96-12188. Cargo PreferenceU.S.-Flag Vessels; Available U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 97 (Friday, May 17, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 24895-24897]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-12188]
    Maritime Administration
    46 CFR Part 381
    [Docket No. R-165]
    RIN 2133-AB25
    Cargo Preference--U.S.-Flag Vessels; Available U.S.-Flag 
    Commercial Vessels
    AGENCY: Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This amendment to the cargo preference regulations of the 
    Maritime Administration (MARAD) provides that during the five year 
    period beginning with the 1996 Great Lakes shipping season when the St. 
    Lawrence Seaway is in use, MARAD will consider the legal requirement 
    for the carriage of bulk agricultural commodity preference cargoes on 
    privately-owned ``available'' U.S.-flag commercial vessels to have been 
    satisfied where the cargo is initially loaded at a Great Lakes port on 
    one or more U.S.-flag or foreign-flag vessels, transferred to a U.S.-
    flag commercial vessel at a Canadian transshipment point outside the 
    St. Lawrence Seaway, and carried on that U.S.-flag vessel to a foreign 
    destination. This provision will allow U.S. Great Lakes ports to 
    compete for certain bulk agricultural commodity preference cargoes 
    under agricultural assistance programs administered by the U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Agency for International 
    Development (USAID). This rule will extend that policy for an 
    additional five years, after which the Agency would assess the merits 
    of making the rule permanent. MARAD issued substantially identical 
    rules in 1994 and 1995 related to the Great Lakes Shipping season for 
    each of those years, respectively.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: May 17, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John E. Graykowski, Deputy Maritime 
    Administrator for Inland Waterways and Great Lakes, Maritime 
    Administration, Washington, DC, Telephone (202)366-1718.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: United States law at sections 901(b) and 
    901b, Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended (the ``Act''), 46 App. 
    U.S.C. 1241(b) and 1241f, requires that at least 75 percent of certain 
    agricultural product cargoes ``impelled'' by Federal programs 
    (preference cargoes), and transported by sea, be carried on privately-
    owned United States-flag commercial vessels, to the extent that such 
    vessels ``are available at fair and reasonable rates for United States-
    flag commercial vessels, in such manner as will insure a fair and 
    reasonable participation of United States-Flag commercial vessels in 
    such cargoes by geographical areas.'' The Secretary of Transportation 
    wishes to administer that program so that all ports and port ranges, 
    including U.S. Great Lakes ports, may participate in the carriage of 
    preference cargoes under five programs administered by the United 
    States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and United States Agency for 
    International Development (USAID), pursuant to Titles I, II and III of 
    the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as 
    amended; P.L. 480 (7 U.S.C. 1701-1727); the Agricultural Act of 1949, 
    as amended (7 U.S.C. 2791(c)); and the Food for Progress Act of 1985, 
    as amended (7 U.S.C. 1736).
    Prior Rulemakings
        On August 18, 1994, MARAD published a final rule on this subject in 
    the Federal Register (59 FR 40261). That rule stated that it was 
    intended to allow U.S. Great Lakes ports to participate with ports in 
    other U.S. port ranges in the carriage of bulk agricultural commodity 
    preference cargoes. It stated that dramatic changes in shipping 
    conditions have occurred since 1990, including the disappearance of any 
    all-U.S.-flag commercial ocean-going bulk cargo service to foreign 
    countries from U.S. Great Lakes ports. The static configuration of the 
    St. Lawrence Seaway system and the evolving greater size of commercial 
    vessels contributed to the disappearance of any all-U.S.-flag service.
        No bulk grain preference cargo has moved on U.S.-flag vessels out 
    of the Great Lakes since 1989, with the exception of one trial shipment 
    in 1993. Under the Food Security Act of 1985, Public Law 99-198, 
    codified at 46 app. U.S.C. 1241f(c)(2), a certain minimum amount of 
    Government-impelled cargo was required to be allocated to Great Lakes 
    ports during the Great Lakes shipping seasons of 1986, 1987, 1988 and 
    1989. That ``set-aside'' expired in 1989, and was not renewed by the 
    Congress. The disappearance of
    [[Page 24896]]
    Government-impelled agricultural cargo flowing from the Great Lakes 
    coincided with the expiration of the Great Lakes ``set-aside.''
        At the time of the opening of the 1994 Great Lakes shipping season 
    on April 5, 1994, the Great Lakes did not have any all-U.S.-flag ocean 
    freight capability for carriage of bulk preference cargo. The absence 
    of any all-U.S.-flag ocean freight capability on the Great Lakes 
    continues to this day. In contrast, the total export nationwide by non-
    liner vessels of USDA and USAID agricultural assistance program cargoes 
    subject to cargo preference in the 1994-1995 cargo preference year (the 
    latest program year for which figures are available) amounted to 6.2 
    million metric tons, of which 4.9 million (78 percent) was transported 
    on U.S.-flag vessels.
