 (130).................................................     1000      447      219      117       71       46
    193 (120).................................................      500      209       95       50       30       19
    177 (110).................................................      225       91       35       19       11        8
    161 (100).................................................      100       30       10        5        3        2
    153 (95)..................................................       50       13        5        3        2        1
    See Sec. 22.659(b)(2). This table is for antenna heights of more than 152 meters (500 feet) above average       
      terrain. For intermediate values of height and/or distance, use linear interpolation to obtain the maximum    
      permitted ERP.                                                                                                
                                        Table E-10.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Base Transmitters (HAAT 152 Meters or less)                                    
                                                                                    Antenna height above average terrain in meters (feet)                   
      Distance to protected TV station in kilometers (miles)   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                 15(50)  30(100)  46(150)  61(200)  76(250)  91(300)  107(350)  122(400)  137(450)  152(500)
    249 (155).................................................-    1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      875       775       700       625       575
    241 (150).................................................     1000     1000      950      775      725      625       550       500       450       400
    233 (145).................................................      850      750      650      575      500      440       400       350       320       300
    225 (140).................................................      600      575      465      400      350      300       275       250       230       225
    217 (135).................................................      450      400      335      300      255      240       200       185       165       150
    209 (130).................................................      350      300      245      200      185      160       145       125       120       100
    201 (125).................................................      225      200      170      150      125      110       100        90        80        75
    193 (120).................................................      175      150      125      105       90       80        70        60        55        50
    See Sec. 22.659(b)(3). This table applies for antenna heights of 152 meters (500 feet) or less above average terrain. For antenna heights between those 
      in the table, use the next higher antenna height. For distances between those in the table, use the next lower distance.                              
                   Table E-11.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Base Transmitters (HAAT More Than 152 Meters)               
                                                                   Antenna height above average terrain in meters   
      Distance to protected TV station in kilometers (miles)   -----------------------------------------------------
                                                                  152      305      457      610      762      914  
                                                                 (500)    (1000)   (1500)   (2000)   (2500)   (3000)
    261 (162).................................................     1000      501      282      170      110       71
    241 (150).................................................      400      209      110       60       36       23
    225 (140).................................................      225      102       50       28       16       10
    209 (130).................................................      100       48       21       11        7        5
    193 (120).................................................       50       19        9        5        3        2
    See Sec. 22.659(b)(3). This table is for antenna heights of more than 152 meters (500 feet) above average       
      terrain. For intermediate values of height and/or distance, use linear interpolation to obtain the maximum    
      permitted ERP.                                                                                                
                                 Table E-12.--Maximum ERP (Watts) for Base Transmitters                             
      Distance to protected TV                  Antenna height above average terrain in meters (feet)               
       station in kilometers    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (miles)            30(100)  46(150)  61(200)  76(250)  91(300)  107(350)  122(400)  137(450)  152(500)
    108 (67)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      1000      1000      1000      1000
    106 (66)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      1000      1000      1000       750
    105 (65)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000      1000       825       650       600
    103 (64)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000     1000       775       625       500       400
    101 (63)...................     1000     1000     1000     1000      440       400       350       320       300
    100 (62)...................     1000     1000     1000      525      375       250       200       150       125
    98 (61)....................     1000      700      450      250      200       125       100        75        50
    97 (60)....................     1000      425      225      125      100        75        50  ........  ........
    See Sec. 22.659(c)(2). This table applies to base transmitters in the New York-Northeastern New Jersey urban    
      areas. This table is for antenna heights of 152 meters (500 feet) or less above average terrain. For antenna  
      heights between those in the table, use the next higher antenna height. For distances between those in the    
      table, use the next lower distance.                                                                           
    Subpart F--Rural Radiotelephone Service
    Sec. 22.701  Scope.
        The rules in this subpart govern the licensing and operation of 
    stations and systems in the Rural Radiotelephone Service. The licensing 
    and operation of these stations and systems is also subject to rules 
    elsewhere in this part that apply generally to the Public Mobile 
    Services. In case of conflict, however, the rules in this subpart 
    Sec. 22.702  Eligibility.
        Existing and proposed communications common carriers are eligible 
    to hold authorizations to operate conventional central office, 
    interoffice and rural stations in the Rural Radiotelephone Service. 
    Only local exchange carriers that have been state certified to provide 
    basic exchange telephone service (or others having state approval to 
    provide such service) in the pertinent area are eligible to hold 
    authorizations for Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Systems (BETRS). 
    Subscribers are also eligible to hold authorizations to operate rural 
    subscriber stations in the Rural Radiotelephone Service.
    Sec. 22.703  Separate rural subscriber station authorization not 
        A separate authorization is not required for rural subscriber 
    stations for which the effective radiated power does not exceed 60 
    Watts and for which FAA notification of construction or alteration of 
    the antenna structure is not required (see criteria in Sec. 17.7 of 
    this chapter). Authority to operate such rural subscriber stations is 
    conferred by the authorization of the central office or base station 
    from which they receive service.
    Sec. 22.705  Rural radiotelephone system configuration.
        Stations in the Rural Radiotelephone Service are authorized to 
    communicate as follows:
        (a) Rural subscriber stations are authorized to communicate with 
    and through the central office station(s) with which they are 
    associated. However, where the establishment of a central office 
    station in this service is not feasible, rural subscriber stations may 
    be authorized to communicate with and through a base station in the 
    Paging and Radiotelephone Service.
        (b) Central office stations may communicate only with rural 
    subscriber stations.
        (c) Interoffice stations may communicate only with other 
    interoffice stations.
    Sec. 22.709  Rural radiotelephone service application requirements.
        In addition to information required by subparts B and D of this 
    part, applications for authorization to operate a station in the Rural 
    Radiotelephone Service must contain the applicable supplementary 
    information described in this section.
        (a) Interoffice stations. Applications for authority to operate a 
    new interoffice station or to add transmitters or points of 
    communications to an existing interoffice station must contain an 
    exhibit demonstrating that the requested facilities would be used only 
    for interconnecting central office stations and explaining why the use 
    of alternative existing radio or wire facilities is not feasible.
        (b) Technical information required. For each transmitter in the 
    Rural Radiotelephone Service, the following information is required by 
    FCC Form 401 Schedule B:
        (1) Location description; city; county; state; geographical 
    coordinates correct to 1 second, the datum used (NAD 27 or 
    NAD 83), site elevation above mean sea level, proximity to adjacent 
    market boundaries and international borders;
        (2) Antenna manufacturer, model number and type, antenna height to 
    tip above ground level, the height of the center of radiation of the 
    antenna above the average terrain, the height of the antenna center of 
    radiation above the average elevation of the terrain along each of the 
    8 cardinal radials, antenna gain in the maximum lobe, the beamwidth of 
    the maximum lobe of the antenna, a polar plot of the horizontal gain 
    pattern of the antenna, the electric field polarization of the wave 
    emitted by the antenna when installed as proposed;
        (3) The center frequency of each channel requested, the maximum 
    effective radiated power, the effective radiated power in each of the 
    cardinal radial directions, any non-standard emission types to be used, 
    including bandwidth and modulation type, the transmitter classification 
    (e.g. central office), and the locations and call signs, if any, of any 
    fixed points of communication.
        (c) No landline facilities. Each application for a central office 
    station must contain an exhibit showing that it is impracticable to 
    provide the required communication service by means of landline 
        (d) Interference exhibit. Applications for central office, 
    interoffice and relay stations must include an exhibit identifying co-
    channel facilities and demonstrating, in accordance with Sec. 22.715 
    that the proposed station, if authorized, would not cause interference 
    to the service of those co-channel facilities. This exhibit must:
        (1) For UHF channels, identify each protected transmitter located 
    within 108 kilometers (67 miles) of the proposed transmitter in 
    directions in which the distance to the interfering contour is 76.4 
    kilometers (47.5 miles) or less, and within 178 kilometers (111 miles) 
    of the proposed transmitter in directions in which the distance to the 
    interfering contour exceeds 76.4 kilometers (47.5 miles); and identify 
    each protected Basic Exchange Telephone Radio System central office 
    transmitter in the rural Radiotelephone Service within 231 kilometers 
    (144 miles).
        (2) For VHF channels, identify each protected transmitter located 
    within 135 kilometers (84 miles) of the proposed transmitter in 
    directions in which the distance to the interfering contour is 93.3 
    kilometers (58 miles) or less, and within 178 kilometers (111 miles) of 
    the proposed transmitter in directions in which the distance to the 
    interfering contour exceeds 93.3 kilometers (58 miles).
        (3) For each protected transmitter identified, show the results of 
    distance calculations indicating that there would be no overlap of 
    service and interfering contours, or alternatively, indicate that the 
    licensee of or applicant for the protected transmitter and/or the 
    applicant, as required, have agreed in writing to accept any 
    interference resulting from operation of the proposed transmitter.
        (e) Blocking probability. Applications for authority to operate 
    basic exchange telephone radio systems (BETRS) that request more than 
    two channel pairs must include an exhibit containing calculations 
    showing that the number of channels requested is the minimum necessary 
    to achieve the required grade of service (in terms of blocking 
    probability), and that there will be adequate spectrum available in the 
    area to meet realistic estimates of current and future demand for 
    paging, two-way mobile and rural radiotelephone services (see 
    Sec. 22.719(c)). Applications for authority to operate new conventional 
    rural radiotelephone systems that request more than two channel pairs 
    must include a statement explaining why BETRS technology is not being 
    Sec. 22.711  Provision of information to applicants.
        Licensees in the Rural Radio Service must, upon request by a bona-
    fide prospective applicant, provide to such applicant the information 
    required by Sec. 22.709 regarding the portion of the licensee's 
    operations that potentially could affect, or be affected by, the 
    prospective applicant's proposed station, if such information is not 
    already on file with the FCC. This information must be provided to the 
    bona-fide prospective applicant no later than 30 days after receipt of 
    the information request.
    Sec. 22.713  Construction period for rural radiotelephone stations.
        The construction period for stations in the Rural Radiotelephone 
    Service is 12 months.
    Sec. 22.715  Technical channel assignment criteria for rural 
    radiotelephone stations.
        Channels are assigned in the Rural Radiotelephone Service using the 
    procedures in Sec. 22.567.
    Sec. 22.717  Procedure for mutually exclusive applications in the Rural 
    Radiotelephone Service.
        Mutually exclusive applications in the Rural Radiotelephone 
    Service, including those that are mutually exclusive with applications 
    in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service, are processed in accordance 
    with the rules in this section.
        (a) Filing groups. Pending mutually exclusive applications are 
    processed in filing groups. Mutually exclusive applications in a filing 
    group are given concurrent consideration. The FCC may dismiss as 
    defective (pursuant to Sec. 22.128) any mutually exclusive 
    application(s) whose filing date is outside of the date range for 
    inclusion in the filing group. The types of filing groups used in day-
    to-day application processing are specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this 
    section. A filing group is one of the following types:
        (1) Renewal filing group. A renewal filing group comprises a 
    timely-filed application for renewal of an authorization and all 
    timely-filed mutually exclusive competing applications.
        (2) Same-day filing group. A same-day filing group comprises all 
    mutually exclusive applications whose filing date is the same day, 
    which is normally the filing date of the first-filed application(s).
        (3) Thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group. A thirty-day notice 
    and cut-off filing group comprises mutually exclusive applications 
    whose filing date is no later than 30 days after the date of the Public 
    Notice listing the first-filed application(s) (according to the filing 
    dates) as acceptable for filing.
        (4) Window filing group. A window filing group comprises mutually 
    exclusive applications whose filing date is within an announced filing 
    window. An announced filing window is a period of time between and 
    including two specific dates, which are the first and last dates on 
    which applications (or amendments) for a particular purpose may be 
    accepted for filing. In the case of a one-day filing window, the two 
    dates are the same. The dates are made known to the public in advance.
        (b) Procedures. Generally, the FCC may grant one application in a 
    filing group of mutually exclusive applications and dismiss other 
    application(s) in the filing group that are excluded by that grant, 
    pursuant to Sec. 22.128.
        (1) Selection methods. In selecting the application to grant, the 
    FCC may use comparative hearings.
        (2) Dismissal of applications. The FCC may dismiss any application 
    in a filing group that is defective or otherwise subject to dismissal 
    under Sec. 22.128, either before or after employing selection 
        (3) Type of filing group used. Except as otherwise provided in this 
    part, the type of filing group used in processing of two or more 
    mutually exclusive applications depends on the purpose(s) of the 
        (i) If one of the mutually exclusive applications is a timely-filed 
    application for renewal of an authorization, a renewal filing group is 
        (ii) If any mutually exclusive application filed on the earliest 
    filing date is an application for modification and none of the mutually 
    exclusive applications is a timely-filed application for renewal, a 
    same-day filing group is used.
        (iii) If all of the mutually exclusive applications filed on the 
    earliest filing date are applications for initial authorization, a 
    thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group is used.
        (4) Disposition. If there is only one application in any type of 
    filing group, the FCC may grant that application and dismiss without 
    prejudice any applications excluded by that grant (i.e. not in the 
    filing group). If there is more than one mutually exclusive application 
    in a filing group, the FCC disposes of these applications as follows:
        (i) Applications in a renewal filing group. All mutually exclusive 
    applications in a renewal filing group are designated for comparative 
    consideration in a hearing.
        (ii) Applications in a thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group. 
    For applications in a thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group, the 
    FCC may attempt to resolve the mutual exclusivity by facilitating a 
    settlement between the applicants. If a settlement is not reached 
    within a reasonable time, the FCC may designate all applications in the 
    filing group for comparative consideration in a hearing. In this event, 
    the result of the hearing disposes all of the applications in the 
    filing group.
        (iii) Applications in a same-day filing group. If there are two or 
    more mutually exclusive applications in a same-day filing group, the 
    FCC may attempt to resolve the mutual exclusivity by facilitating a 
    settlement between the applicants. If a settlement is not reached 
    within a reasonable time, the FCC may designate all applications in the 
    filing group for comparative consideration in a hearing. In this event, 
    the result of the hearing disposes all of the applications in the 
    filing group.
        (iv) Applications in a window filing group. Applications in a 
    window filing group are processed in accordance with the procedures for 
    a thirty-day notice and cut-off filing group in paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of 
    this section.
        (c) Terminology. For the purposes of this section, terms have the 
    following meanings:
        (1) The ``filing date'' of an application is the date on which that 
    application was received in a condition acceptable for filing or the 
    date on which the most recently filed major amendment to that 
    application was received, whichever is later, excluding major 
    amendments in the following circumstances:
        (i) The major amendment reflects only a change in ownership or 
    control found by the FCC to be in the public interest; or,
        (ii) The major amendment as received is defective or otherwise 
    found unacceptable for filing.
        (2) An ``application for initial authorization'' is:
        (i) Any application requesting an authorization for a new system or 
        (ii) Any application requesting authorization for an existing 
    station to operate on an additional channel, unless the additional 
    channel is for paired two-way radiotelephone operation, is in the same 
    frequency range as the existing channel(s), and will be operationally 
    integrated with the existing channel(s) such as by trunking; or,
        (iii) Any application requesting authorization for a new 
    transmitter at a location more than 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from any 
    existing transmitters of the applicant licensee on the requested 
        (3) An ``application for modification'' is any application other 
    than an application for initial authorization or renewal.
    Sec. 22.719  Additional channel policy for rural radiotelephone 
        The rules in this section govern the processing of applications for 
    central office stations that request a rural radiotelephone channel 
    pair when the applicant has applied for or been granted an 
    authorization for other rural radiotelephone channel pairs in the same 
    area. The general policy of the FCC is to promote effective use of the 
    spectrum by encouraging the use of spectrum-efficient technologies 
    (i.e. BETRS) and by assigning the minimum number of channels necessary 
    to provide service.
        (a) Transmitters in same area. Any central office station 
    transmitter on any channel pair listed in Sec. 22.725 is considered to 
    be in the same area as another central office station transmitter on 
    any other channel pair listed in Sec. 22.725 if the transmitting 
    antennas are located within 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) of each other.
        (b) Initial channel pairs. The FCC does not assign more than two 
    channel pairs for new central office stations, unless there are more 
    than eight rural subscriber stations to be served. Stations are 
    considered to be new if there are no authorized transmitters on any 
    channel listed in Sec. 22.725 controlled by the applicant in the same 
    geographic area.
        (c) Additional channel pairs. Applications for central office 
    station transmitters to be located in the same area as an authorized 
    central office station controlled by the applicant, but to operate on a 
    different channel pair(s) are considered as requests for additional 
    channel pair(s) for the authorized central office station. The FCC may 
    grant applications for additional channel pairs provided that the need 
    for each additional channel pair (after the first two) is established 
    and fully justified in terms of achieving the required grade of service 
    (blocking probability), and the applicant demonstrates that there will 
    still be adequate spectrum available in the area to meet realistic 
    estimates of current and future demand for paging, two-way mobile and 
    rural radiotelephone services. In the case of conventional rural 
    radiotelephone central office stations, an explanation must be provided 
    as to why BETRS technology is not being used instead of additional 
    channel pairs.
    Conventional Rural Radiotelephone Stations
    Sec. 22.725  Channels for conventional rural radiotelephone stations.
        The following channels are allocated for paired assignment to 
    transmitters that provide conventional rural radiotelephone service. 
    These channels may be assigned for use by central office or rural 
    subscriber stations as indicated, and interoffice stations. These 
    channels may be assigned also for use by relay stations in systems 
    where it would be impractical to provide rural radiotelephone service 
    without the use of relay stations. All channels have a bandwidth of 20 
    kHz and are designated by their center frequencies in MegaHertz.
              Central office                      Rural subscriber          
                                  VHF Channels                              
    152.03                              158.49                              
    152.06                              158.52                              
    152.09                              158.55                              
    152.12                              158.58                              
    152.15                              158.61                              
    152.18                              158.64                              
    152.21                              158.67                              
    152.51                              157.77                              
    152.54                              157.80                              
    152.57                              157.83                              
    152.60                              157.86                              
    152.63                              157.89                              
    152.66                              157.92                              
    152.69                              157.95                              
    152.72                              157.98                              
    152.75                              158.01                              
    152.78                              158.04                              
    152.81                              158.07                              
                                  UHF Channels                              
    454.025                             459.025                             
    454.050                             459.050                             
    454.075                             459.075                             
    454.100                             459.100                             
    454.125                             459.125                             
    454.150                             459.150                             
    454.175                             459.175                             
    454.200                             459.200                             
    454.225                             459.225                             
    454.250                             459.250                             
    454.275                             459.275                             
    454.300                             459.300                             
    454.325                             459.325                             
    454.350                             459.350                             
    454.375                             459.375                             
    454.400                             459.400                             
    454.425                             459.425                             
    454.450                             459.450                             
    454.475                             459.475                             
    454.500                             459.500                             
    454.525                             459.525                             
    454.550                             459.550                             
    454.575                             459.575                             
    454.600                             459.600                             
    454.625                             459.625                             
    454.650                             459.650                             
        (a) The channels listed in this section are also allocated for 
    assignment in the Paging and Radiotelephone Service.
        (b) In Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, channels in the 154.04-
    154.46 MHz and 161.40-161.85 MHz frequency ranges may be assigned to 
    transmitters providing rural radiotelephone service; channels in these 
    ranges are also allocated for assignment in the International Fixed 
    Public and Aeronautical Fixed radio services.
        (c) In Alaska, channels 42.40, 44.10, 44.20 and 45.90 MHz are 
    allocated for assignment to transmitters providing rural radiotelephone 
    service using meteor burst propagation modes, subject to the provisions 
    of Sec. 22.729.
    Sec. 22.727  Power limits for conventional rural radiotelephone 
        The transmitting power of transmitters operating on the channels 
    listed in Sec. 22.725 must not exceed the limits in this section.
        (a) Maximum ERP. The effective radiated power (ERP) of central 
    office and rural subscriber station transmitters must not exceed the 
    applicable limits in this paragraph under any circumstances.
