2012-16989. Extension of Import Restrictions on Archaeological Objects and Ecclesiastical and Ritual Ethnological Materials From Cyprus  

  • Start Preamble


    U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury.


    Final rule.


    This document amends U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulations to reflect the extension of import restrictions on Pre-Classical and Classical archaeological objects and Byzantine ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological materials from Cyprus. These restrictions, which were last extended by CBP Dec. 07-52, are due to expire on July 16, 2012, unless extended. The Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs, United States Department of State, has determined to extend the bilateral Agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and the United States to continue the imposition of import restrictions on cultural property from Cyprus. The Designated List of cultural property described in CBP Dec. 07-52 is revised in this document to reflect that the types of ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological articles dating from the Byzantine period previously listed on the CBP Dec. 07-52 Designated List as protected are now protected also if dating from the Post-Byzantine period (c. 1500 A.D. to 1850 A.D.) The revised Designated List also clarifies that certain mosaics of stone and wall hangings (specifically, to include images of Saints among images of Christ, Archangels, and the Apostles) are covered under the import restrictions published today. The import restrictions imposed on the archaeological and ethnological materials covered under the Agreement will remain in effect for a 5-year period, and the CBP regulations are being amended accordingly. These restrictions are being extended pursuant to determinations of the State Department under the terms of the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act in accordance with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property.


    Effective Date: July 16, 2012.

    Start Further Info


    For legal aspects, George F. McCray, Esq., Chief, Cargo Security, Carriers and Immigration Branch, Regulations and Rulings, Office of International Trade, (202) 325-0082. For operational aspects, Virginia McPherson, Interagency Requirements Branch, Trade Policy and Programs, Office of International Trade, (202) 863-6563.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information



    Pursuant to the provisions of the 1970 UNESCO Convention, codified into U.S. law as the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act (hereafter, the Cultural Property Implementation Act or the Act) (Pub. L. 97-446, 19 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.), signatory nations (State Parties) may enter into bilateral or multilateral agreements to impose import restrictions on eligible archaeological and ethnological materials under procedures and requirements prescribed by the Act. Under the Act and applicable CBP regulations (19 CFR 12.104g), the restrictions are effective for no more than five years beginning on the date on which the agreement enters into force with respect to the United States (19 U.S.C. 2602(b)). This period may be extended for additional periods, each such period not to exceed five years, where it is determined that the factors justifying the initial agreement still pertain and no cause for suspension of the agreement exists (19 U.S.C. 2602(e); 19 CFR 12.104g(a)).

    In certain limited circumstances, the Cultural Property Implementation Act authorizes the imposition of restrictions on an emergency basis upon the request of a State Party (19 U.S.C. 2603(c)(1)). Under the Act and applicable CBP regulations (19 CFR 12.104g(b)), emergency restrictions are effective for no more than five years from the date of the State Party's request and may be extended for three years where it is determined that the emergency condition continues to apply with respect to the covered materials (19 U.S.C. 2603(c)(3)).

    On April 12, 1999, under the authority of the Cultural Property Implementation Act, the former U.S. Customs Service published Treasury Decision (T.D.) 99-35 in the Federal Register (64 FR 17529) imposing emergency import restrictions on certain Byzantine ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological materials from Cyprus and accordingly amending 19 CFR 12.104g(b) pertaining to emergency import restrictions. These restrictions were effective for a period of 5 years from September 4, 1998, the date the Republic of Cyprus made the request for emergency protection. On August 29, 2003, these restrictions were extended, by publication of CBP Dec. 03-25 in the Federal Register (68 FR 51903), for an additional 3-year period, to September 4, 2006.

    In a separate action, on July 16, 2002, the United States entered into a bilateral Agreement with the Republic of Cyprus concerning the imposition of import restrictions on certain archaeological materials of Cyprus representing the Pre-Classical and Classical periods of its cultural heritage (the 2002 Agreement).[1] On July 19, 2002, the former United States Customs Service published T.D. 02-37 in the Federal Register (67 FR 47447), which amended 19 CFR 12.104g(a) to reflect the imposition of these restrictions and included a list designating the types of archaeological materials covered by the restrictions. These restrictions were to be effective through July 16, 2007.

