94-8589. Amendment to Bylaws of the Board of Governors; Final Rule POSTAL SERVICE  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 74 (Monday, April 18, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-8589]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: April 18, 1994]
    Part II
    Postal Service
    39 CFR Parts 1 Through 8, et al.
    Amendment to Bylaws of the Board of Governors; Final Rule
    39 CFR Parts 1 Through 8, 11, and 221
    Amendment to Bylaws of the Board of Governors
    AGENCY: Postal Service.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: On July 13, 1993, the Board of Governors of the United States 
    Postal Service adopted a revision to its bylaws. This final rule 
    incorporates those changes, which update and to some extent streamline 
    the Board's bylaws.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 13, 1993.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Stanley F. Mires, (202) 268-2958.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The bylaws of the Board of Governors of the 
    United States Postal Service, 39 CFR parts 1 through 10, were initially 
    adopted after the passage of the Postal Reorganization Act in 1971, and 
    have been amended several times. On July 13, 1993, the Board of 
    Governors adopted a revision of these bylaws. Parts 1 through 8 of the 
    bylaws were changed, and a new part 11 was added. (Parts 9 and 10 of 
    the bylaws were not changed and are not republished here.) In addition, 
    39 CFR part 221 was amended. An explanation follows.
    Part 1--Postal Policy (Article I)
        Several changes were made to part 1 for conciseness. The former 
    language of Sec. 1.1 (a general description of the Postal Service) is 
    replaced by similar language taken from former Sec. 2.1, Establishment 
    of the U.S. Postal Service. Language formerly contained in Sec. 1.2, 
    The Board of Governors, also is transferred to the new Sec. 1.1.
        Former Sec. 1.3, Delegation of authority, is renumbered as 
    Sec. 1.2. Finally, former Sec. 1.4, Open meetings, is moved to part 7, 
    Public Observation, and appears as paragraph 7.2(a).
    Part 2--General and Technical Provisions (Article II)
        Section 2.1 now describes the physical location and function of the 
    Office of the Board of Governors, and is derived from former Sec. 3.9.
        The language of Sec. 2.2, Agent for receipt of process, is amended 
    to reflect that the General Counsel is also the agent for receipt of 
    process for each individual member of the Board when the member is 
    acting in his or her official capacity. The language of paragraph 
    2.4(b), which describes the Postal Service emblem, registered by the 
    U.S. Patent Office, is moved to Sec. 221.9 of part 221, General 
    Principles of Organization.
    Part 3--Board of Governors (Article III)
        Former Secs. 3.1 and 3.2 are combined into a new Sec. 3.1, 
    Responsibilities of Board, and language duplicating 39 U.S.C. 202 is 
    deleted. Duplicative language is likewise deleted from renumbered 
    Sec. 3.2, Compensation of Board.
        For ease of reference, Sec. 3.3 is amended to contain only matters 
    reserved for decision by the full Board. New Sec. 3.4, by contrast, 
    contains matters reserved for decision by the Governors only.
        Other changes in part 3 were made. New paragraph 3.3(c)(2) is added 
    to provide for Board approval of the Postal Service operating budget. 
    Language is added to paragraph 3.3(e) to provide that projects above an 
    amount specified by annual Board resolution must be brought to the 
    Board for approval. New language in paragraph 3.3(j) (approval of 
    borrowing authority) clarifies what is intended by the term ``short-
    term borrowings,'' and it eliminates the phrase ``purchase money 
    obligations,'' which is no longer used in the finance industry. 
    Paragraph 3.3(k) (approval of terms and conditions of obligations 
    issued by the Postal Service) also is updated to parallel the new 
    language in paragraph 3.3(j).
        Paragraph 3.3(m) (determination of number of officers) is 
    simplified to remove the titles of specific officer positions that 
    could change. Likewise, the names of specific positions were removed 
    from paragraph 3.3(n) (compensation of officers at Level II of the 
    Postal Career Executive Service).
        Section 3.6 is revised to specify the types of key reports 
    currently provided to the Board. Paragraph 3.7(d) is added to enhance 
    program information provided to the Board. Section 3.8 is changed to 
    provide for furnishing the Board with information concerning proposals 
    for exclusive licenses to use Postal Service intellectual properties, 
    other than patents and technical data rights, or proposals for joint 
    ventures involving the use of such property. Section 3.9 is deleted; 
    its language describing the Office of the Board of Governors was 
    transferred to Sec. 2.1.
    Part 4--Officers (Article IV)
        Section 4.3, Postmaster General, is simplified to delete language 
    duplicating statutory language found at 39 U.S.C. 202(c) and 203. 
    Similarly, Sec. 4.4, Deputy Postmaster General, is simplified by 
    removing language duplicating 39 U.S.C. 202(d) and 203. Section 4.5 is 
    shortened by deleting outdated titles for officers. Section 4.7 is 
    changed to describe more closely the current duties of the Secretary of 
    the Board, and to clarify that the Secretary is appointed by the 
    Part 5--Committees (Article V)
        Section 5.3 is deleted as duplicative of the statutory language on 
    compensation of the Board in 39 U.S.C. 202(a).
    Part 6--Meetings (Article VI)
        Section 6.1 is amended to reflect that the Board meets normally on 
    the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. New language provides that 
    the time or place of a regular or annual meeting may be varied by a 
    unanimous vote.
        Section 6.2 is changed to allow the Chairman to call special 
    meetings with more than 30 days' notice. Section 6.5 is amended to 
    provide that there is no need to require the preservation of the 
    Board's original minutes, as opposed to copies of those minutes. 
    Paragraph 6.6(c) is added to require a favorable vote of an absolute 
    majority of the Governors in office to appoint or remove the Secretary 
    or Assistant Secretary, and to set the compensation of the Secretary or 
    Assistant Secretary.
    Part 7--Public Observation (Article VII)
        Former Sec. 1.4, Open meetings, now appears as paragraph 7.2(a). 
    Other paragraphs of Sec. 7.2 are renumbered accordingly. Paragraph 
    7.2(c) is amended to require the approval of a majority of the Board 
    for a person to participate in, film, televise, or broadcast any 
    portion of any meeting of the Board. Paragraph 7.3(f) is altered to 
    extend its privacy protection to all individuals, not just those who 
    are under consideration for postal employment.