                                                                 Maximum ERP
                       Frequency range (MHz)                       (watts)  
    152-153....................................................         1400
    157-159....................................................          150
    454-455....................................................         3500
    459-460....................................................          150
        (b) Basic power limit. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this 
    section, the ERP of central office station transmitters must not exceed 
    500 Watts.
        (c) Height-power limits. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of 
    this section, the ERP of central office station transmitters must not 
    exceed the amount that would result in an average distance to the 
    ``service contour'' of 41.6 kilometers (26 miles) for VHF channels or 
    30.7 kilometers (19 miles) for UHF channels. The average distance to 
    the ``service contour'' is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of 
    the distances determined using the procedures specified in Sec. 22.567 
    for the eight cardinal radial directions, excluding cardinal radial 
    directions for which 90% or more of the distance so calculated is over 
        (d) Encompassed interfering contour areas. Central office station 
    transmitters are exempt from the basic power and height-power limits of 
    this section if the area within their interfering contours is totally 
    encompassed by the interfering contours of operating co-channel central 
    office station transmitters controlled by the same licensee. For the 
    purpose of this paragraph, operating transmitters are authorized 
    transmitters that are providing service to subscribers.
        (e) Adjacent channel protection. The ERP of central office station 
    transmitters must not exceed 500 Watts if they transmit on channel 
    454.025 MHz and are located less than 7 kilometers (4.3 miles) from any 
    Private Radio Services station receiving on adjacent channel 454.000 
        (f) Meteor burst stations. The transmitter output power for 
    stations using meteor burst propagation modes must not exceed 2000 
    Watts for central office stations and 500 Watts for rural subscriber 
    Sec. 22.729  Meteor burst propagation modes.
        The rules in this section govern stations in this service that use 
    meteor burst propagation modes to provide rural radiotelephone service 
    in Alaska.
        (a) Channel assignments. The channels 42.40 and 44.10 MHz may be 
    assigned to central office stations and rural subscriber stations, 
    respectively, on a primary basis. The channels 44.20 and 45.90 MHz may 
    be assigned to central office and rural subscriber stations, 
    respectively, on a secondary basis to Private Radio services stations 
    using meteor burst propagation modes.
        (b) Transmitting power. The transmitter output power must not 
    exceed 2000 Watts for central office stations and 500 Watts for rural 
    subscriber stations.
        (c) Station locations. Co-channel central office stations of 
    different licensees must be at least 241 kilometers (150 miles) apart. 
    A rural subscriber station and a central office station of different 
    licensees must be at least 241 kilometers (150 miles) apart if the 
    rural subscriber stations of the different licensees operate on the 
    same channel. The FCC may waive the requirements of this paragraph if 
    the affected users agree to a cooperative sharing arrangement.
        (d) Emission type. Only type F1D emission is authorized.
        (e) Bandwidth. The authorized bandwidth is 20 kHz.
        (f) Station identification. Station identification is required only 
    for the central office station.
        (g) Interference. Stations authorized under the provisions of this 
    section must not cause harmful interference to the service of stations 
    in other radio services.
        (h) Developmental authorization. Meteor burst communications 
    systems may be authorized under developmental authorizations pursuant 
    to Sec. 22.419.
    Sec. 22.731  Emission limitations.
        Upon application for multichannel operation, the FCC may authorize 
    emission bandwidths wider than those specified in Sec. 22.357, provided 
    that spectrum utilization is equal to or better than that achieved by 
    single channel operation.
    Sec. 22.733  Priority of service.
        Within the Rural Radiotelephone Service, the channels listed in 
    Sec. 22.725 are intended primarily for use in rendition of public 
    message service between rural subscriber and central office stations 
    and to provide radio trunking facilities between central offices. The 
    channels may also be used, however, for the rendition of private 
    leased-line communication service provided that such usage would not 
    reduce or impair the extent or quality of communication service that 
    would be available, in the absence of private leased-line service, to 
    the general public receiving or subsequently requesting public message 
    service from a central office.
    Sec. 22.737  Temporary fixed stations.
        The FCC may, upon proper application therefor, authorize the 
    construction and operation of temporary fixed stations. Temporary fixed 
    stations are to be used as rural subscriber, interoffice, or central 
    office stations when those stations are unavailable or when service 
    from those stations is disrupted by storms or emergencies.
        (a) Six month limitation. If it is necessary for a temporary fixed 
    station to remain at the same location for more than six months, the 
    licensee of that station must apply for authorization to operate the 
    station at the specific location at least 30 days before the end of the 
    six month period.
        (b) International communications. Communications between the United 
    States and Canada or Mexico must not be carried using a temporary fixed 
    station without prior authorization from the FCC. Licensees desiring to 
    carry such communications should apply sufficiently in advance to allow 
    for the time necessary to coordinate with Canada or Mexico.
    Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Systems
    Sec. 22.757  Channels for basic exchange telephone radio systems.
        The channels listed in Sec. 22.725 are also allocated for paired 
    assignment to transmitters in basic exchange telephone radio systems. 
    In addition, the following channels are allocated for paired assignment 
    to transmitters in basic exchange telephone radio systems. All channels 
    have a bandwidth of 20 kHz and are designed by their center frequencies 
    in MegaHertz.
                UHF Channels--Shared With Private Radio Services            
               Rural subscriber                      Central office         
    816.2375                               861.2375                         
    817.2375                               862.2375                         
    818.2375                               863.2375                         
    819.2375                               864.2375                         
    820.2375                               865.2375                         
    816.2125                               861.2125                         
    817.2125                               862.2125                         
    818.2125                               863.2125                         
    819.2125                               864.2125                         
    820.2125                               865.2125                         
    816.1875                               861.1875                         
    817.1875                               862.1875                         
    818.1875                               863.1875                         
    819.1875                               864.1875                         
    820.1875                               865.1875                         
    816.1625                               861.1625                         
    817.1625                               862.1625                         
    818.1625                               863.1625                         
    819.1625                               864.1625                         
    820.1625                               865.1625                         
    816.1375                               861.1375                         
    817.1375                               862.1375                         
    818.1375                               863.1375                         
    819.1375                               864.1375                         
    820.1375                               865.1375                         
    816.1125                               861.1125                         
    817.1125                               862.1125                         
    818.1125                               863.1125                         
    819.1125                               864.1125                         
    820.1125                               865.1125                         
    816.0875                               861.0875                         
    817.0875                               862.0875                         
    818.0875                               863.0875                         
    819.0875                               864.0875                         
    820.0875                               865.0875                         
    816.0625                               861.0625                         
    817.0625                               862.0625                         
    818.0625                               863.0625                         
    819.0625                               864.0625                         
    820.0625                               865.0625                         
    816.0375                               861.0375                         
    817.0375                               862.0375                         
    818.0375                               863.0375                         
    819.0375                               864.0375                         
    820.0375                               865.0375                         
    816.0125                               861.0125                         
    817.0125                               862.0125                         
    818.0125                               863.0125                         
    819.0125                               864.0125                         
    820.0125                               865.0125                         
        (a) Channels are assigned in groups, as listed in this section.
        (b) Channel groups in the 816-865 Mhz frequency range are not 
    assigned to Rural Radio Service stations located:
        (1) Within 161 kilometers (100 miles) of the borders of the largest 
    54 MSAs (see Sec. 22.909).
        (2) North of Line A or East of Line C; or,
        (3) Within 110 kilometers (68 miles) of the Mexican border.
        (c) Channel groups in the 816-865 MHz frequency range are not 
    assigned to central office stations located within 113 kilometers (70 
    miles) of another station authorized to operate on the same channels or 
    on channels with center frequencies offset by 12.5 kHz.
        (d) Technical parameters governing the use of these channels are 
    contained in subpart S of part 90 of this chapter.
        (e) The Common Carrier Bureau coordinates the availability of 
    channels in the 816-865 MHz frequency range with the Private Radio 
    Sec. 22.759  Power limit for BETRS.
        The effective radiated power of central office and rural subscriber 
    station transmitters used in basic exchange telephone radio systems 
    must not exceed the limits in this section.
        (a) Maximum ERP. The effective radiated power (ERP) of central 
    office and rural subscriber station transmitters in BETRS must not 
    exceed the applicable limits in this paragraph under any circumstances.
                                                                 Maximum ERP
                       Frequency range (MHz)                       (watts)  
    152-153....................................................         1400
    157-159....................................................          150
    454-455....................................................         3500
    459-460....................................................          150
        (b) Height-power limit. The ERP of central office stations in BETRS 
    must not exceed the amount calculated as follows:
    where ERPw is the effective radiated power in Watts
    hm is the average (eight cardinal radial) antenna height above 
    average terrain in meters
    Subpart G--Air-ground Radiotelephone Service
    Sec. 22.801  Scope.
        The rules in this subpart govern the licensing and operation of 
    public air-ground radiotelephone stations and systems. The licensing 
    and operation of these stations and systems is also subject to rules 
    elsewhere in this part that apply generally to the Public Mobile 
    services. In case of conflict, however, the rules in this subpart 
    Sec. 22.803  Air-ground application requirements.
        In addition to information required by Subparts B and D of this 
    part, applications for authorization to operate an air-ground station 
    or system in the Air-ground Radiotelephone Service must contain the 
    applicable supplementary information described in this section.
        (a) Administrative information. The following information is 
    required by FCC Form 401, Schedule B or C (as applicable).
        (1) The number of transmitter sites for which authorization is 
        (2) The call sign(s) of other facilities in the same area that are 
    ultimately controlled by the real party in interest to the application.
        (b) Technical information. The following information is required by 
    FCC Form 401, Schedule B.
        (1) Location description, city; county; state; geographical 
    coordinates correct to 1 second, the datum used (NAD 27 or 
    NAD 28), site elevation above mean sea level, proximity to adjacent 
    market boundaries and international borders;
        (2) Antenna manufacturer, model number and type, antenna height to 
    tip above ground level, antenna gain in the maximum lobe, the electric 
    field polarization of the wave emitted by the antenna when installed as 
        (3) The center frequency of each channel requested, the maximum 
    effective radiated power, any non-standard emission types to be used, 
    including bandwidth and modulation type and the transmitter 
    classification (e.g. ground or signaling).
    General Aviation Air-Ground Stations
    Sec. 22.805  Channels for general aviation air-ground service.
        The following channels are allocated for the provision of 
    radiotelephone service to airborne mobile subscribers in general 
    aviation aircraft. These channels have a bandwidth of 20 kHz and are 
    designated by their center frequencies in MegaHertz.
                             Signalling Channel Pair                        
                  Ground                           Airborne mobile          
    454.675                             459.675                             
                           Communication Channel Pairs                      
                  Ground                           Airborne mobile          
    454.700                             459.700                             
    454.725                             459.725                             
    454.750                             459.750                             
    454.775                             459.775                             
    454.800                             459.800                             
    454.825                             459.825                             
    454.850                             459.850                             
    454.875                             459.875                             
    454.900                             459.900                             
    454.925                             459.925                             
    454.950                             459.950                             
    454.975                             459.975                             
        (a) Channel 454.675 MHz is assigned to each and every ground 
    station, to be used only for automatically alerting airborne mobile 
    stations of incoming calls.
        (b) All airborne mobile channels are assigned for use by each and 
    every airborne mobile station.
    Sec. 22.809   Transmitting power limits.
        The transmitting power of ground and airborne mobile transmitters 
    operating on the channels listed in Sec. 22.805 must not exceed the 
    limits in this section.
        (a) Ground station transmitters. The effective radiated power of 
    ground stations must not exceed 100 Watts and must not be less than 50 
    Watts, except as provided in Sec. 22.811.
        (b) Airborne mobile transmitters. The transmitter power output of 
    airborne mobile transmitters must not exceed 25 Watts and must not be 
    less than 4 Watts.
    Sec. 22.811   Idle tone.
        Whenever a ground station transmitter authorized to transmit on any 
    of the communications channels listed in Sec. 22.805 is available for 
    service but is not providing service, a modulated signal must be 
    continuously transmitted on the communication channel assigned to that 
    transmitter. While this modulated signal is transmitted, the 
    transmitter power must be between 10 and 20 dB lower than the normal 
    transmitting power.
    Sec. 22.813   Technical channel pair assignment criteria.
        The rules in this section establish technical assignment criteria 
    for the channel pairs listed in Sec. 22.805. These criteria are 
    intended to provide substantial service volumes over areas that have 
    significant local and regional general aviation activity, while 
    maintaining the continuous nationwide in-route coverage of the original 
    geographical layout.
        (a) Distance separation for co-channel ground stations. The FCC may 
    grant an application requesting assignment of a communication channel 
    pair to a proposed ground transmitter only if the proposed antenna 
    location is at least 800 kilometers (497 miles) from the antenna 
    location of the nearest co-channel ground transmitter in the United 
    States, its territories and possessions; and 1000 kilometers (621 
    miles) from the antenna location of the nearest co-channel ground 
    transmitter in Canada.
        (b) Dispersion. The FCC may grant an application requesting 
    assignment of a communication channel pair to a proposed ground 
    transmitter only if there are no more than five different communication 
    channel pairs already assigned to ground transmitters with antenna 
    locations within a 320 kilometer (199 mile) radius of the proposed 
    antenna location.
    Sec. 22.815   Construction period for general aviation ground stations.
        The construction period (see Sec. 22.142) for general aviation 
    ground stations is 12 months.
    Sec. 22.817   Additional channel policies.
        The rules in this section govern the processing of applications for 
    authority to operate a ground station transmitter on any ground station 
    communication channel listed in Sec. 22.805 when the applicant has 
    applied or been granted an authorization for other ground station 
    communication channels in the same area. The general policy of the FCC 
    is to assign one ground station communication channel in an area to a 
    carrier per application cycle, up to a maximum of six ground station 
    communication channels per area. That is, a carrier must apply for one 
    ground station communication channel, receive the authorization, 
    construct the station, and notify the FCC of commencement of service 
    before applying for an additional ground station communication channel 
    in that area.
        (a) Air-ground transmitters in same area. Any transmitter on any of 
    the ground station channels listed in Sec. 22.805 is considered to be 
    in the same area as another transmitter on any ground station channel 
    listed in Sec. 22.805 if it is located less than 350 kilometers (217 
    miles) from that transmitter.
        (b) Initial channel. The FCC will not assign more than one ground 
    station communication channel for new ground stations. Ground stations 
    are considered to be new if there are no authorized ground station 
    transmitters on any channel listed in Sec. 22.805 controlled by the 
    applicant in the same area.
        (c) Additional channel. Applications for ground transmitters to be 
    located in the same area as an authorized ground station controlled by 
    the applicant, but to operate on a different ground station 
    communication channel, are considered as requesting an additional 
    channel for the authorized station.
        (d) Amendment of pending application. If the FCC receives and 
    accepts for filing an application for a ground station transmitter to 
    be located in the same area as a ground station transmitter proposed in 
    a pending application previously filed by the applicant, but on a 
    different ground station communication channel, the subsequent 
    application is treated as a major amendment to change the technical 
    proposal of the prior application. The filing date of any application 
    so amended is the date the FCC received the subsequent application.
        (e) Dismissal of premature applications for additional channel. If 
    the FCC receives an application requesting an additional ground station 
    communication channel for an authorized ground station prior to 
    receiving notification that the station is providing service to 
    subscribers on the authorized channel(s), the FCC may dismiss that 
    application without prejudice.
        (f) Dismissal of applications for seventh channel. If the FCC 
    receives an application requesting an additional ground station 
    communication channel for an authorized ground station which would, if 
    granted, result in that station being assigned more than six ground 
    station communication channels in the same area, the FCC may dismiss 
    that application without prejudice.
    Sec. 22.819   AGRAS compatibility requirement.
        Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, stations 
    transmitting on the channels listed in Sec. 22.805 must operate in 
    compliance with the technical and operational requirements contained in 
    the document, ``Technical Reference, Air-ground Radiotelephone 
    Automated Service (AGRAS), System Operation and Equipment 
    Characteristics'', dated April 12, 1985.
        (a) Until January 1, 1996, stations may continue to operate in 
    compliance with the previous standard adopted in Docket 16073.
        (b) Copies of the document referenced in this section may be 
    obtained from the FCC's copying contractor.
    Sec. 22.821   Authorization for airborne mobile stations.
        An authorization separate from any ground station authorization is 
    required for each airborne mobile station that operates on the channels 
    listed in Sec. 22.805. The operator of the airborne mobile station must 
    apply for the authorization (FCC Form 409). The application must 
    contain an affirmative representation that the applicant has made 
    definite arrangements with a wireline common carrier for service and 
    Commercial Aviation Air-Ground Systems
    Sec. 22.857  Channel plan for commercial aviation air-ground systems.
        The 849-851 and 894-896 MHz frequency ranges are allocated for 
    block assignment to nationwide air-ground systems providing 
    radiotelephone service to passengers aboard commercial aircraft. These 
    frequency ranges may also be used to provide service to persons in 
    general aviation or other aircraft. Ground stations transmit on 
    channels in the 849-851 MHz range. Airborne mobile stations transmit on 
    channels in the 894-896 MHz range. Systems using these channels must 
    conform to the channel plan described in this section.
        (a) Channel blocks. The spectrum allocated for commercial aviation 
    air-ground systems is divided into ten channel blocks, numbered 1 
    through 10. All ground stations in each geographical area must use the 
    same channel block for communication with airborne mobile stations in 
    flight, in accordance with Sec. 22.859.
        (1) Each channel block is subdivided into 6 control channels 
    labeled P-1 through P-6, and 29 communications channels labeled C-1 
    through C-29.
        (2) The authorized channel bandwidths are as follows:
        (i) Each control channel has a bandwidth of 3.2 kHz.
        (ii) Each communications channel has a bandwidth of 6 kHz.
        (b) The center frequencies (in MegaHertz) of the communications and 
    control channels are listed in Tables G-1 and G-2 of this section.
