94-21294. Mergers, Transfers of Assets and Liabilities, and Other Combinations Involving Savings Associations and Other Depository Institutions  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 167 (Tuesday, August 30, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
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    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-21294]
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    [Federal Register: August 30, 1994]
    Office of Thrift Supervision
    12 CFR Parts 506, 546, 552, 563, 571, 574 and 575
    [No. 94-76]
    RIN 1550-AA47
    Mergers, Transfers of Assets and Liabilities, and Other 
    Combinations Involving Savings Associations and Other Depository 
    AGENCY: Office of Thrift Supervision, Treasury.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) is amending its 
    regulations governing mergers and combinations involving Federal 
    savings associations to implement sections 501 and 502 of the Federal 
    Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA). In 
    general, the FDICIA amendments to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act 
    (FDIA) and to the Home Owners' Loan Act (HOLA) ease previous 
    restrictions on conversion transactions, and authorize Federally-
    chartered savings associations to acquire and be acquired by other 
    depository institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance 
    Corporation (FDIC), subject to specified conditions.
        The OTS is amending and further broadening its regulations to 
    authorize combinations involving Federal stock savings associations and 
    depository institutions that are not insured by the FDIC. The OTS also 
    is amending its regulations to authorize Federal mutual savings 
    associations to combine with other types of depository institutions 
    provided that the transaction results in a mutual savings association.
        In addition, the OTS is amending its regulations governing mergers 
    and application procedures to: specify the types of transactions that 
    require only an information filing with the OTS; specify the types of 
    transactions that require OTS approval of a notice or application, and 
    the related time frames, and further clarify and consolidate OTS 
    regulations by incorporating the OTS's merger and transfer of assets 
    policy statement into a single regulation.
    EFFECTIVE DATE: September 29, 1994.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kevin A. Corcoran, Assistant Chief 
    Counsel, (202) 906-6962, Corporate and Securities Division; Therese L. 
    Monahan, Project Manager, Supervisory Programs, (202) 906-5740; or Gary 
    Masters, Financial Analyst, Corporate Activities Division, (202) 906-
    6729; Office of Thrift Supervision, 1700 G Street, NW., Washington, DC 
    I. Background and Summary of Proposal
        On August 18, 1992, the OTS issued notice of a proposal to amend 
    the agency's regulations governing mergers and other combinations to 
    permit mergers, consolidations and transfer of asset and assumption of 
    liability transactions among savings associations and other FDIC-
    insured depository institutions in accordance with sections 501 and 502 
    of the FDICIA.\1\ In addition, the OTS proposed changes to its 
    regulations to allow Federal savings associations to convert directly 
    to state and national banks (while retaining Savings Association 
    Insurance Fund (SAIF) deposit insurance) in a so-called ``Sasser 
    conversion,''\2\ and to permit any FDIC-insured depository institution 
    that qualifies for Federal Home Loan Bank membership to convert to a 
    Federal savings association charter. The proposal also specified the 
    types of transactions that would require either prior notice or 
    application to the OTS, and the time frames governing review of these 
    filings. The proposal did not include amendments to the merger 
    regulations involving mutual savings associations. However, specific 
    comments were requested as to whether mutual savings associations 
    should be permitted to merge directly with banks without first 
    undergoing a mutual-to stock conversion and what safeguards would be 
    necessary for such transactions.
        \1\57 FR 37112-37118 (August 18, 1992).
        \2\Section 5(d)(2)(G) of the FDIA, 12 U.S.C. 1815(d)(2)(G).
        Finally, the OTS proposed to streamline and consolidate its 
    regulations by, among other things, eliminating unnecessary portions of 
    the OTS's merger and transfer of assets policy statement and 
    incorporating the remainder in a better organized fashion into the 
    revised section 563.22.
        The OTS solicited public comments on all aspects of the proposal 
    for a 30-day period. Upon consideration of all the comments received 
    during the comment period, the OTS is adopting the proposal with some 
    modifications, discussed below.
    II. Summary of Comments
        The OTS received 10 comment letters in response to the proposal, 
    including four from savings banks, two from savings and loan holding 
    companies, two from trade associations representing financial 
    institutions, one from a law firm representing financial institutions 
    and one from the Federal Housing Finance Board (FHFB). The OTS has 
    carefully considered all of the comments received during the comment 
    period. In addition, the OTS has reviewed the rulemakings of other 
    Federal banking agencies on related subjects, and has sought, to the 
    maximum extent possible, to adopt consistent provisions. The following 
    is a discussion of the issues raised by the commenters.
    A. Mandatory Federal Home Loan Bank Membership for Converting Savings 
        As noted in the proposal, section 5(f) of the HOLA requires Federal 
    Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) membership for all Federal savings 
    associations, and FHLBank membership was consistently required of 
    state-chartered savings associations by the Federal Savings and Loan 
    Insurance Corporation as a condition of deposit insurance. In addition, 
    after enactment of the FIRREA, the OTS required resulting banks in 
    thrift-to-bank charter conversions and Oakar transactions\3\ in which 
    no savings association survived the transaction to continue to hold the 
    former savings association's FHLBank stock in accordance with the 
    requirements of the FHFB. Each commenter that addressed this issue 
    objected to any regulation that would continue this requirement.
        \3\As used herein, an ``Oakar'' transaction refers to a 
    combination between a savings association and a bank that is 
    excepted from the moratorium on deposit insurance fund conversion 
    set forth at section 5(d)(2)(A)(ii) of the FDIA by virtue of section 
    5(d)(3) of the FDIA. See 12 U.S.C. 1815(d)(2)(A)(ii) and 1815(d)(3).
        Since publication of the proposal, the FHFB advised the OTS that it 
    will not require a savings association that has converted to a bank 
    charter to retain membership in the FHLBank system, nor will the FHFB 
    require a non-FHLBank system member that has acquired some or all of 
    the assets of a savings association to become a member of the FHLBank 
    system. In light of the FHFB's views on this issue, the OTS advised the 
    FHFB on November 20, 1992 that the OTS was discontinuing its practice 
    of imposing the condition that such institutions retain FHLBank stock. 
    In addition, the OTS advised the FHFB that in prior cases where the 
    FHLBank stock condition was imposed, the OTS would not object if a bank 
    seeks to redeem its FHLBank stock and terminate its FHLBank membership. 
    In March 1993, the OTS reiterated these positions in promulgating a 
    final regulation that will remove, in 1995, the regulatory requirement 
    that state-chartered savings associations have and maintain FHLBank 
    membership.\4\ Accordingly, the final rule does not require FHLBank 
    membership of resulting institutions in the context of thrift-to-bank 
    mergers and charter conversions.
        \4\58 FR 14510, 14513 (March 18, 1993). See 12 CFR 563.49.
    B. Issues Regarding Mutual Savings Associations
        Current OTS regulations generally provide that merger transactions 
    involving Federal mutual savings associations must result in a mutual 
    form of savings association, unless the mutual institution converts to 
    a stock savings association as part of the transaction.\5\ The proposal 
    did not set forth any amendments to these regulations, but did solicit 
    comment as to whether mutual savings associations should be permitted 
    to merge with banks or other institutions other than in conjunction 
    with a mutual-to-stock conversion, and if permitted, what safeguards 
    should be established with respect to these transactions.
        \5\12 CFR 552.13(c)(1)(ii).
        The comments addressing this issue unanimously opposed any 
    regulation that would permit Federal mutual savings associations to be 
    acquired by commercial banks or other stock-form institutions without a 
    prior or simultaneous mutual-to-stock conversion by the mutual savings 
    association. These commenters expressed the view that OTS regulations 
    adequately protect the interests of mutual accountholders\6\ and direct 
    acquisition resulting in a stock institution may jeopardize those 
    protections. They also noted that the FDICIA does not evidence any 
    intent to change the current treatment of combinations involving mutual 
        \6\The OTS has recently issued an interim final regulation, with 
    a request for comment, revising certain key provisions in its mutual 
    to stock conversion regulations. The amendments generally prohibit 
    merger conversions (i.e., where a mutual savings association 
    converts to stock form and simultaneously merges into another stock 
    form depository institution) except in certain supervisory 
    situations. In addition, OTS has proposed to add a ``convenience and 
    needs'' test to its standards for approving mutual to stock 
    conversions. See 59 FR 22725 (May 3, 1994) and 59 FR 22764 (May 3, 
        The OTS agrees with these comments and, accordingly, the final 
    regulations continue to prohibit Federal mutual associations from 
    combining with stock form institutions where the resulting institution 
    is not a mutual savings association, except in the context of a mutual 
    to stock conversion, and subject to other limited exceptions. 
    Nevertheless, as more fully described below, the OTS has determined 
    that Federal mutual savings associations may, in general, combine with 
    stock form institutions where the Federal mutual association is the 
    resulting association. The final rule includes revisions to 12 CFR 
    546.2 and 546.3 to effect these changes.
    C. Review Period Under Section 10(s)(2) of the HOLA
        The proposal solicited comment on processing procedures and time 
    frames, including whether applications subject to section 10(s)(2) of 
    the HOLA should be deemed ``filed'' when deemed complete under the 
    OTS's general application processing procedures in 12 CFR Part 516. 
