97-14615. Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled; Technical Changes to Title XVI  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 109 (Friday, June 6, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 30980-30984]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-14615]
    20 CFR Part 416
    RIN 0960-AD89
    Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled; 
    Technical Changes to Title XVI
    AGENCY: Social Security Administration.
    ACTION: Final rules.
    SUMMARY: We are amending the supplemental security income (SSI) 
    regulations by making technical changes to our rules on income and 
    resources. These technical changes update lists of exclusions from 
    income and resources under the SSI program that are in statutes other 
    than the Social Security Act (the Act) and make an additional technical 
    correction. We are also reflecting a statutory provision from the 
    Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act (SSIPIA) of 
    1994 concerning optional State supplementary payments.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: July 7, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Suzanne DiMarino, 3-A-3 Operations 
    Building, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235, (410) 965-1769.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In these final regulations we are making 
    technical changes to the SSI regulations as follows: Updating the 
    appendix at the end of subpart K which lists exclusions from income in 
    statutes other than the Act; updating the lists of statutory exclusions 
    from resources contained in subpart L; and making a technical 
    correction in subpart L for conformity with prior regulatory changes. 
    In addition, we are reflecting, in subpart T, a statutory provision 
    which explains that some States which have Federal administration of 
    their optional supplementary payments may elect to exclude for pass-
    along compliance purposes certain payments made as a result of the 
    Sullivan v. Zebley, 493 U.S. 521 (1990) class action. The changes and 
    added provision are described below.
    Subpart K, Appendix, Changes
        At the end of part 416, subpart K, we maintain an appendix which 
    lists types of income excluded under the SSI program as provided by 
    Federal laws other than the Act. We update this list periodically. 
    However, we apply the law in effect due to changes to Federal statutes 
    whether or not the list in the appendix has been amended to reflect the 
    statutory changes. We are revising the appendix to subpart K as 
        1. Under the heading IV. Native Americans, we are updating the list 
    to reflect the exclusion from income for SSI purposes of additional 
    payments, funds, distributions, and other income provided by Federal 
    laws that affect Alaskan Natives and other Indian entities. As 
    appropriate, we include a Note-- regarding our treatment of the income 
    under the deeming of income from sponsors to aliens provisions.
        We are adding 22 types of payments made to Native American entities 
    to the list of income exclusions provided by Federal statutes. We also 
    are making
    [[Page 30981]]
    some minor clarifications, such as correcting statutory citations or 
    renumbering, for some of the exclusions already listed in section IV.
        We are dividing the list of Native American exclusions into three 
    subsections for ease of reference. The first group, in paragraph (a), 
    lists types of payments that are excluded from income without regard to 
    specific tribes or Indian groups. These include payments of certain 
    Indian judgment funds; per capita distributions of all funds held in 
    trust by the Secretary of the Interior; payments excluded pursuant to 
    the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; and payments up to $2,000 each 
    year received by certain Native Americans that are derived from 
    individual interests in trust or restricted lands. Only the latter 
    exclusion, which was provided by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 
    of 1993, Public Law (Pub. L.) 103-66, is being added to the appendix. 
    The other three were in the appendix, but will be renumbered and 
    grouped together.
        The second group, in paragraph (b), of Native American exclusions 
    lists certain payments to members of specific Native American tribes or 
    groups. We are adding 21 payments to this group, and renumbering the 
    exclusions already in the appendix, so that the list will be in 
    chronological order by public law.
        The third group of exclusions, in paragraph (c), lists receipts 
    from land held in trust for specific tribes or groups. We are not 
    adding any exclusions to that list, but are renumbering them.
        2. Under the heading V. Other we are adding new paragraph (f) which 
    excludes from income child care or reimbursement for child care as 
    provided under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, as 
    amended by section 8(b) of Public Law 102-586. We are also adding a new 
    paragraph (g) to reflect the exclusion from income of payments made to 
    individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution 
    pursuant to section 1(a) of the Victims of Nazi Persecution Act of 
    1994, Public Law 103-286.
