99-29706. Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 226 (Wednesday, November 24, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 66234-66304]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-29706]
    [[Page 66233]]
    Part II
    Department of Health and Human Services
    Health Care Financing Administration
    42 CFR Part 460, et al.
    Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the 
    Elderly (PACE); Final Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 226 / Wednesday, November 24, 1999 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 66234]]
    Health Care Financing Administration
    42 CFR Parts 460, 462, 466, 473, and 476
    RIN 0938-AJ63
    Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Programs of All-Inclusive Care 
    for the Elderly (PACE)
    AGENCY: Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), HHS.
    ACTION: Interim final rule with comment period.
    SUMMARY: This rule establishes requirements for Programs of All-
    inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) under Medicare and Medicaid. 
    These are pre-paid, capitated programs for beneficiaries who meet 
    special eligibility requirements and who elect to enroll. Programs must 
    apply for approval and are evaluated in terms of specific criteria. 
    Only a limited number of programs can be approved. Priority 
    consideration will be given to applicants that have been operating 
    under ongoing PACE demonstration projects.
    DATES: Effective date: These regulations are effective on November 24, 
    1999. The incorporation by reference of the publication listed in the 
    rule was approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of 
    November 24, 1999.
        Comment date: Comments will be considered if we receive them at the 
    appropriate address, as provided below, no later than 5 p.m. on January 
    24, 2000.
    ADDRESSES: Mail an original and 3 copies of written comments to the 
    following address: Health Care Financing Administration, Department of 
    Health and Human Services, Attention: HCFA-1903-IFC, P.O. Box 8016, 
    Baltimore, MD 21244-8016.
        If you prefer, you may deliver an original and 3 copies of your 
    written comments to one of the following addresses: Room 309-G, Hubert 
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    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Janet Samen, (410) 786-4533; or Terry 
    Pratt, for State technical assistance, (410) 786-5831.
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    I. Background
    A. Legislative History
        Section 4801 of Pub. Law 105-33, the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 
    (BBA), authorized coverage of PACE under the Medicare program. It 
    amended title XVIII of the Social Security Act (the Act) by adding 
    section 1894, which addresses Medicare payments to, and coverage of 
    benefits under, PACE. Section 4802 of BBA authorized the establishment 
    of PACE as a State option under Medicaid. It amended title XIX of the 
    Act by adding section 1934, which directly parallels the provisions of 
    section 1894. Section 4803 of BBA addresses implementation of PACE 
    under both Medicare and Medicaid, the effective date, timely issuance 
    of regulations, priority and special consideration in processing 
    applications, and transition from PACE demonstration project waiver 
    B. Demonstration Project History
        Section 603(c) of the Social Security Amendments of 1983 (Pub. Law 
    98-21), as extended by section 9220 of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget 
    Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 (Pub. Law 99-272) authorized the 
    original demonstration waiver for On Lok Senior Health Services in San 
    Francisco. Section 9412(b) of Pub. Law 99-509, the Omnibus Budget 
    Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1986, authorized HCFA to conduct a PACE 
    demonstration project to determine whether the model of care developed 
    by On Lok could be replicated across the country. (The number of sites 
    was originally limited to 10, but OBRA 1990 authorized an increase to 
    15 demonstration sites.) The PACE demonstration replicated a unique 
    model of managed care service delivery for a small number of very frail 
    community-dwelling elderly, most of whom were dually eligible for 
    Medicare and Medicaid coverage and all of whom were assessed as being 
    eligible for nursing home placement according to the standards 
    established by their respective States. The model of care included as 
    core services the provision of adult day health care and 
    multidisciplinary team case management, through which access to and 
    allocation of all health services was controlled. Physician, 
    [[Page 66235]]
    ancillary and social support services were furnished in the 
    participant's residence or on-site at the adult day health center, 
    unless those locations were not feasible. Hospital, nursing home, home 
    health, and other specialized services were furnished under contract. 
    Financing of this model was accomplished through prospective capitation 
    of both Medicare and Medicaid payments. Demonstration sites had been 
    permitted by section 4118(g) of Pub. Law 100-203 (OBRA of 1987) to 
    assume full financial risk progressively over the initial three years, 
    but that authority was removed by section 4803(b)(1)(B) of the BBA. 
    There are currently 25 approved PACE demonstration sites.
    C. Use of the PACE Protocol
        Throughout this document, when we refer to ``the Protocol'' we mean 
    the Protocol for the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly 
    (PACE), as published by On Lok, Inc., as of April 14, 1995, or any 
    successor protocol that may be agreed upon between HCFA and On Lok, 
    Inc. A copy of the Protocol is included at Addendum A.
        We are directed by sections 1894(f)(2) and 1934(f)(2) of the Act to 
    incorporate the requirements applied to PACE demonstration waiver 
    programs under the Protocol, to the extent consistent with the 
    provisions of sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act. We also are authorized 
    to modify or waive provisions of the Protocol if the modification or 
    waiver is not inconsistent with and would not impair the essential 
    elements, objectives, and requirements of sections 1894 and 1934 of the 
    D. Consultation With States
        Sections 4801 and 4802 of Public Law 105-33 clearly dictate a 
    cooperative relationship between the Secretary and the States in the 
    development, implementation and administration of the PACE program. In 
    order to fulfill these requirements we utilized the American Public 
    Welfare Association (APWA) as the conduit to solicit States for 
    volunteers to consult with HCFA staff. The participating State staff 
    members represented States with a range of PACE experience. Each State 
    staff volunteer selected a specific target area to provide information.
        In order to efficiently and effectively obtain a large amount of 
    feedback in a short period of time, HCFA staff arranged a series of 
    conference calls to discuss a wide range of issues pertaining to PACE 
    organization requirements, the application process, enrollment, and 
    payment and related financial data collection. Each subject area 
    discussion included HCFA staff and two to three State representatives. 
    The feedback obtained during these meetings has been an invaluable 
    source of information in understanding State operational concerns, in 
    constructing the regulation and in the development of operational 
    guidelines that will be released at a later date. We believe that this 
    approach will minimize operational barriers that are frequently 
    inherent when new programs are initiated.
    E. Consultations With State Agency on Aging
        Under the Older Americans Act, State Agencies on Aging are charged 
    with the responsibility of promoting comprehensive and coordinated 
    service systems for older persons in their States. Consistent with this 
    responsibility, the State Agencies on Aging oversee important programs 
    for home and community-based services funded through Title III of the 
    Older Americans Act, State revenues, and the Medicaid home and 
    community-based waiver program. (Two thirds of the State agencies are 
    involved in administering home and community-based programs.)
        The State agencies also implement and oversee important planning, 
    information and referral, case management, and quality assurance 
    functions as well as administering the State Long Term Care Ombudsman 
    Program through which service quality in nursing homes and board and 
    care homes are monitored in every State. Home care quality is monitored 
    in an increasing number of States.
        The State agency which administers the PACE program should 
    regularly consult with the State Agency on Aging in overseeing the 
    operation of the PACE program in order to avoid service duplication in 
    the PACE service areas and to assure the delivery and quality of 
    services to PACE participants. We are considering the extent to which 
    the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Program would be useful in promoting 
    the rights of PACE participants and in monitoring the quality of care 
    provided by PACE organizations. Additional information on this topic is 
    presented in the section on ``participant rights''.
    F. State Medicaid Plan Requirement
        The State Medicaid plan is the contract between the States and the 
    Federal government whereby States agree to administer the Medicaid 
    program in accordance with Federal law and policy. The State plan 
    preprint sets forth the scope of the Medicaid program, including groups 
    covered, services furnished, and payment policy. When a State completes 
    a new State plan preprint page due to changes in its Medicaid program 
    (called a ``State plan amendment''), the preprint page must be approved 
    by HCFA in order for the State to receive Federal matching funds.
        Section 1905(a)(26) of the Act, as added by section 4802(a)(1) of 
    BBA, provides authority for States to elect PACE as an optional 
    Medicaid benefit. The State plan electing the optional PACE program 
    must be approved before we can approve an application for a PACE 
    organization in that State.
        We developed an interim State plan preprint for PACE. A State 
    Medicaid letter dated March 23, 1998, provides information and guidance 
    to State Medicaid agencies on how to satisfy the State plan amendment 
    requirement. Additional directions for completing the State plan 
    amendment will be provided in a State Medicaid Director letter that 
    will be issued at or soon after publication of this regulation.
    G. Interaction With Medicare+Choice
        The BBA also established a new Medicare+Choice program that 
    expanded the health care options available to Medicare beneficiaries. 
    Under the Medicare+Choice program, beneficiaries may elect to receive 
    Medicare benefits through enrollment in one of an array of private 
    health plan choices beyond the original (fee-for-service) Medicare 
    program or the plans previously available through managed care 
    organizations under section 1876 of the Act. The BBA set forth the 
    requirements for Medicare+Choice organizations in a new part C of title 
    XVIII of the Act. Interim final regulations to implement the 
    Medicare+Choice program were published June 26, 1998 (63 FR 34968). 
    Final regulations addressing some of the comments were published 
    February 17, 1999 (64 FR 7968).
        Although the PACE program has certain fundamental similarities to 
    Medicare+Choice and managed care organizations, PACE is not a 
    Medicare+Choice plan. The BBA established distinct requirements for the 
    PACE program. PACE is similar to some Medicare+Choice options in these 
    ways: it is capitated; it is risk-based; it provides managed care; and 
    it is an elective option. However, PACE differs significantly from 
    Medicare+Choice plan in other ways such as: it is not available 
    nationwide (only in a limited number of sites); it includes statutory 
    waivers that expand the scope of Medicare covered services; it is not 
    available to all beneficiaries (only to a defined subset of frail 
    elderly); and it is a joint Medicare/Medicaid program. However, the BBA 
    did direct us to
    [[Page 66236]]
    consider some of the requirements established for Medicare+Choice as we 
    develop regulations for PACE organizations in certain areas common to 
    both programs, e.g., beneficiary protections, payment rates, and 
    II. Provisions of the Interim Final Rule
    General Approach
        As part of the President's and Vice President's regulatory reform 
    initiative, we have been committed to changing current regulations to 
    focus on outcome of care and to eliminate unnecessary procedural 
    requirements. We remain committed to this regulatory reform initiative. 
    However, in the development of the regulations for the PACE program, 
    several factors have contributed to the use of a more procedural rather 
    than outcome-oriented approach.
        As set forth in sections 4801 and 4802 of the BBA, the PACE program 
    includes medical as well as non-medical services for the care of the 
    frail elderly; this is both a new and a unique model of service 
    delivery. Moreover, as previously noted, sections 1894(f)(2) and 
    1934(f)(2) of the Act establish as the foundation for this regulation 
    the PACE Protocol. By imposing such a requirement, Congress assured the 
    use of the procedural elements contained in the PACE Protocol as a 
    minimum to ensure beneficiary protections and safeguards. As Congress 
    mandated, we are adopting the requirements of the PACE Protocol to the 
    extent they are consistent with the statutory provisions. We have 
    clarified and expanded upon certain provisions contained in the 
    Protocol to more clearly define the requirements and make them more 
    quantifiable for purposes of enforcement. We will identify and discuss 
    all substantive modifications made to the requirements contained in the 
        After reviewing the public comments that we receive and after we 
    gain some experience applying the provisions of this interim final rule 
    to PACE programs, we will reevaluate the provisions to determine where 
    we can make modifications to adopt an approach more consistent with the 
    regulatory reform initiative.
        This interim final rule contains the first published regulations 
    applicable to the PACE program. To accommodate the new regulations, we 
    are establishing a new subchapter E (PROGRAMS OF ALL-INCLUSIVE CARE FOR 
    FOR THE ELDERLY (PACE)). We are also redesignating subchapter D as 
    subchapter F (PEER REVIEW ORGANIZATIONS); we are redesignating parts 
    462, 466, 473, and 476 as parts 475, 476, 478, and 480, respectively; 
    and are revising the section numbers to conform to the new part 
    numbers. We are reserving the former subchapter D. In addition, we are 
    redesignating subchapter E as subchapter G (STANDARDS AND 
    CERTIFICATION) with no changes in part designations.
    Subpart A--Basis, Scope and Definitions
    Basis (Sec. 460.2)
        We state that the regulations set forth in Subchapter E, part 460, 
    are based on sections 1894, 1905(a), and 1934 of the Act, which 
    authorize Medicare payments to, and coverage of benefits under, PACE 
    and authorize the establishment of PACE as a State option under 
    Medicaid to provide for Medicaid payments to, and coverage of benefits 
    under, PACE.
    Scope and Purpose (Sec. 460.4)
        We state that the purpose of this regulation is to set forth the 
    requirements that an entity must meet in order to be approved as a PACE 
    organization that operates a PACE program under Medicare and Medicaid. 
    This part also sets forth how individuals may qualify to enroll in a 
    PACE program, how Medicare and Medicaid payment will be made for PACE 
    services, provisions for Federal and State monitoring of PACE programs, 
    and procedures for sanctions and terminations. We state that the 
    purpose of a PACE program is to provide pre-paid, capitated, 
    comprehensive health care services that are designed to:
         Enhance the quality of life and autonomy for frail, older 
         Maximize dignity of and respect for older adults;
         Enable frail, older adults to live in their homes and in 
    the community as long as medically and socially feasible; and
         Preserve and support the older adult's family unit.
        This philosophy is based on Part I, section A, of the Protocol. 
    Adopting a mission or philosophy statement that includes these elements 
    indicates that an entity is guided by a set of values that influence 
    its structure, planning, and day-to-day operations that is consistent 
    with the purpose of PACE.
    Definitions (Sec. 460.6)
        We provide several definitions based on those in sections 1894(a) 
    and 1934(a) of the Act and add definitions of several other terms.
        Sections 1894(a)(3) and 1934(a)(3) of the Act define a ``PACE 
    provider.'' We have changed that term to ``PACE organization'' in this 
    regulation for clarity. The term ``PACE provider'' would be confusing 
    because both Medicare (at 42 CFR 400.202) and Medicaid (at 42 CFR 
    400.203) define the word ``provider,'' but the definitions are 
    different and neither applies to entities that operate PACE programs. 
    Those definitions denote individual providers of individual services 
    under conventional fee-for-service systems. We selected the alternative 
    term ``PACE organization'' since ``organization'' is the term used in 
    both titles XVIII and XIX when referring to managed care organizations, 
    which are more similar to entities under PACE. In the few places where 
    we do use the term ``provider'' in this regulation, we are using it in 
    the broad generic sense to refer to an individual or an entity that 
    furnishes health care services. Our use of the term is not limited to 
    the narrow Medicare definition in 400.202. We define a PACE 
    organization as an entity that has in effect a PACE program agreement.
        Based on sections 1894(a)(4) and 1934(a)(4) of the Act, we define a 
    PACE program agreement as an agreement between a PACE organization, 
    HCFA, and the State administering agency for the operation of a PACE 
        In accordance with sections 1894(a)(8) and 1934(a)(8) of the Act, 
    we define the State administering agency as the State agency 
    responsible for administering the PACE program agreement.
        In accordance with sections 1894(a)(9) and 1934(a)(9) of the Act, 
    we define a trial period as the first three contract years in which a 
    PACE organization operates under a PACE program agreement, including 
    any contract year during which the entity operated under a PACE 
    demonstration waiver program.
        We have added a definition of a contract year as the term of a PACE 
    program agreement, which is a calendar year except that a PACE 
    organization's initial (start-up) contract year may be from 12 to 23 
    months as determined by HCFA. This will enable us to adjust the length 
    of the initial (start-up) contract year so that subsequent years are on 
    a standard annual calendar year cycle.
        We define a Medicare beneficiary as an individual who is entitled 
    to Medicare Part A benefits and/or enrolled under Medicare Part B. This 
    term includes dually-eligible individuals who are also Medicaid 
        We have defined a participant as an individual enrolled in a PACE 
    program. A Medicare participant is a Medicare beneficiary who is 
    enrolled in a PACE
    [[Page 66237]]
    program, and a Medicaid participant is a Medicaid recipient who is 
    enrolled in a PACE program.
        We clarify that the term ``services'' includes both items and 
    Subpart B--PACE Organization Application and Evaluation
    Purpose (Sec. 460.10)
        This subpart establishes application requirements for an entity 
    that seeks approval from HCFA as a PACE organization.
    PACE Under Both Medicare and Medicaid
        We are requiring that each PACE organization must enter into a 
    program agreement under both sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act, i.e., 
    that each organization participate in both Medicare and Medicaid. Most 
    of the text of those sections is identical and our analysis indicates 
    that key sections contemplate entities acting as PACE organizations 
    under both programs.
        Sections 1894(f)(2) and 1934(f)(2) of the Act require that we 
    incorporate in regulations the requirements applied to PACE 
    demonstration waiver programs under the PACE Protocol, to the extent 
    consistent with the provisions of sections 1894 and 1934. Under the 
    Protocol, PACE demonstration programs operated under both Medicare and 
    Medicaid. We believe that the directive to incorporate the requirements 
    in the Protocol reflects an expectation by Congress that all PACE 
    organizations would participate in both Medicare and Medicaid. This 
    view is reinforced by paragraph (f)(2)(B) of these sections, which 
    permits us to modify or waive provisions of the PACE Protocol ``so long 
    as such modification or waiver is not inconsistent with and would not 
    impair the essential elements, objectives, and requirements'' of 
    sections 1894 and 1934, but which forbids modifying or waiving, among 
    others, the following provisions:
         Capitated, integrated financing that allows the 
    organization to pool payments received from public and private programs 
    and individuals; and
         The assumption by the organization of full financial risk.
        We have concluded that both of these provisions preclude the 
    possibility of a Medicare-only or Medicaid-only PACE program. For 
    example, if a program could collect capitation payments from Medicare 
    but bill fee-for-service under Medicaid, not all financing would be 
    capitated, nor would financing be integrated, nor would the 
    organization assume full financial risk.
        The law does not require that States offer the PACE benefit under 
    Medicaid. As indicated by its title, section 4802 of BBA provides for 
    the ``Establishment of PACE Program as Medicaid State Option.'' If an 
    entity attempted to become a PACE organization under Medicare in a 
    State which has not included PACE program services as an option under 
    its Medicaid program, it would not be possible for that entity to be 
    both a Medicare and a Medicaid PACE organization. While this would 
    curtail the availability of PACE programs in such States, we have 
    concluded that this result was intended because a Medicare-only program 
    could not meet the fundamental concept of an all-inclusive, integrated, 
    capitated, full-risk program.
        Moreover, both sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act contemplate the 
    active collaboration of Federal and State governments in the 
    administration of PACE. Each State must have a State administering 
    agency that is responsible for administering PACE program agreements in 
    the State under sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act. The State 
    administering agency closely cooperates with HCFA in establishing 
    procedures for entering into, extending, and terminating PACE program 
    agreements. The State administering agency cooperates with HCFA and the 
    PACE organization in the development of participant health status and 
    quality of life outcome measures. The State administering agency 
    cooperates with HCFA in conducting oversight reviews of PACE programs 
    and has the authority to terminate a PACE program agreement for cause. 
    If Medicare-only programs had been contemplated in a State that does 
    not elect the PACE option, there would have been no reason to assign 
    such a significant role to a State administering agency. We believe 
    that a State which has not chosen PACE as an optional service would be 
    ill-prepared or unable to perform this role.
        Most of the text of section 1894 of the Act is identical to text in 
    section 1934. Portions of that text reflect the concept of entities 
    acting as PACE organizations under both programs. The scope of Medicare 
    PACE program benefits includes ``all items and services covered under 
    this title (for individuals enrolled under this section [section 1894]) 
    and all items and services covered under title XIX.'' Similarly, 
    section 1934 defines the Medicaid benefit package as ``all items and 
    services covered under title XVIII (for individuals enrolled under 
    section 1894) and all items and services covered under this title.'' In 
    addition, to be eligible for PACE, an individual must require the 
    nursing facility level of care covered under the State Medicaid plan.
        Section 1894(e) of the Act provides that ``the Secretary, in close 
    cooperation with the State administering agency'' will establish 
    program agreements for ``entities that meet the requirements for a PACE 
    organization under this section, section 1934, and regulations.'' A 
    corresponding provision is found at section 1934(e) of the Act, 
    referring to ``entities that meet the requirements for a PACE 
    organization under this section, section 1894, and regulations.'' We 
    believe that the use of the correlative ``and'' indicates that PACE 
    entities would have to meet all three sets of requirements.
        A parallel provision provides for termination of PACE program 
    agreements (see paragraphs (e)(5) of sections 1894 and 1934 of the 
    Act). Termination of an agreement under both sections 1894 and 1934 may 
    be accomplished by either ``the Secretary or a State administering 
        On the other hand, we acknowledge that there are some portions of 
    the law which are inconsistent with this position. First, there is the 
    fact that Congress enacted Medicare and Medicaid PACE benefits through 
    two separate statutory sections. In addition, section 4803(c)(1) of BBA 
    directs us, in determining ``provider status,'' to ``give priority in 
    processing applications of entities to qualify as PACE programs under 
    section 1894 or 1934 of the Social Security Act.'' Further, section 
    1894(a)(4) defines a PACE program agreement as ``an agreement, 
    consistent with this section, section 1934 (if applicable), and 
    regulations promulgated to carry out such sections.'' See also section 
        Nonetheless, it is highly unlikely that any entity could be a 
    viable PACE organization without approval under both Medicare and 
    Medicaid. The majority of potential participants are Medicare 
    beneficiaries who also are eligible for Medicaid. Those who are not 
    currently Medicaid-eligible may eventually exhaust their financial 
    resources and become eligible. Medicare participants who are not 
    enrolled in PACE under Medicaid must pay premiums equal to the Medicaid 
    capitation rate. Aside from the technicality that there would not be an 
    established Medicaid capitation rate in a State that does not elect the 
    PACE option, most of these participants would lack the ability to pay 
    such significant premiums.
        As the above citations illustrate, some provisions of the law are 
    conflicting and thus ambiguous. We therefore must interpret them to 
    give effect to as many of the provisions as possible and to the policy 
    objectives that they advance. In
    [[Page 66238]]
    keeping with the Congressional intent that the PACE Protocol guide our 
    implementation of the PACE program, we have determined that PACE 
    organizations must be approved under both Medicare and Medicaid. Based 
    on this interpretation, if a State should choose not to amend its State 
    Medicaid plan to adopt PACE as an optional Medicaid service, we would 
    not accept PACE applications from entities in that State. Also, if a 
    State has elected the optional benefit but declines to recommend a 
    particular entity as a PACE organization, we would not accept an 
    application from that entity.
    Application Requirements (Sec. 460.12)
        Section 1905(a)(26) of the Act provides authority for States to 
    elect PACE as an optional Medicaid benefit. The State plan electing the 
    optional PACE program must be approved before we can approve an 
    application for a PACE organization in that State.
        We have established Sec. 460.12 to set forth the application 
    requirements for the PACE program. In order for HCFA to determine 
    whether an entity qualifies as a PACE organization, an individual 
    authorized to act for the entity must submit an application that 
    describes thoroughly how the entity meets all the requirements 
    specified in this regulation. In recognition of the 90-day review 
    timeframe specified in the statute and described below and the 
    numerical limit on the number of PACE program agreements, HCFA will 
    review and take action to approve, deny or request additional 
    information only on complete applications; i.e, those applications that 
    address all elements of the PACE program agreement. HCFA will send a 
    letter to each applicant indicating whether or not the application is 
    complete and specifying when the 90-day review period ends.
        Except for entities that qualify for priority processing or special 
    consideration as discussed below, we will accept and begin to review 
    applications 90 days after the effective date of this interim final 
    regulation. Entities interested in obtaining specific information for 
    use in applying for PACE organization status should access the PACE 
    homepage, available through both the Medicare and Medicaid HCFA 
    websites (www.hcfa.gov/medicare (or medicaid) /PACE/pacehmpg.htm).
        States have played a significant role in the development of PACE 
    demonstration projects as well as other community-based alternatives to 
    institutionalization. Most States have implemented home and community 
    based programs to provide comprehensive coordinated services to various 
    groups of Medicaid recipients. As a result, States have gained 
    extensive experience in demographic analysis and contracting with 
    entities that are capable of delivering a specified range of services.
        Although the PACE statute does not specify the States' role in the 
    application approval process, many aspects of implementing PACE in 
    Medicare and Medicaid will necessitate extensive involvement of the 
    State administering agencies and the State Medicaid Agencies. With 
    regard to applications, we believe the States are in the best position 
    to work with potential organizations to develop programs that meet our 
    requirements and are integrated into the State's overall long-term care 
    delivery system.
        Therefore, we are requiring in Sec. 460.12(b) that applications for 
    PACE organization status be accompanied by an assurance from the State 
    administering agency indicating that it considers the entity to be 
    qualified to be a PACE organization and that the State is willing to 
    enter into a PACE program agreement with the entity. We will not accept 
    applications from entities that have not obtained these assurances.
        To enable a State to make such assurances, an entity would have 
    established to the satisfaction of the State that it is committed to 
    the PACE model of care, there is sufficient funding for program 
    development and facilities, there is adequate demand for PACE services 
    as shown by demographic analysis, and the entity has hired core PACE 
    staff and has developed contracts for referral arrangements and other 
    program services that the site will not furnish directly.
        Entities that are interested in developing a PACE program agreement 
    should contact their State administering agency to determine whether 
    the State has submitted or plans to submit a State plan amendment to 
    elect PACE as an optional benefit under its State Medicaid plan and if 
    the State has established additional requirements for PACE 
    Priority Consideration (Sec. 460.14)
        We have established section 460.14 to address priority 
    applications. The statute requires that we give priority in processing 
    applications through August 5, 2000, to entities that are operating 
    under PACE demonstration waivers under the authority of section 603(c) 
    of the Social Security Amendments of 1983, as extended by section 9220 
    of COBRA of 1985, or section 9412(b) of the OBRA of 1986. In addition, 
    we are directed to give priority to entities that applied to operate 
    under a PACE demonstration waiver under section 9412(b) of the OBRA of 
    1986 as of May 1, 1997.
        To give priority in processing applications from entities that meet 
    the criteria, we will accept applications only from these entities 
    beginning on the effective date of this interim final regulation and 
    continuing for 45 days. Applications from other entities will not be 
    accepted during this period. During the subsequent 45 days, extending 
    to 90 days after the effective date of this regulation, we will 
    continue to accept applications from entities that meet the priority 
    processing criteria and we also will accept applications from entities 
    that qualify for special consideration.
    Special Consideration (Sec. 460.16)
        In Sec. 460.16, Special Consideration, we define the qualifications 
    to receive special consideration of a PACE application.
        The statute requires that we give special consideration in the 
    processing of applications through August 5, 2000, to an entity that, 
    as of May 1, 1997, indicated a specific intent to become a PACE 
    organization through formal activities, such as entering into a 
    contract to conduct a PACE feasibility study.
        To give special consideration in processing applications from 
    entities that meet the criteria, we will accept applications from these 
    entities beginning 45 days after the effective date of this interim 
    final regulation. During the 45-day period that extends from 45 days 
    after the effective date to 90 days after the effective date, we will 
    accept applications only from entities that meet the priority 
    processing criteria or entities that qualify for special consideration. 
    Applications from other entities will not be accepted during this 
        Applications from entities that believe they are entitled to 
    special consideration must include information regarding the formal 
    activities they engaged in towards becoming a PACE organization. If we 
    agree that special consideration is appropriate for applications 
    submitted after the special 45-day window, we will identify those 
    applicants and factor in the entity's special status in the event that 
    we have a greater number of applications under review than available 
    capacity for PACE program agreements.
    HCFA Evaluation of Applications (Sec. 460.18)
        We will approve entities based upon a review of the materials 
    submitted as part of the application, as well as information from the 
    [[Page 66239]]
    administering agency and information obtained through onsite visits.
    Notice of HCFA Determination (Sec. 460.20)
        Sections 1894(e)(8) and 1934(e)(8) of the Act require us to approve 
    or deny an application for PACE organization status within 90 days 
    after the date of the submission of the application unless additional 
    information is requested. Applications are deemed approved unless we 
    deny PACE organization status in writing or request additional 
    information within the 90-day timeframe. We clarify that, for purposes 
    of the 90-day time limit described in this section, the date that an 
    application is considered to be submitted to HCFA is the date on which 
    the application is delivered to the address designated by HCFA.
        These sections also provide that we may request in writing such 
    additional information as may be required in order to make a final 
    determination regarding the application and, after the date we receive 
    such information, the application shall be deemed approved unless, 
    within 90 days of such date, we deny such request.
        Based on this authority, we may take up to 90 days to request 
    additional information and, once the information is received, may take 
    an additional 90 days to complete processing of the application. It is 
    important to note that there is no corresponding requirement that the 
    State administering agency or the PACE organization respond to HCFA's 
    request for additional information within a specified timeframe.
        If the additional information proves insufficient to approve the 
    application, the application will be denied. We will notify each 
    applicant of our determination and the basis for the determination in 
    writing. If the application is denied, we will provide the basis for 
    the denial and the process for requesting reconsideration of the 
    Priority and Special Consideration
        Section 4803(c) of the BBA directs us to give priority in 
    processing applications of entities to qualify as PACE organizations 
    under section 1894 or 1934 of the Act first to PACE demonstration sites 
    and then to entities which had applied to operate a PACE demonstration 
    site as of May 1, 1997. In addition, section 4803(c)(3) of the BBA 
    requires that we give special consideration in the processing of 
    applications to any entity that, as of May 1, 1997, had indicated 
    specific intent to become a PACE organization through formal activities 
    such as entering into contracts for feasibility studies.
    Service Area Designation (Sec. 460.22)
        In Sec. 460.22, Service Area Designation, we specify that each 
    application must designate the service area of the program. HCFA (in 
    consultation with the State administering agency) may exclude from the 
    proposed service area designation any area that is already covered 
    under another PACE program agreement. This will avoid unnecessary 
    duplication of services and impairing the financial and service 
    viability of an existing PACE organization. This section implements the 
    provisions of sections 1894(e)(2)(B) and 1934(e)(2)(B) of the Act.
    Limit on Number of PACE Program Agreements (Sec. 460.24)
        Sections 1894(e)(1)(B) and 1934(e)(1)(B) of the Act establish a 
    limit on the number of PACE program agreements that may be in effect on 
    August 5 of each year, i.e., the anniversary of the enactment of the 
    PACE statute. Those sections state that the Secretary shall not permit 
    the number of PACE organizations with which agreements are in effect 
    under those sections or under section 9412(b) of the OBRA of 1986 to 
         40 as of August 5, 1997, the date of the enactment of the 
    PACE statute, or
         As of each succeeding anniversary of such date, the 
    numerical limitation for the preceding year plus 20. The annual 
    increase in the number of PACE program agreements is not tied to the 
    actual number of agreements in effect as of a previous anniversary 
        Based on this statutory language, we may enter into up to 80 PACE 
    program agreements as of August 5, 1999 and the limit on the number of 
    PACE program agreements increases by 20 each year thereafter.
    Subpart C--PACE Program Agreement
    Program Agreement Requirement (Sec. 460.30)
        In accordance with sections 1894(a)(4) and 1934(a)(4) of the Act we 
    have established Sec. 460.30 to require that each PACE organization 
    have an agreement with HCFA and the State administering agency for the 
    operation of a PACE program by the organization under Medicare and 
    Medicaid. This three-party agreement must be signed by an authorized 
    official of the organization, as well as by an authorized HCFA official 
    and an authorized State official.
    Content and Terms of PACE Program Agreement (Sec. 460.32)
        In Sec. 460.32(a), we stipulate the required content of a PACE 
    program agreement.
        We are requiring that each PACE program agreement designate the 
    service area of the program, specifically identifying the area by 
    county, zip code, street boundaries, census tract, block, or tribal 
    jurisdictional area, to the extent that those identifiers are 
    appropriate. Any changes in the designated service area will require 
    advance approval by HCFA and the State administering agency. This 
    requirement implements the provisions of sections 1894(e)(2)(A)(I) and 
    1934(e)(2)(A)(I) of the Act and reflects Part I, section D of the 
        Each PACE organization must agree to meet all applicable 
    requirements under Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, 
    including provisions of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination 
    Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. This includes, but is not 
    limited to, all requirements contained elsewhere in these regulations. 
    This requirement implements in part the provisions of sections 
    1894(e)(2)(A)(iv) and 1934(e)(2)(A)(iv) of the Act.
        We require that each agreement indicate the effective date and term 
    of the agreement.
        We are requiring that each PACE program agreement include 
    information related to: organizational structure of the PACE 
    organization; participant rights; process for grievances and appeals; 
    eligibility, enrollment and disenrollment policies; service 
    description; quality assessment and performance improvement; capitation 
    rates; names and numbers of administrative contacts in the 
    organization; and program agreement termination procedures. These 
    requirements are based on sections 1894(b)(2) and 1934(b)(2) of the Act 
    and on Part X, section A of the Protocol.
        We will identify in each PACE program agreement the levels of 
    performance that we require the organization to achieve on standard 
    quality measures and the data and information on participant care that 
    we and the State require the organization to collect. A detailed 
    discussion of the levels of performance and the standard quality 
    measures are contained in the preamble discussions for Secs. 460.134 
    and 460.202(b) of this regulation.
        In Sec. 460.32(b), we specify that a PACE program agreement may 
    provide additional requirements for individuals to qualify as PACE 
    program eligible individuals. This provision implements
    [[Page 66240]]
    sections 1894(e)(2)(A)(ii) and 1934(e)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act. However, 
    the eligibility criteria in Sec. 460.150(b)(1)-(3) cannot be modified. 
    In addition, a PACE program agreement may contain such additional terms 
    and conditions as the parties agree to, if such terms and conditions 
    are consistent with sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act and with these 
    regulations. This provision implements sections 1894(e)(2)(A)(v) and 
    1934(e)(2)(A)(v) of the Act.
    Duration of PACE Program Agreement (Sec. 460.34)
        In Sec. 460.34, we specify that each agreement will be effective 
    for a contract year, but may be extended for additional contract years 
    in the absence of a notice by a party to terminate, in accordance with 
    sections 1894(e)(2)(A)(iii) and 1934(e)(2)(A)(iii) of the Act.
    Subpart D--Sanctions, Enforcement Actions, and Terminations
    Violations for Which HCFA May Impose Sanctions (Sec. 460.40)
        In Sec. 460.40 we specify, based on paragraph (e)(6)(B) of sections 
    1894 and 1934 of the Act, that HCFA can impose, in addition to any 
    other remedies authorized by law, any of three types of sanctions if 
    HCFA determines that a PACE organization has committed any of nine 
    listed violations. The following PACE organization violations specified 
    in this section are based on provisions of sections 1857(g)(1) and 
    1903(m)(5)(A) of the Act:
         Fails substantially to furnish to a participant medically 
    necessary items and services that are covered PACE services, if the 
    failure has adversely affected (or has substantial likelihood of 
    adversely affecting) the participant.
         Involuntarily disenrolls a participant, in violation of 
    Sec. 460.164.
         Discriminates in enrollment or disenrollment among 
    Medicare beneficiaries or Medicaid recipients, or both, who are 
    eligible to enroll in a PACE program, on the basis of an individual's 
    health status or need for health care services.
         Engages in any practice that would reasonably be expected 
    to have the effect of denying or discouraging enrollment, except as 
    permitted by Sec. 460.150, by Medicare beneficiaries or Medicaid 
    recipients whose medical condition or history indicates a need for 
    substantial future medical services.
         Imposes charges on participants enrolled under Medicare or 
    Medicaid for premiums in excess of the premiums permitted.
         Misrepresents or falsifies information that is furnished 
    to HCFA or the State under this part; or, to an individual or any other 
    entity under this part.
         Prohibits or otherwise restricts a covered health care 
    professional from advising a participant who is a patient of the 
    professional about the participant's health status, medical care, or 
    treatment for the participant's condition or disease, regardless of 
    whether the PACE program provides benefits for that care or treatment, 
    if the professional is acting within his or her lawful scope of 
         Operates a physician incentive plan that does not meet the 
    requirements of section 1876(i)(8) of the Act.
         Employs or contracts with any individual who is excluded 
    from participation in Medicare or Medicaid under section 1128 or 1128A 
    of the Act (or with any entity that employs or contracts with such an 
    individual) for the provision of health care, utilization review, 
    medical social work, or administrative services.
    Sanctions That HCFA Can Impose (Secs. 460.42 and 460.46)
        We describe the two types of sanctions in Secs. 460.42 (suspension 
    of enrollment or payment by HCFA) and 460.46 (civil money penalties). 
    Each of the sanctions, or remedies, that are specified in these 
    sections for specific violations are based on provisions of sections 
    1857(g)(2), 1857(g)(4), and 1903(m)(5)(B) of the Act. With respect to 
    suspension of enrollment in PACE, HCFA may suspend enrollment of 
    Medicare beneficiaries after the date HCFA notifies the organization of 
    the violation. Suspending enrollment of Medicaid recipients is an 
    action taken by the State rather than HCFA. With respect to suspension 
    of payment, HCFA may suspend Medicare payment to the PACE organization 
    and deny payment to the State for medical assistance for services 
    furnished under the PACE program agreement.
        In addition, HCFA may impose civil money penalties of $100,000 plus 
    $15,000 for each individual not enrolled as a result of the PACE 
    organization's discrimination in enrollment or disenrollment or 
    practice that would deny or discourage enrollment; $25,000 plus double 
    the excess amount above the permitted premium charged a participant by 
    the PACE organization; $100,000 for each misrepresentation or 
    falsification of information; and $25,000 for any violation specified 
    in Sec. 460.40.
    Additional Actions by HCFA or the State (Sec. 460.48)
        In Sec. 460.48 we specify, based on paragraph (e)(6)(A) of sections 
    1894 and 1934 of the Act, that if HCFA, after consultation with the 
    State administering agency, determines that a PACE organization is not 
    in substantial compliance with requirements in these regulations, HCFA 
    or the State administering agency can take one or more of the following 
    actions: Condition the continuation of the PACE program agreement upon 
    timely execution of a corrective action plan; withhold some or all 
    payments under the PACE program agreement until the organization 
    corrects the deficiency; or terminate the program agreement.
    Termination of PACE Program Agreement (Sec. 460.50)
        In Sec. 460.50 we specify, in accordance with paragraph (e)(5)(A) 
    of sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act, that HCFA or a State 
    administering agency may terminate at any time a PACE program agreement 
    for cause and that a PACE organization may terminate an agreement after 
    appropriate notice to HCFA, the State administering agency, and 
    participants. In accordance with paragraph (e)(5)(B) of sections 1894 
    and 1934 of the Act, we specify that HCFA or a State administering 
    agency may terminate a PACE program agreement with a PACE organization 
    if HCFA or the State administering agency determines that:
         Either there are significant deficiencies in the quality 
    of care furnished to participants, or the PACE organization has failed 
    to comply substantially with conditions under these regulations or with 
    the terms of its PACE program agreement; and
         The PACE organization has failed to develop and 
    successfully initiate, within 30 days of the date of the receipt of 
    written notice, a plan to correct the deficiencies, or has failed to 
    continue implementation of such a plan.
        Based on the Protocol, Part IX, section A.1, we also provide for 
    termination if HCFA or the State administering agency determines that 
    the organization cannot ensure the health and safety of its 
    participants. This determination may result from the identification of 
    deficiencies which HCFA or the State administering agency determines 
    cannot be corrected. Based on the Protocol, Part IX, section A.2, we 
    also require that if the organization terminates the agreement, a 
    minimum of 90 days notice must be given to HCFA and the State 
    administering agency regarding the organization's intent and that 
    participants must be given a minimum of 60 days notice.
    [[Page 66241]]
    Transitional Care During Termination (Sec. 460.52)
        Based on the Protocol, Part IX, section B, we require that the PACE 
    organization develop a detailed written plan for phase-down in the 
    event of termination which includes the following: the process for 
    informing participants, the community, HCFA and the State administering 
    agency in writing about termination and transition procedures; and 
    steps that will be taken to help assist participants to obtain 
    reinstatement of conventional Medicare and Medicaid benefits, 
    transition their care to other providers, and terminate marketing and 
    enrollment activities. Also, in accordance with paragraphs (a)(2)(C) 
    and (e)(5)(C) of sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act, we specify in 
    Sec. 460.52 that an entity whose PACE program agreement is in the 
    process of being terminated must provide assistance to each participant 
    in obtaining necessary transitional care through appropriate referrals 
    and making the participant's medical records available to new 
    Termination Procedures (Sec. 460.54)
        In Sec. 460.54 we specify termination procedures based on paragraph 
    (e)(7) of sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act, which provide that:
         The provisions of section 1857(h) of the Act apply to 
    termination of a PACE program agreement in the same manner as they 
    apply to a termination of a contract with a Medicare+Choice 
    organization under part C of title XVIII of the Act.
    The provisions of section 1857 of the Act authorize termination of an 
    agreement with an organization based on the following:
         We provide the organization with the reasonable 
    opportunity to develop and implement a corrective action plan to 
    correct the deficiencies that were the basis of our determination that 
    cause exists for termination; and
         We provide the organization with reasonable notice and 
    opportunity for hearing (including the right to appeal an initial 
    decision) before terminating the agreement. However, termination is 
    authorized by section 1857(h)(2) of the Act without invoking these 
    procedures if we determine that a delay in termination, resulting from 
    compliance with these procedures before termination, would pose an 
    imminent and serious risk to the health of participants enrolled with 
    the organization.
    Subpart E--PACE Administrative Requirements
    PACE Organizational Structure (Sec. 460.60)
        We have established Sec. 460.60 to specify the structural 
    requirements for a PACE organization. We believe that these 
    requirements are essential to the PACE organization's ability to ensure 
    the health and safety of the participants. The performance of certain 
    basic organizational functions is a minimum condition for an 
    environment in which appropriate care can occur. We have based the 
    organizational structure requirements on Part I of the Protocol.
        We require that the PACE organization have a current organizational 
    chart showing officials in the PACE organization and relationships to 
    any other organizational entities. The chart for a corporate entity 
    must indicate the PACE organization's relationship to the corporate 
    board and to any parent, affiliate, or subsidiary corporate entities. A 
    PACE organization that is planning a change in organizational structure 
    must notify HCFA, the State administering agency, and participants, in 
    writing, at least 60 days before the change would take effect. Changes 
    in organizational structure must be approved by HCFA and the State 
    administering agency. In the event of a change that would constitute a 
    change of ownership, HCFA would apply the general provisions described 
    in 42 CFR 422.550. Changes in organizational structure approved by HCFA 
    and the State administering agency must be forwarded to the consumer 
    advisory committee (described later in the preamble in the section on 
    governing body) for dissemination to participants as appropriate. We 
    specifically invite comment on the extent to which changes in 
    organizational structure are important to participants, information on 
    the types of changes that have been communicated to participants, the 
    timing of disclosure, and the effect on participants.
        The Protocol requires that a PACE organization have a project 
    director. We have included this requirement, but have changed the term 
    to program director. We have renamed this position and further defined 
    the role of the individual. The PACE organization must have a program 
    director who is responsible for the oversight and administration of the 
    entity. She or he would be responsible for the effective planning, 
    organization, administration, and evaluation of the organization's 
    operations. The program director would ensure that decisions about 
    medical, social and supportive services are not unduly influenced by 
    fiscal managers. The program director is responsible for ensuring that 
    appropriate personnel perform their functions within the organization. 
    The program director would inform employees and contract providers of 
    all organization policies and procedures. If the PACE organization is 
    part of a larger health system, the program director would clearly 
    define and inform staff (employees and contractors) of the 
        We have also maintained the Protocol's requirement for a medical 
    director, but we have further defined the responsibilities of this 
    position. The PACE organization must have a medical director who is 
    responsible for the delivery of participant care, clinical outcomes, 
    and the implementation and oversight of the quality assessment and 
    performance improvement program. Thus, the medical director is 
    responsible for achieving the best clinical outcomes possible for all 
    participants. Under this requirement, we would expect the medical 
    director to use data comparing the program with other PACE 
    organizations, where data are available, and to use the organization's 
    data to demonstrate internal improvements in outcomes over time.
    Governing Body (Sec. 460.62)
        This section focuses on the ability of the organization's governing 
    body to provide effective administration in an outcome-oriented 
    environment. The governing body guides operations and promotes and 
    protects participant health and safety. The governing body is legally 
    and fiscally responsible for the administration of the PACE 
    organization. However, the specific approach to administration of the 
    organization is left to the discretion of the governing body. This 
    reflects our goal of promoting the effective management of the 
    organization, without limiting flexibility in determining how to 
    achieve that goal.
        The governing body must create and foster an environment that 
    provides quality care that is consistent with participant needs and the 
    program mission. To that end, the primary requirement is that an 
    identifiable governing body, or designated person(s) so functioning, 
    have full legal authority and responsibility for the governance and 
    operation of the organization, the development of policies consistent 
    with the mission, the management and provision of all services 
    (including the management of contractors), fiscal operations, and the 
    development of
    [[Page 66242]]
    policies on participant health and safety. Also, the governing body 
    will establish personnel policies and contract provisions with respect 
    to employees or contractors with patient care responsibilities giving 
    adequate notice before leaving the PACE organization's network. These 
    provisions would be intended to avoid disruptions in care and permit 
    orderly transition of responsibilities.
        We have added a requirement that the governing body be responsible 
    for the quality assessment and performance improvement program. The 
    purpose of this requirement is to link the development, implementation, 
    and coordination of the ongoing quality assessment and performance 
    improvement program with all aspects of the PACE program. We believe 
    this requirement will stimulate an aggressive effort by the 
    organization to identify and use the best practices available for all 
    participants. As discussed in the section on the quality assessment and 
    performance improvement program, the PACE organization has the 
    flexibility to design its own quality improvement program.
        Consistent with the Protocol, we have included a requirement that 
    the PACE organization must ensure community representation on issues 
    related to participant care. This may be achieved by having a community 
    representative on the governing body.
        We have added a requirement that a PACE organization must establish 
    a consumer advisory committee to provide advice to the governing body 
    on matters of concern to participants. Consumer participation through 
    advisory committees is a well accepted community organization vehicle 
    to maximize the involvement of consumers in a program designed to serve 
    them. With the use of such a committee the governing body will have the 
    benefit of consumer advice, including advice on quality of care. 
    Consumers also are likely to feel a greater stake in the operation of 
    the program. In order to assure appropriate representation, 
    participants and representatives of participants must constitute a 
    majority of the membership of this committee. One specific duty of the 
    consumer advisory committee is to receive information regarding changes 
    in the PACE organization's structure to determine those about which 
    information should be disseminated to participants.
    Personnel Qualifications (Sec. 460.64)
        Although the Protocol does not specify personnel requirements for 
    the various staff employed by or under contract with the PACE 
    organization, we believe that certain minimum standards must be met in 
    order to ensure quality of care for the frail elderly population being 
    served. To this end, we have established Sec. 460.64.
        Our approach to personnel qualifications follows principles 
    described in a Federal Register publication proposing changes to the 
    conditions of participation for home health agencies, 62 FR 11022-23 
    (March 10, 1997). This is a flexible approach that relies on State 
    requirements as much as possible. We require that personnel meet 
    applicable State licensure, certification, or registration 
    requirements. The personnel qualifications fall into three categories: 
    (1) personnel for whom there are statutory qualifications; (2) 
    personnel for whom all States have licensure, certification, or 
    registration requirements; and (3) personnel for whom we have specified 
    requirements since not all States have licensure, certification, or 
    registration requirements.
        The first category consists of personnel for whom the Act contains 
    qualifications. Section 1861(r) of the Act generally defines a 
    physician as a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, legally authorized to 
    practice medicine and surgery by the State in which such function or 
    action is performed, or certain other practitioners for limited 
    purposes. This definition is reflected in regulations at 42 CFR 410.20, 
    and we have adopted this definition for a physician providing services 
    for a PACE organization. In addition, to reflect the key role of the 
    primary care physician in the PACE model, we are requiring the primary 
    care physician to have a minimum of 1 year's experience in working with 
    a frail or elderly population.
        In the second category of personnel qualifications, we defer to 
    State law. We specify that all staff (employee or contractor) of the 
    PACE organization must meet applicable State requirements. That is, 
    they must be legally authorized (currently licensed or, if applicable, 
    certified or registered) to practice in the State in which they perform 
    the function or action and must act within the scope of their authority 
    to practice.
        The third category of personnel qualifications includes certain 
    professions for which not all States currently have licensing, 
    certification, or registration requirements. If a State does have 
    licensing, certification, or registration requirements for a 
    professional listed in this section, then the State qualifications 
    would apply.
        We reviewed the personnel requirements of other Medicare and 
    Medicaid providers that serve populations similar to PACE participants 
    (e.g., home health agencies, nursing facilities, intermediate care 
    facilities), and we have established personnel requirements for PACE 
    organizations that are as consistent as possible with those applicable 
    to other providers. If a State does not have licensing, certification, 
    or registration requirements applicable to the following professions, 
    then the qualifications specified below apply.
        We are requiring that the registered nurse be a graduate of a 
    school of professional nursing and have a minimum of one year's 
    experience working with a frail or elderly population.
        We are requiring that the social worker (1) have a master's degree 
    in social work from an accredited school of social work; and (2) have a 
    minimum of one year's experience working with a frail or elderly 
        We are requiring that the physical therapist (1) be a graduate of a 
    physical therapy curriculum approved by the American Physical Therapy 
    Association, the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation 
    of the American Medical Association, or the Council on Medical 
    Education of the American Medical Association and the American Physical 
    Therapy Association; and (2) have a minimum of one year's experience 
    working with a frail or elderly population.
        We are requiring that the occupational therapist (1) be a graduate 
    of an occupational therapy curriculum accredited jointly by the 
    Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation of the American 
    Medical Association and the American Occupational Therapy Association; 
    (2) be eligible for the National Registration Examination of the 
    American Occupational Therapy Association; (3) have 2 years of 
    appropriate experience as an occupational therapist and have achieved a 
    satisfactory grade on a proficiency examination conducted, approved, or 
    sponsored by the U.S. Public Health Service, except that such 
    determination of proficiency does not apply with respect to persons 
    initially licensed by a State or seeking initial qualification as an 
    occupational therapist after December 31, 1977; and (4) have a minimum 
    of one year's experience working with a frail or elderly population.
        We are requiring that the recreation therapist or activities 
    coordinator have 2 years experience in a social or recreational program 
    providing and
    [[Page 66243]]
    coordinating services for a frail or elderly population within the last 
    5 years, one of which was full-time in a patient activities program in 
    a health care setting.
        We are requiring that the dietitian (1) have a baccalaureate or 
    advanced degree from an accredited college with major studies in food 
    and nutrition or dietetics; and (2) have a minimum of one year's 
    experience working with a frail or elderly population.
        We are requiring that all PACE center drivers (1) have a valid 
    driver's license to operate a van or bus in the State of operation; and 
    (2) be capable of and experienced in transporting individuals with 
    special mobility needs.
        We believe that each of these persons should have experience 
    working with the frail or elderly population in order to better 
    recognize issues specific to this population.
