98-5675. Adequate and Well-Controlled Studies for Investigational Use and Approval of New Animal Drugs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 43 (Thursday, March 5, 1998)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 10765-10772]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-5675]
    Food and Drug Administration
    21 CFR Part 514
    [Docket No. 97N-0141]
    Adequate and Well-Controlled Studies for Investigational Use and 
    Approval of New Animal Drugs
    AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as directed by the 
    Animal Drug Availability Act of 1996 (ADAA), is amending its 
    regulations governing new animal drug applications to further define 
    the term ``adequate and well-controlled studies.'' The purpose of this 
    final rule is to further define ``adequate and well controlled'' to 
    require that field investigations be designed and conducted in a 
    scientifically sound manner, taking into account practical conditions 
    in the field and differences between field conditions and laboratory 
    DATES: The regulations are effective on April 6, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Herman M. Schoenemann, Center for 
    Veterinary Medicine (HFV-126), Food and Drug Administration, 7500 
    Standish Pl., Rockville, MD 20855, 301-594-1638.
    I. Background
        Congress enacted the ADAA (Pub. L. 104-250) on October 9, 1996. 
    Section 2(e) of the ADAA directs FDA to issue, within 18 months of its 
    enactment, final regulations to further define the term ``adequate and 
    well controlled'' to require that field investigations be designed and 
    conducted in a scientifically sound manner, taking into account 
    practical conditions in the field and differences between field 
    conditions and laboratory conditions. In an advance notice of proposed 
    rulemaking that published in the Federal Register of November 21, 1996 
    (61 FR 59209), FDA solicited comments from interested parties on how to 
    further define ``adequate and well controlled as it relates to field 
    studies.'' \1\ Docket No. 96N-0411 was created for comments responding 
    to this notice.
        \1\ The terms field investigation and field study are used 
    interchangeably in this final rule.
        In the Federal Register of May 8, 1997 (62 FR 25153), FDA proposed 
    to amend its regulations in part 514 (21 CFR part 514) to further 
    define the term ``adequate and well-controlled studies.'' FDA provided 
    75 days for public comment on the proposed rule. Docket No. 97N-0141 
    was created for comments regarding this proposed rule. As proposed, one 
    of the characteristics of an adequate and well-controlled study is that 
    such a study, when conducted in target animals, be conducted in 
    compliance with ``good study practices'' (GSP's). Elsewhere in the 
    Federal Register of May 8, 1997 (62 FR 25152), FDA reopened Docket No. 
    96N-0411 and gave interested parties 30 days to comment on GSP's.
        The primary purpose of conducting adequate and well-controlled 
    studies is, and has always been, to distinguish the effect of the drug 
    from other influences, such as spontaneous change in the course of 
    disease and biased observation, so that it can be determined whether 
    the drug is effective. This final rule defines the essential 
    characteristics of adequate and well-controlled studies and explicitly 
    addresses differences between field and laboratory studies.
    II. Comments on the Proposed Rule
        FDA received two letters, one from the Animal Health Institute 
    (AHI) and one from the Coalition for Animal Health (the Coalition), 
    commenting on the proposed definition of ``adequate and well-controlled 
    studies.'' FDA also received three letters in response to its reopening 
    Docket No. 96N-0411 for comments specifically on GSP's. Comments 
    relating to GSP's can be found in that docket. FDA met with 
    representatives of the Coalition on June 11, 1997, and July 11, 1997, 
    to discuss the proposed rule and GSP's. Those discussions were recorded 
    in memoranda of meeting that have been placed in the docket for the 
    proposed rule, Docket No. 97N-0141, and in Docket No. 96N-0411.
        In general, the comments agreed that the characteristics of an 
    adequate and well-controlled study set forth in the proposed regulation 
    represent sound scientific principles essential for adequate and well-
    controlled studies. However, the comments criticized FDA's failure to 
    address more explicitly in the proposed regulation the differences 
    between field and laboratory studies and objected to FDA's reference to 
    A. Section 514.117(a)
        1. AHI recommended that FDA clarify in proposed Sec. 514.117(a) 
    that reports of adequate and well-controlled studies refer to reports 
    of adequate and well-controlled ``effectiveness'' studies. Based on the 
    following discussion, FDA does not find it necessary to make such a 
        Under section 512(d)(1)(E) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic 
    Act (the act) (21 U.S.C. 360b(d)(1)(E)), FDA must refuse to approve a 
    new animal drug application if there is a lack of substantial evidence 
    that the drug will have the effect it is purported or represented to 
    have under the conditions of use prescribed, recommended, or suggested 
    in the proposed labeling. By definition, substantial evidence consists 
    of one or more adequate and well-controlled studies on the basis of 
    which experts qualified by scientific training and experience to 
    evaluate the effectiveness of the drug could fairly and reasonably 
    conclude that the drug will have the effect it purports or is 
    represented to have under the conditions of use prescribed, 
    recommended, or suggested in its proposed labeling (section 512(d)(3) 
    of the act). Thus, it is clear and well established that adequate and 
    [[Page 10766]]
    controlled studies are studies intended to determine whether or not a 
    drug is effective.
        Because it is adequate and well-controlled studies and not just 
    reports of adequate and well-controlled studies that provide a basis 
    for determining whether a new animal drug is effective, and in some 
    instances support a claim of target animal safety, FDA is deleting 
    ``Reports of'' in the second to last sentence in proposed 
    Sec. 514.117(a).
        In that same sentence, FDA is also clarifying that adequate and 
    well-controlled studies may be relied upon to support target animal 
    safety but are not necessary to support claims of target animal safety. 