    Under the proposal, the 60-day review time for these applications would 
    not commence until an application is reviewed by the OTS and deemed 
    complete under part 516.
        Some commenters objected to the OTS's interpretation of the term 
    ``filed'' in section 10(s) of the HOLA. These commenters suggested that 
    the review time frames for applications under section 10(s)(2) should 
    commence when an application is first submitted to the OTS, not when it 
    is deemed complete. One commenter supported the proposal, noting that 
    any regulation providing different ``filed'' dates for applications 
    under part 516 and section 10(s) of the HOLA would serve no purpose and 
    would create confusion.
        As explained in more detail in Section III.D. below, the final rule 
    adopts the proposed application review time frames. To ensure uniform 
    treatment of all transactional applications, the OTS believes 
    applications subject to section 10(s)(2) of the HOLA should be 
    processed, to the extent possible, consistently with all applications 
    under part 516. Also, the processing time frames in the rule are 
    consistent with the procedures established by the Office of the 
    Comptroller of the Currency for conversion applications by national 
    banks under section 502(b) of the FDICIA.7
        \7\ 12 U.S.C. 215c; see Comptroller of the Currency's Manual for 
    Corporate Activities, Vol. 1, Policies and Procedures (January 
    D. Community Reinvestment Act Issues
        Comments were solicited on whether the OTS should have the ability 
    to suspend the processing time frames under section 10(s)(2) of the 
    HOLA for applications challenged on Community Reinvestment Act 
    (CRA)8 grounds.
        \8\ Housing and Community Development Act of 1977, 12 U.S.C. 
        Two commenters opposed any regulation that would permit suspension 
    of the review time frames for applications subject to section 10(s)(2) 
    of the HOLA.9 One of these commenters asserted that the OTS lacks 
    the authority to review an applicant's CRA compliance record where a 
    savings association acquires another insured depository institution in 
    an Oakar transaction under section 5(d)(3) of the FDIA.
        \9\Two other commenters stated that any processing suspension 
    should be limited to one or two 30-day periods.
        This commenter asserted that although section 5(d)(3) of the FDIA 
    requires the OTS to consider the factors set forth in section 18(c) of 
    the FDIA (the Bank Merger Act (BMA)) in acting upon an Oakar 
    transaction, the BMA is not itself applicable to such transactions. 
    Therefore, according to the commenter, an application to engage in an 
    Oakar transaction is not an ``application for a deposit facility'' 
    within the meaning of the CRA, and the CRA requirement that the OTS 
    take an institution's CRA record into account in its evaluation of an 
    application for a deposit facility10 is not applicable.
        \1\012 U.S.C. 2903.
        We find the commenter's assertions to be unpersuasive. Section 
    5(d)(3) of the FDIA merely establishes an exception to the general 
    moratorium on insurance fund ``conversion transactions'' set forth at 
    section 5(d)(2)(A)(ii) of the FDIA. Section 5(d)(3) does not state that 
    Oakar transactions are excepted from all otherwise applicable approval 
    requirements, and the BMA itself includes no exception from its plain 
    language with respect to Oakar transactions. Moreover, the 
    authorization provided by section 10(s) of the HOLA is subject to 
    section 5(d)(3) of the FDIA and the BMA, and all other applicable laws.
        The OTS, after further consideration of its applications processing 
    procedures, observes that the procedures in part 516 of the OTS's 
    regulations are intended to ensure that an application will not be 
    deemed complete until expiration of the public comment period and 
    resolution of any protests or other significant issues raised during 
    that period. Accordingly, any challenges to a transaction on CRA 
    grounds would be resolved prior to the commencement of the processing 
    time frames under section 10(s)(2) of the HOLA. The OTS has amended the 
    publication procedures for applications under Sec. 563.22(a) to ensure 
    that the public comment period has concluded before the OTS is required 
    to make a completeness determination regarding such applications.
    E. Application Review Standards and Regulatory Streamlining
        The OTS proposed to incorporate into revised Sec. 563.22 the 
    approval standards, definitional provisions and other provisions of the 
    OTS's merger and transfer of assets policy statement found at 12 CFR 
    571.5. The proposal requested comment on whether any of the standards 
    in Sec. 571.5 should be streamlined, clarified or otherwise modified or 
    deleted in connection with their incorporation into Sec. 563.22.
        One commenter stated that some of the review criteria in Sec. 571.5 
    went beyond the standards applicable to transactions under sections 
    5(d)(3) of the FDIA and 10(s) of the HOLA, and therefore should not be 
    considered by the OTS in reviewing applications under these statutes.
        Section 571.5 set forth not only the review standards for 
    transactions under sections 5(d)(3) and 18(c) of the FDIA and 10(s) of 
    the HOLA, but also general safety and soundness considerations 
    applicable to all transfer transactions and combinations involving 
    savings associations. Thus, the OTS believes it is appropriate to 
    retain these review criteria. However, certain of the detailed criteria 
    addressed in Sec. 571.5, for example those pertaining to retention of 
    attorneys and other professionals, tie-in transactions, and fees paid 
    in connection with transactions, are considered by OTS as part of the 
    overall evaluation of the managerial and financial resources and future 
    prospects of the savings associations involved in a combination or 
    transfer transaction. The OTS believes that the detail of certain 
    criteria is not necessary and that general standards are more 
    appropriate for an evaluation of the safety and soundness of a given 
    transaction. Accordingly, Sec. 563.22(d) of the final rule has been 
    revised to incorporate streamlined and consolidated review standards 
    derived from Sec. 571.5, and Sec. 571.5 has been deleted.
    F. Other Issues
        One commenter requested that the OTS clarify whether section 
    10(s)(3) of the HOLA (and Sec. 552.13(b)(1) as set forth in the 
    proposal) precludes transfer or consolidation transactions where a 
    resulting institution would own the shares of one or more constituent 
        In OTS's view, section 10(s)(3) of the HOLA does not prohibit a 
    Federal savings association from acquiring the stock of another insured 
    depository institution and holding the other depository institution as 
    a subsidiary. Section 10(s) was designed to cure what had been viewed 
    as a statutory impediment to mergers or other combinations between a 
    savings association and other types of insured depository 
    institutions.11 Section 10(s) was not established to bar 
    transactions that are permissible under other, existing authority. 
    Moreover, neither the text of section 502 of FDICIA nor its legislative 
    history indicate that Congress intended section 10(s)(3) to override 
    any separate legal authority for such an acquisition.
        \1\1The primary impediment was section 5(d)(3) of the HOLA, 
    which, in pertinent part, authorizes the OTS to provide for the 
    merger of savings associations with other savings associations, but 
    is silent as to whether savings associations could merge with other 
    types of depository institutions. For many years, the OTS, and its 
    predecessor, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, viewed the lack of 
    express authorization for cross-industry mergers as, in effect, a 
    prohibition on such transactions.
        Federal savings associations, therefore, may acquire the shares of 
    another insured depository institution and hold the acquired entity as 
    a subsidiary if the legal authority for the transaction derives from a 
    source other than section 10(s) of the HOLA. Such legal authority may 
    be found, for example, under the service corporation provisions of the 
    HOLA, and the OTS service corporation and operating subsidiary 
        \1\2 12 U.S.C. 1464(c)(4)(B); 12 CFR 545.74 and 545.81.
        Accordingly, the final regulations provide that a Federal savings 
    association may ``combine'' with any depository institution (subject to 
    compliance with applicable statutes and regulations and certain other 
    provisions), and define the term ``combination'' as a ``merger or 
    consolidation with another depository institution, or an acquisition of 
    all or substantially all of the assets or assumption of all or 
    substantially all of the liabilities of a depository institution by 
    another depository institution.''
        One commenter questioned the OTS's authority to require any filing 
    from a savings association proposing to convert to a bank charter or 
    merge or transfer all of its assets to a bank. This commenter also 
    questioned the necessity of any filing with the OTS in view of the 
    requirement under the BMA that the OTS be provided with a copy of the 
    application filed with the regulatory agency of the resulting 
    depository institution. The filing requirements in the regulations as 
    adopted enable the OTS, consistent with its broad responsibilities 
    under the HOLA and other statutes, to ensure safe and sound operation 
    of savings associations, identify any pending or potential supervisory 
    concerns or enforcement actions involving the savings associations that 
    are parties to the transaction, and, at a minimum, advise the 
    appropriate regulatory agency regarding these concerns. The procedures 
    are not contrary to any of the provisions of section 5(d) of the FDIA, 
    and, in fact, represent a significant simplification of long-standing 
    OTS application and approval requirements, which have been upheld by 
    the courts. See Home Mortgage Bank v. Ryan, 986 F.2d 372 (10th Cir. 
        One commenter suggested that the OTS shorten the review period for 
    applications submitted by savings associations, where the association 
    previously had sought expedited treatment, but the OTS had advised the 
    association that it was not eligible for expedited treatment. Under the 
    final rule, such applications will be processed under standard time 
    frames regardless of prior filings. However, to the extent a previously 
    filed notice provides the OTS with useful information regarding a 
    proposed transaction, it is likely that the OTS will be able to act on 
    a subsequent, properly filed application prior to expiration of the 
    full 60-day review period.