        We have not defined personnel requirements for the PACE center 
    manager or the home care coordinator. We are giving PACE organizations 
    the flexibility to determine who is best suited to fill these positions 
    since each PACE center may have different needs. Since the home care 
    coordinator is responsible for acting as the liaison between the 
    multidisciplinary team and the home care providers, she or he should 
    possess good leadership and communication skills. In addition, the home 
    care coordinator should be able to identify and understand 
    participants' medical and social needs and evaluate the home care needs 
    of participants. Therefore, we believe that a registered nurse or 
    social worker would be a good candidate to fill this position.
        We have not imposed personnel requirements for personal care 
    attendants since these individuals will primarily be providing ``non-
    skilled'', personal care services (e.g., bathing, toileting, 
    transferring). We are soliciting comments on whether to include 
    specific personnel requirements for personal care attendants. It is 
    important that personal care attendants possess certain basic skills 
    necessary to provide quality care to PACE participants. Thus, we are 
    requiring PACE organizations to implement a training program for each 
    personal care attendant to ensure that they exhibit competency in basic 
    skills in personal care services. The training program should include 
    maintenance of a clean, safe, and healthy environment; appropriate and 
    safe techniques in personal hygiene and grooming; safe transfer 
    techniques and ambulation; reading and recording temperature, pulse, 
    and respiration; and observation, reporting, and documentation of 
    patient status and the care or service furnished. In addition, the 
    training program developed for each personal care attendant must 
    include other elements consistent with their assigned duties for 
    specific participants.
        We recognize that personal care attendants in the home environment 
    may furnish not only personal care services, but also home care 
    services. When the participant needs home care services, the PACE 
    organization must ensure that it has qualified staff (either employees 
    or contractors) that meet the requirements for home health aides to 
    furnish these services.
    Training (Sec. 460.66)
        In Sec. 460.66, we have required that the PACE organization provide 
    ongoing training to maintain and improve the skills and knowledge of 
    each staff member with respect to their specific duties. The training 
    should result in the staff's continued ability to demonstrate the 
    skills necessary for the performance of their specific positions or job 
    duties. The ability of the PACE organization to ensure patient safety 
    and to achieve patient-specific performance measures requires competent 
    staff. We believe there is a direct relationship between the quality of 
    the organization's staff and patient well-being. The training 
    requirement is intended to ensure that all staff are able to adapt to 
    new or additional job demands. The PACE organization is only 
    responsible for ensuring that the individual is educated and trained 
    for her or his specific job. The individual would continue to be 
    responsible for her or his own professional education and for any 
    continuing education needed to maintain licensure or professional 
    certification unless the organization chooses to assume this 
    responsibility. In addition, we have included a specific training 
    requirement for personal care attendants as described above.
    Program Integrity (Sec. 460.68)
        We have established Sec. 460.68 to guard against potential 
    conflicts of interest or other program integrity problems for PACE 
    organizations, based on Part I, section E of the Protocol. An 
    organization must not have any staff (employees or contractors) who 
    have been convicted of criminal offenses related to their involvement 
    in Medicaid, Medicare, other health insurance or health care programs, 
    or social service programs under Title XX of the Act. We expanded this 
    provision from the Protocol to prohibit an organization from having any 
    staff who have been excluded from participation in Medicare or 
    Medicaid, or having staff in any capacity where an individual's contact 
    with participants would pose a potential risk because the individual 
    has been convicted of physical, sexual, drug, or alcohol abuse. Members 
    of the PACE organization's governing body, and their family members, 
    are prohibited from having a direct or indirect interest in contracts 
    with the organization. (Examples of indirect interests are holdings in 
    the name of a spouse, dependent child, or other relative who resides 
    with the member of the governing body.) These requirements are intended 
    to protect participants and to prevent fraud under Medicare and 
        We recognize that in rural, Tribal, or urban Indian communities 
    there may be limited availability of individuals willing to and capable 
    of performing key functions for the PACE organization. HCFA and the 
    State administering agency may grant a waiver of the conflict of 
    interest requirement for PACE organizations to allow individuals who 
    have a direct or indirect interest in a contract or the provision of 
    services to the PACE organization to recuse themselves from decisions 
    directly or indirectly affecting those interests, rather than barring 
    them entirely from serving on the PACE organization's policy making 
    board or as directors, officers, partners, employees, or consultants of 
    the PACE organization. Such a waiver may be granted if HCFA and the 
    State administering agency determine that there are not enough people 
    who could meet the requirement in the PACE organization's service area 
    and the proposed alternative does not adversely affect the availability 
    of care or the quality of care that is provided to participants.
        We have also added the requirement that the PACE organization must 
    have a process to gather information on program integrity issues and 
    respond to any request from HCFA within a reasonable amount of time.
    Contracted Services (Sec. 460.70)
        Under the scope of benefits described in sections 1894(b)(1) and 
    1934(b)(1) of the Act, a PACE organization may enter into written 
    contracts with each outside entity to furnish services to participants. 
    Consequently, we require that all services, except for emergency 
    services as described in Sec. 460.100, not furnished directly by a PACE 
    organization must be obtained through contracts which meet the 
    requirements specified in regulations. We are adopting the contracting 
    provisions in Part VII, section A of the Protocol.
        A PACE organization can only contract with entities that meet all 
    applicable Federal and State
    [[Page 66244]]
    requirements. We have provided some examples of the types of 
    requirements that contractors would be expected to meet. The contractor 
    must be accessible, i.e., located within or near the PACE 
    organization's service area.
        To avoid breakdowns in communication or in the provision of care, 
    we require a PACE organization to designate an official liaison to 
    coordinate activities between contractors and the organization. 
    Effective coordination of services is necessary to avoid duplicative or 
    conflicting services. Designating an individual as liaison provides a 
    conduit for sharing information. The liaison would inform contractors 
    of PACE organization policies, changes in participants' plans of care, 
    information from team meetings, and quality improvement activities and 
    goals. Contractor staff would inform the PACE organization, through the 
    liaison, of updates and changes in a participant's status, personnel 
    changes in the contractor, and any other information necessary for the 
    continuity of participant care. All care must be evaluated by the PACE 
    organization, with particular attention to care provided by contracted 
    personnel. This requirement provides a mechanism to ensure that 
    contracted personnel are adhering to organization policies and 
    procedures. It also affords the organization an opportunity to identify 
    any education or training needs of contracted personnel.
        The PACE center is required to maintain a current list of 
    contractors and provide a copy to anyone upon request. Copies of signed 
    contracts for inpatient care must be furnished to HCFA and the State 
    administering agency.
        Under the specific contract content requirements, we require each 
    contract to be in writing and contain the following information:
         Name of contractor.
         Services furnished.
         Payment rate and method.
         Terms of the contract, including the beginning and ending 
    dates, as well as methods of extension, renegotiation and termination.
         Contractor agreement to: furnish only those services 
    authorized by the PACE multidisciplinary team; accept payment from the 
    PACE organization as payment in full and not to bill participants, 
    HCFA, the State Medicaid agency or private insurers; hold harmless 
    HCFA, the State and PACE participants in the event that the PACE 
    organization cannot or will not pay for services performed by the 
    contractor pursuant to the contract; not assign or delegate duties 
    under the contract unless prior written approval is obtained from the 
    PACE organization; and submit reports as required by the PACE 
        We have not established a specific notice requirement for 
    termination of contracts. We believe that PACE organizations will 
    contract with individuals and entities that understand and embrace the 
    organization's mission and commitment to participants. As discussed 
    previously, the governing body is required to establish personnel 
    policies that address adequate notice of termination by contractors and 
    employees with direct patient care responsibilities to permit an 
    orderly transition and avoid disruptions in care. We specifically 
    request public comment on whether we should add a requirement for 
    notice before a contractor could terminate its contract.
    Physical Environment (Sec. 460.72)
        To ensure that the center and home are free of hazards that may 
    cause harm to the participants, staff, or visitors, we have established 
    Sec. 460.72. Because issues of adequate space, infection control, fire 
    prevention, dietary services, and the safety of transportation services 
    are important to ensure quality care, we have added requirements for 
    each in this condition.
        We have maintained the following requirements from the PACE 
    Protocol with a few clarifications:
         The PACE center must be designed, constructed, equipped, 
    and maintained to provide for the physical safety of participants, 
    personnel, and visitors;
         The PACE center must ensure a safe, sanitary, functional, 
    accessible and comfortable environment for the delivery of services, 
    that protects the dignity and privacy of the participant; and
         The PACE center must include sufficient suitable space and 
    equipment to provide primary medical care and suitable space for team 
    meetings, treatment, therapeutic recreation, restorative therapies, 
    socialization, personal care and dining. (We believe that a PACE 
    organization should furnish primary care services in the center, but 
    this provision allows flexibility to avoid duplicating an entire 
    primary care clinic if that is not necessary.)
        The PACE organization must establish, implement, and maintain a 
    written plan to ensure that all equipment is maintained in accordance 
    with the manufacturer's recommendations to keep all equipment 
    (mechanical, electrical and patient care) free of defect. Based on the 
    manufacturer's experience with the equipment, we believe it has the 
    most knowledge about routine maintenance and recommended repair 
    schedules necessary to keep the equipment in good operating condition.
        The Life Safety Code (LSC) is a set of fire protection requirements 
    designed to provide a reasonable level of safety from fire. The LSC was 
    developed by the National Fire Protection Association and adopted by 
    the Department of Health and Human Services as the standard which 
    ensures reasonably fire-safe facilities. The LSC specifies requirements 
    for building construction features such as walls and doors, exits and 
    exit access, and fire protection devices such as sprinklers, smoke 
    detectors, and fire extinguishers.
        The 1997 edition of the LSC is divided into occupancy chapters, 
    including Business, Education, and Health Care Occupancies. Business 
    occupancies include clinics and offices, and educational occupancies 
    cover schools and day care centers. Health care occupancies include 
    facilities where the patients are rendered incapable of self-
    preservation and where they remain overnight. Unfortunately, the LSC 
    does not designate a specific category for comprehensive outpatient 
    services provided to nursing home eligibles, so we have chosen to 
    stipulate that the PACE center must meet the occupancy provisions of 
    the 1997 edition of the LSC for the type of setting in which it is 
    located (i.e., hospital, office building, etc.).
        Each type of LSC occupancy requires a fire alarm system. A fire 
    alarm system must provide three functions: (1) Initiation--a method of 
    initiating the alarm, such as a pullbox; (2) notifications--a method of 
    notifying the occupants, such as a loud bell, horn, chimes, or flashing 
    lights for those patients who are deaf; and (3) control--a method of 
    controlling other fire protection functions and features, such as air 
    conditioning shutdown, automatic release (closing) of fire doors, etc. 
    We require a PACE center to meet the requirements for a fire alarm 
    system in accordance with the occupancy section of the LSC that applies 
    to its building. Each occupancy section also requires evacuation plans, 
    fire exit drills, and fire procedures. The purpose of the drills is to 
    test the efficiency, knowledge, and response of the staff and to ensure 
    that safe care will be provided to participants during an emergency.
        The statute and implementing regulations governing some Medicare 
    providers (i.e., nursing facilities, hospitals, hospices) authorize us 
    to accept a State code in lieu of the LSC
    [[Page 66245]]
    if it adequately protects patients. Likewise, under these regulations 
    the LSC will not apply in a State where HCFA finds that a fire and 
    safety code imposed by State law adequately protects PACE participants 
    and staff.
        We recognize that it could be burdensome to require strict 
    adherence to all of the requirements of the LSC. PACE centers may be 
    established in a variety of building types (e.g., hospitals or office 
    buildings), which must be considered in requiring adherence to the LSC. 
    We also recognize that some centers may have alternative features that 
    provide an equivalent level of protection to that required by the 
    specific requirements of the LSC. In some buildings it may even be 
    impractical or impossible to provide a specific feature due to the 
    construction of the building. Therefore, we have specified that HCFA 
    may waive specific provisions of the LSC which, if rigidly applied, 
    would result in unreasonable hardship on the organization. Specific 
    provisions may be waived only if the waiver does not adversely affect 
    the health and safety of the participants and staff.
        We have established four requirements that we believe are 
    fundamental for a PACE organization to effectively prepare for 
    emergency situations. The PACE organization must establish, implement, 
    and maintain documented procedures to manage medical and nonmedical 
    emergencies or disasters that are likely to threaten the health or 
    safety of participants, staff or the public including, but not limited 
    to, fire, equipment, water or power failures, care-related emergencies, 
    and natural disasters likely to affect their geographic location. We 
    also state that we do not expect organizations to develop emergency 
    plans for natural disasters that typically do not affect their 
    geographic area. For example, organizations in the Southeast would not 
    typically need to develop emergency procedures for earthquakes.
        PACE organizations must train each staff member (employee and 
    contractors) on the actions necessary to address different medical and 
    nonmedical emergencies. This requirement is designed to ensure the 
    safety and security of both the participants and the staff. In 
    addition, the participants must be appropriately trained on the 
    organization's emergency procedures since they may need to take steps 
    to protect themselves during an emergency. PACE participants need to be 
    informed on what to do, where to go, and whom to contact if a center 
    emergency occurs. The PACE center must also provide periodic 
    orientation to staff and participants.
        Appropriate medical practice dictates that the organization must 
    have trained personnel, drugs, and emergency equipment immediately 
    available at every center at all times to adequately support 
    participants until an Emergency Medical System (EMS) responds to the 
    center. We have defined the minimum emergency equipment that must be on 
    the premises and immediately available as easily portable oxygen, 
    airways, suction, and emergency drugs. In addition, the center must 
    have a documented plan to obtain EMS services from sources outside the 
    center when needed.
        At least annually, a PACE organization must actually test, 
    evaluate, and document the effectiveness of its emergency and disaster 
    plans to ensure appropriate responses to the situations and needs that 
    may arise from both medical and nonmedical emergencies. Drills and 
    emergency episodes often reveal a weakness or flaw in the design of the 
    emergency plan. An annual review will allow flaws or potential problems 
    to be identified and corrected.
    Infection Control (Sec. 460.74)
        Infection control is vital to the health and safety of 
    participants, so we are requiring in Sec. 460.74 that the PACE 
    organization adhere to accepted policies and standard procedures, 
    including at least the standard precautions developed by and available 
    from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These 
    guidelines have been developed by the CDC in collaboration with 
    industry representatives and have proven effective as a means of 
    diminishing the spread of blood-borne pathogens and other infectious 
    agents. The PACE organization must establish, implement, and maintain a 
    documented infection control plan that will assure a safe and sanitary 
    environment and prevent and control the transmission of disease and 
    infection. At a minimum, the infection control plan must include the 
        (1) Procedures to identify, investigate, control, and prevent 
    infections in every center and in a participant's place of residence;
        (2) Procedures to record any incidents of infection; and
        (3) Procedures to analyze the incidents of infection, to identify 
    trends, and develop corrective actions related to the reduction of 
    future incidents.
    Transportation Services (Sec. 460.76)
        Transportation services are a critical component of PACE service 
    delivery, so it is crucial that the PACE organization take appropriate 
    steps to ensure that participants can be safely transported from their 
    homes to the center and to appointments. We have established 
    Sec. 460.76 to require that the PACE organization's transportation 
    services must be safe, accessible and equipped to meet the needs of 
    each participant. In addition, we require that the organization's 
    transportation program include procedures on at least the following: 
    (1) Maintenance of transportation vehicles according to the 
    manufacturer's recommendations; (2) equipping transportation vehicles 
    to communicate with the PACE center; (3) training transportation 
    personnel on the special needs of participants and appropriate 
    emergency response; and (4) as part of the multidisciplinary team 
    process, communicating relevant changes in the participants' care plans 
    to transportation personnel.
    Dietary Services (Sec. 460.78)
        It is important that each PACE center provide each participant with 
    a nourishing, palatable, well-balanced meal that meets the daily 
    nutritional and special dietary needs of each participant. Each meal 
    must be: prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, and 
    appearance; prepared in a form designed to meet individual needs; and 
    prepared and served at the proper temperature. The center must provide 
    substitute foods or nutritional supplements that meet the daily 
    nutritional and special dietary needs of any participant who refuses 
    the food served, cannot tolerate the food served, or who does not eat 
    adequate amounts. In addition, the PACE organization must provide 
    nutrition support (that is, tube feedings, total parenteral nutrition, 
    or peripheral parenteral nutrition) to meet the daily nutritional needs 
    of a participant if indicated by his or her medical condition or 
        It is vital to the health and safety of participants that the food 
    provided meets acceptable safety standards. Therefore, we are requiring 
    the PACE organization to:
        (1) Procure foods (including nutritional supplements and items to 
    meet special nutrition needs) from sources approved or considered 
    satisfactory by Federal, State, Tribal or local authorities that have 
    jurisdiction over the service area of the organization;
        (2) store, prepare, distribute, and serve foods (including 
    nutritional supplements and items to meet special nutrition needs) 
    under sanitary conditions; and
    [[Page 66246]]
        (3) dispose of garbage and refuse properly.
    Fiscal Soundness (Sec. 460.80)
        Part I, section F of the Protocol addresses fiscal soundness and 
    paragraph (e)(4)(A)(ii) of sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act requires 
    that during the trial period we conduct a comprehensive assessment of a 
    PACE organization's fiscal soundness. We have established Sec. 460.80 
    to address requirements for fiscal soundness.
        Each PACE organization must have a fiscally sound operation as 
    demonstrated by total assets being greater than total unsubordinated 
    liabilities, sufficient cash flow and adequate liquidity to meet 
    obligations as they become due, and a net operating surplus or a plan 
    for maintaining solvency.
        Each organization must have a documented insolvency plan approved 
    by HCFA and the State administering agency which, in the event of 
    insolvency, provides for: the continuation of benefits for the duration 
    of the period for which capitation payment has been made; the 
    continuation of benefits to participants who are confined in a hospital 
    on the date of insolvency until their discharge; and protection of 
    participants from liability for payment of any fees which are the legal 
    obligation of the PACE organization.
        Each organization must have adequate arrangements to cover expenses 
    in the event it becomes insolvent. To this end, we have specified 
    requirements in this section that are consistent with the Protocol.
    Marketing (Sec. 460.82)
        Based on Part III, section B of the Protocol, we have established 
    Sec. 460.82 to address marketing of PACE programs. PACE organizations 
    must conduct marketing activities that inform the general public about 
    their programs.
        All marketing material must be approved by HCFA and the State 
    administering agency. Initial marketing material is reviewed as part of 
    the application process. After an organization is under a PACE program 
    agreement, any new or revised marketing materials must be submitted for 
    review by HCFA and the State administering agency. We will complete our 
    review within 45 days after we receive the information from the 
    organization or the material will be deemed approved. We have added the 
    requirement for review and approval of revised marketing materials 
    since revisions could potentially introduce false or misleading 
    information. Although the Protocol includes a 30-day review and 
    approval timeframe, we adopted a 45-day period to be consistent with 
    the process used by HCFA for review of changes to Medicare+Choice 
    organization marketing materials.
        Printed marketing materials must meet participants' special 
    language requirements. Marketing materials must provide complete and 
    clear information regarding the requirement that all services (other 
    than emergency services), including primary care and specialist 
    physician services, be furnished by or authorized by the PACE 
    organization and that participants may be fully and personally liable 
    for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement 
        PACE organizations must ensure that their employees or agents do 
    not conduct prohibited marketing activities such as discrimination of 
    any kind among individuals who meet PACE eligibility standards; 
    activities that could mislead or confuse potential participants or 
    misrepresent the PACE organization, HCFA, or the State administering 
    agency; activities that involve gifts or payments to induce enrollment; 
    contracting outreach efforts to individuals or organizations whose sole 
    responsibility involves direct contact with the elderly to solicit 
    enrollment; or unsolicited door-to-door marketing.
        Each PACE organization must establish, implement, and maintain a 
    documented marketing plan with measurable enrollment objectives and a 
    system for tracking its effectiveness.
    Subpart F--PACE Services
    PACE Benefits Under Medicare and Medicaid (Sec. 460.90)
        Pursuant to sections 1894(a)(2)(B) and (b)(1) and 1934(a)(2)(B) and 
    (b)(1) of the Act, we have established Sec. 460.90 to specify that 
    Medicare and Medicaid benefit limitations and conditions relating to 
    amount, duration, scope of services, deductibles, copayments, 
    coinsurance, or other cost sharing do not apply to PACE benefits. In 
    addition, we have specified that, in accordance with sections 
    1894(a)(1)(B)(i) and 1934(a)(1)(A) of the Act, the PACE participant 
    shall receive Medicare and Medicaid benefits solely through the PACE 
    Required Services (Sec. 460.92)
        Based on the provisions of sections 1894(b)(1)(A) and 1934(b)(1)(A) 
    of the Act, we are requiring in Sec. 460.92 that each PACE benefit 
    package include for all participants, regardless of source of payment, 
    all Medicaid covered services as specified in the State's approved 
    Medicaid plan, a variety of services specified in the Protocol, and 
    other services determined necessary by the multidisciplinary team to 
    meet the participant's needs (e.g., respite care). As specified in Part 
    IV, section A.3 of the Protocol, at a minimum the PACE organization 
    must provide the following benefit package:
         Multidisciplinary assessment and treatment planning;
         Primary care services including physician and nursing 
         Social work services;
         Restorative therapies, including physical therapy, 
    occupational therapy and speech-language pathology;
         Personal care and supportive services;
         Nutritional counseling;
         Recreational therapy;
         Medical specialty services including, but not limited to: 
    anesthesiology, audiology, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, 
    gastroenterology, gynecology, internal medicine, nephrology, 
    neurosurgery, oncology, ophthalmology, oral surgery, orthopedic 
    surgery, otorhinolaryngology, plastic surgery, pharmacy consulting 
    services, podiatry, psychiatry, pulmonary disease, radiology, 
    rheumatology, surgery, thoracic and vascular surgery, and urology;
         Laboratory tests, x-rays and other diagnostic procedures;
         Drugs and biologicals;
         Prosthetics and durable medical equipment, corrective 
    vision devices such as eyeglasses and lenses, hearing aids, dentures, 
    and repairs and maintenance for these items;
         Acute inpatient care: ambulance; emergency room care and 
    treatment room services; semi-private room and board; general medical 
    and nursing services; medical surgical/intensive care/coronary care 
    unit, as necessary; laboratory tests, x-rays and other diagnostic 
    procedures; drugs and biologicals; blood and blood derivatives; 
    surgical care, including the use of anesthesia; use of oxygen; 
    physical, occupational, and respiratory therapies; speech-language 
    pathology; and social services.
         Nursing facility care: semi-private room and board; 
    physician and skilled nursing services; custodial care; personal care 
    and assistance; drugs and biologicals; physical, occupational, and 
    recreational therapies and speech-language pathology, if necessary; 
    social services; and medical supplies and appliances.
    [[Page 66247]]
    Required Services for Medicare Participants (Sec. 460.94)
        In accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(A)(i) of sections 1894 and 1934 
    of the Act, we specify that the PACE benefit package for Medicare 
    participants must include, in addition to the services required by 
    Sec. 460.92, the scope of hospital insurance benefits described in 42 
    CFR part 409 and the scope of supplemental medical insurance benefits 
    described in 42 CFR part 410.
        This provision is based on explicit statutory wording that requires 
    the inclusion of Medicare covered services only for individuals 
    enrolled under section 1894 of the Act. Those individuals include 
    Medicare-only participants and dually-eligible Medicare/Medicaid 
    participants. The PACE organization may choose to include coverage of 
    these services for other participants, but is not required to do so.
        In accordance with section 1894(g) of the Act, we specify that the 
    following requirements of title XVIII of the Act (and regulations 
    relating to such requirements) are waived and do not apply to services 
    under the PACE program:
         The provisions of subpart F of part 409 of 42 CFR that 
    limit coverage of institutional services;
         The provisions of subparts G and H of 42 CFR part 409 and 
    parts 412 through 414 that relate to rules for payment for benefits;
         The provisions of subparts D and E of 42 CFR part 409 that 
    limit coverage of extended care services or home health services;
         The provisions of subpart D of 42 CFR part 409 that impose 
    a 3-day prior hospitalization requirement for coverage of extended care 
    services; and
         The provisions of 42 CFR 411.15(g) and (k) that may 
    prevent payment for PACE program services to individuals enrolled in 
    the PACE program.
    Excluded Services (Sec. 460.96)
        We provide a list of excluded services based on Part IV, section 
    A.6 of the Protocol. The services that are excluded from coverage under 
    the PACE program are as follows:
         Any service that is not authorized by the 
    multidisciplinary team, even if it is listed as a required service, 
    unless it is an emergency service .
         For services in inpatient facilities, private room and 
    private duty nursing services, unless medically necessary, and non-
    medical items for personal convenience such as telephone, radio or 
    television rental, unless specifically authorized by the 
    multidisciplinary team as part of a participant's plan of care.
         Cosmetic surgery, which does not include surgery required 
    for improved functioning of a malformed part of the body resulting from 
    an accidental injury or for reconstruction following mastectomy.
         Experimental medical, surgical or other health procedures.
         Services rendered outside the United States, except as may 
    be permitted in accordance with 42 CFR 424.122 and 424.124 or as may be 
    permitted under the State's approved Medicaid Plan. While the Protocol 
    did not recognize any exceptions, the required inclusion of Medicare 
    and Medicaid covered services results in certain limited exceptions 
    being possible. For example, a State that borders another country might 
    include some Medicaid coverage across the border, and Medicare covers 
    some emergency hospital, ambulance, and physician services outside the 
    United States. (As defined in 42 CFR 400.200, the United States 
    includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, 
    American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.)
    Service Delivery (Sec. 460.98)
        We are requiring in Sec. 460.98 that the PACE organization must 
    establish and implement a written plan to provide care that meets the 
    needs of its participants across all care settings on a 24 hour basis, 
    each day of the year. The PACE organization must furnish comprehensive 
    medical, health, and social services that integrate acute and long-term 
    care. These services must be furnished at least in the PACE center, the 
    participant's home, and inpatient facilities. The PACE organization 
    must not discriminate against any participant in the delivery of 
    required PACE services based on race, ethnicity, national origin, 
    religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, or source of 
        The requirements in this section implement provisions in Part IV, 
    section B of the Protocol and ensure the availability of and access to 
    services as a PACE organization grows. The following requirements are 
    based on the Protocol:
         At least the following services must be furnished at every 
    PACE center: primary care (including physician and nursing services); 
    social services; restorative therapies (including physical and 
    occupational therapy); personal care and supportive services; 
    nutritional counseling; recreational therapy; and meals.
         The PACE organization must operate at least one PACE 
    center either in or contiguous to its designated service area, with 
    sufficient capacity for routine attendance by its participants.
         The PACE organization must ensure accessible and adequate 
    services to meet the needs of all its participants. When necessary, the 
    organization must increase the number of centers, staff, and other PACE 
         The frequency of a participant's attendance at the center 
    is determined by the multidisciplinary team based on the needs and 
    desires of each participant.
        We added the requirement that, if there is more than one center, 
    each center must offer the full range of services and have sufficient 
    staff to meet the needs of participants.
    Emergency Care (Sec. 460.100)
        We expanded on and clarified the provisions in Part IV, section A 
    of the Protocol to ensure access to necessary services and to adopt a 
    beneficiary-centered approach.
        We require a PACE organization to establish and maintain a written 
    plan for handling emergency health care needs. The organization must 
    ensure that the participants and caregivers know when and how to access 
    emergency services and ensure that HCFA, the State, and PACE 
    participants are held harmless if the PACE organization does not pay 
    for emergency services.
        Emergency care is appropriate when services are needed immediately 
    because of an injury or sudden illness and the time required to reach 
    the PACE organization or a network provider would cause risk of 
    permanent damage to the participant's health. Thus, emergency care 
    services include inpatient and outpatient services, furnished by a 
    qualified emergency services provider (other than the PACE organization 
    or one of its contract providers) either in or out of the PACE 
    organization's service area, that are needed to evaluate or stabilize 
    an emergency medical condition. An emergency medical condition means a 
    condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity 
    (including severe pain) such that a prudent layperson, with an average 
    knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence 
    of immediate medical attention to result in: serious jeopardy to the 
    health of the participant; serious impairment to bodily functions; or 
    serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
        Emergency services that fall within this description do not require 
    [[Page 66248]]
    authorization by the PACE organization. We believe that relying on the 
    prudent layperson standard in establishing a participant's need for 
    emergency services is more clear than the definition of emergency care 
    in the Protocol. We adopted the prudent layperson standard from the 
    Consumer's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (discussed in detail in 
    the section on participant rights). The same standard is used in the 
    Medicare+Choice definition of emergency medical condition. This 
    standard encompasses a slightly broader range of circumstances than 
    does the Protocol language, by including some situations that could fit 
    under the Protocol description of ``urgent care'' or ``urgently needed 
    services.'' We think this clarification is helpful because the Protocol 
    wording does not clearly distinguish between emergency and urgent care.
        Other services a participant may need while temporarily absent from 
    the PACE organization's service area, that are not emergency services 
    but cannot be delayed until the participant returns, would need prior 
    authorization. The fact that these services may be ``urgently needed'' 
    means that the PACE organization would be expected to authorize a 
    participant to obtain them from a non-contract provider outside of the 
    service area, but it does not exempt them from the requirement for 
    prior authorization. This approach differs from that applied to 
    Medicare+Choice organizations, where prior authorization for urgently 
    needed services is not required. We believe that the differences in the 
    population served by PACE organizations warrant different treatment of 
    urgent, though not emergency, care needs. Due to the relative frailty, 
    more limited mobility, and more complex health status of PACE 
    participants, we believe the need to maintain coordination of care by 
    the multidisciplinary team justifies contact with and authorization by 
    the PACE organization prior to receipt of non-emergency care outside 
    the PACE network.
        The emergency services plan must provide for the availability of 
    appropriate on-call providers. We expanded this requirement from the 
    Protocol to provide a safety net for unanticipated health incidents, so 
    participants do not encounter difficulty obtaining care when they are 
    away from the PACE center, when they are away from the PACE 
    organization's service area and require services that cannot be delayed 
    until they return, or when they require post-stabilization care 
    services following emergency services. An on-call provider must be 
    available 24-hours per day to address any participant questions about 
    accessing emergency services and respond to requests for authorization 
    of urgently needed out-of-network services or post-stabilization care 
    services following emergency services.
        We believe that PACE organizations are organized to be responsive 
    to all participant care needs, including the need for urgently needed 
    or post-stabilization services. However, in order to ensure that 
    unforeseen circumstances do not result in delays in needed care, we 
    have clarified that the PACE organization must cover urgently needed 
    out-of-network or post-stabilization care services if it does not 
    respond to a request for approval within 1 hour after being contacted 
    or cannot be contacted for approval.
    Multidisciplinary Team (Sec. 460.102)
        This section is based on provisions in Part IV, section B of the 
    Protocol. The Protocol requires that the PACE organization assign each 
    participant to a multidisciplinary team based at the PACE center where 
    the participant attends. We have included a requirement that the PACE 
    organization must establish a multidisciplinary team at each center to 
    comprehensively assess and meet the individual needs of each 
    participant. We believe that a well-functioning multidisciplinary team 
    is critical to the success of the PACE program, as the team is 
    instrumental in controlling the delivery, quality, and continuity of 
    care. Members of the multidisciplinary team should be knowledgeable 
    about the overall needs of the patient, not just the needs which relate 
    to their individual disciplines. In order to meet all of the health, 
    psychosocial, and functional needs of the participant, team members 
    must view the participant in a holistic manner and focus on a 
    comprehensive care approach.
        Based on the Protocol, we are requiring that the multidisciplinary 
    team be composed of at least the following members:
        a. Primary Care Physician--We considered expanding this to include 
    nurse practitioners but decided to retain the requirement in the 
    Protocol. While it would be acceptable for a PACE organization to 
    include a nurse practitioner on the multidisciplinary team, we believe 
    that this should be in addition to rather than instead of the primary 
    care physician. The physician is an integral part of the team serving 
    as a gatekeeper for the participant's medical care, and we feel it is 
    important to retain this standard in order to ensure quality care.
        b. Registered Nurse--The Protocol requires the inclusion of a 
    ``nurse.'' We are specifying that this team member be a registered 
    nurse. The nurse represented on the multidisciplinary team must exhibit 
    leadership and management skills that are more consistent with the 
    training received by registered nurses, as opposed to licensed 
    practical nurses. In addition, we believe that a registered nurse would 
    be better able to determine and respond to the health care needs of the 
    frail population, particularly for home care services. We welcome 
    comments on this issue.
        c. Social Worker;
        d. Physical Therapist;
        e. Occupational Therapist;
        f. Recreational Therapist or Activity Coordinator;
        g. Dietitian;
        h. PACE Center Manager--We have changed the Protocol terminology 
    from ``PACE Center Supervisor'' to ``PACE Center Manager''. The center 
    manager is responsible for overall operation of the PACE center and 
    ensuring service delivery. The individual who holds this position 
    should be a good facilitator and should possess good communication 
    skills. She or he could be the leader of the multidisciplinary team, 
    but we are not requiring this. We are giving the PACE organization and 
    the multidisciplinary team the flexibility to decide who should lead 
    the team and facilitate the discussions.
        i. Home Care Coordinator--Since PACE services may be furnished in 
    the home, the coordination of in-home services with PACE center and 
    primary care services is critical to effective service delivery. This 
    coordination is especially important if the PACE organization has 
    contractors providing the home care services. The PACE organization 
    must designate a home care coordinator to supervise and coordinate home 
    care services, whether these services are furnished by a PACE employee 
    or through a contractor. We are changing the Protocol's term ``home 
    care liaison'' to ``home care coordinator'', because ``home care 
    liaison'' has another meaning in Medicare and we want to avoid 
        j. Personal care attendants or their representatives--We have 
    changed the Protocol term ``health care worker/aide'' to ``personal 
    care attendant'', as we believe this term more accurately describes 
    this type of worker. We believe that ``health care worker'' is too 
    general and could apply to other members of the team.
    [[Page 66249]]
        k. Drivers or their representatives--This requirement remains 
    unchanged from the Protocol.
        Due to the age of PACE participants, a geriatrician could be a 
    valuable member of the multidisciplinary team. As one option, the 
    primary care physician could be a geriatrician. However, physicians who 
    specialize in geriatrics are relatively rare and availability might be 
    a serious problem. We have not required the involvement of a 
    geriatrician but we welcome comments about whether such a requirement 
    would be desirable and, if so, whether the geriatrician should be 
    employed by the PACE organization and should primarily serve PACE 
        Consistent with the Protocol, we are requiring that primary medical 
    care for all participants be furnished by the PACE primary care 
    physician(s). The primary care physician must serve as the gatekeeper 
    to the participant's use of medical specialists and inpatient care, and 
    he or she must be an integral member of the multidisciplinary team. 
    Ultimate responsibility for management of medical situations must rest 
    with the PACE primary care physician.
        The multidisciplinary team is responsible for the initial 
    assessment, periodic reassessments, the plan of care, and coordinating 
    24-hour care delivery. A critical element of the success of the 
    multidisciplinary team is the degree to which team members share 
    information and communicate with one another. The Protocol requires the 
    physician to keep the multidisciplinary team informed of the medical 
    condition of each participant and to remain alert to pertinent input 
    from other team members. We feel this should be the responsibility of 
    each member of the team rather than just the physician, as it is 
    critical to timely intervention to address potential problems. We are 
    modifying the requirement to reflect this; i.e., each member of the 
    team must regularly inform the multidisciplinary team of the medical, 
    functional, and psychosocial condition of each participant and remain 
    alert to pertinent input from other team members, participants, and 
    caregivers. This communication can take place through formal measures 
    such as team meetings and written documentation in participants' 
    medical records, but should not be limited to formal mechanisms; 
    informal communication between team members (e.g., CARDEX systems, 
    informal updates during shift changes and as different personnel report 
    to work) should be encouraged as well. It is critical that personal 
    care attendants be involved in the communication process. Since they 
    often have the first contact with the participant, it is important that 
    they regularly share information on the participant's mood, activities, 
    daily habits, etc. Each team member must document changes in the 
    participant's condition in the participant's medical record.
        We are retaining the Protocol requirement that members of the 
    multidisciplinary team must serve primarily PACE participants, unless a 
    waiver is granted. After considering this issue, we concluded that for 
    a frail elderly population, such as is served by the PACE program, it 
    is important to support and retain measures that promote quality and 
    continuity of care. If team members serve primarily PACE participants, 
    they are able to develop a rapport with participants and are better 
    able to plan for and provide their care. We recognize that team members 
    may have other patients, but this must not interfere with the provision 
    of services for PACE participants. HCFA and the State administering 
    agency may grant a waiver of this requirement if they determine that--
         There are not enough individuals available in the PACE 
    organization's service area who meet the requirement; and
         The proposed alternative does not adversely affect the 
    availability of care or the quality of care that is provided to 
        If an applicant seeking approval as a PACE organization believes a 
    waiver is warranted, it must include a request for the waiver in its 
    application and describe in detail the circumstances supporting the 
    request. For example, in a rural, Tribal, or urban Indian community the 
    number of PACE participants, or the availability of appropriate 
    multidisciplinary team members in some categories, may be insufficient 
    for some team members to primarily serve PACE participants. Such an 
    applicant would need to demonstrate that the alternative it proposes 
    will maintain the continuity of care and assure sufficient availability 
    of services so that participants receive prompt, effective care.
        We are requiring that the PACE organization establish, implement 
    and maintain documented internal procedures governing the exchange of 
    information between team members, contractors, and participants and 
    their caregivers consistent with the requirements for confidentiality 
    in Sec. 460.200(e). It is important for the organization to develop 
    these procedures to avoid breakdowns in communication which would be 
    detrimental to the success of the PACE program. We also want to 
    emphasize the importance of regular communication from family members 
    and other caregivers and health care workers in the home. It is 
    critical that these individuals routinely report changes in participant 
    status to the multidisciplinary team.
        Consistent with the Protocol, we are requiring that the following 
    members of the team be employees of the PACE organization: primary care 
    physician (unless an exception is granted), registered nurse, social 
    worker, recreational therapist or activity coordinator, PACE center 
    manager, home care coordinator, and PACE center personal care 
    attendants. It is important to note that ``personal care attendants'' 
    in this context refers to individuals who work in the PACE center to 
    provide assistance to participants while they are at the center (e.g., 
    assist medical staff, escort participants, bathe and toilet 
    participants) and does not refer to personal care attendants who 
    provide care to participants outside of the PACE center. Personal care 
    attendants who work in the home are not required to be employees of the 
    PACE organization.
        HCFA and the State administering agency may grant a waiver of the 
    requirement that the primary care physician be employed by the PACE 
    organization if they determine that--
         There are not enough physicians in the PACE organization's 
    service area who meet the PACE requirements or State licensing laws 
    make it inappropriate for the organization to employ physicians; and
         The proposed alternative does not adversely affect the 
    availability or the quality of care that is provided to participants.
        If an applicant seeking approval as a PACE organization believes a 
    waiver is warranted, it must include a request for the waiver in its 
    application and describe in detail the circumstances supporting the 
    request. For example, in a rural, Tribal, or urban Indian community the 
    number of PACE participants, or the availability of primary care 
    physicians, may be insufficient to make employment by the organization 
    a feasible option. As another example, some State licensing laws 
    prohibit the corporate practice of medicine, making it inappropriate 
    for the organization to employ physicians. Such applicants would need 
    to demonstrate that their contracts with physicians will maintain the 
    continuity of care and assure sufficient availability of services so 
    that participants receive prompt, effective care. We invite
    [[Page 66250]]
    comments on whether this waiver provision is too broadly defined.
    Participant Assessment (Sec. 460.104)
        The information obtained through the participant assessment is the 
    basis for the treatment plan developed by the multidisciplinary team. 
    As such, it is important that the assessment be as comprehensive as 
    possible, in order to capture all of the information necessary for the 
    multidisciplinary team to develop a plan of care that will adequately 
    address all of the participant's functional, psychosocial, and health 
    care needs.
        The assessment process begins before enrollment, as set forth in 
    Sec. 460.152, when the PACE organization evaluates whether a potential 
    participant can be cared for appropriately in the program. Often, 
    current PACE demonstration programs present a proposed plan of care to 
    the potential participant as part of the enrollment process. The 
    initial comprehensive assessment must be completed promptly following 
    enrollment, but individual team members' in-person assessment of the 
    participant should be scheduled at appropriate intervals based on the 
    participant's level of health. Because the initial assessments are 
    thorough, this will ensure that the participant is not overwhelmed with 
    several team members conducting assessments at one time. However, the 
    initial comprehensive assessment must be completed quickly so that the 
    plan of care can be completed and implemented without delay. This often 
    has been accomplished by the effective date of enrollment and should 
    never be delayed more than a few days beyond that date. With the team 
    concept, the goal is to obtain input from each discipline, as well as 
    from the participant, to perform an assessment that identifies the 
    services necessary to address the participant's needs and care 
        As part of the initial comprehensive assessment, each of the 
    following members of the multidisciplinary team must individually 
    evaluate the participant in person and develop a discipline-specific 
    assessment of the participant's health and social status:
         Primary care physician;
         Registered nurse;
         Social worker;
         Physical therapist or occupational therapist, or both;
         Recreational therapist or activity coordinator;
         Dietitian; and
         Home care coordinator.
        These individuals represent the most vital components of the 
    participant's treatment and psychosocial development. These disciplines 
    are the core needed to determine the specific needs of the participant. 
    At the recommendation of individual team members, other professional 
    disciplines (e.g., speech-language pathology, dentistry, or audiology) 
    may participate in the initial comprehensive assessment if the 
    participant's needs warrant their inclusion.
        HCFA is currently in the preliminary stages of developing a 
    standardized core assessment instrument to be used by PACE 
    organizations for continuous quality improvement. Until such time as 
    this instrument is completed, we are requiring that the participant's 
    assessment include, at a minimum, the following information:
         physical and cognitive function and ability;
         medication use;
         participant and caregiver preferences for treatment;
         socialization and availability of family support;
         current health status and treatment needs;
         nutritional status;
         home environment, including home access and egress;
         participant behavior;
         psychosocial status;
         medical and dental status; and
         participant language.
        We believe that this information will provide a basic framework 
    from which a comprehensive plan of care can be developed. This 
    assessment is appropriate for every participant, and ensures that the 
    plan of care focuses on the participant's medical, psychosocial, and 
    functional needs. However, this list represents the minimum information 
    to be included in the comprehensive assessment, and the PACE 
    organization is encouraged to include other assessment items as 
    necessary. HCFA may impose additional or more specific assessment 
    requirements upon development of the standardized core assessment 
        The Protocol requires that the discipline-specific plans be 
    consolidated into a single plan of care for the participant. The 
    development of the plan of care must occur through discussion and 
    consensus of the entire multidisciplinary team. We are clarifying this 
    requirement by stating that the discussion must take place during team 
    meetings, in order to facilitate group discussion of the plan of care 
    and ensure that all members of the team are actively involved in the 
    decision-making process, and that the plan of care must be completed 
        In developing the plan of care, the PACE multidisciplinary team is 
    also required to inform female participants that they are entitled to 
    choose a women's health specialist from the network of PACE providers. 
    We have included this requirement to be in compliance with the 
    Consumer's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (discussed in more 
    detail later in this preamble in the section on participant rights). 
    This requirement is intended to ensure that female participants are 
    able to select providers who specialize in women's health for routine 
    and preventive care.
        Reassessments are necessary to provide information to adjust 
    participants' plans of care. Periodic reassessments ensure the 
    continued accuracy and effectiveness of the participant's plan of care. 
    Consistent with the Protocol, we are requiring the following members of 
    the multidisciplinary team to conduct an in-person reassessment on at 
    least a semi-annual basis:
         Primary care physician;
         Registered nurse;
         Social worker;
         Recreational therapist or activity coordinator; and
         Other team members actively involved in the development or 
    implementation of the participant's plan of care, for example, home 
    care coordinator, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or 
        The primary care physician, registered nurse, social worker, and 
    recreational therapist/activity coordinator are required to provide 
    assessments at least semi-annually as they are the most critical in 
    terms of defining outcomes of care. Other team members actively 
    involved in the participant's plan of care must also reassess 
    semiannually, as they have an impact on the care the participant is 
    receiving. If the participant is not receiving these other services 
    (e.g., home care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, dietitian 
    services), these members of the team would not be required to conduct a 
    semi-annual assessment.
        Consistent with the Protocol, we are requiring the following 
    members of the multidisciplinary team to conduct an in-person 
    reassessment on at least an annual basis:
         Physical therapist and/or occupational therapist;
         Dietitian; and
         Home care coordinator.
        It is important for the multidisciplinary team to monitor and 
    respond to any changes in a participant's condition or family situation 
    or any concerns raised by the
    [[Page 66251]]
    participant or his or her designated representative. The Protocol 
    requires that the participant be reassessed by the team or by selected 
    members of the team to develop a new plan of care when the health 
    status or psychosocial situation of a participant changes. We believe 
    that at least all members of the multidisciplinary team that are 
    required to perform the initial comprehensive assessment should 
    reassess the participant. If fewer members participate in this 
    reassessment, a critical component of a participant's care might be 
        If a participant's health or psychosocial status has changed or if 
    a participant (or his or her designated representative) believes that a 
    particular service needs to be initiated, continued, or eliminated for 
    the participant, the appropriate multidisciplinary team members must 
    reassess the participant. The purpose of this reassessment is to 
    evaluate whether it is necessary to increase, continue, reduce, or 
    terminate particular services and whether a different course of 
    treatment is needed. A complete reassessment should ensure that the 
    participant is receiving a continuing program of care that meets his or 
    her current needs. Requiring a reassessment based on the concerns of 
    the participant emphasizes the active role the participant plays in the 
    assessment process and subsequent development of the plan of care. The 
    participant's adherence to the plan is critical to the successful 
    delivery of services. Therefore, permitting the participant (or 
    designated representative) to trigger a reassessment gives participants 
    the opportunity to express any dissatisfaction with the manner in which 
    any care or services will be furnished.
        The PACE organization is required to have explicit procedures for 
    timely resolution of requests from participants (or designated 
    representatives) to initiate, continue, or terminate a particular 
    service. Unless an extension is granted, the multidisciplinary team 
    must notify the participant (or designated representative) of its 
    decision to approve or deny the request as expeditiously as the 
    participant's condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after the 
    multidisciplinary team receives the request. We considered establishing 
    both a standard process and an expedited process for responding to a 
    participant request; however, because of the frailty of this 
    population, we concluded that every request is urgent and requires a 
    quick response. We want to ensure that a participant's health is not 
    adversely affected due to a delay in reassessing the participant's 
    condition. The goal of the program is to maximize the participant's 
    functioning, and a quick response is meant to ensure that all factors 
    are evaluated, all necessary services are being furnished, and 
    participant health is not compromised. A timely notification also 
    allows participants adequate time to consider appeal rights, if 
    necessary, without compromising their health.
        The multidisciplinary team may extend the 72-hour timeframe by no 
    more than 5 additional days if the participant or designated 
    representative requests the extension, or the team documents its need 
    for additional information and how the delay is in the interest of the 
    participant. An extension could be warranted because not all the 
    appropriate members of the multidisciplinary team may always be able to 
    meet with the participant, conduct a discipline-specific reassessment, 
    discuss the results of the reassessment with the entire 
    multidisciplinary team, and develop a response to the request within 72 
    hours. The PACE organization retains the flexibility to determine the 
    most appropriate manner in which to provide notification to the 
    participant (or designated representative).
        If, based on the reassessment, the multidisciplinary team decides 
    to deny the participant's request, the denial must be explained to the 
    participant (or designated representative) orally and in writing. The 
    PACE organization must provide the specific reasons for the denial in 
    understandable language.
        If the participant (or designated representative) is dissatisfied 
    with the outcome of the reassessment, the participant may appeal the 
    decision in accordance with Sec. 460.122. Specifically, the PACE 
    organization must: (1) Inform the participant or designated 
    representative of his or her right to appeal the decision; (2) describe 
    both the standard and expedited appeals processes, including the right 
    to and conditions for obtaining an expedited appeal of a denial of 
    services; and (3) describe the right to and conditions for continuation 
    of contested services through the period of the appeal.
        If the multidisciplinary team fails to provide the participant with 
    timely notice of the resolution of the request for reassessment or does 
    not furnish the services required by the revised plan of care, this 
    failure constitutes an adverse decision, and the participant's request 
    must be automatically processed as an appeal by the PACE organization 
    in accordance with Sec. 460.122.
        Team members who reassess a participant must reevaluate the plan of 
    care. Any changes in the plan of care must be discussed and approved by 
    the multidisciplinary team and the participant (or designated 
    representative). The plan of care reflects the team's and participant's 
    goals for the participant's care. Obtaining the participant's approval 
    of the proposed plan of care is important to the successful delivery of 
    services and the participant's adherence to the plan.
        In addition, we also require that any services included in the 
    revised plan of care as a result of a reassessment must be furnished to 
    the participant as expeditiously as the participant's health condition 
    requires. It is critical that care not be delayed and that the 
    participant receive comprehensive care that maintains his or her 
    functional status. Because we recognize that some changes in the 
    participant's plan of care (e.g., installing a wheelchair ramp at the 
    participant's home) may require more time to accomplish, we have chosen 
    not to specify a timeframe for delivering services. However, we are 
    soliciting comment on the necessity of requiring a specific timeframe. 
    Whenever a participant assessment or reassessment occurs, the 
    information must be documented in the participant's medical record.
    Plan of Care (Sec. 460.106)
        Based on Part IV, section B of the Protocol, we developed 
    requirements for the participant's plan of care. We are requiring that 
    the multidisciplinary team promptly develop a comprehensive plan of 
    care that specifies the care needed to meet the participant's medical, 
    physical, emotional, and social needs, as identified in the initial 
    comprehensive assessment. The plan of care must identify measurable 
    outcomes to be achieved and must be developed in collaboration with the 
    participant and her or his caregiver. The specified outcomes need not 
    be discipline-specific. Instead, these are team goals for the 
    participant's care. Involving the participant in the plan of care is 
    important to the successful delivery of services and the participant's 
    adherence to the plan.
        We are requiring the team to implement, coordinate, and monitor the 
    plan of care by providing services directly and supervising the 
    delivery of services furnished by contract providers. The participant's 
    health and psychosocial status, as well as the effectiveness of the 
    plan of care, must be monitored continuously through the provision of 
    services, informal observation, input from participants and caregivers, 
    and communications among
    [[Page 66252]]
    members of the multidisciplinary team and other providers.
        We are requiring that, on at least a semiannual basis, the 
    multidisciplinary team reevaluate the participant plan of care, 
    including the defined outcomes, and make changes as necessary. 
    Semiannual review of the participant's plan of care ensures that the 
    needs of the participant are being met. It allows the team to determine 
    if the participant's level of health has changed thus dictating a 
    change in the level of services or even the setting in which care must 
    be provided.
        We are requiring that participant plans of care be developed, 
    reviewed, and reevaluated in collaboration with the participants or 
    caregivers. The purpose of participant/caregiver involvement is to 
    assure that they approve of the care plan and that participant concerns 
    are addressed. We are giving PACE organizations the flexibility to 
    determine how often care plans should be reviewed with the participant. 
