97-4390. Board for Correction of Naval Records  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 36 (Monday, February 24, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 8166-8170]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-4390]
    Department of the Navy
    32 CFR Part 723
    Board for Correction of Naval Records
    AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DoD.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of the Navy is amending the Procedures for the 
    Board for Correction of Naval Records. This revision incorporates 
    format changes and clarifies various minor provisions of the part.
    DATES: Effective date: February 24, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: W. Dean Pfeiffer, Executive Director, 
    Board for Correction of Naval Records, 2 Navy Annex, Washington, DC 
    20370-5100, (703) 614-1402.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department of the Navy has determined 
    that this rule is not a major rule because it will not have an annual 
    effect on the economy of $100 million or more. The Assistant Secretary 
    of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) certifies that this rule is 
    exempt from the requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 
    U.S.C. 601-611, and does not have a significant economic impact on 
    small entities as defined by the Act. This rule imposes no obligatory 
    information requirements beyond internal Navy use. The proposed rule 
    was published for comment on October 12, 1995, at 60 FR 53153. No 
    comments or objections to the proposed rule were received. The final 
    rule contains no substantive changes from the proposed rule.
    List of Subjects in 32 CFR Part 723
        Administrative practice and procedure, Claims, Military personnel.
        Accordingly, part 723 of chapter VI of title 32 of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations is revised as follows:
    723.1  General provisions.
    723.2  Establishment, function and jurisdiction of the Board.
    723.3  Application for correction.
    723.4  Appearance before the board; notice; counsel; witnesses; 
    access to records.
    723.5  Hearing.
    723.6  Action by the Board.
    723.7  Action by the Secretary.
    723.8  Staff action.
    723.9  Reconsideration.
    723.10  Settlement of claims.
    723.11  Miscellaneous provisions.
        Authority: 10 U.S.C. 1034, 1552.
    Sec. 723.1  General Provisions.
        This part sets up procedures for correction of naval and marine 
    records by the Secretary of the Navy acting through the Board for 
    Correction of Naval Records (BCNR or the Board) to remedy error or 
    injustice. It describes how to apply for correction of naval and marine 
    records and how the BCNR considers applications. It defines the Board's 
    authority to act on applications. It directs collecting and maintaining 
    information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by 10 U.S.C. 
    1034 and 1552.
    Sec. 723.2  Establishment, function and jurisdiction of the Board.
        (a) Establishment and composition. Under 10 U.S.C. 1034 and 1552, 
    the Board for Correction of Naval Records is established by the 
    Secretary of the Navy. The Board consists of civilians of the executive 
    part of the Department of the Navy in such number, not less than three, 
    as may be appointed by the Secretary and who shall serve at the 
    pleasure of the Secretary. Three members present shall constitute a 
    quorum of the Board. The Secretary of the Navy will designate one 
    member as Chair. In the absence or incapacity of
    [[Page 8167]]
    the Chair, an Acting Chair chosen by the Executive Director shall act 
    as Chair for all purposes.
        (b) Function. The Board is not an investigative body. Its function 
    is to consider applications properly before it for the purpose of 
    determining the existence of error or injustice in the naval records of 
    current and former members of the Navy and Marine Corps, to make 
    recommendations to the Secretary or to take corrective action on the 
    Secretary's behalf when authorized.
        (c) Jurisdiction. The Board shall have jurisdiction to review and 
    determine all matters properly brought before it, consistent with 
    existing law.
    Sec. 723.3  Application for correction.
        (a) General requirements. (1) The application for correction must 
    be submitted on DD 149 (Application for Correction of Military Record) 
    or exact facsimile thereof, and should be addressed to: Board for 
    Correction of Naval Records, Department of the Navy, 2 Navy Annex, 
    Washington, DC 20370-5100. Forms and other explanatory matter may be 
    obtained from the Board upon request.
        (2) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the 
    application shall be signed by the person requesting corrective action 
    with respect to his/her record and will either be sworn to or will 
    contain a provision to the effect that the statements submitted in the 
    application are made with full knowledge of the penalty provided by law 
    for making a false statement or claim. (18 U.S.C. 287 and 1001)
        (3) When the record in question is that of a person who is 
    incapable of making application, or whose whereabouts is unknown, or 
    when such person is deceased, the application may be made by a spouse, 
    parent, heir, or legal representative. Proof of proper interest shall 
    be submitted with the application.
