99-33149. Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 250 (Thursday, December 30, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 73744-73811]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-33149]
    [[Page 73743]]
    Part III
    Department of Commerce
    Bureau of Export Administration
    15 CFR Part 710 et al.
    Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations; Final Rule
    Department of State
    22 CFR Part 103
    Chemical Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention 
    Implementation Act of 1998; Taking of Samples; Recordkeeping and 
    Inspections; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 250 / Thursday, December 30, 1999 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 73744]]
    Bureau of Export Administration
    15 CFR Parts 710 through 722
    [Docket No. 990611158-9311-02]
    RIN 0694-AB06
    Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations
    AGENCY: Bureau of Export Administration, Commerce.
    ACTION: Interim rule and request for comments.
    SUMMARY: On April 25, 1997, the United States ratified the Convention 
    on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use 
    of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, also known as the 
    Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC or Convention). This interim rule 
    establishes the Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (CWCR) to 
    implement provisions of the Convention affecting U.S. industry and 
    other U.S. persons. The CWCR include requirements to report certain 
    activities involving Scheduled chemicals and Unscheduled Discrete 
    Organic Chemicals, and to provide access for on-site verification by 
    international inspectors of certain facilities and locations in the 
    United States.
    DATES: Effective Date: December 30, 1999.
        Comments: Written comments must be submitted no later than January 
    31, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent to the Regulatory Policy 
    Division, Office of Exporter Services, Bureau of Export Administration, 
    Room 2705, 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions of a general or 
    regulatory nature, contact the Regulatory Policy Division, telephone: 
    (202) 482-2440. For program information on declarations, reports, 
    notifications, and chemical determinations, contact the Information 
    Technology Team of the Treaty Compliance Division, Office of Chemical & 
    Biological Controls and Treaty Compliance, telephone: (703) 235-1335; 
    for program information on inspections and facility agreements, contact 
    the Inspection Management Team of the Treaty Compliance Division, 
    Office of Chemical & Biological Controls and Treaty Compliance, 
    telephone: (202) 482-6114; for legal questions, contact Cecil Hunt, 
    Acting Chief Counsel, Office of the Chief Counsel for Export 
    Administration, telephone (202) 482-5301.
    I. Background
    Chemical Weapons Convention
        On April 25, 1997, the United States ratified the Convention on the 
    Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of 
    Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, also known as the Chemical 
    Weapons Convention (CWC or Convention). The Convention, which entered 
    into force on April 29, 1997, is an arms control treaty with 
    significant non-proliferation aspects. As such, the Convention bans the 
    development, production, stockpiling or use of chemical weapons and 
    prohibits States Parties from assisting or encouraging anyone to engage 
    in a prohibited activity. The Convention provides for declaration and 
    inspection of all States Parties' chemical weapons and chemical weapon 
    production facilities and oversees the destruction of such weapons and 
        To fulfill its arms control and non-proliferation objectives, the 
    Convention also establishes a comprehensive verification scheme and 
    requires the declaration and inspection of facilities that produce, 
    process or consume certain ``scheduled'' chemicals and unscheduled 
    discrete organic chemicals, many of which have significant commercial 
    applications. The Convention also requires States Parties to report 
    exports and imports and to impose export and import restrictions on 
    certain chemicals. These requirements apply to all entities under the 
    jurisdiction and control of States Parties, including commercial 
    entities and individuals. States Parties to the Convention, including 
    the United States, have agreed to this verification scheme to provide 
    transparency and to ensure that no State Party to the Convention is 
    engaging in prohibited activities.
        Specifically, the Convention requires States Parties to declare all 
    facilities that produce Schedule 1 or Schedule 3 chemicals in 
    quantities exceeding specified declaration thresholds, or that produce, 
    process or consume Schedule 2 chemicals in quantities exceeding 
    specified declaration thresholds. Schedule 1, 2 and 3 chemicals are set 
    forth in the Convention's Schedules of Chemicals and have been selected 
    for these Schedules based on degree of toxicity, history of use in 
    chemical warfare and commercial utility. The Convention also requires 
    States Parties to declare facilities that produce ``Unscheduled 
    Discrete Organic Chemicals'' (``UDOCs'') in quantities exceeding 
    specified thresholds. The requirement to declare UDOC facilities is 
    intended to identify facilities capable of producing chemical warfare 
    agents or precursors.
        Certain ``declared'' facilities will also be subject to routine on-
    site inspections by international inspectors from the Convention's 
    implementing body, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical 
    Weapons (OPCW). All declared Schedule 1 facilities are subject to 
    routine inspection. Declared Schedule 2 facilities are subject to 
    inspection if they produce, process or consume Schedule 2 chemicals in 
    quantities exceeding specified inspection thresholds. Declared Schedule 
    3 facilities are subject to inspection if they produce Schedule 3 
    chemicals in quantities exceeding a specified inspection threshold. 
    Facilities producing UDOCs in quantities exceeding a specified 
    threshold will be subject to inspection beginning April 29, 2000. With 
    a few exceptions, inspection thresholds are higher than declaration 
        The Convention also provides for challenge inspections of any 
    facility or location under the jurisdiction of any State Party. 
    Challenge inspections are intended to resolve questions of possible 
    non-compliance with the Convention.
        Finally, the Convention requires States Parties to provide 
    information on exports and imports of Scheduled chemicals. States 
    Parties must also, among other things, prohibit exports of Schedule 1 
    chemicals to non-States Parties, require advance notification of 
    imports and exports of Schedule 1 chemicals, require End-Use 
    Certificates for exports of Schedule 2 and 3 chemicals to non-States 
    Parties, and ban the import from or export to non-States Parties of 
    Schedule 2 chemicals after April 28, 2000.
    Application of CWC Requirements to U.S. Commercial Entities and 
        The Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 
    (``Act'') (22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.), enacted on October 21, 1998, 
    authorizes the United States to require the U.S. chemical industry and 
    other private entities to submit declarations, notifications and other 
    reports and also to provide access for on-site inspections. Executive 
    Order (E.O.) 13128 delegates authority to the Department of Commerce to 
    promulgate regulations, obtain and execute warrants, provide assistance 
    to certain facilities, and carry out appropriate
    [[Page 73745]]
    functions to implement the Convention, consistent with the Act. The 
    Department of Commerce will carry out CWC import restrictions under the 
    authority of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the 
    National Emergencies Act and E.O. 12938, as revised by E.O. 13128. The 
    Departments of State and Commerce are implementing CWC export 
    restrictions under their respective export control authorities. E.O. 
    13128 designates the Department of State as the United States National 
    Authority (USNA) for purposes of the Convention and the Act.
    Other Department of State and Commerce Regulations Implementing 
    Requirements of the Chemical Weapons Convention
        In addition to this interim rule, the Department of State is 
    publishing a separate rule on the taking of samples during on-site 
    inspections in the United States and the enforcement provisions for 
    violations of the reporting and inspection requirements set forth in 
    the Act, and also maintains the International Traffic in Arms 
    Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR 120-130).
        Further, on May 18, 1999, the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) 
    of the Department of Commerce published an interim rule (64 FR 27138) 
    amending the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR 730-799) to 
    implement the following trade restriction provisions of the CWC:
    --Annual reporting of all exports of Schedule 1 chemicals;
    --Advance notification of all exports of Schedule 1 chemicals;
    --Prohibition on exports of Schedule 1 chemicals subject to 
    Department of Commerce jurisdiction to non-States Parties;
    --Prohibition on all reexports of Schedule 1 chemicals subject to 
    Department of Commerce jurisdiction;
    --Prohibition on exports of Schedule 2 chemicals subject to 
    Department of Commerce jurisdiction to non-States Parties after 
    April 28, 2000;
    --Requirement that exporters obtain an End-Use Certificate prior to 
    exporting any Schedule 2 or 3 chemicals to a non-State Party; and
    --License requirements for the export of Schedule 1 chemicals under 
    Department of Commerce jurisdiction to all destinations, including 
        Note that all existing export license requirements that apply to 
    CWC Scheduled chemicals and UDOCs subject to Department of Commerce 
    jurisdiction continue in effect. Further, the new CWC reporting 
    requirements, such as the End-Use Certificate and prior notification 
    requirements, are in addition to existing export license and supporting 
    documentation requirements for exports of chemicals subject to 
    Department of Commerce or Department of State export licensing 
    The Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (CWCR)
        This rule implements reporting and inspection requirements and 
    import restrictions. The CWCR:
    --Apply to all U.S. persons and to facilities in the United States, 
    except for facilities of the Departments of Defense and Energy and 
    other U.S. Government agencies that notify the United States 
    National Authority (USNA) of their decision to be excluded from the 
    CWCR (such entities are referred to as ``persons and facilities 
    subject to the CWCR''). United States Government facilities are 
    those owned by or leased to the U.S. government, including 
    facilities that are contractor-operated.
    --Set forth the declaration and other reporting requirements that 
    affect persons and facilities subject to the CWCR. The reporting 
    requirements of this rule are consistent with the procedural 
    provisions of section 401(a) of the Act. Section 401(a) of the Act 
    requires submission to the Director of the USNA of such reports as 
    the USNA may reasonably require to provide to the OPCW, pursuant to 
    subparagraph 1(a) of the Convention's Annex on Confidentiality. 
    Subparagraph 1(a) of the Confidentiality Annex provides that the 
    OPCW shall require only the minimum amount of information and data 
    necessary for the timely and efficient conduct by the OPCW of its 
    responsibilities under the Convention. As required by Section 401(a) 
    of the Act, the USNA, in coordination with the CWC interagency 
    group, has determined that the reports required by the CWCR are 
    those reasonably required to be provided to the OPCW. Declarations, 
    notifications and other reports required under the CWCR will be due 
    to the Department of Commerce at specified dates or within specified 
    time frames for verification, aggregation and submission to the 
    Director of the USNA. The USNA will transmit United States 
    declarations, reports and notifications to the OPCW located in the 
    Hague, the Netherlands.
    --Require access for on-site inspections.
    --Prohibit imports of Schedule 2 chemicals from non-States Parties 
    after April 28, 2000.
    --Contain recordkeeping requirements and administrative procedures 
    and penalties related to violations of reporting and inspection 
    requirements and importation restrictions.
    --Implement section 211 of the Act, which authorizes revocation of 
    the export privileges of any person determined to have violated the 
    chemical weapons provisions of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 229.
    Reporting Requirements
        Declaration Requirements. Facilities required to submit 
    ``declarations'' are those that produce, process or consume certain 
    chemicals in quantities that exceed specified thresholds. Four types of 
    declarations are due to BXA when required by parts 712 through 715 of 
    the CWCR: initial declarations, annual declarations on past activities, 
    annual declarations on anticipated activities, and a one-time 
    declaration of facilities that produced Schedule 2 or 3 chemicals for 
    chemical weapons purposes at any time since January 1, 1946. The United 
    States will transmit data on declared facilities to the OPCW. Such data 
    will also be compiled to establish the U.S. national aggregate on 
    production, processing and consumption of relevant chemicals. Export 
    and import data contained in declarations will also be compiled and 
    added to export and import information obtained from other reports to 
    establish the U.S. national aggregate declaration on imports and 
    exports of certain chemicals.
        Initial declarations. Initial declarations are one-time 
    declarations that are due to BXA BY March 30, 2000, except for the 
    establishment of new Schedule 1 facilities, which requires submission 
    of a technical description of the facility prior to producing above 100 
    grams aggregate. Any Schedule 2 or 3, or UDOC plant site that was not 
    required to submit an initial declaration but that exceeded the 
    applicable declaration or reporting thresholds for covered activities 
    in a subsequent year, must submit only an annual declaration on past 
    activities or an annual report on exports and imports. Facilities that 
    produced more than 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals in 
    calendar year 1997, 1998, or 1999 must submit an initial declaration (a 
    technical description of the facilities). Note that the Schedule 1 
    Certification Form asks you to identify each year in which you produced 
    in excess of 100 grams aggregate. Facilities that produced, processed 
    or consumed more than specified quantities of a Schedule 2 chemical in 
    any of the calendar years 1994, 1995, or 1996 must provide information 
    on activities involving that Schedule 2 chemical that occurred in each 
    of calendar years 1994, 1995, and 1996. Facilities that produced more 
    than 30 metric tons of a Schedule 3 chemical in calendar year 1996 must 
    provide information on activities involving this Schedule 3 chemical 
    that occurred in 1996. Facilities that produced more than specified 
    quantities of UDOCs in calendar year 1996 must provide ranges of 
    production for 1996.
        Annual declarations on past activities. Facilities that produced 
    more than 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals, more than 30 
    metric tons of a Schedule 3 chemical, or more than
    [[Page 73746]]
    specified quantities of UDOCs in the previous calendar year, must 
    submit an annual declaration on past activities. Facilities that 
    produced, processed or consumed more than specified quantities of a 
    Schedule 2 chemical in any of the three previous calendar years must 
    submit an annual declaration on past activities for activities during 
    the previous year. Annual declarations on past activities for calendar 
    years 1997, 1998, and 1999 will be due to BXA March 30, 2000.
        Annual declarations on anticipated activities and declarations on 
    additionally planned activities. Facilities that anticipate engaging in 
    production of Schedule 1 or Schedule 3 chemicals or production, 
    processing or consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals above specified 
    thresholds during the next calendar year must submit an annual 
    declaration on anticipated activities. Facilities that have certain 
    types of changes or additions to their annual declaration on 
    anticipated activities must submit a declaration on additionally 
    planned activities.
        One time declaration of past production for chemical weapons 
    purposes. Facilities that have produced Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 
    chemicals anytime since January 1, 1946, for chemical weapons purposes 
    must submit a declaration by March 30, 2000.
        Amended declarations and reports. The CWCR also provide for 
    submission of ``amended declarations'' and ``amended reports'' to 
    change, replace, or add information to previously submitted 
    declarations or reports.
        Notification Requirements. Facilities that intend to export or 
    import Schedule 1 chemicals to or from States Parties must submit prior 
    notifications of these activities. These notifications will be 
    forwarded to the OPCW.
        Other Reporting Requirements. U.S. persons and facilities subject 
    to the CWCR that have exported or imported a scheduled chemical, but 
    have not produced, processed, or consumed declarable quantities of that 
    chemical, may nevertheless have an export or import reporting 
    requirement. The USNA will NOT forward facility-specific information 
    contained in these reports to the OPCW. BXA will include the export and 
    import data in the compilation of the U.S. national aggregate 
    declaration on exports and imports of relevant chemicals.
        Initial reports on exports and imports. Initial reports for exports 
    and imports are required for exports and imports of Schedule 2 and 
    Schedule 3 chemicals above certain threshold quantities during calendar 
    year 1996.
        Annual reports on exports and imports. Annual reports for exports 
    and imports are required for all exports and imports of Schedule 1 
    chemicals during the previous calendar year, and for exports and 
    imports of Schedule 2 and 3 chemicals above certain threshold 
    quantities. Annual reports on exports and imports for calendar years 
    1997, 1998, and 1999 will be due to BXA March 30, 2000.
        Timing of submission of initial and annual declarations and 
    reports. The first declaration and report package due to the Department 
    of Commerce will include the initial declaration plus the annual 
    declarations and reports for activities in calendar years 1997, 1998, 
    and 1999. The first Schedule 1 annual declaration on anticipated 
    activities for calendar year 2001 will be due to BXA on August 3, 2000. 
    The first Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 annual declarations on anticipated 
    activities for calendar year 2001 will be due on September 3, 2000. 
    Certain facilities may also need to submit the one-time declaration on 
    past production of Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 chemicals for chemical 
    weapons purposes. CWC Declaration and Report Handbooks containing 
    necessary multipurpose forms for declarations and reports will be 
    available by mail and through the Internet. If there are discrepancies 
    between the CWCR and the Handbooks (including instructions and form 
    requirements), the CWCR prevail.
    On-Site Inspection Requirements
        This rule also sets forth the requirements and procedures for on-
    site inspections of U.S. facilities subject to the CWCR, consistent 
    with sections 301 to 309 of the Act. On-site inspections will be 
    conducted by inspectors from the OPCW's Technical Secretariat. The 
    Department of Commerce will lead the Host Team accompanying and 
    escorting the inspectors during inspections.
        Types of inspections. There are two major kinds of inspections: (1) 
    Initial and subsequent (``routine,'' under the Act) inspections of 
    declared facilities whose level of production, processing or 
    consumption of specified chemicals makes them subject to such 
    verification as a routine matter; and (2) ``challenge'' inspections of 
    any facility or location in the United States based on a request made 
    by another State Party to clarify and resolve any questions concerning 
    possible non-compliance with the Convention.
        Notification and consent procedures. Pursuant to section 304 of the 
    Act, before an inspection may take place, the USNA must authorize each 
    inspection of a facility or location in the United States and provide 
    actual written notification of each inspection to the owner and 
    operator or other person in charge of the facility. For routine 
    inspections of declared facilities, the USNA will provide such written 
    notification within 6 hours of receiving notification from the OPCW 
    Technical Secretariat or as soon as possible thereafter. The Department 
    of Commerce will provide Host Team notice to facilities to be 
    inspected. The Department of Commerce intends to seek an administrative 
    warrant, as provided for by section 305 of the Act and in E.O. 13128, 
    if the owner or person in charge of the facility does not consent to 
    the inspection.
    II. Public Comments on Proposed Rule
        On July 21, 1999, the Bureau of Export Administration published in 
    the Federal Register (64 FR 39104) a proposed rule, with request for 
    comment, to establish the Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations 
    (CWCR) to implement provisions of the Convention and the Act affecting 
    U.S. industry and other U.S. persons. BXA received comments from 18 
    respondents. Following is a summary of those comments, along with BXA's 
    Scope of the CWCR
        One respondent questioned whether the definition of ``Chemical 
    Weapons Convention'' includes any annexes that have not yet entered 
    into force under the Convention, and stated that annexes approved after 
    January 13, 1993, should not automatically be implemented by the CWCR. 
    This rule implements those relevant articles and annexes of the 
    Convention that entered into force on April 29, 1997, as reflected in 
    parts 710 through 722 of the CWCR.
        To clarify what U.S. government facilities are excluded from the 
    CWCR, one respondent sought guidance on whether the term ``U.S. 
    facilities that are contractor-operated'' includes facilities owned by 
    the U.S. Government, but leased to private companies. The CWCR 
    reporting, declaration, and inspection requirements do apply to 
    facilities owned by a U.S. Government agency and leased to a private 
    company or other entity, such that the private company or other entity 
    may independently decide for what purposes to use the facilities. BXA 
    has revised Sec. 710.2 of this rule to clarify the scope of the CWCR.
    Chemicals Subject to the CWCR
        One respondent requested that all Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and 
    Schedule 3 chemicals subject to the CWCR be
    [[Page 73747]]
    identified by the Chemical Abstract Service registry number (CAS 
    number) to clarify declaration and reporting requirements. Supplement 
    No. 1 to Part 712 (Schedule 1), Supplement No. 1 to Part 713 (Schedule 
    2), and Supplement No. 1 to Part 714 (Schedule 3) of the CWCR list 
    certain chemicals by name or family that are subject to the CWCR. These 
    Supplements also identify certain of these chemicals by CAS number. 
    These Supplements mirror the Schedules of Chemicals found in the 
    Convention. BXA agrees that it is desirable to provide CAS registry 
    numbers for all chemicals subject to the CWCR. However, because there 
    are, by conservative estimates, 25,000 or more chemicals subject to the 
    CWCR, listing each chemical by name and CAS number is not practical. In 
    addition, new chemicals are being developed and/or assigned CAS numbers 
    daily. Therefore, any list published by BXA would be neither exhaustive 
    nor current. BXA believes that Supplement No. 1 to Parts 712, 713 and 
    714 of the CWCR provide sufficient information for a qualified chemist 
    to determine whether a chemical is subject to the CWCR. In addition, 
    BXA will, upon request, provide a binding determination of whether or 
    not a specific chemical is subject to the CWCR. (See Sec. 711.3 of the 
    Confidential Business Information
        Four respondents submitted comments on confidential business 
    information (CBI) issues, which fall into four broad categories: the 
    amount of information BXA should collect; location and consolidation of 
    CBI provisions in the CWCR; protection of information made available to 
    the OPCW; and protection of CBI within the United States in both 
    Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and non-FOIA contexts.
        Amount of information BXA should collect: Two respondents requested 
    BXA to collect only the minimum amount of information necessary to 
    comply with the Convention and the Act. Consistent with section 401 of 
    the Act, the U.S. Government is requiring only the minimal information 
    necessary to satisfy the requirements of the Convention and Act. This 
    is reflected in the provisions of the CWCR.
        One respondent suggested that BXA not make lists of companies 
    subject to CWC verification, for fear that such lists could be 
    exploited by persons seeking to stigmatize the lawful production of 
    chemicals. The respondent suggested if BXA did establish such lists, 
    that BXA implement procedures for removing facilities from those lists 
    when such facilities are no longer subject to declaration requirements. 
    From time to time, BXA will need to create such lists, for example, to 
    comply with certain U.S. national declaration requirements. However, 
    BXA will create the minimum number of lists necessary, and will update 
    the lists as appropriate, to ensure effective U.S. implementation of 
    the Convention.
        One respondent was concerned that language in the proposed rule on 
    the conduct of inspections would not allow the site representative to 
    shroud or remove from the site items that the site representative 
    determined were irrelevant to the inspection, unless ``agreed by the 
    U.S. Government Team.'' The respondent suggested deletion of the cited 
    phrase. BXA has clarified this provision by changing it to read ``as 
    determined by the Host Team,'' since the right to take protective 
    measures, such as shrouding equipment not related to the purpose of an 
    inspection, is a right granted to the State Party under the Convention.
        Consolidation and location of CBI provisions in the CWCR: One 
    respondent suggested consolidating the CBI provisions in Part 716 
    (routine inspections) and Part 717 (challenge inspections). Three 
    respondents requested BXA to consolidate all provisions in the CWCR 
    relating to CBI and place these consolidated provisions in part 710 to 
    highlight their importance. BXA agrees that to avoid any ambiguity that 
    may arise because of slight differences in wording, the CBI provisions 
    should be consolidated. To highlight the importance of CBI, BXA is 
    placing these provisions in a dedicated CBI part. Because part 710 
    serves as an introduction to the CWCR and does not have regulatory 
    force, BXA is placing the CBI provisions in Part 718, entitled 
    ``Confidential Business Information.'' BXA is creating new part 722, 
    entitled ``Interpretations,'' to replace Part 718, originally reserved 
    for interpretations.
        Status of information made available to the OPCW: Three respondents 
    suggested that all CBI made available to the OPCW during inspections be 
    designated ``highly protected.'' The Convention provides that States 
    Parties may designate information submitted to the Technical 
    Secretariat as confidential, and requires the OPCW to limit access to, 
    and prevent disclosure of, information so designated, except that the 
    OPCW may disclose certain confidential information submitted in 
    declarations to other States Parties if requested. The OPCW has 
    developed a classification system whereby States Parties may designate 
    their declarations as ``restricted,'' ``protected,'' or ``highly 
    protected.'' The U.S. Government is directing the OPCW to accord 
    ``protected'' status to all information contained in declarations, 
    reports and advance notifications of exports and imports of Schedule 1 
    chemicals. The ``protected'' level of confidentiality is consistent 
    with the level of protection designated by many other States Parties 
    for their industrial declarations.
        It is also the policy of the U.S. Government to designate CBI that 
    it discloses to OPCW Inspection Teams as ``protected'' or ``highly 
    protected,'' depending on the sensitivity of the information. However, 
    the U.S. Government will not request ``protected'' status for 
    information made available to OPCW Inspection Teams that is publicly 
    available, such as company sales or marketing literature or information 
    from the company's Internet web site. The ``protected'' or ``highly 
    protected'' status will apply to CBI disclosed to Inspection Teams, 
    irrespective of the form or medium in which it is made available to the 
    OPCW, whether in oral, written or visual form.
        Definition and identification of CBI: Three respondents requested 
    clarification about the ``scope of coverage'' of CBI in the CWCR. 
    Section 103(g) of the Act defines U.S. confidential business 
    information as any trade secrets or commercial or financial information 
    that is privileged and confidential. BXA has determined that CBI 
    contained in information submitted to, or obtained by, the U.S. 
    Government for CWC purposes will fall into one of two categories:
        (1) information that falls under the types of information listed 
    in Section 103(g)(1) of the Act, called ``section 103(g)(1) 
    information''; and
        (2) information that does not meet (1) but that meets all the 
    criteria of section 103(g)(2) of the Act because it is a ``trade 
    secret'' as described in 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) and is obtained from a 
    U.S. person or through the U.S. Government or the conduct of an 
    inspection in the United States, called ``section 103(g)(2) 
        Information that satisfies the criteria of both sections 103(g)(1) 
    and 103(g)(2) will be treated as section 103(g)(1) information.
        BXA has determined that certain fields in the declaration and 
    report forms meet the definition of section 103(g)(1) and has 
    identified these fields in Supplement 1 to Part 718 of the CWCR. BXA 
    will continue to determine whether additional types of information meet 
    the requirements of section 103(g)(1) and will add to Part 718 any such 
    types of information that can apply generally to entities subject to 
    the CWCR. Section 103(g)(2) information
    [[Page 73748]]
    will likely involve specific circumstances, require case-by-case 
    determination, and not lend itself to general use. Therefore, BXA 
    cannot at this time provide additional clarification about the scope of 
    coverage of section 103(g)(2).
        Except for the section 103(g)(1) information BXA has identified in 
    the declaration and report forms, the U.S. Government will not be able 
    to distinguish CBI from non-CBI, as defined in the Act, and will 
    require the assistance of industry in identifying such CBI, most 
    notably in connection with inspections.
        Two respondents objected to the implicit limitation of the scope of 
    CBI in Supplement No. 1 to Part 711 of the proposed rule. BXA intends 
    this chart to serve as general guidance by indicating the fields of 
    information on declaration and report forms that BXA has identified as 
    section 103(g)(1) information. BXA is revising the supplement (to new 
    part 718) to add a note indicating that information in other fields on 
    the forms may also be considered CBI when such information has been 
    specifically identified by submitters and a rationale has been provided 
    for the CBI status of such information.
        In a related matter, two respondents urged BXA to indicate that CBI 
    need not be ``marked,'' but one respondent recommended that items not 
    specifically identified in 103(g)(1) be marked. This rule requires 
    companies to identify information they consider to be CBI that BXA has 
    not specifically identified in Supplement No. 1 to Part 718 as section 
    103(g)(1) information. In addition, entities hosting on-site 
    inspections will need to specifically identify to the Host Team any CBI 
    contained in information made available to the U.S. Government to 
    ensure proper handling and treatment of such CBI.
        One respondent requested BXA to provide a box on the declaration/
    reporting forms so a company could check the box to indicate the form 
    contained CBI. Checking a box would not serve to specifically identify 
    the information on the completed form that meets the definition of CBI. 
    BXA must reject this suggestion and require the system of 
    identification set out in this preamble and in this rule.
        One respondent asked BXA to state that all information provided to 
    the U.S. Government for whatever purpose is confidential when it meets 
    the CBI definition of the Act. The Act defines CBI, not for all 
    purposes, but for specific purposes. BXA is unable to comply with this 
    request. Certain data defined as CBI in a CWC compliance context might 
    not qualify as a ``trade secret'' or otherwise be deemed confidential 
    when obtained by the U.S. Government in non-CWC compliance contexts 
    (e.g., publicly available research, patent, or sales data).
        One respondent urged BXA to acknowledge that CBI would arise in a 
    variety of contexts. BXA agrees that CBI will exist in tangible and 
    intangible forms. BXA believes that Part 718 adequately covers CBI.
        Protection of CBI by the U.S. Government in non-FOIA contexts: All 
    four respondents expressed concern about U.S. Government protection of 
    CBI in situations other than requests for information under the Freedom 
    of Information Act (FOIA), such as Department of State and Commerce 
    enforcement proceedings or litigation in which the U.S. Government is 
    not a party. Three respondents requested BXA to draft CBI provisions in 
    this regulation as a broad, blanket non-disclosure requirement, except 
    where expressly permitted by section 404 of the Act (i.e., to the OPCW, 
    U.S. law enforcement agencies, and appropriate congressional 
        Section 404 of the Act provides exemptions from the disclosure 
    requirements of FOIA. BXA cannot guarantee non-disclosure of 
    information in all circumstances, such as in instances of judge-issued 
    subpoenas. Information and documents related to CWC administrative 
    enforcement cases will be handled and protected according to procedures 
    set forth in part 719 of the CWCR.
        In a related issue, three respondents requested BXA to specify that 
    the Act is a ``confidentiality statute'' for purposes of regulations 
    administered by the Office of the Secretary of Commerce in 15 CFR Part 
    15 (Legal Proceedings). Part 15 sets forth procedures governing the 
    production of Department of Commerce records or testimony by Department 
    of Commerce employees in legal proceedings in which the United States 
    is not a party. Federal agencies may establish such procedures under 
    section 301 of Title 5, United States Code, to provide for the custody, 
    use and preservation of its records. BXA has determined that it is 
    unnecessary to specify whether the provisions of the Act fall under the 
    meaning of ``confidentiality statute,'' as used in 15 CFR section 15.17 
    because this, in and of itself, does not provide any protection other 
    than that already available under the Act and other statutes. The 
    Departmental regulations do not enhance existing statutory protections, 
    but merely provide a mechanism whereby the Department can determine 
    whether any evidentiary privileges or statutory requirements of privacy 
    or confidentiality apply, or if there is any other legal basis for 
    withholding information.
        One respondent stated that the U.S. Government should request the 
    United States magistrate judge to seal all records of warrants 
    proceedings in order to guard against public disclosure of any CBI 
    contained in the warrant or in material submitted in support of the 
    issuance of the warrant. BXA intends to request that warrant 
    proceedings be sealed if the warrant or related material includes CBI.
        Protection of CBI requested under the Freedom of Information Act: 
    Section 404 of the Act does not provide a statutory exemption from FOIA 
    disclosure requirements for all information that is reported to, or 
    otherwise obtained by, the U.S. Government, but only for ``certain 
    Convention information'' (i.e., that which is defined as ``confidential 
    business information'' in section 103(g) of the Act). BXA will withhold 
    from disclosure pursuant to a FOIA request only CBI, as defined in 
    section 103(g), that has either been identified by BXA or by the person 
    from whom the information is obtained.
        National Interest Determination: Two respondents requested BXA to 
    narrowly define the term ``national interest,'' or to provide factors 
    that the U.S. Government would consider in determining disclosure under 
    the national interest disclosure provision. BXA cannot provide a 
    definitive list of factors, since these would depend on specific 
    circumstances, could change over time, and would need the concurrence 
    of other agencies.
        Two respondents suggested specific language for the consolidated 
    CBI provisions, building upon language in the proposed rule. BXA is 
    adopting some, but not all, the provisions in the suggested text. Under 
    the suggested text, the notification and hearing procedures that apply 
    to CBI disclosed in the ``national interest'' would also apply to 
    disclosures to appropriate committees of Congress and law enforcement 
    agencies. BXA rejects this suggestion. The Act does not require such 
    notice and hearing procedures in the latter cases and provides no 
    discretion regarding disclosure to such entities. Application of these 
    procedures would only serve to delay authorized disclosures, without 
    affecting the outcome. Moreover, delay in disclosure to other law 
    enforcement agencies could hamper the actions of such law enforcement 
    agencies, thereby thwarting the intention of the statute. BXA notes, 
    however, that section 404 of the Act contains provisions limiting
    [[Page 73749]]
    further disclosure by such Congressional committees and law enforcement 
    agencies of CBI released to them.
        One respondent requested clarification on whether the declaration 
    responsibilities for the production of Schedule 2 and 3 chemicals for 
    chemical weapons purposes at any time since January 1, 1946 reside with 
    the company that originally may have produced the chemicals. Four 
    respondents addressed the proposed rule's requirement that the facility 
    prepare declarations for activities dating back to 1994. The 
    respondents state that the records and information necessary to prepare 
    declarations may not be available because: (1) necessary information 
    was not collected at the time of the activity, since no regulatory 
    requirement to do so was in effect; (2) if collected at the time of the 
    activity, the information has been discarded following normal business 
    practices; or (3) due to changes in ownership or control of a facility, 
    the current custodian of the information may no longer be affiliated 
    with a facility subject to the CWCR. One respondent referenced a 
    Supreme Court ruling which states that legislative rules, such as the 
    CWCR, may not have a retroactive effect unless explicitly provided for 
    by statute. The respondents request that BXA acknowledge that 
    information necessary to prepare declarations or reports for previous 
    years may not be available and that failure to prepare and submit 
    declarations or reports for this reason should not constitute a 
    violation under the CWCR.
        BXA agrees that if records necessary to prepare a declaration and 
    report are not available because one or more of the three factors cited 
    in the preceding paragraph took place prior to the effective date of 
    this rule, failure to prepare and submit the declaration or report 
    should not constitute a violation under the CWCR. However, BXA has the 
    authority under the Act to require the preparation and submission of a 
    declaration or report for activities that occurred before the 
    regulatory requirement becomes effective and, to the extent that 
    information necessary to prepare the declarations and reports is 
    available, the U.S. Government has the authority to impose an 
    administrative sanction for willful failure or refusal to do so. Such a 
    requirement is not ``retroactive'' under the Administrative Procedure 
    Act, because it does not alter the past legal status of a past action 
    (i.e., disposal of records or failure to create records). In addition, 
    the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW recently has confirmed that 
    declarations and reports for activities occurring as early as 1994 may 
    be useful to it in carrying out its verification and monitoring 
    responsibilities. This rule includes new language in Sec. 711.4 which 
    addresses these issues.
        One respondent requested that the 5-year record retention period be 
    limited to 3 years. This rule maintains the 5-year requirement to 
    correspond with the statute of limitations applicable to enforcement 
    actions (28 U.S.C. 2462). Four respondents stated that part 721 was too 
    vague and broad, and might be interpreted as requiring documents to be 
    retained that are not necessary to enforcement or other administration 
    of the CWCR. BXA has revised part 721 to clarify the types of 
    documentation required to be retained, the location of documents, and 
    the use of copies of documents to meet the record retention 
    requirements. Finally, one respondent questioned the meaning of 
    ``formal or informal'' requests for documents that would preclude their 
    disposal or destruction. By ``formal,'' the CWCR means a subpoena. By 
    ``informal,'' the CWCR means a verbal or written request by the 
    investigating agency for a particular document or documents.
    Declarations and Reports
        One respondent requested an explanation of how the term ``report'' 
    is used in the CWCR and a clearer description of the types of 
    information that will be submitted to the OPCW. The term ``report'' is 
    used to describe several different types of activities under the CWCR 
    and the Act. The Act refers to reports to describe all types of 
    requirements under the Convention, including declarations on 
    production, processing and consumption, as well as reports on exports 
    and imports. For reports required by the Act, this rule uses the 
    following terms: (1) declarations; (2) reports on export and import 
    activities; (3) notifications; (4) end-use certificates; (5) reports on 
    inspection-related costs; and (6) post-inspection reports. BXA submits 
    individual declarations for each declared facility to the USNA for 
    transmission to the OPCW. These declarations contain facility-specific 
    information, including facility name and address, and information on 
    production, processing, consumption, and, in certain instances, export 
    and import of specific chemicals. In addition, BXA submits to the USNA 
    a national aggregate declaration on exports and imports, which combines 
    information from facility declarations as well as information from 
    reports submitted by other facilities and trading companies. The 
    national aggregate declaration does not include facility-specific 
    information, but only aggregate information by chemical or by country.
        This rule provides that Schedule 1 and Schedule 3 facilities may 
    include their export and import information with their declarations on 
    past activities, or may submit the information separately as reports. 
    Whether submitted as part of a declaration or as a report, Schedule 1 
    and Schedule 3 export and import information is included only in the 
    national aggregate declaration; BXA does not submit facility-specific 
    Schedule 1 or Schedule 3 export and import information from 
    declarations or reports to the USNA for transmittal to the OPCW. (It 
    should be noted, however, that notifications of Schedule 1 exports and 
    imports are submitted to the USNA for transmittal to the OPCW.) For 
    certain declared Schedule 2 plant sites, BXA does submit facility-
    specific production, processing, consumption, export and import 
    information to the USNA for transmittal to the OPCW as part of the 
    annual declaration on past activities. The Schedule 2 national 
    aggregate declaration only includes information on exports and imports 
    by chemical and by country. These different requirements are due to 
    differences among the declaration provisions of the Verification Annex 
    of the Convention for Schedule 1, 2 and 3 chemicals.
    Initial Declarations
        One respondent requested clarification of the initial declaration 
    requirement for Schedule 1 facilities. For Schedule 1 facilities, 
    unlike Schedule 2 and 3 facilities, the initial declaration does not 
    include any production or other Schedule 1 chemical activity 
    information; it only provides a technical description of the facility. 
    Production and other activity information is provided in the annual 
    declarations. For the annual declarations on past activities for 
    calendar years 1997, 1998, and 1999, facilities are required to submit 
    declarations only for those years during which they produced more than 
    100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals.
        One respondent requested clarification that for the Schedule 2 
    initial declaration, plant sites are not required to submit a 
    declaration for all three years (1994, 1995, and 1996), but are only 
    required to submit a declaration for the year(s) in which one or more 
    plants on the plant site produced, processed, or consumed a
    [[Page 73750]]
    Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable threshold. BXA recognizes that 
    the Schedule 2 initial declaration requirement, as well as the annual 
    declaration on past activities, is burdensome on facilities and may 
    appear unnecessary. However, Part VII of the Convention's Verification 
    Annex requires initial declarations to be submitted for all three years 
    (1994, 1995, and 1996) by plant sites comprised of one or more plants 
    that produced, processed or consumed a Schedule 2 chemical above the 
    applicable threshold in any one of those three previous calendar years. 
    This initial declaration requirement will establish a profile on the 
    plant site that will be used by the OPCW to monitor activities. The 
    profile may be updated based on the plant site's subsequent submission 
    of annual declarations on past activities. In order to maintain an 
    accurate profile, a plant site must comply with the initial declaration 
    requirement as described in the note to Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(i). A plant 
    site must declare each chemical that it produced processed or consumed 
    over the applicable threshold quantity in any one of the calendar years 
    1994, 1995, or 1996, and must submit three Forms 2-3--one for each of 
    the calendar years 1994, 1995, and 1996--for each chemical. For each 
    year or years that a plant site did not produce, process or consume the 
    declared chemical over threshold, it must declare ``0'' quantity only 
    for those activities that triggered the declaration requirement. It 
    should leave blank on Form 2-3 those questions relating to activities 
    that did not exceed the applicable threshold quantity in any one of the 
    three previous years. Plant sites that submit an initial declaration 
    are subject to on-site verification if their activities exceed the 
    applicable inspection threshold quantities set forth in part 716.
    Declaration and Approval Requirements for Schedule 1 Facilities
        One respondent requested clarification of whether a Schedule 1 
    facility would be subject to declaration requirements if all of its 
    Schedule 1 production occurred prior to April 29, 1997, when the 
    Convention entered into force. If a facility produced more than 100 
    grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals in calendar year 1997, it must 
    submit an initial declaration and an annual declaration on past 
    activities for 1997.
        A respondent requested that BXA clarify that Schedule 1 facilities 
    must declare consumption and storage of Schedule 1 chemicals only if 
    they produced more than 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals. 
    This is correct, but BXA does not agree that the rule requires 
        One respondent also requested BXA to state the grounds for 
    disapproval of a Schedule 1 facility. The Convention requires States 
    Parties to approve all Schedule 1 facilities. However, the Act does not 
    authorize the U.S. Government to require a facility to stop or limit 
    its production of Schedule 1 chemicals. Therefore, BXA cannot 
    disapprove a Schedule 1 facility.
    Mixtures and other exemptions to declaration and reporting requirements
        Four respondents requested that BXA include a low-concentration 
    threshold for mixtures containing Schedule 1 chemicals to reduce the 
    burden on all companies of identifying, quantifying and accounting for 
    trace amounts of Schedule 1 chemicals contained in complex product 
    mixtures and waste streams at very low concentrations. One respondent 
    expressed concerns about BXA not approving facilities that produce 
    Schedule 1 chemicals as unwanted byproducts in the manufacture of 
    another chemical, since the aggregate of such production could exceed 
    the Convention's 10 kg limit for Schedule 1 chemicals. BXA believes 
    that the production, export, and import of trace amounts of Schedule 1 
    chemicals as unavoidable by-products or impurities do not pose a threat 
    to the object and purpose of the Convention, would capture industries 
    totally unrelated to those involved in the intentional production of 
    Schedule 1 chemicals, and would result in the inspection of facilities 
    under a verification regime established for facilities that 
    intentionally produce Schedule 1 chemicals. Therefore, this rule 
    includes in part 712 a 0.5 percent ``round to zero'' rule for Schedule 
    1 chemicals produced as unavoidable by-products or impurities.
        One respondent requested that BXA establish a uniform 30 percent 
    low concentration exemption for Schedule 2 activities because the 
    current two-tiered reporting system included in the proposed rule (10 
    percent for production, consumption, imports, exports; 30 percent for 
    processing) would create legal and compliance problems for industry. 
    Moreover, it puts U.S. companies at a competitive disadvantage with 
    other major chemical producers and traders which have adopted a uniform 
    30 percent mixtures rule. BXA agrees that the two-tiered mixtures rule 
    is unnecessarily complicated, creates an uneven playing field with our 
    major industrial competitors, and will capture downstream consumers 
    that pose no risk to the object and purpose of the Convention. BXA also 
    believes that adopting a 30 percent low concentration exemption for 
    declarations and reports on Schedule 2 transfers is consistent with the 
    U.S. Government's non-proliferation objectives. Therefore, this rule 
    establishes in part 713 of the CWCR a 30 percent mixtures exemption for 
    production, processing, consumption, export and import of Schedule 2 
    chemicals. However, should conditions change, BXA will review the 30 
    percent low concentration exemption for Schedule 2 exports and imports 
    to ensure that our non-proliferation interests are not being 
        One respondent requested BXA to clarify whether the mixtures rules 
    contained in Secs. 713.3(a)(2) (i) and (ii) are applicable to 
    Sec. 713.1 of the CWCR. The respondent was concerned that a complete 
    prohibition on the importation of all Schedule 2 chemicals could create 
    a situation where importers unknowingly violate the CWCR and become 
    subject to penalties for importing of Schedule 2 chemicals. BXA agrees 
    with the respondent. This rule adopts a 10 percent low concentration 
    exemption for imports of Schedule 2 chemicals from non-States Parties 
    after April 28, 2000. This exemption mirrors the mixtures rule 
    contained in the Export Administration Regulations for exports of 
    Schedule 2 chemicals to non-States Parties after April 28, 2000.
        Four respondents requested an exemption for UDOC mixtures similar 
    to that already existing for Schedule 3 chemicals. They noted the 
    inconsistency between having an 80% threshold for Schedule 3 chemicals 
    while maintaining a 0% threshold for UDOCs, which pose a much less 
    threat to the object and purpose of the Convention. The respondents 
    also wanted to use the mixtures rule to clarify what the term 
    ``discrete'' means. Furthermore, the respondents stated that 
    identifying, quantifying, and accounting for low concentrations of 
    UDOCs contained in complex mixtures is excessively burdensome and 
    provides no benefits to the object and purpose of the Convention. BXA 
    does not accept these comments and this rule does not contain a UDOC 
    mixtures exemption. The Convention does not specifically permit a 
    mixtures rule similar to that for Schedule 2 or 3. Further, Sec. 710.1 
    of the CWCR contains the Convention's definition of a discrete organic 
    chemical. This rule does not provide specific exemptions for individual 
    UDOCs. If companies have specific questions about whether their 
    [[Page 73751]]
    are covered by the CWCR, they should request a chemical determination 
    from BXA. However, BXA believes that a specific exemption for UDOCs 
    produced by synthesis as normal ingredients, by-products, or impurities 
    in the manufacture of foods designed for consumption by humans and/or 
    animals is warranted since such plant sites pose no threat to the 
    object and purpose of the Convention. This rule does not include an 
    exemption for facilities that produce UDOCs solely as consumer goods 
    packaged for retail sale and requests that the public comment on the 
    impact of the CWCR on such producers.
        One respondent requested four additional exemptions to the 
    declaration requirements for Schedule 3 chemicals: materials that are 
    not produced by synthesis; materials that are not isolated for use or 
    sale as a specific end product; process intermediates that are 
    transformed at the same plant site; and components of waste streams (or 
    substances formed in waste streams). At this time, BXA believes it is 
    unnecessary to add additional exemptions for Schedule 3 chemicals 
    beyond the 80% threshold that currently exists. If the OPCW acts to set 
    a universal Schedule 3 threshold which is lower than 80% and if 
    Congress amends the Act, BXA will consider additional exemptions. For 
    purposes of the CWCR, the term ``production'' should be understood to 
    include a scheduled chemical (i.e., a Schedule 1, Schedule 2, or 
    Schedule 3 chemical) produced by a biochemical or biologically mediated 
    reaction. Further, Schedule 3 chemicals not isolated above 80% purity, 
    whether used or sold as specific end products or as intermediates or 
    disposed of as waste, are currently excluded by the Act and this rule. 
    Finally, excluding Schedule 3 process intermediates, with 
    concentrations greater than the applicable threshold (80% in the United 
    States), would be inconsistent with the object and purpose of the 
        Another respondent suggested that in order to avoid double counting 
    of UDOCs, a UDOC produced in salt form and pure form should only be 
    counted once for declaration purposes, and that the substance to be 
    declared would be the final ``species'' isolated for use or sale 
    outside the facility. The CWCR require declaration of only the final 
    UDOC produced in whatever form for use or sale. If a facility is 
    producing UDOC(s) for use within the facility, that UDOC must be 
    declared if produced in quantities greater than the threshold specified 
    in part 715 of the CWCR.
    Amended Declarations and Reports
        One respondent requested clarification on whether or not the 
    submission of amended declarations and reports will, in itself, trigger 
    an enforcement action. An amended declaration or report will be used by 
    BXA to replace the information on a declaration, or the aggregate 
    national declaration that was previously submitted to the OPCW. 
    Submission of an amended declaration or report is considered a change, 
    a replacement, or an addition to previously submitted information. 
    Amended declarations and reports will not automatically trigger an 
    enforcement action.
        One respondent requested clarification on the types of changes to a 
    previously submitted declaration on the production of UDOCs that would 
    require submission of an amended declaration or report. This rule 
    clarifies in Sec. 715.2 of the CWCR that for declarations involving 
    UDOCs, only changes of production quantity into a higher range, the 
    addition of a new PSF-chemical (phosphorus, sulfur, and fluorine) 
    produced above 30 metric tons at a PSF plant not previously declared, 
    changes to previously reported activities and end-use purposes, or the 
    addition of new activities or end-use purposes require an amended 
    declaration or report under part 715 of the CWCR.
        One respondent requested clarification on the types of changes to 
    declarations or reports that will not require submission of an amended 
    declaration or report because they are considered minor or 
    insignificant information. This rule makes such clarification in 
    Secs. 712.6, 713.7, and 714.6 of the CWCR. Changes to previously 
    submitted information on chemicals, activities and end-use purposes, or 
    the addition of new chemicals, activities and end-use purposes require 
    submission of an amended declaration or report. For Schedule 1, 2, or 3 
    facilities subject to inspection, changes that may affect verification 
    activities, such as changes of the owner or operator, company name, 
    address, or inspection point of contact, require submission of an 
    amended declaration. For Schedule 1, 2, or 3 facilities not subject to 
    inspection and UDOC plant sites, changes that do not directly affect 
    the purpose of the Convention, such as changes to a company name, 
    address, points of contact, non-substantive typographical errors, etc., 
    do not require submission of an amended declaration or report and may 
    be corrected in subsequent declarations or reports that are submitted 
    to BXA.
    Timing of Submission of Declarations and Reports
        One respondent suggested that the deadline for initial declarations 
    and reports, and annual declarations and reports on past activities for 
    calendar years 1997, 1998, and 1999, should be extended from 90 days to 
    150 days after the date of publication of the interim rule. The 
    respondent notes that it will be difficult to coordinate preparation of 
    declarations for its many facilities within the United States. Although 
    BXA understands the respondent's concern that it will be difficult to 
    coordinate declarations and reports from many different facilities in 
    the United States, the U.S. Government has committed to the OPCW that 
    it will meet its international obligations and submit data declarations 
    as soon as possible. In the early phases of the regulatory planning 
    process, BXA contemplated requiring industry to submit declarations 
    within 30 days after publication of the interim rule. However, industry 
    representatives advised BXA that industry would need 90 days to meet 
    its obligations, and BXA therefore extended the deadline for submission 
    of initial and annual declarations on past activities. This respondent 
    also requested that the submission deadline for declarations and 
    reports should be the ``postmarked'' date. This rule requires that 
    declarations and reports due to BXA be postmarked by certain dates.
        One respondent requested that additionally planned activities be 
    declared to BXA 10 days in advance of the beginning of the additional 
    or new production, processing or consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals or 
    the additional or new production of Schedule 3 chemicals, rather than 
    21 days in advance as specified in the proposed rule. Because this rule 
    requires that declarations and reports be postmarked by specified 
    dates, BXA does not believe that 10 days is enough time for the U.S. 
    Government to declare such activities to the OPCW. Therefore, this rule 
    requires additionally planned activities be declared 15 days in advance 
    of the beginning of the activities.
        Several respondents requested an extension of the due dates for 
    submission of annual declarations on past activities from February 13 
    to February 28, or later. The respondents believe that industry has a 
    more burdensome and time-consuming task in preparing declarations than 
    the U.S. Government. They noted that the U.S. Government has an 
    electronic means to process, compile and aggregate the data
    [[Page 73752]]
    and does not need 45 days to accomplish this task. The respondents 
    further stated that in early February, many companies may not have 
    compiled all of the necessary data available to complete declarations 
    because of ordinary business cycles, inventory control systems, or 
    other reasons, and to comply with the February 13th due date, many 
    companies will have to institute new changes to corporate policies and 
    procedures that may affect many aspects of their business. BXA agrees 
    with the respondents' arguments regarding the distribution of time 
    under the Convention's 90-day time frame. This rule reflects in Table 1 
    to parts 712 through 715 of the CWCR the new due date of February 28 
    for annual declarations and reports on past activities. Note that 
    annual declarations and reports for past activities for calendar years 
    1997, 1998, and 1999 are due to BXA by March 30, 2000.
