96-32977. National Emissions Standards for Radionuclide Emissions From Facilities Licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal Facilities not Covered by Subpart H  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 251 (Monday, December 30, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 68972-68981]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-32977]
    [[Page 68971]]
    Part VI
    Environmental Protection Agency
    40 CFR Part 61
    National Emissions Standards for Radionuclide Emissions From Facilities 
    Licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal Facilities 
    not Covered by Subpart H; Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 61, N0. 251 / Monday, December 30, 1996 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 68972]]
    40 CFR Part 61
    RIN 2060-AE 39
    National Emissions Standards for Radionuclide Emissions From 
    Facilities Licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal 
    Facilities not Covered by Subpart H
    AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    ACTION: Final Rule.
    SUMMARY: EPA is rescinding 40 CFR part 61, subpart I (subpart I) as it 
    applies to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or NRC Agreement State 
    licensed facilities other than commercial nuclear power reactors. 
    Subpart I is a National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants 
    (NESHAPs) which was published on December 15, 1989 and which limits 
    radionuclide emissions to the ambient air from NRC-licensed facilities. 
    As required by section 112(d)(9) of the Clean Air Act as amended in 
    1990, EPA has determined that the NRC regulatory program for licensed 
    facilities other than commercial nuclear power reactors protects public 
    health with an ample margin of safety, the same level of protection 
    that would be afforded by continued implementation of subpart I.
    DATES: This rule is effective December 30, 1996. Under section 
    307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act, judicial review of this final action is 
    available only by filing a petition for review in the United States 
    Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit no later than 
    February 28, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gale Bonanno, Center for Federal 
    Guidance and Air Standards and Communications, Radiation Protection 
    Division, 6602J, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, Environmental 
    Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460 (202) 233-9219, or Eleanor 
    Thornton, at the same address (202) 233-9773.
    Regulated Entities
         Entities affected by this action include facilities, other than 
    commercial nuclear power generators, licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission (NRC) or an NRC Agreement State. Subpart I continues to 
    apply to federal facilities not owned or operated by the Department of 
    Energy (DOE) (``non-DOE'' federal facilities) and not licensed by the 
    NRC. Facilities owned or operated by the Department of Energy are 
    regulated under 40 CFR part 61 subpart H. The Agency notes that 
    radionuclide NESHAPs subparts other than subpart I continue to apply as 
    stated in each regulation to the owners and operators of uranium mill 
    tailings piles, e.g., 40 CFR part 61 subpart W. This action does not 
    affect regulation of radionuclides under statutes other than the CAA, 
    e.g. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability 
    Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601).
         Affected categories and entities include:
                      Category                     Examples of facilities   
     NRC-Licensees............................  Uranium fuel cycle (those   
                                                 engaged in the conversion  
                                                 of uranium ore to produce  
                                                 electric power, e.g.,      
                                                 uranium mills, fuel        
                                                 fabrication plants).       
                                                Facilities licensed to use  
                                                 or possess nuclear         
                                                 materials such as          
                                                 hospitals, medical research
                                                 laboratories, etc.         
        This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
    guide for readers regarding entities likely to be affected by this 
    action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
    could potentially be affected by this action. Other types of facilities 
    not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether 
    your facility is regulated by this action, you should carefully examine 
    the applicability criteria in Sec. 1.100 of today's rule which amends 
    part 61 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations. If you have 
    questions regarding the applicability of this action to a particular 
    facility, consult the persons listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER 
         Docket A-92-50 (cross-referenced with Dockets A-79-11 & A-92-31) 
    contains the rulemaking record. The docket is available for public 
    inspection between the hours of 8 A.M. and 5:30 P.M., Monday through 
    Friday, in room M1500 of Waterside Mall, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, 
    DC 20460. A reasonable fee may be charged for copying. The fax number 
    is 202-260-4400.
    Table of Contents
    I. Background
        A. Regulatory History
        B. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
        C. Reconsideration of Subpart I
    II. Rationale for Final Rule to Rescind 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart I 
    for NRC and Agreement State Licensees
        A. 1992 Proposal to Rescind Subpart I for Licensees Other Than 
    Nuclear Power Reactors
        1. EPA Study of Emissions From NRC-Licensed Facilities
        2. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between EPA and NRC
        B. Events Subsequent to the 1992 Proposal
        1. Changes to NRC Regulatory Program After the 1992 Proposal
        2. EPA Concerns Regarding Basis for Required Statutory Finding 
    Under Section 112(d)(9)
        3. NRC Actions Responsive to EPA Concerns
        4. EPA's Notice Reopening Comment Period
        5. NRC Constraint Level for Air Emissions of Radionuclides and 
    NRC Agreement State Policies and Procedures
    III. Final Rule to Rescind 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart I for NRC and 
    Agreement State Licensees
        A. EPA Determination Under CAA Section 112(d)(9)
    IV. Summary of Major Comments and Responses to Comments from 1992 
    NPRM and Notice Reopening Comment Period
    V. Judicial Review
    VI. Miscellaneous
        A. Paperwork Reduction Act
        B. Executive Order 12866
        C. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        D. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    I. Background
    A. Regulatory History
         On October 31, 1989, EPA promulgated National Emission Standards 
    for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) under Section 112 of the Clean 
    Air Act to control radionuclide emissions to the ambient air from a 
    number of different source categories. 54 FR 51654 (December 15, 1989). 
    Subpart I of 40 CFR part 61 covers two groups of facilities: (1) 
    Facilities licensed and regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
    (NRC) and individual Agreement States (``NRC licensed facilities''), 
    and (2) federal facilities which are not licensed by the NRC and are 
    not owned or operated by the Department of Energy (``non-DOE federal 
    facilities''). The first group is diverse, and includes facilities 
    which have received a license to use or possess nuclear materials such 
    as hospitals, medical research facilities, radiopharmaceutical 
    manufacturers, laboratories and industrial facilities, as well as 
    facilities involved in the uranium fuel cycle (the conversion of 
    uranium ore to electric power) such as
    [[Page 68973]]
    uranium mills and fuel fabrication plants. EPA estimates there are 
    approximately 22,000 such NRC and Agreement State licensed facilities 
    in the United States (this figure includes those facilities using only 
    sealed sources).
         The present rulemaking concerns all NRC licensed facilities other 
    than commercial nuclear power reactors, which are the subject of a 
    separate rulemaking (60 FR 46206, Sept. 5, 1995). Non-DOE federal 
    facilities not licensed by the NRC are not affected in any way by the 
    present rulemaking. Subpart I limits radionuclide emissions from NRC 
    licensed facilities to the ambient air to that amount which would cause 
    any member of the public to receive in any year an effective dose 
    equivalent (ede) no greater than 10 millirem (mrem), of which no more 
    than 3 mrem ede may be from radioiodine. These limits were established 
    pursuant to an EPA policy for section 112 pollutants first announced in 
    the benzene NESHAP (54 FR 38044, September 14, 1989), utilizing the 
    two-step process outlined in the vinyl chloride decision. Natural 
    Resources Defense Council v. EPA, 824 F.2d 1146, (D.C. Cir. 1987)(Vinyl 
         When subpart I was originally promulgated in December 1989, EPA 
    simultaneously granted reconsideration of the subpart based on 
    information received late in the rulemaking on the subject of 
    duplicative regulation by NRC and EPA of NRC licensed facilities and on 
    the potential negative effects of the standard on nuclear medicine. EPA 
    established a comment period to receive further information on these 
    subjects, and granted a 90-day stay of subpart I as permitted by Clean 
    Air Act (CAA) section 307(d)(7)(B), 42 U.S.C. 7607 (d) (7)(B). That 
    stay expired on March 15, 1990, and was subsequently extended on 
    several occasions. (See 55 FR 10455, March 21, 1990; 55 FR 29205, July 
    18, 1990; and 55 FR 38057, September 17, 1990).