    Studies intended to demonstrate safety need not be adequate and well-
    controlled studies (see section 512(d)(1) of the act, which states that 
    in order to secure approval of a new animal drug, a sponsor must 
    conduct adequate tests by all methods reasonably applicable to show 
    whether or not such drug is safe). In proposed Sec. 514.117(a), FDA 
    intended only to note that adequate and well-controlled studies 
    intended to demonstrate whether a new animal drug is effective may be 
    designed in a manner that also permits sponsors to simultaneously 
    collect target animal safety data. If a sponsor needs to demonstrate 
    through a field study that a new animal drug is safe for use in the 
    target animal, the sponsor may do so by adequate tests by methods that 
    are reasonably applicable or as part of an adequate and well-controlled 
    study that is designed to determine the effectiveness of the new animal 
    drug. Accordingly the second to last sentence in Sec. 514.117(a) will 
    now provide that adequate and well-controlled studies, in addition to 
    providing a basis for determining whether a new animal drug is 
    effective, may also be relied upon to support target animal safety.
    B. Section 514.117(b)(2)
        Proposed Sec. 514.117(b)(2) would require that adequate and well-
    controlled studies conducted in target animals be conducted in 
    compliance with GSP's. In comments to Docket Nos. 96N-0411 and 97N-
    0141, both the Coalition and AHI strongly opposed the inclusion by 
    reference of GSP's and proposed that a specific provision addressing 
    the differences between field and laboratory studies be added.
    1. Objections to GSP's
        2. Although the Coalition is not opposed in concept to the 
    development of a standard of conduct of studies in target animals, the 
    Coalition believes that reference to ``good study practices'' should be 
    removed from the further definition of adequate and well controlled and 
    questions whether the standard of conduct must be codified into 
    regulations or whether a guidance may be sufficient. In a submission to 
    Docket No. 96N-0411 stating its objections to the inclusion of GSP's in 
    the definition of adequate and well-controlled studies, AHI cited four 
    concerns as follows: (1) GSP regulations are outside of the scope of 
    the legislation; (2) establishing GSP's will improperly interfere with 
    prompt implementation of the ADAA; (3) discussion of GSP's should be 
    deferred until FDA and industry have adequate experience in using 
    Guidance Document 58, ``Guidance for Industry for Good Target Animal 
    Study Practices: Clinical Investigators and Monitors,'' issued by FDA's 
    Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) in May 1997; and (4) GSP's could 
    have a serious negative impact on current and future international 
    harmonization efforts.
        AHI and the Coalition consider GSP's to be outside the scope of the 
    ADAA because there is no requirement in the ADAA for GSP's, and because 
    GSP's would apply to any study in the target animal. A study in the 
    target animal may be conducted to evaluate the safety or the 
    effectiveness of a new animal drug. The purpose of the ADAA was to 
    responsibly streamline effectiveness requirements. It was not the 
    intention of the ADAA to modify the standard for determining whether a 
    new animal drug is safe. Thus, it is perceived by AHI and the Coalition 
    that FDA acted outside the directives of the ADAA.
        FDA believed that it was in fact being responsive to the directives 
    of the ADAA when it proposed GSP's as a new characteristic of adequate 
    and well-controlled studies. As FDA explained in the preamble to the 
    proposed regulation, the characteristics of an adequate and well-
    controlled study listed in current Sec. 514.111(a)(5)(ii) remain sound 
    scientific principles essential for all adequate and well-controlled 
    studies. These principles, including use of an appropriate control and 
    procedures to minimize bias, relate primarily to the design of an 
    adequate and well-controlled study. At the same time, FDA acknowledged 
    that the practices that apply to the testing of new animal drugs under 
    field conditions may need to differ from the practices applied to the 
    testing of new animal drugs under laboratory conditions. Good study 
    practices was intended to be the standard of conduct specifically 
    designed for field studies.
        The primary purpose of any adequate and well-controlled study is to 
    distinguish, by comparison with appropriate controls, the effect of the 
    new animal drug from other influences so that it can be determined 
    whether or not the new animal drug is effective. A further purpose of 
    an adequate and well-controlled field study is to observe the new 
    animal drug's effects under conditions which closely approximate the 
    conditions under which the new animal drug will be applied or 
    administered. Thus, as discussed in the legislative history of the ADAA 
    (H. Rept. 104-823, at 13 (1996)) and as FDA has repeatedly stated in 
    discussions with the Coalition (see, e.g., Memorandum of July 11, 1997, 
    meeting with the Coalition for Animal Health, Docket No. 97N-0141), it 
    is not expected that sponsors need to or should control all 
    environmental factors, husbandry practices, and other such factors in 
    studies conducted under field conditions. Adequate and well-controlled 
    field studies should balance the need to control the environment and 
    other factors with the need to observe the drug's effects under closely 
    approximated use conditions so that the true effect of the animal drug 
    can be measured and an appropriate inference can be drawn regarding the 
    effect of the animal drug in actual use. Nonetheless, it is critical 
    that the study documentation completely and accurately reflect the 
    conditions under which the new animal drug was tested so that the 
    sponsor and FDA can properly evaluate the study results.
        The purpose of requiring compliance with GSP's as a characteristic 
    of an adequate and well-controlled study in the proposed rule was to 
    make it clear that it was not FDA's expectation that the standard of 
    conduct for laboratory studies applied to the conduct of studies under 
    field conditions. By virtue of its inclusion in the definition of 
    adequate and well controlled, the applicability of the standard was 
    limited to any study in the target animal intended to demonstrate the 
    effectiveness of the new animal drug. FDA did not provide further 
    definition of GSP's as part of the definition of adequate and well 
    controlled because FDA believes, as the Coalition notes in its July 22, 
    1997, comments to Docket No. 97N-0141, that GSP's represent a 
    significant new regulatory concept that requires serious consideration 
    and discussion. Thus, FDA reopened Docket No. 96N-0411 to receive 
    comments from interested parties.