        This same commenter inquired how the OTS would treat applications 
    filed under Sec. 563.22 that are awaiting OTS action at the effective 
    date of the amended regulation, and whether such applications would 
    need to be re-filed in accordance with the procedures adopted in the 
    final rule. The commenter also inquired about the treatment that would 
    be accorded applications that were approved but not consummated prior 
    to adoption of this rule.
        Both pending applications and proposed transactions that are now 
    solely within the scope of new Sec. 563.22(b)(1) will be subject to the 
    new procedures upon the effective date of the amendments. Other 
    applications currently awaiting OTS action will continue to be subject 
    to the standards and procedures in effect at the time the applications 
    were filed. Previously approved transactions must be consummated in 
    accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the OTS's 
    approval order.
        Some commenters expressed confusion about the proposed application 
    and notice procedures. Many of these concerns are addressed in 
    technical and clarifying changes made throughout the final rule.
    III. Summary of Revisions
        As more fully discussed below, the final regulations implement 
    section 502 of the FDICIA by authorizing Federal stock associations to 
    combine with any FDIC-insured depository institution, and by 
    authorizing Federal mutual associations to combine with any FDIC-
    insured depository institution, provided that a mutual association is 
    the resulting institution. In addition, the final regulations authorize 
    certain combinations involving Federal associations and depository 
    institutions not insured by the FDIC. The final regulations 
    specifically authorize Federal stock savings associations to convert to 
    state or national banks, and permit any stock-form depository 
    institution that is, or is eligible to become, a member of a Federal 
    Home Loan Bank, to convert to a Federal stock savings association 
    charter. Finally, the OTS is amending its regulations governing the 
    procedures regarding applications to engage in the above-described 
    actions, and has made various technical and conforming amendments.
    A. Expansion of Permissible Combinations for Federal Stock Savings 
        The final rule revises 12 CFR 552.13(c) to permit Federal stock 
    savings associations to combine with any depository institution, upon 
    compliance with appropriate application or notice requirements, 
    described in Section III.D. below. The rule also establishes standards 
    for combinations, including standards that address compliance with the 
    asset composition requirements of section 5(c) of the HOLA and the 
    qualified thrift lender requirements of section 10(m) of the HOLA, when 
    a thrift acquires a bank. In addition, the regulation modifies and adds 
    definitions for terms used throughout amended sections 552.13 and 
    563.22 to implement the new provisions of the HOLA and the FDIA.
        The final regulation differs from the proposal in certain respects. 
    The term ``acquire'' has been changed to ``combination,'' and expanded 
    to include combinations involving depository institutions not insured 
    by the FDIC. Also, the term ``combination'' has been clarified to 
    include purchase and assumption transactions that involve all or 
    substantially all of a depository institution's assets or liabilities, 
    rather than transactions of a lesser scope, such as branch sale 
    transactions. The definition of the term ``combination'' reflects the 
    OTS's position that the definition of the term ``acquire'' at section 
    10(s)(3) does not preclude a Federal savings association from holding 
    another insured depository institution as a subsidiary, pursuant to a 
    separate source of authority to do so.
        Section 10(s)(1) of the HOLA states that Federal savings 
    associations may acquire or be acquired by any insured depository 
    institution, subject to sections 5(d)(3) and 18(c) of the FDIA, and all 
    other applicable laws. The OTS has concluded that the reference to 
    section 5(d)(3) of the FDIA does not mean that section 5(d)(3) must be 
    applicable in order for a combination transaction to be permissible. 
    The grant of authority in section 10(s)(1) of the HOLA to Federal 
    savings associations to acquire or be acquired by another insured 
    depository institution simply requires that any Federal savings 
    association that proposes such a transaction comply with all applicable 
    laws. Section 10(s)(1) was not intended to withhold from Federal 
    associations the authority to engage in transactions exempted from the 
    FIRREA moratorium on conversion transactions under other provisions of 
    the FDIA,\3\ or in transactions that are not subject to the moratorium 
    in the first place (for example, because the transaction involves two 
    SAIF-insured savings associations, or occurs after expiration of the 
    moratorium). The OTS has clarified the final regulation accordingly.
        \13\See, e.g., Section 5(d)(2)(C) (ii) and (iii) of the FDIA, 12 
    U.S.C. 1815(d)(2)(C) (ii) and (iii).
        The final regulation expands the categories of depository 
    institutions with which Federal stock associations have the power to 
    merge from only FDIC-insured depository institutions to any depository 
    institution. Federal stock associations have been authorized to acquire 
    or be acquired by non-FDIC insured depository institutions in purchase 
    and assumption transactions since 1985.\14\ The OTS has concluded that 
    continuing to require such transactions to be accomplished through 
    purchase and assumption transactions, rather than through merger 
    transactions elevates form over substance, and may impose unnecessary 
    expenses and complications on Federal stock associations that propose 
    to engage in transactions with uninsured depository institutions.
        \14\See 50 FR 16071 (April 24, 1985).
        Where a Federal stock association proposes to merge with an 
    uninsured depository institution, and the Federal stock association 
    would survive the transaction, the Federal stock association would be 
    required to seek approval from the FDIC under section 18(c)(1) of the 
    FDIA, as well as from the OTS under the transfer of assets regulations 
    at 12 CFR 563.22(c). If the Federal stock association is not the 
    resulting institution, the association must obtain OTS approval under 
    12 CFR 563.22(c), and provide any required notices to depositors, and 
    to the FDIC.
    B. Combinations Involving Federal Mutual Associations
        The OTS has retained the prohibition against Federal mutual 
    associations combining with stock form institutions where the resulting 
    institution is not a mutual savings association, except where the 
    mutual savings association converts to the stock form of organization 
    pursuant to 12 CFR Part 563b, and subject to other, limited, 
        \15\The OTS's recent amendments to the conversion regulations 
    generally prohibit merger conversion transactions except in certain 
    supervisory situations. See 59 FR 22725, 22729-22730 (May 3, 1994).
        The OTS notes, however, that the concerns regarding the protection 
    of mutual accountholders' interests in the acquisitions of Federal 
    mutual associations do not arise when the Federal mutual association is 
    the acquiring/surviving entity. Accordingly, the OTS is amending 12 CFR 
    546.2, governing mergers involving Federal mutual associations, to 
    permit Federal mutual associations to merge with FDIC-insured 
    depository institutions, as well as non-FDIC insured depository 
    institutions, where a mutual savings association is the resulting 
    entity. This treatment parallels the treatment of Federal stock 
    associations. These combinations also would be subject to the same 
    statutory and regulatory approval standards as apply to stock form 
    associations engaging in a comparable transaction, described above.
        Section 546.2 has not previously addressed the ability of Federal 
    mutual associations to combine with other institutions in purchase and 
    assumption transactions. The OTS has amended Sec. 546.2 to provide 
    specific authority for Federal mutual associations to combine with 
    other entities in purchase and assumption transactions, subject to the 
    same limitations that apply in the case of merger transactions 
    involving Federal mutual associations.
        The OTS has made technical and conforming amendments to 12 CFR part 
    546 in order to implement these revisions to Sec. 546.2.
    C. Charter Conversions by and to Federal Savings Associations
        The OTS is adding 12 CFR 552.2-7 to the Federal stock savings 
    association regulations, which specifically permits Federal stock 
    savings associations to convert to state or national banks in so-called 
    ``Sasser'' conversions.\16\ New Sec. 552.2-7 provides that converting 
    savings associations must comply with the procedures set forth in new 
    Sec. 563.22(h)(1) or (h)(2)(ii) of the amended merger regulation, which 
    requires prior notification to or approval of the OTS in the manner 
    described in Section III.D. below.
        \1\6The OTS regulations for Federal mutual savings associations 
    have not been amended to authorize specifically the conversion of 
    Federal mutual savings associations to state mutual savings banks, 
    because such conversions are specifically authorized under section 
    5(i)(3) of the HOLA. Federal mutual savings associations proposing 
    to convert to state mutual savings banks are required to notify the 
    OTS or obtain OTS approval as described in section III.D., below.
        The OTS is amending 12 CFR 552.2-6 to permit, with prior OTS 
    approval, any stock-form depository institution that is, or is eligible 
    to become, a member of a Federal Home Loan Bank, to convert to a 
    Federal stock savings association charter. The depository institution, 
    at the time of the conversion, must have deposits insured by the FDIC. 
    In addition, the depository institution, in accomplishing the 
    conversion, must comply with all applicable statutes and regulations, 
    including, without limitation, the insurance fund conversion moratorium 
    provisions set forth at section 5(d) of the FDIA.
        The OTS has broad legal authority with respect to Federal savings 
    associations under section 5(a) of the HOLA, which authorizes the 
    Director of the OTS, under such regulations as the Director may 
    prescribe, to, inter alia, provide for the organization, incorporation, 
    examination, operation, and regulation of Federal savings associations. 
    Section 5(a) of the HOLA provides the OTS with plenary authority over 
    Federal savings associations, and, as the Supreme Court has noted, it 
    would be difficult for Congress to give a broader mandate.17
        \1\7See Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan Association v. de la 
    Cuesta, 458 U.S. 141, 161 (1982) (scope of authority of the Federal 
    Home Loan Bank Board, the predecessor agency to the OTS).