        Two respondents stated that declarations and reporting requirements 
    should be based on the effective date of publication of the CWCR in 
    calendar year 2000. They further state that the initial and first 
    annual declaration of past activities should be combined into a single 
    declaration for Schedule 2, Schedule 3, and UDOCs to prevent undue 
    burdens on industry. BXA supports the respondents' concerns about the 
    burden declarations and reports are on U.S. industry, and has already 
    taken steps to minimize the burden. For example, this rule includes a 
    recordkeeping provision that requires U.S. industry to provide 
    information for years up to the effective date of the rule for which 
    they do have records and states that BXA will accept whatever degree of 
    precision is found in existing records. The final section of the Cost 
    Benefit Analysis of the costs and benefits of alternatives, as well as 
    Section 2.5.2 of the final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, provides 
    examples of how BXA has interpreted the CWC requirements as narrowly as 
    possible so that all companies will be declaring on the same basis for 
    calculating Schedule 2 activities to minimize declaration requirements 
    for Schedule 2 sites. Further, the instructions for Form 2-3 (for 
    Schedule 2 declarations), instruct plants sites producing below 
    threshold quantities in the reporting year to declare ``0'' because 
    they have a declaration requirement based upon activities in previous 
    years thus reducing burden and confidential business information 
    disclosure. Finally, this rule includes an exemption for UDOCs produced 
    by synthesis that are ingredients, by-products, or impurities in the 
    manufacture of foods designed for consumption by humans or animals.
        One respondent requested that for rounding of information included 
    on declarations and reports, no more than two significant digits be 
    required, and that no greater precision be required than can reasonably 
    be provided using existing documentation, equipment, and measurement 
    techniques. This rule includes additional guidance in a new Sec. 711.5 
    and in the reporting and declaration requirement sections of Parts 712 
    through 715 of the CWCR.
    Additionally Planned Activities
        One respondent was concerned that the Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 
    requirement for a declaration on additionally planned activities due to 
    BXA 21 days before additionally planned activities can begin implies 
    that the facility may not commence its activities until BXA gives 
    permission to do so. The respondent believes that the declaration on 
    additionally planned activities is a ``notice'' to BXA, and the 
    facility should be free to commence additional production after the 
    requisite time has passed without receipt of any type of permission 
    from BXA. The respondent further notes that the CWCR indicate that the 
    timing for the declaration on additionally planned activities runs from 
    when the notice is ``delivered to'' BXA, stating that a facility will 
    not know when the declaration ``is delivered'' to BXA, but rather when 
    it is ``sent to'' BXA. BXA agrees that the additionally planned 
    activities declaration requirement is a ``notice'' to BXA declaring 
    newly planned activities. Facilities are responsible for submitting 
    declarations to BXA within the required time frame prior to the 
    commencement of the new activities. Facilities are not required to wait 
    for permission from BXA to commence such activities. If a facility 
    begins these activities prior to the required notification time frame, 
    the facility may be in violation of the declaration requirement and may 
    be subject to civil penalties. BXA agrees with the respondent's 
    recommendation to make the timing for submission of a declaration on 
    additionally planned activities the ``sent to'' date (e.g., the 
    postmarked date), as reflected in Secs. 713.5(b) and 714.4 of the CWCR.
        Two respondents asked about the requirements for declaring 
    additionally planned Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 activities provided in 
    Secs. 713.5 and 714.4, respectively, of the proposed CWCR. This rule 
    expands the requirements for additionally planned activities consistent 
    with an OPCW decision dated May 16, 1997 (C-I/DEC.38). Declarations on 
    additionally planned activities by plant sites declared under 
    Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) or Sec. 714.2(a)(1)(iii) are required for: (1) An 
    additional plant not declared under Secs. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) or 
    714.2(a)(1)(iii) that plans to produce, process, or consume a Schedule 
    2 chemical or produce a Schedule 3 chemical above the applicable 
    declaration threshold; (2) an additional Schedule 2 chemical that will 
    be produced, processed, or consumed above the applicable declaration 
    threshold at a plant declared under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) or an 
    additional Schedule 3 chemical which will be produced above the 
    declaration threshold at a plant declared under Sec. 714.2(a)(1)(iii); 
    (3) an additional planned activity (production, processing, or 
    consumption) above the applicable threshold for a chemical declared 
    under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii); (4) a planned increase in the production, 
    processing, or consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical by a plant declared 
    under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) or a planned increased in the production of 
    a Schedule 3 chemical by a plant declared under Sec. 714.2(a)(1)(iii) 
    to an amount which exceeds the applicable inspection threshold (see 
    Secs. 716.1(b)(2) and 716.1(b)(3) for the respective Schedule 2 and 3 
    thresholds); (5) a planned increase in the production of a Schedule 3 
    chemical by declared plants at a plant site to an amount above the 
    upper limit declared under Sec. 714.2(a)(1)(iii); (6) a change in the 
    anticipated starting or ending date of production, processing, or 
    consumption declared under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) by more than three 
    months; and (7) a planned increase in the production, processing, or 
    consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical by a declared plant by 20 percent 
    or more above that declared under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii).
        While BXA recognizes that some of the new requirements in this rule 
    increase the declaration burden on industry, they are required in order 
    to meet U.S. Government obligations under C-I/DEC.38 and are consistent 
    in scope with the original requirements contained in Secs. 713.5 and 
    714.4 of the proposed CWCR. BXA anticipates an additional 20 
    declarations on additionally planned activities based upon the above 
    new requirements, but requests that concerned parties submit comments 
    regarding this estimate and the overall burden of requirements mandated 
    under C-I/DEC.38. BXA will reevaluate these additionally planned
    [[Page 73753]]
    activities requirements based upon this input.
        One respondent remarked that the definition of ``declaration form'' 
    states that all declared facilities will have facility-specific 
    information transmitted to the OPCW, but pointed out that information 
    included with UDOC declarations and Schedule 3 export and import 
    information is only aggregated and facility-specific information is not 
    submitted to the OPCW. The respondent suggested revisions to the 
    definition of ``declaration forms'' to clarify this point. Facility-
    specific information contained in UDOC declarations is submitted to the 
    OPCW by the USNA. However, to clarify what information is submitted to 
    the OPCW, this rule revises the definitions of ``declaration or report 
    form'' and ``reports.''
        One respondent requested a revision to the definition of 
    ``consumption,'' noting that most chemical reactions are not 100% 
    complete. Accounting for the majority of the material as consumed and 
    the remainder as either waste or as recycled starting material is 
    reasonable. Therefore, this rule defines ``consumption'' of a chemical 
    as its conversion into another chemical via a chemical reaction. Un-
    reacted material must be accounted for as either waste or as recycled 
    starting material.
        One respondent requested clarification of ``toxic chemical'' as 
    used in Sec. 716.2(b)(1)(ii)(E) of the CWCR. BXA agrees that 
    clarification is warranted. Therefore, this rule adds a new definition 
    of ``toxic chemical'' to Sec. 710.1 of the CWCR. The definition is 
    based on the definition found in the Act.
        One respondent commented that the definition of the term ``trading 
    company'' appears to cover the requirements for submitting a report by 
    an undeclared plant site, stating that the terms ``entity'' and 
    ``companies'' in the definition are confusing. The respondent further 
    states that the phrase ``entities involved in the export or import of 
    chemicals'' could be interpreted to mean that an entity engaged in both 
    exports and imports is not a trading company, and only scheduled 
    chemicals are subject to reporting by trading companies. BXA agrees 
    that the definition of ``trading company'' requires clarification. 
    Therefore, this rule revises the definition of ``trading company'' by 
    replacing the word ``entity'' with ``person,'' which is also defined in 
    Sec. 710.1, and by clarifying that trading companies that export or 
    import scheduled chemicals in amounts greater than specified thresholds 
    are subject to reporting requirements, but not routine inspections.
        Several respondents requested that a definition of production be 
    added to Sec. 710.1 of the CWCR to help clarify declaration 
    requirements. This rule adds the Convention's definition of 
    ``production'' as the formation of a chemical through a chemical 
        One respondent requested that the definition of ``host team'' be 
    modified to include facility representatives to recognize that the 
    employees of the inspected facility must contribute to the host team 
    because of their expertise. Section 303(b)(2) of the Act states that 
    ``[t]he United States National Authority shall coordinate the 
    designation of employees of the Federal Government to accompany members 
    of an inspection team of the Technical Secretariat.'' The term ``Host 
    Team'' in Sec. 710.1 of the CWCR is meant to assign a functional name 
    to these designated federal government employees, who will be drawn 
    from different agencies, by describing their role during inspections 
    (i.e., to host inspectors at U.S. facilities). While BXA fully expects 
    that facility representatives will act as ``de facto'' Host Team 
    members during inspection activities, the Act imposes certain 
    requirements on federal employees that legally cannot be performed by 
    facility representatives (e.g., obtaining administrative warrants, 
    negotiating facility agreements, and representing the United States' 
    interests as a State Party). Therefore, the term ``Host Team'' in the 
    CWCR refers to the U.S. Government team that accompanies inspectors 
    from the OPCW at facilities subject to inspection, and does not include 
    civilian site representatives.
        Finally, one respondent requested clarification of the definition 
    of ``storage'' as it applies to Schedule 2 and 3 chemicals and UDOCs. 
    BXA does not agree that a clarification is necessary, because no 
    quantitative reporting of storage for Schedule 2 or 3 chemicals or 
    UDOCs is required by the CWCR.
    Electronic Submission of Information
        One respondent requested that BXA permit industry to electronically 
    request assistance in determining its obligations under the CWCR, 
    including chemical determinations. The respondent further requests that 
    BXA respond to an incomplete request for assistance if the omitted 
    information is not required for responding to the request. BXA supports 
    electronic submissions of information to the extent possible. 
    Therefore, this rule includes more detailed information in Sec. 711.3 
    on how to contact BXA electronically. BXA will respond to requests for 
    chemical determinations within 10 working days of receipt. BXA will 
    respond to other inquiries about industry obligations under the CWCR in 
    a timely manner.
    Facility Agreements
        One respondent, while supporting the U.S. Government's approach on 
    managed access, requested that the concept of managed access be 
    introduced for UDOC inspections to strengthen the ability of Host Teams 
    to protect confidential business information. The Convention contains 
    strict rules for inspection team access to UDOC facilities based on the 
    area of the plant site to be inspected. The CWCR are not intended to 
    provide this level of detail since the actual access provided to 
    inspection teams will vary from facility to facility. Part IX of the 
    Convention's Verification Annex provides that inspected States Parties 
    have the right to manage inspection team access to declared plants on a 
    plant site. However, access to other areas of the plant site will be 
    agreed upon, which is more controlled than managed access. Therefore, 
    this rule does not specify managed access for UDOC facilities because 
    it could result in expanded access to inspection teams beyond the 
    Convention, which BXA does not support. BXA will ensure that inspection 
    team access does not exceed the terms of the Convention.
        One respondent requested that BXA make a reasonable effort to 
    complete facility agreement negotiations with the OPCW on the 
    establishment of a new Schedule 1 facility within 200 days, stating 
    that without this language, any new Schedule 1 production by a new 
    facility could be delayed indefinitely. The Act does not give BXA the 
    authority to implement the Convention's restrictions on Schedule 1 
    production at a new facility where a facility agreement has not been 
    concluded. New Schedule 1 facilities must notify BXA 200 days prior to 
    commencing production of Schedule 1 chemicals above 100 grams 
    aggregate. BXA will work with the USNA to conclude a facility agreement 
    for new Schedule 1 facilities with the OPCW prior to the commencement 
    of production of Schedule 1 chemicals above 100 grams aggregate.
        Two respondents requested that the facility be consulted and be 
    authorized to approve any facility agreement prior to conclusion by the 
    U.S. Government and the OPCW. The respondents further requested that 
    the U.S. Government consult with the facility prior to final 
    interpretations of the provisions of the facility agreement. BXA 
    recognizes that facility input is critical to the successful 
    negotiation of facility agreements. The
    [[Page 73754]]
    proposed rule inadvertently omitted language from the Act that provides 
    facilities with the right to participate in the preparation of facility 
    agreements. This rule includes such language in Sec. 716.6(b) of the 
    CWCR, and BXA will consult with facilities to the maximum extent 
    possible during negotiations with the OPCW. The United States cannot 
    withhold conclusion of a facility agreement with the OPCW because of 
    facility concerns. The Convention does not provide for facility 
    approval of the facility agreement. Industry should note that BXA will 
    inform the affected facility of the status of negotiations at the OPCW, 
    permit facility representatives to observe negotiations with the 
    Technical Secretariat to the maximum extent practicable, and prior to 
    conclusion of a facility agreement with the Executive Council, will 
    provide facilities with an opportunity to comment. During final 
    negotiations with the OPCW, BXA will give consideration to the 
    facility's comments. Finally, BXA will consult with facility 
    representatives prior to interpreting the facility agreement, once 
    completed. If a disagreement over the provisions of a facility 
    agreement occurs between the OPCW and BXA during an inspection that 
    cannot be resolved on-site, the issue will be included in the 
    preliminary factual finding report. After consulting with the U.S. 
    interagency group established by the Act and E.O. 13128, the USNA and 
    BXA will meet with the OPCW to resolve the issue. BXA will keep the 
    facility informed of discussions with the OPCW.
        BXA received several comments on the Schedule 2 Model Facility 
    Agreement (MFA) found in Supplement No. 3 to part 716 of the CWCR. 
    First, concerns were expressed about a provision found under Section 
    2--Health and Safety, that states that if the inspected State Party so 
    requests on the basis of confirmed contamination or hazardous waste 
    requirements or regulations, any piece of equipment involved in the 
    inspection activities will be left at the plant site at the end of the 
    inspection. The respondent states that the facility may not be legally 
    authorized to store or dispose of contaminated items. BXA will discuss 
    issues related to disposal of contaminated items and hazardous waste 
    with facilities as necessary, and facility agreements will be drafted 
        Another concern raised by the respondents regarded sampling. 
    Section 7.4, paragraph 2 of the Schedule 2 MFA states in part that 
    ``[s]ampling and analysis, for inspection purposes, may be carried out 
    to check for the absence of undeclared scheduled chemicals. Each sample 
    will be split into a minimum of four parts at the request of the 
    inspection team in accordance with Part C of Attachment 10.'' The 
    respondent states that the facility should retain the right to request 
    a sample split and analyze it. BXA does not believe that the sampling 
    language needs revision. The language does not preclude the inspected 
    facility from requesting split samples. Facilities should further note 
    that attachments to the MFA are intended to be site-specific and 
    completed with facility input.
        One respondent correctly notes that Section 7.4, paragraph 12 of 
    the Schedule 2 MFA erroneously states that the inspection must stop at 
    the direction of the plant site representative. BXA agrees that the 
    plant site representative should not be authorized to stop analysis 
    activities in the event that these activities are not in accordance 
    with the facility agreement or agreed analysis procedures, or otherwise 
    pose a threat to safety or environmental regulations or laws. 
    Therefore, this rule revises the language in Section 7.4, paragraph 12 
    to state that the inspected State Party, in consultation with the plant 
    site representative, may cease such activities.
        BXA received several other comments regarding concerns that the 
    Schedule 2 MFA does not allow for enough consultation with the facility 
    representative. Other comments focused on suggestions to add clarifying 
    language in the MFA that is site specific. Industry should note that 
    the MFAs found in Supplements No. 2 and 3 to part 716 are models that 
    include general language that could apply to all inspected facilities. 
    Attachments to the MFAs will make the facility agreement site-specific.
        Other comments made by the public regarding the Schedule 1 and 2 
    MFAs have been incorporated in Supplements No. 2 and 3 to part 716. 
    Where applicable, corresponding changes were made to both MFAs.
        BXA also received a request to develop and include in the CWCR a 
    Schedule 3 MFA. BXA is assessing the needs and requirements of a 
    Schedule 3 MFA. The OPCW's Technical Secretariat has developed a draft 
    MFA but there has been no movement by States Parties to complete it. To 
    date, no State Party that has undergone a Schedule 3 inspection has 
    requested a facility agreement. Moreover, the OPCW has suggested that 
    if a State Party requests a facility agreement for a Schedule 3 plant 
    site, the length of an initial inspection will be extended by 2 days. 
    Since the Convention limits the number of Schedule 3 and UDOC 
    inspections to a total of 20 inspections per year, it is unlikely that 
    a re-inspection will occur at a Schedule 3 facility within 5 to 10 
    years. Nevertheless, the Act gives Schedule 3 facilities the right to 
    request a facility agreement and BXA will take the respondent's 
    suggestion into consideration. BXA would prefer that States Parties 
    reach consensus on a general framework for a model before drafting a 
    national model, but will consider doing so if States Parties are unable 
    or unwilling to complete a model before Schedule 3 inspections commence 
    in the United States.
        Finally, one respondent requested that language be added to the 
    CWCR to require OPCW inspection teams to follow the requirements of 
    relevant model facility agreements during an initial inspection. During 
    initial inspections, verification activities are subject to the 
    Convention's ``General Rules of Verification'' (Part II of the 
    Verification Annex) and the applicable annex for the type of facility 
    being inspected (Parts VI, VII, VIII, or IX). Although BXA does not 
    believe it is appropriate to include the respondent's suggested 
    language in the CWCR, BXA suggests that facilities subject to initial 
    inspection develop a preliminary draft facility agreement based on the 
    CWCR's model facility agreement. This preliminary draft will be 
    provided to the inspection team upon arrival at the facility. Although 
    the OPCW is not bound by this preliminary draft, BXA will urge that 
    inspection teams use it as a guide during initial inspections. 
    Regardless, inspection teams are always under the obligation to 
    discharge their functions with the least possible inconvenience and 
    disturbance to the facility, and to avoid hampering or delaying the 
    operation of a facility or affecting its safety.
    Initial and Routine Inspections
        Section 716.5 of the CWCR provides that the Department of Commerce 
    provide written Host Team notification of an inspection. Such notice 
    will usually be via fax or phone. If notification by fax or phone 
    fails, a written notification of the inspection will immediately be 
    posted at the plant site. A respondent questioned whether there will be 
    an additional notification that includes the contents of the OPCW 
    inspection mandate after it has been provided to the Host Team at the 
    point of entry. This respondent also asked how much time the facility 
    will have to respond to the notification, and whether the facility will 
    be asked to respond to the notification regarding warrants. The
    [[Page 73755]]
    Host Team notice from the Department of Commerce serves to notify the 
    facility of an inspection, advise the facility of the availability of 
    U.S. Government assistance, and to determine if an administrative 
    warrant is required. BXA asks the facility to reply to the request for 
    consent within 4 hours. If, after 4 hours, the request for consent is 
    not granted, BXA will seek an administrative warrant. The notification 
    also advises the facility of the availability of an Advance Team. The 
    company may wish to respond as soon as possible to maximize the time 
    available for preparation of an inspection. The Convention requires 
    transport of the OPCW Inspection Team to the inspected site within 12 
    hours of presenting the mandate. Due to this time constraint, BXA may 
    not be able to provide the mandate to the facility prior to the arrival 
    of the Inspection Team at the facility. However, the Commerce-led Host 
    Team currently plans to pass the mandate, if possible, to the Advance 
    Team at the site as soon as possible.
        One respondent requested BXA to share a copy of its preliminary 
    (renamed ``Host Team'') notice with industry for comment. The 
    respondent wanted to ensure that it contains certain ``critical'' 
    information such as the inspection mandate and establishes a dialogue 
    between the U.S. Government and facility on health and safety 
    information that could impact a facility during verification 
    activities. Once the CWCR are published and the interagency formally 
    clears the Host Team notification, BXA will make the notice available 
    to the public upon request. The Host Team notification is meant to 
    alert the facility of an impending inspection, determine whether the 
    facility consents to the inspection, and ascertain whether the facility 
    requests Advance Team support. The Host Team notification will also 
    contain a copy of the OPCW's notification to the USNA, which includes 
    health and safety information regarding special needs of inspectors and 
    inspection equipment. However, such information will change from 
    inspection to inspection, and BXA cannot anticipate Inspection Team 
    needs in advance. If there are special facility-specific issues (e.g., 
    health and safety) that the Host Team or OPCW needs to be aware of 
    prior to the commencement of an inspection, they should be communicated 
    to the Advance Team during pre-inspection preparation activities. The 
    Advance Team will then inform the Host Team Leader, who will brief the 
    Inspection Team upon arrival at the U.S. point of entry (POE) 
    (Washington Dulles International Airport). The inspection mandate is 
    not part of the Host Team notification because the Host Team Leader 
    will not receive the mandate until the Inspection Team arrives at the 
        One respondent requested that inspections start in normal business 
    hours, therefore reinforcing the Convention's commitment to not impact 
    the regular operation of a facility. BXA does not agree that all 
    inspections will be conducted during normal business working hours. 
    Verification activities include, inter alia, physical plant 
    inspections, records review, the preparation of preliminary factual 
    findings and draft facility agreements, if applicable. Many of these 
    activities can be done in an administrative work space outside of 
    operations areas, but all must be completed prior to the conclusion of 
    an inspection. Limiting inspection activities to normal working hours 
    will increase the amount of time (i.e., number of days) Inspection 
    Teams remain on-site. Inspectors are obligated to discharge their 
    functions with the least possible inconvenience and disturbance to the 
    facility, and to avoid hampering or delaying the operation of a 
    facility or affecting its safety. BXA will take all of these factors 
    into consideration when determining whether an inspection should 
    commence, continue, or conclude during other hours. The respondent also 
    requested that the facility be consulted for any extension in the 
    duration of an inspection prior to agreement by the Host Team Leader 
    and the Inspection Team. BXA supports this request. Therefore, this 
    rule adds to Sec. 716.5(b)(2) and (b)(3) that the Host Team Leader will 
    consult with the inspected facility on any extension of the inspection 
    prior to making an agreement with the Inspection Team.
        BXA has also determined that part 716 of the proposed CWCR was 
    deficient regarding two inspection requirements of the Convention: pre-
    inspection briefing and debriefing on the preliminary factual findings. 
    The Convention requires that prior to the commencement of an 
    inspection, facility personnel brief the Inspection Team on the 
    facility, the activities carried out there, safety measures, and 
    administrative and logistic arrangements necessary for the inspection. 
    The pre-inspection briefing is limited to three hours. New 
    Sec. 716.4(c) of the CWCR contains the requirement for facilities to 
    provide a pre-inspection briefing and lists topics to be addressed. The 
    Convention also requires that the Inspection Team meet with the 
    inspected State Party and facility upon completion of the inspection to 
    review its preliminary factual findings report and to clarify any 
    ambiguities. The debriefing must be completed no later than 24 hours 
    after the completion of the inspection. New Sec. 716.4(i) contains the 
    requirement for a debriefing. Facilities should note that the time 
    required for a pre-inspection briefing and debriefing on the 
    preliminary factual findings is in addition to the specified period of 
    inspection for Schedule 2, Schedule 3, and UDOC plant sites. This rule 
    also includes new Secs. 716.4(b), (d) and (e) to provide a clearer 
    description of the inspection process and to set forth the scope of 
    consent to an inspection. BXA invites the public to comment on the 
    changes to part 716, particularly the new sections.
        Three respondents stated that additional information should be 
    included in Sec. 716.3 to clarify, for facilities subject to routine 
    inspection, that withholding consent to an inspection or withdrawing 
    consent following the commencement of an inspection are not violations 
    of the regulations. BXA notes that the Act provides that consent may be 
    withheld for any reason or no reason. BXA also agrees that in most 
    circumstances, withdrawal of consent would not be a violation under 
    Sec. 719.2(a)(1) of the CWCR.
        One respondent recommended that, in order to reduce the likelihood 
    of a misunderstanding by the OPCW inspectors, and to avoid possible 
    ``international incidents,'' Sec. 716.3 should also specify the 
    procedures to be followed if consent is withdrawn during an inspection. 
    BXA does not accept this recommendation because procedures may differ 
    from inspection to inspection, depending on the circumstances and the 
    timing of a withdrawal of consent, and on whether the OPCW inspectors 
    decide to wait for BXA to obtain an administrative warrant and then to 
    continue the inspection or to terminate the inspection.
        One respondent raised Constitutional concerns about the 
    installation of on-site monitoring equipment at Schedule 1 facilities. 
    Although paragraph 29 of Part VI of the Convention's Verification 
    Annex, pertaining to verification of declared Schedule 1 facilities, 
    gives the OPCW the right to install such instruments, the U.S. 
    Government does not anticipate that the OPCW will request to do so for 
    facilities subject to the CWCR. This rule moves the provision for on-
    site monitoring of Schedule 1 facilities from Sec. 716.2 to a new 
    Sec. 716.8.
    [[Page 73756]]
        A respondent requested that BXA reduce the post-inspection 
    reporting burden on industry by allowing reports on inspection-related 
    costs to be voluntary, summarized, estimated by BXA or the facility, or 
    reported in ranges, and that the time frame for submitting such reports 
    be extended to 180 days after an inspection. BXA is sympathetic to the 
    respondent's concerns, however, the Act specifically requires that the 
    President report the total costs borne by United States business firms 
    in the course of inspections to the Congress. This requires BXA to 
    compel industry to submit reports on the total costs related to 
    inspection. BXA gives facilities the discretion to determine the 
    methodology for computing total costs. Because the annual report on 
    inspections must be submitted annually to Congress, BXA must be able to 
    provide as current figures as possible without excessively burdening 
    industry. BXA believes that the 90 day time frame is reasonable and 
    meets the requirements of the Act.
    Clarification Procedures; Challenge Inspection Requests
        Two respondents questioned whether the Department of Commerce has 
    the authority, under the Act, to require facilities subject to the CWCR 
    to provide information in response to a clarification request from 
    another State Party, and suggested deletion of Sec. 717.1(b) of the 
    CWCR. Section 101(e) of the Act and Section 3 of Executive Order No. 
    13128 give the Department of Commerce adequate authority to require 
    such information. In addition, as one respondent highlighted, the 
    clarification procedures in Article IX of the Convention provide a 
    means of clarifying and resolving ambiguities without the need for 
    challenge inspections. Three respondents stated that the requirement 
    for facilities to provide information to the Department of Commerce 
    pursuant to a clarification request from another State Party or the 
    OPCW should be clarified to establish substantive limits on the scope 
    of the request and a time frame for response. Substantive limits are 
    already provided in Sec. 717.1(b). The information must pertain to 
    ``reporting, declaration, notification, or inspection requirements set 
    forth in parts 712 through 716.'' BXA agrees that a time frame for 
    response should be provided. Therefore, this rule requires in 
    Sec. 717.1(b) that information be provided to the Department of 
    Commerce pursuant to a clarification request within five working days. 
    This time frame will allow the U.S. Government to respond to another 
    State Party or to the OPCW within 10 days, as required by Article IX of 
    the Convention.
        One respondent recommended that this part establish procedures for 
    resolving differences, including meetings with the OPCW, to avoid the 
    need for challenge inspections. BXA does not believe it is necessary or 
    appropriate for the CWCR to set forth procedures that the U.S. 
    Government will follow in communicating with other States Parties or 
    the OPCW.
        Finally, one respondent suggested that a request for information 
    under the clarification procedure amounts to a criminal investigation, 
    and another respondent suggested that a facility should be able to 
    require BXA to obtain an administrative warrant before providing the 
    requested information. A request for information does not rise to the 
    level of a criminal investigation. An administrative warrant is not 
    appropriate in this context, because no physical inspection of a 
    facility is involved and the information requested falls within the 
    scope of the CWCR. Willful failure or refusal to provide information in 
    response to a BXA request under part 717 of the CWCR would constitute a 
    violation under Sec. 719.2 of the CWCR.
    Facilities That Cease Involvement With Declarable Activities
        Respondents were concerned about whether a facility will be 
    absolved from further requirements under the CWCR when the facility 
    eliminates its declarable activities. The respondents recommended that 
    BXA provide a mechanism by which the facility can commit to elimination 
    of declared activities, and therefore not be subject to initial 
    declaration and reporting. BXA does not agree that a facility should be 
    able to avoid submission of a declaration based on the facility's 
    intent to terminate the declarable activity. This would be inconsistent 
    with the requirements of the Convention.
    Violations and Penalties
        BXA received several comments on part 719--Enforcement, many of 
    which were adopted. The most significant changes that were made to part 
    719 concern its structure and the application of the administrative 
    process. Part 719 of this rule is intended to more accurately reflect 
    the three categories of Chemical Weapons Convention violations: 
    ``violations of the Act subject to administrative and criminal 
    enforcement proceedings'' (Sec. 719.2); ``violations of IEEPA subject 
    to judicial enforcement proceedings'' (Sec. 719.3); and ``violations 
    and sanctions under the Act not subject to proceedings under the CWCR'' 
    (Sec. 719.4). Section 719.2 of the CWCR sets forth violations of the 
    Act. The Department of Commerce and Department of State jointly apply 
    the administrative process that applies to these violations. The 
    administrative procedures are found in 15 CFR Secs. 719.5-719.22 and in 
    22 CFR part 103, subpart C. Section 719.3 sets forth the violations of 
    the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). Part 719 
    provides no administrative process for these IEEPA violations. They are 
    referred to the Department of Justice for judicial enforcement. The 
    violations contained in Sec. 719.4 have as their basis the Act, but 
    they are not subject to the CWCR and are provided for informational 
    purposes only.
        In addition to the concerns expressed about structure and 
    organization, there were also several comments expressing general 
    displeasure with the precise wording of various violations and 
    penalties. While BXA is sympathetic to some of these comments, the 
    violations and penalties in the CWCR merely recite the violations and 
    penalties as they appear in the relevant statutes. Thus, BXA made no 
    substantive changes to the violation and penalty language.
        Although no substantive changes were made to the language of the 
    violations and penalties, BXA does believe it is necessary to clarify 
    what the violation of ``willfully impeding an inspection'' might mean. 
    One respondent expressed concern that this violation could be construed 
    so that the exercise of the right to withhold consent (which makes it 
    necessary for the government to obtain an administrative warrant), or 
    that efforts to protect the safety of the inspectors, would constitute 
    willfully delaying or impeding an inspection. Since Sec. 305(a) of the 
    Act provides that the owner or the operator, occupant, or agent in 
    charge of the premises may withhold consent for any reason or no 
    reason, BXA does not believe those concerns are well founded.
        Finally with respect to the violations and penalties, some 
    respondents were confused by use of the terms ``knowingly'' and 
    ``willfully.'' The basis for this confusion was the mistaken assumption 
    that the Act was the statutory basis for the import violations, which 
    caused confusion because the criminal penalty provision says 
    ``willfully'' rather than ``knowingly'' as required by the Act. he 
    reason for use of the word ``willfully'' rather than (or in addition 
    to) ``knowingly'' is that the statutory basis for the import violations 
    is the International Emergency
    [[Page 73757]]
    Economic Powers Act. Therefore, the criminal penalty for import 
    violations mirrors the IEEPA penalty provision. Several respondents 
    also asked BXA to clarify the meaning of the word ``knowingly'' as used 
    to describe the criminal penalties for refusal violations. However, the 
    penalty language and standards are statutory (see Sec. 501(b) of the 
    Act), and are therefore more appropriately interpreted by the courts.
    Administrative Procedures
        One respondent objected to Sec. 719.6(c), which states that 
    defenses that the respondent does not set forth in the Answer to a 
    Notice of Violation and Assessment (NOVA) are waived, except for good 
    cause shown. However, it is especially important that this standard 
    administrative law provision be included in the CWCR because the 
    statutory time limit for administrative proceedings is very short (30 
    days). Interested parties should keep in mind that the provision is not 
    an absolute waiver of defenses--it does permit a respondent to present 
    additional defenses if the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) determines 
    there is a good reason for doing so.
        Several respondents expressed concern about Sec. 719.20. As 
    proposed, it permitted documents filed with the ALJ to be made 
    available immediately upon filing. In response to these comments, this 
    rule revises Sec. 719.20(c)(2) to state that the record for decision, 
    including the NOVA and other documents that are filed in an 
    administrative proceeding, will be available to the public only after 
    the final administrative resolution of a case. Prior to that final 
    resolution, any party may request that the ALJ restrict access to any 
    portion of the record, and the ALJ may so direct. Thus, the revised 
    Part 719 ensures that parties have the opportunity to petition for 
    restricted access to documents or portions of documents, and to have 
    the ALJ rule on such petitions, before the record for decision becomes 
        In addition, respondents expressed concern, pursuant to 
    Sec. 719.20(b) of the CWCR, that the ALJ may transfer previously 
    restricted material to the unrestricted portion of the record once it 
    becomes declassified or unrestricted due to the passage of time. The 
    respondent suggested implementing a new process whereby the ALJ would 
    provide notice and opportunity for objection before making such a move. 
    BXA has not made such a change as the material is already protected. 
    Since material may not be transferred until it becomes declassified or 
    derestricted, the ALJ would have to make inquiries if there were any 
    doubt about the status of the material.
        Other respondents requested that Sec. 719.14, regarding hearings, 
    be clarified. BXA changed this section to provide that hearings are 
    closed to the public, except upon good cause shown, and clarified that 
    evidence of settlement discussions is not admissible in any 
    administrative proceeding, and that witnesses may be cross-examined. 
    However, the ALJ continues to have discretion over what evidence is 
    admissible; the federal rules of evidence do not apply.
        One respondent asked why Sec. 719.18 sets forth factors to be 
    considered in assessing penalties for reporting- and inspection-related 
    violations but not for import violations. As the revised CWCR provides 
    no administrative process for import violations, the question is moot. 
    However, the answer was that the statutory basis for the two types of 
    violations is different: the Act is the basis for reporting- and 
    inspection-related violations and the IEEPA is the basis for import 
    violations. Only the Act requires specific factors for consideration.
        Various other comments requested clarification regarding for whom 
    the Department of Commerce provides legal representation 
    (Sec. 719.1(a)(2)), service via facsimile (Sec. 719.8(b)), issuance of 
    subpoenas (719.11(b)), and payment for copies of the hearing transcript 
    (Sec. 719.14(c)(1)). All these clarifications have been made. BXA also 
    agreed to use the word ``request'' rather than the word ``demand'' in 
    connection with requests for a hearing (Sec. 719.6). Other comments did 
    not result in any changes. BXA did not extend the time permitted to 
    request a hearing from 15 days to 30 days for refusal violations as the 
    15-day time period is statutory, and BXA did not delete the requirement 
    for a notice of appearance.
    Denial of Export Privileges
        Like part 719, part 720 of the CWCR was reorganized and clarified, 
    though not significantly changed. This reorganization was accomplished 
    in lieu of deleting part 720 and organizing denial cases as a third 
    category of cases in part 719 as one respondent suggested. That 
    suggestion was not adopted because a denial of export privileges can 
    only occur after a conviction of crimes outside the scope of the CWCR. 
    The Act requires that respondents have notice and an opportunity for 
    hearing before a denial of export privileges is imposed, and this part 
    sets forth that process. Several respondents noted discrepancies in 
    part 720 of the CWCR regarding the standards for ALJ review and the 
    standards for Under Secretary review. BXA has changed this part to make 
    it clear that anyone may request a hearing before an ALJ, but that 
    there are specific grounds for appeal from the ALJ decision to the 
    Under Secretary. The grounds for appeal include: omission of a 
    necessary finding of fact, a necessary legal conclusion is contrary to 
    law, a prejudicial error occurred, or the decision was arbitrary, 
    capricious, or an abuse of discretion.
    Additional Public Comments
        There were several public comments that were not addressed in this 
    Supplementary Information section, but those comments were reviewed and 
    incorporated, as appropriate, in the CWCR itself. Additionally, 
    typographical errors and minor clarifications were corrected in this 
    III. Public Comments on Declaration and Reporting Forms and 
        This section outlines comments received from four respondents 
    regarding the Department of Commerce's Federal Register notice (Volume 
    64, Number 141) of July 21, 1999, announcing an Office of Management 
    and Budget review and request for comments on BXA's proposal for 
    collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) for the Chemical Weapons 
    Convention Declaration Forms (OMB Approval Number 0694-0091). Two 
    respondents requested that BXA establish an official record of the 
    public comments received on the forms by including those comments in 
    the supplementary information section of this rule. BXA agrees with 
    this request and provides those comments herein. All typographical 
    errors and minor clarifications noted by the respondents were 
    corrected, and are not addressed here.
    Declaration and Report Handbooks for Schedule 1, 2 and 3 Chemicals and 
    Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemicals
        Section 3 ``Guide to Submission of Forms'' of the Declaration and 
    Report Handbooks for Schedules 1, 2 and 3 and Unscheduled Discrete 
    Organic Chemicals. One respondent stated that the ``Guide to Submission 
    of Forms'' complicates industry's ability to decipher its specific 
    obligations. The respondent requested clarification and that BXA ensure 
    the consistency of the final reporting requirements and establish an 
    immediate routine for fulfilling these requirements. Additionally, two 
    respondents stated
    [[Page 73758]]
    that the Guides indicate Form A is ``required, as appropriate'' whereas 
    they believe Form A is optional and should be referred to as 
    ``attached, as appropriate.''
        BXA clarified each of the Handbooks'' ``Guide to Submission of 
    Forms'' by including the routine date for submission of annual 
    declarations on past activities and annual reports on export and import 
    activities. However, because initial declarations and reports as well 
    as declarations and reports on past activities from multiple years must 
    be submitted to BXA within 90 days after publication of this rule, BXA 
    is maintaining the specific declaration and report submission 
    requirements as a note to the Guide. In the first revision to the 
    Handbook, BXA will remove these notes from the Guide and the routine 
    filing requirements will be clearly defined.
        BXA also revised each of the Handbooks' ``Guide to Submission of 
    Forms'' to reflect that Form A is an attachment and should be submitted 
    as appropriate. Form A should be used to submit any attachment to a 
    declaration or report including, but not limited to, a plant site 
    diagram, a technical description of a Schedule 1 facility or a 
    structural formula drawing of a chemical.
        The following clarifies the specific types of declarations and/or 
    reports that must be submitted to BXA within 90 days of the publication 
    of the Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (CWCR) as well as the 
    calendar years for which this information must be provided:
    Schedule 1
    --Initial Declaration: Submit a technical description of your facility 
    if you produced in excess of 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemical 
    in calendar years 1997, 1998, or 1999 (do not submit any production 
    --Annual Declaration on Past Activities: 1997, 1998, and 1999
    --Annual Report on Exports and Imports: 1997, 1998, and 1999
    Schedule 2
    --Initial Declaration: 1994, 1995, and 1996 (For each chemical, you 
    must submit three Forms 2-3--one for each of the calendar years 1994, 
    1995, and 1996.)
    --Initial Report on Exports and Imports: 1996
    --Declaration on Chemical Production at any time since January 1, 1946 
    for Chemical Weapons (CW) Purposes: one-time declaration
    --Annual Declaration on Past Activities (production, processing 
    consumption, export and import): 1997, 1998, and 1999
    --Annual Report on Exports and Imports: 1997, 1998, and 1999
    Schedule 3
    --Initial Declaration: 1996
    --Initial Report on Exports and Imports: 1996
    --Declaration on Chemical Production at any time since January 1, 1946 
    for Chemical Weapons (CW) Purposes: one-time declaration
    --Annual Declaration on Past Activities (production): 1997, 1998, and 
    --Annual Report on Exports and Imports: 1997, 1998, and 1999
    Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemicals (UDOCs)
    --Initial Declaration: 1996
    --Annual Declaration on Past Activities (production): 1997, 1998, and 
        Supplement 1 to the Declaration and Report Handbooks--Latitude and 
    Longitude of the Facility. Three respondents recommended that the plant 
    site should be able to choose and identify a reasonable or prominent 
    location within the declared plant site for declaring the geographical 
    coordinates. All three respondents noted that the center of the plant 
    site may be an inaccessible location. One respondent recommended that 
    if the plant site chooses the location for the geographical 
    coordinates, then it must also describe or identify the point for which 
    the coordinates were provided, such as a control room, an 
    administration building or the front gate. Two respondents recommended 
    that BXA specifically authorize the use of Global Positioning System 
    (GPS) technology as the preferred method of calculating the center 
    point of the facility. Lastly, one respondent that recommended BXA 
    remove Supplement 1 (How to Determine Latitude and Longitude from 
    Topographical Maps) and put this information on the BXA web site.
        BXA recognizes that most companies will use a GPS to determine its 
    latitude and longitude and that the OPCW generally uses this method to 
    confirm declared geographical coordinates. BXA notes, however, that a 
    GPS reading is not the only method available for identifying the 
    geographical coordinates of the plant site and therefore will not 
    designate GPS as the preferable method for providing latitude and 
    longitude. Geographical coordinates provided from a GPS reading are 
    acceptable. In addition, upon request BXA will informally assist 
    companies to identify its geographical coordinates. BXA has made minor 
    clarifications to Supplement 1 in response to the comments.
        Supplement 3 to the Declaration and Report Handbooks. One 
    respondent noted that Macedonia was missing from the list of country 
    codes which are used for reporting exports and imports. Another 
    respondent noted that Supplement 3 does not include a code for Taiwan. 
    The respondent noted ongoing trade in CWC chemicals between the United 
    States and Taiwan and suggested that BXA adopt a country code. 
    Supplement 3 to the Declaration and Report Handbooks did include 
    Macedonia as The Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia (code: MKD). 
    Consequently, BXA has not made any changes. BXA renamed Supplement No. 
    3 from ``Country Codes'' to ``Destination Codes.'' BXA also created a 
    new code for Taiwan (TAI) on Supplement Number 3, following the code 
    for Zimbabwe. This new code should be used to declare or report 
    transfers of Schedule 2 and 3 chemicals to or from Taiwan. Transfers to 
    Taiwan of Schedule 2 and 3 chemicals require an End-Use Certificate and 
    may also require an export license under the Export Administration 
    Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR 730-799) or the International Traffic and in 
    Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR 100-130). Note that effective April 29, 
    2000, transfers of Schedule 2 chemicals to or from Taiwan are 
    prohibited under the EAR and the CWCR.
        Glossary of Terms. Two respondents recommended that BXA create a 
    glossary of common terms for use in completing declaration and report 
    forms. The respondents noted that without a glossary, industry would 
    constantly have to cross-reference the CWCR which is a time-consuming 
    process. BXA created a Glossary of Terms which will be designated as 
    Supplement 1 to each of the four Handbooks. Accordingly, Supplement 2 
    instructs industry how to determine the latitude and longitude of your 
    plant site, Supplement 3 is the Product Group Codes, and Supplement 4 
    is the Destination Codes.
        Point of contact for declarations, reports and inspections. Two 
    respondents recommended that BXA change the term ``point of contact'' 
    because it may create confusion when referring to individuals with 
    responsibilities for declaration and report questions or inspection 
    notifications. Both respondents recommended use of the terms 
    ``declaration point of contact'' and ``inspection point of contact.'' 
    One respondent also recommended that BXA give the option of listing up 
    to two
    [[Page 73759]]
    additional inspection contacts because one person may not be available 
    24 hours per day at the phone numbers provided. BXA changed the 
    appropriate forms to differentiate between the two types of point of 
    contacts: declaration and report point of contact and inspection point 
    of contact. BXA also changed the appropriate forms to allow an optional 
    inspection contact to be provided. Due to space constraints on the 
    forms, BXA was unable to allocate space for a third inspection contact 
    as requested by the respondent.
        Product Group Codes. One respondent noted that industry may 
    possibly be confused with the requirements for Product Group Codes 
    because these codes combine classification of main activities by 
    feature and function. The respondent recommended that BXA clarify the 
    basis for selecting between the activities and suggested that industry 
    should select the single best descriptor of any activity, whether a 
    literal or functional descriptor, based on the company's representation 
    of the activity. BXA has changed Form 2-2 (question 2-2.5), Form 3-2 
    (question 3-2.5) and the UDOC Form (question UDOC.6) to alleviate any 
    possible confusion over what product group codes should be declared to 
    describe the activities at the plant or plant site. Product group codes 
    describe the type of ultimate or final products that are produced, 
    processed or consumed at the plant or plant site. The forms have been 
    changed to require that you provide one or more Standard International 
    Trade Classification (SITC) Code that describes the type of ultimate 
    products that are manufactured at the plant or plant site. If a plant 
    site chooses to provide only one product group code, it will be 
    accepted by BXA.
        Plant Site and/or Plant names. One respondent noted that the forms 
    for Schedules 1, 2 and 3 as well as for UDOCs state that BXA will 
    assign a ``unique name'' to a declared plant site and/or plant. The 
    respondent recommended that BXA clarify that a plant site and/or plant 
    will have the same ``unique name'' across the different Schedules of 
    Chemicals as well as for UDOCs, so there is no confusion and multiple 
    ``unique names'' are not assigned. BXA believes the respondent has 
    misinterpreted the instructions for assigning a ``unique name'' for the 
    plant site and/or plant. Each company assigns the ``unique name'' to 
    its plant site and plants, not BXA. Industry should be careful to 
    assign the same ``unique name'' to its plant site and plants regardless 
    of the Schedule of Chemicals under which the declaration or report is 
    being submitted. Upon receipt of a declaration or report, BXA will 
    assign a ``unique code'' to each plant site and all plants associated 
    with the plant site. These codes are referred to as the ``U.S. Code,'' 
    which for plant sites, consists of the letters ``USC'' followed by five 
    digits (e.g., USC00123), and plants will have a three-digit extension 
    to the plant site code (e.g., USC00123-002). Industry should be careful 
    to provide the same location and description of the plant site and 
    plants to ensure that BXA will not mistakenly assign multiple codes. 
    BXA will inform industry in writing of its relevant U.S. Codes so that 
    it will be easier to identify the plant sites and plants during 
    discussions as well as for submission of subsequent declarations or 
    reports and recordkeeping purposes.
        Confidential Business Information (CBI). One respondent noted that 
    none of the forms contains a question or a check box for companies to 
    indicate if Confidential Business Information (CBI) is included in the 
    declaration or report. The respondent noted that companies should have 
    the ability to inform BXA of which information it considers to be CBI 
    and recommended that BXA change the forms to allow for the designation 
    of CBI. CBI is governed by the provisions of part 718 of the CWCR. 
    Supplement No. 1 to part 718 identifies those fields on each form which 
    contain CBI as defined by the Act. If a company seeks additional CBI 
    protection for information in fields which are not listed in part 718 
    of the CWCR, it should provide a detailed explanation describing why 
    release of the information contained in those fields is a trade secret 
    and should not be released to the public. This explanation should be 
    attached to Form A.
        Create a form to report undeclared status. One respondent 
    recommended that BXA create a form for industry to report that it has 
    ceased its declarable activities and is in an ``undeclared status'' 
    capacity. It would be an additional burden on industry to submit a form 
    to BXA to report its ``undeclared status.'' If BXA does not receive a 
    declaration or report from a company that was previously declared, BXA 
    will conclude that the company has changed its status.
        Add gray shading to forms. One respondent recommended that BXA add 
    gray shading on the top of all relevant forms where the plant site and 
    plant information is to be identified. The respondent noted that the 
    gray shading features help it to identify what information must be 
    completed. BXA has added the gray shading to all relevant forms.
    Schedule 2 Forms
        Schedule 2 Form 2-2--Activities of the Plant. Two respondents 
    requested that question 2-2.7 on Form 2-2 be changed to add a separate 
    selection for the activity type ``other'' and to also include the 
    question ``Is this plant dedicated to Schedule 2 activities? Yes/No.'' 
    BXA deleted the word ``exclusively'' from question 2-2.7 and added a 
    separate selection for activity type ``other.'' BXA did not include the 
    question recommended by the respondent because it is not necessary.
        Schedule 2 Form 2-2--Definition of Nameplate and Design Capacities. 
    Two respondents recommended that the definitions for ``nameplate 
    capacity'' and ``design capacity'' be clarified. One respondent noted 
    that industry's interpretation of these two definitions is synonymous 
    and the other respondent noted that nameplate capacity has many 
    different industrial meanings. One respondent also noted that the 
    production capacity was requested for all Schedule 2 chemicals at the 
    plant that were produced, processed, and/or consumed above the 
    applicable threshold but that the instructions were unclear if the 
    capacity should only be provided for chemicals that were produced. BXA 
    acknowledges that industry may have different definitions for 
    ``nameplate capacity.'' However, for purposes of Schedule 2 
    declarations, the nameplate capacity definition remains unchanged and 
    the design capacity definition is clarified by stating that it is the 
    corresponding theoretically calculated product output, without test 
    data or other supportive plant specific information. BXA also clarified 
    the instruction to question 2-2.8 to state that you identify all 
    Schedule 2 chemicals produced, processed or consumed above the 
    applicable threshold, but that you only provide the production capacity 
    and calculation method for those chemicals which you produced.
        Schedule 2 Annual Declarations on Anticipated Activities and 
    Declarations on Additionally Planned Activities. One respondent noted 
    that it may not be possible to be certain about the starting and ending 
    dates for production, processing or consumption of a Schedule 2 
    chemical as required in the Annual Declaration on Anticipated 
    Activities and, therefore, requested that BXA clarify the requirement 
    for approximate, not actual, start and end dates for submission of a 
    Declaration on Additionally Planned Activities. The respondent further 
    requested that BXA clarify that there is not a requirement for 
    submitting a second Declaration on
    [[Page 73760]]
    Anticipated Activities. Lastly, the respondent noted the long lead-time 
    for processing Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 Declarations on Anticipated 
    Activities and recommended BXA to shorten the time frame for submission 
    of the declaration from 21 days to 10 days.
        For the Annual Declaration on Anticipated Activities, the time 
    periods when declared activities are anticipated to occur should be as 
    precise as possible, but should in any case be accurate to within a 
    three-month period. The declaration requirement in relation to these 
    periods does not necessarily mean that individual planned production, 
    processing, or consumption campaigns need to be declared, rather this 
    three-month period provides a flexible framework for declarations and 
    will reduce the number and frequency of Declarations on Additionally 
    Planned Activities. Since the requirement for declaring the anticipated 
    time periods for production, processing or consumption is already an 
    ``approximate'' projection coupled with the three-month period for 
    completion of an activity, BXA does not believe it is necessary or 
    appropriate to state that additionally planned time periods are 
    ``approximate.'' BXA did not add a clarification to Form 2-3C to state 
    that only one Declaration on Anticipated Activities is required to be 
    submitted. There may be situations in which a company submitted a 
    Declaration on Additionally Planned Activities to declare new or 
    changed anticipated production periods and it has further changes to 
    those production periods which are not covered by the three-month 
    period. BXA believes this will rarely occur, if ever. BXA has changed 
    Form 2-3C to include the types of changes that will require a 
    Declaration on Additionally Planned Activities. As previously noted, 
    BXA has changed the time-frame for submission of the Declaration on 
    Additionally Planned Activities from 21 days to 15 days.
    Schedule 3 Forms
        General changes to Schedule 3 Forms. One respondent recommended 
    that Form 3-3 be revised to require identification of the year being 
    reported. Two respondents recommended that an instruction be added 
    before question 3-3.1 to clarify the type of declaration or report to 
    which the question refers. Both respondents also recommended that new 
    types of ``purposes of production'' be added to Questions 3-3.1b and 3-
    3.2b on Form 3-3, including inter-company transfers, as well as 
    transfers to the agricultural, manufacturing, construction, 
    pharmaceutical, and service or other industries. BXA has made the 
    instructional clarifications to Form 3-3. However, we did not change 
    Form 3-3 to require that the reporting years be identified because this 
    information is indicated on the Certification Form and only one Form 3-
    3 per chemical, per year is included in the declaration package. 