        In response to comments opposing the inclusion of GSP's in the 
    definition of adequate and well-controlled studies, FDA is removing the 
    reference in Sec. 514.117(b)(2) to GSP's and replacing it
    [[Page 10767]]
    with a reference to ``an appropriate standard.'' By referencing an 
    appropriate standard, Sec. 514.117(b)(2) allows the application of Good 
    Laboratory Practices (GLP's) to adequate and well-controlled laboratory 
    studies and the application of an as yet to be defined standard of 
    conduct to adequate and well-controlled field studies. Until a guidance 
    or regulations defining the appropriate standard of conduct for 
    conducting adequate and well-controlled studies under field conditions 
    are finalized, FDA will, on its own initiative, waive the requirement 
    for compliance with an appropriate standard of conduct for field 
    studies (Sec. 514.117(d)) and the study report for an adequate and 
    well-controlled study need not contain a statement describing adherence 
    to an appropriate standard. In the meantime, sponsors can continue to 
    refer to FDA's guidance, ``Good Target Animal Study Practices: Clinical 
    Investigators and Monitors,'' for guidance regarding the 
    responsibilities of investigators and monitors who conduct clinical 
        Issues to be resolved regarding the development of an appropriate 
    standard of conduct include: (1) What the standard of conduct for field 
    studies should be, (2) whether the standard of conduct should be 
    defined in guidance or by regulation, and (3) whether the standard of 
    conduct should be applied to field studies intended to demonstrate the 
    safety of the new animal drug as well as to adequate and well-
    controlled field studies intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of 
    the new animal drug.
        Although the definition of adequate and well-controlled studies 
    only applies to studies intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of a 
    new animal drug, FDA believes that it is logical that there should be 
    one standard for the conduct of all field studies. The agency believes 
    this to be true because it is the fact that a field study is conducted 
    under field conditions--and not whether the field study is intended to 
    demonstrate safety or effectiveness--that gives rise to the need for a 
    different standard.
        In a Federal Register notice dated May 8, 1997, that reopened the 
    comment period for Docket No. 96N-0411 and in meetings with the 
    Coalition, FDA asked interested parties to provide FDA with specific 
    examples of how field studies and laboratory studies differ so that FDA 
    can develop a reasonable and appropriate standard of conduct for field 
    studies. No such examples have been provided by any interested parties. 
    FDA intends to continue its efforts to obtain relevant information from 
    interested parties.
        As FDA considers further the development of a standard of conduct 
    for field studies, FDA will evaluate its experience in implementing the 
    guidance ``Good Target Animal Study Practices: Clinical Investigators 
    and Monitors.'' However, FDA contemplates that the standard of conduct 
    for field studies will also address issues such as facilities and 
    equipment in addition to those issues addressed in the guidance. 
    Because FDA recognizes the importance of efforts to achieve 
    international harmonization, FDA will also take into consideration the 
    work of the International Cooperation on Harmonisation of Technical 
    Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products (VICH), 
    the body responsible for the harmonization of technical requirements 
    for the registration of veterinary medicinal products, relating to the 
    development of standards of conduct for field studies.
    2. Explicit Provision to Address Differences Between Field and 
    Laboratory Studies
        3. AHI and the Coalition maintain that the further definition of 
    adequate and well controlled should more explicitly take into account 
    practical conditions in the field and the differences between field and 
    laboratory conditions. In its July 22, 1997, comment to Docket No. 97N-
    0141, the Coalition, on behalf of its member national trade 
    associations including AHI, proposed for inclusion in Sec. 514.117 a 
    paragraph to address the differences between adequate and well-
    controlled field and laboratory studies. The proposed paragraph read:
        Field Investigation. It is recognized that under field 
    conditions, there may be less opportunity for blinding or other 
    traditional non-field controls, such as concurrent placebo or 
    untreated groups. The nature of field trials may preclude the use of 
    a concurrent control group; thus the animal may serve as its own 
    control in selected situations. While the general principles in 
    subparagraph (1) are applicable to a field investigation, conditions 
    on farms, ranches, other animal husbandry operations, and veterinary 
    private practices are such that the same degree of precision with 
    regard to environmental management and documentation of all 
    variables cannot be maintained, as when the trials are conducted on 
    sponsor-owned premises. Controls and documentation must be 
    sufficient to evaluate the investigation, permit the application of 
    statistical methods of evaluation and permit the documentation to be 
        In response to comments requesting the inclusion of a more explicit 
    provision to address the differences between field and laboratory 
    studies, FDA is revising Sec. 514.117 by redesignating paragraphs (c) 
    and (d) as paragraphs (d) and (e), respectively, and is adding a new 
    paragraph (c). As revised, Sec. 514.117(c) more explicitly addresses 
    the differences between field and laboratory studies.
