97-5285. Privacy Act Policy and Procedures  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 45 (Friday, March 7, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 10630-10633]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-5285]
    [[Page 10629]]
    Part II
    United States Information Agency
    22 CFR Part 505
    Privacy Act; Implementation;
    Republication of Notice of Systems of Records; Interim Rule and Notice
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 45 / Friday, March 7, 1997 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 10630]]
    22 CFR Part 505
    Privacy Act Policy and Procedures
    AGENCY: United States Information Agency.
    ACTION: Interim final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document will update and replace the Agency's prior 
    regulation implementing the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This 
    update and replacement was made necessary by changes during USIA's 
    reorganization and realignment of functions and responsibilities when 
    the Agency changed names and again when the Agency began to reinvent 
    itself in response to government downsizing.
        The Agency's regulation has not been updated since 1975 and changes 
    in nomenclature and differences in processing Privacy Act requests have 
    necessitated these changes. The changes primarily update the 
    definitions; the processes for receiving and handling requests; and, to 
    whom to send requests for Privacy Act records. It also better explains 
    the exemptions that the United States Information Agency is allowed to 
    use and its routine uses.
    DATES: Effective: April 16, 1997. Persons wishing to comment on the 
    newly published Privacy Act Regulation may do so by April 7, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments to Les Jin, General Counsel, USIA, 301 4th 
    Street, SW, Washington, DC 20547.
    Lola L. Secora, Chief, FOIA/Privacy Act Unit, Office of the General 
    Counsel, USIA, 301 4th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20547.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) is a 
    Federal law only. It requires Federal agencies to limit the manner in 
    which they collect, use and disclose information about individuals, but 
    only if they are American citizens or resident aliens. The key 
    provision of the Privacy Act requires that no Federal agency may 
    disclose any record about an individual to any person or agency without 
    the written permission of that individual. The Privacy Act also 
    provides that, upon request, an individual has the right to access any 
    record maintained on herself/himself in an agency's files, and has the 
    right to request correction of an amendment to that record.
    List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 505
        For the reasons set forth above, Title 22, Part 505 is revised to 
    read as follows:
    505.1  Purpose and scope.
    505.2  Definitions.
    505.3  Procedures and requests.
    505.4  Requirements and identification for making requests.
    505.5  Disclosure of information.
    505.6  Medical records.
    505.7  Correction or amendment of record.
    505.8  Agency review of requests for changes.
    505.9  Review of adverse Agency determination.
    505.10  Disclosure to third parties.
    505.11  Fees.
    505.12  Civil remedies and criminal penalties.
    505.13  General exemptions (Subsection (j)).
    505.14  Specific exemptions (Subsection (k)).
    505.15  Exempt systems of records used.
        Authority: Pub. L. 93-579, 88 Stat. 1897; 5 U.S.C. 552a; 55 FR 
    31940, Aug. 6, 1990, as amended.
    Sec. 505.1  Purpose and scope.
        The United States Information Agency will protect individuals' 
    privacy from misuse of their records, and grant individuals access to 
    records concerning them which are maintained by the Agency's domestic 
    and overseas offices, consistent with the provisions of Public Law 93-
    579, 88 Stat. 1897; 5 U.S.C. 552a, the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. 
    The Agency has also established procedures to permit individuals to 
    amend incorrect records, to limit the disclosure of personal 
    information to third parties, and to limit the number of sources of 
    personal information. The Agency has also established internal rules 
    restricting requirements of individuals to provide social security 
    account numbers.
    Sec. 505.2  Definitions.
        (a) Access Appeal Committee (AAC)--the body established by and 
    responsible to the Director of USIA for reviewing appeals made by 
    individuals to amend records held by the Agency.
        (b) Agency or USIA or USIA--The United States Information Agency, 
    its offices, divisions, branches and its Foreign Service 
        (c) Amend--To make a correction to or expunge any portion of a 
    record about an individual which that individual believes is not 
    accurate, relevant, timely or complete.
