96-19493. Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Department of Transportation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 61, Number 148 (Wednesday, July 31, 1996)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 39901-39904]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 96-19493]
    Office of the Secretary
    5 CFR Chapter L
    49 CFR Part 99
    RIN 3209-AA15
    Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the 
    Department of Transportation
    AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Transportation, with the concurrence of the 
    Office of Government Ethics (OGE), is issuing regulations for DOT 
    employees that supplement the Standards of Ethical Conduct for 
    Employees of the Executive Branch (Standards) issued by OGE. These 
    regulations are a necessary supplement to the executive branch-wide 
    Standards because they address ethics matters unique to DOT. In 
    particular, they specify agency designees authorized to make 
    determinations and grant approvals under the Standards, designate DOT 
    components as separate agencies for purposes, in part, of the gift 
    rules contained in the Standards, and prohibit employees of the Federal 
    Railroad Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration, which 
    are two administrations within DOT, from having certain financial 
    EFFECTIVE DATE: These rules become effective: August 30, 1996.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William R. Register, Office of the 
    General Counsel (C-10), Department of Transportation, 400 7th Street, 
    S.W., Room 10102, Washington, D.C. 20590, (202) 366-9154.
    I. Background
        On August 7, 1992, OGE published the Standards of Ethical Conduct 
    for Employees of the Executive Branch. See 57 FR 35006-35067, as 
    corrected at 57 FR 48557, 57 FR 52583 and 60 FR 51667, with additional 
    grace period extensions at 59 FR 4779-4780, 60 FR 6390-6391 and 60 FR 
    66857-66858. The executive branch-wide Standards are now codified at 5 
    CFR part 2635. Effective February 3, 1993, they established uniform 
    ethical conduct standards applicable to all executive branch personnel.
        Also, effective February 3, 1993, DOT canceled most of the 
    regulations on Employee Responsibilities and Conduct in 49 CFR part 99 
    which apply to DOT employees. See 58 FR 7993-7995. The remaining DOT 
    regulations, which include post-employment guidance and regulatory 
    conflict of interest waivers under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2), continue in 
    effect pending issuance of superseding OGE regulations.
        With the concurrence of OGE, 5 CFR 2635.105 authorizes executive 
    branch agencies to publish agency-specific supplemental regulations 
    necessary to implement their respective ethics programs. The Department 
    of Transportation, with OGE's concurrence, has determined that the 
    supplemental regulations in this rulemaking are necessary to the 
    ongoing implementation of DOT's ethics program.
    II. Analysis of the Regulations
    Section 6001.101  General
        Section 6001.101 explains that the regulations contained in the 
    final rules apply to DOT employees and are supplemental to the 
    executive branch-wide standards. Employees of DOT are also subject to 
    the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch 
    at 5 CFR part 2635 and the executive branch financial disclosure 
    regulations at 5 CFR part 2634.
    [[Page 39902]]
    Section 6001.102  Agency Designees
        Section 6001.102 explains that, within DOT, the ``agency 
    designees'' are the Department's Designated Agency Ethics Official, the 
    Alternate Agency Ethics Official, the Deputy Ethics Officials, and 
    legal counsel in regional and other offices as designated by Deputy 
    Ethics Officials. As defined in 5 CFR 2635.102(b), ``agency designees'' 
    are employees having delegated authority to make determinations, give 
    approvals, and take other action required or permitted by 5 CFR part 
    Section 6001.103  Designation of Separate Agency Components
        5 CFR 2035.202(a) prohibits, inter alia, an employee from 
    soliciting or accepting a gift from a prohibited source. A prohibited 
    source is defined by 5 CFR 2635.203(d) to include a person who has a 
    specific relationship with an employee's agency. For purposes of 
    identifying an employee's agency, 5 CFR 2635.203(a) authorizes an 
    executive department, by supplemental regulation, to designate as a 
    separate agency a component of the department that exercises distinct 
    and separate functions. Designations made pursuant to Sec. 2635.203(a) 
    are used also for purposes of applying the prohibition in 5 CFR 
    2635.807(a) against the receipt of compensation for teaching, speaking, 
    or writing related to an employee's duties.