    On August 17, 2006, the Republic of Cyprus and the United States amended the 2002 Agreement (covering the Pre-Classical and Classical archaeological materials) to include the list of Byzantine ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological materials that had been (and, at that time, were still) protected pursuant to the emergency action described above. The amendment of the 2002 Agreement to cover both the subject archaeological materials and the subject ethnological materials was reflected in CBP Dec. 06-22, which was published in the Federal Register (71 FR 51724) on August 31, 2006. CBP Dec. 06-22 contains the list of Byzantine ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological materials from Cyprus previously protected pursuant to emergency action and announced that import restrictions, as of August 31, 2006, were imposed on this cultural property pursuant to the amended Agreement (19 U.S.C. 2603(c)(4)). Thus, as of that date, the restrictions covering both the archaeological materials and the ethnological materials described in CBP Dec. 06-22 were set to be effective Start Printed Page 41267through July 16, 2007. (The amended Agreement was subsequently extended by the Parties, effective on July 16, 2007.)

    On July 13, 2007, CBP published CBP Dec. 07-52 in the Federal Register (72 FR 38470) which further extended the import restrictions to July 16, 2012. The Designated List was published with the Decision.

    On October 18, 2011, the Department of State received a request by the Republic of Cyprus to extend the amended Agreement and to extend the historical timeframe to protect ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological materials of the Post-Byzantine period, c. 1500 A.D. to 1850 A.D. On June 15, 2012, after the Department of State proposed to so extend the amended Agreement and reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, the Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs, State Department, determined that the cultural heritage of Cyprus continues to be in jeopardy from pillage of certain archaeological objects and certain ethnological materials and made the necessary determination to extend the import restrictions for an additional five-year period to July 16, 2017. Diplomatic notes have been exchanged reflecting the extension of the restrictions, as described in this document and as applicable to the revised Designated List set forth in this document, for a five-year period.

    Thus, CBP is amending 19 CFR 12.104g(a) accordingly. Importation of such materials from Cyprus will be restricted through that date unless the conditions set forth in 19 U.S.C. 2606 and 19 CFR 12.104c are met.

    In this document, the Designated List of articles that was published in CBP Dec. 07-52 is also amended to extend the historical timeframe of the restricted ecclesiastical and ritual ethnological materials to include the Post-Byzantine period, c. 1500 A.D. to 1850 A.D. In addition, the section of the Designated List pertaining to the covered ethnological materials has been revised to clarify coverage of certain mosaics of stone and wall hangings (specifically, to include images of Saints among images of Christ, Archangels, and the Apostles). The articles described in the Designated List set forth below are protected pursuant to the amended Agreement. It is noted that there are no revisions to the section of the Designated List pertaining to covered archaeological objects. It is reprinted as a convenience.

    The Designated List of Pre-Classical and Classical Period Archaeological Objects and Ecclesiastical and Ritual Ethnological Materials, and accompanying image database, may also be found at the following Internet Web site address: http://exchanges.state.gov/​heritage/​culprop/​pefact/​html,, under “III. Categories of Objects Subject to Import Restriction,” by clicking on “Designated List” and on “Cyprus Section of the Image Database.

    List of Archaeological Objects From Cyprus Representing Pre-Classical and Classical Periods Ranging in Date From Approximately the 8th Millennium B.C. to Approximately 330 A.D.

    I. Ceramic

    A. Vessels

    1. Neolithic and Chalcolithic (c. 7500-2300 B.C.)—Bowls and jars, including spouted vessels. Varieties include Combed ware, Black Lustrous ware, Red Lustrous ware, and Red-on-White painted ware. Approximately 10-24 cm in height.