    Conversely, for the Schedule 2 Initial Declaration, three Forms 2-3 
    must be submitted for each chemical for calendar years 1994, 1995, and 
    1996. Therefore, there is a clear need for the Schedule 2-3 Form to 
    identify the year of the data being reported. Separate Schedule 3 
    declarations must be submitted for the Initial Declaration (1996) and 
    the Annual Declarations on Past Activities for calendar years 1997, 
    1998, and 1999. The Certification Form for each of these declarations 
    will identify the year of the data declared. You cannot combine data 
    from several years into one declaration. This procedure is the same for 
    Initial Reports on Exports and Imports and Annual Reports on Exports 
    and Imports. BXA changed the purpose of production from ``transfer to 
    other company'' to ``transfer to other industry.'' BXA believes this 
    change broadens the scope of the purposes to cover all transfers.
        Section 3 to the Schedule 3 Handbook. One respondent recommended 
    that Section 3 of the Schedule 3 Handbook outline the mixtures' 
    thresholds to assist industry in complying with its obligations. BXA 
    has added the mixture thresholds to Section 3 of the Schedule 3 
    Handbook as well as to the relevant sections of the Schedule 1 and 2 
    Handbooks. BXA also included the exemptions for UDOCs in the UDOC 
        Delete Structural Formula from Form 3-3. One respondent noted that 
    Form 3-3 unnecessarily includes a check box to indicate that a 
    structural formula is attached to the declaration or report. The 
    respondent noted that the list of Schedule 3 chemicals is well known 
    and identifiable and a structural formula would, therefore, not be 
    required. BXA has changed Form 3-3 to make the requirement optional for 
    submission of a Schedule 3 structural formula.
        Exports and Imports of Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 Chemicals. One 
    respondent requested that Forms 2-3B and 3-3 address the applicable 
    threshold mixture for the export and import of Schedule 2 and Schedule 
    3 mixtures. The respondent also requested that Figure A on Forms 2-3B 
    and 3-3 distinguish between the applicable threshold for declaring and 
    reporting the chemical, including the mixture exemption, versus 
    exporting or importing the chemical. The respondent further recommended 
    that Forms 2-3B and 3-3 address the licensing or End-Use Certificate 
    requirements for exports to non-States Parties.
        BXA did not reference the End-Use Certificate or license 
    requirements on the forms for the export of Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 
    chemicals to non-States Parties because these requirements are not 
    applicable to declarations or reports. Such requirements are contained 
    in Sec. 745.2 of the EAR, which states in part that U.S. exporters must 
    obtain an End-Use Certificate prior to the export of a Schedule 2 or 3 
    chemical to a non-State Party and to submit the Certificate to BXA. 
    This is in addition to, but separate from, any license requirement 
    under the EAR for such exports. BXA also did not change Figure A on 
    Forms 2-3B and 3-3 because of space constraints. However, BXA created 
    new tables in Section 3 of the Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 Report and 
    Declaration Handbooks that will assist industry in determining the 
    different thresholds that apply for declaration and reporting 
    requirements for Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 chemicals.
    Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemicals Forms
        General changes to the declaration form for Unscheduled Discrete 
    Organic Chemicals (UDOCs). Two respondents requested that BXA clarify 
    question UDOC.7 of the UDOC Form or change it to ask for an 
    ``estimate'' or the ``approximate'' number of plants on the plant site 
    producing UDOCs, including all PSF chemicals, instead of asking for the 
    actual number of plants. One respondent requested a clarification to 
    question UDOC.9 to request the ``approximate'' number of PSF plants at 
    the plant site that produced an individual PSF chemical over 30 metric 
    tons. This respondent also requested a clarification to question 
    UDOC.10.1-10.4 to indicate that the ``approximate'' number of PSF 
    plants whose aggregate production of all PSF chemicals falls within 
    each of the PSF-chemical production ranges.
        BXA changed UDOC Form questions UDOC.7 and UDOC.10.1-10.4 to 
    require the ``approximate'' number of UDOC plants (including PSF 
    plants) and the ``approximate'' aggregate production of all PSF 
    chemicals, respectively. BXA did not change question UDOC.9 to require 
    the ``approximate'' number of PSF plants that produced an 
    ``individual'' PSF chemical over 30 metric tons. Rather BXA changed 
    this question to require the ``exact'' number of PSF plants at the 
    plant site that produced an individual PSF chemical over 30 metric tons 
    because Part IX , paragraph 6, of the Convention's
    [[Page 73761]]
    Verification Annex states ``* * * specify the number of PSF-plants 
    within the plant site and include information on the approximate 
    aggregate amount of production for PSF-chemicals produced by each PSF-
    plant in the previous calendar year expressed in ranges * * *'' BXA 
    believes that for PSF plants you must identify the exact number of 
    plants on your plant site, but you can provide the approximate amount 
    of PSF-chemicals produced by these plants.
        Section 3--Exemptions--Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemicals 
    Handbook. Two respondents noted that the Unscheduled Discrete Organic 
    Chemicals (UDOCs) Handbook did not appropriately list the exemptions 
    from declaration requirements and requested that BXA include all of the 
    exemptions that are listed in the CWCR. To assist industry in 
    determining its obligations for UDOC declarations, BXA is listing all 
    of the UDOC exemptions in Section 3 of the UDOC Handbook that are 
    listed in part 715 the CWCR. BXA reminds industry that where there are 
    any discrepancies between the requirements of the Handbooks and the 
    CWCR, the CWCR prevails.
    Miscellaneous issues
        Assistance on questions and chemical determinations. Two 
    respondents that requested BXA accept electronic requests for 
    assistance or chemical determinations via e-mail in addition to 
    telephone and fax requests. Both respondents noted that an electronic 
    mechanism for processing requests will enhance BXA's flexibility and 
    responsiveness to assist industry. One respondent requested BXA to 
    provide a chemical determination even if all of the required 
    information was not submitted. Lastly, one respondent requested BXA to 
    establish a provision or a clarification to Sec. 711.4 of the CWCR in 
    which any assistance given to a company by BXA that turns out to be 
    incorrect will not result in an enforcement action against the company 
    and should be considered release from any penalty. BXA agrees with the 
    respondents' request for an electronic means through which to seek 
    assistance and to submit chemical determinations, and has revised 
    Sec. 711.4 appropriately. BXA also revised Sec. 711.4 to identify the 
    type of information that should be submitted for a chemical 
    determination and established a provision for allowing facilities to 
    explain why there are ambiguities or deficiencies that preclude them 
    from supplying this information. BXA will make every effort to make a 
    determination based upon the submitted information, and only if this is 
    not possible will BXA return the request and identify what additional 
    information must be provided in order to complete the chemical 
    determination. For enforcement purposes, only a written response from 
    BXA is binding. Written advice applies only to the person or persons to 
    whom it is addressed.
        Identification of the Owner and Operator of the facility. The 
    Department of State requested BXA to provide information on the owner 
    and operator, occupant or agent in charge of a facility or plant site 
    so that it can inform the owner and operator, occupant or agent in 
    charge in writing of an impending inspection as required by section 304 
    of the Act. Section 304 of the Act requires that the USNA notify, in 
    writing, the owner and the operator, occupant, or agent in charge of 
    the facility. In order to fulfill this legal requirement, BXA has 
    changed the appropriate forms and forms instructions to obtain the 
    telephone and facsimile numbers for both the owner and the operator, 
    occupant, or agent in charge of a facility.
        Chemicals Produced for Chemical Weapons Purposes. One respondent 
    recommended that Question 2-4.2 on Form 2-4 and Question 3-4.2 on Form 
    3-4 should be revised to require the identification of the final 
    chemical weapon (CW) product, if known, or the Scheduled Chemical name, 
    if known. The respondent cited difficulties industry may have in 
    identifying the final CW product because of the confidential and 
    proprietary nature of commercial production records, availability of 
    records, and terms of mergers, acquisition or internal restructuring. 
    Forms 2-4 and 3-4 (questions and instructions) already instruct 
    industry to provide the final product or chemical, if this information 
    is known. Therefore, no changes were made to these forms.
    IV. Part-by-Part Analysis
        The Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (CWCR) will include 13 
    parts, as follows:
        Part 710--General Information and Overview of the CWCR. This part 
    includes general information about the Convention, definitions of terms 
    used in the CWCR, an overview of Scheduled chemicals and examples of 
    affected industries. States Parties to the Convention are listed in 
    Supplement No. 1 to part 710 of the CWCR. This part also briefly 
    describes the declaration, reporting, and inspection provisions of the 
        Part 711--General Information Regarding Declaration, Reporting, and 
    Notification Requirements. This part provides an overview of 
    declaration and other reporting requirements, who is responsible for 
    declarations and reports, and where to get assistance, forms and 
    handbooks. The Convention requires an initial declaration and report 
    and subsequent annual declarations and reports for activities involving 
    specified amounts of certain chemicals. If, after reviewing parts 712 
    through 715, you determine that you have declaration and/or reporting 
    requirements, you may obtain the appropriate forms by contacting the 
    Bureau of Export Administration (BXA). Note that in instances where a 
    declaration or report is required, the operator of a facility required 
    to declare or report under the CWCR is responsible for the submission 
    of all required forms in accordance with all applicable provisions of 
    the CWCR. Also note that the Act defines and provides for the 
    protection of confidential business information obtained pursuant to 
    the CWCR.
        Part 712--Activities involving Schedule 1 Chemicals. This part 
    prohibits imports of Schedule 1 chemicals from non-States Parties and 
    imports from States Parties for purposes other than research, medical, 
    pharmaceutical, or protective purposes. (Part 712 also cross-references 
    similar export restrictions on Schedule 1 chemicals set forth in the 
    Export Administration Regulations.) This part also describes 
    declaration and other reporting requirements for activities involving 
    Schedule 1 chemicals, including production, use (consumption), exports, 
    imports, domestic transfers and storage of any quantity of Schedule 1 
    chemicals. This part provides that facilities that produce more than 
    100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals in a calendar year are 
    considered Schedule 1 ``declared'' facilities. Facility-specific 
    information on ``declared facilities'' will be forwarded to the 
    Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and all 
    Schedule 1 ``declared'' facilities will be subject to routine on-site 
    inspection by the OPCW. Finally, this part requires advance 
    notification of all exports and imports of Schedule 1 chemicals to or 
    from other States Parties, and planned changes related to the initial 
    declaration. Note that BXA published an interim rule in the Federal 
    Register on May 18, 1999 (64 FR 27138), amending the Export 
    Administration Regulations (EAR) to implement the export control 
    provisions of the CWC that are subject to Department of Commerce 
    jurisdiction. The EAR also require prior notification of all exports
    [[Page 73762]]
    of Schedule 1 chemicals and annual reports of exports of such 
    chemicals. Schedule 1 chemicals are included in Supplement No. 1 to 
    this part.
        Part 713--Activities involving Schedule 2 Chemicals. This part 
    prohibits imports of any Schedule 2 chemical on or after April 29, 
    2000, from any destination that is not a party to the Convention, 
    except for mixtures containing 10 percent or less of a Schedule 2 
    chemical. (Part 713 cross-references similar export restrictions on 
    Schedule 2 chemicals in the EAR.) This part also describes declaration 
    and other reporting requirements for activities involving Schedule 2 
    chemicals, including production of any amount of a Schedule 2 chemical 
    at any time since January 1, 1946, for chemical weapons purposes; 
    production, processing, or consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical in 
    excess of specified quantities; and exports and imports of a Schedule 2 
    chemical in excess of specified quantities. Further, this part requires 
    declarations on anticipated production, processing, or consumption in 
    the next calendar year of a Schedule 2 chemical in excess of specified 
    quantities as well as certain additionally planned production, 
    processing or consumption activities. Declaration and reporting 
    requirements apply also to Schedule 2 chemicals contained in mixtures. 
    Note, however, that the quantity of a Schedule 2 chemical contained in 
    a mixture must be counted for declaration and report purposes only if 
    the concentration of the Schedule 2 chemical in the mixture is 30% or 
    more by volume or by weight, whichever yields the lesser percent.
        If the Schedule 2 chemical in a mixture equals or exceeds the 
    stated percentage concentration, you must count only the amount 
    (weight) of the Schedule 2 chemical in the mixture, not the total 
    weight of the mixture. Schedule 2 chemicals are included in Supplement 
    No. 1 to this part.
        Part 714--Activities involving Schedule 3 Chemicals. This part 
    describes declaration and other reporting requirements for activities 
    involving Schedule 3 chemicals, including production of any amount of a 
    Schedule 3 chemical at any time since January 1, 1946, for chemical 
    weapons purposes; production of a Schedule 3 chemical in excess of 
    specified quantities; and exports and imports of a Schedule 3 chemical 
    in excess of specified quantities. Further, this part requires 
    declaration of anticipated production in the next calendar year of a 
    Schedule 3 chemical in excess of specified quantities as well as 
    certain additionally planned production activities. Declaration and 
    reporting requirements apply also to Schedule 3 chemicals contained in 
    mixtures. Note, however, that the quantity of a Schedule 3 chemical 
    contained in a mixture must be counted for declaration and reporting 
    purposes only if the concentration of the Schedule 3 chemical in the 
    mixture is 80% or more by volume or by weight, whichever yields the 
    lesser percent. If the mixture contains 80 percent or more of the 
    Schedule 3 chemical, you must count only the amount (weight) of the 
    Schedule 3 chemical contained in the mixture, not the total weight of 
    the mixture. Schedule 3 chemicals are included in Supplement No. 1 to 
    this part.
        Part 715--Activities involving Unscheduled Discrete Organic 
    Chemicals (UDOCs). This part describes declaration requirements for the 
    production of UDOCs in excess of specified quantities. However, note 
    that declarations are not required for certain chemicals and chemical 
    mixtures, including those produced through a biological or bio-mediated 
    process; polymers and oligomers; certain synthetic mixtures of organic 
    chemicals; unscheduled discrete organic chemicals produced 
    coincidentally as byproducts of a manufacturing or production process 
    that are not isolated or captured for use or sale during the process 
    and are routed to, or escape from, the waste stream of a stack, 
    incinerator, or wastewater treatment system or any other waste stream; 
    or products from the refining of crude oil, including sulfur-containing 
    crude oil.
        Part 716--Inspections. This part implements the inspection 
    provisions of the Convention, consistent with the Act. It describes 
    notification procedures, the responsibilities of the Department of 
    Commerce as host and escort for inspections, types of inspections, and 
    scope and conduct of inspections. The United States National Authority 
    (USNA) will provide written notification to the owner and operator, 
    occupant or agent in charge of the premises to be inspected. BXA will 
    provide Host Team notice to the inspection point of contact identified 
    in declaration forms submitted by the facility. This part also 
    describes the duration and frequency of inspections, and the role of a 
    facility agreement. A facility agreement is a site-specific agreement 
    between the U.S. Government and the Organization for the Prohibition of 
    Chemical Weapons. The purpose for a facility agreement is to define the 
    inspection scope and procedures for a given facility under the 
    Convention and to facilitate future inspections of the facility by 
    enhancing efficiency and predictability and reducing preparation costs 
    for the facility. The U.S. Government and the OPCW will begin 
    negotiating such facility agreements during the initial inspections of 
    facilities that require facility agreements pursuant to the Convention 
    and Act, and for additional declared facilities that request a facility 
    agreement pursuant to the Act. Supplement Nos. 2 and 3 include model 
    facility agreements for Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 facilities, 
        Part 717--Clarification and challenge inspection procedures. This 
    part describes clarification procedures under the Convention and the 
    scope and purpose of on-site challenge inspections. On-site challenge 
    inspections may be conducted at any facility or location in the United 
    States for the sole purpose of clarifying and resolving any questions 
    concerning possible non-compliance with the provisions of the CWC. The 
    USNA will provide written notification of a challenge inspection to the 
    owner and operator, occupant or agent in charge of the premises. The 
    Department of Commerce will provide Host Team notification to the 
    inspection point of contact of a declared facility, or to the owner or 
    occupant of an facility that has not been declared under the 
    declaration requirements of the Convention.
        Part 718--Confidential business information (CBI). This part sets 
    forth the identification and treatment of CBI as defined in the Act.
        Part 719--Enforcement. This part sets forth the civil and criminal 
    penalties and enforcement procedures that apply to violations of the 
    reporting and inspections requirements and provisions relating to the 
    importation of Schedule 1 and 2 chemicals.
        Part 720--Denial of export privileges. This part sets forth a 
    penalty, denial of export privileges, that applies to persons convicted 
    under 18 U.S.C. 229.
        Part 721--Inspection of records and recordkeeping. This part 
    includes the recordkeeping requirements of the CWCR, including 
    retention and reproduction requirements.
        Part 722--Interpretations. This part is reserved for future use. It 
    will provide explanations and examples for declaration requirements and 
    other interpretations to guide industry and other U.S. persons in 
    determining obligations under the CWCR.
        Comments on this interim rule must be submitted to BXA by January 
    31, 2000. Send comments to: the Regulatory Policy Division, Bureau of 
    Export Administration, Room 2705, 14th Street and Pennsylvania Ave., 
    N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230.
    [[Page 73763]]
    Rulemaking Requirements
        1. This interim rule has been determined to be significant for 
    purposes of E.O. 12866.
        2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is 
    required to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure 
    to comply with a collection of information, subject to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act (PRA), unless that collection of information displays a 
    currently valid OMB Control Number. This rule revises an existing 
    collection of information requirement subject to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), which the Office of 
    Management and Budget has approved and reinstated under OMB Collection 
    No. 0694-0091 (December 1999). The public reporting burdens for the new 
    collections of information are estimated to average 10.6 hours for 
    Schedule 1 Chemicals, 11.9 hours for Schedule 2 chemicals, 2.5 hours 
    for Schedule 3 chemicals, 5.3 for Unscheduled Discrete Organic 
    Chemicals, and .17 hours for Schedule 1 notifications. It is estimated 
    to take approximately 1.18 hours to complete each of the nine Schedule 
    1 forms, 1.19 hours for each of the ten Schedule 2 forms, .36 hours for 
    each of the seven Schedule 3 forms, and 1.33 hours for each of the four 
    Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemicals forms. The burden hours 
    associated with completing a particular type of declaration or report 
    package (e.g., Schedule 1 initial declaration, Schedule 2 annual 
    declaration on past activities) will change depending on the number of 
    forms required to comply with the specific declaration or report 
    requirement. Table 1 to Parts 712, 713, 714, and 715 of the CWCR 
    identifies the specific forms which must be included in each type 
    declaration or report package. The Declaration and Report Handbooks 
    include a ``Guide to Submission of Forms'' which also identifies the 
    specific forms that must be included in a declaration or report 
    package. To calculate the number of hours it takes to complete a 
    specific type of declaration or report, multiply the number of forms 
    required for a specific declaration or report type by the number of 
    hours estimated to complete each form.
        BXA will use the information contained in declarations and reports 
    submitted by U.S. persons to compile the U.S. National Industrial 
    Declaration in order to meet our obligations under the Chemicals 
    Weapons Convention. BXA will submit the U.S. National Industrial 
    Declaration to the United States National Authority who will forward 
    the Declaration to the Organization on the Prohibition of Chemical 
    Weapons as required by the Convention.
        3. This rule does not contain policies with Federalism implications 
    sufficient to warrant preparation of a Federalism assessment under 
    Executive Order 13132.
        4. BXA completed a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) pursuant to 
    Executive Order 12866 and an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 
    (IRFA) pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 603 for the proposed rule, and requested 
    comments from the public. BXA received no comments from the public on 
    either the CBA or the IRFA. Therefore, BXA is using the analysis of the 
    IRFA and the CBA, with certain edits to make it consistent with this 
    interim rule, for the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) 
    required by 5 U.S.C. 604. A summary of the FRFA and CBA follows. The 
    CBA and the FRFA are available on BXA's website at www.cwc.gov. Copies 
    of the CBA and the complete FRFA may be obtained from the Bureau of 
    Export Administration Freedom of Information Officer, Bureau of Export 
    Administration Freedom of Information Records Inspection Facility, Room 
    6883, Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 
    Washington, DC 20230 or by calling (202) 482-0500.
        The FRFA identifies the Small Business Administration's (SBA) small 
    business size standards, in terms of number of employees, for 
    ``Chemicals and Allied Products'' by four-digit Standard Industrial 
    Classification (SIC) codes. These SBA standards indicate that a ``small 
    business'' in the chemical industry can cover a range of sizes, from up 
    to 500 employees to up to 1,000 employees. The FRFA states that BXA 
    does not have information on which SIC code categories will include 
    companies that are subject to the declaration, reporting, notification 
    or inspection requirements of this rule, and therefore, BXA is unable 
    to estimate with certainty the number of small businesses that will be 
    affected by this rule. BXA anticipates some 2,000 firms will be 
    affected by the CWCR, and many of them may have no more than 500 
    employees, thus falling under the SBA generic definition of ``small 
        The FRFA and the CBA report BXA's estimate that compliance with the 
    requirements of this rule will total approximately $377,654 to gather 
    and maintain relevant data and to fill out declarations, reports and 
    notifications, and approximately $2,166,880 for inspections. The 
    average cost of an inspection, based on the assumption that 40 
    facilities will undergo inspections each year, is $54,150. The FRFA and 
    CBA describe the expected benefits to the United States of implementing 
    the requirements of the Convention, including increased national and 
    economic security.
        The FRFA explains that BXA's discretion in formulating the 
    declaration, reporting and notification requirements of this rule is 
    limited by the Convention. The OPCW has issued forms for States Parties 
    to use for declarations. In drafting the CWCR requirements and the 
    forms for U.S. persons to use, BXA has consistently interpreted the 
    Convention's requirements as narrowly as possible to ensure that only 
    information that the United States National Authority must declare to 
    the OPCW is to be submitted to BXA. Other States Parties, such as 
    Canada, have imposed much broader reporting requirements on their 
    industries, with the government taking on the responsibility of 
    determining which of the information collected must be declared to the 
    OPCW. In addition, certain declaration requirements of the Convention 
    are subject to interpretation by States Parties. Until the Conference 
    of States Parties establishes clear rules for these requirements, 
    States Parties may use their ``national discretion'' to implement them. 
    ``National discretion'' generally means a reasonable interpretation of 
    the requirement. For requirements currently subject to ``national 
    discretion,'' BXA has adopted in this rule the minimum requirements 
    consistent with a reasonable reading of the Convention, keeping in mind 
    its purposes and objectives.
    List of Subjects
    15 CFR Part 710
        Chemicals, Exports, Foreign Trade, Imports, Treaties.
    15 CFR Part 711
        Chemicals, Confidential business information, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    15 CFR Part 712
        Chemicals, Exports, Foreign Trade, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    15 CFR Part 713
        Chemicals, Exports, Foreign Trade, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    15 CFR Part 714
        Chemicals, Exports, Foreign Trade, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    [[Page 73764]]
    15 CFR Part 715
        Chemicals, Exports, Foreign Trade, Imports, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    15 CFR Part 716
        Chemicals, Confidential business information, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Search warrants, Treaties.
    15 CFR Part 717
        Chemicals, Confidential business information, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Search warrants, Treaties.
    15 CFR Part 718
        Confidential business information, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    15 CFR Part 719
        Administrative proceedings, Exports, Imports, Penalties, 
    15 CFR Part 720
        Penalties, violations.
    15 CFR Part 721
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        1. In 15 CFR, Chapter VII, Subchapter B is designated as Chemical 
    Weapons Convention Regulations.
        2. In 15 CFR, Subchapter B, Parts 710 through 722 are added to read 
    as follows:
    710.1  Definitions of terms used in the Chemical Weapons Convention 
    Regulations (CWCR).
    710.2  Scope of the CWCR.
    710.3  Purposes of the Convention and CWCR.
    710.4  Overview of scheduled chemicals and examples of affected 
    710.5  Authority.
    710.6  Relationship between the Chemical Weapons Convention 
    Regulations and the Export Administration Regulations.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 710--States Parties to the Convention on the 
    Prohibition of the Development, production, Stockpiling and Use of 
    Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 710.1  Definitions of terms used in the Chemical Weapons 
    Convention Regulations (CWCR).
        The following are definitions of terms used in the CWCR (parts 710 
    through 722 of this subchapter, unless otherwise noted):
        Act (The): Means the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act 
    of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.).
        Bureau of Export Administration (BXA). Means the Bureau of Export 
    Administration of the United States Department of Commerce, including 
    the Office of Export Administration and the Office of Export 
        By-product. Means any chemical substance or mixture produced 
    without a separate commercial intent during the manufacture, 
    processing, use or disposal of another chemical substance or mixture.
        Chemical Weapon. Means the following, together or separately:
        (1) A toxic chemical and its precursors, except where intended for 
    purposes not prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), 
    provided that the type and quantity are consistent with such purposes;
        (2) A munition or device, specifically designed to cause death or 
    other harm through the toxic properties of those toxic chemicals 
    specified in paragraph (1) of this definition, which would be released 
    as a result of the employment of such munition or device; or
        (3) Any equipment specifically designed for use directly in 
    connection with the employment of munitions or devices specified in 
    paragraph (2) of this definition.
        Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC or Convention). Means the 
    Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, 
    Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, and 
    its annexes opened for signature on January 13, 1993.
        Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (CWCR). Means the 
    regulations contained in 15 CFR parts 710 through 722.
        Consumption. Consumption of a chemical means its conversion into 
    another chemical via a chemical reaction. Unreacted material must be 
    accounted for as either waste or as recycled starting material.
        Declaration or report form. Means a multi-purpose form due to BXA 
    regarding activities involving Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, or 
    unscheduled discrete organic chemicals. Declaration forms will be used 
    by facilities that have data declaration obligations under the CWCR and 
    are ``declared'' facilities whose facility-specific information will be 
    transmitted to the OPCW. Report forms will be used by entities that are 
    ``undeclared'' facilities or trading companies that have limited 
    reporting requirements for only export and import activities under the 
    CWCR and whose facility-specific information will not be transmitted to 
    the OPCW. Information from declared facilities, undeclared facilities 
    and trading companies will also be used to compile U.S. national 
    aggregate figures on the production, processing, consumption, export 
    and import of specific chemicals. See also related definitions of 
    declared facility, undeclared facility and report.
        Declared facility or plant site. Means a facility or plant site 
    required to complete data declarations of activities involving Schedule 
    1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, or unscheduled discrete organic chemicals 
    above specified threshold quantities. Only certain declared facilities 
    and plant sites are subject to routine inspections under the CWCR. 
    Plant sites that produced either Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 chemicals for 
    CW purposes at any time since January 1, 1946, are also ``declared'' 
    plant sites. However, such plant sites are not subject to routine 
    inspection if they are not subject to declaration requirements because 
    of past production, processing or consumption of Scheduled or 
    unscheduled discrete organic chemicals above specified threshold 
        Discrete organic chemical. Means any chemical belonging to the 
    class of chemical compounds consisting of all compounds of carbon, 
    except for its oxides, sulfides, and metal carbonates, identifiable by 
    chemical name, by structural formula, if known, and by Chemical 
    Abstract Service registry number, if assigned.
        Domestic transfer. Means, with regard to declaration requirements 
    for Schedule 1 and chemicals under the CWCR, any movement of any amount 
    of Schedule 1 chemical outside the geographical boundary of a facility 
    in the United States to another destination in the United States, for 
    any purpose. Domestic transfer includes movement between two divisions 
    of one company or a sale from one company to another. Note that any 
    movement to or from a facility outside the United States is considered 
    an export or import for reporting purposes, not a domestic transfer.
        EAR. Means the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 
    through 799).
        Explosive. Means a chemical (or a mixture of chemicals) that is 
    included in Class 1 of the United Nations Organization hazard 
    classification system.
        Facility. Means any plant site, plant or unit.
        Facility agreement. Means a written agreement or arrangement 
    between a State Party and the Organization relating
    [[Page 73765]]
    to a specific facility subject to on-site verification pursuant to 
    Articles IV, V, and VI of the Convention.
        Host Team. Means the U.S. Government team that accompanies the 
    inspection team from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical 
    Weapons during a CWC inspection for which the regulations in this 
    subchapter apply.
        Host Team Leader. Means the representative from the Department of 
    Commerce who heads the U.S. Government team that accompanies the 
    Inspection Team during a CWC inspection for which the regulations in 
    this subchapter apply.
        Hydrocarbon. Means any organic compound that contains only carbon 
    and hydrogen.
        Impurity. Means a chemical substance unintentionally present with 
    another chemical substance or mixture.
        Inspection Team. Means the group of inspectors and inspection 
    assistants assigned by the Director-General of the Technical 
    Secretariat to conduct a particular inspection.
        ITAR. Means the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 
    parts 120 through 130).
        Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Means 
    the international organization, located in The Hague, the Netherlands, 
    that administers the CWC.
        Person. Means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, 
    association, trust, estate, public or private institution, any State or 
    any political subdivision thereof, or any political entity within a 
    State, any foreign government or nation or any agency, instrumentality 
    or political subdivision of any such government or nation, or other 
    entity located in the United States.
        Plant. Means a relatively self-contained area, structure or 
    building containing one or more units with auxiliary and associated 
    infrastructure, such as:
        (1) Small administrative area;
        (2) Storage/handling areas for feedstock and products;
        (3) Effluent/waste handling/treatment area;
        (4) Control/analytical laboratory;
        (5) First aid service/related medical section; and
        (6) Records associated with the movement into, around, and from the 
    site, of declared chemicals and their feedstock or product chemicals 
    formed from them, as appropriate.
        Plant site. Means the local integration of one or more plants, with 
    any intermediate administrative levels, which are under one operational 
    control, and includes common infrastructure, such as:
        (1) Administration and other offices;
        (2) Repair and maintenance shops;
        (3) Medical center;
        (4) Utilities;
        (5) Central analytical laboratory;
        (6) Research and development laboratories;
        (7) Central effluent and waste treatment area; and
        (8) Warehouse storage.
        Precursor. Means any chemical reactant which takes part, at any 
    stage in the production, by whatever method, of a toxic chemical. The 
    term includes any key component of a binary or multicomponent chemical 
        Processing. Means a physical process such as formulation, 
    extraction and purification in which a chemical is not converted into 
    another chemical.
        Production. Means the formation of a chemical through chemical 
        Purposes not prohibited by the CWC. Means the following:
        (1) Any peaceful purpose related to an industrial, agricultural, 
    research, medical or pharmaceutical activity or other activity;
        (2) Any purpose directly related to protection against toxic 
    chemicals and to protection against chemical weapons;
        (3) Any military purpose of the United States that is not connected 
    with the use of a chemical weapon and that is not dependent on the use 
    of the toxic or poisonous properties of the chemical weapon to cause 
    death or other harm; or
        (4) Any law enforcement purpose, including any domestic riot 
    control purpose and including imposition of capital punishment.
        Report. Means information due to BXA on exports and imports of 
    Schedule 1, Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 chemicals above applicable 
    thresholds. Such information is included in the national aggregate 
    declaration transmitted to the OPCW. Facility-specific information is 
    not included in the national aggregate declaration. Note: This 
    definition does not apply to parts 719 and 720 (see Sec. 719.1) of this 
        Schedules of Chemicals. Means specific lists of toxic chemicals, 
    groups of chemicals, and precursors contained in the CWC. See 
    Supplements No. 1 to parts 712 through 714 of this subchapter.
        State Party. Means a country for which the CWC is in force. See 
    Supplement No. 1 to this part.
        Storage. For purposes of Schedule 1 chemical reporting, means any 
    quantity that is not accounted for under the categories of production, 
    export, import, consumption or domestic transfer.
        Synthesis. Means production of a chemical from its reactants.
        Technical Secretariat. Means the organ of the OPCW charged with 
    carrying out administrative and technical support functions for the 
    OPCW, including carrying out the verification measures delineated in 
    the CWC.
        Toxic Chemical. Means any chemical which, through its chemical 
    action on life processes, can cause death, temporary incapacitation, or 
    permanent harm to humans or animals. The term includes all such 
    chemicals, regardless of their origin or of their method of production, 
    and regardless of whether they are produced in facilities, in 
    munitions, or elsewhere. Toxic chemicals that have been identified for 
    the application of verification measures are in schedules contained in 
    Supplements No. 1 to parts 712 through 714 of this subchapter.
        Trading company. Means any person involved in the export and/or 
    import of scheduled chemicals in amounts greater than specified 
    thresholds, but not in the production, processing or consumption of 
    such chemicals in amounts greater than threshold amounts requiring 
    declaration. If such persons exclusively export or import scheduled 
    chemicals in amounts greater than specified thresholds, they are 
    subject to reporting requirements but are not subject to routine 
        Transfer. See domestic transfer.
        Undeclared facility or plant site. Means a facility or plant site 
    that is not subject to declaration requirements because of past or 
    anticipated production, processing or consumption involving scheduled 
    or unscheduled discrete organic chemicals above specified threshold 
    quantities. However, such facilities and plant sites may have a 
    reporting requirement for exports or imports of such chemicals.
        Unit. Means the combination of those items of equipment, including 
    vessels and vessel set up, necessary for the production, processing or 
    consumption of a chemical.
        United States. Means the several States of the United States, the 
    District of Columbia, and the commonwealths, territories, and 
    possessions of the United States, and includes all places under the 
    jurisdiction or control of the United States, including any of the 
    places within the provisions of paragraph (41) of section 40102 of 
    Title 49 of the United States Code, any civil aircraft of the United 
    States or public aircraft, as such terms are defined in paragraphs (1) 
    and (37), respectively, of section 40102 of Title 49 of the United 
    States Code, and any vessel of the
    [[Page 73766]]
    United States, as such term is defined in section 3(b) of the Maritime 
    Drug Enforcement Act, as amended (section 1903(b) of Title 46 App. of 
    the United States Code).
        United States National Authority (USNA). Means the Department of 
    State serving as the national focal point for the effective liaison 
    with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and other 
    States Parties to the Convention and implementing the provisions of the 
    Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 in coordination 
    with an interagency group designated by the President consisting of the 
    Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Energy, the 
    Attorney General, and the heads of other agencies considered necessary 
    or advisable by the President, or their designees. The Secretary of 
    State is the Director of the USNA.
        Unscheduled chemical. Means a chemical that is not contained in 
    Schedule 1, Schedule 2, or Schedule 3 (see Supplements No. 1 to parts 
    712 through 714 of this subchapter).
        Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemical (UDOC). Means any ``discrete 
    organic chemical'' that is not contained in the Schedules of Chemicals 
    (see Supplements No. 1 to parts 712 through 714 of this subchapter) and 
    subject to the declaration requirements of part 715 of this subchapter. 
    Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals subject to declaration under 
    this subchapter are those produced by synthesis that are isolated for 
    use or sale as a specific end-product.
        You. The term ``you'' or ``your'' means any person (see also 
    definition of ``person''). With regard to the declaration and reporting 
    requirements of the CWCR, ``you'' refers to persons that have an 
    obligation to report certain activities under the provisions of the 
    Sec. 710.2  Scope of the CWCR.
        The Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (parts 710 through 722 
    of this subchapter), or CWCR, implement certain obligations of the 
    United States under the Convention on the Prohibition of the 
    Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on 
    Their Destruction, known as the CWC or Convention.
        (a) Persons and facilities subject to the CWCR. (1) The CWCR 
    declaration, reporting, and inspection requirements apply to all 
    persons and facilities located in the United States, except U.S. 
    Government facilities as follows:
        (i) Department of Defense facilities;
        (ii) Department of Energy facilities; and
        (iii) Facilities of other U.S. Government agencies that notify the 
    USNA of their decision to be excluded from the CWCR.
        (2) For purposes of this subchapter, ``United States Government 
    facilities'' are those facilities owned and operated by a U.S. 
    Government agency (including those operated by contractors to the 
    agency), and those facilities leased to and operated by a U.S. 
    Government agency (including those operated by contractors to the 
    agency). ``United States Government facilities'' does not include 
    facilities owned by a U.S. Government agency and leased to a private 
    company or other entity such that the private company or entity may 
    independently decide for what purposes to use the facilities.
        (b) Activities subject to the CWCR. The CWCR compel data 
    declarations and reports from facilities subject to the CWCR (parts 710 
    through 722 of this subchapter) on activities, including production, 
    processing, consumption, exports and imports, involving chemicals 
    further described in parts 712 through 715 of this subchapter. These 
    regulations do not apply to activities involving inorganic chemicals 
    other than those listed in the Schedules of Chemicals or to other 
    specifically exempted unscheduled discrete organic chemicals. In 
    addition, these regulations set forth procedures for routine 
    inspections of ``declared'' facilities by teams of international 
    inspectors in part 716 of this subchapter, and set forth clarification 
    procedures and procedures for challenge inspections (see part 717) that 
    could be requested at any facility or location in the United States 
    subject to the CWCR. Finally, the CWCR restrict certain imports of 
    Schedule 1 and 2 chemicals into the United States from non-States 
    Parties and prohibit imports of Schedule 1 chemicals except for 
    research, medical, pharmaceutical, or protective purposes.
    Sec. 710.3  Purposes of the Convention and CWCR.
        (a) Purposes of the Convention. (1) The Convention imposes upon the 
    United States, as a State Party, certain declaration, inspection, and 
    other obligations. In addition, the United States and other States 
    Parties to the Convention undertake never under any circumstances to:
        (i) Develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, or retain 
    chemical weapons, or transfer, directly or indirectly, chemical weapons 
    to anyone;
        (ii) Use chemical weapons;
        (iii) Engage in any military preparations to use chemical weapons; 
        (iv) Assist, encourage or induce, in any way, anyone to engage in 
    any activity prohibited by the Convention.
        (2) One objective of the Convention is to assure States Parties 
    that lawful activities of chemical producers and users are not 
    converted to unlawful activities related to chemical weapons. To 
    achieve this objective and to give States Parties a mechanism to verify 
    compliance, the Convention requires the United States and all other 
    States Parties to submit declarations concerning chemical production, 
    consumption, processing and other activities, and to permit 
    international inspections within their borders.
        (b) Purposes of the Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations. To 
    fulfill the United States' obligations under the Convention, the CWCR 
    (parts 710 through 722 of this subchapter) prohibit certain activities, 
    and compel the submission of information from all facilities in the 
    United States, except for Department of Defense and Department of 
    Energy facilities and facilities of other U.S. Government agencies that 
    notify the USNA of their decision to be excluded from the CWCR on 
    activities, including exports and imports of scheduled chemicals and 
    certain information regarding unscheduled discrete organic chemicals as 
    described in parts 712 through 715 of this subchapter. U.S. Government 
    facilities are those owned by or leased to the U.S Government, 
    including facilities that are contractor-operated. The CWCR also 
    require access for on-site inspections and monitoring by the OPCW, as 
    described in parts 716 and 717 of this subchapter.
    Sec. 710.4  Overview of scheduled chemicals and examples of affected 
        The following provides examples of the types of industries that may 
    be affected by the CWCR (parts 710 through 722 of this subchapter). 
    These examples are not exhaustive, and you should refer to parts 712 
    through 715 of this subchapter to determine your obligations.
        (a) Schedule 1 chemicals are listed in Supplement No. 1 to part 712 
    of this subchapter. Schedule 1 chemicals have little or no use in 
    industrial and agricultural industries, but may have limited use for 
    research, pharmaceutical, medical, public health, or protective 
        (b) Schedule 2 chemicals are listed in Supplement No. 1 to part 713 
    of this subchapter. Although Schedule 2 chemicals may be useful in the
    [[Page 73767]]
    production of chemical weapons, they also have legitimate uses in areas 
    such as:
        (1) Flame retardant additives and research;
        (2) Dye and photographic industries (e.g., printing ink, ball point 
    pen fluids, copy mediums, paints, etc.);
        (3) Medical and pharmaceutical preparation (e.g., anticholinergics, 
    arsenicals, tranquilizer preparations);
        (4) Metal plating preparations;
        (5) Epoxy resins; and
        (6) Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, defoliants, and 
        (c) Schedule 3 chemicals are listed in Supplement No. 1 to part 714 
    of this subchapter. Although Schedule 3 chemicals may be useful in the 
    production of chemical weapons, they also have legitimate uses in areas 
    such as:
        (1) The production of:
        (i) Resins;
        (ii) Plastics;
        (iii) Pharmaceuticals;
        (iv) Pesticides;
        (v) Batteries;
        (vi) Cyanic acid;
        (vii) Toiletries, including perfumes and scents;
        (viii) Organic phosphate esters (e.g., hydraulic fluids, flame 
    retardants, surfactants, and sequestering agents); and
        (2) Leather tannery and finishing supplies.
        (d) Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals are used in a wide 
    variety of commercial industries, and include acetone, benzoyl peroxide 
    and propylene glycol.
    Sec. 710.5  Authority.
        The CWCR (parts 710 through 722 of this subchapter) implement 
    certain provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention under the 
    authority of the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 
    (Act), the National Emergencies Act, the International Emergency 
    Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), as amended, and the Export Administration 
    Act of 1979, as amended, by extending verification and trade 
    restriction requirements under Article VI and related parts of the 
    Verification Annex of the Convention to U.S. persons. In Executive 
    Order 13128 of June 25, 1999, the President delegated authority to the 
    Department of Commerce to promulgate regulations to implement the Act, 
    and consistent with the Act, to carry out appropriate functions not 
    otherwise assigned in the Act but necessary to implement certain 
    reporting, monitoring and inspection requirements of the Convention and 
    the Act.
    Sec. 710.6  Relationship between the Chemical Weapons Convention 
    Regulations and the Export Administration Regulations.
        Certain obligations of the U.S. government under the CWC pertain to 
    exports. These obligations are implemented in the Export Administration 
    Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 730 through 799) and the International 
    Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR parts 120 through 130). See 
    in particular Sec. 742.18 and part 745 of the EAR, and Export Control 
    Classification Numbers 1C350, 1C351 and 1C355 of the Commerce Control 
    List (Supplement No. 1 to part 774 of the EAR).
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 710--States Parties to The Convention on 
    The Prohibition of The Development, Production, Stockpiling, and 
    Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction
    List of States Parties as of December 30, 1999
    Brunei Darussalam
    Burkina Faso
    Cook Islands
    Costa Rica
    Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
    Czech Republic
    El Salvador
    Equatorial Guinea
    Holy See
    Korea (Republic of)
    Laos (P.D.R.)
    Moldova (Republic of)
    New Zealand
    Papua New Guinea
    Russian Federation
    Saint Lucia
    Saudi Arabia
    Slovak Republic
    South Africa
    Sri Lanka
    [[Page 73768]]
    Tanzania, United Republic of
    Trinidad and Tobago
    United Kingdom
    United States
    *For CWC States Parties purposes, China includes Hong Kong and Macau.
    711.1  Overview of declaration, reporting, and notification 
    711.2  Who submits declarations, reports, and notifications.
    711.3  Assistance in determining your obligations.
    711.4  Declaration and reporting of activities occurring prior to 
    December 30, 1999.
    711.5  Numerical precision of submitted data.
    711.6  Where to obtain forms.
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 711.1  Overview of declaration, reporting, and notification 
        Parts 712 through 715 of the CWCR (parts 710 through 722 of this 
    subchapter) describe the declaration, notification and reporting 
    requirements for Schedules 1, 2 and 3 chemicals and for unscheduled 
    discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs). For each type of chemical, the 
    Convention requires an initial declaration and subsequent annual 
    declarations. If, after reviewing parts 712 through 715 of this 
    subchapter, you determine that you have declaration, notification or 
    reporting requirements, you may obtain the appropriate forms by 
    contacting the Bureau of Export Administration (see Sec. 711.6).
    Sec. 711.2  Who submits declarations, reports, and notifications.
        The owner, operator, or senior management official of a facility 
    subject to declaration, report, or notification requirements under the 
    CWCR (parts 710 through 722 of this subchapter) is responsible for the 
    submission of all required documents in accordance with all applicable 
    provisions of the CWCR.
    Sec. 711.3  Assistance in determining your obligations.
        (a) Determining if your chemical is subject to declaration, 
    reporting or notification requirements.
        (1) If you need assistance in determining if your chemical is 
    classified as a Schedule 1, Schedule 2, or Schedule 3 chemical, or is 
    an unscheduled discrete organic chemical, submit your written request 
    for a chemical determination to BXA. Such requests may be faxed to 
    (703) 235-1481, e-mailed to cdr@cwc.gov, or mailed to Information 
    Technology Team, Bureau of Export Administration, U.S. Department of 
    Commerce, 1555 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 710, Arlington, Virginia 22209-
    2405. Your request should include the information noted in paragraph 
    (a)(2) of this section to ensure an accurate determination. Also 
    include any additional information that you feel is relevant to the 
    chemical or process involved (see part 718 of this subchapter for 
    provisions regarding treatment of confidential business information). 
    If you are unable to provide all of the information required in 
    paragraph (a)(2) of this section, you should include an explanation 
    identifying the reasons or deficiencies that preclude you from 
    supplying the information. If BXA cannot make a determination based 
    upon the information submitted, BXA will return the request to you and 
    identify the additional information that is necessary to complete a 
    chemical determination.
        (2) Include the following information in each chemical 
    determination request:
        (i) Date of request;
        (ii) Company name and complete street address;
        (iii) Point of contact;
        (iv) Phone and fax number of contact;
        (v) E-mail address of contact, if you want an acknowledgment of 
    receipt sent via e-mail;
        (vi) Chemical Name;
        (vii) Structural formula of the chemical, if the chemical is not 
    specifically identified by name and chemical abstract service registry 
    number in Supplements No. 1 to parts 712 through 714 of the CWCR; and
        (viii) Chemical Abstract Service registry number, if assigned.
        (b) Other inquiries. If you need assistance in interpreting the 
    provisions of this subchapter or need assistance with other CWC-related 
    issues, and you require a response from BXA in writing, submit a 
    detailed request to BXA that explains your question, issue, or request. 
    Send the request to the address or fax included in paragraph (a) of 
    this section, or e-mail the request to cwcqa@cwc.gov.
        (c) BXA response to your request. BXA will respond in writing to 
    your chemical determination request submitted under paragraph (a) of 
    this section within 10 working days of receipt of the request. BXA will 
    respond to other inquiries about industry obligations under the CWCR in 
    a timely manner.
        (d) Other BXA contact information. (1) Declaration and report 
    requirements. For questions on declaration or report requirements, or 
    help in completing forms, you may also contact BXA's Information 
    Technology Team (ITT) by phone at (703) 235-1335.
        (2) Inquiries regarding inspections and facility agreements. For 
    questions regarding inspections and facility agreements, contact BXA's 
    Inspection Management Team (IMT) by phone at (202) 482-6114 or fax 
    (202) 482-4744.
    Sec. 711.4  Declaration and reporting of activities occurring prior to 
    December 30, 1999.
        (a) Facilities subject to the CWCR are required to prepare and 
    submit declarations and reports, to the extent that the necessary 
    information and records are available, on activities occurring prior to 
    December 30, 1999. Willful failure or refusal to submit such 
    declarations and reports constitutes a violation under part 719 of this 
    subchapter. Declarations and reports are not required if records and 
    information necessary to prepare them are not available for one or more 
    of the following reasons:
        (1) The necessary information was not collected, or the necessary 
    records were not kept, because no regulatory requirement to do so was 
    in effect prior to December 30, 1999 and at the time of the activity;
        (2) The information, though collected at the time of the activity, 
    was discarded prior to December 30, 1999 in accordance with normal 
    business practices; or
        (3) The current custodian of the records or information is no 
    longer affiliated with a facility subject to the CWCR due to changes in 
    ownership or control of that facility which took place prior to 
    December 30, 1999.
        (b) If partial information is available, facilities are required to 
    provide whatever information is available, on the appropriate forms, 
    with a notation on Form A indicating that complete information is not 
        (c) This Sec. 711.4 applies only to initial declarations and 
    reports, and to annual declarations and reports for calendar years 
    1997, 1998, and 1999.
    [[Page 73769]]
    Sec. 711.5  Numerical precision of submitted data.
        Numerical information submitted in declarations and reports is to 
    be provided per applicable rounding rules in each part (i.e., parts 712 
    through 715 of this subchapter) with a precision equal to that which 
    can be reasonably provided using existing documentation, equipment, and 
    measurement techniques.
    Sec. 711.6  Where to obtain forms.
        Forms to complete declarations and reports required by the CWCR may 
    be obtained by contacting: Information Technology Team, Bureau of 
    Export Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1555 Wilson Blvd., 
    Suite 710, Arlington, VA 22209-2405, Telephone: (703) 235-1335. Forms 
    may also be downloaded from the Internet at www.cwc.gov.
    712.1  Round to zero rule that applies to activities involving 
    Schedule 1 chemicals.
    712.2  Prohibitions involving imports of Schedule 1 chemicals.
    712.3  Initial and annual declaration requirements for facilities 
    engaged in the production of Schedule 1 chemicals for purposes not 
    prohibited by the CWC.
    712.4  New Schedule 1 production facility.
    712.5  Advance notification and annual report of all exports and 
    imports of Schedule 1 chemicals to, or from, other States' Parties.
    712.6  Frequency and timing of declarations, reports and 
    712.7  Amended declaration or report.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 712--Schedule 1 Chemicals
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.; 50 
    U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; E.O. 12938 (59 FR 59099; 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 
    950), as amended by E.O. 13094 (63 FR 40803; 3 CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 
    200); E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 712.1  Round to zero rule that applies to activities involving 
    Schedule 1 chemicals.
        (a) See Sec. 711.6 of this subchapter for information on obtaining 
    the forms you will need to declare and report activities involving 
    Schedule 1 chemicals.
        (b) Facilities that produce, export or import mixtures containing 
    less than 0.5% aggregate quantities of Schedule 1 chemicals as 
    unavoidable by-products or impurities may round to zero and are not 
    subject to the provisions of this part 712. Schedule 1 content may be 
    calculated by volume or weight, whichever yields the lesser percent. 
    Note that such mixtures may be subject to regulatory requirements of 
    other federal agencies.
    Sec. 712.2  Prohibitions involving imports of Schedule 1 chemicals.
        (a) You may not import any Schedule 1 chemical unless:
        (1) The import is from a State Party;
        (2) The import is for research, medical, pharmaceutical, or 
    protective purposes;
        (3) The import is in types and quantities strictly limited to those 
    that can be justified for such purposes; and
        (4) You have notified BXA 45 calendar days prior to the import 
    pursuant to Sec. 712.5.
        (b)(1) The provisions of paragraph (a) of this section do not apply 
    to the retention, ownership, possession, transfer, or receipt of a 
    Schedule 1 chemical by a department, agency, or other entity of the 
    United States, or by a person described in paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, pending destruction of the Schedule 1 chemical;
        (2) A person referred to in paragraph (b)(1) of this section is:
        (i) Any person, including a member of the Armed Forces of the 
    United States, who is authorized by law or by an appropriate officer of 
    the United States to retain, own, possess transfer, or receive the 
    Schedule 1 chemical; or
        (ii) In an emergency situation, any otherwise non-culpable person 
    if the person is attempting to seize or destroy the Schedule 1 
        Note to Sec. 712.2: For specific provisions relating to the 
    prior notification of exports of all Schedule 1 chemicals, see 
    Sec. 742.18 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR 
    parts 730 through 799). For specific provisions relating to license 
    requirements for exports of Schedule 1 chemicals, see Secs. 742.2 
    and 742.18 of the EAR for Schedule 1 chemicals subject to the 
    jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce and see the International 
    Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120 through 130) for 
    Schedule 1 chemicals subject to the jurisdiction of the Department 
    of State.
