96-28090. Household Goods Tariffs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 214 (Monday, November 4, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 56656-56658]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-28090]
    Surface Transportation Board
    49 CFR Part 1310
    [STB Ex Parte No. 555]
    Household Goods Tariffs
    AGENCY: Surface Transportation Board.
    ACTION: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Board proposes to establish regulations governing the 
    tariffs that motor carriers and freight forwarders are required to 
    maintain, under 49 U.S.C. 13702, for the transportation of household 
    goods. The Board also proposes to establish notice requirements that 
    household goods carriers must comply with in order to be entitled to 
    enforce the provisions of their tariffs against individuals whose 
    shipments are subject to such tariffs.
    DATES: Comments are due on December 4, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments (an original and 10 copies) referring to STB 
    Ex Parte No. 555 to: Surface Transportation Board, Office of the 
    Secretary, Case Control Branch, 1201 Constitution Avenue, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20423-0001.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Beryl Gordon, (202) 927-5660. [TDD for 
    the hearing impaired: (202) 927-5721.]
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The ICC Termination Act of 1995, Pub. L. No. 
    104-88, 109 Stat. 803 (1995) (ICCTA), abolished the Interstate Commerce 
    Commission (ICC) and transferred to the Surface Transportation Board 
    (Board) various regulatory responsibilities, including certain 
    responsibilities regarding the rates charged by motor carriers and 
    freight forwarders for transportation of household goods. As pertinent 
    here, the ICCTA retained the requirement that these carriers maintain 
    tariffs containing their common carriage rates (and related rules and 
    practices) for household goods transportation (except when providing 
    such transportation for charitable purposes without charge). However, 
    the ICCTA eliminated the requirement that household goods tariffs be 
    filed with a regulatory body. Rather, the carriers are required to make 
    such tariffs available to the Board for inspection, and available for 
    inspection by shippers upon reasonable request. The Board may 
    invalidate a tariff that violates section 13702 of the statute or a 
    regulation of the Board carrying out that section.
        Because household goods tariffs are no longer required to be filed, 
    they are no longer governed by the tariff regulations at 49 CFR Part 
    1312 (see 49 CFR 1312.1(c)(i)). Accordingly, the Board is proposing a 
    new Part 1310 and regulations to govern the household goods tariffs 
    that motor carriers and freight forwarders are required to maintain. 
    Our proposed regulations are designed to ensure that the required 
    information is included in and easily determinable from the tariffs, 
    and that they are made available as required by the ICCTA. We do not 
    propose to prescribe the particular formats that must be employed; 
    rather, we propose to give carriers the flexibility to devise 
    publications that will best fulfill the needs of the carriers and their 
        Additionally, at the request of the Household Goods Carriers' 
    Bureau Committee (HGCBC), the proposed regulations address the notice 
    requirements that carriers must comply with in order to enforce tariff 
    terms incorporated by reference into their bills of lading or other 
    documents embodying the contract of carriage.1 HGCBC notes that 
    the ICCTA specifically allows household goods carriers to incorporate 
    tariff provisions into their bills of lading or other documents 
    embodying the contract of carriage, subject to a notice requirement. 
    HGCBC expresses concern that, without uniform rules specifying what is 
    required, the issue of what constitutes adequate notice of incorporated 
    tariff provisions would be litigated in various state and Federal 
    courts, with potentially differing results.
        \1\  HGCBC's petition requesting that we promulgate regulations 
    for this purpose was filed on September 20, 1996, and was initially 
    docketed as Ex Parte No. 554, but we will consider it in this 
    proceeding instead.
        We believe that there is merit to establishing uniform notice 
    requirements for the incorporation of tariff terms and conditions into 
    contracts of carriage for the transportation of household goods, and we 
    are proposing regulations for that purpose. Because most of the 
    movements subject to the proposed regulations will involve individual 
    consumers who typically deal with commercial carriers on a relatively 
    infrequent basis, the proposed rules are designed to highlight 
    important terms and conditions that are likely to be incorporated, and 
    to require that shippers be provided with a brief summary of the 
    principal features of such terms. In this way, the information should 
    be disclosed in a way that will be meaningful to individual consumers.
    Request for Comments
        We invite comments on all aspects of the proposed regulations. We 
    encourage any commenter that has the necessary
    [[Page 56657]]
    technical wherewithal to submit its comments as computer data on a 3.5-
    inch floppy diskette formatted for WordPerfect 5.1, or formatted so 
    that it can be readily converted into WordPerfect 5.1. Any such 
    diskette submission (one diskette will be sufficient) should be in 
    addition to the written submission (an original and 10 copies).
    Small Entities
        The Board preliminarily concludes that these rules, if adopted, 
    would not have a significant economic effect on a substantial number of 
    small entities. Nonetheless, the Board seeks comment on whether there 
    would be effects on small entities that should be considered. If 
    comments provide information that there would be significant effects on 
    small entities, the Board will prepare a regulatory flexibility 
    analysis at the final rule stage.
        This action will not significantly affect either the quality of the 
    human environment or the conservation of energy resources.
    List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 1310
        Household goods carriers, Tariffs.
        Decided: October 23, 1996.
        By the Board, Chairman Morgan, Vice Chairman Simmons and 
    Commissioner Owen.
    Vernon A. Williams,
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Board proposes to 
    add a new part 1310 to title 49, Chapter X, of the Code of Federal 
    Regulations to read as follows:
    1310.1  Scope; Definitions.
    1310.2  Requirement to maintain tariffs.
    1310.3  Contents of Tariffs.
    1310.4  Incorporation of tariff provisions by reference.
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 721(a), 13702(a)(2), 13702(c) and 13702(d).
    Sec. 1310.1  Scope; Definitions.