    2. Early Bronze Age (c. 2300-1850 B.C.)—Forms are hand-made and include bowls, jugs, juglets, jars, and specialized forms, such as askoi, pyxides, gourd-shape, multiple-body vessels, and vessels with figurines attached. Cut-away spouts, multiple spouts, basket handles, and round bases commonly occur. Incised, punctured, molded, and applied ornament, as well as polishing and slip, are included in the range of decorative techniques. Approximately 13-60 cm in height.

    3. Middle Bronze Age (c. 1850-1550 B.C.)—Forms are hand-made and include bowls, jugs, juglets, jars, zoomorphic askoi, bottles, amphorae, and amphoriskoi. Some have multiple spouts and basket or ribbon handles. Decorative techniques include red and brown paint, incised or applied decoration, and polishing. Varieties include Red Polished ware, White Painted ware, Black Slip ware, Red Slip ware, and Red-on-Black ware. Approximately 4-25 cm in height.

    4. Late Bronze Age (c. 1550-1050 B.C.)—Forms include bowls, jars, jugs and juglets, tankards, rhyta, bottles, kraters, alabastra, stemmed cups, cups, stirrup jars, amphorae, and amphoriskoi. A wide variety of spouts, handles, and bases are common. Zoomorphic vessels also occur. Decorative techniques include painted design in red or brown, polishing, and punctured or incised decoration. Varieties include White Slip, Base Ring ware, White Shaved ware, Red Lustrous ware, Bichrome Wheel-made ware, and Proto-White Painted ware. Some examples of local or imported Mycenaean Late Helladic III have also been found. Approximately 5-50 cm in height.

    5. Cypro-Geometric I-III (c. 1050-750 B.C.)—Forms include bowls, jugs, juglets, jars, cups, skyphoi, amphorae, amphoriskos, and tripods. A variety of spouts, handles and base forms are used. Decorative techniques include paint in dark brown and red, ribbing, polish, and applied projections. Varieties include White Painted I-II wares, Black Slip I-II wares, Bichrome II-III wares, and Black-on-Red ware. Approximately 7-30 cm in height.

    6. Cypro-Archaic I-II (c. 750-475 B.C.)—Forms include bowls, plates, jugs and juglets, cups, kraters, amphoriskoi, oinochoai, and amphorae. Many of the forms are painted with bands, lines, concentric circles, and other geometric and floral patterns. Animal designs occur in the Free Field style. Molded decoration in the form of female figurines may also be applied. Red and dark brown paint is used on Bichrome ware. Black paint on a red polished surface is common on Black-on-Red ware. Other varieties include Bichrome Red, Polychromem Red, and Plain White. Approximately 12-45 cm in height.

    7. Cypro-Classical I-II (c. 475-325 B.C.)—Forms include bowls, shallow dishes, jugs and juglets, oinochoai, and amphorae. The use of painted decoration in red and brown, as well as blue/green and black continues. Some vessels have molded female figurines applied. Decorative designs include floral and geometric patterns. Burnishing also occurs. Varieties include Polychrome Red, Black-on-Red, Polychrome Red, Stroke Burnished, and White Painted wares. Approximately 6-40 cm in height.

    8. Hellenistic (c. 325 B.C.-50 B.C.)—Forms include bowls, dishes, cups, unguentaria, jugs and juglets, pyxides, and amphorae. Most of the ceramic vessels of the period are undecorated. Those that are decorated use red, brown, or white paint in simple geometric patterns. Ribbing is also a common decorative technique. Some floral patterns are also used. Varieties include Glazed Painted ware and Glazed ware. Imports include Megarian bowls. Approximately 5-25 cm in height.

    9. Roman (c. 50 B.C.-330 A.D.)—Forms include bowls, dishes, cups, jugs and juglets, unguentaria, amphorae, and cooking pots. Decorativetechniques include incision, embossing, molded decoration, grooved decoration, and paint. Varieties include Terra Sigillata and Glazed and Green Glazed wares. Approximately 5-55 cm in height.Start Printed Page 41268

    B. Sculpture

    1. Terracotta Figurines (Small Statuettes)

    (a) Neolithic to Late Bronze Age (c. 7500-1050 B.C.)—Figurines are small, hand-made, and schematic in form. Most represent female figures, often standing and sometimes seated and giving birth or cradling an infant. Features and attributes are marked with incisions or paint. Figurines occur in Red-on-White ware, Red Polished ware, Red-Drab Polished ware, and Base Ring ware. Approximately 10-25 cm in height.

