97-4865. Foreign Futures and Option Transactions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 39 (Thursday, February 27, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 8875-8877]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-4865]
    17 CFR Part 30
    Foreign Futures and Option Transactions
    AGENCY: Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
    ACTION: Order.
    SUMMARY: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``Commission'' or 
    ``CFTC'') is issuing a Supplemental Order authorizing members of the 
    Montreal Exchange (``Exchange'') designated for relief under Commission 
    rule 30.10 (``Exchange Member'' or ``Member'') to solicit and accept 
    orders from U.S. customers for otherwise permitted transactions 1 
    on all non-U.S. exchanges where such Members are authorized by the 
    regulations of the Montreal Exchange to conduct futures business for 
        \1\ Relief under this Supplemental Order extends only to those 
    products falling within the jurisdiction of the Commodity Exchange 
    Act (``CEA'' or ``Act'') and remains subject to existing product 
    restrictions under the CEA and Commission regulations and procedures 
    thereunder related to stock indices and foreign government debt (see 
    CEA section 2(a)(1)(B)(v) and Securities and Exchange Commission 
    rule 3a12-8).
        This Supplemental Order is issued pursuant to Commission rule 
    30.10, which permits the Commission to grant an exemption from certain 
    provisions of Part 30 of the Commission's regulations, and the 
    Commission's Order dated March 14, 1989, granting relief under rule 
    30.10 to designated members of the Montreal Exchange.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: February 27, 1997.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jane C. Kang, Esq., or Robert H. 
    Rosenfeld, Esq., Division of Trading and Markets, Commodity Futures 
    Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, N.W., 
    Washington, D.C. 20581. Telephone: (202) 418-5430.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission has issued the following 
    Supplemental Order:
    Supplemental Order Permitting Members of the Montreal Exchange 
    Designated for Relief Under Commission Rule 30.10 to Solicit and to 
    Accept Orders from U.S. Customers for Otherwise Permitted Transactions 
    on All Non-U.S. Exchanges Where Such Members Are Authorized by Exchange 
    Regulations to Conduct Futures Business for Customers
        On March 14, 1989, the Commission issued an Order granting relief 
    under rule 30.10 to designated members of the Montreal Exchange, 54 FR 
    11179 (March 17, 1988) (``Original Order''). The Original Order limited 
    the scope of permissible brokerage activities undertaken by designated 
    Montreal Exchange members on behalf of U.S. customers to transactions 
    ``on or subject to the rules of the Exchange.'' 54 FR at 11811 
    (condition (1)(c)). Subsequently, however, the Commission has issued 
    rule 30.10 orders which did not include this limitation.2
        \2\ In 1989 the Commission issued a series of rule 30.10 orders 
    authorizing firms designated by the U.K. Securities and Investments 
    Board and certain U.K. ``Self-Regulating Organisations'' to conduct 
    brokerage activities for U.S. customers on any non-U.S. exchange 
    designated under U.K. law. See 54 FR 21599, 21600 (May 19, 1989) 
    (SIB), 54 FR 21604, 21605 (May 19, 1989) (Association of Futures 
    Brokers and Dealers (``AFBD'')), 54 FR 21609, 21610 (May 19, 1989) 
    (The Securities Association (``TSA'')), and 54 FR 21614, 21615 (May 
    19, 1989) (Investment Management Regulatory Organisation). The AFBD 
    and TSA subsequently merged to form the Securities and Futures 
    Association, which became the successor organization for rule 30.10 
    purposes. See 56 FR 14017 (April 5, 1991).
        The Commission also has issued similar supplemental relief to 
    the Sydney Futures Exchange, see 58 FR 19209 (April 13, 1993), and 
    to the New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange, see 61 FR 64985 
    (December 10, 1996).
