E8-19019. Final Flood Elevation Determinations  

  • Start Preamble


    Federal Emergency Management Agency, DHS.


    Final rule.


    Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs) and modified BFEs are made final for the communities listed below. The BFEs and modified BFEs are the basis for the floodplain management measures that each community is required either to adopt or to show evidence of being already in effect in order to qualify or remain qualified for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).


    The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) showing BFEs and modified BFEs for each community. This date may be obtained by contacting the office where the maps are available for inspection as indicated on the table below.


    The final BFEs for each community are available for inspection at the office of the Chief Executive Officer of each community. The respective addresses are listed in the table below.

    Start Further Info


    William R. Blanton, Jr., Engineering Management Branch, Mitigation Directorate, Federal Emergency Start Printed Page 48143Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW., Washington, DC 20472, (202) 646-3151.

    End Further Info End Preamble Start Supplemental Information


    The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) makes the final determinations listed below for the modified BFEs for each community listed. These modified elevations have been published in newspapers of local circulation and ninety (90) days have elapsed since that publication. The Assistant Administrator of the Mitigation Directorate has resolved any appeals resulting from this notification.

    This final rule is issued in accordance with section 110 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4104, and 44 CFR part 67. FEMA has developed criteria for floodplain management in floodprone areas in accordance with 44 CFR part 60.

    Interested lessees and owners of real property are encouraged to review the proof Flood Insurance Study and FIRM available at the address cited below for each community. The BFEs and modified BFEs are made final in the communities listed below. Elevations at selected locations in each community are shown.

    National Environmental Policy Act. This final rule is categorically excluded from the requirements of 44 CFR part 10, Environmental Consideration. An environmental impact assessment has not been prepared.

    Regulatory Flexibility Act. As flood elevation determinations are not within the scope of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612, a regulatory flexibility analysis is not required.

    Regulatory Classification. This final rule is not a significant regulatory action under the criteria of section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 of September 30, 1993, Regulatory Planning and Review, 58 FR 51735.

    Executive Order 13132, Federalism. This final rule involves no policies that have federalism implications under Executive Order 13132.

    Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform. This final rule meets the applicable standards of Executive Order 12988.

    Start List of Subjects

    List of Subjects in 44 CFR Part 67

    • Administrative practice and procedure
    • Flood insurance
    • Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
    End List of Subjects Start Amendment Part

    Accordingly, 44 CFR part 67 is amended as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Part


    End Part Start Amendment Part

    1. The authority citation for part 67 continues to read as follows:

    End Amendment Part Start Authority

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 4001 et seq.; Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 329; E.O. 12127, 44 FR 19367, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 376.