    Part 8--(Reserved)
        Part 8, Reports and Records [Article VIII], is deleted as 
    duplicative. Section 3.3 describes reports requiring approval of the 
    Board (see 39 CFR 3.3(c)(1) and 3.3(r-u)).
    Part 9--Policy on Communications With Governors of the Postal Service 
    During Pendency of Rate and Classification Proceedings (Article IX)
        Part 9 is unchanged.
    Part 10--Code of Ethical Conduct for Postal Service Governors (Article 
        Part 10 is unchanged.
    Part 11--Advisory Boards (Article XI)
        Part 11 is added to authorize the establishment of advisory boards 
    for the Board of Governors. This part also states that the Board of 
    Governors may appoint persons to serve on such advisory boards or may 
    delegate this authority to the Postmaster General.
    Part 221--General Principles of Organization
        Language pertaining to the Postal Service emblem, formerly found at 
    paragraph 2.4(b), now appears as Sec. 221.9.
    List of Subjects in 39 CFR Parts 1 Through 8, 11, and 221
        Administrative practice and procedure, Organization and functions 
    (Government agencies), Postal Service, Reporting requirements, Sunshine 
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Postal Service amends 
    subchapter A of title 39, Code of Federal Regulations, by revising 
    parts 1 through 8 and by adding part 11, and also amends subchapter D 
    of title 39, Code of Federal Regulations, by adding section 221.9.
        1. Parts 1 through 7 are revised and part 8 is removed and 
    reserved, as follows:
    1.1  Establishment of the U.S. Postal Service.
    1.2  Delegation of authority.
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 101, 202, 205, 401(2), 402, 403, 3621, as 
    enacted by Public Law 91-375.
    Sec. 1.1  Establishment of the U.S. Postal Service.
        The U.S. Postal Service is established under the provisions of the 
    Postal Reorganization Act (the Reorganization Act) of August 12, 1970, 
    Public Law 91-375, 84 Stat. 719, as an independent establishment of the 
    executive branch of the Government of the United States, under the 
    direction of a Board of Governors, with the Postmaster General as its 
    chief executive officer. The Board of Governors of the Postal Service 
    (the Board) directs the exercise of its powers through management that 
    is expected to be honest, efficient, economical, and mindful of the 
    competitive business environment in which the Postal Service operates. 
    The Board consists of nine Governors appointed by the President, by and 
    with the advice and consent of the Senate, to represent the public 
    interest generally, together with the Postmaster General and Deputy 
    Postmaster General.
    Sec. 1.2  Delegation of authority.
        Except for powers, duties, or obligations specifically vested in 
    the Governors by law, the Board may delegate its authority to the 
    Postmaster General under such terms, conditions, and limitations, 
    including the power of redelegation, as it finds desirable. The bylaws 
    of the Board are the framework of the system through which the Board 
    monitors the exercise of the authority it has delegated, measures 
    progress toward the goals it has set, and shapes the policies to guide 
    the future development of the Postal Service. Delegations of authority 
    do not relieve the Board of full responsibility for carrying out its 
    duties and functions, and are revocable by the Governors in their 
    exclusive judgment.
    2.1  Office of the Board of Governors.
    2.2  Agent for receipt of process.
    2.3  Offices.
    2.4  Seal.
    2.5  Authority.
    2.6  Severability, amendment, repeal, and waiver of bylaws.
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 202, 203, 205(c), 207, 401(2), as enacted 
    by Pub. L. 91-375, and 5 U.S.C. 552b(f), (g), as enacted by Pub. L. 
    Sec. 2.1  Office of the Board of Governors.
        There shall be located in Washington, DC an Office of the Board of 
    Governors of the United States Postal Service. It shall be the function 
    of this Office to provide staff support for the Board, as directed by 
    the Chairman of the Board, to enable the Board to carry out effectively 
    its duties under the Reorganization Act.
    Sec. 2.2  Agent for receipt of process.
        The General Counsel of the Postal Service shall act as agent for 
    the receipt of legal process against the Postal Service, and as agent 
    for the receipt of legal process against the Board of Governors or a 
    member of the Board, in his or her official capacity, and all other 
    officers and employees of the Postal Service to the extent that the 
    process arises out of the official functions of those officers and 
    employees. The General Counsel shall also issue public certifications 
    concerning closed meetings of the Board as appropriate under 5 U.S.C. 
    Sec. 2.3  Offices.
        The principal office of the Postal Service is located in 
    Washington, DC, with such regional and other offices and places of 
    business as the Postmaster General establishes from time to time, or 
    the business of the Postal Service requires.
    Sec. 2.4  Seal.
        (a) The Seal of the Postal Service is filed by the Board in the 
    Office of the Secretary of State, and is required by 39 U.S.C. 207 to 
    be judicially noticed. The Seal shall be in the custody of the General 
    Counsel, who shall affix it to all commissions of officers of the 
    Postal Service, and use it to authenticate records of the Postal 
    Service and for other official purposes. The following describes the 
    Seal adopted for the Postal Service:
        (1) A stylized bald eagle is poised for flight, facing to the 
    viewer's right, above two horizontal bars between which are the words 
    ``U.S. MAIL'', surrounded by a square border with rounded corners 
    consisting of the words ``UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE'' on the left, 
    top, and right, and consisting of nine five-pointed stars on the base.
        (2) The color representation of the Seal shows, a white field on 
    which the bald eagle appears in dark blue, the words ``U.S. MAIL'' in 
    black, the bar above the words in red, the bar below in blue, and the 
    entire border consisting of the words ``UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE'' 
    and stars in ochre.
    BILLING CODE 7710-12-P
    BILLING CODE 7710-12-C
        (b) The location and description of the Postal Service emblem is 
    described at 39 CFR 221.9.
    Sec. 2.5  Authority.
        These bylaws are adopted by the Board under the authority conferred 
    upon the Postal Service by 39 U.S.C. 401(2) and 5 U.S.C. 552b(g).
    Sec. 2.6  Severability, amendment, repeal, and waiver of bylaws.
