99-3126. Civil Penalties for Fair Housing Act Violations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 27 (Wednesday, February 10, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 6744-6755]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-3126]
    [[Page 6743]]
    Part II
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    24 CFR Part 180
    Civil Penalties for Fair Housing Act Violations; Interim Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 27 / Wednesday, February 10, 1999 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 6744]]
    24 CFR Part 180
    [Docket No. FR-4302-I-02]
    RIN 2529-AA83
    Civil Penalties for Fair Housing Act Violations
    AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal 
    Opportunity, HUD.
    ACTION: Interim rule.
    SUMMARY: On December 18, 1997, HUD published for public comment a 
    proposed rule that would amend HUD's regulations governing hearing 
    procedures for civil rights matters to clarify that, in a given case, 
    an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) may, and in appropriate circumstances 
    should, assess more than one civil penalty against a given respondent, 
    where the respondent has committed separate and distinct acts of 
    discrimination. The rule also proposed to amend these regulations to 
    describe how ALJs are to consider housing-related hate acts under the 
    six factors ALJs apply in determining the amount of a civil penalty to 
    assess against a respondent found to have committed a discriminatory 
    housing practice. This interim rule makes effective the amendments in 
    the December 18, 1997 proposed rule, takes into consideration the 
    public comments received on the proposed rule, and solicits additional 
    public comments on the rule. All public comments will be taken into 
    consideration in the development of the final rule.
    DATES: Effective date: March 12, 1999. Comment due date: Comments on 
    the interim rule are due on or before: April 12, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit written comments 
    regarding this interim rule to the Rules Docket Clerk, Office of 
    General Counsel, Room 10276, Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410. Comments 
    should refer to the above docket number and title. A copy of each 
    comment submitted will be available for public inspection and copying 
    between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. weekdays at the above address. 
    Facsimile (FAX) comments will not be accepted.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stephen I. Shaw, Office of Litigation 
    and Fair Housing Enforcement, Room 10258, Department of Housing and 
    Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410; 
    telephone (202) 708-1042 (this is not a toll-free telephone number). 
    Hearing or speech-impaired persons may access this number via TTY by 
    calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-
    I. The December 18, 1997 Proposed Rule
        On December 18, 1997 (62 FR 66488), HUD published for public 
    comment a proposed rule that would interpret the Fair Housing Act (the 
    Act) to allow Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) to assess a separate 
    civil penalty for a series of acts involving housing discrimination. 
    Under the Act, housing discrimination violations carry maximum civil 
    penalties for first-, second-, and third-time offenders. A number of 
    ALJs have interpreted the Act's provisions narrowly and assessed a 
    single civil penalty against a violator, even where the violator 
    committed more than one separate and distinct act of discrimination.
        The December 18, 1997 proposed rule advised that it would amend 
    HUD's regulations at 24 CFR part 180 (Hearing Procedures for Civil 
    Rights Matters) to clarify that, in a given case, an ALJ may, and in 
    appropriate circumstances should, assess more than one civil penalty 
    against a given respondent, where the respondent has committed separate 
    and distinct acts of discrimination. The December 18, 1997 proposed 
    rule also advised it would amend part 180 to describe how ALJs are to 
    consider housing-related hate acts under the six factors ALJs apply in 
    determining the amount of a civil penalty to assess against a 
    respondent found to have committed a discriminatory housing practice.
        In addition to the substantive amendments described above, the 
    December 18, 1997 proposed rule advised of a clarifying change to 24 
    CFR part 180. Specifically, the December 18, 1997 rule proposed to move 
    the provisions governing the assessment of civil penalties found at 
    Sec. 180.670(b)(3)(iii)(A), (B), and (C) to a new Sec. 180.671. HUD 
    also proposed to make changes to certain of these provisions for 
    purposes of clarity.
        This interim rule is applicable to all fair housing cases filed 
    with HUD on or after the effective date of this rule. This rule, 
    however, does not state to what degree it applies to pending 
    administrative Fair Housing Act cases as of that date. HUD intends that 
    the rule apply to any cases it charges on or after the effective date 
    of the rule.
        The December 18, 1997 proposed rule provided additional information 
    on the amendments to 24 CFR part 180.
    II. Differences Between the December 18, 1997 Proposed Rule and 
    This Interim Rule
        This interim rule makes effective the amendments in the December 
    18, 1997 proposed rule and takes into consideration the public comments 
    received on the proposed rule. HUD is making two additional changes to 
    the proposed rule in response to public comment. First, HUD has 
    clarified the definition of ``separate and distinct housing practice'' 
    in Sec. 180.671(b) (see HUD's response to the comment entitled 
    ``Definition of `separate and distinct housing practice' is unclear'' 
    in section III of this preamble for additional information regarding 
    this change). HUD has also revised the definition of ``housing-related 
    hate act'' in Sec. 180.671(c)(2)(ii). This revision clarifies the 
    distinction between discriminatory housing practices that violate 
    section 818 of the Act but would not be housing-related hate acts, and 
    such hate acts (see HUD's response to the comment entitled ``Definition 
    of `housing-related hate act' is confusing'' in section III of this 
    preamble for additional details regarding this change).
        This rulemaking is part of President Clinton's ``Make 'Em Pay'' 
    initiative, which is designed to fight housing-related acts of hate 
    violence and intimidation with increased enforcement and monetary 
    penalties. In order to provide additional public participation in this 
    rulemaking, HUD is soliciting comments on this interim rule. All public 
    comments will be taken into consideration in the development of the 
    final rule.
    III. Discussion of Public Comments on the Proposed Rule
        The public comment period on the proposed rule closed on January 
    20, 1998. Six public comments were received by HUD. This section of the 
    preamble presents a summary of the significant issues raised by the 
    public commenters on the December 18, 1997 proposed rule, and HUD's 
    responses to these comments.
    A. The Public Comments, Generally
        Most of the commenters expressed reservations about HUD's proposed 
    amendments to 24 CFR part 180. Generally, the comments can be divided 
    into four broad categories: (1) Commenters that believe the proposed 
    rule was unclear and request additional guidance; (2) commenters that 
    [[Page 6745]]
    concern about the impact of the proposed regulations; (3) commenters 
    that question HUD's authority or justification for issuing the rule; 
    and (4) commenters that question whether HUD complied with the 
    necessary rulemaking requirements in issuing the proposed regulations.
    B. Commenters that Believe the Proposed Rule Was Unclear
        Comment: Definition of ``housing-related hate act'' is confusing. 
    One commenter wrote that the definition of ``housing-related hate act'' 
    in the proposed rule included most or all discriminatory practices 
    prohibited by the Act. According to the commenter, the proposed rule 
    marks a sharp break with HUD's traditional practices, because it is the 
    first time that HUD has characterized any such discrimination as 
    ``hate.'' The commenter wrote that the new interpretation would lead to 
    confusion in HUD's fair housing enforcement process. The commenter 
    described three possible areas of confusion:
        1. Definition may be applied too narrowly. First, the commenter 
    stated that the proposed definition may result in ALJs applying the 
    standard too narrowly:
        ALJs may mistakenly believe that the word ``hate'' in the 
    ``housing-related hate act'' standard requires that HUD must prove 
    that ``hate''--rather than fear, financial self-interest, amusement, 
    or any other factor--motivated a discriminatory housing act before 
    an ALJ can apply that standard.
        HUD Response. In response to the commenter's first point, the 
    language of the definition of ``housing-related hate act'' found in new 
    Sec. 180.671(c)(2)(ii) does not imply the necessity to prove a 
    motivational factor for such an act to fall within the definition. 
    Rather, the definition describes the objective characteristics of the 
    act that must be found for such an act to fall within the definition 
    (i.e., the act is characterized by a threat or the actual carrying out 
    of violence, intimidation, coercion, assault, bodily harm, and/or harm 
    to property). Accordingly, HUD does not believe an ALJ applying this 
    definition would be confused into thinking that the definition's 
    inclusion of the term ``hate'' requires proof of a respondent's 
    internal motivation before the ALJ could find that the respondent has 
    committed a housing-related hate act. Therefore, HUD did not revise the 
    proposed rule as a result of this comment.
        2. Definition may be applied too broadly. The commenter also wrote 
    that, although the use of ``hate'' in the proposed definition could 
    narrow its application, the lack of clarity in the definition may 
    result in ALJs applying the standard too broadly:
    [The proposed] definition of ``housing-related hate act'' includes 
    discriminatory housing practices that also involve ``threat[s],'' 
    ``intimidation,'' and ``coercion,'' among other characteristics. 
    However, those terms describe most, if not all, discriminatory 
    housing practices. Absent any further clarification, an ALJ could 
    determine that most or all discriminatory housing practices are 
    ``housing-related hate acts'' favoring the imposition of maximum 
        HUD Response. The commenter's second concern indicates that the 
    commenter believes that HUD's proposed definition of housing-related 
    hate act covers all forms of housing discrimination anywhere in the 
    Act. The definition of housing-related hate act does not include all 
    discriminatory housing practices. For example, racial steering (i.e., 
    discouraging a person from renting or buying a dwelling in a particular 
    area, or encouraging a person to rent or buy in a particular area, or 
    assigning a person to housing in a particular area, on account of that 
    person's race, see 24 CFR 100.70(c)), would ordinarily not include a 
    threat of, or actual ``violence, intimidation, assault, bodily harm, 
    and/or harm to property.'' (See 24 CFR 180.671(c)(2)(ii).) As another 
    example, a difference in the terms and conditions of rental, such as 
    charging a tenant of a particular ethnic, national, racial or religious 
    background more rent than other tenants, would not include the elements 
    that HUD has identified as necessary to constitute a housing-related 
    hate act.