        Section 6001.103(a) designates eight administrations in the 
    Department of Transportation as separate agency components. These 
    designated agency components are the Federal Aviation Administration 
    (FAA), Federal Highway Administration, Federal Railroad Administration 
    (FRA), Federal Transit Administration, Maritime Administration, 
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Saint Lawrence Seaway 
    Development Corporation, and United States Coast Guard. These 
    designated agency components are generally recognized as separate 
    agencies within DOT because they exercise separate and distinct 
    functions. As further amplified in Sec. 6001.103(b), DOT employees not 
    employed in one of these eight designated agency components are deemed 
    to be employees of an agency that consists of all parts of the 
    Department, other than the eight designated agency components, and that 
    is separate and distinct from each of those agency components.
        Pursuant to the designations in Sec. 6001.103, an aircraft 
    manufacturer, for example, would be a prohibited source for employees 
    of the Federal Aviation Administration, but not for employees of the 
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Neither would the 
    aircraft manufacturer be a prohibited source for employees in the 
    Office of the Secretary, the Research and Special Programs 
    Administration, or the Bureau of Transportation Statistics unless the 
    manufacturer was seeking official action by one of those components, or 
    otherwise had a matter pending before those components or had interests 
    substantially affected by official duties of employees of those 
    Section 6001.104  Prohibited Financial Interests
        To assure public confidence in the integrity of the programs and 
    operations of the FAA and FRA, both of these administrations have 
    prohibited their employees, their spouses, and dependents, as matters 
    of longstanding policy and practice, from having financial interests in 
    entities subject to or substantially affected by regulations issued by 
    those administrations. Pursuant to the Standards, at 5 CFR 2635.403(a), 
    the supplemental regulations in Sec. 6001.104 continue in effect these 
    longstanding prohibitions.
        The Standards, at 5 CFR 2635.403(a), provide that an individual 
    agency may, by supplemental regulation, prohibit or restrict the 
    acquisition or holding of a financial interest or a class of financial 
    interests by its employees, and by the spouses and minor children of 
    those employees, based on the agency's determination that the 
    acquisition or holding of such financial interests would cause a 
    reasonable person to question the impartiality and objectivity with 
    which agency programs are administered. The FRA and FAA have made such 
    determinations with respect to continuing in effect the above 
    prohibitions. Also, determinations have been made, with respect to the 
    spouses and minor children of FRA and FAA employees, that there 
    continues to be a direct and appropriate nexus between the above 
    prohibition as applied to spouses and minor children and the efficiency 
    of the services provided by the FRA and FAA.
        The above prohibitions, as codified in section 6001.104, provide as 
        Section 6001.104(a)(1) prohibits FRA employees from owning stock or 
    any other financial interest in a railroad company subject to FRA 
        Section 6001.104(a)(2) prohibits FRA employees hired after December 
    1991 from holding reemployment rights with a railroad company regulated 
    by the FRA after their first year of employment. However, this 
    prohibition does not extend to employees hired before January 1992. 
    Most employees hired before January 1992 do not hold employment rights 
    with former employers, except certain employees who have been allowed 
    to retain those rights pursuant to judicial orders issued in American 
    Federation of Government Employees, Local 2814 v. Andrew Card, 
    Secretary of Transportation and Gilbert Carmichael, Administrator, 
    Federal Railroad Administration, Civil Action No. 92-1853 (D.D.C. Oct. 
    1, 1992).
        Section 6001.104(a)(3) prohibits the spouse or minor children of an 
    FRA employee from holding stock or other securities interest in a 
    railroad company subject to FRA regulation.
        Section 6001.104(b) prohibits FAA employees from holding stock or 
    any other securities interest in an airline or aircraft manufacturing 
    company, or in a supplier of components or parts to an airline or 
    aircraft manufacturing company.
        Prohibiting the financial interests described in sections 
    6001.104(a) and 6001.104(b) will maintain the FRA's and FAA's 
    appearance of impartiality and objectivity in the execution of their 
    regulatory functions; and will avoid inopportune disqualification of 
    employees from official matters, resulting in an inability of the FRA 
    and FAA to fulfill their regulatory functions.
        Section 6001.104(c) provides that the prohibitions in Sec. 6001.104 
    (a)(1) and (b) against holding certain financial interests do not apply 
    to financial interests held in a publicly traded or publicly available 
    investment fund provided that, at the time of the employee's 
    appointment or upon initial investment in the fund, whichever occurs 
    later, the fund does not have invested more than 30 percent of its 
    assets in a particular transportation or geographic sector and the 
    employee neither exercises control or has the ability to exercise 
    control over the financial interests held in the fund.
