96-13828. Subsidiaries and Equity Investments  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 115 (Thursday, June 13, 1996)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 29976-29992]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-13828]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 115 / Thursday, June 13, 1996 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 29976]]
    Office of Thrift Supervision
    12 CFR Parts 545, 559, 560, 563, 567, 571
    [No. 96-47]
    RIN 1550-AA88
    Subsidiaries and Equity Investments
    AGENCY: Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) is proposing to update, 
    reorganize, and streamline its subsidiaries and equity investment 
    regulations and policy statements. This proposal follows a detailed 
    review of each pertinent regulation and policy statement to determine 
    whether it is necessary, imposes the least possible burden consistent 
    with safety and soundness, and is written in a clear, straightforward 
    manner. Today's proposal is being made pursuant to the Regulatory 
    Reinvention Initiative of the Vice President's National Performance 
    Review and section 303 of the Community Development and Regulatory 
    Improvement Act of 1994.
    DATES: Comments must be received on or before August 12, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Send comments to Manager, Dissemination Branch, Records 
    Management and Information Policy, Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G 
    Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20552, Attention Docket No. 96-47. These 
    submissions may also be hand-delivered to 1700 G Street, NW., from 9:00 
    A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on business days or may be sent by facsimile 
    transmission to FAX Number (202) 906-7755. Comments will be available 
    for inspection at 1700 G Street, NW., from 9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. on 
    business days.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Debra Merkle, Project Manager, 
    Supervision Policy, (202) 906-5688; Donna Miller, Senior Program 
    Manager, Supervision Policy, (202) 906-7488; Susan Miles, Senior 
    Attorney, Regulations and Legislation Division, (202) 906-6798; Dean 
    Shahinian, Senior Counsel for Corporate Activities, Business 
    Transactions Division, (202) 906-7289; or Deborah Dakin, Assistant 
    Chief Counsel, (202) 906-6445, Regulations and Legislation Division, 
    Chief Counsel's Office, Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street, 
    NW., Washington, D.C. 20552.
    Table of Contents
    I. Background of the Proposal
    II. Objectives
        A. Create More User-Friendly Subsidiary and Equity Investment 
        B. Codify Pass-through Investment Authority
        C. Update the List of Preapproved Activities for Service 
        D. Streamline Subsidiary Notice and Application Procedures
        E. Clarify and Simplify Computation of the Service Corporation 
    Investment Limit
        F. Clarify What Constitutes a ``Subsidiary'' Under Various 
    Regulatory Provisions and, in so Doing, Simplify Calculations of 
    III. Historical Overview
        A. Service Corporations
        B. Finance Subsidiaries
        C. Operating Subsidiaries
        D. Pass-Through Investments
    IV. Section-by-Section Analysis
        A. New Part 559--Subsidiaries
        B. Amendments to Proposed New Part 560--Lending and Investment
        C. Disposition of Existing Regulations
    V. Chart Showing the Proposed Disposition of Regulations
    VI. Request for Comment
    VII. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
    VIII. Executive Order 12866
    IX. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
    X. Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995
    I. Background of the Proposal
        In a comprehensive review of the agency's regulations in the spring 
    of 1995, OTS identified numerous provisions for immediate repeal, plus 
    several key regulatory areas for further intensive, systematic 
    regulatory burden analysis. These areas--lending and investment 
    authority, subsidiaries and equity investments, insurance referrals and 
    loan-related fees, and charter and bylaws--were selected because they 
    are vital to thrift operations, and have not been developed on an 
    interagency basis or been comprehensively reviewed for many years. 
    Today's proposal presents the results of an intensive review of OTS's 
    subsidiary and equity investments regulations and related policy 
        Since commencing its reinvention initiative in the spring of 1995, 
    OTS has already repealed eight percent of its regulations. In addition, 
    in January of 1996, OTS issued a comprehensive proposal on its lending 
    and investment regulations.1 That proposal, once adopted in final 
    form, will reduce the number of lending and investment regulations from 
    43 to 23. Burden reduction proposals regarding charter and bylaws and 
    insurance referrals and loan-related fees will be issued in the near 
        \1\ 61 FR 1162 (January 17, 1996).
        Today's proposal regarding subsidiaries and equity investments is 
    also expected to result in significant regulatory burden reduction. In 
    developing this proposal, OTS considered the relevant regulations, 
    guidance, legal interpretations, and reporting requirements of the 
    other federal banking agencies. In addition, as with our other 
    regulatory reinvention efforts, this proposal was prepared in 
    consultation with those who use the regulations on a daily basis, 
    including the agency's regional examination staff and a focus group 
    composed of representatives of the thrift industry.
        The consensus that emerged from this process is that the primary 
    need in the subsidiaries and equity investment area is to enhance 
    flexibility and clarify available investment options, as opposed to 
    simply eliminating large portions of regulatory text. Thus, although 
    today's proposal does call for the elimination of 12 paragraphs of 
    regulatory text, the most significant burden reduction is expected to 
    result from clarifying investment options and streamlining procedural 
    II. Objectives
        The overarching goal of OTS's reinvention initiative is to reduce 
    regulatory burden on savings associations to the greatest extent 
    possible consistent with statutory requirements and safety and 
    soundness. In the context of the subsidiary and equity investment 
    regulations, we believe that maximum burden reduction can be achieved 
    by pursuing the following six specific objectives:
    [[Page 29977]]
    A. Create More User-Friendly Subsidiary and Equity Investment 
        Our first objective is to make it easier for savings associations 
    to find and understand the regulations governing subsidiaries and 
    equity investments. Industry representatives and other reviewers 
    expressed concern that the current subsidiary and equity investment 
    regulations are scattered throughout the regulations and are worded in 
    a confusing manner. Accordingly, this proposal:
         Reorganizes the regulations for easier reference. New part 
    559 consolidates all of the regulations that apply directly to 
    subsidiaries. It features a chart to allow ready comparisons of the 
    requirements applicable to operating subsidiaries and service 
    corporations. This should make it easier for savings associations to 
    determine which structure will best meet their needs. The lending and 
    investment chart and regulations in proposed part 560 are also being 
    expanded to include permissible equity investments.
         Employs plain language drafting. Proposed part 559 
    utilizes plain language drafting techniques that have been pioneered by 
    the Department of the Interior and promoted by the Vice President's 
    Regulatory Reinvention Initiative. If thrifts find this approach 
    helpful, OTS will expand the use of plain language drafting to 
    encompass other regulatory projects. The goal of plain language 
    drafting is to decrease industry frustration, inadvertent errors, the 
    need to seek clarification in correspondence and phone calls, and the 
    amount of staff time institutions must devote to understanding the 
    regulations. Plain language drafting emphasizes the use of informative 
    headings, lists and charts where appropriate, short sentences, sections 
    and paragraphs, non-technical language (including the use of ``you''), 
    and sentences in the active voice.
    B. Codify Pass-Through Investment Authority
        Institutions and examiners have also expressed concern that OTS's 
    subsidiary and equity investment regulations do not reflect all 
    significant investment options. As a result, some institutions may not 
    be aware of options that have been recognized in various OTS opinions 
    and policy statements.
        The most significant gap in the current regulations concerns pass-
    through investment authority. As is explained more fully below, federal 
    savings associations have long been permitted to exercise pass-through 
    investment authority, that is, to invest in companies that engage 
    exclusively in activities that federal savings associations may conduct 
    directly. These companies generally are organized as mutual funds or 
    limited partnerships. Indirect investments of this type often offer 
    important benefits--such as risk spreading, enhanced liquidity, and 
    greater investment security (due to any overcollateralization or 
    recourse commitment offered by the organizer of the pass-through 
        Because pass-through investment authority has been discussed in OTS 
    opinions and policy statements (rather than the regulations), some 
    institutions may be unaware of this investment option and applicable 
    restrictions. Even institutions that are aware of the option frequently 
    feel the need to write to OTS seeking confirmation or clarification of 
    the circumstances under which they may exercise this authority. To 
    resolve this uncertainty, OTS proposes to codify pass-through 
    investment authority in proposed part 560.
    C. Update the List of Preapproved Activities for Service Corporations
        OTS's service corporation regulation contains a list of preapproved 
    activities that service corporations of most federal savings 
    associations may conduct after notifying OTS. Service corporations 
    wanting to engage in activities not on the preapproved list must submit 
    a formal application to OTS demonstrating, among other things, that the 
    proposed activity is reasonably related to the business of a federal 
        The list of pre-approved service corporation activities has not 
    been updated for many years. As a result, institutions are often 
    required to file applications for activities that are clearly 
    reasonably related, but have not yet been added to the preapproved 
        The proposal updates the preapproved list in several respects. 
    First, the list is being amended to confirm that all activities that 
    federal savings associations may conduct directly are preapproved. This 
    general authorization is substituted for the current detailed (but 
    incomplete) listing of specific activities that thrifts may conduct 
    directly. Second, the proposal broadens the universe of customers for 
    whom certain services that are already preapproved may be provided. 
    Third, the proposal adds activities that OTS has routinely approved on 
    a case-by-case basis and other specific finance-related activities that 
    have been authorized for bank service corporations and bank operating 
    subsidiaries. Each of these changes is described in more detail below.
        The proposal also reemphasizes OTS's longstanding position that 
    federal thrifts may, on a case-by-case basis, apply for approval for 
    their service corporations to engage in any activity not on the 
    preapproved list that is reasonably related to the operation of a 
    thrift. The preapproved list reflects the most common service 
    corporation activities and is not intended to be a comprehensive 
    statement of every conceivable reasonably related activity.
    D. Streamline Subsidiary Notice and Application Procedures
        The industry focus group made the agency aware of confusion over 
    subsidiary notice and application requirements, including what 
    procedures apply when converting a subsidiary from a service 
    corporation to an operating subsidiary or the reverse. Regulations 
    governing service corporations were first promulgated in 1965, finance 
    subsidiaries in 1984, and operating subsidiaries in 1992. The 
    procedures for establishing and operating each type of entity have 
    never been thoroughly harmonized.
        Thus, OTS has reviewed these procedural requirements with a view 
    toward enhancing consistency and clarity and substituting notices for 
    more burdensome applications (or recordkeeping for notices) wherever 
    feasible. As a result, the proposal:
         Allows all savings associations to establish or acquire 
    operating subsidiaries upon 30 days notice to OTS. Under current 
    regulations, all but the strongest institutions must submit an 
    application for prior OTS approval to establish an operating 
    subsidiary. As part of this application, institutions must 
    affirmatively demonstrate that the proposed operating subsidiary will 
    improve the institution's financial and managerial condition. By 
    contrast, the strongest institutions (i.e., those eligible for 
    expedited treatment under 12 CFR 516.3(a)) need only notify OTS 30 days 
    before establishing an operating subsidiary and, unless OTS objects, 
    can establish their subsidiaries at the end of that period. Based on 
    the agency's experience with operating subsidiaries, we have concluded 
    that the 30-day notice procedure provides adequate information and 
    opportunity to object whenever an operating subsidiary is proposed by 
    any federal thrift--especially since operating subsidiaries can only 
    engage in activities that federal thrifts may conduct directly. 
    Accordingly, OTS is proposing to apply the notice procedure to all 
    federal thrifts who wish to form operating subsidiaries.
    [[Page 29978]]
         Clarifies the procedures for redesignating a subsidiary as 
    an operating subsidiary or a service corporation. The current 
    regulations are unclear about how and when a service corporation may be 
    converted into an operating subsidiary, or an operating subsidiary into 
    a service corporation, and whether a notice or application must be 
    filed with OTS. Both operating subsidiaries and service corporations 
    are incorporated under state law. The distinctions based on ownership, 
    control, and activities that separate an operating subsidiary from a 
    service corporation for OTS regulatory purposes do not affect this 
    underlying corporate form. OTS, therefore, has taken the position that 
    merely redesignating a service corporation as an operating subsidiary 
    or vice versa, without adding new activities, does not constitute an 
    event requiring notice or application to OTS. The proposal makes this 
    position clear by establishing explicit, streamlined recordkeeping 
    provisions to document all such redesignations.
         Streamlines salvage power procedures affecting service 
    corporations. Under the current regulations, a savings association must 
    file an application and obtain formal OTS approval before using its 
    salvage powers to make an additional investment to protect its interest 
    in a troubled service corporation. The proposal allows a savings 
    association to file a notice in lieu of a formal application. Under the 
    proposal, institutions will be permitted to proceed with salvage 
    investments in service corporations within 30 days of filing notice, 
    unless the OTS raises objection.