                                                               Table G-1.--Ground Station Channels                                                          
                                                                          Channel block                                                                     
                                                    10         9          8          7          6          5          4          3          2          1    
    C-1.......................................   849.0055   849.2055   849.4055   849.6055   849.8055   850.0055   850.2055   850.4055   850.6055   850.8055
    C-2.......................................   849.0115   849.2115   849.4115   849.6115   849.8115   850.0115   850.2115   850.4115   850.6115   850.8115
    C-3.......................................   849.0175   849.2175   849.4175   849.6175   849.8175   850.0175   850.2175   850.4175   850.6175   850.8175
    C-4.......................................   849.0235   849.2235   849.4235   849.6235   849.8235   850.0235   850.2235   850.4235   850.6235   850.8235
    C-5.......................................   849.0295   849.2295   849.4295   849.6295   849.8295   850.0295   850.2295   850.4295   850.6295   850.8295
    C-6.......................................   849.0355   849.2355   849.4355   849.6355   849.8355   850.0355   850.2355   850.4355   850.6355   850.8355
    C-7.......................................   849.0415   849.2415   849.4415   849.6415   849.8415   850.0415   850.2415   850.4415   850.6415   850.8415
    C-8.......................................   849.0475   849.2475   849.4475   849.6475   849.8475   850.0475   850.2475   850.4475   850.6475   850.8475
    C-9.......................................   849.0535   849.2535   849.4535   849.6535   849.8535   850.0535   850.2535   850.4535   850.6535   850.8535
    C-10......................................   849.0595   849.2595   849.4595   849.6595   849.8595   850.0595   850.2595   850.4595   850.6595   850.8595
    C-11......................................   849.0655   849.2655   849.4655   849.6655   849.8655   850.0655   850.2655   850.4655   850.6655   855.8655
    C-12......................................   849.0715   849.2715   849.4715   849.6715   849.8715   850.0715   850.2715   850.4715   850.6715   850.8715
    C-13......................................   849.0775   849.2775   849.4775   849.6775   849.8775   850.0775   850.2775   850.4775   850.6775   850.8775
    C-14......................................   849.0835   849.2835   849.4835   849.6835   849.8835   850.0835   850.2835   850.4835   850.6835   850.8835
    C-15......................................   849.0895   849.2895   849.4895   849.6895   849.8895   850.0895   850.2895   850.4895   850.6895   850.8895
    C-16......................................   849.0955   849.2955   849.4955   849.6955   849.8955   850.0955   850.2955   850.4955   850.6955   850.8955
    C-17......................................   849.1015   849.3015   849.5015   849.7015   849.9015   850.1015   850.3015   850.5015   850.7015   850.9015
    C-18......................................   849.1075   849.3075   849.5075   849.7075   849.9075   850.1075   850.3075   850.5075   850.7075   850.9075
    C-19......................................   849.1135   849.3135   849.5135   849.7135   849.9135   850.1135   850.3135   850.5135   850.7135   850.9135
    C-20......................................   849.1195   849.3195   849.5195   849.7195   849.9195   850.1195   850.3195   850.5195   850.7195   850.9195
    C-21......................................   849.1255   849.3255   849.5255   849.7255   849.9255   850.1255   850.3255   850.5255   850.7255   850.9255
    C-22......................................   849.1315   849.3315   849.5315   849.7315   849.9315   850.1315   850.3315   850.5315   850.7315   850.9315
    C-23......................................   849.1375   849.3375   849.5375   849.7375   849.9375   850.1375   850.3375   850.5375   850.7375   850.9375
    C-24......................................   849.1435   849.3435   849.5435   849.7435   849.9435   850.1435   850.3435   850.5435   850.7435   850.9435
    C-25......................................   849.1495   849.3495   849.5495   849.7495   849.9495   850.1495   850.3495   850.5495   850.7495   850.9495
    C-26......................................   849.1555   849.3555   849.5555   849.7555   849.9555   850.1555   850.3555   850.5555   850.7555   850.9555
    C-27......................................   849.1615   849.3615   849.5615   849.7615   849.9615   850.1615   850.3615   850.5615   850.7615   850.9615
    C-28......................................   849.1675   849.3675   849.5675   849.7675   849.9675   850.1675   850.3675   850.5675   850.7675   850.9675
    C-29......................................   849.1735   849.3735   849.5735   849.7735   849.9735   850.1735   850.3735   850.5735   850.7735   850.9735
    P-6.......................................   849.1813   849.3813   849.5813   849.7813   849.9813   850.1813   850.3813   850.5813   850.7813   850.9813
    P-5.......................................   849.1845   849.3845   849.5845   849.7845   849.9845   850.1845   850.3845   850.5845   850.7845   850.9845
    P-4.......................................   849.1877   849.3877   849.5877   849.7877   849.9877   850.1877   850.3877   850.5877   850.7877   850.9877
    P-3.......................................   849.1909   849.3909   849.5909   849.7909   849.9909   850.1909   850.3909   850.5909   850.7909   850.9909
    P-2.......................................   849.1941   849.3941   849.5941   849.7941   849.9941   850.1941   850.3941   850.5941   850.7941   850.9941
    P-1.......................................   849.1973   849.3973   849.5973   849.7973   849.9973   850.1973   850.3973   850.5973   850.7973   850.9973
                                                          Table G-2.--Airborne Mobile Station Channels                                                      
                                                                          Channel block                                                                     
                                                    10         9          8          7          6          5          4          3          2          1    
    C-1.......................................   894.0055   894.2055   894.4055   894.6055   894.8055   895.0055   895.2055   895.4055   895.6055   895.8055
    C-2.......................................   894.0115   894.2115   894.4115   894.6115   894.8115   895.0115   895.2115   895.4115   895.6115   895.8115
    C-3.......................................   894.0175   894.2175   894.4175   894.6175   894.8175   895.0175   895.2175   895.4175   895.6175   895.8175
    C-4.......................................   894.0235   894.2235   894.4235   894.6235   894.8235   895.0235   895.2235   895.4235   895.6235   895.8235
    C-5.......................................   894.0295   894.2295   894.4295   894.6295   894.8295   895.0295   895.2295   895.4295   895.6295   895.8295
    C-6.......................................   894.0355   894.2355   894.4355   894.6355   894.8355   895.0355   895.2355   895.4355   895.6355   895.8355
    C-7.......................................   894.0415   894.2415   894.4415   894.6415   894.8415   895.0415   895.2415   895.4415   895.6415   895.8415
    C-8.......................................   894.0475   894.2475   894.4475   894.6475   894.8475   895.0475   895.2475   895.4475   895.6475   895.8475
    C-9.......................................   894.0535   894.2535   894.4535   894.6535   894.8535   895.0535   895.2535   895.4535   895.6535   895.8535
    C-10......................................   894.0595   894.2595   894.4595   894.6595   894.8595   895.0595   895.2595   895.4595   895.6595   895.8595
    C-11......................................   894.0655   894.2655   894.4655   894.6655   894.8655   895.0655   895.2655   895.4655   895.6655   895.8655
    C-12......................................   894.0715   894.2715   894.4715   894.6715   894.8715   895.0715   895.2715   895.4715   895.6715   895.8715
    C-13......................................   894.0775   894.2775   894.4775   894.6775   894.8775   895.0775   895.2775   895.4775   895.6775   895.8775
    C-14......................................   894.0835   894.2835   894.4835   894.6835   894.8835   895.0835   895.2835   895.4835   895.6835   895.8835
    C-15......................................   894.0895   894.2895   894.4895   894.6895   894.8895   895.0895   895.2895   895.4895   895.6895   895.8895
    C-16......................................   894.0955   894.2955   894.4955   894.6955   894.8955   895.0955   895.2955   895.4955   895.6955   895.8955
    C-17......................................   894.1015   894.3015   894.5015   894.7015   894.9015   895.1015   895.3015   895.5015   895.7015   895.9015
    C-18......................................   894.1075   894.3075   894.5075   894.7075   894.9075   895.1075   895.3075   895.5075   895.7075   895.9075
    C-19......................................   894.1135   894.3135   894.5135   894.7135   894.9135   895.1135   895.3135   895.5135   895.7135   895.9135
    C-20......................................   894.1195   894.3195   894.5195   894.7195   894.9195   895.1195   895.3195   895.5195   895.7195   895.9195
    C-21......................................   894.1255   894.3255   894.5255   894.7255   894.9255   895.1255   895.3255   895.5255   895.7255   895.9255
    C-22......................................   894.1315   894.3315   894.5315   894.7315   894.9315   895.1315   895.3315   895.5315   895.7315   895.9315
    C-23......................................   894.1375   894.3375   894.5375   894.7375   894.9375   895.1375   895.3375   895.5375   895.7375   895.9375
    C-24......................................   894.1435   894.3435   894.5435   894.7435   894.9435   895.1435   895.3435   895.5435   895.7435   895.9435
    C-25......................................   894.1495   894.3495   894.5495   894.7495   894.9495   895.1495   895.3495   895.5495   895.7495   895.9495
    C-26......................................   894.1555   894.3555   894.5555   894.7555   894.9555   895.1555   895.3555   895.5555   895.7555   895.9555
    C-27......................................   894.1615   894.3615   894.5615   894.7615   894.9615   895.1615   895.3615   895.5615   895.7615   895.9615
    C-28......................................   894.1675   894.3675   894.5675   894.7675   894.9675   895.1675   895.3675   895.5675   895.7675   895.9675
    C-29......................................   894.1735   894.3735   894.5735   894.7735   894.9735   895.1735   895.3735   895.5735   895.7735   895.9735
    P-6.......................................   894.1813   894.3813   894.5813   894.7813   894.9813   895.1813   895.3813   895.5813   895.7813   895.9813
    P-5.......................................   894.1845   894.3845   894.5845   894.7845   894.9845   895.1845   895.3845   895.5845   895.7845   895.9845
    P-4.......................................   894.1877   894.3877   894.5877   894.7877   894.9877   895.1877   895.3877   895.5877   895.7877   895.9877
    P-3.......................................   894.1909   894.3909   894.5909   894.7909   894.9909   895.1909   895.3909   895.5909   895.7909   895.9909
    P-2.......................................   894.1941   894.3941   894.5941   894.7941   894.9941   895.1941   895.3941   895.5941   895.7941   895.9941
    P-1.......................................   894.1973   894.3973   894.5973   894.7973   894.9973   895.1973   895.3973   895.5973   895.7973   895.9973
    Sec. 22.859  Geographical channel block layout.
        Except as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, 
    ground station locations must be within 1.61 kilometers (one mile) of 
    the locations listed in this paragraph. The channel block allotted for 
    each location must be used to provide service to airborne mobile 
    stations in flight and may be used to provide service to airborne 
    mobile stations on ground.
              Location              N. latitude      W. longitude     block 
        Anchorage..............  61 deg.11'06''    149 deg.54'42''         8
        Cordova................  60 deg.33'00''    145 deg.43'00''         5
        Ketchikan..............  55 deg.21'20''    131 deg.42'33''         5
        Juneau.................  58 deg.21'18''    134 deg.34'30''         4
        Sitka..................  57 deg.03'30''    135 deg.22'01''         7
        Yakutat................  59 deg.30'30''    142 deg.30'00''         8
    Alabama: Birmingham........  33 deg.23'24''    86 deg.39'59''          2
        Phoenix................  33 deg.35'39''    112 deg.05'12''         4
        Winslow................  35 deg.01'17''    110 deg.43'02''         6
    Arkansas: Pine Bluff.......  34 deg.10'56''    91 deg.56'18''          8
        Blythe.................  33 deg.36'39''    114 deg.42'24''        10
        Eureka.................  40 deg.42'59''    124 deg.12'09''         8
        Los Angeles............  33 deg.56'45''    118 deg.23'03''         4
        Oakland................  37 deg.51'12''    122 deg.12'30''         1
        San Francisco..........  37 deg.41'15''    122 deg.26'01''         6
        Visalia................  36 deg.19'36''    119 deg.23'22''         7
        Colorado Springs.......  38 deg.44'39''    104 deg.51'46''         8
        Denver.................  39 deg.46'45''    104 deg.50'49''         1
        Hayden.................  40 deg.29'04''    107 deg.13'08''         6
        Miami..................  25 deg.48'27''    80 deg.16'30''          4
        Orlando................  28 deg.26'53''    81 deg.22'00''          2
        Tallahassee............  30 deg.24'02''    84 deg.21'18''          7
        Atlanta................  33 deg.39'05''    84 deg.25'54''          5
        St. Simon Island.......  31 deg.09'22''    81 deg.23'14''          6
    Hawaii: Mauna Kapu.........  21 deg.24'24''    158 deg.06'02''         5
        Blackfoot..............  43 deg.11'34''    112 deg.20'57''         8
        Caldwell...............  43 deg.38'45''    116 deg.38'44''        10
        Chicago................  41 deg.46'49''    87 deg.45'20''          3
        Kewanee................  41 deg.12'05''    89 deg.57'33''          5
        Schiller Park..........  41 deg.57'18''    87 deg.52'57''          2
    Indiana: Fort Wayne........  40 deg.59'16''    85 deg.11'31''          7
    Iowa: Des Moines...........  41 deg.31'58''    93 deg.38'54''          1
        Garden City............  37 deg.59'35''    100 deg.54'04''         3
        Wichita................  37 deg.37'24''    97 deg.27'15''          7
    Kentucky: Fairdale.........  38 deg.04'48''    85 deg.47'33''          6
        Kenner.................  30 deg.00'44''    90 deg.13'30''          3
        Shreveport.............  32 deg.27'09''    93 deg.49'38''          5
    Massachusetts: Boston......  42 deg.23'15''    71 deg.01'03''          7
        Bellville..............  42 deg.12'17''    83 deg.29'09''          8
        Flint..................  42 deg.58'21''    83 deg.44'22''          9
        Sault Saint Marie......  46 deg.28'45''    84 deg.21'31''          6
    Minnesota: Bloomington.....  44 deg.51'30''    93 deg.13'19''          9
    Mississippi: Meridian......  32 deg.19'10''    88 deg.41'33''          9
        Kansas City............  30 deg.18'37''    94 deg.41'07''          6
        St Louis...............  38 deg.42'45''    90 deg.19'19''          4
        Springfield............  37 deg.14'28''    93 deg.22'54''          9
        Lewistown..............  47 deg.02'56''    109 deg.27'27''         5
        Miles City.............  46 deg.25'30''    105 deg.52'30''         8
        Missoula...............  47 deg.01'05''    114 deg.00'41''         3
        Grand Island...........  40 deg.58'00''    98 deg.19'11''          2
        Ogallala...............  41 deg.07'11''    101 deg.45'37''         4
        Las Vegas..............  36 deg.05'35''    115 deg.10'25''         1
        Reno...................  39 deg.25'13''    119 deg.55'52''         3
        Tonopah................  38 deg.03'43''    117 deg.13'24''         9
        Winnemucca.............  41 deg.00'39''    117 deg.45'58''         4
    New Mexico:                                                             
        Alamogordo.............  32 deg.54'46''    105 deg.56'41''         8
        Albuquerque............  35 deg.03'05''    106 deg.37'13''        10
        Aztec..................  36 deg.48'42''    107 deg.53'48''         9
        Clayton................  36 deg.27'29''    103 deg.11'16''         5
    New Jersey: Woodbury.......  39 deg.50'01''    75 deg.09'21''          3
    New York:                                                               
        E. Elmhurst............  40 deg.46'21''    73 deg.52'42''          1
        Schuyler...............  43 deg.09'09''    75 deg.07'50''          2
        Staten Island..........  40 deg.36'05''    74 deg.06'35''          9
    North Carolina:                                                         
        Greensboro.............  36 deg.05'54''    70 deg.56'42''          9
        Wilmington.............  34 deg.16'10''    77 deg.54'24''          3
    North Dakota: Dickinson....  46 deg.51'05''    102 deg.47'35''         7
    Ohio: Pataskala............  40 deg.04'38''    82 deg.41'57''          1
        Warner.................  35 deg.29'31''    95 deg.18'25''          4
        Woodward...............  36 deg.24'42''    99 deg.28'50''          9
        Albany.................  44 deg.38'24''    123 deg.03'36''         5
        Klamath Falls..........  42 deg.06'30''    121 deg.38'00''         2
        Pendleton..............  45 deg.35'45''    118 deg.31'02''         7
        Coraopolis.............  40 deg.30'33''    80 deg.13'27''          4
        New Cumberland.........  40 deg.11'30''    76 deg.52'02''          8
    South Carolina: Charleston.  32 deg.54'10''    80 deg.01'20''          4
    South Dakota:                                                           
        Aberdeen...............  45 deg.27'21''    98 deg.25'26''          6
        Rapid City.............  44 deg.02'36''    103 deg.03'36''         5
        Elizabethton...........  36 deg.26'04''    82 deg.08'06''          7
        Memphis................  35 deg.01'44''    89 deg.56'15''         10
        Nashville..............  36 deg.08'44''    86 deg.41'31''          3
        Austin.................  30 deg.16'37''    97 deg.49'34''          2
        Bedford................  32 deg.50'19''    97 deg.08'03''          1
        Houston................  29 deg.54'37''    95 deg.24'39''          9
        Lubbock................  33 deg.37'06''    101 deg.52'14''         7
        Monahans...............  31 deg.34'58''    102 deg.54'18''         6
        Abajo Peak.............  37 deg.50'21''    109 deg.27'42''         7
        Delta..................  39 deg.23'15''    112 deg.30'44''         2
        Escalante..............  37 deg.45'19''    111 deg.52'27''         5
        Green River............  38 deg.57'54''    110 deg.13'40''         3
        Salt Lake City.........  40 deg.39'11''    112 deg.12'06''         1
    Virginia: Arlington........  38 deg.52'55''    77 deg.06'18''          6
        Seattle................  47 deg.26'08''    122 deg.17'35''         4
        Cheney.................  47 deg.33'14''    117 deg.43'35''         1
    West Virginia: Charleston..  38 deg.19'47''    81 deg.39'36''          2
    Wisconsin: Stevens Point...  44 deg.33'06''    89 deg.25'27''          8
    Wyoming: Riverton..........  43 deg.03'37''    108 deg.27'23''         9
        (a) Carriers authorized to construct and operate air-ground 
    radiotelephone systems on the channels listed in Sec. 22.857 may also 
    construct and operate low power ground stations designed to provide 
    service to airborne mobile stations on the ground, provided that no 
    interference is caused to service provided by ground stations located 
    in accordance with the geographical channel block layout or with 
    paragraph (b) of this section. The antenna location of each such low 
    power ground station may be anywhere that is at least 483 kilometers 
    (300 miles) from all antenna locations of ground stations using the 
    same channel block(s) in accordance with the geographical channel block 
    layout or with paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b) Ground station locations may be more than 1.61 kilometers (one 
    mile) from all of the locations listed in this section, provided that 
    they are at least 885 kilometers (550 miles) from all antenna locations 
    of ground stations using the same channel block(s) in accordance with 
    the geographical channel block layout or with this paragraph.
    Sec. 22.861  Emission limitations.
        Any appropriate emission type may be used to provide air-ground 
    radiotelephone service on the channels listed in Sec. 22.857, provided 
    that the emission limitations of this section are met.
        (a) Emission mask. The emission mask described in this paragraph 
    applies instead of those in Sec. 22.359. The power of any emission in 
    each of the adjacent channels must be at least 30 dB below the power of 
    the total emission. The power of any emission in any of the channels 
    other than the one being used and the adjacent channels must be at 
    least 50 dB below the power of the total emission.
        (b) Airborne mobile transmitters. The power of any emission in each 
    of the adjacent channels must not exceed -130 dBm at any ground station 
    receiver, assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna. The power of any emission 
    in any of the channels other than the one being used and the adjacent 
    channels must not exceed -148 dBm at any ground station receiver, 
    assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
        (c) Ground station transmitters. The effective radiated power (ERP) 
    of any emission outside of the frequency ranges set forth in 
    Sec. 22.857 must not exceed -10 dBm. The ERP of any emission in each of 
    the adjacent channels must not exceed +10 dBm. The ERP of any emission 
    in any of the channels other than the one being used and the adjacent 
    channels must not exceed -5 dBm.
        (d) If an emission on any frequency outside of the authorized 
    bandwidth causes harmful interference, the FCC may require greater 
    attenuation of that emission than required in paragraph (a) of this 
    Sec. 22.863  Transmitter frequency tolerance.
        Ground station transmitter frequencies must be maintained within 
    0.1 parts per million (ppm) of the channel reference or center 
    frequencies. Doppler shift correction must be used to ensure that the 
    frequencies of the signals of airborne mobile stations received at 
    ground stations remain within 0.2 ppm of the channel reference or 
    center frequencies.
    Sec. 22.865  Automatic channel selection procedures.
        Operation of stations using the channels listed in Sec. 22.857 must 
    be in accordance with the procedures in this section.
        (a) A communications channel is not available for use by a ground 
    station if it is already in use by another ground station at the same 
    location. Ground station equipment must automatically determine whether 
    channels are in use by other ground stations at the same location, and 
    may employ radio frequency signal monitoring to do so. For example, a 
    communications channel may be determined to be in use if the received 
    signal power on that channel at the ground station exceeds -115 dBm, 
    which, assuming a 0 dB gain 895 MHz receive antenna, corresponds to a 
    field strength of approximately 19 dBV/m. Ground stations may 
    employ an alternative method of determining whether a communications 
    channel is in use provided that such procedure is at least as reliable 
    as radio frequency signal monitoring.
        (b) Data indicating which communications channels are available for 
    use are transmitted by ground stations on the assigned control 
        (c) A call is originated when an airborne mobile station selects a 
    communications channel based on the received data from ground stations 
    and other factors, and transmits an identification code (which 
    identifies the specific ground station from which service is requested) 
    on the selected communications channel. The ground station from which 
    service has been requested may then obtain any necessary billing 
    information and complete the call.
        (d) A ground station may not transmit on a communications channel 
    unless it has received the proper identification code. After a ground 
    station has begun to transmit on a communications channel, that channel 
    is not available to ground stations other than the one from which 
    service has been requested until the call is terminated.
        (e) A call is terminated by the ground station when either a hang-
    up signal is transmitted by the airborne mobile station, or the signal 
    from the airborne mobile station on the communications channel is lost 
    for a period of 15 continuous seconds. The hang-up signal is the on-off 
    keying (50% duty cycle) of an unmodulated carrier over a period of one 
    second with pulse duration of 5 milliseconds. However, if all carriers 
    authorized to operate air-ground systems using the channels listed in 
    Sec. 22.857 agree that an alternative hang-up signal and/or procedure 
    would be more efficient or beneficial, such alternative hang-up signal 
    and/or procedure may be used. The carriers must jointly give prior 
    notification to the FCC if an alternative hang-up signal and/or 
    procedure is used.
