98-8858. International Banking Regulations: Consolidation and Simplification  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 67 (Wednesday, April 8, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 17056-17090]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-8858]
    12 CFR Parts 303, 325, 326, 327, 346, 347, 351, and 362
    RIN 3064-AC05
    International Banking Regulations: Consolidation and 
    AGENCY: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: As part of the FDIC's systematic review of its regulations and 
    written policies under section 303(a) of the Riegle Community 
    Development and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 (CDRI), the FDIC has 
    revised and consolidated its three different groups of rules and 
    regulations governing international banking. The first group governs 
    insured branches of foreign banks and specifies what deposit-taking 
    activities are permissible for uninsured state-licensed branches of 
    foreign banks. The FDIC's final rule makes conforming changes 
    throughout this group of regulations to reflect the statutory 
    requirement that domestic retail deposit activities must be conducted 
    through an insured bank subsidiary, not through an insured branch. Also 
    with respect to this group of regulations, the FDIC is rescinding the 
    provisions concerning optional insurance for U.S. branches of foreign 
    banks; the pledge of assets formula has been revised; and the FDIC
    [[Page 17057]]
    Division of Supervision's (DOS) new supervision program--the Case 
    Manager approach--has been integrated throughout the applicable 
    regulations. The second group of regulations governs the foreign 
    branches of insured state nonmember banks, and also governs such banks' 
    investment in foreign banks or other financial entities. The final rule 
    modernizes this group of regulations and clarifies provisions outlining 
    the activities in which insured state nonmember banks may engage 
    abroad, and reduces the instances in which banks must file an 
    application before opening a foreign branch or making a foreign 
    investment. The third group of regulations governs the international 
    lending of insured state nonmember banks and specifies when reserves 
    are required for particular international assets. The final rule 
    revises this group of regulations to simplify the accounting for fees 
    on international loans to make it consistent with generally accepted 
    accounting principles. Consistent with the goals of CDRI, the final 
    rule improves efficiency, reduces costs, and eliminates outmoded 
    DATES: This final rule is effective July 1, 1998. Compliance is 
    mandatory for all affected institutions on July 1, 1998. Affected 
    institutions may elect to comply with the final rule voluntarily at any 
    time after May 8, 1998. If an affected institution elects to comply 
    voluntarily with any section of subpart A, B, or C of 12 CFR part 347, 
    the institution or bank must comply with the entire subpart.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christie A. Sciacca, Associate 
    Director (202/898-3671), Karen M. Walter, Chief (202/898-3540), Suzanne 
    L. Williams, Senior Financial Analyst (202/898-6788), Division of 
    Supervision; Jamey Basham, Counsel (202/898-7265), Wendy Sneff, Counsel 
    (202/898-6865), Legal Division, FDIC, 550 17th Street, NW, Washington, 
    D.C. 20429.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FDIC is conducting a systematic review 
    of its regulations and written policies. Section 303(a) of the CDRI (12 
    U.S.C. 4803(a)) requires the FDIC to streamline and modify its 
    regulations and written policies in order to improve efficiency, reduce 
    unnecessary costs, and eliminate unwarranted constraints on credit 
    availability. Section 303(a) also requires the FDIC to remove 
    inconsistencies and outmoded and duplicative requirements from its 
    regulations and written policies.
        As part of this review, the FDIC has determined that certain 
    portions of part 346 are out-of-date, and other provisions of this part 
    require clarification. Although the FDIC previously made certain 
    regulatory amendments which took effect as recently as 1996, other 
    regulatory language contained in part 346 does not accurately reflect 
    the underlying statutory authority. The FDIC has also determined that 
    part 347 is outmoded. Part 347 has not been revised in any significant 
    regard since 1979, when it was originally promulgated. The FDIC 
    published a proposed rule in the Federal Register on July 15, 1997 (62 
    FR 37748).
        The FDIC has decided to consolidate its international banking rules 
    into a single part, part 347, for ease of reference. This final rule 
    places material on foreign branching and foreign bank investment by 
    nonmember banks, currently located in part 347, into subpart A of part 
    347. Material currently located in part 346, governing insured branches 
    of foreign banks and deposit-taking by uninsured state-licensed 
    branches of foreign banks, is placed in subpart B of part 347. Part 351 
    of the FDIC's current rules and regulations, which contains rules 
    governing the international lending operations of insured state 
    nonmember banks, is placed in subpart C of new part 347. Part 351 was 
    originally adopted in 1984 as an interagency rulemaking in coordination 
    with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRB) and the 
    Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The most significant 
    revision to part 351 is to require banks to follow GAAP in accounting 
    for fees on international loans. This change was discussed with 
    accounting staff at the OCC and FRB as part of an interagency working 
    group and they are in general agreement with the change. However, as 
    the other two federal banking agencies are not ready to act on a 
    revised regulation at this time, the FDIC has decided to unilaterally 
    issue its revision to part 351 in connection with its consolidation of 
    the international banking regulations.
        In addition, the FDIC has recently published a notice of proposed 
    rulemaking (62 FR 52810, October 9, 1997) containing complete revision 
    of part 303 of the FDIC's rules and regulations, which contains the 
    FDIC's applications procedures and delegations of authority. For ease 
    of reference, the FDIC will consolidate its applications procedures for 
    international banking matters into a single subpart of part 303, 
    subpart J. In order to finalize part 347 without waiting for the part 
    303 proposal to be finalized, this part 347 proposal includes, as a 
    separate subpart D of part 347, revised application procedures 
    compatible with the substantive provisions of this final rule. These 
    application procedures will be transferred to subpart J of part 303 
    once it is finalized, as is discussed in connection with subpart D, 
    I. Subpart A--Foreign Branches and Investments in Foreign Banks and 
    Other Entities
    A. Background
        Section 18(d)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 
    1828(d)(2)) requires a nonmember bank to obtain the FDIC's consent to 
    establish or operate a foreign branch. Section 18(d)(2) also authorizes 
    the FDIC to impose conditions and issue regulations governing the 
    affairs of foreign branches.
        Section 18(l) of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1828(l)) requires a 
    nonmember bank to obtain the FDIC's consent to acquire and hold, 
    directly or indirectly, stock or other evidences of ownership in any 
    foreign bank or other entity. Section 18(l) also states that these 
    entities may not engage in any activities in the United States except 
    as the Board of Directors of the FDIC (Board), in its judgment, has 
    determined are incidental to the international or foreign business of 
    these entities. In addition, section 18(l) authorizes the FDIC to 
    impose conditions and issue regulations governing these investments. 
    Finally, although nonmember banks are subject to the interaffiliate 
    transaction restrictions of sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve 
    Act, 12 U.S.C. 371c and 371c-1, as expressly incorporated by section 
    18(j) of the FDI Act, 12 U.S.C. 1821(j), section 18(l) provides that 
    nonmember banks may engage in transactions with these foreign banks and 
    other entities in which the nonmember bank has invested in the manner 
    and within the limits prescribed by the FDIC.
        A nonmember bank's authority to establish a foreign branch or 
    invest in foreign banks or other entities, and the permissible 
    activities for foreign branches or foreign investment entities, must be 
    established in the first instance under the law of its state chartering 
    authority. Congress created sections 18(d)(2) and 18(l) out of a 
    concern that there was no federal-level review of nonmember banks' 
    foreign branching and investments. S. Rep. No. 95-323, 95th Cong., 1st 
    Sess. (1977) at 15. Although the FRB had long held authority over 
    foreign branching and investment by state member banks and national 
    banks (member banks) under the Federal Reserve Act, as well as foreign 
    investment by bank holding companies under the Bank Holding Company 
    Act, the FDIC did not hold
    [[Page 17058]]
    corresponding statutory authority over nonmember banks until Congress 
    created sections 18(d)(2) and 18(l) as part of the Financial 
    Institutions Regulatory and Interest Rate Control Act of 1978, Pub. L. 
    95-630 (FIRIRCA).
        The FRB's rules governing foreign branching and investments by 
    member banks are contained in subpart A of Regulation K (12 CFR 211.1-
    211.8). The FRB has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to revise 
    Regulation K (62 FR 68424 (Dec. 31, 1997)). The FDIC's subpart A of 
    part 347 maintains parity with the substance of the current version of 
    Regulation K. The FDIC's treatment of permissible activities for 
    foreign branches and foreign entities in which nonmember banks invest 
    is virtually identical to Regulation K, and the amount limits and 
    expedited approval processes are very similar (the differences take 
    into account certain variances attributable to structural differences 
    between the types of institutions governed). Substantive differences 
    between the FDIC's final rule and the current version of Regulation K 
    are noted below.
        In certain of the few instances in which the FDIC is adopting a 
    different treatment than the FRB's under the current version of 
    Regulation K, the differences raise issues under section 24 of the FDI 
    Act (12 U.S.C. 1831a) and part 362 of the FDIC's rules and regulations 
    (12 CFR part 362). Section 24 and part 362 prohibit a state bank from 
    engaging as principal in any activity which is not permissible for a 
    national bank, unless the FDIC first determines that it would not pose 
    a significant risk of loss to the appropriate deposit insurance fund 
    and the bank meets its minimum capital requirements. Section 24 and 
    part 362 similarly prohibit a subsidiary of a state bank from engaging 
    as principal in any activity which is not permissible for a subsidiary 
    of national bank, unless the FDIC first determines that it would not 
    pose a significant risk of loss to the appropriate deposit insurance 
    fund and the bank meets its minimum capital requirements. Section 24 
    and part 362 also prohibit a state bank from making an equity 
    investment which is not permissible for a national bank, unless the 
    investment is made through a majority-owned subsidiary, the FDIC 
    determines that it would not pose a significant risk of loss to the 
    appropriate deposit insurance fund for the subsidiary to hold the 
    equity investment, and the bank meets its minimum capital requirements. 
    These section 24 issues are discussed below.
    Impact of Proposed Revisions to Regulation K
        The FDIC has decided to finalize subpart A of part 347 now, 
    notwithstanding the pendency of the FRB's proposal to modify subpart A 
    of Regulation K. Nonmember banks affected by the current version of 
    part 347 have advised the FDIC that they view the FDIC's current rule 
    as an impediment to their ability to compete effectively abroad. The 
    FDIC desires to make the improvements provided under its proposed rule 
    available to nonmember banks without additional delay. If the FRB at 
    some time in the future adopts some or all of the changes it has 
    recently proposed to subpart A of Regulation K, the FDIC may propose 
    additional revisions to subpart A of part 347. The FDIC seeks to 
    maintain general similarity between the restrictions governing the 
    international activities of nonmember banks and member banks, but the 
    FDIC will not be able to assess the advisability of any changes to 
    subpart A of part 347 until the FRB issues final revisions to 
    Regulation K.
        If the FRB adopts certain of its proposed changes which would 
    reduce the authority of member banks or their subsidiaries to conduct 
    certain activities abroad, nonmember banks engaging in those activities 
    as authorized by part 347 without an application to the FDIC are 
    cautioned to assess whether an application to the FDIC may nevertheless 
    be required under section 24 of the FDI Act. The FDIC, in structuring 
    subpart A, has been mindful of section 24 issues and structured the 
    rule so that activities authorized by subpart A without application to 
    the FDIC do not require separate case-by-case authorization under 
    section 24. However, if the FRB cuts back on what international 
    activities are permissible for member banks and their subsidiaries 
    under subpart A of Regulation K, the structure may develop gaps which 
    the FDIC will need to address by further revisions to subpart A of part 
    347. Affected nonmember banks assessing such questions in the interim 
    are encouraged to contact FDIC staff for assistance.
    B. Discussion of Comments
        The FDIC received two comment letters on subpart A, both from 
    insured state nonmember banks with numerous foreign investments subject 
    to current part 347. Both commenters expressed wholehearted support for 
    the FDIC's efforts to update the rule. Both commenters made suggestions 
    for additional improvements to the proposal, or alternative treatments 
    of certain issues thereunder. Most of these related to the procedures 
    for approving branches or investments. The FDIC has considered each 
    suggestion in turn.
    Comments on Application Processing Times
        One comment suggested that the FDIC shorten from 45 to 30 days the 
    application processing period under Sec. 347.103 for an eligible bank 
    with branches in two or more countries to establish a branch in an 
    additional country. The FDIC does not think that a 45-day period is 
    burdensome, given that the bank itself will know well in advance of its 
    intention to establish a new branch and can plan accordingly.
        This commentor also suggested that the FDIC similarly shorten the 
    45-day application processing period under 347.108(b) for an eligible 
    bank to make foreign investments not eligible for general consent. Such 
    an application would be required if the eligible bank sought to acquire 
    20 percent or more of an entity in a jurisdiction which is new to the 
    FDIC as specified in section 347.108(a)(2). In such a case, the FDIC 
    will need a 45-day period to contact host country supervisors and 
    establish a working arrangement with them for cross-border supervision. 
    Moreover, as is the case with the foreign branch application, the FDIC 
    believes that the eligible bank will have sufficient advance notice of 
    its desire to make such a significant investment that the bank can give 
    the FDIC 45 days advance notice. Another situation in which such an 
    application would be required is if an eligible bank with no existing 
    foreign banking experience seeks to make a foreign investment. In such 
    cases, 45 days will give the FDIC necessary time to work with the 
    applicant to ensure it has appropriate operational and management 
    systems in place to deal with the unique risks posed by foreign 
    investments. Finally, such applications are required if an eligible 
    bank seeks to invest more than five percent of its Tier 1 capital (plus 
    an additional five percent for trading purposes) in a 12-month period. 
    While the FDIC has no desire that state nonmember banks be thwarted in 
    their efforts to obtain sound investment opportunities abroad which 
    require swift action, given that the total outstanding foreign 
    investments of even the most internationally active state nonmember 
    banks is generally in the range of 10-15 percent of Tier 1 capital at 
    present, it is the FDIC's opinion that the five percent threshold 
    allows sufficient flexibility for institutions to take advantage of 
    investment opportunities.
    [[Page 17059]]
        In addition, as a result of another comment, the FDIC has modified 
    its application procedures so that applications subject to expedited 
    processing under the 45-day period may be approved by delegated 
    authority prior to the expiration of such period. Thus, if the 
    application presents no special concerns or any such concerns are 
    resolved promptly, approval can be granted prior to the expiration of 
    the 45 day period.
        In a similar vein, one commenter requested additional information 
    about what considerations would be involved and what timing would apply 
    if an application was subject to regular processing because the branch 
    or foreign organization is located in a country whose laws or practices 
    limit the FDIC's access to information for examination and other 
    supervisory purposes. The commenter also requested that the FDIC 
    consider any precedent regarding the country in question that has been 
    developed by the OCC or the FRB. The FDIC's concern is that it have 
    sufficient access to information as is necessary to evaluate the impact 
    of the foreign operation on the insured state nonmember bank, and to 
    serve the FDIC's international supervisory obligations as the nonmember 
    bank's home country supervisor. In conducting this review, the FDIC 
    will take into account any information obtained from, and experience 
    gained by, the OCC and the FRB in supervising similar foreign 
    operations of member banks in the foreign country. The FDIC's approach 
    to applications involving secrecy jurisdictions will depend on the 
    facts of the case, but generally speaking, the FDIC is likely to 
    consider some or all of the following.
        The FDIC will assess the nature and extent of the secrecy 
    restriction, with particular focus on the matters which are to be kept 
    secret, whether there are appropriate exceptions for regulators, and 
    whether the FDIC is within the scope of such exception. The FDIC will 
    also consider whether the host country supervisor possesses, and 
    exercises when appropriate, a right of access, and whether there is 
    some other appropriately independent third party, such as an 
    independent auditor, which has access to, and systematically evaluates, 
    the relevant operations. The nature and extent of the foreign 
    operation's dealing with customers will be taken into account. If total 
    access is not possible, the FDIC will take into account the 
    practicability of alternate precautions, such as duplicate record-
    keeping in the U.S., reliance on host country supervisors and 
    recognized external auditors, the use of special operating policies at 
    the foreign organization, and the systematic use of customer 
    confidentiality waivers.
        As for timing, the FDIC has recently approved certain applications 
    from insured state nonmember banks seeking to establish foreign 
    operations in secrecy jurisdictions. As the cases were ones of first 
    impression, and involved issues of significant concern, processing took 
    longer than would otherwise be the case. Now that the FDIC has begun to 
    establish a framework for addressing these types of applications, 
    future applications will be processed more quickly. In the final rule, 
    the FDIC has also expanded the delegations of authority for approving 
    foreign branch and foreign investment applications involving secrecy 
    jurisdictions. These applications may be approved under delegated 
    authority whenever the approving official is satisfied that adequate 
    arrangements have been made (through conditions imposed in connection 
    with the approval and agreed to in writing by the applicant) to ensure 
    necessary FDIC access to information for supervisory purposes. In 
    addition, as with any application, processing will be faster to the 
    extent the applicant discloses sufficient information about its 
    proposal in the first instance such that the FDIC can identify all 
    issues raised therein early in the review procedure.
        This commenter also appeared to be under the impression that 
    regular processing is required for an application to establish a 
    branch, or to acquire 20 percent or more of a foreign organization, in 
    a country in which there is not already a foreign bank subsidiary of a 
    state nonmember bank. In actuality, there is no such condition in 
    connection with general consent or expedited processing for branch 
    applications. In addition, although Sec. 347.108(a)(2) imposes such a 
    condition upon general consent approval for investing in 20 percent or 
    more of a foreign organization, expedited processing is still available 
    for eligible institutions under Sec. 347.108(b) in the absence of 
    general consent.
    Foreign Experience of Applicants
        Regarding the FDIC's general consent under Sec. 347.103(b) for a 
    nonmember bank to establish or relocate a foreign branch in any country 
    in which it already maintains a branch, the FDIC received a comment 
    suggesting the authority be expanded to include any country in which 
    the bank already controls a foreign organization. The FDIC has not 
    adopted this suggestion. Such foreign organizations may not necessarily 
    be engaged in banking, and may not have given the applicant sufficient 
    familiarity with the conduct of banking in the country in question. For 
    example, Sec. 347.104(b) authorizes the establishment of foreign 
    organizations engaged in management consulting, or data processing. 
    However, in response to this comment, the FDIC has expanded final 
    Sec. 347.103(b) to include any jurisdiction in which the nonmember bank 
    already has a foreign bank subsidiary. The FDIC has also decided to 
    make expedited processing available for a nonmember bank to establish a 
    foreign branch in a country in which an affiliate has a foreign bank 
    subsidiary, foreign branch, or Edge or Agreement corporation. Also, the 
    FDIC has made conforming changes to the category of banks eligible for 
    expedited processing of foreign branch applications under 
    Sec. 347.103(c) of the final rule. The FDIC proposed that expedited 
    processing be available to eligible banks with foreign branches or 
    foreign affiliates in two or more countries, but the final rule takes 
    into account other banking-related operations of the bank or its 
        For the same reason that the FDIC has not extended foreign branch 
    approval procedures so far as to take all foreign organizations into 
    account, the FDIC has changed proposed Sec. 347.108(a)(1), which 
    required a nonmember bank or an affiliate to own a foreign organization 
    subsidiary before the bank could exercise general consent authority to 
    invest in foreign organizations. Under the final rule, ``foreign 
    organization'' subsidiary has been changed to ``foreign bank'' 
    subsidiary. Upon further consideration, the FDIC has become concerned 
    that foreign organizations may not necessarily be engaged in banking, 
    and may not have given the applicant sufficient familiarity with the 
    conduct of banking. However, the FDIC has also expanded 
    Sec. 347.108(a)(1) to make general consent available if a nonmember 
    bank has a foreign branch, or an affiliate with a banking-related 
    office abroad.
        This commenter also suggested that proposed Sec. 347.108(a)(2), 
    which conditioned the availability of general consent authority to 
    invest in 20 percent or more of a foreign organization upon the 
    existence of a foreign organization subsidiary of a state nonmember 
    bank in the country in question, be similarly expanded to include any 
    country in which a state nonmember bank maintains a foreign branch. The 
    FDIC is not making this change at this time, out of a concern that many 
    state nonmember banks currently operate ``nameplate'' branches in 
    several foreign countries, involving little actual presence in the
    [[Page 17060]]
    foreign country since all operations are effectively conducted in the 
    United States. Authorization of free-standing foreign organizations in 
    such countries may require more extensive analysis by the FDIC and more 
    extensive coordination with host country supervisors, and it is thus 
    appropriate to deal with such applications through expedited 
    processing. In addition, although the FDIC proposed that the 
    Sec. 347.108(a)(2) condition could be satisfied through the existence 
    of a ``foreign organization'' subsidiary in the foreign country, upon 
    further consideration of the issue, the FDIC has decided to require the 
    existence of a ``foreign bank'' subsidiary. The FDIC is doing this out 
    of a concern that a foreign organization may not necessarily be engaged 
    in banking, and the FDIC consequently may not have evaluated all 
    necessary factors. For example, as noted above, Sec. 347.104(b) 
    authorizes the establishment of foreign organizations engaged in 
    management consulting, or data processing.
        This commenter also requested that the FDIC adopt some mechanism to 
    inform the public of the list of foreign countries in which state 
    nonmember banks have foreign bank subsidiaries, so that affected banks 
    can easily determine whether the Sec. 347.108(a)(2) condition is 
    satisfied. The FDIC will make such information available through its 
    Internet web site, www.fdic.gov, in the near future.
        In addition, this commenter pointed out that the preamble to the 
    proposed rule created confusion as to whether the Sec. 347.108(a)(2) 
    condition would be satisfied if the state nonmember bank seeking to 
    exercise general consent authority was the only state nonmember bank 
    with a foreign bank subsidiary in the foreign country in question. In 
    such a case, the condition would indeed be satisfied. There is no 
    requirement that some other state nonmember bank have a foreign bank 
    subsidiary in the foreign country. The purpose of the 
    Sec. 347.108(a)(2) condition is to ensure the FDIC has experience with 
    the jurisdiction and a working relationship with its supervisors. These 
    goals will be met regardless of whether the state nonmember bank 
    presence in the foreign country is that of the state nonmember bank 
    making the investment, or another state nonmember bank.
    Delegations of Authority
        One commenter suggested that the FDIC Board of Directors should 
    delegate its authority to authorize foreign branches, or foreign 
    organizations in which state nonmember banks invest, to engage in 
    activities not specifically set out in subpart A (including incidental 
    activities in the United States), or to engage in such activities in a 
    greater amount. This commenter also suggested delegation of the Board's 
    authority to approve extensions of the two-year holding period for 
    nonconforming foreign investments obtained in satisfaction of debts 
    previously contracted. However, the FDIC feels that these issues are of 
    such significance that they should be determined by the Board. In 
    addition, the commenter was under the impression that a state nonmember 
    bank seeking to invest in a foreign organization which conducts equity 
    securities underwriting and dealing activity within the limits 
    contained in subpart A would be required to obtain Board approval. 
    Under the rule, Board approval would be required from a state nonmember 
    bank seeking to invest in a foreign organization which would conduct 
    underwriting and dealing activities in excess of subpart A's limits. 
    However, for equity securities underwriting and dealing activities 
    within the limits of Sec. 347.105, the Board has delegated its 
    authority regarding the prior approval required by Sec. 347.104(b)(3).
    Eligible Bank Definition
        Regarding the definition of an ``eligible insured state nonmember 
    bank'' under proposed section 347.102(c), one commenter noted that a 
    bank must have a satisfactory or better Community Reinvestment Act 
    (CRA) (12 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.) rating in order to meet the definition, 
    but that ``special purpose'' banks which are exempt from CRA will not 
    have been assigned CRA ratings. Under the FDIC's CRA regulations at 12 
    CFR part 345, special purpose banks that do not perform commercial or 
    retail banking services by granting credit to the public in the 
    ordinary course of business, other than as is incidental to their 
    specialized operations, are not subject to examination under the FDIC's 
    CRA regulations (12 CFR 345.11(c)(3)). The FDIC does not intend to 
    apply the CRA element of the definition of an eligible insured state 
    nonmember bank to a special purpose bank which is not subject to 
    examination under the FDIC's CRA regulations. Language to this effect 
    has been added to the definition. The substantive portions of the 
    definition have also been transferred to Sec. 347.401 of the final 
    rule, in order to more appropriately locate the definition with the 
    application processing requirements in subpart D, and Sec. 347.102(c) 
    now simply cross-references to the definition in Sec. 347.401. 
    Additional changes to the eligibility definition are discussed in 
    connection with subpart D, below.
    Substantive Comments
        The public comments received by the FDIC also addressed three 
    substantive issues. The first concerns the FDIC's list of authorized 
    financial activities for a foreign organization in which a state 
    nonmember bank may invest (Sec. 347.104(b)). One commenter, noting the 
    FDIC's inclusion of activities authorized under Regulation Y (12 CFR 
    225.28(b)) as being closely related to banking under section 4(c)(8) of 
    the Bank Holding Company Act (Regulation Y list), suggested the FDIC 
    also include any activity determined by the OCC to be incidental to the 
    business of banking under section 24(Seventh) of the National Bank Act 
    (12 U.S.C. 24(Seventh)). The FDIC has not added such a reference. The 
    list of financial activities authorized under section 347.104(b) as a 
    whole is quite extensive, and should be sufficient to permit nonmember 
    banks to maintain a competitive footing abroad. Adoption of an 
    additional analytical approach to authorizing activities abroad, 
    incorporating the ``incidental to the business of banking'' test, seems 
        The second substantive comment concerns the FDIC's identification 
    of specific items on which a state nonmember bank should maintain a 
    system of records, controls and reports about the activities of its 
    foreign branches and organizations (Sec. 347.110(a)(1)-(4)). One 
    commenter was concerned that the list of specific items might be 
    strictly applied, without making allowances for the nature of the 
    foreign operation's particular transactions. As an example, the 
    commenter noted that a recent borrower financial statement, listed in 
    Sec. 347.110(a)(1)(i), might not be necessary for an extension of 
    credit collateralized by investment grade securities with a market 
    value of 150 percent of the outstanding loan amount. To address this 
    concern, the FDIC has changed the language of the regulation slightly, 
    so that the detailed list of items to be held in connection with risk 
    assets (Sec. 347.100(a)(1)(i)-(v)) and to be included in audit reports 
    (Sec. 347.110(a)(1)(4)(i)-(vi)) is illustrative rather than mandatory. 
