97-19861. Electric Engineering, Architectural Services and Design Policies and Procedures  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 149 (Monday, August 4, 1997)]
    [Proposed Rules]
    [Pages 41883-41901]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-19861]
    Proposed Rules
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of 
    the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these 
    notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in 
    the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 149 / Monday, August 4, 1997 / 
    Proposed Rules
    [[Page 41883]]
    Rural Utilities Service
    7 CFR Part 1724
    RIN 0572-AA48
    Electric Engineering, Architectural Services and Design Policies 
    and Procedures
    AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Proposed rule.
    SUMMARY: The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) proposes to amend its 
    regulations on engineering and architectural services. These policies 
    and procedures are presently contained in seven RUS bulletins, which 
    will be rescinded after this regulation becomes effective. This 
    proposed rule would simplify and codify RUS policy and procedures to be 
    followed by electric borrowers relating to architectural and 
    engineering services. It would also simplify and codify RUS 
    requirements for the planning and design of electric distribution, 
    transmission, and generation systems and facilities owned by RUS 
    DATES: Written comments must be received by RUS, or bear a postmark or 
    equivalent, no later than October 3, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Submit written comments to George J. Bagnall, Director, 
    Electric Staff Division, Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Stop 1569, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 
    20250-1569. RUS requires an original and three copies of all comments 
    (7 CFR 1700.30(e)). All comments received will be made available for 
    public inspection at room 4034-S, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on 
    official workdays.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Fred J. Gatchell, Deputy Director, 
    Electric Staff Division, Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Stop 1569, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 
    20250-1569. Telephone: (202) 720-1398. FAX: (202) 720-7491. E-mail: 
    Executive Order 12866
        This proposed rule has been determined to be not significant for 
    the purposes of Executive Order 12866 and therefore has not been 
    reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
    Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        The Administrator of RUS has determined that a rule relating to the 
    RUS electric loan program is not a rule as defined in the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), and therefore, the Regulatory 
    Flexibility Act does not apply to this proposed rule.
    National Environmental Policy Act Certification
        The Administrator has determined that this proposed rule will not 
    significantly affect the quality of the human environment as defined by 
    the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). 
    Therefore, this proposed action does not require an environmental 
    impact statement or assessment.
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
        The program described by this proposed rule is listed in the 
    Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance programs under No. 10.850, Rural 
    Electrification Loans and Loan Guarantees. This catalog is available on 
    a subscription basis from the Superintendent of Documents, the United 
    States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325.
    Executive Order 12372
        This proposed rule is excluded from the scope of Executive Order 
    12372, Intergovernmental Consultation, which may require consultation 
    with State and local officials. A Notice of Final Rule entitled 
    Department Programs and Activities Excluded From Executive Order 12372 
    (50 FR 47034) exempts RUS loans and loan guarantees from coverage under 
    this order.
    Executive Order 12988
        This proposed rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12988, 
    Civil Justice Reform. RUS has determined that this proposed rule meets 
    the applicable standards in Section 3 of the Executive Order.
    National Performance Review
        The regulatory action is being taken as part of the National 
    Performance Review program to eliminate unnecessary regulations and 
    improve those that remain in force.
    Information Collection and Recordkeeping Requirements
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 
    Chapter 35, as amended) RUS is requesting comments on the information 
    collection incorporated in this proposed rule.
        Comment on this information collection must be received by October 
    3, 1997.
        Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of 
    information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
    the agency, including whether the information will have practical 
    utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the 
    proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, 
    utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to 
    minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, 
    including through the use of automated collection techniques or other 
    forms of information technology.
        For further information contact F. Lamont Heppe, Jr., Director, 
    Program Support and Regulatory Analysis, Stop 1522, 1400 Independence 
    Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20250-1522. Telephone: (202) 720-0736. FAX: 
    (202) 720-4120. E-mail: mheppe@rus.usda.gov.
        Title: 7 CFR Part 1724, Electric Engineering, Architectural 
    Services and Design Policies and Procedures.
        Type of request: New information collection.
        Abstract: This proposed rule requires borrowers to use three RUS 
    contract forms under certain circumstances. The use of standard forms 
    helps assure RUS that:
         Appropriate standards and specifications are maintained;
         RUS loan security is not adversely affected; and
         Loan and loan guarantee funds are used effectively and for 
    the intended purpose.
    [[Page 41884]]
        Standardization of forms by RUS results in substantial savings to:
         Borrowers--If standard forms were not used, borrowers 
    would need to prepare their own documents at significant expense; and
         Government--If standard forms were not used, each document 
    submitted by a borrower would require extensive and costly review by 
    both RUS and the Office of General Counsel.
        Estimate of burden: Public reporting burden for this collection of 
    information is estimated to average 1 hour per response.
        Respondents: Businesses, including not for profit cooperatives and 
        Estimated number of respondents each year: 153.
        Estimated number of responses per respondent: 1.
        Estimated total annual burden on respondents: 153 hours.
        Copies of this information collection can be obtained from Daphne 
    Brown, Program Support and Regulatory Analysis, Rural Utilities 
    Service. Phone: (202) 205-3660.
        Send comments regarding this information collection requirement to 
    the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management 
    and Budget, ATTN: Desk Officer, USDA, Room 10102, New Executive Office 
    Building, Washington, DC 20503, and to F. Lamont Heppe, Jr., Director, 
    Program Support and Regulatory Analysis, Stop 1522, 1400 Independence 
    Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20250-1522.
        Comments are best assured of having full effect if OMB receives 
    them within 30 days of publication in the Federal Register.
        All comments will become a matter of public record.
        RUS has established regulations pertaining to the design and 
    construction of RUS electric borrower's systems. These regulations are 
    contained in 7 CFR chapter XVII. Part 1724, Electric Engineering, 
    Architectural Services and Design Policies and Procedures, which 
    describes policies and procedures pertaining to RUS electric borrower 
    procurement of architectural and engineering services for planning, 
    design, and construction management of buildings and electric utility 
    plant such as distribution and transmission lines, substations, 
    communications and control systems, and generating plants.
        The policies and procedures covered by this proposed action are 
    presently contained in RUS Bulletins 41-1, Engineering Services for 
    Electric Borrowers; 42-1, Architectural Services for Electric 
    Borrowers; 60-1, Standards for the Preparation of Circuit Diagrams, 
    Electrical Data Sheets, and Other Drawings for Systems of Electrical 
    Borrowers; 60-2, Electric System Capacity; 80-11, Reports of Progress 
    of Construction and Engineering Services; 81-9, Preparation of Plans 
    and Specifications for Distribution and Transmission Facilities; and 
    86-2, Pre-Construction Activities for Headquarters Facilities for 
    Electric Borrowers. The previous policies and procedures are being 
    changed and updated by this proposed rule. When this rule is effective, 
    RUS Bulletins 41-1, 42-1, 60-1, 60-2, 80-11, 81-9, and 86-2 will be 
    superseded and rescinded.
        The major substantive proposed changes are as follows:
        (a) This proposal eliminates the requirement for RUS approval of 
    the borrower's selection of the architect and of the engineer.
        (b) This proposal eliminates the requirement for RUS approval of 
    architectural services contracts and distribution and transmission 
    engineering services contracts for all facilities, and generation 
    engineering services contracts if the facilities are not financed by 
        (c) This proposal eliminates the requirement for RUS approval for 
    closeout of architectural or engineering services contracts.
        (d) This proposal eliminates the requirement for submittal of 
    progress reports to RUS for facilities not financed by RUS.
        (e) This proposal eliminates the requirement for RUS approval of 
    many plans and specifications. However, many requirements, such as the 
    National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), Occupational Safety and Health 
    Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 651 et seq.), building accessibility standards, 
    RUS standards, specifications, and use of acceptable materials, etc., 
    apply regardless of RUS involvement.
        (f) Design data that have been approved by RUS may be used for new 
    facilities without further approval.
        (g) This proposal will simplify and clarify RUS requirements 
    regarding system design.
        (h) This proposal combines seven bulletins and three contracting 
    forms into one document.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1724
        Electric power, Loan programs--energy, Reporting and recordkeeping 
    requirements, Rural areas.
        For reasons set out in the preamble, RUS proposes to amend 7 CFR 
    chapter XVII by revising Part 1724 to read as follows:
    Subpart A--General
    1724.1  Introduction.
    1724.2  Waivers and special requirements.
    1724.3  Definitions.
    1724.4  Qualifications
    1724.5  Submission of documents to RUS
    1724.6  Insurance requirements.
    1724.7  Debarment and suspension.
    1724.8  Restrictions on lobbying.
    1724.9  Environmental compliance.
    1724.10-1724.19  [Reserved]
    Subpart B--Architectural Services
    1724.20  Borrowers' requirements--architectural services.
    1724.21  Architectural services contracts.
    1724.22-1724.29  [Reserved]
    Subpart C--Engineering Services
    1724.30  Borrowers' requirements--engineering services.
    1724.31  Engineering services contracts.
    1724.32  Inspection and certification of work order construction.
    1724.33-1724.39  [Reserved]
    Subpart D--Electric System Planning
    1724.40  General.
    1724.41-1724.49  [Reserved]
    Subpart E--Electric System Design
    1724.50  Compliance with National Electrical Safety Code (NESC).
    1724.51  Design requirements.
    1724.52  Permitted deviations from RUS construction standards.
    1724.53  Preparation of plans and specifications.
    1724.54  Requirements for RUS approval of plans and specifications.
    1724.55  Dam safety.
    1724.56-1724.69  [Reserved]
    Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 1724--Hazard Potential 
    Classification for Civil Works Projects
    Subpart F--RUS Contract Forms
    1724.70  List of RUS contract forms for architectural and 
    engineering services.
    1724.71  Use of printed forms.
    1724.72-1724.73  [Reserved]
    1724.74  Engineering service contract for the design and 
    construction of a generating plant, RUS Form 211.
    1724.75  Architectural service contract, RUS Form 220.
    1724.76  Engineering service contract--electric system design and 
    construction, RUS Form 236.
    1724.77-1724.99  [Reserved]
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 901 et seq., 1921 et seq., 6941 et seq.
    Subpart A--General
    Sec. 1724.1  Introduction.
        (a) The policies, procedures and requirements in this part 
    implement certain provisions of the standard form
    [[Page 41885]]
    of loan documents between the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and its 
    electric borrowers.
        (b) All borrowers, regardless of the source of funding, must comply 
    with RUS' requirements with respect to design, construction standards, 
    and the use of RUS accepted material on their electric systems.
        (c) Borrowers are required to use RUS contract forms only if the 
    facilities are financed by RUS.
        (d) If financing in whole or part is not provided by RUS, borrowers 
    are nevertheless encouraged to use the RUS contract forms for 
    construction, material, equipment, engineering services, and 
    architectural services.
    Sec. 1724.2  Waivers and special requirements.
        The Administrator may waive, for good cause on a case-by-case 
    basis, certain requirements and procedures of this part. RUS reserves 
    the right, as a condition of providing loans, loan guarantees, and 
    other assistance, to require any borrower to make any specification, 
    contract, or contract amendment subject to the approval of the 
    Sec. 1724.3  Definitions.
        Terms used in this part have the meanings set forth in Sec. 1710.2 
    of this chapter. References to specific RUS forms and other RUS 
    documents, and to specific sections or lines of such forms and 
    documents, shall include the corresponding forms, documents, sections 
    and lines in any subsequent revisions of these forms and documents. In 
    addition to the terms defined in Sec. 1710.2 of this chapter, the 
    following terms have the following meanings for the purposes of this 
        Architect means a registered or licensed person employed by the 
    borrower to provide architectural services for a project and duly 
    authorized assistants and representatives.
        Engineer means a registered or licensed person, who may be a staff 
    employee or an outside consultant, to provide engineering services and 
    duly authorized assistants and representatives.
        Force account construction means construction performed by the 
    borrower's employees.
        Repowering means replacement of the steam generator or the prime 
    mover or both at a generating plant.
        RUS approval means written approval by the Administrator or a 
    representative with delegated authority. RUS approval must be in 
    writing, except in emergency situations where RUS approval may be given 
    orally followed by a confirming letter.
        RUS financed means financed or funded wholly or in part by a loan 
    made or guaranteed by RUS, including concurrent supplemental loans 
    required by Sec. 1710.110 of this chapter, loans to reimburse funds 
    already expended by the borrower, and loans to replace interim 
    Sec. 1724.4  Qualifications.
        The borrower must ensure that:
        (a) All selected architects and engineers meet the applicable 
    registration and licensing requirements of the State(s) in which the 
    facilities will be located;
        (b) All selected architects and engineers are familiar with RUS 
    standards and requirements; and
        (c) All selected architects and engineers have had satisfactory 
    experience with comparable work.
    Sec. 1724.5  Submission of documents to RUS.
        (a) Where to send documents. Documents required to be submitted to 
    RUS under this part are to be sent to the office of the borrower's 
    respective RUS Regional Director, the Power Supply Division Director, 
    or such other office of RUS as designated by RUS (See part 1700 of this 
        (b) Contracts requiring RUS approval. The borrower shall submit to 
    RUS three copies of each contract that is subject to RUS approval under 
    subparts B and C of this part. At least one copy of each contract must 
    be an original signed in ink (i.e., no facsimile signature). Each 
    contract submittal must be accompanied by a certified copy of the board 
    resolution awarding the contract.
        (c) Contract amendments requiring RUS approval. The borrower must 
    submit to RUS three copies of each contract amendment (at least one 
    copy of which must be an original signed in ink) which is subject to 
    RUS approval. Each contract amendment submittal to RUS must be 
    accompanied by a certified copy of the board resolution approving the 
    Sec. 1724.6  Insurance requirements.
        (a) Borrowers must ensure that all architects and engineers working 
    under contract with the borrower have insurance coverage as required by 
    part 1788 of this chapter.
        (b) Borrowers must also ensure that all architects and engineers 
    working under contract with the borrower have insurance coverage for 
    Errors and Omissions (Professional Liability Insurance) in an amount at 
    least as large as the amount of the architectural or engineering 
    services contract but not less than $1 million.
    Sec. 1724.7  Debarment and suspension.
        Borrowers must comply with certain requirements on debarment and 
    suspension in connection with procurement activities as set forth in 
    part 3017 of this title, particularly with respect to lower tier 
    transactions, e.g., procurement contracts for goods or services.
    Sec. 1724.8  Restrictions on lobbying.
        Borrowers must comply with certain restrictions and requirements in 
    connection with procurement activities as set forth in part 3018 of 
    this title.
    Sec. 1724.9  Environmental compliance.
        Borrowers must comply with the requirements of Part 1794, 
    Environmental Policies and Procedures for Electric and Telephone 
    Borrowers, of this chapter.
    Secs. 1724.10--1724.19  [Reserved]
    Subpart B--Architectural Services
    Sec. 1724.20  Borrowers' requirements--architectural services.
        The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric 
    system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
        (a) Each borrower must select a qualified architect to perform the 
    architectural services required for the design and construction 
    management of headquarters facilities. The selection of the architect 
    is not subject to RUS approval unless specifically required by RUS on a 
    case by case basis. Architect's qualification information need not be 
    submitted to RUS unless specifically requested by RUS on a case by case 
        (b) The architect retained by the borrower shall not be an employee 
    of the building supplier or contractor, except in cases where the 
    building is prefabricated and pre-engineered.
