99-24975. List of Nonconforming Vehicles Decided To Be Eligible for Importation  

  • [Federal Register Volume 64, Number 186 (Monday, September 27, 1999)]
    [Rules and Regulations]
    [Pages 51922-51930]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 99-24975]
    National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
    49 CFR Part 593
    [Docket No. NHTSA-99-6239]
    RIN 2127-AH88
    List of Nonconforming Vehicles Decided To Be Eligible for 
    AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), DOT.
    ACTION: Final rule.
    SUMMARY: This document revises the list of vehicles not originally 
    manufactured to conform to the Federal motor vehicle safety standards 
    that NHTSA has decided to be eligible for importation. This list is 
    contained in an appendix to the agency's regulations that prescribe 
    procedures for import eligibility decisions. The revised list includes 
    all vehicles that NHTSA has decided to be eligible for importation 
    since October 1, 1998. NHTSA is required by statute to publish this 
    list annually in the Federal Register.
    DATES: Effective: September 27, 1999.
    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: George Entwistle, Office of Vehicle 
    Safety Compliance, NHTSA (202-366-5306).
    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under 49 U.S.C. 30141(a)(1)(A), a motor 
    vehicle that was not originally manufactured to conform to all 
    applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards shall be refused 
    admission into the United States unless NHTSA has decided that the 
    motor vehicle is substantially similar to a motor vehicle originally 
    manufactured for importation into and sale in the United States, 
    certified under 49 U.S.C. 30115, and of the same model year as the 
    model of the motor vehicle to be compared, and is capable of being 
    readily altered to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle 
    safety standards. Where there is no substantially similar U.S.-
    certified motor vehicle, 49 U.S.C. 30141(a)(1)(B) permits a 
    nonconforming motor vehicle to be admitted into the United States if 
    its safety features comply with, or are capable of being altered to 
    comply with, all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards 
    based on destructive test data or such other evidence as the Secretary 
    of Transportation decides to be adequate.
        Under 49 U.S.C. 30141(a)(1), import eligibility decisions may be 
    made ``on the initiative of the Secretary of Transportation or on 
    petition of a manufacturer or importer registered under (49 U.S.C. 
    30141(c)).'' The Secretary's authority to make these decisions has been 
    delegated to NHTSA. The agency publishes notice of eligibility 
    decisions as they are made.
        Under 49 U.S.C. 30141(b)(2), a list of all vehicles for which 
    import eligibility decisions have been made must be published annually 
    in the Federal Register. On October 1, 1996, NHTSA added the list as an 
    appendix to 49 CFR part 593, the regulations that establish procedures 
    for import eligibility decisions (61 FR 51242). As described in the 
    notice, NHTSA took that action to ensure that the list is more widely 
    disseminated to government personnel who oversee vehicle imports and to 
    interested members of the public. See 61 FR 51242-43. In the notice, 
    NHTSA expressed its intention to annually revise the list as published 
    in the appendix to include any additional vehicles decided by the 
    agency to be eligible for importation since the list was last 
    published. See 61 FR 51243. The agency stated that issuance of the 
    document announcing these revisions will fulfill the annual publication 
    requirements of 49 U.S.C. 30141(b)(2). Ibid. 
    Rulemaking Analyses and Notices
    1. Executive Order 12866 (Federal Regulatory Planning and Review) and 
    DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures
        This rulemaking action was not reviewed under E.O. 12866. NHTSA has 
    analyzed this rulemaking action and determined that it is not 
    ``significant'' within the meaning of the Department of 
    Transportation's regulatory policies and procedures.
    2. Regulatory Flexibility Act
        In accordance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, NHTSA has 
    evaluated the effects of this action on small entities. Based upon this 
    evaluation, I certify that the revisions resulting from this rulemaking 
    will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
    small entities. Accordingly, the agency has not prepared a regulatory 
    flexibility analysis.
        Because this rulemaking does not impose any regulatory 
    requirements, but merely furnishes information by revising the list in 
    the Code of Federal Regulations of vehicles for which import 
    eligibility decisions have been made, it has no economic impact.
    3. Executive Order 12612 (Federalism)
        This action has been analyzed in accordance with the principles and 
    criteria contained in Executive Order
    [[Page 51923]]
    12612, and it has been determined that this rule does not have 
    sufficient Federalism implications to warrant preparation of a 
    Federalism Assessment. No State laws will be affected.
    4. National Environmental Policy Act
        The agency has considered the environmental implications of this 
    rule in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 
    and determined that it will not significantly affect the human 
    5. Paperwork Reduction Act
        In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. 96-
    511, the agency notes that there are no information collection 
    requirements associated with this rulemaking action.
    6. Civil Justice Reform
        This rule does not have any retroactive effect. It does not repeal 
    or modify any existing Federal regulations. A petition for 
    reconsideration or other administrative proceeding will not be a 
    prerequisite to an action seeking judicial review of this rule. This 
    rule does not preempt the states from adopting laws or regulations on 
    the same subject, except that it will preempt a state regulation that 
    is in actual conflict with the Federal regulation or makes compliance 
    with the Federal regulation impossible or interferes with the 
    implementation of the Federal statute.
    7. Notice and Comment
        NHTSA finds that prior notice and opportunity for comment are 
    unnecessary under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B) because this action does not 
    impose any regulatory requirements, but merely revises the list of 
    vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to the Federal motor 
    vehicle safety standards that NHTSA has decided to be eligible for 
    importation into the United States to include all vehicles for which 
    such decisions have been made since October 1, 1998.
