96-4663. Consolidation, Elimination, and Clarification of Various Regulations  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 44 (Tuesday, March 5, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 8503-8534]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-4663]
    Drug Enforcement Administration
    21 CFR Parts 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 
    1309, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, and 1316
    [DEA Number 139P]
    RIN Number 1117-AA33
    Consolidation, Elimination, and Clarification of Various 
    AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Justice.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: DEA proposes to amend the language in title 21, Code of 
    Federal Regulations, parts 1300 through 1316. In concert with the 
    President's National Performance Review, Regulatory Reinvention 
    Initiative (NPR), DEA proposes to consolidate, eliminate, and clarify 
    many of its regulations to address areas of confusion frequently raised 
    by the pharmaceutical, chemical, and health care industries; and to 
    correct inaccurate citations, office designations, and typographical 
    DATES: Written comments or objections must be received by July 3, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Comments and objections should be submitted in quintuplicate 
    to the Deputy Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, 
    Washington, DC 20537, Attention: DEA Federal Register Representative/
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: G. Thomas Gitchel, Chief, Liaison and 
    Policy Section, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement 
    Administration, Washington, DC 20537, Telephone (202) 307-7297.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A comprehensive review has been conducted of 
    title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR), parts 1300 through 
    1316. Title 21 contains the rules and regulations by which DEA 
    implements the Controlled Substances Act, the Narcotic Addict Treatment 
    Act, the Controlled Substances Import/Export Act, the Chemical 
    Diversion and Trafficking Act, and the Domestic Chemical Diversion 
    Control Act. These regulations are designed to detect and deter the 
    diversion of controlled substances and listed chemicals. DEA undertook 
    this review to update, simplify, and consolidate its regulations in 
    concert with the President's Regulatory Reform Initiative under the 
    NPR; to clarify areas of confusion which have been raised by the 
    pharmaceutical, chemical, and health care industries; and to correct 
    inaccurate citations, office designations and typographical errors. In 
    this effort, DEA intends to reduce some of the regulatory burden on the 
    affected industries. The changes proposed herein build upon DEA's 
    longstanding commitment to internal self-examination, to respond to 
    technological advances, and to work with industry to develop the most 
    effective and least intrusive methods of preventing and detecting the 
    diversion of controlled substances and listed chemicals.
        Among the changes being proposed, which are further described 
    below, are the consolidation into a chart of the frequency of 
    registration, coincident activities, and fee schedules; allowing 
    manufacturers more latitude to set individual labeling standards; 
    reducing the frequency of ARCOS reports from monthly to quarterly, and 
    reducing the number of transactions to be reported by manufacturers; 
    permitting some pharmacies to file prescriptions without marking them 
    with a red ``C'', to transfer prescriptions for refill purposes more 
    than once, and to retain faxed prescriptions as original documents for 
    patients in home hospice care; and combining and streamlining various 
    reporting, recordkeeping, and inventory requirements.
        The following summarizes the changes proposed to be made to each 
    part of the regulations:
    Part 1300
        DEA is proposing to move the definitions set out in 21 CFR parts 
    1301 through 1313 into a new part 1300. This will provide a single 
    source for definition of the terms used in 21 CFR parts 1301 through 
    1313, avoiding the need for duplicate definitions in the various parts. 
    The definitions set out in Part 1316 will remain listed in that part 
    due to the specificity of the definitions to the subject matter of the 
    Part 1301
        DEA is proposing to amend 21 CFR, part 1301 to provide a simple and 
    clear set of requirements concerning the registration of manufacturers, 
    distributors, dispensers, importers and exporters of controlled 
    substances. In this regard, DEA is proposing to incorporate into 21 
    CFR, part 1301 the requirements relating to the registration of 
    importers and exporters which were previously set out in 21 CFR, part 
        In order to provide easier reference to the primary regulations 
    regarding registration (including separate registration for independent 
    activities, coincident activities, the application forms and fees 
    required for registration and reregistration, and the registration 
    period for the various activities) DEA is proposing to amend 21 CFR, 
    part 1301 to list such requirements in table form. Use of the table 
    form allows for ``at-a-glance'' reference to the fundamental 
    regulations concerning the registration requirements, rather than 
    requiring reference to multiple pages of text in separate sections.
        In addition to revising the format of 21 CFR, part 1301, DEA is 
    proposing to transfer the definitions previously listed in Sec. 1301.02 
    to the proposed new part 1300, and to remove Secs. 1301.27, 1301.29, 
    and 1301.53, relating to civil defense authorities, provisional 
    registration of narcotic treatment programs (NTP), and waiver and 
    modification of rules in hearings, respectively. Sections 1301.27 and 
    1301.29 are obsolete and Sec. 1301.53 is duplicated by Sec. 1316.44. 
    With respect to civil defense authorities, DEA will continue to work 
    with the appropriate Federal and state agencies to insure that the 
    proper policies and procedures are in place to deal with the 
    availability and 
    [[Page 8504]]
    security of controlled substances during emergencies. Further, the fee 
    exemption provisions (formerly in Sec. 1301.13 and now in Sec. 1301.21) 
    and the provision regarding when a registrant may apply for 
    reregistration (formerly in Sec. 1301.31(b) and now in Sec. 1301.13(b)) 
    have been amended. The fee exemption provision has been amended to 
    provide that Federal, state or local officials who must obtain an 
    individual practitioner registration in order to carry out their 
    official duties are exempted from the fees for registration and 
    reregistration. This action is being taken to insure that those 
    individual government practitioners who are not able to practice under 
    the registration number of a hospital or clinic are subject to the same 
    exemption as those government physicians carrying out official duties 
    in such facilities. The reregistration provision has been amended to 
    allow that a person registered as either a bulk manufacturer of 
    Schedule I or II controlled substances or an importer of Schedule I or 
    II controlled substances may apply to be reregistered no more than 120 
    days prior to the expiration date of his/her registration. The current 
    limitation of no more than 60 days prior to the expiration date does 
    not allow sufficient time prior to the applicant's expiration date to 
    satisfy the notice and comment and hearing procedures required under 
    Secs. 1301.33 and 1301.34 of this chapter. The additional 60 days 
    should provide sufficient time to allow for satisfaction of those 
    requirements for most applications prior to the expiration date. 
    However, in no circumstances will DEA grant such an applicant 
    reregistration more than 60 days prior to the applicant's registration 
    expiration date.
        DEA is also proposing to incorporate the language found in 
    Sec. 1307.12 of this chapter into the coincident activities table and 
    the language found in Sec. 1307.14 into Sec. 1301.62. Additionally, DEA 
    is proposing to combine Secs. 1301.62 and 1301.63 into one section and 
    revise the new section to allow that a registration cannot be assigned 
    or transferred unless specific, written authority has been granted by 
    the Administration.
        The proposed changes will result in a substantial restructuring of 
    part 1301, including the redesignation of most of the sections within 
    the part. Only the sections relating to the Security Requirements 
    (Sec. 1301.71-1301.76) and Employee Screening--Non-Practitioners 
    (Sec. 1301.90-1301.93) are unchanged. For the sake of clarity, DEA is 
    proposing in the regulatory text to remove the old Secs. 1301.11 
    through 1301.63 and replace them with new Secs. 1301.11 through 
    1301.52. While the appearance of the new sections is significantly 
    changed, readers should keep in mind that there are only minor changes 
    to the specific regulatory requirements contained in the old parts 1301 
    and 1311.
    Part 1302
        This part contains the requirements governing the labeling and 
    packaging of controlled substances pursuant to sections 305 and 1008(e) 
    of the Act (21 U.S.C. 825 and 958(e)). The proposed changes made in 
    part 1302 would move the definitions into Part 1300 for ease of 
    reference and, in general, allow more latitude to the registrant in the 
    design of labels for products which contain controlled substances. 
    While continuing to require an identifiable marking on labels of a 
    commercial container which contains a controlled substance, the 
    proposed changes would allow the registrant to meet the requirement by 
    its own design of a label and placement of the required symbol. 
    Further, language regarding labeling requirements at the inception of 
    the Controlled Substances Act (on May 1, 1971) has been proposed to be 
    removed as no longer necessary. The effective date for implementing the 
    labeling requirements for substances transferred or added to a schedule 
    is proposed to be established in the final order. Finally, the 
    requirement for sealing of a commercial package is proposed to be 
    amended to include all controlled substances, making it consistent with 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and to allow more latitude in 
    the design of the seal, while retaining the primary purpose of a seal 
    which is to detect tampering of the commercial package.
    Part 1303
        This part contains the procedures governing the establishment of 
    production and manufacturing quotas for basic classes of controlled 
    substances listed in Schedules I and II. Changes are being proposed in 
    this part to correct inaccurate citations and typographical errors and 
    to move the definitions to part 1300 for ease of reference.
    Part 1304
        This part sets forth inventory and recordkeeping requirements for 
    registrants who handle controlled substances. In accordance with 21 
    U.S.C. 827 and 958(e), registrants who manufacture, distribute, or 
    dispense controlled substances must maintain complete and accurate 
    records of such substances manufactured, received, sold, delivered or 
    otherwise disposed of. Modifications to several sections of part 1304 
    are being proposed to eliminate the requirement for reports which are 
    outdated, to remove redundancies in recordkeeping and inventory 
    requirements, to change obsolete references, and to correct 
    typographical errors.
        Section 1304.02 is proposed to be revised to remove all definitions 
    to Part 1300.
        Section 1304.03 is proposed to be revised to combine researcher 
    activities into one paragraph, thereby eliminating redundancies in the 
    recordkeeping requirements.
        Section 1304.04 is proposed to be revised to correct a 
    typographical error in paragraph (a), to update language in paragraph 
    (e), and amend paragraph (h)(2) to permit pharmacies with automatic 
    data processing systems to file Schedule III-V prescriptions without 
    marking them with a red ``C''.
        Section 1304.11 is proposed to be revised to combine all general 
    requirements for inventories thereby eliminating redundancies. 
    Paragraphs (b) and (c) were combined and the frequency statement was 
    revised to permit the biennial inventory to be taken on any date as 
    long as it is within two years of the previous biennial inventory; the 
    requirements contained in Secs. 1304.12, 1304.13, 1304.14, 1304.15, 
    1304.16, 1304.17, 1304.18 and 1304.19 were combined and included in 
    1304.11. In Sec. 1304.12, the reference to the May 1, 1971 date is 
    proposed to be deleted. Paragraph references are proposed to be changed 
    to reflect revisions.
        Section 1304.21 paragraph (a): The May 1, 1971 date is proposed to 
    be deleted and paragraph references changed to reflect revisions.
        Sections 1304.22, 1304.23, 1304.24, 1304.25 and 1304.26 are 
    proposed to be combined. Paragraph references are proposed to be 
    changed to reflect revisions.
        Sections 1304.31 through 1304.38 are proposed to be revised, 
    combined, or removed to delete obsolete forms and references, and 
    reflect changes to manufacturer reporting from existing regulations to 
    conform with current practice. Reporting requirements are proposed to 
    be revised to reflect changes in frequency of reporting (from monthly 
    to quarterly) and to reduce the number of transactions (i.e., quality 
    control samples, manufacturing waste, etc.) required to be reported by 
    Part 1305
        This part contains the procedures governing the issuance, use, and 
    preservation of order forms pursuant to 
    [[Page 8505]]
    section 308 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 828). The changes proposed to be made 
    in part 1305, in general, delete redundant requirements and move the 
    definitions into part 1300 for ease of reference. Section 1305.05, 
    Power of Attorney, is amended only to correct certain citations; 
    however, the existing Power of Attorney format is repeated in its 
    entirety. Additionally, the Official Order Form for Schedule I & II 
    Controlled Substances contains instructions that need not be repeated 
    in the regulations. Regulations requiring reporting of lost or stolen 
    Order Forms are modified to standardize reporting to local DEA offices 
    of responsibility.
    Part 1306
        This part contains the specific regulatory requirements for the 
    issuance, filling, and filing of prescriptions. Changes to this part 
    are being proposed to reduce regulatory requirements for pharmacies. 
    Additional changes are being made to correct typographical errors in 
    the existing text.
        Section 1306.02 contains a number of definitions which are proposed 
    to be moved to part 1300 for ease of reference.
        Section 1306.11 establishes the requirements for prescriptions for 
    controlled substances listed in Schedule II. Under Sec. 1306.11, the 
    length of time a pharmacy is permitted to obtain a written prescription 
    to cover an emergency oral prescription for a Schedule II controlled 
    substance is 72 hours. Many pharmacists have expressed the view that 
    there often is not enough time to meet their obligation within the time 
    permitted. DEA is therefore proposing to extend the time allowed to 
    obtain the written prescription from 72 hours to 7 days.
        This same section permits pharmacists to dispense Schedule II 
    narcotics to patients in Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) pursuant to 
    prescriptions transmitted by facsimile. The facsimile then acts as the 
    original written prescription for recordkeeping purposes. DEA is 
    proposing to add a paragraph to Sec. 1306.11 to give pharmacies the 
    same authority to fill Schedule II narcotic prescriptions transmitted 
    by facsimile for patients in a home hospice setting as exists for 
    patients in LTCFs. The physician issuing the prescription will be 
    required to note that the patient is a hospice patient on the face of 
    the faxed prescription.
        Section 1306.13 contains the rules for the partial filling of 
    Schedule II prescriptions. A prescription for a Schedule II controlled 
    substance written for a patient in a LTCF or for a patient with a 
    medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness may be filled in 
    partial quantities to include individual dosage units. Section 
    1306.13(b) requires that prior to any subsequent partial filling the 
    pharmacist must determine that the additional partial fillings are 
    necessary. DEA is proposing to remove this requirement.
        The requirements for Schedule III and IV controlled substances are 
    currently delineated separately from those in Schedule V. In order to 
    more clearly differentiate those requirements that are identical from 
    those that are not, where appropriate, identical rules affecting the 
    controlled substances in Schedule V are proposed to be merged with 
    those for Schedule III and IV. DEA is proposing to add Schedule V 
    references to Sec. 1306.21 and delete the corresponding Sec. 1306.31. 
    The language in these two sections is virtually identical and, 
    therefore, will have no effect on the requirements currently in place.
        Several typographical errors and an obsolete term are proposed to 
    be corrected in Sec. 1306.22.
        Section 1306.23, which currently allows for the partial filling of 
    Schedule III and IV prescriptions, is proposed to be expanded to add 
    Schedule V controlled substances.
        Section 1306.25, which refers to the rules for filing Schedule III 
    and IV prescriptions contained in Sec. 1304.04(h), is proposed to be 
    removed and replaced by a new paragraph (Sec. 1306.24(c)).
        Section 1306.26 establishes the rules for the transfer between 
    pharmacies of prescription information for Schedules III, IV, and V 
    controlled substances for refill purposes. A principal requirement for 
    transferring prescription information is that the original prescription 
    may be transferred on a one time basis only. This limitation was and is 
    extremely important in preventing illegal and unauthorized refills from 
    being dispensed. The prevention of diversion through unauthorized 
    refills is significantly impacted by the ability of pharmacists and 
    investigators to locate and confirm the authenticity of original 
    prescription records. However, in situations where the prescription 
    information, to include the entire refill history, is immediately 
    accessible to the pharmacist, some exceptions to the one time only rule 
    are proposed.
        DEA is proposing to permit pharmacies sharing a real-time, on-line 
    electronic database, to transfer prescription information for refill 
    purposes for Schedule III, IV, and V controlled substances as often as 
    refills are authorized by law and the original prescription. In 
    addition to the requirements currently imposed on prescription 
    transfers, it is proposed that a pharmacy filling a transferred 
    prescription will be required to record the dates of all previous 
    Part 1307
        This part is a miscellaneous part which addresses the application 
    of state law and other Federal Law, exceptions to regulations, special 
    exceptions for manufacture and distribution of controlled substances, 
    disposal of controlled substances, and special exempt persons. Changes 
    to this part are being proposed to correct citation errors and 
    omissions and to consolidate similar requirements. Section 1307.01 
    contains a definition which is proposed to be moved to part 1300. DEA 
    proposes to remove Sec. 1307.12 and include its provisions in the chart 
    of coincident activities contained in Part 1301. DEA proposes to 
    incorporate Sec. 1307.14, Distribution upon discontinuance or transfer 
    of business, with the redesignated Sec. 1301.52, Transfer of 
    registration. Section 1307.21 is proposed to be amended so that the 
    requirements for reporting controlled substances to be disposed of will 
    be uniform for all registrants regardless of whether or not they file 
    reports to ARCOS.
    Part 1308
        This part sets forth the schedules of controlled substances and 
    mechanisms for scheduling, rescheduling, or decontrolling a substance. 
    Section 1308.04 is proposed to be removed as unnecessary since it is 
    outdated. The following tables are proposed to be removed which contain 
    information given out routinely to the industry and is available upon 
    request: Section 1308.24--Exempt Chemical Preparations; Sec. 1308.26--
    Excluded Veterinary Anabolic Steroid Implant Products; Sec. 1308.32--
    Exempted prescription products; and Sec. 1308.34--Exempt Anabolic 
    Steroid Products. The sections will contain a reference on the 
    procedure to request a copy of the tables.
        Sections 1308.43, 1308.46, and 1308.47 relating to hearings are 
    proposed to be removed as their requirements are already contained in 
    part 1316. Proposed to be added to Section 1308.42 is a sentence which 
    provides information on where to locate additional information on 
    hearings related to this part.
    Part 1309
        Part 1309 is proposed to be amended by moving the definitions set 
    out in Sec. 1309.02 into part 1300. This will 
    [[Page 8506]]
    provide a centralized source for all definitions for parts 1301 through 
        Further, Secs. 1309.53 and 1309.57 are proposed to be removed, as 
    they duplicate Sec. 1316.44 and 1316.67 respectively. Sections 1309.54 
    through 1309.56 are proposed to be redesignated as Secs. 1309.53 
    through 1309.55. In addition, Secs. 1309.21 (a) and (b), 1309.25 (a) 
    and (b), and 1309.71(a)(2) are proposed to be amended to change the 
    citation from Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) to Sec. 1300.01(c)(28)(i)(D).
    Part 1310
        Part 1310 is proposed to be amended by moving the definitions set 
    out in Sec. 1310.01 into part 1300. Sections 1310.05 and 1310.08 will 
    be amended to remove references to definitions in Sec. 1310.01. Section 
    1310.10(a) is proposed to be amended to change the citation from 
    Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv) to Sec. 1300.01(c)(28)(i)(D) and 
    Secs. 1310.14(a) and 1310.15(d) are proposed to be amended to change 
    the citation from Sec. 1310.01(f)(1)(iv)(A) to 
    Sec. 1300.01(c)(28)(i)(D)(1). Finally, Sec. 1310.09 is proposed to be 
    removed, as this section was applicable only during the initial 
    chemical registration period.
    Part 1311
        This part is proposed to be removed and reserved. The requirements 
    contained in part 1311 have been incorporated into the proposed 
    revisions to part 1301.
    Part 1312
        This part contains the procedures governing the importation, 
    exportation, transshipment, and intransit shipment of controlled 
    substances. Changes are being proposed in this part to correct 
    inaccurate citations and typographical errors, to update office 
    designations and addresses, and to move the definitions to part 1300 
    for ease of reference.
    Part 1313
        Part 1313 is proposed to be amended by moving the definitions set 
    out in Sec. 1313.02 into part 1300. In addition, Secs. 1313.15, 1313.21 
    and 1313.24 are proposed to be amended to remove references to the 
    definitions in Sec. 1313.02.
    Part 1316
        This part contains the regulatory requirements and authorities 
    related to Administrative Inspections, Protection of Researchers and 
    Research Subjects, Enforcement Proceedings, Administrative Hearings, 
    Seizure, Forfeiture, and Disposition of Property and Expedited 
    Forfeiture Proceedings for Certain Property. Changes to this part are 
    being proposed to correct citation errors and omissions and to 
    consolidate similar requirements. DEA proposes to revise Sec. 1316.13 
    to replace the present schedule of inspections with a system where the 
    frequency of inspections will be determined by the history of the 
    registrant, potential for diversion, or the amount of controlled 
    substances found in the illicit market. DEA will focus inspection 
    resources on diversion prevention and problem areas, reducing the 
    intended frequency of inspections of registrants with a demonstrated 
    record of compliance. This revision only applies to distributors of 
    controlled substances listed in Schedules II through V and 
    manufacturers of controlled substances listed in Schedules III through 
    V. The yearly inspection for manufacturers of controlled substances 
    listed in Schedules I and II and distributors of controlled substances 
    listed in Schedule I remains unchanged. This proposal is intended to 
    reduce the expenditure of time and effort, both on the part of DEA and 
    the registrants who have shown a history of compliance in the past and 
    continue to comply with the requirements of the CSA.
        The Deputy Administrator, in accordance with the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605(b)), has reviewed this proposed 
    regulation and by approving it certifies that this proposed regulation 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. This proposed regulation will streamline the current 
    regulations set out in title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, parts 
    1300 to end and to provide regulatory relief to registrants.
        This proposed regulation has been drafted in accordance with 
    Executive Order 12866, section 1(b), Principles of Regulation. The 
    Office of Managment and Budget has reviewed this proposed rule and 
    determined that it is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
    Executive Order 12866, section 3(f), Regulatory Planning and Review.
        This regulation will not have substantial direct effects on the 
    States, on the relationship between the national government and the 
    States, or on distribution of power and responsibilities among the 
    various levels of government. Therefore, in accordance with Executive 
    Order 12612, it is determined that this rule does not have sufficient 
    federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    List of Subjects in 21 CFR Parts 1300-1316
        Administrative practice and procedure, Drug traffic control, 
    Security measures, Exports, Imports, Labeling, Packaging and 
    containers, Reporting requirements, Prescription drugs, Narcotics, List 
    I and List II chemicals, Research, Seizures and forfeitures.
        21 CFR Part 1300 is proposed to be added to read as follows:
    1300.01  Definitions relating to controlled substances.
    1300.02  Definitions relating to listed chemicals.
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 802, 871(b), 951, 958(f).
    Sec. 1300.01  Definitions relating to controlled substances.
        (a) Any term not defined in this part shall have the definition set 
    forth in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802), except that certain 
    terms used in part 1316 of this chapter are defined at the beginning of 
    each subpart of that part.
        (b) As used in parts 1301 through 1308 and part 1312 of this 
    chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings specified:
        (1) The term Act means the Controlled Substances Act, as amended 
    (84 Stat. 1242; 21 U.S.C. 801) and/or the Controlled Substances Import 
    and Export Act, as amended (84 Stat. 1285; 21 U.S.C. 951).