        (b) Time limit for filing application. Applications for correction 
    of a record must be filed within 3 years after discovery of the alleged 
    error or injustice. Failure to file within the time prescribed may be 
    excused by the Board if it finds it would be in the interest of justice 
    to do so. If the application is filed more than 3 years after discovery 
    of the error or injustice, the application must set forth the reason 
    why the Board should find it in the interest of justice to excuse the 
    failure to file the application within the time prescribed.
        (c) Acceptance of applications. An application will be accepted for 
    consideration unless:
        (1) The Board lacks jurisdiction.
        (2) The Board lacks authority to grant effective relief.
        (3) The applicant has failed to comply with the filing requirements 
    of paragraphs (a)(l), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this section.
        (4) The applicant has failed to exhaust all available 
    administrative remedies.
        (5) The applicant has failed to file an application within 3 years 
    after discovery of the alleged error or injustice and has not provided 
    a reason or reasons why the Board should find it in the interest of 
    justice to excuse the failure to file the application within the 
    prescribed 3-year period.
        (d) Other proceedings not stayed. Filing an application with the 
    Board shall not operate as a stay of any other proceedings being taken 
    with respect to the person involved.
        (e) Consideration of application. (1) Each application accepted for 
    consideration and all pertinent evidence of record will be reviewed by 
    a three member panel sitting in executive session, to determine whether 
    to authorize a hearing, recommend that the records be corrected without 
    a hearing, or to deny the application without a hearing. This 
    determination will be made by majority vote.
        (2) The Board may deny an application in executive session if it 
    determines that the evidence of record fails to demonstrate the 
    existence of probable material error or injustice. The Board relies on 
    a presumption of regularity to support the official actions of public 
    officers and, in the absence of substantial evidence to the contrary, 
    will presume that they have properly discharged their official duties. 
    Applicants have the burden of overcoming this presumption but the Board 
    will not deny an application solely because the record was made by or 
    at the direction of the President or the Secretary in connection with 
    proceedings other than proceedings of a board for the correction of 
    military or naval records. Denial of an application on the grounds of 
    insufficient evidence to demonstrate the existence of probable material 
    error or injustice is final subject to the provisions for 
    reconsideration contained in Sec. 723.9.
        (3) When an original application or a request for further 
    consideration of a previously denied application is denied without a 
    hearing, the Board's determination shall be made in writing and include 
    a brief statement of the grounds for denial.
        (4) The brief statement of the grounds for denial shall include the 
    reasons for the determination that relief should not be granted, 
    including the applicant's claims of constitutional, statutory and/or 
    regulatory violations that were rejected, together with all the 
    essential facts upon which the denial is based, including, if 
    applicable, factors required by regulation to be considered for 
    determination of the character of and reason for discharge. Further the 
    Board shall make a determination as to the applicability of the 
    provisions of the Military Whistleblower Protection Act (10 U.S.C. 
    1034) if it is invoked by the applicant or reasonably raised by the 
    evidence. Attached to the statement shall be any advisory opinion 
    considered by the Board which is not fully set out in the statement. 
    The applicant will also be advised of reconsideration procedures.
        (5) The statement of the grounds for denial, together with all 
    attachments, shall be furnished promptly to the applicant and counsel, 
    who shall also be informed that the name and final vote of each Board 
    member will be furnished or made available upon request. Classified or 
    privileged material will not be incorporated or attached to the Board 
    statement; rather, unclassified or nonprivileged summaries of such 
    material will be so used and written explanations for the substitution 
    will be provided to the applicant and counsel.
    Sec. 723.4  Appearance before the board; notice; counsel; witnesses; 
    access to records.
        (a) General. In each case in which the Board determines a hearing 
    is warranted, the applicant will be entitled to appear before the Board 
    either in person or by counsel of his/her selection or in person with 
    counsel. Additional provisions apply to cases processed under the 
    Military Whistleblower Protection Act (10 U.S.C. 1034).