    However, the FDIC cautions bank management that the bank must maintain 
    a system which, at a minimum, meets the informational objectives 
    spelled out in Sec. 347.110(a)(1)-(4).
        The third substantive comment concerns the FDIC's limitation on 
    mutual fund activities of a foreign
    [[Page 17061]]
    organization in which a state nonmember bank invests 
    (Sec. 347.104(b)(4)). This section permits the foreign organization to 
    organize, sponsor, and manage a mutual fund, but only if the fund's 
    shares are not sold or distributed in the United States or to U.S. 
    residents and the fund does not exercise management control over the 
    firms in which it invests. The commenter did not object to the latter 
    restriction concerning control, but suggested that the FDIC should 
    permit the mutual fund shares to be sold or distributed in the United 
    States or to U.S. residents so long as the fund was not required to be 
    registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-1). 
    The standard which the FDIC proposed under Sec. 347.104(b)(4) is 
    consistent with what is permissible for a member bank under the FRB's 
    current standard in Regulation K. The commenter's proposed modification 
    raises potential legal and supervisory issues which the FDIC would 
    prefer not to address in a vacuum, in the absence of specific facts 
    about the product in question. If a state nonmember bank wishes in the 
    future to invest in a foreign organization which will organize or 
    sponsor a mutual fund whose shares will be distributed or sold in the 
    United States or to U.S. residents, the bank may submit an application 
    to the FDIC.
    C. Other Changes from Proposed Subpart A
        In addition to the changes the FDIC has made to proposed subpart A 
    in response to public comments, the FDIC has made three additional 
    changes concerning foreign branches of state nonmember banks. First, 
    the proposal's definition of a ``foreign branch'' in Sec. 347.102(i) 
    erroneously covered offices located in territories of the United 
    States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the 
    Pacific Islands, or the Virgin Islands. This is inconsistent with the 
    current definition in current Sec. 347.2(a) and section 3(o) of the FDI 
    Act (12 U.S.C. Sec. 1813(o)), and the final definition in 
    Sec. 347.102(i) has been corrected accordingly.
        Second, under proposed Sec. 347.103(b), the FDIC provided its 
    general consent for an eligible bank to establish additional branches 
    in a country in which it already maintained a branch, or to relocate an 
    existing branch within a foreign country. This had the effect of 
    requiring a bank which did not meet the criteria of an eligible insured 
    state nonmember bank to go through the full application process to 
    relocate an existing foreign branch within a foreign country. Upon 
    further consideration, the FDIC does not see the necessity for a 
    general rule requiring full applications for such relocations, given 
    the limited impact they would have on the nonmember bank and the FDIC's 
    ability to suspend general consent as to any particular institution if 
    necessary. Therefore, under Sec. 347.103(b)(2) of the final rule, the 
    FDIC gives its general consent for relocations of existing foreign 
        Third, in the proposed rule, the FDIC indicated it was considering 
    whether to authorize foreign branches to underwrite, distribute and 
    deal, invest in and trade obligations of any foreign government (as 
    opposed to the current authorization which extends only to obligations 
    of the country in which the branch is located). The FDIC has decided to 
    adopt this proposal, but has added an additional requirement that the 
    non-local obligations be rated investment grade by at least two 
    established international rating agencies. In contrast to the situation 
    in the U.S., foreign sovereign debt is frequently rated. Nonmember 
    banks still have the option of making an application to the FDIC to 
    include unrated investment quality obligations as part of their foreign 
    branch's line of business in this regard.
    D. Description of Final Rule, Subpart A
    Foreign Branches
        The most significant change from current part 347 is the FDIC's 
    grant of authority to a nonmember bank meeting certain eligibility 
    criteria to establish foreign branches under general consent or 
    expedited processing procedures. The existing list of foreign branch 
    powers under current Sec. 347.3(c) has also been redrafted to bring it 
    more in line with modern banking practice. The final rule also 
    introduces expanded powers for foreign branches to underwrite, 
    distribute, deal, invest in, and trade foreign government obligations.
        The general consent and expedited processing procedures are 
    discussed in detail in the analysis of subpart D, below, but to 
    summarize them briefly, Sec. 347.103(b) gives the FDIC's general 
    consent for a nonmember bank to relocate existing foreign branches 
    within a foreign country, and for an eligible nonmember bank--one which 
    is well-capitalized, well-rated under certain supervisory assessment 
    benchmarks, and has no supervision problems--to establish branches 
    within a foreign country in which the nonmember bank has a branch or a 
    foreign bank subsidiary. By expedited processing requiring only 45 days 
    prior notice to the FDIC, an eligible nonmember bank may also establish 
    additional branches in a country in which an affiliate of the bank 
    operates a foreign bank subsidiary, or in which an affiliated bank or 
    Edge or Agreement corporation operate a foreign branch. An eligible 
    nonmember bank which has established its international expertise by 
    successfully operating such entities in two or more foreign countries 
    may also establish branches in additional foreign countries under 
    expedited processing procedures. There are certain necessary 
    limitations on these general consent and expedited processing 
    procedures, however, as discussed in the analysis of subpart D.
        Section 347.103(a) of the final rule lists the permissible 
    activities for a foreign branch. In order to modernize the list of 
    foreign branch powers currently contained in Sec. 347.3(c), the final 
    rule eliminates Sec. 347.3(c)(2) (specific authorization for a foreign 
    branch to accept drafts or bills of exchange), and Sec. 347.3(c)(5) 
    (specific authorization for a foreign branch to make loans secured by 
    real estate). The FDIC has not included a counterpart to the FRB's 
    specific authorization for a foreign branch to engage in repurchase 
    agreements involving securities that are the functional equivalent of 
    extensions of credit. In the FDIC's view, these activities are within 
    the general banking powers of a foreign branch, and thus do not require 
    specific mention on the list of activities which the FDIC has 
    authorized in addition to such general banking powers.
        The final rule also eliminates Sec. 347.3(c)(6) (specific 
    authorization for a foreign branch to pay its foreign branch officers 
    and employees a greater rate of interest on branch deposits than the 
    rate paid to other depositors on similar branch deposits). Regulation K 
    presently contains a similar provision. While section 22(e) of the 
    Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 376) generally limits a member bank's 
    authority to pay employees a greater rate of interest than the rate 
    paid to other depositors on similar deposits, the FDIC is not aware of 
    any current regulatory restrictions directly prohibiting a nonmember 
    bank from doing so, assuming there were no implications of insider 
    abuse or of evading certain limited regulatory requirements concerning 
    executive compensation. Thus, in the FDIC's view, this activity is 
    within the general banking powers of a foreign branch of a nonmember 
        In addition, the FDIC has not included a counterpart to the FRB's 
    specific authorization for a foreign branch to extend credit to an 
    officer of the branch residing in the foreign country in which the 
    branch is located
    [[Page 17062]]
    to finance the officer's living quarters. In the FDIC's view, this 
    activity is within the general banking powers of a foreign branch, 
    provided that the bank observes prudent banking practices and 
    Regulation O limits on loans to the bank's executive officers. Given 
    that Regulation O currently permits a bank to finance an executive 
    officer's purchase, construction, maintenance, or improvement of a 
    personal residence, the FDIC need not specifically authorize it here.
        To update the current authorization under Sec. 347.3(c)(3) to hold 
    the equity securities of the central bank, clearing houses, 
    governmental entities, and development banks of the country in which 
    the branch is located, final Sec. 347.103(a)(2) adds debt securities 
    eligible to meet local reserve or similar requirements, as well as 
    shares of automated electronic payment networks, professional 
    societies, schools, and similar entities necessary to the business of 
    the branch. Section 347.103(a)(2) continues to set the limit for such 
    investments at one percent of the total deposits in all the bank's 
    branches in that country as reported in the preceding year-end Report 
    of Income and Condition (Call Report), subject to the same exclusions 
    as currently apply for investments required by local law or permissible 
    for a national bank under 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh).
        The current authorization under Sec. 347.3(c)(4) to underwrite, 
    distribute and deal, invest and trade in obligations of the national 
    government of the country in which the branch is located has been 
    similarly updated. Section 347.103(a)(3) clarifies that obligations of 
    the national government's political subdivisions, and its agencies and 
    instrumentalities if supported by the national government's taxing 
    authority or full faith and credit, are also eligible. The final rule 
    also revises the investment limit to reference ten percent of the 
    nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital, instead of the outdated reference to 
    ten percent of its capital and surplus.
        Finally, the FDIC has decided to permit a foreign branch to 
    underwrite, distribute and deal, invest in and trade obligations of any 
    foreign government, rather than just the obligations of the country in 
    which it is located. Section 347.103(a)(3)(ii) permits this activity, 
    so long as the issuing country permits foreign enterprises to do so.
        Since Regulation K does not currently authorize member (and thus 
    national) banks to conduct this activity, the FDIC, in adopting the 
    final rule, has determined that the activity does not create a 
    significant risk to the deposit insurance fund, as required by section 
    24 of the FDI Act and part 362 of the FDIC's rules and 
    regulations.1 Section 347.103(a)(3)(ii) allows nonmember 
    banks to consolidate these activities, which must currently be carried 
    out in different branch offices in each country, into a single branch 
    office, for more convenient administration and oversight. The non-local 
    obligations are counted as part of the ten percent limit applicable to 
    local obligation underwriting, distribution, investment and trading, 
    and must also be rated as investment grade by at least two established 
    international rating agencies.
        \1\ Because section 24 only permits the FDIC to authorize equity 
    investments which are not permissible for a national bank through a 
    majority-owned subsidiary, proposed Sec. 347.103(a)(3)(B) requires 
    any foreign government obligations which constitute equity interests 
    to be held through a subsidiary of the foreign branch. However, 
    practically speaking, the vast majority of foreign government 
    obligations are debt obligations instead of equity interests, and 
    could be held at the branch level.
    Foreign Investments
        The final rule completely revises the FDIC's approach to approvals 
    of a nonmember bank's investment in the stock or other evidences of 
    ownership of a foreign bank or other entity. The final rule adopts an 
    approach like that of the FRB under Regulation K. The rule lists the 
    various types of financial activities in which a nonmember bank's 
    foreign subsidiaries and joint ventures may engage. The rule also 
    authorizes limited indirect investment in and trading of the stock of 
    nonfinancial entities. Securities underwriting and dealing abroad up to 
    specified limits is permitted, with the FDIC's prior approval. 
    Moreover, the rule grants eligible nonmember banks the FDIC's general 
    consent to make investments in conformity with the rule up to specified 
    annual limits, and permits additional investments upon 45 days prior 
    Investment in Foreign Banks and Other Entities Engaged in Financial 
        Section 347.104(b) contains a list of approved activities which are 
    financial in nature. A foreign subsidiary of a nonmember bank is 
    limited to conducting these authorized financial activities, unless the 
    nonmember bank acquires the subsidiary as a going concern, in which 
    case up to five percent of the subsidiary's assets or revenues may be 
    attributable to activities which are not on the list. Under the 
    definition of ``subsidiary'' at Sec. 347.102(p), a foreign organization 
    is a subsidiary of a nonmember bank if the nonmember bank and its 
    affiliates hold more than 50 percent of the foreign organization's 
    voting equity securities. It is important to note that this definition 
    of a subsidiary differs from the commonly-used subsidiary definition 
    found in section 2(d) of the Bank Holding Company Act (BHCA) (12 U.S.C. 
    1841(d)). Under section 2(d), subsidiary status typically arises upon 
    ownership of 25 percent or more of the entity's voting securities. The 
    FDIC has adopted the less-inclusive subsidiary definition which is 
    triggered at 50 percent rather than the more commonly-used 25 percent 
    in order to maintain consistency with the corresponding provisions of 
    Regulation K. This less-inclusive approach is also carried through to 
    the definition of an affiliate under Sec. 347.102(a), also to maintain 
    consistency with Regulation K.
        Subsidiary status under Sec. 2(d) of the BHCA also arises when the 
    parent controls in any manner the election of the majority of the 
    subsidiary's directors in any manner or if the parent has the power to 
    directly or indirectly exercise a controlling influence over the 
    management and policies of an organization. In contrast, the final rule 
    separates these elements out into their own definition of ``control'' 
    at Sec. 347.102(b). Section 347.102(b) also provides that control is 
    deemed to exist whenever a nonmember bank or its affiliate is a general 
    partner of a foreign organization. As is the case with subsidiaries, 
    any foreign organization which is controlled by a state nonmember bank 
    or its affiliates, regardless of the percent of voting stock owned by 
    the state nonmember bank, is limited to conducting approved financial 
    activities contained on the Sec. 347.104(b) list, subject to the same 
    five percent exception for going concerns.
        If a nonmember bank and its affiliates hold less than 50 percent of 
    the voting equity securities of a foreign organization and do not 
    control the organization, up to 10 percent of the organization's assets 
    or revenues may be attributable to activities which are not on the 
    list. If the nonmember bank and its affiliates' hold less than 20 
    percent of a foreign organization's voting equity interests, the 
    nonmember bank is prohibited from making any loans or extensions of 
    credit to the organization which are not on substantially the same 
    terms as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with 
    nonaffiliated organizations.
        The list of authorized financial activities in Sec. 347.104(b) is 
    modeled on the FRB's corresponding provision in Regulation K, 12 CFR 
    211.5(d). The final rule reorders the activities in an effort
    [[Page 17063]]
    to group similar activities together, and where there are conditions 
    and limitations on the conduct of a particular activity, this 
    additional information is separately set out in Secs. 347.105 and 
    347.106. Additional activities require the FDIC's approval.
        The final rule does not include six activities which currently 
    appear in Regulation K. The FDIC has not included these activities, 
    because they are each authorized under Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.28(b)) 
    as being closely related to banking under section 4(c)(8) of the Bank 
    Holding Company Act (Regulation Y list), and the final rule authorizes 
    foreign investment organizations to engage in any activity on the 
    Regulation Y list. The omitted activities are: financing; acting as 
    fiduciary; providing investment, financial, or economic advisory 
    services; leasing real or personal property or acting as agent, broker 
    or advisor in connection with such transactions if the lease serves as 
    the functional equivalent of an extension of credit to the lessee; 
    acting as a futures commission merchant; and acting as principal or 
    agent in swap transactions.
        In addition, Sec. 347.104(b) contains certain activities--for 
    example, data processing--which are also authorized by the Regulation Y 
    list, but are subject to certain additional limitations and conditions 
    under Regulation Y. In such cases, the activities are included in 
    Sec. 347.104(b) because a foreign investment entity is permitted to 
    conduct them under the less restrictive terms of Sec. 347.104(b). But 
    in cases in which the nonmember bank relies solely on Sec. 347.104(b)'s 
    cross-reference to the Regulation Y list as authority to conduct an 
    activity, the foreign investment entity must comply with the attendant 
    restrictions in 12 CFR 227.28(b).
        Also, in the case of one activity authorized by Sec. 347.104(b)'s 
    cross-reference to the Regulation Y list, acting as a futures 
    commission merchant (FCM), the FDIC has imposed one restriction in 
    addition to the restrictions imposed by Regulation Y at 12 CFR 
    225.28(b). Under Sec. 347.106(a), a foreign investment entity may not 
    have potential liability to a mutual exchange or clearing association 
    of which the foreign investment entity is a member exceeding an amount 
    equal to two percent of the nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital, unless the 
    FDIC grants its prior approval.
        Unlike Regulation K, the FDIC's rule authorizes nonmember banks to 
    directly invest in foreign organizations which are not foreign banks. 
    Under 12 CFR 211.5(b)(2), the only foreign organizations in which 
    member banks are permitted to invest directly are foreign banks; 
    foreign organizations formed for the sole purpose of either holding 
    shares of a foreign bank or for performing nominee, fiduciary, or other 
    banking services incidental to the activities of the member bank's 
    foreign branches or affiliates; or subsidiaries of foreign branches 
    authorized under 12 CFR 211.3(b)(9). Any investment by a member bank in 
    a foreign organization which is not one of these types of entities must 
    be made indirectly, through an Edge corporation subsidiary or foreign 
    bank subsidiary of the member bank. This limitation arises out of the 
    language of section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act, which generally 
    limits the direct investments of member banks to foreign banks. In 
    contrast, section 18(l) of the FDI Act permits state nonmember banks, 
    to the extent authorized by state law, to invest in foreign ``banks or 
    other entities.'' As discussed above, the legislative history of 
    section 18(l) shows that Congress was, at the time it created section 
    18(l), mindful of the FRB's parallel authority over member banks under 
    section 25. Therefore, the FDIC interprets the difference between the 
    two statutes to be significant, and the type of foreign organizations 
    in which a state nonmember bank may invest directly are not restricted 
    by section 18(l).
        A national bank's inability to invest directly in the shares of a 
    nonbank foreign organization raises issues under section 24 of the FDI 
    Act and part 362 of the FDIC's rules and regulations. If a nonmember 
    bank acquires a sufficient stake in a nonbank foreign organization such 
    that the nonbank foreign organization is a ``majority-owned 
    subsidiary'' 2 of the state nonmember bank for purposes of 
    section 24, no section 24 analysis is required. This is because subpart 
    A of part 347 only authorizes foreign organizations to engage in the 
    same activities which the FRB has authorized for the foreign 
    subsidiaries of member (and thus national) banks. Therefore, the 
    nonmember bank's foreign subsidiary can only engage as principal in the 
    same activities permitted for a foreign subsidiary of a national bank, 
    and section 24's application requirement is never triggered.
        \2\ Section 24 and part 362 do not set out a separate definition 
    of ``majority-owned subsidiary.'' Part 362 defines a ``subsidiary'' 
    to mean any company directly or indirectly controlled by an insured 
    state nonmember bank. Part 362 further defines ``control'' to mean 
    the power to vote, directly or indirectly, 25 percent or more of any 
    class of the voting stock of a company, the ability to control in 
    any manner the election of a majority of a company's directors or 
    trustees, or the ability to exercise a controlling influence over 
    the management and policies of a company. A state nonmember bank 
    thus holds a company as a ``majority-owned subsidiary'' when the 
    bank holds more than 50 percent of the company's stock. This is 
    equivalent to the definition of ``subsidiary'' in proposed 
    Sec. 347.102(p).
        If the nonmember bank holds a lesser amount of the nonbank foreign 
    organization's shares, such that it does not rise to a ``majority-owned 
    subsidiary'' within the meaning of section 24 and part 362, the FDIC is 
    required by section 24 and part 362 to determine that the nonmember 
    bank's equity investment in a nonbank foreign organization does not 
    pose a significant risk to the appropriate deposit insurance fund. The 
    FDIC has determined that dispensing with the intermediate foreign bank 
    subsidiary or Edge subsidiary, the vehicle through which a national 
    bank is permitted to make this type of investment, is simply a 
    structural matter that does not create a significant risk to the 
    deposit insurance fund. The final rule therefore authorizes nonmember 
    banks to hold such non-majority equity interests. However, section 24 
    and part 362 provide that the FDIC may only permit equity investments 
    to be held by the bank through a majority-owned subsidiary. The final 
    rule therefore requires these investments to be held through some form 
    of U.S. or foreign majority-owned subsidiary.
        The final rule does not include one activity authorized by 
    Regulation K concerning a foreign investment entity's ability to 
    underwrite life, annuity, pension fund-related, and other types of 
    insurance, where the associated risks have been determined by the FRB 
    to be actuarially predictable. Under Regulation K, the FRB has not 
    given general authorization for this activity to be conducted directly 
    or indirectly by a subsidiary of a member bank. Since the activity is 
    thus not generally permissible for a subsidiary of a national bank, a 
    section 24 issue arises. However, under section 24(b) and 24(d)(2), the 
    FDIC may not give section 24 approval for a state bank or its 
    subsidiary to engage in insurance underwriting if it is not permissible 
    for a national bank, or is not expressly excepted by other subsections 
    of section 24 covering limited types of insurance underwriting. 
    Therefore, the FDIC is presently foreclosed from granting general 
    regulatory authorization for nonmember banks to underwrite life, 
    pension fund-related, or other types of insurance in this fashion. This 
    prohibition does not extend to annuity underwriting, and a nonmember 
    bank which wishes to underwrite annuities through a foreign 
    organization may apply to the FDIC
    [[Page 17064]]
    under the final rule and part 362 for specific approval to do so.
    Portfolio Investments in Nonfinancial Foreign Organizations
        Section 347.104(g) of the final rule authorizes nonmember banks to 
    make portfolio investments in a foreign organization without regard to 
    whether the activities of the organization are authorized financial 
    activities listed in Sec. 347.104(b). Aggregate holdings of a 
    particular foreign organization's equity interests by the nonmember 
    bank and its affiliates must be less than 20 percent of the foreign 
    organization's voting equity interests and 40 percent of its total 
    voting and nonvoting equity interests. The latter restriction prevents 
    a nonmember bank from, by obtaining a large equity position albeit a 
    nonvoting one, obtaining a level of influence over the foreign 
    organization which is inconsistent with the notion of a portfolio 
    holding. The nonmember bank and its affiliates are not permitted to 
    control the foreign organization, and any loan or extensions of credit 
    to the foreign organization must be on substantially the same terms as 
    those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with 
    nonaffiliated organizations.
        Section 347.104(g) limits these investments in nonfinancial foreign 
    organizations to an amount equal to 15 percent of the nonmember bank's 
    Tier 1 capital. In contrast to the FDIC's approach with foreign 
    organizations engaged primarily in financial activities authorized 
    under Sec. 347.104(b), Sec. 347.104(g) does not displace current 
    limitations prohibiting member (and thus national) banks from making 
    nonfinancial portfolio investments at the bank level or through a 
    domestic subsidiary of the bank. Section 347.104(g) requires these 
    investments to be held through a foreign subsidiary, or an Edge 
    corporation subsidiary (subject to the FRB's authorization). The FDIC 
    is authorizing these portfolio investments so that a nonmember bank's 
    foreign bank and other financial subsidiaries can compete effectively 
    in their foreign markets. It is therefore not necessary to authorize 
    portfolio investments at the bank or domestic subsidiary level.
    U.S. Activities of Foreign Organizations
        As discussed above, section 18(l) of the FDI Act states that the 
    foreign organizations in which nonmember banks invest may not engage in 
    any activities in the U.S. except as the Board of Directors, in its 
    judgment, has determined are incidental to the international or foreign 
    business of the foreign organization. Section 347.107 of the final rule 
    addresses what activities may be engaged in within the United States. 
    The rule prohibits a nonmember bank from investing in any foreign 
    organization which engages in the general business of buying or selling 
    goods, wares, merchandise, or commodities in the U.S., and prohibits 
    investments totaling over five percent of the equity interests of any 
    foreign organization if the organization engages in any business or 
    activities in the U.S. which are not incidental to its international or 
    foreign business. A foreign organization will not be considered to be 
    engaged in business or activities in the U.S. unless it maintains an 
    office in the U.S. other than a representative office.
        This structure follows the one established by the FRB under 
    Regulation K. The FDIC is including the five percent threshold and the 
    U.S. office threshold in acknowledgment that the U.S. is a leading 
    international market and a substantial number of foreign organizations 
    transact some portion of their business here. If nonmember banks are 
    prohibited from investing in every foreign organization which does even 
    a limited amount of its business in the U.S., nonmember banks will be 
    at a disadvantage vis a vis their international financial institution 
        Beyond these thresholds, the regulation permits foreign 
    organizations to conduct activities that are permissible in the U.S. 
    for an Edge corporation, or such other business or activities as are 
    approved by the FDIC. In approving additional activities, the FDIC will 
    consider whether the activities are international in character. For 
    activities proposed by a foreign subsidiary or joint venture of a 
    nonmember bank, the FDIC will also consider whether the activity would 
    be conducted through a foreign organization to circumvent some legal 
    requirement which would apply if the nonmember bank conducted the 
    activity through a domestic organization.
    Underwriting, Distributing, and Dealing Equity Securities Outside the 
    United States
        Under the final rule, a foreign investment entity of a nonmember 
    bank is permitted to underwrite, distribute, and deal equity securities 
    outside the United States. Briefly summarized, the final rule imposes 
    three main limits as part of Sec. 347.105.
        First, underwriting commitments for a single issuer may not exceed 
    an amount equal to the lesser of $60 million or 25 percent of the 
    nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital.
        Second, distribution and dealing shares of a single entity may not 
    exceed an amount equal to the lesser of $30 million or five percent of 
    the nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital.3
        \3\ Regulation K currently authorizes the lesser of $30 million 
    or 10 percent.
        Third, the sum of underwriting commitments, distribution and 
    dealing shares, and any portfolio investments in nonfinancial foreign 
    organizations under Sec. 347.104(g) may not exceed an amount equal to 
    25 percent of the nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital.
        Each of these three limits is discussed further below. In 
    determining compliance with these limits, the nonmember bank counts all 
    commitments of and shares held by each foreign organization in which 
    the nonmember bank has invested pursuant to subpart A of part 347. The 
    nonmember bank also counts all commitments of and shares held by 
    foreign organizations in which the nonmember bank's affiliates have 
    invested pursuant to subpart A of Regulation K.
        The $60 million/25 percent underwriting commitment limit may be 
    exceeded to the extent the commitment is covered by binding commitments 
    from subunderwriters or purchasers. The limit may also be exceeded to 
    the extent the commitment is deducted from the nonmember bank's capital 
    and the bank remains well-capitalized after the deduction. At least 
    half of this deduction must be from Tier 1 capital, and the deduction 
    applies for all regulatory purposes.