        The commenter may have meant that HUD's proposed definition of 
    housing-related hate act covers ``most, if not all'' of the conduct 
    prohibited by section 818 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3617). That provision 
    makes it illegal for anyone to coerce, intimidate, threaten or 
    interfere with any person in the exercise or enjoyment of his or her 
    fair housing rights, or on account of having aided another person in 
    the exercise and enjoyment of his or her fair housing rights. Assuming 
    that this is what the commenter meant, it seems to follow that the 
    substance of the comment is that it is unnecessary for HUD to define 
    housing-related hate act as being something apart from section 818 
    itself. In proposing and adopting this definition, HUD intends that the 
    definition focus on (actual or threatened) violence, assault, bodily 
    harm and property damage, as well as intimidation and coercion that 
    contains those violent elements, so that the definition refers to the 
    more heinous and violent acts among all the acts which violate section 
    818. HUD does not intend that the proposed definition of housing-
    related hate act include non-violent discriminatory acts which violate 
    section 818.
        HUD believes that there are clear distinctions between 
    discriminatory housing practices that violate section 818 but would not 
    be housing-related hate acts. In order to clarify this distinction, HUD 
    has revised the definition of housing-related hate act in new 
    Sec. 180.671(c)(ii) to read as follows:
        For purposes of this section [Sec. 180.671], the term ``housing-
    related hate act'' means any act that constitutes a discriminatory 
    housing practice under section 818 of the Fair Housing Act and which 
    constitutes or is accompanied by actual violence, assault, bodily 
    harm, and/or harm to property; intimidation or coercion that has 
    such elements; or the threat or commission of any action intended to 
    assist or be a part of any such act.
        The following examples demonstrate conduct which violates section 
    818, but which would not be within the meaning of the revised 
    definition. One example of such conduct would be where the owner or 
    manager of an apartment complex fired an employee because he or she 
    rented apartments to African-American and Mexican-American applicants, 
    contrary to the instructions of the owner or manager to discriminate 
    against such applicants (See Smith v. Stechel, 510 F.2d 1162, 1164 (9th 
    Cir. 1975)).
        Another example of a discriminatory housing practice that violates 
    section 818 but which HUD does not intend to include in the revised 
    definition of housing-related hate act involves a local jurisdiction 
    using a threat of criminal prosecution to deprive members of protected 
    classes of their housing rights. In People Helpers v. City of Richmond 
    789 F.Supp. 725 (E.D. Va. 1992), plaintiff was a non-profit 
    organization whose mission was to provide affordable housing for 
    individuals with mental and physical handicaps. It purchased a building 
    in Richmond, VA for the purpose of providing housing to such 
    individuals. The City undertook a variety of investigations of the 
    plaintiff's operations and the conditions in the building. Plaintiff 
    sued, claiming the City's investigations were motivated by animus 
    against plaintiff's disabled clients and interfered with the enjoyment 
    of its fair housing rights. The court ruled that plaintiff's claims 
    stated a viable cause of action, and it was entitled to try to prove 
    that the City's investigations interfered with the organization's fair 
    housing rights in violation of section 818. Because the
    [[Page 6746]]
    City's actions were non-violent, they would not be housing-related hate 
        Further, retaliating against a person because he or she has made a 
    fair housing complaint or otherwise assisted or participated in a 
    proceeding under the Act would violate section 818 (24 CFR 100.400). 
    This type of retaliation, such as raising a tenant's rent because the 
    tenant had engaged in a protected activity, would not amount to a 
    housing-related hate act as HUD has defined that term in this interim 
        In addition, some types of harassment directed to preventing the 
    enjoyment of fair housing rights can also constitute a section 818 
    violation without constituting a housing-related hate act as HUD has 
    defined it. One example is found in HUD v. Williams (2A Fair Housing--
    Fair Lending para. 25,007 at 25,118-19 (HUD ALJ March 22, 1991)), in 
    which a landlord's 6:00 a.m. telephone call to a tenant with HIV 
    inquiring about the tenant's condition was found to violate section 
    818. Because this activity did not involve a threat of physical 
    violence to the tenant or his property, this act was found not to 
    constitute a housing-related hate act.
        On the other hand, although hate acts, as defined, involve violence 
    or a threat of violence, that does not mean that a respondent must have 
    been convicted of a hate crime before an ALJ may find that respondent 
    has committed a housing-related hate act. See, e.g., HUD v. Simpson, 2A 
    Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,082 (HUD ALJ Sept. 9, 1994) 
    (neighbors found liable in HUD fair housing case for engaging in 
    various forms of harassment and threat against neighbors of South 
    American origin, violating Section 818 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. 3617).
        3. Definition may lead to inquiries about motivation. Finally, the 
    commenter wrote that the proposed standard may shift the focus of 
    enforcement proceedings to the motivation of the respondent:
        [A] mistaken focus on ``hate'' [in the proposed standard] may 
    prompt ALJs to allow unwarranted inquiries into motivation during 
    enforcement proceedings. Thus, hearings that should properly focus 
    on discrimination--regardless of any underlying motivation for that 
    discrimination--could instead focus on why the respondent 
        HUD Response. As HUD noted above, the definition in 
    Sec. 180.670(c)(2)(ii) is based on objective criteria that do not 
    require an inquiry into motivation. An ALJ, however, properly may 
    inquire into motivation in considering whether to assess a civil 
    penalty, and, if so, how much. For instance, an ALJ may consider 
    motivation under the factors of degree of culpability and nature and 
    circumstances of the violation (see, e.g., HUD v. Gutleben, 2A Fair 
    Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,103 (HUD ALJ Aug. 15, 1994) (ALJ 
    expressly considered one respondent's degree of racial animus in 
    assessing the maximum civil penalty against him, while giving credit to 
    another respondent's minimal culpability in declining to assess any 
    civil penalty against her)).
        Comment: Recommended substitute language for proposed 
    Sec. 180.671(c)(2). One commenter recommended substitute language for 
    proposed Sec. 180.671(c)(2), which defines ``housing-related hate 
    act.'' According to the commenter, the suggested language tracks the 
    relevant portion of federal criminal civil rights legislation 
    introduced by Senators Kennedy and Specter (S. 1529) and Congressmen 
    Schumer and McCollum (H.R. 3081), which President Clinton and the 
    Department of Justice have endorsed. The commenter believes that the 
    substitute language sets clear evidentiary criteria for when an ALJ 
    should maximize a civil penalty. The commenter also recommended the 
    substitute language because an ALJ will be able to apply the revised 
    standard only when particularly violent discriminatory housing 
    practices occur. The substitute provision would read:
        Where the ALJ finds any respondent to have committed a 
    discriminatory housing practice under section 818 of the Fair 
    Housing Act that resulted in death or bodily injury to any person, 
    or involved an attempt, through the use of fire, a firearm, or an 
    explosive device to cause death or bodily injury to any person, the 
    ALJ shall take this fact into account when considering the factors 
    listed in paragraphs (c)(iii), (iv), (v), and (vi) of this section.
        HUD Response. For the reasons discussed above, HUD does not agree 
    that the definition of ``housing-related hate act'' in 
    180.670(c)(2)(ii) (as revised) is too narrow, too broad, or will lead 
    to improper inquiries regarding motivation. Rather, the nature of the 
    act involved in committing the discriminatory housing practice is the 
    determining factor as to whether the discriminatory housing practice is 
    a housing-related hate act. Furthermore, the commenter's proposed 
    definition is under-inclusive. For example, a cross burning on a 
    minority family's front lawn, bricks thrown through the windows of a 
    minority family's house, and hate graffiti threatening violence sprayed 
    on a minority family's house all would fall outside the commenter's 
    proposed definition, because they neither attempt nor result in ``death 
    or bodily injury.'' HUD believes that each of those acts is properly 
    included within the definition of housing-related hate act in this 
    interim rule.
        Comment: HUD should provide additional guidance on the six factors 
    ALJs must consider in determining the civil penalty amount. Proposed 
    Sec. 180.671(c) described the six factors that an ALJ must consider in 
    determining the civil penalty amount for each separate and distinct 
    discriminatory housing practice. Two commenters recommended that HUD 
    revise the proposed rule to provide additional guidance on the six 
    factors. One of the commenters saw two related benefits arising from 
    the provision of the additional guidance:
        Providing this additional clarification to the six factors will 
    allow the ALJ to impose the maximum civil penalties when they are 
    needed, but will not penalize, with unnecessary severity, 
    respondents who, for example, acted unintentionally or without 
    malice. The additional guidance will also help to ensure greater 
    consistency among ALJs in assessing appropriate penalties.