    Subpart L Changes
        We are updating Sec. 416.1236(a), Exclusions from resources; 
    provided by other statutes which lists exclusions from resources under 
    the SSI program. We update the list to show that resources derived from 
    the conversion of most payments to Native Americans that are types of 
    income listed in the appendix to subpart K of part 416--IV. Native 
    Americans, are excluded from resources under the SSI program. 
    Accordingly, we are revising the resource exclusions specific to Indian 
    tribes or groups to reflect the changes made in appendix K.
        We are also adding a new paragraph (a)(18) to Sec. 416.1236 to 
    reflect the exclusion from resources of payments made to individuals 
    because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution pursuant to 
    section 1(a) of the Victims of Nazi Persecution Act of 1994, Public Law 
    103-286 (108 Stat. 1450).
        Additionally, we are amending Sec. 416.1245(b)(3)(ii) to conform 
    with a change to Sec. 416.1242(a) promulgated on November 15, 1993 at 
    58 FR 60103. Under that regulatory change, the Social Security 
    Administration's acceptance of the written agreement for conditional 
    payments is effective when the applicant/recipient receives our written 
    notice. Our change to Sec. 416.1245(b)(3)(ii) states that within 30 
    days of receiving our notice accepting the conditional payments 
    agreement (instead of within 30 days of signing the agreement), the 
    applicant/recipient must take certain steps to sell his or her 
    Subpart T Addition
        We are amending Sec. 416.2096(c), Meeting the passalong 
    requirement--total expenditures. Exception--, by adding a new paragraph 
    (6) to place in regulations the statutory provision of section 209 of 
    the SSIPIA of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-296). Section 209 amends section 
    1618(b) of the Act. The amendment provides that for purposes of 
    determining whether a State's expenditures for supplementary payments 
    in the 12-month period beginning on the effective date of any increase 
    in the level of SSI benefits are not less than the State's expenditures 
    for the payments in the preceding 12-month period, the Commissioner of 
    Social Security, in computing the State's expenditures, shall 
    disregard, pursuant to a one-time election of the State, all 
    expenditures by the State for retroactive supplementary payments that 
    are required to be made in connection with the retroactive SSI benefits 
    referred to in section 5041 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
    1990 (OBRA '90), Public Law 101-508. This section of OBRA '90 addresses 
    only those retroactive SSI benefits paid as a result of Sullivan v. 
    Zebley, 493 U.S. 521 (1990). To make clear that these regulations apply 
    only to the retroactive SSI benefits as a result of Sullivan v. Zebley, 
    we are including this court case reference in the regulations.
    Regulatory Procedures
        When developing our regulations, we follow the rulemaking 
    procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 
    U.S.C. 553. The APA provides exceptions to its notice of proposed 
    rulemaking and public comment procedures when an agency finds there is 
    good cause for dispensing with such procedures on the basis that they 
    are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest. We 
    have determined that, under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B), good cause exists for 
    dispensing with the notice of proposed rulemaking and public comment 
    procedures in this case. Good cause exists because these rules contain 
    only changes which reflect statutory exclusions of income and resources 
    in statutes other than the Act and a technical change, and reflect a 
    statutory provision from the SSIPIA of 1994, none of which involve the 
    setting of policy. Therefore, opportunity for prior comment is 
    unnecessary, and we are issuing these changes to our regulations as 
    final rules.
    Executive Order No. 12866
        We have consulted with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    and determined that these rules do not meet the criteria for a 
    significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866. Thus, they 
    were not subject to OMB review.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        We certify that these final rules will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities since these 
    rules affect only individuals and States. Therefore, a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis as provided in Public Law 96-354, the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act, is not required.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        These final regulations impose no additional reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements subject to OMB clearance.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance: Program No. 96.006--
    Supplemental Security Income.)
    List of Subjects in 20 CFR Part 416
        Administrative practice and procedure, Aged, Blind, Disability 
    benefits, Public assistance programs, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
        Dated: May 27, 1997.