        The $30 million/five percent limit on the equity securities of a 
    single entity which may be held for distribution or dealing is subject 
    to two exceptions. First, in order to facilitate underwritings, any 
    equity securities acquired pursuant to an underwriting commitment 
    extending up to 90 days after the payment date of the underwriting are 
    not included in the limit. Second, up to 75 percent of the position in 
    an equity security may be reduced by netting long and short positions 
    in the identical equity security, or by offsetting cash positions 
    against derivative instruments referenced to the same security. The 
    provision permitting netting of derivative positions is intended to 
    recognize the beneficial impact of prudent hedging strategies, and 
    encourage such strategies where the nonmember bank and the foreign 
    organization determines they are appropriate. The FDIC expects a 
    nonmember bank asserting netting involving derivatives to be able to
    [[Page 17065]]
    establish the validity of the hedging strategy to the nonmember bank's 
        If the nonmember bank's foreign organizations hold the same equity 
    securities for distribution and dealing as well as for investment or 
    trading pursuant to Sec. 347.104 or the corresponding provision of 
    Regulation K, two additional considerations apply.
        First, the investment or trading securities are included in 
    calculating the $30 million/five percent per-entity distribution and 
    dealing limit, in order to prevent securities which are potentially 
    distribution or dealing inventory from being characterized as 
    investment or trading shares. Conversely, if the nonmember bank relies 
    on the general consent provisions under proposed Sec. 347.108 to 
    acquire the securities for investment or trading purposes, distribution 
    and dealing securities are counted towards the general consent 
    investment limits.
        Second, equity interests in a particular foreign organization held 
    for distribution and dealing are required to conform with the limits of 
    Sec. 347.104. Equity interests held for distribution or dealing by an 
    affiliate permitted to do so under Sec. 337.4 of the FDIC's rules and 
    regulations (12 CFR 337.4) or section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding 
    Company Act (12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(8)) are counted for this limit. If the 
    nonmember bank's foreign organizations hold equity interests in the 
    same entity for investment and trading purposes, such interests are 
    included in determining compliance with these limits. However, in order 
    to permit 100 percent underwriting, the final rule contains an 
    exception for equity securities acquired pursuant to an underwriting 
    commitment for up to 90 days after the payment date for the 
        The combined limit, under which nonfinancial portfolio shares, 
    underwriting commitments, and distribution and dealing shares are 
    limited to 25 percent of the nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital, only 
    includes underwriting commitments net of amounts subject to commitments 
    from subunderwriters or purchasers or already deducted from the 
    nonmember bank's capital. Equity securities held for distribution or 
    dealing are only counted net of any position reduction through netting, 
    as permitted in connection with the five percent dealing limit.
    Approval of Investments
        The final rule permits a nonmember bank meeting certain eligibility 
    criteria to make foreign investments pursuant to general consent and 
    expedited processing procedures. These procedures are discussed in 
    detail in the analysis of subpart D below, but to summarize them 
    briefly, Sec. 347.108 grants the FDIC's general consent for nonmember 
    banks meeting the same eligibility criteria as apply in the foreign 
    branching context to invest up to five percent of their Tier 1 capital 
    in any 12-month period in foreign investments, plus up to an additional 
    five percent in equity interests for trading purposes. A sublimit of 
    two percent of Tier 1 capital per foreign organization applies. The 
    nonmember bank must already operate at least one foreign branch or 
    foreign bank subsidiary, or an affiliate of the bank must operate a 
    foreign bank subsidiary, or an affiliated bank or Edge or Agreement 
    corporation must operate a foreign branch. In addition, at least one 
    nonmember bank must have a foreign bank subsidiary in the relevant 
    foreign country, in order for general consent to be applicable. An 
    investment that does not qualify for general consent, but is otherwise 
    in compliance with the rule, may be made by an eligible bank upon 45 
    days prior notice under the expedited processing procedure. There are 
    certain necessary limitations on these general consent and expedited 
    processing procedures, however, as discussed in the analysis of subpart 
    Extensions of Credit
        Section 347.109(a) of the final rule does not alter the FDIC's 
    current treatment under Sec. 347.5 of extensions of credit to foreign 
    investment entities: the limitations of section 18(j) of the FDI Act, 
    incorporating by reference the interaffiliate transaction restrictions 
    of sections 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act, do not apply.
    Debts Previously Contracted
        With one exception, Sec. 347.109(b) of the final rule does not 
    alter the FDIC's current treatment under Sec. 347.4(b), whereby equity 
    interests acquired to prevent loss on a debt previously contracted in 
    good faith are not subject to the limits and approvals of the 
    regulation. The FDIC is extending the time period an institution is 
    granted to dispose of such equity interests without the FDIC's specific 
    approval under part 347 from one to two years. The extension is not 
    intended to relieve an institution from its general obligation to 
    dispose of the investment promptly under the circumstances and make 
    diligent efforts to such end. However, extending the point at which an 
    application is required reduces administrative burden, and the FDIC can 
    monitor the progress of divestiture efforts as part of the normal 
    examination cycle. As with the current requirements of Sec. 347.4(b), 
    the final rule is not intended to displace any of the nonmember bank's 
    concurrent obligations under state law, or extend a state law 
    divestiture or approval period of less than two years.
    E. Supervision and Recordkeeping for Foreign Branches and Investments
        Section 347.110 of the final rule does not alter the FDIC's current 
    requirements for reporting and recordkeeping under current Sec. 347.6. 
    These requirements are intended to facilitate both the nonmember bank's 
    oversight of its foreign operations and the FDIC's supervision of them. 
    The final rule adds one new element. If a nonmember bank seeks to 
    establish a foreign branch, or acquire a foreign joint venture or 
    subsidiary, in a country in which applicable law or practice would 
    limit the FDIC's access to information about the branch or subsidiary 
    for supervisory purposes, the nonmember bank may not rely on the FDIC's 
    general consent or expedited processing procedures to do so. In such 
    cases, the FDIC must have an opportunity to evaluate the impact of the 
    limits on the FDIC's access, and determine whether the FDIC can still 
    serve its domestic and international supervisory obligations through 
    measures such as duplicate record-keeping in the U.S., reliance on host 
    country supervisors, operating policies of the foreign organization, or 
    reliance on recognized external auditors.
    II. Subpart B--Deposit Insurance Requirements for State Branches 
    and Foreign Banks Having Insured Branches
    A. Background
        Subpart B, like current part 346 of the FDIC's Rules and 
    Regulations, implements certain provisions of the International Banking 
    Act of 1978 (IBA) (Pub. L. 95-369), as amended, and corresponding 
    provisions of the FDI Act. Subpart B establishes the permissible 
    deposit-taking activities of uninsured state licensed branches of 
    foreign banks. Subpart B also establishes certain rules applicable to 
    insured branches of foreign banks, whose ability to conduct domestic 
    retail deposit activity is grandfathered under the Foreign Bank 
    Supervision Enhancement Act of 1991 (FBSEA) (Title II, subtitle A of 
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991, Pub. 
    L. 102-242). These rules cover asset pledge and asset maintenance 
    requirements for insured branches, approval requirements for any 
    [[Page 17066]]
    not permissible for federal branches, and information-related items.
        The FDIC received no public comments on proposed subpart B. The 
    FDIC is issuing the final version of subpart B without change from the 
    proposal. As the FDIC discussed in the NPR, the only significant change 
    from current part 346 is the addition of regulatory language conforming 
    to FBSEA's requirement that foreign banks conduct all domestic retail 
    deposit activity through a U.S. insured bank subsidiary. Insured 
    branches of foreign banks will also be required to calculate and report 
    compliance with the pledge of asset requirement on a quarterly basis. 
    These differences, and other changes from current part 346, are 
    highlighted in the following description of subpart B.
    B. Description of Final Rule, Subpart B
        The definitions in Sec. 347.202 are unchanged from current part 
    346, except that substantive limitations contained in some of the 
    definitions have been moved to the appropriate substantive rule itself.
        Section 347.203, requiring all branches of the same foreign bank in 
    the same state which accept initial deposits in an amount of less than 
    $100,000 to be insured, is unchanged from current part 346.
        Section 347.204 has no counterpart in current part 346. However, 
    the FDIC is merely implementing FBSEA provisions which have applied by 
    their own terms since December 19, 1991. Thus, Sec. 347.204 does not 
    impose any new restrictions on foreign banks. FBSEA amended section 
    6(c) of the IBA (redesignated section 6(d) in 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3104(d)) 
    to require any foreign bank intending to conduct domestic retail 
    deposit activities in any state in the U.S. to organize an insured bank 
    subsidiary to conduct these deposit activities. However, any insured 
    branches which were accepting or maintaining domestic retail deposit 
    accounts on December 19, 1991, are allowed to continue to operate as 
    insured branches conducting domestic retail deposit activities. IBA 
    section 6(d)(3) also exempts any bank organized under the laws of any 
    territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, or 
    the Virgin Islands the deposits of which are insured by the FDIC 
    pursuant to the FDI Act. This allows insured banks organized under the 
    laws of the jurisdictions included therein to conduct any domestic 
    retail deposit activities in the United States through insured 
    branches, rather than organizing an insured bank subsidiary. This 
    statutory scheme has been reiterated in Sec. 347.204.
        In connection with reiterating this statutory scheme in 
    Sec. 347.204, the FDIC has included Sec. 347.204(b), mirroring the 
    exemption for FDIC-insured banks organized under the laws of any 
    territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, or 
    the Virgin Islands set out in IBA section 6(d)(3). The enumerated 
    jurisdictions are commonwealths and territories of the United States 
    which are specifically included within the ``foreign bank'' definition 
    in IBA section 1(b)(7), and which the FDIC has included in the 
    regulatory definition of ``foreign bank'' under Sec. 347.202(g). In 
    drafting the Sec. 347.204(b) exemption, the FDIC has stuck closely to 
    the IBA's statutory language, and has not listed the Northern Mariana 
    Islands among the specifically-enumerated jurisdictions. The Northern 
    Mariana Islands is a commonwealth, and, like the commonwealth of Puerto 
    Rico, is specifically included in the definition of ``State'' for 
    purposes of the FDI Act under section 3(a)(3) thereof (12 U.S.C. 
    1813(a)(3)). As such, the FDI Act on its face would permit a bank 
    chartered by the Northern Mariana Islands to obtain FDIC insurance. 
    Therefore, there may be an interpretive issue under IBA section 
    6(d)(3), whether a Northern Mariana Islands bank which had obtained 
    FDIC insurance fell within the section 6(d)(3) exception and was 
    permitted to engage in domestic retail deposit taking in the U.S. 
    through an insured branch. Given that there are currently no Northern 
    Mariana Islands banks with FDIC deposit insurance, the FDIC sees no 
    need to express any interpretive position on this issue at this time.
        In consideration of section 6(d) of the IBA, the FDIC has decided 
    it is no longer necessary to have any counterpart to current 
    Sec. 346.8. Section 346.8 authorized foreign banks to seek insurance 
    for a foreign branch even though the foreign branch did not engage in 
    domestic retail deposit activity, and was therefore not required to 
    obtain insurance. On their face, at least, FBSEA's amendments to 
    section 6 of the IBA seem only to reach foreign banks conducting 
    domestic retail deposit activity, and Congress has not repealed section 
    5(b) of the FDI Act, authorizing deposit insurance applications from 
    foreign branches. Therefore, it may arguably be possible for a foreign 
    branch which does not engage in domestic retail deposit activity to 
    seek deposit insurance from the FDIC. As a practical matter, however, 
    the FDIC does not foresee many circumstances in which it could be 
    appropriate for the FDIC Board of Directors to approve such an 
    application. Moreover, the elimination of Sec. 346.8 does not affect a 
    foreign bank's ability to argue that it may make an application under 
    section 5(b) of the FDI Act. The Board would have to determine whether 
    to actually accept and approve such an application, based upon its 
    review of the facts and circumstances, in addition to the pertinent 
    legal and policy considerations.
        Section 347.205 permits an uninsured state foreign branch to 
    operate under an agreement with the FRB which limits the branch to 
    accepting only those deposits which would be permissible for an Edge 
    corporation. This is unchanged from current part 346.
        Section 347.206 sets out the rules under which uninsured state 
    foreign branches may, without being deemed to be engaged in domestic 
    retail deposit activity, accept deposits in an initial amount of less 
    than $100,000. The FDIC conducted an exhaustive review of these rules 
    in connection with the enactment of section 107 of the Riegle-Neal 
    Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-
    328), and revised them to ensure they are consistent with ``affording 
    equal competitive opportunities to foreign and United States banking 
    organizations in their United States operations [and to] ensure that 
    foreign banking organizations do not receive an unfair competitive 
    advantage over United States banking organizations.'' 12 U.S.C. 
    3104(a). See 61 FR 5671 (February 14, 1996). These revisions to current 
    section 346.6 took effect on April 1, 1996, and the FDIC is only 
    adopting minor, nonsubstantive revisions in connection with this 
    rulemaking. Regulatory language setting out the one percent ``de 
    minimis'' exception is being revised to clearly state the calculation 
    method which the FDIC has long applied in implementing the de minimis 
    exception, but the calculation method is not changed. The FDIC is also 
    relocating the application procedure for foreign branches seeking 
    additional exceptions from the substantive rule to the separate 
    procedural rules on applications, set out in new subpart D of part 347.
        Section 347.207, specifying the notice which uninsured state 
    foreign branches must give depositors, makes no changes from the 
    comparable requirements of part 346. The same is true of section 
    347.208, the agreement by any foreign bank with an insured state branch 
    to provide the FDIC with certain information about the bank and permit 
    the FDIC to examine any of its U.S. operations. The same is also true 
    [[Page 17067]]
    Sec. 347.209, requiring insured state branches to maintain records on a 
    separate-entity basis, and to maintain a set of records in English.
        Section 347.210(a) of the final rule, setting forth the FDIC's 
    requirement that an insured branch pledge assets for the benefit of the 
    FDIC or its designee, contains certain changes from the comparable 
    provisions of current part 346. The pledge requirement remains at five 
    percent of the average of the insured branch's liabilities, as is 
    currently the case, but the final rule requires the pledge to be 
    calculated quarterly, whereas the current rule only requires it to be 
    calculated for the last 30 days of the second and fourth calendar 
    quarters. The final rule provides that the amount of assets that must 
    be pledged to the FDIC will be equal to ``five percent of the average 
    of the insured branch's liabilities for the last 30 days of the most 
    recent calendar quarter.'' This formula will be more straightforward to 
    apply and the calculation thereof will be easier for the insured 
    branches. The final rule also requires the insured branch to provide 
    the appropriate FDIC regional director with a written report regarding 
    the pledged assets on a quarterly basis (Sec. 347.210(e)(6)(ii)). The 
    current rule only requires semiannual reporting. This new reporting 
    requirement is consistent with other FDIC reporting requirements, such 
    as the filing of Reports of Income and Condition, and with the FDIC's 
    policy of analyzing financial data on a quarterly basis. It is the 
    FDIC's belief that quarterly calculation and reporting requirements do 
    not impose a significant additional burden on insured branches because 
    the information is already being collected and maintained by the bank. 
    Also, Sec. 347.210(e)(4) of the final rule now requires the foreign 
    branch to provide the appropriate FDIC regional director with copies of 
    all the documents and instruments delivered to the depository which 
    holds the pledged assets. Submitting this information to the FDIC will 
    not require additional preparation by the affected banks. Finally, the 
    delegation of authority to the Director of DOS (and to the Deputy 
    Director (DOS)) to enter into or revoke the approval of a pledge 
    agreement or to require the dismissal of a depository pursuant to 
    Sec. 303.8(f) of the FDIC's current rules and regulations has been 
    transferred to proposed Sec. 347.210 as paragraph (f) of that section.
        Section 347.211 of the final rule establishes a requirement for 
    insured branches to maintain eligible assets in an amount not less than 
    106 percent of liabilities. The only change from the corresponding 
    requirements under current part 346 is the addition of language 
    permitting the FDIC to exclude from the eligible asset pool any asset 
    which the FDIC considers not to be bankable.
        Section 347.212 permits an insured branch to deduct from its 
    deposit insurance assessment base any deposit to the credit of the 
    foreign bank or any of its offices, branches, agencies, or wholly-owned 
    subsidiaries. This is unchanged from part 346.
        Section 347.213 will retain part 346's substantive requirements and 
    standards regarding the necessity for an insured state branch to apply 
    to the FDIC for approval to conduct or continue an activity which is 
    otherwise not permissible for a federal branch. However, the 
    application and plan of divestiture procedures which were formerly 
    found in Sec. 346.101 will be transferred to new Sec. 347.405 of 
    subpart D. Section 347.213, like Sec. 346.101 before it, is modeled in 
    large part on part 362, ``Activities and Investments of Insured State 
    Banks.'' As part of the FDIC's ongoing CDRI review of all of its 
    regulations and written policies, the FDIC has issued a notice of 
    rulemaking to revise part 362. 62 FR 47,969 (September 12, 1997). After 
    the closing of the comment period and the completion of the final part 
    362, Sec. 347.213 and Sec. 347.405 may be the subject of additional 
    rulemaking proceedings, if necessary, to reflect any changes made to 
    the underlying regulatory scheme governing the permissible activities 
    of insured state banks.
        Finally, the language of the rule has been revised throughout where 
    necessary to incorporate references to the appropriate FDIC regional 
    office or official to fully integrate DOS's new Case Manager approach 
    to bank supervision.
    III. Subpart C--International Lending
    A. Background
        The International Lending Supervision Act of 1983 (ILSA), 12 U.S.C. 
    3901, et. seq, was enacted to assure that the economic health and 
    stability of the United States and the other nations of the world are 
    not adversely affected or threatened by imprudent lending practices or 
    inadequate supervision.
        ILSA strengthens supervision of international lending by requiring 
    each federal banking agency to evaluate the foreign country exposure 
    and transfer risk of banks within its jurisdiction for use in the 
    examination and supervision of such banks. 12 U.S.C. 3903. Transfer 
    risk generally refers to the possibility that an asset of a bank cannot 
    be serviced in the currency of payment because of a lack of, or 
    restraints on the availability of, needed foreign exchange in the 
    country of the obligor. To implement this provision, the federal 
    banking agencies, through the Interagency Country Exposure Review 
    Committee (ICERC), assess and categorize countries on the basis of 
    conditions that may lead to increased transfer risk.
        In addition, section 905(a) of ILSA directs each federal banking 
    agency to promulgate regulations or orders to require banks within its 
    jurisdiction to establish and maintain a special reserve whenever the 
    agency determines that the quality of a bank's assets has been impaired 
    by a protracted inability of public or private borrowers in a foreign 
    country to make payments on their external indebtedness, or no definite 
    prospects exist for the orderly restoration of debt service. 12 U.S.C. 
    3904(a). To implement this provision of ILSA, on February 13, 1984, the 
    FDIC, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal 
    Reserve System (collectively, the federal banking agencies) issued a 
    joint notice of final rulemaking requiring banks to establish special 
    reserves, called Allocated Transfer Risk Reserves (ATRRs), against the 
    transfer risks presented in certain international assets. 49 FR 5587 
    (February 13, 1984), (codified in part 351 of the FDIC's Rules and 
    Regulations, part 211 (Subpart D of Regulation K) of the Federal 
    Reserve's Regulations,. and part 20 of the Comptroller of the 
    Currency's Regulations). These regulations set forth specific 
    instructions on the accounting treatment for ATRRs. The line item 
    guidance for reporting ATRRs provided in the instructions for the 
    preparation of Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call 
    Reports) refer back to ILSA and the regulations and other guidelines 
    issued by the federal banking agencies. (Schedule RC, Item 4.c in FFIEC 
    Forms 031, 032, 033 and 034.)
        In order to simplify the task of preparing Call Reports by 
    gathering all accounting information in one place, the FDIC requested 
    comment in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on whether the 
    instructions for the preparation of Call Reports should be amended to 
    include a full description of the accounting treatment of ATRRs. 62 FR 
    37,748, 37,757-8 (July 15, 1997). The FDIC also requested comment as to 
    whether, if the Call Report instructions are amended, to retain the 
    detailed description of the accounting treatment of ATRRs in the 
    revised regulations or to replace the
    [[Page 17068]]
    regulatory language with a simplified requirement to follow the 
    accounting treatment outlined in the amended Call Report instructions. 
    Call Report instructions are not issued unilaterally by each federal 
    banking agency but are issued under the auspices of the Federal 
    Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) in consultation with 
    staff of the federal banking agencies. As the FFIEC has not, to date, 
    amended the Call Report instructions to incorporate the detailed 
    instructions for ATRR accounting, the FDIC has decided to retain the 
    description of the accounting treatment in its revised regulation.
        Section 906 of ILSA requires the federal banking agencies to 
    promulgate regulations for the accounting for fees charged by banks in 
    connection with international loans and the restructuring of certain 
    international loans. 12 U.S.C. 3905. To implement this requirement, on 
    March 29, 1984, the federal banking agencies issued a joint notice of 
    final rulemaking concerning the accounting for fees on international 
    loans, including restructured international loans. 49 FR 12,192 (March 
    29, 1984), (codified in part 351 of the FDIC's Rules and Regulations, 
    part 211 (Subpart D of Regulation K) of the Federal Reserve's 
    Regulations, and part 20 of the Comptroller of the Currency's 
        Section 906(a) of ILSA deals specifically with the restructuring of 
    international loans to avoid excessive debt service burden on debtor 
    countries. 12 U.S.C. 3905(a). This section requires banks, in 
    accounting for fees on a restructured international loan, to amortize 
    any fee exceeding the administrative cost of the restructuring over the 
    effective life of each such loan. In order to distinguish between the 
    category of restructured international loans described in section 
    906(a) of ILSA and all other international loans for the purposes of 
    accounting for fees, the 1984 regulation contained a definition of 
    ``restructured international loan'' designed to meet the particular 
    scope and purpose of section 906(a).
        Section 906(b) of ILSA deals with the accounting for fees on all 
    other international loans. 12 U.S.C. 3905(b). This section requires the 
    federal banking agencies to promulgate regulations to account for 
    agency, commitment, management and other fees in connection with such 
    loans to assure that the appropriate portion of such fees is accrued to 
    income over the effective life of each such loan. When ILSA was enacted 
    in 1983 and part 351 was promulgated on March 29, 1984, Congress and 
    the federal banking agencies considered that the broad fee accounting 
    principles for banks then contained in generally accepted accounting 
    principles (GAAP) were insufficient to accomplish adequate uniformity 
    in accounting principles in this area. The preamble to the 1984 rule 
    stated that the agencies would reexamine the need for a discussion of 
    accounting treatment if the FASB were to issue a final pronouncement or 
    standard on this subject. Since that time, the FASB has revised the 
    GAAP rules for fee accounting for loans, including international loans, 
    in a manner that accommodates the specific requirements of section 
    906(b) of ILSA. As a result, in order to reduce the regulatory burden 
    on insured state nonmember banks and simplify its regulations, the FDIC 
    has decided, in consultation with accounting staffs from the other 
    federal banking agencies, to eliminate from the revised Sec. 347.304(b) 
    of the regulations the requirements as to the particular accounting 
    method to be followed in accounting for fees on international loans and 
    to require instead that state nonmember banks follow GAAP in accounting 
    for such fees. In the event that the FASB changes the GAAP rules on fee 
    accounting for international loans, the FDIC will reexamine its 
    regulation in light of ILSA to assess the need for a revision to the 
    B. Discussion of Comments
        Only one comment was received on subpart C of the revised 
    regulation. The commenter generally supported efforts by the federal 
    banking agencies to produce greater consistency between the information 
    collected in regulatory reports and general purpose financial 
        The commenter cited Section 37 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act 
    (FDIA) for the principle that accounting principles applicable to 
    reports or statements required to be filed with banking agencies by 
    insured depository institutions should depart from GAAP only if the 
    banking agencies determine that the application of GAAP is inconsistent 
    with the objectives stated in that section of the FDIA 4 and 
    the resulting regulatory accounting principles are no less stringent 
    than GAAP. 12 U.S.C. 1831n. However, the commenter failed to note that 
    section 37(a)(2)(A) of the FDIA also provides that any requirement 
    under that section to apply GAAP in reports to be filed with the 
    banking agencies is subject to other requirements of the FDIA ``and any 
    other provision of Federal law.'' 12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)(2)(A). As a 
    result, to the extent that ILSA mandates a certain accounting treatment 
    which differs from GAAP, the requirements of ILSA prevail and the 
    implementing regulation will reflect these requirements.
        \4\ FDIA Section 37(a)(1) states that accounting principles 
    applicable to reports filed with banking agencies should (A) result 
    in financial statements and call reports that accurately reflect the 
    capital of the institution, (B) facilitate effective supervision of 
    the institutions, and (C) facilitate prompt corrective action to 
    resolve the institutions at the least cost to the insurance funds. 
    12 U.S.C. 1831n(a)(1).
        The commenter also recommended that instructions for accounting for 
    international loan fees and ATRRs should be developed on an interagency 
    basis through proposed changes to the Call Reports rather than in 
    agency-specific regulations. However, ILSA mandates that the federal 
    banking agencies promulgate regulations or orders necessary to 
    implement its provisions. As a result, the FDIC has decided to retain a 
    regulatory requirement for banks to follow the provisions of ILSA. The 
    commenter further proposed that the regulatory provisions dealing with 
    accounting for international loan fees should be replaced with a 
    requirement to follow the accounting treatment outlined in amended Call 
    Report instructions. As noted above, amendments to Call Report 
    instructions are made through the auspices of FFIEC. Call Report 
    instructions have long had detailed instructions on accounting for loan 
    fees generally. However, to date, FFIEC has not acted to revise the 
    Call Report instructions to include detailed information on the 
    accounting for international loan fees or ATRRs. As a result, the FDIC 
    has decided to retain the detailed accounting information in its 
    revised regulation.
