97-7237. Federal Travel Regulation; Temporary Change of Station  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 55 (Friday, March 21, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 13770-13774]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-7237]
    41 CFR Part 302-1
    [FTR Amendment 64]
    RIN 3090-AG44
    Federal Travel Regulation; Temporary Change of Station
    AGENCY: Office of Governmentwide Policy, GSA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    [[Page 13771]]
    SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) to 
    allow an agency to pay a limited set of relocation allowances in 
    connection with a temporary change of station for a period of not less 
    than 6, nor more than 30, months. This amendment is intended to reduce 
    Government expenditures for the long-term assignment of an employee to 
    a temporary official station and to increase the employee's 
    satisfaction by providing an alternative to a long-term temporary duty 
    travel assignment that would involve a prolonged separation from his/
    her immediate family.
    DATES: This final rule is effective March 22, 1997, and applies to an 
    employee whose effective date of transfer (date the employee reports 
    for duty at the new official station) is on or after March 22, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert A. Clauson, Travel and 
    Transportation Management Policy Division (MTT), Washington, DC 20405, 
    telephone 202-501-0299.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A multi-agency travel reinvention task force 
    was organized in August 1994 under the auspices of the Joint Financial 
    Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) to reengineer Federal travel 
    rules and procedures. The task force developed 25 recommended travel 
    management improvements published in a JFMIP report entitled Improving 
    Travel Management Governmentwide, dated December 1995. On September 23, 
    1996, the President signed into law the Federal Employee Travel Reform 
    Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-201), which included 8 legislative changes 
    recommended by the JFMIP to improve travel and the delivery of 
    relocation services.
        This amendment implements section 1716 of the Act which provides 
    the General Services Administration (GSA) authority to issue 
    regulations permitting an agency pay a limited set of relocation 
    allowances for a temporary change of station instead of paying 
    temporary duty travel allowances when an employee is assigned to a 
    temporary official station for a period of not less than 6, nor more 
    than 30, months. This amendment is written in the ``plain English style 
    of regulation writing as a continuation of GSA's effort to make the FTR 
    easier to understand and to use.
    What is the ``Plain English'' Style of Regulation Writing?
        The ``plain English'' style of regulation writing is a new, 
    question and answer format that is simpler to read and understand. 
    Questions are in the first person, and answers are in the second 
    person. GSA uses a ``we'' question and a ``you'' answer when referring 
    to an agency, and an ``I'' question and a ``you'' answer when referring 
    to the employee.
    How Does the Plain English Style of Regulation Writing Affect 
        A question and its answer combine to establish a rule. The employee 
    and the agency must follow the language contained in both the question 
    and its answer.
        GSA has determined that this rule is not a significant regulatory 
    action for the purposes of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993. 
    This final rule is not required to be published in the Federal Register 
    for notice and comment. Therefore, the Regulatory Flexibility Act does 
    not apply. This rule also is exempt from Congressional review 
    prescribed under 5 U.S.C. 801 since it relates solely to agency 
    management and personnel.
    List of Subjects in 41 CFR Part 302-1
        Government employees, saved and transportation expenses.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, 41 CFR part 302-1 is 
    amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 302-1 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5738; 20 U.S.C. 905(a); E.O. 11609, 36 FR 
    13474, 3 CFR, 1971-1975 Comp., p. 586.
    Subpart A--New Appointees and Transferred Employees
        2. Section 302-1.3 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(2) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 302-1.3  General provisions.
        (a) * * *
        (2) Discretionary coverage. The head of an agency, or his/her 
    designee, may authorize the payment of travel and transportation 
    expenses and applicable allowances in the case of:
        (i) A new appointee, as defined in Sec. 302-1.4(d), relocating from 
    his/her place of actual residence at the time of appointment (or at the 
    time following the most recent Presidential election, but before 
    selection or appointment, in the case of an individual who has 
    performed transition activities under section 3 of the Presidential 
    Transition Act of 1963 (3 U.S.C. 102 note) and who is appointed in the 
    same fiscal year as the Presidential inauguration that immediately 
    follows his/her transition activities) for permanent duty to an 
    official station; and
        (ii) An employee authorized a temporary change of station under 
    subpart C of this part in connection with the employee s long-term 
    assignment to a temporary official station.