        HUD Response. The six factors were first included as an instruction 
    to ALJs in the House Report on the Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988 
    (H. Rep. 100-711, 100th Cong., 2nd Sess. 37 (1988), 1988 U.S. Code 
    Cong. & Admin. News 2198). The ALJs have applied the six factors 
    consistently in their decisions (see, e.g., HUD v. Kormoczy, 2A Fair 
    Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,071 at 25,664 (HUD ALJ May 16, 1994) 
    (listing the six factors and specifically applying the degree of 
    culpability to lower the civil penalty assessed); HUD v. Pheasant Ridge 
    Associates, Ltd., 2A Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,123 at 26,052 
    (HUD ALJ Oct. 25, 1996) (focusing on degree of culpability and 
    financial resources factors to raise the civil penalty assessed); HUD 
    v. Simpson, 2A Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,082 at 25,764 (HUD 
    ALJ Sept. 9, 1994) (focusing on previous violations, nature and 
    circumstances of the violation, the goal of deterrence, and 
    respondent's financial circumstances factors to raise the civil penalty 
    assessed); HUD v. Murphy, 2A Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,002 at 
    25,058 (July 13, 1990) (applying all the factors to reduce the civil 
    penalty assessed). In other words, HUD is codifying the legislative 
    history and case law relating to the six factors. HUD, therefore, finds 
    it unnecessary to clarify their application further through a 
        Comment: HUD should expand the list of factors to be considered by 
    an ALJ in determining the civil penalty amount. One commenter 
    recommended that HUD add five additional factors to the
    [[Page 6747]]
    list in proposed Sec. 180.671(c). Specifically, the commenter suggested 
    that the ALJ should also be required to consider whether the respondent 
        (1) Admitted guilt without the need for a hearing;
        (2) Already made, or begun, restitution to the victims;
        (3) Unintentionally or unknowingly committed the violation;
        (4) Previously attended or agreed to adopt additional training or 
    education; or
        (5) Tried to mitigate the damage caused or undertaken corrective 
    action prior to being charged with the violation.
        The commenter also suggested that the first factor listed in 
    proposed Sec. 180.671(c) (``whether the respondent has previously been 
    adjudged to have committed unlawful housing discrimination''), be 
    revised to clearly distinguish between adjudication and consent 
    agreements (where liability has been denied), as an encouragement to 
    the latter.
        HUD Response. As stated above, the six factors derive from the 
    legislative history and have been consistently cited and utilized in 
    case law. Two of the factors (``nature and circumstances of the 
    violation'' and ``other matters as justice may require'') give ALJs 
    particularly broad discretion to weigh any matters that appropriately 
    might affect the amount of any civil penalty to be assessed. Further, 
    in cases where a respondent unknowingly committed a violation or made 
    restitution without the need for a hearing, ALJs have taken these facts 
    into account to lower the amount of civil money penalty assessed (see, 
    e.g., HUD v. Wagner, 2A Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,032 at 
    25,339 (HUD ALJ June 22, 1992) (one respondent acknowledged her error 
    in refusing to rent to families with children and, because of that 
    admission, was assessed a lower civil penalty than the other 
    respondents under the need for deterrence factor); HUD v. Murphy, 2A 
    Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,002 at 25,058-59 (July 13, 1990) 
    (civil penalty reduced in familial status discrimination case where 
    respondents were ill-informed of the law and, albeit erroneously, 
    believed that they were correctly applying an exemption for housing for 
    older persons); HUD v. Gutleben, 2A Fair Housing Fair Lending para. 
    25,078 at 25,731 (HUD ALJ Aug. 15, 1994) (ALJ did not assess civil 
    penalty against one respondent where she immediately curtailed her 
    wrongful acts by rescinding an eviction notice the day after she issued 
        Indeed, it would not be possible to list in a rule all the possible 
    mitigating factors that might appropriately affect the assessment of a 
    civil penalty. Since the six factors established by the Congress and 
    which the ALJs consistently apply already allow for adjustments in the 
    assessment of civil penalties based on the individual circumstances of 
    the case, and since ALJs do in fact rely on those factors to make such 
    adjustments, HUD declines to adopt the commenter's suggestion to add 
    more factors.
        In response to the commenter's second suggestion, the first factor 
    refers to whether a respondent has been ``adjudged'' to have previously 
    committed a discriminatory housing act. A consent agreement in which 
    liability has been denied is not a judgment of liability, but rather a 
    settlement enforceable by court order. Therefore, there is no 
    possibility of confusion and no need to ``clearly distinguish'' between 
    a respondent who has been ``adjudged'' in violation of the Act and one 
    who signs a consent agreement denying liability. Therefore, HUD 
    declines to modify the first factor as suggested.
        Comment: Definition of ``separate and distinct discriminatory 
    housing practice'' is unclear. Two commenters wrote that the definition 
    of ``separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice'' in the 
    proposed rule was unclear. One commenter stated that given the 
    ``[v]ague definition * * * each ALJ would be left to make such 
    determinations with little guidance.'' The other commenter did not 
    believe that the definition could be clarified: ``[I]t is impossible to 
    draft a definition which clearly identifies the standards for defining 
    a single discriminatory practice.''
        HUD Response. HUD agrees that the definition needs to be clarified. 
    Accordingly, HUD has revised Sec. 180.671(b) to express HUD's intention 
    more clearly. The revised definition reads as follows:
        Definition of separate and distinct discriminatory housing 
    practice. A separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice is 
    a single, continuous uninterrupted transaction or occurrence that 
    violates section 804, 805, 806 or 818 of the Fair Housing Act. Even 
    if such a transaction or occurrence violates more than one provision 
    of the Fair Housing Act, violates a provision more than once, or 
    violates the fair housing rights of more than one person, it 
    constitutes only one separate and distinct discriminatory housing 
        The following illustrative examples are designed to help the public 
    and ALJs distinguish between cases involving only one single 
    discriminatory housing practice and cases involving multiple such 
    practices that are potentially subject to the assessment of multiple 
    civil penalties.
        Example 1: An African-American family of four visits a white 
    landlord in order to rent an apartment from him. The landlord states 
    that she does not rent to African-Americans.
        The entire transaction occurred at a single time and constitutes a 
    single, continuous transaction, even though it affected more than one 
    person and violated two sections of the Act, namely 42 U.S.C. 3604(a) 
    and (c) (refusal to rent due to race and a statement indicating 
    discrimination based on race). Under the definition, the conduct 
    constituted a single separate and distinct fair housing practice, and 
    an ALJ could assess a maximum of a single civil penalty only.
        Example 2: A man with a mental disability seeks to rent an 
    apartment. Although the landlord has units available, he refuses to 
    rent to this man because of the mental disability. A few weeks later, 
    the man's sister, who also has a mental disability, applies to rent an 
    apartment at the same development. Again, the landlord has a unit 
    available, but he refuses to rent to her because of her mental 
    disability. The brother and sister together file a single fair housing 
        By refusing to rent to either sibling on account of disability, the 
    landlord violated 42 U.S.C. 3604(f)(1)(A). In this case, each attempt 
    to rent was a single, continuous, uninterrupted transaction, separate 
    and distinct from the other. Therefore, the landlord's conduct 
    constituted two separate and distinct discriminatory housing practices. 
    If otherwise appropriate, an ALJ could assess two separate civil 
    penalties against the respondent.
        Example 3: A Latino family moves into a neighborhood where no 
    Latinos had lived before. A next-door neighbor begins organizing other 
    neighbors into a campaign to force the Latino family out of the 
    neighborhood. At one point, the neighbors, including the next-door 
    neighbor, throw rocks through the Latino family's window. A few weeks 
    later, a member of the Latino family steps outside to get her mail, at 
    the same time the next-door neighbor is raking her garden. The next-
    door neighbor walks over to the Latino woman, and, with her rake in 
    both hands, holds it near the Latino woman's face in a threatening 
    manner, and says ``if you want to live to an old age, you'd better move 
    out now.'' A few more weeks pass, and, one evening, the same group of 
    neighbors that threw the rocks burns a cross on the Latino family's 
    front lawn.
        In this example, there are three acts that violate 42 U.S.C. 3617 
    that are not
    [[Page 6748]]
    continuous, because they are interrupted by the passage of time. The 
    entire group of neighbors committed two separate and distinct acts, and 
    the hostile neighbor committed three such acts. Therefore, they are 
    multiple acts and an ALJ, if otherwise appropriate, could assess a 
    separate civil penalty for each act.
        Example 4: An African-American applies for a unit in a public 
    housing authority's public housing system. Although there is an 
    available unit of the appropriate bedroom size in a desirable section 
    of the public housing system, the authority, because of the applicant's 
    race, falsely states that no such unit is available and steers the 
    applicant to a vacancy in a less desirable section, where crime, 
    abandoned buildings and drug activity are rampant. The applicant 
    accepts the unit but places her name on a list of tenants interested in 
    transferring to the more desirable section, where there are fewer 
    abandoned buildings, the crime rate is much lower, and ``open-air'' 
    drug activity is nonexistent. After a few months, her name comes to the 
    top of the transfer list. She learns through friends that a unit is 
    available in the more desirable section. However, the management, again 
    because of her race, falsely tells her that no such unit is available 
    and denies her transfer.
        In this example, the public housing authority violated 42 U.S.C. 