        The invalidity of any provision of these bylaws does not affect the 
    validity of the remaining provisions, and for this purpose these bylaws 
    are severable. The Board may amend or repeal these bylaws at any 
    special or regular meeting, provided that each member of the Board has 
    received a written notice containing a statement of the proposed 
    amendment or repeal at least 5 days before the meeting. The members of 
    the Board may waive the 5 days' notice or the operation of any other 
    provision of these bylaws by unanimous consent, if that action is not 
    prohibited by law. The Secretary shall submit the text of any amendment 
    to these bylaws for publication in the Federal Register as soon as 
    practicable after the amendment is adopted by the Board.
    3.1  Responsibilities of Board.
    3.2  Compensation of Board.
    3.3  Matters reserved for decision by the Board.
    3.4  Matters reserved for decision by the Governors.
    3.5  Delegation of authority by Board.
    3.6  Information furnished to Board--financial and operating 
    3.7  Information furnished to Board--program review.
    3.8  Information furnished to Board--special reports.
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 202, 203, 205, 401(2), (10), 402, 1003, 
    3013; 5 U.S.C. 552b(g), (j).
    Sec. 3.1  Responsibilities of Board.
        The composition of the Board is described in 39 U.S.C. 202. The 
    Board directs the exercise of the powers of the Postal Service, reviews 
    the practices and policies of the Postal Service, and directs and 
    controls the expenditures of the Postal Service. Consistent with the 
    broad delegation of authority to the Postmaster General in Sec. 3.5 of 
    these bylaws, and except for those powers, duties, or obligations which 
    the Reorganization Act specifically vests in the Governors, as 
    distinguished from the Board of Governors, the Board accomplishes its 
    purposes by monitoring the operations and performance of the Postal 
    Service, and by establishing basic objectives, broad policies, and 
    long-range goals for the Postal Service.
    Sec. 3.2  Compensation of Board.
        Section 202(a) of title 39 provides for the compensation of the 
    Governors and for reimbursement for travel and reasonable expenses 
    incurred in attending Board meetings. Compensation is provided for not 
    more than 42 days of meetings per year.
    Sec. 3.3  Matters reserved for decision by the Board.
        The following matters are reserved for decision by the Board of 
        (a) Election of the Vice Chairman of the Board.
        (b) Adoption of, and amendments to, the bylaws of the Board.
        (c) (1) Approval of the annual Postal Service budget program in 
    both tentative and final form, including requests for appropriations;
        (2) Approval of the annual Postal Service operating budget.
        (d) Approval of the annual financial statements of the Postal 
    Service following receipt of the annual report of the Postal Service's 
    independent, certified public accounting firm.
        (e) Approval of the Postal Service Five-Year Capital Investment 
    Plans, including specific approval of each capital investment project, 
    each new lease/rental agreement, and each research and development 
    project exceeding such amount specified by resolution at the annual 
    Board meeting in January. In the case of any project or agreement 
    subject to the requirement of Board approval under this provision, the 
    expenditure of any funds in excess of the amount previously authorized 
    by the Board must be specifically approved by the Board. For the 
    purpose of determining the cost of a capital investment project, lease/
    rental agreement, or research and development project,
        (1) All such projects and agreements undertaken as part of a 
    unitary plan (either for contemporaneous or sequential development in 
    one of several locations) shall be considered one project or agreement, 
        (2) The cost of a lease/rental agreement shall be the present value 
    of all lease payments over the term of the lease, including all periods 
    covered by renewal options or all periods for which failure to renew 
    imposes a penalty or a hardship such that renewal appears to be 
    reasonably assured, plus the cost of any leasehold improvements planned 
    in connection with the lease/rental agreement. The present value will 
    be determined using the cost of capital of the Postal Service.
        (f) Authorization of the Postal Service to request the Postal Rate 
    Commission to submit a recommended decision on changes in postal rates.
        (g) Authorization of the Postal Service to request the Postal Rate 
    Commission to submit a recommended decision on changes in the mail 
    classification schedule.
        (h) Determination of an effective date for changes in postal rates 
    or mail classification.
        (i) Authorization of the Postal Service to request the Postal Rate 
    Commission to submit an advisory opinion on a proposed change in the 
    nature of postal services which will generally affect service on a 
    nationwide or substantially nationwide basis.
        (j) Approval of any use of the authority of the Postal Service to 
    borrow money under 39 U.S.C. 2005, except for short-term borrowings, 
    having maturities of one year or less, assumed in the normal course of 
        (k) Approval of the terms and conditions of each series of 
    obligations issued by the Postal Service under 39 U.S.C. 2005, 
    including the time and manner of sale and the underwriting 
    arrangements, except for short-term borrowings, having maturities of 
    one year or less, assumed in the normal course of business.
        (l) Approval of any use of the authority of the Postal Service to 
    require the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase Postal Service 
    obligations under 39 U.S.C. 2006(b), or to request the Secretary of the 
    Treasury to pledge the full faith and credit of the Government of the 
    United States for the payment of principal and interest on Postal 
    Service obligations under 39 U.S.C. 2006(c).
        (m) Determination of the number of officers, described in 39 U.S.C. 
    204 as Assistant Postmasters General, whether so denominated or not, as 
    the Board authorizes by resolution.
        (n) Compensation of officers of the Postal Service whose positions 
    are included in Level II of the Postal Career Executive Service.
        (o) Selection of an independent, certified public accounting firm 
    to certify the accuracy of Postal Service financial statements as 
    required by 39 U.S.C. 2008(e).
        (p) Approval of official statements adopting major policy positions 
    or departing from established major policy positions, and of official 
    positions on legislative proposals having a major impact on the Postal 
        (q) Approval of all major policy positions taken with the 
    Department of Justice on petitioning the Supreme Court of the United 
    States for writs of certiorari.
        (r) Approval and transmittal to the President and the Congress of 
    the annual report of the Postmaster General under 39 U.S.C. 2402.
        (s) Approval and transmittal to the Congress of the annual report 
    of the Board under 5 U.S.C. 552b(j).
        (t) Approval of the annual comprehensive statement of the Postal 
    Service to Congress under 39 U.S.C. 2401(g).
