95-16527. Loan Policies and Security Documents for Electric Borrowers  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 137 (Tuesday, July 18, 1995)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 36904-36924]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-16527]
    [[Page 36903]]
    Part III
    Department of Agriculture
    Rural Utilities Service
    7 CFR Part 1710, et al.
    Loan Policies and Security Documents for Electric Borrowers; Proposed 
    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 137 / Tuesday, July 18, 1995 / 
    Proposed Rules 
    [[Page 36904]]
    Rural Utilities Service
    7 CFR Parts 1710, 1717 and 1718
    RIN 0572-AB06
    Loan Policies and Security Documents for Electric Borrowers
    AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) hereby proposes to establish 
    new policies and requirements for loan contracts ordinarily required 
    for loans made to electric distribution borrowers. The rule would 
    update and clarify the framework for loan contract provisions, conform 
    loan contract provisions with the new form of mortgage recently 
    approved, and provide greater flexibility in addressing the financial 
    needs of individual borrowers and the credit risks involved with 
    individual lending situations. Conforming amendments to RUS lien 
    accommodation requirements and changes to RUS operational controls are 
    also proposed.
    DATES: Written comments must be received by RUS or carry a postmark or 
    equivalent by September 18, 1995.
    ADDRESSES: Written comments should be addressed to Mr. F. Lamont Heppe, 
    Jr., Deputy Director, Program Support Staff, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service, room 2234-S, Ag Box 1522, 14th 
    Street and Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1500. RUS 
    requires a signed original and 3 copies of all comments (7 CFR 1700.30 
    (e)). Comments will be available for public inspection during regular 
    business hours (7 CFR 1.27(b)).
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Alex M. Cockey, Jr., Deputy 
    Assistant Administrator--Electric, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 
    Rural Utilities Service, room 4037-S, Ag Box 1560, 14th Street & 
    Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1500. Telephone: 202-
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This rule has been determined to be not 
    significant for the purposes of Executive Order 12866, and therefore 
    has not been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The 
    Administrator of RUS has determined that the Regulatory Flexibility Act 
    (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) does not apply to this rule. The Administrator 
    of RUS has determined that this rule will not significantly affect the 
    quality of the human environment as defined by the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). Therefore, 
    this action does not require an environmental impact statement or 
    assessment. This rule is excluded from the scope of Executive Order 
    12372, Intergovernmental Consultation, which may require consultation 
    with State and local officials. A Notice of Final Rule titled 
    Department Programs and Activities Excluded from Executive Order 12372 
    (50 FR 47034) exempts RUS electric loans and loan guarantees from 
    coverage under this Order. This rule has been reviewed under Executive 
    Order 12778, Civil Justice Reform. This rule: (1) Will not preempt any 
    State or local laws, regulations, or policies, unless they present an 
    irreconcilable conflict with this rule; (2) Will not have any 
    retroactive effect; and (3) Will not require administrative proceedings 
    before any parties may file suit challenging the provisions of this 
        The program described by this rule is listed in the Catalog of 
    Federal Domestic Assistance Programs under number 10.850 Rural 
    Electrification Loans and Loan Guarantees. This catalog is available on 
    a subscription basis from the Superintendent of Documents, the United 
    States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325.
    Information Collection and Recordkeeping Requirements
        The existing recordkeeping and reporting burdens contained in this 
    rule were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
    seq.), under control numbers 0572-0032 and 0572-0103.
        Send questions or comments regarding these burdens or any other 
    aspect of these collections of information, including suggestions for 
    reducing the burden, to the Office of Information and Regulatory 
    Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, NEOB, Washington, DC 20503. 
    Attention: Desk Officer for USDA.
        On September 29, 1994, at 59 FR 49594, the Rural Utilities Service 
    (RUS) published a proposed rule, 7 CFR 1718 Loan Security Documents for 
    Electric Borrowers, Subpart B Mortgage for Distribution Borrowers, 
    which proposed the agency's policies and requirements for mortgages 
    used to secure direct and guaranteed loans made to electric 
    distribution borrowers. The final rule for such mortgages is published 
    elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register.
        This proposed rule sets forth proposed amendments to RUS 
    regulations to update the agency's policies and requirements regarding 
    loan contracts with distribution borrowers. These new policies and 
    requirements are designed to complement the new distribution mortgage. 
    The changes proposed today are in four different segments:
         A new Subpart C--Loan Contracts with Distribution 
    Borrowers, to be added to 7 CFR part 1718. This proposed subpart sets 
    forth agency policies and requirements regarding the scope, content, 
    and usage of new loan contracts with distribution borrowers.
         A new Subpart M--Operational Controls, to be added to 7 
    CFR part 1717. This proposed new subpart outlines the main operational 
    controls relating to new mortgages and loan contracts of distribution 
    borrowers, and also modifies certain controls relating to existing 
    mortgages and loan contracts of distribution and/or power supply 
         Proposed revisions to 7 CFR part 1717, Subpart R--Lien 
    Accommodations and Subordinations for 100 Percent Private Financing. 
    These revisions would adapt RUS policies and requirements regarding 
    lien accommodations to the new loan contracts and mortgages.
         A limited number of proposed changes to 7 CFR part 1710 to 
    conform those provisions to the new mortgages and loan contracts.
        In addition to inviting written comments from the public on this 
    proposed rule, REA stands ready to meet with interested individuals and 
    organizations to discuss their comments and recommendations. Such 
    meetings would be open to any interested person, and they would be 
    ``informal'', as opposed to a formal hearing. Although any such 
    meetings will not be transcribed, REA will include a summary of any 
    such meeting in the file for this rulemaking. To facilitate scheduling, 
    it would be better for individuals, especially the large number of 
    borrowers affected by this proposed rule, to form one or more groups to 
    represent their interests at such meetings.
    7 CFR Part 1718, Subpart C--Loan Contracts With Distribution 
        This new subpart would establish agency policies and requirements 
    regarding the scope, content, and usage of new loan contracts with 
    distribution borrowers. These policies are intended to complement those 
    for new distribution mortgages, and to reflect changes in the electric 
    industry and the RUS program over the past several years. 
    [[Page 36905]]
        Distribution borrowers that obtain a loan or loan guarantee from 
    RUS after the effective date of this rule would be required to execute 
    a new loan contract and mortgage based on the policies and requirements 
    established by the new rules. Distribution borrowers obtaining other 
    financial assistance from RUS after the effective date of this rule may 
    be required by RUS to execute a new mortgage and loan contract. If 
    there are other co-mortgagees on the borrower's existing mortgage, 
    which there are in most cases, the borrower would have to obtain the 
    approval of these co-mortgagees before executing a new mortgage.
        Distribution borrowers receiving a loan during the transition 
    period between now and the date the new model loan contract is 
    published in final form in the Federal Register may opt to execute the 
    new model mortgage and the proposed model loan contract. Such borrowers 
    will have the further option of executing the final form of the model 
    loan contract after it is published in the Federal Register. 
    Distribution borrowers receiving a loan during the period after 
    publication of the final form of the new model loan contract but before 
    its effective date may opt for the final forms of both the model loan 
    contract and the model mortgage.
        Other borrowers not obtaining a new loan from RUS could request 
    that a new mortgage and loan contract be executed, for example, in 
    connection with a lien accommodation request or if the borrower is 
    trying to expand its access to future private financing. RUS will 
    attempt to honor these requests, but may be constrained by time and 
    staff limitations.
        The policies and requirements proposed in new Subpart C are 
    designed to provide flexibility in dealing with the different financial 
    needs, credit risks and other circumstances of individual borrowers and 
    individual lending situations. This is intended to enable RUS to 
    respond more quickly and effectively to the special and changing needs 
    of individual borrowers, while at the same time meeting the 
    government's need for loan security under different lending 
        Under this approach, RUS and borrowers would have the flexibility 
    to negotiate different loan contract provisions depending on individual 
    circumstances and needs. This would go beyond the current situation 
    where special needs and requirements are dealt with almost exclusively 
    in the ``special provisions'' section of a loan contract or contract 
    amendment. It is anticipated that the provisions in the model loan 
    contact will be suitable in most cases. Since drafting and approving 
    customized contract provisions would be more time consuming and could 
    delay approval of a loan, RUS will consider such modifications only 
    when they are needed to address individual needs or problems.
        Proposed section 1718.103 sets forth the scope and content of loan 
    contracts to be used with distribution borrowers in combination with 
    new mortgages executed under 7 CFR Part 1718, Subpart B. The proposed 
    section establishes the general requirements for loan contracts, in 
    most cases leaving the specific language of individual provisions to be 
    determined in the drafting of the loan contracts. An example of such a 
    model loan contract is presented in Appendix A. This model represents 
    one example of a loan contract drafted pursuant to this proposed new 
    rule. Other loan contracts could vary substantially from this example 
    in response to the financing needs of individual borrowers and the 
    credit risks involved in those individual lending situations. It is 
    anticipated that individual provisions of the model will be refined 
    over time to reflect experience gained from use of the model and to 
    respond to the rapidly changing electric industry.
        Proposed Sec. 1718.103, as reflected in the model contract in 
    Appendix A, attempts to streamline, simplify and clarify loan contract 
    provisions. A substantial number of restrictive covenants, complex 
    provisions, and other outdated requirements contained in the present 
    form of loan contract would be eliminated. Also, RUS is abandoning the 
    practice of using the same loan contract with a series of amendments to 
    cover all RUS loans throughout the lending relationship, which spans 
    more than 50 years in many cases. Instead, RUS intends to use the 
    approach followed by other lenders of using a new loan contract with 
    each loan. This approach is intended to simplify administration for all 
    parties and to guard against the use of outdated loan documentation.
        Historically, RUS loan contracts have contained sweeping powers 
    favoring the Administrator. In the absence of any explicit rulemaking 
    authority in the Rural Electrification Act as originally enacted, these 
    contracts together with their related mortgages lay the foundation for 
    most RUS regulations. RUS has administered these loan documents through 
    a variety of methods, including case-by-case determinations, letters 
    from the Administrator to all borrowers or a group of borrowers, and 
    notice and comment rulemaking.
        RUS intends to retain these flexible approaches to program 
    administration, including the practice of establishing the rights and 
    limitations of the lending relationship broadly in the loan documents 
    and subsequently refining them in regulations. Thus many provisions of 
    the proposed model contract are stated in very broad terms which can be 
    fully understood only in the context of the agency's regulations.
        For example, most proposed covenants or ``operational controls'' in 
    the model contract are expressed in broad language, although in some 
    cases the language is narrower and more focused than in existing loan 
    contracts. Such language leaves room for unforeseen circumstances, 
    which can be addressed more specifically through RUS regulations. In 
    most cases RUS intends to cut back the reach of these provisions 
    through its regulations, as it did recently in the publication of the 
    final rule 7 CFR part 1726 on construction policies and procedures (at 
    60 FR 10151), as well as in the recent publication of proposed 
    revisions to controls on borrowers' investments (at 60 FR 8981). Under 
    today's proposed rule, several additional operational controls would be 
    eliminated from loan contracts, and several others would be cut back, 
    as described below.
        Some may argue that the controls and approval rights contained in 
    the RUS loan contract itself ought to be more limited and more narrowly 
    focused than what is being proposed today. RUS recognizes that approach 
    may appear desirable from an individual borrower's standpoint. However, 
    from the standpoint of administering a program serving nearly 1,000 
    utility systems and responding to the diverse interests of this group, 
    the Congress, the Executive Branch, and other interested parties, RUS 
    believes that the proposed approach is administratively less costly, 
    less time-consuming, more flexible, and better able to respond quickly 
    to changing needs and circumstances.
        Certain provisions that had been included in the proposed mortgage 
    for distribution borrowers, but deleted in the final rule, are proposed 
    for inclusion in the loan contract. These provisions include the rate 
    covenant, limitations on retirements of capital credits and other 
    distributions, certain tests for the issuance of debt that had been 
    included in sections 2.01 and 2.02 of the proposed mortgage, and 
    limitations on the issuance of unsecured debt. These changes are 
    discussed in the final rule on the mortgage published elsewhere in this 
    Federal Register.
    [[Page 36906]]
    7 CFR part 1717, Subpart M--Operational Controls
        Proposed Subpart M of 7 CFR part 1717 serves several purposes. 
    First, it outlines the main operational controls that would apply to 
    distribution borrowers under the proposed new loan contacts. In many 
    cases, such operational controls are further defined in other RUS 
    regulations. Second, it establishes the circumstances under which RUS 
    approval is granted or an exception to a requirement is established 
    with respect to certain controls. Third, it extends these approvals and 
    exceptions to existing loan contracts and mortgages of distribution 
    borrowers and/or power supply borrowers.
        Since proposed Subpart M would address only the main operational 
    controls, failure to include an operational control under Subpart M 
    would not invalidate operational controls contained in other RUS 
    regulations. Also, the approvals and exceptions that would be granted 
    by Subpart M would apply only to operational controls normally included 
    in loan contracts and mortgages. They would not apply to special 
    controls and requirements included in loan documents to deal with 
    special circumstances of individual borrowers.
        Proposed Subpart M is not intended to exhaust the treatment of 
    operational controls. RUS is continuing to review this matter and will 
    be proposing further changes. For example, proposed revisions to RUS 
    policies and procedures regarding system design and architectural and 
    engineering services are currently being drafted.
        Extensions and additions. Under proposed Sec. 1717.603, prior 
    written approval by RUS would be required before a distribution 
    borrower could extend or add to its electric system if the facilities 
    will be financed by RUS (including reimbursements). If they won't be 
    financed by RUS (wholly or partially), approval would not be required 
    except for:
          Construction or procurement of generating facilities of 
    any size.
          Acquisition of existing electric facilities or systems in 
          Construction or procurement of electric facilities to 
    serve a customer whose annual kWh purchases or maximum annual kW demand 
    is projected to exceed 25 percent of the borrower's total kWh sales or 
    maximum kW demand in the year immediately preceding the acquisition or 
    start of construction.
        Prior written approval from RUS would also be required before power 
    supply borrowers could extend or add to their electric systems if the 
    facilities will be financed by RUS. Approval requirements when the 
    facilities will not be financed by RUS are or will be set forth in 
    other RUS regulations.
        Long-range engineering plans and construction work plans. Proposed 
    Sec. 1717.604 would continue to require all borrowers to maintain up-
    to-date long-range engineering plans and construction work plans (CWP). 
    However, these plans would not be subject to RUS approval if the 
    borrower does not intend to seek RUS financing for the facilities and 
    other purposes covered by the plans. If requested by RUS, borrowers 
    would have to provide a copy of such plans for RUS review. Applications 
    for RUS financing would continue to be required to be supported by a 
    long-range engineering plan and CWP approved by RUS.
        Design standards, plans and specifications, construction standards, 
    and list of materials. Proposed Sec. 1717.605 would continue to require 
    all borrowers, regardless of the source of funding, to follow 
    applicable RUS requirements regarding system design, plans and 
    specifications, construction standards, and the use of RUS accepted 
        Construction contracts, and engineering and architectural services 
    contracts. Under proposed Sec. 1717.606 borrowers would be encouraged 
    to use RUS standard forms of contracts for construction, materials, 
    equipment, engineering services, and architectural services regardless 
    of the source of funding. They would be required to use the standard 
    contract forms only if funding for the construction, procurement, or 
    services is provided by RUS.
        Contract bidding requirements. Proposed Sec. 1717.607 would 
    reiterate current policy that RUS requirements regarding bidding for 
    construction, materials and equipment contracts apply only if the 
    construction or procurement will be financed by RUS.
        RUS approval of contracts. Proposed Sec. 1717.608 would establish 
    requirements and grant RUS approval with respect to certain contracts. 
    This section is not complete. Further work needs to be done, and RUS 
    will propose additional rules updating contract approval requirements 
    when those decisions are made.
        This proposed section would reiterate current policy in 7 CFR part 
    1726 that RUS approval of contracts for construction, materials, 
    equipment, and architectural and engineering services would be required 
    only if the construction, procurement or services are financed by RUS.
        RUS approval of contracts to sell electric power to retail 
    customers would be required only if the contract is for longer than two 
    years and the kWh sales or kW demand for any year covered by the 
    contract exceeds 25 percent of the borrower's total kWh sales or 
    maximum kW demand for the year immediately preceding execution of the 
        RUS approval of power supply arrangements, including power supply 
    contracts, interconnection agreements, interchange agreements, wheeling 
    agreements, pooling agreements, and any other similar arrangements 
    would be granted if they have a term of two years or less. Amendments 
    to such arrangements would also be approved if the amendment would not 
    extend the term of the arrangement for more than two years beyond the 
    date of the amendment. The rule would also grant approval for any 
    amendment to a schedule or exhibit contained in any power supply 
    arrangement, which would have the mere effect of either altering a list 
    of interconnection or delivery points or changing the value of a 
    variable term (but not the formula itself) contained in a formulary 
    rate or charge.
        RUS approval of contracts for the management and operation of a 
    borrower's electric system or for the maintenance of the electric 
    system would be required only if such contracts cover all or 
    substantially all of the electric system.