        By letter dated March 26, 1996, the Montreal Exchange petitioned 
    the Commission to revise the Original Order to permit designated 
    members of the Montreal Exchange to solicit or accept orders from U.S. 
    foreign futures and options customers for all otherwise permitted 
    transactions on all non-U.S. exchanges 3 where Exchange Members 
    are authorized by Exchange regulations to conduct futures and options 
    business for customers, subject to the Montreal Exchange's and Members' 
    continued compliance with the terms of the Original Order and such 
    other conditions as may be imposed by the Commission.4 The 
    Exchange further represented that it would carry out its compliance, 
    surveillance, and rule enforcement activities with respect to 
    solicitations and acceptances of orders by designated Montreal Exchange 
    members of U.S. customers for otherwise permitted transactions on all 
    non-U.S. markets where such Members are authorized by Exchange 
    regulations to conduct futures and options business for U.S. customers.
        \3\ The term ``non-U.S. exchange'' refers to a foreign board of 
    trade which is defined in Commission rule 1.3(ss), 17 CFR 
    Sec. 1.3(ss) as: Any board of trade, exchange or market located 
    outside the United States, its territories or possessions, whether 
    incorporated or unincorporated, where foreign futures or foreign 
    options transactions are entered into.
        Thus, contracts that are traded on a market that has been 
    designated as a contract market pursuant to section 5 of the CEA are 
    not within the scope of this Order.
        \4\ Letter dated March 26, 1996, from Johanne Dupont, Legal 
    Counsel to the Montreal Exchange, to Ms. Jane Kang, CFTC Division of 
    Trading and Markets (``March 26, 1996 Request'').
        Upon due consideration and for the reasons stated in the Original 
    Order, the Commission has determined to issue this Supplemental Order 
    permitting Montreal Exchange members designated for rule 30.10 relief 
    to solicit and to accept orders from U.S. foreign futures and options 
    customers for otherwise permitted transactions in commodity futures and 
    commodity options (including options on futures) on or subject to the 
    rules of any exchange where such Montreal Exchange Members are 
    authorized by Exchange regulations to conduct options and futures 
    business for customers, other than a contract market designated as such 
    pursuant to section 5 of the CEA,
    [[Page 8876]]
    undertaken by such Members from a location in Quebec.
        The expanded rule 30.10 relief provided under this Supplemental 
    Order, however, is contingent on the Montreal Exchange's and Exchange 
    Members' continued compliance with the Original Order and their 
    compliance with the following conditions:
        (1) The Montreal Exchange will carry out its compliance, 
    surveillance and rule enforcement activities with respect to 
    solicitations and acceptance of orders by designated Exchange 
    Members of U.S. customers for options and futures business on all 
    non-U.S. exchanges listed in Article 7452 of the Exchange rules to 
    the same extent that it conducts such activities in regard to 
    Exchange business;
        (2) It will cooperate with the Commission with respect to any 
    inquiries concerning any activity which is the subject of this 
    Supplemental Order, including sharing the information specified in 
    Appendix A to the Part 30 rules, 17 CFR Part 30, on an ``as needed'' 
    basis on the same basis as set forth in the Original Order;
        (3) Each Montreal Exchange Member firm confirmed for relief 
    under the Original Order seeking to engage in activities which are 
    the subject of this Supplemental Order must agree to provide the 
    books and records related to such activities required to be 
    maintained under the applicable Exchange regulations and laws in 
    effect in Quebec on the same basis as set forth in the Original 
        \5\ Montreal Exchange member firms which currently operate under 
    the Original Order will be deemed to have consented to condition (3) 
    by effecting transactions pursuant to this Supplemental Order. 
    Exchange members which apply for confirmation of rule 30.10 relief 
    subsequent to the issuance of this Supplementary Order must submit 
    representations to the Commission consistent with condition (3) of 
    this Order.
        Furthermore, the Commission seeks to ensure that the funds of U.S. 
    foreign futures and options customers will be subject to consistent 
    protection irrespective of whether the Montreal Exchange Member effects 
    trades directly on the Montreal Exchange (where under the terms of the 
    Original Order Exchange Members are required to maintain a separate 
    account in a manner consistent with the provisions of rule 30.7) 6 
    effects trades on another foreign futures and options exchange of which 
    the Montreal Exchange firm is a member, or trades through the 
    intermediation of a foreign exchange member. Accordingly, the expanded 
    relief permitting Montreal Exchange Member firms to engage in foreign 
    futures and options transactions for U.S. customers other than on the 
    Montreal Exchange under this Supplemental Order will be contingent upon 
    compliance by the Exchange Member firm with the following additional 
        \6\ See paragraph (2)(f) of the Original Order.