    Sec. 712.3  Initial and annual declaration requirements for facilities 
    engaged in the production of Schedule 1 chemicals for purposes not 
    prohibited by the CWC.
        (a) Declaration requirements. (1) Initial declaration. You must 
    complete the forms specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 
    providing a current technical description of your facility or its 
    relevant parts, if you produced Schedule 1 chemicals at your facility 
    in excess of 100 grams aggregate in any one of the calendar years 1997, 
    1998, or 1999. Note: Do not include production data in your initial 
    declaration. Such information should be included in your annual 
    declaration on past activities. See paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
        (2) Annual declaration on past activities. You must complete the 
    forms specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section if you produced at 
    your facility in excess of 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals 
    in the previous calendar year, beginning with calendar year 1997. As a 
    declared Schedule 1 facility, in addition to declaring the production 
    of each Schedule 1 chemical that comprises your aggregate production of 
    Schedule 1 chemicals, you must also declare the total amount of each 
    Schedule 1 chemical used (consumed) and stored at your facility, and 
    domestically transferred from your facility during the previous 
    calendar year, whether or not you produced that Schedule 1 chemical at 
    your facility.
        (3) Annual declaration on anticipated activities. You must complete 
    the forms specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section if you 
    anticipate that you will produce at your facility more than 100 grams 
    aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals in the next calendar year. If you are 
    not already a declared facility, you must complete an initial 
    declaration (see paragraph (a)(1) of this section) 200 calendar days 
    before commencing operations or increasing production which will result 
    in production of more than 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals 
    (see Sec. 712.4).
        (b) Declaration forms to be used. (1) Initial declaration. (i) You 
    must complete the Certification Form, Form 1-1 and Form A if you 
    produced at your facility in excess of 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 
    1 chemicals in calendar year 1997, 1998, or 1999. You must provide a 
    detailed current technical description of your facility or its relevant 
    parts including a narrative statement, a detailed diagram of the 
    declared areas in the facility, and an inventory of equipment in the 
    declared area.
        (ii) If you plan to change the technical description of your 
    facility from your initial declaration completed and submitted pursuant 
    to paragraph (a)(1) of this section and Sec. 712.6, you must notify BXA 
    200 calendar days prior to the change. Such notifications must be made 
    through an amended declaration by completing a Certification Form, Form 
    1-1 and Form A, including the new description of the facility. See 
    Sec. 712.7 for additional instructions on amending Schedule 1 
        (2) Annual declaration on past activities. If you are subject to 
    the declaration requirement of paragraph (a)(2) of this section, you 
    must complete the Certification Form and Forms 1-1, 1-2, 1-2A, 1-2B, 
    and Form A if your facility was involved in the production of Schedule 
    1 chemicals in the previous
    [[Page 73770]]
    calendar year, beginning with calendar year 1997. Form B is optional.
        (3) Annual declaration on anticipated activities. If you anticipate 
    that you will produce at your facility in excess of 100 grams aggregate 
    of Schedule 1 chemicals in the next calendar year you must complete the 
    Certification Form and Forms 1-1, 1-4, and Form A. Form B is optional.
        (c) Quantities to be declared. If you produced in excess of 100 
    grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals in the previous calendar year, 
    you must declare the entire quantity of such production, rounded to the 
    nearest gram. You must also declare the quantity of any Schedule 1, 
    Schedule 2 or Schedule 3 precursor chemical used to produce the 
    declared Schedule 1 chemical, rounded to the nearest gram. You must 
    further declare the quantity of each Schedule 1 chemical consumed or 
    stored by, or domestically transferred from, your facility, whether or 
    not the Schedule 1 chemical was produced by your facility, rounded to 
    the nearest gram. In calculating the amount of Schedule 1 chemical you 
    produced, consumed or stored, count only the amount of the Schedule 1 
    chemical(s) in a mixture, not the total weight of the mixture (i.e., do 
    not count the weight of the solution, solvent, or container).
        Note to Sec. 712.3(c): Schedule 1 reaction intermediates which 
    exist or might exist during the course of synthesis to produce non-
    scheduled chemicals and which cannot be isolated using available 
    technology should not be declared if the reaction is allowed to go 
    to completion, completely consuming the real or hypothetical 
        (d) ``Declared'' Schedule 1 facilities and routine inspections. 
    Only facilities that produced in excess of 100 grams aggregate of 
    Schedule 1 chemicals in calendar year 1997 or 1998, or during the 
    previous calendar year, or that anticipate producing in excess of 100 
    grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals during the next calendar year 
    are considered ``declared'' Schedule 1 facilities for the years 
    declared. A ``declared'' Schedule 1 facility is subject to initial and 
    routine inspection by the OPCW (see part 716 of this subchapter).
        (e) Approval of declared Schedule 1 production facilities. 
    Facilities that submit declarations pursuant to this section are 
    considered approved Schedule 1 production facilities for purposes of 
    the CWC, unless otherwise notified by BXA within 30 days of receipt by 
    BXA of an annual declaration on past activities or annual declaration 
    on anticipated activities (see paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this 
    section). If your facility does not produce more than 100 grams 
    aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals, no approval by BXA is required.
    Sec. 712.4  New Schedule 1 production facility.
        (a) Establishment of a new Schedule 1 production facility. (1) If 
    your facility was not declared under Sec. 712.3 in a previous calendar 
    year, and you intend to begin production of Schedule 1 chemicals at 
    your facility in quantities greater than 100 grams aggregate per year 
    for research, medical, or pharmaceutical purposes, you must provide an 
    initial declaration (a current detailed technical description of your 
    facility) to BXA at least 200 calendar days in advance of commencing 
    such production. Such facilities are considered ``new Schedule 1 
    production facilities'' and are subject to an initial inspection within 
    200 calendar days of submitting an initial declaration.
        (2) New Schedule 1 production facilities that submit an initial 
    declaration pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section are considered 
    approved Schedule 1 production facilities for purposes of the CWC, 
    unless otherwise notified by BXA within 30 days of receipt by BXA of 
    that initial declaration.
        (b) Types of declaration forms required. If your new Schedule 1 
    production facility will produce in excess of 100 grams aggregate of 
    Schedule 1 chemicals, you must complete the Certification Form, Form 1-
    1 and Form A. You must also provide a detailed technical description of 
    the new facility or its relevant parts, including a detailed diagram of 
    the declared areas in the facility, and an inventory of equipment in 
    the declared areas.
        (c) Two hundred days after a new Schedule 1 production facility 
    submits its initial declaration, it is subject to the annual 
    declaration requirements of Sec. 712.3(a)(2) and (a)(3).
    Sec. 712.5  Advance notification and annual report of all exports 
    1 and imports of Schedule 1 chemicals to, or from, other 
    States Parties.
        \1\ Effective May 18, 1999, these advance notification and 
    annual report requirements for exports are set forth in parts 742 
    and 745 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 
    742 and 745).
        Pursuant to the Convention, the United States is required to notify 
    the OPCW not less than 30 days in advance of every export or import of 
    a Schedule 1 chemical, in any quantity, to or from another State Party. 
    In addition, the United States is required to provide a report of all 
    exports and imports of Schedule 1 chemicals to or from other States 
    Parties during each calendar year. If you plan to export or import any 
    quantity of a Schedule 1 chemical from or to your declared facility, 
    undeclared facility or trading company, you must notify BXA in advance 
    of the export or import and complete an annual report of exports and 
    imports that actually occurred during the previous calendar year. The 
    United States will transmit to the OPCW the advance notifications and a 
    detailed annual declaration of each actual export or import of a 
    Schedule 1 chemical from/to the United States. Note that the 
    notification and annual report requirements of this section do not 
    relieve you of any requirement to obtain a license from the Department 
    of Commerce for the export of Schedule 1 chemicals subject to the 
    Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 799) or 
    from the Department of State for the export of Schedule 1 chemicals 
    subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 
    120 through 130). Only facilities that produce in excess of 100 grams 
    aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals annually are ``declared'' facilities 
    and are subject to routine inspections pursuant to part 716 of this 
        (a) Advance notification of exports and imports. (1) You must 
    notify BXA at least 45 calendar days prior to exporting or importing 
    any quantity of a Schedule 1 chemical listed in Supplement No. 1 to 
    this part to or from another State Party. Note that notifications for 
    exports may be sent to BXA prior to or after submission of a license 
    application to BXA for Schedule 1 chemicals subject to the EAR and 
    controlled under ECCNs 1C350 or 1C351 or to the Department of State for 
    Schedule 1 chemicals controlled under the ITAR. Such notices must be 
    submitted separately from license applications.
        (i) Notifications should be on company letterhead or must clearly 
    identify the reporting entity by name of company, complete address, 
    name of contact person and telephone and fax numbers, along with the 
    following information:
        (A) Chemical name;
        (B) Structural formula of the chemical;
        (C) Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number;
        (D) Quantity involved in grams;
        (E) Planned date of export or import;
        (F) Purpose (end-use) of export or import (i.e., research, medical, 
    pharmaceutical, or protective purpose);
        (G) Name(s) of exporter and importer;
        (H) Complete street address(es) of exporter and importer;
    [[Page 73771]]
        (I) U.S. export license or control number, if known; and
        (J) Company identification number, once assigned by BXA.
        (ii) Send the notification by fax to (703) 235-1481 or to the 
    following address for mail and courier deliveries:
        Information Technology Team, Bureau of Export Administration, 
    Department of Commerce, 1555 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 710, Arlington, VA 
    22209-2405, Attn: ``Advance Notification of Schedule 1 Chemical 
    [Export] [Import].''
        (iii) Upon receipt of the notification, BXA will inform the 
    exporter of the earliest date the shipment may occur under the 
    notification procedure. To export the Schedule 1 chemical subject to an 
    export license requirement either under the EAR or the ITAR, the 
    exporter must have applied for and been granted a license (see 
    Secs. 742.2 and 742.18 of the EAR, or the ITAR at 22 CFR parts 120 
    through 130).
        (b) Annual report requirements for exports and imports of Schedule 
    1 chemicals. Any person subject to the CWCR that exported or imported 
    any quantity of Schedule 1 chemical to or from another State Party 
    during the previous calendar year, beginning with calendar year 1997, 
    has a reporting requirement under this section.
        (1) Annual report on exports and imports. Declared and undeclared 
    facilities, trading companies, and any other person subject to the CWCR 
    that exported or imported any quantity of a Schedule 1 chemical to or 
    from another State Party in a previous calendar year, beginning with 
    calendar year 1997, must submit an annual report on exports and 
        Note to paragraph (b)(1): The U.S. Government will not submit to 
    the OPCW company-specific information relating to the export or import 
    of Schedule 1 chemicals contained in reports. The U.S. Government will 
    add all export and import information contained in reports to establish 
    the U.S. national aggregate declaration on exports and imports.
        (2) Report forms to submit. (i) Declared Schedule 1 facilities. (A) 
    If your facility declared production of a Schedule 1 chemical and you 
    also exported or imported any amount of that same Schedule 1 chemical, 
    you may report the export or import by:
        (1) Submitting, along with your declaration, Form 1-3 for that same 
    Schedule 1 chemical to be reported. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form 
    B is optional; or
        (2) Submitting, separately from your declaration, a Certification, 
    Form 1-1, and a Form 1-3 for each Schedule 1 chemical to be reported. 
    Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (B) If your facility declared production of a Schedule 1 chemical 
    and exported or imported any amount of a different Schedule 1 chemical, 
    you may report the export or import by:
        (1) Submitting, along with your declaration, a Form 1-3 for each 
    Schedule 1 chemical to be reported. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form 
    B is optional; or
        (2) Submitting, separately from your declaration, a Certification 
    Form, Form 1-1, and a Form 1-3 for each Schedule 1 chemical to be 
    reported. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (ii) If you are an undeclared facility, trading company, or any 
    other person subject to the CWCR, and you exported or imported any 
    amount of a Schedule 1 chemical, you must submit a Certification Form, 
    Form 1-1, and a Form 1-3 for each Schedule 1 chemical to be reported. 
    Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (c) Paragraph (a) of this section does not apply to the activities 
    and persons set forth in Sec. 712.2(b).
    Sec. 712.6  Frequency and timing of declarations, reports and 
        Declarations, reports and notifications required under this part 
    must be postmarked by the appropriate date identified in Table 1 of 
    this section. Required declarations, reports and notifications include:
        (a) Initial declaration (technical description);
        (b) Annual declaration on past activities (production during the 
    previous calendar year, beginning with 1997);
        (c) Annual report on exports and imports from trading companies, 
    facilities and other persons (during the previous calendar year, 
    beginning with 1997);
        (d) Annual declaration on anticipated activities (production in the 
    next calendar year, beginning in calendar year 2000 for production 
    anticipated for calendar year 2001);
        (e) Advance notification of any export to or import from another 
    State Party; and
        (f) Initial declaration of a new Schedule 1 production facility.
         Table 1 to Sec.  712.6.--Deadlines for Submission of Schedule 1
          Declarations and
            notifications           Applicable forms          Due dates
    Initial Declaration--         Certification, 1-1,   March 30, 2000.
     Declared facility             A, B (optional).
     (technical description).
    Annual Declaration on Past    Certification, 1-1,   For 1997, 1998, and
     Activities (previous          1-2, 1-2A, 1-2B, 1-   1999 March 30,
     calendar year, starting       3 (if also exported   2000. Thereafter,
     with 1997)--Declared          or imported), A (as   February 28.
     facility (past production).   appropriate), B
    Annual report on exports and  Certification, 1-1,   For 1997, 1998, and
     imports (previous calendar    1-3, A (as            1999 March 30,
     year, starting with 1997)     appropriate), B       2000. Thereafter,
     (facility, trading company,   (optional).           February 28.
     other persons).
    Annual Declaration on         Certification, 1-1,   August 3 of each
     Anticipated Activities        1-4, A (as            year prior to the
     (next calendar year).         appropriate), B       calendar year in
                                   (optional).           which anticipated
                                                         activities will
                                                         take place,
                                                         beginning in
                                                         calendar year 2000.
    Advance Notification of any   Notify on             45 calendar days
     export to or import from      letterhead. See       prior to the export
     another State Party.          Sec.  712.5 of this   or import.
    Initial Declaration of a new  Certification, 1-1,   200 calendar days
     Schedule 1 facility.          A (as appropriate),   before commencing
                                   B (optional).         such production.
    Sec. 712.7  Amended declaration or report.
        (a) You must submit an amended declaration or report for changes to 
    previously submitted information on chemicals, activities and end-use 
    purposes or the addition of new chemicals, activities and end-use 
        (b) For declared Schedule 1 facilities, changes that may affect 
    verification activities, such as changes of owner or operator, company 
    name, address, or
    [[Page 73772]]
    inspection point of contact, require an amended declaration. Non-
    substantive typographical errors and changes to the declaration point 
    of contact do not require submission of an amended declaration or 
    report and may be corrected in subsequent declarations or reports.
        (c) For undeclared Schedule 1 facilities, trading companies and 
    other persons, changes that do not directly affect the purpose of the 
    Convention, such as changes to a company name, address, point of 
    contact, or non-substantive typographical errors, do not require 
    submission of an amended report and may be corrected in subsequent 
        (d) If you are required to submit an amended declaration or report 
    pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, you must complete and 
    submit a new Certification Form and the specific form(s) being amended 
    (e.g., annual declaration on past activities, annual declaration on 
    anticipated activities). Only complete that portion of each form that 
    corrects the previously submitted information.
               Supplement No. 1 to Part 712--Schedule 1 Chemicals
                                                              (CAS registry
    A. Toxic chemicals:
        (1) O-Alkyl (C10, incl. cycloalkyl)
         alkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)-phosphonofluoridates
            e.g. Sarin: O-Isopropyl                               (107-44-8)
            Soman: O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate..         (96-64-0)
        (2) O-Alkyl (C10, incl. cycloalkyl) N,N-        (77-81-6)
         dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)
         phosphoramidocyanidates e.g. Tabun: O-Ethyl N,N-
         dimethyl phosphoramidocyanidate..................
        (3) O-Alkyl (H or C10, incl.                 (50782-69-9)
         cycloalkyl) S-2-dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)-
         aminoethyl alkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)
         phosphonothiolates and corresponding alkylated or
         protonated salts e.g. VX: O-Ethyl S-2-
         diisopropylaminoethyl methyl phosphonothiolate...
        (4) Sulfur mustards:
            2-Chloroethylchloromethylsulfide..............       (2625-76-5)
            Mustard gas: Bis(2-chloroethyl)sulfide........        (505-60-2)
            Bis(2-chloroethylthio)methane.................      (63869-13-6)
            Sesquimustard: 1,2-Bis(2-                            (3563-36-8)
            1,3-Bis(2-chloroethylthio)-n-propane..........      (63905-10-2)
            1,4-Bis(2-chloroethylthio)-n-butane...........     (142868-93-7)
            1,5-Bis(2-chloroethylthio)-n-pentane..........     (142868-94-8)
            Bis(2-chloroethylthiomethyl)ether.............      (63918-90-1)
            O-Mustard: Bis(2-chloroethylthioethyl)ether...      (63918-89-8)
        (5) Lewisites:
            Lewisite 1: 2-Chlorovinyldichloroarsine.......        (541-25-3)
            Lewisite 2: Bis(2-chlorovinyl)chloroarsine....      (40334-69-8)
            Lewisite 3: Tris(2-chlorovinyl)arsine.........      (40334-70-1)
        (6) Nitrogen mustards:
            HN1: Bis(2-chloroethyl)ethylamine.............        (538-07-8)
            HN2: Bis(2-chloroethyl)methylamine............         (51-75-2)
            HN3: Tris(2-chloroethyl)amine.................        (555-77-1)
        (7) Saxitoxin.....................................      (35523-89-8)
        (8) Ricin.........................................       (9009-86-3)
        B. Precursors:
        (9) Alkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)                          (676-99-3)
         phosphonyldifluorides e.g. DF:
        (10) O-Alkyl (H or C10, incl.                (57856-11-8)
         cycloalkyl) O-2-dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)-
         aminoethyl alkyl (Me, Et, N-Pr or i-Pr)
         phosphonites and corresponding alkylated or
         protonated salts e.g. QL: O-Ethyl O-2-
         diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonite..........
        (11) Chlorosarin: O-Isopropyl                            (1445-76-7)
        (12) Chlorosoman: O-Pinacolyl                           (7040-57-5)
    Notes to Supplement No. 1:
    Note 1: Note that the following Schedule 1 chemicals are controlled for
      export purposes under the Export Administration Regulations (see part
      774 of the EAR, the Commerce Control List): 0-Ethyl-2-
      diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonite (QL) (C.A.S. #57856-11-8),
      Ethylphosphonyl difluoride (C.A.S. #753-98-0), Methylphosphonyl
      difluoride (C.A.S. #676-99-3), Saxitoxin (35523-89-8), Ricin (9009-86-
    Note 2: All Schedule 1 chemicals not listed in Note 1 to this Supplement
      are controlled for export purposes by the Office of Defense Trade
      Control of the Department of State under the International Traffic in
      Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120 through 130).
    713.1  Prohibition on imports of Schedule 2 chemicals from non-
    States Parties.
    713.2  Declaration on past production of Schedule 2 chemicals for 
    chemical weapons purposes.
    713.3  Initial and annual declaration requirements for plant sites 
    that produce, process or consume Schedule 2 chemicals in excess of 
    specified thresholds.
    713.4  Initial and annual declaration and reporting requirements for 
    exports and imports of Schedule 2 chemicals.
    713.5  Advance declaration requirements for additionally planned 
    production, processing or consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals.
    713.6  Frequency and timing of declarations and reports.
    713.7  Amended declaration or report.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 713--Schedule 2 Chemicals
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.; 50 
    U.S.C. 1701 et seq; E.O. 12938 (59 FR 59099; 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 
    950), as amended by E.O. 13094 (63 FR 40803; 3 CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 
    200); E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 713.1  Prohibition on imports of Schedule 2 chemicals from non-
    States Parties.
        (a) See Sec. 711.6 of this subchapter for information on obtaining 
    the forms you will need to declare and report activities involving 
    Schedule 2 chemicals. You may not import any Schedule 2 chemical (see 
    Supplement No. 1 to this part) on or after April 29, 2000, from
    [[Page 73773]]
    any destination other than a State Party to the Convention. See 
    Supplement No. 1 to part 710 of this subchapter for a list of States 
    that are party to the Convention.
        Note to paragraph (a). See Sec. 742.18 of the Export 
    Administration Regulations (15 CFR part 742) for prohibitions that 
    apply to exports of Schedule 2 chemicals on or after April 29, 2000 
    to non-States Parties and for End-Use Certificate requirements for 
    exports of Schedule 2 chemicals prior to April 29, 2000 to such 
        (b) Paragraph (a) of this section does not apply to:
        (1) The transfer or receipt of a Schedule 2 chemical from a non-
    State Party by a department, agency, or other entity of the United 
    States, or by any person, including a member of the Armed Forces of the 
    United States, who is authorized by law, or by an appropriate officer 
    of the United States to transfer or receive the Schedule 2 chemical; or
        (2) Mixtures containing Schedule 2 chemicals, if the concentration 
    of each Schedule 2 chemical in the mixture is 10% or less by weight. 
    Note, however, that such mixtures may be subject to regulatory 
    requirements of other federal agencies.
    Sec. 713.2  Declaration on past production of Schedule 2 chemicals for 
    chemical weapons purposes.
        You must complete the Certification Form and Forms 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 
    Form A, if you produced at your plant site any quantity of a Schedule 2 
    chemical at any time since January 1, 1946, for chemical weapons 
    purposes. Form B is optional. You must declare the total quantity of 
    such a chemical produced, rounded to the nearest kilogram. Note that 
    you are not subject to routine inspection unless you are a declared 
    facility pursuant to Sec. 713.3.
    Sec. 713.3  Initial and annual declaration requirements for plant sites 
    that produce, process or consume Schedule 2 chemicals in excess of 
    specified thresholds.
        (a) Declaration of production, processing or consumption of 
    Schedule 2 chemicals for purposes not prohibited by the CWC.
        (1) Quantities of production, processing or consumption that 
    trigger declaration requirements. You must complete the forms specified 
    in paragraph (b) of this section if you have been or will be involved 
    in the following activities:
        (i) Initial declaration. You produced, processed or consumed at one 
    or more plants on your plant site during any of the calendar years 
    1994, 1995, or 1996, a Schedule 2 chemical in excess of the following 
    declaration threshold quantities:
        (A) 1 kilogram of chemical BZ: 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (see 
    Schedule 2, paragraph A.3 included in Supplement No. 1 to this part);
        (B) 100 kilograms of chemical PFIB: 1,1,3,3,3-Pentafluoro-
    2(trifluoromethyl)-1-propene or 100 kilograms of chemical Amiton: 0,0-
    Diethyl S-[2-(diethylamino) ethyl] phosphorothiolate and corresponding 
    alkylated or protonated salts (see Schedule 2, paragraphs A.1 and A.2 
    included in Supplement No. 1 to this part); or
        (C) 1 metric ton of any chemical listed in Schedule 2, Part B (see 
    Supplement No. 1 to this part).
        Note to paragraph (a)(1)(i). To determine whether you have an 
    initial declaration requirement for Schedule 2 activities, you must 
    determine whether you produced, processed or consumed a Schedule 2 
    chemical above the applicable threshold quantity at one or more 
    plants on your plant site in calendar years 1994, 1995, or 1996. For 
    example, if you determine that one plant on your plant site produced 
    greater than 1 kilogram of the chemical BZ in calendar year 1995, 
    and no plants on your plant site produced, processed or consumed any 
    Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable threshold quantity in 
    calendar years 1994 or 1996, you have an initial declaration 
    requirement under this paragraph. You must submit three Forms 2-3--
    one for each of the calendar years 1994, 1995, and 1996--and 
    complete question 2-3.1 on each of the forms to declare production 
    data on BZ for calendar years 1994, 1995 and 1996. For calendar year 
    1995, you would declare the quantity of BZ actually produced. For 
    calendar years 1994 and 1996, you would declare ``0'' production 
    quantity. Since the plant site did not engage in any other 
    declarable activity (i.e., consumption, processing), you would leave 
    blank questions 2-3.2 and 2-3.3 on Form 2-3 for calendar years 1994, 
    1995, and 1996. Note that declaring a ``0'' quantity for production 
    in 1994 and 1996, as opposed to leaving the question blank, permits 
    BXA to distinguish the activity that triggered the initial 
    declaration requirement for each year from activities that were not 
    declarable during that period.
        (ii) Annual declaration on past activities. You produced, processed 
    or consumed at one or more plants on your plant site during any of the 
    previous three calendar years, a Schedule 2 chemical in excess of the 
    applicable declaration threshold quantity specified in paragraphs 
    (a)(1)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.
        Note to paragraph (a)(1)(ii). To determine whether you have an 
    annual declaration on past activities requirement for Schedule 2 
    chemicals, you must determine whether you produced, processed or 
    consumed a Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable threshold 
    quantity at one or more plants on your plant site in any one of the 
    three previous calendar years. For example, for the 1997 declaration 
    period, if you determine that one plant on your plant site produced 
    greater than 1 kilogram of the chemical BZ in calendar year 1995, 
    and no plants on your plant site produced, processed or consumed any 
    Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable threshold quantity in 
    calendar years 1996 or 1997, you still have a declaration 
    requirement under this paragraph for the previous calendar year 
    (1997). However, you must only declare on Form 2-3 (question 2-3.1), 
    production data for calendar year 1997. You would declare ``0'' 
    production quantity because you did not produce BZ above the 
    applicable threshold quantity in calendar year 1997. Since the plant 
    site did not engage in any other declarable activity (i.e., 
    consumption, processing) in the 1995-1997 declaration period, you 
    would leave blank questions 2-3.2 and 2-3.3 on Form 2-3. Note that 
    declaring a ``0'' production quantity for 1997, as opposed to 
    leaving the question blank, permits BXA to distinguish the activity 
    that triggered the declaration requirement from activities that were 
    not declarable during that period.
        (iii) Annual declaration on anticipated activities. You anticipate 
    that you will produce, process or consume at one or more plants on your 
    plant site during the next calendar year, starting with activities 
    anticipated for calendar year 2001, a Schedule 2 chemical in excess of 
    the applicable declaration threshold quantity set forth in paragraphs 
    (a)(1)(i)(A) through (C) of this section.
        (2) Mixtures containing a Schedule 2 chemical. (i)The quantity of a 
    Schedule 2 chemical contained in a mixture must be counted when 
    determining the total quantity of a Schedule 2 chemical produced, 
    processed, or consumed at your plant only if the concentration of the 
    Schedule 2 chemical in the mixture is 30% or more by volume or by 
    weight, whichever yields the lesser percent.
        (ii) Counting the amount of the Schedule 2 chemical in a mixture. 
    If your mixture contains 30% or more concentration of a Schedule 2 
    chemical, you must count only the amount (weight) of the Schedule 2 
    chemical in the mixture, not the total weight of the mixture.
        (iii) Determining declaration requirements for production, 
    processing and consumption. You must include the amount (weight) of a 
    Schedule 2 chemical in a mixture when determining the total production, 
    total processing, or total consumption of that Schedule 2 chemical at a 
    plant on your plant site. If the total amount of the produced, 
    processed or consumed Schedule 2 chemical exceeds the applicable 
    declaration threshold set forth in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) through
    [[Page 73774]]
    (C) of this section, you have a declaration requirement. For example, 
    if during calendar year 1997, a plant on your plant site produced a 
    mixture containing 300 kilograms of thiodiglycol in a concentration of 
    32% and also produced 800 kilograms of thiodiglycol, that plant 
    produced 1100 kilograms and exceeded the declaration threshold of 1 
    metric ton for that Schedule 2 chemical. You must declare past 
    production of thiodiglycol at that plant site for calendar year 1997. 
    If, on the other hand, a plant on your plant site processed a mixture 
    containing 300 kilograms of thiodiglycol in a concentration of 25% and 
    also processed 800 kilograms of thiodiglycol in other than mixture 
    form, the total amount of thiodiglycol processed at that plant for CWCR 
    purposes would be 800 kilograms and would not trigger a declaration 
    requirement. This is because the concentration of thiodiglycol in the 
    mixture is less than 30% and therefore did not have to be ``counted'' 
    and added to the other 800 kilograms of processed thiodiglycol at that 
        (b) Types of declaration forms to be used. (1) Initial declaration. 
    You must complete the Certification Form and Forms 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-3A, 
    and Form A if you produced, processed or consumed at one or more plants 
    on your plant site a Schedule 2 chemical in excess of the applicable 
    declaration threshold quantity specified in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) 
    through (C) of this section during any of the three calendar years 
    1994, 1995, or 1996. Form B is optional. If you are subject to initial 
    declaration requirements, you must include data for each of the 
    calendar years 1994, 1995, and 1996.
        (2) Annual declaration on past activities. You must complete the 
    Certification Form and Forms 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-3A, and Form A if one or 
    more plants on your plant site produced, processed or consumed more 
    than the applicable threshold quantity of a Schedule 2 chemical 
    described in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) through (C) of this section in any 
    of the three previous calendar years. Form B is optional. If you are 
    subject to annual declaration requirements, you must include data for 
    the previous calendar year only.
        (3) Annual declaration on anticipated activities. You must complete 
    the Certification Form and Forms 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-3A, 2-3C, and Form A 
    if you plan to produce, process, or consume at any plant on your plant 
    site a Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable threshold quantity set 
    forth in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) through (C) of this section during the 
    following calendar year, beginning with activities planned for calendar 
    year 2001. Form B is optional.
        (c) Quantities to be declared. (1) Production, processing and 
    consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical above the declaration threshold.--
    (i) Initial declaration. If you are required to complete forms pursuant 
    to paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, you must declare the aggregate 
    quantity resulting from each type of activity (production, processing 
    or consumption) from each plant on your plant site that exceeds the 
    applicable threshold quantity for that Schedule 2 chemical for each of 
    the calendar years 1994, 1995, and 1996. Do not aggregate amounts of 
    production, processing or consumption from plants on the plant site 
    that did not individually produce, process or consume a Schedule 2 
    chemical in amounts greater than the applicable threshold levels. For 
    those years in which you produced, processed or consumed the declared 
    chemical below the declaration threshold, you declare ``0'' only for 
    the declared activities.
        (ii) Annual declaration on past activities. If you are required to 
    complete forms pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, you 
    must declare the aggregate quantity resulting from each type of 
    activity (production, processing or consumption) from each plant on 
    your plant site that exceeds the applicable threshold quantity for that 
    Schedule 2 chemical. Do not aggregate amounts of production, processing 
    or consumption from plants on the plant site that did not individually 
    produce, process or consume a Schedule 2 chemical in amounts greater 
    than the applicable threshold levels. If in the previous calendar year 
    you produced, processed or consumed below the declaration threshold, 
    but your declaration requirement is triggered because of activities 
    occurring in an earlier year, you declare ``0'' only for the declared 
        (2) Rounding. For the chemical BZ, report quantities to the nearest 
    hundredth of a kilogram (10 grams). For PFIB and the Amiton family, 
    report quantities to the nearest 1 kilogram. For all other Schedule 2 
    chemicals, report quantities to the nearest 10 kilograms.
        (d) ``Declared'' Schedule 2 plant sites. A plant site that 
    comprises at least one plant that produced, processed or consumed a 
    Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable threshold quantity set forth 
    in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) through (C) of this section during any of 
    the previous three calendar years or is anticipated to produce, process 
    or consume a Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable threshold 
    quantity in the next calendar year is a ``declared'' plant site. A 
    plant site that submitted an initial declaration for activities that 
    occurred in 1994, 1995, or 1996 is a ``declared'' Schedule 2 plant site 
    for those years.
        (e) Declared Schedule 2 plant sites subject to routine inspections. 
    A ``declared'' Schedule 2 plant site is subject to initial and routine 
    inspection by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 
    if it produced, processed or consumed in any of the three previous 
    calendar years, or is anticipated to produce, process or consume in the 
    next calendar year, in excess of ten times the applicable declaration 
    threshold quantity set forth in paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(A) through (C) of 
    this section (see part 716 of this subchapter). A plant site that 
    submitted an initial declaration for calendar years 1994, 1995, and 
    1996, and exceeded the applicable inspection threshold is also subject 
    to an initial inspection.
    Sec. 713.4  Initial and annual declaration and reporting requirements 
    for exports and imports of Schedule 2 chemicals
        (a) Declarations and reports of exports and imports of Schedule 2 
        (1) Declarations. A Schedule 2 plant site that is declared because 
    it produced, processed or consumed a Schedule 2 chemical above the 
    applicable threshold quantity, and also exported from or imported to 
    the plant site that same Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable 
    threshold quantity, must submit export and import information as part 
    of its declaration.
        Note to paragraph (a)(1): A declared Schedule 2 plant site may 
    need to declare exports or imports of Schedule 2 chemicals that it 
    produced, processed or consumed above the applicable threshold 
    quantity and also report exports or imports of different Schedule 2 
    chemicals that it did not produce, process or consume above the 
    applicable threshold quantities.
        (2) Reports. A declared plant site that does not meet the 
    description of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, and an undeclared 
    plant site or a trading company or any other person subject to the CWCR 
    must submit a report if it exported or imported a Schedule 2 chemical 
    above the applicable threshold quantity.
        Note to paragraph (a)(2): The U.S. Government will not submit to 
    the OPCW company-specific information relating to the export or 
    import of Schedule 2 chemicals contained in reports. The U.S. 
    Government will add all export and import information contained in 
    reports to export and import information contained in declarations 
    to establish the U.S. national aggregate declaration on exports and 
        Note to paragraphs (a)(1) and (2): Declared and undeclared plant 
    sites must count, for
    [[Page 73775]]
    declaration or report purposes, all exports from and imports to the 
    entire plant site, not only from or to individual plants on the 
    plant site.
        (b) Quantities of exports or imports that trigger a declaration or 
    report requirement. (1) You have a declaration or report requirement 
    and must complete the forms specified in paragraph (d) of this section 
    if you exported or imported a Schedule 2 chemical in excess of the 
    following threshold quantities:
        (i) 1 kilogram of chemical BZ: 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (See 
    Schedule 2, paragraph A.3 included in Supplement No. 1 to this part);
        (ii) 100 kilograms of chemical PFIB: 1,1,3,3,3-Pentafluoro-
    2(trifluoromethyl)-1-propene or 100 kilograms of Amiton : O,O Diethyl 
    S-[2(diethylamino)ethyl] phosphorothiolate and corresponding alkylated 
    or protonated salts (see Schedule 2, paragraphs A.1 and A.2 included in 
    Supplement No.1 to this part);
        (iii) 1 metric ton of any chemical listed in Schedule 2, Part B 
    (see Supplement No.1 to this part).
        (2) Mixtures containing a Schedule 2 chemical. The quantity of a 
    Schedule 2 chemical contained in a mixture must be counted for the 
    declaration or reporting of an export or import only if the 
    concentration of the Schedule 2 chemical in the mixture is 30% or more 
    by volume or by weight, whichever yields the lesser percent.
        Note 1 to paragraph (b)(2). See Sec. 713.3(a)(2)(ii) for 
    information on counting amounts of Schedule 2 chemicals contained in 
    mixtures and determining declaration and report requirements.
        Note 2 to paragraph (b)(2). The ``30% and above'' mixtures rule 
    applies only for declaration and report purposes. This rule does not 
    apply for purposes of determining whether the export of your mixture 
    to a non-State Party requires an End-Use Certificate or for 
    determining whether you need an export license from the Department 
    of Commerce (see Secs. 742.2, 742.18 and 745.2 of the Export 
    Administration Regulations) or from the Department of State (see the 
    International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120 through 
        (c) Declaration and report requirements. (1) Initial declaration. A 
    plant site described in paragrpah (a)(1) of this section that has an 
    initial declaration requirement for production, processing, or 
    consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical must also declare the export or 
    import of that same Schedule 2 chemical if the amount exported or 
    imported in 1994, 1995 or 1996 exceeded the applicable threshold 
    quantity set forth in paragraph (b)(1)(i) through (iii) of this 
    section. For the initial declaration, the plant site must only declare 
    the export or import information for any of the calendar years (1994, 
    1995 and/or 1996) in which the export or import exceeded the applicable 
    threshold quantity.
        (2) Initial report on exports and imports. Declared plant sites 
    described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, undeclared plant sites, 
    trading companies or any other person subject to the CWCR that exported 
    or imported a Schedule 2 chemical in 1996 in excess of the applicable 
    threshold quantity set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, must 
    submit an initial report on exports or imports for calendar year 1996.
        (3) Annual declaration on past activities. A plant site described 
    in paragraph (a)(1) that has an annual declaration requirement for 
    production, processing, or consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical for the 
    previous calendar year, beginning in 1997, must also declare the export 
    and/or import of that same Schedule 2 chemical if the amount exceeded 
    the applicable threshold quantity set forth in paragraph (b). The plant 
    site must declare the export or import information for that same 
    Schedule 2 chemical as part of its annual declaration of past 
        (4) Annual report on exports and imports. Declared plant sites 
    described in paragraph (a)(2), and undeclared plant sites, trading 
    companies or any other person subject to the CWCR that exported or 
    imported a Schedule 2 chemical in a previous calendar year, beginning 
    in 1997, in excess of the applicable threshold quantity set forth in 
    paragraphs (b)(1) (i) through (iii) must submit an annual report on 
    exports or imports.
        (d) Types of declaration and report forms to be used. (1) Initial 
    declaration. If you are a declared Schedule 2 plant site as described 
    in paragraph (a)(1), you must complete Form 2-3B in addition to the 
    forms required by Sec. 713.3(b)(1). You must complete the forms for 
    each declared Schedule 2 chemical and for each of the calendar years 
    1994, 1995, and 1996, in which the export or import exceeded the 
    applicable threshold quantity.
        (2) Initial report on exports and imports. (i) If you are a 
    declared plant site as described in paragraph (a)(2), you may fulfill 
    your reporting requirements by:
        (A) Submitting, along with your initial declaration, a Form 2-3B 
    for each Schedule 2 chemical you exported or imported above the 
    applicable threshold quantity. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is 
        (B) Submitting, separately from your initial declaration, a 
    Certification Form, Form 2-1, and Form 2-3B for each Schedule 2 
    chemical you exported or imported above the applicable threshold 
    quantity. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (ii) If you are an undeclared plant site or trading company, you 
    must complete the Certification Form, Form 2-1, and Form 2-3B for each 
    Schedule 2 chemical you exported or imported above the applicable 
    threshold quantity. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (3) Annual declaration on past activities. If you are a declared 
    Schedule 2 plant site as described in paragraph (a)(1), you must 
    complete Form 2-3B, in addition to the forms required by 
    Sec. 713.3(b)(2), for each declared Schedule 2 chemical exported or 
    imported above the applicable threshold quantity in the previous 
    calendar year.
        (4) Annual report on exports and imports. (i) If you are a declared 
    plant site as described in paragraph (a)(2), you may fulfill your 
    annual reporting requirements by:
        (A) Submitting, along with your annual declaration on past 
    activities, a Form 2-3B for each Schedule 2 chemical you exported or 
    imported above the applicable threshold quantity. Attach Form A, as 
    appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (B) Submitting, separately from your annual declaration on past 
    activities, a Certification Form, Form 2-1, and Form 2-3B for each 
    Schedule 2 chemical you exported or imported above the applicable 
    threshold quantity. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (ii) If you are an undeclared plant site, trading company or any 
    other person subject to the CWCR, you must complete the Certification 
    Form, Form 2-1, and Form 2-3B for each Schedule 2 chemical you exported 
    or imported above the applicable threshold quantity. Attach Form A, as 
    appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (e) Quantities to be declared. (1) Calculations. If you exported 
    from or imported to your plant site, trading company, or other location 
    more than the applicable threshold quantity of a Schedule 2 chemical, 
    you must declare or report all exports and imports by destination, and 
    indicate the total amount exported to or imported from each 
    destination. Only indicate the total annual quantity exported to or 
    imported from a specific destination if the total annual quantity to or 
    from that destination is more than 1% of the applicable threshold 
    (i.e., more than 10 grams of BZ, 1 kilogram of PFIB and
    [[Page 73776]]
    Amiton and corresponding alkylated or protonated salts, or 10 kilograms 
    of all other Schedule 2 chemicals). However, in determining whether 
    your total exports and imports worldwide for the year in question 
    trigger a declaration or report requirement, you must include all 
    exports and imports, including exports and imports falling within the 
    1% exemption in your calculation.
        (2) Rounding. For purposes of declaring or reporting exports and 
    imports of a Schedule 2 chemical, you must total all exports and 
    imports per calendar year per recipient or source destination and then 
    round as follows: for the chemical BZ, the total quantity for each 
    destination should be reported to the nearest hundredth of a kilogram 
    (10 grams); for PFIB and Amiton and corresponding alkylated or 
    protonated salts, the quantity for each destination should be reported 
    to the nearest 1 kilogram; and for all other Schedule 2 chemicals, the 
    total quantity for each destination should be reported to the nearest 
    10 kilograms.
    Sec. 713.5.  Advance declaration requirements for additionally planned 
    production, processing, or consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals.
        (a) Declaration requirements for additionally planned activities. 
    (1) You must declare additionally planned production, processing, or 
    consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals after the annual declaration on 
    anticipated activities for the next calendar year has been delivered to 
    BXA if:
        (i) You plan that a previously undeclared plant on your plant site 
    under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) will produce, process, or consume a 
    Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable declaration threshold;
        (ii) You plan to produce, process, or consume at a plant declared 
    under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) an additional Schedule 2 chemical above the 
    applicable declaration threshold;
        (iii) You plan an additional activity (production, processing, or 
    consumption) at your declared plant above the applicable declaration 
    threshold for a chemical declared under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii);
        (iv) You plan to increase the production, processing, or 
    consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical by a plant declared under 
    Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) from the amount exceeding the applicable 
    declaration threshold to an amount exceeding the applicable inspection 
    threshold (see Sec. 716.1(b)(2));
        (v) You plan to change the starting or ending date of anticipated 
    production, processing, or consumption declared under 
    Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii) by more than three months; or
        (vi) You plan to increase your production, processing, or 
    consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical by a declared plant site by 20 
    percent or more above that declared under Sec. 713.3(a)(1)(iii).
        (2) If you must submit a declaration on additionally planned 
    activities because you plan to engage in any of the activities listed 
    in paragraphs (a)(1) (i) through (vi) of this section, you should also 
    declare changes to your declaration relating to the following 
    activities. You do not have to submit an additionally planned 
    declaration if you are only changing the following non-quantitative 
        (i) Changes to the plant's production capacity;
        (ii) Changes or additions to the product group codes for the plant 
    site or the plant(s);
        (iii) Changes to the plant's activity status (i.e., dedicated, 
    multipurpose, or other status);
        (iv) Changes to the plant's multipurpose activities;
        (v) Changes to the plant site's status relating to domestic 
    transfer of the chemical;
        (vi) Changes to the plant site's purposes for which the chemical 
    will be produced, processed or consumed; or
        (vii) Changes to plant site's status relating to exports of the 
    chemical or the addition of new countries for export (not to exceed 10 
        (b) Declaration forms to be used. If you are required to declare 
    additionally planned activities pursuant to paragraph (a) of this part, 
    you must complete the Certification Form and Forms 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, and 
    2-3C as appropriate. Such forms are due to BXA at least 15 days prior 
    to beginning the additional activity.
    Sec. 713.6  Frequency and timing of declarations and reports.
        Declarations and reports required under this part must be 
    postmarked by the appropriate date identified in Table 1 of this 
    section. Required declarations and reports include:
        (a) Declaration on past production of Schedule 2 chemicals for 
    chemical weapons (CW) purposes since January 1, 1946;
        (b) Initial declaration (production, processing, consumption, 
    export, or import of Schedule 2 chemicals during calendar years 1994, 
    1995, and 1996);
        (c) Initial report on exports and imports from trading companies, 
    plant sites and other persons (during calendar year 1996);
        (d) Annual declaration on past activities (production, processing, 
    consumption, export or import of Schedule 2 chemicals during the 
    previous calendar year, beginning with 1997);
        (e) Annual report on exports and imports from trading companies, 
    plant sites and other persons (during the previous calendar year, 
    beginning with 1997); and
        (f) Annual declaration on anticipated activities (production, 
    processing or consumption during the next calendar year, beginning in 
    calendar year 2000 for activities anticipated for calendar year 2001).
         Table 1 to Sec.  713.6.--Deadlines for Submission of Schedule 2
            Declarations            Applicable forms          Due dates
    Initial Declaration (for      Certification, 2-1,   March 30, 2000.
     calendar years 1994, 1995,    2-2, 2-3, 2-3A, 2-
     and 1996)--Declared plant     3B (if also
     site (production,             exported or
     processing, consumption,      imported), A (as
     exports and imports).         appropriate), B
    Initial Report on Exports     Certification, 2-1,   March 30, 2000.
     and Imports (for calendar     2-3B, A (as
     year 1996)--Plant site,       appropriate), B
     trading company, other        (optional).
    Annual Declaration on Past    Certification , 2-1,  For 1997, 1998, and
     Activities (previous          2-2, 2-3 2-3A, 2-3B   1999. Thereafter,
     calendar year, starting       (if also exported     February 28, March
     with 1997)--Declared plant    or imported), A (as   30, 2000.
     site (production,             appropriate), B
     processing, consumption,      (optional).
     exports and imports).
    Annual Report on Exports and  Certification, 2-1,   For 1997, 1998, and
     Imports (previous calendar    2-3B, A (as           1999. Thereafter,
     year, starting with 1997)--   appropriate), B       February 28, March
     Plant site, trading           (optional).           30, 2000.
     company, other persons.
    [[Page 73777]]
    Annual Declaration on         Certification, 2-1,   September 3 of each
     Anticipated Activities        2-2, 2-3, 2-3A, 2-    year prior to the
     (next calendar year).         3C, A (as             calendar year in
                                   appropriate), B       which anticipated
                                   (optional).           activities will
                                                         take place,
                                                         beginning in
                                                         calendar year 2000.
    Declaration on Additionally   Certification, 2-1,   15 calendar days
     Planned Activities--          2-3C, A (as           before the
     (production, processing and   appropriate), B       additionally
     consumption).                 (optional).           planned activity
    Declaration on Past           Certification, 2-1,   March 30, 2000.
     Production of Schedule 2      2-2, 2-4 A (as
     Chemicals for CW Purposes.    appropriate), B
    Sec. 713.7  Amended declaration or report.
        (a) You must submit an amended declaration or report for changes to 
    previously submitted information on chemicals, activities and end-use 
    purposes or the addition of new chemicals, activities and end-use 
        (b) For declared plant sites subject to inspection, changes that 
    may affect verification activities, such as changes of owner or 
    operator, company name, address, or inspection point of contact require 
    an amended declaration.
        (c) For declared plant sites not subject to inspection, undeclared 
    plant sites, trading companies, and other persons, changes that do not 
    directly affect the purpose of the Convention, such as changes to a 
    company name, address, declaration point of contact, or non-substantive 
    typographical errors, do not require submission of an amended 
    declaration or report and may be corrected in subsequent declarations 
    or reports.
        (d) If you are required to submit an amended declaration or report 
    pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, you must complete and 
    submit a new Certification Form and the specific form(s) being amended 
    (e.g., annual declaration on past activities). Only complete that 
    portion of each form that corrects the previously submitted 
               Supplement No. 1 to Part 713.--Schedule 2 Chemicals
    A. Toxic chemicals:
        (1) Amiton: O,O-Diethyl S-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]          (78-53-5)
         phosphorothiolate and corresponding alkylated or
         protonated salts.................................
        (2) PFIB: 1,1,3,3,3-Pentafluoro-2-                        (382-21-8)
        (3) BZ: 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate.................       (6581-06-2)
    B. Precursors:
        (4) Chemicals, except for those listed in Schedule        (676-97-1)
         1, containing a phosphorus atom to which is
         bonded one methyl, ethyl or propyl (normal or
         iso) group but not further carbon atoms, e.g.
         Methylphosphonyl dichloride......................
        Dimethyl methylphosphonate........................        (756-79-6)
        Exemption: Fonofos: O-Ethyl S-phenyl                      (944-22-9)
        (5) N,N-Dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)
         phosphoramidic dihalides
        (6) Dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) N,N-dialkyl
         (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)-phosphoramidates
        (7) Arsenic trichloride...........................       (7784-34-1)
        (8) 2,2-Diphenyl-2-hydroxyacetic acid.............         (76-93-7)
        (9) Quinuclidine-3-ol.............................       (1619-34-7)
        (10) N,N-Dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr) aminoethyl-
         2-chlorides and corresponding protonated salts
        (11) N,N-Dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)
         aminoethane-2-ols and corresponding protonated
        Exemptions: N,N-Dimethylaminoethanol and                  (108-01-0)
         corresponding protonated salts...................
        N,N-Diethylaminoethanol and corresponding                 (100-37-8)
         protonated salts.................................
        (12) N,N-Dialkyl (Me, Et, n-Pr or i-Pr)
         aminoethane-2-thiols and corresponding protonated
        (13) Thiodiglycol: Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) sulfide....        (111-48-8)
        (14) Pinacolyl alcohol: 3,3-Dimethylbutane-2-ol...        (464-07-3)
    714.1  Declaration on past production of Schedule 3 chemicals for 
    chemical weapons purposes.
    714.2  Initial and annual declaration requirements for plant sites 
    that produce a Schedule 3 chemical in excess of 30 metric tons.
    714.3  Initial and annual reporting requirements for exports and 
    imports of Schedule 3 chemicals.
    714.4  Advance declaration requirements for additionally planned 
    production of a Schedule 3 chemical.
    714.5  Frequency and timing of declarations.
    714.6  Amended declaration or report.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 714--Schedule 3 Chemicals
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 714.1  Declaration on past production of Schedule 3 chemicals for 
    chemical weapons purposes.
        (a) See Sec. 711.6 of this subchapter for information on obtaining 
    the forms you will need to declare and report activities involving 
    Schedule 3 chemicals.
        (b) You must complete the Certification Form, Forms 3-1, 3-2, 3-4, 
    Form A if you produced at one or more plants on your plant site any 
    quantity of a Schedule 3 chemical at any time since January 1, 1946, 
    for chemical weapons purposes. Form B is optional. You must declare the 
    total quantity of such chemical produced, rounded to the nearest tenth 
    of a metric ton (or 100 kilograms). You are not subject to routine 
    inspection unless you are a declared facility pursuant to Sec. 714.2.