    (b) Cypro-Geometric to Cypro-Archaic (c. 1050-475 B.C.)—Figurines show a greater diversity of form than earlier figurines. Female figurines are still common, but forms also include male horse-and-rider figurines; warrior figures; animals such as birds, bulls and pigs; tubular figurines; boat models; and human masks. In the Cypro-Archaic period, terra cotta models illustrate a variety of daily activities, including the process of making pottery and grinding grain. Other examples include musicians and men in chariots. Approximately 7-19 cm in height.

    (c) Cypro-Classical to Roman (c. 475 B.C.-330 A.D.)—Figurines mirror the classical tradition of Greece and Roman. Types include draped women, nude youths, and winged figures. Approximately 9-20 cm in height.

    2. Large Scale Terracotta Figurines—Dating to the Cypro-Archaic period (c. 750-475 B.C.), full figures about half life-size, are commonly found in sanctuaries. Illustrated examples include the head of a woman decorated with rosettes and a bearded male with spiral-decorated helmet. Approximately 50-150 cm in height.

    3. Funerary Statuettes—Dating to the Cypro-Classical period (c. 475-325 B.C.), these illustrate both male and female figures draped, often seated, as expressions of mourning. Approximately 25-50 cm in height.

    C. Inscriptions

    Writing on clay is restricted to the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550-1050 B.C.). These occur on clay tablets, weights, and clay balls. Approximately 2-7 cm in height.

    II. Stone

    A. Vessels

    Ground stone vessels occur from the Neolithic to the Hellenistic period (c. 7500-50 B.C.). Early vessels are from local hard stone. Most are bowl-shaped; some are trough-shaped with spouts and handles. Neolithic vessels often have incised or perforated decoration. Late Bronze Age vessels include amphoriskoi and kraters with handles. Sometimes these have incised decoration. Alabaster was also used for stone vessels in the Late Bronze Age and Hellenistic period. In the latter period, stone vessels are produced in the same shapes as ceramic vessels: amphorae, unguentaria, etc. Approximately 10-30 cm in height.

    B. Sculpture

    1. Neolithic to Chalcolithic (c. 7500-2300 B.C.)—Forms include small scale human heads, fiddle-shaped human figures, steatopygous female figures, cruciform idols with incised decoration, and animal figures. Andesite and limestone are commonly used in these periods. Approximately 5-30 cm in height.

    2. Cypro-Classical (c. 475-325 B.C.)—Small scale to life-size human figures, whole and fragments, in limestone and marble, are similar to the Classical tradition in local styles. Examples include the limestone head of a youth in Neo-Cypriote style, votive female figures in Proto-Cypriot style, a kouros in Archaic Greek style, statues and statuettes representing Classical gods such as Zeus and Aphrodite, as well as portrait heads of the Greek and Roman periods. Approximately 10-200 cm in height.

    C. Architectural Elements

    Sculpted stone building elements occur from the 5th century B.C. through the 3rd century A.D. These include columns and column capitals, relief decoration, chancel panels, window frames, revetments, offering tables, coats of arms, and gargoyles.

    D. Seals

    Dating from the Neolithic (7500 B.C.) through 3rd century A.D., conical seals, scarabs, cylinder seals, and bread stamps are incised with geometric decoration, pictoral scenes, and inscriptions. Approximately 2-12 cm in height.

    E. Amulets and Pendants

    Dating to the Chalcolithic period, these pendants are made of picrolite and are oval or rectangular in form. Approximately 4-5 cm in length.

    F. Inscriptions

    Inscribed stone materials date from the 6th century B.C. through the 3rd century A.D. During the Cypro-Classical period, funerary stelae, and votive plaques were inscribed. From the 1st to the 3rd century A.D. funerary plaques, mosaic floors, and building plaques were inscribed.