    3604(a) (refusal to rent a particular unit) and 3604(d) (falsely 
    representing that a unit is unavailable) on each of the occasions 
    mentioned in the example. The first incident, which was a form of 
    racial steering, constituted a single discriminatory housing act under 
    the definition, although the conduct violated two subsections of the 
    Act. The second incident, a refusal to transfer, also constituted a 
    single discriminatory housing practice that violated two subsections of 
    the Act. The two incidents, however, were separate and distinct from 
    each other and, therefore, under the definition, each constituted a 
    separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice. Accordingly, the 
    ALJ has the discretion to assess a civil penalty for each separate and 
    distinct discriminatory housing practice, but not one for each of the 
    two violations of the Act that occurred within each discriminatory 
    housing practice (see HUD v. Las Vegas Housing Authority, 2A Fair 
    Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,116 (HUD ALJ Nov. 6, 1995)).
        Example 5: A group of people that objects to people of foreign 
    national origin gathers at the home of a family that recently arrived 
    from Russia and, over a 10-minute period, throws several rocks through 
    the family's window in an attempt to intimidate them into moving. At 
    the time of the rock throwing, there are four people in the house: a 
    husband and wife and their two children. Each person who was home when 
    this occurred was traumatized by the rock throwing. The husband was 
    standing by the window and was struck by a rock. The wife was standing 
    next to him and was cut by glass. The children suffered emotional harm.
        In this example, each member of the group committed a single 
    violation of 42 U.S.C. 3617, even though more than one rock was thrown 
    and four people were affected, because the conduct was a single, 
    continuous occurrence. The ALJ could at most assess one civil penalty 
    against each respondent.
        Comment: HUD should clarify its fair housing regulations and 
    guidance before increasing the civil penalties for violating them. One 
    commenter suggested that before HUD amends its fair housing civil 
    penalty regulations, it should review its fair housing regulations and 
    guidance for clarity. The commenter wrote that ``[s]imple notions of 
    fairness should clearly indicate that it is unreasonable for the 
    Department to subject housing providers to multiple civil penalties for 
    violations of unclear or ambiguous fair housing regulations and 
        HUD Response. During development of the December 18, 1997 proposed 
    rule, HUD reviewed 24 CFR part 180 in its entirety for purposes of 
    clarity. As a result of this review, the proposed rule included a 
    clarifying amendment to part 180, which has been made effective by this 
    rule. Specifically, this interim rule moves the lengthy provisions 
    governing the assessment of civil penalties found at 
    Sec. 180.670(b)(3)(iii)(A), (B), and (C) to a new Sec. 180.671. The 
    transfer of these provisions to Sec. 180.671 does not involve any 
    substantive revisions to part 180, but is designed solely to make the 
    part 180 regulations easier to understand.
        Further, the public was afforded an opportunity to comment on the 
    clarity of HUD's proposed amendments to part 180. HUD has made two 
    clarifying changes to the proposed rule in response to public comment. 
    First, HUD has clarified the definition of ``separate and distinct 
    housing practice'' in Sec. 180.671(b). HUD has also revised the 
    definition of ``housing-related hate act'' in Sec. 180.671(c)(2)(ii) to 
    clarify the distinction between discriminatory housing practices that 
    violate section 818 of the Act but would not be housing-related hate 
    C. Commenters Expressing Concerns About Impact of Rule
        Comment: Hate violence will not be stemmed by increasing civil 
    penalties. One commenter doubted that increased civil penalties would 
    deter housing-related acts of hate violence and intimidation. As the 
    commenter wrote: ``Violence and other hate crimes carry criminal 
    penalties. If these criminal penalties do not deter the crime, we fail 
    to understand how an increase in a civil fine will deter these 
        HUD Response. The potential increase in civil money penalties to 
    which the commenter refers applies to all multiple, separate acts of 
    housing discrimination, not only to those with criminal penalties. 
    Thus, criminal penalties will not necessarily be involved in these 
    cases. Furthermore, not all potentially criminal violations of the Act 
    are prosecuted as such. Finally, there is no rule of law requiring HUD 
    to choose one form of deterrence over another. Some persons will be 
    deterred by the threat of criminal prosecution, others may be more 
    deterred by harm to the pocketbook. The President and the Secretary of 
    HUD have determined to use all civil and criminal means at their 
    disposal to deter housing discrimination.
        Comment: The proposed rule threatens the balance between judicial 
    and administrative enforcement of the Act. Two commenters wrote that 
    the Act establishes a careful balance between the benefits of a timely 
    administrative process and the rights of parties to have their cases 
    heard in federal court before a jury. One of the commenters wrote that 
    the standards for imposition of a civil penalty are lower than those 
    for punitive damages in a federal district court, and therefore result 
    in additional exposure for a respondent charged of discrimination. This 
    commenter noted that the administrative civil penalties are capped to 
    provide a level of certainty and to offset the additional exposure 
    faced by respondents. The two commenters stated that, by authorizing 
    increased civil penalties, the proposed rule would upset the balance 
    between administrative and judicial enforcement of the Act. As one of 
    the commenters wrote:
        If multiple penalties are available in the administrative 
    process, we believe the majority of respondents would elect to go to 
    federal court rather than subject themselves to the possibility of 
    multiple civil penalties....Although defending a case in federal 
    court is likely to be more costly and time consuming than defending 
    the case in the administrative process, the lack of civil penalties 
    in federal court will increase the
    [[Page 6749]]
    attractiveness of having the case defended in federal court by a 
    jury of peers.
        The second commenter wrote:
        Any proposed change in administrative procedure should weight 
    [sic] any effect it might have on whether it might encourage a party 
    to elect [to have the action heard in federal court.] The proposed 
    rule ignores any effect and should therefore be withdrawn.
        HUD Response. Both commenters perceive that the Act established a 
    ``balance'' between cases that proceed before ALJs and those in which 
    one or more of the parties elects that the case be heard in federal 
    court. In responding to this comment, some background may prove useful. 
    Historically, either a complainant or respondent in a majority of fair 
    housing cases in which HUD has issued a Determination of Reasonable 
    Cause and a Charge have elected to have the case heard in federal 
    court. For the period 1989 (when the Fair Housing Act Amendments of 
    1988 became effective) through 1997, the percentage of fair housing 
    cases in which HUD found reasonable cause and where a respondent or 
    complainant elected to have the case heard in federal court was 67%.
        The first commenter's concern that a particular respondent may face 
    higher monetary exposure to civil penalties under the proposed rule is 
    not without basis. In administrative cases in which a respondent is 
    charged with having committed more than one separate and distinct act 
    of housing discrimination, there is a potential for a higher total 
    monetary civil penalty assessment against that respondent as a result 
    of HUD's interpretation explicitly allowing an ALJ to assess multiple 
    civil penalties in an appropriate case. The commenter's further 
    concerns, however (i.e., this exposure renders respondents' exposure 
    ``uncertain'' where before it was ``capped,'' and that this uncertainty 
    would upset the delicate balance between administrative and federal 
    court adjudication), are unfounded.
        With regard to the first concern, a respondent's potential total 
    exposure to civil penalties still would be capped. This is so because 
    HUD's Charge of Discrimination would set out the allegations as to the 
    separate and distinct discriminatory housing practices, and, since 
    there is a statutory cap on how large a civil penalty an ALJ can assess 
    per discriminatory housing practice, the respondent would know its 
    total possible civil penalty exposure. Therefore, the rule does not 
    create the uncertainty about which the commenter expressed concern.
        With regard to the second concern, since there is no uncertainty, 
    that cannot be a basis to upset the delicate balance to which the 
    commenter refers. On the other hand, since the total monetary cap on 
    civil penalties in the administrative forum in cases alleging multiple 
    discriminatory housing practices would be potentially higher, it is 
    possible that difference might cause some respondents to elect to have 
    their cases heard in federal court, where they might not have done so 
    otherwise. This conclusion, however, is purely speculative.
        Furthermore, there are countervailing factors that are likely to 
    curtail a significant increase in respondents electing to have their 
    cases heard in federal court. For example, civil penalties cannot be 
    assessed in the typical federal court fair housing case (But see 42 
    U.S.C. 3614(d)(1)(C)). On the other hand, punitive damages are 
    potentially available in federal court, but not in the administrative 
    forum (Compare 42 U.S.C. 3612(o)(3) and 3613(c) with 42 U.S.C. 
        In addition, the only cases in which an ALJ may impose multiple 
    civil penalties against a single respondent will be those in which the 
    respondent is alleged to have committed multiple acts of 
    discrimination. Thus, everything else being equal, these are likely to 
    be more egregious cases--the same cases in which punitive damages are 
    more likely to be awarded if heard in federal court. There seem to be 
    no inherent reasons why respondents in these types of cases would 
    choose to avoid the administrative forum only to face a possible award 
    of punitive damages in federal court that has the potential of being 
    much higher than the respondents' total civil penalty exposure in the 
    administrative forum. Hence, HUD does not believe that the rule will 
    necessarily affect the rate of respondents' electing to have their fair 
    housing act cases heard in federal court.
        In the final analysis, however, even if the commenters' speculation 
    were to turn out to be correct, HUD believes that its interpretation of 
    the Act's civil penalty provisions is correct and comports with 
    Congressional intent. Therefore, even if some higher percentage of 
    respondents were to choose to have their fair housing cases heard in 
    federal court, that also would comport with Congressional intent.
        Comment: Rule may unfairly penalize large housing providers. One 
    commenter stated that the proposed rule would unfairly penalize large 
    housing providers with many employees. These housing providers may be 
    firmly committed to fair housing principles, but employ individuals who 
    engage in discriminatory conduct. The commenter noted that a 
    significant amount of time may elapse before the housing provider 
    becomes aware of the discriminatory actions committed by an employee. 
    If the employee committed several discriminatory acts within a short 
    period of time, the housing provider would be assessed multiple 
    penalties before it could take remedial action. The commenter wrote:
        [W]e have a firm policy of not tolerating any discriminatory 
    acts by our personnel and we provide on-going education and training 
    to our personnel. However, we have over 500 employees that interact 
    with the public. With the large number of employees, it is extremely 
    difficult for us to be made immediately aware that one employee, out 
    of hundreds, may be engaging in discriminatory practices. Multiple 
    offenses could occur in a very short time frame before we were made 
    aware of the discriminatory practice and before we could take the 
    necessary corrective action.
        HUD Response. Under the Act, an ALJ is not obligated to assess a 
    civil penalty in an appropriate case (see, e.g., HUD v. George, 2A Fair 
    Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,010 at 25,169 (HUD ALJ Aug. 16, 1991) 
    (ALJ assessed civil penalty against company but not individual who was 
    company's Secretary and part owner, because ``the evidence does not 
    show that [he] was personally responsible in fact for the 
    discriminatory conduct of [the company]. Rather, it appears he merely 
    implemented company policy.'' Id.). The December 18, 1997 rule did not 
    propose to change that. Moreover, while the rule made clear that the 
    Act allows an ALJ to assess multiple civil penalties in appropriate 
    circumstances, the rule did not, and could not have, proposed to 
    mandate the assessment of multiple civil penalties whenever the ALJ 
    finds multiple acts of discrimination in a single case, because the Act 
    makes civil penalties discretionary (see 42 U.S.C. 3612(g)(3) (``Such 
    order may, to vindicate the public interest, assess a civil penalty . . 
    .'') (emphasis added)).
        Thus, where an ALJ finds multiple discriminatory housing practices, 
    under the six factors for determining civil penalties codified by this 
    interim rule, ALJs will consider the nature and circumstances of the 
    violation, each respondent's degree of culpability, and other factors 
    as justice may require in determining the amount to assess for each 
    violation. Accordingly, if a rogue employee in an otherwise law-abiding 
    management firm were responsible for repeated fair housing violations 
    unbeknownst to company officials and contrary to their instructions, 
    the ALJ could take that fact into consideration when determining the 
    number of civil penalties, if any, to be assessed against each 
    respondent, and the amount of
    [[Page 6750]]
    each. Because firms have a duty to exercise supervision over their work 
    force to ensure that its members do not violate the Act, an ALJ might 
    assess some civil penalty against the company even in that situation 
    (see the example in the response to the comment ``Proposed amendments 
    may be abused by testers'').
        Comment: Multiple penalties may unfairly penalize small housing 
    providers. One commenter expressed concern that HUD's proposal to 
    permit the assessment of multiple civil penalties would have an unfair 
    impact on small housing providers. The commenter wrote that when a 
    housing discrimination case involves multiple violations it is 
    generally associated with a single property or individual. The 
    commenter also wrote:
        [A]ccording to the 1990 U.S. Census, of the more than 40,455 
    firms that reported their business as ``operators of apartment 
    buildings,'' 39,903, or 98% are small businesses. With small 
    businesses one penalty is generally sufficient to change 
    discriminatory housing behavior.
        The commenter also questioned why the proposed rule did not address 
    Subtitle B of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and Fairness 
    Act of 1996 (Pub.L. 104-121, approved March 29, 1996; 5 U.S.C. 601 note 
    et seq.) (SBREFA). Section 223, the only relevant substantive provision 
    of Subtitle B, provides in part that:
        Each agency regulating the activities of small entities shall 
    establish a policy or program . . . to provide for the reduction, 
    and under appropriate circumstances for the waiver, of civil 
    penalties for violations of a statutory or regulatory requirement by 
    a small entity.
        HUD Response. First, the commenter provided no basis for its 
    statement that ``with small businesses one penalty is generally 
    sufficient to change discriminatory housing behavior.''
        Second, whether a business is large or small, the Act prohibits it 
    from committing housing discrimination not only on multiple occasions, 
    but also single occasions. (But see Section 803(b) of the Act, 42 
    U.S.C. 3603(b), exempting from certain provisions of the Act specified 
    small entities). Nevertheless, under the rule, ALJs are to consider six 
    factors in assessing civil penalties, including the financial ability 
    of respondent to pay, the nature and circumstances of the violation, 
    and other factors as justice may require. HUD believes that the 
    codification of these factors within the proposed rule provides 
    assurance that the changes will not unfairly burden small housing 
    providers with respect to the assessment of civil penalties against 
    them. (See, e.g., HUD v. Gaultney, 2A Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 
    25,013 (HUD ALJ Sept. 27, 1991) (in race discrimination case, 
    respondent's civil penalty reduced due to consideration of his 
    financial circumstances). On the other hand, ALJs have consistently 
    held that a respondent has the legal burden of proving that its 
    financial resources are inadequate to pay a civil penalty. HUD v. 
    Dellipoali, 2A Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 24,127 (HUD ALJ Jan. 7, 
    1997) at 26090. HUD does not intend to alter that burden by its 
    codification of the six factors.
        With regard to the commenter's second concern, SBREFA requires that 
    an agency establish a policy regarding the reduction and, if 
    appropriate, the waiver of civil penalties for violations of a 
    statutory or regulatory requirement by a small entity. Section 223(a) 
    of SBREFA provides that, under appropriate circumstances, an agency may 
    consider a small entity's ability to pay in determining the amount of 
    any civil penalty to be assessed against it. In addition, section 
    223(b) of SBREFA specifically allows an agency to exclude from its 
    civil penalty reduction/waiver policy entities that have been subject 
    to multiple enforcement actions by the agency and those that have 
    committed willful violations of law.
        HUD believes the six factors that ALJs consider when assessing 
    civil penalties, which this interim rule codifies, are consistent with 
    these SBREFA provisions. Under the rule, ALJs may consider the 
    financial ability of a respondent to pay when assessing a civil 
    penalty. To the extent that a small entity may have less financial 
    ability to pay a civil penalty than a large one, an ALJ may assess a 
    lower civil penalty against a small entity, when to do so would 
    otherwise be appropriate under this factor. (See HUD v. Gaultney, 2A 
    Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,013 at 25,195 (HUD ALJ Sept. 27, 
    1991). On the other hand, under SBREFA, an agency can exclude entities 
    that have committed wilful violations of the law from its civil penalty 
    reduction policy. In cases heard by ALJs, where an ALJ finds that a 
    respondent wilfully committed a series of discriminatory housing 
    practices, the ALJ, applying, inter alia, the culpability factor, would 
    more likely assess multiple and higher penalties for such acts than 
    otherwise. If the ALJ did so, that would not offend the civil penalty 
    reduction/waiver provisions of the SBREFA. Likewise, an ALJ can assess 
    a higher civil penalty against a respondent who has been adjudged 
    previously to have committed discriminatory housing practices. Because 
    the SBREFA allows for an exclusion for entities that have been subject 
    to multiple enforcement actions by the agency, assessing a higher civil 
    penalty against a prior bad actor also would not offend the civil 
    penalty reduction/waiver provisions.
        Comment: Proposed amendments may be abused by fair housing testers. 
    One commenter stated that the proposed amendments might be abused by 
    unscrupulous or overzealous fair housing testers:
        We are also concerned that testing organizations could target an 
    individual employee and trap them into making multiple acts of 
    discrimination in order to financially hurt an owner or manager who 
    may be firmly committed to Fair Housing.
        HUD Response. Fair housing testing has a long-standing history as a 
    method of gathering evidence as to whether landlords, real estate 
    agents, or others in the housing industry are discriminating on the 
    basis of protected class. Such testing has been consistently upheld 
    against challenge. (See, e.g., Havens Realty Corp. v. Coleman, 455 U.S. 
    363, 373-74 (1982) (``a tester who has been the object of a 
    misrepresentation made unlawful under 804(d) has suffered an injury in 
    precisely the form the statute was intended to guard against''); 
    accord, Chicago v. Matchmaker Real Estate Sales Center, 982 F.2d 1086, 
    1095 (7th Cir. 1992).) Indeed, such testing is perhaps the best way, 
    and sometimes the only way, to prove the existence of discrimination, 
    because it directly compares a housing provider's treatment of 
    similarly situated minority and non-minority applicants. A district 
    court commenting on Havens made a similar observation (see Independent 
    Living Resources v. Oregon Arena Group, 982 F.Supp. 698, 761 n.86 (D. 
    Ore. 1997) (``Testing was the most effective method--and perhaps the 
    only method--of enforcing the FHA'')).
