97-11359. Genetically Engineered Organisms and Products; Simplification of Requirements and Procedures for Genetically Engineered Organisms  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 85 (Friday, May 2, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 23945-23958]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-11359]
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    7 CFR Part 340
    [Docket No. 95-040-2]
    RIN 0579-AA73
    Genetically Engineered Organisms and Products; Simplification of 
    Requirements and Procedures for Genetically Engineered Organisms
    AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document amends the regulations pertaining to genetically 
    engineered plants introduced under notification and to the petition 
    process for the determination of nonregulated status. The notification 
    amendments allow most genetically engineered plants that are considered 
    regulated articles to be introduced under the notification procedure, 
    provided that the introduction meets certain eligibility criteria and 
    performance standards. The petition amendments enable the Animal and 
    Plant Health Inspection Service to extend an existing determination of 
    nonregulated status to certain additional regulated articles that are 
    closely related to an organism for which a determination of 
    nonregulated status has already been made. We have prepared guidelines 
    to provide additional information to developers of regulated articles 
    and other interested persons regarding procedures, methods, scientific 
    principles, and other factors that could be considered in support of 
    certain actions under the regulations, and anticipate developing other 
    such guidelines when appropriate for other actions. We are also 
    reducing the field test reporting requirements for certain multi-year 
    field trials conducted under permit or notification procedures.
        The amendments simplify procedures for the introduction of certain 
    genetically engineered organisms, requirements for certain 
    determinations of nonregulated status, and procedures for the reporting 
    of field tests conducted under notification. We are also changing all 
    references to ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and Environmental 
    Protection'' to ``Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service'' to 
    reflect an internal reorganization within the Agency.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: June 2, 1997.
    Biotechnology and Scientific Services, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 
    98, Riverdale, MD 20737-1237; (301) 734-7602. For technical 
    information, contact Dr. Michael Schechtman, Domestic Programs Leader, 
    Biotechnology and Scientific Services, PPQ, APHIS; (301) 734-7601. 
    Guidelines for extensions to determinations of nonregulated status are 
    available on the Internet at the APHIS World Wide Web site, http://
    www.aphis.usda.gov/bbep/bp/, or by mail from Ms. Kay Peterson at the 
    address listed above.
        The regulations in 7 CFR part 340, referred to as the 
    ``regulations,'' pertain to the introduction (importation, interstate 
    movement, and release into the environment) of genetically engineered 
    organisms and products that are derived from known plant pests 
    (regulated articles). Before introducing a regulated article, a person 
    is required under Sec. 340.0 of the regulations to either (1) notify 
    the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in accordance 
    with Sec. 340.3 or (2) obtain a permit in accordance with Sec. 340.4. 
    Introductions under notification must meet specified eligibility 
    criteria and performance standards. Under Sec. 340.4, a permit is 
    granted when APHIS has determined that the conduct of the trial, under 
    the conditions specified by the applicant or stipulated by APHIS, does 
    not pose a plant pest risk.
        On August 22, 1995, APHIS published in the Federal Register a 
    proposed rule on Genetically Engineered Organisms and Products; 
    Simplification of Requirements and Procedures for Genetically 
    Engineered Organisms and Products (60 FR 43567-43573, Docket No. 95-
    040-1). This rule proposed to amend the regulations to allow the 
    introduction under notification procedures of any plant species that is 
    not listed as a noxious weed under regulations in 7 CFR part 360, and 
    for release in the environment, is not considered a weed in the area of 
    the proposed release into the environment. In addition, APHIS proposed 
    to increase the range of virus resistance modifications allowable under 
    notification. APHIS also proposed to amend its administrative 
    procedures by discontinuing the requirement that States in every case 
    provide concurrences for notifications for interstate movement prior to 
    APHIS acknowledgment, and to simplify the reporting requirements on the 
    performance characteristics of regulated articles in field trials 
    conducted under permit or notification.
        APHIS further proposed to amend the regulations pertaining to 
    petitions for determinations for nonregulated status in Sec. 340.6 to 
    allow the extension of a previously issued determination of 
    nonregulated status to certain additional regulated articles that are 
    closely related to an organism that was determined not to be a 
    regulated article in the initial determination.
        To provide information regarding procedures, methods, practices, or 
    protocols, APHIS indicated its intention to prepare guidelines relating 
    to such considerations.
        We solicited comments concerning our proposal for 60 days ending 
    October 23, 1995. During the designated comment period, APHIS received 
    a total of 50 comments on the proposed amendments from industry, 
    universities, State departments of agriculture, science policy 
    organizations, environmental groups,
    [[Page 23946]]
    industry organizations, professional societies, consumer organizations, 
    individuals, and a university cooperative extension service office. A 
    general discussion of the comments appears below, followed by a 
    section-by-section response to comments and an explanation of 
    modifications made.
    Summary and Analysis of Comments
        Over 60 percent of the comments expressed support for the proposed 
    amendments, while about one-third opposed any change in the current 
    level of oversight for genetically engineered organisms. Several 
    commenters, expressing support for the proposed amendments, made 
    detailed comments and suggestions concerning specific provisions and 
    terms used in the proposed amendments. A major concern expressed by 
    commenters in opposition to the proposed simplification of requirements 
    was the potential for an increased risk to the environment from certain 
    transgenic plants, particularly those with wild or weedy relatives. 
    APHIS has carefully considered all the comments, suggestions, requests 
    for clarification, and concerns. Several modifications have been made 
    to the proposed amendments in response to the comments. Before 
    providing detailed responses to comments on specific provisions of the 
    proposed amendments, and an explanation of the modifications made in 
    consideration of these comments, however, APHIS would like to respond 
    in a general way to concern about the potential for increased risk for 
    field trials conducted under notification for certain new transgenic 
    plant species. The comments raising concerns in this regard presuppose 
    that the safety standards enforced by APHIS under its notification 
    procedures are different from those under its permitting procedures. 
    This presupposition is incorrect. The performance standards for field 
    trials under notification procedures, as provided in Sec. 340.3(c), 
    establish the same standards for confinement of regulated articles that 
    have been applied to field trials conducted under permit, except that 
    in the latter the Agency receives and evaluates detailed information on 
    the methodology used to ensure confinement of the regulated articles 
    for each trial. The notification option, which has, to date, been used 
    only with respect to field trials involving six crop species, is one 
    additional means of meeting those standards. More detailed responses to 
    specific comments follow.
    Comments on Proposed Changes to Notification Eligibility Criteria 
    (Sec. 340.3(b))
        Approximately half of all comments specifically supported the 
    proposal to revise Sec. 340.3(b)(1) to extend the notification option 
    to any regulated article that is a crop species not listed as a noxious 
    weed in regulations at 7 CFR 360 under the Federal Noxious Weed Act (7 
    U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) and that meets the other eligibility criteria at 
    Secs. 340.3(b)(2) through 340.3(b)(6), provided that the regulated 
    article being considered for release into the environment is not 
    considered by the Administrator to be a weed in the area of release 
    into the environment. A representative comment noted that field testing 
    of a wide variety of different types of genetically engineered plants 
    over the past decade has confirmed that such tests can be carried out 
    safely. It further expressed the opinion that the notification system, 
    using performance standards, has worked well since its establishment in 
        Another commenter pointed out the importance of simplified 
    procedures to aid the development of improved tree varieties that are 
    propagated as rootstocks under conditions in which they cannot 
    reproduce, produce pollen, or flower, or that are seriously endangered 
    by virulent diseases such as chestnut blight. APHIS agrees with these 
    comments. APHIS notes the experience alluded to in field trials to date 
    under permit with several tree species whose confinement has been 
    assured because the plants were sexually immature, or by physical or 
    biological means. This evidence of safe trials indicates that trials 
    with these species can be conducted safely under notification 
    procedures, and the conduct of such trials should be facilitated by the 
    availability of notification procedures.
        About a third of the comments opposed the proposed change to 
    Sec. 340.3(b)(1). In general, comments that indicated specific reasons 
    for opposition to the proposal focused on some or all of the following 
    three issues: the appropriateness of performance standards as 
    regulatory tools for certain field trials; the wide range of species 
    that would be eligible for notification procedures; and the inadequacy 
    of available knowledge about certain aspects of the biology of the 
    plant species or its relatives. Comments pertaining to each of these 
    general topics will be discussed in greater detail below.
        Several commenters expressed concern that, by largely shifting 
    oversight for many organisms from permitting to notification 
    procedures, oversight would be inappropriately decreased and compliance 
    could be compromised. One commenter in this regard expressed the view 
    that performance standard-based regulations are typically more 
    difficult to enforce than traditional design standard-based 
    regulations. In response to these concerns, we agree that there is a 
    distinction between performance standards and more prescriptive design 
    standards, and it might in fact be easier, in some instances, to 
    determine whether a design standard, as opposed to a more general 
    performance standard, is being followed. We disagree, however, with the 
    assertion that performance standards are inappropriate when high levels 
    of compliance are desirable. High levels of compliance with a 
    performance standard can be achieved if procedures exist to enable an 
    applicant to meet the standard, and the parameters that determine 
    whether a performance standard is or is not met are clear and well 
        In the case of implementation of the performance standards under 
    Sec. 340.3(c), it has been useful to provide to individuals seeking to 
    introduce regulated articles derived from any of the six crops listed 
    under Sec. 340.3(b)(1)(i) examples of confinement procedures that would 
    enable the performance standards to be met. Such examples are not 
    prescribed procedures that must be followed, but rather are indications 
    of options that can be used to achieve the required confinement 
    standard for each of the crop species. APHIS has provided such examples 
    in its User's Guide for Introducing Genetically Engineered Plants and 
    Microorganisms (APHIS Technical Bulletin No. 1783)(referred to 
    hereinafter as User's Guide), which is provided upon request to any 
    interested individual. APHIS believes that the same level of clarity 
    can be achieved for other crop species and that providing additional 
    information to responsible persons will remove uncertainty about the 
    ability to comply with the performance standards in particular cases.
        APHIS intends that there be clear information available to 
    responsible persons to aid them in meeting the performance standards. 