        (2) The term Administration means the Drug Enforcement 
        (3) The term Administrator means the Administrator of the Drug 
    Enforcement Administration. The Administrator has been delegated 
    authority under the Act by the Attorney General (28 CFR 0.100).
        (4) The term anabolic steroid means any drug or hormonal substance, 
    chemically and pharmacologically related to testosterone (other than 
    estrogens, progestins, and corticosteroids) that promotes muscle 
    growth, and includes:
        (i) Boldenone;
        (ii) Chlorotestosterone (4-chlortestosterone);
        (iii) Clostebol;
        (iv) Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone;
        (v) Dihydrotestosterone (4-dihydrotestosterone);
        (vi) Drostanolone;
        (vii) Ethylestrenol;
        (viii) Fluoxymesterone;
        (ix) Formebulone (formebolone);
        (x) Mesterolone;
        (xi) Methandienone;
        (xii) Methandranone;
        (xiii) Methandriol;
        (xiv) Methandrostenolone; 
    [[Page 8507]]
        (xv) Methenolone;
        (xvi) Methyltestosterone;
        (xvii) Mibolerone;
        (xviii) Nandrolone;
        (xix) Norethandrolone;
        (xx) Oxandrolone;
        (xxi) Oxymesterone;
        (xxii) Oxymetholone;
        (xxiii) Stanolone;
        (xxiv) Stanozolol;
        (xxv) Testolactone;
        (xxvi) Testosterone;
        (xxvii) Trenbolone; and
        (xxviii) Any salt, ester, or isomer of a drug or substance 
    described or listed in this paragraph, if that salt, ester, or isomer 
    promotes muscle growth. Except such term does not include an anabolic 
    steroid which is expressly intended for administration through implants 
    to cattle or other nonhuman species and which has been approved by the 
    Secretary of Health and Human Services for such administration. If any 
    person prescribes, dispenses, or distributes such steroid for human 
    use, such person shall be considered to have prescribed, dispensed, or 
    distributed an anabolic steroid within the meaning of this paragraph.
        (5) The term basic class means, as to controlled substances listed 
    in Schedules I and II:
        (i) Each of the opiates, including its isomers, esters, ethers, 
    salts, and salts of isomers, esters, and ethers whenever the existence 
    of such isomers, esters, ethers, and salts is possible within the 
    specific chemical designation, listed in Sec. 1308.11(b) of this 
        (ii) Each of the opium derivatives, including its salts, isomers, 
    and salts of isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and 
    salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation, 
    listed in Sec. 1308.11(c) of this chapter;
        (iii) Each of the hallucinogenic substances, including its salts, 
    isomers, and salts of isomers whenever the existence of such salts, 
    isomers, and salts of isomers is possible within the specific chemical 
    designation, listed in Sec. 1308.11(d) of this chapter;
        (iv) Each of the following substances, whether produced directly or 
    indirectly by extraction from substances of vegetable origin, or 
    independently by means of chemical synthesis, or by a combination of 
    extraction and chemical synthesis:
        (A) Opium, including raw opium, opium extracts, opium fluid 
    extracts, powdered opium, granulated opium, deodorized opium and 
    tincture of opium;
        (B) Apomorphine;
        (C) Codeine;
        (D) Etorphine hydrochloride;
        (E) Ethylmorphine;
        (F) Hydrocodone;
        (G) Hydromorphone;
        (H) Metopon;
        (I) Morphine;
        (J) Oxycodone;
        (K) Oxymorphone;
        (L) Thebaine;
        (M) Mixed alkaloids of opium listed in Section 1308.12(b)(2) of 
    this chapter;
        (N) Cocaine; and
        (O) Ecgonine;
        (v) Each of the opiates, including its isomers, esters, ethers, 
    salts, and salts of isomers, esters, and ethers whenever the existence 
    of such isomers, esters, ethers, and salts is possible within the 
    specific chemical designation, listed in Sec. 1308.12(c) of this 
    chapter; and
        (vi) Methamphetamine, its salts, isomers, and salts of its isomers;
        (vii) Amphetamine, its salts, optical isomers, and salts of its 
    optical isomers;
        (viii) Phenmetrazine and its salts;
        (ix) Methylphenidate;
        (x) Each of the substances having a depressant effect on the 
    central nervous system, including its salts, isomers, and salts of 
    isomers whenever the existence of such salts, isomers, and salts of 
    isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation, listed in 
    Sec. 1308.12(e) of this chapter.
        (6) The term commercial container means any bottle, jar, tube, 
    ampule, or other receptacle in which a substance is held for 
    distribution or dispensing to an ultimate user, and in addition, any 
    box or package in which the receptacle is held for distribution or 
    dispensing to an ultimate user. The term commercial container does not 
    include any package liner, package insert or other material kept with 
    or within a commercial container, nor any carton, crate, drum, or other 
    package in which commercial containers are stored or are used for 
    shipment of controlled substances.
        (7) The term compounder means any person engaging in maintenance or 
    detoxification treatment who also mixes, prepares, packages or changes 
    the dosage form of a narcotic drug listed in Schedules II, III, IV or V 
    for use in maintenance or detoxification treatment by another narcotic 
    treatment program.
        (8) The term Controlled Substance has the meaning given in section 
    802(6) of Title 21, United States Code (U.S.C.).
        (9) The term customs territory of the United States means the 
    several States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
        (10) The term detoxification treatment means the dispensing, for a 
    period of time as specified below, of a narcotic drug or narcotic drugs 
    in decreasing doses to an individual to alleviate adverse physiological 
    or psychological effects incident to withdrawal from the continuous or 
    sustained use of a narcotic drug and as a method of bringing the 
    individual to a narcotic drug-free state within such period of time. 
    There are two types of detoxification treatment: Short-term 
    detoxification treatment and long-term detoxification treatment.
        (i) Short-term detoxification treatment is for a period not in 
    excess of 30 days.
        (ii) Long-term detoxification treatment is for a period more than 
    30 days but not in excess of 180 days.
        (11) The term dispenser means an individual practitioner, 
    institutional practitioner, pharmacy or pharmacist who dispenses a 
    controlled substance.
        (12) The term export means, with respect to any article, any taking 
    out or removal of such article from the jurisdiction of the United 
    States (whether or not such taking out or removal constitutes an 
    exportation within the meaning of the customs and related laws of the 
    United States).
        (13) The term exporter includes every person who exports, or who 
    acts as an export broker for exportation of, controlled substances 
    listed in any schedule.
        (14) The term hearing means:
        (i) In part 1301 of this chapter, any hearing held for the 
    granting, denial, revocation, or suspension of a registration pursuant 
    to sections 303, 304, and 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823, 824 and 958).
        (ii) In part 1303 of this chapter, any hearing held regarding the 
    determination of aggregate production quota or the issuance, 
    adjustment, suspension, or denial of a procurement quota or an 
    individual manufacturing quota.
        (iii) In part 1308 of this chapter, any hearing held for the 
    issuance, amendment, or repeal of any rule issuable pursuant to section 
    201 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 811).
        (15) The term home infusion pharmacy means a pharmacy which 
    compounds solutions for direct administration to a patient in a private 
    residence, Long Term Care Facility or hospice setting by means of 
    parenteral, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous or intraspinal 
        (16) The term import means, with respect to any article, any 
    bringing in or introduction of such article into either the 
    jurisdiction of the United States or the customs territory of the 
    United States, and from the jurisdiction of the United States into the 
    customs territory of the United States (whether or not such bringing in 
    or introduction constitutes an importation within the 
    [[Page 8508]]
    meaning of the tariff laws of the United States).
        (17) The term importer includes every person who imports, or who 
    acts as an import broker for importation of, controlled substances 
    listed in any schedule.
        (18) The term individual practitioner means a physician, dentist, 
    veterinarian, or other individual licensed, registered, or otherwise 
    permitted, by the United States or the jurisdiction in which he/she 
    practices, to dispense a controlled substance in the course of 
    professional practice, but does not include a pharmacist, a pharmacy, 
    or an institutional practitioner.
        (19) The term institutional practitioner means a hospital or other 
    person (other than an individual) licensed, registered, or otherwise 
    permitted, by the United States or the jurisdiction in which it 
    practices, to dispense a controlled substance in the course of 
    professional practice, but does not include a pharmacy.
        (20) The term interested person means any person adversely affected 
    or aggrieved by any rule or proposed rule issuable pursuant to section 
    201 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 811).
        (21) The term inventory means all factory and branch stocks in 
    finished form of a basic class of controlled substance manufactured or 
    otherwise acquired by a registrant, whether in bulk, commercial 
    containers, or contained in pharmaceutical preparations in the 
    possession of the registrant (including stocks held by the registrant 
    under separate registration as a manufacturer, importer, exporter, or 
        (22) The term isomer means the optical isomer, except as used in 
    Sec. 1308.11(d) and Sec. 1308.12(b)(4). As used in Sec. 1308.11(d), the 
    term isomer means the optical, positional, or geometric isomer. As used 
    in Sec. 1308.12(b)(4), the term isomer means the optical or geometric 
        (23) The term jurisdiction of the United States means the customs 
    territory of the United States, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, 
    Guam, American Samoa, and the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands.
        (24) The term label means any display of written, printed, or 
    graphic matter placed upon the commercial container of any controlled 
    substance by any manufacturer of such substance.
        (25) The term labeling means all labels and other written, printed, 
    or graphic matter:
        (i) Upon any controlled substance or any of its commercial 
    containers or wrappers, or
        (ii) accompanying such controlled substance.
        (26) The term Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) means a nursing home, 
    retirement care, mental care or other facility or institution which 
    provides extended health care to resident patients.
        (27) The term maintenance treatment means the dispensing for a 
    period in excess of twenty-one days, of a narcotic drug or narcotic 
    drugs in the treatment of an individual for dependence upon heroin or 
    other morphine-like drug.
        (28) The term manufacture means the producing, preparation, 
    propagation, compounding, or processing of a drug or other substance or 
    the packaging or repackaging of such substance, or the labeling or 
    relabeling of the commercial container of such substance, but does not 
    include the activities of a practitioner who, as an incident to his/her 
    administration or dispensing such substance in the course of his/her 
    professional practice, prepares, compounds, packages or labels such 
    substance. The term manufacturer means a person who manufactures a drug 
    or other substance, whether under a registration as a manufacturer or 
    under authority of registration as a researcher or chemical analyst.
        (29) The term mid-level practitioner means an individual 
    practitioner, other than a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or 
    podiatrist, who is licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted by the 
    United States or the jurisdiction in which he/she practices, to 
    dispense a controlled substance in the course of professional practice. 
    Examples of mid-level practitioners include, but are not limited to, 
    health care providers such as nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, 
    nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists and physician assistants 
    who are authorized to dispense controlled substances by the state in 
    which they practice.
        (30) The term name means the official name, common or usual name, 
    chemical name, or brand name of a substance.
        (31) The term narcotic drug means any of the following whether 
    produced directly or indirectly by extraction from substances of 
    vegetable origin or independently by means of chemical synthesis or by 
    a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis:
        (i) Opium, opiates, derivatives of opium and opiates, including 
    their isomers, esters, ethers, salts, and salts of isomers, esters, and 
    ethers whenever the existence of such isomers, esters, ethers and salts 
    is possible within the specific chemical designation. Such term does 
    not include the isoquinoline alkaloids of opium.
        (ii) Poppy straw and concentrate of poppy straw.
        (iii) Coca leaves, except coca leaves and extracts of coca leaves 
    from which cocaine, ecgonine and derivatives of ecgonine or their salts 
    have been removed.
        (iv) Cocaine, its salts, optical and geometric isomers, and salts 
    of isomers.
        (v) Ecgonine, its derivatives, their salts, isomers and salts of 
        (vi) Any compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any 
    quantity of any of the substances referred to in paragraphs (b)(31) (i) 
    through (v) of this section.
        (32) The term narcotic treatment program means a program engaged in 
    maintenance and/or detoxification treatment with narcotic drugs.
        (33) The term net disposal means, for a stated period, the quantity 
    of a basic class of controlled substance distributed by the registrant 
    to another person, plus the quantity of that basic class used by the 
    registrant in the production of (or converted by the registrant into) 
    another basic class of controlled substance or a noncontrolled 
    substance, plus the quantity of that basic class otherwise disposed of 
    by the registrant, less the quantity of that basic class returned to 
    the registrant by any purchaser, and less the quantity of that basic 
    class distributed by the registrant to another registered manufacturer 
    of that basic class for purposes other than use in the production of, 
    or conversion into, another basic class of controlled substance or a 
    noncontrolled substance or in the manufacture of dosage forms of that 
    basic class.
        (34) The term pharmacist means any pharmacist licensed by a State 
    to dispense controlled substances, and shall include any other person 
    (e.g., pharmacist intern) authorized by a State to dispense controlled 
    substances under the supervision of a pharmacist licensed by such 
        (35) The term person includes any individual, corporation, 
    government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, 
    partnership, association, or other legal entity.
        (36) The term prescription means an order for medication which is 
    dispensed to or for an ultimate user but does not include an order for 
    medication which is dispensed for immediate administration to the 
    ultimate user. (e.g., an order to dispense a drug to a bed patient for 
    immediate administration in a hospital is not a prescription.)
        (37) The term proceeding means all actions taken for the issuance, 
    amendment, or repeal of any rule issued pursuant to section 201 of the 
    Act (21 
    [[Page 8509]]
    U.S.C. 811), commencing with the publication by the Administrator of 
    the proposed rule, amended rule, or repeal in the Federal Register.
        (38) The term purchaser means any registered person entitled to 
    obtain and execute order forms pursuant to Sec. 1305.04 and 1305.06.
        (39) The term readily retrievable means that certain records are 
    kept by automatic data processing systems or other electronic or 
    mechanized recordkeeping systems in such a manner that they can be 
    separated out from all other records in a reasonable time and/or 
    records are kept on which certain items are asterisked, redlined, or in 
    some other manner visually identifiable apart from other items 
    appearing on the records.
        (40) The terms register and registration refer only to registration 
    required and permitted by sections 303 or 1007 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    823 or 957).
        (41) The term registrant means any person who is registered 
    pursuant to either section 303 or section 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    823 or 958).
        (42) The term supplier means any registered person entitled to fill 
    order forms pursuant to Sec. 1305.08.
    Sec. 1300.02  Definitions relating to listed chemicals.
        (a) Any term not defined in this part shall have the definition set 
    forth in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802), except that certain 
    terms used in part 1316 of this chapter are defined at the beginning of 
    each subpart of that part.
        (b) As used in parts 1309, 1310 and 1313 of this chapter, the 
    following terms shall have the meaning specified:
        (1) The term Act means the Controlled Substances Act, as amended 
    (84 Stat. 1242; 21 U.S.C. 801) and/or the Controlled Substances Import 
    and Export Act, as amended (84 Stat. 1285; 21 U.S.C. 951) as amended.
        (2) The term Administration means the Drug Enforcement 
        (3) The term Administrator means the Administrator of the Drug 
    Enforcement Administration. The Administrator has been delegated 
    authority under the Act by the Attorney General (28 CFR 0.100).
        (4) The terms broker and trader mean any individual, corporation, 
    corporate division, partnership, association, or other legal entity 
    which assists in arranging an international transaction in a listed 
    chemical by--
        (i) Negotiating contracts;
        (ii) Serving as an agent or intermediary; or
        (iii) Fulfilling a formal obligation to complete the transaction by 
    bringing together a buyer and seller, a buyer and transporter, or a 
    seller and transporter, or by receiving any form of compensation for so 
        (5) The term chemical export means transferring ownership or 
    control, or the sending or taking of threshold quantities of listed 
    chemicals out of the United States (whether or not such sending or 
    taking out constitutes an exportation within the meaning of the Customs 
    and related laws of the United States).
        (6) The term chemical exporter is a regulated person who, as the 
    principal party in interest in the export transaction, has the power 
    and responsibility for determining and controlling the sending of the 
    listed chemical out of the United States.
        (7) The term chemical import means with respect to a listed 
    chemical, any bringing in or introduction of such listed chemical into 
    either the jurisdiction of the United States or into the Customs 
    territory of the United States (whether or not such bringing in or 
    introduction constitutes an importation within the meaning of the 
    tariff laws of the United States).
        (8) The term chemical importer is a regulated person who, as the 
    principal party in interest in the import transaction, has the power 
    and responsibility for determining and controlling the bringing in or 
    introduction of the listed chemical into the United States.
        (9) The term chemical mixture means a combination of two or more 
    chemical substances, at least one of which is not a listed chemical, 
    except that such term does not include any combination of a listed 
    chemical with another chemical that is present solely as an impurity or 
    which has been created to evade the requirements of the Act.
        (10) The term customs territory of the United States means the 
    several States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
        (11) The term encapsulating machine means any manual, semi-
    automatic, or fully automatic equipment which may be used to fill 
    shells or capsules with any powdered, granular, semi-solid, or liquid 
        (12) The term established business relationship with a foreign 
    customer means the regulated person has exported a listed chemical at 
    least once within the past six months, or twice within the past twelve 
    months to a foreign manufacturer, distributor, or end user of the 
    chemical that has an established business in the foreign country with a 
    fixed street address. A person or business which functions as a broker 
    or intermediary is not a customer within the meaning of this section. 
    The term also means that the regulated person has provided the 
    Administration with the following information in accordance with the 
    Waiver of 15-day advance notice requirements of Sec. 1313.24 of this 
        (i) The name and street address of the chemical exporter and of 
    each regular customer;
        (ii) The telephone number, telex number, contact person, and where 
    available, the facsimile number for the chemical exporter and for each 
    regular customer;
        (iii) The nature of the regular customer's business (i.e., 
    importer, exporter, distributor, manufacturer, etc.), and if known, the 
    use to which the listed chemical or chemicals will be applied;
        (iv) The duration of the business relationship;
        (v) The frequency and number of transactions occurring during the 
    preceding 12-month period;
        (vi) the amounts and the listed chemical or chemicals involved in 
    regulated transactions between the chemical exporter and regular 
        (vii) The method of delivery (direct shipment or through a broker 
    or forwarding agent); and
        (viii) Other information that the chemical exporter considers 
    relevant for determining whether a customer is a regular customer.
        (13) The term established record as an importer means that the 
    regulated person has imported a listed chemical at least once within 
    the past six months, or twice within the past twelve months from a 
    foreign supplier. The term also means that the regulated person has 
    provided the Administration with the following information in 
    accordance with the waiver of the 15-day advance notice requirements of 
    Sec. 1313.15 of this chapter:
        (i) The name, DEA registration number (where applicable), street 
    address, telephone number, telex number, and, where available, the 
    facsimile number of the regulated person and of each foreign supplier; 
        (ii) The frequency and number of transactions occurring during the 
    preceding 12 month period.
        (14) The term hearing means any hearing held for the granting, 
    denial, revocation, or suspension of a registration pursuant to 
    sections 303, 304, and 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823, 824 and 958).
        (15) The term international transaction means a transaction 
    involving the shipment of a listed chemical across an international 
    border (other than a United States border) in which a broker or trader 
    located in the United States participates. 
    [[Page 8510]]
        (16) The term jurisdiction of the United States means the customs 
    territory of the United States, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, 
    Guam, American Samoa, and the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands.
        (17) The term listed chemical means any List I chemical or List II 
        (18) The term List I chemical means a chemical specifically 
    designated by the Administrator in Sec. 1310.02(a) of this chapter 
    that, in addition to legitimate uses, is used in manufacturing a 
    controlled substance in violation of the Act and is important to the 
    manufacture of a controlled substance.
        (19) The term List II chemical means a chemical, other than a List 
    I chemical, specifically designated by the Administrator in 
    Sec. 1310.02(b) of this chapter that, in addition to legitimate uses, 
    is used in manufacturing a controlled substance in violation of the 
        (20) The term name means the official name, common or usual name, 
    chemical name, or brand name of a substance.
        (21) The term person includes any individual, corporation, 
    government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, 
    partnership, association, or other legal entity.
        (22) The term readily retrievable means that certain records are 
    kept by automatic data processing systems or other electronic or 
    mechanized recordkeeping systems in such a manner that they can be 
    separated out from all other records in a reasonable time and/or 
    records are kept on which certain items are asterisked, redlined, or in 
    some other manner visually identifiable apart from other items 
    appearing on the records.
        (23) The terms register and registration refer only to registration 
    required and permitted by sections 303 or 1007 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    823 or 957).
        (24) The term registrant means any person who is registered 
    pursuant to either section 303 or section 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    823 or 958).
        (25) The term regular customer means a person with whom the 
    regulated person has an established business relationship for a 
    specified listed chemical or chemicals that has been reported to the 
    Administration subject to the criteria established in 
    Sec. 1300.01(b)(12).
        (26) The term regular importer means, with respect to a listed 
    chemical, a person that has an established record as an importer of 
    that listed chemical that is reported to the Administrator.
        (27) The term regulated person means any individual, corporation, 
    partnership, association, or other legal entity who manufactures, 
    distributes, imports, or exports a listed chemical, a tableting 
    machine, or an encapsulating machine, or who acts as a broker or trader 
    for an international transaction involving a listed chemical, tableting 
    machine, or encapsulating machine.
