96-9735. Drug Labeling; Sodium Labeling for Over-the-Counter Drugs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 78 (Monday, April 22, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 17798-17806]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-9735]
    [[Page 17797]]
    Part IV
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Parts 201 and 331
    Sodium Labeling for Over-the-Counter Drugs and Labeling of Orally 
    Ingested Over-the-Counter Drug Products Containing Calcium, Magnesium, 
    and Potassium; Final and Proposed Rules
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 78 / Monday, April 22, 1995 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 17798]]
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Parts 201 and 331
    [Docket No. 90N-0309]
    RIN 0910-AA63
    Drug Labeling; Sodium Labeling for Over-the-Counter Drugs
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule with opportunity for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending the general 
    labeling provisions for over-the-counter (OTC) drug products to require 
    that the sodium content of all OTC drug products intended for oral 
    ingestion be included in labeling when the product contains 5 
    milligrams (mg) or more sodium per a single dose; require that all OTC 
    drug products intended for oral ingestion containing more than 140 mg 
    sodium in the labeled maximum daily dose bear a general warning that 
    persons who are on a sodium-restricted diet should not take the product 
    unless directed by a doctor; and provide for the voluntary use of 
    certain terms (``sodium free,'' ``very low sodium,'' and ``low 
    sodium'') relating to an OTC drug product's sodium content per labeled 
    maximum daily dose. FDA is issuing this final rule in order to provide 
    uniform sodium content labeling for all OTC drug products intended for 
    oral ingestion (whether marketed under an OTC drug monograph, an 
    approved application, or no application), and to provide for the 
    voluntary use in OTC drug labeling of the same terms used to describe 
    sodium content in food labeling.
    DATES: This final rule is effective April 22, 1997; written comments by 
    July 22, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments to the Dockets Management Branch (HFA-305), 
    Food and Drug Administration, 12420 Parklawn Dr., rm. 1-23, Rockville, 
    MD 20857.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William E. Gilbertson, Center for Drug 
    Evaluation and Research (HFD-105), Food and Drug Administration, 5600 
    Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, 301-827-2304.
    I. Background
        -In the Federal Register of April 25, 1991 (56 FR 19222), FDA 
    proposed to amend the general labeling provisions for OTC drug products 
    to: (1) Require that the sodium content of all orally administered OTC 
    drug products be included in labeling when the product contains 5 mg or 
    more sodium per a single recommended dose; (2) require that orally 
    administered OTC drug products containing more than 140 mg sodium in 
    the maximum recommended daily dose be labeled with a general warning 
    that persons who are on a sodium-restricted diet should not take the 
    product unless directed by a doctor; and (3) provide for the voluntary 
    use of certain descriptive terms relating to the OTC drug product's 
    sodium content. FDA issued the notice of proposed rulemaking in order 
    to provide uniform sodium content labeling for all orally administered 
    OTC drug products, and to provide for the voluntary use in OTC drug 
    labeling of the same descriptive terms as those used to describe sodium 
    content in food labeling. To promote uniformity, the agency also 
    proposed to delete the existing sodium labeling requirements in the 
    final monograph for OTC antacid drug products (21 CFR part 331).
        -Interested persons were invited to file written comments, 
    objections, or requests for oral hearing on the proposed regulation 
    before the Commissioner of Food and Drugs (the Commissioner) and to 
    file comments on the agency's economic impact determination by June 24, 
    1991. In the Federal Register of June 12, 1991 (56 FR 26946), FDA 
    published a notice extending the comment period until July 24, 1991.
        -In response to the proposed rule, comments were received from five 
    state governments, five manufacturers, two trade associations, one 
    health professional association, one consumer organization, and FDA 
    employees. No comments were received on the agency's economic impact 
        -Based on comments received, the agency is seeking comments from 
    interested individuals on whether this final rule should be amended to 
    include sodium content labeling for OTC rectal laxative, vaginal, 
    dentifrice, mouthwash, and mouth rinse drug products. (See section 
    I.B., comment 6 of this document.) Comments should be sent to the 
    Dockets Management Branch (address above) by July 22, 1996.
    II. The Agency's Conclusions on the Comments
    A. General Comments
        -1. Most comments generally supported the proposal to include 
    sodium content in OTC drug product labeling. A number of the comments 
    stated that this labeling would be especially helpful to those 
    individuals who must restrict their sodium intake, specifically the 
    elderly. Several comments were opposed to the warning statement (see 
    section II.D., comment 12 of this document).
        -2. Several comments supported uniform sodium labeling for foods 
    and OTC drug products. One comment favored use of the descriptive terms 
    ``sodium free,'' ``very low sodium,'' and ``low sodium'' for OTC drug 
    products because food labeling has made these terms familiar to 
    consumers on a low-sodium diet. However, the comment strongly opposed 
    sodium warning labeling for OTC drug products, which it considered 
    unnecessary and counterproductive (see also section II.D., comment 12 
    of this document). Another comment noted that the proposed sodium 
    warning requirement for those OTC drugs containing over 140 mg sodium 
    per maximum recommended daily dose is consistent with the labeling of 
    foods. The comment noted that consumers are familiar with food labeling 
    where a serving containing 140 mg or less sodium is considered ``low 
        -Another comment acknowledged the value of the proposed terms, 
    provided they are consistent with those used in food labeling. However, 
    the comment contended that basing drug labeling on ``per maximum daily 
    dosage'' is inconsistent with food labeling which is based on ``per 
    serving.'' The comment indicated that ``per dose'' labeling for drugs 
    would be more consistent with the food labeling. The comment also noted 
    that sodium labeling for foods has no warning threshold, while the 
    proposed sodium labeling for OTC drug products does have a warning 
    threshold. Another comment stated that drugs are not produced, 
    consumed, or regulated like foods and thus should not be treated like 
    foods for warning purposes.
        -FDA does not consider sodium labeling for OTC drug products to be 
    either unnecessary or counterproductive. The agency has determined that 
    such labeling is important and, wherever possible, should be comparable 
    to that used for foods because consumers are already familiar with that 
    labeling. While consumption patterns for drugs are not the same as 
    those for foods, a substantial portion of daily sodium intake can come 
    from OTC drugs, especially those used frequently, such as antacids, 
    internal analgesics, and laxatives. Thus, the agency concludes that 
    [[Page 17799]]
    should be informed about the sodium content of drugs as well as foods.
        -The agency believes that ``maximum daily dose'' is the most 
    appropriate basis for sodium descriptor labeling of OTC drug products, 
    even though this basis differs from that for food labeling. Consumers 
    may use multiple doses per day of many OTC drug products, and OTC drug 
    product labeling informs consumers how much of a drug can be safely 
    consumed daily. On the other hand, in many cases only a single serving 
    of many different foods containing sodium is likely to be consumed in 1 
    day, although there is no upper limit on the number of servings that 
    could be consumed. Thus, the consumption patterns vary for foods and 
    for drugs. Because of food consumption patterns, nutritional labeling, 
    including the descriptive terms used, is based on ``per serving,'' and 
    the consumer must determine the total daily intake of each food. By 
    contrast, OTC drugs have a safe consumption limit, and sodium labeling 
    is more appropriately based on the labeled maximum daily dosage. The 
    agency is using the term ``labeled maximum daily dosage'' in place of 
    ``maximum recommended daily dosage'' to indicate that this dosage 
    appears in the product's labeling.