    End Authority
    Start Amendment Part

    2. The tables published under the authority of § 67.11 are amended as follows:

    End Amendment Part
    Flooding source(s)Location of referenced elevation* Elevation in feet (NGVD) + Elevation in feet (NAVD) # Depth in feet above ground ModifiedCommunities affected
    Columbia County, Florida and Incorporated Areas
    FEMA Docket No.: B-7702
    Cannon CreekApproximately 450 feet upstream of the confluence with Clay Hole Creek+70Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Approximately 650 feet upstream of Quail Heights Boulevard+136
    Montgomery Outlet StreamApproximately 900 feet upstream of the confluence with Alligator Lake+104City of Lake City.
    At the confluence with Lake Montgomery+131
    Lake Montgomery Rose CreekEntire shoreline+130.8City of Lake City.
    Approximately 1,350 feet upstream of the confluence with Clay Hole Creek+50Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Approximately 600 feet upstream of SW Tustennugee Avenue+88
    Ponding Area 1An approximately 77 acre area at the intersection of Upchurch Road and Prairie Road+91.3Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Ponding Area 2An approximately 10 acre area at the intersection of Troy Road and Callanan Road+93.6Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Ponding Area 3aAn approximately 25 acre area at the intersection of County Road 252 and Holly Drive+103.2Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Ponding Area 3bAn approximately 5 acre area at the intersection of Pine Lane and Forest Avenue+107.7Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Ponding Area 3cAn approximately 5 acre area just west of Cherokee Road+104.2Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Ponding Area 3dAn approximately 11 acre area just east of Cherokee Road+104.5Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    Ponding Area 3eAn approximately 5 acre area just east of Johnathan Road+105.3Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas).
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    + North American Vertical Datum.
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    Columbia County (Unincorporated Areas)
    Maps are available for inspection at the Columbia County Courthouse, 173 Northeast Hernando Avenue, Lake City, Florida.
    Send comments to Mr. Dale Williams, Columbia County Manager, P.O. Box 1529, Lake City, Florida 32056-1529.
    City of Lake City
    Start Printed Page 48144
    Maps are available for inspection at the Lake City City Hall, 205 North Marion Avenue, Lake City, Florida.
    Send comments to Mr. Grayson Cason, Lake City City Manager, 205 North Marion Avenue, Lake City, Florida 32055.
    Gadsden County, Florida, and Incorporated Areas
    FEMA Docket No.: B-7746
    Holley BranchApproximately 2,500 feet upstream of the confluence with Ochlockonee River+86Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County, City of Midway.
    Approximately 4,300 feet upstream of Dupont Road+123
    Holley Branch Unnamed TributaryAt the confluence with Holley Branch+91Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County, City of Midway.
    Approximately 4,400 feet upstream of the confluence with Holley Branch+101
    Lake Talquin (Unnamed Tributary)Approximately 1,100 feet upstream of the confluence with Lake Talquin+75Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County.
    Approximately 1.8 miles upstream of the confluence with Lake Talquin+120
    Monroe CreekApproximately 1,400 feet upstream of the confluence with Little River+86Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County, City of Midway.
    Approximately 800 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 90+139
    Mosquito Creek Unnamed TributaryJust upstream of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard+77City of Chattahoochee.
    Just downstream of East River Road+103
    Ochlockonee River Unnamed TributaryApproximately 4,200 feet upstream of the confluence with Ochlockonee River+100Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County.
    Approximately 1.6 miles upstream of the confluence of Unnamed Tributary to Ochlockonee River Unnamed Tributary+156
    South Mosquito CreekApproximately 1,670 feet upstream of the confluence with Mosquito Creek (just upstream of the Gadsden County/City of Chattahoochee corporate limit)+81Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County.
    Approximately 2,400 feet upstream of the confluence with South Mosquito Creek Unnamed Tributary+81
    South Mosquito Creek Unnamed TributaryApproximately 200 feet upstream of the confluence with South Mosquito Creek+81Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County, City of Chattahoochee.
    Approximately 4,100 feet upstream of Depot Road+118
    Tanyard BranchApproximately 1,200 feet upstream of the confluence with Quincy Creek+118Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County, City of Quincy.
    Approximately 180 feet upstream of Seventh Street+182
    Tanyard Branch Unnamed Tributary 1At the confluence with Tanyard Branch+130City of Quincy.
    Approximately 150 feet upstream of Circle Drive+162
    Tanyard Branch Unnamed Tributary 2At the confluence with Tanyard Branch+131Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County, City of Quincy.
    Approximately 4,500 feet upstream of the confluence with Tanyard Branch+146
    Unnamed Tributary to Ochlockonee River Unnamed TributaryAt the confluence with Ochlockonee River Unnamed Tributary+130Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County, Town of Havana.
    Approximately 2,350 feet upstream of State Highway 12+152
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    + North American Vertical Datum.
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    City of Chattahoochee
    Maps are available for inspection at Chattahoochee City Hall, 22 Jefferson Street, Chattahoochee, FL.
    City of Midway
    Maps are available for inspection at Midway City Hall, 50 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Midway, FL.