    Sec. 22.867  Effective radiated power limits.
        The effective radiated power (ERP) of ground and airborne stations 
    operating on the channels listed in Sec. 22.857 must not exceed the 
    limits in this section.
        (a) The ERP of airborne mobile station transmitters must not exceed 
    30 Watts.
        (b) The ERP of ground station transmitters must not exceed 100 
        (c) The ERP of low power ground station transmitters operating 
    pursuant to paragraph (a) of Sec. 22.859 must not exceed 1 Watt.
    Sec. 22.869  Assignment of control channels.
        The FCC selects and assigns exclusively one control channel to each 
    commercial aviation air-ground licensee.
    Sec. 22.871  Control channel transition period.
        The rules in this section provide for a period of transition during 
    which the experimental air-ground system operating on the channels 
    listed in Sec. 22.857 will be discontinued and replaced by a system 
    operating in full compliance with the rules in this subpart. The 
    experimental system may continue to exclusively use a 3.2 kHz control 
    channel contained within the bandwidth of communications channel C-2 of 
    each channel block until September 9, 1996. After that date 
    communications channel C-2 will be available for use by all carriers 
    authorized to operate an air-ground system on the channels listed in 
    Sec. 22.857.
    Sec. 22.873  Construction period for commercial aviation air-ground 
        Construction of a new commercial aviation air-ground system is 
    considered to be completed for the purpose of this section and 
    Sec. 22.142 when the number of ground stations specified in this 
    section are constructed and operational.
        (a) Stage I. At least 25 ground stations must be constructed and 
    operational within 3 years. Licensees must notify the FCC (FCC Form 
    489) as soon as this requirement is met. Service to subscribers may 
    commence as soon as the notification is mailed. If service to 
    subscribers is not commenced at that time, the notification must 
    contain a statement to this effect.
        (b) Stage II. At least 50 ground stations must be constructed and 
    operational within 5 years. Nationwide service to subscribers must 
    commence within 5 years. Licensees must notify the FCC (FCC Form 489) 
    as soon as these requirements are met.
    Sec. 22.875  Commercial aviation air-ground system application 
        Existing and prospective common carriers may file applications for 
    authority to construct and operate a new nationwide air-ground system 
    on the channels listed in Sec. 22.857 only during window filing periods 
    that may be announced by the FCC in Public Notices. In addition to the 
    requirements elsewhere in this part, such applications must contain the 
    following exhibits:
        (a) Written agreement. A signed agreement between the applicant and 
    at least one airline or airline organization, authorizing the applicant 
    to provide air-ground service on its aircraft.
        (b) Financial qualifications. At the time of filing its application 
    an applicant must demonstrate that it has either a firm financial 
    commitment or available financial resources necessary to construct 50 
    ground stations and operate for one year after initiation of nationwide 
    air-ground service its proposed air-ground system.
        (1) The demonstration of commitment must include and be sufficient 
    to cover the realistic and prudent estimated costs of construction of 
    50 ground stations, operation and other initial expenses for one year 
    after initiation of nationwide air-ground service. The estimated costs, 
    operation costs and other initial expenses must be itemized. The 
    estimated costs must include the anticipated costs of construction of 
    each ground station.
        (2) The firm financial commitment required above must be obtained 
    from a state or federally chartered bank or savings and loan 
    association, or the financial affiliate or subsidiary of an equipment 
    supplier, and must contain a statement that the lender:
        (i) Has examined the financial condition of the applicant including 
    audited financial statements, and has determined that the applicant is 
    credit worthy;
        (ii) That the lender is committed to providing a sum certain to the 
    particular applicant;
        (iii) That the lender's willingness to enter into the commitment is 
    based solely on its relationship with the applicant; and
        (iv) That the commitment is not in any way guaranteed by any entity 
    other than the applicant.
        (3) Applicants intending to rely on personal or internal resources 
    must submit:
        (i) Audited financial statements certified within one year of the 
    date of the application, indicating the availability of sufficient net 
    liquid assets to construct and operate the proposed air-ground system 
    for one year.
        (A) The auditors must be certified public accountants.
        (B) Net liquid assets is considered to be the excess of current 
    assets (readily converted to cash) over current liabilities. In order 
    to demonstrate ready convertibility into cash, the identity, liquidity 
    and value of listed assets must be demonstrated. Non-liquid assets can 
    be relied on if the marketability of those assets is documented.
        (ii) An audited balance sheet, current within 60 days of filing, 
    which clearly shows the continued availability of sufficient net liquid 
    assets to construct and operate the proposed air-ground system for one 
    year after nationwide service begins.
        (c) Service Plan. A service plan containing:
        (1) A map or other description of the planned geographic coverage 
    area, including air space over the continental United States, Alaska, 
    Hawaii and other United States territories.
        (2) A schedule for construction of 50 ground stations and provision 
    of nationwide service to subscribers within 5 years from the grant of 
    the initial authorization.
        (3) A description of how the system will interconnect with the 
    landline telephone network and be integrated with other air-ground 
    systems, including a statement as to whether the system will be 
    interconnected with international air-ground systems.
        (d) Technical Exhibit. A technical description of the proposed 
    system demonstrating compliance with all applicable technical 
    requirements and describing how the proposed system would operate, if 
    authorized. This exhibit must provide the following information:
        (1) The number of ground stations to be used, their locations, and 
    the type and quantity of equipment proposed for the system;
        (2) A complete description of the procedures and data protocols to 
    be used on the control channel;
        (3) The modulation types to be used and their spectral 
        (4) The effective radiated power and transmitter peak envelope 
    power for all transmitters at each ground station location, and the 
    effective radiated power of the airborne mobile stations;
        (5) Antenna information as follows:
        (i) For airborne mobile stations, the antenna type(s) to be used;
        (ii) For ground stations, vertical and horizontal radiation 
    patterns, antenna heights above ground level, antenna support structure 
    heights above ground level, ground elevation above mean sea level and 
    any relevant information (e.g. FAA approval) that may be helpful in 
    determining whether ground station antennas require marking and 
        (6) Analytical data, including calculations, of potential 
    interference within and without the spectrum for the air-ground system;
        (7) A statement in compliance with the National Environmental 
    Policy Act of 1969. See Secs. 1.1301 through 1.1319 of this chapter.
    Subpart H--Cellular Radiotelephone Service
    Sec. 22.900  Scope.
        The rules in this subpart govern the licensing and operation of 
    cellular radiotelephone systems. Licensing and operation of these 
    systems are also subject to rules elsewhere in this part that apply 
    generally to the Public Mobile Services. In case of conflict, however, 
    the rules in this subpart govern.
    Sec. 22.901  Cellular service requirements and limitations.
        Cellular system licensees must provide cellular mobile 
    radiotelephone service upon request to all cellular subscribers in good 
    standing, including roamers, while such subscribers are located within 
    any portion of the authorized cellular geographic service area (see 
    Sec. 22.911) where facilities have been constructed and service to 
    subscribers has commenced. A cellular system licensee may refuse or 
    terminate service, however, subject to any applicable state or local 
    requirements for timely notification, to any subscriber who operates a 
    cellular telephone in an airborne aircraft in violation of Sec. 22.925 
    or otherwise fails to cooperate with the licensee in exercising 
    operational control over mobile stations pursuant to Sec. 22.927.
        (a) Service area information. Licensees must inform prospective 
    subscribers of the area in which reliable service can be expected.
        (b) Lack of capacity. If a licensee refuses a request for cellular 
    service because of a lack of system capacity, it must report that fact 
    to the FCC in writing, explaining how it plans to increase capacity.
        (c) Dispatch service. Cellular systems must not offer or provide 
    dispatch service.
        (d) Alternative technologies and auxiliary services. Licensees of 
    cellular systems may use alternative cellular technologies and/or 
    provide auxiliary common carrier services, including personal 
    communications services (as defined in part 24 of this chapter) on the 
    communication channels in their assigned channel block, provided that 
    cellular service is available to subscribers whose mobile equipment 
    conforms to the cellular system compatibility specification (see 
    Sec. 22.933).
        (1) Licensees must perform or obtain an engineering analysis to 
    ensure that interference to the service of other cellular systems will 
    not result from the implementation of auxiliary services or alternative 
    cellular technologies.
        (2) Alternative technology and auxiliary service operations are 
    exempt from the channeling requirements of Sec. 22.905, the modulation 
    requirements of Sec. 22.915, the wave polarization requirements of 
    Sec. 22.367, the compatibility specification in Sec. 22.933 and the 
    emission limitations of Secs. 22.357 and 22.917, except for emission 
    limitations that apply to emissions outside the assigned channel block.
        (e) Provision of resale capacity. Each cellular system licensee 
    must permit unrestricted resale of its service, except that a licensee 
    may apply resale restrictions to licensees of cellular systems on the 
    other channel block in its market after the five year build-out period 
    for licensees on the other channel block has expired.
    Sec. 22.903  Conditions applicable to former Bell Operating Companies.
        Ameritech Corporation, Bell Atlantic Corporation, BellSouth 
    Corporation, NYNEX Corporation, Pacific Telesis Group, Southwestern 
    Bell Corporation, U.S. West, Inc., their successors in interest and 
    affiliated entities (BOCs) may engage in the provision of cellular 
    service only in accordance with the conditions in this section, unless 
    otherwise authorized by the FCC. BOCs may, subject to other provisions 
    of law, have a controlling or lesser interest in or be under common 
    control with separate corporations that provide cellular service only 
    under the following conditions:
        (a) Access to landline facilities: BOCs must not sell, lease or 
    otherwise make available to the separate corporation any transmission 
    facilities that are used in any way for the provision of its landline 
    telephone services, except on a compensatory, arm's-length basis. 
    Separate corporations must not own any facilities for the provision of 
    landline telephone service. Access to landline exchange and 
    transmission facilities for the provision of cellular service must be 
    obtained by separate corporations on the same terms and conditions as 
    those facilities are made available to other entities.
        (b) Independence. Separate corporations must operate independently 
    in the provision of cellular service. Each separate corporation must--
        (1) Maintain its own books of account;
        (2) Have separate officers;
        (3) Employ separate operating, marketing, installation and 
    maintenance personnel; and,
        (4) Utilize separate computer and transmission facilities in the 
    provision of cellular services.
        (c) Research or development. Any research or development performed 
    by BOCs for separate corporations, either separately or jointly, must 
    be on a compensatory basis.
        (d) Transactions. All transactions between the separate corporation 
    and the BOC or its affiliates that involve the transfer, either direct 
    or by accounting or other record entries, of money, personnel, 
    resources, other assets or any things of value, shall be reduced to 
    writing. A copy of any contract, agreement or other arrangement entered 
    between such entities with regard to interconnection with landline 
    network exchange and transmission facilities must be filed with the FCC 
    within thirty days after the contract, agreement, or other arrangement 
    is made. A copy of all other contracts, agreements or arrangements 
    between such entities shall be kept available by the separate 
    corporation for inspection upon reasonable request by the FCC. The 
    provision shall not apply to any transaction governed by the provision 
    of an effective state or federal tariff.
        (e) Promotion. BOCs must not engage in the sale or promotion of 
    cellular service on behalf of the separate corporation. However, this 
    does not prohibit joint advertising or promotional efforts by the 
    landline carrier and its cellular affiliate.
        (f) Proprietary information. BOCs must not provide to any such 
    separate corporation any customer proprietary information, unless such 
    information is publicly available on the same terms and conditions.
        (g) Provision of other Public Mobile services. Separate 
    corporations may include, as part of their operations, the provision of 
    other Public Mobile services.
    Sec. 22.905  Channels for cellular service.
        The following channels are allocated for block assignment in the 
    Cellular Radiotelephone Service. All channels have a bandwidth of 40 
    kHz and are designed by their center frequencies in MegaHertz.
                   Base                                Mobile               
                                 CHANNEL BLOCK A                            
                         416 communication channel pairs                    
    869.040                             824.040                             
    869.070                             824.070                             
    879.990                             834.990                             
    890.010                             845.010                             
    890.040                             845.040                             
    891.480                             846.480                             
                            21 control channel pairs                        
    834.390                             879.390                             
    834.420                             879.420                             
    834.990                             879.990                             
                                 CHANNEL BLOCK B                            
                         416 communication channel pairs                    
    880.020                             835.020                             
    880.050                             835.050                             
    889.980                             844.980                             
    891.510                             846.510                             
    981.540                             846.540                             
    893.970                             848.970                             
                            21 control channel pairs                        
    835.020                             880.020                             
    835.050                             880.050                             
    835.620                             880.620                             
        (a) Each channel block is assigned exclusively to one licensee for 
    use in that licensee's cellular geographic service area (see 
    Sec. 22.911).
        (b) Licensees may use any channel pair from the assigned channel 
    block at any of their transmitter locations, subject to the prior 
    coordination requirements of Sec. 22.907.
    Sec. 22.907  Coordination of channel usage.
        Licensees in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service must coordinate, 
    with the appropriate parties, channel usage at each transmitter 
    location within 121 kilometers (75 miles) of any transmitter locations 
    authorized to other licensees or proposed by tentative selectees or 
    other applicants, except those with mutually exclusive applications.
        (a) Licensees must cooperate and make reasonable efforts to resolve 
    technical problems that may inhibit effective and efficient use of the 
    cellular radio spectrum; however, licensees are not obligated to 
    suggest extensive changes to or redesign other licensees' cellular 
    systems. Licensees must make reasonable efforts to avoid blocking the 
    growth of other cellular systems that are likely to need additional 
    capacity in the future.
        (b) If technical problems are addressed by an agreement or 
    operating arrangement between the licensees that would result in a 
    reduction of quality or capacity of either system, the licensees must 
    notify the FCC by letter.
    Sec. 22.909  Cellular markets.
        Cellular markets are standard geographic areas used by the FCC for 
    administrative convenience in the licensing of cellular systems. 
    Cellular markets comprise Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and 
    Rural Service Areas (RSAs). All cellular markets and the counties they 
    comprise are listed in Public Notice Report No. CL-92-40 ``Common 
    Carrier Public Mobile Services Information, Cellular MSA/RSA Markets 
    and Counties'', dated January 24, 1992, DA 92-109, 7 FCC Rcd 742 
        (a) MSAs. Metropolitan Statistical Areas are 306 areas, including 
    New England County Metropolitan Areas and the Gulf of Mexico Service 
    Area (water area of the Gulf of Mexico, border is the coastline), 
    defined by the Office of Management and Budget, as modified by the FCC.
        (b) RSAs. Rural Service Areas are 428 areas, other than MSAs, 
    established by the FCC.
    Sec. 22.911  Cellular geographic service area.
        The Cellular Geographic Service Area (CGSA) of a cellular system is 
    the geographic area considered by the FCC to be served by the cellular 
    system. The CGSA is the area within which cellular systems are entitled 
    to protection and within which adverse effects for the purpose of 
    determining whether a petitioner has standing are recognized.
        (a) CGSA determination. The CGSA is the composite of the service 
    areas of all of the cells in the system, excluding any area outside the 
    cellular market boundary, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this 
    section, and excluding any area within the CGSA of another cellular 
    system. The service area of a cell is the area within its service area 
    boundary (SAB). The distance to the SAB is calculated as a function of 
    effective radiated power (ERP) and antenna center of radiation height 
    above average terrain (HAAT), height above sea level (HASL) or height 
    above mean sea level (HAMSL).
        (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) of this 
    section, the distance from a cell transmitting antenna to its SAB along 
    each cardinal radial is calculated as follows:
    d=2.531 x h0.34 xp0.17
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (2) For the cellular systems authorized to serve the Gulf of Mexico 
    MSA, the distance from a cell transmitting antenna to its SAB along 
    each cardinal radial is calculated as follows:
    d=6.895 x h0.30 xp0.15
    d is the radial distance in kilometers
    h is the radial antenna HAAT in meters
    p is the radial ERP in Watts
        (3) The value used for h in the formula in paragraph (a)(2) of this 
    section must not be less than 8 meters (26 feet) HASL (or HAMSL, as 
    appropriate for the support structure). The value used for h in the 
    formula in paragraph (a)(1) of this section must not be less than 30 
    meters (98 feet) HAAT, except that for unserved area applications 
    proposing a cell with an ERP not exceeding 10 Watts, the value for h 
    used in the formula in paragraph (a)(1) of this section to determine 
    the service area boundary for that cell may be less than 30 meters (98 
    feet) HAAT, but not less than 3 meters (10 feet) HAAT.
        (4) The value used for p in the formulas in paragraphs (a)(1) and 
    (a)(2) of this section must not be less than 0.1 Watt or 27 dB less 
    than (1/500 of) the maximum ERP in any direction, whichever is more.
        (5) Whenever use of the formula in paragraph (a)(1) of this section 
    pursuant to the exception contained in paragraph (a)(3) of this section 
    results in a calculated distance that is less than 5.4 kilometers (3.4 
    miles), the radial distance to the service area boundary is deemed to 
    be 5.4 kilometers (3.4 miles).
        (6) The distance from a cell transmitting antenna to the SAB along 
    any radial other than the eight cardinal radials is calculated by 
    linear interpolation of distance as a function of angle.
        Note to paragraph (a) of Sec. 22.911: On May 13, 1994, the 
    United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit 
    instructed the FCC to vacate the provisions of old Sec. 22.903(a), 
    now Sec. 22.911(a), insofar as they apply to cellular systems 
    licensed to serve the Gulf of Mexico MSA (GMSA), pending 
    reconsideration of an issue remanded to the FCC in that decision. 
    See Petroleum Communications, Inc. v. Federal Communications 
    Commission, No. 92-1670 and RVC Services, Inc., D/B/A Coastel 
    Communications Company v. Federal Communications Commission, No. 93-
    1016, ____ F.2d ____, ____ (D.C. Cir. 1994). Accordingly, 
    notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 22.911(a), until further 
    notice, the authorized CGSAs of the cellular systems licensed to 
    serve the GMSA are those which were authorized prior to January 11, 
        (b) Alternative CGSA determination. If a carrier believes that the 
    method prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section produces a CGSA that 
    departs significantly (20% in the service area of any cell) 
    from the geographical area where reliable cellular service is actually 
    provided, the carrier may submit, as an exhibit to an application for 
    modification of the CGSA (FCC Form 401), a depiction of what the 
    carrier believes the CGSA should be. Such submissions must be 
    accompanied by one or more supporting propagation studies using methods 
    appropriate for the 800-900 MHz frequency range, including all 
    supporting data and calculations, and/or by extensive field strength 
    measurement data. For the purpose of such submissions, cellular service 
    is considered to be provided in all areas, including ``dead spots'', 
    between the transmitter location and the locus of points where the 
    predicted or measured median field strength finally drops to 32 
    dBV/m (i.e. does not exceed 32 dBV/m further out). 
    If, after consideration of such submissions, the FCC finds that 
    adjustment to a CGSA is warranted, the FCC may grant the application.
        (1) The alternative CGSA determination must define the CGSA in 
    terms of distances from cell sites to cell SABs along the eight 
    cardinal radials, with other points along the SAB determined in 
    accordance with paragraph (a)(6) of this section. The distances used 
    for the cardinal radials must be representative of the coverage within 
    the 45 deg. sectors, as depicted by the alternative CGSA determination.
        (2) If an uncalibrated predictive model is used to depict the CGSA, 
    the alternative CGSA determination must identify factors (e.g. terrain 
    roughness or features) that could plausibly account for the difference 
    between actual coverage and that defined by the formula in paragraph 
    (a)(1) of this section. If actual measurements or a measurement-
    calibrated predictive model are used to depict the CGSA, and this fact 
    is disclosed in the alternative CGSA determination, it is not necessary 
    to offer an explanation of the difference between actual coverage and 
    that defined by the formula in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If the 
    formula in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is clearly inapplicable for 
    the cell(s) in question (e.g. for microcells), this should be disclosed 
    in the alternative CGSA determination.