    We welcome comments on the issue of whether or not to impose a 
    timeframe for this activity.
        The participant's plan of care and any changes in the plan must be 
    documented in the participant's medical record.
    Subpart G--Participant Rights
    (Sections 460.110-460.118)
        In accordance with sections 1894(b)(2)(B) and 1934(b)(2)(B) of the 
    Act, the PACE program agreement requires the PACE organization to have 
    in effect, ``written safeguards of the rights of enrolled participants 
    (including a patient bill of rights and procedures for grievances and 
    appeals) in accordance with regulations and with other requirements of 
    this title and Federal and State law that are designed for the 
    protection of patients.'' In addition, sections 1894(f)(3) and 
    1934(f)(3) of the Act give us the discretion to apply such requirements 
    of part C of title XVIII and sections 1903(m) and 1932 of the Act 
    relating to protection of beneficiaries and program integrity as would 
    apply to Medicare+Choice organizations under part C and to Medicaid 
    managed care organizations under prepaid capitation agreements under 
    section 1903(m). Moreover, sections 1894(f)(2) and 1934(f)(2) of the 
    Act require us to incorporate the requirements in the PACE protocol 
    which includes a patient bill of rights.
        We also have made every effort to assure that the rights and 
    protections established in the PACE agreement are in substantial 
    compliance with the Presidential Advisory Commission's (The Commission) 
    Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities (CBRR), which appears as 
    an addendum to The Commission's Final Report to the President, entitled 
    Quality First: Better Health Care for All Americans (March 1998). (A 
    copy of the Final Report can be obtained by calling the Agency for 
    Health Care Policy and Research, Department of Health and Human 
    Services at 1-800-358-9295.) The President issued an Executive 
    Memorandum to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human 
    Services dated February 20, 1998, which requires that, by December 31, 
    1999, Medicare and Medicaid health care programs be brought into 
    substantial compliance with the CBRR. The PACE program is included 
    within that framework.
        In considering how to apply these patient protections, the statute 
    requires that we take into account the differences between the 
    populations served and benefits provided under PACE, Medicare+Choice, 
    and Medicaid managed care. We believe that the PACE program is unique 
    in its approach to meeting the needs of the frail elderly. Unlike most 
    managed care organizations which are responsible for meeting health 
    care needs alone, the PACE program is an integrated partnership between 
    the individual, the community, and the PACE organization, which is 
    dedicated to providing all-inclusive care to meet all medical and 
    social needs to enable the participant to remain in the community.
        We believe it is important to establish participant rights that 
    reflect the differences in the PACE delivery approach from that of 
    other managed care systems. For example, since PACE participants 
    receive services most days of the week, either at the PACE center or 
    through home visits, PACE organizations are able to monitor changes in 
    a participant's medical condition and social service needs on a daily 
    basis. When PACE participants are referred to contracted specialists, 
    in most cases, the PACE organization makes the appointment, provides 
    transportation, and often provides an aide or other staff member to 
    accompany the participant. While managed care organizations may provide 
    this level of care management to some enrollees, PACE organizations do 
    so routinely for their entire participant census. Also, while managed 
    care organizations furnish a selected array of medical services, they 
    do not furnish all-inclusive care, including social and recreational 
    services intended to enhance participants' quality of life.
        To reiterate the philosophy set forth in the PACE Protocol, the 
    PACE organization furnishes comprehensive services designed to: (1) 
    enhance the quality of life and autonomy for frail, older adults; (2) 
    maximize dignity and respect of older adults; (3) enable frail, older 
    adults to live in their homes and in the community as long as medically 
    and socially feasible; and (4) preserve and support the older adult's 
    family unit. The bill of rights for PACE participants must complement 
    and maintain this philosophy. We have relied on the PACE Protocol and 
    incorporated the basic rights that it identifies. However, we are also 
    guided by the Medicare+Choice regulations and by the CBRR.
        We also recognize that the statute directs us to consider State 
    law. We have interpreted this to mean that a PACE organization's 
    participant bill of rights may include additional rights and 
    protections as required by State or local laws and regulations or 
    ethical considerations of particular concern, but only if these 
    additions or modifications provide stronger rights and protections than 
    those established in this regulation. Regardless, it is up to the PACE 
    organization to establish appropriate policies and procedures for 
    assuring that the participant bill of rights is fully operational 
    throughout the PACE organization.
        Consistent with the Protocol and the CBRR, we have retained the 
    concept that participants can choose to be represented by family 
    members, caregivers, or other representatives. We intend that a 
    participant may designate a representative to exercise any or all of 
    the rights to which the participant is entitled.
        We are requiring, as did the Protocol, the PACE organization to 
    provide encouragement and assistance to participants in understanding 
    and exercising their rights and in recommending changes in PACE 
    policies and services. In addition, it is likely that many of the frail 
    elderly or their chosen representatives will need guidance in 
    navigating the pre-enrollment, enrollment, and post-enrollment 
    processes of PACE. In the previous discussion on consultations with the 
    State Administration on Aging, we referred to the State Long Term Care 
    Ombudsman Programs. These State programs promote and monitor the 
    quality of care in nursing homes, including identifying and resolving 
    complaints, making regular visits to nursing homes, and generally, 
    improving the quality of care and
    [[Page 66253]]
    quality of life of nursing home residents. The role of the ombudsman is 
    to engage in a variety of activities designed to encompass both active 
    advocacy and representation of residents' interests. We are 
    specifically requesting public comment on whether the ombudsman program 
    could play a role in consumer assistance to potential PACE 
    participants, as well as to those who have disenrolled and need 
    assistance in organizing their care. With regard to PACE participants, 
    we are also interested in receiving public input as to whether an 
    ombudsman could provide one-on-one consumer assistance to PACE 
    participants and their designated representatives to exercise their 
    rights and work effectively with the multidisciplinary team.
        In Sec. 460.110, we require a PACE organization to have a written 
    participant bill of rights that is designed to protect and promote the 
    rights of each participant. The organization is required to inform 
    participants upon enrollment, in writing, of their rights and 
    responsibilities, and all rules and regulations governing 
    participation. In addition, the organization must protect participants' 
    rights and provide for the exercise of those rights.
        Finally, there are numerous references throughout the regulations 
    to the PACE organization furnishing various kinds of information to 
    participants in writing. In order for this information to be 
    understandable and useful, it must be presented in a legible format. 
    The frail elderly PACE population would be expected to have vision 
    problems that make the use of sufficiently large, clear type 
    particularly important in written communications. While we are not 
    mandating the use of a particular typeface or font size, we expect PACE 
    organizations to ensure that documents are legible for their intended 
    Specific Participant Rights
         Right #1--Respect and nondiscrimination. Each participant 
    has the right to considerate, respectful care from all PACE employees 
    and contractors at all times and under all circumstances. Each 
    participant has the right not to be discriminated against in the 
    delivery of required PACE services based on race, ethnicity, national 
    origin, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, or source of 
        The individual's right to respect and nondiscrimination is embedded 
    in the basic philosophy of the PACE program. Within this context, it is 
    essential that PACE participants are assured of the following rights:
        (1) To receive comprehensive health care in a safe and clean 
    environment and in an accessible manner.
        (2) To be treated with dignity and respect, be afforded privacy and 
    confidentiality in all aspects of care, and be provided humane care.
        (3) Not to be required to perform services for the PACE 
        (4) To have reasonable access to a telephone.
        (5) To be free from harm, including physical or mental abuse, 
    neglect, corporeal punishment, involuntary seclusion, excessive 
    medication, and any physical or chemical restraint imposed for purposes 
    of discipline or convenience and not required to treat the 
    participant's medical symptoms.
        (6) To be encouraged and assisted to exercise rights as a 
    participant, including the Medicare and Medicaid appeals processes as 
    well as civil and other legal rights.
        (7) To be encouraged and assisted to recommend changes in policies 
    and services to PACE staff.
        The following discussion provides the rationale for inclusion of 
    these rights. In keeping with the PACE model, we recognize the 
    participant's right to receive comprehensive care in a safe and clean 
    environment and in an accessible manner. The Protocol states that a 
    PACE participant must receive treatment and rehabilitative services. We 
    have expanded this requirement to state that the participant has a 
    right to receive comprehensive health care. The PACE organization must 
    offer and manage all health, medical, and social services needed to 
    restore or preserve the participant's independence. The PACE 
    multidisciplinary team must arrange for preventive, rehabilitative, 
    curative, and supportive services in adult day health centers, 
    participant homes, hospitals, and nursing homes. The revised language 
    addresses the complete range of services in each setting that a 
    participant is entitled to, once enrolled in the PACE organization.
        The Protocol stipulates that the participant has the right to have 
    dignity, privacy, and humane care. For purposes of clarification, we 
    require the PACE organization to treat the participant with dignity and 
    respect, to afford the participant privacy and confidentiality in all 
    aspects of care, and to provide humane care. The PACE organization must 
    assure that a participant's dignity and privacy are respected not only 
    in its own facilities but also in affiliated or contract providers. 
    Staff should be instructed that any discussions with participants 
    regarding treatment, the participant care plan, and medical conditions 
    should be held in private and kept confidential. While recognizing the 
    participant's right to privacy and confidentiality, we are not 
    advocating physical barriers because participants should be in the view 
    of the staff at all times to ensure safety. However, in situations 
    where there is participant body exposure during treatment, the staff 
    should be instructed to provide temporary screens or curtains.
        We have adopted from the Protocol the right to be free from harm, 
    including physical or mental abuse, neglect, corporeal punishment, 
    involuntary seclusion, excessive medication, and inappropriate use of 
    physical or chemical restraints. We have revised the wording used in 
    the Protocol regarding the use of restraints. We do not view this as a 
    policy change from the protocol, but felt the rewording was necessary 
    to emphasize that the use of restraints must be limited to those 
    situations with adequate, appropriate clinical justification. The use 
    of restraints must be based on the assessed needs of the patient, be 
    monitored and reassessed appropriately, and be ordered for a defined 
    and limited period of time. The least restrictive and most effective 
    method available must be utilized and it must conform to the patient's 
    plan of care. Restraints may only be used as a last resort and must be 
    removed or ended at the earliest possible time. We do not believe that 
    restraints of any kind should ever be used as a preferred approach to 
    care and we expect PACE organizations to ensure that their programs are 
    ``restraint free'' to the greatest extent possible. Specific 
    requirements regarding the use of restraints are established in 
    Sec. 460.114.
        We are in the midst of examining our seclusion and restraint policy 
    for all HCFA-covered providers. We call your attention to the 
    discussion of the use of seclusion and restraints in the HCFA interim 
    final rule with comment concerning the conditions of participation for 
    hospitals (HCFA-3018-IFC, published July 2, 1999, 64 FR 36070). In that 
    regulation, we have established very explicit standards for the use of 
    seclusion and restraints both in medical/surgical care and for behavior 
    management (see Sec. 482.13(e) and (f)). While the standards are not 
    identical to those we have included in Sec. 460.114, they share the 
    common principle that patients have the right to be free from 
    restraints of any form that are not medically or psychiatrically 
    necessary or are used as means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or 
    retaliation by staff. In the preamble for the hospital conditions of 
    participation, we indicate our intent to examine the
    [[Page 66254]]
    applicability of the hospital restraint and seclusion standards to 
    other providers. Therefore, we formally ask for comments about how best 
    to extend the protections proposed for hospital patients to 
    participants in the PACE program.
        We have also adopted the rights established in the Protocol to 
    encourage and assist the participant to exercise his or her rights, 
    including the Medicare and Medicaid appeals processes, as well as civil 
    and legal rights and we have maintained the right to telephone access. 
    On the other hand, we have altered the right not to be required to 
    perform services for the organization unless the services are included 
    for therapeutic purposes in the plan of care. Upon reflection, it is 
    our belief that a therapeutic program should not be tied to performing 
    services for the PACE organization.
        The CBRR specifies that organizations should not discriminate on 
    the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, age, 
    mental or physical disability, or source of payment. PACE organizations 
    are required to comply with all Federal, State, and local laws, 
    including discrimination statutes with regard to marketing, enrollment, 
    and provision of services. However, we recognize that, with regard to 
    health status considerations, PACE organizations are required as part 
    of the intake process to assess whether a potential participant is 
    appropriate for PACE, that is, meets the State's nursing home 
    eligibility standard but can be cared for in the community. Meeting 
    required certification standards within the PACE context is not deemed 
    a violation of antidiscrimination laws. Still, in order to ensure that 
    the qualification decision is free from other, illegal forms of 
    discrimination, we are requiring PACE organizations to retain 
    information on individuals who are assessed but, for whatever reason, 
    are not enrolled.
         Right #2--Information disclosure. Each PACE participant 
    has the right to receive accurate, easily understood information and to 
    receive assistance in making informed health care decisions. 
    Specifically, each participant has the right:
        (1) To be fully informed in writing of the services available from 
    the PACE organization, including identification of all services that 
    are delivered through contracts, rather than furnished directly by the 
    PACE organization--
        (A) Before enrollment;
        (B) At enrollment; and
        (C) When there is a change in services.
        (2) To have the enrollment agreement, described in Sec. 460.154, 
    fully explained in a manner understood by the participant.
        (3) To examine, or upon reasonable request, to be assisted to 
    examine the results of the most recent review of the PACE organization 
    conducted by HCFA or the State administering agency and any plan of 
    correction in effect.
        In order for consumers, independently or in concert with their 
    designated representatives, to make rational decisions, they need 
    accurate, reliable information that will allow them to assess 
    differences in their health care options, including information 
    critical to their initial decision to enroll in PACE and whether to 
    remain in PACE. The CBRR provides for comprehensive information to be 
    provided to consumers in three basic categories: health plan 
    information; health professional information; and health care 
    facilities. Topics addressed include benefits, cost-sharing, dispute 
    resolution, consumer satisfaction and plan performance information, 
    network characteristics, care management information, corporate 
    organization, etc. The CBRR indicates that certain information should 
    be provided routinely with the remaining information available upon 
        Information that is provided to potential enrollees is addressed in 
    more detail in the sections on marketing (Sec. 460.82) and enrollment 
    (Sec. 460.154). With regard to participant rights, we have linked the 
    right to information disclosure to the information that is included in 
    the enrollment agreement. The PACE organization must explain the 
    enrollment agreement in a manner understood by the participant to 
    ensure that all participants fully comprehend their rights and 
    responsibilities from the beginning of their relationship with the PACE 
    organization. Among the items in the enrollment agreement are: an 
    acknowledgment that the participant understands that the PACE 
    organization is the participant's sole service provider; a description 
    of PACE services available and how services are obtained from the PACE 
    organization; the procedures for obtaining emergency and urgently 
    needed out-of-network services; information on the grievance and 
    appeals processes; conditions for disenrollment; description of 
    participant premiums, if any, and procedures for payment of premiums. 
    We are requiring that the PACE organization inform participants 
    whenever changes occur in the services available from the PACE 
        The enrollment agreement also indicates that the PACE organization 
    has a program agreement with HCFA and the State administering agency 
    that is subject to renewal on a periodic basis. In order to provide 
    participants with information on the status of their organization's 
    agreement, PACE participants have the right to examine the results of 
    the most recent review of the PACE organization conducted by HCFA and 
    the State administering agency and any plan of correction in effect.
        We are also requiring in Sec. 460.60(d), that changes in the 
    organizational structure of the PACE provider be approved in advance by 
    HCFA and the State administering agency. Once approved, information 
    about changes in organizational structure will be forwarded to the 
    consumer advisory committee for dissemination to participants as 
    appropriate. In this way, participants will be kept informed about the 
    organizational structure of the PACE provider and may determine if any 
    organizational changes made by the PACE organization affect their 
    continued enrollment in PACE.
         Right #3--Choice of providers. Each participant has the 
    right to a choice of health care providers, within the PACE 
    organization's network, that is sufficient to ensure access to 
    appropriate high-quality health care. Specifically, each participant 
    has the right:
        (1) To choose his or her primary care physician and specialists 
    from within the PACE network.
        (2) To request that a qualified specialist for women's health 
    services provide routine or preventive women's health services.
        (3) To disenroll from the program at any time.
        The right to access specialists must be seen in the context of the 
    PACE model. Active involvement by participants in care planning in 
    conjunction with a multidisciplinary team approach to care management 
    and service delivery are fundamental aspects of the PACE model of care. 
    In fact, although sections 1894(f)(2)(B) and 1934(f)(2)(B) of the Act 
    provide for waiver of certain provisions of the protocol, use of the 
    multidisciplinary team approach may not be waived. Development of a 
    participant's plan of care begins with a comprehensive assessment. 
    Participant preferences for care are identified components of the 
    assessment. Once the plan of care is developed, the team is required to 
    continuously monitor the effectiveness of the plan in collaboration 
    with participants.
        Moreover, the team is required to develop, review, and reevaluate 
    the plan of care in collaboration with the participant to ensure there 
    is agreement
    [[Page 66255]]
    with the plan of care and that participant concerns are addressed. 
    These provisions complement the participant rights to participate in 
    treatment decisions, to be fully informed of his or her functional 
    status by the multidisciplinary team, to participate in the development 
    and implementation of the plan of care, and to make health care 
    decisions, including the right to refuse treatment and to be informed 
    of the consequences of the decisions.
        It is in this context that the determination with regard to the 
    need for specialty care is made by the multidisciplinary team and the 
    participant. If there is disagreement, then the participant has the 
    right to engage the dispute resolution process. Regardless, the 
    multidisciplinary team is expected to give ample consideration to a 
    participant's request to see a specialist and to objectively determine 
    whether such visits are necessary to meet the needs described in the 
    plan of care. To further emphasize access to a woman's health care 
    specialist within the context of the PACE model, we have identified 
    such a request as one of the participant preferences that must be 
    considered in developing the plan of care.
        The CBRR asserts that consumers with complex or serious medical 
    conditions who require frequent specialty care should have direct 
    access to a qualified specialist of their choice within a plan's 
    network of providers. Authorizations, when required, should be for an 
    adequate number of direct access visits under an approved treatment 
    plan. We believe that central to the PACE model, with its reliance on 
    an all-inclusive plan of care that is derived by a multidisciplinary 
    team in collaboration with the participant, is the organization's 
    interest in ensuring that participants obtain the care they need, 
    including specialty care, in the easiest and most efficient manner 
    possible. A participant who needs a course of therapy with a specialist 
    will have that need reflected in his or her plan of care and would 
    receive that care for the duration and number of visits specified in 
    the plan. In light of the requirements elsewhere in this rule 
    concerning the development and management of the plan of care, we 
    believe it would be redundant to include an explicit requirement that 
    would mirror this CBRR provision, and have, therefore, not included 
    such a requirement.
        With regard to having a choice of primary care physician and 
    specialists, the PACE organization is required to maintain sufficient 
    staff and contractors to meet the needs of its participants. Given the 
    participant census of PACE organizations, it is most likely that choice 
    will be limited. PACE organizations likely will start out with one of 
    each type of specialist and perhaps only one primary care physician. 
    Although CBRR includes the right to choose among physicians in the 
    provider's network, it was aimed at managed care organizations with 
    thousands of patients and numerous providers. Such is not the case with 
    the PACE model. Potential participants must weigh the limited network 
    of PACE organizations with the benefits of a comprehensive, all-
    inclusive delivery system in choosing to enroll.
        CBRR provides a right to transitional care for patients who are 
    undergoing an extensive course of treatment for a chronic or disabling 
    condition. As we discuss in greater detail in the section on the 
    enrollment process, potential participants must be advised that the 
    PACE organization is the participant's sole source provider and that 
    the organization guarantees access to services, but not to a specific 
    provider. As a result, PACE employees and specialists under contract 
    are expected to provide as much advance notice as possible of their 
    decision to terminate their relationship with the PACE organization in 
    order to provide sufficient time for the organization to secure a 
    replacement. In addition, the PACE organization and its contractors are 
    expected to provide as much advance notice as possible of a decision to 
    terminate a contract in order to provide for an orderly transition for 
    participants. We are requesting public input on the propriety of 
    establishing a contract requirement to ensure a minimum transition 
         Right #4--Access to emergency services. Each participant 
    has the right to access emergency health care services when and where 
    the need arises without prior authorization by the PACE 
    multidisciplinary team.
        In addition to establishing a participant right to emergency 
    services without prior authorization, we have described emergency care, 
    emergency medical condition, urgently needed services and post-
    stabilization care services previously in the preamble in the section 
    regarding emergency care and in Sec. 460.100, consistent with the CBRR.
         Right #5--Participation in treatment decisions. Each 
    participant has the right to fully participate in all decisions related 
    to his or her care. A participant who is unable to fully participate in 
    treatment decisions has the right to designate a representative. 
    Specifically, each participant has the right:
        (1) To have all treatment options explained in a culturally 
    competent manner, and to make health care decisions, including the 
    right to refuse treatment, and be informed of the consequences of the 
        (2) To have the PACE organization explain advance directives and to 
    establish them, if the participant so desires, in accordance with 
    Secs. 489.100 and 489.102 of this chapter.
        (3) To be fully informed of his or her health and functional status 
    by the multidisciplinary team.
        (4) To participate in the development and implementation of the 
    plan of care.
        (5) To request a reassessment by the multidisciplinary team.
        (6) To be given reasonable advance notice, in writing, of any 
    transfer to another treatment setting and the justification for the 
    transfer (i.e., due to medical reasons or for the participant's welfare 
    or that of other participants). The PACE organization must document the 
    justification in the participant's medical record.
        As noted previously, active involvement by participants and their 
    designated representatives in care planning is fundamental to the PACE 
    model of care. As a result, we have retained the rights in the Protocol 
    related to participant involvement in the development and 
    implementation of the plan of care. We retained the participant's right 
    to be fully informed by the multidisciplinary team of his or her health 
    and functional status. In support of this right, the PACE participant 
    must have, upon written request, access to all records pertaining to 
    herself or himself. Moreover, the team must provide care information in 
    a manner that is responsive to the culturally diverse populations whom 
    they serve. The PACE organization may need to develop strategies for 
    enhancing cultural competence in its staff such as increased use of 
    interpreters, incorporating in-house training programs, recruiting 
    culturally diverse staff or contractors, or establishing relationships 
    with organizations that provide technical assistance regarding cultural 
    aspects of health care.
        The Protocol states that a participant has the right to refuse 
    treatment and be informed of the consequences of such refusal. The 
    Protocol also states that PACE participants can establish advance 
    directives and make health care decisions. We restructured these two 
    requirements in order to place greater emphasis on the participant's 
    right to make health care decisions and to clarify that the right to 
    refuse treatment
    [[Page 66256]]
    is a type of health care decision. We have maintained the participant's 
    right to make advance directives but have clarified that within this 
    right the PACE organization is required to fully explain advance 
    directives (in accordance with Secs. 489.100 and 489.102 of this 
    chapter) to participants.
        We have maintained the requirement that PACE organizations provide 
    reasonable advance notice in writing of any transfer to another part of 
    the program. However, we are soliciting comment on the necessity of 
    specifying a timeframe for participant notification. Given the frailty 
    of the PACE population, some participants may require additional time 
    to prepare for the transition to other parts of the program, while 
    others may require the transfer without delay. We welcome comments on 
    the feasibility of including a specific timeframe that would apply to 
    all participants.
        In addition to these specific rights, there are other processes 
    embodied in the PACE model that promote participant involvement in care 
    planning and implementation. For example, the comprehensive assessment 
    that serves as the basis for the plan of care includes participant and 
    caregiver preferences for care and input from participant and 
    caregivers is used by the multidisciplinary team to monitor the 
    effectiveness of the plan of care. Finally, the team is specifically 
    required to develop, review, and reevaluate the plan of care in 
    collaboration with the participant or caregiver to ensure that there is 
    agreement with the plan of care and that participant concerns are 
        In support of effective involvement in care planning and 
    communication between participants and providers, we note that the 
    statute provides for a specific sanction if we determine that the PACE 
    organization imposes a physician incentive plan that does not meet 
    statutory requirements (see Sec. 460.40(h)) or prohibits or otherwise 
    restricts a health care practitioner from discussing treatment options 
    with the participant or caregiver (see Sec. 460.40(g)).
         Right #6--Confidentiality of health information. Each 
    participant has the right to communicate with health care providers in 
    confidence and to have the confidentiality of his or her individually 
    identifiable health care and other information protected, including 
    information contained in an automated data bank (see Sec. 460.200). 
    Each participant also has the right to review and copy his or her own 
    medical records and request amendments to those records.
        Consistent with the CBRR and Medicare+Choice and Medicaid managed 
    care organization requirements, participants have the right to 
    communicate with any member of the multidisciplinary team and contract 
    providers in confidence and to have the confidentiality of their 
    individually identifiable health care information protected.
        In addition, the section on maintenance of records and reporting of 
    data (see Sec. 460.200 ) specifically addresses confidentiality and the 
    safeguarding of health, financial, and other information. It requires 
    PACE organizations to establish written policies and implement 
    procedures to safeguard the privacy of participant information and 
    ensure appropriate use and release of participant information. When the 
    HHS privacy standards required by the Health Insurance Portability & 
    Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191, are finalized, most 
    plans and providers (including HCFA components and most PACE 
    organizations) will be required to comply with the requirements of that 
    regulation as well.
         Right #7--Complaints and appeals. Each participant has the 
    right to a fair and efficient process for resolving differences with 
    the PACE organization, including a rigorous system for internal review 
    by the organization and an independent system of external review. 
    Specifically, each participant has the right:
        (1) To be encouraged and assisted to voice complaints to PACE staff 
    and outside representatives of his or her choice, free of any 
    restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal by the 
    PACE staff.
        (2) To appeal any treatment decision of the PACE organization, its 
    employees, or contractors through the process described in 
    Sec. 460.122.
        We have adopted the concepts expressed in the CBRR for both the 
    internal and external appeals processes as described in detail in the 
    following section.
        Sec. 460.116 requires the PACE organization to have written 
    policies and implement procedures to ensure that the staff, the 
    participant, and his or her representative understand these rights. The 
    regulations also require that, at the time of enrollment, staff review 
    the bill of rights with the participant and representative, if any, in 
    a manner which they understand. The PACE organization is expected to 
    assure that information is provided to the physically and mentally 
    disabled, that translator services are available as needed for non-
    English speaking participants, and that interpreter services and other 
    accommodations (such as TTY connections) are made available to the 
        We have incorporated the requirement that participant rights be 
    posted in a prominent place in the PACE center in English and any other 
    principal language of the community. This allows participants, center 
    staff, and other concerned persons to review the participant's rights 
    at any time. For those participants who speak or read in only a ``non-
    predominant'' language, the participants should have their rights 
    explained to them in a manner they understand.
        Sec. 460.118 requires the PACE organization to have and implement 
    documented, established procedures to respond to and rectify a 
    violation of a participant's right. This is intended to ensure that the 
    PACE organization will address all violations of participants' rights 
    and not allow problems to continue.
    Grievances and Appeals
        In accordance with sections 1894(b)(2)(B) and (f)(3) and 
    1934(b)(2)(B) and (f)(3) of the Act, we have established requirements 
    at Secs. 460.120 through 460.124 requiring PACE organizations to 
    establish procedures for grievances and appeals. We have adapted these 
    requirements from Part II, section B of the Protocol. Rather than 
    follow the Protocol's interchangeable use of the terms ``complaint,'' 
    ``grievance,'' and ``appeal,'' we have distinguished between grievances 
    and appeals. Our intent was to delineate between (1) a participant's 
    grievance regarding dissatisfaction with service delivery or the 
    quality of a service furnished and (2) a participant's action with 
    respect to noncoverage of or nonpayment for a service. We believe that 
    such a distinction is needed to clearly establish both a process to 
    address a participant's dissatisfaction with service delivery or 
    quality of care furnished and a process to address the PACE 
    organization's refusal to furnish or pay for a particular service. The 
    grievance process and the appeals process are similar, since both are 
    based on the Protocol, with some minor differences due to the nature of 
    the complaint.
    Grievance Process (Sec. 460.120)
        A grievance is defined as a complaint, either written or oral, 
    expressing dissatisfaction with service delivery or the quality of care 
        The PACE organization must have a formal written process to 
    evaluate and resolve grievances, whether medical or
    [[Page 66257]]
    non-medical in nature, by PACE participants, their family members, or 
    representatives. Having a formal written process to evaluate and 
    resolve grievances is essential since all personnel (employees and 
    contractors) who have contact with participants should be aware of and 
    understand the basic procedures for receiving and documenting 
    grievances in order to initiate the appropriate process for resolving 
    participant concerns.
        We have retained the requirement from the Protocol that all 
    participants must be informed of the grievance process in writing. This 
    information must be provided to participants upon enrollment into the 
    PACE program and at least annually thereafter. We believe it is 
    critical that participants are fully and promptly informed of this 
    process and periodically reminded of their rights, so they may exercise 
    these rights from the beginning of their relationship with the PACE 
        The grievance process, at a minimum, must include procedures for:
        (1) filing a participant's grievance;
        (2) documenting the participant's grievance;
        (3) responding to and resolving the participant's grievance in a 
    timely manner; and
        (4) maintaining confidentiality of the participant's grievance.
        The PACE organization's internal procedures should assure that 
    every grievance is handled in a uniform manner and that there is 
    communication between different individuals who are responsible for 
    reviewing or resolving grievances. In addition, the PACE organization 
    must also have appropriate documentation, so the information can be 
    utilized both in the organization's internal quality improvement 
    activities and in HCFA's quality assessment projects. Requiring that 
    grievances be responded to and resolved in a timely manner provides a 
    protection to the participants. It is intended to ensure that the PACE 
    organization addresses all participant concerns and does not allow the 
    problem in service delivery to be unresolved. Finally, at all times, an 
    organization must have procedures governing confidentiality to protect 
    against unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure of information. 
    Participant confidentiality may also prevent reprisal against the 
        It is critical that the PACE organization continue to provide care 
    to the participant during the grievance process because under the law 
    participants must receive care solely through the PACE organization. 
    Continuing care also encourages participants to continue to voice 
    concerns about service delivery without fear of any reprisal.
        The PACE organization must discuss the step, including timeframes 
    for response, that will be taken to resolve the participant's grievance 
    both at the time of the participant's enrollment and when a grievance 
    is filed. This assures the participant that there will be resolution of 
    the issue. In addition, the organization acknowledges the participant's 
    concern, tries to address the problem, and makes any necessary 
    adjustments in service delivery.
        The PACE organization must maintain, aggregate, and analyze 
    information on grievance proceedings. This requirement is an integral 
    part of fostering an environment of continuous improvement, and it 
    complements the requirement on internal quality assessment and 
    performance improvement. We expect that, once an organization has a 
    quality improvement system in place, participant grievances will be 
    analyzed evaluated since grievances may be the first clue that a 
    problem exists. By analyzing the number and types of grievances, a PACE 
    organization will be able to develop activities to monitor and improve 
    the grievance resolution process, as well as identify and make 
    improvements or modifications in area of care. This also applies to the 
    appeals process.
    PACE Organization's Appeals Process (Sec. 460.122)
        An appeal is defined as participant's action taken with respect to 
    a PACE organization's noncoverage of or nonpayment for a service. The 
    PACE organization must have a formal written appeals process, with 
    specified timeframes for response. We have retained the requirement 
    from the Protocol that all participants must be informed of the appeals 
    process in writing. This information must be provided to participants 
    upon enrollment into the PACE program, at least annually thereafter, 
    and whenever the multidisciplinary team denies a request for services 
    or payment. The appeals process, at a minimum, must include procedures 
        (1) timely preparation and processing of written denials of 
    coverage or payment in accordance with Sec. 460.104(c)(3)
        (2) filing a participant's appeal;
        (3) documenting the participant's appeal;
        (4) appointing an appropriately credentialed and impartial third 
    party that was not in the original action and that does not have a 
    stake in the outcome of the appeal to review the participant's appeal;
        (5) responding to and resolving the participant's appeals as 
    expeditiously as the participant's health condition requires, but no 
    later than 30 calendar days after it receives an appeal; and
        (6) maintaining confidentiality of the participant's appeals.
        The appeals process is very similar to the grievance process. 
    However, we have included the requirement that an objective third party 
    be appointed to review all appeals, so information is reviewed by an 
    individual or group that has no stake or involvement in the decision. 
    This helps to prevent bias in the decision. In addition, we have 
    specified that the PACE organization must respond to participant 
    appeals within 30 days of receipt of an appeal and established a 
    shorter timeframe for expedited appeals. We have not included a 
    provision for a 14-day extension of this 30-day timeframe (as allowed 
    under the Medicare+Choice regulations at 42 CFR 422.590(a)) in 
    recognition of the frailty of the PACE population. We are soliciting 
    comments on both the appropriateness of this timeframe and on the 
    necessity of requiring a specific timeframe.
        We have adopted the Protocol requirement that the PACE organization 
    must give the parties involved in the appeal a reasonable opportunity 
    to present evidence related to the dispute in person as well as in 
        It is critical that the PACE organization continue to furnish care 
    to the participant during the appeal process because under the law 
    participants must receive care solely through the PACE organization. In 
    addition, we have incorporated the Medicaid continuation of benefits 
    provision for all Medicaid participants. Under the continuation of 
    benefits provision, the PACE organization may not terminate or reduce 
    disputed services while an appeal is pending if the Medicaid 
    participant requests that they be continued with the understanding that 
    he or she may be liable for the cost of those services if the appeal is 
    not resolved in his or her favor. It is critical that all other care 
    continue in order to maintain the participant's functional status. The 
    goal of the program is to furnish comprehensive care to the participant 
    and this cannot be accomplished if there is a breakdown in the 
    provision of services.
        The PACE organization must have an expedited appeals process for 
    situations in which the participant believes that if the service is not 
    furnished her or his life, health, or ability to regain
    [[Page 66258]]
    maximum function would be jeopardized. This provides for prompt 
    consideration of requests for services if the participant's health 
    might be adversely affected if she or he had to wait for the standard 
    appeals process. As noted above, the goal of the program is to maximize 
    the participant's functioning, and the expedited appeals process 
    ensures that all factors are evaluated so that all necessary services 
    are being furnished and participant health is not compromised. We have 
    added a requirement that the PACE organization must respond to the 
    appeal as expeditiously as the participant's health condition requires, 
    but no later than 72 hours after it receives the appeal. The 72-hour 
    timeframe may be extended by up to 14 calendar days if the participant 
    requests the extension or if the organization justifies to the State 
    administering agency the need for additional information and how the 
    delay is in the interest of the participant. These timeframes for 
    responding to expedited appeals are consistent with the requirements 
    for Medicare+Choice plans in 42 CFR 422.590(d), published June 26, 1998 
    (63 FR 35110-35111). We recognize that the outcome of pending 
    litigation may compel modification of this requirement. We will amend 
    the requirement if resolution of the litigation makes changes 
        The PACE organization must take appropriate action as expeditiously 
    as the health condition of the participant requires if, on appeal, a 
    determination is made in favor of the participant. There may be 
    situations in which the PACE organization has made an incorrect or 
    inaccurate assessment of the participant's needs or condition and has 
    denied a service. In these situations, it is critical that care not be 
    delayed and that the participant continue to receive comprehensive care 
    that maintains her or his functional status.
        We have maintained the Protocol requirement that all determinations 
    that are wholly or partially adverse to the participant must be 
    forwarded to HCFA and the State administering agency. We have required 
    that the PACE organization notify HCFA, the State administering agency, 
    and the participant of its actions at the time the decision is made.
        Additional Appeal Rights Under Medicare or Medicaid (Sec. 460.124)
        The PACE organization must also inform participants in writing of 
    their additional appeal rights under Medicaid or Medicare managed care 
    (Sec. 460.124), assist participants in choosing which appeal process to 
    pursue if both are applicable, and then forward the appeal to the 
    appropriate external entity. Participants who are dually eligible for 
    Medicare and Medicaid may utilize either the Medicare or the Medicaid 
    managed care appeal process. In those cases where participants are 
    covered only under one program (Medicare or Medicaid), only the 
    appropriate appeals process would apply.
    Subpart H--Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement
        We have adopted quality assessment and performance improvement 
    requirements that are consistent with the provisions from Part V of the 
    Protocol. We have also added requirements to prepare PACE organizations 
    for the outcome-based continuous quality improvement (OBCQI) system 
    that is being developed under a HCFA contract by the Center for Health 
    Services and Policy Research (CHSPR) at the University of Colorado.
        Sections 1894(e)(3) and 1934(e)(3) of the Act state that under a 
    PACE program agreement, the PACE organization, the Secretary, and the 
    State administering agency shall jointly cooperate in the development 
    and implementation of health status and quality of life outcome 
    measures with respect to PACE participants.
        The CHSPR is developing a core data set that will provide the 
    foundation for OBCQI in PACE. In developing the data set for PACE, 
    CHSPR is examining existing HCFA data instruments such as the Minimum 
    Data Set (a part of the nursing home Resident Assessment Instrument), 
    the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS, a part of the 
    Medicare home health agency conditions of participation, DataPACE 
    (developed by On Lok, Inc. and used currently by PACE demonstration 
    sites), and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) items (an 
    assessment data set used in rehabilitation hospitals), for data items 
    which may be pertinent for PACE. This project supports the development 
    of an OBCQI system for PACE and consists of five tracks of activities: 
    (1) Outcome indicator development; (2) outcome measure development; (3) 
    data item and instrument assessment and specification; (4) feasibility 
    and pilot testing of the measures, the data items, and the system; and 
    (5) construction and finalization of a practical OBCQI program for 
    PACE. The data items to be specified will need to be collected at 
    defined time points. In order to have comparable data across the PACE 
    centers, all PACE providers will be required to collect all items in 
    this data set for each of their PACE centers exactly as specified.
        In spring of 1999, CHSPR began feasibility testing of the proposed 
    data items and the time point for data collection. Pilot testing 
    activities are scheduled March 2000 and continue through November 2000. 
    Draft final recommendations for the core data items, outcome measures, 
    data collection time points, risk-adjustment methods for the 
    organization-level outcome reports, and the OBCQI implementation plan 
    will be available early in 2001 with the final report completed in the 
    spring of 2001.
        The OBCQI system for PACE will be used to assess and improve (where 
    needed) the quality of care provided to PACE participants. In order to 
    have comparable data across the PACE centers, all PACE organizations 
    will be required to collect the items in this data set for each of 
    their PACE centers as specified. If new PACE organizations are 
    investing in data systems, these systems must be flexible enough to 
    incorporate the data items specified as a result of the OBCQI project. 
    HCFA's expectation is that the OBCQI approach resulting from this 
    project will be carefully integrated into, not simply added to or 
    superimposed on, current clinical and administrative practices at the 
    PACE sites. The unique nature of PACE and the health status attributes 
    of PACE participants are being considered in developing the OBCQI 
        HCFA has begun to specify a preliminary classification scheme or 
    framework of outcomes relevant to the PACE program. This taxonomy will 
    be refined over the course of the project to develop an OBCQI system. 
    The initial classification of outcomes includes: functional status, 
    physiologic status and symptom management, cognitive functioning, 
    emotional and mental health status, participant quality of life, 
    caregiver quality of life, satisfaction with care, knowledge and 
    compliance, end of life, and utilization.
        The general framework for the PACE OBCQI system consists of two 
    stages. The first stage is outcome analysis which includes data 
    collection, analysis, and outcome reporting. The second stage is 
    outcome enhancement and entails selecting specific outcomes for review, 
    after which plans of action are documented to change or reinforce care 
    behaviors. A key characteristic of OBCQI is the use of outcomes to help 
    focus efforts in individual PACE sites to improve care behaviors. For 
    the purposes of this project an outcome is defined as a participant or 
    caregiver change in health, knowledge, ability, quality of life, 
    outlook, or motivation that occurs over a period of time. Outcomes can 
    be global ones that
    [[Page 66259]]
    pertain to all PACE participants or can be more focused and pertain to 
    specific types of participants such as those diagnosed with dementia. 
    There are both end-result and instrumental outcomes. An end-result 
    outcome is a change in participant or caregiver status in an area that 
    care is or should be intended to directly impact. Attainment of one or 
    more end-result outcomes is the primary purpose of care (e.g., an 
    improvement in skin breakdown when care has or should have been 
    furnished to maintain or enhance skin integrity). An instrumental 
    outcome is a ``facilitating'' outcome that may be important in 
    attaining an end-result outcome, although it is not the primary purpose 
    of care (e.g., participant adherence to a medication regimen). Outcome 
    indicators are constructs or attributes of change in health status that 
    reflect a participant outcome, but are not concerned with the 
    quantification of the outcome. When the outcome indicator is precisely 
    quantified, it results in an outcome measure.
        PACE organizations and reviewers will be able to use organization-
    level outcome reports to compare one PACE organization and its PACE 
    centers to all other PACE organizations and their PACE centers relative 
    to risk-adjusted outcomes. Additionally, a PACE organization or 
    reviewers will be able to track a given organization's outcomes and 
    evaluate/monitor how the outcomes have changed relative to an earlier 
    time period.
        PACE organizations and States have opportunities to give input into 
    the development of the outcome measures and the OBCQI system. These 
    opportunities include membership in the project Advisory Committee, 
    participation in the clinical and research technical expert panels, and 
    involvement in piloting the data collection instruments, time points 
    for data collection, and the outcome measures. Additionally, feedback 
    and input from State Medicaid representatives and PACE organizations is 
    sought at the annual PACE policy forum sponsored by the National PACE 
    Association (NPA) in the spring of each year.
    General Rule (Sec. 460.130)
        We are requiring the PACE organization to develop, implement, 
    maintain, and evaluate an effective data-driven quality assessment and 
    performance improvement program. It is important that the quality 
    assessment and performance improvement program take into consideration 
    the wide range of services furnished by PACE. Additionally, the program 
    should use data to identify and improve areas of poor performance. The 
    PACE organization must take actions that result in improvements in its 
    performance across the spectrum of care.
    Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Plan (Sec. 460.132)
        The PACE organization must have a written quality assessment and 
    performance improvement plan. Consistent with the protocol, we are 
    requiring PACE organizations to have their quality assessment and 
    performance improvement plan annually reviewed by the PACE governing 
    body and, if necessary, revised. Further, in this section we set forth 
    the minimum requirements for a written plan that specifies how the PACE 
    organization proposes to (1) Identify areas in which to improve or 
    maintain the delivery of services and patient care; (2) develop and 
    implement plans of action to improve or maintain quality of care; and 
    (3) document and disseminate the results of the quality assessment and 
    improvement activities to the PACE staff and subcontractors.
    Minimum Requirements for Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement 
    Program (Sec. 460.134)
        The requirement contained in Sec. 460.134 is consistent with the 
    PACE Protocol, but it provides more explicit information about what 
    types of outcomes must be used to monitor quality. The PACE 
    organization's quality assessment and performance improvement program 
    must include, but need not be limited to, the use of objective measures 
    to demonstrate improved performance with regard to:
        (1) Service utilization. PACE demonstration programs currently 
    collect utilization data such as inpatient hospitalizations and 
    emergency room visits. This information can be used to evaluate fiscal 
    well-being, as well as evaluate quality of care. A PACE organization 
    can use its own utilization data for its PACE centers to compare with 
    other PACE organizations and their centers across the nation. By 
    comparing utilization data across PACE centers, the PACE organizations, 
    HCFA and State administering agencies can identify PACE centers who 
    appear to have unusually high or low utilization of a particular 
    service. Reviewers will be able to target reviews of PACE centers whose 
    utilization data suggest, for example, that participants may be 
    receiving fewer services than necessary to achieve expected outcomes. 
    The purpose of including utilization data in the PACE organization's 
    quality assessment and performance improvement program is to help the 
    PACE organization ensure that participants receive the appropriate 
    level of care through their PACE center. Additionally, using 
    information regarding utilization of and reasons for emergency care and 
    hospital and nursing home admissions, the PACE organization can 
    identify areas for improvement.
        (2) Caregiver and participant satisfaction. Caregiver and 
    participant satisfaction with services is an important element of a 
    quality assessment and performance improvement program. A PACE 
    organization must survey, on an ongoing basis, participants and their 
    caregivers to determine satisfaction with the services furnished and 
    the outcomes achieved. Given the large number of PACE participants who 
    are cognitively impaired and the critical role caregivers play in 
    keeping PACE participants in the community, it is important to survey 
    caregivers about their satisfaction with the program. HCFA expects the 
    PACE organization to use this information to identify opportunities to 
    improve services and caregiver and participant satisfaction. HCFA does 
    not intend, at this point, to prescribe the specific tools for 
    measuring participant and family satisfaction. Since the OBCQI project 
    has not finalized the indicators to measure these issues, it would be 
    unreasonable to request specific data collection for these items at 
    this time. It is the responsibility of the PACE organization to survey 
    the participants and family but HCFA is not specifying the survey tool 
    they must use. The PACE organization will be expected to demonstrate 
    its satisfaction measurement system and how it is used as part of the 
    overall internal quality assessment and performance improvement system. 
    Upon completion of the CHSPR OBCQI project, PACE organizations may be 
    required to collect data on a limited number of specific caregiver and 
    participant satisfaction measures. In developing the measures, we will 
    examine the Consumer Assessments of Health Plans Study Surveys that 
    HCFA is currently using for Medicare managed care plans.
        (3) Measures derived from participant assessment data. These 
    measures can be used to determine if individual and organization-level 
    measurable outcomes are achieved compared to a specified previous time 
    period. These measures should encompass the various areas needed to 
    monitor care for PACE participants, including physiologic, functional, 
    cognitive, mental health, social/behavioral, and quality of life
    [[Page 66260]]
    outcomes. At the completion of the PACE OBCQI project, the types of 
    measures will be specified in these areas. In the meantime, PACE 
    organizations should begin to use similar measures in these areas as 
    part of their internal quality improvement programs. For example, PACE 
    organizations should begin to focus their own quality improvement 
    activities on outcomes such as stabilization in ability to bathe, from 
    a baseline period to each follow-up period; improvement in dyspnea from 
    admission into PACE to a follow-up period; improvement in 
    transportation services over a specific time period; and improvement in 
    caregiver stress from participant admission into PACE to a follow-up 
    time period.
        (4) Effectiveness and safety of staff-provided and contracted 
    services, including the competency of clinical staff, promptness of 
    service delivery, and achievement of treatment goals and measurable 
    outcomes. For participants to experience the outcomes that the PACE 
    benefit is intended to achieve, staff must demonstrate skills and 
    competencies necessary to facilitate those desired outcomes. The PACE 
    organization is expected to include data-based, criterion-referenced 
    performance measures of staff skills, to utilize these data to ensure 
    that staff maintain skills, and to provide training as new techniques 
    and technologies are introduced and as new staff are hired. Each PACE 
    organization will be expected to demonstrate that it has a system of 
    appropriate complexity for keeping track of the skills and competencies 
    of the staff and for effectively identifying and addressing staff 
    training needs. These data should be an integral part of the PACE 
    organization's internal quality assessment and performance improvement 
    program that provides continuous feedback on staff performance.
        (5) Non-clinical areas. The types of outcomes in this area include 
    outcomes related to participants' grievances, transportation services, 
    and meals. For example, if a PACE organization finds a high rate of 
    grievances not resolved, the PACE organization might target its 
    activities to improve the grievance process.
        We expect PACE organizations to use the most current clinical 
    practice guidelines and professional standards in the development of 
    outcome measures applicable to the care of PACE participants. 
    Continuous improvement is only possible through the identification and 
    use of current information, techniques, and practices. While HCFA is 
    not imposing any specific standards of practice, this requirement 
    establishes the expectation that the PACE organization will utilize the 
    current standards as a routine part of its daily operations.
        We have added a requirement that the PACE organization must meet 
    minimum levels of performance on standardized quality measures that 
    will be established by HCFA and the State administering agency which 
    are specified in the PACE program agreement. For example, HCFA might 
    require all PACE organizations to achieve a 95 percent flu immunization 
    rate for their PACE participants. If a PACE organization fails 
    substantially to meet these specified requirements, the continuation of 
    the PACE program agreement may be conditional on the execution of a 
    corrective action plan, or alternatively, some or all further payments 
    for PACE program services may be withheld until the deficiencies have 
    been corrected. We are not establishing minimum performance standards 
    in this regulation. Rather, we will establish minimum performance 
    standards based on analysis of available data sets that are applicable 
    to PACE participants.
        We have added a requirement that the PACE organization take actions 
    to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all data used for outcome 
    monitoring. A data-driven quality assessment and performance 
    improvement program must be based on accurate data. The regulations 
    require that PACE organizations set up mechanisms to check for the 
    accuracy, timely collection, and completeness of all data.
    Internal Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Activities 
    (Sec. 460.136)
        In Sec. 460.136, we require that the PACE organization must use a 
    set of outcome measures to identify areas of good or problematic 
    performance and must take actions targeted at reinforcing or improving 
    care based on these outcome measures.
        The PACE organization also must incorporate any actions resulting 
    in performance improvement into its standards of practice for the 
    delivery of care. A method of periodically tracking performance to 
    assure that any improvements are sustained over time must also be 
    incorporated in the program. The PACE organization must use its own 
    experience from its performance improvement program to change care 
    behaviors and to ensure that these behaviors are sustained.
        Unlike the Protocol, we are requiring the PACE organization to set 
    priorities for performance improvement, considering the prevalence and 
    severity of identified problems and giving priority to improvement 
    activities that affect clinical outcomes. However, any identified 
    problems that directly or potentially threaten the health and safety of 
    participants must be corrected immediately. Prioritizing areas of 
    improvement is essential to ensure consistency in the quality of care 
    furnished over time. Conditions that may threaten the health and safety 
    of participants must be immediately and directly addressed when they 
    are identified.
        Similar to the Protocol, we are requiring the PACE organization to 
    designate an individual to coordinate and oversee implementation of 
    quality assessment and performance improvement activities. The purpose 
    of this requirement is to ensure that the PACE organization designates 
    responsibility for a quality assessment and performance improvement 
    plan and the various activities resulting from this plan. Also, this 
    individual is responsible for ensuring that all team members, PACE 
    staff, and contract providers are aware of the various quality 
    assessment and performance improvement activities.
        We have added a requirement that the PACE organization ensure that 
    all team members, PACE staff, and contract providers are involved in 
    the development and implementation of the quality assessment and 
    performance improvement activities and are aware of the results of 
    these activities. The process of service delivery in PACE requires the 
    team to identify participant problems, determine appropriate treatment 
    objectives, select interventions and evaluate outcomes of care on an 
    individual participant basis. The multidisciplinary teams are in a 
    unique position to provide PACE management with structured feedback on 
    the performance of the PACE program and suggest ways in which 
    performance can be improved. Thus, we expect the PACE organization to 
    make full use of the multidisciplinary team and other staff in 
    contributing to the internal quality improvement program.