        (4) Foreign futures and options exchanges on which the Montreal 
    Exchange Member firm may engage in transactions on behalf of U.S. 
    customers are those non-U.S. exchanges identified in Article 7452 of 
    the Exchange rules, provided however, that Exchange Members may not 
    engage in any transactions on behalf of U.S. customers on an 
    exchange designated as a contract market under section 5 of the CEA;
        (5) The Montreal Exchange Member firm will continue to comply 
    with the terms of the Original Order with respect to transactions 
    effected for U.S. customers on the Montreal Exchange; 7
        \7\ See CFTC Advisory No. 87-4, Foreign Futures and Options: 
    Compliance and Operational Questions and Answers, November 18, 1987, 
    reprinted in Comm. Fut. L. Rep. (CCH) para. 23,975.
        (6) With respect to transactions effected on any other non-U.S. 
    futures and options exchange on behalf of U.S. customers, whether by 
    the Montreal Exchange Member directly as a clearing member of such 
    other exchange or through the intermediation of one or more 
    intermediaries, the Montreal Exchange Member complies with 
    paragraphs (6) 1 or 2 below:
        1. a. must maintain in a separate account or accounts money, 
    securities and property in an amount at least sufficient to cover or 
    satisfy all of its current obligations to U.S. customers denominated 
    as the foreign futures or foreign options secured amount;
        b. may not commingle such money, securities and property with 
    the money, securities or property of the Member, with any 
    proprietary account of such Member and may not use such money, 
    securities and property to secure or guarantee the obligations of, 
    or extend credit to, the Member or any proprietary account of the 
        c. may deposit together with the secured amount required to be 
    on deposit in the separate account or accounts referred to in 
    paragraph (6)1. a. above, money, securities or property held for or 
    on behalf of non-U.S. customers of the Member for the purpose of 
    entering into foreign futures and options transactions. In such a 
    case, the amount that must be deposited in such separate account or 
    accounts must be no less than the greater of (1) the foreign futures 
    and foreign options secured amount required by paragraph (6)1. a. 
    above, plus the amount that would be required to be on deposit if 
    all such customers (including non-U.S. customers) were subject to 
    such requirement, or (2) the foreign futures and foreign options 
    secured amount required by paragraph (6)1. a. above, plus the amount 
    required to be held in a separate account or accounts for or on 
    behalf of such non-U.S. customers pursuant to any applicable law, 
    rule, regulation or order, or any rule of any self-regulatory 
        d. the separate account or accounts referred to in paragraph 
    (6)1. a. above must be maintained under an account name that clearly 
    identifies them as such, with any of the following depositories:
        (1) another person registered with the Commission as a futures 
    commission merchant (``FCM'') or a firm exempted from FCM 
    registration pursuant to CFTC rule 30.10;
        (2) the clearing organization of any foreign board of trade;
        (3) any member and/or clearing member of such foreign board of 
    trade; or
        (4) a bank or trust company which any of the depositories 
    identified in (1)-(3) above may use consistent with the applicable 
    laws and rules of the jurisdiction in which the depository is 
    located; and
        e. the separate account or accounts referred to in paragraph 
    (6)1. a. may be deemed a good secured amount depository only if the 
    Member obtains and retains in its files for the period required by 
    applicable law and Exchange regulations a written acknowledgement 
    from such separate account depository that:
        (1) it was informed that such money, securities or property are 
    held for or on behalf of customers of the Member; and
        (2) it will ensure that such money, securities or property will 
    be held and treated at all times effectively in accordance with the 
    provisions of this paragraph; and, provided further, that the Member 
    assures itself that such separate account depository will not pass 
    on such money, securities or property to any other depository unless 
    the Member has assured itself that all such other separate account 
    depositories will treat such funds in a manner consistent with the 
    procedures described in this paragraph (6)1 herein; 8 or,
        \8\ This proviso is intended to ensure that the originating 
    Member makes reasonable inquiries and understands prior to the 
    initiation of a trade the conditions under which its customers' 
    funds will be held at all subsequent depositories, so that it may 
    determine whether it may count a particular intermediary or clearing 
    house as a good separate account depository for purposes of this 
    Order or must alternatively set aside funds in the manner set forth 
    in paragraph (6)2. The Member initially would discuss with its 
    immediate intermediary broker whether funds will be transferred to 
    any subsequent depositories and determine the conditions under which 
    such funds would be treated. Compliance with this condition would be 
    satisfied by the Member obtaining relevant information or assurances 
    from appropriate sources such as, for example, the immediate 
    intermediary broker, exchanges or clearinghouses, exchange 
    regulators, banks, attorneys or regulatory references.
