96-15712. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing; Indian HOME Program Streamlining  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 121 (Friday, June 21, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 32292-32309]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-15712]
    [[Page 32291]]
    Part IX
    Department of Housing and Urban Development
    24 CFR Parts 92 and 954
    Indian HOME Program Streamlining; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 121 / Friday, June 21, 1996 / Rules 
    and Regulations
    [[Page 32292]]
    24 CFR Parts 92 and 954
    [Docket No. FR-3567-I-01]
    RIN 2577-AB35
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing; 
    Indian HOME Program Streamlining
    AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian 
    Housing, (HUD).
    ACTION: Interim rule.
    SUMMARY: This interim rule moves the Indian HOME Program from 24 CFR 
    part 92 to 24 CFR part 954, and includes clarifications and 
    simplifications intended to facilitate the use of the rule by 
    interested parties, increase similarity with the Indian Community 
    Development Block Grant (ICDBG) program, and simplify administration of 
    Native American Tribal Programs.
    DATES: Effective date: July 22, 1996.
    Comments due date: August 20, 1996.
    ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments regarding 
    this interim rule to the Rules Docket Clerk, Office of General Counsel, 
    Room 10276, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh 
    Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410-0500. Communications should refer to 
    the above docket number and title. Facsimile (FAX) comments are not 
    acceptable. A copy of each communication submitted will be available 
    for public inspection and copying between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 
    weekdays at the above address.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David Pass, Housing & Community 
    Development Division, Office of Native American Programs, Public and 
    Indian Housing, Room B-133, Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development, 451 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20410, 
    telephone (202) 755-0102, ext. 119; Email: David__Pass@hud.gov Hearing- 
    or speech-impaired persons may use a Telecommunications Device for the 
    Deaf (TTY) by contacting the Federal Information Relay Service on 1-
    800-877-TDDY (1-800-877-8339)(a toll-free number).
    I. Paperwork Burden
        The information collection requirements contained in Secs. 954.106, 
    954.505, 954.506, 954.507 of this interim rule have been approved by 
    the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), and assigned OMB control 
    number 2577-0191. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is 
    not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the 
    collection displays a valid control number.
    II. Background
        The HOME Investment Partnerships Act (the HOME Act)(Title II of the 
    Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act) was signed into law 
    on November 28, 1990 (Pub. L. 101-625), and created the HOME Investment 
    Partnerships (or HOME) Program that provides funds to the Indian HOME 
    program to expand the supply of affordable housing for very low-income 
    and low-income persons. Interim regulations for the HOME Investment 
    Partnerships Program were published on December 16, 1991 (56 FR 65313) 
    and are codified at 24 CFR part 92. The requirements of 24 CFR part 92, 
    subpart A and subpart M (Secs. 92.600-92.652) apply specifically to the 
    Indian HOME program.
        The HOME Act was amended October 28, 1992 by title II of the 
    Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (HCDA 1992) (P.L. 102-
    550, approved October 28, 1992). The Multifamily Housing Property 
    Disposition Reform Act of 1994 (MHPDRA) (Pub. L. 103-233, approved 
    April 11, 1994) included an additional number of amendments to the HOME 
    Act. Amendments to the HOME rule at 24 CFR part 92 were published on 
    December 11, 1992 (57 FR 58862); December 22, 1992 (57 FR 60960); June 
    23, 1993 (58 FR 34130); April 19, 1994 (59 FR 18626); August 26, 1994 
    (59 FR 44258); March 10, 1995 (60 FR 13348); July 12, 1995 (60 FR 
    36020); January 23, 1996 (61 FR 1824); and March 6, 1996 (61 FR 9036).
        In accordance with section 217(a)(2) of the HOME Act, each Fiscal 
    Year (FY) HUD shall provide funds for the Indian HOME program totaling 
    one percent (or such other percentage or amount as authorized by 
    Congress) of the amount appropriated for the HOME program to expand the 
    supply of affordable housing.
        The initial regulatory requirements for the Indian HOME program 
    were similar to the rule for the HOME program for State and local 
    governments. During the years since the publication of the December 16, 
    1991, interim rule in the Federal Register, there have been four 
    complete funding cycles (FY 92, FY 93, FY 94 and FY 95) of the Indian 
    HOME program. The Indian HOME program has gradually developed its own 
    particular characteristics to serve its constituency, and the Office of 
    Indian Housing has become the Office of Native American Programs 
    (ONAP), receiving Community Planning and Development field office staff 
    and administering both the Indian Community Development Block Grant 
    (ICDBG) program and the Indian HOME program.
        This interim rule includes clarifications and simplifications 
    intended to eliminate confusion and facilitate the use of the rule by 
    interested parties, increases similarity with the Indian Community 
    Development Block Grant (ICDBG) program, and simplifies administration 
    of Native American Tribal Programs. In addition, the regulation is 
    relocated from part 92 to part 954 of title 24. The Department is 
    consolidating all of its Native American programs in the 950 series of 
    title 24.
    III. Regulatory Reinvention
        Consistent with Executive Order 12866 and President Clinton's 
    memorandum of March 4, 1995 to all Federal Departments and Agencies on 
    regulatory reinvention, HUD has reviewed all its regulations to 
    determine whether certain regulations can be eliminated, streamlined, 
    or consolidated with other regulations. The changes in the Indian HOME 
    Program are a part of this regulatory reinvention effort. The 
    Department is inviting comments on these changes and any other 
    provision in part 954. HUD intends to issue a final rule taking into 
    account comments on this interim rule and comments received by HUD on 
    part 92--the HOME program for State and local governments. The 
    following discussion of sections in the new 24 CFR part 954 describes 
    the changes made to the part 92 provisions as part of the move to part 
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    Section 954.1  Overview and Purpose
        Section 954.1, based upon Sec. 92.1, is edited so that it applies 
    to only the Indian HOME program. References to participants in the HOME 
    program for State and local governments are deleted.
    Section 954.2  Definitions
        Section 954.2, based upon Sec. 92.2, is edited so that it applies 
    to only the Indian HOME program. Definitions for and references to 
    participants in the HOME program for State and local governments are 
    Section 954.4  Other Federal Requirements
    Indian preference
        To increase similarity between tribal assistance programs, 
    Sec. 92.631 (now Sec. 954.4) is revised to conform with the
    [[Page 32293]]
    Indian preference as described in 24 CFR part 953. The language of this 
    section has been revised to: correct inaccuracies in certain referenced 
    definitions; include a definition of ``Indian'' as this word is defined 
    in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 
    U.S.C. 450e(b)); delete subsection (e), Additional Indian preference 
    requirements (this subsection is being deleted since its provisions 
    have never been used and, upon analysis, did not appear to be 
    meaningful); and, to add a subsection, Complaint procedures, in which 
    the specific process to be followed is clarified and in which the 
    grantee is identified as the final arbiter.
    Environmental Review
        Section 92.633 is relocated to Sec. 954.4. Displacement, 
    relocation, and acquisition.
        Section 92.634, now included in Sec. 954.4, is revised to conform 
    to 24 CFR 953.602 for the ICDBG program.
        Section 92.635, now in Sec. 954.4, is revised to conform to 
    Sec. 92.354, the regulation for the HOME program for State and local 
    governments which was revised in the April 19, 1994 and August 26, 1994 
    rules. Also, the regulation includes information about force account 
    and Davis-Bacon; the grantee is responsible for compliance rather than 
    requiring prior HUD approval.
    Lead-based paint
        ONAP considered replacing the text at Sec. 92.636 (now Sec. 954.4) 
    with the text from the CDBG program at Sec. 570.608. However, HUD is in 
    the process of revising the lead-based paint requirements for all HUD 
    programs in accordance with recent statutory amendments to the lead-
    based paint statute, and no change is made here.
    Debarment and Suspension
        ONAP considered similar sections on debarment and suspension (HOME 
    Sec. 92.638; CDBG Sec. 570.609) for both the Indian HOME and ICDBG 
    programs. The HOME regulation refers to part 24, which prohibits awards 
    to ineligible entities. ICDBG, too, prohibits awards to ineligible 
    entities. Section 92.638 has not been revised in its move to 
    Sec. 954.4.
    Subpart B--Applying for Assistance
    Section 954.100  General
        Section 92.600, now Sec. 954.100, is edited to reflect the 
    Department's change in nomenclature from Field Offices to Area Offices 
    of Native American Programs.
    Section 954.101  Allocation of Funds
        Section 92.601 (now Sec. 954.101), Regional allocation of funds, 
    was changed to Allocation of funds and amended in the process. No 
    formula for the distribution of funds to the regions is included. The 
    decision whether to hold a regional competition or a national 
    competition will be announced in NOFAs for the Indian HOME Program.
    Section 954.102  Eligible Applicants
        This section reflects Sec. 92.602, except that paragraph (e), which 
    dealt with administrative capacity, has been deleted because it is 
    already covered in Sec. 954.104(b) as a factor for selection.
    Section 954.106  Announcement of Competition
        Section 92.605 (now Sec. 954.106), Deadline and other information, 
    is changed to Announcement of competition. Section 92.606, 
    Certifications, is eliminated. This requirement will be in the NOFA.
    Section 954.107  Project Amendment
        Section 954.107 is added to provide for an amendment to a project.
    Subpart C--Eligible Activities and Affordability
    Section 954.300  Eligible Activities
        Section 92.611, Eligible activities, is now Sec. 954.300, except 
    Sec. 92.611(c), Termination before completion, which is placed in 
    Sec. 954.500, Repayment of investment, and revised to clarify the 
    account to which repaid HOME funds are to be deposited. Sections 
    92.614(e), and 92.615(c), which both dealt with manufactured housing, 
    have also been moved to Sec. 954.300.
    Section 954.303  Eligible Project Costs
        Section 92.612 (now Sec. 954.303) is revised to expand eligible 
    costs to include the cost to provide a security deposit in tenant-based 
    rental assistance. The meaning of site improvements is clarified, as is 
    the pro-rata development cost of facilities.
        Impact fees on housing are eligible under the HOME program for 
    State and local governments. See Sec. 92.206(c)(7). There is no reason 
    to treat grantees in the Native American program differently. 
    Therefore, the payment of reasonable impact fees that are charged to 
    all housing, not just HOME-assisted housing, is now eligible.
        The clarification in Sec. 954.303(a)(4) states unexpended funds in 
    reserve must be reprogrammed or returned to HUD; previously, 
    Sec. 92.612(a)(4) only stated that the funds should be returned to the 
    grantee's local HOME account.
        The clarification in Sec. 954.303(b) Acquisition costs expands the 
    previous Sec. 92.612(b) coverage from ``Costs of acquiring improved or 
    unimproved real property'' to ``Costs of acquiring improved or 
    unimproved real property, including acquisition by homebuyers.''
    Section 954.304  Eligible Administrative Costs
        A new Sec. 954.304 is added to clarify program administrative 
    costs, with reference to OMB Circular A-87.
    Section 954.305  Tenant-based Rental Assistance
        In Sec. 954.305 (formerly Sec. 92.613), the explanation of what a 
    community-wide exception rent is has been relocated from paragraph 
    (f)(3) (where it appeared in Sec. 92.613) to the definitions section 
    (Sec. 954.2). To facilitate flexibility, an alternative rent standard 
    has been added in paragraph (f)(3), which permits the grantee's rent 
    standard for a unit size to be based on local market conditions.
        The provision in Sec. 92.613(g), Housing Quality Standards, that 
    allowed for variations has been dropped as not necessary. Grantees may 
    always propose and request HUD approval of justifiable variations 
    through waivers.
    Section 954.307  Homeownership: Qualification as Affordable Housing
        Section 954.307discusses affordability restrictions, recapture of 
    the HOME investment, and use of recaptured HOME funds.
    Section 954.308  Prohibited Activities
        Section 954.308 (formerly Sec. 92.616) includes a prohibition 
    related to the provision of assistance in connection with programs 
    authorized under part 950 (Indian Housing Programs) of title 24. The 
    HOME statute does not specifically prohibit the use of HOME funds for 
    Indian housing, mutual help housing, new construction of public housing 
    or related costs. However, the statutory affordability requirements of 
    HOME present problems of compatibility with these programs. The HOME 
    rent restrictions apply for the period of affordability specified in 
    the regulation. The HOME affordability period for new construction is 
    20 years. The Indian Housing Programs under part 950 are large and 
    separately funded; ONAP does not contemplate accepting applications for 
    assistance which combine HOME with these other programs.
    Subpart E--Program Administration
        This subpart has been reorganized. Previously in part 92, it 
    followed the Other Federal requirements section.
    [[Page 32294]]
    Section 954.500  Repayment of Investment
        Section 954.500 (formerly Sec. 92.643) has been changed to clarify 
    existing terms.
    Section 954.502  Applicability of Uniform Administrative Requirements
        A new paragraph (c) has been added to Sec. 954.502 (formerly 
    Sec. 92.645) to provide for alternatives to bond requirements.
    Section 954.504  Closeout
        Section 954.504 has revised Sec. 92.647 to provide that--except for 
    the special case of closeouts subject to audit--grant closeout may not 
    occur until all the funds to be closed out have been audited, and, if 
    the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) review results in significant 
    delays, the Area ONAP may request a signed copy of the audit prior to 
    DOI review.
    Section 954.505  Recordkeeping
        To streamline the rule, the detailed list of records is deleted. It 
    will appear in a program guide.