        Unlike the Coalition's suggested language, FDA's provision 
    describing field studies does not discuss at length the use of controls 
    in field studies but instead requires the use of an appropriate 
    control. As discussed in the preamble to the proposed rule (62 FR 25153 
    at 25154), the sponsor's choice of the type of control used in a study 
    should be based on the scientific, ethical, and practical circumstances 
    associated with that particular study. Section 514.117(b)(6) already 
    states that when the effect of variables such as age, sex, class of 
    animal, severity of disease, duration of disease, dietary regimen, 
    level of animal production, and use of drugs or other therapy is 
    accounted for by an appropriate design, and when, within the same 
    animal, effects due to the test drug can be obtained free of the 
    effects of such variables, the same animal may be used for both the 
    test drug and the control. Consistent with the discussion in the 
    preamble to the proposed rule (62 FR 25153 at 25155) and the American 
    Veterinary Medical Association's comments submitted to Docket No. 96N-
    0411, FDA's provision reflects the need for field studies to balance 
    the need to control the environment and other factors with the need to 
    observe the drug's performance under actual conditions of use.
    C. Section 514.117(b)(3)
        4. AHI questioned why the requirements of current 
    Sec. 514.111(a)(3) were changed and greatly expanded by proposed 
    Sec. 514.117(b)(3).
        Current Sec. 514.111(a)(3) lists one of the grounds on which FDA 
    may refuse to approve a new animal drug application. Specifically, FDA 
    may refuse to approve a new animal drug application if the methods used 
    in and the facilities and controls used for the manufacture, 
    processing, and packaging of such drug are inadequate to preserve its 
    identity, strength, quality, and purity. Proposed Sec. 514.117(b)(3) 
    does not expand upon the requirements of this section.
        Proposed Sec. 514.117(b)(3) describes a characteristic of an 
    adequate and well-controlled study and was intended to correspond to 
    current Sec. 514.111(a)(5)(ii)(b) which provides that the test drug 
    must be standardized in order for a study to be considered adequate. 
    FDA did not provide an explanation of this section because it believed 
    the provision to be clear on its face. The identity, strength, quality, 
    and purity of a new animal drug being tested
    [[Page 10768]]
    in a particular study must be known and be reproducible. Knowledge of 
    this information permits meaningful evaluation of the effectiveness of 
    the new animal drug and allows the appropriate comparison of 
    effectiveness studies in which different formulations of the new animal 
    drug are used. Furthermore, the sponsor of the new animal drug must be 
    able to demonstrate the equivalency of the formulation of the new 
    animal drug proposed for marketing to the formulations used in the 
    study or studies supporting effectiveness and safety. Therefore, FDA 
    has finalized Sec. 514.117(b)(3) as proposed.
    D. Section 514.117(b)(4)
        5. AHI commented that the list of acceptable study controls should 
    not be ranked and the controls used should be ``appropriate to the 
    scientific objectives of the study.'' AHI believes that justification 
    for the use of each type of control is preferable to a ranking system 
    that may erroneously give the impression that one type of control is 
    always preferred over others.
        FDA lists the acceptable types of controls in descending order, 
    roughly in accordance with the ease of interpretation of the associated 
    studies. Sponsors should not ascribe unintended meaning to the order in 
    which the controls are listed. As discussed in the preamble to the 
    proposed rule (62 FR 25153 at 25154), FDA believes that there may be 
    good reasons for using different types of controls in study designs for 
    particular situations and that the sponsor's choice of the type of 
    control used in a particular study should be based on the scientific, 
    ethical, and practical circumstances associated with that particular 
    study. Therefore, the selection of the proper control is best addressed 
    in discussions between FDA and the sponsor during protocol development.
        6. AHI objected to FDA's inclusion in the preamble to the proposed 
    rule of examples of when a specific type of control may not be 
    appropriate. AHI asserted that humane considerations are always taken 
    into account by the sponsor during the design phase of the study.
        FDA did not include in the preamble examples of when specific types 
    of controls may not be appropriate, rather FDA identified circumstances 
    to be considered when choosing the type of control to be used in any 
    particular study. An important consideration in choosing the type of 
    control to be used is the humane treatment of the investigational 
    animals, including control animals. FDA wanted to remind sponsors and 
    the owners of investigational animals that considerations relating to 
    the humane treatment of investigational animals require more than 
    considering treatment versus no treatment. Notably, the use of an 
    active control sometimes requires inducing a disease or condition in a 
    greater number of animals than would be necessary with other types of 
    controls, thus, a greater number of animals may suffer if the new 
    animal drug proves to be unsafe or ineffective.
        7. AHI believes that the proposed rule unfairly biases the value of 
    active treatment controls. AHI noted that it is difficult, if not 
    impossible, to find clinicians or owners who will allow studies 
    conducted on an owner's animals with a placebo or no treatment. AHI 
    noted further that the proposed rule implies that the only active 
    controls that may be used are those drugs that have been tested in 
    placebo-controlled studies. AHI objected to any limitation on the use 
    of an approved drug as an active control, regardless of how it was 
    approved, i.e., without data from a study with a placebo control.
        It is not FDA's intent to express a bias against studies using 
    active treatment controls. The overriding principle to be followed in 
    selecting a type of control is to select a control that is appropriate 
    to the scientific, ethical, and practical circumstances associated with 
    the particular study. However, from a scientific standpoint, a 
    demonstration of effectiveness by means of showing similarity of the 
    new animal drug to an active control drug is an indirect demonstration 
    of effectiveness and necessarily involves making assumptions that do 
    not need to be made in studies with controls that permit a direct 
    demonstration of effectiveness. For example, it must be presumed that 
    the active control would have been superior to a placebo if there had 
    been a comparison. Thus, if the particular circumstances of a study do 
    not dictate a need for an active control, it is usually easier to 
    interpret the results of studies using placebo or untreated controls.