    E. Clarify and Simplify Computation of the Service Corporation 
    Investment Limit
        Section 5(c)(4)(B) of the Home Owners' Loan Act (HOLA) limits a 
    federal savings association's aggregate investment in service 
    corporations to 3% of total assets. The implementing regulations have 
    long provided that all loans to service corporations count toward this 
    investment limit, except for ``conforming loans.'' The amount of 
    conforming loans that qualify for exclusion from the 3% limit varies on 
    the basis of whether the lending institution owns more than 10% of the 
    stock of the borrowing service corporation.
        Institutions have expressed frustration at the complexity and 
    ambiguity of these service corporation investment rules. Accordingly, 
    today's proposal clarifies which loans to service corporations may be 
    considered separately from the general statutory service corporation 
    investment limit of 3% of assets (see the discussion of proposed 
    Sec. 559.4 below for details). The proposal also removes the confusing 
    distinctions tied to a thrift's percentage ownership of the service 
    corporation. A single rule regarding the amount of qualifying loans to 
    service corporations that will be exempt from the 3% investment cap 
    will be applied to all federal thrifts regardless of percentage of 
    ownership of the service corporation.
    F. Clarify What Constitutes a ``Subsidiary'' Under Various Regulatory 
    Provisions and, in so Doing, Simplify Calculations of Capital
        Another concern expressed by the industry focus group was the 
    complexity of determining the appropriate amount of capital to be held 
    against service corporation investments, especially when the service 
    corporation itself has investments in lower-tier entities. A further 
    complication is that the HOLA ties OTS regulations in the areas of 
    transactions with affiliates, lending limits, and capital to a variety 
    of banking statutes and regulations that in turn define ``subsidiary'' 
    differently and not entirely consistently.
         Defines ``subsidiary'' in a manner that is more consistent 
    with the other banking agencies. The proposal adopts the same 
    definition of ``subsidiary'' used by the other banking agencies for 
    purposes of transactions with affiliates, lending limits, and notices 
    regarding subsidiaries. The proposal also modifies the capital 
    definition of ``subsidiary'' to follow Generally Accepted Accounting 
    Principles (GAAP) and to be more consistent with the other federal 
    banking agencies. Currently, the OTS employs a definition of 
    ``subsidiary'' for capital purposes that is far more encompassing than 
    the definitions used by the other banking agencies and GAAP. This 
    sometimes results in higher capital requirements for thrifts.
         Defines ``includable subsidiary'' in a manner that 
    eliminates overstatement of the risk presented by lower-tier 
    nonincludable subsidiaries. Under the current capital regulations (as 
    interpreted by instructions in the Thrift Financial Report), a savings 
    association's investment in a first-tier subsidiary engaged exclusively 
    in activities permissible for national banks must be completely 
    deducted from capital if a lower-tier subsidiary engages in any 
    activity impermissible for a national bank. Deduction is required even 
    when the first-tier subsidiary's investment in the lower-tier 
    subsidiary constitutes a tiny portion of its total assets. Under the 
    proposal, savings associations will only be required to deduct the 
    actual amount of their indirect investment in the lower-tier 
    nonincludable subsidiary.
        The OTS is hopeful that the foregoing reforms, taken as a whole, 
    will result in a significant decrease in the regulatory burden 
    associated with establishing and operating thrift subsidiaries and 
    making pass-through equity investments. The remainder of this preamble 
    provides a historical overview of the regulation of thrift subsidiaries 
    and a detailed section-by-section description of the proposed 
    III. Historical Overview
        Regulations affecting the ability of savings associations to invest 
    in service corporations and other subsidiaries and to make limited 
    equity investments have evolved over the past 30 years in response to 
    changes in statutes, competition, and the financial markets. The result 
    has been increased flexibility in service corporation activities and in 
    the permissible form of corporate structures (e.g., finance 
    subsidiaries and operating subsidiaries). With this increased 
    flexibility, however, has come added complexity and elements of 
        In order to provide a context for OTS's current proposal, a brief 
    history of key developments in the subsidiary and equity investment 
    authority of federal thrifts is provided.
    A. Service Corporations
        In 1964, Congress authorized federal savings associations to invest 
    up to one percent of their assets in service corporations.2 The 
    statute did not limit the types of activities in which such service 
    corporations could engage. The accompanying legislative history noted, 
    however, that such investments were expected to be reasonably related 
    in purpose to the savings and loan business.3 This standard was 
    incorporated into the implementing regulations of the Federal Home Loan 
    Bank Board (FHLBB), the predecessor regulatory agency to the OTS. The 
    FHLBB regulations expressly indicated that certain service corporation 
    activities met the reasonably related standard and established an 
    application process for considering other proposed activities. This 
    allowed federal savings associations and the agency to gain experience 
    in identifying appropriate service corporation activities.
        \2\ Pub. L. 88-560, section 905, amending 12 U.S.C. 1464.
        \3\ H. Rep. 1703, 1964 U.S. Code Congressional and 
    Administrative News 3444.
        The HOLA was amended in 1980 to expand the authority of federal 
    [[Page 29979]]
    associations ``to act as one-stop family financial centers'' 4 and 
    to increase the amount a federal savings association could invest in 
    its service corporations from one percent to a maximum of three percent 
    of its assets.5
        \4\ S. Rep. 96-368 at 13, 1980 U.S. Code Congressional and 
    Administrative News 248. See also 45 FR 85049 (Dec. 24, 1980).
        \5\ Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control 
    Act of 1980, Pub. L. 96-221, 94 Stat. 132, section 401, amending 12 
    U.S.C. 1464(c)(4)(B).
        In December 1980, the FHLBB proposed to update the list of 
    preapproved activities for service corporations.6 In determining 
    which activities were appropriate for preapproval, the FHLBB ``examined 
    activities that have been approved consistently for service 
    corporations upon application to the Board, newly authorized activities 
    for Federal associations, and the present needs of the residential 
    mortgage market.'' 7 This list of preapproved activities remains 
    in effect today,8 with only a few additions and modifications, 
    such as securities brokerage services (added in 1989).9
        \6\ 45 FR 85048 (Dec. 24, 1980) (proposed rule); 46 FR 24526 
    (May 1, 1981) (final rule).
        \7\ 45 FR at 85049.
        \8\ In 1982, the FHLBB proposed a much broader list of potential 
    preapproved activities, 47 FR 9855 (March 8, 1982), but did not 
    adopt the proposal in the wake of the Garn-St Germain Depository 
    Institutions Act of 1982 (DIA), which significantly expanded federal 
    savings association activities. The FHLBB did add personal property 
    leasing and commercial lending (activities that the DIA had 
    authorized for federal savings associations) and rearranged the list 
    for ease of reference, 48 FR 23032 (May 23, 1983).
        \9\ 54 FR 32954 (Aug. 11, 1989).
        In 1989, the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and 
    Enforcement Act (FIRREA) mandated that OTS adopt capital regulations 
    requiring substantial amounts of additional capital to be held against 
    thrifts' investments in subsidiaries, such as service corporations, 
    that engaged as principal in activities not permissible for national 
    banks. The OTS adopted these regulations in November, 1989.
        No new activities have been added to the preapproved list since 
    1989, although the OTS has continued to receive, review, and process 
    applications to engage in new activities on a case-by-case basis.
        Thus, the same basic regulatory structure for service corporations 
    first established in 1964--a list of preapproved activities, coupled 
    with authorization to apply to engage in any other reasonably related 
    activities--has continued until the present. Nothing in today's 
    proposal would alter this basic structure. Instead, OTS is proposing to 
    update the preapproved list, clarify how to compute the service 
    corporation investment limit, and simplify the capital treatment of 
    investments in subsidiaries.
    B. Finance Subsidiaries
        In 1984, the FHLBB recognized a federal savings association's 
    incidental authority to establish finance subsidiaries.10 These 
    entities are dedicated financing vehicles created to issue securities 
    that the parent association is authorized to issue and to remit the 
    proceeds to the parent. The securities issued via finance subsidiaries 
    have typically been collateralized mortgage obligations, mortgage-
    backed bonds or Eurobonds backed by mortgages or mortgage-related 
    securities. The finance subsidiary regulation has fallen into disuse 
    since OTS promulgated the operating subsidiary regulation. Operating 
    subsidiaries can do all that finance subsidiaries can do and more. 
    Thus, we are proposing to repeal the finance subsidiary rule.
        \10\ 49 FR 29357 (July 20, 1984).
    C. Operating Subsidiaries
        In October, 1992, the OTS authorized federal savings associations 
    to establish operating subsidiaries.11 Thrift operating 
    subsidiaries were modeled on national bank operating subsidiaries. 
    Under the OTS operating subsidiary regulation, a federal thrift may 
    make unlimited investments in an operating subsidiary, provided the 
    thrift is the majority owner and has effective operating control and 
    the subsidiary engages only in activities that the thrift could conduct 
    directly. Unlike service corporations, operating subsidiaries can issue 
    minority ownership interests to investors that are not savings 
    associations. Thus, operating subsidiaries offer federal thrifts 
    greater structural flexibility. Unlike service corporations, however, 
    operating subsidiaries can only do what a federal thrift could do 
        \11\ 57 FR 48942 (Oct. 29, 1992).
    D. Pass-Through Investments
        Finance subsidiaries and operating subsidiaries are examples of 
    pass-through investments. In both instances, a savings association 
    acquires an interest in a company that in turn engages exclusively in 
    activities that the savings association can perform directly. However, 
    pass-through investment options have not been restricted to operating 
    subsidiaries and finance subsidiaries.
        In 1982, the FHLBB issued a legal opinion, which was followed by a 
    policy statement in 1986, recognizing that federal thrifts have 
    incidental authority to invest indirectly in permissible 
    investments.12 In other words, federal thrifts can purchase shares 
    of a mutual fund, a partnership interest in a limited partnership, or 
    interests in a similar investment vehicle, provided the pass-through 
    entity's activities are limited to those a federal thrift could conduct 
    directly. At about the same time, the OCC, through legal opinions and 
    guidance, authorized similar investments for national banks.
        \12\ Memorandum T-79a, issued on June 10, 1986, memorialized 
    this authority. T-memoranda issued by the FHLBB were the 
    counterparts of OTS Thrift Bulletins. Memorandum T-79a has not been 
    superseded by a later Thrift Bulletin.
        These types of pass-through investments do not count against 
    service corporation limits, nor are they deemed to be operating 
    subsidiaries. The pass-through entity must comply with the same 
    restrictions that would apply if the thrift engaged in the activity or 
    held the asset directly. Additional restrictions have been imposed on a 
    case-by-case basis. These include limiting the amount of investment 
    that a thrift can make in any one pass-through entity to the amount 
    that would be permitted under the loans to one borrower (LTOB) rule. 
    (Pass-through investment authority has recently proven to be an 
    important vehicle for authorizing several community development 
    investments, such as purchasing limited partnership interests in Low 
    Income Housing Tax Credit partnerships.)
        Several other legal opinions have authorized federal savings 
    associations (like national banks) to invest, with certain 
    restrictions, in certain ``special purpose corporations'' that engage 
    exclusively in activities federal savings associations may conduct 
    directly. To date, such corporations have been used to enable thrifts 
    to pool resources with others to obtain basic support services (such as 
    data processing and ATM operations) free from the operating subsidiary 
    control requirement and the service corporation investment limits.
        One of the key objectives of today's proposal is to rationalize and 
    harmonize these various pass-through investment options. Codification 
    of these options will ensure industry awareness, reduce confusion, and 
    facilitate consistent application of relevant safety and soundness 
    IV. Section-by-Section Analysis
    A. New Part 559--Subsidiaries
        OTS proposes to adopt a new part 559, Subsidiaries, that will 
    include all of the agency's regulations affecting
    [[Page 29980]]
    federal thrift subsidiaries, that is, operating subsidiaries and 
    service corporations. The agency believes this action will make it much 
    easier for savings associations to find and use these regulations. This 
    new part will utilize techniques of ``plain language'' drafting, 
    employing simple expression and short sentences to the full extent 
    Section 559.1  What Does This Part Cover? (Proposed)
        This proposed section explains the scope of new part 559 and sets 
    forth OTS's basic statutory authority over operating subsidiaries and 
    service corporations. The section first explains which regulations in 
    part 559 apply only to federal savings associations and which apply to 
    all savings associations. It then incorporates into one place language 
    from current Secs. 545.74(b)(5) and 545.81(h) regarding limits that OTS 
    may impose on subsidiary activities for supervisory, safety or 
    soundness, or legal reasons.
