97-14028. The Secretary of HUD's Regulation of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac): Book-Entry Procedures  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 103 (Thursday, May 29, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 28975-28978]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14028]
    Rules and Regulations
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents 
    having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed 
    to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published 
    under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
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    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 103 / Thursday, May 29, 1997 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 28975]]
    1 CFR Part 462
    24 CFR Part 81
    [Docket No. FR-4095-F-02]
    RIN 2501-AC35
    The Secretary of HUD's Regulation of the Federal National 
    Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage 
    Corporation (Freddie Mac): Book-Entry Procedures
    AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, HUD.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This final rule establishes final procedures that govern the 
    issuance, recordation, and transfer of Federal National Mortgage 
    Association (``Fannie Mae'') and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 
    (``Freddie Mac'') (collectively ``Government-Sponsored Enterprises'' or 
    ``GSEs'') securities in the Book-entry System. The rule makes final, 
    with only minor changes, the interim rule published in the Federal 
    Register on December 2, 1996 (61 FR 63944).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 30, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Janet Tasker, Director, Office of 
    Government-Sponsored Enterprises, Room 6154, telephone (202) 708-2224; 
    or, for legal questions, Kenneth A. Markison, Assistant General Counsel 
    for Government Sponsored Enterprises/RESPA, Office of the General 
    Counsel, Room 9262, telephone (202) 708-3137. The address for both of 
    these persons is: Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 
    Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410. A telecommunications device 
    for deaf persons (``TTY'') is available at (202) 708-9300. (The 
    telephone numbers are not toll-free.)
    I. Background
        Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac use the Book-entry System of the 
    Federal Reserve Banks to issue, record, and transfer ownership of 
    certain of their respective securities. Although the Book-entry System 
    was originally designed for Treasury securities, both GSEs have used 
    this system under separate sets of regulations dating back to the late 
    1970s. Treasury regulations govern the Book-entry System, known as the 
    commercial book-entry system, when it is used to issue, record, 
    transfer and maintain Treasury securities. Recently, Treasury 
    substantially modified its regulations governing Treasury securities 
    held in this system to reflect contemporary legal development of the 
    Uniform Commercial Code (``UCC''). Treasury's regulation was published 
    on August 23, 1996 (61 FR 43626).
        On December 2, 1996, pursuant to its general regulatory authority 
    respecting the GSEs, HUD published in the Federal Register (61 FR 
    63944) an interim rule to revise the regulations governing the book-
    entry of GSE securities. As explained in the preamble to the interim 
    rule, except as was necessary because of differences between the GSEs 
    and their securities and Treasury and Treasury securities, HUD's 
    revisions to its GSE book-entry regulations followed the revisions 
    Treasury made to its book-entry regulations. The preamble to HUD's 
    interim rule provided background information explaining HUD's process 
    in developing the interim rule, HUD's analysis of revisions to the 
    book-entry procedures, and a section-by-section comparison of the 
    interim rule with Treasury's model. Since the discussion in the 
    preamble to the interim rule remains applicable, HUD is not 
    republishing the discussion contained in the preamble to the proposed 
    II. Changes Contained in Today's Final Rule
        HUD received only two public comments on the interim rule. Both of 
    those comments came from Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae suggested several 
    changes, all of which have been incorporated, in one form or another, 
    into the final rule.
        1. Fannie Mae suggested inserting a definition of ``participant'' 
    to clarify that a participant can include a GSE, rather than using the 
    definition of ``participant'' in Treasury's TRADES regulation. Using 
    the TRADES definition of participant would effectively exclude a GSE 
    from being a participant within the meaning in HUD's GSE book-entry 
    rule, since to be a participant under the TRADES definition, the entity 
    must be a ``person'' and under HUD's GSE book-entry rule a ``person'' 
    does not include a GSE. The GSEs frequently hold GSE securities 
    directly through Federal Reserve Banks and act as participants. HUD has 
    added a definition of ``participant'' to section 81.2 which includes 
    the GSEs to clarify this point.
        2. Fannie Mae suggested inserting a definition of ``entitlement 
    holder'' to clarify that an entitlement holder can include a GSE, 
    rather than using the definition of ``entitlement holder'' in 
    Treasury's TRADES regulation. Using the TRADES definition of 
    entitlement holder would effectively exclude a GSE from being an 
    entitlement holder within the meaning in HUD's GSE book-entry rule, 
    since to be an entitlement holder under the TRADES definition, the 
    entity must be a ``person'' and under HUD's GSE book-entry rule a 
    ``person'' does not include a GSE. While the interim rule defined 
    ``entitlement holder'' in Sec. 81.2, that definition did effectively 
    exclude a GSE. Since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac frequently hold GSE 
    securities directly or indirectly through Federal Reserve Banks, they 
    could be entitlement holders just as they could be participants. HUD 
    agrees that the interim rule should be modified. HUD has revised the 
    definition of ``entitlement holder'' in Sec. 81.2 to include the GSEs 
    to clarify this point.