         EPA later stayed subpart I for NRC and Agreement State licensees 
    other than nuclear power reactors while EPA was collecting the 
    additional information necessary to make a determination under section 
    112(d)(9) of the 1990 CAA Amendments. See 56 FR 18735 (April 24, 1991), 
    and 40 CFR 61.109(a). However, on September 25, 1992, the U.S. Court of 
    Appeals for the DC Circuit issued a decision that EPA had exceeded its 
    authority by staying subpart I while the Agency was collecting 
    information needed to make a determination under section 112(d)(9). 
    Natural Resources Defense Council v. Reilly, 976 F.2d 36 (D.C. Cir. 
    1992)(NRDC). The stay for licensees other than nuclear power reactors 
    expired before the NRDC decision could be implemented on November 15, 
    1992, and subpart I took effect for these licensees on November 16, 
    1992. EPA subsequently issued a notice confirming the effectiveness of 
    subpart I for licensees other than nuclear power reactors. See 59 FR 
    4228 (January 28, 1994).
    B. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
         In 1990, Congress enacted legislation comprehensively amending the 
    CAA, which included a section addressing the issue of regulatory 
    duplication between EPA and NRC. CAA section 112(d)(9) provides that, 
    ``[N]o standard for radionuclide emissions from any category or 
    subcategory of facilities licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
    (or an Agreement State) is required to be promulgated under [section 
    112] if the Administrator determines, by rule, and after consultation 
    with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, that the regulatory program 
    established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission pursuant to the Atomic 
    Energy Act for such category or subcategory provides an ample margin of 
    safety to protect the public health.'' This provision enables EPA to 
    eliminate duplication of effort between EPA and NRC in instances where 
    EPA can determine that the NRC program provides protection of public 
    health equivalent to that required by the CAA.
    C. Reconsideration of Subpart I
         After the adoption of section 112(d)(9), EPA reviewed the 
    information available to the Agency, including the information provided 
    during the Agency's reconsideration of subpart I, to decide whether it 
    could determine for particular categories of NRC licensees that the NRC 
    regulatory program protects public health with an ample margin of 
    safety. EPA's initial analysis focused on two general issues: (1) 
    whether the NRC regulatory program in practice results in sufficiently 
    low doses to protect the public health with an ample margin of safety; 
    and (2) whether the NRC program is sufficiently comprehensive and 
    thorough and administered in a manner which will continue to protect 
    public health in the future.
         After reviewing the available information for licensees other than 
    nuclear power reactors, EPA concluded that it lacked sufficient 
    information concerning actual air emissions from these facilities to 
    make the substantive determination contemplated by section 112(d)(9). 
    Accordingly, EPA undertook an extensive study in order to determine the 
    doses resulting from radionuclide emissions at facilities other than 
    nuclear power reactors. As discussed in detail in section II.A.1, EPA 
    surveyed a randomly selected subset of all licensed facilities, as well 
    as a group of ``targeted'' facilities chosen because of an expectation 
    that they would have higher air emissions. See Draft Background 
    Information Document, ``NESHAPs Rulemaking on Nuclear Regulatory 
    Commission and Agreement State Licensees Other Than Nuclear Power 
    Reactors'' EPA-430-R-92-011 (November 1992), Docket Entry A-92-50, II-
         After evaluating the results of its study, reviewing the then 
    current NRC regulatory program, and considering the likely effect of 
    revisions of the NRC program which were pending at that time and of 
    additional measures which NRC had agreed to adopt pursuant to a 
    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with EPA (see section II.A.2), EPA 
    proposed to rescind subpart I for NRC and Agreement State licensees 
    other than nuclear power reactors on December 1, 1992. See 57 FR 56877 
    (December 1, 1992).
    II. Rationale for Final Rule to Rescind 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart I 
    for NRC and Agreement State Licensees
    A. 1992 Proposal to Rescind Subpart I for Licensees Other Than Nuclear 
    Power Reactors
         The 1992 proposal to rescind subpart I for NRC licensees other 
    than nuclear power reactors was based on EPA's extensive study of those 
    licensees and on commitments made by NRC in an MOU with EPA. See 57 FR 
    56877 (December 1, 1992).
    1. EPA Study of Air Emissions From NRC Licensed Facilities
         In order to determine whether NRC licensees other than nuclear 
    power reactors were in compliance with those emission limits deemed 
    necessary by EPA to protect public health, EPA undertook a 
    comprehensive study to determine the doses that resulted from emissions 
    from these facilities. See Draft Background Information Document, 
    ``NESHAPs Rulemaking on Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Agreement 
    State Licensees Other Than Nuclear Power Reactors'' EPA-430-R-92-011 
    (November 1992), Docket Entry A-92-50, II-B-1. A major component of 
    this study was a survey and analysis of a randomly selected subset of 
    the approximately 6,000 NRC and Agreement State licensees using 
    unsealed sources. These consist of hospitals, radiopharma-
    [[Page 68974]]
    ceutical manufacturers and distributors, and laboratories for which the 
    doses and other emissions data were not well characterized. In order to 
    gather the necessary information, EPA sent a letter under the authority 
    of section 114 of the CAA to the selected facilities requiring them to 
    submit specific information concerning their emissions and proximity to 
    the exposed population. Doses were then determined by EPA using the 
    COMPLY computer program which was specified in subpart I for 
    determining compliance with the standard. EPA also investigated a group 
    of ``targeted'' facilities selected for their potential to cause high 
        EPA obtained Office of Management and Budget approval to send 
    questionnaires to as many as 670 of the approximately 6,000 facilities, 
    requesting release rates and the other necessary parameters. Since 
    facilities handling only sealed sources do not present the potential 
    for airborne emissions, they had been exempted from the NESHAP and were 
    also excluded from analysis in the EPA study. Because EPA could not 
    accurately determine in advance whether a given NRC or Agreement State 
    licensee handled only sealed sources and would therefore be excluded 
    from the analysis, the Agency over sampled in order to obtain the 
    required number of responses.
        A sample of at least 300 facilities was needed in order to be 95 
    percent confident that EPA could establish a dose level below which the 
    doses caused by air emissions from 99 percent of the facilities lie. 
    Over 600 letters were sent to a random subset of NRC or Agreement State 
    licensees. Responses were submitted by all but three facilities and 367 
    of the responses were determined to be from facilities using unsealed 
        The COMPLY computer program was used to estimate doses to the most 
    exposed individuals located near the facilities. The National Oceanic 
    and Atmospheric Administration's data base was used for meteorological 
    data for the sites. Many facilities were contacted to obtain 
    clarification or site-specific information. The dose to the nearest 
    resident to each facility was calculated from the facility-specific 
    information taken from the questionnaire and using meteorological data 
    from the closest weather station.
        A second component of the study was the targeted facilities, which 
    fell into three sub-groups: (a) facilities determined to have potential 
    for large emissions and which were not fully characterized in previous 
    evaluations (examples included research reactors, rare earth producers, 
    waste incinerators, low level waste facilities, and large university 
    hospitals); (b) facilities with potential for large emissions which 
    were more adequately characterized in previous assessments (these 
    included fuel cycle facilities such as uranium mills, fuel fabrication 
    plants, UF6 conversion plants); (c) atypical activities for which no 
    formal evaluations had been made (these included activities such as 
    depleted uranium weapons testing).