        (b) Notice. (1) In each case in which a hearing is authorized, the 
    Board's staff will transmit to the applicant a written notice stating 
    the time and place of hearing. The notice will be mailed to the 
    applicant, at least 30 days prior to the date of hearing, except that 
    an earlier date may be set where the applicant waives his/her right to 
    such notice in writing.
        (2) Upon receipt of the notice of hearing, the applicant will 
    notify the Board in writing at least 15 days prior to the date set for 
    hearing as to whether he/she will be present at the hearing and will 
    indicate to the Board the name of counsel, if represented by counsel, 
    and the names of such witnesses as he/she intends to call. Cases in 
    which the applicant notifies the Board that he/she does not desire to 
    be present at the hearing will be considered in accordance with 
    Sec. 723.5(b)(2).
    [[Page 8168]]
        (c) Counsel. As used in this part, the term ``counsel'' will be 
    construed to include members in good standing of the federal bar or the 
    bar of any state, accredited representatives of veterans' organizations 
    recognized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs under 38 U.S.C. 3402, 
    or such other persons who, in the opinion of the Board, are considered 
    to be competent to present equitably and comprehensively the request of 
    the applicant for correction, unless barred by law. Representation by 
    counsel will be at no cost to the government.
        (d) Witnesses. The applicant will be permitted to present witnesses 
    in his/her behalf at hearings before the Board. It will be the 
    responsibility of the applicant to notify his/her witnesses and to 
    arrange for their appearance at the time and place set for hearing. 
    Appearance of witnesses will be at no cost to the government.
        (e) Access to records. (1) It is the responsibility of the 
    applicant to procure such evidence not contained in the official 
    records of the Department of the Navy as he/she desires to present in 
    support of his/her case.
        (2) Classified or privileged information may be released to 
    applicants only by proper authorities in accordance with applicable 
        (3) Nothing in this part authorizes the furnishing of copies of 
    official records by the Board. Requests for copies of these records 
    should be submitted in accordance with applicable regulations governing 
    the release of information. The BCNR can provide a requestor with 
    information regarding procedures for requesting copies of these records 
    from the appropriate retention agency.
    Sec. 723.5  Hearing
        (a) Convening of board. The Board will convene, recess and adjourn 
    at the call of the Chair or Acting Chair.
        (b) Conduct of hearing. (1) The hearing shall be conducted by the 
    Chair or Acting Chair, and shall be subject to his/her rulings so as to 
    ensure a full and fair hearing. The Board shall not be limited by legal 
    rules of evidence but shall maintain reasonable bounds of competency, 
    relevancy, and materiality.
        (2) If the applicant, after being duly notified, indicates to the 
    Board that he/she does not desire to be present or to be represented by 
    counsel at the hearing, the Board will consider the case on the basis 
    of all the material before it, including, but not limited to, the 
    application for correction filed by the applicant, any documentary 
    evidence filed in support of such application, any brief submitted by 
    or in behalf of the applicant, and all available pertinent records.
        (3) If the applicant, after being duly notified, indicates to the 
    Board that he/she will be present or be represented by counsel at the 
    hearing, and without good cause and timely notice to the Board, the 
    applicant or representative fails to appear at the time and place set 
    for the hearing or fails to provide the notice required by 
    Sec. 723.4(b)(2), the Board may consider the case in accordance with 
    the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, or make such other 
    disposition of the case as is appropriate under the circumstances.
        (4) All testimony before the Board shall be given under oath or 
    affirmation. The proceedings of the Board and the testimony given 
    before it will be recorded verbatim.
        (c) Continuance. The Board may continue a hearing on its own 
    motion. A request for continuance by or in behalf of the applicant may 
    be granted by the Board if a continuance appears necessary to insure a 
    full and fair hearing.
    Sec. 723.6  Action by the Board.
        (a) Deliberations, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. (1) 
    Only members of the Board and its staff shall be present during the 
    deliberations of the Board.