        Consistent with the Protocol, we are requiring the PACE 
    organization to involve PACE participants and caregivers in the quality 
    assessment and performance improvement activities, including providing 
    information about their satisfaction with services. One of the best 
    sources of information about the strengths and weaknesses of a program 
    is from the users of the program. In this case, it is important for 
    PACE programs to get feedback from
    [[Page 66261]]
    both PACE participants and caregivers to help identify areas that need 
    Committees With Community Input (Sec. 460.138)
        Similar to the Protocol, we are requiring that the PACE 
    organization develop a committee(s) with community input to (1) 
    evaluate data collected pertaining to quality outcome measures, (2) 
    address the implementation of and results from the quality assessment 
    and performance improvement plan, and (3) provide input related to 
    ethical decision-making including end-of-life issues and implementation 
    of the Patient Self-Determination Act. Through this committee, the PACE 
    organization will be able to receive guidance regarding its quality 
    assessment and performance improvement program and the ethical issues 
    faced by PACE organizations.
    Additional Quality Assessment Activities (Sec. 460.140)
        As the final requirement under Quality Assessment and Performance 
    Improvement as set forth in this section, we require that PACE 
    organizations participate in periodic, external quality improvement 
    reporting requirements as may be specified by the HCFA or the State 
    administering agency. Examples of participation in a quality assessment 
    and performance improvement activity include the reporting of data 
    items for outcome measurement purposes, participation in the survey 
    process, and participation in a HCFA-directed national quality 
    improvement project.
    Subpart I--Participant Enrollment and Disenrollment
    Eligibility To Enroll in a PACE Program (Sec. 460.150)
        In accordance with sections 1894(a)(5) and (c)(1) and 1934(a)(5) 
    and (c)(1) of the Act, we have established Sec. 460.150, to specify the 
    requirements for eligibility to enroll in the PACE program. According 
    to the Protocol, in order to be eligible for enrollment in PACE, an 
    individual must be:
        a. At least fifty-five years of age;
        b. A resident in the PACE organization's service area;
        c. Assessed by the multidisciplinary team; and
        d. Certified by the State Medicaid Agency as eligible for nursing 
    home level of care.
        With the exception of the requirement to be assessed by the 
    multidisciplinary team, these requirements are also included in the 
        Sections 1894(c)(2) and 1934(c)(2) of the Act provide that a PACE 
    program eligible must have a health status comparable to the health 
    status of individuals who have participated in the PACE demonstration 
    waiver programs. Further, sections 1894(c)(2) and 1934(c)(2) of the Act 
    specify that this determination will be based upon information on 
    health status and related indicators (such as medical diagnoses and 
    measures of activities of daily living, instrumental activities of 
    daily living, and cognitive impairment) that are part of a uniform 
    minimum data set collected by PACE organizations on potential PACE 
    program eligible individuals. This provision means that PACE 
    organizations will continue to serve patients who are as frail as those 
    served under the demonstration; this will prevent PACE organizations 
    from selecting enrollees who need less care and whose care is therefore 
    less costly.
        We examined some informational data extracted from the PACE Fact 
    Book (Second Edition, 1996, prepared by On Lok, Inc., 1333 Bush Street, 
    San Francisco, California, 94109) which provides a portrait of 
    participants in the eleven fully-capitated demonstration sites as of 
    December 31, 1995. Activities of daily living (ADL) are personal care 
    tasks (bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and eating) that a 
    person must be able to perform to be considered independent. A person 
    is considered to have an ADL dependency, and a score of ``1'' is 
    assigned, for each of those 5 tasks for which some or full assistance 
    is needed to perform the task. A similar scale measures dependencies in 
    8 instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), which are meal 
    preparation, shopping, housework, laundry, heavy chores, money 
    management, taking medications, and transportation. The 2710 
    participants in these 11 sites at the end of 1995 had an average of 2.8 
    ADL dependencies (varying by site from 2.3 to 3.8) and an average of 
    7.5 IADL dependencies (varying from 6.9 to 7.9 by site). Additionally, 
    these participants had an average of 7.9 medical conditions (varying 
    from 4.9 to 11.0 by site) and an average number of 4.5 errors or 
    unanswered questions (varying from 2.0 to 6.4) on the Short Portable 
    Mental Status Questionnaire used to evaluate mental functioning.
        The PACE Fact Book acknowledges the difficulty of maintaining a 
    valid and consistent data set in a multisite project with sites 
    scattered across the country. However, there are many reasons why the 
    data would be expected to show differences across sites. Although the 
    targeted population for all the PACE demonstration sites is individuals 
    who meet the nursing facility level of care, the specific criteria used 
    to determine if an individual needs this level of care vary by State. 
    Actual implementation of the PACE program also differs in other ways 
    across sites to reflect the particular community in which the site is 
    located. Furthermore, marketing efforts vary, as do the maturity of the 
    site and particular staffing arrangements. We are convinced that any 
    means of determining whether individuals have a health status 
    comparable to that of participants in the PACE demonstration programs 
    must take into account variances among sites and differences across 
    patients within a site. Therefore, we have concluded that we could not 
    develop a tool that would more adequately determine health status 
    comparable to individuals in the PACE demonstration programs than the 
    current criteria used by States to determine if an individual needs a 
    nursing facility level of care.
        In determining how best to implement this requirement, we also 
    considered other safeguards against selective enrollment. Sections 
    1894(c)(3) and 1934(c)(3) of the Act include a requirement that 
    participants be recertified annually as requiring a nursing facility 
    level of care. Under the demonstration program, the need for a nursing 
    facility level of care was a one-time certification. Thus, under the 
    demonstration, PACE organizations could continue to serve individuals 
    who had a short-term need for a nursing facility level of care but 
    whose condition had shown significant improvement. The law's annual 
    recertification requirement ensures that participants will continue to 
    need a nursing facility level of care.
        Additionally, we are implementing a requirement that PACE 
    organizations must notify HCFA and the State administering agency of 
    enrollment denials. HCFA and State administering agencies may analyze 
    this information to detect selective enrollment. Finally, the quality 
    assurance requirements included in these regulations will allow the 
    monitoring of case-mix profiles across sites. While it might be very 
    difficult to identify situations where organizations engage in 
    selective enrollment on an individual participant basis, the improved 
    quality assurance mechanisms will allow the identification and 
    correction of routine instances through the review of organization-
    level case-mix profiles.
        After weighing both the need to maintain State and organization 
    flexibility to develop programs suitable to the communities in which 
    the PACE organizations will operate and the implementation of other 
    safeguards against selective enrollment, we believe
    [[Page 66262]]
    having a health status comparable to the PACE demonstrations is 
    inherently equivalent to needing a nursing facility level of care. We 
    are satisfied that applying the nursing facility level of care 
    requirement in conjunction with the other safeguards discussed will 
    minimize selective enrollment while preserving program flexibility; 
    however, we invite comments with regard to other ways to implement this 
        Additionally, the statute requires that an individual meet any 
    other eligibility conditions imposed under the PACE program agreement. 
    Although we are aware that under the demonstration some PACE sites have 
    set their minimum age limits higher than 55, we believe the provision 
    of the law allowing site-specific eligibility requirements allows for 
    additional requirements not the modification of the three requirements 
    specified in the law.
        We also caution organizations that these site-specific eligibility 
    requirements are not intended to allow programs to discriminate against 
    individuals with problems such as cognitive deficits, disruptive 
    behavior, or substance abuse. Any site-specific eligibility criteria 
    must be specified in the program agreement, and HCFA will not approve 
    criteria that would serve as a way to selectively enroll individuals 
    whose care is anticipated to be less costly or who are thought to be 
    easier to care for.
        The eligibility requirement specified in Sec. 450.150(c) 
    incorporates the Protocol provision that at the point of enrollment an 
    individual's condition must be such that his or her health or safety 
    would not be jeopardized by living in a community setting. We recognize 
    that enrollment in the PACE program is not appropriate for everyone who 
    meets the basic eligibility criteria. Determining whether or not an 
    individual's health or safety would be jeopardized by living in the 
    community setting involves assessing the individual's care support 
    network as well as the individual's health condition. As specified in 
    Sec. 460.152(a)(4), this determination is made by the PACE organization 
    when assessing whether the potential participant can be cared for 
    appropriately in this program. Consequently, we have not included the 
    Protocol requirement regarding assessment by the multidisciplinary team 
    in the eligibility criteria. We believe that the intent of this 
    Protocol requirement is preserved through the intake process 
    requirements in Sec. 460.152.
        We have reflected in the regulations the statutory provision in 
    sections 1894(i) and 1934(j) of the Act that PACE program eligibility 
    is not contingent upon an individual's eligibility for Medicare or 
    Enrollment Process (Sec. 460.152)
        We have established Sec. 460.152 to specify the PACE organization's 
    responsibility during the intake process and actions required in the 
    event a potential PACE participant is denied enrollment because his or 
    her health or safety would be jeopardized by living in a community 
        Although we recognize that the intake process must be flexible, we 
    have specified certain steps that must, at a minimum, be included. 
    These are not intended to be sequential steps and may in fact occur 
    concurrently. Potential participants need reliable, accurate 
    information on the PACE delivery system in order to make a rational 
    decision whether to enroll. There is both a legal and an ethical 
    obligation to inform potential participants about how the PACE 
    organization controls and affects the delivery of health care and other 
    services, albeit in full partnership with the participant. The 
    following discussion describes the information that is made available 
    to the potential participant routinely and upon request. One-on-one 
    assistance is provided throughout the pre-enrollment process. In all 
    situations, the information is provided in a culturally competent 
    manner, including providing information in a language understood by the 
        The most basic disclosure is that all health care services must be 
    received through the PACE organization. Once that disclosure is made 
    and understood by the potential participant, other key disclosures 
    relate to what is included within and what is excluded from the PACE 
    program, what costs would be borne by the participant, how to access 
    emergency services, and how the grievance and appeals processes work. 
    Other information that should be disclosed upon request includes the 
    process that the PACE organization uses to decide that drugs, devices, 
    and procedures are experimental and whether the PACE organization uses 
    a drug formulary.
        The uniqueness of the PACE model depends upon the partnership 
    formed between the participant and the multidisciplinary team. 
    Therefore, a potential participant should be made aware of how the team 
    works, who is on it, and what choices exist for participant selection 
    of a primary care physician. The participant must also know how the 
    organization provides access to services not provided directly by the 
    multidisciplinary team, to contractors who furnish specialty services, 
    to health care facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes, and to 
    home health care. Also, participants may request information regarding 
    whether there are financial incentives to providers. Finally, to the 
    extent that board certification and other credentials, clinical 
    protocols and medical practice guidelines, consumer satisfaction survey 
    results, or the results of the organization's most recent Federal or 
    State review are of particular interest to participants, these must be 
    disclosed upon request.
        With regard to specific intake tasks, we have deleted the Protocol 
    requirement for a complete assessment by the multidisciplinary team 
    prior to the denial of enrollment based on health and safety issues. We 
    believe that such a determination can generally be made without a 
    complete multidisciplinary team assessment and that this is consistent 
    with actual practice under the PACE demonstration program. As an 
    additional protection against selective enrollment, we have added a 
    requirement that HCFA and the State administering agency must be 
    notified when potential participants are denied enrollment because the 
    PACE organization has determined that their health or safety would be 
    jeopardized in a community setting. Additional wording and organization 
    changes have been made in this section; however, except where otherwise 
    specifically noted, our intent is to clarify, not change, the 
    enrollment process as described in the Protocol.
        If a prospective participant is denied enrollment because his or 
    her health or safety would be jeopardized by living in the community, 
    we are requiring the PACE organization to inform the individual in 
    writing of the reason for the denial; as appropriate, refer the 
    individual to alternative services; retain supporting documentation of 
    the reason for the determination; and notify HCFA and the State 
    administering agency as well as make the documentation available for 
    Enrollment Agreement (Sec. 460.154)
        While the program agreement will contain the specific enrollment 
    and disenrollment procedures to be followed by the PACE organization, 
    in Sec. 460.154 we are specifying general requirements which must be 
    met by all PACE organizations. The statute is silent as to any general 
    enrollment requirements; however, it provides that the regulations 
    should incorporate, to the extent possible, the requirements applied to 
    the PACE demonstration waiver programs under the PACE Protocol.
    [[Page 66263]]
    Thus, we are adopting the Protocol enrollment and disenrollment 
    provisions with the exceptions noted below.
        We have removed the reference to the Member Handbook because we 
    found the distinction between the Member Handbook and the Enrollment 
    Agreement to be confusing. We have defined the minimum information 
    which must be included in the Enrollment Agreement to incorporate those 
    materials which would generally be expected to be included in a Member 
    Handbook. Although PACE organizations may actually utilize a cover 
    sheet to obtain the participant's signature and a ``handbook'' to 
    provide the required information, the cover sheet alone does not 
    constitute the Enrollment Agreement and must be accompanied by the 
    additional minimum information specified when provided to the 
        Although this is not a change from current practice, we would like 
    to emphasize that an individual who accepts PACE as his/her sole source 
    of services could not then make an election of hospice care under 
    section 1812(d) of the Act and 42 CFR 418.24 or section 1905(o)(2) of 
    the Act. However, hospice-type services are available from the PACE 
    organization since the PACE model of care is designed to furnish 
    services which meet health care needs along a continuum.
        We have added a requirement for the Enrollment Agreement to include 
    notification that Medicaid recipients and individuals dually-eligible 
    for Medicare and Medicaid enrolled in PACE are not liable for any 
    premiums, but they may be held liable for any applicable spenddown 
    liability under 42 CFR 435.121 and 435.831 and any amounts due under 
    the post-eligibility treatment of income process under Sec. 460.184.
        We also added a requirement for the Enrollment Agreement to include 
    information on the consequences of subsequent enrollment in other 
    optional Medicare or Medicaid programs following disenrollment from 
    PACE. This is intended to ensure that participants are informed in 
    advance of conditions that might apply if they are disenrolled from 
    PACE and elect, for example, to enroll in another prepayment plan.
        We have added a requirement that any changes to the information 
    contained in the Enrollment Agreement must be provided to the 
    participant in writing and be fully discussed with the participant and 
    his or her representative or caregiver. We feel it is essential that 
    all participants be aware of any changes in this information in order 
    to protect and exercise their rights.
    Other Enrollment Procedures (Sec. 460.156)
        We have established this section to specify the documentation that 
    must be provided to a PACE participant who signs the enrollment 
    agreement. Specifically, a PACE participant must be given a copy of the 
    Enrollment Agreement, a PACE membership card, emergency information to 
    be posted in his or her home identifying the individual as a PACE 
    participant which includes the phone number of the PACE organization, 
    and when applicable, stickers for the PACE participant's Medicare or 
    Medicaid cards (or both) that indicate the individual is a PACE 
    participant and include the phone number of the PACE organization.
        In addition, the PACE organization must submit participant 
    information to HCFA and the State administering agency in accordance 
    with established procedures.
        We have also included a requirement that, in the event there are 
    changes in the Enrollment Agreement information at any time during the 
    participant's enrollment, the PACE organization must provide to the 
    participant an updated copy of the information to the participant at 
    least 60 days before any change, and explain the changes to the 
    participant and his or her representative or caregiver in a manner they 
    Effective Date of Enrollment (Sec. 460.158)
        Consistent with the Protocol, we have established this section to 
    specify that a PACE participant's enrollment in the program is 
    effective the first day of the calendar month following the date the 
    PACE organization receives the signed enrollment agreement.
    Continuation of Enrollment (Sec. 460.160)
        In this section we have specified that a PACE participant's 
    enrollment continues until death regardless of changes in health status 
    unless the PACE participant voluntarily disenrolls in accordance with 
    Sec. 460.162, or is involuntarily disenrolled in accordance with 
    Sec. 460.164.
        We have incorporated the statutory requirement contained in 
    sections 1894(c)(3) and 1934(c)(3) of the Act for an annual 
    recertification of the need for a nursing facility level of care. We 
    believe that the law contemplated that reevaluations would be conducted 
    by the State administering agency for all participants, whether 
    Medicaid eligible or not.
        The statute provides that this annual reevaluation may be waived 
    for those individuals for whom the State administering agency 
    determines there is no reasonable expectation of improvement or 
    significant change in condition. As a waiver could not be granted until 
    the first annual recertification is due, a participant for whom this 
    requirement is waived would have been receiving services under the PACE 
    program for at least a year. We feel it is unlikely, especially in view 
    of the age and frailty of PACE participants as a whole, that a person 
    who has not shown significant improvement in the past year would show 
    significant enough improvement in the future to no longer need a 
    nursing facility level of care. The law permits a waiver ``during a 
    period in accordance with regulations'' in those cases where the State 
    administering agency determines no reasonable expectation of 
    improvement. Therefore, we are providing in regulations that such a 
    waiver should be for the life of the participant; the reasons for the 
    waiver must be explicitly documented in the medical record. We 
    recognize that this regulation as drafted does not provide a mechanism 
    for reinitiating the recertification process once a waiver has been 
    granted, and we invite comments on this issue.
        Finally, sections 1894(c)(4) and 1934(c)(4) of the Act allow for 
    the continuing, or deemed, eligibility of those individuals who are 
    determined through the annual recertification process to no longer meet 
    the nursing facility level of care requirement if, in the absence of 
    continued coverage under PACE, the individual would reasonably be 
    expected to again meet the nursing facility level of care within the 
    next 6 months. We feel this determination should be made by the State 
    administering agency, which may solicit input from the PACE 
    organization and that the deemed eligibility should continue until the 
    next annual recertification. While it is the State's responsibility to 
    determine the need for nursing facility level of care, the PACE 
    organization has a detailed knowledge of the day-to-day care and 
    service requirements of the individual participants and would, 
    therefore, be better able to predict a participant's reaction to the 
    loss of PACE services. We invite comments on whether this 
    responsibility should be shared or carried out solely by either the 
    State administering agency or the PACE organization. We also invite 
    comments on whether this deemed eligibility should continue for 12 
    months (until
    [[Page 66264]]
    the next annual recertification is due) or for a shorter period.
    Voluntary Disenrollment (Sec. 460.162)
        In accordance with sections 1894(c)(5)(A) and 1934(c)(5)(A) of the 
    Act, this section specifies that a PACE participant may voluntarily 
    disenroll from the program without cause at any time.
    Involuntary Disenrollment (Sec. 460.164)
        In accordance with sections 1894(c)(5)(B) and 1934(c)(5)(B) of the 
    Act, we have established this section to specify the conditions under 
    which a PACE participant can be involuntarily disenrolled from the PACE 
    program. The Protocol, in Part III, section D.1, describes various 
    circumstances under which a participant may be involuntarily 
        The statutory language at sections 1894(c)(5)(B) and 1934(c)(5)(B) 
    of the Act provides that a participant may only be involuntarily 
    disenrolled for nonpayment of premiums (if applicable) on a timely 
    basis or for engaging in disruptive or threatening behavior. We have 
    incorporated the Protocol requirement that a participant may be 
    involuntarily disenrolled if he/she fails to pay or to make 
    satisfactory arrangements to pay any premium due the PACE organization 
    after a 30-day grace period.
        We have incorporated the following reasons for involuntary 
    disenrollment from the Protocol:
        a. The participant moves out of the PACE program service area or is 
    out of the service area for more than 30 days unless the PACE 
    organization agrees to a longer absence due to extenuating 
        b. The PACE organization is unable to offer health care services 
    due to the loss of State licenses or contracts with outside providers.
        We have also added as a reason for involuntary disenrollment that 
    the PACE organization agreement with HCFA and the State administering 
    agency is not renewed or is terminated. In all of these situations the 
    disenrollment is not a subjective determination made by the PACE 
    organization but is necessary due to outside causes. We also 
    incorporated as a reason for involuntary disenrollment the statutory 
    provision regarding the annual recertification of nursing facility 
    level of care.
        We did not incorporate the following reasons for disenrollment from 
    the Protocol: the participant refuses to provide accurate financial 
    information, provides false information or illegally transfers assets. 
    As these situations would affect the determination of Medicaid 
    eligibility, we believe they would actually prevent enrollment in the 
    first place. However, if the individual is already enrolled when these 
    situations occur or are discovered, they may affect the participant's 
    payment responsibility and thus lead to either voluntary disenrollment 
    or involuntary disenrollment based on failure to pay. We also did not 
    incorporate, as a reason for disenrollment, a breakdown in the 
    physician and/or team and participant relationship. Since this 
    relationship and the functioning of the multidisciplinary team are 
    critical to the success of the PACE model, we expect that a breakdown 
    in team function would signal a severe problem that needed attention 
    from HCFA and the State administering agency far surpassing a review of 
    an involuntary disenrollment decision.
        In revising the Protocol provisions to incorporate the statutory 
    provision regarding disruptive or threatening behavior, we felt the 
    need to balance two concerns: first, to protect participants who are 
    exhibiting difficult behaviors from being ``dumped'' by the PACE 
    organization but secondly to provide a safeguard which allows the 
    organization to disenroll a competent but noncompliant participant 
    whose behavior disrupts the organization's ability to furnish adequate 
    services to that individual for reasons beyond the organization's 
    control. Therefore, after consulting with State agencies, we have 
    defined a person who engages in disruptive or threatening behavior as:
        a. A person whose behavior is jeopardizing his/her health or safety 
    or that of others, or
        b. A person with decision-making capacity who consistently refuses 
    to comply with his/her individual plan of care or the terms of the 
    Enrollment Agreement.
        However, a PACE organization may not involuntarily disenroll a PACE 
    participant on the grounds that the individual has engaged in 
    noncompliant behavior if such behavior is related to a mental or 
    physical condition of the individual unless the individual's behavior 
    is jeopardizing his/her health or safety or that of others. The term 
    ``noncompliant behavior'' includes repeated noncompliance with medical 
    advice and repeated failure to keep appointments.
        While we believe this definition provides a necessary safeguard, we 
    are certainly not suggesting that a participant should be disenrolled 
    at the first sign of difficulty. We caution organizations to use this 
    authority only as a last resort when all reasonable remedies (which 
    must be documented in the medical record) have been exhausted.
        Based on sections 1894(c)(5)(B)(iii) and 1934(c)(5)(B)(iii) of the 
    Act, we specify that proposed involuntary disenrollments are subject to 
    a timely review and final determination prior to the proposed 
    disenrollment becoming effective. This provision further protects the 
    participant from ``dumping'' by the organization and provides for the 
    continuation of services until a final determination is made. The State 
    administering agencies would review all proposed involuntary 
    disenrollments. We also invite comments on whether the regulations 
    should specify a time frame in which the review must be conducted and, 
    if so, what an appropriate timeframe is.
    Effective Date of Disenrollment (Sec. 460.166)
        We are requiring that the PACE organization must use the most 
    expedient process allowed for by Medicare and Medicaid procedures as 
    specified in the program agreement while ensuring that the 
    disenrollment date is coordinated between Medicare and Medicaid (for 
    participants who are dually-eligible for both programs) and that 
    reasonable advance notice is given to the participant. We are further 
    requiring that, until such time the enrollment is terminated, PACE 
    participants must continue to use PACE organization services and remain 
    liable for any premiums, and the PACE organization must continue to 
    furnish all needed services.
    Reinstatement in Other Medicare and Medicaid Programs (Sec. 460.168)
        We have established this section to prescribe the PACE 
    organization's responsibility to facilitate a PACE participant's 
    reinstatement in other Medicare and Medicaid programs after 
    disenrollment. We are requiring that the PACE organization make 
    appropriate referrals and ensure medical records are made available to 
    new providers in a timely manner. In addition, we are requiring that 
    the PACE organization work with the State administering agency and HCFA 
    to reinstate the participant in other Medicare and Medicaid programs 
    for which the individual is eligible.
    Reinstatement in PACE (Sec. 460.170)
        Section 460.170 provides that a previously disenrolled participant 
    may be reinstated in the PACE program. We did not adopt the protocol 
    provision limiting a participant to a one-time-only
    [[Page 66265]]
    reinstatement following a voluntary disenrollment because we believe 
    that frail elderly individuals may experience living arrangement 
    changes that take them in and out of a PACE organization's service area 
    and result in unavoidable disenrollments. We have retained the Protocol 
    provision that a PACE participant can be reinstated in the PACE program 
    with no break in coverage if the reason for the disenrollment was 
    failure to pay the premiums and the PACE participant pays the premium 
    before the effective date of the disenrollment.
    Documentation of Disenrollments (Sec. 460.172)
        We have established Sec. 460.172 to specify that a PACE 
    organization must have a procedure in place to document the reasons for 
    all voluntary and involuntary disenrollments; make the documentation 
    available for review by HCFA and the State administering agency; and 
    use the information on voluntary disenrollments in the PACE 
    organization's internal quality assessment and performance improvement 
    Subpart J--Payment
        Sections 1894(d) and 1934(d) of the Act require that payment to a 
    PACE organization be based on a capitation amount. The Medicare 
    capitation amount will be based upon the Medicare+Choice payment rates 
    established under section 1853 of the Act. The Medicaid capitation 
    amount is negotiated between the State and the PACE organization.
        The following basic principles distinguish the PACE financing model 
    from traditional Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement:
         Obligation for payments is shared by Medicare, Medicaid, 
    and individuals.
         Medicare, Medicaid, and private payments for acute, long-
    term care, and other services are pooled.
         The capitation rates paid by Medicare and Medicaid are 
    designed to result in cost savings relative to expenditures that would 
    otherwise be paid for a comparable nursing-facility-eligible population 
    not enrolled under the PACE program.
         The PACE organization accepts the capitation payment 
    amounts described in this section as payment in full from Medicare and 
    Medicare Payment to PACE Organizations (Sec. 460.180)
        Section 1894(d) of the Act requires us to make prospective monthly 
    payments of a capitation amount for each PACE program eligible 
    individual enrolled in the same manner and from the same sources as 
    payments are made to a Medicare+Choice organization under section 1853 
    of the Act. Payments are to be adjusted in the manner described in 
    section 1853(a)(2) or section 1876(a)(1)(E) of the Act; that is, 
    retroactively adjusted to take into account any difference between the 
    actual number of participants and the estimated number of participants 
    to be enrolled in determining the amount of the advance payment.
        Consistent with the basic methodology applied to risk-based HMOs, 
    PACE organizations will receive monthly payments based on an interim 
    per capita rate per participant. Under that methodology, separate rates 
    are established for Part A and Part B. The PACE organization receives 
    payments based on each participant's entitlement to Medicare Part A and 
    B. Therefore, if the participant is entitled to Part A benefits, but is 
    not enrolled under Part B, the PACE organization receives only the 
    monthly capitation rate established for Part A. For Medicare Part A-
    only participants who are also eligible for Medicaid, the State is 
    obligated to pay Medicare Part B premiums under section 1902(a)(10) of 
    the Act. Therefore, PACE organizations should verify at the time of 
    enrollment whether the participant is dually eligible for Medicare and 
    Medicaid and whether the participant has Medicare Part A and Part B. 
    Payment for a participant will begin with the effective date of 
    enrollment (see Sec. 460.158).
        Under section 1894(d)(2) of the Act, the capitation amount should 
    be adjusted to take into account the comparative frailty of PACE 
    participants and other factors the Secretary determines to be 
    appropriate. As explained below, a frailty factor and an adjustment 
    factor for PACE participants who have end-stage renal disease (ESRD) 
    will be applied to the appropriate payment rate.
    Frailty Factor
        Under the PACE demonstration, the Medicare capitation rate for each 
    PACE organization was calculated using HCFA's standard Adjusted Average 
    Per Capita Cost (AAPCC) methodology developed in accordance with the 
    1982 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act to pay risk-based health 
    maintenance organizations for Medicare enrollees. However, instead of 
    using the usual adjustments for age, sex, welfare status, institutional 
    status, employment status, and disability, there is one frailty 
    adjuster of 2.39 for all PACE participants except those diagnosed with 
    ESRD. As of January 1, 1998, instead of using the AAPCC, the Medicare 
    capitation rate paid to PACE demonstration projects is calculated using 
    the Medicare+Choice rates with the frailty adjuster of 2.39.
        This frailty factor was developed for the PACE demonstration sites 
    using information gathered from the ``pre-Channeling'' demonstrations 
    serving the nursing-facility-eligible population and information from 
    the cost experience at On Lok, which began receiving Medicare and 
    Medicaid payments in 1983. (The pre-Channeling demonstration targeted 
    the frail elderly and provided case management and community-based 
    services in order to decrease the use of institutional care.) Studies 
    have been done to examine the accuracy of the 2.39 factor. Researchers 
    at the Bigel Institute for Health Policy did a study in 1990 to 
    estimate the per capita costs of the nursing-facility-eligible 
    population in the period 1984-1985. They linked data from the 1984 
    National Long-Term Care Survey (which collected health and functional 
    status information on Medicare beneficiaries) to Medicare claims. Their 
    cost estimates suggest that the per capita Medicare costs for the 
    nursing-facility-eligible population averaged 2.42 times the average 
    Medicare costs for the overall elderly population.
        In 1998, the University of Wisconsin assessed the adequacy of this 
    factor in relation to the Medicare costs experienced by nursing-
    facility-eligible populations. The authors found significant variation 
    among States in the manner in which nursing-facility-eligibility is 
    determined. The application of these various definitions of nursing-
    facility-eligible to available survey data indicates that there is a 
    natural clustering of results, despite the apparent difference among 
    definition formats. Marginal cost differences between nursing-facility-
    eligible and non-nursing-facility-eligible individuals can be explained 
    in part by key variables: age, sex, functional impairment, and the 
    level of recent health service utilization. With no prior risk 
    adjustment, the data suggest that an average frailty factor of about 
    200 percent is appropriate. However, this factor should be adjusted for 
    the profile of participants at each site. These studies relate to 
    populations that are nursing-facility-eligible and not specifically to 
    PACE. Consequently, we believe that the 2.39 factor used in the 
    demonstration is an appropriate interim payment measure. As discussed 
    later in this section, we are working to develop a risk adjustment 
    methodology that will account for the relative frailty of the PACE 
    [[Page 66266]]
    End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Adjustment
        Under the PACE demonstration, PACE programs have been paid in two 
    ways for Medicare ESRD participants. Each month for each ESRD 
    participant, the PACE program is paid the AAPCC Part A and Part B ESRD 
    rate. The rate is not adjusted by the 2.39 frailty factor. Instead, 
    PACE programs receive additional payment each month for the actual cost 
    of services in excess of the AAPCC ESRD payment rate. However, section 
    1894(d) of the Act does not contemplate payment of actual cost.
        An analysis of 1994 Medicare claims data for ESRD patients shows 
    that Medicare expenditures for ESRD patients who are 75 or older are 
    significantly higher than expenditures for all ESRD patients. This 
    finding has been fairly constant over time. The group of ESRD patients 
    who are 75 or over tend to be very frail and in most cases would be 
    considered nursing-facility-eligible. This group of elderly ESRD 
    patients can be used as a proxy for ESRD patients who are nursing-
    facility-eligible. ESRD patients who are 75 or over have 46 percent 
    higher Part A expenditures relative to all ESRD patients, while their 
    Part B expenditures are 36 percent higher. We have applied this 
    information to calculate adjusters for ESRD patients enrolled in PACE. 
    Thus, the Part A ESRD adjuster will be 1.46 and the Part B ESRD 
    adjuster will be 1.36. We welcome comments on these adjustment factors. 
    As discussed in more detail below, these adjustment factors are 
    established as an interim measure pending development of a risk 
    adjustment methodology.
    Risk Adjustment
        Section 1853(a)(3) of the Act requires that payment rates to 
    Medicare+Choice plans be risk-adjusted starting January 1, 2000. At the 
    present time HCFA is developing the risk adjustment methodology and 
    evaluating how to apply the methodology to PACE and other HCFA 
    demonstration projects. The Announcement of Calendar Year 2000 
    Medicare+Choice Payment Rates, published January 15, 1999 on the HCFA 
    website, displays the risk adjustor rates and methodology that will be 
    effective for Medicare+Choice plans starting January 1, 2000. The 
    demographic rate methodology will be phased out, while a risk 
    methodology using health status will be phased in. By 2003, 80 percent 
    of the capitated payments will be based on health status risk 
    adjustors, while 20 percent will be based on the existing AAPCC rate 
    structure. Specific HCFA demonstrations programs and PACE will not 
    implement the new risk adjustor methodology on January 1, 2000, but 
    will have a one-year deferral. This extension is needed to study the 
    applicability and impact of risk adjustment on capitated payments for 
    the frail.
        We anticipate using the encounter data and other types of 
    information collected from Medicare+Choice organizations and PACE 
    organizations to conduct research to evaluate risk adjustment payment 
    options for special populations such as PACE participants and examine 
    the possibility of using a hybrid methodology.
        We will require initially that each PACE organization submit 
    inpatient hospital encounter data using the UB-92 to HCFA through a 
    fiscal intermediary (FI), similar to the requirements for 
    Medicare+Choice plans. The PACE organizations will need to establish 
    electronic linkages with the designated FIs and may need to modify 
    their contracts with hospitals to ensure that a completed UB-92 for 
    each hospital discharge of a PACE participant is provided by the 
    hospital to the PACE organization. We will subsequently require PACE 
    organizations to submit additional encounter data consistent with the 
    encounter data requirements for Medicare+Choice plans set forth in 42 
    CFR 422.257, published in the Federal Register on June 26, 1998 (63 FR 
        In order to develop a frailty adjustor for payment to PACE 
    organizations, we may also collect and analyze data on functional 
    status of PACE participants to profile participants at each PACE site. 
    PACE demonstration projects are participating in the Health Outcomes 
    Survey. PACE organizations may be required to collect this or similar 
    functional data in order to adjust the Medicare+Choice payment rates. 
    Until we develop a specific risk adjustment methodology for PACE, we 
    will continue to adjust PACE rates using the frailty and ESRD adjustors 
    described above. We welcome comments on this issue.
    Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP)
        We specify the application of MSP provisions because HCFA cannot 
    pay for PACE services to the extent that Medicare is not the primary 
    payer under section 1862(b) of the Act and 42 CFR part 411. We require 
    the PACE organization to identify payers that are primary to Medicare, 
    determine the amounts payable by those payers, and coordinate its 
    benefits to Medicare participants with the benefits of the primary 
        Under MSP provisions, the PACE organization may charge other 
    individuals or entities for PACE services covered under Medicare for 
    which Medicare is not the primary payer, as follows:
         If a Medicare participant receives from a PACE 
    organization covered services that are also covered under State or 
    Federal workers' compensation, any no-fault insurance, or any liability 
    insurance policy or plan, including a self-insured plan, the PACE 
    organization may charge--
        + The insurance carrier, the employer, or any other entity that is 
    liable for payment for the services under section 1862(b) of the Act 
    and 42 CFR part 411; and
        + The Medicare participant, to the extent that he or she has been 
    paid by the carrier, employer, or entity.
         If Medicare payment is precluded by section 1862(b) of the 
    Act for services that a PACE organization furnished to a Medicare 
    participant who is covered under a group health plan (GHP) or large 
    group health plan (LGHP), the organization may charge the GHP or LGHP 
    for those services and may charge the Medicare participant to the 
    extent that he or she has been paid by the GHP or LGHP for those 
    Medicaid Payment (Sec. 460.182)
        Section 1934(d) of the Act requires a State to make prospective 
    monthly capitated payments for each PACE program participant eligible 
    for medical assistance under the State plan. The capitation payment 
    amount must be specified in the PACE program agreement and be less, 
    taking into account the frailty of PACE participants, than the amount 
    that would otherwise have been paid under the State plan if the 
    individuals were not enrolled in a PACE program.
        A national Medicaid rate-setting methodology for PACE has not been 
    established. Rather, each State which elects PACE as a Medicaid State 
    plan option will develop a payment amount based on the cost of 
    comparable services for the State's nursing-facility-eligible 
    population. Generally, the amounts are based on a blend of the cost of 
    nursing home and community-based care for the frail elderly. The 
    monthly capitation payment amount is negotiated between the PACE 
    organization and the State administering agency and can be renegotiated 
    on an annual basis.
        As these statutory requirements do not differ from the Protocol 
    requirements regarding Medicaid payments under the PACE demonstration, 
    the regulations mirror the Protocol requirements.
    [[Page 66267]]
    Post-Eligibility Treatment of Income (Sec. 460.184)
        Section 1934(b)(1)(A)(i) of the Act indicates that a PACE 
    organization shall provide, to eligible individuals, all covered items 
    and services without application of deductibles, copayments, 
    coinsurance, or other cost sharing that would otherwise apply under 
    Medicare or Medicaid. Section 1934(i) of the Act permits States to use 
    post-eligibility treatment of income in the same manner as it is 
    applied for individuals receiving services under a waiver under section 
    1915(c) of the Act.
        The post-eligibility treatment of income provision reduces the 
    amount of Medicaid payments to a PACE organization by the amount 
    remaining after specified deductions are made from the income of the 
    PACE participant. The income remaining after these deductions are 
    applied is the amount a participant is liable to pay toward the cost of 
    the PACE services. Therefore, an argument could be made that sections 
    1934(b) and (i) of the Act are in conflict since under section 1934(i) 
    PACE participants may incur limited liability for part of the cost of 
    their services. However, we have concluded that the type of Medicaid 
    participant liability permitted by section 1934(i) is not cost sharing 
    prohibited by section 1934(b)(1)(A)(I).
        Section 1902(a)(17) of the Act permits an individual (or family) 
    who has more income than allowed for Medicaid eligibility to reduce 
    excess income by incurring expenses for medical and/or remedial care to 
    establish Medicaid eligibility. However, this spenddown process is used 
    in establishing Medicaid eligibility rather than being the type of cost 
    sharing prohibited by section 1934(b)(1)(A)(I).
        We interpret section 1934(b)(1)(A)(I) to refer to deductibles, 
    copayments, coinsurance or other cost sharing beyond participant 
    liabilities related to Medicaid eligibility. Any other reading of the 
    law would make section 1934(i) merely surplusage which could not be 
    given meaning. Therefore, to give meaning to each of the sections of 
    the Act at issue here, we are providing in section 460.184, which 
    implements section 1934(i), references to 42 CFR 435.726 and 435.735 
    which lay out the post-eligibility treatment of income and resource 
    requirements which may be applied here in the same manner as applied to 
    individuals receiving home and community-based services.
    Conforming Amendments
        The BBA also made conforming amendments to sections 1924(a)(5) and 
    1903(f)(4)(C) of the Act pertaining to eligibility for medical 
    assistance. Section 1924(a)(5) was revised to indicate that special 
    treatment of income and resources for institutionalized spouses in 
    determining eligibility for medical assistance is applied to 
    individuals receiving services under a PACE program under section 1934 
    or 1894. Further, section 710 of the Omnibus Appropriation Bill (Pub. 
    L. 105-277), enacted October 21, 1998, permits PACE program eligible 
    individuals enrolled in a PACE program under section 1934 of the Act to 
    be eligible for Medicaid under the optional categorically needy 
    eligibility group at section 1902(a)(10(A)(ii)(IV) of the Act. Under 
    this authority, States can determine eligibility for PACE enrollees 
    using institutional rules, including use of the special income level 
    group at section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(IV) of the Act.
    PACE Premiums (Sec. 460.186)
        Neither section 1894 nor section 1934 of the Act addresses the 
    premiums a PACE organization can charge a PACE participant. In 
    accordance with sections 1894(f)(2) and 1934(f)(2) of the Act, we have 
    adopted most of the PACE premium requirements from Part VI, section D, 
    of the Protocol into the regulations.
        It is important to note that the term ``premiums'' as used in this 
    regulation does not include spenddown liability under 42 CFR 435.121 
    and 435.831, or post-eligibility treatment of income under 
    Sec. 460.184. This use of the word is more narrow than the way the word 
    is used in the Protocol, where a participant's ``share of cost'' 
    responsibility under Medicaid is referred to as a type of premium. PACE 
    organizations can continue to collect any liability due them under 
    Medicaid spenddown and post-eligibility processes, but that liability 
    is not a premium.
        We specify that a participant's monthly premium responsibility 
    depends upon his or her eligibility under Medicare and Medicaid.
        The Protocol says that the premium for Medicare-only participants 
    is equal to the Medicaid capitation amount. Nearly all Medicare 
    participants have both Part A and Part B, and the capitation amount 
    that Medicare pays is the sum of both Part A and Part B capitation 
    rates. However, section 1894(a)(1) of the Act permits an individual who 
    is entitled to Medicare benefits under Part A or enrolled under Part B 
    to enroll in the PACE program. For those rare persons who are eligible 
    under only one part, the Medicare capitation amount will be only the 
    portion for that part. Such a participant is required to make up the 
    difference, that is, pay an additional premium amount equal to the 
    missing piece of the Medicare capitation amount. We specify the 
    premiums for Medicare-only participants as follows--
         For a participant who is entitled to Medicare Part A and 
    enrolled under Medicare Part B, but is not eligible for Medicaid, the 
    premium equals the Medicaid capitation amount.
         For a participant who is entitled to Medicare Part A, but 
    is not enrolled under Part B and is not eligible for Medicaid, the 
    premium equals the Medicaid capitation amount plus the Medicare Part B 
    capitation rate.
         For a participant who is enrolled only under Medicare Part 
    B and is not eligible for Medicaid, the premium equals the Medicaid 
    capitation amount plus the Medicare Part A capitation rate.
        We specify that no premium may be charged to a participant who is 
    dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid or one who is only 
    eligible for Medicaid.
    Subpart K--Federal/State Monitoring
    Monitoring During Trial Period (Sec. 460.190)
        Sections 1894(e)(4)(A) and 1934(e)(4)(A) of the Act provide for 
    annual close oversight during the trial period, which is a PACE 
    organization's first 3 contract years (see sections 1894(a)(9) and 
    1934(a)(9) of the Act). We have established Sec. 460.190 to address the 
    law's requirements for review during the trial period. During the trial 
    period, HCFA in cooperation with the State administering agency will 
    conduct comprehensive annual reviews of a PACE organization.
        In accordance with the law, the review will include an on-site 
    visit to the PACE organization, a comprehensive assessment of the 
    organization's fiscal soundness, a comprehensive assessment of the 
    organization's capacity to furnish all PACE services to all enrolled 
    participants, a detailed analysis of the organization's substantial 
    compliance with all significant requirements of sections 1894 and 1934 
    and these regulations, and any other elements that HCFA or the State 
    administering agency find necessary.
        We anticipate that on-site reviews would be conducted by a survey 
    team that includes an individual who is experienced in providing care 
    to the frail elderly and is knowledgeable about the PACE service 
    delivery system.
    [[Page 66268]]
    Ongoing Monitoring After Trial Period (Sec. 460.192)
        In accordance with paragraph (e)(4)(B) of sections 1894 and 1934 of 
    the Act, we specify that at the conclusion of the trial period, HCFA, 
    in cooperation with the State administering agency, continues to 
    conduct reviews of a PACE program, as appropriate. These reviews will 
    take into account the performance level of the PACE organization with 
    respect to the quality of care provided and compliance of the 
    organization in meeting the PACE program requirements. Such reviews 
    will include an on-site visit at least every two years.
    Corrective Action (Sec. 460.194)
        We require the PACE organization to take action to correct 
    deficiencies identified during the reviews. HCFA or the State 
    administering agency will monitor the effectiveness of corrective 
    actions. Failure to correct deficiencies can result in sanctions or 
    terminations in accordance with subpart D.
    Disclosure of Review Results (Sec. 460.196)
        In accordance with paragraph (e)(4)(C) of sections 1894 and 1934 of 
    the Act, we specify requirements for disclosing the results of 
    oversight reviews. HCFA and the State administering agency promptly 
    report the results of reviews under Secs. 460.190 and 460.192 to the 
    PACE organization, along with any recommendations for changes to the 
    organization's program. The results are made available to the public 
    upon request. In addition, we are requiring that the PACE organization 
    post a notice of the availability of the results of the most recent 
    review and any plans of correction or responses related to the most 
    recent review. The PACE organization must also make the results 
    available for examination in a place readily accessible to 
    Subpart L--Data Collection, Record Maintenance and Reporting
    Maintenance of Records and Reporting of Data (Sec. 460.200)
        In accordance with sections 1894(e)(3)(A) and 1934(e)(3)(A) of the 
    Act, we are requiring PACE organizations to collect data, maintain 
    records and submit reports. We describe data and records to include 
    participant health outcome data, financial books and records, medical 
    records, and personnel records. We require the documents to be 
    accessible to HCFA and the State administering agency upon request and 
    be stored in a manner consistent with the PACE organization's written 
    policies that protects them from loss, destruction, unauthorized use or 
    inappropriate alteration.
        We have established several requirements intended to safeguard the 
    privacy of any information that identifies a particular participant. 
    The PACE organization must establish written policies and implement 
    procedures to ensure that information from, or copies of, records are 
    released only to authorized individuals and that original medical 
    records are released only in accordance with Federal or State laws, 
    court orders, or subpoenas. A participant's written consent must be 
    obtained before the release of identifiable information to persons not 
    otherwise authorized to receive it. A participant's written consent may 
    limit the degree of information and the persons to whom information may 
    be released. Participants are guaranteed timely access to review and 
    copy their own medical records and may request amendments to their 
    records. Finally, the PACE organization must abide by all Federal and 
    State laws regarding confidentiality and disclosure of participant 
    mental health and medical records and other health information.
        The Protocol does not specify a minimum record retention timeframe. 
    In order to enable adequate oversight and to be consistent with the 
    requirements established for Medicare+Choice plans, we require PACE 
    organizations to retain records for the longest of the following 
    periods: the period specified by State law; six years from the date of 
    the last entry made in the record; or for medical records of 
    disenrolled participants, six years after the date of disenrollment. If 
    any litigation, claim, financial management review, or audit is started 
    before the expiration of the retention period, we are requiring that 
    those records shall be retained until completion of the litigation, or 
    until claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved 
    and final action taken.
    Participant Health Outcomes Data (Sec. 460.202)
        We have modified the requirement in Part VII, section B of the 
    Protocol for data collection and reporting. We are requiring that PACE 
    organizations maintain a health information system that collects, 
    analyzes, integrates, and reports data necessary to measure their 
    performance and to develop their quality assessment and performance 
    improvement programs. After development of HCFA's collection and 
    reporting strategy, PACE organizations will be expected to collect 
    specific data at specified time intervals. We envision that this 
    information system can be used by HCFA, the State administering agency, 
    PACE organizations, participants and their caregivers, researchers, 
    policy makers, and other professionals furnishing care to PACE 
    participants. This system also will provide information to help PACE 
    organizations, participants, and caregivers make better choices about 
    care and help identify organizations' opportunities for continuous 
    improvement in all participant care processes.
        Each PACE organization will collect, evaluate, and report the data 
    as part of managing its quality assessment and performance improvement 
    program. These data will assist the PACE organization in its efforts to 
    identify opportunities to improve participant care and outcomes, to 
    evaluate the results of its performance improvement activities, and to 
    share those results with other PACE organizations.
        The data set will focus on items such as functional status, health 
    status, cognitive ability, mental health, medication use, nutritional 
    status, health care utilization, participant and caregiver quality of 
    life, and any other measures of participant care that the PACE 
    organization community believes to be useful both for tracking 
    participant care and for identifying opportunities for improvement. The 
    items in the data set will be essential to the PACE organization for 
    purposes of continuous care planning, for the effective and efficient 
    operation of the organization, and for assisting participants and their 
    caregivers in making informed decisions about their care. Thus, 
    accurate and precise data collected at uniform time points (i.e., from 
    a baseline point such as enrollment, return from hospital, etc.) will 
    be essential. Aggregating the data to a level that makes it useful to 
    PACE organizations for internal quality improvement programs is an 
    important benefit of having a central data system that feeds data back 
    to PACE organizations for comparative purposes on a continuous basis. 
    An aggregated data set is also useful in establishing national 
    improvement efforts.
        Given that the core data set is still under development and will 
    not be ready for implementation until sometime in the summer of 2000, 
    PACE organizations should be collecting information on their own to 
    feed into their quality assessment and performance improvement 
    activities. PACE organizations may want to collect the items on 
    DataPACE, which was developed by On Lok and contains information on 
    participant demographics, health and functional status, service 
    utilization, and informal
    [[Page 66269]]
    support. This will allow for the continued collection of data elements 
    collected in the demonstration project for comparison between 
    demonstration sites and permanent PACE organizations. However, if PACE 
    organizations are developing computerized information systems, the 
    systems should be flexible enough to be able to replace, in the future, 
    items now in the system with similar items that are developed as a 
    result of the CHSPR project.
        Additionally, we have added a requirement that the PACE 
    organization must furnish data and information in the manner and at the 
    time intervals specified by HCFA and the State administering agency, 
    pertaining to its participant care activities. These data will be used 
    to monitor the quality of care provided to PACE participants, including 
    participant outcomes. The items to be collected will be specified in 
    the PACE program agreement and will be subject to the confidentiality 
    requirements specified in Sec. 460.200. Once the core data set is 
    completed, PACE organizations will be required to submit these data to 
    HCFA and/or the State administering agency. Since this data set is 
    under development, HCFA will require PACE organizations, in the 
    meantime, to submit to HCFA and/or the State administering agency a 
    limited amount of information in order to monitor the quality of care 
    furnished to PACE participants. This information will be specified in 
    the PACE program agreement. The required information will include the 
    number of grievances and appeals; rates and reasons for disenrollment; 
    utilization of the adult day health center, home health, acute 
    hospital, nursing home, transitional housing, rehabilitation unit/
    facility, mental health services, and outpatient drugs; vaccination 
    rates for flu and pneumonia; percent of participants receiving retinal 
    eye exams and dental exams; and the number of participants with a 
    fracture or decubitus during the reporting period.
        We also will require each PACE organization to conduct an annual 
    satisfaction survey of its participants and caregivers. The findings 
    will be reported to HCFA and/or the State administering agency and 
    should be used by the PACE organization to identify opportunities for 
    improvement. Finally, as discussed previously, we will require 
    reporting of inpatient and outpatient encounter data and may require 
    reporting of functional data in order to develop a risk adjustment 
    methodology for PACE.
    Financial Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements (Sec. 460.204)
        In Sec. 460.204, Financial Record Keeping and Reporting 
    Requirements, we require that a PACE organization must provide HCFA and 
    the State administering agency with accurate financial reports that are 
    prepared using an accrual basis of accounting and verifiable by 
        In addition, we are requiring that the PACE organization maintain 
    an accrual accounting record-keeping system that accurately documents 
    all financial transactions, provides an audit trail to source 
    documents, and generates financial statements.
        Further, except as stipulated under Medicare principles of 
    reimbursement as set forth in 42 CFR 413, a PACE organization must 
    follow standardized definitions and accounting, statistical, and 
    reporting practices that are widely accepted in the health care 
        We are also requiring that a PACE organization must permit HCFA and 
    the State administering agency to audit or inspect any books and 
    records of original entry that pertain to any aspect of services 
    performed, reconciliation of participants' benefit liabilities or 
    determination of Medicare and Medicaid amounts payable.
        Under the PACE demonstration, HCFA and the PACE organization had a 
    risk-sharing agreement in which HCFA shared in a portion of the 
    organization's losses during the first 3 years of operations. To 
    monitor each organization's costs and the amount of HCFA's liability, 
    HCFA required the organization to submit monthly budgeted versus actual 
    financial reports during the first year and quarterly reports during 
    subsequent years unless the organization's performance indicated a need 
    for more frequent reporting. In addition, organizations were required 
    to submit quarterly cumulative cost reports for risk-sharing 
    determinations. Annually, organizations were required to submit 
    independently certified cost reports for final risk sharing 
        The statute does not provide for risk-sharing arrangements between 
    HCFA and PACE organizations. It places the organization at full 
    financial risk for all services. Since risk sharing is no longer a 
    condition of the agreement, the cost and financial reports described 
    above are no longer needed for this purpose.