        RUS approval of general manager. Most existing mortgages or loan 
    contracts give RUS the unconditioned right to approve a borrower's 
    general manager and the manager's employment contract. Proposed 
    Sec. 1717.609 would grant RUS approval for all borrowers that are in 
    compliance with all provisions of their loan documents and any other 
    agreements with RUS. It is further proposed that new loan contracts 
    generally will not give RUS unconditioned approval rights over general 
    managers. Under new loan contracts, RUS would have the right to replace 
    the manager or approve a new manager when a vacancy occurs only if the 
    borrower is in default under its mortgage, loan contract, or other 
    agreement with RUS. This should greatly reduce the times when RUS 
    approval of a general manager is required.
        RUS approval of compensation of the board of directors. Most 
    existing mortgages or loan contracts require the borrower to obtain RUS 
    approval of any compensation provided to the members of the borrower's 
    board of directors. 
    [[Page 36907]]
    Such approval requirement will not be included in new mortgages or in 
    the proposed loan contract, and proposed Sec. 1717.610 would waive this 
    requirement for existing mortgages and loan contracts.
        RUS approval of expenditures for legal, engineering, and 
    supervisory services. Most existing mortgages or loan contracts require 
    borrowers to obtain RUS approval before making expenditures for legal, 
    engineering, and supervisory services, other than ``routine'' 
    expenditures. Proposed Sec. 1717.611 would grant RUS approval of 
    expenditures for legal and supervisory services regardless of the 
    source of funding, and for engineering services if they are not funded 
    by RUS. Approval requirements for engineering services financed by RUS 
    are set forth in other RUS regulations.
        RUS approval of borrower's bank or other depository. Most existing 
    mortgages or loan contracts give RUS the right to approve the bank or 
    other depositories used by a borrower. Proposed Sec. 1717.612 would 
    grant RUS approval of the borrower's bank or other depositories 
    provided that they are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Corporation or other Federal agency acceptable to RUS. Proposed new 
    loan contracts would not grant RUS such authority, but would require 
    that funds from loans made or guaranteed by RUS be deposited in a bank 
    or other depository insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Corporation or other Federal agency acceptable to RUS, unless prior 
    written approval is obtained from RUS.
        110 Percent Borrowers. It is recognized that the proposed changes 
    in operational controls applicable to borrowers in general will, if 
    adopted, require some changes in the exceptions to RUS controls 
    applicable to borrowers with a net worth of at least 110 percent of the 
    outstanding debt owed to RUS. The interim final rule on such exceptions 
    was published in the Federal Register on January 28, 1994 at 59 FR 
    3982. After comments are received on the proposed rule published today, 
    RUS will review those comments as well as those received on the interim 
    final rule (7 CFR 1710.7, 7 CFR 1717.860, and 7 CFR 1717.904) and then 
    publish both rules in final form.
    7 CFR Part 1717, Subpart R--Lien Accommodations and Subordinations 
    for 100 Percent Private Financing
        Changes are proposed to 7 CFR part 1717, subpart R, to adapt RUS 
    policies and requirements for lien accommodations and subordinations to 
    the new distribution mortgage. Most of these changes are conforming 
    technical changes, a few are substantive in nature.
    Section 1717.850  General
        Under new mortgages for distribution borrowers, borrowers will be 
    able to issue additional secured debt without the approval of RUS or 
    the other mortgagees if the borrowers meet the criteria in section 2.01 
    of their mortgages. Also, if they meet the criteria in section 2.02 of 
    their mortgages, borrowers will be able to issue secured debt to 
    refinance existing secured debt without approval of the mortgagees.
        If borrowers meet the criteria in section 2.01 or 2.02, debt issued 
    under those sections will automatically be secured under the mortgage 
    and will not require a lien accommodation from RUS or other mortgagees. 
    Thus the lien accommodation regulation, 7 CFR 1717 subpart R, would not 
    apply to such financing. This is true even if approval from RUS is 
    required under the RUS loan contract due to criteria or restrictions 
    included in the loan contract. While the borrower would be required to 
    obtain prior RUS approval in such cases, a lien accommodation would not 
    be required if the financing met the requirements of section 2.01 or 
    2.02 of the new mortgage.
        Several technical amendments are proposed to 1717.850. Paragraph 
    (a) would be revised to indicate, as discussed above, that Subpart R 
    applies only to the issuance of secured debt that does not meet the 
    criteria of section 2.01 or 2.02 of the new mortgage. Paragraph (b) 
    would be revised to include the four community infrastructure purposes 
    eligible under section 2.01 of the new mortgage as also being eligible 
    for a lien accommodation under Subpart R.
        Paragraph (f) would be substantially revised to eliminate the 
    requirement that the borrower provide RUS with a written agreement that 
    it will: comply with the National Electric Safety Code; use only RUS 
    accepted materials where applicable; comply with RUS construction 
    standards; follow a CWP approved by RUS; and provide an engineer's 
    certification after completion of construction that the construction 
    was done in compliance with RUS requirements. While this certification 
    would no longer be required, the borrower would continue to be required 
    to comply with RUS standards regarding facility and system planning and 
    design, construction, procurement, and the use of materials accepted 
    and listed by RUS. Elimination of the certification would reduce the 
    administrative burden on borrowers.
        A minor technical change would be made to paragraph (g)(1) to 
    conform with proposed changes to 7 CFR part 1710, subpart F, (discussed 
    later) to the effect that construction work plans would not have to be 
    approved by RUS unless the borrower intends to seek RUS financing for 
    facilities or other purposes covered by the plan. Also, a technical 
    change is proposed to paragraph (h)(2) to eliminate references to 
    sections of the mortgage and loan contract with respect to prior 
    approval or waiver of approval of certain borrower actions granted by 
    paragraphs (g)(1) and (h)(1) of this section. Such references to the 
    loan documents will be confusing as new mortgages and loan contracts 
    are executed with some borrowers, while other borrowers are still 
    operating under the old loan documents. Moreover, as RUS continues to 
    codify more and more of its regulations relating to RUS approvals and 
    controls, references to specific provisions of the loan documents 
    relating to prior approval and waivers granted by such regulations will 
    become less meaningful.
        Finally, changes are proposed to paragraph (m) of this section to 
    broaden the requirements and conditions under Subpart R that may be 
    waived by the Administrator of RUS if it's in the financial interests 
    of the government. Also, the meaning of the financial interests of the 
    government would be clarified.
    Section 1717.852  Financing Purposes
        With two exceptions, all of the proposed changes to Sec. 1717.852 
    are basically technical changes to conform the section with the new 
    mortgage. A new paragraph (a)(3) would be added to add to eligible lien 
    accommodation purposes the four community infrastructure purposes 
    eligible for financing without mortgagee approval under section 2.01 of 
    the new mortgage. The four purposes are water and waste disposal 
    systems, solid waste disposal systems, telecommunication and other 
    electronic communication systems, and natural gas distribution systems. 
    Other infrastructure and other rural development projects would 
    continue to be eligible for a lien accommodation if the Administrator 
    determines its in the government's financial interests. They would also 
    continue to be eligible for a lien subordination under the terms of 
    Sec. 1717.858, to which no changes are being proposed.
        Paragraph (a)(1) would be amended by adding steam power to electric 
    power as an eligible purpose for lien accommodations. RUS has received 
    lien accommodation requests from borrowers where the financing was 
    needed to supply both electric power and steam power to the customer. 
    [[Page 36908]]
    requests have been approved after a special finding by RUS that the 
    accommodation of the government's lien was in the government's 
    financial interest. By adding steam power as an eligible purpose, the 
    special finding would no longer be required, which should expedite the 
    review of such applications.
        Existing paragraph (a)(4) would be redesignated (a)(5) and the 
    limit on transaction costs eligible for lien accommodation would be 
    raised from 3.5 percent of loan proceeds to 5 percent. No other changes 
    are proposed to paragraph (a) other than renumbering of the 
    subparagraphs. Minor technical changes would be made to the wording in 
    paragraph (b) to reflect the addition of the four community 
    infrastructure purposes to the purposes generically eligible for a lien 
    accommodation, and to broaden the scope of purposes eligible in 
    connection with cogeneration projects. Also, paragraph (b)(2) would be 
    removed since it would be redundant with the proposed expanded scope of 
    Sec. 1717.850(m).
    Section 1717.854  Advance Approval.
        Minor technical amendments are proposed to paragraphs (a) and (b) 
    to reflect the proposed addition of the four community infrastructure 
    purposes to the purposes generically eligible for a lien accommodation, 
    and thus eligible for advance approval.
        Changes are proposed to paragraph (c) to conform the financial 
    criteria for eligibility for advance approval of a lien accommodation 
    to those contained in section 2.01 of the new mortgage. Thus the 
    existing two-part interest coverage and equity tests in paragraph (c) 
    would be replaced with the interest coverage, equity, and net utility 
    plant tests contained in section 2.01 of the new mortgage. With this 
    change borrowers under the ``old'' existing mortgage would be subject 
    to the same basic financial tests in qualifying for advance approval of 
    a lien accommodation as borrowers under section 2.01 of the new 
    mortgage in issuing additional secured debt without mortgagee approval. 
    The latter borrowers would not require a lien accommodation, and thus 
    1717.854 would no longer be relevant for them.
        The proposed new tests in paragraph (c) are a Times Interest Earned 
    Ratio (TIER) of at least 1.5 and Debt Service Coverage (DSC) of at 
    least 1.25 in each of the past two years, equity of at least 27 percent 
    after debt issuance, and a ratio of net utility plant to long-term debt 
    of at least 1.0 after debt issuance. In addition, the existing 
    limitation of variable rate debt to 15 percent of all outstanding debt 
    would be eliminated by removing paragraph (c)(7). This limitation on 
    variable rate debt would also be eliminated from advance approvals of 
    lien accommodations for refinancing loans by removing paragraph (a)(5) 
    from 1717.857.
        A few minor technical changes are proposed to Sec. 1717.855 and 
    1717.856, primarily to conform them with the proposed addition of the 
    four community infrastructure purposes to the purposes generically 
    eligible for a lien accommodation, and to eliminate the certification 
    from borrowers that they will comply with RUS construction standards 
    and CWP requirements.
        Finally, no changes are proposed to 7 CFR part 1717, Subpart S, 
    regarding lien accommodations for concurrent supplemental loans. Such 
    loans must continue to meet the same requirements as insured loans made 
    by RUS.
    7 CFR Part 1710--General and Pre-Loan Policies and Procedures 
    Common to Insured and Guaranteed Electric Loans
        Section 1710.103  Area coverage. A technical change is proposed to 
    delete the statement which could be interpreted that the loan contract 
    must include the exact language of Sec. 1710.103 with respect to area 
    coverage requirements. That never was the intent. The proposed 
    technical change is consistent with the general approach that the loan 
    contract should provide the general authority for a requirement or 
    control, while RUS regulations should provide the specific details and 
    often narrow the focus of the general authority provided in the loan 
        Section 1710.114  TIER, DSC, OTIER and ODSC requirements. It is 
    proposed that the rate covenant be shifted from the mortgage to the 
    loan contract, and that an Operating Times Interest Earned Ratio 
    (OTIER) and an Operating Debt Service Coverage (ODSC), both set at a 
    minimum of 1.1, be added to the existing TIER and DSC requirements for 
    distribution borrowers. The reasons for these changes are discussed in 
    the background section of the final rule on the distribution mortgage 
    published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register.
        Long-range engineering plans and construction work plans. Under 
    section 1710.250, all borrowers would continue to be required to 
    maintain up-to-date long-range engineering plans and construction work 
    plans, but the plans would not have to be approved by RUS unless the 
    borrower intends to seek RUS financing. Applications for RUS financing 
    would continue to have to be supported by an RUS-approved long-range 
    engineering plan and CWP. RUS approval of these plans would be with 
    respect to only those facilities to be financed by RUS, and as to 
    whether the plans provide an acceptable basis, from a planning and 
    engineering standpoint, for approving the RUS financing.
        A new paragraph (k) would be added to this section authorizing RUS 
    to waive certain requirements with respect to long-range engineering 
    plans and construction work plans if RUS determines that the 
    requirements impose a substantial burden on the borrower and that 
    waiving the requirements will not significantly affect the 
    accomplishment of the objectives of the regulation. For example, RUS 
    could waive certain requirements relating to load growth if the 
    borrower's growth is stagnant or declining.
    List of Subjects
    7 CFR Part 1710
        Electric power, Electric utilities, Loan programs--energy, Rural 
    7 CFR Part 1717
        Administrative practice and procedure, Electric power, Electric 
    utilities, Intergovernmental relations, Investments, Lien 
    accommodation, Lien subordination, Loan programs--energy, Operational 
    controls, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Rural areas.
    7 CFR Part 1718
        Administrative practice and procedure, Electric power, Electric 
    utilities, Loan programs--energy, Loan security documents, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements, Rural areas.
        For the reasons explained in the preamble and under the authority 
    of 7 U.S.C. 901 et seq., RUS proposes to amend 7 CFR Chapter XVII as 
        1. The authority citation for part 1710 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 901-950b; Public Law 99-591, 100 Stat, 3341-
    16; Public Law 103-354, 108 Stat. 3178 (7 U.S.C. 6941 et seq.).
        2. Section 1710.2 is amended in paragraph (a) by adding the 
    following definitions in alphabetical order to read as follows:
    Sec. 1710.2  Definitions and rules of construction.
        (a) Definitions. * * *
    * * * * * 
    [[Page 36909]]
        Electric system means all of the borrower's interests in all 
    electric production, transmission, distribution, conservation, load 
    management, general plant and other related facilities, equipment or 
    property and in any mine, well, pipeline, plant, structure or other 
    facility for the development, production, manufacture, storage, 
    fabrication or processing of fossil, nuclear, or other fuel or in any 
    facility or rights with respect to the supply of water, in each case 
    for use, in whole or in major part, in any of the borrower's generating 
    plants, including any interest or participation of the borrower in any 
    such facilities or any rights to the output or capacity thereof, 
    together with all lands, easements, rights-of-way, other works, 
    property, structures, contract rights and other tangible and intangible 
    assets of the borrower in each case used or useful in such electric 
    * * * * *
        ODSC means Operating Debt Service Coverage of the electric system 
    calculated as:
        All amounts are for the same one-year period and are based on the 
    RUS system of accounts. References to line numbers in the RUS Form 7 
    refer to the June 1994 version of the form, and will apply to 
    corresponding information in future versions of the form;
        A=Depreciation and Amortization Expense of the electric system, 
    which usually equals Part A, Line 12 of RUS Form 7;
        B=Interest on Long-term Debt of the electric system, which usually 
    equals Part A, Line 15 of RUS Form 7, except that Interest on Long-term 
    debt shall be increased by \1/3\ of the amount, if any, by which the 
    rentals of Restricted Property of the electric system (Part M, Line 3 
    of RUS Form 7) exceeds 2 percent of Total Margins and Equities (Part C, 
    Line 36 of RUS Form 7);
        C=Patronage Capital & Operating Margins of the electric system, 
    which usually equals Part A, Line 20 of RUS Form 7; and
        D=Debt Service Billed (RUS+other) which equals all interest and 
    principal billed or billable during the calendar year for long-term 
    debt of the electric system plus \1/3\ of the amount, if any, by which 
    the rentals of Restricted Property of the electric system (Part M, Line 
    3 of RUS Form 7) exceeds 2 percent of Total Margins and Equities (Part 
    C, Line 36 of RUS Form 7).
    * * * * *
        OTIER means Operating Times Interest Earned Ratio of the electric 
    system calculated as:
        All amounts are for the same one-year period and are based on the 
    RUS system of accounts. References to line numbers in the RUS Form 7 
    refer to the June 1994 version of the form, and will apply to 
    corresponding information in future versions of the form;
        A=Interest on Long-term Debt of the electric system, which usually 
    equals Part A, Line 15 of RUS Form 7, except that Interest on Long-term 
    debt shall be increased by \1/3\ of the amount, if any, by which the 
    rentals of Restricted Property of the electric system (Part M, Line 3 
    of RUS Form 7) exceeds 2 percent of Total Margins and Equities (Part C, 
    Line 36 of RUS Form 7); and
        B=Patronage Capital & Operating Margins of the electric system, 
    which usually equals Part A, Line 20 of RUS Form 7.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1710.103  [Amended]
        3. Section 1710.103 is amended by removing in paragraph (b) the 
    sentence ``The loan contract shall contain provisions to this 
        4. Section 1710.114 is revised as follows:
    Sec. 1710.114  TIER, DSC, OTIER and ODSC requirements.
        (a) General. Requirements for coverage ratios are set forth in the 
    borrower's mortgage, loan contract, or other contractual agreements 
    with RUS. The requirements set forth in this section apply to borrowers 
    that receive a loan on or after February 10, 1992. Nothing in this 
    section, however, shall reduce the coverage-ratio requirements of a 
    borrower that has contractually agreed with RUS to a higher 
        (b) Coverage ratios. (1) Distribution borrowers. The minimum 
    coverage ratios required of distribution borrowers, whether applied on 
    an annual or average basis, are a TIER of 1.50, DSC of 1.25, OTIER of 
    1.1, and ODSC of 1.1. OTIER and ODSC shall apply to distribution 
    borrowers that receive a loan on or after [the effective date of the 
    final rule].
