94-15481. Interagency Placement Program  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 122 (Monday, June 27, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-15481]
    Federal Register / Vol. 59, No. 122 / Monday, June 27, 1994 /
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: June 27, 1994]
                                                       VOL. 59, NO. 122
                                                  Monday, June 27, 1994
    5 CFR Parts 330, 332 and 351
    RIN 3206-AG11
    Interagency Placement Program
    AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management.
    ACTION: Interim rule with request for comments.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Personnel Management is issuing revised interim 
    regulations that implement the new Interagency Placement Program. This 
    new program supersedes the Displaced Employee Program and Interagency 
    Placement Assistance Program through which OPM provided job placement 
    assistance to employees displaced by reduction in force. In response to 
    requests for a more effective and simplified program, OPM merged these 
    existing programs into one single automated comprehensive program, the 
    Interagency Placement Program which became activated on December 1, 
    1993. Through this program, OPM can provide quicker and better 
    placement service to employees and agencies. In addition, 5 CFR part 
    351, Reduction in Force, is being amended to add Sec. 351.807, 
    Certification of Expected Separation, which was erroneously removed at 
    58 FR 32046 dated June 8, 1993.
    DATES: These interim regulations are effective June 27, 1994. Written 
    comments will be considered if received no later than August 26, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: Send written comments to Leonard R. Klein, Associate 
    Director for Career Entry, Office of Personnel Management, Room 6F08, 
    1900 E Street NW., Washington, DC 20415.
    Diane Bohling, 202-606-2786, FAX 202-606-0390.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OPM operated two placement programs, the 
    Displaced Employee Program and the Interagency Placement Assistance 
    Program. Upon requests from agencies, OPM developed the new Interagency 
    Placement Program. Agencies stated the Displaced Employee Program and 
    the Interagency Placement Assistance Program did not meet their needs. 
    Among their reasons were:
         Displaced Employee Program registrants were not required 
    to update their registrations. When employees were referred to agencies 
    through the Displaced Employee Program, many were no longer available 
    or could not be reached. This resulted in a high declination rate and a 
    slow, ineffective and cumbersome referral process, and was very costly 
    and time-consuming to the agencies. It also affected the credibility of 
    the program.
         Each OPM Service Center maintained its own Displaced 
    Employee Program inventory. When an agency recruited for a position 
    that was located in a geographic area not within the jurisdiction of 
    its local OPM Service Center, it had to contact another OPM Service 
    Center to clear the Displaced Employee Program. It was confusing to 
    agencies as to which Service Center to contact.
         The Interagency Placement Assistance Program was not 
    successful in placing employees who were identified as surplus.
         The Interagency Placement Assistance Program was not 
    successful in placing excepted service employees who did not have 
    personal competitive status.
        Similar to the Displaced Employee Program, agencies must consider 
    Interagency Placement Program registrants before making competitive 
    appointments to positions that are expected to last more than 1 year. 
    This means that agencies must consult the Interagency Placement Program 
    inventory when filling positions through a competitive register held by 
    OPM or an agency with delegated examining authority; direct-hire 
    authority; or the Outstanding Scholar provision. Agencies do not need 
    to consult the Interagency Placement Program inventory when making 
    noncompetitive appointments or conversions to the competitive service. 
    No individual may be selected for such a vacancy as long as a qualified 
    IPP registrant is available. Appointing officers may not pass over an 
    IPP eligible to select a non-IPP eligible unless an objection to the 
    IPP eligible is sustained.
        To meet the needs of its customers and resolve the problems 
    identified, OPM is proposing only a few changes to existing 
    regulations. The existing regulations remain the same with the 
    following changes to 5 CFR part 330, subparts C, D, and H; 5 CFR part 
    323, subpart C and 5 CFR part 351, subpart H:
         these proposed regulations reflect the new Interagency 
    Placement Program name;
         the Interagency Placement Program automates and 
    centralizes OPM's placement program, expedite the referral process, 
    reduces costs to the agencies, increases the period of placement 
    assistance for career-conditional employees from 1 year to 2 years, and 
    requires registrants to update their registration every 6 months to 
    maintain a current placement program inventory;
         excepted service employees must have personal competitive 
    status obtained from a previous appointment and be in Tenure 1 or 2 to 
    be eligible for registration in the Interagency Placement Program; and
         employees must have received a specific reduction in force 
    notice or a Certification of Expected Separation to register in the new 
    Interagency Placement Program.