        (28) The term regulated transaction means:
        (i) A distribution, receipt, sale, importation, or exportation of a 
    listed chemical, or an international transaction involving shipment of 
    a listed chemical, or if the Administrator establishes a threshold 
    amount for a specific listed chemical, a threshold amount as determined 
    by the Administrator, which includes a cumulative threshold amount for 
    multiple transactions, of a listed chemical, except that such term does 
    not include:
        (A) A domestic lawful distribution in the usual course of business 
    between agents or employees of a single regulated person; in this 
    context, agents or employees means individuals under the direct 
    management and control of the regulated person;
        (B) A delivery of a listed chemical to or by a common or contract 
    carrier for carriage in the lawful and usual course of the business of 
    the common or contract carrier, or to or by a warehouseman for storage 
    in the lawful and usual course of the business of the warehouseman, 
    except that if the carriage or storage is in connection with the 
    distribution, importation, or exportation of a listed chemical to a 
    third person, this paragraph does not relieve a distributor, importer, 
    or exporter from compliance with this part or parts 1309 and 1313 of 
    this chapter;
        (C) Any category of transaction or any category of transaction for 
    a specific listed chemical or chemicals specified by regulation of the 
    Administrator as excluded from this definition as unnecessary for 
    enforcement of the Act;
        (D) Any transaction in a listed chemical that is contained in a 
    drug that may be marketed or distributed lawfully in the United States 
    under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act unless--
        (1) The drug contains ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers, or 
    salts of optical isomers as the only active medicinal ingredient or 
    contains ephedrine or its salts, optical isomers or salts of optical 
    isomers and therapeutically insignificant quantities of another active 
    medicinal ingredient. For purposes of this paragraph, the term 
    ``therapeutically insignificant quantities'' shall apply if the product 
    formulation (i.e., the qualitative and quantitative composition of 
    active ingredients within the product) is not listed in any of the 
    following compendiums: American Pharmaceutical Association (Apha) 
    Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs; Drug Facts and Comparisons 
    (published by Wolters Kluwer Company); or USP DI (published by 
    authority of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc.); or the 
    product is not listed in Sec. 1310.15 of this chapter as an exempt drug 
    product. For drug products having formulations not found in the above 
    compendiums, the Administrator shall determine, pursuant to a written 
    request as specified in Sec. 1310.14 of this chapter, whether the 
    active medicinal ingredients are present in quantities considered 
    therapeutically significant for purposes of this paragraph; or
        (2) The Administrator has determined pursuant to the criteria in 
    Sec. 1310.10 of this chapter that:
        (i) The drug or group of drugs is being diverted to obtain the 
    listed chemical for use in the illicit production of a controlled 
    substance; and
        (ii) The quantity of ephedrine or other listed chemical contained 
    in the drug included in the transaction or multiple transactions equals 
    or exceeds the threshold established for that chemical by the 
        (E) Any transaction in a chemical mixture listed in Sec. 1310.13 of 
    this chapter.
        (ii) A distribution, importation, or exportation of a tableting 
    machine or encapsulating machine except that such term does not include 
    a domestic lawful distribution in the usual course of business between 
    agents and employees of a single regulated person; in this context, 
    agents or employees means individuals under the direct management and 
    control of the regulated person.
        (29) The term retail distributor means a distributor whose List I 
    chemical activities are restricted to the sale of drug products that 
    are regulated as List I chemicals pursuant to 
    Sec. 1300.01(b)(28)(i)(D), directly to walk-in customers for personal 
        (30) The term tableting machine means any manual, semi-automatic, 
    or fully automatic equipment which may be used for the compaction or 
    molding of powdered or granular solids, or semi-solid material, to 
    produce coherent solid tablets.
    PART 1301--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1301 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 822, 823, 824, 871(b), 875, 877, 952, 
    956, 957, 958, unless otherwise noted.
        2. Section 1301.01 is proposed to be revised to read as follows: 
    [[Page 8511]]
    Sec. 1301.01  Scope of part 1301.
        Procedures governing the registration of manufacturers, 
    distributors, dispensers, importers, and exporters of controlled 
    substances pursuant to sections 301-304 and 1007-1008 of the Act (21 
    U.S.C. 821-824 and 957-958) are set forth generally by those sections 
    and specifically by the sections of this part.
        3. Section 1301.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1301.02  Definitions.
        Any term used in this part shall have the definition set forth in 
    section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or Part 1300 of this chapter.
        4. As set forth in the Preamble, part 1301 is also proposed to be 
    amended by revising Secs. 1301.11 through 1301.52 and the undesignated 
    center headings and by removing Secs. 1301.53 through 1301.63 and the 
    undesignated center headings:
    Sec. 1301.11  Persons required to register.
        (a) Every person who manufactures, distributes, dispenses, imports, 
    or exports any controlled substance or who proposes to engage in the 
    manufacture, distribution, dispensing, importation or exportation of 
    any controlled substance shall obtain a registration unless exempted by 
    law or pursuant to Secs. 1301.22-1301.26. Only persons actually engaged 
    in such activities are required to obtain a registration; related or 
    affiliated persons who are not engaged in such activities are not 
    required to be registered. (For example, a stockholder or parent 
    corporation of a corporation manufacturing controlled substances is not 
    required to obtain a registration.)
    Sec. 1301.12  Separate registrations for separate locations.
        (a) A separate registration is required for each principal place of 
    business or professional practice at one general physical location 
    where controlled substances are manufactured, distributed, imported, 
    exported, or dispensed by a person.
        (b) The following locations shall be deemed not to be places where 
    controlled substances are manufactured, distributed, or dispensed:
        (1) A warehouse where controlled substances are stored by or on 
    behalf of a registered person, unless such substances are distributed 
    directly from such warehouse to registered locations other than the 
    registered location from which the substances were delivered or to 
    persons not required to register by virtue of subsection 302(c)(2) or 
    subsection 1007(b)(1)(B) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 822(c)(2) or 
        (2) An office used by agents of a registrant where sales of 
    controlled substances are solicited, made, or supervised but which 
    neither contains such substances (other than substances for display 
    purposes or lawful distribution as samples only) nor serves as a 
    distribution point for filling sales orders; and
        (3) An office used by a practitioner (who is registered at another 
    location) where controlled substances are prescribed but neither 
    administered nor otherwise dispensed as a regular part of the 
    professional practice of the practitioner at such office, and where no 
    supplies of controlled substances are maintained.
    Sec. 1301.13  Application for registration; time for application; 
    expiration date; registration for independent activities; application 
    forms, fees, contents and signature; coincident activities.
        (a) Any person who is required to be registered and who is not so 
    registered may apply for registration at any time. No person required 
    to be registered shall engage in any activity for which registration is 
    required until the application for registration is granted and a 
    Certificate of Registration is issued by the Administrator to such 
        (b) Any person who is registered may apply to be reregistered not 
    more than 60 days before the expiration date of his/her registration, 
    except that a bulk manufacturer of Schedule I or II controlled 
    substances or an importer of Schedule I or II controlled substances may 
    apply to be reregistered no more than 120 days before the expiration 
    date of their registration.
        (c) At the time a manufacturer, distributor, researcher, analytical 
    lab, importer, exporter or narcotic treatment program is first 
    registered, that business activity shall be assigned to one of twelve 
    groups, which shall correspond to the months of the year. The 
    expiration date of the registrations of all registrants within any 
    group will be the last date of the month designated for that group. In 
    assigning any of the above business activities to a group, the 
    Administration may select a group the expiration date of which is less 
    than one year from the date such business activity was registered. If 
    the business activity is assigned to a group which has an expiration 
    date less than three months from the date of which the business 
    activity is registered, the registration shall not expire until one 
    year from that expiration date; in all other cases, the registration 
    shall expire on the expiration date following the date on which the 
    business activity is registered.
        (d) At the time a retail pharmacy, hospital/clinic, practitioner or 
    teaching institution is first registered, that business activity shall 
    be assigned to one of twelve groups, which shall correspond to the 
    months of the year. The expiration date of the registrations of all 
    registrants within any group will be the last day of the month 
    designated for that group. In assigning any of the above business 
    activities to a group, the Administration may select a group the 
    expiration date of which is not less than 28 months nor more than 39 
    months from the date such business activity was registered. After the 
    initial registration period, the registration shall expire 36 months 
    from the initial expiration date.
        (e) Any person who is required to be registered and who is not so 
    registered, shall make application for registration for one of the 
    following groups of controlled substances activities, which are deemed 
    to be independent of each other. Application for each registration 
    shall be made on the indicated form, and shall be accompanied by the 
    indicated fee. Fee payments shall be made in the form of a personal, 
    certified, or cashier's check or money order made payable to the ``Drug 
    Enforcement Administration''. The application fees are not refundable. 
    Any person, when registered to engage in the activities described in 
    each subparagraph in this paragraph, shall be authorized to engage in 
    the coincident activities described without obtaining a registration to 
    engage in such coincident activities, provided that, unless 
    specifically exempted, he/she complies with all requirements and duties 
    prescribed by law for persons registered to engage in such coincident 
    activities. Any person who engages in more than one group of 
    independent activities shall obtain a separate registration for each 
    group of activities, except as provided in this paragraph under 
    coincident activities. A single registration to engage in any group of 
    independent activities listed below may include one or more controlled 
    substances listed in the schedules authorized in that group of 
    independent activities. A person registered to conduct research with 
    controlled substances listed in Schedule I may conduct research with 
    any substances listed in Schedule I for which he/she has filed and had 
    approved a research protocol.
    [[Page 8512]]
                                                                                            Application                             Coincident activities   
              Business activity            Controlled substances    DEA application forms       fee        Registration period             allowed          
    (i) Manufacturing...................  Schedules I through V..  New--225...............         $875  1 year................  Schedules I through V: May 
                                                                   Renewal--225a..........          875                           distribute that substance 
                                                                                                                                  or class for which        
                                                                                                                                  registration was issued;  
                                                                                                                                  may not distribute any    
                                                                                                                                  substance or class for    
                                                                                                                                  which not registered.     
                                                                                                                                  Schedules II through V:   
                                                                                                                                  May conduct chemical      
                                                                                                                                  analysis and preclinical  
                                                                                                                                  research (including       
                                                                                                                                  quality control analysis) 
                                                                                                                                  with substances listed in 
                                                                                                                                  those schedules for which 
                                                                                                                                  authorization as a        
                                                                                                                                  manufacturer was issued.  
    (ii) Distributing...................  Schedules I through V..  New--225...............          438  1 year.                                            
                                                                   Renewal--225a..........          438                                                     
    (iii) Dispensing or Instructing       Schedules II through V.  New--224...............          210  3 years...............  May conduct research and   
     (Includes Practitioner Hospital/                              Renewal--224a..........          210                           instructional activities  
     Clinic, Retail Pharmacy, Teaching                                                                                            with those substances for 
     Institution).                                                                                                                which registration was    
                                                                                                                                  granted, except that a mid-
                                                                                                                                  level practitioner may    
                                                                                                                                  conduct such research only
                                                                                                                                  to the extent expressly   
                                                                                                                                  authorized under state    
                                                                                                                                  statute. A pharmacist may 
                                                                                                                                  manufacture an aqueous or 
                                                                                                                                  oleaginous solution or    
                                                                                                                                  solid dosage form         
                                                                                                                                  containing a narcotic     
                                                                                                                                  controlled substance in   
                                                                                                                                  Schedule II through V in a
                                                                                                                                  proportion not exceeding  
                                                                                                                                  20 percent of the complete
                                                                                                                                  solution, compound, or    
    (iv) Research or Instructing........  Schedule I.............  New--225...............           70  1 year................  A researcher may           
                                                                   Renewal--225a..........           70                           manufacture or import the 
                                                                                                                                  basic class of substance  
                                                                                                                                  or substances for which   
                                                                                                                                  registration was issued,  
                                                                                                                                  provided that such        
                                                                                                                                  manufacture or import is  
                                                                                                                                  set forth in the protocol 
                                                                                                                                  required in Section       
                                                                                                                                  1301.18 and to distribute 
                                                                                                                                  such class to persons     
                                                                                                                                  registered or authorized  
                                                                                                                                  to conduct research with  
                                                                                                                                  such class of substance or
                                                                                                                                  registered or authorized  
                                                                                                                                  to conduct chemical       
                                                                                                                                  analysis with controlled  
    (v) Research........................  Schedules II through V.  New--225...............           70  1 year................  May conduct chemical       
                                                                   Renewal--225a..........           70                           analysis with controlled  
                                                                                                                                  substances in those       
                                                                                                                                  schedules for which       
                                                                                                                                  registration was issued;  
                                                                                                                                  manufacture such          
                                                                                                                                  substances if and to the  
                                                                                                                                  extent that such          
                                                                                                                                  manufacture is set forth  
                                                                                                                                  in a statement filed with 
                                                                                                                                  the application for       
                                                                                                                                  registration or           
                                                                                                                                  reregistration; import    
                                                                                                                                  such substances for       
                                                                                                                                  research purposes;        
                                                                                                                                  distribute such substances
                                                                                                                                  to persons registered or  
                                                                                                                                  authorized to conduct     
                                                                                                                                  chemical analysis,        
                                                                                                                                  instructional activities, 
                                                                                                                                  or research with such     
                                                                                                                                  substances, and to persons
                                                                                                                                  exempted from registration
                                                                                                                                  pursuant to Section       
                                                                                                                                  1301.24, and to conduct   
                                                                                                                                  instructional activities  
                                                                                                                                  with controlled           
    (vi) Narcotic Treatment Program       Narcotic Drugs in        New--363...............           70  1 year.                                            
     (including compounder).               Schedules II through V. Renewal--363a..........           70                                                     
    (vii) Importing.....................  Schedules I through V..  New--225...............          438  1 year................  May distribute that        
                                                                   Renewal--225a..........          438                           substance or class for    
                                                                                                                                  which registration was    
                                                                                                                                  issued; may not distribute
                                                                                                                                  any substance or class for
                                                                                                                                  which not registered.     
    (viii) Exporting....................  Schedules I through V..  New--225...............          438  1 year.                                            
                                                                   Renewal--225a..........          438                                                     
    (ix) Chemical Analysis..............  Schedules I through V..  New--225...............           70  1 year................  May manufacture and import 
                                                                   Renewal--225a..........           70                           controlled substances for 
                                                                                                                                  analytical or             
                                                                                                                                  instructional activities; 
                                                                                                                                  may distribute such       
                                                                                                                                  substances to persons     
                                                                                                                                  registered or authorized  
                                                                                                                                  to conduct chemical       
                                                                                                                                  analysis, instructional   
                                                                                                                                  activities, or research   
                                                                                                                                  with such substances and  
                                                                                                                                  to persons exempted from  
                                                                                                                                  registration pursuant to  
                                                                                                                                  Section 1301.24; may      
                                                                                                                                  export such substances to 
                                                                                                                                  persons in other countries
                                                                                                                                  performing chemical       
                                                                                                                                  analysis or enforcing laws
                                                                                                                                  relating to controlled    
                                                                                                                                  substances or drugs in    
                                                                                                                                  those countries, and to   
                                                                                                                                  conduct instructional     
                                                                                                                                  activities with controlled
    [[Page 8513]]
        (2) DEA Forms 224, 225, and 363 may be obtained at any area office 
    of the Administration or by writing to the Registration Unit, Drug 
    Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, Post Office Box 
    28083, Central Station, Washington, DC 20005.
        (3) DEA Forms 224a, 225a, and 363a will be mailed, as applicable, 
    to each registered person approximately 60 days before the expiration 
    date of his/her registration; if any registered person does not receive 
    such forms within 45 days before the expiration date of his/her 
    registration, he/she must promptly give notice of such fact and request 
    such forms by writing to the Registration Unit of the Administration at 
    the foregoing address.
        (f) Each application for registration to handle any basic class of 
    controlled substance listed in Schedule I (except to conduct chemical 
    analysis with such classes), and each application for registration to 
    manufacture a basic class of controlled substance listed in Schedule II 
    shall include the Administration Controlled Substances Code Number, as 
    set forth in part 1308 of this chapter, for each basic class to be 
    covered by such registration.
        (g) Each application for registration to import or export 
    controlled substances shall include the Administration Controlled 
    Substances Code Number, as set forth in part 1308 of this chapter, for 
    each controlled substance whose importation or exportation is to be 
    authorized by such registration. Registration as an importer or 
    exporter shall not entitle a registrant to import or export any 
    controlled substance not specified in such registration.
        (h) Each application for registration to conduct research with any 
    basic class of controlled substance listed in Schedule II shall include 
    the Administration Controlled Substances Code Number, as set forth in 
    part 1308 of this chapter, for each such basic class to be manufactured 
    or imported as a coincident activity of that registration. A statement 
    listing the quantity of each such basic class or controlled substance 
    to be imported or manufactured during the registration period for which 
    application is being made shall be included with each such application. 
    For purposes of this paragraph only, manufacturing is defined as the 
    production of a controlled substance by synthesis, extraction or by 
    agricultural/horticultural means.
        (i) Each application shall include all information called for in 
    the form, unless the item is not applicable, in which case this fact 
    shall be indicated.
        (j) Each application, attachment, or other document filed as part 
    of an application, shall be signed by the applicant, if an individual; 
    by a partner of the applicant, if a partnership; or by an officer of 
    the applicant, if a corporation, corporate division, association, trust 
    or other entity. An applicant may authorize one or more individuals, 
    who would not otherwise be authorized to do so, to sign applications 
    for the applicant by filing with the Registration Unit of the 
    Administration a power of attorney for each such individual. The power 
    of attorney shall be signed by a person who is authorized to sign 
    applications under this paragraph and shall contain the signature of 
    the individual being authorized to sign applications. The power of 
    attorney shall be valid until revoked by the applicant.
    Sec. 1301.14  Filing of application; acceptance for filing; defective 
        (a) All applications for registration shall be submitted for filing 
    to the Registration Unit, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department 
    of Justice, Post Office Box 28083, Central Station, Washington, DC 
    20005. The appropriate registration fee and any required attachments 
    must accompany the application.
        (b) Any person required to obtain more than one registration may 
    submit all applications in one package. Each application must be 
    complete and should not refer to any accompanying application for 
    required information.
        (c) Applications submitted for filing are dated upon receipt. If 
    found to be complete, the application will be accepted for filing. 
    Applications failing to comply with the requirements of this part will 
    not generally be accepted for filing. In the case of minor defects as 
    to completeness, the Administrator may accept the application for 
    filing with a request to the applicant for additional information. A 
    defective application will be returned to the applicant within 10 days 
    following its receipt with a statement of the reason for not accepting 
    the application for filing. A defective application may be corrected 
    and resubmitted for filing at any time; the Administrator shall accept 
    for filing any application upon resubmission by the applicant, whether 
    complete or not.
        (d) Accepting an application for filing does not preclude any 
    subsequent request for additional information pursuant to Sec. 1301.15 
    and has no bearing on whether the application will be granted.
    Sec. 1301.15  Additional Information.
        The Administrator may require an applicant to submit such documents 
    or written statements of fact relevant to the application as he/she 
    deems necessary to determine whether the application should be granted. 
    The failure of the applicant to provide such documents or statements 
    within a reasonable time after being requested to do so shall be deemed 
    to be a waiver by the applicant of an opportunity to present such 
    documents or facts for consideration by the Administrator in granting 
    or denying the application.
    Sec. 1301.16  Amendments to and withdrawal of applications.
        (a) An application may be amended or withdrawn without permission 
    of the Administrator at any time before the date on which the applicant 
    receives an order to show cause pursuant to Sec. 1301.37. An 
    application may be amended or withdrawn with permission of the 
    Administrator at any time where good cause is shown by the applicant or 
    where the amendment or withdrawal is in the public interest.
        (b) After an application has been accepted for filing, the request 
    by the applicant that it be returned or the failure of the applicant to 
    respond to official correspondence regarding the application, when sent 
    by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, shall be 
    deemed to be a withdrawal of the application.
    Sec. 1301.17  Special procedures for certain applications.
        (a) If, at the time of application for registration of a new 
    pharmacy, the pharmacy has been issued a license from the appropriate 
    State licensing agency, the applicant may include with his/her 
    application an affidavit as to the existence of the State license in 
    the following form:
    Affidavit for New Pharmacy
        I, __________, the ________________________ (Title of officer, 
    official, partner, or other position) of ________________________ 
    (Corporation, partnership, or sole proprietor), doing business as 
    ________________ (Store name) at ________________ (Number and 
    Street), ________________ (City) ________________ (State) 
    ________________ (Zip code), hereby certify that said store was 
    issued a pharmacy permit No. ________ by the 
    ________________________ (Board of Pharmacy or Licensing Agency) of 
    the State of ____________________ on ____________ (Date).
        This statement is submitted in order to obtain a Drug 
    Enforcement Administration registration number. I understand that if 
    any information is false, the Administration may immediately suspend 
    the registration for this store and commence proceedings to revoke 
    under 21 U.S.C. 824(a) because of the danger to public health and 
    safety. I further understand that any false information 
    [[Page 8514]]
    contained in this affidavit may subject me personally and the above-
    named corporation/partnership/business to prosecution under 21 
    U.S.C. 843, the penalties for conviction of which include 
    imprisonment for up to 4 years, a fine of not more than $30,000 or 
    Signature (Person who signs Application for Registration) State of 
    County of____________________------------------------------------------
    Subscribed to and sworn before me this __________ day of 
    ______________, 19____.
    Notary Public
        (b) Whenever the ownership of a pharmacy is being transferred from 
    one person to another, if the transferee owns at least one other 
    pharmacy licensed in the same State as the one the ownership of which 
    is being transferred, the transferee may apply for registration prior 
    to the date of transfer. The Administrator may register the applicant 
    and authorize him to obtain controlled substances at the time of 
    transfer. Such registration shall not authorize the transferee to 
    dispense controlled substances until the pharmacy has been issued a 
    valid State license. The transferee shall include with his/her 
    application the following affidavit:
    Affidavit for Transfer of Pharmacy
        I, ________________, the ________________________ (Title of 
    officer, official, partner or other position) of 
    ________________________ (Corporation, partnership, or sole 
    proprietor), doing business as ________________ (Store name) hereby 
        (1) That said company was issued a pharmacy permit No. ________ 
    by the ________________________ (Board of Pharmacy of Licensing 
    Agency) of the State of ________________ and a DEA Registration 
    Number __________ for a pharmacy located at ____________________ 
    (Number and Street) ________________ (City) ____________________ 
    (State) ________________ (Zip Code); and
        (2) That said company is acquiring the pharmacy business of 
    ________________ (Name of Seller) doing business as ________________ 
    with DEA Registration Number __________ on or about ________________ 
    (Date of Transfer) and that said company has applied (or will apply 
    on ________________ (Date) for a pharmacy permit from the board of 
    pharmacy (or licensing agency) of the State of ________________ to 
    do business as __________ (Store name) at ________________ (Number 
    and Street) ________________ (City) ________________ (State) 
    ________________ (Zip Code).
        This statement is submitted in order to obtain a Drug 
    Enforcement Administration registration number.
        I understand that if a DEA registration number is issued, the 
    pharmacy may acquire controlled substances but may not dispense them 
    until a pharmacy permit or license is issued by the State board of 
    pharmacy or licensing agency.
        I understand that if any information is false, the 
    Administration may immediately suspend the registration for this 
    store and commence proceedings to revoke under 21 U.S.C. 824(a) 
    because of the danger to public health and safety. I further 
    understand that any false information contained in this affidavit 
    may subject me personally to prosecution under 21 U.S.C. 843, the 
    penalties for conviction of which include imprisonment for up to 4 
    years, a fine of not more than $30,000 or both.