        (2) The minimum coverage ratios required of power supply borrowers, 
    whether applied on an annual or average basis, are a TIER of 1.05 and 
    DSC of 1.00.
        (3) When new loan contracts are executed, the Administrator may, 
    case by case, increase the coverage ratios of distribution and power 
    supply borrowers above the levels cited in paragraphs (b)(1) and 
    (b)(2), respectively, of this section if the Administrator determines 
    that the higher ratios are required to ensure reasonable security for 
    and/or the repayment of loans made or guaranteed by RUS. Also, the 
    Administrator may, case by case, reduce said coverage ratios if the 
    Administrator determines that the lower ratios are required to ensure 
    reasonable security for and/or the repayment of loans made or 
    guaranteed by RUS.
        (4) If a distribution borrower has in service or under construction 
    a substantial amount of generation and associated transmission plant 
    financed at a cost of capital substantially higher than the cost of 
    funds under section 305 of the RE Act, then the Administrator may 
    establish, in his or her sole discretion, blended levels for TIER, DSC, 
    OTIER, and ODSC based on the respective shares of total utility plant 
    represented by said generation and associated transmission plant and by 
    distribution and other transmission plant.
        (c) Requirements for loan feasibility. To be eligible for a loan, 
    borrowers must demonstrate to RUS that they will, on a pro forma basis, 
    earn the coverage ratios required by paragraph (b) of this section in 
    each of the years included in the borrower's long-range financial 
    forecast prepared in support of its loan application, as set forth in 
    subpart G of this part.
        (d) Requirements for maintenance of coverage ratios.--(1) 
    Prospective requirement. Borrowers must design and implement rates for 
    utility service to provide sufficient revenue (along with other revenue 
    available to the borrower in the case of TIER and DSC) to pay all fixed 
    and variable expenses, to provide and maintain reasonable working 
    capital and to maintain on an annual basis the coverage ratios required 
    by paragraph (b) of this section. Rates must be designed and 
    implemented to produce at least enough revenue to meet the requirements 
    of this paragraph under the assumption that average weather conditions 
    in the borrower's service territory will prevail in the future, 
    including average system damage and outages due to weather and the 
    related costs. Failure to design and implement rates pursuant to the 
    requirements of this paragraph shall be an event of default upon notice 
    provided in accordance with the terms of the borrower's mortgage or 
    loan contract. 
    [[Page 36910]]
        (2) Retrospective requirement. The average coverage ratios achieved 
    by a borrower in the 2 best years out of the 3 most recent calendar 
    years must meet the levels required by paragraph (b) of this section. 
    If a borrower fails to achieve these average levels, it must promptly 
    notify RUS in writing. Within 30 days of such notification or of the 
    borrower being notified in writing by RUS, whichever is earlier, the 
    borrower, in consultation with RUS, must provide a written plan 
    satisfactory to RUS setting forth the actions that will be taken to 
    achieve the required coverage ratios on a timely basis. Failure to 
    develop and implement a plan satisfactory to RUS shall be an event of 
    default upon notice provided in accordance with the terms of the 
    borrower's mortgage or loan contract.
        (3) Fixed and variable expenses, as used in this section, include 
    but are not limited to: all taxes, depreciation, maintenance expenses, 
    and the cost of electric power and energy and other operating expenses 
    of the electric system, including all obligations under the wholesale 
    power contract, all lease payments when due, and all principal and 
    interest payments on outstanding indebtedness when due.
        (e) Requirements for advance of funds. (1) If a borrower applying 
    for a loan has failed to achieve the coverage ratios required by 
    paragraph (b) of this section during the latest 12 month period 
    immediately preceding approval of the loan, or if any of the borrower's 
    average coverage ratios for the 2 best years out of the most recent 3 
    calendar years were below the levels required in paragraph (b) of this 
    section, RUS may withhold the advance of loan funds until the borrower 
    has adopted an annual financial plan and operating budget satisfactory 
    to RUS and taken such other action as RUS may require to demonstrate 
    that the required coverage ratios will be maintained in the future and 
    that the loan will be repaid with interest within the time agreed. Such 
    other action may include, for example, increasing system operating 
    efficiency and reducing costs or adopting a rate design that will 
    achieve the required coverage ratios, and either placing such rates 
    into effect or taking action to obtain regulatory authority approval of 
    such rates. If failure to achieve the coverage ratios is due to unusual 
    events beyond the control of the borrower, such as unusual weather, 
    system outage due to a storm or regulatory delay in approving rate 
    increases, then the Administrator may waive the requirement that the 
    borrower take the remedial actions set forth in this paragraph, 
    provided that such waiver will not threaten loan feasibility.
        (2) With respect to any outstanding loan made on or after February 
    10, 1992, if, based on actual or projected financial performance of the 
    borrower, RUS determines that the borrower may not achieve its required 
    coverage ratios in the current or future years, RUS may withhold the 
    advance of loan funds until the borrower has taken remedial action 
    satisfactory to RUS.
        5. Section 1710.250 is amended by revising paragraphs (b) and (e) 
    and adding a new paragraph (k) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1710.250  General.
    * * * * *
        (b) Generally, all borrowers are required to maintain up-to-date 
    long range engineering plans approved by their boards of directors. 
    Current CWPs approved by the borrower's board must also be developed 
    and maintained for distribution and transmission facilities and for 
    improvements and replacements of generation facilities. All such 
    distribution, transmission or generation facilities must be included in 
    the respective CWPs regardless of the source of financing.
    * * * * *
        (e) Applications for a loan or loan guarantee from RUS (new loans 
    or budget reclassifications) must be supported by a current CWP 
    approved by both the borrower's board of directors and RUS. RUS 
    approval of these plans relates only to the facilities, equipment, and 
    other purposes to be financed by RUS, and means that the plans provide 
    an adequate basis from a planning and engineering standpoint to support 
    RUS financing. RUS approval of the plans does not mean that RUS 
    approves of the facilities, equipment, or other purposes for which the 
    borrower is not seeking RUS financing. If RUS disagrees with a 
    borrower's estimate of the cost of one or more facilities for which RUS 
    financing is sought, RUS may adjust the estimate after consulting with 
    the borrower and explaining the reasons for the adjustment.
    * * * * *
        (k) Upon written request from a borrower, RUS may waive in writing 
    certain requirements with respect to long-range engineering plans and 
    CWPs if RUS determines that such requirements impose a substantial 
    burden on the borrower and that waiving the requirements will not 
    significantly affect the accomplishment of the objectives of this 
    subpart. For example, if a borrower's load is forecast to remain 
    constant or decline during the planning period, RUS may waive those 
    portions of the plans that relate to load growth.
    Sec. 1710.251  [Amended]
        6. Section 1710.251 is amended by removing the words ``and RUS'' 
    from the first sentence of paragraph (a).
    Sec. 1710.252  [Amended]
        7. Section 1710.252 is amended by removing the words ``and RUS'' 
    from the first sentence of paragraph (a).
        8. The authority citation for part 1717 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 901-950b; Pub. L. 103-354, 108 Stat. 3178 (7 
    U.S.C. 6941 et seq.), unless otherwise noted.
        9. Subpart M is added to part 1717 to read as follows:
    Subpart M--Operational Controls
    1717.600  General.
    1717.601  Applicability.
    1717.602  Definitions.
    1717.603  RUS approval of extensions and additions.
    1717.604  Long-range engineering plans and construction work plans.
    1717.605  Design standards, plans and specifications, construction 
    standards, and RUS accepted materials.
    1717.606  Standard forms of construction contracts, and engineering 
    and architectural services contracts.
    1717.607  Contract bidding requirements.
    1717.608  RUS approval of contracts.
    1717.609  RUS approval of general manager.
    1717.610  RUS approval of compensation of the board of directors.
    1717.611  RUS approval of expenditures for legal, accounting, 
    engineering, and supervisory services.
    1717.612  RUS approval of borrower's bank or other depository.
    Subpart M--Operational Controls
    Sec. 1717.600  General.
        (a) General. The loan contract and mortgage between the Rural 
    Utilities Service (RUS) and electric borrowers imposes certain 
    restrictions and controls on the borrowers and gives RUS (and other co-
    mortgagees in the case of the mortgage) the right to approve or 
    disapprove certain actions contemplated by the borrowers. Certain of 
    these controls and approval rights are referred to informally as 
    ``operational controls'' because they pertain to decisions or actions 
    with respect to the operation of the borrowers' electric systems. The 
    approval authority granted to RUS by the loan contract or mortgage 
    [[Page 36911]]
    each decision or action subject to controls is often stated in broad, 
    unlimited terms. This subpart lists the main operational controls 
    affecting borrowers and establishes for each area of control the 
    circumstances under which RUS approval of a decision or action by a 
    borrower is either required or not required. In some cases, only the 
    general principles or general circumstances pertaining to RUS approval 
    or control are presented in this subpart, while the details regarding 
    the circumstances and requirements of RUS approval or control are set 
    forth in other RUS regulations. Since this subpart addresses only the 
    main operational controls, failure to address a control or approval 
    right in this subpart in no way invalidates such controls or rights 
    established by the loan contract, mortgage, other agreements between a 
    borrower and RUS, and RUS regulations.
        (b) Case by case amendments. Upon written notice to a borrower, RUS 
    may amend or annul the approvals and exceptions to controls set forth 
    in this subpart or other RUS regulations if the borrower is in 
    violation of any provision of its loan documents or any other agreement 
    with RUS, or if RUS determines that loan security and/or repayment is 
    threatened. Such amendment or annulment will apply to decisions and 
    actions of the borrower after said written notice has been provided by 
        (c) Generic notices. By written notice to all borrowers or a group 
    of borrowers, RUS may grant or waive approval of decisions and actions 
    by the borrowers that are controlled under the loan documents and RUS 
    regulations. RUS may also by written notice withdraw or cut back its 
    grant or waiver of approval of said decisions and actions made by 
    previous written notice, but may not by such notice extend its 
    authority to approve decisions and actions by borrowers beyond the 
    authority granted by the loan documents and RUS regulations.
    Sec. 1717.601  Applicability.
        (a) The approvals and exceptions to controls conveyed by this 
    subpart apply only to controls and approval rights normally included in 
    RUS loan documents. They do not apply to special controls and approval 
    requirements included in the loan documents or other agreements 
    executed between a borrower and RUS that relate to individual problems 
    or circumstances specific to an individual borrower.
        (b) The provisions of this subpart apply to loan documents entered 
    into between borrowers and RUS, regardless of whether the documents 
    were executed before, on, or after [the effective date of the final 
        (c) The approvals and exceptions to controls granted by RUS in this 
    subpart shall not in any way affect the rights of other co-mortgagees 
    under the mortgage or their loan contracts.
    Sec. 1717.602  Definitions.
        Terms used in this subpart have the meanings set forth in 7 CFR 
    part 1710. In addition, for the purposes of this subpart:
        Default means an event of default as defined in the borrower's loan 
    documents or other agreement with RUS, and furthermore includes any 
    event that has occurred and is continuing which, with notice or lapse 
    of time and notice, would become an event of default.
        Financed or funded by RUS means financed or funded wholly or in 
    part by a loan made or guaranteed by RUS, including concurrent 
    supplemental loans required by 7 CFR 1710.110, loans to reimburse funds 
    already expended by the borrower, and loans to replace interim 
        Interchange agreement means a contractual arrangement that can 
    include a variety of services utilities provide each other to increase 
    reliability and efficiency, and to avoid duplicating expenses. Some 
    examples are: transmission service (the use of transmission lines to 
    move power and energy from one area to another); emergency service (an 
    agreement by one utility to furnish another with power and energy to 
    protect it in times of emergency, such as power plant outages); reserve 
    sharing (contributions to a common pool of generating plant reserves so 
    that each individual utility's reserves can be reduced); and economic 
    exchanges (swapping power and energy from different plants to avoid 
    running the most expensive units).
        Interconnection agreement means a contract governing the terms for 
    establishing or using one or more electrical connections between two or 
    more electric systems permitting a flow of power and energy among the 
        Loan documents means the mortgage (or other security instrument 
    acceptable to RUS), the loan contract, and the promissory note entered 
    into between the borrower and RUS.
        Pooling agreement means a contract among two or more interconnected 
    electric systems to operate on a coordinated basis to achieve economies 
    and/or enhance reliability in supplying their respective loads.
        Power supply contract means any contract entered into by a borrower 
    for the sale or purchase, at wholesale, of electric energy.
        Wheeling agreement means a contract providing for the use of the 
    electric transmission facilities of one electric utility to transmit 
    power and energy of another electric utility or other entity to a third 
    party. Such transmission may be accomplished directly or by 
    Sec. 1717.603  RUS approval of extensions and additions.
        (a) Distribution borrowers. Prior written approval by RUS is 
    required for a distribution borrower to extend or add to its electric 
    system if the extension or addition will be financed by RUS. For 
    extensions and additions that will not be financed by RUS, approval is 
    hereby given to distribution borrowers to make such extensions and 
    additions to their electric systems, including the use of (or 
    commitment to use) general funds of the borrower, except for the 
        (1) Construction, procurement, or leasing of generating facilities, 
    regardless of the size of the facilities;
        (2) Acquisition or leasing of existing electric facilities or 
    systems in service; and
        (3) Construction, procurement, or leasing of electric facilities to 
    serve a customer whose annual kWh purchases or maximum annual kW demand 
    in the foreseeable future is projected to exceed 25 percent of the 
    borrower's total kWh sales or maximum kW demand in the year immediately 
    preceding the acquisition or start of construction.
        (b) Power supply borrowers. Prior written approval by RUS is 
    required for a power supply borrower to extend or add to its electric 
    system if the extension or addition will be financed by RUS. 
    Requirements for RUS approval of extensions and additions that will not 
    be financed by RUS are set forth in other RUS regulations.
        (c) Additional details. Additional details relating to RUS approval 
    of extensions and additions of a borrower's electric system financed by 
    RUS are set forth in other RUS regulations, e.g., in 7 CFR parts 1710 
    and 1726.
    Sec. 1717.604  Long-range engineering plans and construction work 
        (a) All borrowers are required to maintain up-to-date long-range 
    engineering plans and construction work plans (CWPs) in form and 
    substance as set forth in 7 CFR part 1710, subpart F.
        (b) Applications for financing from RUS must be supported by a 
    long-range engineering plan and CWP approved by RUS. 
    [[Page 36912]]
        (c) RUS approval is not required for long-range engineering plans 
    and CWPs if the borrower does not intend to seek RUS financing for any 
    of the facilities, equipment or other purposes included in those plans. 
    However, if requested by RUS, a borrower must provide an informational 
    copy of such plans to RUS.
    Sec. 1717.605  Design standards, plans and specifications, construction 
    standards, and RUS accepted materials.
        All borrowers, regardless of the source of funding, are required to 
    comply with applicable RUS requirements with respect to system design, 
    plans and specifications, construction standards, and the use of RUS 
    accepted materials. These requirements are set forth in other RUS 
    regulations, especially in 7 CFR parts 1724 and 1728.
    Sec. 1717.606  Standard forms of construction contracts, and 
    engineering and architectural services contracts.
        All borrowers are encouraged to use the standard forms of contracts 
    promulgated by RUS for construction, materials, equipment, engineering 
    services, and architectural services, regardless of the source of 
    funding for such construction and services. Borrowers are required to 
    use these standard forms of contracts only if the construction, 
    procurement or services are financed by RUS. RUS requirements with 
    respect to such standard forms of contract are set forth in 7 CFR part 
    1724 for architectural and engineering services, and in 7 CFR part 1726 
    for construction, materials, and equipment.
    Sec. 1717.607  Contract bidding requirements.
        Borrowers must follow RUS requirements regarding bidding for 
    contracts for construction, materials, and equipment only if financing 
    of the construction or procurement will be provided by RUS. These 
    requirements are set forth in 7 CFR part 1726.
    Sec. 1717.608  RUS approval of contracts.
        (a) Construction contracts and architectural and engineering 
    contracts. RUS approval of contracts for construction and procurement 
    and for architectural and engineering services is required only when 
    such construction, procurement or services are financed by RUS. 
    Detailed requirements regarding RUS approval of such contracts are set 
    forth in 7 CFR part 1724 for architectural and engineering services, 
    and in 7 CFR part 1726 for construction and procurement.
        (b) Large retail power contracts. RUS approval of contracts to sell 
    electric power to retail customers is required only if the contract is 
    for longer than 2 years and the kWh sales or kW demand for any year 
    covered by the contract exceeds 25 percent of the borrower's total kWh 
    sales or maximum kW demand for the year immediately preceding execution 
    of the contract. This requirement applies regardless of the source of 
    funding of any plant extensions, additions or improvements that may be 
    involved in connection with the contract.