    To provide additional guidance of this sort, particularly in regard to 
    the requirements of performance standards in Secs. 340.3(c)(5) and 
    340.3(c)(6), APHIS has developed additional information that 
    illustrates the type of reasoning that would apply in designing an 
    appropriate protocol for other crop species based on their biology. The
    [[Page 23947]]
    discussions of biological factors relevant to issues of confinement and 
    persistence for several examples of plant species not included in the 
    original list of crops at Sec. 340.3(b)(1)(i) will be included in a 
    revised User's Guide. The examples will be accompanied by an expanded 
    discussion of the biological factors that need to be considered to 
    evaluate the adequacy of confinement protocols based on the biology of 
    the particular plant species in question.
        APHIS has provided advice to responsible persons in the past on 
    whether particular protocols for field tests of the six crops listed at 
    Sec. 340.3(b)(1)(i) meet performance standard requirements. The Agency 
    anticipates providing similar advice upon request for protocols for any 
    other plant species eligible under Sec. 340.3(b)(1). It remains the 
    duty of the responsible person to determine the specific procedures 
    that will need to be used to meet the performance standards and to 
    certify that those standards are being met.
        In further response to the commenter, APHIS would stress that the 
    performance standards themselves must not be confused with other 
    mechanisms to monitor or document compliance with those standards. 
    Since the original publication of 7 CFR 340 (52 FR 22892-22915, June 
    16, 1987), APHIS has performed field inspections for many field trials. 
    Initially, when only permitting procedures were available, inspections 
    were performed exclusively on field trials under permit. Since 1993, 
    many inspections have also been performed on trials that have gone 
    forward under notification procedures. Inspections have often been 
    conducted with the participation of State regulatory officials. These 
    inspections have demonstrated to the Agency that applicants have been 
    able to comply extremely well with either the performance standards or 
    specified permit conditions.
        APHIS considers as erroneous the assumption that oversight under 
    permitting procedures provides greater assurance of ``safety'' than 
    oversight under notification procedures. Compliance with either 
    specified permit conditions or performance standards under notification 
    procedures requires the cooperation of all involved in the conduct of 
    the field trial. The outcome of either permitting or notification 
    procedures is attainment of essentially the same level of confinement. 
    No change to the regulations is made in response to this comment.
        Several commenters expressed the view that the proposed expansion 
    of eligibility requirements for notification was too broad and that 
    permitting procedures should remain in force for a regulated article 
    that has wild relatives in the United States with which the plant can 
    interbreed. Genetically engineered varieties of crops such as 
    sunflowers, radishes, rice, and rapeseed, which can hybridize with wild 
    relatives growing in the United States, were singled out as special 
    concerns, as were genetically engineered varieties of perennial 
    landscaping species and largely undomesticated species such as forest 
    trees. In response to these concerns, APHIS agrees that there are 
    important differences in the biology of different crop species that 
    will affect the ability of confinement procedures to achieve the 
    required performance standard. These biological factors will be 
    relevant when a protocol intended to meet the performance standards for 
    a particular field trial is being designed. Such factors include, for 
    example, the lifespan of the plant species in the field, dormancy of 
    its seeds, pollen survival and dispersion, the presence of sexually 
    compatible plants that are available to receive pollen in the vicinity 
    of the trial, the ability of the plant to be vegetatively propagated, 
    and climatic conditions. We note, however, that these commenters appear 
    to presume that all gene transfers pose risks, even those that only 
    result in progeny that do not persist in the environment (in accordance 
    with the requirements of performance standards in Secs. 340.3(c)(5) and 
    340.3(c)(6)). We believe that this is not the case. Indeed, it would be 
    inaccurate to assert that any trait that is transferred from a 
    transgenic plant to a wild relative, even with the potential of 
    persisting in a population of that wild relative, will necessarily pose 
    a risk per se. The environmental analysis to address the effect of a 
    particular trait on a recipient population, as required in the 
    consideration of certain petitions for the determination of 
    nonregulated status, would likely involve case-by-case analysis based 
    on the trait, the characteristics of the recipient population, and 
    other factors.
        The inference of previous commenters that field tests with certain 
    plant species will require more stringent confinement procedures to 
    comply with the performance standards is, however, clearly correct. 
    Certain crop species are not highly domesticated, and some, such as 
    strawberries, are sometimes grown in areas where interfertile wild 
    relatives are abundant. In some instances these wild relatives are 
    routinely found within fields of the cultivated crop. In such 
    instances, it may be necessary to prevent flowering or to apply 
    physical methods that contain pollen flow. In some instances, the 
    responsible person may deem a particular test site unsuitable for a 
    particular field trial based on such biological considerations. We 
    would, however, note that field trials of many species of trees, which 
    were raised as a concern, can easily be safely performed over a period 
    of several years under notification procedures, based on the fact that 
    the trees do not become sexually mature for a considerable, and well-
    established, period of years. Other tree species can be effectively 
    isolated from wild populations by the appropriate choice of test 
    location or by use of physical methods for confinement of pollen. APHIS 
    does not believe, therefore, that the biological differences discussed 
    in these comments provide adequate justification for limiting the 
    application of performance standards to a smaller set of host organisms 
    than was in the proposed rule. However, APHIS recognizes that there are 
    two features of biology of trees (and, in some instances, of other 
    crops grown as perennials) that merit specific consideration in a 
    regulatory context. Field tests involving trees may be several years in 
    duration, and such trials may result in unexpected exposures of 
    nontarget organisms in the environment of the test site if continual 
    vigilance as to adherence to performance standards is not maintained. 
    Furthermore, the regulated articles may reach sexual maturity 
    considerably after initial planting. It may well be, therefore, that 
    the procedures utilized to ensure reproductive confinement of the 
    regulated articles in the first year of a field trial may prove 
    inadequate at a later time in the trial. To emphasize the level of 
    continual vigilance that is required to ensure that all relevant 
    biological factors are taken into account, APHIS will require that all 
    field trials under notification procedures that are to be greater than 
    one year in duration be renewed annually. This will be accomplished by 
    adding the following sentence at the end of Sec. 340.3(e)(4):
        Such acknowledgment will apply to field testing for one year 
    from the date of introduction, and may be renewed annually by 
    submission of an additional notification to APHIS.
        APHIS stresses that it views the requirement for compliance with a 
    performance standard as a stringent one that requires responsible 
    persons to take a level of care equal to or greater than that under 
    permitting procedures. We expect that, if a responsible person has any 
    question about whether he or she
    [[Page 23948]]
    can comply with the performance standards for the introduction of a 
    regulated article, that person must either apply for a permit under 
    Sec. 340.4 or consult with APHIS; and that States will continue to 
    provide input to APHIS, particularly if they have any concern about 
    whether the performance standards can be complied with in a given field 
        Another commenter that opposed the proposed extension of 
    notification procedures asserted that APHIS' 1993 final rule (58 FR 
    17044-17059, March 31, 1993) establishing notification procedures for 
    field trials of certain regulated articles, particularly the six crop 
    species listed in Sec. 340.3(b)(1)(i), was based primarily on a USDA 
    finding that the six listed crop species posed a negligible risk of 
    gene flow to wild relatives in the United States. The commenter argued 
    that in many cases, scientists do not know the extent to which U.S. 
    crops interbreed with wild relatives nor the extent to which wild 
    relatives exist in areas where crops are grown, and further recommended 
    that case-by-case risk assessments under its permit procedures of all 
    U.S. crops with interbreeding wild relatives in this country should 
    continue to be required until the Department has a comprehensive 
    database of information addressing relevant biological factors for 
    these crops.
        In response to this comment, APHIS disagrees with the assertion 
    that the primary basis for our final rule establishing the notification 
    option was an Agency determination that there was negligible risk of 
    gene flow from transgenic derivatives of the six listed crop species to 
    wild relatives. Our action was based on accumulated experience showing 
    that the six listed crop species, which were those crops for which the 
    greatest number of field trials had been performed in the United States 
    to that time, could be safely field tested under permit, and on our 
    recognition that the conditions imposed under permit formed the basis 
    for adequate confinement measures under performance standards. In 
    response to a specific request by a commenter, APHIS did provide in its 
    final rule additional evidence that the potential for gene flow from 
    the six listed crop species to wild relatives in the United States was 
    negligible regardless of whether the performance standards were 
    applied. Nevertheless, the Agency continues to believe that the 
    performance standards themselves adequately address the issue of gene 
    flow. APHIS acknowledges that insufficient data with respect to 
    interbreeding potential or the locations of populations of wild 
    relatives for some plant species could affect the appropriateness of 
    design protocols for particular field trials. These considerations 
    would be a necessary part of the responsible person's analysis of what 
    would be required to comply with the performance requirements under 
    Sec. 340.3(c). It may be the case that in some instances, based on the 
    realization that existing information is inadequate, adherence to the 
    performance standards might require, for example, that flowering of the 
    regulated article be prevented or that physical means such as bagging 
    be utilized to prevent pollen flow from the regulated article. As 
    indicated previously, APHIS will consult with responsible persons upon 
    request regarding compliance with the standards in individual instances 
    and is also preparing other useful information for inclusion in its 
    User's Guide. Nonetheless, APHIS believes that the performance 
    standards themselves adequately address the concerns raised by the 
    commenters. No change to the regulations is made in response to this 
        The commenter does raise a point that is relevant to another 
    section of the rule, however. Incomplete data regarding compatibility 
    with relatives or the presence of interbreeding populations of related 
    species may dramatically affect the ability to reach a subsequent 
    determination of nonregulated status for certain regulated articles, 
    and this should be noted by any persons who may consider submitting 
    such petitions. For traits potentially related to plant survival, such 
    as disease or stress resistance, information of this kind will often be 
    important to an analysis of the potential for plant pest risk under the 
    petition process at Sec. 340.6.
        Several commenters disputed APHIS' assertion in the proposed rule 
    that the Agency has gained considerable experience with field testing 
    under notification and permitting procedures. These comments, in 
    general, questioned how much experience had really been gained, in view 
    of the fact that most of the permits have been granted in the last few 
    years; whether the long-term effects of releases had really been 
    determined; and whether the Agency had yet obtained any ``hard data'' 
    to assess specific environmental impacts.