    Signature (Person who signs Application for Registration)
    State of---------------------------------------------------------------
    County of--------------------------------------------------------------
        Subscribed to and sworn before me this ____________ day of 
    ________________, 19____.
    Notary Public
        (c) The Administrator shall follow the normal procedures for 
    approving an application to verify the statements in the affidavit. If 
    the statements prove to be false, the Administrator may revoke the 
    registration on the basis of section 304(a)(1) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    824(a)(1)) and suspend the registration immediately by pending 
    revocation on the basis of section 304(d) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    824(d)). At the same time, the Administrator may seize and place under 
    seal all controlled substances possessed by the applicant under section 
    304(f) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(f)). Intentional misuse of the 
    affidavit procedure may subject the applicant to prosecution for fraud 
    under section 403(a)(4) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 843(a)(4)), and obtaining 
    controlled substances under a registration fraudulently gotten may 
    subject the applicant to prosecution under section 403(a)(3) of the Act 
    (21 U.S.C. 843(a)(3)). The penalties for conviction of either offense 
    include imprisonment for up to 4 years, a fine not exceeding $30,000 or 
    Sec. 1301.18  Research protocols.
        (a) A protocol to conduct research with controlled substances 
    listed in Schedule I shall be in the following form and contain the 
    following information where applicable:
        (1) Investigator:
        (i) Name, address, and DEA registration number; if any.
        (ii) Institutional affiliation.
        (iii) Qualifications, including a curriculum vitae and an 
    appropriate bibliography (list of publications).
        (2) Research project:
        (i) Title of project.
        (ii) Statement of the purpose.
        (iii) Name of the controlled substances or substances involved and 
    the amount of each needed.
        (iv) Description of the research to be conducted, including the 
    number and species of research subjects, the dosage to be administered, 
    the route and method of administration, and the duration of the 
        (v) Location where the research will be conducted.
        (vi) Statement of the security provisions for storing the 
    controlled substances (in accordance with Sec. 1301.75) and for 
    dispensing the controlled substances in order to prevent diversion.
        (vii) If the investigator desires to manufacture or import any 
    controlled substance listed in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, a 
    statement of the quantity to be manufactured or imported and the 
    sources of the chemicals to be used or the substance to be imported.
        (3) Authority:
        (i) Institutional approval.
        (ii) Approval of a Human Research Committee for human studies.
        (iii) Indication of an approved active Notice of Claimed 
    Investigational Exemption for a New Drug (number).
        (iv) Indication of an approved funded grant (number), if any.
        (b) In the case of a clinical investigation with controlled 
    substances listed in Schedule I, the applicant shall submit three 
    copies of a Notice of Claimed Investigational Exemption for a New Drug 
    (IND) together with a statement of the security provisions (as 
    prescribed in paragraph (a)(2)(v) of this section for a research 
    protocol) to, and have such submission approved by, the Food and Drug 
    Administration as required in 21 U.S.C. 355(i) and Sec. 130.3 of this 
    title. Submission of this Notice and statement to the Food and Drug 
    Administration shall be in lieu of a research protocol to the 
    Administration as required in paragraph (a) of this section. The 
    applicant, when applying for registration with the Administration, 
    shall indicate that such notice has been submitted to the Food and Drug 
    Administration by submitting to the Administration with his/her DEA 
    Form 225 three copies of the following certificate:
        I hereby certify that on ________ (Date), pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 
    355(i) and 21 CFR 130.3, I, __________ __________ __________ (Name 
    and Address of IND Sponsor) submitted a Notice of Claimed 
    Investigational Exemption for a New Drug (IND) to the Food and Drug 
    Administration for:
    [[Page 8515]]
    (Name of Investigational Drug).
    ____________ (Date)
    (Signature of Applicant).
        (c) In the event that the registrant desires to increase the 
    quantity of a controlled substance used for an approved research 
    project, he/she shall submit a request to the Registration Unit, Drug 
    Enforcement Administration, Post Office Box 28083, Central Station, 
    Washington, DC 20005, by registered mail, return receipt requested. The 
    request shall contain the following information: DEA registration 
    number; name of the controlled substance or substances and the quantity 
    of each authorized in the approved protocol; and the additional 
    quantity of each desired. Upon return of the receipt, the registrant 
    shall be authorized to purchase the additional quantity of the 
    controlled substance or substances specified in the request. The 
    Administration shall review the letter and forward it to the Food and 
    Drug Administration together with the Administration comments. The Food 
    and Drug Administration shall approve or deny the request as an 
    amendment to the protocol and so notify the registrant. Approval of the 
    letter by the Food and Drug Administration shall authorize the 
    registrant to use the additional quantity of the controlled substance 
    in the research project.
        (d) In the event the registrant desires to conduct research beyond 
    the variations provided in the registrant's approved protocol 
    (excluding any increase in the quantity of the controlled substance 
    requested for his/her research project as outlined in paragraph (c) of 
    this section), he/she shall submit three copies of a supplemental 
    protocol in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section describing 
    the new research and omitting information in the supplemental protocol 
    which has been stated in the original protocol. Supplemental protocols 
    shall be processed and approved or denied in the same manner as 
    original research protocols.
    Exceptions To Registration and Fees
    Sec. 1301.21  Exemption from fees.
        (a) The Administrator shall exempt from payment of an application 
    fee for registration or reregistration:
        (1) Any hospital or other institution which is operated by an 
    agency of the United States (including the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine 
    Corps., Air Force, and Coast Guard), of any State, or any political 
    subdivision or agency thereof.
        (2) Any individual practitioner who is required to obtain an 
    individual registration in order to carry out his or her duties as an 
    official of an agency of the United States (including the U.S. Army, 
    Navy, Marine Corps., Air Force, and Coast Guard), of any State, or any 
    political subdivision or agency thereof.
        (b) In order to claim exemption from payment of a registration or 
    reregistration application fee, the registrant shall have completed the 
    certification on the appropriate application form, wherein the 
    registrant's superior (if the registrant is an individual) or officer 
    (if the registrant is an agency) certifies to the status and address of 
    the registrant and to the authority of the registrant to acquire, 
    possess, or handle controlled substances.
        (c) Exemption from payment of a registration or reregistration 
    application fee does not relieve the registrant of any other 
    requirements or duties prescribed by law.
    Sec. 1301.22  Exemption of agents and employees; affiliated 
        (a) The requirement of registration is waived for any agent or 
    employee of a person who is registered to engage in any group of 
    independent activities, if such agent or employee is acting in the 
    usual course of his/her business or employment.
        (b) An individual practitioner who is an agent or employee of 
    another practitioner (other than a mid-level practitioner) registered 
    to dispense controlled substances may, when acting in the normal course 
    of business or employment, administer or dispense (other than by 
    issuance of prescription) controlled substances if and to the extent 
    that such individual practitioner is authorized or permitted to do so 
    by the jurisdiction in which he or she practices, under the 
    registration of the employer or principal practitioner in lieu of being 
    registered him/herself.
        (c) An individual practitioner who is an agent or employee of a 
    hospital or other institution may, when acting in the normal course of 
    business or employment, administer, dispense, or prescribe controlled 
    substances under the registration of the hospital or other institution 
    which is registered in lieu of being registered him/herself, provided 
        (1) Such dispensing, administering or prescribing is done in the 
    usual course of his/her professional practice;
        (2) Such individual practitioner is authorized or permitted to do 
    so by the jurisdiction in which he/she is practicing;
        (3) The hospital or other institution by whom he/she is employed 
    has verified that the individual practitioner is so permitted to 
    dispense, administer, or prescribe drugs within the jurisdiction;
        (4) Such individual practitioner is acting only within the scope of 
    his/her employment in the hospital or institution;
        (5) The hospital or other institution authorizes the individual 
    practitioner to administer, dispense or prescribe under the hospital 
    registration and designates a specific internal code number for each 
    individual practitioner so authorized. The code number shall consist of 
    numbers, letters, or a combination thereof and shall be a suffix to the 
    institution's DEA registration number, preceded by a hyphen (e.g., APO 
    123456-10 or APO123456-A12); and
        (6) A current list of internal codes and the corresponding 
    individual practitioners is kept by the hospital or other institution 
    and is made available at all times to other registrants and law 
    enforcement agencies upon request for the purpose of verifying the 
    authority of the prescribing individual practitioner.
    Sec. 1301.23  Exemption of certain military and other personnel.
        (a) The requirement of registration is waived for any official of 
    the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public 
    Health Service, or Bureau of Prisons who is authorized to prescribe, 
    dispense, or administer, but not to procure or purchase, controlled 
    substances in the course of his/her official duties. Such officials 
    shall follow procedures set forth in part 1306 of this chapter 
    regarding prescriptions, but shall state the branch of service or 
    agency (e.g., ``U.S. Army'' or ``Public Health Service'') and the 
    service identification number of the issuing official in lieu of the 
    registration number required on prescription forms. The service 
    identification number for a Public Health Service employee is his/her 
    Social Security identification number.
        (b) The requirement of registration is waived for any official or 
    agency of the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, or 
    Public Health Service who or which is authorized to import or export 
    controlled substances in the course of his/her official duties.
        (c) If any official exempted by this section also engages as a 
    private individual in any activity or group of activities for which 
    registration is required, such official shall obtain a registration for 
    such private activities. 
    [[Page 8516]]
    Sec. 1301.24  Exemption of law enforcement officials.
        (a) The requirement of registration is waived for the following 
    persons in the circumstances described in this section:
        (1) Any officer or employee of the Administration, any officer of 
    the U.S. Customs Service, any officer or employee of the United States 
    Food and Drug Administration, and any other Federal officer who is 
    lawfully engaged in the enforcement of any Federal law relating to 
    controlled substances, drugs or customs, and is duly authorized to 
    possess or to import or export controlled substances in the course of 
    his/her official duties; and
        (2) Any officer or employee of any State, or any political 
    subdivision or agency thereof, who is engaged in the enforcement of any 
    State or local law relating to controlled substances and is duly 
    authorized to possess controlled substances in the course of his/her 
    official duties.
        (b) Any official exempted by this section may, when acting in the 
    course of his/her official duties, procure any controlled substance in 
    the course of an inspection, in accordance with Sec. 1316.03(d) of this 
    chapter, or in the course of any criminal investigation involving the 
    person from whom the substance was procured, and may possess any 
    controlled substance and distribute any such substance to any other 
    official who is also exempted by this section and acting in the course 
    of his/her official duties.
        (c) In order to enable law enforcement agency laboratories, 
    including laboratories of the Administration, to obtain and transfer 
    controlled substances for use as standards in chemical analysis, such 
    laboratories shall obtain annually a registration to conduct chemical 
    analysis. Such laboratories shall be exempted from payment of a fee for 
    registration. Laboratory personnel, when acting in the scope of their 
    official duties, are deemed to be officials exempted by this section 
    and within the activity described in section 515(d) of the Act (21 
    U.S.C. 885(d)). For purposes of this paragraph, laboratory activities 
    shall not include field or other preliminary chemical tests by 
    officials exempted by this section.
        (d) In addition to the activities authorized under a registration 
    to conduct chemical analysis pursuant to Sec. 1301.13(e)(1)(ix), 
    laboratories of the Administration shall be authorized to manufacture 
    or import controlled substances for any lawful purpose, to distribute 
    or export such substances to any person, and to import and export such 
    substances in emergencies without regard to the requirements of part 
    1312 of this chapter if a report concerning the importation or 
    exportation is made to the Drug Operations Section of the 
    Administration within 30 days of such importation or exportation.
    Sec. 1301.25  Registration regarding ocean vessels, aircraft, and other 
        (a) If acquired by and dispensed under the general supervision of a 
    medical officer described in paragraph (b) of this section, or the 
    master or first officer of the vessel under the circumstances described 
    in paragraph (d) of this section, controlled substances may be held for 
    stocking, be maintained in, and dispensed from medicine chests, first 
    aid packets, or dispensaries:
        (1) On board any vessel engaged in international trade or in trade 
    between ports of the United States and any merchant vessel belonging to 
    the U.S. Government;
        (2) On board any aircraft operated by an air carrier under a 
    certificate of permit issued pursuant to the Federal Aviation Act of 
    1958 (49 U.S.C. 1301); and
        (3) In any other entity of fixed or transient location approved by 
    the Administrator as appropriate for application of this section (e.g., 
    emergency kits at field sites of an industrial firm).
        (b) A medical officer shall be:
        (1) Licensed in a state as a physician;
        (2) Employed by the owner or operator of the vessel, aircraft or 
    other entity; and
        (3) Registered under the Act at either of the following locations:
        (i) The principal office of the owner or operator of the vessel, 
    aircraft or other entity or
        (ii) At any other location provided that the name, address, 
    registration number and expiration date as they appear on his/her 
    Certificate of Registration (DEA Form 223) for this location are 
    maintained for inspection at said principal office in a readily 
    retrievable manner.
        (c) A registered medical officer may serve as medical officer for 
    more than one vessel, aircraft, or other entity under a single 
    registration, unless he/she serves as medical officer for more than one 
    owner or operator, in which case he/she shall either maintain a 
    separate registration at the location of the principal office of each 
    such owner or operator or utilize one or more registrations pursuant to 
    paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section.
        (d) If no medical officer is employed by the owner or operator of a 
    vessel, or in the event such medical officer is not accessible and the 
    acquisition of controlled substances is required, the master or first 
    officer of the vessel, who shall not be registered under the Act, may 
    purchase controlled substances from a registered manufacturer or 
    distributor, or from an authorized pharmacy as described in paragraph 
    (f) of this section, by following the procedure outlined below:
        (1) The master or first officer of the vessel must personally 
    appear at the vendor's place of business, present proper identification 
    (e.g., Seaman's photographic identification card) and a written 
    requisition for the controlled substances.
        (2) The written requisition must be on the vessel's official 
    stationery or purchase order form and must include the name and address 
    of the vendor, the name of the controlled substance, description of the 
    controlled substance (dosage form, strength and number or volume per 
    container) number of containers ordered, the name of the vessel, the 
    vessel's official number and country of registry, the owner or operator 
    of the vessel, the port at which the vessel is located, signature of 
    the vessel's officer who is ordering the controlled substances and the 
    date of the requisition.
        (3) The vendor may, after verifying the identification of the 
    vessel's officer requisitioning the controlled substances, deliver the 
    control substances to that officer. The transaction shall be 
    documented, in triplicate, on a record of sale in a format similar to 
    that outlined in paragraph (d)(4) of this section. The vessel's 
    requisition shall be attached to copy 1 of the record of sale and filed 
    with the controlled substances records of the vendor, copy 2 of the 
    record of sale shall be furnished to the officer of the vessel and 
    retained aboard the vessel, copy 3 of the record of sale shall be 
    forwarded to the nearest DEA Division Office within 15 days after the 
    end of the month in which the sale is made.
        (4) The vendor's record of sale should be similar to, and must 
    include all the information contained in, the below listed format.
        Sale of Controlled Substances to Vessels
    (Name of registrant)
    (Address of registrant)
    (DEA registration number)
    * * * TABLE START * * *
    [[Page 8517]]
                                         Number of                                                                  
                Line No.                 packages         Size of         Name of        Packages          Date     
                                          ordered        packages         product       distributed     distributed 
    1...............................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............
    2...............................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............
    3...............................  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............  ..............
    FOOTNOTE: Line numbers may be continued according to needs of the vendor.                                       
    * * * TABLE END * * *
    Number of lines completed
    Name of vessel
    Vessel's official number
    Vessel's country of registry
    Owner or operator of the vessel
    Name and title of vessel's officer who presented the requisition
    Signature of vessel's officer who presented the requisition
        (e) Any medical officer described in paragraph (b) of this section 
    shall, in addition to complying with all requirements and duties 
    prescribed for registrants generally, prepare an annual report as of 
    the date on which his/her registration expires, which shall give in 
    detail an accounting for each vessel, aircraft, or other entity, and a 
    summary accounting for all vessels, aircraft, or other entities under 
    his/her supervision for all controlled substances purchased, dispensed 
    or disposed of during the year. The medical officer shall maintain this 
    report with other records required to be kept under the Act and, upon 
    request, deliver a copy of the report to the Administration. The 
    medical officer need not be present when controlled substances are 
    dispensed, if the person who actually dispensed the controlled 
    substances is responsible to the medical officer to justify his/her 
        (f) Any registered pharmacy which wishes to distribute controlled 
    substances pursuant to this section shall be authorized to do so, 
    provided that:
        (1) The registered pharmacy notifies the nearest Division Office of 
    the Administration of its intention to so distribute controlled 
    substances prior to the initiation of such activity. This notification 
    shall be by registered mail and shall contain the name, address, and 
    registration number of the pharmacy as well as the date upon which such 
    activity will commence; and
        (2) Such activity is authorized by state law; and
        (3) The total number of dosage units of all controlled substances 
    distributed by the pharmacy during any calendar year in which the 
    pharmacy is registered to dispense does not exceed the limitations 
    imposed upon such distribution by Sec. 1307.11(a) (4) and (b) of this 
        (g) Owners or operators of vessels, aircraft, or other entities 
    described in this section shall not be deemed to possess or dispense 
    any controlled substance acquired, stored and dispensed in accordance 
    with this section. Additionally, owners or operators of vessels, 
    aircraft, or other entities described in this section or in Article 32 
    of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, or in Article 14 of 
    the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971, shall not be deemed to 
    import or export any controlled substances purchased and stored in 
    accordance with that section or applicable article.
        (h) The Master of a vessel shall prepare a report for each calendar 
    year which shall give in detail an accounting for all controlled 
    substances purchased, dispensed, or disposed of during the year. The 
    Master shall file this report with the medical officer employed by the 
    owner or operator of his/her vessel, if any, or, if not, he/she shall 
    maintain this report with other records required to be kept under the 
    Act and, upon request, deliver a copy of the report to the 
        (i) Controlled substances acquired and possessed in accordance with 
    this section shall not be distributed to persons not under the general 
    supervision of the medical officer employed by the owner or operator of 
    the vessel, aircraft, or other entity, except in accordance with 
    Sec. 1307.21 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1301.26  Exemptions from import or export requirements for 
    personal medical use.
        Any individual who has in his/her possession a controlled substance 
    listed in schedules II, III, IV, or V, which he/she has lawfully 
    obtained for his/her personal medical use, or for administration to an 
    animal accompanying him/her, may enter or depart the United States with 
    such substance notwithstanding sections 1002-1005 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    952-955), providing the following conditions are met:
        (a) The controlled substance is in the original container in which 
    it was dispensed to the individual; and
        (b) The individual makes a declaration to an appropriate official 
    of the U.S. Customs Service stating:
        (1) That the controlled substance is possessed for his/her personal 
    use, or for an animal accompanying him/her; and
        (2) The trade or chemical name and the symbol designating the 
    schedule of the controlled substance if it appears on the container 
    label, or, if such name does not appear on the label, the name and 
    address of the pharmacy or practitioner who dispensed the substance and 
    the prescription number, if any.
    Action on Applications for Registration: Revocation or Suspension of 
    Sec. 1301.31  Administrative review generally.
        The Administrator may inspect, or cause to be inspected, the 
    establishment of an applicant or registrant, pursuant to subpart A of 
    part 1316 of this chapter. The Administrator shall review, the 
    application for registration and other information gathered by the 
    Administrator regarding an applicant in order to determine whether the 
    applicable standards of section 303 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823) or 
    section 1008 (21 U.S.C. 958) have been met by the applicant.
    Sec. 1301.32
      Action on applications for research in Schedule I substances.
        (a) In the case of an application for registration to conduct 
    research with controlled substances listed in Schedule I, the 
    Administrator shall process the application and protocol and forward a 
    copy of each to the Secretary within 7 days after receipt. The 
    Secretary shall determine the qualifications and competency of the 
    applicant, as well as the merits of the protocol (and shall notify the 
    Administrator of his/her determination) within 21 days after receipt of 
    the application and complete protocol, except that in the case of a 
    clinical investigation, the Secretary shall have 30 days to make such 
    determination and notify the Administrator. The Secretary, in 
    determining the merits of the protocol,
    [[Page 8518]]
    shall consult with the Administrator as to effective procedures to 
    safeguard adequately against diversion of such controlled substances 
    from legitimate medical or scientific use.
        (b) An applicant whose protocol is defective shall be notified by 
    the Secretary within 21 days after receipt of such protocol from the 
    Administrator (or in the case of a clinical investigation within 30 
    days), and he/she shall be requested to correct the existing defects 
    before consideration shall be given to his/her submission.
        (c) If the Secretary determines the applicant qualified and 
    competent and the research protocol meritorious, he/she shall notify 
    the Administrator in writing of such determination. The Administrator 
    shall issue a certificate of registration within 10 days after receipt 
    of this notice, unless he/she determines that the certificate of 
    registration should be denied on a ground specified in section 304(a) 
    of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(a)). In the case of a supplemental protocol, 
    a replacement certificate of registration shall be issued by the 
        (d) If the Secretary determines that the protocol is not 
    meritorious and/or the applicant is not qualified or competent, he/she 
    shall notify the Administrator in writing setting forth the reasons for 
    such determination. If the Administrator determines that grounds exist 
    for the denial of the application, he/she shall within 10 days issue an 
    order to show cause pursuant to Sec. 1301.37 and, if requested by the 
    applicant, hold a hearing on the application pursuant to Sec. 1301.41. 
    If the grounds for denial of the application include a determination by 
    the Secretary, the Secretary or his duly authorized agent shall furnish 
    testimony and documents pertaining to his determination at such 
        (e) Supplemental protocols will be processed in the same manner as 
    original research protocols. If the processing of an application or 
    research protocol is delayed beyond the time limits imposed by this 
    section, the applicant shall be so notified in writing.
    Sec. 1301.33  Application for bulk manufacture of Schedule I and II 
        (a) In the case of an application for registration or 
    reregistration to manufacture in bulk a basic class of controlled 
    substance listed in Schedule I or II, the Administrator shall, upon the 
    filing of such application, publish in the Federal Register a notice 
    naming the applicant and stating that such applicant has applied to be 
    registered as a bulk manufacturer of a basic class of narcotic or 
    nonnarcotic controlled substance, which class shall be identified. A 
    copy of said notice shall be mailed simultaneously to each person 
    registered as a bulk manufacturer of that basic class and to any other 
    applicant therefor. Any such person may, within 60 days from the date 
    of publication of the notice in the Federal Register, file with the 
    Administrator written comments on or objections to the issuance of the 
    proposed registration.
        (b) In order to provide adequate competition, the Administrator 
    shall not be required to limit the number of manufacturers in any basic 
    class to a number less than that consistent with maintenance of 
    effective controls against diversion solely because a smaller number is 
    capable of producing an adequate and uninterrupted supply.