    City of Quincy
    Maps are available for inspection at Quincy City Hall, 404 West Jefferson Street, Quincy, FL.
    Town of Havana
    Maps are available for inspection at Havana Town Hall, 711 North Main Street, Havana, FL.
    Start Printed Page 48145
    FL Unincorporated Areas of Gadsden County
    Maps are available for inspection at Gadsden County Administration Building, 5B East Jefferson Street, Quincy, FL.
    Union County, Florida, and Incorporated Areas
    FEMA Docket No.: B-7746
    Santa Fe River Unnamed TributaryApproximately 2,000 feet upstream of the confluence with the Santa Fe River+73Town of Worthington Springs, Unincorporated Areas of Union County.
    Approximately 1,940 feet upstream of Southwest 43rd Trail+113
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    + North American Vertical Datum.
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    Town of Worthington Springs
    Maps are available for inspection at Worthington Springs City Hall, State Road 121 3rd Avenue, Worthington Springs, FL.
    FL Unincorporated Areas of Union County
    Maps are available for inspection at Union County Office of Emergency Management, 58 Northwest 1st Street, Lake Butler, FL.
    Bertie County, North Carolina and Incorporated Areas
    Docket Nos.: FEMA-D-7668, FEMA-B-7751, FEMA-B-7749
    Barbeque SwampApproximately 0.8 mile downstream of the Bertie/Hertford County boundary+13Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of Meadow Road (State Road 1312)+50
    Beaverdam SwampAt the confluence with Loosing Swamp+32Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 2.5 miles upstream of the confluence with Loosing Swamp+41
    Black Walnut SwampApproximately 3.1 miles upstream of the confluence with Albemarle Sound+6Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 4.4 miles upstream of the confluence with Albemarle Sound+18
    Brittons CreekAt the confluence with Roanoke River+31Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 900 feet upstream of Black Jack Road (State Route 1135)+48
    Brittons Creek Tributary 1At the confluence with Brittons Creek+38Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1,900 feet upstream of the confluence with Brittons Creek+53
    Cashie RiverApproximately 4.0 miles upstream of NC-45+7Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Windsor.
    Approximately 1,150 feet upstream of the confluence of Cashie River Tributary 5+79
    Cashie River Tributary 1Approximately 150 feet upstream of Peterson Lane+9Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Windsor.
    Approximately 2.4 miles upstream of the confluence of Cashie River Tributary 1A+34
    Cashie River Tributary 1AAt the confluence with Cashie River Tributary 1+9Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Windsor.
    Approximately 300 feet upstream of Clark Avenue+19
    Cashie River Tributary 3At the confluence with Cashie River+64Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of the confluence with Cashie River+68
    Cashie River Tributary 5At the confluence with Cashie River+76Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 150 feet downstream of Harrells Siding Road (State Route 1208)+80
    Cashie SwampAt the confluence with Cashie River+58Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Start Printed Page 48146
    Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of Floyd Hall Road (State Route 437)+82
    Cashie Swamp Tributary 1At the confluence with Cashie Swamp+61Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence of Cashie Swamp Tributary 1A+74
    Cashie Swamp Tributary 1AAt the confluence with Cashie Swamp Tributary 1+66Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Piney Woods Road+74
    Cashie Swamp Tributary 2At the confluence with Cashie Swamp+67Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Kelford.
    Approximately 400 feet upstream of Railroad Street+86
    Cashie Swamp Tributary 3At the confluence with Cashie Swamp+79Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Kelford.
    Approximately 1,950 feet upstream of North Main Street (State Highway 308)+89
    Cashoke CreekApproximately 50 feet upstream of State Highway 45+7Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1,000 feet downstream of Sans Souci Road (State Route 1500)+22
    Cashoke Creek Tributary 1At the confluence with Cashoke Creek+7Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 550 feet upstream of Cooper Hill Road (State Highway 308)+33
    Chinkapin SwampAt the Bertie/Hertford County boundary+14Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Colerain.
    Approximately 2.2 miles upstream of NC 42 Highway+48
    Chiska CreekAt the confluence with Cashie River+16Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of Governors Road (State Highway 308)+50
    Coniott CreekAt the confluence with Roanoke River+20Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Indian Woods Road (State Route 1108)+40
    Connaritsa SwampAt the confluence with Cashie River+31Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.6 mile upstream of Connaritsa Road (State Route 1200)+63
    Cricket SwampApproximately 100 feet upstream of NC 45+12Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of Holley Road (State Road 1354)+50
    Cucklemaker CreekAt the confluence with Hoggards Mill Creek+27Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.8 miles upstream of Bull Hill Road (State Route 1301)+37
    Cypress SwampAt the confluence with Chinkapin Swamp+21Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County
    Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Nowell Farm Road (State Road 1314)+49
    Eason SwampAt the confluence with Loosing Swamp and Wildcat Swamp+37Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.3 miles upstream of Sheriff Garrett Road (State Road 1246)+47
    Eastmost SwampApproximately 10 feet upstream of Nixon Road (State Road 1354)+43Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1,950 feet upstream of Perrytown Road (State Road 1344)+58