    * * * * *
        3. Part 302-1 is amended by adding subparts C and D to read as 
    Subpart C--Employee's Temporary Change of Station
    302-1.200  What is a ``temporary change of station (TCS)''?
    302-1.201  What is the purpose of a TCS?
    302-1.202  Am I eligible for a TCS?
    302-1.203  Who is not eligible for a TCS?
    302-1.204  Must my agency authorize a TCS when I am directed to 
    perform a long-term assignment at a temporary official station?
    302-1.205  Under what circumstances will my agency authorize a TCS?
    302-1.206  If my agency authorizes a TCS, do I have the option of 
    electing payment of temporary duty travel allowances instead?
    302-1.207  How long must my assignment be for me to qualify for a 
    302-1.208  What is the effect on my TCS reimbursement if my 
    assignment lasts less than 6 months?
    302-1.209  What is the effect on my TCS reimbursement if my 
    assignment lasts more than 30 months?
    302-1.210  Is there any required minimum distance between an 
    official station and a long-term assignment location that must be 
    met for me to qualify for a TCS?
    302-1.211  Must I sign a service agreement to qualify for a TCS?
    302-1.212  What is my official station during my long-term 
    Expenses Paid Upon Assignment
    302-1.213  What expenses must my agency pay for a TCS upon my 
    302-1.214  What expenses may my agency pay for a TCS upon my 
    Expenses Paid During Assignment
    302-1.215  If my agency authorizes a TCS, will it pay for 
    nontemporary storage of my household goods?
    302-1.216  How long may my agency pay for nontemporary storage of my 
    household goods?
    302-1.217  Is there any limitation on the combined weight of 
    household goods I may transport or nontemporarily store at 
    Government expense?
    302-1.218  What are the income tax consequences if my agency pays 
    for nontemporary storage of my household goods?
    302-1.219  Will my agency pay for property management services when 
    I am authorized a TCS?
    302-1.220  What is the property for which my agency will pay for 
    property management services?
    302-1.221  How long will my agency pay for property management 
    [[Page 13772]]
    302-1.222  What are the income tax consequences when my agency pays 
    for property management services?
    Expenses Paid Upon Completion of Assignment or Upon Separation From 
    Government Service
    302-1.223  What expenses will my agency pay when I complete my long-
    term assignment?
    302-1.224  If I separate from Government service upon completion of 
    my long-term assignment, what relocation expenses will my agency pay 
    upon my separation?
    302-1.225  If I separate from Government service prior to completion 
    of my long-term assignment, what relocation expenses will my agency 
    pay upon my separation?
    302-1.226  If I have been authorized successive temporary changes of 
    station and reassigned from one temporary official station to 
    another, what expenses will my agency pay upon completion of my last 
    assignment or my separation from Government service?
    Permanent Assignment to Temporary Official Station
    302-1.227  How is payment of my TCS expenses affected if I am 
    permanently assigned to my temporary official station?
    302-1.228  What relocation allowances may my agency pay when I am 
    permanently assigned to my temporary official station?
    302-1.229  If I am permanently assigned to my temporary official 
    station, is there any limitation on the weight of household goods I 
    may transport at Government expense to my official station?
    302-1.230  Are there any relocation allowances my agency may not pay 
    if I am permanently assigned to my temporary official station?
    Subpart D--Agency Responsibilities for Temporary Change of Station
    302-1.300  How should we administer our TCS program?
    302-1.301  What governing policies must we establish for our TCS 
    302-1.302  What factors should we consider in determining whether to 
    authorize a TCS for a long-term assignment?
    Subpart C--Employee's Temporary Change of Station
        Note to subpart C: Use of the pronouns ``I'' and ``you'' 
    throughout this subpart refers to the employee.
    Sec. 302-1.200  What is a ``temporary change of station (TCS)''?