    Sec. 714.2  Initial and annual declaration requirements for plant sites 
    that produce a Schedule 3 chemical in excess of 30 metric tons.
        (a) Declaration of production of Schedule 3 chemicals for purposes 
    not prohibited by the CWC. (1) Production quantities that trigger the 
    declaration requirement. You must complete the appropriate forms 
    specified in paragraph (b) of this section if you have
    [[Page 73778]]
    produced or anticipate producing a Schedule 3 chemical as follows:
        (i) Initial declaration. You produced at one or more plants on your 
    plant site in excess of 30 metric tons of any single Schedule 3 
    chemical during calendar year 1996.
        (ii) Annual declaration on past activities. You produced at one or 
    more plants on your plant site in excess of 30 metric tons of any 
    single Schedule 3 chemical during the previous calendar year, beginning 
    with 1997.
        (iii) Annual declaration on anticipated activities. You anticipate 
    that you will produce at one or more plants on your plant site in 
    excess of 30 metric tons of any single Schedule 3 chemical in the next 
    calendar year.
        (2) Mixtures containing a Schedule 3 chemical. (i) The quantity of 
    a Schedule 3 chemical contained in a mixture must be counted for 
    declaration purposes only if the concentration of the Schedule 3 
    chemical in the mixture is 80% or more by volume or by weight, 
    whichever yields the lesser percent.
        (ii) Counting the amount of the Schedule 3 chemical in a mixture. 
    If your mixture contains 80% or more concentration of a Schedule 3 
    chemical, you must count only the amount (weight) of the Schedule 3 
    chemical in the mixture, not the total weight of the mixture.
        (b) Types of declaration forms to be used. (1) Initial declaration. 
    You must complete the Certification Form and Forms 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and 
    Form A if you produced at one or more plants on your plant site in 
    excess of 30 metric tons of any single Schedule 3 chemical during 
    calendar year 1996. Form B is optional.
        (2) Annual declaration on past activities. You must complete the 
    Certification Form and Forms 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and Form A if one or more 
    plants on your plant site produced in excess of 30 metric tons of any 
    single Schedule 3 chemical during the previous calendar year, beginning 
    with production during calendar year 1997. Form B is optional.
        (3) Annual declaration on anticipated activities. You must complete 
    the Certification Form, and Forms 3-1 and 3-3 if you anticipate that 
    you will produce at one or more plants on your plant site in excess of 
    30 metric tons of any single Schedule 3 chemical in the next calendar 
        (c) Quantities to be declared. (1) Production of a Schedule 3 
    chemical in excess of 30 metric tons. If your plant site is subject to 
    the declaration requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, you must 
    declare the range within which the production at your plant site falls 
    (30 to 200 metric tons, 200 to 1,000 metric tons, etc.) as specified on 
    Form 3-3. When specifying the range of production for your plant site, 
    you must aggregate the production quantities of all plants on the plant 
    site that produced the Schedule 3 chemical in amounts greater than 30 
    metric tons. You must complete a separate Form 3-3 for each Schedule 3 
    chemical for which production at your plant site exceeds 30 metric 
        (2) Rounding. To determine the production range into which your 
    plant site falls, add all the production of the declared Schedule 3 
    chemical during the calendar year from all plants on your plant site 
    that produced the Schedule 3 chemical in amounts exceeding 30 metric 
    tons, and round to the nearest ten metric tons.
        (d) ``Declared'' Schedule 3 plant sites. A plant site that 
    comprises at least one plant that produced in excess of 30 metric tons 
    of a Schedule 3 chemical during the previous calendar year, or that you 
    anticipate will produce more than 30 metric tons of a Schedule 3 
    chemical in the next calendar year, is a ``declared'' Schedule 3 plant 
    site. A plant site that submitted an initial declaration for 1996 and/
    or annual declaration on past activities for 1997 or 1998 is a 
    ``declared'' Schedule 3 plant site for the years declared.
        (e) Routine inspections of declared Schedule 3 plant sites. A 
    ``declared'' Schedule 3 plant site is subject to routine inspection by 
    the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (see part 716 
    of this subchapter) if the declared plants on your plant site produced 
    during the previous calendar year or you anticipate they will produce 
    during the next calendar year in excess of 200 metric tons aggregate of 
    any Schedule 3 chemical. A plant site that submitted an initial 
    declaration for 1996 and/or an annual declaration on past activities 
    for 1997 or 1998, and exceeded the inspection threshold, is also 
    subject to a routine inspection.
    Sec. 714.3  Initial and annual report requirements for exports and 
    imports of Schedule 3 chemicals.
        (a) Any person subject to the CWCR that exported from or imported 
    to the United States a Schedule 3 chemical in excess of 30 metric tons 
    in any calendar year, beginning with calendar year 1996, has a 
    reporting requirement under this section.
        (1) Initial report on exports and imports. Declared plant sites, 
    undeclared plant sites, trading companies, and any other person subject 
    to the CWCR that exported from or imported to the United States in 
    excess of 30 metric tons of a Schedule 3 chemical in calendar year 1996 
    must submit an initial report on exports and imports.
        (2) Annual report on exports and imports. Declared plant sites, 
    undeclared plant sites, trading companies, and any other person subject 
    to the CWCR that exported from or imported to the United States in 
    excess of 30 metric tons of a Schedule 3 chemical in a previous 
    calendar year, beginning with calendar year 1997, must submit an annual 
    report on exports and imports.
        Note 1 to paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2). Declared and undeclared 
    plant sites must count, for report purposes, all exports from and 
    imports to the entire plant site, not only from or to individual 
    plants on the plant site.
        Note 2 to paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2): The U.S. Government will 
    not submit to the OPCW company-specific information relating to the 
    export or import of Schedule 3 chemicals contained in reports. The 
    U.S. Government will add all export and import information contained 
    in reports to establish the U.S. national aggregate declaration on 
    exports and imports.
        (3) Mixtures containing a Schedule 3 chemical. The quantity of a 
    Schedule 3 chemical contained in a mixture must be counted for 
    reporting an export or import only if the concentration of the Schedule 
    3 chemical in the mixture is 80% or more by volume or by weight, 
    whichever yields the lesser percent. For reporting purposes, only count 
    the weight of the Schedule 3 chemical in the mixture, not the entire 
    weight of the mixture.
        Note to paragraph (a)(3). The ``80% and above'' mixtures rule 
    applies only for report purposes. This rule does not apply for 
    purposes of determining whether the export of your mixture to a non-
    State Party requires an End-Use Certificate or for determining 
    whether you need an export license from the Department of Commerce 
    (see Secs. 742.2, 742.18 and 745.2 of the Export Administration 
    Regulations) or from the Department of State (see the International 
    Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 C.F.R. 120 through 130)).
        (b) Types of forms to be used. (1) Declared Schedule 3 plant sites. 
    (i) If your plant site is declared for production of a Schedule 3 
    chemical (and has completed questions 3-3.1 and 3-3.2 on Form 3-3) and 
    you also exported or imported that same Schedule 3 chemical in excess 
    of 30 metric tons, you may report the export or import by:
        (A) Completing question 3-3.3 on Form 3-3 on your declaration for 
    that same Schedule 3 chemical to be reported; or
        (B) Submitting, separately from your declaration, a Certification 
    Form, Form 3-1, and a Form 3-3 for each Schedule
    [[Page 73779]]
    3 chemical to be reported, completing only question 3-3.3. Attach Form 
    A, as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (ii) If your plant site declared production of a Schedule 3 
    chemical and exported or imported a different Schedule 3 chemical in 
    excess of 30 metric tons, you may report the export or import by:
        (A) Submitting, along with your declaration, a Form 3-3 for each 
    Schedule 3 chemical to be reported, completing only question 3-3.3. 
    Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B is optional; or
        (B) Submitting, separately from your declaration, a Certification 
    Form, Form 3-1 and a Form 3.3 for each Schedule 3 chemical to be 
    reported, completing only question 3-3.3. Attach Form A, as 
    appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (2) If you are an undeclared plant site or trading company, or any 
    other person subject to the CWCR, you must submit a Certification Form, 
    Form 3-1, and a Form 3-3 for each Schedule 3 chemical to be reported, 
    completing only question 3-3.3. Attach Form A, as appropriate; Form B 
    is optional.
        (c) Quantities to be reported. (1) Calculations. If you exported 
    from or imported to your plant site or trading company more than 30 
    metric tons of a Schedule 3 chemical in the previous calendar year, you 
    must report all exports and imports of that chemical by destination, 
    and indicate the total amount exported to or imported from each 
    destination. Only indicate the total annual quantity exported to or 
    imported from a specific destination if the total annual quantity to or 
    from that destination is more than 1% of the applicable threshold 
    (i.e., more than 0.3 metric tons). However, in determining whether your 
    total exports and imports worldwide for the year in question trigger a 
    report requirement, you must include all exports and imports, including 
    exports and imports falling within the 1% exemption in your 
        (2) Rounding. For purposes of reporting exports and imports of a 
    Schedule 3 chemical, you must total all exports and imports per 
    calendar year per recipient or source destination and then round to the 
    nearest 0.1 metric tons.
        Note to Sec. 714.3: Under the Convention, the United States is 
    obligated to provide the OPCW a national aggregate annual 
    declaration of the quantities of each Schedule 3 chemical exported 
    and imported. The U.S. Government will not submit your company-
    specific information relating to the export or import of a Schedule 
    3 chemical reported under this Sec. 714.3. The U.S. Government will 
    add all export and import information submitted by various 
    facilities under this section to produce a national aggregate annual 
    declaration of destination-by-destination trade for each Schedule 3 
    Sec. 714.4  Advance declaration requirements for additionally planned 
    production of Schedule 3 chemicals.
        (a) Declaration requirements. (1) You must declare additionally 
    planned production of Schedule 3 chemicals after the annual declaration 
    on anticipated activities for the next calendar year has been delivered 
    to BXA if:
        (i) You plan that a previously undeclared plant on your plant site 
    under Sec. 714.2(a)(1)(iii) will produce a Schedule 3 chemical above 
    the declaration threshold;
        (ii) You plan to produce at a plant declared under 
    Sec. 714.2(a)(1)(iii) an additional Schedule 3 chemical above the 
    declaration threshold;
        (iii) You plan to increase the production of a Schedule 3 chemical 
    by declared plants on your plant site from the amount exceeding the 
    applicable declaration threshold to an amount exceeding the applicable 
    inspection threshold (see Sec. 716.1(b)(3)); or
        (iv) You plan to increase the aggregate production of a Schedule 3 
    chemical at a declared plant site to an amount above the upper limit of 
    the range previously declared under Sec. 714.2(a)(1)(iii).
        (2) If you must submit a declaration on additionally planned 
    activities because you plan to engage in any of the activities listed 
    in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (iv) of this section, you should also 
    declare any changes to the anticipated purposes of production or 
    product group codes. You do not have to submit a declaration on 
    additionally planned activities if you are only changing your purposes 
    of production or product group codes.
        (b) Declaration forms to be used. If you are required to declare 
    additionally planned activities pursuant to paragraph (a) of this 
    section, you must complete the Certification Form and Forms 3-1, 3-2, 
    and 3-3 as appropriate. Such forms are due to BXA at least 15 days in 
    advance of the beginning of the additional or new activity.
    Sec. 714.5  Frequency and timing of declarations.
        Declarations and reports required under this part must be 
    postmarked by the appropriate date identified in Table 1 of this 
    section. Required declarations and reports include:
        (a) Declaration on past production of any amount of Schedule 3 
    chemicals for chemical weapons (CW) purposes since January 1, 1946;
        (b) Initial declaration (production of Schedule 3 chemicals during 
    calendar year 1996);
        (c) Initial report on exports and imports from trading companies, 
    plant sites and other persons (during calendar year 1996);
        (d) Annual declaration on past activities (production of Schedule 3 
    chemicals during the previous calendar year, beginning with 1997);
        (e) Annual report on exports and imports from trading companies, 
    plant sites and other persons (during the previous calendar year, 
    beginning with 1997); and
        (f) Annual declaration on anticipated activities (production during 
    the next calendar year, beginning in calendar year 2000 for activities 
    anticipated for calendar year 2001).
                       Table 1 to Sec.  714.5--Deadlines for Submission of Schedule 3 Declarations
                       Declarations                            Applicable forms                  Due dates
    Initial Declaration (for calendar year 1996)--      Certification, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3   March 30, 2000.
     Declared plant site (production).                   (if also exported or
                                                         imported), A (as
                                                         appropriate), B (optional).
    Initial Report on Exports and Imports (for          Certification, 3-1, 3-3.3 and  March 30, 2000.
     calendar year 1996)--Plant site, trading company,   3-3.4, A (as appropriate), B
     other persons.                                      (optional).
    Annual Declaration on Past Activities (previous     Certification, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3   For 1997, 1998, and 1999,
     calendar year, starting with 1997)--Declared        (if also exported or           March 30, 2000. Thereafter,
     plant site (production).                            imported), A (as               February 28.
                                                         appropriate), B (optional).
    [[Page 73780]]
    Annual Report on Exports and Imports (previous      Certification, 3-1, 3-3.3 and  For 1997, 1998, and 1999,
     calendar year, starting with 1997)--Plant site,     3-3.4, A (as appropriate), B   March 30, 2000. Thereafter,
     trading company, other persons.                     (optional).                    February 28.
    Annual Declaration on Anticipated Activities        Certification, 3-1, 3-3.1 and  September 3 of each year
     (Production) (next calendar year).                  3-3.2, A (as appropriate), B   prior to the calendar year
                                                         (optional).                    in which anticipated
                                                                                        activities will take place,
                                                                                        beginning in calendar year
    Declaration on Additionally Planned Activities....  Certification, 3-1, 3-3.1 and  15 calendar days before the
                                                         3-3.2, A (as appropriate), B   additionally planned
                                                         (optional).                    activity begins.
    Declaration on Past Production of Schedule 3        Certification, 3-1, 3-2, 3-4,  March 30, 2000.
     Chemicals for CW Purposes.                          A (as appropriate), B
    Sec. 714.6  Amended declaration or report.
        (a) You must submit an amended declaration or report for changes to 
    previously submitted information on chemicals, activities and end-use 
    purposes or the addition of new chemicals, activities and end-use 
        (b) For declared plant sites subject to inspection, changes that 
    may affect verification activities, such as changes of owner or 
    operator, company name, address, or inspection point of contact, 
    require an amended declaration.
        (c) For declared plant sites not subject to inspection, undeclared 
    plant sites, trading companies, and other persons, changes that do not 
    directly affect the purpose of the Convention, such as changes to a 
    company name, address, declaration point of contact, or non-substantive 
    typographical errors, do not require submission of an amended 
    declaration or report and may be corrected in subsequent declarations 
    or reports.
        (d) If you are required to submit an amended declaration or report 
    pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, you must complete and 
    submit a new Certification Form and the specific form(s) being amended 
    (e.g., annual declaration on past activities). Only complete that 
    portion of each form that corrects the previously submitted 
               Supplement No. 1 to Part 714--Schedule 3 Chemicals
    A. Toxic chemicals:
        (1) Phosgene: Carbonyl dichloride.................         (75-44-5)
        (2) Cyanogen chloride.............................        (506-77-4)
        (3) Hydrogen cyanide..............................         (74-90-8)
        (4) Chloropicrin: Trichloronitromethane...........         (76-06-2)
    B. Precursors:
        (5) Phosphorus oxychloride........................      (10025-87-3)
        (6) Phosphorus trichloride........................       (7719-12-2)
        (7) Phosphorus pentachloride......................      (10026-13-8)
        (8) Trimethyl phosphite...........................        (121-45-9)
        (9) Triethyl phosphite............................        (122-52-1)
        (10) Dimethyl phosphite...........................        (868-85-9)
        (11) Diethyl phosphite............................        (762-04-9)
        (12) Sulfur monochloride..........................      (10025-67-9)
        (13) Sulfur dichloride............................      (10545-99-0)
        (14) Thionyl chloride.............................       (7719-09-7)
        (15) Ethyldiethanolamine..........................        (139-87-7)
        (16) Methyldiethanolamine.........................        (105-59-9)
        (17) Triethanolamine..............................        (102-71-6)
    Note to Supplement No. 1: Refer to Supplement No. 1 to part 774 of the
      Export Administration Regulations (the Commerce Control List), ECCN
      1C355, Related Controls for chemicals controlled under the
      International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120 through
    715.1  Initial and annual declaration requirements for production by 
    synthesis of unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs).
    715.2  Frequency and timing of declarations.
    715.3  Amended declaration.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 715--Definition of an Unscheduled Discrete 
    Organic Chemical
    Supplement No. 2 to Part 715--Examples of Unscheduled Discrete Organic 
    Chemicals (UDOCs) and UDOC Production
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 715.1  Initial and annual declaration requirements for production 
    by synthesis of unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs).
        (a) See Sec. 711.6 of this subchapter for information on obtaining 
    the forms you will need to declare production of unscheduled discrete 
    organic chemicals. Declaration of production by synthesis of UDOCs for 
    purposes not prohibited by the CWC. (1) Production quantities that 
    trigger the declaration requirement. You must complete the forms 
    specified in paragraph (b) of this section if your plant site produced 
    by synthesis:
        (i) In excess of 200 metric tons aggregate of all UDOCs (including 
    all UDOCs containing the elements phosphorus, sulfur or fluorine, 
    referred to as ``PSF-chemicals'') in calendar year
    [[Page 73781]]
    1996 (for the initial declaration) or the previous calendar year 
    beginning with 1997 (for an annual declaration); or
        (ii) In excess of 30 metric tons of an individual PSF-chemical at 
    one or more plants in calendar year 1996 (for the initial declaration) 
    or in the previous calendar year beginning with 1997 (for an annual 
        (2) UDOCs subject to declaration requirements under this part. (i) 
    UDOCs subject to declaration requirements under this part are those 
    produced by synthesis that have been isolated for:
        (A) Use; or
        (B) Sale as a specific end product.
        (ii) Exemptions. (A) Polymers and oligomers consisting of two or 
    more repeating units which are formed by the chemical reaction of 
    monomeric or polymeric substances;
        (B) Chemicals and chemical mixtures produced through a biological 
    or biomediated process;
        (C) Products from the refining of crude oil, including sulfur-
    containing crude oil;
        (D) Metal carbides (i.e., chemicals consisting only of metal and 
    carbon); and
        (E) UDOCs produced by synthesis that are ingredients or by-products 
    in foods designed for consumption by humans and/or animals.
        Note to Paragraph (a)(2): See Supplement No. 2 to this part for 
    examples of UDOCs subject to the declaration requirements of this 
    part, and for examples of activities that are not considered 
    production by synthesis.
        (3) Exemptions for UDOC plant sites. UDOC plant sites that 
    exclusively produced hydrocarbons or explosives are exempt from UDOC 
    declaration requirements. For the purposes of this part, the following 
    definitions apply for hydrocarbons and explosives:
        (i) Hydrocarbon means any organic compound that contains only 
    carbon and hydrogen; and
        (ii) Explosive means a chemical (or a mixture of chemicals) that is 
    included in Class 1 of the United Nations Organization hazard 
    classification system.
        (b) Types of declaration forms to be used. (1) Initial declaration. 
    You must complete the Certification Form and Form UDOC (consisting of 
    two pages). Attach Form A as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (2) Annual declaration on past activities. You must complete the 
    Certification Form and Form UDOC (consisting of two pages). Attach Form 
    A as appropriate; Form B is optional.
        (c) ``Declared'' UDOC plant sites. A plant site that produced by 
    synthesis in excess of 200 metric tons aggregate of all UDOCs 
    (including all PSF-chemicals), or that comprises at least one plant 
    that produced by synthesis in excess of 30 metric tons of an individual 
    PSF-chemical during the previous year, is a ``declared'' UDOC plant 
    site. A plant site that submitted an initial declaration for 1996 and/
    or annual declaration on past activities for 1997 or 1998 is a 
    ``declared'' UDOC plant site for the years declared.
        (d) Routine inspections of declared UDOC plant sites. A 
    ``declared'' UDOC plant site is subject to routine inspection by the 
    Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (see part 716 of 
    this subchapter) if it produced by synthesis during the previous 
    calendar year more than 200 metric tons aggregate of UDOCs. A plant 
    site that submitted an initial declaration for 1996 and/or annual 
    declaration on past activities for 1997 or 1998, and exceeded the 
    inspection threshold, is also subject to a routine inspection.
    Sec. 715.2  Frequency and timing of declarations.
        Declarations required under this part must be postmarked by the 
    appropriate dates identified in Table 1 of this section. Required 
    declarations include:
        (a) Initial declaration (production during calendar year 1996).
        (b) Annual declaration on past activities (production during the 
    previous calendar year, beginning with 1997).
       Table 1 to Sec.  715.2--Deadlines for Submission of Declarations for Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemical
                                                    (UDOC) Facilities
                       Declarations                            Applicable forms                  Due dates
    Initial Declaration (calendar year 1996)--Declared  Certification, UDOC, A (as     March 30, 2000.
     plant site.                                         appropriate), B (optional).
    Annual Declaration on Past Activities (previous     Certification, UDOC, A (as     For 1997, 1998, and 1999
     calendar year, starting with 1997)--Declared        appropriate), B (optional).    March 30, 2000. Thereafter,
     plant site.                                                                        February 28.
    Sec. 715.3  Amended declaration.
        (a) Amended declarations are required to correct certain 
    inaccuracies in a previously submitted declaration. These amended 
    declarations are necessary to change a production range above the 
    amount originally declared, or the production of a PSF-chemical above 
    30 metric tons by a plant not previously counted as a PSF-plant.
        (b) Changes that do not directly affect the purpose of the 
    Convention, such as changes to a company name, address, point of 
    contact, or non-substantive typographical errors, do not require 
    submission of an amended declaration and may be corrected in subsequent 
        (c) If you are required to submit an amended declaration pursuant 
    to paragraph (a) of this section, you must complete and submit a new 
    Certification Form and the specific form(s) being amended (e.g., annual 
    declaration on past activities). Only complete that portion of each 
    form that amends the previously submitted information.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 715--Definition of an Unscheduled Discrete 
    Organic Chemical
        Unscheduled discrete organic chemical means any chemical: (1) 
    belonging to the class of chemical compounds consisting of all 
    compounds of carbon except for its oxides, sulfides and metal 
    carbonates identifiable by chemical name, by structural formula, if 
    known, and by Chemical Abstract Service registry number, if assigned; 
    and (2) that is not contained in the Schedules of Chemicals (see 
    Supplements No. 1 to parts 712 through 714 of this subchapter). 
    Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals subject to declaration under 
    this part are those produced by synthesis that are isolated for use or 
    sale as a specific end-product.
        Note: Carbon oxides consist of chemical compounds that contain 
    only the elements carbon and oxygen and have the chemical formula 
    CxOy, where x and y denote integers. The two 
    most common carbon oxides are carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon 
    dioxide (CO2). Carbon sulfides consist of chemical 
    compounds that contain only the elements carbon and sulfur, and have 
    the chemical formula CaSb, where a and b 
    denote integers. The most common carbon sulfide is carbon disulfide 
    (CS2). Metal carbonates consist of chemical compounds 
    that contain a metal
    [[Page 73782]]
    (i.e., the Group I Alkalis, Groups II Alkaline Earths, the 
    Transition Metals, or the elements aluminum, gallium, indium, 
    thallium, tin, lead, bismuth or polonium), and the elements carbon 
    and oxygen. Metal carbonates have the chemical formula 
    Md(CO3)e, where d and e denote 
    integers and M represents a metal. Common metal carbonates are 
    sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and calcium 
    carbonate (CaCO3). In addition, metal carbides or other 
    compounds consisting of only a metal, as described above, and carbon 
    (e.g., calcium carbide (CaC2)), are exempt from 
    declaration requirements (see Sec. 715.1(a)(2)(ii)(D) of this part).
    Supplement No. 2 to Part 715--Examples of Unscheduled Discrete 
    Organic Chemicals (UDOCs) and UDOC Production
        (1) Examples of UDOCs not subject to declaration include:
        (i) UDOCs produced coincidentally as by-products that are not 
    isolated for use or sale as a specific end product, and are routed to, 
    or escape from, the waste stream of a stack, incinerator, or waste 
    treatment system or any other waste stream;
        (ii) UDOCs, contained in mixtures, which are produced 
    coincidentally and not isolated for use or sale as a specific end-
        (iii) UDOCs produced by recycling (i.e., involving one of the 
    processes listed in paragraph (3) of this supplement) of previously 
    declared UDOCs;
        (iv) UDOCs produced by the mixing (i.e., the process of combining 
    or blending into one mass) of previously declared UDOCs; and
        (v) Intermediate UDOCs used in a single or multi-step process to 
    produce another declared UDOC.
        (2) Examples of UDOCs that you must declare under part 715 include, 
    but are not limited to, the following, unless they are not isolated for 
    use or sale as a specific end product:
        (i) Acetophenone (CAS # 98-86-2);
        (ii) 6-Chloro-2-methyl aniline (CAS # 87-63-8);
        (iii) 2-Amino-3-hydroxybenzoic acid (CAS # 548-93-6); and
        (iv) Acetone (CAS # 67-64-1).
        (3) Examples of activities that are not considered production by 
    synthesis under part 715 and, thus, the end products resulting from 
    such activities would not be declared under part 715, are as follows:
        (i) Fermentation;
        (ii) Extraction;
        (iii) Purification;
        (iv) Distillation; and
        (v) Filtration.
    716.1  General information on the conduct of initial and routine 
    716.2  Purposes and types of inspections of declared facilities.
    716.3  Consent to inspections; warrants for inspections.
    716.4  Scope and conduct of inspections.
    716.5  Notification, duration and frequency of inspections.
    716.6  Facility agreements.
    716.7  Samples.
    716.8  On-site monitoring of Schedule 1 facilities.
    716.9  Report of inspection-related costs.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 716--Notification, Duration, and Frequency of 
    Supplement No. 2 to Part 716--Schedule 1 Model Facility Agreement
    Supplement No. 3 to Part 716--Schedule 2 Model Facility Agreement
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 716.1  General information on the conduct of initial and routine 
        This part provides general information about the conduct of initial 
    and routine inspections of declared facilities subject to inspection 
    under CWC Verification Annex Part VI (E), Part VII(B), Part VIII(B) and 
    Part IX(B). See part 717 of this subchapter for provisions concerning 
    challenge inspections.
        (a) Overview. Each State Party to the CWC, including the United 
    States, has agreed to allow certain inspections of declared facilities 
    by inspectors employed by the Organization for the Prohibition of 
    Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to ensure that activities are consistent with 
    obligations under the Convention. The Department of Commerce is 
    responsible for leading, hosting and escorting inspections of all 
    facilities subject to the provisions of this subchapter (see Sec. 710.2 
    of this subchapter).
        (b) Declared facilities subject to initial and routine inspections. 
    (1) Schedule 1 facilities. (i) Your declared facility is subject to 
    inspection if it produced in excess of 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 
    1 chemicals in the previous calendar year or anticipates producing in 
    excess of 100 grams aggregate of Schedule 1 chemicals during the next 
    calendar year.
        (ii) If you are a new Schedule 1 production facility pursuant to 
    Sec. 712.4 of this subchapter, your facility is subject to an initial 
    inspection within 200 days of submitting an initial declaration.
        (iii) If your declared facility submitted an annual declaration on 
    past activities for calendar year 1997 or 1998, you are subject to an 
    initial inspection.
        Note to paragraph (b)(1): All Schedule 1 facilities submitting a 
    declaration are subject to inspection.
        (2) Schedule 2 plant sites. (i) Your declared plant site is subject 
    to inspection if at least one plant on your plant site produced, 
    processed or consumed, in any of the three previous calendar years, or 
    you anticipate that at least one plant on your plant site will produce, 
    process or consume in the next calendar year, any Schedule 2 chemical 
    in excess of the following:
        (A) 10 kg of chemical BZ: 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (see Schedule 
    2, Part A, paragraph 3 in Supplement No. 1 to part 713 of this 
        (B) 1 metric ton of chemical PFIB: 1,1,3,3,3-Pentafluoro-
    2(trifluoromethyl)-1-propene or any chemical belonging to the Amiton 
    family (see Schedule 2, Part A, paragraphs 1 and 2 in Supplement No. 1 
    to part 713 of this subchapter); or
        (C) 10 metric tons of any chemical listed in Schedule 2, Part B 
    (see Supplement No. 1 to part 713 of this subchapter).
        (ii) If your declared plant site submitted an initial declaration 
    for calendar years 1994, 1995 and 1996, and at least one plant on your 
    plant site produced a Schedule 2 chemical during any one of those three 
    years in excess of the applicable inspection threshold quantity set 
    forth in paragraphs (b)(2)(i)(A) through (C) of this section, you are 
    subject to an initial inspection.
        Note to paragraph (b)(2): The applicable inspection threshold 
    quantity for Schedule 2 plant sites is ten times higher than the 
    applicable declaration threshold quantity. Only declared plant 
    sites, comprising at least one declared plant that exceeds the 
    applicable inspection threshold quantity, are subject to inspection.
        (3) Schedule 3 plant sites. (i) Your declared plant site is subject 
    to inspection if the declared plants on your plant site produced during 
    the previous calendar year, or you anticipate will produce in the next 
    calendar year, in excess of 200 metric tons aggregate of any Schedule 3 
    chemical (see Supplement No. 1 to part 714 of this subchapter).
        (ii) If your declared plant site submitted an initial declaration 
    for calendar year 1996 and/or annual declaration on past activities for 
    calendar year 1997 or 1998, and exceeded the inspection threshold set 
    forth in paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this
    [[Page 73783]]
    section, you are subject to a routine inspection.
        Note to paragraph (b)(3): The methodology for determining a 
    declarable and inspectable plant site is different. A Schedule 3 
    plant site that submits a declaration is subject to inspection only 
    if the aggregate production of a Schedule 3 chemical at all declared 
    plants on the plant site exceeds 200 metric tons.
        (4) Unscheduled discrete organic chemical plant sites. (i) Your 
    declared plant site is subject to inspection if it produced by 
    synthesis more than 200 metric tons aggregate of unscheduled discrete 
    organic chemicals during the previous calendar year.
        (ii) If your declared plant site submitted an initial declaration 
    for calendar year 1996 and/or annual declaration on past activities for 
    calendar year 1997 or 1998, and exceeded the inspection threshold set 
    forth in paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section, you are subject to a 
    routine inspection.
        Note 1 to paragraph (b)(4): You must include amounts of 
    unscheduled discrete organic chemicals containing phosphorus, sulfur 
    or fluorine in the calculation of your plant site's aggregate 
    production of unscheduled discrete organic chemicals.
        Note 2 to paragraph (b)(4): All UDOC plant sites that submit a 
    declaration based on Sec. 715.1(a)(i) of this subchapter are subject 
    to a routine inspection.
        (c) Responsibilities of the Department of Commerce. As the host and 
    escort for the international Inspection Team for all inspections of 
    facilities subject to the provisions of this subchapter under this 
    part, the Department of Commerce will: lead on-site inspections; 
    provide Host Team notification to the facility of an impending 
    inspection; take appropriate action to obtain an administrative warrant 
    in the event the facility does not consent to the inspection; dispatch 
    an advance team to the vicinity of the site to provide administrative 
    and logistical support for the impending inspection and, upon request, 
    to assist the facility with inspection preparation; escort the 
    Inspection Team on-site throughout the inspection process; assist the 
    Inspection Team with verification activities; negotiate the development 
    of a site-specific facility agreement, if appropriate, during an 
    initial inspection of a facility (see Sec. 716.6); and ensure that an 
    inspection adheres to the Convention, the Act and any warrant issued 
    thereunder, and a site-specific facility agreement, if concluded.
    Sec. 716.2  Purposes and types of inspections of declared facilities.
        (a) Schedule 1 facilities. (1) Purposes of inspections. The aim of 
    inspections of Schedule 1 facilities is to verify that:
        (i) The facility is not used to produce any Schedule 1 chemical, 
    except for the declared Schedule 1 chemicals;
        (ii) The quantities of Schedule 1 chemicals produced, processed or 
    consumed are correctly declared and consistent with needs for the 
    declared purpose; and
        (iii) The Schedule 1 chemical is not diverted or used for purposes 
    other than those declared.
        (2) Types of inspections. (i) Initial inspections. During initial 
    inspections of declared Schedule 1 facilities, in addition to the 
    verification activities listed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the 
    Host Team and the Inspection Team will draft site-specific facility 
    agreements (see Sec. 716.6) for the conduct of routine inspections.
        (ii) Routine inspections. During routine inspections of declared 
    Schedule 1 facilities, the verification activities listed in paragraph 
    (a)(1) of this section will be carried out pursuant to site-specific 
    facility agreements (Sec. 716.6) developed during the initial 
    inspections and concluded between the U.S. Government and the OPCW 
    pursuant to the Convention.
        (b) Schedule 2 plant sites. (1) Purposes of inspections. (i) The 
    general aim of inspections of declared Schedule 2 plant sites is to 
    verify that activities are in accordance with obligations under the 
    Convention and consistent with the information provided in 
    declarations. Particular aims of inspections of declared Schedule 2 
    plant sites are to verify:
        (A) The absence of any Schedule 1 chemical, especially its 
    production, except if in accordance with the provisions of the 
        (B) Consistency with declarations of levels of production, 
    processing or consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals; and
        (C) That Schedule 2 chemicals are not diverted to activities 
    prohibited under the Convention.
        (ii) During initial inspections, inspectors shall collect 
    information to determine the frequency and intensity of subsequent 
    inspections by assessing the risk to the object and purpose of the 
    Convention posed by the relevant chemicals, the characteristics of the 
    plant site and the nature of the activities carried out there. The 
    inspectors will take the following criteria into account, inter alia:
        (A) The toxicity of the scheduled chemicals and of the end-products 
    produced with them, if any;
        (B) The quantity of the scheduled chemicals typically stored at the 
    inspected site;
        (C) The quantity of feedstock chemicals for the scheduled chemicals 
    typically stored at the inspected site;
        (D) The production capacity of the Schedule 2 plants; and
        (E) The capability and convertibility for initiating production, 
    storage and filling of toxic chemicals at the inspected site.
        (2) Types of inspections. (i) Initial inspections. During initial 
    inspections of declared Schedule 2 plant sites, in addition to the 
    verification activities listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the 
    Host Team and the Inspection Team will generally draft site-specific 
    facility agreements for the conduct of routine inspections (see 
    Sec. 716.6).
        (ii) Routine inspections. During routine inspections of declared 
    Schedule 2 plant sites, the verification activities listed in paragraph 
    (b)(1) of this section will be carried out pursuant to any appropriate 
    site-specific facility agreements developed during the initial 
    inspections (see Sec. 716.6), and concluded between the U.S. Government 
    and the OPCW pursuant to the Convention and the Act.
        (c) Schedule 3 plant sites. (1) Purposes of inspections. The 
    general aim of inspections of declared Schedule 3 plant sites is to 
    verify that activities are consistent with the information provided in 
    declarations. The particular aim of inspections is to verify the 
    absence of any Schedule 1 chemical, especially its production, except 
    in accordance with the Convention.
        (2) Routine inspections. During routine inspections of declared 
    Schedule 3 plant sites, in addition to the verification activities 
    listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Host Team and the 
    Inspection Team may draft site-specific facility agreements for the 
    conduct of subsequent routine inspections (see Sec. 716.6). Although 
    the Convention does not require facility agreements for declared 
    Schedule 3 plant sites, the owner, operator, occupant or agent in 
    charge of a plant site may request one. The Host Team will not seek a 
    facility agreement if the owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge 
    of the plant site does not request one. Subsequent routine inspections 
    will be carried out pursuant to site-specific facility agreements, if 
        (d) Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemicals plant sites. Declared 
    unscheduled discrete organic chemical (UDOC) plant sites will be 
    subject to inspection beginning April 29, 2000.
        (1) Purposes of inspections. The general aim of inspections of 
    declared UDOC plant sites is to verify that activities are consistent 
    with the
    [[Page 73784]]
    information provided in declarations. The particular aim of inspections 
    is to verify the absence of any Schedule 1 chemical, especially its 
    production, except in accordance with the Convention.
        (2) Routine inspections. During routine inspections of declared 
    UDOC plant sites, in addition to the verification activities listed in 
    paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the Host Team and the Inspection Team 
    may develop draft site-specific facility agreements for the conduct of 
    subsequent routine inspections (see Sec. 716.6). Although the 
    Convention does not require facility agreements for declared UDOC plant 
    sites, the owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge of a plant site 
    may request one. The Host Team will not seek a facility agreement if 
    the owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge of the plant site does 
    not request one. Subsequent routine inspections will be carried out 
    pursuant to site-specific facility agreements, if applicable.
    Sec. 716.3  Consent to inspections; warrants for inspections.
        (a) The owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge of a facility 
    may consent to an initial or routine inspection. The individual giving 
    consent on behalf of the facility represents that he or she has the 
    authority to make this decision for the facility.
        (b) In instances where consent is not provided by the owner, 
    operator, occupant or agent in charge for an initial or routine 
    inspection, the Department of Commerce intends to seek administrative 
    warrants as provided by the Act.
    Sec. 716.4  Scope and conduct of inspections.
        (a) General. Each inspection shall be limited to the purposes 
    described in Sec. 716.2 and shall be conducted in the least intrusive 
    manner, consistent with the effective and timely accomplishment of its 
    purpose as provided in the Convention.
        (b) Scope. (1) Description of inspections. During inspections, 
    inspectors will receive a pre-inspection briefing from facility 
    representatives; visually inspect the facilities or plants producing 
    scheduled chemicals or UDOCs, which may include storage areas, feed 
    lines, reaction vessels and ancillary equipment, control equipment, 
    associated laboratories, first aid or medical sections, and waste and 
    effluent handling areas, as necessary to accomplish their inspection; 
    examine relevant records; and may take samples as provided by the 
    Convention, the Act and consistent with the requirements set forth by 
    the Director of the United States National Authority (USNA) at 22 CFR 
    part 103, and the facility agreement, if applicable.
        (2) Scope of consent. When an owner, operator, occupant, or agent 
    in charge of a facility consents to an initial or routine inspection, 
    he or she is consenting to provide access to the Inspection Team and 
    Host Team to any area of the facility, any item located on the 
    facility, interviews with facility personnel, and any records necessary 
    for the Inspection Team to complete its mission. When consent is 
    granted for an inspection, the owner, operator, occupant, or agent in 
    charge agrees to provide the same degree of access provided for under 
    section 305 of the Act. The determination of whether the Inspection 
    Team's request to inspect any area, building, item or record is 
    reasonable is the responsibility of the Host Team Leader.
        (c) Pre-inspection briefing. Upon arrival at the inspection site 
    and before commencement of the inspection, facility representatives 
    will provide to the Inspection Team and Host Team a pre-inspection 
    briefing on the facility, the activities carried out there, safety 
    measures, and administrative and logistical arrangements necessary for 
    the inspection, which may be aided with the use of maps and other 
    documentation as deemed appropriate by the facility. The time spent for 
    the briefing will be limited to the minimum necessary and may not 
    exceed three hours.
        (1) The pre-inspection briefing will address:
        (i) Plant site safety and alarms;
        (ii) Activities, business and manufacturing operations;
        (iii) Physical layout;
        (iv) Delimitation of declared facility;
        (v) Scheduled chemicals/chemistries (declared and undeclared);
        (vi) Process flow;
        (vii) Units specific to declared operations; and
        (viii) Administrative and logistic information.
        (2) The pre-inspection briefing may also address, inter alia:
        (i) Introduction of key facility personnel;
        (ii) Management, organization and history;
        (iii) Confidential business information concerns;
        (iv) Types and location of records/documents;
        (v) Data declaration updates/revisions;
        (vi) Draft facility agreement, if applicable; and
        (vii) Proposed inspection plan.
        (d) Visual plant inspection. The Inspection Team may visually 
    inspect the declared plant or facility and other areas of the plant 
    site or facility as agreed by the Host Team Leader after consulting 
    with the facility representative.
        (e) Records review. The facility must have available for the 
    Inspection Team to review, on the inspection site, access to all 
    supporting materials and documentation used by the facility to prepare 
    declarations and to comply with the CWCR (see Secs. 721.1 and 721.2 of 
    this subchapter). Such access may be to paper copies or via electronic 
    remote access by computer during the inspection period or as otherwise 
    agreed upon by the Inspection Team and Host Team Leader.
        (f) Effect of facility agreements. Routine inspections at 
    facilities for which the United States has concluded a facility 
    agreement with the OPCW will be conducted in accordance with the 
    facility agreement. The existence of a facility agreement does not in 
    any way limit the right of the owner, operator, occupant, or agent in 
    charge of the facility to withhold consent to an inspection request.
        (g) Hours of inspections. Consistent with the provisions of the 
    Convention, the Host Team will ensure, to the extent possible, that 
    each inspection is commenced, conducted, and concluded during ordinary 
    working hours, but no inspection shall be prohibited or otherwise 
    disrupted from commencing, continuing or concluding during other hours.
        (h) Health and safety regulations and requirements. In carrying out 
    their activities, the Inspection Team and Host Team shall observe 
    federal, state, and local health and safety regulations and health and 
    safety requirements established at the inspection site, including those 
    for the protection of controlled environments within a facility and for 
    personal safety. Such health and safety regulations and requirements 
    will be set forth in, but will not necessarily be limited to, the 
    facility agreement, if applicable.
        (i) Preliminary factual findings. Upon completion of an inspection, 
    the Inspection Team will meet with the Host Team and facility personnel 
    to review the written preliminary findings of the Inspection Team and 
    to clarify ambiguities. The Host Team will discuss the preliminary 
    findings with the facility, and the Host Team Leader will take into 
    consideration the facility's input when providing official comment on 
    the preliminary findings to the Inspection Team. This meeting will be 
    completed not later than 24 hours after the completion of the 
    [[Page 73785]]
    Sec. 716.5  Notification, duration and frequency of inspections.
        (a) Notification. (1)(i) Content of notice. Inspections of 
    facilities may be made only upon issuance of written notice by the 
    United States National Authority (USNA) to the owner and to the 
    operator, occupant or agent in charge of the premises to be inspected. 
    The Department of Commerce will also provide a separate Host Team 
    notification to the inspection point of contact identified in 
    declarations submitted by the facility. If the United States is unable 
    to provide actual written notice to the owner, operator, or agent in 
    charge, the Department of Commerce, or if the Department of Commerce is 
    unable, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, may post notice 
    prominently at the facility to be inspected. The notice shall include 
    all appropriate information provided by the OPCW to the USNA 
        (A) The type of inspection;
        (B) The basis for the selection of the facility or location for the 
    type of inspection sought;
        (C) The time and date that the inspection will begin and the period 
    covered by the inspection; and
        (D) The names and titles of the inspectors.
        (ii) In addition to appropriate information provided by the OPCW in 
    its notification to the USNA, the Department of Commerce's Host Team 
    notification will request that the facility indicate whether it will 
    consent to an inspection, and will state whether an advance team is 
    available to assist the site in preparation for the inspection. If an 
    advance team is available, facilities that request advance team 
    assistance are not required to reimburse the U.S. Government for costs 
    associated with these activities. If a facility does not agree to 
    provide consent to an inspection within four hours of receipt of the 
    Host Team notification, BXA intends to seek an administrative warrant.
        (iii) The following table sets forth the notification procedures 
    for inspection:
                           Table to Sec.  716.5(a)(1)
               Activity                  Agency action       Facility action
    (A) OPCW notification of        (1) U.S. National       (i)Acknowledge
     inspection.                     Authority transmits     receipt of fax.
                                     actual written notice
                                     and inspection
                                     authorization to the
                                     owner and operator,
                                     occupant, or agent in
                                     charge via facsimile
                                     within 6 hours.
                                    (2) Upon notification   (i) Indicates
                                     from the U.S.           whether it
                                     National Authority,     grants consent.
                                     BXA immediately        (ii) May request
                                     transmits Host Team     advance team
                                     notification via        support. No
                                     facsimile to the        requirement for
                                     inspection point of     reimbursement
                                     contact to ascertain    of U.S.
                                     whether the facility    Government's
                                     (1) grants consent      services.
                                     and (2) requests
                                     assistance in
                                     preparing for the
                                     inspection. In
                                     absence of consent
                                     within four hours of
                                     transmission, BXA
                                     intends to seek an
    (B) Preparation for inspection  (1) BXA advance team    (i) If advance
                                     arrives in the          team support is
                                     vicinity of the         provided,
                                     facility to be          facility works
                                     inspected 1-2 days      with the
                                     after OPCW              advance team on
                                     notification for        inspection-
                                     logistical and          related issues.
        (2) Timing of notice. (i) Schedule 1 facilities. For declared 
    Schedule 1 facilities, the Technical Secretariat will notify the USNA 
    of an initial inspection not less than 72 hours prior to arrival of the 
    inspection team in the United States, and will notify the USNA of a 
    routine inspection not less than 24 hours prior to arrival of the 
    Inspection Team in the United States. The USNA will provide written 
    notice to the owner and to the operator, occupant or agent in charge of 
    the premises within six hours of receiving notification from the OPCW 
    Technical Secretariat or as soon as possible thereafter. The Department 
    of Commerce will provide Host Team notice to the inspection point of 
    contact of the facility as soon as possible after the OPCW notifies the 
    USNA of the inspection.
        (ii) Schedule 2 plant sites. For declared Schedule 2 plant sites, 
    the Technical Secretariat will notify the USNA of an initial or routine 
    inspection not less than 48 hours prior to arrival of the Inspection 
    Team at the plant site to be inspected. The USNA will provide written 
    notice to the owner and to the operator, occupant or agent in charge of 
    the premises within six hours of receiving notification from the OPCW 
    Technical Secretariat or as soon as possible thereafter. The Department 
    of Commerce will provide Host Team notice to the inspection point of 
    contact at the plant site as soon as possible after the OPCW notifies 
    the USNA of the inspection.
        (iii) Schedule 3 and unscheduled discrete organic chemical plant 
    sites. For declared Schedule 3 and unscheduled discrete organic 
    chemical plant sites, the Technical Secretariat will notify the USNA of 
    an initial or routine inspection not less than 120 hours prior to 
    arrival of the Inspection Team at the plant site to be inspected. The 
    USNA will provide written notice to the owner and to the operator, 
    occupant or agent in charge of the premises within six hours of 
    receiving notification from the OPCW Technical Secretariat or as soon 
    as possible thereafter. The Department of Commerce will provide Host 
    Team notice to the inspection point of contact of the plant site as 
    soon as possible after the OPCW notifies the USNA of the inspection.
        (b) Period of inspections. (1) Schedule 1 facilities. For a 
    declared Schedule 1 facility, the Convention does not specify a maximum 
    duration for an initial inspection. The estimated period of routine 
    inspections will be as stated in the facility agreement, unless 
    extended by agreement between the Inspection Team and the Host Team 
    Leader. The Host Team Leader will consult with the inspected facility 
    on any request for extension of an inspection prior to making an 
    agreement with the Inspection Team. Activities involving the pre-
    inspection briefing and preliminary findings are in addition to 
    inspection activities. See Sec. 716.4 (c) and (i) for a description of 
    these activities.
        (2) Schedule 2 plant sites. For declared Schedule 2 plant sites, 
    the maximum duration of initial and routine inspections shall be 96 
    hours, unless extended by agreement between the Inspection Team and the 
    Host Team Leader. The Host Team Leader will consult with the inspected 
    plant site on any request for extension of an inspection prior to 
    making an agreement with the Inspection Team. Activities involving the 
    pre-inspection briefing and preliminary findings are in addition to 
    inspection activities. See Sec. 716.4 (c) and (i) for a description of 
    these activities.
        (3) Schedule 3 and discrete organic chemical plant sites. For 
    [[Page 73786]]
    Schedule 3 or unscheduled discrete organic chemical plant sites, the 
    maximum duration of initial and routine inspections shall be 24 hours, 
    unless extended by agreement between the Inspection Team and the Host 
    Team Leader. The Host Team Leader will consult with the inspected plant 
    site on any request for extension of an inspection prior to making an 
    agreement with the Inspection Team. Activities involving the pre-
    inspection briefing and preliminary findings are in addition to 
    inspection activities. See Sec. 716.4 (c) and (i) for a description of 
    these activities.
        (c) Frequency of inspections. The frequency of inspections is as 
        (1) Schedule 1 facilities. As provided by the Convention, the 
    frequency of inspections at declared Schedule 1 facilities is 
    determined by the OPCW based on the risk to the object and purpose of 
    the Convention posed by the quantities of chemicals produced, the 
    characteristics of the facility and the nature of the activities 
    carried out at the facility. The frequency of inspections will be 
    stated in the facility agreement.
        (2) Schedule 2 plant sites. As provided by the Convention and the 
    Act, the maximum number of inspections at declared Schedule 2 plant 
    sites is 2 per calendar year per plant site. The OPCW will determine 
    the frequency of routine inspections for each declared Schedule 2 plant 
    site based on the inspectors' assessment of the risk to the object and 
    purpose of the Convention posed by the relevant chemicals, the 
    characteristics of the plant site, and the nature of the activities 
    carried out there. The frequency of inspections will be stated in the 
    facility agreement, if applicable.
        (3) Schedule 3 plant sites. As provided by the Convention, no 
    declared Schedule 3 plant site may receive more than two inspections 
    per calendar year and the combined number of inspections of Schedule 3 
    and unscheduled discrete organic chemical plant sites in the United 
    States may not exceed 20 per calendar year.
        (4) Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemical plant sites. As provided 
    by the Convention, no declared UDOC plant site may receive more than 
    two inspections per calendar year and the combined number of 
    inspections of Schedule 3 and unscheduled discrete organic chemical 
    plant sites in the United States may not exceed 20 per calendar year.
    Sec. 716.6  Facility agreements.
        (a) Description and requirements. A facility agreement is a site-
    specific agreement between the U.S. Government and the OPCW. Its 
    purpose is to define procedures for inspections of a specific declared 
    facility that is subject to inspection because of the type or amount of 
    chemicals it produces, processes or consumes.
        (1) Schedule 1 facilities. The Convention requires that facility 
    agreements be concluded between the United States and the OPCW for all 
    declared Schedule 1 facilities.
        (2) Schedule 2 plant sites. The USNA will ensure that such facility 
    agreements are concluded with the OPCW unless the owner, operator, 
    occupant or agent in charge of the plant site and the OPCW Technical 
    Secretariat agree that such a facility agreement is not necessary.
        (3) Schedule 3 and unscheduled discrete organic chemical plant 
    sites. If the owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge of a 
    declared Schedule 3 or unscheduled discrete organic chemical plant site 
    requests a facility agreement, the USNA will ensure that a facility 
    agreement for such a plant site is concluded with the OPCW.