        In response to these comments, APHIS believes that its statements 
    regarding accumulated experience remain correct. While it is true that 
    the majority of field trials of regulated articles have been conducted 
    in the last two years, all evidence obtained to date, including that 
    from monitoring reports submitted to the Agency by responsible persons 
    overseeing the tests, indicates that the trials have been conducted 
    safely, and that there has been no reason to believe that any 
    hypothetical ``long-term'' impacts have arisen or are likely or 
    foreseeable as a consequence of the conduct of any field trial in 
    accordance with this final rule. The request for ``hard data,'' which 
    APHIS interprets to mean ``data derived from experiments designed 
    specifically to address particular safety concerns,'' ignores a great 
    deal of highly relevant data, some of which may be empirical in nature, 
    on the behavior of the test plants as determined by individuals expert 
    in the behavior of the plant species. Moreover, ``hard data'' has been 
    requested and obtained by the Agency in some instances, when deemed 
    material to consideration of a petition for determination of 
    nonregulated status for a regulated article.
        One commenter inquired whether an applicant would be able to 
    request a permit for which an environmental assessment is written for a 
    regulated article that might qualify for notification procedures. APHIS 
    agrees that field trials that would qualify for notification procedures 
    could be given permits upon request. However, as indicated in APHIS' 
    National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Procedures, which 
    were published on February 1, 1995 (60 FR 6000-6005) and codified at 7 
    CFR part 372, permitting and acknowledgment of notifications for 
    confined field releases of genetically engineered organisms have been 
    categorically excluded from the requirement to prepare environmental 
    assessments or environmental impact statements. There are two relevant 
    exceptions indicated in those procedures. Section 372.5(d)(1) provides 
    for preparation of an environmental assessment or environmental impact 
    statement ``When any routine measure, the incremental impact of which, 
    when added to other past, present, and future actions (regardless of 
    what agency or person undertakes such actions), has the potential for 
    significant environmental impact.'' Section 372.5(d)(4) provides for 
    the preparation of such analyses ``When a confined field release of 
    genetically engineered organisms or products involves new species or 
    organisms or novel modifications that raise new issues.'' The decision 
    as to whether either or both of these exceptions to the categorical 
    exclusion applies will be made by the Administrator.
        One commenter asked whether the proposed changes to notification 
    procedures would in effect require a responsible person to submit 
    [[Page 23949]]
    for notification more than 120 days in advance of a desired field trial 
    in order to give the Administrator, APHIS, time to determine whether 
    the plant species in question is considered a weed in the area of the 
    proposed introduction, and to give the responsible person time to 
    submit a permit application if notification procedures are deemed not 
    to apply. APHIS believes that the scenario described will rarely apply 
    for plant species that are commonly cultivated. In most instances, 
    there will not be any uncertainty beforehand as to whether a particular 
    species is a weed in the area around the site of a proposed 
    introduction. If an applicant has any uncertainty regarding the weed 
    status of a particular species around the site of a proposed 
    introduction, that applicant should consult with the Agency as early as 
    possible to enable the agency to obtain the necessary information early 
    enough to prevent undesirable delays. It should be pointed out that 
    applicants need to take into consideration the presence of sexually-
    compatible populations of the same plant species, even if not weedy, in 
    the area of a proposed test site in the development of test protocols 
    that would meet the performance standards under Sec. 340.4.
        One commenter suggested that the phrasing of the new eligibility 
    criterion under proposed Sec. 340.3(b)(1) would require that 
    notification procedures apply for introductions of all non-weed plant 
    species. APHIS believes that this comment is incorrect. The eligibility 
    criterion, as written, applies only to regulated articles, as defined 
    under Sec. 340.1.
        Less than half of all comments specifically addressed the proposed 
    revision of eligibility criterion under Sec. 340.3(b)(5), which would 
    extend the existing eligibility criterion to allow introductions under 
    notification procedures of plants containing genetic sequences from 
    plant viruses that are noncoding regulatory sequences of known 
    function, or that are sense or antisense genetic constructs derived 
    from viral genes from plant viruses that are prevalent and endemic in 
    the area where the introduction will occur and that infect plants of 
    the same host species, and that do not encode a functional noncapsid 
    gene product responsible for cell-to-cell movement of the virus.
        One comment from a scientific society expressed the view that the 
    proposal was based on sound scientific data dealing with the safety of 
    virus-resistant plants. Another comment supported the proposed 
    extension, but recommended in addition that the eligibility criterion 
    not require that any viral gene be derived from a plant virus that is 
    prevalent and endemic in the area where the introduction will occur. 
    The rationale provided for this recommendation was that when field 
    trials are performed under controlled circumstances, the crop 
    performance standards would be sufficient to prevent the unintentional 
    dissemination of the virus by the introduced viral component, which is 
    not itself capable of plant infection. Also, it was indicated that the 
    opportunity for recombination would be less in an isolated field with 
    no homologous viruses than in an area with like viruses.
        APHIS disagrees with the commenter's rationale for further changes 
    to the proposal. The performance standards are designed to prevent 
    persistence of the regulated article or its progeny, and do not 
    specifically address dissemination or persistence of other organisms, 
    such as viruses or their vectors.
        Approximately a quarter of the comments opposed the proposed 
    revision to the eligibility criterion in Sec. 340.3(b)(5). These 
    comments raised some or all of the following four issues: risks of gene 
    flow to related plant species; risks of synergistic effects when the 
    regulated article is infected with plant viruses other than the one 
    from which its viral component was derived; risks that new viral 
    strains will be produced; and the supposed paucity of empirical data 
    available to support the proposed revision.
        One commenter expressed concern that movement of genes of viral 
    origin from regulated articles to related plant species could occur 
    when plants containing such genes are introduced under notification, 
    which could have significant implications for both agroecosystems and 
    natural ecosystems, as viral transgenes transferred to wild plant 
    populations could result in new or worse weeds in farmers' fields or 
    alter the genetic diversity of natural ecosystems.
        APHIS disagrees with these comments. APHIS believes that it has 
    addressed the issue of gene flow from regulated articles to other 
    plants in its general discussion of the appropriateness of the 
    performance standards for confinement of field trials.
        The issues with respect to potential synergistic effects and/or 
    recombinational events revolve around potential interactions between 
    the regulated article and other viruses in field settings. Before 
    discussing these phenomena in detail, however, APHIS notes that during 
    field testing of virus resistant plants (whether transgenic or 
    conventionally bred), researchers routinely make efforts to exclude 
    unwanted viruses to which the test plants are not resistant (unless 
    they are specifically investigating an effect such as synergy). This is 
    done because infection of plants with other viruses causes additional 
    disease symptoms that make comparative evaluation of the desired 
    disease resistance phenotypes of the test lines (the transgenic lines) 
    with controls (the nontransgenic parent lines) difficult or impossible. 
    The need for exclusion of other viruses during field trials with 
    vegetatively propagated plants (e.g., potatoes) is even more severe. 
    With such plants, infection with other viruses not only contaminates 
    the experimental plants but results in infection of all clonal progeny. 
    Infected plants then need to be destroyed, or the unwanted virus must 
    be eliminated via tissue culture, a time-consuming and expensive 
    procedure. For any crop, if an unwanted virus is seed transmitted, 
    progeny lines also become infected, which can affect an entire breeding 
    program. Thus, researchers have long recognized the importance of 
    minimizing the presence of unwanted viruses from field tests of virus 
    resistant plants. Minimizing unwanted viruses in a test plot minimizes 
    the opportunity for recombination or synergy.
        The concerns raised over the potential for synergistic effects 
    between viral genes in the regulated article and other viruses that may 
    infect the plant allude to the phenomenon that, when two viruses 
    simultaneously infect a plant, disease symptoms can be more severe than 
    when either of the viruses alone infects the plant. Such synergistic 
    infections can often result in severely diseased, unsalable crops under 
    current agricultural production. APHIS believes, however, that such 
    synergistic interactions are relatively rare in mixed viral infections. 
    APHIS estimates that more than 2000 plant viruses have been identified 
    worldwide. Information gathered for APHIS on the occurrence of 
    synergistic interactions by Dr. Vicki Vance, University of South 
    Carolina, on file in the administrative record, identified no more than 
    25 synergistic viral interactions. Moreover, because synergy, unlike 
    recombination, is not related to the potential for creation of new 
    viruses, the effects of synergy may in effect be considered to be 
    agronomic, rather than environmental. Investigation of the potential 
    for synergy may be a part of the evaluation of a new crop variety 
    undergoing agronomic testing. Were synergistic interactions manifested 
    by a transgenic crop during field testing, severe infection would 
    result, and the plants or plant lines would likely be
    [[Page 23950]]
    destroyed because they would have no use in a breeding program. These 
    effects would be limited to the test plants.
        Three other independent reports prepared in different countries and 
    published in 1995 and on file in the administrative record address the 
    subject of synergy and viral resistant transgenic plants:
        1. ``Transgenic virus-resistant plants and new plant viruses,'' a 
    report prepared by the American Institute of Biological Sciences 
    (AIBS), based on a workshop convened by AIBS and sponsored by the USDA;
        2. ``Risks to the Agricultural Environment Associated with Current 
    Strategies to Develop Virus Tolerant Plants Using Genetic 
    Modification,'' written by Henry, C. M., Barker, I., Pratt, M., 
    Pemberton, A. W., Farmer, M. J., Cotten, J., Ebbels, D., Coates, D., 
    and Stratford, R., for the United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture 
    Fisheries and Food; and
        3. ``Transgenic plants expressing viral genes: Issues related to 
    field releases,'' written by Rochon, D. M., Ellis, P. E., Martin, R. 
    R., and Sanforn, H., for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
        All these reports support APHIS' conclusions that viral synergies 
    are rare and would pose only transitory agronomic concerns, but not 
    environmental risks. Agronomic characteristics such as disease 
    susceptibility are routinely evaluated during agronomic testing. On the 
    basis of all the information presented, therefore, APHIS believes that 
    the potential for viral synergies when regulated articles are 
    introduced under notification will pose no concerns different from 
    those arising under traditional agricultural breeding and practice.