        TCS means the relocation of an employee to a new official station 
    for a temporary period while the employee is performing a long-term 
    assignment, and subsequent return of the employee to the previous 
    official station upon completion of that assignment.
    Sec. 302-1.201  What is the purpose of a TCS?
        TCS provides agencies an alternative to a long-term temporary duty 
    travel assignment to increase employee satisfaction and enhance morale, 
    reduce the employee's income tax liability, and save the Government 
    Sec. 302-1.202  Am I eligible for a TCS?
        Yes, if you are an employee who is directed to perform a long-term 
    assignment at a temporary location, and you otherwise would be eligible 
    for payment of temporary duty travel allowances authorized under 
    chapter 301 of this subtitle. For exceptions, see Sec. 302-1.203.
    Sec. 302-1.203  Who is not eligible for a TCS?
        The following individuals are not eligible for a TCS:
        (a) A new appointee;
        (b) An employee assigned to or from a State or local Government 
    under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (5 U.S.C. 3372, et. seq.);
        (c) An individual employed intermittently in the Government service 
    as a consultant or expert and paid on a daily when-actually-employed 
    (WAE) basis;
        (d) An individual serving without pay or at $1 a year; or
        (e) An employee assigned under the Government Employees Training 
    Act (5 U.S.C. 4109).
    Sec. 302-1.204  Must my agency authorize a TCS when I am directed to 
    perform a long-term assignment at a temporary official station?
        No. Your agency determines the conditions under which a TCS is 
    necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Government effectively and 
    Sec. 302-1.205  Under what circumstances will my agency authorize a 
        Your agency will authorize a TCS when:
        (a) You are directed to perform a long-term assignment at another 
    duty station;
        (b) Your agency otherwise could authorize temporary duty travel and 
    pay travel allowances, including payment of subsistence expenses, under 
    chapter 301 of this subtitle for the long-term assignment;
        (c) Your agency determines it would be more advantageous, cost and 
    other factors considered, to authorize a TCS; and
        (d) You meet any additional conditions your agency has established.
    Sec. 302-1.206  If my agency authorizes a TCS, do I have the option of 
    electing payment of temporary duty travel allowances instead?
    Sec. 302-1.207  How long must my assignment be for me to qualify for a 
        Not less than 6 months, nor more than 30 months.
    Sec. 302-1.208  What is the effect on my TCS reimbursement if my 
    assignment lasts less than 6 months?
        Your agency may authorize a TCS only when a long-term assignment is 
    expected to last 6 months or more. If your assignment is cut short for 
    reasons other than separation from Government service, you will be paid 
    TCS expenses.
    Sec. 302-1.209  What is the effect on my TCS reimbursement if my 
    assignment lasts more than 30 months?
        If your assignment exceeds 30 months, your agency must permanently 
    assign you to the temporary official station or return you to your 
    previous official station. Your agency may not pay for nontemporary 
    storage or property management services incurred after the last day of 
    the thirtieth month. Your agency must pay the expenses of returning you 
    and your immediate family and household goods to your previous official 
    station unless you are permanently assigned to your temporary official 
    Sec. 302-1.210  Is there any required minimum distance between an 
    official station and a long-term assignment location that must be met 
    for me to qualify for a TCS?
        No. Your agency may establish the area within which it will not 
    authorize a TCS.
    Sec. 302-1.211  Must I sign a service agreement to qualify for a TCS?
    Sec. 302-1.212  What is my official station during my long-term 
        Your official station is the location of your long-term assignment.
    Expenses Paid Upon Assignment
    Sec. 302-1.213  What expenses must my agency pay for a TCS upon my 
        Your agency must pay the following:
        (a) Travel, including per diem, for you and your immediate family 
    under part 302-2 of this chapter;
        (b) Transportation and temporary storage of your household goods 
    under part 302-8 of this chapter;
        (c) Transportation of a mobile home instead of transportation of 
    household goods under part 302-7 of this chapter;
        (d) A miscellaneous expenses allowance under part 302-3 of this 
        (e) Transportation of a privately owned vehicle(s) under part 302-
    10 of this chapter; and
    [[Page 13773]]
        (f) A relocation income tax allowance under part 302-11 of this 
    chapter for additional income taxes you incur on payments your agency 
    makes under the authority of this section and Sec. 302-1.214 for your 
    relocation expenses.