        It is understandable that clinicians and owners of investigational 
    animals, including control animals, may be reluctant to participate in 
    studies using placebo or untreated controls when a new animal drug is 
    intended to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease. Nonetheless, it 
    is up to the sponsor to select, based on the particular circumstances 
    of the study, the appropriate control and to obtain the informed 
    consent of each owner who authorizes the use of their animal in the 
        In those instances in which a new animal drug is intended to affect 
    the structure or function of the animal's body by increasing feed 
    efficiency or weight gain (production animal drugs), it is much less 
    clear why clinicians or owners would object to the participation of 
    animals in studies using placebo or untreated controls, because there 
    is no potential for animal suffering if the new animal drug is not 
    administered or applied to the particular animal. In fact, the health 
    of an animal could be compromised by the administration or application 
    of the new animal drug if there are side effects from the 
    investigational use of the new animal drug. Furthermore, because the 
    effects of production animal drugs are generally small, they are more 
    difficult to measure, and it can be expected that even active drugs 
    will not prove effective in all studies. Studies involving placebo or 
    untreated controls may be the only way to evaluate such treatments.
        Use of active treatment controls in studies to evaluate the 
    effectiveness of a production animal drug are likely to require the 
    participation of a very large number of animals if, indeed, such 
    controls are credible at all. In any instance in which a sponsor 
    chooses to use an active treatment control, the sponsor should justify 
    the need to use such a control.
        Because comparison with an active treatment control establishes 
    only that the new animal drug is more or less effective than, or as 
    effective as, the active control, before FDA can evaluate the study FDA 
    must know that the active treatment control is effective. One way, but 
    not the only way, to provide information to FDA about the effectiveness 
    of the active treatment control is to reference previous placebo-
    controlled studies of the active control drug. When such studies are 
    not available, a sponsor should justify the choice of active treatment 
    control and explain how it can be known that the active control drug 
    was effective in the study.
    E. Section 514.117(b)(5)
        8. Proposed Sec. 514.117(b)(5) would require that adequate and 
    well-controlled studies use a method of selecting animals that provides 
    adequate assurances that the animals are suitable for the purposes of 
    the study. AHI believes that examples cited in the characteristic are 
    too specific for inclusion in a regulation and should be eliminated. 
    AHI notes that criteria for selection should be established on a case-
    by-case basis during the protocol review.
    [[Page 10769]]
        FDA does not agree that the examples provided in proposed 
    Sec. 514.117(b)(5) are too specific. The examples represent generally 
    some of the criteria to be considered in selecting animals. The 
    examples are drawn from, and clarify FDA's interpretation of, current 
    Sec. 514.111(a)(5)(ii)(a)(2)(i). FDA agrees that the criteria for 
    selecting animals suitable for a study should be determined on a case-
    by-case basis during protocol development and nothing in the examples 
    precludes such case-by-case determination.
    F. Section 514.117(b)(6)
        9. AHI believes that FDA has expanded the ``pertinent variables'' 
    used to judge whether experimental units of animals are comparable and 
    that such expansion is unnecessary.
        The only difference in the list of pertinent variables described in 
    proposed Sec. 514.117(b)(6) from those variables listed in current 
    Sec. 514.111(a)(5)(ii)(a)(2)(iii) is the use of the phrase ``class of 
    animal'' in place of the term ``species'' and the listing of ``dietary 
    management'' and ``level of animal production'' in place of 
    ``management practices.'' These substitutions represent a 
    clarification, not expansion, of the list of variables. FDA is 
    retaining Sec. 514.117(b)(6) as proposed.
    G. Section 514.117(b)(7)
        10. AHI has asked for clarification of how FDA is interpreting the 
    phrase ``analysts of the data'' under Sec. 514.117(b)(7).
        As used in proposed Sec. 514.117(b)(7), ``observers'' of data 
    refers to those individuals who, on behalf of the investigator or 
    sponsor, observe, collect, or record data and information as part of 
    the conduct of an adequate and well-controlled study. This would 
    include individuals who analyze specimens and samples (including the 
    new animal drug and animal feed bearing or containing the new animal 
    drug) which are collected as part of such a study. In contrast, 
    ``analysts'' of data refers to those individuals who, on behalf of the 
    sponsor or investigator, analyze the data and information collected and 
    recorded during the conduct of an adequate and well-controlled study. 
    Both observers and analysts of the data would be expected to perform 
    their functions in a manner which minimizes bias. For example, 
    observers of the data should be ``blinded'' or ``masked'' at all times, 
    while analysts of the data should maintain such ``blinding'' or 
    ``masking'' as long as reasonable or practical.
    H. Data Variations
        11. AHI recommended that the definition of adequate and well-
    controlled studies include a new subsection entitled ``Data 
    variations'' to explain that nonsystematic errors or omissions 
    generally will not disqualify a study as being adequate and well 
    controlled for purposes of establishing that a drug is effective for 
    use as described in the proposed labeling. Data variations would be 
    subject to review and would require an explanation.
        FDA does not find it necessary to create a provision to address 
    data variations. FDA has not, nor does FDA intend to, disqualify 
    studies as not being adequate and well controlled based solely on a 
    finding of nonsystematic errors or omissions, i.e., random human error, 
    that are explained and do not affect the integrity of the study. 
    Furthermore, sponsors may ask the Director of CVM to waive the 
    requirement to meet a specific characteristic of an adequate and well-
    controlled study with respect to a specific study and still accept that 
    study as an adequate and well-controlled study.