        Proposed Sec. 559.1 also incorporates language from current 
    Sec. 545.81(i). That paragraph provides that the OTS may impose 
    conditions in writing when authorizing a federal thrift to acquire or 
    establish an operating subsidiary or to engage in new activities in an 
    existing operating subsidiary and that such conditions are enforceable. 
    This statement is true for conditions OTS imposes in all of its 
    approvals and authorizations, not just those involving operating 
    subsidiaries. The regulation merely makes explicit what is already 
    implicit in OTS's safety and soundness jurisdiction.
    Subpart A--Regulations Applicable to Federal Savings Associations 
        This subpart will contain regulations directly applicable only to 
    operating subsidiaries and service corporations of federal savings 
    associations. The subpart may indirectly apply to operating 
    subsidiaries and service corporations of state-chartered savings 
    associations by virtue of various statutory and regulatory provisions 
    that tie state savings associations to certain requirements applicable 
    to federal thrifts.13
        \13\ See 12 U.S.C. 1828(m) and 1831e, and 12 CFR 303.13.
    Section 559.2  What Are the Characteristics of, and What Requirements 
    Apply to, Operating Subsidiaries and Service Corporations of Federal 
    Savings Associations? (Proposed)
        Proposed Sec. 559.2 authorizes federal savings associations to 
    establish or acquire operating subsidiaries and service corporations. 
    The introductory text explains that OTS may limit this authority for 
    supervisory, legal, or safety and soundness reasons.
        The majority of proposed Sec. 559.2 takes the form of a chart that 
    lists, in a side-by-side format, the different characteristics of, and 
    requirements that apply to, operating subsidiaries and service 
    corporations. These include ownership, activities, investment limits, 
    the applicability of other federal statutes and regulations, and 
    notices. The chart reiterates that in addition to preapproved service 
    corporation activities, a federal thrift may continue to apply to the 
    OTS for case-by-case approval to engage in any activity that is 
    reasonably related to the operation of a thrift.The regulation also 
    confirms that state law is preempted for operating subsidiaries to the 
    same extent as it is for the parent federal savings association, as has 
    been the case since operating subsidiaries were first authorized. 
    However, state law is not preempted for service corporations.
        Where appropriate, and for ease of reference, the subsidiaries 
    chart cross-references other applicable OTS regulations that have been 
    the subject of frequent questions to the agency. The chart is derived 
    in large part from the current regulations at 12 CFR 545.74 and 12 CFR 
    545.81. OTS expects that this format will make it easier for a federal 
    savings association to compare these two structures and determine which 
    best fits the association's needs.
    Section 559.3  What Activities Are Permissible for Service 
    Corporations? (Proposed)
        This section replaces the list of preapproved activities found in 
    current Sec. 545.74(c). OTS proposes to revise the list of preapproved 
    activities to:
         Specifically affirm that any activity a federal thrift may 
    conduct directly, except deposit-taking, is preapproved for a service 
    corporation, when conducted in the same manner as allowed at the 
    federal savings association level. This includes all activities listed 
    in the HOLA and proposed part 560, as well as other incidental powers 
    addressed in OTS legal opinions and guidance. As a result, OTS proposes 
    to delete various activities from the preapproved list that federal 
    thrifts are obviously permitted to conduct (e.g., lending) and to 
    reiterate only those activities the service corporation may conduct 
    without being subject to the same limitations that would apply to the 
    federal savings association (e.g., data processing services and 
    leasing). As set forth in the subsidiaries chart at Sec. 559.2(i), 
    investments made by service corporations are not aggregated with the 
    parent thrift for purposes of determining the parent thrift's 
    compliance with any investment limits, such as those that appear in 
    section 5(c) of the HOLA. For example, the educational loans made by a 
    service corporation do not count against the parent thrift's 
    educational lending cap (5% of assets).
         Include certain activities that the OTS already routinely 
    approves on a case-by-case basis (i.e., foreign currency exchange, 
    operating a collection agency, and distributing welfare benefits).
         Specifically include community development and charitable 
    activities, including investing in community development financial 
         Allow business and professional activities that involve 
    financial documents, financial clients, or are generally finance-
    related to be performed for any person. These activities--clerical, 
    accounting, and internal auditing services, advertising, liquidity 
    management and credit analysis, developing personnel benefit plans, 
    establishing and maintaining remote service units, and purchasing 
    office supplies and equipment--currently have been preapproved only 
    when performed for other financial institutions.
         Expand the list to include a limited number of services 
    that have not been previously authorized, but are reasonably related to 
    the operation of a federal savings association and have been permitted 
    for bank operating subsidiaries and bank service corporations. These 
    include financial courier services and check and credit card guaranty 
    and verification services.
        OTS seeks comment on whether certain other activities that have 
    been permitted only upon application, such as acting as an insurance 
    agent for private mortgage insurance, or underwriting insurance or 
    reinsurance, should be preapproved activities for service corporations.
    Section 559.4  How Much May a Savings Association Invest in Service 
    Corporations? (Proposed)
        This proposed section replaces current Sec. 545.74(d). It 
    reiterates that a savings association may invest in the
    [[Page 29981]]
    aggregate 3% of its assets in one or more service corporations as long 
    as the excess investment over 2% serves primarily community, inner 
    city, or community development purposes. In addition, the proposal 
    revises and significantly simplifies the rules governing when a federal 
    savings association may make loans to service corporations separate 
    from the 3% of assets limit. Such loans are only permitted when:
        (1) The federal savings association has the authority elsewhere 
    under the HOLA to make the loan;
        (2) The thrift has adequate capacity under any applicable 
    percentage of assets limit to make the loan (e.g., 10% of assets for 
    commercial loans); and
        (3) The loan complies with the loans-to-one borrower 
        \14\ The LTOB regulation is also being amended to clarify that 
    it does apply to service corporations. It will remain inapplicable 
    to a savings association's loans to its operating subsidiaries.
        This proposed treatment is more consistent with the OCC's treatment 
    of loans to bank service corporations. It would remove the current 
    aggregate regulatory limit of 50% of capital on loans to multiple 
    service corporations, but subjects loans to any one service corporation 
    to the LTOB requirements. A thrift (like a bank) would be able to 
    exceed this limit only when making loans to a service corporation that 
    are secured with exceptionally high quality collateral.
    Subpart B--Regulations Applicable to All Savings Associations 
    Section 559.10  What Must a Savings Association and Its Subsidiary Do 
    To Maintain Separate Corporate Identities?
        This section describes what a savings association and its 
    subsidiaries must do to establish that they have separate identities. 
    The purpose for these requirements is to reduce the potential for 
    customer confusion or for a court to hold the parent liable for the 
    subsidiary's conduct or obligations. The requirements are derived from 
    current Secs. 545.81(f), 563.37, and 571.21.
    Section 559.11  What Notices Are Required To Establish or Acquire a New 
    Subsidiary or Engage in New Activities Through an Existing Subsidiary?
        This section combines and streamlines the overlapping notice 
    requirements currently contained in Secs. 545.74(b)(2), 545.81(c), and 
    Section 559.12  How May a Subsidiary of a Savings Association Issue 
        This section replaces current Sec. 563.132 and reiterates its basic 
    requirement: a savings association must notify OTS before a subsidiary 
    issues securities. The section also incorporates requirements from 
    existing Sec. 545.82, requiring that securities issued by all 
    subsidiaries indicate that they are not covered by federal deposit 
    insurance and may not be called or accelerated in the event of the 
    savings association's insolvency.
    Section 559.13  How May a Savings Association Exercise Its Salvage 
    Power in Connection With Its Service Corporation?
        This section replaces the application procedure of current 
    Sec. 563.38 with a 30-day notice requirement. In its notice, an 
    institution must fully document its additional investment in a manner 
    that demonstrates how its action is consistent with safety and 
    soundness and document other salvage alternatives considered. The 
    agency may take objection to, or grant conditional approval of, a 
    notice to exercise salvage power to assist a troubled service 
    B. Amendments to Proposed New Part 560--Lending and Investment
        OTS is also proposing to add provisions dealing with subsidiary and 
    equity-related investments to proposed new part 560--Lending and 
    Section 560.30  General Lending and Investment Powers for Federal 
    Savings Associations
        In the interest of completeness, OTS proposes to add several 
    equity- and subsidiary-related investments to the lending and 
    investment powers chart contained in this regulation. The chart will 
    now include investments in small business investment corporations 
    chartered pursuant to section 301(d) of the Small Business Act, open-
    end management investment companies, and service corporations.
    Section 560.32  Pass-Through Investments
        This new section will codify federal savings associations' 
    authority to invest in entities, such as limited partnerships and 
    mutual funds, that hold only assets, and engage only in activities, 
    permissible for federal savings associations. Unlike an operating 
    subsidiary, a thrift does not have effective operating control over 
    such investments. To allow thrifts flexibility while maintaining 
    effective OTS supervision of such investments, OTS proposes to 
    establish a safe harbor. Investments made in accordance with the safe 
    harbor standards will not require advance notice to OTS. Under the safe 
    harbor, a federal savings association may invest up to 15% of its 
    capital without prior OTS approval in:
        (1) A limited partnership;
        (2) An open-end management investment company (mutual fund);
        (3) A closed-end investment trust; or
        (4) An entity in which the federal savings association invests 
    primarily to use the services provided (e.g., data processing);
    so long as the entity in which the investment is made:
        (1) Is engaged solely in activities in which the federal savings 
    association itself may engage directly; and
        (2) Would not be controlled by the savings association;
    and the thrift:
        (1) Has liability limited to the amount of its investment;
        (2) Has adequate capacity within the relevant HOLA investment 
    category (e.g., 10% of assets for commercial loans);
        (3) Is able to monitor internal managerial controls to ensure they 
    are equivalent to those the thrift would be required to have in place 
    if engaging in the activity directly; and
        (4) Does not, after making the investment, have more than 50% of 
    its capital invested in pass-through investments.
        A savings association must provide written notice to OTS before 
    making any pass-through investment that does not meet the foregoing 
    standards. OTS will review these notices and may object or impose 
    conditions for supervisory, legal, or safety and soundness reasons.
        This structure will clarify the rules applicable to pass-through 
    investments, thereby enhancing savings association access to this 
    investment option and establishing uniform safety and soundness 
    constraints. This structure will ensure that the OTS is aware of, and 
    has opportunity to object, to any move by a thrift to place significant 
    amounts of its assets under the operating control of third parties.
        OTS solicits comments on whether other structures, such as limited 
    liability companies, should be preapproved.
    Section 560.33  De Minimis Investments
        OTS and its predecessor have long recognized that a federal savings 
    association's incidental powers include the ability to make charitable 
    contributions that assist its community. In the past, thrifts have 
    sometimes requested permission to make (and book) de minimis equity 
    investments in community organizations in an amount
    [[Page 29982]]
    equal to what they could otherwise directly contribute. To further 
    thrifts' community development activities, OTS proposes to add a 
    section specifically confirming that a federal savings association may 
    make these types of de minimis investments. The proposed regulation 
    provides that the investments must be of a type that would be 
    permissible for a national bank under 12 CFR Part 24 and in the 
    aggregate may not exceed the greater of $100,000 or one-fourth of 1% of 
    a thrift's total capital.
    C. Disposition of Existing Regulations
    Part 545 Operations (Federal Savings Associations)
    Section 545.74  Service Corporations
        Paragraph (a) of Sec. 545.74 defines terms specific to the service 
    corporation section. The OTS is proposing to remove this paragraph. The 
    operative provisions of new part 559 will cover the matters now 
    addressed by the definitions.
        Paragraph (b) begins by restating the broad statutory authority of 
    federal savings associations under section 5(c)(4)(B) of the HOLA to 
    invest in service corporations that are organized under the laws of the 
    state in which the association's home office is located. This authority 
    will be incorporated into the proposed lending/investment chart in part 
    560, with a cross-reference to the more extensive provisions contained 
    in proposed part 559.