        (c) This section shall not apply to the manufacture of basic 
    classes of controlled substances listed in Schedules I or II as an 
    incident to research or chemical analysis as authorized in 
    Sec. 01.13(e)(1).
    Sec. 1301.34  Application for importation of Schedule I and II 
        (a) In the case of an application for registration or 
    reregistration to import a controlled substance listed in Schedule I or 
    II, under the authority of section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    952(a)(2)(B)), the Administrator shall, upon the filing of such 
    application, publish in the Federal Register a notice naming the 
    applicant and stating that such applicant has applied to be registered 
    as an importer of a Schedule I or II controlled substance, which 
    substance shall be identified. A copy of said notice shall be mailed 
    simultaneously to each person registered as a bulk manufacturer of that 
    controlled substance and to any other applicant therefor. Any such 
    person may, within 30 days from the date of publication of the notice 
    in the Federal Register, file written comments on or objections to the 
    issuance of the proposed registration, and may, at the same time, file 
    a written request for a hearing on the application pursuant to 
    Sec. 1301.43. If a hearing is requested, the Administrator shall hold a 
    hearing on the application in accordance with Sec. 1301.41. Notice of 
    the hearing shall be published in the Federal Register, and shall be 
    mailed simultaneously to the applicant and to all persons to whom 
    notice of the application was mailed. Any such person may participate 
    in the hearing by filing a notice of appearance in accordance with 
    Sec. 1301.43 of this chapter. Notice of the hearing shall contain a 
    summary of all comments and objections filed regarding the application 
    and shall state the time and place for the hearing, which shall not be 
    less than 30 days after the date of publication of such notice in the 
    Federal Register. A hearing pursuant to this section may be 
    consolidated with a hearing held pursuant to Secs. 1301.35 or 1301.36 
    of this part.
        (b) The Administrator shall register an applicant to import a 
    controlled substance listed in Schedule I or II if he/she determines 
    that such registration is consistent with the public interest and with 
    U.S. obligations under international treaties, conventions, or 
    protocols in effect on May 1, 1971. In determining the public interest, 
    the following factors shall be considered:
        (1) Maintenance of effective controls against diversion of 
    particular controlled substances and any controlled substance in 
    Schedule I or II compounded therefrom into other than legitimate 
    medical, scientific research, or industrial channels, by limiting the 
    importation and bulk manufacture of such controlled substances to a 
    number of establishments which can produce an adequate and 
    uninterrupted supply of these substances under adequately competitive 
    conditions for legitimate medical, scientific, research, and industrial 
        (2) Compliance with applicable State and local law;
        (3) Promotion of technical advances in the art of manufacturing 
    these substances and the development of new substances;
        (4) Prior conviction record of applicant under Federal and State 
    laws relating to the manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of such 
        (5) Past experience in the manufacture of controlled substances, 
    and the existence in the establishment of effective control against 
        (6) That the applicant will be permitted to import only:
        (i) Such amounts of crude opium, poppy straw, concentrate of poppy 
    straw, and coca leaves as the Administrator finds to be necessary to 
    provide for medical, scientific, or other legitimate purposes; or
        (ii) Such amounts of any controlled substances listed in Schedule I 
    or II as the Administrator shall find to be necessary to provide for 
    the medical, scientific, or other legitimate needs of the United States 
    during an emergency in which domestic supplies of such substances are 
    found by the Administrator to be inadequate; or
        (iii) Such amounts of any controlled substance listed in Schedule I 
    or II as the Administrator shall find to be necessary to provide for 
    the medical, scientific, or other legitimate needs of the United States 
    in any case in which 
    [[Page 8519]]
    the Administrator finds that competition among domestic manufacturers 
    of the controlled substance is inadequate and will not be rendered 
    adequate by the registration of additional manufacturers under section 
    303 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823); or
        (iv) Such limited quantities of any controlled substance listed in 
    Schedule I or II as the Administrator shall find to be necessary for 
    scientific, analytical or research uses; and
        (7) Such other factors as may be relevant to and consistent with 
    the public health and safety.
        (c) In determining whether the applicant can and will maintain 
    effective controls against diversion within the meaning of paragraph 
    (b) of this section, the Administrator shall consider among other 
        (1) Compliance with the security requirements set forth in 
    Secs. 1301.71-1301.76 and
        (2) Employment of security procedures to guard against in-transit 
    losses within and without the jurisdiction of the United States.
        (d) In determining whether competition among the domestic 
    manufacturers of a controlled substance is adequate within the meaning 
    of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(6)(iii) of this section, as well as 
    section 1002(a)(2)(B) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 952(a)(2)(B)), the 
    Administrator shall consider:
        (1) The extent of price rigidity in the light of changes in:
        (i) Raw materials and other costs and
        (ii) Conditions of supply and demand;
        (2) The extent of service and quality competition among the 
    domestic manufacturers for shares of the domestic market including:
        (i) Shifts in market shares and
        (ii) Shifts in individual customers among domestic manufacturers;
        (3) The existence of substantial differentials between domestic 
    prices and the higher of prices generally prevailing in foreign markets 
    or the prices at which the applicant for registration to import is 
    committed to undertake to provide such products in the domestic market 
    in conformity with the Act. In determining the existence of substantial 
    differentials hereunder, appropriate consideration should be given to 
    any additional costs imposed on domestic manufacturers by the 
    requirements of the Act and such other cost-related and other factors 
    as the Administrator may deem relevant. In no event shall an importer's 
    offering prices in the United States be considered if they are lower 
    than those prevailing in the foreign market or markets from which the 
    importer is obtaining his/her supply;
        (4) The existence of competitive restraints imposed upon domestic 
    manufacturers by governmental regulations; and
        (5) Such other factors as may be relevant to the determinations 
    required under this paragraph.
        (e) In considering the scope of the domestic market, consideration 
    shall be given to substitute products which are reasonably 
    interchangeable in terms of price, quality and use.
        (f) The fact that the number of existing manufacturers is small 
    shall not demonstrate, in and of itself, that adequate competition 
    among them does not exist.
    Sec. 1301.35  Certificate of registration; denial of registration.
        (a) The Administrator shall issue a Certificate of Registration 
    (DEA Form 223) to an applicant if the issuance of registration or 
    reregistration is required under the applicable provisions of sections 
    303 or 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823 and 958). In the event that the 
    issuance of registration or reregistration is not required, the 
    Administrator shall deny the application. Before denying any 
    application, the Administrator shall issue an order to show cause 
    pursuant to Sec. 1301.37 and, if requested by the applicant, shall hold 
    a hearing on the application pursuant to Sec. 1301.41.
        (b) If a hearing is requested by an applicant for registration or 
    reregistration to manufacture in bulk a basic class of controlled 
    substance listed in Schedule I or II, notice that a hearing has been 
    requested shall be published in the Federal Register and shall be 
    mailed simultaneously to the applicant and to all persons to whom 
    notice of the application was mailed. Any person entitled to file 
    comments or objections to the issuance of the proposed registration 
    pursuant to Sec. 1301.33(a) may participate in the hearing by filing 
    notice of appearance in accordance with Sec. 1301.43. Such persons 
    shall have 30 days to file a notice of appearance after the date of 
    publication of the notice of a request for a hearing in the Federal 
        (c) The Certificate of Registration (DEA Form 223) shall contain 
    the name, address, and registration number of the registrant, the 
    activity authorized by the registration, the schedules and/or 
    Administration Controlled Substances Code Number (as set forth in part 
    1308 of this chapter) of the controlled substances which the registrant 
    is authorized to handle, the amount of fee paid (or exemption), and the 
    expiration date of the registration. The registrant shall maintain the 
    certificate of registration at the registered location in a readily 
    retrievable manner and shall permit inspection of the certificate by 
    any official, agent or employee of the Administration or of any 
    Federal, State, or local agency engaged in enforcement of laws relating 
    to controlled substances.
    Sec. 1301.36  Suspension or revocation of registration; suspension of 
    registration pending final order; extension of registration pending 
    final order.
        (a) For any registration issued under section 303 of the Act (21 
    U.S.C. 823), the Administrator may:
        (1) Suspend the registration pursuant to section 304(a) of the Act 
    (21 U.S.C. 824(a)) for any period of time.
        (2) Revoke the registration pursuant to section 304(a) of the Act 
    (21 U.S.C. 824(a)).
        (b) For any registration issued under section 1008 of the Act (21 
    U.S.C. 958), the Administrator may:
        (1) Suspend the registration pursuant to section 1008(d) of the Act 
    (21 U.S.C. 958(d)) for any period of time.
        (2) Revoke the registration pursuant to section 1008(d) of the Act 
    (21 U.S.C. 958(d)) if he/she determines that such registration is 
    inconsistent with the public interest as defined in section 1008 or 
    with the United States obligations under international treaties, 
    conventions, or protocols in effect on October 12, 1984.
        (c) The Administrator may limit the revocation or suspension of a 
    registration to the particular controlled substance, or substances, 
    with respect to which grounds for revocation or suspension exist.
        (d) Before revoking or suspending any registration, the 
    Administrator shall issue an order to show cause pursuant to 
    Sec. 1301.37 and, if requested by the registrant, shall hold a hearing 
    pursuant to Sec. 13.01.41.
        (e) The Administrator may suspend any registration simultaneously 
    with or at any time subsequent to the service upon the registrant of an 
    order to show cause why such registration should not be revoked or 
    suspended, in any case where he/she finds that there is an imminent 
    danger to the public health or safety. If the Administrator so 
    suspends, he/she shall serve with the order to show cause pursuant to 
    Sec. 1301.37 an order of immediate suspension which shall contain a 
    statement of his findings regarding the danger to public health or 
        (f) Upon service of the order of the Administrator suspending or 
    revoking registration, the registrant shall immediately deliver his/her 
    Certificate of Registration, any order forms, and 
    [[Page 8520]]
    any import or export permits in his/her possession to the nearest 
    office of the Administration. The suspension or revocation of a 
    registration shall suspend or revoke any individual manufacturing or 
    procurement quota fixed for the registrant pursuant to part 1303 of 
    this chapter and any import or export permits issued to the registrant 
    pursuant to part 1312 of this chapter. Also, upon service of the order 
    of the Administrator revoking or suspending registration, the 
    registrant shall, as instructed by the Administrator:
        (1) Deliver all controlled substances in his/her possession to the 
    nearest office of the Administration or to authorized agents of the 
    Administration; or
        (2) Place all controlled substances in his/her possession under 
    seal as described in sections 304(f) or 1008(d)(6) of the Act (21 
    U.S.C. 824(f) or 958(d)(6)).
        (g) In the event that revocation or suspension is limited to a 
    particular controlled substance or substances, the registrant shall be 
    given a new Certificate of Registration for all substances not affected 
    by such revocation or suspension; no fee shall be required to be paid 
    for the new Certificate of Registration. The registrant shall deliver 
    the old Certificate of Registration and, if appropriate, any order 
    forms in his/her possession to the nearest office of the 
    Administration. The suspension or revocation of a registration, when 
    limited to a particular basic class or classes of controlled 
    substances, shall suspend or revoke any individual manufacturing or 
    procurement quota fixed for the registrant for such class or classes 
    pursuant to part 1303 of this chapter and any import or export permits 
    issued to the registrant for such class or classes pursuant to part 
    1312 of this chapter. Also, upon service of the order of the 
    Administrator revoking or suspending registration, the registrant 
    shall, as instructed by the Administrator:
        (1) Deliver to the nearest office of the Administration or to 
    authorized agents of the Administration all of the particular 
    controlled substance or substances affected by the revocation or 
    suspension which are in his/her possession; or
        (2) Place all of such substances under seal as described in 
    sections 304(f) or 958(d)(6) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(f) or 
        (h) Any suspension shall continue in effect until the conclusion of 
    all proceedings upon the revocation or suspension, including any 
    judicial review thereof, unless sooner withdrawn by the Administrator 
    or dissolved by a court of competent jurisdiction. Any registrant whose 
    registration is suspended under paragraph (e) of this section may 
    request a hearing on the revocation or suspension of his/her 
    registration at a time earlier than specified in the order to show 
    cause pursuant to Sec. 1301.37, which request shall be granted by the 
    Administrator, who shall fix a date for such hearing as early as 
    reasonably possible.
        (i) In the event that an applicant for reregistration (who is doing 
    business under a registration previously granted and not revoked or 
    suspended) has applied for reregistration at least 45 days before the 
    date on which the existing registration is due to expire, and the 
    Administrator has issued no order on the application on the date on 
    which the existing registration is due to expire, the existing 
    registration of the applicant shall automatically be extended and 
    continue in effect until the date on which the Administrator so issues 
    his/her order. The Administrator may extend any other existing 
    registration under the circumstances contemplated in this section even 
    though the registrant failed to apply for reregistration at least 45 
    days before expiration of the existing registration, with or without 
    request by the registrant, if the Administrator finds that such 
    extension is not inconsistent with the public health and safety.
    Sec. 1301.37  Order to show cause.
        (a) If, upon examination of the application for registration from 
    any applicant and other information gathered by the Administration 
    regarding the applicant, the Administrator is unable to make the 
    determinations required by the applicable provisions of section 303 
    and/or section 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823 and 958) to register the 
    applicant, the Administrator shall serve upon the applicant an order to 
    show cause why the registration should not be denied.
        (b) If, upon information gathered by the Administration regarding 
    any registrant, the Administrator determines that the registration of 
    such registrant is subject to suspension or revocation pursuant to 
    section 304 or section 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824 and 958), the 
    Administrator shall serve upon the registrant an order to show cause 
    why the registration should not be revoked or suspended.
        (c) The order to show cause shall call upon the applicant or 
    registrant to appear before the Administrator at a time and place 
    stated in the order, which shall not be less than 30 days after the 
    date of receipt of the order. The order to show cause shall also 
    contain a statement of the legal basis for such hearing and for the 
    denial, revocation, or suspension of registration and a summary of the 
    matters of fact and law asserted.
        (d) Upon receipt of an order to show cause, the applicant or 
    registrant must, if he/she desires a hearing, file a request for a 
    hearing pursuant to Sec. 1301.43. If a hearing is requested, the 
    Administrator shall hold a hearing at the time and place stated in the 
    order, pursuant to Sec. 1301.41.
        (e) When authorized by the Administrator, any agent of the 
    Administration may serve the order to show cause.
    Sec. 1301.41  Hearings generally.
        (a) In any case where the Administrator shall hold a hearing on any 
    registration or application therefor, the procedures for such hearing 
    shall be governed generally by the adjudication procedures set forth in 
    the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551-559) and specifically by 
    Secs. 303, 304, and 1008 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823-824 and 958), by 
    Secs. 1301.42-1301.46 of this part, and by the procedures for 
    administrative hearings under the Act set forth in Secs. 1316.41-
    1316.67 of this chapter.
        (b) Any hearing under this part shall be independent of, and not in 
    lieu of, criminal prosecutions or other proceedings under the Act or 
    any other law of the United States.
    Sec. 1301.42  Purpose of hearing.
        If requested by a person entitled to a hearing, the Administrator 
    shall hold a hearing for the purpose of receiving factual evidence 
    regarding the issues involved in the denial, revocation, or suspension 
    of any registration, and the granting of any application for 
    registration to manufacture in bulk a basic class of controlled 
    substance listed in Schedule I or II. Extensive argument should not be 
    offered into evidence but rather presented in opening or closing 
    statements of counsel or in memoranda or proposed findings of fact and 
    conclusions of law.
    Sec. 1301.43  Request for hearing or appearance; waiver.
        (a) Any person entitled to a hearing pursuant to Secs. 1301.32 or 
    1301.34-1301.36 and desiring a hearing shall, within 30 days after the 
    date of receipt of the order to show cause (or the date of publication 
    of notice of the application for registration in the Federal Register 
    in the case of 
    [[Page 8521]]
    Sec. 1301.34), file with the Administrator a written request for a 
    hearing in the form prescribed in Sec. 1316.47 of this chapter.
        (b) Any person entitled to participate in a hearing pursuant to 
    Sec. 1301.34 or Sec. 1301.35(b) and desiring to do so shall, within 30 
    days of the date of publication of notice of the request for a hearing 
    in the Federal Register, file with the Administrator a written notice 
    of intent to participate in such hearing in the form prescribed in 
    Sec. 1316.48 of this chapter. Any person filing a request for a hearing 
    need not also file a notice of appearance.
        (c) Any person entitled to a hearing or to participate in a hearing 
    pursuant to Sec. 1301.32 or Secs. 1301.34-1301.36 may, within the 
    period permitted for filing a request for a hearing or a notice of 
    appearance, file with the Administrator a waiver of an opportunity for 
    a hearing or to participate in a hearing, together with a written 
    statement regarding such person's position on the matters of fact and 
    law involved in such hearing. Such statement, if admissible, shall be 
    made a part of the record and shall be considered in light of the lack 
    of opportunity for cross-examination in determining the weight to be 
    attached to matters of fact asserted therein.
        (d) If any person entitled to a hearing or to participate in a 
    hearing pursuant to Secs. 1301.32 or 1301.34-1301.36 fails to file a 
    request for a hearing or a notice of appearance, or if such person so 
    files and fails to appear at the hearing, such person shall be deemed 
    to have waived the opportunity for a hearing or to participate in the 
    hearing, unless such person shows good cause for such failure.
        (e) If all persons entitled to a hearing or to participate in a 
    hearing waive or are deemed to waive their opportunity for the hearing 
    or to participate in the hearing, the Administrator may cancel the 
    hearing, if scheduled, and issue his/her final order pursuant to 
    Sec. 1301.46 without a hearing.
    Sec. 1301.44  Burden of proof.
        (a) At any hearing on an application to manufacture any controlled 
    substance listed in Schedule I or II, the applicant shall have the 
    burden of proving that the requirements for such registration pursuant 
    to section 303(a) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823(a)) are satisfied. Any 
    other person participating in the hearing pursuant to Sec. 1301.35(b) 
    shall have the burden of proving any propositions of fact or law 
    asserted by such person in the hearing.
        (b) At any hearing on the granting or denial of an applicant to be 
    registered to conduct a narcotic treatment program or as a compounder, 
    the applicant shall have the burden of proving that the requirements 
    for each registration pursuant to section 303(g) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    823(g)) are satisfied.
        (c) At any hearing on the granting or denial of an application to 
    be registered to import or export any controlled substance listed in 
    Schedule I or II, the applicant shall have the burden of proving that 
    the requirements for such registration pursuant to sections 1008 (a) 
    and (d) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 958 (a) and (d)) are satisfied. Any other 
    person participating in the hearing pursuant to Sec. 1301.34 shall have 
    the burden of proving any propositions of fact or law asserted by him/
    her in the hearings.
        (d) At any other hearing for the denial of a registration, the 
    Administration shall have the burden of proving that the requirements 
    for such registration pursuant to section 303 or section 1008 (c) and 
    (d) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 823 or 958 (c) and (d)) are not satisfied.
        (e) At any hearing for the revocation or suspension of a 
    registration, the Administration shall have the burden of proving that 
    the requirements for such revocation or suspension pursuant to section 
    304(a) or section 1008(d) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 824(a) or 958(d)) are 
    Sec. 1301.45  Time and place of hearing.
        The hearing will commence at the place and time designated in the 
    order to show cause or notice of hearing published in the Federal 
    Register (unless expedited pursuant to Sec. 1301.36(h)) but thereafter 
    it may be moved to a different place and may be continued from day to 
    day or recessed to a later day without notice other than announcement 
    thereof by the presiding officer at the hearing.
    Sec. 1301.46  Final order.
        As soon as practicable after the presiding officer has certified 
    the record to the Administrator, the Administrator shall issue his/her 
    order on the granting, denial, revocation, or suspension of 
    registration. In the event that an application for registration to 
    manufacture in bulk a basic class of any controlled substance listed in 
    Schedule I or II is granted, or any application for registration is 
    denied, or any registration is revoked or suspended, the order shall 
    include the findings of fact and conclusions of law upon which the 
    order is based. The order shall specify the date on which it shall take 
    effect. The Administrator shall serve one copy of his/her order upon 
    each party in the hearing.
    Modification, Transfer and Termination of Registration
    Sec. 1301.51  Modification in registration.
        Any registrant may apply to modify his/her registration to 
    authorize the handling of additional controlled substances or to change 
    his/her name or address, by submitting a letter of request to the 
    Registration Unit, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of 
    Justice, Post Office Box 28083, Central Station, Washington, DC 20005. 
    The letter shall contain the registrant's name, address, and 
    registration number as printed on the certificate of registration, and 
    the substances and/or schedules to be added to his/her registration or 
    the new name or address and shall be signed in accordance with 
    Sec. 1301.13(j). If the registrant is seeking to handle additional 
    controlled substances listed in Schedule I for the purpose of research 
    or instructional activities, he/she shall attach three copies of a 
    research protocol describing each research project involving the 
    additional substances, or two copies of a statement describing the 
    nature, extent, and duration of such instructional activities, as 
    appropriate. No fee shall be required to be paid for the modification. 
    The request for modification shall be handled in the same manner as an 
    application for registration. If the modification in registration is 
    approved, the Administrator shall issue a new certificate of 
    registration (DEA Form 223) to the registrant, who shall maintain it 
    with the old certificate of registration until expiration.
    Sec. 1301.52  Termination of registration; transfer of registration; 
    distribution upon discontinuance of business.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    registration of any person shall terminate if and when such person 
    dies, ceases legal existence, or discontinues business or professional 
    practice. Any registrant who ceases legal existence or discontinues 
    business or professional practice shall notify the Administrator 
    promptly of such fact.
        (b) No registration or any authority conferred thereby shall be 
    assigned or otherwise transferred except upon such conditions as the 
    Administration may specifically designate and then only pursuant to 
    written consent. Any person seeking authority to transfer a 
    registration shall submit a written request, providing full details 
    regarding the proposed transfer of registration, to the Deputy 
    Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement 
    [[Page 8522]]
    Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20537.
        (c) Any registrant desiring to discontinue business activities 
    altogether or with respect to controlled substances (without 
    transferring such business activities to another person) shall return 
    for cancellation his/her certificate of registration, and any 
    unexecuted order forms in his/her possession, to the Registration Unit, 
    Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, Post Office Box 
    28083, Central Station, Washington, DC 20005. Any controlled substances 
    in his/her possession may be disposed of in accordance with 
    Sec. 1307.21 of this chapter.