        (c) Power supply arrangements. (1) Power supply contracts 
    (including but not limited to economy energy sales and emergency power 
    and energy sales), interconnection agreements, interchange agreements, 
    wheeling agreements, pooling agreements, and any other similar power 
    supply arrangements subject to approval by RUS are deemed approved if 
    they have a term of 2 years or less. Amendments to said power supply 
    arrangements are also deemed approved provided that the amendment does 
    not extend the term of the arrangement for more than 2 years beyond the 
    date of the amendment.
        (2) Any amendment to a schedule or exhibit contained in any power 
    supply arrangement subject to RUS approval, which merely has the effect 
    of either altering a list of interconnection or delivery points or 
    changing the value of a variable term (but not the formula itself) 
    contained in a formulary rate or charge is deemed approved.
        (3) The provisions of this paragraph apply regardless of whether 
    the borrower is a seller or purchaser of the services furnished by the 
    contracts or arrangements, and regardless of whether or not a Federal 
    power marketing agency is a party to any of them.
        (d) System management and maintenance contracts. RUS approval of 
    contracts for the management and operation of a borrower's electric 
    system or for the maintenance of the electric system is required only 
    if such contracts cover all or substantially all of the electric 
        (e) Other contracts. [Reserved]
    Sec. 1717.609  RUS approval of general manager.
        (a) If a borrower's mortgage or loan contract grants RUS the 
    unconditioned right to approve the employment and/or the employment 
    contract of the general manager of the borrower's system, such approval 
    is hereby granted provided that the borrower is in compliance with all 
    provisions of its loan documents and any other agreements with RUS.
        (b) If a borrower is in default with respect to any provision of 
    its loan documents or any other agreement with RUS:
        (1) Such borrower, if directed in writing by RUS, shall replace its 
    general manager within 30 days after the date of such written notice; 
        (2) Such borrower shall not hire a general manager without prior 
    written approval by RUS.
    Sec. 1717.610  RUS approval of compensation of the board of directors.
        If a borrower's mortgage or loan contract requires the borrower to 
    obtain approval from RUS for compensation provided to members of the 
    borrower's board of directors, such requirement is hereby waived.
    Sec. 1717.611  RUS approval of expenditures for legal, accounting, 
    engineering, and supervisory services.
        (a) If a borrower's mortgage or loan contract requires the borrower 
    to obtain approval from RUS before incurring expenses for legal, 
    accounting, supervisory (other than for the management and operation of 
    the borrower's electric system, see Sec. 1717.608(d)), or other similar 
    services, such approval is hereby granted. However, while expenditures 
    for accounting do not require RUS approval, the selection of a 
    certified public accountant by the borrower to prepare audited reports 
    required by RUS remains subject to RUS approval.
        (b) If a borrower's mortgage or loan contract requires the borrower 
    to obtain approval from RUS before incurring expenses for engineering 
    services, such approval is hereby granted if such services will not be 
    financed by RUS. Approval requirements with respect to engineering 
    services financed by RUS are set forth in other RUS regulations.
    Sec. 1717.612  RUS approval of borrower's bank or other depository.
        (a) If a borrower's mortgage or loan contract gives RUS the 
    authority to approve the bank or other depositories used by the 
    borrower, such approval is hereby granted provided that the bank or 
    other depositories are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Corporation or other Federal agency acceptable to RUS.
        (b) Without the prior written approval of RUS, a borrower shall not 
    deposit funds from loans made or guaranteed by RUS in any bank or other 
    depository that is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Corporation or other Federal agency acceptable to RUS.
        10. Section 1717.850 is amended by revising paragraphs (a), (b), 
    (f), (g)(1)(ii), (h)(2), and (m) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1717.850  General.
        (a) Scope and applicability. (1) This subpart R establishes 
    policies and 
    [[Page 36913]]
    procedures for the accommodation, subordination or release of the 
    Government's lien on borrower assets, including approvals of supporting 
    documents and related loan security documents, in connection with 100 
    percent private sector financing of facilities and other purposes. 
    Policies and procedures regarding lien accommodations for concurrent 
    supplemental financing required in connection with an RUS insured loan 
    are set forth in subpart S of this part.
        (2) This subpart and subpart S of this part apply only to debt to 
    be secured under the mortgage, the issuance of which is subject to the 
    approval of the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) by the terms of the 
    borrower's mortgage with respect to the issuance of additional debt or 
    the refinancing or refunding of debt. If RUS approval is not required 
    under such terms of the mortgage itself, a lien accommodation is not 
    required. If the loan contract or other agreement between the borrower 
    and RUS requires RUS approval with respect to the issuance of debt or 
    making additions to or extensions of the borrower's system, such 
    required approvals do not by themselves result in the need for a lien 
        (b) Overall policy. (1) Consistent with prudent lending practices, 
    the maintenance of adequate security for RUS's loans, and the 
    objectives of the Rural Electrification Act (RE Act), it is the policy 
    of RUS to provide effective and timely assistance to borrowers in 
    obtaining financing from other lenders by sharing RUS's lien on a 
    borrower's assets in order to finance electric facilities, equipment 
    and systems, and certain other types of community infrastructure. In 
    certain circumstances, RUS may facilitate the financing of such assets 
    by subordinating its lien on specific assets financed by other lenders.
        (2) It is also the policy of RUS to provide effective and timely 
    assistance to borrowers in promoting rural development by subordinating 
    RUS's lien for financially sound rural development investments under 
    the conditions set forth in Sec. 1717.858.
    * * * * *
        (f) Safety and performance standards. (1) To be eligible for a lien 
    accommodation or subordination from RUS, a borrower must comply with 
    RUS standards regarding facility and system planning and design, 
    construction, procurement, and the use of materials accepted by RUS, as 
    required by the borrower's mortgage, loan contract, or other agreement 
    with RUS, and as further specified in RUS regulations.
        (2) RUS ``Buy American'' requirements shall not apply.
        (g) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (ii) Obtain a certification from a registered professional 
    engineer, for each year during which funds from the separate subaccount 
    are utilized by the borrower, that all materials and equipment 
    purchased and facilities constructed during the year from said funds 
    comply with RUS safety and performance standards, as required by 
    paragraph (f) of this section, and are included in an CWP or CWP 
    amendment approved by the borrower's board of directors;
    * * * * *
        (h) * * *
        (2) To the extent that provisions in a borrower's loan contract or 
    mortgage in favor of RUS may be inconsistent with paragraphs (g)(1) and 
    (h)(1) of this section, paragraphs (g)(1) and (h)(1) of this section 
    are intended to constitute an approval or waiver under the terms of 
    such instruments, and in any regulations implementing such instruments, 
    with respect to facilities financed with debt obtained entirely from 
    non-RUS sources without an RUS guarantee.
    * * * * *
        (m) Waiver authority. Consistent with the RE Act and other 
    applicable laws, any requirement, condition, or restriction imposed by 
    this subpart, or subpart S of this part, on a borrower, private lender, 
    or application for a lien accommodation or subordination may be waived 
    or reduced by the Administrator, if the Administrator determines that 
    said action is in the Government's financial interest with respect to 
    ensuring repayment and reasonably adequate security for loans made or 
    guaranteed by RUS.
    * * * * *
        11. Section 1717.851 is amended by removing the definitions for 
    ``ODSC'' and ``OTIER'' and by adding the following definitions in 
    alphabetical order to read as follows:
    Sec. 1717.851  Definitions.
    * * * * *
        Natural gas distribution system means any system of community 
    infrastructure whose primary function is the distribution of natural 
    gas and whose services are available by design to all or a substantial 
    portion of the members of the community.
    * * * * *
        Solid waste disposal system means any system of community 
    infrastructure whose primary function is the collection and/or disposal 
    of solid waste and whose services are available by design to all or a 
    substantial portion of the members of the community.
        Telecommunication and other electronic communication system means 
    any system of community infrastructure whose primary function is the 
    provision of telecommunication or other electronic communication 
    services and whose services are available by design to all or a 
    substantial portion of the members of the community.
    * * * * *
        Water and waste disposal system means any system of community 
    infrastructure whose primary function is the supplying of water and/or 
    the collection and treatment of waste water and whose services are 
    available by design to all or a substantial portion of the members of 
    the community.
    * * * * *
        12. In Sec. 1717.852, paragraphs (a)(1) introductory text and 
    (a)(1)(ii) are amended by adding the words ``and/or steam'' before the 
    word ``power'', paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(7) and paragraph (b) are 
    revised, and paragraph (a)(8) is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 1717.852  Financing purposes.
        (a) * * *
        (3) The following types of community infrastructure substantially 
    located within the electric service territory of the borrower: water 
    and waste disposal systems, solid waste disposal systems, 
    telecommunication and other electronic communications systems, and 
    natural gas distribution systems;
        (4) Front-end costs, when and as the borrower has obtained a 
    binding commitment from the non-RUS lender for the financing required 
    to complete the procurement or construction of the facilities;
        (5) Transaction costs included as part of the cost of financing 
    assets or refinancing existing debt, provided, however, that the amount 
    of transaction costs eligible for lien accommodation or subordination 
    normally shall not exceed 5 percent of the principal amount of 
    financing or refinancing provided, net of all transaction costs;
        (6) The refinancing of existing debt secured under the mortgage;
        (7) Interest during construction of generation and transmission 
    facilities if approved by RUS, case by case, depending on the financial 
    condition of the borrower, the terms of the financing, the nature of 
    the construction, the treatment of these costs by regulatory 
    authorities having jurisdiction, and such other factors deemed 
    appropriate by RUS; and 
    [[Page 36914]]
        (8) Lien subordinations for certain rural development investments, 
    as provided in Sec. 1717.858.
        (b) Purposes ineligible.The following financing purposes are not 
    eligible for a lien accommodation or subordination from RUS:
        (1) Working capital, including operating funds, unless in the 
    judgment of RUS the working capital is required to ensure the repayment 
    of RUS loans and/or other loans secured under the mortgage;
        (2) Facilities, equipment, appliances, or wiring located inside the 
    premises of the consumer, except:
        (i) Certain load-management equipment (see 7 CFR 1710.251(c));
        (ii) Renewable energy systems and RUS-approved programs of demand 
    side management and energy conservation; and
        (iii) As determined by RUS on a case by case basis, facilities 
    included as part of certain cogeneration projects to furnish electric 
    and/or steam power to end-user customers of the borrower;
        (3) Investments in a lender required of the borrower as a condition 
    for obtaining financing; and
        (4) Debt incurred by a distribution or power supply borrower to 
    finance facilities, equipment or other assets that are not part of the 
    borrower's electric system or one of the four community infrastructure 
    systems cited in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, except for certain 
    rural development investments eligible for a lien subordination under 
    Sec. 1717.858.
    * * * * *
        13. Section 1717.854 is amended by revising the section heading and 
    paragraphs (a), (b), (c)(1) and (c)(2), removing paragraph (c)(7), 
    redesignating paragraphs (c)(3) through (c)(6) as paragraphs (c)(4) 
    through (c)(7), adding a new paragraph (c)(3), adding ``and'' at the 
    end of newly designated paragraph (c)(6)(vi), and removing ``; and'' at 
    the end of newly designated paragraph (c)(7) and adding a period in its 
    place to read as follows:
    Sec. 1717.854  Advance approval--100 percent private financing of 
    distribution, subtransmission and headquarters facilities, and certain 
    other community infrastructure.
        (a) Policy. Requests for a lien accommodation or subordination from 
    distribution borrowers for 100 percent private financing of 
    distribution, subtransmission and headquarters facilities, and for 
    community infrastructure listed in Sec. 1717.852(a)(3), qualify for 
    advance approval by RUS if they meet the conditions of this section and 
    all other applicable provisions of this subpart. Advance approval means 
    RUS will approve these requests once RUS is satisfied that the 
    conditions of this section and all other applicable provisions of this 
    subpart have been met.
        (b) Eligible purposes. Lien accommodations or subordinations for 
    the financing of distribution, subtransmission, and headquarters 
    facilities and community infrastructure listed in Sec. 1717.852(a)(3) 
    are eligible for advance approval, except those that involve the 
    purchase of existing facilities and associated service territory.
        (c) * * *
        (1) The borrower has achieved a TIER of at least 1.5 and a DSC of 
    at least 1.25 for each of 2 calendar years immediately preceding, or 
    any 2 consecutive 12 month periods ending within 180 days immediately 
    preceding, the issuance of the debt;
        (2) The ratio of the borrower's equity, less deferred expenses, to 
    total assets, less deferred expenses, is not less than 27 percent, 
    after adding the principal amount of the proposed loan to the total 
    assets of the borrower;
        (3) The borrower's net utility plant as a ratio to its total 
    outstanding long-term debt is not less than 1.0, after adding the 
    principal amount of the proposed loan to the existing outstanding long-
    term debt of the borrower;
    * * * * *
        14. Section 1717.855 is amended by revising the section heading and 
    paragraph (a) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1717.855  Application contents: Advance approval--100 percent 
    private financing of distribution, subtransmission and headquarters 
    facilities, and certain other community infrastructure.
    * * * * *
        (a) A certification by an authorized official of the borrower that 
    the borrower and, as applicable, the loan are in compliance with all 
    conditions set forth in Sec. 1717.854(c) and all applicable provisions 
    of Secs. 1717.852 and 1717.853;
    * * * * *
        15. Section 1717.856 is amended by revising the section heading, 
    the introductory text, the introductory text of paragraph (a), and 
    paragraph (c)(3) to read as follows:
    Sec. 1717.856  Application contents: Normal review--100 percent private 
        Applications for a lien accommodation or subordination for 100 
    percent private financing for eligible purposes that do not meet the 
    requirements of Sec. 1717.854 must include the following information 
    and documents:
        (a) A certification by an authorized official of the borrower that:
    * * * * *
        (c) * * *
        (3) The borrower has achieved the TIER and DSC and any other 
    coverage ratios required by its mortgage or loan contract in each of 
    the two most recent calendar years; and
    * * * * *
    Sec. 1717.857  [Amended]
        16. Section 1717.857 is amended by removing paragraph (a)(5), by 
    adding ``and'' at the end of paragraph (a)(3), and by removing ``; 
    and'' at the end of paragraph (a)(4)(ii) and adding a period in its 
        17. The authority citation for part 1718 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 901-950b; Pub. L. 103-354, 108 Stat. 3178 (7 
    U.S.C. 6941 et seq.).
        18. Subpart C is added to part 1718 to read as follows:
    Subpart C--Loan Contracts With Distribution Borrowers
    1718.100  General.
    1718.101  Applicability.
    1718.102  Definitions.
    1718.103  Loan contract provisions.
    1718.104  Availability of model loan contract.
    Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 1718--Model Form of Loan Contract for 
    Electric Distribution Borrowers
    Subpart C--Loan Contracts With Distribution Borrowers
    Sec. 1718.100  General.
        (a) Purpose. The purpose of this subpart is to set forth the 
    policies, requirements, and procedures governing loan contracts entered 
    into between the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and distribution 
    borrowers or, in some cases, other electric borrowers.
        (b) Flexibility for individual circumstances. The intent of this 
    subpart is to provide the flexibility to address the different needs 
    and different credit risks of individual borrowers, and other special 
    circumstances of individual lending situations. The model loan contract 
    contained in Appendix A of this subpart provides an example of what a 
    loan contract with an ``average'' or ``typical'' distribution borrower 
    may look like under ``average'' or ``typical'' circumstances. Depending 
    on the credit risks and other circumstances of individual loans, RUS 
    may execute loan contracts with 
    [[Page 36915]]
    provisions that are substantially different than those set forth in the 
    model. RUS may develop alternative model loan contract provisions. If 
    it does, such provisions will be made available to the public.
        (c) Resolution of any differences in contractual provisions. If any 
    provision of the loan contract appears to be in conflict with 
    provisions of the mortgage, the loan contract shall have precedence 
    with respect to the contractual relationship between the borrower and 
    RUS with respect to such provision. If either document is silent on a 
    matter addressed in the other document, the other document shall have 
    precedence with respect to the contractual relationship between the 
    borrower and RUS with respect to such matter.
        (d) Loan contract provisions subject to subsequent rule making. The 
    provisions of all loan contracts executed pursuant to this subpart 
    shall be subject to amendment and modification pursuant to subsequent 
    rule making. Such amendments and modifications may not exceed the 
    authority granted to RUS in the loan contract entered into with the 
    Sec. 1718.101  Applicability.
        (a) Distribution borrowers. The provisions of this subpart apply to 
    all distribution borrowers that obtain a loan or loan guarantee from 
    RUS on or after [the effective date of the final rule]. Distribution 
    borrowers that obtain a lien accommodation or any other form of 
    financial assistance from RUS after [the effective date of the final 
    rule] may be required to execute a new loan contract and new mortgage. 
    Moreover, any distribution borrower may submit a request to RUS that a 
    new loan contract and new mortgage be executed. Within the constraints 
    of time and staff resources, RUS will attempt to honor such requests. 
    Borrowers must first obtain the concurrence of any other mortgagees on 
    their existing mortgage before a new mortgage can be executed.