        Paragraphs (b)(1)-(5) set forth general notice, application, 
    examination, and activities provisos. The proposed subsidiaries chart 
    at Sec. 559.2(e)(2) incorporates the requirement in paragraph (b)(1) 
    that a service corporation's activities be either pre-approved by 
    regulation or specifically approved by application. The OTS proposes to 
    move the notice requirements contained in paragraph (b)(2) into new 
    Sec. 559.11. Paragraph (b)(3) requires weaker savings associations to 
    apply to OTS for permission to engage in any activities beyond what a 
    federal savings association may conduct directly. This requirement has 
    been incorporated into proposed Sec. 559.2(e)(2)(ii). The examination 
    requirement currently found in paragraph (b)(4) will be included in the 
    subsidiaries chart at Sec. 559.2(o)(2). The restriction on activities 
    where OTS has supervisory objections contained in paragraph (b)(5) has 
    been incorporated into the introductory text of Sec. 559.1.
        Paragraph (c) of Sec. 545.74 first sets forth the OTS's general 
    rule that federal savings associations may invest in service 
    corporations that can engage in such activities reasonably related to 
    the activities of federal associations as the OTS may approve. The OTS 
    proposes to retain this general rule and move it to the new 
    subsidiaries chart at Sec. 559.2(e)(2). Paragraph (c) next explains how 
    to apply for approval to engage in such activities. OTS proposes to 
    incorporate this requirement into the chart at Sec. 559.2(e)(2)(iii).
        The next sentence in paragraph (c) authorizes service corporations 
    of most savings associations to engage in the listed preapproved 
    activities upon satisfying a notice requirement. This requirement has 
    been moved to Sec. 559.2(e)(2)(i).
        Finally, paragraph (c) lists the preapproved activities. The 
    proposal would replace this list with a revised, updated compilation of 
    new preapproved activities. For example, currently, a variety of 
    activities that a federal savings association itself may conduct are 
    scattered throughout the list as preapproved for service corporations. 
    Instead of individually listing these activities, the proposal simply 
    preapproves for service corporations all activities that a thrift may 
    conduct directly, other than taking deposits. The list would be 
    reorganized by grouping related activities and moving the list to 
    proposed Sec. 559.3, as discussed more fully in section IV.A. of this 
        Paragraph (c)(4) contains safeguards that apply to securities 
    brokerage activities of service corporations. These safeguards will 
    remain in that paragraph, with one exception, while OTS considers 
    whether to incorporate them into new part 559, or modify the safeguards 
    and apply them to all securities sales programs taking place on thrift 
    premises by subsidiaries, affiliates, and broker dealers. OTS is 
    proposing to remove paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(F), which has barred savings 
    associations (not their service corporations) from contracting with 
    third parties for securities brokerage activities. This restriction 
    predates the 1994 Interagency Guidelines on Retail Sales of Nondeposit 
    Investment Products. The Guidelines now contain safeguards to ensure 
    that any contractual relationship with a third-party broker-dealer will 
    be conducted in a proper manner. Thus, paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(F) has 
    become unnecessary. Removing this restriction will provide thrifts with 
    greater flexibility in structuring operations involving the sale of 
    nondeposit investment products.
        Paragraph (d) addresses the permissible aggregate amount of 
    investments in, or loans to, service corporations by a federal thrift. 
    The HOLA specifically authorizes thrifts to invest up to 3% of their 
    assets in the stock and obligations of service corporations (generally, 
    2% undesignated authority plus an additional 1% for community-
    development). Since 1970, the regulations have allowed a federal thrift 
    to make additional loans to its service corporations if the thrift has 
    the authority under the HOLA to make the same loan to a third party. 
    This lending authority has been subject to limitations that changed 
    over time, but has always been separate and apart from the 3% of assets 
        For example, the current regulatory provisions allow a federal 
    thrift to make ``conforming loans'' of up to 100% of its capital to any 
    service corporation in which the thrift has an ownership interest of 
    less than 10%, with no aggregate limit. A separate aggregate limit of 
    50% of capital applies to loans made to all other service corporations. 
    ``Conforming loans'' is broadly defined at Sec. 545.74(a)(2) as any 
    type of loan a federal savings association may make except for 
    nonconforming real estate loans and unsecured construction loans. Thus, 
    if a thrift currently has only one wholly-owned service corporation, it 
    may, to the extent it has commercial loan authority available under the 
    statutory 10% of assets limit, make commercial loans to its service 
    corporation of up to 50% of its capital.
        When these provisions were last substantively amended in 1985, the 
    100% of capital limit paralleled the then-existing LTOB limit. The 
    percentage limits in the regulation do not reflect the new lower LTOB 
    limit of 12 CFR 563.93, although paragraph (d) does state that these 
    loans are subject to any applicable LTOB requirements. The LTOB 
    regulation itself, however, states that it does not apply to loans made 
    to subsidiaries.
        As the foregoing overview indicates, the rules governing service 
    corporation investment limits and conforming loans are needlessly 
    complex and confusing, and in some respects inconsistent. The OTS 
    proposes to substantially revise and simplify these rules and 
    incorporate them into new Sec. 559.4, as discussed more fully in 
    Section IV.A. of this preamble.
        Paragraph (e) describes the circumstances under which a federal 
    savings association must dispose of its investment in a service 
    corporation. The OTS proposes to retain this paragraph in the new 
    subsidiaries chart as Sec. 559.2(q)(2).
    [[Page 29983]]
    Section 545.76  Investment in Open-End Management Investment Companies
        Paragraph (a) reiterates the HOLA's statutory grant of authority to 
    federal savings associations to buy, sell or otherwise deal in 
    registered securities of any open-end management investment company 
    that restricts its portfolio to investments that federal savings 
    associations may buy, sell or otherwise deal in without limitation as 
    to percentage of assets.15 The OTS proposes to incorporate this 
    provision into the lending and investment chart in proposed 
    Sec. 560.30. An endnote to that chart will indicate that federal 
    thrifts may be able to invest limited amounts in a broader range of 
    pass-through investments under proposed new Sec. 560.32.
        \15\ 12 U.S.C. 1464(c)(1)(Q).
        Paragraph (b) provides that the maximum investment a federal thrift 
    may make in any one open-end management investment company is limited 
    to 5% of total assets. Paragraph (b) also applies the regulatory 
    limitations imposed on a federal thrift's investments in commercial 
    paper and corporate debt securities to the commercial paper and 
    corporate debt securities investments of open-end management investment 
    companies in which thrifts invest. The OTS proposes to remove paragraph 
    (b) because its subject matter will be covered by the pass-through 
    investment provisions of proposed new Sec. 560.32.
    Section 545.80  Small Business Investment Corporations
        Section 545.80 reiterates section 5(c)(4)(D) of the HOLA's grant of 
    statutory authority for federal savings associations to invest in small 
    business investment corporations pursuant to section 301(d) of the 
    Small Business Investment Company Act of 1958. The proposal moves this 
    section into the proposed lending and investment powers chart in 
    Sec. 560.30.
    Section 545.81  Operating Subsidiaries
        Paragraph (a) sets forth federal savings associations' authority to 
    establish or acquire operating subsidiaries subject to certain 
    requirements. The OTS proposes to incorporate this paragraph into the 
    introductory text of Sec. 559.2.
        Paragraph (b) defines the term ``operating subsidiary.'' The 
    substance of this definition would be covered in the proposed 
    subsidiaries chart as Sec. 559.2 (c)(1) and (e)(1).
        Paragraph (c) spells out the notice and application requirements 
    that a federal savings association must meet to acquire or establish an 
    operating subsidiary. Paragraph (c)(1) contains requirements for 
    federal savings associations that are eligible for ``expedited 
    treatment'' in the processing of applications as defined in Sec. 516.3. 
    Paragraph (c)(2) covers requirements for all other federal savings 
    associations. In general, institutions that qualify for expedited 
    treatment need only give 30 days notice to OTS before establishing an 
    operating subsidiary, whereas other institutions must file an 
    application and obtain advance approval. OTS proposes to apply the 
    notice procedure to all institutions. Because operating subsidiaries 
    can only engage in activities that are permissible for federal thrifts 
    themselves, requiring a formal application and advance approval seems 
    unduly burdensome. OTS can always object during the 30-day notice 
    period in the unlikely event that an operating subsidiary proposal 
    raises concerns.
        Paragraph (c)(3) addresses the additional notice requirements of 
    section 18(m) of the FDIA, the regulations associated with section 
    18(m) and all applicable clearances under those requirements. The 
    notice requirements will be consolidated with similar requirements for 
    all subsidiaries and moved into the new notice Sec. 559.11.
        Paragraph (d) details the conditions under which a federal savings 
    association may convert its service corporation to an operating 
    subsidiary. The OTS proposes to substantially simplify this paragraph 
    and incorporate the conditions in new Sec. 559.2(p).
        Paragraph (e) indicates that all federal laws, regulations and 
    policies of the OTS covering the operations of federal thrifts apply to 
    the operations of operating subsidiaries. The paragraph also requires 
    consolidation of the parent association and its operating subsidiary 
    for application of statutory and regulatory requirements and 
    limitations, unless otherwise provided by statute, regulation or OTS 
    policy. OTS proposes to incorporate the substance of this paragraph 
    into the subsidiaries chart at Sec. 559.2(h)(1).
        Paragraph (f) subjects operating subsidiaries and their parent 
    federal savings associations to the same separate corporate existence 
    requirements as apply to service corporations of savings associations 
    under 12 CFR 571.21 and 563.37. As discussed below, OTS proposes to 
    consolidate these overlapping sections into a new Sec. 559.10.
        Paragraph (g) subjects each operating subsidiary to the same 
    examination and supervision authority as its parent federal savings 
    association. This requirement will be included in the subsidiaries 
    chart at Sec. 559.2(o)(1).
        Paragraph (h) provides that OTS may limit, at any time, the 
    activities of an operating subsidiary for supervisory or legal reasons. 
    OTS proposes to place this provision in Sec. 559.1(a).
        Paragraph (i) sets forth OTS's authority to impose conditions on an 
    operating subsidiary for supervisory, legal or safety and soundness 
    reasons. This authority has also been inherent in the review of the 
    establishment of, or commencement of new activities by, service 
    corporations, but has not been specifically set forth in regulation. 
    The OTS proposes to move this paragraph to Sec. 559.1(b), where it will 
    explicitly apply to all conditions contained in all approvals affecting 
        Paragraph (j) authorizes parent savings associations to own a 
    deposit-taking operating subsidiary under certain conditions. This 
    authority would be retained and included in the proposed subsidiaries 
    chart at Sec. 559.2(e)(1)(ii).
        Paragraph (k) addresses changing from an operating subsidiary to a 
    service corporation. The OTS proposes to incorporate this provision 
    into the subsidiaries chart at Sec. 559.2(p), where the rules governing 
    changes from a service corporation to an operating subsidiary will also 
    be stated.
    Section 545.82  Finance Subsidiaries
        Section 545.82 authorizes federal savings associations to establish 
    subsidiaries solely for the purpose of issuing securities that the 
    thrift may issue directly. Thrifts were authorized to establish finance 
    subsidiaries before being authorized to establish operating 
    subsidiaries. Because operating subsidiaries may perform the same 
    activities as finance subsidiaries without as many restrictions, the 
    OTS proposes to delete this section as redundant and obsolete, except 
    for paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3). Paragraph (d)(2) of current 
    Sec. 545.82 prohibits a finance subsidiary from issuing or dealing in 
    the deposits or savings accounts of its parent federal savings 
    association and from representing in any way that securities issued by 
    it are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Paragraph 
    (d)(3) prohibits a finance subsidiary from issuing any security that 
    would permit accelerated payment, maturity or redemption upon the 
    condition that its parent federal savings association was insolvent or 
    had been placed in receivership. The agency believes both of these 
    restrictions should apply to the issuance of securities by any 
    subsidiary of a federal savings association.
    [[Page 29984]]
    Therefore, it proposes to incorporate them into proposed Sec. 559.12, 
    which will replace current Sec. 563.132 and cover those issuances, as 
    discussed below.
        Because the requirements for finance subsidiaries go beyond those 
    applicable to operating subsidiaries, OTS proposes to deem all existing 
    finance subsidiaries to be operating subsidiaries for all purposes.