        In further response to the commenters, the issue with respect to 
    recombination centers around the potential to create new plant viruses 
    when transgenic virus resistant plants are infected by other plant 
    viruses. The term ``recombination'' is typically defined as an exchange 
    of nucleotide sequences between two nucleic acid molecules. Such 
    exchanges between genomes result in heritable, permanent change. While 
    recombination is a common process, which is responsible in nature for 
    much of the observed variation between individual members of the same 
    species, a variety of factors affect the appearance and survival of 
    recombinant types. In all experiments that have been performed to date 
    with plant viruses, recombinant types have been observed only when 
    transgenic plants, containing viral sequences and susceptible to the 
    virus from which those sequences are derived, are infected with a 
    defective but replication-competent parental virus type under a strong 
    selection for production of recombinant virus. Recombination between 
    two plant viruses under natural field conditions has never been 
    reported and may be sufficiently rare that it may only be observed to 
    occur on an evolutionary time scale. There are no published reports 
    demonstrating recombination between a virus-resistant transgenic plant 
    and a nondefective and unrelated plant virus. Resistance to an 
    infecting virus would prevent or at least partially inhibit replication 
    of that virus and replicated progeny viruses might not therefore be 
    available for recombination with the resident viral transgene. The 
    reports cited above on transgenic plants expressing viral genes provide 
    more detailed discussions on the factors affecting recombination, the 
    detection or survival of recombinants, and provide additional reference 
        The likelihood that a statistically rare recombinational event will 
    occur depends on, among other things, sample size. Typically, the first 
    field trials of regulated articles containing genes from plant viruses 
    that have not yet been demonstrated to confer virus resistance on the 
    host plant are small, i.e., with single genotypes representing perhaps 
    0.5 acre or less. Lines that are selected for testing on larger plots 
    are generally those that have been shown to be resistant to infection 
    by the parental virus under field conditions during prior small scale 
    field testing. In fact, greater than 95 percent of the individual field 
    tests of virus resistant plants that have been conducted to date under 
    permit or notification procedures have been small, under 5 acres in 
    area. The larger field trials that have been performed to date have 
    involved lines that have been subsequently deregulated (e.g., Asgrow's 
    ZW-20 squash) or other crop lines that are relatively far along in 
    their agronomic testing. All such varieties have already been 
    demonstrated to be resistant to viral infection, reducing the 
    likelihood of recombination with the related virus.
        As stated above, if an unwanted virus infects the transgenic plant 
    and replicates, recombination theoretically could occur. The potential 
    for recombination will be limited by efforts to exclude unwanted 
    viruses from field tests. Additional constraints in proposed 
    eligibility criterion Sec. 340.3(b)(5) for viral sequences that meet 
    notification are that the inserted viral sequences come from a viral 
    strain that infects the recipient plant and that the virus be widely 
    prevalent in the area where the field test is to be performed. If these 
    limitations apply, the RNA's of concern that could potentially 
    recombine (the viral transgene and the unwanted virus) would be nucleic 
    acids that would have already had the potential to interact and 
    recombine in nature if the two viruses naturally infected the same 
    plant and were located within the same plant tissues.
        APHIS believes that scientific evidence, routine agricultural 
    practices, and the other restrictions contained under revised 
    Sec. 340.3(b)(5) make it highly unlikely that any new virus will arise 
    as a result of field testing of a transgenic virus resistant plant 
    under notification procedures. APHIS also believes that in the unlikely 
    event that a new virus should arise, standard practices that are used 
    to control new viral diseases that are detected in agricultural 
    settings would also be adequate to address any new virus. Again, two of 
    the above-cited reports that addressed this general subject reached 
    conclusions similar to those of APHIS. In a report to Agriculture and 
    Agri-Food Canada, Rochon et al. (1995) conclude, ``It is likely that 
    current means of detecting and controlling new diseases in this country 
    would be adequate to control any new virus resulting from recombination 
    between a transgene and another virus.'' The AIBS report concludes by 
    stating, ``With or without the use of transgenic plants, new plant 
    virus diseases will develop that will require attention.'' No changes 
    to the regulations are made in response to these comments.
        Several commenters expressing opposition to the proposed revision 
    to Sec. 340.3(b)(5) asserted that there is insufficient empirical data 
    for its justification. In response to these comments, we understand the 
    desire for additional experiments specifically designed to increase 
    understanding of the mechanisms involved in virus resistance, to 
    measure the frequency at which certain interactions between regulated 
    articles and infecting viruses occur, and to examine the effects of 
    those interactions on virus populations. We agree that such information 
    will probably be scientifically interesting. It may also be potentially 
    useful for resolving uncertainties that may arise for specific crop-
    gene combinations when, eventually, approval is sought to grow the 
    regulated articles under routine agricultural conditions as opposed to 
    under performance standards (i.e., when a petition is submitted to 
    APHIS for a determination of nonregulated status). A statement in the 
    AIBS report (1995) previously cited recognizes this fact: ``More 
    research is
    [[Page 23951]]
    needed to explain these mechanisms and to assess the environmental and 
    agricultural risks that might be presented by the commercialization of 
    transgenic virus-resistant crops.''
        We do not agree with the comment that additional data of these 
    types are needed to justify the proposed modification to 
    Sec. 340.3(b)(5) for field trials under notification procedures. Such 
    arguments, APHIS believes, ignore the weight of experience with 
    conventionally bred and conventionally cross-protected crop varieties 
    (a cross-protected variety being one made immune or resistant to a 
    severe strain of a virus by infecting the variety with a mild strain of 
    the virus), and take note of neither the performance standards under 
    Sec. 340.3(b) nor the agricultural practices routinely used to minimize 
    infection of test crops or to control infections.
        One commenter suggested that APHIS mischaracterized the results of 
    the AIBS Workshop on Transgenic Virus-Resistant Plants and New Plant 
    Viruses. The comment asserted that a discrepancy exists between the 
    proposed regulations (which would extend eligibility to all viral genes 
    derived from certain viruses, apart from those genes encoding noncapsid 
    movement proteins) and the written proceedings, which in the view of 
    the commenter indicated that any as yet undiscovered viral genes would 
    pose novel risks, with the implicit implication that such genes should 
    not be eligible for APHIS' notification procedures.
        APHIS disagrees with this commenter's interpretation of the 
    workshop proceedings. The relevant phrase in the AIBS report, which 
    contains the only mention of ``known'' genes, is, ``The participants 
    agreed that the risk considerations for coat protein (currently on the 
    list for notification) are the same as those for other known viral 
    genes . * * *'' APHIS believes that the report does not attempt to 
    indicate that other genes would pose new risks, but rather that the 
    participants at the workshop only discussed the potential risks of 
    genes for which scientific information was at hand. APHIS believes that 
    enough information has been established to date about the function of 
    plant virus genes so that whole new categories of genes that would 
    raise new concerns other than those addressed at the workshop are 
    unlikely to appear. However, should any information arise that would 
    suggest that notification procedures are not appropriate for a 
    specific, as yet undiscovered class of viral genes, APHIS would of 
    course act to ensure that appropriate safety requirements for field 
    testing applied to such trials.
        The comment also noted that the proposal would extend notification 
    procedures to field trials of any size, while the report only discussed 
    risk considerations for small-scale trials, i.e., those under 10 acres. 
    APHIS agrees that the workshop participants, in discussing specific 
    categories of genes in accordance with questions distributed to 
    participants to help focus discussions, specifically addressed small 
    scale field trials. However, in their discussions of the various types 
    of viral interactions (such as recombination and synergy) that formed 
    the broader issues at the heart of the workshop, no specific size-
    related concerns were raised. Moreover, as was discussed previously, 
    preliminary field trials with new crop lines carrying virus-derived 
    genes are generally conducted on a very small scale until it can be 
    demonstrated that the new lines exhibit the desired virus-resistant 
    phenotype. When this phenotype is manifested, the likelihood that the 
    viral transgene could recombine with a related infecting virus is 
    further limited. Again, however, the general concerns raised are 
    concerns that may become relevant on a case-by-case basis when the 
    Agency considers petitions for determination of nonregulated status for 
    specific virus-resistant regulated articles. No change is made to the 
    regulations in response to this comment.
    Comments on Proposed Simplifications to Paperwork Requirements by State 
    Regulatory Officials (Sec. 340.3(e)(1))
        About one-fifth of all comments specifically addressed the proposal 
    to eliminate the requirement that States actively provide to APHIS 
    concurrence on interstate movements of regulated articles under 
    notification. All but one of the comments were in favor of the rule as 
    proposed. Each of those, however, suggested that the proposal needed 
    some additional clarification: either that States' roles in oversight 
    over other aspects of the notification process should be lessened, or 
    that the notification process for interstate movement should be made 
    ``generic'' by indicating a master list of potential terminal 
    destinations to which transgenic seed might be shipped. Several 
    comments indicated that State involvement should be eliminated 
        In response to these comments, APHIS believes that the notification 
    process for interstate movement is not burdensome, that State 
    notification and involvement in that process has been, and continues to 
    be, useful, and that it is appropriate that States be made aware that 
    shipments of specific regulated articles may be destined to enter. 
    States should be offered the opportunity to consider any notifications 
    in view of local requirements. APHIS further believes that a system for 
    generic identification of sites to which transgenic seed may be shipped 
    might not provide States with adequate opportunities to address these 
        One State commenter indicated strong opposition to removal of the 
    requirement for review and concurrence by affected States. The comment 
    asserted that notification without the review opportunity would not be 
    acceptable. APHIS believes that this comment reinforces the view of 
    other comments, in favor of the proposed rule, that indicated the need 
    for additional clarification. APHIS believes that the proposed 
    regulation was not sufficiently clear in indicating that States would 
    be notified and that those States that wish to continue to review 
    notifications for interstate movement would be free to do so. 
    Furthermore, the important role that States have played in considering 
    local factors with respect to field trials will remain unchanged. 