        (u) Approval and transmittal to the Congress of the semi-annual 
    report of the Postmaster General under 39 U.S.C. 3013, summarizing the 
    investigative activities of the Postal Service.
        (v) All other matters that the Board may consider appropriate to 
    reserve for its decision.
    Sec. 3.4  Matters reserved for decision by the Governors.
        The following matters are reserved for decision by the Governors:
        (a) Appointment, pay, term of service, and removal of the 
    Postmaster General, 39 U.S.C. 202(c).
        (b) Appointment, term of service, and removal of the Deputy 
    Postmaster General (by the Governors and the Postmaster General, 39 
    U.S.C. 202(d)); pay of the Deputy Postmaster General, 39 U.S.C. 202(d).
        (c) Election of the Chairman of the Board of Governors, 39 U.S.C. 
        (d) Approval of the budget of the Postal Rate Commission, or 
    adjustment of the total amount of the budget (by unanimous written vote 
    of the Governors in office, 39 U.S.C. 3604(d)).
        (e) Action upon a recommended decision of the Postal Rate 
    Commission, including action to approve, allow under protest, reject, 
    or modify that decision, 39 U.S.C. 3625.
        (f) Concurrence of the Governors with the Postmaster General in the 
    removal or transfer of the Chief Postal Inspector under 5 U.S.C. App. 
        (g) The Governors shall meet annually in closed session to discuss 
    compensation, term of service, and appointment/removal of the Secretary 
    and other necessary staff.
    Sec. 3.5  Delegation of authority by Board.
        As authorized by 39 U.S.C. 402, these bylaws delegate to the 
    Postmaster General the authority to exercise the powers of the Postal 
    Service to the extent that this delegation of authority does not 
    conflict with powers reserved to the Governors or to the Board by law, 
    these bylaws, or resolutions adopted by the Board. Any of the powers 
    delegated to the Postmaster General by these bylaws may be redelegated 
    by the Postmaster General to any officer, employee, or agency of the 
    Postal Service.
    Sec. 3.6  Information furnished to Board--financial and operating 
        To enable the Board to monitor the performance of the Postal 
    Service during the most recent accounting periods for which data are 
    available, postal management shall furnish the Board (on a monthly 
    basis) financial and operating statements for the fiscal year to date, 
    addressing the following categories: (a) Mail volume by class; (b) 
    income and expense by principal categories; (c) balance sheet 
    information; (d) service quality measurements; (e) productivity 
    measurements (reflecting workload and resource utilization); and (f) 
    changes in postal costs. These statements shall include, where 
    applicable, comparable figures for the previous year and the current 
    year's plan.
    Sec. 3.7  Information furnished to Board--program review.
        (a) To enable the Board to review the Postal Service operating 
    program, postal management shall furnish the Board information on all 
    aspects of the Postal Service budget plan, including:
        (1) The tentative and final annual budgets submitted to the Office 
    of Management and Budget and the Congress, and amendments to the 
        (2) Five-year plans, annual operating and investment plans, and 
    significant departures from estimates upon which the plans were based;
        (3) The need for rate increases or decreases and the progress of 
    any pending rate cases and related litigation; and
        (4) Debt financing needs, including a review of all borrowings of 
    the Postal Service from the U.S. Treasury and private sources.
        (b) To enable the Board to review the effectiveness of the Postal 
    Service's equal employment opportunity program, performance data 
    relating to this program shall be furnished to the Board at least 
    quarterly. This data shall be categorized in such manner as the Board, 
    from time to time, specifies.
        (c) Postal management shall also regularly furnish the Board 
    information regarding major programs for improving postal service or 
    reducing the cost of postal operations.
        (d) Management shall furnish to the Board information regarding any 
    significant new program, major modification or initiative; any plan to 
    offer a significant, new or unique product or system implementation; or 
    any significant, new project not related directly to the core business 
    function of the Postal Service. For the purposes of this paragraph, 
    ``significant'' means a project anticipated to have a notable or 
    conspicuous impact on (1) corporate visibility or (2) the operating 
    budget or capital investment budget.
    Sec. 3.8  Information furnished to Board--special reports.
        To insure that the Board receives significant information of 
    developments meriting its attention, postal management shall bring to 
    the Board's attention the following matters:
        (a) Major developments in personnel areas, including but not 
    limited to equal employment opportunity, career development and 
    training, and grade and salary structures.
        (b) Major litigation activities. Postal management shall also 
    notify the Board in a timely manner whenever it proposes to seek review 
    by any United States Court of Appeals of an adverse judicial decision.
        (c) Any significant changes proposed in the Postal Service's system 
    of accounts or methods of accounting.
        (d) Matters of special importance, including but not limited to 
    important research and development initiatives, major changes in Postal 
    Service organization or structure, major law enforcement activities, 
    and other matters having a significant impact upon the relationship of 
    the Postal Service with its employees, with any major branch of 
    Government, or with the general public.
        (e) Information concerning any proposed grant of unique or 
    exclusive licenses to use Postal Service intellectual properties (other 
    than patents and technical data rights), or any proposed joint venture 
    involving the use of such property.
        (f) Other matters having important policy implications.
    4.1  Chairman.
    4.2  Vice  Chairman.
    4.3  Postmaster General.
    4.4  Deputy Postmaster General.
    4.5  Assistant Postmasters General, General Counsel, Judicial 
    4.6  Chief Postal Inspector.
    4.7  Secretary of the Board.
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 202, 203, 205, 401(2), (10), 1003, 3013.
    Sec. 4.1  Chairman.
        (a) The Chairman of the Board of Governors is elected by the 
    Governors from among the members of the Board. The Chairman:
        (1) Shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Board, 
    and shall set the agenda for such meetings;
        (2) Shall select and appoint the Chairman and members of any 
    committee properly established by the Board;
        (3) Serves a term that commences upon election and expires at the 
    end of the first annual meeting following the meeting at which he or 
    she was elected.
        (b) If the Postmaster General is elected Chairman of the Board, the 
    Governors shall also elect one of their number to preside during 
    proceedings dealing with matters upon which only the Governors may 
    Sec. 4.2  Vice Chairman.