    Section 954.506  Performance Reports
        Section 954.506 (formerly Sec. 92.649) has been amended to add a 
    financial status report to the annual performance report requirement.
    Section 954.507  Submission of Project Completion Reports
        This new section provides for the submission of project completion 
    Subpart F--Performance Reviews and Sanctions
    Section 954.601  Corrective and Remedial Actions
        Section 954.601 (formerly Sec. 92.651) has been expanded to include 
    immediate temporary lockout of the grantee from the grant funds.
        In addition, the treatment of the following sections in part 92 has 
    changed as discussed below:
        Section 92.625  Elder cottage housing opportunity (ECHO) units--
    This subject need not be dealt with separately in the regulation.
        Section 92.632  Methods of procurement--This subject is generic 
    (see 24 CFR Part 85) and need not be repeated in this program 
        Section 92.640  HOME account--Reference to a grantee local HOME 
    account has been dropped.
        Section 92.641  HOME Investment Partnership--There is no discussion 
    of this concept in the regulation.
        Section 92.642  Cash Management Information System: disbursement of 
    HOME funds--This system is no longer used.
    IV. Other Matters
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Secretary, in accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 
    U.S.C. 605(b)), has reviewed this interim rule before publication and 
    by approving it certifies that this interim rule does not have a 
    significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. 
    The interim rule provides revisions to the existing Indian HOME program 
    under which Indian tribes receive grant assistance from HUD to increase 
    the number of housing opportunities for low-income and very low-income 
    people. HUD does not anticipate a significant economic impact on small 
    entities since Indian tribes will continue to carry out their Indian 
    HOME program activities as they now do.
    Executive Order 12606--Impact on the Family
        The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under Executive 
    Order 12606, The Family, has determined that this interim rule does not 
    have potential for significant impact on family formation, maintenance, 
    and general well-being, and, thus, is not subject to review under the 
    order. No significant change in existing HUD policies or programs will 
    result from promulgation of this interim rule, as those policies and 
    programs relate to family concerns. To the extent there is an impact on 
    families, it will be beneficial in that additional affordable housing 
    will be available. The interim rule does not have the potential for 
    significant impact on family formation, maintenance, or general well-
    being, since its effect is limited to revising program procedures for 
    Indian tribes applying for Indian HOME program grants.
    Executive Order 12612--Federalism
        The General Counsel, as the Designated Official under section 6(a) 
    of Executive Order 12612, Federalism, has determined that the policies 
    contained in this interim rule will not have substantial direct effects 
    on states or their political subdivisions, or the relationship between 
    the federal government and the states, or on the distribution of power 
    and responsibilities among the various levels of government. As a 
    result, the rule is not subject to review under the order. The rule is 
    limited to providing funds to Indian tribes in accordance with a 
    program to expand the supply of affordable housing.
    Environmental Review
        A Finding of No Significant Impact with respect to the environment 
    has been made in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 50 that 
    implement section 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 
    1969 (NEPA). The Finding of No Significant Impact is available for 
    public inspection between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. weekdays in the 
    Office of the Rules Docket Clerk at the above address.
    Justification for Interim Rulemaking
        HUD generally publishes a rule for public comment before issuing a 
    rule for effect, in accordance with its own regulations on rulemaking 
    in 24 CFR part 10. However, part 10 provides for exceptions to the 
    general rule if the agency finds good cause to omit advance notice and 
    public participation. The good cause requirement is satisfied when 
    prior public procedure is ``impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to 
    the public interest'' (24 CFR 10.1). HUD finds that good cause exists 
    to publish this interim rule for effect without first soliciting public 
    comment. This interim rule merely moves the Indian HOME rule to a new 
    part 954 in title 24, and removes unnecessary regulatory provisions but 
    does not establish or affect substantive policy. Therefore, prior 
    public comment is unnecessary.
        The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number for the HOME 
    Program is 14.239.
    List of Subjects
    24 CFR Part 92
        Administrative practice and procedure, Grant programs--housing and 
    community development, Grant programs--Indians, Indians, Low and 
    moderate income housing, Manufactured homes, Rent subsidies, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
    24 CFR Part 954
        Administrative practice and procedure, Grant programs--housing and 
    community development, Grant programs--Indians, Indians, Low and 
    moderate income housing, Manufactured homes, Rent subsidies, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements.
        Accordingly, in title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 
    92 is amended and a new part 954 is added, as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 92 continues to read as follows:
    [[Page 32295]]
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 12701-12839.
    Subpart M--[Removed and Reserved]
        2. Subpart M, consisting of Secs. 92.600 through 92.652, is removed 
    and reserved.
        3. A new part 954 is added to title 24, to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    954.1  Overview.
    954.2  Definitions.
    954.3  Waivers.
    954.4  Other Federal Requirements.
    Subpart B--Applying for Assistance
    954.100  General.
    954.101  Allocation of funds.
    954.102  Eligible applicants.
    954.103  Housing strategy.
    954.104  Performance thresholds.
    954.105  Criteria for selection.
    954.106  Announcement of competition.
    954.107  Grant conditions.
    954.108  Project amendment.
    Subpart C--Eligible Activities and Affordability
    954.300  Eligible activities.
    954.301  Religious organizations.
    954.302  Income determinations.
    954.303  Eligible project costs.
    954.304  Eligible administrative costs.
    954.305  Tenant-based rental assistance.
    954.306  Rental housing: qualification as affordable housing and 
    income targeting.
    954.307  Homeownership: qualification as affordable housing.
    954.308  Prohibited activities.
    Subpart D--Project Requirements
    954.400  Maximum per-unit subsidy amount.
    954.401  Property standards.
    954.402  Tenant and participant protections.
    Subpart E--Program Administration
    954.500  Repayment of investment.
    954.501  Grantee responsibilities; written agreements; monitoring.
    954.502  Applicability of uniform administrative requirements.
    954.503  Audit.
    954.504  Closeout.
    954.505  Recordkeeping.
    954.506  Performance reports.
    954.507  Submission of project completion reports.
    Subpart F--Performance Reviews and Sanctions
    954.600  Performance reviews.
    954.601  Corrective and remedial actions.
    954.602  Notice and opportunity for hearing; sanctions.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 12701-12839.
    Subpart A--General Provisions
    Sec. 954.1  Overview.
        This part implements the Indian HOME Investment Partnerships 
    Program. In general, under the Indian HOME Investment Partnerships 
    Program, HUD awards funds competitively to eligible applicants to 
    provide more affordable housing. Grantees may use HOME funds to carry 
    out projects through acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction 
    of housing, and tenant-based rental assistance. Grantees are able to 
    provide assistance in a number of eligible forms, including loans, 
    advances, equity investments, interest subsidies and other forms of 
    investment that HUD approves.
    Sec. 954.2  Definitions.
        Adjusted income. See 24 CFR part 950.
        Annual income. See 24 CFR part 950.
        Area Office of Native American Programs (ONAP). See 24 CFR part 
        Certification means a written assertion, based on supporting 
    evidence, which must be kept available for inspection by HUD, the 
    Inspector General and the public, which assertion is deemed to be 
    accurate for purposes of this part, unless HUD determines otherwise 
    after inspecting the evidence and providing due notice and opportunity 
    for comment.
        Community-wide exception rents are maximum gross rents approved by 
    HUD for the Rental Certificate program under Sec. 882.106(a)(3) of this 
    title for a designated municipality, county, or similar locality, which 
    apply to the whole IHA jurisdiction.
        Family. See 24 CFR part 950.
        HOME funds means funds made available under this part through 
    grants, plus all repayments and interest or other return on the 
    investment of these funds.
        Homeownership means ownership in fee simple title or a leasehold 
    interest of not less than 50 years (including 25 years, automatically 
    renewable for an additional term of 25 years) in a one-to-four unit 
    dwelling or in a condominium unit, ownership or membership in a 
    cooperative, or equivalent form of ownership approved by HUD. The 
    ownership interest may be subject only to the restrictions on resale 
    required under Sec. 954.307(a); mortgages, deeds of trust, or other 
    liens or instruments securing debt on the property as approved by the 
    tribe; or any other restrictions or encumbrances that do not impair the 
    good and marketable nature of title to the ownership interest.
        Household means one or more persons occupying a housing unit.
        Housing includes site constructed, modular, manufactured housing 
    and housing lots.
        HUD. See 24 CFR part 950.
        Indian housing authority (IHA). See 24 CFR part 950.
        Low-income family See 24 CFR part 950.
        Monthly adjusted income. See 24 CFR part 950.
        Monthly income. See 24 CFR part 950.
        NOFA means notice of funding availability.
        Project means housing developed, acquired, or assisted with HOME 
    funds, and the improvement of this housing. It includes the site on 
    which the housing is located and all of the HOME-assisted activities 
    associated with the building and the site.
        Project completion means that all necessary title transfer 
    requirements and construction work have been performed and the project 
    complies with the requirements of this part (including the property 
    standards adopted under Sec. 954.401); the final drawdown has been 
    disbursed for the project; a Project Completion Report has been 
    submitted and a final accounting of project expenses is provided by the 
    grantee as prescribed by HUD. For tenant-based rental assistance, it 
    also means the final drawdown has been disbursed for the project and 
    the final payment certification has been submitted and processed as 
    prescribed by HUD.
        Secretary means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
        Single room occupancy (SRO) housing means housing consisting of 
    single room dwelling units that is the primary residence of its 
    occupant or occupants. The unit may contain either food preparation 
    facilities or sanitary facilities, or both. Alternatively, sanitary 
    facilities may be located outside the unit and be shared by tenants in 
    the project. SRO does not include facilities for students.
        Subgrantee means a public agency or nonprofit organization retained 
    by the grantee under a written agreement to administer all or a portion 
    of the grantee's program for its HOME grant. A public agency or 
    nonprofit organization that receives HOME funds solely as a developer 
    or owner of housing is not a subgrantee. The grantee's selection of a 
    subgrantee is not subject to the procurement procedures and 
        Tenant-based rental assistance is a form of rental assistance in 
    which the assisted tenant may move from a dwelling unit with a right to 
    continued assistance.
        Transitional housing means housing that--
    [[Page 32296]]
        (1) Is designed to provide housing and supportive services to 
    persons, including (but not limited to) deinstitutionalized individuals 
    with disabilities, homeless individuals with disabilities, and homeless 
    families with children; and
        (2) Has as its purpose facilitating the movement of individuals and 
    families to independent living within a time period that is set by the 
    grantee before occupancy.
        Very low-income family. See 24 CFR part 950.
    Sec. 954.3   Waivers.
        Upon determination of good cause, HUD may waive any provision of 
    this part not required by statute. Each waiver must be in writing and 
    must be supported by documentation of the pertinent facts and grounds.
    Sec. 954.4   Other Federal Requirements.
        (a) Equal opportunity. (1) Section 282. Pursuant to the 
    requirements of Section 282 of the Cranston-Gonzales National 
    Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12832), no person in the United 
    States shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, 
    or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or 
    be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in 
    whole or in part with HOME funds. In addition, HOME funds must be made 
    available in accordance with the prohibitions against discrimination on 
    the basis of age under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 
    6101-6107) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 146, and the 
    prohibitions against discrimination against handicapped individuals 
    under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and 
    implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8.
        (2) Civil Rights Act. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 
    U.S.C. 2000d-2000d-4), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of 
    race, color or national origin in federally assisted programs, the Fair 
    Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-3620), which prohibits discrimination based 
    on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in the sale or rental 
    of housing, and Executive Order 11063 (27 FR 11527, 3 CFR 1959-1963 
    Comp., p. 652), which provides for equal opportunity in housing, do not 
    apply to grantees exercising recognized powers of self-government. 
    Indian tribes and tribal organizations applying on behalf of Indian 
    tribes that do not exercise recognized powers of self-government must 
    make HOME funds available in accordance with Title VI of the Civil 
    Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, and Executive Order 11063.
        (b) Indian Civil Rights Act. The Indian Civil Rights Act (title II 
    of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, 25 U.S.C. 1301-1303) provides, among 
    other things, that ``no Indian tribe in exercising powers of self-
    government shall. . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the 
    equal protection of its laws or deprive any person of liberty or 
    property without due process of law.'' The Indian Civil Rights Act 
    (ICRA) applies to any tribe, band, or other group of Indians subject to 
    the jurisdiction of the United States in the exercise of recognized 
    powers of self-government.
        (c) Indian preference requirements. (1) Applicability. HUD has 
    determined that grants under this part are subject to Section 7(b) of 
    the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 
    450e(b)). Section 7(b) provides that any contract, subcontract, grant 
    or subgrant pursuant to an act authorizing grants to Indian 
    organizations or for the benefit of Indians shall require that, to the 
    greatest extent feasible:
        (i) Preference and opportunities for training and employment shall 
    be given to Indians; and
        (ii) Preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be 
    given to Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic enterprises as 
    defined in section 3 of the Indian Financing Act of 1974 (25 U.S.C. 
        (2) Definitions. (i) The Indian Self-Determination and Education 
    Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e(b)) defines ``Indian'' to mean a person 
    who is a member of an Indian tribe and defines ``Indian tribe'' to mean 
    any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community 
    including any Alaska native village or regional or village corporation 
    as defined or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims 
    Settlement Act, which is recognized as eligible for the special 
    programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because 
    of their status as Indians.
