94-18871. Cost-of-Service Filing and Reporting Requirements for Oil Pipelines; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking  

  • [Federal Register Volume 59, Number 152 (Tuesday, August 9, 1994)]
    [Unknown Section]
    [Page 0]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 94-18871]
    [[Page Unknown]]
    [Federal Register: August 9, 1994]
    18 CFR Parts 342, 346, 347, 357, and 385
    [Docket No. RM94-2-000]
    Cost-of-Service Filing and Reporting Requirements for Oil 
    Pipelines; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
    July 28, 1994.
    AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
    ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
    SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is proposing to 
    revise the information reported by oil pipelines in their Form No. 6, 
    Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies, and to amend its regulations 
    to adopt filing requirements for cost-of-service rate filings by oil 
    DATES: Comments are due no later than September 8, 1994.
    ADDRESSES: An original and 14 copies of written comments must be filed. 
    All filings should refer to Docket No. RM94-2-000 and should be 
    addressed to Office of the Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
    Harris S. Wood, Office of the General Counsel, Federal Energy 
    Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 
    20426, (202) 208-0224.
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In addition to publishing the full text of 
    this document in the Federal Register, the Commission also provides all 
    interested persons an opportunity to inspect or copy the contents of 
    this document during normal business hours in Room 3104, 941 North 
    Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
        The Commission Issuance Posting System (CIPS), an electronic 
    bulletin board service, provides access to the texts of formal 
    documents issued by the Commission. CIPS is available at no charge to 
    the user and may be accessed using a personal computer with a modem by 
    dialing (202) 208-1397. To access CIPS, set your communications 
    software to use 300, 1200, or 2400 bps, full duplex, no parity, 8 data 
    bits an 1 stop bit. CIPS can also be accessed at 9600 bps by dialing 
    (202) 208-1781. The full text of this proposed rule will be available 
    on CIPS for 30 days from the date of issuance. The complete text on 
    diskette in Wordperfect format may also be purchased from the 
    Commission's copy contractor, La Dorn Systems Corporation, also located 
    in Room 3104, 941 North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, DC 20426.
        The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes to 
    revise the information reported by oil pipelines in their FERC Form No. 
    6, Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies (Form No. 6), and to 
    establish filing requirements for cost-of-service rate filings by oil 
    pipelines. The Commission also proposes to issue rules for oil 
    pipelines performing depreciation studies. Finally, the Commission 
    proposes to require oil pipelines to file Form No. 6 on an electronic 
    medium in addition to a paper filing. All these changes are proposed to 
    become effective January 1, 1995, concurrently with the new regulations 
    promulgated by Order No. 561.\1\
        \1\Revisions to Oil Pipeline Regulations Pursuant to Energy 
    Policy Act, Order No. 561, III FERC Stats. & Regs. 30,985 (1993); 
    Order on Rehearing, Order No. 561-A, 68 FERC paragraph 61,138 
    (1994), issued concurrently with this Notice.
    I. Background
        In Order No. 561, issued by the Commission on October 22, 1993, the 
    Commission established an indexing methodology to be used by oil 
    pipelines as the generally applicable and simplified methodology for 
    regulating oil pipeline rates on or after January 1, 1995. The indexing 
    methodology will establish ceilings on oil pipeline rates. The 
    Commission also recognized that there might be instances where 
    pipelines using the indexing methodology to establish ceilings on their 
    rates could substantially underrecover their prudent costs. The 
    Commission provided the opportunity for pipelines to seek an exception 
    to indexing in those instances. Further, the Commission provided that 
    rates for new services could be established either through negotiation 
    or by use of a cost-of-service methodology.\2\
        \2\18 CFR Sec. 342.2.
        In Order No. 561, as modified by Order No. 561-A, the Commission 
    has provided a balanced approach to the index ratemaking methodology. 
    On the one hand, it would allow an oil pipeline to file for rates above 
    the indexed ceiling when the pipeline can show that there is a 
    substantial divergence between the costs to be experienced by the 
    pipeline and the revenues that would be produced by indexed rates. On 
    the other hand, it would allow challenges to an oil pipeline's proposed 
    indexed rates based on allegations that the indexed rates would produce 
    increased revenues substantially in excess of the pipeline's actual 
    increase in costs.\3\ The Commission also recognized that cost-of-
    service rate filing information would be necessary for interested 
    parties to decide whether to challenge proposed cost-of-service rates, 
    and that Form No. 6 might need to be revised to enable effective cost-
    based challenges to indexed rates.
        \3\As noted in Order No. 561-A, the Commission is requiring that 
    there be a substantial divergence between actual costs and rates to 
    allow for efficiency gains that may occur.
        The Commission initiated this proceeding as a companion to Order 
    No. 561 to inquire into the cost information that oil pipelines should 
    include with their cost-of-service rate filings and in their annual 
    Form No. 6 reports. The Commission thus issued a Notice of Inquiry 
    (NOI)\4\ to solicit comments on the appropriate information to be 
    included by oil pipelines with their cost-of-service rate filings and 
    whether it is necessary to revise the information reported by oil 
    pipelines in Form No. 6. The Commission further solicited comments on 
    whether and how cost-of-service ratemaking might be streamlined.\5\
        \4\IV FERC Stats. & Regs. 35,528, entitled Cost-of-Service 
    Filing and Reporting Requirements for Oil Pipelines.
        \5\In Docket No. RM94-1-000, Market-Based Ratemaking for Oil 
    Pipelines, the Commission solicited comments on whether to continue 
    to permit oil pipelines to seek market based rates and, if so, the 
    appropriate standards for making a determination that a pipeline 
    lacks significant market power. This matter is the subject of a 
    separate notice of proposed rulemaking, issued contemporaneously.
        Comments and/or reply comments were received from six oil 
    pipelines,\6\ one shipper,\7\ four trade associations representing 
    either pipelines or shippers,\8\ and the State of Alaska. These 
    comments indicated a need for revising Form No. 6 in many respects, as 
    discussed below. While the Commission has not had specific filing 
    requirements for rate changes since it began regulating oil pipelines 
    in 1977,\9\ the comments generally supported a specific set of 
    regulations for cost-of-service rate filings. However, there was no 
    consensus on what those regulations should contain.
        \6\ARCO Pipe Line Company, Four Corners Pipeline Company and 
    ARCO Transportation Alaska, Inc. (collectively, ARCO); Williams Pipe 
    Line Company (Williams); Marathon Pipe Line Company (Marathon); 
    CITGO Pipeline Company (CITGO); Badger Pipe Line Company (Badger); 
    Kaneb P/L Operating Partnership, L.P. (Kaneb); and Lakehead Pipe 
    Line Company (Lakehead).