        The Vice Chairman is elected by the Board from among the members of 
    the Board and shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the 
    Chairman during the Chairman's absence or disability. The Vice Chairman 
    serves a term that commences upon election and expires at the end of 
    the first annual meeting following the meeting at which he or she was 
    Sec. 4.3  Postmaster General.
        The appointment and role of the Postmaster General are described at 
    39 U.S.C. 202(c), 203. The Governors set the salary of the Postmaster 
    General by resolution, subject to the limitations of 39 U.S.C. 1003(a).
    Sec. 4.4  Deputy Postmaster General.
        The appointment and role of the Deputy Postmaster General are 
    described at 39 U.S.C. 202(d), 203. The Deputy Postmaster General shall 
    act as Postmaster General during the Postmaster General's absence or 
    disability, and when a vacancy exists in the office of Postmaster 
    General. The Governors set the salary of the Deputy Postmaster General 
    by resolution, subject to the limitations of 39 U.S.C. 1003(a).
    Sec. 4.5  Assistant Postmasters General, General Counsel, Judicial 
        There are within the Postal Service a General Counsel, a Judicial 
    Officer, and such number of officers, described in 39 U.S.C. 204 as 
    Assistant Postmasters General, whether so denominated or not, as the 
    Board authorizes by resolution. These officers are appointed by, and 
    serve at the pleasure of, the Postmaster General.
    Sec. 4.6  Chief Postal Inspector.
        The Postmaster General, in consultation with the Governors, 
    appoints the Chief Postal Inspector, certain of whose powers and duties 
    are delegated to the holder of that office by the Postmaster General, 
    consistent with these bylaws and the Reorganization Act. The Chief 
    Postal Inspector also holds the position of Inspector General, and for 
    purposes of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended by Public Law 
    100-504, 5 U.S.C. App. 8E(f), reports to and is under the general 
    supervision of the Postmaster General. The Postmaster General has the 
    power, with the concurrence of the Governors, to remove or transfer the 
    Chief Postal Inspector to another position or location within the 
    Postal Service. In the event of any such removal or transfer, the 
    Postmaster General must promptly notify both Houses of the Congress in 
    writing of the reasons for such removal or transfer.
    Sec. 4.7  Secretary of the Board.
        The Secretary of the Board of Governors is appointed by the 
    Governors and serves at the pleasure of the Governors. The Secretary 
    shall be responsible for carrying out the functions of the Office of 
    the Board of Governors, under the direction of the Chairman of the 
    Board. The Secretary shall also issue notices of meetings of the Board 
    and its committees, keep minutes of these meetings, and take steps 
    necessary for compliance with all statutes and regulations dealing with 
    public observation of meetings. The Secretary shall perform all those 
    duties incident to this office, including those duties assigned by the 
    Board or by the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman may designate such 
    assistant secretaries as may be necessary to perform any of the duties 
    of the Secretary.
    5.1  Establishment and appointment.
    5.2  Committee procedure.
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 202, 203, 204, 205, 401(2), (10), 1003, 
    3013; 5 U.S.C. 552b (a), (b), (g).
    Sec. 5.1  Establishment and appointment.
        From time to time the Board may establish by resolution special and 
    standing committees of one or more members of the Board. The Board 
    shall specify, in the resolution establishing any committee, whether 
    the committee is authorized to submit recommendations or preliminary 
    decisions to the Board, to conduct hearings for the Board, or otherwise 
    to take action on behalf of the Board. Each committee may exercise only 
    those duties, functions, and powers prescribed from time to time by the 
    Board, and the Board may affirm, alter, or revoke any action of any 
    committee. Each member of the Board may have access to all of the 
    information and records of any committee at any time. The Chairman of 
    the Board shall appoint the chairman and members of each committee, who 
    serve terms which expire at the end of each annual meeting. Each 
    committee chairman may assign responsibilities to members of the 
    committee that are considered appropriate. The committee chairman, or 
    the chairman's designee, shall preside at all meetings of the 
    Sec. 5.2  Committee procedure.
        Each committee establishes its own rules of procedure, consistent 
    with these bylaws, and meets as provided in its rules. A majority of 
    the members of a committee constitute a quorum, and may take action by 
    majority vote of the members present. Except as specifically provided 
    by statute, every portion of every meeting of every committee of more 
    than one member, which is authorized to submit recommendations or 
    preliminary decisions to the Board, to conduct hearings for the Board, 
    or otherwise to take action on behalf of the Board, is open to public 
    observation, and is subject to the requirements of Secs. 7.1 through 
    7.8 of these bylaws.
    6.1  Regular meetings, annual meeting.
    6.2  Special meetings.
    6.3  Notice of meetings.
    6.4  Attendance by conference telephone call.
    6.5  Minutes of meetings.
    6.6  Quorum and voting.
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 202, 205, 401(2), (10), 1003, 3013; 5 U.S.C 
    552b (e), (g).
    Sec. 6.1  Regular meetings, annual meeting.
        The Board shall meet regularly each month and shall meet normally 
    on the first Monday and Tuesday of each month. The first regular 
    meeting of each calendar year is designated as the annual meeting. 
    Consistent with the provisions of Sec. 7.5 of these bylaws, the time or 
    place of a regular or annual meeting may be varied by a recorded 
    unanimous vote of the entire membership of the Board, with the earliest 
    practicable notice to the Secretary. The Secretary shall distribute to 
    the members an agenda setting forth the proposed subject matter for any 
    regular or annual meeting in advance of the meeting.
    Sec. 6.2  Special meetings.
        Consistent with the provisions of Sec. 7.5 of these bylaws, the 
    Chairman may call a special meeting of the Board at any place in the 
    United States, with not less than 8 days' notice to the other members 
    of the Board and to the Secretary, specifying the time, date, place, 
    and subject matter of the meeting. By recorded vote a majority of the 
    members of the Board may call a special meeting of the Board at any 
    place in the United States, with the earliest practicable notice to the 
    other members of the Board and to the Secretary, specifying the time, 
    date, place and subject matter of the meeting.
    Sec. 6.3  Notice of meetings.