    John J. Callahan,
    Acting Commissioner of Social Security.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, part 416 of chapter III of 
    [[Page 30982]]
    20 of the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:
    PART 416--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for subpart K of part 416 continues to 
    read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 702(a)(5), 1602, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614(f), 
    1621, and 1631 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 902(a)(5), 
    1381a, 1382, 1382a, 1382b, 1382c(f), 1382j, and 1383); sec. 211, 
    Pub. L. 93-66, 87 Stat. 154 (42 U.S.C. 1382 note).
        2. In the appendix following subpart K of part 416, IV. Native 
    Americans is revised and in V. Other, paragraphs (f) and (g) are added 
    to read as follows:
    Appendix to Subpart K of Part 416--List of Types of Income Excluded 
    Under the SSI Program as Provided by Federal Laws Other Than the 
    Social Security Act
    * * * * *
    IV. Native Americans
        (a) Types of Payments Excluded Without Regard to Specific Tribes 
    or Groups--
        (1) Indian judgment funds that are held in trust by the 
    Secretary of the Interior or distributed per capita pursuant to a 
    plan prepared by the Secretary of the Interior and not disapproved 
    by a joint resolution of the Congress under Public Law 93-134 as 
    amended by section 4 of Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513, 25 U.S.C. 
    1408). Indian judgment funds include interest and investment income 
    accrued while such funds are so held in trust. This exclusion 
    extends to initial purchases made with Indian judgment funds. This 
    exclusion does not apply to sales or conversions of initial 
    purchases or to subsequent purchases.
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (2) All funds held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior for 
    an Indian tribe and distributed per capita to a member of that tribe 
    are excluded from income under Public Law 98-64 (97 Stat. 365, 25 
    U.S.C. 117b). Funds held by Alaska Native Regional and Village 
    Corporations (ANRVC) are not held in trust by the Secretary of the 
    Interior and therefore ANRVC dividend distributions are not excluded 
    from countable income under this exclusion. For ANRVC dividend 
    distributions, see paragraph IV.(a)(3) of this appendix.
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (3) Distributions received by an individual Alaska Native or 
    descendant of an Alaska Native from an Alaska Native Regional and 
    Village Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement 
    Act, as follows: cash, including cash dividends on stock received 
    from a Native Corporation, to the extent that it does not, in the 
    aggregate, exceed $2,000 per individual each year; stock, including 
    stock issued or distributed by a Native Corporation as a dividend or 
    distribution on stock; a partnership interest; land or an interest 
    in land, including land or an interest in land received from a 
    Native Corporation as a dividend or distribution on stock; and an 
    interest in a settlement trust. This exclusion is pursuant to 
    section 15 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Amendments of 
    1987, Public Law 100-241 (101 Stat. 1812, 43 U.S.C. 1626(c)), 
    effective February 3, 1988.
        Note--This exclusion does not apply in deeming income from 
    sponsors to aliens.
        (4) Up to $2,000 per year received by Indians that is derived 
    from individual interests in trust or restricted lands under section 
    13736 of Public Law 103-66 (107 Stat. 663, 25 U.S.C. 1408, as 
        (b) Payments to Members of Specific Indian Tribes and Groups--
        (1) Per capita payments to members of the Red Lake Band of 
    Chippewa Indians from the proceeds of the sale of timber and lumber 
    on the Red Lake Reservation under section 3 of Public Law 85-794 (72 
    Stat. 958).
        (2) Per capita distribution payments by the Blackfeet and Gros 
    Ventre tribal governments to members which resulted from judgment 
    funds to the tribes under section 4 of Public Law 92-254 (86 Stat. 
    65) and under section 6 of Public Law 97-408 (96 Stat. 2036).
        (3) Settlement fund payments and the availability of such funds 
    to members of the Hopi and Navajo Tribes under section 22 of Public 
    Law 93-531 (88 Stat. 1722) as amended by Public Law 96-305 (94 Stat. 