        (a) The provisions of this part address the tariff requirements 
    imposed by 49 U.S.C. 13702 on motor carriers and freight forwarders for 
    the transportation of household goods, and the notice requirements that 
    such carriers must comply with in order to be entitled to enforce the 
    provisions of their tariffs against individuals whose shipments are 
    subject to such tariffs.
        (b) The provisions of this part apply to all movements of household 
    goods defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, and to those 
    movements of household goods defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this 
    section that are not provided under contracts entered into pursuant to 
    49 U.S.C. 14101(b) or former 49 U.S.C. 10702.
        (c) For the purposes of this part, the term household goods means 
    personal effects and property used or to be used in a dwelling, when a 
    part of the equipment or supply of such dwelling, and similar property 
    if the transportation of such effects or property is:
        (1) Arranged and paid for by the householder, including 
    transportation of property from a factory or store when the property is 
    purchased by the householder with intent to use in his or her dwelling; 
        (2) Arranged and paid for by another party.
        (d) For the purposes of this part service terms means all 
    classifications, rules and practices that affect the rates, charges, or 
    level of service for movements of household goods.
    Sec. 1310.2  Requirement to maintain tariffs.
        (a) Except when providing transportation for charitable purposes 
    without charge, carriers subject to the Board's jurisdiction under 
    Chapter 135 of Title 49 of the United States Code may provide 
    transportation or service for movements of household goods only if the 
    rates, and related rules and practices, for such transportation or 
    service are contained in a published tariff that is in effect under 
    this section. The carrier may not charge or receive a different 
    compensation for the transportation or service than the rate specified 
    in the tariff, whether by returning a part of that rate to a person, 
    giving a person a privilege, allowing the use of a facility that 
    affects the value of that transportation or service, or another device. 
    A rate contained in a tariff shall be stated in money of the United 
        (b) Tariffs maintained pursuant to this part must be available for 
    inspection by the Board and must be made available for inspection by 
    shippers upon reasonable request.
        (c) A carrier that maintains a tariff pursuant to this part may not 
    enforce the provisions of the tariff unless the carrier has given 
    notice that the tariff is available for inspection in its bill of 
    lading or by other actual notice to individuals whose shipments are 
    subject to the tariff, as provided in Sec. 1310.4 of this part.
        (d) The Board may invalidate a tariff prepared by or on behalf of a 
    carrier under this part if that tariff violates 49 U.S.C. 13702 or the 
    regulations contained in this part.
    Sec. 1310.3  Contents of tariffs.
        (a) Tariffs prepared under this part must include an accurate 
    description of the services offered to the public; must provide the 
    specific applicable rates, charges and service terms; and must be 
    arranged in a way that allows for the determination of the exact rate, 
    charges and service terms applicable to any given shipment. Increases, 
    reductions and other changes must be symbolized or highlighted in some 
    way to facilitate ready identification of the changes and their 
    effective dates.
        (b) All information necessary to determine applicable rates, 
    charges and service terms for a given shipment need not be contained in 
    a single tariff, but if multiple tariffs are used to convey that 
    information, the tariff containing the rates must make specific 
    reference to all other tariffs required to determine applicable rates, 
    charges and service terms. The carrier(s) party to the rate(s) must 
    participate in all of the tariffs so linked and all such tariffs must 
    be made available to shippers upon reasonable request.
    Sec. 1310.4  Incorporation of tariff provisions by reference.
        (a) Carriers that maintain tariffs pursuant to this part may 
    incorporate the terms of such tariffs by reference (i.e., without 
    stating their full text) into the bill of lading or other document 
    embodying the contract of carriage for the transportation of household 
    goods, provided that:
        (1) The bill of lading or other document must contain a conspicuous 
    notice that the contract of carriage incorporates the terms of the 
    carrier's tariffs; the carrier must give notice that its tariffs are 
    available for inspection in its bill of lading or by other actual 
    notice to individuals whose shipments are subject to such tariffs; and 
    the carrier must make the full text of incorporated terms readily 
    available for inspection by the shipper, free of charge, upon request. 
    If such terms cannot be made available immediately, they must be made 
    available promptly by mail or other delivery service.
        (2) If the incorporated terms include any of the terms set forth in 
    paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (a)(2)(iii) of this section, the notice on 
    the bill of lading or other document must indicate that such terms are 
    included; the shipper must be provided with a brief summary of the 
    principal features of such terms on or with the document; and the 
    notice or summary must indicate that the shipper
    [[Page 56658]]
    will be able to obtain a more complete explanation of such terms upon 
        (i) Limits on the carrier's liability for loss, damage, or delay of 
    goods, including fragile or valuable goods.
        (ii) Claim restrictions, including time periods within which 
    shippers or consignees must file a claim or bring an action against the 
    carrier for its acts or omissions or those of its agents.
        (iii) Rights of the carrier to impose monetary penalties on 
    shippers or consignees, increase the price of the transportation, or 
    change any terms of the contract.
        (b) A carrier may not claim the benefit as against a shipper or 
    consignee of, and a shipper or consignee shall not be bound by, any 
    tariff term that is incorporated by reference under this section unless 
    the carrier has complied with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this 
        (c) The disclosure requirements established by this section preempt 
    any State requirements on the same subject, for tariff terms that are 
    incorporated by reference into the bill of lading or other document 
    embodying the contract of carriage for the transportation of household 
    [FR Doc. 96-28090 Filed 11-1-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4915-00-P

Document Information

Surface Transportation Board
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments are due on December 4, 1996.
56656-56658 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
STB Ex Parte No. 555
PDF File:
CFR: (4)
49 CFR 1310.1
49 CFR 1310.2
49 CFR 1310.3
49 CFR 1310.4