        The commenter's suggestion of a fair housing group ``targeting'' an 
    employee of an apartment owner or manager who is ``firmly committed to 
    Fair Housing'' does not withstand analysis. Nothing in the regulation 
    would make such a scenario more likely to occur than before. First, 
    multiple civil penalties against a respondent who committed multiple 
    discriminatory housing practices were not prohibited by regulation 
    previously, and, in fact, under some circumstances an ALJ would assess 
    them. (See, e.g., HUD v. Las Vegas Housing Authority, 2A Fair Housing--
    Fair Lending para. 25,116 (HUD ALJ Nov. 6, 1995).) Second, due process 
    before a neutral ALJ stands between the charges of discrimination HUD 
    issues as a result of complaints a fair housing
    [[Page 6751]]
    organization (or any other complainant) files and an ALJ's assessment 
    of any civil penalty. In this situation, if the evidence showed that a 
    complaining testing organization conducted one or more of its tests 
    improperly or unfairly, HUD, if it found such evidence during the 
    investigation, would take that into account in making its determination 
    of reasonable cause or no reasonable cause. If the cases proceeded to 
    hearing and the ALJ determined that there was malfeasance by the 
    testing organization, the ALJ would take that into account in deciding 
    whether to find liability with respect to such tests, much less assess 
    a penalty (and, if so, how large). Third, the hypothetical fair housing 
    group that this commenter imagines, if it had a goal of wanting to hurt 
    the owner or manager financially without the possibility of assessments 
    of multiple civil penalties for multiple violations, alternatively, 
    could bring a series of separate cases, each based on one of a series 
    of multiple incidents, and seek not only to have a series of civil 
    penalties assessed against them, but possibly to have the later ones 
    enhanced pursuant to clauses 812(g)(3)(B) & (C) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 
    3612(g)(3)(B) and (C)). Accordingly, HUD does not believe that the rule 
    presents the potential problem the commenter raises.
        On the other hand, under the law, a business owner or other 
    principal can be held vicariously liable for the acts of employees or 
    agents in the scope of their employment, even if the owner did not know 
    or approve of them; this regulation does nothing to alter that 
    preexisting legal truism. (See, Walker v. Crigler 976 F.2d 900, 904 
    (4th Cir. 1992) (where owner did not know of gender discrimination by 
    property manager, owner held liable because ``the duty of a property 
    owner not to discriminate in the sale or leasing of that property is 
    non-delegable'').) (See also, Marr v. Rife, 503 F.2d 735, 742 (6th Cir. 
    1974) (applying principals of respondeat superior liability to Fair 
    Housing Act violation)). Therefore, it is the responsibility of 
    apartment owners, managers, real estate brokers, lenders, etc. who are 
    ``firmly committed to fair housing'' to supervise and train their 
    employees properly so that they do not commit a single act of housing 
    D. Commenters That Questioned HUD's Authority or Justification for 
    Issuing the Proposed Rule
        Comment: HUD's reliance on FBI statistics is questionable. The 
    preamble to the proposed rule cited to FBI statistics indicating that 
    27% of hate crimes committed in 1996 were housing related (62 FR 
    66488). One commenter questioned these statistics. The commenter wrote 
    that the FBI ``does not collect information on how many hate crimes 
    involve housing discrimination, only on how many of these crimes are 
    `crimes against property' such as cross-burnings on the front lawn of a 
    house or anti-Semitic graffiti on other property such as an 
    automobile.'' The commenter went on to write:
        Interestingly, of the 3,330 crimes against property included in 
    the 1996 FBI statistics, only two of those crimes reportedly 
    implicated acts involving multiple bias. Of those two incidents 
    covering all of 1996, one of the two was a car theft. Thus it 
    appears from the most recent source of statistics of the type that 
    were relied upon by HUD to explain the necessity of the new rule and 
    to justify the exigency of acting on an expedited basis, that there 
    was only one reported property incident in the entire United States 
    that could have possibly involved the type of conduct that the 
    proposed rule is intended to deter. (Emphasis in original.)
        HUD Response. The commenter is correct in that the FBI's reported 
    hate crime statistics do not have a category that equates precisely 
    with discriminatory acts that violate the Act. Nevertheless, HUD 
    believes there is a correlation between hate acts committed against 
    someone's property which the FBI reports and discriminatory housing 
    practices under the Act. Accordingly, the citation to those statistics 
    in the preamble to the proposed rule provides some insight into the 
    number of hate crimes reported to the FBI that violated the Act.
        HUD assumes that the commenter does not suggest that the 
    commenter's examples of burning a cross on someone's lawn or scrawling 
    anti-Semitic graffiti on their automobile, if done for the purpose of 
    forcing that person to move out of the neighborhood because of that 
    person's membership in a protected class, would not violate section 818 
    of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3617), as such acts, indeed, would violate that 
    section. (See, e.g., Stackhouse v. DeSitter, 620 F.Supp. 208, 210-211 
    (N. D. Ill. 1985) (firebombing of plaintiff's car for the purpose of 
    driving him out of his home because of his race violates section 818); 
    Seaphus v. Lilly, 691 F.Supp. 127, 131, 138-9 (N.D. Ill. 1988) (setting 
    fire to African-American condominium owner's front door, slashing his 
    tires, damaging the paint on his car, and barricading his door with 
    heavy objects and other acts of vandalism designed to coerce the 
    condominium owner to move because of his race violated section 818); 
    cf. HUD v. Lashley, 2A Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,039 (HUD ALJ 
    Dec. 7, 1992) (respondent found liable under section 818 of the Act for 
    placing a bottle containing a flammable liquid and wick under the home 
    of an African-American family).)
        The commenter also appears to believe that only those acts 
    involving ``multiple bias'' would provide justification for an ALJ to 
    assess multiple civil penalties under the proposed rule. This is not 
    correct. It is the commission of multiple acts, not an act based on 
    multiple bias, that would provide such justification.
        Comment: The rule improperly proposed to broaden a penalty 
    provision without express direction from the Congress. The preamble to 
    the proposed rule stated that the Act and its legislative history are 
    ambiguous with respect to the issue of whether an ALJ may assess 
    multiple civil penalties for multiple discriminatory housing practices. 
    The preamble stated that, under the United States Supreme Court 
    decision in Chevron, U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, 
    Inc., 467 U.S. 837, 843 (1984), the interpretation of the agency in 
    such cases of statutory ambiguity will be upheld if it is ``based on a 
    permissible construction of the statute'' (62 FR 66488). One commenter 
    questioned HUD's reliance on the Chevron decision. Specifically, the 
    commenter cited case-law which appears to require that the civil 
    penalty provisions of the Act be narrowly construed. The commenter 
        HUD's approach fails to consider the well-settled principle of 
    construction that ``penal statutes are to be construed strictly,'' 
    Commissioner v. Acker, 361 U.S. 87, 91 (1959), and to temper its 
    proposed approach to an expanded interpretation of the [Act] 
    accordingly. In this regard, we note that the federal courts have 
    made clear that the rule of narrow interpretation is not limited to 
    criminal sanctions, but also is to be applied to penal provisions 
    ``involving civil penalties.'' First National Bank of Gordon v. 
    Department of the Treasury, 911 F.2d 57, 65 (8th Cir. 1990).
        HUD Response. This commenter seeks to apply the rule of strict 
    construction of penal statutes to resolve the statutory ambiguity HUD 
    identified in the preamble to the proposed rule. The commenter invokes 
    the maxim that an ambiguity in a penal statute should be resolved in 
    the defendant's favor (often referred to as the ``rule of lenity'') to 
    argue that HUD should resolve the statutory ambiguity against finding 
    that an ALJ can assess multiple civil penalties against a single 
    respondent when the ALJ has found that respondent committed multiple 
    separate and distinct acts of housing discrimination
    [[Page 6752]]
    in a single case. The rule of lenity, however, does not apply in the 
    manner that the commenter suggests.
        ``The rule of lenity . . . is not applicable unless there is an 
    `ambiguity or uncertainty in the language and structure of the Act,' '' 
    (Chapman v. United States 500 U.S. 453, 463, citing Huddleston v. 
    United States, 415 U.S. 814, 831 (1974)). The rule of lenity is 
    applied, if necessary, at the end of the process of statutory 
    construction, not at the beginning i.e., after considering the 
    traditional methods of statutory construction (language, structure, 
    legislative history and motivating policies of the statute) to resolve 
    the issue, and then only if these considerations have not been 
    successful (Chapman, supra; United States v. R.L.C., 503 U.S. 291, 305 
    (1992)). Where consideration of these other factors resolves the 
    ambiguity, the rule of lenity does not apply as there is no reason to 
    resort to it (Chapman, supra, at 464).
        HUD has considered this commenter's arguments, and believes that 
    the rule of lenity is inapplicable to the statutory ambiguity in 
    question. This is so because consideration of the language, purpose, 
    legislative history and structure of the civil penalty provisions of 
    the Act resolves the statutory ambiguity in favor of HUD's 
        First, the language itself is easily read to authorize the 
    potential assessment of a civil penalty against a respondent for each 
    separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice an ALJ finds that 
    the respondent committed, rather than limiting an ALJ to a single civil 
    penalty assessment for all such practices the ALJ finds the respondent 
        If the administrative law judge finds that a respondent has 
    engaged or is about to engage in a discriminatory housing practice, 
    such administrative law judge shall promptly issue an order for such 
    relief as may be appropriate, which may include actual damages 
    suffered by the aggrieved person and injunctive or other equitable 
    relief. Such order may, to vindicate the public interest, assess a 
    civil penalty against the respondent. * * * (42 U.S.C. 3617(g)(3) 
    (emphasis added).)