        (c) The architect's duties are those specified under the 
    Architectural Services Contract and under subpart E of this part, and, 
    as applicable, those duties assigned to the ``engineer'' for 
    competitive procurement procedures in part 1726 of this chapter.
        (d) If the facilities are RUS financed, the borrower must submit or 
    require the architect to submit one copy of each construction progress 
    report to RUS upon request.
        (e) Additional information concerning RUS requirements for electric 
    borrowers' headquarters facilities are set forth in subpart E of this 
    part. See also RUS Bulletin 1724E-400, Guide to Presentation of 
    Building Plans and
    [[Page 41886]]
    Specifications, for additional guidance. This bulletin is available 
    from Program Support and Regulatory Analysis Staff, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, Stop 1522, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 
    Sec. 1724.21  Architectural services contracts.
        The provisions of this section apply only to RUS financed electric 
    system facilities.
        (a) RUS Form 220, Architectural Services Contract, must be used by 
    electric borrowers when obtaining architectural services.
        (b) The borrower must ensure that the architect furnishes or 
    obtains all architectural services related to the design and 
    construction management of the facilities.
        (c) Reasonable modifications or additions to the terms and 
    conditions in the RUS contract form may be made to define the exact 
    services needed for a specific undertaking. Such changes shall not 
    relieve the architect or the borrower of the basic responsibilities 
    required by the RUS contract form, and shall not alter any terms and 
    conditions required by law. Borrowers should obtain legal assistance to 
    ensure that the contracts are properly prepared and executed. Any 
    substantive changes must be approved by RUS prior to execution of the 
        (d) Architectural services contracts are not subject to RUS 
    approval and need not be submitted to RUS unless specifically requested 
    by RUS on a case by case basis.
        (e) Closeout. Upon completion of all services and obligations 
    required under each architectural services contract, including, but not 
    limited to, submission of final documents, the borrower must closeout 
    that contract. The borrower must obtain from the architect a final 
    statement of cost, which must be supported by detailed information as 
    appropriate. For example, out-of-pocket expense and per diem types of 
    compensation should be listed separately with labor, transportation, 
    etc., itemized for each service involving these types of compensation. 
    RUS Form 284, Final Statement of Cost for Architectural Service, may be 
    used. All computations of the compensation must be made in accordance 
    with the terms of the architectural services contract. Closeout 
    documents need not be submitted to RUS unless specifically requested by 
    RUS on a case by case basis.
    Secs. 1724.22--1724.29  [Reserved]
    Subpart C--Engineering Services
    Sec. 1724.30  Borrowers' requirements--engineering services.
        The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric 
    system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
        (a) Each borrower must select one or more qualified persons to 
    perform the engineering services involved in the planning, design, and 
    construction management of the system.
        (b) Each borrower shall retain or employ one or more qualified 
    engineers to inspect and certify all new construction in accordance 
    with Sec. 1724.32. The engineer must not be the borrower's manager.
        (c) The selection of the engineer is not subject to RUS approval 
    unless specifically required by RUS on a case by case basis. Engineer's 
    qualification information need not be submitted to RUS unless 
    specifically requested by RUS on a case by case basis.
        (d) The engineer's duties are specified under the Engineering 
    Services Contract and under part 1726 of this chapter. The borrower 
    must ensure that the engineer executes all certificates and other 
    instruments pertaining to the engineering details required by RUS.
        (e) Additional requirements related to appropriate seismic safety 
    measures are contained in Part 1792, Subpart C, Seismic Safety of 
    Federally Assisted New Building Construction, of this chapter.
        (f) If the facilities are RUS financed, the borrower must submit or 
    require the engineer to submit one copy of each construction progress 
    report to RUS upon request.
    Sec. 1724.31  Engineering services contracts.
        The provisions of this section apply only to RUS financed electric 
    system facilities.
        (a) RUS contract forms for engineering services must be used. 
    Reasonable modifications or additions to the terms and conditions in 
    the RUS contract form may be made to define the exact services needed 
    for a specific undertaking. Any such changes shall not relieve the 
    engineer or the borrower of the basic responsibilities required by the 
    RUS contract form, and shall not alter any terms and conditions 
    required by law. Borrowers should obtain legal assistance to ensure 
    that the contracts are properly prepared and executed. Any substantive 
    changes to the RUS contract form must be approved by RUS prior to 
    execution of the contract.
        (b) RUS Form 236, Engineering Service Contract--Electric System 
    Design and Construction, must be used for all distribution, 
    transmission, substation, and communications and control facilities. 
    These contracts are not subject to RUS approval and need not be 
    submitted to RUS unless specifically requested by RUS on a case by case 
        (c) RUS Form 211, Engineering Service Contract for the Design and 
    Construction of a Generating Plant, must be used for all new generating 
    units and repowering of existing units. These contracts require RUS 
        (d) Any amendments to RUS approved engineering services contracts 
    require RUS approval.
        (e) Closeout. Upon completion of all services and obligations 
    required under each engineering services contract, including, but not 
    limited to, submission of final documents, the borrower must closeout 
    the contract. The borrower must obtain from the engineer a completed 
    final statement of engineering fees, which must be supported by 
    detailed information as appropriate. RUS Form 234, Final Statement of 
    Engineering Fee, may be used. All computations of the compensation must 
    be made in accordance with the terms of the engineering services 
    contract. Closeout documents need not be submitted to RUS unless 
    specifically requested by RUS on a case by case basis.
    Sec. 1724.32  Inspection and certification of work order construction.
        The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric 
    system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
        (a) The borrower must ensure that all field inspection and related 
    services are performed within 6 months of the completion of 
    construction, and are performed by a licensed engineer, except that a 
    subordinate of the licensed engineer may make the inspection, provided 
    the following conditions are met:
        (1) The inspection by the subordinate is satisfactory to the 
        (2) This practice is acceptable under applicable requirements of 
    the State(s) in which the facilities are located;
        (3) The subordinate is experienced in making such inspections;
        (4) The name of the person making the inspection is included in the 
    certification; and
        (5) The licensed engineer signs such certification which appears on 
    the inventory of work orders.
        (b) The inspection must include a representative and sufficient 
    amount of construction listed on each RUS Form 219, Inventory of Work 
    Orders, being inspected to assure the engineer that the
    [[Page 41887]]
    construction is acceptable. Each work order that was field inspected 
    shall be noted and initialed by the engineer on RUS Form 219. The 
    inspection services shall include, but not be limited to, the 
        (1) Determination that construction conforms to RUS specifications 
    and standards and to the requirements of the National Electrical Safety 
    Code (NESC), State codes, and local codes;
        (2) Determination that the staking sheets represent the 
    construction completed and inspected;
        (3) Preparation of a list of construction clean-up notes and 
    staking sheet discrepancies to be furnished to the owner to permit 
    correction of construction, staking sheets, other records, and work 
    order inventories;
        (4) Reinspection of construction corrected as a result of the 
    engineer's report;
        (5) Noting, initialing, and dating the staking or structure sheets 
    and initialing the corresponding work order entry for line 
    construction; and
        (6) Noting, initialing, and dating the ``as constructed'' drawings 
    or sketches for generating plants, substations, and other major 
        (c) Certification. (1) The following certification must appear on 
    all inventories of work orders:
        I hereby certify that sufficient inspection has been made of the 
    construction reported by this inventory to give me reasonable 
    assurance that the construction complies with applicable 
    specifications and standards and meets appropriate code requirements 
    as to strength and safety. This certification is in accordance with 
    acceptable engineering practice.
        (2) A certification must also include the name of the inspector, 
    name of the firm, signature of the licensed engineer, the engineer's 
    State license number, and the date of signature.
    Secs. 1724.33--1724.39  [Reserved]
    Subpart D--Electric System Planning
    Sec. 1724.40  General.
        Borrowers must have ongoing, integrated planning to determine their 
    short-term and long-term needs for plant additions, improvements, 
    replacements, and retirements for their electric systems. The primary 
    components of the planning system consist of long-range engineering 
    plans and construction work plans. Long-range engineering plans 
    identify plant investments required over a long-range period, usually 
    10 years or more. Construction work plans specify and document plant 
    requirements for a shorter term, usually 2 to 4 years. Long-range 
    engineering plans and construction work plans must be in accordance 
    with part 1710, subpart F, of this chapter. See also RUS Bulletins 
    1724D-101A, Electric System Long-Range Planning Guide, and 1724D-101B, 
    System Planning Guide, Construction Work Plans, for additional 
    guidance. This bulletin is available from Program Support and 
    Regulatory Analysis Staff, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stop 1522, 
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1522.
    Secs. 1724.41--1724.49  [Reserved]
    Subpart E--Electric System Design
    Sec. 1724.50  Compliance with National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)
        The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric 
    system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
        (a) A borrower must ensure that its electric system, including all 
    electric distribution, transmission, and generating facilities, is 
    designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with all 
    applicable provisions of the most current and accepted criteria of the 
    National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and all applicable and current 
    electrical and safety requirements of any State or local governmental 
    entity. Copies of the NESC may be obtained from the Institute of 
    Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., 345 East 47th Street, New 
    York, NY 10017-2394. This requirement applies to the borrower's 
    electric system regardless of the source of financing.
        (b) Any electrical standard requirements established by RUS are in 
    addition to, and not in substitution for or a modification of, the most 
    current and accepted criteria of the NESC and any applicable electrical 
    or safety requirements of any State or local governmental entity.
        (c) Overhead distribution circuits shall be constructed with not 
    less than the Grade C strength requirements as described in Section 26, 
    Strength Requirements, of the NESC when subjected to the loads 
    specified in NESC Section 25, Loadings for Grades B and C.
        Overhead transmission circuits shall be constructed with not less 
    than the Grade B strength requirements as described in NESC Section 26.
    Sec. 1724.51  Design requirements.
        The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric 
    system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
        (a) Distribution. All distribution facilities must conform to the 
    applicable RUS construction standards and utilize RUS accepted 
        (b) Transmission lines. (1) All transmission line design data must 
    be approved by RUS.
        (2) Design data consists of all significant design features, 
    including, but not limited to, transmission line design data summary, 
    general description of terrain, right-of-way calculations, discussion 
    concerning conductor and structure selection, conductor sag and tension 
    information, design clearances, span limitations due to clearances, 
    galloping or conductor separation, design loads, structure strength 
    limitations, insulator selection and design, guying requirements, and 
    vibration considerations. For lines composed of steel or concrete 
    poles, or steel towers, in which load information will be used to 
    purchase the structures, the design data shall also include loading 
    trees, structure configuration and selection, and a discussion 
    concerning foundation selection.
        (3) Line design data for uprating transmission lines to higher 
    voltage levels or capacity must be approved by RUS.
        (4) Transmission line design data which has received RUS approval 
    in connection with a previous transmission line construction project 
    for a particular borrower is considered approved by RUS for that 
    borrower, provided that:
        (i) The conditions on the project fall within the design data 
    previously approved; and
        (ii) No significant NESC revisions have occurred.
        (c) Substations. (1) All substation design data must be approved by 
        (2) Design data consists of all significant design features, 
    including, but not limited to, a discussion of site considerations, oil 
    spill prevention measures, design considerations covering voltage, 
    capacity, shielding, clearances, number of low and high voltage phases, 
    major equipment, foundation design parameters, design loads for line 
    support structures and the control house, seismic considerations, 
    corrosion, grounding, protective relaying, and AC and DC auxiliary 
    systems. Reference to applicable safety codes and construction 
    standards are also to be included.
        (3) Substation design data which has received RUS approval in 
    connection with a previous substation construction project for a 
    particular borrower is considered approved by RUS for that borrower, 
    provided that:
        (i) The conditions on the project fall within the design data 
    previously approved; and
        (ii) No significant NESC revisions have occurred.
    [[Page 41888]]
        (d) Generating facilities. (1) This section covers all portions of 
    a generating plant including plant buildings, the generator step-up 
    transformer, and the transmission switchyard at a generating plant. 
    Warehouses and equipment service buildings not associated with 
    generation plants are covered under paragraph (e) of this section. 
    Generation plant buildings must meet the requirements of paragraph 
    (e)(1) of this section, as applicable.
        (2) For all new generation units and for all repowering projects, 
    the design outline must be approved by RUS, unless RUS determines that 
    a design outline is not needed for a particular project.
        (3) The design outline will generally include all significant 
    design criteria. During the early stages of the project, RUS will, in 
    consultation with the borrower and its consulting engineer, identify 
    the specific items which are to be included in the design outline.
        (e) Headquarters. (1) Applicable laws. The design and construction 
    of headquarters facilities must comply with all applicable Federal, 
    State, and local laws and regulations, including, but not limited to:
        (i) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 
    U.S.C. 794), which states that no qualified individuals with handicaps 
    shall, solely by reason of their handicap, be excluded from 
    participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to 
    discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal 
    financial assistance. The Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (41 
    CFR part 101-19, subpart 101-19.6, appendix A) are the applicable 
    standards for all new or altered borrower buildings, regardless of the 
    source of funding.
        (ii) The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 4151), which 
    ensures that buildings financed with Federal funds are designed and 
    constructed to be accessible to the physically handicapped.
        (iii) The Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7701 
    et seq.), and Executive Order 12699, Seismic Safety of Federal and 
    Federally Assisted or Regulated New Building Construction (3 CFR, 1990 
    Comp., p. 269). Appropriate seismic safety provisions are required for 
    new buildings for which RUS provides financial assistance. (See part 
    1792, subpart C, of this chapter).
        (2) The borrower must provide evidence, satisfactory in form and 
    substance to the Administrator, that each building will be designed and 
    built in compliance with all Federal, State, and local requirements.
        (f) Communications and control. (1) This section covers microwave 
    and powerline carrier communications systems, load control, and 
    supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
        (2) The performance considerations for a new or replacement master 
    system must be approved by RUS. A master system includes the main 
    controller and related equipment at the main control point. Performance 
    considerations include all major system features and their 
    justification, including, but not limited to, the objectives of the 
    system, the types of parameters to be controlled or monitored, the 
    communication media, alternatives considered, and provisions for future 
    Sec. 1724.52  Permitted deviations from RUS construction standards.
        The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric 
    system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
        (a) Structures for raptor protection. (1) RUS standard distribution 
    line structures may not have the extra measure of protection needed in 
    areas frequented by eagles and other large raptors to protect such 
    birds from electric shock due to physical contact with energized wires. 
    Where raptor protection in the design of overhead line structures is 
    required by RUS; a Federal, State or local authority with permit or 
    license authority over the proposed construction; or where the borrower 
    voluntarily elects to comply with the recommendations of the U.S. Fish 
    and Wildlife Service or State wildlife agency, borrowers are permitted 
    to deviate from RUS construction standards, provided:
        (i) Structures are designed and constructed in accordance with 
    ``Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on Powerlines: The State of 
    the Art in 1996'' (Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection); and
        (ii) Structures are in accordance with the NESC and applicable 
    State and local regulations.
