2014-07220. New Animal Drugs; Amprolium; Bambermycins; Ceftiofur; Deslorelin; Florfenicol; Florfenicol and Flunixin; Paclitaxel; Phenylbutazone; Pimobendan; Salinomycin; Tilmicosin; Tiludronate; Change of Sponsor  

  • Start Preamble


    Food and Drug Administration, HHS.


    Final rule.


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval actions for new animal drug applications (NADAs) and abbreviated new animal drug applications (ANADAs) during January and February 2014. FDA is also informing the public of the availability of summaries of the basis of approval and of environmental review documents, where applicable. The animal drug regulations are also being amended to reflect previous approval of revised food safety warnings. This is being done to improve the accuracy of the regulations. The animal drug regulations are also being amended to reflect a change of sponsorship of an NADA and a change to a sponsor's address.


    This rule is effective April 1, 2014.

    Start Further Info


    George K. Haibel, Center for Veterinary Medicine (HFV-6), Food and Drug Administration, 7519 Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 240-276-9019, george.haibel@fda.hhs.gov.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    FDA is amending the animal drug regulations to reflect approval actions for NADAs and ANADAs during January and February 2014, as listed in table 1. In addition, FDA is informing the public of the availability, where applicable, of documentation of environmental review required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and, for actions requiring review of safety or effectiveness data, summaries of the basis of approval (FOI Summaries) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These public documents may be seen in the Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons with access to the Internet may obtain these documents at the Center for Veterinary Medicine FOIA Electronic Reading Room: http://www.fda.gov/​AboutFDA/​CentersOffices/​OfficeofFoods/​CVM/​CVMFOIAElectronicReadingRoom/​default.htm. Marketing exclusivity and patent information may be accessed in FDA's publication, Approved Animal Drug Products Online (Green Book) at: http://www.fda.gov/​AnimalVeterinary/​Products/​ApprovedAnimalDrugProducts/​default.htm.

    In addition, the regulations are being amended to reflect the previous approval of revised food safety warnings for florfenicol injectable solutions, florfenicol and flunixin combination drug injectable solution, ceftiofur hydrochloride intramammary infusions, and salinomycin medicated feeds. These amendments are being done to improve the accuracy of the regulations.

    The regulations are also being amended to reflect two changes of sponsorship. Dechra, Ltd., Dechra House, Jamage Industrial Estate, Talke Pits, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST7 1XW, United Kingdom, has informed FDA that it has transferred ownership of, and all rights and interest in, NADA 141-044 for OVUPLANT (deslorelin acetate implant) to Virbac AH, Inc., 3200 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, TX 76137. Also, West-Ward Pharmaceutical Corp., 465 Industrial Way West, Eatontown, NJ 07724, has informed FDA that it has transferred ownership of, and all rights and interest in, ANADA 200-323 for Phenylbutazone Tablets to Hikma Pharmaceuticals LLC, P.O. Box 182400, Bayader Wadi Seer, Amman, Jordan 11118. Accordingly, the Agency is amending the regulations to reflect these changes of sponsorship.Start Printed Page 18157

    Table 1—Original and Supplemental NADAs and ANADAs Approved During January and February 2014

    NADA/ANADASponsorNew animal drug product nameAction21 CFR sectionFOIA summaryNEPA review
    141-361Elanco Animal Health, A Division of Eli Lilly & Co., Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285PULMOTIL AC (tilmicosin phosphate) Concentrate SolutionOriginal approval for the control of swine respiratory disease associated with Pasteurella multocida and Haemophilus parasuis in groups of swine in buildings where a respiratory disease outbreak is diagnosed520.2471yesEA/ FONSI 1.
    141-420Ceva Sante Animale, 10 Avenue de la Ballastière, 33500 Libourne, FranceTILDREN (tiludronate disodium)Original approval for the control of clinical signs associated with navicular syndrome522.2473yesCE 2 3.
    141-422Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB, Vallongatan 1, SE-752 28, Uppsala, 75228 SwedenPACCAL VET-CA1 (paclitaxel for injection)Conditional approval for the treatment of certain carcinomas in dogs that have not received previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy516.1684yesCE 2 3.
    130-185Huvepharma AD, 5th Floor, 3A Nikolay Haytov Str., 1113 Sophia, BulgariaAMPROL 25% (amprolium) plus FLAVOMYCIN (bambermycins) Type A medicated articlesSupplemental approval for prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella only or for prevention of coccidiosis where immunity to coccidiosis is not desired; and for increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency in broiler chickens4 558.55yesCE 2 5.
    141-246Intervet, Inc., (d/b/a Merck Animal Health), 556 Morris Ave., Summit, NJ 07901AQUAFLOR (florfenicol) Type A medicated articleSupplemental approval for an increase in the maximum daily dose for freshwater-reared finfish other than freshwater-reared warmwater finfish558.261yesEA/FONSI 1.
    141-273Boehringer Ingelheim, Vetmedica, Inc., 2621 North Belt Hwy., St. Joseph, MO 64506-2002VETMEDIN (pimobendan) Chewable TabletsSupplemental approval for the addition of a 10-milligram chewable tablet520.1780noCE 2 6.
    1 The Agency has carefully considered an environmental assessment (EA) of the potential environmental impact of this action and has made a finding of no significant impact (FONSI).
    2 The Agency has determined that this action is categorically excluded (CE) from the requirement to submit an environmental assessment or an environmental impact statement because it is of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment.
    3 CE granted under 21 CFR 25.33(d)(1).
    4 The regulation in 21 CFR 558.55 has been amended in a separate rule (79 FR 10980, February 27, 2014).
    5 CE granted under 21 CFR 25.33(a)(2).
    6 CE granted under 21 CFR 25.33(a)(1).