        The OTS notes that section 5(i)(1) of the HOLA provides specific 
    authorization for ``[a]ny savings association which is, or is eligible 
    to become, a member of a Federal home loan bank'' to ``convert into a 
    Federal savings association,'' subject to such regulations as the 
    Director may prescribe. Immediately prior to the enactment of FIRREA, 
    section 5(i)(1) of the HOLA permitted any ``institution'' which is, or 
    is eligible to become, a member of a Federal home loan bank to convert 
    to a Federal savings and loan association or Federal savings bank, 
    subject to the regulations of the FHLBB.
        FIRREA revised the language of section 5(i)(1) of the HOLA from any 
    ``institution'' which is, or is eligible to become, a member of a 
    Federal home loan bank, to any ``savings association'' that met such 
    criteria. However, the OTS's review of the legislative history of 
    FIRREA has revealed no intent on the part of Congress in the FIRREA to 
    limit the types of depository institutions that may convert to a 
    Federal savings association charter. Instead, it appears that the 
    change in the ``institution'' terminology in section 5(i)(1) of the 
    HOLA was inadvertent, and occurred when the term ``insured 
    institution,'' occurring throughout the HOLA, was changed in FIRREA to 
    ``savings association.'' Accordingly, the use of the OTS's authority 
    under section 5(a) of the HOLA to broaden the class of depository 
    institutions that are eligible for a Federal charter is not 
    inconsistent with the FIRREA amendments to section 5(i)(1) of the HOLA.
        New section 552.2-6 enables commercial banks and other depository 
    institutions to accomplish directly what they have previously been able 
    to accomplish indirectly. For example, in many cases, a state bank or 
    other depository institution may, under state law, convert to a state-
    chartered savings bank, or a state-chartered savings association, which 
    may, consistent with state law and section 5(i) of the HOLA (or, in 
    some cases, section 5(o) of the HOLA), convert to a Federal savings 
    association or a Federal savings bank. Similarly, a commercial bank or 
    other depository institution may cause the chartering of a Federal 
    association, and then transfer its assets and liabilities to the 
    savings association.
        The OTS believes that federal statutes should be interpreted and 
    applied in a manner consistent with their purpose. In so doing, the 
    substance, not merely the form of a transaction, is key. It is clear 
    that no federal statutory barrier exists to the ultimate accomplishment 
    of conversions of depository institutions to Federal thrift charters, 
    provided that all applicable chartering and insurance requirements are 
    met. Thus, absent compelling reasons to the contrary, to read the HOLA 
    as implicitly requiring a multi-step process to accomplish these types 
    of charter conversions would impose unnecessary expenses and 
    complications upon depository institutions that wish to operate as 
    Federal savings associations.
        The classes of depository institutions that are permitted to 
    convert to a Federal stock association charter under Sec. 552.2-6 is 
    broader than set forth in the proposed version of the regulation, which 
    addressed only conversions by FDIC-insured depository institutions. The 
    OTS believes that there are no compelling legal or policy reasons why 
    stock-form depository institutions not insured by the FDIC should not 
    be permitted to convert directly to a Federal savings association.\18\ 
    However, these institutions must meet the requirements for Federal Home 
    Loan Bank membership, receive FDIC insurance of accounts prior to 
    consummation of the conversion, and otherwise comply with all 
    applicable statutes and regulations.
        \18\The OTS is not, at this time, adopting a corresponding 
    regulation that would authorize mutual-form depository institutions 
    to convert to Federal mutual savings associations. The OTS may, in 
    the future, consider promulgating a regulation authorizing such 
    conversions. The OTS notes, however, that mutual-form state 
    chartered savings banks that are insured by the Bank Insurance Fund 
    are authorized to convert to Federal mutual savings banks, pursuant 
    to section 5(o) of the HOLA.
        Applications filed under revised Sec. 552.2-6 must comply with 
    Sec. 552.2-1 and other sections in part 552 regarding establishment of 
    a Federal thrift charter.
    D. Application Processing
        As noted, the FDIA requires prior OTS approval of combinations 
    between savings associations and other types of FDIC-insured depository 
    institutions where the acquiring, assuming, or resulting institution is 
    a savings association. In such transactions, the OTS will continue to 
    require an application under amended Sec. 563.22(a).
        Under previous regulations, any savings association that proposed 
    to convert to a bank in a Sasser transaction or be acquired by a bank 
    in an Oakar transaction was required to file a transfer of assets 
    application with the OTS.\19\ The OTS continues to believe that an 
    application process requiring prior written approval is necessary in 
    certain situations, discussed below. However, with respect to Oakar 
    transactions and other combinations between a thrift and a bank in 
    which no savings association survives, the OTS's experience has 
    indicated that a notification requirement would be sufficient. The OTS 
    will advise the appropriate Federal banking agency of any supervisory 
    concerns, enforcement actions and other relevant information regarding 
    the institution.
        \19\12 CFR 563.22(b) (1993).
        Any savings association that proposes to convert to a bank charter 
    in a Sasser conversion must file a notification or application with the 
    OTS, depending on whether the savings association meets the 
    requirements for expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a). Specifically, 
    savings associations that qualify for expedited treatment under 
    Sec. 516.3(a)(1) will be eligible to use the notification procedure set 
    forth at Sec. 563.22(h)(1) in order to engage in a Sasser conversion. 
    Savings associations that do not qualify for such treatment will be 
    required to file an application in order to engage in a Sasser 
    conversion. Such applications will be subject to the general 
    application processing timeframes.\20\ The OTS notes that this 
    procedure represents a significant reduction in burden from the prior 
    procedures, under which every savings association that proposed to 
    undertake a Sasser conversion was required to file a detailed 
        \20\The proposal included a notification requirement for all 
    savings associations undertaking a Sasser transaction. Based on 
    additional experience, the OTS is requiring an application from 
    savings associations that fail to qualify for expedited processing 
    and propose to undertake a Sasser transaction, because such 
    associations may, in certain cases, present compliance or safety and 
    soundness concerns that may warrant denial or conditioning of the 
        In evaluating applications proposing Sasser conversions, the OTS 
    will assess the applicable factors set forth in Sec. 563.22(d)(1), and 
    whether the conversion may have a negative effect on the safety and 
    soundness of the association or present a risk to the appropriate 
    deposit insurance fund.
        Sections 563.22(b) and (c) have been amended and a new 
    Sec. 563.22(h) has been added to the regulations setting forth special 
    requirements and procedures for transactions subject to Secs. 563.22 
    (b) and (c).
        Specifically, amended Sec. 563.22(b)(1) of the final rule requires 
    prior notification to the OTS in accordance with new Sec. 563.22(h)(1) 
    of Sasser conversions of savings associations that meet the criteria 
    for expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a), and combinations between 
    savings associations and FDIC-insured depository institutions (such as 
    Oakar transactions) where no savings association will survive 
    consummation of the transaction. The notification must be submitted at 
    least 30 days prior to the effective date of the conversion or 
    combination, but not later than the date on which an application 
    relating to the proposed transaction is filed with the primary 
    regulator of the resulting association. The rule also provides that, 
    upon request or on its own initiative, the OTS may shorten the 30-day 
    prior notification period.
        New Sec. 563.22(h)(1) requires the submission of either a letter 
    describing material information regarding the transaction or a copy of 
    a filing submitted to the regulatory agency of the resulting 
    institution that must approve the transaction. The rule does not 
    require OTS approval or clearance of such transactions prior to their 
        Given the amendments to Sec. 563.22(b), the OTS has determined that 
    it is appropriate to revise its application requirements for voluntary 
    dissolutions of Federal associations set forth at 12 CFR 546.4. Amended 
    Sec. 546.4 provides that Federal associations that combine with a bank 
    in a purchase and assumption transaction will not be required to file a 
    voluntary dissolution application where the transaction involves the 
    transfer of all of the Federal association's assets and liabilities. 
    The OTS has determined that requiring a voluntary dissolution 
    application would have eliminated any streamlining arising from the 
    notification process in those circumstances. The Federal stock 
    association will still be required under Sec. 552.13 to surrender its 
    charter upon completion of the transaction.
        Amended Sec. 563.22(c) requires prior notice or application to the 
    OTS in accordance with new Sec. 563.22(h)(2) for the following 
    categories of transactions:
        (1) Purchases of assets by a savings association that do not 
    require OTS approval under the BMA and Sec. 563.22(a);
        (2) Bulk sales of less than all or substantially all of the assets 
    of a savings association;
        (3) Transactions in which a savings association transfers less than 
    all or substantially all of its deposit liabilities to a bank or other 
    depository institution;
        (4) Bulk assumptions or transfers of non-deposit liabilities by a 
    savings association; and
        (5) Combinations involving savings associations and depository 
    institutions other than insured depository institutions.
        The OTS believes that an abbreviated procedure is appropriate for 
    these types of transactions, provided that the savings association is 
    well capitalized, and otherwise qualifies for ``expedited treatment'' 
    under part 516. Accordingly, under new Sec. 563.22(h)(2)(i), an 
    expedited notice procedure is available for all five of the foregoing 
    categories of transactions where all constituent savings associations 
    meet the conditions for ``expedited treatment'' under 12 CFR 516.3(a). 