        (ii) In section 3 of the Indian Financing Act of 1974 (25 U.S.C. 
    1452) ``economic enterprise'' is defined as any Indian-owned 
    commercial, industrial, or business activity established or organized 
    for the purpose of profit, except that Indian ownership must constitute 
    not less than 51 percent of the enterprise. This act defines ``Indian 
    organization'' to mean the governing body of any Indian tribe or entity 
    established or recognized by such governing body.
        (3) Preference in administration of grant. To the greatest extent 
    feasible, preference and opportunities for training and employment in 
    connection with the administration of grants awarded under this part 
    shall be given to Indians.
        (4) Preference in contracting. To the greatest extent feasible, 
    grantees shall give preference in the award of contracts for projects 
    funded under this part to Indian organizations and Indian-owned 
    economic enterprises.
        (i) Each grantee shall:
        (A) Advertise for bids or proposals limited to qualified Indian 
    organizations and Indian-owned enterprises; or
        (B) Use a two-stage preference procedure, as follows:
        (1) Stage 1. Invite or otherwise solicit Indian-owned economic 
    enterprises to submit a statement of intent to respond to a bid or 
    proposal announcement limited to Indian-owned firms.
        (2) Stage 2. If responses are received from more than one Indian 
    enterprise found to be qualified, advertise for bids or proposals 
    limited to Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic enterprises; 
        (C) Develop, subject to area ONAP one-time approval, the grantee's 
    own method of providing preference.
        (ii) If the grantee selects a method of providing preference that 
    results in fewer than two responsible qualified organizations or 
    enterprises submitting a statement of intent, a bid or a proposal to 
    perform the contract at a reasonable cost, then the grantee shall:
        (A) Re-bid the contract, using any of the methods described in 
    paragraph (d)(1) of this section; or
        (B) Re-bid the contract without limiting the advertisement for bids 
    or proposals to Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic 
    enterprises; or
        (C) If one approvable bid is received, request area ONAP review and 
    approval of the proposed contract and related procurement documents, in 
    accordance with 24 CFR 85.36, in order to award the contract to the 
    single bidder.
        (iii) Procurements that are within the dollar limitations 
    established for small purchases under 24 CFR 85.36 need not follow the 
    formal bid procedures of paragraph (d) of this section, since these 
    procurements are governed by the small purchase procedures of 24 CFR 
    85.36. However, a grantee's small purchase procurement shall, to the 
    greatest extent feasible, provide Indian preference in the award of 
        (iv) All preferences shall be publicly announced in the 
    advertisement and bidding or proposal solicitation and the bidding or 
    proposal documents.
        (v) A grantee, at its discretion, may require information of 
    prospective contractors seeking to qualify as Indian
    [[Page 32297]]
    organizations or Indian-owned economic enterprises. Grantees may 
    require prospective contractors to include the following information 
    prior to submitting a bid or proposal, or at the time of submission:
        (A) Evidence showing fully the extent of Indian ownership and 
        (B) Evidence of structure, management and financing affecting the 
    Indian character of the enterprise, including major subcontracts and 
    purchase agreements; materials or equipment supply arrangements; and 
    management salary or profit-sharing arrangements; and evidence showing 
    the effect of these on the extent of Indian ownership and interest; and
        (C) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the 
    grantee that the prospective contractor has the technical, 
    administrative, and financial capability to perform contract work of 
    the size and type involved.
        (vi) The grantee shall incorporate the following clause (referred 
    to as the Section 7(b) clause) in each contract awarded in connection 
    with a project funded under this part:
        (A) The work to be performed under this contract is on a project 
    subject to Section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education 
    Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e(b)) (Indian Act). Section 7(b) requires 
    that to the greatest extent feasible preferences and opportunities for 
    training and employment shall be given to Indians, and preferences in 
    the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian 
    organizations and Indian-owned economic enterprises.
        (B) The parties to this contract shall comply with the provisions 
    of Section 7(b) of the Indian Act.
        (C) In connection with this contract, the contractor shall, to the 
    greatest extent feasible, give preference in the award of any 
    subcontracts to Indian organizations and Indian-owned economic 
    enterprises, and preferences and opportunities for training and 
    employment to Indians.
        (D) The contractor shall include this Section 7(b) clause in every 
    subcontract in connection with the project, and shall, at the direction 
    of the grantee, take appropriate action pursuant to the subcontract 
    upon a finding by the grantee or HUD that the subcontractor has 
    violated the Section 7(b) clause of the Indian Act.
        (5) Complaint procedures. The following complaint procedures are 
    applicable to complaints arising out of any of the methods of providing 
    for Indian preference contained in this part, including alternate 
    methods enacted and approved in a manner described in this section.
        (i) Each complaint shall be in writing, signed, and filed with the 
        (ii) A complaint must be filed with the grantee no later than 20 
    calendar days from the date of the action (or omission) upon which the 
    complaint is based.
        (iii) Upon receipt of a complaint, the grantee shall promptly stamp 
    the date and time of receipt upon the complaint, and immediately 
    acknowledge its receipt.
        (iv) Within 20 calendar days of receipt of a complaint, the grantee 
    shall either meet, or communicate by mail or telephone, with the 
    complainant in an effort to resolve the matter. The grantee shall make 
    a determination on a complaint and notify the complainant, in writing, 
    within 30 calendar days of the submittal of the complaint to the 
    grantee. The decision of the grantee shall constitute final 
    administrative action on the complaint.
        (d) Environmental review. The Indian tribe must assume 
    responsibility for environmental review, decisionmaking, and action for 
    each activity that it carries out with HOME funds, in accordance with 
    the requirements imposed on a recipient under 24 CFR part 58. The 
    grantee shall also be responsible for compliance with flood insurance, 
    coastal barrier resource and airport clear zone requirements under 24 
    CFR 58.6.
        (e) Displacement, relocation, and acquisition. (1) Minimizing 
    displacement. Consistent with the other goals and objectives of this 
    part, the grantee must ensure that it has taken all reasonable steps to 
    minimize the displacement of persons (families, individuals, 
    businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farms) as a result of a 
    project assisted with HOME funds. To the extent feasible, residential 
    tenants must be provided a reasonable opportunity to lease and occupy a 
    suitable, decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable dwelling unit in the 
    building/complex upon completion of the project.
        (2) Temporary relocation. The following policies cover residential 
    tenants who will not be required to move permanently but who must 
    relocate temporarily for the project. Such tenants must be provided:
        (i) Reimbursement for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses 
    incurred in connection with the temporary relocation, including the 
    cost of moving to and from the temporarily occupied housing and any 
    increase in monthly rent/utility costs.
        (ii) Appropriate advisory services, including reasonable advance 
    written notice of--
        (A) The date and approximate duration of the temporary relocation;
        (B) The location of the suitable, decent, safe, and sanitary 
    dwelling to be made available for the temporary period;
        (C) The terms and conditions under which the tenant may lease and 
    occupy a suitable, decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling in the building/
    complex upon completion of the project; and
        (D) The provisions of paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section.
        (3) Relocation assistance for displaced persons. (i) General. A 
    displaced person (defined in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section) must 
    be provided relocation assistance at the levels described in, and in 
    accordance with the requirements of, the Uniform Relocation Assistance 
    and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA) (42 U.S.C. 
    4201-4655) and 49 CFR part 24.
        (ii) Displaced Person. (A) For purposes of paragraph (c) of this 
    section, the term displaced person means a person (family individual, 
    business, private nonprofit organization, or farm, including any 
    corporation, partnership or association) that moves from real property 
    or moves personal property from real property, permanently, as a direct 
    result of acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition for a project 
    assisted with HOME funds. This includes any permanent, involuntary move 
    for an assisted project, including any permanent move from the real 
    property that is made:
        (1) After notice by the owner to move permanently from the 
    property, if the move occurs on or after:
        (i) The date of the submission of an application to the grantee or 
    HUD, if the applicant has site control and the application is later 
    approved; or
        (ii) The date the grantee approves the applicable site, if the 
    applicant does not have site control at the time of the application; or
        (2) Before the date described in paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(A)(1) of this 
    section, if the grantee or HUD determines that the displacement 
    resulted directly from acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition for 
    the project; or
        (3) By a tenant-occupant of a dwelling unit, if any one of the 
    following three situations occurs:
        (i) The tenant moves after execution of the agreement covering the 
    acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition and the move occurs before 
    the tenant is provided written notice offering the tenant the 
    opportunity to lease and occupy a suitable, decent,
    [[Page 32298]]
    safe, and sanitary dwelling in the same building/complex upon 
    completion of the project under reasonable terms and conditions. Such 
    reasonable terms and conditions must include a term of at least one 
    year at a monthly rent and estimated average monthly utility costs that 
    do not exceed the greater of: the tenant's monthly rent before such 
    agreement and estimated average monthly utility costs; or the total 
    tenant payment, as determined under 24 CFR part 5, if the tenant is 
    low-income, or 30 percent of gross household income, if the tenant is 
    not low-income; or
        (ii) The tenant is required to relocate temporarily, does not 
    return to the building/complex, and either: the tenant is not offered 
    payment for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in 
    connection with the temporary relocation; or other conditions of the 
    temporary relocation are not reasonable; or
        (iii) The tenant is required to move to another dwelling unit in 
    the same building/complex but is not offered reimbursement for all 
    reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the move, 
    or other conditions of the move are not reasonable.
        (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, a 
    person does not qualify as a displaced person if:
        (1) The person has been evicted for cause based upon a serious or 
    repeated violation of the terms and conditions of the lease or 
    occupancy agreement, violation of applicable Federal or tribal law (or 
    state law, which may apply if the grantee is not exercising recognized 
    powers of self-government), or other good cause, and the grantee 
    determines that the eviction was not undertaken for the purpose of 
    evading the obligation to provide relocation assistance. The effective 
    date of any termination or refusal to renew must be preceded by at 
    least 30 days advance written notice to the tenant specifying the 
    grounds for the action.
        (2) The person moved into the property after the submission of the 
    application but, before signing a lease and commencing occupancy, was 
    provided written notice of the project, its possible impact on the 
    person (e.g., the person may be displaced, temporarily relocated, incur 
    a rent increase), and the fact that the person would not qualify as a 
    ``displaced person'' (or for any assistance under this section) as a 
    result of the project;
        (3) The person is ineligible under 49 CFR 24.2(g)(2); or
        (4) HUD determines that the person was not displaced as a direct 
    result of acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition for the project.
        (C) The grantee may, at any time, ask HUD to determine whether a 
    displacement is or would be covered by this part.
        (iii) Initiation of negotiations. For purposes of determining the 
    formula for computing replacement housing assistance to be provided 
    under paragraph (e)(3) of this section to a tenant displaced from a 
    dwelling as a direct result of private-owner rehabilitation, demolition 
    or acquisition of the real property, the term initiation of 
    negotiations means the execution of the agreement covering the 
    acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition.
        (4) Optional relocation assistance. The grantee may provide 
    relocation payments and other relocation assistance to families, 
    individuals, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farms displaced 
    by a project assisted with HOME funds where the displacement is not 
    subject to paragraph (e)(3) of this section. The grantee may also 
    provide relocation assistance to persons covered under paragraph (e)(3) 
    of this section beyond that required. For any such assistance that is 
    not required by tribal law (or state law, which may apply if the 
    grantee is not exercising recognized powers of self-government), the 
    grantee must adopt a written policy available to the public that 
    describes the optional relocation assistance that it has elected to 
    furnish and provides for equal relocation assistance within each class 
    of displaced persons.
        (5) Real property acquisition requirements. The acquisition of real 
    property for a project is subject to the URA and the requirements of 49 
    CFR part 24, subpart B.
        (6) Appeals. A person who disagrees with the grantee's 
    determination concerning whether the person qualifies as a displaced 
    person, or the amount of relocation assistance for which the person may 
    be eligible, may file a written appeal of that determination with the 
        (7) Responsibility of grantee. (i) The grantee must certify that it 
    will comply with the URA, the regulations at 49 CFR part 24, and the 
    requirements of this section, and must ensure such compliance 
    notwithstanding any third party's contractual obligation to the grantee 
    to comply.
        (ii) The cost of required relocation assistance is an eligible 
    project cost. This cost also may be paid from tribal funds, or funds 
    available from other sources.
        (f) Labor. (1) General. (i) Every contract for the construction 
    (rehabilitation or new construction) of housing that includes 12 or 
    more units assisted with HOME funds must contain a provision requiring 
    the payment of not less than the wages prevailing in the locality, as 
    predetermined by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act 
    (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-5), to all laborers and mechanics employed in the 
    development of any part of the housing. Such contracts must also be 
    subject to the overtime provisions, as applicable, of the Contract Work 
    Hours and Safety Standards Act (42 CFR 327-332).
        (ii) The contract for construction must contain these wage 
    provisions if HOME funds are used for any project costs (as defined in 
    subpart C of this part), including construction or non-construction 
    costs, of housing with 12 or more HOME-assisted units. When HOME funds 
    are only used to assist homebuyers to acquire single-family housing, 
    and not for any other project costs, the wage provisions apply to the 
    construction of the housing if there is a written agreement with the 
    owner or developer of the housing that HOME funds will be used to 
    assist homebuyers to buy the housing and the construction contract 
    covers 12 or more housing units to be purchased with HOME assistance. 
