99-21139. National Agricultural Library Fees for Loans and Copying  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 157 (Monday, August 16, 1999)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 44634-44636]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-21139]
    [[Page 44633]]
    Part III
    Department of Agriculture
    Agricultural Research Service
    7 CFR Part 505
    National Agricultural Library Fees for Loans and Copying; Proposed Rule
    Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 157 / Monday, August 16, 1999 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 44634]]
    Agricultural Research Service
    7 CFR Part 505
    National Agricultural Library Fees for Loans and Copying
    AGENCY: Agricultural Research Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Department of Agriculture (USDA) seeks comments on a 
    proposed rule establishing a fee schedule for loans of materials, and 
    establishing a fee schedule for copying of materials in the collections 
    of the National Agricultural Library. Establishing a flat fee allows 
    the customer to estimate their costs more effectively and allows the 
    library to eliminate the cost of multiple steps currently necessary in 
    determining pro-rated fees.
    DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before September 15, 1999.
    ADDRESSES: Address all comments to Eileen McVey, Access Services 
    Librarian, Document Delivery Services Branch, National Agricultural 
    Library, Agricultural Research Service, Room 300, 10301 Baltimore Ave., 
    Beltsville MD 20705-2351. Telephone: 301-504-6503. Email: 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carol Ditzler, Head Document Delivery 
    Services Branch, National Agricultural Library, Agricultural Research 
    Service, Room 300, 10301 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville MD 20705-2351.
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12866, 
    and it has been determined that it is not a ``significant regulatory 
    action'' rule because it will not have an annual effect on the economy 
    of $100 million or more or adversely and materially affect a sector of 
    the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public 
    health or safety, or State, local, or Tribal governments or 
    communities. This proposed rule will not create any serious 
    inconsistencies or otherwise interfere with actions taken or planned by 
    another agency. It will not materially alter the budgetary impact of 
    entitlement, grants or user fees, or loan programs, or the rights and 
    obligations of recipients thereof, and does not raise novel legal or 
    policy issues arising out of legal mandates, the President's 
    priorities, or principles set forth in Executive Order 12866.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        The Department of Agriculture certifies that this rule will not 
    have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities as 
    defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act, Pub. L. 96-534, as amended 
    (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    regulations (5 CFR part 1320) which implement the Paperwork Reduction 
    Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35), the information collection and 
    record keeping requirements that will be imposed in implementation of 
    this proposed rule have been submitted to OMB for approval. Those 
    requirements would not become effective prior to OMB approval.
        Title: Collection of information regarding requests for loans or 
    copies of materials in the collections of the NAL.
        Summary: The purpose of this collection of information is to 
    collect, either orally or by use of a form, contact information from 
    persons who request loans, or copies, of materials in the collections 
    of the NAL for which a fee will be charged. Information to be collected 
    will include the name, address, telephone number, and signature of the 
    representative of the party requesting the loan and/or copies of NAL 
        Need for the Information: The information is needed for NAL to 
    deliver loans and/or copies from NAL collection materials and to keep 
    records of parties to whom fees are chargeable and who are accountable 
    for the custody of loaned NAL property.
        Respondents: Respondents to the collection of information will be 
    those libraries or other institutions or organizations that request 
    interlibrary loans or copies of material in the NAL collections. Each 
    respondent will have to furnish the information for each loan or 
    copying request. The NAL expects to receive approximately 6,000 
    domestic and Canadian non-USDA requests for loans and approximately 
    22,000 domestic and Canadian non-USDA requests for copies of NAL 
    materials per year.
        Estimate of burden: The estimated burden on respondents for each 
    loan or copying request is >.08 hours. The total annual reporting and 
    record keeping burden on respondents will be de minimis.
        Comments: Comments on this proposed collection of information may 
    be submitted to Eileen McVey at the address listed above within 60 days 
    after date of publication or to the Office of Information and 
    Regulatory Affairs, OMB, Attention: Desk Office for USDA. Reference 
    should be made to the volume, page, and date of this Federal Register 
        Section 1410A of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and 
    Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3125a), as added by section 
    1606(a) of Pub. L. 101-624, expanded existing statutory authorities for 
    the NAL. In particular, section 1410A(e) authorized the NAL Director to 
    make copies of NAL bibliographies, to make microforms and other 
    reproductions of books and other library materials in USDA, to provide 
    any other library and information products and services, and to sell 
    those products and services at such price (not less than the total 
    costs of disseminating the products and services) as the Secretary of 
    Agriculture deems appropriate. Receipts from such sales must be 
    deposited to the credit of appropriations available to the NAL and 
    remain available until expended.