    Notices under this provision of the rule would be deemed approved 
    automatically 30 days after receipt, unless the OTS determines that an 
    application is required.\21\
        \21\As is the case with respect to any notice receiving 
    expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a), the OTS may impose 
    appropriate conditions in connection with acceptance of a notice 
    under new Sec. 563.22(h)(2)(i).
        Under new Secs. 563.22(h)(2)(ii) and 563.22(h)(2)(iii), a standard 
    application procedure must be followed where any constituent savings 
    association does not meet the criteria for ``expedited treatment'' 
    under Sec. 516.3(a), or where a notice filed under Sec. 563.22(h)(2)(i) 
    is incomplete or otherwise does not satisfy the notice requirements. 
    These applications will be subject to the ``standard'' review periods 
    set forth in part 516, with certain exceptions. As with other 
    applications, the OTS is required to notify an applicant within 30 
    calendar days after proper submission of an application whether it is 
    ``sufficient'' or ``complete,'' and what additional information is 
    required, if any, in order to render the submission sufficient, or that 
    the submission is materially deficient and will not be processed.\22\ 
    In addition, the 60-day period for review for an application under 
    these provisions commences on the date the OTS determines the 
    application to be sufficient.\23\
        \22\12 CFR 516.2(c).
        \23\12 CFR 516.2(d).
        Under part 516, the OTS may extend the application review period 
    for an additional 30-day period upon notice to the applicant.24 
    Part 516 also permits the OTS to extend the review period in cases 
    involving a significant issue of law or policy or where a protest has 
    been filed under the CRA.25 However, consistent with new section 
    10(s)(2) of the HOLA, new Sec. 563.22(d)(4) and (h)(2)(iii) of the rule 
    specifically provide that the 60-day review period for an Oakar 
    application may be extended for up to 30 days only if the OTS 
    determines that the applicant has failed to furnish information 
    requested by the OTS, or if the information furnished is substantially 
        \2\412 CFR 516.2(e).
        \2\512 CFR 516.2(f).
    E. Technical Amendments
        The final rule amends the definitional provisions of Secs. 552.13 
    and 563.22 of the regulations to reflect the expanded authority 
    conferred by new section 10(s) of the HOLA. In addition, as noted 
    above, the final rule makes additional technical and conforming changes 
    throughout these sections to simplify and clarify the application and 
    notice procedures applicable to all mergers and other combinations 
    involving savings associations.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        Pursuant to Section 605(b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, it is 
    certified that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on 
    a substantial number of small entities. Accordingly, a final Regulatory 
    Flexibility Analysis is not required.
    Executive Order 12866
        The OTS has determined that this rule does not constitute a 
    ``significant regulatory action'' for purposes of Executive Order 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The collection of information contained in Sec. 563.22(a) has been 
    submitted to and approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
    under OMB Control No. 1550-0016 in accordance with the requirements of 
    the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3504(h)).
    Estimated burden for OMB Control No. 1550-0016:
    Estimated number of respondents: 90
    Estimated number of annual responses per respondent: 1
    Estimated number of hours per response: 36
    Estimated total annual reporting burden: 3240
        The collections of information contained in Sec. 563.22 (b) and (c) 
    have changed since being submitted to and approved by OMB, in 
    connection with the proposal, under OMB Control No. 1550-0025 in 
    accordance with the requirements of the PRA. Accordingly, the 
    collections of information at Sec. 563.22 (b) and (c) have been 
    resubmitted and approved by OMB under 44 U.S.C. 3507.
    Estimated burden for OMB Control No. 1550-0025:
    Estimated number of respondents: 135
    Estimated number of annual responses per respondent: 1
    Estimated number of hours per response: 4.04
    Estimated total annual reporting burden: 545
        The collections of information are needed by OTS to determine 
    whether proposed transactions regarding mergers and transfer of asset 
    and liability transactions involving banks and thrifts comply with 
    applicable state and Federal laws and OTS regulations and policies, and 
    whether these transactions will have an adverse affect on the risk 
    exposure of the Savings Association Insurance Fund.
        Comments concerning the accuracy of these estimates and suggestions 
    for reducing this burden should be directed to Office Management and 
    Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1550), Washington, DC 20503.
    List of Subjects
    12 CFR Part 506
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    12 CFR Part 546
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 552
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, 
    12 CFR Part 563
        Accounting, Crime, Currency, Investments, Mortgages, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, Securities, Surety 
    12 CFR Part 571
        Accounting, Conflicts of interest, Investments, Reporting and 
    recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations.
    12 CFR Part 574
        Administrative practice and procedure, Holding companies, Reporting 
    and recordkeeping requirements, Savings associations, Securities.
    12 CFR Part 575
        Capital, Holding companies, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Savings associations, Securities.
        Accordingly, the Director of the OTS hereby amends parts 506, 546, 
    552, 563, 571, 574, and 575, chapter V, title 12, Code of Federal 
    Regulations, as set forth below:
    Subchapter A--Organization and Procedures
        1. The authority citation for part 506 continues to read as 
        Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
        2. Section 506.1 is amended by removing three entries from the 
    table in paragraph (b) to read as follows:
    Sec. 506.1  OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork 
    Reduction Act.
    * * * * *
        (b) Display. 
                                                                 Current OMB
       12 CFR part or section where identified and described     control No.
    516.1(b)...................................................    1550-0056
    563.100....................................................    1550-0078
    563.101....................................................    1550-0078
    Subchapter C--Regulations for Federal Savings Associations
        3. The authority citation for part 546 is revised to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 2901 et 
        4. Section 546.1 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 546.1  Definitions.
        The terms used in Secs. 546.2 and 546.3 shall have the same meaning 
    as set forth in Secs. 552.13(b) and 563.22(g) of this chapter.
        5. Section 546.2 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 546.2  Procedure; effective date.
        (a) A Federal mutual savings association may combine with any 
    depository institution, provided that:
        (1) The combination is in compliance with, and receives all 
    approvals required under, any applicable statutes and regulations;
        (2) Any resulting Federal savings association meets the 
    requirements for Federal Home Loan Bank membership and insurance of 
        (3) In the case of a combination with a bank that is a member of 
    the Bank Insurance Fund, any resulting Federal savings association 
    conforms to the requirements of sections 5(c) and 10(m) of the Home 
    Owners' Loan Act under the standards set forth in section 5(c)(5) of 
    the Home Owners' Loan Act, and in the case of a combination with any 
    other depository institution, any resulting Federal savings association 
    conforms within the time prescribed by the OTS, to the requirements of 
    section 5(c) of the Home Owners' Loan Act; and
        (4) The resulting institution shall be a mutually held savings 
    association, unless:
        (i) The transaction involves a supervisory merger;
        (ii) The transaction is approved under part 563b of this chapter; 
        (iii) The transaction involves a transfer in the context of a 
    mutual holding company reorganization under section 10(o) of the Home 
    Owners' Loan Act.
        (b) Each Federal mutual savings association, by a two-thirds vote 
    of its board of directors, shall approve a plan of combination 
    evidenced by a combination agreement. The agreement shall state:
        (1) That the combination shall not be effective unless and until 
    the combination receives any necessary approval from the Office 
    pursuant to Sec. 563.22 (a) or (c), or in the case of a transaction 
    requiring a notice pursuant to Sec. 563.22(c), the notice has been 
    filed, and the appropriate period of time has passed or the OTS has 
    advised the parties that it will not disapprove the transaction;
        (2) Which constituent institution is to be the resulting 
        (3) The name of the resulting institution;
        (4) The location of the home office and any other offices of the 
    resulting institution;
        (5) The terms and conditions of the combination and the method of 
        (6) Any charter amendments, or the new charter in the combination;
        (7) The basis upon which the resulting institution's savings 
    accounts will be issued;
        (8) If the Federal mutual savings association is the resulting 
    institution, the number, names, residence addresses, and terms of 
        (9) The effect upon and assumption of any liquidation account of a 
    disappearing institution by the resulting institution; and
        (10) Such other provisions, agreements, or understandings as relate 
    to the combination.
        (c) Prior written notification to, notice to, or prior written 
    approval of, the Office pursuant to Sec. 563.22 of this chapter is 
    required for every combination. In the case of applications and notices 
    pursuant to 563.22 (a) or (c), the Office shall apply the criteria set 
    out in Sec. 563.22 of this chapter and shall impose any conditions it 
    deems necessary or appropriate to ensure compliance with those criteria 
    and the requirements of this chapter.
        (d) Where the resulting institution is a Federal mutual savings 
    association, the Office may approve a temporary increase in the number 
    of directors of the resulting institution provided that the association 
    submits a plan for bringing the board of directors into compliance with 
    the requirements of Sec. 544.1 of this chapter within a reasonable 
    period of time.
        (e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, the Office 
    may require that a plan of combination be submitted to the voting 
    members of any of the mutual savings associations that are constituent 
    institutions at a duly called meeting(s), and that the plan, to be 
    effective, be approved by such voting members.