        (b) Notification; negotiation of draft and final facility 
    agreements; and conclusion of facility agreements. Prior to the 
    development of a facility agreement, the Department of Commerce shall 
    notify the owner, operator, occupant, or agent in charge of the 
    facility, and if the owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge so 
    requests, the notified person may participate in preparations with 
    Department of Commerce representatives for the negotiation of such an 
    agreement. During the initial inspection of a declared facility, the 
    Inspection Team and the Host Team will negotiate a draft facility 
    agreement. To the maximum extent practicable consistent with the 
    Convention, the owner and the operator, occupant or agent in charge of 
    the facility may observe facility agreement negotiations between the 
    U.S. Government and OPCW. As a general rule, BXA will consult with the 
    affected facility on the contents of the agreements and take facility 
    comments into consideration during negotiations. The Department of 
    Commerce will participate in the negotiation of, and approve, all final 
    facility agreements with the OPCW. Facilities will be notified of and 
    have the right to observe final facility agreement negotiations between 
    the United States and OPCW to the maximum extent practicable, 
    consistent with the Convention. Prior to the conclusion of a final 
    facility agreement, the affected facility will have an opportunity to 
    comment on the facility agreement. BXA will give consideration to such 
    comments prior to approving final facility agreements with the OPCW. 
    The United States National Authority shall ensure that facility 
    agreements for Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3 and unscheduled 
    discrete organic chemical facilities are concluded, as appropriate, 
    with the OPCW in coordination with the Department of Commerce.
        (c) Format and content. Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 model facility 
    agreements are included in Supplement No. 2 and Supplement No. 3 to 
    this part. These model facility agreements implement the general 
    provisions of the Convention pertaining to inspections, including 
    health and safety procedures, confidentiality of information, media and 
    public relations, information about the facility, inspection equipment, 
    pre-inspection activities, conduct of the inspection (including access 
    to and inspection of areas, buildings and structures, access to and 
    inspection of records and documentation, arrangements for interviews of 
    facility personnel, photographs, sampling, and measurements), and 
    logistical arrangements for the inspectors, such as communications and 
    lodging. Attachments to the facility agreements will provide site-
    specific information such as working hours, special safety and health 
    procedures, as well as site-specific agreements as to documents and 
    records to be provided, specific areas of a facility to be inspected, 
    site diagrams, sampling, photography, interview procedures, use of 
    inspection equipment, procedures for protection of confidential 
    business information, and administrative arrangements.
        (d) Further information. For further information about facility 
    agreements, please write or call: Inspection Management Team, Bureau of 
    Export Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
    Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Room 6087B, Washington, D.C. 20230-0001, 
    Telephone: (202) 482-6114.
    Sec. 716.7  Samples.
        The owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge of a facility must 
    provide a sample as provided for in the Convention and consistent with 
    requirements set forth by the Director of the United States National 
    Authority in 22 CFR part 103.
    Sec. 716.8  On-site monitoring of Schedule 1 facilities.
        Declared Schedule 1 facilities are subject to verification by 
    monitoring with on-site instruments as provided by the Convention. For 
    facilities subject to the CWCR, however, such monitoring is not 
    anticipated. The U.S. Government
    [[Page 73787]]
    will ensure that any monitoring that may be requested by the OPCW is 
    carried out pursuant to the Convention and U.S. law.
    Sec. 716.9  Report of inspection-related costs.
        Pursuant to section 309(b)(5) of the Act, any facility that has 
    undergone any inspections pursuant to this subchapter during a given 
    calendar year must report to BXA within 90 days of an inspection on its 
    total costs related to that inspection. Although not required, such 
    reports should identify categories of costs separately if possible, 
    such as personnel costs (production-line, administrative, legal), costs 
    of producing records, and costs associated with shutting down chemical 
    production or processing during inspections, if applicable. This 
    information should be reported to BXA on company letterhead at the 
    address given in Sec. 716.6(d), with the following notation: ``Attn: 
    Report of inspection-related costs.''
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 716
                                   Notification, Duration and Frequency of Inspections
                                          Schedule 1          Schedule 2          Schedule 3       discrete organic
    Notice of initial or routine      24 hours prior to   48 hours prior to   120 hours prior to  120 hours prior to
     inspection to USNA.               arrival at the      arrival at the      arrival at the      arrival at the
                                       point of entry.     plant site.         plant site.         plant site.
    Duration of inspection..........  As specified in     96 hours..........  24 hours..........  24 hours.
    Maximum number of inspections...  Determined by OPCW  2 per calendar      2 per calendar      2 per calendar
                                       based on            year per plant      year per plant      year per plant
                                       characteristics     site.               site.               site.
                                       of facility and
                                       the nature of the
                                       carried out at
                                       the facility.
    Notification of challenge               12 hours prior to arrival of inspection team at the point of entry.
     inspection to USNA*.
    Duration of Challenge                                                84 hours.
    *See part 717 of this subchapter.
    Supplement No. 2 to Part 716--Schedule 1 Model Facility Agreement
        Draft Model Agreement specifying the general form and content 
    for facility agreements to be concluded pursuant to Verification 
    Annex, Part VI, paragraph 31 (other facilities).
        Facility Agreement between the Organization for the Prohibition 
    of Chemical Weapons and the Government of the United States of 
    America Regarding On-site Inspections at the ______ Facility Located 
    at the __________.
        The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, 
    hereinafter referred to as ``Organization'', and the Government of 
    the United States of America, hereinafter referred to as ``inspected 
    State Party'', both constituting the Parties to this Agreement, have 
    agreed on the following arrangements in relation to the conduct of 
    inspections pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article VI of the Convention 
    on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and 
    Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, hereinafter 
    referred to as ``Convention'', at ______ (insert name of the 
    facility, its precise location, including the address), declared 
    under paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article VI, hereinafter referred to as 
    Section 1. General Provisions
        1. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate the 
    implementation of the provisions of the Convention in relation to 
    inspections conducted at the facility pursuant to paragraph 3 of 
    Article VI of the Convention and in accordance with the obligations 
    of the inspected State Party and the Organization under the 
        2. Nothing in this Agreement shall be applied or interpreted in 
    a way that is contradictory to the provisions of the Convention, 
    including paragraph 1 of Article VII.1 In case of 
    inconsistency between this Agreement and the Convention, the 
    Convention shall prevail.
        \1\ Each State Party shall, in accordance with its 
    constitutional processes, adopt the necessary measures to implement 
    its obligations under this Convention.
        3. The Parties have agreed to apply for planning purposes the 
    general factors contained in Attachment 1.
        4. The frequency and intensity of inspections at the facility 
    are given in Part B of Attachment 1 and reflect the risk assessment 
    of the Organization conducted pursuant to paragraphs 23 or 30 of 
    Part VI of the Verification Annex, whichever applies.
        5. The inspection team shall consist of no more than ____ 
        6. The language for communication between the inspection team 
    and the inspected State Party during inspections shall be English.
        7. In case of any development due to circumstances brought about 
    by unforeseen events or acts of nature, which could affect 
    inspection activities at the facility, the inspected State Party 
    shall notify the Organization and the inspection team as soon as 
    practically possible.
        8. In case of need for the urgent departure, emergency 
    evacuation or urgent travel of inspector(s) from the territory of 
    the inspected State Party, the inspection team leader shall inform 
    the inspected State Party of such a need. The inspected State Party 
    shall arrange without undue delay such departure, evacuation or 
    travel. In all cases, the inspected State Party shall determine the 
    means of transportation and routes to be taken. The costs of such 
    departure, evacuation or travel of inspectors shall be borne by the 
        9. Inspectors shall wear identification badges at all times when 
    on the premises of the facility.
    Section 2. Health and Safety
        1. Health and safety matters during inspections are governed by 
    the Convention, the Organization's Health and Safety Policy and 
    Regulations, and applicable national, local and facility safety and 
    environmental regulations. The specific arrangements for 
    implementing the relevant provisions of the Convention and the 
    Organization's Health and Safety Policy in relation to inspections 
    at the facility are contained in Attachment 2.
        2. Pursuant to paragraph 1 of this section, all applicable 
    health and safety regulations relevant to the conduct of the 
    inspection at the facility are listed in Attachment 2 and shall be 
    made available for use by the inspection team at the facility.
        3. In case of the need to modify any health-and safety-related 
    arrangements at the facility contained in Attachment 2 to this 
    Agreement bearing on the conduct of inspections, the inspected State 
    Party shall notify the Organization. Any such modification shall 
    apply provisionally until the inspected State Party and the 
    Organization have reached agreement on this issue. In case no 
    agreement has been reached by the time of the completion of the 
    inspection, the relevant information may be included in the 
    preliminary factual findings. Any agreed modification shall be 
    recorded in Attachment 2 to this Agreement in accordance with 
    paragraph 2 of Section 13 of this Agreement.
    [[Page 73788]]
        4. In the course of the pre-inspection briefing the inspection 
    team shall be briefed by the representatives of the facility on all 
    health and safety matters which, in the view of those 
    representatives, are relevant to the conduct of the inspection at 
    the facility, including:
        (a) The health and safety measures at the Schedule 1 facilities 
    to be inspected and the likely risks that may be encountered during 
    the inspection;
        (b) Any additional health and safety measures or regulations 
    that need to be observed at the facility;
        (c) Procedures to be followed in case of an accident or in case 
    of other emergencies, including a briefing on emergency signals, 
    routes and exits, and the location of emergency meeting points and 
    medical facilities; and
        (d) Specific inspection activities which must be limited within 
    particular areas at the facility, and in particular within those 
    Schedule 1 facilities to be inspected under the inspection mandate, 
    for reasons of health and safety.
        Upon request, the inspection team shall certify receipt of any 
    such information if it is provided in written form.
        5. During the course of an inspection, the inspection team shall 
    refrain from any action which by its nature could endanger the 
    safety of the team, the facility, or its personnel or could cause 
    harm to the environment. Should the inspected State Party refuse 
    certain inspection activities, it may explain the circumstances and 
    safety considerations involved, and shall provide alternative means 
    for accomplishing the inspection activities.
        6. In the case of emergency situations or accidents involving 
    inspection team members while at the facility, the inspection team 
    shall comply with the facility's emergency procedures and the 
    inspected State Party shall to the extent possible provide medical 
    and other assistance in a timely and effective manner with due 
    regard to the rules of medical ethics if medical assistance is 
    requested. Information on medical services and facilities to be used 
    for this purpose is contained in Part D of Attachment 2. If the 
    Organization undertakes other measures for medical support in regard 
    to inspection team members involved in emergency situations or 
    accidents, the inspected State Party will render assistance to such 
    measures to the extent possible. The Organization will be 
    responsible for the consequences of such measures.
        7. The inspected State party shall, to the extent possible, 
    assist the Organization in carrying out any inquiry into an accident 
    or incident involving a member of the inspection team.
        8. If, for health and safety reasons given by the inspected 
    State Party, health and safety equipment of the inspected State 
    Party is required to be used by the inspection team, the cost so 
    incurred shall be borne by the inspected State Party.
        9. The inspection team may use its own approved health and 
    safety equipment. If the inspected State Party determines it to be 
    necessary, the inspected State Party shall conduct a fit test on 
    masks brought with the inspection team. If the inspected State Party 
    so requests on the basis of confirmed contamination or hazardous 
    waste requirements or regulations, any such piece of equipment 
    involved in the inspection activities will be left at the facility 
    at the end of the inspection. The inspection team reserves the right 
    to destroy equipment left at the facility or witness its destruction 
    by agreed procedures. The inspected State Party will reimburse the 
    Organization for the loss of the inspection team's equipment.
        10. In accordance with the Organization's Health and Safety 
    Policy, the inspected State Party may provide available data based 
    on detection and monitoring, to the agreed extent necessary to 
    satisfy concerns that may exist regarding the health and safety of 
    the inspection team.
    Section 3. Confidentiality
        1. Matters related to confidentiality are governed by the 
    Convention, including its Confidentiality Annex and paragraph 1 of 
    Article VII, and the Organization's Policy on Confidentiality. The 
    specific arrangements for implementing the provisions of the 
    Convention and the Organization's Policy on Confidentiality in 
    relation to the protection of confidential information at the 
    facility are contained in Attachment 3.
        2. Upon request, the inspected State Party will procure a 
    container to be placed under joint seal to maintain documents that 
    the inspection team, inspected State Party, or the facility 
    representative decides to keep as reference for future inspections. 
    The inspected State Party shall be reimbursed by the Organization 
    for the purchase of such container.
        3. All documents, including photographs, provided to the 
    inspection team will be controlled as follows:
        (a) Information to be taken off-site. Information relevant to 
    the finalization of the preliminary factual findings that the 
    inspected State Party permits the inspection team to take off-site 
    will be marked and numbered by the inspected State Party. In 
    accordance with the inspected State Party's Procedures for 
    Information Control, markings on the information will clearly state 
    that the inspection team may take it off-site and will contain a 
    classification pursuant to the Organization's Policy on 
    Confidentiality at a level requested by the inspected State Party. 
    The representative of the facility will acknowledge the release of 
    such information in writing prior to disclosure to the inspection 
        (b) Information restricted for use on-site. Information that the 
    inspected State Party permits the inspection team to use on-site 
    during inspections but not take off-site will be marked and numbered 
    by the inspected State Party. In accordance with the inspected State 
    Party's Procedures for Information Control, markings on the 
    information will clearly restrict its use on-site and will contain a 
    classification pursuant to the Organization's Policy on 
    Confidentiality at a level requested by the inspected State Party. 
    The representative of the facility will acknowledge the release of 
    such information in writing prior to disclosure to the inspection 
    team. Upon conclusion of the inspection, the inspection team shall 
    return the information to the inspected State Party, and the 
    facility representative shall acknowledge receipt in writing. If so 
    requested by the inspection team, the information can be placed in 
    the joint sealed container for future reference.
        (c) Information restricted for use on-site and requiring direct 
    supervision. Information that the inspected State Party permits the 
    inspection team to use on-site only under direct supervision of the 
    inspected State Party or the representative of the inspected 
    facility will be marked and numbered by the inspected State Party. 
    In accordance with the inspected State Party's Procedures for 
    Information Control, markings on the information will clearly 
    restrict its use on-site under direct supervision and will contain a 
    classification pursuant to the Organization's Policy on 
    Confidentiality at a level requested by the inspected State Party. 
    The representative of the facility will acknowledge the release of 
    such information in writing prior to disclosure to the inspection 
    team. The inspection team shall return the information to the 
    inspected State Party immediately upon completion of review and the 
    facility representative shall acknowledge receipt in writing. If so 
    requested by the inspection team, the information can be placed in 
    the joint sealed container for future reference.
    Section 4. Media and Public Relations
        1. Inspection team media and public relations are governed by 
    the Organization's Media and Public Relations Policy. The specific 
    arrangements for the inspection team's contacts with the media or 
    the public, if any, in relation to inspections of the facility are 
    contained in Attachment 4.
    Section 5. Inspection Equipment
        1. As agreed between the inspected State Party and the 
    Organization, the approved equipment listed in Part A of Attachment 
    5 and with which the inspected State Party has been given the 
    opportunity to familiarize itself will, at the discretion of the 
    Organization and on a routine basis, be used specifically for the 
    Schedule 1 inspection. The equipment will be used in accordance with 
    the Convention, the relevant decisions taken by the Conference of 
    States Parties, and any agreed procedures contained in Attachment 5.
        2. The provisions of paragraph 1 above are without prejudice to 
    paragraphs 27 to 29 of Part II of the Verification Annex.
        3. The items of equipment available on-site, not belonging to 
    the Organization, which the inspected State Party has volunteered to 
    provide to the inspection team upon its request for use on-site 
    during the conduct of inspections, together with any procedures for 
    the use of such equipment, if required, any requested support which 
    can be provided, and conditions for the provision of equipment are 
    listed in Part B of Attachment 5. Prior to any use of such 
    equipment, the inspection team may confirm that the performance 
    characteristics of such equipment are consistent with those for 
    similar Organization-approved equipment, or, with respect to items 
    of equipment which are not on the list of Organization-approved
    [[Page 73789]]
    equipment, are consistent with the intended purpose for using such 
        \2\ i.e. The inspection team may confirm that the performance 
    characteristics of such equipment meet the technical requirements 
    necessary to support the inspection task intended to be 
        4. Requests from the inspection team for the inspected State 
    Party during the inspection to provide equipment mentioned in 
    paragraph 3 above shall be made in writing by an authorized member 
    of the inspection team using the form contained in Attachment 5. The 
    same procedure will also apply to other requests of the inspection 
    team in accordance with paragraph 30 of Part II of the Verification 
        5. Agreed procedures for the decontamination of any equipment 
    are contained in Part C of Attachment 5.
        6. For the purpose of verification, the list of agreed on-site 
    monitoring instruments, if any, as well as agreed conditions, 
    procedures for use, maintenance, repair, modification, replacement 
    and provisions for the inspected State Party's support, if required, 
    installation points, and security measures to prevent tampering with 
    such on-site monitoring instruments are contained in Part D of 
    Attachment 5.
    Section 6. Pre-Inspection Activities
        1. The inspection team shall be given a pre-inspection briefing 
    by the representatives of the facility in accordance with paragraph 
    37 of Part II of the Verification Annex. The pre-inspection briefing 
    shall include:
        (a) Information on the facility as described in Attachment 6;
        (b) Health and safety specifications described in Section 2 
    above and detailed in Attachment 2;
        (c) Any changes to the above-mentioned information since the 
    last inspection; and
        (d) Information on administrative and logistical arrangements 
    additional to those contained in Attachment 10, if any, that shall 
    apply during the inspection, as contained in Section 10.
        2. Any information about the facility that the inspected State 
    Party has volunteered to provide to the inspection team during the 
    pre-inspection briefing with indications as to which information may 
    be transferred off-site is referenced in Part B of Attachment 6.
    Section 7. Conduct of the Inspection
    7.1  Standing Arrangements
        1. The inspection period shall begin immediately upon completion 
    of the pre-inspection briefing unless agreed otherwise. Upon 
    completion of the pre-inspection briefing, the inspected State Party 
    may, on a voluntary basis, provide a site tour at the request of the 
    inspection team. Arrangements for the conduct of a site tour, if 
    any, are contained in Attachment 7.
        2. Upon conclusion of the pre-inspection briefing, the 
    inspection team leader shall provide to the designated 
    representative of the inspected State Party a preliminary inspection 
    plan to facilitate the conduct of the inspection.
        3. Before commencement of inspection activities, the inspection 
    team leader shall inform the representative of the inspected State 
    Party about the initial steps to be taken in implementing the 
    inspection plan. The plan will be adjusted by the inspection team as 
    circumstances warrant throughout the inspection process in 
    consultation with the inspected State Party as to its 
    implementability in regard to paragraph 40 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex.
        4. The activities of the inspection team shall be so arranged as 
    to ensure the timely and effective discharge of its functions and 
    the least possible inconvenience to the inspected State Party and 
    disturbance to the facility inspected. The inspection team shall 
    avoid unnecessarily hampering or delaying the operation of a 
    facility and avoid affecting safety. In particular, the inspection 
    team shall not operate the facility. If the inspection team 
    considers that, to fulfil the mandate, particular operations should 
    be carried out in the facility, it shall request the designated 
    representative of the facility to have them performed.
        5. At the beginning of the inspection, the inspection team shall 
    have the right to confirm the precise location of the facility 
    utilizing visual and map reconnaissance, a site diagram, or other 
    suitable techniques.
        6. The inspection team shall, upon request of the inspected 
    State Party, communicate with the personnel of the facility only in 
    the presence of or through a representative of the inspected State 
        7. The inspected State Party shall, upon request, provide a 
    securable work space for the inspection team, including adequate 
    space for the storage of equipment. The inspection team shall have 
    the right to seal its work space. For ease of inspection, the 
    inspected State Party will work with the facility representative to 
    provide work space at the facility, if possible.
    7.2  Access to the Declared Facility
        1. The object of the inspection shall be the declared Schedule 1 
    facility as referenced in Attachment 6.
        2. Pursuant to paragraph 45 of Part II of the Verification 
    Annex, the inspection team shall have unimpeded access to the 
    declared facility in accordance with the relevant Articles and 
    Annexes of the Convention and Attachments 6, 8, and 9.
    7.3  Access to and Inspection of Documentation and Records
        1. The agreed list of the documentation and records to be 
    routinely made available for inspection purposes to the inspection 
    team by the inspected State Party during an inspection, as well as 
    arrangements with regard to access to such records for the purpose 
    of protecting confidential information, are contained in Attachment 
    8. Such documentation and records will be provided to the inspection 
    team upon request.
        2. Only those records placed in the custody of the inspection 
    team that are attached to the preliminary factual findings in 
    accordance with Section 3 may leave the premises. Those records 
    placed in the custody of the inspection team that are not attached 
    to the preliminary factual findings must be retained in the 
    inspection team's on-site container or returned to the inspected 
    State Party.
    7.4  Sampling and Analysis
        1. Without prejudice to paragraphs 52 to 58 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, procedures for sampling and analysis for 
    verification purposes are contained in Attachment 9.
        2. Sampling and analysis, for inspection purposes, may be 
    carried out to fulfill the inspection mandate. Each such sample will 
    be split into a minimum of four parts at the request of the 
    inspection team in accordance with Part C of Attachment 9. One part 
    shall be analyzed in a timely manner on-site. The second part of the 
    split sample may be controlled by the inspection team for future 
    reference and, if necessary, analysis off-site at laboratories 
    designated by the Organization. That part of the sample may be 
    destroyed at any time in the future upon the decision of the 
    inspection team but in any case no later than 60 days after it was 
    taken. The third part may be retained by the inspected State Party. 
    The fourth part may be retained by the facility.
        3. Pursuant to paragraph 52 of the Part II of the Verification 
    Annex, representatives of the inspected State Party or facility 
    shall take samples at the request of the inspection team in the 
    presence of inspectors. The inspected State Party will inform the 
    inspection team of the authorized facility representative's 
    3 determination of whether the sample shall be taken by 
    representatives of the facility or the inspection team or other 
    individuals present. If inspectors are granted the right to take 
    samples themselves in accordance with paragraph 52 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, the relevant advance agreement between the 
    inspection team and the inspected State Party shall be in writing. 
    The representatives of the inspected State Party or of the inspected 
    facility shall have the right to be present during sampling. Agreed 
    conditions and procedures for such sample collection are contained 
    in Part B of Attachment 9 to this Agreement.
        \3\ The authorized facility representative is the owner or the 
    operator, occupant or agent in charge of the premises being 
        4. Facility sampling equipment shall as a rule be used for 
    taking samples required for the purposes of the inspection. This is 
    without prejudice to the right of the inspection team pursuant to 
    paragraph 27 of Part II of the Verification Annex to use its own 
    approved sampling equipment in accordance with paragraph 1 of 
    Section 5 and Parts A and B of Attachment 5 to this Agreement.
        5. Should the inspection team request that a sample be taken and 
    the inspected State Party be unable to accede or agree to the 
    request, the inspected State Party will make every reasonable effort 
    to satisfy the inspection team's concerns by other means to enable 
    the inspection team to fulfil its mandate. The inspected State Party 
    will provide a written explanation for its inability to accede or 
    agree to the request. Any such response shall be supported by 
    relevant document(s). The explanation of the inspected State Party 
    shall be included in the preliminary factual findings.
        6. In accordance with paragraph 53 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, where possible,
    [[Page 73790]]
    the analysis of samples shall be performed on-site and the 
    inspection team shall have the right to perform on-site analysis of 
    samples using approved equipment brought by it for the splitting, 
    preparation, handling, analysis, integrity and transport of samples. 
    The assistance that will be provided by the inspected State Party 
    and the analysis procedures to be followed are contained in Part D 
    of Attachment 9 to this Agreement.
        7. The inspection team may request the inspected State Party to 
    perform the analysis in the inspection team's presence. The 
    inspection team shall have the right to be present during any 
    sampling and analysis conducted by the inspected State Party.
        8. The results of such analysis shall be reported in writing as 
    soon as possible after the sample is taken.
        9. The inspection team shall have the right to request repeat 
    analysis or clarification in connection with ambiguities.
        10. If at any time, and for any reason, on-site analysis is not 
    possible, the inspection team has the right to have sample(s) 
    analyzed off-site at Organization-designated laboratories. In 
    selecting such designated laboratories for the off-site analysis, 
    the Organization will give due regard to requirements of the 
    inspected State Party.
        11. Transportation of samples will be in accordance with the 
    procedures outlined in Part E of Attachment 9.
        12. If at any time, the inspected State Party or facility 
    representative determines that inspection team on-site analysis 
    activities are not in accordance with the facility agreement or 
    agreed analysis procedures, or otherwise pose a threat to safety or 
    environmental regulations or laws, the inspected State Party, in 
    consultation with the facility representative, will cease these on-
    site activities pending resolution. If both parties cannot agree to 
    proceed with the analysis, the inspection team will document this in 
    its preliminary factual findings.
        13. Conditions and procedures for the disposal of hazardous 
    materials generated during sampling and on-site analysis during the 
    inspection are contained in Part F of Attachment 9 to this 
    7.5  Arrangements for Interviews
        1. The inspection team shall have the right, subject to 
    applicable United States legal protections for individuals, to 
    interview any facility personnel in the presence of representatives 
    of the inspected State Party with the purpose of establishing 
    relevant facts in accordance with paragraph 46 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex and inspected State Party's policy and 
    procedures. Agreed procedures for conducting interviews are 
    contained in Attachment 11.
        2. The inspection team will submit to the inspected State Party 
    names and/or positions of those desired for interviews. The 
    requested individual(s) will be made available to the inspection 
    team no later than 24 hours after submission of the formal request, 
    unless agreed otherwise. The inspection team may also be requested 
    to submit questions in writing prior to conducting interviews. The 
    specific timing and location of interviews will be determined with 
    the facility in coordination with the inspected State Party and 
    consistent with adequate notification of the interviewees, and 
    minimizing the operation impacts on the facility and individuals to 
    be interviewed.
        3. The inspected State Party may recommend to the inspection 
    team that interviews be conducted in either ``panel'' or individual 
    formats. At a minimum, interviews will be conducted with a member of 
    the facility staff and an inspected State Party representative. 
    Legal counsel may also be required to be present by the inspected 
    State Party. The interview may be interrupted for consultation 
    between the interviewee, the facility representative, the inspected 
    State Party representative, and legal counsel.
        4. The inspected State Party will have the right to restrict the 
    content of interviews to information directly related to the mandate 
    or purpose of the inspection.
        5. Outside the interview process and in discharging their 
    functions, inspectors shall communicate with personnel of the 
    facility only through the representative(s) of the inspected State 
    7.6  Communications
        1. In accordance with paragraph 44 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, the inspection team shall have the right to 
    communicate with the headquarters of the Technical Secretariat. For 
    this purpose they may use their own, duly certified approved 
    equipment, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section 5. The 
    representative of the inspected facility retains the right to 
    control the use of communications equipment in specific areas, 
    buildings, or structures if such use would be incompatible with 
    applicable safety or fire regulations.
        2. In case the inspection team and the inspected State Party 
    agree to use any of the inspected State Party's communications 
    equipment, the list of such equipment and the provisions for its use 
    are contained in Part B of Attachment 5 to this Agreement.
        3. The agreed means of communication between inspection team 
    sub-teams in accordance with paragraph 44 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex are contained in Part E of Attachment 5.
    7.7  Photographs
        1. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 48 of Part II 
    of the Verification Annex, the Confidentiality Annex and inspected 
    State Party's policy and procedures, the inspection team shall have 
    the right to have photographs taken at their request by the 
    representatives of the inspected State Party or the inspected 
    facility. One camera of the instant development type furnished by 
    the inspection team or the inspected State Party shall be used for 
    taking identical photographs in sequence. Cameras furnished by the 
    inspection team will remain either in their work space or equipment 
    storage area except when carried by inspection team members for a 
    specific inspection activity. Cameras will only be used for 
    specified inspection purposes. Personal cameras are not allowed to 
    be taken to the facility.
        2. Pursuant to the Confidentiality Annex, the inspected State 
    Party, in consultation with the facility representative, shall have 
    the right to determine that contents of the photographs conform to 
    the stated purpose of the photographs. The inspection team shall 
    determine whether photographs conform to those requested and, if 
    not, repeat photographs shall be taken. Photographs that do not meet 
    the satisfaction of both sides will be destroyed by the inspected 
    State Party in the presence of the inspection team. The inspection 
    team, the inspected State Party and the facility, if so requested, 
    shall each retain one copy of every photograph. The copies shall be 
    signed, dated, and classified, in accordance with Section 3, and 
    note the location and subject of the photograph and carry the same 
    identification number. Agreed procedures for photography are 
    contained in Attachment 12.
        3. The representative of the inspected facility has the right to 
    object to the use of photographic equipment in specific areas, 
    buildings or structures if such use would be incompatible with 
    safety or fire regulations given the characteristics of the 
    chemicals stored in the area in question. Restrictions for use are 
    contained in Parts A and/or B of Attachment 5 to this Agreement. If 
    the objection is raised due to safety concerns, the inspected State 
    Party will, if possible, furnish photographic equipment that meets 
    the regulations. If the use of photographic equipment is not 
    permissible at all in specific areas, buildings or structures for 
    the reasons stated above, the inspected State Party shall provide a 
    written explanation of its objection to the inspection team leader. 
    The explanation, along with the inspection team leader's comments 
    will be included in the inspection team's preliminary factual 
    Section 8. Visits
        1. This section applies to visits conducted pursuant to 
    paragraphs 15 and 16 of Part III of the Verification Annex.
        2. The size of a team on such a visit shall be kept to the 
    minimum number of personnel necessary to perform the specific tasks 
    for which the visit is being conducted and shall in any case not 
    exceed the size of inspection team referenced in paragraph 5 of 
    Section 1.
        3. The duration of the visit pursuant to this Section shall be 
    limited to the minimum time required to perform the specific tasks 
    relating to monitoring systems for which the visit is being 
    conducted and in any case shall not exceed the estimated period of 
    inspection referenced in Part B of Attachment 1 of this Agreement.
        4. Access provided to the monitoring systems during the visit 
    shall be limited to that required to perform the specific tasks for 
    which the visit is being conducted, unless otherwise agreed to with 
    the inspected State Party.
        5. General arrangements and notifications for a visit shall be 
    the same as for the conduct of an inspection.
    Section 9. Debriefing and Preliminary Findings
        1. In accordance with paragraph 60 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, upon completion of an inspection the inspection 
    team shall meet with representatives of the inspected State Party 
    and the personnel responsible for the inspection site to review the 
    preliminary findings of the inspection team and to clarify any 
    ambiguities. The
    [[Page 73791]]
    inspection team shall provide to the representatives of the 
    inspected State Party its preliminary findings in written form 
    according to a standardized format, together with a list of any 
    samples and copies of written information and data gathered and 
    other material to be taken off-site. The document shall be signed by 
    the head of the inspection team. In order to indicate that he has 
    taken notice of the contents of the document, the representative of 
    the inspected State Party shall countersign the document. The 
    meeting shall be completed not later than 24 hours after the 
    completion of the inspection.
        2. The document on preliminary findings shall also include, 
    inter alia, the list of results of analysis, if conducted on-site, 
    records of seals, results of inventories, copies of photographs to 
    be retained by the inspection team, and results of specified 
    measurements. It will be prepared in accordance with the preliminary 
    findings format referenced in Annex 5. Any substantive changes to 
    this format will be made only after consultation with the inspected 
    State Party.
        3. Before the conclusion of the debriefing, the inspected State 
    Party may provide comments and clarifications to the inspection team 
    on any issue related to the conduct of the inspection. The 
    inspection team shall provide to the representative of the inspected 
    State Party its preliminary findings in written form sufficiently 
    prior to the conclusion of the debriefing to permit the inspected 
    State Party to prepare any comments and clarifications. The 
    inspected State Party's written comments and clarifications shall be 
    attached to the document on preliminary findings.
        4. The inspection team shall depart from the site upon the 
    conclusion of the meeting on preliminary findings.
    Section 10. Administrative Arrangements
        1. The inspected State Party shall provide or arrange for the 
    provision of the amenities listed in detail in Attachment 10 to the 
    inspection team throughout the duration of the inspection. The 
    inspected State Party shall be reimbursed by the Organization for 
    such costs incurred by the inspection team, unless agreed otherwise.
        2. Requests from the inspection team for the inspected State 
    Party to provide or arrange amenities shall be made in writing by an 
    authorized member of the inspection team 4 using the form 
    contained in Attachment 10. Requests shall be made as soon as the 
    need for amenities has been identified. The provision of such 
    requested amenities shall be certified in writing by the authorized 
    member of the inspection team. Copies of all such certified requests 
    shall be kept by both parties.
        \4\ The name of the authorized member(s) of the inspection team 
    should be communicated to the inspected State Party no later than at 
    the Point of Entry.
        3. The inspection team has the right to refuse extra amenities 
    that in its view are not needed for the conduct of the inspection.
    Section 11. Liabilities
        1. Any claim by the inspected State Party against the 
    Organization or by the Organization against the inspected State 
    Party in respect of any alleged damage or injury resulting from 
    inspections at the facility in accordance with this Agreement, 
    without prejudice to paragraph 22 of the Confidentiality Annex, 
    shall be settled in accordance with international law and, as 
    appropriate, with the provisions of Article XIV of the Convention.
    Section 12. Status of Attachments
        1. The Attachments form an integral part of this Agreement. Any 
    reference to the Agreement includes the Attachments. However, in 
    case of any inconsistency between this Agreement and any Attachment, 
    the sections of the Agreement shall prevail.
    Section 13. Amendments, Modifications and Updates
        1. Amendments to the sections of this Agreement may be proposed 
    by either Party and shall be agreed to and enter into force under 
    the same conditions as provided for under paragraph 1 of Section 15.
        2. Modifications to the Attachments of this Agreement, other 
    than Attachment 1 and Part B of Attachment 5, may be agreed upon at 
    any time between the representative of the Organization and the 
    representative of the inspected State Party, each being specifically 
    authorized to do so. The Director-General shall inform the Executive 
    Council about any such modifications. Each Party to this Agreement 
    may revoke its consent to a modification not later than four weeks 
    after it had been agreed upon. After this time period the 
    modification shall take effect.
        3. The inspected State Party will update Part A of Attachment 1 
    and Part B of Attachment 5 and Attachment 6 as necessary for the 
    effective conduct of inspections. The Organization will update Part 
    B of Attachment 1 and Annex 5, subject to paragraph 2 of Section 9, 
    as necessary for the effective conduct of inspections.
    Section 14. Settlement of Disputes
        1. Any dispute between the Parties that may arise out of the 
    application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be settled in 
    accordance with Article XIV of the Convention.
    Section 15. Entry Into Force
        1. This Agreement shall enter into force after approval by the 
    Executive Council and signature by the two Parties. If the inspected 
    State Party has additional internal requirements, it shall so notify 
    the Organization in writing by the date of signature. In such cases, 
    this Agreement shall enter into force on the date that the inspected 
    State Party gives the Organization written notification that its 
    internal requirements for entry into force have been met.
    Section 16. Duration and Termination
        1. This Agreement shall cease to be in force when, as determined 
    by the Executive Council, the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 8 of 
    Article VI and Part VI of the Verification Annex no longer apply to 
    this facility.
        Done at ____ in ____ copies, in English, each being equally 
        \5\  The language(s) to be chosen by the inspected State Party 
    from the languages of the Convention shall be the same as the 
    language(s) referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 1 of this 
        The following attachments shall be completed where applicable.
    Attachment 1: General Factors for the Conduct of Inspections
    Attachment 2: Health and Safety Requirements and Procedures
    Attachment 3: Specific Arrangements in Relation to the Protection of 
    Confidential Information at the Facility
    Attachment 4: Arrangements for the Inspection Team's Contacts with 
    the Media or the Public
    Attachment 5: Inspection Equipment
    Attachment 6: Information on the Facility Provided in Accordance 
    with Section 6
    Attachment 7: Arrangements for Site Tour
    Attachment 8: Records Routinely Made Available to the Inspection 
    Team at the Facility
    Attachment 9: Sampling and Analysis for Verification Purposes
    Attachment 10: Administrative Arrangements
    Attachment 11: Agreed Procedures for Conducting Interviews
    Attachment 12: Agreed Procedures for Photography
    Attachment 1.--General Factors for the Conduct of Inspections
        Part A. To Be Provided and Updated by the inspected State Party:
        1. Schedule 1 facility(s) working hours, if applicable: 
    6____hrs to ____hrs (local time) (days)
        \6\ All references to time use a 24 hour clock.
        2. Working days: ____________________
        3. Holidays or other non-working days:
        4. Inspection activities which could/could not 7 be 
    supported during non-working hours with notation of times and 
        \7\ Choose one option.
        5. Any other factors that could adversely affect the effective 
    conduct of inspections:
        (a) inspection requests:
        Should the facility withhold consent to an inspection, the 
    inspected State Party shall take all appropriate action under its 
    law to obtain a search warrant from a United States magistrate 
    judge. Upon receipt of a warrant, the inspected State Party will 
    accede to the Organization's request to conduct an inspection. Such 
    inspection will be carried out in accordance with the terms and 
    conditions of the warrant.
        (b) other:
        6. Other: notification procedures are contained in Annex 6.
        Part B. To Be Provided and Updated by the Organization:
        1. Inspection frequency: ________________
        2. Inspection intensity:
        (a) maximum estimated period of inspection (for planning 
    purposes): ________
        (b) approximate inspection team size: ____
        (c) estimated volume and weight of equipment to be brought on-
    site: ________
    [[Page 73792]]
    Attachment 2
    Health and Safety Requirements and Procedures
        Part A. Basic Principles:
        1. Applicable health and safety regulations of the Organization, 
    with agreed variations from strict implementation, if any:
        2. Health and safety regulations applicable at the facility:
        (a) federal regulations:
        (b) state regulations:
        (c) local regulations:
        (d) facility regulations:
        3. Health and safety requirements and regulations agreed between 
    the inspected State Party and the Organization:
        Part B. Detection and Monitoring:
        1. Applicable specific safety standards for workplace chemical 
    exposure limits and/or concentrations which should be observed 
    during the inspection, if any:
        2. Procedures for detection and monitoring in accordance with 
    the Organization's Health and Safety Policy, including data to be 
    collected by, or provided to, the inspection team:
        Part C. Protection:
        1. Protective equipment to be provided by the Organization and 
    agreed procedures for equipment certification and use, if required:
        2. Protective equipment to be provided by the inspected State 
    Party, and agreed procedures, personnel training, and personnel 
    qualification tests and certification required; and agreed 
    procedures for use of the equipment:
        Part D. Medical Requirements:
        1. Applicable medical standards of the inspected State Party 
    and, in particular, the inspected facility:
        2. Medical screening procedures for members of the inspection 
        3. Agreed medical assistance to be provided by the inspected 
    State Party:
        4. Emergency medical evacuation procedures:
        5. Agreed additional medical measures to be taken by the 
    inspection team:
        6. Procedures for emergency response to chemical casualties of 
    the inspection team:
        Part E. Modification of Inspection Activities:
        1. Modification of inspection activities due to health and 
    safety reasons, and agreed alternatives to accomplish the inspection 
    Attachment 3.--Specific Arrangements in Relation to the Protection of 
    Confidential Information at the Facility
        Part A. Inspected State Party's Procedures for Designating and 
    Classifying Documents Provided to the Inspection Team: See Annex 3 
    for the Organization's Policy on Confidentiality and Annex 7 for the 
    inspected State Party's Procedures for Information Control.
        Part B. Specific Procedures for Access by the Inspection Team to 
    Confidential Areas or Materials:
        Procedures in Relation to the Certification by the Inspection 
    Team of the Receipt of Any Documents Provided by the Inspected 
        Part C. Storage of Confidential Documents at the Inspected 
        1. Procedures in relation to the storage of confidential 
    documents or use of a dual control container on-site, if applicable: 
    Information under restrictions provided for in the Confidentiality 
    Annex and as such to be kept in the dual control container under 
    joint seal shall be available to the inspection team leader and/or 
    an inspector designated by him from the beginning of the pre-
    inspection briefing until the end of the debriefing upon completion 
    of the inspection. If copies of information under dual control are 
    permitted to be attached to the preliminary factual findings by the 
    inspected State Party, they shall be made by the inspected State 
    Party and retained under dual control until the debriefing. Should 
    the medium on which such information is recorded become unusable, it 
    shall be replaced without delay by the representative of the 
    inspected State Party.
        2. The dual control container will be placed
        3. Information meeting the strict requirements for restriction 
    pursuant to the Confidentiality Annex, and to be maintained in the 
    dual control container located at the inspected facility between 
    inspections is listed below:
                                                                                                      Reasons for
               Reference                 Type of data       Recorded media          Volume           restrictions/
                                     ...................  ..................  ..................  ..................
                                     ...................  ..................  ..................  ..................
                                     ...................  ..................  ..................  ..................
        Part D. Procedures for the Removal Off-Site of Any Written 
    Information, Data, and Other Material Gathered by the Inspection 
        Part E. Procedures for Providing the Representatives of the 
    inspected State Party with Copies of Written Information, 
    Inspector's Notebooks, Data and Other Material Gathered by the 
    Inspection Team:
        Part F. Other Arrangements, If Any:
        1. Unless specified otherwise, all facility information shall be 
    returned to the inspected State Party at the completion of the 
    inspection. No copies of facility information shall be made in any 
    manner by the inspection team or the Organization.
        2. Facility information shall not be released to the public, 
    other States Parties, or the media without the specific permission 
    of the inspected State Party, after consultation with the facility.
        3. Facility information shall not be transmitted, copied or 
    retained electronically without the specific permission of the 
    inspected State Party after consultation with the facility. All 
    transmissions of information off-site shall be done in the presence 
    of the inspected State Party.
        4. Information not relevant to the purpose of the inspection 
    will be purged from documents, photographs, etc. prior to release to 
    the inspection team.
    Attachment 4.--Arrangements for the Inspection Team's Contacts with the 
    Media or the Public
    Attachment 5.--Inspection Equipment
        Part A: List of Equipment:
    [[Page 73793]]
                                                                Agreed procedures for use
                                          Nature of                                                 Alternative for
      Item of approved inspection      restrictions(s)       Indication of     Special handling   meeting inspection
               equipment               (location, time,   reason(s) (safety,      or storage      requirement(s), if
                                      periods, etc.), if   confidentiality,      requirements     so required by the
                                             any                 etc.)                              inspection team
                                     ...................  ..................  ..................
                                     ...................  ..................  ..................
        Part B. Equipment which the inspected State Party Has 
    Volunteered to Provide:
                                                                    Support to be provided,    Conditions (timing,
              Item of equipment              Procedures for use           if required             costs, if any)
                                          ........................  .......................  .......................
        Part C. Procedures for the Decontamination of Equipment:
                Item of equipment                    Procedures for use
        Part D. Agreed On-Site Monitoring Instruments:
        Part E. Means of Communication between Inspection Team Sub-
    Request for and Certification of Equipment Available on Site To Be 
    Provided in Accordance With Paragraph 3 of Section 5
    Inspection number:-----------------------------------------------------
    Name of the authorized member of the inspection team:
    Type and number of item(s) of equipment requested:
    Approval of the request by inspected State Party:
    Comments on the request by the inspected State Party:
    Indication of the costs, if any, for the use of the equipment 
    Certification of the authorized member of the inspection team that 
    the requested item(s) of equipment have been provided:
    Comments, if any, by the authorized member of the inspection team in 
    regard to the equipment provided:
    Name and signature of the authorized member of the inspection team:
    Name and signature of the representative of the inspected State 
    Attachment 6.--Information on the Facility Provided in Accordance With 
    Section 6
        Part A. Topics of Information for the Pre-Inspection Briefing:
        1. Specification of the elements constituting the declared 
    facility, including their physical location(s) (i.e., detail the 
    areas, equipment, and computers), with indications as to which 
    information may be transferred off-site:
        2. Procedures for unimpeded access within the declared facility: 
        \8\ List the areas, equipment, and computers, if any, that are 
    not relevant to the inspection mandate or that contain confidential 
    business information that does not need to be divulged in order to 
    comply with the inspection mandate.
        3. Other:
        Part B. Any Information about the Facility that the inspected 
    State Party Volunteers to Provide to the Inspection Team during the 
    Pre-Inspection Briefing with Indications as to which May Be 
    Transferred Off-Site:
    Attachment 7.--Arrangements for Site Tour
        The inspected State Party may provide a site tour at the request 
    of the inspection team. The inspected State Party may provide 
    explanations to the inspection team during the site tour.
    Attachment 8.--Records Routinely Made Available to the Inspection Team 
    at the Facility (i.e., Identify Records and Data)
    Attachment 9.--Sampling and Analysis for Verification Purposes
        Part A. Agreed Sampling Points Chosen with Due Consideration to 
    Existing Sampling Points Used by the Facility(s) Operator(s):
        Part B. Procedures for Taking Samples:
        Part C. Procedures for Sample Handling and Sample Splitting:
        Part D. Procedures for On-Site Sample Analysis, If Any:
        Part E. Procedures for Off-Site Analysis, If Any:
        Part F. Procedures for Transporting Samples:
        Part G. Arrangements in Regard to the Payment of Costs 
    Associated with the Disposal or Removal by the inspected State Party 
    of Hazardous Waste Generated during Sampling and On-Site Analysis 
    during the Inspection:
    Attachment 10.--Administrative Arrangements
        Part A. The Amenities Detailed Below Shall Be Provided to the 
    Inspection Team by the inspected State Party, Subject to Payment as 
    Indicated in Part B Below:
        1. International and local official communication (telephone, 
    fax), including calls/faxes between site and headquarters:
      2. Vehicles:---------------------------------------------------------
        3. Working room, including adequate space for the storage of 
      4. Lodging:----------------------------------------------------------
      5. Meals:------------------------------------------------------------
      6. Medical care:-----------------------------------------------------
        7. Interpretation Services:
      (a) number of interpreters:------------------------------------------
      (b) estimated interpretation time:-----------------------------------
      (c) languages:-------------------------------------------------------
        8. Other:
        Part B. Distribution of Costs for Provision of Amenities by the 
    inspected State Party (check one option for each amenity provided as 
    [[Page 73794]]
                                                   To be paid by the      To be paid by the
                        To be paid directly by    inspection team on    inspected State Party
     Paragraphs 1-8 in  the Organization after       behalf of the         and subsequently      To be paid by the
       Part A above         the inspection        Organization during     reimbursed by the    inspected State Party
                                                 the in-country period       Organization
                    1   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
                    2   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
                    3   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
                    4   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
                    5   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
                    6   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
                    7   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
                    8   ......................  ......................  .....................  .....................
        Part C. Other Arrangements. 1. Number of sub-teams (consisting 
    of no less than two inspectors per sub-team) to be accommodated: 
    Request for and Certification of Amenities To Be Provided or Arranged
    Inspection number:-----------------------------------------------------
    Category of amenities requested:---------------------------------------
    Description of amenities requested:------------------------------------
    Approval of the request by the inspected State Party:
    Comments on the request by the inspected State Party:
    Indication of the costs for the amenities requested:
    Certification of the authorized member of the inspection team that 
    the requested amenities have been provided:
    Comments by the authorized member of the inspection team in regard 
    to the quality of the amenities provided:
    Name and signature of the authorized member of the inspection team:
    Name and signature of the representative of the inspected State 
    Attachment 11.--Agreed Procedures for Conducting Interviews
    Attachment 12.--Agreed Procedures for Photography
        Note: These annexes, inter alia, can be attached if requested by 
    the inspected State Party
    Annex 1: Organization's Media and Public Relations Policy
    Annex 2: Organization's Health and Safety Policy and Regulations
    Annex 3: Organization's Policy on Confidentiality
    Annex 4: Facility Declaration
    Annex 5: Preliminary and Final Inspection Report Formats
    Annex 6: Inspected State Party's Procedures for Inspection 
    Annex 7: Inspected State Party's Procedures for Information Control
    Supplement No. 3 to Part 716--Schedule 2 Model Facility Agreement
    Draft Facility Agreement between the Organization for the Prohibition 
    of Chemical Weapons and the Government of the United States of America 
    Regarding On-Site Inspections at the ______ Schedule 2 Plant Site 
    Located at ____________
        The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, 
    hereinafter referred to as ``Organization,'' and the Government of 
    the United States of America, hereinafter referred to as ``inspected 
    State Party,'' both constituting the Parties to this Agreement, have 
    agreed on the following arrangements in relation to the conduct of 
    inspections pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article VI of the Convention 
    on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and 
    Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, hereinafter 
    referred to as ``the Convention,'' at (insert name of the plant 
    site, its precise location, including the address), declared under 
    paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article VI, hereinafter referred to as ``plant 
    Section 1. General Provisions
        1. The purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate the 
    implementation of the provisions of the Convention in relation to 
    inspections conducted at the plant site pursuant to paragraph 4 of 
    Article VI of the Convention, and in accordance with the obligations 
    of the inspected State Party and the Organization under the 
        2. Nothing in this Agreement shall be applied or interpreted in 
    a way that is contradictory to the provisions of the Convention, 
    including paragraph 1 of Article VII.1 In case of 
    inconsistency between this Agreement and the Convention, the 
    Convention shall prevail.
        \1\ Each State Party shall, in accordance with its 
    constitutional processes, adopt the necessary measures to implement 
    its obligations under this Convention.
        3. The Parties have agreed to apply for planning purposes the 
    general factors contained in Attachment 1.
        4. The frequency and intensity of inspections at the plant site 
    are given in Part B of Attachment 1 and reflect the risk assessment 
    of the Organization conducted pursuant to paragraphs 18, 20 and 24 
    of Part VII of the Verification Annex.
        5. The inspection team shall consist of no more than ____ 
        6. The language for communication between the inspection team 
    and the inspected State Party during inspections shall be English.
        7. The period of inspection shall not last more than ninety-six 
    (96) hours, unless an extension has been agreed to by the inspected 
    State Party and the inspection team.
        8. In case of any development due to circumstances brought about 
    by unforeseen events or acts of nature, which could affect 
    inspection activities at the plant site, the inspected State Party 
    shall notify the Organization and the inspection team as soon as 
    practically possible.
        9. In case of need for the urgent departure, emergency 
    evacuation or urgent travel of inspector(s) from the territory of 
    the inspected State Party, the inspection team leader shall inform 
    the inspected State Party of such a need. The inspected State Party 
    shall arrange without undue delay such departure, evacuation or 
    travel. In all cases, the inspected State Party shall determine the 
    means of transportation and routes to be taken. The costs of such 
    departure, evacuation or travel of inspectors shall be borne by the 
        10. Inspectors shall wear identification badges at all times 
    when on the premises of the plant site.
    Section 2. Health and Safety
        1. Health and safety matters during inspections are governed by 
    the Convention, the Organization's Health and Safety Policy and 
    Regulations, and applicable national, local and plant site safety 
    and environmental regulations. The specific arrangements for 
    implementing the relevant provisions of the Convention and the 
    Organization's Health and Safety Policy in relation to inspections 
    at the plant site are contained in Attachment 2.