    I. Uncontrolled Studies
        12.As discussed in section II.B.1 of this document, proposed 
    Sec. 514.117(d), which describes how uncontrolled studies would be 
    considered by FDA, has been redesignated in this final rule as 
    Sec. 514.117(e). FDA and the Coalition agree that regardless of the 
    differences between field and laboratory studies, a control group 
    (placebo, untreated, active treatment, or historical) is always needed 
    for a laboratory or a field study to be an adequate and well-controlled 
    study (see Memorandum of July 11, 1997, meeting with the Coalition for 
    Animal Health, at 2, Docket No. 97N-0141). Not only is a study without 
    a control group not acceptable as the sole basis for the approval of 
    claims of effectiveness, such a study does not permit scientific 
    evaluation of claims of effectiveness. Accordingly, the phrase 
    ``including studies for which the Director has granted a waiver under 
    paragraph (c) of this section, of the use of any necessary control 
    described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section,'' in the first sentence 
    in proposed Sec. 514.117(d) was erroneous. FDA is revising 
    Sec. 514.117(e) to remove this phrase. Thus, Sec. 514.117(e) is the 
    same as current Sec. 514.11(a)(5)(ii)(c).
    J. Quality Assurance
        13. AHI inquired whether reference to a ``documented quality 
    assurance process or program'' is a reference to a quality assurance 
    function and not a specific, defined quality assurance unit as required 
    in 21 CFR 58.35.
        In the preamble to the proposed rule (62 FR 25153 at 25155), FDA 
    stated that it believes that generation of reliable data and 
    information can best be accomplished by conducting adequate and well-
    controlled studies under a documented program of quality assurance. FDA 
    is primarily concerned that sponsors develop and implement a quality 
    assurance process that is carried out in accordance with the well-
    established principles of quality assurance. A well-established 
    principle of quality assurance is that personnel responsible for 
    quality assurance should be independent from those personnel 
    responsible for the development of new animal drugs, including the 
    conduct and monitoring of the study. Personnel responsible for quality 
    assurance may or may not function as a ``unit.''
    III. Environmental Impact
        The agency has determined under 21 CFR 25.30(h) that this action is 
    of a type that does not individually or cumulatively have a significant 
    effect on the human environment. Therefore, neither an environmental 
    assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required.
    IV. Analysis of Impacts
        FDA has examined the impacts of the final rule under Executive 
    Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612). 
    Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess all costs and benefits 
    of available regulatory alternatives and, when regulation is necessary, 
    to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including 
    potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other 
    advantages; distributive impacts; and equity). The following analysis 
    demonstrates that the final rule is not an economically significant 
    regulatory action as defined by the Executive Order and is consistent 
    with the regulatory philosophy and principles identified in the 
    Executive Order.
        Section 2(e) of the ADAA requires FDA to further define the term 
    ``adequate and well controlled'' to require that field investigations 
    be designed and conducted in a scientifically sound manner, taking into 
    account practical conditions in the field and differences between field 
    conditions and laboratory conditions. Discussions between FDA and 
    regulated industry during the development of the ADAA made it clear 
    that the regulated industry is concerned that certain
    [[Page 10770]]
    scientific principles and practices may be difficult to apply in 
    testing new animal drugs under actual field conditions. FDA reviewed 
    the essentials of adequate and well-controlled studies currently 
    identified in Sec. 514.111(a)(5)(ii) and determined that these 
    essentials continue to represent scientifically sound principles 
    governing the conduct of adequate and well-controlled studies, whether 
    conducted under laboratory or field conditions. However, FDA determined 
    that the practices followed in the conduct of adequate and well-
    controlled studies in the target animal under field conditions may need 
    to be more flexible in some regards than practices followed under 
    laboratory conditions.
        In its proposed rule published in the May 8, 1997, Federal 
    Register, FDA proposed to amend its regulations in part 514 to further 
    define the term ``adequate and well-controlled studies'' to allow for 
    more flexibility in the practices followed in the conduct of adequate 
    and well-controlled studies in the target animal under field 
    conditions. Specifically, FDA proposed to incorporate by reference 
    GSP's, that is, the practices to be followed in conducting studies in 
    target animals under field conditions.
        FDA received several letters from industry groups commenting on the 
    proposed definition of ``adequate and well-controlled studies.'' Some 
    of the comments criticized the rule for its failure to explicitly 
    address the difference between field and laboratory studies and 
    objected to FDA's reference to GSP's. In response to these comments, 
    FDA has removed the references to GSP's and added language to the rule 
    that will more explicitly address the differences between field and 
    laboratory studies.
        The definition of adequate and well-controlled studies has 
    significance only within the context of the regulations governing 
    investigational use and approval of new animal drugs. Because FDA has 
    issued neither revised new animal drugs for investigational use 
    regulations nor revised new animal drug applications regulations, there 
    will be little or no effect on the level of effort expended by industry 
    in testing the effectiveness of new animal drugs as part of the animal 
    drug approval process. FDA did not receive any comments on its estimate 
    of impacts for the proposal, which reached an identical conclusion. The 
    agency notes that a thorough economic analysis will be conducted on the 
    impact of proposed changes to the regulations governing investigational 
    use new animal drugs and to the new animal drug application regulations 
    in future proposals.
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act requires agencies to analyze 
    regulatory options that would minimize any significant impact of a rule 
    on small entities unless the rule is not expected to have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. As this 
    final regulation will not impose significant new costs on any firms, 
    under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 605(b)), the agency 
    certifies that the final rule will not have a significant economic 
    impact on a substantial number of small entities. Therefore, under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act, no further analysis is required.
    V. Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995
        The Unfunded Mandates Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1532) requires that 
    agencies prepare an assessment of the anticipated costs and benefits 
    before issuing any final rule that may result in annual expenditure by 
    State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the 
    private sector, of $100,000,000 or more (adjusted annually for 
    inflation). This final rule does not impose any mandates on State, 
    local, or tribal governments, or the private sector that will result in 
    an annual expenditure of $100,000,000 or more.
    Lists of Subjects in 21 CFR Part 514
        Administrative practice and procedure, Animal drugs, Confidential 
    business information, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        Therefore, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and under 
    authority delegated to the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, 21 CFR part 
    514 is amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 21 CFR part 514 continues to read as 
        Authority: 21 U.S.C. 351, 352, 360b, 371, 379e, 381.
        2. Section 514.111 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(5) to read 
    as follows:
    Sec. 514.111  Refusal to approve an application.
        (a) * * *
        (5) Evaluated on the basis of information submitted as part of the 
    application and any other information before the Food and Drug 
    Administration with respect to such drug, there is lack of substantial 
    evidence consisting of one or more adequate and well-controlled studies 
    by experts qualified by scientific training and experience to evaluate 
    the effectiveness of the drug involved, on the basis of which it could 
    fairly and reasonably be concluded by such experts that the drug will 
    have the effect it purports or is represented to have under the 
    conditions of use prescribed, recommended, or suggested in the labeling 
    or proposed labeling thereof.
    * * * * *
        3. New Sec. 514.117 is added to subpart B to read as follows:
    Sec. 514.117  Adequate and well-controlled studies.
        (a)  Purpose. The primary purpose of conducting adequate and well-
    controlled studies of a new animal drug is to distinguish the effect of 
    the new animal drug from other influences, such as spontaneous change 
    in the course of the disease, normal animal production performance, or 
    biased observation. One or more adequate and well-controlled studies 
    are required to establish, by substantial evidence, that a new animal 
    drug is effective. The characteristics described in paragraph (b) of 
    this section have been developed over a period of years and are 
    generally recognized as the essentials of an adequate and well-
    controlled study. Well controlled, as used in the phrase adequate and 
    well controlled, emphasizes an important aspect of adequacy. The Food 
    and Drug Administration (FDA) considers these characteristics in 
    determining whether a study is adequate and well controlled for 
    purposes of section 512 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 
    (the act) (21 U.S.C. 360b). Adequate and well-controlled studies, in 
    addition to providing a basis for determining whether a new animal drug 
    is effective, may also be relied upon to support target animal safety. 
    The report of an adequate and well-controlled study should provide 
    sufficient details of study design, conduct, and analysis to allow 
    critical evaluation and a determination of whether the characteristics 
    of an adequate and well-controlled study are present.
        (b) Characteristics. An adequate and well-controlled study has the 
    following characteristics:
        (1) The protocol for the study (protocol) and the report of the 
    study results (study report) must include a clear statement of the 
    study objective(s).
        (2) The study is conducted in accordance with an appropriate 
    standard of conduct that addresses, among other issues, study conduct, 
    study personnel, study facilities, and study documentation. The 
    protocol contains a statement acknowledging the
    [[Page 10771]]
    applicability of, and intention to follow, a standard of conduct 
    acceptable to FDA. The study report contains a statement describing 
    adherence to the standard.
        (3) The study is conducted with a new animal drug that is produced 
    in accordance with appropriate manufacturing practices, which include, 
    but are not necessarily limited to, the manufacture, processing, 
    packaging, holding, and labeling of the new animal drug such that the 
    critical characteristics of identity, strength, quality, purity, and 
    physical form of the new animal drug are known, recorded, and 
    reproducible, to permit meaningful evaluations of and comparisons with 
    other studies conducted with the new animal drug. The physical form of 
    a new animal drug includes the formulation and physical 
    characterization (including delivery systems thereof, if any) of the 
    new animal drug as presented to the animal. The protocol and study 
    report must include an identification number which can be correlated 
    with the specific formulation and production process used to 
    manufacture the new animal drug used in the study.
        (4) The study uses a design that permits a valid comparison with 
    one or more controls to provide a quantitative evaluation of drug 
    effects. The protocol and the study report must describe the precise 
    nature of the study design, e.g., duration of treatment periods, 
    whether treatments are parallel, sequential, or crossover, and the 
    determination of sample size. Within the broad range of studies 
    conducted to support a determination of the effectiveness of a new 
    animal drug, certain of the controls listed below would be appropriate 
    and preferred depending on the study conducted:
        (i) Placebo concurrent control. The new animal drug is compared 
    with an inactive preparation designed to resemble the new animal drug 
    as far as possible.
        (ii) Untreated concurrent control. The new animal drug is compared 
    with the absence of any treatment. The use of this control may be 
    appropriate when objective measurements of effectiveness, not subject 
    to observer bias, are available.
        (iii) Active treatment concurrent control. The new animal drug is 
    compared with known effective therapy. The use of this control is 
    appropriate when the use of a placebo control or of an untreated 
    concurrent control would unreasonably compromise the welfare of the 
    animals. Similarity of the new animal drug and the active control drug 
    can mean either that both drugs were effective or that neither was 
    effective. The study report should assess the ability of the study to 
    have detected a difference between treatments. The evaluation of the 
    study should explain why the new animal drugs should be considered 
    effective in the study, for example, by reference to results in 
    previous placebo-controlled studies of the active control.