    The wage provisions apply to any construction contract that includes a 
    total of 12 or more HOME-assisted units, whether one or more than one 
    project phase is covered by the construction contract. Once they are 
    determined to be applicable, the wage provisions must be contained in 
    the construction contract so as to cover all laborers and mechanics 
    employed in the development of the entire project, including portions 
    other than the assisted units. Arranging multiple construction 
    contracts within a single project for the purpose of avoiding the wage 
    provisions is not permitted.
        (iii) Grantees, contractors, subcontractors, and other participants 
    must comply with regulations issued under these Acts and with other 
    Federal laws and regulations pertaining to labor standards and HUD 
    Handbook 1344.1 (Federal Labor Standards Compliance in Housing and 
    Community Development programs), as applicable. Grantees must require 
    certification as to compliance with the provisions of this section 
    before making any payment under such contract.
        (2) Volunteers. The prevailing wage provisions of paragraph (f)(1) 
    of this section do not apply to an individual who receives no 
    compensation or is paid expenses, reasonable benefits, or a nominal fee 
    to perform the services for which the individual volunteered and who is 
    not otherwise employed at any
    [[Page 32299]]
    time in the construction work. See 24 CFR part 70.
        (3) Sweat equity. The prevailing wage provisions of paragraph 
    (f)(1) of this section do not apply to members of an eligible family 
    who provide labor in exchange for acquisition of a property for 
    homeownership or provide labor in lieu of, or as a supplement to, rent 
        (4) Force account. (i) The grantee is responsible for compliance 
    with regulatory requirements in the use of grantee work forces for 
    construction or renovation activities performed as part of the 
    activities funded under this part. The grantee must provide for its 
    files the following:
        (A) Documentation to indicate that it has carried out or can carry 
    out successfully a project of the size and scope of the proposal;
        (B) Documentation to indicate that it has obtained or can obtain 
    adequate supervision for the workers to be used;
        (C) Information showing that the workers to be used are, or will 
    be, listed on the grantee payroll and are employed directly by the 
        (ii) Any and all excess funds derived from the force account 
    construction or renovation activities shall accrue to the grantee and 
    shall be reprogrammed for other activities eligible under this part or 
    returned to HUD promptly.
        (iii) Insurance coverage for force account workers and activities 
    shall, where applicable, include worker's compensation, public 
    liability, property damage, builder's risk, and vehicular liability.
        (iv) The grantee shall specify and apply reasonable labor 
    performance, construction, or renovation standards to work performed 
    under the force account.
        (v) The contracting and procurement standards set forth in 24 CFR 
    85.36 apply to material, equipment, and supply procurement from outside 
    vendors under this section.
        (vi) In force account there is no contract. If the grantee which 
    has received the HOME grant to construct the housing units performs the 
    construction work using force account, i.e., with its own employees, 
    the work is not covered by Davis-Bacon and related Acts. If the grantee 
    contracts out the work or part of the work, that work is covered.
        (g) Lead-based paint. Housing assisted with HOME funds constitutes 
    HUD-associated housing for the purpose of the Lead-Based Paint 
    Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4821, et seq.) and is, therefore, 
    subject to 24 CFR part 35. Grantees are responsible for testing and 
    abatement activities.
        (h) Conflict of interest. (1) Applicability. (i) The conflict of 
    interest provisions in 24 CFR part 84 and 24 CFR 85.36 apply to the 
    procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services by 
    grantees and their subgrantees.
        (ii) The provisions of this section apply to all cases not governed 
    by 24 CFR part 84 and 24 CFR 85.36. These cases include the acquisition 
    and disposition of real property and the provision of assistance by the 
    grantee, by subgrantees, or to individuals, housing developers, and 
    other private entities under eligible activities which authorize such 
    assistance (e.g., rehabilitation of housing).
        (2) Conflicts prohibited. The general rule is that no persons 
    described in paragraph (h)(3) of this section who have or had any 
    functions or responsibilities with respect to activities assisted under 
    this part, or who are in a position to participate in a decision, or 
    gain inside information about such activities, may obtain a financial 
    interest or benefit from these activities. Further, these persons may 
    not have an interest in any contract, subcontract, or agreement 
    concerning such activities; and these persons may not, during their 
    employment or tenure in office and for one year thereafter, have an 
    interest in the proceeds from these activities, either for themselves 
    or for those with whom they have family or business ties. This 
    paragraph does not apply to approved eligible administrative or 
    personnel costs.
        (3) Persons covered. The conflict of interest provisions of 
    paragraph (h)(2) of this section apply to any person who is an 
    employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected or appointed official 
    of the grantee or subgrantee receiving HOME funds.
        (4) Exceptions requiring HUD approval. (i) Threshold requirements. 
    Upon the written request of a grantee, HUD may grant an exception to 
    the provisions of paragraph (h)(2) of this section on a case-by-case 
    basis, when it determines that such an exception will serve to further 
    the purposes of the HOME program and the effective and efficient 
    administration of the grantee's project. An exception may be considered 
    only after the grantee has provided the following:
        (A) A disclosure of the nature of the possible conflict, 
    accompanied by an assurance that there has been public disclosure of 
    the conflict and a description of how the public disclosure was made; 
        (B) An opinion of the grantee's attorney that the interest for 
    which the exception is sought would not violate tribal laws on conflict 
    of interest (or State law on conflict of interest, which may apply if 
    the grantee is not exercising recognized powers of self-government).
        (ii) Factors to be considered for exceptions. In determining 
    whether to grant a requested exception after the grantee has 
    satisfactorily met the requirements of paragraph (h)(4)(i) of this 
    section, HUD shall consider the cumulative effect of the following 
    factors, where applicable:
        (A) Whether the exception would provide a significant cost benefit 
    or essential expert knowledge to the project which would otherwise not 
    be available;
        (B) Whether the affected person has withdrawn from his or her 
    functions or responsibilities, or from the decision-making process, 
    with reference to the specific assisted activity in question;
        (C) Whether the interest or benefit was present before the affected 
    person was in a position as described in paragraph (h)(2) of this 
        (D) Whether undue hardship will result, either to the grantee or to 
    the person affected, when weighed against the public interest served by 
    avoiding the prohibited conflict; and
        (E) Any other relevant considerations.
        (5) Circumstances under which the conflict prohibition does not 
    apply. (i) In instances where a person who might otherwise be deemed to 
    be included under the conflict prohibition is a member of a group or 
    class of beneficiaries of the assisted activity and receives generally 
    the same interest or benefits as are being made available or provided 
    to the group or class, the prohibition does not apply, except that if, 
    by not applying the prohibition against conflict of interest, a 
    violation of tribal (or State) laws on conflict of interest would 
    result, the prohibition does apply.
        (ii) A public disclosure of the nature of the grant assistance to 
    be provided and the specific basis for the selection of the proposed 
    beneficiaries must be made prior to the submission of an application to 
    HUD. Evidence of this disclosure must be provided as a component of the 
        (i) Debarment and suspension. As required by 24 CFR part 24, each 
    grantee must require participants in lower tier covered transactions 
    (e.g., sub-contractors) to include the certification in appendix B of 
    24 CFR part 24 (that neither it nor its principals is presently 
    debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or 
    voluntarily excluded from participation from the covered transaction) 
    in any proposal submitted in connection with
    [[Page 32300]]
    the lower tier transactions. A grantee may rely on the certification, 
    unless it knows the certification is erroneous.
    Subpart B--Applying for Assistance
    Sec. 954.100  General.
        For each fiscal year, HUD will provide funds for the Indian HOME 
    program, totaling one percent (or such other percentage or amount as 
    authorized by Congress) of the amount appropriated for the HOME program 
    to expand the supply of affordable housing. The funds will be awarded 
    competitively and will be made available pursuant to a NOFA published 
    in the Federal Register, in accordance with the requirements of this 
    Sec. 954.101  Allocation of funds.
        Unless HUD determines for administrative convenience based on the 
    amount of HOME funds available to hold a nationwide competition, HOME 
    funds will be allocated to the HUD Area ONAPs responsible for the 
    Indian HOME program competition based upon relative need for housing as 
    measured by the most recent and reliable data available.
    Sec. 954.102  Eligible applicants.
        (a) Eligible applicants for HOME funds for Indian tribes are any 
    Indian Tribe, band, group, or nation, including Alaskan Indians, 
    Aleuts, and Eskimos, and any Alaska native village of the United States 
    which is considered an eligible recipient under Title I of the Indian 
    Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450). 
    Eligible recipients under the Indian Self-Determination and Education 
    Assistance Act are determined by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
        (b) Tribal organizations which are eligible under Title I of the 
    Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act may apply for 
    funds on behalf of any Indian Tribe, band, group, nation, or Alaska 
    native village eligible under that Act when one or more of these 
    entities have authorized the tribal organization to do so through 
    concurring resolutions. Such resolutions must accompany the application 
    for funding. Eligible tribal organizations under Title I of the Indian 
    Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act will be determined by 
    the Bureau of Indian Affairs or Indian Health Service, as appropriate.
        (c) Only eligible applicants shall receive grants. However, 
    eligible applicants may contract or otherwise agree with non-eligible 
    entities such as States, cities, counties, or other organizations to 
    assist in the preparation of applications and to help implement 
    assisted activities.
        (d) To apply for funding in a given fiscal year, an applicant must 
    be eligible as an Indian Tribe or Alaska native village, as provided in 
    paragraph (a) of this section, or as a tribal organization, as provided 
    in paragraph (b) of this section, by the application submission date.
    Sec. 954.103  Housing strategy.
        Grantees are not required to submit a housing strategy to receive 
    HOME funds. However, the application must demonstrate how the proposed 
    project(s) will contribute to a comprehensive approach for expanding 
    the supply of affordable housing for members of the Indian tribe.
    Sec. 954.104  Performance thresholds.
        Applicants must have the administrative capacity to undertake the 
    project proposed, including systems of internal control necessary to 
    administer these projects effectively. In addition, an applicant that 
    has participated in the HOME program must have performed adequately. In 
    cases of previously documented deficient performance, the applicant 
    must have taken appropriate corrective action to improve its 
    performance prior to submitting a HOME application to HUD. The Area 
    ONAP will determine whether or not a grantee is eligible to participate 
    in a particular funding round. Examples of deficient performance may 
    include unresolved serious audit findings and failure to initiate a 
    previous grant.
    Sec. 954.105  Criteria for selection.
        There are four categories of projects that may be funded under the 
    HOME Indian program: housing rehabilitation; acquisition of housing; 
    new housing construction; and tenant-based rental assistance. Each 
    project must be evaluated using the following three criteria:
        (a) Project need and design. The degree to which the proposed 
    project addresses the housing need(s) of the grantee as identified in 
    the application, and the degree to which the proposed project is 
    feasible while maximizing benefits to low-income families.
        (b) Planning and implementation. The degree to which the financial, 
    administrative, and legal actions necessary to undertake the proposed 
    project have been considered and addressed in the application, and the 
    degree to which the grantee has the administrative staff to carry out 
    the project successfully.
        (c) Leveraging. The degree to which other sources of assistance, 
    including mortgage insurance, State funds, other Federal grants, and 
    private contributions, are used in conjunction with HOME funds to carry 
    out the proposed project.
    Sec. 954.106  Announcement of competition.
        A NOFA will describe the maximum points for each of the selection 
    criteria and any special factors to be evaluated in awarding points 
    under the selection factors. The NOFA will also state the deadline for 
    the submission of applications, the total funding available for the 
    competition and any maximum amount of individual awards.
    [Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control 
    number 2577-0191]
    Sec. 954.107  Grant conditions.
        HUD may impose reasonable conditions on grant awards.
    Sec. 954.108  Project amendment.
        (a) Grantees shall request prior HUD approval for all project 
        (b) HUD can approve an amendment to a project if:
        (1) The amendment is due to factors beyond the control of the 
    grantee; and
        (2) The request for approval for a project amendment which involves 
    $100,000 or more includes all application components required by the 
    NOFA published for the last application cycle (not necessarily the year 
    in which the project was rated and ranked) and the modified project 
    scores high enough to have been funded in the competition for the last 
    application cycle. A rating equal to or greater than the lowest rating 
    received by a funded project during the last rating cycle must be 
    attained by the modified project. The request for approval of an 
    amendment for a project which involves less than $100,000 does not have 
    to include the components which address the selection criteria. It does 
    require a description of and the reason for the modification.
        (c) Approval of an amendment request is subject to the following:
        (1) Demonstration by the grantee of the capacity to promptly 
    complete the modified or new project.
        (2) The preparation of an amended or new environmental review in 
    accordance with Part 58 of this title, if there is a significant change 
    in the scope or location of approved project.
        (d) If a project amendment fails to be approved and the original 
    project is no longer feasible, the grant funds proposed for amendment 
    shall be deobligated by HUD and recaptured.
    [[Page 32301]]
    Subpart C--Eligible Activities and Affordability
    Sec. 954.300  Eligible activities.
        (a) Eligible activities. (1) General. HOME funds may be used by a 
    grantee to provide incentives to develop and support affordable rental 
    housing and homeownership affordability and to provide payment of 
    reasonable administrative and planning costs. The housing must be 
    permanent or transitional housing, and includes permanent housing for 
    disabled homeless persons, and single-room occupancy housing. The 
    specific eligible costs for these activities are set forth in 
    Sec. 954.303 and Sec. 954.304.