        \7\Chevron U.S.A. Products Company (Chevron).
        \8\Association of Oil Pipe Lines (AOPL) representing pipelines; 
    and the Petrochemical Energy Group (PEG), the Independent Petroleum 
    Association of America (IPAA), and the National Counsel of Farmer 
    Cooperatives (NCFC), representing shippers.
        \9\Jurisdiction of oil pipelines was transferred from the 
    Interstate Commerce Commission to the Commission in 1977. See 
    Department of Energy Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 7101 (1988).
        Upon review of the comments, the Commission proposes to revise and 
    update Form No. 6 so that the information reported by oil pipelines 
    will enable shippers to analyze oil pipeline cost changes to determine 
    whether to challenge indexed rate filings, and enable the Commission to 
    monitor the effectiveness of the index in reflecting cost changes 
    experienced by pipelines. The Commission also proposes to establish, 
    through regulations, the specific filing requirements for cost-of-
    service filings for oil pipelines to conform to the Opinion No. 154-B 
        \10\Opinion No. 154-B methodology is derived from the 
    Commission's opinions in Williams Pipe Line Company, Opinion No. 
    154-B, 31 FERC 61,377 (1985), on rehearing, Opinion No. 154-C, 
    Williams Pipeline Company, 33 FERC 61,327 (1985); and ARCO Pipe 
    Line Company, Opinion No. 351, 52 FERC 61,055 (1990), on rehearing, 
    Opinion No. 351-A, ARCO Pipe Line Company, 53 FERC 61,398 (1990).
    II. Public Reporting Burden
        The Commission estimates the public reporting burden for the 
    collections of information under the proposed rule will be reduced for 
    Form No. 6 by approximately 7 percent and will, in effect, remain 
    unchanged for rate filings, since the Commission proposes to codify the 
    information to be provided which the Commission's staff has requested 
    of oil pipelines for cost-of-service rate filings in the past. The 
    information will be collected on Form No. 6, ``Annual Report of Oil 
    Pipeline Companies'' and FERC-550, ``Oil Pipeline Rates: Tariff 
    Filings.''\11\ These estimates include the time for reviewing 
    instructions, researching existing data sources, gathering and 
    maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the 
    collection of information. The current annual reporting burden 
    associated with these information collection requirements is as 
        \11\FERC-550 is the designation covering oil pipeline tariff 
    filings made to the Commission.
    Form No. 6: 22,200 hours, 148 responses, and 148 respondents; and
    FERC-550: 5,350 hours, 535 responses, and 140 respondents.
        The proposed rule will reduce the existing reporting burden 
    associated with Form No. 6 by an estimated 1480 hours annually, or an 
    average of 10 hours per response based on an estimated 148 responses. 
    This estimate includes the addition of two new schedules, the 
    elimination of several schedules, and increasing the reporting 
    thresholds for which oil pipelines must analyze and report certain 
        Comments regarding these burden estimates or any other aspect of 
    these collections of information, including suggestions for reducing 
    this burden, can be sent to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 
    941 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: 
    Michael Miller, Information Services Division, (202) 208-1415]; and to 
    the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB (Attention: 
    Desk Officer for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), FAX: (202) 395-
    III. Overview
        Under Sec. 342.4(a) of the regulations as promulgated by Order No. 
    561-A, a pipeline can make a cost-of-service rate filing to show that 
    there is a substantial divergence between the actual costs experienced 
    by the carrier and the revenues which will be realized from ceiling 
    rates resulting from application of the index.\12\ A shipper may 
    protest an indexed rate change where it can show a significant 
    discrepancy between the rate change filed and the change in the 
    pipeline's costs in the interim since the last rate change.\13\
        \12\18 CFR Sec. 342.4(a).
        \13\18 CFR Sec. 343.2(c)(1).
        The NOI requested comments on how standard information might be 
    collected and made available to provide a minimum adequate basis for 
    comparing changes in a pipeline's rates and costs, without requiring 
    unduly burdensome data filings by the pipelines. The goal was to 
    develop a final rule that would be supported by a consensus of the oil 
    pipeline industry and its customers. Some pipelines' comments urged 
    adoption of a stand-alone costing methodology,\14\ while others 
    indicated that the Commission should continue to use the Opinion No. 
    154-B methodology.\15\ Shippers and the State of Alaska also urged 
    retention of the Opinion No. 154-B methodology.\16\ Some conmmenters 
    also suggested modifications to the data contained in Form No. 6.\17\
        \14\AOPL, Marathon.
        \15\Williams, ARCO.
        \16\See, PEG and NCFC comments and reply comments.
        \17\AOPL, Williams, ARCO, Marathon, PEG, Alaska, and Chevron.
        In view of the lack of a consensus among the parties filing 
    comments and the absence of any persuasive reasons for changing the 
    existing cost-based methodology, the Commission will continue to use 
    the Opinion No. 154-B ratemaking methodology as reflected in the 
    proposed regulations. The Commission proposed cost-of-service rate 
    filing requirements that are intended to include all the information 
    necessary to support a rate filing under Opinion No. 154-B. As for the 
    historical base data in Form No. 6, the Commission proposes changes 
    that are intended to permit a first level analysis of the relation of a 
    proposed change in rates under the indexing methodology to the changes 
    in cost actually experienced by a pipeline. They also are intended to 
    provide a basis for a Commission determination of whether a protest has 
    IV. The Proposed Rule
    A. Revisions to Form No. 6
    1. Proposed Changes to Conform With Order No. 561
        Form No. 6 should contain information that will permit its use for 
    a number of purposes: developing initial rates for new service, 
    reviewing changes in rates made by use of the index, monitoring 
    existing rages, and analyzing and auditing finances. At present, the 
    primary focus of Form No. 6 is on financial accounting information that 
    is gathered based on accounting principles which are different in some 
    respects from the ratemaking principles used to establish rates for oil 
    pipelines. To serve as a tool to evaluate the performance of the index 
    and future changes in oil pipeline rates using the index methodology, 
    Form No. 6 should be revised to include additional information.
        Revisions to Form No. 6 are needed to provide at least a 
    preliminary basis for shipper assessments of filed rate changes under 
    Order No. 561. Form No. 6 data should be complete enough to enable an 
    evaluation of whether a proposed rate change substantially exceeds the 
    pipeline's changes in costs. As currently structured, Form No. 6 does 
    not provide sufficient information to do this.