        (3) The provision for alternative CGSA determinations was made in 
    recognition that the formula in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is a 
    general model that provides a reasonable approximation of coverage in 
    most land areas, but may substantially under-predict or over-predict 
    coverage in specific areas with unusual terrain roughness or features, 
    and may be inapplicable for certain purposes, e.g. cells with a radial 
    distance to the SAB less than 8 kilometers (5 miles). In such cases, 
    alternative methods that utilize more specific models are appropriate. 
    Accordingly, the FCC does not consider use of the formula in paragraph 
    (a)(1) of this section with parameters outside of the limits in 
    paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(4) and (a)(5) of this section or with data for 
    radials other than the cardinal radials to be a valid alternative 
    method for determining the CGSA of a cellular system.
        (c) CGSA extension areas. SAB extensions (areas outside of the 
    cellular market boundary, but within the service area as calculated 
    using the methods of paragraph (a) of this section) are part of the 
    CGSA only under the following circumstances:
        (1) During the five year build-out period of the system in the 
    cellular market containing the extension, the licensees of systems on 
    the same channel block in adjacent cellular markets may agree that the 
    portion of the service area of one system that extends into unserved 
    areas in the other system's cellular market is part of the CGSA of the 
    former system.
        (2) At the end of the five year build-out period of the system in 
    the cellular market containing the extension, the portion of the 
    service area that extends into unserved areas in another cellular 
    market becomes part of the CGSA, provided that the licensee of the 
    system so extended files a system information update in accordance with 
    Sec. 22.947(c).
        (3) For original systems in MSAs, extensions of the CGSA authorized 
    by the FCC are part of the CGSA to the extent authorized.
        (d) Protection afforded. Within the CGSA determined in accordance 
    with this section, cellular systems are entitled to protection from co-
    channel and first-adjacent channel interference and from capture of 
    subscriber traffic by adjacent systems on the same channel block.
        (1) Licensees must cooperate in resolving co-channel and first-
    adjacent channel interference by changing channels used at specific 
    cells or by other technical means.
        (2) Protection from capture of subscriber traffic is applied and 
    limited in accordance with the following:
        (i) Subscriber traffic is captured if an SAB of one cellular system 
    overlaps the CGSA of another operating cellular system. Therefore, 
    cellular licensees must not begin to operate any facility that would 
    cause an SAB to overlap the existing CGSA of another cellular system on 
    the same channel block, without first obtaining the written consent of 
    the licensee of that system. However, cellular licensees may continue 
    to operate existing facilities that produce an SAB overlapping a 
    subsequently-authorized portion of the CGSA of another cellular system 
    on the same channel block until the licensee of that system requests 
    that the SAB be removed from its CGSA. Such request may be made 
    directly to the licensee of the overlapping system or to the FCC. In 
    the event such request is made, the licensee of the overlapping system 
    must reduce the transmitting power or antenna height (or both) at the 
    pertinent cell site as necessary to remove the SAB from the CGSA of the 
    other system, unless a written consent from the licensee of the other 
    system allowing the SAB to remain is obtained. Cellular licensees may 
    enter into contracts with the licensees of other cellular systems on 
    the same channel block to allow SABs to overlap CGSAs.
        (ii) Cellular licensees are at most entitled to have a CGSA free of 
    SABs from other cellular systems on the same channel block.
        (e) Unserved areas. Unserved areas are areas outside of all 
    existing CGSAs (on either of the channel blocks), to which the 
    Communications Act of 1934, as amended, is applicable.
    Sec. 22.912  Service area boundary extensions.
        This section contains rules governing service area boundary (SAB) 
    extensions. SAB extensions are areas outside of the cellular market 
    boundary, but within the service area as calculated using the methods 
    of Sec. 22.911(a). Cellular systems must be designed to comply with the 
    rules in this section. Applications proposing systems that would not 
    comply with the rules in this section are defective. Service within SAB 
    extensions is not protected from interference or capture under 
    Sec. 22.911(d) unless and until the area within the SAB extension 
    becomes a part of the cellular geographic service area (CGSA) in 
    accordance with Sec. 22.911(c).
        (a) De minimis extensions. Except as restricted in paragraph (d) of 
    this section, SABs may extend into adjacent cellular markets if such 
    extensions are de minimis, are demonstrably unavoidable for technical 
    reasons of sound engineering design, and do not extend into the CGSA of 
    any other licensee's cellular system on the same channel block (unless 
    the licensee of such other system consents to the extension) or into 
    any adjacent cellular market on a channel block for which the five year 
    build-out period has expired.
        (b) Contract extensions. Except as restricted in paragraph (d) of 
    this section, licensees of cellular systems on the same channel block 
    in adjacent cellular markets may, at any time, enter into contracts 
    with applicants or other licensees to allow SAB extensions into their 
    CGSA only (not into unserved areas). Except as restricted in paragraph 
    (d) of this section, licensees of the first authorized cellular systems 
    on the same channel block in adjacent cellular markets may agree to 
    allow SAB extensions into their CGSA and/or unserved areas in their 
    cellular markets during the five year build-out period of the market 
    into which the SAB extends.
        (c) Same applicant/licensee. Except as restricted in paragraph (d) 
    of this section, licensees of cellular systems that are also an 
    applicant or licensee on the same channel block in adjacent cellular 
    markets may, at any time, allow or propose SAB extensions from their 
    adjacent market system into their CGSH only (not into unserved areas). 
    Except as restricted in paragraph (d) of this section, licensees of the 
    first authorized cellular systems that are also an applicant or 
    licensee on the same channel block in adjacent cellular markets may 
    allow or propose SAB extensions from their adjacent market system into 
    their CGSA and/or unserved areas in their cellular markets during the 
    five year build-out period of the market into which the SAB extends.
        (d) Unserved area systems. Phase I initial cellular applications 
    must not propose SAB extensions. Phase I sole major modification 
    applications and Phase II applications may propose SAB extensions, 
    subject to the conditions in this section.
    Sec. 22.913  Effective radiated power limits.
        The effective radiated power (ERP) of transmitters in the Cellular 
    Radiotelephone Service must not exceed the limits in this section.
        (a) Maximum ERP. The effective radiated power (ERP) of base 
    transmitters and cellular repeaters must not exceed 500 Watts. The ERP 
    of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must not exceed 
    7 Watts.
        (b) Height-power limit. The ERP of base transmitters must not 
    exceed the amount that would result in an average distance to the 
    service area boundary of 79.1 kilometers (49 miles) for cellular 
    systems authorized to serve the Gulf of Mexico MSA and 40.2 kilometers 
    (25 miles) for all other cellular systems. The average distance to the 
    service area boundary is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of 
    the distances determined using the procedures specified in Sec. 22.911 
    for the eight cardinal radial directions.
        (c) Coordination exemption. Licensees need not comply with the 
    height-power limit in paragraph (b) of this section if the proposed 
    operation is coordinated with the licensees of all affected cellular 
    systems on the same channel block within 121 kilometers (75 miles) and 
    concurrence is obtained.
    Sec. 22.915  Modulation requirements.
        Cellular systems must be capable of providing service using the 
    types of modulation described in the cellular system compatibility 
        (a) Non-voice modulating signals. Modulating signals other than 
    voice signals, such as data signals, may be transmitted, provided the 
    resulting modulated emission exhibits spectral characteristics not 
    exceeding those resulting from voice modulation.
        (b) Modulation levels. The levels of the modulating signals must be 
    set to the values specified in this paragraph, and must be maintained 
    within 10% of those values.
        (1) The instantaneous frequency deviation resulting from the main 
    modulating signal must be 12 kHz.
        (2) The instantaneous frequency deviation resulting from the 
    supervisory audio tones must be 2 kHz.
        (3) The instantaneous frequency deviation resulting from the 
    signaling tone must be 8 kHz.
        (4) The instantaneous frequency deviation resulting from wideband 
    data signals must be 8 kHz.
        (c) Deviation limitation circuitry. Cellular transmitters must be 
    equipped with circuitry that automatically prevents modulation levels 
    for voice transmissions from exceeding the limits specified in this 
        (d) Audio filter characteristics. Except as provided in 
    Sec. 22.917, radiotelephony signals applied to the modulator from the 
    modulation limiter must be attenuated as a function of frequency as 
    specified in this paragraph.
        (1) For mobile stations, these signals must be attenuated, relative 
    to the level at 1 kHz, as follows:
        (i) In the frequency ranges of 3.0 to 5.9 kHz and 6.1 to 15.0 kHz, 
    signals must be attenuated by at least 40 log (f3) dB, where f 
    is the frequency of the signal in kHz.
        (ii) In the frequency range of 5.9 to 6.1 kHz, signals must be 
    attenuated at least 35 dB.
        (iii) In the frequency range above 15 kHz, signals must be 
    attenuated at least 28 dB.
        (2) For base stations, these signals shall be attenuated, relative 
    to the level at 1 kHz, as follows:
        (i) In the frequency range of 3 to 15 kHz, signals must be 
    attenuated by at least 40 log (f3) dB, where f is the frequency 
    of the signal in kHz.
        (ii) In the frequency range above 15 kHz, signals must be 
    attenuated by at least 28 dB.
        (3) Filtering is not required for the supervisory audio tones, 
    signaling tones or wideband data signals.
    Sec. 22.917  Emission limitations for cellular.
        The rules in this section govern the spectral characteristics of 
    emissions in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service.
        (a) Analog radiotelephony emissions. F3E emissions must be used 
    only on the communication channels.
        (b) F3E/F3D emission mask for use with audio filter. For F3E and 
    F3D emissions, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, the 
    mean power of emissions must be attenuated below the mean power of the 
    unmodulated carrier wave (P) as follows:
        (1) On any frequency removed from the carrier frequency by more 
    than 20 kHz but not more than 45 kHz:
    at least 26 dB;
        (2) On any frequency removed from the carrier frequency by more 
    than 45 kHz, up to the first multiple of the carrier frequency:
    at least 60 dB or 43 + 10 log P dB, whichever is the lesser 
        (c) Alternative F3E/F3D emission mask. For F3E and F3D emissions, 
    transmitters may comply with the emission limitations in this paragraph 
    in lieu of compliance with paragraph (b) of this section and the audio 
    filter requirement of Sec. 22.915.
        (1) The mean power of any emission removed from the carrier 
    frequency by a displacement frequency (fd in kHz) must be 
    attenuated below the mean power of the unmodulated carrier (P) as 
        (i) On any frequency removed from the carrier frequency by more 
    than 12 kHz but not more than 20 kHz:
    at least 117 log (fd12) dB;
        (ii) On any frequency removed from the carrier frequency by more 
    than 20 kHz, up to the first multiple of the carrier frequency:
    at least 100 log (fd11) dB or 60 dB or 43 + 10 log P dB, 
    whichever is the lesser attenuation;
        (2) For mobile stations, modulating signals other than the 
    supervisory audio tone in the frequency range of 5.9 to 6.1 kHz must be 
    attenuated, relative to the level at 1 kHz, at least 35 dB.
        (d) F1D emission mask. For F1D emissions, the mean power of 
    emissions must be attenuated below the mean power of the unmodulated 
    carrier (P) as follows:
        (1) On any frequency removed from the carrier frequency by more 
    than 20 kHz but not more than 45 kHz:
    at least 26 dB;
        (2) On any frequency removed from the carrier frequency by more 
    than 45 kHz but not more than 90 kHz:
    at least 45 dB;
        (3) On any frequency removed from the carrier frequency by more 
    than 90 kHz, up to the first multiple of the carrier frequency:
    at least 60 dB or 43+10 log P dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation.
        (e) Out of band emissions. The mean power of emissions must be 
    attenuated below the mean power of the unmodulated carrier (P) on any 
    frequency twice or more than twice the fundamental frequency by:
    at least 43+10 log P dB.
        (f) Mobile emissions in base frequency range. The mean power of any 
    emissions appearing in the base station frequency range from cellular 
    mobile transmitters operated must be attenuated to a level not to 
    exceed -80 dBm at the transmit antenna connector.
        (g) Interference from spurious emissions. If any emission from a 
    transmitter operating in this service results in interference to users 
    of another radio service, the FCC may require a greater attenuation of 
    that emission than specified in this section.
        (h) Measurement procedure. The following spectrum analyzer 
    bandwidth settings should be used for measurement of spurious 
        (1) When operating in the radiotelephony mode or the supervisory 
    audio tone mode:
        (i) For any emission not more than 45 kHz removed from the carrier 
    frequency: 300 Hz;
        (ii) For any emission more than 45 kHz removed from the carrier 
    frequency: 30 kHz.
        (2) When operating in the wideband data mode or the signaling tone 
        (i) For any emission not more than 60 kHz removed from the carrier 
    frequency: 300 Hz;
        (ii) For any emission more than 60 kHz removed from the carrier 
    frequency: 30 kHz.
    Sec. 22.919  Electronic serial numbers.
        The Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is a 32 bit binary number that 
    uniquely identifies a cellular mobile transmitter to any cellular 
        (a) Each mobile transmitter in service must have a unique ESN.
        (b) The ESN host component must be permanently attached to a main 
    circuit board of the mobile transmitter and the integrity of the unit's 
    operating software must not be alterable. The ESN must be isolated from 
    fraudulent contact and tampering. If the ESN host component does not 
    contain other information, that component must not be removable, and 
    its electrical connections must not be accessible. If the ESN host 
    component contains other information, the ESN must be encoded using one 
    or more of the following techniques:
        (1) Multiplication or division by a polynomial;
        (2) Cyclic coding;
        (3) The spreading of ESN bits over various non-sequential memory 
        (c) The ESN must be factory set and must not be alterable, 
    transferable, removable or otherwise able to be manipulated. Cellular 
    mobile equipment must be designed such that any attempt to remove, 
    tamper with, or change the ESN chip, its logic system, or firmware 
    originally programmed by the manufacturer will render the mobile 
    transmitter inoperative.
    Sec. 22.923  Cellular system configuration.
        Mobile stations communicate with and through base transmitters 
    only. Base transmitters communicate with mobile stations directly or 
    through cellular repeaters. Auxiliary test stations may communicate 
    with base or mobile stations for the purpose of testing equipment.
    Sec. 22.925  Prohibition on airborne operation of cellular telephones.
        Cellular telephones installed in or carried aboard airplanes, 
    balloons or any other type of aircraft must not be operated while such 
    aircraft are airborne (not touching the ground). When any aircraft 
    leaves the ground, all cellular telephones on board that aircraft must 
    be turned off. The following notice must be posted on or near each 
    cellular telephone installed in any aircraft:
        ``The use of cellular telephones while this aircraft is airborne is 
    prohibited by FCC rules, and the violation of this rule could result in 
    suspension of service and/or a fine. The use of cellular telephones 
    while this aircraft is on the ground is subject to FAA regulations.''
    Sec. 22.927  Responsibility for mobile stations.
        Mobile stations that are subscribers in good standing to a cellular 
    system, when receiving service from that cellular system, are 
    considered to be operating under the authorization of that cellular 
    system. Cellular system licensees are responsible for exercising 
    effective operational control over mobile stations receiving service 
    through their cellular systems. Mobile stations that are subscribers in 
    good standing to a cellular system, while receiving service from a 
    different cellular system, are considered to be operating under the 
    authorization of such different system. The licensee of such different 
    system is responsible, during such temporary period, for exercising 
    effective operational control over such mobile stations as if they were 
    subscribers to it.
    Sec. 22.929  Application requirements for the Cellular Radiotelephone 
        In addition to information required by subparts B and D of this 
    part, applications for authorization in the Cellular Radiotelephone 
    Service must contain the applicable supplementary information described 
    in this section. Initial applications for new cellular systems must 
    also comply with Sec. 22.953.
        (a) Administrative information. The following information is 
    required either by FCC Form 401, Schedule C, or as an exhibit.
        (1) The number of transmitter sites for which authorization is 
        (2) The call sign(s) of other facilities in the same area that are 
    ultimately controlled by the real party in interest to the application;
        (3) If the application involves a service area boundary (SAB) 
    extension (see Sec. 22.912), a statement as to whether the five year 
    build-out period for the system on the relevant channel block in the 
    market into which the SAB extends has elapsed, and whether the SAB 
    extends into any unserved area in that market.
        (b) Technical information. The following information is required by 
    FCC Form 401, Schedule C.
        (1) Location description; city; county; state; geographical 
    coordinates correct to 1 second, the datum used (NAD 27 and 
    NAD 83), site elevation above mean sea level, proximity to adjacent 
    market boundaries and international borders;
        (2) Antenna manufacturer, model number and type, antenna height to 
    tip above ground level, the height of the center of radiation of the 
    antenna above the average terrain, the height of the antenna center of 
    radiation above the average elevation of the terrain along each of the 
    8 cardinal radials, antenna gain in the maximum lobe, the beamwidth of 
    the maximum lobe of the antenna, a polar plot of the horizontal gain 
    pattern of the antenna, the electric field polarization of the wave 
    emitted by the antenna when installed as proposed;
        (3) The channel block requested, the maximum effective radiated 
    power, the effective radiated power in each of the cardinal radial 
        (c) Maps. If the application proposes a change in the CGSA, it must 
    include full size and reduced maps, and supporting engineering, as 
    described in Sec. 22.953(a)(5)(i) through (iii).
    Sec. 22.933  Cellular system compatibility specification.
        Except as provided in Sec. 22.901(d), equipment used in the 
    Cellular Radiotelephone Service must be designed in compliance with the 
    technical specifications for compatibility of mobile and base stations 
    in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service contained in ``Cellular System 
    Mobile Station-Land Station Compatibility Specification'' (April 1981 
    Ed.), Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin No. 53. This 
    bulletin is contained in Appendix D to the Report and Order in CC 
    Docket No. 79-318, and was published in the Federal Register of May 21, 
    1981. Copies may be obtained from the FCC's copying contractor. Special 
    operational features that have been developed by joint industry 
    consensus through the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and 
    established as a TIA standard may be activated at the option of the 
    cellular licensee, provided that the compatibility of equipment within 
    the Cellular Radiotelephone Service as specified in OET Bulletin No. 53 
    is not adversely affected.
    Sec. 22.935  Procedures for comparative renewal proceedings.
        The procedures in this section apply to comparative renewal 
    proceedings in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service.
        (a) If one or more applications competing with an application for 
    renewal of a cellular authorization are filed, the renewal applicant 
    must file with the FCC an original and four copies of its renewal 
    expectancy showing. This filing must be submitted no later than 60 days 
    after the date of the Public Notice listing as acceptable for filing 
    the renewal application and the competing applications.
        (b) Interested parties may file petitions to deny any of the 
    mutually exclusive applications. Any such petitions to deny must be 
    filed no later than 30 days after the date that the renewal applicant 
    submitted its renewal expectancy showing. Applicants may file replies 
    to any petitions to deny applications that are filed. Any such replies 
    must be filed no later than 15 days after the date that the petition(s) 
    to deny was filed. No further pleadings will be accepted.
        (c) In most instances, the renewal application and any competing 
    applications will be designated for a two-step procedure. An 
    Administrative Law Judge (Presiding Judge) will conduct a threshold 
    hearing (step one), in which both the licensee and the competing 
    applicants will be parties, to determine whether the renewal applicant 
    deserves a renewal expectancy. If the order designating the 
    applications for hearing specifies any basic qualifying issues against 
    the licensee, those issues will be tried in this threshold hearing. If 
    the Presiding Judge determines that the renewal applicant is basically 
    qualified and due a renewal expectancy, the competing applicants will 
    be found ineligible for further consideration and their applications 
    will be denied. If the Presiding Judge determines that the renewal 
    applicant does not merit a renewal expectancy but is otherwise 
    qualified, then all of the applications will be considered in a 
    comparative hearing (step two).
        (d) Any competing applicant may request a waiver of the threshold 
    hearing (step one), if such applicant demonstrates that its proposal so 
    far exceeds the service already being provided that there would be no 
    purpose in making a threshold determination as to whether the renewal 
    applicant deserved a renewal expectancy vis-a-vis such a competing 
    applicant. Any such waiver request must be filed at the time the 
    requestor's application is filed. Petitions opposing such waiver 
    requests may be filed. Any such petitions must be filed no later than 
    30 days after the date that the renewal applicant submitted its renewal 
    expectancy showing. Replies to any petitions opposing such waiver 
    requests may be filed. Any such replies must be filed no later than 15 
    days after the date that the petition(s) were filed. No further 
    pleadings will be accepted. Any waiver request submitted pursuant to 
    this paragraph will be acted upon prior to designating the applications 
    for hearing. If a request to waive the threshold hearing (step one) is 
    granted, the renewal expectancy issue will be designated as part of the 
    comparative hearing (step two), and will remain the most important 
    comparative factor in deciding the case, as provided in Sec. 22.940(a).