        Currently, USDA regulations (7 CFR part 1, Appendix A) supply a fee 
    schedule for copying of NAL materials requested under the Freedom of 
    Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552. NAL proposes in this regulation 
    to adopt a fee schedule for copying of NAL materials pursuant to 
    interlibrary loan or other research requests, and to cover the costs of 
    interlibrary loans of materials from NAL collections.
    Fee Schedule for Loans of Materials From the NAL Collection
        The NAL proposes to charge fees for interlibrary loans of original 
    materials from the NAL collection to other non-Federal and non-USDA 
    libraries and institutions in the United States and Canada. By original 
    materials, it is meant that NAL will provide loans of original works, 
    and not copies, except in rare instances where works are too fragile or 
    valuable for shipment. Libraries are encouraged to obtain materials 
    locally and to view the NAL as a library of last resort. Loans directly 
    to individuals are not permitted.
        A flat fee of $15.00 per loaned item will be charged. Fees 
    generated will be used to recover actual processing costs and to offset 
    general wear and tear on the collection when items are loaned. The 
    $15.00 amount is based on a study of current library costs and market 
    comparisons. There will be no charge for renewals.
        Costs for replacement of lost or damaged materials will be the 
    actual cost to purchase a replacement or a flat
    [[Page 44635]]
    fee if the exact cost cannot be determined. A processing cost will be 
    added to all lost or damaged materials.
    Fee Schedule for Paper Copying, Duplication, and Reproduction Services 
    From the NAL Collection
        The NAL proposes to adopt a fee schedule, separate from the fee 
    schedule applicable to FOIA requests under 7 CFR part 1, Appendix A, 
    for paper copying, duplication, and reproduction services provided to 
    non-USDA and non-federal libraries and institutions in the United 
    States. These services will be provided only in response to an 
    interlibrary loan request from a library. Use of the interlibrary loan 
    system ensures that NAL receives the request in an appropriate form and 
    format for response. In some exceptions, services will be provided for 
    requests from individuals who have not been able to obtain materials 
    through their local resources or who have made special arrangements 
    with the Special Collections section using their forms.
        Copying of articles is subject to a maximum limitation of 50 pages 
    per article for purposes of copyright compliance. This limitation is 
    based on the CONTU Guidelines (National Commission on New Technological 
    Uses of Copyright Works) and the Agency's interpretation of the 
    applicable provisions of 17 U.S.C. chapter 1.
        The NAL proposes to charge in its schedule of fees for photocopying 
    of paper materials and paper copying of microfiche or microfilm. NAL is 
    switching from a per page-based charge to a per item flat fee because, 
    historically, the average request is between 10 and 20 pages. 
    Establishing a flat fee allows the customer to estimate their costs 
    more effectively and allows the library to eliminate the cost of 
    multiple steps currently necessary in determining pro-rated fees. Fees 
    established are based on actual costs (staffing, contract costs, 
    supplies, copier maintenance, normal wear and tear on the collection, 
    delivery costs, etc.) as well as based on a review of comparable fees 
    across the nation charged by other research and academic libraries. All 
    fees will apply to non-USDA and non-federal library requests that meet 
    standard interlibrary loan format requirements and apply to copying of 
    materials from the NAL collections only.
        NAL also proposes a flat rate for the costs of duplication of NAL 
    owned microfiche and microfilm. Photographic services from NAL Special 
    Collections will be charged at cost for reproduction of the photo 
    product, plus a flat rate for preparation costs.
    Payment Submission Requirements
        The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) within the United 
    States Department of Commerce provides a number of services to Federal 
    Agencies, one of which is billing and collection services. NAL 
    currently uses and proposes to use NTIS as the preferred method for 
    invoicing and payment of fees under this fee schedule. Use of NTIS by 
    NAL is preferred because it is the only agency providing this service 
    to Federal offices. NAL encourages institutional users to establish 
    deposit accounts with NTIS. Payment for services will be made by check 
    , money order or credit card in U.S. funds directly to the NTIS upon 
    receipt of invoice from NTIS.
        Subject to service charges for the actual costs of performing the 
    invoicing service, funds received by NTIS will be returned to NAL to 
    the credit of the appropriation account charged with the costs of 
    providing the loan or copying service.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 505
        Agriculture, Agricultural research, Libraries, Research, User fees.