        (2) Whenever, during the course of its review of an application, it 
    appears to the Board's satisfaction that the facts have not been fully 
    and fairly disclosed by the records or by the testimony and other 
    evidence before it, the Board may require the applicant or military 
    authorities to provide such further information as it may consider 
    essential to a complete and impartial determination of the facts and 
        (3) Following a hearing, or where the Board determines to recommend 
    that the record be corrected without a hearing, the Board will make 
    written findings, conclusions and recommendations. If denial of relief 
    is recommended following a hearing, such written findings and 
    conclusions will include a statement of the grounds for denial as 
    described in Sec. 723.3(e)(4). The name and final vote of each Board 
    member will be recorded. A majority vote of the members present on any 
    matter before the Board will constitute the action of the Board and 
    shall be so recorded.
        (4) Where the Board deems it necessary to submit comments or 
    recommendations to the Secretary as to matters arising from but not 
    directly related to the issues of any case, such comments and 
    recommendations shall be the subject of separate communication. 
    Additionally, in Military Whistleblower Protection Act cases, any 
    recommendation by the Board to the Secretary that disciplinary or 
    administrative action be taken against any Navy official based on the 
    Board's determination that the official took reprisal action against 
    the applicant will not be made part of the Board's record of 
    proceedings or furnished the applicant but will be transmitted to the 
    Secretary as a separate communication.
        (b) Minority report. In case of a disagreement between members of 
    the Board a minority report will be submitted, either as to the 
    findings, conclusions or recommendation, including the reasons 
        (c) Record of proceedings. Following a hearing, or where the Board 
    determines to recommend that the record be corrected without a hearing, 
    a record of proceedings will be prepared. Such record shall indicate 
    whether or not a quorum was present, and the name and vote of each 
    member present. The record shall include the application for relief, a 
    verbatim transcript of any testimony, affidavits, papers and documents 
    considered by the Board, briefs and written arguments, advisory 
    opinions, if any, minority reports, if any, the findings, conclusions 
    and recommendations of the Board, where appropriate, and all other 
    papers, documents, and reports necessary to reflect a true and complete 
    history of the proceedings.
        (d) Withdrawal. The Board may permit an applicant to withdraw his/
    her application without prejudice at any time before its record of 
    proceedings is forwarded to the Secretary.
        (e) Delegation of authority to correct certain naval records. (1) 
    With respect to all petitions for relief properly before it, the Board 
    is authorized to take final corrective action on behalf of the 
    Secretary, unless:
        (i) Comments by proper naval authority are inconsistent with the 
    Board's recommendation;
        (ii) The Board's recommendation is not unanimous; or
        (iii) It is in the category of petitions reserved for decision by 
    the Secretary of the Navy.
        (2) The following categories of petitions for relief are reserved 
    for decision by the Secretary of the Navy:
        (i) Petitions involving records previously reviewed or acted upon 
    by the Secretary wherein the operative facts remained substantially the 
        (ii) Petitions by former commissioned officers or midshipmen to 
    change the character of, and/or the reason for, their discharge; or,
    [[Page 8169]]
        (iii) Such other petitions as, in the determination of Office of 
    the Secretary or the Executive Director, warrant Secretarial review.
        (3) The Executive Director after ensuring compliance with this 
    section, will announce final decisions on applications decided under 
    this section.
    Sec. 723.7  Action by the Secretary.
        (a) General. The record of proceedings, except in cases finalized 
    by the Board under the authority delegated in Sec. 723.6(e), and those 
    denied by the Board without a hearing, will be forwarded to the 
    Secretary who will direct such action as he or she determines to be 
    appropriate, which may include the return of the record to the Board 
    for further consideration. Those cases returned for further 
    consideration shall be accompanied by a brief statement setting out the 
    reasons for such action along with any specific instructions. If the 
    Secretary's decision is to deny relief, such decision shall be in 
    writing and, unless he or she expressly adopts in whole or in part the 
    findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Board, or a minority 
    report, shall include a brief statement of the grounds for denial. See 
    Sec. 723.3(e)(4).
        (b) Military Whistleblower Protection Act. The Secretary will 
    ensure that decisions in cases involving the Military Whistleblower 
    Protection Act are issued 180 days after receipt of the case and will, 
    unless the full relief requested is granted, inform applicants of their 
    right to request review of the decision by the Secretary of Defense. 