        (d) Individual--A citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully 
    admitted for permanent residence.
        (e) Maintain--Collect, use, store, disseminate or any combination 
    of these record-keeping functions; exercise of control over and hence 
    responsibility and accountability for systems of records.
        (f) Record--Any information maintained by the Agency about an 
    individual that can be reproduced, including finger or voice prints and 
    photographs, and which is retrieved by that particular individual's 
    name or personal identifier, such as a social security number.
        (g) Routine use--With respect to the disclosure of a record, the 
    use of such record for a purpose which is compatible with the purpose 
    for which it was collected. The common and ordinary purposes for which 
    records are used and all of the proper and necessary uses, even if any 
    such uses occur infrequently.
        (h) Statistical record--A record in a system of records maintained 
    for statistical research or reporting purposes only and not used in 
    whole or in part in making any determination about an identifiable 
    individual, except as provided in 13 U.S.C. 8.
        (i) System of records--A group of records under the maintenance and 
    control of the Agency from which information is retrieved by the name 
    or personal identifier of the individual.
        (j) Personnel record--Any information about an individual that is 
    maintained in a system of records by the Agency that is needed for 
    personnel management or processes such as staffing, employee 
    development, retirement, grievances and appeals.
        (k) Post--Any of the foreign service branches of the Agency.
    Sec. 505.3  Procedures for requests.
        (a) The agency will consider all written requests received from an 
    individual for records pertaining to herself/himself as a request made 
    under the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a) whether or 
    not the individual specifically cites the Privacy Act when making the 
        (b) All requests under the Privacy Act should be directed to the 
    USIA, Office of the General Counsel, FOIA/Privacy Act Unit (GC/FOI), 
    301 4th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20547, which will coordinate the 
    search of all systems of records specified in the request. Requests 
    should state name, date of birth, and social security number.
        (c) Requests directed to the Agency's overseas posts which involve 
    routine unclassified, administrative and personnel records available 
    only at those posts may be released to the individual by the post if 
    the post
    [[Page 10631]]
    determines that such release is authorized by the Privacy Act. All 
    other requests shall be submitted by the post to the Office of the 
    General Counsel, FOIA/Privacy Act Unit (GC/FOI), 301 4th Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20547, and the individual shall be so notified of this 
    section in writing, when possible.
        (d) In those instances where an individual requests records 
    pertaining to herself/himself, as well as records pertaining to another 
    individual, group, or some other category of the Agency's records, only 
    that portion of the request which pertains to records concerning the 
    individual will be treated as a Privacy Act request. The remaining 
    portions of such a request will be processed as a Freedom of 
    Information Act request by the office noted in paragraph (b) of this 
    Sec. 505.4  Requirements and identification for making requests.
        (a) Individuals seeking access to Agency records may present their 
    written request or may mail their request to the USIA, Office of 
    General Counsel, FOI/Privacy Act (GC/FOI) Unit, 301 4th Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20547. The GC/FOI Unit may be visited between the hours 
    of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays.
        (b) Individuals, seeking access to Agency records, will be 
    requested to present some form of identification. Individuals should 
    state their full name, date of birth and a social security number. An 
    individual must also include her/his present mailing address and zip 
    code, and if possible a telephone number.
        (c) When signing a statement confirming one's identity, individuals 
    should understand that knowingly and willfully seeking or obtaining 
    access to records about another individual under false pretenses is 
    punishable by a fine of up to $5,000.
    Sec. 505.5  Disclosure of information.
        (a) In order to locate the system of records that an individual 
    believes may contain information about herself/himself, an individual 
    should first obtain a copy of the Agency's Notice of Systems of 
    Records. By identifying a particular record system and by furnishing 
    all the identifying information requested by that record system, it 
    will enable the Agency to more easily locate those records which 
    pertain to the individual. At a minimum, any request should include the 
    information specified in Sec. 505.4(b) above.
