95-23030. 1995 Wheat and Feed Grain Acreage Reduction Programs, 1995 Oilseed Price Support Rates, and 1994 Wheat and Feed Grain Farmer-Owned Reserve Programs  

  • [Federal Register Volume 60, Number 180 (Monday, September 18, 1995)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 48015-48020]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 95-23030]
    Rules and Regulations
                                                    Federal Register
    This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents 
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    Federal Register / Vol. 60, No. 180 / Monday, September 18, 1995 / 
    Rules and Regulations
    [[Page 48015]]
    Commodity Credit Corporation
    7 CFR Parts 1413 and 1421
    RINS 0560-AD76, 0560-AD37, 0560-AD87, 0560-AD60, and 0560-AD61
    1995 Wheat and Feed Grain Acreage Reduction Programs, 1995 
    Oilseed Price Support Rates, and 1994 Wheat and Feed Grain Farmer-Owned 
    Reserve Programs
    AGENCY: Commodity Credit Corporation, USDA.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) issued proposed rules 
    with respect to the 1995 Production Adjustment Programs for Wheat on 
    April 6, 1994, and for Feed Grains on August 4, 1994. Accordingly, this 
    final rule amends 7 CFR Parts 1413 and 1421 to set forth: the acreage 
    reduction program (ARP) percentages for the 1995 crops of corn, wheat, 
    grain sorghum, barley, and oats; the determination that a paid land 
    diversion (PLD) program will not be implemented for the 1995 crops of 
    wheat and feed grains; the determination that producers of malting 
    barley must, as a condition of eligibility for feed grain loans, 
    purchases, and payments, comply with requirements of the ARP for the 
    1995 crop of barley; and the 1995-crop price support rates for wheat, 
    corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats, and rye. In addition, this final 
    rule amends 7 CFR Part 1421 to set forth the 1995-crop price support 
    rates for oilseeds and to set forth determinations with respect to the 
    entry of 1994-crop wheat and 1994-crop feed grains may into the farmer-
    owned reserve (FOR).
    EFFECTIVE DATE: September 18, 1995.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Philip W. Sronce, Consolidated Farm 
    Service Agency, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), P.O. 
    Box 2415, Washington, DC 20013-2415 or call 202-720-4418.
    Final Regulatory Impact Analysis
        The Final Regulatory Impact Analyses describing the options 
    considered in developing this rule and the impact of the implementation 
    of each option is available on request from the above-named individual.
    Executive Order 12866
        This rule has been determined to be economically significant and 
    was reviewed by OMB under Executive Order 12866.
    Federal Assistance Programs
        The titles and numbers of the Federal Assistance Programs, as found 
    in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, to which this rule 
    applies, are as follows:
                                Titles                               Numbers
    Commodity Loans and Purchases.................................    10.051
    Feed Grain Production Stabilization...........................    10.055
    Wheat Production Stabilization................................    10.058
    Regulatory Flexibility Act
        It has been determined that the Regulatory Flexibility Act is 
    applicable to this final rule because the CCC is required by sections 
    107B(o) and 105B(o) of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended (the 
    1949 Act), to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking with respect to 
    certain provisions of this rule. Final Regulatory Flexibility Analyses 
    for the 1995 Wheat and Feed Grain ARPs were prepared as part of the 
    Final Regulatory Impact Analyses. Copies of these analyses are 
    available from the above-named individual.
    Executive Order 12778
        This final rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive 
    Order 12778. The provisions of this final rule do not preempt State 
    laws, are not retroactive, and do not require the exhaustion of any 
    administrative appeal remedies.
    Environmental Evaluation
        It has been determined by an environmental evaluation that this 
    action will not have a significant impact on the quality of the human 
    environment. Therefore, neither an Environmental Assessment nor an 
    Environmental Impact Statement is needed.
    Executive Order 12372
        This program/activity is not subject to the provisions of Executive 
    Order 12372, which requires intergovernmental consultation with State 
    and local officials. See the Notice related to 7 CFR part 3015, subpart 
    V, published at 48 FR 29115 (June 24, 1983).