        This requirement is intended to ensure that funds provided by 
    U.S. customers for foreign futures and options transactions, whether 
    held at a U.S. FCM under rule 30.7(c) or a firm exempted from 
    registration as an FCM under CFTC rule 30.10, will receive 
    equivalent protection at all intermediaries and exchange clearing 
    organizations. Thus, for example, an exchange that does not 
    segregate customer from firm obligations and firms which trade on 
    such exchanges and which do not arrange to comply otherwise with any 
    of the procedures described in paragraph (6) would not be deemed an 
    acceptable separate account. Specifically, such exchange or firms 
    could not provide a valid and binding acknowledgement to a rule 
    30.10 exempted firm.
        This provision is not intended to create a duty on a rule 30.10 
    firm that it audit any intermediaries for continued compliance with 
    the undertakings it has obtained based on discussions with those 
    relevant intermediaries. It is intended to make clear that firms 
    must engage in a due diligence inquiry before customer funds are 
    sent to another intermediary and take appropriate action (i.e., set 
    aside funds) in the event that it becomes aware of facts leading it 
    to conclude that customer funds are not being handled consistent 
    with the requirements of Commission rules or relevant rule 30.10 
    order by any subsequent intermediary or clearing house.
    [[Page 8877]]
        2. must set aside funds constituting the entire secured amount 
    requirement in a separate account as set forth in Commission rule 
    30.7, 17 C.F.R. Sec. 30.7, and treat those funds in the manner 
    described by that rule.
        The expanded rule 30.10 relief provided by this Supplemental Order 
    also is contingent upon the Montreal Exchange's and Montreal Exchange 
    Members' continued compliance with the Original Order and the 
    enumerated conditions above.
        This Supplemental Order is issued based on the information provided 
    to the Commission as set forth herein, including the letter dated March 
    26, 1996, from the Montreal Exchange. Any changes or material omissions 
    may require the Commission to reconsider the authorization granted in 
    this Supplemental Order.
        Further, if experience demonstrates that the continued 
    effectiveness of this Order in general, or with respect to a particular 
    Member, would be contrary to public policy or the public interest, or 
    that the systems in place for the exchange of information or other 
    circumstances do not warrant continuation of the exemptive relief 
    granted herein, the Commission may condition, modify, suspend, 
    terminate, withhold as to a specific Member, or otherwise restrict the 
    exemptive relief granted in this Order, as appropriate, on its own 
    motion. If necessary, provisions will be made for servicing existing 
    client positions.
    List of Subjects in 17 CFR Part 30
        Commodity futures, Commodity options, Foreign futures.
        Accordingly, 17 CFR Part 30 is amended as set forth below:
        1. The authority citation for Part 30 continues to read as follows:
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a, 2, 4, 6, 6c and 12a, unless otherwise 
        2. Appendix C to Part 30 is amended by adding the following 
    citation under the existing entry for Firms designated by the Montreal 
    Exchange to read as follows:
        Appendix C to Part 30-Foreign Petitioners Granted Relief From the 
    Application of Certain of the Part 30 Rules Pursuant to Sec. 30.10
    * * * * *
        Firms designated by the Montreal Exchange.
    * * * * *
        FR date and citation: February 27, 1997, 62 FR.
    * * * * *
        Issued in Washington, D.C. on February 21, 1997.
    Jean Webb,
    Secretary of the Commission.
    [FR Doc. 97-4865 Filed 2-26-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6351-01-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Entry Type:
Document Number:
February 27, 1997.
8875-8877 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
17 CFR 1.3(ss)