    G. Funerary Stelae (Uninscribed)

    Funerary stelae date from the 6th century B.C. to the end of the Hellenistic period (c. 50 B.C.). Marble and other stone sculptural monuments have relief decoration of animals or human figures seated or standing. Stone coffins also have relief decoration. Approximately 50-155 cm in height.

    H. Floor Mosaics

    Floor mosaics date as early as the 4th century B.C. in domestic and public contexts and continue to be produced through the 3rd century A.D. Examples include the mosaics at Nea Paphos, Kourion, and Kouklia.

    III. Metal

    A. Copper/Bronze

    1. Vessels—Dating from the Bronze Age (c. 2300 B.C.) through the 3rd century A.D., bronze vessel forms include bowls, cups, amphorae, jugs, juglets, pyxides, dippers, lamp stands, dishes, and plates. Approximately 4-30 cm in height.

    2. Bronze Stands—Dating from the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550 B.C.) through the end of the Classical period (c. 325 B.C.), are bronze stands with animal decoration.

    3. Sculpture—Dating from the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550) to the end of the Hellenistic period (c. 50 B.C.), small figural sculpture includes human forms with attached attributes such as spears or goblets, animal figures, animal- and vessel-shaped weights, and Classical representations of gods and mythological figures. Approximately 5-25 cm in height.

    4. Personal Objects—Dating from the Early Bronze Age (c. 2300 B.C.) to the end of the Roman period (330 A.D.), forms include toggle pins, straight pins, fibulae, and mirrors.

    B. Silver

    1. Vessels—Dating from the Bronze Age (c. 2300 B.C.) through the end of the Roman period (330 A.D.), forms include bowls, dishes, coffee services, and ceremonial objects such as incense burners. These are often decorated with molded or incised geometric motifs or figural scenes.

    2. Jewelry—Dating from the Cypro-Geometric period (c. 1050 B.C.) through the end of the Roman period (330 A.D.), forms include fibulae, rings, bracelets, and spoons.

    C. Gold Jewelry

    Gold jewelry has been found on Cyprus from the Early Bronze Age (c. 2300 B.C.) through the end of the Roman period (330 A.D.). Items include Start Printed Page 41269hair ornaments, bands, frontlets, pectorals, earrings, necklaces, rings, pendants, plaques, beads, and bracelets.

    D. Coins of Cypriot Types

    Coins of Cypriot types made of gold, silver, and bronze including but not limited to:

    1. Issues of the ancient kingdoms of Amathus, Kition, Kourion, Idalion, Lapethos, Marion, Paphos, Soli, and Salamis dating from the end of the 6th century B.C. to 332 B.C.

    2. Issues of the Hellenistic period, such as those of Paphos, Salamis, and Kition from 332 B.C. to c. 30 B.C.

    3. Provincial and local issues of the Roman period from c. 30 B.C. to 235 A.D. Often these have a bust or head on one side and the image of a temple (the Temple of Aphrodite at Palaipaphos) or statue (statue of Zeus Salaminios) on the other.

    List of Ecclesiastical and Ritual Ethnological Material From Cyprus Representing the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Periods Dating From Approximately the 4th Century A.D. to 1850 A.D.

    I. Metal

    A. Bronze

    Ceremonial objects include crosses, censers (incense burners), rings, and buckles for ecclesiastical garments. The objects may be decorated with engraved or modeled designs or Greek inscriptions. Crosses, rings and buckles are often set with semi-precious stones.

    B. Lead

    Lead objects date to the Byzantine period and include ampulla (small bottle-shaped forms) used in religious observance.

    C. Silver and Gold

    Ceremonial vessels and objects used in ritual and as components of church treasure. Ceremonial objects include censers (incense burners), book covers, liturgical crosses, archbishop's crowns, buckles, and chests. These are often decorated with molded or incised geometric motifs or scenes from the Bible, and encrusted with semi-precious or precious stones. The gems themselves may be engraved with religious figures or inscriptions. Church treasure may include all of the above, as well as rings, earrings, and necklaces (some decorated with ecclesiastical themes) and other implements (e.g., spoons).