        Section 6001.104(d) provides that an employee, spouse, or minor 
    child who acquires a financial interest that is subject to 
    Sec. 6001.104, through gift, marriage, or inheritance, must divest the 
    interest within a period set by the agency designee.
    III. Amendment of Employee Responsibilities and Conduct Regulations
        To ensure that employees are on notice of the ethical standards to 
    which they are subject, DOT is amending its remaining standards of 
    conduct regulations at 49 CFR part 99 to include a provision that cross 
    references 5 CFR parts 2634 and 2635 and the Department
    [[Page 39903]]
    of Transportation supplemental regulations at 5 CFR part 6001.
    IV. Matters of Regulatory Procedure
    Administrative Procedure Act
        The Department of Transportation has found that good cause exists 
    under 5 U.S.C. 553 for waiving, as unnecessary and contrary to the 
    public interest, the general requirements for a general notice of 
    proposed rulemaking. As noted above, these supplemental rules are a 
    restatement of current and longstanding policy and practices, and their 
    continued effectiveness under OGE's rules is essential to the 
    effectiveness of DOT's ethics program. In addition, these rules relate 
    to agency organization, procedure, and practice, and to matters of 
    agency management and personnel.
    Executive Order 12866
        In promulgating this final regulation, the Department of 
    Transportation has adhered to the regulatory philosophy and the 
    applicable principles of regulation set forth in section 1 of Executive 
    Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review. This final rule has not 
    been reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget under that 
    Executive order.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of Transportation has determined under the 
    Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. chapter 6) that these regulations 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities because they effect only DOT employees.
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        These supplemental rules do not contain any information collection 
    requirements that require the approval of the Office of Management and 
    Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et. 
    DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        These supplemental rules are not significant under DOT Regulatory 
    Policy and Procedures, 44 FR 11040, and their economic impact will be 
    minimal. For this reason, further regulatory evaluation is not 
    Federalism Assessment: Executive Order 12012
        These rules have been analyzed in accordance with the principles 
    and criteria contained in Executive Order 12012, and it has been 
    determined that they do not have sufficient federalism implications to 
    warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment. This is because the 
    rules have no effect on State and local governments since they only 
    apply to Federal employees. Furthermore, there are no reporting or 
    recordkeeping requirements associated with this rulemaking.
    List of Subjects
    5 CFR Part 6001
        Conflict of interests, Government employees.
    49 CFR Part 99
        Conflict of interests.
        Dated: July 8, 1996.
    Federico Pena,
    Secretary of Transportation.
        Approved: July 16, 1996.
    Stephen D. Potts,
    Director, Office of Government Ethics.
        For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Department of 
    Transportation, with the concurrence of the Office of Government 
    Ethics, is amending title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations and 
    title 49, subtitle A, of the Code of Federal Regulations as follows:
        1. A new Chapter L, consisting of part 6001, is added to title 5 of 
    the Code of Federal Regulations to read as follows:
    Chapter L--Department of Transportation
    6001.101  General.
    6001.102  Agency designees.
    6001.103  Designation of separate agency components.
    6001.104  Prohibited financial interests.
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301, 7301; 5 U.S.C. App. (Ethics in 
    Government Act of 1978); 49 U.S.C. 322; E.O. 12674, 54 FR 15159, 3 
    CFR, 1989 Comp., p. 215, as modified by E.O. 12731, 55 FR 42547, 3 
    CFR, 1990 Comp., p. 306; 5 CFR 2635.105, 2635.203(a), 2635.403(a), 
    Sec. 6001.101  General.
        In accordance with 5 CFR 2635.105, the regulations in this part 
    apply to employees of the Department of Transportation and supplement 
    the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch 
    contained in 5 CFR part 2635. In addition to the standards in 5 CFR 
    part 2635, employees are subject to the executive branch financial 
    disclosure regulations contained in 5 CFR part 2634.
    Sec. 6001.102  Agency designees.