        For facilities in sub-group (a), the data needed to characterize 
    the emissions and doses were obtained from existing NRC docket 
    information, supplemented as necessary with requests for missing data 
    under authority of CAA section 114. The results of the previous 
    assessments for facilities in sub-group (b) were summarized and updated 
    to include more recent information. For the third sub-group, EPA 
    reviewed the activity in question to ascertain the potential for 
    significant airborne emissions, and evaluated the doses for these 
    activities found to involve potentially significant emissions.
        After evaluating both the randomly surveyed 367 facilities and the 
    specifically targeted facilities using the COMPLY computer program, EPA 
    determined that the highest estimated dose received by any member of 
    the public from airborne emissions of radionuclides from any facility 
    was 8.0 mrem/yr ede. Thus, none of the facilities evaluated appeared to 
    cause a dose exceeding the levels established by the Administrator in 
    the radionuclides NESHAPs. The median dose for the population is 
    0.00069 mrem/yr. See Draft Background Information Document, ``NESHAPs 
    Rulemaking on Nuclear Regulatory Licensees Other Than Nuclear Power 
    Reactors'' EPA 430-R-92-011 (November 1992), Docket Entry A-92-50, II-
    B-1 at 4-11. When the results of the survey were statistically 
    extrapolated to the entire population of NRC or Agreement State 
    licensees, EPA concluded that emissions from virtually all of the 
    facilities were expected to be below the limits established by EPA. 
    After evaluating the results of the study, EPA concluded that current 
    emissions by NRC and Agreement State licensees other than nuclear power 
    reactors result in doses less than the level found by EPA to provide an 
    ample margin of safety to protect the public health.
    2. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between EPA and NRC
        In an MOU executed on September 4, 1992, NRC committed to take 
    several actions to implement ``As Low As Reasonably Achievable'' 
    (ALARA) requirements for NRC licensees other than nuclear power 
    reactors. This MOU was published on December 22, 1992, at 57 FR 60778.
        Although the NRC regulatory program included mandatory dose limits 
    that were higher than those established by subpart I, EPA's study 
    demonstrated that the actual operation of the existing NRC program had 
    resulted in lower doses to the public than those which would be allowed 
    under subpart I. The steps established by the MOU reflected an 
    expectation by EPA that new mandatory ALARA requirements would operate 
    to constrain future increases in radionuclide emissions by NRC 
    licensees which might otherwise be permissible under the NRC program.
        Under the provisions of the MOU, NRC agreed to develop and issue a 
    regulatory guide on the design and implementation of a radiation 
    protection program to ensure that doses resulting from effluents from 
    licensed facilities would remain ALARA. See section II.B.2 below. NRC 
    agreed that the guide would describe the types of administrative 
    programs and objectives which would be considered acceptable in 
    satisfying the requirements of 10 CFR 20.1101(b), and establish a 
    specific design goal of 10 mrem/yr ede to the maximally exposed 
    individual for radionuclide air emissions from affected NRC and 
    Agreement State licensees. See NRC Regulatory Guide 8.37, ``ALARA 
    Levels for Effluents from Materials Facilities,'' July 1993, Docket 
    Entry A-92-50, II-F-4.
    B. Events Subsequent to the 1992 Proposal
    1. Changes to NRC Regulatory Program After the 1992 Proposal
        After EPA published its 1992 proposal to rescind subpart I, major 
    revisions to NRC's regulations at 10 CFR Part 20 became effective. 
    NRC's revised rule (effective January 1994) implements 1987 
    Presidential guidance on occupational radiation protection and the 
    recommendations of scientific organizations to establish risk-based 
    limits and a system of dose limitation in accordance with the guidance 
    published by the International Commission on Radiation Protection 
    (ICRP). In adopting the risk-based methodology, the NRC reduced the 
    allowable dose limit for members of the public from 500 mrem/yr ede to 
    100 mrem/yr ede from all pathways, which is then subject to further 
    reduction under the ALARA provisions. Of the 100 mrem/yr ede, NRC 
    allows only 50 mrem/yr ede by the air pathway, according to their 
    [[Page 68975]]
    Air Concentration tables, which is then subject to further reduction 
    under the ALARA provisions.
        Another significant revision of Part 20 codified the ALARA 
    principle, which previously was only general guidance for NRC licensees 
    other than nuclear power reactors. All licensees must now conduct 
    operations in a manner that keeps doses to both workers and members of 
    the public ALARA. This is defined to mean:
    making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to radiation as 
    far below the dose limits in this part as is practical consistent 
    with the purpose for which the licensed activity is undertaken, 
    taking into account the state of technology, the economics of 
    improvements in relation to state of technology, the economics of 
    improvements in relation to benefits to the public health and 
    safety, and other societal and socioeconomic considerations, and in 
    relation to utilization of nuclear energy and licensed materials in 
    the public interest.
    10 CFR 20.1003. 56 FR 23360, 23392 (May 21, 1991).
    2. EPA Concerns Regarding Basis for Required Statutory Finding Under 
    Section 112(d)(9)
        Based on the record compiled as part of its proposal to rescind 
    subpart I for NRC licensees other than nuclear power reactors, EPA was 
    able to conclude that the vast majority of NRC and Agreement State 
    licensees were in compliance with the 10 mrem/yr standard established 
    by subpart I. However, after reviewing the language of the final 
    Regulatory Guide issued by NRC pursuant to the September 4, 1992 MOU, 
    EPA concluded that there was no element in the NRC regulatory program 
    which expressly required or assured that licensees other than nuclear 
    power reactors would maintain air emissions of radionuclides below 
    EPA's 10 mrem/yr standard. See NRC Regulatory Guide 8.37, ``ALARA 
    Levels for Effluents from Materials Facilities,'' July 1993, Docket 
    Entry A-92-50, II-F-4. Thus, it was not possible for the Agency to 
    determine that radionuclide emissions to the ambient air would 
    consistently and predictably remain below the EPA standard in the 
    future if EPA were to proceed with rescission, or that NRC or the 
    individual Agreement States would be in a position to require a 
    particular licensee who did exceed 10 mrem/yr to reduce radionuclide 
        Another concern regarding the adequacy of the NRC program to 
    support rescission of subpart I for licensees other than nuclear power 
    reactors arose as part of an investigation by the General Accounting 
    Office (GAO) of NRC's administration of its Agreement State program. 
    Licenses for facilities other than nuclear power reactors are often 
    administered by individual Agreement States rather than by NRC. In a 
    report entitled ``Nuclear Regulation: Better Criteria and Data Would 
    Help Ensure Safety of Nuclear Materials,'' the GAO found that ``NRC 
    lacks criteria and data to evaluate the effectiveness of its two 
    materials programs [agreement and non-agreement state],'' and that 
    ``For agreement-state programs, NRC does not have specific criteria or 
    procedures to determine when to suspend or revoke an inadequate or 
    incompatible program.'' GAO/RCED-93-90 Nuclear Materials Regulation at 
    3 (April 1993). In subsequent Congressional testimony concerning the 
    GAO findings, the NRC Commissioners acknowledged that NRC criteria and 
    procedures should be improved, and stated that NRC was developing new 
    criteria to assess the adequacy and compatibility of individual 
    Agreement State programs, and new procedures which would govern 
    suspension and termination of Agreement State programs.
        As contemplated by CAA section 112(d)(9), EPA and NRC entered into 
    consultations intended to resolve these concerns. The ALARA program, 
    which requires NRC licensees to reduce emissions to the extent feasible 
    below the mandatory ceiling in 10 CFR Part 20, was the principal focus 
    of subsequent discussions between EPA and NRC. In these discussions, 
    EPA and NRC discussed various NRC proposals for a rule which would 
    ``constrain'' emissions from NRC licensees other than nuclear power 
    reactors, either by establishing a rebuttable presumption that 
    emissions causing a dose exceeding 10 mrem/yr are not ALARA, or by 
    expressly finding that ALARA requires licensees to maintain emissions 
    at or below the 10 mrem/yr level. During the course of these 
    discussions, a new concern also emerged as to whether the NRC policies 
    on Agreement States which were under development would enable NRC to 
    require that a ``constraint level'' be a mandatory element of 
    compatibility. See letter from Mary D. Nichols, EPA Assistant 
    Administrator for Air and Radiation, to NRC Chairman Ivan Selin, July 
    6, 1994, Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-C-4.
        On July 22, 1994, NRC proposed a ``constraint level'' rule which 
    would have required each licensee to develop an ALARA program to 
    maintain or achieve emissions resulting in a dose at or below 10 mrem/
    yr or, in the alternative, to ``justify'' a conclusion that emissions 
    resulting in a dose exceeding 10 mrem/yr are ALARA. See letter from NRC 
    Chairman Ivan Selin to EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner, July 22, 
    1994, Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-D-74. That correspondence also noted 
    that new procedures to assure the adequacy and compatibility of 
    Agreement States were under development, and indicated that NRC would 
    also propose to require Agreement States to adopt the proposed 
    ``constraint level'' rule as a matter of compatibility.
        After reviewing the ``constraint level'' rule proposed by NRC on 
    July 22, 1994, EPA concluded that the proposed provision permitting 
    licensees to ``justify'' emissions in excess of 10 mrem/yr left 
    uncertainty as to whether NRC or an individual Agreement State might 
    accept or countenance as ALARA emissions resulting in a dose exceeding 
    10 mrem/year. As a consequence, EPA was concerned that it would still 
    not be able to determine that future radionuclide emissions from 
    affected licensees would be consistently and predictably at levels 
    resulting in a dose below 10 mrem/yr, or that NRC or an individual 
    Agreement State would be able to compel a licensee to reduce emissions 
    if the 10 mrem/yr level were exceeded. EPA then advised NRC that EPA 
    did not consider it prudent to proceed with rescission of subpart I for 
    NRC licensees other than nuclear power reactors based on a record which 
    might not adequately support the legal determination required by 
    section 112(d)(9). Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-C-4.
    3. NRC Actions Responsive to EPA Concerns
        On December 21, 1994, after further considering the concerns 
    expressed by EPA, NRC proposed to EPA a ``constraint'' rule construing 
    ALARA as requiring each licensee to limit air emissions to a level 
    resulting in a dose no greater than 10 mrem/yr. See letter from NRC 
    Chairman Ivan Selin to EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner, December 21, 
    1994, Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-D-26. Under this proposal, exceeding the 
    NRC constraint level would not itself be a violation, but any licensee 
    exceeding the 10 mrem/yr constraint would be required to report the 
    exceedance and to take corrective measures to prevent a recurrence. On 
    March 14, 1995, NRC confirmed that it intended to make the proposed 
    constraint rule a matter of Division Level 2 compatibility, which 
    requires each Agreement State to incorporate in its program provisions 
    at least as stringent as those established by the NRC rule. See letter 
    from Robert M. Bernero, Director of the NRC Office Of
    [[Page 68976]]
    Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, to Mary D. Nichols, EPA 
    Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation, March 14, 1995, Docket 
    Entry A-92-50, IV-D-27.
        NRC has also taken steps which address concerns regarding the 
    adequacy of criteria and procedures for the Agreement State program. 
    NRC published a draft policy statement concerning adequacy and 
    compatibility criteria, 59 FR 37269 (July 21, 1994), and a draft policy 
    statement setting forth procedures which permit suspension or 
    termination of individual Agreement State programs. 59 FR 40059 (August 
    5, 1994). In the March 14, 1995 letter, NRC assured EPA that the final 
    policy statement on compatibility criteria would be consistent with the 
    NRC proposal to make the NRC ``constraint level'' rule a matter of 
    Division Level 2 compatibility.
        After reviewing the proposed rule described in the December 21, 
    1994 letter and the additional assurances provided in the March 14, 
    1995 letter, EPA advised NRC that it had concluded that adoption by NRC 
    of the proposals and policies set forth in these letters should be 
    sufficient to resolve the Agency's stated concerns regarding its 
    ability to make the finding required to support rescission under CAA 
    Section 112(d)(9). See letter from EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner 
    to NRC Chairman Ivan Selin, March 31, 1995, Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-C-
    5. In that correspondence, EPA also stated its intent to publish a 
    notice requesting supplementary comment concerning the proposed rule to 
    rescind subpart I for NRC licensees other than nuclear power reactors 
    in conjunction with the publication by NRC of its proposed constraint 
    4. EPA's Notice Reopening the Comment Period
        EPA published a notice reopening the comment period for the 
    rulemaking to rescind subpart I. 60 FR 50161, (September 28, 1995). The 
    Notice reaffirmed EPA's proposal to rescind subpart I, described the 
    expected proposed revisions to the NRC program which would support 
    EPA's rescission, and invited additional comment on the sufficiency of 
    the revisions to the NRC program to support the finding required by 
    section 112(d)(9). The Agency extended the period for submitting 
    comments in response to the Notice until February 22, 1996, to allow 
    the public time to review NRC's proposed constraint rule prior to 
    submitting comments to EPA. NRC published the proposed constraint rule 
    on December 13, 1995. 60 FR 63984.
    5. NRC Constraint Level for Air Emissions of Radionuclides and NRC 
    Agreement State Policies and Procedures
        On December 10, 1996, Commissioners adopted a final ``constraint'' 
    rule modifying the NRC radiation protection program codified at 10 CFR 
    part 20. 61 FR 65120. The final regulations adopted by NRC establish a 
    constraint of 10 mrem/yr total effective dose equivalent (TEDE) 1 
    for dose to members of the public from air emissions of radionuclides 
    from NRC licensed facilities other than commercial nuclear power 
    reactors. 10 CFR section 20.1101(d). A dose constraint is defined as 
    ``a value above which specified licensee actions are required.'' 10 CFR 
    section 20.1003, as amended. Thus, the final rule codifies a numerical 
    value, 10 mrem/yr TEDE, for NRC's application of its ALARA principles 
    contained in 10 CFR part 20 for radioactive air emissions from NRC 
    licensees other than commercial nuclear power reactors. In the event 
    that the 10 mrem/yr constraint is exceeded, the exceedance must be 
    reported to NRC by the licensee within 30 days and the licensee must 
    also provide a description of the circumstances of the exceedance and 
    describe the corrective steps that have been or will be taken to ensure 
    that the exceedance will not reoccur. 10 CFR section 20.2203(b)(l)(iv); 
    61 FR at 65121. NRC regulations provide for licensees to propose 
    corrective steps and NRC will approve such actions (e.g., installation 
    of filters, installation of a new pump, etc.) if appropriate to 
    effectuate a decrease in dose. 10 CFR section 20.1101(d); 61 FR at 
    65123. See also Memorandum to Docket A-92-50 from Gale Bonanno, 
    Workgroup Chair, December 16, 1996, Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-B-1 
    (analyzing final ``constraint'' rule).
        \1\ NRC expresses dose in total effective dose equivalent 
    (TEDE), while subpart I expresses dose in effective dose equivalent 
    (EDE). These two terms are equivalent.
        The final constraint rule has been assigned a Division Level 2 
    compatibility. 61 FR at 65126. Thus, the Agreement States must address 
    the constraint rule in their regulations, but they may adopt more 
    restrictive requirements than the constraint rule. The Commission plans 
    to revise and finalize draft NRC Regulatory Guide 8.37 as Regulatory 
    Guide 4.20 at the time of implementation of their rule. This Regulatory 
    Guide will outline methods for demonstrating compliance with the 
    constraint level and the elements of the report required to be 
    submitted in the event the constraint level is exceeded. This Guide 
    will also express the Commission's belief that based on EPA's study and 
    NRC's ongoing licensing and inspection program, the constraint level 
    for doses to members of the public from air emissions of radionuclides 
    as codified at section 20.1101(d) is easily achievable by all materials 
        In addition, the Commission recently approved, in principle, final 
    policy statements entitled ``Statement of Principles and Policy for the 
    Agreement State Program'' and ``Policy Statement on Adequacy and 
    Compatibility of Agreement State Programs''. 60 FR 39463 (August 2, 
    1995). These documents describe the principles of the Agreement State 
    program including the roles and responsibilities of NRC and the States 
    in administering the program, and outline a general framework for 
    determining which NRC program elements and requirements should be 
    implemented by the Agreement States.
        NRC provided additional information to EPA regarding the 
    Commission's authority to suspend or terminate Agreement State 
    programs. See letter from Martin Malsch, NRC Deputy General Counsel to 
    Ramona Trovato, Director of EPA's Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, 
    November 19, 1996, Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-G-8. As discussed above, 
    the Commissioners approved the final ``constraint'' rule as a matter of 
    Division 2 compatibility, meaning that Agreement States ``will have to 
    include an essentially identical or more restrictive legally binding 
    generic requirement in their regulatory program.'' Id. The 
    correspondence notes that in the event an Agreement State adopts a 
    standard which is less stringent than the constraint rule, ``NRC would 
    be legally authorized to take a variety of actions with respect to the 
    State program, including probation, suspension or termination of the 
    program.'' Id.
        Moreover, periodic reviews of the Agreement State programs are 
    conducted by NRC to ensure that those programs are compatible with 
    NRC's regulatory program and adequate to protect the public health. Id. 
    The review process and criteria for such reviews are contained in NRC's 
    Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) issued on 
    September 12, 1995, a copy of which is contained in the docket for this 
    rulemaking. As noted in the correspondence, procedures were provided to 
    the Commissioners on April 25, 1996, which will be applied by NRC if 
    circumstances warrant the future suspension or termination of Agreement 
    State programs. Id. The correspondence
    [[Page 68977]]
    thus concludes that ``the IMPEP, together with designation of the 
    constraint rule as category 2 for compatibility purposes, provide 
    objective criteria to be used in assessing Agreement State regulation 
    of air emissions and would provide a satisfactory legal basis for any 
    NRC action required to address deficiencies in Agreement State programs 
    including, if necessary, suspension or revocation of the Agreement 
    State program.'' Id. at 2
    III. Final Rule to Rescind 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart I for NRC and 
    Agreement State Licensees
    A. EPA Determination Under CAA Section 112(d)(9)
        Section 112(d)(9) authorizes EPA to decline to regulate 
    radionuclide emissions from NRC licensees under the CAA provided that 
    EPA determines, by rule, and after consultation with NRC, that the 
    regulatory scheme established by NRC protects the public health with an 
    ample margin of safety. The legislative history of section 112(d)(9) 
    provides clear guidance as to what is meant by ``an ample margin of 
    safety to protect the public health'' and what process the 
    Administrator should follow in making that determination in a 
    rulemaking proceeding under section 112(d)(9). The Conference Report 
    accompanying S.1630 points out that the ``ample margin of safety'' 
    finding under section 112(d)(9) is the same ``ample margin of safety'' 
    requirement that governed the development of standards promulgated 
    under section 112 of the CAA prior to its amendment in 1990. The 
    conferees also made clear that the process the Administrator is 
    expected to follow in making any such determination under section 
    112(d)(9) is the process ``required under the decision of the U.S. 
    Court of Appeals in NRDC v. EPA, 824 F.2d 1146 (D.C. Cir. 1987) (Vinyl 
    Chloride).'' H. Rep. No. 101-952, 101st Cong., 2d Sess. 339 (1990), 
    reprinted in 1 A Legislative History of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 
    1990, at 1789 (1993) (hereinafter ``Legislative History CAAA90'').
        From the language of section 112(d)(9), it is apparent that where 
    EPA has already specifically determined what level of emissions must be 
    achieved to provide an ``ample margin of safety,'' that level is the 
    benchmark by which EPA must evaluate the adequacy of the NRC program. 
    EPA specifically found when it promulgated 40 CFR part 61, subpart I, 
    that 10 mrem/yr would provide the requisite ``ample margin of safety.'' 
    EPA conducted a two-step ``ample margin of safety'' analysis when it 
    promulgated subpart I in 1989, and EPA hereby incorporates that 
    analysis by reference as part of its present finding.
        As EPA interprets section 112(d)(9), the Agency may rescind the 
    subpart I NESHAP as it applies to NRC licensed facilities other than 
    commercial nuclear power reactors if the Agency (1) consults with NRC, 
    (2) engages in public notice and comment rulemaking, and (3) finds that 
    the separate NRC regulatory program provides an equivalent level of 
    public health protection (i.e., an ample margin of safety) as would be 
    provided by implementation of subpart I. While a rulemaking to rescind 
    a standard applicable to NRC licensees may commence prior to 
    incorporation of all necessary elements in the NRC regulatory program, 
    the elements of the NRC program must be deemed adequate by EPA to fully 
    satisfy the statutory standard at the time EPA takes final action.
        Section 112(d)(9) does not require exact equivalence between the 
    EPA and NRC programs applicable to a particular category of licensees 
    before EPA may decline to regulate radionuclide air emissions from that 
    category. This construction of section 112(d)(9) was expressly affirmed 
    by the Court of Appeals in its unpublished Memorandum opinion denying 
    the petition for review of EPA's rescission of subpart I as applied to 
    nuclear power reactors. Unpublished Opinion, Sierra Club, et al., v. 
    Environmental Protection Agency, No.95-1562 (D.C. Cir. October 22, 
    1996) at 4. Section 112(d)(9) requires that EPA conclude that 
    implementation of the NRC program as a whole will achieve substantive 
    protection of the public health equivalent to or better than that which 
    would be achieved by enforcement of the EPA standard. Thus, if the NRC 
    program as a whole will assure that air emissions from all affected 
    licensees remain below the EPA standard, the NRC program may be deemed 
    to provide an ample margin of safety, regardless of whether this 
    results from enforcement by NRC of a single numerical standard.
        Based on its study of NRC and Agreement State licensees, EPA has 
    already determined that current air emissions from such licensees cause 
    doses which are in compliance with the 10 mrem/yr standard in subpart 
    I. However, as EPA construes section 112(d)(9), EPA must also evaluate 
    the ability of the NRC and Agreement State program to assure that 
    emissions remain below the level required to provide an ``ample margin 
    of safety.'' Thus, in deciding whether EPA may decline to regulate a 
    particular category or subcategory of NRC or Agreement State licensees 
    presently regulated under subpart I, EPA construes section 112(d)(9) as 
    requiring that EPA determine: (1) that emissions from NRC licensees (or 
    Agreement State licensees when authority to regulate the licensees has 
    been assumed by the State) in that category or subcategory will be 
    consistently and predictably at or below a level resulting in a dose of 
    10 mrem/yr, and (2) that NRC (or the Agreement States) can and will 
    require any individual licensee in that category or subcategory with 
    emissions that cause a dose exceeding 10 mrem/yr to reduce the 
    emissions sufficiently that the dose will not exceed 10 mrem/yr.
        EPA has previously concluded that radionuclide emissions to the 
    ambient air from NRC and Agreement State licensees other than nuclear 
    power reactors are generally well below the level that would result in 
    a dose exceeding 10 mrem/yr. EPA experience in administration of 
    subpart I since it became effective confirms this conclusion. Out of 
    the thousands of licensees subject to the standard, only 16 facilities 
    reported radionuclide air emissions exceeding the EPA standard for 
    calendar year 1993 and only one facility reported emissions exceeding 
    the EPA standard for calendar year 1994. No facilities reported 
    exceeding the subpart I 10 mrem/yr standard for calendar year 1995. See 
    Memorandum to Docket A-92-50 from Byron Bunger, December 18, 1996, 
    Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-B-2 (Appendix to final rulemaking describing 
    EPA's experience implementing Subpart I). Most of the reported 
    exceedances were resolved through EPA approval of appropriate site-
    specific adjustments to the input parameters for COMPLY, the computer 
    code used for calculating doses. The one exceedance not resolved 
    through adjustments to the input parameters for COMPLY was 
    satisfactorily resolved by the facility.
        EPA concludes that the final adoption by NRC of the NRC constraint 
    rule and the satisfactory resolution by NRC of prior deficiencies in 
    NRC Agreement State policies and procedures resolve all remaining 
    concerns regarding the adequacy of the NRC program to provide an 
    ``ample margin of safety'' and support the requisite determination for 
    rescission under CAA section 112(d)(9). Promulgation of the NRC 
    constraint rule assures that radionuclide emissions by the affected 
    licensees will be consistently and predictably below a level which 
    would result in a dose exceeding 10 mrem/yr, and that NRC can require 
    an individual licensee who exceeds the 10 mrem/yr level to take
    [[Page 68978]]
    corrective actions to reduce emissions. By making the NRC constraint 
    rule a matter of Division Level 2 compatibility, NRC has assured EPA 
    that those licensees regulated by individual Agreement States also will 
    be subject to the 10 mrem/yr constraint level and will be required to 
    report and correct any exceedances of that level. Finally, the adoption 
    by NRC of policies establishing specific criteria for adequacy and 
    compatibility, and procedures for suspension or termination of 
    Agreement State programs resolves the Agency's concerns regarding the 
    ability of NRC to act if it determines that an Agreement State program 
    is inadequate or incompatible.
        EPA is confident that NRC has the capability to enforce the 
    provisions of the constraint rule through its inspection and 
    enforcement programs. According to NRC, NRC's inspection program is 
    based on conducting on-site inspections of each licensee's facility at 
    frequencies determined partly by the size of the operation and the 
    amount of radioactive materials the licensee is authorized to possess. 
    Inspection frequencies appear to vary from a high of once per year for 
    large licensees to once every five years for very small licensees. 
    However, EPA understands that the majority of licensees authorized to 
    possess any significant amounts of radioactive materials are inspected 
    at frequencies ranging from one to three years. The Agency also notes 
    that inspection frequencies may be adjusted by NRC as needed, and 
    increased for licensees who have been subjected to certain NRC 
    enforcement actions.
        NRC's enforcement program is addressed in the NRC's Enforcement 
    Policy, NUREG-1600, ``General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC 
    Enforcement Actions,'' (60 FR 34381, June 30, 1995). All violations 
    identified through inspections and investigations are subject to civil 
    enforcement action and may also be subject to criminal prosecution. 
    After an apparent violation is identified, the severity is evaluated in 
    order to determine the appropriate enforcement sanction. Severity 
    levels range from Level I for the most significant violations, to Level 
    IV for those of more than minor concern. Minor violations are not 
    subject to formal enforcement action. The NRC uses three primary 
    enforcement sanctions: Notices of Violation, civil penalties, and 
    orders. A Notice of Violation (NOV) sets forth one or more violations 
    of a legally binding requirement and normally requires a response from 
    the licensee describing the reasons for the violation, the corrective 
    steps taken or planned, and the date when actions will be complete. A 
    civil penalty is a monetary fine considered for Severity Level III 
    violations and are normally assessed for Severity Level I and II 
    violations and knowing and conscious violations of the reporting 
    requirements of Section 206 of the Energy Reorganization Act. In 
    addition to NOVs and civil penalties, orders may be used to modify, 
    suspend, or revoke licenses. Orders may require additional corrective 
    actions, such as removing specified individuals from licensed 
    activities or requiring additional controls or outside audits. Persons 
    adversely affected by orders that modify, suspend, or revoke a license, 
    or that take other action may request a hearing.
        In addition to the inspection and enforcement programs, NRC 
    conducts periodic reviews of the Agreement State radiation control 
    programs. During those reviews, the NRC staff evaluates whether (1) the 
    Agreement State has a compatible regulatory program, (2) the Agreement 
    State is periodically conducting inspections of licensed activities 
    involving agreement material to provide reasonable assurance of safe 
    licensee operations and to determine compliance with its regulatory 
    requirements, and (3) the Agreement State is taking timely enforcement 
    action against licensees, when necessary, through legal sanctions 
    authorized by state statutes and regulations.
        Based on the above analysis, EPA is today determining that the NRC 
    regulatory program for licensees other than commercial nuclear power 
    reactors provides an ample margin of safety to protect the public 
    health under CAA section 112(d)(9).
    IV. Summary of Major Comments and Responses to Comments From 1992 
    NPRM and Notice Reopening Comment Period
        This section briefly describes the major comments EPA received in 
    response to the Agency's rulemaking to rescind subpart I for NRC and 
    Agreement State licensed facilities other than commercial nuclear power 
    reactors. EPA received numerous written comments in response to the 
    December 1, 1992, proposal and the September 28, 1995, notice inviting 
    additional comments. The Agency also received comments during public 
    hearings conducted on January 14, 1993 and February 29, 1996. 
    Additionally, the Agency received comments on the specific issue of 
    whether to rescind subpart I for facilities other than commercial 
    nuclear power reactors during the comment period for other rulemakings, 
    e.g., the proposed stays discussed above. The Agency stated at the time 
    of those rulemakings that such comments would be addressed in the 
    context of this rulemaking on rescission. Comments received by the 
    Agency during the pendency of this rulemaking, together with relevant 
    comments received in other rulemakings, are addressed in the Response 
    to Comments Document which has been placed in the docket for this 
        A major concern expressed by commenters relates to the lack of any 
    provision in the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) equivalent to the broad 
    authority to file citizen suits provided by Clean Air Act section 304. 
    Commenters asserted that the absence of a citizen suit provision 
    applicable to the NRC regulatory program would prevent a determination 
    by EPA that the EPA and NRC regulatory programs are equally stringent. 
    While EPA believes that this difference in the respective enabling 
    statutes of the two agencies could be properly considered by EPA as one 
    factor in deciding whether or not to exercise its discretion to 
    rescind, EPA does not believe that this difference precludes the 
    substantive finding required by section 112(d)(9). When Congress 
    adopted section 112(d)(9), Congress was aware that the CAA includes 
    citizen suit authority and that the AEA has no comparable provisions. 
    Despite this difference, Congress clearly envisioned that circumstances 
    might be such that EPA would make the finding required by section 
    112(d)(9) of the CAA. EPA notes that the same argument concerning the 
    absence of citizen suit authority was recently rejected by the District 
    of Columbia Court of Appeals in an unpublished opinion upholding the 
    Agency's rescission of subpart I for nuclear power reactors. 
    Unpublished Opinion, Sierra Club, et al., v. Environmental Protection 
    Agency, No.95-1562 (D.C. Cir. October 22, 1996).
        In making today's ample margin of safety determination under 
    section 112(d)(9), the Agency considered whether future emissions from 
    licensees will be consistently and predictably at or below a level 
    resulting in a dose of 10 mrem/yr and whether, in the event a licensee 
    exceeds that level, NRC or an Agreement State can and will require the 
    licensee to reduce emissions. In the event that the NRC regulatory 
    program does not assure that licensee emissions result in doses at or 
    below 10 mrem/year, any interested person may petition EPA to initiate 
    a rulemaking to reinstate subpart I. Furthermore, EPA can act on its 
    own initiative to reconsider the rescission if new information 
    [[Page 68979]]
    that the public health is not protected with an ample margin of safety.
        Some commenters were also concerned about the regulatory authority 
    of the states and how actions such as this rescission, taken pursuant 
    to section 112(d)(9), might affect the states' authority under the CAA 
    to establish radionuclide air emission standards. This issue was 
    addressed in a July 2, 1993, letter from Robert M. Bernero, Director of 
    the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards to Margo Oge, 
    Director of EPA's Office of Radiation and Indoor Air. Docket Entry A-
    92-50, IV-D-21. Mr. Bernero stated that the NRC Office of General 
    Counsel has examined the CAA, and relevant portions of the legislative 
    history, ``and has concluded that the passage of the 1990 CAA 
    amendments had no effect on the preexisting power of the States under 
    section 116 [sic] to establish radionuclide air emission standards, 
    regardless of any action EPA might take pursuant to section 
    112(d)(9).'' EPA concurs with NRC's construction. NRC has also stated 
    in the preamble to the final constraint rule that ``[T]he Commission 
    believes that [CAA section 112(d)(9] clarifies that EPA's determination 
    regarding NRC and Agreement State licensees has no effect on the 
    existing authority of States to impose air emission standards that are 
    more stringent than those of EPA.'' Furthermore, as noted earlier, the 
    Commission's designation of the constraint rule as a Division Level 2 
    matter of compatibility allows the Agreement States to set more 
    stringent standards than the NRC constraint rule. 61 FR 65120, 65126 
    (December 10, 1996). In addition, this issue was extensively discussed 
    by the Senate during floor debate for the 1990 CAA amendments. Passage 
    of the ``Simpson Amendment'' (section 112(d)(9)) failed on the first 
    vote due to concerns that the amendment somehow affected states' rights 
    and the question of state authority had to be addressed before the 
    amendment ultimately succeeded in passage. As explained by Senator 
    Burdick, ``Section 112(d)(9) provides for State authority for 
    radionuclide emissions in the same manner and to the same extent as 
    does existing section 116'' of the CAA, which contains the provision 
    that ``nothing in this Act shall preclude or deny the right of any 
    state or political subdivision thereof to adopt or enforce any standard 
    or limitation respecting emissions of air pollutants ***'' April 3, 
    1990 Congressional Record S3798.
        Some commenters object to the EPA rescission based on the argument 
    that the NRC constraint rule is not an enforceable standard. As 
    discussed above, section 112(d)(9) does not require exact equivalence 
    between the EPA and NRC regulatory programs before EPA may decline to 
    regulate radionuclide emissions from a particular category or 
    subcategory of NRC licensees. Rather, section 112(d)(9) requires EPA to 
    determine that the NRC regulatory program as a whole will protect 
    public health to the same or greater level as would implementation of 
    subpart I. The study conducted by EPA as described above, the Agency's 
    experience in implementing subpart I since it became effective in 1992, 
    and NRC's recent adoption of the constraint rule and Agreement State 
    policies provide ample basis for EPA to conclude that public health 
    will be protected to the same level as would be achieved through 
    continued implementation of subpart I. Although the NRC constraint 
    level is not like the EPA standard in subpart I, in that exceeding the 
    constraint is not itself an actionable violation, the constraint level 
    is a value above which licensees must take actions to reduce emissions. 
    Thus, EPA may conclude that future doses to members of the public 
    caused by emissions of radionuclides from this category of facilities 
    will be predictably and consistently at or below 10 mrem/yr and that 
    NRC can and will take action in the event a facility exceeds the 10 
    mrem/yr level.
        Commenters also expressed concern that the constraint rule does not 
    limit doses from radioiodine to the 3 mrem/yr level of subpart I. Doses 
    resulting from emissions of radioiodines were specifically considered 
    as part of the EPA study described in detail above. The study 
    demonstrated that no facility surveyed emitted a level of radioiodines 
    causing a dose above 1 mrem/yr, and extrapolation of the survey data 
    indicated that no licensed facility was expected to have emissions 
    exceeding the EPA standard. Based on all of the information now 
    available concerning the activities of NRC and Agreement State 
    licensees, EPA believes that it is very unlikely that any licensee who 
    is in compliance with the constraint level for all radionuclides of 10 
    mrem/yr will have radioiodine emissions exceeding the present EPA 
    standard. Accordingly, EPA does not consider the absence of a separate 
    limit for radioiodines in the NRC program to be a factor which will 
    prevent the NRC program from providing an ample margin of safety.
        Some commenters expressed an additional concern regarding the 
    adequacy of the constraint rule based on the fact that Agreement States 
    have three years in which to adopt the constraint rule after it has 
    been finally adopted by NRC. The commenters are apparently concerned 
    that there will be up to a three year gap in regulatory coverage in 
    some individual Agreement States before a state version of the 
    constraint rule can be adopted. EPA understands this hypothetical 
    concern, but believes that it is misplaced for the following reason. 
    The general ALARA requirement is already legally enforceable in every 
    Agreement State. Whatever the opinion of any individual Agreement State 
    in the past as to what ALARA requires an individual licensee to do, the 
    constraint rule constitutes an authoritative conclusion by NRC that 
    ALARA consistently requires that each licensee at least achieve 
    emissions no greater than 10 mrem/yr. In light of the expert 
    determination by NRC that licensees can readily achieve levels less 
    than 10 mrem/yr, it would be difficult if not impossible for individual 
    Agreement States to properly construe existing ALARA requirements less 
    stringently. While EPA does not expect any individual Agreement State 
    to accept emissions exceeding 10 mrem/year as ALARA, even before 
    adoption of that State's own constraint level, were this to occur EPA 
    would initiate consultations with NRC concerning the adequacy of that 
    State's program and consider taking action to reimpose an EPA standard 
    if the problem were not promptly corrected. EPA also notes that 
    existing radionuclide standards adopted under State authority are not 
    affected by today's rescission.
        The Agency also received several comments on the differences in 
    compliance calculation methodologies between NRC and EPA. The computer 
    code used to calculate compliance with Subpart I, COMPLY, considers 
    inhalation, immersion, ingestion, and exposure to contaminated ground. 
    Commenters question how the NRC constraint level, which only considers 
    inhalation and immersion, could provide an ample margin of safety to 
    protect the public health. As explained above, EPA does not believe 
    that section 112(d)(9) requires that every program element in the NRC 
    program be exactly equivalent to the corresponding element in the EPA 
    program. Such a construction would frustrate the evident Congressional 
    intent to relieve licensees of duplicative regulation. Rather, section 
    112(d)(9) requires only that EPA conclude that the regulatory programs 
    as a whole will provide the same level of protection of public health. 