        The Chairman or the members of the Board may give the notice 
    required under Sec. 6.1 or Sec. 6.2 of these bylaws in oral or written 
    form. Oral notice to a member may be delivered by telephone and is 
    sufficient if made to the member personally or to a responsible person 
    in the member's home or office. Any oral notice to a member must be 
    subsequently confirmed by written notice. Written notice to a member 
    may be delivered by telegram or by mail sent by the fastest regular 
    delivery method addressed to the member's address of record filed with 
    the Secretary, and except for written notice confirming a previous oral 
    notice, must be sent in sufficient time to reach that address at least 
    2 days before the meeting date under normal delivery conditions. A 
    member waives notice of any meeting by attending the meeting, and may 
    otherwise waive notice of any meeting at any time. Neither oral nor 
    written notice to the Secretary is sufficient until actually received 
    by the Secretary. The Secretary may not waive notice of any meeting.
    Sec. 6.4  Attendance by conference telephone call.
        Unless prohibited by law or by these bylaws, a member of the Board 
    may participate in a meeting of the Board by conference telephone or 
    similar communication equipment which enables all persons participating 
    in the meeting to hear each other and which permits full compliance 
    with the provisions of these bylaws concerning public observation of 
    meetings. Attendance at a meeting by this method constitutes presence 
    at the meeting, except that no Governor may receive compensation for 
    any meeting attended in this manner.
    Sec. 6.5  Minutes of meetings.
        The Secretary shall preserve the minutes of Board meetings prepared 
    under Sec. 4.7 of these bylaws. After the minutes of any meeting are 
    approved by the Board, the Secretary shall promptly make available to 
    the public, in the Communications Department at Postal Service 
    Headquarters, or in another place easily accessible to the public, 
    copies of the minutes, except for those portions which contain 
    information inappropriate for public disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b) 
    or 39 U.S.C. 410(c).
    Sec. 6.6  Quorum and voting.
        As provided by 39 U.S.C. 205(c), the Board acts by resolution upon 
    a majority vote of those members who are present. No proxies are 
    allowed in any vote of the members of the Board. Any 6 members 
    constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by the Board, 
        (a) In the appointment or removal of the Postmaster General, and in 
    setting the compensation of the Postmaster General and Deputy 
    Postmaster General, 39 U.S.C. 205(c)(1) requires a favorable vote of an 
    absolute majority of the Governors in office;
        (b) In the appointment or removal of the Deputy Postmaster General, 
    39 U.S.C. 205(c)(2) requires a favorable vote of an absolute majority 
    of the Governors in office and the Postmaster General;
        (c) In the appointment, removal, or in the setting of the 
    compensation of the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, or other necessary 
    staff, a favorable vote of an absolute majority of the Governors in 
    office is required;
        (d) In the adjustment of the total budget of the Postal Rate 
    Commission, 39 U.S.C. 3604(c) requires a unanimous written vote of the 
    Governors in office;
        (e) In the modification of a recommended decision of the Postal 
    Rate Commission, 39 U.S.C. 3625 requires a unanimous written vote of 
    the Governors in office; and
        (f) In the approval, allowance under protest, or rejection of a 
    recommended decision of the Postal Rate Commission, the Governors act 
    upon a majority vote of the Governors present, and the required quorum 
    of 6 members must include at least 5 Governors;
        (g) In the determination to close a portion of a meeting or to 
    withhold information concerning a meeting, 5 U.S.C. 552b(d)(1) requires 
    a vote of a majority of the entire membership of the Board; and
        (h) In the decision to call a meeting with less than a week's 
    notice, 5 U.S.C. 552b(e)(1) requires a vote of a majority of the 
    members of the Board. In the decision to change the subject matter of a 
    meeting, or the determination to open or close a meeting, 5 U.S.C. 
    552b(e)(2) requires a vote of a majority of the entire membership of 
    the Board.
    7.1  Definitions.
    7.2  Open meetings.
    7.3  Exceptions.
    7.4  Procedure for closing a meeting.
    7.5  Public notice of meetings, subsequent changes.
    7.6  Certification and transcripts of closed meetings.
    7.7  Enforcement.
    7.8  Open meetings, Freedom of Information, and Privacy of 
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 401(a), as enacted by Pub. L. 91-375, and 5 
    U.S.C. 552b(a)-(m) as enacted by Pub. L. 94-409.
    Sec. 7.1  Definitions.
        For purposes of Secs. 7.2 through 7.8 of these bylaws:
        (a) The term ``Board'' means the Board of Governors, and any 
    subdivision or committee of the Board authorized under Sec. 5.1 of 
    these bylaws to submit recommendations or preliminary decisions to the 
    Board, to conduct hearings for the Board, or otherwise to take action 
    on behalf of the Board.
        (b) The term ``meeting'' means the deliberations of at least the 
    number of individual members required to take action on behalf of the 
    Board under Sec. 5.2 or Sec. 6.5 of these bylaws, where such 
    deliberations determine or result in the joint conduct or disposition 
    of the official business of the Board. The term ``meeting'' does not 
    include any procedural deliberations required or permitted by 
    Secs. 6.1, 6.2, 7.4, or Sec. 7.5 of these bylaws.
    Sec. 7.2  Open meetings.
        (a) It is the policy of the United States, established in section 2 
    of the Government in the Sunshine Act, Public Law 94-409, 90 Stat. 
    1241, that the public is entitled to the fullest practicable 
    information regarding the decisionmaking processes of the Federal 
    Government. The Postal Service is charged to provide the public with 
    this information while protecting the rights of individuals and the 
    ability of the Government to carry out its responsibilities. 
    Accordingly, except as specifically permitted by statute, every portion 
    of every meeting of the Board of Governors is open to public 
        (b) Except as provided in Sec. 7.3 of these bylaws, every portion 
    of every meeting of the Board is open to public observation. Members of 
    the Board may not jointly conduct or dispose of business of the Board 
    without complying with Secs. 7.2 through 7.8 of these bylaws. Members 
    of the public may obtain access to documents considered at meetings to 
    the extent provided in the regulations of the Postal Service concerning 
    the release of information.