        Only limited additional information would be needed in Form No. 6 
    to permit adequate preliminary review of a pipeline's cost-of-service 
    showings, and to permit shipper comparison of indexed rate changes with 
    changes in costs incurred. A single new schedule is proposed to be 
    added to Form No. 6, showing basic information needed for a review of 
    rate filings made within the index cap. The proposed new schedule, 
    appearing as page 700 of Form No. 6, would require each pipeline 
    company to report, as of the end of the reporting year and the 
    immediately preceding year, its Total Annual Cost of Service (as 
    calculated under the Order No. 154-B methodology), operating revenues, 
    and throughput in barrels and barrel-miles. This schedule should permit 
    a shipper to compare proposed changes in rates against the change in 
    the level of a pipeline's cost of service. It should also permit a 
    shipper to compare the change in a shipper's individual rate with the 
    change in the pipeline's average company-wide barrel-mile rate. The 
    proposed new schedule is set forth as a part of Appendix A to this 
    NOPR. Underlying calculations of and supporting data for these figures 
    would not be required to be reported in Form No. 6.
        The use of trended original cost to establish a rate base for oil 
    pipelines, as required by the Opinion No. 154-B methodology, entails 
    complex calculations to derive annual figures for equity and equity 
    returns for ratemaking purposes. This calculation will differ from the 
    book equity figures contained in Form No. 6, which are required for 
    financial reporting purposes. In the Commission's view, to require the 
    display of these calculations in Form No. 6 would be cumbersome and not 
    be of significant benefit in a shipper's determination of whether to 
    protest a pipeline's indexed rate filing.\18\ In any event, if a 
    shipper protest results in a cost-of-service justification by the 
    pipeline, the underlying calculations would be available.
        \18\For a discussion of the differences in the equity and equity 
    return figures contained in Form No. 6 and the use of those figures 
    for ratemaking purposes under the Opinion No. 154-B methodology, see 
    Supplemental Brief of AOPL filed in Docket No. RM93-11-000 on 
    January 21, 1994, at 11-12.
        The changes proposed to Form No. 6 are proposed to be effective for 
    reporting year 1995. The 1995 Form No. 6 would be filed on or before 
    March 31, 1996. The new schedule appearing on page 700 therefore would 
    not be required for Form No. 6 filings until March 31, 1996, for 
    reporting year 1995. In the interim, the Commission proposed that a 
    verified copy of this new schedule for calendar years 1993 and 1994 be 
    prepared separately and filed concurrently with the first indexed rate 
    change filing made by a pipeline after January 1, 1995, or by March 31, 
    1995, whichever is earlier. For index rate change filings made early in 
    1995, complete data may not be available. In this instance, a 1994 
    schedule shall be prepared utilizing the most recently available data 
    annualized for 1994. By March 31, 1995, a new 1994 schedule must be 
    submitted, using the actual 1994 data.
        This would provide shippers with the necessary information for an 
    analysis of proposed indexed rate changes after January 1, 1995, the 
    effective date of the regulations in Order No. 561. In addition, as 
    discussed below, the information on this page would become part of the 
    Commission's evaluation of the effectiveness of the index. Accordingly, 
    the Commission proposes to amend Sec. 342.3(b) of the regulations to 
    require a verified copy of a schedule containing the information 
    contained on page 700 for calendar years 1993 and 1994 to be filed with 
    the first indexed rate change filing made after January 1, 1995, or by 
    March 31, 1995, whichever is earlier.
        In Order No. 561, the Commission stated it would monitor the 
    effectiveness of the index in tracing industry costs. These reviews 
    will occur every five years, commencing July 1, 2000.\19\ The proposed 
    page 700, together with other information contained in Form No. 6, will 
    permit the Commission to use the Form No. 6 data to help fulfill this 
    commitment. Since the Total Cost of Service, for example, is derived 
    from all of the components of a pipeline's cost and capital properties, 
    this figure, when used in conjunction with other Form No. 6 
    information, will provide details on general trends affecting each 
        \19\III FERC Stats. & Regs. 30,985 (1993), at 30,947.
    2. Other Proposed Changes to Form No. 6
        Since the regulatory responsibility for oil pipelines was 
    transferred to this Commission from the Interstate Commerce Commission 
    in 1977, only cosmetic changes have been made to Form No. 6, other than 
    the addition of a Statement of Cash Flow. In addition to the changes 
    that are proposed to conform with Order No. 561, as discussed above, 
    there are other changes that should make Form No. 6 a more useful 
        The Commission asked, in the NOI, what existing Form No. 6 
    reporting requirements (e.g., data or cost elements, schedules, or 
    instructions) should be eliminated or modified. Alaska recommended that 
    the Commission eliminate all schedules in Form No. 6 that are unrelated 
    to a pipeline's cost of service. It suggested that the Commission 
    require pipeline companies to report information separately for each 
    pipeline or system for which a cost of service is calculated. Alaska 
    also suggested that the Commission require pipelines to calculate and 
    report expense items using their cost-of-service methods in addition to 
    the method used for financial reporting.\20\ PEG similarly suggested 
    that the Commission adjust the Form No. 6 filing requirements so that 
    the data in Form No. 6 conforms to the principles of cost-of-service 
    ratemaking, and suggested that the Commission require pipelines to 
    conform their Form No. 6 data to embody the principles set forth in the 
    initial decision in Southern Pacific Pipe Lines, Inc., 39 FERC 63,018 
    (1987),\21\ and that the Commission require pipelines to calculate and 
    report data consistent with that initial decision.\22\
        \20\Alaska comments, pp. 5-8.
        \21\Settlement in this case was reached before the Commission's 
    review of the initial decision.
        \22\PEG comments, pp. 3-9.
        AOPL suggested that numerous schedules in Form No. 6 be changed or 
    eliminated to bring it up to date and to facilitate the Commission's 
    review of industry cost experience for purposes of the index 
    mechanism.\23\ ARCO suggested that several schedules, such as those 
    relating to accounts receivable and accounts payable, the miles of pipe 
    operated at the end of the year, and statistics of operation, be 
    eliminated to lessen the reporting burden.\24\ Marathon suggested 
    extension changes to Form No. 6, such as the establishment of an 
    electronic spreadsheet and filing capability, use of comparative 
    information for certain accounts, and consolidation or elimination of 
    certain schedules.\25\
        \23\AOPL comments, pp. 42-47.
        \24\ARCO comments, p. 13, n. 24.
        \25\Marathon comments, pp. 7-8.