    Part 563--Operations
    Section 563.37  Operation of Service Corporation, Liability of Savings 
    Association for Debt of Service Corporation
        Paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 563.37 require savings 
    associations and their service corporations to maintain a separate 
    corporate existence and insulate the thrift from liability for debt of 
    its service corporation. The OTS proposes to combine these requirements 
    with those of 12 CFR 571.21, the policy statement regarding separate 
    corporate existence of a service corporation, and move them into a new 
    Sec. 559.10.
        Paragraph (c), which sets forth notice requirements for all savings 
    association service corporations (not just service corporations of 
    federal thrifts), would be incorporated in the new notice section, 
    Sec. 559.11, where the notice requirements applicable to federal thrift 
    service corporations will also appear.
    Section 563.38  Salvage Power of Savings Association To Assist Service 
        Section 563.38 addresses a savings association's use of its salvage 
    power to assist a troubled service corporation. The salvage power 
    doctrine permits a thrift to exceed applicable investment limitations 
    where an infusion of additional capital is necessary to preserve the 
    existing investment.
        Paragraph (a) prohibits a savings association from exercising its 
    salvage power to assist a troubled service corporation without prior 
    OTS approval. Paragraph (b) conditions such approval on the OTS 
    receiving an application demonstrating that the proposed action ``is 
    for the protection of the savings association's investment and is 
    consistent with safe, sound, and economical home financing.'' The 
    application must also address alternative solutions, including those 
    not involving financial assistance, to the service corporation's 
    financial problem, and contain other information as the OTS deems 
        While it is important for the OTS to have advance knowledge of 
    proposed salvage investments in service corporations, the OTS proposes 
    to reduce burden by substituting a notice for the current application. 
    While the notice would still contain much of the current information, 
    the change would allow the savings association to make the salvage 
    investment if OTS had not objected to the notice or imposed conditions 
    within 30 days. The notice requirement will appear as new Sec. 559.13.
    Section 563.41  Loans and Other Transactions With Affiliates and 
        OTS proposes to modify the definition of ``subsidiary'' in this 
    regulation to mirror the statutory definition of section 23A of the 
    Federal Reserve Act, 12 U.S.C. 371c, rather than the OTS capital 
    regulation. This will make it clear that the scope of the subsidiaries 
    covered by the regulation is the same for thrifts as for banks.
    Section 563.93  Lending Limitations
        Similarly, the OTS proposes to amend the scope of its loans-to-one-
    borrower regulation to better conform with the scope of the OCC's 
    lending limits regulation. This section will not apply to loans to a 
    thrift's operating subsidiaries, but will apply to loans to its service 
    Section 563.132  Securities Issued Through Subsidiaries
        This section requires savings associations to notify OTS when 
    issuing securities through a subsidiary. OTS proposes to remove 
    outdated provisions from this section and transfer the remaining notice 
    requirements to new Sec. 559.12.
        Paragraph (a), which defines terms for this section, is being 
    deleted as those terms are no longer necessary. Paragraph (b), which 
    excludes certain securities in addressing the amount of securities 
    issued by a subsidiary, is being removed as obsolete. The proposed 
    regulation does not limit the amount of securities a subsidiary may 
        Paragraph (c) sets forth the notice and application requirements 
    that a parent savings association must satisfy prior to establishing a 
    finance subsidiary, transferring additional assets to an existing 
    finance subsidiary, or issuing securities through a subsidiary defined 
    in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of the section. The OTS proposes to modify the 
    notice requirements of paragraph (c) by removing the references and 
    requirements pertaining to finance subsidiaries and by reducing the 
    application requirements to uniform notice requirements.
    Part 567--Capital
    Section 567.1  Definitions
        OTS proposes to amend two definitions in its capital regulation. 
    First, Sec. 567.1(dd), which defines subsidiary, is being amended to 
    mirror the OCC's definition of a subsidiary in its risk-based capital 
    regulation, 12 CFR Part 3, Appendix A. This definition is more 
    consistent with GAAP, defining a subsidiary as a company where the 
    institution owns a majority of the stock. Currently, OTS employs a much 
    broader definition of subsidiary, which can sometimes result in higher 
    capital requirements. Proposed Sec. 567.1(dd) includes language from 
    the footnote currently located in Sec. 567.1(dd), which provides that 
    OTS reserves the right to review investments on a case-by-case basis to 
    determine whether the investment is more appropriately treated as a 
    subsidiary or as an equity investment.
        Second, Sec. 567.1(l), which defines ``includable subsidiary,'' 
    currently encompasses subsidiaries that ``directly or indirectly'' 
    engage in any activity not permissible for a national bank. The 
    regulatory reference to ``indirect'' activities, which does not appear 
    in the statutory provision upon which the regulation is based,16 
    has been interpreted (in the Thrift Financial Report) as requiring a 
    savings association's entire investment in a subsidiary engaged 
    exclusively in activities permissible for national banks to be deducted 
    from capital if a lower-tier subsidiary engages in any activity 
    impermissible for a national bank. Deduction is required even when the 
    first-tier subsidiary's investment in the lower-tier subsidiary 
    constitutes a minute portion of its total assets. Eliminating the 
    regulatory reference to ``indirect'' activities will enable OTS to 
    revise the instruction in the Thrift Financial Report. Thereafter, 
    savings associations will only be required to deduct the actual amount 
    of their indirect investment in the lower-tier nonincludable 
        \16\ 12 U.S.C. 1464(t)(5)
    Part 571--Statements of Policy
    Section 571.21  Separate Corporate Existence of a Service Corporation
        Paragraph (a) sets forth the attributes of corporate separateness 
    that should be maintained by a savings association and its service 
    corporation. Maintaining this separate corporate identity is important 
    to minimize the risks that a court, for equitable reasons, might pierce 
    the corporate veil of a service corporation and hold the parent savings 
    [[Page 29985]]
    liable for the obligations or conduct of its service corporation. 
    Paragraph (b), in addressing operation of service corporations and 
    monitoring their compliance with paragraph (a), references 
    Sec. 563.37(a) and reiterates the potential for serious risk to the 
    savings association from failure to maintain corporate separateness. 
    The proposal would incorporate the substantive requirements of 
    Sec. 571.21 and Sec. 563.37 into new Sec. 559.10, which will apply to 
    all subsidiaries.
                                V.--Chart Showing the Proposed Disposition of Regulations                           
            Original provision                      New provision                             Comment               
    545.74(a)........................  ......................................  Removed                              
    545.74(b) introductory text......  560.30................................  Incorporated into lending and        
                                                                                investment powers chart.            
    545.74(b)(1).....................  559.2(e)(2)                             .....................................
    545.74(b)(2).....................  559.11                                  .....................................
    545.74(b)(3).....................  559.2(e)(2)(ii)                         .....................................
    545.74(b)(4).....................  559.2(o)(2)                             .....................................
    545.74(b)(5).....................  559.1(a)                                .....................................
    545.74(c) introductory text......  559.2(e)(2)                             .....................................
    545.74(c)(1)-(7).................  559.3                                   .....................................
    545.74(d)........................  559.4.................................  Substantially revised.               
    545.74(e)........................  559.2(q)(2)                             .....................................
    545.76(a)........................  560.30                                  .....................................
    545.76(b)........................  ......................................  Removed.                             
    545.80...........................  560.30                                  .....................................
    545.81(a)........................  559.2                                   .....................................
    545.81(b)........................  559.2(c)(1), (e)(1)                     .....................................
    545.81(c)(1),(2).................  559.2(a)(1)                             .....................................
    545.81(c)(3).....................  559.11                                  .....................................
    545.81(d)........................  559.2(p)                                .....................................
    545.81(e)........................  559.2(h)(1)                             .....................................
    545.81(f)........................  559.10                                  .....................................
    545.81(g)........................  559.2(o)(1)                             .....................................
    545.81(h)........................  559.1(a)                                .....................................
    545.81(i)........................  559.1(b)..............................  Modified.                            
    545.81(j)........................  559.2(e)(1)(ii)                         .....................................
    545.81(k)........................  559.2(p)                                .....................................
    545.82...........................  ......................................  Removed.                             
    563.37(a), (b)...................  559.10................................  Modified.                            
    563.37(c)........................  559.11                                  .....................................
    563.38...........................  559.13................................  Modified.                            
    563.41(b)(4).....................  ......................................  Modified.                            
    563.93(a)........................  ......................................  Modified.                            
    563.132(a),(b)...................  ......................................  Removed.                             
    563.132(c).......................  559.12................................  Modified.                            
    567.1(l).........................  ......................................  Modified.                            
    567.1(dd)........................  ......................................  Modified.                            
    571.21...........................  559.10................................  Modified.                            
    VI. Request for Comment
        The OTS requests comments on all aspects of this proposal.
    VII. Paperwork Reduction Act
        The reporting requirements contained in this proposed rule have 
    been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for review in 
    accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Comments on the 
    collection of information should be sent to the Office of Management 
    and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1550), Washington, DC 20503, 
    with copies to the Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW., 
    Washington, DC 20552.
        Comments are invited on (i) whether the collection of information 
    is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, 
    including whether the information shall have practical utility, (ii) 
    the accuracy of the estimate of the burden of the collection of 
    information, (iii) ways to enhance the quality of the information 
    collected, and (iv) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
    information on respondents, including the use of automated collection 
    techniques or other forms of information technology.
        The reporting requirements in this proposed rule are currently 
    found in 12 CFR 545.74, 545.81, 563.38, and 563.132. These requirements 
    will be now be found in Secs. 559.2, 559.3, 559.11, 559.12, and 559.13. 
    These requirements are currently addressed in the following OMB 
    approved packages: Control Nos. 1550-0013; 1550-0077; and 1550-0065.
        We are proposing to repeal Sec. 545.82 (finance subsidiaries) and 
    the related OMB package (Control No. 1550-0033).
        The requirements in new Sec. 560.32 will be reflected in the OMB 
    approved package No. 1550-0078. The package has been amended to reflect 
    the following data for the requirements in new Sec. 560.32.
        The information is needed by the OTS to assist in regulating 
    savings associations and their subsidiaries.
        Estimated number of respondents: 1,460.
        Estimated average burden per respondent: 8 hours.
        Estimated annual frequency of responses: 1.
        Estimated total annual reporting burden: 11,680.
    [[Page 29986]]
        Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required 
    to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid 
    OMB control number. The valid OMB control number assigned to the 
    collection of information in these proposed regulations will be 
    displayed in the table at 12 CFR 506.1(b).
    VIII. Executive Order 12866
        The Director of the OTS has determined that this proposed rule does 
    not constitute a ``significant regulatory action'' for the purposes of 
    Executive Order 12866.
    IX. Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
        Pursuant to section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the 
    OTS certifies that this proposed rule will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The proposal 
    reorganizes the regulation to make it easier for small savings 
    associations to locate applicable rules. It streamlines requirements 
    for all savings associations. It simplifies the applicable requirements 
    when savings associations create, invest in, or conduct new activities 
    through subsidiaries and clarifies the statutorily required notices for 
    such actions.
    X. Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995
        Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995, Pub. L. 
    104-4 (Unfunded Mandates Act) requires that an agency prepare a 
    budgetary impact statement before promulgating a rule that includes a 
    federal mandate that may result in expenditure by state, local, and 
    tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 
    million or more in any one year. If a budgetary impact statement is 
    required, Section 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Act also requires an 
    agency to identify and consider a reasonable number of regulatory 
    alternatives before promulgating a rule. As discussed in the preamble, 
    this proposed rule streamlines and reduces requirements on savings 
    associations. The OTS has therefore determined that the proposed rule 
    will not result in expenditures by state, local, or tribal governments 
    or by the private sector of $100 million or more. Accordingly, sections 
    202 and 205 do not require a budgetary impact statement or discussion 
    of regulatory alternatives to this proposal.
    List of Subjects
    12 CFR Part 545
        Accounting, Consumer protection, Credit, Electronic funds 
    transfers, Investments, Manufactured homes, Mortgages, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 559
        Savings associations, Subsidiaries.
    12 CFR Part 560
        Consumer protection, Investments, Manufactured homes, Mortgages, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, 
    12 CFR Part 563
        Accounting, Advertising, Crime, Currency, Flood insurance, 
    Investments, Morgages, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 
    Savings associations, Securities, Surety bonds.