    Financial Statements (Sec. 460.208)
        HCFA, in cooperation with the State administering agency, has the 
    responsibility of assessing fiscal soundness as described in 
    Sec. 460.80.
        The financial information required to assess the fiscal soundness 
    of a PACE organization is information from basic financial statements, 
    the balance sheet, statement of revenues and expenses, and sources and 
    uses of funds statement. An organization that has completed its trial 
    period will be required to submit these basic financial statements, 
    annually. An organization that is in the trial period will be required 
    to submit quarterly financial statements in addition to the annual 
    certified financial statements. An organization may use the ``Annual 
    Statement'' (also known as the ``orange blank'') which was developed by 
    the National Association of Insurance Commissioners of Nashville, 
    Tennessee (615-254-6291) for reporting by HMOs.
        Sections 1894(e)(3) and (4) and 1934(e)(3) and (4) of the Act 
    require the Secretary and the State administering agency to work in 
    consultation to determine what data and cost and financial reports the 
    PACE organization must submit so these agencies can monitor the cost 
    and effectiveness of a PACE organization and perform necessary reviews.
        In Sec. 460.208, we are requiring that, not later than 180 days 
    after the end of the organization's fiscal year, the PACE organization 
    submit a certified financial statement that includes appropriate 
    footnotes. This financial statement must be certified by an independent 
    certified public accountant. At a minimum, the certified financial 
    statement must include a certification statement, a balance sheet, a 
    statement of revenues and expenses, and a source and use of funds 
        Throughout the entire duration of the trial period, we are 
    requiring that not later than 45 days after the end of each quarter of 
    the organization's fiscal year, a PACE organization must submit a 
    quarterly financial statement, which is not required to be certified by 
    an independent certified public accountant.
        At the conclusion of the trial period, HCFA or the State 
    administering agency may require a PACE organization to submit monthly 
    or quarterly financial statements, or both, if HCFA or the State 
    administering agency determines that an organization's performance 
    requires more frequent monitoring and oversight due to concerns about 
    fiscal soundness. These additional reports do not have to be certified 
    by a certified public accountant.
        We consulted with representatives from various State organizations 
    that currently service PACE programs under demonstrations. Initial 
    observations indicate that data collection and
    [[Page 66270]]
    financial reporting requirements vary among the State organizations at 
    the present time. It appears that the data collection and financial 
    reports we require in this interim final regulation can also assist the 
    State administering agency in the monitoring and oversight 
    requirements. Of course, States will still have the authority to 
    request any data and reports that they consider to be necessary in 
    implementing PACE. HCFA will continue to consult with State 
    organizations to develop consistency in reporting requirements in order 
    to minimize the reporting burden for PACE organizations. We welcome 
    comments on this issue.
    Medical Records (Sec. 460.210)
        The participant's medical record presents a total picture of the 
    care provided. The medical record is a useful tool in diagnosing, 
    treating and caring for the participant. The medical record: (1) 
    Facilitates communication among the various health care professionals 
    providing services to the participant; (2) provides a focal point for 
    coordinating the actions of the multidisciplinary team; (3) provides an 
    accurate picture of the participant's progress in achieving care goals; 
    and (4) provides the team members with data for evaluating and 
    documenting the quality and appropriateness of care delivered. Because 
    care for this population will be provided by a variety of sources 
    (i.e., center employees, contracted personnel, hospital staff, nursing 
    home staff, etc.), it is critical that all information on the 
    participant be documented in the medical record to ensure quality and 
    continuity of care. As a result, we have retained with few 
    modifications the minimum elements specified in the Protocol to be 
    included in the participant's medical record.
        To facilitate continuity of care, we are requiring in Sec. 460.210 
    that the PACE organization maintain a single comprehensive medical 
    record for each participant at the PACE center he or she attends. 
    Participant medical records should be complete, accurately documented, 
    easily retrievable, systematically organized, and available to all 
    staff. We recognize that a PACE organization may have more than one 
    site. However, participant medical records must be located at the site 
    the participant receives services so that staff have access to 
    pertinent information. This requirement also should prevent time lost 
    in obtaining records and facilitate timely review and documentation of 
    the medical record. We have added appropriate language to address this 
        At a minimum, the participant medical record must include:
         Appropriate identifying information;
         Documentation of all services furnished, including
        + a summary of emergency care and other inpatient or long-term care 
    services (We included the last phrase to ensure that any services 
    furnished to the participant outside the scope of the center's direct 
    care is documented in the medical record. It is critical to the 
    continuity of care that the center staff be informed of all outside 
    services furnished to the participant. Once the participant returns to 
    the center, the course of treatment can be reevaluated and adjusted 
    based on any changes in the participant's status.);
        + Services furnished by employees of the PACE center; and
        + Services furnished by contractors and their reports (This is 
    intended to ensure that anyone who furnishes services to the 
    participant, as either an employee of the PACE organization or under 
    contract, shares the information with the center staff for 
    documentation in the medical record. Again, this requirement is 
    intended to facilitate communication between providers.);
         Multidisciplinary assessments, reassessments, plans of 
    care, and treatment and progress notes that are signed and dated;
         Laboratory, radiological and other test reports (This 
    change clarifies that all tests should be included in the participant 
    medical record.);
         Medication records;
         Hospital discharge summaries, if applicable;
         Reports of contact with informal support (e.g., care 
    giver, legal guardian, or next of kin);
         Enrollment Agreement signed by the participant;
         Physician orders;
         Disenrollment justification, if applicable;
         Advance directives, if applicable (For example, when a 
    participant has executed an advance directive that fact should be 
    prominently displayed. If the PACE organization cannot implement an 
    advance directive as a matter of conscience that fact also should be 
    prominently displayed.);
         A signed release permitting disclosure of personal 
    information; and
         Accident and incident reports. (Accident and incident 
    reports are included because they may be an indicator of changes in the 
    participant's functional status, problems or changes in the 
    participant's home environment, or physical problems with the center or 
    its staff.)
        We also require the PACE organization to provide for the prompt 
    transfer of copies of appropriate medical record information between 
    treatment facilities to ensure continuity of care whenever a 
    participant is temporarily or permanently transferred to another 
    facility. Examples of appropriate medical record information include, 
    but are not limited to, such things as the reason for the transfer, the 
    name and phone number of the attending physician, participants' 
    demographics, active diagnosis and treatment plan including current 
    medications and ADL status, special dietary considerations, etc. It is 
    essential that the medical history and plan of care follow the 
    participant. This requirement is intended to ensure communication 
    between providers. We are soliciting comments on whether a specific 
    timeframe for the transfer of participant medical record information 
    should be required.
        We have added a requirement for authentication of the medical 
    record to ensure that the appropriate individuals have reviewed and 
    completed the participant's medical records. All entries must be 
    legible, clear, complete, and appropriately authenticated and dated. 
    Authentication must include signatures or a secured computer entry by a 
    unique identifier of the primary author who has reviewed and approved 
    the entry.
    III. Response to Comments
        Because of the large number of items of correspondence we normally 
    receive on Federal Register documents published for comment, we are not 
    able to acknowledge or respond to them individually. We will consider 
    all comments we receive by the date and time specified in the DATES 
    section of this preamble, and, when we proceed with a subsequent 
    document, we will respond to the comments in the preamble to that 
    IV. Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking and Delayed Effective Date
        We ordinarily publish a notice of proposed rulemaking in the 
    Federal Register and invite public comment on the proposed rule. The 
    notice of proposed rulemaking includes a reference to the legal 
    authority under which the rule is proposed and the terms and substance 
    of the proposed rule or a description of the subjects and issues 
    involved. This procedure can be waived, however, if an agency finds 
    good cause that a notice-and-comment procedure is impracticable, 
    unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest and incorporates a 
    statement of
    [[Page 66271]]
    the finding and its reasons in the rule issued.
        Section 4803(a) of BBA directed us to promulgate these regulations 
    in a timely manner, so that entities may establish and operate ongoing 
    PACE programs under Medicare and Medicaid for periods beginning not 
    later than August 5, 1998. Section 1894(f)(1) of the Act, as added by 
    section 4801 of BBA, and section 1934(f)(1) of the Act, as added by 
    section 4802 of BBA, authorize the issuance of interim final 
    regulations for this purpose. Thus, the BBA expressly provides that we 
    may implement the PACE program without publication of a notice of 
    proposed rulemaking and a period for public comment.
        For these reasons, we find notice-and-comment rulemaking procedures 
    both unnecessary and impracticable. Therefore, we find good cause to 
    waive the notice of proposed rulemaking and to issue this final rule on 
    an interim basis. We are providing a 60-day period for public comment.
        Generally, we provide a 30-day delay before effectuation of a final 
    rule unless we find good cause to dispense with that delay (5 U.S.C. 
    section 553(d)). For the same reasons applicable to waiver of proposed 
    rulemaking and in order to allow the current PACE demonstration 
    projects the opportunity to apply for PACE organization status as soon 
    as possible after publication of this interim final rule, we find that 
    the 30-day delay is impracticable and not in the public interest. 
    Therefore, we find good cause to waive the 30-day delay in the 
    effective date of the regulation.
    V. Collection of Information Requirements
        Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), we are required to 
    provide 60-day notice in the Federal Register and solicit public 
    comment before a collection of information requirement is submitted to 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. In 
    order to fairly evaluate whether an information collection should be 
    approved by OMB, section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act 
    of 1995 requires that we solicit comment on the following issues:
         The need for the information collection and its usefulness 
    in carrying out the proper functions of our agency.
         The accuracy of our estimate of the information collection 
         The quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be 
         Recommendations to minimize the information collection 
    burden on the affected public, including automated collection 
        We are soliciting public comment on each of the information 
    collection requirements (ICRs) summarized and discussed below.
    A. The following ICRs and Associated Burden Are Subject to the PRA.
    Section 460.12  Application Requirements
        Section 460.12(a)(1) states that in order for HCFA to determine 
    whether an entity qualifies as a PACE organization, an individual 
    authorized to act for the entity must submit to HCFA a complete 
    application that describes how the entity meets all requirements in 
    this part.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    to compile and submit application information to HCFA. We estimate that 
    25 entities will apply per year and that each entity will take 151 
    hours to complete the requirements of this section for a total annual 
    burden of 3,775 hours.
        In summary, section 460.12(a)(2) provides that HCFA will only 
    evaluate applications from entities located in States with approved 
    State plan amendments electing PACE as an optional Medicaid benefit. In 
    addition, 460.12(b) states that an application must be accompanied by 
    an assurance from the State administering agency of the State in which 
    the program is located indicating that the State considers the entity 
    to be qualified to be a PACE organization and is willing to enter into 
    a PACE program agreement with the entity.
        The burden associated with these requirements is the time and 
    effort for a State to develop its State plan amendment to elect PACE as 
    an optional Medicaid benefit and to write an assurance to HCFA 
    indicating that the State considers the entity to be qualified to be a 
    PACE organization and that the State is willing to enter into a PACE 
    program agreement with the entity. We estimate that 25 States will each 
    take 20 hours to complete these requirements for a total annual burden 
    of 500 hours.
    Section 460.30  Program Agreement Requirement
        In summary, Sec. 460.30(a) and (b) state that a PACE organization 
    must have an agreement with HCFA and the State administering agency to 
    operate a PACE program under Medicare and Medicaid. Furthermore, the 
    program agreement must be signed by an authorized official of the 
    organization, HCFA, and the State administering agency.
        Since HCFA prepares the program agreement, the burden associated 
    with this requirement is the time and effort of officials to review and 
    sign the agreement. We estimate that organization and State officials 
    will take 2 hours per agreement to complete this requirement. There 
    will be approximately 54 agreements for a total annual burden of 108 
    Section 460.70  Contracted Services
        In summary, Sec. 460.70(b)(1) requires that a PACE organization 
    contract only with entities that meet all applicable Federal and State 
        The burden associated with this requirement to demonstrate that a 
    PACE organization has contracted only with appropriate entities is 
    captured by the initial contracts in section 460.12, application 
    requirements. The remaining burden associated with this section is the 
    ongoing time associated with the PACE organizations' verification, and 
    maintenance of the verification documentation, that any new contractors 
    are qualified entities. We estimate that each organization will spend 5 
    hours verifying the qualifications of new contractors. There will be 
    approximately 54 PACE organizations for a total annual burden of 270 
        Section 460.70(d) states that the PACE organization must furnish a 
    copy of each signed contract for inpatient care to HCFA and the State 
    administering agency.
        While the requirement to furnish a copy of each signed contract for 
    inpatient care is subject to the PRA, the initial burden associated 
    with this requirement is captured in Sec. 460.12, application 
    requirements. The remaining burden associated with this requirement is 
    the time and effort associated with furnishing a copy of each new or 
    revised contract for inpatient care to HCFA and the State administering 
    agency. We estimate that each PACE organization will take 30 minutes to 
    complete this requirement. There will be approximately 54 PACE 
    organizations for a total annual burden of 27 hours.
    Section 460.72  Physical Environment
        Section 460.72(a)(3) states that a PACE organization must 
    establish, implement, and maintain a written plan to ensure that all 
    equipment is maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's 
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    to establish and maintain a written plan to ensure that all equipment 
    is maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 
    While the requirement to ``establish'' a written
    [[Page 66272]]
    plan is subject to the PRA, the burden associated with that requirement 
    is captured in Sec. 460.12, application requirements. We estimate that 
    each PACE organization will take 1 hour to ``maintain'' a written plan. 
    There will be approximately 54 PACE organizations for a total annual 
    burden of 54 hours.
        Section 460.72(c)(5) states that at least annually, a PACE 
    organization must actually test, evaluate, and document the 
    effectiveness of its emergency and disaster plans.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to document the effectiveness of its emergency 
    and disaster plans. We estimate that each PACE organization will take 
    30 minutes to complete this requirement. There will be approximately 54 
    PACE organizations for a total annual burden of 27 hours.
    Section 460.82  Marketing
        Section 460.82(c) states that a PACE organization must furnish 
    printed marketing materials to prospective and current participants in 
    English and in any other principal languages of the community, and in 
    braille if necessary.
        While the requirement to ``furnish'' these materials is subject to 
    the PRA, the burden associated with that requirement is captured in 
    Sec. 460.82(a), which is discussed below under paragraph F. The 
    remaining burden associated with this requirement is the time and 
    effort for the PACE organization to prepare printed marketing materials 
    to meet special language requirements. We estimate that 54 PACE 
    organizations will each take 2 hours to prepare and update the material 
    on an annual basis for a total of 108 burden hours.
        Section 460.82(f) states that a PACE organization must establish, 
    implement, and maintain a documented marketing plan with measurable 
    enrollment objectives and a system for tracking its effectiveness.
        While the requirement to ``establish'' a documented plan and a 
    tracking system is subject to the PRA, the burden associated with that 
    requirement is captured in Sec. 460.12, application requirements. The 
    remaining burden associated with this requirement is the time and 
    effort for a PACE organization to update and maintain a marketing plan 
    and a tracking system. We estimate that each PACE organization will 
    take 16 hours on an annual basis to comply with this requirement. There 
    will be approximately 54 PACE organizations for a total annual burden 
    of 864 hours.
    Section 460.102  Multidisciplinary Team
        Section 460.102(e) states that the PACE organization must 
    establish, implement, and maintain documented internal procedures 
    governing the exchange of information between team members, 
    contractors, and participants and their caregivers.
        While the requirement to ``establish'' the documented procedures is 
    subject to the PRA, the burden associated with that requirement is 
    captured in section 460.12, application requirements. The remaining 
    burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort for the 
    PACE organization to update and maintain documented internal procedures 
    governing the exchange of information. We estimate that each PACE 
    organization will take 1 hour on an annual basis to complete this 
    requirement. There will be approximately 54 PACE organizations for a 
    total annual burden of 54 hours.
    Section 460.104  Participant Assessment
        Section 460.104(c)(3)(ii) specifies a timeframe for the 
    multidisciplinary team to perform a reassessment and respond to a 
    participant's (or the participant's designated representative) request 
    for a change in services. The team may extend the timeframe in 
    accordance with Sec. 460.104(c)(3)(iii) if they document its need for 
    information and how the delay is in the interest of the participant.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the PACE organization to document the reasons for an extension. We 
    estimate that on average there will be approximately 8 participants per 
    organization who request a reassessment and the team determines they 
    need additional time to respond. Therefore, the burden associated with 
    this requirement is (8 participants  x  10 minutes)  x  54 PACE 
    organizations = 72 annual hours of burden.
    Section 460.116  Explanation of Rights
        Section 460.116(c) states that the PACE organization must write the 
    participant rights in English and in any other principal language of 
    the community and display the rights in a prominent place in the PACE 
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the PACE organization to (1) write the participant rights in 
    English and in any other principal language of the community; and (2) 
    display the rights in a prominent place in the PACE center. While the 
    ICRs listed above are subject to the PRA, we believe that the burden 
    associated with writing the participant rights in English and in any 
    other principal language of the community is exempt from the PRA in 
    accordance with 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2) because the time, effort, and 
    financial resources necessary to comply with these requirements would 
    be incurred by persons in the normal course of their activities. 
    However, we do believe the remaining burden associated with updating 
    and displaying these rights is subject to the PRA. We estimate that, on 
    average, each PACE organization will take 8 hours on an annual basis to 
    comply with these requirements. There will be approximately 54 PACE 
    organizations for a total annual burden of 432 hours.
    Section 460.120  Grievance Process
        Section 460.120(b) states that upon enrollment, and at least 
    annually thereafter, the organization must give a participant written 
    information on the grievance process.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the PACE organization to give a participant written information on 
    the grievance process. We estimate that, on average, there will be 160 
    participants per organization receiving written information on the 
    grievance process. Therefore, the burden associated with the disclosure 
    of the grievance materials is (160 participants  x  5 minutes)  x  54 
    PACE organizations = 720 annual hours of burden.
        Section 460.120(e) states that the PACE organization must discuss 
    with, and provide to the participant in writing the specific steps, 
    including timeframes for response, that will be taken to resolve the 
    participant's grievance.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the PACE organization to discuss with, and provide to the 
    participant in writing the specific steps, including timeframes for 
    response, that will be taken to resolve the participant's grievance. We 
    estimate that, on average, there will be 8 participants per 
    organization receiving the additional written information on the 
    grievance process. Therefore, the burden associated with the disclosure 
    of the additional grievance materials is (8 participants x 10 minutes) 
    x  54 PACE organizations = 72 annual hours of burden.
    Section 460.122  PACE Organization's Appeals Process
        Section 460.122(b) states that upon enrollment, and at least 
    annually thereafter, and whenever the multidisciplinary team denies a 
    [[Page 66273]]
    for service or payment, the organization must give a participant 
    written information on the appeals process.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to give a participant written information on 
    the appeals process upon enrollment and at least annually thereafter. 
    We estimate that, on average, there will be 160 participants per 
    organization receiving written information on the appeals process. 
    Therefore, the burden associated with the disclosure of the material 
    outlining the appeals process is (160 participants  x  5 minutes)  x  
    54 PACE organizations = 720 annual hours of burden.
        Section 460.122(h) states that for a determination that is wholly 
    or partially adverse to a participant, at the same time the decision is 
    made, the PACE organization must notify HCFA, the State administering 
    agency, and the participant.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to notify HCFA, the State administering agency, 
    and the participant that the PACE organization has made an adverse 
    decision. We estimate that, on average, each organization will be 
    required to notify 4 participants in writing of an adverse decision. 
    Therefore, the burden associated with these disclosure requirements is 
    1 hour per plan, (4 participant notifications  x  5 minutes) + (4 HCFA 
    notifications  x  5 minutes) + (4 State notifications  x  5 minutes) 
    x  54 organizations = 54 annual hours of burden for all organizations.
    Section 460.124  Additional Appeal Rights Under Medicare or Medicaid
        Section 460.124 states that a PACE organization must inform a 
    participant in writing of his or her appeal rights under Medicare or 
    Medicaid managed care, or both, assist the participant in choosing 
    which to pursue if both are applicable, and forward the appeal to the 
    appropriate external entity.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to provide information to a participant in 
    writing of his or her appeal rights under Medicare or Medicaid, or 
    both, to assist the participant in filing Medicare and Medicaid 
    appeals. We estimate that, on average, there will be two participants 
    per organization receiving written information and assistance related 
    to their appeal rights. Therefore, the burden associated with the 
    disclosure of the material outlining appeals rights and assistance is 
    (two participants  x  1 hour)  x  54 organizations = 108 annual hours 
    of burden.
    Section 460.132  Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Plan
        Section 460.132(b) states that the PACE governing body must review 
    the plan annually and revise it, if necessary.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to document that the annual review was 
    conducted and to revise the quality assessment and performance 
    improvement plan if necessary. We estimate that each PACE organization 
    will take 8 hours to complete this requirement. There will be 
    approximately 54 PACE organizations for a total annual burden of 432 
    Section 460.152  Enrollment Process
        Section 460.152(a)(3) states that the State administering agency 
    must assess the potential participant, including any individual who is 
    not eligible for Medicaid, to ensure that he or she needs the level of 
    care required under the State Medicaid plan for coverage of nursing 
    facility services.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    necessary for each State administering agency to maintain documentation 
    of each potential participant assessment. We estimate that each State 
    administering agency will take 100 hours to complete this requirement. 
    There are approximately 25 State agencies that will be affected by this 
    requirement for a total annual burden of 2,500 hours.
        Section 460.152(b)(4) states that if a prospective participant is 
    denied enrollment because his or her health or safety would be 
    jeopardized by living in a community setting, the PACE organization 
    must notify HCFA and the State administering agency and make the 
    documentation available for review.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the PACE organization to notify HCFA and the State administering 
    agency of the action. We estimate that on average 25 applicants per 
    organization will be denied on an annual basis. The burden associated 
    with notifying HCFA and the State agency is estimated to be 5 minutes 
    each, for a total of (25 applicants  x  10 minutes)  x  54 
    organizations = 225 total annual hours.
    Section 460.156  Other Enrollment Procedures
        Section 460.156(a) states that after the participant signs the 
    Enrollment Agreement, the PACE organization must give the participant 
    the following: (1) A copy of the enrollment agreement; (2) a PACE 
    membership card; (3) emergency information to be posted in his or her 
    home identifying the individual as a PACE participant and explaining 
    how to access emergency services; and (4) stickers for the 
    participant's Medicare and Medicaid cards, when applicable, which 
    indicate that he or she is a PACE participant and include the phone 
    number of the PACE organization.
        While the ICRs listed above are subject to the PRA, we believe that 
    the burden associated with items 1, 2, and 3 (above) is exempt from the 
    PRA in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2) because the time, effort, and 
    financial resources necessary to comply with these requirements would 
    be incurred by persons in the normal course of their activities.
        The burden associated with item 4 (above) is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to give stickers for the participant's Medicare 
    and Medicaid cards, when applicable, which indicate that he or she is a 
    PACE participant and include the phone number of the PACE organization. 
    We estimate each PACE organization will take 1 minute per new enrollee 
    to complete this requirement. There will be approximately 54 
    organizations that each will spend 1 hour a year for a total annual 
    burden of 54 hours.
        Section 460.156(b) states that the PACE organization must submit 
    monthly participant information to HCFA and the State administering 
    agency, in accordance with established procedures.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the PACE organization to submit monthly participant information to 
    HCFA and the State administering agency. We estimate that each PACE 
    organization will take 12 hours (1 hour per month) to complete this 
    requirement. There will be approximately 54 PACE organizations for a 
    total annual burden of 648 hours.
    Section 460.160  Continuation of Enrollment
        In summary, Sec. 460.160(b) states that at least annually, the 
    State administering agency must reevaluate whether a participant needs 
    the level of care required under the State Medicaid plan for coverage 
    of nursing facility services.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the State administering agency to document the annual reevaluation. 
    We estimate that each State agency will take 170 hours to complete this 
    requirement. There are approximately 25 State agencies for a total 
    annual burden of 4,250 hours.
    [[Page 66274]]
    Section 460.164  Involuntary Disenrollment
        Section 460.164(e) states that before an involuntary disenrollment 
    is effective, the State administering agency must review the 
    documentation and determine in a timely manner that the PACE 
    organization has adequately documented acceptable grounds for 
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for the State administering agency to review and determine that the 
    PACE organization has adequately documented acceptable grounds for 
    disenrollment. We estimate that each State agency will be required to 
    review 17 case files on an annual basis, at 1 hour each, for a total of 
    17 hours. There are approximately 25 State agencies for a total annual 
    burden of 425 hours.
    Section 460.190  Monitoring During Trial Period
        Section 460.190(a) states that during the trial period, HCFA, in 
    cooperation with the State administering agency, will conduct 
    comprehensive annual reviews of the operations of a PACE organization 
    to ensure compliance with the requirements of these regulations. The 
    burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    necessary to disclose all materials necessary to demonstrate compliance 
    with the regulations. Given that PACE organizations are obligated under 
    the program agreement and the requirements set forth in these 
    regulations to maintain all information that would be requested as part 
    of the comprehensive review, we estimate the burden to be 8 hours per 
    organization to disclose necessary information to demonstrate 
    compliance. Approximately 42 PACE organizations will be in the trial 
    period. The total burden imposed by this section is 336 hours.
    Section 460.196  Disclosure of Review Results
        Section 460.196(c) states that the PACE organization must post a 
    notice of the availability of the results of the most recent review and 
    any plans of correction or responses related to the most recent review.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to post a notice. We estimate that each PACE 
    organization will take 5 minutes to complete this requirement. There 
    will be approximately 54 PACE organizations for a total annual burden 
    of 4.5 hours.
    Section 460.202  Participant Health Outcomes Data
        In summary, Sec. 460.202(a) and (b) state that a PACE organization 
    must establish and maintain a health information system that collects, 
    analyzes, integrates, and reports data necessary to measure the 
    organization's performance, including outcomes of care furnished to 
    participants. Also, a PACE organization must furnish data and 
    information pertaining to its provision of participant care in the 
    manner, and at the time intervals, specified by HCFA and the State 
    administering agency.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to demonstrate the establishment of a health 
    information system and to furnish data and information pertaining to 
    its provision of participant care to HCFA and the State administering 
    agency. While the requirement to demonstrate the ``establishment'' of a 
    system is subject to the PRA, the burden associated with that 
    requirement is captured in Sec. 460.12, application requirements. 
    Therefore, the remaining burden associated with this section is the 
    requirement to furnish information specified by HCFA and the State 
    administering agency. We estimate that each PACE organization will take 
    100 hours (50 hours for HCFA compliance + 50 Hours for State 
    compliance) to complete this requirement. There will be approximately 
    54 PACE organizations for a total annual burden of 5,400 hours.
    Section 460.208  Financial Statements
        Section 460.208(a)(1) states that not later than 180 days after the 
    organization's fiscal year ends, a PACE organization must submit a 
    certified financial statement that includes appropriate footnotes.
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to submit a certified financial statement. We 
    estimate that each PACE organization will take 4 hours to complete this 
    requirement. There will be approximately 54 PACE organizations for a 
    total annual burden of 216 hours.
        Section 460.208(c)(1) states that not later than 45 days after the 
    end of each quarter of the organization's fiscal year throughout the 
    trial period, a PACE organization must submit a quarterly financial 
        The burden associated with this requirement is the time and effort 
    for a PACE organization to submit a quarterly financial statement. We 
    estimate that each PACE organization will take 16 hours (4 hours per 
    quarter) to complete this requirement. There will be approximately 42 
    PACE organizations that are affected by this trial period requirement 
    for a total annual burden of 672 hours.
    B. The following ICRs Are Subject to the PRA. However, the Burden 
    Associated With These Requirements Is Captured in the Application 
    Requirements Described in Sec. 460.12, Application Requirements 
    (Paragraph A, Above)
    Section 460.22  Service Area Designation
        Section 460.22(a) states that each entity must state in its 
    application the service area it proposes for its program.
    Section 460.32  Content and Terms of PACE Program Agreement
        Section 460.32 specifies various information that the PACE 
    organization must furnish so that the information can be included in 
    the PACE program agreement.
    Section 460.52  Transitional Care During Termination
        Section 460.52(a) states that the PACE organization must develop a 
    detailed written plan for phase-down in the event of termination.
    Section 460.60  PACE Organizational Structure
        Section 460.60(d)(1) and (2) requires the PACE organization to have 
    a current organizational chart showing officials in the organization 
    and relationships to any other organizational entities; the chart for a 
    corporate entity must indicate the organization's relationship to the 
    corporate board and to any parent, affiliate, or subsidiary corporate 
    Section 460.68  Program integrity.
        Section 460.68(c)(2) states that if an applicant seeking approval 
    as a PACE organization believes a waiver regarding direct or indirect 
    interest is warranted, it must include a request for the waiver in its 
    Section 460.80  Fiscal Soundness
        Section 460.80(b) states that the organization must have a 
    documented plan in the event of insolvency, approved by HCFA and the 
    State administering agency.
        Section 460.80(c) states that a PACE organization must demonstrate 
    that it has arrangements to cover expenses in the event it becomes 
    Section 460.82  Marketing
        Section 460.82(b)(2) states that HCFA reviews initial marketing 
    information as
    [[Page 66275]]
    part of an entity's application for approval as a PACE organization, 
    and approval of the application includes approval of marketing 
    Section 460.102  Multidisciplinary Team
        Section 460.102(g)(2) states that if an applicant seeking approval 
    as a PACE organization believes a waiver of restrictions on the 
    multidisciplinary team is warranted, it must include a request for the 
    waiver in its application and describe in detail the circumstances 
    supporting the request.
    Section 460.104  Participant Reassessment
        Section 460.104(c)(3) states that the PACE orgasnization must 
    establish procedures for timely resolution of requests by a participant 
    to initiate, eliminate, or continue a particular service. We will 
    review the procedures as part of the application approval process.
    Section 460.118  Violation of Rights
        Section 460.118 states that the PACE organization must have 
    established documented procedures to respond to and rectify a violation 
    of a participant's rights.
    Section 460.120  Grievance Process
        Section 460.120(a) states that a PACE organization must have a 
    formal written process to evaluate and resolve medical and non-medical 
    grievances by participants, their family members, or representatives.
    Section 460.122  PACE Organization's Appeals Process
        Section 460.122(a) states that the PACE organization must have a 
    formal written appeals process, with specified time frames for 
    response, which may be used by a participant to address noncoverage or 
    nonpayment of a service.
    Section 460.132  Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Plan
        Section 460.132(a) requires a PACE organization to have a written 
    quality assessment and performance improvement plan.
    Section 460.200  Maintenance of Records and Reporting of Data
        Section 460.200(d) states that a PACE organization must establish 
    written policies and procedures to safeguard all data, books, and 
    records against loss, destruction, unauthorized use, or inappropriate 
    C. The Following ICRs Are Subject to the PRA. However, the Burden 
    Associated With These Requirements Is Contained in Sec. 460.132(b), 
    Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Plan (Paragraph A, 
    Section 460.120  Grievance Process
        Section 460.120(f) states that the PACE organization must maintain, 
    aggregate, and analyze information on grievance proceedings. This 
    information must be used in the internal quality assessment and 
    performance improvement program.
    Section 460.122  PACE Organization's Appeals Process
        Section 460.122(i) states that a PACE organization must maintain, 
    aggregate, and analyze information on appeal proceedings and use this 
    information in the organization's internal quality assessment and 
    performance improvement program.
    D. The following ICRs Are Subject to the PRA. However, the Burden 
    Associated With These Requirements Are Contained in Secs. 460.202, 
    Participant Health Outcomes Data, and Statistical Reports, and 460.208, 
    Financial Statements (Paragraph A, Above)
    Section 460.200  Maintenance of Records and Reporting of Data
        Section 460.200(a) states that a PACE organization must collect 
    data, maintain records, and submit reports as required by HCFA and the 
    State administering agency.
        Section 460.200(c) states that a PACE organization must submit to 
    HCFA and the State administering agency all reports that HCFA and the 
    State administering agency require to monitor the operation, cost, 
    quality, and effectiveness of the program and establish payment rates.
    E. The following ICRs Are Subject to the PRA. However, the Burden 
    Associated With These Requirements Is Contained in Sec. 460.208, 
    Financial Statements (Paragraph A, Above).
    Section 460.204  Financial Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
        Section 460.204(a) states that a PACE organization must provide 
    HCFA and the State administering agency with accurate financial 
    F. The Following ICRs Are Subject to the PRA. However, We Believe That 
    the Burden Associated With These ICRs Is Exempt From the PRA in 
    Accordance With 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2) Because the Time, Effort, and 
    Financial Resources Necessary To Comply With These Requirements Would 
    Be Incurred by Persons in the Normal Course of Their Activities. We Are 
    Soliciting Comments on This Determination and Request Any Data on the 
    Additional Burdens That May Be Imposed by These Requirements.
    Section 460.52  Transitional Care During Termination
        Section 460.52(b) states that an entity whose PACE program 
    agreement is terminated must provide assistance to each participant in 
    obtaining necessary transitional care through appropriate referrals and 
    making the participant's medical records available to new providers.
    Section 460.70  Contracted Services
        Section 460.70(a) states that the PACE organization must have a 
    written contract with each outside organization, agency, or individual 
    that furnishes administrative or care-related services not furnished 
    directly by the PACE organization except for emergency services as 
    described in section 460.100.
        Section 460.70(c) states that a list of contractors must be on file 
    at the PACE center and a copy must be provided to anyone upon request.
    Section 460.72  Physical Environment
        Section 460.72(c)(1) states that the PACE organization must 
    establish, implement, and maintain documented procedures to manage 
    medical and nonmedical emergencies and disasters that are likely to 
    threaten the health or safety of the participants, staff or the public.
        Section 460.72(c)(4) states that the organization must have a 
    documented plan to obtain emergency medical assistance from sources 
    outside the center when needed.
    Section 460.74  Infection Control
        Section 460.74(b) states that the PACE organization must establish, 
    implement, and maintain a documented infection control plan.
    Section 460.82  Marketing
        Section 460.82(a) states that a PACE organization must inform the 
    public about its program and give prospective participants the 
    following written information: an adequate description of the PACE 
    organization's enrollment and disenrollment policies and requirements; 
    PACE enrollment procedures; description of benefits and services; 
    premiums; and other information necessary for prospective
    [[Page 66276]]
    participants to make an informed decision about enrollment.
        Section 460.82(d) states that marketing materials must inform a 
    potential participant that he or she must receive all needed health 
    care, including primary care and specialist physician services (other 
    than emergency services), from the PACE organization or from an entity 
    authorized by the PACE organization. All marketing materials must state 
    clearly that PACE participants may be fully and personally liable for 
    the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services.
    Section 460.98  Service Delivery
        Section 460.98(a) states that a PACE organization must establish 
    and implement a written plan to provide care that meets the needs of 
    each participant in all care settings 24 hours a day, every day of the 
    Section 460.100  Emergency Care
        Section 460.100(a) states that a PACE organization must establish 
    and maintain a written plan to handle emergency care.
    Section 460.102  Multidisciplinary Team
        In summary, Sec. 460.102(d) states that the multidisciplinary team 
    is responsible for the initial assessment, periodic reassessments, plan 
    of care, and coordination of 24 hour care delivery. Each team member 
    must regularly inform the multidisciplinary team of the medical, 
    functional, and psychosocial condition of each participant; and 
    document changes in a participant's condition in the participant's 
    medical record.
    Section 460.104  Participant Assessment
        In summary, Sec. 460.104 states that the multidisciplinary team 
    must explain why it denys a participant's request for services, inform 
    participants of additional appeal processes available, and document all 
    assessment and reassessment information in the participant's medical 
    Section 460.106  Plan of Care
        Section 460.106(f) states that the team must document the plan of 
    care, and any changes made to it, in the participant's medical record.
    Section 460.110  Bill of Rights
        Section 460.110(a) states that a PACE organization must have a 
    written participant bill of rights designed to protect and promote the 
    rights of each participant.
        Section 460.110(b) states that, upon enrollment, the organization 
    must inform a participant in writing of her or his rights and 
    responsibilities, and all rules and regulations governing 
    Section 460.112  Specific Rights to Which a Participant Is Entitled
        Section 460.112(b)(1) states that a participant has the right to be 
    fully informed in writing of the services available from the PACE 
        Section 460.112(b)(2) states that a participant has the right to 
    have the enrollment agreement fully explained in a manner understood by 
    the participant.
        Section 460.112(e)(3) states that a participant has the right to be 
    fully informed of his or her health and functional status by the 
    multidisciplinary team and to participate in the development and 
    implementation of the plan of care.
        Section 460.112(e)(2) states that a participant has the right to 
    have the PACE organization explain advance directives and to establish 
    them, if the participant so desires.
        Section 460.112(e)(6) states that a participant has the right to be 
    given reasonable advance notice, in writing, of any transfer to another 
    treatment setting, and the justification for it, due to medical reasons 
    or for the participant's welfare, or that of other participants. The 
    PACE organization must document the justification in the participant's 
    medical record.
    Section 460.116  Explanation of Rights
        Section 460.116(a) states that a PACE organization must have 
    written policies and implement procedures to ensure that the 
    participant, his or her representative, if any, and staff understand 
    these rights.
        Section 460.116(b) states that upon enrollment, the staff must 
    fully explain the rights to the participant and his or her 
    representative, if any, in a manner understood by the participant.
    Section 460.122  PACE Organization's Appeals Process
        Section 460.122(d) states that a PACE organization must give all 
    parties involved in the appeal appropriate written notification and a 
    reasonable opportunity to present evidence related to the dispute in 
    person, as well as in writing.
    Section 460.152  Enrollment Process
        Section 460.152(a)(1) requires that at a minimum, the intake 
    process must include the following steps: the PACE staff must explain 
    to the potential participant and his or her representative or 
    caregiver: the PACE program; the requirement that the PACE organization 
    is the participant's sole service provider; monthly premiums, if any; 
    and any Medicaid spenddown obligations.
        Section 460.152(a)(2) states that the potential participant must 
    sign a release to allow the PACE organization to obtain his or her 
    medical and financial information and eligibility status for Medicare 
    and Medicaid.
        Section 460.152(b)(1) states that if a prospective participant is 
    denied enrollment because his or her health or safety would be 
    jeopardized by living in a community setting, the PACE organization 
    must notify the individual in writing of the reason for denial.
        Section 460.152(b)(2) states that if a prospective participant is 
    denied enrollment because his or her health or safety would be 
    jeopardized by living in a community setting, the PACE organization 
    must refer the individual to alternative services, as appropriate.
        Section 460.152(b)(3) states that if a prospective participant is 
    denied enrollment because his or her health or safety would be 
    jeopardized by living in a community setting, the PACE organization 
    must maintain supporting documentation of the reason for the 
    Section 460.154  Enrollment Agreement
        In summary, Sec. 460.154 states that if the potential participant 
    meets the eligibility requirements and wants to enroll, he or she must 
    sign an enrollment agreement in accordance with the requirements in 
    this section.
    Section 460.156  Other Enrollment Procedures
        Section 460.156(c) states that if there are changes in the 
    enrollment agreement information at any time during the participant's 
    enrollment, the PACE organization must give an updated copy of the 
    information to the participant; and explain the changes to the 
    participant and his or her representative or caregiver in a manner they 
    Sec. 460.164  Involuntary Disenrollment
        Section 460.164(c) states that if a PACE organization proposes to 
    disenroll a participant who is disruptive or threatening, the 
    organization must document in the participant's medical record the 
    reasons for proposing to disenroll the participant; and all efforts to 
    remedy the situation.
    [[Page 66277]]
    Section 460.168  Reinstatement in Other Medicare and Medicaid Programs
        Section 460.168(a) states that in order to facilitate a 
    participant's reinstatement in other Medicare and Medicaid programs 
    after disenrollment, the PACE organization must make appropriate 
    referrals and ensure medical records are made available to new 
    providers in a timely manner.
    Section 460.172  Documentation of Disenrollment
        Section 460.172(a) states that a PACE organization must have a 
    procedure in place to document the reasons for all voluntary and 
    involuntary disenrollments.
    Section 460.200  Maintenance of Records and Reporting of Data
        Section 460.200(e) states that a PACE organization must maintain 
    the confidentiality of any information that identifies a particular 
    participant; establish and implement procedures that govern the use and 
    release of a participant's information; and obtain a participant's 
    consent before releasing personal information that is not required by 
    law to be released. Section 460.200(f)(1) states that a PACE 
    organization must retain records for the longest of the following 
    periods: the period of time specified in State law; six years from the 
    last entry date; or for medical records of disenrolled participants, 
    six years after the date of disenrollment.
    Section 460.204  Financial Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
        Section 460.204(b) states that a PACE organization must maintain an 
    accrual accounting recordkeeping system.
    Section 460.210  Medical Records
        Section 460.210(a) states that a PACE organization must maintain a 
    single, comprehensive medical record for each participant, in 
    accordance with accepted professional standards.
        Section 460.210(c) states that a the organization must promptly 
    transfer copies of medical record information between treatment 
        Section 460.210(d) states that all entries must be legible, clear, 
    complete, and appropriately authenticated and dated. Authentication 
    must include signatures or a secured computer entry by a unique 
    identifier of the primary author who has reviewed and approved the 
    G. We Believe the Following Requirements Are Not Subject to the PRA in 
    Accordance With 5 CFR 1320.3(c)(4) Since They Do Not Require 
    Information From Ten or More Entities on an Annual Basis. We Are 
    Soliciting Comments on This Determination and Request Any Data on the 
    Additional Burdens That May Be Imposed by These Requirements.
    Section 460.20  Special Consideration
        Section 460.20(b) states that an application from an entity seeking 
    special consideration must include documentation of those formal 
    Section 460.60  PACE Organizational Structure
        Section 460.60(d)(3) states that A PACE organization planning a 
    change in organizational structure must notify HCFA and the State 
    administering agency, in writing, at least 60 days before the change 
    takes effect.
    Section 460.82  Marketing
        Section 460.82(b)(3) states that once a PACE organization is under 
    a PACE program agreement, any revisions to existing marketing 
    information and new information are subject to the following: HCFA 
    approves or disapproves marketing information within 45 days after 
    receipt from the organization.
    H. In Accordance With 5 CFR 1320.4(a)(2), We Believe the Following ICRs 
    Are Exempt From the PRA Since It Is in Response to an Administrative 
    Action, Investigation, or Audit Against Specific Individuals or 
    Section 460.68  Program Integrity
        Section 460.68(d) states that a PACE organization must have a 
    formal process in place to gather information related to paragraphs (a) 
    and (b) of this section, and must be able to respond in writing to a 
    request for information from HCFA within a reasonable amount of time.
    Section 460.172  Documentation of Disenrollment
        Section 460.172(b) states that a PACE organization must make 
    documentation available for review by HCFA and the State administering 
    Section 460.192  Ongoing Monitoring After Trial Period
        Section 460.192(a) states that at the conclusion of the trial 
    period, HCFA, in cooperation with the State administering agency, 
    continues to conduct reviews of a PACE organization, as appropriate, 
    taking into account the performance level of the organization with 
    respect to the quality of care provided and compliance of the 
    organization with all requirements of this part.
    Section 460.194  Corrective Action
        Section 460.194(a) states that a PACE organization must take action 
    to correct deficiencies identified during reviews.
    Section 460.200  Maintenance of Records and Reporting of Data
        Section 460.200(f)(2) states that if litigation, a claim, a 
    financial management review, or an audit arising from the operation of 
    the PACE program is started before the expiration of the retention 
    period, specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the PACE 
    organization must retain the records until the completion of the 
    litigation, or resolution of the claims or audit findings.
    Section 460.204  Financial Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
        Section 460.204(d) states that a PACE organization must permit HCFA 
    and the State administering agency to audit or inspect any books and 
    records of original entry that pertain to the following: any aspect of 
    services performed; reconciliation of participant's benefit 
    liabilities; and/or determination of Medicare and Medicaid amounts 
    Section 460.208  Financial Statements
        Section 460.208(c)(2) states that if HCFA or the State 
    administering agency determines that an organization's performance 
    requires more frequent monitoring and oversight due to concerns about 
    fiscal soundness, HCFA or the State administering agency may require a 
    PACE organization to submit monthly or quarterly financial statements, 
    or both.
        We have submitted a copy of this interim final with comment rule to 
    OMB for its review of the information collection requirements described 
    above. These requirements are not effective until they have been 
    approved by OMB.
        If you comment on any of these information collection and record 
    keeping requirements, please mail copies directly to the following:
    Health Care Financing Administration, Office of Information Services, 
    Security and Standards Group, Division of HCFA Enterprise Standards, 
    Room C2-26-17, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244-1850, Attn: 
    John Burke, HCFA-1903-IFC, and
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and 
    Budget, Room 10235, New Executive
    [[Page 66278]]
    Office Building, Washington, DC 20503, Attn: Allison Eydt, HCFA Desk 
    VI. Regulatory Impact Statement
        We have examined the impacts of this interim final rule as required 
    by Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) 
    (Public Law 96-354). Executive Order 12866 directs agencies to assess 
    all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, when 
    regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize 
    net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public 
    health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). The RFA 
    requires agencies to analyze options for regulatory relief of small 
    businesses. For purposes of the RFA, small entities include small 
    businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Most 
    hospitals and most other providers and suppliers are small entities, 
    either by non-profit status or by having revenues of $5 million or less 
    annually. For purposes of the RFA, all PACE providers are considered to 
    be small entities. Individuals and States are not included in the 
    definition of a small entity.
        Section 1102(b) of the Social Security Act, (the Act) requires us 
    to prepare a regulatory impact analysis if a rule may have a 
    significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small 
    rural hospitals. Such an analysis must conform to the provisions of 
    section 604 of the RFA. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we 
    define a small rural hospital as a hospital that is located outside of 
    a Metropolitan Statistical Area and has fewer than 50 beds. This rule 
    will not affect a significant number of small rural hospitals.
        This interim final rule will affect a very limited number of small 
    non-profit entities that are operating, or seek to operate, a PACE 
    program. We are authorized to approve no more than 40 such programs as 
    of August 5, 1997, and the ceiling increases by an additional 20 each 
    year as of each succeeding August 5th (e.g., we can approve no more 
    than 60 by August 5, 1998 and no more than 80 by August 5, 1999). The 
    rule will indirectly affect Medicare beneficiaries and Medicaid 
    recipients who could qualify for a PACE program and who might wish to 
    enroll in one in their geographic area, because it will affect the 
    availability of those programs. A typical PACE program maintains an 
    enrollment of about 200-300 individuals.
        Non-profit entities that wish to receive Medicare and Medicaid 
    payment for their PACE services must comply with the requirements in 
    this rule. Due to the all-inclusive nature of the services and the 
    concomitant expense of providing such care, entities that do not 
    qualify for Medicare and Medicaid funding are unlikely to be 
    financially viable.
        The requirements contained in this rule are largely similar to the 
    requirements that have been applicable to the existing PACE 
    demonstration project sites through the Protocol (described in section 
    I.C of this document). Other entities that have contemplated or already 
    have started developing PACE programs have been aware of those 
    requirements and would have designed their potential programs to comply 
    with them. Because the basic effect of this rule is to codify 
    prevailing industry standards, its impact is not significant.
        While we do not have data on which to base an estimate of overall 
    costs or savings to the Medicare and Medicaid programs, we believe that 
    any incremental difference would be so small as to be negligible. PACE 
    services substitute for services that would otherwise be covered, and 
    payment rates are adjusted so that the total payment level is less than 
    the projected payment that would have been made if the participants 
    were not enrolled in PACE. Thus, the overall result should be a slight 
    savings for this small population.
        If this rule were not issued, PACE programs could not be approved 
    as ongoing programs under Medicare or Medicaid. Sections 4801 and 4802 
    of BBA require us to promulgate regulations to carry out those sections 
    and approve PACE programs. Section 4803(d) of BBA specifies that the 
    PACE demonstration authority remains in effect until the effective date 
    of these regulations, and a transition period from demonstration status 
    to ongoing status begins on that date.
        We are not preparing analyses for either the RFA or section 1102(b) 
    of the Act because we have determined, and we certify, that this rule 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities or a significant impact on the operations of a 
    substantial number of small rural hospitals.
        Under Executive Order 13132, this regulation will not significantly 
    affect the States beyond what is required and provided for under the 
    BBA. It follows the intent and letter of the law and does not usurp 
    State authority beyond what the BBA requires. This regulation describes 
    the processes that must be undertaken by HCFA, the States, and PACE 
    organizations in order to implement the PACE program.
        As noted previously, sections 4801 and 4802 of the BBA clearly 
    describe a cooperative relationship between the Secretary and the 
    States in the development, implementation, and administration of the 
    PACE program. The following are some examples of areas in which we 
    engaged in partnership with States to establish policy and procedures:
        1. Establishing procedures for entering into, extending, and 
    terminating PACE agreements--1894(e)(1)(A) and 1934(e)(1)(A).
        2. Establishing procedures for excluding service areas already 
    covered under other PACE provider agreements in order to avoid 
    unnecessary duplication of services and also to avoid impairing the 
    financial and service viability of the existing program--1894(e)(2)(B) 
    and 1934(e)(2)(B).
        3. Establishing procedure for the PACE provider to make available 
    PACE program data--1894(e)(3)(A)(i)(III) and 1934(e)(2)(A)(i)(III).
        4. In conjunction with the PACE provider, developing and 
    implementing health status and quality of life outcome measures--
    1894(e)(3)(B) and 1934 (e)(3)(B).
        5. The statute requires the Secretary and State to conduct a 
    comprehensive annual review--1894(e)(4)(A) and 1934(e)(4)(A).
        6. Establishing the frequency of the on-sight review--1894(e)(4)(B) 
    and 1934(e)(4)(B).
        7. Establishing a mechanism for communicating of the Secretary's 
    findings and State action when a PACE provider is failing to comply 
    with Federal requirements; i.e., enforcement authority--1894(e)(6)(A) 
    and 1934(e)(6)(A).
        8. Establishing the entity responsible for the annual eligibility 
    recertification--1894(c)(3) and 1934(c)(3); and continuation of 
    eligibility requirements--1894(c)(4) and 1934(c)(4).
        For this reason, we obtained State input in the early stages of 
    policy development through conference calls with State Medicaid Agency 
    representatives. The BBA requires the States to designate the agency of 
    the State responsible for the administration of the PACE program. 
    Although the State may designate the State Medicaid Agency to 
    administer the PACE program, another agency may be named. The 8 
    agencies that volunteered to participate in these discussions 
    represented a balanced view of States;
    [[Page 66279]]
    some with PACE demonstration site experience and some who were not yet 
    involved with PACE, but were interested in providing input to establish 
    a new long term care optional benefit. The calls were very productive 
    in understanding the variety of State concerns inherent in implementing 
    a new program. In addition, in order to formulate processes to 
    operationalize the PACE program, we have maintained ties with State 
    representatives through monthly conference calls to obtain information 
    on a variety of topics including the applications review and approval 
    process, data collection needs, and enrollment/disenrollment issues.