        Based on the comments and review of the current schedules in Form 
    No. 6, the Commission proposes several changes to the annual report for 
    oil pipelines. To simplify the Form No. 6 data, the Commission proposes 
    to delete information not relevant to the Commission's regulatory 
    responsibilities under the ICA. The Commission also proposes to modify 
    certain Form No. 6 financial statements to a comparative format by 
    requiring two years of data to enhance their usefulness and to conform 
    the Form No. 6 data formats to the formats of FERC Nos. 1\26\ and 2\27\ 
    (Form Nos. 1 and 2) for electric utilities and natural gas pipeline 
    companies, respectively.
        \26\Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees, and 
        \27\Annual Report of Natural Gas Companies.
        The Commission proposes to change the format of several schedules 
    to accommodate electronic filing and reporting requirements for Form 
    No. 6 similar to that used for Form No. 1. The Commission proposes to 
    require electronic filing beginning with reports filed for the 1995 
    reporting year (i.e, reports due on or before March 31, 1996). 
    Electronic filing of Form No. 6 information, similar to that for Form 
    No. 1, should reduce the reporting burden for both large and small 
    pipelines. Financial information reported electronically should also 
    aid the Commission in conducting reviews of the pipeline companies and 
    the rates charged.
        The Commission also proposes to eliminate unneeded schedules or 
    individual data elements, and to modify certain schedules so they will 
    contain more useful and relevant data. A sample copy of the pages in 
    Form No. 6 as proposed to be modified are attached as Appendix A.
        The specific changes the Commission proposes are:
    Corporate Control Over Respondent--Page 102
        Some format modifications are proposed for electronic reporting 
    purposes to better report vertical control of respondent from the 
    immediate parent to ultimate controlling parent company.
    Companies Controlled by Respondent--Page 103
        This is a new schedule proposed to be added a new page 103, similar 
    to the schedules currently in Forms Nos. 1 and 2, to report all 
    subsidiaries directly controlled by a respondent.
    Principal General Officers--Page 104
        The Commission proposes that ``Office Address'' be replaced by 
    ``Salary,'' to make the format the same as Form Nos. 1 and 2.
    Directors--Page 105
        The Commission proposes to modify this schedule to delete the 
    instructions at the top of the page and information required at lines 
    21 through 23. The Commission proposes to replace the deleted material 
    with similar instructions at the top of the schedule and to insert 
    ``Title'' in addition to ``Name of Director'' in column (a). This will 
    make the format the same as Form Nos. 1 and 2.
    Voting Powers of Security Holders--Pages 106 and 107
        The Commission proposes to delete this schedule because it is not 
    needed for Commission regulatory purposes.
    Important Changes During the Year--Pages 108 and 109
        The Commission proposes that the current format be replaced with 
    instructions similar to Form Nos. 1 and 2.
    Comparative Balance Sheet Statement--Pages 110, 111 and 113
    Income Statement--Page 114
    Appropriated Retained Income--Page 118
    Unappropriated Retained Income Statement--Page 119
    Statement of Cash Flows--Pages 120 and 121
        The Commission proposes to modify these financial statements to 
    require that data be presented on a comparative basis (i.e., for two 
    years) to enhance the usefulness of these financial statements. The 
    Commission proposes to delete from page 119 the schedule showing 
    Dividend Appropriations of Retained Income, because it is not needed 
    for Commission regulatory purposes.
    Working Capital--Page 117
        The Commission proposes to delete this schedule because it is not 
    needed for Commission regulatory purposes.
    Notes to Financial Statements--Pages 122 and 123
        The Commission proposes to add new instructions which would require 
    statements of a company's accounting practices and policies (with 
    specific reference to such matters as income taxes, pensions and post-
    retirement benefits); and significant matters concerning acquisitions 
    and sales, significant contingencies and liabilities existing at the 
    end of the year, and other matters that will materially affect company 
    Receivables From Affiliated Companies--Page 200
        The reporting thresholds in Instruction No. 2 are proposed to be 
    raised from $100,000 to $500,000.
    General Instructions Concerning Schedules 202 Through 205--Page 201
        The Commission proposes to modify these instructions to conform 
    with Form Nos. 1 and 2 by deleting the subclassifications presently 
    Other Investments--Pages 206 and 207
    Securities, Advances and Other Intangibles Owned or Controlled Through 
    Nonreporting Carrier and Noncarrier Subsidiaries--Pages 208 and 209
        The Commission proposes to delete these schedules because they are 
    not needed for Commission regulatory purposes.
    Instructions for Schedule 212-213--Page 211
        The Commission proposes to modify the footnote to Instruction No. 3 
    to require that a respondent identify the original cost of property 
    purchased or sold. This information is useful in the analysis of 
    carrier property transactions between oil pipeline companies. In 
    addition, the reporting thresholds in Instruction Nos. 3 and 5 are 
    proposed to be raised from $50,000 and $100,000 to $250,000 and 
    $500,000, respectively.
    Amortization Base and Reserve--Pages 218 and 219
        The reporting thresholds in Instruction No. 4 are proposed to be 
    raised from $10,000 to $100,000.
    Noncarrier Property--Page 220
        The reporting thresholds in Instruction No. 2 are proposed to be 
    raised from $100,000 to $250,000.
    Other Deferred Charges--Page 221
        The reporting thresholds in the instruction are proposed to be 
    raised from $100,000 to $250,000.
    Payables to Affiliated Companies--Page 225
        The reporting thresholds in Instruction Nos. 2 and 3 are proposed 
    to be raised from $100,000 to $250,000.
    Analysis of Federal Income and Other Taxes Deferred--230 and 231
        The Commission proposes to replace the current reporting format 
    with instructions that require an analysis of the respondent's current 
    and deferred income tax liability.
    Capital Stock--Pages 250 and 251
        The Commission proposes that the current schedules be replaced with 
    schedules and instructions similar to Form No. 2.
    Operating Expense Accounts--Pages 302 Through 304
        The Commission proposes to delete ``Operating Ratio'' at line 23 
    because it is not needed for Commission regulatory purposes.
    Interest and Dividend Income--Page 336
        The Commission proposes to delete the reference to Schedule pages 
    206 to 207 at line 2 because these pages are proposed to be eliminated.
    Miscellaneous Items in Income and Retained Income Accounts for the 
    Year--Page 337
        The reporting thresholds in Instruction No. 2 are proposed to be 
    raised from $100,000 to $250,000.
    Employees and Their Compensation--Page 350
        The Commission proposes to replace the present number of classes on 
    this schedule with only four work classes.
    Payments for Services Rendered by Other Than Employees--Page 351
        The reporting thresholds in Instruction No. 1 are proposed to be 
    raised from $30,000 to $100,000.