    (These field test factors, as indicated by one State Department of 
    Agriculture, include review of proposed uses of challenge organisms, 
    the planting of species in areas in which host-free periods exist for 
    the crop, the planting of crops in protection districts where specific 
    state regulations restrict planting, and the planting of plant material 
    for which there are established specific quarantines.) In response to 
    comments, APHIS is revising Sec. 340.3(e)(1) of the regulations to 
    clarify its intent as follows:
        APHIS will provide copies of all notifications to appropriate 
    State regulatory official(s) for review within 5 business days of 
    receipt. Comments to APHIS from appropriate State regulatory 
    officials in response to notifications for interstate movement of 
    regulated articles will not be required by APHIS prior to 
    acknowledgment, although States may provide their reviews to APHIS 
    at their discretion.
    Comments on Proposed Changes to Regulations for Petitions for 
    Determination of Nonregulated Status and on Proposed Use of Guidelines 
    To Provide Information to the Public (Sec. 340.6(e) and Footnotes Added 
    to the Ends of the Headings of Secs. 340.3, 340.4, 340.5, and 340.6)
        Two related portions of the proposed rule, i.e., the proposed 
    changes to regulations for petitions for determination of nonregulated 
    status and the proposed use of guidelines to
    [[Page 23952]]
    provide information to the public on various issues, were frequently 
    discussed together in comments. APHIS will discuss the comments 
    received on these two topics together.
        A majority of comments that specifically addressed the expansion of 
    determinations of nonregulated status supported the concept of relating 
    the extension of a determination of nonregulated status to a 
    determination of nonregulated status for a closely related antecedent 
    organism. One comment stated that the slight differences in closely 
    related varieties are no more significant than the differences that 
    occur between the products of traditional plant breeding.
        Several commenters also noted the value of the increased 
    flexibility provided by the proposed changes, in allowing for desirable 
    outcomes such as greater innovation, reduced paperwork, less redundant 
    experimentation, and promoting the rapid development of the best new 
    crop varieties. One commenter, in pointing out that progress through 
    the development of new transformants would be encouraged under the 
    proposed changes, noted that the current system encourages the 
    development of genetically engineered crops using a trait from a single 
    progenitor line, and that such crops are genetically more narrow and 
    less adaptable than crops developed from several lines derived from 
    various insertions of the same trait. APHIS agrees with these comments.
        The comments opposed to the proposed extension of determinations of 
    nonregulated status to plants closely related to antecedent organisms 
    generally expressed the view that a ``huge loophole'' would be opened 
    up under which risk assessments of potentially dangerous new varieties 
    would not be made. One comment suggested that companies would be able 
    to reengineer particular plants to contain genes that pose ecological 
    concerns and then claim that the new plants are, indeed, ``closely 
        APHIS disagrees with these comments. The basis for extending a 
    determination of nonregulated status to additional closely related 
    regulated articles will be a demonstration by the applicant that the 
    risk assessment that was developed for the antecedent organism is in 
    fact adequate to address any potential plant pest risk issues for the 
    regulated article. While the guidelines developed by APHIS will provide 
    examples of types of differences between regulated article and 
    antecedent organism that the Agency believes are unlikely to raise such 
    new issues, it will be the burden of the applicant to provide data, 
    including data from field tests, to demonstrate this contention. 
    Moreover, in the proposal, any action by the Agency to extend a 
    determination of nonregulated status would not take effect for 30 days. 
    This interval was deliberately incorporated into the proposed rule to 
    allow an opportunity for any new plant pest risk issues that might have 
    been overlooked in APHIS' review of the applicant's requests to be 
    identified. No change to the regulations is made in response to these 
        Another commenter, expressing the desire that APHIS proceed 
    cautiously with respect to this proposed action, noted that differences 
    in gene insertion sites, copy number, and genetic background have the 
    potential to make two very similar sounding varieties significantly 
    different in phenotype. APHIS agrees that phenotypic differences may 
    arise in these ways. However, the Agency believes that the differences 
    that may result would likely be of the magnitude observed through 
    traditional crop breeding. In any event, the phenotype of the regulated 
    article will need to be specifically described in any request for an 
    extension of an existing determination of nonregulated status. On a 
    case-by-case basis, APHIS will consider whether observed phenotypic 
    changes raise any issues that were not adequately addressed in the 
    determination of nonregulated status for the antecedent organism, and 
    the Agency's decision will be announced to the public 30 days before it 
    takes effect.
        One commenter objected to this portion of the proposed rule on the 
    grounds that commercialization of genetically engineered plants raises 
    large-scale issues not addressed by small-scale field testing, and, 
    implicitly, that these issues would not be adequately addressed when 
    requests for extension to existing determinations of nonregulated 
    status are considered. APHIS disagrees. We reiterate, as was indicated 
    in response to comments in the final rule establishing the notification 
    and petition options, that we believe that all relevant issues are 
    carefully considered in APHIS analyses of petitions for determination 
    of nonregulated status. It should further be noted that other agencies 
    outside USDA, notably the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food 
    and Drug Administration, also exercise regulatory responsibilities for 
    assuring the safety of certain agricultural products developed using 
    biotechnological techniques. The framework of agency authorities and 
    responsibilities, under which more than one agency often has a 
    designated regulatory role in assuring the safety of a particular 
    product was set forth by the White House Office of Science and 
    Technology Policy as the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of 
    the Products of Biotechnology (51 FR 23303-23350, June 6, 1986).
        Two commenters addressed APHIS' discussion of the use of guidelines 
    as part of regulatory oversight. One comment stated that guidelines 
    should not be used as a substitute for rulemaking, and that the 
    practice of issuing guidelines should be codified in the regulation and 
    not relegated to the status of a footnote in the preamble of the 
    proposed regulation.
        Both commenters requested that APHIS codify the use of guidelines 
    to establish the policy that data developed in compliance with those 
    guidelines will be accepted by the Agency for purposes of review. In 
    response to these comments, APHIS notes that its guidelines are 
    intended to provide guidance to applicants as to what kind of 
    information could be or has been submitted and approved by APHIS. This 
    guidance is not a guarantee that any other submission along the same 
    lines will receive the same determination. Each situation will be 
    addressed on a case-by-case basis. Also, the guidelines are not 
    intended to be requirements for submission of requests under this part 
    and, accordingly, they have not been placed in the regulations. Should 
    APHIS at a later date decide to adopt the guidelines as requirements, 
    it would do so after notice and comment rulemaking. In addition, APHIS 
    anticipates that data and information submitted in accordance with the 
    guidelines would generally be acceptable to the Agency, unless 
    additional information becomes available to the Agency that raises 
    specific new plant pest risk issues regarding a particular request for 
    an extension of a determination of nonregulated status. As stated 
    previously, this determination will be made on a case-by-case basis. No 
    change to the regulations is made in response to these comments.
        Several comments were received regarding the use of guidelines to 
    help applicants establish the similarity of a regulated article to an 
    antecedent organism. Many of the comments suggested that APHIS needed 
    to provide clear definitions for ``closely related'' and ``negligibly 
    different,'' two terms used in the discussion of the relation of 
    antecedent organism to regulated article in the proposed rule. Two 
    comments indicated that a standard for ``closely related'' should be 
    put directly in the text of the regulations. Several commenters also 
    expressed the desire to
    [[Page 23953]]
    comment directly on precise definitions for these terms or on any 
    guidelines APHIS might develop. Several comments suggested that it was 
    not possible, given the information in the proposed rule, to provide 
    informed comments on this portion of the proposed rule.
        In response to these comments, APHIS continues to believe, as 
    indicated in the proposed rule, that it is not appropriate to establish 
    rigid rules or definitions for determining similarity. A wide range of 
    minor differences might be exhibited by a regulated article and its 
    antecedent organism that would not affect any characteristics related 
    to the potential for plant pest risk of the regulated article. 
    Moreover, the relevant plant pest risk issues discussed in any 
    determination of nonregulated status will vary depending on the biology 
    of the regulated article in question. When an applicant requests an 
    extension of a determination of nonregulated status, that applicant 
    must demonstrate that the Agency's analysis of the identified relevant 
    issues for the antecedent organism, in fact adequately addresses all 
    relevant issues relating to the regulated article as well. APHIS has 
    developed guidelines for extensions to determinations of nonregulated 
    status. The Agency believes that these guidelines will provide useful 
    examples of some types of modifications that should not raise new plant 
    pest risk issues, and the kinds of information that an applicant may 
    use in support of such a request. No applicant is required to follow 
    the guidelines, and because an applicant follows the guidelines does 
    not mean his or her request will automatically be approved. Each 
    application will be evaluated on its own merits. The guidelines are 
    available on the Internet or by mail as indicated under FOR FURTHER 
    INFORMATION CONTACT. APHIS welcomes suggestions on how to improve the 
    guidelines themselves. The Agency will carefully consider all 
    suggestions, both those that identify specific new plant pest risk 
    issues that may be posed by classes of modifications as well as any of 
    those identifying additional types of similarities that would be 
    unlikely to raise any new risk issues. The guidelines will be updated 
    periodically as extensions are granted.
        Several comments indicated general preferences for either stringent 
    or flexible requirements. Four other comments provided specific 
    suggestions as to the types of similarities between antecedent 
    organisms and regulated articles that the commenters believe would be 
    unlikely to raise new plant pest risk issues. APHIS does not believe 
    that it would be informative to attempt to categorize guidance 
    information provided to potential applicants as either ``stringent'' or 
    ``flexible,'' inasmuch as these are subjective terms. We would note 
    that independent of the specific content of the guidelines, the 
    Agency's responsibilities to prevent the introduction and dissemination 
    of plant pests are no less stringent under the regulations in 7 CFR 
    part 340 than under its other regulations. The comments suggested the 
    following types of changes between antecedent organisms and regulated 
    articles would raise no new plant pest risk issues: the regulated 
    article and the antecedent organism contain genes from different donor 
    organisms when the two genes perform the same molecular function; and 
    the antecedent organism and the regulated article differ only in the 
    use of a different selectable marker gene; the antecedent organism and 
    the regulated article differ only in structural modifications of the 
    same functional gene, or in the use of different noncoding regulatory 
    sequences to drive the expression of the gene. APHIS agrees that it is 
    likely that most organisms in the proposed classes would raise no new 
    plant pest risk issues. As an illustration, a new ``selectable marker 
    gene'' could potentially be a gene of any function, providing that a 
    useful assay has been developed for it in the context in which the gene 
    is to be expressed. However, evaluation of the potential for plant pest 
    risk posed by a new selectable marker gene would, APHIS believes, 
    require consideration of the specific function of that gene. A 
    requester will need to provide justification as to why the analysis put 
    forth in the determination of nonregulated status for the antecedent 
    organism is adequate to address any potential plant pest risk issues 
    that may be posed by the regulated article. No changes to the 
    regulations are made in response to these comments.