        For the reasons set out in the preamble, chapter V of Title 7 of 
    the Code of Federal Regulations is amended as set forth below:
        Part 505 is added to read as follows:
    505.1  Scope and purpose.
    505.2  Fees for loans of materials in library collections.
    505.3  Fees for copying, duplicating, and reproduction of materials 
    in library collections.
    505.4  [Reserved].
    505.5  [Reserved].
    505.6  [Payment of fees].
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; 7 U.S.C. 3125a.
    Sec. 505.1  Scope and purpose.
        These regulations establish fees for loans, paper copying, 
    duplication, or reproduction of materials in the collections of the 
    National Agricultural Library (NAL) within the United States Department 
    of Agriculture (USDA).
    Sec. 505.2  Fees for loans of materials in library collections.
        (a) NAL will make loans of original materials from its collections, 
    and charge fees for such loans, to other non-Federal and non-USDA 
    libraries and institutions in the United States and Canada only. Loans 
    will not be made directly to individuals.
        (b) Loans will be made at a flat fee of $15.00 per loaned item.
        (c) Cost for replacement of lost or damaged items will be the 
    actual cost to purchase a replacement plus a $50.00 processing fee; or 
    if the cost cannot be determined, a flat rate of $75.00 for monographs 
    or $150.00 for audiovisuals per item, plus a $50.00 processing fee.
        (d) All services in this section will incur a billing surcharge per 
    invoice generated in addition to the above fees which may change as 
    vendor's charges change. This fee, currently $10.00, is billed as a 
    direct cost recovery based on charges to the library by the billing 
    vendor. Interlibrary loan requests submitted by participants in the ILL 
    Fee Management (IFM) program under the Online Computer Library Center, 
    Inc. (OCLC) will not incur the billing surcharge as their activities 
    will not generate an invoice.
    Sec. 505.3  Fees for paper copying, duplicating, and reproduction of 
    materials in library collections.
        (a) Photocopy reproduction of paper copy will be set as a flat fee 
    of $13.00 for domestic requests and $16.00 for international requests 
    for each document requested with a maximum of 50 pages per article for 
    copyright compliance. Materials delivered to international addresses 
    via the Internet will be charged at the domestic rate. Photocopy 
    reproduction of paper copy that requires special handling due to size 
    or condition will incur special handling fees to recover costs at 
    $20.00 per half hour or fraction thereof.
        (b) Paper copies of microfilm or microfiche will be produced at a 
    flat fee of $13.00 for requests delivered domestically and $16.00 for 
    requests requiring delivery to a international address. This charge is 
    for each document requested with a maximum of 50 pages per article for 
    copyright compliance.
        (c) Duplication of NAL owned microfiche will be charged a flat fee 
    of $13.00 per each 5 microfiche duplicated or fraction thereof. 
    Duplication of NAL owned microfilm will be charged a flat fee of $20.00 
    for each reel produced.
        (d) Photographic services from NAL Special Collections will be 
    charged at cost for reproduction of the photo product (slides, 
    transparencies, etc.) plus a preparation fee of $25.00 per half hour or 
    fraction thereof.
        (e) All services in this section will incur a billing surcharge, 
    currently $10.00, per invoice generated in addition to the above fees. 
    This fee is a direct cost recovery based on charges to
    [[Page 44636]]
    the library by the billing vendor and is subject to change. 
    Interlibrary loan requests submitted by participants in the IFM program 
    on OCLC will not incur the billing surcharge as their activities will 
    not generate an invoice.
    Sec. 505.4-505.5  Reserved.
    Sec. 505.6  Payment of fees.
        Charges which include billing and handling are invoiced quarterly 
    by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the United 
    States Department of Commerce. The NAL encourages users to establish 
    deposit accounts with NTIS. Payment for services will made by check, 
    money order or credit card in U.S. funds directly to the NTIS upon 
    receipt of invoice from NTIS. Subject to a reduction for the actual 
    costs of performing the invoicing service by NTIS, all funds received 
    will be returned to NAL for credit to the appropriations account 
    charged with the cost of processing the loan or copying request.
        Done at Washington, DC, this 10th day of August, 1999.
    Dr. Edward B. Knipling,
    Associate Administrator, Agricultural Research Service.
    [FR Doc. 99-21139 Filed 8-13-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-03-P

Document Information

Agricultural Research Service
Entry Type:
Proposed Rule
Proposed rule.
Document Number:
Comments must be submitted on or before September 15, 1999.
44634-44636 (3 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (7)
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