        Finally, since the Commission proposes to require oil pipelines to 
    file Form No. 6 on an electronic medium, in addition to paper filing, 
    commencing with reporting year 1995 (reports due March 31, 1996), 
    Sec. 385.2011 of Part 385 of the Code of Federal Regulations is 
    proposed to be changed. The formats for electronic filing and the paper 
    copy would be obtainable at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 
    Division of Public Information, 825 North Capitol Street, N.E., 
    Washington, D.C. 20426. It is anticipated that the electronic formats 
    would be established by January 1, 1996, after consideration of the 
    views of all interested parties.
    B. Cost-of-Service Filing Requirements
    1. Summary
        In the NOI in this docket, the Commission asked whether there are 
    ways to simplify and streamline the Commission's current cost-of-
    service methodology to aid review of a pipeline's over-all revenue 
    requirement. As discussed earlier, a number of comments were received 
    on the methodology, but no consensus could be ascertained from the 
    comments. Therefore, the Commission will continue to require the use of 
    the Opinion No. 154-B cost-of-service methodology. The proposed filing 
    requirements are designed to implement this requirement.
        As with present rate filings, and as required by Order No. 561, a 
    pipeline seeking to change rates is required to file a transmittal 
    letter containing the previous rate for the same movement or service, 
    the applicable ceiling rate for the movement in question, and the new 
    proposed tariff.\28\ This is all that is required to be filed for a 
    rate change within the index.
        \28\18 CFR 342.3(b).
        The Commission proposes to require a pipeline to file additional 
    information if it is filing for a cost-of-service rate above the 
    indexed rate change, or as support for an initial rate. This 
    information should permit a pipeline to establish an initial case for 
    cost-of-service rates. The additional filing requirements should 
    provide sufficient information for a preliminary cost-of-service 
    showing and will include an up-to-date overall cost of service for the 
    pipeline, calculated in accordance with Opinion No. 154-B methodology. 
    If the Commission institutes an investigation into a pipeline's rates, 
    additional information may be required of the pipeline. The new filing 
    requirements are set forth in proposed Part 346.
        Part 346 also contains the Commission's proposed definition of the 
    terms ``base period'' and ``test period.'' The definitions of these 
    terms are consistent with the principles contained in the definitions 
    of similar terms in Section 154.63 of the Regulations under the Natural 
    Gas Act,\29\ applicable to natural gas pipeline companies.
        \29\18 CFR Sec. 154.63(e)(2)(i) (1993).
    2. The Supporting Statements
        The oil pipeline must file the following statements and supporting 
    work papers to support either an initial rate developed on a cost-of-
    service basis or a change in rates using the cost-of-service 
    methodology. Such filing is proposed to be in both electronic and paper 
    Statement A--Total Cost of Service
        This statement would show the calculation of the Total Cost of 
    Service for a pipeline.
    Statement B--Operation and Maintenance
        This statement would report the operation, maintenance, 
    administrative and general expenses, and depreciation and amortization 
    Statement C--Overall Return on Rate Base
        This statement would show the derivation of the return on rate base 
    consisting of deferred earnings, equity and debt ratios, weighted cost 
    of capital, and costs of debt and equity.
    Statement D--Income Taxes
        This statement would show the calculation of the Income Tax 
    Statement E--Rate Base
        This statement would show the calculation of the return rate base 
    required by Opinion No. 154-B methodology to derive the cost of 
    Statement F--Allowance for Funds Used During Construction
        This statement would show the calculation of the Allowance for 
    Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC).
        Details of the various statements and supporting schedules are 
    found in the proposed regulations.
    C. Other Proposed Changes
    Depreciation Studies
        In Order No. 561, the Commission stated that it would be the 
    pipelines' responsibility in the future to perform depreciation studies 
    to establish revised depreciation rates for oil pipelines. The 
    Commission further stated that the specific requirements for such 
    studies would be developed in this proceeding.\30\
        \30\III FERC Stats. & Regs, 30,985 (1993), at 30,967-8.
        In new Part 347 of the Commission's regulations, the Commission 
    proposes to require the following information to justify a request for 
    either new or changed carrier account depreciation rates:
        a. A brief summary of the general principles on which the proposed 
    depreciation rates are based (e.g., why the economic life of the 
    pipeline section is less than the physical life).
        b. An explanation of the organization, ownership, and operation of 
    the pipeline.
        c. A table of the proposed depreciation rates by primary carrier 
        d. An explanation of the average remaining life on a physical basis 
    and on an economic basis.
        e. The following specific background data would be submitted 
    concurrently with any request for new or changed property account 
    depreciation rates for oil pipelines:\31\
        \31\All of the information listed here may not be appropriate 
    and thus could be omitted from the filing. For example, if the 
    pipeline carries only crude oil, information requested concerning 
    petroleum products would not be needed.
        (1) Up-to-date engineering maps of the pipeline including the 
    location of all gathering facilities, trunkline facilities, terminals, 
    interconnections with other pipeline systems, and interconnections with 
    refineries/plants. These maps must indicate the direction of flow.
        (2) A brief description of the pipeline's operations and an 
    estimate of any major near-term additions or retirements including the 
    estimated costs, location, reason, and probable year of transaction.
        (3) The present depreciation rates being used, by account.
        (4) For the most current year available and for the two prior 
    years, a breakdown of the throughput (by type of product, if 
    applicable) received from each source (e.g., name of well, pipeline 
    company) at each receipt point and throughput delivered at each 
    delivery point.
        (5) The daily average throughput (in barrels per day) and the 
    actual average capacity (in barrels per day) for the most current year, 
    by line section.
        (6) A list of shippers and their associated receipt points, 
    delivery points, and volumes (in barrels) by type of product (where 
    applicable) for the most current year.
        (7) For each primary carrier account, the latest month's book 
    balances for gross plant and accumulated reserve for depreciation.
        (8) An estimate of the remaining life of the system (both gathering 
    and trunk lines) including the basis for the estimate.
        (9) For crude oil, a list of the fields or areas from which crude 
    oil is obtained and the most recent estimated reserves, actual 
    production for the previous three years, and five years of estimated 
    future production.
        (10) If the proposed depreciation rate adjustment is based on the 
    remaining physical life of the properties, the Service Life Data Form 
    (FERC Form No. 73) through the most current year. This may only require 
    an updating from the last year for which information was filed with the 
        (11) Estimated salvage value of properties by primary carrier 
        An oil pipeline company would be required to provide this, and any 
    other information it deems pertinent, in sufficient detail to fully 
    explain and justify its proposed rates. Any modifications, additions, 
    and deletions to these data elements should be made to reflect the 
    individual circumstances of the pipeline's properties and operations, 
    and should be accompanied by a full explanation of why the 
    modifications, additions, or deletions are being made.