        -Although the use of descriptive terms for sodium in the labeling 
    of foods is based on the sodium content ``per serving'' rather than on 
    a ``maximum daily intake,'' physicians usually monitor a patient's 
    total daily sodium intake, not how much is consumed at each meal. When 
    physicians instruct people to maintain a low-sodium diet, the 
    physicians and individuals determine what foods to avoid to keep the 
    daily sodium intake at an acceptable level. If an antacid is needed, 
    total daily sodium intake can be reduced by using a calcium antacid 
    rather than a sodium antacid.
        -The agency acknowledges that the basis for the descriptive terms 
    for sodium labeling of OTC drug products is not the same as for food 
    labeling. Nonetheless, the agency considers the two to be consistent. 
    In general, the amount of sodium derived from a given OTC drug in 1 day 
    is limited to the amount contained in the labeled maximum daily dosage, 
    while that derived from a given food is often the amount of sodium in a 
    single daily serving. Therefore, in this final rule for OTC drug 
    product labeling the agency is providing for the voluntary use of 
    descriptive terms for sodium that are based on the labeled maximum 
    daily dose. (See also section II.E., comment 15 of this document.)
        -3. One comment expressed concern that descriptive terms based on 
    sodium content using rounded-off numbers could be different from 
    descriptive terms based on sodium content using actual numbers. The 
    comment stated that potential compliance problems could arise if an FDA 
    inspector examined the label of an affected product, multiplied the 
    rounded-off, approximated sodium content number by the maximum 
    recommended daily dose, and arrived at a number that did not fall 
    within the range that correlates to the descriptive term on the label. 
    The comment contended that calculations for descriptive terms should be 
    done using actual sodium content numbers. The comment suggested that if 
    discrepancies between actual and rounded-off numbers occur, reasonable 
    documentation showing the method of calculation using the actual sodium 
    content numbers should be accepted as sufficient to resolve the matter.
        -Another comment supported the first comment's position on the 
    rounding-off rules. The comment mentioned the sodium content labeling 
    regulation for food in Sec. 101.9(g)(5) (21 CFR 101.9(g)(5)), which 
    states: ``A food with a label declaration of calories, sugars, total 
    fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium shall be deemed to be 
    misbranded under section 403(a) of the act if the nutrient content of 
    the composite is greater than 20 percent in excess of the value for 
    that nutrient declared on the label.'' This regulation, referred to as 
    the ``120 percent rule,'' provides an upper limit to the amount that 
    sodium content may vary in food, above which a product would be deemed 
    misbranded. The comment suggested that such a rule for the upper limit 
    of variation for sodium labeling for OTC drugs, without an accompanying 
    lower limit, would be reasonable because manufacturers will tend to 
    declare as low a sodium content as is reasonable for the product. The 
    comment contended that applying the ``120 percent rule'' to sodium 
    labeling of OTC drugs would alleviate many of the compliance issues 
    associated with providing a sodium content on the label that is 
    different from the actual sodium content.
        -The agency has reconsidered the ``rounding-off'' provision and 
    concludes that rounding-off could result in potential discrepancies 
    between the actual and apparent sodium content, and may lead to 
    consumer confusion. For instance, if the actual sodium content of a 
    product is 8 mg per dosage unit and the product is to be taken four 
    times daily, the labeled maximum daily dose is 32 mg. Because the 
    sodium content is less than 35 mg (per labeled maximum daily dose), the 
    term ``very low sodium'' could be used. However, if the actual dosage 
    unit (8 mg) is rounded-off to 10 mg, the apparent labeled maximum daily 
    dose for that product would be 40 mg and the descriptive term would be 
    ``low sodium.''
        -Food labeling regulations provide for rounding-off the sodium 
    content to the nearest 5 or 10 mg sodium per serving. Because most food 
    products contain naturally occurring sodium, at least in small amounts, 
    some variation in sodium content is expected. On the other hand, most 
    OTC drug products are manufactured and the amount of sodium in products 
    can be strictly controlled. Thus, the sodium content of OTC drug 
    products is expected to be less variable than that of foods. The agency 
    concludes that the sodium content of OTC drug products can readily be 
    disclosed in mg per dosage unit, without rounding-off. As a result, the 
    agency considers the ``120 percent rule'' provided for in Sec. 101.9(g) 
    of the food regulations unnecessary for OTC drug products. Therefore, 
    the agency is revising proposed Sec. 201.64(b) in this final rule (21 
    CFR 201.64(b)) to eliminate the 5 mg and 10 mg rounding-off provision. 
    The final rule requires that the sodium content be rounded-off to the 
    nearest whole number, whatever the content per dosage unit.
    B. Comments on the Scope of Sodium Labeling
        -4. Three comments disagreed with the agency's ``across-the-board'' 
    sodium warning requirement for OTC drugs, stating that this method 
    ignores the OTC drug review's category-by-category mechanism for 
    considering warnings. One comment added that if a warning statement is 
    required, the agency should consider the product's pharmacologic class, 
    its use patterns, and the currently required labeling of particular 
    active ingredients. Another comment contended that sodium warnings 
    should only be required where a need has been shown for a particular 
    category of OTC drugs.
        -FDA disagrees with the comments, which provided no scientific 
    basis for their concerns. Although the agency generally considers OTC 
    drug labeling on a category-by-category basis, FDA has required certain 
    ``across-the-board'' labeling during the course of the OTC drug review, 
    such as the pregnancy-nursing warning in Sec. 201.63 (21 CFR 201.63). 
    Thus, an ``across the board'' approach is consistent with past agency 
    regulatory actions. FDA has determined that a certain level (140 mg) of 
    [[Page 17800]]
    may present a potential safety problem, regardless of the source of the 
    sodium. Therefore, the agency sees no reason to consider the warning on 
    a category-by-category basis, which would result in a lack of 
    uniformity in product labeling until the agency's evaluation of each 
    drug category is completed. The agency's ``across-the-board'' approach 
    to sodium labeling is not based on various drug categories; it is based 
    on sodium being present in any OTC drug product.
        -5. Two comments agreed with the proposal to include both active 
    and inactive ingredients when labeling/calculating total sodium content 
    in an OTC drug product. One comment added that all recommended diluents 
    should also be included in the sodium content labeling.
        -FDA appreciates the comments' concurrence. Including all sources 
    of sodium in the total sodium content labeling enables consumers to 
    determine the total amount of sodium consumed, regardless of the 
    source. Diluents in OTC drug products are inactive ingredients and 
    would be covered by this rulemaking. Under Sec. 201.64(b) of this final 
    rule, the agency is requiring the sodium content labeling of OTC drug 
    products to include both active and inactive ingredients, which would 
    include any diluents used in these products.
        -6. Several comments contended that the scope of covered products 
    should be limited to products intended for ingestion rather than orally 
    administered products. The comments argued that ``orally administered'' 
    OTC drug products include dentifrices and mouthwashes that are not 
    ingested, but rather expectorated. The comments pointed out any 
    absorption of sodium from these products is minuscule.
        -The agency agrees that certain OTC drug products, such as 
    dentifrices and mouthwashes, although orally administered, need not be 
    covered by this rulemaking. These products are not intended to be 
    ingested by the user, and the agency does not have sufficient 
    information on the absorption of sodium when these products are used to 
    warrant a labeling requirement at this time. However, orally 
    administered gum or lozenge forms of OTC drug products intended for 
    either partial or complete ingestion are covered by this rule. 