    12 CFR Part 567
        Capital, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 571
        Accounting, Conflict of interests, Investments, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
        Accordingly, and for the reasons set forth in the preamble, the 
    Office of Thrift Supervision proposes to amend chapter V, title 12, 
    Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth below.
        1. The authority citation for part 545 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1828.
    Sec. 545.74  [Amended]
        2. Section 545.74 is amended by removing and reserving paragraphs 
    (a), (b), (d) and (e), by amending paragraph (c) by removing and 
    reserving the introductory text and paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(3) 
    and (c)(5) through (c)(7), by removing and reserving paragraph 
    (c)(4)(ii)(F), and by amending the introductory text to paragraph 
    (c)(4)(i) by removing the words ``Execution of'' and adding in their 
    place ``A service corporation may execute''.
    Secs. 545.76, 545.80 through 545.82  [Removed]
        3. Sections 545.76, 545.80, 545.81, and 545.82 are removed.
        4. Part 559 is added to read as follows:
    559.1   What does this part cover?
    Subpart A--Regulations Applicable to Federal Savings Associations
    559.2  What are the characteristics of, and what requirements apply 
    to, operating subsidiaries and service corporations of federal 
    savings associations?
    559.3 What activities are preapproved for service corporations?
    559.4  How much may a savings association invest in service 
    Subpart B--Regulations Applicable to All Savings Associations
    559.10  What must a savings association and its subsidiary do to 
    maintain separate corporate identities?
    559.11  What notices are required to establish or acquire a new 
    subsidiary or engage in new activities through a subsidiary?
    559.12  How may a subsidiary of a savings association issue 
    559.13  How may a savings association exercise its salvage power in 
    connection with its service corporation?
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1828.
    Sec. 559.1  What does this part cover?
        (a) Subpart A of this part 559 contains requirements applicable to 
    operating subsidiaries and service corporations of federal savings 
    associations. Subpart B of this part 559 applies to subsidiaries of all 
    savings associations. OTS is issuing this part 559 pursuant to its 
    general rulemaking and supervisory authority under the Home Owners' 
    Loan Act, 12 U.S.C. 1462 et seq., and its specific authority under 
    section 18(m) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(m). 
    OTS may at any time limit a savings association's investment in a 
    subsidiary or service corporation, or may limit or refuse to permit any 
    activities of a subsidiary or service corporation for supervisory, 
    legal, or safety and soundness reasons.
        (b) Notices under this part are deemed to be applications for 
    purposes of statutory and regulatory references to ``applications.'' 
    Any conditions that OTS imposes for supervisory, legal, or safety and 
    soundness reasons in approving any application shall be enforceable as 
    a condition imposed in writing by the OTS in connection with the 
    granting of a request by a savings association within the meaning of 12 
    U.S.C. 1818(b) or 1818(i).
    Subpart A--Regulations Applicable to Federal Savings Associations
    Sec. 559.2  What are the characteristics of, and what requirements 
    apply to, operating subsidiaries and service corporations of federal 
    savings associations?
        A federal savings association (``you'') that meets the requirements 
    of this section, as detailed in the following chart, may establish, 
    acquire, or acquire
    [[Page 29987]]
    in an interest in an operating subsidiary or a service corporation. For 
    ease of reference, this section cross-references other regulations in 
    this chapter affecting subsidiaries. You should refer to those 
    regulations for the details of how they apply to an operating 
    subsidiary or a service corporation. The chart follows:
                                      subsidiaries      Service corporations
    (a) How may a savings         (1) To establish an   (2) To establish a  
     association establish an      operating             service            
     operating subsidiary or a     subsidiary, you       corporation, you   
     service corporation?          must file a notice    must file a notice 
                                   satisfying Sec.       satisfying Sec.    
                                   559.11                559.11. Depending  
                                                         upon your condition
                                                         and the activities 
                                                         in which the       
                                                         service corporation
                                                         will engage, you   
                                                         may have to submit 
                                                         an application     
                                                         under Sec.         
    (b) Who may own stock?        (1) Anyone may own    (2) Only savings    
                                   stock in an           associations with  
                                   operating             home offices in the
                                   subsidiary            state where you    
                                                         have your home     
                                                         office may own     
                                                         stock in any       
                                                         service corporation
                                                         in which you       
    (c) What are the ownership    (1) You must hold at  (2) You are not     
     requirements?                 least 50% of the      required to hold a 
                                   voting stock of the   particular amount  
                                   operating             of stock and need  
                                   subsidiary. No one    not have control of
                                   else may exercise     the service        
                                   effective operating   corporation.       
    (d) Where may the subsidiary  (1) There are no      (2) A service       
     be incorporated?              geographic            corporation must be
                                   restrictions on       incorporated in the
                                   where an operating    state where your   
                                   subsidiary may be     home office is     
                                   incorporated.         located.           
    (e) What activities are       (1)(i) After you      (2) (i) If you are  
     permissible?                  have notified OTS     eligible for       
                                   in accordance with    expedited treatment
                                   Sec.  559.11, an      under Sec.         
                                   operating             516.3(a) of this   
                                   subsidiary may        chapter, and notify
                                   engage in any         OTS as required by 
                                   activity that you     Sec.  559.11, your 
                                   may conduct           service corporation
                                   directly.             may engage in      
                                                         activities listed  
                                                         in Sec.  559.3.    
                                  (ii) You may hold     (ii) If you are     
                                   another insured       subject to standard
                                   depository            treatment under    
                                   institution as an     Sec.  516.3(b) of  
                                   operating             this chapter, you  
                                   subsidiary.           must apply and     
                                                         receive OTS        
                                                         approval for your  
                                                         service corporation
                                                         to engage in any   
                                                         activities except  
                                                         those authorized by
                                                         Sec.  559.3(a).    
                                  (iii) Any finance     (iii) A service     
                                   subsidiary that       corporation may    
                                   existed on [insert    also engage in any 
                                   effective date of     activity reasonably
                                   final rule] shall     related to the     
                                   be deemed an          activities of      
                                   operating             financial          
                                   subsidiary.           institutions, but  
                                                         not preapproved    
                                                         under Sec.  559.3, 
                                                         after applying to  
                                                         OTS in accordance  
                                                         with Sec.  516.1 of
                                                         this chapter and   
                                                         receiving OTS's    
                                                         prior written      
    (f) May the subsidiary        (1)(i) An operating   (2) A service       
     invest in other entities?     subsidiary may        corporation may    
                                   itself hold an        invest in other    
                                   operating             entities, including
                                   subsidiary. All of    corporations,      
                                   the requirements of   partnerships, and  
                                   this part 559 apply   other joint        
                                   equally to such a     ventures. All of   
                                   lower tier            the requirements of
                                   operating             this part apply    
                                   subsidiary. In        equally to such    
                                   applying the          entities except for
                                   regulations in this   paragraphs (b)(2), 
                                   part, operating       (d)(2), and (g)(2) 
                                   subsidiaries should   of this section.   
                                   wherever this part                       
                                   refers to ``you''                        
                                   or ``savings                             
                                  (ii) An operating                         
                                   subsidiary may                           
                                   invest in a service                      
                                   corporation. Such a                      
                                   service corporation                      
                                   is subject to all                        
                                   of the requirements                      
                                   of this part.                            
    (g) Are there any limits on   (1) There are no      (2) You may invest  
     how much a savings            limits on the         up to the amounts  
     association may invest?       amount you may        set forth in Sec.  
                                   invest in your        559.4 in service   
                                   operating             corporations.      
                                   either separately                        
                                   or in the                                
    (h) Do federal statutes and   (1) Unless otherwise  (2) (i) If the      
     regulations that apply to     specifically          federal statute or 
     the savings association       provided by           regulation         
     also apply to its             statute,              specifically refers
     subsidiaries?                 regulation, or OTS    to ``service       
                                   policy, all federal   corporation,'' it  
                                   statutes and          applies to all     
                                   regulations apply     service            
                                   to operating          corporations,      
                                   subsidiaries in the   regardless of      
                                   same manner as they   whether you control
                                   apply to you. You     the service        
                                   and your operating    corporation or     
                                   subsidiary are        whether it would be
                                   generally             a subsidiary under 
                                   consolidated and      GAAP.              
                                   treated as a unit                        
                                   for statutory and                        
                                   regulatory purposes.                     
                                                        (ii) If the federal 
                                                         statute or         
                                                         regulation refers  
                                                         to ``subsidiary,'' 
                                                         it applies only to 
                                                         corporations that  
                                                         you control.       
    (i) Do the investment limits  (1) Your assets and   (2) Your service    
     that apply to federal         those of your         corporation's      
     savings associations (HOLA    operating             assets are not     
     section 5(c) and part 560     subsidiary are        subject to the same
     of this chapter) apply to     aggregated when       investment         
     subsidiaries?                 calculating           limitations that   
                                   investment            apply to you.      
    (j) How does the capital      (1) Your assets and   (2) The capital     
     regulation (part 567 of       those of your         treatment of a     
     this chapter) apply?          operating             service corporation
                                   subsidiary are        depends upon       
                                   consolidated for      whether it is an   
                                   all capital           includable         
                                   purposes.             subsidiary. That   
                                                         determination is   
                                                         based upon factors 
                                                         set forth in part  
                                                         567 of this        
                                                         chapter, including 
                                                         your percentage    
                                                         ownership of the   
                                                         service corporation
                                                         and the activities 
                                                         in which the       
                                                         service corporation
    [[Page 29988]]
    (k) How does the loans-to-    (1) The LTOB          (2) The LTOB        
     one-borrower (LTOB)           regulation does not   regulation applies 
     regulation (Sec.  563.93 of   apply to loans from   to loans from you  
     this chapter) apply?          you to your           to your service    
                                   operating             corporation, but   
                                   subsidiary or loans   does not apply to  
                                   from your operating   loans from your    
                                   subsidiary to you.    service corporation
                                   Other loans made by   to you. Other loans
                                   your operating        made by your       
                                   subsidiary are        service corporation
                                   aggregated with       are aggregated with
                                   your loans for LTOB   your loans for LTOB
                                   purposes.             purposes.          
    (l) How does transactions     (1) Section 563.41    (2) Section 563.41  
     with affiliates (TWA) apply   of this chapter       of this chapter    
     to subsidiaries?              explains how TWA      explains how TWA   
                                   applies to            applies to         
                                   subsidiaries.         subsidiaries.      
    (m) How does the Qualified    (1) Under 12 U.S.C.   (2) Under 12 U.S.C. 
     Thrift Lender (QTL) test      1467a(m)(5), you      1467a(m)(5), you   
     apply to subsidiaries?        may determine         may determine      
                                   whether you wish to   whether you wish to
                                   consolidate the       consolidate the    
                                   assets of a           assets of a        
                                   particular            particular         
                                   subsidiary for        subsidiary for     
                                   purposes of           purposes of        
                                   calculating your      calculating your   
                                   qualified thrift      qualified thrift   
                                   investments.          investments.       
                                   Section 563.51 of     Section 563.51 of  
                                   this chapter          this chapter       
                                   contains the          contains the       
                                   calculations that     calculations that  
                                   follow from this      follow from this   
                                   determination.        determination.     
    (n) Does state law apply?     (1) State law         (2) State law       
                                   applies to            applies to service 
                                   operating             corporations       
                                   subsidiaries only     regardless of      
                                   to the extent it      whether it applies 
                                   applies to you.       to you.            
    (o) Is the subsidiary         (1) An operating      (2) A service       
     subject to examination by     subsidiary is         corporation must   
     OTS?                          subject to            agree in writing to
                                   examination by OTS.   permit and to pay  
                                                         the cost of such   
                                                         examinations as OTS
                                                         deems necessary.   
    (p) What must be done to      (1) Before            (2) Before          
     redesignate an operating      redesignating an      redesignating a    
     subsidiary as a service       operating             service corporation
     corporation or a service      subsidiary as a       as an operating    
     corporation as an operating   service               subsidiary, you    
     subsidiary.                   corporation, you      should consult with
                                   should consult with   the OTS Regional   
                                   the OTS Regional      Director for the   
                                   Director for the      Region in which    
                                   Region in which       your home office is
                                   your home office is   located. You must  
                                   located. You must     also maintain      
                                   maintain adequate     adequate internal  
                                   internal records,     records, available 
                                   available for         for examination by 
                                   examination by OTS,   OTS, demonstrating 
                                   demonstrating that    that the           
                                   the redesignated      redesignated       
                                   subsidiary meets      subsidiary meets   
                                   all of the            all of the         
                                   applicable            applicable         
                                   requirements of       requirements of    
                                   this part and that    this part and that 
                                   your board of         your board of      
                                   directors has         directors has      
                                   approved the          approved the       
                                   redesignation.        redesignation.     