    V. Environmental Analysis
        The Commission is required to prepare an Environmental Assessment 
    or an Environmental Impact Statement for any action that may have a 
    significant adverse effect on the human environment.\32\ The Commission 
    has categorically excluded certain actions from these requirements as 
    not having a significant effect on the human environment.\33\ The 
    action proposed here is procedural in nature and therefore falls within 
    the categorical exclusions provided in the Commission's 
    regulations.\34\ Therefore, neither an environmental impact statement 
    nor an environmental assessment is necessary and will not be prepared 
    in this rulemaking.
        \32\Order No. 486, Regulations Implementing the National 
    Environmental Policy Act, 52 FR 47897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Statutes 
    and Regulations, Regulations Preambles 1986-1990 30,783 (1987).
        \33\18 CFR 380.4.
        \34\See 18 CFR Sec. 380.4(a)(2)(ii).
    VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
        The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)\35\ generally requires the 
    Commission to describe the impact that a proposed rule would have on 
    small entities or to certify that the rule will not have a significant 
    economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. An analysis 
    is not required if a proposed rule will not have such an impact.\36\ 
    Most oil pipelines to whom the proposed rule would apply do not fall 
    within the definition of small entity.\37\ In fact, the reporting 
    thresholds for numerous of the revised schedules in FERC Form No. 6 are 
    proposed to be raised, which may exclude certain small entities from 
    completing those schedules. Consequently, pursuant to section 605(b) of 
    the RFA, the Commission certifies that the proposed regulations, if 
    promulgated, will not have a significant adverse impact on a 
    substantial number of small entities.
        \35\5 U.S.C. Secs. 601-612 (1988)
        \36\Section 605(b)
        \37\Section 601(c) of the RFA defines a ``small entity'' as a 
    small business, a small not-for-profit enterprise, or a small 
    governmental jurisdiction. A ``small business'' is defined by 
    reference to section 3 of the Small Business Act as an enterprise 
    which is ``independently owned and operated and which is not 
    dominant in its field of operation.'' 15 U.S.C. Sec. 632(a).
    VII. Information Collection Requirements
        The Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) regulations at 5 C.F.R. 
    Sec. 1320.13 (footnote) require that OMB approve certain information 
    and recordkeeping requirements imposed by an agency. The information 
    collection requirements in this proposed rule are contained in FERC-6 
    ``Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies'' (1902-0022) and FERC-550 
    ``Oil Pipeline Rates: Tariff Filings'' (1902-0089).
        The Commission uses the data collected in these information 
    requirements to carry out its regulatory responsibilities pursuant to 
    the Interstate Commerce Act (ICA), the Act of 1992, and delegations to 
    the Commission from the Secretary of Energy. The Commission's Office of 
    Pipeline Regulation uses the data for the analysis of all rates, fares, 
    or charges demanded, charged, or collected by any common carriers in 
    connection with the transportation of petroleum and petroleum products 
    and also as a basis for determining just and reasonable rates that 
    should be charged by the regulated pipeline company.
        The Office of Economic Policy and the Office of General Counsel use 
    the data in their functions relating to the administration of the ICA 
    and the Act of 1992. The Commission's Office of Chief Accountant uses 
    the data collected in Form No. 6 to carry out its compliance audits and 
    for continuous review of the financial conditions of regulated 
        Because of the proposed revisions to both FERC-550 and Form No. 6, 
    and the expected reduction in public reporting burden of the latter, 
    the Commission is submitting a copy of the proposed rule to OMB for its 
    review and approval. Interested persons may obtain information on these 
    reporting requirements by contracting the Federal Energy Regulatory 
    Commission, 941 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20426 
    [Attention: Michael Miller, Information Services Division, (202) 208-
    1415]. Comments on the requirements of this rule can be sent to the 
    Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs of OMB (Attention: Desk 
    Officer for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), Washington, DC 
    20503, FAX: (202) 395-5167.
    VIII. Comment Procedures
        Copies of this notice of proposed rulemaking can be obtained from 
    the Office of Public Information, Room 3104, 941 North Capitol Street, 
    NE., Washington, DC 20426. Any person desiring to file comments should 
    submit an original and fourteen (14) copies of such comments to the 
    Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, NE., 
    Washington, DC 20426 not later than 30 days after the date of 
    publication of this notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal 
        The full text of this notice of proposed rulemaking, excluding the 
    revised Form No. 6 schedules, also is available through the Commission 
    Issuance Posting System (CIPS), an electronic bulletin board service, 
    which provides access to the text of formal documents issued by the 
    Commission. CIPS is available at no charge to the user and may be 
    accessed using a personal computer with a modem by dialing (202) 208-
    1397. To access CIPS, communications software should be set to use 300, 
    1200, or 2400 bps, full duplex, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. 
    CIPS can also be accessed at 9600 bps by dialing (202) 208-1781. The 
    full text of this notice will be available on CIPS for 30 days from the 
    date of issuance. Paper copies of the Appendix may be obtained from the 
    Office of Public Information. The complete text, excluding the revised 
    Form No. 6 schedules, on diskette in WordPerfect format may also be 
    purchased from the Commission's copy contractor, La Dorn Systems 
    Corporation, also located in Room 3104, 941 North Capitol Street, NE., 
    Washington, DC 20426.
    List of Subjects in 18 CFR Parts 342, 346, 347, and 357
        Pipelines, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
    List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 385
        Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
        In consideration of the foregoing, the Commission gives notice of 
    its proposal to amend Parts 342, 357, and 385, and to add parts 346 and 
    347, chapter I, title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth 
        By direction of the Commission.
    Lois D. Cashell,
        1. The authority citation for Part 342 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 571-83; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7532; 49 App. U.S.C. 
    1-85; 42 U.S.C. 7172 note.
        2. Sections 342.2(a), 342.3(b) and 342.4(a) are proposed to be 
    revised as follows:
    Sec. 342.2  Establishing initial rates.
    * * * * *
        (a) Filing cost, revenue, and throughput data supporting such rate 
    as required by part 346; or
    * * * * *
    Sec. 342.3  Indexing.
    * * * * *
        (b) Information required to be filed with rate changes. The carrier 
    must comply with part 341 of this chapter.
        (1) Carriers must specify in their letters of transmittal required 
    in Sec. 341.2(c) of this chapter the rate schedule to be changed, the 
    proposed new rate, the prior rate, and the applicable ceiling level for 
    the movement. No other rate information is required to accompany the 
    proposed rate change.