        (2) Acquisition of vacant land or demolition must be undertaken 
    only as an integral part of a particular HOME new construction project.
        (3) Manufactured housing. Purchase and/or rehabilitation of a 
    manufactured housing unit qualifies as affordable housing only if, at 
    the time of project completion, the unit:
        (i) Is situated on a permanent foundation (except--for 
    rehabilitation not involving purchase--when assisting existing unit 
    owners who rent the lot on which their unit sits);
        (ii) Is connected to permanent utility hook-ups;
        (iii) Is located on land that is held in fee-simple title, land-
    trust, or long-term ground lease with a term at least equal to that of 
    the appropriate affordability period;
        (iv) Meets the construction standards established under 24 CFR part 
    3280 if produced after June 15, 1976. If the unit was produced prior to 
    June 16, 1976, it must comply with applicable tribal, State or local 
    codes; and
        (v) In cases where the owner of a manufactured housing unit does 
    not hold fee-simple title to the land on which the unit is located, the 
    owner may be assisted in purchasing the land under provisions governing 
    rehabilitation not involving purchase.
        (b) Forms of assistance. A grantee may invest HOME funds as equity 
    investments, interest-bearing loans or advances, noninterest-bearing 
    loans or advances, interest subsidies consistent with the purposes of 
    this part, deferred payment loans, grants, or other forms of assistance 
    that HUD determines to be consistent with the purposes of this part. 
    Each grantee has the right to establish the terms of assistance, 
    subject to the requirements of this part.
    Sec. 954.301  Religious organizations.
        HOME funds may not be provided to primarily religious 
    organizations, such as churches, for any activity including secular 
    activities. In addition, HOME funds may not be used to rehabilitate or 
    construct housing owned by primarily religious organizations or to 
    assist primarily religious organizations in acquiring housing. However, 
    HOME funds may be used by a secular entity to acquire housing from a 
    primarily religious organization, and a primarily religious entity may 
    transfer title to property to a wholly secular entity and the entity 
    may participate in the HOME program in accordance with the requirements 
    of this part. The entity may be an existing or newly established entity 
    (which may be an entity established, but not controlled, by the 
    religious organization). The completed housing project must be used 
    exclusively by the owner entity for secular purposes, available to all 
    persons regardless of religion. In particular, there must be no 
    religious or membership criteria for tenants of the property.
    Sec. 954.302  Income determinations.
        Whenever a grantee makes a determination under this part based on 
    family income or adjusted family income, it must use the definitions of 
    annual income, adjusted income, monthly income, and monthly adjusted 
    income, as those terms are defined in 24 CFR part 950, except when 
    determining the income of a homeowner for an owner-occupied 
    rehabilitation project, the equity in the homeowner's principal 
    residence is excluded from ``Net Family Assets.''
    Sec. 954.303  Eligible project costs.
        HOME funds may be used to pay the following eligible costs:
        (a) Development hard costs. The actual cost of constructing or 
    rehabilitating housing. These costs include the following:
        (1) For new construction, costs to meet the applicable new 
    construction standards of the grantee and the Model Energy Code 
    referred to in Sec. 954.401;
        (2) For rehabilitation, costs:
        (i) To meet the applicable rehabilitation standards of the grantee 
    or correcting substandard conditions (minimally, the housing quality 
    standards at Sec. 882.109 of this title), to make essential 
    improvements including energy-related repairs or improvements, 
    improvements necessary to permit the use by handicapped persons, and 
    the abatement of lead-based paint hazards, as required by Sec. 954.4, 
    and to repair or replace major housing systems in danger of failure; 
        (ii) To refinance existing debt secured by a single-family owner-
    occupied unit when loaning HOME funds to rehabilitate the unit, if the 
    overall housing costs of the borrower will be reduced and made more 
        (3) For both new construction and rehabilitation, costs to demolish 
    existing structures and for improvements to the project site that are 
    in keeping with improvements of surrounding, standard projects, and 
    costs to make utility connections. The ``site'' of the improvements may 
    include property adjacent to or near the immediate site of the housing 
    if this property and the housing are owned by the same entity (e.g., 
    the housing is owned--at least until sold to homebuyers--by the grantee 
    and the housing and the improvements are located on a reservation). If 
    the site improvements will benefit other housing (existing or future) 
    in addition to housing assisted with the particular Indian HOME grant, 
    only a pro-rated share of the site improvements may be charged against 
    the HOME grant. Site improvements include roads, streets, sidewalks, 
    curbs, gutters, and connections to utilities, such as storm and 
    sanitary sewers, water supply, gas, and electricity, and the pro rata 
    development cost of facilities for water supply and sewerage collection 
        (4) For new construction or substantial rehabilitation (an 
    expenditure of $25,000 or more per home) the cost of funding an initial 
    operating deficit reserve, which is a reserve to meet any shortfall in 
    project income during the period of project rent-up (not to exceed 18 
    months) and which may only be used to pay operating expenses, reserve 
    for replacement payments, and debt service. Any HOME funds placed in an 
    operating deficit reserve that remain unexpended when the reserve 
    terminates must be returned to the grantee's account and shall be 
    reprogrammed for other activities eligible under this part or returned 
    to HUD promptly.
        (b) Acquisition costs. Costs of acquiring improved or unimproved 
    real property, including acquisition by homebuyers.
        (c) Related soft costs. Other reasonable and necessary costs 
    incurred by the owner and associated with the financing, or development 
    (or both) of new construction, rehabilitation or acquisition of housing 
    assisted with HOME funds. These costs include, but are not limited to:
        (1) Architectural, engineering or related professional services 
    required to prepare plans, drawings, specifications, or work write-ups;
        (2) Costs to process and settle the financing for a project, such 
    as private
    [[Page 32302]]
    lender origination fees, credit reports, fees for title evidence, fees 
    for recordation and filing of legal documents, building permits, 
    attorneys' fees, private appraisal fees and fees for an independent 
    cost estimate, builder and developer fees;
        (3) Costs of a project audit that the grantee may require with 
    respect to the development of a specific project; and
        (4) Costs to pay impact fees that are charged to all housing.
        (d) Relocation costs. Costs of relocation payments and other 
    relocation assistance for permanently and temporarily relocated 
    individuals, families, businesses, private nonprofit organizations, and 
    farm operations where assistance is required under Sec. 954.4 or 
    determined by the grantee to be appropriate under Sec. 954.4.
        (e) Costs related to tenant-based rental assistance. Eligible costs 
    are the rental assistance and security deposit payments made to provide 
    tenant-based rental assistance for a family.
    Sec. 954.304  Eligible administrative costs.
        Eligible administrative costs means reasonable and necessary costs, 
    as described in OMB Circular A-87, (available from the Executive Office 
    of the President, Publication Service, 725 17th Street, N.W., Suite G-
    2200, Washington, DC 20503; Telephone, (202) 395-7332)) incurred by the 
    grantee and related to the planning and execution of HOME activities 
    assisted in whole or in part with funds provided under this part. The 
    grantee may use up to 15 percent of the HOME funds for the payment of 
    eligible administrative costs.
    Sec. 954.305  Tenant-based rental assistance.
        (a) General. A grantee may use HOME funds for tenant-based rental 
    assistance only if the grantee selects families in accordance with 
    written tenant selection policies and criteria that are consistent with 
    the purpose of providing housing to very low- and low-income families 
    and are reasonably related to preference rules established under 
    section 6(c)(4)(A) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437d). 
    The grantee may select eligible families currently residing in units 
    that are designated for rehabilitation or acquisition under the 
    grantee's HOME program without requiring that the family meet the 
    written tenant selection policies and written criteria. Families so 
    selected may use the tenant-based assistance in the rehabilitated or 
    acquired unit or in other qualified housing.
        (b) Program operation. The grantee may operate the program, or may 
    contract with another entity with the capacity to operate a rental 
    assistance program. The tenant-based rental assistance may be provided 
    through an assistance contract to an owner that leases a unit to an 
    assisted family or directly to the family.
        (c) Term of rental assistance contract. The term of the rental 
    assistance contract providing assistance with HOME funds may not exceed 
    24 months, but may be renewed, subject to the availability of HOME 
    funds. The term of the rental assistance contract must begin on the 
    first day of the term of the lease. For a rental assistance contract 
    between a grantee and an owner, the term of the contract must terminate 
    on termination of the lease. For a rental assistance contract between a 
    grantee and a family, the term of the contract need not end on 
    termination of the lease, but no payments may be made after termination 
    of the lease until a family enters into a new lease.
        (d) Rent reasonableness. The grantee must disapprove a lease if the 
    rent is not reasonable, based on rents that are charged for comparable 
    unassisted rental units.
        (e) Lease requirements. The lease must comply with the requirements 
    in Sec. 954.402 of this part.
        (f) Maximum subsidy. (1) The amount of the monthly assistance that 
    a grantee may pay to, or on behalf of, a family may not exceed the 
    difference between a rent standard for the unit size established by the 
    grantee and 30 percent of the family's monthly adjusted income.
        (2) The grantee must establish a minimum dollar amount tenant 
    contribution to rent.
        (3) The grantee's rent standard for a unit size may not be less 
    than 80 percent of the published section 8 existing housing fair market 
    rent (in effect when the payment standard amount is adopted) for the 
    unit size, nor more than the section 8 fair market rent or HUD-approved 
    community-wide exception rent (in effect when the grantee adopts its 
    rent standard amount) for the unit size. Alternatively, the grantee's 
    rent standard for a unit size may be based on local market conditions. 
    Further, a grantee may approve on a unit-by-unit basis a subsidy based 
    on a rent standard that exceeds the applicable section 8 fair market 
    rent by up to 10 percent for 20 percent of units assisted.
        (g) Housing quality standards. Housing occupied by a family 
    receiving tenant-based assistance under this section must meet the 
    performance requirements and acceptability criteria set forth in 
    Sec. 882.109 of this title.
        (h) Use of section 8 assistance. In any case where assistance under 
    section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 becomes available to 
    a grantee, recipients of tenant-based rental assistance under this part 
    will qualify for tenant selection preferences to the same extent as 
    when they received the tenant-based rental assistance under this part.
        (i) Security deposits. (1) A grantee may use HOME funds provided 
    for tenant-based rental assistance to provide loans or grants to very 
    low- and low-income families for security deposits for rental of 
    dwelling units whether or not the grantee provides any other tenant-
    based rental assistance under this section.
        (2) The relevant tribe, State or local definition of ``security 
    deposit'' in the jurisdiction where the unit is located is applicable 
    for the purposes of this part, except that the amount of HOME funds 
    that may be provided for a security deposit may not exceed the 
    equivalent of two month's rent for the unit.
        (3) Only the prospective tenant may apply for HOME security deposit 
    assistance, although the grantee may pay the funds directly to the 
    tenant or to the landlord.
        (4) The lease between a tenant and an owner of rental housing for 
    which HOME security deposit assistance is provided must comply with the 
    requirements of Sec. 954.402.
        (5) HOME funds for security deposits may be provided as a grant or 
    a loan. If they are provided as a loan, the provisions at Sec. 954.501 
    for repayment of HOME investments apply.
    Sec. 954.306  Rental housing: qualification as affordable housing and 
    income targeting.
        (a) Rent limitation. A rental housing project (including the non-
    owner-occupied units in housing purchased with HOME funds in accordance 
    with Sec. 954.306) qualifies as affordable housing under this part only 
    if the project:
        (1) Bears rents not greater than the lesser of--
        (i) The section 8 fair market rent for existing housing for 
    comparable units in the area as established by HUD under Sec. 888.111 
    of this title, less the monthly allowance for the utilities and 
    services (excluding telephone and cable TV) to be paid by the tenant; 
        (ii) A rent that does not exceed 30 percent of the adjusted income 
    of a family whose gross income equals 65 percent of the median income 
    for the area, as determined by HUD, with adjustment for number of 
    bedrooms in the unit, except that HUD may establish income ceilings 
    higher or lower than 65
    [[Page 32303]]
    percent of the median for the area on the basis of HUD's findings that 
    such variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of 
    construction costs or section 8 fair market rents, or unusually high or 
    low family incomes. In determining the maximum monthly rent that may be 
    charged for a unit that is subject to this limitation, the owner or 
    grantee must subtract a monthly allowance for any utilities and 
    services (excluding telephone and cable TV) to be paid by the tenant. 
    HUD will provide average occupancy costs per unit and adjusted income 
    assumptions to be used in calculating the maximum rent allowed under 
    this paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section;
        (2) Has, in the case of projects with three or more rental units, 
    not less than 20 percent of the units--
        (i) Occupied by very low-income families who pay as a contribution 
    toward rent (excluding any Federal, State, or tribal rental subsidy 
    provided on behalf of the family) not more than 30 percent of the 
    family's monthly adjusted income as determined by HUD. To obtain the 
    maximum monthly rent that may be charged for a unit that is subject to 
    this limitation, the owner or grantee multiplies the annual adjusted 
    income of the tenant family by 30 percent and divides by 12 and, if 
    applicable, subtracts a monthly allowance for the utilities and 
    services (excluding telephone and cable TV) to be paid by the tenant; 
        (ii) Occupied by very low-income families and bearing rents not 
    greater than 30 percent of the gross income of a family whose income 
    equals 50 percent of the median income for the area, as determined by 
    HUD, with adjustment for smaller and larger families, except that HUD 
    may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 50 percent of the 
    median for the area on the basis of HUD's findings that such variations 
    are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction costs or 
    section 8 fair market rents, or unusually high or low family incomes. 