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (4) Judgment funds distributed per capita to, or held in trust 
    for, members of the Sac and Fox Indian Nation, and the availability 
    of such funds under section 6 of Public Law 94-189 (89 Stat. 1094).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (5) Judgment funds distributed per capita to, or held in trust 
    for, members of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians, and the 
    availability of such funds under section 6 of Public Law 94-540 (90 
    Stat. 2504).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (6) Any judgment funds distributed per capita to members of the 
    Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Indian Nation or the 
    Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation under section 2 of Public 
    Law 95-433 (92 Stat. 1047, 25 U.S.C. 609c-1).
        (7) Any judgment funds distributed per capita or made available 
    for programs for members of the Delaware Tribe of Indians and the 
    absentee Delaware Tribe of Western Oklahoma under section 8 of 
    Public Law 96-318 (94 Stat. 971).
        (8) All funds and distributions to members of the Passamaquoddy 
    Tribe, the Penobscot Nation, and the Houlton Band of Maliseet 
    Indians under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act, and the 
    availability of such funds under section 9 of Public Law 96-420 (94 
    Stat. 1795, 25 U.S.C. 1728(c)).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (9) Any distributions of judgment funds to members of the San 
    Carlos Apache Indian Tribe of Arizona under section 7 of Public Law 
    93-134 (87 Stat. 468) and Public Law 97-95 (95 Stat. 1206).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (10) Any distribution of judgment funds to members of the 
    Wyandot Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma under section 6 of Public Law 
    97-371 (96 Stat. 1814).
        (11) Distributions of judgment funds to members of the Shawnee 
    Tribe of Indians (Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, the Eastern 
    Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma and the Cherokee Band of Shawnee 
    descendants) under section 7 of Public Law 97-372 (96 Stat. 1816).
        (12) Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for 
    programs for members of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and the Miami 
    Indians of Indiana under section 7 of Public Law 97-376 (96 Stat. 
        (13) Distributions of judgment funds to members of the Clallam 
    Tribe of Indians of the State of Washington (Port Gamble Indian 
    Community, Lower Elwha Tribal Community and the Jamestown Band of 
    Clallam Indians) under section 6 of Public Law 97-402 (96 Stat. 
        (14) Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for 
    programs for members of the Pembina Chippewa Indians (Turtle 
    Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky 
    Boy's Reservation, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Little Shell Band of 
    the Chippewa Indians of Montana, and the nonmember Pembina 
    descendants) under section 9 of Public Law 97-403 (96 Stat. 2025).
        (15) Per capita distributions of judgment funds to members of 
    the Assiniboine Tribe of Fort Belknap Indian Community and the 
    Papago Tribe of Arizona under sections 6 and 8(d) of Public Law 97-
    408 (96 Stat. 2036, 2038).
        (16) Up to $2,000 of per capita distributions of judgment funds 
    to members of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs 
    Reservation under section 4 of Public Law 97-436 (96 Stat. 2284).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (17) Judgment funds distributed to the Red Lake Band of Chippewa 
    Indians under section 3 of Public Law 98-123 (97 Stat. 816).
        (18) Funds distributed per capita or family interest payments 
    for members of the Assiniboine Tribe of Fort Belknap Indian 
    Community of Montana and the Assiniboine Tribe of the Fort Peck 
    Indian Reservation of Montana under section 5 of Public Law 98-124 
    (97 Stat. 818).
        (19) Distributions of judgment funds and income derived 
    therefrom to members of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe under 
    section 5 of Public Law 98-432 (98 Stat. 1672).
        (20) All distributions to heirs of certain deceased Indians 
    under section 8 of the Old Age Assistance Claims Settlement Act, 
    Public Law 98-500 (98 Stat. 2319).
    [[Page 30983]]
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (21) Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for 
    any tribal program for members of the Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma 
    and the Absentee Wyandottes under section 106 of Public Law 98-602 
    (98 Stat. 3151).
        (22) Per capita and dividend payment distributions of judgment 
    funds to members of the Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska, the 
    Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, the Prairie Island Sioux, Lower Sioux, 
    and Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Communities of Minnesota under 
    section 8 of Public Law 99-130 (99 Stat. 552) and section 7 of 
    Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 
    (96 Stat. 2513; 25 U.S.C. 1407).