    This rule does not meet the definition of “rule” in 5 U.S.C. 804(3)(A) because it is a rule of “particular applicability.” Therefore, it is not subject to the congressional review requirements in 5 U.S.C. 801-808.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects

    21 CFR Part 510

    • Administrative practice and procedure
    • Animal drugs
    • Labeling
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements

    21 CFR Part 516

    • Administrative practice and procedure
    • Animal drugs
    • Confidential business information
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements

    21 CFR Parts 520, 522, and 526

    • Animal drugs

    21 CFR Part 558

    • Animal drugs
    • Animal feeds
    End List of Subjects

    Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs and redelegated to the Center for Veterinary Medicine, 21 CFR parts 510, 516, 520, 522, 526, and 558 are amended as follows:

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 510 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 351, 352, 353, 360b, 371, 379e.

    End Authority Start Amendment Part

    2. In § 510.600, in the table in paragraph (c)(1), alphabetically add entries for “Hikma Pharmaceuticals LLC” and “Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB”, and remove the entry for “West-Ward Pharmaceutical Corp.”; and in the table in paragraph (c)(2), numerically add entries for “052818” and “059115”, and remove the entry for “000143” to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Names, addresses, and drug labeler codes of sponsors of approved applications.
    * * * * *

    (c) * * *

    (1) * * *

    Start Printed Page 18158
    Firm name and addressDrug labeler code
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Hikma Pharmaceuticals LLC, P.O. Box 182400, Bayader Wadi Seer, Amman, Jordan 11118059115
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB, Vallongatan 1, 75228 Uppsala, Sweden052818
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *

    (2) * * *

    Drug labeler codeFirm name and address
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    052818Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB, Vallongatan 1, 75228 Uppsala, Sweden.
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    059115Hikma Pharmaceuticals LLC, P.O. Box 182400, Bayader Wadi Seer, Amman, Jordan 11118.
    *         *         *         *         *         *         *
    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    3. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 516 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360ccc, 360ccc-2, 371.

    End Authority Start Amendment Part

    4. Add § 516.1684 to subpart E to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part

    (a) Specifications. Each vial of powder contains 60 milligrams (mg) paclitaxel. Each milliliter of constituted solution contains 1 mg paclitaxel.

    (b) Sponsor. See No. 052818 in 510.600(c) of this chapter.

    (c) Conditions of use in dogs—(1) Amount. Administer 150 mg per square meter of body surface area intravenously over 15 to 30 minutes, once every 3 weeks, for up to 4 doses.

    (2) Indications for use. For the treatment of nonresectable stage III, IV, or V mammary carcinoma in dogs that have not received previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy. For the treatment of resectable and nonresectable squamous cell carcinoma in dogs that have not received previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

    (3) Limitations. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product other than as directed in the labeling.

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    5. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 520 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.

    End Authority
    Start Amendment Part

    6. In paragraph (a) of § 520.1780, remove “or 5 milligrams” and in its place add “5, or 10 milligrams”.

    End Amendment Part Start Amendment Part

    7. Add § 520.2471 to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part

    (a) Specifications. Each milliliter of concentrate solution contains 250 milligrams (mg) tilmicosin as tilmicosin phosphate.

    (b) Sponsor. See No. 000986 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.

    (c) Tolerances. See § 556.735 of this chapter.

    (d) Conditions of use in swine—(1) Amount. Administer in drinking water at a concentration of 200 mg per liter for 5 consecutive days.

    (2) Indication for use. For the control of swine respiratory disease associated with Pasteurella multocida and Haemophilus parasuis in groups of swine in buildings where a respiratory disease outbreak is diagnosed.

    (3) Limitations. Swine intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 7 days of the last treatment with this product. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    8. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 522 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.