    (q) What happens if the       (1) If an operating   (2) If a service    
     subsidiary fails to comply    subsidiary fails to   corporation, or any
     with the requirements of      continue to qualify   entity in which the
     this part.                    as an operating       service corporation
                                   subsidiary for any    invests pursuant to
                                   reason, you must      paragraph (f)(2) of
                                   notify OTS. Unless    this section, fails
                                   otherwise advised     to meet any of the 
                                   by OTS, if the        requirements of    
                                   subsidiary cannot     this section, you  
                                   comply within 90      must notify OTS.   
                                   days with all of      Unless otherwise   
                                   the requirements      advised by OTS, if 
                                   for either an         the subsidiary     
                                   operating             cannot comply      
                                   subsidiary or a       within 90 days with
                                   service corporation   all of the         
                                   under this section,   requirements for   
                                   you must promptly     either an operating
                                   dispose of your       subsidiary or a    
                                   investment in the     service corporation
                                   subsidiary.           under this section,
                                                         you must promptly  
                                                         dispose of your    
                                                         investment in the  
    Sec. 559.3   What activities are preapproved for service corporations?
        To the extent permitted by Sec. 559.2(e)(2), a service corporation 
    may engage in the following activities:
        (a) Any activity that all federal savings associations may conduct 
    directly, except taking deposits.
        (b) Business and professional services. The following services are 
    preapproved for service corporations only when they are limited to 
    financial documents or financial clients or are generally finance-
        (1) Accounting or internal audit;
        (2) Advertising, marketing research and other marketing;
        (3) Clerical;
        (4) Courier;
        (5) Data processing;
        (6) Data storage facilities operation and related services;
        (7) Office supplies, furniture, and equipment purchasing and 
        (8) Personnel benefit program development or administration;
        (9) Relocation of personnel;
        (10) Remote service unit operation, leasing, ownership or 
        (11) Research studies and surveys; and
        (12) Software development and systems integration.
        (c) Credit related activities:
        (1) Abstracting;
        (2) Appraising;
        (3) Collection agency;
        (4) Credit analysis;
        (5) Check or credit card guaranty and verification;
        (6) Escrow agent or trustee (under deeds of trust, including 
    executing and deliverance of conveyances, reconveyances and transfers 
    of title);
        (7) Leasing; and
        (8) Loan inspection.
        (d) Consumer services:
        (1) Financial advisory or consulting;
        (2) Foreign currency exchange;
        (3) Home ownership counseling;
        (4) Income tax return preparation;
        (5) Postal services;
        (6) Stored value instrument sales; and
        (7) Welfare benefit distribution.
        (e) Real estate related services:
        (1) Acquiring real estate for prompt development or subdivision, 
    for construction of improvements, for resale or leasing to others for 
    such construction, or for use as manufactured home sites, in accordance 
    with a prudent program of property development;
        (2) Acquiring improved real estate or manufactured homes to be held 
    for rental or resale, for remodeling, renovating, or demolishing and 
    rebuilding for sale or rental, or to be used for offices and related 
    facilities of a stockholder of the service corporation;
        (3) Maintaining and managing real estate; and
        (4) Real estate brokerage for property owned by an association that 
    owns capital stock of the service corporation, the service corporation, 
    or a joint venture in which the service corporation participates.
        (f) Securities brokerage, insurance and related services:
        (1) Nondeposit investment product brokerage. Execution of 
    transactions in securities or other nondeposit investment products on 
    an agency or riskless principal basis solely upon the order of and for 
    the account of customers, provided that the service
    [[Page 29989]]
    corporation complies with the provisions of Sec. 545.74(c)(4) of this 
        (2) Investment advice, provided that the service corporation 
    complies with the provisions of Sec. 545.74(c)(4) of this chapter;
        (3) Insurance brokerage or agency for liability, casualty, 
    automobile, life, health, accident or title insurance;
        (4) Liquidity management;
        (5) Issuing notes, bonds, debentures or other obligations or 
    securities; and
        (6) Purchase or sale of coins issued by the U.S. Treasury.
        (g) Investments:
        (1) Tax-exempt bonds used to finance residential real property for 
    family units;
        (2) Tax-exempt obligations of public housing agencies used to 
    finance housing projects with rental assistance subsidies;
        (3) Small business investment companies licensed by the U.S. Small 
    Business Administration to invest in small businesses engaged 
    exclusively in the activities listed in paragraphs (a) through (i) of 
    this section; and
        (4) Investing in savings accounts of a stockholder thrift.
        (h) Community development and charitable activities:
        (1) Investments in governmentally insured, guaranteed, subsidized 
    or otherwise sponsored programs for housing, small farms, or businesses 
    that are local in character;
        (2) Investments that meet the community development needs of, and 
    primarily benefit, low- and moderate-income communities;
        (3) Investments in low-income housing tax credit projects and 
    entities authorized by statute (e.g., Community Development Financial 
    Institutions) to promote community, inner city, and community 
    development purposes; and
        (4) Establishing a corporation that is recognized by the Internal 
    Revenue Service as organized for charitable purposes under Section 
    501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)) and making 
    a reasonable contribution to capitalize it, provided that the 
    corporation engages exclusively in activities designed to promote the 
    well-being of communities in which the shareholders of the service 
    corporation operate.
        (i) Activities reasonably incident to those listed in paragraphs 
    (a) through (h) of this section for service corporations engaged in 
    those activities.
    Sec. 559.4  How much may a savings association invest in service 
        (a) A federal savings association (``you'') may invest in the 
    capital stock, obligations, and other securities of a service 
    corporation. Your aggregate investment in all such service corporations 
    may not exceed 3% of your assets. If you have an aggregate outstanding 
    investment in excess of 2% of your assets, that excess investment must 
    serve primarily community, inner city, or community development 
    purposes. You must designate the investments serving those purposes, 
    which include:
        (1) Investments in governmentally insured, guaranteed, subsidized 
    or otherwise sponsored programs for housing, small farms, or businesses 
    that are local in character;
        (2) Investments for the preservation or revitalization of either 
    urban or rural communities;
        (3) Investments designed to meet the community development needs 
    of, and primarily benefit, low- and moderate-income communities; or
        (4) Other community, inner city, or community development-related 
    investments approved by OTS.
        (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, your 
    aggregate investment in service corporations includes all loans (except 
    accounts payable incurred in the ordinary course of business and paid 
    within 60 days) and all guarantees or take out commitments of such 
    loans to a service corporation and to any entity in which the service 
    corporation invests, whether or not you hold stock in that entity.
        (c) In addition to the amounts you may invest under paragraph (a) 
    of this section, and to the extent you have authority under section 
    5(c) of the HOLA and part 560 of this chapter, you may make loans to 
    any service corporation in which you hold stock. Such loans are subject 
    to the loans-to-one-borrower regulation, Sec. 563.93 of this chapter. 
    For purposes of the investment limits of section 5(c) of the HOLA and 
    part 560 of this chapter, loans under this paragraph (c) will be 
    aggregated with any other loans of that type you make.
    Subpart B--Regulations Applicable to All Savings Associations
    Sec. 559.10  What must a savings association and its subsidiary do to 
    maintain separate corporate identities?
        (a) Each savings association and subsidiary thereof must be 
    operated in a manner that demonstrates to the public the separate 
    corporate existence of the savings association and subsidiary. Each 
    must operate so that:
        (1) Their respective business transactions, accounts, and records 
    are not intermingled;
        (2) Each observes the formalities of their separate corporate 
        (3) Each is adequately financed as a separate unit in the light of 
    normal obligations reasonably foreseeable in a business of its size and 
        (4) Each is held out to the public as a separate enterprise; and
        (5) Unless the parent savings association has guaranteed a loan by 
    the subsidiary, all borrowings by the subsidiary indicate that the 
    parent is not liable.
        (b) OTS regulations that apply both to savings associations and 
    subsidiaries shall not be construed as requiring a savings association 
    and its subsidiaries to operate as a single entity.
    Sec. 559.11  What notices are required to establish or acquire a new 
    subsidiary or engage in new activities through an existing subsidiary?
        When required by section 18(m) of the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Act, a savings association (``you'') must file a notice (``Notice'') in 
    accordance with Sec. 516.1(c) of this chapter at least 30 days before 
    establishing or acquiring a subsidiary or engaging in new activities in 
    a subsidiary. The Notice must contain all of the information the FDIC 
    requires pursuant to 12 CFR 303.13. Providing OTS with a copy of the 
    notice you file with the FDIC will satisfy this requirement. If OTS 
    notifies you within 30 days that the Notice presents supervisory 
    concerns, or raises significant issues of law or policy, you must apply 
    for and receive OTS's prior written approval in accordance with 
    Sec. 516.1(c) of this chapter before establishing or acquiring the 
    subsidiary or engaging in new activities in the subsidiary.
    Sec. 559.12  How may a subsidiary of a savings association issue 
        (a) A subsidiary may issue, either directly or through a third 
    party intermediary, any securities that its parent savings association 
    (``you'') are authorized to issue (or if you are a mutual savings 
    association, would be authorized to issue if you converted to the stock 
    form). The subsidiary must not state or imply that the securities it 
    issues are covered by federal deposit insurance. A subsidiary may not 
    issue any security the payment, maturity, or redemption of which may be 
    accelerated upon the condition that you are insolvent or have been 
    placed into receivership.
        (b) You must file a notice with OTS in accordance with Sec. 516.1 
    of this chapter at least 30 days before issuing any securities through 
    an existing subsidiary or in conjunction with establishing or acquiring 
    a new subsidiary. If OTS notifies you within
    [[Page 29990]]
    30 days that the notice presents supervisory concerns or raises 
    significant issues of law or policy, you must receive OTS's prior 
    written approval before issuing securities through your subsidiary. The 
    notice must contain:
        (1) The amount of your assets or liabilities (including any 
    guarantees you make with respect to the securities issuance) that you 
    will transfer or make available to the subsidiary; the percentage that 
    such amount represents of the current book value of your assets on an 
    unconsolidated basis; and the current book value of all such assets of 
    the subsidiary;
        (2) The terms of any guarantee(s) to be issued by you or any third 
        (3) A description of the securities the subsidiary will issue;
        (4) An estimate of the net proceeds from the issuance of securities 
    (or the pro rata portion of the net proceeds from securities issued 
    through a jointly owned subsidiary); the anticipated amount of gross 
    proceeds of the securities issuance; and the current market value of 
    assets collateralizing the securities issuance (any assets of the 
    subsidiary, including any guarantees of its securities issuance you 
    have made);
        (5) The anticipated interest or dividend rates and yields, or the 
    range thereof, and the frequency of payments on the subsidiary's 
        (6) The minimum denomination of the subsidiary's securities;
        (7) Where the subsidiary intends to market the securities; and
        (8) A statement that within 10 days after the issuance of any 
    securities through a subsidiary, you will notify the OTS in writing 
    that you have issued the securities and provide a copy of any 
    prospectus, offering circular, or similar document concerning such 
        (c) Sales of the subsidiary's securities to retail customers must 
    comply with Sec. 545.74(c)(4) of this chapter.
    Sec. 559.13  How may a savings association exercise its salvage power 
    in connection with its service corporation?
        (a) In accordance with this section, a savings association 
    (``you'') may exercise your salvage power to make a contribution or a 
    loan (including a guarantee of a loan made by any other person) to your 
    service corporation (``salvage investment'') that exceeds the maximum 
    amount otherwise permitted under law or regulation. You must notify OTS 
    at least 30 days before making a salvage investment in a service 
    corporation. This notice must demonstrate that:
        (1) The salvage investment protects your interest in the service 
        (2) The salvage investment is consistent with safety and soundness; 
        (3) You considered alternatives to the salvage investment and 
    determined that such alternatives would not adequately satisfy 
    paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2).
