Comment from Barb Sachau

Document ID: APHIS-2006-0026-0002
Document Type: Public Submission
Agency: Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service
Received Date: August 09 2006, at 06:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Date Posted: August 11 2006, at 12:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Start Date: August 9 2006, at 07:20 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comment Due Date: November 24 2006, at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Tracking Number: 801b2cf3
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public comment on federal register of 8/9/06 vol 71 #153 pg 45439 aphis 9 cfr 93 94 95 docket 2006 0026 no restrictions should be removed. in fact more restrictions should be added to this law. more health standards for the american people are required. the profiteers who find it acceptable to feed newspaper, chicken and pig parts and feces to cows, etc are certainly not interested in good health for americans. unfortunately the focus of usda is on profits for cattle ranchers, and not the health of the american people, so this resulting law is far too lax. the health of animals needs to be turned over to a health agency, not an agency geared to profits for agribusiness, which is ruining the health standards of our country. we used to have safe food. now we have laws that favor big campaign donors. regulating that gelatin from bones is not ok and gelatin from hides of murdered cows is ok does not make any health sense relative to the danger of deadly killing diseases to me at all. i think some of these profiteers would be willing to poison the entire u.s. population to make bigger profits and their concern is NOT for good health of americans. i think we need to have comments from such profiteers who are in it for th emoney identified in responses to proposals. we need to know their stake in the issue. that should be a regulation and i am herewith proposing that regulation. if you make any money from the business you are commenting on, you need to show that id in your comment.

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