        The commenter also recommended that the regulatory provisions 
    dealing with international loan fees should be replaced with a 
    requirement to account for loan fees in conformity with the provisions 
    of FASB SFAS No. 91, Accounting for Nonrefundable Fees and Costs 
    Associated with Originating or Acquiring Loans and Initial Direct Costs 
    of Leases and related authoritative pronouncements. The revised 
    Sec. 347.304(b) dealing with accounting for fees on international loans 
    states that, except as specifically provided for restructured 
    international loans, banks should account for fees in accordance with 
    GAAP. As GAAP changes from time to time to reflect changing conditions, 
    the FDIC has decided for the sake of flexibility not to specify that 
    financial institutions follow any particular FASB standard.
        The commenter also proposed that the provisions in revised section 
    347.303 dealing with establishment of ATRRs
    [[Page 17069]]
    should be reevaluated in light of the criteria established in FASB 
    Statements No. 5, Accounting for Contingencies, and No. 114, Accounting 
    by Creditors for Impairment of a Loan (as amended by FASB Statement No. 
    118, Accounting by Creditors for Impairment of a Loan--Income 
    Recognition and Disclosures). However, a general reliance on GAAP is 
    not appropriate in this instance as ILSA directs the federal banking 
    agencies to require banking institutions to establish and maintain an 
    ATRR whenever, in the judgment of the appropriate banking agency, 
    certain conditions enumerated by statute exist. The determination of 
    the ATRR is conducted on an interagency basis by ICERC.
        Lastly, the commenter requested that the Call Report instructions 
    clarify the alternative accounting treatment for ATRRs. As noted 
    earlier, amendments of Call Report instructions are made on an 
    interagency basis through the FFIEC. The commenter also stated that the 
    description of the alternative accounting treatment for ATRRs would 
    permit institutions to charge to the allowance for loan and lease 
    losses (ALLL) impairments of types of international assets which are 
    not chargeable to the ALLL under GAAP. Under the alternative accounting 
    treatment, banks may write down the value of specified international 
    assets by either a reduction in the principal amount of the asset or by 
    a charge to the ALLL. Banks that elect to take a charge to the ALLL, 
    however, are required to replenish the ALLL in an amount necessary to 
    restore it to a level which adequately provides for the estimated 
    losses inherent in the banking institution's loan and lease portfolio 
    in accordance with GAAP. We share the commenter's concern that the 
    alternative accounting treatment provisions should be consistent with 
    GAAP. As a result, in response to the comment, we have modified the 
    description of the alternative accounting treatment to provide that 
    banks may charge to the ALLL only those international assets that can 
    be charged to the ALLL pursuant to GAAP.
    C. Changes from Proposed Subpart C
        Subpart C in the final regulation differs from the proposed 
    regulation by the addition of Sec. 347.301 dealing with Purpose, Scope 
    and Authority, and a separate Sec. 347.302 for Definitions and the 
    renumbering of the subsequent sections. These changes are made to 
    conform with the format of the other subparts of part 347.
        The definitions of ``international loan'' and ``restructured 
    international loan'' from Sec. 351.2 are retained in the final 
    regulation. These definitions were deleted in the proposed regulation 
    from the section on accounting for loan fees in the interest of 
    simplifying language without any intent to change the applicability of 
    the regulation. However, in the interest of reducing any ambiguity, the 
    FDIC has decided to add these definitions back into the final 
    regulation. Because section 906(a) of ILSA refers to restructurings of 
    international loans to avoid excessive debt service burden on debtor 
    countries, the definition of ``restructured international loan,'' as 
    introduced in the 1984 regulation and retained in this revision, 
    contains two criteria. First, the borrower whose loan is being 
    restructured because of debt service difficulties must be a resident of 
    a foreign country experiencing a generalized inability of public and 
    private sector obligors to meet their external debt obligations on a 
    timely basis because of a lack of, or restraints on the availability 
    of, foreign exchange in that country. As noted above, the 
    classification of countries according to transfer risk is the 
    responsibility of ICERC. Second, in a restructuring, the terms of the 
    loan are revised to extend the original schedule of payments or reduce 
    stated interest, or the restructuring takes the form of provision of 
    new funds for the benefit of the borrower that has the same effect as 
    extending the schedule of payments or reducing stated interest on the 
    original loan. These criteria are intended to cover loans restructured 
    to meet debt service difficulties, but not ordinary refinancings.
        For any loan that meets the definition of restructured 
    international loan, Sec. 347.304(a) of the final revised regulation 
    prohibits any bank from charging any fee exceeding the administrative 
    cost of the restructuring unless it amortizes the amount of the fee 
    exceeding the administrative cost over the effective life of the loan. 
    However, consistent with the preamble to the 1984 regulation, if any 
    restructuring of an international loan would also be a ``troubled debt 
    restructuring'' under the terms of Financial Accounting Standards Board 
    (FASB) Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 15, as 
    amended by SFAS 114 or SFAS 118 or a subsequent amendatory standard, 
    the loan should be accounted for in accordance with that standard. This 
    definition of ``restructured international loan,'' however, which was 
    adopted to implement the specific fee accounting rules mandated by 
    ILSA, is not intended to categorize any particular loan as a ``troubled 
    debt restructuring.''
        The description of administrative cost from the existing 
    Sec. 351.2(d)(2) is being retained in a new definition of 
    ``administrative cost.'' This description was deleted in the proposed 
    regulation from the section on accounting for loan fees in the interest 
    of simplifying language without any intent to change the applicability 
    of the regulation. However, in the interest of reducing any ambiguity, 
    the FDIC has decided to add this description back into the final 
    regulation as a defined term. References to syndication in the 
    description of administrative cost in the current part 351 were deleted 
    as the changes to the regulation remove the need to refer to 
        In addition, in response to a comment, we have modified the 
    alternative accounting treatment to provide that banks may charge to 
    the ALLL only those international assets that can be charged to the 
    ALLL pursuant to GAAP.
    D. Description of Final Rule, Subpart C
        The final rule contains separate provisions for Purpose, Authority 
    and Scope and for Definitions. The Definitions section retains, among 
    others, the definitions of ``international loan'' and ``restructured 
    international loan'' from the current part 351. Definitions of 
    ``international syndicated loan'' and ``loan agreement'' have been 
    deleted from the current regulation as changes to the regulation remove 
    the need to define these terms. The description of ``administrative 
    cost'' from the current part 351 has been retained as a defined term.
        The final regulation contains provisions requiring the 
    establishment of ATRRs that are similar to the existing provisions. The 
    term ``Allowance for Possible Loan Losses'' in the existing regulation 
    has been changed to ``Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses'' to reflect 
    current terminology. As noted above, the FDIC has also modified the 
    alternative accounting treatment for ATRRs to provide that banks may 
    charge to the ALLL only those international assets that can be charged 
    to the ALLL pursuant to GAAP.
        The final regulation simplifies the provisions for accounting for 
    fees on restructured international loans and other international loans. 
    With respect to restructured international loans, the final regulation 
    follows the ILSA requirement that banks amortize the amount of any fee 
    exceeding the administrative cost of the restructuring over the 
    effective life of the loan. Subject to the provisions for restructured 
    international loans, banks are directed to account for fees on
    [[Page 17070]]
    international loans in accordance with GAAP.
    IV. Subpart D--Application Procedures and Delegations of Authority
    A. Overview
        The final rule includes a separate subpart D containing application 
    procedures and delegations of authority for the substantive matters 
    covered by part 347 as revised. Under the FDIC's current rules, these 
    application requirements are located in various sections of three 
    different regulations: 12 CFR part 303, 12 CFR part 346, and 12 CFR 
    part 347. As discussed above, the FDIC issued a Notice of Proposed 
    Rulemaking to completely revise part 303 of the FDIC's rules and 
    regulations, which contains the FDIC's applications procedures and 
    delegations of authority. As part of these revisions to part 303, 
    subpart J of part 303 will address application requirements relating to 
    the foreign activities of insured state nonmember banks and the U.S. 
    activities of insured branches of foreign banks. In order to permit 
    part 347 to be issued in final form before the FDIC issues part 303 in 
    final form, it is necessary to issue the application procedures for 
    part 347 in this subpart D. However, when part 303 is issued in final 
    form, the application procedures contained in subpart D to part 347 
    will be transferred to subpart J of part 303 as part of the same 
    rulemaking, in order to centralize all international banking 
    application procedures in one convenient place.
        The FDIC has made certain nonsubstantive changes to the language of 
    subpart D of part 347, in order to make it consistent with the language 
    of proposed part 303. The FDIC has also made certain changes to the 
    criteria establishing which applicants are ``eligible depository 
    institutions'' entitled to processing under general consent or 
    expedited processing procedures. These changes, discussed below, were 
    also made to establish consistency with the part 303 proposal. At this 
    time, it is impossible for the FDIC to determine if it will make 
    further changes to the language of part 303 or to the eligibility 
    criteria thereunder. If such changes are made, the FDIC, in connection 
    with transferring the application procedures in subpart D of part 347 
    over to subpart J of part 303, will make further changes to these 
    application procedures in order to maintain consistency.
    B. Public Comments and Changes to Subpart D
        Public comments on the application procedures were limited to those 
    concerning foreign branches and investments of nonmember banks under 
    subpart A. Those comments, and the corresponding changes the FDIC has 
    made to the application procedures, are discussed in detail above, in 
    the discussion of comments received in connection with subpart A, and 
    will not be repeated here.
        The FDIC has also eliminated two criteria under the definition of 
    an eligible depository institution which were not consistent with the 
    critieria under the definition proposed in connection with part 303. 
    The final rule, in Sec. 347.401(c), does not contain a requirement that 
    the applicant have received a rating of 1 or 2 under the ``management'' 
    component of the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (UFIRS); 
    nor does it contain the requirement that the applicant have been 
    chartered and operating for three years. In addition, in the interests 
    of consistency with part 303, the FDIC has modified the proposed rule's 
    criteria requiring that the applicant not be subject to any 
    enforcement-related agreements. The proposal contained an exception for 
    any board of directors resolution addressing corrective action taken 
    pursuant to regulatory recommendations, whereas the final rule has no 
    such carve-out.
    C. Description of Final Rule
    Establishing, Moving, or Closing a Foreign Branch of a State Nonmember 
        Applications for a nonmember bank to establish a foreign branch are 
    currently treated under the same process applicable for domestic 
    branches under 12 CFR 303.2. The final rule treats foreign branches 
    separately, since foreign branch applications are not legally required 
    to be subjected to analysis under the Community Reinvestment Act or 
    under the factors listed in section 6 of the FDI Act, as is the case 
    for domestic branches.
        Under Secs. 347.103(b) and 347.402 of the final rule, the FDIC has 
    given its general consent for an eligible depository institution to 
    establish additional foreign branches in any country in which the bank 
    already operates a branch or foreign bank subsidiary, or to relocate a 
    branch within the country. The final rule, only requires an eligible 
    nonmember bank to notify the FDIC of its actions within 30 days. In 
    addition, if an eligible nonmember bank seeks to establish a foreign 
    branch in any country in which the nonmember bank's affiliates operate 
    certain banking-related offices, the FDIC will give the application 
    expedited processing within 45 days. Expedited processing also applies 
    to an eligible nonmember bank that operates branches or affiliates in 
    two or more foreign countries and seeks to establish additional 
    branches conducting approved activities in additional foreign 
    jurisdictions. Certain banking-related offices of the eligible 
    nonmember bank's affiliates may be counted for these purposes.
        To be eligible, the nonmember bank must have received an FDIC-
    assigned composite rating of 1 or 2 under the Uniform Financial 
    Institutions Rating System (UFIRS); have a satisfactory or better 
    Community Reinvestment Act rating (unless the bank is a ``special 
    purpose'' bank not subject to examination under the FDIC's CRA 
    regulations); and have a compliance rating of 1 or 2. The nonmember 
    bank must also be well capitalized; and it must not be subject to a 
    cease and desist order, consent order, prompt corrective action 
    directive, written agreement, memorandum of understanding, or other 
    administrative agreement with its primary federal regulator or 
    chartering authority. An application to establish a foreign branch is 
    not an ``application for a deposit facility'' covered by the Community 
    Reinvestment Act, and the FDIC will therefore only take the nonmember 
    bank's CRA rating into account for purposes of determining whether the 
    application receives expedited treatment under the general consent and 
    expedited processing procedures.
        The FDIC has adopted these general consent and expedited processing 
    provisions because a nonmember bank meeting the proposed requirements 
    will ordinarily have sufficient familiarity with the implications of 
    foreign branching, be well-managed, and be of sufficiently sound 
    overall condition, that extensive FDIC review is not required. The FDIC 
    retains the option to suspend expedited processing as to any 
    application, for any of the reasons specified in Sec. 347.402(c)(1). 
    These are the same grounds for suspension as would be applicable under 
    the general rules contained in the FDIC's part 303 proposal, at 
    proposed Sec. 303.11. The FDIC may also categorically suspend general 
    consent or expedited processing for any particular nonmember bank, as 
    specified in Sec. 347.103(d)(3). If the FDIC suspends its general 
    consent or expedited processing with respect to a particular nonmember 
    bank, it means that the nonmember bank must make
    [[Page 17071]]
    full application to establish additional branches. Suspension of 
    general consent or expedited processing does not, in and of itself, 
    require closure of existing foreign branches. Cases necessitating 
    actual closure of branches would be handled under section 8 of the FDI 
    Act (12 U.S.C. 1818) or other relevant authority.
        General consent and expedited processing are also inapplicable in 
    any case presenting either of two special circumstances. Since the FDIC 
    must have access to information about a foreign branch's activities in 
    order to effectively supervise the institution, general consent or 
    expedited processing do not apply if the law or practice of the foreign 
    country would limit the FDIC's access to information for supervisory 
    purposes. In such cases, the FDIC must have an opportunity to fully 
    analyze the extent of the confidentiality conferred under foreign law, 
    as described in connection with the discussion of public comments on 
    subpart A, above. In addition, if the proposed foreign branch would 
    have a direct adverse impact on a site which is on the World Heritage 
    List 5 or the foreign jurisdiction's equivalent of the 
    National Register of Historic Places, the FDIC may need an opportunity 
    to evaluate the application in light of section 402 of the National 
    Historic Preservation Act Amendments of 1980 (16 U.S.C. 470a-2).
        \5\ The World Heritage List was established under the terms of 
    The Convention Concerning the Protection of World Culture and 
    Natural Heritage adopted in November, 1972 at a General Conference 
    of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural 
    Organization. Current versions of the list are on the Internet at 
    http://www.unesco.org/whc/heritage.htm, or may be obtained from the 
    FDIC Public Information Center, Room 100, 801 17th Street, NW, 
    Washington, DC 20429.
        Section 347.103(f) and 347.402(d) also requires a nonmember bank 
    which closes a foreign branch to notify the appropriate regional 
    director that it has done so. This notice is strictly for informational 
    purposes, since the FDIC has previously determined that Congress did 
    not intend section 42 of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 42) on branch closings 
    to apply to foreign branches.
        Finally, Sec. 347.402 also sets out the procedures for applications 
    which are not eligible for the general consent or expedited processing 
    Acquisition of Stock of Foreign Banks or Other Financial Entities by an 
    Insured State Nonmember Bank
        Section 347.4 of the FDIC's current rules contains an investment 
    ceiling, under which a nonmember bank's investments in foreign 
    organizations (as well as an Edge corporation) may not exceed 25 
    percent of the bank's capital and surplus. The FDIC has eliminated this 
    general limit, and will now instead monitor the overall investments of 
    each nonmember bank on an individual basis. In addition, Sec. 347.4 
    presently requires an application before a nonmember bank may make any 
    investment in a foreign organization. Under Secs. 347.108(a) and 
    347.403 of the final rule, the FDIC grants its general consent for an 
    eligible nonmember bank to make investments in foreign organizations 
    complying with the activity and other limits of subpart A. Eligibility 
    of the nonmember bank is determined by the same criteria as for foreign 
    branch approvals. As is the case under the foreign branch application 
    procedure, the FDIC will take the nonmember bank's Community 
    Reinvestment Act rating into account only for purposes of determining 
    whether the application is eligible for general consent or expedited 
    processing, since an application to make a foreign investment is not an 
    ``application for a deposit facility'' covered by the CRA.
        The final rule permits investments in a single foreign organization 
    of up to two percent of the nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital during any 
    twelve-month period. Aggregate investments for investment purposes may 
    total as much as five percent of the nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital 
    during any twelve-month period, and an additional five percent for 
    investments acquired for trading purposes. Investments acquired at net 
    asset value from an affiliate or representing reinvestments of cash 
    dividends from the foreign organization are not subject to these 
    limits. The final rule only requires the nonmember bank to notify the 
    FDIC of its investment within thirty days, and no notice is required 
    for trading investments.
        However, in order to make investments under general consent, the 
    nonmember bank or an must already have at least one foreign bank 
    subsidiary or foreign branch, as evidence that the nonmember bank's 
    management has suitable expertise to address the special considerations 
    that arise in foreign investments. This experience requirement can also 
    be satisfied if an affiliate of the nonmember bank has a foreign bank 
    subsidiary, or if an affiliated bank or Edge or Agreement corporation 
    has a foreign branch. In addition, if the investment will constitute a 
    joint venture or a subsidiary or will otherwise be controlled by the 
    state nonmember, the final rule requires that at least one other 
    nonmember bank already have a foreign bank subsidiary in the country in 
    question. This will prevent nonmember banks from establishing a 
    presence in a jurisdiction in which the FDIC has not had an opportunity 
    to contact host country supervisory authorities and establish a working 
    arrangement for cross-border supervision.
        The final rule also permits an eligible nonmember bank to make any 
    investment which complies with the activity and other limits of subpart 
    A through an expedited processing procedure lasting 45 days. Under 
    Sec. 347.403(c)(1), the FDIC may remove an applicant from expedited 
    processing if the FDIC's review of the application indicates 
    significant concerns related to supervision, law or policy. In such a 
    case, a complete application is required. These are the same grounds 
    for removal as would be applicable under the general rules contained in 
    the FDIC's part 303 proposal, at proposed Sec. 303.11.
        As is the case in connection with the foreign branch rules, the 
    FDIC is adopting these general consent and expedited processing 
    procedures because a nonmember bank meeting the requirements of the 
    provisions has sufficient expertise, is well-managed, and is in 
    sufficiently sound overall condition, that extensive FDIC review is not 
    required. The FDIC retains the option to suspend these procedures as to 
    any institutions for which this is not the case. As with foreign branch 
    applications, the consequence of suspension is that a full application 
    is required in the future, and divestiture is not implicated. General 
    consent and expedited processing are also not available in any foreign 
    country if its law or practice would limit the FDIC's access to 
    information for supervisory purposes, for the same reasons stated above 
    in connection with foreign branch approvals.
        Finally, Sec. 347.402 also sets out the procedures for applications 
    which are not eligible for the general consent or expedited processing 
    Exemptions From the Insurance Requirement for a State Branch of a 
    Foreign Bank
        From its initial adoption in 1979, Sec. 346.6 of the FDIC's rules 
    has provided a list of deposit activities in which a state branch could 
    engage that would not constitute ``domestic retail deposit activity''. 
    If the state branch only conducts deposit-taking activities which are 
    enumerated in Sec. 346.6(a)(1)-(7), and are carried forward to proposed 
    Sec. 347.206(a)(1)-(7), then the state branch is deemed to not be 
    engaged in domestic retail deposit activity, and the deposit insurance 
    requirement is not triggered. Pursuant to Sec. 346.6(b), which has been 
    carried forward as Sec. 347.206(b), the
    [[Page 17072]]
    FDIC may permit an uninsured state branch to accept additional types of 
    deposits in an initial amount of less than $100,000. The final rule 
    transfers the associated application procedures currently contained in 
    Sec. 346.6(b) to Sec. 347.404. These procedures need no substantive 
    revision at this time, because the procedures were recently reviewed 
    and amended by the FDIC as a result of amendments to the IBA which were 
    made by section 107 of the Riegle-Neal Act.
    Application by Insured State Branches for FDIC Approval To Conduct 
    Activities Not Permissible for Federal Branches
        Section 347.405 of the final rule contains the application 
    procedure for a state-licensed insured branch of a foreign bank seeking 
    to engage in any activity which is not permissible for a federal branch 
    of a foreign bank, as required by Sec. 347.213 of the final rule. 
    Section 347.405 also sets out procedures for filing divestiture plans 
    in the event such an application is denied or the law changes and a 
    foreign bank elects not to continue the activity. No substantive 
    changes have been made from the current application procedures in 
    Sec. 346.101.
    V. Technical and Conforming Changes
        The FDIC's rules and regulations currently contain numerous cross-
    references to part 346. These have conformed to the appropriate 
    sections of revised part 347 under the final rule. The final rule also 
    eliminates application procedures and delegations under current part 
    303 of the FDIC's rules and regulations, to the extent those procedures 
    and delegations are displaced under the final rule.
    VI. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The collections of information contained in this rule have been 
    reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 
    accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
    (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The collections of information in this 
    final rule are contained in various sections appearing in subpart A and 
    subpart B of part 347. The collections of information into two groups, 
    each with a separate OMB control number. The collections from subpart A 
    (Foreign Branching and Investment by Insured State Nonmember Banks) 
    have been assigned control number 3064-0125, and the collections from 
    subpart B (Foreign Banks) have been assigned control number 3064-0114. 
    Both OMB clearances will expire on July 31st, 2000. Each of the 
    collections required by the final rule is discussed below.
    Subpart A--Foreign Branching and Investment by Insured State Nonmember 
    Banks--OMB Control No. 3064-0125
        Sections 347.103(b)-(f) and 347.402 contain collections of 
    information in the form of requirements that insured state nonmember 
    banks (nonmember banks) (1) notify the FDIC if the bank establishes a 
    foreign branch under certain eligibility criteria in the rule; (2) give 
    the FDIC 45 days prior notice before establishing a branch under 
    certain eligibility criteria in the rule; (3) file an application with 
    the FDIC requesting authorization to establish a foreign branch or to 
    engage in certain activities through a foreign branch; or (4) notify 
    the FDIC if the bank closes a foreign branch. The information will be 
    used by the FDIC to authorize foreign branching as set out in section 
    18(d)(2) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDI Act) (12 U.S.C. 
    1828(d)(2)). The estimated annual reporting burden for the collection 
    of information is summarized as follows:
        Collections (1) and (4) (notice of foreign branch establishment 
    (347.402(a)) or foreign branch closure (347.402(d)):
        Total annual responses: 4.
        Average hours per response: 2.
        Collection (2) (expedited processing for foreign branch 
    establishment (347.402(b))
        Total annual responses: 3.
        Average hours per response: 6.
        Collection (3) (application to establish a foreign branch 
        Total annual responses: 3.
        Average hours per response: 40.
        Total annual burden hours: 146.
        Sections 347.108 and 347.403 contain collections of information in 
    the form of requirements that nonmember banks (1) notify the FDIC if 
    the bank acquires stock or other evidences of ownership of foreign 
    organizations under certain eligibility criteria in the rule; (2) give 
    the FDIC 45 days prior notice before acquiring stock or other evidences 
    of ownership of foreign organizations under certain eligibility 
    criteria in the rule; or (3) file an application with the FDIC 
    requesting authorization to acquire stock or other evidences of 
    ownership of foreign organizations or to engage in certain activities 
    through foreign organizations. The information will be used by the FDIC 
    to authorize foreign investment as set out in section 18(l) of the FDI 
    Act (12 U.S.C. 1828 (l)). The estimated annual reporting burden for the 
    collection of information is summarized as follows:
        Collection (1) (notice of foreign investment (347.403(a)).
        Total annual responses: 5.
        Average hours per response: 2.
        Collection (2) (expedited processing for foreign investment 
        Total annual responses: 4.
        Average hours per response: 6.
        Collection (3) (application to make a foreign investment 
        Total annual responses: 3.
        Average hours per response: 60.
        Total annual burden hours: 214.
        Section 347.110 contains collections of information in the form of 
    a requirement that nonmember banks with foreign branches, or that hold 
    20 percent or more of a foreign organization's voting equity interests, 
    or control a foreign organization, maintain certain records, controls, 
    and reports on the foreign operation's business activities. Section 
    18(d)(2) and 18(l) of the FDI Act authorize the FDIC to govern a 
    nonmember bank's conduct of foreign branching and investment, and the 
    information will be used by the nonmember bank to monitor the foreign 
    operations and control its risk. The estimated annual reporting burden 
    for the collection of information is summarized as follows:
        Total annual responses: 63.
        Average hours per response: 400.
        Total annual burden hours: 25,200.
    Summary of Subpart A--OMB Control No. 3064-0125 Collections
        Total annual responses: 85.
        Total annual burden hours: 25,560.
    Subpart B--Foreign Banks--OMB Control No. 3064-0114
        Sections 347.206(b) and 347.404 contain a collection of information 
    in the form of a requirement that noninsured state-licensed branches of 
    foreign banks make an application to obtain the FDIC's permission to 
    receive deposits of less than $100,000 if the deposits are not 
    otherwise authorized by Sec. 347.206(a). The information will be used 
    by the FDIC to determine whether to authorize the deposit taking as set 
    out in section 6(b) of the International Banking Act (12 U.S.C. 
    3104(b)). The estimated annual reporting burden for the collection of 
    information is summarized as follows:
        Total annual responses: 1.
        Average hours per response: 6.
        Total annual burden hours: 6.
        Sections 347.216 and 347.405 contain collections of information in 
    the form of requirements that insured state-licensed branches of 
    foreign banks (1) file an application with the FDIC requesting 
    permission to conduct activities which are not permissible for a 
    federal branch
    [[Page 17073]]
    of a foreign bank; or (2) submit a pro forma plan of divestiture or 
    cessation for activities which are not permissible for a federal branch 
    of a foreign bank. The information in the application will be used by 
    the FDIC to determine whether the activity poses a significant risk to 
    the deposit insurance fund, as required by section 7 of the 
    International Banking Act (12 U.S.C. 3105(h)), and the information in 
    the plan of divestiture or cessation will be used by the FDIC to make 
    judgments concerning the reasonableness of the branch's actions to 
    discontinue activities deemed to pose a significant risk to the deposit 
    insurance fund. This collection of information had previously been 
    approved by the OMB under control no. 3064-0114. The estimated annual 
    reporting burden for the collection of information is summarized as 
        Total annual responses: 1.