    Applicants will also be informed:
        (1) Of the name and address of the official to whom the request for 
    review must be submitted.
        (2) That the request for review must be submitted within 90 days 
    after receipt of the decision by the Secretary of the Navy.
        (3) That the request for review must be in writing and include:
        (i) The applicant's name, address and telephone number;
        (ii) A copy of the application to the Board and the final decision 
    of the Secretary of the Navy; and
        (iii) A statement of the specific reasons the applicant is not 
    satisfied with the decision of the Secretary of the Navy.
        (4) That the request must be based on the Board record; request for 
    review based on factual allegations or evidence not previously 
    presented to the Board will not be considered under this paragraph but 
    may be the basis for reconsideration by the Board under Sec. 723.9.
    Sec. 723.8  Staff action.
        (a) Transmittal of final decisions granting relief. (1) If the 
    final decision of the Secretary is to grant the applicant's request for 
    relief the record of proceedings shall be returned to the Board for 
    disposition. The Board shall transmit the finalized record of 
    proceedings to proper naval authority for appropriate action. Similarly 
    final decisions of the Board granting the applicant's request for 
    relief under the authority delegated in Sec. 723.6(e), shall also be 
    forwarded to the proper naval authority for appropriate action.
        (2) The Board shall transmit a copy of the record of proceedings to 
    the proper naval authority for filing in the applicant's service record 
    except where the effect of such action would be to nullify the relief 
    granted. In such cases no reference to the Board's decision shall be 
    made in the service record or files of the applicant and all copies of 
    the record of proceedings and any related papers shall be forwarded to 
    the Board and retained in a file maintained for this purpose.
        (3) The addressees of such decisions shall report compliance 
    therewith to the Executive Director.
        (4) Upon receipt of the record of proceedings after final action by 
    the Secretary, or by the Board acting under the authority contained in 
    Sec. 723.6(e), the Board shall communicate the decision to the 
    applicant. The applicant is entitled, upon request, to receive a copy 
    of the Board's findings, conclusions and recommendations.
        (b) Transmittal of final decisions denying relief. If the final 
    decision of the Secretary or the Board is to deny relief, the following 
    materials will be made available to the applicant:
        (1) A statement of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations 
    made by the Board and the reasons therefor;
        (2) Any advisory opinions considered by the Board;
        (3) Any minority reports; and
        (4) Any material prepared by the Secretary as required in 
    Sec. 723.7. Moreover, applicant shall also be informed that the name 
    and final vote of each Board member will be furnished or made available 
    upon request and that he/she may submit new and material evidence or 
    other matter for further consideration.
    Sec. 723.9  Reconsideration.
        After final adjudication, further consideration will be granted 
    only upon presentation by the applicant of new and material evidence or 
    other matter not previously considered by the Board. New evidence is 
    defined as evidence not previously considered by the Board and not 
    reasonably available to the applicant at the time of the previous 
    application. Evidence is material if it is likely to have a substantial 
    effect on the outcome. All requests for further consideration will be 
    initially screened by the Executive Director of the Board to determine 
    whether new and material evidence or other matter (including, but not 
    limited to, any factual allegations or arguments why the relief should 
    be granted) has been submitted by the applicant. If such evidence or 
    other matter has been submitted, the request shall be forwarded to the 
    Board for a decision. If no such evidence or other matter has been 
    submitted, the applicant will be informed that his/her request was not 
    considered by the Board because it did not contain new and material 
    evidence or other matter.
    Sec. 723.10  Settlement of claims.
        (a) Authority. (1) The Department of the Navy is authorized under 
    10 U.S.C. 1552 to pay claims for amounts due to applicants as a result 
    of corrections to their naval records.
        (2) The Department of the Navy is not authorized to pay any claim 
    heretofore compensated by Congress through enactment of a private law, 
    or to pay any amount as compensation for any benefit to which the 
    claimant might subsequently become entitled under the laws and 
    regulations administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
        (b) Application for settlement. (1) Settlement and payment of 
    claims shall be made only upon a claim of the person whose record has 
    been corrected or legal representative, heirs at law, or beneficiaries. 