        The structure of the Act also supports HUD's interpretation. The 
    Act, at 42 U.S.C. 3602(f), defines a ``discriminatory housing 
    practice'' as a singular ``act'' that is unlawful under sections 804, 
    805, 806 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3604, 3605, 3606, and 3617, 
    respectively). Since a single case can involve more than one such 
    ``act,'' it follows that a single case can involve more than one 
    discriminatory housing practice. Applying the general statutory 
    definition of ``discriminatory housing practice'' to the language of 
    the civil penalty subsection supports the reading of that provision as 
    authorizing ALJs to assess more than one civil penalty against a single 
    respondent, where the ALJ has found that respondent to have committed 
    more that one separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice.
        The Act's purpose, as demonstrated in its legislative history, 
    supports HUD's interpretation as well. The House Report stated, 
    ``[t]wenty years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, 
    discrimination and segregation in housing continue to be pervasive'' 
    (H.R. No. 100-711 at 15, 1988 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 2176). 
    Congress found that pervasive discrimination continued to exist because 
    it perceived a ``void'' in fair housing enforcement. Congress attempted 
    to fill that void, in part, by creating a more effective enforcement 
    system (H.R. No. 100-711, 100th Cong., 2d Sess., at 13 (1988), 1988 
    U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 2174).
        A principal component of the more effective mechanism that the 
    Congress created was the administrative adjudication of fair housing 
    cases, and an important aspect of that administrative process was 
    authorizing ALJs to assess civil penalties where appropriate. In making 
    this authorization, the Congress recognized that civil penalties serve 
    to deter (H.R. No. 100-711 at 37, 1988 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 
    2198 (deterrence one of the factors an ALJ to consider when assessing 
    civil penalties)) (See also Hudson v. United States, 118 S.Ct. 488, 496 
    (1997) (imposition of civil penalties will deter others from emulating 
    the conduct that gave rise to the penalties)).
        HUD considers it intuitively obvious that the greater authority and 
    flexibility ALJs have in assessing civil penalties increases the 
    potential of deterring discriminatory housing practices. This rule is 
    designed to ensure that the Act's civil penalty provisions will be 
    applied, when appropriate, to reach more powerfully the repeat 
    wrongdoer, and serve to deter even more effectively other potential 
    wrongdoers. Thus, the Congressional goal of deterrence is enhanced by 
    reading the Act's civil penalty provision to authorize ALJs to assess 
    multiple civil penalties in cases involving multiple discriminatory 
    housing practices. Since the standard methods of statutory construction 
    resolve the identified statutory ambiguity in favor of the proposed 
    rule, it is not appropriate to apply the ``rule of lenity.'' 
    Accordingly, HUD declines to adopt this commenter's approach to 
    construction of the Act.
        Furthermore, the proposed rule is not accurately described as an 
    ``expanded interpretation'' of the Act, as the commenter says. The 
    proposed rule merely made explicit what some HUD ALJs have already 
    construed the Act to mean. In HUD v. Las Vegas Housing Authority 2A 
    Fair Housing--Fair Lending para. 25,116 (HUD ALJ Nov. 6, 1995), the 
    respondent, for discriminatory reasons, first told the complainant that 
    a particular housing unit was not available, and then, some months 
    later, when complainant requested a transfer, refused to approve the 
    transfer, also for discriminatory reasons. These two separate 
    violations of the Act comprised a single case. The ALJ assessed two 
    separate civil penalties against the respondent, one for each violation 
    of the Act (Id. at 26,010-11). In HUD v. Sams (2A Fair Housing--Fair 
    Lending 25,070 (HUD ALJ March 11, 1994), aff'd on other grounds, 76 
    F.3d 375 (4th Cir. 1996)), the ALJ implicitly acknowledged that the Act 
    authorizes multiple civil penalty assessments against a single 
    respondent for that respondent's commission of multiple separate and 
    distinct discriminatory housing practices. The ALJ, however, declined 
    to assess more than one in the case before him because the ALJ viewed 
    each of the discriminatory acts involved as part of a series comprising 
    a single transaction and, therefore, a single discriminatory housing 
    practice for which the ALJ could only assess a single civil penalty. 
    This construction is incorporated in HUD's definition of separate and 
    distinct fair housing practice, which recognizes that a series of acts 
    may constitute a single discriminatory housing practice, if they are 
    continuing and part of the same transaction.
        Comment: HUD's proposed interpretation contradicts the plain 
    language of the Act. One commenter questioned HUD's proposed 
    interpretation of the Act. The commenter wrote that HUD mistakenly 
    relied on the definition of ``discriminatory housing practice'' in 
    section 802 of the Act to justify the proposed amendments. According to 
    the commenter, the proposed rule contradicts the plain meaning of 
    section 812 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 3612). As the commenter wrote:
        The most obvious fault in HUD's analysis lies in 42 U.S.C. 
    3612(g)(3)(A) [section 812(g)(3)(A) of the Act] which HUD 
    inadvertently did not quote in the proposed rule. HUD ignores the 
    temporal aspect and ignores Congress' requirement that the 
    respondent have been adjudged to have committed a prior 
    discriminatory. The proper construction of the intent of Congress is
    [[Page 6753]]
    evident. In any one proceeding, a respondent who has not previously 
    been found to have violated 42 U.S.C. 3604, 42 U.S.C. 3605, 42 
    U.S.C. 3606 and 42 U.S.C. 3617 [sections 804, 805, 806, 818 of the 
    Act] cannot be fined more than $10,000. (Emphasis in original.)
        HUD Response. Subparagraphs 812(g)(3)(A-C) of the Act (42 U.S.C. 
    3612(g)(3)(A-C)), state that the maximum civil penalty that an ALJ can 
    assess can increase if the respondent has been adjudged to have 
    previously committed one or two or more prior discriminatory housing 
    practices within specified time frames. The commenter reads into this 
    language additional language that is not there i.e., the idea that ``in 
    any one proceeding'' a respondent, who has not been previously adjudged 
    to have committed a discriminatory housing practice, cannot be assessed 
    a total of more than $10,000 in civil penalties, regardless of how many 
    separate and distinct discriminatory housing practices the respondent 
    committed in the case at hand. (Indeed, the commenter's phrase ``in any 
    one proceeding'' is absent from the Act's civil penalty provisions.) 
    Rather, the Act ties the assessment of a civil penalty to a 
    respondent's commission of ``a discriminatory housing practice;'' and 
    the Act places no explicit limitation on the number of such penalties 
    that may be assessed ``in any one proceeding,'' if the number of 
    separate and distinct discriminatory housing practices found to have 
    been committed and the surrounding circumstances otherwise warrant (42 
    U.S.C. 3612(g)(3)). In other words, for a single discriminatory housing 
    practice, an ALJ may assess a respondent without prior adjudicated 
    violations a civil penalty up to $10,000; and if a similar respondent 
    committed more than one separate and distinct discriminatory housing 
    practice in a single case, the ALJ would have the discretion to assess 
    against the respondent a civil penalty up to $10,000 for each such 
    E. Commenters That Questioned HUD's Compliance With Rulemaking 
        Comment: HUD should extend the public comment period. One commenter 
    wrote that given the importance of establishing effective fair housing 
    enforcement procedures, HUD should have provided the customary 60-day 
    public comment period for the proposed rule. The commenter recommended 
    that HUD provide the public with an additional 30-days to comment on 
    the proposed amendments. The commenter wrote:
        We . . . respectfully request that comment period be extended 
    for a minimum additional period of thirty (30) days to permit a 
    meaningful review of the current record and to provide adequate time 
    for submission of comments that can be useful to HUD in more 
    accurately assessing the scope of the perceived problem and measures 
    appropriate to addressing it.
        HUD Response. HUD recognizes the value and necessity of public 
    comment in the regulatory process, and HUD is providing the public with 
    an additional 60-days to comment on the amendments made by this interim 
    rule. HUD welcomes public comment on this interim rule. All comments 
    will be taken into consideration in the development of the final rule.
        Comment: The preamble did not adequately explain proposed 
    definition of ``separate and distinct discriminatory housing 
    practice.'' One commenter wrote that the preamble to the proposed rule 
    did not adequately explain the definition of ``separate and distinct 
    discriminatory housing practice'' in the regulatory text. According to 
    the commenter, HUD's failure to explain the definition violates the 
    requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) 
    (APA). The commenter wrote:
        [Proposed Sec. ]180.671(b) states that not only will a 
    respondent be potentially liable for $10,000 [for] each separate 
    practice, the number of complainants will also serve to multiply any 
    potential fine, and the number of times that a separate violation 
    occurs will multiply each potential fine. No explanation is given 
    for this interpretation unless HUD's observation that such 
    interpretation is not prohibited and HUD's conclusory statement that 
    such an interpretation is reasonable is meant to show that the 
    interpretation [is] a justified interpretation of the statute. If 
    [this] is the case, HUD has misunderstood its legislative mandate 
    and ignored its duty under [section 553 of the APA] to state the 
    statutory basis for the rule and give a description of the subjects 
    and issues involved.
        HUD Response. HUD does not agree with the assertions made by the 
    commenter. Specifically, HUD believes that the preamble to the December 
    18, 1997 proposed rule provided a thorough discussion of HUD's 
    rationale and statutory basis for the proposed amendments to the 
    regulations at 24 CFR part 180. Further, HUD believes that the December 
    18, 1997 proposed rule complied with all applicable statutory and 
    regulatory rulemaking requirements.