        (d) Any registrant desiring to discontinue business activities 
    altogether or with respect to controlled substance (by transferring 
    such business activities to another person) shall submit in person or 
    by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the 
    Special Agent in Charge in his/her area, at least 14 days in advance of 
    the date of the proposed transfer (unless the Special Agent in Charge 
    waives this time limitation in individual instances), the following 
        (1) The name, address, registration number, and authorized business 
    activity of the registrant discontinuing the business (registrant-
        (2) The name, address, registration number, and authorized business 
    activity of the person acquiring the business (registrant-transferee);
        (3) Whether the business activities will be continued at the 
    location registered by the person discontinuing business, or moved to 
    another location (if the latter, the address of the new location should 
    be listed);
        (4) Whether the registrant-transferor has a quota to manufacture or 
    procure any controlled substance listed in Schedule I or II (if so, the 
    basic class or class of the substance should be indicated); and
        (5) The date on which the transfer of controlled substances will 
        (e) Unless the registrant-transferor is informed by the Special 
    Agent in Charge, before the date on which the transfer was stated to 
    occur, that the transfer may not occur, the registrant-transferor may 
    distribute (without being registered to distribute) controlled 
    substances in his/her possession to the registrant-transferee in 
    accordance with the following:
        (1) On the date of transfer of the controlled substances, a 
    complete inventory of all controlled substances being transferred shall 
    be taken in accordance with Sec. 1304.11 of this chapter. This 
    inventory shall serve as the final inventory of the registrant-
    transferor and the initial inventory of the registrant-transferee, and 
    a copy of the inventory shall be included in the records of each 
    person. It shall not be necessary to file a copy of the inventory with 
    the Administration unless requested by the Special Agent in Charge. 
    Transfers of any substances listed in Schedule I or II shall require 
    the use of order forms in accordance with part 1305 of this chapter.
        (2) On the date of transfer of the controlled substances, all 
    records required to be kept by the registrant-transferor with reference 
    to the controlled substances being transferred, under part 1304 of this 
    chapter, shall be transferred to the registrant-transferee. 
    Responsibility for the accuracy of records prior to the date of 
    transfer remains with the transferor, but responsibility for custody 
    and maintenance shall be upon the transferee.
        (3) In the case of registrants required to make reports pursuant to 
    part 1304 of this chapter, a report marked ``Final'' will be prepared 
    and submitted by the registrant-transferor showing the disposition of 
    all the controlled substances for which a report is required; no 
    additional report will be required from him, if no further transactions 
    involving controlled substances are consummated by him. The initial 
    report of the registrant-transferee shall account for transactions 
    beginning with the day next succeeding the date of discontinuance or 
    transfer of business by the transferor-registrant and the substances 
    transferred to him shall be reported as receipts in his/her initial 
    Sec. 1301.75  Physical security controls for practitioners.
    * * * * *
        (b) Controlled substances listed in Schedules II, III, IV, and V 
    shall be stored in a securely locked, substantially constructed 
    cabinet. However, pharmacies and institutional practitioners may 
    disperse such substances throughout the stock of noncontrolled 
    substances in such a manner as to obstruct the theft or diversion of 
    the controlled substances.
    * * * * *
        6. Section 1301.76 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1301.76  Other security controls for practitioners.
    * * * * *
        (c) Whenever the registrant distributes a controlled substance 
    (without being registered as a distributor, as permitted in 
    Sec. 1301.13(e)(1) and/or Secs. 1307.11-1307.12) he/she shall comply 
    with the requirements imposed on nonpractitioners in Sec. 1301.74 (a), 
    (b), and (e).
    Sec. 1301.72  [Amended]
        7. In 21 CFR 1301.72(b)(4)(i)(b) remove the word ``lay'' and add, 
    in its place, the word ``lag''.
    PART 1302--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1302 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 825, 871(b), 958 (e).
        2. Section 1302.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1302.02  Definitions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or Part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. Section 1302.04 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1302.04  Location and size of symbol on label and labeling.
        The symbol shall be prominently located on the label or the 
    labeling of the commercial container and/or the panel of the commercial 
    container normally displayed to dispensers of any controlled substance. 
    The symbol on labels shall be clear and large enough to afford easy 
    identification of the schedule of the controlled substance upon 
    inspection without removal from the dispenser's shelf. The symbol on 
    all other labeling shall be clear and large enough to afford prompt 
    identification of the controlled substance upon inspection of the 
    Sec. 1302.05  [Removed]
        4. Section 1302.05 is proposed to be removed.
        5. Section 1302.06 is proposed to be redesignated as Section 
    1302.05 and revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1302.05  Effective dates of labeling requirements.
        All labels on commercial containers of, and all labeling of, a 
    controlled substance which either is transferred to another schedule or 
    is added to any schedule shall comply with the requirements of 
    Sec. 1302.03, on or before the effective date established in the final 
    order for the transfer or addition.
        6. Section 1302.07 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1302.06 
    and revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1302.06  Sealing of controlled substances.
        On each bottle, multiple dose vial, or other commercial container 
    of any 
    [[Page 8523]]
    controlled substance, there shall be securely affixed to the stopper, 
    cap, lid, covering, or wrapper or such container a seal to disclose 
    upon inspection any tampering or opening of the container.
        7. Section 1302.08 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1302.07, 
    and revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1302.07  Labeling and packaging requirements for imported and 
    exported substances.
        (a) The symbol requirements of Secs. 1302.03-1302.05 apply to every 
    commercial container containing, and to all labeling of, controlled 
    substances imported into the jurisdiction of and/or the customs 
    territory of the United States.
        (b) The symbol requirements of Secs. 1302.03-1302.05 do not apply 
    to any commercial containers containing, or any labeling of, a 
    controlled substance intended for export from the jurisdiction of the 
    United States.
        (c) The sealing requirements of Sec. 1302.06 apply to every bottle, 
    multiple dose vial, or other commercial container of any controlled 
    substance listed in schedule I or II, or any narcotic controlled 
    substance listed in schedule III or IV, imported into, exported from, 
    or intended for export from, the jurisdiction of and/or the customs 
    territory of the United States.
    PART 1303--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1303 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 826, 871(b).
        2. Section 1303.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1303.02  Definitions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
                 Section                    Remove                Add       
    1303.12(b)......................  (or BND) each                         
                                       place it appears.                    
    1303.12(b)......................  Drug Control        Drug & Chemical   
                                       Section.            Evaluation       
    1303.12(d)......................  Drug Control        Drug & Chemical   
                                       Section.            Evaluation       
    1303.12(e)(1)...................  subsance..........  substance.        
    1303.12(e)(3)...................  1301.22(b)........  1301.13.          
    1303.21(a)......................  1301.45 and         1301.36.          
    1303.22.........................  (or BND) each                         
                                       place it appears.                    
    1303.22.........................  Drug Control        Drug & Chemical   
                                       Section.            Evaluation       
    1303.26.........................  1301.45 or 1301.46  1301.36.          
    1303.27.........................  Drug Control        Drug & Chemical   
                                       Section.            Evaluation       
    1303.32(b)......................  1301.45 or 1301.46  1301.36.          
    1303.35(a)......................  aggregrate........  aggregate.        
    PART 1304--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1304 is proposed to be corrected 
    to read as follows:
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 827, 871(b), 958(e), 965, unless 
    otherwise noted.
        2. Section 1304.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.02  Definitions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. Section 1304.03 is proposed to be amended by removing paragraphs 
    (g) and (h), and revising paragraph (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.03  Persons required to keep records and file reports.
    * * * * *
        (f) Registered persons using any controlled substances while 
    conducting preclinical research, in teaching at a registered 
    establishment which maintains records with respect to such substances 
    or conducting research in conformity with an exemption granted under 
    section 505(i) or 512(j) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
    (21 U.S.C. 355(i) or 360b(j)) at a registered establishment which 
    maintains records in accordance with either of those sections are not 
    required to keep records if he/she notifies the Administration of the 
    name, address, and registration number of the establishment maintaining 
    such records. This notification shall be given at the time the person 
    applies for registration or reregistration and shall be made in the 
    form of an attachment to the application, which shall be filed with the 
        4. Section 1304.04 is proposed to be amended by removing 
    ``executed'' in paragraph (a) and by adding ``executed'' and by 
    revising paragraphs (e) and (h) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.04  Maintenance of records and inventories.
    * * * * *
        (e) All central recordkeeping permits previously issued by the 
    Administration expired September 30, 1980.
    * * * * *
        (h) Each registered pharmacy shall maintain the inventories and 
    records of controlled substances as follows:
        (1) Inventories and records of all controlled substances listed in 
    Schedules I and II shall be maintained separately from all other 
    records of the pharmacy, and prescriptions for such substances shall be 
    maintained in a separate prescription file; and
        (2) Inventories and records of controlled substances listed in 
    Schedules III, IV, and V shall be maintained either separately from all 
    other records of the pharmacy or in such form that the information 
    required is readily retrievable from ordinary business records of the 
    pharmacy, and prescriptions for such substances shall be maintained 
    either in a separate prescription file for controlled substances listed 
    in Schedules III, IV, and V only or in such form that they are readily 
    retrievable from the other prescription records of the pharmacy. 
    Prescriptions will be deemed readily retrievable if, at the time they 
    are initially filed, the face of the prescription is stamped in red ink 
    in the lower right corner with the letter ``C'' no less than 1-inch 
    high and filed either in the prescription file for controlled 
    substances listed in Schedules I and II or in the usual consecutively 
    numbered prescription file for non-controlled substances. However, if a 
    pharmacy employs an ADP system or other electronic recordkeeping system 
    for prescriptions which permits 
    [[Page 8524]]
    identification by prescription number and retrieval of original 
    documents by prescriber's name, patient's name, drug dispensed, and 
    date filled, then the requirement to mark the hard copy prescription 
    with a red ``C'' is waived.
        5. Section 1304.11 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.11  Inventory requirements.
        (a) General requirements. Each inventory shall contain a complete 
    and accurate record of all controlled substances on hand on the date 
    the inventory is taken, and shall be maintained in written, 
    typewritten, or printed form at the registered location. An inventory 
    taken by use of an oral recording device must be promptly transcribed. 
    Controlled substances shall be deemed to be ``on hand'' if they are in 
    the possession of or under the control of the registrant, including 
    substances returned by a customer, ordered by a customer but not yet 
    invoiced, stored in a warehouse on behalf of the registrant, and 
    substances in the possession of employees of the registrant and 
    intended for distribution as complimentary samples. A separate 
    inventory shall be made for each registered location and each 
    independent activity registered, except as provided in paragraph (e)(4) 
    of this section. In the event controlled substances in the possession 
    or under the control of the registrant are stored at a location for 
    which he/she is not registered, the substances shall be included in the 
    inventory of the registered location to which they are subject to 
    control or to which the person possessing the substance is responsible. 
    The inventory may be taken either as of opening of business or as of 
    the close of business on the inventory date and it shall be indicated 
    on the inventory.
        (b) Initial inventory date. Every person required to keep records, 
    shall take an inventory of all stocks of controlled substances on hand 
    on the date he/she first engages in the manufacture, distribution, or 
    dispensing of controlled substances, in accordance with paragraph (e) 
    of this section as applicable. In the event a person commences business 
    with no controlled substances on hand, he/she shall record this fact as 
    the initial inventory.
        (c) Biennial inventory date. After the initial inventory is taken, 
    the registrant shall take a new inventory of all stocks of controlled 
    substances on hand at least every two years. The biennial inventory may 
    be taken on the day of the year on which the initial inventory was 
    taken or on any other fixed date which does not vary by more than 6 
    months from the biennial date that would otherwise apply. If the 
    registrant elects to take the biennial inventory on another fixed date, 
    he/she shall notify the Administration of this election and of the date 
    on which the biennial inventory will be taken.
        (d) Inventory date for newly controlled substances. On the 
    effective date of a rule by the Administrator pursuant to 
    Secs. 1308.45, 1308.46, or Sec. 1308.47 of this chapter adding a 
    substance to any schedule of controlled substances, which substance 
    was, immediately prior to that date, not listed on any such schedule, 
    every registrant required to keep records who possesses that substance 
    shall take an inventory of all stocks of the substance on hand. 
    Thereafter, such substance shall be included in each inventory made by 
    the registrant pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.
        (e) Inventories of manufacturers, distributors, dispensers, 
    researchers, importers, exporters and chemical analysts. Each person 
    registered or authorized (by Secs. 1301.13 or Secs. 1307.11-1307.13 of 
    this chapter) to manufacture, distribute, dispense, import, export, 
    conduct research or chemical analysis with controlled substances and 
    required to keep records pursuant to Sec. 1304.03 shall include in the 
    inventory the information listed below.
        (1) Inventories of manufacturers. Each person registered or 
    authorized to manufacture controlled substances shall include the 
    following information in the inventory:
        (i) For each controlled substance in bulk form to be used in (or 
    capable of use in) the manufacture of the same or other controlled or 
    non-controlled substances in finished form, the inventory shall 
        (A) the name of the substance and
        (B) the total quantity of the substance to the nearest metric unit 
    weight consistent with unit size.
        (ii) For each controlled substance in the process of manufacture on 
    the inventory date, the inventory shall include:
        (A) The name of the substance;
        (B) the quantity of the substance in each batch and/or stage of 
    manufacture, identified by the batch number or other appropriate 
    identifying number;
        (C) the physical form which the substance is to take upon 
    completion of the manufacturing process (e.g., granulations, tablets, 
    capsules, or solutions), identified by the batch number or other 
    appropriate identifying number, and if possible the finished form of 
    the substance (e.g., 10-milligram tablet or 10-milligram concentration 
    per fluid ounce or milliliter) and the number or volume thereof.
        (iii) For each controlled substance in finished form the inventory 
    shall include:
        (A) The name of the substance;
        (B) each finished form of the substance (e.g., 10-milligram tablet 
    or 10-milligram concentration per fluid ounce or milliliter);
        (C) the number of units or volume of each finished form in each 
    commercial container (e.g., 100-tablet bottle or 3-milliliter vial); 
        (D) the number of commercial containers of each such finished form 
    (e.g. four 100-tablet bottles or six 3-milliliter vials).
        (iv) For each controlled substance not included in paragraphs 
    (e)(1) (i), (ii) or (iii) of this section (e.g., damaged, defective or 
    impure substances awaiting disposal, substances held for quality 
    control purposes, or substances maintained for extemporaneous 
    compoundings) the inventories shall include:
        (A) The name of the substance;
        (B) the total quantity of the substance to the nearest metric unit 
    weight or the total number of units of finished form; and
        (C) the reason for the substance being maintained by the registrant 
    and whether such substance is capable of use in the manufacture of any 
    controlled substance in finished form.
        (2) Inventories of distributors. Each person registered or 
    authorized to distribute controlled substances shall include in the 
    inventory the same information required of manufacturers pursuant to 
    paragraphs (e)(1) (iii) and (iv) of this section.
        (3) Inventories of dispensers and researchers. Each person 
    registered or authorized to dispense or conduct research with 
    controlled substances shall include in the inventory the same 
    information required of manufacturers pursuant to paragraphs (e)(1) 
    (iii) and (iv) of this section. In determining the number of units of 
    each finished form of a controlled substance in a commercial container 
    which has been opened, the dispenser shall do as follows:
        (i) If the substance is listed in Schedule I or II, make an exact 
    count or measure of the contents or
        (ii) if the substance is listed in Schedule III, IV or V, make an 
    estimated count or measure of the contents, unless the container holds 
    more than 1,000 tablets or capsules in which case he/she must make an 
    exact count of the contents.
        (4) Inventories of importers and exporters. Each person registered 
    [[Page 8525]]
    authorized to import or export controlled substances shall include in 
    the inventory, the same information required of manufacturers pursuant 
    to paragraphs (e)(1) (iii) and (iv) of this section. Each such person 
    who is also registered as a manufacturer or as a distributor shall 
    include in his/her inventory as an importer or exporter only those 
    stocks of controlled substances that are actually separated from his 
    stocks as a manufacturer or as a distributor (e.g., in transit or in 
    storage for shipment).
        (5) Inventories of chemical analysts. Each person registered or 
    authorized to conduct chemical analysis with controlled substances 
    shall include in his inventory the same information required of 
    manufacturers pursuant to paragraphs (e)(1) (iii) and (iv) of this 
    section as to substances which have been manufactured, imported, or 
    received by such person. If less than 1 kilogram of any controlled 
    substance (other than a hallucinogenic controlled substance listed in 
    Schedule I), or less than 20 grams of a hallucinogenic substance listed 
    in Schedule I (other than lysergic acid diethylamide), or less than 0.5 
    gram of lysergic acid diethylamide, is on hand at the time of 
    inventory, that substance need not be included in the inventory. 
    Laboratories of the Administration may possess up to 150 grams of any 
    hallucinogenic substance in Schedule I without regard to a need for an 
    inventory of those substances. No inventory is required of known or 
    suspected controlled substances received as evidentiary materials for 
    Secs. 1304.12--1304.19  [Removed]
        6. Sections 1304.12, 1304.13, 1304.14, 1304.15, 1304.16, 1304.17, 
    1304.18 and 1304.19 are proposed to be removed.
        7. Section 1304.21 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (a) and (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.21  General requirements for continuing records.
        (a) Every registrant required to keep records pursuant to Section 
    1304.03 shall maintain on a current basis a complete and accurate 
    record of each such substance manufactured, imported, received, sold, 
    delivered, exported, or otherwise disposed of by him/her, except that 
    no registrant shall be required to maintain a perpetual inventory.
        (b) * * *
        (c) Separate records shall be maintained by a registrant for each 
    independent activity for which he/she is registered, except as provided 
    in Sec. 1304.22(d).
    * * * * *
        8. Section 1304.22 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    1304.22  Records for manufacturers, distributors, dispensers, 
    researchers, importers and exporters.
        Each person registered or authorized (by Sec. 1301.13(e) or 
    Secs. 1307.11-1307.13 of this chapter) to manufacture, distribute, 
    dispense, import, export or conduct research with controlled substances 
    shall maintain records with the information listed below.
        (a) Records for manufacturers. Each person registered or authorized 
    to manufacture controlled substances shall maintain records with the 
    following information:
        (1) For each controlled substance in bulk form to be used in, or 
    capable of use in, or being used in, the manufacture of the same or 
    other controlled or noncontrolled substances in finished form,
        (i) The name of the substance;
        (ii) The quantity manufactured in bulk form by the registrant, 
    including the date, quantity and batch or other identifying number of 
    each batch manufactured;
        (iii) The quantity received from other persons, including the date 
    and quantity of each receipt and the name, address, and registration 
    number of the other person from whom the substance was received;
        (iv) The quantity imported directly by the registrant (under a 
    registration as an importer) for use in manufacture by him/her, 
    including the date, quantity, and import permit or declaration number 
    for each importation;
        (v) The quantity used to manufacture the same substance in finished 
    form, including:
        (A) The date and batch or other identifying number of each 
        (B) The quantity used in the manufacture;
        (C) The finished form (e.g., 10-milligram tablets or 10-milligram 
    concentration per fluid ounce or milliliter);
        (D) The number of units of finished form manufactured;
        (E) The quantity used in quality control;
        (F) The quantity lost during manufacturing and the causes 
    therefore, if known;
        (G) The total quantity of the substance contained in the finished 
        (H) The theoretical and actual yields; and
        (I) Such other information as is necessary to account for all 
    controlled substances used in the manufacturing process;
        (vi) The quantity used to manufacture other controlled and 
    noncontrolled substances, including the name of each substance 
    manufactured and the information required in paragraph (a)(1)(v) of 
    this section;
        (vii) The quantity distributed in bulk form to other persons, 
    including the date and quantity of each distribution and the name, 
    address, and registration number of each person to whom a distribution 
    was made;
        (viii) The quantity exported directly by the registrant (under a 
    registration as an exporter), including the date, quantity, and export 
    permit or declaration number of each exportation;
        (ix) The quantity distributed or disposed of in any other manner by 
    the registrant (e.g., by distribution of complimentary samples or by 
    destruction), including the date and manner of distribution or 
    disposal, the name, address, and registration number of the person to 
    whom distributed, and the quantity distributed or disposed;
        (x) The originals of all written certifications of available 
    procurement quotas submitted by other persons (as required by 
    Sec. 1303.12(f) of this chapter) relating to each order requiring the 
    distribution of a basic class of controlled substance listed in 
    Schedule I or II.
        (2) For each controlled substance in finished form,
        (i) The name of the substance;
        (ii) Each finished form (e.g., 10-milligram tablet or 10-milligram 
    concentration per fluid ounce or milliliter) and the number of units or 
    volume of finished form in each commercial container (e.g., 100-tablet 
    bottle or 3-milliliter vial);
        (iii) The number of containers of each such commercial finished 
    form manufactured from bulk form by the registrant, including the 
    information required pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(v) of this section;
        (iv) The number of units of finished forms and/or commercial 
    containers received from other persons, including the date of and 
    number of units and/or commercial containers in each receipt and the 
    name, address, and registration number of the person from whom the 
    units were received;
        (v) The number of units of finished forms and/or commercial 
    containers imported directly by the person (under a registration or 
    authorization to import), including the date of, the number of units 
    and/or commercial containers in, and the import permit or declaration 
    number for, each importation. 
    [[Page 8526]]
        (vi) The number of units and/or commercial containers manufactured 
    by the registrant from units in finished form received from others or 
    imported, including:
        (A) The date and batch or other identifying number of each 
        (B) The operation performed (e.g., repackaging or relabeling);
        (C) The number of units of finished form used in the manufacture, 
    the number manufactured and the number lost during manufacture, with 
    the causes for such losses, if known; and
        (D) Such other information as is necessary to account for all 
    controlled substances used in the manufacturing process;
        (vii) The number of commercial containers distributed to other 
    persons, including the date of and number of containers in each 
    distribution, and the name, address, and registration number of the 
    person to whom the containers were distributed;
        (viii) The number of commercial containers exported directly by the 
    registrant (under a registration as an exporter), including the date, 
    number of containers and export permit or declaration number for each 
    exportation; and
        (ix) The number of units of finished forms and/or commercial 
    containers distributed or disposed of in any other manner by the 
    registrant (e.g., by distribution of complimentary samples or by 
    destruction), including the date and manner of distribution or 
    disposal, the name address, and registration number of the person to 
    whom distributed, and the quantity in finished form distributed or 
        (b) Records for distributors. Each person registered or authorized 
    to distribute controlled substances shall maintain records with the 
    same information required of manufacturers pursuant to paragraphs 
    (a)(2) (i), (ii), (iv), (v), (vii), (viii) and (ix) of this section.