        Agency personnel offices have been provided an Interagency 
    Placement Program Operating Plan and an Automated Applicant Referral 
    System Users Handbook which describe the operation of the Interagency 
    Placement Program.
    Waiver of Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Delay in Effective Date
        Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B), I find that good cause exists 
    for waiving the general notice of proposed rulemaking because it would 
    be contrary to the public interest to delay access to benefits. Also, 
    pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3), I find that good cause exists to make 
    this amendment effective in less than 30 days. The delay in the 
    effective date is being waived to give effect to the benefits extended 
    by the amended provisions at the earliest practicable date.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        I certify that this regulation will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities because it affects 
    only certain Federal employees.
    List of Subjects
    5 CFR Part 330
        Armed forces reserves, Government employees.
    5 CFR Part 332
        Government employees.
    5 CFR Part 351
        Administrative practice and procedure, Government employees.
    U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
    James B. King,
        Accordingly, OPM is amending parts 330, 332 and 351 of title 5, 
    Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 330 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 1302, 3301, 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR 1954-58 
    Comp., p. 218; Sec. 330.102 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 3327; subpart 
    B also issued under 5 U.S.C. 3315 and 8151; Sec. 330.401 also issued 
    under 5 U.S.C. 3310; subpart H also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8337(h) 
    and 8457(b); subpart I also issued under sec. 4432 of Pub. Law 102-
    Subpart C--Placement Assistance Programs for Displaced Employees
        2. In subpart C, Secs. 330.301 and 330.302 are revised to read as 
    Sec. 330.301  Coverage.
        This subpart covers the Interagency Placement Program for employees 
    who will be displaced or have been separated from their Federal jobs as 
    a result of agency work force reductions, compensable on-the-job 
    injury, discontinued service retirement or disability retirement. 
    Agencies have the primary responsibility for providing placement 
    assistance to their surplus or displaced employees, and for operating 
    positive placement programs as set forth in Sec. 330.307 of this 
    subpart. OPM supplements these agency efforts by administering an 
    Interagency Placement Program which gives surplus or displaced 
    employees priority referral to positions in other agencies.
    Sec. 330.302  OPM Interagency Placement Program.
        OPM operates the Interagency Placement Program (IPP) which provides 
    placement assistance to employees who have received a Certification of 
    Expected Separation or specific notice of separation, or who have been 
        3. In section 330.303, paragraph (a) is removed and reserved, and 
    paragraphs (b) introductory text and (b)(4)(iii) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 330.303  Eligibility.
    * * * * *
        (b) For the IPP, the registrant must:
        (4) * * *
        (iii) Has fully or partially recovered from a compensable injury in 
    accordance with the provisions of sub-chapter I of chapter 81 of title 
    5, United States Code, when the agency is unable to restore the 
    * * * * *
        4. Section 330.304 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 330.304  Period of eligibility.
        Employees registered in the IPP receive 2 years of OPM placement 
    assistance renewable in 6 month increments by the registered employee.
        5. In section 330.305, paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) are revised to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 330.305  Placement assistance.
        (a) IPP registrants are referred ahead of other candidates when 
    they are qualified and available for vacancies expected to last more 
    than 1 year and that are filled through competitive appointments. No 
    individual may be selected for such a vacancy as long as a qualified 
    IPP registrant is available. Referrals are based on qualifications of 
        (b) Placement assistance is nationwide except that registrants who 
    decline transfer or reassignment outside the commuting area may 
    register for placement assistance only within the commuting area of the 
    position from which they will be or were separated. However, these 
    registrants may transfer their eligibility to another commuting area if 
    they later relocate.
    * * * * *
        (d) When an agency selects an IPP registrant, it employs him or her 
    under appropriate appointments such as reinstatement, transfer, 
    position change, or excepted appointment.