        As predicted by numerous commenters, the timing of the 1994 final 
    rule, published on August 18, 1994, did not allow for a true trial 
    period since it actually extended for less than one-half of the 1994 
    Great Lakes Shipping season. Because of the long lead time required for 
    arranging shipments of bulk agriculture commodity preference cargoes, 
    there apparently was no real opportunity for U.S.-flag vessel operators 
    to make the necessary arrangements and bid on preference cargoes. 
    Accordingly, MARAD proposed to extend this policy to the 1995 Great 
    Lakes shipping season and issued a final rule that was published in the 
    Federal Register on May 9, 1995 (60 FR 24560).
        Great Lakes participation in cargo preference shipments under the 
    five programs administered by the USDA and USAID could be significantly 
    improved if foreign-flag feeder vessels were authorized to transport 
    bulk grain commodities from Great Lakes ports to Canadian transshipment 
    points for export on oceangoing U.S.-flag bulk carriers to the final 
    destination port. MARAD issued its 1994 and 1995 final rules to 
    authorize the use of foreign-flag feeder vessels for the transportation 
    of bulk agricultural commodities cargoes from the Great Lakes ports to 
    Canadian transshipment ports outside the St. Lawrence Seaway during the 
    1994 and 1995 Great Lakes shipping seasons, respectively. Outside the 
    St. Lawrence Seaway, the cargo will be transferred to a U.S.-flag 
    vessel for delivery to its foreign destination.
        Subsequently, USDA indicated that section 406(b)(4) of P.L. 480 
    regulating the payment of freight by USDA for shipments under Title II, 
    Section 416(b) and the Food For Progress Act of 1985, negatively 
    impacted on suppliers that bid on Great Lakes cargoes to be transhipped 
    to Canadian shipping points. USDA indicated that these provisions 
    prevent them from paying for freight on commodities shipped from a 
    Canadian port. The P.L. 480 Title I program is not affected by this 
    provision. As a consequence, the Great Lakes region has been, in 
    effect, prohibited from utilizing the rule and participating during the 
    past two years in the shipment of bulk cargo under Title II of P.L. 
    480, Section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 and the Food for 
    Progress Act of 1985 programs.
        USDA proposed an amendment to Section 406 in the 1996 Farm Bill 
    which would allow USDA to pay the cost of the foreign-flag Great Lakes 
    transit leg and for the transshipment from Canadian ports.
        MARAD proposed in a new NPRM to extend its policy stated in the 
    1994 and 1995 rules for an additional five years, after which it would 
    reassess the merits of making the rule permanent, consistent with the 
    USDA legislative proposal (61 FR 9670; March 11, 1996). The amendment 
    proposed by the USDA is included in the Federal Agriculture Improvement 
    and Reform Act of 1966, Pub. L. 104-127, 110 Stat. 888. It amends 
    Section 406(b)(4) of the Agricultural Trade, Development and Assistance 
    Act of 1954, 7 U.S.C. 1736, to accomplish USDA's proposal, above.
    Comments on 1996 NPRM
        MARAD received 12 comments on this NPRM from 11 commenters 
    representing business, trade associations, State and local port 
    authorities, and State Transportation Departments. All commenters were 
    in favor of the policy stated in the NPRM, without reservation. One 
    commenter supporting the proposal to establish a five-year trial period 
    stated, ``Similar rulemakings in the 1994 and 1995 years provided too 
    limited of a window of opportunity to truly test this concept.'' That 
    commenter referred to the current common practice in the private sector 
    of exporting bulk agricultural commodities from Great Lakes ports in 
    foreign-flag feeder vessels to transshipment points east of the St. 
    Lawrence Seaway, concluding that ``transshipping Government 
    agricultural exports should, on occasion, be cost effective.''
        Another commenter stated that taxpayers, food aid recipient 
    countries and vessel owners will benefit from this competition. From 
    the perspective of U.S. maritime labor, one commenter stated, 
    ``International cargoes are the lifeblood of Great Lakes longshoremen 
    and return of P.L. 480 cargoes to the Great Lakes will generate 
    thousands of manhours for dockworkers in virtually every Great Lakes 
    port.'' Another commenter was hopeful that the trend of increased 
    international trade ``to the Lakes via the Seaway in the past three 
    navigation seasons will continue because of this rulemaking.''