        (c) Records for dispensers and researchers. Each person registered 
    or authorized to dispense or conduct research with controlled 
    substances shall maintain records with the same information required of 
    manufacturers pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) (i), (ii), (iv) and (ix) of 
    this section. In addition, records shall be maintained of the number of 
    units or volume of such finished form dispensed, including the name and 
    address of the person to whom it was dispensed, the date of dispensing, 
    the number of units or volume dispensed, and the written or typewritten 
    name or initials of the individual who dispensed or administered the 
    substance on behalf of the dispenser.
        (d) Records for importers and exporters. Each person registered or 
    authorized to import or export controlled substances shall maintain 
    records with the same information required of manufacturers pursuant to 
    paragraphs (a)(2) (i), (iv), (v) and (vii) of this section. In 
    addition, the quantity disposed of in any other manner by the 
    registrant (except quantities used in manufacturing by an importer 
    under a registration as a manufacturer), which quantities are to be 
    recorded pursuant to paragraphs (a)(1) (iv) and (v) of this section; 
    and the quantity (or number of units or volume in finished form) 
    exported, including the date, quantity (or number of units or volume), 
    and the export permit or declaration number for each exportation, but 
    excluding all quantities (and number of units and volumes) manufactured 
    by an exporter under a registration as a manufacturer, which quantities 
    (and numbers of units and volumes) are to be recorded pursuant to 
    paragraphs (a)(1)(xiii) or (a)(2)(xiii) of this section.
    Secs. 1304.23--1304.26  [Removed]
        9. Sections 1304.23 through 1304.26 are proposed to be removed.
    Sec. 1304.27  [Redesignated as Sec. 1304.23]
        10. Section 1304.27 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1304.23.
    Sec. 1304.28  [Redesignated as Sec. 1304.24 and amended]
        11. Section 1304.28 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1304.24 
    and reference in Sec. 1304.28(b) to ``Sec. 1304.24'' is proposed to be 
    revised to read ``Sec. 1304.22'', and in paragraph (d), the words 
    ``part 1401 of this title'' are proposed to be revised to read ``42 CFR 
    Part 2.''
    Sec. 1304.29  [Redesignated as Sec. 1304.25]
        12. Section 1304.29 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1304.25.
        13. Section 1304.31 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.31  Reports from manufacturers importing narcotic raw 
        (a) Every manufacturer which imports or manufactures from narcotic 
    raw material (opium, poppy straw, and concentrate of poppy straw), 
    shall submit information which accounts for the importation and for all 
    manufacturing operations performed between importation and the 
    production in bulk or finished marketable products, standardized in 
    accordance with the U.S. Pharmacopeia, National Formulary or other 
    recognized medical standards. Reports shall be signed by the authorized 
    official and submitted quarterly on company letterhead to the Drug 
    Enforcement Administration, Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section, 
    Washington, D.C. 20537, on or before the 15th day of the month 
    immediately following the period for which it is submitted.
        (b) The following information shall be submitted for each type of 
    narcotic raw material (quantities are expressed as grams of anhydrous 
    morphine alkaloid):
        (1) Beginning inventory;
        (2) Gains on reweighing;
        (3) Imports;
        (4) Other receipts;
        (5) Quantity put into process;
        (6) Losses on reweighing;
        (7) Other dispositions and
        (8) Ending inventory.
        (c) The following information shall be submitted for each narcotic 
    raw material derivative including morphine, codeine, thebaine, 
    oxycodone, hydrocodone, medicinal opium, manufacturing opium, crude 
    alkaloids and other derivatives (quantities are expressed as grams of 
    anhydrous base or anhydrous morphine alkaloid for manufacturing opium 
    and medicinal opium):
        (1) Beginning inventory;
        (2) Gains on reweighing;
        (3) Quantity extracted from narcotic raw material;
        (4) Quantity produced/manufactured/synthesized;
        (5) Quantity sold;
        (6) Quantity returned to conversion processes for reworking;
        (7) Quantity used for conversion;
        (8) Quantity placed in process;
        (9) Other dispositions;
        (10) Losses on reweighing and
        (11) Ending inventory.
        (d) The following information shall be submitted for importation of 
    each narcotic raw material:
        (1) Import permit number;
        (2) Date shipment arrived at the United States port of entry;
        (3) Actual quantity shipped;
        (4) Assay (percent) of morphine, codeine and thebaine and
        (5) Quantity shipped, expressed as anhydrous morphine alkaloid.
        (e) Upon importation of crude opium, samples will be selected and 
    assays made by the importing manufacturer in the manner and according 
    to the method specified in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. Where final assay 
    data is not determined at the time of rendering report, the report 
    shall be made on the basis of the best data available, subject to 
    adjustment, and the necessary adjusting entries shall be made on the 
    next report.
        (f) Where factory procedure is such that partial withdrawals of 
    opium are 
    [[Page 8527]]
    made from individual containers, there shall be attached to each 
    container a stock record card on which shall be kept a complete record 
    of all withdrawals therefrom.
        (g) All in-process inventories should be expressed in terms of end-
    products and not precursors. Once precursor material has been changed 
    or placed into process for the manufacture of a specified end-product, 
    it must no longer be accounted for as precursor stocks available for 
    conversion or use, but rather as end-product in-process inventories.
        14. Section 1304.32 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.32  Reports of manufacturers importing coca leaves.
        (a) Every manufacturer importing or manufacturing from raw coca 
    leaves shall submit information accounting for the importation and for 
    all manufacturing operations performed between the importation and the 
    manufacture of bulk or finished products standardized in accordance 
    with U.S. Pharmacopoeia, National Formulary, or other recognized 
    standards. The reports shall be submitted quarterly on company 
    letterhead to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Drug and Chemical 
    Evaluation Section, Washington, DC 20537, on or before the 15th day of 
    the month immediately following the period for which it is submitted.
        (b) The following information shall be submitted for raw coca leaf, 
    ecgonine, ecgonine for conversion or further manufacture, 
    benzoylecgonine, manufacturing coca extracts (list for tinctures and 
    extracts; and others separately), other crude alkaloids and other 
    derivatives (quantities should be reported as grams of actual quantity 
    involved and the cocaine alkaloid content or equivalency):
        (1) Beginning inventory;
        (2) Imports;
        (3) Gains on reweighing;
        (4) Quantity purchased;
        (5) Quantity produced;
        (6) Other receipts;
        (7) Quantity returned to processes for reworking;
        (8) Material used in purification for sale;
        (9) Material used for manufacture or production;
        (10) Losses on reweighing;
        (11) Material used for conversion;
        (12) Other dispositions and
        (13) Ending inventory.
        (c) The following information shall be submitted for importation of 
    coca leaves:
        (1) Import permit number;
        (2) Date the shipment arrived at the United States port of entry;
        (3) Actual quantity shipped;
        (4) Assay (percent) of cocaine alkaloid and
        (5) Total cocaine alkaloid content.
        (d) Upon importation of coca leaves, samples will be selected and 
    assays made by the importing manufacturer in accordance with recognized 
    chemical procedures. These assays shall form the basis of accounting 
    for such coca leaves, which shall be accounted for in terms of their 
    cocaine alkaloid content or equivalency or their total anhydrous coca 
    alkaloid content. Where final assay data is not determined at the time 
    of submission, the report shall be made on the basis of the best data 
    available, subject to adjustment, and the necessary adjusting entries 
    shall be made on the next report.
        (e) Where factory procedure is such that partial withdrawals of 
    medicinal coca leaves are made from individual containers, there shall 
    be attached to the container a stock record card on which shall be kept 
    a complete record of withdrawals therefrom.
        (f) All in-process inventories should be expressed in terms of end-
    products and not precursors. Once precursor material has been changed 
    or placed into process for the manufacture of a specified end-product, 
    it must no longer be accounted for as precursor stocks available for 
    conversion or use, but rather as end-product in-process inventories.
    Sec. 1304.33  [Removed]
        15. Section 1304.33 is proposed to be removed.
    Sec. 1304.34  [Redesignated as Sec. 1304.33]
        16. Section 1304.34 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1304.33 
    and revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1304.33  Reports to ARCOS.
        (a) Reports generally. All reports required by this section shall 
    be filed with the ARCOS Unit, PO/ 28293, Central Station, Washington, 
    DC 20005 on DEA Form 333, or on media which contains the data required 
    by DEA Form 333 and which is acceptable to the ARCOS Unit.
        (b) Frequency of reports. Acquisition/Distribution transaction 
    reports shall be filed every quarter not later than the 15th day of the 
    month succeeding the quarter for which it is submitted; except that a 
    registrant may be given permission to file more frequently, (but not 
    more frequently than monthly), depending on the number of transactions 
    being reported each time by that registrant. Inventories shall provide 
    data on the stocks of each reported controlled substance on hand as of 
    the close of business on December 31 of each year. These reports shall 
    be filed not later than January 15 of the following year. Manufacturing 
    transaction reports shall be filed annually for each calendar year not 
    later than January 15 of the following year.
        (c) Persons reporting. For controlled substances in Schedules I, II 
    or narcotic controlled substances in Schedule III, each person who is 
    registered to manufacture in bulk or dosage form, or package, 
    repackage, label or relabel and each person who is registered to 
    distribute shall report acquisition/distribution transactions. In 
    addition to reporting acquisition/distribution transactions, each 
    person who is registered to manufacture controlled substances in bulk 
    or dosage form shall report manufacturing transactions on controlled 
    substances in Schedules I and II, each narcotic controlled substance 
    listed in Schedules III, IV, and V, and on each psychotropic controlled 
    substance listed in Schedules III and IV as identified in paragraph (d) 
    of this section.
        (d) Substances covered. Manufacturing and acquisition/distribution 
    transaction reports shall include data on each controlled substance 
    listed in Schedules I and II and on each narcotic controlled substance 
    listed in Schedule III (but not on any material, compound, mixture or 
    preparation containing a quantity of a substance having a stimulant 
    effect on the central nervous system, which material, compound, mixture 
    or preparation is listed in Schedule III or on any narcotic controlled 
    substance listed in Schedule V). Additionally, reports on manufacturing 
    transactions shall include the following psychotropic controlled 
    substances listed in Schedules III and IV:
    Schedule III
        (1) Benzphetamine;
        (2) Cyclobarbital;
        (3) Methyprylon; and
        (4) Phendimetrazine.
    Schedule IV
        (1) Barbital;
        (2) Diethylpropion (Amfepramone);
        (3) Ethchlorvynol;
        (4) Ethinamate;
        (5) Lefetamine (SPA);
        (6) Mazindol;
        (7) Meprobamate;
        (8) Methylphenobarbital;
        (9) Phenobarbital;
        (10) Phentermine; and
        (11) Pipradrol.
    Data shall be presented in such a manner as to identify the particular 
    [[Page 8528]]
    form, strength, and trade name, if any, of the product containing the 
    controlled substance for which the report is being made. For this 
    purpose, persons filing reports shall utilize the National Drug Code 
    Number assigned to the product under the National Drug Code System of 
    the Food and Drug Administration.
        (e) Transactions reported. Acquisition/distribution transaction 
    reports shall provide data on each acquisition to inventory 
    (identifying whether it is, e.g., by purchase or transfer, return from 
    a customer, or supply by the Federal Government) and each reduction 
    from inventory (identifying whether it is, e.g., by sale or transfer, 
    theft, destruction or seizure by Government agencies). Manufacturing 
    reports shall provide data on material manufactured, manufacture from 
    other material, use in manufacturing other material and use in 
    producing dosage forms.
        (f) Exceptions. A registered institutional practitioner who 
    repackages or relabels exclusively for distribution or who distributes 
    exclusively to (for dispensing by) agents, employees, or affiliated 
    institutional practitioners of the registrant may be exempted from 
    filing reports under this section by applying to the ARCOS Unit of the 
    (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control 
    number 1117-0003)
    Secs. 1304.35--1304.38  [Removed]
        17. Sections 1304.35 through 1304.38 are proposed to be removed.
    PART 1305--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1305 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 828, 871(b) unless otherwise noted.
        2. Section 1305.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1305.02  Definitions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or Part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. Section 1305.03 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1305.03  Distributions requiring order forms.
        An order form (DEA Form 222) is required for each distribution of a 
    Schedule I or II controlled substance except to persons exempted from 
    registration under part 1301 of this chapter; which are exported from 
    the United States in conformity with the Act; or for delivery to a 
    registered analytical laboratory, or its agent approved by DEA.
        4. Section 1305.06 is proposed to be amended to read as follows:
    Sec. 1305.06  Procedure for executing order forms.
        (a) Order forms shall be prepared and executed by the purchaser 
    simultaneously in triplicate by means of interleaved carbon sheets 
    which are part of the DEA Form 222. Order forms shall be prepared by 
    use of a typewriter, pen, or indelible pencil.
        (b) Only one item shall be entered on each numbered line. An item 
    shall consist of one or more commercial or bulk containers of the same 
    finished or bulk form and quantity of the same substance. The last line 
    completed shall be noted on that form at the bottom of the form, in the 
    space provided. Order forms for carfentanil, etorphine hydrochloride, 
    and diprenorphine shall contain only these substances.
        (c) The name and address of the supplier from whom the controlled 
    substances are being ordered shall be entered on the form. Only one 
    supplier may be listed on any form.
        (d) Each order form shall be signed and dated by a person 
    authorized to sign an application for registration. The name of the 
    purchaser, if different from the individual signing the order form, 
    shall also be inserted in the signature space. Unexecuted order forms 
    may be kept and may be executed at a location other than the registered 
    location printed on the form, provided that all unexecuted forms are 
    delivered promptly to the registered location upon an inspection of 
    such location by any officer authorized to make inspections, or to 
    enforce, any Federal, State, or local law regarding controlled 
        5. Section 1305.07 is proposed to be amended to read as follows:
    Sec. 1305.07  Power of attorney.
        Any purchaser may authorize one or more individuals, whether or not 
    located at the registered location of the purchaser, to obtain and 
    execute order forms on his/her behalf by executing a power of attorney 
    for each such individual. The power of attorney shall be signed by the 
    same person who signed the most recent application for registration or 
    reregistration and by the individual being authorized to obtain and 
    execute order forms. The power of attorney shall be filed with the 
    executed order forms of the purchaser, and shall be retained for the 
    same period as any order form bearing the signature of the attorney. 
    The power of attorney shall be available for inspection together with 
    other order form records. Any power of attorney may be revoked at any 
    time by executing a notice of revocation, signed by the person who 
    signed (or was authorized to sign) the power of attorney or by a 
    successor, whoever signed the most recent application for registration 
    or reregistration, and filing it with the power of attorney being 
    revoked. The form for the power of attorney and notice of revocation 
    shall be similar to the following:
    Power of Attorney for DEA Order Forms
    (Name of registrant)
    (Address of registrant)
    (DEA registration number)---------------------------------------------
        I, ________________ (name of person granting power), the 
    undersigned, who is authorized to sign the current application for 
    registration of the above-named registrant under the Controlled 
    Substances Act or Controlled Substances Import and Export Act, have 
    made, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents, do make, 
    constitute, and appoint
    (name of attorney-in-fact),-------------------------------------------
    my true and lawful attorney for me in my name, place, and stead, to 
    execute applications for books of official order forms and to sign 
    such order forms in requisition for Schedule I and II controlled 
    substances, in accordance with section 308 of the Controlled 
    Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 828) and part 1305 of Title 21 of the Code 
    of Federal Regulations. I hereby ratify and confirm all that said 
    attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.
    (Signature of person granting power)
        I, ________________ (name of attorney-in-fact), hereby affirm 
    that I am the person named herein as attorney-in-fact and that the 
    signature affixed hereto is my signature.
    (Signature of attorney-in-fact)
        1. ____________________.
        2. ____________________.
        Signed and dated on the ________ day of __________, (year), at 
    Notice of Revocation
        The foregoing power of attorney is hereby revoked by the 
    undersigned, who is authorized to sign the current application for 
    registration of the above-named registrant under the Controlled 
    Substances Act of the Controlled Substances Import and Export Act. 
    Written notice of this revocation has been given to the attorney-in-
    fact ________________ this same day.
    (Signature of person revoking power)
        1. ____________________.
        2. ____________________.
        Signed and dated on the ________ day of ____________, (year) , 
    at ____________________.
    [[Page 8529]]
        6. Section 1305.12 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1305.12  Lost or stolen order forms.
    * * * * *
        (b) Whenever any used or unused order forms are stolen or lost 
    (otherwise than in the course of transmission) by any purchaser or 
    supplier, he/she shall immediately upon discovery of such theft or 
    loss, report the same to the Special Agent in Charge of the Drug 
    Enforcement Administration in the Divisional Office responsible for the 
    area in which the registrant is located, stating the serial number of 
    each form stolen or lost. If the theft or loss includes any original 
    order forms received from purchasers and the supplier is unable to 
    state the serial numbers of such order forms, he/she shall report the 
    date or approximate date of receipt thereof and the names and addresses 
    of the purchasers. If an entire book of order forms is lost or stolen, 
    and the purchaser is unable to state the serial numbers of the order 
    forms contained therein, he/she shall report, in lieu of the numbers of 
    the forms contained in such book, the date or approximate date of 
    issuance thereof. If any unused order form reported stolen or lost is 
    subsequently recovered or found, the Special Agent in Charge of the 
    Drug Enforcement Administration in the Divisional Office responsible 
    for the area in which the registrant is located shall immediately be 
        7. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
                 Section                    Remove                Add       
    1305.04(b)......................  his...............  his/her.          
    1305.05(b)......................  him (twice).......  him/her.          
    1305.08(a)......................  he................  he/she.           
    1305.08(a)......................  his (twice).......  his/her.          
    1305.09(b)......................  he................  he/she.           
    1305.09(d)......................  his ovn...........  his/her own.      
    1305.10(a)......................  hall..............  shall.            
    1305.10(a)......................  he................  he/she.           
    1305.13(a)......................  He................  He/She.           
    1305.13(b)......................  he................  he/she.           
    1305.13(c)......................  he................  he/she.           
    1305.13(c)......................  1305.06(e)........  1305.06(d).       
    1305.14.........................  he (twice)........  he/she.           
    1305.14.........................  1301.45 or 1301.46  1301.36.          
    1305.16(b)......................  he................  he/she.           
    PART 1306--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 1306 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 829, 871(b).
        2. Section 1306.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1306.02  Definitions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. Section 1306.11 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraphs 
    (a) and (d)(4), and adding a new paragraph (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1306.11  Requirement of prescription.
        (a) A pharmacist may dispense directly a controlled substance 
    listed in Schedule II, which is a prescription drug as determined under 
    the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, only pursuant to a written 
    prescription signed by the practitioner, except as provided in 
    paragraph (d) of this section. A prescription for a Schedule II 
    controlled substance may be transmitted by the practitioner or the 
    practitioner's agent to a pharmacy via facsimile equipment, provided 
    the original written, signed prescription is presented to the 
    pharmacist for review prior to the actual dispensing of the controlled 
    substance, except as noted in paragraph (e), (f), or (g) of this 
    section. The original prescription shall be maintained in accordance 
    with Sec. 1304.04(h) of this chapter.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (4) Within 7 days after authorizing an emergency oral prescription, 
    the prescribing individual practitioner shall cause a written 
    prescription for the emergency quantity prescribed to be delivered to 
    the dispensing pharmacist. In addition to conforming to the 
    requirements of Sec. 1306.05, the prescription shall have written on 
    its face ``Authorization for Emergency Dispensing,'' and the date of 
    the oral order. The written prescription may be delivered to the 
    pharmacist in person or by mail, but if delivered by mail it must be 
    postmarked within the 7 day period. Upon receipt, the dispensing 
    pharmacist shall attach this prescription to the oral emergency 
    prescription which had earlier been reduced to writing. The pharmacist 
    shall notify the nearest office of the Administration if the 
    prescribing individual practitioner fails to deliver a written 
    prescription to him; failure of the pharmacist to do so shall void the 
    authority conferred by this paragraph to dispense without a written 
    prescription of a prescribing individual practitioner.
    * * * * *
        (g) A prescription prepared in accordance with Sec. 1306.05 written 
    for a Schedule II narcotic substance for a patient released by a 
    registered institution to a home hospice setting which continues to 
    provide daily skilled nursing care to the home hospice setting may be 
    transmitted by the practitioner or the practitioner's agent to the 
    dispensing pharmacy by facsimile. The practitioner or the 
    practitioner's agent will note on the prescription that the patient is 
    a hospice patient. The facsimile serves as the original written 
    prescription for purposes of this paragraph (g) and it shall be 
    maintained in accordance with Sec. 1304.04(h) of this chapter.
        4. Section 1306.13 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1306.13  Partial filling of prescriptions.
    * * * * *
        (b) A prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance written 
    for a patient in a Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) or for a patient with 
    a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness may be filled in 
    partial quantities to include individual dosage units. If there is any 
    question whether a patient may be classified as having a terminal 
    illness, the pharmacist must contact the practitioner prior to 
    partially filling the prescription. The pharmacist must record on the 
    prescription whether the patient is ``terminally ill'' or an ``LTCF 
    patient.'' Both the pharmacist and the prescribing practitioner have a 
    corresponding responsibility to assure that the controlled substance is 
    for a terminally ill patient. The pharmacist must record on the 
    prescription whether the patient is ``terminally ill'' or an ``LTCF 
    patient.'' A prescription that is partially filled and does not contain 
    the notation ``terminally ill'' or ``LTCF patient'' shall be deemed to 
    have been filled in violation of the Act. For each partial filling, the 
    dispensing pharmacist shall record on the back of the prescription (or 
    on another appropriate record, uniformly maintained, and readily 
    retrievable) the date of the partial filling, quantity dispensed, 
    remaining quantity authorized to be dispensed, and the identification 
    of the dispensing pharmacist. The total quantity of Schedule II 
    controlled substances dispensed in all partial fillings must not exceed 
    the total quantity prescribed. Schedule II prescriptions for patients 
    in a LTCF or patients with a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal 
    illness shall be valid for a period not to exceed 60 days from the 
    issue date unless sooner terminated by the discontinuance of 
    * * * * * 
    [[Page 8530]]
        5. Section 1306.14 is proposed to be amended by revising the 
    heading and adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1306.14  Labeling of substances and filing of prescriptions.
    * * * * *
        (c) All written prescriptions and written records of emergency oral 
    prescriptions shall be kept in accordance with requirements of 
    Sec. 1304.04(h) of this chapter.
        6. Section 1306.15 is proposed to be removed.
        7. The center undesignated heading preceding Sec. 1306.21 and 
    Sec. 1306.21 are proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Controlled Substances Listed in Schedules III, IV, and V
    Sec. 1306.21  Requirement of prescription.