        (c) Without the permission of a majority of the Board, no person 
    may participate in, film, televise, or broadcast any portion of any 
    meeting of the Board. Any person may electronically record or 
    photograph a meeting, as long as that action does not tend to impede or 
    disturb the members of the Board in the performance of their duties, or 
    members of the public while attempting to attend or observe a meeting 
    of the Board. The rules and penalties of 39 CFR 232.6, concerning 
    conduct on postal property, apply with regard to meetings of the Board.
    Sec. 7.3  Exceptions.
        Section 7.2 of these bylaws does not apply to a portion of a 
    meeting, and Secs. 7.4 and 7.5 do not apply to information concerning 
    the meeting which otherwise would be required to be disclosed to the 
    public, if the Board properly determines that the public interest does 
    not require otherwise, and that such portion of the meeting or the 
    disclosure of such information is likely to:
        (a) Disclose matters that are (1) specifically authorized under 
    criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the 
    interests of national defense or foreign policy, and (2) in fact 
    properly classified under that Executive order;
        (b) Relate solely to the internal personnel rules and practices of 
    the Postal Service, including the Postal Service position in 
    negotiations or consultations with employee organizations.
        (c) Disclose matters specifically exempted from disclosure by 
    statute (other than the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552), 
    provided that the statute (1) requires that the matters be withheld 
    from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on the 
    issue, or (2) establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers 
    to particular types of matters to be withheld;
        (d) Disclose trade secrets and commercial or financial information 
    obtained from a person and privileged or confidential, such as market 
    information pertinent to Postal Service borrowing or investments, 
    technical or patent information related to postal mechanization, or 
    commercial information related to purchases of real estate;
        (e) Involve accusing any person of a crime, or formally censuring 
    any person;
        (f) Disclose information of a personal nature, such as personal or 
    medical data regarding any individual if disclosure would constitute a 
    clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
        (g) Disclose investigatory records compiled for law enforcement 
    purposes, or information which if written would be contained in those 
    records, but only to the extent that the production of those records or 
    information would (1) interfere with enforcement proceedings, (2) 
    deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial 
    adjudication, (3) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal 
    privacy, (4) disclose the identity of a confidential source and, in the 
    case of a record compiled by a criminal law enforcement authority in 
    the course of a criminal investigation, or by an agency conducting a 
    lawful national security intelligence investigation, confidential 
    information furnished only by the confidential source, (5) disclose 
    investigative techniques and procedures, or (6) endanger the life or 
    physical safety of law enforcement personnel;
        (h) Disclose information contained in or related to examination, 
    operating, or condition reports prepared by, on behalf of, or for the 
    use of an agency responsible for the regulation or supervision of 
    financial institutions;
        (i) Disclose information the premature disclosure of which would be 
    likely significantly to frustrate implementation of a proposed action 
    of the Board, such as information relating to the negotiation of a 
    labor contract or proposed Postal Service procurement activity, except 
    that this provision does not apply in any instance where (1) the Postal 
    Service has already disclosed to the public the content or nature of 
    the proposed action, or (2) the Postal Service is required by law to 
    make such disclosure on its own initiative before taking final action 
    on the proposal; or
        (j) Specifically concern the issuance of a subpoena by the Postal 
    Service, or the participation of the Postal Service in a civil action 
    or proceeding, such as a postal rate or classification proceeding, an 
    action in a foreign court or international tribunal, or an arbitration, 
    or the initiation, conduct, or disposition by the Postal Service of a 
    particular case of formal adjudication under the procedures of 5 U.S.C. 
    554 or otherwise involving a determination on the record after 
    opportunity for a hearing.
    Sec. 7.4  Procedure for closing a meeting.
        (a) A majority of the entire membership of the Board may vote to 
    close a portion of a meeting or to withhold information concerning a 
    meeting under the provisions of Sec. 7.3 of these bylaws. The members 
    shall take a separate vote with respect to each meeting a portion of 
    which is proposed to be closed to the public, or with respect to any 
    information which is proposed to be withheld, and shall make every 
    reasonable effort to take any such vote at least 8 days before the date 
    of the meeting involved. The members may take a single vote with 
    respect to a series of meetings, portions of which are proposed to be 
    closed to the public, or with respect to information concerning the 
    series, so long as each portion of a meeting in the series involves the 
    same particular matters, and no portion of any meeting is scheduled to 
    be held more than 30 days after the initial portion of the first 
    meeting in the series.
        (b) Whenever any person whose interest may be directly affected by 
    a portion of a meeting requests that the Board close that portion to 
    the public for any of the reasons referred to in Sec. 7.3 (e), (f), or 
    (g) of these bylaws, upon request of any one of its members the Board 
    shall vote by recorded vote whether to close that portion of the 
        (c) The Secretary shall record the vote of each member 
    participating in a vote under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section. 
    Within 1 day of any vote under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, 
    the Secretary shall make publicly available a written copy of the vote 
    showing the vote of each member on the question. If a portion of a 
    meeting is to be closed to the public, the Secretary shall, within 1 
    day of the vote, make publicly available a full written explanation of 
    the action closing the portion, together with a list of all persons 
    expected to attend the meeting and their affiliation.
        (d) If a committee of the Board determines that a majority of its 
    meetings may properly be closed to the public for any combination of 
    reasons referred to in Sec. 7.3 (d), (h), or (j) of these bylaws, it 
    may close a meeting or a portion of a meeting by a recorded vote of a 
    majority of its members at the beginning of the meeting or portion in 
    question. The Secretary shall promptly make available to the public a 
    written copy of the vote showing the vote of each member on the 
    question. Paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, and Sec. 7.5 of 
    these bylaws do not apply to any meeting or portion of a meeting closed 
    under this paragraph. However, at the earliest practicable time, the 
    Secretary shall publicly announce the time, place, and subject matter 
    of the meeting and each of its portions.
        (e) Immediately following each public announcement required under 
    paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, the Secretary shall submit for 
    publication in the Federal Register the text of the announcement or the 
    information made available. The Secretary shall also submit the 
    announcement or information to the Postal Service Public and Employee 
    Communications Department for dissemination to the public.
    Sec. 7.5  Public notice of meetings, subsequent changes.