        We are committed to continuing this dialogue with States after 
    publication of the regulation to ensure this cooperative atmosphere 
    continues as we implement the PACE program and transition the current 
    PACE demonstration sites to full provider status. We expect that States 
    would take responsibility for site selection and participate in 
    provider approval and ongoing monitoring activities. States may also 
    determine how many sites to authorize and how many participants each 
    site may serve. In recognition of the unique relationship between the 
    Secretary and the States for the PACE program, we have directed 
    potential PACE organizations to first contact their State administering 
    agency to verify that the State has elected PACE as an optional benefit 
    under its State Medicaid Plan, determine whether the State has 
    established additional requirements for PACE organizations, and obtain 
    technical assistance.
        In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12866, this 
    regulation was reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget.
    List of Subjects
    42 CFR Part 460
        Aged, Health Incorporation by reference, Medicare, Medicaid, 
    Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 462
        Grant programs-health, Health care, Health professions, Peer Review 
    Organizations (PRO).
    42 CFR Part 466
        Grant programs-health, Health care, Health facilities, Health 
    professions, Peer Review Organizations (PRO), Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 473
        Administrative practice and procedure, Health care, Health 
    professions, Peer Review Organizations (PRO), Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements.
    42 CFR Part 476
        Health care, Health professional, Health record, Peer Review 
    Organizations (PRO), Penalties, Privacy, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, 42 CFR Chapter IV is 
    amended as follows:
    SUBCHAPTER D  [Redesignated]
        1. Subchapter D is redesignated as subchapter F; a new subchapter D 
    is added and reserved; and parts 462, 466, 473, and 476 are 
    redesignated as parts 475, 476, 478 and 480, respectively.
    SUBCHAPTER E  [Redesignated]
        2. Subchapter E is redesignated as Subchapter G.
        3. A new subchapter E, consisting of part 460 is added to read as 
    Subpart A--Basis, Scope, and Definitions
    460.2  Basis.
    460.4  Scope and purpose.
    460.6  Definitions.
    Subpart B--PACE Organization Application and Evaluation
    460.10  Purpose.
    460.12  Application requirements.
    460.14  Priority consideration.
    460.16  Special consideration.
    460.18  HCFA evaluation of applications.
    460.20  Notice of HCFA determination.
    460.22  Service area designation.
    460.24  Limit on number of PACE program agreements.
    Subpart C--PACE Program Agreement
    460.30  Program agreement requirement.
    460.32  Content and terms of PACE program agreement.
    460.34  Duration of PACE program agreement.
    Subpart D--Sanctions, Enforcement Actions, and Termination
    460.40  Violations for which HCFA may impose sanctions.
    460.42  Suspension of enrollment or payment by HCFA.
    460.46  Civil money penalties.
    460.48  Additional actions by HCFA or the State.
    Sec. 460.50  Termination of PACE program agreement.
    460.52  Transitional care during termination.
    460.54  Termination procedures.
    Subpart E--PACE Administrative Requirements
    460.60  PACE organizational structure.
    460.62  Governing body.
    460.64  Personnel qualifications.
    460.66  Training.
    460.68  Program integrity.
    460.70  Contracted services.
    460.72  Physical environment.
    460.74  Infection control.
    460.76  Transportation services.
    460.78  Dietary services.
    460.80  Fiscal soundness.
    460.82  Marketing.
    Subpart F--PACE Services
    460.90  PACE benefits under Medicare and Medicaid.
    460.92  Required services.
    460.94  Required services for Medicare participants.
    460.96  Excluded services.
    460.98  Service delivery.
    460.100  Emergency care.
    460.102  Multidisciplinary team.
    460.104  Participant assessment.
    460.106  Plan of care.
    Subpart G--Participant Rights
    460.110  Bill of rights.
    460.112  Specific rights to which a participant is entitled.
    460.114  Restraints.
    460.116  Explanation of rights.
    460.118  Violation of rights.
    460.120  Grievance process.
    460.122  PACE organization's appeals process.
    460.124  Additional appeal rights under Medicare or Medicaid.
    Subpart H--Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement
    460.130  General rule.
    460.132  Quality assessment and performance improvement plan.
    460.134  Minimum requirements for quality assessment and performance 
    improvement program.
    460.136  Internal quality assessment and performance improvement 
    460.138  Committees with community input.
    460.140  Additional quality assessment activities.
    Subpart I--Participant Enrollment and Disenrollment
    Sec. 460.150  Eligibility to enroll in a PACE program.
    460.152  Enrollment process.
    460.154  Enrollment agreement.
    460.156  Other enrollment procedures.
    460.158  Effective date of enrollment.
    460.160  Continuation of enrollment.
    460.162  Voluntary disenrollment.
    460.164  Involuntary disenrollment.
    460.166  Effective date of disenrollment.
    460.168  Reinstatement in other Medicare and Medicaid programs.
    460.170  Reinstatement in PACE.
    460.172  Documentation of disenrollment.
    Subpart J--Payment
    460.180  Medicare payment to PACE organizations.
    460.182  Medicaid payment.
    [[Page 66280]]
    460.184  Post-eligibility treatment of income.
    460.186  PACE premiums.
    Subpart K--Federal/State Monitoring
    460.190  Monitoring during trial period.
    460.192  Ongoing monitoring after trial period.
    460.194  Corrective action.
    460.196  Disclosure of review results.
    Subpart L--Data Collection, Record Maintenance, and Reporting
    460.200  Maintenance of records and reporting of data.
    460.202  Participant health outcomes data.
    460.204  Financial recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
    460.208  Financial statements.
    460.210  Medical records.
        Authority: Secs. 1102 and 1871 of the Social Security Act (42 
    U.S.C. 1302 and 1395).
    Subpart A--Basis, Scope, and Definitions
    Sec. 460.2  Basis
        This part implements sections 1894, 1905(a), and 1934 of the Act, 
    which authorize the following:
        (a) Medicare payments to, and coverage of benefits under, PACE.
        (b) The establishment of PACE as a State option under Medicaid to 
    provide for Medicaid payments to, and coverage of benefits under, PACE.
    Sec. 460.4  Scope and purpose.
        (a) General. This part sets forth the following:
        (1) The requirements that an entity must meet to be approved as a 
    PACE organization that operates a PACE program under Medicare and 
        (2) How individuals may qualify to enroll in a PACE program.
        (3) How Medicare and Medicaid payments will be made for PACE 
        (4) Provisions for Federal and State monitoring of PACE programs.
        (5) Procedures for sanctions and terminations.
        (b) Program purpose. PACE provides pre-paid, capitated, 
    comprehensive health care services designed to meet the following 
        (1) Enhance the quality of life and autonomy for frail, older 
        (2) Maximize dignity of, and respect for, older adults.
        (3) Enable frail, older adults to live in the community as long as 
    medically and socially feasible.
        (4) Preserve and support the older adult's family unit.
    Sec. 460.6  Definitions.
        As used in this part, unless the context indicates otherwise, the 
    following definitions apply:
        Contract year means the term of a PACE program agreement, which is 
    a calendar year, except that a PACE organization's initial contract 
    year may be from 12 to 23 months, as determined by HCFA.
        Medicare beneficiary means an individual who is entitled to 
    Medicare Part A benefits or enrolled under Medicare Part B, or both.
        Medicaid participant means an individual determined eligible for 
    Medicaid who is enrolled in a PACE program.
        Medicare participant means a Medicare beneficiary who is enrolled 
    in a PACE program.
        PACE stands for programs of all-inclusive care for the elderly.
        PACE center means a facility operated by a PACE organization where 
    primary care is furnished to participants.
        PACE organization means an entity that has in effect a PACE program 
    agreement to operate a PACE program under this part.
        PACE program agreement means an agreement between a PACE 
    organization, HCFA, and the State administering agency for the 
    operation of a PACE program.
        Participant means an individual who is enrolled in a PACE program.
        Services includes both items and services.
        State administering agency means the State agency responsible for 
    administering the PACE program agreement.
        Trial period means the first 3 contract years in which a PACE 
    organization operates under a PACE program agreement, including any 
    contract year during which the entity operated under a PACE 
    demonstration waiver program.
    Subpart B--PACE Organization Application and Evaluation
    Sec. 460.10  Purpose.
        This subpart sets forth application requirements for an entity that 
    seeks approval from HCFA as a PACE organization.
    Sec. 460.12  Application requirements.
        (a) General. (1) An individual authorized to act for the entity 
    must submit to HCFA a complete application that describes how the 
    entity meets all requirements in this part.
        (2) HCFA evaluates only complete applications from entities located 
    in States with approved State plan amendments electing PACE as an 
    optional Medicaid benefit.
        (3) HCFA accepts applications from entities that seek approval as 
    PACE organizations beginning on February 22, 2000 except for the 
        (i) Beginning on November 24, 1999, HCFA accepts applications from 
    entities that meet the requirements for priority consideration in 
    processing of applications, as provided in Sec. 460.14.
        (ii) Beginning on January 10, 2000, HCFA accepts applications from 
    entities that meet the requirements for special consideration in 
    processing applications, as provided in Sec. 460.16.
        (b) State assurance. An entity's application must be accompanied by 
    an assurance from the State administering agency of the State in which 
    the program is located indicating that the State--
        (1) Considers the entity to be qualified to be a PACE organization; 
        (2) Is willing to enter into a PACE program agreement with the 
    Sec. 460.14  Priority consideration.
        Until August 5, 2000, HCFA gives priority consideration in 
    processing applications for PACE organization status to an entity that 
    meets either of the following criteria:
        (a) Is operating under PACE demonstration waivers under one of the 
    following authorities:
        (1) Section 603(c) of the Social Security Amendments of 1983, as 
    extended by section 9220 of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget 
    Reconciliation Act of 1985.
        (2) Section 9412(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 
        (b) Has applied to operate under a PACE demonstration under section 
    9412(b) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 as of May 1, 
    Sec. 460.16  Special consideration.
        Until August 5, 2000, HCFA gives special consideration in 
    processing applications to an entity that meets the following 
        (a) Indicated, by May 1, 1997, a specific intent to become a PACE 
    organization through formal activities.
        (b) Includes documentation of its formal activities.
    Sec. 460.18  HCFA evaluation of applications.
        HCFA evaluates an application for approval as a PACE organization 
    on the basis of the following information:
        (a) Information contained in the application.
        (b) Information obtained through onsite visits conducted by HCFA or 
    the State administering agency.
        (c) Information obtained by the State administering agency.
    Sec. 460.20  Notice of HCFA determination.
        (a) Time limit for notification of determination. Within 90 days 
    after an
    [[Page 66281]]
    entity submits a complete application to HCFA, HCFA takes one of the 
    following actions:
        (1) Approves the application.
        (2) Denies the application and notifies the entity in writing of 
    the basis for the denial and the process for requesting reconsideration 
    of the denial.
        (3) Requests additional information needed to make a final 
        (b) Additional information requested. If HCFA requests from an 
    entity additional information needed to make a final determination, 
    within 90 days after HCFA receives all requested information from the 
    entity, HCFA takes one of the following actions:
        (1) Approves the application.
        (2) Denies the application and notifies the entity in writing of 
    the basis for the denial and the process for requesting reconsideration 
    of the denial.
        (c) Deemed approval. An application is deemed approved if HCFA 
    fails to act on the application within 90 days after one of the 
    following dates:
        (1) The date the application is submitted by the organization.
        (2) The date HCFA receives all requested additional information.
        (d) Date of submission. For purposes of the 90-day time limit 
    described in this section, the date that an application is submitted to 
    HCFA is the date on which the application is delivered to the address 
    designated by HCFA.
    Sec. 460.22  Service area designation.
        (a) An entity must state in its application the service area it 
    proposes for its program.
        (b) HCFA, in consultation with the State administering agency, may 
    exclude from designation an area that is already covered under another 
    PACE program agreement to avoid unnecessary duplication of services and 
    avoid impairing the financial and service viability of an existing 
    Sec. 460.24  Limit on number of PACE program agreements.
        (a) Numerical limit. Except as specified in paragraph (b) of this 
    section, HCFA does not permit the number of PACE organizations with 
    which agreements are in effect under this part or under section 9412(b) 
    of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986, to exceed the 
        (1) As of August 5, 1997--40.
        (2) As of each succeeding August 5, the numerical limit for the 
    preceding year plus 20, without regard to the actual number of 
    agreements in effect on a previous anniversary date. (For example, the 
    limit is 60 on August 5, 1998 and 80 on August 5, 1999.)
        (b) Exception. The numerical limit does not apply to a private, 
    for-profit PACE organization that meets the following conditions:
        (1) Is operating under a demonstration project waiver under section 
    1894(h) and 1934(h) of the Act.
        (2) Was operating under a waiver and subsequently qualifies for 
    PACE organization status in accordance with sections 1894(a)(3)(B)(ii) 
    and 1934(a)(3)(B)(ii) of the Act.
    Subpart C--PACE Program Agreement
    Sec. 460.30  Program agreement requirement.
        (a) A PACE organization must have an agreement with HCFA and the 
    State administering agency for the operation of a PACE program by the 
    PACE organization under Medicare and Medicaid.
        (b) The agreement must be signed by an authorized official of the 
    PACE organization.
    Sec. 460.32  Content and terms of PACE program agreement.
        (a) Required content. A PACE program agreement must include the 
    following information:
        (1) A designation of the service area of the organization's 
    program. The area may be identified by county, zip code, street 
    boundaries, census tract, block, or tribal jurisdictional area, as 
    applicable. HCFA and the State administering agency must approve any 
    change in the designated service area.
        (2) The organization's commitment to meet all applicable 
    requirements under Federal, State, and local laws and regulations, 
    including provisions of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination 
    Act, and the Americans With Disabilities Act.
        (3) The effective date and term of the agreement.
        (4) A description of the organizational structure of the PACE 
    organization and information on administrative contacts, including the 
        (i) Name and phone number of the program director.
        (ii) Name of all governing body members.
        (iii) Name and phone number of a contact person for the governing 
        (5) A participant bill of rights approved by HCFA and an assurance 
    that the rights and protections will be provided.
        (6) A description of the process for handling participant 
    grievances and appeals.
        (7) A statement of the organization's policies on eligibility, 
    enrollment, voluntary disenrollment, and involuntary disenrollment.
        (8) A description of services available to participants.
        (9) A description of the organization's quality assessment and 
    performance improvement program.
        (10) A statement of the levels of performance required by HCFA on 
    standard quality measures.
        (11) A statement of the data and information required by HCFA and 
    the State administering agency to be collected on participant care.
        (12) The capitation rates for Medicare and Medicaid.
        (13) A description of procedures that the organization will follow 
    if the PACE program agreement is terminated.
        (b) Optional content. (1) An agreement may provide additional 
    requirements for individuals to qualify as PACE program eligible 
    individuals, in accordance with Sec. 460.150(b)(4).
        (2) An agreement may contain any additional terms and conditions 
    agreed to by the parties if the terms and conditions are consistent 
    with sections 1894 and 1934 of the Act and regulations in this part.
    Sec. 460.34  Duration of PACE program agreement.
        An agreement is effective for a contract year, but may be extended 
    for additional contract years in the absence of a notice by a party to 
    Subpart D--Sanctions, Enforcement Actions, and Termination
    Sec. 460.40  Violations for which HCFA may impose sanctions.
        In addition to other remedies authorized by law, HCFA may impose 
    any of the sanctions specified in Secs. 460.42 and 460.46 if HCFA 
    determines that a PACE organization commits any of the following 
        (a) Fails substantially to provide to a participant medically 
    necessary items and services that are covered PACE services, if the 
    failure has adversely affected (or has substantial likelihood of 
    adversely affecting) the participant.
        (b) Involuntarily disenrolls a participant in violation of 
    Sec. 460.164.
        (c) Discriminates in enrollment or disenrollment among Medicare 
    beneficiaries or Medicaid recipients, or both, who are eligible to 
    enroll in a PACE program, on the basis of an individual's health status 
    or need for health care services.
        (d) Engages in any practice that would reasonably be expected to 
    have the effect of denying or discouraging enrollment, except as 
    permitted by Sec. 460.150, by Medicare beneficiaries or Medicaid 
    recipients whose medical condition or history indicates a need for 
    substantial future medical services.
        (e) Imposes charges on participants enrolled under Medicare or 
    [[Page 66282]]
    for premiums in excess of the premiums permitted.
        (f) Misrepresents or falsifies information that is furnished--
        (1) To HCFA or the State under this part; or
        (2) To an individual or any other entity under this part.
        (g) Prohibits or otherwise restricts a covered health care 
    professional from advising a participant who is a patient of the 
    professional about the participant's health status, medical care, or 
    treatment for the participant's condition or disease, regardless of 
    whether the PACE program provides benefits for that care or treatment, 
    if the professional is acting within his or her lawful scope of 
        (h) Operates a physician incentive plan that does not meet the 
    requirements of section 1876(i)(8) of the Act.
        (i) Employs or contracts with any individual who is excluded from 
    participation in Medicare or Medicaid under section 1128 or section 
    1128A of the Act (or with any entity that employs or contracts with 
    that individual) for the provision of health care, utilization review, 
    medical social work, or administrative services.
    Sec. 460.42  Suspension of enrollment or payment by HCFA.
        (a) Enrollment. If a PACE organization commits one or more 
    violations specified in Sec. 460.40, HCFA may suspend enrollment of 
    Medicare beneficiaries after the date HCFA notifies the organization of 
    the violation.
        (b) Payment. If a PACE organization commits one or more violations 
    specified in Sec. 460.40, for individuals enrolled after the date HCFA 
    notifies the PACE organization of the violation, HCFA may take the 
    following actions:
        (1) Suspend Medicare payment to the PACE organization.
        (2) Deny payment to the State for medical assistance for services 
    furnished under the PACE program agreement.
        (c) Term of suspension. A suspension or denial of payment remains 
    in effect until HCFA is satisfied that the following conditions are 
        (1) The PACE organization has corrected the cause of the violation.
        (2) The violation is not likely to recur.
    Sec. 460.46  Civil money penalties.
        (a) HCFA may impose civil money penalties up to the following 
    maximum amounts:
        (1) For each violation regarding enrollment or disenrollment 
    specified in Sec. 460.40 (c) or (d), $100,000 plus $15,000 for each 
    individual not enrolled as a result of the PACE organization's 
    discrimination in enrollment or disenrollment or practice that would 
    deny or discourage enrollment.
        (2) For each violation regarding excessive premiums specified in 
    Sec. 460.40(e), $25,000 plus double the excess amount above the 
    permitted premium charged a participant by the PACE organization. (The 
    excess amount charged is deducted from the penalty and returned to the 
        (3) For each misrepresentation or falsification of information, 
    specified in Sec. 460.40(f)(1), $100,000.
        (4) For any other violation specified in Sec. 460.40, $25,000.
        (b) The provisions of section 1128A of the Act (other than 
    subsections (a) and (b)) apply to a civil money penalty under this 
    section in the same manner as they apply to a civil money penalty or 
    proceeding under section 1128A(a).
    Sec. 460.48  Additional actions by HCFA or the State.
        After consultation with the State administering agency, if HCFA 
    determines that the PACE organization is not in substantial compliance 
    with requirements in this part, HCFA or the State administering agency 
    may take one or more of the following actions:
        (a) Condition the continuation of the PACE program agreement upon 
    timely execution of a corrective action plan.
        (b) Withhold some or all payments under the PACE program agreement 
    until the organization corrects the deficiency.
        (c) Terminate the PACE program agreement.
    Sec. 460.50  Termination of PACE program agreement.
        (a) Termination of agreement by HCFA or State. HCFA or a State 
    administering agency may terminate at any time a PACE program agreement 
    for cause, including, but not limited to the circumstances in 
    paragraphs (b) or (c) of this section.
        (b) Termination due to uncorrected deficiencies. HCFA or the State 
    administering agency may terminate a PACE program agreement if HCFA or 
    the State administering agency determines that both of the following 
    circumstances exist:
        (1) Either--
        (i) There are significant deficiencies in the quality of care 
    furnished to participants; or
        (ii) The PACE organization failed to comply substantially with 
    conditions for a PACE program or PACE organization under this part, or 
    with terms of its PACE program agreement.
        (2) Within 30 days of the date of the receipt of written notice of 
    a determination made under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the PACE 
    organization failed to develop and successfully initiate a plan to 
    correct the deficiencies, or failed to continue implementation of the 
    plan of correction.
        (c) Termination due to health and safety risk. HCFA or a State 
    administering agency may terminate a PACE program agreement if HCFA or 
    the State administering agency determines that the PACE organization 
    cannot ensure the health and safety of its participants. This 
    determination may result from the identification of deficiencies that 
    HCFA or the State administering agency determines cannot be corrected.
        (d) Termination of agreement by PACE organization. A PACE 
    organization may terminate an agreement after timely notice to HCFA, 
    the State administering agency, and participants, as follows:
        (1) To HCFA and the State administering agency, 90 days before 
        (2) To participants, 60 days before termination.
    Sec. 460.52  Transitional care during termination.
        (a) The PACE organization must develop a detailed written plan for 
    phase-down in the event of termination, which describes how the 
    organization plans to take the following actions:
        (1) Inform participants, the community, HCFA and the State 
    administering agency in writing about termination and transition 
        (2) Assist participants to obtain reinstatement of conventional 
    Medicare and Medicaid benefits.
        (3) Transition participants' care to other providers.
        (4) Terminate marketing and enrollment activities.
        (b) An entity whose PACE program agreement is in the process of 
    being terminated must provide assistance to each participant in 
    obtaining necessary transitional care through appropriate referrals and 
    making the participant's medical records available to new providers.
    Sec. 460.54  Termination procedures.
        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, if HCFA 
    terminates an agreement with a PACE organization, it furnishes the PACE 
    organization with the following:
        (1) A reasonable opportunity to develop and implement a corrective 
    action plan to correct the deficiencies
    [[Page 66283]]
    that were the basis of HCFA's determination that cause exists for 
        (2) Reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing (including the 
    right to appeal an initial determination) before terminating the 
        (b) HCFA may terminate an agreement without invoking the procedures 
    described in paragraph (a) of this section if HCFA determines that a 
    delay in termination, resulting from compliance with these procedures 
    before termination, would pose an imminent and serious risk to the 
    health of participants enrolled with the organization.
    Subpart E--PACE Administrative Requirements
    Sec. 460.60  PACE organizational structure.
        (a) A PACE organization must be, or be a distinct part of, one of 
    the following:
        (1) An entity of city, county, State, or Tribal government.
        (2) A private not-for-profit entity organized for charitable 
    purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 
    The entity may be a corporation, a subsidiary of a larger corporation, 
    or a department of a corporation.
        (b) Program director. The organization must employ a program 
    director who is responsible for oversight and administration of the 
        (c) Medical director. The organization must employ a medical 
    director who is responsible for the delivery of participant care, for 
    clinical outcomes, and for the implementation, as well as oversight, of 
    the quality assessment and performance improvement program.
        (d) Organizational chart. (1) The PACE organization must have a 
    current organizational chart showing officials in the PACE organization 
    and relationships to any other organizational entities.
        (2) The chart for a corporate entity must indicate the PACE 
    organization's relationship to the corporate board and to any parent, 
    affiliate, or subsidiary corporate entities.
        (3) A PACE organization planning a change in organizational 
    structure must notify HCFA and the State administering agency, in 
    writing, at least 60 days before the change takes effect.
        (4) Changes in organizational structure must be approved in advance 
    by HCFA and the State administering agency.
        (5) Changes in organizational structure approved by HCFA and the 
    State administering agency must be forwarded to the consumer advisory 
    committee described in Sec. 460.62(c) of this part for dissemination to 
    participants as appropriate.
    Sec. 460.62  Governing body.
        (a) Governing body. A PACE organization must be operating under the 
    control of an identifiable governing body (for example, a board of 
    directors) or a designated person functioning as a governing body with 
    full legal authority and responsibility for the following:
        (1) Governance and operation of the organization.
        (2) Development of policies consistent with the mission.
        (3) Management and provision of all services, including the 
    management of contractors.
        (4) Establishment of personnel policies that address adequate 
    notice of termination by employees or contractors with direct patient 
    care responsibilities.
        (5) Fiscal operations.
        (6) Development of policies on participant health and safety, 
    including a comprehensive, systemic operational plan to ensure the 
    health and safety of participants.
        (7) Quality assessment and performance improvement program.
        (b) Community representation. A PACE organization must ensure 
    community representation on issues related to participant care. This 
    may be achieved by having a community representative on the governing 
        (c) Consumer advisory committee. A PACE organization must establish 
    a consumer advisory committee to provide advice to the governing body 
    on matters of concern to participants. Participants and representatives 
    of participants must constitute a majority of the membership of this 
    Sec. 460.64  Personnel qualifications.
        (a) General qualification requirements. Except as specified in 
    paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, each member of the staff 
    (employee or contractor) of the PACE organization must meet the 
    following conditions:
        (1) Be legally authorized (currently licensed or, if applicable, 
    certified or registered) to practice in the State in which he or she 
    performs the function or actions.
        (2) Only act within the scope of his or her authority to practice.
        (b) Federally-defined qualifications for physician. (1) A physician 
    must meet the qualifications and conditions in Sec. 410.20 of this 
        (2) A primary care physician must have a minimum of 1 year's 
    experience working with a frail or elderly population.
        (c) Qualifications when no State licensing laws, State 
    certification, or registration requirements exist. If there are no 
    State licensing laws, State certification, or registration applicable 
    to the profession, the following requirements must be met:
        (1) Registered nurse. A registered nurse must meet the following 
        (i) Be a graduate of a school of professional nursing.
        (ii) Have a minimum of 1 year's experience working with a frail or 
    elderly population.
        (2) Social worker. A social worker must meet the following 
        (i) Have a master's degree in social work from an accredited school 
    of social work.
        (ii) Have a minimum of 1 year's experience working with a frail or 
    elderly population.
        (3) Physical therapist. A physical therapist must meet the 
    following requirements:
        (i) Be a graduate of a physical therapy curriculum approved by one 
    of the following:
        (A) The American Physical Therapy Association.
        (B) The Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation of 
    the American Medical Association.
        (C) The Council on Medical Education of the American Medical 
    Association and the American Physical Therapy Association.
        (D) Other equivalent organizations approved by the Secretary.
        (ii) Have a minimum of 1 year's experience working with a frail or 
    elderly population.
        (4) Occupational therapist. An occupational therapist must meet the 
    following requirements:
        (i) Be a graduate of an occupational therapy curriculum accredited 
    jointly by the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation 
    of the American Medical Association and the American Occupational 
    Therapy Association or other equivalent organizations approved by the 
        (ii) Be eligible for the National Registration Examination of the 
    American Occupational Therapy Association.
        (iii) Have 2 years of appropriate experience as an occupational 
    therapist and have achieved a satisfactory grade on a proficiency 
    examination conducted, approved, or sponsored by the U.S. Public Health 
    Service, except that the determination of proficiency does not apply 
    with respect to persons initially licensed by a State or seeking 
    initial qualification as an occupational therapist after December 31, 
    [[Page 66284]]
        (iv) Have a minimum of 1 year's experience working with a frail or 
    elderly population.
        (5) Recreation therapist or activities coordinator. A recreation 
    therapist or activities coordinator must have 2 years experience in a 
    social or recreational program providing and coordinating services for 
    a frail or elderly population within the last 5 years, one of which was 
    full-time in a patient activities program in a health care setting.
        (6) Dietitian. A dietitian must meet the following requirements:
        (i) Have a baccalaureate or advanced degree from an accredited 
    college with major studies in food and nutrition or dietetics.
        (ii) Have a minimum of 1 year's experience working with a frail or 
    elderly population.
        (7) Drivers. A PACE center driver must meet the following 
        (i) Have a valid driver's license to operate a van or bus in the 
    State of operation.
        (ii) Be capable of, and experienced in, transporting individuals 
    with special mobility needs.
    Sec. 460.66  Training.
        (a) The PACE organization must provide training to maintain and 
    improve the skills and knowledge of each staff member with respect to 
    the individual's specific duties that results in his or her continued 
    ability to demonstrate the skills necessary for the performance of the 
        (b) The PACE organization must develop a training program for each 
    personal care attendant to establish the individual's competency in 
    furnishing personal care services and specialized skills associated 
    with specific care needs of individual participants.
    Sec. 460.68  Program integrity.
        (a) Persons with criminal convictions. A PACE organization must not 
    employ individuals or contract with organizations or individuals--
        (1) Who have been excluded from participation in the Medicare or 
    Medicaid programs;
        (2) Who have been convicted of criminal offenses related to their 
    involvement in Medicaid, Medicare, other health insurance or health 
    care programs, or social service programs under title XX of the Act; or
        (3) In any capacity where an individual's contact with participants 
    would pose a potential risk because the individual has been convicted 
    of physical, sexual, drug, or alcohol abuse.
        (b) Direct or indirect interest in contracts. Except as provided in 
    paragraph (c) of this section, no member of the PACE organization's 
    governing body or any immediate family member may have a direct or 
    indirect interest in any contract that supplies any administrative or 
    care-related service or materials to the PACE organization.
        (c) Waiver. (1) HCFA and the State administering agency may waive 
    the requirement in paragraph (b) of this section for PACE organizations 
    in the following communities:
        (i) Rural.
        (ii) Tribal.
        (iii) Urban Indian.
        (2) If an applicant seeking approval as a PACE organization 
    believes a waiver under this paragraph is warranted, it must include a 
    request for the waiver in its application that meets the following 
        (i) Identifies the rural, tribal, or urban Indian community.
        (ii) Establishes recusal restrictions for each member of the PACE 
    organization governing body or immediate family member to which the 
    exception would apply.
        (iii) Establishes a process to record recusal actions on a case-by-
    case basis.
        (iv) Establishes a process to make available to the public the 
    general recusal restrictions and record of actions.
        (3) HCFA and the State administering agency may grant a waiver if 
    they determine the following:
        (i) There is insufficient availability in the PACE organization's 
    service area of individuals who could meet the requirement.
        (ii) The proposed alternative does not adversely affect the 
    availability of care or the quality of care that is provided to 
        (d) Disclosure requirements. A PACE organization must have a formal 
    process in place to gather information related to paragraphs (a) and 
    (b) of this section and must be able to respond in writing to a request 
    for information from HCFA within a reasonable amount of time.
    Sec. 460.70  Contracted services.
        (a) General rule. The PACE organization must have a written 
    contract with each outside organization, agency, or individual that 
    furnishes administrative or care-related services not furnished 
    directly by the PACE organization except for emergency services as 
    described in Sec. 460.100.
        (b) Contract requirements. A contract between a PACE organization 
    and a contractor must meet the following requirements:
        (1) The PACE organization must contract only with an entity that 
    meets all applicable Federal and State requirements, including, but not 
    limited to, the following:
        (i) An organizational contractor, such as a hospital, must meet 
    Medicare or Medicaid participation requirements.
        (ii) A practitioner or supplier must meet Medicare or Medicaid 
    requirements applicable to the services it furnishes.
        (iii) A contractor must comply with the requirements of this part 
    with respect to service delivery, participant rights, and quality 
    assessment and performance improvement activities.
        (2) A contractor must be accessible to participants, located either 
    within or near the PACE organization's service area.
        (3) A PACE organization must designate an official liaison to 
    coordinate activities between contractors and the organization.
        (c) List of contractors. A current list of contractors must be on 
    file at the PACE center and a copy must be provided to anyone upon 
        (d) Copies of signed contracts. The PACE organization must furnish 
    a copy of each signed contract for inpatient care to HCFA and the State 
    administering agency.
        (e) Content of contract. Each contract must be in writing and 
    include the following information:
        (1) Name of contractor.
        (2) Services furnished.
        (3) Payment rate and method.
        (4) Terms of the contract, including beginning and ending dates, 
    methods of extension, renegotiation, and termination.
        (5) Contractor agreement to do the following:
        (i) Furnish only those services authorized by the PACE 
    multidisciplinary team.
        (ii) Accept payment from the PACE organization as payment in full, 
    and not bill participants, HCFA, the State administering agency, or 
    private insurers.
        (iii) Hold harmless HCFA, the State, and PACE participants if the 
    PACE organization does not pay for services performed by the contractor 
    in accordance with the contract.
        (iv) Not assign the contract or delegate duties under the contract 
    unless it obtains prior written approval from the PACE organization.
        (v) Submit reports required by the PACE organization.
    Sec. 460.72  Physical environment.
        (a) Space and equipment--(1) Safe design. A PACE center must meet 
    the following requirements:
        (i) Be designed, constructed, equipped, and maintained to provide 
    for the physical safety of participants, personnel, and visitors.
    [[Page 66285]]
        (ii) Ensure a safe, sanitary, functional, accessible, and 
    comfortable environment for the delivery of services that protects the 
    dignity and privacy of the participant.
        (2) Primary care clinic. The PACE center must include sufficient 
    suitable space and equipment to provide primary medical care and 
    suitable space for team meetings, treatment, therapeutic recreation, 
    restorative therapies, socialization, personal care, and dining.
        (3) Equipment maintenance. A PACE organization must establish, 
    implement, and maintain a written plan to ensure that all equipment is 
    maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
        (b) Fire Safety. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this 
    section, a PACE center must meet the occupancy provisions of the 1997 
    edition of the Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection 
    Association (which is incorporated by reference) that apply to the type 
    of setting in which the center is located. Incorporation by reference 
    of the Life Safety Code, 1997 edition, was approved by the Director of 
    the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 
    51. The Life Safety Code is available for inspection at the Office of 
    the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 
    Copies of the Life Safety Code may be obtained from the National Fire 
    Protection Code (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 
    02269-9101. If any changes in the Life Safety Code, 1997 edition, are 
    also to be incorporated by reference, notice to that effect will be 
    published in the Federal Register.
        (2) Exceptions. (i) The Life Safety Code provisions do not apply in 
    a State in which HCFA determines that a fire and safety code imposed by 
    State law adequately protects participants and staff.
        (ii) HCFA may waive specific provisions of the Life Safety Code 
    that, if rigidly applied, would result in unreasonable hardship on the 
    center, but only if the waiver does not adversely affect the health and 
    safety of the participants and staff.
        (c) Emergency and disaster preparedness--(1) Procedures. The PACE 
    organization must establish, implement, and maintain documented 
    procedures to manage medical and nonmedical emergencies and disasters 
    that are likely to threaten the health or safety of the participants, 
    staff, or the public.
        (2) Emergencies defined. Emergencies include, but are not limited, 
    to the following:
        (i) Fire.
        (ii) Equipment, water, or power failure.
        (iii) Care-related emergencies.
        (iv) Natural disasters likely to occur in the organization's 
    geographic area. (An organization is not required to develop emergency 
    plans for natural disasters that typically do not affect its geographic 
        (3) Emergency training. A PACE organization must provide 
    appropriate training and periodic orientation to all staff (employees 
    and contractors) and participants to ensure that staff demonstrate a 
    knowledge of emergency procedures, including informing participants 
    what to do, where to go, and whom to contact in case of an emergency.
        (4) Availability of emergency equipment. Emergency equipment, 
    including easily portable oxygen, airways, suction, and emergency 
    drugs, along with staff who know how to use the equipment, must be on 
    the premises of every center at all times and be immediately available. 
    The organization must have a documented plan to obtain emergency 
    medical assistance from sources outside the center when needed.
        (5) Annual test of emergency and disaster plan. At least annually, 
    a PACE organization must actually test, evaluate, and document the 
    effectiveness of its emergency and disaster plans.
    Sec. 460.74  Infection control.
        (a) Standard procedures. The PACE organization must follow accepted 
    policies and standard procedures with respect to infection control, 
    including at least the standard precautions developed by the Centers 
    for Disease Control and Prevention.
        (b) Infection control plan. The PACE organization must establish, 
    implement, and maintain a documented infection control plan that meets 
    the following requirements:
        (1) Ensures a safe and sanitary environment.
        (2) Prevents and controls the transmission of disease and 
        (c) Contents of infection control plan. The infection control plan 
    must include, but is not limited to, the following:
        (1) Procedures to identify, investigate, control, and prevent 
    infections in every center and in each participant's place of 
        (2) Procedures to record any incidents of infection.
        (3) Procedures to analyze the incidents of infection to identify 
    trends and develop corrective actions related to the reduction of 
    future incidents.
    Sec. 460.76  Transportation services.
        (a) Safety, accessibility, and equipment. A PACE organization's 
    transportation services must be safe, accessible, and equipped to meet 
    the needs of the participant population.
        (b) Maintenance of vehicles. (1) If the PACE organization owns, 
    rents, or leases transportation vehicles, it must maintain these 
    vehicles in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
        (2) If a contractor provides transportation services, the PACE 
    organization must ensure that the vehicles are maintained in accordance 
    with the manufacturer's recommendations.
        (c) Communication with PACE center. The PACE organization must 
    ensure that transportation vehicles are equipped to communicate with 
    the PACE center.
        (d) Training. The PACE organization must train all transportation 
    personnel (employees and contractors) in the following:
        (1) Managing the special needs of participants.
        (2) Handling emergency situations.
        (e) Changes in care plan. As part of the multidisciplinary team 
    process, PACE organization staff (employees and contractors) must 
    communicate relevant changes in a participant's care plan to 
    transportation personnel.
    Sec. 460.78  Dietary services.
        (a) Meal requirements. (1) Except as specified in paragraphs (a)(2) 
    or (a)(3) of this section, the PACE organization must provide each 
    participant with a nourishing, palatable, well-balanced meal that meets 
    the daily nutritional and special dietary needs of each participant. 
    Each meal must meet the following requirements:
        (i) Be prepared by methods that conserve nutritive value, flavor, 
    and appearance.
        (ii) Be prepared in a form designed to meet individual needs.
        (iii) Be prepared and served at the proper temperature.
        (2) The PACE organization must provide substitute foods or 
    nutritional supplements that meet the daily nutritional and special 
    dietary needs of any participant who has any of the following problems:
        (i) Refuses the food served.
        (ii) Cannot tolerate the food served.
        (iii) Does not eat adequately.
        (3) The PACE organization must provide nutrition support to meet 
    the daily nutritional needs of a participant, if indicated by his or 
    her medical condition or diagnosis. Nutrition support consists of tube 
    feedings, total parenteral nutrition, or peripheral parenteral 
    [[Page 66286]]
        (b) Sanitary conditions. The PACE organization must do the 
        (1) Procure foods (including nutritional supplements and nutrition 
    support items) from sources approved, or considered satisfactory, by 
    Federal, State, Tribal, or local authorities with jurisdiction over the 
    service area of the organization.
        (2) Store, prepare, distribute, and serve foods (including 
    nutritional supplements and nutrition support items) under sanitary 
        (3) Dispose of garbage and refuse properly.
    Sec. 460.80  Fiscal soundness.
        (a) Fiscally sound operation. A PACE organization must have a 
    fiscally sound operation, as demonstrated by the following:
        (1) Total assets greater than total unsubordinated liabilities.
        (2) Sufficient cash flow and adequate liquidity to meet obligations 
    as they become due.
        (3) A net operating surplus or a financial plan for maintaining 
    solvency that is satisfactory to HCFA and the State administering 
        (b) Insolvency plan. The organization must have a documented plan 
    in the event of insolvency, approved by HCFA and the State 
    administering agency, which provides for the following:
        (1) Continuation of benefits for the duration of the period for 
    which capitation payment has been made.
        (2) Continuation of benefits to participants who are confined in a 
    hospital on the date of insolvency until their discharge.
        (3) Protection of participants from liability for payment of fees 
    that are the legal obligation of the PACE organization.
        (c) Arrangements to cover expenses. (1) A PACE organization must 
    demonstrate that it has arrangements to cover expenses in the amount of 
    at least the sum of the following in the event it becomes insolvent:
        (i) One month's total capitation revenue to cover expenses the 
    month before insolvency.
        (ii) One month's average payment to all contractors, based on the 
    prior quarter's average payment, to cover expenses the month after the 
    date it declares insolvency or ceases operations.
        (2) Arrangements to cover expenses may include, but are not limited 
    to, the following:
        (i) Insolvency insurance or reinsurance.
        (ii) Hold harmless arrangement.
        (iii) Letters of credit, guarantees, net worth, restricted State 
    reserves, or State law provisions.
    Sec. 460.82  Marketing.
        (a) Information that a PACE organization must include in its 
    marketing materials. (1) A PACE organization must inform the public 
    about its program and give prospective participants the following 
    written information:
        (i) An adequate description of the PACE organization's enrollment 
    and disenrollment policies and requirements.
        (ii) PACE enrollment procedures.
        (iii) Description of benefits and services.
        (iv) Premiums.
        (v) Other information necessary for prospective participants to 
    make an informed decision about enrollment.
        (2) Marketing information must be free of material inaccuracies, 
    misleading information, or misrepresentations.
        (b) Approval of marketing information. (1) HCFA must approve all 
    marketing information before distribution by the PACE organization, 
    including any revised or updated material.
        (2) HCFA reviews initial marketing information as part of an 
    entity's application for approval as a PACE organization, and approval 
    of the application includes approval of marketing information.
        (3) Once a PACE organization is under a PACE program agreement, any 
    revisions to existing marketing information and new information are 
    subject to the following:
        (i) Time period for approval. HCFA approves or disapproves 
    marketing information within 45 days after HCFA receives the 
    information from the organization.
        (ii) Deemed approval. Marketing information is deemed approved, and 
    the organization can distribute it, if HCFA and the State administering 
    agency do not disapprove the marketing material within the 45-day 
    review period.
        (c) Special language requirements. A PACE organization must furnish 
    printed marketing materials to prospective and current participants as 
    specified below:
        (1) In English and in any other principal languages of the 
        (2) In Braille, if necessary.
        (d) Information on restriction of services. (1) Marketing materials 
    must inform a potential participant that he or she must receive all 
    needed health care, including primary care and specialist physician 
    services (other than emergency services), from the PACE organization or 
    from an entity authorized by the PACE organization.
        (2) All marketing materials must state clearly that PACE 
    participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of 
    unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services.
        (e) Prohibited marketing practices. A PACE organization must ensure 
    that its employees or its agents do not use prohibited marketing 
    practices which includes the following:
        (1) Discrimination of any kind, except that marketing may be 
    directed to individuals eligible for PACE by reason of their age.
        (2) Activities that could mislead or confuse potential 
    participants, or misrepresent the PACE organization, HCFA, or the State 
    administering agency.
        (3) Gifts or payments to induce enrollment.
        (4) Contracting outreach efforts to individuals or organizations 
    whose sole responsibility involves direct contact with the elderly to 
    solicit enrollment.
        (5) Unsolicited door-to-door marketing.
        (f) Marketing Plan. A PACE organization must establish, implement, 
    and maintain a documented marketing plan with measurable enrollment 
    objectives and a system for tracking its effectiveness.
    Subpart F--PACE Services
    Sec. 460.90  PACE benefits under Medicare and Medicaid.
        If a Medicare beneficiary or Medicaid recipient chooses to enroll 
    in a PACE program, the following conditions apply:
        (a) Medicare and Medicaid benefit limitations and conditions 
    relating to amount, duration, scope of services, deductibles, 
    copayments, coinsurance, or other cost-sharing do not apply.
        (b) The participant, while enrolled in a PACE program, must receive 
    Medicare and Medicaid benefits solely through the PACE organization.
    Sec. 460.92  Required services.
        The PACE benefit package for all participants, regardless of the 
    source of payment, must include the following:
        (a) All Medicaid-covered services, as specified in the State's 
    approved Medicaid plan.
        (b) Multidisciplinary assessment and treatment planning.
        (c) Primary care, including physician and nursing services.
        (d) Social work services.
        (e) Restorative therapies, including physical therapy, occupational 
    therapy, and speech-language pathology services.
        (f) Personal care and supportive services.
        (g) Nutritional counseling.
        (h) Recreational therapy.
    [[Page 66287]]
        (i) Transportation.
        (j) Meals.
        (k) Medical specialty services including, but not limited to the 
        (1) Anesthesiology.
        (2) Audiology.
        (3) Cardiology.
        (4) Dentistry.
        (5) Dermatology.
        (6) Gastroenterology.
        (7) Gynecology.
        (8) Internal medicine.
        (9) Nephrology.
        (10) Neurosurgery.
        (11) Oncology.
        (12) Ophthalmology.
        (13) Oral surgery.
        (14) Orthopedic surgery.
        (15) Otorhinolaryngology.
        (16) Plastic surgery.
        (17) Pharmacy consulting services.
        (18) Podiatry.
        (19) Psychiatry.
        (20) Pulmonary disease.
        (21) Radiology.
        (22) Rheumatology.
        (23) General surgery.
        (24) Thoracic and vascular surgery.
        (25) Urology.
        (l) Laboratory tests, x-rays and other diagnostic procedures.
        (m) Drugs and biologicals.
        (n) Prosthetics, orthotics, durable medical equipment, corrective 
    vision devices, such as eyeglasses and lenses, hearing aids, dentures, 
    and repair and maintenance of these items.
        (o) Acute inpatient care, including the following:
        (1) Ambulance.
        (2) Emergency room care and treatment room services.
        (3) Semi-private room and board.
        (4) General medical and nursing services.
        (5) Medical surgical/intensive care/coronary care unit.
        (6) Laboratory tests, x-rays and other diagnostic procedures.
        (7) Drugs and biologicals.
        (8) Blood and blood derivatives.
        (9) Surgical care, including the use of anesthesia.
        (10) Use of oxygen.
        (11) Physical, occupational, respiratory therapies, and speech-
    language pathology services.
        (12) Social services.
        (p) Nursing facility care.
        (1) Semi-private room and board.
        (2) Physician and skilled nursing services.
        (3) Custodial care.
        (4) Personal care and assistance.
        (5) Drugs and biologicals.
        (6) Physical, occupational, recreational therapies, and speech-
    language pathology, if necessary.
        (7) Social services.
        (8) Medical supplies and appliances.
        (q) Other services determined necessary by the multidisciplinary 
    team to improve and maintain the participant's overall health status.
    Sec. 460.94  Required services for Medicare participants.
        (a) Except for Medicare requirements that are waived for the PACE 
    program, as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the PACE 
    benefit package for Medicare participants must include the following 
        (1) The scope of hospital insurance benefits described in part 409 
    of this chapter.
        (2) The scope of supplemental medical insurance benefits described 
    in part 410 of this chapter.
        (b) Waivers of Medicare coverage requirements. The following 
    Medicare requirements are waived for purposes of the PACE program and 
    do not apply:
        (1) The provisions of subpart F of part 409 of this chapter that 
    limit coverage of institutional services.
        (2) The provisions of subparts G and H of part 409 of this chapter, 
    and parts 412 through 414 of this chapter that relate to payment for 
        (3) The provisions of subparts D and E of part 409 of this chapter 
    that limit coverage of extended care services or home health services.
        (4) The provisions of subpart D of part 409 of this chapter that 
    impose a 3-day prior hospitalization requirement for coverage of 
    extended care services.
        (5) Sections 411.15(g) and (k) of this chapter that may prevent 
    payment for PACE program services to PACE participants.
    Sec. 460.96  Excluded services.
        The following services are excluded from coverage under PACE:
        (a) Any service that is not authorized by the multidisciplinary 
    team, even if it is a required service, unless it is an emergency 
        (b) In an inpatient facility, private room and private duty nursing 
    services (unless medically necessary), and nonmedical items for 
    personal convenience such as telephone charges and radio or television 
    rental (unless specifically authorized by the multidisciplinary team as 
    part of the participant's plan of care).
        (c) Cosmetic surgery, which does not include surgery that is 
    required for improved functioning of a malformed part of the body 
    resulting from an accidental injury or for reconstruction following 
        (d) Experimental medical, surgical, or other health procedures.
        (e) Services furnished outside of the United States, except as 
        (1) In accordance with Secs. 424.122 through 424.124 of this 
        (2) As permitted under the State's approved Medicaid plan.
    Sec. 460.98  Service delivery.
        (a) Plan. A PACE organization must establish and implement a 
    written plan to furnish care that meets the needs of each participant 
    in all care settings 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
        (b) Provision of services. (1) The PACE organization must furnish 
    comprehensive medical, health, and social services that integrate acute 
    and long-term care.
        (2) These services must be furnished in at least the PACE center, 
    the home, and inpatient facilities.
        (3) The PACE organization may not discriminate against any 
    participant in the delivery of required PACE services based on race, 
    ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, age, mental or physical 
    disability, or source of payment.
        (c) Minimum services furnished at each PACE center. At a minimum, 
    the following services must be furnished at each PACE center:
        (1) Primary care, including physician and nursing services.
        (2) Social services.
        (3) Restorative therapies, including physical therapy and 
    occupational therapy.
        (4) Personal care and supportive services.
        (5) Nutritional counseling.
        (6) Recreational therapy.
        (7) Meals.
        (d) Center operation. (1) A PACE organization must operate at least 
    one PACE center either in, or contiguous to, its defined service area 
    with sufficient capacity to allow routine attendance by participants.
        (2) A PACE organization must ensure accessible and adequate 
    services to meet the needs of its participants. If necessary, a PACE 
    organization must increase the number of PACE centers, staff, or other 
    PACE services.
        (3) If a PACE organization operates more than one center, each 
    center must offer the full range of services and have sufficient staff 
    to meet the needs of participants.
        (e) Center attendance. The frequency of a participant's attendance 
    at a center is determined by the multidisciplinary team, based on the 
    needs and preferences of each participant.
    Sec. 460.100  Emergency care.
        (a) Written plan. A PACE organization must establish and maintain a 
    written plan to handle emergency care. The
    [[Page 66288]]
    plan must ensure that HCFA, the State, and PACE participants are held 
    harmless if the PACE organization does not pay for emergency services.
        (b) Emergency care. Emergency care is appropriate when services are 
    needed immediately because of an injury or sudden illness and the time 
    required to reach the PACE organization or one of its contract 
    providers, would cause risk of permanent damage to the participant's 
    health. Emergency services include inpatient and outpatient services 
    that meet the following requirements:
        (1) Are furnished by a qualified emergency services provider, other 
    than the PACE organization or one of its contract providers, either in 
    or out of the PACE organization's service area.
        (2) Are needed to evaluate or stabilize an emergency medical 
        (c) An emergency medical condition means a condition manifesting 
    itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) 
    such that a prudent layperson, with an average knowledge of health and 
    medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical 
    attention to result in the following:
        (1) Serious jeopardy to the health of the participant.
        (2) Serious impairment to bodily functions.
        (3) Serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.
        (d) Explanation to participant. The organization must ensure that 
    the participant or caregiver, or both, understand when and how to get 
    access to emergency services.
        (e) On-call providers. The plan must provide for the following:
        (1) An on-call provider, available 24-hours per day to address 
    participant questions about emergency services and respond to requests 
    for authorization of urgently needed out-of-network services and post 
    stabilization care services following emergency services.
        (2) Coverage of urgently needed out-of-network and post-
    stabilization care services when either of the following conditions are 
        (i) The services are preapproved by the PACE organization.
        (ii) The services are not preapproved by the PACE organization 
    because the PACE organization did not respond to a request for approval 
    within 1 hour after being contacted or cannot be contacted for 
    Sec. 460.102  Multidisciplinary team.