    In determining the maximum monthly rent that may be charged for a unit 
    that is subject to this limitation, the owner or grantee must subtract 
    a monthly allowance for any utilities and services (excluding telephone 
    and cable TV) to be paid by the tenant. HUD will provide average 
    occupancy per unit assumptions to be used in calculating the maximum 
    rent allowed under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section;
        (3) Is occupied only by households that qualify as low-income 
        (4) Is not refused for leasing to a holder of a certificate of 
    family participation under 24 CFR part 882 (rental certificate program) 
    or a rental voucher under 24 CFR part 887 (rental voucher program) or 
    to the holder of a comparable document evidencing participation in a 
    HOME tenant-based assistance program because of the status of the 
    prospective tenant as a holder of such certificate of family 
    participation, rental voucher, or comparable HOME tenant-based 
    assistance document; and
        (5) Will remain affordable without regard to the term of any 
    mortgage or the transfer of ownership, pursuant to deed restrictions, 
    covenants running with the land, or other mechanisms approved by HUD, 
    for not less than the appropriate period, beginning after project 
    completion, as specified in the following table, except that the 
    affordability restrictions may terminate upon foreclosure or transfer 
    in lieu of foreclosure. The tribe may use purchase options, rights of 
    first refusal or other preemptive rights to purchase the housing before 
    foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure to preserve affordability. 
    The affordability restrictions shall be revived according to the 
    original terms if, during the affordability period, the owner of record 
    before the foreclosure, or deed in lieu of foreclosure, or any entity 
    that includes the former owner or those with whom the former owner has 
    or had family of business ties, obtains an ownership interest in the 
    project or property.
                                                                 period of  
                             Activity                          affordability
                                                                  in years  
    Rehabilitation or acquisition of existing housing per                   
     unit amount of HOME funds: Under $15,000................             5 
    $15,000 to $40,000.......................................            10 
    Over $40,000.............................................            15 
    New construction or acquisition of newly constructed                    
     housing.................................................            20 
        (b) Rent schedule and utility allowances. The grantee must review 
    and approve rents proposed by the owner for units with ``flat rents,'' 
    i.e., units subject to the maximum rent limitations in paragraphs 
    (a)(1)(i), (a)(1)(ii), or (a)(2)(ii) of this section, and, if 
    applicable, must review and approve, for all units subject to the 
    maximum rent limitations paragraph (a) of this section, the monthly 
    allowances, proposed by the owner, for utilities and services to be 
    paid by the tenant. The owner must reexamine the income of each tenant 
    household living in lower income units at least annually. The maximum 
    monthly rent must be recalculated by the owner and reviewed and 
    approved by the grantee annually, and may change as changes in the 
    applicable gross rent amounts, the income adjustments, or the monthly 
    allowance for utilities and services warrant. Any increase in rents for 
    low-income units is subject to the provisions of outstanding leases; in 
    any event, the owner must provide tenants of those units not less than 
    30 days prior written notice before implementing any increase in rents.
        (c) Increases in tenant income. Rental housing qualifies as 
    affordable housing despite a temporary noncompliance with paragraphs 
    (a)(2) or (a)(3) of this section, if the noncompliance is caused by 
    increases in the incomes of existing tenants and if actions 
    satisfactory to HUD are being taken to ensure that all vacancies are 
    filled in accordance with this section until the noncompliance is 
    corrected. Tenants who no longer qualify as low-income families must 
    pay as rent the lesser of the amount payable by the tenant under 
    tribal, State or local law or 30 percent of the family's adjusted 
    monthly income, as recertified annually. The preceding sentence shall 
    not apply with respect to funds made available under this part for 
    units that have been allocated a low-income housing tax credit by a 
    housing credit agency pursuant to section 42 of the Internal Revenue 
    Code 1986 (26 U.S.C. 7805).
        (d) Adjustment of qualifying rent. HUD may adjust the qualifying 
    rent established for a project under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, 
    only if HUD finds that an adjustment is necessary to support the 
    continued financial viability of the project and only by an amount that 
    HUD determines is necessary to maintain continued financial viability 
    of the project. HUD expects that this authority will be used sparingly. 
    Adjustments in section 8 fair
    [[Page 32304]]
    market rents and in median income over time should help maintain the 
    financial viability of a project within the qualifying rent standard in 
    paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Regardless of changes in fair market 
    rents and in median income over time, the qualifying rents are not 
    required to be lower than the HOME rent for the project in effect at 
    the time of project commitment.
    Sec. 954.307   Homeownership: qualification as affordable housing.
        (a) Purchase with or without rehabilitation. Housing that is for 
    purchase by a family qualifies as affordable housing only if the 
    housing: (1)(i) Has an initial purchase price that does not exceed 95% 
    of the median purchase price for the type of single family housing (1- 
    to 4-family residence, condominium unit, cooperative unit, combination 
    manufactured home and lot, or manufactured home lot) for the area as 
    determined by HUD, and which may be appealed in accordance with 24 CFR 
    203.18b; and
         (ii) Has an estimated appraised value at acquisition, if standard, 
    or after any repair needed to meet property standards in Sec. 954.401, 
    that does not exceed the limit described in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this 
        (2) Is the principal residence of an owner whose family qualifies 
    as a low-income family at the time of purchase; and
        (3) Is subject--for minimum periods of: 5 years where the per unit 
    amount of HOME funds provided is less than $15,000; 10 years where the 
    per unit amount of HOME funds provided is $15,000 to $40,000; and 15 
    years where the per unit amount of HOME funds provided is greater than 
    $40,000--to resale restrictions, as described in paragraph (a)(3)(i) of 
    this section, or recapture provisions, as described in paragraph 
    (a)(3)(ii) of this section, that are established by the grantee and 
    determined by HUD to be appropriate.
        (i) Resale restrictions must make the housing available for 
    subsequent purchase only to a low income family that will use the 
    property as its principal residence; and
        (A) Provide the owner with a fair return on investment, including 
    any improvements; and
        (B) Ensure that the housing will remain affordable, pursuant to 
    deed restrictions, covenants running with the land, or other similar 
    mechanisms to ensure affordability, to a reasonable range of low-income 
    homebuyers. The affordability restrictions must terminate upon 
    occurrence of any of the following termination events: foreclosure, 
    transfer in lieu of foreclosure or assignment of an FHA insured 
    mortgage to HUD. The grantee may use purchase options, rights of first 
    refusal or other preemptive rights to purchase the housing before 
    foreclosure to preserve affordability. The affordability restrictions 
    shall be revived according to the original terms if, during the 
    original affordability period, the owner of record before the 
    termination event reacquires title to the property.
        (ii) A grantee's recapture provisions must provide for the 
    recapture of the full HOME investment out of net proceeds, except as 
    provided in paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(B) of this section.
        (A) Net proceeds means the sales price minus loan repayment and 
    closing costs.
        (B) If the net proceeds are not sufficient to recapture the full 
    HOME investment plus enable the homeowner to recover the amount of the 
    homeowner's downpayment, principal payments, and any capital 
    improvement investment, the grantee's recapture provisions may allow 
    the HOME investment amount that must be recaptured to be reduced. The 
    HOME investment amount may be reduced pro rata based on the time the 
    homeowner has owned and occupied the unit measured against the required 
    affordability period; except that the grantee's recapture provisions 
    may not allow the homeowner to recover more than the amount of the 
    homeowner's downpayment, principal payments, and any capital 
    improvement investment.
        (C) The HOME investment that is subject to recapture is the HOME 
    assistance that enabled the first homebuyer to buy the dwelling unit. 
    This includes any HOME assistance, whether a direct subsidy to the 
    homebuyer or a construction or development subsidy, that reduced the 
    purchase price from fair market value to an affordable price. The 
    recaptured funds must be used to carry out HOME-eligible activities. If 
    no HOME funds will be subject to recapture, the provisions at 
    Sec. 954.306(a)(3)(i) apply.
        (D) Upon recapture of the HOME funds used in a single-family, 
    homebuyer project with two to four units, the affordability period on 
    rental units may be terminated at the discretion of the tribe.
        (b) Rehabilitation not involving purchase. Housing that is 
    currently owned by a family qualifies as affordable housing only if--
        (1) The value of the property, after rehabilitation, does not 
    exceed 95% of the median purchase price for the type of single family 
    housing (1- to 4-family residence, condominium unit, combination 
    manufactured home and lot, or manufactured home lot) for the area as 
    determined by HUD, and which may be appealed in accordance with 24 CFR 
    203.18b; and
        (2) The housing is the principal residence of an owner whose family 
    qualifies as a low-income family at the time HOME funds are committed 
    to the housing.
    Sec. 954.308   Prohibited activities.
        (a) HOME funds may not be used to--
        (1) Provide a project reserve account for replacements, a project 
    reserve account for unanticipated increases in operating costs, or 
    operating subsidies; except as authorized under Sec. 954.302; (2) 
    Provide nonfederal matching contributions required under any other 
    Federal program;
        (3) Provide assistance in connection with programs authorized under 
    part 950 (Indian Housing Programs) of this title;
        (4) Provide assistance to eligible low-income housing under part 
    248 (Prepayment of Low Income Housing Mortgages) of this title; or
        (5) Provide assistance (other than tenant-based rental assistance 
    or assistance to a homebuyer to acquire housing previously assisted 
    with HOME funds) to a project previously assisted with HOME funds 
    during the period of affordability established by the grantee under 
    Sec. 954.306 or Sec. 954.307. However, additional HOME funds may be 
    committed to a project up to one year after project completion (see 
    Sec. 954.500), but the amount of HOME funds in the project may not 
    exceed the maximum per-unit subsidy amount established under 
    Sec. 954.400.
        (b) Grantees may not charge monitoring, servicing and origination 
    fees in HOME-assisted projects. However, grantees may charge nominal 
    application fees (although these fees are not an eligible HOME cost) to 
    project owners to discourage frivolous applications.
    Subpart D--Project Requirements
    Sec. 954.400  Maximum per-unit subsidy amount.
        The amount of HOME funds that a grantee may invest on a per-unit 
    basis in affordable housing may not exceed the total development cost 
    standard for the area, as issued by HUD under 24 CFR 950.220. These 
    total development cost standards are available from HUD Area ONAPs.
    Sec. 954.401  Property standards.
        (a) Housing that is assisted with HOME funds, at a minimum, must 
    meet the housing quality standards in Sec. 882.109 of this title. In 
    [[Page 32305]]
    housing that is newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated with 
    HOME funds must meet all applicable local codes, rehabilitation 
    standards, ordinances, and zoning ordinances. The grantee must have 
    written standards for rehabilitation. Newly constructed housing must 
    meet the current edition of the Model Energy Code published by the 
    Council of American Building Officials.
        (b) The following requirements apply to housing for homeownership 
    that is to be rehabilitated after transfer of the ownership interest:
        (1) Before the transfer of the ownership interest, the grantee 
        (i) Inspect the housing for any defects that pose a danger to 
    health; and
        (ii) Notify the prospective purchaser of the work needed to cure 
    the defects and the time by which defects must be cured and applicable 
    property standards met.
        (2) The housing must be free from all noted health and safety 
    defects before occupancy and not later than 6 months after the transfer 
    for completion of the transitional housing tenancy period.
        (3) The housing must meet the applicable property standards (at a 
    minimum, the housing quality standards in Sec. 882.109 of this title) 
    not later than 2 years after transfer of the ownership interest.
    Sec. 954.402  Tenant and participant protections.
        (a) Lease. The lease between a tenant and an owner of rental 
    housing assisted with HOME funds must be for not less than one year, 
    unless by mutual agreement between the tenant and the owner.
        (b) Prohibited lease terms. The lease may not contain any of the 
    following provisions:
        (1) Agreement to be sued. Agreement by the tenant to be sued, to 
    admit guilt, or to a judgment in favor of the owner in a lawsuit 
    brought in connection with the lease;
        (2) Treatment of property. Agreement by the tenant that the owner 
    may take, hold, or sell personal property of household members without 
    notice to the tenant and a court decision on the rights of the parties. 
    This prohibition, however, does not apply to an agreement by the tenant 
    concerning disposition of personal property remaining in the housing 
    unit after the tenant has moved out of the unit. The owner may dispose 
    of this personal property in accordance with tribal law (or State law, 
    which may apply if the Indian tribe is not exercising recognized powers 
    of self-government);
        (3) Excusing owner from responsibility. Agreement by the tenant not 
    to hold the owner or the owner's agents legally responsible for any 
    action or failure to act, whether intentional or negligent;
        (4) Waiver of notice. Agreement of the tenant that the owner may 
    institute a lawsuit without notice to the tenant;
        (5) Waiver of legal proceedings. Agreement by the tenant that the 
    owner may evict the tenant or household members without instituting a 
    civil court proceeding in which the tenant has the opportunity to 
    present a defense, or before a court decision on the rights of the 
        (6) Waiver of a jury trial. Agreement by the tenant to waive any 
    right to a trial by jury;
        (7) Waiver of right to appeal court decision. Agreement by the 
    tenant to waive the tenant's right to appeal, or to otherwise challenge 
    in court, a court decision in connection with the lease; and
        (8) Tenant chargeable with cost of legal actions regardless of 
    outcome. Agreement by the tenant to pay attorney's fees or other legal 
    costs even if the tenant wins in a court proceeding by the owner 
    against the tenant. The tenant, however, may be obligated to pay costs 
    if the tenant loses.