    Eastmost Swamp Tributary 1Approximately 20 feet upstream of Farless Road (State Road 1355)+35Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of Farless Road (State Road 1355)+38
    Eastmost Swamp Tributary 2Approximately 20 feet upstream of NC 45+41Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Start Printed Page 48147
    Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence of Eastmost Swamp Tributary 2A+48
    Eastmost Swamp Tributary 2AAt the confluence with Eastmost Swamp Tributary 2+41Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 170 feet downstream of Blackrock Road (State Road 1358)+51
    Flag Run GutAt the confluence with Roanoke River+30Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 450 feet downstream of Governors Road+73
    Flat SwampAt the confluence with Hoggards Mill Creek+27Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Browns School Road (State Route 1348)+55
    Flat Swamp Tributary 1At the confluence with Flat Swamp+30Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 50 feet downstream of Bakertown Road (State Road 1366)+34
    Flat Swamp Tributary 2At the confluence with Flat Swamp+31Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.4 miles upstream of Jessie Mack Road (State Route 1351)+55
    Flat Swamp Tributary 3At the confluence with Flat Swamp+37Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of Doc Baker Road (State Route 1350)+52
    Flat Swamp Tributary 4At the confluence with Flat Swamp+43Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of Browns School Road (State Route 1348)+53
    Fort BranchAt the Town of Aulander Extraterritorial Jurisdiction/Hertford County boundary+55Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Aulander.
    Approximately 1,430 feet upstream of East Elm Street+64
    Fort Branch Tributary 1At the confluence with Fort Branch+60Town of Aulander.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of North Commerce Street+71
    Fort Branch Tributary 2At the confluence with Fort Branch+61Town of Aulander.
    Approximately 1,030 feet upstream of Bell Street+69
    Hoggards Mill CreekAt the confluence with Cashie River+13Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    At the confluences of Cucklemaker Creek and Flat Swamp+27
    Indian CreekAt the confluence with Roanoke River+25Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Lewiston Woodville.
    At the confluence of Jacks Branch+44
    Indian Creek Tributary 1At the confluence with Indian Creek+40Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of the confluence with Indian Creek+44
    Jacks BranchAt the confluence with Indian Creek+44Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Lewiston Woodville.
    Approximately 0.5 mile downstream of Jack Branch Road (State Route 1119)+53
    Loosing SwampAt the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+27Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    At the confluence of Eason Swamp and Wildcat Swamp+37
    Loosing Swamp Tributary 1At the confluence with Loosing Swamp+28Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of the confluence with Loosing Swamp+41
    Mill SwampAt the confluence with Roquist Creek+9Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of George Leggett Road (State Route 1523)+20
    Quidccoson SwampAt the confluence with Loosing Swamp+27Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Start Printed Page 48148
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Cremo Road (State Road 1313)+52
    Quidccoson Swamp Tributary 1At the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+27Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+36
    Quidccoson Swamp Tributary 2At the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+32Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.1 miles upstream of U.S. 13 Highway+48
    Quidccoson Swamp Tributary 3At the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+35Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+49
    Quidccoson Swamp Tributary 4At the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+44Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with Quidccoson Swamp+53
    Redbud BranchAt the confluence with Whiteoak Swamp+35Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Askewville.
    Approximately 600 feet upstream of North Askewville Railroad Street+58
    Roanoke RiverApproximately 4.0 miles upstream of NC-45+7Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 3.5 miles upstream of Burke/Northampton County boundary+37
    Roanoke River Tributary 1At the confluence with Roanoke River+9Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Morning Road (State Route 1519)+21
    Roanoke River Tributary 2At the confluence with Roanoke River+13Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 150 feet downstream of Cedar Landing Road (State Route 1521)+22
    Roanoke River Tributary 3At the confluence with Roanoke River+13Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.5 miles upstream of Gillam Road (State Route 1542)+16
    Roquist CreekAt the confluence with Cashie River+8Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1,000 feet upstream of the confluence of Roquist Creek Tributary 5+39
    Roquist Creek Tributary 1At the confluence with Roquist Creek+27Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with Roquist Creek+33
    Roquist Creek Tributary 2At the confluence with Roquist Creek+29Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of the confluence with Roquist Creek+35
    Roquist Creek Tributary 3At the confluence with Roquist Creek+29Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.6 miles upstream of the confluence with Roquist Creek+36
    Roquist Tributary 4At the confluence with Roquist Creek+37Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of the confluence with Roquist Creek+38
    Roquist Tributary 5At the confluence with Roquist Creek+39Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.9 mile upstream of Old King Farm Road (State Route 1116)+48