    While there are differences in the calculation methodologies used by 
    EPA and NRC, EPA does not expect the differences in the manner in which 
    doses are
    [[Page 68980]]
    calculated to lead to significant differences in the resultant level of 
    protection of public health. While 16 facilities reported exceeding the 
    subpart I standard for calendar year 1993, that number decreased 
    significantly with no facilities reporting exceedances for calendar 
    year 1995. See Memorandum to Docket A-92-50 from Byron Bunger, December 
    18, 1996, Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-B-2 (Appendix for final rulemaking 
    describing EPA's experience implementing subpart I).
        Another commenter was concerned that subpart I controls emissions 
    of NARM [Naturally Occurring and Accelerator Produced Radioactive 
    Materials] that are not subject to NRC licensing. EPA recognizes that 
    emissions of NARM by NRC licensees are not formally subject to NRC 
    licensure. However, although subpart I is nominally applicable to 
    emissions of both licensed materials and NARM, EPA did not adopt 
    subpart I in the first place based on any concern that emissions of 
    unlicensed radionuclide materials by NRC licensees would present any 
    hazard to public health. However, the definition of public dose in 10 
    CFR 20.1003 states: ``Public dose means the dose received by a member 
    of the public from exposure to radiation and/or radioactive material 
    released by a licensee, or to any other source of radiation under the 
    control of the licensee. Public dose does not include occupational dose 
    or doses received from background radiation, from any medical 
    administration the individual has received, or from voluntary 
    participation in medical research programs.'' The section on ``any 
    other source of radiation under the control of the licensee'' suggests 
    that NRC licensees are required to protect the public from most NARM 
    co-mingled with their licensed material, but not background 
    radiation.'' Moreover, in a letter to EPA, NRC stated that such 
    emissions already are controlled and will continue to be controlled to 
    levels which protect the public with an ample margin of safety. See 
    Docket Entry A-92-50, IV-D-21. NRC explained that ``At NRC-licensed 
    facilities, as a practical matter, licensees will control NARM 
    emissions as if they were byproduct material emissions.'' Id. at p. 2.
    V. Judicial Review
        Any petition for judicial review of the final rule must be filed in 
    the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on or 
    before February 28, 1997. Only an objection to this rule which was 
    raised with reasonable specificity during the period for public comment 
    (including public hearings) may be raised as part of any petition for 
    judicial review.
    VI. Miscellaneous
    A. Paperwork Reduction Act
        There are no information collection requirements in this final 
    B. Executive Order 12866
        Under Executive Order 12866, (58 FR 57735, October 4, 1993) the 
    Agency must determine whether this regulation, if promulgated, is 
    ``significant'' and therefore subject to OMB review and the 
    requirements of the Executive Order. The Order defines ``significant 
    regulatory action'' as one that is likely to result in a rule that may:
        (1) Have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or 
    adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the 
    economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local or tribal governments or communities;
        (2) Create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an 
    action taken or planned by another agency;
        (3) Materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, 
    user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients 
    thereof; or
        (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal 
    mandates, the President's priorities, or the principles set forth in 
    the Executive Order.
        This action is a significant regulatory action as that term is 
    defined in Executive Order 12866, since it raises novel legal or policy 
    issues. Thus, EPA has determined that rescinding subpart I as it 
    applies to facilities licensed by the NRC or NRC Agreement States which 
    are not engaged in the generation of commercial nuclear power is a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' under the terms of Executive Order 
    12866 due to the presence of novel policy issues and is therefore 
    subject to OMB review.
    C. Submission to Congress and the General Accounting Office
        Under 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A) as added by the Small Business 
    Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), EPA submitted a 
    report containing this rule and other required information to the U.S. 
    Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives and the Comptroller General 
    of the General Accounting Office prior to publication of the rule in 
    today's Federal Register. This rule is not ``major'' as defined by 5 
    U.S.C. 804(2) because it will not result in an annual effect on the 
    economy of $100 million or more; there is no major increase in costs or 
    prices to consumers, industries, governments or geographic regions; or 
    significant adverse effects on competition, employment, investment, 
    productivity, innovation and United States firms'' ability to compete 
    with foreign counterparts.
    D. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
        EPA has determined that it is not necessary to prepare a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis in connection with this final rule. EPA has also 
    determined that this rule will not have a significant impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities. Today's final action is 
    deregulatory; effectively reducing the regulatory burden on NRC 
    licensees other than commercial nuclear power reactors by rescinding 
    the applicable regulatory requirements.
    E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
        Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (``Unfunded 
    Mandates Act'') requires that the Agency prepare a budgetary impact 
    statement before promulgating a rule that includes a Federal mandate 
    that may result in expenditure by State, local, and tribal governments, 
    in aggregate, or by the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 
    one year. Section 203 requires the Agency to establish a plan for 
    obtaining input from and informing, educating, and advising any small 
    governments that may be significantly or uniquely affected by the rule.
        Under section 205 of the Unfunded Mandates Act, the Agency must 
    identify and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives 
    before promulgating a rule for which a budgetary impact statement must 
    be prepared. The Agency must select from those alternatives the least 
    costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative that 
    achieves the objectives of the rule, unless the Agency explains why 
    this alternative is not selected or the selection of this alternative 
    is inconsistent with law.
        The Agency has not prepared a budgetary impact statement or 
    specifically addressed the selection of the least costly, most cost-
    effective, or least burdensome alternative because this final rule is 
    estimated to result in expenditures by State, local, and tribal 
    governments or the private sector of less than $100 million in any one 
    year. Because small governments will not be significantly or uniquely 
    affected by this rule, the Agency is not required to develop a plan 
    with regard to small governments. As discussed in the preamble, the 
    final rule has the effect of reducing overall regulatory burdens on
    [[Page 68981]]
    NRC licensed facilities other than commercial nuclear power reactors.
    List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 61
        Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Benzene, Hazardous 
    substances, Radionuclides, Radon, Vinyl Chloride.
        Dated: December 20, 1996.
    Carol M. Browner,
        Part 61 of chapter I of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 
    is amended as follows:
    PART 61--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 61 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401, 7412, 7414, 7416, 7601.
        2. Part 61 is amended by revising the heading for subpart I and by 
    revising Sec. 61.100 to read as follows:
    Subpart I--National Emission Standards for Radionuclide Emissions 
    From Federal Facilities Other Than Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
    Licensees and Not Covered by Subpart H
    Sec. 61.100  Applicability.
        The provisions of this subpart apply to facilities owned or 
    operated by any Federal agency other than the Department of Energy and 
    not licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, except that this 
    subpart does not apply to disposal at facilities regulated under 40 CFR 
    part 191, subpart B, or to any uranium mill tailings pile after it has 
    been disposed of under 40 CFR part 192, or to low energy accelerators.
    Sec. 61.101  [Amended]
        3. Section 61.101 is amended by removing paragraphs (a) and (e) and 
    redesignating paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (f) as (a), (b), (c), and 
    (d) respectively.
    Sec. 61.107  [Amended]
        4. Section 61.107 is amended by removing and reserving paragraph 
    [FR Doc. 96-32977 Filed 12-27-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6560-50-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Environmental Protection Agency
Entry Type:
Final Rule.
Document Number:
This rule is effective December 30, 1996. Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act, judicial review of this final action is available only by filing a petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit no later than February 28, 1997.
68972-68981 (10 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
Supporting Documents:
» Legacy Index for Docket A-92-31
» National Emissions Standards for Radionuclide Emissions From Facilities Licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Federal Facilities not Covered by Subpart H
» National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants [A-92-31-III-A-1]
CFR: (3)
40 CFR 61.100
40 CFR 61.101
40 CFR 61.107