    II. Wood

    Artifacts made of wood are primarily those intended for ritual or ecclesiastical use during the Byzantine period. These include painted icons, painted wood screens (iconostases), carved doors, crosses, painted wooded beams from churches or monasteries, thrones, chests and musical instruments. Religious figures (Christ, the Apostles, the Virgin, and others) predominate in the painted and carved figural decoration. Ecclesiastical furniture and architectural elements may also be decorated with geometric or floral designs.

    III. Ivory and Bone

    Ecclesiastical and ritual objects of ivory and bone boxes, plaques, pendants, candelabra, stamp rings, crosses. Carved and engraved decoration includes religious figures, scenes from the Bible, and floral and geometric designs.

    IV. Glass

    Ecclesiastical objects such as lamps and ritual vessels.

    V. Textiles—Ritual Garments

    Ecclesiastical garments and other ritual textiles from the Byzantine period. Robes, vestments and altar clothes are often of a fine fabric and richly embroidered in silver and gold. Embroidered designs include religious motifs and floral and geometric designs.

    VI. Stone

    A. Wall Mosaics

    Dating to the Byzantine period, wall mosaics are found in ecclesiastical buildings. These generally portray images of Christ, Archangels, the Apostles, and Saints in scenes of Biblical events. Surrounding panels may contain animal, floral, or geometric designs.

    B. Floor Mosaics

    Floor mosaics from ecclesiastical contexts. Examples include the mosaics at Nea Paphos, Kourion, Kouklia, Chrysopolitissa Basilica and Campanopetra Basilica. Floor mosaics may have animal, floral, geometric designs, or inscriptions.

    VII. Frescoes/Wall Paintings

    Wall paintings from the Byzantine period religious structures (churches, monasteries, chapels, etc.) Like the mosaics, wall paintings generally portray images of Christ, Archangels, the Apostles, and Saints in scenes of Biblical events. Surrounding paintings may contain animal, floral, or geometric designs.

    Inapplicability of Notice and Delayed Effective Date

    This amendment involves a foreign affairs function of the United States and is, therefore, being made without notice or public procedure (5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1)). For the same reasons, a delayed effective date is not required.

    Regulatory Flexibility Act

    Because no notice of proposed rulemaking is required, the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) do not apply.

    Executive Order 12866

    Because this rule involves a foreign affairs function of the United States, it is not subject to Executive Order 12866.

    Signing Authority

    This regulation is being issued in accordance with 19 CFR 0.1(a)(1).

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 19 CFR Part 12

    • Cultural property
    • Customs duties and inspection
    • Imports
    • Prohibited merchandise
    End List of Subjects

    Amendment to CBP Regulations

    For the reasons set forth above, part 12 of Title 19 of the Code of Federal Regulations (19 CFR part 12), is amended as set forth below:

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The general authority citation for part 12 and the specific authority citation for § 12.104g continue to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 19 U.S.C. 66, 1202 (General Note 3(i), Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)), 1624;

    End Authority
    * * * * *

    Sections 12.104 through 12.104i also issued under 19 U.S.C. 2612;

    * * * * *
    Start Amendment Part

    2. In § 12.104g(a), the table of the list of agreements imposing import restrictions on described articles of cultural property of State Parties is amended in the entry for Cyprus by, in the column headed “Cultural Property,” removing the words “Byzantine period” and adding in their place the words “Byzantine and Post-Byzantine periods” and removing the words “the 15th century A.D.” and adding in their place the words “1850 A.D.”, and, in the column headed “Decision No.,” removing the reference to “CBP Dec. Start Printed Page 4127007-52 and adding in its place “CBP Dec. 12-13”.

    End Amendment Part Start Signature

    Thomas Winkowski,

    Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

    Approved: July 5, 2012.

    Timothy E. Skud,

    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information


    1.  Formally, the Agreement is a Memorandum of Understanding, but the term Agreement is used in this document.

    Back to Citation

    [FR Doc. 2012-16989 Filed 7-12-12; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 9111-14-P