        (f) A conservator or receiver for a Federal mutual savings 
    association may combine the association with another insured depository 
    institution without submitting the plan to the association's board of 
    directors or members for their approval.
        (g) If a plan of combination provides for a resulting Federal 
    mutual savings association's name or location to be changed, its 
    charter shall be amended accordingly. If the resulting institution is a 
    Federal mutual savings association, the effective date of the 
    combination shall be the date specified in the approval; if the 
    resulting institution is not a Federal savings association, the 
    effective date shall be that prescribed under applicable law. Approval 
    of a merger automatically cancels the Federal charter of a Federal 
    association that is a disappearing institution as of the effective date 
    of merger, and the association shall, on that date, surrender its 
    charter to the Office.
        6. Section 546.3 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 546.3  Transfer of assets upon merger or consolidation.
        On the effective date of a merger or consolidation in which the 
    resulting institution is a Federal association, all assets and property 
    of the disappearing institutions shall immediately, without any further 
    act, become the property of the resulting institution to the same 
    extent as they were the property of the disappearing institutions, and 
    the resulting institution shall be a continuation of the entity which 
    absorbed the disappearing institutions. All rights and obligations of 
    the disappearing institutions shall remain unimpaired, and the 
    resulting institution shall, on the effective date of the merger or 
    consolidation, succeed to all those rights and obligations, subject to 
    the Home Owners' Loan Act and other applicable statutes.
        7. Section 546.4 is amended by adding a sentence to the end of the 
    concluding text of the section to read as follows:
    Sec. 546.4  Voluntary dissolution.
    * * * * *
        * * * A Federal savings association is not required to obtain 
    approval under this section where the Federal savings association 
    transfers all of its assets and liabilities to a bank in a transaction 
    that is subject to Sec. 563.22(b) of this chapter.
        8. The authority citation for part 552 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a.
        9. Section 552.2-6 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 552.2-6  Conversion from stock form depository institution to 
    Federal stock association.
        With the approval of the Office, any stock depository institution 
    that is, or is eligible to become, a member of a Federal Home Loan 
    Bank, may convert to a Federal stock association, provided that the 
    depository institution, at the time of the conversion, has deposits 
    insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and provided 
    further, that the depository institution, in accomplishing the 
    conversion, complies with all applicable statutes and regulations, 
    including, without limitation, section 5(d) of the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Act. The resulting Federal stock association must conform 
    within the time prescribed by the OTS to the requirements of section 
    5(c) of the Home Owners' Loan Act. For purposes of this section, the 
    term ``depository institution'' shall have the meaning set forth at 12 
    CFR 552.13(b).
        10. Section 552.2-7 is added to read as follows:
    Sec. 552.2-7  Conversion to National banking association or State bank.
        A Federal stock association may convert to a National banking 
    association or a State bank after filing a notification or application, 
    as appropriate, with the Office in accordance with the applicable 
    provisions of Sec. 563.22(b) of this chapter.
        11. Section 552.13 is amended by revising paragraphs (a) through 
    (f), (h)(1), (h)(2) introductory text, (h)(2)(iii), (h)(2)(iv), and (j) 
    through (l); and by removing and reserving paragraph (g), to read as 
    Sec. 552.13  Combinations involving Federal stock associations.
        (a) Scope and authority. Federal stock associations may enter into 
    combinations only in accordance with the provisions of this section, 
    sections 5(d) and 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, sections 
    5(d)(3)(A) and 10(s) of the Home Owners' Loan Act, and Sec. 563.22 of 
    this chapter.
        (b) Definitions. The following definitions apply to Secs. 552.13 
    and 552.14 of this part:
        (1) Combination. A merger or consolidation with another depository 
    institution, or an acquisition of all or substantially all of the 
    assets or assumption of all or substantially all of the liabilities of 
    a depository institution by another depository institution. Combine 
    means to be a constituent institution in a combination.
        (2) Consolidation. Fusion of two or more depository institutions 
    into a newly-created depository institution.
        (3) Constituent institution. Resulting, disappearing, acquiring, or 
    transferring depository institution in a combination.
        (4) Depository institution means any commercial bank (including a 
    private bank), a savings bank, a trust company, a savings and loan 
    association, a building and loan association, a homestead association, 
    a cooperative bank, an industrial bank or a credit union, chartered in 
    the United States and having its principal office located in the United 
        (5) Disappearing institution. A depository institution whose 
    corporate existence does not continue after a combination.
        (6) Merger. Uniting two or more depository institutions by the 
    transfer of all property rights and franchises to the resulting 
    depository institution, which retains its corporate identity.
        (7) Mutual savings association. Any savings association organized 
    in a form not requiring non-withdrawable stock under Federal or State 
        (8) Resulting institution. The depository institution whose 
    corporate existence continues after a combination.
        (9) Savings association has the same meaning as defined in 
    Sec. 561.43 of this chapter.
        (10) State. Includes the District of Columbia, Commonwealth of 
    Puerto Rico, and States, territories, and possessions of the United 
        (11) Stock association. Any savings association organized in a form 
    requiring non-withdrawable stock.
        (c) Forms of combination. A Federal stock association may combine 
    with any depository institution, provided that:
        (1) The combination is in compliance with, and receives all 
    approvals required under, any applicable statutes and regulations;
        (2) Any resulting Federal savings association meets the 
    requirements for Federal Home Loan Bank membership and insurance of 
        (3) In the case of a combination with a bank that is a member of 
    the Bank Insurance Fund, any resulting Federal savings association 
    conforms to the requirements of sections 5(c) and 10(m) of the Home 
    Owners' Loan Act under the standards set forth in section 5(c)(5) of 
    the Home Owners' Loan Act, and in the case of a combination with any 
    other depository institution, any resulting Federal savings association 
    conforms within the time prescribed by the OTS to the requirements of 
    section 5(c) of the Home Owners' Loan Act; and
        (4) If any constituent savings association is a mutual savings 
    association, the resulting institution shall be mutually held, unless:
        (i) The transaction involves a supervisory merger;
        (ii) The transaction is approved under part 563b of this chapter;
        (iii) The transaction involves an interim Federal stock association 
    or an interim State stock savings association; or
        (iv) The transaction involves a transfer in the context of a mutual 
    holding company reorganization under section 10(o) of the Home Owners' 
    Loan Act.
        (d) Combinations. Prior written notification to, notice to, or 
    prior written approval of, the Office pursuant to Sec. 563.22 of this 
    chapter is required for every combination. In the case of applications 
    and notices pursuant to Sec. 563.22 (a) or (c), the Office shall apply 
    the criteria set out in Sec. 563.22 of this chapter and shall impose 
    any conditions it deems necessary or appropriate to ensure compliance 
    with those criteria and the requirements of this chapter.
        (e) Approval of the board of directors. Before filing a notice or 
    application for any combination involving a Federal stock association, 
    the combination shall be approved:
        (1) By a two-thirds vote of the entire board of each constituent 
    Federal savings association; and
        (2) As required by other applicable Federal or state law, for other 
    constituent institutions.
        (f) Combination agreement. All terms, conditions, agreements or 
    understandings, or other provisions with respect to a combination 
    involving a Federal savings association shall be set forth fully in a 
    written combination agreement. The combination agreement shall state:
        (1) That the combination shall not be effective unless and until:
        (i) The combination receives any necessary approval from the Office 
    pursuant to Sec. 563.22 (a) or (c);
        (ii) In the case of a transaction requiring a notification pursuant 
    to Sec. 563.22(b), notification has been provided to the OTS; or
        (iii) In the case of a transaction requiring a notice pursuant to 
    Sec. 563.22(c), the notice has been filed, and the appropriate period 
    of time has passed or the OTS has advised the parties that it will not 
    disapprove the transaction;
        (2) Which constituent institution is to be the resulting 
        (3) The name of the resulting institution;
        (4) The location of the home office and any other offices of the 
    resulting institution;
        (5) The terms and conditions of the combination and the method of 
        (6) Any charter amendments, or the new charter in the combination;
        (7) The basis upon which the savings accounts of the resulting 
    institution shall be issued;
        (8) If a Federal association is the resulting institution, the 
    number, names, residence addresses, and terms of directors;
        (9) The effect upon and assumption of any liquidation account of a 
    disappearing institution by the resulting institution; and
        (10) Such other provisions, agreements, or understandings as relate 
    to the combination.