    Therefore, in this final rule the agency is changing the language in 
    Sec. 201.64(a), (c), and (d) from ``orally administered OTC drug 
    products'' to ``OTC drug products intended for oral ingestion,'' and is 
    adding the following sentence to Sec. 201.64(a): ``OTC drug products 
    intended for oral ingestion include gum and lozenge dosage forms, but 
    do not include dentifrices, mouthwashes, or mouth rinses.''
        -The agency notes that some OTC laxative and vaginal drug products 
    intended for rectal or vaginal administration can contain very high 
    levels of sodium from both active and inactive ingredients. Significant 
    amounts of some of these products may be absorbed. At this time, the 
    agency does not have sufficient information on the absorption of sodium 
    from these products to warrant a labeling requirement.
        -The agency is seeking comments from interested individuals on 
    whether this final rule should be amended to include sodium content 
    labeling for OTC rectal laxative, vaginal, dentifrice, mouthwash, and 
    mouth rinse drug products. Comments should be sent to the Dockets 
    Management Branch (address above) by July 22, 1996.
        -7. Two comments suggested requiring sodium content labeling for 
    prescription drugs as well as OTC drug products. The comments stated 
    that this information was important for the elderly and for patients 
    receiving more than one drug product. One comment added that physicians 
    treating patients on sodium restricted diets need to be aware of the 
    amount of sodium in prescription products.
        -The agency agrees that sodium content labeling of prescription 
    drugs would be beneficial. This information would be helpful to 
    physicians, pharmacists, and consumers so they can make informed 
    decisions. However, prescription drug labeling is outside the scope of 
    this rulemaking for OTC drug products. Currently, the agency is 
    actively considering the comments' recommendation for prescription drug 
    labeling and is appraising whether the problem can best be dealt with 
    via a regulation, guidance document, or another approach. At this time, 
    the agency encourages sodium content labeling of prescription drugs on 
    a voluntary basis.
    C. Comments on Sodium Content Labeling
        -8. One comment recommended that any level of sodium in OTC drug 
    products be listed on the label to enable consumers to make their own 
    decision as to what is an insignificant amount of sodium in relation to 
    their diet. Another comment suggested that the minimum level of sodium 
    requiring labeling be increased from greater than 5 mg per maximum 
    recommended dose to greater than 70 mg per maximum recommended daily 
    dose. The comment mentioned that data generated by the Food and 
    Nutrient Board indicate that 4,000 to 5,800 mg sodium are consumed per 
    capita per day. Therefore, the sodium consumed in medications provides 
    only a minimal amount and does not pose the same potential risk as 
    food. The comment reasoned that 70 mg is only 5 percent of the Food and 
    Nutrient Board's recommended daily intake of 1.4 grams (g) sodium for 
    people on sodium restricted diets. The comment contended that this 
    amount of sodium would not pose a risk to consumers on a low-sodium 
    diet because 70 mg does not contribute a significant amount to their 
    daily intake.
        -The agency has considered the comments' suggestions and has 
    decided to use 5 mg of sodium per maximum recommended dose as the basis 
    for including sodium content in the labeling of OTC drug products. As 
    discussed in section II.E., comment 13 of this document, the agency 
    considers a sodium level below 5 mg per dose to be physiologically 
    insignificant. Thus, the agency is not requiring any labeling if the 
    amount of sodium in the product is below 5 mg.
        -The agency considers a 5 mg maximum recommended dose standard a 
    reasonable approach, based in part on experience with OTC antacid drug 
    product labeling. Although the agency believes a 70 mg labeled maximum 
    daily dose standard is not unreasonable, a 5 mg maximum labeled dose is 
    consistent with the antacid monograph, which has been in effect since 
    1974. As discussed in the proposed rule, the existing requirement for 
    OTC antacid drug products in Sec. 331.30(f) (21 CFR 331.30(f)) provides 
    that the labeling include sodium content per dosage unit if it contains 
    5 mg or more. This labeling requirement for OTC antacids has been in 
    effect for over 20 years, and consumers are familiar with that 
    approach. The sodium labeling requirements in this final rule, based on 
    sodium content per dose, are similar to those in the antacid monograph.
        -The 5 mg approach will also result in more informative labeling 
    than the 70 mg approach, because more products will be labeled with 
    sodium content. More than 14 doses per day of a product containing less 
    than 5 mg sodium per dose would be required to exceed 70 mg sodium per 
    labeled maximum daily dose. Almost all OTC drug products are not taken 
    that often. Thus, more products will likely require sodium content 
    labeling based on 5 mg per dose than would result using 70 mg per 
    labeled maximum daily dose as the basis. (See also section I.E., 
    comment 13. of this document)
        -9. Three comments endorsed the agency's proposal to express the 
    [[Page 17801]]
    content of an OTC drug product in mg per dosage unit. The first comment 
    suggested that those monographs now stating sodium labeling in 
    milliequivalents (mEq) could be amended to mg. The comment stated that 
    sodium declaration is more useful when provided in terms of dosage 
    units (such as a teaspoonful or a tablet) than in terms of the 
    recommended dosage amount, because the recommended dosage amount can 
    vary. The second comment considered the option of having the sodium 
    content declaration based on the recommended daily dose, but rejected 
    that option because studies have shown that consumers frequently take 
    more than the recommended daily dosage for OTC drug products. The third 
    comment stated that the sodium content declaration should include the 
    total sodium in both mg and mEq per dosage unit, average daily intake, 
    and maximum recommended daily intake, if applicable.
        -The agency appreciates the comments' endorsements of the 
    requirement that sodium content be listed in mg per dosage unit. The 
    agency does not believe that listing some or all of the options (e.g., 
    in both mg and mEq per dosage unit, per average daily intake, and per 
    maximum daily intake) would be useful, because these multiple numbers 
    would tend to confuse consumers and would unnecessarily clutter the 
    label. Further, the agency believes consumers are more familiar with 
    the term ``mg'' as used in food labeling than the term ``mEq.'' 
    Therefore, in this final rule the agency is using only mg per dosage 
    unit for declaring the sodium content of OTC drug products.
        -As one comment noted, other OTC drug monographs address sodium 
    labeling. These monographs will be amended to delete specific sodium 
    labeling requirements so that the sodium labeling of all OTC drug 
    products will appear in a single regulation. In the proposed rule for 
    sodium labeling, the agency proposed to delete the existing 
    requirements for OTC antacid drug products that appear in 
    Sec. 331.30(c)(5) and (f) (56 FR 19224 to 19225). The agency is 
    finalizing that in this final rule. The sodium labeling requirements 
    proposed in Sec. 334.50(b)(5) and (b)(8) of the tentative final 
    monograph for OTC laxative drug products (50 FR 2124 at 2153, January 
    15, 1985) and proposed in Sec. 343.50(c)(1)(viii)(A) and 
    (c)(1)(viii)(B) and Sec. 343.50(c)(2)(viii)(A) and (c)(2)(viii)(B) of 
    the tentative final monograph for OTC internal analgesic, antipyretic, 
    and antirheumatic drug products (53 FR 46204 at 46256 to 46257, 
    November 16, 1988) will be deleted when the final monographs for those 
    drug classes are issued in a future issue of the Federal Register.