        Average hours per response: 8.
        Total annual burden hours: 8.
        Sections 347.209 contains a collection of information in the form 
    of a requirement that insured branches of foreign banks maintain a set 
    of accounts and records in English and maintain its records as a 
    separate entity with assets and liabilities separate from the foreign 
    bank's head office, other branches, etc. The information will be used 
    by the insured branch in the same way any banking entity uses such 
    records, and the FDIC will review such records in connection with 
    examining and supervising the insured branch (which is an ``insured 
    depository institution'' for which the FDIC is the ``appropriate 
    Federal banking agency'' within the meaning of section 3 of the FDI 
    Act, (12 U.S.C. 1813)). The estimated annual reporting burden for the 
    collection of information is summarized as follows:
        Total annual responses: 32.
        Average hours per response: 120.
        Total annual burden hours: 3,840.
        Sections 347.210(e)(4) and 347.210(e)(6) contain collections of 
    information in the form of a requirement that insured branches of 
    foreign banks and their depositories (1) make quarterly reports to the 
    FDIC identifying the specific securities the foreign bank has pledged 
    to the FDIC and their value, as well as the average liabilities of the 
    insured branch; and (2) provide the FDIC copies of documents and 
    instruments conveyed by the insured branch to the depository to 
    effectuate the pledge. The information will be used by the FDIC to 
    verify compliance with the pledge of asset requirements authorized by 
    section 5(c) of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1815(c)). The collection of 
    information under item (1) on a semiannual basis has previously been 
    approved by the OMB, whereas the FDIC is now proposing to collect it 
    quarterly. The OMB's previous approval was under control no. 3064-0010, 
    but the OMB has approved the FDIC's request to regroup it under control 
    number 3064-0114 for ease of reference. The estimated annual reporting 
    burden for the collection of information is summarized as follows:
        Collection (1)(reports (347.210(e)(6))
        Total annual responses: 256.
        Average hours per response: 2.
        Collection (2)(copies of documents effectuating pledges 
        Total annual responses: 128.
        Average hours per response: 0.25.
        Total annual burden hours: 544.
    Summary of Subpart B--OMB Control No. 3064-0114 Collections
        Total annual responses: 418.
        Total annual burden hours: 4,398.
        The FDIC has a continuing interest in the public's opinion 
    regarding collections of information. Members of the public may submit 
    comments, at any time, regarding any aspect of these collections of 
    information. Comments may be sent to: Steven F. Hanft, Assistant 
    Executive Secretary (Regulatory Analysis), Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Corporation, Room F-4080, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20429.
    VII. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
        The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 
    (SBREFA) (Title II, Pub. L. 104-121) provides generally for agencies to 
    report rules to Congress for review. The reporting requirement is 
    triggered when a federal agency issues a final rule. Accordingly, the 
    FDIC will file the appropriate reports with Congress as required by 
        The Office of Management and Budget has determined that this final 
    revision of part 347 does not constitute a ``major rule''' as defined 
    by SBREFA.
    VIII. Effective Date
        Subject to certain exceptions, 12 U.S.C. 4802(b) provides that new 
    regulations and amendments to regulations prescribed by a federal 
    banking agency which impose additional reporting, disclosures, or other 
    new requirements on an insured depository institution shall take effect 
    on the first day of a calendar quarter which begins on or after the 
    date on which the regulations are published in final form. Accordingly, 
    compliance with the final rule is not mandatory until July 1, 1998. 
    However, section 4802(b) also permits any person subject to the 
    regulation to comply with the regulation voluntarily, prior to the 
    effective date. Consequently, affected insured depository institutions 
    and foreign banks may elect to comply voluntarily with the final rule, 
    once the 30-day delay period required by section 553 of the 
    Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 552b) has passed. If an insured 
    depository institution or foreign bank elects to comply voluntarily 
    with any section of subparts A, B, or C of part 347, the institution or 
    bank must comply with the entire subpart.
    IX. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Pursuant to section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Pub. 
    L. 96-354, 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), it is certified that the final rule 
    will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small 
    entities. With respect to subparts A and C of part 347, the FDIC's 
    review of Call Report data indicates the rule will impact only an 
    insubstantial number of small entities. With respect to subpart B of 
    part 347, the revisions incorporate the legislative requirement first 
    imposed by FBSEA that a foreign bank which intends to engage in 
    domestic retail deposit activity in the U.S. must do so through an 
    insured bank subsidiary. This has been the statutory standard for over 
    five years; however, this requirement was not heretofore addressed in 
    the FDIC's applicable regulation, part 346. Explicitly including this 
    requirement in subpart B cannot be characterized as having a 
    ``significant impact'' on the affected entities as they have been 
    required to comply with this provision of FBSEA for many years. The 
    other revisions which have been made to subpart B involve adding 
    references to the FDIC's new supervisory approach--the Case Manager 
    system--where applicable and simplifying the calculation of the amount 
    of pledged assets required to comply with Sec. 347.210(a). The formula 
    will be based upon a quarterly calculation rather than a semi-annual 
    calculation. In the future, the foreign bank will be required to report 
    the calculation to the appropriate regional director every quarter. 
    However, the additional two reports per year will not represent a 
    significant burden on the affected banks because the foreign banks are 
    already maintaining the information, and the time required to forward 
    the quarterly calculation to the FDIC will be nominal. Therefore, the 
    revisions to subpart B will not have a significant impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
    [[Page 17074]]
    List of Subjects
    12 CFR Part 303
        Administrative practice and procedure, Authority delegations 
    (Government agencies), Bank deposit insurance, Banks, banking, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 325
        Administrative practice and procedure, Banks, banking, Capital 
    adequacy, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings 
    associations, State non-member banks.
    12 CFR Part 326
        Banks, banking, Currency, Insured nonmember banks, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Security measures.
    12 CFR Part 327
        Assessments, Bank deposit insurance, Banks, banking, Financing 
    Corporation, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 346
        Bank deposit insurance, Foreign banking, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    12 CFR Part 347
        Authority delegations (Government agencies), Bank deposit 
    insurance, Banks, banking, Credit, Foreign banking, Foreign 
    investments, Insured branches, Investments, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, United States investments abroad.
    12 CFR Part 351
        Foreign banking, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    12 CFR Part 362
        Administrative practice and procedure, Authority delegations 
    (Government agencies), Bank deposit insurance, Banks, banking, Insured 
    depository institutions, Investments, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        For the reasons set forth above and under the authority of 12 
    U.S.C. 1819(a)(Tenth), the FDIC Board of Directors hereby amends 12 CFR 
    chapter III as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 303 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 378, 1813, 1815, 1816, 1817(j), 1818, 1819 
    (Seventh and Tenth), 1828, 1831e, 1831o, 1831p-1; 15 U.S.C. 1607.
    Sec. 303.2  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 303.2, paragraph (a) introductory text is amended by 
    removing and reserving footnote 2.
    Sec. 303.5  [Amended]
        3. In Sec. 303.5, paragraph (d) is removed and reserved.
        4. In Sec. 303.6, paragraphs (f)(1)(ii)(A) and (f)(1)(ii)(C) are 
    revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 303.6  Application procedures.
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) * * *
        (A) Applications to establish a branch, including a remote service 
    facility. In the communities in which the home office and the domestic 
    branch to be established are located.
    * * * * *
        (C) Applications for deposit insurance. In the community in which 
    the home bank office is or will be located.
    * * * * *
        5. In Sec. 303.7, the heading for paragraph (a) and paragraphs 
    (a)(1)(i), (a)(1)(ii)(A), (a)(1)(iii)(D), and (b)(4)(ii) are revised, 
    the words ``; and'' are removed at the end of paragraph (f)(2)(i) and a 
    period is added in their place, and paragraph (f)(2)(ii) is removed and 
    reserved to read as follows:
    Sec. 303.7  Delegation of authority to the Director (DOS) and to the 
    associate directors, regional directors and deputy regional directors 
    to act on certain applications, requests, and notices of acquisition of 
    * * * * *
        (a) Applications for branches (including remote service facilities, 
    courier services), relocations, and for trust and other banking 
    powers--(1) * * *
        (i) Authority is delegated to the Director (DOS), and where 
    confirmed in writing by the director, to an associate director, or to 
    the appropriate regional director or deputy regional director, to 
    approve applications for consent to establish branch facilities 
    (including remote service facilities and courier services) or 
    relocations where the applicant satisfies the requisites listed in 
    paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section and agrees in writing to comply 
    with any condition imposed by the delegate other than those standard 
    conditions listed in Sec. 303.0(b)(31).
        (ii) * * *
        (A) To deny applications for consent to establish branch facilities 
    (including remote service facilities and courier services) or 
    relocations; and
    * * * * *
        (iii) * * *
    * * * * *
        (D) The requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 
    U.S.C. 470), the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321), 
    and the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901-2905) and 
    its applicable implementing regulation (part 345 of this chapter) have 
    been considered and favorably resolved: Provided however, That the 
    authority to approve an application may not be subdelegated to a 
    regional director or deputy regional director where a protest (as that 
    term is defined in Sec. 303.0(b)(30)) under the Community Reinvestment 
    Act is filed.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (4) * * *
        (ii) Where the resulting institution, upon consummation of the 
    merger transaction, does not meet the capital requirements set forth in 
    part 325 of this chapter and the FDIC's ``Statement of Policy on 
    Capital''. (If the applicant is a foreign bank, the delegated authority 
    to approve does not extend to instances where, upon consummation of the 
    merger transaction, the foreign bank's insured branch is not in 
    compliance with subpart B of part 347 of this chapter.)
    * * * * *
    Sec. 303.8  [Amended]
        6. In Sec. 303.8, paragraph (f) is removed and reserved.
        7. The authority citation for part 325 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1815(a), 1815(b), 1816, 1818(a), 1818(b), 
    1818(c), 1818(t), 1819(Tenth), 1828(c), 1828(d), 1828(i), 1828(n), 
    1828(o), 1831o, 1835, 3907, 3909, 4808; Pub. L. 102-233, 105 Stat. 
    1761, 1789, 1790 (12 U.S.C. 1831n note); Pub. L. 102-242, 105 Stat. 
    2236, 2355, 2386 (12 U.S.C. 1828 note).
        8. In Sec. 325.103, paragraph (c) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 325.103  Capital measures and capital category definitions.
    * * * * *
        (c) Capital categories for insured branches of foreign banks. For 
    purposes of the provisions of section 38 and this subpart, an insured 
    branch of a foreign bank shall be deemed to be:
        (1) Well capitalized if the insured branch:
        (i) Maintains the pledge of assets required under Sec. 347.210 of 
    this chapter; and
    [[Page 17075]]
        (ii) Maintains the eligible assets prescribed under Sec. 347.211 of 
    this chapter at 108 percent or more of the preceding quarter's average 
    book value of the insured branch's third-party liabilities; and
        (iii) Has not received written notification from:
        (A) The OCC to increase its capital equivalency deposit pursuant to 
    12 CFR 28.15(b), or to comply with asset maintenance requirements 
    pursuant to 12 CFR 28.20; or
        (B) The FDIC to pledge additional assets pursuant to Sec. 347.210 
    of this chapter or to maintain a higher ratio of eligible assets 
    pursuant to Sec. 347.211 of this chapter.
        (2) Adequately capitalized if the insured branch:
        (i) Maintains the pledge of assets required under Sec. 347.210 of 
    this chapter; and
        (ii) Maintains the eligible assets prescribed under Sec. 347.211 of 
    this chapter at 106 percent or more of the preceding quarter's average 
    book value of the insured branch's third-party liabilities; and
        (iii) Does not meet the definition of a well capitalized insured 
        (3) Undercapitalized if the insured branch:
        (i) Fails to maintain the pledge of assets required under 
    Sec. 347.210 of this chapter; or
        (ii) Fails to maintain the eligible assets prescribed under 
    Sec. 347.211 of this chapter at 106 percent or more of the preceding 
    quarter's average book value of the insured branch's third-party 
        (4) Significantly undercapitalized if it fails to maintain the 
    eligible assets prescribed under Sec. 347.211 of this chapter at 104 
    percent or more of the preceding quarter's average book value of the 
    insured branch's third-party liabilities.
        (5) Critically undercapitalized if it fails to maintain the 
    eligible assets prescribed under Sec. 347.211 of this chapter at 102 
    percent or more of the preceding quarter's average book value of the 
    insured branch's third-party liabilities.
    * * * * *
        \1\ In its original form, subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 
    31 U.S.C., was part of Pub. L. 91-508 which requires recordkeeping 
    for and reporting of currency transactions by banks and others and 
    is commonly known as the Bank Secrecy Act.
        9. The authority citation for part 326 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1813, 1815, 1817, 1818, 1819 (Tenth), 1881-
    1833; 31 U.S.C. 5311-5324.
        10. In Sec. 326.1, paragraph (c) is amended by revising the last 
    sentence to read as follows:
    Sec. 326.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * * In the case of a foreign bank, as defined in Sec. 347.202 
    of this chapter, the term branch has the same meaning given in 
    Sec. 347.202 of this chapter.
        11. In Sec. 326.8, paragraph (a) and footnote 3 are revised to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 326.8  Bank Secrecy Act compliance.
        (a) Purpose. This subpart is issued to assure that all insured 
    nonmember banks as defined in Sec. 326.1 3 establish and 
    maintain procedures reasonably designed to assure and monitor their 
    compliance with the requirements of subchapter II of chapter 53 of 
    title 31, United States Code, and the implementing regulations 
    promulgated thereunder by the Department of Treasury at 31 CFR part 
        \3\ In regard to foreign banks, the programs and procedures 
    required by Sec. 326.8 need be instituted only at an insured branch 
    as defined in Sec. 347.202 of this chapter which is a State branch 
    as defined in Sec. 347.202 of this chapter.
    * * * * *
        12. The authority citation for part 327 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1441, 1441b, 1813, 1815, 1817-1819; Pub. L. 
    104-208, 110 Stat. 3009-479 (12 U.S.C. 1821).
        13. In Sec. 327.1, paragraph (b)(2) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 327.1  Purpose and scope.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (2) Deductions from the assessment base of an insured branch of a 
    foreign bank are stated in subpart B of part 347 of this chapter.
        14. In Sec. 327.4, paragraphs (a)(1)(i)(B)(1), (a)(1)(i)(B)(2), 
    (a)(1)(ii)(B)(1), and (a)(1)(ii)(B)(2) are revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 327.4  Annual assessment rate.
        (a) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (B) * * *
        (1) Maintains the pledge of assets required under Sec. 347.210 of 
    this chapter; and
        (2) Maintains the eligible assets prescribed under Sec. 347.211 of 
    this chapter at 108 percent or more of the average book value of the 
    insured branch's third-party liabilities for the quarter ending on the 
    report date specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
        (ii) * * *
        (B) * * *
        (1) Maintains the pledge of assets required under Sec. 347.210 of 
    this chapter; and
        (2) Maintains the eligible assets prescribed under Sec. 347.211 of 
    this chapter at 106 percent or more of the average book value of the 
    insured branch's third-party liabilities for the quarter ending on the 
    report date specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section; and
    * * * * *
    PART 346--[REMOVED]
        15. Part 346 is removed.
        16. Part 347 is revised to read as follows:
    Subpart A--Foreign Branching and Investment by Insured State Nonmember 
    347.101  Purpose, authority, and scope.
    347.102  Definitions.
    347.103  Foreign branches of insured state nonmember banks.
    347.104  Investment by insured state nonmember banks in foreign 
    347.105  Underwriting and dealing limits applicable to foreign 
    organizations held by insured state nonmember banks.
    347.106  Restrictions on certain activities applicable to foreign 
    organizations held by insured state nonmember banks.
    347.107  U.S. activities of foreign organizations held by insured 
    state nonmember banks.
    347.108  Obtaining FDIC approval to invest in foreign organizations.
    347.109  Extensions of credit to foreign organizations held by 
    insured state nonmember banks; shares of foreign organizations held 
    in connection with debts previously contracted.
    347.110  Supervision and recordkeeping of the foreign activities of 
    insured state nonmember banks.
    Subpart B--Foreign Banks
    347.201  Scope.
    347.202  Definitions.
    347.203  Restriction on operation of insured and noninsured 
    347.204  Insurance requirement.
    347.205  Branches established under section 5 of the International 
    Banking Act.
    347.206  Exemptions from the insurance requirement.
    347.207  Notification to depositors.
    347.208  Agreement to provide information and to be examined.
    347.209  Records.
    347.210  Pledge of assets.
    [[Page 17076]]
    347.211  Asset maintenance.
    347.212  Deductions from the assessment base.
    347.213  FDIC approval to conduct activities not permissible for 
    federal branches.
    Subpart C--International Lending
    347.301  Purpose, authority, and scope.
    347.302  Definitions.
    347.303  Allocated transfer risk reserve.
    347.304  Accounting for fees on international loans.
    347.305  Reporting and disclosure of international assets.
    Subpart D--Applications and Delegations of Authority
    347.401  Definitions.
    347.402  Establishing, moving or closing a foreign branch of a state 
    nonmember bank; Sec. 347.103.
    347.403  Investment by insured state nonmember banks in foreign 
    organizations; Sec. 347.108.
    347.404  Exemptions from insurance requirement for a state branch of 
    a foreign bank; Sec. 347.206(b).
    347.405  Approval for an insured state branch of a foreign bank to 
    conduct activities not permissible for federal branches; 
    Sec. 347.213.
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1813, 1815, 1817, 1819, 1820, 1828, 3103, 
    3104, 3105, 3108; Title IX, Pub. L. 98-181, 97 Stat. 1153.
    Subpart A--Foreign Branching and Investment by Insured State 
    Nonmember Banks
    Sec. 347.101  Purpose, authority, and scope.
        Under sections 18(d) and 18(l) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act 
    (12 U.S.C. 1828(d), 1828(l)), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 
    prescribes the regulations in this subpart relating to foreign branches 
    of insured state nonmember banks, the acquisition and holding of stock 
    of foreign organizations, and loans or extensions of credit to or for 
    the account of such foreign organizations.
    Sec. 347.102  Definitions.
        For the purposes of this subpart:
        (a) An affiliate of an insured state nonmember bank means:
        (1) Any entity of which the insured state nonmember bank is a 
    direct or indirect subsidiary or which otherwise controls the insured 
    state nonmember bank;
        (2) Any organization which is a direct or indirect subsidiary of 
    such entity or which is otherwise controlled by such entity; or
        (3) Any other organization which is a direct or indirect subsidiary 
    of the insured state nonmember bank or is otherwise controlled by the 
    insured state nonmember bank.
        (b) Control means the ability to control in any manner the election 
    of a majority of an organization's directors or trustees; or the 
    ability to exercise a controlling influence over the management and 
    policies of an organization. An insured state nonmember bank is deemed 
    to control an organization of which it is a general partner or its 
    affiliate is a general partner.
        (c) Eligible insured state nonmember bank means an eligible 
    depository institution as defined in Sec. 347.401(c).
        (d) Equity interest means any ownership interest or rights in an 
    organization, whether through an equity security, contribution to 
    capital, general or limited partnership interest, debt or warrants 
    convertible into ownership interests or rights, loans providing profit 
    participation, binding commitments to acquire any such items, or some 
    other form of business transaction.
        (e) Equity security means voting or nonvoting shares, stock, 
    investment contracts, or other interests representing ownership or 
    participation in a company or similar enterprise, as well as any 
    instrument convertible to any such interest at the option of the holder 
    without payment of substantial additional consideration.
        (f) FRB means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
        (g) Foreign bank means an organization that is organized under the 
    laws of a foreign country, a territory of the United States, Puerto 
    Rico, Guam, American Samoa, or the Virgin Islands that:
        (1) Is recognized as a bank by the bank supervisory or monetary 
    authority of the country of its organization or the country in which 
    its principal banking operations are located;
        (2) Receives deposits to a substantial extent in the regular course 
    of its business; and
        (3) Has the power to accept demand deposits.
        (h) Foreign banking organization means a foreign organization that 
    is formed for the sole purpose of either holding shares of a foreign 
    bank or performing nominee, fiduciary, or other banking services 
    incidental to the activities of a foreign branch or foreign bank 
    affiliate of the insured state nonmember bank.
        (i) Foreign branch means an office or place of business located 
    outside the United States, its territories, Puerto Rico, Guam, American 
    Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, or the Virgin 
    Islands, at which banking operations are conducted, but does not 
    include a representative office.
        (j) Foreign country means any country other than the United States 
    and includes any territory, dependency, or possession of any such 
    country or of the United States.
        (k) Foreign organization means an organization that is organized 
    under the laws of a foreign country.
        (l) Indirectly means investments held or activities conducted by a 
    subsidiary of an organization.
        (m) Loan or extension of credit means all direct and indirect 
    advances of funds to a person, government, or entity made on the basis 
    of any obligation of that person, government, or entity to repay funds.
        (n) Organization or entity means a corporation, partnership, 
    association, bank, or other similar entity.
        (o) Representative office means an office that engages solely in 
    representative functions such as soliciting new business for its home 
    office or acting as liaison between the home office and local 
    customers, but which has no authority to make business or contracting 
    decisions other than those relating to the personnel and premises of 
    the representative office.
        (p) Subsidiary means any organization more than 50 percent of the 
    voting equity interests of which are directly or indirectly held by 
    another organization.
        (q) Tier 1 capital means Tier 1 capital as defined in Sec. 325.2 of 
    this chapter.
        (r) Well capitalized means well capitalized as defined in 
    Sec. 325.103 of this chapter.
    Sec. 347.103  Foreign branches of insured state nonmember banks.
        (a) Powers of foreign branches. To the extent authorized by state 
    law, an insured state nonmember bank may establish a foreign branch. In 
    addition to its general banking powers, and if permitted by state law, 
    a foreign branch of an insured state nonmember bank may conduct the 
    following activities to the extent the activities are consistent with 
    banking practices in the foreign country in which the branch is 
        (1) Guarantees. Guarantee debts, or otherwise agree to make 
    payments on the occurrence of readily ascertainable events including 
    without limitation such things as nonpayment of taxes, rentals, customs 
    duties, or costs of transport and loss or nonconformance of shipping 
    documents, if:
        (i) The guarantee or agreement specifies a maximum monetary 
    liability; and
        (ii) To the extent the guarantee or agreement is not subject to a 
    separate amount limit under state or federal law, the amount of the 
    guarantee or agreement is combined with loans and other obligations for 
    purposes of applying any legal lending limits.
        (2) Local investments. Acquire and hold the following local 
    investments, so
    [[Page 17077]]
    long as aggregate investments (other than those required by the law of 
    the foreign country or permissible under section 5136 of the Revised 
    Statutes (12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh)) by all the bank's branches in one 
    foreign country do not exceed 1 percent of the total deposits in all 
    the bank's branches in that country as reported in the preceding year-
    end Report of Income and Condition (Call Report): 1
        \1\ If a branch has recently been acquired by the state 
    nonmember bank and the branch was not previously required to file a 
    Call Report, branch deposits as of the acquisition date must be 
        (i) Equity securities of the central bank, clearing houses, 
    governmental entities, and development banks of the country in which 
    the branch is located;
        (ii) Other debt securities eligible to meet local reserve or 
    similar requirements; and
        (iii) Shares of automated electronic payment networks, professional 
    societies, schools, and similar entities necessary to the business of 
    the branch.
        (3) Government obligations. Make the following types of 
    transactions with respect to the obligations of foreign countries, so 
    long as aggregate investments, securities held in connection with 
    distribution and dealing, and underwriting commitments do not exceed 
    ten percent of the insured state nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital:
        (i) Underwrite, distribute and deal, invest in, or trade 
    obligations of:
        (A) The national government of the country in which the branch is 
    located or its political subdivisions; and
        (B) An agency or instrumentality of such national government if 
    supported by the taxing authority, guarantee, or full faith and credit 
    of the national government.
        (ii) Underwrite, distribute and deal, invest in or trade 
    obligations2 rated as investment grade by at least two 
    established international rating agencies of:
        \2\ If the obligation is an equity interest, it must be held 
    through a subsidiary of the foreign branch and the insured state 
    nonmember bank must meet its minimum capital requirements.
        (A) The national government of any foreign country or its political 
    subdivisions, to the extent permissible under the law of the issuing 
    foreign country; and
        (B) An agency or instrumentality of the national government of any 
    foreign country to the extent permissible under the law of the issuing 
    foreign country, if supported by the taxing authority, guarantee, or 
    full faith and credit of the national government.
        (4) Insurance. Act as an insurance agent or broker.
        (5) Other activities. Engage in these activities in an additional 
    amount, or in other activities, approved by the FDIC.
        (b) General consent to establish and relocate foreign branches. (1) 
    General consent of the FDIC is granted for an eligible insured state 
    nonmember bank to establish foreign branches conducting activities 
    authorized by this section in any foreign country in which the bank 
    already operates one or more foreign branches or foreign bank 
        (2) General consent of the FDIC is granted for an insured state 
    nonmember bank to relocate an existing foreign branch within a foreign 
        (3) An insured state nonmember bank acting under this paragraph 
    must provide written notice of such action to the FDIC within 30 days 
    after establishing or relocating the branch.
        (c) Expedited processing of branch applications. (1) Forty-five 
    days after filing a substantially complete application with the FDIC, 
    or upon such earlier time as authorized by the FDIC, an eligible 
    insured state nonmember bank may establish foreign branches conducting 
    activities authorized by this section in any foreign country in which:
        (i) An affiliated bank or Edge or Agreement corporation operates 
    one or more foreign branches or foreign bank subsidiaries; or
        (ii) The bank's holding company operates a foreign bank subsidiary.