        (g) [Reserved]
        (h) Approval by stockholders--(1) General rule. Except as otherwise 
    provided in this section, an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the 
    outstanding voting stock of any constituent Federal savings association 
    shall be required for approval of the combination agreement. If any 
    class of shares is entitled to vote as a class pursuant to Sec. 552.4 
    of this part, an affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of each 
    voting class and two-thirds of the total voting shares shall be 
    required. The required vote shall be taken at a meeting of the savings 
        (2) General exception. Stockholders of the resulting Federal stock 
    association need not authorize a combination agreement if:
    * * * * *
        (iii) Each share of stock outstanding immediately prior to the 
    effective date of the combination is to be an identical outstanding 
    share or a treasury share of the resulting Federal stock association 
    after such effective date; and
        (iv) Either:
        (A) No shares of voting stock of the resulting Federal stock 
    association and no securities convertible into such stock are to be 
    issued or delivered under the plan of combination, or
        (B) The authorized unissued shares or the treasury shares of voting 
    stock of the resulting Federal stock association to be issued or 
    delivered under the plan of combination, plus those initially issuable 
    upon conversion of any securities to be issued or delivered under such 
    plan, do not exceed 15% of the total shares of voting stock of such 
    association outstanding immediately prior to the effective date of the 
    * * * * *
        (j) Articles of combination. (1) Following stockholder approval of 
    any combination in which a Federal savings association is the resulting 
    institution, articles of combination shall be executed in duplicate by 
    each constituent institution, by its chief executive officer or 
    executive vice president and by its secretary or an assistant 
    secretary, and verified by one of the officers of each institution 
    signing such articles, and shall set forth:
        (i) The plan of combination;
        (ii) The number of shares outstanding in each depository 
    institution; and
        (iii) The number of shares in each depository institution voted for 
    and against such plan.
        (2) Both sets of articles of combination shall be filed with the 
    Office. If the Office determines that such articles conform to the 
    requirements of this section, the Office shall endorse the articles and 
    return one set to the resulting institution.
        (k) Effective date. No combination under this section shall be 
    effective until receipt of any approvals required by the Office. The 
    effective date of a combination in which the resulting institution is a 
    Federal stock association shall be the date of consummation of the 
    transaction or such other later date specified on the endorsement of 
    the articles of combination by the Office. If a disappearing 
    institution combining under this section is a Federal stock 
    association, its charter shall be deemed to be cancelled as of the 
    effective date of the combination and such charter must be surrendered 
    to the Office as soon as practicable after the effective date.
        (l) Mergers and consolidations: transfer of assets and liabilities 
    to the resulting institution. Upon the effective date of a merger or 
    consolidation under this section, if the resulting institution is a 
    Federal savings association, all assets and property (real, personal 
    and mixed, tangible and intangible, choses in action, rights, and 
    credits) then owned by each constituent institution or which would 
    inure to any of them, shall, immediately by operation of law and 
    without any conveyance, transfer, or further action, become the 
    property of the resulting Federal savings association. The resulting 
    Federal savings association shall be deemed to be a continuation of the 
    entity of each constituent institution, the rights and obligations of 
    which shall succeed to such rights and obligations and the duties and 
    liabilities connected therewith, subject to the Home Owners' Loan Act 
    and other applicable statutes.
    Subchapter D--Regulations Applicable to All Savings Associations
        12. The authority citation for part 563 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1468, 1817, 
    1828, 3806; Pub. L. 102-242, sec. 306, 105 Stat. 2236, 2355 (1991).
        13. Section 563.22 is amended by:
        a. revising paragraphs (a) and (b);
        b. redesignating paragraphs (c) through (e) as paragraphs (d) 
    through (f), respectively;
        c. adding a new paragraph (c);
        d. revising newly designated paragraph (d);
        e. removing the introductory text of newly designated paragraph (e) 
    and paragraph (e)(1);
        f. redesignating newly designated paragraph (e)(2) as paragraph 
    (e)(1) and revising it;
        g. and h. redesignating newly designated paragraphs (e)(3) and 
    (e)(4) as paragraphs (e)(2) and (e)(3), respectively, and revising new 
    paragraph (e)(2);
        i. adding new paragraphs (e)(4) and (e)(5);
        j. redesignating the introductory text of newly designated 
    paragraph (f)(1) as the introductory text to paragraph (f) and revising 
        k. redesignating newly designated paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through 
    (f)(1)(xi) as paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(11), (f)(1)(xiv) and 
    (f)(1)(xv) as (f)(12) and (f)(13), (f)(1)(xvii) and (f)(1)(xviii) as 
    (f)(14) and (f)(15), respectively, removing paragraphs (f)(1)(xii), 
    (f)(1)(xiii) and (f)(1)(xvi), and revising newly designated paragraphs 
    (f)(1), (f)(9) and (f)(14);
        l. revising paragraph (g); and
        m. adding a new paragraph (h).
    Sec. 563.22  Merger, consolidation, purchase or sale of assets, or 
    assumption of liabilities.
        (a) No savings association may, without application to and approval 
    by the Office:
        (1) Combine with any insured depository institution, if the 
    acquiring or resulting institution is to be a savings association; or
        (2) Assume liability to pay any deposit made in, any insured 
    depository institution.
        (b)(1) No savings association may, without notifying the Office, as 
    provided in paragraph (h)(1) of this section:
        (i) Combine with another insured depository institution where a 
    savings association is not the resulting institution; or
        (ii) In the case of a savings association that meets the conditions 
    for expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a) of this chapter, convert, 
    directly or indirectly, to a national or state bank.
        (2) No savings association that does not meet the conditions for 
    expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a) of this chapter may, directly 
    or indirectly, convert to a national or state bank without prior 
    application to and approval of the Office, as provided in paragraph 
    (h)(2)(ii) of this section.
        (c) No savings association may make any transfer (excluding 
    transfers subject to paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section) without 
    notice or application to the Office, as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of 
    this section. For purposes of this paragraph, the term ``transfer'' 
    means purchases or sales of assets or liabilities in bulk not made in 
    the ordinary course of business including, but not limited to, 
    transfers of assets or savings account liabilities, purchases of 
    assets, and assumptions of deposit accounts or other liabilities, and 
    combinations with a depository institution other than an insured 
    depository institution.
        (d)(1) In determining whether to confer approval for a transaction 
    under paragraphs (a), (b)(2), or (c) of this section, the Office shall 
    take into account the following:
        (i) The capital level of any resulting savings association;
        (ii) The financial and managerial resources of the constituent 
        (iii) The future prospects of the constituent institutions;
        (iv) The convenience and needs of the communities to be served;
        (v) The conformity of the transaction to applicable law, 
    regulation, and supervisory policies;
        (vi) Factors relating to the fairness of and disclosure concerning 
    the transaction, including, but not limited to:
        (A) Equitable treatment. The transaction should be equitable to all 
    concerned--savings account holders, borrowers, creditors and 
    stockholders (if any) of each savings association--giving proper 
    recognition of and protection to their respective legal rights and 
    interests. The transaction will be closely reviewed for fairness where 
    the transaction does not appear to be the result of arms' length 
    bargaining or, in the case of a stock savings association, where 
    controlling stockholders are receiving different consideration from 
    other stockholders. No finder's or similar fee should be paid to any 
    officer, director, or controlling person of a savings association which 
    is a party to the transaction.
        (B) Full disclosure. The filing should make full disclosure of all 
    written or oral agreements or understandings by which any person or 
    company will receive, directly or indirectly, any money, property, 
    service, release of pledges made, or other thing of value, whether 
    tangible or intangible, in connection with the transaction.
        (C) Compensation to officers. Compensation, including deferred 
    compensation, to officers, directors and controlling persons of the 
    disappearing savings association by the resulting institution or an 
    affiliate thereof should not be in excess of a reasonable amount, and 
    should be commensurate with their duties and responsibilities. The 
    filing should fully justify the compensation to be paid to such 
    persons. The transaction will be particularly scrutinized where any of 
    such persons is to receive a material increase in compensation above 
    that paid by the disappearing savings association prior to the 
    commencement of negotiations regarding the proposed transaction. An 
    increase in compensation in excess of the greater of 15% or $10,000 
    gives rise to presumptions of unreasonableness and sale of control. In 
    the case of such an increase, evidence sufficient to rebut such 
    presumptions should be submitted.
        (D) Advisory boards. Advisory board members should be elected for a 
    term not exceeding one year. No advisory board fees should be paid to 
    salaried officers or employees of the resulting savings association. 
    The filing should describe and justify the duties and responsibilities 
    and any compensation paid to any advisory board of the resulting 
    savings association that consists of officers, directors or controlling 
    persons of the disappearing institution, particularly if the 
    disappearing institution experienced significant supervisory problems 
    prior to the transaction. No advisory board fees should exceed the 
    director fees paid by the resulting savings association. Advisory board 
    fees that are in excess of 115 percent of the director fees paid by the 
    disappearing savings association prior to commencement of negotiations 
    regarding the transaction give rise to presumptions of unreasonableness 
    and sale of control unless sufficient evidence to rebut such 
    presumptions is submitted. Rebuttal evidence is not required if:
        (1) The advisory board fees do not exceed the fee that advisory 
    board members of the resulting institution receive for each monthly 
    meeting attended or $150, whichever is greater; or
        (2) the advisory board fees do not exceed $100 per meeting attended 
    for disappearing savings associations with assets greater than 
    $10,000,000 or $50 per meeting attended for disappearing savings 
    associations with assets of $10,000,000 or less, based on a schedule of 
    12 meetings per year.
        (E) The accounting and tax treatment of the transaction; and
        (F) Fees paid and professional services rendered in connection with 
    the transaction.
