97-32685. Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human Rights Week, 1997  

  • [Federal Register Volume 62, Number 239 (Friday, December 12, 1997)]
    [Presidential Documents]
    [Pages 65309-65310]
    From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
    [FR Doc No: 97-32685]
                            Presidential Documents 
    Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 239 / Friday, December 12, 1997 / 
    Presidential Documents
    Title 3--
    The President
    [[Page 65309]]
                    Proclamation 7059 of December 9, 1997
    Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, and Human 
                    Rights Week, 1997
                    By the President of the United States of America
                    A Proclamation
                    Human rights are the cornerstone of American democracy. 
                    The founders of our democracy, in their wisdom, 
                    recognized the inherent dignity of every human being 
                    and enshrined in the Bill of Rights our profound 
                    commitment to freedom of speech, religion, and assembly 
                    and the right to due process and a fair trial. Through 
                    more than two centuries of challenge and change, these 
                    guiding principles have sustained us. They form the 
                    common ground on which our racial, religious, and 
                    ethnic diversity can flourish.
                    It is a measure of our greatness as a Nation that each 
                    new generation of Americans has sought to advance and 
                    extend the rights set forth by Thomas Jefferson in the 
                    Declaration of Independence and by the framers of our 
                    Constitution. Promoting human rights and democracy 
                    around the world is a central pillar of our foreign 
                    policy. We seek to protect and advance human rights for 
                    all, not only because a world that respects such rights 
                    will be freer, safer, and more prosperous, but also so 
                    that we may keep faith with the vision of our founders, 
                    who knew that these rights are the deepest reflection 
                    of America's fundamental values.
                     This week marks the beginning of the world's 
                    celebration of the 50th anniversary year of the 
                    Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The adoption of 
                    this set of principles by the United Nations on 
                    December 10, 1948, was a landmark event in the course 
                    of modern human history. The Declaration represented a 
                    collective condemnation by nearly 50 U.N. member states 
                    of the widespread and devastating human rights abuses 
                    committed prior to and during World War II, and it 
                    reflected a consensus on what the postwar world should 
                    seek to become. Among the Declaration's 30 articles are 
                    affirmations of the right to life, liberty, and 
                    personal security; the right to freedom of thought, 
                    religion, and expression; and the right to freedom from 
                    slavery, torture, and arbitrary arrest and detention.
                    It was fitting that a great American, Eleanor 
                    Roosevelt, played a pivotal role in the development of 
                    the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which so 
                    closely reflected the tenets of our own Bill of Rights. 
                    As Chair of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, she 
                    led the efforts of its 18 members to define basic 
                    rights and freedoms and to draft the international 
                    affirmation of rights that was ultimately adopted by 
                    the General Assembly. Today, thanks to those efforts, 
                    scores of countries across the globe have incorporated 
                    these fundamental principles into their laws and 
                    practices, and millions of people are leading freer, 
                    happier, and more fulfilling lives.
                    Now our challenge is to reaffirm the universality of 
                    these precepts and to ensure that all the world's 
                    peoples share in their protections. While we have made 
                    great progress in this endeavor, we must recognize that 
                    intolerance, discrimination, and persecution continue 
                    to darken our vision of a better future. Each of us has 
                    a part to play in upholding human rights for men and 
                    women of all political, ethnic, religious, and racial 
                    backgrounds. The words of Eleanor Roosevelt are both an 
                    inspiration and a challenge, not only to Americans, but 
                    also to citizens throughout the
    [[Page 65310]]
                    international community: ``The destiny of human rights 
                    is in the hands of all of our citizens and all of our 
                    NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the 
                    United States of America, by virtue of the authority 
                    vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United 
                    States, do hereby proclaim December 10, 1997, as Human 
                    Rights Day; December 15, 1997, as Bill of Rights Day; 
                    and the week beginning December 10, 1997, as Human 
                    Rights Week. I call upon the people of the United 
                    States to celebrate these observances with appropriate 
                    programs, ceremonies, and activities that demonstrate 
                    our national commitment to the Bill of Rights, the 
                    Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the 
                    promotion of human rights for all people.
                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 
                    ninth day of December, in the year of our Lord nineteen 
                    hundred and ninety-seven, and of the Independence of 
                    the United States of America the two hundred and 
                        (Presidential Sig.)
    [FR Doc. 97-32685
    Filed 12-11-97; 8:45 am]
    Billing code 3195-01-P

Document Information

Executive Office of the President
Entry Type:
Presidential Document
Document Type:
Document Number:
65309-65310 (2 pages)
of 1997-12-09
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