new study spending us taxpayer dollars for private industry info - i see nor eason to do this study. you havent done it up to now this is no economic climate to increse spending. this is on top of the sheep study you are looking for taxpayers to pay for these welfare queens that put all their costs of doing business at the wallets of general taxpayers. this agency does not protect the "health" of any animal, otherwise the usa would not be throwing away 5 billion eggs from the iowa chicken farms where they abuse chickens. thos sick unhealthy chcikens show the abysmal level of alleged :"protection" that is going on from aphis. online is a picture of the way these hens are kept in cages, where the dying are in the cage with the living. the horrific abusse these chickens take are masked by drowning them in antibiotics. let the private dairy calf association pay for the whole study. american taxpayers are tired of being dunned for the costs this industry should be paying for. aphis is an ugly agency. as an example of their wildlife abuse, one complaint came in from a farmer there were too many birds. this agency sneakily cameinto the somerset nj area and put out huge amounts of poison. they never asked the people who lived there if they wanted poisoned birds to drop dead over their property. one homeowner had 200 dead birds on their property. the birds were dropping dead from the sky. that is the kind of blot on america that aphis is. what a sneaky, pernicious agency. the devil incarnate.
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Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: National Animal Health Monitoring System; Dairy Heifer Raiser 2010 Study
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Public Submission Posted: 08/30/2010 ID: APHIS-2010-0055-0002
Oct 25,2010 11:59 PM ET