        (2) Any deviation from the RUS construction standards for the 
    purpose of raptor protection, which is not in accordance with the 
    Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection, must be approved by RUS 
    prior to construction. ``Suggested Practices for Raptor Protection on 
    Powerlines: The State of the Art in 1996,'' published by the Edison 
    Electric Institute/Raptor Research Foundation, is hereby incorporated 
    by reference. This incorporation by reference is approved by the 
    Director of the Office of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 
    U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of this publication may be 
    obtained from the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., c/o Jim 
    Fitzpatrick, Treasurer, Carpenter Nature Center, 12805 St. Croix Trail 
    South, Hastings, Minnesota 55033. It is also available for inspection 
    during normal business hours at RUS, Electric Staff Division, 1400 
    Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, Room 1246-S, and at the 
    Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., Suite 
    700, Washington, DC.
        Note: The incorporation by reference and availability of 
    inspection copies are pending approval by the Office of the Federal 
        (b) Transformer neutral connections. Where it is necessary to 
    separate the primary and secondary neutrals to provide the required 
    electric service to a consumer, the RUS standard transformer secondary 
    neutral connections may be modified in accordance with Rule 97D2 of the 
        (c) Lowering of neutral conductor on overhead distribution lines. 
    (1) It is permissible to lower the neutral attachment on standard 
    construction pole-top assemblies an additional distance not exceeding 2 
    feet (0.6 m) for the purpose of economically meeting the clearance 
    requirements of the NESC.
        (2) It is permissible to lower the transformer and associated 
    neutral attachment up to 2 feet (0.6 m) to provide adequate clearance 
    between the cutouts and single-phase, conventional distribution 
        (3) It is permissible to lower the neutral attachment on standard 
    construction pole-top assemblies an additional distance of up to 6 feet 
    (2 m) for the purpose of performing construction and future line 
    maintenance on these assemblies from bucket trucks designed for such 
    Sec. 1724.53  Preparation of plans and specifications.
        The provisions of this section apply to all borrower electric 
    system facilities regardless of the source of financing.
        (a) General. (1) The borrower (acting through the engineer, if 
    applicable) shall prepare plans and specifications that adequately 
    represent the construction to be performed.
        (2) Plans and specifications for distribution, transmission, or 
    generating facilities must be based on a construction work plan, 
    amended construction work plan, engineering study or construction 
    program which have been approved by RUS if financing
    [[Page 41889]]
    for the facilities will at any time be requested from RUS.
        (b) Composition of plans and specifications package. (1) Whether 
    built by force account or contract, each set of plans and 
    specifications must include:
        (i) Distribution lines. Specifications and drawings, staking 
    sheets, key map and appropriate detail maps;
        (ii) Transmission lines. Specifications and drawings, transmission 
    line design data manual, vicinity maps of the project, a one-line 
    diagram, and plan and profile sheets;
        (iii) Substations. Specifications and drawings, including a one-
    line diagram, plot and foundation plan, grounding plan, and plans and 
    elevations of structure and equipment, as well as all other necessary 
    construction drawings, in sufficient detail to show phase spacing and 
    ground clearances of live parts;
        (iv) Headquarters. Specifications and drawings, including:
        (A) A plot plan showing the location of the proposed building plus 
    paving and site development;
        (B) A one line drawing (floor plan and elevation view), to scale, 
    of the proposed building with overall dimensions shown; and
        (C) An outline specification including materials to be used (type 
    of frame, exterior finish, foundation, insulation, etc.); and
        (v) Other facilities (e.g., generation and communications and 
    control facilities). Specifications and drawings, as necessary and in 
    sufficient detail to accurately define the scope and quality of work 
        (2) For contract work, the appropriate standard RUS construction 
    contract form shall be used as required by part 1726 of this chapter.
    Sec. 1724.54  Requirements for RUS approval of plans and 
        The provisions of this section apply only to RUS financed electric 
    system facilities.
        (a) For any contract subject to RUS approval in accordance with 
    part 1726 of this chapter, the borrower must obtain RUS approval of the 
    plans and specifications, as part of the proposed bid package, prior to 
    requesting bids. RUS may require approval of other plans and 
    specifications on a case by case basis.
        (b) Distribution lines. RUS approval of the plans and 
    specifications for distribution line construction is not required if 
    standard RUS drawings, specifications, RUS accepted material, and 
    standard RUS contract forms (as required by part 1726 of this chapter) 
    are used. Drawings, plans and specifications for nonstandard 
    distribution construction must be submitted to RUS and receive approval 
    prior to requesting bids on contracts or commencement of force account 
        (c) Transmission lines. (1) Plans and specifications for 
    transmission construction projects which are not based on RUS approved 
    line design data or do not use RUS standard structures must receive RUS 
    approval prior to requesting bids on contracts or commencement of force 
    account construction.
        (2) Unless RUS approval is required by paragraph (a) of this 
    section, plans and specifications for transmission construction which 
    use previously approved design data and standard structures do not 
    require RUS approval. Plans and specifications for related work, such 
    as right-of-way clearing, equipment, and materials, do not require RUS 
    approval unless required by paragraph (a) of this section.
        (d) Substations. (1)(i) Plans and specifications for all new 
    substations must receive RUS approval prior to requesting bids on 
    contracts or commencement of force account construction, unless:
        (A) The substation design has been previously approved by RUS; and
        (B) No significant NESC revisions have occurred.
        (ii) The borrower shall notify RUS in writing that a previously 
    approved design will be used, including identification of the 
    previously approved design.
        (2) Unless RUS approval is required by paragraph (a) of this 
    section, plans and specifications for substation modifications and for 
    substations using previously approved designs do not require RUS 
        (e) Generation facilities. (1) This paragraph (e) covers all 
    portions of a generating plant including plant buildings, the generator 
    step-up transformer, and the transmission switchyard at a generating 
    plant. Warehouses and equipment service buildings not associated with 
    generation plants are covered under paragraph (f) of this section.
        (2) The borrower must obtain RUS approval, prior to issuing 
    invitations to bid, of the terms and conditions for all generating 
    plant equipment or construction contracts which will cost $1,500,000 or 
    more. Unless RUS approval is required by paragraph (a) of this section, 
    plans and specifications for generating plant equipment and 
    construction do not require RUS approval.
        (f) Headquarters buildings. (1) This paragraph (f) covers office 
    buildings, warehouses, and equipment service buildings. Generating 
    plant buildings are covered under paragraph (e) of this section.
        (2) The borrower must obtain RUS approval of the plans and 
    specifications for all headquarters buildings prior to issuing 
    invitations to bid. The borrower must also submit two copies of RUS 
    Form 740g, Application for Headquarters Facilities. The application 
    must show surface area and estimated cost breakdown between office 
    building space and space for equipment warehousing and service 
    facilities. This form is available from Program Support and Regulatory 
    Analysis Staff, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Stop 1522, 1400 
    Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-1522.
        (g) Communications and control facilities. (1) This paragraph 
    covers microwave and powerline carrier communications systems, load 
    control, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
        (2) The borrower must obtain RUS approval, prior to issuing 
    invitations to bid, of the terms and conditions for communications and 
    control facilities contracts which will cost $500,000 or more. Unless 
    RUS approval is required by paragraph (a) of this section, plans and 
    specifications for communications and control facilities do not require 
    RUS approval.
        (h) Terms and conditions include the RUS standard form of contract, 
    general and special conditions, and any other non-technical provisions 
    of the contract. Terms and conditions which have received RUS approval 
    in connection with a previous contract for a particular borrower are 
    considered approved by RUS for that borrower.
    Sec. 1724.55  Dam safety.
        (a) The provisions of this section apply only to RUS financed 
    electric system facilities.
        (1)(i) Any borrower that owns or operates a RUS financed dam must 
    utilize the ``Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety,'' (Guidelines), as 
    applicable. A dam, as more fully defined in the Guidelines, is 
    generally any artificial barrier which either:
        (A) Is 25 feet (8 m) or more in height; or
        (B) Has an impounding capacity at maximum water storage elevation 
    of 55 acre-feet (68,000 m3) or more.
        (ii) The ``Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety,'' FEMA 93, June 1979, 
    published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is hereby 
    incorporated by reference. This incorporation by
    [[Page 41890]]
    reference is approved by the Director of the Office of the Federal 
    Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies 
    of the ``Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety'' may be obtained from the 
    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mitigation Directorate, P.O. Box 
    2012, Jessup, MD 20794. It is also available for inspection during 
    normal business hours at RUS, Electric Staff Division, 1400 
    Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, Room 1246-S, and at the 
    Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., Suite 
    700, Washington, DC.
        Note: The incorporation by reference and availability of 
    inspection copies are pending approval by the Office of the Federal 
        (2) The borrower shall evaluate the hazard potential of its dam(s) 
    in accordance with Appendix E of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 
    Engineering and Design Dam Safety Assurance Program, ER 1110-2-1155, 
    July 31, 1995. A summary of the hazard potential criteria is included 
    for information as Appendix A to this subpart. The U. S. Army Corps of 
    Engineers Engineering and Design Dam Safety Assurance Program, ER 1110-
    2-1155, July 31, 1995, published by the United States Army Corps of 
    Engineers, is hereby incorporated by reference. This incorporation by 
    reference is approved by the Director of the Office of the Federal 
    Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies 
    of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Design Dam Safety 
    Assurance Program may be obtained from the U. S. Army Corps of 
    Engineers, Publications Depot, 2803 52nd Ave., Hyattsville, MD 20781. 
    It is also available for inspection during normal business hours at 
    RUS, Electric Staff Division, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., 
    Washington, DC, Room 1246-S, and at the Office of the Federal Register, 
    800 North Capitol Street, NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC.
        Note: The incorporation by reference and availability of 
    inspection copies are pending approval by the Office of the Federal 
        (3) For high hazard potential dams, the borrower must obtain an 
    independent review of the design and critical features of construction. 
    The reviewer must have demonstrated experience in the design and 
    construction of dams of a similar size and nature. The reviewer must be 
    a qualified engineer not involved in the original design of the dam or 
    a Federal or State agency responsible for dam safety. The reviewer must 
    be satisfactory to RUS.
        (4) The independent review of design must include, but not 
    necessarily be limited to, plans, specifications, design calculations, 
    subsurface investigation reports, hydrology reports, and redesigns 
    which result from encountering unanticipated or unusual conditions 
    during construction.
        (5) The independent review of construction shall include:
        (i) Foundation preparation and treatment. When the foundation has 
    been excavated and exposed, and before critical structures such as 
    earth embankments or concrete structures are placed thereon, the 
    borrower shall require the reviewer to conduct an independent 
    examination of the foundation to ensure that suitable foundation 
    material has been reached and that the measures proposed for treatment 
    of the foundation are adequate. This examination must extend to the 
    preparation and treatment of the foundation for the abutments.
        (ii) Fill placement. During initial placement of compacted fill 
    materials, the borrower shall require the reviewer to conduct an 
    independent examination to ensure that the materials being used in the 
    various zones are suitable and that the placement and compaction 
    procedures being used by the contractor will result in a properly 
    constructed embankment.
        (6) If the reviewer disagrees with any aspect of the design or 
    construction which could affect the safety of the dam, then the 
    borrower must hold a meeting with the design engineer and the reviewer 
    to resolve such disagreements.
        (7) Emergency action plan. For high hazard potential dams, the 
    borrower must develop an emergency action plan incorporating preplanned 
    emergency measures to be taken prior to and following a potential dam 
    failure. The plan should be coordinated with local government and other 
    authorities involved with the public safety and be approved by the 
    borrower's board of directors.
        (b)(1) For more information and guidance, the following 
    publications regarding dam safety are available from FEMA:
        (i) ``Emergency Action Planning Guidelines for Dams,'' FEMA 64.
        (ii) ``Federal Guidelines for Earthquake Analysis and Design of 
    Dams,'' FEMA 65.
        (iii) ``Federal Guidelines for Selecting and Accommodating Inflow 
    Design Floods for Dams,'' FEMA 94.
        (iv) ``Dam Safety: An Owner's Guidance Manual,'' FEMA 145, August, 
        (2) These publications may be obtained from the Federal Emergency 
    Management Agency, Mitigation Directorate, PO Box 2012, Jessup, MD 
    Secs. 1724.56--1724.69  [Reserved]
    Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 1724--Hazard Potential 
    Classification for Civil Works Projects
        The source for this appendix is U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 
    Engineering and Design Dam Safety Assurance Program, ER 1110-2-1155, 
    Appendix E. Appendix E is available from the address in 
    Sec. 1724.55(a)(2).
                 Category \1\                        Low                  Significant                  High         
    Direct Loss of Life \2\..............  None expected (due to    Uncertain (rural         Certain (one or more   
                                            rural location with no   location with few        extensive residential,
                                            permanent structures     residences and only      commercial or         
                                            for human habitation).   transient or             industrial            
                                                                     industrial               development).         
    Lifeline Losses \3\..................  No disruption of         Disruption of essential  Disruption of critical 
                                            services--repairs are    facilities and access.   facilities and access.
                                            cosmetic or rapidly                                                     
                                            repairable damage.                                                      
    Property Losses \4\..................  Private agricultural     Major public and         Extensive public and   
                                            lands, equipment and     private facilities.      private facilities.   
                                            isolated buildings.                                                     
    Environmental Losses \5\.............  Minimal incremental      Major mitigation         Extensive mitigation   
                                            damage.                  required.                cost or impossible to 
    \1\ Categories are based upon project performance and do not apply to individual structures within a project.   
    \2\ Loss of life potential based upon inundation mapping of area downstream of the project. Analysis of loss of 
      life potential should take into account the extent of development and associated population at risk, time of  
      flood wave travel and warning time.                                                                           
    \3\ Indirect threats to life caused by the interruption of lifeline services due to project failure, or         
      operation, i.e., direct loss of (or access to) critical medical facilities or loss of water or power supply,  
      communications, power supply, etc.                                                                            
    [[Page 41891]]
    \4\ Direct economic impact of value of property damages to project facilities and down stream property and      
      indirect economic impact due to loss of project services, i.e., impact on navigation industry of the loss of a
      dam and navigation pool, or impact upon a community of the loss of water or power supply.                     
    \5\ Environmental impact downstream caused by the incremental flood wave produced by the project failure, beyond
      which would normally be expected for the magnitude flood event under a without project conditions.            
    Subpart F--RUS Contract Forms
    Sec. 1724.70  List of RUS contract forms for architectural and 
    engineering services.
        The following RUS contract forms for architectural and engineering 
    services are available:
        (a) RUS Form 179, Architects and Engineers Qualifications;
        (b) RUS Form 211, Engineering Service Contract for the Design and 
    Construction of a Generating Plant;
        (c) RUS Form 215, Engineering Service Contract--System Planning;
        (d) RUS Form 220, Architectural Services Contract;
        (e) RUS Form 234, Final Statement of Engineering Fee;
        (f) RUS Form 236, Engineering Service Contract--Electric System 
    Design and Construction;
        (g) RUS Form 241, Amendment of Engineering Service Contract;
        (h) RUS Form 244, Engineering Service Contract--Special Services;
        (i) RUS Form 258, Amendment of Engineering Service Contract--
    Additional Project;
        (j) RUS Form 284, Final Statement of Cost for Architectural 
        (k) RUS Form 297, Engineering Service Contract--Retainer for 
    Consultation Service; and
        (l) RUS Form 459, Engineering Service Contract--Power Study.
    Sec. 1724.71  Use of printed forms.
        (a) Persons wishing to obtain forms referred to in this part should 
    contact: Program Support and Regulatory Analysis Staff, U.S. Department 
    of Agriculture, Stop 1522, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 
    20250-1522. These forms may be reproduced as needed.
        (b) If a RUS contract form is required by this part, the borrower 
    shall use the form in the format available from RUS (photocopying or 
    other exact reproduction is acceptable.) The RUS contract forms are not 
    to be retyped, changed, modified or altered in any manner not 
    specifically authorized in this part or approved by RUS in writing. Any 
    modifications approved by RUS must be clearly shown so to indicate that 
    they are different from the standard form.
    Secs. 1724.72--1724.73  [Reserved]
    Sec. 1724.74  Engineering service contract for the design and 
    construction of a generating plant, RUS Form 211.
        The contract form in this section shall be used when required by 
    this part.
    Engineering Service Contract for the Design and Construction of a 
    Generating Plant
        AGREEMENT, made ________, 19____, between ________ (hereinafter 
    called the ``Owner'') and ________ of ________ hereinafter called 
    the ``Engineer'').
        WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Rural Utilities Service 
    (hereinafter called the ``Administrator'') of the United States of 
    America (hereinafter called the ``Government'') has approved the 
    making of a loan or loan guarantee of not in excess of $________ by 
    the Government to the Owner pursuant to the Rural Electrification 
    Administration Act of 1936, as amended, approximately $________ of 
    which is intended to finance, in whole or in part, the construction 
    and operation of an electrical generating plant which is estimated 
    to cost $________ and consists of ________ in the State of ________, 
    having the Rural Utilities Service project designation of ________, 
    (hereinafter called the ``Project''), located at such place as the 
    Owner with the approval of the Administrator shall designate;
        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings 
    herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
    Article I
    General Obligation of Engineer
        In accordance with the normal standards and practices used in 
    the profession, the Engineer shall diligently and competently render 
    all engineering services which shall be necessary or advisable for 
    the expeditious, economical and sound design and construction of the 
    Project with due consideration to all ecological and environmental 
    requirements. The enumeration of specific duties and obligations to 
    be performed by the Engineer hereunder shall not be construed to 
    limit the general undertakings of the Engineer.
    Article II
    Design of Project
        Section 1. The Engineer shall prepare and within ---------- days 
    after the approval hereof by the Administrator submit in duplicate 
    to the Owner for approval and to the Administrator for approval, if 
    approval of the Administrator is required, a ``Project Design 
    Manual'' which shall consist of, but not necessarily be limited to, 
    the following items:
        (a) A detailed statement covering the procedures to be followed 
    by the Engineer in the performance of this Agreement, including, 
    without limitation, such matters as the routing and distribution of 
    copies of correspondence and reports, the furnishing of lists of 
    plans and specifications, procedures relating to the awarding of 
    construction and equipment contracts, identification of persons to 
    be called by telephone with respect to various subject matters, 
    contract closeouts, and meetings.
        (b) A design outline which includes all design criteria for the 
    Project, including, without limitation, plant site, equipment, 
    building requirements, environmental equipment and other 
    environmental factors, civil, electrical and mechanical 
    requirements. The outline shall comply with requirements of the RUS 
    Environmental Policies and Procedures.
        (c) Evaluation studies which support the economic basis for the 
    design and selection of equipment, including, without limitation, 
    turbine throttle and exhaust conditions, boiler feed pump, air 
    quality equipment and condenser.
        (d) Testing procedures which outline the responsibilities to be 
    assumed by the Owner, Engineer, and contractor and include, without 
    limitation, acceptance testing, concrete tests, laboratory testing, 
    radiographic inspection, electrical checkout and testing. Section 2. 
    In addition, the Engineer shall prepare and within ____ days after 
    the approval hereof by the Administrator submit in duplicate to the 
    Owner for approval and to the Administrator for approval, if 
    approval of the Administrator is required, preliminary plans 
    (hereinafter called the ``Preliminary Plans'') which shall consist 
        (a) A single-line diagram of proposed main and auxiliary 
    electrical connections, including all major equipment, switching and 
        (b) A single-line flow diagram of proposed steam, water, gas, 
    oil and air connections, including all major equipment.
        (c) A schedule, in a form acceptable to the Owner and 
    Administrator, showing by months the estimated time required for 
    each major subdivision of the Project for design, fabrication and 
    installation, and the estimated date the project will be available 
    for commercial service. Such schedule shall specify, in percentages, 
    the portion of the total design performance of the Engineer under 
    this Agreement which each item of design represents.
        (d) The Engineer's estimate of the total cost of the completed 
    Project, by components, together with the forecast of the amounts of 
    money needed by the Owner each month until completion of the 
        Section 3. Promptly upon receipt of approval by the Owner and by 
    the Administrator, if the approval of the Administrator is required, 
    of the Project Design Manual and Preliminary Plans, the Engineer 
    shall proceed with preparation of and shall submit, in duplicate, to 
    the Owner and to the Administrator, if approval of the Administrator 
    is required, complete and detailed plans and specifications, 
    [[Page 41892]]
    maps and other engineering documents required for the construction 
    of the Project (all of the foregoing being hereinafter sometimes 
    collectively called the ``Plans and Specifications''). In the 
    preparation of the Plans and Specifications, the Engineer shall 
    consult with the Owner to the end that the Project shall serve the 
    purposes intended by the Owner. The Engineer shall diligently make 
    such necessary changes in the Plans and Specifications as may be 
    required by the Owner and the Administrator. The Plans and 
    Specifications shall include the following:
        (a) Detailed drawings showing the complete design and layout of 
    the Project.
        (b) The form of construction contract (hereinafter called the 
    ``Construction Contract'') to be entered into between the Contractor 
    and Owner for the construction of the Project, including forms of 
    notice and instructions to bidders, material and construction 
    specifications, contractor's proposal, bidder's qualifications, 
    contractor's bond and construction drawings. If the Owner or the 
    Administrator shall direct that the Project shall be constructed 
    under more than one contract, the Engineer shall submit forms of all 
    necessary Construction Contracts and shall also prepare and submit 
    in connection with each such contract all that is hereinabove 
    required of the Engineer in connection with the Construction 
    Contract. All maps, drawings, plans, specifications; estimates and 
    other documents required to be prepared or submitted by the Engineer 
    under this section or other sections of the Agreement shall conform 
    to all applicable environmental requirements related to the project, 
    including those commitments contained in the RUS Final Environmental 
    Statement, standard specifications and other forms prescribed by the 
    Administrator, unless deviation therefrom shall be permitted by the 
    Administrator in writing.
        Section 4. The Engineer shall also proceed to procure and submit 
    to the Owner and to the Administrator, if approval of the 
    Administrator is required, forms of other contracts and documents 
    for the equipment and materials proposed to be purchased by the 
    Owner for use in connection with the construction of the Project or 
    any services necessary or desirable in connection therewith.
        Section 5. The Engineer, immediately upon receipt of notice from 
    the Owner and from the Administrator, if approval of the 
    Administrator is required, of their approval for bidding purposes of 
    the form of Construction Contract or any contracts for materials, 
    equipment and services, as the case may be, shall, unless otherwise 
    instructed by the Owner with the prior approval of the 
    Administrator, take all appropriate and necessary action to procure 
    full, free and competitive bidding for the award of such contracts. 
    In fulfilling this responsibility, the Engineer shall prepare and 
    submit to the Owner for approval a recommended bidders' list. Upon 
    approval of such list by the Owner, the Engineer, in collaboration 
    with the Owner, shall fix a date for the opening of bids for such 
    contracts. The Engineer shall be available to each prospective 
    bidder for consultation with respect to the details of the Plans and 
    Specifications and all other matters pertaining to the preparation 
    of the Proposals for the construction of the Project or the supply 
    of materials, equipment or services therefor.
        Section 6. The Engineer shall attend all openings of bids for 
    the construction of the Project, or any part thereof, or for the 
    furnishing of materials, equipment and services therefor. In case 
    fewer than three (3) bids are received for the construction of the 
    Project or component parts of the Project, the Owner shall be 
    notified immediately and such bids shall remain unopened unless 
    permission is obtained from the Owner for the opening of such bids. 
    If bids are opened, the Engineer shall carefully check and prepare 
    tabulations of all bids received and shall render to the Owner all 
    such assistance as shall be required in connection with 
    consideration of the bids so that contracts may be prudently and 
    properly awarded. The Engineer shall submit in writing to the Owner 
    its first, second and third choice of bidders, materials and 
    equipment to be used in each case, with its recommendation and 
    reasons for the selection. When the Owner has indicated its choice 
    of bidders, materials, and equipment, the Engineer shall forward a 
    tabulation of the bids, copies of the recommendation, and the 
    Owner's selection to the Administrator, if approval of the 
    Administrator is required. If requested by the Administrator, the 
    Engineer shall forward one complete copy of all original bids 
    received. Upon approval by the Administrator, if approval of the 
    Administrator is required, of the selection of a bidder, materials, 
    and equipment, the Engineer shall prepare three counterparts of the 
    contract to be executed by the Owner and the Contractor and shall 
    forward such executed counterparts to the Administrator for 
    approval, if approval of the Administrator is required.
        Section 7. The Engineer shall furnish to the Owner all 
    engineering information, services, data and drawings required for 
    procuring all necessary or desirable permits, licenses, franchises, 
    titles, rights and authorizations and shall cooperate with the 
    Owner's attorney in the procuring thereof.
    Article III
    Construction Management
        Section 1. The Engineer shall supervise the construction of the 
    Project and shall make a diligent effort to insure the expeditious 
    and economical construction thereof in accordance with the Plans and 
    Specifications and the terms of the Construction Contract and 
    equipment or material contracts and the loan contract (hereinafter 
    called the ``Loan Contract'') entered into between the Owner and the 
    Government or any other lenders specifying the terms upon which the 
    Project shall be constructed and financed. The Engineer shall 
    carefully inspect all materials and equipment prior to their 
    incorporation in the Project and shall promptly reject those not in 
    compliance with the Specifications. The Engineer shall also 
    supervise and inspect the incorporation of the materials in the 
    Project and the workmanship with which such materials are 
    incorporated. The Engineer, as representative of the Owner, shall 
    have sole responsibility for requiring the Contractor to perform the 
    Construction Contract in accordance with its terms and the Plans and 
    Specifications, and, in performing the duties incident to such 
    responsibility, the Engineer shall issue to the Contractor such 
    directives and impose such restrictions as may be required to obtain 
    reasonable and proper compliance by the Contractor with the terms of 
    the Construction Contract and the Plans and Specifications in the 
    construction of the Project; provided that the Engineer shall not be 
    required to exercise any actual control over employees of the 
    Contractor. The term ``supervise'' when used herein shall not confer 
    upon the Engineer responsibility for the Contractor's construction 
    means, methods, or techniques. The obligations of the Engineer 
    hereunder run to and are for the benefit of only the Owner and the 
        Section 2. If, after the Construction Contract has been approved 
    by the Administrator, if approval of the Administrator is required, 
    it shall be determined that any change or changes in the Plans and 
    Specifications are advisable, the Engineer shall prepare and submit 
    to the Owner and the Contractor all necessary details in connection 
    with such change or changes. The execution of such changes by the 
    Engineer shall be within the intent of the Engineer's general 
    undertakings as outlined elsewhere in this contract. Upon approval 
    of the change or changes by the Owner and the Contractor, the 
    proposed change or changes shall be submitted by the Engineer to the 
    Administrator, if approval of the Administrator is required, in the 
    form of a contract amendment.
        Section 3. The Engineer shall prepare all estimates, 
    certificates, reports and other documents required to be executed by 
    the Engineer pursuant to the terms of the Construction Contract, 
    equipment or material contracts or the Loan Contract. When any bid 
    specification is forwarded to RUS for review, an updated cost 
    estimate for the proposed contract shall also be included. After all 
    major equipment contracts have been awarded and all permits have 
    been received, and after approximately forty percent (40%) of the 
    project design has been completed and construction has commenced, 
    the Engineer shall update, on a quarterly basis, unless more 
    frequently requested by the Owner, the information required under 
    Article II, Section 2(d) hereof.
        Section 4. The Engineer shall, upon completion of construction 
    of component parts of the Project, make a complete inspection and 
    conduct, utilizing the Owner's operating personnel and/or the 
    manufacturer's representatives, such component and system tests as 
    shall be necessary to assure conformance with the Plans and 
    Specifications, the standards required by the Construction Contract, 
    equipment and materials contracts and the guarantees given in 
    connection therewith.
        Section 5. The Engineer shall schedule and coordinate the start-
    up activities for placing the plant in service. This shall include 
    preparation of system operating schedules, written system start-up 
    procedures, and operating manuals describing the various plant 
    systems and operating procedures.
    [[Page 41893]]
        Section 6. The Engineer shall prepare written procedures for 
    final acceptance tests of major equipment, such procedures being 
    subject to the Owner's concurrence. Furthermore, the Engineer shall 
    conduct, utilizing the Owner's operating personnel, final acceptance 
    tests of major equipment. Such tests shall be made in the presence 
    of duly qualified representatives of the Owner and the 
    Administrator, if the Administrator elects to attend, and the time 
    and procedure of such tests shall be agreed upon by the Engineer, 
    the Owner and the Administrator. After completion of each final 
    acceptance test, the Engineer shall prepare copies of the test 
    results and recommendations as to acceptability of equipment and 
    submit them to the Owner for review.
        Section 7. A competent resident engineer with full authority to 
    act for the Engineer shall be maintained by the Engineer at the site 
    of the Project during the entire period of any construction 
    activity. The Engineer shall maintain at the site of the Project and 
    under the direct supervision of the resident engineer a sufficient 
    number of qualified engineering field inspectors to fully discharge 
    the responsibilities of the Engineer pursuant to Article III, 
    Section 1 hereof.
    Article IV
    Final Documents
        The Engineer shall, upon the completion of the inspection and 
    tests in respect of the Project provided in Sections 4 and 6 of 
    Article III, obtain or prepare and deliver to the Owner the 
        (a) A nameplate inventory and summary in triplicate of all 
    equipment and facilities incorporated in the Project together with a 
    breakdown of contract costs arranged by Standard List of Retirement 
    Units, RUS Bulletin 181-2.
        (b) Two complete sets of final inventory (record) drawings 
    showing the location and layout of the Project in accordance with 
    revisions to design drawings and field records of construction. All 
    information required by this Agreement to be included in the maps 
    and drawings shall be included in the record drawings. One complete 
    set of the record drawings shall be in reproducible form 
    satisfactory to the Owner. The Engineer shall also provide the Owner 
    with any other original manufacturer's equipment drawings not 
    otherwise available to the Owner.
        (c) An itemized statement in triplicate of the amounts payable 
    by the Owner under all contracts for the construction of the Project 
    and the furnishing of materials, equipment and services thereof.
        (d) A certificate in triplicate to the effect that the Project 
    has been fully constructed substantially in accordance with the 
    Plans and Specifications if and as amended.
        (e) A detailed report in duplicate of all tests, in a form 
    satisfactory to the Owner.
        (f) All maps, tracings and drawings prepared or used by the 
    Engineer in connection with the performance of the duties of the 
    Engineer under this Agreement.
        (g) Operating and maintenance manuals received from 
        When the Owner has determined that the Project is available for 
    commercial service, the Engineer shall report to the Owner and the 
    Administrator, for depreciation purposes, the estimated total 
    contract cost of the Project, plus the Owner's other related 
    overhead cost, as obtained from the Owner, showing as a separate 
    item the cost of land (a non-depreciable item).
    Article V
        Section 1. The Owner shall pay the Engineer for the services 
    performed hereunder as indicated in the attached Schedule A.
        Section 2. The total compensation to be paid in connection with 
    this Agreement shall not exceed $________ (________ Dollars.)
        Section 3. The Engineer shall submit to the Owner each month a 
    certified statement in duplicate, of the amounts due for services 
    hereunder, which statement shall be in accordance with the 
    applicable reports of engineering progress required by Article VI, 
    Section 1 hereof, and shall be in such detail and contain such 
    supporting data as the Owner may request. The Owner shall review and 
    approve each statement within thirty (30) days or inform the 
    Engineer of the reasons the statement cannot be approved. Upon 
    approval of each such statement by the Owner, ninety (90) percent of 
    the amount thereof shall be due and payable. The balance of the 
    compensation payable under Section 1 hereof shall be due and payable 
    within thirty (30) days after completion of the Project. The Project 
    shall be deemed complete for the purposes of the Agreement when all 
    required final documents, including a certificate of completion, 
    have been submitted by the Engineer and approved by the Owner and by 
    the Administrator, if approval of the Administrator is required.
        Section 4. In the event that this Agreement at any time be 
    terminated pursuant to Article VI, Section 2 hereof, the 
    compensation which shall be payable by the Owner to the Engineer for 
    services rendered prior to such termination shall be computed as 
        (a) Compensation for services in respect of the Design of the 
    Project shall be determined in accordance with Section 1 of this 
    Article V, using the final report of engineering progress referred 
    to in Article VI, Section 1 hereof to determine the percentage of 
    completion of the services in respect of design of the Project as of 
    the effective date of termination.
        (b) Compensation for services in respect of supervision and 
    inspection of construction of the Project and all other services 
    shall be computed at the rate of $ ________ per staff hour of 
    supervision and inspection of construction performed by the Engineer 
    prior to the effective date of termination, but in no event shall 
    such compensation exceed an amount computed in accordance with the 
    provisions of Section 1 (b) of the Article V. The Engineer shall 
    submit to the Owner, in duplicate, a statement of the staff hours of 
    supervision and inspection of construction in such detail and with 
    such supporting data as may be requested by the Owner.
        Section 5. Compensation payable to the Engineer under any of the 
    Articles of this Agreement shall be in addition to taxes, or levies 
    (excluding Federal, State and Local Income Taxes), which may be 
    assessed against the Engineer by any State or political subdivision 
    directly on services performed or payments for services performed by 
    the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement. Such taxes or levies which 
    the Engineer may be required to collect or pay, shall, in turn, be 
    added by the Engineer to invoices submitted to the Owner pursuant to 
    this Agreement.
        Section 6. At or prior to the time when any payments shall be 
    made to the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement, the Engineer if 
    requested by the Owner shall furnish to the Owner, as a condition 
    precedent to such payment, a certificate to the effect that all 
    salaries or wages earned by the employees of the Engineer in 
    connection with the Project have been fully paid by the Engineer up 
    to and including a date not more than fifteen (15) days prior to the 
    date when such payment shall be made. At or before the time when the 
    final payment provided to be made hereunder shall be made to the 
    Engineer by the Owner, the Engineer shall also furnish to the Owner, 
    as a condition precedent to such payment, a certificate in form 
    satisfactory to the Administrator that all the employees of the 
    Engineer have been paid for services rendered by them in connection 
    with the Project and that all other obligations which might become a 
    lien on the Project have been paid.
        Section 7. Interest at the rate of ________ percent (________%) 
    per annum [percentage is not to exceed any applicable State usury 
    laws] shall be paid by the Owner to the Engineer on all unpaid 
    balances due the Engineer, commencing thirty (30) days after the due 
    date, provided that the delay in payment beyond the due date shall 
    not have been caused by any condition within the control of the 
    Engineer. Such compensation shall be paid ten (10) days after the 
    amount of the interest has been determined by the Engineer and the 
    Article VI
        Section 1. The Engineer shall prepare and execute in such form 
    and detail as the Owner and the Administrator shall direct all 
    estimates, certificates, reports, and other documents required to be 
    executed by the Engineer pursuant to the Construction Contract or 
    the Loan Contract, including, without limitation, a monthly report 
    of engineering progress on the form of schedule referred to in 
    Article II, Section 2(c) hereof showing the percentage of completion 
    of each of the subdivisions thereof and the overall percentage of 
    completion of engineering services in respect of the design and 
    construction of the Project as of the date of each such report; 
    Monthly Cost Estimates and Forecasts of Cash Requirements in the 
    form referred to in Article II, Section 2(d) hereof, which shall 
    contain explanations of changes, if any, from prior Monthly Cost 
    Estimates and Forecasts of Cash Requirements. From time to time the 
    Engineer shall prepare and submit to the Owner for approval and to 
    the Administrator for approval, if approval of the Administrator is 
    required, all necessary changes in the
    [[Page 41894]]
    schedule referred to in Article II, Section 2(c) hereof, provided, 
    however, that no changes shall be made in the percentages assigned 
    to each item of design in the original schedule approved by the 
    Owner and by the Administrator, if approval of the Administrator is 
    required, pursuant to Article II, Section 2(c) hereof.
        Section 2. The Owner may at any time terminate this Agreement by 
    giving notice to the Engineer in writing to that effect, delivered 
    or mailed to the Engineer's last known address not less than twelve 
    (12) calendar days prior to the effective date of termination 
    specified in the notice. From and after the effective date specified 
    in such notice, this Agreement shall be terminated, except that the 
    Engineer shall be entitled to receive compensation for services 
    hereunder as provided in Section 3 of Article V hereof, and the 
    Engineer shall be obligated forthwith to deliver to the Owner all 
    maps, tracings and drawings of the Project and all other letters, 
    documents and other material including all records pertaining 
    thereto. If this Agreement shall be terminated, the Engineer shall 
    prepare and submit to the Owner and the Administrator a final report 
    of engineering progress as of the date of termination.
        Section 3. Insurance. The Engineer shall take out and maintain 
    throughout the period of this Agreement insurance if the following 
    types and minimum amounts:
        (a) Workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance, as 
    required by law, covering all of the Engineer's employees who 
    perform any of the obligations of the Engineer under the Agreement. 
    If any employer or employee is not subject to the workers' 
    compensation laws of the governing state, then insurance shall be 
    obtained voluntarily to extend to the employer and employee coverage 
    to the same extent as though the employer or employee were subject 
    to the workers' compensation laws.
        (b) Public liability insurance covering all operations under the 
    Agreement shall have limits for bodily injury or death of not less 
    than $1 million each occurrence, limits for property damage of not 
    less than $1 million each occurrence, and $1 million aggregate for 
    accidents during the policy period. A single limit of $1 million of 
    bodily injury and property damage is acceptable. This required 
    insurance may be in a policy or policies of insurance, primary and 
    excess including the umbrella or catastrophe form.
        (c) Automobile liability insurance on all motor vehicles used in 
    connection with the Agreement, whether owned, nonowned, or hired, 
    shall have limits for bodily injury or death of not less than $1 
    million per person and $1 million per occurrence, and property 
    damage limits of $1 million for each occurrence. This required 
    insurance may be in a policy or policies of insurance, primary and 
    excess including the umbrella or catastrophe form.
        (d) Errors and Omissions (Professional Liability) Insurance in 
    an amount at least as large as the maximum compensation specified in 
    Article V, Section 2, but not less than $1 million.
        The Owner shall have the right at any time to require public 
    liability insurance and property damage liability insurance greater 
    than those required in subsections ``b'' and ``c'' of this Section. 
    In any such event, the additional premium or premiums payable solely 
    as the result of such additional insurance shall be added to the 
    total compensation to be paid under this Agreement.
        The Owner shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies 
    of insurance required in subsections ``b'' and ``c'' of this 
        The policies of insurance shall be in such form and issued by 
    such insurer as shall be satisfactory to the Owner. The Engineer 
    shall furnish the Owner a certificate evidencing compliance with the 
    foregoing requirements which shall provide not less than (30) days 
    prior written notice to the Owner of any cancellation or material 
    change in the insurance. The Architect shall also follow the 
    requirements of 7 CFR part 1788, RUS Fidelity and Insurance 
    Requirements for Electric and Telephone Borrowers.
        Section 4. The obligations and duties to be performed by the 
    Engineer under this Agreement shall be performed by persons 
    qualified to perform such duties efficiently. The Engineer, if the 
    Owner shall so direct in writing, shall replace any resident 
    engineer or other persons employed by the Engineer in connection 
    with the Project. For the information of the Owner and the 
    Administrator, the Engineer shall file with the Owner and the 
    Administrator a statement, signed by the Engineer, of the 
    qualifications, including specific experience of each engineer and 
    inspector assigned to the Project and the duties assigned to each.
        Section 5. Approvals, directions and notices provided to be 
    given hereunder by the Administrator to the Engineer or the Owner 
    shall be deemed to be properly given if given by the Administrator 
    or by any person authorized by the Administrator to give such 
    approvals, directions or notices.
        Section 6. The Engineer shall follow all applicable RUS rules 
    and regulations.
        Section 7. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed and 
    delivered in three or more counterparts, each of which so executed 
    and delivered shall be deemed to be an original, and all constitute 
    but one and the same instrument.
        Section 8. The obligations of the Engineer under this Agreement 
    shall be assigned without the approval in writing of the Owner and 
    of the Administrator.
        Section 9. This Agreement shall be effective only from and after 
    the time when it shall be approved by the Administrator in writing. 
    Neither this Agreement nor any provision thereof shall be modified, 
    amended, rescinded, waived, or terminated without the approval of 
    the Administrator.
        Section 10. The Engineer shall comply with all applicable 
    statutes pertaining to engineering and warrants that ________ (Name 
    of Engineer) who will be in responsible charge of the Project 
    possesses license number ______ issued by the State of ________ on 
    the ________ day of ________, 19____.
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 
    Agreement to be duly executed.
    ________ Owner
    By ________ President
    ATTEST: ________ Secretary
    ________ Engineer
    ________ President, Partner [Strike out inapplicable designation.]
    ATTEST: ________ Secretary
    Schedule A--Compensation
    [End of clause]
    Sec. 1724.75  Architectural service contract, RUS Form 220.
        The contract form in this section shall be used when required by 
    this part.
    Architectural Services Contract
        AGREEMENT, made ________, 19____, between ________ (hereinafter 
    called the ``Owner'') and ________ of ________ (hereinafter called 
    the ``Architect'').
        WHEREAS, the Owner owns and operates a rural electric or 
    telecommunications system, having the Rural Utilities Service 
    designation of ________ financed in whole or in part with funds 
    obtained by the Owner through loans made or guaranteed by the United 
    States of America acting through the Administrator of the Rural 
    Utilities Service (hereinafter called the ``Administrator''). If the 
    project is financed wholly or in part by the Rural Telephone Bank, 
    an agency of the United States of America, the references in this 
    Agreement to the ``Administrator'' shall mean the ``Governor'' of 
    the Rural Telephone Bank as well; and WHEREAS, the Owner desires to 
    ________ (hereinafter called the ``Project'') at an estimated cost 
    of construction not to exceed: ________ dollars ($ ________ ) for 
    new work, and/or ________ dollars ($ ________ ) for remodeling, 
    which aggregate ________ dollars ($ ________ ), hereinafter called 
    the ``Anticipated Cost,'' is exclusive of the cost of land, legal, 
    architectural, accounting, or other professional services, or of 
        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings 
    herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
    Article I
    General Obligation of Architect
        The Architect shall render, diligently and competently in 
    accordance with the normal standards used in the profession, all 
    architectural services which shall be necessary or advisable for the 
    expeditious, economical and sound design, construction and 
    satisfactory completion of the Project. The enumeration of specific 
    duties and obligations to be performed by the Architect hereunder 
    shall not be construed to limit the general undertakings of the 
    Architect. The obligations of the Architect hereunder run to, and 
    are for the benefit of, only the Owner and the Administrator and 
    shall not relieve the Contractor of its own responsibility under its 
    agreement with the Owner.
    Article II
    Preconstruction Period
    Section 1.
        (a) The Architect shall prepare: (1) preliminary drawings, (2) a 
    general description of materials and types of construction, and (3) 
    an overall estimate of the cost of construction (all of the 
    [[Page 41895]]
    hereinafter collectively called the ``Preliminary Documents''), and 
    not later than ________ days after the date of execution of this 
    Agreement, shall submit them in triplicate to the Owner for 
    approval. Any changes in the Preliminary Documents required as a 
    condition of approval shall be promptly made by the Architect.
        (b) After receipt of notice of approval of the Preliminary 
    Documents from the Owner, the Architect will proceed with the 
    preparation of:
        (1) Detailed plans showing the complete design of the Project 
    including, but not limited to, architectural, structural, 
    electrical, mechanical, and site development features.
        (2) Complete and detailed specifications describing the design 
    requirements of the Project, including all matters referred to in 
    subparagraph (1) above, and any materials to be incorporated 
        (3) The Construction Contract, RUS Form 257, ``Contract to 
    Construct Buildings,'' (hereinafter called the ``Construction 
    Contract''), which includes the Notice and Instructions to Bidders, 
    Bid Bond, Bidders' Proposal, Owners' Acceptance, and Contractors' 
    Bond, to be entered into between a bidder and the Owner for the 
    construction of the Project. (All of the foregoing, including any 
    revisions thereof, being hereinafter collectively called the ``Plans 
    and Specifications.'')
        Within ________ days after receipt of such approval of the 
    Preliminary Documents, the Architect shall prepare and submit to the 
    Owner, in duplicate, for its approval, complete and detailed 
    ``Final'' Plans and Specifications as required for the construction 
    of the Project. All documents required to be prepared and submitted 
    by the Architect hereunder shall be on the applicable standard forms 
    prescribed by the Administrator. In the preparation of the Plans and 
    Specifications, the Architect shall consult with the Owner to 
    ascertain the requirements of the project. Upon approval by the 
    Owner of the Plans and Specifications, such approval being noted 
    thereon under the corporate seal of the Owner attesting the approval 
    thereof by the Owner, the Architect shall diligently make such 
    changes in the Plans and Specifications as may be required as a 
    condition of approval thereof.
        Section 2. So far as it shall be necessary in the preparation of 
    the Plans and Specifications and in the construction of the Project, 
    the Owner shall furnish the Architect information and data in 
    respect of the following:
        (a) A complete and accurate survey of the building site, 
    including grades and lines of streets, pavements and adjoining 
        (b) The rights, restrictions, easements, boundaries and contours 
    of the building site;
        (c) Sewer, water, gas, electric, and telephone service, etc.;
        (d) Test borings and pits, and chemical, mechanical and other 
        Section 3. If the Owner shall direct that the Project shall be 
    constructed under more than one contract, the Architect shall submit 
    all necessary Construction Contract forms and shall also prepare and 
    submit in connection with each such contract all of the information 
    and documents that shall be required for construction of the 
        Section 4. Immediately after the Architect has received approval 
    of the Plans and Specifications from the Owner, the Architect, 
    unless otherwise instructed by the Owner, shall take all appropriate 
    and necessary action to procure full, free and competitive bidding 
    for the award of the Construction Contract. Any public notices which 
    by law are required of the Owner shall be published at the expense 
    of the Owner.
        Section 5. The Architect shall prepare and furnish to each 
    qualified bidder requesting them, one set of the Plans and 
    Specifications together with all necessary forms and other documents 
    upon payment of the amount stipulated by the Architect, which 
    payment will be refunded to each bona fide bidder within ten (10) 
    days after the bid opening. The Architect shall also prepare and 
    furnish to bidders requesting them, additional sets of the Plans and 
    Specifications together with all necessary forms and other documents 
    upon payment of an amount stipulated by the Architect, which payment 
    will not be subject to refund.
        Section 6. The Architect shall address to each prospective 
    bidder a written response to inquiries from any prospective bidder 
    with respect to the details of the Plans and Specifications and all 
    other matters pertaining to the preparation of proposals for the 
    construction of the Project or the furnishing of materials or 
    services therefor. Under some circumstances the Architect may 
    request that the inquiries from the prospective bidders be submitted 
    in writing. The Architect or a competent representative of the 
    Architect shall attend all openings of bids for the construction of 
    the Project or any part thereof. The Architect shall carefully check 
    and prepare tabulations of all bids received and shall render to the 
    Owner a recommendation and all such assistance as shall be required 
    in connection with consideration of the bids received so that 
    contracts may be prudently awarded in accordance with the policy and 
    procedure prescribed by the Owner and the Administrator.
        Section 7. The Architect shall furnish to the Owner all 
    architectural information, data and drawings required for procuring 
    all necessary or desirable permits, licenses, franchises, and 
    authorizations, and shall cooperate with the Owner's attorney in the 
    procuring thereof.
        Section 8. If, after the Construction Contract has been 
    approved, it shall be determined by the Owner that a change or 
    changes in the Plans and Specifications are advisable, the Architect 
    shall prepare and submit to the Owner all necessary details in 
    connection with such change or changes, the Construction Contract 
    shall be amended accordingly, and the Architect shall immediately 
    proceed in respect of any construction required thereby in like 
    manner as though such construction were originally required under 
    the Construction Contract.
    Article III
    Construction Period
        Section 1. The Architect shall conduct inspection activities, 
    and for projects involving multiple construction contracts, shall 
    provide project coordination and inspection activities, and shall 
    make a diligent effort to secure for the Owner the expeditious and 
    economical construction of the Project in accordance with the 
    approved Plans and Specifications and the terms of the Construction 
    Contract. The Architect, unless otherwise directed in writing by the 
    Owner, shall have and exercise sole responsibility for the issuance 
    of supplemental directives to the Contractor regarding the 
    Contractor's performance in accordance with the terms of the 
    Construction Contract. In fulfilling the above responsibility, the 
    Architect shall:
        (a) Issue to the Contractor such directives and impose such 
    restrictions as may be necessary to obtain reasonable and proper 
    compliance by the Contractor with the terms of the Construction 
    Contract and the Plans and Specifications.
        (b) Visit the Project site at intervals appropriate to the stage 
    of construction, but in no event (except for periods of prolonged 
    work stoppage or construction delay) less than once per week, to 
    inspect construction of the Project, to inspect excavations prior to 
    placing of concrete and other work prior to it being covered from 
        (c) Make recommendations to the Owner concerning the selection 
    of materials, colors, finishes, designs or devices for use in the 
        (d) Periodically inspect materials prior to their incorporation 
    into the Project.
        (e) Observe the manner of incorporation of materials into the 
    Project and the workmanship with which such materials are 
        (f) Review and if acceptable approve material and/or equipment 
    substitutions for compliance with contract documents.
        (g) Observe results of specified tests.
        (h) Be available to the Owner and the Contractor during office 
    hours for consultation.
        (i) Review completed construction, direct the Contractor to 
    correct observed defects, and approve payments to the Contractor for 
    correctly completed construction.
        (j) Prepare such change orders as may be required for the 
        Section 2. The Architect shall review and, if acceptable, 
    approve shop drawings, samples, schedules and other submissions of 
    the Contractor for conformance with the design concept of the 
    Project and for compliance with requirements of the Plans and 
        Section 3. The Architect shall prepare and execute all 
    estimates, certificates, and other documents required to be executed 
    by the Architect pursuant to the Construction Contract. Unless 
    otherwise provided in the Construction Contract, the Architect will 
    furnish to the Contractor, free of charge, copies of the Plans and 
    Specifications as may be reasonably necessary for the execution of 
    the work.
        Section 4. The Architect shall prepare and submit to the Owner 
    monthly construction progress reports.
        Section 5. The Architect shall, upon notice by the Contractor of 
    completion of the work and a request for a final inspection of the 
        (a) Make a careful and thorough inspection to determine that the 
    construction of the
    [[Page 41896]]
    Project has been completed in accordance with the Plans and 
    Specifications and the terms of the Construction Contract and any 
    amendments thereto.
        (b) Prepare and deliver to the Owner complete and detailed final 
    documents including without limitation the following:
        (1) An itemized statement of the amounts payable by the Owner 
    under all contracts for the construction of the Project and the 
    furnishing of materials and services therefor.
        (2) A Certificate of Completion on the form approved by the 
    Administrator, to the effect that the Project has been fully 
    constructed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, if and 
    as amended.
        (3) One complete set of ``as-constructed'' Plans and 
    Specifications of the Project in reproducible form satisfactory to 
    the Owner.
        (4) A Certificate of Architect and a Final Statement of 
    Architect's Fee due hereunder.
        (c) Use diligent efforts:
        (1) To obtain from the Contractor releases of all liens and of 
    rights to claim any lien from manufacturers, material suppliers, and 
    subcontractors that have furnished materials or services for the 
    construction of the Project.
        (2) To obtain a Certificate of Contractor, on the form approved 
    by the Administrator, to the effect that all labor has been paid.
        (3) To obtain and deliver to the Owner all material and 
    workmanship warranties or bonds required by the Plans and 
    Specifications and service and operating manuals furnished by 
    manufacturers or suppliers.
    Article IV
        Section 1. The Owner shall pay the Architect for all services 
    performed hereunder, except as provided in Section 3 hereof, a sum 
    calculated as follows. (The Owner and Architect should agree upon 
    the compensation schedule to be inserted in Tables Nos. 1 and 2 
    below. A sample compensation schedule is included in the Appendix 
    for use as a guide in preparing the actual schedule to be used.)
    TABLE NO. 1
    TABLE NO. 2
        If a Project shall consist of new construction and remodeling 
    work, the Architect and the Owner shall agree on an equitable 
    distribution of the final cost of construction between new 
    construction and remodeling work, which shall be used to determine 
    the applicable compensation from the two tables in this Section 1. 
    For the purpose of computing compensation due the Architect under 
    this Agreement for services rendered, ``remodeling,'' shall be 
    defined for this project as follows: ________. (A suggested 
    definition of ``remodeling'' which may be used by the Owner in 
    preparing the actual definition to be inserted here is included in 
    the Appendix.)
        The sum shall be due and payable as follows:
        (a) Twenty percent (20%) thereof (using the Anticipated Cost in 
    lieu of the Cost of Construction) within thirty (30) days after the 
    date of approval of the Preliminary Documents.
        (b) An additional fifty percent (50%) thereof (using the 
    Anticipated Cost in lieu of the Cost of Construction) within thirty 
    (30) days after the date of approval of the Plans and 
        (c) An additional twenty percent (20%) thereof, as construction 
    progresses, in monthly installments each bearing the same ratio to 
    the total amount payable under this subsection (c) as the 
    corresponding monthly payment to the Contractor bears to the total 
    amount payable to the Contractor.
        (d) The balance, if any, of the compensation due under this 
    Section 1 and all other provisions of this Agreement, shall be 
    payable within thirty (30) days after Completion of the Project in 
    accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Article IV.
        For the purpose of this Article, the term ``Cost of Construction 
    of the Project,'' shall mean the Construction Contract Price 
    including amendments thereto, plus the cost of labor and materials 
    furnished for the Project by the Owner and in respect of which the 
    Architect shall have rendered services hereunder. Extra drafting or 
    other services performed shall be paid for as provided in Section 3 
    of this Article IV.
        The term ``Completion of the Project'' shall mean full 
    performance of all obligations under this Agreement and all 
    amendments and revisions thereof.
        Section 2. Prior to the time when any payment shall be made to 
    the Architect pursuant to this Agreement, the Architect, if 
    requested by the Owner, shall furnish to the Owner, as a condition 
    precedent to such payment, a certificate to the effect that all 
    salaries or wages earned by the employees of the Architect in 
    connection with the Project have been fully paid by the Architect up 
    to and including a date not more than fifteen (15) days prior to the 
    date when such payment shall be due. Before the time when the final 
    payment provided to be made pursuant to this Article IV shall be 
    made to the Architect by the Owner, the Architect shall also furnish 
    to the Owner as a condition precedent to such payment (a) a 
    Certificate of Architect stating that all the employees of the 
    Architect have been paid for services rendered by them in connection 
    with the Project and that all other obligations which might become a 
    lien upon the Project have been paid, and (b) a Final Statement of 
    Architect's Fee showing the Cost of Construction of the Project and 
    the amount due the Architect under this Agreement.
        Section 3. If the Architect shall, at the request of the Owner, 
    perform any of the services outlined in Section 2 of Article II or 
    if, after approval of the Construction Contract the Architect shall 
    perform extra drafting or other services because of changes ordered 
    by the Owner or default of the Contractor, the Architect shall be 
    paid, in respect thereof, a sum equal to the Architect's reasonable 
    out-of-pocket expenses, plus ____ percent (____%) (not to exceed 
    fifty percent (50%)) thereof for office overhead plus reasonable 
    subsistence, transportation and communication expenses, if any, paid 
    to, or an behalf of, employees; which amount shall be due and 
    payable ten (10) days after approval by the Owner of the services 
    performed and the invoice of the Architect. The compensation due the 
    Architect under this paragraph shall be decreased by the amount of 
    any increase in the compensation due the Architect under Section 1 
    of this Article IV. The Architect shall submit to the Owner a 
    statement of out-of-pocket expenses in respect of extra drafting or 
    other services to be compensated for pursuant to this Section 3. 
    Out-of-pocket expenses shall be limited to money paid by the 
    Architect for direct labor, labor taxes, labor insurance, prorated 
    sick leave, vacation, holiday, retirement, and medical insurance 
    benefits, all applicable to such direct labor, except that, in the 
    case of services performed with the prior approval of the Owner by 
    the following officers, partners or others having ownership 
    interests in the Architect, the rates corresponding to ``direct 
    labor'' set forth below shall apply: ________.
        Section 4. If this Agreement shall be terminated pursuant to the 
    provisions of Section 1 or Section 2 of Article V hereof, the 
    compensation for services rendered prior to such termination shall 
    be computed as follows:
        (a) One-fifth of the compensation set forth in Section 1 of this 
    Article IV based upon the Anticipated Cost (or of the Cost of 
    Construction of the Project if termination is effective after 
    approval of the Construction Contract) shall represent compensation 
    for the Preliminary Documents and such compensation shall be 
    prorated on the basis of the percentage of completion of such 
    Preliminary Documents as of the effective date of termination.
        (b) One-half of the compensation set forth in Section 1 of this 
    Article IV based upon the Anticipated Cost (or of the Cost of 
    Construction of the Project if termination is effective after 
    approval of the Construction Contract) shall represent compensation 
    for the Plans and Specifications and such compensation shall be 
    prorated on the basis of the percentage of completion of such Plans 
    and Specifications as of the effective date of termination.
        (c) One-fifth of the compensation set forth in Section 1 of this 
    Article IV based upon the Anticipated Cost shall represent 
    compensation for the coordinate on and inspection of construction of 
    the Project and such compensation shall be prorated on the basis of 
    the percentage of such services determined by the value of the 
    Project constructed prior to the effective date of termination.
        (d) One-tenth of the compensation set forth in Section 1 of this 
    Article IV based upon the Cost of Construction of the Project shall 
    represent compensation for the services provided for in Section 4 of 
    Article III and such compensation shall be prorated on the basis of 
    the percentage of such services performed prior to the effective 
    date of termination.
        (e) Compensation for the services referred to in Section 2 of 
    Article II, which may be
    [[Page 41897]]
    performed by the Architect at the request of the Owner and for extra 
    drafting and other services because of changes ordered by the Owner, 
    shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of 
    this Article IV.
        Section 5. interest shall be paid by the Owner to the Architect 
    on all unpaid balances due the architect, commencing thirty (30) 
    days after the due date, provided that the delay in payment beyond 
    the due date shall not have been caused by any condition within the 
    control of the Architect. Such interest shall be at the rate of ____ 
    percent ( ____%). [Percentage is not to exceed any applicable State 
    usury laws] Such compensation shall be paid ten (10) days after the 
    amount of the interest has been determined by the Architect and the 
        Section 1. The Owner may at any time terminate this Agreement by 
    giving notice to the Architect in writing to that effect, delivered 
    and mailed to the Architect's last known address not less than ten 
    (10) days prior to the effective date of termination specified in 
    the notice. From and after the effective date of termination 
    specified in such notice, this Agreement shall be terminated, 
    provided, however, that the Architect shall be entitled to receive 
    compensation for services theretofore rendered pursuant to this 
    Agreement, computed in accordance with the provisions of Article IV, 
    Section 4, hereof.
        Section 2. The Architect shall have the right, by giving to the 
    Owner not less than thirty (30) days notice in writing, to terminate 
    this Agreement if the Architect shall have been prevented by 
    conditions beyond the control and without the fault of the 
    Architect: (a) from commencing performance of this Agreement for a 
    period of twelve (12) months from the date of this Agreement, or (b) 
    from proceeding with the completion of full performance of any 
    remaining services, required of the Architect pursuant to this 
    Agreement, for a period of six (6) months from the date of last 
    performance by the Architect of other services required pursuant to 
    this Agreement. From and after the effective date specified in such 
    notice this Agreement shall be terminated, except that the Architect 
    shall be entitled to receive compensation for services performed 
    hereunder, computed and payable in the same manner as set forth in 
    Section 1 of this Article.
        Section 3. Upon Completion of the Project or termination of this 
    Agreement, the Architect shall be obligated forthwith to deliver to 
    the Owner all maps, tracings, and drawings of the Project and all 
    letters, documents, and other material including all records 
    pertaining thereto.
        Section 4. Insurance. The Architect shall take out and maintain 
    throughout the period of this Agreement insurance if the following 
    types and minimum amounts:
        (a) Workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance, as 
    required by law, covering all of the Architect's employees who 
    perform any of the obligations of the Architect under the Agreement. 
    If any employer or employee is not subject to the workers' 
    compensation laws of the governing state, then insurance shall be 
    obtained voluntarily to extend to the employer and employee coverage 
    to the same extent as though the employer or employee were subject 
    to the workers' compensation laws.
        (b) Public liability insurance covering all operations under the 
    Agreement shall have limits for bodily injury or death of not less 
    than $1 million each occurrence, limits for property damage of not 
    less than $1 million each occurrence, and $1 million aggregate for 
    accidents during the policy period. A single limit of $1 million of 
    bodily injury and property damage is acceptable. This required 
    insurance may be in a policy or policies of insurance, primary and 
    excess including the umbrella or catastrophe form.
        (c) Automobile liability insurance on all motor vehicles used in 
    connection with the Agreement, whether owned, nonowned, or hired, 
    shall have limits for bodily injury or death of not less than $1 
    million per person and $1 million per occurrence, and property 
    damage limits of $1 million for each occurrence. This required 
    insurance may be in a policy or policies of insurance, primary and 
    excess including the umbrella or catastrophe form.
        (d) Errors and Omissions (Professional Liability) Insurance in 
    an amount at least as large as the maximum compensation specified in 
    Article IV, Section 1, but not less than $1 million.
        The Owner shall have the right at any time to require public 
    liability insurance and property damage liability insurance greater 
    than those required in subsections ``b'' and ``c'' of this Section. 
    In any such event, the additional premium or premiums payable solely 
    as the result of such additional insurance shall be added to the 
    total compensation to be paid under this Agreement.
        The Owner shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies 
    of insurance required in subsections ``b'' and ``c'' of this 
        The policies of insurance shall be in such form and issued by 
    such insurer as shall be satisfactory to the Owner. The Architect 
    shall furnish the Owner a certificate evidencing compliance with the 
    foregoing requirements which shall provide not less than (30) days 
    prior written notice to the Owner of any cancellation or material 
    change in the insurance.
        The Architect shall also follow the requirements of 7 CFR part 
    1788, RUS Fidelity and Insurance Requirements for Electric and 
    Telephone Borrowers.
        Section 5. The obligations and duties to be performed by the 
    Architect under this Agreement shall be performed by persons 
    qualified to perform such duties efficiently. The Architect, if the 
    Owner shall so direct, shall replace any person employed by the 
    Architect in connection with the Project.
        For the information of the Owner and the Administrator, the 
    Architect shall, upon request, file with the Owner and the 
    Administrator upon forms approved by the Administrator, statements 
    of the qualifications, including specific experience, of each person 
    assigned to the Project and the duties assigned to each, and 
    certifications of insurance coverage.
        Section 6. The Architect shall follow all applicable RUS rules 
    and regulations.
        Section 7. This Agreement shall be simultaneously executed and 
    delivered in three counterparts, each of which when so executed and 
    delivered shall be deemed to be an original, and all shall 
    constitute but one and the same instrument.
        Section 8. The obligations of the Architect under this Agreement 
    shall not be assigned without the approval in writing of the Owner.
        Section 9. The Architect shall comply with all applicable 
    statutes pertaining to the practice of the profession.
        It is hereby warranted that the Architect possesses license 
    number ________ issued by the State of ________ on the ________ day 
    of ________, 19____.
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 
    Agreement to be duly executed and their respective corporate seals 
    to be affixed and attested by their duly authorized representatives 
    all as of the date first above written.
    ________ Owner
    BY: ________ President
    ATTEST: ________ Secretary
    ________ Architect
    By ________
    ________ Title
    ATTEST: ________ Secretary
        Section 1. This sample compensation schedule may be used by the 
    Owner in the preparation of the actual compensation schedule which 
    will be inserted into Article IV, Section 1.
     Table No. 1 new construction cost of new         Compensation for      
                   construction                    architectural services   
    Up $ 25,000...............................  12%.                        
    $25,000 to $100,000.......................  $3,000+8.00% of all over    
    $100,000 to $200,000......................  $9,000+7.75% of all over    
    $200,000 to $300,000......................  $16,750+7.5% of all over    
    $300,000 to $400,000......................  $24,250+7.25% of all over   
    $400,000 to $500,000......................  $31,500+7.0% of all over    
    $500,000 to $750,000......................  $38,000+6.3% of all over    
    Over $750,000.............................  $54,250 + 6.0% of all over  
    Note: The above schedule should be adequate for office buildings with   
      tenant improvements. For service garages, warehouses, telephone       
      equipment buildings, etc., the Owner should negotiate lower           
      compensation schedules.                                               
      Table No. 2 remodeling work cost of new         Compensation for      
                   construction                    architectural services   
    Up $ 50,000...............................  14%.                        
    $50,000 to $100,000.......................  $7,000+12.00% of all over   
    $100,000 to $200,000......................  $13,000+10.00% of all over  
    $200,000 to $300,000......................  $12,000 + 8.0% of all over  
    [[Page 41898]]
    Over $300,000.............................  $31,000+6.0% of all over    
        Section 2. A suggested definition of ``remodeling'' which the 
    Owner may insert in Article IV, Section 1 is as follows: any 
    modification to the interior or exterior of any existing structure 
    that does not increase the amount of usable floor space of that 
    [End of clause]
    Sec. 1724.76  Engineering service contract--electric system design and 
    construction, RUS Form 236.
        The contract form in this section shall be used when required by 
    this part.
    Engineering Service Contract Electric System Design and Construction
        AGREEMENT made ________, 19 ____, between ________ (hereinafter 
    called the ``Owner''), and ________ of ________ (hereinafter called 
    the ``Engineer'').
        WHEREAS, the Owner has obtained from the Administrator of the 
    Rural Utilities Service (hereinafter called the ``Administrator'') 
    of the United States of America a loan or loans to finance in whole 
    or in part a rural electric system pursuant to the Rural 
    Electrification Act of 1936, as amended, and plans the construction 
    of a project designated ________, being hereinafter called the 
    ``Project,'' consisting of approximately the following facilities: 
    Distribution and Transmission Lines:
    ________ miles (________ km) of ________ kV line,
    ________ miles (________ km) of ________ kV line,
    Name ______ ______ MVA ______ kV to ______ kV
             ______ ______ MVA ______ kV to ______ kV
    Switching Stations:
    Name ______ ______ kV
    Name ______ ______ kV
    ______ miles (______ km) of line conversion, ______ miles (______ 
    km) of line removal, and the following: ______
        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings 
    herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
    Article I
    General Obligations
        In accordance with the normal standards and practices used in 
    the profession, the Engineer shall render diligently and competently 
    all engineering services which shall be necessary or advisable for 
    the expeditious, economical, and sound design and construction of 
    the Project with due consideration given to all ecological and 
    environmental requirements. The enumeration of specific duties and 
    obligations to be performed by the Engineer hereunder shall not be 
    construed to limit the general undertakings of the Engineer.
    Article II
    Preconstruction Period
        Section 1. The Engineer shall give thorough consideration to 
    aesthetics and the protection of the environment in all phases of 
    construction of the Project including line routing and station 
    locations. Where RUS or the Owner has prepared an environmental 
    document or the Owner must comply with the conditions of a Special 
    Use Permit imposed by a Federal land management agency, the Engineer 
    shall incorporate all environmental commitments of the applicable 
    documents that specifically relate to the facilities to be 
        Section 2. The Engineer shall, within thirty (30) days after the 
    date of execution of this Agreement, make a complete field 
    inspection and investigation for the purpose of determining the most 
    economical and practicable location of the proposed lines. The 
    Engineer shall cooperate with the Owner's right-of-way agent and 
    attorney in developing a schedule of right-of-way procurement and 
    assist the Owner in developing suitable property maps for use by the 
    Owner's easement solicitors.
        Section 3. Prior to the preparation of Plans and Specifications 
    by the Engineer, the Owner shall furnish to the Engineer the 
    following as may be applicable:
        (a) Copies of pertinent Engineering Studies, including 
    Construction Work Plans when available, on which to base the design 
    of the electrical facilities to be built; key maps of the Owner's 
    present and proposed facilities and detail or vicinity maps showing 
    location of existing lines, consumers served and easements obtained.
        (b) Detailed lists of materials, if any, on hand or on order 
    which are to be furnished by the Owner in the construction of the 
    Project, together with the quantity and the value of each item of 
    such material.
        (c) With respect to materials contained in the assembly units 
    indicated for removal, a list showing values of individual material 
    items for which the Contractor will be credited with respect to 
    salvaged materials returned to the Owner if not included in item (b) 
        Section 4. Sufficient soil test data to ensure adequate 
    foundation designs shall be provided by the________Owner________the 
    Engineer [check one].
        Section 5. If requested by the Owner, the Engineer shall prepare 
    and submit to the Owner estimates of quantities of materials to be 
    furnished by the Owner for use in connection with the construction 
    of the Project. The Engineer shall procure and submit to the Owner 
    forms of contracts and other documents for such materials and for 
    such other services as may be necessary or desirable in connection 
    with the construction of the Project.
        Section 6. For transmission lines, the Engineer shall prepare 
    and submit to the Owner for approval and to the Administrator for 
    approval, if approval of the Administrator is required, a summary of 
    transmission line and substation design data with supporting 
    calculations. The Plans and Specifications and the Plan and Profile, 
    if any, shall be based on the design data approved by the Owner and 
    by the Administrator, if approval of the Administrator is required.
        Section 7. The Engineer shall prepare and submit to the Owner 
    for approval and to the Administrator for approval, if approval of 
    the Administrator is required, plan and profile sheets for all 
    transmission lines.
        Section 8. In specifying right-of-way clearing for transmission 
    lines where ``feathering'' and/or undulating boundaries are 
    required, the Engineer shall mark all brush and trees to be removed 
    unless such marking is the responsibility of another authority. The 
    Engineer shall also compute all clearing units, and show all 
    clearing units on the plan and profile drawings or on separate 
    drawings prepared for this purpose.
        Section 9. The Engineer shall prepare, and within________days 
    after the date of execution of this Agreement submit to the Owner 
    for approval and to the Administrator for approval, if approval of 
    the Administrator is required, two copies of complete and detailed 
    plans and specifications, drawings, maps and other documents 
    required for the construction of the Project (all of the foregoing 
    being hereinafter collectively called the ``Plans and 
    Specifications''). In the preparation of the Plans and 
    Specifications, the Engineer shall consult with the Owner to the end 
    that the Project shall serve the purpose intended by the Owner. 
    Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, the Engineer shall use 
    Construction Work Plans and Engineering Studies, as furnished by the 
    Owner, as a basis for the preparation of the Plans and 
    Specifications. The Engineer shall diligently make such changes in 
    the Plans and Specifications as may be required by the Owner or the 
    Administrator as a condition of approval thereof.
        Section 10. The Engineer shall, for each substation, prepare and 
    furnish for the Owner's approval and for the Administrator's 
    approval, if approval of the Administrator is required, the 
    following drawings and such others as may be necessary or desirable 
    for the construction of the Project:
    One line diagram (relays, breakers, transformers, switches, etc.)
    Three line diagram (PT, CT, phasing, etc.)
    Plot plan (excluding land surveys and plots necessary in acquisition 
    of property)
    Grading plan, fence layout and details
    Structure plan and details
    Structure elevations (with section views)
    Footing plan and details
    Grounding plan and details
    Cable trench and layout plan
    Lighting plan and details
    Control house plan and details
    Control house elevations and details
    Material lists
        Section 11. All maps, drawings, plan and profile sheets, plans 
    and specifications, contract forms, addenda, estimates, studies and 
    other documents required to be prepared or submitted by the Engineer 
    under this Article II or other articles of this Agreement shall 
    conform to the applicable standard specifications and other forms 
    prescribed by the Administrator, unless deviation
    [[Page 41899]]
    therefrom shall have been approved by the Administrator.
        Section 12. The Engineer shall furnish to the Owner all 
    engineering information, data, and drawings required for procuring 
    all necessary or desirable permits, licenses, franchises and 
    authorizations from public bodies, and all necessary or desirable 
    permits, licenses or agreements with respect to the crossing of 
    navigable streams, railroads, and power lines, and with respect to 
    the paralleling or crossing of communications lines and signal 
    circuits and shall assist the Owner to the extent necessary to 
    obtain such permits, licenses, franchises, authorizations, and 
    agreements. The Engineer shall also furnish to the Owner all 
    engineering information, data, and drawings required for procuring 
    transmission line right-of-way through condemnation proceedings. If 
    requested by the Owner, the Engineer shall attend, or appear as a 
    witness in, hearings or other proceedings before public service 
    commissions or other regulatory bodies in connection with procuring 
    of the foregoing.
        Section 13. When notified by the Administrator (if approval of 
    the Administrator is required) and by the Owner of their approval of 
    the form of Construction Contract, the Engineer shall immediately 
    take all appropriate and necessary action to procure full, free and 
    competitive bidding for the award of such contract or contracts, and 
    when requested assist the Owner with the purchase of material and 
    equipment. The term ``Construction Contract'' as used herein shall 
    also include right-of-way clearing contracts, equipment contracts, 
    or materials contracts if such contracts are utilized in the 
    construction of the project. In fulfilling this responsibility, the 
    Engineer shall prepare and submit to the Owner for approval a 
    recommended list of qualified bidders to construct the project. Upon 
    approval of such list by the Owner, the Engineer, in collaboration 
    with the Owner, shall fix a date for the opening of bids for such 
    contracts. The Engineer shall prepare and furnish to the qualified 
    bidders the Plans, Specifications and Construction Drawings together 
    with all necessary forms and other documents.
        Section 14. The Engineer shall be available to each prospective 
    bidder for consultation with respect to the details of the Plans and 
    Specifications and all other matters pertaining to the preparation 
    of the proposals for the construction of the Project or the supply 
    of materials or services therefor. The Engineer, or a competent 
    representative of the Engineer, shall attend and supervise all 
    openings of bids for the construction of the Project or for the 
    furnishing of materials or services therefor. The Engineer shall 
    carefully check and prepare detailed assembly unit price tabulations 
    of all bids received and shall render to the Owner all such 
    assistance as shall be required in connection with consideration of 
    the bids received so that contracts may be prudently and properly 
    awarded in accordance with the policy and procedure prescribed by 
    the Owner and the Administrator.
        Section 15. If any change is to be made in the Plans and 
    Specifications after the Construction Contract has been approved by 
    the Owner and by the Administrator, if approval of the Administrator 
    is required, the Engineer shall prepare and submit the necessary 
    details for a contract amendment in accordance with the procedure 
    prescribed by the Owner and the Administrator.
    Article III
        Section 1. The Engineer, with the approval of the Owner, shall 
    determine when staking of the Project shall begin; provided, 
    however, that the Engineer shall not commence staking until the 
    Owner shall have certified that all right-of-way authorizations and 
    easements reasonably required for the construction of the Project 
    has been procured. The Owner shall furnish qualified persons to 
    negotiate with landowners or tenants with respect to such right-of-
    way authorizations and easements and the locations of meter poles or 
    service entrances. The Engineer shall proceed diligently with such 
    staking and continue therewith in such manner as not to retard the 
    progress of construction of the Project.
        The staking shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner 
    and in accordance with the latest revision of the National 
    Electrical Safety Code, applicable state codes, plans and 
    specifications and approved transmission line plan and profile 
    sheets. The Engineer shall in no case stake lines other than those 
    authorized by the Owner. The Engineer shall replace all stakes lost 
    or removed prior to or during construction of the Project. All 
    costs, including costs of stakes, equipment, and other material used 
    in connection with the staking, shall be borne by the Engineer. All 
    stakes shall be marked to show the pole number. Where practicable, 
    all stakes shall be driven in such manner that the pole number shall 
    be visible from the pole hauling truck when poles are being 
    distributed. Each transmission structure stake shall be marked with 
    the station number and the height and class of pole. Where it is 
    probable that the Contractor will have difficulty in locating 
    stakes, the Engineer shall drive a four-foot (1.2 m) building lath 
    or equivalent in addition and adjacent to the stake. The Engineer 
    shall give due consideration to the location of the consumer's load 
    center and service termination in staking pole locations on or near 
    the consumer's premises so that the service entrance cable or low 
    voltage conductors to buildings will be as short as possible.
        Section 2. The Engineer shall cause staking sheets or structure 
    lists to be maintained in such form as the Owner shall require, on 
    which shall be accurately entered all pertinent and useful 
    information and directions concerning the construction of the 
    Project. Five counterparts of the staking sheets or structure lists 
    shall be supplied by the engineer to the Contractor and two copies 
    shall be supplied to the Owner. When revisions in staking sheets or 
    structure lists are necessary, the Engineer shall cause all copies 
    of the staking sheets or structure lists to be corrected to reflect 
    such revisions in the information or directions previously 
    incorporated thereon.
        Section 3. The Engineer shall prepare and submit to the Owner a 
    report showing the quantity, kind, price, and extended total of all 
    units of construction for each portion of the Project at the time 
    such portion is released to the Contractor for construction.
        Section 4. A competent resident engineer, with full authority to 
    act for the Engineer, shall be maintained by the Engineer at the 
    site of the Project at all times when staking is being performed.
    Article IV
    Construction Management
        Section 1. The Engineer shall supervise the construction of the 
    Project and shall make a diligent effort to ensure the expeditious 
    and economical construction thereof in accordance with the Plans and 
    Specifications and the terms of the Construction Contract or 
    contracts and ensure that all specified environmental criteria are 
    followed. The Engineer shall carefully inspect all materials and 
    equipment prior to their incorporation in the Project and shall 
    promptly reject those not in compliance with the Specifications. The 
    Engineer shall also supervise and inspect the incorporation of the 
    materials in the Project and the workmanship with which such 
    materials are incorporated. Such inspection shall be deemed to be 
    adequate if a reasonable percentage of all construction units are 
    inspected at the time of installation. The Engineer, as 
    representative of the Owner, shall have sole responsibility for 
    requiring the Contractor to perform the Construction Contract in 
    accordance with its terms and the Plans and Specifications; and, in 
    performing the duties incident to such responsibility, the Engineer 
    shall issue to the Contractor such directives and impose such 
    restrictions as may be required to obtain reasonable and proper 
    compliance by the Contractor with the terms of the Construction 
    Contract, Plans and Specifications, in construction of the Project; 
    provided that the Engineer shall not be required to exercise any 
    actual control over employees of the Contractor. The term 
    ``supervise'' when used herein shall not confer upon the Engineer 
    responsibility for the Contractor's construction means, methods, or 
    techniques. The obligations of the Engineer hereunder run to and are 
    for the benefit of only the Administrator and the Owner.
        Section 2. The Engineer shall measure ground resistance at all 
    substation ground fields prior to bonding the ground field to the 
    substation structure. In addition, upon recommendation by the 
    Engineer and authorization by the Owner, the Engineer shall measure 
    the ground resistance at the following locations:
        (a) At all transmission structures with overhead ground wire 
    prior to the installation of the overhead ground wire.
        (b) At all transmission structures with pole grounds prior to 
    the installation of power conductor. The Engineer shall prepare a 
    report of the ground resistance measurements mentioned above and 
    submit such report to the Owner together with recommendations for 
    changes, if any, required to ensure satisfactory operation. To the 
    extent such changes are approved, the Engineer shall make 
    appropriate changes in the Plans and Specifications in accordance 
    with the provisions of Section 12 of Article II.
    [[Page 41900]]
        Section 3. The Engineer shall maintain at the site of the 
    Project during the entire period of construction a competent 
    resident engineer with full authority to act for the Engineer, 
    unless specifically directed otherwise by the Owner in writing. When 
    necessary to assure adequate inspection, one or more competent 
    inspectors shall also be maintained when construction units are 
    being installed or corrective work is being performed, the number of 
    inspectors being subject to approval by the Owner. The Engineer 
    shall report, in writing, all defects in workmanship or materials to 
    the Contractor and the Owner and shall instruct the Contractor to 
    correct all such defects immediately, in accordance with the terms 
    of the Construction Contract. A resident engineer shall be present 
    during the final inspection of completed construction.
        Section 4. The Engineer shall test along lines, immediately 
    after they have been energized, for objectionable radio 
    interference. All cases of radio interference due to faulty 
    construction of, or defective equipment in the Project shall be 
    reported to the Contractor for correction.
    Article V
    Final Documents
        Section 1. The Engineer shall prepare and, within twenty (20) 
    days after the completion of construction of the Project by the 
    Contractor, submit complete and detailed final documents to the 
    Owner for approval and to the Administrator for approval, if 
    approval of the Administrator is required.
    Article VI
        Section 1. The Owner shall pay the Engineer for the services 
    performed hereunder as indicated in the attached Schedule A.
        Section 2. The total compensation to be paid in connection with 
    this Agreement shall not exceed $________ (________ Dollars.)
        Section 3. Compensation payable to the Engineer under this 
    Agreement shall be in addition to taxes, or levies (excluding 
    Federal, state and local income taxes), which may be assessed 
    against the Engineer by any state or political subdivision directly 
    on services performed or payments for services performed by the 
    Engineer pursuant to this Agreement. Such taxes or levies, which the 
    Engineer may be required to collect or pay, shall, in turn, be added 
    by the Engineer to invoices submitted to the Owner pursuant to this 
        Section 4. Interest at the rate of ________ percent (______%) 
    per annum [percentage is not to exceed any applicable State usury 
    laws] shall be paid by the Owner to the Engineer on all unpaid 
    balances due the Engineer commencing thirty (30) days after the due 
    date; provided that the delay in payment beyond the due date is not 
    caused by any condition within the control of the Engineer. Such 
    compensation shall be paid ten (10) days after the amount of 
    interest has been determined by the Engineer and the Owner.
        Section 5. Prior to the time when any payment shall be made to 
    the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement, the Engineer, if requested 
    by the Owner, shall furnish to the Owner, as a condition precedent 
    to such payment, a certificate to the effect that all salaries or 
    wages earned by the employees of the Engineer in connection with the 
    Project, have been fully paid by the Engineer up to and including a 
    date not more than fifteen (15) days prior to the date when such 
    payment shall be made. Before the time when the final payment shall 
    be made to the Engineer by the Owner, the Engineer shall also 
    furnish to the Owner, as a condition precedent to such payment, a 
    certificate that all the employees of the Engineer have been paid 
    for services rendered by them in connection with the Project and 
    that all other obligations which might become a lien upon the 
    Project have been paid.
    Article VII
        Section 1. The Owner may at any time terminate this Agreement by 
    giving notice to the Engineer in writing to that effect not less 
    than ten (10) days prior to the effective date of termination 
    specified in the notice. Such notice shall be deemed given if 
    delivered or mailed to the last known address of the Engineer. From 
    and after the effective date specified in such notice, this 
    Agreement shall be terminated, except that the Engineer shall be 
    entitled to receive compensation for services hereunder as provided 
    in Section 2 of this Article VII.
        Section 2. In the event that this Agreement at any time be 
    terminated pursuant to Section 1 of this Article VII, the 
    compensation which shall be payable to the Engineer by the Owner 
    shall be computed so far as possible in accordance with the 
    provisions of Article VI. To the extent that the provisions of 
    Section 1 of Article VI cannot be applied because construction is 
    incomplete at the effective date of such termination, the Engineer 
    shall be paid for engineering services in respect of incomplete 
    construction a sum which shall bear the same ratio of the 
    compensation which would have been payable under the provisions of 
    Section 1 of Article VI, if such construction had been completed as 
    the engineering services in respect of such incomplete construction 
    bear to the engineering services which would have been rendered if 
    construction had been completed. If requested by the Owner, the 
    Engineer shall submit to the Owner in duplicate a verified statement 
    of actual expenses in respect of such incomplete construction. All 
    compensation payable under this Section 2 shall be due and payable 
    thirty (30) days after the approval by the Owner of the amount due 
        Section 3. The Engineer shall have the right, by giving the 
    Owner not less than thirty (30) days notice in writing, to terminate 
    this Agreement if the Engineer shall have been prevented by 
    conditions beyond the control and without the fault of the Engineer 
    (i) from commencing performance of this Agreement for a period of 
    twelve (12) months from the date of this Agreement and (ii) from 
    proceeding with the completion of full performance of any remaining 
    services, required of the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement, for a 
    period of six (6) months from the date of last performance by the 
    Engineer of other services required pursuant to this Agreement. From 
    and after the effective date specified in such notice this Agreement 
    shall be terminated, except that the Engineer shall be entitled to 
    receive compensation for services performed hereunder, computed and 
    payable in the same manner as set forth in Section 2 of this 
        Section 4. Upon completion of the Project or termination of the 
    Contract, the Engineer shall be obligated forthwith to deliver to 
    the Owner all maps, tracings, and drawings of the Project and all 
    letters, documents, and other material, including all records 
    pertaining thereto.
        The term ``Completion of the Project'' shall mean full 
    performance of all obligations under this Contract and all 
    amendments and revisions thereof as evidenced by the approval of the 
    final documents by the Owner and by the Administrator, if approval 
    of the Administrator is required.
        Section 5. The Engineer shall follow all applicable RUS rules 
    and regulations.
        Section 6. The Engineer shall prepare and execute in such form 
    and detail as the Owner and the Administrator shall direct all 
    estimates, certificates, reports, and other documents required to be 
    executed by the Engineer pursuant to the terms of the Construction 
    Contract or the Loan Contract, including progress reports of 
    engineering services and reports of the progress of construction.
        Section 7. The Engineer shall approve each monthly estimate of 
    the Contractor prior to payment by the Owner. Such approval shall 
    include a certification by the Engineer that all construction for 
    which payment is requested has been completed in accordance with the 
    terms of the Construction Contract and that all defective 
    construction, of which the Contractor shall have received fifteen 
    (15) or more days' written notice, has been corrected. The Engineer 
    shall also maintain at the site of the Project a cumulative 
    inventory of all units of construction incorporated in the Project.
        Section 8. The Engineer shall notify the Owner when the Project, 
    or any section thereof, shall be ready to be energized. When 
    requested by the Administrator, such notice shall also be given to 
    the Administrator. The Engineer shall assist the Owner in causing 
    the Project, or such section thereof, to be energized.
        Section 9. Insurance. The Engineer shall take out and maintain 
    throughout the period of this Agreement insurance if the following 
    types and minimum amounts:
        (a) Workers' compensation and employers' liability insurance, as 
    required by law, covering all of the Engineer's employees who 
    perform any of the obligations of the Engineer under the Agreement. 
    If any employer or employee is not subject to the workers' 
    compensation laws of the governing state, then insurance shall be 
    obtained voluntarily to extend to the employer and employee coverage 
    to the same extent as though the employer or employee were subject 
    to the workers' compensation laws.
        (b) Public liability insurance covering all operations under the 
    Agreement shall have
    [[Page 41901]]
    limits for bodily injury or death of not less than $1 million each 
    occurrence, limits for property damage of not less than $1 million 
    each occurrence, and $1 million aggregate for accidents during the 
    policy period. A single limit of $1 million of bodily injury and 
    property damage is acceptable. This required insurance may be in a 
    policy or policies of insurance, primary and excess including the 
    umbrella or catastrophe form.
        (c) Automobile liability insurance on all motor vehicles used in 
    connection with the Agreement, whether owned, nonowned, or hired, 
    shall have limits for bodily injury or death of not less than $1 
    million per person and $1 million per occurrence, and property 
    damage limits of $1 million for each occurrence. This required 
    insurance may be in a policy or policies of insurance, primary and 
    excess including the umbrella or catastrophe form.
        (d) Errors and Omissions (Professional Liability) Insurance in 
    an amount at least as large as the maximum compensation specified in 
    Article VI, Section 2, but not less than $1 million.
        The Owner shall have the right at any time to require public 
    liability insurance and property damage liability insurance greater 
    than those required in subsections ``b'' and ``c'' of this Section. 
    In any such event, the additional premium or premiums payable solely 
    as the result of such additional insurance shall be added to the 
    total compensation to be paid under this Agreement.
        The Owner shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies 
    of insurance required in subsections ``b'' and ``c'' of this 
        The policies of insurance shall be in such form and issued by 
    such insurer as shall be satisfactory to the Owner. The Engineer 
    shall furnish the Owner a certificate evidencing compliance with the 
    foregoing requirements which shall provide not less than (30) days 
    prior written notice to the Owner of any cancellation or material 
    change in the insurance.
        The Engineer shall also follow the requirements of 7 CFR part 
    1788, RUS Fidelity and Insurance Requirements for Electric and 
    Telephone Borrowers.
        Section 10. The obligations and duties to be performed by the 
    Engineer under this Agreement shall be performed by persons 
    qualified to perform such duties efficiently. The Engineer, if the 
    Owner shall so direct, shall replace any resident engineer or other 
    persons employed by the Engineer in connection with the Project. The 
    Engineer shall file with the Owner and the Administrator a 
    statement, signed by the Engineer, of the qualifications, including 
    specific experience of each engineer and inspector assigned to the 
    Project and the duties assigned to each.
        Section 11. Approvals, directions and notices provided to be 
    given hereunder by the Administrator to the Engineer or the Owner 
    shall be deemed to be properly given if given by any person 
    authorized by the Administrator to give approvals, directions or 
        Section 12. The Engineer shall establish and maintain an office 
    at the site of the Project, with telephone service where available 
    when staking or construction is in progress. Any notice, 
    instructions or communications delivered to such office shall be 
    deemed to have been delivered to the Engineer.
        Section 13. This Agreement may simultaneously be executed and 
    delivered in two or more counterparts each of which so executed and 
    delivered shall be deemed to be an original, and all shall 
    constitute but one and the same instrument.
        Section 14. The obligations of the Engineer under this Agreement 
    shall not be assigned without the approval in writing of the Owner.
        Section 15. The Engineer shall comply with all applicable 
    statutes pertaining to engineering and warrants that ________ [Name 
    of Engineer] who will be in responsible charge of the Project 
    possesses license number ________ issued by the State of ________ on 
    the ________ day of ________, 19 ____.
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this 
    Agreement to be duly executed.
    ________ Owner
    By ________ President
    ATTEST: ________ Secretary
    ________ Engineer
    By ________ President, Partner [Strike out inapplicable designation]
    ATTEST: ________ Secretary
    Schedule A--Compensation
    [End of clause]
    Secs. 1724.77-1724.99  [Reserved]
        Dated: July 18, 1997.
    Jill Long Thompson,
    Under Secretary, Rural Development.
    [FR Doc. 97-19861 Filed 8-1-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-15-U

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Rural Utilities Service
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Proposed Rule
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Written comments must be received by RUS, or bear a postmark or equivalent, no later than October 3, 1997.
41883-41901 (19 pages)
0572-AA48: Electric System Planning and Design -- Policies and Procedures
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