        6. Section 330.306 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 330.306  Termination of eligibility.
        Eligibility for assistance under the IPP will be terminated if one 
    of the following occurs:
        (a) A registrant's 2 year period of eligibility expires (except for 
    preference eligibles who are eligible for up to 1 year of additional 
    assistance as specified in Sec. 330.407);
        (b) The registrant requests, in writing, that placement assistance 
    be terminated;
        (c) The registrant is placed in a nontemporary position in either 
    the competitive or excepted service;
        (d) The registrant declines an offer of continuing employment in 
    the competitive or excepted service under conditions (i.e., grade, 
    salary, geographic location, or work schedule) the registrant 
    previously indicated were acceptable, unless OPM determines that an 
    exception is warranted; or
        (e) The agency notifies OPM that the registrant no longer meets the 
    eligibility criteria for program registration and placement assistance.
        7. In Sec. 330.307, paragraphs (a)(1), (b) and (c) are revised to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 330.307  Agency responsibilities.
        (a) Agency program. (1) Each agency has primary obligation to 
    assist, to the maximum extent practical and in keeping with the 
    requirements set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, in the 
    placement of surplus and displaced employees. OPM's placement program 
    only supplements these efforts and is not intended to relieve an agency 
    of its responsibility to provide the maximum placement assistance 
    * * * * *
        (b) Registration of eligible employees. In accordance with subpart 
    H of part 351 of this chapter, agencies must inform affected employees 
    about the Interagency Placement Program at the same time that 
    Certifications of Excepted Separation or specific reduction in force 
    notices are distributed. Employees who receive a Certification of 
    Expected Separation may register up to 6 months prior to separation. 
    Agencies are responsible for assisting employees with their 
    registration forms, for completing the information requested on the 
    forms, for ensuring employees meet the minimum qualification 
    requirements for the position(s) registered, and for sending them to 
    the appropriate office as instructed by OPM.
        (c) Consideration of individuals referred. Agencies will give full 
    consideration to individuals referred through OPM's Interagency 
    Placement Program. Full consideration is a careful and open review of 
    the qualifications of the registrant as described in the individual's 
    application forms, contact to determine interest and availability, and 
    an interview; if possible, to further assess the registrant's ability 
    to perform the duties of the position within a reasonable period of 
    time. An appointing officer may not pass over an IPP eligible to select 
    a non-IPP eligible unless an objection to the IPP eligible is sustained 
    by OPM or an agency with delegated authority.
    Subpart D--Positions Restricted to Preference Eligibles
        8. In subpart D, Sec. 330.404 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 330.404  Displacement of preference eligibles occupying restricted 
    positions in contracting out situations.
        OPM and agencies have certain obligations toward preference 
    eligibles occupying restricted positions when a decision is made to 
    contract out a Government-performed commercial activity in accordance 
    with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76. (Copies 
    of the OMB circular are available from Executive Office of the 
    President, Office of Management and Budget, Publications Office, 725 
    17th Street, NW., Room 220, New Executive Office Building, Washington, 
    DC 20503.) Preference eligibles are entitled to additional placement 
    assistance through the Interagency Placement Program. These preference 
    eligibles must:
        (a) Be occupying restricted positions as designated in 5 U.S.C. 
    3310 and Sec. 330.401;
        (b) Be in the competitive service (in tenure I or II); and
        (c) Meet the eligibility requirements of the IPP which are 
    described in subpart C of this part.
        9. In Sec. 330.405, paragraph (c) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 330.405  Agency placement assistance.
    * * * * *
        (c) Notifying preference eligibles of the right to register in the 
    IPP at least 60 days before the effective date of separation.
    * * * * *
        10. In Sec. 430.406, paragraphs (c) and (e) are revised to read as 
    Sec. 330.406  OPM placement assistance.
    * * * * *
        (c) Assuring that all agencies that have vacancies to fill through 
    the competitive examining process give full consideration to adversely 
    affected preference eligibles registered in the IPP.
    * * * * *
        (e) Monitoring this placement assistance through IPP procedures.
        11. Section 330.407 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 330.407  Duration of eligibility for assistance.