        (b) If OTS notifies you within 30 days that the Notice presents 
    supervisory concerns, or raises significant issues of law or policy, 
    you must apply for and receive OTS's prior written approval in 
    accordance with Sec. 516.1(c) of this chapter before making a salvage 
    investment in a service corporation.
        5. Part 560 as proposed to be added at 61 FR 1177 is amended as 
        a. The authority citation for part 560 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1828, 1701j-3, 
    3803, 3806; 42 U.S.C. 4106.
        b. Section 560.30 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 560.30  General lending and investment powers of federal savings 
        Pursuant to section 5(c) of the Home Owners Loan Act (HOLA), 12 
    U.S.C. 1464(c), a federal savings association may make, invest in, 
    purchase, sell, participate in, or otherwise deal in (including 
    brokerage or warehousing) all loans and investments allowed under 
    section 5(c) of the HOLA including, without limitation, the following 
    loans, extensions of credit, and investments, subject to the 
    limitations indicated and any such terms, conditions, or limitations as 
    may be prescribed from time to time by the Office by policy directive, 
    order, or regulation:
                                           Lending and Investment Powers Chart                                      
                                                              Statutory percentage of assets limitations (endnotes  
                Category               HOLA authorization          contain applicable regulatory limitations)       
    Commercial loans................  5(c)(2)(A)            10% of total assets.                                    
    Commercial paper and corporate    5(c)(2)(D)            Up to 30% of total assets.\1\ \2\                       
     debt securities.                                                                                               
    Community development...........  5(c)(3)(B)            5% of total assets.                                     
    Community development direct      5(c)(3)(B)            2% of total assets.\3\                                  
    Consumer loans..................  5(c)(2)(D)            Up to 35% of total assets.\1\ \4\                       
    Credit cards....................  5(b)(4)               None.\5\                                                
    Education loans.................  5(c)(3)(A)            5% of total assets.                                     
    Finance leasing.................  5(c)(1)(B)            Based on collateral type for property financed.\6\      
    Foreign assistance investments..  5(c)(4)(C)            1% of total assets.\7\                                  
    General leasing.................  5(c)(2)(C)            10% of assets.\6\                                       
    Home improvement loans..........  5(c)(1)(J)            None.\5\                                                
    Home (residential) loans \8\....  5(c)(1)(B)            None.\5\ \9\                                            
    Letters of credit...............  5(c)(2)(A)            Included in aggregate 10% of assets commercial lending  
    Loans secured by accounts.......  5(c)(1)(A)            None.\5\ \11\                                           
    Loans to financial institutions,  5(c)(1)(L)            None.\5\ \12\                                           
     brokers, and dealers.                                                                                          
    Manufactured home loans.........  5(c)(1)(J)            None.\5\ \13\                                           
    Nonresidential real property      5(c)(2)(B)            400% of total capital.\14\                              
    Open-end management investment    5(c)(1)(Q)            None.\5\                                                
     companies a.                                                                                                   
    Service corporations............  5(c)(4)(B)            3% of total assets, as long as any amount in excess of  
                                                             2% of total assets furthers community, inner city, or  
                                                             community development purposes.b                       
    Small business investment         5(c)(4)(D)            1% of total assets.                                     
     companies c.                                                                                                   
    [[Page 29991]]
    State and local government        5(c)(1)(H)            None.\5\ \15\                                           
    State housing corporations......  5(c)(1)(P)            None.\5\ \16\                                           
    Transaction account loans,        5(c)(1)(A)            None.\5\ \17\                                           
     including overdrafts.                                                                                          
    \1\ For purposes of determining a Federal savings association's percentage assets limitation, investment in     
      commercial paper and corporate debt securities must be aggregated with the Federal savings association's      
      investment in consumer loans.                                                                                 
    \2\ A Federal savings association may invest in commercial paper and corporate debt securities, which includes  
      corporate debt securities convertible into stock, subject to the provisions of Sec.  560.40.                  
    \3\ This 2% of assets limitation is a sublimit within the overall 5% of assets limitation on community          
      development loans and investments.                                                                            
    \4\ Amounts in excess of 30% of assets, in aggregate, may be invested only in loans made by the association     
      directly to the original obligor and for which no finder's or referral fees have been paid. A Federal savings 
      association may include loans to dealers in consumer goods to finance inventory and floor planning in the     
      total investment made under this section.                                                                     
    \5\ While there is no statutory limit on certain categories of loans and investments, including credit card     
      loans, home improvement loans, and deposit account loans, the OTS may establish an individual limit on such   
      loans or investments if the association's concentration in such loans or investments presents a safety and    
      soundness concern.                                                                                            
    \6\ A Federal savings association may engage in leasing activities subject to the provisions of Sec.  560.41.   
    \7\ This 1% of assets limitation applies to the aggregate outstanding investments made under the Foreign        
      Assistance Act and in the capital of the Inter-American Savings and Loan Bank. Such investments may be made   
      subject to the provisions of Sec.  560.43.                                                                    
    \8\ A home (or residential) loan includes loans secured by on one-to-four family dwellings, multi-family        
      residential property and loans secured by a unit or units of a condominium or housing cooperative.            
    \9\ A Federal savings association may make home loans subject to the provisions of Sec.  560.34.                
    \10\ A Federal savings association may issue letters of credit subject to the provisions of Sec.  560.120.      
    \11\ Loans secured by savings accounts and other time deposits may be made without limitation, provided the     
      Federal savings association obtains a lien on, or a pledge of, such accounts. Such loans may not exceed the   
      withdrawable amount of the account.                                                                           
    \12\ A Federal savings association may only invest in loans secured by obligations of, or by obligations fully  
      guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities     
      where the borrower is a financial institution insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or is a    
      broker or dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the market value of the securities
      for each loan at least equals the amount of the loan at the time it is made.                                  
    \13\ If the wheels and axles of the manufactured home have been removed and it is permanently affixed to a      
      foundation, a loan secured by a combination of a manufactured home and developed residential lot on which it  
      sits may be treated as a home loan.                                                                           
    \14\ Without regard to any limitations of this part, a Federal savings association may make or invest in the    
      fully insured or guaranteed portion of nonresidential real estate loans insured or guaranteed by the Economic 
      Development Administration, the Farmers Home Administration, or the Small Business Administration.            
      Unguaranteed portions of guaranteed loans must be aggregated with uninsured loans when determining an         
      association's compliance with the 400% of capital limitation for other real estate loans.                     
    a This authority is limited to investments in open-end management investment companies that are registered with 
      the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The portfolio of the         
      investment company must be restricted by the company's investment policy (changeable only if authorized by    
      shareholder vote) solely to investments that a Federal savings association may, without limitation as to      
      percentage of assets, invest in, sell, redeem, hold, or otherwise deal in. Separate and apart from this       
      authority, a Federal savings association may make pass-through investments to the extent authorized by Sec.   
    b A Federal savings association may invest in service corporations subject to the provisions of part 559 of this
    c A Federal savings association may only invest in small business investment companies formed pursuant to       
      section 301(d) of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958.                                                  
    \15\ This category includes obligations issued by any state, territory, or possession of the United States or   
      political subdivision thereof (including any agency, corporation, or instrumentality of a state or political  
      subdivision), subject to Sec.  560.42.                                                                        
    \16\ A Federal savings association may invest in state housing corporations subject to the provisions of Sec.   
    \17\ Payments on accounts in excess of the account balance (overdrafts) on commercial deposit or transaction    
      accounts shall be considered commercial loans for purposes of determining the association's percentage of     
      assets limitation.                                                                                            
        C. Sections 560.32 and 560.33 are added to read as follows:
    Sec. 560.32  Pass-Through Investments
        (a) A federal savings association (``you'') may make pass-through 
    investments. A pass-through investment is one where you invest in an 
    entity (``company'') that engages only in activities that you may 
    conduct directly. You must comply with all the statutes and regulations 
    that would apply if you were engaging in the activity directly. For 
    example, your proportionate share of the company's assets will be 
    aggregated with the assets you hold directly in calculating investment 
    limits (e.g., 10% of assets for commercial loans).
        (b) You may make a pass-through investment without prior notice to 
    OTS if all of the following conditions are met:
        (1) You do not invest more than 15% of your capital in one company;
        (2) You have not invested more than 50% of your total capital in 
    pass-through investments;
        (3) Your investment would not give you direct or indirect control 
    of the company;
        (4) Your liability is limited to the amount of your investment;
        (5) The company falls into one of the following categories:
        (i) A limited partnership;
        (ii) An open-end mutual fund;
        (iii) A closed-end investment trust; or
        (iv) An entity in which you are investing primarily to use the 
    company's services (e.g., data processing).
        (c) If you want to make other pass-through investments, you must 
    provide OTS with 30 days' advance notice. If within that 30-day period 
    OTS notifies you that an investment presents supervisory, legal, or 
    safety and soundness concerns, you must file an application with OTS in 
    accordance with Sec. 516.1 of this chapter and may not make the 
    investment without first receiving OTS's prior written approval. 
    Notices under this section are deemed to be applications for purposes 
    of statutory and regulatory references to ``applications.'' Any 
    conditions that OTS imposes for supervisory, legal, or safety and 
    soundness reasons on any pass-through investment shall be enforceable 
    as a condition imposed in writing by the OTS in connection with the 
    granting of a request by a savings association within the meaning of 12 
    U.S.C. 1818(b) or 1818(i).
    [[Page 29992]]
    Sec. 560.33  De minimis investments.
        A federal savings association may invest in the aggregate up to the 
    greater of one-fourth of 1% of its capital or $100,000, in community 
    development investments of the type permitted for a national bank under 
    12 CFR Part 24.
        6. The authority citation for part 563 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 375b, 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1468, 
    1817, 1828, 3806; 42 U.S.C. 4106.
    Secs. 563.37, 563.38, 563.132  [Removed]
        7. Sections 563.37, 563.38, and 563.132 are removed.
        8. Section 563.41 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(4) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 563.41  Loans and other transactions with affiliates and 
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (4) The term subsidiary with respect to a specified savings 
    association means a company that is controlled by such specified 
    savings association;
    * * * * *
        9. Section 563.93 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as 
    Sec. 563.93  Lending limitations.
        (a) Scope. This section applies to all loans and extensions of 
    credit to third parties made by a savings association and its 
    subsidiaries or service corporations. This section does not apply to 
    loans made by a savings association to operating subsidiaries or 
    affiliates of the savings association. The term operating subsidiary 
    has the same meaning indicated in Sec. 559.2 of this chapter. The terms 
    subsidiary and affiliate have the same meanings as those terms are 
    defined in Sec. 563.41.
    * * * * *
        10. The authority citation for part 567 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1828 
        11. Section 567.1 is amended by removing in paragraph (l)(1) the 
    phrase ``(either directly or through ownership of a subsidiary)'', and 
    by revising paragraph (dd) to read as follows:
    Sec. 567.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        (dd) Subsidiary. The term subsidiary means any corporation, 
    partnership, business trust, joint venture, association or similar 
    organization in which a savings association directly or indirectly 
    holds more than a 50% ownership interest.1 This definition does 
    not include ownership interests that were taken in satisfaction of 
    debts previously contracted, provided that the reporting association 
    has not held the interest for more than five years or a longer period 
    approved by the OTS.
        \1\ The Office reserves the right to review a savings 
    association's investment in a subsidiary on a case-by-case basis. If 
    the Office determines that such investment is more appropriately 
    treated as an equity security or an ownership interest in a 
    subsidiary it will make such determination regardless of the 
    percentage of ownership held by the savings association.
    * * * * *
        12. The authority citation for part 571 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552, 559; 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464.
    Sec. 571.21  [Removed]
        13. Section 571.21 is removed.
        Dated: May 28, 1996.
        By the Office of Thrift Supervision.
    Jonathan L. Fiechter,
    Acting Director.
    [FR Doc. 96-13828 Filed 6-12-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6720-01-P

Document Information

Thrift Supervision Office
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments must be received on or before August 12, 1996.
29976-29992 (17 pages)
Docket Numbers:
No. 96-47
1550-AA88: Regulatory Review: Subsidiaries
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (31)
12 CFR 563.37(a)
12 CFR 559.3(a)
12 CFR 516.1(c)
12 CFR 559.2(e)(2)
12 CFR 545.81(i)
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