        (a) A pharmacist may dispense directly a controlled substance 
    listed in Schedule III, IV, or V which is a prescription drug as 
    determined under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, only 
    pursuant to either a written prescription signed by a practitioner or a 
    facsimile of a written, signed prescription transmitted by the 
    practitioner or the practitioner's agent to the pharmacy or pursuant to 
    an oral prescription made by an individual practitioner and promptly 
    reduced to writing by the pharmacist containing all information 
    required in Sec. 1306.05, except for the signature of the practitioner.
        (b) An individual practitioner may administer or dispense directly 
    a controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V in the course 
    of his/her professional practice without a prescription, subject to 
    Sec. 1306.07.
        (c) An institutional practitioner may administer or dispense 
    directly (but not prescribe) a controlled substance listed in Schedule 
    III, IV, or V only pursuant to a written prescription signed by an 
    individual practitioner, or pursuant to a facsimile of a written 
    prescription or order for medication transmitted by the practitioner or 
    the practitioner's agent to the institutional practitioner-pharmacist, 
    or pursuant to an oral prescription made by an individual practitioner 
    and promptly reduced to writing by the pharmacist (containing all 
    information required in Sec. 1306.05 except for the signature of the 
    individual practitioner), or pursuant to an order for medication made 
    by an individual practitioner which is dispensed for immediate 
    administration to the ultimate user, subject to Sec. 1306.07.
        8. Section 1306.23 is proposed to be amended by revising the 
    introductory text to read as follows:
    Sec. 1306.23  Partial filling of prescriptions.
        The partial filling of a prescription for a controlled substance 
    listed in Schedule III, IV, or V is permissible, provided that:
    * * * * *
        9. Section 1306.24 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1306.24  Labeling of substances and filing of prescriptions.
        (a) The pharmacist filling a prescription for a controlled 
    substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V shall affix to the package a 
    label showing the pharmacy name and address, the serial number and date 
    of initial filling, the name of the patient, the name of the 
    practitioner issuing the prescription, and directions for use and 
    cautionary statements, if any, contained in such prescription as 
    required by law.
        (b) The requirements of paragraph (a) of this section do not apply 
    when a controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V is 
    prescribed for administration to an ultimate user who is 
    institutionalized: provided, that:
        (1) Not more than a 34-day supply or 100 dosage units, whichever is 
    less, of the controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV or V is 
    dispensed at one time;
        (2) The controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV or V is not 
    in the possession of the ultimate user prior to administration;
        (3) The institution maintains appropriate safeguards and records 
    the proper administration, control, dispensing, and storage of the 
    controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV or V; and
        (4) The system employed by the pharmacist in filling a prescription 
    is adequate to identify the supplier, the product and the patient, and 
    to set forth the directions for use and cautionary statements, if any, 
    contained in the prescription or required by law.
        (c) All prescriptions for controlled substances listed in Schedules 
    III, IV and V shall be kept in accordance with Sec. 1304.04(h) of this 
    Sec. 1306.25  [Removed]
        10. Section 1306.25 is proposed to be removed.
    Sec. 1306.26  [Redesignated as Sec. 1306.25 and amended]
        11. Section 1306.26 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1306.25 
    and amended by revising paragraphs (a) and (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1306.25  Transfer between pharmacies of prescription information 
    for Schedules III, IV, and V controlled substances for refill purposes.
        (a) The transfer of original prescription information for a 
    controlled substance listed in Schedules III, IV or V for the purpose 
    of refill dispensing is permissible between pharmacies on a one time 
    basis only. However, pharmacies electronically sharing a real-time, on-
    line database may transfer up to the maximum refills permitted by law 
    and the prescriber's authorization. Transfers are subject to the 
    following requirements:
        (1) The transfer is communicated directly between two licensed 
    pharmacists and the transferring pharmacist records the following 
        (i) Write the word ``VOID'' on the face of the invalidated 
        (ii) Record on the reverse of the invalidated prescription the 
    name, address and DEA registration number of the pharmacy to which it 
    was transferred and the name of the pharmacist receiving the 
    prescription information.
        (iii) Record the date of the transfer and the name of the 
    pharmacist transferring the information.
        (b) The pharmacist receiving the transferred prescription 
    information shall reduce to writing the following:
        (1) Write the word ``transfer'' on the face of the transferred 
        (2) Provide all information required to be on a prescription 
    pursuant to 21 CFR 1306.05 and include:
        (i) Date of issuance of original prescription;
        (ii) Original number of refills authorized on original 
        (iii) Date of original dispensing;
        (iv) Number of valid refills remaining and date(s) and locations of 
    previous refill(s);
        (v) Pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number and 
    prescription number from which the prescription information was 
        (vi) Name of pharmacist who transferred the prescription.
        (vii) Pharmacy's name, address, DEA registration number and 
    prescription number from which the prescription was originally filled;
        (3) The original and transferred prescription(s) must be maintained 
    for a period of two years from the date of last refill.
    * * * * *
    Sec. Undesignated center heading and Sec. 1306.31  [Removed]
        12. The undesignated heading preceding Sec. 1306.31 and 
    Sec. 1306.31 are proposed to be removed. 
    [[Page 8531]]
    Sec. 1306.32  [Redesignated as Sec. 1306.26 and amended]
        13. Section 1306.32 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1306.26 
    and the introductory text and paragraph (a) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 1306.26  Dispensing without prescription.
        A controlled substance listed in Schedules II, III, IV or V which 
    is not a prescription drug as determined under the Federal Food, Drug, 
    and Cosmetic Act, may be dispensed by a pharmacist without a 
    prescription to a purchaser at retail, provided that:
        (a) Such dispensing is made only by a pharmacist (as defined in 
    Part 1300 of this chapter), and not by a nonpharmacist employee even if 
    under the supervision of a pharmacist (although after the pharmacist 
    has fulfilled his professional and legal responsibilities set forth in 
    this section, the actual cash, credit transaction, or delivery, may be 
    completed by a nonpharmacist);
    * * * * *
        14. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
                 Section                    Remove                Add       
    1306.03(a)(2)...................  1301.24(c)........  1301.22(c).       
    1306.03(a)(2)...................  1301.25...........  1301.23.          
    1306.05(b)......................  1301.24(c)........  1301.22(c).       
    1306.05(c)......................  1301.25...........  1301.22(c).       
    1306.22(a)(2)...................  practioner........  practitioner.     
    1306.22(b)......................  retrival..........  retrieval.        
    1306.22(b)(2)...................  duing.............  during.           
    1306.22(b)(4)...................  Compliance........  Diversion.        
    PART 1307--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1307 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 822(d), 871(b).
        2. Section 1307.01 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1307.01  Definitions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or Part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. Section 1307.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1307.02  Application of State law and other Federal law.
        Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as authorizing or 
    permitting any person to do any act which such person is not authorized 
    or permitted to do under other Federal laws or obligations under 
    international treaties, conventions or protocols, or under the law of 
    the State in which he/she desires to do such act nor shall compliance 
    with such parts be construed as compliance with other Federal or State 
    laws unless expressly provided in such other laws.
        4. Section 1307.03 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1307.03  Exceptions to regulations.
        Any person may apply for an exception to the application of any 
    provision of this chapter by filing a written request stating the 
    reasons for such exception. Requests shall be filed with the 
    Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, 
    Washington, DC 20537. The Administrator may grant an exception in his 
    discretion, but in no case shall he/she be required to grant an 
    exception to any person which is otherwise required by law or the 
    regulations cited in this section.
    Sec. 1307.12  [Removed]
        5. Section 1307.12 is proposed to be removed.
    Sec. 1307.13  [Redesignated as Sec. 1307.12]
        6. Section 1307.13 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1307.12.
    Sec. 1307.14  [Removed]
        7. Section 1307.14 is proposed to be removed.
    Sec. 1307.15  [Redesignated as Sec. 1307.13]
        8. Section 1307.15 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1307.13.
        9. Section 1307.21 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1307.21  Procedure for disposing of controlled substances.
        (a) Any person in possession of any controlled substance and 
    desiring or required to dispose of such substance may request the 
    Special Agent in Charge of the Administration in the area in which the 
    person is located for authority and instructions to dispose of such 
    substance. The request should be made as follows:
        (1) If the person is a registrant, he/she shall list the controlled 
    substance or substances which he/she desires to dispose of on DEA Form 
    41, and submit three copies of that form to the Special Agent in Charge 
    in his/her area; or
        (2) If the person is not a registrant, he/she shall submit to the 
    Special Agent in Charge a letter stating:
        (i) The name and address of the person;
        (ii) The name and quantity of each controlled substance to be 
    disposed of;
        (iii) How the applicant obtained the substance, if known; and
        (iv) The name, address, and registration number, if known, of the 
    person who possessed the controlled substances prior to the applicant, 
    if known.
    * * * * *
        10. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
                 Section                    Remove                Add       
    1307.11(a)(2)...................  1304.24(e)........  1304.22(c).       
    1307.11(a)(2)...................  1304.24(c)........  1304.22(c).       
    1307.11(a)(4)...................  1301.28...........  1301.25.          
    1307.11(b)......................  1301.28...........  1301.25.          
    1307.22.........................  28083.............  20537.            
    PART 1308--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1308 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 811, 812, 871(b).
        2. Section 1308.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1308.02  Definitions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1308.04  [Removed]
        3. Section 1308.04 is proposed to be removed.
        4. Section 1308.24 is proposed to be amended by removing the Exempt 
    Chemical Preparations Table and revising paragraphs (a) and (i) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 1308.24  Exempt chemical preparations.
        (a) The chemical preparations and mixtures approved pursuant to 
    Sec. 1308.23 are exempt from application of sections 302, 303, 305, 
    306, 307, 308, 309, 1002, 1003 and 1004 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 822-823, 
    825-829, 952-954) and Sec. 1301.74 of this chapter, to the extent 
    described in paragraphs (b) to (h) of this section. Substances set 
    forth in paragraph (j) shall be exempt from the application of Sections 
    305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 1002, 1003 and 1004 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 825-
    829, 952-954) and Secs. 1301.71-1301.73 and 1301.74 (a), (b), (d), (e) 
    and (f) of this chapter to the extent as hereinafter may be provided.
    * * * * *
        (i) A listing of exempt chemical preparations may be obtained by 
    submitting a written request to the Drug and Chemical Evaluation 
    Section, Drug 
    [[Page 8532]]
    Enforcement Administration, Washington, DC 20537.
    * * * * *
        5. In Section 1308.26(a) the Table of Excluded Veterinary Anabolic 
    Steroid Implant Products is proposed to be removed. As revised, 
    Sec. 1308.26(a) is proposed to read as follows:
    Sec. 1308.26  Excluded veterinary anabolic steroid implant products.
        (a) The anabolic steroid-containing products, which are expressly 
    intended for administration through implants to cattle or other 
    nonhuman species and which have been approved by the Secretary of 
    Health and Human Services for such administration are excluded from all 
    schedules pursuant to Section 102(41)(B)(I) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 
    802(41)(B)(I)). A listing of the excluded products may be obtained by 
    submitting a written request to the Drug and Chemical Evaluation 
    Section, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington DC 20537.
    * * * * *
        6. In Sec. 1308.32, the Table of Exempted Prescription Products is 
    proposed to be removed. As revised Sec. 1308.32 is proposed to read as 
    Sec. 1308.32  Exempted prescription products.
        The compounds, mixtures, or preparations which contain a 
    nonnarcotic controlled substance listed in Sec. 1308.12(e) or in 
    Sec. 1308.13 (b) or (c) or in Sec. 1308.14 or in Sec. 1308.15 listed in 
    the Table of Exempted Prescription Products have been exempted by the 
    Administrator from the application of sections 302 through 305, 307 
    through 309, 1002 through 1004 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 822-825, 827-829, 
    and 952-954) and Sections 1301.13, 1301.22, and Secs. 1301.71 through 
    1301.76 of this chapter for administrative purposes only. An exception 
    to the above is that those products containing butalbital shall not be 
    exempt from the requirement of 21 U.S.C. 952-954 concerning 
    importation, exportation, transshipment and in-transit shipment of 
    controlled substances. Any deviation from the quantitative composition 
    of any of the listed drugs shall require a petition of exemption in 
    order for the product to be exempted. A listing of the Exempted 
    Prescription Products may be obtained by submitting a written request 
    to the Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section, Drug Enforcement 
    Administration, Washington, DC 20537.
        7. In Section 1308.34, the Table of Exempt Anabolic Steroid 
    Products is proposed to be removed. As revised, Sec. 1308.34 is 
    proposed to read as follows:
    Sec. 1308.34  Exempt anabolic steroid products.
        The anabolic steroid containing compounds, mixtures, or 
    preparations which have been exempted by the Administrator from 
    application of sections 302 through 309 and 1002 through 1004 of the 
    Act (21 U.S.C. 822-829 and 952-954) and Secs. 1301.13, 1301.22, and 
    1301.71 through 1301.76 of this chapter for administrative purposes 
    only may be obtained by submitting a written request to the Drug and 
    Chemical Evaluation Section, Drug Enforcement Administration, 
    Washington, DC 20537.
        8. Section 1308.42 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1308.42  Purpose of hearing.
        If requested by any interested person after proceedings are 
    initiated pursuant to Sec. 1308.43 of this chapter, the Administrator 
    shall hold a hearing for the purpose of receiving factual evidence and 
    expert opinion regarding the issues involved in the issuance, amendment 
    or repeal of a rule issuable pursuant to Section 201(a) of the Act (21 
    U.S.C. 811(a)). Extensive argument should not be offered into evidence 
    but rather presented in opening or closing statements of counsel or in 
    memoranda or proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law. 
    Additional information relating to hearings to include waivers or 
    modification of rules, request for hearing, burden of proof, time and 
    place, and final order are set forth in Part 1316 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1308.43  [Removed]
        9. Section 1308.43 is proposed to be removed.
    Sec. 1308.44  [Redesignated as Sec. 1308.43]
        10. Sections 1308.44 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1308.43 
    and the citation ``1308.45'' in paragraph (f) is changed to read 
    Sec. 1308.45  [Redesignated as Sec. 1308.44]
        11. Section 1308.45 is proposed to be redesignated as 1308.44 and 
    the citation ``1308.48'' in paragraph (e) changed to read ``1308.45''.
    Sec. 1308.46 and 1308.47
        12. Sections 1308.46 and 1308.47 are proposed to be removed.
    Secs. 1308.48--1308.50  [Redesignate as Secs. 1308.45-1308.47]
        13. Sections 1308.48 through 1308.50 are proposed to be 
    redesignated as Secs. 1308.45 through 1308.47.
    Sec. 1308.5  [Removed]
        14. Section 1308.51 is proposed to be removed.
    Sec. 1308.52  [Redesignated as Sec. 1308.49 and corrected]
        15. Section 1308.52 is proposed to be redesignated as Sec. 1308.49 
    and the typographical error ``withott'' in the introductory text is 
    corrected to read ``without''.
        16. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
                 Section                    Remove                Add       
    Table of Contents for Part 1308.  1308.52 sheduling.  1308.52           
    1308.03(a)......................  1301.44 and         1301.35.          
    1308.12(g)......................  prectrsors........  precursors.       
    1308.13(b)(1)...................  quantitive........  quantitative.     
    1308.13(b)(1)...................  lirted............  listed.           
    1308.13(b)(1)...................  308.32............  1308.32.          
    1308.22.........................  nonarcotic........  nonnarcotic.      
    1308.23(c)(7)...................  1302.01...........  Part 1300 of this 
    1308.23(f)......................  revoje............  revoke.           
    1308.24(d)......................  Drug Control......  Drug and Chemical 
    1308.33(a)......................  1308.02...........  Part 1300 of this 
    1308.33(b)......................  1308.02...........  Part 1300 of this 
    PART 1309--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1309 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 821, 822, 823, 824, 830, 871(b), 875, 877, 
        2. Section 1309.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1309.02  Definitions.
        Any term used in this part shall have the definition set forth in 
    Section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this chapter.
    Secs. 1309.53 and 1309.57 [Removed] and Secs. 1309.54-
    1309.56  [Redesignated as Secs. 1309.53-1309.55]
        3. Sections 1309.53 and 1309.57 are proposed to be removed and 
    Secs. 1309.54 through 1309.56 are proposed to be redesignated as 
    Secs. 1309.53 through 1309.55.
        4. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to remove the words ``Section 
    [[Page 8533]]
    1310.01(f)(1)(iv) and add in their place the words ``Section 
    1300.01(b)(28)(i)(D)'' in the following places:
        (a) Section 1309.02(g)
        (b) Section 1309.21 (a) and (b)
        (c) Section 1309.25 (a) and (b); and
        (d) Section 1309.71(a)(2).
    PART 1310--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1310 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 802, 830, 871(b).
        2. Section 1310.01 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1310.01  Definitions.
        Any term used in this part shall have the definition set forth in 
    section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1310.05  [Amended]
        2. Section 1310.05(c) is proposed to be amended removing the words 
    ``as defined in Sec. 1310.01(i)'' and ``as defined in Sec. 1310.01(j)''
    Sec. 1310.08  [Amended]
        3. Section 1310.08, introductory text, is proposed to be amended 
    removing the words ``containted in 21 CFR 1310.01(f) and 1313.02(d)''
    Sec. 1310.09  [Removed]
        4. Section 1310.09 is proposed to be removed.
        5. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
                        Section                                            Remove                                                Add                        
    1310.10(a)....................................                                    1310.01(f)(1)(iv)                                1300.01(b)(28)(i)(D).
    1310.14(a)....................................                                 1310.01(f)(1)(iv)(A)                             1300.01(b)(28)(i)(D)(1).
    1310.15(d)....................................                                 1310.01(f)(1)(iv)(A)                             1300.01(b)(28)(i)(D)(1).
        Part 1311 is proposed to be removed and reserved.
    PART 1312--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1312 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 952, 953, 954, 957, 958.
        2. Section 1312.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1312.02  Defintions.
        Any term contained in this part shall have the definition set forth 
    in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or Part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. Part 1312 is proposed to be amended to remove the words, ``1405 
    EYE Street, NW.'', in the following sections:
        (a) 1312.12(a);
        (b) 1312.16(b);
        (c) 1312.18(b);
        (d) 1312.19(b);
        (e) 1312.22(a);
        (f) 1312.24(a);
        (g) 1312.27(a);
        (h) 1312.27(b)(5)(iv);
        (i) 1312.28(d);
        (j) 1312.31(b); and
        (k) 1312.32(a).
        4. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
               Section                   Remove                  Add        
    1312.12(a)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.14(a)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.16(b)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.17.....................  304.................  1304.               
    1312.18(b)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.18(c)..................  (or BND)............  ....................
    1312.19(a)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.19(b)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.22(a)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.24(a)..................  Bureau..............  Administration.     
    1312.24(a)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.25.....................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.27(a)..................  regirtered..........  registered.         
    1312.27(a)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.27(b)(5)(iii)..........  inital..............  initial.            
    1312.27(b)(5)(iv)...........  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.28(d)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.28(d)..................  1327.27(b)(4).......  1312.27(b0(4).      
    1312.31(b)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    1312.32(a)..................  Drug Control Section  Drug Operations     
    PART 1313--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1313 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 802, 830, 871(b), 971.
        2. Section 1313.02 is proposed to be revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 1313.02  Definitions.
        Any term used in this part shall have the definition set forth in 
    section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this chapter.
        3. Section 1313.15(a) is proposed to be amended by removing the 
    words ``Sec. 1313.02(i)'' and replace them with the words 
    ``Sec. 1300.01(b)(13)''
        4. Section 1313.21(c)(1) is proposed to be amended by removing the 
    words ``as defined Sec. 1313.02(j)''
        5. Section 1313.24(a) is proposed to be amended by removing the 
    words ``Sec. 1313.02(j)'' and replacing them with the words 
    ``Sec. 1300.01(b)(12)''
    [[Page 8534]]
    PART 1316--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 1316 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 822(f), 871(b), 880, 958(f), 965.
        2. Section 1316.02 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (g) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1316.02  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (g) Any term not defined in this part shall have the definition set 
    forth in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this 
        3. Section 1316.13 is proposed to be amended by revising the text 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 1316.13  Frequency of administrative inspections.
        Except where circumstances otherwise dictate, it is the intent of 
    the Administration to inspect all manufacturers of controlled 
    substances listed in Schedules I and II and distributors of controlled 
    substances listed in Schedule I once each year. Distributors of 
    controlled substances listed in schedules II through V and 
    manufacturers of controlled substances listed in Schedules III through 
    V shall be inspected as circumstances may require, based in part on the 
    registrant's history of compliance with the requirements of this 
    chapter and maintenance of effective controls and procedures to guard 
    against the diversion of controlled substances.
        4. Section 1316.42 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (h) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1316.42  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (h) Any term not defined in this part shall have the definition set 
    forth in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this 
        5. Section 1316.71 is proposed to be amended by revising paragraph 
    (f) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1316.71  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (f) Any term not defined in this part shall have the definition set 
    forth in section 102 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802) or part 1300 of this 
        6. In addition to the proposed amendments set forth above, DEA is 
    proposing to amend each section indicated in the left column by 
    removing the words indicated in the middle column and adding the words 
    in the right column:
                   Section                               Remove                                  Add                
    1316.03, introductory text            Adminirtrator                         Administrator.                      
    1316.05                               1314.06                               1316.06.                            
    1316.05                               1316.09-1316.14                       1316.09-1316.13.                    
    1316.23(b)                            1405 I Street                         ....................................
    1316.24(c)                            1316.21(b)                            1316.23(b).                         
    1316.24(c)                            1316.22(b)                            1316.24(b).                         
    1316.41                               1303.41-1303.47                       1303.31-1303.37.                    
    1316.46(b)(1)                         1301.32(a)(3)                         1301.32(a)(6).                      
    1316.52(a)                            1301.60                               1301.56.                            
    1316.77(a)                            Forward                               Forward.                            
    1316.81                               proceeeding                           proceeding.                         
        Dated: February 26, 1996.
    Stephen H. Greene,
    Deputy Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration.
    [FR Doc. 96-4663 Filed 3-4-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4410-09-P

Document Information

Drug Enforcement Administration
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments or objections must be received by July 3, 1996.
8503-8534 (32 pages)
Docket Numbers:
DEA Number 139P
PDF File:
CFR: (127)
21 CFR 1301.34)
21 CFR 1308.26(a)
21 CFR 1310.02(b)
21 CFR 1300.01(b)(12)
21 CFR 1308.11(d)
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