        (2) In conferring approval of a transaction under paragraph (a) of 
    this section, the Office also will consider the competitive impact of 
    the transaction, including whether:
        (i) The transaction would result in a monopoly, or would be in 
    furtherance of any monopoly or conspiracy to monopolize or to attempt 
    to monopolize the savings association business in any part of the 
    United States; or
        (ii) The effect of the transaction on any section of the country 
    may be substantially to lessen competition, or tend to create a 
    monopoly, or in any other manner would be in restraint of trade, unless 
    the Office finds that the anticompetitive effects of the proposed 
    transaction are clearly outweighed in the public interest by the 
    probable effect of the transaction in meeting the convenience and needs 
    of the communities to be served.
        (3) Applications and notices filed under this section shall be upon 
    forms prescribed by the Office.
        (4) Applications filed under section 5(d)(3) of the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1815(d)(3)) and paragraph (a) of this section 
    shall be processed in accordance with the time frames set forth in 
    Sec. 516.2 of this chapter, provided that the period for review may be 
    extended only if the Office determines that the applicant has failed to 
    furnish all requested information or that the information submitted is 
    substantially inaccurate, in which case the review period may be 
    extended for up to 30 days.
        (e)(1) Notice of any proposed transaction under paragraph (a) of 
    this section shall, unless the Office finds that it must act 
    immediately in order to prevent the probable default of one of the 
    savings associations involved, be published--
        (i) No earlier than three calendar days before and no later than 
    the date of filing an application under paragraph (a) of this section, 
    and thereafter on a weekly basis during the period allowed for 
    furnishing reports under paragraph (e)(2) of this section;
        (ii) In the business section of a newspaper printed in the English 
    language in the community in which the home offices of the constituent 
    institutions are located. If it is determined that the primary language 
    of a significant number of adult residents of any community is a 
    language other than English, the applicant shall publish the 
    notification simultaneously in the appropriate language(s).
        (2) Unless the Office determines that action must be taken 
    immediately in order to prevent the probable default of one of the 
    savings associations involved, the Office shall request reports from 
    the Attorney General, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of 
    Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit 
    Insurance Corporation on the competitive factors involved in the 
    transaction. The reports shall be furnished within thirty calendar days 
    of the date on which they are requested, or within ten calendar days of 
    such date if the Office advised the Attorney General and the other 
    three banking agencies that an emergency exists requiring expeditious 
    action. The Office shall immediately notify the Attorney General of any 
    approval of a transaction pursuant to this section.
    * * * * *
        (4) Applications filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section 
    shall be subject to the protest and oral argument procedures set forth 
    in Secs. 543.2 (e) and (f), except that protests may be submitted at 
    any time during the period provided for in paragraph (e)(2) of this 
        (5) Notice of a proposed account transfer and the option of 
    retaining the account in the transferring savings association shall be 
    furnished to an affected accountholder:
        (i) By a savings association transferring account liabilities to an 
    institution the accounts of which are not insured by the Savings 
    Association Insurance Fund, the Bank Insurance Fund, or the National 
    Credit Union Share Insurance Fund; and
        (ii) By any mutual savings association transferring account 
    liabilities to a stock form depository institution. The required notice 
    shall allow affected accountholders at least 30 days to consider 
    whether to retain their accounts in the transferring savings 
        (f) Automatic approvals by the Office. Applications filed pursuant 
    to paragraph (a) of this section shall be deemed to be approved 
    automatically by the Office 30 calendar days after the Office sends 
    written notice to the applicant that the application is complete, 
        (1) The acquiring savings association does not meet the criteria 
    for expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a)(1) of this chapter;
    * * * * *
        (9) The acquiring savings association has assets of $1 billion or 
    more and proposes to acquire assets of $1 billion or more;
    * * * * *
        (14) The transaction is opposed by any constituent institution or 
    contested by a competing acquiror.
        (g) Definitions. (1) The terms used in this section shall have the 
    same meaning as set forth in Sec. 552.13(b) of this chapter.
        (2) Insured depository institution. Insured depository institution 
    has the same meaning as defined in section 3(c)(2) of the Federal 
    Deposit Insurance Act.
        (3) With regard to paragraph (f) of this section, the term relevant 
    geographic area is used as a substitute for relevant geographic market, 
    which means the area within which the competitive effects of a merger 
    or other combination may be evaluated. The relevant geographic area 
    shall be delineated as a county or similar political subdivision, an 
    area smaller than a county, or an aggregation of counties within which 
    the merging or combining insured depository institutions compete. In 
    addition, the Office may consider commuting patterns, newspaper and 
    other advertising activities, or other factors as the Office deems 
        (h) Special requirements and procedures for transactions under 
    paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section--(1) Certain transactions with 
    no surviving savings association. The Office must be notified of any 
    transaction under paragraph (b)(1) of this section. Such notification 
    must be submitted to the OTS at least 30 days prior to the effective 
    date of the transaction, but not later than the date on which an 
    application relating to the proposed transaction is filed with the 
    primary regulator of the resulting institution; the Office may, upon 
    request or on its own initiative, shorten the 30-day prior notification 
    requirement. Notifications under this paragraph must demonstrate 
    compliance with applicable stockholder or accountholder approval 
    requirements. Where the savings association submitting the notification 
    maintains a liquidation account established pursuant to part 563b of 
    this chapter, the notification must state that the resulting 
    institution will assume such liquidation account.
        The notification may be in the form of either a letter describing 
    the material features of the transaction or a copy of a filing made 
    with another Federal or state regulatory agency seeking approval from 
    that agency for the transaction under the Bank Merger Act or other 
    applicable statute. If the action contemplated by the notification is 
    not completed within one year after the Office's receipt of the 
    notification, a new notification must be submitted to the Office.
        (2) Other transfer transactions--(i) Expedited treatment. A notice 
    in conformity with Sec. 516.3(a)(2) of this chapter may be submitted to 
    the Office for any transaction under paragraph (c) of this section, 
    provided all constituent savings associations meet the conditions for 
    expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a) of this chapter. Notices 
    submitted under this paragraph shall be deemed approved automatically 
    by the Office 30 calendar days after receipt, unless the Office advises 
    the applicant in writing prior to the expiration of such period that 
    the proposed transaction may not be consummated without the Office's 
    approval of an application under paragraphs (h)(2)(ii) or (h)(2)(iii) 
    of this section.
        (ii) Standard treatment. An application in conformity with 
    Sec. 516.3(b)(2) of this chapter and paragraph (d) of this section must 
    be submitted to and approved by the Office by each savings association 
    participating in a transaction under paragraph (b)(2) or (c) of this 
    section, where any constituent savings association does not meet the 
    conditions for expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a) of this chapter, 
    except as provided in paragraph (h)(2)(iii) of this section. 
    Applications under this paragraph shall be processed in accordance with 
    the time frames set forth in Sec. 516.2 of this chapter.
        (iii) Standard treatment for transactions under section 5(d)(3) of 
    the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. An application in conformity with 
    Sec. 516.3(b)(2) of this chapter and paragraph (d) of this section must 
    be submitted to and approved by the Office by each savings association 
    which will survive any transaction under both Sec. 5(d)(3) of the 
    Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1815(d)(3)) and paragraph (c) 
    of this section, where any constituent savings association does not 
    meet the conditions for expedited treatment under Sec. 516.3(a) of this 
    chapter. Applications under this paragraph shall be processed in 
    accordance with the time frames set forth in Sec. 516.2 of this 
    chapter, provided that the period for review may be extended only if 
    the Office determines that the applicant has failed to furnish all 
    requested information or that the information submitted is 
    substantially inaccurate, in which case the review period may be 
    extended for up to 30 days.
        14. The authority citation for part 571 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552, 559; 12 U.S.C. 1462a, 1463, 1464.
    Sec. 571.5  [Removed and Reserved]
        15. Section 571.5 is removed and reserved.
        16. The authority citation for part 574 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1467a, 1817, 1831i.
        17. Section 574.7 is amended by revising the last sentence of 
    paragraph (a)(1) and the last sentence of paragraph (b) to read as 
    Sec. 574.7  Determination by the OTS.
        (a) * * *
        (1) * * * Acquisitions involving mergers with an interim 
    association shall also be subject to Secs. 546.2, 552.13, and 563.22 of 
    this chapter.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * * Acquisitions involving mergers (including mergers with an 
    interim association) shall also be subject to Secs. 546.2, 552.13, and 
    563.22 of this chapter.
    * * * * *
        18. The authority citation for part 575 continues to read as 
        Authority: 12 U.S.C. 1462, 1462a, 1463, 1464, 1467a, 1828.
        19. Section 575.13 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(3)(i) to 
    read as follows:
    Sec. 575.13  Procedural requirements.
        (c) * * *
        (3) * * *
        (i) Sections 563.22(e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), and (e)(4) of this 
    subchapter shall apply to all mutual holding company reorganizations.
    * * * * *
        Dated: April 29, 1994.
        By the Office of Thrift Supervision.
    Jonathan L. Fiechter,
    Acting Director.
    [FR Doc. 94-21294 Filed 8-29-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6720-01-P

Document Information

Thrift Supervision Office
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Final rule.
Document Number:
September 29, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: August 30, 1994, No. 94-76
CFR: (16)
12 CFR 516.3(b)(2)
12 CFR 563.22(c)
12 CFR 506.1
12 CFR 546.1
12 CFR 546.2
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