        3. Fannie Mae suggested adding a sentence to the end of the 
    definition of ``Book-entry GSE Security'' to clarify that a book-entry 
    GSE Security also includes the separate interest and principal 
    components of a Book-entry GSE Security if such security has been 
    designated by the GSE as eligible for division into such components and 
    the components are maintained separately on the books of one or more 
    Federal Reserve Banks.
        Fannie Mae requested that this language be inserted to ensure that 
    interest or principal ``strips'' relating to Fannie Mae securities are 
    accorded the same treatment as Fannie Mae securities if they are also 
    maintained on the books
    [[Page 28976]]
    of a Federal Reserve Bank. Fannie Mae noted that the final rule 
    published by the Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board governing 
    book-entry Resolution Funding Corporation (``RFC'') securities included 
    similar language. See Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board 
    regulation governing book-entry RFC securities, Final rule, 
    Secs. 1511.1 (definition of ``Book-entry Funding Corporation 
    Security'') (61 FR 66874, December 19, 1996).
        HUD agrees that such a clarification is appropriate and has 
    inserted language into the definition of ``Book-entry GSE Security'' 
    addressing this point. HUD notes that the language in the final rule 
    departs from the language in the regulation governing book-entry RFC 
    securities because while the Securities Documentation for book-entry 
    RFC securities specifically addresses whether the division of the 
    separate interest and principal components is authorized, the 
    Securities Documentation for Book-entry GSE Securities does not address 
    this matter.
        4. Fannie Mae suggested clarifying in Sec. 81.92(a) that any choice 
    of law provision in the Securities Documentation would be given effect 
    only to the extent it is not inconsistent with HUD's regulation. HUD 
    agrees with the comment. To the extent that the choice of law 
    provisions in the Securities Documentation conflict with HUD's book-
    entry regulations, HUD's book-entry regulations would take precedence. 
    Thus, the parenthetical in Sec. 81.92(a) has been revised. This 
    revision makes this provision in HUD's regulation more similar to the 
    comparable provision in Treasury regulations applicable to Student Loan 
    Marketing Association (``Sallie Mae'') securities. See the Bureau of 
    the Public Debt, Fiscal Service, Treasury regulation governing book-
    entry Sallie Mae securities, Final rule, Secs. 354.2(a) (62 FR 621, 
    623, January 6, 1997).
        5. Fannie Mae also suggested several editorial changes, all which 
    have been incorporated into the final rule. These changes included 
    clarifying the definition of ``Eligible Book-entry GSE Security'' in a 
    manner consistent with the definition used by the Farm Credit 
    Administration in its book-entry rule. See Farm Credit Administration 
    regulation governing book-entry Farm Credit securities, Interim rule, 
    Sec. 615.5450 (definition of ``Eligible book-entry security'') (61 FR 
    67188, 67192, December 20, 1996).
        In addition to these comments from Fannie Mae, during the comment 
    period, HUD continued to consult with Treasury on the development of a 
    final rule. Treasury suggested one change to the rule which HUD has 
    incorporated into this final rule.
        The change suggested by Treasury is to delete the reference to 
    ``the United States'' in the following four occurrences in the interim 
        1. Section 81.92(a)(1), which specified that the rights and 
    obligations of the United States with respect to a Book-entry GSE 
    Security or Security Entitlement and the operation of the Book-entry 
    System as it applies to GSE Securities are governed by the Book-entry 
    regulations contained in this subpart H, the Securities Documentation 
    (but not including any choice of law provisions in such documentation), 
    and Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circulars.
        2. Section 81.92(a)(2), which specified that the rights of the 
    United States with respect to a Book-entry GSE Security or Security 
    Entitlement and the operation of the Book-entry System applicable to 
    GSE Securities are governed by the Book-entry regulations contained in 
    this subpart H, the Securities Documentation (but not including any 
    choice of law provisions in such documentation), and Federal Reserve 
    Bank Operating Circulars.
        3. Section 81.93(c)(1), which specified that the United states has 
    no obligation to agree to act on behalf of any Person or to recognize 
    the interest of any transferee of a security interest or other limited 
    interest in favor of any Person except to the extent of any specific 
    requirement of Federal law or regulation or to the extent set forth in 
    any specific agreement with the Federal Reserve bank on whose books the 
    interest of the Participant is recorded.