        In addition, so that the list of vehicles for which import 
    eligibility decisions have been made may be included in the next 
    edition of 49 CFR parts 400 to 999, which is due for revision on 
    October 1, 1999, good cause exists to dispense with the requirement in 
    5 U.S.C. 553(d) for the effective date of the rule to be delayed for at 
    least 30 days following its publication.
    List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 593
        Imports, Motor vehicle safety, Motor vehicles.
        In consideration of the foregoing, part 593 of Title 49 of the Code 
    of Federal Regulations, Determinations that a vehicle not originally 
    manufactured to conform to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 
    is eligible for importation, is amended as follows:
    PART 593--[AMENDED]
        1. The authority citation for part 593 continues to read as 
        Authority: 49 U.S.C. 322 and 30141(b); delegation of authority 
    at 49 CFR 1.50.
        2. Appendix A to part 593 is revised to read as follows:
    Appendix A to Part 593--List of Vehicles Determined To Be Eligible 
    for Importation
        Each vehicle on the following list is preceded by a vehicle 
    eligibility number. The importer of a vehicle admissible under any 
    eligibility decision must enter that number on the HS-7 Declaration 
    Form accompanying entry to indicate that the vehicle is eligible for 
        ``VSA'' eligibility numbers are assigned to all vehicles that 
    are decided to be eligible for importation on the initiative of the 
    Administrator under Sec. 593.8.
        ``VSP'' eligibility numbers are assigned to vehicles that are 
    decided to be eligible under Sec. 593.7(f), based on a petition from 
    a manufacturer or registered importer submitted under Sec. 
    593.5(a)(1), which establishes that a substantially similar U.S.-
    certified vehicle exists.
        ``VCP'' eligibility numbers are assigned to vehicles that are 
    decided to be eligible under Sec. 593.7(f), based on a petition from 
    a manufacturer or registered importer submitted under 
    Sec. 593.5(a)(2), which establishes that the vehicle has safety 
    features that comply with, or are capable of being altered to comply 
    with, all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards.
        Vehicles for which eligibility decisions have been made are 
    listed alphabetically by make, with the exception of Mercedes-Benz 
    vehicles, which appear at the end of the list. Eligible models 
    within each make are listed numerically by ``VSA,'' ``VSP,'' or 
    ``VCP'' number.
        All hyphens used in the Model Year column mean ``through'' (for 
    example, ``1973-1989'' means ``1973 through 1989'').
        The initials ``MC'' used in the Manufacturer column mean 
        The initials ``SWB'' used in the Model Type column mean ``Short 
    Wheel Base.''
        The initials ``LWB'' used in the Model Type column mean ``Long 
    Wheel Base.''
     Vehicles Certified by Their Original Manufacturer as Complying With All
               Applicable Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
            Number                              Vehicles
    VSA-80...............  (a) All passenger cars less than 25 years old
                            that were manufactured before September 1, 1989;
                           (b) All passenger cars manufactured on or after
                            September 1, 1989, and before September 1, 1996,
                            that, as originally manufactured, are equipped
                            with an automatic restraint system that complies
                            with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
                            (FMVSS) No. 208;
                           (c) All passenger cars manufactured on or after
                            September 1, 1996 and before September 1, 2002,
                            that, as originally manufactured, are equipped
                            with an automatic restraint system that complies
                            with FMVSS Nos. 208, and that comply with FMVSS
                            No. 214.
    VSA-81...............  (a) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks,
                            and buses with a GVWR of 4536 kg. (10,000 lbs.)
                            or less that are less than 25 years old and that
                            were manufactured before September 1, 1991;
                           (b) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks,
                            and buses with a GVWR of 4536 kg. (10,0000 lbs.)
                            or less that were manufactured on and after
                            September 1, 1991, and before September 1, 1993,
                            and that, as originally manufactured, comply
                            with FMVSS Nos. 202 and 208;
                           (c) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks
                            and buses with a GVWR of 4536 kg. (10,000 lbs.)
                            or less that were manufactured on or after
                            September 1, 1993, and before September 1, 1998,
                            and that, as originally manufactured, comply
                            with FMVSS Nos. 202, 208, and 216;
                           (d) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks
                            and buses with a GVWR of 4536 kg. (10,000 lbs.)
                            or less, that were manufactured on or after
                            September 1, 1998, and before September 1, 2002,
                            and that, as originally manufactured, comply
                            with the requirements of FMVSS Nos. 202, 208,
                            214, and 216.
    VSA-82...............  All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and
                            buses with a GVWR greater than 4536 kg. (10,000
                            lbs.) that are less than 25 years old.
    VSA-83...............  All trailers, and all motorcycles that are less
                            than 25 years old.