    Roquist Tributary 5AAt the confluence with Roquist Creek Tributary 5+41Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 600 feet downstream of Governors Road (State Highway 308)+47
    Sandy RunAt the confluence with Roanoke River+34Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Start Printed Page 48149
    Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of Governors Road (State Highway 308)+60
    Sandy Run Tributary 2At the confluence with Sandy Run+37Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with Sandy Run+58
    Sandy Run Tributary 4At the confluence with Sandy Run+39Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the confluence with Sandy Run+56
    Sandy Run Tributary 5At the confluence with Sandy Run+43Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the confluence with Sandy Run+56
    Sandy Run Tributary 6At the confluence with Sandy Run+46Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1,850 feet upstream of Byrd Club Road+58
    Stony CreekApproximately 1,100 feet downstream of the Bertie/Hertford County boundary+25Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    The confluence of Loosing Swamp+27
    Sutton CreekAt the confluence with Wading Place Creek+8Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.2 miles upstream of State Highway 308+17
    Unnamed Tributary #1Approximately 10 feet upstream of NC 17+21Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.7 mile upstream of U.S. 17 Highway N+23
    Wading Place CreekAt the confluence with Cashie River+8Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 2.7 miles upstream of the confluence of Wading Place Creek Tributary 1+24
    Wading Place Creek Tributary 1At the confluence with Wading Place Creek+10Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.8 miles upstream of the confluence with Wading Place Creek+31
    Wahtom SwampAt the confluence with Cashie River+48Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.4 mile upstream of Harrells Siding Road (State Route 1208)+69
    Whiteoak SwampAt the confluence with Cashie River+24Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Askewville.
    Approximately 500 feet upstream of Charles Taylor Road (State Route 1221)+57
    Whiteoak Swamp Tributary 1At the confluence with Whiteoak Swamp+26Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County, Town of Askewville.
    Approximately 2,000 feet upstream of Pocosin Road (State Route 1343)+33
    Wildcat SwampAt the confluence with Loosing Swamp and Eason Swamp+37Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1,240 feet upstream of the confluence of Wildcat Swamp Tributary 2+39
    Wildcat Swamp Tributary 1At the confluence with Wildcat Swamp+37Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 1.0 mile upstream of the confluence with Wildcat Swamp+44
    Wildcat Swamp Tributary 2At the confluence with Wildcat Swamp+39Unincorporated Areas of Bertie County.
    Approximately 0.8 mile upstream of the confluence with Wildcat Swamp+42
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    + North American Vertical Datum.
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    Bertie County
    Maps are available for inspection at Bertie County Building Inspections Department, 106 Dundee Street, Windsor, North Carolina.
    Town of Askewville
    Start Printed Page 48150
    Maps available for inspection at the Bertie County Building Inspection Department, 106 Dundee Street, Windsor, North Carolina.
    Town of Aulander
    Maps are available for inspection at Town of Aulander Municipal Building, 124 West Main Street, Aulander, North Carolina.
    Town of Colerain
    Maps are available for inspection at Colerain Town Hall, 101 B. Winton Road, Colerain, North Carolina.
    Town of Kelford
    Maps available for inspection at the Bertie County Building Inspection Department, 106 Dundee Street, Windsor, North Carolina.
    Town of Lewiston Woodville
    Maps available for inspection at the Lewiston Woodville Town Hall, 103 West Church Street, Lewiston Woodville, North Carolina.
    Town of Roxobel
    Maps available for inspection at the Roxobel Town Hall, 204 South Main Street, Roxobel, North Carolina.
    Town of Windsor
    Maps available for inspection at the Windsor Town Hall, 128 South King Street, Windsor, North Carolina.
    Marion County, Tennessee, and Incorporated Areas
    FEMA Docket No.: B-7756
    Pryor Cove BranchConfluence with Standifer Branch+640Town of Jasper.
    Confluence with West Fork Pryor Cove Branch+714
    Sequatchie RiverAt confluence with Tennessee River+616Town of Jasper.
    Approximately 575 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 41+620
    Standifer BranchAt confluence of Town Creek+619Town of Jasper.
    At confluence of Pryor Cove Branch+639
    West Fork Pryor Cove BranchAt confluence with Pryor Cove Branch+714Town of Jasper.
    Approximately 250 feet upstream of Pryor Cove Road+786
    * National Geodetic Vertical Datum.
    + North American Vertical Datum.
    # Depth in feet above ground.
    Town of Jasper
    Maps are available for inspection at 4460 Main Street, Jasper, TN 37347.

    (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 97.022, “Flood Insurance.”)

    Start Signature

    Dated: August 11, 2008.

    David I. Maurstad,

    Federal Insurance Administrator of the National Flood Insurance Program, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency.

    End Signature End Supplemental Information

    [FR Doc. E8-19019 Filed 8-15-08; 8:45 am]

    BILLING CODE 9110-12-P

Document Information

Comments Received:
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Entry Type:
Final rule.
Document Number:
The date of issuance of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) showing BFEs and modified BFEs for each community. This date may be obtained by contacting the office where the maps are available for inspection as indicated on the table below.
48142-48150 (9 pages)
Administrative practice and procedure, Flood insurance, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements
PDF File:
CFR: (1)
44 CFR 67.11