        One commenter, while acknowledging that the proposed rule offers 
    some possible relief for Great Lakes-originated cargo, requested MARAD 
    to issue a rule which allows shipment of bulk agricultural commodities 
    from Great Lakes ports for the entire voyage from origin to destination 
    on foreign-flag vessels where U.S.-flag vessels are not available for 
    such voyages from Great Lakes ports. Unless U.S.-flag vessels are 
    unavailable from any port range in the United States, MARAD lacks the 
    authority to issue such a rule under the cargo preference laws of the 
    United States.
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
    Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review)
        This rulemaking is not considered to be an economically significant 
    regulatory action under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866. Also, it 
    is not a major rule under Pub. L. 104-121, 5 U.S.C. 804, or a 
    significant rule under the Department's Regulatory Policies and 
    Procedures. Accordingly, it has not been reviewed by the Office of 
    Management and Budget.
        MARAD projects that this rule will allow the annual movement of up 
    to 300,000 metric tons of agricultural commodities from Great Lakes 
    ports, with a reduction in the shipping cost to sponsoring Federal 
    agencies of up to $2 per metric ton ($600,000). MARAD will evaluate the 
    results of this rulemaking over a five-year trial period before 
    determining whether to issue a rule to make this provision permanent.
        Since the 1996 Great Lakes shipping season opened on March 29, 
    1996, a delay in the effective date of this rule for 30 days would be 
    conterproductive to the accomplishment of the purpose of this rule to 
    allow U.S. Great Lakes ports to compete effectively for agricultural 
    commodity preference cargo shipments. Accordingly, pursuant to section 
    553(d) of the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553(d), MARAD 
    finds that good cause exists for the rule to become effective on 
        The Maritime Administration has analyzed this rulemaking in 
    accordance with the principles and criteria contained in Executive 
    Order 12612, and it has been determined that these regulations do not 
    have sufficient
    [[Page 24897]]
    federalism implications to warrant the preparation of a Federalism 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Maritime Administration certifies that this rulemaking will not 
    have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    Environmental Assessment
        The Maritime Administration has considered the environmental impact 
    of this rulemaking and has concluded that an environmental impact 
    statement is not required under the National Environmental Policy Act 
    of 1969.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This rulemaking contains no reporting requirement that is subject 
    to OMB approval under 5 CFR Part 1320, pursuant to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.)
    List of Subjects in 46 CFR Part 381
        Freight, Maritime carriers.
        Accordingly, MARAD hereby amends 46 CFR Part 381 as follows:
    PART 381--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 381 continues to read as 
        Authority: 46 App. U.S.C. 1101, 1114(b), 1122(d) and 1241; 49 
    CFR 1.66.
        2. Section 381.9 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 381.9  Available U.S.-flag service.
        For purposes of shipping bulk agricultural commodities under 
    programs administered by sponsoring Federal agencies from U.S. Great 
    Lakes ports during the 1996-2000 Great Lakes shipping seasons, if 
    direct all-U.S.-flag service, at fair and reasonable rates, is not 
    available at U.S. Great Lakes ports, a joint service involving a 
    foreign-flag vessel(s) carrying cargo no farther than a Canadian 
    port(s) or other point(s) on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with 
    transshipment via a U.S.-flag privately-owned commercial vessel to the 
    ultimate foreign destination, will be deemed to comply with the 
    requirement of ``available'' commercial U.S.-flag service under the 
    Cargo Preference Act of 1954. Shipper agencies considering bids 
    resulting in the lowest landed cost of transportation based on U.S.-
    flag rates and service shall include within the comparison of U.S.-flag 
    rates and service, for shipments originating in U.S. Great Lakes ports, 
    through rates (if offered) to a Canadian port or other point on the 
    Gulf of St. Lawrence and a U.S.-flag leg for the remainder of the 
    voyage. The ``fair and reasonable'' rate for this mixed service will be 
    determined by considering the U.S.-flag component under the existing 
    regulations at 46 CFR Part 382 or 383, as appropriate, and 
    incorporating the cost for the foreign-flag component into the U.S.-
    flag ``fair and reasonable'' rate in the same way as the cost of 
    foreign-flag vessels used to lighten U.S.-flag vessels in the recipient 
    country's territorial waters. Alternatively, the supplier of the 
    commodity may offer the Cargo FOB Canadian transshipment point, and 
    MARAD will determine fair and reasonable rates accordingly.
        Dated: May 10, 1996.
        By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
    Joel Richard,
    Secretary, Maritime Administration.
    [FR Doc. 96-12188 Filed 5-16-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-81-P

Document Information

Maritime Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
May 17, 1996.
24895-24897 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. R-165
2133-AB25: Cargo Preference: Available U.S.-Flag Commercial Vessels
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
46 CFR 381.9