        (b) Other borrowers. Borrowers other than distribution borrowers 
    may also submit requests for execution of a new loan contract pursuant 
    to this subpart and a new mortgage pursuant to subpart B of this part. 
    RUS may approve such requests if it determines that it is in the 
    government's financial interest. If other mortgagees are on the 
    borrower's existing mortgage, their concurrence would be required 
    before a new mortgage could be executed.
    Sec. 1718.102  Definitions.
        For the purposes of this subpart:
        Borrower means any organization that has an outstanding loan made 
    or guaranteed by the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) or its predecessor, 
    the Rural Electrification Administration, for rural electrification, or 
    that is seeking such financing.
        Distribution borrower means a borrower that sells or intends to 
    sell electric power and energy at retail in rural areas, the latter 
    being defined in 7 CFR 1710.2.
        Loan documents means the mortgage (or other security instrument 
    acceptable to RUS), the loan contract, and the promissory note entered 
    into between the borrower and RUS.
    Sec. 1718.103  Loan contract provisions.
        Loan contracts executed pursuant to this subpart shall contain such 
    provisions as RUS determines are appropriate to further the purposes of 
    the RE Act and to ensure that the security for the loan will be 
    reasonably adequate and that the loan will be repaid according to the 
    terms of the promissory note. Such loan contracts will contain 
    provisions addressing, but not necessarily limited to, the following 
        (a) Description of the purpose of the loan;
        (b) Specification of the interest to be charged on the loan, 
    including the method for determining the interest rate if it is not 
    fixed for the entire term of the loan;
        (c) Specification of the method for repaying the loan principal, 
    including the final maturity of the loan;
        (d) The conditions under which the loan may be prepaid before its 
    maturity date, including but not limited to requirements regarding the 
    prepayment of loans made concurrently by RUS and another secured 
        (e) The method for making scheduled payments on the loan;
        (f) Accounting principles and system of accounts, and RUS authority 
    to approve the accountant used by the borrower;
        (g) The method and time period for advancing loan funds and the 
    conditions precedent to the advance of funds;
        (h) Representations and warranties by the borrower as a condition 
    of obtaining the loan, including but not limited to: the legal 
    authority of the borrower to enter into the loan contract and operate 
    its system; that the loan documents will be a legal, valid and binding 
    obligation of the borrower enforceable according to their terms; 
    compliance of the borrower in all material respects with all federal, 
    state, and local laws, regulations, codes, and orders; existence of any 
    pending or threatened legal actions that could have a material adverse 
    effect on the borrower's ability to perform its obligations under the 
    loan documents; the accuracy and completeness of all information 
    provided by the borrower in the loan application and with respect to 
    the loan contract, and the existence of any material adverse change 
    since the information was provided; and the existence of any material 
    defaults under other agreements of the borrower;
        (i) Representations, warranties, and covenants with respect to 
    environmental matters;
        (j) Reports and notices required to be submitted to RUS, including 
    but not limited to: annual financial statements; notice of defaults; 
    notice of litigation; notice of orders or other directives received by 
    the borrower from regulatory authorities; notice of any matter that has 
    resulted in or may result in a material adverse change in the condition 
    or operations of the borrower; and such other information regarding the 
    condition or operations of the borrower as RUS may reasonably require;
        (k) Annual written certification that the borrower is in compliance 
    with its loan contract, note, mortgage, and any other agreement with 
    RUS, or if there has been a default in the fulfillment of any 
    obligation under said agreements, specifying each such default and the 
    nature and status thereof;
        (l) Requirement that the borrower design and implement rates for 
    utility services to meet certain minimum coverage of interest expense 
    and/or debt service obligations;
        (m) Requirement that the borrower maintain and preserve its 
    mortgaged property in compliance with prudent utility practice and all 
    applicable laws, which may include certain specific actions and 
    certifications set forth in the borrower's loan contract or mortgage;
        (n) Requirement that the borrower plan, design and construct its 
    electric system according to standards and other requirements 
    established by RUS, and if directed by the Administrator, that the 
    borrower follow RUS planning, design and construction standards and 
    requirements for other utility systems constructed by the borrower;
        (o) Limitations on extensions and additions to the borrower's 
    electric system without approval by RUS;
        (p) Limitations on contracts and contract amendments that the 
    borrower may enter into without approval by RUS;
        (q) Limitations of the transfer of mortgaged property by the 
        (r) Limitations on dividends, patronage refunds, and cash 
    distributions paid by the borrower; 
    [[Page 36916]]
        (s) Limitations on investments, loans, and guarantees made by the 
        (t) Authority of RUS to approve a new general manager and to 
    require that an existing general manager be replaced if the borrower is 
    in default under its mortgage, loan contract, or any other agreements 
    with RUS;
        (u) Description of events of default under the loan contract and 
    the remedies available to RUS;
        (v) Applicability of state and federal laws;
        (w) Severability of the individual provisions of the loan 
        (x) Matters relating to the assignment of the loan contract;
        (y) Requirements relating to federal laws and regulations, 
    including but not limited to the following matters: area coverage for 
    electric service; civil rights and equal employment opportunity; access 
    to buildings and other matters relating to the handicapped; design and 
    construction standards relating to earthquakes; the National 
    Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other environmental laws and 
    regulations; flood hazard insurance; debarment and suspension from 
    federal assistance programs; and delinquency on federal debt; and
        (z) Special requirements applicable to individual loans, and such 
    other provisions as RUS may require to ensure loan repayment and 
    reasonably adequate loan security.
    Sec. 1718.104  Availability of model loan contract.
        Single copies of the model loan contract (RUS Informational 
    Publication 1718 C) are available from the Administrative Services 
    Division, Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of 
    Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250-1500. This document may be 
    Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 1718--Model Form of Loan Contract for 
    Electric Distribution Borrowers
    Loan Contract
    Table of Contents
    Article I--Definitions
    Article II--Representations and Warranties
    Section 2.1. Representations and Warranties.
    Article III--Loan
    Section 3.1. Advances.
    Section 3.2. Interest Rate and Payment.
    Section 3.3. Prepayment.
    Article IV--Conditions of Lending
    Section 4.1. General Conditions.
    Section 4.2. Special Conditions.
    Article V--Affirmative Covenants
    Section 5.1. Generally.
    Section 5.2. Annual Certificates.
    Section 5.3. Simultaneous Prepayment of Contemporaneous Loans.
    Section 5.4. Rates to Provide Revenue Sufficient to Meet Coverage 
    Ratios Requirements.
    Section 5.5. Depreciation Rates.
    Section 5.6. Property Maintenance.
    Section 5.7. Financial Books.
    Section 5.8. Rights of Inspection.
    Section 5.9. Area Coverage.
    Section 5.10. Real Property Acquisition.
    Section 5.11. ``Buy American'' Requirements.
    Section 5.12. Power Requirements Studies.
    Section 5.13. Long Range Engineering Plans and Construction Work 
    Section 5.14. Design Standards, Plans and Specifications, 
    Construction Standards, and List of Materials.
    Section 5.15. Construction.
    Section 5.16. Standard Forms of Construction Contracts, and 
    Engineering and Architectural Services Contracts.
    Section 5.17. Contract Bidding Requirements.
    Section 5.18. Nondiscrimination.
    Section 5.19. Financial Reports.
    Section 5.20. Miscellaneous Reports and Notices.
    Section 5.21 Special Construction Account.
    Section 5.22. Additional Affirmative Covenants.
    Article VI--Negative Covenants
    Section 6.1. General.
    Section 6.2. Limitations on System Extensions and Additions.
    Section 6.3. Limitations on Expenses for Legal, Engineering and 
    Supervisory Services.
    Section 6.4. Limitations on Employment and Retention of Manager.
    Section 6.5. Limitations on Certain Types of Contracts.
    Section 6.6. Limitations on Mergers and Sale, Lease or Transfer of 
    Capital Assets.
    Section 6.7. Limitations on Acquisition, Construction or Procurement 
    of Generating Facilities, Existing Facilities or Utility Systems.
    Section 6.8. Limitation on Distributions.
    Section 6.9. Limitations on Loans, Investments and Other 
    Section 6.10. Depreciation Rates.
    Section 6.11. Historic Preservation.
    Section 6.12. Rate Reductions.
    Section 6.13. Limitations on Additional Indebtedness.
    Section 6.14. Limitations on Issuing Additional Indebtedness Secured 
    Under the Mortgage.
    Section 6.15. Impairment of Contracts Pledged to RUS.
    Section 6.16. Limitations on Using non FDIC-insured Depositories.
    Section 6.17. Additional Negative Covenants.
    Article VII--Default
    Section 7.1. Events of Default.
    Article VIII--Remedies
    Section 8.1. Generally.
    Section 8.2. Suspension of Advances.
    Article IX--Miscellaneous
    Section 9.1. Notices.
    Section 9.2. Expenses.
    Section 9.3. Late Payments.
    Section 9.4. Filing Fees.
    Section 9.5. No Waiver.
    Section 9.6. Governing Law.
    Section 9.7. Holiday Payments.
    Section 9.8. Rescission.
    Section 9.9. Successors and Assigns.
    Section 9.10. Complete Agreement; Amendments.
    Section 9.11. Headings.
    Section 9.12. Severability.
    Section 9.13. Right of Setoff.
    Section 9.14. Right of RUS to Appoint Supervisor.
    Section 9.15. Schedules and Exhibits.
    Section 9.16. Prior Loan Documents.
    Section 9.17. Term.
    Schedule 1
    Schedule 2--Existing Liens
    Schedule 3--Additional Contracts
    Exhibit A: Form of Promissory Note
    Exhibit B: Equal Opportunity Contract Provisions
    Exhibit C-1: Manager's Certificate Required Under Loan Contract Section 
    6.14 for Additional Notes
    Exhibit C-2: Manager's Certificate Required Under Loan Contract Section 
    6.14 for Refinancing Notes
    Loan Contract
        AGREEMENT, dated ____________ , 199______ ,
    between ______ (``Borrower''),
    a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of 
    ________ (the ``State'') and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA acting by 
    and through the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service 
        The Borrower has applied to RUS for a loan for the purpose(s) 
    set forth in Schedule 1 hereto.
        RUS is willing to make such a loan to the Borrower pursuant to 
    the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, on the terms and 
    conditions stated herein.
        THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the 
    mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree and 
    bind themselves as follows:
    Article I--Definitions
        Capitalized terms that are not defined herein shall have the 
    meanings as set forth in the Mortgage. The terms defined herein 
    include the plural as well as the singular and the singular as well 
    as the plural.
        ``Act'' shall mean the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 etc.
        ``Advance'' or ``Advances'' shall mean advances by RUS to 
    Borrower pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
        ``Agreement'' shall mean this Loan Contract together with all 
    schedules and exhibits and also any subsequent supplements or 
        ``Business Day'' shall mean any day that RUS is open for 
    [[Page 36917]]
        ``Contemporaneous Loan'' shall mean a loan made pursuant to a 
    loan agreement providing for a loan secured by a mortgage on which 
    RUS was also a mortgagee, the making of which was conditioned upon 
    the making of a loan, therein described, by another lender, and 
    shall also mean any loan which the Borrower has used to satisfy RUS 
    Regulations requiring that supplemental financing be obtained in 
    order to qualify for a loan from RUS. Any loan used to refinance or 
    refund a Contemporaneous Loan is also considered to be a 
    Contemporaneous Loan.
         ``Coverage Ratios'' shall mean, collectively, the following 
    financial ratios pertaining to the Electric System: (i) TIER of 1.5; 
    (ii) Operating TIER of 1.1; (iii) DSC of 1.25; and Operating DSC of 
        ``DSC'' shall have the meaning as defined in the Mortgage.
        ``Distributions'' shall mean for the Borrower to, in any 
    calendar year, declare or pay any dividends, or pay or determine to 
    pay any patronage refunds, or retire any patronage capital or make 
    any other cash distributions, to its members, stockholders or 
    consumers; provided, however, that for the purposes of this 
    Agreement a ``Cash Distribution'' shall be deemed to include any 
    general cancellation or abatement of charges for electric energy or 
    services furnished by the Borrower, but not the repayment of a 
    membership fee upon termination of a membership [and not the rebate 
    of an abatement of costs incurred by the Borrower, such as a 
    reduction of wholesale power cost previously incurred].
        ``Electric System'' shall have the meaning as defined in the 
        ``Equity'' shall mean the Borrower's total margins and equities 
    computed pursuant to RUS Accounting Requirements but excluding any 
    Regulatory Created Assets.
        ``Event of Default'' shall have the meaning as defined in 
    Section [7.1].
        ``Interest Expense'' shall mean the interest expense of the 
    Borrower computed pursuant to RUS Accounting requirements.
        ``Loan'' shall mean the loan described in Article II which is 
    being made pursuant to the RUS Commitment in furtherance of the 
    objectives of the Act.
        ``Loan Documents'' shall mean, collectively, this Agreement, the 
    Mortgage and the Note.
        ``Long-Term Debt'' shall mean the total of all amounts included 
    in the long-term debt of the Borrower pursuant to RUS Accounting 
        ``Maturity Date'' shall have the meaning as defined in the Note.
        ``Monthly Payment Date'' shall have the meaning as defined in 
    the Note.
        ``Mortgage'' shall have the meaning as described in Schedule 1 
        ``Mortgaged Property'' shall have the meaning as defined in the 
        ``Net Utility Plant'' shall mean the amount constituting the 
    total utility plant of the Borrower, less depreciation, computed in 
    accordance with RUS Accounting Requirements.
        ``Note'' shall mean a promissory note executed by the Borrower 
    in the form of Exhibit A hereto, and any note executed and delivered 
    to RUS to refund, or in substitution for such a note.
        ``Operating DSC'' or ``ODSC'' shall mean Operating Debt Service 
    Coverage calculated as:
                               ODSC =    -------------                      
        All amounts are for the same one-year period and are computed 
    pursuant to RUS Accounting Requirements;
        A=Depreciation and amortization expense of the Electric System;
        B=Interest Expense on all Long-term Debt of the Electric System, 
    except that Interest Expense shall be increased by 1/3 of the 
    amount, if any, by which the rentals of Restricted Property of the 
    Electric System exceed 2 percent of total margins and equities;
        C=Patronage capital & operating margins of the Electric System, 
    which equals operating revenue and patronage capital of Electric 
    System operations, less total cost of electric service (including 
    Interest Expense on all Long-Term Debt of the Electric System); and
        D=Debt service billed which equals all interest and principal 
    billed or billable to the Borrower during the year for all Long-Term 
    Debt of the Electric System, plus \1/3\ of the amount, if any, by 
    which the rentals of Restricted Property of the Electric System 
    exceed 2 percent of total margins and equities.
        ``Operating TIER'' or ``OTIER'' shall mean Operating Times 
    Interest Earned Ratio calculated as:
        All amounts are for the same one-year period and are computed 
    pursuant to RUS Accounting Requirements;
        A=Interest Expense on all Long-term Debt of the Electric System, 
    except that Interest Expense shall be increased by \1/3\ of the 
    amount, if any, by which the rentals of Restricted Property of the 
    Electric System exceed 2 percent of total margins and equities; and
        B=Patronage capital & operating margins of the Electric System, 
    which equals operating revenue and patronage capital of Electric 
    System operations, less total cost of electric service (including 
    Interest Expense on all Long-Term Debt of the Electric System).
        ``Payment Notice'' shall mean a notice furnished by RUS to 
    Borrower that indicates the precise amount of each payment of 
    principal and interest and the total amount of each payment.
        ``Permitted Debt'' shall have the meaning as defined in Section 
        ``Regulatory Created Assets'' shall mean the sum of any amounts 
    properly recordable as unrecovered plant and regulatory study costs 
    or as other regulatory assets, computed pursuant to RUS Accounting 
        ``RUS Accounting Requirements'' shall mean any system of 
    accounts prescribed by RUS Regulations as such RUS Accounting 
    Requirements exist at the date of applicability thereof.
        ``RUS Commitment'' shall have the meaning as defined in Schedule 
    1 hereto.
        ``RUS Regulations'' shall mean regulations published by RUS from 
    time to time in the Federal Register as they exist at the date of 
    applicability thereof, and shall also include any regulations of 
    other federal entities which RUS is required by law to implement.
        ``Subsidiary'' shall mean a corporation that is a subsidiary of 
    the Borrower and subject to the Borrower's control, as defined by 
    RUS Accounting Requirements.
        ``Termination Date'' shall have the meaning as defined in the 
        ``TIER'' shall have the meaning as defined in the Mortgage.
        ``Total Assets'' shall mean an amount constituting the total 
    assets of the Borrower as computed pursuant to RUS Accounting 
    Requirements, but excluding any Regulatory Created Assets.
        ``Total Utility Plant'' shall mean the amount constituting the 
    total utility plant of the Borrower computed in accordance with RUS 
    Accounting Requirements.