        2. Pursuant to paragraph 1 of this section, all applicable 
    health and safety regulations relevant to the conduct of the 
    inspection at the plant site are listed in Attachment 2 and
    [[Page 73795]]
    shall be made available for use by the inspection team at the plant 
        3. In case of the need to modify any health-and safety-related 
    arrangements at the plant site contained in Attachment 2 to this 
    Agreement bearing on the conduct of inspections, the inspected State 
    Party shall notify the Organization. Any such modification shall 
    apply provisionally until the inspected State Party and the 
    Organization have reached agreement on this issue. In case no 
    agreement has been reached by the time of the completion of the 
    inspection, the relevant information may be included in the 
    preliminary factual findings. Any agreed modification shall be 
    recorded in Attachment 2 to this Agreement in accordance with 
    paragraph 2 of Section 12 of this Agreement.
        4. In the course of the pre-inspection briefing the inspection 
    team shall be briefed by the representatives of the plant site on 
    all health and safety matters which, in the view of those 
    representatives, are relevant to the conduct of the inspection at 
    the plant site, including:
        (a) the health and safety measures at the Schedule 2 plant(s) to 
    be inspected and the likely risks that may be encountered during the 
        (b) any additional health and safety or regulations that need to 
    be observed at the plant site;
        (c) procedures to be followed in case of an accident or in case 
    of other emergencies, including a briefing on emergency signals, 
    routes and exits, and the location of emergency meeting points and 
    medical facilities; and
        (d) specific inspection activities which must be limited within 
    particular areas at the plant site, and in particular within those 
    Schedule 2 plant(s) to be inspected under the inspection mandate, 
    for reasons of health and safety.
        Upon request, the inspection team shall certify receipt of any 
    such information if it is provided in written form.
        5. During the course of an inspection, the inspection team shall 
    refrain from any action which by its nature could endanger the 
    safety of the team, the plant site, or its personnel or could cause 
    harm to the environment. Should the inspected State Party refuse 
    certain inspection activities, it may explain the circumstances and 
    safety considerations involved, and shall provide alternative means 
    for accomplishing the inspection activities.
        6. In the case of emergency situations or accidents involving 
    inspection team members while at the plant site, the inspection team 
    shall comply with the plant site's emergency procedures and the 
    inspected State Party shall to the extent possible provide medical 
    and other assistance in a timely and effective manner with due 
    regard to the rules of medical ethics if medical assistance is 
    requested. Information on medical services and facilities to be used 
    for this purpose is contained in Part D of Attachment 2. If the 
    Organization undertakes other measures for medical support in regard 
    to inspection team members involved in emergency situations or 
    accidents, the inspected State Party will render assistance to such 
    measures to the extent possible. The Organization will be 
    responsible for the consequences of such measures.
        7. The inspected State party shall, to the extent possible, 
    assist the Organization in carrying out any inquiry into an accident 
    or incident involving a member of the inspection team.
        8. If, for health and safety reasons given by the inspected 
    State Party, health and safety equipment of the inspected State 
    Party is required to be used by the inspection team, the cost so 
    incurred shall be borne by the inspected State Party.
        9. The inspection team may use its own approved health and 
    safety equipment. If the inspected State Party determines it to be 
    necessary, the inspected State Party shall conduct a fit test on 
    masks brought with the inspection team. If the inspected State Party 
    so requests on the basis of confirmed contamination or hazardous 
    waste requirements or regulations, any such piece of equipment 
    involved in the inspection activities will be left at the plant site 
    at the end of the inspection. The inspection team reserves the right 
    to destroy equipment left at the plant site or witness its 
    destruction by agreed procedures. The inspected State Party will 
    reimburse the Organization for the loss of the inspection team's 
        10. In accordance with the Organization's Health and Safety 
    Policy, the inspected State Party may provide available data based 
    on detection and monitoring, to the agreed extent necessary to 
    satisfy concerns that may exist regarding the health and safety of 
    the inspection team.
    Section 3. Confidentiality
        1. Matters related to confidentiality are governed by the 
    Convention, including its Confidentiality Annex and paragraph 1 of 
    Article VII, and the Organization's Policy on Confidentiality. The 
    specific arrangements for implementing the provisions of the 
    Convention and the Organization's Policy on Confidentiality in 
    relation to the protection of confidential information at the plant 
    site are contained in Attachment 3.
        2. Upon request, the inspected State Party will procure a 
    container to be placed under joint seal to maintain documents that 
    the inspection team, inspected State Party, or the plant site 
    representative decides to keep as reference for future inspections. 
    The inspected State Party shall be reimbursed by the Organization 
    for the purchase of such container.
        3. All documents, including photographs, provided to the 
    inspection team will be controlled as follows:
        (a) Information to be taken off-site. Information relevant to 
    the finalization of the preliminary factual findings that the 
    inspected State Party permits the inspection team to take off-site 
    will be marked and numbered by the inspected State Party. In 
    accordance with the inspected State Party's Procedures for 
    Information Control, markings on the information will clearly state 
    that the inspection team may take it off-site and will contain a 
    classification pursuant to the Organization's Policy on 
    Confidentiality at a level requested by the inspected State Party. 
    The representative of the plant site will acknowledge the release of 
    such information in writing prior to disclosure to the inspection 
        (b) Information restricted for use on-site. Information that the 
    inspected State Party permits the inspection team to use on-site 
    during inspections but not take off-site will be marked and numbered 
    by the inspected State Party. In accordance with the inspected State 
    Party's Procedures for Information Control, markings on the 
    information will clearly restrict its use on-site and will contain a 
    classification pursuant to the Organization's Policy on 
    Confidentiality at a level requested by the inspected State Party. 
    The representative of the plant site will acknowledge the release of 
    such information in writing prior to disclosure to the inspection 
    team. Upon conclusion of the inspection, the inspection team shall 
    return the information to the inspected State Party, and the plant 
    site representative shall acknowledge receipt in writing. If so 
    requested by the inspection team, the information can be placed in 
    the joint sealed container for future reference.
        (c) Information restricted for use on-site and requiring direct 
    supervision. Information that the inspected State Party permits the 
    inspection team to use on-site only under direct supervision of the 
    inspected State Party or the representative of the inspected plant 
    site will be marked and numbered by the inspected State Party. In 
    accordance with the inspected State Party's Procedures for 
    Information Control, markings on the information will clearly 
    restrict its use on-site under direct supervision and will contain a 
    classification pursuant to the Organization's Policy on 
    Confidentiality at a level requested by the inspected State Party. 
    The representative of the plant site will acknowledge the release of 
    such information in writing prior to disclosure to the inspection 
    team. The inspection team shall return the information to the 
    inspected State Party immediately upon completion of review and the 
    plant site representative shall acknowledge receipt in writing. If 
    so requested by the inspection team, the information can be placed 
    in the joint sealed container for future reference.
    Section 4. Media and Public Relations
        1. Inspection team media and public relations are governed by 
    the Organization's Media and Public Relations Policy. The specific 
    arrangements for the inspection team's contacts with the media or 
    the public, if any, in relation to inspections of the plant site are 
    contained in Attachment 4.
    Section 5. Inspection Equipment
        1. As agreed between the inspected State Party and the 
    Organization, the approved equipment listed in Part A of Attachment 
    5 and with which the inspected State Party has been given the 
    opportunity to familiarize itself will, at the discretion of the 
    Organization and on a routine basis, be used specifically for the 
    Schedule 2 inspection. The equipment will be used in accordance with 
    the Convention, the relevant decisions taken by the Conference of 
    States Parties, and any agreed procedures contained in Attachment 5.
    [[Page 73796]]
        2. The provisions of paragraph 1 above are without prejudice to 
    paragraphs 27 to 29 of Part II of the Verification Annex.
        3. The items of equipment available on-site and not belonging to 
    the Organization which the inspected State Party has volunteered to 
    provide to the inspection team upon its request for use on-site 
    during the conduct of inspections, together with any procedures for 
    the use of such equipment, if required, any requested support which 
    can be provided, and conditions for the provision of equipment are 
    listed in Part B of Attachment 5. Prior to any use of such 
    equipment, the inspection team may confirm that the performance 
    characteristics of such equipment are consistent with those for 
    similar Organization-approved equipment, or--with respect to items 
    of equipment which are not on the list of Organization-approved 
    equipment--are consistent with the intended purpose for using such 
        \2\ I.e., the inspection team may confirm that the performance 
    characteristics of such equipment meet the technical requirements 
    necessary to support the inspection task intended to be 
        4. Requests from the inspection team for the inspected State 
    Party during the inspection to provide equipment mentioned in 
    paragraph 3 above shall be made in writing by an authorized member 
    of the inspection team using the form contained in Attachment 5. The 
    same procedure will also apply to other requests of the inspection 
    team in accordance with paragraph 30 of Part II of the Verification 
        5. Agreed procedures for the decontamination of any equipment 
    are contained in Part C of Attachment 5.
    Section 6. Pre-Inspection Activities
        1. The inspection team shall be given a pre-inspection briefing 
    by the representatives of the plant site in accordance with 
    paragraph 37 of Part II of the Verification Annex. The pre-
    inspection briefing shall include:
        (a) information on the plant site as described in Attachment 6;
        (b) health and safety specifications described in Section 2 
    above and detailed in Attachment 2;
        (c) any changes to the above-mentioned information since the 
    last inspection; and
        (d) information on administrative and logistical arrangements 
    additional to those contained in Attachment 11, if any, that shall 
    apply during the inspection, as contained in Section 9.
        2. Any information about the plant site that the inspected State 
    Party has volunteered to provide to the inspection team during the 
    pre-inspection briefing with indications as to which information may 
    be transferred off-site is referenced in Part B of Attachment 6.
    Section 7. Conduct of the Inspection
    7.1  Standing Arrangements
        1. The inspection period shall begin immediately upon completion 
    of the pre-inspection briefing unless agreed otherwise.
        2. Upon conclusion of the pre-inspection briefing, the 
    inspection team leader shall provide to the designated 
    representative of the inspected State Party a preliminary inspection 
    plan to facilitate the conduct of the inspection.
        3. Arrangements for the conduct of a site tour, if any, are 
    contained in Attachment 7 to this Agreement.
        4. Before commencement of inspection activities, the inspection 
    team leader shall inform the representative of the inspected State 
    Party about the initial steps to be taken in implementing the 
    inspection plan. The plan will be adjusted by the inspection team as 
    circumstances warrant throughout the inspection process in 
    consultation with the inspected State Party as to its 
    implementability in regard to paragraph 40 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex.\3\
        \3\ The activities of the inspection team shall be so arranged 
    as to ensure the timely and effective discharge of its functions and 
    the least possible inconvenience to the inspected State Party and 
    disturbance to the plant site inspected. The inspection team shall 
    avoid unnecessarily hampering or delaying the operation of the plant 
    site and avoid affecting its safety. In particular, the inspection 
    team shall not operate the plant site. If the inspection team 
    considers that, to fulfil the mandate, particular operations should 
    be carried out at the plant site, it shall request the designated 
    representative of the plant site to have them performed.
        5. The inspection team leader shall inform the representative of 
    the inspected State Party during the inspection in a timely manner 
    about each subsequent step to be taken by the inspection team in 
    implementing the inspection plan. Without prejudice to paragraph 40 
    of Part II of the Verification Annex, this shall be done in time to 
    allow the inspected State Party to arrange for the necessary 
    measures to be taken to provide access and support to the inspection 
    team as appropriate without causing unnecessary delay in the conduct 
    of inspection activities.
        6. At the beginning of the inspection, the inspection team shall 
    have the right to confirm the precise location of the plant site 
    utilizing visual and map reconnaissance, a site diagram, or other 
    suitable techniques.
        7. The inspection team shall, upon request of the inspected 
    State Party, communicate with the personnel of the plant site only 
    in the presence of or through a representative of the inspected 
    State Party.
        8. The inspected State Party shall, upon request, provide a 
    securable work space for the inspection team, including adequate 
    space for the storage of equipment. The inspection team shall have 
    the right to seal its work space. For ease of inspection, the 
    inspected State Party will work with the plant site representative 
    to provide work space at the plant site, if possible.
    7.2  Access to and Inspection of Areas, Buildings and Structures
        1. The focus of the inspection shall be the declared Schedule 2 
    plant(s) within the declared plant site as referenced in Attachment 
    8. If the inspection team requests access to other parts of the 
    plant site, access to these areas shall be granted in accordance 
    with the obligation to provide clarification pursuant to paragraph 
    51 of Part II and paragraph 25 of Part VII of the Verification 
    Annex, and in accordance with Attachment 8.
        2. Pursuant to paragraph 45 of Part II of the Verification 
    Annex, the inspection team shall have unimpeded access to the 
    declared Schedule 2 plant(s) in accordance with the relevant 
    Articles and Annexes of the Convention and Attachments 8, 9, and 10. 
    Areas of the declared plant(s) likely to be inspected are mentioned 
    in paragraph 28 of Part VII of the Verification Annex. Pursuant to 
    Section C of Part X of the Verification Annex, the inspection team 
    shall have managed access to the other areas of the plant site. 
    Procedures for access to these areas are contained in Attachment 8.
    7.3  Access to and Inspection of Documentation and Records
        1. The agreed list of the documentation and records to be 
    routinely made available for inspection purposes, mentioned in 
    paragraph 26 of Part VII of the Verification Annex, to the 
    inspection team by the inspected State Party during an inspection, 
    as well as arrangements with regard to access to such records for 
    the purpose of protecting confidential information, are contained in 
    Attachment 9. Such documentation and records will be provided upon 
        2. Only those records placed in the custody of the inspection 
    team that are attached to the preliminary factual findings in 
    accordance with Section 3 may leave the premises. Those records 
    placed in the custody of the inspection team that are not attached 
    to the preliminary factual findings must be retained in the on-site 
    container or returned to the inspected State Party.
    7.4  Sampling and Analysis
        1. Without prejudice to paragraphs 52 to 58 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, procedures for sampling and analysis for 
    verification purposes as mentioned in paragraph 27 of Part VII of 
    the Verification Annex are contained in Attachment 10 of this 
        2. Sampling and analysis, for inspection purposes, may be 
    carried out to check whether undeclared scheduled chemicals are 
    detected. Each such sample will be split into a minimum of four 
    parts at the request of the inspection team in accordance with Part 
    C of Attachment 10. One part shall be analyzed in a timely manner 
    on-site. The second part of the split sample may be controlled by 
    the inspection team for future reference and, if necessary, analysis 
    off-site at laboratories designated by the Organization. That part 
    of the sample may be destroyed at any time in the future upon the 
    decision of the inspection team but in any case no later than 60 
    days after it was taken. The third part may be retained by the 
    inspected State Party. The fourth part may be retained by the plant 
        3. Pursuant to paragraph 52 of the Part II of the Verification 
    Annex, representatives of the inspected State Party or plant site 
    shall take samples at the request of the inspection team in the 
    presence of inspectors. The inspected State Party will inform the 
    inspection team of the authorized plant site representative's \4\ 
    determination of whether the sample shall be taken by 
    representatives of the plant site or the inspection team or other 
    individuals present. If inspectors are
    [[Page 73797]]
    granted the right to take samples themselves in accordance with 
    paragraph 52 of Part II of the Verification Annex, the relevant 
    advance agreement between the inspection team and the inspected 
    State Party shall be in writing. The representatives of the 
    inspected State Party and the inspected plant site shall have the 
    right to be present during sampling. Agreed conditions and 
    procedures for such sample collection are contained in Part B of 
    Attachment 10 to this Agreement.
        \4\ The authorized plant site representative is the owner or the 
    operator, occupant or agent in charge of the premises being 
        4. Plant site sampling equipment shall as a rule be used for 
    taking samples required for the purposes of the inspection. This is 
    without prejudice to the right of the inspection team pursuant to 
    paragraph 27 of Part II of the Verification Annex to use its own 
    approved sampling equipment in accordance with paragraph 1 of 
    Section 5 and Parts A and B of Attachment 5 to this Agreement.
        5. Should the inspection team request that a sample be taken and 
    the inspected State Party be unable to accede or agree to the 
    request, the inspected State Party will make every reasonable effort 
    to satisfy the inspection team's concerns by other means to enable 
    the inspection team to fulfil its mandate. The inspected State Party 
    will provide a written explanation for its inability to accede or 
    agree to the request. Any such response shall be supported by 
    relevant document(s). The explanation of the inspected State Party 
    shall be included in the preliminary factual findings.
        6. In accordance with paragraph 53 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, where possible, the analysis of samples shall be 
    performed on-site and the inspection team shall have the right to 
    perform on-site analysis of samples using approved equipment brought 
    by it for the splitting, preparation, handling, analysis, integrity 
    and transport of samples. The assistance that will be provided by 
    the inspected State Party and the analysis procedures to be followed 
    are contained in Part D of Attachment 10 to this Agreement.
        7. The inspection team may request the inspected State Party to 
    perform the analysis in the inspection team's presence. The 
    inspection team shall have the right to be present during any 
    sampling and analysis conducted by the inspected State Party.
        8. The results of such analysis shall be reported in writing as 
    soon as possible after the sample is taken.
        9. The inspection team shall have the right to request repeat 
    analysis or clarification in connection with ambiguities.
        10. If at any time, and for any reason, on-site analysis is not 
    possible, the inspection team has the right to have sample(s) 
    analyzed off-site at Organization-designated laboratories. In 
    selecting such designated laboratories for the off-site analysis, 
    the Organization will give due regard to requirements of the 
    inspected State Party.
        11. Transportation of samples will be in accordance with the 
    procedures outlined in Part E of Attachment 10.
        12. If at any time, the inspected State Party or plant site 
    representative determines that inspection team on-site analysis 
    activities are not in accordance with the facility agreement or 
    agreed analysis procedures, or otherwise pose a threat to safety or 
    environmental regulations or laws, the inspected State Party, in 
    consultation with the plant site representative, will cease these 
    on-site analysis activities pending resolution . If both parties 
    cannot agree to proceed with the analysis, the inspection team will 
    document this in its preliminary factual findings.
        13. Conditions and procedures for the disposal of hazardous 
    materials generated during sampling and on-site analysis during the 
    inspection are contained in Part F of Attachment 10 to this 
    7.5  Arrangements for Interviews
        1. The inspection team shall have the right, subject to 
    applicable United States legal protections for individuals, to 
    interview any plant site personnel in the presence of 
    representatives of the inspected State Party with the purpose of 
    establishing relevant facts in accordance with paragraph 46 of Part 
    II of the Verification Annex and inspected State Party's policy and 
    procedures. Agreed procedures for conducting interviews are 
    contained in Attachment 12.
        2. The inspection team will submit to the inspected State Party 
    names and/or positions of those desired for interviews. The 
    requested individual(s) will be made available to the inspection 
    team no later than 24 hours after submission of the formal request, 
    unless agreed otherwise. The inspection team may also be requested 
    to submit questions in writing prior to conducting interviews. The 
    specific timing and location of interviews will be determined with 
    the plant site in coordination with the inspected State Party and 
    consistent with adequate notification of the interviewees, and 
    minimizing the operation impacts on the plant site and individuals 
    to be interviewed.
        3. The inspected State Party may recommend to the inspection 
    team that interviews be conducted in either ``panel'' or individual 
    formats. At a minimum, interviews will be conducted with a member of 
    the plant site staff and an inspected State Party representative. 
    Legal counsel may also be required to be present by the inspected 
    State Party. The interview may be interrupted for consultation 
    between the interviewee, the plant site representative, the 
    inspected State Party representative, and legal counsel.
        4. The inspected State Party will have the right to restrict the 
    content of interviews to information directly related to the mandate 
    or purpose of the inspection.
        5. Outside the interview process and in discharging their 
    functions, inspectors shall communicate with personnel of the plant 
    site only through the representative(s) of the inspected State 
    7.6  Communications
        1. In accordance with paragraph 44 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, the inspection team shall have the right to 
    communicate with the headquarters of the Technical Secretariat. For 
    this purpose they may use their own, duly certified approved 
    equipment, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section 5. The 
    representative of the inspected plant site retains the right to 
    control the use of communications equipment in specific areas, 
    building or structures if such use would be incompatible with 
    applicable safety or fire regulations.
        2. In case the inspection team and the inspected State Party 
    agree to use any of the inspected State Party's communications 
    equipment, the list of such equipment and the provisions for its use 
    are contained in Part B of Attachment 5 to this Agreement.
        3. The agreed means of communication between inspection team 
    sub-teams in accordance with paragraph 44 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex are contained in Part D of Attachment 5.
    7.7  Photographs
        1. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 48 of Part II 
    of the Verification Annex, the Confidentiality Annex and inspected 
    State Party's policy and procedures, the inspection team shall have 
    the right to have photographs taken at their request by the 
    representatives of the inspected State Party or the inspected plant 
    site. One camera of the instant development type furnished by the 
    inspection team or the inspected State Party shall be used for 
    taking identical photographs in sequence. Cameras furnished by the 
    inspection team will remain either in their work space or equipment 
    storage area except when carried by inspection team members for a 
    specific inspection activity. Cameras will only be used for 
    specified inspection purposes. Personal cameras are not allowed to 
    be taken to the plant site.
        2. Pursuant to the Confidentiality Annex, the inspected State 
    Party, in consultation with the plant site representative, shall 
    have the right to determine that contents of the photographs conform 
    to the stated purpose of the photographs. The inspection team shall 
    determine whether photographs conform to those requested and, if 
    not, repeat photographs shall be taken. Photographs that do not meet 
    the satisfaction of both sides will be destroyed by the inspected 
    State Party in the presence of the inspection team. The inspection 
    team, the inspected State Party and the plant site, if so requested, 
    shall each retain one copy of every photograph. The copies shall be 
    signed, dated, and classified, in accordance with Section 3, and 
    note the location and subject of the photograph and carry the same 
    identification number. Agreed procedures for photography are 
    contained in Attachment 13.
        3. The representative of the inspected plant site has the right 
    to object to the use of photographic equipment in specific areas, 
    buildings or structures if such use would be incompatible with 
    safety or fire regulations given the characteristics of the 
    chemicals stored in the area in question. Restrictions for use are 
    contained in Parts A and/or B of Attachment 5 to this Agreement. If 
    the objection is raised due to safety concerns, the inspected State 
    Party will, if possible, furnish photographic equipment that meets 
    the regulations. If the use of photographic equipment is not 
    permissible at all in specific areas, buildings or structures for 
    the reasons stated above, the inspected State Party shall provide a 
    written explanation of its objection to the inspection team leader. 
    The explanation, along with the inspection team leader's comments 
    will be included in the inspection team's preliminary factual 
    [[Page 73798]]
    Section 8. Debriefing and Preliminary Findings
        1. In accordance with paragraph 60 of Part II of the 
    Verification Annex, upon completion of an inspection the inspection 
    team shall meet with representatives of the inspected State Party 
    and the personnel responsible for the inspection site to review the 
    preliminary findings of the inspection team and to clarify any 
    ambiguities. The inspection team shall provide to the 
    representatives of the inspected State Party its preliminary 
    findings in written form according to a standardized format, 
    together with a list of any samples and copies of written 
    information and data gathered and other material to be taken off-
    site. The document shall be signed by the head of the inspection 
    team. In order to indicate that he has taken notice of the content 
    of this document, the representative of the inspected State Party 
    shall countersign the document. The meeting shall be completed not 
    later than 24 hours after the completion of the inspection.
        2. The document on preliminary findings shall also include, 
    inter alia, the list of results of analysis, if conducted on-site, 
    records of seals, and copies of photographs to be retained by the 
    inspection team. It will be prepared in accordance with the 
    preliminary findings format referenced in Annex 5. Any substantive 
    changes to this format will be made only after consultation with the 
    inspected State Party.
        3. Before the conclusion of the debriefing, the inspected State 
    Party may provide comments and clarifications to the inspection team 
    on any issue related to the conduct of the inspection. The 
    inspection team shall provide to the representative of the inspected 
    State Party its preliminary findings in written form sufficiently 
    prior to the conclusion of the debriefing to permit the inspected 
    State Party to prepare any comments and clarifications. The 
    inspected State Party's written comments and clarifications shall be 
    attached to the document on preliminary findings.
        4. The inspection team shall depart from the site upon the 
    conclusion of the meeting on preliminary findings.
    Section 9. Administrative Arrangements
        1. The inspected State Party shall provide or arrange for the 
    provision of the amenities listed in detail in Attachment 11 to the 
    inspection team in a timely manner throughout the duration of the 
    inspection. The inspected State Party shall be reimbursed by the 
    Organization for such costs incurred by the inspection team, unless 
    agreed otherwise.
        2. Requests from the inspection team for the inspected State 
    Party to provide or arrange amenities shall be made in writing by an 
    authorized member of the inspection team \5\ using the form 
    contained in Attachment 11. Requests shall be made as soon as the 
    need for amenities has been identified. The provision of such 
    requested amenities shall be certified in writing by the authorized 
    member of the inspection team. Copies of all such certified requests 
    shall be kept by both parties.
        \5\ The name of the authorized member(s) of the inspection team 
    should be communicated to the inspected State Party no later than at 
    the Point of Entry.
        3. The inspection team has the right to refuse extra amenities 
    that in its view are not needed for the conduct of the inspection.
    Section 10. Liabilities
        1. Any claim by the inspected State Party against the 
    Organization or by the Organization against the inspected State 
    Party in respect of any alleged damage or injury resulting from 
    inspections at the plant site in accordance with this Agreement, 
    without prejudice to paragraph 22 of the Confidentiality Annex, 
    shall be settled in accordance with international law and, as 
    appropriate, with the provisions of Article XIV of the Convention.
    Section 11. Status of Attachments
        1. The Attachments form an integral part of this Agreement. Any 
    reference to the Agreement includes the Attachments. However, in 
    case of any inconsistency between this Agreement and any Attachment, 
    the sections of the Agreement shall prevail.
    Section 12. Amendments, Modifications and Updates
        1. Amendments to the sections of this Agreement may be proposed 
    by either Party and shall be agreed to and enter into force under 
    the same conditions as provided for under paragraph 1 of Section 14.
        2. Modifications to the Attachments of this Agreement, other 
    than Attachment 1 and Part B of Attachment 5, may be agreed upon at 
    any time between the representative of the Organization and the 
    representative of the inspected State Party, each being specifically 
    authorized to do so. The Director-General shall inform the Executive 
    Council about any such modifications. Each Party to this Agreement 
    may revoke its consent to a modification not later than four weeks 
    after it had been agreed upon. After this time period the 
    modification shall take effect.
        3. The inspected State Party will update Part A of Attachment 1 
    and Part B of Attachment 5, and Attachment 6 as necessary for the 
    effective conduct of inspections. The Organization will update Part 
    B of Attachment 1 and Annex 5, subject to paragraph 2 of Section 8, 
    as necessary for the effective conduct of inspections.
    Section 13. Settlement of Disputes
        1. Any dispute between the Parties that may arise out of the 
    application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be settled in 
    accordance with Article XIV of the Convention.
    Section 14. Entry into Force
        1. This Agreement shall enter into force after approval by the 
    Executive Council and signature by the two Parties. If the inspected 
    State Party has additional internal requirements, it shall so notify 
    the Organization in writing by the date of signature. In such cases, 
    this Agreement shall enter into force on the date that the inspected 
    State Party gives the Organization written notification that its 
    internal requirements for entry into force have been met.
    Section 15. Duration and Termination.
        1. This Agreement shall cease to be in force when the provisions 
    of paragraph 12 of Part VII of the Verification Annex no longer 
    apply to this plant site, except if the continuation of the 
    Agreement is agreed by mutual consent of the Parties.
        Done at ______ in ______ copies, in English, each being equally 
        \6\ The language(s) to be chosen by the inspected State Party 
    from the languages of the Convention shall be the same as the 
    language(s) referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 1 of this 
        The following attachments shall be completed where applicable.
    Attachment 1: General Factors for the Conduct of Inspections
    Attachment 2: Health and Safety Requirements and Procedures
    Attachment 3: Specific Arrangements in Relation to the Protection of 
    Confidential Information at the Plant Site
    Attachment 4: Arrangements for the Inspection Team's Contacts with 
    the Media or the Public
    Attachment 5: Inspection Equipment
    Attachment 6: Information on the Plant Site Provided in Accordance 
    with Section 6
    Attachment 7: Arrangements for Site Tour
    Attachment 8: Access to the Plant Site in Accordance with Section 
    Attachment 9: Records Routinely Made Available to the Inspection 
    Team at the Plant Site
    Attachment 10: Sampling and Analysis for Verification Purposes
    Attachment 11: Administrative Arrangements
    Attachment 12: Agreed Procedures for Conducting Interviews
    Attachment 13: Agreed Procedures for Photography
    Attachment 1.--General Factors for the Conduct of Inspections
        Part A. To Be Provided and Updated by the inspected State Party:
        1. Plant site: ________
        (a) working hours: 7 ________ hrs to ________ hrs 
    (local time) (days)
        \7\ All references to time use a 24 hour clock.
    (b) working days:------------------------------------------------------
    (c) holidays or other non-working days:--------------------------------
        2. Schedule 2 plant(s):
        (a) working hours, if applicable: ________ hrs to ________ hrs 
    (b) working days:------------------------------------------------------
    (c) holidays or other non-working days:--------------------------------
        3. Inspection activities which could/could not 8 be 
    supported during non-working hours with notation of times and 
        \8\ Choose one option.
        4. Any other factors that could adversely affect the effective 
    conduct of inspections:
        (a) inspection requests:
        Should the plant site withhold consent to an inspection, the 
    inspected State Party shall take all appropriate action under its 
    law to obtain a search warrant from a United States magistrate 
    judge. Upon receipt of a warrant, the inspected State Party will 
    accede to the
    [[Page 73799]]
    Organization's request to conduct an inspection. Such inspection 
    will be carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of 
    the warrant.
        (b) other:
        5. Other: Notification procedures are contained in Annex 6.
        Part B. To Be Provided and Updated by the Organization:
    1. Inspection frequency:-----------------------------------------------
        2. Inspection intensity:
    (a) maximum estimated period of inspection (for planning purposes): 
        \9\ Any figure indicated is without prejudice to paragraph 29 of 
    Part VII of the Verification Annex.
    (b) approximate inspection team size:----------------------------------
    (c) estimated volume and weight of equipment to be brought on-site:----
    Attachment 2.--Health and Safety Requirements and Procedures
        Part A. Basic Principles:
        1. Applicable health and safety regulations of the Organization, 
    with agreed variations from strict implementation, if any:
        2. Health and safety regulations applicable at the plant site:
        (a) federal regulations:
        (b) state regulations:
        (c) local regulations:
        (d) plant site regulations:
        3. Health and safety requirements and regulations agreed between 
    the inspected State Party and the Organization:
        Part B. Detection and Monitoring:
        1. Applicable specific safety standards for workplace chemical 
    exposure limits and/or concentrations which should be observed 
    during the inspection, if any:
        2. Procedures, if any, for detection and monitoring in 
    accordance with the Organization's Health and Safety Policy, 
    including data to be collected by, or provided to, the inspection 
        Part C. Protection:
        1. Protective equipment to be provided by the Organization and 
    agreed procedures for equipment certification and use, if required:
        2. Protective equipment to be provided by the inspected State 
    Party, and agreed procedures, personnel training, and personnel 
    qualification tests and certification required; and agreed 
    procedures for use of the equipment:
        Part D. Medical Requirements:
        1. Applicable medical standards of the inspected State Party 
    and, in particular, the inspected plant site:
        2. Medical screening procedures for members of the inspection 
        3. Agreed medical assistance to be provided by the inspected 
    State Party:
        4. Emergency medical evacuation procedures:
        5. Agreed additional medical measures to be taken by the 
    inspection team:
        6. Procedures for emergency response to chemical casualties of 
    the inspection team:
        Part E. Modification of Inspection Activities:
        1. Modification of inspection activities due to health and 
    safety reasons, and agreed alternatives to accomplish the inspection 
    Attachment 3.--Specific Arrangements in Relation to the Protection of 
    Confidential Information at the Plant Site
        Part A. Inspected State Party's Procedures for Designating and 
    Classifying Documents Provided to the Inspection Team:
        See Annex 3 for the Organization's Policy on Confidentiality and 
    Annex 7 for the inspected State Party's Procedures for Information 
        Part B. Specific Procedures for Access by the Inspection Team to 
    Confidential Areas or Materials:
        Part C. Procedures in Relation to the Certification by the 
    Inspection Team of the Receipt of Any Documents Provided by the 
    Inspected Plant Site:
        Part D. Storage of Confidential Documents at the Inspected Plant 
        1. Procedures in relation to the storage of confidential 
    documents or use of a dual control container on-site, if applicable:
        Information under restrictions provided for in the 
    Confidentiality Annex and as such to be kept in the dual control 
    container under joint seal shall be available to the inspection team 
    leader and/or an inspector designated by him from the beginning of 
    the pre-inspection briefing until the end of the debriefing upon 
    completion of the inspection in accordance with Section 3. If copies 
    of information under dual control are permitted to be attached to 
    the preliminary factual findings by the inspected State Party, they 
    shall be made by the inspected State Party and retained under dual 
    control until the debriefing. Should the medium on which such 
    information is recorded become unusable, it shall be replaced 
    without delay by the representative of the inspected State Party.
      2. The dual control container will be placed-------------------------
        3. Information meeting the strict requirements for restriction 
    pursuant to the Confidentiality Annex, and to be maintained in the 
    dual control container located at the inspected plant site between 
    inspections is listed below:
                                                                                                      Reasons for
                Reference                Type of data       Recorded media          Volume           restrictions/
        Part E. Procedures for the Removal Off-Site of Any Written 
    Information, Data, and Other Materials Gathered by the Inspection 
        Part F. Procedures for Providing the Representatives of the 
    inspected State Party with Copies of Written Information, 
    Inspector's Notebooks, Data and Other Material Gathered by the 
    Inspection Team:
        Part G. Other Arrangements, If Any:
        1. Unless specified otherwise, all plant site information shall 
    be returned to the inspected State Party at the completion of the 
    inspection. No copies of plant site information shall be made in any 
    manner by the inspection team or the Organization.
        2. Plant site information shall not be released to the public, 
    other States Parties, or the media without the specific permission 
    of the inspected State Party, after consultation with the plant 
        3. Plant site information shall not be transmitted, copied or 
    retained electronically without the specific permission of the 
    inspected State Party after consultation with the plant site. All 
    transmissions of information off-site shall be done in the presence 
    of the inspected State Party.
        4. Information not relevant to the purpose of the inspection 
    will be purged from documents, photographs, etc. prior to release to 
    the inspection team.
    Attachment 4.--Arrangements for the Inspection Team's Contacts with the 
    Media or the Public
    Attachment 5.--Inspection Equipment
        Part A: List of Equipment:
    [[Page 73800]]
                                      Agreed procedures
                                           for use
                                    --------------------    Indication of                           Alternative for
      Item of approved inspection         Nature of       reason(s) (safety,   Special handling   meeting inspection
               equipment               restrictions(s)     confidentiality,       or storage      requirement(s), if
                                      (location, time,          etc.)            requirements     so required by the
                                     periods, etc.), if                                             inspection team
        Part B. Equipment which the inspected State Party Has 
    Volunteered to Provide:
                                                                    Support to be provided,    Conditions (timing,
              Item of equipment               Procedures for use          if required             costs, if any)
        Part C. Procedures for the Decontamination of Equipment:
          Item of equipment                    Procedures for use
        Part D. Means of Communication between Inspection Team Sub-
    Request for and Certification of Equipment Available on Site To Be 
    Provided in Accordance With Paragraph 3 of Section 5
    Plant Site:------------------------------------------------------------
    Inspection number:-----------------------------------------------------
    Name of the authorized member of the inspection team:------------------
    Type and number of item(s) of equipment requested:---------------------
    Approval of the request by inspected State Party:----------------------
    Comments on the request by the inspected State Party:------------------
    Indication of the costs, if any, for the use of the equipment 
    Certification of the authorized member of the inspection team that 
    the requested item(s) of equipment have been provided:
    Comments, if any, by the authorized member of the inspection team in 
    regard to the equipment provided:
    Name and signature of the authorized member of the inspection team:----
    Name and signature of the representative of the inspected State Party:-
    Attachment 6.--Information on the Plant Site Provided in Accordance 
    With Section 6
    Part A. Topics of Information for the Pre-Inspection Briefing:
        Part B. Any Information about the Plant Site that the inspected 
    State Party Volunteers to Provide to the Inspection Team during the 
    Pre-Inspection Briefing and which May Be Transferred Off-Site:
    Attachment 7.--Arrangements for Site Tour
        The inspected State Party, in consultation with the plant site, 
    may provide a site tour at the request of the inspection team. Such 
    tour shall take no more than 2 hours. If a site tour is conducted, 
    the inspected State Party may provide explanations to the inspection 
    team during the site tour.
    Attachment 8.--Access to the Plant Site in Accordance With Section 7.2
        Part A. Areas of the Declared Plant Site to which Inspectors Are 
    Granted Access (i.e., detail the areas, equipment, and computers):
        1. Declared Plant:10,11
        \10\ Plant means a relatively self-contained area, structure or 
    building containing one or more units with auxiliary and associated 
    infrastructure, such as:
        \11\ Areas to be inspected may include:
        (a) small administrative section;
        (b) storage/handling areas for feedstock and products;
        (c) effluent/waste handling/treatment area;
        (d) control/analytical laboratory;
        (e) first aid service/related medical section;
        (f) records associated with the movement into, around and from 
    the site, of declared chemicals and their feedstock or product 
    chemicals formed from them, as appropriate.
        (a) areas where feed chemicals (reactants) are delivered or 
        (b) areas where manipulative processes are performed upon the 
    reactants prior to addition to the reaction vessels;
        (c) feed lines as appropriate from the areas referred to in 
    subparagraph (a) or subparagraph (b) to the reaction vessels 
    together with any associated valves, flow meters, etc.;
        (d) the external aspect of the reaction vessels and ancillary 
        (e) lines from the reaction vessels leading to long-or short-
    term storage or to equipment further processing the declared 
    Schedule 2 chemicals;
        (f) control equipment associated with any of the items under 
    subparagraphs (a) to (e);
        (g) equipment and areas for waste and effluent handling;
        (h) equipment and areas for disposition of chemicals not up to 
        2. Declared Plant Site: 12
        \12\ Plant Site means the local integration of one or more 
    plants, with any intermediate administrative levels, which are under 
    one operational control, and includes common infrastructure, such 
        (a) administration and other offices;
        (b) repair and maintenance shops;
        (c) medical center;
        (d) utilities;
        (e) central analytical laboratory;
        (f) research and development laboratories;
        (g) central effluent and waste treatment area; and
        (h) warehouse storage.
        Part B. Arrangements with Regard to the Scope of the Inspection 
    Effort in Agreed Areas Referenced in Part A: 13
        \13\ List the areas, equipment, and computers, if any, that are 
    not relevant to the inspection mandate or that contain confidential 
    business information that does not need to be divulged in order to 
    comply with the inspection mandate.
    Attachment 9.--Records Routinely Made Available to the Inspection Team 
    at the Plant Site: 14
        \14\ Some illustrative examples of records and data to be 
    detailed are given below. The actual list will be dependent on the 
    specifics of the inspection site. Information about the format and 
    language in which records are kept at the plant site should be 
    mentioned. It is understood that confidential information not 
    related to the implementation of the Convention, such as prices, 
    will be excluded by the State Party from scrutiny.
        (a) inventory and accountancy records in relation to the 
    production, processing or consumption of the declared Schedule 2 
    chemicals and their storage or transportation on to or off the site;
        (b) operational records for the unit(s) producing, processing or 
    consuming Schedule 2 chemicals (units) (batch cards, log books);
        (c) Schedule 2 plant(s) dispatch records within the plant site 
    and off-site dispatches;
        (d) Schedule 2 plant(s) maintenance schedule records;
        (e) Schedule 2 plant(s) waste disposal records;
        (f) Schedule 2 plant(s) (unit) calibration records;
        (g) Schedule 2 plant(s) sales reports, as appropriate;
        (h) sales or transfers, whether to another industry, trader, or 
    other destination, and if possible, of final product types;
        (i) data on direct exports/imports and to/from which States;
        (j) other shipments, including specification of these other 
    purposes; and (k) other.
    Attachment 10.--Sampling and Analysis for Verification Purposes
    Part A. Agreed Sampling Points Chosen with Due Consideration to 
    Existing Sampling Points Used by the Plant(s) Operator(s):
    [[Page 73801]]
        Part B. Procedures for Taking Samples:
        Part C. Procedures for Sample Handling and Sample Splitting:
        Part D. Procedures for Sample Analysis:
        Part E. Procedures for Transporting Samples:
        Part F. Arrangements in Regard to the Payment of Costs 
    Associated with the Disposal or Removal by the inspected State Party 
    of Hazardous Waste Generated during Sampling and On-Site Analysis 
    during the Inspection:
    Attachment 11.--Administrative Arrangements
        Part A. The Amenities Detailed Below Shall Be Provided to the 
    Inspection Team by the inspected State Party, Subject to Payment as 
    Indicated in Part B Below:
    1. International and local official communication (telephone, fax), 
    including calls/faxes between site and headquarters:
    2. Vehicles:-----------------------------------------------------------
    3. Working room, including adequate space for the storage of 
    4. Lodging:------------------------------------------------------------
    5. Meals:--------------------------------------------------------------
    6. Medical care:-------------------------------------------------------
    7. Interpretation Services:
    (a) number of interpreters:--------------------------------------------
    (b) estimated interpretation time:-------------------------------------
    (c) languages:---------------------------------------------------------
    8. Other:
        Part B. Distribution of Costs for Provision of Amenities by the 
    inspected State Party (check one option for each amenity provided as 
                                                 To be paid by the       To be paid by the
                      To be paid directly by    inspection team on     inspected State Party
     Paragraphs 1-8   the Organization after       behalf of the         and subsequently        To be paid by the
    in Part A above       the inspection        Organization during      reimbursed by the     inspected State Party
                                               the in-country period       Organization
        Part C. Other Arrangements.
        1. Number of sub-teams (consisting of no less than two 
    inspectors per sub-team) to be accommodated: ____________
    Request for and Certification of Amenities to be Provided or Arranged
    Plant site:------------------------------------------------------------
    Inspection number:-----------------------------------------------------
    Category of amenities requested:---------------------------------------
    Description of amenities requested:------------------------------------
    Approval of the request by the inspected State Party:------------------
    Comments on the request by the inspected State Party:
    Indication of the costs for the amenities requested:-------------------
    Certification of the authorized member of the inspection team that 
    the requested amenities have been provided:
    Comments by the authorized member of the inspection team in regard 
    to the quality of the amenities provided:
    Name and signature of the authorized member of the inspection team:
    Name and signature of the representative of the inspected State 
    Attachment 12.--Agreed Procedures for Conducting Interviews
    Attachment 13.--Agreed Procedures for Photography
    Note: These annexes, inter alia, can be attached if requested by the 
    inspected State Party
    Annex 1: Organization's Media and Public Relations Policy
    Annex 2: Organization's Health and Safety Policy and Regulations
    Annex 3: Organization's Policy on Confidentiality
    Annex 4: Plant Site Declaration
    Annex 5: Preliminary and Final Inspection Report Formats
    Annex 6: Inspected State Party's Procedures for Inspection 
    Annex 7: Inspected State Party's Procedures for Information Control
    717.1  Clarification procedures; challenge inspection requests 
    pursuant to Article IX of the Convention.
    717.2  Challenge inspections.
    717.3  Samples.
    717.4  Report of inspection-related costs.
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq., 2681; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 
    Sec. 717.1  Clarification procedures; challenge inspection requests 
    pursuant to Article IX of the Convention.
        (a) Article IX of the Convention sets forth procedures for 
    clarification, between States Parties, of issues about compliance with 
    the Convention. If States Parties are unable to resolve such issues 
    through consultation between themselves or through the Organization for 
    the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a State Party may request 
    the OPCW to conduct an on-site challenge inspection of any facility or 
    location in the territory or in any other place under the jurisdiction 
    or control of any other State Party. Such an on-site challenge 
    inspection request shall be for the sole purpose of clarifying and 
    resolving any questions concerning possible non-compliance with the 
        (b) Any person or facility subject to the CWCR (parts 710 through 
    722 of this subchapter) must, within five working days, provide 
    information required by the Department of Commerce pursuant to an 
    Article IX clarification request from another State Party, or the OPCW, 
    concerning possible non-compliance with the reporting, declaration, 
    notification, or inspection requirements set forth in parts 712 through 
    716 of this subchapter.
    [[Page 73802]]
    Sec. 717.2  Challenge inspections.
        Any person or facility subject to the CWCR (see Sec. 710.2 of this 
    subchapter), whether or not required to submit declarations or reports, 
    may be subject to a challenge inspection by the OPCW concerning 
    possible non-compliance with the requirements of the Convention. The 
    Department of Commerce will host and escort the international 
    Inspection Team for all challenge inspections of persons or facilities 
    subject to the CWCR concerning possible non-compliance with the 
    requirements set forth in parts 712 through 716 of this subchapter.
        (a) Warrants. In instances where consent is not provided by the 
    owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge of the facility or 
    location, the Department of Commerce will assist the Department of 
    Justice in seeking a criminal warrant as provided by the Act. The 
    existence of a facility agreement does not in any way limit the right 
    of the operator of the facility to withhold consent to a challenge 
    inspection request.
        (b) Notification of challenge inspection. Challenge inspections may 
    be made only upon issuance of written notice by the United States 
    National Authority (USNA) to the owner and to the operator, occupant or 
    agent in charge of the premises. The Department of Commerce will 
    provide Host Team notification to the inspection point of contact if 
    such notification is deemed appropriate. If the United States is unable 
    to provide actual written notice to the owner, operator, or agent in 
    charge, the Department of Commerce, or if the Department of Commerce is 
    unable, another appropriate agency, may post notice prominently at the 
    plant, plant site or other facility or location to be inspected.
        (1) Timing. The OPCW will notify the USNA of a challenge inspection 
    not less than 12 hours before the planned arrival of the Inspection 
    Team at the U.S. point of entry. Written notice will be provided to the 
    owner and to the operator, occupant, or agent in charge of the premises 
    at any appropriate time determined by the USNA after receipt of 
    notification from the OPCW Technical Secretariat.
        (2)(i) Content of notice. The notice shall include all appropriate 
    information provided by the OPCW to the United States National 
    Authority concerning:
        (A) The type of inspection;
        (B) The basis for the selection of the facility or locations for 
    the type of inspection sought;
        (C) The time and date that the inspection will begin and the period 
    covered by the inspection;
        (D) The names and titles of the inspectors; and
        (E) All appropriate evidence or reasons provided by the requesting 
    State Party for seeking the inspection.
        (ii) In addition to appropriate information provided by the OPCW in 
    its notification to the USNA, the Department of Commerce's Host Team 
    notification to the facility or plant site will state whether an 
    advance team is available to assist the site in preparation for the 
    inspection. If an advance team is available, facilities that request 
    advance team assistance are not required to reimburse the U.S. 
    Government for costs associated with these activities.
        (c) Period of inspection. Challenge inspections will not exceed 84 
    hours, unless extended by agreement between the Inspection Team and the 
    Host Team Leader.
        (d) Scope and conduct of inspections. (1) General. Each inspection 
    shall be limited to the purposes described in this section and 
    conducted in the least intrusive manner, consistent with the effective 
    and timely accomplishment of its purpose as provided in the Convention.
        (2) Scope of inspections. If an owner, operator, occupant, or agent 
    in charge of a facility or location consents to a challenge inspection, 
    the inspection will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of 
    Article IX and applicable provisions of the Verification Annex of the 
    Convention. If consent is not granted, the inspection will be conducted 
    in accordance with a criminal warrant, as provided by the Act, and in 
    accordance with the provisions of Article IX and applicable provisions 
    of the Verification Annex of the Convention. A challenge inspection 
    will also be conducted in accordance with a facility agreement, if a 
    facility agreement has been concluded for the subject facility, to the 
    extent the terms of the facility agreement are relevant to the 
    challenge inspection request.
        (3) Hours of inspections. Consistent with the provisions of the 
    Convention, the Host Team will ensure, to the extent possible, that 
    each inspection is commenced, conducted, and concluded during ordinary 
    working hours, but no inspection shall be prohibited or otherwise 
    disrupted from commencing, continuing or concluding during other hours.
        (4) Health and safety regulations and requirements. In carrying out 
    their activities, the Inspection Team and Host Team shall observe 
    federal, state, and local health and safety regulations and health and 
    safety requirements established at the inspection site, including those 
    for the protection of controlled environments within a facility and for 
    personal safety.
    Sec. 717.3  Samples.
        The owner, operator, occupant or agent in charge of a facility or 
    location must provide a sample, as provided for in the Convention and 
    consistent with requirements set forth by the Director of the United 
    States National Authority in 22 CFR part 103.
    Sec. 717.4  Report of inspection-related costs.
        Pursuant to section 309(b)(5) of the Act, any facility that has 
    undergone any inspections pursuant to this subchapter during a given 
    calendar year must report to BXA within 90 days of an inspection on its 
    total costs related to that inspection. Although not required, such 
    reports should identify categories of costs separately if possible, 
    such as personnel costs (production-line, administrative, legal), costs 
    of producing records, and costs associated with shutting down chemical 
    production or processing during inspections, if applicable. This 
    information should be reported to BXA on company letterhead at the 
    address given in Sec. 716.6(d) of this subchapter, with the following 
        ``ATTN: Report of Inspection-related Costs.''
    718.1  Definition.
    718.2  Identification of confidential business information.
    718.3  Disclosure of confidential business information.
    Supplement No. 1 to Part 718--Confidential Business Information 
    Declared or Reported
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 718.1  Definition.
        The Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 (``the 
    Act'') defines confidential business information as information 
    included in categories specifically identified in sections 103(g)(1) 
    and 304(e)(2) of the Act and other trade secrets as follows:
        (a) Financial data;
        (b) Sales and marketing data (other than shipment data);
        (c) Pricing data;
        (d) Personnel data;
        (e) Research data;
        (f) Patent data;
        (g) Data maintained for compliance with environmental or 
    occupational health and safety regulations;
    [[Page 73803]]
        (h) Data on personnel and vehicles entering and personnel passenger 
    vehicles exiting the facility;
        (i) Any chemical structure;
        (j) Any plant design, process, technology or operating method;
        (k) Any operating requirement, input, or result that identifies any 
    type or quantity of chemicals used, processed or produced;
        (l) Any commercial sale, shipment or use of a chemical; or
        (m) Information that qualifies as a trade secret under 5 U.S.C. 
    552(b)(4) (Freedom of Information Act), provided such trade secret is 
    obtained from a U.S. person or through the U.S. Government.
    Sec. 718.2  Identification of confidential business information.