    [[Page 51924]]
                                Vehicles Manufactured for Other Than the Canadian Market
                 Manufacturer               VSP    VSA    VCP           Model type           Model ID    Model year
    Acura................................     51  .....  .....  Legend....................  ..........     1988
    Acura................................     77  .....  .....  Legend....................  ..........     1989
    Acura................................    305  .....  .....  Legend....................  ..........  1990-1992
    Alfa Romeo...........................    196  .....  .....  164.......................  ..........     1989
    Alfa Romeo...........................     76  .....  .....  164.......................  ..........     1991
    Alfa Romeo...........................    156  .....  .....  164.......................  ..........     1994
    Alfa Romeo...........................    124  .....  .....  GTV.......................  ..........     1985
    Alfa Romeo...........................     70  .....  .....  Spider....................  ..........     1987
    Audi.................................     93  .....  .....  100.......................  ..........     1989
    Audi.................................    244  .....  .....  100.......................  ..........     1993
    Audi.................................    160  .....  .....  200 Quattro...............  ..........     1987
    Audi.................................    223  .....  .....  80........................  ..........  1988-1989
    Audi.................................    238  .....  .....  Avant Quattro.............  ..........     1996
    Bentley..............................    291  .....  .....  Turbo R...................  ..........  1992-1993
    BMW..................................  .....      3  .....  2002......................  ..........  1975-1976
    BMW..................................  .....      7  .....  2002A.....................  ..........  1975-1976
    BMW..................................    248  .....  .....  3 Series..................  ..........  1995-1997
    BMW..................................  .....     14  .....  3.0Si and 3.0SiA..........  ..........     1975
    BMW..................................  .....     66  .....  316.......................  ..........  1978-1982
    BMW..................................     25  .....  .....  316.......................  ..........     1986
    BMW..................................  .....     23  .....  318i and 318iA............  ..........  1981-1989
    BMW..................................  .....     16  .....  320, 320i, and 320iA......  ..........  1976-1985
    BMW..................................    283  .....  .....  320I......................  ..........  1990-1991
    BMW..................................  .....     67  .....  323i......................  ..........  1978-1985
    BMW..................................  .....     30  .....  325, 325i, 325iA, and 325E  ..........  1985-1989
    BMW..................................  .....     31  .....  325is and 325isA..........  ..........  1987-1989
    BMW..................................  .....     24  .....  325e and 325eA............  ..........  1984-1987
    BMW..................................     96  .....  .....  325i......................  ..........     1991
    BMW..................................    197  .....  .....  325i......................  ..........  1992-1996
    BMW..................................    205  .....  .....  325iX.....................  ..........     1990
    BMW..................................  .....     33  .....  325iX and 325iXA..........  ..........  1988-1989
    BMW..................................    194  .....  .....  5 Series..................  ..........  1990-1995
    BMW..................................    249  .....  .....  5 Series..................  ..........  1996-1997
    BMW..................................    314  .....  .....  5 Series..................  ..........  1998-1999
    BMW..................................      4  .....  .....  518i......................  ..........     1986
    BMW..................................  .....     68  .....  520 and 520i..............  ..........  1978-1983
    BMW..................................      9  .....  .....  520iA.....................  ..........     1989
    BMW..................................  .....     26  .....  524tdA....................  ..........  1985-1986
    BMW..................................  .....     69  .....  525 and 525i..............  ..........  1979-1982
    BMW..................................      5  .....  .....  525i......................  ..........     1989
    BMW..................................  .....     21  .....  528e and 528eA............  ..........  1982-1988
    BMW..................................  .....     20  .....  528i and 528iA............  ..........  1979-1984
    BMW..................................  .....     15  .....  530i and 530iA............  ..........  1975-1978
    BMW..................................  .....     22  .....  533i and 533iA............  ..........  1983-1984
    BMW..................................  .....     25  .....  535i and 535iA............  ..........  1985-1989
    BMW..................................     15  .....  .....  625CSi....................  ..........     1981
    BMW..................................     32  .....  .....  628CSi....................  ..........     1980
    BMW..................................  .....     17  .....  630CSi and 630CSiA........  ..........     1977
    BMW..................................  .....     18  .....  633CSi and 633CSiA........  ..........  1977-1984
    BMW..................................  .....     27  .....  635, 635CSi, and 635CSiA..  ..........  1979-1989
    BMW..................................    299  .....  .....  7 Series..................  ..........  1990-1991
    BMW..................................    232  .....  .....  7 Series..................  ..........     1992
    BMW..................................    299  .....  .....  7 Series..................  ..........  1993-1994
    BMW..................................    313  .....  .....  7 Series..................  ..........  1995-1999
    BMW..................................  .....     70  .....  728 and 728i..............  ..........  1977-1985
    BMW..................................     14  .....  .....  728i......................  ..........     1986
    BMW..................................  .....     71  .....  730, 730i, and 730iA......  ..........  1978-1980
    BMW..................................     24  .....  .....  730i......................  ..........     1991
    BMW..................................     57  .....  .....  730i......................  ..........     1993
    BMW..................................    131  .....  .....  730i......................  ..........  1994-1995
    BMW..................................      6  .....  .....  730iA.....................  ..........     1988
    BMW..................................  .....     72  .....  732i......................  ..........  1980-1984
    BMW..................................  .....     19  .....  733i and 733iA............  ..........  1977-1984
    BMW..................................  .....     28  .....  735, 735i, and 735iA......  ..........  1980-1989
    BMW..................................    146  .....  .....  735iL.....................  ..........     1991
    BMW..................................  .....     73  .....  745i......................  ..........  1980-1986
    BMW..................................     91  .....  .....  750iL.....................  ..........     1990
    BMW..................................     81  .....  .....  750iL.....................  ..........     1991
    BMW..................................    221  .....  .....  750iL.....................  ..........     1992
    BMW..................................     41  .....  .....  750iL.....................  ..........     1993
    BMW..................................    221  .....  .....  750iL.....................  ..........  1994-1997
    BMW..................................     99  .....  .....  840Ci.....................  ..........     1993
    [[Page 51925]]
    BMW..................................     10  .....  .....  850i......................  ..........     1991
    BMW..................................     55  .....  .....  850i......................  ..........     1993
    BMW..................................  .....     78  .....  All other models except     ..........  1975-1989
                                                                 those in the M1 and Z1
    BMW..................................  .....     29  .....  L7........................  ..........  1986-1987
    BMW..................................  .....     35  .....  M3........................  ..........  1988-1989
    BMW..................................  .....     34  .....  M5........................  ..........     1988
    BMW..................................  .....     32  .....  M6........................  ..........  1987-1988
    BMW..................................    260  .....  .....  Z3........................  ..........  1996-1998
    BMW MC...............................    228  .....  .....  K1........................  ..........  1990-1993
    BMW MC...............................    285  .....  .....  K100......................  ..........  1984-1992
    BMW MC...............................    303  .....  .....  K1100, K1200..............  ..........  1993-1998
    BMW MC...............................    229  .....  .....  K75S......................  ..........  1987-1995
    BMW MC...............................     58  .....  .....  R100S.....................  ..........     1977
    BMW MC...............................    231  .....  .....  R1100.....................  ..........  1994-1997
    BMW MC...............................    177  .....  .....  R1100RS...................  ..........     1994
    BMW MC...............................    295  .....  .....  R80, R100.................  ..........  1986-1995
    Bristol Bus..........................  .....  .....     10  VRT Bus--Double Decker....  ..........  1975-1976
    Bristol Bus..........................  .....  .....      4  VRT Bus--Double Decker....  ..........     1977
    Bristol Bus..........................  .....  .....      2  VRT Bus--Double Decker....  ..........  1978-1981
    Cadillac.............................    300  .....  .....  DeVille...................  ..........  1994-1999
    Chevrolet............................    150  .....  .....  400SS.....................  ..........     1995
    Chevrolet............................    298  .....  .....  Astro Van.................  ..........     1997
    Chevrolet............................    242  .....  .....  Suburban..................  ..........  1989-1991
    Chrysler.............................    276  .....  .....  LHS.......................  ..........     1996
    Chrysler.............................    216  .....  .....  Shadow....................  ..........     1989
    Chrysler.............................    273  .....  .....  Town and Country..........  ..........     1993
    Citroen..............................  .....  .....      1  XM........................  ..........  1990-1992
    Dodge................................    135  .....  .....  Ram.......................  ..........  1994-1995
    Ducati MC............................    241  .....  .....  600SS.....................  ..........  1992-1996
    Ducati MC............................    220  .....  .....  748 Biposto...............  ..........  1996-1997
    Ducati MC............................    201  .....  .....  900SS.....................  ..........  1990-1996
    Ferrari..............................  .....     76  .....  208, 208 Turbo (all         ..........  1975-1988
    Ferrari..............................  .....     36  .....  308 (all models)..........  ..........  1975-1985
    Ferrari..............................  .....     37  .....  328 (except GTS)..........  ..........    1985,
    Ferrari..............................  .....     37  .....  328 GTS...................  ..........  1985-1989
    Ferrari..............................     86  .....  .....  348 TB....................  ..........     1992
    Ferrari..............................    161  .....  .....  348 TS....................  ..........     1992
    Ferrari..............................    256  .....  .....  456.......................  ..........     1995
    Ferrari..............................    173  .....  .....  512 TR....................  ..........     1993
    Ferrari..............................    259  .....  .....  F355......................  ..........     1995
    Ferrari..............................    226  .....  .....  F50.......................  ..........     1995
    Ferrari..............................  .....     38  .....  GTO.......................  ..........     1985
    Ferrari..............................    292  .....  .....  Marinello.................  ..........  1997-1999
    Ferrari..............................  .....     74  .....  Mondial (all models)......  ..........  1980-1989
    Ferrari..............................  .....     39  .....  Testarossa................  ..........  1987-1989
    Ford.................................    265  .....  .....  Bronco....................  ..........  1995-1996
    Ford.................................  .....  .....      9  Escort RS.................  ..........  1994-1995
    Ford.................................    268  .....  .....  Explorer..................  ..........  1991-1998
    Ford.................................    250  .....  .....  Windstar..................  ..........  1995-1998
    Freightliner.........................    179  .....  .....  FLD12064ST................  ..........  1991-1996
    Freightliner.........................    178  .....  .....  FTLD112064SD..............  ..........  1991-1996
    GMC..................................    134  .....  .....  Suburban..................  ..........  1992-1994
    Harley Davidson......................    202  .....  .....  FX, FL, XL series.........  ..........  1975-1997
    Harley Davidson......................    253  .....  .....  FX, FL, XL series.........  ..........     1998
    Harley Davidson......................    281  .....  .....  FX, FL, XL Series.........  ..........     1999
    Hobson...............................  .....  .....      8  Horse Trailer.............  ..........     1985
    Honda................................    280  .....  .....  Accord....................  ..........     1991
    Honda................................    128  .....  .....  Civic DX..................  ..........     1989
    Honda................................    191  .....  .....  Prelude...................  ..........     1989
    Honda................................    309  .....  .....  Prelude...................  ..........  1994-1997
    Honda MC.............................    106  .....  .....  CB1000F...................  ..........     1988
    Honda MC.............................    174  .....  .....  CP450SC...................  ..........     1986
    Honda MC.............................    290  .....  .....  VF750.....................  ..........  1994-1998
    Honda MC.............................     34  .....  .....  VFR750....................  ..........     1990
    Honda MC.............................    315  .....  .....  VFR750....................  ..........  1991-1997
    Honda MC.............................    315  .....  .....  VFR800....................  ..........  1998-1999
    Honda MC.............................    294  .....  .....  VT600.....................  ..........  1991-1998
    Hyundai..............................    269  .....  .....  Elantra...................  ..........  1992-1995
    Jaguar...............................     78  .....  .....  Sovereign.................  ..........     1993
    Jaguar...............................  .....     41  .....  XJ6.......................  ..........  1975-1986
    Jaguar...............................     47  .....  .....  XJ6.......................  ..........     1987
    [[Page 51926]]
    Jaguar...............................    215  .....  .....  XJ6 Sovereign.............  ..........     1988
    Jaguar...............................  .....     40  .....  XJS.......................  ..........  1980-1987
    Jaguar...............................    175  .....  .....  XJS.......................  ..........     1991
    Jaguar...............................    129  .....  .....  XJS.......................  ..........     1992
    Jaguar...............................    195  .....  .....  XJS.......................  ..........  1994-1996
    Jaguar Daimler.......................     12  .....  .....  Limousine.................  ..........     1985
    Jeep.................................    211  .....  .....  Cherokee..................  ..........     1991
    Jeep.................................    164  .....  .....  Cherokee..................  ..........     1992
    Jeep.................................    254  .....  .....  Cherokee..................  ..........     1993
    Jeep.................................    180  .....  .....  Cherokee..................  ..........     1995
    Jeep.................................    224  .....  .....  CJ-7......................  ..........     1979
    Jeep.................................    217  .....  .....  Wrangler..................  ..........     1993
    Jeep.................................    255  .....  .....  Wrangler..................  ..........     1995
    Kawasaki MC..........................    233  .....  .....  EL250.....................  ..........  1992-1994
    Kawasaki MC..........................    190  .....  .....  KZ550B....................  ..........     1982
    Kawasaki MC..........................    182  .....  .....  ZX1000-B1.................  ..........     1988
    Kawasaki MC..........................    222  .....  .....  ZX400.....................  ..........  1987-1997
    Kawasaki MC..........................    312  .....  .....  ZX6, ZX7, ZX9, ZX10, ZX11.  ..........  1987-1999
    Kawasaki MC..........................    288  .....  .....  ZX600.....................  ..........  1985-1998
    Kawasaki MC..........................    247  .....  .....  ZZR1100...................  ..........  1993-1998
    Ken-Mex..............................    187  .....  .....  T800......................  ..........  1990-1996
    Kenworth.............................    115  .....  .....  T800......................  ..........     1992
    Land Rover...........................    212  .....  .....  Defender 110..............  ..........     1993
    Laverda MC...........................     37  .....  .....  1000......................  ..........     1975
    Lexus................................    293  .....  .....  GS300.....................  ..........  1993-1996
    Lexus................................    307  .....  .....  RX300.....................  ..........  1998-1999
    Lexus................................    225  .....  .....  SC300, SC400..............  ..........  1991-1996
    Lincoln..............................    144  .....  .....  Mark VII..................  ..........     1992
    Magni MC.............................    264  .....  .....  Australia, Sfida..........  ..........  1996-1998
    Maserati.............................    155  .....  .....  Bi-Turbo..................  ..........     1985
    Mazda................................    184  .....  .....  MX-5 Miata................  ..........  1990-1993
    Mazda................................    199  .....  .....  RX-7......................  ..........     1986
    Mazda................................     42  .....  .....  RX-7......................  ..........  1978-1981
    Mazda................................    279  .....  .....  RX-7......................  ..........  1987-1995
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     54  .....  190.......................     201.022     1984
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     54  .....  190 D (2.2)...............     201.122  1984-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     54  .....  190 D.....................     201.126  1984-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     54  .....  190 E (2.3)...............     201.024  1983-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     54  .....  190 E 2.3 16..............     201.034  1984-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     54  .....  190 E.....................     201.028  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     54  .....  190 E (2.6)...............     201.029  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     22  .....  .....  190 E.....................     201.024     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................     45  .....  .....  190 E.....................     201.024     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................    126  .....  .....  190 E.....................     201.018     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................     71  .....  .....  190 E.....................     201.028     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     50  .....  200.......................     115.015  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  200.......................     123.020  1976-1980
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  200.......................     123.220  1979-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  200.......................     124.020     1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  200 D.....................     123.120  1980-1982
    Mercedes Benz........................     17  .....  .....  200 D.....................     124.120     1986
    Mercedes Benz........................     11  .....  .....  200 E.....................     124.021     1989
    Mercedes Benz........................    109  .....  .....  200 E.....................     124.012     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................     75  .....  .....  200 E.....................     124.019     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................      3  .....  .....  200 TE....................     124.081     1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     50  .....  220 D.....................     115.110  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................    168  .....  .....  220 E.....................  ..........     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................    167  .....  .....  220 TE Station Wagon......  ..........  1993-1996
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  230.......................     123.023  1976-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  230 C.....................     123.043  1978-1980
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  230 CE....................     123.243  1980-1984
    Mercedes Benz........................     84  .....  .....  230 CE....................     124.043     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................    203  .....  .....  230 CE....................  ..........     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  230 E.....................     123.223  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  230 E.....................     124.023  1985-1987
    Mercedes Benz........................      1  .....  .....  230 E.....................     124.023     1988
    Mercedes Benz........................     20  .....  .....  230 E.....................     124.023     1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     19  .....  .....  230 E.....................     124.023     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................     74  .....  .....  230 E.....................     124.023     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................    127  .....  .....  230 E.....................     124.023     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  230 T.....................     123.083  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  230 TE....................     123.283  1977-1985
    [[Page 51927]]
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  230 TE....................     124.083     1985
    Mercedes Benz........................      2  .....  .....  230 TE....................     124.083     1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     50  .....  230.4.....................     115.017  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  230.6.....................     114.015  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     50  .....  240 D (3.0)...............     115.114  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     50  .....  240 D.....................     115.117  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  240 D.....................     123.123  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  240 TD....................     123.183  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  250.......................     114.010  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  250.......................     114.011  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  250.......................     123.026  1976-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  250 C.....................     114.023  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  250 CE....................     114.022  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................    172  .....  .....  250 D.....................  ..........     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................    245  .....  .....  250 E.....................  ..........  1990-1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  260 E.....................     124.026  1985-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................    105  .....  .....  260 E.....................     124.026     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................     18  .....  .....  260 SE....................     126.020     1986
    Mercedes Benz........................     28  .....  .....  260 SE....................     126.020     1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  280.......................     114.060  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  280.......................     123.030  1976-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  280 C.....................     114.073  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  280 C.....................     123.050  1977-1980
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  280 CE....................     114.072  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  280 CE....................     123.053  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     49  .....  280 E.....................     114.062  1975-1976
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  280 E.....................     123.033  1976-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................    166  .....  .....  280 E.....................  ..........     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  280 S.....................     116.020  1975-1980
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  280 S.....................     126.021  1980-1983
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  280 SC....................     107.022  1975-1981
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  280 SE....................     116.024  1975-1988
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  280 SE....................     126.022  1980-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  280 SEL...................     116.025  1975-1980
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  280 SEL...................     126.023  1980-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  280 SL....................     107.042  1975-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  280 TE....................     123.093  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  300 CD....................     123.150  1978-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  300 CE....................     124.050  1988-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     64  .....  .....  300 CE....................     124.051     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................     83  .....  .....  300 CE....................     124.051     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................    117  .....  .....  300 CE....................     124.050     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  300 D.....................     123.130  1976-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  300 D.....................     123.133  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  300 D Turbo...............     124.133  1985-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  300 D.....................     124.130  1985-1986
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  300 E.....................     124.030  1985-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................    192  .....  .....  300 E 4-Matic.............  ..........  1990-1993
    Mercedes Benz........................    114  .....  .....  300 E.....................     124.031     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....      5  300 GE....................     463.228  1990-1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....      3  300 GE....................     463.228     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....      5  300 GE....................     463.228     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  300 SD....................     126.120  1981-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  300 SE....................     126.024  1985-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     68  .....  .....  300 SE....................     126.024     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................     69  .....  .....  300 SE....................     140.032     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................     67  .....  .....  300 SE....................     140.032     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  300 SEL...................     126.025  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     21  .....  .....  300 SEL...................     126.025     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................    123  .....  .....  300 SEL...................  ..........     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  300 SL....................     107.041  1986-1988
    Mercedes Benz........................      7  .....  .....  300 SL....................     107.041     1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     54  .....  .....  300 SL....................     129.006     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     52  .....  300 TD....................     123.193  1977-1985
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  300 TD Turbo..............     124.193  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     55  .....  300 TE....................     124.090  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     40  .....  .....  300 TE....................     124.090     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................    193  .....  .....  300 TE....................  ..........     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................    142  .....  .....  320 SL....................  ..........  1992-1993
    Mercedes Benz........................    310  .....  .....  320CE.....................  ..........     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  350 SC....................     107.023  1975-1979
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  350 SE....................     116.028  1975-1980
    [[Page 51928]]
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  350 SEL...................     116.029  1975-1980
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  350 SL....................     107.043  1975-1978
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  380 SC....................     107.025  1981-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  380 SE....................     126.032  1979-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  380 SE....................     126.043  1982-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  380 SEL...................     126.033  1980-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  380 SL....................     107.045  1980-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................    296  .....  .....  400 SE....................  ..........  1992-1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    169  .....  .....  420 E.....................  ..........     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  420 SE....................     126.034  1985-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................    230  .....  .....  420 SE....................  ..........  1990-1991
    Mercedes Benz........................    209  .....  .....  420 SEC...................  ..........     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  420 SEL...................     126.035  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     48  .....  .....  420 SEL...................     126.035     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  420 SL....................     107.047     1986
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  450 SC....................     107.024  1975-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  450 SE....................     116.032  1975-1980
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  450 SEL (6.9).............     116.036  1975-1988
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     51  .....  450 SEL...................     116.033  1975-1988
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  450 SL....................     107.044  1975-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....     11  463.......................  ..........     1996
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....     15  463.......................  ..........     1997
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....     16  463.......................  ..........     1998
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....     13  463 LWB V-8...............  ..........  1992-1996
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....     14  463 SWB...................  ..........  1990-1996
    Mercedes Benz........................     56  .....  .....  500 E.....................     124.036     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  500 SC....................     107.026  1978-1981
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  500 SE....................     126.036  1980-1986
    Mercedes Benz........................     35  .....  .....  500 SE....................     126.036     1988
    Mercedes Benz........................    154  .....  .....  500 SE....................  ..........     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................     26  .....  .....  500 SE....................     140.050     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................     50  .....  .....  500 SE....................     140.050     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  500 SEC...................     126.044  1981-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     66  .....  .....  500 SEC...................     126.044     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  500 SEL...................     126.037  1980-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     23  .....  .....  500 SEL...................     129.066     1989
    Mercedes Benz........................    153  .....  .....  500 SEL...................  ..........     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................     63  .....  .....  500 SEL...................     126.037     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................    147  .....  .....  500 SEL...................  ..........  1992-1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  500 SL....................     107.046  1980-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     33  .....  .....  500 SL....................     129.066     1991
    Mercedes Benz........................     60  .....  .....  500 SL....................     129.006     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................    140  .....  .....  500 SL....................     129.067  1993-1995
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  560 SEC...................     126.045  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................    141  .....  .....  560 SEC...................     126.045     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     53  .....  560 SEL...................     126.039  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................     89  .....  .....  560 SEL...................     126.039     1990
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     44  .....  560 SL....................     107.048  1986-1989
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     43  .....  600.......................     100.012  1975-1981
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     43  .....  600 Landaulet.............     100.015  1975-1981
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     43  .....  600 Long 4dr..............     100.014  1975-1981
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     43  .....  600 Long 6dr..............     100.016  1975-1981
    Mercedes Benz........................    185  .....  .....  600 SEC Coupe.............  ..........     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................     27  .....  .....  600 SEL...................     140.057     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................    271  .....  .....  600 SEL...................  ..........  1993-1998
    Mercedes Benz........................    121  .....  .....  600 SL....................     129.076     1992
    Mercedes Benz........................    130  .....  .....  600 SL....................     129.076     1993
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....     77  .....  All other models except     ..........  1975-1989
                                                                 Model ID 114 and 115 with
                                                                 sales designations
                                                                 ``long,'' ``station
                                                                 wagon,'' or
    Mercedes Benz........................    289  .....  .....  C190......................  ..........  1994-1998
    Mercedes Benz........................    246  .....  .....  C220......................  ..........     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    157  .....  .....  C220......................  ..........     1995
    Mercedes Benz........................    204  .....  .....  C280......................  ..........     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    262  .....  .....  C280......................  ..........     1995
    Mercedes Benz........................    277  .....  .....  CL500.....................  ..........     1998
    Mercedes Benz........................    207  .....  .....  E200......................  ..........     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    278  .....  .....  E200......................  ..........  1995-1998
    Mercedes Benz........................    168  .....  .....  E220......................  ..........  1994-1996
    Mercedes Benz........................    245  .....  .....  E250......................  ..........  1994-1995
    Mercedes Benz........................    166  .....  .....  E280......................  ..........  1994-1996
    Mercedes Benz........................    240  .....  .....  E320......................  ..........  1994-1998
    Mercedes Benz........................    169  .....  .....  E420......................  ..........  1994-1996
    [[Page 51929]]
    Mercedes Benz........................    163  .....  .....  E500......................  ..........     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    304  .....  .....  E500......................  ..........  1995-1997
    Mercedes Benz........................  .....  .....      6  G320......................  ..........     1995
    Mercedes Benz........................     85  .....  .....  S280......................     140.028     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    236  .....  .....  S320......................  ..........  1994-1998
    Mercedes Benz........................    120  .....  .....  S320......................     140.033     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    267  .....  .....  S420......................  ..........  1994-1997
    Mercedes Benz........................    235  .....  .....  S500......................  ..........  1994-1997
    Mercedes Benz........................    297  .....  .....  S600......................  ..........  1995-1999
    Mercedes Benz........................    185  .....  .....  S600 Coupe................  ..........  1994-1996
    Mercedes Benz........................    214  .....  .....  S600L.....................  ..........     1994
    Mercedes Benz........................    282  .....  .....  SL320.....................  ..........     1995
    Mercedes Benz........................    130  .....  .....  SL600.....................  ..........  1994-1995
    Mercedes Benz........................    257  .....  .....  SLK.......................  ..........  1997-1998
    Mitsubishi...........................     13  .....  .....  Galant SUP................  ..........     1989
    Mitsubishi...........................      8  .....  .....  Galant VX.................  ..........     1988
    Mitsubishi...........................    170  .....  .....  Pajero....................  ..........     1984
    Moto Guzzi MC........................    118  .....  .....  Daytona...................  ..........     1993
    Moto Guzzi MC........................    264  .....  .....  Daytona RS................  ..........  1996-1998
    Nissan...............................    162  .....  .....  240SX.....................  ..........     1988
    Nissan...............................    198  .....  .....  300ZX.....................  ..........     1984
    Nissan...............................  .....     75  .....  Fairlady and Fairlady Z...  ..........  1975-1979
    Nissan...............................    138  .....  .....  Maxima....................  ..........     1989
    Nissan...............................    139  .....  .....  Stanza....................  ..........     1987
    Nissan...............................  .....     75  .....  Z and 280Z................  ..........  1975-1981
    Peugeot..............................  .....     65  .....  405.......................  ..........     1989
    Pontiac..............................    189  .....  .....  Transport MPV.............  ..........     1993
    Porsche..............................     29  .....  .....  911 C4....................  ..........     1990
    Porsche..............................  .....     56  .....  911 Cabriolet.............  ..........  1984-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     56  .....  911 Carrera...............  ..........  1975-1989
    Porsche..............................     52  .....  .....  911 Carrera...............  ..........     1992
    Porsche..............................    165  .....  .....  911 Carrera...............  ..........     1993
    Porsche..............................    103  .....  .....  911 Carrera...............  ..........     1994
    Porsche..............................    165  .....  .....  911 Carrera...............  ..........  1995-1996
    Porsche..............................  .....     56  .....  911 Coupe.................  ..........  1975-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     56  .....  911 Targa.................  ..........  1975-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     56  .....  911 Turbo.................  ..........  1976-1989
    Porsche..............................    125  .....  .....  911 Turbo.................  ..........     1992
    Porsche..............................  .....     58  .....  914.......................  ..........  1975-1976
    Porsche..............................  .....     59  .....  924 Coupe.................  ..........  1976-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     59  .....  924 S.....................  ..........  1987-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     59  .....  924 Turbo Coupe...........  ..........  1979-1989
    Porsche..............................    266  .....  .....  928.......................  ..........  1991-1996
    Porsche..............................    272  .....  .....  928.......................  ..........  1993-1998
    Porsche..............................  .....     60  .....  928 Coupe.................  ..........  1976-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     60  .....  928 GT....................  ..........  1979-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     60  .....  928 S Coupe...............  ..........  1983-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     60  .....  928 S4....................  ..........  1979-1989
    Porsche..............................    210  .....  .....  928 S4....................  ..........     1990
    Porsche..............................     97  .....  .....  944.......................  ..........     1990
    Porsche..............................  .....     61  .....  944 Coupe.................  ..........  1982-1989
    Porsche..............................  .....     61  .....  944 S Coupe...............  ..........  1987-1989
    Porsche..............................    152  .....  .....  944 S2 2 door Hatchback...  ..........     1990
    Porsche..............................  .....     61  .....  944 Turbo Coupe...........  ..........  1985-1989
    Porsche..............................    116  .....  .....  946.......................  ..........     1994
    Porsche..............................  .....     79  .....  All other models except     ..........  1975-1989
                                                                 Model 959.
    Porsche..............................    261  .....  .....  Boxster...................  ..........     1997
    Rolls Royce..........................     16  .....  .....  Bentley...................  ..........     1989
    Rolls Royce..........................    186  .....  .....  Bentley Brooklands........  ..........     1993
    Rolls Royce..........................    258  .....  .....  Bentley Continental R.....  ..........  1990-1993
    Rolls Royce..........................     53  .....  .....  Bentley Turbo.............  ..........     1986
    Rolls Royce..........................    243  .....  .....  Bentley Turbo R...........  ..........     1995
    Rolls Royce..........................    122  .....  .....  Camargue..................  ..........  1984-1985
    Rolls Royce..........................  .....     62  .....  Silver Shadow.............  ..........  1975-1979
    Rolls Royce..........................    188  .....  .....  Silver Spur...............  ..........     1984
    Saab.................................    158  .....  .....  900.......................  ..........     1983
    Saab.................................    270  .....  .....  900 S.....................  ..........  1987-1989
    Saab.................................    219  .....  .....  900 SE....................  ..........  1990-1994
    Saab.................................    219  .....  .....  900 SE....................  ..........  1996-1997
    Saab.................................    213  .....  .....  900 SE....................  ..........     1995
    Saab.................................     59  .....  .....  9000......................  ..........     1988
    Sprite...............................  .....  .....     12  Musketeer Trailer.........  ..........     1980
    [[Page 51930]]
    Suzuki MC............................    111  .....  .....  GS850.....................  ..........     1985
    Suzuki MC............................    287  .....  .....  GSF 750...................  ..........  1996-1998
    Suzuki MC............................    208  .....  .....  GSX750....................  ..........     1983
    Suzuki MC............................    275  .....  .....  GSXR 750..................  ..........  1986-1998
    Suzuki MC............................    227  .....  .....  GSXR1100..................  ..........  1986-1997
    Toyota...............................    308  .....  .....  Avalon....................  ..........  1995-1998
    Toyota...............................  .....     63  .....  Camry.....................  ..........  1987-1988
    Toyota...............................     39  .....  .....  Camry.....................  ..........     1989
    Toyota...............................  .....     64  .....  Celica....................  ..........  1987-1988
    Toyota...............................  .....     65  .....  Corolla...................  ..........  1987-1988
    Toyota...............................    252  .....  .....  Land Cruiser..............  ..........  1981-1988
    Toyota...............................    101  .....  .....  Land Cruiser..............  ..........     1989
    Toyota...............................    218  .....  .....  Land Cruiser..............  ..........  1990-1996
    Toyota...............................    302  .....  .....  Previa....................  ..........  1993-1997
    Toyota...............................    200  .....  .....  Van.......................  ..........  1987-1988
    Triumph MC...........................    263  .....  .....  Bonneville................  ..........     1976
    Triumph MC...........................    311  .....  .....  Thunderbird...............  ..........  1995-1999
    Volkswagen...........................    237  .....  .....  Beetle Convertible........  ..........  1975-1979
    Volkswagen...........................    237  .....  .....  Beetle Sedan..............  ..........  1975-1977
    Volkswagen...........................    306  .....  .....  Eurovan...................  ..........  1993-1995
    Volkswagen...........................    159  .....  .....  Golf......................  ..........     1987
    Volkswagen...........................     80  .....  .....  Golf......................  ..........     1988
    Volkswagen...........................     92  .....  .....  Golf......................  ..........     1993
    Volkswagen...........................     73  .....  .....  Golf Rally................  ..........     1988
    Volkswagen...........................    149  .....  .....  GTI (Canadian)............  ..........     1991
    Volkswagen...........................    274  .....  .....  Jetta.....................  ..........  1994-1996
    Volkswagen...........................    148  .....  .....  Passat 4 door Sedan.......  ..........     1992
    Volkswagen...........................  .....     42  .....  Scirocco..................  ..........     1986
    Volkswagen...........................    284  .....  .....  Transporter...............  ..........  1988-1989
    Volkswagen...........................    251  .....  .....  Transporter...............  ..........     1990
    Volkswagen...........................    239  .....  .....  Type 181 (The Thing)......  ..........     1975
    Volvo................................     43  .....  .....  262C......................  ..........     1981
    Volvo................................     87  .....  .....  740 Sedan.................  ..........     1988
    Volvo................................    286  .....  .....  850 Turbo.................  ..........  1995-1998
    Volvo................................     95  .....  .....  940GL.....................  ..........     1993
    Volvo................................    132  .....  .....  945GL.....................  ..........     1994
    Volvo................................    176  .....  .....  960 Sedan & Wagon.........  ..........     1994
    Yamaha MC............................    113  .....  .....  FJ1200....................  ..........     1991
    Yamaha MC............................    171  .....  .....  RD-350....................  ..........     1983
    Yamaha MC............................    301  .....  .....  Virago....................  ..........  1990-1998
        Issued on: September 17, 1999.
    Kenneth N. Weinstein,
    Associate Administrator for Safety Assurance.
    [FR Doc. 99-24975 Filed 9-24-99; 8:45 am]
    BILLING CODE 4910-59-P

Document Information

Effective Date:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
Effective: September 27, 1999.
51922-51930 (9 pages)
Docket Numbers:
Docket No. NHTSA-99-6239
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
49 CFR 593.5(a)(2)