        (2) Carriers must file a verified copy of a schedule for calendar 
    years 1993 and 1994 containing the information required by page 700 of 
    the 1995 edition of FERC Form No. 6 concurrently with the first indexed 
    rate change filing made by a carrier on or after January 1, 1995, or by 
    March 31, 1995, whichever occurs first. If actual data are not 
    available for calendar year 1994 when the rate change filing is made, 
    the information for calendar year 1994 must be comprised of the most 
    recently available actual data annualized for the year 1994. A schedule 
    containing the information comprised of actual data for calendar year 
    1994 must be filed not later than March 31, 1995.
    * * * * *
    Sec. 342.4  Other rate changing methodologies.
        (a) Cost-of-service rates. A carrier may change a rate pursuant to 
    this section if it shows that there is a substantial divergence between 
    the actual costs experienced by the carrier and the rate resulting from 
    application of the index such that the rate at the ceiling level would 
    preclude the carrier from being able to charge a just and reasonable 
    rate within the meaning of the Interstate Commerce Act. A carrier must 
    substantiate the cost incurred by filing the data required by part 346. 
    A carrier that makes such a showing may change the rate in question, 
    based upon the cost of providing the service covered by the rate, 
    without regard to the applicable ceiling level under Sec. 342.3.
    * * * * *
        3. In subchapter P, chapter I, title 18, Code of Federal 
    Regulations, part 346 is proposed to be added to read as follows:
    346.1  Content of Filing for Cost-of-Service Rates.
    346.2  Material in support of initial rates or change in rates.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 1-27.
    Sec. 346.1  Content of filing for cost-of-service rates.
        (a) If a carrier seeks to establish rates pursuant to 
    Sec. 342.2(a), of this chapter, or if a carrier seeks to change rates 
    pursuant to Sec. 342.4(a), of this chapter, it must file and provide 
    supporting justification as set forth in this part.
        (b) The carrier must file a letter of transmittal which conforms to 
    Secs. 341.2(c) and 342.4(a) of this chapter; the proposed tariff; and 
    the statements and supporting workpapers required in Sec. 346.2.
    Sec. 346.2  Material in support of initial rates or change in rates.
        A carrier which files for rates in accordance with Sec. 342.2(a) or 
    Sec. 342.4(a) of this Chapter must file the following statements, 
    schedules, and all supporting workpapers. The statements, schedules, 
    and workpapers must be based upon an appropriate test period.
        (a) Base and test periods defined.
        (1) For a carrier which has been in operation for at least twelve 
        (i) A base period must consist of 12 consecutive months of actual 
    experience. The 12 months of experience must be adjusted to eliminate 
    nonrecurring items (except minor accounts). The filing carrier may 
    include appropriate normalizing adjustments in lieu of nonrecurring 
        (ii) A test period must consist of a base period adjusted for 
    changes in revenues and costs which are known and are measurable with 
    reasonable accuracy at the time of filing and which will become 
    effective within nine months after the last month of available actual 
    experience utilized in the filing. For good cause shown, the Commission 
    may allow reasonable deviation from the prescribed test period.
        (2) For a carrier which has less than 12 months' experience, the 
    test period may consist of 12 consecutive months ending not more than 
    one year from the filing date. For good cause shown, the Commission may 
    allow reasonable deviation from the prescribed test period.
        (3) For a carrier which is establishing rates for new service, the 
    test period will be based on a 12-month projection of costs and 
        (b) Cost-of-service summary schedule. This schedule must contain 
    the following information:
        (1) Total carrier cost of service for the test period.
        (2) Throughput for the test period in both barrels and barrels-
        (3) For filings in accordance with Sec. 342.4(a) of this chapter, 
    the schedule must include the proposed rates and the rates which would 
    be permitted under Sec. 342.3 of this chapter, and the revenues to be 
    realized from both sets of rates.
        (c) Content of statements. Any cost-of-service rate filing must 
    include supporting statements containing the following information for 
    the test period.
        (1) Statement A--total cost of service. This statement must 
    summarize the total cost of service for a carrier (operating and 
    maintenance expense, depreciation and amortization, return, and taxes) 
    developed from the supporting statements described below.
        (2) Statement B--operation and maintenance expense. This statement 
    must set forth the operation, maintenance, administration and general, 
    and depreciation expenses for the test period. Items used in the 
    computations or derived on this statement must include operations, 
    including salaries and wages, supplies and expenses, outside services, 
    operating fuel and power, and oil losses and shortages; maintenance, 
    including salaries and wages, supplies and expenses, outside services, 
    and maintenance and materials; administrative and general, including 
    salaries and wages, supplies and expenses, outside services, rentals, 
    pensions and benefits, insurance, casualty and other losses, and 
    pipeline taxes; and depreciation and amortization.
        (3) Statement C--overall return on rate base. This statement must 
    set forth the rate base for return purposes from Statement E and must 
    also state the claimed rate of return and the application of the 
    claimed rate of return to the overall rate base. The claimed rate of 
    return must consist of a weighted cost of capital, combining the rate 
    of return on debt capital and the real rate of return on equity 
    capital. Items used in the computations or derived on this statement 
    must include deferred earnings, equity ratio, debt ratio, weighted cost 
    of capital, and costs of debt and equity.
        (4) Statement D--income taxes. This statement must set forth the 
    income tax computation. Items used in the computations or derived on 
    this statement must show: return allowance, interest expense, return on 
    equity rate base, accrued annual amortization or deferred earnings, 
    depreciation on equity AFUDC, under/over-funded ADIT amortization 
    amount, taxable income, tax factor, and income tax allowance.
        (5) Statement E--rate base. This statement must set forth the 
    return rate base. Items used in the computations or derived on this 
    statement must include beginning balances of the rate base at December 
    31, 1983, working capital (including materials and supplies, 
    prepayments, and oil inventory), accrued depreciation on carrier plant, 
    accrued depreciation on rights of way, and accumulated deferred income 
    taxes; and adjustments and end balances for original cost of 
    retirements, interest during construction, AFUDC adjustments, original 
    cost of net additions and retirements from land, original cost of net 
    additions and retirements from rights of way, original cost of plant 
    additions, original cost accruals for depreciation, AFUDC accrued 
    depreciation adjustment, original cost depreciation accruals added to 
    rights of way, net charge for retirements from accrued depreciation, 
    accumulated deferred income taxes, changes in working capital 
    (including materials and supplies, prepayments, and oil inventory), 
    accrued deferred earnings, annual amortization of accrued deferred 
    earnings, and amortization of starting rate base write-up.
        (6) Statement F--allowance for funds used during construction. This 
    statement must set forth the computation of allowances for funds used 
    during construction (AFUDC) including the AFUDC for each year 
    commencing in 1984 and a summary of AFUDC and AFUDC depreciation for 
    the years 1984 through the test year.