        One State cooperator expressed the view that States need the 
    opportunity to review guidelines to verify that any specific conditions 
    in the State are addressed. The comment asked three questions: (1) how 
    States can make known any difference of opinion on any judgment by 
    APHIS to extend a determination of nonregulated status; (2) whether the 
    particular guideline on which a requester based a request for extension 
    of a determination would be identified in that request; and (3) if a 
    different guideline were followed by a person requesting an extension 
    of a determination of nonregulated status, whether States would have 
    the opportunity to comment on that guideline.
        In response to these comments, APHIS notes, first, that it welcomes 
    any comments from its State cooperators at any time, whether in 
    response to any guideline or in response to a particular action to 
    extend a determination of nonregulated status. With respect to the 
    identification of specific guidelines on which an applicant bases his 
    or her request to extend a determination of nonregulated status, APHIS 
    presumes that the applicant will describe in any request, the 
    justification for the proposed extension. An applicant may choose 
    whether or not to follow a particular guideline as a basis for a 
    proposed extension, inasmuch as adherence to the guidelines is not 
    mandatory. APHIS believes that whether any particular guideline may 
    have been followed is not important, but that States should focus on 
    the justification provided by an applicant and the documentation 
    developed by the Agency that demonstrates that the analysis of the 
    antecedent organism is adequate to address the new regulated article as 
        One commenter in favor of the proposal to allow the extension of 
    determinations of nonregulated status to closely related organisms 
    requested that APHIS change the term ``antecedent organism'' to either 
    ``antecedent deregulated article'' or ``substantially equivalent 
    organism,'' to avoid implying that new genetic transformation events 
    result in ``new organisms.'' APHIS does not believe that the term 
    ``antecedent organism'' carries with it the implication that the 
    commenter inferred. No change to the regulations is made in response to 
    this comment.
        Two commenters requested that individuals who seek extensions of 
    determinations of nonregulated status and who did not submit the 
    initial petition for determination of nonregulated status be required 
    by APHIS to provide written proof of permission for use of any 
    information in the initial petition. One of those comments further 
    suggested that APHIS should provide petitioners with a means of 
    deriving compensation for information from their petition that is used 
    by another person who requests an extension of the original 
    determination of nonregulated status. If such a compensation provision 
    is not included, then, the comment asserted, extensions of 
    determinations of nonregulated status should only be available to the 
    submitters of the initial petition for the antecedent organism.
    [[Page 23954]]
        APHIS understands the concern that competitors may derive a 
    competitive advantage from utilizing information developed by others 
    without equivalent expenditure of time and money. However, the Agency 
    disagrees that an individual who requests an extension of a 
    determination of nonregulated status will necessarily utilize to any 
    great extent the data contained in the petition for the antecedent 
    organism. Rather, a person who requests an extension to a determination 
    of nonregulated status is likely, in large part, to make reference to 
    APHIS' analysis of the potential for plant pest risk posed by the 
    antecedent organism, providing additional evidence for the new 
    regulated article that the existing analysis is adequate to address 
    that organism as well. Requesters do need, however, to attest to the 
    validity of any data they provide to the agency that is material to the 
    safety of the regulated article that is the subject of the extension 
        Two commenters requested clarification on the content of requests 
    to extend determinations of nonregulated status, specifically on the 
    format of such requests and on information requirements. APHIS does not 
    believe a specific format for requests for extension of determinations 
    of nonregulated status needs to be specified, but believes that the 
    request itself could simply be provided to the Agency in the form of a 
    letter. Similarly, the guidelines, as guidelines rather than 
    regulations, do not specify data requirements in great detail, but 
    indicate the general rationale of the analyses that need to be 
    presented to the Agency and the general areas that need to be 
    addressed, including a description of the genetic modifications in the 
    regulated articles under consideration and a comparison of the 
    modifications in those regulated articles with those in the antecedent 
    organism, information on the phenotypic expression of the genetic 
    modifications in the regulated articles and any known differences in 
    phenotype between the regulated article and its antecedent organism in 
    support of the contention that the regulated articles in question do 
    not pose new risk issues meriting separate consideration.
        One commenter requested that APHIS clarify whether field data 
    reports need to be submitted along with a request to extend 
    determinations of nonregulated status. APHIS believes that submission 
    of such data is material to any determination of nonregulated status, 
    whether the determination is made in response to a separate petition or 
    in response to a request for extension of a determination. (The 
    guidelines mentioned previously do indicate that data from at least one 
    field trial should be included for any new regulated articles for which 
    an extension of a determination of nonregulated status is requested.) 
    APHIS intended in its proposed rule that requirements for submission of 
    field data reports for petitions for the determination of nonregulated 
    status under proposed Sec. 340.6(c)(5) would also apply to extensions 
    of such determinations. In response to comments, proposed 
    Sec. 340.6(c)(5) is revised to indicate that field test reports for all 
    completed field trials need to be submitted prior to submission of 
    either a petition for determination of nonregulated status or a request 
    for extension of a determination of nonregulated status.
        Two commenters recommended that APHIS eliminate the 30-day interval 
    between the announcement of an extension of a determination of 
    nonregulated status and its effective date, based on the fact that the 
    Agency had already conducted a thorough safety review, with public 
    comment, on the antecedent organism. APHIS believes that it is 
    necessary to retain the 30-day interval to allow State officials and 
    PPQ officers to receive and process the information concerning the 
    extension of an existing determination to new lines. Moreover, 
    Sec. 340.6(e)(3) ensures that the public has adequate notice of all 
    preliminary decisions to extend determinations of nonregulated status 
    by announcing such decisions in the Federal Register 30 days before the 
    decisions become final and effective. This section provides that APHIS 
    may modify its preliminary decision should APHIS receive additional 
    information that it determines warrants a change in the decision. In 
    such cases, APHIS will issue a revised decision and publish it in the 
    Federal Register. In the absence of additional information that the 
    Agency believes warrants such a change, the preliminary decision will 
    automatically become final and effective after 30 days.
    Comments on Proposed Simplifications to Reporting Requirements Under 
    Permit or Notification (Secs. 340.3(d)(4), 340.4(f)(9)), and 
        About 40 percent of the comments specifically addressed the 
    proposals to simplify the reporting requirements under permit and 
    notification procedures in Secs. 340.3(d)(4), 340.4(f)(9), and 
    340.6(c)(5). Less than half of the comments on this section supported 
    the proposal. These supportive commenters recognized the intent of the 
    proposed regulations to preserve reporting of all significant 
    occurrences, in that the proposed regulations would still require: 
    reporting of deleterious effects observed in trials under either permit 
    or notification procedures; and submission of all field test reports 
    for completed trials prior to, or as part of, a petition for 
    determination of nonregulated status.
        A majority of those who commented on this section opposed the 
    proposed simplification of reporting requirements, although a few of 
    those commenters indicated that other, more limited streamlining 
    measures would be appropriate. Several commenters suggested that field 
    reporting requirements should be strengthened, although no evidence in 
    support of such a view was provided.
        Commenters opposed to the proposed regulations and in favor of 
    retaining existing reporting requirements or of implementing other, 
    more limited measures, provided justification for their disapproval of 
    the proposed changes to the regulations. One commenter suggested that 
    even though there have been no unfavorable incidents with the few 
    organisms released to date, other future releases might not be as safe, 
    and that there has been little long term analysis of the potential 
    environmental effects caused by such releases. A second commenter 
    suggested that USDA created a loophole which would allow companies to 
    decide for themselves what constitutes deleterious effects, and that 
    USDA and the public could be kept in the dark about unsafe field 
    trials. A third commenter stressed the importance of reporting 
    requirements as an incentive for companies to comply with APHIS's 
    record-keeping requirement, in providing information to the public, and 
    in helping generate public confidence in the conduct of field trials.
        In response to these comments, APHIS agrees in part with the first 
    comment that it is inappropriate to base judgments on the safety of 
    future introductions of specific regulated articles solely on the 
    behavior of other regulated articles in previous introductions. 
    However, we have never intended that reports of field trial results 
    submitted to APHIS be broadly used to affirm the safety of individual 
    future trials with other organisms. Each report is used in more limited 
    and appropriate contexts that refer specifically to the trial itself, 
    i.e., to verify that specific introduction did not result in unmanaged 
    dissemination of a regulated article, and to document any unusual 
    occurrences during the trial or any deleterious effects of the 
    regulated article on plants, nontarget organisms, or the environment. 
    The reports do support the broad conclusion that it has
    [[Page 23955]]
    been possible to conduct field trials with a variety of plant species 
    under a variety of experimental protocols without unmanaged 
    dissemination of regulated articles, and the reports indicate that to 
    date, observed unusual occurrences and deleterious effects have been 
    minimal. Further, APHIS believes that the suggestion that the Agency 
    should consider potential long term environmental effects that differ 
    from any effects that have yet been observed is outside the scope of 
    the requirements of the NEPA and would be an exercise in speculation. 
    NEPA does require, however, that Agencies have a continuing duty to 
    gather and evaluate new information relevant to the environmental 
    impact of their actions (See Association Concerned About Tomorrow v. 
    Dole, 610 F.Supp. 1101 (D.C. Texas 1985)).