        (2) If any of the following are located in two or more foreign 
    countries, an eligible insured state nonmember bank may establish a 
    foreign branch conducting activities authorized by this section in an 
    additional foreign country 45 days after the bank files a substantially 
    complete application with the FDIC, or upon such earlier time as 
    authorized by the FDIC:
        (i) Foreign branches or foreign bank subsidiaries of the eligible 
    insured state nonmember bank;
        (ii) Foreign branches or foreign bank subsidiaries of banks and 
    Edge or Agreement corporations affiliated with the eligible insured 
    state nonmember bank; and
        (iii) Foreign bank subsidiaries of the eligible insured state 
    nonmember bank's holding company.
        (d) Limitations on general consent and expedited processing. 
    General consent under paragraph (b) or expedited processing under 
    paragraph (c) of this section does not apply:
        (1) If the foreign branch would be located on a site on the World 
    Heritage List or on the foreign country's equivalent of the National 
    Register of Historic Places, in accordance with section 403 of the 
    National Historic Preservation Act Amendments of 1980 (16 U.S.C. 470a-
        (2) If the foreign branch would be located in a foreign country in 
    which applicable law or practice would limit the FDIC's access to 
    information for supervisory purposes; or
        (3) If the FDIC at any time notifies the insured state nonmember 
    bank that the FDIC is modifying or suspending its general consent or 
    expedited processing procedure.
        (e) Specific consent required. An insured state nonmember bank may 
    not engage in a type or amount of foreign branch activity not 
    authorized by this section, or establish a foreign branch other than as 
    authorized by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, without obtaining 
    the prior specific consent of the FDIC.
        (f) Branch closing. An insured state nonmember bank must notify the 
    FDIC in writing at the time it closes a foreign branch.
        (g) Procedures. Procedures for notices and applications under this 
    section are set out in subpart D of this part.
    Sec. 347.104  Investment by insured state nonmember banks in foreign 
        (a) Investment authorized. To the extent authorized by state law, 
    an insured state nonmember bank may directly or indirectly acquire and 
    retain equity interests in foreign organizations, subject to the 
    requirements of this subpart.
        (b) Authorized financial activities. An insured state nonmember 
    bank may not directly or indirectly acquire or hold equity interests of 
    a foreign organization resulting in the insured state nonmember bank 
    and its affiliates holding more than 50 percent of a foreign 
    organization's voting equity interests in the aggregate, or the insured 
    state nonmember bank or its affiliates otherwise controlling the 
    foreign organization, unless the activities of the foreign organization 
    are limited to the following financial activities:
        (1) Commercial and other banking activities.
        (2) Underwriting, distributing, and dealing debt securities outside 
    the United States.
        (3) With the prior approval of the FDIC under Sec. 347.108(d), 
    underwriting, distributing, and dealing equity securities outside the 
    United States.
        (4) Organizing, sponsoring, and managing a mutual fund if the 
    fund's shares are not sold or distributed in the United States or to 
    U.S. residents and the fund does not exercise management control over 
    the firms in which it invests.
        (5) General insurance agency and brokerage.
    [[Page 17078]]
        (6) Underwriting credit life, credit accident and credit health 
        (7) Performing management consulting services provided that such 
    services when rendered with respect to the United States market must be 
    restricted to the initial entry.
        (8) Data processing.
        (9) Operating a travel agency in connection with financial services 
    offered abroad by the insured state nonmember bank or others.
        (10) Engaging in activities that the FRB has determined in 
    Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.28(b)) are closely related to banking under 
    section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act.
        (11) Performing services for other direct or indirect operations of 
    a U.S. banking organization, including representative functions, sale 
    of long-term debt, name saving, liquidating assets acquired to prevent 
    loss on a debt previously contracted in good faith, and other 
    activities that are permissible for a bank holding company under 
    sections 4(a)(2)(A) and 4(c)(1)(C) of the Bank Holding Company Act.
        (12) Holding the premises of a branch of an Edge corporation or 
    insured state nonmember bank or the premises of a direct or indirect 
    subsidiary, or holding or leasing the residence of an officer or 
    employee of a branch or a subsidiary.
        (13) Engaging in the foregoing activities in an additional amount, 
    or in other activities, with the prior approval of the FDIC under 
    Sec. 347.108(d).
        (c) Going concerns. If an insured state nonmember bank acquires 
    equity interests of a foreign organization under paragraph (b) of this 
    section and the foreign organization is a going concern, up to five 
    percent of either the consolidated assets or revenues of the foreign 
    organization may be attributable to activities that are not permissible 
    under paragraph (b) of this section.
        (d) Joint ventures. If an insured state nonmember bank directly or 
    indirectly acquires or holds equity interests of a foreign organization 
    resulting in the insured state nonmember bank and its affiliates 
    holding 20 percent or more, but not in excess of 50 percent, of the 
    voting equity interests of a foreign organization in the aggregate, and 
    the insured state nonmember bank or its affiliates do not control the 
    foreign organization, up to 10 percent of either the consolidated 
    assets or revenues of the foreign organization may be attributable to 
    activities that are not permissible under paragraph (b) of this 
        (e) Portfolio investment. If an insured state nonmember bank 
    directly or indirectly acquires or holds equity interests of a foreign 
    organization resulting in the insured state nonmember bank and its 
    affiliates holding less than 20 percent of the voting equity interests 
    of a foreign organization in the aggregate, and the insured state 
    nonmember bank or its affiliates do not control the foreign 
        (1) Up to ten percent of either the consolidated assets or revenues 
    of the foreign organization may be attributable to activities that are 
    not permissible under paragraph (b) of this section; and
        (2) Any loans or extensions of credit made by the insured state 
    nonmember bank and its affiliates to the foreign organization must be 
    on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and 
    collateral, as those prevailing at the same time for comparable 
    transactions between the insured state nonmember bank or its affiliates 
    and nonaffiliated organizations.
        (f) Indirect holding of foreign organizations which are not foreign 
    banks or foreign banking organizations. Any investment pursuant to the 
    authority of paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section in a foreign 
    organization which is not a foreign bank or foreign banking 
    organization must be held indirectly through a U.S. or foreign 
    subsidiary of the insured state nonmember bank if the foreign 
    organization does not constitute a subsidiary of the insured state 
    nonmember bank, and the insured state nonmember bank must meet its 
    minimum capital requirements.
        (g) Indirect investments in nonfinancial foreign organizations. An 
    insured state nonmember bank may indirectly acquire and hold equity 
    interests in an amount up to 15 percent of the insured state nonmember 
    bank's Tier 1 capital in foreign organizations engaged generally in 
    activities beyond those listed in paragraph (b) of this section, 
    subject to the following:
        (1) The equity interests must be acquired and held indirectly 
    through a subsidiary authorized by paragraphs (b) or (c) of this 
    section, or an Edge corporation if also authorized by the FRB;
        (2) The aggregate holding of voting equity interests of one foreign 
    organization by the insured state nonmember bank and its affiliates 
    must be less than 20 percent of the foreign organization's voting 
    equity interests;
        (3) The aggregate holding of voting and nonvoting equity interests 
    of one foreign organization by the insured state nonmember bank and its 
    affiliates must be less than 40 percent of the foreign organization's 
    equity interests;
        (4) The insured state nonmember bank or its affiliates must not 
    otherwise control the foreign organization; and
        (5) Any loans or extensions of credit made by the insured state 
    nonmember bank and its affiliates to the foreign organization must be 
    on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and 
    collateral, as those prevailing at the same time for comparable 
    transactions between the insured state nonmember bank or its affiliates 
    and nonaffiliated organizations.
        (h) Affiliate holdings. References in this section to equity 
    interests of foreign organizations held by an affiliate of an insured 
    state nonmember bank includes equity interests held in connection with 
    an underwriting or for distribution or dealing by an affiliate 
    permitted to do so by Sec. 337.4 of this chapter or section 4(c)(8) of 
    the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. 1843(c)(8)).
    Sec. 347.105  Underwriting and dealing limits applicable to foreign 
    organizations held by insured state nonmember banks.
        If an insured state nonmember bank, in reliance on the authority of 
    Sec. 347.104, holds an equity interest in one or more foreign 
    organizations which underwrite, deal, or distribute equity securities 
    outside the United States as authorized by Sec. 347.104(b)(3):
        (a) Underwriting commitment limits. The aggregate underwriting 
    commitments by the foreign organizations for the equity securities of a 
    single entity, taken together with underwriting commitments by any 
    affiliate of the insured state nonmember bank under the authority of 12 
    CFR 211.5, must not exceed the lesser of $60 million or 25 percent of 
    the insured state nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital unless excess amounts 
    are either:
        (1) Covered by binding commitments from subunderwriters or 
    purchasers; or
        (2) Deducted from the capital of the insured state nonmember bank, 
    with at least 50 percent of the deduction being taken from Tier 1 
    capital, and the insured state nonmember bank remains well capitalized 
    after this deduction.
        (b) Distribution and dealing limits. The equity securities of any 
    single entity held for distribution or dealing by the foreign 
    organizations, taken together with equity securities held for 
    distribution or dealing by any affiliate of the insured state nonmember 
    bank under the authority of 12 CFR 211.5:
        (1) Must not exceed the lesser of $30 million or 5 percent of the 
    insured state nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital, subject to the 
        (i) Any equity securities acquired pursuant to any underwriting 
    commitment extending up to 90 days
    [[Page 17079]]
    after the payment date for the underwriting may be excluded from this 
        (ii) Any equity securities of the entity held under the authority 
    of Sec. 347.104 or 12 CFR 211.5(b) for purposes other than distribution 
    or dealing must be included in this limit; and
        (iii) Up to 75 percent of the position in an equity security may be 
    reduced by netting long and short positions in the same security, or 
    offsetting cash positions against derivative instruments referenced to 
    the same security so long as the derivatives are part of a prudent 
    hedging strategy; and
        (2) Must be included in calculating the general consent limits 
    under Sec. 347.108(a)(3) if the insured state nonmember bank relies on 
    the general consent provisions as authority to acquire equity interests 
    of the same foreign entity for investment or trading.
        (c) Additional distribution and dealing limits. With the exception 
    of equity securities acquired pursuant to any underwriting commitment 
    extending up to 90 days after the payment date for the underwriting, 
    equity securities of a single entity held for distribution or dealing 
    by all affiliates of the state nonmember bank (this includes shares 
    held in connection with an underwriting or for distribution or dealing 
    by an affiliate permitted to do so by Sec. 337.4 of this chapter or 
    section 4(c)(8) of the Bank Holding Company Act), combined with any 
    equity interests held for investment or trading purposes by all 
    affiliates of the state nonmember bank, must conform to the limits of 
    Sec. 347.104.
        (d) Combined limits. The aggregate of the following may not exceed 
    25 percent of the insured state nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital:
        (1) All equity interests of foreign organizations held for 
    investment or trading under Sec. 347.104(g) or by an affiliate of the 
    insured state nonmember bank under the corresponding paragraph of 12 
    CFR 211.5;
        (2) All underwriting commitments under paragraph (a) of this 
    section, taken together with all underwriting commitments by any 
    affiliate of the insured state nonmember bank under the authority of 12 
    CFR 211.5, after excluding the amount of any underwriting commitment:
        (i) Covered by binding commitments from subunderwriters or 
    purchasers under paragraph (a)(1) of this section or the comparable 
    provision of 12 CFR 211.5; or
        (ii) Already deducted from the insured state nonmember bank's 
    capital under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, or the appropriate 
    affiliate's capital under the comparable provisions of 12 CFR 211.5; 
        (3) All equity securities held for distribution or dealing under 
    paragraph (b) of this section, taken together with all equity 
    securities held for distribution or dealing by any affiliate of the 
    insured state nonmember bank under the authority of 12 CFR 211.5, after 
    reducing by up to 75 percent the position in any equity security by 
    netting and offset, as permitted by paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this 
    section or the comparable provision of 12 CFR 211.5.
    Sec. 347.106  Restrictions on certain activities applicable to foreign 
    organizations held by insured state nonmember banks.
        Futures commission merchant. If an insured state nonmember bank, in 
    reliance on the authority of Sec. 347.104, acquires or retains an 
    equity interest in one or more foreign organizations which acts as a 
    futures commission merchant as authorized by Sec. 347.104(b)(10), the 
    foreign organization may not be a member of an exchange or clearing 
    association that requires members to guarantee or otherwise contract to 
    cover losses suffered by other members unless the foreign 
    organization's liability does not exceed two percent of the insured 
    state nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital, or the insured state nonmember 
    bank has obtained the prior approval of the FDIC under Sec. 347.108(d).
    Sec. 347.107  U.S. activities of foreign organizations held by insured 
    state nonmember banks.
        (a) An insured state nonmember bank may not directly or indirectly 
    hold the equity interests of any foreign organization pursuant to the 
    authority of this section if the organization engages in the general 
    business of buying or selling goods, wares, merchandise, or commodities 
    in the United States.
        (b) An insured state nonmember bank may not directly or indirectly 
    hold more than 5 percent of the equity interests of any foreign 
    organization pursuant to the authority of this subpart unless any 
    activities in which the foreign organization engages directly or 
    indirectly in the United States are incidental to its international or 
    foreign business.
        (c) A foreign organization is not engaged in any business or 
    activities in the United States for these purposes unless it maintains 
    an office in the United States other than a representative office.
        (d) The following activities are incidental to international or 
    foreign business:
        (1) Activities that the FRB has determined in Regulation K (12 CFR 
    211.4) are permissible in the United States for an Edge corporation.
        (2) Other activities approved by the FDIC.
    Sec. 347.108  Obtaining FDIC approval to invest in foreign 
        (a) General consent. General consent of the FDIC is granted for an 
    eligible insured state nonmember bank to make direct or indirect 
    investments in foreign organizations in conformity with the limits and 
    requirements of this subpart if:
        (1) The insured state nonmember bank presently operates at least 
    one foreign bank subsidiary or foreign branch, an affiliated bank or 
    Edge or Agreement corporation operates at least one foreign bank 
    subsidiary or foreign branch, or the insured state nonmember bank's 
    holding company operates at least one foreign bank subsidiary;
        (2) In any case in which the insured state nonmember bank and its 
    affiliates will hold 20 percent or more of the foreign organization's 
    voting equity interests or control the foreign organization, at least 
    one insured state nonmember bank has a foreign bank subsidiary in the 
    relevant foreign country; 3
        \3\ A list of these countries can be obtained from the FDIC's 
    Internet Web Site at www.fdic.gov.
        (3) The investment is within one of the following limits:
        (i) The investment is acquired at net asset value from an 
        (ii) The investment is a reinvestment of cash dividends received 
    from the same foreign organization during the preceding 12 months; or
        (iii) The total investment directly or indirectly in a single 
    foreign organization in any transaction or series of transactions 
    during a twelve-month period does not exceed two percent of the insured 
    state nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital, and such investments in all 
    foreign organizations in the aggregate do not exceed:
        (A) 5 percent of the insured state nonmember bank's Tier 1 capital 
    during a 12-month period; and
        (B) Up to an additional five percent of the insured state nonmember 
    bank's Tier 1 capital if the investments are acquired for trading 
    purposes; and
        (4) Within 30 days, the insured state nonmember bank provides the 
    FDIC written notice of the investment, unless the investment was 
    acquired for trading purposes, in which case no notice is required.
        (b) Expedited processing. An investment that does not qualify for 
    general consent but is otherwise in conformity with the limits and
    [[Page 17080]]
    requirements of this subpart may be made 45 days after an eligible 
    insured state nonmember bank files a substantially complete application 
    with the FDIC, or upon such earlier time as authorized by the FDIC.
        (c) Inapplicability of general consent or expedited processing. 
    General consent or expedited processing under this section do not 
        (1) For foreign investments resulting in the insured state 
    nonmember bank holding 20 percent or more of the voting equity 
    interests of a foreign organization or controlling such organization 
    and the foreign organization would be located in a foreign country in 
    which applicable law or practice would limit the FDIC's access to 
    information for supervisory purposes; or
        (2) If the FDIC at any time notifies the insured state nonmember 
    bank that the FDIC is modifying or suspending its general consent or 
    expedited processing procedure.
        (d) Specific consent. Any investment that is not authorized under 
    general consent or expedited processing procedures must not be made 
    without the prior specific consent of the FDIC.
        (e) Computation of amounts. In computing the amount that may be 
    invested in any foreign organization under this section, any 
    investments held by an affiliate of the insured state nonmember bank 
    must be included.
        (f) Procedures. Procedures for applications and notices under this 
    section are set out in subpart D of this part.
    Sec. 347.109  Extensions of credit to foreign organizations held by 
    insured state nonmember banks; shares of foreign organizations held in 
    connection with debts previously contracted.
        (a) Loans or extensions of credit. An insured state nonmember bank 
    which directly or indirectly holds equity interests in a foreign 
    organization pursuant to the authority of this subpart may make loans 
    or extensions of credit to or for the accounts of the organization 
    without regard to the provisions of section 18(j) of the FDI Act (12 
    U.S.C. 1828(j)).
        (b) Debts previously contracted. Equity interests acquired to 
    prevent a loss upon a debt previously contracted in good faith are not 
    subject to the limitations or procedures of this subpart; however they 
    must be disposed of promptly but in no event later than two years after 
    their acquisition, unless the FDIC authorizes retention for a longer 
    Sec. 347.110  Supervision and recordkeeping of the foreign activities 
    of insured state nonmember banks.
        (a) Records, controls and reports. An insured state nonmember bank 
    with any foreign branch, any investment in a foreign organization of 20 
    percent or more of the organization's voting equity interests, or 
    control of a foreign organization must maintain a system of records, 
    controls and reports that, at minimum, provide for the following:
        (1) Risk assets. To permit assessment of exposure to loss, 
    information furnished or available to the main office should be 
    sufficient to permit periodic and systematic appraisals of the quality 
    of risk assets, including loans and other extensions of credit. 
    Coverage should extend to a substantial proportion of the risk assets 
    in the branch or foreign organization, and include the status of all 
    large credit lines and of credits to customers also borrowing from 
    other offices or affiliates of the insured state nonmember bank. 
    Appropriate information on risk assets may include:
        (i) A recent financial statement of the borrower or obligee and 
    current information on the borrower's or obligee's financial condition;
        (ii) Terms, conditions, and collateral;
        (iii) Data on any guarantors;
        (iv) Payment history; and
        (v) Status of corrective measures employed.
        (2) Liquidity. To enable assessment of local management's ability 
    to meet its obligations from available resources, reports should 
    identify the general sources and character of the deposits, borrowing, 
    and other funding sources, employed in the branch or foreign 
    organization with special reference to their terms and volatility. 
    Information should be available on sources of liquidity-cash, balances 
    with banks, marketable securities, and repayment flows--such as will 
    reveal their accessibility in time and any risk elements involved.
        (3) Contingencies. Data on the volume and nature of contingent 
    items such as loan commitments and guarantees or their equivalents that 
    permit analysis of potential risk exposure and liquidity requirements.
        (4) Controls. Reports on the internal and external audits of the 
    branch or foreign organization in sufficient detail to permit 
    determination of conformance to auditing guidelines. Appropriate audit 
    reports may include coverage of:
        (i) Verification and identification of entries on financial 
        (ii) Income and expense accounts, including descriptions of 
    significant chargeoffs and recoveries;
        (iii) Operations and dual-control procedures and other internal 
        (iv) Conformance to head office guidelines on loans, deposits, 
    foreign exchange activities, proper accounting procedures, and 
    discretionary authority of local management;
        (v) Compliance with local laws and regulations; and
        (vi) Compliance with applicable U.S. laws and regulations.
        (b) Availability of information to examiners; reports. (1) 
    Information about foreign branches or foreign organizations must be 
    made available to the FDIC by the insured state nonmember bank for 
    examination and other supervisory purposes.
        (2) If any applicable law or practice in a particular foreign 
    country would limit the FDIC's access to information for supervisory 
    purposes, no insured state nonmember bank may utilize the general 
    consent or expedited processing procedures under Secs. 347.103 and 
    347.108 to:
        (i) Establish any foreign branch in the foreign country; or
        (ii) Make any investment resulting in the state nonmember bank 
    holding 20 percent or more of the voting equity interests of a foreign 
    organization in the foreign country or controlling such organization.
        (3) The FDIC may from time to time require an insured state 
    nonmember bank to make and submit such reports and information as may 
    be necessary to implement and enforce the provisions of this subpart, 
    and the insured state nonmember bank shall submit an annual report of 
    condition for each foreign branch pursuant to instructions provided by 
    the FDIC.
    Subpart B--Foreign Banks
    Sec. 347.201  Scope.
        (a)(1) Sections 347.203 through 347.207 implement the insurance 
    provisions of section 6 of the International Banking Act of 1978 (12 
    U.S.C. 3104). They set out the FDIC's rules regarding domestic retail 
    deposit activities requiring a foreign bank to establish an insured 
    bank subsidiary; deposit activities permissible for a noninsured 
    branch; authority for a state branch to apply for an exemption from the 
    insurance requirement; and, depositor notification requirements. 
    Sections 347.204, 347.205, 347.206 and 347.207 do not apply to a 
    federal branch. The Comptroller of the Currency's regulations (12 CFR 
    part 28) establish such rules for federal branches. However, federal 
    branches deemed by the Comptroller to require
    [[Page 17081]]
    insurance must apply to the FDIC for insurance.
        (2) Sections 347.203 through 347.207 also set out the FDIC's rules 
    regarding the operation of insured and noninsured branches, whether 
    state or federal, by a foreign bank.
        (b) Sections 347.208 through 347.212 set out the rules that apply 
    only to a foreign bank that operates or proposes to establish an 
    insured state or federal branch. These rules relate to the following 
    matters: an agreement to provide information and to be examined and 
    provisions concerning recordkeeping, pledge of assets, asset 
    maintenance, and deductions from the assessment base.
    Sec. 347.202  Definitions.
        For the purposes of this subpart:
        (a) Affiliate means any entity that controls, is controlled by, or 
    is under common control with another entity. An entity shall be deemed 
    to ``control'' another entity if the entity directly or indirectly 
    owns, controls, or has the power to vote 25 percent or more of any 
    class of voting securities of the other entity or controls in any 
    manner the election of a majority of the directors or trustees of the 
    other entity.
        (b) Branch means any office or place of business of a foreign bank 
    located in any state of the United States at which deposits are 
    received. The term does not include any office or place of business 
    deemed by the state licensing authority or the Comptroller of the 
    Currency to be an agency.
        (c) Deposit has the same meaning as that term in section 3(l) of 
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(l)).
        (d) Depository means any insured state bank, national bank, or 
    insured branch.
        (e) Domestic retail deposit activity means the acceptance by a 
    state branch of any initial deposit of less than $100,000.
        (f) Federal branch means a branch of a foreign bank established and 
    operating under the provisions of section 4 of the International 
    Banking Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3102).
        (g) Foreign bank means any company organized under the laws of a 
    foreign country, any territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, 
    American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, or the Virgin Islands, 
    which engages in the business of banking. The term includes foreign 
    commercial banks, foreign merchant banks and other foreign institutions 
    that engage in banking activities usual in connection with the business 
    of banking in the countries where such foreign institutions are 
    organized and operating. Except as otherwise specifically provided by 
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, banks organized under the 
    laws of a foreign country, any territory of the United States, Puerto 
    Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, or the Virgin 
    Islands which are insured banks other than by reason of having an 
    insured branch are not considered to be foreign banks for purposes of 
    Secs. 347.208, 347.209, 347.210, and 347.211.
        (h) Foreign business means any entity including, but not limited 
    to, a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, association, 
    foundation or trust, which is organized under the laws of a foreign 
    country or any United States entity which is owned or controlled by an 
    entity which is organized under the laws of a foreign country or a 
    foreign national.
        (i) Foreign country means any country other than the United States 
    and includes any colony, dependency or possession of any such country.
        (j) Home state of a foreign bank means the state so determined by 
    the election of the foreign bank, or in default of such election, by 
    the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
        (k) Immediate family member of a natural person means the spouse, 
    father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter of that natural 
        (l) Initial deposit means the first deposit transaction between a 
    depositor and the branch. The initial deposit may be placed into 
    different deposit accounts or into different kinds of deposit accounts, 
    such as demand, savings or time. Deposit accounts that are held by a 
    depositor in the same right and capacity may be added together for the 
    purposes of determining the dollar amount of the initial deposit. 
    ``First deposit'' means any deposit made when there is no existing 
    deposit relationship between the depositor and the branch.
        (m) Insured bank means any bank, including a foreign bank having an 
    insured branch, the deposits of which are insured in accordance with 
    the provisions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
        (n) Insured branch means a branch of a foreign bank any deposits of 
    which branch are insured in accordance with the provisions of the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
        (o) Large United States business means any entity including, but 
    not limited to, a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, 
    association, foundation or trust which is organized under the laws of 
    the United States or any state thereof, and:
        (1) Whose securities are registered on a national securities 
    exchange or quoted on the National Association of Securities Dealers 
    Automated Quotation System; or
        (2) Has annual gross revenues in excess of $1,000,000 for the 
    fiscal year immediately preceding the initial deposit.
        (p) A majority owned subsidiary means a company the voting stock of 
    which is more than 50 percent owned or controlled by another company.
        (q) Noninsured branch means a branch of a foreign bank deposits of 
    which branch are not insured in accordance with the provisions of the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
        (r) Person means an individual, bank, corporation, partnership, 
    trust, association, foundation, joint venture, pool, syndicate, sole 
    proprietorship, unincorporated organization, or any other form of 
        (s) Significant risk to the deposit insurance fund shall be 
    understood to be present whenever there is a high probability that the 
    Bank Insurance Fund administered by the FDIC may suffer a loss.
        (t) State means any state of the United States or the District of 
        (u) State branch means a branch of a foreign bank established and 
    operating under the laws of any state.
        (v) A wholly owned subsidiary means a company the voting stock of 
    which is 100 percent owned or controlled by another company except for 
    a nominal number of directors' shares.
    Sec. 347.203  Restriction on operation of insured and noninsured 
        The FDIC will not insure deposits in any branch of a foreign bank 
    unless the foreign bank agrees that every branch established or 
    operated by the foreign bank in the same state will be an insured 
    branch; provided, that this restriction does not apply to any branch 
    which accepts only initial deposits in an amount of $100,000 or 
    Sec. 347.204  Insurance requirement.