        Adversely affected preference eligibles may remain in the IPP for 1 
    year after their normal IPP eligibility expires with placement 
    assistance renewable in 6 month increments by the registered employee. 
    Eligibility may, however, be terminated earlier in accordance with 
    other IPP procedures.
    Sec. 330.801  [Amended]
        12. In Sec. 330.801, paragraph (c) is amended by removing the 
    semicolon and the word ``and'' at the end of the paragraph and 
    inserting a period in their place and paragraph (d) is removed.
        13. The authority citation for part 332 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 1302, 3301, 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR, 1954-58 
    Comp., p. 218.
    Subpart C--Period of Competition and Eligibility
        14. In subpart C, Sec. 332.314 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 332.314  Displaced employees eligible for placement assistance.
        Subject to the time limits and other conditions published by OPM, a 
    person who is eligible for placement assistance through the Interagency 
    Placement Program described in subpart C of part 330 of this chapter is 
    entitled to file applications for competitive examinations after the 
    closing date for receipt of applications when there is an existing 
    register or a register is about to be established. Applications may be 
    filed at any grade or level above the position from which the person is 
    about to be or was displaced, for which such person is qualified.
        15. The authority citation for part 351 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 1302, 3502, 3503, Sec. 351.801 also issued 
    under E.O. 12828, 58 FR 2965.
        16. In Sec. 351.803, paragraph (a) is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 351.803  Notice of eligibility for reemployment and other 
    placement assistance.
        (a) An employee who receives a specific notice of separation under 
    this part must be given information concerning the right to 
    reemployment consideration under subparts B (Reemployment Priority 
    List) and C (Interagency Placement Program) of part 330 of this 
    chapter. The employee also must be given information concerning how to 
    apply for unemployment insurance through his or her appropriate State 
    program. This information must be provided either in or with the 
    specific reduction in force notice or as a separate supplemental notice 
    to the employee.
        15. Section 351.807 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 351.807  Certification of Expected Separation.
        (a) For the purpose of enabling otherwise eligible employees to be 
    considered for eligibility to participate in dislocated workers 
    programs under the Job Training Partnership Act administered by the 
    U.S. Department of Labor, an agency may issue a Certificate of Expected 
    Separation to a competing employee who the agency believes, with a 
    reasonable degree of certainty, will be separated from Federal 
    employment by reduction in force procedures under this part. A 
    certification may be issued up to 6 months prior to the effective date 
    of the reduction in force.
        (b) This certification may be issued to a competing employee only 
    when the agency determines:
        (1) There is a good likelihood the employee will be separated under 
    this part;
        (2) Employment opportunities in the same or similar position in the 
    local commuting area are limited or nonexistent;
        (3) Placement opportunities within the employee's own or other 
    Federal agencies in the local commuting area are limited or 
    nonexistent; and
        (4) If eligible for optional retirement, the employee has not filed 
    a retirement application or otherwise indicated in writing an intent to 
        (c) A certification is to be addressed to each individual eligible 
    employee and must be signed by an appropriate agency official. A 
    certification must contain the expected date of reduction in force, a 
    statement that each factor in paragraph (b) of this section has been 
    satisfied, and a description of Job Training Partnership Act programs, 
    the Interagency Placement Program, and the Reemployment Priority List.
        (d) A certification may not be used to satisfy any of the notice 
    requirements elsewhere in this subpart.
        (e) An agency determination of eligibility for certification may 
    not be appealed to OPM or the Merit Systems Protection Board.
        (f) An agency also may enroll eligible employees in the Interagency 
    Placement Program and the Reemployment Priority List up to 6 months in 
    advance of a reduction in force. For requirements and criteria for 
    these programs, see subparts B and C of part 330 of this chapter.
    [FR Doc. 94-15481 Filed 6-24-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6325-01-M

Document Information

Effective Date:
Personnel Management Office
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Interim rule with request for comments.
Document Number:
These interim regulations are effective June 27, 1994. Written comments will be considered if received no later than August 26, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: June 27, 1994
3206-AG11: Interagency Placement Program
RIN Links:
CFR: (15)
5 CFR 330.301
5 CFR 330.302
5 CFR 330.303
5 CFR 330.304
5 CFR 330.305
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