        APHIS also disagrees with the second comment that the proposed 
    simplifications of reporting requirements create a ``loophole'' for the 
    reporting of deleterious effects. The proposed regulation neither 
    alters in any way the legal requirement that deleterious effects be 
    reported to the agency, nor alters either the classes of effects that 
    are to be reported to the agency or the time schedules for reporting 
    those effects. The proposed rule would only have eliminated the 
    requirement for submission of field data reports for field trials 
    conducted under notification procedures if those trials exhibited no 
    deleterious effects, unusual occurrences, or accidental releases. Any 
    events or observations of deleterious effects, unusual occurrences, or 
    accidental releases would have been reported to APHIS and the reports 
    would have been available for public scrutiny. If a responsible person 
    had any uncertainty regarding whether a particular event or observation 
    constituted a deleterious effect, unusual occurrence, or accidental 
    release, it was their responsibility to contact APHIS to ascertain 
    whether that event or observation required reporting under the proposed 
        In response to the third comment, APHIS disagrees that the 
    requirement to submit field data reports for trials under notification 
    procedures in which no deleterious effect, unusual occurrence, or 
    accidental release is observed, in fact provides any additional 
    incentive to maintain complete and accurate records. However, the 
    Agency agrees that the availability of field trial reports, including 
    the vast majority not reporting unexpected events, may help to increase 
    public confidence about the conduct of field trials. For this reason, 
    we believe that there is significant benefit in maintaining reporting 
    requirements for all field trials under notification or permit 
    procedures at the present time. The Agency will accordingly continue to 
    require submission of field data reports for all field trials. The 
    regulations at Sec. 340.3(d)(4)(i) are changed in response to these 
        Inasmuch as the proposal did not affect recordkeeping requirements, 
    we believe that a continued requirement for submission of field data 
    reports is not a great burden on responsible persons. APHIS received 
    two identical comments that opposed the original proposal for 
    streamlining reporting requirements. Both comments requested that, for 
    field trials of longer than one year duration, the requirement for 
    yearly submission of field data reports be eliminated and that only a 
    single report be submitted within 6 months of completion of the field 
    trial. APHIS believes that this is a reasonable request. In response to 
    these comments, the regulations at Secs. 340.3(d)(4)(i) and 340.4(f)(9) 
    are changed accordingly. Additionally, the regulations at 
    Sec. 340.6(c)(5) for the submission of yearly field data reports in 
    multi-year field trials in support of petitions for determination of 
    nonregulated status are changed to be consistent with the previous 
        Another commenter suggested that when APHIS receives field test 
    reports that demonstrate deleterious effects or other unexpected field 
    observations, the agency should be required to notify the affected 
    State of those observations. APHIS agrees that affected States should 
    be informed when such events are observed. Such provision of 
    information is in keeping with our existing coordination with States. 
    APHIS currently provides such information to States on a routine basis, 
    and will continue to inform affected States in the future whenever the 
    Agency receives either a report of deleterious effects or directly 
    notify States under Sec. 340.4(f)(10) that there has been an accidental 
    or unplanned release.
        We are deleting all references to ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and 
    Environmental Protection'' and replacing them with ``Animal and Plant 
    Health Inspection Service'' in order to reflect an internal 
    reorganization within APHIS; we are also adding a definition of 
    Administrator as part of that change. The authority citation has also 
    been amended to reflect number changes in Title 7 of the Code of 
    Federal Regulations that address delegations of authority to the 
    Assistant Secretary, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, and the 
    Administrator, APHIS.
        Therefore, based on the rationale set forth in the proposed rule 
    and in this document, we are adopting the provisions of the proposal as 
    a final rule with the changes discussed in this document.
    Executive Order 12866 and Regulatory Flexibility Act
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12866. The rule 
    has been determined to be significant for the purposes of Executive 
    Order 12866 and, therefore, has been reviewed by the Office of 
    Management and Budget.1
        \1\ The agricultural biotechnology industry is still in a 
    relatively early stage of development. Each year, as the industry 
    continues to grow, it is anticipated there will be growth in 
    experimentation, ultimately resulting in an increase in agricultural 
    production and a broadening of international trade. The potential 
    benefits could be significant, but are speculative at this time. 
    APHIS anticipates that this Final Rule will be generally welcomed by 
    public and private researchers, because it is estimated that it 
    could save the industry as a whole perhaps $50,000 in costs 
    associated with preparing submissions to APHIS. These savings are 
    expected to increase as the number of submissions to APHIS continues 
    to grow.
        The effect of the amendments is to simplify procedures: (1) For the 
    introduction of certain genetically engineered organisms by expanding 
    the scope of organisms that will be included under notification 
    procedures and lessening certain administrative requirements for State 
    concurrence on interstate movements under notification procedures; (2) 
    for determination of nonregulated status for certain organisms by 
    allowing for extension of determinations of nonregulated status to 
    other regulated articles closely related to those for which the initial 
    determination was made; and (3) for reporting requirements during 
    multi-year field trials.
        The expansion of the scope of organisms included under notification 
    procedures will eliminate the need for a permit to conduct field tests 
    for many crops that currently fall under the permitting regulations. 
    This will allow researchers to conduct field tests for most crops with 
    greatly simplified regulatory requirements. At present, approximately 
    87 percent of all field trials are conducted under notification 
    procedures. Based on trials to date, APHIS estimates that less than 0.5 
    percent of the transgenic plants field tested would not qualify for 
    notification procedures based on the local weed status of the crop 
    species. In addition, nearly 99 percent of all introduced genes in 
    plants field tested to date have qualified under notification 
    procedures. Most of the donor genes that have not met the eligibility 
    criteria have been virus-derived genes that could
    [[Page 23956]]
    potentially also qualify for notification under the revised 
    Sec. 340.3(b)(5). APHIS therefore estimates that about 99 percent of 
    all field trials will be conducted under notification procedures under 
    these modifications. APHIS estimates that the cost savings for 
    preparation of notification over preparation of a permit application is 
    approximately 95 percent.
        APHIS also estimates that extension of existing determinations will 
    potentially be applicable to perhaps half of all regulated articles for 
    which a determination of nonregulated status might be sought. The 
    amount of time required to establish similarity with an antecedent 
    organism, APHIS estimates, might be about one-fourth of that required 
    for preparation of a petition for determination of nonregulated status. 
    Much of this data is data that the researcher should already have 
    acquired while conducting field tests of genetically engineered crops.
        This rule is consistent with the risk-based and product-based 
    philosophy underlying the Federal policy for the regulation of the 
    products of biotechnology, as announced by the Office of Science and 
    Technology Policy in the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of 
    the Products of Biotechnology (51 FR 23303-23350, June 26, 1986). It is 
    also consistent with the principles of regulation expressed in 
    Executive Order 12866, specifically that the agency consider the degree 
    and nature of risks posed by the activities under its jurisdiction, and 
    tailor its regulations to achieve the least burden on society 
    consistent with obtaining its regulatory objectives. The option of 
    allowing applicants to submit requests to extend existing 
    determinations of nonregulated status to one or more related organisms 
    is also consistent with the Presidential Memorandum to heads of 
    Departments and Agencies of March 4, 1995, on the Regulatory Reform 
    Initiative which, among other things, directs agencies to consider the 
    question, ``Could private business, setting its own standards and being 
    subject to public accountability, do the job as well?''
        In response to the comments received, APHIS is changing the 
    proposed regulations to simplify field test reporting for 
    notifications, permits, and petitions, and to clarify the requirement 
    for State concurrence on interstate movements under notification 
        Under these circumstances, the Administrator of the Animal and 
    Plant Health Inspection Service has determined that this action will 
    not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small 
    Executive Order 12372
        This program/activity is listed in the Catalog of Federal Domestic 
    Assistance under No. 10.025 and is subject to Executive Order 12372, 
    which requires intergovernmental consultation with State and local 
    officials. (See 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V.)
    Executive Order 12988
        This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, Civil 
    Justice Reform. This rule: (1) Preempts all State and local laws and 
    regulations that are inconsistent with this rule; (2) has no 
    retroactive effect; and (3) does not require administrative proceedings 
    before parties may file suit in court challenging this rule.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        This final rule contains an information collection requirement that 
    was not included in the proposed rule. Specifically, this final rule 
    adds an additional 288 annual burden hours required for the field test 
    reports submission to APHIS. In accordance with section 3507(d) of the 
    Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), this 
    information collection requirement has been submitted for approval to 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). When OMB notifies us of its 
    decision, we will publish a document in the Federal Register providing 
    notice of the assigned OMB control number or, if approval is denied, 
    providing notice of what action we plan to take.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 340
        Administrative practice and procedure, Biotechnology, Genetic 
    engineering, Imports, Packaging and containers, Plant diseases and 
    pests, Transportation.
        Accordingly, we are amending 7 CFR part 340 as follows:
        1. The authority citation for part 340 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 150aa-150jj, 151-167, and 1622n; 31 U.S.C. 
    9701; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.2(c).
    Sec. 340.0  [Amended]
        2. In Sec. 340.0(a), the introductory text, the words ``Director, 
    BBEP,'' are removed and the word ``Administrator'' added in their 
        3. Section 340.1 is amended as follows:
        a. In the definitions of courtesy permit, inspector, permit, and 
    regulated article, the words ``Director, BBEP,'' are removed and the 
    word ``Administrator'' added in their place.
        b. The definition of Director, BBEP is removed, and definitions for 
    Administrator and antecedent organism are added, in alphabetical order, 
    to read as set forth below:
    Sec. 340.1  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Administrator. The Administrator of the Animal and Plant Health 
    Inspection Service (APHIS) or any other employee of APHIS to whom 
    authority has been or may be delegated to act in the Administrator's 
    * * * * *
        Antecedent organism. An organism that has already been the subject 
    of a determination of nonregulated status by APHIS under Sec. 340.6, 
    and that is used as a reference for comparison to the regulated article 
    under consideration under these regulations.
    * * * * *
    Secs. 340.4, 340.8, and 340.9  [Amended]
        4. In Sec. 340.4, footnotes 5 through 7 are redesignated as 
    footnotes 7 through 9; in Sec. 340.8, footnote 8 is redesignated as 
    footnote 12; and in Sec. 340.9, footnote 9 is redesignated as footnote 
        5. Section 340.3 is amended as follows:
        a. A new footnote 5 is added at the end of the section heading and 
    paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(5), (d)(4), (e)(1) and (e)(4) are revised to 
    read as set forth below.
        b. In paragraph (d)(1), the words ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and 
    Environmental Protection'' are removed and the words ``Plant Protection 
    and Quarantine, Biotechnology and Scientific Services'' are added in 
    their place.
        c. In paragraph (d)(3), introductory text, the word ``BBEP'' is 
    removed and the word ``APHIS'' is added in its place.
        d. In paragraphs (d)(5), (e)(2), and (e)(3), the words ``Director, 
    BBEP,'' are removed and the word ``Administrator'' is added in their 
    Sec. 340.3  Notification for the introduction of certain regulated 
        \5\ APHIS may issue guidelines regarding scientific procedures, 
    practices, or protocols which it has found acceptable in making 
    various determinations under the regulations. A person may follow an 
    APHIS guideline or follow different procedures, practices, or 
    protocols. When different procedures, practices, or protocols are 
    followed, a person may, but is not required to, discuss the matter 
    in advance with APHIS to help ensure that the procedures, practices, 
    or protocols to be followed will be acceptable to APHIS.
