98-11149. Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel Plate From Brazil: Amendment of Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review  

  • [Federal Register Volume 63, Number 80 (Monday, April 27, 1998)]
    [Pages 20570-20572]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 98-11149]
    International Trade Administration
    Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel Plate From Brazil: Amendment 
    of Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review
    AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration, 
    Department of Commerce.
    ACTION: Notice of amendment of final results of antidumping duty 
    administrative review.
    SUMMARY: On March 16, 1998, the Department of Commerce (``the 
    Department'') published the final results of its administrative review 
    of the antidumping duty order on Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel 
    Plate from Brazil (63 FR 12744) covering the period August 1, 1995 
    through July 31, 1996. Based on the correction of certain ministerial 
    errors made in the final results, we are publishing this amendment.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: April 27, 1998.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Samantha Denenberg or Linda Ludwig, 
    Office of AD/CVD Enforcement, Group III, Import Administration, 
    International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th 
    Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20230; telephone 
    (202) 482-0414 or 482-3833, respectively.
    Applicable Statute and Regulations
        Unless otherwise indicated, all citations to the statute are 
    references to the provisions effective January 1, 1995, the effective 
    date of the amendments made to the Tariff Act of 1930 by the Uruguay 
    Round Agreements Act (``URAA''). In addition, unless otherwise 
    indicated, all references to the Department's regulations are to 19 CFR 
    Part 353 (April 1, 1997).
    [[Page 20571]]
    Scope of This Review
        The products covered by this administrative review constitute one 
    ``class or kind'' of merchandise: certain cut-to-length carbon steel 
    plate. These products include hot-rolled carbon steel universal mill 
    plates (i.e., flat-rolled products rolled on four faces or in a closed 
    box pass, of a width exceeding 150 millimeters but not exceeding 1,250 
    millimeters and of a thickness of not less than 4 millimeters, not in 
    coils and without patterns in relief), of rectangular shape, neither 
    clad, plated nor coated with metal, whether or not painted, varnished, 
    or coated with plastics or other nonmetallic substances; and certain 
    hot-rolled carbon steel flat-rolled products in straight lengths, of 
    rectangular shape, hot rolled, neither clad, plated, nor coated with 
    metal, whether or not painted, varnished, or coated with plastics or 
    other nonmetallic substances, 4.75 millimeters or more in thickness and 
    of a width which exceeds 150 millimeters and measures at least twice 
    the thickness, as currently classifiable in the Harmonized Tariff 
    Schedule (HTS) under item numbers 7208.40.3030, 7208.40.3060, 
    7208.51.0030, 7208.51.0045, 7208.51.0060, 7208.52.0000, 7208.53.0000, 
    7208.90.0000, 7210.70.3000, 7210.90.9000, 7211.13.0000, 7211.14.0030, 
    7211.14.0045, 7211.90.0000, 7212.40.1000, 7212.40.5000, and 
    7212.50.0000. Included are flat-rolled products of nonrectangular 
    cross-section where such cross-section is achieved subsequent to the 
    rolling process (i.e., products which have been ``worked after 
    rolling'')--for example, products which have been beveled or rounded at 
    the edges. Excluded is grade X-70 plate. These HTS item numbers are 
    provided for convenience and Customs purposes. The written description 
    remains dispositive.
        The POR is August 1, 1995, through July 31, 1996. This review 
    covers entries of Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel Plate by Usinas 
    Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais (``USIMINAS'') and Companhia Siderurgica 
    Paulista (``COSIPA''). These two producers/exporters have been 
    collapsed (``USIMINAS/COSIPA'') and are being treated as one entity for 
    the purpose of this review.
        On March 16, 1998, the Department published the final results of 
    its administrative review of the antidumping duty order on Certain Cut-
    to-Length Carbon Steel Plate from Brazil (63 FR 12744). This review 
    covers one manufacturer/exporter of the subject merchandise, Usinas 
    Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais (``USIMINAS'') and Companhia Siderurgica 
    Paulista (``COSIPA''), for the period August 1, 1995 through July 31, 
    1996. After publication of our final results, we received timely 
    allegations from the petitioners that we had made ministerial errors in 
    calculating the final results. USIMINAS/COSIPA did not file a rebuttal 
    to the petitioners' ministerial error allegations. We have corrected 
    our calculations, in which we agree that we made ministerial errors, in 
    accordance with section 751((h) of the Tariff Act.