        (e) If the Presiding Judge issues a ruling in the threshold (step 
    one) that denies the licensee a renewal expectancy, all of the 
    applicants involved in the proceeding will be allowed to file direct 
    cases no later than 90 days after the release date of the Presiding 
    Judge's ruling. Rebuttal cases must be filed no later than 30 days 
    after the date that the direct cases were filed.
        (f) The Presiding Judge shall use the expedited hearing procedures 
    delineated in this paragraph in both threshold (step one) and 
    comparative (step two) hearings conducted in comparative cellular 
    renewal proceedings.
        (1) The Presiding Judge will schedule a first hearing session as 
    soon as practicable after the date for filing rebuttal evidence. This 
    first session will be an evidentiary admission session at which each 
    applicant will identify and offer its previously circulated direct and 
    rebuttal exhibits, and each party will have an opportunity to lodge 
        (2) After accepting the exhibits into evidence, the Presiding Judge 
    will entertain motions to cross-examine and rule whether any sponsoring 
    witness needs to be produced for cross-examination.
        Determination of what, if any, cross-examination is necessary is 
    within the sound judicial discretion of the Presiding Judge, the 
    prevailing standard being whether the person requesting cross-
    examination has persuasively demonstrated that written evidence is 
    ineffectual to develop proof. If cross-examination is necessary, the 
    Presiding Judge will specify a date for the appearance of all 
    witnesses. In addition, if the designation order points out an area 
    where additional underlying data is needed, the Presiding Judge will 
    have the authority to permit the limited use of discovery procedures. 
    Finally, the Presiding Judge may find that certain additional testimony 
    or cross-examination is needed to provide a complete record for the 
    FCC. If so, the Presiding Judge may schedule a further session.
        (3) After the hearing record is closed, the Presiding Judge may 
    request Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law to be filed no 
    later than 30 days after the final hearing session. Replies are not 
    permitted except in unusual cases and then only with respect to the 
    specific issues named by the Presiding Judge.
        (4) The Presiding Judge will then issue an Initial Decision, 
    preferably within 60 days of receipt of the last pleadings. If mutually 
    exclusive applications are before the Presiding Judge, the Presiding 
    Judge will determine which applicant is best qualified. The Presiding 
    Judge may also rank the applicants in order of merit if there are more 
    than two.
        (5) Parties will have 30 days in which to file exceptions to the 
    Initial Decision. The Common Carrier Bureau has authority to determine, 
    at the time of designation for hearing, that such exceptions will be 
    taken directly to the FCC rather than to the Review Board.
    Sec. 22.936  Dismissal of applications in cellular renewal proceedings.
        Any applicant that has filed an application in the Cellular 
    Radiotelephone Service that is mutually exclusive with an application 
    for renewal of a cellular authorization (competing application), and 
    seeks to resolve the mutual exclusivity by requesting dismissal of its 
    application, must obtain the approval of the FCC.
        (a) If a competing applicant seeks to dismiss its application prior 
    to the Initial Decision stage of the hearing on its application, it 
    must submit to the FCC a request for approval of the dismissal of its 
    application, a copy of any written agreement related to the withdrawal 
    or dismissal, and an affidavit setting forth:
        (1) A certification that neither the petitioner nor its principals 
    has received or will receive any money or other consideration in excess 
    of legitimate and prudent expenses in exchange for the withdrawal or 
    dismissal of the application, except that this provision does not apply 
    to dismissal or withdrawal of applications pursuant to bona fide merger 
        (2) The exact nature and amount of any consideration received or 
        (3) An itemized accounting of the expenses for which it seeks 
    reimbursement; and
        (4) The terms of any oral agreement related to the withdrawal or 
    dismissal of the application.
        (b) In addition, within 5 days of the filing date of the applicant 
    or petitioner's request for approval, each remaining party to any 
    written or oral agreement must submit an affidavit setting forth:
        (1) A certification that neither the applicant nor its principals 
    has paid or will pay money or other consideration in excess of the 
    legitimate and prudent expenses of the petitioner in exchange for 
    withdrawing or dismissing the application; and
        (2) The terms of any oral agreement relating to the withdrawal or 
    dismissal of the application.
        (c) For the purposes of this section:
        (1) Affidavits filed pursuant to this section must be executed by 
    the filing party, if an individual, a partner having personal knowledge 
    of the facts, if a partnership, or an officer having personal knowledge 
    of the facts, if a corporation or association.
        (2) Applications are deemed to be pending before the FCC from the 
    time the application is filed with the FCC until such time as an order 
    of the FCC granting, denying or dismissing the application is no longer 
    subject to reconsideration by the FCC or to review by any court.
        (3) ``Legitimate and prudent expenses'' are those expenses 
    reasonably incurred by a party in preparing to file, filing, 
    prosecuting and/or settling its application for which reimbursement is 
        (4) ``Other consideration'' consists of financial concessions, 
    including, but not limited to, the transfer of assets or the provision 
    of tangible pecuniary benefit, as well as non-financial concessions 
    that confer any type of benefit on the recipient.
    Sec. 22.937  Demonstration of financial qualifications.
        Except as provided in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, each 
    applicant for a new cellular system must demonstrate that it has, at 
    the time the application is filed, either a separate market-specific 
    firm financial commitment or available financial resources sufficient 
    to construct and operate for one year the proposed cellular system. 
    Each application of reassignment of license or consent to transfer of 
    control must demonstrate the financial ability of the proposed assignee 
    or transferee to acquire and operate the facilities.
        (a) Estimated costs. The demonstration required by this section 
    must include a realistic and prudent estimate of the costs of 
    construction, operating and other initial expenses for one year.
        (b) Source of financing. The firm financial commitment must be 
    obtained from a state or federally chartered bank or savings and loan 
    association, another recognized financial institution, or the financial 
    arm of a capital equipment supplier. The firm financial commitment may 
    be contingent upon the applicant's obtaining an authorization.
        (c) Lender's statement. The firm financial commitment must contain 
    a statement that:
        (1) The lender has examined the financial condition of the 
    applicant, including audited financial statements if applicable, and 
    has determined that the applicant is creditworthy;
        (2) The lender has examined the financial viability of each 
    proposal for which the applicant intends to use the commitment;
        (3) The lender is committed to providing a sum certain to the 
    particular applicant;
        (4) The lender's willingness to enter into the commitment is based 
    solely on its relationship with the applicant; and,
        (5) The commitment is not in any way guaranteed by any entity other 
    than the applicant.
        (d) Showings of financial resources. Applicants relying upon 
    personal or internal financial resources must submit the following:
        (1) Audited financial statements, certified within one year of the 
    date of the cellular application, that show the availability of 
    sufficient net current assets to construct and operate for one year the 
    proposed cellular system;
        (2) A balance sheet current within 60 days of the date of filing 
    that shows the continued availability of sufficient net current assets 
    to construct and operate for one year the proposed cellular system; 
        (3) A certification by the applicant or an officer of the applicant 
    organization attesting to the validity of the unaudited balance sheet.
        (e) Parent corporation financing. Applicants relying upon financing 
    obtained from parent corporations must submit the showings listed in 
    paragraph (d) of this section as the information pertains to the parent 
        (f) Notice upon default. In addition to the disclosures required by 
    paragraph (c) of this section, any loan or other credit arrangement 
    providing for a chattel mortgage or secured interest in any proposed 
    cellular system must include a provision for a minimum of ten (10) days 
    prior written notification to the licensee, and to the FCC, before any 
    such equipment may be repossessed under default provision of the 
        (g) Competing applications in cellular renewal proceedings. Initial 
    cellular applications that are competing against a cellular renewal 
    application are subject to the rules in this paragraph instead of the 
    rules in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section.
        (1) Any applicant filing a competing application against a cellular 
    renewal application must demonstrate, at the time it files its 
    application, that it has either:
        (i) A firm financial commitment, an irrevocable letter of credit or 
    performance bond in the amount of its realistic and prudent estimated 
    costs of construction and any other expenses to be incurred during the 
    first year of operating its proposed system (the irrevocable letter of 
    credit or performance bond must be from the type of financial 
    institution described in paragraph (g)(3) of this section); or,
        (ii) Available resources, as defined in paragraph (g)(4) of this 
    section, necessary to construct and operate its proposed cellular 
    system for one year.
        (2) The firm financial commitment may be contingent on the 
    applicant obtaining an authorization. The applicant must also list all 
    of its realistic and prudent estimated costs of construction and any 
    other expenses to be incurred during the first year of operating its 
    proposed system.
        (3) The firm financial commitment required above shall be obtained 
    from a state or federally chartered bank or savings and loan 
    association, another recognized financial institution, or the financial 
    arm of a capital equipment supplier; shall specify the terms of the 
    loan or other form of credit arrangement, including the amount to be 
    borrowed, the interest to be paid, the amount of the commitment fee and 
    the fact that it has been paid, the terms of repayment and any 
    collateral required; and shall contain a statement:
        (i) That the lender has examined the financial conditions of the 
    applicant, including audited financial statements where applicable, and 
    has determined that the applicant is creditworthy;
        (ii) That the lender has examined the financial viability of the 
    proposal for which the applicant intends to use the commitment;
        (iii) That the lender is committed to providing a sum certain to 
    the particular applicant;
        (iv) That the lender's willingness to enter into the commitment is 
    based solely on its relationship with the applicant; and,
        (v) That the commitment is not in any way guaranteed by an entity 
    other than the applicant.
        (4) Applicants intended to rely on personal or internal resources 
    must submit:
        (i) Audited financial statements certified within one year of the 
    date of the cellular application, indicating the availability of 
    sufficient net current assets to construct and operate the proposed 
    cellular system for one year;
        (ii) A balance sheet current within 60 days of the date of filing 
    its application that clearly shows the continued availability of 
    sufficient net current assets to construct and operate the proposed 
    cellular system for one year; and,
        (iii) A certification by the applicant or an officer of the 
    applicant organization attesting to the validity of the unaudited 
    balance sheet.
        (5) Applicant intending to rely upon financing obtained through a 
    parent corporation must submit the information required by paragraph 
    (g)(4) of this section, as the information pertains to the parent 
        (6) As an alternative to relying upon a firm financial commitment, 
    an irrevocable letter of credit, or a performance bond from a financial 
    institution as described in paragraph (g)(3) of this section, an 
    applicant may state that it has placed in an escrow account sufficient 
    cash to meet its construction and first-year operating expenses. Such a 
    statement must specify the amount of cash, the escrow account number 
    and the financial institution where the escrow account is located.
        (7) Any competing application filed against the renewal application 
    of an incumbent cellular licensee that does not demonstrate, at the 
    time it is initially filed, that the competing applicant has sufficient 
    funds to construct and operate for one year its proposed cellular 
    system will be dismissed.
        (h) Exemptions. Any licensee applying for an unserved area adjacent 
    to its existing cellular system, to integrate such area into the 
    existing system, is exempt from the financial demonstration 
    requirements of this section. In addition, modification applications 
    and pro forma assignment and transfer of control applications are 
    exempt from the financial demonstration requirements of this section.
    Sec. 22.939  Site availability requirements for applications competing 
    with cellular renewal applications.
        In addition to the other requirements set forth in this part for 
    initial cellular applications, any application competing against a 
    cellular renewal application must contain, when initially filed, 
    appropriate documentation demonstrating that its proposed antenna 
    site(s) will be available. Competing applications that do not include 
    such documentation will be dismissed. If the competing applicant does 
    not own a particular site, it must, at a minimum demonstrate that the 
    site is available to it by providing a letter from the owner of the 
    proposed antenna site expressing the owner's intent to sell or lease 
    the proposed site to the applicant. If any proposed antenna site is 
    under U.S. Government control, the applicant must submit written 
    confirmation of the site's availability from the appropriate Government 
    agency. Applicants which file competing applications against incumbent 
    cellular licensees may not rely on the assumption that an incumbent 
    licensee's antenna sites are available for their use.
    Sec. 22.940  Criteria for comparative cellular renewal proceedings.
        This section sets forth criteria to be used in comparative cellular 
    renewal proceedings. The ultimate issue in comparative renewal 
    proceedings will be to determine, in light of the evidence adduced in 
    the proceeding, what disposition of the applications would best serve 
    the public interest, convenience and necessity.
        (a) Renewal expectancies. The most important comparative factor to 
    be considered in a comparative cellular renewal proceeding is a major 
    preference, commonly referred to as a ``renewal expectancy.''
        (1) The cellular renewal applicant involved in a comparative 
    renewal proceeding will receive a renewal expectancy, if its past 
    record for the relevant license period demonstrates that:
        (i) The renewal applicant has provided ``substantial'' service 
    during its past license term. ``Substantial'' service is defined as 
    service which is sound, favorable, and substantially above a level of 
    mediocre service which just might minimally warrant renewal; and
        (ii) The renewal applicant has substantially compiled with 
    applicable FCC rules, policies and the Communications Act of 1934, as 
        (2) In order to establish its right to a renewal expectancy, a 
    cellular renewal applicant involved in a comparative renewal proceeding 
    must submit a showing explaining why it should receive a renewal 
    expectancy. At a minimum, this showing must include.
        (i) A description of its current service in terms of geographic 
    coverage and population served, as well as the system's ability to 
    accommodate the needs of roamers;
        (ii) An explanation of its record of expansion, including a 
    timetable of the construction of new cell sites to meet changes in 
    demand for cellular service;
        (iii) A description of its investments in its cellular system; and
        (iv) Copies of all FCC orders finding the licensee to have violated 
    the Communications Act or any FCC rule or policy; and a list of any 
    pending proceedings that relate to any matter described in this 
        (3) In making its showing of entitlement to a renewal expectancy, a 
    renewal applicant may claim credit for any system modification 
    applications that were pending on the date it filed its renewal 
    application. Such credit will not be allowed if the modification 
    application is dismissed or denied.
        (b) Additional comparative issues. The following additional 
    comparative issues will be included in comparative cellular renewal 
    proceedings, if a full comparative hearing is conducted pursuant to 
    Sec. 22.935(c).
        (1) To determine on a comparative basis the geographic areas and 
    population that each applicant proposes to serve; to determine and 
    compare the relative demand for the services proposed in said areas; 
    and to determine and compare the ability of each applicant's cellular 
    system to accommodate the anticipated demand for both local and roamer 
        (2) To determine on a comparative basis each applicant's proposal 
    for expanding its system capacity in a coordinated manner in order to 
    meet anticipated increasing demand for both local and roamer service;
        (3) To determine on a comparative basis the nature and extent of 
    the service proposed by each applicant, including each applicant's 
    proposed rates, charges, maintenance, personnel, practices, 
    classifications, regulations and facilities (including switching 
    capabilities); and
        (4) To determine on a comparative basis each applicant's past 
    performance in the cellular industry or another business of comparable 
    type and size.
        (c) Additional showings for competing applications. With respect to 
    evidence introduced pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this section, any 
    applicant filing a competing application against a cellular renewal 
    application (competing applicant) who claims a preference for offering 
    any service not currently offered by the incumbent licensee must 
    demonstrate that there is demand for that new service and also present 
    a business plan showing that the competing applicant can operate the 
    system economically. Any competing applicant who proposes to replace 
    analog technology with digital technology will receive no credit for 
    its proposal unless it submits a business plan showing how it will 
    operate its system economically and how it will provide more 
    comprehensive service than does the incumbent licensee with existing 
    and implemented cellular technology.
    Sec. 22.941  System identification numbers.
        System identification numbers (SIDs) are 15 bit binary numbers 
    assigned to cellular systems. SIDs are transmitted by the cellular 
    systems so that cellular mobile stations can determine whether the 
    system through which they are communicating is a system to which they 
    subscribe, or whether they are considered by the system to be roamers.
        (a) The FCC assigns one SID to each cellular system on its initial 
    authorization. Cellular systems may transmit only their assigned SID(s) 
    and/or the SIDs assigned to other cellular systems. A cellular system 
    may transmit the SID assigned to another cellular system only if the 
    licensee of that system concurs with such use of its assigned SID.
        (b) Licensees must notify the FCC (FCC Form 489) if their cellular 
    systems transmit SIDs assigned to other cellular systems. The 
    notification must indicate the concurrence of the licensee(s) of such 
    other systems with this use of their assigned SID(s). The notification 
    must be mailed or delivered to the filing place (see Sec. 22.106) no 
    later than 15 days after the system begins transmitting the SID(s).
        (c) Licensees may request that an additional (previously 
    unassigned) SID be assigned to their system by filing an application 
    for minor modification of station (FCC Form 401).
    Sec. 22.942  Limitations on interests in licensees for both channel 
    blocks in an area.
        No person may have a direct or indirect ownership interest in 
    licensees for both channel blocks in overlapping cellular geographic 
    service areas (CGSAs), unless such interests pose no substantial threat 
    to competition. A licensee, a person that owns a controlling interest 
    in a licensee, or a person that actually controls a licensee for one 
    channel block in a CGSA must not have any direct or indirect ownership 
    interest in the licensee, a person that owns a controlling interest in 
    a licensee, or a person that actually controls a licensee for the other 
    channel block in an overlapping CGSA.
        (a) A direct or indirect ownership interest of 5% or less in both 
    systems is automatically excluded from the general rule prohibiting 
    multiple ownership interests. Interests of less than 5% are considered 
    and are not excluded from the general rule prohibiting multiple 
    ownership interests in cases of persons or entities that own a small 
    percentage of the licensee but nonetheless actually control the 
    licensee, a person that owns a controlling interest in the licensee, or 
    a person that actually controls the licensee.
        (b) Divestiture of interests as a result of a transfer of control 
    or assignment of authorization must occur prior to consummating the 
    transfer or assignment.
    Sec. 22.943  Limitations on assignments and transfers of cellular 
        The following limitations apply to applications for consent to 
    transfer of control or assignment of authorizations in the Cellular 
    Radiotelephone Service.
        (a) Trafficking. Applications for consent to transfer of control or 
    assignment of authorization in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service are 
    subject to the provisions of Sec. 22.139, except for:
        (1) Applications reflecting the trading of an ownership interest in 
    an authorized but unconstructed cellular system in one market for a 
    commensurate interest in a cellular system in another market; and,
        (2) Applications for consent to transfer of control or assignment 
    of a cellular authorization obtained by random selection, after 
    commencement of service.
        (b) Unserved area systems. Except as otherwise provided in 
    paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the FCC does not accept applications 
    for consent to transfer of control or assignment of the authorization 
    of a cellular system licensed to serve an unserved area until the 
    system has provided service to subscribers for at least one year.
        (1) Licensees must not enter into any agreement (e.g. option 
    agreement or management contract) to transfer control of the licensee 
    of the system until the system has provided service to subscribers for 
    one year.
        (2) The FCC may accept that grant applications for consent to 
    transfer of control or for assignment of authorization if the transfer 
    or assignment is pro forma and does not involve a change in ownership.
        (c) Systems authorized as result of comparative renewal proceeding. 
    Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (c)(1), (c)(2) and (c)(3) of 
    this section, the FCC does not accept applications for consent to 
    transfer of control or for assignment of the authorization of a 
    cellular system that has been acquired by the current licensee for the 
    first time as a result of a comparative renewal proceeding until the 
    system has provided service to subscribers for at least three years.
        (1) The FCC may accept and grant applications for consent to 
    transfer of control or for assignment of the authorization of a 
    cellular system that is to be transferred as a part of a bona fide sale 
    of an on-going business to which the cellular operation is incidental.
        (2) The FCC may accept and grant applications for consent to 
    transfer of control or for assignment of the authorization of a 
    cellular system that is to be transferred as a result of the death of 
    the licensee.
        (3) The FCC may accept and grant applications for consent to 
    transfer of control or for assignment of authorization if the transfer 
    or assignment is pro forma and does not involve a change in ownership.
    Sec. 22.944  Transfers of interests in applications.
        This section governs transfers of interest in applicants having a 
    pending application for a new cellular system. For the purposes of this 
    section, ``interest in an application'' means interest in the 
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    transfer of any interest in any application for initial authorization 
    to operate a cellular system is prohibited. For the purposes of this 
    section, transfer of interest means the sale, assignment, placement of 
    equity or convertible debt, grant of an option or future share or 
    participation in the applicant or any interest thereof.
        (b) The following types of transfers of interest in cellular 
    applications are permitted:
        (1) Transfers that are necessary to raise capital, including the 
    placement of debt or equity, to finance a bona fide business need of 
    the applicant or an affiliated company, not related to the cellular 
    application or financing of the cellular system proposed therein;
        (2) Transfers that are part of a bona fide sale of an ongoing 
    business to which the cellular applications are merely adjunct or 
        (3) Transfers required by a court-ordered decree granting a divorce 
    or enforcing a spousal separation agreement;
        (4) Transfers necessitated by the death of the applicant;
        (5) Transfers involving the routine trading of shares in a publicly 
    traded corporation that do not constitute a transfer of control of the 
        (6) Transfers resulting from pro forma transfers of control of the 
    applicant, not involving changes in ownership;
        (7) Transfers involving only the transfer of interest by one 
    existing partner in a partnership applicant to another existing partner 
    in that same partnership, or between existing shareholders in a 
    closely-held corporation, which does not effect a transfer of control 
    of the applicant;
        (8) Transfers resulting from the alienation or exercise of stock 
    warrants or stock options that existed prior to the filing of the 
    Sec. 22.945  Interests in multiple applications.
        This section governs interests in applicants with mutually 
    exclusive applications for a new cellular system. For the purposes of 
    this section, ``interest in an application'' means interest in the 
        (a) General. Except as otherwise provided in this section, parties 
    must not have any interest, direct or indirect, in more than one 
    application for authority to operate a new cellular system in the same 
    cellular market.
        (b) Abutting CGSAs. Licensees of existing systems whose cellular 
    geographic service area (CGSA) abuts a proposed CGSA may each file one 
    application that is mutually exclusive with the applications of other 
    such licensees, even though they share common owners, provided that 
    such licensees do not thereby acquire a simultaneous interest in 
    applications for both channel blocks in any geographical area.
        (c) Publicly traded corporate applicants. Parties must not have any 
    interest, direct or indirect, in more than one mutually exclusive 
    initial application for which the applicant is a publicly traded 
    corporation, except that ownership interests of less than 5% are not 
    considered. Ownership and other interests in applicants are attributed 
    to their holder and deemed cognizable as set forth below.
        (1) Passive investors. Investment companies, as defined in 15 
    U.S.C. 80a-3, insurance companies and banks holding stock through their 
    trust departments in trust accounts are deemed to have a cognizable 
    interest in a publicly traded cellular applicant only if they hold 10% 
    or more of the stock of the applicant. This provision applies only if 
    an applicant in which such parties hold an interest certifies in its 
    application that no such party has exerted or attempted to exert any 
    influence or control over the officers of the applicant.
        (2) Multiplier. Attribution of ownership interests in a publicly 
    traded cellular applicant that are held indirectly by any party through 
    one or more intervening corporations will be determined by successive 
    multiplication of the ownership percentages for each link in the 
    vertical ownership chain and application of the relevant attribution 
    benchmark to the resulting product, except that wherever the ownership 
    percentage for any link in the chain exceeds 50 percent, it is not 
    included in the multiplication.
    Sec. 22.946  Service commencement and construction periods for cellular 
        This section specifies the service commencement and construction 
    periods and related requirements for cellular systems.
        (a) Commencement of service. New cellular systems must be at least 
    partially constructed and begin providing cellular service to 
    subscribers within the service commencement periods specified in Table 
    H-1 of this section. Service commencement periods begin on the date of 
    grant of the initial authorization, and are not extended by the grant 
    of subsequent authorizations for the cellular system (such as for major 
                       Table H-1.--Commencement of Service                  
                                                               Required to  
                    Type of cellular system                 commence service
    The first system authorized on each channel block in    36 months.      
     markets 1-90.                                                          
    The first system authorized on each channel block in    18 months.      
     all other markets and any subsequent systems                           
     authorized pursuant to contracts in partitioned                        
    All other systems.....................................  12 months.      
        (1) To satisfy the requirement of paragraph (a) of this section, a 
    cellular system must be interconnected with the public switched 
    telephone network (PSTN) and must be providing service to mobile 
    stations operated by its subscribers and roamers. A cellular system is 
    not considered to be providing service to subscribers if mobile 
    stations can not make telephone calls to landline telephones and 
    receive telephone calls from landline telephones through the PSTN, or 
    if the system intentionally serves only roamer stations.
        (2) The licensee must notify the FCC (FCC Form 489) no later than 
    15 days after the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are 
        (b) Construction period for specific facilities. The construction 
    period applicable to specific new or modified cellular facilities for 
    which an authorization has been granted is one year from the date the 
    authorization is granted. Failure to comply with this requirement 
    results in termination of the authorization for the specific new or 
    modified facility, pursuant to Sec. 22.144(b).
    Sec. 22.947  Five year build-out period.
        The licensee of the first cellular system authorized on each 
    channel block in each cellular market is afforded a five year period, 
    beginning on the date the initial authorization for the system is 
    granted, during which it may expand the system within that market.
        (a) Exclusive right to expand within market. Except as provided in 
    paragraph (b) of this section, the FCC does not accept applications for 
    authority to operate a new cellular system in any unserved area in a 
    market on a channel block during the five year build-out period.
        (b) Partitioned markets. During the five year build-out period, the 
    licensee of the first cellular system on each channel block in each 
    market may enter into contracts with eligible parties, allowing such 
    parties to apply (FCC Form 401) for a new cellular system on that 
    channel block within the market. The FCC may grant such applications if 
    they are in compliance with the rules in this part. Markets with two or 
    more authorized cellular systems on the same channel block during the 
    five year build-out period are referred to (with respect to the 
    affected channel block) as ``partitioned markets''.
        (1) Partitioning contracts must define the CGSA of the subsequent 
    cellular system in accordance with Sec. 22.911, including any expansion 
    rights ceded. If not exercised, any such expansion rights terminate at 
    the end of the five year build-out period.
        (2) The five year build-out period begins on the date the initial 
    authorization for the first cellular system is granted, and is not 
    extended or affected in any way by the initial authorization of any 
    subsequent cellular systems pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section.
        (c) System information update. Sixty days before the end of the 
    five year build-out period, the licensee of each cellular system 
    authorized on each channel block in each cellular market must file, in 
    triplicate, a system information update (SIU), comprising a full size 
    map, a reduced map, and an exhibit showing technical data relevant to 
    determination of the system's CGSA. Separate maps must be submitted for 
    each market into which the CGSA extends, showing the extension area in 
    the adjacent market. Maps showing extension areas must be labeled (i.e. 
    marked with the market number and channel block) for the market into 
    which the CGSA extends. SIUs must accurately depict the relevant cell 
    locations and coverage of the system at the end of the five year build-
    out period. SIUs must be filed at the Mobile Services Division, Common 
    Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 
    20554. If any changes to the system occur after the filing of the SIU, 
    but before the end of the five year build-out period, the licensee must 
    file, in triplicate, additional maps and/or data as necessary to insure 
    that the cell locations and coverage of the system as of the end of the 
    five year build-out period are accurately depicted.
        (1) The scale of the full-size map must be 1:500,000, regardless of 
    whether any different scale is used for the reduced map. The map must 
    have a legend, a distance scale and correctly labeled latitude and 
    longitude lines. The map must be clear and legible. The map must 
    accurately show the cell sites (transmitting antenna locations) which 
    determine the CGSA, the entire CGSA, any extension of the composite 
    service are boundary beyond the CGSA (see Sec. 22.911) and the relevant 
    portions of the cellular market boundary. The date on which the map 
    depictions are accurate must appear on the map.
        (2) The reduced map must be a proportional reduction, to 8\1/
    2\ x 11 inches, of the full-size map required in paragraph (c)(1) of 
    this section, unless it proves to be impractical to depict the entire 
    market by reducing the full-size map. In such instance, an 8\1/2\ x 11 
    inch map of a different scale may be substituted, provided that the 
    required features of the full-size map are clearly depicted and 
    Sec. 22.949  Unserved area licensing process.
        This section sets forth the process for licensing unserved areas in 
    cellular markets on channel blocks for which the five year build-out 
    period has expired. This process has two phases: Phase I and Phase II.
        (a) Phase I. Phase I is a one-time process that provides an 
    opportunity for eligible parties to file competing applications for 
    authority to operate a new cellular system in or to expand an existing 
    cellular system into unserved areas (Phase I initial applications) as 
    soon as these areas become available. In addition, each licensee whose 
    Phase I initial application is granted is afforded one opportunity 
    during the Phase I process to file an application proposing major 
    modifications to the cellular system authorized by that grant (a Phase 
    I major modification application), without being subject to competing 
        (1) Phase I initial applications must be filed on the 31st day 
    after the expiration of the five year build-out period of the 
    authorized system(s) on the channel block requested in the market 
    containing the unserved area.
        (i) Each Phase I application must request authorization for one and 
    only one cellular geographic service area (CGSA) in one and only one 
    cellular market.
        (ii) Applicants must not file more than one Phase I initial 
    application for any cellular market.
        (iii) Phase I initial applications must not propose any de minimis 
    or contract service area boundary (SAB) extensions.
        (2) Only one Phase I initial application is granted on each channel 
    block in each market. Consequently, whenever two or more acceptable 
    Phase I initial applications are timely-filed in the same market on the 
    same channel block, such Phase I initial applications are mutually 
    exclusive, regardless of any other considerations such as the technical 
    proposals. In order to determine which of such mutually exclusive Phase 
    I initial applications to grant, the Commission administers random 
    selection procedures in accordance with part 1 of this chapter. After 
    such procedures, the application of the tentative selectee may be 
    granted and the applications excluded by that grant may be dismissed 
    without prejudice.
        (3) Phase I major modification applications (applications filed 
    during Phase I that propose major modifications to cellular systems 
    authorized by the grant of Phase I initial applications) must be filed 
    no later than 90 days after the grant of the Phase I initial 
    application. Each Phase I licensee may file only one Phase I major 
    modification application. The FCC will not accept any competing 
    applications in response to a Phase I major modification application. 
    Phase I licensees may not sell to a third party any rights to apply for 
    unserved area.
        (i) Phase I major modification applications may propose de minimis 
    or contract SAB extensions; provided that a contract SAB extension into 
    an adjacent market may be proposed only if, at the time the Phase I 
    major modification application is filed, the licensee in the adjacent 
    market (on the requested channel block) has the right to enter into 
    such a contract (see Sec. 22.912(c)).
        (ii) Phase I major modification application may propose a CGSA that 
    is not contiguous with the authorized or proposed CGSA, provided that 
    the non-contiguous CGSA meets the minimum coverage requirement of 
    Sec. 22.951.
        (4) Phase I licensees may also file applications for or 
    notifications of minor modifications to its system. However, such minor 
    modifications may not reduce the size of the CGSA below the minimum 
    coverage requirement of Sec. 22.951.
        (b) Phase II. Phase II is an open-ended filing process that allows 
    eligible parties to apply for any unserved areas that may remain in a 
    market after the Phase I process is complete.
        (1) If a Phase I initial application is granted for a market and 
    channel block, Phase II applications (applications for authority to 
    operate a cellular system in any remaining unserved area) for that 
    market and channel block may be filed on or after the 121st day after 
    the Phase I application was granted. If no Phase I initial applications 
    are granted for a market and channel block, Phase II applications for 
    that market and channel block may be filed on or after the 31st day 
    after the FCC dismissed the last pending Phase I application. If no 
    Phase I initial applications are received for a market and channel 
    block, Phase II applications for that market and channel block may be 
    filed on or after the 32nd day after the expiration of the relevant 
    five-year build-out period.
        (2) There is no limit the number of Phase II applications that may 
    be granted on each channel block in each market. Consequently, Phase II 
    applications are mutually exclusive only if the proposed CGSAs would 
    overlap. Furthermore, only mutually exclusive Phase II applications 
    with the same filing date are entitled to inclusion in a random 
    selection process. Where all mutually exclusive Phase II applications 
    have different filing dates, the FCC may grant the earliest-filed 
    application and dismiss all applications excluded by that grant. For 
    the purposes of this section, the filing date of an application is the 
    date on which that application was received or the date on which the 
    most recently filed major amendment to that application was received.
        (3) Phase II applications may propose a CGSA covering more than one 
    cellular market. Each Phase II application must request authorization 
    for one and only one CGSA. Phase II applications may propose de minimis 
    and contract SAB extensions.
        (c) Settlements. Settlements among some, but not all, applicants 
    with mutually exclusive applications for unserved areas (partial 
    settlements) are prohibited. Settlements among all applicants with 
    mutually exclusive applications (full settlements) are allowed and must 
    be filed no later than 15 business days before the random selection 
    process is scheduled to take place.
        (d) Limitations on amendments. Notwithstanding the provisions of 
    Sec. 22.122, Phase I applications are subject to the following 
    additional limitations in regard to the filing of amendments.
        (1) The FCC will not accept amendments (of any type) to mutually 
    exclusive Phase I applications prior to the conclusion of the random 
    selection process.
        (2) The FCC will not accept major amendments to Phase I 
        (3) Minor amendments required by Sec. 1.65 of this chapter must be 
    filed no later than 30 days after public notice announcing the results 
    of the random selection process.
    Sec. 22.951  Minimum coverage requirement.
        Applications for authority to operate a new cellular system in an 
    unserved area, other than those filed by the licensee of an existing 
    system that abuts the unserved area, must propose a contiguous cellular 
    geographical service area (CGSA) of at least 130 square kilometers (50 
    square miles). Area within contract SAB extensions counts toward the 
    minimum coverage requirement. However, area within de minimis SAB 
    extensions does not count toward the minimum coverage requirement. 
    Applications for authority to operate a new cellular system in an 
    unserved area, other than those filed by the licensee of an existing 
    system that abuts the unserved area, must not propose coverage of water 
    areas only (or water areas and uninhabited islands or reefs only), 
    except for unserved areas in the Gulf of Mexico MSA.
    Sec. 22.953  Content and form of applications.
        Applications for authority to operate a cellular system in an 
    unserved area must comply with the specifications in this section.
        (a) New systems. Forms, pages and exhibits must be prepared exactly 
    as described and assembled in the order listed in this section.
        (1) Application cover. The paper original of each application must 
    be enclosed in a stiff cover fastened securely along the left edge, 
    without exposed sharp edges.
        (2) Transmittal sheet. The first page after the front cover of the 
    application must be the transmittal sheet.
        (i) Copies of the required transmittal sheet may be obtained by 
    contacting the Consumer Assistance Office, Federal Communications 
    Commission, 1919 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20554.
        (ii) On the transmittal sheet, the following information is 
    required: the name of the applicant, the channel block, and the market 
    number or numbers and the market name or names in which the proposed 
    CGSA is located. This information on the transmittal sheet must match 
    exactly the information on the jacket of the microfiche and the cover 
    of the application.
        (iii) The transmittal sheet also contains a certification. 
    Applicants must certify to the following:
        I hereby certify that this application for an authorization in 
    the Cellular Radiotelephone Service is complete in every respect and 
    contains all of the information required by FCC Form 401 and the 
    Federal Communications Commission's rules governing this service. I 
    acknowledge that, if upon examination by the FCC, this certification 
    is found to be incorrect, the FCC will dismiss this application 
    without further consideration.
        I certify that I am the real party-in-interest in this 
    application and there are no agreements or understandings other than 
    those, if any, disclosed in this application, which provide that 
    someone other than the applicant has a direct or indirect interest 
    in the application. I also certify that the applicant intends to 
    construct and operate the station as proposed and that there are no 
    agreements or understandings that are inconsistent with that intent.
        I declare, under penalty of perjury, that I am the authorized 
    representative of the above-named applicant in the matter of this 
    application, that I have read the foregoing certification, and that 
    the matter and things therein stated are true and correct.
        (iv) The certification must be signed and dated in accordance with 
    the requirements of Sec. 1.743 of this chapter. The certification must 
    be signed in ink. Mechanical reproductions of the signature must not be 
    used. The name of and position held by the person signing must be typed 
    or clearly and legibly printed beneath the signature.
        (3) Table of contents. The table of contents must list all of the 
    exhibits to the application.
        (4) FCC Form 401. All information required for cellular 
    applications on FCC Form 401 must be supplied.
        (5) Exhibits. The following exhibits must be set off by tabs and 
    numbered as follows:
        (i) Exhibit I--full-size map. The scale of the full-size map must 
    be 1:500,000, regardless of whether any different scale is used for the 
    reduced map required in Exhibit II. The map must have a legend, a 
    distance scale and correctly labeled latitude and longitude lines. The 
    map must be clear and legible. The map must accurately show the cell 
    sites (transmitting antenna locations), the entire CGSA, any extension 
    of the composite service area boundary beyond the CGSA (see 
    Sec. 22.911) and the relevant portions of the cellular market boundary.
        (ii) Exhibit II--reduced map. This map must be a proportional 
    reduction, to 8\1/2\  x  11 inches, of the full-size map required for 
    Exhibit I, unless it proves to be impractical to depict the entire 
    cellular market by reducing the full-size map. In such instance, an 
    8\1/2\  x  11 inch map of a different scale may be substituted, 
    provided that the required features of the full-size map are clearly 
    depicted and labeled.
        (iii) Exhibit III--engineering. This exhibit must contain the data 
    and methodology used to calculate the CGSA and service area boundary.
        (iv) Exhibit IV--channel plan. This exhibit must show which 
    specific channels (or groups) are to be used at each cell site. Any 
    necessary table for converting channel numbers to center frequencies 
    must be provided.
        (v) Exhibit V--ownership information. This exhibit must contain the 
    information required by Sec. 22.108. Additionally, individual 
    applicants must disclose, in this exhibit, all interests (including 
    those less than 5%) in publicly traded corporation(s) that have 
    applications which are mutually exclusive with the individual's 
        (vi) Exhibit VI--service proposal. This exhibit must describe the 
    services proposed for subscribers and roamers, including the proposed 
    method for handling complaints.
        (vii) Exhibit VII--cellular design. This exhibit must show that the 
    proposed system design complies with cellular system design concepts, 
    and must describe the method proposed to expand the system in a 
    coordinated fashion as necessary to address changing demand for 
    cellular service.
        (viii) Exhibit VIII--blocking level. This exhibit must disclose the 
    blocking probability or other criteria to be used to determine whether 
    it is necessary to take measures to increase system capacity to 
    maintain service quality.
        (ix) Exhibit IX--start-up expenses. This exhibit must disclose in 
    detail the projected cost of construction and other initial expenses of 
    the proposed system, and how the applicant intends to meet these 
    expenses and the costs of operation for the first year.
        (x) Exhibit X--interconnection arrangements. This exhibit is 
    required for applicants that provide public landline message telephone 
    service in any portion of the proposed CGSA. This exhibit must describe 
    exactly how the proposed system would interconnect with the landline 
    network. The description must be of sufficient detail to enable a 
    competitor to connect with the landline system in exactly the same 
    manner, if the competitor so chooses.
        (b) Existing systems. Applications for changes to existing systems 
    need only contain the form required by paragraph (a)(4) of this section 
    and the exhibits required by paragraphs (a)(5)(i) through (iii) of this 
    Sec. 22.955  Canadian condition.
        Pursuant to an agreement between the FCC and the Department of 
    Communications in Canada, authorizations for cellular systems within 72 
    kilometers (45 miles) of the U.S.-Canadian border must have the 
    following condition attached:
        This authorization is subject to the condition that, in the 
    event that cellular systems using the same channel block as granted 
    herein are authorized in adjacent territory in Canada, coordination 
    of any of your transmitter installations which are within 72 
    kilometers (45 miles) of the U.S.-Canadian border shall be required 
    to eliminate any harmful interference that might otherwise exist and 
    to insure continuance of equal access to the channel block by both 
    Sec. 22.957  Mexican condition.