        (iv) Historical control. The results of treatment with the new 
    animal drug are quantitatively compared with experience historically 
    derived from the adequately documented natural history of the disease 
    or condition, or with a regimen (therapeutic, diagnostic, prophylactic) 
    whose effectiveness is established, in comparable animals. Because 
    historical control populations usually cannot be as well assessed with 
    respect to pertinent variables as can concurrent control populations, 
    historical control designs are usually reserved for special 
    circumstances. Examples include studies in which the effect of the new 
    animal drug is self-evident or studies of diseases with high and 
    predictable mortality, or signs and symptoms of predictable duration or 
    severity, or, in the case of prophylaxis, predictable morbidity.
        (5) The study uses a method of selecting animals that provides 
    adequate assurances that the animals are suitable for the purposes of 
    the study. For example, the animals can reasonably be expected to have 
    animal production characteristics typical of the class(es) of animals 
    for which the new animal drug is intended, there is adequate assurance 
    that the animals have the disease or condition being studied, or, in 
    the case of prophylactic agents, evidence of susceptibility and 
    exposure to the condition against which prophylaxis is desired has been 
    provided. The protocol and the study report describe the method of 
    selecting animals for the study.
        (6) The study uses a method to assign a treatment or a control to 
    each experimental unit of animals that is random and minimizes bias. 
    Experimental units of animals are groups of animals that are comparable 
    with respect to pertinent variables such as age, sex, class of animal, 
    severity of disease, duration of disease, dietary regimen, level of 
    animal production, and use of drugs or therapy other than the new 
    animal drug. The protocol and the study report describe the method of 
    assignment of animals to an experimental unit to account for pertinent 
    variables and method of assignment of a treatment or a control to the 
    experimental units. When the effect of such variables is accounted for 
    by an appropriate design, and when, within the same animal, effects due 
    to the test drug can be obtained free of the effects of such variables, 
    the same animal may be used for both the test drug and the control 
    using the controls set forth in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.
        (7) The study uses methods to minimize bias on the part of 
    observers and analysts of the data that are adequate to prevent undue 
    influences on the results and interpretation of the study data. The 
    protocol and study report explain the methods of observation and 
    recording of the animal response variables and document the methods, 
    such as ``blinding'' or ``masking,'' used in the study for excluding or 
    minimizing bias in the observations.
        (8) The study uses methods to assess animal response that are well 
    defined and reliable. The protocol and study report describe the 
    methods for conducting the study, including any appropriate analytical 
    and statistical methods, used to collect and analyze the data resulting 
    from the conduct of the study, describe the criteria used to assess 
    response, and, when appropriate, justify the selection of the methods 
    to assess animal response.
        (9) There is an analysis and evaluation of the results of the study 
    in accord with the protocol adequate to assess the effects of the new 
    animal drug. The study report evaluates the methods used to conduct, 
    and presents and evaluates the results of, the study as to their 
    adequacy to assess the effects of the new animal drug. This evaluation 
    of the results of the study assesses, among other items, the 
    comparability of treatment and control groups with respect to pertinent 
    variables and the effects of any interim analyses performed.
        (c) Field studies. (1) Field conditions as used in this section 
    refers to conditions which closely approximate the conditions under 
    which the new animal drug, if approved, is intended to be applied or 
        (2) Studies of a new animal drug conducted under field conditions 
    shall, consistent with generally recognized scientific principles and 
    procedures, use an appropriate control that permits comparison, employ 
    procedures to minimize bias, and have the characteristics generally 
    described in paragraph (b) of this section. However, because field 
    studies are conducted under field conditions, it is recognized that the 
    level of control over some study conditions need not or should not be 
    the same as the level of control in laboratory studies. While not all 
    conditions relating to a field study need to be or should be 
    controlled, observations of
    [[Page 10772]]
    the conditions under which the new animal drug is tested shall be 
    recorded in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the study. 
    Adequate and well-controlled field studies shall balance the need to 
    control study conditions with the need to observe the true effect of 
    the new animal drug under closely approximated actual use conditions.
        (d) Waiver. The Director of the Center for Veterinary Medicine (the 
    Director) may, on the Director's own initiative or on the petition of 
    an interested person, waive in whole or in part any of the criteria in 
    paragraph (b) of this section with respect to a specific study. A 
    petition for a waiver is required to set forth clearly and concisely 
    the specific criteria from which waiver is sought, why the criteria are 
    not reasonably applicable to the particular study, what alternative 
    procedures, if any, are to be, or have been employed, and what results 
    have been obtained. The petition is also required to state why the 
    studies so conducted will yield, or have yielded, substantial evidence 
    of effectiveness, notwithstanding nonconformance with the criteria for 
    which waiver is requested.
        (e) Uncontrolled studies. Uncontrolled studies or partially 
    controlled studies are not acceptable as the sole basis for the 
    approval of claims of effectiveness or target animal safety. Such 
    studies, carefully conducted and documented, may provide corroborative 
    support of adequate and well-controlled studies regarding effectiveness 
    and may yield valuable data regarding safety of the new animal drug. 
    Such studies will be considered on their merits in light of the 
    characteristics listed here. Isolated case reports, random experience, 
    and reports lacking the details which permit scientific evaluation will 
    not be considered.
        Dated: February 25, 1998.
    William B. Schultz,
    Deputy Commissioner for Policy.
    [FR Doc. 98-5675 Filed 3-4-98; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4160-01-F

Document Information

Effective Date:
Food and Drug Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The regulations are effective on April 6, 1998.
10765-10772 (8 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. 97N-0141
PDF File:
CFR: (10)
21 CFR 514.117(a)
21 CFR 514.111(a)(3)
21 CFR 514.111(a)(5)(ii)(a)(2)(i)
21 CFR 514.111(a)(5)(ii)(a)(2)(iii)
21 CFR 514.117(b)(3)
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