        (c) Termination of tenancy. An owner may not terminate the tenancy 
    or refuse to renew the lease of a tenant of rental housing assisted 
    with HOME funds except for serious or repeated violation of the terms 
    and conditions of the lease; for violation of applicable Federal, or 
    tribal law (or State law, which may apply if the grantee is not 
    exercising recognized powers of self-government); or for other good 
    cause. Any termination or refusal to renew must be preceded by not less 
    than 30 days by the owner's service upon the tenant of a written notice 
    specifying the grounds for the action.
        (d) Maintenance and replacement. An owner of rental housing 
    assisted with HOME funds must maintain the premises in compliance with 
    all applicable housing quality standards and local code requirements.
        (e) Tenant selection. An owner of rental housing assisted with HOME 
    funds must adopt written tenant selection policies and criteria that--
        (1) Are consistent with the purpose of providing housing for very 
    low-income and low-income families;
        (2) Are reasonably related to program eligibility and the 
    applicant's ability to perform the obligations of the lease;
        (3) Give reasonable consideration to the housing needs of families 
    that would have a preference under section 6(c)(4)(A) of the U.S. 
    Housing Act of 1937 (Federal selection preferences for admission to 
    public housing); and
        (4) Provide for--
        (i) The selection of tenants from a written waiting list in the 
    chronological order of their application, insofar as is practicable; 
        (ii) The prompt written notification to any rejected applicant of 
    the grounds for any rejection.
    Subpart E--Program Administration
    Sec. 954.500  Repayment of investment.
        (a) HOME funds will be made available pursuant to a HOME Investment 
    Partnership Agreement. The agreement ensures that HOME funds invested 
    in affordable housing are repayable if the housing ceases to qualify as 
    affordable housing before the period of affordability expires. The 
    amount of HOME funds expended on housing assisted with HOME funds that 
    does not meet the affordability requirements for the period specified 
    in Sec. 954.306 or Sec. 954.307, as applicable, must be repaid in 
    accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.
        (b) Any repayment of HOME funds (including repayment required if 
    the housing no longer qualifies as affordable housing), and any payment 
    of interest or other return on the investment of HOME funds, that is 
    made before grant close out must be deposited in the grantee's account 
    and used in accordance with the requirements of this part. A grantee 
    may retain repayments, interest, and other return on investment of HOME 
    funds that are made after grant closeout if the grantee agrees to use 
    the funds for eligible activities.
        (c) HUD will recapture HOME funds that are not expended within five 
    years after the last day of the month in which it obligated the funds.
        (d) Termination before completion. If a project is terminated 
    before its completion, whether voluntarily by the grantee or otherwise, 
    an amount equal to the HOME funds disbursed for the project must be 
    paid by the grantee to its HOME account. If the HOME funds were 
    disbursed by HUD, the amount must be paid to HUD; if the HOME funds 
    were disbursed from the grantee's account, the amount must be paid to 
    the grantee's account. If the amount is not repaid, the grantee will be 
    subject to actions under Sec. 954.600 Performance reviews, Sec. 954.601 
    Corrective and remedial actions, and Sec. 954.602 Notice and 
    opportunity for hearing; sanctions.
    Sec. 954.501  Grantee responsibilities; written agreements; monitoring.
        (a) Responsibilities. The grantee is responsible for ensuring that 
    [[Page 32306]]
    funds are used in accordance with all program requirements. The use of 
    subgrantees and contractors does not relieve the grantee of this 
        (b) Executing a written agreement. Before disbursing any HOME funds 
    to any entity (e.g., for-profit housing developer, nonprofit 
    organization, homeowner, or IHA) the grantee must enter into a written 
    agreement with the entity ensuring compliance with the requirements of 
    this part. A subgrantee and a contractor must also enter into a written 
    agreement before it disburses funds to any entity. The agreement 
    remains in effect during the period for affordability under 
    Sec. 954.306 or Sec. 954.307, as applicable, or if the entity is a 
    subgrantee, during any period that the entity has control over HOME 
        (c) Provisions in written agreement. At a minimum, the written 
    agreement must include applicable provisions concerning the following 
        (1) Use of the HOME funds. The agreement must describe the use of 
    the HOME funds, including the tasks to be performed, a schedule for 
    completing the tasks, and a budget. These items must be in sufficient 
    detail to provide a sound basis for the grantee effectively to monitor 
    performance under the agreement.
        (2) Affordability. The agreement must require housing assisted with 
    HOME funds to meet the affordability requirements of Sec. 954.306 or 
    Sec. 954.307, as applicable, and must require repayment of the funds if 
    the housing does not meet the affordability requirements for the 
    specified time period.
        (3) Repayments. If the entity is a subgrantee, the agreement must 
    state if repayment, interest, and other return on the investment of 
    HOME funds are to be remitted to the grantee or are to be retained for 
    additional eligible activities by the entity.
        (4) Uniform administrative requirements. If the entity is a 
    subgrantee, the agreement must require the entity to comply with 
    applicable uniform administrative requirements, as described in 
    Sec. 954.502.
        (5) Project requirements. The agreement must require compliance 
    with project requirements in Sec. 954.400 through Sec. 954.402 of this 
    part, as applicable in accordance with the type of project assisted.
        (6) Housing quality standard. The agreement must require owners of 
    rental housing assisted with HOME funds to maintain the housing in 
    compliance with applicable Housing Quality Standards and local housing 
    code requirements for the duration of the agreement.
        (7) Other program requirements. The agreement must require the 
    entity to carry out each activity in compliance with all Federal laws 
    and regulations described in Sec. 954.4.
        (8) Conditions for religious organizations. Where applicable, the 
    agreement must include the conditions prescribed in Sec. 954.301 for 
    the use of HOME funds by religious organizations.
        (9) Requests for disbursements of funds. The agreement must specify 
    that the entity may not request disbursement of funds under the 
    agreement until the funds are needed for payment of eligible costs. The 
    amount of each request must be limited to the amount needed.
        (10) Reversion of assets. If the entity is a subgrantee, the 
    agreement must specify that upon expiration of the agreement, the 
    entity must transfer to the grantee any HOME funds on hand at the time 
    of expiration and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of 
    HOME funds.
        (11) Records and reports. The agreement must specify the particular 
    records that must be maintained and any information or reports that 
    must be submitted in order to assist the grantee in meeting its 
    recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
        (12) Enforcement of the agreement. The agreement must provide for a 
    means of enforcement by the grantee or the intended beneficiaries. In 
    addition, the agreement must specify remedies for breach of the 
    provisions of the agreement. If the entity is a subgrantee, the 
    agreement must specify that, in accordance with 24 CFR 85.43, 
    suspension or termination may occur if the entity materially fails to 
    comply with any term of the agreement, and that the agreement may be 
    terminated for convenience in accordance with 24 CFR 85.44.
        (13) Duration of the agreement. The agreement must specify that the 
    agreement is in effect for the period of affordability required by the 
    grantee under Sec. 954.306 or Sec. 954.307.
        (d) Monitoring. The grantee is responsible for managing the day-to-
    day operations of its HOME program, for monitoring the performance of 
    all entities receiving HOME funds from the grantee to assure compliance 
    with the requirements of this part, and for taking appropriate action 
    when performance problems arise.
        (1) Not less than annually, the grantee must review the activities 
    of owners of rental housing assisted with HOME funds to assess 
    compliance with the requirement of this part, as set forth in the 
    written agreement under paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. For 
    multifamily housing, each review must include on-site inspection to 
    determine compliance with housing codes and the requirements of this 
    part. For rental housing containing one- to four-dwelling units, an on-
    site review must be made once within each two-year period. The results 
    of each review must be included in the grantee's performance report.
        (2) Not less than annually, the grantee must review the performance 
    of each contractor and subgrantee.
    Sec. 954.502  Applicability of uniform administrative requirements.
        (a) Governmental entities. The requirements of OMB Circular No. A-
    87 and the following requirements of 24 CFR part 85 apply to the 
    grantee and any governmental subgrantee receiving HOME funds: 
    Secs. 85.6, 85.12, 85.20, 85.21, 85.22, 85.26, 85.32, 85.33, 85.35, 
    85.36, 85.43, 85.44, 85.51, and 85.52.
        (b) Non-profit organizations. The requirements of OMB Circular No. 
    A-122 (available from the Executive Office of the President, 
    Publication Service, 725 17th Street, N.W., Suite G-2200, Washington, 
    DC 20503; Telephone, (202) 395-7332)) and the following requirements of 
    24 CFR part 84 apply to subgrantees receiving HOME funds that are 
    private nonprofit organizations: Secs. 84.12, 84.22, 84.23, 84.25, 
    84.51, 84.52, and 84.71.
        (c) Alternatives to bonding. For construction contracts that exceed 
    the amount for small purchase under 24 CFR 85.36, each contractor shall 
    be required to provide bid guarantees and adequate assurance of 
    performance and payment acceptable to HUD in accordance with 24 CFR 
    85.36(h). Performance and payment bonds for 100 percent of the total 
    contract price are acceptable to HUD. There may be circumstances under 
    which the bonding requirements of Sec. 85.36(h) are inconsistent with 
    other responsibilities and obligations of the grantee. Alternative 
    methods to provide performance and payment assurance may include:
        (1) Deposit with the grantee of a cash escrow of not less than 20 
    percent of the total contract price, subject to reduction during the 
    warranty period, commensurate with potential risk;
        (2) Letter of credit for 25 percent of the total contract price, 
    unconditionally payable upon demand of the grantee, subject to 
    reduction during the warranty period commensurate with potential risk.
    Sec. 954.503  Audit.
        Audits of the grantee and subgrantees must be conducted in 
    accordance with 24 CFR parts 44 and 45, as applicable.
    [[Page 32307]]
    Sec. 954.504  Closeout.
        (a) A grant will be closed out when all the following criteria have 
    been met:
        (1) All funds to be closed out have been drawn down and expended 
    for completed project costs, or funds not drawn down and expended have 
    been deobligated by HUD;
        (2) Project Completion Reports for all projects using funds to be 
    closed out have been submitted. HUD will use data contained in the 
    project completion reports in the preparation of the Closeout Reports;
        (3) The grantee has been reviewed and audited and HUD has 
    determined that all requirements, including affordability (for which 
    also see paragraph (b)(2) of this section), are met or all monitoring 
    and audit findings have been resolved.
        (i) A signed copy of the grantee's most recent audit report--
    covering all funds to be closed out--must be received by HUD. If the 
    audit review by the Department of Interior (DOI) results in significant 
    delays, the Area ONAP may request a signed copy of the audit prior to 
    DOI review and use it as the document needed prior to closeout. If the 
    audit does not cover all funds to be closed out, the closeout may 
    proceed, provided the grantee agrees in the Closeout Report that any 
    costs paid with the funds that were not audited must be subject to the 
    grantee's next single audit and that the grantee may be required to 
    repay to HUD any disallowed costs based on the results of the audit.
        (ii) The on-site monitoring of the grantee by the Area ONAP must 
    include verification of data reflected in the Closeout Report and 
    reconciliation of any discrepancies which may exist between HUD data 
    and grantee records.
        (b) The Closeout Report contains the final data on the funds and 
    must be signed by the grantee and HUD. In addition, the report must 
        (1) A provision regarding unaudited funds (``closeout subject to 
    audit''), required by paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section; and
        (2) A provision requiring the grantee to continue to meet the 
    requirements applicable to housing projects for the period of 
    affordability specified in Sec. 954.306 or Sec. 954.307, to keep 
    records demonstrating that the requirements have been met and to repay 
    the HOME funds, as required by Sec. 954.500, if the housing fails to 
    remain affordable for the required period.
    Sec. 954.505  Recordkeeping.
        (a) General. Each grantee must establish and maintain sufficient 
    records to enable HUD to determine whether the grantee has met the 
    requirements of this part. Records must be kept in a manner that 
    identifies the source and use of funds for each project.
        (b) Period of record retention. (1) Except as provided in 
    paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(3), or (b)(4) of this section, records must be 
    retained for three years after closeout of the funds.
        (2) If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action 
    has been started before the expiration of the regular period specified 
    in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the records must be retained until 
    completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from 
    it, or until the end of the regular period, whichever is later.
        (3) Records regarding project requirements (Sec. 954.400 to 
    Sec. 954.402) and other federal requirements (Sec. 954.4) that apply 
    for the duration of the period of affordability, as well as the written 
    agreement and inspection and monitoring reports must be retained for 
    three years after the required period of affordability specified in 
    Sec. 954.306 or Sec. 954.307, as applicable.
        (4) Records covering displacements and acquisition must be retained 
    for at least three years after the date by which all persons displaced 
    from the property and all persons whose property is acquired for the 
    project have received the final payment to which they are entitled in 
    accordance with Sec. 954.4(e).
        (c) Access to records. (1) The grantee must provide citizens, 
    public agencies, and other interested parties with reasonable access to 
    records, consistent with applicable tribal laws (or State law, which 
    may apply if the Indian tribe is not exercising recognized powers of 
    self-government) regarding privacy and obligations of confidentiality.
        (2) HUD and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of 
    their representatives, have the right of access to any pertinent books, 
    documents, papers or other records of the grantees and subgrantees, in 
    order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts.