        ``Utility System'' shall have the meaning as defined in the 
    Article II--Representations and Warranties
        Section 2.1. Representations and Warranties. To induce RUS to 
    make the Loan, and recognizing that RUS is relying hereof, the 
    Borrower represents and warrants as follows:
        (a) Organization; Power, Etc. The Borrower: (i) is duly 
    organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of 
    its state of incorporation; (ii) is duly qualified to do business 
    and is in good standing in each jurisdiction in which the 
    transaction of its business makes such qualification necessary; 
    (iii) has all requisite corporate and legal power to own and operate 
    its assets and to carry on its business and to enter into and 
    perform the Loan Documents; (iv) has duly and lawfully obtained and 
    maintained all licenses, certificates, permits, authorizations, 
    approvals, and the like which are material to the conduct of its 
    business or which may be otherwise required by law; and (v) is 
    eligible to borrow from RUS.
        (b) Authority. The execution, delivery and performance by the 
    Borrower of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents and the 
    performance of the transactions contemplated thereby have been duly 
    authorized by all necessary corporate action and will not violate 
    any provision of law or of the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws 
    of the Borrower or result in a breach of, or constitute a default 
    under, any agreement, indenture or other instrument to which the 
    Borrower is a party or by which it may be bound.
        (c) Consents. No consent, permission, authorization, order, or 
    license of any governmental authority is necessary in connection 
    with the execution, delivery, performance, or enforcement of the 
    Loan Documents, except (i) such as have been obtained and are in 
    full force and effect and (ii) such as have been disclosed on 
    Schedule 1 hereto.
        (d) Binding Agreement. Each of the Loan Documents is, or when 
    executed and delivered will be, the legal, valid, and binding 
    obligation of the Borrower, 
    [[Page 36918]]
    enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject only to limitations 
    on enforceability imposed by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, 
    reorganization, moratorium, or similar laws affecting creditors' 
    rights generally.
        (e) Compliance With Laws. The Borrower is in compliance in all 
    material respects with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, 
    regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders (collectively, ``Laws''), 
    the failure to comply with which could have a material adverse 
    effect on the condition, financial or otherwise, operations, 
    properties, or business of the Borrower, or on the ability of the 
    Borrower to perform its obligations under the Loan Documents, except 
    as the Borrower has disclosed on Schedule 1 attached hereto.
        (f) Litigation. There are no pending legal, arbitration, or 
    governmental actions or proceedings to which the Borrower is a party 
    or to which any of its property is subject which, if adversely 
    determined, could have a material adverse effect on the condition, 
    financial or otherwise, operations, properties, or business of the 
    Borrower, or on the ability of the Borrower to perform its 
    obligations under the Loan Documents, and to the best of the 
    Borrower's knowledge, no such actions or proceedings are threatened 
    or contemplated, except as the Borrower has disclosed on Schedule 1 
    attached hereto.
        (g) Title to Property. The Borrower holds good and marketable 
    title to all of its real property and owns all of its personal 
    property free and clear of any lien or encumbrance except the liens 
    and encumbrances specifically identified on Schedule 2 attached 
    hereto (the ``Existing Liens''), and liens or other interests 
    permitted under the Mortgage.
        (h) Financial Statements; No Material Adverse Change; Etc. All 
    financial statements submitted to RUS in connection with the 
    application for the Loan or in connections with this Agreement 
    fairly and fully present the financial condition of the Borrower and 
    the results of the Borrower's operations for the periods covered 
    thereby and are prepared in accordance with RUS Accounting 
    Requirements consistently applied. Since the dates thereof, there 
    has been no material adverse change in the financial condition or 
    operations of the Borrower. All budgets, projections, feasibility 
    studies, and other documentation submitted by the Borrower to RUS 
    are based upon assumptions that are reasonable and realistic, and as 
    of the date hereof, no fact has come to light, and no event or 
    transaction has occurred, which would cause any assumption made 
    therein not to be reasonable or realistic.
        (i) Principal Place of Business; Records. The principal place of 
    business and chief executive office of the Borrower is at the 
    address of the Borrower shown on Schedule 1 attached hereto.
        (j) Location of Properties. All property owned by the Borrower 
    is located in the counties identified in Schedule 1 hereto.
        (k) Subsidiaries. The Borrower has no subsidiary, except as the 
    Borrower has disclosed on Schedule 1 attached hereto.
        (l) Defaults Under Other Agreements. The Borrower is not in 
    default under any agreement or instrument to which it is a party or 
    under which any of its properties are subject that is material to 
    its financial condition, operations, properties, profits, or 
        (m) Survival. All representations and warranties made by the 
    Borrower herein or made in any certificate delivered pursuant hereto 
    shall survive the making of the Advances and the execution and 
    delivery to RUS of the Note.
    Article III--Loan
        Section 3.1. Advances. RUS agrees to make, and the Borrower 
    agrees to request, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, 
    Advances from time to time in an aggregate principal amount not to 
    exceed the RUS Commitment. On the Termination Date, RUS may stop 
    advancing funds and limit the RUS Commitment to the amount advanced 
    prior to such date. The obligation of the Borrower to repay the 
    Advances shall be evidenced by the Note in the principal amount of 
    the unpaid principal amount of the Advances from time to time 
    outstanding. The Borrower shall give RUS written notice of the date 
    on which each Advance is to be made.
        Section 3.2. Interest Rate and Payment. The Note shall be 
    payable and bear interest as follows:
        (a) Payments and Amortization. Principal will be amortized in 
    accordance with the method stated in Schedule 1 hereto and more 
    fully described in the form of Note attached hereto as Exhibit A.
        (b) Application of Payments. Each payment shall be applied first 
    to any charges then due on the Note, second to interest accrued on 
    the principal amount to the due date of such payment on the Note, 
    and the balance to the reduction of principal against the Note in 
    inverse order of maturity.
        (c) Electronic Funds Transfer. Except as otherwise prescribed by 
    RUS, the Borrower shall make all payments on the Note utilizing 
    electronic funds transfer procedures as specified by RUS.
        (d) Fixed or Variable Rate. The Note will bear interest at 
    either a fixed or variable rate in accordance with the method stated 
    in Schedule 1 hereto and as more particularly described in the form 
    of Note attached hereto as Exhibit A.
        Section 3.3. Prepayment. The Borrower has no right to prepay the 
    Note in whole or in part except such rights, if any, as are 
    expressly provided for in the Note. However, prepayment of the Note 
    (and any penalties) shall be mandatory under Section [5.3] hereof if 
    the Borrower has used a Contemporaneous Loan in order to qualify for 
    the RUS Commitment, and later prepays the Contemporaneous Loan.
    Article IV--Conditions of Lending
        Section 4.1. General Conditions. The obligation of RUS to make 
    any Advance hereunder is subject to satisfaction of each of the 
    following conditions precedent on or before the date of such 
        (a) Legal Matters. All legal matters incident to the 
    consummation of the transactions hereby contemplated shall be 
    satisfactory to counsel for RUS.
        (b) Loan Documents. That RUS receive duly executed originals of 
    this Agreement and the other Loan Documents.
        (c) Authorization. That RUS receive evidence satisfactory to it 
    that all corporate documents and proceedings of the Borrower 
    necessary for duly authorizing the execution, delivery and 
    performance of the Loan Documents have been obtained and are in full 
    force and effect.
        (d) Approvals. That RUS receive evidence satisfactory to it that 
    all consents and approvals (including without limitation the 
    consents referred to in Section [2.1(c)] of this Agreement) which 
    are necessary for, or required as a condition of, the validity and 
    enforceability of each of the Loan Documents have been obtained and 
    are in full force and effect.
        (e) Event of Default. That no Event of Default specified in 
    Article VII and no event which, with the lapse of time or the notice 
    and lapse of time specified in Article VII would become such an 
    Event of Default, shall have occurred and be continuing or will have 
    occurred after giving effect to the Advance on the books of the 
        (f) Continuing Representations and Warranties. That the 
    representations and warranties of the Borrower contained in this 
    Agreement be true and correct on and as of the date of such Advance 
    as though made on and as of such date.
        (g) Opinion of Counsel. That RUS receive an opinion of counsel 
    for the Borrower (who shall be acceptable to RUS) in form and 
    content acceptable to RUS.
        (h) Mortgage Filing. The Mortgage shall have been duly recorded 
    as a mortgage on real property, including after-acquired real 
    property, and duly filed, recorded or indexed as a security interest 
    in personal property, including after acquired personal property, 
    wherever RUS shall have requested, all in accordance with applicable 
    law, and the Borrower shall have caused satisfactory evidence 
    thereof to be furnished to RUS.
        (i) Wholesale Power Contract. That the Borrower shall not be in 
    default under the terms of, or contesting the validity of, any 
    contract that has been pledged by any entity to RUS as security for 
    the repayment of any loan made or guaranteed by RUS under the Act.
        (j) Material Adverse Change. That there has occurred no material 
    adverse change in the business or condition, financial or otherwise, 
    of the Borrower and nothing has occurred which in the opinion of RUS 
    materially and adversely affects the Borrower's ability to meet its 
    obligations hereunder.
        (k) Requisitions. That the Borrower will requisition all 
    Advances by submitting its requisition to RUS in form and substance 
    satisfactory to RUS. Requisitions shall be made only for the 
    purpose(s) set forth herein. The Borrower agrees to apply the 
    proceeds of the Advances in accordance with its loan application 
    with such modifications as may be mutually agreed.
        (l) Flood Insurance. That for any Advance used in whole or in 
    part to finance the construction or acquisition of any building in 
    any area identified by the Secretary of Housing and Urban 
    Development pursuant to the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 
    (the ``Flood Insurance Act'') or any rules, regulations or orders 
    issued to implement the Flood Insurance Act (``Rules'') as any area 
    [[Page 36919]]
    having special flood hazards, or to finance any facilities or materials 
    to be located in any such building, or in any building owned or 
    occupied by the Borrower and located in such a flood hazard area, 
    the Borrower has submitted evidence, in form and substance 
    satisfactory to RUS, or RUS has otherwise determined, that (i) the 
    community in which such area is located is then participating in the 
    national flood insurance program, as required by the Flood Insurance 
    Act and any Rules, and (ii) the Borrower has obtained flood 
    insurance coverage with respect to such building and contents as may 
    then be required pursuant to the Flood Insurance Act and any Rules.
        (m) RUS Regulations. That the Advance will be in accordance with 
    all applicable RUS Regulations.
        Section 4.2. Special Conditions. The obligation of RUS to make 
    any Advance hereunder is also subject to satisfaction, on or before 
    the date of such Advance, of each of the special conditions, if any, 
    listed in Schedule 1 hereto.
    Article V--Affirmative Covenants
        Section 5.1. Generally. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by 
    RUS, while this Agreement is in effect, whether or not any Advance 
    is outstanding, the Borrower agrees to duly observe each of the 
    affirmative covenants contained in this Article:
        Section 5.2. Annual Certificates.
        (a) Performance under Loan Documents. The Borrower will duly 
    observe and perform all of its obligations under each of the Loan 
        (b) Annual Certification. Within ninety (90) days after the 
    close of each calendar year, commencing with the year following the 
    year in which the initial Advance hereunder shall have been made, 
    the Borrower shall deliver to RUS a written statement signed by its 
    General Manager, stating that during such year the Borrower has 
    fulfilled all of its obligations under the Loan Documents throughout 
    such year or, if there has been a default in the fulfillment of any 
    such obligations, specifying each such default known to said person 
    and the nature and status thereof.
        Section 5.3. Simultaneous Prepayment of Contemporaneous Loans. 
    If the Borrower shall at any time prepay the Contemporaneous Loan 
    described on Schedule 1, it shall prepay the RUS Note 
    correspondingly to maintain the ratio that the Contemporaneous Loan 
    bears to the RUS Commitment. If the RUS Note calls for a prepayment 
    penalty or premium, such amount shall be paid but shall not be used 
    in computing the amount needed to be paid to RUS under this section 
    to maintain such ratio. In the case of Contemporaneous Loans and RUS 
    Notes existing prior to the date of this Agreement under previous 
    agreements, prepayments shall be treated as if governed by this 
    section. Provided, however, in all cases prepayments associated with 
    refinancing or refunding a Contemporaneous Loan pursuant to Article 
    II of the Mortgage are not considered to be prepayments for purposes 
    of this Agreement provided that the principal amount of such 
    refinancing or refunding loan is not less than the amount of loan 
    principal being refinanced, and the weighted average life of the 
    refinancing or refunding loan is materially equal to the weighted 
    average remaining life of the loan being refinanced.
        Section 5.4 Rates to Provide Revenue Sufficient to Meet Coverage 
    Ratios Requirements.
        (a) Prospective Requirement. The Borrower shall design and 
    implement rates for utility service furnished by it to provide 
    sufficient revenue (along with other revenue available to the 
    Borrower in the case of TIER and DSC) (i) to pay all fixed and 
    variable expenses when and as due, (ii) to provide and maintain 
    reasonable working capital, and (iii) to maintain, on an annual 
    basis, the Coverage Ratios. In designing and implementing rates 
    under this paragraph, such rates should be capable of producing at 
    least enough revenue to meet the requirements of this paragraph 
    under the assumption that average weather conditions in the 
    Borrower's service territory will prevail in the future, including 
    average Utility System damage and outages due to weather and the 
    related costs.
        (b) Retrospective Requirement. The average Coverage Ratios 
    achieved by the Borrower in the 2 best years out of the 3 most 
    recent calendar years must be not less than any of the following:
        (c) Prospective Notice of Change in Rates. The Borrower shall 
    give thirty (30) days prior written notice of any proposed change in 
    its general rate structure to RUS if RUS has requested in writing 
    that it be notified in advance of such changes.
        (d) Routine Reporting of Coverage Ratios. Promptly following the 
    end of each calendar year, the Borrower shall report, in writing, to 
    RUS the TIER, Operating TIER, DSC and Operating DSC levels which 
    were achieved during that calendar year.
        (e) Reporting Non-achievement of Retrospective Requirement. If 
    the Borrower fails to achieve the average levels required by 
    paragraph (b) of this section, it must promptly notify RUS in 
    writing to that effect.
        (f) Corrective Plans. Within 30 days of sending a notice to RUS 
    under paragraph (e) of this section, or of being notified by RUS, 
    whichever is earlier, the Borrower in consultation with RUS, shall 
    provide a written plan satisfactory to RUS setting forth the actions 
    that will be taken to achieve the required Coverage Ratios on a 
    timely basis.
        (g) Noncompliance. Failure to design and implement rates 
    pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section and failure to develop and 
    implement the plan called for in paragraph (f) of this section shall 
    constitute an Event of Default under this Agreement in the event 
    that REA so notifies the Borrower to that effect under section 
    [7.1(c)] of this Agreement.
        Section 5.5. Depreciation Rates. The Borrower shall adopt as its 
    depreciation rates only those which have been previously approved 
    for the Borrower by RUS.
        Section 5.6. Property Maintenance. The Borrower shall maintain 
    and preserve its Utility System in compliance with the provisions of 
    the Mortgage, RUS Regulations and all applicable laws.
        Section 5.7. Financial Books. The Borrower shall at all times 
    keep, and safely preserve, proper books, records and accounts in 
    which full and true entries will be made of all of the dealings, 
    business and affairs of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries, in 
    accordance with any applicable RUS Accounting Requirements.
        Section 5.8. Rights of Inspection. The Borrower shall afford 
    RUS, through its representatives, reasonable opportunity, at all 
    times during business hours and upon prior notice, to have access to 
    and the right to inspect the Utility System, any other property 
    encumbered by the Mortgage, and any or all books, records, accounts, 
    invoices, contracts, leases, payrolls, canceled checks, statements 
    and other documents and papers of every kind belonging to or in the 
    possession of the Borrower or in anyway pertaining to its property 
    or business, including its Subsidiaries, if any, and to make copies 
    or extracts therefrom.
        Section 5.9. Area Coverage. The Borrower shall make diligent 
    effort to extend electric service to all unserved persons within the 
    service area of the Borrower who (i) desire such service and (ii) 
    meet all reasonable requirements established by the Borrower as a 
    condition of such service. To the extent required by RUS, the 
    Borrower shall provide electric service without a contribution in 
    aid of construction.
        Section 5.10. Real Property Acquisition. In acquiring real 
    property, the Borrower shall comply with the provisions of the 
    Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies 
    Act of 1970 (the ``Uniform Act''), as amended by the Uniform 
    Relocation Act Amendments of 1987, and 49 CFR part 24, referenced by 
    7 CFR part 21, to the extent the Uniform Act is applicable to such 
        Section 5.11. ``Buy American'' Requirements. The Borrower shall 
    use or cause to be used in connection with the expenditures of funds 
    advanced on account of the Loan only such unmanufactured articles, 
    materials, and supplies as have been mined or produced in the United 
    States, Mexico, or Canada, and only such manufactured articles, 
    materials, and supplies as have been manufactured in the United 
    States, Mexico, or Canada substantially all from articles, 
    materials, and supplies mined, produced or manufactured, as the case 
    may be, in the United States, Mexico, or Canada, except to the 
    extent RUS shall determine that such use shall be impracticable or 
    that the cost thereof shall be unreasonable.