        (a) Domestic retail deposit activity. In order to initiate or 
    conduct domestic retail deposit activity which requires deposit 
    insurance protection in any state a foreign bank shall:
        (1) Establish one or more insured bank subsidiaries in the United 
    States for that purpose; and
        (2) Obtain deposit insurance for any such subsidiary in accordance 
    with the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
        (b) Exception. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, 
    ``foreign bank'' does not include any bank organized under the laws of 
    [[Page 17082]]
    territory of the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, or 
    the Virgin Islands the deposits of which are insured by the Corporation 
    pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
        (c) Grandfathered insured branches. Domestic retail deposit 
    accounts with balances of less than $100,000 that require deposit 
    insurance protection may be accepted or maintained in a branch of a 
    foreign bank only if such branch was an insured branch on December 19, 
        (d) Noninsured branches. A foreign bank may establish or operate a 
    state branch which is not an insured branch whenever:
        (1) The branch only accepts initial deposits in an amount of 
    $100,000 or greater; or
        (2) The branch meets the criteria set forth in Sec. 347.205 or 
    Sec. 347.206.
    Sec. 347.205  Branches established under section 5 of the International 
    Banking Act.
        A foreign bank may operate any state branch as a noninsured branch 
    whenever the foreign bank has entered into an agreement with the Board 
    of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to accept at that branch 
    only those deposits as would be permissible for a corporation organized 
    under section 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 611 et seq.) 
    and implementing rules and regulations administered by the Board of 
    Governors (12 CFR part 211).
    Sec. 347.206  Exemptions from the insurance requirement.
        (a) Deposit activities not requiring insurance. A state branch will 
    not be deemed to be engaged in domestic retail deposit activity which 
    requires the foreign bank parent to establish an insured bank 
    subsidiary in accordance with Sec. 347.204(a) if the state branch only 
    accepts initial deposits in an amount of less than $100,000 which are 
    derived solely from the following:
        (1) Individuals who are not citizens or residents of the United 
    States at the time of the initial deposit;
        (2) Individuals who:
        (i) Are not citizens of the United States;
        (ii) Are residents of the United States; and
        (iii) Are employed by a foreign bank, foreign business, foreign 
    government, or recognized international organization;
        (3) Persons (including immediate family members of natural persons) 
    to whom the branch or foreign bank (including any affiliate thereof) 
    has extended credit or provided other nondeposit banking services 
    within the past twelve months or has entered into a written agreement 
    to provide such services within the next twelve months;
        (4) Foreign businesses, large United States businesses, and persons 
    from whom an Edge Corporation may accept deposits under 
    Sec. 211.4(e)(1) of Regulation K of the Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 211.4(e)(1);
        (5) Any governmental unit, including the United States government, 
    any state government, any foreign government and any political 
    subdivision or agency of any of the foregoing, and recognized 
    international organizations;
        (6) Persons who are depositing funds in connection with the 
    issuance of a financial instrument by the branch for the transmission 
    of funds or the transmission of such funds by any electronic means; and
        (7) Any other depositor, but only if the branch's average deposits 
    under this paragraph (a)(7) do not exceed one percent of the branch's 
    average total deposits for the last 30 days of the most recent calendar 
    quarter (de minimis exception). In calculating this de minimis 
    exception, both the average deposits under this paragraph (a)(7) and 
    the average total deposits shall be computed by summing the close of 
    business figures for each of the last 30 calendar days, ending with and 
    including the last day of the calendar quarter, and dividing the 
    resulting sum by 30. For days on which the branch is closed, balances 
    from the last previous business day are to be used. In determining its 
    average branch deposits, the branch may exclude deposits in the branch 
    of other offices, branches, agencies or wholly owned subsidiaries of 
    the bank. In addition, the branch must not solicit deposits from the 
    general public by advertising, display of signs, or similar activity 
    designed to attract the attention of the general public. A foreign bank 
    which has more than one state branch in the same state may aggregate 
    deposits in such branches (excluding deposits of other branches, 
    agencies or wholly owned subsidiaries of the bank) for the purpose of 
    this paragraph (a)(7).
        (b) Application for an exemption. (1) Whenever a foreign bank 
    proposes to accept at a state branch initial deposits of less than 
    $100,000 and such deposits are not otherwise excepted under paragraph 
    (a) of this section, the foreign bank may apply to the FDIC for consent 
    to operate the branch as a noninsured branch. The Board of Directors 
    may exempt the branch from the insurance requirement if the branch is 
    not engaged in domestic retail deposit activities requiring insurance 
    protection. The Board of Directors will consider the size and nature of 
    depositors and deposit accounts, the importance of maintaining and 
    improving the availability of credit to all sectors of the United 
    States economy, including the international trade finance sector of the 
    United States economy, whether the exemption would give the foreign 
    bank an unfair competitive advantage over United States banking 
    organizations, and any other relevant factors in making this 
        (2) Procedures for applications under this section are set out in 
    subpart D of this part.
        (c) Transition period. A noninsured state branch may maintain a 
    retail deposit lawfully accepted prior to April 1, 1996 pursuant to 
    regulations in effect prior to July 1, 1998 (See Sec. 346.6 as 
    contained in 12 CFR parts 300 to 499 revised as of January 1, 1998):
        (1) If the deposit qualifies pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of 
    this section; or
        (2) If the deposit does not qualify pursuant to paragraph (a) or 
    (b) of this section, no later than:
        (i) In the case of a non-time deposit, five years from April 1, 
    1996; or
        (ii) In the case of a time deposit, the first maturity date of the 
    time deposit after April 1, 1996.
    Sec. 347.207  Notification to depositors.
        Any state branch that is exempt from the insurance requirement 
    pursuant to Sec. 347.206 shall:
        (a) Display conspicuously at each window or place where deposits 
    are usually accepted a sign stating that deposits are not insured by 
    the FDIC; and
        (b) Include in bold face conspicuous type on each signature card, 
    passbook, and instrument evidencing a deposit the statement ``This 
    deposit is not insured by the FDIC''; or require each depositor to 
    execute a statement which acknowledges that the initial deposit and all 
    future deposits at the branch are not insured by the FDIC. This 
    acknowledgment shall be retained by the branch so long as the depositor 
    maintains any deposit with the branch. This provision applies to any 
    negotiable certificates of deposit made in a branch on or after July 6, 
    1989, as well as to any renewals of such deposits which become 
    effective on or after July 6, 1989.
    Sec. 347.208  Agreement to provide information and to be examined.
        (a) A foreign bank that applies for insurance for any branch shall 
    agree in writing to the following terms:
        (1)(i) The foreign bank will provide the FDIC with information 
    regarding the affairs of the foreign bank and its affiliates which are 
    located outside of
    [[Page 17083]]
    the United States as the FDIC from time to time may request to:
        (A) Determine the relations between the insured branch and the 
    foreign bank and its affiliates; and
        (B) Assess the financial condition of the foreign bank as it 
    relates to the insured branch.
        (ii) If the laws of the country of the foreign bank's domicile or 
    the policy of the Central Bank or other banking authority prohibit or 
    restrict the foreign bank from entering into this agreement, the 
    foreign bank shall agree to provide information to the extent permitted 
    by such law or policy. Information provided shall be in English and in 
    the form requested by the FDIC and shall be made available in the 
    United States. The Board of Directors will consider the existence and 
    extent of this prohibition or restriction in determining whether to 
    grant insurance and may deny the application if the information 
    available is so limited in extent that an unacceptable risk to the 
    insurance fund is presented.
        (2)(i) The FDIC may examine the affairs of any office, agency, 
    branch or affiliate of the foreign bank located in the United States as 
    the FDIC deems necessary to:
        (A) Determine the relations between the insured branch and such 
    offices, agencies, branches or affiliates; and
        (B) Assess the financial condition of the foreign bank as it 
    relates to the insured branch.
        (ii) The foreign bank shall also agree to provide the FDIC with 
    information regarding the affairs of such offices, agencies, branches 
    or affiliates as the FDIC deems necessary. The Board of Directors will 
    not grant insurance to any branch if the foreign bank fails to enter 
    into an agreement as required under this paragraph (a).
        (b) The agreement shall be signed by an officer of the foreign bank 
    who has been so authorized by the foreign bank's board of directors. 
    The agreement and the authorization shall be included with the foreign 
    bank's application for insurance. Any agreement not in English shall be 
    accompanied by an English translation.
    Sec. 347.209  Records.
        (a) Each insured branch shall keep a set of accounts and records in 
    the words and figures of the English language which accurately reflect 
    the business transactions of the insured branch on a daily basis.
        (b) The records of each insured branch shall be kept as though it 
    were a separate entity, with its assets and liabilities separate from 
    the other operations of the head office, other branches or agencies of 
    the foreign bank and its subsidiaries or affiliates. A foreign bank 
    which has more than one insured branch in a state may treat such 
    insured branches as one entity for record keeping purposes and may 
    designate one branch to maintain records for all the branches in the 
    Sec. 347.210  Pledge of assets.
        (a) Purpose. A foreign bank that has an insured branch shall pledge 
    assets for the benefit of the FDIC or its designee(s). Whenever the 
    FDIC is obligated under section 11(f) of the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Act (12 U.S.C. 1821(f)) to pay the insured deposits of an insured 
    branch, the assets pledged under this section shall become the property 
    of the FDIC to be used to the extent necessary to protect the deposit 
    insurance fund.
        (b) Amount of assets to be pledged. (1) A foreign bank shall pledge 
    assets equal to five percent of the average of the insured branch's 
    liabilities for the last 30 days of the most recent calendar quarter. 
    This average shall be computed by using the sum of the close of 
    business figures for the 30 calendar days of the most recent calendar 
    quarter, ending with and including the last day of the calendar 
    quarter, divided by 30.4 In determining its average 
    liabilities, the insured branch may exclude liabilities to other 
    offices, agencies, branches, and wholly owned subsidiaries of the 
    foreign bank. The value of the pledged assets shall be computed based 
    on the lesser of the principal amount (par value) or market value of 
    such assets at the time of the original pledge and thereafter as of the 
    last day of the most recent calendar quarter.
        \4\ For days on which the branch is closed, balances from the 
    previous business day are to be used.
        (2) The initial five-percent deposit for a newly established 
    insured branch shall be based on the branch's projection of liabilities 
    at the end of the first year of its operation.
        (3) The FDIC may require a foreign bank to pledge additional assets 
    or to compute its pledge on a daily basis whenever the FDIC determines 
    that the foreign bank's or any insured branch's condition is such that 
    the assets pledged under paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section 
    will not adequately protect the deposit insurance fund. In requiring a 
    foreign bank to pledge additional assets, the FDIC will consult with 
    the insured branch's primary regulator. Among the factors to be 
    considered in imposing these requirements are the concentration of risk 
    to any one borrower or group of related borrowers, the concentration of 
    transfer risk to any one country, including the country in which the 
    foreign bank's head office is located or any other factor the FDIC 
    determines is relevant.
        (4) Each insured branch shall separately comply with the 
    requirements of this section. However, a foreign bank which has more 
    than one insured branch in a state may treat all of its insured 
    branches in the same state as one entity and shall designate one 
    insured branch to be responsible for compliance with this section.
        (c) Depository. A foreign bank shall place pledged assets for 
    safekeeping at any depository which is located in any state. However, a 
    depository may not be an affiliate of the foreign bank whose insured 
    branch is seeking to use the depository. A foreign bank must obtain the 
    FDIC's prior written approval of the depository selected, and such 
    approval may be revoked and dismissal of the depository required 
    whenever the depository does not fulfill any one of its obligations 
    under the pledge agreement. A foreign bank shall appoint and constitute 
    the depository as its attorney in fact for the sole purpose of 
    transferring title to pledged assets to the FDIC as may be required to 
    effectuate the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section.
        (d) Assets that may be pledged. Subject to the right of the FDIC to 
    require substitution, a foreign bank may pledge any of the kinds of 
    assets listed in this paragraph (d); such assets must be denominated in 
    United States dollars. A foreign bank shall be deemed to have pledged 
    any such assets for the benefit of the FDIC or its designees at such 
    time as any such asset is placed with the depository, as follows:
        (1) Certificates of deposit that are payable in the United States 
    and that are issued by any state bank, national bank, or branch of a 
    foreign bank which has executed a valid waiver of offset agreement or 
    similar debt instruments that are payable in the United States and that 
    are issued by any agency of a foreign bank which has executed a valid 
    waiver of offset agreement; provided, that the maturity of any 
    certificate or issuance is not greater than one year; and provided 
    further, that the issuing branch or agency of a foreign bank is not an 
    affiliate of the pledging bank or from the same country as the pledging 
    bank's domicile;
        (2) Interest bearing bonds, notes, debentures, or other direct 
    obligations of or obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and 
    interest by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof;
        (3) Commercial paper that is rated P-1 or P-2, or their equivalent 
    by a
    [[Page 17084]]
    nationally recognized rating service; provided, that any conflict in a 
    rating shall be resolved in favor of the lower rating;
        (4) Banker's acceptances that are payable in the United States and 
    that are issued by any state bank, national bank, or branch or agency 
    of a foreign bank; provided, that the maturity of any acceptance is not 
    greater than 180 days; and provided further, that the branch or agency 
    issuing the acceptance is not an affiliate of the pledging bank or from 
    the same country as the pledging bank's domicile;
        (5) General obligations of any state of the United States, or any 
    county or municipality of any state of the United States, or any 
    agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision of the foregoing or 
    any obligation guaranteed by a state of the United States or any county 
    or municipality of any state of the United States; provided, that such 
    obligations have a credit rating within the top two rating bands of a 
    nationally-recognized rating service (with any conflict in a rating 
    resolved in favor of the lower rating);
        (6) Obligations of the African Development Bank, Asian Development 
    Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and the International Bank for 
    Reconstruction and Development;
        (7) Notes issued by bank holding companies or banks organized under 
    the laws of the United States or any state thereof or notes issued by 
    United States branches or agencies of foreign banks, provided, that the 
    notes have a credit rating within the top two rating bands of a 
    nationally-recognized rating service (with any conflict in a rating 
    resolved in favor of the lower rating) and that they are payable in the 
    United States, and provided further, that the issuer is not an 
    affiliate of the foreign bank pledging the note; or
        (8) Any other asset determined by the FDIC to be acceptable.
        (e) Pledge agreement. A foreign bank shall not pledge any assets 
    unless a pledge agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the 
    FDIC has been executed by the foreign bank and the depository. The 
    agreement, in addition to other terms not inconsistent with this 
    paragraph (e), shall give effect to the following terms:
        (1) Original pledge. The foreign bank shall place with the 
    depository assets of the kind described in paragraph (d) of this 
    section, having an aggregate value in the amount as required pursuant 
    to paragraph (b) of this section.
        (2) Additional assets required to be pledged. Whenever the foreign 
    bank is required to pledge additional assets for the benefit of the 
    FDIC or its designees pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this section, it 
    shall place (within two business days after the last day of the most 
    recent calendar quarter, unless otherwise ordered) additional assets of 
    the kind described in paragraph (d) of this section, having an 
    aggregate value in the amount required by the FDIC.
        (3) Substitution of assets. The foreign bank, at any time, may 
    substitute any assets for pledged assets, and, upon such substitution, 
    the depository shall promptly release any such assets to the foreign 
    bank. Provided, that:
        (i) The foreign bank pledges assets of the kind described in 
    paragraph (d) of this section having an aggregate value not less than 
    the value of the pledged assets for which they are substituted and 
    certified as such by the foreign bank; and
        (ii) The FDIC has not by written notification to the foreign bank, 
    a copy of which shall be provided to the depository, suspended or 
    terminated the foreign bank's right of substitution.
        (4) Delivery of other documents. Concurrently with the pledge of 
    any assets, the foreign bank shall deliver to the depository all 
    documents and instruments necessary or advisable to effectuate the 
    transfer of title to any such assets and thereafter, from time to time, 
    at the request of the FDIC, deliver to the depository any such 
    additional documents or instruments. The foreign bank shall provide 
    copies of all such documents described in this paragraph (e)(4) to the 
    appropriate regional director concurrently with their delivery to the 
        (5) Acceptance and safekeeping responsibilities of the depository. 
    (i) The depository shall accept and hold any assets pledged by the 
    foreign bank pursuant to the pledge agreement for safekeeping free and 
    clear of any lien, charge, right of offset, credit, or preference in 
    connection with any claim the depository may assert against the foreign 
    bank and shall designate any such assets as a special pledge for the 
    benefit of the FDIC or its designees. The depository shall not accept 
    the pledge of any such assets unless concurrently with such pledge the 
    foreign bank delivers to the depository the documents and instruments 
    necessary for the transfer of title thereto as provided in this part.
        (ii) The depository shall hold any such assets separate from all 
    other assets of the foreign bank or the depository. Such assets may be 
    held in book-entry form but must at all times be segregated on the 
    records of the depository and clearly identified as assets subject to 
    the pledge agreement.
        (6) Reporting requirements of the insured branch and the 
    depository. (i) Initial reports. Upon the original pledge of assets as 
    provided in paragraph (e)(1) of this section:
        (A) The depository shall provide to the foreign bank and to the 
    appropriate regional director a written report in the form of a receipt 
    identifying each asset pledged and specifying in reasonable detail with 
    respect to each such asset the complete title, interest rate, series, 
    serial number (if any), principal amount (par value), maturity date and 
    call date; and
        (B) The foreign bank shall provide to the appropriate regional 
    director a written report certified as correct by the foreign bank 
    which sets forth the value of each pledged asset and the aggregate 
    value of all such assets, and which states that the aggregate value of 
    all such assets is the amount required pursuant to paragraph (b) of 
    this section and that all such assets are of the kind described in 
    paragraph (d) of this section.
        (ii) Quarterly reports. Within ten calendar days after the end of 
    the most recent calendar quarter:
        (A) The depository shall provide to the appropriate regional 
    director a written report specifying in reasonable detail with respect 
    to each asset currently pledged (including any asset pledged to satisfy 
    the requirements of paragraph (b)(3) of this section and identified as 
    such), as of two business days after the end of the most recent 
    calendar quarter, the complete title, interest rate, series, serial 
    number (if any), principal amount (par value), maturity date, and call 
    date, provided, that if no substitution of any asset has occurred 
    during the reporting period, the report need only specify that no 
    substitution of assets has occurred; and
        (B) The foreign bank shall provide as of two business days after 
    the end of the most recent calendar quarter to the appropriate regional 
    director a written report certified as correct by the foreign bank 
    which sets forth the value of each pledged asset and the aggregate 
    value of all such assets, which states that the aggregate value of all 
    such assets is the amount required pursuant to paragraph (b) of this 
    section and that all such assets are of the kind described in paragraph 
    (d) of this section, and which states the average of the liabilities of 
    each insured branch of the foreign bank computed in the manner and for 
    the period prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (iii) Additional reports. The foreign bank shall, from time to 
    time, as may be required, provide to the appropriate regional director 
    a written report in the form specified containing the
    [[Page 17085]]
    information requested with respect to any asset then currently pledged.
        (7) Access to assets. With respect to any asset pledged pursuant to 
    the pledge agreement, the depository will provide representatives of 
    the FDIC or the foreign bank access (during regular business hours of 
    the depository and at the location where any such asset is held, 
    without other limitation or qualification) to all original instruments, 
    documents, books, and records evidencing or pertaining to any such 
        (8) Release upon the order of the FDIC. The depository shall 
    release to the foreign bank any pledged assets, as specified in a 
    written notification of the appropriate regional director, upon the 
    terms and conditions provided in such notification, including without 
    limitation the waiver of any requirement that any assets be pledged by 
    the foreign bank in substitution of any released assets.
        (9) Release to the FDIC. Whenever the FDIC is obligated under 
    section 11(f) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1821(f)) 
    to pay insured deposits of an insured branch, the FDIC by written 
    certification shall so inform the depository; and the depository, upon 
    receipt of such certification, shall thereupon promptly release and 
    transfer title to any pledged assets to the FDIC or release such assets 
    to the foreign bank, as specified in the certification. Upon release 
    and transfer of title to all pledged assets specified in the 
    certification, the depository shall be discharged from any further 
    obligation under the pledge agreement.
        (10) Interest earned on assets. The foreign bank may retain any 
    interest earned with respect to the assets currently pledged unless the 
    FDIC by written notice prohibits retention of interest by the foreign 
    bank, in which case the notice shall specify the disposition of any 
    such interest.
        (11) Expenses of agreement. The FDIC shall not be required to pay 
    any fees, costs, or expenses for services provided by the depository to 
    the foreign bank pursuant to, or in connection with, the pledge 
        (12) Substitution of depository. The depository may resign, or the 
    foreign bank may discharge the depository, from its duties and 
    obligations under the pledge agreement by giving at least 60 days' 
    written notice thereof to the other party and to the appropriate 
    regional director. The FDIC, upon 30 days' written notice to the 
    foreign bank and the depository, may require the foreign bank to 
    dismiss the depository if the FDIC in its discretion determines that 
    the depository is in breach of the pledge agreement. The depository 
    shall continue to function as such until the appointment of a successor 
    depository becomes effective and the depository has released to the 
    successor depository the pledged assets and documents and instruments 
    to effectuate transfer of title in accordance with the written 
    instructions of the foreign bank as approved by the FDIC. The 
    appointment by the foreign bank of a successor depository shall not be 
    effective until:
        (i) The FDIC has approved in writing the successor depository; and
        (ii) A pledge agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the 
    FDIC has been executed.
        (13) Waiver of terms. The FDIC may by written order waive 
    compliance by the foreign bank or the depository with any term or 
    condition of the pledge agreement.
        (f)(1) Authority is delegated to the Director (DOS), the Deputy 
    Director (DOS), and where confirmed in writing by the Director, to an 
    associate director, or to the appropriate regional director or deputy 
    regional director, to enter into pledge agreements with foreign banks 
    and depositories in connection with the pledge of asset requirements 
    pursuant to this section. This authority shall also extend to the power 
    to revoke such approval and require the dismissal of the depository.
        (2) Authority is delegated to the General Counsel or designee to 
    modify the terms of the model pledge agreement used for such deposit 
    Sec. 347.211  Asset maintenance.
        (a) An insured branch of a foreign bank shall maintain on a daily 
    basis eligible assets in an amount not less than 106 percent of the 
    preceding quarter's average book value of the insured branch's 
    liabilities or, in the case of a newly-established insured branch, the 
    estimated book value of its liabilities at the end of the first full 
    quarter of operation, exclusive of liabilities due to the foreign 
    bank's head office, other branches, agencies, offices, or wholly owned 
    subsidiaries. The Director of the Division of Supervision or his 
    designee may impose a computation of total liabilities on a daily basis 
    in those instances where it is found necessary for supervisory 
    purposes. The Board of Directors, after consulting with the insured 
    branch's primary regulator, may require that a higher ratio of eligible 
    assets be maintained if the financial condition of the insured branch 
    warrants such action. Among the factors which will be considered in 
    requiring a higher ratio of eligible assets are the concentration of 
    risk to any one borrower or group of related borrowers, the 
    concentration of transfer risk to any one country, including the 
    country in which the foreign bank's head office is located or any other 
    factor the FDIC determines is relevant. Eligible assets shall be 
    payable in United States dollars.
        (b) In determining eligible assets for the purposes of compliance 
    with paragraph (a) of this section, the insured branch shall exclude 
    the following:
        (1) Any asset due from the foreign bank's head office, other 
    branches, agencies, offices or affiliates;
        (2) Any asset classified ``Value Impaired,'' to the extent of the 
    required Allocated Transfer Risk Reserves or equivalent write down, or 
    ``Loss'' in the most recent state or federal examination report;
        (3) Any deposit of the insured branch in a bank unless the bank has 
    executed a valid waiver of offset agreement;
        (4) Any asset not supported by sufficient credit information to 
    allow a review of the asset's credit quality, as determined at the most 
    recent state or federal examination, as follows:
        (i) Whether an asset has sufficient credit information will be a 
    function of the size of the borrower and the location within the 
    foreign bank of the responsibility for authorizing and monitoring 
    extensions of credit to the borrower. For large, well known companies, 
    when credit responsibility is located in an office of the foreign bank 
    outside the insured branch, the insured branch must have adequate 
    documentation to show that the asset is of good quality and is being 
    supervised adequately by the foreign bank. In such cases, copies of 
    periodic memoranda that include an analysis of the borrower's recent 
    financial statements and a report on recent developments in the 
    borrower's operations and borrowing relationships with the foreign bank 
    generally would constitute sufficient information. For other borrowers, 
    periodic memoranda must be supplemented by information such as copies 
    of recent financial statements, recent correspondence concerning the 
    borrower's financial condition and repayment history, credit terms and 
    collateral, data on any guarantors, and where necessary, the status of 
    any corrective measures being employed;
        (ii) Subsequent to the determination that an asset lacks sufficient 
    credit information, an insured branch may not include the amount of 
    that asset among eligible assets until the FDIC determines that 
    sufficient documentation exists. Such a determination may be made 
    either at the next federal examination, or upon request of the insured 
    branch, by the appropriate regional director;
    [[Page 17086]]
        (5) Any asset not in the insured branch's actual possession unless 
    the insured branch holds title to such asset and the insured branch 
    maintains records sufficient to enable independent verification of the 
    insured branch's ownership of the asset, as determined at the most 
    recent state or federal examination;
        (6) Any intangible asset;
        (7) Any other asset not considered bankable by the FDIC.
        (c) A foreign bank which has more than one insured branch in a 
    state may treat all of its insured branches in the same state as one 
    entity for purposes of compliance with paragraph (a) of this section 
    and shall designate one insured branch to be responsible for 
    maintaining the records of the insured branches' compliance with this 
        (d) The average book value of the insured branch's liabilities for 
    a quarter shall be, at the insured branch's option, either an average 
    of the balances as of the close of business for each day of the quarter 
    or an average of the balances as of the close of business on each 
    Wednesday during the quarter. Quarters end on March 31, June 30, 
    September 30, and December 31 of any given year. For days on which the 
    insured branch is closed, balances from the previous business day are 
    to be used. Calculations of the average book value of the insured 
    branch's liabilities for a quarter shall be retained by the insured 
    branch until the next federal examination.