    Paperwork Reduction Act
        The amendments to 7 CFR parts 1413 and 1421 set forth in this final 
    rule do not contain new information collections that require clearance 
    by the Office of Management and Budget under the Paperwork Reduction 
    Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 35). Information collections were previously 
    cleared under OMB control numbers 0560-0092 and 0560-0129.
        This final rule amends 7 CFR parts 1413 and 1421 to set forth 
    determinations with respect to: The 1995 Price Support and Production 
    Adjustment Programs for Wheat and Feed Grains; the 1995 price support 
    rates for oilseeds; and the entry of 1994-crop wheat and feed grains 
    into the FOR. General descriptions of the statutory basis for the 1995 
    Wheat and Feed Grain Program determinations in this final rule were set 
    forth at 59 FR 16149 (April 6, 1994) and at 59 FR 39707 (August 4, 
    1994), respectively.
    1995 Wheat Program
        The public was asked to comment on whether the 1995 wheat ARP 
    percentage should be set at 0 percent, 5 percent, or 10 percent or 
    another percentage between 0 and 15 percent. Comments received during 
    the comment period are summarized below.
        A total of 62 respondents commented on the ARP level. Table 1 shows 
    a breakdown of the comments received by type of respondent.
    [[Page 48016]]
                                           Table 1.--Summary of Comments on 1995 Wheat ARP Levels, by Respondent Type                                       
                                                                                                Suggested ARP percentage                                    
                          Respondent                      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                             No ARP        0%          5%          10%         12%         15%       Other >15%     Total   
    Farm Organizations...................................  ..........          14           2           1  ..........            2            1           20
    Agri-businesses......................................  ..........          11  ..........  ..........  ..........  ...........  ...........           11
    Individual Producers.................................           3          10           1           5           1            9            2           31
          Total..........................................           3          35           3           6  ..........           12            2           62
        Respondents favoring lower ARP percentages indicated that they 
    favored lower ARP percentages for the following reasons: (1) wheat-
    sector net income is higher with lower ARP levels; (2) the U.S. needs 
    to maintain production in the face of high imports; (3) the U.S. needs 
    to send a message to our competitors that the U.S. will not 
    unilaterally reduce production and abandon world markets; (4) payment 
    acres are higher; and (5) idling acres under the Conservation Reserve 
    Program and annual programs hurt rural economic activity. Respondents 
    favoring higher ARP percentages noted that higher ARP levels: (1) 
    result in higher wheat prices; (2) result in lower Government costs; 
    (3) reduce the risk of stock-building; and (4) help maintain crop 
        After considering these comments, on June 1, 1994, the Secretary of 
    Agriculture (the Secretary) announced a 1995 ARP of zero percent. The 
    Secretary was authorized to make adjustments in the 1995 ARP percentage 
    no later than July 31, 1994. No change was made because estimated 1995 
    wheat supplies did not change significantly (up about 1 percent) from 
    the May 1994 supply estimates. The Secretary determined that a zero-
    percent ARP for wheat would provide the highest income for producers, 
    maintain U.S. competitiveness in world markets, and signal to domestic 
    and foreign customers that the U.S. will be a reliable supplier.
        Table 2 compares supply and demand estimates under three different 
    ARP options based on May 1994 estimates (the estimates used to make the 
    June 1 and July 31, 1994, ARP decision).
      Table 2.--Comparison of 1995 Wheat Supply and Demand Estimates Under  
                               Various ARP Options                          
                                                  1995 ARP Options          
        Supply and Demand Variable    --------------------------------------
                                        0 percent    5 percent    10 percent
    Participation (percent of total                                         
     base acreage)...................           86           85           84
    Planted Acreage (mil. ac.).......         71.8         70.0         67.8
    Production (mil. bu.)............        2,406        2,347        2,272
    Domestic Use (mil. bu.)..........        1,242        1,227        1,207
    Exports (mil. bu.)...............        1,200        1,190        1,175
    Ending Stocks 8/31 (mil. bu.)....          659          627          590
    Average Market Price ($ per bu.).         2.95         3.00         3.08
    Deficiency Payments (mil. $).....        1,937        1,712        1,464
    Net Income to Wheat Producers                                           
     (mil. $)........................        5,547        5,302        5,086
        The 1949 Act provides that an ARP of not more than 15 percent may 
    be implemented if the ending stocks-to-use (s/u) ratio for the previous 
    marketing year is equal to or less than 40 percent. When the 1995 ARP 
    was announced, the S/U for the 1994 marketing year was estimated to be 
    25.8 percent. Section 1104 of the Agricultural Reconciliation Act of 
    1990 provides for a minimum 5-percent ARP for the 1995 crop of wheat 
    unless the 1994/95 wheat ending s/u ratio is less than 34 percent. 
    Because the 1994/95 wheat s/u ratio was less than 34 percent, the 5-
    percent ARP minimum does not apply. ARP levels above 10 percent were 
    not considered because expected 1995-crop supplies would fall to 
    unacceptable levels. A PLD will not be implemented for 1995 wheat 
    because it is unnecessary given the supply and use conditions which led 
    to an ARP of zero percent.
    1995 Feed Grain Program
        The 1949 Act provides that an ARP of zero to 12.5 percent may be 
    implemented if the corn ending s/u ratio for the previous marketing 
    year is equal to or less than 25 percent. The corn ending s/u for the 
    1994/95 marketing year was estimated to be 18.9 percent when the 1995 
    ARP levels were announced on September 30 and 23.3 percent on November 
    15, 1994. In the case of grain sorghum and barley, the 1949 Act 
    provides for ARP percentages from zero to 20 percent. Section 1104 of 
    the Agricultural Reconciliation Act of 1990 provides for a minimum 7.5 
    percent ARP for the 1995 crop of corn unless the 1994/95 corn ending s/
    u ratio is less than 20 percent. Because the 1994/95 corn s/u ratio 
    estimated on September 30 was below 20 percent, the 7.5-percent minimum 
    ARP does not apply.
        The public was asked to comment on the appropriate 1995 ARP 
    percentage for corn, grain sorghum, and barley and on whether or not 
    malting barley producers, as a condition of eligibility for feed grain 
    loans, purchases, and payments, should be exempt from complying with 
    requirements of the feed grain ARP. The statutory range for 
    establishing the 1995 ARP percentages, based on the supply and demand 
    estimates published in the proposed rule, was zero to 12.5 percent for 
    corn and zero to 20 percent for grain sorghum and barley. The oats ARP 
    percentage is statutorily mandated at zero percent.
        Comments received during the specified comment period are 
    summarized as follows:
        A total of 1,474 respondents commented on the ARP percentages, 
    including 1,399 from a producer survey collected by the Nebraska Corn 
    Development, Utilization and Marketing 
    [[Page 48017]]
    Board at Harvest Husker Days. Fourteen hundred and fifty-five of the 
    respondents commented on the corn ARP percentage, 33 of the respondents 
    commented on the grain sorghum ARP percentage, and 28 of the 
    respondents commented on the barley ARP percentage. Table 3 shows a 
    breakdown of the comments received on the corn, grain sorghum, and 
    barley ARP percentage by type of respondent.
            Table 3.--Summary of Comments on the 1995 Feed Grain ARP Levels, by Commodity and Respondent Type       
                                                                  Suggested ARP percentage                          
                Respondent             -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             0%           5%          7.5%         10%         12.5%        >12.5%  
        Farm Organizations............            0            1            3            1            2            0
        Agri-businesses...............            9            1            0            0            2            0
        Individual/Producers..........          134          261          407           87          448           86
        Others........................            0            0            1            1           11            0
          Total.......................          143          263          411           89          463           86
    Grain Sorghum:                                                                                                  
        Farm Organizations............            2            0            0            1            1            0
        Agri-businesses...............            6            0            0            0            1            0
        Individual/Producers..........            3            0            0            3            5            7
        Others........................            0            0            0            1            3            0
          Total.......................           11            0            0            5           10            7
        Farm Organizations............            5            0            0            1            1            0
        Agri-businesses...............            6            0            0            0            1            0
        Individual/Producers..........            4            0            0            1            5            2
        Others........................            0            0            0            0            1            1
          Total.......................           15            0            0            2            8            3
        Fifty-six percent of the respondents (a majority of producer 
    comments) favored a corn ARP of 7.5 percent or less. In general, most 
    farm organization and agri-business respondents favored an ARP level of 
    7.5 percent or less.
        Respondents favoring the lower ARP percentages noted that the U.S. 
    needs to produce more to take advantage of export opportunities and 
    confirmed USDA's analysis that a lower ARP level results in higher 
    producer incomes. Advocates for a zero-percent barley ARP indicated the 
    need for adequate supplies to aggressively implement the Export 
    Enhancement Program for barley.
        Respondents favoring higher ARP percentages commented that feed 
    grain supplies would be lower, prices would be higher, and Government 
    costs would be lower.
        Three respondents commented on whether or not malting barley 
    producers should be exempt from the 1995 ARP requirement for barley. 
    One respondent favored and two respondents opposed the malting barley 
        After considering these comments, the Secretary announced on 
    September 30, 1994, an ARP level of 7.5 percent for corn, and zero 
    percent for grain sorghum, barley, and oats, and that malting barley 
    producers would not be exempt from complying with the 1995 Barley ARP 
        Malting barley producers will not be exempted from complying with 
    the barley ARP requirement because exempting them would increase the 
    complexity of the program and increase program outlays.
        The Secretary was authorized to make adjustments in the 1995 ARP 
    percentages no later than November 15, 1994. On November 15, 1994, the 
    Secretary announced that the initially announced ARP levels would not 
    be changed. A change was not warranted because 1994 feed grain supplies 
    had increased only 6 percent and the prospects for larger feed grain 
    demand had improved since the September announcement.
        The Secretary determined that a 7.5-percent ARP for corn and zero-
    percent ARP's for grain sorghum and barley would maintain adequate 
    supplies of quality feed and food for all markets.
        Table 4 shows four different 1995 Feed Grain ARP options that were 
    considered when determining the final 1995 ARP percentages.
                      Table 4.--1995 Feed Grain ARP Options                 
                                           1995 ARP options                 
            Crop         ---------------------------------------------------
                               1            2            3            4     
    Corn................            0            5          7.5         12.5
    Grain Sorghum.......            0            0            0            5
    Barley..............            0            0            0            5
        Tables 5 through 7 compare the supply and demand estimates of four 
    different 1995 ARP options based on September 1994 estimates for corn, 
    grain sorghum, and barley.
    [[Page 48018]]
       Table 5.--Comparison of 1995 Corn Supply and Demand Estimates Under  
                               Various ARP Options                          
                                           1995 ARP options                 
      Supply and Demand  ---------------------------------------------------
          Variable             0            5           7.5          12.5   
     (percent of the                                                        
     total base acreage)           81           77           75           71
    Planted Acreage                                                         
     (mil. ac.).........         79.5         78.0         77.0         75.0
    Production (mil.                                                        
     bu.)...............        8,980        8,815        8,705        8,470
    Domestic Use (mil.                                                      
     bu.)...............        7,315        7,275        7,250        7,200
    Exports (mil. bu.)..        1,650        1,625        1,615        1,590
    Ending Stocks 8/31                                                      
     (mil. bu.).........        1,621        1,521        1,446        1,286
    Average Market Price                                                    
     ($ per bu.)........         2.20         2.25         2.28         2.36
    Deficiency Payments                                                     
     (mil. $)...........        3,081        2,508        2,225        1,633
    Net Income to Corn                                                      
     Producers (mil. $).       11,266       10,935       10,786       10,580
     Table 6.--Comparison of 1995 Grain Sorghum Supply and Demand Estimates 
                            Under Various ARP Options                       
                                           1995 ARP options                 
      Supply and demand  ---------------------------------------------------
          variable             0            0            0            5     
     (percent of the                                                        
     total base acreage)           80           80           79           76
    Planted Acreage                                                         
     (mil. ac.).........         10.2         10.1         10.0          9.8
    Production (mil.                                                        
     bu.)...............          605          600          600          585
    Domestic Use (mil.                                                      
     bu.)...............          408          403          403          398
    Exports (mil. bu.)..          200          200          200          195
    Ending Stocks 8/31                                                      
     (mil. bu.).........           94           94           94           89
    Average Market Price                                                    
     ($ per bu.)........         2.00         2.05         2.08         2.16
    Deficiency Payments                                                     
     (mil. $)...........          300          275          257          196
    Net Income to                                                           
     Sorghum Producers                                                      
     (mil. $)...........          710          716          724          688
      Table 7.--Comparison of 1995 Barley Supply and Demand Estimates Under 
                               Various ARP Options                          
                                           1995 ARP options                 
      Supply and demand  ---------------------------------------------------
          variable             0            0            0            5     
     (percent of the                                                        
     total base acreage)           79           79           79           78
    Planted Acreage                                                         
     (mil. bu.).........          7.3          7.3          7.3          7.1
    Production (mil.                                                        
     bu.)...............          395          395          395          385
    Domestic Use (mil.                                                      
     bu.)...............          385          385          385          385
    Exports (mil. bu.)..           65           65           65           65
    Ending Stocks 5/31                                                      
     (mil. bu.).........          129          129          129          124
    Average Market Price                                                    
     ($ per bu.)........         2.10         2.15         2.18         2.23
    Deficiency Payments                                                     
     (mil. $)...........          155          140          135          113
    Net Income to Barley                                                    
     Producers (mil. $).          563          568          575          562
    1994-crop Wheat and Feed Grains FOR Program
        Section 110 of the 1949 Act sets forth the statutory authority for 
    the FOR program for wheat and feed grains. It provides that the 
    determination of whether there will be entry of a crop into the FOR 
    will be announced by December 15 of the year in which the crop of wheat 
    was harvested and, in the case of feed grains, March 15 of the year 
    following the year in which the crop of corn was harvested.
        Entry into the FOR is triggered based upon prices and s/u ratios. 
    Section 110 of the 1949 Act generally provides that the Secretary may 
    make extended loans available to producers of wheat or feed grains if 
    either of the following conditions is met:
        (A) Price Condition: The Secretary determines that the average 
    market price for wheat or corn, respectively, for the 90-day period 
    prior to the announcement is less than 120 percent of the current loan 
    rate for wheat or corn, respectively; or
        (B) S/U Condition: As of the announcement date, the Secretary 
    estimates that the s/u ratio on the last day of the current marketing 
    year will be:
        (i) in the case of wheat, more than 37.5 percent; and
        (ii) in the case of corn, more than 22.5 percent.
        Section 110 of the 1949 Act, also provides that the Secretary shall 
    make extended loans available to producers of wheat or feed grains if 
    both of the afore-noted conditions are met for wheat and feed grains, 
    respectively. If neither the price nor the s/u condition is met, the 
    Secretary has no authority to make extended loans available to 
    producers of wheat or feed grains.
        In accordance with section 110 of the 1949 Act, if the Secretary 
    makes extended loans available to producers of wheat or feed grains, 
    the Secretary must specify the maximum quantity of wheat or feed grains 
    to be stored under this program that the Secretary determines 
    appropriate to promote the orderly marketing of the commodities. The 
    maximum quantities of wheat may not be established at less than 300 
    million bushels, nor more than 450 million bushels. The maximum 
    quantities of feed grains may not be established at less than 600 
    million bushels, nor more than 900 million bushels. Section 110 of the 
    1949 Act also provides that the Secretary may require producers to 
    repay FOR loans if it is determined that these supplies are required to 
    [[Page 48019]]
    urgent domestic and international needs.
        On November 3, 1994, the CCC authorized up to 900 million bushels 
    of corn, grain sorghum, barley, and oats to be stored under the FOR 
    program. At the time of the decision, the estimated corn S/U ratio at 
    the end of the 1994/95 marketing year was 18.9 percent, the 90-day 
    average market price of corn was $2.16 per bushel, and 120 percent of 
    the 1994 price support rate for corn was $2.27 per bushel. Entry of the 
    1994-crop of feed grains into the FOR was allowed because the price 
    condition was met (the 90-day average market price of corn was less 
    than 120 percent of the 1994 price support rate for corn) and the 
    prospects for a large 1994 corn crop had caused corn prices to decline 
    significantly through the summer and early fall of 1994. Corn cash 
    prices declined from around $2.70 per bushel in late June to around 
    $2.00 per bushel at harvest.
        On June 23, 1995, in accordance with section 110(e) of the 1949 
    Act, the CCC announced that 1994-crop feed grains may not be pledged as 
    collateral for FOR loans and that all existing 1994 crop feed grain FOR 
    loans were called because the 1995/96 supply and demand outlook for 
    feed grains had tightened significantly since authorizing the FOR entry 
    for 1994-crop feed grain loans in November 1994. Stronger than expected 
    corn export demand for 1994/95 and 1995/96, higher than expected feed 
    use in 1994/95, and prospects for a smaller 1995 corn crop due to 
    unexpected weather-related problems are all contributing factors. 
    Recent excessive rains in major corn-producing states caused the 1995 
    corn production estimate to be lowered from 8.6 billion bushels in May 
    1995 to 7.9 billion bushels in June 1995--just one month later. Total 
    use estimates were also lowered by 500 million bushels since May 1995, 
    reflecting lower estimated supply estimates and rising feed costs. Corn 
    ending stocks for 1995/96 are projected at 748 million bushels, 789 
    million bushels below November 1994 projections and the lowest level 
    since 1975/76. This tightened supply situation is expected to increase 
    feeding costs for livestock and poultry producers. A further tightening 
    of supplies will likely cause liquidation of livestock herds, reducing 
    feed use in subsequent crop years.
        As with corn, June estimates of 1995/95 supplies and ending stocks 
    for the other feed grains are lower compared to November estimates and 
    are at or near historically low levels.
        On December 13, 1994, the Secretary announced that 1994-crop wheat 
    would not be eligible for the FOR because neither the s/u condition nor 
    the price condition had been met. At the time of the decision, the 
    estimated wheat s/u ratio at the end of the 1994/95 marketing year was 
    21.1 percent, the 90-day average market price of wheat was $3.74 per 
    bushel, and 120 percent of the 1994 price support rate for wheat was 
    $3.10 per bushel.
    1995 Oilseeds Price Support Rates
        Section 205 of the 1949 Act provides that the price support rate 
    for the 1995 crop of soybeans shall not be less than $4.92 per bushel 
    and for the 1995 crop of sunflower seed, canola, rapeseed, safflower, 
    mustard seed, and flaxseed shall not be less than $0.087 per pound.
    Acreage Reduction Percentages
        In accordance with sections 107B(e)(1) and 105B(e)(1) of the 1949 
    Act, the ARP has been established with respect to the 1995 crop of corn 
    at 7.5 percent, and with respect to the 1995 crops of wheat, grain 
    sorghum, barley, and oats at zero percent. Accordingly, producers of 
    corn will be required to reduce their 1995 acreage of corn for harvest 
    by 7.5 percent from the established corn crop acreage base for a farm 
    to be eligible for price support loans, purchase, and payments. 
    Producers will not be required to reduce their 1995 acreage of grain 
    sorghum, barley and oats for harvest from the established feed grain 
    crop acreage base for a farm in order to be eligible for price support 
    loans, purchase, and payments for the respective feed grain.
    Paid Land Diversion
        In accordance with sections 107B(e)(5) and 105B(e)(5) of the 1949 
    Act, a PLD program will not be implemented for the 1995 crops of wheat 
    and feed grains.
    Malting Barley Exemption
        In accordance with section 105B(e)(2)(G) of the 1949 Act, producers 
    of malting barley shall, as a condition of eligibility of feed grain 
    loans, purchases and payments, comply with the requirements of the 
    zero-percent ARP for the 1995 crop of barley.
    Price Support Rates
        In accordance with sections 107B(a) and 105B(a) of the 1949 Act, 
    the price support rates have been established with respect to the 1995 
    crops of wheat at $2.58 per bushel, corn at $1.89 per bushel, grain 
    sorghum at $1.80 per bushel, barley at $1.54 per bushel, oats at $0.97 
    per bushel, and rye at $1.61 per bushel.
    List of Subjects
    7 CFR Part 1413
        Acreage allotments, Cotton, Disaster assistance, Feed grains, Price 
    support programs, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Rice, Soil 
    conservation, Wheat.
    7 CFR Part 1421
        Grains, Loan programs/agriculture, Oilseeds, Peanuts, Price support 
    programs, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Soybeans, Surety 
    bonds, Warehouses.
        Accordingly, 7 CFR parts 1413 and 1421 are amended as follows:
        1. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 1413 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1308, 1308a, 1309, 1441-2, 1444-2, 1444f, 
    1445b-3a, 1461-1469; 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c.
        2. Section 1413.54 is amended by:
        A. Revising paragraphs (a)(1)(iii) and (a)(1)(iv) and adding 
    paragraph (a)(1)(v),
        B. Revising paragraphs (a)(2)(iii)(C) and (a)(2)(iv) and adding 
    paragraph (a)(2)(v),
        C. Republishing paragraph (d)(5) introductory text, and adding 
    paragraphs (d)(5)(i) and (d)(5)(ii), and
        D. Revising paragraph (e):
    Sec. 1413.54  Acreage reduction program provisions.
        (a) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (iii) 1993 wheat, 0 percent;
        (iv) 1994 wheat, 0 percent; and
        (v) 1995 wheat, 0 percent.
        (2) * * *
        (iii) * * *
        (C) Barley and oats, 0 percent;
        (iv) For the 1994 crop: corn, grain sorghum, barley, and oats, 0 
    percent; and
        (v) For the 1995 crop: corn--7.5 percent; grain sorghum, barley, 
    and oats--0 percent.
    * * * * *
        (d) * * *
        (5) For the 1995 crop:
        (i) Shall not be made available to producers of wheat and
        (ii) Shall not be made available to producers of feed grains.
    * * * * *
        (e) With respect to the 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 crop years, 
    in order to receive feed grain loans, purchases, and payments in 
    accordance with this part and part 1421 of this title, producers of 
    malting barley must 
    [[Page 48020]]
    comply with the acreage reduction requirements of this part.
    * * * * *
        3. The authority citation for 7 CFR part 1421 continues to read as 
        Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1421, 1423, 1425, 1441z, 1444f-1, 1445b-3a, 
    1445c-3, 1445e, and 1446f; 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c.
        4. Section 1421.7 is amended by adding paragraphs (b)(1)(v), 
    (b)(2)(v), (b)(3)(v), (b)(4)(v), (b)(5)(v), (b)(6)(v), (b)(9)(v), and 
    Sec. 1421.7  Adjustment of basic support rates.
    * * * * *
        (b) * * *
        (1) * * *
        (v) 1995 Wheat-- $2.58 per bushel;
        (2) * * *
        (v) 1995 Corn--$1.89 per bushel;
        (3) * * *
        (v) 1995 Barley--$1.54 per bushel;
        (4) * * *
        (v) 1995 Oats--$0.97 per bushel;
        (5) * * *
        (v) 1995 Grain sorghum--$1.80 per bushel;
        (6) * * *
        (v) 1995 Rye--$1.61 per bushel;
    * * * * *
        (9) * * *
        (v) 1995 Soybeans--$4.92 per bushel;
        (10) * * *
        (v) 1995 Canola, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower, and 
    sunflower seed--$0.087 per pound.
    * * * * *
        5. Section 1421.217 is amended by adding paragraph (e):
    Sec. 1421.217  Reserve entry.
    * * * * *
        (e) No quantity of 1994-crop wheat or 1994-crop feed grains may be 
    stored under the provisions of section 110 of the Agricultural Act of 
    1949, as amended.
        Signed at Washington, DC, on September 8, 1995.
    Richard O. Newman,
    Acting Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation.
    [FR Doc. 95-23030 Filed 9-15-95; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 3410-05-P

Document Information

Commodity Credit Corporation
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
September 18, 1995.
48015-48020 (6 pages)
PDF File:
CFR: (3)
7 CFR 1413.54
7 CFR 1421.7
7 CFR 1421.217