        (a) At least one week before any meeting of the Board, the 
    Secretary shall publicly announce the time, date, place, and subject 
    matter of the meeting, whether it is to be open or closed to the 
    public, and the name and phone number of the official designated by the 
    Board to respond to requests for information about the meeting.
        (b) By a recorded vote, a majority of the members of the Board may 
    determine that the business of the Board requires a meeting to be 
    called with less than a week's notice. At the earliest practicable 
    time, the Secretary shall publicly announce the time, date, place, and 
    subject matter of the meeting, and whether it is to be open or closed 
    to the public.
        (c) Following the public announcement required by paragraphs (a) or 
    (b) of this section:
        (1) As provided in Sec. 6.1 of these bylaws, the Board may change 
    the time or place of a meeting. At the earliest practicable time, the 
    Secretary shall publicly announce the change.
        (2) A majority of the entire membership of the Board may change the 
    subject matter of a meeting, or the determination to open or close a 
    meeting to the public, if it determines by a recorded vote that the 
    change is required by the business of the Board and that no earlier 
    announcement of the change was possible. At the earliest practicable 
    time, the Secretary shall publicly announce the change, and the vote of 
    each member upon the change.
        (d) Immediately following each public announcement required under 
    paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this section, the Secretary shall submit 
    for publication in the Federal Register a notice of the time, date, 
    place, and subject matter of the meeting, whether the meeting is open 
    or closed, any change in the preceding, and the name and phone number 
    of the official designated by the Board to respond to requests for 
    information about the meeting. The Secretary shall also submit the 
    announcement and information to the Postal Service Public and Employee 
    Communications Department for dissemination to the public.
    Sec. 7.6  Certification and transcripts of closed meetings.
        (a) At the beginning of every meeting or portion of a meeting 
    closed under Sec. 7.3 (a) through (j) of these bylaws, the General 
    Counsel shall publicly certify that, in his or her opinion, the meeting 
    or portion of the meeting may be closed to the public, stating each 
    relevant exemptive provision. The Secretary shall retain this 
    certification, together with a statement from the officer presiding at 
    the meeting which sets forth the time and place of the meeting, and the 
    persons present.
        (b) The Secretary shall arrange for a complete transcript or 
    electronic recording adequate to record fully the proceedings to be 
    made of each meeting or portion of a meeting of the Board which is 
    closed to the public. The Secretary shall maintain a complete verbatim 
    copy of the transcript, or a complete electronic recording of each 
    meeting or portion of a meeting closed to the public for at least 2 
    years after the meeting, or for 1 year after the conclusion of any 
    Postal Service proceeding with respect to which the meeting was held, 
    whichever occurs later.
        (c) Except for those items of discussion or testimony which the 
    Board, by a majority vote of those members who are present, determines 
    to contain information which may be withheld under Sec. 7.3 of these 
    bylaws, the Secretary shall promptly make available to the public, in 
    the Public and Employee Communications Department at Postal Service 
    Headquarters, or in another place easily accessible to the public, the 
    transcript or electronic recording of a closed meeting, including the 
    testimony of any witnesses received at the meeting. The Secretary shall 
    furnish a copy of this transcript, or a transcription of this 
    electronic recording disclosing the identity of each speaker, to any 
    person at the actual cost of duplication or transcription.
    Sec. 7.7  Enforcement.
        (a) Under 5 U.S.C. 552b(g), any person may bring a proceeding in 
    the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to set 
    aside any provisions of these bylaws which are not in accord with the 
    requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552b (a)-(f) and to require the promulgation 
    of provisions that are in accord with those requirements.
        (b) Under 5 U.S.C. 552b(h) any person may bring a civil action 
    against the Board in an appropriate U.S. District Court to obtain 
    judicial review of the alleged failure of the Board to comply with 5 
    U.S.C. 552b (a)-(f). The burden is on the Board to sustain its action. 
    The court may grant appropriate equitable relief, including enjoining 
    future violations, or ordering the Board to make public information 
    improperly withheld from the public.
        (c) Under 5 U.S.C. 552b(i) the court may assess against any party 
    reasonable attorney fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred 
    by any other party who substantially prevails, except that the court 
    may assess costs against the plaintiff only if the court finds that he 
    initiated the suit primarily for frivolous or dilatory purposes.
    Sec. 7.8  Open meetings, Freedom of Information, and Privacy of 
        The provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552b(c) (1)-(10), enacted by Public Law 
    94-409, the Government in the Sunshine Act, govern in the case of any 
    request under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, to copy or 
    to inspect the transcripts or electronic recordings described in 
    Sec. 7.6 of these bylaws. Nothing in 5 U.S.C. 552b authorizes the Board 
    to withhold from any individual any record, including the transcripts 
    or electronic recordings described in Sec. 7.6 of these bylaws, to 
    which the individual may otherwise have access under 5 U.S.C. 552a, 
    enacted by the Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-579.
        2. Part 11 is added, reading as follows:
    11.1  Establishment.
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 202, 203, 204, 205, 401(2), (10), 402, 403, 
    1003, 3013, 5 U.S.C. 552b(a), (b) (g).
    Sec. 11.1  Establishment.
        The Board of Governors may create such advisory boards as it may 
    deem appropriate and may appoint persons to serve thereon or may 
    delegate such latter authority to the Postmaster General.
        3. The authority citation for part 221 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 39 U.S.C. 201, 202, 203, 204, 207, 401(2), 402, 403, 
    404; Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended (Pub. L. 95-452, as 
    amended), 5 U.S.C. App. 3.
        4. Section 221.9 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 221.9  Postal Service emblem.
        The Postal Service emblem, which is identical with the seal, is 
    registered as a trademark and service mark by the U.S. Patent Office. 
    Except for the emblem on official stationery, the emblem must bear one 
    of the following notations: ``Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.'', ``Registered in 
    U.S. Patent Office'', or the letter R enclosed within a circle.
    Stanley F. Mires,
    Chief Counsel, Legislative Division.
    [FR Doc. 94-8589 Filed 4-12-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 7710-12-P

Document Information

Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
July 13, 1993.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: April 18, 1994
CFR: (42)
39 CFR 1.1
39 CFR 1.2
39 CFR 2.1
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