    Sec. 302-1.214  What expenses may my agency pay for a TCS upon my 
        Your agency may pay the following:
        (a) Househunting trip expenses under part 302-4 of this chapter; 
        (b) Temporary quarters subsistence expenses under part 302-5 of 
    this chapter.
    Expenses Paid During Assignment
    Sec. 302-1.215  If my agency authorizes a TCS, will it pay for 
    nontemporary storage of my household goods?
        Yes, when nontemporary storage is necessary. Nontemporary storage 
    expenses include necessary packing, crating, unpacking, uncrating, 
    transporting to and from place of storage, charges while in storage, 
    and other necessary charges directly related to storage.
    Sec. 302-1.216  How long may my agency pay for nontemporary storage of 
    household goods?
        For the duration of your long-term assignment.
    Sec. 302-1.217  Is there any limitation on the combined weight of 
    household goods I may transport or nontemporarily store at Government 
        Yes, the maximum combined weight is 18,000 pounds net weight. If 
    you transport and/or nontemporarily store household goods in excess of 
    the maximum weight allowance, you will be responsible for any excess 
    Sec. 302-1.218  What are the income tax consequences if my agency pays 
    for nontemporary storage of my household goods?
        You will be taxed on the amount of nontemporary storage expenses 
    your agency pays. However, your agency will pay you a relocation income 
    tax allowance under part 302-11 of this chapter for substantially all 
    of the additional Federal, State and local income taxes you incur on 
    the expenses your agency pays.
    Sec. 302-1.219  Will my agency pay for property management services 
    when I am authorized a TCS?
        Yes. Your agency will reimburse you directly for expenses you incur 
    or make payments on your behalf to a relocation services company, if 
    you so choose. The term ``property management services'' refers to a 
    program provided by a private company for a fee, which assists you in 
    managing your residence at your previous official station as a rental 
    property. Services provided by the company may include, but are not 
    limited to, obtaining a tenant, negotiating a lease, inspecting the 
    property regularly, managing repairs and maintenance, enforcing lease 
    terms, collecting the rent, paying the mortgage and other carrying 
    expenses from rental proceeds and/or funds of the employee, and 
    accounting for the transactions and providing periodic reports to the 
    Sec. 302-1.220  What is the property for which my agency will pay for 
    property management services?
        Only your residence at your previous official station.
    Sec. 302-1.221  How long will my agency pay for property management 
        For the duration of your long-term assignment.
    Sec. 302-1.222  What are the income tax consequences when my agency 
    pays for property management services?
        You will be taxed on the amount of property management expenses 
    your agency pays, whether it reimburses you directly for your expenses 
    or pays a relocation services company to manage your residence. 
    However, your agency will pay you a relocation income tax allowance 
    under part 302-11 of this chapter for substantially all of the 
    additional Federal, State and local income taxes you incur on the 
    expenses your agency pays. You may wish to consult with a tax advisor 
    to determine whether you will incur any additional tax liability, 
    unrelated to your agency s payment of your property management 
    expenses, as a result of maintaining your residence as a rental 
    Expenses Paid Upon Completion of Assignment or Upon Separation From 
    Government Service
    Sec. 302-1.223  What expenses will my agency pay when I complete my 
    long-term assignment?
        Your agency will pay the following expenses in connection with your 
    return to your previous official station:
        (a) Travel, including per diem, for you and your immediate family 
    under part 302-2 of this chapter;
        (b) Transportation and temporary storage of your household goods 
    under part 302-8 of this chapter;
        (c) Transportation of a mobile home instead of transportation of 
    your household goods under part 302-7 of this chapter;
        (d) Temporary quarters subsistence expenses under part 302-5 of 
    this chapter;
        (e) A miscellaneous expenses allowance under part 302-3 of this 
        (f) Transportation of a privately owned vehicle(s) under part 302-
    10 of this chapter; and
        (g) A relocation income tax allowance under part 302-11 of this 
    chapter for additional income taxes you incur on payments your agency 
    makes under the authority of this section for your relocation expenses.