    * * * * *
    [[Page 23957]]
        (b) * * *
        (1) The regulated article is any plant species that is not listed 
    as a noxious weed in regulations at 7 CFR part 360 under the Federal 
    Noxious Weed Act (7 U.S.C. 2809), and, when being considered for 
    release into the environment, the regulated article is not considered 
    by the Administrator to be a weed in the area of release into the 
    * * * * *
        (5) To ensure that the introduced genetic sequences do not pose a 
    significant risk of the creation of any new plant virus, plant virus-
    derived sequences must be:
        (i) Noncoding regulatory sequences of known function, or
        (ii) Sense or antisense genetic constructs derived from viral genes 
    from plant viruses that are prevalent and endemic in the area where the 
    introduction will occur and that infect plants of the same host 
    species, and that do not encode a functional noncapsid gene product 
    responsible for cell-to-cell movement of the virus.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (4) Field test reports must be submitted to APHIS within 6 months 
    after termination of the field test. Field test reports shall include 
    the APHIS reference number, methods of observation, resulting data, and 
    analysis regarding all deleterious effects on plants, nontarget 
    organisms, or the environment.
    * * * * *
        (e) * * *
        (1) APHIS will provide copies of all notifications to appropriate 
    State regulatory official(s) for review within 5 business days of 
    receipt. Comments to APHIS from appropriate State regulatory officials 
    in response to notifications for interstate movement of regulated 
    articles will not be required by APHIS prior to acknowledgment, 
    although States may provide their reviews to APHIS at their discretion.
    * * * * *
        (4) APHIS will provide acknowledgment within 30 days of receipt 
    that the environmental release is appropriate under notification. Such 
    acknowledgment will apply to field testing for 1 year from the date of 
    introduction, and may be renewed annually by submission of an 
    additional notification to APHIS.
    * * * * *
        6. Section 340.4 is amended as follows:
        a. A new footnote 6 is added at the end of the section heading.
        b. In paragraph (a), the first complete sentence after the 
    paragraph heading is revised to read as set forth below.
        c. Paragraph (f)(9) is revised to read as set forth below.
        d. The words ``Director, BBEP'' are removed and the word 
    ``Administrator'' is added in their place in the following places:
        i. Paragraph (f), introductory text;
        ii. Paragraph (f)(7);
        iii. Paragraph (f)(8);
        iv. Paragraph (g), each time they appear;
        v. Paragraph (h)(1).
        e. The words ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and Environmental 
    Protection'' are removed and the word ``APHIS'' is added in their place 
    in the following places:
        i. Paragraph (b), introductory text, each time they appear;
        ii. Paragraph (c), introductory text, each time they appear;
        iii. Paragraph (c)(1), both times they appear;
        iv. Paragraph (c)(2);
        v. Paragraph (f)(10);
        vi. Paragraph (f)(11)(ii);
        vii. Paragraph (h)(2);
        viii. Paragraph (h)(3), both times they appear.
        f. In paragraph (b), in newly redesignated footnote 8, the words 
    ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and Environmental Protection'' are removed 
    and the words ``Plant Protection and Quarantine, Biotechnology and 
    Scientific Services'' added in their place.
        g. In paragraph (e), the words ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and 
    Environmental Protection, of the'' are removed and the words ``APHIS of 
    the'' added in their place, and the words ``Biotechnology, Biologics, 
    and Environmental Protection, a permit'' are removed and the words 
    ``APHIS, a permit'' added in their place.
    Sec. 340.4  Permits for the introduction of a regulated article.\6\
        \6\ See footnote 5 in Sec. 340.3.
        (a) * * * Two copies of a written application for a permit to 
    introduce a regulated article, which may be obtained from APHIS, shall 
    be submitted by the responsible person to the Animal and Plant Health 
    Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Biotechnology and 
    Scientific Services, Biotechnology Permits, 4700 River Road, Unit 147, 
    Riverdale, Maryland 20737-1237. * * *
    * * * * *
        (f) * * *
        (9) A person who has been issued a permit shall submit to APHIS a 
    field test report within 6 months after the termination of the field 
    test. A field test report shall include the APHIS reference number, 
    methods of observation, resulting data, and analysis regarding all 
    deleterious effects on plants, nontarget organisms, or the environment.
    * * * * *
        7. Section 340.5 is amended as follows:
        a. In Sec. 340.5, a new footnote 10 is added at the end of the 
    section heading to read as set forth below.
        b. The words ``Director, BBEP'' are removed and the word 
    ``Administrator'' added in their place in the following places:
        i. In paragraph (a), each time it appears.
        ii. In paragraph (c)(3), both times it appears.
        c. In paragraph (b), introductory text, the words ``Biotechnology, 
    Biologics, and Environmental Protection'' are removed and the words 
    ``Biotechnology and Scientific Services, PPQ'' added in their place.
        d. In paragraph (b), under subheading ``PETITION TO AMEND 7 CFR 
    340.2,'' the words ``the Director, BBEP of Biotechnology, Biologics, 
    and Environmental Protection, to'' are removed and the words ``that the 
    Administrator'' added in their place.
        e. In paragraph (c)(1), in the third sentence, and in paragraph 
    (c)(3), the words ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and Environmental 
    Protection'' are removed and the word ``APHIS'' added in their place.
        f. In paragraph (c)(1), in the first sentence, and in paragraph 
    (c)(2), the words ``Director of Biotechnology, Biologics, and 
    Environmental Protection'' are removed and the word ``APHIS'' added in 
    their place.
        g. In paragraph (c)(3)(ii), the words ``Director, BBEP's'' are 
    removed and the word ``Administrator's'' added in their place.
    Sec. 340.5  Petition to amend the list of organisms.\10\
        \10\ See footnote 5 in Sec. 340.3.
    * * * * *
        8. Section 340.6 is amended as follows:
        a. A new footnote 11 is added at the end of the section heading, a 
    new paragraph (c)(5) is added, paragraph (e) is redesignated as 
    paragraph (f), and a new paragraph (e) is added to read as set forth 
        b. The words ``Director, BBEP,'' are removed and the word 
    [[Page 23958]]
    added in their place in the following places:
        i. Paragraph (a), both times they appear;
        ii. Paragraph (b), under subheading ``PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF 
        iii. Paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3).
        c. In paragraph (a), remove the words ``Director, Biotechnology, 
    Biologics, and Environmental Protection (BBEP),'' and add in their 
    place the word ``Administrator''.
        d. In paragraph (b), remove the words ``Biotechnology, Biologics, 
    and Environmental Protection'' and add in their place the words ``Plant 
    Protection and Quarantine, Biotechnology and Scientific Services''.
        e. In paragraph (c)(4), remove the word ``Director'' and add the 
    word ``Administrator'' in its place.
        f. In paragraph (d)(1), remove the words ``The BBEP'' and add in 
    their place the word ``APHIS''.
        g. In the undesignated paragraph following paragraph (d)(3)(ii), 
    remove the word ``Director's'' and add the word ``Administrator's'' in 
    its place, and remove the word ``BBEP'' and add the word ``APHIS'' in 
    its place.
        h. In newly redesignated paragraph (f)(1), remove the word 
    ``Director's'' and add the word ``Administrator's'' in its place.
    Sec. 340.6  Petition for determination of nonregulated status.\11\
        \11\ See footnote 5 in Sec. 340.3.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (5) Field test reports for all trials conducted under permit or 
    notification procedures, involving the regulated article, that were 
    submitted prior to submission of a petition for determination of 
    nonregulated status or prior to submission of a request for extension 
    of a determination of nonregulated status under paragraph (e) of this 
    part. Field test reports shall include the APHIS reference number, 
    methods of observation, resulting data, and analysis regarding all 
    deleterious effects on plants, nontarget organisms, or the environment.
    * * * * *
        (e) Extensions to determinations of nonregulated status.
        (1) The Administrator may determine that a regulated article does 
    not pose a potential for plant pest risk, and should therefore not be 
    regulated under this part, based on the similarity of that organism to 
    an antecedent organism.
        (2) A person may request that APHIS extend a determination of 
    nonregulated status to other organisms. Such a request shall include 
    information to establish the similarity of the antecedent organism and 
    the regulated articles in question.
        (3) APHIS will announce in the Federal Register all preliminary 
    decisions to extend determinations of nonregulated status 30 days 
    before the decisions become final and effective. If additional 
    information becomes available that APHIS believes justifies changing 
    its decision, it will issue a revised decision.
        (4) If a request to APHIS to extend a determination of nonregulated 
    status under this part is denied, APHIS will inform the submitter of 
    that request of the reasons for denial. The submitter may submit a 
    modified request or a separate petition for determination of 
    nonregulated status without prejudice.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 340.7  [Amended]
        9. In Sec. 340.7, paragraph (b), the introductory text, remove the 
    words ``Biotechnology, Biologics, and Environmental Protection'' and 
    add in their place the word ``APHIS''.
        Done in Washington, DC, this 28th day of April 1997.
    Donald W. Luchsinger,
    Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
    [FR Doc. 97-11359 Filed 5-1-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-34-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
June 2, 1997.
23945-23958 (14 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 95-040-2
0579-AA73: Genetically Engineered Organisms; Simplification of Requirements and Procedures
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (14)
7 CFR 340.3(b)(5)
7 CFR 340.3(b)
7 CFR 340.3(b)(1)
7 CFR 340.3(b)(1)(i)
7 CFR 340.3(c)
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