        Pursuant to an agreement between the United States and Mexico, FCC 
    authorizations for cellular systems within 72 kilometers (45 miles) of 
    the United States-Mexican border must have the following condition 
        This authorization is subject to the condition that, in the 
    event cellular systems using the same frequencies granted herein are 
    authorized in adjacent territory in Mexico, coordination of your 
    transmitter installations which are within 72 kilometers (45 miles) 
    of the United States-Mexico border shall be required to eliminate 
    any harmful interference that might otherwise exist and to ensure 
    continuance of equal access to the frequencies by both countries. 
    The operator of this system shall not contract with customers in 
    Mexico, and further, users of the system must be advised that 
    operation of a mobile unit in Mexico is not permitted at this time 
    without the express permission of the Mexican government. The above 
    conditions are subject to modification pending further notice from 
    the FCC.
    Sec. 22.959  Rules governing processing of applications for initial 
        Pending applications for authority to operate the first cellular 
    system on a channel block in an MSA or RSA market continue to be 
    processed under the rules governing the processing of such applications 
    that were in effect when those applications were filed, unless the 
    Commission determines otherwise in a particular case.
    Subpart I--Offshore Radiotelephone Service
    Sec. 22.1001  Scope.
        The rules in this subpart govern the licensing and operation of 
    offshore radiotelephone stations. The licensing and operation of these 
    stations and systems is also subject to rules elsewhere in this part 
    that apply generally to the public mobile services. However, in case of 
    conflict, the rules in this subpart govern.
    Sec. 22.1003  Eligibility.
        Offshore central station licenses may be licensed to communications 
    common carriers. Offshore subscriber stations may be licensed to common 
    carriers or users of the service.
    Sec. 22.1005  Priority of service.
        Facilities in the Offshore Radiotelephone Service are intended 
    primarily for rendition of public message service between offshore 
    subscriber and central stations. However, they may also be used to 
    render private leased line communication service, provided that such 
    usage does not reduce or impair the extent or quality of communication 
    service which would be available, in the absence of private leased line 
    service, to the general public receiving or subsequently requesting 
    public message service from an offshore central station.
    Sec. 22.1007  Channels for offshore radiotelephone systems.
        The channels listed in this section are allocated for paired 
    assignment to transmitters located in the specified geographical zones 
    that provide offshore radiotelephone service. All channels have a 
    bandwidth of 20 kHz and are designated by their center frequencies in 
        (a) Zone A--Southern Louisiana. The geographical area in Zone A is 
    bounded as follows:
        From longitude W.87 deg.45' on the East to longitude 
    W.94 deg.00' on the West and from the 4.8 kilometer (3 mile) limit 
    along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline on the North to the limit of the 
    Outer Continental Shelf on the South.
        (1) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for voice-grade general 
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    488.025                             491.025                             
    488.050                             491.050                             
    488.075                             491.075                             
    488.100                             491.100                             
    488.125                             491.125                             
    488.150                             491.150                             
    488.175                             491.175                             
    488.200                             491.200                             
    488.225                             491.225                             
    488.250                             491.250                             
    488.275                             491.275                             
    488.300                             491.300                             
    488.325                             491.325                             
    488.350                             491.350                             
    488.375                             491.375                             
    488.400                             491.400                             
        (2) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for voice-grade general 
    communications and private line service:
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    488.425                             491.425                             
    488.450                             491.450                             
    488.475                             491.475                             
    488.500                             491.500                             
    488.525                             491.525                             
    488.550                             491.550                             
    488.575                             491.575                             
    488.600                             491.600                             
    488.625                             491.625                             
    488.650                             491.650                             
    488.675                             491.675                             
    488.700                             491.700                             
        (3) These channels may be assigned for use by relay stations in 
    systems where it would be impractical to provide offshore 
    radiotelephone service without the use of relay stations.
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    488.725                             491.725                             
    488.750                             491.750                             
    488.775                             491.775                             
    488.800                             491.800                             
        (4) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for emergency communications 
    involving protection of life and property.
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    488.825                             491.825                             
    488.850                             491.850                             
    488.875                             491.875                             
    488.900                             491.900                             
        (5) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for emergency auto alarm and 
    voice transmission pertaining to emergency conditions only.
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    488.950                             491.950                             
        (6) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for emergency shut-off remote 
    control telemetry, environmental data acquisition and disseminations, 
    or facsimile transmissions.
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    489.000                             492.000                             
    489.025                             492.025                             
    489.050                             492.050                             
    489.075                             492.075                             
    489.100                             492.100                             
    489.125                             492.125                             
    489.150                             492.150                             
    489.175                             492.175                             
    489.200                             492.200                             
    489.225                             492.225                             
    489.250                             492.250                             
    489.275                             492.275                             
    489.300                             492.300                             
    489.325                             492.325                             
    489.350                             492.350                             
    489.375                             492.375                             
        (7) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for private line service:
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    489.400                             492.400                             
    489.425                             492.425                             
    489.450                             492.450                             
    489.475                             492.475                             
    489.500                             492.500                             
    489.525                             492.525                             
    489.550                             492.550                             
    489.575                             492.575                             
    489.600                             492.600                             
    489.625                             492.625                             
    489.650                             492.650                             
    489.675                             492.675                             
    489.700                             492.700                             
    489.725                             492.725                             
    489.750                             492.750                             
    489.775                             492.775                             
    489.800                             492.800                             
    489.825                             492.825                             
    489.850                             492.850                             
    489.875                             492.875                             
    489.900                             492.900                             
    489.925                             492.925                             
    489.950                             492.950                             
    489.975                             492.975                             
    490.000                             493.000                             
        (8) Interstitial channels. Interstitial channels are those with 
    center frequencies offset by 12.5 kHz from the listed 
    center frequencies. The FCC may assign interstitial channels to 
    offshore stations in Zone A subject to the following conditions:
        (i) Offshore stations transmitting on interstitial channels must be 
    located east of W.92 deg. longitude.
        (ii) Operations on interstitial channels are considered to be 
    secondary to operations on channels with the listed center frequencies.
        (iii) Offshore stations operating on interstitial channels must be 
    used only for voice grade general communications or to provide for 
    private line service.
        Note to paragraph (a) of Sec. 22.1007: These channels are 
    contained in UHF TV Channel 17.
        (b) Zone B--Southern Louisiana--Texas. (1) The geographical area in 
    Zone B is bounded as follows:
        From longitude W.87 deg.45' on the East to longitude 
    W.95 deg.00' on the West and from the 4.8 kilometer (3 mile) limit 
    along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline on the North to the limit of the 
    Outer Continental Shelf on the South.
        (2) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for voice-grade general 
    communications and private line service:
                  Central                            Subscriber             
    485.025                             482.025                             
    485.050                             482.050                             
    485.075                             482.075                             
    485.100                             482.100                             
    485.125                             482.125                             
    485.150                             482.150                             
    485.175                             482.175                             
    485.200                             482.200                             
    485.225                             482.225                             
    485.250                             482.250                             
    485.275                             482.275                             
    485.300                             482.300                             
    485.325                             482.325                             
    485.350                             482.350                             
    485.375                             482.375                             
    485.400                             482.400                             
    485.425                             482.425                             
    485.450                             482.450                             
    485.475                             482.475                             
    485.500                             482.500                             
    485.525                             482.525                             
    485.550                             482.550                             
    485.575                             482.575                             
    485.600                             482.600                             
    485.625                             482.625                             
    485.650                             482.650                             
    485.675                             482.675                             
    485.700                             482.700                             
    485.725                             482.725                             
    485.750                             482.750                             
    485.775                             482.775                             
    485.800                             482.800                             
    485.825                             482.825                             
    485.850                             482.850                             
    485.875                             482.875                             
    485.900                             482.900                             
    485.925                             482.925                             
    485.950                             482.950                             
    485.975                             482.975                             
    486.000                             483.000                             
    486.025                             483.025                             
    486.050                             483.050                             
    486.075                             483.075                             
    486.100                             483.100                             
    486.125                             483.125                             
    485.150                             483.150                             
    486.175                             483.175                             
    486.200                             483.200                             
    486.225                             483.225                             
    486.250                             483.250                             
    486.275                             483.275                             
    486.300                             483.300                             
    486.325                             483.325                             
    486.350                             483.350                             
    486.375                             483.375                             
    486.400                             483.400                             
    486.425                             483.425                             
    486.450                             483.450                             
    486.475                             483.475                             
    486.500                             483.500                             
    486.525                             483.525                             
    484.550                             483.550                             
    486.575                             483.575                             
    486.600                             483.600                             
    486.625                             483.625                             
    486.650                             483.650                             
    486.675                             483.675                             
    486.700                             483.700                             
    486.725                             483.725                             
    486.750                             483.750                             
    486.775                             483.775                             
    486.800                             483.800                             
    486.825                             483.825                             
    486.850                             483.850                             
    486.875                             483.875                             
    486.900                             483.900                             
    486.925                             483.925                             
    486.950                             483.950                             
    486.975                             483.975                             
    487.050                             480.050                             
        Note to paragraph (b) of Sec. 22.1007: These channels are 
    contained in UHF TV Channel 16.
        (c) Zone C--Southern Texas. The geographical area in Zone C is 
    bounded as follows:
        Longitude W.94 deg.00' on the East, the 4.8 kilometer (3 mile) 
    limit on the North and West, a 282 kilometer (175 mile) radius from 
    the reference point at Linares, N.L., Mexico on the Southwest, 
    latitude N.26 deg.00' on the South, and the limits of the outer 
    continental shelf on the Southeast.
        (1) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for emergency auto alarm and 
    voice transmission pertaining to emergency conditions only.
                              Central                             Subscriber
    476.950....................................................      479.950
        (2) These channels may be assigned for use by offshore central 
    (base/fixed) or subscriber stations (fixed, temporary fixed, surface 
    and/or airborne mobile) as indicated, for voice-grade general 
    communications and private line service:
    476.025                              479.025                            
    476.050                              479.050                            
    476.075                              479.075                            
    476.100                              479.100                            
    476.125                              479.125                            
    476.150                              479.150                            
    476.175                              479.175                            
    476.200                              479.200                            
    476.225                              479.225                            
    476.250                              479.250                            
    476.275                              479.275                            
    476.300                              479.300                            
    476.325                              479.325                            
    476.350                              479.350                            
    476.375                              479.375                            
    476.400                              479.400                            
    476.425                              479.425                            
    476.450                              479.450                            
    476.475                              479.475                            
    476.500                              479.500                            
    476.525                              479.525                            
    476.550                              479.550                            
    476.575                              479.575                            
    476.600                              479.600                            
    476.625                              479.625                            
    476.650                              479.650                            
    476.675                              479.675                            
    476.700                              479.700                            
    476.725                              479.725                            
    476.750                              479.750                            
    476.775                              479.775                            
    476.800                              479.800                            
    476.825                              479.825                            
    476.850                              479.850                            
    476.875                              479.875                            
    476.900                              479.900                            
    477.000                              480.000                            
    477.025                              480.025                            
    477.075                              480.075                            
    477.100                              480.100                            
    477.125                              480.125                            
    477.150                              480.150                            
    477.175                              480.175                            
    477.200                              480.200                            
    477.225                              480.225                            
    477.250                              480.250                            
    477.275                              480.275                            
    477.300                              480.300                            
    477.325                              480.325                            
    477.350                              480.350                            
    477.375                              480.375                            
    477.400                              480.400                            
    477.425                              480.425                            
    477.450                              480.450                            
    477.475                              480.475                            
    477.500                              480.500                            
    477.525                              480.525                            
    477.550                              480.550                            
    477.575                              480.575                            
    477.600                              480.600                            
    477.625                              480.625                            
    477.650                              480.650                            
    477.675                              480.675                            
    477.700                              480.700                            
    477.725                              480.725                            
    477.750                              480.750                            
    477.775                              480.775                            
    477.800                              480.800                            
    477.825                              480.825                            
    477.850                              480.850                            
    477.875                              480.875                            
    477.900                              480.900                            
    477.925                              480.925                            
    477.950                              480.950                            
    477.975                              480.975                            
    Sec. 22.1009   Transmitter locations.
        The rules in this section establish limitations on the locations 
    from which stations in the Offshore Radiotelephone Service may 
        (a) All stations. Offshore stations must not transmit from 
    locations outside the boundaries of the appropriate zones specified in 
    Sec. 22.1007. Offshore stations must not transmit from locations within 
    241 kilometers (150 miles) of any full-service television station that 
    transmits on the TV channel containing the channel on which the 
    offshore station transmits.
        (b) Airborne subscriber stations. Airborne subscriber stations must 
    not transmit from altitudes exceeding 305 meters (1000 feet) above mean 
    sea level. Airborne mobile stations in Zone A must not transmit from 
    locations within 129 kilometers (80 miles) of Lake Charles, Louisiana. 
    Airborne mobile stations in Zone B must not transmit from locations 
    within 129 kilometers (80 miles) of Lafayette, Louisiana. Airborne 
    mobile stations in Zone C must not transmit from locations within 129 
    kilometers (80 miles) of Corpus Christi or locations within 129 
    kilometers (80 miles) of Houston, Texas.
    Sec. 22.1011   Antenna height limitations.
        The antenna height of offshore stations must not exceed 61 meters 
    (200 feet) above mean sea level. The antenna height of offshore surface 
    mobile stations must not exceed 10 meters (30 feet) above the 
    Sec. 22.1013   Effective radiated power limitations.
        The effective radiated power (ERP) of transmitters in the Offshore 
    Radiotelephone Service must not exceed the limits in this section.
        (a) Maximum power. The ERP of transmitters in this service must not 
    exceed 1000 Watts under any circumstances.
        (b) Mobile transmitters. The ERP of mobile transmitters must not 
    exceed 100 Watts. The ERP of mobile transmitters, when located within 
    32 kilometers (20 miles) of the 4.8 kilometer (3 mile) limit, must not 
    exceed 25 Watts. The ERP of airborne mobile stations must not exceed 1 
        (c) Protection for TV Reception. The ERP limitations in this 
    paragraph are intended to reduce the likelihood that interference to 
    television reception from offshore radiotelephone operations will 
        (1) Co-channel protection. The ERP of offshore stations must not 
    exceed the limits in Table I-1 of this section. The limits depend upon 
    the height above mean sea level of the offshore transmitting antenna 
    and the distance between the antenna location of the offshore 
    transmitter and the antenna location of the main transmitter of the 
    nearest full-service television station that transmits on the TV 
    channel containing the channel on which the offshore station transmits.
        (2) Adjacent channel protection. The ERP of offshore stations 
    located within 128.8 kilometers (80 miles) of the main transmitter 
    antenna of a full service TV station that transmits on a TV channel 
    adjacent to the TV channel which contains the channel on which the 
    offshore station transmits must not exceed the limits in the Table I-2 
    of Sec. 22.1015. The limits depend upon the height above mean sea level 
    of the offshore transmitting antenna and the distance between the 
    location of the offshore transmitter and the 4.8 kilometer (3 mile) 
                         Table I-1.--Maximum ERP (Watts)                    
                                                      30       45       61  
                                                    meters   meters   meters
                       Distance                      (100     (150     (200 
                                                    feet)    feet)    feet) 
    338 km (210 mi)..............................     1000     1000     1000
    330 km (205 mi)..............................     1000      900      800
    322 km (200 mi)..............................      800      710      630
    314 km (195 mi)..............................      590      520      450
    306 km (190 mi)..............................      450      400      330
    298 km (185 mi)..............................      320      280      240
    290 km (180 mi)..............................      250      210      175
    282 km (175 mi)..............................      180      150      130
    274 km (170 mi)..............................      175      110      100
    266 km (165 mi)..............................       95       80       70
    258 km (160 mi)..............................       65       55       50
    249 km (155 mi)..............................       50       40       35
    241 km (150 mi)..............................       35       30       25
    Sec. 22.1015  Repeater operation.
        Offshore central stations may be used as repeater stations provided 
    that the licensee is able to maintain control of the station, and in 
    particular, to turn the transmitter off, regardless of whether 
    associated subscriber stations are transmitting at the time.
                         Table I-2.--Maximum ERP (Watts)                    
                                                               30       61  
                                                             meters   meters
             Distance from the 4.8 km (3 mi) limit            (100     (200 
                                                             feet)    feet) 
    6.4 km (4 mi).........................................       25        6
    8.0 km (5 mi).........................................       40       10
    9.7 km (6 mi).........................................       65       15
    11.3 km (7 mi)........................................      100       25
    12.9 km (8 mi)........................................      150       35
    14.5 km (9 mi)........................................      215       50
    16.1 km (10 mi).......................................      295       70
    17.7 km (11 mi).......................................      400      100
    19.3 km (12 mi).......................................      530      130
    20.9 km (13 mi).......................................      685      170
    22.5 km (14 mi).......................................      870      215
    24.1 km (15 mi).......................................     1000      270
    25.7 km (16 mi).......................................     1000      415
    27.4 km (17 mi).......................................     1000      505
    29.0 km (18 mi).......................................     1000      610
    30.6 km (19 mi).......................................     1000      730
    32.2 km (20 mi).......................................     1000      865
    33.8 km (21 mi).......................................     1000     1000
    Sec. 22.1025  Permissible communications.
        Offshore central stations must communicate only with subscriber 
    stations (fixed, temporary-fixed, mobile and airborne). Offshore 
    subscriber stations must normally communicate only with and through 
    offshore central stations. Stations in the Offshore Radiotelephone 
    Service may communicate through relay stations authorized in this 
    Sec. 22.1031  Temporary fixed stations.
        The FCC may, upon proper application therefor, authorize the 
    construction and operation of temporary fixed stations in the Offshore 
    Radiotelephone service to be used only when the service of permanent 
    fixed stations is disrupted by storms or emergencies or is otherwise 
        (a) Six month limitation. If it is necessary for a temporary fixed 
    station to remain at the same location for more than six months, the 
    licensee of that station must apply for authorization to operate the 
    station at the specific location at least 30 days before the end of the 
    six month period.
        (b) International communications. Communications between the United 
    States and Mexico must not be carried using a temporary fixed station 
    without prior authorization from the FCC. Licensees desiring to carry 
    such communications should apply sufficiently in advance to allow for 
    the time necessary to coordinate with Canada or Mexico.
    Sec. 22.1035  Construction period.
        The construction period (see Sec. 22.142) for offshore stations is 
    18 months.
    Sec. 22.1037  Application requirements for offshore stations.
        Applications for new Offshore Radiotelephone Service stations must 
    contain an exhibit showing that:
        (a) The applicant has notified all licensees of offshore stations 
    located within 321.8 kilometers (200 miles) of the proposed offshore 
    station, by providing the following data, at least 30 days before 
    filing the application:
        (1) The name, business address, channel coordinator, and telephone 
    number of the applicant;
        (2) The location and geographical coordinates of the proposed 
        (3) The channel and type of emission;
        (4) The height and type of antenna;
        (5) The bearing of the main lobe of the antenna; and,
        (6) The effective radiated power.
        (b) The proposed station will not interfere with the primary ORS 
    channels by compliance with the following separations:
        (1) Co-channel to a distance of 241.4 kilometers (150 miles).
        (2) If interstitial channels are used, adjacent channels 
    (12.5 kHz) to a distance of 80.5 kilometers (50 miles).
        (3) Third order intermodulation channels (12.5 kHz) to 
    a distance of 32.2 kilometers (20 miles).
        (4) If the proposed transmitting antenna site is located west of 
    longitude W.93 deg.40', and within 32.2 kilometers (20 miles) of the 
    shoreline, and proposed use of the channels listed in Sec. 22.1007(b), 
    no third-order intermodulation interference would be caused to any base 
    or mobile station using the channels between 488 and 494 MHz.
    [FR Doc. 94-27415 Filed 11-16-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6712-01-M

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
January 1, 1995, except for Sec. 22.105(g), which will become effective later. The agency will publish a document in the Federal Register, announcing in advance the effective date of that paragraph.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: November 17, 1994
CFR: (797)
47 CFR 22.933)
47 CFR 22.144)
47 CFR 22.142)
47 CFR 22.912)
47 CFR 22.911)
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