        (b) In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for the Agency to 
    request additional information from the individual to ensure that the 
    retrieved record does, in fact, pertain to the individual.
        (c) All requests for information on whether or not the Agency's 
    system(s) of records contain information about the individual will be 
    acknowledged within ten working days of receipt of the request. The 
    requested records will be provided as soon as possible thereafter.
        (d) If the Agency determines that the substance of the requested 
    record is exceptionally sensitive, the Agency will require the 
    individual to furnish a signed, notarized statement that she/he is in 
    fact the person named in the file before granting access to the 
        (e) Original records will not be released from the custody of the 
    records system manager. Copies will be furnished subject to and in 
    accordance with fees established in Sec. 505.11.
        (f) Denial of access to records:
        (1) The requirements of this section do not entitle an individual 
    access to any information compiled in reasonable anticipation of a 
    civil action or proceeding.
        (2) Under the Privacy Act, the Agency is not required to permit 
    access to records if the information is not retrievable by the 
    individual's name or other personal identifier; those requests will be 
    processed as Freedom of Information Act requests.
        (3) The Agency may deny an individual access to a record, or 
    portion thereof, if following a review it is determined that the record 
    or portion falls within a system of records that is exempt from 
    disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(j) and 552a(k). See Secs. 505.13 
    and 505.14 for a listing of general and specific exemptions.
        (4) The decision to deny access to a record or a portion of the 
    record is made by the Agency's Privacy Act Officer, Office of the 
    General Counsel. The denial letter will advise the individual of her/
    his rights to appeal the denial (See Sec. 505.9 on Access Appeal 
    Committee's review).
    Sec. 505.6  Medical records.
        If, in the judgment of the Agency, the release of medical 
    information directly to the requester could have an adverse effect on 
    the requester, the Agency will arrange an acceptable alternative to 
    granting access of such records to the requester. This normally 
    involves the release of the information to a doctor named by the 
    requester. However, this special procedure provision does not in any 
    way limit the absolute right of the individual to receive a complete 
    copy of her or his medical record.
    Sec. 505.7  Correction or amendment of record.
        (a) An individual has the right to request that the Agency amend a 
    record pertaining to her/him which the individual believes is not 
    accurate, relevant, timely, or complete. At the time the Agency grants 
    access to a record, it will furnish guidelines for requesting 
    amendments to the record.
        (b) Requests for amendments to records must be in writing and 
    mailed or delivered to the USIA Privacy Act Officer, Office of the 
    General Counsel, 301 4th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20547, who will 
    coordinate the review of the request to amend a record with the 
    appropriate office(s). Such requests must contain, at a minimum, 
    identifying information needed to locate the record, a brief 
    description of the item or items of information to be amended, and the 
    reason for the requested change. The requester should submit as much 
    documentation, arguments or other data as seems warranted to support 
    the request for amendment.
        (c) The Agency will review all requests for amendments to records 
    within 10 working days of receipt of the request and either make the 
    changes or inform the requester of its refusal to do so and the reasons 
    Sec. 505.8  Agency review of requests for changes.
        (a) In reviewing a record in response to a request to amend or 
    correct a file, the Agency shall incorporate the criteria of accuracy, 
    relevance, timeliness, and completeness of the record in the review.
        (b) If the Agency agrees with an individual's request to amend a 
    record, it shall:
        (1) Advise the individual in writing;
        (2) Correct the record accordingly;
        (3) And, to the extent that an accounting of disclosure was 
    maintained, advise all previous recipients of the record of the 
        (c) If the Agency disagrees with all or any portion of an 
    individual's request to amend a record, it shall:
        (1) Advise the individual of the reasons for the determination;
        (2) Inform the individual of her/his right to further review (see 
    Sec. 505.9).
    Sec. 505.9  Review of adverse agency determination.