        (23) Funds distributed per capita or held in trust for members 
    of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Chippewas of the 
    Mississippi under section 6 of Public Law 99-146 (99 Stat. 782).
        (24) Distributions of claims settlement funds to members of the 
    White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians as allottees, or their heirs, 
    under section 16 of Public Law 99-264 (100 Stat. 70).
        (25) Payments or distributions of judgment funds, and the 
    availability of any amount for such payments or distributions, to 
    members of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan under 
    section 6 of Public Law 99-346 (100 Stat. 677).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (26) Judgment funds distributed per capita or held in trust for 
    members of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Chippewas of the 
    Mississippi under section 4 of Public Law 99-377 (100 Stat. 805).
        (27) Judgment funds distributed to members of the Cow Creek Band 
    of Umpqua Tribe of Indians under section 4 of Public Law 100-139 
    (101 Stat. 822).
        (28) Per capita payments of claims settlement funds to members 
    of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana under section 2 of Public Law 
    100-411 (102 Stat. 1097) and section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 
    Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 
    U.S.C. 1407).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (29) Funds distributed per capita for members of the Hoopa 
    Valley Indian Tribe and the Yurok Indian Tribe under sections 4, 6 
    and 7 of Public Law 100-580 (102 Stat. 2929, 2930, 2931) and section 
    3 of Public Law 98-64 (97 Stat. 365; 25 U.S.C. 117b).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (30) Judgment funds held in trust by the United States, 
    including interest and investment income accruing on such funds, and 
    judgment funds made available for programs or distributed to members 
    of the Wisconsin Band of Potawatomi (Hannahville Indian Community 
    and Forest County Potawatomi) under section 503 of Public Law 100-
    581 (102 Stat. 2945).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (31) All funds, assets, and income from the trust fund 
    transferred to the members of the Puyallup Tribe under section 10 of 
    the Puyallup Tribe of Indians Settlement Act of 1989, Public Law 
    101-41 (103 Stat. 88, 25 U.S.C. 1773h(c)).
        Note--This exclusion does not apply in deeming income from 
    sponsors to aliens.
        (32) Judgment funds distributed per capita, or held in trust, or 
    made available for programs, for members of the Seminole Nation of 
    Oklahoma, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the Miccosukee Tribe of 
    Indians of Florida and the independent Seminole Indians of Florida 
    under section 8 of Public Law 101-277 (104 Stat. 145).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (33) Payments, funds, distributions, or income derived from them 
    to members of the Seneca Nation of New York under section 8(b) of 
    the Seneca Nation Settlement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-503 (104 
    Stat. 1297, 25 U.S.C. 1774f).
        Note--This exclusion does not apply in deeming income from 
    sponsors to aliens.
        (34) Per capita distributions of settlement funds under section 
    102 of the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Indian Tribes Water Rights 
    Settlement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-618 (104 Stat. 3289) and 
    section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public 
    Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 U.S.C. 1407).
        (35) Settlement funds, assets, income, payments, or 
    distributions from Trust Funds to members of the Catawba Indian 
    Tribe of South Carolina under section 11(m) of Public Law 103-116 
    (107 Stat. 1133).
        (36) Settlement funds held in trust (including interest and 
    investment income accruing on such funds) for, and payments made to, 
    members of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation under 
    section 7(b) of Public Law 103-436 (108 Stat. 4579).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (c) Receipts from Lands Held in Trust for Certain Tribes or 
        (1) Receipts from land held in trust by the federal government 
    and distributed to members of certain Indian tribes under section 6 
    of Public Law 94-114 (89 Stat. 579, 25 U.S.C. 459e).
        Note--This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens 
    only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household.
        (2) Receipts derived from trust lands awarded to the Pueblo of 
    Santa Ana and distributed to members of that tribe under section 6 
    of Public Law 95-498 (92 Stat. 1677).
        (3) Receipts derived from trust lands awarded to the Pueblo of 
    Zia of New Mexico and distributed to members of that tribe under 
    section 6 of Public Law 95-499 (92 Stat. 1680).
