public comment on federal register of 6/19/06 vol 71 #117 pg 35203
9 cfr part 145, 147
dkt 2006 0008
poultry alleged improvement plan
the chickens are getting sick because they are raised in disgusting conditions,
crammed 3 or 4 in a cage the size of an 8-1/2 by 11inch cage, that is filled with
ammonia filled air. their beaks are chopped off, making them prone to infection.
they are drugged up with antibiotics. they have no space to move their legs and
are expected to befully grown in 8 weeks. they are fed other animals - which is
absolutely stupid to allow.
i notice this plan calls for a once a year inspection - gee that means the place has
a chance to possibly be cleaned once a year, unless the govt fails to enforce even
that like they have chosen not to enforce the laws on immigration -
what is making poultry sick is the conditions they are raised under, which is
focused so much on agribusiness profiteering that the chickens, a really intelligent
animal, is treated like a widget in a factory, as if it were made of metal or stone.
this lack of respect for creatures is depraved and insane.
there is also no program outlined in this program to make sure that the
alleged "authorized agents" are not as corrupt as so many other government
employees are these days. profiteers seem to have bought our government and i
am fully confident that they can buy these alleged "authorized agents" just as well
so that crap will be sold to american consumers.
it is time we get some honesty, some respect and some enforcement including
fines, jail time and seizure of farms that are being used to corrupt our laws for
safety and health for the american people.
so far all i see is the usual profiteering motive taking over. usda seems especially
prone to allowing this.
Comment from Barb Sachau
This is comment on Proposed Rule
National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions
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Public Submission Posted: 06/20/2006 ID: APHIS-2006-0008-0002
Aug 18,2006 11:59 PM ET