    Sec. 347.212  Deductions from the assessment base.
        An insured branch may deduct from its assessment base deposits in 
    the insured branch to the credit of the foreign bank or any office, 
    branch or agency of and any wholly owned subsidiary of the foreign 
    Sec. 347.213  FDIC approval to conduct activities not permissible for 
    federal branches.
        (a) Scope. A foreign bank operating an insured state branch which 
    desires to engage in or continue to engage in any type of activity that 
    is not permissible for a federal branch, pursuant to the National Bank 
    Act (12 U.S.C. 21 et seq.) or any other federal statute, regulation, 
    official bulletin or circular, written order or interpretation, or 
    decision of a court of competent jurisdiction (each an impermissible 
    activity), shall file a written application for permission to conduct 
    such activity with the FDIC.
        (b) Exceptions. A foreign bank operating an insured state branch 
    which would otherwise be required to submit an application pursuant to 
    paragraph (a) of this section will not be required to submit such an 
    application if the activity it desires to engage in or continue to 
    engage in has been determined by the FDIC not to present a significant 
    risk to the affected deposit insurance fund pursuant to part 362 of 
    this chapter, ``Activities and Investment of Insured State Banks'.
        (c) Agency activities. A foreign bank operating an insured state 
    branch which would otherwise be required to submit an application 
    pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section will not be required to 
    submit such an application if it desires to engage in or continue to 
    engage in an activity conducted as agent which would be a permissible 
    agency activity for a state-chartered bank located in the state which 
    the state-licensed insured branch of the foreign bank is located and is 
    also permissible for a state-licensed branch of a foreign bank located 
    in that state; provided, however, that the agency activity must be 
    permissible pursuant to any other applicable federal law or regulation.
        (d) Conditions of approval. Approval of such an application may be 
    conditioned on the applicant's agreement to conduct the activity 
    subject to specific limitations, such as but not limited to the 
    pledging of assets in excess of the requirements of Sec. 347.210 and/or 
    the maintenance of eligible assets in excess of the requirements of 
    Sec. 347.211. In the case of an application to initially engage in an 
    activity, as opposed to an application to continue to conduct an 
    activity, the insured branch shall not commence the activity until it 
    has been approved in writing by the FDIC pursuant to this part and the 
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board of Governors), 
    and any and all conditions imposed in such approvals have been 
        (e) Divestiture or cessation. (1) If an application for permission 
    to continue to conduct an activity is not approved by the FDIC or the 
    Board of Governors, the applicant shall submit a plan of divestiture or 
    cessation of the activity to the appropriate regional director.
        (2) A foreign bank operating an insured state branch which elects 
    not to apply to the FDIC for permission to continue to conduct an 
    activity which is rendered impermissible by any change in statute, 
    regulation, official bulletin or circular, written order or 
    interpretation, or decision of a court of competent jurisdiction shall 
    submit a plan of divestiture or cessation to the appropriate regional 
        (3) Divestitures or cessations shall be completed within one year 
    from the date of the disapproval, or within such shorter period of time 
    as the FDIC shall direct.
        (f) Procedures. Procedures for applications under this section are 
    set out in subpart D of this part.
    Subpart C--International Lending
    Sec. 347.301  Purpose, authority, and scope.
        Under the International Lending Supervision Act of 1983 (Title IX, 
    Pub. L. 98-181, 97 Stat. 1153) (12 U.S.C. 3901 et seq.) (ILSA), the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation prescribes the regulations in 
    this subpart relating to international lending activities of insured 
    state nonmember banks.
    Sec. 347.302  Definitions.
        For the purposes of this subpart:
        (a) Administrative cost means those costs which are specifically 
    identified with negotiating, processing and consummating the loan. 
    These costs include, but are not necessarily limited to: legal fees; 
    costs of preparing and processing loan documents; and an allocable 
    portion of salaries and related benefits of employees engaged in the 
    international lending function. No portion of supervisory and 
    administrative expenses or other indirect expenses such as occupancy 
    and other similar overhead costs shall be included.
        (b) Banking institution means an insured state nonmember bank.
        (c) Federal banking agencies means the Board of Governors of the 
    Federal Reserve System, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 
    and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
        (d) International assets means those assets required to be included 
    in banking institutions' ``Country Exposure Report'' form (FFIEC No. 
        (e) International loan means a loan as defined in the instructions 
    to the ``Report of Condition and Income'' for the respective banking 
    institution (FFIEC Nos. 031, 032, 033 and 034) and made to a foreign 
    government, or to an individual, a corporation, or other entity not a 
    citizen of, resident in, or organized or incorporated in the United 
        (f) Restructured international loan means a loan that meets the 
    following criteria:
        (1) The borrower is unable to service the existing loan according 
    to its terms and is a resident of a foreign country in which there is a 
    generalized inability of public and private sector obligors to meet 
    their external debt obligations on a timely basis because of a lack of, 
    or restraints on the availability of, needed foreign exchange in the 
    country; and
        (2) Either:
    [[Page 17087]]
        (i) The terms of the existing loan are amended to reduce stated 
    interest or extend the schedule of payments; or
        (ii) A new loan is made to, or for the benefit of, the borrower, 
    enabling the borrower to service or refinance the existing debt.
        (g) Transfer risk means the possibility that an asset cannot be 
    serviced in the currency of payment because of a lack of, or restraints 
    on the availability of, needed foreign exchange in the country of the 
    Sec. 347.303  Allocated transfer risk reserve.
        (a) Establishment of Allocated Transfer Risk Reserve. A banking 
    institution shall establish an allocated transfer risk reserve (ATRR) 
    for specified international assets when required by the FDIC in 
    accordance with this section.
        (b) Procedures and standards--(1) Joint agency determination. At 
    least annually, the federal banking agencies shall determine jointly, 
    based on the standards set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, 
    the following:
        (i) Which international assets subject to transfer risk warrant 
    establishment of an ATRR;
        (ii) The amount of the ATRR for the specified assets; and
        (iii) Whether an ATRR established for specified assets may be 
        (2) Standards for requiring ATRR--(i) Evaluation of assets. The 
    federal banking agencies shall apply the following criteria in 
    determining whether an ATRR is required for particular international 
        (A) Whether the quality of a banking institution's assets has been 
    impaired by a protracted inability of public or private obligers in a 
    foreign country to make payments on their external indebtedness as 
    indicated by such factors, among others, as whether:
        (1) Such obligors have failed to make full interest payments on 
    external indebtedness; or
        (2) Such obligors have failed to comply with the terms of any 
    restructured indebtedness; or
        (3) A foreign country has failed to comply with any International 
    Monetary Fund or other suitable adjustment program; or
        (B) Whether no definite prospects exist for the orderly restoration 
    of debt service.
        (ii) Determination of amount of ATRR. (A) In determining the amount 
    of the ATRR, the federal banking agencies shall consider:
        (1) The length of time the quality of the asset has been impaired;
        (2) Recent actions taken to restore debt service capability;
        (3) Prospects for restored asset quality; and
        (4) Such other factors as the federal banking agencies may consider 
    relevant to the quality of the asset.
        (B) The initial year's provision for the ATRR shall be ten percent 
    of the principal amount of each specified international asset, or such 
    greater or lesser percentage determined by the federal banking 
    agencies. Additional provision, if any, for the ATRR in subsequent 
    years shall be fifteen percent of the principal amount of each 
    specified international asset, or such greater or lesser percentage 
    determined by the federal banking agencies.
        (3) FDIC notification. Based on the joint agency determinations 
    under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the FDIC shall notify each 
    banking institution holding assets subject to an ATRR:
        (i) Of the amount of the ATRR to be established by the institution 
    for specified international assets; and
        (ii) That an ATRR established for specified assets may be reduced.
        (c) Accounting treatment of ATRR--(1) Charge to current income. A 
    banking institution shall establish an ATRR by a charge to current 
    income and the amounts so charged shall not be included in the banking 
    institution's capital or surplus.
        (2) Separate accounting. A banking institution shall account for an 
    ATRR separately from the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses, and shall 
    deduct the ATRR from ``gross loans and leases'' to arrive at ``net 
    loans and leases.'' The ATRR must be established for each asset subject 
    to the ATRR in the percentage amount specified.
        (3) Consolidation. A banking institution shall establish an ATRR, 
    as required, on a consolidated basis. For banks, consolidation should 
    be in accordance with the procedures and tests of significance set 
    forth in the instructions for preparation of Consolidated Reports of 
    Condition and Income (FFIEC Nos. 031, 032, 033 and 034).
        (4) Alternative accounting treatment. A banking institution need 
    not establish an ATRR if it writes down in the period in which the ATRR 
    is required, or has written down in prior periods, the value of the 
    specified international assets in the requisite amount for each such 
    asset. For purposes of this paragraph (c)(4), international assets may 
    be written down by a charge to the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses 
    or a reduction in the principal amount of the asset by application of 
    interest payments or other collections on the asset; provided, that 
    only those international assets that may be charged to the Allowance 
    for Loan and Lease Losses pursuant to generally accepted accounting 
    principles may be written down by a charge to the Allowance for Loan 
    and Lease Losses. However, the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses must 
    be replenished in such amount necessary to restore it to a level which 
    adequately provides for the estimated losses inherent in the banking 
    institution's loan and lease portfolio.
        (5) Reduction of ATRR. A banking institution may reduce an ATRR 
    when notified by the FDIC or, at any time, by writing down such amount 
    of the international asset for which the ATRR was established.
    Sec. 347.304  Accounting for fees on international loans.
        (a) Restrictions on fees for restructured international loans. No 
    banking institution shall charge, in connection with the restructuring 
    of an international loan, any fee exceeding the administrative cost of 
    the restructuring unless it amortizes the amount of the fee exceeding 
    the administrative cost over the effective life of the loan.
        (b) Accounting treatment. Subject to paragraph (a) of this section, 
    banking institutions shall account for fees on international loans in 
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
    Sec. 347.305  Reporting and disclosure of international assets.
        (a) Requirements. (1) Pursuant to section 907(a) of ILSA, a banking 
    institution shall submit to the FDIC, at least quarterly, information 
    regarding the amounts and composition of its holdings of international 
        (2) Pursuant to section 907(b) of ILSA, a banking institution shall 
    submit to the FDIC information regarding concentrations in its holdings 
    of international assets that are material in relation to total assets 
    and to capital of the institution, such information to be made publicly 
    available by the FDIC on request.
        (b) Procedures. The format, content and reporting and filing dates 
    of the reports required under paragraph (a) of this section shall be 
    determined jointly by the federal banking agencies. The requirements to 
    be prescribed by the federal banking agencies may include changes to 
    existing forms (such as revisions to the Country Exposure Report, Form 
    FFIEC No. 009) or such other requirements as the federal banking 
    agencies deem appropriate. The federal banking agencies also may 
    determine to exempt from the requirements of paragraph (a) of this 
    section banking institutions that, in the
    [[Page 17088]]
    federal banking agencies' judgment, have de minimis holdings of 
    international assets.
        (c) Reservation of Authority. Nothing contained in this subpart 
    shall preclude the FDIC from requiring from a banking institution such 
    additional or more frequent information on the institution's holdings 
    of international assets as the agency may consider necessary.
    Subpart D--Applications and Delegations of Authority
    Sec. 347.401  Definitions.
        For the purposes of this subpart, the following definitions apply:
        (a) Appropriate regional director or appropriate deputy regional 
    director means the appropriate regional director or appropriate deputy 
    regional director as defined by Sec. 303.0 of this chapter.
        (b) Board of Governors means the Board of Governors of the Federal 
    Reserve System.
        (c) Eligible depository institution means an insured state 
    nonmember bank that has an FDIC-assigned composite rating of 1 or 2 
    under the Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System as a result of 
    its most recent federal or state examination; received a satisfactory 
    or better Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rating from the FDIC at its 
    most recent examination, if the bank is subject to examination under 
    part 345 of this chapter; received a compliance rating of 1 or 2 from 
    the FDIC at its most recent examination; is well capitalized; and is 
    not subject to a cease and desist order, consent order, prompt 
    corrective action directive, written agreement, memorandum of 
    understanding, or other administrative agreement with its primary 
    federal regulator or its chartering authority.
        (d) Federal branch means a federal branch of a foreign bank as 
    defined by Sec. 347.202.
        (e) FDIC means the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
        (f) Foreign bank means a foreign bank as defined by Sec. 347.202.
        (g) Foreign branch means a foreign branch of an insured state 
    nonmember bank as defined by Sec. 347.102.
        (h ) Foreign organization means a foreign organization as defined 
    by Sec. 347.102.
        (i) Insider means a person who is or is proposed to be a director, 
    officer, or incorporator of an application; a shareholder who directly 
    or indirectly controls ten percent or more of any class of the 
    applicant's outstanding voting stock; or the associates or interests of 
    any such person.
        (j) Insured branch means an insured branch of a foreign bank as 
    defined by Sec. 347.202.
        (k) Noninsured branch means a noninsured branch of a foreign bank 
    as defined by Sec. 347.202.
        (l) State branch means a state branch of a foreign bank as defined 
    by Sec. 347.202.
    Sec. 347.402  Establishing, moving or closing a foreign branch of a 
    state nonmember bank; Sec. 347.103.
        (a) Notice procedures for general consent. Notice in the form of a 
    letter from an eligible depository institution establishing or 
    relocating a foreign branch pursuant to Sec. 347.103(b) shall be 
    provided to the appropriate regional director (DOS) no later than 30 
    days after taking such action, and include the location of the foreign 
    branch, including a street address, and a statement that the foreign 
    branch has not been located on a site on the World Heritage List or on 
    the foreign country's equivalent of the National Register of Historic 
    Places (National Register), in accordance with section 402 of the 
    National Historic Preservation Act Amendments of 1980 (NHPA Amendments 
    Act) (16 U.S.C. 470a-2). The appropriate regional director will provide 
    written acknowledgment of receipt of the notice.
        (b) Filing procedures for other branch establishments--(1) Where to 
    file. An applicant seeking to establish a foreign branch other than 
    under Sec. 347.103(b) shall submit an application to the appropriate 
    regional director (DOS).
        (2) Content of filing. A complete letter application shall include 
    the following information:
        (i) The exact location of the proposed foreign branch, including 
    the street address, and a statement whether the foreign branch will be 
    located on a site on the World Heritage List or on the foreign 
    country's equivalent of the National Register, in accordance with 
    section 402 of the NHPA Amendments Act;
        (ii) Details concerning any involvement in the proposal by an 
    insider of the applicant, as defined in Sec. 347.401(i), including any 
    financial arrangements relating to fees, the acquisition of property, 
    leasing of property, and construction contracts;
        (iii) A brief description of the applicant's business plan with 
    respect to the foreign branch; and
        (iv) A brief description of the activities of the branch, and to 
    the extent any activities are not authorized by Sec. 347.103(a) , the 
    applicant's reasons why they should be approved.
        (3) Additional information. The appropriate regional director (DOS) 
    may request additional information to complete processing.
        (c) Processing--(1) Expedited processing for eligible depository 
    institutions. An application filed under Sec. 347.103(c) by an eligible 
    depository institution as defined in Sec. 347.401(c) seeking to 
    establish a foreign branch by expedited processing will be acknowledged 
    in writing by the FDIC and will receive expedited processing, unless 
    the applicant is notified in writing to the contrary and provided with 
    the basis for that decision. The FDIC may remove the application from 
    expedited processing at any time before the approval date if the 
    appropriate regional director (DOS) determines the application presents 
    a significant supervisory concern, raises a significant legal or policy 
    issue, or other good cause exists for removal, and will promptly notify 
    the applicant in writing of the reason for such action. Absent such 
    removal, an application processed under expedited processing is deemed 
    approved 45 days after receipt of a complete application by the FDIC, 
    or on such earlier date authorized by the FDIC in writing.
        (2) Standard processing. For those applications which are not 
    processed pursuant to the expedited procedures, the FDIC will provide 
    the applicant with written notification of the final action as soon as 
    the decision is rendered.
        (d) Closing. Notices of branch closing under Sec. 347.103(f) , in 
    the form of a letter including the name, location, and date of closing 
    of the closed branch, shall be filed with the appropriate regional 
    director (DOS) no later than 30 days after the branch is closed.
        (e) Delegation of authority. Authority is delegated to the Director 
    and Deputy Director (DOS) and, if confirmed in writing by the Director, 
    to an associate director and the appropriate regional director and 
    deputy regional director to approve an application under paragraph (c) 
    of this section if the following criteria are satisfied:
        (1) The requirements of section 402 the NHPA Amendments Act have 
    been favorably resolved;
        (2) The applicant will only conduct activities authorized by 
    Sec. 347.103(a); and
        (3) If the foreign branch will be located in a foreign country in 
    which applicable law or practice would limit the FDIC's access to 
    information for supervisory purposes, the delegate is satisfied that 
    adequate arrangements have been made (through conditions imposed in 
    connection with the approval and agreed to in writing by the applicant) 
    to ensure that the FDIC will have necessary access to information for 
    supervisory purposes.
    [[Page 17089]]
    Sec. 347.403  Investment by insured state nonmember banks in foreign 
    organizations; Sec. 347.108.
        (a) Notice procedures for general consent. Notice in the form of a 
    letter from an eligible depository institution making direct or 
    indirect investments in a foreign organization pursuant to 
    Sec. 347.108(a) shall be provided to the appropriate regional director 
    (DOS) no later than 30 days after taking such action. The appropriate 
    regional director will provide written acknowledgment of receipt of the 
        (b) Filing procedures for other investments. (1) Where to file. An 
    applicant seeking to make a foreign investment other than under 
    Sec. 347.108(a) shall submit an application to the appropriate regional 
    director (DOS).
        (2) Content of filing. A complete application shall include the 
    following information:
        (i) Basic information about the terms of the proposed transaction, 
    the amount of the investment in the foreign organization and the 
    proportion of its ownership to be acquired;
        (ii) Basic information about the foreign organization, its 
    financial position and income, including any available balance sheet 
    and income statement for the prior year, or financial projections for a 
    new foreign organization;
        (iii) A listing of all shareholders known to hold ten percent or 
    more of any class of the foreign organization's stock or other evidence 
    of ownership, and the amount held by each;
        (iv) A brief description of the applicant's business plan with 
    respect to the foreign organization;
        (v) A brief description of any business or activities which the 
    foreign organization will conduct directly or indirectly in the United 
    States, and to the extent such activities are not authorized by subpart 
    A of part 347, the applicant's reasons why they should be approved;
        (vi) A brief description of the foreign organization's activities, 
    and to the extent such activities are not authorized by subpart A of 
    part 347, the applicant's reasons why they should be approved; and
        (vii) If the applicant seeks approval to engage in underwriting or 
    dealing activities, a description of the applicant's plans and 
    procedures to address all relevant risks.
        (3) Additional information. The appropriate regional director (DOS) 
    may request additional information to complete processing.
        (c) Processing--(1) Expedited processing for eligible depository 
    institutions. An application filed under Sec. 347.108(b) by an eligible 
    depository institution as defined in Sec. 347.401(c) seeking to make 
    direct or indirect investments in a foreign organization by expedited 
    processing will be acknowledged in writing by the FDIC and will receive 
    expedited processing, unless the applicant is notified in writing to 
    the contrary and provided with the basis for that decision. The FDIC 
    may remove the application from expedited processing at any time before 
    the approval date if the appropriate regional director (DOS) determines 
    the application presents a significant supervisory concern, raises a 
    significant legal or policy issue, or other good cause exists for 
    removal, and will promptly notify the applicant in writing of the 
    reason for such action. Absent such removal, an application processed 
    under expedited processing is deemed approved 45 days after receipt of 
    a complete application by the FDIC, or on such earlier date authorized 
    by the FDIC in writing.
        (2) Standard processing. For those applications which are not 
    processed pursuant to the expedited procedures, the FDIC will provide 
    the applicant with written notification of the final action as soon as 
    the decision is rendered.
        (d) Delegations of authority. Authority is delegated to the 
    Director and Deputy Director (DOS) and, if confirmed in writing by the 
    Director, to an associate director and the appropriate regional 
    director and appropriate deputy regional director to approve 
    applications under paragraph (c) of this section so long as:
        (1) The investment complies with the amount limits in Secs. 347.104 
    through 347.107 and is in a foreign organization which only conducts 
    such activities as authorized in Secs. 347.104 through 347.107; and
        (2) For foreign investments resulting in the applicant holding 20 
    percent or more of the voting equity interests of the foreign 
    organization or controlling such organization, if the organization is 
    located in a foreign country in which applicable law or practice would 
    limit the FDIC's access to information for supervisory purposes, the 
    delegate is satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made 
    (through conditions imposed in connection with the approval and agreed 
    to in writing by the applicant) to ensure that the FDIC will have 
    necessary access to information for supervisory purposes.
    Sec. 347.404  Exemptions from insurance requirement for a state branch 
    of a foreign bank; Sec. 347.206(b).
        (a) Filing procedures for consent to operate as a noninsured 
    branch--(1) Where to file. A foreign bank seeking consent to operate a 
    branch as a noninsured branch under Sec. 347.206(b) shall submit an 
    application to the appropriate regional director (DOS).
        (2) Content of filing. A complete letter application shall include 
    the following information:
        (i) The kinds of deposit activities in which the branch proposes to 
        (ii) The expected source of deposits;
        (iii) The manner in which deposits will be solicited;
        (iv) How this activity will maintain or improve the availability of 
    credit to all sectors of the United States economy, including the 
    international trade finance sector;
        (v) That the activity will not give the foreign bank an unfair 
    competitive advantage over United States banking organizations; and
        (vi) A resolution by the foreign bank's board of directors 
    authorizing the filing of the application; or if a resolution is not 
    required by the applicant's organizational documents, the request shall 
    include evidence of approval by the applicant's senior management.
        (3) Additional information. The appropriate regional director (DOS) 
    may request additional information to complete processing.
        (b) Processing. The FDIC will provide the applicant with written 
    notification of the final action as soon as the decision is rendered.
    Sec. 347.405  Approval for an insured state branch of a foreign bank to 
    conduct activities not permissible for federal branches; Sec. 347.213.
        (a) Filing procedures--(1) Where to file. An application by an 
    insured state branch seeking approval to conduct activities not 
    permissible for a federal branch, as required by Sec. 347.213(a), shall 
    be submitted in writing to the appropriate regional director (DOS).
        (2) Content of filing. A complete letter application shall include 
    the following information:
        (i) A brief description of the activity, including the manner in 
    which it will be conducted and an estimate of the expected dollar 
    volume associated with the activity;
        (ii) An analysis of the impact of the proposed activity on the 
    condition of the United States operations of the foreign bank in 
    general and of the branch in particular, including a copy of the 
    feasibility study, management plan, financial projections, business 
    plan, or
    [[Page 17090]]
    similar document concerning the conduct of the activity;
        (iii) A resolution by the applicant's board of directors, or 
    evidence of approval by senior management if a resolution is not 
    required pursuant to the applicant's organizational documents, 
    authorizing the filing of the application;
        (iv) A statement by the applicant of whether it is in compliance 
    with Secs. 347.210 and 347.211, Pledge of assets and Asset maintenance, 
        (v) A statement by the applicant that it has complied with all 
    requirements of the Board of Governors concerning applications to 
    conduct the activity in question and the status of each such 
    application, including a copy of the Board of Governors' disposition of 
    each such application, if applicable; and
        (vi) A statement of why the activity will pose no significant risk 
    to the Bank Insurance Fund.
        (3) Board of Governors application. If the application to the Board 
    of Governors contains the information required by paragraph (a) of this 
    section, the applicant may submit a copy to the FDIC in lieu of a 
    separate letter application.
        (4) Additional information. The appropriate regional director (DOS) 
    may request additional information to complete processing.
        (b) Divestiture or cessation--(1) Where to file. Divestiture plans 
    necessitated by a change in law or other authority, as required by 
    Sec. 347.213(e), shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate 
    regional director (DOS) no later than 60 days after the disapproval or 
    the triggering event.
        (2) Content of filing. A complete letter application shall include 
    the following information:
        (i) A detailed description of the manner in which the applicant 
    proposes to divest itself of or cease the activity in question; and
        (ii) A projected timetable describing how long the divestiture or 
    cessation is expected to take.
        (3) Additional information. The appropriate regional director (DOS) 
    may request additional information to complete processing.
        (c) Delegation of authority. Authority is delegated to the Director 
    and Deputy Director (DOS) and, where confirmed in writing by the 
    Director, to an associate director and the appropriate regional 
    director and deputy regional director, to approve plans of divestiture 
    and cessation submitted pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section.
    PART 351--[REMOVED]
        17. Part 351 is removed.
        18. The authority citation of part 362 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1816, 1818, 1819 (tenth), 1831a.
        19. In Sec. 362.4, paragraph (c)(3)(i)(A) is revised to read as 
    Sec. 362.4  Activities of insured state banks and their subsidiaries.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) * * *
        (A) Directly guarantee the obligations of others as provided for in 
    Sec. 347.103(a)(1) of this chapter; and
    * * * * *
        By order of the Board of Directors.
        Dated at Washington, D.C. this 24th day of March, 1998.
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
    Robert E. Feldman,
    Executive Secretary.
    [FR Doc. 98-8858 Filed 4-7-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6714-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
This final rule is effective July 1, 1998. Compliance is mandatory for all affected institutions on July 1, 1998. Affected institutions may elect to comply with the final rule voluntarily at any time after May 8, 1998. If an affected institution elects to comply voluntarily with any section of subpart A, B, or C of 12 CFR part 347, the institution or bank must comply with the entire subpart.
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3064-AC05: International Banking
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31 CFR 347.103(a)
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