        4. Section 81.94(a), which specified that the United States is not 
    liable to a Person asserting or having an adverse claim to a Security 
    Entitlement or to a Book-entry GSE Security in a Participant's 
    Securities Account, including any such claim arising as a result of the 
    transfer or disposition of a Book-entry GSE Security by a Federal 
    Reserve Bank pursuant to a Transfer Message that the Federal Reserve 
    Bank reasonably believes to be genuine.
        The reason for eliminating the references to the United States in 
    these four provisions is to avoid any unintended suggestion that there 
    is an express or implied United States guarantee of GSE securities. 
    Notwithstanding that the GSEs enjoy the financial market's assumption 
    that the Federal Government and, ultimately, the American taxpayer 
    would stand behind the obligations of the GSEs, the GSEs' obligations 
    explicitly are not guaranteed by the United States. See, e.g., section 
    1302(4), 1381(f) and 1382(n) of the Federal Housing Enterprises 
    Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 (Title XIII of the Housing 
    and Community Development Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-550, approved 
    October 28, 1992, and codified, generally, at 12 U.S.C. 4501-4641) 
    (requiring each GSE to state in its obligations and securities that 
    such obligations and securities ``are not guaranteed by the United 
        This change to these four provisions conforms HUD's rule to the 
    book-entry rules published by other agencies with oversight of other 
    Government Sponsored Enterprises. See Federal Housing Finance Board 
    regulation governing book-entry Federal Home Loan Bank securities, 
    Interim rule, Secs. 912.2(a), 912.4(c)(1), 912.5(a) (61 FR 64021-64027, 
    December 3, 1996); Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board 
    regulation governing book-entry RFC securities, Final rule, 
    Secs. 1511.2(a)(1), 1511.2(a)(2), 1511.4(c)(1), 1511.5(a) (61 FR 66875-
    66878, December 19, 1996); Bureau of the Public Debt, Fiscal Service, 
    Treasury regulation governing book-entry Sallie Mae securities, Final 
    rule, Secs. 354.2(a)(1), 354.2(a)(2), 354.4(c)(1), 354.5(a) (62 FR 621-
    625, January 6, 1997); and Tennessee Valley Authority (``TVA'') 
    regulation governing book-entry TVA Power securities, Final rule, 
    Secs. 1314.4(a)(1), 1314.4(a)(2), 1314.5(c), 1314.6(a) (62 FR 920-923, 
    January 7, 1997).
    Findings and Certifications
    Public Reporting Burden
        This rule contains no new information collection requirements that 
    would require review by the Office of Management and Budget under the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (42 U.S.C. 3501-3520).
    Impact on Small Entities
        The Secretary, in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 
    U.S.C. 605(b)), has reviewed and approved this interim rule, and in so 
    doing certifies that this rule will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. This rule affects the 
    operation of two entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, neither of which 
    is a small entity.
    Environmental Impact
        This rule is exempt from the requirement for an environmental 
    assessment under section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy 
    Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332), in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 
    CFR 50.19(c)(1), as revised by a final rule on September 27, 1996 (61 
    FR 50919). In
    [[Page 28977]]
    accordance with 24 CFR 50.19(a), other Federal environmental laws, as 
    described in 24 CFR 50.4, are not applicable to this rule.
    Federalism Impact
        The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under section 6(a) 
    of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, has determined that this rule's 
    preemption of State law to the extent that it applies the newly revised 
    Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code has sufficient effect on 
    States to require consideration of the impact of the rule under the 
    Order. The General Counsel has assessed this preemption in light of the 
    principles, criteria, and requirements of the Executive Order and 
    determined that it is not inconsistent with them. The policy does not 
    impose additional costs or burdens on the States and it does not affect 
    the States' ability to discharge traditional State governmental 
        This rule makes explicit the preemption applicable to the rights 
    and obligations of the Federal Reserve Banks and the GSEs that was 
    implicit under the prior rule. The rule continues to accommodate State 
    law, to the maximum extent possible, given market methodologies. 
    Ultimately, as States proceed to adopt the revised Article 8, the rule 
    will provide no greater preemption of State law than under the prior 
        The rule is justified, despite the preemption it effects, by the 
    fact that the preemption is no greater than necessary to accommodate 
    the nationwide application of the rule and the nationwide market for 
    the GSE Securities, as was the preemption under the book-entry rules 
    this rule replaces. It should be noted that section 304(d) of the 
    Fannie Mae Charter Act (12 U.S.C. 1719(d)) and section 306(g) of the 
    Freddie Mac Act (12 U.S.C. 1455(f)) specifically provide for the 
    exemption of GSE securities from State securities registration 
    requirements (as well as the registration requirements of the 
    Securities and Exchange Commission). See also 15 U.S.C. 77r-1.
    Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        The Secretary, in accordance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act 
    of 1995, 2 U.S.C. 1532, has reviewed this rule before publication and 
    by approving it certifies that this rule does not impose a Federal 
    mandate that will result in the expenditure by State, local, and tribal 
    governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 
    million or more in any one year.
        There is no Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number for the 
    program affected by this rule.
    List of Subjects
    1 CFR Part 462
        Accounting, Banks, Banking, Securities.
    24 CFR Part 81
        Accounting, Federal Reserve System, Mortgages, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Securities.
        Accordingly, for the reasons set out in the preamble, under the 
    authority of 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), the amendments to part 462 of title 1 
    of the Code of Federal Regulations and part 81 of title 24 of the Code 
    of Federal Regulations published in the interim rule on December 2, 
    1996 are adopted as final with the following additional amendments:
        1. The authority citation for Part 81 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1451 et seq., 1716-1723h, and 4501-4641; 42 
    U.S.C. 3535(d) and 3601-3619.
        2. In Sec. 81.2(b), the definitions of ``Book-entry GSE Security'', 
    ``Eligible Book-entry GSE Security'', ``Entitlement Holder'', and 
    ``Securities documentation'' are revised and a new definition of 
    ``Participant'' is added, in appropriate alphabetical order location, 
    to read as follows:
    Sec. 81.2  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Book-entry GSE Security means a GSE Security issued or maintained 
    in the Book-entry System. Book-entry GSE Security also means the 
    separate interest and principal components of a Book-entry GSE Security 
    if such security has been designated by the GSE as eligible for 
    division into such components and the components are maintained 
    separately on the books of one or more Federal Reserve Banks.
    * * * * *
        Eligible Book-entry GSE Security means a Book-entry GSE Security 
    issued or maintained in the Book-entry System which by the terms of its 
    Security Documentation is eligible to be converted from book-entry form 
    into definitive form.
        Entitlement Holder means a Person or a GSE to whose account an 
    interest in a Book-entry GSE Security is credited on the records of a 
    Securities Intermediary.
    * * * * *
        Participant means a Person or GSE that maintains a Participant's 
    Securities Account with a Federal Reserve Bank.
    * * * * *
        Securities Documentation means the applicable statement of terms, 
    trust indenture, securities agreement or other documents establishing 
    the terms of a Book-entry GSE Security.
    * * * * *
        3. In Sec. 81.92, paragraph (a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 81.92  Law governing rights and obligations of Federal Reserve 
    Banks and GSEs; rights of any Person against Federal Reserve Banks and 
    GSEs; Law governing other interests.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the 
    following rights and obligations are governed solely by the book-entry 
    regulations contained in this subpart H, the Securities Documentation, 
    and Federal Reserve Bank Operating Circulars (but not including any 
    choice of law provisions in the Security Documentation to the extent 
    such provisions conflict with the Book-entry regulations contained in 
    this subpart H):
        (1) The rights and obligations of a GSE and the Federal Reserve 
    Banks with respect to:
        (i) A Book-entry GSE Security or Security Entitlement; and
        (ii) The operation of the Book-entry System as it applies to GSE 
    Securities; and
        (2) The rights of any Person, including a Participant, against a 
    GSE and the Federal Reserve Banks with respect to:
        (i) A Book-entry GSE Security or Security Entitlement; and
        (ii) The operation of the Book-entry System as it applies to GSE 
    * * * * *
    Sec. 81.93  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 81.93, paragraph (c)(1) is amended by removing the 
    phrase ``, the United States,''.
    Sec. 81.94  [Amended]
        5. In Sec. 81.94, paragraph (a) is amended by removing the phrase 
    ``, the United States,''; and paragraph (b)(2) is amended by removing 
    the words ``principal and interest'' and by adding the words 
    ``redemption proceeds'' in their place.
    Sec. 81.96  [Amended]
        6. In Sec. 81.96, paragraph (d) is amended by removing the words 
    ``offering circular'' and by adding in their place the words 
    ``Securities Documentation''.
    [[Page 28978]]
        Dated: May 20, 1997.
    Andrew Cuomo,
    [FR Doc. 97-14028 Filed 5-28-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4210-32-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
June 30, 1997.
28975-28978 (4 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-4095-F-02
2501-AC35: Book Entry Procedures for Government-Sponsored Enterprises (FR-4095)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (6)
24 CFR 81.2
24 CFR 81.92
24 CFR 81.93
24 CFR 81.94
24 CFR 81.96
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