        Section 5.12. Power Requirements Studies. The Borrower shall 
    prepare and use power requirements studies of its electric loads and 
    future energy and capacity requirements in conformance with RUS 
        Section 5.13. Long Range Engineering Plans and Construction Work 
    Plans. The Borrower shall develop, maintain and use up-to-date long-
    range engineering plans and construction work plans in conformance 
    with RUS Regulations.
        Section 5.14. Design Standards, Plans and Specifications, 
    Construction Standards, and List of Materials. The Borrower shall 
    use design standards, plans and specifications, 
    [[Page 36920]]
    construction standards, and lists of acceptable materials in 
    conformance with RUS Regulations.
        Section 5.15. Construction. The Borrower shall acquire and 
    construct the Electric System in conformance with RUS Regulations.
        Section 5.16. Standard Forms of Construction Contracts, and 
    Engineering and Architectural Services Contracts. The Borrower shall 
    use the standard forms of contracts promulgated by RUS for 
    construction, procurement, engineering services and architectural 
    services in conformance with RUS Regulations.
        Section 5.17. Contract Bidding Requirements. The Borrower shall 
    follow RUS contract bidding procedures in conformance with RUS 
    Regulations when contracting for construction or procurement.
        Section 5.18. Nondiscrimination.
        (a) Equal Opportunity Provisions in Construction Contracts. The 
    Borrower shall incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any 
    construction contract, as defined in Executive Order 11246 of 
    September 24, 1965 and implementing regulations, which is paid for 
    in whole or in part with funds obtained from RUS or borrowed on the 
    credit of the United States pursuant to a grant, contract, loan, 
    insurance or guarantee, or undertaken pursuant to any RUS program 
    involving such grant, contract, loan, insurance or guarantee, the 
    equal opportunity provisions set forth in Exhibit B hereto entitled 
    Equal Opportunity Contract Provisions.
        (b) Equal Opportunity Contract Provisions Also Bind the 
    Borrower. The Borrower further agrees that it will be bound by such 
    equal opportunity clause in any federally assisted construction work 
    which it performs itself other than through the permanent work force 
    directly employed by an agency of government.
        (c) Sanctions and Penalties. The Borrower agrees that it will 
    cooperate actively with RUS and the Secretary of Labor in obtaining 
    the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with the equal 
    opportunity clause and the rules, regulations and relevant orders of 
    the Secretary of Labor, that it will furnish RUS and the Secretary 
    of Labor such information as they may require for the supervision of 
    such compliance, and that it will otherwise assist the administering 
    agency in the discharge of RUS's primary responsibility for securing 
    compliance. The Borrower further agrees that it will refrain from 
    entering into any contract or contract modification subject to 
    Executive Order 11246 with a contractor debarred from, or who has 
    not demonstrated eligibility for, Government contracts and federally 
    assisted construction contracts pursuant to Part II, Subpart D of 
    Executive Order 11246 and will carry out such sanctions and 
    penalties for violation of the equal opportunity clause as may be 
    imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by RUS or the Secretary 
    of Labor pursuant to Part II, Subpart D of Executive Order 11246. In 
    addition, the Borrower agrees that if it fails or refuses to comply 
    with these undertakings RUS may cancel, terminate or suspend in 
    whole or in part this contract, may refrain from extending any 
    further assistance under any of its programs subject to Executive 
    Order 11246 until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has 
    been received from such Borrower, or may refer the case to the 
    Department of Justice for appropriate legal proceedings.
        Section 5.19. Financial Reports. The Borrower will cause to be 
    prepared and furnished to RUS from time to time pursuant to RUS 
    Regulations, a full and complete annual report of its financial 
    condition and of its operations in form and substance satisfactory 
    to RUS, audited and certified by Independent certified public 
    accountants satisfactory to RUS and accompanied by a report of such 
    audit in form and substance satisfactory to RUS. The Borrower shall 
    also furnish to RUS from time to time such other reports concerning 
    the financial condition or operations of the Borrower, including its 
    Subsidiaries, as RUS may reasonably request or RUS Regulations 
        Section 5.20. Miscellaneous Reports and Notices. The Borrower 
    will furnish to RUS:
        (a) Notice of Default. Promptly after becoming aware thereof, 
    notice of: (i) the occurrence of any default; and (ii) the receipt 
    of any notice given pursuant to the Mortgage with respect to the 
    occurrence of any event which with the giving of notice or the 
    passage of time, or both, could become an ``Event of Default'' under 
    the Mortgage.
        (b) Notice of Non-Environmental Litigation. Promptly after the 
    commencement thereof, notice of the commencement of all actions, 
    suits or proceedings before any court, arbitrator, or governmental 
    department, commission, board, bureau, agency, or instrumentality 
    affecting the Borrower which, if adversely determined, could have a 
    material adverse effect on the condition, financial or otherwise, 
    operations, properties or business of the Borrower, or on the 
    ability of the Borrower to perform its obligations under the Loan 
        (c) Notice of Environmental Litigation. Without limiting the 
    provisions of section [5.20(b)] above, promptly after receipt 
    thereof, notice of the receipt of all pleadings, orders, complaints, 
    indictments, or other communications alleging a condition that may 
    require the Borrower to undertake or to contribute to a cleanup or 
    other response under laws relating to environmental protection, or 
    which seek penalties, damages, injunctive relief, or criminal 
    sanctions related to alleged violations of such laws, or which claim 
    personal injury or property damage to any person as a result of 
    environmental factors or conditions, or which, if adversely 
    determined, could have a material adverse effect on the condition, 
    financial or otherwise, operations, properties or business of the 
    Borrower, or on the ability of the Borrower to perform its 
    obligations under the Loan Documents.
        (d) Notice of Change of Place of Business. Promptly in writing, 
    notice of any change in location of its principal place of business 
    or the office where its records concerning accounts and contract 
    rights are kept.
        (e) Regulatory and Other Notices. Promptly after receipt 
    thereof, copies of any notices or other communications received from 
    any governmental authority with respect to any matter or proceeding, 
    the effect of which could have a material adverse effect on the 
    condition, financial or otherwise, operations, properties, or 
    business of the Borrower, or on the ability of the Borrower to 
    perform its obligations under the Loan Documents.
        (f) Material Adverse Change. Promptly, notice of any matter 
    which has resulted or may result in a material adverse change in the 
    condition, financial or otherwise, operations, properties, or 
    business of the Borrower, or the ability of the Borrower to perform 
    its obligations under the Loan Documents.
        (g) Other Information. Such other information regarding the 
    condition, financial or otherwise, or operations of the Borrower as 
    RUS may, from time to time, reasonably request.
        Section 5.21. Special Construction Account. The Borrower shall 
    hold all moneys advanced to it by RUS hereunder in trust for RUS and 
    shall deposit such moneys promptly after the receipt thereof in a 
    bank or banks which meet the requirements of Section [6.16] of this 
    Agreement. Any account (hereinafter called ``Special Construction 
    Account'') in which any such moneys shall be deposited shall be 
    designated by the corporate name of the Borrower followed by the 
    words ``Trustee, Special Construction Account.'' Moneys in any 
    Special Construction Account shall be used solely for the 
    construction and operation of the Utility System and, subject to 
    Section [9.14] of this Agreement, may be withdrawn only upon checks, 
    drafts, or orders signed on behalf of the Borrower and countersigned 
    by an executive officer thereof.
        Section 5.22. Additional Affirmative Covenants. The Borrower 
    also agrees to comply with any additional affirmative covenant(s) 
    identified in Schedule 1 hereto.
    Article VI--Negative Covenants
        Section 6.1. General. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by 
    RUS, while this Agreement is in effect, whether or not any Advance 
    is outstanding hereunder, the Borrower will duly observe each of the 
    negative covenants set forth in this Article.
        Section 6.2. Limitations on System Extensions and Additions. The 
    Borrower will not extend or add to its Electric System either by 
    construction or acquisition without the prior written approval of 
        Section 6.3. Limitations on Expenses for Legal, Engineering and 
    Supervisory Services. If RUS shall require, the Borrower will not 
    incur any expenses for legal, engineering or supervisory services 
    without the prior written approval of RUS.
        Section 6.4. Limitations on Employment and Retention of Manager. 
    At any time any Event of Default, or any occurrence which with the 
    passage of time or giving of notice would be an Event of Default, 
    occurs and is continuing the Borrower will not employ any general 
    manager of the Electric System or any person exercising comparable 
    authority to such a manager unless such employment shall first have 
    been approved by RUS. If any Event of Default, or any occurrence 
    which with the passage of time or giving of notice would be an Event 
    of Default, occurs and is continuing and RUS requests the Borrower 
    to terminate the employment of any such manager or person exercising 
    [[Page 36921]]
    authority, or RUS requests the Borrower to terminate any contract for 
    operating the Electric System, the Borrower will do so within thirty 
    (30) days after the date of such notice. All contracts in respect of 
    the employment of any such manager or person exercising comparable 
    authority, or for the operation of the Electric System, shall 
    contain provisions to permit compliance with the foregoing 
        Section 6.5. Limitations on Certain Types of Contracts. Without 
    the prior approval of RUS in writing, the Borrower shall not enter 
    into any of the following contracts:
        (a) Construction Contracts. Any contract for construction or 
    procurement or for architectural and engineering services in 
    connection with its Electric System;
        (b) Large retail power contracts. Any contract to sell electric 
    power and energy for periods exceeding two (2) years if the kWh 
    sales or kW demand for any year covered by such contract will exceed 
    25 percent of the Borrower's total kWh sales or maximum kW demand 
    for the year immediately preceding the execution of such contract;
        (c) Wholesale power contracts. Any contract to sell electric 
    power or energy for resale and any contract to purchase electric 
    power or energy that has a term exceeding two (2) years;
        (d) Power supply arrangements. Any interconnection agreement, 
    interchange agreement, wheeling agreement, pooling agreement or 
    similar power supply arrangement that has a term exceeding two (2) 
        (e) System management and maintenance contracts. Any contract 
    for the management and operation of all or substantially all of its 
    Electric System; or
        (f) Other contracts. Any contracts of the type described on 
    Schedule 3.
        Section 6.6. Limitations on Mergers and Sale, Lease or Transfer 
    of Capital Assets. The Borrower shall not consolidate with, or 
    merge, or sell all or substantially all of its business or assets, 
    to another entity or person except to the extent it is permitted to 
    do so under the Mortgage.
        Section 6.7. Limitations on Acquisition, Construction or 
    Procurement of Generating Facilities, Existing Facilities or Utility 
    Systems. The Borrower shall not acquire, construct or procure any 
    generating facilities, existing facilities or utility systems, or 
    portions thereof, without the prior written approval of RUS.
        Section 6.8. Limitation on Distributions. Without the prior 
    written approval of RUS, the Borrower shall not in any calendar year 
    make any Distributions (exclusive of any Distributions to the 
    estates of deceased natural patrons) to its members, stockholders or 
    consumers except as follows:
        (a) Equity above 30%. If, after giving effect to any such 
    Distribution, the Equity of the Borrower will be greater than or 
    equal to 30% of its Total Assets; or
        (b) Equity above 20%. If, after giving effect to any such 
    Distribution, the aggregate of all Distributions made during the 
    calendar year when added to such Distribution will be less than or 
    equal to 25% of the prior year's margins.
    Provided however, that in no event shall the Borrower make any 
    Distributions if there is unpaid when due any installment of 
    principal of (premium, if any) or interest on its Notes, if the 
    Borrower is otherwise in default hereunder or if, after giving 
    effect to any such Distribution, the Borrower's current and accrued 
    assets would be less than its current and accrued liabilities.
        Section 6.9. Limitations on Loans, Investments and Other 
    Obligations. The Borrower shall not make any loan or advance to, or 
    make any investment in, or purchase or make any commitment to 
    purchase any stock, bonds, notes or other securities of, or 
    guaranty, assume or otherwise become obligated or liable with 
    respect to the obligations of, any other person, firm or 
    corporation, except as permitted by the Act and RUS Regulations.
        Section 6.10. Depreciation Rates. The Borrower shall not file 
    with or submit for approval of regulatory bodies any proposed 
    depreciation rates which are inconsistent with RUS Regulations.
        Section 6.11. Historic Preservation. The Borrower shall not, 
    without approval in writing by RUS, use any Advance to construct any 
    facilities which will involve any district, site, building, 
    structure or object which is included in, or eligible for inclusion 
    in, the National Register of Historic Places maintained by the 
    Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the Historic Sites Act of 1935 
    and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
        Section 6.12. Rate Reductions. The Borrower shall not decrease 
    its rates if it has failed to achieve all of the Coverage Ratios for 
    the calendar year prior to such reduction.
        Section 6.13. Limitations on Additional Indebtedness. Except as 
    expressly permitted by Article II of the Mortgage and subject to the 
    further limitations expressed in the next section, the Borrower 
    shall not incur, assume, guarantee or otherwise become liable in 
    respect of any debt for borrowed money and Restricted Rentals 
    (including Subordinated Indebtedness) other than the following: 
    (``Permitted Debt'')
        (a) Additional Notes issued in compliance with Article II of the 
        (b) Purchase money indebtedness in non-Utility System property, 
    in an amount not exceeding 10% of Net Utility Plant;
        (c) Restricted Rentals in an amount not to exceed 5% of Equity 
    during any 12 consecutive calendar month period;
        (d) Unsecured lease obligations incurred in the ordinary course 
    of business except Restricted Rentals;
        (e) Unsecured indebtedness for borrowed money, except when the 
    aggregate amount of such indebtedness exceeds 15% of Net Utility 
    Plant and after giving effect to such unsecured indebtedness the 
    Borrower's Equity is less than 30% of its Total Assets;
        (f) Debt represented by dividends declared but not paid; and
        (g) Subordinated Indebtedness approved by RUS.
    PROVIDED, However, that the Borrower may incur Permitted Debt 
    without the consent of RUS only so long as there exists no Event of 
    Default hereunder and there has been no continuing occurrence which 
    with the passage of time and giving of notice could become an Event 
    of Default hereunder.
    PROVIDED FURTHER, by executing this Agreement any consent of RUS 
    that the Borrower would otherwise be required to obtain under this 
    Section is hereby deemed to be given or waived by RUS by operation 
    of law to the extent, but only to the extent, that to impose such a 
    requirement of RUS consent would clearly violate federal laws or RUS 
        Section 6.14. Limitations on Issuing Additional Indebtedness 
    Secured Under the Mortgage. (a) The Borrower shall not issue any 
    Additional Notes under the Mortgage without the prior written 
    consent of RUS unless the following additional requirements are met 
    in addition to the requirements set forth in the Mortgage for 
    issuing Additional Notes without the prior consent of any Mortgagee:
        (1) the maturity of the loan evidenced by such Notes does not 
    exceed the weighted average of the expected remaining useful lives 
    of the assets being financed;
        (2) the principal of the loan evidenced by such Notes is 
    amortized at a rate that will yield a weighted average life that is 
    not greater than the weighted average life that would result from 
    level payments of principal and interest;
        (3) the principal of the loan being evidenced by such Notes has 
    a maturity of not less than 5 years; or, in the case of Additional 
    Notes issued to refund or refinance Notes; and
        (4) the weighted average life of any such Additional Notes is 
    not greater than the weighted remaining life of the Notes being 
        (b) Any request for consent from RUS under this section, shall 
    be accompanied by a certificate of the Borrower's manager 
    substantially in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C-1 
    in the case of Notes being issued under Section [2.01] of the 
    Mortgage and C-2 in the case of Notes being issued under Section 
    [2.02] of the Mortgage.
        Section 6.15. Impairment of Contracts Pledged to RUS. The 
    Borrower shall not breach any obligation to be paid or performed by 
    the Borrower on any contract, or take any action which is likely to 
    materially impair the value of any contract, which has been pledged 
    as security to RUS by the Borrower or any other entity.
        Section 6.16. Limitations on Using non-FDIC Insured 
    Depositories. The Borrower shall not place any Mortgaged Property in 
    the custody of any banking institution or other depository, other 
    than a Mortgagee, unless deposits at such institution are insured by 
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or other Federal agency 
    acceptable to RUS. Without the prior written approval of RUS, the 
    Borrower shall not place the proceeds of the Loan or any loan which 
    has been made or guaranteed by RUS in the custody of any bank or 
    other depository that is not insured by the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Corporation or other federal agency acceptable to RUS.
        Section 6.17. Additional Negative Covenants. The Borrower also 
    agrees to comply with any additional negative covenant(s) identified 
    in Schedule 1 hereto. 