    End Authority
    Start Amendment Part

    9. In paragraph (b)(1) of § 522.533, remove “043246” and in its place add “051311”.

    End Amendment Part Start Amendment Part

    10. In § 522.955, revise paragraphs (d)(1)(i)(C) and (d)(1)(ii)(C) to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    * * * * *

    (d) * * *

    (1) * * *

    (i) * * *

    (C) Limitations. Do not slaughter within 44 days of treatment. This drug product is not approved for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows. A withdrawal period has not been established in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

    (ii) * * *

    (C) Limitations. Do not slaughter within 28 days of last intramuscular treatment or within 38 days of subcutaneous treatment. This drug product is not approved for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows. A withdrawal period has not been established in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

    * * * * *
    Start Amendment Part

    11. In § 522.956, revise paragraph (d)(3) to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Florfenicol and flunixin.
    * * * * *
    Start Printed Page 18159

    (d) * * *

    (3) Limitations. Animals intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 38 days of treatment. This drug product is not approved for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows. A withdrawal period has not been established in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

    Start Amendment Part

    12. Add § 522.2473 to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part

    (a) Specifications. Each vial of powder contains 500 milligrams (mg) tiludronate disodium. Each milliliter of constituted solution contains 20 mg tiludronate disodium.

    (b) Sponsor. See No. 013744 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.

    (c) Conditions of use in horses—(1) Amount. Administer a single dose of 1 mg per kilogram (0.45 mg/pound) of body weight by intravenous infusion.

    (2) Indication for use. For the control of clinical signs associated with navicular syndrome.

    (3) Limitations. Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    13. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 526 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b.

    End Authority Start Amendment Part

    14. In § 526.313, remove paragraph (d); redesignate paragraph (e) as paragraph (d); and revise newly redesignated paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) and (d)(2)(iii) to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    * * * * *

    (d) * * *

    (1) * * *

    (iii) Limitations. Milk taken from cows during treatment (a maximum of eight daily infusions) and for 72 hours after the last treatment must not be used for human consumption. Following label use for up to 8 consecutive days, a 2-day preslaughter withdrawal period is required. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Federal law prohibits extra-label use of this drug in lactating dairy cattle for disease prevention purposes; at unapproved doses; frequencies, durations, or routes of administration; and in unapproved major food producing species/production classes.

    (2) * * *

    (iii) Limitations. Milk taken from cows completing a 30-day dry-off period may be used for food with no milk discard due to ceftiofur residues. Following intramammary infusion, a 16-day preslaughter withdrawal period is required for treated cows. Following label use, no preslaughter withdrawal period is required for neonatal calves from treated cows regardless of colostrum consumption. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Federal law prohibits extra-label use of this drug in dry dairy cattle for disease prevention purposes; at unapproved doses; frequencies, durations, or routes of administration; and in unapproved major food producing species/production classes.

    Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    15. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 558 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 21 U.S.C. 360b, 371.

    End Authority
    Start Amendment Part

    16. In § 558.261, in paragraph (e)(2)(ii), in the “Limitations” column, remove “10 mg florfenicol” and in its place add “10 to 15 mg florfenicol”; and in paragraph (e)(2)(iii), in the “Limitations” column, remove “10 mg florfenicol per kg of fish for”.

    End Amendment Part
    Start Amendment Part

    17. In § 558.550, in paragraph (d)(1)(i)( c), remove “layers” and in its place add “laying hens producing eggs for human consumption”; and add at the end of paragraph (d)(2)(i)(c), “Do not feed to laying hens producing eggs for human consumption.”

    End Amendment Part Start Signature

    Dated: March 27, 2014.

    Bernadette Dunham,

    Director, Center for Veterinary Medicine.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. 2014-07220 Filed 3-31-14; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 4160-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective April 1, 2014.
18156-18159 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FDA-2013-N-0002
Administrative practice and procedure, Animal drugs, Animal feeds, Confidential business information, Labeling, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SUMMARY NADA 130-185 AMPROL 25% and FLAVOMYCIN Amprolium and Bambermycins
» FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SUMMARY Application Number 141-422 PACCAL VET-CA1 Paclitaxel for injection Powder for Injection Dog
» FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SUMMARY NADA141-420 TILDREN tiludronate disodium Powder for injection Horse
» FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SUMMARY NADA 141-361 PULMOTIL AC Tilmicosin Phosphate Aqueous Concentrate Swine
» Freedom of Information Summary NADA 141-288 EXCENEL RTU EZ Ceftiofur Hydrochloride
» Freedom of Information Summary NADA 095-735 RUMENSIN 90 Monensin
» Freedom of Information Summary NADA 141-406 NEXGARD Afoxolaner Chewable Tablet
» Freedom of Information Summary ANADA 200-548 ACTOGAIN 45 Ractopamine Hydrochloride Cattle fed in confinement for slaughter
» Freedom of Information Summary ANADA 200-542 ENGAIN 9 and ENGAIN 5 Ractopamine Hydrochloride Finishing Swine
CFR: (11)
21 CFR 510.600
21 CFR 516.1684
21 CFR 520.1780
21 CFR 520.2471
21 CFR 522.533
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