    IV. Findings and Certifications.
    Environmental Impact
        In accordance with 24 CFR 50.19(c)(3) of the HUD regulations, the 
    policies and procedures contained in this interim rule set out 
    nondiscrimination standards and, therefore, are categorically excluded 
    from the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act.
    Executive Order 12612, Federalism
        The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under section 6(a) 
    of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, has determined that the policies 
    contained in this interim rule will have no federalism implications, 
    and that the policies are not subject to review under the Order. The 
    interim rule amends HUD's regulations governing the assessment of civil 
    penalties for Fair Housing Act cases. The rule is exclusively concerned 
    with the rules of practice and procedure applicable to administrative 
    proceedings before an ALJ under the Fair Housing Act. No programmatic 
    or policy changes will result from this rule that would affect the 
    relationship between the Federal government and State and local 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Secretary, in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 
    U.S.C. 605(b)) has reviewed and approved this interim rule, and in so 
    doing certifies that the interim rule is not anticipated to have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    This interim rule explicitly interprets the Act to allow ALJs, where a 
    respondent has been found to have committed separate and distinct acts 
    of discrimination, to assess a separate civil penalty against the 
    respondent for each such act. The rule also amends 24 CFR part 180 to 
    describe how ALJs are to consider housing-related hate acts under the 
    six factors ALJs apply in determining the amount of a civil penalty to 
    assess against a respondent found to have committed a discriminatory 
    housing practice.
        The rule will affect only those few small-entity housing providers 
    who are respondents in cases where HUD determines that there is 
    reasonable cause to believe that they committed multiple violations of 
    the Fair Housing Act and whose cases are then heard before an ALJ, who 
    may or may not then assess multiple civil penalties against them after 
    a hearing comporting with due process requirements. To date, the number 
    of entities who actually become respondents in Fair Housing Act cases 
    before ALJs is extremely few. For example, in FY 1994, the year when 
    the most administrative fair housing cases (through 1997) were 
    docketed, of the 325 cases HUD charged, 220 elected to be heard in 
    federal court, leaving only 115 to be heard by the ALJs. Of these
    [[Page 6754]]
    cases, civil penalties were only assessed against an even lesser 
    number: after hearings in 15 cases, and as part of a consent order in 
    another 12 cases, for a total of 27 cases, or 8.3% of the cases 
    docketed. The average civil penalty was $3,727.77. Only a few of these 
    cases involve multiple acts of housing discrimination.
        Furthermore, ALJs have had the authority to assess multiple civil 
    penalties in instances where respondents have been found to commit 
    multiple discriminatory housing practices, and have done so in 
    appropriate circumstances. Thus, the economic impact of the rule on 
    small entities should not be substantially greater than that already 
    inherent in the Fair Housing Act.
        Finally, the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities because it requires ALJs to 
    consider each respondent's ability to pay when assessing one or more 
    civil penalties. Thus, everything else being equal, smaller entities 
    with diminished ability to pay would be subject to lower penalties.
        Notwithstanding HUD's determination that this rule does not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities, 
    HUD specifically invites comment regarding any less burdensome 
    alternatives to this rule that will meet HUD's objectives as described 
    in this preamble.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 
    1531-1538) establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
    effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
    governments and the private sector. This interim rule does not impose 
    any Federal mandates on any State, local, or tribal governments or the 
    private sector within the meaning of Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 
    Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review
        The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) reviewed this interim 
    rule under Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review. OMB 
    determined that this interim rule is a ``significant regulatory 
    action,'' as defined in section 3(f) of the Order (although not 
    economically significant, as provided in section 3(f)(1) of the Order). 
    Any changes made to the interim rule subsequent to its submission to 
    OMB are identified in the docket file, which is available for public 
    inspection in the office of the Department's Rules Docket Clerk, Room 
    10276, 451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410-0500.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number
        The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number for this program 
    is 14.400.
    List of Subjects in 24 CFR Part 180
        Administrative practice and procedure, Aged, Civil rights, Fair 
    housing, Individuals with disabilities, Intergovernmental relations, 
    Investigations, Mortgages, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        Accordingly, 24 CFR part 180 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 24 CFR part 180 continues to read as 
        Authority: 29 U.S.C. 794; 42 U.S.C. 2000d-1, 3535(d), 3601-3619, 
    5301-5320, and 6103.
        2. Section 180.670 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(3)(iii) 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    Sec. 180.670  Initial decision of ALJ.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (iii) Assessing a civil penalty against any respondent to vindicate 
    the public interest in accordance with Sec. 180.671.
    * * * * *
        3. Section 180.671 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 180.671  Assessing civil penalties for Fair Housing Act cases.
        (a) Amounts. The ALJ may assess a civil penalty against any 
    respondent under Sec. 180.670(b)(3) for each separate and distinct 
    discriminatory housing practice (as defined in paragraph (b) of this 
    section) that the respondent committed, each civil penalty in an amount 
    not to exceed:
        (1) $11,000, if the respondent has not been adjudged in any 
    administrative hearing or civil action permitted under the Fair Housing 
    Act or any State or local fair housing law, or in any licensing or 
    regulatory proceeding conducted by a Federal, State or local 
    governmental agency, to have committed any prior discriminatory housing 
        (2) $27,500, if the respondent has been adjudged in any 
    administrative hearing or civil action permitted under the Fair Housing 
    Act, or any State or local fair housing law, or in any licensing or 
    regulatory proceeding conducted by a Federal, State, or local 
    government agency, to have committed one other discriminatory housing 
    practice and the adjudication was made during the five-year period 
    preceding the date of filing of the charge.
        (3) $55,000, if the respondent has been adjudged in any 
    administrative hearings or civil actions permitted under the Fair 
    Housing Act or any State or local fair housing law, or in any licensing 
    or regulatory proceeding conducted by a Federal, State, or local 
    government agency, to have committed two or more discriminatory housing 
    practices and the adjudications were made during the seven-year period 
    preceding the date of the filing of the charge.
        (b) Definition of separate and distinct discriminatory housing 
    practice. A separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice is a 
    single, continuous uninterrupted transaction or occurrence that 
    violates section 804, 805, 806 or 818 of the Fair Housing Act. Even if 
    such a transaction or occurrence violates more than one provision of 
    the Fair Housing Act, violates a provision more than once, or violates 
    the fair housing rights of more than one person, it constitutes only 
    one separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice.
        (c) Factors for consideration by ALJ. (1) In determining the amount 
    of the civil penalty to be assessed against any respondent for each 
    separate and distinct discriminatory housing practice the respondent 
    committed, the ALJ shall consider the following six (6) factors:
        (i) Whether that respondent has previously been adjudged to have 
    committed unlawful housing discrimination;
        (ii) That respondent's financial resources;
        (iii) The nature and circumstances of the violation;
        (iv) The degree of that respondent's culpability;
        (v) The goal of deterrence; and
        (vi) Other matters as justice may require.
        (2)(i) Where the ALJ finds any respondent to have committed a 
    housing-related hate act, the ALJ shall take this fact into account in 
    favor of imposing a maximum civil penalty under the factors listed in 
    paragraphs (c)(1)(iii), (iv), (v), and (vi) of this section.
        (ii) For purposes of this section, the term ``housing-related hate 
    act'' means any act that constitutes a discriminatory housing practice 
    under section 818 of the Fair Housing Act and which constitutes or is 
    accompanied or characterized by actual violence,
    [[Page 6755]]
    assault, bodily harm, and/or harm to property; intimidation or coercion 
    that has such elements; or the threat or commission of any action 
    intended to assist or be a part of any such act.
        (iii) Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require an 
    ALJ to assess any amount less than a maximum civil penalty in a non-
    hate act case, where the ALJ finds that the factors listed in 
    paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (vi) of this section warrant the 
    assessment of a maximum civil penalty.
        (d) Persons previously adjudged to have committed a discriminatory 
    housing practice. If the acts constituting the discriminatory housing 
    practice that is the subject of the charge were committed by the same 
    natural person who has previously been adjudged, in any administrative 
    proceeding or civil action, to have committed acts constituting a 
    discriminatory housing practice, the time periods in paragraphs (a) (2) 
    and (3) of this section do not apply.
        (e) Multiple discriminatory housing practices committed by the same 
    respondent; multiple respondents. (1) In a proceeding where a 
    respondent has been determined to have engaged in, or is about to 
    engage in, more than one separate and distinct discriminatory housing 
    practice, a separate civil penalty may be assessed against the 
    respondent for each separate and distinct discriminatory housing 
        (2) In a proceeding involving two or more respondents who have been 
    determined to have engaged in, or are about to engage in, one or more 
    discriminatory housing practices, one or more civil penalties, as 
    provided under this section, may be assessed against each respondent.
        Dated: January 12, 1999.
    Andrew Cuomo,
    [FR Doc. 99-3126 Filed 2-9-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4210-28-P

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Interim rule.
Document Number:
6744-6755 (12 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-4302-I-02
2529-AA83: Civil Money Penalties for Fair Housing Act Violations (FR-4302)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (8)
24 CFR 180.671(c)(2)
24 CFR 180.671(c)
24 CFR 180.671(c)(2)(ii)
24 CFR 180.671(c)(ii)
24 CFR 180.670(c)(2)(ii)
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