        (a) When the Agency determines to deny a request to amend a record, 
    or portion of the record, the individual may request further review by 
    the Agency's Access Appeal Committee.
    [[Page 10632]]
    The written request for review should be mailed to the Chairperson, 
    Access Appeal Committee, USIA, Office of Public Liaison, 301 4th 
    Street, SW, Washington, DC 20547. The letter should include any 
    documentation, information or statement which substantiates the request 
    for review.
        (b) The Agency's Access Appeal Committee will review the Agency's 
    initial denial to amend the record and the individual's documentation 
    supporting amendment, within 30 working days. If additional time is 
    required, the individual will be notified in writing of the reasons for 
    the delay and the approximate date when the review is expected to be 
    completed. Upon completion of the review, the Chairperson will notify 
    the individual of the results.
        (c) If the Committee upholds the Agency's denial to amend the 
    record, the Chairperson will advise the individual of:
        (1) The reasons for the Agency's refusal to amend the record;
        (2) Her/his right and the procedure to add to the file a concise 
    statement supporting the individual's disagreement with the decision of 
    the Agency;
        (3) Her/his right to seek judicial review of the Agency's refusal 
    to amend the file.
        (d) When an individual files a statement disagreeing with the 
    Agency's refusal to amend a record, the Agency will clearly annotate 
    the record so that the fact that the record is disputed is apparent to 
    anyone who may subsequently have access to, use of, or reason to 
    disclose the file. If information is disclosed regarding the area of 
    dispute, the Agency will provide a copy of the individual's statement 
    in the disclosure. Any statement which may be included by the Agency 
    regarding the dispute will be limited to the reasons given to the 
    individual for not amending the record. Copies of the Agency's 
    statement shall be treated as part of the individual's record, but will 
    not be subject to amendment by the individual under these regulations.
    Sec. 505.10  Disclosure to third parties.
        The Agency will not disclose any information about an individual to 
    any person or another agency without the prior consent of the 
    individual about whom the information is maintained, except as provided 
    for in the following paragraphs.
        (a) Medical records. May be disclosed to a doctor or other medical 
    practitioner, named by the individual, as prescribed in Sec. 505.6 
        (b) Accompanying individual. When a requester is accompanied by any 
    other person, the agency will require that the requester sign a 
    statement granting consent to the disclosure of the contents of the 
    record to that person.
        (c) Designees. If a person requests another person's file, she or 
    he must present a signed statement from that person of record which 
    authorizes and consents to the release of the file to the designated 
        (d) Guardians. Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of dependent minors 
    or of an individual who has been declared by a court to be incompetent 
    due to physical, mental or age incapacity, may act for and on behalf of 
    the individual on whom the Agency maintains records.
        (e) Other disclosures. A record may be disclosed without a request 
    by or written consent of the individual to whom the record pertains if 
    such disclosure conditions are authorized under the provisions of 5 
    U.S.C. 552a(b). These conditions are:
        (1) Disclosure within the Agency. This condition is based upon a 
    ``need-to-know'' concept which recognizes that Agency personnel may 
    require access to discharge their duties.
        (2) Disclosure to the public. No consent by an individual is 
    necessary if the record is required to be released under the Freedom of 
    Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552. The record may be exempt, 
    however, under one of the nine exemptions of the FOIA.
        (3) Disclosure for a routine use. No. consent by an individual is 
    necessary if the condition is necessary for a ``routine use'' as 
    defined in S505.2(g). Information may also be released to other 
    government agencies which have statutory or other lawful authority to 
    maintain such information. (See Appendix I--Prefatory Statement of 
    General Routine Uses).
        (4) Disclosure to the Bureau of the Census. For purposes of 
    planning or carrying out a census or survey or related activity. Title 
    13 U.S.C. Section 8 limits the uses which may made of these records and 
    also makes them immune from compulsory disclosure.