        -10. One comment requested that the agency require sodium content 
    information to be presented in a predetermined place on the OTC drug 
    product label, such as the ingredients list. The comment gave an 
    example of a product containing a level of sodium requiring a warning 
    while, at the same time, its label prominently displayed ``75% less 
    sodium than (a comparable product)'' under active ingredients. The 
    actual sodium content was listed at the end of a long paragraph of 
    warnings and would make the product off-limits to an individual on a 
    sodium-restricted diet. The comment contended that such labeling could 
    potentially mislead consumers.
        -FDA agrees that the sodium content of an OTC drug product should 
    be expressed at a specific location on the product label. By 
    designating a specific location, consumers can find the sodium content 
    of the product more quickly and with less confusion because the 
    information will appear in the same location in the labeling of all 
    orally ingested OTC drug products. The agency believes the most logical 
    place for the sodium content labeling is at the end of the ingredients 
    section. Further, the sodium content should be listed on a separate 
    line after the heading 'Sodium Content' so that it is easily recognized 
    by the consumer. Accordingly, the agency is amending proposed 
    Sec. 201.64(b) in this final rule to add a sentence that states: ``The 
    sodium content per dosage unit shall be listed on a separate line after 
    the heading 'Sodium Content' as the last statement in the ingredients 
        -11. One comment suggested that product labeling state a 
    recommended safe range of sodium intake to provide consumers with a 
    baseline for the control of sodium consumption.
        -The comment's request for labeling to advise consumers of a safe 
    level of sodium is impractical because different medical and 
    physiological problems require different levels of sodium restriction. 
    Consumers should consult with physicians or other health professionals 
    to determine the optimum levels of sodium consumption for their 
    particular conditions. Thus, FDA is not requiring that the labeling 
    state a recommended safe range of sodium intake at this time.
    D. Comments on Sodium Warning Labeling
        -12. Two comments contended that the agency's proposal to include a 
    sodium warning in the labeling of OTC drug products when the maximum 
    recommended daily dose contains more than 140 mg of sodium is 
    inconsistent with the labeling of foods, which does not require 
    warnings at any level. The comments questioned the choice of 140 mg per 
    maximum recommended daily dose as the level that triggers the sodium 
    warning. The comments argued that the warning may unnecessarily confuse 
    or alarm consumers. The first comment contended that the choice of 140 
    mg is completely arbitrary and questioned its scientific relevance. The 
    comment stated that there is no evidence that consumers derive a 
    significant percentage of sodium intake from OTC drug products.
        -The second comment stated that 140 mg of sodium is markedly lower 
    than the level required to effect an increase in blood pressure. 
    Asserting that OTC drugs are intended for short term use, the comment 
    said intermittent use of such products will not affect the long-term 
    benefit of a low-sodium diet because the resulting increase in blood 
    pressure is rapidly reversed upon discontinuation of the product. The 
    comment contended that the sodium warning, if required, should be based 
    on ``per dose'' or ``per dosage unit,'' rather than ``maximum 
    recommended daily dose,'' because a single dose more closely resembles 
    a single serving, the unit used for food labeling. The comment also 
    contended that the readability of the label will be compromised as the 
    label becomes more cluttered, and that additional warnings of 
    questionable value will only reduce the impact of other warnings on the 
        -Noting that the sodium warning represents a familiar cautionary 
    signal for consumers, a third comment stated that sodium-containing 
    drugs could contribute a significant percentage of the daily sodium 
    intake for some individuals. The comment mentioned that 1,000 mg of 
    sodium per day is common for sodium restricted diets and that 140 mg of 
    sodium represents 14 percent of the daily allowance for such diets. 
    Several comments argued that sodium warnings should be considered on a 
    case-by-case basis. (See section II.B., comment 4 of this document.)
        -FDA is establishing, where possible, uniformity in labeling 
    between foods and OTC drug products. FDA recognizes that OTC drug 
    products containing greater than 140 mg of sodium require a warning, 
    while foods do not require a warning at any level of sodium. The 
    labeling requirements for drugs need to be somewhat different from 
    those for foods because of the differences in
    [[Page 17802]]
    consumption patterns. (See section II.A., comment 2 of this document.) 
    The agency considers the labeling approach in this final rule 
    appropriate, even though it is not the same as that for foods in all 
        -The choice of 140 mg as the level of sodium above which a warning 
    should be required is not, as one comment contended, completely 
    arbitrary. In a survey conducted by the agency and discussed in the 
    final rule for declaration of sodium content and label claims for foods 
    on the basis of sodium content (49 FR 15510 at 15519, April 18, 1984), 
    it was found that over 50 percent of the foods surveyed contained less 
    than 140 mg of sodium per serving. Thus, the agency determined that a 
    substantial portion of the food supply is eligible to bear the ``low 
    sodium'' descriptive term. By establishing 140 mg as an upper limit for 
    the term ``low sodium'' for OTC drug products and requiring a warning 
    for products containing sodium above that level, consumers can more 
    easily monitor their total daily sodium intake. Requiring a warning for 
    products below the 140 mg level could be confusing to consumers because 
    some products containing the term ``low-sodium'' could, at the same 
    time, contain the warning. FDA believes that a warning requirement for 
    OTC drug products that contain more than 140 mg sodium would not 
    unnecessarily confuse or alarm consumers, as two comments suggested. As 
    another comment stated, the sodium warning represents a familiar 
    cautionary signal for consumers. The agency concludes that the warning 
    requirement will be welcomed by those who want to monitor their sodium 
        -The agency considers a numeric value that can be readily converted 
    from mg to mEq useful for dietary planning, because physicians and 
    dietitians sometimes calculate sodium in mEq rather than mg when 
    prescribing sodium restrictions (49 FR 15510 at 15519). One mEq of 
    sodium is equivalent to 23 mg. Thus, the 140 mg sodium level is 
    approximately 6 mEq, allowing for easy calculation. The comments did 
    not provide any evidence that warnings based on some other level of 
    sodium would be more informative or useful to consumers than the 140 mg 
    level proposed by the agency.
        -The agency agrees with one comment's contention that an OTC drug 
    containing 140 mg of sodium is well below the level needed to affect 
    blood pressure. However, it is the total amount of sodium consumed from 
    all sources, both foods and drugs, that must be considered. As one 
    comment pointed out, 140 mg represents 14 percent of a common (1,000 
    mg) sodium-restricted diet. The agency considers the level of sodium 
    found in some OTC drug products, such as antacids, to be significant 
    for people on low- sodium diets, especially if the drug product is 
    taken in multiple daily doses as most antacids are. While many 
    consumers do not derive significant amounts of sodium from OTC drug 
    products, many others do. The agency concludes that it is important to 
    provide information to those consumers who can be adversely affected by 
    the sodium content of OTC drug products.
        -The agency disagrees with one comment's suggestion that the 
    warning, if required, should be based on ``per dose,'' rather than on 
    ``maximum recommended daily dose.'' Drug products are often taken in 
    multiple doses in 1 day, while many different foods are more likely to 
    be consumed only once a day. Thus, by equating one serving of food to 
    one dose of drug, the intake per day for a drug would be a multiple of 
    the amount in one dose, while the intake per day for a food may be only 
    the amount found in a single serving of food. Because low-sodium diets 
    are based on the total amount of sodium consumed in 1 day, the agency 
    believes it is appropriate to base the sodium warning threshold on the 
    labeled maximum daily dose.