        In the final results, the ``all others'' cash deposit rate was 
    incorrectly stated to be 36.00 percent. The correct ``all others'' rate 
    (from the LTFV investigation) is 75.54 percent. See Final Determination 
    of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Cut-to-Length Carbon Steel 
    Plate from Brazil, 58 FR 37091 (July 9, 1993).
    Analysis of Ministerial Error Allegations Received From Interested 
        We received two ministerial error allegations from petitioners. 
    First, petitioners contend that the Department did not consistently 
    change the variable name for USIMINAS' home market inland freight 
    expense for all pertinent programs. In the final results, the 
    Department included USIMINAS' INFLFTCH field in the proper calculation 
    strands of the model match program, but did not make the corresponding 
    corrections in the arm's length program. Petitioners further noted that 
    COSIPA's INLFTCH field (also home market inland freight expense) should 
    also be included in the movement expense calculation string.
        As defined by section 751(h) of the Act, the term ``ministerial 
    error'' includes errors ``in addition, subtraction, or other arithmetic 
    function, clerical errors resulting from inaccurate copying, 
    duplication, or the like, and any other type of unintentional error 
    which the [Department] considers ministerial.'' We agree with 
    petitioners that USIMINAS' INFLFTCH field and COSIPA's INLFTCH field 
    should be included in the proper calculation strings in the arm's 
    length program. We have made the suggested corrections for the amended 
    final results.
        Second, petitioners contend that the length of the customer code 
    field defined in the arm's length program was insufficient. Petitioners 
    state that the length statement for CUSCODH needs to be changed so that 
    the results of the arm's length program are correctly applied to the 
    model match program.
        We agree with petitioners that the length statement for the 
    customer code field needs to be changed. We have made the suggested 
    corrections for the amended final results.
    Amended Final Results of Review
        We determine that the following weighted-average margin exists:
           Manufacturer/exporter          Period of review       (percent)  
    Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas                                            
     Gerais (``USIMINAS'')............     08/01/95-07/31/96           11.70
    Companhia Siderurgica Paulista                                          
     (``COSIPA'').....................     08/01/95-07/31/96           11.70
        The Department shall determine, and the Customs Service shall 
    assess, antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. We will 
    calculate importer-specific ad valorem duty assessment rates based on 
    the entered value of each entry of subject merchandise during the POR. 
    We will direct the Customs Service to collect cash deposits of 
    estimated antidumping duties on all appropriate entries. The amended 
    deposit requirements are effective for all shipments of the subject 
    merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or 
    after the date of publication date of this notice and will remain in 
    effect until the publication of the final results of the next 
    administrative review.
        This notice serves as a final reminder to importers of their 
    responsibility under 19 CFR 353.26 to file a certificate regarding the 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties prior to liquidation of the 
    relevant entries during this review period. Failure to comply with this 
    requirement could result in the Secretary's presumption that 
    reimbursement of antidumping duties
    [[Page 20572]]
    occurred and subsequent assessment of double antidumping duties.
        This notice also serves as a reminder to parties subject to 
    administrative protective order (``APO'') of their responsibility 
    concerning the disposition of proprietary information disclosed under 
    APO in accordance with 19 CFR 353.34 (d). Timely written notification 
    of return/destruction of APO materials or conversion to judicial 
    protective order is hereby requested. Failure to comply with the 
    regulations and the terms of an APO is a sanctionable violation. Timely 
    written notification of the return/destruction of APO materials or 
    conversion to judicial protective order is hereby requested.
        This administrative review and notice are in accordance with 
    Section 751(a)(1) of the Tariff Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1)) and 19 CFR 
        Dated: April 16, 1998.
    Joseph A. Spetrini,
    Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
    [FR Doc. 98-11149 Filed 4-24-98; 8:45 am]

Document Information

Effective Date:
International Trade Administration
Entry Type:
Notice of amendment of final results of antidumping duty administrative review.
Document Number:
April 27, 1998.
20570-20572 (3 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File: