97-20761. CCC Facility Guarantee Program (FGP)  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 153 (Friday, August 8, 1997)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 42651-42664]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-20761]
    Commodity Credit Corporation
    7 CFR Part 1493
    RIN 0551-AA35
    CCC Facility Guarantee Program (FGP)
    AGENCY: Commodity Credit Corporation, USDA.
    ACTION: Interim rule with request for comment.
    SUMMARY: This interim rule provides for facility payment guarantees to 
    be issued by the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). The guarantees are 
    to be issued in connection with sales of goods or services to establish 
    or improve agricultural-related facilities in emerging markets to 
    expand exports of U.S. agricultural commodities or products.
    DATES: Effective date: August 8, 1997. Comment date: Comments due on or 
    before October 7, 1997.
    ADDRESSES: Comments must be submitted in writing to L.T. McElvain,
    [[Page 42652]]
    Director, CCC Operations Division, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture (USDA), Stop 1035, Washington, DC 20250-1035; 
    FAX (202) 720-2949. All comments received will be available for public 
    inspection at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Room 4523-S, 1400 
    Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250 during regular business 
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William S. Hawkins, Branch Chief, or 
    Mark A. Rasmussen, Agricultural Marketing Specialist, Export Programs 
    Survey & Review Branch, CCC Operations Division, Foreign Agricultural 
    Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Stop 1035, Washington, 
    DC 20250-1035; telephone (202) 720-3241 or 720-1537; FAX (202) 720-
    Executive Order 12291
        This rule has been determined to be significant and was reviewed by 
    the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under Executive Order 12866.
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It has been determined that the Regulatory Flexibility Act is not 
    applicable to this interim rule since CCC is not required by 5 U.S.C. 
    553 or any other provision of law to publish a notice of rulemaking 
    with respect to the subject matter of this rule.
    Executive Order 12372
        This program is not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 
    12372, which requires intergovernmental consultation with state and 
    local officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart V, 
    published at 48 FR 29115 (June 24, 1983).
    Environmental Evaluation
        The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is excluded from the 
    requirements of preparing procedures to implement the National 
    Environmental Policy Act and is categorically excluded from the 
    preparation of an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact 
    Statement unless the Administrator of FAS determines that an action may 
    have a significant environmental effect. 7 CFR 1b.4(b)(7). The 
    Administrator has made no such determination with respect to this 
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 
    1995, CCC will submit an emergency information collection request (ICR) 
    for the reinstatement of the Facility Guarantee Program (FGP) 
        Title: The Facility Guarantee Program.
        OMB Control Number: 0551-0032.
        Type of Request: Reinstatement, with change, of previously-approved 
    collection for which approval has expired.
        Abstract: The information to be collected under the Office of 
    Management and Budget (OMB) Number 0551-0032 is needed to enable the 
    CCC to effectively administer the FGP. The information collection will 
    be used by the CCC to determine the eligibility of applications. CCC 
    considers this information to be essential to prudent eligibility 
    determinations. Failure to make sound decisions in providing payment 
    guarantees for the sale of goods and services may negatively impact 
    exports of U.S. agricultural commodities and products.
        The FGP information collection is similar to those for the Export 
    Credit Guarantee (GSM-102) Program and the Intermediate Export Credit 
    Guarantee (GSM-103) Program (OMB control number 0551-004). The 
    information collection for the FGP differs primarily as follows:
        (1) The applicant, in order to receive a payment guarantee, 
    provides information evidencing that the exported goods and services 
    used to develop improved infrastructure will primarily benefit exports 
    of U.S. agricultural commodities and products; (2) The applicant is 
    required to certify that the value of non-U.S. components of goods and 
    services is less than 50 percent of the contract value covered under 
    the payment guarantee.
        Estimate of Burden: The public reporting burden for this 
    information collection is estimated to average 0.6 hours per response.
        Respondents: Agricultural equipment manufacturers and exporters.
        Estimated Number of Respondents: 25.
        Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: 11.
        Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 159.
        Topics for comments include: (a) Whether the collection of 
    information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of 
    the CCC, including whether the information will have practical utility; 
    (b) the accuracy of the CCC's estimate of burden including the validity 
    of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the 
    quality, utility and clarity of the information to be collected; and 
    (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on 
    those who are to respond, including the use of appropriate automated, 
    electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or 
    other forms of information technology.
        Comments should be submitted in accordance with the Dates section 
    above and sent to the Desk Officer for Agriculture, Office of 
    Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 
    Washington, D.C. 20503; and to L.T. McElvain, Director, CCC Operations 
    Division, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agricultural 
    (USDA), Stop 1035, Washington, DC 20250-1035. Copies of this 
    information collection can be obtained from Valerie Countiss, Agency 
    Information Collection Coordinator, at telephone (202) 720-6713.
        OMB is required to make a decision concerning the collection(s) of 
    information contained in these interim regulations between 30 and 60 
    days after the publication of this document in the Federal Register. 
    Therefore, a comment to OMB is best assured of having its full effect 
    if OMB receives it within 30 days of publication. This does not affect 
    the deadline for the public to comment to the Department of Agriculture 
    on the FGP regulations.
        All responses will be summarized and included in the request for 
    OMB approval. All comments will also become a matter of public record.
    Executive Order 12778
        This interim rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 12778. 
    Civil Justice Reform. The interim rule has preemptive effect with 
    respect to any state or local laws, regulations, or policies which 
    conflict with the provisions of this rule. The rule does not have a 
    retroactive effect. The interim rule requires that certain 
    administrative remedies be exhausted before suit may be filed.
    Summary of Benefit-Cost Analysis
        The benefit-cost analysis identifies and estimates potential 
    benefits and costs attributed to provisions of this interim rule, which 
    has been designated as ``Significant.'' These provisions include 
    application requirements and program procedures. The changes in the 
    program made by this rule are expected to have only limited economic 
    effect and are not expected to increase administrative workload of the 
    Federal Government. Provisions of the Federal Agriculture Improvement 
    and Reform Act of 1996 (the 1996 Act) which target emerging markets 
    lower estimated subsidy costs by $2.5 million in FY 1997. Proposed 
    foreign content
    [[Page 42653]]
    provisions will provide participants with fewer restrictions when 
    negotiating terms and conditions of a sales transaction.
    Request for Public Comment
        The need for immediate action by CCC is predicated by two of the 
    1996 Act's amendments to the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade 
    Act of 1990, as amended (1990 Act). The 1996 Act (1) expanded the field 
    of eligible countries to include emerging markets and (2) provided the 
    Secretary of Agriculture the authority to determine and select the 
    emerging markets. These changes reflect the importance of CCC being 
    able to quickly respond to fleeting opportunities for increasing U.S. 
    agricultural exports to emerging market countries, often in volatile 
    and unpredictable circumstances, while at the same time enhancing and 
    helping stabilize the rural business systems of those countries whose 
    economies are in transition.
        In addition, in order to implement a program to make available such 
    credit in a timely manner and in a manner that will provide a more 
    uniform distribution of funds in each fiscal year, it has been 
    determined that this rule shall become effective upon publication in 
    the Federal Register. However, comments are requested with respect to 
    the provisions of this rule and will be taken into consideration in the 
    development of the final rule. Comments should be submitted to the 
    person indicated in the section titled ADDRESSES.
    A. Statutory Authority
        CCC provides export credit guarantees for export sales of U.S. 
    agricultural commodities under the Export Credit Guarantee (GSM-102) 
    program and the Intermediate Export Credit Guarantee (GSM-103) program. 
    The programs are authorized by section 202 of the Agricultural Trade 
    Act of 1978 as amended (1978 Act). Section 1542(a) of the 1990 Act 
    provides that CCC make available, for fiscal years 1996 through 2002, 
    not less than $1 billion in direct credits or export credit guarantees 
    for agricultural exports to emerging markets available under the 1978 
    Act. A portion of such credit guarantees must, in accordance with 
    section 1542(b) of the 1990 Act, be made available for the export of 
    goods and services for agricultural facilities. Guarantees are to be 
    made available if the Secretary of Agriculture determines that such 
    guarantees will primarily promote the export of United States 
    agricultural commodities and products thereof. Specifically, eligible 
    projects must provide for (1) the establishment or improvement of 
    agricultural facilities in emerging markets, or (2) for the provision 
    of goods or services in emerging markets, by U.S. persons to improve 
    handling, marketing, processing, storage, or distribution of imported 
    agricultural commodities or products in such markets. The phrase 
    ``establishment or improvement of facilities'' allows for varied types 
    of projects ranging from the sale of equipment (e.g., refrigeration, 
    processing, transportation) and other goods needed to alleviate 
    impediments to increasing export sales of U.S. agricultural 
    commodities, to providing services, such as equipment installation, 
    testing, and training to facilitate achievement of the same purposes.
        Section 1542(b) further requires CCC to give priority to projects 
    that (1) encourage the privatization of the agricultural sector in 
    emerging markets, (2) benefit private farms or cooperatives in emerging 
    markets, and (3) are supported by nongovernmental persons who agree to 
    assume a relatively larger share of the costs.
        Section 1542(f) of the 1990 Act defines ``emerging market'' as any 
    country that the Secretary of Agriculture determines (1) is taking 
    steps towards a market-oriented economy through food, agriculture, or 
    rural business sectors of the economy of the country and (2) has the 
    potential to provide a viable and significant market for United States 
    agricultural commodities or their products.
    B. Legislative History
        CCC published an FGP interim rule on March 1, 1993, (58 FR 11786) 
    in response to the 1990 Act. The 1990 Act required CCC to develop an 
    export credit guarantee program for facilities in countries that were 
    determined by the President to be emerging democracies. However, the 
    FGP was not made operational before the authority expired on September 
    31, 1995. Congress changed the targeting of the FGP in the 1996 Act to 
    countries determined by the Secretary of Agriculture to be emerging 
    markets. The interim rule was deleted effective November 18, 1994 when 
    CCC revised 7 CFR part 1493 and issued a final rule on the GSM-102 and 
    GSM-103 programs.
    C. Summary of Comments--1993 Interim Rule
        The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) received eleven comments 
    from eight different sources in response to the Facility Guarantee 
    Program (FGP) Interim Rule published March 1, 1993 in the Federal 
    Register. The commenters included three equipment manufacturers, three 
    animal health product manufacturers, the Office of the Inspector 
    General, and a market research firm which submitted three separate 
        Three comments were project proposals that did not comment on the 
    regulatory aspects of the rule.
        Three comments addressed the definition of ``acceptable 
    substitute.'' This definition was required by law in the 1990 Farm Act 
    to be included in the FGP rule. The commenters' believed that CCC 
    misinterpreted the intent of the law and requested that CCC change the 
    definition of acceptable substitute. This recommendation now is 
    unnecessary. The term acceptable substitute was deleted from the 1996 
    Farm Act. Accordingly, CCC has dropped the definition from the rule 
    under consideration.
        One commenter suggested that CCC explain in the preamble of the 
    regulation how CCC arrived at defining ``close geographical location of 
    countries'' to be 1,000 miles from the target country. The law states 
    that CCC may not provide credit guarantees to projects that may 
    primarily benefit countries in close geographical location to the 
    target country. CCC believes this definition does not improve the 
    program and has dropped this definition from the interim rule. The 
    objective of the FGP is to primarily benefit U.S. agricultural exports. 
    In meeting this objective, no country, except the U.S., without regard 
    to geographic proximity to the targeted emerging market, may primarily 
    benefit from a FGP project.
        One commenter requested that CCC provide 100 percent guarantee 
    coverage on principal and interest for letters of credit extended by a 
    foreign bank. CCC disagrees. If CCC provides 100 percent coverage on 
    principal and interest it loses the risk sharing mechanism inherent in 
    CCC's export credit programs. Risk sharing is necessary because CCC 
    does not have the resources required to perform project specific 
    financial and risk analysis. Therefore, to keep CCC's default rate at 
    acceptable levels, risk sharing is essential. CCC believes that risk 
    sharing in the FGP results in more efficient use of its limited 
        One commenter requested CCC provide a statement in the regulations 
    to include grain/food processing equipment as eligible projects under 
    the FGP. The commenter indicated that the interim rule was unclear on 
    this point. CCC disagrees. The regulations provide
    [[Page 42654]]
    that the FGP may guarantee credit extended for sales of equipment and 
    services that improve handling, processing, storage or distribution of 
    imported agricultural commodities. This program purpose clearly 
    addresses sales of grain/food processing equipment.
        One commenter also suggested that CCC qualify Russian banks other 
    than those qualified to participate under the U.S. Export Import Bank 
    (Eximbank) programs. CCC reviews foreign banks against an established 
    set of eligibility criteria. These criteria may include financial and 
    economic factors similar to those reviewed by Eximbank. CCC qualifies 
    all foreign banks expressing a desire to participate in our programs if 
    they meet these criteria.
        One commenter recommended that CCC reach out to the food processing 
    industries and agribusiness sector in target countries to promote the 
    use of the program. The commenter pointed out that linking agricultural 
    equipment sales to commodity sales may benefit the U.S. equipment 
    manufacturers and agricultural export industries. CCC agrees and will 
    endeavor to promote the FGP to these sectors in targeted emerging 
        One commenter suggested that CCC adopt a competitive bidding 
    process for projects to ensure the most cost effective bidder on a 
    project receives the guarantee. CCC disagrees. This suggestion 
    indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of the program. CCC does not 
    plan to solicit FGP applications for specific types of projects. FGP 
    applicants will propose projects and CCC will determine if such 
    projects meet the criteria of the program.
        One commenter suggested that project requirements (the information 
    requested by CCC to determine if a FGP guarantee will be approved) be 
    published in the regulation and not the program announcement. CCC 
    agrees and has included such requirements in the regulation (7 CFR 
    1493.240 and 1493.250).
        One commenter suggested that CCC explain why the application fee is 
    $200 in the preamble of the interim rule. CCC agrees. Simply, the $200 
    application fee serves as a disincentive to the submission of 
    speculative applications, and a means to defray a portion of CCC's 
    administrative costs.
        One commenter requested the FGP application include detailed 
    financial information on the buyer. The commenter also specifically 
    recommended the application require plans for servicing the guaranteed 
    loan through field inspections, obtaining periodic financial 
    statements, a description of any liens against the buyer, information 
    concerning litigation against and defaults by the buyer, and the use of 
    consultants in preparing the application. The commenter suggested 
    further that the application require a description of planned insurance 
    coverage (i.e. life, hazard, flood) and the names of foreign regulatory 
    agencies that would require permits, licenses, or other clearances that 
    would impact the facility. CCC disagrees. The commenter's concern 
    appears to be in regard to assessing buyer or project risk. Assessing 
    the ability of the buyer to successfully manage a facility or whether 
    the facility will succeed financially is the role of the foreign bank. 
    CCC's guarantee covers the risk of default of the foreign bank on the 
    repayment obligation to the exporter or their U.S. bank assignee.
        Two commenters referred to the application requirements concerning 
    evidence of primary benefits to U.S. agricultural exports. One 
    commenter recommended that the application requirements concerning 
    primary benefit not overburden the applicant. The commenter recommended 
    that CCC streamline paperwork requirements and reduce project approval 
    lead time. The second commenter recommended that the interim rule 
    require applicants to provide evidence of how a project proposal will 
    benefit U.S. agricultural exports. CCC believes that the overall goal 
    of the FGP is to promote U.S. agricultural exports. Sufficient 
    information must be required from applicants in order for CCC to fully 
    evaluate project proposals and the effects projects will have on U.S. 
    agricultural exports. CCC has made many improvements in the interim 
    rule to streamline the application process in comparison to the process 
    outlined by the 1993 interim rule. However, CCC remains open to 
    recommendations that specifically address how CCC may streamline the 
    application review procedures and reduce project proposal lead time.
        One commenter suggested that CCC request information from the 
    applicant regarding the procurement funding or guarantees from sources 
    outside of CCC. CCC agrees and has included this recommendation in the 
    regulation (Sec. 1493.240(a)(22)).
        One commenter recommended that the application include the names of 
    attorneys, accountants and other parties engaged in preparing the 
    application. CCC disagrees. Applications submitted under all CCC export 
    programs are required to be signed by a principal of the company 
    applying for a guarantee. CCC believes this is sufficient in addressing 
    any concerns regarding the veracity of the information contained in the 
        One commenter suggested CCC expand the definition of a ``U.S. 
    person'' so that CCC may determine if the applicant fulfills this 
    criteria without seeking additional information. CCC believes that 
    program qualifications respond to the commenter's concern. CCC 
    qualifies applicants following a review of documents such as the 
    articles of incorporation, partnership or registration of 
    proprietorship that may permit CCC to determine if an applicant is a 
    legally registered U.S. business entity.
    D. The FGP Addresses a Market Failure
        The FGP is designed to address a specific market failure. Many 
    emerging markets lack sufficient infrastructure to support expansion of 
    agricultural commodity imports. The demand for capital financing in 
    emerging markets is significant. Agri-business projects must compete 
    with other infrastructure development for the limited capital 
    available. The market failure that arises is that private sector 
    financial institutions may be unwilling to provide credit to agri-
    business projects, at a reasonable cost. This market failure may be 
    more pervasive for small and medium size enterprises than for larger 
    companies. The availability of CCC's guarantee under the FGP provides 
    an opportunity for U.S. private sector financial institutions to 
    provide credit to a foreign bank that will, in-turn, finance 
    infrastructure projects at a reasonable cost. Such credit extension is 
    unlikely to occur without the benefit of CCC's credit guarantee.
        The market failure that FGP addresses, particularly for small and 
    medium size enterprises, is viewed as normally being below the 
    threshold level for multi-lateral and the regional development banks to 
    consider extending financing or guarantees.
    E. Exporter and Project Eligibility
        CCC will make export credit guarantees available in the form of 
    facility payment guarantees. Section 1542(b) of the 1990 Act provides 
    that an exporter must be a ``U.S. person'' to be eligible for a 
    facility payment guarantee. Under this interim rule, exporters must 
    also furnish certain information and certifications to CCC in order to 
    be eligible to receive payment guarantees.
        Eligible projects must establish or improve agriculture-related 
    facilities in an emerging market. For CCC to approve a facility payment 
    guarantee such projects must primarily promote the export of U.S. 
    agricultural commodities or products. For CCC to make such a
    [[Page 42655]]
    determination, the exporter must convince CCC that the issuance of a 
    facility payment guarantee will cause exports of U.S. agricultural 
    commodities or products to the emerging market to increase:
        (1) To a greater degree than similar exports from other countries;
        (2) To levels significantly above those expected in the absence of 
    providing the facility payment guarantee; and
        (3) For five years or until the facility payment guarantee expires, 
    whichever comes first.
    F. Program Implementation
        The FGP will be administered by the Office of the General Sales 
    Manager (GSM), Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, on behalf of CCC. Initially, CCC will consider projects of 
    limited size in a limited number of emerging markets. The effectiveness 
    of the program will be assessed in view of the comments received on the 
    interim rule and after a number of facility payment guarantees have 
    been issued. The GSM will periodically issue program announcements 
    inviting submissions by exporters of applications for facility payment 
    guarantees. These program announcements will identify emerging markets, 
    indicate maximum guarantee coverage, and provide other pertinent 
        CCC will review applications and provide to the exporter a 
    preliminary commitment letter if an application meets the standards of 
    the regulations and appears to represent the best use of CCC's 
    resources. CCC may also request additional information to clarify or 
    supplement an application. CCC may reject applications that do not 
    appear to meet program objectives or for other sufficient reasons.
        Upon receiving a letter of preliminary commitment from CCC, the 
    exporter has six months to submit a final application. Such final 
    application must contain information confirming, updating, and 
    supplementing information previously provided. If CCC approves the 
    final application, it will issue a letter of final commitment requiring 
    the exporter to pay an exposure fee before a facility payment guarantee 
    is issued. CCC will issue a facility payment guarantee when the amount 
    of the exposure fee has been paid in full.
    G. Credit Terms and Risk Coverage
        The terms of CCC's coverage will be set forth in each facility 
    payment guarantee. These will conform to pertinent rules of the 
    Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 
    Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits 
    (Arrangement). Copies of the OECD Arrangement and classification of 
    country categories are available from: The Director, Office of Trade 
    Finance, Department of Treasury, Room 4448, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, 
    NW, Washington DC 20220. The OECD Arrangement sets out the most 
    favorable terms allowable for government credits and guarantees. For 
    example, pursuant to the Arrangement, the exporter must oblige the 
    importer to comply with CCC's initial payment requirement 
    (Sec. 1493.230(c)). This requires the importer to pay the exporter at 
    least 15 percent of the net contract value. The net contract value is 
    equal to the contract value minus (a) the value of goods that are not 
    U.S. goods; and (b) the cost of services that are not U.S. services 
    (except those services the exporter requests CCC to determine are vital 
    to the success of the project and approved to be included in the net 
    contract value (Sec. 1493.260(b)(1))).
        CCC will initially offer facility payment guarantee coverage of 95 
    percent of the facility base value. This value is the amount of the net 
    contract value that remains after deducting the amount paid in 
    accordance with the initial payment requirement, and the value of any 
    discounts or allowances (Sec. 1493.260(b)(2)). CCC will also cover 
    interest on a variable rate basis. The method of determining the 
    variable interest rate coverage will be indicated in program 
    announcements and in each payment guarantee. The interim rule also 
    provides that the maximum interest rate, when determined by CCC, will 
    not exceed the average investment rate of the most recent Treasury 52-
    week bill auction in effect at that time.
    H. Guidelines for U.S. Content
        CCC used certain guidelines relating to the inclusion and valuation 
    of goods that are not U.S. goods, services that are not U.S. services, 
    and imported components of U.S. goods in sales transactions covered 
    under this program. The most important of these guidelines are 
    summarized below:
        1. FGP payment guarantees are derived only from that portion of an 
    exporter's sales contract that represents (a) U.S. goods, (b) U.S. 
    services, and (c) any services that are not U.S. services that CCC 
    determines are vital to the success of the project and are approved by 
    CCC for coverage. This derived value is called net contract value 
    (Sec. 1493.260(b)(1)). Any other goods or services included in the 
    exporter's contract (e.g., foreign goods that are not components of 
    U.S. goods, goods not exported from the U.S., and foreign services not 
    approved by CCC) cannot be included in net contract value.
        2. U.S. goods may include imported components that are assembled, 
    processed or manufactured into goods within, and exported from, the 
    U.S. Services that are not U.S. services (e.g., foreign flag freight 
    (e.g., ocean, air), and related insurance, ship discharge operations, 
    inland transportation) provided by persons who are not citizens or 
    legal residents of the U.S. may receive guarantee coverage only if 
    approved by CCC. Most likely CCC will approve such services if they are 
    determined to be vital to the success of the project.
        3. In addition to the above requirements, CCC will issue a facility 
    payment guarantee only if the value of covered imported components, 
    combined with the cost of covered services that are not U.S. services, 
    meet the 50 percent minimum U.S. content test (Sec. 1493.260(d)). This 
    means that those components and services must represent less than 50 
    percent of the net contract value. The 50 percent determination is made 
    on an aggregate or cumulative basis as exports of goods and services 
    occur, not item by item. For example, more than 50 percent of the value 
    of a single piece of equipment may be comprised of imported components 
    so long as the total value of covered imported components and cost of 
    services that are not U.S. services remain less than 50 percent of net 
    contract value for all goods and services.
        To make the above 50 percent determination, imported components are 
    valued at their declared customs value or, in the absence of specific 
    information regarding declared customs value, the fair wholesale market 
    value of the components in the U.S. at the time they are acquired by 
    the exporter. The costs of services that are not U.S. services are the 
    actual amounts paid by the exporter for the services in an arms-length 
    transaction, or, in the absence of such a transaction, the fair market 
    value of the services at the time the services were provided.
        4. Imported raw materials (such as iron, steel, nuts, and bolts) 
    which are processed, assembled or manufactured in the U.S. are 
    automatically included in CCC's coverage and are not counted as 
    imported components for the purpose of the 50 percent minimum U.S. 
    content test (Sec. 1493.260(d)). CCC will rely on commercial practice 
    and communication with participants to resolve issues that may arise 
    regarding raw materials.
    [[Page 42656]]
    I. CCC's Payment Guarantee Mechanism and Claims Procedure
        CCC guarantees the exporter, or the exporter's assignee, against 
    defaults by a foreign bank under its irrevocable letter of credit or 
    related obligation. In the event of such a default, the exporter or the 
    exporter's assignee must notify CCC within a ten day period, and may 
    file a claim with CCC within six months. CCC will pay the guaranteed 
    amount of the claim plus eligible interest if all required claims 
    documentation has been received, including an instrument subrogating to 
    CCC the rights of the exporter and, if applicable, the exporter's 
    assignee, to the amount of payment in default. Recoveries made by CCC 
    pursuant to the subrogated rights, or from any source whatsoever, are 
    shared between CCC and the exporter or exporter's assignee on a pro 
    rata basis determined by their respective interests in such recoveries. 
    In the event that monies are recovered by the exporter or the 
    exporter's assignee from any source whatsoever, these must be paid to 
    CCC which will include them in pro rata sharing. The Appendix to 
    Sec. 1493.320 contains an example of pro rata sharing of recoveries.
    J. Example: Typical Transaction
        A typical transaction eligible for coverage under a facility 
    payment guarantee could be as follows: CCC issues a program 
    announcement inviting U.S. persons to apply for facility payment 
    guarantees in connection with eligible projects in a specified emerging 
    market. The program announcement states that the terms of coverage will 
    be 95 percent of the facility base value (Sec. 1493.260(b)(2)). An 
    exporter responds by submitting an application for the export sale of 
    goods and services to an importer in the emerging market. The goods and 
    services have a contract value of $2.2 million, of which $200,000 
    represents goods that are not U.S. goods which are not further 
    processed, assembled, or manufactured into U.S. goods and services that 
    are not U.S. services for which no CCC coverage is sought. Those goods 
    and services are subtracted from the contract value to provide the net 
    contract value of $2.0 million (Sec. 1493.260(b)(1)). The exporter does 
    not expect any discounts and allowances to be provided.
        The combined value or cost of covered imported components contained 
    in U.S. goods and services that are not U.S. services for which CCC 
    coverage is requested is $650,000. This represents 32.5 percent of the 
    net contract value. Because this is less than 50 percent, the sale 
    meets the U.S. content test (Sec. 1493.260(d)). The exporter indicates 
    that the importer, in order to comply with the initial payment 
    requirement (15 percent of the net contract value), will pay the 
    exporter $300,000.
        The net contract value ($2 million) minus the initial payment 
    requirement ($300,000), minus discounts and allowances (zero), equals 
    the facility base value ($1,700,000) to which CCC's rate of coverage 
    applies. The payment guarantee would thus show a guaranteed value of 95 
    percent of $1,700,000, or $1,615,000 as shown below. The facility 
    payment guarantee would also indicate how eligible interest would be 
    covered on a variable rate basis, consistent with relevant program 
    (1) Contract Value.........................................   $2,200,000
        (a) minus: Goods and services that are not U.S. goods               
         and services and are not approved for coverage by CCC.      200,000
    (2) Equals: Net Contract Value.............................    2,000,000
        (a) minus: Initial Payment (15% of net contract value).      300,000
        (b) minus: Discounts and Allowances....................            0
    (3) equals: Facility Base Value............................    1,700,000
    (4) Guaranteed Value (95 percent of $1,700,000)............    1,615,000
        Exporters should recognize that the maximum liability for a claim 
    (Sec. 1493.310(b)), under certain circumstances, may turn out to be 
    less than $1,615,000. Under Sec. 1493.310(b), CCC's liability is 
    limited to the lesser of: (1) The guaranteed value as provided in the 
    facility payment guarantee, plus eligible interest, or (2) the 
    guaranteed percentage of a value called the exported value indicated in 
    the evidence of export report(s), plus eligible interest. The exported 
    value is the net contract value of the goods or services exported minus 
    (a) the initial payment and (b) the dollar amount of any discounts and 
    allowances (Sec. 1493.280(a)(7)). Thus, if for any reason, the exported 
    value decreases, the dollar amount of coverage would decrease. For 
    example, the exported value would be less if fewer goods and services 
    are exported; if the value of goods and services exported decreases 
    from the value originally reported to CCC; if discounts or allowances, 
    not foreseen at the time of application, are provided; or if payments 
    by the importer exceed the initial payment requirement.
    List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1493
        Administrative practice and procedures, Agricultural commodities, 
    Agriculture, Banks, Banking, Business and industry, Credit, Exports, 
    Finance, Foreign banks, Guaranteed loans, Reporting and recordkeeping 
        Accordingly, Part 1493 of Title 7 is amended as follows:
    PART 1493--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for Part 1493 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 5602, 5622, 5661, 5662, 5663, 5664, 5676, 15 
    U.S.C. 714b(d), 714c(f).
        2. By adding a new subpart C to read as follows:
    Subpart C--CCC Facility Guarantee Program (FGP) Operations
    1493.200  General statement.
    1493.210  Definition of terms.
    1493.220  Exporter eligibility.
    1493.230  Eligible transactions.
    1493.240  Initial application and letter of preliminary commitment.
    1493.250  Final application and issuance of a facility payment 
    1493.260  Facility payment guarantee.
    1493.270  Certifications.
    1493.280  Evidence of export report.
    1493.290  Proof of entry.
    1493.300  Notice of default and claims for loss.
    1493.310  Payment for loss.
    1493.320  Recovery of losses.
    1493.330  Miscellaneous provisions.
    Subpart C--CCC Facility Guarantee Program (FGP) Operations
    Sec. 1493.200  General statement.
        This subpart governs the Commodity Credit Corporation's (CCC) 
    Facility Guarantee Program (FGP). CCC will issue facility payment 
    guarantees for project applications meeting the terms and conditions of 
    the Facility Guarantee Program (FGP) and where private sector financing 
    is otherwise not available. This subpart describes the criteria and 
    procedures for applying for a facility payment guarantee, and contains 
    the general terms and conditions of such a guarantee. These general 
    terms and conditions may be supplemented by special terms and 
    conditions specified in program announcements or notices to 
    participants published prior to the issuance of a facility payment 
    guarantee and, if so, will be incorporated by reference on the face of 
    the facility payment guarantee issued by CCC.
    Sec. 1493.210  Definition of terms.
        Terms set forth in this subpart will have the following meaning:
    [[Page 42657]]
        Assignee. A financial institution in the United States which, for 
    adequate consideration given, has obtained the legal rights to receive 
    payment under the facility payment guarantee.
        CCC. The Commodity Credit Corporation, an agency and 
    instrumentality of the United States within the U.S. Department of 
    Agriculture, authorized pursuant to the Commodity Credit Corporation 
    Charter Act of 1948, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 714 et seq., and subject to 
    the general supervision and direction of the Secretary of Agriculture.
        Contacts P/R. A notice issued by Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture (FAS/USDA) by public press release which 
    contains specific names, addresses, and telephone and facsimile numbers 
    of contacts within FAS/USDA and CCC. The Contacts P/R also contains 
    details about where to submit information required to qualify for 
    program participation, to apply for payment guarantees, to request 
    amendments of facility payment guarantees, to submit evidence of export 
    reports, and to give notices of default and file claims for loss.
        Contract value. The total negotiated dollar amount for the export 
    sale of goods and services to emerging markets.
        Date of export for goods. The on-board date of an ocean bill of 
    lading or an airway bill, the on-board ocean carrier date of an 
    intermodal bill of lading; or, if exported by rail or truck, the date 
    of entry shown on an entry certificate or similar document issued and 
    signed by an official of the government of the importing country.
        Date of export for services. The date interest begins to accrue on 
    credit extended to cover payment for services, except for freight and 
    marine insurance where the date of export is the same date as for the 
    goods exported.
        Discounts and allowances. Any consideration provided directly or 
    indirectly, by or on behalf of an exporter, to an importer in 
    connection with a sale of goods or services, in excess of the value of 
    such goods or services. Discounts or allowances include, but are not 
    limited to, the provision of additional goods, services or benefits; 
    the promise to provide additional goods, services or benefits in the 
    future; financial rebates; the assumption of any financial or 
    contractual obligation; or the whole or partial release of the importer 
    from any financial or contractual obligation.
        Facility. An opportunity or project that improves the handling, 
    marketing, processing, storage, or distribution of imported 
    agricultural commodities or products.
        GSM. The General Sales Manager, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. 
    Department of Agriculture, acting in his capacity as Vice President, 
    CCC; or his designee.
        U.S. goods. Goods that are assembled, processed or manufactured in, 
    and exported from, the United States including goods which contain 
    imported raw materials or imported components.
        U.S. services. Services performed by citizens or legal residents of 
    the United States, including those temporarily residing outside the 
    United States.
    Sec. 1493.220  Exporter eligibility.
        An exporter may apply for a facility payment guarantee if such 
        (a) Is a citizen or legal resident of the United States or is a 
    business organized under the laws of any state of the United States or 
    the District of Columbia;
        (b) Has an established place of business in the United States;
        (c) Has a registered agent for service of process in the United 
    States; and
        (d) Is not suspended or debarred, or owned or controlled by a 
    person who is suspended or debarred, from contracting with, or 
    participating in programs administered by, a U.S. Government agency.
    Sec. 1493.230  Eligible transactions.
        (a) Program announcements. From time to time CCC will issue program 
    announcements indicating the availability of facility payment 
    guarantees in connection with sales of goods or services to emerging 
    markets. The announcements will specify the emerging markets, the 
    maximum amount, in U.S. dollars, of guarantee exposure that CCC will 
    undertake, and may specify special terms or conditions that will be 
        (b) Sale requirements. CCC will issue facility payment guarantees 
    only in connection with projects that CCC determines will benefit 
    primarily exports of U.S. agricultural commodities and products, and 
    only where there is a firm contract for the sale of goods or services 
    for the establishment or improvement of an agriculture-related 
    facility. The contract may be contingent, however, on the issuance of a 
    CCC facility payment guarantee.
        (c) Initial payment requirement. The contract for sale of goods or 
    services between the exporter and the importer shall oblige the 
    importer to make an initial payment(s) to the exporter of at least 15 
    percent of the net contract value in Sec. 1493.260(b)(1). Such initial 
    payment(s) shall be in U.S. dollars or instruments having a definite 
    value in U.S. dollars, and shall be made prior to the export of the 
    goods or services.
        (d) Required method of payment. CCC will issue a facility payment 
    guarantee only in connection with a sale in which payment will be made 
    under either:
        (1) An irrevocable foreign bank letter of credit specifically 
    stating the deferred payment terms under which the foreign bank is 
    obligated to make payments in U.S. dollars as payments become due; or
        (2) An irrevocable foreign bank letter of credit supported by a 
    related obligation specifically stating the deferred payment terms 
    under which the foreign bank is obligated to make payment in U.S. 
    dollars as such payments become due.
        (e) Form of letter of credit. The foreign bank letter of credit 
    referred to in paragraph (d) of this section shall be an irrevocable 
    commercial letter of credit, subject to the revision of the 
    International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Customs and Practices for 
    Documentary Credits in effect when the letter of credit is 
    issued, providing for payment in U.S. dollars against stipulated 
    documents and issued in favor of the exporter by a CCC-approved foreign 
    banking institution.
        (f) Form of related obligation. The related obligation referred to 
    in paragraph (d) of this section shall be in one of the following 
        (1) A letter of credit including a specific promise to pay on 
    deferred payment terms as a special instruction from the issuing bank 
    directly to the U.S. financial institution to refinance the amounts 
    paid by the U.S. financial institution for obligations financed 
    according to the tenor of the letter of credit;
        (2) A separate document specifically identified and referred to in 
    the letter of credit as the agreement under which the foreign bank is 
    obligated to repay the U.S. financial institution on deferred payment 
        (3) A separate document setting forth the related obligation, or in 
    a duly executed amendment thereto, as having been financed by a U.S. 
    financial institution pursuant to, and subject to, repayment in 
    accordance with the terms of such related obligation; or
        (4) A promissory note executed by a foreign bank issuing the letter 
    of credit in favor of the financial institution.
    Sec. 1493.240  Initial application and letter of preliminary 
        (a) Initial Application. An exporter may apply for a facility 
    payment guarantee by submitting the following information:
    [[Page 42658]]
        (1) A cover sheet with the title: ``Application for a Facility 
    Payment Guarantee--Preliminary Commitment'';
        (2) The program announcement number;
        (3) The emerging market;
        (4) The name, contact person, address, and telephone number and, if 
    applicable, facsimile number and E-mail address of:
        (i) The exporter;
        (ii) The exporter's registered agent for service of process in the 
    United States;
        (iii) The exporter's assignee, if applicable;
        (iv) The importer;
        (v) The end-user of the goods or services if other than the 
        (vi) The foreign bank expected to issue the letter of credit or 
    related obligation; and
        (vii) The financial institution in the United States expected to 
    provide financing;
        (5) A statement on letterhead from a:
        (i) Foreign bank indicating an interest in guaranteeing payment, in 
    U.S. dollars, for goods or services to be exported under the facility 
    payment guarantee at least equal to the net contract value listed in 
    paragraph (a)(14) of this section, less the initial payment requirement 
    listed in paragraph (a)(15) of this section; and
        (ii) Financial institution in the U.S. indicating an interest in 
    financing the export sales of goods or services under the facility 
    payment guarantee for an amount at least equal to the net contract 
    value listed in paragraph (a)(14) of this section less the initial 
    payment requirement listed in paragraph (a)(15) of this section. The 
    financial institution must state that such financing would not 
    otherwise be available without an FGP payment guarantee;
        (6) The period for which credit is being extended to finance the 
    sale of goods or services covered by the facility payment guarantee;
        (7) The exporter's sales number pertinent to this application and a 
    description of the status of the intended sale;
        (8) A description (e.g., a process flow diagram) of the 
    agriculture-related facility that will use the goods or services to be 
    covered by the facility payment guarantee and an explanation of how 
    these goods and services will be used to improve handling, marketing, 
    processing, storage, or distribution of agricultural commodities or 
        (9) A brief description of each good or service to be covered by 
    the facility payment guarantee including, where applicable, brand name, 
    model number, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or the North 
    American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, and contract 
        (10) The final date for export of goods or services. If applicable, 
    include construction start date, milestones (e.g., installation), and 
    contractual deadline for completion of project;
        (11) The contract value for the sale of goods or services and the 
    basis of sale for goods to be exported (e.g., FOB, CFR, CIF);
        (12) The description and value of the goods or cost of services 
    listed in paragraph (a)(11) of this section that are not U.S. goods or 
        (13) Identification and cost of, and justification for, those 
    services listed in paragraph (a)(12) of this section for which the 
    exporter requests CCC to provide coverage;
        (14) The net contract value in Sec. 1493.260(b)(1) obtained by 
    subtracting paragraph (a)(12) of this section from paragraph (a)(11) of 
    this section, and adding paragraph (a)(13) of this section;
        (15) The amount to be paid in accordance with the initial payment 
    requirement (Sec. 1493.230(c));
        (16) The description and dollar amount of discounts and allowances 
    provided in connection with the sale of goods or services covered by 
    the facility payment guarantee;
        (17) The facility base value in Sec. 1493.260(b)(2) obtained by 
    subtracting paragraphs (a)(15) and (a)(16) of this section from 
    paragraph (a)(14) of this section;
        (18) The maximum guaranteed value under the facility payment 
    guarantee determined by multiplying the facility base value listed in 
    paragraph (a)(17) of this section by the guarantee rate of coverage 
    announced by CCC in Sec. 1493.260(b)(3);
        (19) A map or other description of the facility's location and 
    distance from major population centers of neighboring countries;
        (20) For all principal agricultural commodities or products 
    (inputs) to be handled, marketed, processed, stored, or distributed, by 
    the proposed project after completion, provide:
        (i) A list or table identifying such principal inputs;
        (ii) The likely countries of origin for each input;
        (iii) Estimated annual quantities, in metric tons, of each input 
    listed in paragraph (a)(20)(i) of this section to be used by the 
    project for five years from the final date of export or until the 
    expiration of the facility payment guarantee, whichever comes first; 
        (iv) An analysis, including price, cost, and other assumptions (the 
    reasons why U.S. agricultural commodities or products will be more 
    competitive inputs than commodities or products from other sources, and 
    whether the projected use of U.S. agricultural commodities or products 
    depends on the availability of U.S. export bonus or credit guarantee 
    programs), of which inputs listed in paragraph (a)(20)(i) of this 
    section will represent increased imports of U.S. agricultural 
    commodities or products:
        (A) To a greater degree than imports of agricultural commodities or 
    products from other countries;
        (B) To or at levels significantly above those expected in the 
    absence of the project; and
        (C) For a period of five years from the final date of export or 
    until expiration of the facility payment guarantee, whichever comes 
        (21) If applicable, a list of agricultural outputs or final 
    products of the proposed project and:
        (i) Projected annual quantities (for five years or until the 
    expiration of the facility payment guarantee, whichever comes first), 
    in metric tons, of each output to be marketed;
        (A) Within the emerging market; and
        (B) In any other country;
        (ii) Quantities, by country of origin, of products imported into 
    the emerging market during the past year which would compete with such 
    outputs; and
        (iii) An analysis of whether products of the project will 
    significantly displace U.S. exports of similar agricultural commodities 
    or products in any market;
        (22) If applicable, a description of any arrangements or 
    understandings with other U.S. or foreign government agencies, or with 
    financial institutions or entities, private or public, providing 
    financing to the exporter in connection with this export sale, and 
    copies of any documents relating to such arrangements;
        (23) A description of the exporter's experience selling goods or 
    providing services similar to those for which the exporter seeks to 
    obtain facility payment guarantee coverage;
        (24) A statement of how this project may encourage privatization of 
    the agricultural sector, or benefit private farms or cooperatives, in 
    the emerging market. Include in the statement the share of private 
    sector ownership of the project;
        (25) The exporter's signature.
        (b) Application fee. The exporter shall pay the application fee 
    specified in the program announcement at the time the application is 
    submitted. An application will not be considered without payment of the 
    specified fee. The application fee is nonrefundable.
        (c) Letter of preliminary commitment. CCC will determine whether, 
    in its
    [[Page 42659]]
    judgment, the project in connection with which the exporter seeks a 
    facility payment guarantee is likely to increase exports of U.S. 
    agricultural commodities or products to an emerging market; and whether 
    the project is likely to benefit primarily U.S. agricultural 
    commodities or products as opposed to commodities or products 
    originating in other countries. If necessary, CCC may seek additional 
    information from an applicant prior to making its determination. If CCC 
    determines that an application meets these standards and appears to 
    represent, in CCC's judgment, the best use of available resources, CCC 
    will respond to the applicant with a letter of preliminary commitment 
    indicating CCC's interest in issuing a facility payment guarantee 
    conditioned on its approval of the exporter's final application.
    Sec. 1493.250  Final  application and issuance of facility payment 
        (a) Final application. An exporter who has received a letter of 
    preliminary commitment may, within six months of the date of such 
    letter, submit a final application to CCC for a facility payment 
    guarantee which shall include the following information:
        (1) A cover sheet with the title: ``Application for a Facility 
    Payment Guarantee--Final Commitment.''
        (2) A letterhead statement from the importer's bank or other 
    documentation confirming the importer has the financial ability to 
    comply with the initial payment requirement in Sec. 1493.230(c);
        (3) Written evidence of a firm sale signed by the exporter and the 
    importer, specifying at minimum, the following information: Goods or 
    services to be exported, quantities of such items, delivery terms 
    (e.g., FOB, CFR, CIF), delivery period(s), contract value, payment 
    terms, and date of sale. A sales contract may be contingent upon 
    obtaining a facility payment guarantee;
        (4) A description of any changes in the information submitted in 
    the preliminary application; and
        (5) The exporter's signature;
        (b) Additional information. CCC shall have the right to request the 
    exporter to furnish any other information and documentation it deems 
    pertinent to the evaluation of the exporter's final application for a 
    final commitment. CCC may request from the exporter an independent 
    engineering study or economic feasibility study relating to the 
        (c) Final commitment letter. After making a favorable determination 
    on the exporter's submissions, CCC will issue a final commitment letter 
    indicating the applicable exposure fee rate and stating that CCC is 
    prepared to issue a facility payment guarantee upon receiving full 
    payment of the exposure fee within an allotted time. The letter will 
    also indicate the key terms and coverage of the guarantee to be issued. 
    CCC will also inform exporters in writing when it denies their request 
    for a facility payment guarantee.
        (d) Exposure fee. The exposure fee is calculated by multiplying the 
    requested guaranteed value (up to the maximum established by CCC's 
    final commitment letter) by the exposure fee rate. Once the facility 
    payment guarantee is issued to the exporter, CCC will ordinarily not 
    refund the exposure fee. If CCC does not issue a facility payment 
    guarantee, or issues a guarantee for only part of the coverage 
    requested, CCC will make a full or pro rata refund of the exposure fee, 
    as appropriate.
        (e) Issuance of the facility payment guarantee. Upon receipt of the 
    exposure fee, CCC will issue a facility payment guarantee.
    Sec. 1493.260  Facility payment guarantee.
        (a) CCC's maximum obligation. CCC will agree to pay the exporter or 
    the exporter's assignee an amount not to exceed the guaranteed value 
    stipulated on the face of the facility payment guarantee, plus eligible 
    interest, in the event that the foreign bank fails to pay under the 
    foreign bank letter of credit or related obligation. The exact amount 
    of CCC's liability in the event of default will be determined in 
    accordance with Sec. 1493.310(b).
        (b) Calculation of maximum guarantee coverage. CCC will determine 
    the maximum amount of its obligation under a facility payment guarantee 
    by calculating a:
        (1) Net contract value equal to the contract value minus:
        (i) The value of goods that are not U.S. goods; and
        (ii) The cost of services that are not U.S. services (except those 
    services the exporter requests CCC to determine are vital to the 
    success of the project and approved to be included in the net contract 
        (2) Facility base value equal to net contract value minus:
        (i) The amount to be paid in accordance with the initial payment 
    requirement in Sec. 1493.230(c); and
        (ii) The amount of discounts and allowances; and
        (3) Maximum guaranteed value equal to:
        (i) A principal amount determined by multiplying the facility base 
    value (as determined in Sec. 1493.260(b)(2)) by the guaranteed 
    percentage specified in the program announcement; and
        (ii) Interest on such principal amount at the rate specified in the 
    applicable program announcement, not to exceed the investment rate of 
    the most recent Treasury 52-week bill auction in effect at that time.
        (c) Value and cost. For the purposes of this section:
        (1) Value means declared customs value of the goods; or, in the 
    absence of specific information regarding declared customs value, the 
    fair market wholesale value of the imported goods in the United States 
    at the time they were acquired by the participant; and
        (2) Cost means actual amount paid by the exporter for the services 
    in an arms-length transaction; or in the absence of an arms-length 
    transaction, the fair market value of the services at the time the 
    services were provided.
        (d) U.S. content test. (1) CCC will issue a guarantee only if the 
    following items collectively represent less than 50 percent of the net 
    contract value in Sec. 1493.260(b)(1):
        (i) The value of imported components (except for raw materials) 
    that are assembled, processed, or manufactured into U.S. goods included 
    in the net contract value;
        (ii) The cost of services that are not U.S. services (including 
    freight on foreign flag carriers and transportation insurance 
    registered with foreign agents) that, at the request of the exporter, 
    CCC determines are vital to the success of the project and approves 
    their inclusion in the net contract value;
        (2) For purpose of this subsection, minor or cosmetic procedures 
    (e.g., affixing labels, cleaning, painting, polishing) do not qualify 
    as assembling, processing or manufacturing;
        (3) For purpose of this subsection, local services which involve 
    costs for hotels, meals, transportation, and other similar services 
    incurred in the emerging market are not U.S. services.
        (e) Period of guarantee coverage. The payment guarantee will apply 
    to the period beginning on the date(s) of export(s) and will continue 
    during the credit term specified in the facility payment guarantee. For 
    goods, the period of coverage will also apply from the date on which 
    interest begins to accrue, if earlier than the date of export. The 
    final payments of principal and interest by the foreign bank must come 
    due within the period of guarantee coverage.
        (f) Terms of the CCC facility payment guarantee. The terms of CCC's 
    coverage will be set forth in the facility payment guarantee and will 
    include the provisions of this subpart, which may
    [[Page 42660]]
    be supplemented by any program announcement(s) or notice(s) to 
    participants in effect at the time the facility payment guarantee is 
    approved by CCC.
        (g) Final date to export. The final date to export will be stated 
    in the facility payment guarantee.
        (h) Ineligible exports. Goods or services with a date of export 
    prior to the date CCC issues the facility payment guarantee are 
    ineligible for coverage unless approved by the GSM.
        (i) Additional requirements. The facility payment guarantee may 
    contain such additional terms, conditions, and limitations as are 
    deemed necessary or desirable by the GSM. Such additional terms, 
    conditions or qualifications, as stated in the facility payment 
    guarantee, are binding on the exporter or the exporter's assignee.
        (j) Amendments. Exporters must notify CCC of any amendments 
    concerning contracts covered by a facility payment guarantee. CCC will 
    determine if the contract amendments will require amendments to the 
    facility payment guarantee. Amending the facility payment guarantee may 
    result in an increase to the exposure fee. Requests made by the 
    exporter to amend the facility payment guarantee so as to change the 
    guaranteed value must have the concurrence of the assignee when an 
    assignment has been made.
        (k) Effective date. The facility payment guarantee shall become 
    effective on the date of export of the goods or services.
    Appendix to Section 1493.260--Illustration of FGP Coverage of 
    Imported Raw Materials, Components, and Services That Are Not U.S. 
        The following example illustrates CCC's regulations and policy 
    options with regard to issuing a payment guarantee for a project 
    which includes imported raw materials, imported components, and 
    services that are not U.S. services:
        1. Ten grain trucks and one truck scale are to be exported from 
    the U.S. to an emerging market. The trucks will provide the ability 
    to purchase larger quantities of grain from the U.S. The contract 
    value totals $2,025,000, cost, insurance and freight (CIF) basis.
        2. The fenders, hoods and doors of the trucks have been 
    manufactured and assembled in the U.S. and contain some imported raw 
    materials (sheet metal).
        3. Imported components consist of starters and alternators, with 
    a U.S. customs valuation of $149,000. These items are installed into 
    the trucks in the U.S.
        4. The truck scale was imported from Canada into the U.S. with a 
    U.S. customs valuation of $20,000.
        5. A U.S. citizen, will travel on a foreign airline carrier to 
    the emerging market (airfare is $1,000) to instruct mechanics in 
    repair and maintenance of the trucks. He will be paid a salary for 
    this service and, in addition, will be reimbursed separately for 
    local costs in the emerging market (e.g., hotel, meals, 
    transportation) which are estimated to be $5,000.
        6. The trucks are to be shipped on foreign flag vessels, and the 
    marine insurance is to be placed with a foreign agent. The combined 
    cost of these services that are not U.S. services for which the 
    exporter seeks coverage is estimated to be $500,000.
    CCC's Approval of Services that are Not U.S. Services
        CCC agrees to include in the net contract value the foreign flag 
    freight and marine insurance ($500,000) and the airfare ($1,000) of 
    the U.S. instructor (Sec. 1493.260(b)(1)).
    Calculation of Net Contract Value
        CCC will calculate the net contract value by subtracting from 
    the contract value ($2,025,000) the U.S. customs value of the truck 
    scale ($20,000) in accordance with Sec. 1493.260(b)(1)(I) and the 
    local costs to be incurred by the U.S. instructor ($5,000) in 
    accordance with Sec. 1493.260(b)(1)(ii) to equal $2,000,000.
    CCC's Determination of U.S. Content Eligibility
        The imported components and services that are not U.S. services 
    approved for coverage total $650,000 (i.e., $149,000 for starters 
    and alternators, $1,000 for airfare, $500,000 for freight and 
    insurance; or 32.5 percent of the net contract value of $2,000,000 
    (Sec. 1493.260(b)(1)). Since this is less than 50 percent of the net 
    contract value the transaction meets the U.S. content test 
    (Sec. 1493.260(d)).
    Sec. 1493.270  Certifications.
        (a) Exporter's signature. The exporter's signature on documentation 
    submitted to CCC under this subpart, is the exporter's certification 
        (1) There have not been and are no arrangements for any payments in 
    violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, or 
    other U.S. Laws;
        (2) All information submitted to CCC is true and correct; and
        (3) The exporter is in compliance with this subpart.
        (b) False certification. False certifications under this subpart 
    may result in the termination of the facility payment guarantee, 
    suspension or debarment, or civil or criminal action.
    Sec. 1493.280  Evidence of export report.
        (a) Report of export. The exporter is required to provide CCC an 
    evidence of export report for each shipment of goods or provision of 
    services covered under the facility payment guarantee. Each report must 
    be numbered in chronological order and contain the following 
    information in the order prescribed below:
        (1) The facility payment guarantee number;
        (2) The date goods or services were exported or provided;
        (3) The exporter's sale number, bill of lading numbers, or 
    identification of other documents that may be submitted to establish 
    the contract value of the goods or services exported or provided;
        (4) The net contract value of the exported goods or services as 
    determined in accordance with Sec. 1493.260(b)(1);
        (5) The amount paid in accordance with the initial payment 
    requirement (Sec. 1493.230 (c));
        (6) A description and dollar value of discounts and allowances, if 
        (7) The exported value of the shipment which is the net contract 
    value of the goods or services exported in paragraph (a)(4) of this 
    section minus:
        (i) The initial payment requirement listed in paragraph (a)(5) of 
    this section; and
        (ii) The dollar amount of any discounts and allowances listed in 
    paragraph (a)(6) of this section;
        (8) The name of the carrier and, if applicable, the name of the 
        (9) The final payment schedule showing the payment due dates and 
    amounts of principal, and payment due dates for interest accrual. If 
    the payment schedule is unknown, the exporter must indicate in writing 
    that: ``The payment schedule will be provided in an amendment to the 
    evidence of export report when the payment schedule has been 
        (10) Written statements that:
        (i) The goods exported or services provided were included in the 
    final application for a final commitment as approved by CCC for 
    coverage under the facility payment guarantee and this subpart;
        (ii) The specifications and quantity of goods or services exported 
    conform to the information contained in the exporter's application 
    documents for a facility payment guarantee, or if different, that CCC 
    has approved of such changes;
        (iii) A letter of credit has been opened in favor of the exporter 
    by the foreign bank shown on the facility payment guarantee to cover 
    the dollar amount of the sale of goods or services exported less the 
    amount paid in accordance with the initial payment requirement and less 
    discounts and allowances; and
        (11) The exporter's signature.
        (b) Final report of export. The final evidence of export report 
    submitted under a facility payment guarantee must contain:
        (1) A written statement that exports under the facility payment 
    guarantee have been completed;
    [[Page 42661]]
        (2) The information requested in Sec. 1493.280(a) for the 
    shipment(s) included in the final report; and
        (3) The combined total of all dollar amounts reported under 
    Sec. 1493.280 (a) and (b) for all reports.
        (c) Time limit for submission of evidence of export report. Unless 
    extended by CCC for good cause, the exporter must submit to CCC an 
    evidence of export report:
        (1) Within 60 days of the date goods are exported by rail or truck;
        (2) Within 30 days of the date goods are exported by any other 
    carrier; or
        (3) Within 30 days of the date of export of services.
        (d) Late reports. If the evidence of export report is not received 
    by CCC within the time period for filing, the facility payment 
    guarantee will become null and void only if and only to the extent that 
    failure to make timely filing resulted, or would likely result, in:
        (1) Significant financial harm to CCC;
        (2) The undermining of an essential regulatory purpose of the FGP;
        (3) The obstruction of the fair administration of the FGP; or
        (4) A threat to the integrity of the FGP.
    Sec. 1493.290  Proof of entry.
        (a) Diversion. The diversion of goods covered by a facility payment 
    guarantee to a country other than that shown on the facility payment 
    guarantee is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the GSM.
        (b) Records of proof of entry. Exporters must obtain and maintain 
    records of an official or customary commercial nature and grant 
    authorized USDA officials access to such documents or records as may be 
    necessary to demonstrate the arrival of the goods authorized by the 
    facility payment guarantee. Records demonstrating proof of entry must 
    be in English or be accompanied by a certified or other translation 
    acceptable to CCC. Records acceptable to meet this requirement include:
        (1) For goods: An original certificate, signed by a duly authorized 
    customs or port official of the emerging market, by the importer, by an 
    agent or representative of the vessel or ship line which delivered the 
    goods to the emerging market, or by a private surveyor in the emerging 
    market, or other documentation deemed acceptable by CCC:
        (i) Showing that the goods entered the emerging market;
        (ii) Identifying the export carrier;
        (iii) Describing the goods; and
        (iv) Indicating date and place the goods were unloaded in the 
    emerging market.
    Sec. 1493.300  Notice of default and claims for loss.
        (a) Notice of default. If the foreign bank issuing the letter of 
    credit fails to make payment pursuant to the terms of the foreign bank 
    letter of credit or related obligation, the exporter or the exporter's 
    assignee must submit a notice of default to CCC as soon as possible, 
    but not later than ten days after the date that payment was due from 
    the foreign bank (the due date). A notice of default must be submitted 
    in writing to the Treasurer, CCC, at the address specified in the 
    Contacts P/R. If the exporter or the exporter's assignee fails to 
    promptly notify CCC of defaults in accordance with this paragraph, CCC 
    may make the facility payment guarantee null and void with respect to 
    any payment(s) applicable to such default. This time limit may be 
    extended only under extraordinary circumstances and if approved by the 
    Controller, CCC. The notice of default must include:
        (1) Facility payment guarantee number;
        (2) Name of the emerging market;
        (3) Name of the defaulting bank;
        (4) Payment due date;
        (5) Total amount of the defaulted payment due, indicating 
    separately the amounts for principal and interest;
        (6) Date of foreign bank's refusal to pay, if applicable; and
        (7) Reason for the foreign bank's refusal to pay, if known.
        (b) Filing a claim for loss. A claim for a loss by the exporter or 
    the exporter's assignee will not be paid if it is made later than six 
    months from the due date of the defaulted payment. A claim for loss 
    must be submitted in writing to the Treasurer, CCC, at the address 
    specified in the Contacts P/R. The claim for loss must include the 
    following information and documents:
        (1) Facility payment guarantee number;
        (2) A certification that the scheduled payment has not been 
        (3) A certification of the amount of accrued interest in default, 
    the date interest began to accrue and the interest rate on the foreign 
    bank obligation applicable to the claim; and
        (4) A copy of each of the following documents, with a cover 
    document containing a signed certification by the exporter or the 
    exporter's assignee that each page of each document is a true and 
    correct copy:
        (i)(A) The foreign bank's letter of credit securing the export 
    sale, and;
        (B) If applicable, the document(s) evidencing the related 
    obligation owed by the foreign bank to the assignee financial 
    institution which is related to the foreign bank's letter of credit 
    issued in favor of the exporter.
        (ii) Depending upon the method of shipment, the negotiable ocean 
    carrier or intermodal bill(s) of lading signed by the shipping company 
    with the onboard ocean carrier date for each shipment, the airway bill; 
    or, if shipped by rail or truck, the entry certificate or similar 
    document signed by an official of the emerging market;
        (iii) The exporter's sales invoice(s) showing the value and basis 
    of sale (e.g., FOB, CFR, or CIF) or, if services are billed separately, 
    documents that the exporter or its assignee relied upon in extending 
    the credit to the issuing foreign bank;
        (iv) An instrument, in form and substance satisfactory to CCC, 
    subrogating to CCC the respective rights of the exporter and the 
    exporter's assignee, if applicable, to the amount of payment in 
    default. The instrument must reference the applicable foreign bank 
    letter of credit and the related obligation, if applicable; and
        (v) A copy of the evidence of export report(s) previously submitted 
    by the exporter to CCC pursuant to Sec. 1493.280.
        (c) Subsequent claims for defaults on installments. The exporter or 
    an exporter's assignee need only provide one claim which meets full 
    documentation requirements relating to a covered transaction. For 
    subsequent claims relating to such failures of the foreign bank to make 
    scheduled installments on the same export, the exporter or the 
    exporter's assignee need only submit to CCC a notice of such failure 
    containing the information stated in paragraphs (b) (1), (2), and (3) 
    of this section; an instrument of subrogation as per paragraph 
    (b)(4)(iv) of this section, and the date the original claim was filed 
    with CCC.
    Sec. 1493.310  Payment for loss.
        (a) Determination of CCC's liability. Upon receipt in good order of 
    the information and documents required under Sec. 1493.300, CCC will 
    determine whether or not a loss has occurred for which CCC is liable 
    under the facility payment guarantee, this subpart, program 
    announcement(s) and notice(s) to participants. If CCC determines that 
    it is liable to the exporter or the exporter's assignee, CCC will pay 
    the exporter or the exporter's assignee in accordance with paragraphs 
    (b) and (c) of this section.
        (b) Amount of CCC's liability. CCC's maximum liability for any 
    claims for loss submitted with respect to any facility payment 
    guarantee, not including any late interest payments due in accordance 
    with paragraph (c) of
    [[Page 42662]]
    this section, will be limited to the lesser of:
        (1) The guaranteed value as stated in the facility payment 
    guarantee, plus eligible interest; or
        (2) The guaranteed percentage (as indicated in the facility payment 
    guarantee) of the exported value indicated in the evidence of export 
    report (Sec. 1493.280(a)(7)), plus eligible interest.
        (c) Late interest payment. If a claim is not paid within one day of 
    receipt of a claim which CCC has determined to be in good order, late 
    interest will accrue in favor of the exporter or the exporter's 
    assignee beginning with the first day after the claim was found by CCC 
    to be in good order and continuing until and including the date that 
    payment is made by CCC. Late interest will be paid on the guaranteed 
    amount, as determined by paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section, and 
    will be calculated based on the latest average investment rate of the 
    most recent Treasury 91-day bill auction as announced by the Department 
    of Treasury as of the due date.
        (d) Accelerated payments. CCC will pay claims only for losses on 
    amounts not paid as scheduled. CCC will not pay claims for amounts due 
    under an accelerated payment clause in the export sales contract, the 
    foreign bank's letter of credit, or any obligation owed by the foreign 
    bank to the assignee U.S. financial institution which is related to the 
    foreign bank's letter of credit issued in favor of the exporter, unless 
    it is determined to be in the best interest of CCC by the Controller, 
    CCC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CCC at its option may declare the 
    entire amount of the unpaid balance, plus accrued interest, in default 
    and make payment to the exporter or the exporter's assignee in addition 
    to such other claimed amount as may be due from CCC.
        (e) Action against the assignee. Notwithstanding any other 
    provision in this subpart to the contrary, with regard to the value of 
    goods or services covered by a facility payment guarantee, CCC will not 
    hold the assignee responsible or take any action or raise any defense 
    against the assignee for any action, omission or statement by the 
    exporter of which the assignee has no knowledge, provided that:
        (1) The exporter complies with the reporting requirements under 
    Sec. 1493.270 and Sec. 1493.280 excluding post-export adjustments 
    (i.e., corrections of evidence of export reports); and
        (2) The exporter or the exporter's assignee furnishes the 
    statements and documents specified in Sec. 1493.300.
    Sec. 1493.320  Recovery of losses.
        (a) Notification. Upon payment of loss to the exporter or the 
    exporter's assignee, CCC will notify the foreign bank of CCC's rights 
    under the subrogation agreement to recover all monies in default.
        (b) Receipt of monies. (1) In the event that monies for a defaulted 
    payment are recovered by the exporter or the exporter's assignee from 
    the importer, the foreign bank or any other source whatsoever, such 
    monies shall be immediately paid to the Treasurer, CCC. If such monies 
    are not received by CCC within 15 days from the date of recovery by the 
    exporter or the exporter's assignee, the exporter or the exporter's 
    assignee will owe to CCC interest from the date of recovery to the date 
    of receipt by CCC. This interest will be calculated based on the latest 
    average investment rate of the most recent Treasury 91-day auction, as 
    announced by the Department of Treasury, in effect on the date of 
    recovery and will accrue from such date to the date of payment by the 
    exporter or the exporter's assignee to CCC. Such interest will be 
    charged only on CCC's share of the recovery.
        (2) If CCC recovers monies that should be applied to a facility 
    payment guarantee for which a claim has been paid by CCC, CCC will pay 
    the holder of the facility payment guarantee its pro rata share 
    immediately, provided that the required information necessary for 
    determining pro rata distribution has been furnished. If payment is not 
    made by CCC within 15 days from the date of recovery or 15 days from 
    receiving the required information for determining pro rata 
    distribution, whichever is later, CCC will pay interest calculated on 
    the latest average investment rate of the most recent Treasury 91-day 
    bill auction, as announced by the Department of Treasury, in effect on 
    the date of recovery and will accrue from such date to the date of 
    payment by CCC. The interest will apply only to the portion of the 
    recovery payable to the holder of the facility payment guarantee.
        (c) Allocation of recoveries. Recoveries made by CCC from the 
    importer or the foreign bank, and recoveries received by CCC from the 
    exporter, the exporter's assignee or any other source whatsoever, will 
    be allocated by CCC to the exporter or the exporter's assignee and to 
    CCC on a pro rata basis determined by their respective interests in 
    such recoveries. The respective interest of each party will be 
    determined on a pro rata basis, based on the combined amount of 
    principal and interest in default. Once CCC has paid out a particular 
    claim under a facility payment guarantee, CCC prorates any collections 
    it receives and shares these collections proportionately with the 
    holder of the guarantee until both CCC and the holder of the guarantee 
    have been reimbursed in full. Appendix to Sec. 1493.320 provides an 
    example of the methodology used by CCC in applying this paragraph (c).
        (d) Liabilities to CCC. Notwithstanding any other terms of the 
    facility payment guarantee, the exporter may be liable to CCC for any 
    amounts paid by CCC under the facility payment guarantee when and if it 
    is determined by CCC that the exporter engaged in fraud, or has been or 
    is in breach of any contractual obligation, certification or warranty 
    made by the exporter for the purpose of obtaining the facility payment 
    guarantee or for fulfilling obligations under the FGP. Further, the 
    exporter's assignee may be liable to CCC for any amounts paid by CCC 
    under the facility payment guarantee when and if it is determined by 
    CCC that the exporter's assignee engaged in fraud or otherwise violated 
    program requirements.
        (e) Good faith. The violation by an exporter of the certifications 
    in Sec. 1493.270 or the failure of an exporter to comply with the 
    provisions of Sec. 1493.290 or Sec. 1493.330(e) will not affect the 
    validity of any facility payment guarantee with respect to an assignee 
    which had no knowledge of such violation or failure to comply at the 
    time such exporter applied for the facility payment guarantee or at the 
    time of assignment of the facility payment guarantee.
        (f) Cooperation in recoveries. Upon payment by CCC of a claim to 
    the exporter or the exporter's assignee, the exporter or the exporter's 
    assignee will cooperate with CCC to effect recoveries from the foreign 
    bank or the importer.
    Appendix to Sec. 1493.320--Illustration of Pro Rata Allocation of 
        The following example illustrates CCC's policy, as set forth in 
    Sec. 1493.320, regarding pro rata sharing of recoveries made for 
    claims filed under the FGP. For the purpose of this example only, 
    even though CCC interest coverage is on a floating rate basis, a 
    constant rate of interest is assumed. A typical case might be as 
        1. The U.S. bank enters into a $300,000 three-year credit 
    arrangement for the export sale of goods and services with the 
    foreign bank calling for equal semi-annual payments of principal and 
    semi-annual payment of interest at a rate of 10 percent per annum 
    and a penalty interest rate of 12 percent per annum on overdue 
    amounts until the overdue amount is paid.