        For purposes of 5 CFR part 2635, the following Department of 
    Transportation officials are agency designees within the meaning of 5 
    CFR 2635.102(b):
        (a) The Designated Agency Ethics Official;
        (b) The Alternate Agency Ethics Official;
        (c) The Deputy Ethics Officials; and
        (d) As designated by Deputy Ethics Officials, legal counsel in 
    regional and other offices.
    Sec. 6001.103  Designation of separate agency components.
        (a) Pursuant to 5 CFR 2635.203(a), each of the following components 
    of the Department of Transportation is designated as a separate agency 
    for purpose of the regulations in subpart B of 5 CFR part 2635 
    governing gifts from outside sources and Sec. 2635.807 of this title 
    governing teaching, speaking, or writing:
        (1) Federal Aviation Administration;
        (2) Federal Highway Administration;
        (3) Federal Railroad Administration;
        (4) Federal Transit Administration;
        (5) Maritime Administration;
        (6) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration;
        (7) Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation; and
        (8) United States Coast Guard.
        (b) Employees of Department of Transportation components not 
    designated as separate agencies, including employees of the Office of 
    the Secretary of Transportation, the Research and Special Programs 
    Administration, and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, will be 
    treated as employees of DOT which shall be treated as a single agency 
    that is separate from the above listed agencies for purposes of 
    determining whether the donor of a gift is a prohibited source under 5 
    CFR 2635.203(d) and for identifying the DOT employee's agency under 5 
    CFR 2635.807 governing teaching, speaking, and writing.
    Sec. 6001.104  Prohibited financial interests.
        (a) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). (1) Except as provided 
    in paragraph (c) of this section, no FRA employee shall hold stock or 
    have any other financial interest, including outside employment, in a 
    railroad company subject to FRA regulation.
        (2) No FRA employee appointed after December 1991 shall hold 
    reemployment rights with a railroad company subject to FRA regulation 
    after his or her first year of employment.
        (3) No spouse or minor child of an FRA employee shall hold stock or 
    any other securities interest in a railroad company subject to FRA 
    [[Page 39904]]
        (b) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Except as provided in 
    paragraph (c) of this section, no FAA employee, or spouse or minor 
    child of the employee, may hold stock or have any other securities 
    interest in an airline or aircraft manufacturing company, or in a 
    supplier of components or parts to an airline or aircraft manufacturing 
        (c) Exception. The prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(1) and (b) of 
    this section do not apply to a financial interest in a publicly traded 
    or publicly available investment fund, provided that, at the time of 
    the employee's appointment or upon initial investment in the fund, 
    whichever occurs later, the fund does not have invested, or indicate in 
    its prospectus the intent to invest more than 30 percent of its assets 
    in a particular transportation or geographic sector and the employee 
    neither exercises control nor has the ability to exercise control over 
    the financial interests held in the fund.
        (d) Period to divest. An individual subject to this section who 
    acquires a financial interest subject to this section, as a result of 
    gift, inheritance, or marriage, shall divest the interest within a 
    period set by the agency designee. Until divestiture, the 
    disqualification requirements of 5 CFR 2635.402 and 2635.502 remain in 
    Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Transportation
        2. The authority citation for part 99 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322; E.O. 12674, 54 FR 15159, 3 CFR, 1989 
    Comp., p. 215, as modified by E.O. 12731, 55 FR 42547, 3 CFR, 1990 
    Comp., p. 306.
        3. A new subpart A, consisting of Sec. 99.735-1, is added to read 
    as follows:
    Subpart A--General
    Sec. 99.735-1  Cross-reference to ethical conduct standards and 
    financial disclosure regulations.
        Employees of the Department of Transportation are subject to the 
    executive branch-wide Standards of Ethical Conduct at 5 CFR part 2635, 
    the Department of Transportation regulations at 5 CFR part 6001 which 
    supplement the executive branch-wide standards and the executive 
    branch-wide financial disclosure regulations at 5 CFR part 2634.
    [FR Doc. 96-19493 Filed 7-30-96; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-62-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
Transportation Department
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
These rules become effective: August 30, 1996.
39901-39904 (4 pages)
3209-AA15: Executive Agency Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct Regulations Issued Jointly With the Concurrence of the Office of Government Ethics
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (5)
5 CFR 6001.102
5 CFR 6001.103
5 CFR 6001.104
5 CFR 6001.101
49 CFR 99.735-1