        (7) Statement G--revenues. This statement must set forth the gross 
    revenues for the actual 12 months of experience as computed under both 
    the presently effective rates and the proposed rates. If the presently 
    effective rates are not at the maximum ceiling rate established under 
    Sec. 342.4(a) of this chapter, then gross revenues must also be 
    computed and set forth as if the ceiling rates were effective for the 
    12 month period.
        4. In subchapter P, chapter I, title 18, Code of Federal 
    Regulations, Part 347 is proposed to be added to read as follows:
    347.1  Material to support request for newly established or changed 
    property account depreciation studies.
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 1-27.
    Sec. 347.1  Material to support request for newly established or 
    changed property account depreciation studies.
        (a) Means of filing. Filing of a request for new or changed 
    property account depreciation rates must be made with the Secretary of 
    the Commission. Filings made by mail must be addressed to the Federal 
    Energy Regulatory Commission with the envelope clearly marked as 
    containing ``Oil Pipeline Depreciation Rates.''
        (b) Number of copies. Carriers must file three paper copies of each 
    request with attendant information identified below.
        (c) Transmittal letter. Letters of transmittal must give a general 
    description of the change in depreciation rates being proposed in the 
    filing. Letters of transmittal must also certify that the letter of 
    transmittal (not including the information to be provided, as 
    identified below) has been sent to each shipper and to each subscriber. 
    If there are no subscribers, letters of transmittal must so state. 
    Carriers requesting acknowledgement of the receipt of a filing by mail 
    must submit a duplicate copy of the letter of transmittal marked 
    ``Receipt requested.'' The request must include a postage paid, self-
    addressed return envelope.
        (d) Effectiveness of property account depreciation rates.
        (1) The proposed depreciation rates being established in the first 
    instance must be used until they are either accepted or modified by the 
    Commission. Rates in effect at the time of the proposed revision must 
    continue to be used until the proposed revised rates are approved or 
    modified by the Commission.
        (2) When filing for approval of either new or changed property 
    account depreciation rates, a carrier must provide information in 
    sufficient detail to fully explain and justify its proposed rates.
        (e) Information to be provided. The items delineated below are the 
    data to be provided as justification for depreciation changes. 
    Modifications, additions, and deletions to these data elements should 
    be made to reflect the individual circumstances of the carrier's 
    properties and operations.
        (1) A brief summary relating the general principles on which the 
    proposed depreciation rates are based (e.g., why the economic life of 
    the pipeline section is less then the physical life).
        (2) An explanation of the organization, ownership, and operation of 
    the pipeline.
        (3) A table of the proposed depreciation rates by account.
        (4) An explanation of the average remaining life on a physical 
    basis and on an economic basis.
        (5) The following specific background data must be submitted at the 
    time of and concurrently with any request for the establishment of, or 
    modification to, depreciation rates for carriers. If the information 
    listed is not applicable, it may be omitted from the filing:
        (i) Up-to-date engineering maps of the pipeline including the 
    location of all gathering facilities, trunkline facilities, terminals, 
    interconnections with the other pipeline systems, and interconnections 
    with refineries/plants. Maps must indicate the direction of flow.
        (ii) A brief description of the carrier's operations and an 
    estimate of any major near-term additions or retirements including the 
    estimated costs, location, reason, and probable year of transaction.
        (iii) The present depreciation rates being used by account.
        (iv) For the most current year available and for the two prior 
    years, a breakdown of the throughput (by type of product, if 
    applicable) received with source (e.g. name of well, pipeline company) 
    at each receipt point and throughput delivered at each delivery point.
        (v) The daily average capacity (in barrels per day) and the actual 
    average capacity (in barrels per day) for the most current year, by 
    line section.
        (vi) A list of shippers and their associated receipt points, 
    delivery points, and volumes (in barrels) by type of product (where 
    applicable) for the most current year.
        (vii) For each primary carrier account, the latest month's book 
    balances for gross plant and for accumulated reserve for depreciation.
        (viii) An estimate of the remaining life of the system (both 
    gathering and trunk lines) including the basis for the estimate.
        (ix) For crude oil, a list of the fields or areas from which crude 
    oil is obtained and the most recent estimated reserves, actual 
    production for the previous three years, and five years of estimated 
    future production.
        (x) If the proposed depreciation rate adjustment is based on the 
    remaining physical life of the properties, a complete, or updated, if 
    applicable, Service Life Date Form (FERC Form No. 73) through the most 
    current year.
        (xi) Estimated salvage value of properties by account.
        5. The authority citation for Part 357 is proposed to be revised to 
    read as follows:
        Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 1-27 (1976).
        6. Section 357.2 is revised to read as follows:
    Sec. 357.2  FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies.
        Every carrier pipeline subject to the provisions of section 20 of 
    the Interstate Commerce Act must file with the Commission FERC Form No. 
    6, ``Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies,'' in the manner 
    prescribed in Sec. 385.2011 of this chapter and as indicated in the 
    general instructions set out in this report form. This report must be 
    filed on or before March 31st of each year for the previous calendar 
    year, and must be properly completed and verified.
        7. The authority citation for Part 385 continues to read as 
        Authority: 5 U.S.C. 551-557; 15 U.S.C. 717-717w, 3301-3432; 16 
    U.S.C. 792-825r, 2601-2605; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 
    U.S.C. 1-27.
        8. Section 385.2011, paragraph (a), is proposed to be amended by 
    redesignating paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(5) as paragraphs (a)(4) 
    through (a)(6), and adding a new paragraph (a)(3) as follows:
    Sec. 385.2011  Procedures for filing on electronic media.
        (a) * * *
        (3) FERC Form No. 6, Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies.
    * * * * *
    Appendix to the Proposed Rule
        Note: This appendix is not being published in full in the 
    Federal Register, but is available from the Commission's Public 
    Reference Room.
    Appendix A--Revised Sheets for Form No. 6: Annual Report of Oil 
    Pipeline Companies
        This Appendix A contains the pages from Form No. 6 which are 
    proposed to be revised in the Commission's Notice Of Proposed 
    Rulemaking, Docket No. RM94-2-000.
    [FR Doc. 94-18871 Filed 8-8-94; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 6717-01-M

Document Information

Energy Department
Entry Type:
Uncategorized Document
Notice of proposed rulemaking.
Document Number:
Comments are due no later than September 8, 1994.
0-0 (1 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Federal Register: August 9, 1994, Docket No. RM94-2-000
CFR: (11)
18 CFR 342.2(a)
18 CFR 342.4(a)
18 CFR 342.2
18 CFR 342.3
18 CFR 342.4
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