        2. Exported value reported to CCC equals $300,000.
    [[Page 42663]]
        3. The foreign bank fails to make the final principal payment of 
    $50,000 and an interest payment of $2,493.15, both due on January 
        4. On February 10, the U.S. bank files a notice of default and 
    claim in good order with CCC.
        5. CCC's guarantee states that CCC's maximum liability is 
    limited to 95 percent of the principal amount due ($47,500) and 
    interest at a rate of 8 percent per annum (basis 365 days) on 95 
    percent of the principal ($1,894.80).
        6. CCC pays the claim on February 22.
        7. The latest investment rate of the 91-day Treasury Bill 
    auction average which has been published by the Department of 
    Treasury in effect on the date of nonpayment by CCC (February 11) is 
    7 percent.
    Computation of Obligations
        Using the above case, CCC's payment to the holder of the 
    facility payment guarantee would be computed as follows:
    1. CCC's Obligation under the Facility Payment Guarantee:               
        (a) Principal coverage--(95%  x  $50,000)..............   $47,500.00
        (b) Interest coverage--(8%  x  $47,500  x  182/365)....     1,894.80
            Total..............................................    49,394.80
        (c) Late interest due from CCC (7% per annum for 11                 
         days  x  $49,394.80)..................................       104.20
        (d) Amount paid by CCC on February 22..................    49,499.00
    2. Foreign Bank's Obligation under the Letter of Credit or              
     the Related Obligation:                                                
        (a) Principal due January 31...........................    50,000.00
            Interest due January 31 (10%  x  $ 50,000  x  182/              
             365)..............................................     2,493.15
            Amount owed by foreign bank as of January 31.......    52,493.15
        (b) Penalty interest due (12% per annum for 22 days  x              
         $ 50,000).............................................       361.64
        (c) Amount owed by foreign bank as of February 22......    52,854.79
    3. Amount of Foreign Bank's Obligation Not Covered by CCC's             
     Payment Guarantee:........................................    3,355.79.
    Computation of Pro Rata Sharing in Recovery of Losses
        In establishing each party's respective interest in any recovery 
    of losses, the total amount due under the foreign bank obligation 
    would be determined as of the date the claim is paid by CCC 
    (February 22). Using the above example in which the amount owed by 
    the foreign bank is $52,854.79, CCC would be entitled to 93.65 
    percent ($49,499.00 divided by $52,854.79) and the holder of the 
    facility payment guarantee would be entitled to 6.35 percent 
    ($3,355.79 divided by $52,854.79) of any recoveries of losses after 
    settlement of the claim. Since in this example, the losses were 
    recovered after the claim had been paid by CCC, Sec. 1493.320(b) 
    would apply.
    Sec. 1493.330  Miscellaneous provisions.
        (a) Assignment. (1) The exporter may assign the proceeds which are, 
    or may become, payable by CCC under a facility payment guarantee or the 
    right to such proceeds only to a financial institution in the U.S. The 
    assignment must cover all amounts payable under the facility payment 
    guarantee not already paid, may not be made to more than one party, and 
    may not, unless approved in advance by CCC, be subject to further 
    assignment. Any assignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee 
    for two or more parties participating in the assignment.
        (2) An original and two copies of the written notice of assignment 
    signed by the parties thereto must be filed by the assignee with the 
    Treasurer, CCC, at the address specified in the Contacts P/R.
        (3) Receipt of the notice of assignment will ordinarily be 
    acknowledged to the exporter and its assignee in writing by an officer 
    of CCC. In cases where a financial institution is determined to be 
    ineligible to receive an assignment, in accordance with paragraph (b) 
    of this section, CCC will provide notice thereof to such financial 
    institution and to the exporter issued the facility payment guarantee 
    in lieu of an acknowledgment of assignment.
        (4) The name and address of the assignee must be included on the 
    written notice of assignment.
        (b) Ineligibility of financial institutions to receive an 
    assignment. A financial institution will be ineligible to receive an 
    assignment of proceeds which may become payable under a facility 
    payment guarantee if, at the time of assignment, such financial 
        (1) Is not in sound financial condition, as determined by the 
    Treasurer of CCC; or
        (2) Is the financial institution issuing the letter of credit or a 
    branch, agency or subsidiary of such institution; or
        (3) Is owned or controlled by an entity that owns or controls the 
    financial institution issuing the letter of credit; or
        (4) Is the U.S. parent of the foreign bank issuing the letter of 
        (c) Ineligibility of financial institutions to receive proceeds. A 
    financial institution will be ineligible to receive proceeds payable 
    under a facility payment guarantee approved by CCC if such financial 
        (1) At the time of assignment of a facility payment guarantee, is 
    not in sound financial condition, as determined by the Treasurer of 
        (2) Is the financial institution issuing the letter of credit or a 
    branch, agency, or subsidiary of such institution; or
        (3) Is owned or controlled by an entity that owns or controls the 
    financial institution issuing the letter of credit; or
        (4) Is the U.S. parent of the foreign bank issuing the letter of 
        (d) Alternative satisfaction of facility payment guarantees. CCC 
    may, with the agreement of the exporter (or if the right to proceeds 
    payable under the facility payment guarantee has been assigned, with 
    the agreement of the exporter's assignee), establish procedures, terms 
    or conditions for the satisfaction of CCC's obligations under a 
    facility payment guarantee other than those provided for in this 
    subpart if CCC determines that those alternative procedures, terms or 
    conditions are appropriate in rescheduling the debts arising out of any 
    transaction covered by the facility payment guarantee and would not 
    result in CCC paying more than the amount of CCC's obligation.
        (e) Maintenance of records and access to premises. (1) For a period 
    of five years after the date of expiration of the coverage of a 
    facility payment guarantee, the exporter or the exporter's assignee, as 
    applicable, must maintain and make available all records pertaining to 
    sales and deliveries of and extension of credit for goods or services 
    exported in connection with a facility payment guarantee, including 
    those records generated and maintained by agents, and related companies 
    involved in special arrangements with the exporter. The Secretary of 
    Agriculture and the Comptroller General of the United States, through 
    their authorized representatives, must be given full and complete 
    access to the premises of the exporter or the exporter's assignee, as 
    applicable, during regular business hours from the effective date of 
    the facility payment guarantee until the expiration of such five-year 
    period to inspect, examine, audit, and make copies of the exporter's, 
    exporter's assignee's, or a related company's books, records, and 
    accounts concerning transactions relating to the facility payment 
    guarantee, including, but not limited to, financial records and 
    accounts pertaining to sales, inventory, manufacturing, processing, and 
    administrative and incidental costs, both normal and unforeseen.
        (2) The exporter must maintain the proof of entry required by 
    Sec. 1493.290(b),
    [[Page 42664]]
    and must provide access to such document if requested by the Secretary 
    of Agriculture or his authorized representative for the five-year 
    period specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
        (f) Responsibility of program participants. It is the 
    responsibility of all program participants to review, and fully 
    acquaint themselves with, this subpart, program announcement(s), and 
    notice(s) to participants relating to the FGP, as applicable. 
    Applicants for facility payment guarantees under this program are 
    hereby on notice that they will be bound by any terms contained in 
    applicable program announcement(s) or notice(s) to participants issued 
    prior to the date of approval of a facility payment guarantee.
        (g) Submission of documents by principal officers. All required 
    submissions, including certifications, applications, reports, or 
    requests (i.e., requests for amendments), by exporters or exporters' 
    assignees under this subpart must be signed by a principal or officer 
    of the exporter or exporter's assignee or their authorized designee(s). 
    In cases where the designee is acting on behalf of the principal or the 
    officer, the signature must be accompanied by:
        (1) Wording indicating the delegation of authority or, in the 
    alternative, by a certified copy of the delegation of authority; and
        (2) The name and title of the authorized person or officer. 
    Further, the exporter or exporter's assignee must ensure that all 
    information/reports required under this subpart are submitted within 
    the required time limits. If requested in writing, CCC will acknowledge 
    receipt of a submission by the exporter or the exporter's assignee. If 
    acknowledgment of receipt is requested, the exporter or exporter's 
    assignee must submit an extra copy of each document and a stamped self-
    addressed envelope for return by U.S. mail. If courier services are 
    desired for the return receipt, the exporter or exporter's assignee 
    must also submit a self-addressed courier service order which includes 
    the recipient's billing code for such service.
        (h) Officials not to benefit. No member of or delegate to Congress, 
    or resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of the 
    facility payment guarantee or to any benefit that may arise therefrom, 
    but this provision shall not be construed to extend to the facility 
    payment guarantee if made with a corporation for its general benefit.
        (i) Deadlines. (1) Where a deadline is fixed in terms of days, it 
    means business days and excludes Saturdays, Sundays and federal 
        (2) Where a deadline is fixed in terms of months, the deadline 
    falls on the same day of the month as the day triggering the deadline 
    period, or if there is no same day, the last day of the month; and
        (3) Where a deadline would otherwise fall on a Saturday, Sunday or 
    federal holiday, the deadline shall be the next business day.
        Signed this 1st day of August, 1997 at Washington, DC.
    Christopher E. Goldthwait,
    General Sales Manager, Commodity Credit Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 97-20761 Filed 8-7-97; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-10-P

Document Information

Commodity Credit Corporation
Entry Type:
Interim rule with request for comment.
Document Number:
42651-42664 (14 pages)
0551-AA35: Facility Guarantee Program
RIN Links:
PDF File:
CFR: (15)
7 CFR 1493.290(b)
7 CFR 1493.200
7 CFR 1493.210
7 CFR 1493.220
7 CFR 1493.230
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