        (5) Disclosure for statistical research and reporting. The Agency 
    will provide the statistical information requested only after all names 
    and personal identifiers have been deleted from the records.
        (6) Disclosure to the National Archives. For the preservation of 
    records of historical value, pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 2103.
        (7) Disclosure for law enforcement purposes. Upon receipt of a 
    written request by another Federal agency or a state or local 
    government describing the law enforcement purpose for which a record is 
    required, and specifying the particular record. Blanket requests for 
    all records pertaining to an individual are not permitted under the 
    Privacy Act.
        (8) Disclosure under emergency circumstances. For the safety or 
    health of an individual (e.g., medical records on a patient undergoing 
    emergency treatment).
        (9) Disclosure to the Congress. For matters within the jurisdiction 
    of any House or Senate committee or subcommittee, and/or joint 
    committee or subcommittee, pursuant to a written request from the 
    Chairman of the committee or subcommittee.
        (10) Disclosure to the General Accounting Office (GAO). For matters 
    within the jurisdiction of the duties of the GAO's Comptroller General.
        (11) Disclosure pursuant to court order. Pursuant to the order of a 
    court of competent jurisdiction. This does not include a subpoena for 
    records requested by counsel and issued by a clerk of court.
    Sec. 505.11  Fees.
        (a) The first copy of any Agency record about an individual will be 
    provided free of charge. A fee of $0.15 per page will be charged for 
    any additional copies requested by the individual.
        (b) Checks or money orders should be made payable to the United 
    States Treasurer and mailed to the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy 
    Act Unit, Office of the General Counsel, 301 4th Street, SW, 
    Washington, DC 20547. The Agency will not accept cash.
    Sec. 505.12  Civil remedies and criminal penalties.
        (a) Grounds for court action. An individual will have a remedy in 
    the Federal District Courts under the following circumstances:
        (1) Denial of access. Individuals may challenge an Agency decision 
    to deny them access to records to which they consider themselves 
        (2) Refusal to amend a record. Under conditions prescribed in 5 
    U.S.C. 552a(g), an individual may seek judicial review of the Agency's 
    refusal to amend a record.
        (3) Failure to maintain a record accurately. An individual may 
    bring suit against the Agency for any alleged intentional and willful 
    failure to maintain a record accurately, if it can be shown that the 
    individual was subjected to an adverse action resulting in the denial 
    of a right, benefit, entitlement or employment the individual could 
    reasonably have expected to be granted if the record had not been 
    [[Page 10633]]
        (4) Other failures to comply with the Act. An individual may bring 
    an action for any alleged failure by the Agency to comply with the 
    requirements of the Act or failure to comply with any rule published by 
    the Agency to implement the Act provided it can be shown that:
        (i) The action was intentional or willful;
        (ii) The Agency's action adversely affected the individual; and
        (iii) The adverse action was caused by the Agency's actions.
        (b) Jurisdiction and time limits. (1) Action may be brought in the 
    district court for the jurisdiction in which the individual resides or 
    has a place of residence or business, or in which the Agency records 
    are situated, or in the District of Columbia.
        (2) The statute of limitations is two years from the date upon 
    which the cause of action arises, except for cases in which the Agency 
    has materially and willfully misrepresented any information requested 
    to be disclosed and when such misrepresentation is material to the 
    liability of Agency. In such cases the statute of limitations is two 
    years from the date of discovery by the individual of the 
        (3) A suit may not be brought on the basis of injury which may have 
    occurred as a result of the Agency's disclosure of a record prior to 
    September 27, 1975.
        (c) Criminal penalties.--(1) Unauthorized disclosure. It is a 
    criminal violation of the provisions of the Act for any officer or 
    employee of the Agency knowingly and willfully to disclose a record in 
    any manner to any person or agency not entitled to receive it, for 
    failure to meet the conditions of disclosure enumerated in 5 U.S.C. 