    [[Page 36922]]
    Article VII--Default
        Section 7.1. Events of Default. The following shall be Events of 
    Default under this Agreement:
        (a) Representations and Warranties. Any representation or 
    warranty made by the Borrower in Article II hereof or any 
    certificate furnished to RUS hereunder shall prove to have been 
    incorrect in any material respect at the time made and shall at the 
    time in question be untrue or incorrect in any material respect and 
    remain uncured;
        (b) Payment. Default shall be made in the payment of or on 
    account of interest on or principal of the Note when and as the same 
    shall be due and payable, whether by acceleration or otherwise, 
    which shall remain unsatisfied for five (5) Business Days;
        (c) Other Covenants. Default by the Borrower in the observance 
    or performance of any other covenant or agreement contained in any 
    of the Loan Documents, which shall remain unremedied for 30 calendar 
    days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the 
    Borrower by RUS;
        (d) Corporate Existence. The Borrower shall forfeit or otherwise 
    be deprived of its corporate charter, franchises, permits, 
    easements, consents or licenses required to carry on any material 
    portion of its business;
        (e) Other Obligations. Default by the Borrower in the payment of 
    any obligation, whether direct or contingent, for borrowed money or 
    in the performance or observance of the terms of any instrument 
    pursuant to which such obligation was created or securing such 
        (f) Bankruptcy. A court having jurisdiction in the premises 
    shall enter a decree or order for relief in respect of the Borrower 
    in an involuntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency 
    or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or appointing a 
    receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian, trustee, sequestrator or 
    similar official, or ordering the winding up or liquidation of its 
    affairs, and such decree or order shall remain unstayed and in 
    effect for a period of ninety (90) consecutive days or the Borrower 
    shall commence a voluntary case under any applicable bankruptcy, 
    insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect, or under 
    any such law, or consent to the appointment or taking possession by 
    a receiver, liquidator, assignee, custodian or trustee, of a 
    substantial part of its property, or make any general assignment for 
    the benefit of creditors; and
        (g) Dissolution or Liquidation. Other than as provided in the 
    immediately preceding subsection, the dissolution or liquidation of 
    the Borrower, or failure by the Borrower promptly to forestall or 
    remove any execution, garnishment or attachment of such consequence 
    as will impair its ability to continue its business or fulfill its 
    obligations and such execution, garnishment or attachment shall not 
    be vacated within 30 days. The term ``dissolution or liquidation of 
    the Borrower'', as used in this subsection, shall not be construed 
    to include the cessation of the corporate existence of the Borrower 
    resulting either from a merger or consolidation of the Borrower into 
    or with another corporation following a transfer of all or 
    substantially all its assets as an entirety, under the conditions 
    permitting such actions.
    Article VIII--Remedies
        Section 8.1. Generally. If any of the Events of Default listed 
    in Article VII hereof shall occur after the date of this Agreement 
    and shall not have been remedied, then RUS may pursue all rights and 
    remedies available to RUS that are contemplated by this Agreement or 
    the Mortgage in the manner, upon the conditions, and with the effect 
    provided in this Agreement or the Mortgage, including, but not 
    limited to, a suit for specific performance, injunctive relief or 
    damages. Nothing herein shall limit the right of RUS to pursue all 
    rights and remedies available to a creditor following the occurrence 
    of an Event of Default listed in Article VII hereof. Each right, 
    power and remedy of RUS shall be cumulative and concurrent, and 
    recourse to one or more rights or remedies shall not constitute a 
    waiver of any other right, power or remedy.
        Section 8.2. Suspension of Advances. In addition to the rights, 
    powers and remedies referred to in the immediately preceding 
    section, RUS may, in its absolute discretion, suspend making 
    Advances hereunder if (i) any Event of Default, or any occurrence 
    which with the passage of time or giving of notice would be an Event 
    of Default, occurs and is continuing; (ii) there has occurred a 
    change in the business or condition, financial or otherwise, of the 
    Borrower which in the opinion of RUS materially and adversely 
    affects the Borrower's ability to meet its obligations under the 
    Loan Documents, or (iii) RUS is authorized to do so under RUS 
    Article IX--Miscellaneous
        Section 9.1. Notices. All notices, requests and other 
    communications provided for herein including, without limitation, 
    any modifications of, or waivers, requests or consents under, this 
    Agreement shall be given or made in writing (including, without 
    limitation, by telecopy) and delivered to the intended recipient at 
    the ``Address for Notices'' specified below; or, as to any party, at 
    such other address as shall be designated by such party in a notice 
    to each other party. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, 
    all such communications shall be deemed to have been duly given when 
    transmitted by telecopier or personally delivered or, in the case of 
    a mailed notice, upon receipt, in each case given or addressed as 
    provided for herein. The Address for Notices of the respective 
    parties are as follows:
    Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 
    Washington, DC 20250-1500, Fax: (202) xxxxxxxx
    Attention: [Administrator]
    The Borrower: The address set forth in Schedule 1 hereto
        Section 9.2. Expenses. To the extent allowed by law, the 
    Borrower will pay all costs and expenses of RUS, including 
    reasonable fees of counsel, incurred in connection with the 
    enforcement of the Loan Documents or with the preparation for such 
    enforcement if RUS has reasonable grounds to believe that such 
    enforcement may be necessary.
        Section 9.3. Late Payments. If payment of any amount due 
    hereunder is not received at the United States Treasury in 
    Washington, DC, or such other location as RUS may designate to the 
    Borrower within five (5) Business Days after the due date thereof or 
    such other time period as RUS may prescribe from time to time in its 
    policies of general application in connection with any late payment 
    charge (such unpaid amount being herein called the ``delinquent 
    amount'', and the period beginning after such due date until payment 
    of the delinquent amount being herein called the ``late-payment 
    period''), the Borrower will pay to RUS, in addition to all other 
    amounts due under the terms of the Note, the Mortgage and this 
    Agreement, any late-payment charge as may be fixed by RUS 
    Regulations from time to time on the delinquent amount for the late-
    payment period.
        Section 9.4. Filing Fees. To the extent permitted by law, the 
    Borrower agrees to pay all expenses of RUS (including the fees and 
    expenses of its counsel) in connection with the filing or 
    recordation of all financing statements and instruments as may be 
    required by RUS in connection with this Agreement, including, 
    without limitation, all documentary stamps, recordation and transfer 
    taxes and other costs and taxes incident to recordation of any 
    document or instrument in connection herewith. Borrower agrees to 
    save harmless and indemnify RUS from and against any liability 
    resulting from the failure to pay any required documentary stamps, 
    recordation and transfer taxes, recording costs, or any other 
    expenses incurred by RUS in connection with this Agreement. The 
    provisions of this subsection shall survive the execution and 
    delivery of this Agreement and the payment of all other amounts due 
    hereunder or due on the Note.
        Section 9.5. No Waiver. No failure on the part of RUS to 
    exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder shall 
    operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise 
    by RUS of any right hereunder preclude any other or further exercise 
    thereof or the exercise of any other right.
        Section 9.7. Holiday Payments. If any payment to be made by the 
    Borrower hereunder shall become due on a day which is not a Business 
    Day, such payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day 
    and such extension of time shall be included in computing any 
    interest in respect of such payment.
        Section 9.8. Rescission. The Borrower may elect not to borrow 
    all or any portion of the RUS Commitment in which event RUS shall 
    release the Borrower from its obligations hereunder, provided the 
    Borrower complies with such terms and conditions as RUS may impose 
    for such release.
        Section 9.9. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be 
    binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Borrower and RUS and 
    their respective successors and assigns, 
    [[Page 36923]]
    except that the Borrower may not assign or transfer its rights or 
    obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of RUS.
        Section 9.10. Complete Agreement; Amendments. Subject to RUS 
    Regulations, this Agreement and the other Loan Documents are 
    intended by the parties to be a complete and final expression of 
    their agreement. No amendment, modification, or waiver of any 
    provision hereof or thereof, and no consent to any departure of the 
    Borrower herefrom or therefrom, shall be effective unless approved 
    by RUS and contained in either a RUS Regulation or other writing 
    signed by or on behalf of RUS, and then such waiver or consent shall 
    be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific 
    purpose for which given.
        Section 9.11. Headings. The headings and sub-headings contained 
    in the titling of this Agreement are intended to be used for 
    convenience only and do not constitute part of this Agreement.
        Section 9.12. Severability. If any term, provision or condition, 
    or any part thereof, of this Agreement or the Mortgage shall for any 
    reason be found or held invalid or unenforceable by any governmental 
    agency or court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or 
    unenforceability shall not affect the remainder of such term, 
    provision or condition nor any other term, provision or condition, 
    and this Agreement, the Note, and the Mortgage shall survive and be 
    construed as if such invalid or unenforceable term, provision or 
    condition had not been contained therein.
        Section 9.13. Right of Setoff. Upon the occurrence and during 
    the continuance of any Event of Default, RUS is hereby authorized at 
    any time and from time to time, without prior notice to the 
    Borrower, to exercise rights of setoff or recoupment and apply any 
    and all amounts held or hereafter held, by RUS or owed to the 
    Borrower or for the credit or account of the Borrower against any 
    and all of the obligations of the Borrower now or hereafter existing 
    hereunder or under the Note. RUS agrees to notify the Borrower 
    promptly after any such setoff or recoupment and the application 
    thereof, provided that the failure to give such notice shall not 
    affect the validity of such setoff, recoupment or application. The 
    rights of RUS under this section are in addition to any other rights 
    and remedies (including other rights of setoff or recoupment) which 
    RUS may have. Borrower waives all rights of setoff, deduction, 
    recoupment or counterclaim.
        Section 9.14. Right of RUS to Appoint Supervisor. If the 
    construction of any portion of the Electric System shall not proceed 
    in accordance with the terms of the Loan Documents, RUS may appoint 
    a supervisor (hereinafter called the ``Supervisor'') for the 
    Electric System. Upon the appointment of a Supervisor, the 
    employment of all superintendents and managers of the Electric 
    System and of all associate and assistant superintendents and 
    managers thereof shall be forthwith terminated. The Borrower shall 
    comply with all reasonable instructions of the Supervisor incident 
    to the carrying out of the obligations of the Borrower hereunder.
        Section 9.15. Schedules and Exhibits. Each Schedule and Exhibit 
    attached hereto and referred to herein is each an integral part of 
    this Agreement.
        Section 9.16. Prior Loan Contracts. It is understood and agreed 
    that with respect to all loan agreements previously entered into by 
    and between RUS and the Borrower (hereinafter being referred to as 
    ``Prior Loan Contracts'') the Borrower shall be required, after the 
    date hereof, to meet affirmative and negative covenants as set forth 
    in this Agreement rather than those set forth in the Prior Loan 
    Contracts. In addition, any remaining obligation of RUS to make 
    additional advances on promissory notes of the Borrower that have 
    been previously delivered to RUS under Prior Loan Contracts shall, 
    after the date hereof, be subject to the conditions set for in this 
    Agreement. In the event of any conflict between any provision set 
    forth in a Prior Loan Contract and any provision in this Agreement, 
    the requirements as set forth in this Agreement shall apply. In the 
    event of any conflict between the provisions set forth in this 
    Agreement and any RUS Regulations now or hereafter in effect from 
    time to time, the RUS Regulations apply. Nothing in this section 
    shall, however, eliminate or modify any special condition, special 
    affirmative covenant or special negative covenant, if any, unless 
    specifically agreed to in writing by RUS.
        Section 9.17. Term. This Agreement shall remain in effect until 
    one of the following two events has occurred:
        (a) the Borrower and RUS replace this Agreement with another 
    written agreement or
        (b) all of the Borrower's obligations under the prior loan 
    contracts and this Agreement have been discharged and paid.
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 
    Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above 
    (Name of Borrower)
    Schedule 1
    [citations subject to change]
        1. The purpose of this loan is ________.
        2. The Mortgage shall mean the Restated Mortgage and Security 
    Agreement, dated as of ________, between the Borrower and RUS, as it 
    may have been or shall be supplemented, amended, consolidated, or 
    restated from time to time.
        3. The governmental authority referred to in Section [2.1(c)] is 
        4. The exception being taken to the representations in Section 
    [2.1(e)] concerning material compliance with laws is as follows: 
        5. The litigation referred to in Section [2.1(f)] is described 
    as follows: ________.
        6. The date of the Borrower's financial information referred to 
    in Section [2.1(h)] is ________.
        7. The principal place of business of the Borrower referred to 
    in Section [2.1(i)] is ________.
        8. All of the property of the Borrower is located in the 
    counties of ________.
        9. The subsidiary (or subsidiaries) referred to in Section 
    [2.1(k)] is (are): ________.
        10. The Contemporaneous Loan referred to in Section [5.3] is 
    described as follows: ________.
    Year of Final Maturity:------------------------------------------------
        11. The RUS Commitment referred to in the definitions means a 
    loan in the principal amount of $______ which is being made by RUS 
    to the Borrower at the ____ Hardship Rate ____ Municipal Rate (CHECK 
    ONE) pursuant to the Rural Electrification Act and RUS Regulations.
        12. Amortization of Advance shall be based upon the method 
    indicated below:
    ______ level principal
    ______ level debt service
    ______ other
        13. The SPECIAL condition(s) referred
    to in Section [4.2] is (are): ______.
        14. The additional AFFIRMATIVE
    covenant(s) referred to in
    Section [5.22] is (are) as
    follows: ____________.
        15. The additional NEGATIVE
    covenant(s) referred to in Section
    [6.17] is (are) as follows: ______.
        16. The address of the Borrower
    referred to in Section [9.1].
    is ________________.
    Schedule 2--Existing Liens
        The Existing Liens referred to in Section [2.1(g)] are as 
    Schedule 3--Additional Contracts
        The additional contracts referred to in Section [6.5(e)] are 
    described as follows:
    Exhibit A--Form of Promissory Note
    Exhibit B--Equal Opportunity Contract Provisions
        During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees 
    as follows:
        (a) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or 
    applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or 
    national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to 
    ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated 
    during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex 
    or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to 
    the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, 
    recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates 
    of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, 
    including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in 
    conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for 
    employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of 
    this nondiscrimination clause. 
    [[Page 36924]]
        (b) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements 
    for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that 
    all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment 
    without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
        (c) The contractor will send to each labor union or 
    representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining 
    agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice to be 
    provided advising the said labor union or workers' representative of 
    the contractor's commitments under this section, and shall post 
    copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees 
    and applicants for employment.
        (d) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive 
    Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and of the rules, regulations and 
    relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor.
        (e) The contractor will furnish all information and reports 
    required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and by the 
    rules, regulations and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant 
    thereto, and will permit access to his books, records and accounts 
    by the administering agency and the Secretary of Labor for purposes 
    of investigation to ascertain compliances with such rules, 
    regulations and orders.
        (f) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the non-
    discrimination clauses of this contract or with any of the said 
    rules, regulations or orders, this contract may be cancelled, 
    terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may 
    be declared ineligible for further Government contracts or federally 
    assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures 
    authorized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such 
    other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in 
    said Executive Order or by rule, regulation or order of the 
    Secretary of Labor, or as otherwise provided by law.
        (g) The contractor will include the provisions of paragraphs (a) 
    through (g) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted 
    by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued 
    pursuant to section 204 of Executive Order 11246, dated September 
    24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each 
    subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with 
    respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the administering 
    agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including 
    sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event a 
    contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation 
    with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the 
    agency, the contractor may request the United States to enter into 
    such litigation to protect the interests of the United States.
    Exhibit C-1--Manager's Certificate Required Under Loan Contract Section 
    6.14 for Additional Notes
        On behalf of [Name of Borrower] I hereby certify that the 
    Additional Note or Notes to be issued under Section [2.01] of the 
    Mortgage on or about [Date Note or Notes are to be Signed] meet all 
    of the requirements of Section [6.14] of the Loan Contract, namely:
        (a) The maturity of the loan evidenced by such Notes (____ 
    years) does not exceed the weighted average of the expected 
    remaining useful lives of the assets being financed (____ years) as 
    evidenced by the attached calculation of said weighted average.
        (b) The principal of the loan evidenced by such Notes will 
    either be [check one and provide evidence in the second case]:
        ____ (1) repaid based on level payments of principal and 
    interest throughout the life of the loan, or
        ____ (2) amortized at a rate that will yield a weighted average 
    life that is not greater than the weighted average life that would 
    result from level payments of principal and interest throughout the 
    life of the loan as evidenced by the attached analysis of said 
    weighted average lives.
        ____ (3) The principal of the loan evidenced by such Notes has a 
    maturity of not less than 5 years.
    [Name and Address of Borrower]-----------------------------------------
    Exhibit C-2--Manager`s Certificate Required Under Loan Contract Section 
    6.14 for Refinancing Notes
        On behalf of [Name of Borrower] I hereby certify that the 
    Additional Note or Notes to be issued under Section [2.02] of the 
    Mortgage on or about [Date Note or Notes are to be Signed] meet the 
    requirement of Section [6.14] of the Loan Contract that the weighted 
    average life of such Notes is not greater than the weighted 
    remaining life of the Notes being refinanced, as evidenced by the 
    attached calculation of said weighted average lives.
    [Name and Address of Borrower]-----------------------------------------
        Dated: June 29, 1995.
    Michael V. Dunn,
    Acting Under Secretary, Rural Economic and Community Development.
    [FR Doc. 95-16527 Filed 7-17-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-15-P

Document Information

Rural Utilities Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Written comments must be received by RUS or carry a postmark or equivalent by September 18, 1995.
36904-36924 (21 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (46)
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