        (a) Basic requirement. A PACE organization must meet the following 
        (1) Establish a multidisciplinary team at each center to 
    comprehensively assess and meet the individual needs of each 
        (2) Assign each participant to a multidisciplinary team functioning 
    at the PACE center that the participant attends.
        (b) Composition of multidisciplinary team. The multidisciplinary 
    team must be composed of at least the following members:
        (1) Primary care physician.
        (2) Registered nurse.
        (3) Social worker.
        (4) Physical therapist.
        (5) Occupational therapist.
        (6) Recreational therapist or activity coordinator.
        (7) Dietitian.
        (8) PACE center manager.
        (9) Home care coordinator.
        (10) Personal care attendant or his or her representative.
        (11) Driver or his or her representative.
        (c) Primary care physician. (1) Primary medical care must be 
    furnished to a participant by a PACE primary care physician.
        (2) Each primary care physician is responsible for the following:
        (i) Managing a participant's medical situations.
        (ii) Overseeing a participant's use of medical specialists and 
    inpatient care.
        (d) Responsibilities of multidisciplinary team. (1) The 
    multidisciplinary team is responsible for the initial assessment, 
    periodic reassessments, plan of care, and coordination of 24 hour care 
        (2) Each team member is responsible for the following:
        (i) Regularly informing the multidisciplinary team of the medical, 
    functional, and psychosocial condition of each participant.
        (ii) Remaining alert to pertinent input from other team members, 
    participants, and caregivers.
        (iii) Documenting changes in a participant's condition in the 
    participant's medical record.
        (3) Except as specified in paragraph (g) of this section, the 
    members of the multidisciplinary team must serve primarily PACE 
        (e) Exchange of information between team members. The PACE 
    organization must establish, implement, and maintain documented 
    internal procedures governing the exchange of information between team 
    members, contractors, and participants and their caregivers consistent 
    with the requirements for confidentiality in Sec. 460.200(e).
        (f) Organization employees. Except as specified in paragraph (g) of 
    this section, at least the following members of the multidisciplinary 
    team must be employees of the PACE organization:
        (1) Primary care physician.
        (2) Registered nurse.
        (3) Social worker.
        (4) Recreational therapist or activity coordinator.
        (5) PACE center manager.
        (6) Home care coordinator.
        (7) PACE center personal care attendant.
        (g) Waivers. (1) HCFA and the State administering agency may waive 
    either or both of the following:
        (i) The requirement in paragraph (d)(3) of this section that 
    members of the multidisciplinary team must serve primarily PACE 
        (ii) The requirement in paragraph (f)(1) of this section that the 
    primary care physician must be an employee of the PACE organization.
        (2) If an applicant seeking approval as a PACE organization 
    believes a waiver under this paragraph is warranted, it must include a 
    request for the waiver in its application and describe in detail the 
    circumstances supporting the request.
        (3) HCFA and the State administering agency may grant a waiver if 
    they determine the following:
        (i) There is insufficient availability in the PACE organization's 
    service area of individuals who meet the requirements, or State 
    licensing laws make it inappropriate for the organization to employ 
        (ii) The proposed alternative does not adversely affect the 
    availability of care or the quality of care that is furnished to 
    Sec. 460.104  Participant assessment.
        (a) Initial comprehensive assessment--(1) Basic requirement. The 
    multidisciplinary team must conduct an initial comprehensive assessment 
    on each participant. The assessment must be completed promptly 
    following enrollment.
        (2) As part of the initial comprehensive assessment, each of the 
    following members of the multidisciplinary team must evaluate the 
    participant in person, at appropriate intervals, and develop a 
    discipline-specific assessment of the participant's health and social 
        (i) Primary care physician.
        (ii) Registered nurse.
        (iii) Social worker.
        (iv) Physical therapist or occupational therapist, or both.
        (v) Recreational therapist or activity coordinator.
        (vi) Dietitian.
        (vii) Home care coordinator.
        (3) At the recommendation of individual team members, other
    [[Page 66289]]
    professional disciplines (for example, speech-language pathology, 
    dentistry, or audiology) may be included in the comprehensive 
    assessment process.
        (4) Comprehensive assessment criteria. The comprehensive assessment 
    must include, but is not limited to, the following:
        (i) Physical and cognitive function and ability.
        (ii) Medication use.
        (iii) Participant and caregiver preferences for care.
        (iv) Socialization and availability of family support.
        (v) Current health status and treatment needs.
        (vi) Nutritional status.
        (vii) Home environment, including home access and egress.
        (viii) Participant behavior.
        (ix) Psychosocial status.
        (x) Medical and dental status.
        (xi) Participant language.
        (b) Development of plan of care. The multidisciplinary team must 
    promptly consolidate discipline-specific assessments into a single plan 
    of care for each participant through discussion in team meetings and 
    consensus of the entire multidisciplinary team. In developing the plan 
    of care, female participants must be informed that they are entitled to 
    choose a qualified specialist for women's health services from the PACE 
    organization's network to furnish routine or preventive women's health 
        (c) Periodic reassessment--(1) Semiannual reassessment. On at least 
    a semiannual basis, or more often if a participant's condition 
    dictates, the following members of the multidisciplinary team must 
    conduct an in-person reassessment:
        (i) Primary care physician.
        (ii) Registered nurse.
        (iii) Social worker.
        (iv) Recreational therapist or activity coordinator.
        (v) Other team members actively involved in the development or 
    implementation of the participant's plan of care, for example, home 
    care coordinator, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or 
        (2) Annual reassessment. On at least an annual basis, the following 
    members of the multidisciplinary team must conduct an in-person 
        (i) Physical therapist or occupational therapist, or both.
        (ii) Dietitian.
        (iii) Home care coordinator.
        (3) Reassessment based on change in participant status or at the 
    request of the participant or designated representative. If the health 
    or psychosocial status of a participant changes or if a participant (or 
    his or her designated representative) believes that the participant 
    needs to initiate, eliminate, or continue a particular service, the 
    members of the multidisciplinary team, listed in paragraph (a)(2) of 
    this section, must conduct an in-person reassessment.
        (i) The PACE organization must have explicit procedures for timely 
    resolution of requests by a participant or his or her designated 
    representative to initiate, eliminate, or continue a particular 
        (ii) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section, 
    the multidisciplinary team must notify the participant or designated 
    representative of its decision to approve or deny the request from the 
    participant or designated representative as expeditiously as the 
    participant's condition requires, but no later than 72 hours after the 
    date the multidisciplinary team receives the request for reassessment.
        (iii) The multidisciplinary team may extend the 72-hour timeframe 
    for notifying the participant or designated representative of its 
    decision to approve or deny the request by no more than 5 additional 
    days for either of the following reasons:
        (A) The participant or designated representative requests the 
        (B) The team documents its need for additional information and how 
    the delay is in the interest of the participant.
        (iv) The PACE organization must explain any denial of a request to 
    the participant or the participant's designated representative orally 
    and in writing. The PACE organization must provide the specific reasons 
    for the denial in understandable language.
        (v) If the participant or designated representative is dissatisfied 
    with the decision on the request, the PACE organization is responsible 
    for the following:
        (A) Informing the participant or designated representative of his 
    or her right to appeal the decision as specified in Sec. 460.122.
        (B) Describing both the standard and expedited appeals processes, 
    including the right to, and conditions for, obtaining expedited 
    consideration of an appeal of a denial of services as specified in 
    Sec. 460.122.
        (C) Describing the right to, and conditions for, continuation of 
    appealed services through the period of an appeal as specified in 
    Sec. 460.122(e).
        (D) If the multidisciplinary team fails to provide the participant 
    with timely notice of the resolution of the request or does not furnish 
    the services required by the revised plan of care, this failure 
    constitutes an adverse decision, and the participant's request must be 
    automatically processed by the PACE organization as an appeal in 
    accordance with Sec. 460.122.
        (d) Changes to plan of care. Team members who conduct a 
    reassessment must meet the following requirements:
        (1) Reevaluate the participant's plan of care.
        (2) Discuss any changes in the plan with the multidisciplinary 
        (3) Obtain approval of the revised plan from the multidisciplinary 
    team and the participant (or designated representative).
        (4) Furnish any services included in the revised plan of care as a 
    result of a reassessment to the participant as expeditiously as the 
    participant's health condition requires.
        (e) Documentation. Multidisciplinary team members must document all 
    assessment and reassessment information in the participant's medical 
    Sec. 460.106  Plan of care.
        (a) Basic requirement. The multidisciplinary team must promptly 
    develop a comprehensive plan of care for each participant.
        (b) Content of plan of care. The plan of care must meet the 
    following requirements:
        (1) Specify the care needed to meet the participant's medical, 
    physical, emotional, and social needs, as identified in the initial 
    comprehensive assessment.
        (2) Identify measurable outcomes to be achieved.
        (c) Implementation of the plan of care. (1) The team must 
    implement, coordinate, and monitor the plan of care whether the 
    services are furnished by PACE employees or contractors.
        (2) The team must continuously monitor the participant's health and 
    psychosocial status, as well as the effectiveness of the plan of care, 
    through the provision of services, informal observation, input from 
    participants or caregivers, and communications among members of the 
    multidisciplinary team and other providers.
        (d) Evaluation of plan of care. On at least a semi-annual basis, 
    the multidisciplinary team must reevaluate the plan of care, including 
    defined outcomes, and make changes as necessary.
        (e) Participant and caregiver involvement in plan of care. The team 
    must develop, review, and reevaluate the plan of care in collaboration 
    with the participant or caregiver, or both, to ensure that there is 
    agreement with the
    [[Page 66290]]
    plan of care and that the participant's concerns are addressed.
        (f) Documentation. The team must document the plan of care, and any 
    changes made to it, in the participant's medical record.
    Subpart G--Participant Rights
    Sec. 460.110  Bill of rights.
        (a) Written bill of rights. A PACE organization must have a written 
    participant bill of rights designed to protect and promote the rights 
    of each participant. Those rights include, at a minimum, the ones 
    specified in Sec. 460.112.
        (b) Explanation of rights. The organization must inform a 
    participant upon enrollment, in writing, of his or her rights and 
    responsibilities, and all rules and regulations governing 
        (c) Protection of rights. The organization must protect and provide 
    for the exercise of the participant's rights.
    Sec. 460.112  Specific rights to which a participant is entitled.
        (a) Respect and nondiscrimination. Each participant has the right 
    to considerate, respectful care from all PACE employees and contractors 
    at all times and under all circumstances. Each participant has the 
    right not to be discriminated against in the delivery of required PACE 
    services based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, age, 
    mental or physical disability, or source of payment. Specifically, each 
    participant has the right to the following:
        (1) To receive comprehensive health care in a safe and clean 
    environment and in an accessible manner.
        (2) To be treated with dignity and respect, be afforded privacy and 
    confidentiality in all aspects of care, and be provided humane care.
        (3) Not to be required to perform services for the PACE 
        (4) To have reasonable access to a telephone.
        (5) To be free from harm, including physical or mental abuse, 
    neglect, corporal punishment, involuntary seclusion, excessive 
    medication, and any physical or chemical restraint imposed for purposes 
    of discipline or convenience and not required to treat the 
    participant's medical symptoms.
        (6) To be encouraged and assisted to exercise rights as a 
    participant, including the Medicare and Medicaid appeals processes as 
    well as civil and other legal rights.
        (7) To be encouraged and assisted to recommend changes in policies 
    and services to PACE staff.
        (b) Information disclosure. Each PACE participant has the right to 
    receive accurate, easily understood information and to receive 
    assistance in making informed health care decisions. Specifically, each 
    participant has the following rights:
        (1) To be fully informed in writing of the services available from 
    the PACE organization, including identification of all services that 
    are delivered through contracts, rather than furnished directly by the 
    PACE organization at the following times:
        (i) Before enrollment.
        (ii) At enrollment.
        (iii) When there is a change in services.
        (2) To have the enrollment agreement, described in Sec. 460.154, 
    fully explained in a manner understood by the participant.
        (3) To examine, or upon reasonable request, to be assisted to 
    examine the results of the most recent review of the PACE organization 
    conducted by HCFA or the State administering agency and any plan of 
    correction in effect.
        (c) Choice of providers. Each participant has the right to a choice 
    of health care providers, within the PACE organization's network, that 
    is sufficient to ensure access to appropriate high-quality health care. 
    Specifically, each participant has the right to the following:
        (1) To choose his or her primary care physician and specialists 
    from within the PACE network.
        (2) To request that a qualified specialist for women's health 
    services furnish routine or preventive women's health services.
        (3) To disenroll from the program at any time.
        (d) Access to emergency services. Each participant has the right to 
    access emergency health care services when and where the need arises 
    without prior authorization by the PACE multidisciplinary team.
        (e) Participation in treatment decisions. Each participant has the 
    right to participate fully in all decisions related to his or her 
    treatment. A participant who is unable to participate fully in 
    treatment decisions has the right to designate a representative. 
    Specifically, each participant has the following rights:
        (1) To have all treatment options explained in a culturally 
    competent manner and to make health care decisions, including the right 
    to refuse treatment, and be informed of the consequences of the 
        (2) To have the PACE organization explain advance directives and to 
    establish them, if the participant so desires, in accordance with 
    Secs. 489.100 and 489.102 of this chapter.
        (3) To be fully informed of his or her health and functional status 
    by the multidisciplinary team.
        (4) To participate in the development and implementation of the 
    plan of care.
        (5) To request a reassessment by the multidisciplinary team.
        (6) To be given reasonable advance notice, in writing, of any 
    transfer to another treatment setting and the justification for the 
    transfer (that is, due to medical reasons or for the participant's 
    welfare, or that of other participants). The PACE organization must 
    document the justification in the participant's medical record.
        (f) Confidentiality of health information. Each participant has the 
    right to communicate with health care providers in confidence and to 
    have the confidentiality of his or her individually identifiable health 
    care information protected. Each participant also has the right to 
    review and copy his or her own medical records and request amendments 
    to those records. Specifically, each participant has the following 
        (1) To be assured of confidential treatment of all information 
    contained in the health record, including information contained in an 
    automated data bank.
        (2) To be assured that his or her written consent will be obtained 
    for the release of information to persons not otherwise authorized 
    under law to receive it.
        (3) To provide written consent that limits the degree of 
    information and the persons to whom information may be given.
        (g) Complaints and appeals. Each participant has the right to a 
    fair and efficient process for resolving differences with the PACE 
    organization, including a rigorous system for internal review by the 
    organization and an independent system of external review. 
    Specifically, each participant has the following rights:
        (1) To be encouraged and assisted to voice complaints to PACE staff 
    and outside representatives of his or her choice, free of any 
    restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal by the 
    PACE staff.
        (2) To appeal any treatment decision of the PACE organization, its 
    employees, or contractors through the process described in 
    Sec. 460.122.
    Sec. 460.114  Restraints.
        (a) The PACE organization must limit use of restraints to the least 
    restrictive and most effective method available. The term restraint 
    includes either a
    [[Page 66291]]
    physical restraint or a chemical restraint.
        (1) A physical restraint is any manual method or physical or 
    mechanical device, materials, or equipment attached or adjacent to the 
    participant's body that he or she cannot easily remove that restricts 
    freedom of movement or normal access to one's body.
        (2) A chemical restraint is a medication used to control behavior 
    or to restrict the participant's freedom of movement and is not a 
    standard treatment for the participant's medical or psychiatric 
        (b) If the multidisciplinary team determines that a restraint is 
    needed to ensure the participant's physical safety or the safety of 
    others, the use must meet the following conditions:
        (1) Be imposed for a defined, limited period of time, based upon 
    the assessed needs of the participant.
        (2) Be imposed in accordance with safe and appropriate restraining 
        (3) Be imposed only when other less restrictive measures have been 
    found to be ineffective to protect the participant or others from harm.
        (4) Be removed or ended at the earliest possible time.
        (c) The condition of the restrained participant must be continually 
    assessed, monitored, and reevaluated.
    Sec. 460.116  Explanation of rights.
        (a) Written policies. A PACE organization must have written 
    policies and implement procedures to ensure that the participant, his 
    or her representative, if any, and staff understand these rights.
        (b) Explanation of rights. The PACE organization must fully explain 
    the rights to the participant and his or her representative, if any, at 
    the time of enrollment in a manner understood by the participant.
        (c) Display. The PACE organization must meet the following 
        (1) Write the participant rights in English and in any other 
    principal languages of the community.
        (2) Display the participant rights in a prominent place in the PACE 
    Sec. 460.118  Violation of rights.
        The PACE organization must have established documented procedures 
    to respond to and rectify a violation of a participant's rights.
    Sec. 460.120  Grievance process.
        For purposes of this part, a grievance is a complaint, either 
    written or oral, expressing dissatisfaction with service delivery or 
    the quality of care furnished.
        (a) Process to resolve grievances. A PACE organization must have a 
    formal written process to evaluate and resolve medical and nonmedical 
    grievances by participants, their family members, or representatives.
        (b) Notification to participants. Upon enrollment, and at least 
    annually thereafter, the PACE organization must give a participant 
    written information on the grievance process.
        (c) Minimum requirements. At a minimum, the PACE organization's 
    grievance process must include written procedures for the following:
        (1) How a participant files a grievance.
        (2) Documentation of a participant's grievance.
        (3) Response to, and resolution of, grievances in a timely manner.
        (4) Maintenance of confidentiality of a participant's grievance.
        (d) Continuing care during grievance process. The PACE organization 
    must continue to furnish all required services to the participant 
    during the grievance process.
        (e) Explaining the grievance process. The PACE organization must 
    discuss with and provide to the participant in writing the specific 
    steps, including timeframes for response, that will be taken to resolve 
    the participant's grievance.
        (f) Analyzing grievance information. The PACE organization must 
    maintain, aggregate, and analyze information on grievance proceedings. 
    This information must be used in the PACE organization's internal 
    quality assessment and performance improvement program.
    Sec. 460.122  PACE organization's appeals process.
        For purposes of this section, an appeal is a participant's action 
    taken with respect to the PACE organization's noncoverage of, or 
    nonpayment for, a service.
        (a) PACE organization's written appeals process. The PACE 
    organization must have a formal written appeals process, with specified 
    timeframes for response, to address noncoverage or nonpayment of a 
        (b) Notification of participants. Upon enrollment, at least 
    annually thereafter, and whenever the multidisciplinary team denies a 
    request for services or payment, the PACE organization must give a 
    participant written information on the appeals process.
        (c) Minimum requirements. At a minimum, the PACE organization's 
    appeals process must include written procedures for the following:
        (1) Timely preparation and processing of a written denial of 
    coverage or payment as provided in Sec. 460.104(c)(3).
        (2) How a participant files an appeal.
        (3) Documentation of a participant's appeal.
        (4) Appointment of an appropriately credentialed and impartial 
    third party who was not involved in the original action and who does 
    not have a stake in the outcome of the appeal to review the 
    participant's appeal.
        (5) Responses to, and resolution of, appeals as expeditiously as 
    the participant's health condition requires, but no later than 30 
    calendar days after the organization receives an appeal.
        (6) Maintenance of confidentiality of appeals.
        (d) Notification. A PACE organization must give all parties 
    involved in the appeal the following:
        (1) Appropriate written notification.
        (2) A reasonable opportunity to present evidence related to the 
    dispute, in person, as well as in writing.
        (e) Services furnished during appeals process. During the appeals 
    process, the PACE organization must meet the following requirements:
        (1) For a Medicaid participant, continue to furnish the disputed 
    services until issuance of the final determination if the following 
    conditions are met:
        (i) The PACE organization is proposing to terminate or reduce 
    services currently being furnished to the participant.
        (ii) The participant requests continuation with the understanding 
    that he or she may be liable for the costs of the contested services if 
    the determination is not made in his or her favor.
        (2) Continue to furnish to the participant all other required 
    services, as specified in subpart F of this part.
        (f) Expedited appeals process. (1) A PACE organization must have an 
    expedited appeals process for situations in which the participant 
    believes that his or her life, health, or ability to regain maximum 
    function would be seriously jeopardized, absent provision of the 
    service in dispute.
        (2) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(3) of this section, the 
    PACE organization must respond to the appeal as expeditiously as the 
    participant's health condition requires, but no later than 72 hours 
    after it receives the appeal.
        (3) The PACE organization may extend the 72-hour timeframe by up to 
    14 calendar days for either of the following reasons:
        (i) The participant requests the extension.
        (ii) The organization justifies to the State administering agency 
    the need for additional information and how the delay is in the 
    interest of the participant.
    [[Page 66292]]
        (g) Determination in favor of participant. A PACE organization must 
    furnish the disputed service as expeditiously as the participant's 
    health condition requires if a determination is made in favor of the 
    participant on appeal.
        (h) Determination adverse to participant. For a determination that 
    is wholly or partially adverse to a participant, at the same time the 
    decision is made, the PACE organization must notify the following:
        (1) HCFA.
        (2) The State administering agency.
        (3) The participant.
        (i) Analyzing appeals information. A PACE organization must 
    maintain, aggregate, and analyze information on appeal proceedings and 
    use this information in the organization's internal quality assessment 
    and performance improvement program.
    Sec. 460.124  Additional appeal rights under Medicare or Medicaid.
        A PACE organization must inform a participant in writing of his or 
    her appeal rights under Medicare or Medicaid managed care, or both, 
    assist the participant in choosing which to pursue if both are 
    applicable, and forward the appeal to the appropriate external entity.
    Subpart H--Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement
    Sec. 460.130  General rule.
        (a) A PACE organization must develop, implement, maintain, and 
    evaluate an effective, data-driven quality assessment and performance 
    improvement program.
        (b) The program must reflect the full range of services furnished 
    by the PACE organization.
        (c) A PACE organization must take actions that result in 
    improvements in its performance in all types of care.
    Sec. 460.132  Quality assessment and performance improvement plan.
        (a) Basic rule. A PACE organization must have a written quality 
    assessment and performance improvement plan.
        (b) Annual review. The PACE governing body must review the plan 
    annually and revise it, if necessary.
        (c) Minimum plan requirements. At a minimum, the plan must specify 
    how the PACE organization proposes to meet the following requirements:
        (1) Identify areas to improve or maintain the delivery of services 
    and patient care.
        (2) Develop and implement plans of action to improve or maintain 
    quality of care.
        (3) Document and disseminate to PACE staff and contractors the 
    results from the quality assessment and performance improvement 
    Sec. 460.134  Minimum requirements for quality assessment and 
    performance improvement program.
        (a) Minimum program requirements. A PACE organization's quality 
    assessment and performance improvement program must include, but is not 
    limited to, the use of objective measures to demonstrate improved 
    performance with regard to the following:
        (1) Utilization of PACE services, such as decreased inpatient 
    hospitalizations and emergency room visits.
        (2) Caregiver and participant satisfaction.
        (3) Outcome measures that are derived from data collected during 
    assessments, including data on the following:
        (i) Physiological well being.
        (ii) Functional status.
        (iii) Cognitive ability.
        (iv) Social/behavioral functioning.
        (v) Quality of life of participants.
        (4) Effectiveness and safety of staff-provided and contracted 
    services, including the following:
        (i) Competency of clinical staff.
        (ii) Promptness of service delivery.
        (iii) Achievement of treatment goals and measurable outcomes.
        (5) Nonclinical areas, such as grievances and appeals, 
    transportation services, meals, life safety, and environmental issues.
        (b) Basis for outcome measures. Outcome measures must be based on 
    current clinical practice guidelines and professional practice 
    standards applicable to the care of PACE participants.
        (c) Minimum levels of performance. The PACE organization must meet 
    or exceed minimum levels of performance, established by HCFA and the 
    State administering agency, on standardized quality measures, such as 
    influenza immunization rates, which are specified in the PACE program 
        (d) Accuracy of data. The PACE organization must ensure that all 
    data used for outcome monitoring are accurate and complete.
    Sec. 460.136  Internal quality assessment and performance improvement 
        (a) Quality assessment and performance improvement requirements. A 
    PACE organization must do the following:
        (1) Use a set of outcome measures to identify areas of good or 
    problematic performance.
        (2) Take actions targeted at maintaining or improving care based on 
    outcome measures.
        (3) Incorporate actions resulting in performance improvement into 
    standards of practice for the delivery of care and periodically track 
    performance to ensure that any performance improvements are sustained 
    over time.
        (4) Set priorities for performance improvement, considering 
    prevalence and severity of identified problems, and give priority to 
    improvement activities that affect clinical outcomes.
        (5) Immediately correct any identified problem that directly or 
    potentially threatens the health and safety of a PACE participant.
        (b) Quality assessment and performance improvement coordinator. A 
    PACE organization must designate an individual to coordinate and 
    oversee implementation of quality assessment and performance 
    improvement activities.
        (c) Involvement in quality assessment and performance improvement 
    activities. (1) A PACE organization must ensure that all 
    multidisciplinary team members, PACE staff, and contract providers are 
    involved in the development and implementation of quality assessment 
    and performance improvement activities and are aware of the results of 
    these activities.
        (2) The quality improvement coordinator must encourage a PACE 
    participant and his or her caregivers to be involved in quality 
    assessment and performance improvement activities, including providing 
    information about their satisfaction with services.
    Sec. 460.138  Committees with community input.
        A PACE organization must establish one or more committees, with 
    community input, to do the following:
        (a) Evaluate data collected pertaining to quality outcome measures.
        (b) Address the implementation of, and results from, the quality 
    assessment and performance improvement plan.
        (c) Provide input related to ethical decisionmaking, including end-
    of-life issues and implementation of the Patient Self-Determination 
    Sec. 460.140  Additional quality assessment activities.
        A PACE organization must meet external quality assessment and 
    reporting requirements, as specified by HCFA or the State administering 
    agency, in accordance with Sec. 460.202.
    [[Page 66293]]
    Subpart I--Participant Enrollment and Disenrollment
    Sec. 460.150  Eligibility to enroll in a PACE program.
        (a) General rule. To enroll in a PACE program, an individual must 
    meet eligibility requirements specified in this section. To continue to 
    be eligible for PACE, an individual must meet the annual 
    recertification requirements specified in Sec. 460.160.
        (b) Basic eligibility requirements. To be eligible to enroll in 
    PACE, an individual must meet the following requirements:
        (1) Be 55 years of age or older.
        (2) Be determined by the State administering agency to need the 
    level of care required under the State Medicaid plan for coverage of 
    nursing facility services, which indicates that the individual's health 
    status is comparable to the health status of individuals who have 
    participated in the PACE demonstration waiver programs.
        (3) Reside in the service area of the PACE organization.
        (4) Meet any additional program specific eligibility conditions 
    imposed under the PACE program agreement. These additional conditions 
    may not modify the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) through (b)(3) of 
    this section.
        (c) Other eligibility requirements. (1) At the time of enrollment, 
    an individual must be able to live in a community setting without 
    jeopardizing his or her health or safety.
        (2) The criteria used to determine if an individual's health or 
    safety would be jeopardized by living in a community setting must be 
    specified in the program agreement.
        (d) Eligibility under Medicare and Medicaid. Eligibility to enroll 
    in a PACE program is not restricted to an individual who is either a 
    Medicare beneficiary or Medicaid recipient. A potential PACE enrollee 
    may be, but is not required to be, any or all of the following:
        (1) Entitled to Medicare Part A.
        (2) Enrolled under Medicare Part B.
        (3) Eligible for Medicaid.
    Sec. 460.152  Enrollment process.
        (a) Intake process. Intake is an intensive process during which 
    PACE staff members make one or more visits to a potential participant's 
    place of residence and the potential participant makes one or more 
    visits to the PACE center. At a minimum, the intake process must 
    include the following activities:
        (1) The PACE staff must explain to the potential participant and 
    his or her representative or caregiver the following information:
        (i) The PACE program, using a copy of the enrollment agreement 
    described in Sec. 460.154, specifically references the elements of the 
    agreement including but not limited to Sec. 460.154(e), (i) through 
    (m), and (r).
        (ii) The requirement that the PACE organization would be the 
    participant's sole service provider and clarification that the PACE 
    organization guarantees access to services, but not to a specific 
        (iii) A list of the employees of the PACE organization who furnish 
    care and the most current list of contracted health care providers 
    under Sec. 460.70(c).
        (iv) Monthly premiums, if any.
        (v) Any Medicaid spenddown obligations.
        (2) The potential participant must sign a release to allow the PACE 
    organization to obtain his or her medical and financial information and 
    eligibility status for Medicare and Medicaid.
        (3) The State administering agency must assess the potential 
    participant, including any individual who is not eligible for Medicaid, 
    to ensure that he or she needs the level of care required under the 
    State Medicaid plan for coverage of nursing facility services, which 
    indicates that the individual's health status is comparable to the 
    health status of individuals who have participated in the PACE 
    demonstration waiver programs.
        (4) PACE staff must assess the potential participant to ensure that 
    he or she can be cared for appropriately in a community setting and 
    that he or she meets all requirements for PACE eligibility specified in 
    this part.
        (b) Denial of Enrollment. If a prospective participant is denied 
    enrollment because his or her health or safety would be jeopardized by 
    living in a community setting, the PACE organization must meet the 
    following requirements:
        (1) Notify the individual in writing of the reason for the denial.
        (2) Refer the individual to alternative services, as appropriate.
        (3) Maintain supporting documentation of the reason for the denial.
        (4) Notify HCFA and the State administering agency and make the 
    documentation available for review.
    Sec. 460.154  Enrollment agreement.
        If the potential participant meets the eligibility requirements and 
    wants to enroll, he or she must sign an enrollment agreement which 
    contains, at a minimum, the following information:
        (a) Applicant's name, sex, and date of birth.
        (b) Medicare beneficiary status (Part A, Part B, or both) and 
    number, if applicable.
        (c) Medicaid recipient status and number, if applicable.
        (d) Other health insurance information, if applicable.
        (e) Conditions for enrollment and disenrollment in PACE.
        (f) Description of participant premiums, if any, and procedures for 
    payment of premiums.
        (g) Notification that a Medicaid participant and a participant who 
    is eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid are not liable for any 
    premiums, but may be liable for any applicable spenddown liability 
    under Secs. 435.121 and 435.831 of this chapter and any amounts due 
    under the post-eligibility treatment of income process under 
    Sec. 460.184.
        (h) Notification that a Medicare participant may not disenroll from 
    PACE at a social security office.
        (i) Notification that enrollment in PACE results in disenrollment 
    from any other Medicare or Medicaid prepayment plan or optional 
    benefit. Electing enrollment in any other Medicare or Medicaid 
    prepayment plan or optional benefit, including the hospice benefit, 
    after enrolling as a PACE participant is considered a voluntary 
    disenrollment from PACE.
        (j) Information on the consequences of subsequent enrollment in 
    other optional Medicare or Medicaid programs following disenrollment 
    from PACE.
        (k) Description of PACE services available, including all Medicare 
    and Medicaid covered services, and how services are obtained from the 
    PACE organization.
        (l) Description of the procedures for obtaining emergency and 
    urgently needed out-of-network services.
        (m) The participant bill of rights.
        (n) Information on the process for grievances and appeals and 
    Medicare/Medicaid phone numbers for use in appeals.
        (o) Notification of a participant's obligation to inform the PACE 
    organization of a move or lengthy absence from the organization's 
    service area.
        (p) An acknowledgment by the applicant or representative that he or 
    she understands the requirement that the PACE organization must be the 
    applicant's sole service provider.
        (q) A statement that the PACE organization has an agreement with 
    HCFA and the State administering agency that is subject to renewal on a 
    periodic basis and, if the agreement is
    [[Page 66294]]
    not renewed, the program will be terminated.
        (r) The applicant's authorization for disclosure and exchange of 
    personal information between HCFA, its agents, the State administering 
    agency, and the PACE organization.
        (s) The effective date of enrollment.
        (t) The applicant's signature and the date.
    Sec. 460.156  Other enrollment procedures.
        (a) Items a PACE organization must give a participant upon 
    enrollment. After the participant signs the enrollment agreement, the 
    PACE organization must give the participant the following:
        (1) A copy of the enrollment agreement.
        (2) A PACE membership card.
        (3) Emergency information to be posted in his or her home 
    identifying the individual as a PACE participant and explaining how to 
    access emergency services.
        (4) Stickers for the participant's Medicare and Medicaid cards, as 
    applicable, which indicate that he or she is a PACE participant and 
    include the phone number of the PACE organization.
        (b) Submittal of participant information to HCFA and the State. The 
    PACE organization must submit participant information to HCFA and the 
    State administering agency, in accordance with established procedures.
        (c) Changes in enrollment agreement information. If there are 
    changes in the enrollment agreement information at any time during the 
    participant's enrollment, the PACE organization must meet the following 
        (1) Give an updated copy of the information to the participant.
        (2) Explain the changes to the participant and his or her 
    representative or caregiver in a manner they understand.
    Sec. 460.158  Effective date of enrollment.
        A participant's enrollment in the program is effective on the first 
    day of the calendar month following the date the PACE organization 
    receives the signed enrollment agreement.
    Sec. 460.160  Continuation of enrollment.
        (a) Duration of enrollment. Enrollment continues until the 
    participant's death, regardless of changes in health status, unless 
    either of the following actions occur:
        (1) The participant voluntarily disenrolls.
        (2) The participant is involuntarily disenrolled, as described in 
    Sec. 460.164.
        (b) Annual recertification requirement. At least annually, the 
    State administering agency must reevaluate whether a participant needs 
    the level of care required under the State Medicaid plan for coverage 
    of nursing facility services.
        (1) Waiver of annual requirement. (i) The State administering 
    agency may permanently waive the annual recertification requirement for 
    a participant if it determines that there is no reasonable expectation 
    of improvement or significant change in the participant's condition 
    because of the severity of a chronic condition or the degree of 
    impairment of functional capacity.
        (ii) The PACE organization must retain in the participant's medical 
    record the documentation of the reason for waiving the annual 
    recertification requirement.
        (2) Deemed continued eligibility. If the State administering agency 
    determines that a PACE participant no longer meets the State Medicaid 
    nursing facility level of care requirements, the participant may be 
    deemed to continue to be eligible for the PACE program until the next 
    annual reevaluation, if, in the absence of continued coverage under 
    this program, the participant reasonably would be expected to meet the 
    nursing facility level of care requirement within the next 6 months.
        (3) Continued eligibility criteria. (i) The State administering 
    agency, in consultation with the PACE organization, makes a 
    determination of continued eligibility based on a review of the 
    participant's medical record and plan of care.
        (ii) The criteria used to make the determination of continued 
    eligibility must be specified in the program agreement.
    Sec. 460.162  Voluntary disenrollment.
        A PACE participant may voluntarily disenroll from the program 
    without cause at any time.
    Sec. 460.164  Involuntary disenrollment.
        (a) Reasons for involuntary disenrollment. A participant may be 
    involuntarily disenrolled for any of the following reasons:
        (1) The participant fails to pay, or to make satisfactory 
    arrangements to pay, any premium due the PACE organization after a 30-
    day grace period.
        (2) The participant engages in disruptive or threatening behavior, 
    as described in paragraph (b) of this section.
        (3) The participant moves out of the PACE program service area or 
    is out of the service area for more than 30 consecutive days, unless 
    the PACE organization agrees to a longer absence due to extenuating 
        (4) The participant is determined to no longer meet the State 
    Medicaid nursing facility level of care requirements and is not deemed 
        (5) The PACE program agreement with HCFA and the State 
    administering agency is not renewed or is terminated.
        (6) The PACE organization is unable to offer health care services 
    due to the loss of State licenses or contracts with outside providers.
        (b) Disruptive or threatening behavior. For purposes of this 
    section, a participant who engages in disruptive or threatening 
    behavior refers to a participant who exhibits either of the following:
        (1) A participant whose behavior jeopardizes his or her health or 
    safety, or the safety of others; or
        (2) A participant with decision-making capacity who consistently 
    refuses to comply with his or her individual plan of care or the terms 
    of the PACE enrollment agreement.
        (c) Documentation of disruptive or threatening behavior. If a PACE 
    organization proposes to disenroll a participant who is disruptive or 
    threatening, the organization must document the following information 
    in the participant's medical record:
        (1) The reasons for proposing to disenroll the participant.
        (2) All efforts to remedy the situation.
        (d) Noncompliant behavior. (1) A PACE organization may not 
    disenroll a PACE participant on the grounds that the participant has 
    engaged in noncompliant behavior if the behavior is related to a mental 
    or physical condition of the participant, unless the participant's 
    behavior jeopardizes his or her health or safety, or the safety of 
        (2) For purposes of this section, noncompliant behavior includes 
    repeated noncompliance with medical advice and repeated failure to keep 
        (e) State administering agency review and final determination. 
    Before an involuntary disenrollment is effective, the State 
    administering agency must review it and determine in a timely manner 
    that the PACE organization has adequately documented acceptable grounds 
    for disenrollment.
    Sec. 460.166  Effective date of disenrollment.
        (a) In disenrolling a participant, the PACE organization must take 
    the following actions:
        (1) Use the most expedient process allowed under Medicare and 
    Medicaid procedures, as set forth in the PACE program agreement.
    [[Page 66295]]
        (2) Coordinate the disenrollment date between Medicare and Medicaid 
    (for a participant who is eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid).
        (3) Give reasonable advance notice to the participant.
        (b) Until the date enrollment is terminated, the following 
    requirements must be met:
        (1) PACE participants must continue to use PACE organization 
    services and remain liable for any premiums.
        (2) The PACE organization must continue to furnish all needed 
    Sec. 460.168  Reinstatement in other Medicare and Medicaid programs.
        To facilitate a participant's reinstatement in other Medicare and 
    Medicaid programs after disenrollment, the PACE organization must do 
    the following:
        (a) Make appropriate referrals and ensure medical records are made 
    available to new providers in a timely manner.
        (b) Work with HCFA and the State administering agency to reinstate 
    the participant in other Medicare and Medicaid programs for which the 
    participant is eligible.
    Sec. 460.170  Reinstatement in PACE.
        (a) A previously disenrolled participant may be reinstated in a 
    PACE program.
        (b) If the reason for disenrollment is failure to pay the premium 
    and the participant pays the premium before the effective date of 
    disenrollment, the participant is reinstated in the PACE program with 
    no break in coverage.
    Sec. 460.172  Documentation of disenrollment.
        A PACE organization must meet the following requirements:
        (a) Have a procedure in place to document the reasons for all 
    voluntary and involuntary disenrollments.
        (b) Make documentation available for review by HCFA and the State 
    administering agency.
        (c) Use the information on voluntary disenrollments in the PACE 
    organization's internal quality assessment and performance improvement 
    Subpart J--Payment
    Sec. 460.180  Medicare payment to PACE organizations.
        (a) Principle of payment. Under a PACE program agreement, HCFA 
    makes a prospective monthly payment to the PACE organization of a 
    capitation amount for each Medicare participant in a payment area based 
    on the rate it pays to a Medicare+Choice organization.
        (b) Determination of rate. (1) The PACE program agreement specifies 
    the monthly capitation amount for each year applicable to a PACE 
        (2) Except as specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, the 
    monthly capitation amount is based on the aged Part A and Part B 
    payment rates established for purposes of payment to Medicare+Choice 
    organizations. As used in this section, ``Medicare+Choice rates'' means 
    the Part A and Part B rates calculated by HCFA for making payment to 
    Medicare+Choice organizations under section 1853 of the Act.
        (3) The rates specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section are 
    adjusted by a frailty factor necessary to ensure comparability between 
    PACE participants and the reference population in the Medicare system. 
    The factor is specified in the PACE program agreement.
        (4) For Medicare participants who require ESRD services, the 
    monthly capitation amount is based on the Medicare+Choice State ESRD 
    rate. The monthly rate is adjusted by a factor to recognize the frailer 
    and older ESRD population being served by the PACE organization. The 
    PACE program agreement specifies this factor.
        (5) HCFA may adjust the monthly capitation amount to take into 
    account other factors HCFA determines to be appropriate.
        (6) The monthly capitation payment is a fixed amount, regardless of 
    changes in the participant's health status.
        (7) The monthly capitation payment amount is an all-inclusive 
    payment for Medicare benefits provided to participants. A PACE 
    organization must not seek any additional payment from Medicare. The 
    only additional payment that a PACE organization may collect from, or 
    on behalf of, a Medicare participant for PACE services is the 
        (i) Any applicable premium amount specified in Sec. 460.186.
        (ii) Any charge permitted under paragraph (d) of this section when 
    Medicare is not the primary payer.
        (iii) Any payment from the State, as specified in Sec. 460.182, for 
    a participant who is eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
        (iv) Payment with respect to any applicable spenddown liability 
    under Secs. 435.121 and 435.831 of this chapter and any amount due 
    under the post-eligibility treatment of income process under 
    Sec. 460.184 for a participant who is eligible for both Medicare and 
        (8) HCFA computes the Medicare monthly capitation payment amount 
    under a PACE program agreement so that the total payment level for all 
    participants is less than the projected payment under Medicare for a 
    comparable population not enrolled under a PACE program.
        (c) Adjustments to payments. If the actual number of Medicare 
    participants differs from the estimated number of participants on which 
    the amount of the prospective monthly payment was based, HCFA adjusts 
    subsequent monthly payments to account for the difference.
        (d) Application of Medicare secondary payer provisions. (1) Basic 
    rule. HCFA does not pay for services to the extent that Medicare is not 
    the primary payer under part 411 of this chapter.
        (2) Responsibilities of the PACE organization. The PACE 
    organization must do the following:
        (i) Identify payers that are primary to Medicare under part 411 of 
    this chapter.
        (ii) Determine the amounts payable by those payers.
        (iii) Coordinate benefits to Medicare participants with the 
    benefits of the primary payers.
        (3) Charges to other entities. The PACE organization may charge 
    other individuals or entities for PACE services covered under Medicare 
    for which Medicare is not the primary payer, as specified in paragraphs 
    (d)(4) and (5) of this section.
        (4) Charge to other insurers or the participant. If a Medicare 
    participant receives from a PACE organization covered services that are 
    also covered under State or Federal workers' compensation, any no-fault 
    insurance, or any liability insurance policy or plan, including a self-
    insured plan, the PACE organization may charge any of the following:
        (i) The insurance carrier, the employer, or any other entity that 
    is liable for payment for the services under part 411 of this chapter.
        (ii) The Medicare participant, to the extent that he or she has 
    been paid by the carrier, employer, or other entity.
        (5) Charge to group health plan (GHP) or large group health plan 
    (LGHP). If Medicare is not the primary payer for services that a PACE 
    organization furnished to a Medicare participant who is covered under a 
    GHP or LGHP, the organization may charge the following:
        (i) GHP or LGHP for those services.
        (ii) Medicare participant to the extent that he or she has been 
    paid by the GHP or LGHP for those services.
    Sec. 460.182  Medicaid payment.
        (a) Under a PACE program agreement, the State administering agency 
    makes a prospective monthly payment to the PACE organization of a 
    capitation amount for each Medicaid participant.
    [[Page 66296]]
        (b) The monthly capitation payment amount is negotiated between the 
    PACE organization and the State administering agency, and specified in 
    the PACE program agreement. The amount represents the following:
        (1) Is less than the amount that would otherwise have been paid 
    under the State plan if the participants were not enrolled under the 
    PACE program.
        (2) Takes into account the comparative frailty of PACE 
        (3) Is a fixed amount regardless of changes in the participant's 
    health status.
        (4) Can be renegotiated on an annual basis.
        (c) The PACE organization must accept the capitation payment amount 
    as payment in full for Medicaid participants and may not bill, charge, 
    collect, or receive any other form of payment from the State 
    administering agency or from, or on behalf of, the participant, except 
    as follows:
        (1) Payment with respect to any applicable spenddown liability 
    under Secs. 435.121 and 435.831 of this chapter and any amounts due 
    under the post-eligibility treatment of income process under 
    Sec. 460.184.
        (2) Medicare payment received from HCFA or from other payers, in 
    accordance with Sec. 460.180(d).
        (d) State procedures for the enrollment and disenrollment of 
    participants in the State's system, including procedures for any 
    adjustment to account for the difference between the estimated number 
    of participants on which the prospective monthly payment was based and 
    the actual number of participants in that month, are included in the 
    PACE program agreement.
    Sec. 460.184  Post-eligibility treatment of income.
        (a) A State may provide for post-eligibility treatment of income 
    for Medicaid participants in the same manner as a State treats post-
    eligibility income for individuals receiving services under a waiver 
    under section 1915(c) of the Act.
        (b) Post-eligibility treatment of income is applied as it is under 
    a waiver of section 1915(c) of the Act, as specified in Secs. 435.726 
    and 435.735 of this chapter, and section 1924 of the Act.
    Sec. 460.186  PACE premiums.
        The amount that a PACE organization can charge a participant as a 
    monthly premium depends on the participant's eligibility under Medicare 
    and Medicaid, as follows:
        (a) Medicare Parts A and B. For a participant who is entitled to 
    Medicare Part A, enrolled under Medicare Part B, but not eligible for 
    Medicaid, the premium equals the Medicaid capitation amount.
        (b) Medicare Part A only. For a participant who is entitled to 
    Medicare Part A, not enrolled under Medicare Part B, and not eligible 
    for Medicaid, the premium equals the Medicaid capitation amount plus 
    the Medicare Part B capitation rate.
        (c) Medicare Part B only. For a participant who is enrolled only 
    under Medicare Part B and not eligible for Medicaid, the premium equals 
    the Medicaid capitation amount plus the Medicare Part A capitation 
        (d) Medicaid, with or without Medicare. A PACE organization may not 
    charge a premium to a participant who is eligible for both Medicare and 
    Medicaid, or who is only eligible for Medicaid.
    Subpart K--Federal/State Monitoring
    Sec. 460.190  Monitoring during trial period.
        (a) Trial period review. During the trial period, HCFA, in 
    cooperation with the State administering agency, conducts comprehensive 
    annual reviews of the operations of a PACE organization to ensure 
    compliance with the requirements of this part.
        (b) Scope of review. The review includes the following:
        (1) An onsite visit to the PACE organization, which may include, 
    but is not limited to, the following:
        (i) Review of participants' charts.
        (ii) Interviews with staff.
        (iii) Interviews with participants and caregivers.
        (iv) Interviews with contractors.
        (v) Observation of program operations, including marketing, 
    participant services, enrollment and disenrollment procedures, 
    grievances, and appeals.
        (2) A comprehensive assessment of an organization's fiscal 
        (3) A comprehensive assessment of the organization's capacity to 
    furnish all PACE services to all participants.
        (4) Any other elements that HCFA or the State administering agency 
    find necessary.
    Sec. 460.192  Ongoing monitoring after trial period.
        (a) At the conclusion of the trial period, HCFA, in cooperation 
    with the State administering agency, continues to conduct reviews of a 
    PACE organization, as appropriate, taking into account the quality of 
    care furnished and the organization's compliance with all of the 
    requirements of this part.
        (b) Reviews include an on-site visit at least every 2 years.
    Sec. 460.194  Corrective action.
        (a) A PACE organization must take action to correct deficiencies 
    identified during reviews.
        (b) HCFA or the State administering agency monitors the 
    effectiveness of corrective actions.
        (c) Failure to correct deficiencies may result in sanctions or 
    termination, as specified in subpart D of this part.
    Sec. 460.196  Disclosure of review results.
        (a) HCFA and the State administering agency promptly report the 
    results of reviews under Secs. 460.190 and 460.192 to the PACE 
    organization, along with any recommendations for changes to the 
    organization's program.
        (b) HCFA and the State administering agency make the results of 
    reviews available to the public upon request.
        (c) The PACE organization must post a notice of the availability of 
    the results of the most recent review and any plans of correction or 
    responses related to the most recent review.
        (d) The PACE organization must make the review results available 
    for examination in a place readily accessible to participants.
    Subpart L--Data Collection, Record Maintenance, and Reporting
    Sec. 460.200  Maintenance of records and reporting of data.
        (a) General rule. A PACE organization must collect data, maintain 
    records, and submit reports as required by HCFA and the State 
    administering agency.
        (b) Access to data and records. A PACE organization must allow HCFA 
    and the State administering agency access to data and records 
    including, but not limited to, the following:
        (1) Participant health outcomes data.
        (2) Financial books and records.
        (3) Medical records.
        (4) Personnel records.
        (c) Reporting. A PACE organization must submit to HCFA and the 
    State administering agency all reports that HCFA and the State 
    administering agency require to monitor the operation, cost, quality, 
    and effectiveness of the program and establish payment rates.
        (d) Safeguarding data and records. A PACE organization must 
    establish written policies and implement procedures to safeguard all 
    data, books, and records against loss, destruction, unauthorized use, 
    or inappropriate alteration.
        (e) Confidentiality of health information. A PACE organization must 
    establish written policies and
    [[Page 66297]]
    implement procedures to do the following:
        (1) Safeguard the privacy of any information that identifies a 
    particular participant. Information from, or copies of, records may be 
    released only to authorized individuals. Original medical records are 
    released only in accordance with Federal or State laws, court orders, 
    or subpoenas.
        (2) Maintain complete records and relevant information in an 
    accurate and timely manner.
        (3) Grant each participant timely access, upon request, to review 
    and copy his or her own medical records and to request amendments to 
    those records.
        (4) Abide by all Federal and State laws regarding confidentiality 
    and disclosure for mental health records, medical records, and other 
    participant health information.
        (f) Retention of records. (1) A PACE organization must retain 
    records for the longest of the following periods:
        (i) The period of time specified in State law.
        (ii) Six years from the last entry date.
        (iii) For medical records of disenrolled participants, 6 years 
    after the date of disenrollment.
        (2) If litigation, a claim, a financial management review, or an 
    audit arising from the operation of the PACE program is started before 
    the expiration of the retention period, specified in paragraph (f)(1) 
    of this section, the PACE organization must retain the records until 
    the completion of the litigation, or resolution of the claims or audit 
    Sec. 460.202  Participant health outcomes data.
        (a) A PACE organization must establish and maintain a health 
    information system that collects, analyzes, integrates, and reports 
    data necessary to measure the organization's performance, including 
    outcomes of care furnished to participants.
        (b) A PACE organization must furnish data and information 
    pertaining to its provision of participant care in the manner, and at 
    the time intervals, specified by HCFA and the State administering 
    agency. The items collected are specified in the PACE program 
    Sec. 460.204  Financial recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
        (a) Accurate reports. A PACE organization must provide HCFA and the 
    State administering agency with accurate financial reports that are--
        (1) Prepared using an accrual basis of accounting; and
        (2) Verifiable by qualified auditors.
        (b) Accrual accounting. A PACE organization must maintain an 
    accrual accounting recordkeeping system that does the following:
        (1) Accurately documents all financial transactions.
        (2) Provides an audit trail to source documents.
        (3) Generates financial statements.
        (c) Accepted reporting practices. Except as specified under 
    Medicare principles of reimbursement, as defined in part 413 of this 
    chapter, a PACE organization must follow standardized definitions, 
    accounting, statistical, and reporting practices that are widely 
    accepted in the health care industry.
        (d) Audit or inspection. A PACE organization must permit HCFA and 
    the State administering agency to audit or inspect any books and 
    records of original entry that pertain to the following:
        (1) Any aspect of services furnished.