    Sec. 302-1.224 If I separate from Government service upon completion of 
    my long-term assignment, what relocation expenses will my agency pay 
    upon my separation?
        The same relocation expenses it would have paid had you not 
    separated from Government service upon completion of your long-term 
    Sec. 302-1.225  If I separate from Government service prior to 
    completion of my long-term assignment, what relocation expenses will my 
    agency pay upon my separation?
        If the separation is for reasons beyond your control that are 
    acceptable to your agency, your agency will pay the same relocation 
    expenses it would pay under Sec. 302-1.224 if you separated from 
    Government service upon completion of the long-term assignment. If this 
    is not the case, the expenses your agency pays may not exceed the 
    reimbursement that you would have received under chapter 301 of this 
    subtitle had you been auhorized to perform temporary duty travel for 
    the duration of the long-term assignment.
    Sec. 302-1.226  If I have been authorized successive temporary changes 
    of station and reassigned from one temporary official station to 
    another, what expenses will my agency pay upon completion of my last 
    assignment or my separation from Government service?
        Your agency will pay the expenses authorized in Sec. 302-1.223 for 
    your relocation from your current temporary official station to your 
    last permanent official station.
    Permanent Assignment to Temporary Official Station
    Sec. 302-1.227  How is payment of my TCS expenses affected if I am 
    permanently assigned to my temporary official station?
        Payment of TCS expenses stops once your temporary official station 
    becomes your permanent official station. Your agency may not pay any 
    TCS expenses incurred beginning the day your temporary official station 
    becomes your permanent official station.
    [[Page 13774]]
    Sec. 302-1.228  What relocation allowances may my agency pay when I am 
    permanently assigned to my temporary official station?
        Your agency may pay the following:
        (a) Travel, including per diem, under part 302-2 of this chapter 
    for one round trip between your temporary official station and your 
    previous official station for you and members of your immediate family 
    who relocated to the temporary official station with you. Your agency 
    may also pay the same expenses for a one-way trip from the previous 
    official station to the new permanent official station for any 
    immediate family members who did not accompany you to the temporary 
    official station.
        (b) Residence transaction expenses under part 302-6 of this 
        (c) Property management expenses under part 302-14 of this chapter;
        (d) Residence-related relocation services expenses, (e.g. expenses 
    under a homesale program, expenses for homefinding assistance, and 
    property management services) under part 302-12 of this chapter;
        (e) Temporary quarters subsistence expenses under part 302-5 of 
    this chapter;
        (f) Transportation of household goods not previously transported to 
    the temporary official station under part 302-8 of this chapter; and
        (g) Transportation of a privately owned vehicle(s) not previously 
    transported to the temporary official station under part 302-10 of this 
    Sec. 302-1.229  If I am permanently assigned to my temporary official 
    station, is there any limitation on the weight of household goods I may 
    transport at Government expense to my official station?
        Yes. You are limited to 18,000 pounds net weight. This maximum 
    weight will be reduced by the weight of any household goods transported 
    at Government expense to your temporary official station under your TCS 
    authorization. Subject to the 18,000 pound limit, your agency will pay 
    to transport any household goods in nontemporary storage to your 
    official station. Additionally, if you change your residence as a 
    result of your permanent assignment to your temporary official station, 
    your agency may pay for transporting your household goods, subject to 
    the 18,000 pound limit, between the residence you occupied during your 
    temporary assignment and your new residence.
    Sec. 302-1.230  Are there any relocation allowances my agency may not 
    pay if I am permanently assigned to my temporary official station?
        Your agency may not pay for the following:
        (a) Expenses of a househunting trip for you and your spouse to your 
    temporary official station under part 302-4 of this chapter; or
        (b) Residence transaction expenses for selling a residence or 
    breaking a lease at the temporary official station under part 302-6 of 
    this chapter.
    Subpart D--Agency Responsibilities for Temporary Change of Station
        Note to subpart D: Use of the pronouns ``we'' and ``you'' 
    throughout this subpart refers to the agency.
    Sec. 302-1.300  How should we administer our TCS program?
        To minimize your travel and relocation costs.
    Sec. 302-1.301  What governing policies must we establish for our TCS 
        Policies and procedures that govern:
        (a) When you will authorize a TCS, including whether you will 
    impose a minimum distance between the employee s current official 
    station and the proposed temporary official station for an employee to 
    qualify for a TCS; and
        (b) Who will determine whether authorization of a TCS is 
    appropriate in each situation.
    Sec. 302-1.302  What factors should we consider in determining whether 
    to authorize a TCS for a long-term assignment?
        You should consider the following factors in determining whether to 
    authorize a TCS:
        (a) Cost considerations. You should consider the cost of each 
    alternative. A long-term temporary duty travel assignment requires the 
    payment of either per diem or actual subsistence expenses for the 
    entire period of the assignment. This could be very costly to the 
    agency over an extended period. A TCS will require fairly substantial 
    relocation allowance payments at the beginning and end of the 
    assignment, and less substantial payments for nontemporary storage and 
    property management services, when authorized, during the period of the 
    assignment. Agencies should estimate the total cost of each alternative 
    and authorize the one that is most advantageous for the agency, cost 
    and other factors considered.
        (b) Length of the long-term assignment. You should consider the 
    length of the long-term assignment. The purpose of temporary duty 
    travel allowances is to reimburse an employee for additional costs, 
    including subsistence costs, incurred as a result of performing 
    official business away from his/her official station. An employee 
    receives a salary intended to cover his/her living expenses, including 
    subsistence costs, at the official station. When an employee performs a 
    long-term assignment and obtains extended stay living accommodations 
    with facilities not unlike those the employee has at the official 
    station, the assignment characteristics may be more similar to 
    subsisting at the official station than at a temporary duty station. 
    When this situation occurs, payment of temporary duty travel allowances 
    in addition to payment of salary creates an inequitable reimbursement 
    situation between an employee performing official travel and an 
    employee officially stationed at the same location. In this situation, 
    you should strongly consider authorizing a TCS for a long-term 
        (c) Tax considerations. An employee who performs a temporary duty 
    travel assignment exceeding one year at a single location is subject to 
    income taxation of his/her travel expense reimbursements. An employee 
    who is authorized and performs a TCS also will be subject to income 
    taxation of some, but not all, of his/her TCS expenses. You will pay an 
    offsetting relocation income tax allowance on an employee's TCS expense 
    reimbursements but unless specifically authorized by statute, you do 
    not have authority to pay such an allowance for income taxes incurred 
    on temporary duty travel reimbursements. You, therefore, should 
    authorize a TCS if a long-term temporary duty assignment will result in 
    an unreimbursable income tax liability on an employee.
        (d) Employee concerns. The long-term assignment of an employee away 
    from his/her official station and immediate family may negatively 
    affect the employee's morale and job performance. Such negative effects 
    may be alleviated by authorizing a TCS so the employee can transport 
    his/her immediate family and/or household goods at Government expense 
    to the location where he/she will perform the long-term assignment. You 
    should consider the effects of a long-term temporary duty travel 
    assignment on an employee when deciding whether to authorize a TCS.
        Dated: March 18, 1997.
    Thurman M. Davis, Sr.,
    Acting Administrator of General Services.
    [FR Doc. 97-7237 Filed 3-20-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6820-34-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
General Services Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This final rule is effective March 22, 1997, and applies to an employee whose effective date of transfer (date the employee reports for duty at the new official station) is on or after March 22, 1997.
13770-13774 (5 pages)
Docket Numbers:
FTR Amendment 64
PDF File:
CFR: (35)
41 CFR 302-1.3
41 CFR 302-1.200
41 CFR 302-1.201
41 CFR 302-1.202
41 CFR 302-1.203
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