    552a(b), or without the written consent or at the request of the 
    individual to whom the record pertains. Any officer or employee of the 
    Agency found guilty of such misconduct shall be fined not more than 
        (2) Failure to publish a public notice. It is a criminal violation 
    of the Act to willfully maintain a system of records and not to publish 
    the prescribed public notice. Any officer or employee of the Agency 
    found guilty of such misconduct shall be fined not more than $5,000.
        (3) Obtaining records under false pretenses. The Act makes it a 
    criminal offense to knowingly and willfully request or gain access to a 
    record about an individual under false pretenses. Any person found 
    guilty of such an offense may be fined not more than $5,000.
    Sec. 505.13  General exemptions (Subsection (j)).
        (a) General exemptions are available for systems of records which 
    are maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency (Subsection (j)(1)), 
    or maintained by an agency which performs as its principal function any 
    activity pertaining to the enforcement of the criminal laws (Subsection 
        (b) The Act does not permit general exemption of records complied 
    primarily for a noncriminal purpose, even though there are some quasi-
    criminal aspects to the investigation and even though the records are 
    in a system of records to which the general exemption applies.
    Sec. 505.14  Specific exemptions (Subsection (k)).
        The specific exemptions focus more on the nature of the records in 
    the systems of records than on the agency. The following categories of 
    records may be exempt from disclosure:
        (a) Subsection (k)(1). Records which are specifically authorized 
    under criteria established under an Executive Order to be kept secret 
    in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, and which are in 
    fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive Order;
        (b) Subsection (k)(2). Investigatory records compiled for law 
    enforcement purposes (other than material within the scope of 
    subsection (j)(2) as discussed in Sec. 505.13(a)). If any individual is 
    denied any right, privilege, or benefit for which she/he would 
    otherwise be eligible, as a result of the maintenance of such material, 
    the material shall be provided to the individual, unless disclosure of 
    the material would reveal the identify of a source who has been pledged 
        (c) Subsection (k)(3). Records maintained in connection with 
    protection of the President and other VIPs accorded special protection 
    by statute;
        (d) Subsection (k)(4). Records required by statute to be maintained 
    and used solely as statistical records;
        (e) Subsection (k)(5). Records complied solely for the purpose of 
    determining suitability, eligibility, or qualifications for Federal 
    civilian employment, military service, Federal contracts, or access to 
    classified information, but only if disclosure of the material would 
    reveal the identify of a confidential source that furnished information 
    to the Government;
        (f) Subsection (k)(6). Testing or examination records used solely 
    to determine individual qualifications for appointment or promotion in 
    the Federal service when the disclosure of such would compromise the 
    objectivity or fairness of the testing or examination process;
        (g) Subsection (k)(7). Evaluation records used to determine 
    potential for promotion in the armed services, but only if disclosure 
    would reveal the identify of a confidential source.
    Sec. 505.15  Exempt systems of records used.
        USIA is authorized to use exemptions (k)(1), (k)(2), (k)(4), 
    (k)(5), and (k)(6). The following Agency components currently maintain 
    exempt systems of records under one or more of these specific 
    exemptions: Executive Secretariat; Education and Cultural Exchange 
    Program; Legal Files; Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act Files; 
    Employee Grievance Files; Recruitment Records; Employee Master 
    Personnel Records; Foreign Service Selection Board Files; Employee 
    Training Files; Personnel Security and Integrity Records; International 
    Broadcasting Bureau Director's Executive Secretariat Files; and 
    International Broadcasting Bureau Employee Personnel Files.
        Dated: February 26, 1997.
    Les Jin,
    General Counsel.
    [FR Doc. 97-5285 Filed 3-6-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 8230-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
United States Information Agency
Entry Type:
Interim final rule.
Document Number:
Effective: April 16, 1997. Persons wishing to comment on the newly published Privacy Act Regulation may do so by April 7, 1997.
10630-10633 (4 pages)
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CFR: (16)
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