    Such claim for settlement and payment may be filed as a separate part 
    of the application for correction of the record.
        (2) When the person whose record has been corrected is deceased, 
    and where no demand is presented by a duly appointed legal 
    representative of the estate, payments otherwise due shall be made to 
    the surviving spouse, heir or beneficiaries, in the order prescribed by 
    the law applicable to that kind of payment, or if there is no such law 
    covering order of payment, in the order set forth in 10 U.S.C. 2771; or 
    as otherwise prescribed by the law applicable to that kind of payment.
        (3) Upon request, the applicant or applicants shall be required to 
    furnish requisite information to determine their status as proper 
    parties to the claim for purposes of payment under applicable 
    provisions of law.
        (c) Settlement. (1) Settlement of claims shall be upon the basis of 
    the decision and recommendation of the
    [[Page 8170]]
    Board, as approved by the Secretary or his designee. Computation of the 
    amounts due shall be made by the appropriate disbursing activity. In no 
    case will the amount found due exceed the amount which would otherwise 
    have been paid or have become due under applicable laws had no error or 
    injustice occurred. Earnings received from civilian employment, self 
    employment or any income protection plan for such employment during any 
    period for which active duty pay and allowances are payable will be 
    deducted from the settlement. To the extent authorized by law and 
    regulation, amounts found due may be reduced by the amount of any 
    existing indebtedness to the Government arising from military service.
        (2) Prior to or at the time of payment, the person or persons to 
    whom payments are to be made shall be advised by the disbursing 
    activity of the nature and amount of the various benefits represented 
    by the total settlement and shall be advised further that acceptance of 
    such settlement shall constitute a complete release by the claimants 
    involved of any claim against the United States on account of the 
    correction of the record.
        (d) Report of settlement. In every case where payment is made, the 
    amount of such payment and the names of the payee or payees shall be 
    reported to the Executive Director.
    Sec. 723.11  Miscellaneous provisions.
        (a) Expenses. No expenses of any nature whatsoever voluntarily 
    incurred by the applicant, counsel, witnesses, or by any other person 
    in the applicant's behalf, will be paid by the Government.
        (b) Indexing of decisions. (1) Documents sent to each applicant and 
    counsel in accordance with Sec. 723.3(e)(5) and Sec. 723.8(a)(4), 
    together with the record of the votes of Board members and all other 
    statements of findings, conclusions and recommendations made on final 
    determination of an application by the Board or the Secretary will be 
    indexed and promptly made available for public inspection and copying 
    at the Armed Forces Discharge Review/Correction Boards Reading Room 
    located on the Concourse of the Pentagon Building in Room 2E123, 
    Washington, DC.
        (2) All documents made available for public inspection and copying 
    shall be indexed in a usable and concise form so as to enable the 
    public to identify those cases similar in issue together with the 
    circumstances under and/or reasons for which the Board and/or Secretary 
    have granted or denied relief. The index shall be published quarterly 
    and shall be available for public inspection and distribution by sale 
    at the Reading Room located on the Concourse of the Pentagon Building 
    in Room 2E123, Washington, DC. Inquiries concerning the index or the 
    Reading Room may be addressed to the Chief, Micromation Branch/Armed 
    Forces Discharge Review/Correction Boards Reading Room, Crystal Mall 4, 
    1941 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia 22202.
        (3) To the extent necessary to prevent a clearly unwarranted 
    invasion of personal privacy, identifying details of the applicant and 
    other persons will be deleted from the documents made available for 
    public inspection and copying. Names, addresses, social security 
    numbers and military service numbers must be deleted. Deletions of 
    other information which is privileged or classified may be made only if 
    a written statement of the basis for such deletion is made available 
    for public inspection.
        Dated: January 30, 1997.
    D.E. Koenig, Jr.,
    LCDR, JAGC, USN, Federal Register Liaison Officer.
    [FR Doc. 97-4390 Filed 2-21-97; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Navy Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
8166-8170 (5 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (15)
32 CFR 723.5(b)(2)
32 CFR 723.4(b)(2)
32 CFR 723.3(e)(4)
32 CFR 723.6(e)
32 CFR 723.1
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