    [Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control 
    number 2577-0191]
    Sec. 954.506  Performance reports.
        (a) Management reports. Each grantee must submit management reports 
    on its HOME program in such format and at such time as HUD may 
    prescribe. Each grantee must submit a ``Financial Status Report,'' SF-
    269A, short form, at the same time it submits the Semi-Annual 
    Performance Report, described below. A separate ``Financial Status 
    Report'' is to be submitted for each Indian HOME program grant that the 
    grantee has received.
        (b) Semi-Annual performance report. (1) Submission. A grantee must 
    submit a semi-annual performance report on its HOME activities to the 
    responsible Area ONAP at such time as HUD may prescribe. Single copies 
    of the report must be provided to the public upon request at no charge.
        (2) Elements of the semi-annual performance report. The report must 
    contain such information and be in such form as HUD may prescribe, and 
    must include at least the following:
        (i) A report on the proposed use of HOME funds from the grant 
    application, consisting of the number of additional housing 
    opportunities to be created for low-income and very low-income 
    families, by project category (housing rehabilitation, acquisition of 
    housing, new housing construction, and tenant-based rental assistance);
        (ii) A report on the actual use of HOME funds, consisting of the 
    number of additional housing opportunities created for low-income and 
    very low-income families, by project category (housing rehabilitation, 
    acquisition of housing, new housing construction, and tenant-based 
    rental assistance). This includes a report on project income and 
    includes data on the amount of repayments, interest, and other return 
    on investment of HOME funds and the use of the funds for projects, 
    including number of projects assisted, and characteristics of tenants 
    and owners;
        (iii) An assessment of the effectiveness of the efforts in 
    providing the preferences and opportunities under section 7(b) of the 
    Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 
    450e(b)); and
        (iv) Data on the total number of households (families and 
    individuals) and business and nonprofit organizations displaced as a 
    result of investments of HOME funds, including the cost of relocation 
    payments (moving expenses and replacement housing), and the number and 
    cost of real property acquisitions.
    [Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control 
    number 2577-0191]
    Sec. 954.507  Submission of project completion reports.
        A Project Completion Report must be submitted to HUD within 120 
    days of the final drawdown request for the project. If a satisfactory 
    Project Completion Report is not submitted by the due date, HUD will 
    suspend further HOME disbursements and grant approvals for the grantee. 
    Disbursements and grant approvals will remain suspended until a 
    satisfactory Project Completion Report is received.
    [[Page 32308]]
    [Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control 
    number 2577-0191]
    Subpart F--Performance Reviews and Sanctions
    Sec. 954.600  Performance reviews.
        (a) General. HUD will review the performance of each grantee in 
    carrying out its responsibilities under this part whenever determined 
    necessary by HUD, but at least annually. In conducting performance 
    reviews, HUD will rely primarily on information obtained from the 
    grantee's records and reports, findings from on-site monitoring, audit 
    reports, and information generated from fund requisition systems. Where 
    applicable, HUD may also consider relevant information pertaining to a 
    grantee's performance gained from other sources, including citizen 
    comments, complaint determinations, and litigation. Reviews to 
    determine compliance with specific requirements of this part will be 
    conducted as necessary, with or without prior notice to the grantee. 
    Comprehensive performance reviews under the standards in paragraph (b) 
    of this section will be conducted after prior notice to the grantee.
        (b) Standards for comprehensive performance review. A grantee's 
    performance will be comprehensively reviewed periodically, as 
    prescribed by HUD, to determine whether the grantee:
        (1) Has committed the HOME funds in the HUD account as required and 
    expended the funds as required; and
        (2) Has met the requirements of the grant agreement and this part, 
    particularly eligible activities and affordability.
    Sec. 954.601  Corrective and remedial actions.
        (a) General. HUD will use the procedures in this section in 
    conducting the performance review as provided in Sec. 954.600 and in 
    taking corrective and remedial actions. However, HUD may temporarily 
    suspend payments based upon HUD's preliminary determination that the 
    grantee has failed to comply with the requirements of the Act, 
    regulations, or grant agreement if suspension is necessary to preclude 
    the further expenditure of funds for activities affected by the failure 
    to comply.
        (b) Performance review. (1) If HUD determines preliminarily that 
    the grantee has not met a requirement of this part, the grantee will be 
    given notice of this determination and an opportunity to demonstrate, 
    within the time prescribed by HUD (not to exceed 30 days) and on the 
    basis of substantial facts and data, that it has done so.
        (2) If the grantee fails to demonstrate to HUD's satisfaction that 
    it has met the requirement, HUD will take corrective or remedial action 
    in accordance with this section or Sec. 954.602.
        (c) Corrective and remedial actions. Corrective or remedial actions 
    for a performance deficiency (failure to meet a provision of this part) 
    will be designed to prevent a continuation of the deficiency; mitigate, 
    to the extent possible, its adverse effects or consequences; and 
    prevent its recurrence.
        (1) HUD may request the grantee to submit and comply with proposals 
    for action to correct, mitigate and prevent a performance deficiency, 
        (i) Preparing and following a schedule of actions for carrying out 
    the affected activities, consisting of schedules, timetables, and 
    milestones necessary to implement the affected activities;
        (ii) Establishing and following a management plan that assigns 
    responsibilities for carrying out the remedial actions;
        (iii) Cancelling or revising activities likely to be affected by 
    the performance deficiency, before expending HOME funds for the 
        (iv) Reprogramming HOME funds in the HUD account that have not yet 
    been expended from affected activities to other eligible activities;
        (v) Reimbursing the HUD account in any amount not used in 
    accordance with the requirements of this part; and
        (vi) Suspending disbursement of funds in the HUD account for 
    affected activities.
        (2) HUD may also--
        (i) Change the method of payment from an advance to reimbursement 
    basis; and
        (ii) Take other remedies that may be legally available.
    Sec. 954.602  Notice and opportunity for hearing; sanctions.
        (a) If HUD finds after reasonable notice and opportunity for 
    hearing that a grantee has failed to comply with any provision of this 
    part and until HUD is satisfied that there is no longer any such 
    failure to comply:
        (1) HUD shall reduce the funds in the HUD account by the amount of 
    any expenditures that were not in accordance with the requirements of 
    this part; and
        (2) HUD may--
        (i) Prevent withdrawals from the HUD account for activities 
    affected by the failure to comply; or
        (ii) Prohibit the grantee from competing for HOME funds under 
    Sec. 954.104; Provided, however, that HUD may on due notice suspend 
    payments from the HUD account at any time after the issuance of a 
    notice of opportunity for hearing pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this 
    section, pending such hearing and a final decision, to the extent HUD 
    determines such action necessary to preclude the further expenditure of 
    funds for activities affected by the failure to comply.
        (b) Proceedings. When HUD proposes to take action pursuant to this 
    section, the respondent in the proceedings will be the grantee.
        (1) Notice of opportunity for hearing. HUD shall notify the 
    respondent in writing of the proposed action and of the opportunity for 
    a hearing. The notice shall be sent by first class mail. The notice 
    shall specify:
        (i) In a manner which is adequate to allow the respondent to 
    prepare its response, the basis upon which HUD determined that the 
    respondent failed to comply with a provision of this part;
        (ii) That the hearing procedures are governed by these rules;
        (iii) That the respondent has 14 days from receipt of the notice 
    within which to provide a written request for a hearing to the Chief 
    Docket Clerk, Office of Administrative Law Judges, and the address and 
    telephone number of the Chief Docket Clerk;
        (iv) The action HUD proposes to take and that the authority for 
    this action is Sec. 954.602; and
        (v) That if the respondent fails to request a hearing within the 
    time specified, HUD's determination that the respondent failed to 
    comply with a provision of this part shall be final and HUD may proceed 
    to take the proposed action.
        (2) Initiation of hearing. The respondent shall be allowed 14 days 
    from receipt of the notice within which to notify the Chief Docket 
    Clerk, Office of Administrative Law Judges, of its request for a 
    hearing. If no request is received within the time specified, HUD's 
    determination that the respondent failed to comply with a provision of 
    this part shall be final and HUD may proceed to take the proposed 
        (3) Administrative Law Judge. Proceedings conducted under these 
    rules shall be presided over by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), 
    appointed as provided by section 11 of the Administrative Procedures 
    Act (5 U.S.C. 3105). The case shall be referred to the ALJ at the time 
    a hearing is requested. The ALJ shall promptly notify the parties of 
    the time and place at which the hearing will be held. The ALJ shall 
    conduct a fair and impartial hearing and take all action necessary to 
    avoid delay in the disposition of
    [[Page 32309]]
    proceedings and to maintain order. The ALJ shall have all powers 
    necessary to those ends, including but not limited to the power to:
        (i) Administer oaths and affirmations;
        (ii) Issue subpoenas as authorized by law;
        (iii) Rule upon offers of proof and receive relevant evidence;
        (iv) Order or limit discovery before the hearing as the interests 
    of justice may require;
        (v) Regulate the course of the hearing and the conduct of the 
    parties and their counsel;
        (vi) Hold conferences for the settlement or simplification of the 
    issues by consent of the parties;
        (vii) Consider and rule upon all procedural and other motions 
    appropriate in adjudicative proceedings; and
        (viii) Make and file initial determinations.
        (4) Ex parte communications. An ex parte communication is any 
    communication with an ALJ, direct or indirect, oral or written, 
    concerning the merits or procedures of any pending proceeding which is 
    made by a party in the absence of any other party. Ex parte 
    communications are prohibited except where the purpose and content of 
    the communication have been disclosed in advance or simultaneously to 
    all parties, or the communication is a request for information 
    concerning the status of the case. Any ALJ who receives an ex parte 
    communication which the ALJ knows or has reason to believe is 
    unauthorized shall promptly place the communication, or its substance, 
    in all files and shall furnish copies to all parties. Unauthorized ex 
    parte communications shall not be taken into consideration in deciding 
    any matter in issue.
        (5) The hearing. All parties shall have the right to be represented 
    at the hearing by counsel. The ALJ shall conduct the proceedings in an 
    expeditious manner while allowing the parties to present all oral and 
    written evidence which tends to support their respective positions, but 
    the ALJ shall exclude irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious 
    evidence. HUD has the burden of proof in showing by a preponderance of 
    the evidence that the respondent failed to comply with a provision of 
    this part. Each party shall be allowed to cross-examine adverse 
    witnesses and to rebut and comment upon evidence presented by the other 
    party. Hearings shall be open to the public. So far as the orderly 
    conduct of the hearing permits, interested persons other than the 
    parties may appear and participate in the hearing.
        (6) Transcripts. Hearings shall be recorded and transcribed only by 
    a reporter under the supervision of the ALJ. The original transcript 
    shall be a part of the record and shall constitute the sole official 
    transcript. Respondents and the public, at their own expense, may 
    obtain copies of the transcript.
        (7) The ALJ's decision. At the conclusion of the hearing, the ALJ 
    shall give the parties a reasonable opportunity to submit proposed 
    findings and conclusions and supporting reasons therefor. Generally 
    within 60 days after the conclusion of the hearing, the ALJ shall 
    prepare a written decision which includes a statement of findings and 
    conclusions, and the reasons or basis therefor, on all the material 
    issues of fact, law or discretion presented on the record and the 
    appropriate sanction or denial thereof. The decision shall be based on 
    consideration of the whole record or those parts thereof cited by a 
    party and supported by and in accordance with the reliable, probative, 
    and substantial evidence. A copy of the decision shall be furnished to 
    the parties immediately by first class mail and shall include a notice 
    that any requests for review by the Secretary must be made in writing 
    to the Secretary within 30 days of the receipt of the decision.
        (8) The record. The transcript of testimony and exhibits, together 
    with the decision of the ALJ and all papers and requests filed in the 
    proceeding, constitutes the exclusive record for decision and, on 
    payment of its reasonable cost, shall be made available to the parties. 
    After reaching the initial decision, the ALJ shall certify to the 
    complete record and forward the record to the Secretary.
        (9) Review by the Secretary. The decision by the ALJ shall 
    constitute the final decision of the Secretary unless, within 30 days 
    after the receipt of the decision, either the respondent or the 
    Assistant Secretary files an exception and request for review by the 
    Secretary. The excepting party must transmit simultaneously to the 
    Secretary and the other party the request for review and the basis of 
    the party's exceptions to the findings of the ALJ. The other party 
    shall be allowed 30 days from receipt of the exception to provide the 
    Secretary and the excepting party with a written reply. The Secretary 
    shall then review the record of the case, including the exceptions and 
    the reply. On the basis of such review, the Secretary shall issue a 
    written determination, including a statement of the rationale therefor, 
    affirming, modifying or revoking the decision of the ALJ. The 
    Secretary's decision shall be made and transmitted to the parties 
    within 60 days after the decision of the ALJ was furnished to the 
        Dated: May 10, 1996.
    Michael B. Janis,
    General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.
    [FR Doc. 96-15712 Filed 6-20-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4210-33-P

Document Information

Housing and Urban Development Department
Entry Type:
Interim rule.
Document Number:
32292-32309 (18 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. FR-3567-I-01
2577-AB35: Indian HOME: Revised Program Regulations (FR-3567)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (85)
24 CFR 92.645)
24 CFR 954.500)
24 CFR 954.402)
24 CFR 92.612(a)(4)
24 CFR 954.306(a)(3)(i)
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