        (a) General. Certain confidential business information submitted to 
    BXA in declarations and reports does not need to be specifically 
    identified and marked by the submitter, as described in paragraph (b) 
    of this section. Other confidential business information submitted to 
    BXA in declarations and reports and confidential business information 
    provided to the Host Team during inspections must be identified by the 
    inspected facility so that the Host Team can arrange appropriate 
    marking and handling.
        (b) Confidential business information contained in declarations and 
    reports. (1) BXA has identified those data fields on the declaration 
    and report forms that request ``confidential business information'' as 
    defined by the Act. These data fields are identified in the table 
    provided in Supplement No. 1 to this part.
        (2) You must specifically identify in a cover letter submitted with 
    your declaration or report any additional information on a declaration 
    or report form (i.e., information not provided in one of the data 
    fields listed in the table included in Supplement No. 1 to this part), 
    including information provided in attachments to Form A or Form B, that 
    you believe is confidential business information, as defined by the 
    Act, and must describe how disclosure would likely result in 
    competitive harm.
        Note to paragraph (b): BXA has also determined that descriptions 
    of Schedule 1 facilities submitted with Initial Declarations as 
    attachments to Form A contain confidential business information, as 
    defined by the Act.
        (c) Confidential business information contained in notifications. 
    Information contained in advance notifications of exports and imports 
    of Schedule 1 chemicals is not subject to the confidential business 
    information provisions of the Act. You must identify information in 
    your notifications of Schedule 1 imports that you consider to be 
    privileged and confidential, and describe how disclosure would likely 
    result in competitive harm. See Sec. 718.3(b) for provisions on 
    disclosure to the public of such information by the U.S. Government.
        (d) Confidential business information related to inspections 
    disclosed to, reported to, or otherwise acquired by, the U.S. 
    Government. (1) During inspections, certain confidential business 
    information, as defined by the Act, may be disclosed to the Host Team. 
    Facilities being inspected are responsible for identifying confidential 
    business information to the Host Team, so that if it is disclosed to 
    the Inspection Team, appropriate marking and handling can be arranged, 
    in accordance with the provisions of the Convention (see 
    Sec. 718.3(c)(1)(ii)). Confidential business information not related to 
    the purpose of an inspection or not necessary for the accomplishment of 
    an inspection, as determined by the Host Team, may be removed from 
    sight, shrouded, or otherwise not disclosed.
        (2) Before or after inspections, confidential business information 
    related to an inspection that is contained in any documents or that is 
    reported to, or otherwise acquired by, the U.S. Government, such as 
    facility information for pre-inspection briefings, facility agreements, 
    and inspection reports, must be identified by the facility so that it 
    may be appropriately marked and handled. If the U.S. Government creates 
    derivative documents from such documents or reported information, they 
    will also be marked and handled as confidential business information.
    Sec. 718.3  Disclosure of confidential business information.
        (a) General. Confidentiality of information will be maintained by 
    BXA consistent with the non-disclosure provisions of the Act, the 
    Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 799), the 
    International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120 through 
    130), and applicable exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act, 
    as appropriate.
        (b) Disclosure of confidential business information contained in 
    notifications. Information contained in advance notifications of 
    exports and imports of Schedule 1 chemicals is not subject to the 
    confidential business information provisions of the Act. Disclosure of 
    such information will be in accordance with the provisions of the 
    relevant statutory and regulatory authorities as follows:
        (1) Exports of Schedule 1 chemicals. Confidentiality of all 
    information contained in these notifications will be maintained 
    consistent with the non-disclosure provisions of the Export 
    Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 799), the 
    International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR parts 120 through 
    130), and applicable exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act, 
    as appropriate; and
        (2) Imports of Schedule 1 chemicals. Confidentiality of information 
    contained in these notifications will be maintained pursuant to 
    applicable exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act.
        (c) Disclosure of confidential business information pursuant to 
    Sec. 404(b) of the Act. (1) Disclosure to the Organization for the 
    Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). (i) As provided by Section 
    404(b)(1) of the Act, the U.S. Government will disclose or otherwise 
    provide confidential business information to the Technical Secretariat 
    of the OPCW or to other States Parties to the Convention, in accordance 
    with provisions of the Convention, particularly with the provisions of 
    the Annex on the Protection of Confidential Information 
    (Confidentiality Annex).
        (ii) Convention provisions. (A) The Convention provides that States 
    Parties may designate information submitted to the Technical 
    Secretariat as confidential, and requires the OPCW to limit access to, 
    and prevent disclosure of, information so designated, except that the 
    OPCW may disclose certain confidential information submitted in 
    declarations to other States Parties if requested. The OPCW has 
    developed a classification system whereby States Parties may designate 
    the information they submit in their declarations as ``restricted,'' 
    ``protected,'' or ``highly protected,'' depending on the sensitivity of 
    the information. Other States Parties are obligated, under the 
    Convention, to store and restrict access to information which they 
    receive from the OPCW in accordance with the level of confidentiality 
    established for that information.
        (B) OPCW inspectors are prohibited, under the terms of their 
    employment contracts and pursuant to the Confidentiality Annex of the 
    Convention, from disclosing to any unauthorized persons, for five years 
    after termination of their employment, any confidential information 
    coming to their knowledge or into their possession in the performance 
    of their official duties.
        (iii) U.S. Government designation of information to the Technical 
    Secretariat. It is the policy of the U.S. Government to designate all 
    [[Page 73804]]
    information it provides to the Technical Secretariat in declarations, 
    reports and Schedule 1 notifications as ``protected.'' It is the policy 
    of the U.S. Government to designate confidential business information 
    that it discloses to Inspection Teams during inspections as 
    ``protected'' or ``highly protected,'' depending on the sensitivity of 
    the information. The Technical Secretariat is responsible for storing 
    and limiting access to any confidential business information contained 
    in a document according to its established procedures.
        (2) Disclosure to Congress. Section 404(b)(2) of the Act provides 
    that the U.S. Government must disclose confidential business 
    information to any committee or subcommittee of Congress with 
    appropriate jurisdiction upon the written request of the chairman or 
    ranking minority member of such committee or subcommittee. No such 
    committee or subcommittee, and no member and no staff member of such 
    committee or subcommittee, may disclose such information or material 
    except as otherwise required or authorized by law.
        (3) Disclosure to other Federal agencies for law enforcement 
    actions and disclosure in enforcement proceedings under the Act. 
    Section 404(b)(3) of the Act provides that the U.S. Government must 
    disclose confidential business information to other Federal agencies 
    for enforcement of the Act or any other law, and must disclose such 
    information when relevant in any proceeding under the Act. Disclosure 
    will be made in such manner as to preserve confidentiality to the 
    extent practicable without impairing the proceeding. Section 719.14(b) 
    of this subchapter provides that all hearings will be closed, unless 
    the Administrative Law Judge for good cause shown determines otherwise. 
    Section 719.20 of this subchapter provides that parties may request 
    that the administrative law judge segregate and restrict access to 
    confidential business information contained in material in the record 
    of an enforcement proceeding.
        (4) Disclosure to the public; national interest determination. 
    Section 404(c) of the Act provides that confidential business 
    information, as defined by the Act, that is in the possession of the 
    U.S. Government, is exempt from public disclosure in response to a 
    Freedom of Information Act request, except when such disclosure is 
    determined to be in the national interest.
        (i) National interest determination. The United States National 
    Authority (USNA), in coordination with the CWC interagency group, shall 
    determine on a case-by-case basis if disclosure of confidential 
    business information in response to a Freedom of Information Act 
    request is in the national interest.
        (ii) Notification of intent to disclose pursuant to a national 
    interest determination. The Act provides for notification to the 
    affected person of intent to disclose confidential business information 
    based on the national interest, unless such notification of intent to 
    disclose is contrary to national security or law enforcement needs. If, 
    after coordination with the agencies that constitute the CWC 
    interagency group, the USNA does not determine that such notification 
    of intent to disclose is contrary to national security or law 
    enforcement needs, the USNA will notify the person that submitted the 
    information and the person to whom the information pertains of the 
    intent to disclose the information.
        Supplement No. 1 to Part 718.--Confidential Business Information
                             Declared or Reported *
                                                      Fields containing
                                                    confidential business
    Schedule 1 Forms:
        Certification Form....................  None.
        Form 1-1..............................  None.
        Form 1-2..............................  All fields.
        Form 1-2A.............................  All fields.
        Form 1-2B.............................  All fields.
        Form 1-3..............................  All fields.
        Form 1-4..............................  All fields.
    Schedule 2 Forms:
        Certification Form....................  None.
        Form 2-1..............................  None.
        Form 2-2..............................  Questions 2-2.8.
        Form 2-3..............................  All fields.
        Form 2-3A.............................  All fields.
        Form 2-3B.............................  All fields.
        Form 2-3C.............................  All fields.
        Form 2-4..............................  All fields.
    Schedule 3 Forms:
        Certification Form....................  None.
        Form 3-1..............................  None.
        Form 3-2..............................  None.
        Form 3-3..............................  All fields.
        Form 3-4..............................  All fields.
    Unscheduled Discrete Organic Chemicals
        Certification Form....................  None.
        Form UDOC.............................  None.
    Forms A and B and attachments (all          Case-by-case; must be
     Schedules and UDOCs).                       identified by submitter.
    * This table lists those data fields on the Declaration and Report Forms
      that request ``confidential business information'' (CBI) as defined by
      the Act (sections 103(g) and 304(e)(2)). As provided by section 404(a)
      of the Act, CBI is exempt from disclosure in response to a Freedom of
      Information Act (FOIA) request under sections 552(b)(3) and 552(b)(4)
      (5 U.S.C.A. 552(b)(3)-(4)), unless a determination is made, pursuant
      to section 404(c) of the Act, that such disclosure is in the national
      interest. Other FOIA exemptions to disclosure may also apply. You must
      identify CBI provided in Form A and/or Form B attachments, and provide
      the reasons supporting your claim of confidentiality, except that
      Schedule 1 facility technical descriptions submitted with initial
      declarations are always considered to include CBI. If you believe that
      information you are submitting in a data field marked ``none'' in the
      Table is CBI, as defined by the Act, you must identify the specific
      information and provide the reasons supporting your claim of
      confidentiality in a cover letter.
    719.1  Scope and definitions.
    719.2  Violations of the Act subject to administrative and criminal 
    enforcement proceedings.
    719.3  Violations of the IEEPA subject to judicial enforcement 
    719.4  Violations and sanctions under the Act not subject to 
    proceedings under this subchapter.
    719.5  Initiation of administrative proceedings.
    719.6  Request for hearing and answer.
    719.7  Representation.
    719.8  Filing and service of papers other than the NOVA.
    719.9  Summary decision.
    719.10  Discovery.
    719.11  Subpoenas.
    719.12  Matters protected against disclosure.
    719.13  Prehearing conference.
    719.14  Hearings.
    719.15  Procedural stipulations.
    719.16  Extension of time.
    719.17  Post-hearing submissions.
    719.18  Decisions.
    719.19  Settlement.
    719.20  Record for decision.
    719.21  Payment of final assessment.
    719.22  Reporting a violation.
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.; 50 
    U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; E.O. 12938, 59 FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 
    950; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    [[Page 73805]]
    Sec. 719.1  Scope and definitions.
        (a) Scope. This part 719 describes the various sanctions that apply 
    to violations of the Act and this subchapter. It also establishes 
    detailed administrative procedures for certain violations of the Act. 
    The three categories of violations are as follows:
        (1) Violations of the Act subject to administrative and criminal 
    enforcement proceedings. This CWCR sets forth in Sec. 719.2 violations 
    for which the statutory basis is the Act. The Department of Commerce 
    investigates these violations and, for administrative proceedings, 
    prepares charges, provides legal representation to the U.S. Government, 
    negotiates settlements, and makes recommendations to officials of the 
    Department of State with respect to the initiation and resolution of 
    proceedings. The administrative procedures applicable to these 
    violations are found in Secs. 719.5 through 719.22 of this part. The 
    Department of State gives notice of initiation of administrative 
    proceedings and issues orders imposing penalties pursuant to 22 CFR 
    part 103, subpart C.
        (2) Violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act 
    (IEEPA) subject to judicial enforcement proceedings. Section 719.3 sets 
    forth violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention for which the 
    statutory basis is the IEEPA. The Department of Commerce refers these 
    violations to the Department of Justice for civil or criminal judicial 
        (3) Violations and sanctions under the Act not subject to 
    proceedings under this subchapter. Section 719.4 sets forth violations 
    and sanctions under the Act that are not violations of this subchapter 
    and that are not subject to proceedings under this subchapter. This 
    section is included solely for informational purposes. The Department 
    of Commerce may assist in investigations of these violations, but has 
    no authority to initiate any enforcement action under this subchapter.
        Note to paragraph (a): This part 719 does not apply to 
    violations of the export requirements imposed pursuant to the 
    Chemical Weapons Convention and set forth in the Export 
    Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR parts 730 through 799) and 
    in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR 
    parts 120 through 130).
        (b) Definitions. The following are definitions of terms as used 
    only in parts 719 and 720. For definitions of terms applicable to parts 
    710 through 722 of this subchapter, see part 710 of this subchapter.
        The Act. The Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 
    (22 U.S.C. 6701-6777).
        Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement. The Assistant Secretary 
    for Export Enforcement, Bureau of Export Administration, United States 
    Department of Commerce.
        Final decision. A decision or order assessing a civil penalty, or 
    otherwise disposing of or dismissing a case, which is not subject to 
    further administrative review, but which may be subject to collection 
    proceedings or judicial review in an appropriate Federal court as 
    authorized by law.
        IEEPA. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act, as amended 
    (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706).
        Office of Chief Counsel. The Office of Chief Counsel for Export 
    Administration, United States Department of Commerce.
        Report. For purposes of parts 719 and 720 of this subchapter, the 
    term ``report'' means any declaration, report, or notification required 
    under parts 712 through 715 of this subchapter.
        Respondent. Any person named as the subject of a letter of intent 
    to charge, or a Notice of Violation and Assessment (NOVA) and proposed 
        Under Secretary for Export Administration. The Under Secretary for 
    Export Administration, Bureau of Export Administration, United States 
    Department of Commerce.
    Sec. 719.2  Violations of the Act subject to administrative and 
    criminal enforcement proceedings.
        (a) Violations. (1) Refusal to permit entry or inspection. No 
    person may willfully fail or refuse to permit entry or inspection, or 
    disrupt, delay or otherwise impede an inspection, authorized by the 
        (2) Failure to establish or maintain records. No person may 
    willfully fail or refuse:
        (i) To establish or maintain any record required by the Act or this 
    subchapter; or
        (ii) To submit any report, notice, or other information to the 
    United States Government in accordance with the Act or this subchapter; 
        (iii) To permit access to or copying of any record that is exempt 
    from disclosure under the Act or this subchapter.
        (b) Civil penalties. (1) Civil penalty for refusal to permit entry 
    or inspection. Any person that is determined to have willfully failed 
    or refused to permit entry or inspection, or to have disrupted, delayed 
    or otherwise impeded an authorized inspection, as set forth in 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section, shall pay a civil penalty in an 
    amount not to exceed $25,000 for each violation. Each day the violation 
    continues constitutes a separate violation.
        (2) Civil penalty for failure to establish or maintain records. Any 
    person that is determined to have willfully failed or refused to 
    establish or maintain any record or submit any report, notice, or other 
    information required by the Act or this subchapter, or to permit access 
    to or copying of any record exempt from disclosure under the Act or 
    this subchapter as set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, shall 
    pay a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for each 
        (c) Criminal penalty. Any person that knowingly violates the Act by 
    willfully failing or refusing to permit entry or inspection authorized 
    by the Act; or by willfully disrupting, delaying or otherwise impeding 
    an inspection authorized by the Act; or by willfully failing or 
    refusing to establish or maintain any required record, or to submit any 
    required report, notice, or other information; or by willfully failing 
    or refusing to permit access to or copying of any record exempt from 
    disclosure under the Act or CWCR, shall, in addition to or in lieu of 
    any civil penalty that may be imposed, be fined under Title 18 of the 
    United States Code, be imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
        (d) Denial of export privileges. Any person in the United States or 
    any U.S. national may be subject to a denial of export privileges after 
    notice and opportunity for hearing pursuant to part 720 of this 
    subchapter if that person has been convicted under Title 18, section 
    229 of the United States Code.
    Sec. 719.3  Violations of the IEEPA subject to judicial enforcement 
        (a) Violations. (1) Import restrictions involving Schedule 1 
    chemicals. Except as otherwise provided in Sec. 712.1 of this 
    subchapter, no person may import any Schedule 1 chemical (See 
    Supplement No. 1 to part 712 of this subchapter) unless:
        (i) The import is from a State Party;
        (ii) The import is for research, medical, pharmaceutical, or 
    protective purposes;
        (iii) The import is in types and quantities strictly limited to 
    those that can be justified for such purposes; and
        (iv) The importing person has notified the Department of Commerce 
    45 calendar days prior to the import pursuant to Sec. 712.4 of this 
        (2) Import restrictions involving Schedule 2 chemicals. Except as 
    otherwise provided in Sec. 713.1 of this subchapter, no person may, on 
    or after April 29, 2000, import any Schedule 2 chemical (see Supplement 
    No. 1 to part
    [[Page 73806]]
    713 of this subchapter) from any destination other than a State Party.
        (b) Civil penalty. A civil penalty not to exceed $11,000 may be 
    imposed in accordance with this part on any person for each violation 
    of this section.1
        \1\ The maximum civil penalty allowed under the International 
    Emergency Economic Powers Act is $11,000 for any violation committed 
    on or after October 23, 1996 (15 CFR 6.4(a)(3)).
        (c) Criminal penalty. Whoever willfully violates paragraph (a)(1) 
    or (2) of this section shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than 
    $50,000, or, if a natural person, imprisoned for not more than ten 
    years, or both; and any officer, director, or agent of any corporation 
    who knowingly participates in such violation may be punished by like 
    fine, imprisonment, or both.2
        \2\ Alternatively, sanctions may be imposed under 18 U.S.C. 
    3571, a criminal code provision that establishes a maximum criminal 
    fine for a felony that is the greatest of: (1) the amount provided 
    by the statute that was violated; (2) an amount not more than 
    $250,000 for an individual, or not more than $500,000 for an 
    organization; or (3) an amount based on gain or loss from the 
    Sec. 719.4  Violations and sanctions under the Act not subject to 
    proceedings under this subchapter.
        (a) Criminal penalties for development or use of a chemical weapon. 
    Any person who violates 18 U.S.C. 229 shall be fined, or imprisoned for 
    any term of years, or both. Any person who violates 18 U.S.C. 299 and 
    by whose action the death of another person is the result shall be 
    punished by death or imprisoned for life.
        (b) Civil penalty for development or use of a chemical weapon. The 
    Attorney General may bring a civil action in the appropriate United 
    States district court against any person who violates 18 U.S.C. 229 
    and, upon proof of such violation by a preponderance of the evidence, 
    such person shall be subject to pay a civil penalty in an amount not to 
    exceed $100,000 for each such violation.
        (c) Criminal forfeiture. (1) Any person convicted under section 
    229A(a) of Title 18 of the United States Code shall forfeit to the 
    United States irrespective of any provision of State law:
        (i) Any property, real or personal, owned, possessed, or used by a 
    person involved in the offense;
        (ii) Any property constituting, or derived from, and proceeds the 
    person obtained, directly or indirectly, as the result of such 
    violation; and
        (iii) Any of the property used in any manner or part, to commit, or 
    to facilitate the commission of, such violation.
        (2) In lieu of a fine otherwise authorized by section 229A(a) of 
    Title 18 of the United States Code, a defendant who derived profits or 
    other proceeds from an offense may be fined not more than twice the 
    gross profits or other proceeds.
        (d) Injunction. (1) The United States may, in a civil action, 
    obtain an injunction against:
        (i) The conduct prohibited under section 229 or 229C of Title 18 of 
    the United States Code; or
        (ii) The preparation or solicitation to engage in conduct 
    prohibited under section 229 or 229D of Title 18 of the United States 
        (2) In addition, the United States may, in a civil action, restrain 
    any violation of section 306 or 405 of the Act, or compel the taking of 
    any action required by or under the Act or the Convention.
    Sec. 719.5  Initiation of administrative proceedings.
        (a) Request for Notice of Violation and Assessment (NOVA). The 
    Director of the Office of Export Enforcement, Bureau of Export 
    Administration, may request that the Secretary of State initiate an 
    administrative enforcement proceeding under this Sec. 719.5 and 22 CFR 
    103.7. If the request is in accordance with applicable law, the 
    Secretary of State will initiate an administrative enforcement 
    proceeding by issuing a NOVA. The Office of Chief Counsel shall serve 
    the NOVA as directed by the Secretary of State.
        (b) Letter of intent to charge. The Director of the Office of 
    Export Enforcement, Bureau of Export Administration, may notify a 
    respondent by letter of the intent to charge. This letter of intent to 
    charge will advise a respondent that the Department of Commerce has 
    conducted an investigation and intends to recommend that the Secretary 
    of State issue a NOVA. The letter of intent to charge will be 
    accompanied by a draft NOVA and proposed order, and will give the 
    respondent a specified period of time to contact BXA to discuss 
    settlement of the allegations set forth in the draft NOVA. An 
    administrative enforcement proceeding is not initiated by a letter of 
    intent to charge. If the respondent does not contact BXA within the 
    specified time, or if the respondent requests it, BXA will make its 
    request for initiation of an administrative enforcement proceeding to 
    the Secretary of State in accordance with paragraph (a) of this 
        (c) Content of NOVA. The NOVA shall constitute a formal complaint, 
    and will set forth the basis for the issuance of the proposed order. It 
    will set forth the alleged violation(s) and the essential facts with 
    respect to the alleged violation(s), reference the relevant statutory, 
    regulatory or other provisions, and state the amount of the civil 
    penalty to be assessed. The NOVA will inform the respondent of the 
    right to request a hearing pursuant to Sec. 719.6, inform the 
    respondent that failure to request such a hearing shall result in the 
    proposed order becoming final and unappealable on signature of the 
    Secretary of State, and provide payment instructions. A copy of the 
    regulations that govern the administrative proceedings will accompany 
    the NOVA.
        (d) Proposed order. A proposed order shall accompany every NOVA, 
    letter of intent to charge, and draft NOVA. It will briefly set forth 
    the substance of the alleged violation(s) and the statutory, regulatory 
    or other provisions violated. It will state the amount of the civil 
    penalty to be assessed.
        (e) Notice. Notice of the intent to charge or of the initiation of 
    formal proceedings shall be given to the respondent (or respondent's 
    agent for service of process, or attorney) by sending relevant 
    documents, via first class mail, facsimile, or by personal delivery.
    Sec. 719.6  Request for hearing and answer.
        (a) Time to answer. If the respondent wishes to contest the NOVA 
    and proposed order issued by the Secretary of State, the respondent 
    must request a hearing in writing within 15 days from the date of the 
    NOVA. If the respondent requests a hearing, the respondent must answer 
    the NOVA within 30 days from the date of the request for hearing. The 
    request for hearing and answer must be filed with the Administrative 
    Law Judge (ALJ), along with a copy of the NOVA and proposed order, and 
    served on the Office of Chief Counsel, and any other address(es) 
    specified in the NOVA, in accordance with Sec. 719.8.
        (b) Content of answer. The respondent's answer must be responsive 
    to the NOVA and proposed order, and must fully set forth the nature of 
    the respondent's defense(s). The answer must specifically admit or deny 
    each separate allegation in the NOVA; if the respondent is without 
    knowledge, the answer will so state and will operate as a denial. 
    Failure to deny or controvert a particular allegation will be deemed an 
    admission of that allegation. The answer must also set forth any 
    additional or new matter the respondent believes supports a defense or 
    claim of mitigation. Any defense or partial defense not specifically 
    set forth in the answer shall be deemed waived, and evidence thereon 
    may be refused, except for good cause shown.
    [[Page 73807]]
        (c) English required. The request for hearing, answer, and all 
    other papers and documentary evidence must be submitted in English.
        (d) Waiver. The failure of the respondent to file a request for a 
    hearing and an answer within the times provided constitutes a waiver of 
    the respondent's right to appear and contest the allegations set forth 
    in the NOVA and proposed order. If no hearing is requested and no 
    answer is provided, the proposed order will be signed and become final 
    and unappealable.
    Sec. 719.7  Representation.
        A respondent individual may appear and participate in person, a 
    corporation by a duly authorized officer or employee, and a partnership 
    by a partner. If a respondent is represented by counsel, counsel shall 
    be a member in good standing of the bar of any State, Commonwealth or 
    Territory of the United States, or of the District of Columbia, or be 
    licensed to practice law in the country in which counsel resides, if 
    not the United States. The U.S. Government will be represented by the 
    Office of Chief Counsel. A respondent personally, or through counsel or 
    other representative who has the power of attorney to represent the 
    respondent, shall file a notice of appearance with the ALJ, or, in 
    cases where settlement negotiations occur before any filing with the 
    ALJ, with the Office of Chief Counsel.
    Sec. 719.8  Filing and service of papers other than the NOVA.
        (a) Filing. All papers to be filed with the ALJ shall be addressed 
    to ``CWC Administrative Enforcement Proceedings'' at the address set 
    forth in the NOVA, or such other place as the ALJ may designate. Filing 
    by United States mail (first class postage prepaid), by express or 
    equivalent parcel delivery service, via facsimile, or by hand delivery, 
    is acceptable. Filing from a foreign country shall be by airmail or via 
    facsimile. A copy of each paper filed shall be simultaneously served on 
    all parties.
        (b) Service. Service shall be made by United States mail (first 
    class postage prepaid), by express or equivalent parcel delivery 
    service, via facsimile, or by hand delivery of one copy of each paper 
    to each party in the proceeding. The Department of State is a party to 
    cases under this subchapter, but will be represented by the Office of 
    Chief Counsel. Therefore, service on the government party in all 
    proceedings shall be addressed to Office of Chief Counsel for Export 
    Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
    Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room H-3839, Washington, D.C. 20230, or 
    faxed to (202) 482-0085. Service on a respondent shall be to the 
    address to which the NOVA and proposed order was sent, or to such other 
    address as the respondent may provide. When a party has appeared by 
    counsel or other representative, service on counsel or other 
    representative shall constitute service on that party.
        (c) Date. The date of filing or service is the day when the papers 
    are deposited in the mail or are delivered in person, by delivery 
    service, or by facsimile. Refusal by the person to be served, or by the 
    person's agent or attorney, of service of a document or other paper 
    will be considered effective service of the document or other paper as 
    of the date of such refusal.
        (d) Certificate of service. A certificate of service signed by the 
    party making service, stating the date and manner of service, shall 
    accompany every paper, other than the NOVA and proposed order, filed 
    and served on the parties.
        (e) Computation of time. In computing any period of time prescribed 
    or allowed by this part, the day of the act, event, or default from 
    which the designated period of time begins to run is not to be 
    included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included 
    unless it is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday (as defined in 
    Rule 6(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure), in which case the 
    period runs until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, 
    a Sunday, nor a legal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and 
    legal holidays are excluded from the computation when the period of 
    time prescribed or allowed is 7 days or less.
    Sec. 719.9  Summary decision.
        The ALJ may render a summary decision disposing of all or part of a 
    proceeding on the motion of any party to the proceeding, provided that 
    there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and the party is 
    entitled to summary decision as a matter of law.
    Sec. 719.10  Discovery.
        (a) General. The parties are encouraged to engage in voluntary 
    discovery regarding any matter, not privileged, which is relevant to 
    the subject matter of the pending proceeding. The provisions of the 
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure relating to discovery apply to the 
    extent consistent with this part and except as otherwise provided by 
    the ALJ or by waiver or agreement of the parties. The ALJ may make any 
    order which justice requires to protect a party or person from 
    annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense. These 
    orders may include limitations on the scope, method, time and place of 
    discovery, and provisions for protecting the confidentiality of 
    classified or otherwise sensitive information, including Confidential 
    Business Information (CBI) as defined by the Act.
        (b) Interrogatories and requests for admission or production of 
    documents. A party may serve on any party interrogatories, requests for 
    admission, or requests for production of documents for inspection and 
    copying, and a party concerned may apply to the ALJ for such 
    enforcement or protective order as that party deems warranted with 
    respect to such discovery. The service of a discovery request shall be 
    made at least 20 days before the scheduled date of the hearing unless 
    the ALJ specifies a shorter time period. Copies of interrogatories, 
    requests for admission and requests for production of documents and 
    responses thereto shall be served on all parties and a copy of the 
    certificate of service shall be filed with the ALJ. Matters of fact or 
    law of which admission is requested shall be deemed admitted unless, 
    within a period designated in the request (at least 10 days after 
    service, or within such additional time as the ALJ may allow), the 
    party to whom the request is directed serves upon the requesting party 
    a sworn statement either denying specifically the matters of which 
    admission is requested or setting forth in detail the reasons why the 
    party to whom the request is directed cannot truthfully either admit or 
    deny such matters.
        (c) Depositions. Upon application of a party and for good cause 
    shown, the ALJ may order the taking of the testimony of any person by 
    deposition and the production of specified documents or materials by 
    the person at the deposition. The application shall state the purpose 
    of the deposition and set forth the facts sought to be established 
    through the deposition.
        (d) Enforcement. The ALJ may order a party to answer designated 
    questions, to produce specified documents or things or to take any 
    other action in response to a proper discovery request. If a party does 
    not comply with such an order, the ALJ may make a determination or 
    enter any order in the proceeding as the ALJ deems reasonable and 
    appropriate. The ALJ may strike related charges or defenses in whole or 
    in part or may take particular facts relating to the discovery request 
    to which the party failed or refused to respond as being established 
    for purposes of the proceeding in
    [[Page 73808]]
    accordance with the contentions of the party seeking discovery. In 
    addition, enforcement by any district court of the United States in 
    which venue is proper may be sought as appropriate.
    Sec. 719.11  Subpoenas.
        (a) Issuance. Upon the application of any party, supported by a 
    satisfactory showing that there is substantial reason to believe that 
    the evidence would not otherwise be available, the ALJ may issue 
    subpoenas to any person requiring the attendance and testimony of 
    witnesses and the production of such books, records or other 
    documentary or physical evidence for the purpose of the hearing, as the 
    ALJ deems relevant and material to the proceedings, and reasonable in 
    scope. Witnesses shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid 
    to witnesses in the courts of the United States. In case of contempt, 
    challenge or refusal to obey a subpoena served upon any person pursuant 
    to this paragraph, any district court of the United States, in which 
    venue is proper, has jurisdiction to issue an order requiring any such 
    person to comply with such subpoena. Any failure to obey such order of 
    the court is punishable by the court as a contempt thereof.
        (b) Service. Subpoenas issued by the ALJ may be served by any of 
    the methods set forth in Sec. 719.8(b).
        (c) Timing. Applications for subpoenas must be submitted at least 
    10 days before the scheduled hearing or deposition, unless the ALJ 
    determines, for good cause shown, that extraordinary circumstances 
    warrant a shorter time.
    Sec. 719.12  Matters protected against disclosure.
        (a) Protective measures. The ALJ may limit discovery or 
    introduction of evidence or issue such protective or other orders as in 
    the ALJ's judgment may be needed to prevent undue disclosure of 
    classified or sensitive documents or information, including 
    Confidential Business Information as defined by the Act. Where the ALJ 
    determines that documents containing classified or sensitive matter 
    must be made available to a party in order to avoid prejudice, the ALJ 
    may direct the other party to prepare an unclassified and nonsensitive 
    summary or extract of the documents. The ALJ may compare the extract or 
    summary with the original to ensure that it is supported by the source 
    document and that it omits only so much as must remain undisclosed. The 
    summary or extract may be admitted as evidence in the record.
        (b) Arrangements for access. If the ALJ determines that the summary 
    procedure outlined in paragraph (a) of this section is unsatisfactory, 
    and that classified or otherwise sensitive matter must form part of the 
    record in order to avoid prejudice to a party, the ALJ may provide the 
    parties opportunity to make arrangements that permit a party or a 
    representative to have access to such matter without compromising 
    sensitive information. Such arrangements may include obtaining security 
    clearances or giving counsel for a party access to sensitive 
    information and documents subject to assurances against further 
    disclosure, including a protective order, if necessary.
    Sec. 719.13  Prehearing conference.
        (a) On the ALJ's own motion, or on request of a party, the ALJ may 
    direct the parties to participate in a prehearing conference, either in 
    person or by telephone, to consider:
        (1) Simplification of issues;
        (2) The necessity or desirability of amendments to pleadings;
        (3) Obtaining stipulations of fact and of documents to avoid 
    unnecessary proof; or (4) Such other matters as may expedite the 
    disposition of the proceedings.
        (b) The ALJ may order the conference proceedings to be recorded 
    electronically or taken by a reporter, transcribed and filed with the 
        (c) If a prehearing conference is impracticable, the ALJ may direct 
    the parties to correspond with the ALJ to achieve the purposes of such 
    a conference.
        (d) The ALJ will prepare a summary of any actions agreed on or 
    taken pursuant to this section. The summary will include any written 
    stipulations or agreements made by the parties.
    Sec. 719.14  Hearings.
        (a) Scheduling. Upon receipt of a written and dated request for a 
    hearing, the ALJ shall, by agreement with all the parties or upon 
    notice to all parties of at least 30 days, schedule a hearing. All 
    hearings will be held in Washington, D.C., unless the ALJ determines, 
    for good cause shown, that another location would better serve the 
    interest of justice.
        (b) Hearing procedure. Hearings will be conducted in a fair and 
    impartial manner by the ALJ. All hearings will be closed, unless the 
    ALJ for good cause shown determines otherwise. The rules of evidence 
    prevailing in courts of law do not apply, and all evidentiary material 
    deemed by the ALJ to be relevant and material to the proceeding and not 
    unduly repetitious will be received and given appropriate weight, 
    except that any evidence of settlement which would be excluded under 
    Rule 408 of the Federal Rules of Evidence is not admissible. Witnesses 
    will testify under oath or affirmation, and shall be subject to cross-
        (c) Testimony and record. (1) A verbatim record of the hearing and 
    of any other oral proceedings will be taken by reporter or by 
    electronic recording, and filed with the ALJ. If any party wishes to 
    obtain a written copy of the transcript, that party shall pay the costs 
    of transcription. The parties may share the costs if both wish a 
        (2) Upon such terms as the ALJ deems just, the ALJ may direct that 
    the testimony of any person be taken by deposition and may admit an 
    affidavit or declaration as evidence, provided that any affidavits or 
    declarations have been filed and served on the parties sufficiently in 
    advance of the hearing to permit a party to file and serve an objection 
    thereto on the grounds that it is necessary that the affiant or 
    declarant testify at the hearing and be subject to cross-examination.
        (d) Failure to appear. If a party fails to appear in person or by 
    counsel at a scheduled hearing, the hearing may nevertheless proceed. 
    The party's failure to appear will not affect the validity of the 
    hearing or any proceeding or action taken thereafter.
    Sec. 719.15  Procedural stipulations.
        Unless otherwise ordered and subject to Sec. 719.16, a written 
    stipulation agreed to by all parties and filed with the ALJ will modify 
    the procedures established by this part.
    Sec. 719.16  Extension of time.
        The parties may extend any applicable time limitation by 
    stipulation filed with the ALJ before the time limitation expires, or 
    the ALJ may, on the ALJ's own initiative or upon application by any 
    party, either before or after the expiration of any applicable time 
    limitation, extend the time, except that the requirement that a hearing 
    be demanded within 15 days, and the requirement that a final agency 
    decision be made within 30 days, may not be modified.
    Sec. 719.17  Post-hearing submissions.
        All parties shall have the opportunity to file post-hearing 
    submissions that may include findings of fact and conclusions of law, 
    supporting evidence and legal arguments, exceptions to the ALJ's 
    rulings or to the admissibility of evidence, and proposed orders and 
    Sec. 719.18  Decisions.
        (a) Initial decision. After considering the entire record in the 
    case, the ALJ
    [[Page 73809]]
    will issue an initial decision based on a preponderance of the 
    evidence. The decision will include findings of fact, conclusions of 
    law, and a decision based thereon as to whether the respondent has 
    violated the Act If the ALJ finds that the evidence of record is 
    insufficient to sustain a finding that a violation has occurred with 
    respect to one or more allegations, the ALJ shall order dismissal of 
    the allegation(s) in whole or in part, as appropriate. If the ALJ finds 
    that one or more violations have been committed, the ALJ shall issue an 
    order imposing administrative sanctions.
        (b) Factors considered in assessing penalties. In determining the 
    amount of a civil penalty, the ALJ shall take into account the nature, 
    circumstances, extent and gravity of the violation(s), and, with 
    respect to the respondent, the respondent's ability to pay the penalty, 
    the effect of a civil penalty on the respondent's ability to continue 
    to do business, the respondent's history of prior violations, the 
    respondent's degree of culpability, the existence of an internal 
    compliance program, and such other matters as justice may require.
        (c) Certification of initial decision. The ALJ shall immediately 
    certify the initial decision and order to the Executive Director of the 
    Office of Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street, N.W., 
    Room 5519, Washington, D.C. 20520, to the Office of Chief Counsel at 
    the address in Sec. 719.8, and to the respondent, by personal delivery 
    or overnight mail.
        (d) Review of initial decision. The initial decision shall become 
    the final agency decision and order unless, within 30 days, the 
    Secretary of State modifies or vacates it, with or without conditions, 
    in accordance with 22 CFR 103.8.
    Sec. 719.19  Settlement.
        (a) Settlements before issuance of a NOVA. When the parties have 
    agreed to a settlement of the case, the Director of the Office of 
    Export Enforcement will recommend the settlement to the Secretary of 
    State, forwarding a proposed settlement agreement and order, which, in 
    accordance with 22 CFR 103.9(a), the Secretary of State will sign if 
    the recommended settlement is in accordance with applicable law.
        (b) Settlements following issuance of a NOVA. The parties may enter 
    into settlement negotiations at any time during the time a case is 
    pending before the ALJ. If necessary, the parties may extend applicable 
    time limitations or otherwise request that the ALJ stay the proceedings 
    while settlement negotiations continue. When the parties have agreed to 
    a settlement of the case, the Office of Chief Counsel will recommend 
    the settlement to the Secretary of State, forwarding a proposed 
    settlement agreement and order, which, in accordance with 22 CFR 
    103.9(b), the Assistant Secretary will sign if the recommended 
    settlement is in accordance with applicable law.
        (c) Settlement scope. Any respondent who agrees to an order 
    imposing any administrative sanction does so solely for the purpose of 
    resolving the claims in the administrative enforcement proceeding 
    brought under this part. This reflects the fact that the government 
    officials involved have neither the authority nor the responsibility 
    for initiating, conducting, settling, or otherwise disposing of 
    criminal proceedings. That authority and responsibility are vested in 
    the Attorney General and the Department of Justice.
        (d) Finality. Cases that are settled may not be reopened or 
    Sec. 719.20  Record for decision.
        (a) The record. The transcript of hearings, exhibits, rulings, 
    orders, all papers and requests filed in the proceedings, and, for 
    purposes of any appeal under Sec. 719.18 or under 22 CFR 103.8, the 
    decision of the ALJ and such submissions as are provided for under 
    Sec. 719.18 or 22 CFR 103.8 will constitute the record and the 
    exclusive basis for decision. When a case is settled, the record will 
    consist of any and all of the foregoing, as well as the NOVA or draft 
    NOVA, settlement agreement, and order.
        (b) Restricted access. On the ALJ's own motion, or on the motion of 
    any party, the ALJ may direct that there be a restricted access portion 
    of the record for any material in the record to which public access is 
    restricted by law or by the terms of a protective order entered in the 
    proceedings. A party seeking to restrict access to any portion of the 
    record is responsible, prior to the close of the proceeding, for 
    submitting a version of the document(s) proposed for public 
    availability that reflects the requested deletion. The restricted 
    access portion of the record will be placed in a separate file and the 
    file will be clearly marked to avoid improper disclosure and to 
    identify it as a portion of the official record in the proceedings. The 
    ALJ may act at any time to permit material that becomes declassified or 
    unrestricted through passage of time to be transferred to the 
    unrestricted access portion of the record.
        (c) Availability of documents. (1) Scope. All NOVAs and draft 
    NOVAs, answers, settlement agreements, decisions and orders disposing 
    of a case will be made available for public inspection in the BXA 
    Freedom of Information Records Inspection Facility, U.S. Department of 
    Commerce, Room H-6624, 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., 
    Washington, D.C. 20230. The complete record for decision, as defined in 
    paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section will be made available on 
        (2) Timing. The record for decision will be available only after 
    the final administrative disposition of a case. Parties may seek to 
    restrict access to any portion of the record under paragraph (b) of 
    this section.
    Sec. 719.21  Payment of final assessment.
        (a) Time for payment. Full payment of the civil penalty must be 
    made within 30 days of the date upon which the final order becomes 
    effective, or within the time specified in the order. Payment shall be 
    made in the manner specified in the NOVA.
        (b) Enforcement of order. The government party may, through the 
    Attorney General, file suit in an appropriate district court if 
    necessary to enforce compliance with a final order issued under these 
    CWCR (this subchapter). This suit will include a claim for interest at 
    current prevailing rates from the date payment was due or ordered.
        (c) Offsets. The amount of any civil penalty imposed by a final 
    order may be deducted from any sum(s) owed by the United States to a 
    Sec. 719.22  Reporting a violation.
        If a person learns that a violation of the Convention, the Act, or 
    this subchapter has occurred or may occur, that person may notify: 
    Office of Export Enforcement, Bureau of Export Administration, U.S. 
    Department of Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 
    H-4520, Washington, D.C. 20230; Tel: (202) 482-1208; Facsimile: (202) 
    720.1  Denial of export privileges for convictions under 18 U.S.C. 
    720.2  Initiation of administrative action denying export 
    720.3  Final decision on administrative action denying export 
    720.4  Effect of denial.
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 720.1  Denial of export privileges for convictions under 18 U.S.C. 
        Any person in the United States or any U.S. national may be denied 
    export privileges after notice and opportunity for hearing if that 
    person has been
    [[Page 73810]]
    convicted under Title 18, Section 229 of the United States Code of 
        (a) Developing, producing, otherwise acquiring, transferring 
    directly or indirectly, receiving, stockpiling, retaining, owning, 
    possessing, or using, or threatening to use, a chemical weapon; or
        (b) Assisting or inducing, in any way, any person to violate 
    paragraph (a) of this section, or attempting or conspiring to violate 
    paragraph (a) of this section.
    Sec. 720.2  Initiation of administrative action denying export 
        (a) Notice. BXA will notify any person convicted of Section 229, 
    Title 18, United States Code, of BXA's intent to deny that person's 
    export privileges. The notification letter shall reference the person's 
    conviction, specify the number of years for which BXA intends to deny 
    export privileges, set forth the statutory and regulatory authority for 
    the action, state whether the denial order will be standard or non-
    standard pursuant to Supplement No. 1 to Part 764 of the Export 
    Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 799), and provide 
    that the person may request a hearing before the Administrative Law 
    Judge within 30 days from the date of the notification letter.
        (b) Waiver. The failure of the notified person to file a request 
    for a hearing within the time provided constitutes a waiver of the 
    person's right to contest the denial of export privileges that BXA 
    intends to impose.
        (c) Order of Assistant Secretary. If no hearing is requested, the 
    Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement will order that export 
    privileges be denied as indicated in the notification letter.
    Sec. 720.3  Final decision on administrative action denying export 
        (a) Hearing. Any hearing that is granted by the ALJ shall be 
    conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sec. 719.14 of 
    this subchapter.
        (b) Initial decision and order. After considering the entire record 
    in the proceeding, the ALJ will issue an initial decision and order, 
    based on a preponderance of the evidence. The ALJ may consider factors 
    such as the seriousness of the criminal offense that is the basis for 
    conviction, the nature and duration of the criminal sanctions imposed, 
    and whether the person has undertaken any corrective measures. The ALJ 
    may dismiss the proceeding if the evidence is insufficient to sustain a 
    denial of export privileges, or may issue an order imposing a denial of 
    export privileges for the length of time the ALJ deems appropriate. An 
    order denying export privileges may be standard or non-standard, as 
    provided in Supplement No. 1 to part 764 of the Export Administration 
    Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 799). The initial decision and 
    order will be served on each party, and will be published in the 
    Federal Register as the final decision of the Department of Commerce 30 
    days after service, unless an appeal is filed in accordance with 
    paragraph (c) of this section.
        (c) Grounds for appeal. (1) A party may, within 30 days of the 
    ALJ's initial decision and order, petition the Under Secretary for 
    Export Administration for review of the initial decision and order. A 
    petition for review must be filed with the Office of Under Secretary 
    for Export Administration, Department of Commerce, 14th Street and 
    Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230, and shall be served 
    on the Office of Chief Counsel for Export Administration or on the 
    respondent. Petitions for review may be filed only on one or more of 
    the following grounds:
        (i) That a necessary finding of fact is omitted, erroneous or 
    unsupported by substantial evidence of record;
        (ii) That a necessary legal conclusion or finding is contrary to 
        (iii) That prejudicial procedural error occurred; or
        (iv) That the decision or the extent of sanctions is arbitrary, 
    capricious or an abuse of discretion.
        (2) The appeal must specify the grounds on which the appeal is 
    based and the provisions of the order from which the appeal was taken.
        (d) Appeal procedure. The Under Secretary for Export Administration 
    normally will not hold hearings or entertain oral arguments on appeals. 
    A full written statement in support of the appeal must be filed with 
    the appeal and be simultaneously served on all parties, who shall have 
    30 days from service to file a reply. At his/her discretion, the Under 
    Secretary may accept new submissions, but will not ordinarily accept 
    those submissions filed more than 30 days after the filing of the reply 
    to the appellant's first submission.
        (e) Decisions. The Under Secretary's decision will be in writing 
    and will be accompanied by an order signed by the Under Secretary for 
    Export Administration giving effect to the decision. The order may 
    either dispose of the case by affirming, modifying or reversing the 
    order of the ALJ, or may refer the case back to the ALJ for further 
    proceedings. Any order that imposes a denial of export privileges will 
    be published in the Federal Register.
    Sec. 720.4  Effect of denial.
        Any person denied export privileges pursuant to this part shall be 
    considered a ``person denied export privileges'' for purposes of the 
    Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 799). The 
    name and address of the denied person will be published on the Denied 
    Persons List found in Supplement 2 to part 764 of the Export 
    Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 799).
    721.1  Inspection of records.
    721.2  Recordkeeping.
    721.3  Destruction or disposal of records.
        Authority: 22 U.S.C. 6701 et seq.; E.O. 13128, 64 FR 36703.
    Sec. 721.1  Inspection of records.
        Upon request by the Department of Commerce or any other agency of 
    competent jurisdiction, you must permit access to and copying of any 
    record relating to compliance with the requirements of this subchapter. 
    This requires that you make available the equipment and, if necessary, 
    knowledgeable personnel for locating, reading, and reproducing any 
    Sec. 721.2  Recordkeeping.
        (a) General. Each facility required to submit a declaration, report 
    or notification under parts 712 through 715 of this subchapter must 
    retain all supporting materials and documentation used by a unit, 
    plant, facility and plant site to prepare such declaration, report or 
    notification to determine production, processing, consumption, export 
    or import of chemicals.
        (b) Five year retention period. All supporting materials and 
    documentation required to be kept under paragraph (a) of this section 
    must be retained for five years from the due date of the applicable 
    declaration, report, or notification, or for five years from the date 
    of submission of the applicable declaration, report or notification, 
    whichever is later. Due dates for declarations, reports and 
    notifications are provided in parts 712 through 715 of this subchapter.
        (c) Location of records. If a facility is subject to inspection 
    under part 716 of this subchapter, records retained under this section 
    must be maintained at the facility or must be accessible electronically 
    at the facility for purposes of inspection of the facility by 
    Inspection Teams. If a facility is not subject to inspection under part 
    716 of this subchapter, records retained under
    [[Page 73811]]
    this section may be maintained either at the facility subject to a 
    declaration, report, or notification requirement, or at a remote 
    location, but all records must be accessible to any authorized agent, 
    official or employee of the U.S. Government under Sec. 721.1.
        (d) Reproduction of original records. (1) You may maintain 
    reproductions instead of the original records provided all of the 
    requirements of paragraph (b) of this section are met.
        (2) If you must maintain records under this part, you may use any 
    photostatic, miniature photographic, micrographic, automated archival 
    storage, or other process that completely, accurately, legibly and 
    durably reproduces the original records (whether on paper, microfilm, 
    or through electronic digital storage techniques). The process must 
    meet all of the following requirements, which are applicable to all 
        (i) The system must be capable of reproducing all records on paper.
        (ii) The system must record and be able to reproduce all marks, 
    information, and other characteristics of the original record, 
    including both obverse and reverse sides (unless blank) of paper 
    documents in legible form.
        (iii) When displayed on a viewer, monitor, or reproduced on paper, 
    the records must exhibit a high degree of legibility and readability. 
    For purposes of this section, legible and legibility mean the quality 
    of a letter or numeral that enable the observer to identify it 
    positively and quickly to the exclusion of all other letters or 
    numerals. Readable and readability mean the quality of a group of 
    letters or numerals being recognized as complete words or numbers.
        (iv) The system must preserve the initial image (including both 
    obverse and reverse sides, unless blank, of paper documents) and record 
    all changes, who made them and when they were made. This information 
    must be stored in such a manner that none of it may be altered once it 
    is initially recorded.
        (v) You must establish written procedures to identify the 
    individuals who are responsible for the operation, use and maintenance 
    of the system.
        (vi) You must keep a record of where, when, by whom, and on what 
    equipment the records and other information were entered into the 
        (3) Requirements applicable to a system based on digital images. 
    For systems based on the storage of digital images, the system must 
    provide accessibility to any digital image in the system. The system 
    must be able to locate and reproduce all records according to the same 
    criteria that would have been used to organize the records had they 
    been maintained in original form.
        (4) Requirements applicable to a system based on photographic 
    processes. For systems based on photographic, photostatic, or miniature 
    photographic processes, the records must be maintained according to an 
    index of all records in the system following the same criteria that 
    would have been used to organize the records had they been maintained 
    in original form.
    Sec. 721.3  Destruction or disposal of records.
        If the Department of Commerce or other authorized U.S. government 
    agency makes a formal or informal request for a certain record or 
    records, such record or records may not be destroyed or disposed of 
    without the written authorization of the requesting entity.
        Note: This part is reserved for interpretations of parts 710 
    through 721 and also for applicability of decisions by the 
    Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
        Dated: December 16, 1999.
    R. Roger Majak,
    Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.
    [FR Doc. 99-33149 Filed 12-30-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3510-33-P

Document Information

Export Administration Bureau
Entry Type:
Interim rule and request for comments.
Document Number:
73744-73811 (68 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 990611158-9311-02
0694-AB06: Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (105)
49 CFR 716.6)
15 CFR 719.2(a)(1)
15 CFR 713.3(a)(1)(iii)
49 CFR 714.2(a)(1)(iii)
49 CFR 713.3(a)(1)(iii)
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