        (2) Reconciliation of participants' benefit liabilities.
        (3) Determination of Medicare and Medicaid amounts payable.
    Sec. 460.208  Financial statements.
        (a) General rule. (1) Not later than 180 days after the 
    organization's fiscal year ends, a PACE organization must submit a 
    certified financial statement that includes appropriate footnotes.
        (2) The financial statement must be certified by an independent 
    certified public accountant.
        (b) Contents. At a minimum, the certified financial statement must 
    consist of the following:
        (1) A certification statement.
        (2) A balance sheet.
        (3) A statement of revenues and expenses.
        (4) A source and use of funds statement.
        (c) Quarterly financial statement--(1) During trial period. A PACE 
    organization must submit a quarterly financial statement throughout the 
    trial period within 45 days after the last day of each quarter of the 
    PACE organization's fiscal year.
        (2) After trial period. If HCFA or the State administering agency 
    determines that an organization's performance requires more frequent 
    monitoring and oversight due to concerns about fiscal soundness, HCFA 
    or the State administering agency may require a PACE organization to 
    submit monthly or quarterly financial statements, or both.
    Sec. 460.210  Medical records.
        (a) Maintenance of medical records. (1) A PACE organization must 
    maintain a single, comprehensive medical record for each participant, 
    in accordance with accepted professional standards.
        (2) The medical record for each participant must meet the following 
        (i) Be complete.
        (ii) Accurately documented.
        (iii) Readily accessible.
        (iv) Systematically organized.
        (v) Available to all staff.
        (vi) Maintained and housed at the PACE center where the participant 
    receives services.
        (b) Content of medical records. At a minimum, the medical record 
    must contain the following:
        (1) Appropriate identifying information.
        (2) Documentation of all services furnished, including the 
        (i) A summary of emergency care and other inpatient or long-term 
    care services.
        (ii) Services furnished by employees of the PACE center.
        (iii) Services furnished by contractors and their reports.
        (3) Multidisciplinary assessments, reassessments, plans of care, 
    treatment, and progress notes that include the participant's response 
    to treatment.
        (4) Laboratory, radiological and other test reports.
        (5) Medication records.
        (6) Hospital discharge summaries, if applicable.
        (7) Reports of contact with informal support (for example, 
    caregiver, legal guardian, or next of kin).
        (8) Enrollment Agreement.
        (9) Physician orders.
        (10) Discharge summary and disenrollment justification, if 
        (11) Advance directives, if applicable.
        (12) A signed release permitting disclosure of personal 
        (13) Accident and incident reports.
        (c) Transfer of medical records. The organization must promptly 
    transfer copies of medical record information between treatment 
        (d) Authentication of medical records. (1) All entries must be 
    legible, clear, complete, and appropriately authenticated and dated.
        (2) Authentication must include signatures or a secured computer 
    entry by a unique identifier of the primary author who has reviewed and 
    approved the entry.
    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.778, Medical 
    Assistance Program; Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Program 
    No. 93.773, Medicare--Hospital Insurance; and Program No. 93.774, 
    Medicare--Supplementary Medical Insurance Program)
    [[Page 66298]]
        Dated: May 6, 1999.
    Nancy-Ann DeParle,
    Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration.
        Approved: July 8, 1999.
    Donna E. Shalala,
        Note: This Addendum A will not appear in the Code of Federal 
    Addendum A
    PACE Protocol
        The following document describes the minimum requirements for 
    PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) providers as 
    well as core operational procedures and processes. This definition 
    document, the PACE Protocol, was first developed in 1990 as part of 
    a cooperative effort involving staff from Health Care Financing 
    Administration's (HCFA) Office of Research and Demonstrations, 
    states participating in the PACE replication, and PACE sites, 
    including On Lok Senior Health Services.
        Originally authorized by Congress in 1986, the PACE 
    demonstration was designed to determine if the community-based long 
    term care model developed by On Lok Senior Health Services in San 
    Francisco, California could be replicated. Since 1990, ten sites 
    have successfully implemented PACE. For those sites, the protocol 
    served as the specific legal instrument for implementation of the 
    demonstration and the regulatory framework for operations in the 
    absence of formal regulation.
        In preparation for moving PACE beyond demonstration status, a 
    work group comprised of PACE site representatives began the process 
    of updating the protocol in December 1993 to incorporate the 
    experience existing PACE providers have had in implementation. With 
    comments from HCFA and State Medicaid agency representatives, the 
    document has now been finalized and is intended to serve as the 
    basic standard for PACE providers.
    Table of Contents
    Part I. Organization
    A. Philosophy Statement
    B. Organizational Structure
    C. Organizational Requirements
    D. Service Area
    E. Conflict of Interest
    F. Fiscal Soundness
    Part II. Participant Rights
    A. Participant Bill of Rights
    B. Complaints, Grievances and Appeals
    Part III. Eligibility, Enrollment, Disenrollment
    A. Eligibility
    B. Marketing
    C. Enrollment
    D. Disenrollment
    Part IV. Service Coverage and Arrangement
    A. Service Coverage
    B. Service Arrangement
    Part V. Quality Assurance
    A. Multidisciplinary Team
    B. Written Quality Assurance Plan
    Part VI. Reimbursement
    A. PACE Reimbursement Overview
    B. Medicare Payment
    C. Medicaid Payment
    D. Private Pay Premiums
    Part VII. Provider Administration
    A. Contracting Requirements
    B. Data Collection and Reporting
    C. Financial Reporting
    D. Maintenance of Books and Records
    Part VIII. External Oversight
    A. General
    B. National Standards and Periodic Surveys
    Part IX. Provider Termination
    A. Reasons for Termination
    B. Termination Plan
    Part X. Medicare and Medicaid Contracts Requirements
    A. General
        This document describes the minimum requirements for PACE 
    (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) providers as well as 
    core operational procedures and processes. The requirements outlined 
    are applicable to PACE providers in varying degree depending upon 
    whether the provider is in its initial trial period, as defined 
    below, or if it has completed that period and attained permanent 
    provider status. It is intended that this document outline the basic 
    standards for PACE providers except as may be subsequently modified 
    by law or regulation.
        1. PACE provider: In this document, the term ``PACE provider'' 
    means a private not-for-profit or public entity (or a distinct part 
    of such an entity) which:
        (a) is primarily engaged in providing participants a 
    comprehensive range of acute and long-term care services as 
    described in Part IV. of this document; and
        (b) meets the requirements defined in this document and includes 
    PACE providers with permanent status and PACE providers in the trial 
        2. Trial Period: A period of up to three years in length during 
    which the PACE provider meets all the requirements in operating a 
    PACE program except that financial risk is shared between the 
    provider and the federal and state governments based on the 
    arrangement developed by HCFA. At the conclusion of this period, 
    providers may opt for permanent provider status under Medicare and 
        3. Participant: An individual who meets the eligibility 
    requirements outlined in Part II and enrolls in a PACE program as 
    described. This individual may also be called an enrollee.
        4. Contract: In this document, contract, when referring to the 
    contract between the PACE provider and the federal and state 
    governments, may be in the form of a cooperative agreement or a 
    Part I: Organization
    A. Philosophy Statement
        The PACE provider must include in its mission statement or 
    philosophy statement the following values:
        1. To enhance the quality of life and autonomy for frail, older 
        2. To maximize dignity and respect of older adults;
        3. To enable frail, older adults to live in their homes and in 
    the community as long as medically and socially feasible; and
        4. To preserve and support the older adult's family unit.
    B. Organizational Structure
        1. The PACE provider must be a public or private not-for-profit 
    501(c)(3) organization and may meet this requirement in any of the 
    following ways:
        a. A free-standing 501(c)(3) corporation;
        b. A 501(c)(3) subsidiary of a larger organization;
        c. A department of a 501(c)(3) corporation; or
        d. Governmental entities at the city, county, or state level.
        2. As a community-based model of care, the PACE provider must 
    ensure that community representation is provided on issues of 
    program management and participant care. This representation may be 
    achieved through participation on the board of the PACE provider or 
    through advisory committees.
        3. The PACE provider must make available a current 
    organizational chart displaying corporate officers and relationships 
    to any parent or other corporate subsidiaries or affiliates, and 
    indicating the PACE provider's relationship to the corporate board. 
    A PACE provider considering a change in organizational structure 
    must notify HCFA and the State Medicaid agency at least 60 days 
    before the anticipated change. Changes must be approved by Health 
    Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and the State Medicaid agency.
    C. Organizational Requirements
        The PACE provider shall have the organizational, administrative 
    and service delivery ability to effectively organize and guide 
    operations and meet the contractual obligations which include, but 
    are not limited to:
        1. A policymaking body which oversees operations and devotes 
    resources sufficient to effectively plan, organize, administer and 
    evaluate the PACE provider's operation;
        2. Ability to provide the complete PACE service package, 
    including the full scope of Medicare and Medicaid benefits on a 
    capitation basis regardless of the frequency, extent, or level of 
    services provided to any participant;
        3. Project Director whose responsibilities and duties are 
    described in writing;
        4. Medical Director whose responsibilities and duties are 
    defined in writing;
        5. Staff to directly provide PACE Center services, including 
    primary medical care;
        6. A standing multidisciplinary team based in the PACE Center 
    composed of medical and health-related professionals and para-
    professionals, all of whom meet applicable
    [[Page 66299]]
    state licensing and certification requirements and who provide 
    direct care and services appropriate to participant need;
        7. Demonstrated separation of medical, social and supportive 
    services from fiscal and administrative management sufficient to 
    assure that medical decisions will not be unduly influenced by 
    fiscal and administrative management;
        8. Staff to maintain financial records and books of accounts on 
    an accrual basis;
        9. Staff to report data required for management, as well as the 
    Federal and State governments;
        10. Facilities and equipment that meet applicable State 
        11. A system for informing employees and contract providers 
    about all relevant provider requirements including coverage and 
    appeal procedures.
    D. Service Area
        The PACE provider must serve a defined service area identified 
    by county, zip code and street boundaries. Changes in the service 
    area must be pre-approved by HCFA and the State Medicaid Agency.
    E. Conflict of Interest
        1. The PACE provider must not have any agents or management 
    staff who have been convicted of criminal offenses related to their 
    involvement in Medicaid, Medicare and/or other health insurance and 
    health care programs.
        2. No member of the PACE provider's policymaking body or any 
    immediate family member thereof shall have any direct or indirect 
    interest in any contract for supplying service or materials to the 
    PACE provider.
    F. Fiscal Soundness
        1. During the trial period, the PACE provider must prepare an 
    annual budget by month or by quarter that is acceptable to HCFA and 
    the State Medicaid agency. The budget shall be based on the cost 
    center accounting structure provided by HCFA and the State Medicaid 
        The provider must have an insolvency plan approved by HCFA and 
    the State Medicaid agency, which in the event of insolvency, 
    provides for:
        a. The continuation of benefits for the duration of the contract 
    period for which capitation payment has been made;
        b. The continuation of benefits to participants who are confined 
    in a hospital on the date of insolvency until their discharge; and
        c. Arrangements to protect participants from incurring liability 
    for payment of any fees which are the legal obligation of the PACE 
        2. By the end of the trial period, each PACE provider shall have 
    a fiscally sound operation as demonstrated by total assets being 
    greater than total unsubordinated liabilities, sufficient cash flow 
    and adequate liquidity to meet obligations as they become due, a net 
    operating surplus and a plan for handling insolvency that includes 
    the provisions listed as 1.a-c. above. Furthermore, the PACE program 
    must demonstrate that it has arrangements in place in the amount of 
    at least the sum of the following to cover expenses in the event it 
    becomes insolvent:
        a. One month's total capitation revenue to cover expenses the 
    month prior to insolvency; and
        b. One month's average payment to subcontractors, including 
    providers of emergency services, to cover potential expenses the 
    month after the date insolvency has been declared or operations 
        Arrangements to cover expenses may include but are not limited 
    to: Insolvency insurance, hold harmless arrangement, continuation of 
    benefits provisions, letters of credit, guarantees, net worth, 
    restricted state reserves, state law provisions.
        3. Providers are required to submit financial reports as 
    specified in their contracts with HCFA and the State Medicaid 
    Part II: Participant Rights
    A. Participant Bill of Rights
        The PACE provider has a formal Participant Bill of Rights 
    designed to protect and promote the rights of each participant to be 
    treated with dignity and respect.
        1. These rights, which may be exercised by the participant or 
    his/her representative, if necessary, include the rights:
        a. To have the ``Enrollment Agreement'' fully discussed and 
        b. To be fully informed in writing prior to and at the time of 
    enrollment (as well as during participation) of the services 
    available from the PACE provider;
        c. To be fully informed of rights and responsibilities as a 
    participant and/or all rules and regulations governing 
        d. To be encouraged and assisted to exercise rights as a 
    participant, as well as civil and legal rights.
        e. To be encouraged and assisted to voice grievances and 
    recommend changes in policies and services to PACE staff and outside 
    representatives of his/her choice. There will be no restraint, 
    interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal by the PACE staff 
    towards participants exercising this right;
        f. To be fully informed by the multidisciplinary team of health 
    and functional status;
        g. To participate in the development and implementation of the 
    treatment plan designed to promote functional ability to the optimal 
    level and to encourage independence;
        h. To receive treatment and rehabilitative services;
        i. To have dignity, privacy, and humane care;
        j. To be free from harm, including unnecessary physical 
    restraint or isolation, excessive medication, physical or mental 
    abuse or neglect;
        k. To be free from hazardous procedures;
        l. Not to be required to perform services for the provider that 
    are not included for therapeutic purposes in the individual 
    treatment plan;
        m. To be given reasonable advance notice of any transfer to 
    another part of the program for medical reasons or for the 
    participant's welfare or that of other participants. Such actions 
    will be documented in the health record;
        n. To have reasonable access to telephones;
        o. To be assured of confidential treatment of all information 
    contained in the health record, including information contained in 
    any automated data bank. Written consent is required for the release 
    of information to persons not otherwise authorized under law to 
    receive it. Participants may provide written consent which limits 
    the degree of information and the persons to whom information may be 
        p. To refuse treatment and be informed of the consequences of 
    such refusal;
        q. To disenroll from the program at any time subject to the 
    terms of this agreement; and
        r. To establish advance directives and make health care 
        2. Written policies or established procedures identify 
    mechanisms for ensuring that the participant and family members 
    understand their rights including items listed above.
        a. Staff must orally review the Participant Bill of Rights with 
    the participant and family at enrollment in a language understood by 
    the participant. A copy of the Bill of Rights is included in the 
    member handbook given to participants at enrollment.
        b. Participant rights must be posted in a prominent place in the 
    PACE center in English and any other predominant language of the 
    B. Complaints, Grievances and Appeals
        The PACE provider must have internal procedures, approved by 
    HCFA and the State Medicaid agency, which provide participants and 
    their family members a process for expressing dissatisfaction with 
    the services provided by PACE, whether medical or non-medical in 
    nature, and which allow for orderly resolution of any complaint or 
    grievance. Furthermore, all involuntary disenrollments, other than 
    those resulting from participants moving out of the PACE provider's 
    geographic catchment area, are considered participant grievances and 
    are subject to these procedures.
        1. The PACE provider must have written internal grievance 
    procedures which describe the process by which participants can make 
    appeals, and give the time frames for the PACE provider's response 
    to participants.
        2. The PACE provider must inform all participants of the 
    grievance procedures in writing (i.e., in member handbooks).
        3. In cases where grievances are not resolved to the 
    participant's satisfaction (e.g., denial of payment for claim or 
    refusal of services), the PACE provider must state the specific 
    reasons for its determination and inform the participant of his/her 
    right to appeal. The PACE provider must process grievances in a 
    timely manner.
        4. Reconsideration of grievances must be made by a person or 
    persons who were not involved in making the initial determination. 
    The PACE provider must give the parties to the reconsideration 
    reasonable opportunity to present evidence related to the issue in 
    dispute, in person as well as in writing.
        5. All determinations that are wholly or partially adverse to 
    the participant must be forwarded to HCFA and the State Medicaid 
    agency. If on appeal a judgment is made in favor of the participant, 
    the PACE provider
    [[Page 66300]]
    must take appropriate action in a timely manner.
    Part III: Eligibility, Enrollment, Disenrollment
    A. Eligibility
        1. To be eligible for enrollment in PACE, an individual must be:
        a. At least fifty-five years of age;
        b. A resident in the PACE provider's service area;
        c. Assessed by the PACE provider's multidisciplinary team; and
        d. Certified by the State Medicaid Agency as eligible for 
    nursing home level of care.
        2. The contracts between the PACE provider, HCFA and the State 
    Medicaid agency will include site-specific eligibility criteria 
    including minimum age limit, service area and health status 
    requirements of the State Medicaid agency for nursing home level of 
        3. The PACE provider may choose not to enroll participants whose 
    condition is such at the point of enrollment that their health and 
    safety would be jeopardized by remaining in their home and 
    B. Marketing
        1. Marketing Activities. The PACE provider may inform the 
    general public of its program through appropriate activities and 
    media. The PACE provider must ensure that prohibited marketing 
    activities are not conducted by its employees or its agents. 
    Prohibited practices are:
        a. Discrimination of any kind aside from PACE eligibility 
        b. Activities that could mislead or confuse potential 
    participants, or misrepresent the PACE provider, HCFA or the State 
    Medicaid agency;
        c. Gifts or payments to induce enrollment; and
        d. Subcontracting outreach efforts to individuals or 
    organizations whose sole responsibility involves direct contact with 
    elderly to solicit enrollment.
        2. Marketing Materials. a. The PACE provider must provide 
    prospective participants adequate written descriptions of the PACE 
    provider's enrollment requirements, procedures, benefits, fees and 
    other charges, services and other information necessary for 
    prospective participants to make an informed decision about 
        b. All written marketing information distributed to PACE 
    participants to encourage or prolong enrollment must be approved by 
    HCFA, the State Medicaid agency, and other agencies, if required. 
    Approval or denial shall be granted in 30 days. No response in 30 
    days constitutes approval.
        Distribution of marketing materials before HCFA and the State 
    Medicaid agency approval or expiration of the 30 day period is 
        c. Marketing and enrollment materials which must be approved 
    include, but are not limited to, marketing brochures, enrollment 
    agreement, member handbook, and disenrollment forms.
        3. Marketing Plan. The PACE provider shall have an active 
    marketing plan, with measurable enrollment objectives and a system 
    for tracking its effectiveness.
    C. Enrollment
        1. Participants enrolled in PACE must accept PACE as his/her 
    sole service provider and its multidisciplinary team as his/her sole 
    case manager (the ``lock-in'' provision).
        2. Following referral to the program, PACE provider staff 
    schedule a screening visit with the potential participant and/or 
    his/her significant others or legal guardians to explain:
        a. PACE;
        b. the ``lock-in'' provision; and
        c. monthly fees, if any.
        3. Following this explanation, the potential participant must 
    sign a release of his/her medical and financial information.
        4. The potential participant is assessed by the PACE provider to 
    determine eligibility.
        5. All participants, including Medicare-only eligibles, shall be 
    reviewed by the State Medicaid agency for a one-time only 
    certification at enrollment that the participant meets State 
    Medicaid health status requirements for nursing home level of care. 
    Procedures for enrollment, including level of care certification, 
    shall be included in the contract between HCFA and the State 
    Medicaid agency.
        6. If the potential participant is certified as nursing home 
    eligible and is willing to join PACE, he/she must sign an Enrollment 
    Agreement which contains the following information:
        a. Applicant's name, sex, date of birth, health insurance claim 
    numbers, Medicare eligibility status (Part A and/or Part B) and 
    number, Medicaid number or none;
        b. Description of benefits available, including all Medicare and 
    Medicaid covered services, and how services are allocated or can be 
    obtained from the PACE provider;
        c. Explanation of participant premiums and procedures for 
    payment, if any;
        d. Effective date of enrollment;
        e. Explanation of participant rights, grievance procedures, 
    conditions for enrollment and disenrollment and Medicare and 
    Medicaid contacts in appeal situations;
        f. Notification of participant's obligation to notify PACE 
    provider of a move or absence from the provider's service area;
        g. Explanation of the ``lock-in'' requirement and an 
    acknowledgment on the part of the applicant that he/she understands 
    that all services must be received through the PACE provider;
        h. Explanation of procedures for obtaining emergency services 
    and urgent care;
        i. Requirement to maintain their own Medicare and Medicaid 
    eligibility including Medicare Part B eligibility through the 
    payment of required premiums;
        j. Statement that the private premium can only be raised once a 
        k. Statement that PACE provider has a contract with HCFA and the 
    State Medicaid agency which is subject to renewal on a periodic 
    basis and failure of the PACE provider to renew the contract will 
    result in termination of enrollment in the program;
        l. Explanation that the Medicare member may not disenroll from 
    PACE at a social security office; and
        m. Explanation that enrollment in PACE will result in automatic 
    disenrollment from any other Medicare or Medicaid prepayment health 
        n. Applicant's authorization for the disclosure and exchange of 
    information between HCFA, its agent, the State Medicaid agency and 
    the PACE provider;
        o. Applicant's signature and date.
        7. The participant's enrollment in the program is effective the 
    first day of the calendar month following the signing date of the 
    Enrollment Agreement.
        8. Once the participant signs the Enrollment Agreement, he/she 
    is given:
        a. A copy of the Enrollment Agreement;
        b. The Member Handbook (Combined Contract and Evidence of 
    Coverage), if different from the Enrollment Agreement;
        c. A PACE membership card;
        d. An emergency sticker to be posted in his/her home in case of 
    emergency; and
        e. A sticker for his/her Medicare card and, if applicable, a 
    Medicaid card which indicates that he/she is a PACE participant.
        9. The PACE provider will submit enrollment documents to HCFA 
    and the State Medicaid agency in accordance with established 
        10. Enrollment continues as long as desired by the participant, 
    regardless of changes in health status, until death, voluntary 
    disenrollment, or involuntary disenrollment as described in Section 
        11. If, after complete assessment by the multidisciplinary team, 
    a prospective participant is denied enrollment based on Part III, 
    Section A.3., the PACE provider shall provide written notification 
    explaining the reason for denial and refer the individual to 
    alternative services as appropriate.
    D. Disenrollment Process
        1. A PACE participant may either voluntarily or involuntarily 
    disenroll from the program. A participant may be involuntarily 
    disenrolled if he/she:
        a. Moves out of the PACE program service area;
        b. Is a person with decision making capacity who consistently 
    does not comply with his/her individual plan of care and poses a 
    significant risk to him/herself or others;
        c. Experiences a breakdown in the physician and/or team-
    participant relationship such that the PACE provider's ability to 
    furnish services to either the participant or other participants is 
    seriously impaired;
        d. Refuses services and/or is unwilling to meet conditions of 
    participation as they appear in the Enrollment Agreement;
        e. Refuses to provide accurate financial information, provides 
    false information or illegally transfers assets;
        f. Fails to pay or to make satisfactory arrangements to pay any 
    amount due the PACE provider after a 30-day grace period;
        g. Is out of the PACE provider service area for more than 30 
    days (unless other arrangements have been made); or
        h. Is enrolled in a PACE program that loses its contracts and/or 
    licenses enabling it to offer health care services.
        2. For voluntary disenrollments, the PACE provider shall use the 
    most expedient process allowed for by Medicare and Medicaid 
    procedures while ensuring a coordinated disenrollment date. The PACE 
    provider disenrollment procedures shall be
    [[Page 66301]]
    included in the contracts with HCFA and the State Medicaid agency. 
    Until enrollment is terminated, PACE participants are required to 
    continue using the PACE provider services and remain liable for any 
    premiums. The PACE provider shall continue to provide all needed 
    services until the date of termination.
        3. To facilitate a participant's reinstatement in the fee-for-
    service system, the PACE provider must:
        a. Assist a participant who wishes to return to the fee-for-
    service system by making appropriate referrals and by making medical 
    records available to new providers; and
        b. Work with HCFA and the State Medicaid agency to reinstate 
    his/her benefits in the fee-for-service system.
        4. Renewal provisions. a. If the reason for disenrollment is due 
    to failure to pay, payment of the monthly fee before the end of the 
    month of disenrollment will result in reinstatement as of the first 
    day of succeeding month. b. In the case of a voluntary 
    disenrollment, a one time only reinstatement will be allowed if the 
    participant meets eligibility criteria.
        5. All voluntary and involuntary disenrollments must be 
    documented and available for review by HCFA and the State Medicaid 
    Part IV: Service Coverage and Arrangement
    A. Service Coverage
        1. The PACE service package includes, but is not limited to, all 
    current Medicare and Medicaid services. All usual limitations and 
    conditions for covered services are waived.
        2. The PACE provider must provide its participants with access 
    to medical care and other services, as applicable, 24 hours per day, 
    7 days a week, 365 days per year.
        3. At a minimum each PACE provider shall provide the following 
        a. Multidisciplinary assessment and treatment planning;
        b. Primary care services including physician and nursing 
        c. Social work services;
        d. Restorative therapies, including physical therapy, 
    occupational therapy and speech therapy;
        e. Personal care and supportive services;
        f. Nutritional counseling;
        g. Recreational therapy;
        h. Transportation;
        i. Meals;
        j. Medical specialty services including, but not limited to: 
    anesthesiology, audiology, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, 
    gastroenterology, gynecology, internal medicine, nephrology, 
    neurosurgery, oncology, ophthalmology, oral surgery, orthopedic 
    surgery, otorhinolaryngology, plastic surgery, pharmacy consulting 
    services, podiatry, psychiatry, pulmonary disease, radiology, 
    rheumatology, surgery, thoracic and vascular surgery, urology;
        k. Laboratory tests, x-rays and other diagnostic procedures;
        l. Drugs and biologicals;
        m. Prosthetics and durable medical equipment, corrective vision 
    devices such as eyeglasses and lenses, hearing aids, dentures, and 
    repairs and maintenance for these items;
        n. Acute inpatient care:
        i. Ambulance;
        ii. Emergency room care and treatment room services;
        iii. Semi-private room and board;
        iv. General medical and nursing services;
        v. Medical surgical/intensive care/coronary care unit, as 
        vi. Laboratory tests, x-rays and other diagnostic procedures;
        vii. Drugs and biologicals;
        viii. Blood and blood derivatives;
        ix. Surgical care, including the use of anesthesia;
        x. Use of oxygen;
        xi. Physical, speech, occupational, and respiratory therapies; 
        xii. Social services.
        o. Nursing facility care:
        i. Semi-private room and board;
        ii. Physician and skilled nursing services;
        iii. Custodial care;
        iv. Personal care and assistance;
        v. Drugs and biologicals;
        vi. Physical, speech, occupational, and recreational therapies, 
    if necessary;
        vii. Social services; and
        viii. Medical supplies and appliances.
        p. Additional services determined necessary by the 
    multidisciplinary team.
        4. Emergency Care. Emergency services are defined as covered 
    inpatient or outpatient services that are furnished in or out of the 
    PACE provider's service area by a source other than the PACE 
    provider or its contract providers and:
        a. Are needed immediately because of an injury or sudden 
    illness; and
        b. The time required to reach the PACE provider staff and/or 
    contract providers would have meant risk of permanent damage to the 
    participant's health.
        5. Urgent Care. Urgently needed services are covered services 
    required in order to prevent a serious deterioration of a 
    participant's health that results from an unforeseen illness or 
    injury if:
        a. The participant is temporarily absent from the provider's 
    service area; and
        b. The receipt of health care services cannot be delayed until 
    the participant returns to the provider's service area.
        6. Excluded services are:
        a. Any service which has not been authorized by the 
    multidisciplinary team, even if it is listed as a covered benefit;
        b. Services rendered in a non-emergency setting or for a non-
    emergency reason without authorization;
        c. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs not prescribed by the 
    PACE provider physician;
        d. In inpatient facilities, private room and private duty 
    nursing, unless medically necessary, and non-medical items for 
    personal convenience such as telephone charges, radio or television 
        e. Cosmetic surgery unless required for improved functioning of 
    a malformed part of the body resulting from an accidental injury or 
    for reconstruction following mastectomy;
        f. Experimental medical, surgical or other health procedures or 
    procedures not generally available;
        g. Care in a government hospital (VA, federal/State hospital) 
    unless authorized;
        h. Service in any county hospital for the treatment of 
    tuberculosis or chronic, medically uncomplicated drug dependency or 
    alcoholism; and
        i. Any services rendered outside of the United States.
    B. Service Arrangement
        1. PACE is a comprehensive health and social services delivery 
    system which integrates acute and long-term care services. The PACE 
    staff provides these services in all settings which may include, but 
    are not limited to, the PACE Center, the home, and inpatient 
        2. The PACE Center is the focal point for coordination and 
    provision of most PACE services. The PACE Center is a facility which 
    includes a primary care clinic, and areas for therapeutic 
    recreation, restorative therapies, socialization, personal care and 
        a. At a minimum, the following services are provided in the PACE 
        i. Primary care services including physician and nursing 
        ii. Social services;
        iii. Restorative therapies, including physical therapy and 
    occupational therapy;
        iv. Personal care and supportive services;
        v. Nutritional counseling;
        vi. Recreational therapy; and
        vii. Meals.
        b. The PACE provider must operate at least one PACE Center in 
    its defined service area with sufficient capacity to allow routine 
    attendance by its enrolled population.
        c. The frequency of attendance is determined by the 
    multidisciplinary team based on each participant's needs.
        d. The PACE Center is designed, equipped and maintained to 
    provide for the physical safety of participants, personnel or 
    visitors and to ensure a safe and sanitary environment.
        3. Each participant is assigned a multidisciplinary team based 
    at the PACE Center. Responsibility for assessment, treatment 
    planning and care delivery rests with the multidisciplinary team 
    which coordinates and delivers care on a 24-hour basis. The 
    multidisciplinary team is composed of at least the following 
        a. Primary care physician;
        b. Nurse;
        c. Social worker;
        d. Physical therapist;
        e. Occupational therapist;
        f. Recreational therapist or activity coordinator;
        g. Dietitian;
        h. PACE Center supervisor;
        i. Home care liaison;
        j. Health workers/aides or their representatives; and
        k. Drivers or their representatives.
        4. The multidisciplinary team authorizes PACE covered services 
    which meet the specific needs of the participant.
        5. As part of the initial assessment process, the following 
    members of the multidisciplinary team conduct individual, in-person 
    assessments of the participant's health and social status and 
    develop discipline specific treatment plans which are documented in 
    the participant's medical record:
        a. Primary care physician;
        b. Nurse;
        c. Social worker;
    [[Page 66302]]
        d. Physical therapist and/or occupational therapist;
        e. Recreational therapist or activity coordinator;
        f. Dietitian; and
        g. Home care liaison.
        6. On at least a semi-annual basis, the following members of the 
    multidisciplinary team conduct individual, in-person assessments of 
    the participant's health and social status and develop discipline 
    specific treatment plans which are documented in the participant's 
    medical record:
        a. Primary care physician;
        b. Nurse;
        c. Social worker;
        d. Recreational therapist or activity coordinator; and
        e. Team members actively involved in the plan of care, i.e., 
    home care liaison, physical therapist, occupational therapist, 
        7. On at least an annual basis, the following members of the 
    multidisciplinary team conduct individual, in-person assessments of 
    the participant's health and social status and develop discipline 
    specific treatment plans which are documented in the participant's 
    medical record:
        a. Physical therapist and/or occupational therapist;
        b. Dietitian; and
        c. Home care liaison.
        8. The treatment planning process consists of the following:
        a. On at least a semi-annual basis, the discipline specific 
    plans are consolidated into a single plan of care for the 
    participant through discussion and consensus of the entire 
    multidisciplinary team, including members (e.g., health workers/
    aides, drivers, PACE Center supervisor) who are not required to 
    conduct quarterly assessments. The treatment plan is then discussed 
    and finalized with the participant and/or his/her significant 
        b. At the recommendation of individual team members, other 
    professional disciplines (e.g., speech therapy, dentistry, 
    audiology, etc.) can be included in the assessment and treatment 
    planning process.
        9. When the health status or psycho-social situation of a 
    participant changes, he/she is reassessed by the team or by selected 
    members of the team to develop a new treatment plan. Changes in the 
    treatment plan during the quarter are discussed and approved by the 
    multidisciplinary team.
        10. Ultimate responsibility for management of medical situations 
    rests with the PACE primary care physician. The physician keeps the 
    multidisciplinary team informed of the medical condition of each 
    participant and remains alert to pertinent input from other team 
        11. The team implements the treatment plan by providing services 
    directly and supervising the delivery of services provided by 
    contract providers.
        12. The participant's health status and psycho-social conditions 
    as well as the effectiveness of the treatment plan are monitored 
    continuously through direct provision of services, informal 
    observation, input from participants and their significant others, 
    and communications among members of the multidisciplinary team and 
    other providers.
        13. The multidisciplinary team is instrumental in controlling 
    the delivery, quality and continuity of care.
        a. The following members of the team must be employees of the 
    PACE provider or PACE Center:
        i. Primary care physician;
        ii. Nurse;
        iii. Social worker;
        iv. Recreational therapist or activity coordinator;
        v. PACE Center supervisor;
        vi. Home care liaison; and
        vii. PACE Center health workers/aides.
        b. The members of the multidisciplinary team must serve 
    primarily PACE participants.
        c. The effective delivery of services depends on a consistent 
    multidisciplinary team whose members are knowledgeable of individual 
    participant's needs.
        14. The PACE provider must ensure accessible and adequate 
    service capacity to meet the needs of the enrolled population. As 
    enrollment increases, the number of PACE Centers, multidisciplinary 
    teams and other PACE services must increase accordingly.
        15. Primary medical care is provided by the PACE primary care 
    physician(s) to all participants. The primary care physician is the 
    gatekeeper to the participant's use of medical specialists and 
    inpatient care and is an integral member of the multidisciplinary 
        16. Since PACE services may be provided in the home, the 
    coordination of in-home services with PACE Center and primary care 
    services is critical to effective service delivery. The PACE 
    provider shall designate a home care liaison to supervise and 
    coordinate home care services whether these services are provided 
    directly by the PACE provider or through a contract vendor.
        17. All other PACE covered services can be provided either 
    directly or on a contractual basis with related or unrelated 
    organizations, agencies, or providers.
        18. Medical Records. a. To facilitate continuity of care, the 
    PACE provider must maintain a single comprehensive medical record 
    for each participant at the PACE Center which contains:
        i. Appropriate identifying information
        ii. Documentation of all services provided;
        iii. Multidisciplinary assessments, reassessments, plans of 
    care, treatment and progress notes, signed and dated;
        iv. Lab reports;
        v. Medications record;
        vi. Hospital discharge summaries;
        vii. Reports from contracted providers;
        viii. Contacts with informal support;
        ix. Enrollment Agreements;
        x. Physician orders.
        xi. Discharge summary and disenrollment agreement, if 
        xii. Information on advance directives; and
        xiii. Disclosure of release of information.
        b. Chart organization and documentation shall meet professional 
    and other applicable requirements.
        c. Policies to ensure confidentiality, storage and retention 
    must be in place in accordance with professional and other 
    applicable requirements.
        19. Program Flexibility. At the request of a PACE provider, HCFA 
    and the State Medicaid agency shall have the authority to waive 
    specific requirements in this Section provided that in their 
    judgment, the intent of the requirement is met by the proposed 
    alternative, and safe and quality care will be provided. Such 
    requests must be submitted in writing by the PACE provider and be 
    approved by HCFA and the State Medicaid agency prior to 
    implementation of the proposed alternative.
    Part V: Quality Assurance
        A. The PACE multidisciplinary team is a critical element of 
    quality assurance. The process of service delivery in this model 
    requires the team to identify participant problems, determine 
    appropriate treatment objectives, select interventions and evaluate 
    efficiencies of care on an individual participant basis. This 
    activity becomes the foundation for all subsequent quality assurance 
        B. The PACE provider must have a written plan of Quality 
    Assurance and Improvement which provides for a system of ongoing 
    assessment, implementation, evaluation, and revision of activities 
    related to overall program administration and services. The plan 
    should include, at the minimum, the following essential elements:
        1. Standards that are performance benchmarks, established by the 
    provider, and are incorporated into the provider Policy and 
    Procedure Manual. The provider standards must be based on the PACE 
    protocol, applicable PACE standards and applicable licensing and 
    certification criteria.
        2. Goals and objectives that provide a framework for quality 
    improvement activities, evaluation and corrective action. These 
    goals and objectives will be reviewed periodically.
        3. Quality indicators that are objective and measurable 
    variables related to the entire range of services provided by the 
    PACE provider. The methodology should assure that all demographic 
    groups, all care settings (e.g., inpatient, PACE Center and in-home) 
    will be included in the scope of the quality assurance review.
        Quality indicators should be selected for review on the basis of 
    high volume, high risk diagnosis or procedure, adverse outcomes, or 
    some other problem-focused method consistent with the state of the 
        4. Process to review the effectiveness of the PACE 
    multidisciplinary team in its ability to assess participant's care 
    needs, identify the participant's treatment goals, assess 
    effectiveness of interventions, evaluate adequacy and 
    appropriateness of service utilization and reorganize plan as 
        5. Policies and procedures related to establishing committees 
    with community input to (1) evaluate data collected pertaining to 
    quality indicators, (2) address the process and outcomes of the 
    quality improvement plan, and (3) provide input related to ethical 
    decision making including end-of-life issues and implementation of 
    the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA).
        a. These procedures will define a process for taking appropriate 
    action to resolve problems identified as part the quality assurance 
    [[Page 66303]]
        b. Policies will be established that define professional 
    qualifications of individuals participating on these committees.
        6. Participant involvement in program QA plan and evaluation of 
    satisfaction with services.
        7. Board level accountability for overall oversight of program 
    activities and review of the QA plan, annual review and approval of 
    the quality assurance plan by the program board with periodic 
    feedback to Board on review process by oversight committees.
        8. The PACE provider shall designate an individual to coordinate 
    and oversee implementation of quality assurance activities.
    Part VI: Reimbursement
    A. PACE Reimbursement Overview
        PACE is not limited to individuals on the basis of their 
    eligibility for Medicare and/or Medicaid. The majority of PACE 
    participants are eligible for Medicare, however, because PACE 
    enrolls an elderly population. Medicaid eligibility is also common 
    just as it is in a nursing home population. As financing for long-
    term care services becomes more widely available, PACE providers 
    will negotiate capitation payments from payers of those services.
    B. Medicare Payment
        1. For a Medicare entitled participant, the monthly capitation 
    rate paid by HCFA to the PACE provider equals the Adjusted Average 
    Per Capita Cost (AAPCC) as calculated by HCFA for HMO reimbursement 
    with adjustment for frailty factors necessary to ensure 
    comparability between PACE participants and the reference population 
    in the Medicare fee-for-service system.
        2. The capitation payment is fixed, regardless of changes in the 
    participant's health status.
        3. The PACE provider shall accept the capitation payments as 
    payment in full and shall not bill, charge, collect or receive any 
    form of payment from HCFA and the participant (with the exception of 
    the ESRD participants) except as provided in Section VI., D.
        4. HCFA procedures for accretions and deletions, payment 
    mechanism, cost finding and risk sharing are included in the 
    contract between the PACE provider and HCFA.
    C. Medicaid Payment
        1. The monthly capitation payment from Medicaid is negotiated 
    between the PACE provider and the State Medicaid agency and is 
    specified in the contract between them. The Medicaid rate is 
    renegotiated on an annual basis.
        2. The capitation payment is fixed, regardless of changes in the 
    participant's health status.
        3. The PACE provider shall accept the capitation payments as 
    payment in full and shall not bill, charge, collect or receive any 
    other form of payment from State Medicaid agency and the participant 
    except as provided in Section VI., D.
        4. State procedures for enrollment and disenrollment in the 
    state system and capitation payment mechanism as well as any 
    variations to HCFA's cost finding and risk sharing are included in 
    the contract between the PACE provider and the State Medicaid 
    D. Private Pay Premiums
        1. Participant's premium responsibility depends upon his/her 
    eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid (cash grant and share of 
        a. Medicare Only--premium equal to Medicaid capitation. (This 
    premium is determined on an annual basis.)
        b. Medicare and Medicaid with share of cost--premium equal to 
    share of cost requirement.
        c. Medicare and Medicaid--no participant premium.
        d. Medicaid Only--no participant premium.
        2. The private pay premium is fixed, regardless of changes in 
    the participant's health status.
        3. The PACE provider shall accept the private pay premium as 
    payment in full and shall not bill, charge, collect or receive any 
    other form of payment from the participants.
        4. Participants with private co-payment are to be billed 
        5. If participants have long-term care insurance policies that 
    cover PACE services, these benefits can be applied to participants' 
    premium responsibility.
    Part VII: Provider Administration
    A. Contracting Requirements
        1. Subcontracts between the PACE provider and contract providers 
    shall be established for services not delivered directly by the PACE 
        a. The PACE provider may contract only with qualified or 
    licensed providers, who meet Federal and State requirements as 
        b. Contract providers must be accessible to participants, 
    located either within or near the PACE provider's geographic 
    catchment area;
        c. The format of subcontracts must be approved by HCFA and the 
    State Medicaid agency;
        d. A list of subcontractors must be on file at the State 
    Medicaid agency and updated as it changes; and
        e. Copies of signed contracts for inpatient care are included in 
    the contract between the PACE provider, HCFA and the State Medicaid 
        2. Each subcontract shall contain:
        a. Name of subcontractor;
        b. Specification of the services provided;
        c. Specification of reimbursement rate and payment method;
        d. Specification of the terms of the subcontract, including the 
    beginning and ending dates, as well as methods of extension, re-
    negotiation and termination;
        e. Subcontractor agreement to provide services in accordance 
    with the services authorized by the PACE multidisciplinary team;
        f. Specification that the subcontract shall be governed by and 
    construed in accordance with all laws, regulations and contractual 
    obligations incumbent upon the PACE provider;
        g. Subcontractor agreement to accept the PACE provider's payment 
    as payment in full and not to bill participants, HCFA, the State 
    Medicaid agency or private insurers;
        h. Subcontractor's agreement to hold harmless HCFA, the State 
    and PACE participants in the event that the PACE provider cannot or 
    will not pay for services performed by the subcontractor pursuant to 
    the subcontract;
        i. Subcontractor's agreement that assignment or delegation of 
    the subcontract is prohibited unless prior written approval is 
    obtained from the PACE provider;
        j. Subcontractor's agreement to submit reports as required by 
    the PACE provider; and
        k. Subcontractor's agreement to make all books and records, 
    pertaining to the goods and services furnished under the terms of 
    the subcontract, available for inspection, examination or copying by 
    the State Medicaid agency and/or HCFA.
    B. Data Collection and Reporting
        1. During the trial period, the PACE provider shall meet the 
    following data collection and reporting requirements.
        a. The PACE provider is required to collect a standardized set 
    of date which includes the following:
        i. Participant-specific intake, assessment and service 
    utilization data, coded according to the guidelines in the PACE Data 
    Collection Manual. The definition of data and the manner in which it 
    is collected may be changed to meet changes in HCFA and State 
    Medicaid agency reporting requirements, in response to requests from 
    PACE providers and others. Any changes made in data collection will 
    incorporate sufficient lead time necessary to minimize transition 
    difficulty. Data uniformity shall be maintained across all PACE 
        ii. Fiscal data based on cost center accounting structure 
    provided by HCFA and the State Medicaid agency. At the twelfth 
    month, the year-to-date summary will provide the necessary annual 
        b. At a minimum, the provider must maintain complete 
    participant-specific utilization data on-site updated to one month 
    prior to the present. Data shall be transmitted to HCFA or its 
        c. To ensure the quality of the data, HCFA or its agent, may 
    provide the PACE provider with training in the use of data 
    collection tools and may conduct ongoing monitoring to determine 
    data completeness and reliability. Data collection problems that are 
    identified must be reported to HCFA and the State Medicaid agency. 
    If HCFA and the State Medicaid agency determine that problems 
    require correction, the PACE provider will be required to resolve 
        d. HCFA, or its agent, reserve the right to review and assure 
    the reliability and completeness of data and may obtain all provider 
    data for the purposes of program monitoring.
        e. The PACE provider will submit to HCFA and State Medicaid 
    agency, 45 days after the end of each quarter, the following 
    quarterly reports:
        i. Quarterly narrative progress report; and
        ii. Quarterly program statistical reports--Program Status 
    Report, Sociodemographic Characteristics of Participants, Health and 
    Functional Status of Participants, and Service Utilization Summary. 
    The contents of these reports may be changed to meet changes in
    [[Page 66304]]
    Federal and State reporting requirements or for the purpose of 
    program monitoring.
        2. For providers that have completed the trial period, HCFA and 
    its agent will work with PACE providers and their respective State 
    Medicaid agencies to develop a standardized set of data to be 
    collected by PACE providers and a standardized reporting processes. 
    To assure the quality of the data, requirements 1.,c-d described 
    above will apply.
    C. Financial Reporting
        1. For sites in the trial period, the following financial 
    reports are required:
        a. The PACE provider will submit a Budgeted versus Actual 
    Financial Report for the current and year-to-date periods to HCFA, 
    its agent, and the State Medicaid agency.
        During the first year of operation, this report will be 
    submitted on a monthly basis 45 days after the end of each month. 
    Thereafter, this report will be submitted on a quarterly basis 45 
    days after the end of each quarter. HCFA and the State Medicaid 
    agency reserve the right to extend the submission of this report on 
    a monthly basis should provider performance indicate a need for more 
    frequent monitoring.
        b. The PACE provider must submit a cumulative cost report in the 
    form and detail prescribed by HCFA. The interim cost report is due 
    45 days after the end of each provider's fiscal quarter and covers 
    the period from the beginning of the fiscal year through the 
    respective quarter.
        c. The PACE provider must submit to HCFA and the State Medicaid 
    agency an independently certified cost report in the form and detail 
    prescribed by HCFA, no later than 180 days after the end of the 
    provider's fiscal year.
        d. PACE providers which are separate corporate entities must 
    submit to HCFA and the State Medicaid agency a quarterly balance 
        2. For providers that have completed the trial period, HCFA and 
    its agent will work with PACE providers and their respective State 
    Medicaid agencies to develop a standardized financial reporting 
    D. Maintenance of Books and Records
        1. The PACE provider must establish policies and procedures for 
    maintaining all books and records necessary to determine whether 
    contractual obligations are met. Books include, but are not limited 
        a. Financial records;
        b. Medical records; and
        c. Personnel records;
        2. Books and records must be made available to HCFA and the 
    State Medicaid agency upon request.
        3. Records must be stored so as to be protected against loss, 
    destruction or unauthorized use.
    Part VIII: External Oversight
    A. General
        It is the duty and responsibility of the Secretary to assure 
    that requirements which govern the provision of care by PACE 
    providers, and the enforcement of such requirements, are adequate to 
    protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of participants and 
    to promote the effective and efficient use of public moneys. 
    External oversight activities will include:
        1. Periodic review of the financial status of the PACE provider 
    to ensure its solvency and continuing viability; and
        2. A periodic on-site survey, as described below, to determine 
    the quality of care provided by the PACE provider and adherence to 
    requirements defined in the contracts between the PACE provider, 
    HCFA and the State Medicaid agency.
    B. National Standards and Surveys
        The National PACE Association (NPA) recommends that national 
    standards for PACE be developed and an on-site survey process 
    established for determining the quality of care provided by the PACE 
    provider and the provider's adherence to contract requirements. To 
    facilitate this process, NPA intends to develop model standards for 
    use by HCFA and States. NPA urges HCFA and States to ensure that 
    PACE providers are in accordance with these standards. NPA 
    recommends that the survey process provides for surveys to be 
    conducted at least once every two years by the State or through an 
    accreditation organization or other entity. In addition, the 
    Secretary would have the authority to conduct additional surveys, 
    independent or in conjunction with the State, if there is reason to 
    question the compliance of the PACE provider with any applicable 
    requirements. Additional recommended provisions are:
        1. The survey shall consist of an on-site visit which includes 
    review of participant charts, interviews with staff and participants 
    and observation of program operations including multidisciplinary 
    team processes.
        2. The survey shall be performed by a team composed of 
    individuals who are experienced in providing care to the frail 
    elderly and are knowledgeable about the PACE service delivery 
    system. At a minimum, the team shall include a physician, nurse, 
    social worker and a peer reviewer. The physician, nurse and social 
    worker shall have experience in community-based care and should have 
    recent clinical experience. The peer reviewer shall be from a PACE 
    provider operating at full risk.
        3. Procedures will be established to determine whether 
    corrective action has been taken by the PACE provider to resolve 
    deficiencies identified during the survey.
    Part IX: Provider Termination
        A. The PACE provider can be terminated for any one of the 
    following four reasons and in each case must comply with HCFA and 
    the State Medicaid agency guidelines for provider termination:
        1. Either HCFA and/or the State Medicaid agency determine the 
    provider cannot insure the health and safety of its participants. 
    This determination may result from a medical survey or audit 
    revealing provider deficiencies which HCFA and/or the State 
    determine cannot be corrected.
        2. The PACE provider chooses to discontinue providing services. 
    In such event, a minimum of 90 days notice must be given to HCFA, 
    its agent, and the State Medicaid agency regarding the provider's 
    intent. Providers must give participants a minimum of 60 days 
        3. Either HCFA and/or the State Medicaid agency can terminate 
    the PACE provider's contract in response to large losses for which 
    corrective action is unsuccessful. In response to financial audits 
    which show a loss, the provider must develop a plan which is 
    designed to prevent future losses. If the plan is developed by the 
    PACE provider and is determined to be unacceptable to HCFA and the 
    State Medicaid agency, the provider's contract may be terminated.
        4. The provider may be terminated should it deviate from, 
    violate or fail to comply with the contractual agreements of HCFA 
    and the State Medicaid agency.
        B. The PACE provider is required to develop a detailed provider 
    termination plan included in which are the following: the process of 
    informing participants, the community, HCFA and State Medicaid 
    agency; and steps that will be taken to reinstate participants' 
    Medicare and Medicaid benefits through the fee-for-service system, 
    transition their care to other providers, and terminate the referral 
    and intake process.
    Part X: Medicare and Medicaid Contracts Requirements
    A. General
        The PACE provider should have formal contracts in place with the 
    responsible federal and state agencies, which incorporate the 
    requirements defining and applicable to PACE providers. These legal 
    requirements would be based upon the PACE Protocol. Absent such 
    formal contracts the PACE Protocol and other requirements, if any, 
    which the responsible agencies deem appropriate, would govern. 
    Critical elements of the formal contract should include, but not be 
    limited to, requirements related to:
    1. organization of the PACE provider
    2. participant rights
    3. eligibility, enrollment and disenrollment policies
    4. service definition, coverage and arrangement
    5. quality assurance
    6. reimbursement
    7. PACE provider administration
    8. PACE provider termination
    [FR Doc. 99-29706 Filed 11-12-99; 
    10:48 am]
    BILLING CODE 4120-03-U

Document Information

Health Care Finance Administration
Entry Type:
Interim final rule with comment period.
Document Number:
66234-66304 (71 pages)
Docket Numbers:
PDF File:
CFR: (83)
42 CFR 460.40(e)
42 CFR 460.122(e)
42 CFR 460.2
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