        -The agency shares the comment's concern about readability of the 
    label and avoiding unnecessary clutter. However, the agency considers a 
    warning for OTC drug products containing appreciable amounts of sodium 
    important to alert those consumers who wish or need to minimize their 
    sodium intake. Therefore, in this final rule the agency is providing 
    for a mandatory warning for all OTC drug products intended for oral 
    ingestion containing more than 140 mg sodium per labeled maximum daily 
    E. Comments on Use of Descriptive Terms in Sodium Labeling
        - 13. One comment supported the intent of the sodium labeling 
    proposal, but asserted that the term ``sodium free'' should be 
    prohibited on drugs containing any sodium. The comment stated that 
    labeling should be reliable and not mislead consumers as to the sodium 
    content of OTC drug products. The comment contended that most consumers 
    expect products labeled as ``sodium free'' to contain no sodium, but 
    this would not be true if ``sodium free'' products were allowed to 
    contain up to less than 5 mg of sodium. The comment mentioned health 
    concerns about high blood pressure related to sodium, and argued that 
    inaccurate labeling adversely impacts consumer purchasing decisions. 
    The comment acknowledged that agency regulations for food allow 
    products with less than 5 mg of sodium per serving to be labeled as 
    ``sodium free.'' The comment requested that the existing food 
    regulations and the proposed OTC drug regulations be modified to 
    prohibit the use of the term ``sodium free'' on food and drug products 
    containing any sodium.
        -The agency has considered the comment's request and concludes that 
    the term ``sodium free'' should only be used for products containing 
    ``0 mg'' sodium, as defined in this final rule. Thus, the level of 
    sodium in OTC drug products for which the term ``sodium free'' proposed 
    in Sec. 201.64(d) may be used is being changed from ``less than 5 
    milligrams per maximum recommended daily dose'' to ``0 milligrams per 
    labeled maximum daily dose'' in this final rule. The agency's basis for 
    the term ``sodium free'' in the proposed rule for sodium labeling of 
    OTC drug products (56 FR 19222 at 19223) was based on the sodium 
    labeling regulation for foods in Sec. 101.61(b)(1)(i) (21 CFR 
    101.61(b)(1)(i)), which provides for the voluntary use of ``sodium 
    free'' in the labeling of foods containing less than 5 mg sodium per 
    serving. Most foods naturally contain at least trace amounts of sodium 
    and the amount of sodium in a given food can vary. The agency concluded 
    that the 5 mg sodium level for food is, practically speaking, a 
    nonsignificant amount of dietary sodium.
        -However, in contrast to foods in which sodium may occur naturally, 
    the amount of sodium in OTC drug products can be controlled during the 
    manufacturing process. With today's analytical methodology, sodium can 
    be accurately measured in parts per million. Thus, the agency believes 
    consumers expect labels of drug products to accurately and reliably 
    convey the level of ingredients in the product. While there may be no 
    need to inform consumers of minute amounts of sodium (e.g., this final 
    rule requires sodium content labeling only for those products 
    containing 5 or more mg sodium per recommended dose), there is also no 
    reason to label a product as ``sodium free'' when, in fact, it contains 
    more than ``0 mg'' of sodium, as defined in this final rule.
        -In Sec. 201.64(b) of this final rule, sodium content labeling is 
    rounded-off to the nearest whole number as mg per dosage unit. Thus, a 
    product containing less than 0.5 mg sodium per dosage unit could be 
    labeled as ``0 mg'' sodium and
    [[Page 17803]]
    a product containing more than 0.5 mg and less than 1.5 mg sodium could 
    be labeled as ``1 mg'' sodium. The agency believes that the term 
    ``sodium free'' should not be used in the labeling of OTC drug products 
    except for those products that contain ``0 mg'' sodium per labeled 
    maximum daily dose. Thus, a product containing 0.4 mg sodium per tablet 
    or teaspoon (rounded-off to 0) with labeling to take one tablet or 
    teaspoon daily may use the descriptive term ``sodium free'' in its 
    labeling. However, when the recommended dose in an OTC drug monograph 
    provides for more than one dosage unit per day, e.g., the directions 
    advise to take one or two tablets (or teaspoons) or to take two tablets 
    (or teaspoons), the same product containing 0.4 mg sodium (rounded-off 
    to 0) per tablet or teaspoon could not use the term ``sodium free'' 
    because the labeled maximum dose contains 0.8 mg (rounded-off to 1). 
    The labeling set forth in this final rule also eliminates the 
    possibility that products labeled ``sodium free'' will at the same time 
    be labeled with a sodium content greater than ``0 mg,'' a potential 
    basis for consumer confusion.
        -Similarly, the agency determined that the term ``alcohol free'' 
    may not be used in the labeling of OTC drug products that contain any 
    alcohol (see the Federal Register of March 13, 1995, 60 FR 13590). In 
    Sec. 328.50(e) (21 CFR 328.50(e)) the agency requires: ``For a product 
    to state in its labeling that it is 'alcohol free,' it must contain no 
    alcohol (0 percent).''
        -Therefore, in this final rule, the agency is providing under 
    Sec. 201.64(d) for the voluntary use of the term ``sodium free'' if the 
    amount of sodium in the labeled maximum daily dose is ``0 mg.'' The 
    agency recognizes that this position differs from that for nutrition 
    labeling for foods, but believes that, for OTC drug product labeling, 
    it is more appropriate. Any request to change the existing ``sodium 
    free'' labeling for food products in Sec. 101.61(b)(1)(i) should be 
    made in a citizen petition, in accord with Sec. 10.30 (21 CFR 10.30).
        -14. One comment recommended a relative print size limit on 
    descriptive terms for sodium content to ensure that the primary 
    emphasis of the OTC drug product label remains on the medical 
    indication of the product. The comment stated that a consumer's 
    foremost reason for purchasing an OTC drug product should be based on 
    its medical indication, not on its sodium content.
        -FDA agrees with the comment that a relative print size limit on 
    descriptive terms would be useful to help ensure that consumers are not 
    distracted from the medical purpose of the product. The food 
    regulations (21 CFR 103.13(f)) provide that a nutrient content claim 
    shall be in a type size no larger than two times the statement of 
    identity and shall not be unduly prominent in type style compared to 
    the statement of identity. The agency believes that a related approach 
    should also be used for OTC drug products.
        -The agency does not believe that the print size of the descriptive 
    terms for sodium labeling for OTC drug products should be any larger 
    than the print size of the statement of identity. Allowing larger print 
    size (e.g., two times the size of that for the statement of identity, 
    as for nutrient claims) could result in label clutter or misplaced 
    emphasis. OTC drug products are generally marketed in smaller packages 
    than foods and, thus, have less label space available than food 
    products. Accordingly, the agency is adding in Sec. 201.64(h) of this 
    final rule the following statement:
        The terms ``sodium free,'' ``very low sodium,'' and ``low sodium'' 
    shall be in print size and style no larger than the product's statement 
    of identity and shall not be unduly prominent in print size or style 
    compared to the statement of identity.
        -15. One comment stated that descriptive terms in sodium labeling 
    of OTC drug products will help improve consumer understanding of the 
    message, and that the terms must be in simple language for lay persons 
    to understand. Another comment contended that voluntary descriptive 
    terms are unnecessary, often confusing, and potentially misleading. The 
    comment suggested the proposed terms ``sodium free,'' ``very low 
    sodium,'' and ``low sodium'' could translate into ``healthy'' and 
    thereby become misleading. Further, the comment questioned using these 
    descriptive terms in conjunction with the required warning, arguing 
    that an inconsistent jump occurs from 140 mg (maximum daily dosage as 
    ``low sodium'') to 141 mg (maximum daily dosage requiring a warning). 
    The comment concluded that these two diverse measurements would prime 
    the consumer for confusion.
        -The agency believes the voluntary descriptive terms ``sodium 
    free,'' ``very low sodium,'' and ``low sodium'' are simple for 
    consumers to understand. The terms are not intended to convey the exact 
    level of sodium in a product, only an approximation. The comment did 
    not provide any evidence that consumers might misinterpret these terms 
    as meaning ``healthy,'' specifically as they relate to OTC drug product 
    labeling. The agency recognizes that the jump for the maximum daily 
    dose from 140 mg, representing ``low sodium,'' to 141 mg, requiring a 
    warning, is not ideal. However, many standards have a set criterion, 
    above or below which some action is triggered. The agency concludes 
    there is no evidence to believe that these preset levels will lead to 
    consumer confusion. (See also section II.A., comment 2 of this 
    F. Comments on the Sodium-Hypertension Relationship
        16. One comment considered it inappropriate for the agency to adopt 
    regulations that address only sodium intake without reference to the 
    anion (chloride). The comment urged that FDA regulations reflect the 
    ``emerging learning that the chloride ion is a necessary causative 
    element in salt-induced hypertension.'' The comment referenced 16 
    studies (Ref. 1) to show that both the sodium and chloride ions play 
    roles in inducing hypertension in some persons, and that other sodium 
    salts do not induce hypertension.
        -The comment stated that a report by the National Academy of 
    Sciences/National Research Council (Ref. 2) on diet and health 
    correlated dietary ``salt'' or ``sodium chloride,'' rather than 
    ``sodium,'' with hypertension. The comment added that recent medical 
    surveys reflect the growing understanding that both the sodium and the 
    chloride ions play roles in causing salt-sensitive hypertension. For 
    example, the comment cited the Yearbook of Medicine (Ref. 3) as stating 
    that ``it remains to be established that any commonly ingested sodium 
    salt other than sodium chloride can increase blood pressure in patients 
    with salt-sensitive essential hypertension.''
        -A second comment also contended that the effects of sodium on 
    blood pressure are limited to sodium in the form of sodium chloride. 
    The comment provided literature references (Ref. 4) suggesting that 
    when the accompanying anion was other than chloride, sodium intake did 
    not affect blood pressure. The comment mentioned that sodium in drug 
    products is usually present as the benzoate, phosphate, or citrate 
    salt, and contended that there is no clear evidence that the sodium 
    content of the drug presents a hazard sufficient to deem the proposed 
    warning appropriate.
        One comment, which approved of sodium content labeling but was 
    opposed to the warning, mentioned a submission made in response to 
    FDA's request for scientific data and information to determine if a 
    scientific basis exists for health claims relating to sodium and 
    hypertension (Ref. 5). In that submission, the comment concluded that 
    there are no well-
    [[Page 17804]]
    documented scientific data supporting a clear relationship between 
    dietary sodium and hypertension applicable to the general public. The 
    comment claimed that recent scientific evidence shows that a reduced 
    sodium diet does not reduce the risk of hypertension in healthy 
    individuals, but that it may contribute to heart disease and additional 
    health risks. The comment concluded that appropriate scientific 
    evidence does not exist to support any general health claims based on a 
    relationship between sodium and hypertension.
        -The comment subsequently provided current articles and reviews on 
    the salt-blood pressure relationship (Ref. 6). The comment emphasized 
    one article (Ref. 7) that addressed the question of whether and how 
    sodium chloride intake influences blood pressure. The authors stated 
    that past literature was interpreted as ``demonstrating a strong 
    relationship between salt intake and blood pressure, a substantial 
    benefit to all hypertensive persons of reduced salt intake, and a 
    relatively low risk to society of promulgating this policy.'' Based on 
    more recent studies, the authors suggested that only a portion (30 to 
    40 percent) of adults are salt (sodium chloride) sensitive and that 
    salt sensitivity is linked to other cations and anions in the diet 
    (e.g., adequate potassium and calcium intake may protect against salt 
    sensitivity). The comment contended that because of new and mounting 
    evidence that low-sodium diets may present some risk to individuals who 
    are not salt-sensitive hypertensives, FDA should not require the sodium 
    warning. Although opposed to the warning, the comment agreed that some 
    individuals need to monitor their sodium intake.
        -The agency agrees with the comments that the sodium ion is not the 
    only influence on hypertension. The question of whether or not the 
    chloride ion is necessary for sodium to increase blood pressure is an 
    academic issue. Even if chloride or another ion in addition to sodium 
    is necessary to elevate blood pressure, hypertension is not the sole 
    reason for this rulemaking. There are other conditions for which 
    physicians recommend low-sodium diets. For instance, sodium bicarbonate 
    reportedly exacerbates congestive heart failure. While sodium chloride 
    is the primary source of sodium in the general population, sodium 
    bicarbonate and other sodium-containing ingredients can account for a 
    considerable amount of sodium in OTC drug products. Sodium labeling is 
    not aimed specifically at patients with hypertension, but is intended 
    to benefit all people who need or wish to monitor their sodium intake 
    for whatever reason. The comments made no mention of the effect of 
    sodium on any aspects of health other than hypertension.
        -This rulemaking does not state a causal relationship between 
    sodium and hypertension, but rather provides for sodium content 
    labeling and recommends that individuals on a low-sodium diet consult a 
    physician if daily doses of greater than 140 mg sodium are to be 
    ingested. This final rule provides that the labeling of OTC drug 
    products include the total sodium content (including both active and 
    inactive ingredients). It is reasonable for consumers on low-sodium 
    diets to consult with their physician before taking OTC drug products 
    with a high sodium content. The physician can put the variables into 
    perspective and decide whether specific OTC drug products should be 
    used. Alternative products containing less or no sodium may be 
        -The agency has previously considered the relationship of sodium 
    and hypertension and agrees that this is a complex subject that 
    deserves more study. The agency recognizes that there are differences 
    of opinion on this subject. Nonetheless, in a final rule on food 
    labeling (health claims and labeling statements; sodium and 
    hypertension), the agency stated ``based on the totality of the 
    scientific evidence, there is significant agreement among qualified 
    experts that diets high in sodium are associated with high blood 
    pressure'' (58 FR 2820 at 2822, January 6, 1993). The agency stated 
    that some studies indicate that sodium chloride and other sodium salts 
    have distinct effects on blood pressure (58 FR 2829). Sodium chloride 
    is the major source of sodium in foods and most studies investigating 
    the effect of sodium on hypertension have involved either increasing or 
    decreasing sodium chloride intake. The agency acknowledged that if it 
    is true that sodium chloride, and not sodium, is implicated in high 
    blood pressure, products containing other sources of sodium may be 
    incorrectly considered to promote high blood pressure. The agency 
    allowed the optional term ``salt'' to be used in addition to ``sodium'' 
    in health claims in food labeling. However, the agency noted there is 
    not significant scientific agreement that only sodium chloride affects 
    blood pressure (58 FR 2829). Therefore, the basis for health claims 
    relating to hypertension in that final rule was sodium content, not 
    sodium chloride content.
        -FDA recognizes that not all individuals need to or should reduce 
    their sodium intake. Sodium consumed from OTC drug products alone may, 
    for most individuals, be insignificant and may not cause a significant 
    increase in blood pressure. However, OTC drug products are not a 
    consumer's sole source of sodium. All sources of sodium must be taken 
    into account when monitoring daily intake. Even though, as one comment 
    suggested, some individuals may need counseling from physicians or 
    dietitians in order to maintain a strict low-sodium diet, the agency 
    considers the sodium warning for OTC drug products helpful even for 
    those individuals. This rulemaking does not recommend specific levels 
    of sodium intake for the general population or for individuals h 
    specific conditions. However, for those who need or want to monitor 
    their sodium intake, the agency concludes that sodium content and 
    warning labeling for OTC drug products is useful.
         (1) Comment No. C00017, Docket No. 90N-0309, Dockets Management 
         (2) Committee on Diet and Health, National Academy of Sciences/
    National Research Council (U.S.), Diet and Health: Implications for 
    Reducing Chronic Disease Risk, National Academy Press, Washington, 
         (3) D. E. Rogers et al., editors, Yearbook of Medicine, 
    Yearbook Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, pp 589-590, 1989.
        -(4) Comment No. C00014, Docket No. 90N-0309, Dockets Management 
        -(5) Comment No. C00007, Docket No. 91N-0095, Dockets Management 
        -(6) Comment No. SUP 1, Docket No. 90N-0309, Dockets Management 
        -(7) Muntzel, M., and T. Drueke, ``A Comprehensive Review of the 
    Salt and Blood Pressure Relationship,'' American Journal of 
    Hypertension, 5:1S-42S, 1992.
    III. Summary of Significant Changes from the Proposed Rule
        -1. In this final rule, the agency is revising Sec. 201.64(b) to 
    eliminate the 5-mg rounding-off provision. The final rule requires that 
    the sodium content be rounded-off to the nearest whole number, whatever 
    the content, per dosage unit. (See section II.A., comment no. 3 of this 
        -2. The agency is changing the language in Sec. 201.64(a) and (c) 
    through (f) from ``orally administered OTC drug products'' to ``OTC 
    drug products intended for oral ingestion,'' and is adding the 
    following sentence to Sec. 201.64(a): ``OTC drug products intended for 
    oral ingestion include gum and lozenge dosage forms, but do not include 
    dentifrices, mouthwashes, or mouth rinses.'' (See section II.B., 
    comment no. 6 of this document.)
        -3. The agency is adding the following in Sec. 201.64(b): ``The 
    sodium content per
    [[Page 17805]]
    dosage unit shall be listed on a separate line after the heading 
    `Sodium Content' as the last statement in the ingredients section.'' 
    (See section II.C., comment no. 10 of this document.)
        -4. Proposed Sec. 201.64(d) provided for the voluntary use of the 
    term ``sodium free'' for products containing ``less than 5 milligrams'' 
    of sodium in the maximum recommended daily dose. This final rule allows 
    for the use of the term ``sodium free'' only for those products 
    containing ``0 mg'' of sodium in the labeled maximum daily dose. The 
    agency is revising the example in proposed Sec. 201.64(d) to clarify 
    the basis for use of descriptive terms, taking into account the 
    rounding-off provision for the sodium content in mg per dosage unit to 
    the nearest whole number. (See section II.A., comment no. 3; section 
    II.E., comment no. 13; and part III.1 of this document.)
        -5. The agency has added a provision in Sec. 201.64(h) of this 
    final rule limiting the print size and style of the ``sodium free,'' 
    ``very low sodium,'' and ``low sodium'' terms to no larger than and not 
    unduly prominent in comparison to the product's statement of identity. 
    (See section II.E., comment no. 14 of this document.)
    IV. The Agency's Final Conclusions on Sodium Labeling-
        FDA believes that the public interest in and the public health 
    consequences of sodium intake have produced a need for more informative 
    and consistent sodium content labeling information on drugs and foods. 
    This is true for individuals with hypertension, heart failure, or other 
    conditions who must monitor their sodium intake.
        -To establish uniform content declarations, warnings, and 
    descriptive terms for sodium in foods and OTC drug products, the agency 
    is implementing the following requirements for OTC drug products 
    intended for oral ingestion: (1) The product must have a sodium content 
    declaration if it contains five mg or more of sodium per single labeled 
    dose (which may involve one or more dosage units, e.g., tablets, 
    teaspoons). (2) The product must bear a sodium warning if it contains 
    more than 140 mg (about 6 mEq) of sodium in the labeled maximum daily 
    dose. This warning states: ``Do not use this product if you are on a 
    sodium-restricted diet unless directed by a doctor.'' (3) Manufacturers 
    may use the following descriptive terms for sodium content: ``Sodium-
    free'' for products containing 0 mg sodium in the labeled maximum daily 
    dose; ``very low sodium'' for products containing 35 mg or less; and 
    ``low sodium'' for products containing 140 mg or less. The requirement 
    for a sodium content declaration is based on the number of mg of sodium 
    in one dose, while the requirement for a warning statement and the use 
    of the optional descriptive terms are based on the number of mg of 
    sodium in the labeled maximum daily dose.
        -Because consumers and health professionals are accustomed to 
    computing sodium intake in mg (49 FR 15510 at 15530), and to provide 
    for uniformity in the declaration of sodium content labeling for foods 
    and OTC drug products intended for oral ingestion, the term 
    ``milligrams'' or the abbreviation ``mg'' is used to designate the 
    sodium content of OTC drug products. The total sodium content 
    (including both active and inactive ingredients), in mg per dosage 
    unit, should be rounded-off to the nearest whole number. If the single 
    recommended dose (one or more dosage units) of the product contains 5 
    mg or more of sodium, a declaration of sodium content expressed in mg 
    per single dosage unit (e.g., tablet, teaspoon) is required to be 
    listed on a separate line after the heading ``Sodium Content'' as the 
    last statement in the ingredients section.
        -The new sodium labeling requirements apply to all OTC drugs 
    intended for oral ingestion, whether marketed under an OTC drug 
    monograph, an approved application, or no application. The existing 
    requirements relating to sodium labeling in Sec. 331.30(c)(5) and (f) 
    of the final monograph for OTC antacid drug products are being deleted. 
    The proposed sodium labeling requirements being considered in other 
    ongoing OTC drug rulemakings will be deleted when final monographs for 
    those drug classes are issued in a future issue of the Federal 
    V. Analysis of Impacts
        -An analysis of the costs and benefits of this regulation, 
    conducted under Executive Order 12291 was discussed in the proposed 
    rule (56 FR 19222 at 19225). No comments were received in response to 
    the agency's request for specific comment on the economic impact of 
    this rulemaking. Executive Order 12291 has been superseded by Executive 
    Order 12866.
        -FDA has examined the impacts of the final rule under Executive 
    Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. L. 96-354). 
    Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits 
    of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is necessary, 
    to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including 
    potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other 
    advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). The agency believes that 
    this final rule is consistent with the regulatory philosophy and 
    principles identified in the Executive Order. In addition, the final 
    rule is not a significant regulatory action as defined by the Executive 
    Order and, thus, is not subject to review under the Executive Order.
        -The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze 
    regulatory options that would minimize any significant impact of a rule 
    on small entities. With this final rule, one-time label modification 
    costs associated with changing product labels will be incurred by some 
    manufacturers. FDA estimates those costs to total less than $500,000 
    for the entire industry. This projected cost is based on estimates of 
    the number of products that will be affected by this final rule, the 
    number of distinct label changes that will be required, and the cost of 
    printing new labels.
        -OTC antacid drug products are the primary products having a 
    significant number of orally administered active ingredients containing 
    sodium. The monograph for those products has been in effect since 1974 
    and these products currently bear sodium labeling. For these products, 
    the labeling change will involve a slight change in wording, resulting 
    only in a minor cost to have a labeling revision printed. In almost all 
    cases, manufacturers can routinely revise labeling at the next printing 
    so that minimal costs should be incurred. Manufacturers will have up to 
    12 months after publication of this final rule in the Federal Register 
    to revise their product labeling. FDA anticipates that most antacid 
    drug products would undergo a label printing within a 12-month period. 
    Because these OTC antacid drug products already bear sodium labeling 
    warnings, the agency may extend the time period beyond 12 months, if 
    necessary, upon request, for the revised wording to be implemented.
        -Other OTC drug products (i.e., laxatives and internal analgesics) 
    having a few sodium-containing active ingredients affected by this 
    final rule previously were not required to bear sodium labeling. These 
    products will need to have new labels printed to incorporate the sodium 
    labeling. These products must also have new labeling printed in the 
    future when the final monographs for OTC laxative and internal 
    analgesic drug products are published. This again involves one-time 
    label modification costs. For products undergoing such labeling 
    changes, the incremental costs attributable to this rule for sodium 
    labeling will be
    [[Page 17806]]
    negligible. A limited number of OTC laxative and internal analgesic 
    drug products contain sodium-containing active ingredients. Tentative 
    final monographs with sodium labeling requirements for these products 
    have been published, and no adverse comments concerning economic 
    impacts have been received in response to the proposals. The agency is 
    not aware of any significant number of other OTC drug products that 
    will be affected due to the sodium content of inactive ingredients. Use 
    of the descriptive terms for sodium set forth in this rulemaking is 
    voluntary. Therefore, any implementation of these terms could be done 
    by a manufacturer at any time that new labeling is ordered. The agency 
    finds that the cost of adding one of these descriptive terms to the 
    product's labeling will be negligible. Accordingly, the agency 
    certifies that the final rule will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. Therefore, under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, no further analysis is required.
    VI. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
        -FDA concludes that the labeling requirements in this document are 
    not subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget because 
    they do not constitute a ``collection of information'' under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Rather, the 
    warning statement and the sodium terms are a ``public disclosure of 
    information originally supplied by the Federal government to the 
    recipient for the purpose of disclosure to the public'' (5 CFR 
    1320.3(c)(2)). The sodium content per dosage unit is product 
    formulation information that manufacturers have on hand as part of 
    their usual and customary business practice.
    VII. Environmental Impact
        -The agency has determined under 21 CFR 25.24(c)(6) that this 
    action is of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a 
    significant effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an 
    environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is 
    List of Subjects
    21 CFR Part 201
        -Drugs, Labeling, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    21 CFR Part 331
        -Labeling, Over-the-counter drugs.
        -Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and 
    under authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, title 
    21 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended in parts 201 and 331 
    as follows
    :-PART 201--LABELING
        -1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 201 continues to read as 
        -Authority: Secs. 201, 301, 501, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 
    510, 512, 530-542, 701, 704, 721 of the Federal Food, Drug, and 
    Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 331, 351, 352, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358, 
    360, 360b, 360gg-360ss, 371, 374, 379e); secs. 215, 301, 351, 361 of 
    the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 216, 241, 262, 264).
        -2. New Sec. 201.64 is added to subpart C to read as follows:
    Sec. 201.64   Sodium labeling.
        -(a) The labeling of over-the-counter (OTC) drug products intended 
    for oral ingestion shall contain the sodium content per dosage unit 
    (e.g., tablet, teaspoonful) if the sodium content of a single 
    recommended dose of the product (which may be one or more dosage units) 
    is 5 milligrams or more. OTC drug products intended for oral ingestion 
    include gum and lozenge dosage forms, but do not include dentifrices, 
    mouthwashes, or mouth rinses.
        -(b) The sodium content shall be expressed in milligrams per dosage 
    unit and shall include the total amount of sodium regardless of the 
    source, i.e., from both active and inactive ingredients. The sodium 
    content shall be rounded-off to the nearest whole number. The sodium 
    content per dosage unit shall be listed on a separate line after the 
    heading ``Sodium Content'' as the last statement in the ingredients 
        -(c) The labeling of OTC drug products intended for oral ingestion 
    shall contain the following warning under the heading ``Warning'' (or 
    ``Warnings'' if it appears with additional warning statements) if the 
    amount of sodium present in the labeled maximum daily dose of the 
    product is more than 140 milligrams: ``Do not use this product if you 
    are on a sodium-restricted diet unless directed by a doctor.''
        -(d) The term ``sodium free'' may be used in the labeling of OTC 
    drug products intended for oral ingestion if the amount of sodium in 
    the labeled maximum daily dose is 0 milligram. For example, a product 
    containing 0.4 (rounded-off to zero (0)) milligram sodium per tablet 
    with directions to take one tablet daily may use the term ``sodium 
    free'' in its labeling. However, when the recommended dose provides for 
    taking more than one dosage unit per day, e.g., take one or two 
    tablets, or take two tablets, the same product containing 0.4 milligram 
    sodium per tablet shall not use the term ``sodium free'' because the 
    labeled maximum daily dose contains 0.8 milligram sodium.
        -(e) The term ``very low sodium'' may be used in the labeling of 
    OTC drug products intended for oral ingestion if the amount of sodium 
    in the labeled maximum daily dose is 35 milligrams or less.
        -(f) The term ``low sodium'' may be used in the labeling of OTC 
    drug products intended for oral ingestion if the amount of sodium in 
    the labeled maximum daily dose is 140 milligrams or less.
        -(g) The term ``salt'' is not synonymous with the term sodium and 
    shall not be used interchangeably or substituted for the term 
        -(h) The terms ``sodium free,'' ``very low sodium,'' and ``low 
    sodium'' shall be in print size and style no larger than the product's 
    statement of identity and shall not be unduly prominent in print size 
    or style compared to the statement of identity.
        -(i) Any product subject to this paragraph that is not labeled as 
    required by this paragraph and that is initially introduced or 
    initially delivered for introduction into interstate commerce after 
    April 22, 1997, is misbranded under sections 201(n) and 502(a) and (f) 
    of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
        -3. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 331 continues to read as 
        -Authority: Secs. 201, 501, 502, 503, 505, 510, 701 of the 
    Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321, 351, 352, 353, 
    355, 360, 371).
    Sec. 331.30   [Amended]
        -4. Section 331.30 Labeling of antacid products is amended by 
    removing paragraph (c)(5) and redesignating paragraphs (c)(6) and 
    (c)(7) as paragraphs (c)(5) and (c)(6), respectively, and by removing 
    paragraph (f) and redesignating paragraph (g) as paragraph (f).
        Dated: March 30, 1996.
    William K. Hubbard,
    Associate Commissioner for Policy Coordination.
    [FR Doc. 96-9735 Filed 4-19-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule with opportunity for comments.
Document Number:
This final rule is effective April 22, 1997; written comments by July 22, 1996.
17798-17806 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 90N-0309
0910-AA63: OTC Drug Labeling Review
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (2)
21 CFR 201.64
21 CFR 331.30