    V. Other
    * * * * *
        (f) The value of any child care provided or arranged (or any 
    payment for such care or reimbursement for costs incurred for such 
    care) under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, as 
    amended by section 8(b) of Public Law 102-586 (106 Stat. 5035).
        (g) Payments made to individuals because of their status as 
    victims of Nazi persecution excluded pursuant to section 1(a) of the 
    Victims of Nazi Persecution Act of 1994, Public Law 103-286 (108 
    Stat. 1450).
        3. The authority citation for subpart L of part 416 continues to 
    read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 702(a)(5), 1602, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614(f), 
    1621, and 1631 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 902(a)(5), 
    1381a, 1382, 1382a, 1382b, 1382c(f), 1382j, and 1383); sec. 211, 
    Public Law 93-66, 87 Stat. 154 (42 U.S.C. 1382 note).
        4. In Sec. 416.1236, paragraph (a)(2) is revised; the last sentence 
    of paragraph (a)(12) is revised; paragraphs (a)(13), (a)(16), and 
    (a)(19) are removed; paragraphs (a)(14), (a)(15), (a)(17), (a)(18), and 
    (a)(20) are redesignated as paragraph (a)(13), (a)(14), (a)(15), 
    (a)(16), and (a)(17), respectively; and a new paragraph (a)(18) is 
    added to read as follows:
    Sec. 416.1236  Exclusions from resources; provided by other statutes.
        (a) * * *
        (2) Payments made to Native Americans as listed in paragraphs (b) 
    and (c) of section IV of the appendix to subpart K of part 416, as 
    provided by Federal statutes other than the Social Security Act.
    * * * * *
        (12) * * * For the treatment of ANRVC dividend distributions, see 
    paragraph (a)(10) of this section.
    * * * * *
        (18) Payments made to individuals because of their status as 
    victims of Nazi persecution excluded pursuant to section 1(a) of the 
    Victims of Nazi Persecution Act of 1994, Public Law 103-286 (108 Stat. 
        5. In Sec. 416.1245, the introductory text of paragraph (b)(3)(ii), 
    is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 416.1245  Exceptions to required disposition of real property.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (ii) Within 30 days of receiving notice that we have accepted the 
    individual's signed written agreement to dispose of the property, and 
    absent good cause for not doing so, the individual must:
    * * * * *
        6. The authority citation for subpart T of part 416 continues to 
    read as follows:
        Authority: Secs. 702(a)(5), 1616, 1618, and 1631 of the Social 
    Security Act (42 U.S.C.
    [[Page 30984]]
    902(a)(5), 1382e, 1382g, and 1383); sec. 212, Public Law 93-66, 87 
    Stat. 155 (42 U.S.C. 1382 note); sec. 8(a), (b)(1)-(b)(3), Public 
    Law 93-233, 87 Stat. 956 (7 U.S.C. 612c note, 1431 note and 42 
    U.S.C. 1382e note); secs. 1(a)-(c) and 2(a), 2(b)(1), 2(b)(2), 
    Public Law 93-335, 88 Stat. 291 (42 U.S.C. 1382 note, 1382e note).
        7. Section 416.2096 is amended by adding a new paragraph (c)(6) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 416.2096  Basic pass-along rules.
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (6) To determine whether a State's expenditures for supplementary 
    payments in the 12-month period beginning on the effective date of any 
    increase in the level of SSI benefits are not less than the State's 
    expenditures for the payments in the preceding 12-month period, in 
    computing the State's expenditures, we disregard, pursuant to a one-
    time election of the State, all expenditures by the State for the 
    retroactive supplementary payments that are required to be made under 
    the Sullivan v. Zebley, 493 U.S. 521 (1990) class action.
    * * * * *
    [FR Doc. 97-14615 Filed 6-5-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4190-29-U

Document Information

Effective Date:
Social Security Administration
Entry Type:
Final rules.
Document Number:
July 7, 1997.
30980-30984 (5 pages)
0960-AD89: Technical Changes to Title XVI (466F)
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
20 CFR 416.1236
20 CFR 416.1245
20 CFR 416.2096